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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.LdapUser;
import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.LdapManager;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.LdapCreateAccountCmd
class LdapCreateAccountCmdSpec extends spock.lang.Specification {
def "Test command name"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, AccountService and LdapCreateAccountCmd"
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
AccountService accountService = Mock(AccountService)
def ldapCreateAccountCmd = new LdapCreateAccountCmd(ldapManager, accountService)
when: "Get command name is called"
def result = ldapCreateAccountCmd.getCommandName()
then: "createaccountresponse is returned"
result == "createaccountresponse"
def "Test getEntityOwnerId is 1"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, AccountService andL dapCreateAccount"
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
AccountService accountService = Mock(AccountService)
def ldapCreateAccountCmd = Spy(LdapCreateAccountCmd, constructorArgs: [ldapManager, accountService])
when: "Get entity owner id is called"
long ownerId = ldapCreateAccountCmd.getEntityOwnerId()
then: "1 is returned"
ownerId == 1
def "Test password generation"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, AccountService and LdapCreateAccountCmd"
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
AccountService accountService = Mock(AccountService)
def ldapCreateAccountCmd = new LdapCreateAccountCmd(ldapManager, accountService)
when: "A password is generated"
def result = ldapCreateAccountCmd.generatePassword()
then: "The result shouldn't be null or empty"
result != ""
result != null
def "Test validate User"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, AccountService andL dapCreateAccount"
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
AccountService accountService = Mock(AccountService)
def ldapCreateAccountCmd = new LdapCreateAccountCmd(ldapManager, accountService);
when: "a user with an username, email, firstname and lastname is validated"
def result = ldapCreateAccountCmd.validateUser(new LdapUser("username", "email", "firstname", "lastname", "principal", "domain", false, null))
then: "the result is true"
result == true
def "Test validate User empty email"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, AccountService andL dapCreateAccount"
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
AccountService accountService = Mock(AccountService)
def ldapCreateAccountCmd = new LdapCreateAccountCmd(ldapManager, accountService)
when: "A user with no email address attempts to validate"
ldapCreateAccountCmd.validateUser(new LdapUser("username", null, "firstname", "lastname", "principal", "domain", false, null))
then: "An exception is thrown"
thrown Exception
def "Test validate User empty firstname"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, AccountService andL dapCreateAccount"
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
AccountService accountService = Mock(AccountService)
def ldapCreateAccountCmd = new LdapCreateAccountCmd(ldapManager, accountService)
when: "A user with no firstname attempts to validate"
ldapCreateAccountCmd.validateUser(new LdapUser("username", "email", null, "lastname", "principal", false))
then: "An exception is thrown"
thrown Exception
def "Test validate User empty lastname"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, AccountService and LdapCreateAccountCmd"
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
AccountService accountService = Mock(AccountService)
def ldapCreateAccountCmd = new LdapCreateAccountCmd(ldapManager, accountService)
when: "A user with no lastname attempts to validate"
ldapCreateAccountCmd.validateUser(new LdapUser("username", "email", "firstname", null, "principal", "domain", false, null))
then: "An exception is thown"
thrown Exception
def "Test validation of a user"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, AccountService andL dapCreateAccount"
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
AccountService accountService = Mock(AccountService)
def ldapCreateAccountCmd = Spy(LdapCreateAccountCmd, constructorArgs: [ldapManager, accountService])
when: "Get command name is called"
def commandName = ldapCreateAccountCmd.getCommandName()
then: "createaccountresponse is returned"
commandName == "createaccountresponse"
def "Test generate password"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, AccountService and LdapCreateAccount"
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
AccountService accountService = Mock(AccountService)
def ldapCreateAccountCmd = new LdapCreateAccountCmd(ldapManager, accountService)
when: "A random password is generated for a new account"
String password = ldapCreateAccountCmd.generatePassword()
then: "password should not be the array address but an actual encoded string. verifying length > 20 as the byte array size is 20"
password.length() > 20