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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.LdapConfiguration
import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.OpenLdapUserManagerImpl
import spock.lang.Shared
import javax.naming.NamingException
import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext
import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext
class OpenLdapUserManagerSpec extends spock.lang.Specification {
private def ldapConfiguration
private def username
private def email
private def firstname
private def lastname
private def principal
private def createGroupSearchContextOneUser() {
def umSearchResult = Mock(SearchResult)
umSearchResult.getName() >> principal;
umSearchResult.getAttributes() >> principal
def uniqueMembers = new BasicNamingEnumerationImpl()
def attributes = Mock(Attributes)
def uniqueMemberAttribute = Mock(Attribute)
uniqueMemberAttribute.getId() >> "uniquemember"
uniqueMemberAttribute.getAll() >> uniqueMembers
attributes.get("uniquemember") >> uniqueMemberAttribute
def groupSearchResult = Mock(SearchResult)
groupSearchResult.getName() >> principal;
groupSearchResult.getAttributes() >> attributes
def searchGroupResults = new BasicNamingEnumerationImpl()
attributes = createUserAttributes(username, email, firstname, lastname)
SearchResult userSearchResult = createSearchResult(attributes)
def searchUsersResults = new BasicNamingEnumerationImpl()
def context = Mock(LdapContext), _, _) >>> [searchGroupResults, searchUsersResults, searchGroupResults, new BasicNamingEnumerationImpl()];
return context
private def createGroupSearchContextNoUser() {
def umSearchResult = Mock(SearchResult)
umSearchResult.getName() >> principal;
umSearchResult.getAttributes() >> principal
def uniqueMembers = new BasicNamingEnumerationImpl()
def attributes = Mock(Attributes)
def uniqueMemberAttribute = Mock(Attribute)
uniqueMemberAttribute.getId() >> "uniquemember"
uniqueMemberAttribute.getAll() >> uniqueMembers
attributes.get("uniquemember") >> uniqueMemberAttribute
def groupSearchResult = Mock(SearchResult)
groupSearchResult.getName() >> principal;
groupSearchResult.getAttributes() >> attributes
def searchGroupResults = new BasicNamingEnumerationImpl()
def context = Mock(LdapContext), _, _) >>> [searchGroupResults, new BasicNamingEnumerationImpl()];
return context
private def createContext() {
Attributes attributes = createUserAttributes(username, email, firstname, lastname)
SearchResult searchResults = createSearchResult(attributes)
def searchUsersResults = new BasicNamingEnumerationImpl()
def context = Mock(LdapContext), _, _) >> searchUsersResults;
return context
private SearchResult createSearchResult(attributes) {
def search = Mock(SearchResult)
search.getName() >> "cn=" + attributes.getAt("uid").get();
search.getAttributes() >> attributes
search.getNameInNamespace() >> principal
return search
private Attributes createUserAttributes(String username, String email, String firstname, String lastname) {
def attributes = Mock(Attributes)
def nameAttribute = Mock(Attribute)
nameAttribute.getId() >> "uid"
nameAttribute.get() >> username
attributes.get("uid") >> nameAttribute
def mailAttribute = Mock(Attribute)
mailAttribute.getId() >> "mail"
mailAttribute.get() >> email
attributes.get("mail") >> mailAttribute
def givennameAttribute = Mock(Attribute)
givennameAttribute.getId() >> "givenname"
givennameAttribute.get() >> firstname
attributes.get("givenname") >> givennameAttribute
def snAttribute = Mock(Attribute)
snAttribute.getId() >> "sn"
snAttribute.get() >> lastname
attributes.get("sn") >> snAttribute
return attributes
def setupSpec() {
ldapConfiguration = Mock(LdapConfiguration)
ldapConfiguration.getScope() >> SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE
ldapConfiguration.getReturnAttributes() >> ["uid", "mail", "cn"]
ldapConfiguration.getUsernameAttribute() >> "uid"
ldapConfiguration.getEmailAttribute() >> "mail"
ldapConfiguration.getFirstnameAttribute() >> "givenname"
ldapConfiguration.getLastnameAttribute() >> "sn"
ldapConfiguration.getBaseDn(_) >> "dc=cloudstack,dc=org"
ldapConfiguration.getCommonNameAttribute() >> "cn"
ldapConfiguration.getGroupObject() >> "groupOfUniqueNames"
ldapConfiguration.getGroupUniqueMemberAttribute(_) >> "uniquemember"
ldapConfiguration.getLdapPageSize() >> 1
ldapConfiguration.getReadTimeout(_) >> 1000
username = "rmurphy"
email = ""
firstname = "Ryan"
lastname = "Murphy"
principal = "cn=" + username + "," + ldapConfiguration.getBaseDn()
def "Test successfully creating an Ldap User from Search result"() {
given: "We have attributes, a search and a user manager"
