blob: c4e0fdfb4c1b382ea549a532378d26a1e24bac91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import iControl.CommonEnabledState;
import iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition;
import iControl.CommonStatistic;
import iControl.CommonStatisticType;
import iControl.CommonVirtualServerDefinition;
import iControl.Interfaces;
import iControl.LocalLBLBMethod;
import iControl.LocalLBNodeAddressBindingStub;
import iControl.LocalLBPersistenceMode;
import iControl.LocalLBPoolBindingStub;
import iControl.LocalLBProfileContextType;
import iControl.LocalLBProfilePersistenceBindingStub;
import iControl.LocalLBProfileULong;
import iControl.LocalLBVirtualServerBindingStub;
import iControl.LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerPersistence;
import iControl.LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerProfile;
import iControl.LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerResource;
import iControl.LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerStatisticEntry;
import iControl.LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerStatistics;
import iControl.LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerType;
import iControl.NetworkingMemberTagType;
import iControl.NetworkingMemberType;
import iControl.NetworkingRouteDomainBindingStub;
import iControl.NetworkingSelfIPBindingStub;
import iControl.NetworkingVLANBindingStub;
import iControl.NetworkingVLANMemberEntry;
import iControl.SystemConfigSyncBindingStub;
import iControl.SystemConfigSyncSaveMode;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.naming.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class F5BigIpResource implements ServerResource {
private enum LbAlgorithm {
String persistenceProfileName;
LocalLBLBMethod method;
LbAlgorithm(String persistenceProfileName, LocalLBLBMethod method) {
this.persistenceProfileName = persistenceProfileName;
this.method = method;
public String getPersistenceProfileName() {
return persistenceProfileName;
public LocalLBLBMethod getMethod() {
return method;
private enum LbProtocol {
tcp, udp;
private String _name;
private String _zoneId;
private String _ip;
private String _username;
private String _password;
private String _publicInterface;
private String _privateInterface;
private Integer _numRetries;
private String _guid;
private Interfaces _interfaces;
private LocalLBVirtualServerBindingStub _virtualServerApi;
private LocalLBPoolBindingStub _loadbalancerApi;
private LocalLBNodeAddressBindingStub _nodeApi;
private NetworkingVLANBindingStub _vlanApi;
private NetworkingSelfIPBindingStub _selfIpApi;
private NetworkingRouteDomainBindingStub _routeDomainApi;
private SystemConfigSyncBindingStub _configSyncApi;
private LocalLBProfilePersistenceBindingStub _persistenceProfileApi;
private String _objectNamePathSep = "-";
private String _routeDomainIdentifier = "%";
private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(F5BigIpResource.class);
public boolean configure(String name, Map<String, Object> params) throws ConfigurationException {
try {
_name = (String)params.get("name");
if (_name == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find name");
_zoneId = (String)params.get("zoneId");
if (_zoneId == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find zone");
_ip = (String)params.get("ip");
if (_ip == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find IP");
_username = (String)params.get("username");
if (_username == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find username");
_password = (String)params.get("password");
if (_password == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find password");
_publicInterface = (String)params.get("publicinterface");
if (_publicInterface == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find public interface");
_privateInterface = (String)params.get("privateinterface");
if (_privateInterface == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find private interface");
_numRetries = NumbersUtil.parseInt((String)params.get("numretries"), 1);
_guid = (String)params.get("guid");
if (_guid == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find the guid");
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
public StartupCommand[] initialize() {
StartupExternalLoadBalancerCommand cmd = new StartupExternalLoadBalancerCommand();
return new StartupCommand[] {cmd};
public Host.Type getType() {
return Host.Type.ExternalLoadBalancer;
public String getName() {
return _name;
public PingCommand getCurrentStatus(final long id) {
return new PingCommand(Host.Type.ExternalLoadBalancer, id);
public boolean start() {
return true;
public boolean stop() {
return true;
public void disconnected() {
public IAgentControl getAgentControl() {
return null;
public void setAgentControl(IAgentControl agentControl) {
public Answer executeRequest(Command cmd) {
return executeRequest(cmd, _numRetries);
private Answer executeRequest(Command cmd, int numRetries) {
if (cmd instanceof ReadyCommand) {
return execute((ReadyCommand)cmd);
} else if (cmd instanceof MaintainCommand) {
return execute((MaintainCommand)cmd);
} else if (cmd instanceof IpAssocCommand) {
return execute((IpAssocCommand)cmd, numRetries);
} else if (cmd instanceof LoadBalancerConfigCommand) {
return execute((LoadBalancerConfigCommand)cmd, numRetries);
} else if (cmd instanceof ExternalNetworkResourceUsageCommand) {
return execute((ExternalNetworkResourceUsageCommand)cmd);
} else {
return Answer.createUnsupportedCommandAnswer(cmd);
private Answer retry(Command cmd, int numRetries) {
int numRetriesRemaining = numRetries - 1;
s_logger.error("Retrying " + cmd.getClass().getSimpleName() + ". Number of retries remaining: " + numRetriesRemaining);
return executeRequest(cmd, numRetriesRemaining);
private boolean shouldRetry(int numRetries) {
try {
if (numRetries > 0) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
s_logger.error("Failed to log in to F5 device at " + _ip + " due to " + e.getMessage());
return false;
private Answer execute(ReadyCommand cmd) {
return new ReadyAnswer(cmd);
private Answer execute(MaintainCommand cmd) {
return new MaintainAnswer(cmd);
private synchronized Answer execute(IpAssocCommand cmd, int numRetries) {
String[] results = new String[cmd.getIpAddresses().length];
int i = 0;
try {
IpAddressTO[] ips = cmd.getIpAddresses();
for (IpAddressTO ip : ips) {
// is it saver to use Long.valueOf(BroadcastDomain.getValue(ip.getBroadcastUri())) ???
// i.o.w. can this contain vlan:// then change !!!
long guestVlanTag = Long.parseLong(ip.getBroadcastUri());
// It's a hack, using isOneToOneNat field for indicate if it's inline or not
boolean inline = ip.isOneToOneNat();
String vlanSelfIp = inline ? tagAddressWithRouteDomain(ip.getVlanGateway(), guestVlanTag) : ip.getVlanGateway();
String vlanNetmask = ip.getVlanNetmask();
// Delete any existing guest VLAN with this tag, self IP, and netmask
deleteGuestVlan(guestVlanTag, vlanSelfIp, vlanNetmask, inline);
if (ip.isAdd()) {
// Add a new guest VLAN
addGuestVlan(guestVlanTag, vlanSelfIp, vlanNetmask, inline);
results[i++] = ip.getPublicIp() + " - success";
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
s_logger.error("Failed to execute IPAssocCommand due to " + e);
if (shouldRetry(numRetries)) {
return retry(cmd, numRetries);
} else {
results[i++] = IpAssocAnswer.errorResult;
return new IpAssocAnswer(cmd, results);
private synchronized Answer execute(LoadBalancerConfigCommand cmd, int numRetries) {
try {
long guestVlanTag = Long.parseLong(cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.GUEST_VLAN_TAG));
LoadBalancerTO[] loadBalancers = cmd.getLoadBalancers();
for (LoadBalancerTO loadBalancer : loadBalancers) {
boolean inline = loadBalancer.isInline();
LbProtocol lbProtocol;
try {
if (loadBalancer.getProtocol() == null) {
lbProtocol = LbProtocol.tcp;
} else {
lbProtocol = LbProtocol.valueOf(loadBalancer.getProtocol());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new ExecutionException("Got invalid protocol: " + loadBalancer.getProtocol());
LbAlgorithm lbAlgorithm;
if (loadBalancer.getAlgorithm().equals("roundrobin")) {
lbAlgorithm = LbAlgorithm.RoundRobin;
} else if (loadBalancer.getAlgorithm().equals("leastconn")) {
lbAlgorithm = LbAlgorithm.LeastConn;
} else {