def attributes = createUserAttributes(username, email, firstname, lastname)
def search = createSearchResult(attributes)
def userManager = new OpenLdapUserManagerImpl(ldapConfiguration)
def result = userManager.createUser(search,)
expect: "The crated user the data supplied from LDAP"
result.username == username == email
result.firstname == firstname
result.lastname == lastname
result.principal == principal
def "Test successfully returning a list from get users"() {
given: "We have a LdapUserManager"
def userManager = new OpenLdapUserManagerImpl(ldapConfiguration)
when: "A request for users is made"
def result = userManager.getUsers(username, createContext())
then: "A list of users is returned"
result.size() == 1
def "Test successfully returning a list from get users when no username is given"() {
given: "We have a LdapUserManager"
def userManager = new OpenLdapUserManagerImpl(ldapConfiguration)
when: "Get users is called without a username"
def result = userManager.getUsers(createContext())
then: "All users are returned"
result.size() == 1
def "Test successfully returning a ldap user from searchUsers"() {
given: "We have a LdapUserManager"
def userManager = new OpenLdapUserManagerImpl(ldapConfiguration)
when: "We search for users"
def result = userManager.searchUsers(createContext())
then: "A list of users are returned."
result.first().getPrincipal() == principal
def "Test successfully returning an Ldap user from a get user request"() {
given: "We have a LdapUserMaanger"
def userManager = new OpenLdapUserManagerImpl(ldapConfiguration)
when: "A request for a user is made"
def result = userManager.getUser(username, createContext())
then: "The user is returned"
result.username == username == email
result.firstname == firstname
result.lastname == lastname
result.principal == principal
def "Test successfully throwing an exception when no users are found with getUser"() {
given: "We have a seachResult of users and a User Manager"
def searchUsersResults = new BasicNamingEnumerationImpl()
def context = Mock(LdapContext), _, _) >> searchUsersResults;
def userManager = new OpenLdapUserManagerImpl(ldapConfiguration)
when: "a get user request is made and no user is found"
def result = userManager.getUser(username, context)
then: "An exception is thrown."
thrown NamingException
def "Test that a newly created Ldap User Manager is not null"() {
given: "You have created a new Ldap user manager object"
def result = new OpenLdapUserManagerImpl();
expect: "The result is not null"
result != null
def "test successful generateGroupSearchFilter"() {
given: "ldap user manager and ldap config"
def ldapUserManager = new OpenLdapUserManagerImpl(ldapConfiguration)
def groupName = varGroupName == null ? "*" : varGroupName
def expectedResult = "(&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(cn=" + groupName + "))";
def result = ldapUserManager.generateGroupSearchFilter(varGroupName)
result == expectedResult
where: "The group name passed is set to "
varGroupName << ["", null, "Murphy"]
def "test successful getUsersInGroup one user"() {
given: "ldap user manager and ldap config"
def ldapUserManager = new OpenLdapUserManagerImpl(ldapConfiguration)
when: "A request for users is made"
def result = ldapUserManager.getUsersInGroup("engineering", createGroupSearchContextOneUser(),)
then: "one user is returned"
result.size() == 1
def "test successful getUsersInGroup no user"() {
given: "ldap user manager and ldap config"
def ldapUserManager = new OpenLdapUserManagerImpl(ldapConfiguration)
when: "A request for users is made"
def result = ldapUserManager.getUsersInGroup("engineering", createGroupSearchContextNoUser(),)
then: "no user is returned"
result.size() == 0
def "test successful getUserForDn"() {
given: "ldap user manager and ldap config"
def ldapUserManager = new OpenLdapUserManagerImpl(ldapConfiguration)
when: "A request for users is made"
def result = ldapUserManager.getUserForDn("cn=Ryan Murphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", createContext())
then: "A list of users is returned"
result != 1
result.username == username == email
result.firstname == firstname
result.lastname == lastname
result.principal == principal
def "test searchUsers when ldap basedn in not set"() {
given: "ldap configuration where basedn is not set"
def ldapconfig = Mock(LdapConfiguration)
ldapconfig.getBaseDn() >> null
def ldapUserManager = new OpenLdapUserManagerImpl(ldapconfig)
when: "A request for search users is made"
def result = ldapUserManager.searchUsers(new InitialLdapContext())
then: "An exception with no basedn defined is returned"
def e = thrown(IllegalArgumentException)
e.message == "ldap basedn is not configured"