throw new ExecutionException("Got invalid algorithm: " + loadBalancer.getAlgorithm());
String srcIp = inline ? tagAddressWithRouteDomain(loadBalancer.getSrcIp(), guestVlanTag) : loadBalancer.getSrcIp();
int srcPort = loadBalancer.getSrcPort();
String virtualServerName = genVirtualServerName(lbProtocol, srcIp, srcPort);
boolean destinationsToAdd = false;
for (DestinationTO destination : loadBalancer.getDestinations()) {
if (!destination.isRevoked()) {
destinationsToAdd = true;
// Delete the virtual server with this protocol, source IP, and source port, along with its default pool and all pool members
if (!loadBalancer.isRevoked() && destinationsToAdd) {
// Add the pool
addPool(virtualServerName, lbAlgorithm);
// Add pool members
List<String> activePoolMembers = new ArrayList<String>();
for (DestinationTO destination : loadBalancer.getDestinations()) {
if (!destination.isRevoked()) {
String destIp = inline ? tagAddressWithRouteDomain(destination.getDestIp(), guestVlanTag) : destination.getDestIp();
addPoolMember(virtualServerName, destIp, destination.getDestPort());
activePoolMembers.add(destIp + "-" + destination.getDestPort());
// Add the virtual server
addVirtualServer(virtualServerName, lbProtocol, srcIp, srcPort, loadBalancer.getStickinessPolicies());
return new Answer(cmd);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
s_logger.error("Failed to execute LoadBalancerConfigCommand due to " + e);
if (shouldRetry(numRetries)) {
return retry(cmd, numRetries);
} else {
return new Answer(cmd, e);
private synchronized ExternalNetworkResourceUsageAnswer execute(ExternalNetworkResourceUsageCommand cmd) {
try {
return getIpBytesSentAndReceived(cmd);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
return new ExternalNetworkResourceUsageAnswer(cmd, e);
private void saveConfiguration() throws ExecutionException {
try {
_configSyncApi.save_configuration("", SystemConfigSyncSaveMode.SAVE_BASE_LEVEL_CONFIG);
_configSyncApi.save_configuration("", SystemConfigSyncSaveMode.SAVE_HIGH_LEVEL_CONFIG);
s_logger.debug("Successfully saved F5 BigIp configuration.");
} catch (RemoteException e) {
s_logger.error("Failed to save F5 BigIp configuration due to: " + e);
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private void addGuestVlan(long vlanTag, String vlanSelfIp, String vlanNetmask, boolean inline) throws ExecutionException {
try {
String vlanName = genVlanName(vlanTag);
List<String> allVlans = getStrippedVlans();
if (!allVlans.contains(vlanName)) {
String[] vlanNames = genStringArray(vlanName);
long[] vlanTags = genLongArray(vlanTag);
CommonEnabledState[] commonEnabledState = {CommonEnabledState.STATE_DISABLED};
// Create the interface name
NetworkingVLANMemberEntry[][] vlanMemberEntries = {{new NetworkingVLANMemberEntry()}};
s_logger.debug("Creating a guest VLAN with tag " + vlanTag);
_vlanApi.create(vlanNames, vlanTags, vlanMemberEntries, commonEnabledState, new long[] {10L}, new String[] {"00:00:00:00:00:00"});
s_logger.debug("vlanName " + vlanName);
s_logger.debug("getStrippedVlans " + getStrippedVlans());
if (!getStrippedVlans().contains(vlanName)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create vlan with tag " + vlanTag);
if (inline) {
List<Long> allRouteDomains = getRouteDomains();
if (!allRouteDomains.contains(vlanTag)) {
long[] routeDomainIds = genLongArray(vlanTag);
String[][] vlanNames = new String[][] {genStringArray(genVlanName(vlanTag))};
s_logger.debug("Creating route domain " + vlanTag);
_routeDomainApi.create(routeDomainIds, vlanNames);
if (!getRouteDomains().contains(vlanTag)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create route domain " + vlanTag);
List<String> allSelfIps = getSelfIps();
if (!allSelfIps.contains(vlanSelfIp)) {
String[] selfIpsToCreate = genStringArray(vlanSelfIp);
String[] vlans = genStringArray(vlanName);
String[] netmasks = genStringArray(vlanNetmask);
long[] unitIds = genLongArray(0L);
CommonEnabledState[] enabledStates = new CommonEnabledState[] {CommonEnabledState.STATE_DISABLED};
s_logger.debug("Creating self IP " + vlanSelfIp);
_selfIpApi.create(selfIpsToCreate, vlans, netmasks, unitIds, enabledStates);
if (!getSelfIps().contains(vlanSelfIp)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create self IP " + vlanSelfIp);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private void deleteGuestVlan(long vlanTag, String vlanSelfIp, String vlanNetmask, boolean inline) throws ExecutionException {
try {
// Delete all virtual servers and pools that use this guest VLAN
deleteVirtualServersInGuestVlan(vlanSelfIp, vlanNetmask);
List<String> allSelfIps = getSelfIps();
if (allSelfIps.contains(vlanSelfIp)) {
s_logger.debug("Deleting self IP " + vlanSelfIp);
if (getSelfIps().contains(vlanSelfIp)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to delete self IP " + vlanSelfIp);
if (inline) {
List<Long> allRouteDomains = getRouteDomains();
if (allRouteDomains.contains(vlanTag)) {
s_logger.debug("Deleting route domain " + vlanTag);
if (getRouteDomains().contains(vlanTag)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to delete route domain " + vlanTag);
String vlanName = genVlanName(vlanTag);
List<String> allVlans = getStrippedVlans();
if (allVlans.contains(vlanName)) {
if (getVlans().contains(vlanName)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to delete VLAN with tag: " + vlanTag);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private void deleteVirtualServersInGuestVlan(String vlanSelfIp, String vlanNetmask) throws ExecutionException {
vlanSelfIp = stripRouteDomainFromAddress(vlanSelfIp);
List<String> virtualServersToDelete = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> allVirtualServers = getStrippedVirtualServers();
for (String virtualServerName : allVirtualServers) {
// Check if the virtual server's default pool has members in this guest VLAN
List<String> poolMembers = getMembers(virtualServerName);
for (String poolMemberName : poolMembers) {
String poolMemberIp = stripRouteDomainFromAddress(getIpAndPort(poolMemberName)[0]);
if (NetUtils.sameSubnet(vlanSelfIp, poolMemberIp, vlanNetmask)) {
for (String virtualServerName : virtualServersToDelete) {
s_logger.debug("Found a virtual server (" + virtualServerName + ") for guest network with self IP " + vlanSelfIp +
" that is active when the guest network is being destroyed.");
private String genVlanName(long vlanTag) {
return "vlan-" + String.valueOf(vlanTag);
private List<Long> getRouteDomains() throws ExecutionException {
try {
List<Long> routeDomains = new ArrayList<Long>();
long[] routeDomainsArray = _routeDomainApi.get_list();
for (long routeDomainName : routeDomainsArray) {
return routeDomains;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private List<String> getSelfIps() throws ExecutionException {
try {
List<String> selfIps = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] selfIpsArray = _selfIpApi.get_list();
for (String selfIp : selfIpsArray) {
return selfIps;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
//This was working with Big IP 10.x
//getVlans retuns vlans with user partition information
//ex: if vlanname is vlan-100 then the get_list() will return /Common/vlan-100
private List<String> getVlans() throws ExecutionException {
try {
List<String> vlans = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] vlansArray = _vlanApi.get_list();
for (String vlan : vlansArray) {
return vlans;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
//getVlans retuns vlan names without user partition information
//ex: if vlanname is vlan-100 then the get_list() will return /Common/vlan-100
// This method will strip the partition information and only returns a list with vlan name (vlan-100)
private List<String> getStrippedVlans() throws ExecutionException {
try {
List<String> vlans = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] vlansArray = _vlanApi.get_list();
for (String vlan : vlansArray) {
vlans.add(vlan.substring(vlan.lastIndexOf("/") + 1));
return vlans;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
// Login
private void login() throws ExecutionException {
try {
_interfaces = new Interfaces();
if (!_interfaces.initialize(_ip, _username, _password)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to log in to BigIp appliance");
// iControl.Interfaces.initialize always return true so make a call to force connect to F5 to validate credentials
_virtualServerApi = _interfaces.getLocalLBVirtualServer();
_loadbalancerApi = _interfaces.getLocalLBPool();
_nodeApi = _interfaces.getLocalLBNodeAddress();
_vlanApi = _interfaces.getNetworkingVLAN();
_selfIpApi = _interfaces.getNetworkingSelfIP();
_routeDomainApi = _interfaces.getNetworkingRouteDomain();
_configSyncApi = _interfaces.getSystemConfigSync();
_persistenceProfileApi = _interfaces.getLocalLBProfilePersistence();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to log in to BigIp appliance due to " + e.getMessage());
// Virtual server methods
private void addVirtualServer(String virtualServerName, LbProtocol protocol, String srcIp, int srcPort, StickinessPolicyTO[] stickyPolicies)
throws ExecutionException {
try {
if (!virtualServerExists(virtualServerName)) {
s_logger.debug("Adding virtual server " + virtualServerName);
_virtualServerApi.create(genVirtualServerDefinition(virtualServerName, protocol, srcIp, srcPort), new String[] {""},
genVirtualServerResource(virtualServerName), genVirtualServerProfile(protocol));
if (!virtualServerExists(virtualServerName)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to add virtual server " + virtualServerName);
if ((stickyPolicies != null) && (stickyPolicies.length > 0) && (stickyPolicies[0] != null)) {
StickinessPolicyTO stickinessPolicy = stickyPolicies[0];
if (StickinessMethodType.LBCookieBased.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(stickinessPolicy.getMethodName())) {
String[] profileNames = genStringArray("Cookie-profile-" + virtualServerName);
if (!persistenceProfileExists(profileNames[0])) {
LocalLBPersistenceMode[] lbPersistenceMode = new iControl.LocalLBPersistenceMode[1];
lbPersistenceMode[0] = iControl.LocalLBPersistenceMode.PERSISTENCE_MODE_COOKIE;
_persistenceProfileApi.create(profileNames, lbPersistenceMode);
_virtualServerApi.add_persistence_profile(genStringArray(virtualServerName), genPersistenceProfile(profileNames[0]));
List<Pair<String, String>> paramsList = stickinessPolicy.getParams();
for (Pair<String, String> param : paramsList) {
if ("holdtime".equalsIgnoreCase(param.first())) {
long timeout = 180; //F5 default
if (param.second() != null) {
timeout = Long.parseLong(param.second());
LocalLBProfileULong[] cookieTimeout = new LocalLBProfileULong[1];
cookieTimeout[0] = new LocalLBProfileULong();
_persistenceProfileApi.set_cookie_expiration(profileNames, cookieTimeout);
} else {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private void deleteVirtualServerAndDefaultPool(String virtualServerName) throws ExecutionException {
try {
if (virtualServerExists(virtualServerName)) {
// Delete the default pool's members
List<String> poolMembers = getMembers(virtualServerName);
for (String poolMember : poolMembers) {
String[] destIpAndPort = getIpAndPort(poolMember);
deletePoolMember(virtualServerName, destIpAndPort[0], Integer.parseInt(destIpAndPort[1]));
// Delete the virtual server
s_logger.debug("Deleting virtual server " + virtualServerName);
if (getStrippedVirtualServers().contains(virtualServerName)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to delete virtual server " + virtualServerName);
// Delete the default pool
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private String genVirtualServerName(LbProtocol protocol, String srcIp, long srcPort) {
srcIp = stripRouteDomainFromAddress(srcIp);
return genObjectName("vs", protocol, srcIp, srcPort);
private boolean virtualServerExists(String virtualServerName) throws ExecutionException {
return getStrippedVirtualServers().contains(virtualServerName);
//This was working with Big IP 10.x
//getVirtualServers retuns VirtualServers with user partition information
//ex: if VirtualServers is vs-tcp- then the get_list() will return /Common/vs-tcp-
private List<String> getVirtualServers() throws ExecutionException {
try {
List<String> virtualServers = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] virtualServersArray = _virtualServerApi.get_list();
for (String virtualServer : virtualServersArray) {
return virtualServers;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
/* getStrippedVirtualServers retuns VirtualServers without user partition information
ex: if VirtualServers is vs-tcp- then the get_list() will return /Common/vs-tcp-
This method will strip the partition information and only returns a list with VirtualServers (vs-tcp-*/
private List<String> getStrippedVirtualServers() throws ExecutionException {
try {
List<String> virtualServers = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] virtualServersArray = _virtualServerApi.get_list();
for (String virtualServer : virtualServersArray) {
virtualServers.add(virtualServer.substring(virtualServer.lastIndexOf("/") + 1));
return virtualServers;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private boolean persistenceProfileExists(String profileName) throws ExecutionException {
try {
String[] persistenceProfileArray = _persistenceProfileApi.get_list();
if (persistenceProfileArray == null) {
return false;
for (String profile : persistenceProfileArray) {
if (profile.equalsIgnoreCase(profileName)) {
return true;
return false;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private iControl.CommonVirtualServerDefinition[] genVirtualServerDefinition(String name, LbProtocol protocol, String srcIp, long srcPort) {
CommonVirtualServerDefinition vsDefs[] = {new CommonVirtualServerDefinition()};
if (protocol.equals(LbProtocol.tcp)) {
} else if (protocol.equals(LbProtocol.udp)) {
return vsDefs;
private iControl.LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerResource[] genVirtualServerResource(String poolName) {
LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerResource vsRes[] = {new LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerResource()};
return vsRes;
private LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerProfile[][] genVirtualServerProfile(LbProtocol protocol) {
LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerProfile vsProfs[][] = {{new LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerProfile()}};
if (protocol.equals(LbProtocol.tcp)) {
} else if (protocol.equals(LbProtocol.udp)) {
return vsProfs;
private LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerPersistence[][] genPersistenceProfile(String persistenceProfileName) {
LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerPersistence[][] persistenceProfs = {{new LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerPersistence()}};
return persistenceProfs;
// Load balancing pool methods
private void addPool(String virtualServerName, LbAlgorithm algorithm) throws ExecutionException {
try {
if (!poolExists(virtualServerName)) {
if (algorithm.getPersistenceProfileName() != null) {
algorithm = LbAlgorithm.RoundRobin;
s_logger.debug("Adding pool for virtual server " + virtualServerName + " with algorithm " + algorithm);
_loadbalancerApi.create(genStringArray(virtualServerName), genLbMethod(algorithm), genEmptyMembersArray());
if (!poolExists(virtualServerName)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create new pool for virtual server " + virtualServerName);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private void deletePool(String virtualServerName) throws ExecutionException {
try {
if (poolExists(virtualServerName) && getMembers(virtualServerName).size() == 0) {
s_logger.debug("Deleting pool for virtual server " + virtualServerName);
if (poolExists(virtualServerName)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to delete pool for virtual server " + virtualServerName);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private void addPoolMember(String virtualServerName, String destIp, int destPort) throws ExecutionException {
try {
String memberIdentifier = destIp + "-" + destPort;
if (poolExists(virtualServerName) && !memberExists(virtualServerName, memberIdentifier)) {
s_logger.debug("Adding member " + memberIdentifier + " into pool for virtual server " + virtualServerName);
_loadbalancerApi.add_member(genStringArray(virtualServerName), genMembers(destIp, destPort));
if (!memberExists(virtualServerName, memberIdentifier)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to add new member " + memberIdentifier + " into pool for virtual server " + virtualServerName);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private void deleteInactivePoolMembers(String virtualServerName, List<String> activePoolMembers) throws ExecutionException {
List<String> allPoolMembers = getMembers(virtualServerName);
for (String member : allPoolMembers) {
if (!activePoolMembers.contains(member)) {
String[] ipAndPort = member.split("-");
deletePoolMember(virtualServerName, ipAndPort[0], Integer.parseInt(ipAndPort[1]));
private void deletePoolMember(String virtualServerName, String destIp, int destPort) throws ExecutionException {
try {
String memberIdentifier = destIp + "-" + destPort;
List<String> lbPools = getAllStrippedLbPools();
if (lbPools.contains(virtualServerName) && memberExists(virtualServerName, memberIdentifier)) {
s_logger.debug("Deleting member " + memberIdentifier + " from pool for virtual server " + virtualServerName);
_loadbalancerApi.remove_member(genStringArray(virtualServerName), genMembers(destIp, destPort));
if (memberExists(virtualServerName, memberIdentifier)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to delete member " + memberIdentifier + " from pool for virtual server " + virtualServerName);
if (nodeExists(destIp)) {
boolean nodeNeeded = false;
done: for (String poolToCheck : lbPools) {
for (String memberInPool : getMembers(poolToCheck)) {
if (getIpAndPort(memberInPool)[0].equals(destIp)) {
nodeNeeded = true;
break done;
if (!nodeNeeded) {
s_logger.debug("Deleting node " + destIp);
if (nodeExists(destIp)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to delete node " + destIp);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private boolean poolExists(String poolName) throws ExecutionException {
return getAllStrippedLbPools().contains(poolName);
private boolean memberExists(String poolName, String memberIdentifier) throws ExecutionException {
return getMembers(poolName).contains(memberIdentifier);
private boolean nodeExists(String destIp) throws RemoteException {
return getNodes().contains(destIp);
private String[] getIpAndPort(String memberIdentifier) {
return memberIdentifier.split("-");
//This was working with Big IP 10.x
//getAllLbPools retuns LbPools with user partition information
//ex: if LbPools is vs-tcp- then the get_list() will return /Common/vs-tcp-
public List<String> getAllLbPools() throws ExecutionException {
try {
List<String> lbPools = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] pools = _loadbalancerApi.get_list();
for (String pool : pools) {
return lbPools;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
//Big IP 11.x
//getAllLbPools retuns LbPools without user partition information
//ex: if LbPools is vs-tcp- then the get_list() will return /Common/vs-tcp-
//This method will strip the partition information and only returns a list with LbPools (vs-tcp-
public List<String> getAllStrippedLbPools() throws ExecutionException {
try {
List<String> lbPools = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] pools = _loadbalancerApi.get_list();
for (String pool : pools) {
lbPools.add(pool.substring(pool.lastIndexOf("/") + 1));
return lbPools;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private List<String> getMembers(String virtualServerName) throws ExecutionException {
try {
List<String> members = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] virtualServerNames = genStringArray(virtualServerName);
CommonIPPortDefinition[] membersArray = _loadbalancerApi.get_member(virtualServerNames)[0];
for (CommonIPPortDefinition member : membersArray) {
members.add(member.getAddress() + "-" + member.getPort());
return members;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
private List<String> getNodes() throws RemoteException {
List<String> nodes = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] nodesArray = _nodeApi.get_list();
for (String node : nodesArray) {
return nodes;
private iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition[][] genMembers(String destIp, long destPort) {
iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition[] membersInnerArray = new iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition[1];
membersInnerArray[0] = new iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition(destIp, destPort);
return new iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition[][] {membersInnerArray};
private iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition[][] genEmptyMembersArray() {
iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition[] membersInnerArray = new iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition[0];
return new iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition[][] {membersInnerArray};
private LocalLBLBMethod[] genLbMethod(LbAlgorithm algorithm) {
if (algorithm.getMethod() != null) {
return new LocalLBLBMethod[] {algorithm.getMethod()};
} else {
return new LocalLBLBMethod[] {LbAlgorithm.RoundRobin.getMethod()};
// Stats methods
private ExternalNetworkResourceUsageAnswer getIpBytesSentAndReceived(ExternalNetworkResourceUsageCommand cmd) throws ExecutionException {
ExternalNetworkResourceUsageAnswer answer = new ExternalNetworkResourceUsageAnswer(cmd);
try {
LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerStatistics stats = _virtualServerApi.get_all_statistics();
for (LocalLBVirtualServerVirtualServerStatisticEntry entry : stats.getStatistics()) {
String virtualServerIp = entry.getVirtual_server().getAddress();
virtualServerIp = stripRouteDomainFromAddress(virtualServerIp);
long[] bytesSentAndReceived = answer.ipBytes.get(virtualServerIp);
if (bytesSentAndReceived == null) {
bytesSentAndReceived = new long[] {0, 0};
for (CommonStatistic stat : entry.getStatistics()) {
int index;
if (stat.getType().equals(CommonStatisticType.STATISTIC_CLIENT_SIDE_BYTES_OUT)) {
// Add to the outgoing bytes
index = 0;
} else if (stat.getType().equals(CommonStatisticType.STATISTIC_CLIENT_SIDE_BYTES_IN)) {
// Add to the incoming bytes
index = 1;
} else {
long high = stat.getValue().getHigh();
long low = stat.getValue().getLow();
long full = getFullUsage(high, low);
bytesSentAndReceived[index] += full;
if (bytesSentAndReceived[0] >= 0 && bytesSentAndReceived[1] >= 0) {
answer.ipBytes.put(virtualServerIp, bytesSentAndReceived);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ExecutionException(e.getMessage());
return answer;
private long getFullUsage(long high, long low) {
Double full;
Double rollOver = new Double(0x7fffffff);
rollOver = new Double(rollOver.doubleValue() + 1.0);
if (high >= 0) {
// shift left 32 bits and mask off new bits to 0's
full = new Double((high << 32 & 0xffff0000));
} else {
// mask off sign bits + shift left by 32 bits then add the sign bit back
full = new Double(((high & 0x7fffffff) << 32) + (0x80000000 << 32));
if (low >= 0) {
// add low to full and we're good
full = new Double(full.doubleValue() + low);
} else {
// add full to low after masking off sign bits and adding 1 to the masked off low order value
full = new Double(full.doubleValue() + ((low & 0x7fffffff)) + rollOver.doubleValue());
return full.longValue();
// Misc methods
private String tagAddressWithRouteDomain(String address, long vlanTag) {
return address + _routeDomainIdentifier + vlanTag;
private String stripRouteDomainFromAddress(String address) {
int i = address.indexOf(_routeDomainIdentifier);
if (i > 0) {
address = address.substring(0, i);
return address;
private String genObjectName(Object... args) {
String objectName = "";
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
objectName += args[i];
if (i != args.length - 1) {
objectName += _objectNamePathSep;
return objectName;
private long[] genLongArray(long l) {
return new long[] {l};
private static String[] genStringArray(String s) {
return new String[] {s};
public void setName(String name) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void setConfigParams(Map<String, Object> params) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public Map<String, Object> getConfigParams() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public int getRunLevel() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public void setRunLevel(int level) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub