blob: a52e4a8dfddab396366213094463817591feea45 [file] [log] [blame]
"Accounts": "Utenti",
"Affinity Groups": "Gruppi di Affinit\u00e0",
"Alerts": "Alerts",
"CPU Sockets": "CPU Socket",
"Cloudian Storage": "Cloudian Storage",
"Clusters": "Cluster",
"Compute": "Computazionale",
"Compute Offerings": "Compute Offerings",
"Configuration": "Configurazione",
"Dashboard": "Dashboard",
"Disk Offerings": "Disk Offerings",
"Domains": "Domains",
"Events": "Events",
"Global Settings": "Global Settings",
"Hosts": "Hosts",
"Hypervisor Capabilities": "Funzionalit\u00e0 del Hypervisor",
"ISOs": "ISOs",
"Identity and Access": "Identity and Access",
"Infrastructure": "Infrastruttura",
"Instances": "Istanze",
"LDAP Configuration": "Configurazione LDAP",
"Management Servers": "Management Servers",
"Monitor": "Monitor",
"Network": "Network",
"Network Offerings": "Network Offerings",
"Plugins": "Plugins",
"Pods": "Pod",
"Primary Storage": "Storage Primario",
"Projects": "Progetti",
"Public IP Addresses": "Public IP Addresses",
"Public network": "Rete pubblica",
"Quota": "Quota",
"RESOURCE_NAME": "Resource Name",
"Roles": "Ruoli",
"SSH Key Pairs": "SSH Key Pairs",
"Secondary Storage": "Storage Secondario",
"Security Groups": "Security Groups",
"Snapshots": "Snapshots",
"Storage": "Storage",
"System Offerings": "Offerte di Sistema",
"System VMs": "System VMs",
"Templates": "Template",
"Users": "Users",
"VM Snapshots": "VM Snapshots",
"VPC": "VPC",
"VPC Offerings": "VPC Offerings",
"VPN Gateway": "Gateway VPN",
"Virtual Routers": "Router Virtuali",
"Volumes": "Volumes",
"Zones": "Zone",
"accesskey": "Access Key",
"account": "Account",
"accountId": "Account",
"accountTotal": "Utenti",
"accountlist": "Utenti",
"accounts": "Utenti",
"accounttype": "Account Type",
"aclTotal": "Totale ACL di rete",
"aclid": "ACL",
"aclname": "ACL Name",
"action": "Action",
"activeviewersessions": "Sessioni Attive",
"add-scaleDowncondition": "Add",
"add-scaleUpcondition": "Add",
"address": "Address",
"admin": "Amministratore di Dominio",
"agentPassword": "Password per l'Agent",
"agentPort": "Agent Port",
"agentUsername": "Username per l'Agent",
"agentstate": "Agent State",
"algorithm": "Algoritmo",
"allocationstate": "Allocation State",
"apikey": "Chiave API",
"associatednetworkid": "Associated Network ID",
"associatednetworkname": "Network Name",
"availability": "Availability",
"availabilityZone": "Availability Zone",
"balance": "Balance",
"baremetalCpu": "CPU (in MHz)",
"baremetalCpuCores": "# of CPU Cores",
"baremetalMAC": "MAC del sistema host",
"baremetalMemory": "Memoria (in MB)",
"bcfdeviceid": "ID",
"bladeid": "Blade ID",
"bootable": "Avviabile",
"broadcastdomainrange": "Broadcast domain range",
"broadcastdomaintype": "Broadcast Domain Type",
"broadcasturi": "URI di Broadcast",
"bucket": "Bucket",
"cacheMode": "Write-cache Type",
"capacity": "Capacit\u00e0",
"capacityBytes": "Capacit\u00e0 Byte",
"capacityIops": "Capacit\u00e0 IOPS",
"capacityiops": "IOPS Totali",
"chassis": "Chassis",
"checksum": "checksum",
"cidr": "Super CIDR per Reti Guest",
"cidrlist": "Lista CIDR",
"cleanup": "Clean up",
"clusterId": "Cluster",
"clusterid": "Cluster",
"clustername": "Cluster",
"clusters": "Cluster",
"clustertype": "Tipo di Cluster",
"connectiontimeout": "Tempo di scadenza connessione",
"conservemode": "Conserve mode",
"counterid": "Counter",
"cpuCap": "Limite CPU",
"cpuLimit": "Limiti CPU",
"cpuNumber": "# of CPU Cores",
"cpuSpeed": "CPU (in MHz)",
"cpuallocated": "CPU Allocate per VM",
"cpuallocatedghz": "Allocato",
"cpumaxdeviation": "Deviation",
"cpunumber": "# of CPU Cores",
"cpusockets": "The Number of CPU Sockets",
"cpuspeed": "CPU (in MHz)",
"cputotal": "Total",
"cputotalghz": "Total",
"cpuused": "CPU Utilizzata",
"cpuusedghz": "Used",
"createNfsCache": "Create NFS secondary staging store",
"created": "Data",
"credit": "Credit",
"crossZones": "Cross Zones",
"current": "isCurrent",
"date": "Data",
"dedicated": "Dedicato",
"deleteprofile": "Delete Profile",
"deploymentPlanner": "Deployment planner",
"deploymentplanner": "Deployment planner",
"description": "Descrizione",
"destinationZoneId": "Zona di destinazione",
"destinationphysicalnetworkid": "ID della rete fisica di destinazione",
"destroyVMgracePeriod": "Destroy VM Grace Period",
"details": "Dettagli",
"deviceid": "ID Dispositivo",
"directdownload": "Direct Download",
"disconnected": "Last Disconnected",
"disk": "Disk",
"diskBytesReadRate": "Disk Read Rate (BPS)",
"diskBytesWriteRate": "Disk Write Rate (BPS)",
"diskIopsReadRate": "Disk Read Rate (IOPS)",
"diskIopsWriteRate": "Disk Write Rate (IOPS)",
"diskOffering": "Offerta Disco",
"diskOfferingId": "Disk Offerings",
"diskSize": "Disk Size (in GB)",
"diskiopstotal": "IOPS",
"diskioread": "Disk Read (IO)",
"diskiowrite": "Disk Write (IO)",
"diskkbsread": "Disk Read (Bytes)",
"diskkbswrite": "Disk Write (Bytes)",
"diskofferingdisplaytext": "Offerta Disco",
"disksize": "Disk Size (in GB)",
"disksizeallocated": "Disk Allocated",
"disksizeallocatedgb": "Allocato",
"disksizetotal": "Disk Total",
"disksizetotalgb": "Total",
"disksizeunallocatedgb": "Unallocated",
"disksizeusedgb": "Used",
"displayText": "Descrizione",
"displayname": "Display Name",
"displaytext": "Descrizione",
"distributedvpcrouter": "Distributed VPC Router",
"dns1": "DNS 1",
"dns2": "DNS 2",
"domain": "Dominio",
"domainId": "Dominio",
"domainid": "ID del Dominio",
"domainname": "Dominio",
"domainpath": "Dominio",
"dpd": "Dead Peer Detection",
"driver": "Driver",
"egressdefaultpolicy": "Default egress policy",
"email": "Email",
"enddate": "Per data (fino a)",
"endip": "Indirizzo IP finale",
"endipv4": "IPv4 End IP",
"endipv6": "IPv6 End IP",
"endpoint": "Dispositivo",
"endport": "End Port",
"espEncryption": "Encryption di ESP",
"espHash": "Hash di ESP",
"esplifetime": "ESP Lifetime (second)",
"esppolicy": "Policy di ESP",
"expunge": "Expunge",
"fingerprint": "FingerPrint",
"firstname": "Nome",
"forced": "Forza l'Arresto",
"forceencap": "Force UDP Encapsulation of ESP Packets",
"format": "Formato",
"fwdevicecapacity": "Capacit\u00e0",
"fwdeviceid": "ID",
"fwdevicename": "Type",
"fwdevicestate": "Status",
"gateway": "Gateway",
"glustervolume": "Volume",
"group": "Group",
"gslbdomainname": "GSLB Domain Name",
"gslblbmethod": "Algoritmo",
"gslbprovider": "GSLB service",
"gslbproviderprivateip": "GSLB service Private IP",
"gslbproviderpublicip": "GSLB service Public IP",
"gslbservicetype": "Service Type",
"guestEndIp": "Indirizzo IP guest finale",
"guestGateway": "Guest Gateway",
"guestIpType": "Tipo di Guest",
"guestNetmask": "Guest Netmask",
"guestStartIp": "Indirizzo IP guest iniziale",
"guestcidraddress": "Guest CIDR",
"guestipaddress": "Guest IP Address",
"guestiptype": "Tipo di Guest",
"guestnetworkid": "Network ID",
"guestnetworkname": "Network Name",
"guestosid": "OS Type",
"guestvlanrange": "VLAN Range(s)",
"haenable": "HA Enabled",
"hahost": "HA Enabled",
"host": "Indirizzo IP",
"hostId": "Host",
"hostTags": "Host Tags",
"hostname": "Host",
"hosts": "Hosts",
"hosttags": "Host Tags",
"hypervisor": "Hypervisor",
"hypervisorSnapshotReserve": "Hypervisor Snapshot Reserve",
"hypervisorsnapshotreserve": "Hypervisor Snapshot Reserve",
"hypervisortype": "Hypervisor",
"hypervisorversion": "Versione hypervisor",
"hypervnetworklabel": "HyperV Traffic Label",
"icmpcode": "Codice ICMP",
"icmptype": "Tipo ICMP",
"id": "ID",
"ikeDh": "DH di IKE",
"ikeEncryption": "Encryption di IKE",
"ikeHash": "Hash di IKE",
"ikelifetime": "IKE lifetime (second)",
"ikepolicy": "Policy di IKE",
"insideportprofile": "Inside Port Profile",
"instancename": "Nome Interno",
"instanceport": "Instance Port",
"instances": "Istanze",
"instances.actions.reboot.label": "Riavviare una instanza",
"internaldns1": "DNS 1 Interno",
"internaldns2": "DNS2 Interno",
"interval": "Polling Interval (in sec)",
"intervaltype": "Interval Type",
"ip": "Indirizzo IP",
"ip4Netmask": "IPv4 Netmask",
"ip4dns1": "IPv4 DNS1",
"ip4dns2": "IPv4 DNS2",
"ip4gateway": "IPv4 Gateway",
"ip6address": "IPv6 IP Address",
"ip6cidr": "IPv6 CIDR",
"ip6dns1": "IPv6 DNS1",
"ip6dns2": "IPv6 DNS2",
"ip6gateway": "IPv6 Gateway",
"ipLimit": "Public IP Limits",
"ipaddress": "Indirizzo IP",
"ipaddress1": "Indirizzo IP",
"ipaddress2": "Indirizzo IP",
"ipsecpsk": "Preshared-Key di IPsec",
"iptotal": "Total of IP Addresses",
"iqn": "Target IQN",
"isAdvanced": "Show advanced settings",
"isBootable": "Avviabile",
"isCustomized": "Dimensione Disco Personalizzata",
"isCustomizedIops": "Custom IOPS",
"isDedicated": "Dedicate",
"isExtractable": "Estraibile",
"isFeatured": "Featured",
"isForced": "Forza la Cancellazione",
"isManaged": "Managed",
"isPasswordEnabled": "Password Enabled",
"isPersistent": "Persistent ",
"isPublic": "Public",
"isVolatile": "Volatile",
"iscustomized": "Dimensione Disco Personalizzata",
"iscustomizediops": "Custom IOPS",
"isdedicated": "Dedicato",
"isdefault": "E' Default",
"isdynamicallyscalable": "Dynamically Scalable",
"isextractable": "extractable",
"isfeatured": "Featured",
"iso": "ISO",
"isolatedpvlanId": "Secondary Isolated VLAN ID",
"isolationmethods": "Metodo di isolamento",
"isolationuri": "URI di isolamento",
"isoname": "ISO Collegata",
"ispersistent": "Persistent ",
"isportable": "Cross Zones",
"ispublic": "Public",
"isready": "Pronto",
"isredundantrouter": "Redundant Router",
"isrouting": "Routing",
"issourcenat": "Source NAT",
"isstaticnat": "Static NAT",
"issystem": "Is System",
"isvolatile": "Volatile",
"key": "Key",
"keyboardType": "Tipo di tastiera",
"keypair": "SSH Key Pair",
"kvmnetworklabel": "Etichetta del traffico via KVM",
"l2gatewayserviceuuid": "L2 Gateway Service Uuid",
"l3gatewayserviceuuid": "L3 Gateway Service Uuid",
"label.accept.project.invitation": "Accettare un invito ad un progetto",
"": "Acquisizione nuovo indirizzo IP",
"": "Acquisizione nuovo IP secondario",
"label.action.attach.disk": "Collegamento di un Disco",
"label.action.attach.iso": "Collegamento di una immagine ISO",
"label.action.cancel.maintenance.mode": "Annullamento dello stato di Maintenance Mode",
"label.action.change.password": "Modifica della Password",
"label.action.configure.samlauthorization": "Configure SAML SSO Authorization",
"label.action.copy.ISO": "Copia della immagine ISO",
"label.action.copy.template": "Copia di un Template",
"label.action.create.volume": "Creazione Volume",
"label.action.delete.ISO": "Cancellazione immagine ISO",
"label.action.delete.account": "Cancellazione account",
"label.action.delete.cluster": "Cancellazione Cluster",
"label.action.delete.disk.offering": "Cancellazione Offerta Disco",
"label.action.delete.domain": "Cancellazione Dominio",
"": "Cancellazione Rete",
"label.action.delete.nic": "Rimuovi NIC",
"": "Cancellazione di una rete fisica",
"": "Cancellazione Storage Primario",
"": "Cancellazione Storage Secondario",
"": "Cancellazione Security Group",
"label.action.delete.service.offering": "Cancellazione Offerta di Servizio",
"label.action.delete.snapshot": "Cancellazione Snapshot",
"label.action.delete.system.service.offering": "Cancellare Offerta di Servizio di Sistema",
"label.action.delete.template": "Cancellazione Template",
"label.action.delete.user": "Cancellazione Utente",
"label.action.delete.volume": "Cancellazione Volume",
"": "Cancellazione Zona",
"label.action.destroy.instance": "Rimozione instanza",
"label.action.destroy.systemvm": "Rimozione VM di sistema",
"label.action.detach.disk": "Scollegamento di un Disco",
"label.action.detach.iso": "Scollegamento immagine ISO",
"label.action.disable.account": "Disabilitazione account",
"label.action.disable.cluster": "Disabilitazione Cluster",
"label.action.disable.nexusVswitch": "Disabilitare Nexus 1000v",
"label.action.disable.pod": "Disabilitazione Pod",
"label.action.disable.static.NAT": "Disabilitazione NAT Statico",
"label.action.disable.user": "Disabilitazione Utente",
"": "Disabilitazione Zona",
"": "Download immagine ISO",
"": "Download Template",
"": "Download Volume",
"label.action.edit.domain": "Modifica Dominio",
"label.action.enable.account": "Abilitazione account",
"label.action.enable.cluster": "Abilitazione Cluster",
"label.action.enable.maintenance.mode": "Abilitazione dello stato Maintenance Mode",
"label.action.enable.nexusVswitch": "Abilitare Nexus 1000v",
"label.action.enable.pod": "Abilitazione Pod",
"label.action.enable.static.NAT": "Abilitazione NAT Statico",
"label.action.enable.user": "Abilitazione Utente",
"": "Abilitazione Zona",
"label.action.expunge.instance": "Cancellare l'Istanza",
"label.action.force.reconnect": "Forza la Riconnessione",
"label.action.generate.keys": "Generazione Chiavi",
"label.action.lock.account": "Blocco di un account",
"label.action.manage.cluster": "Gestione Cluster",
"label.action.migrate.router": "Migrazione Router",
"label.action.migrate.systemvm": "Migrazione VM di Systema",
"label.action.reboot.instance": "Riavvio Instanza",
"label.action.reboot.router": "Riavvio Router",
"label.action.reboot.systemvm": "Riavvio VM di Sistema",
"label.action.register.iso": "Registrare una ISO",
"label.action.release.ip": "Rilascio indirizzo IP",
"": "Rimozione Host",
"label.action.reset.password": "Reset Password",
"label.action.resize.volume": "Ridimensionamento Volume",
"label.action.restore.instance": "Restore Instanza",
"label.action.revert.snapshot": "Ripristinare lo Snapshot",
"label.action.start.instance": "Avvio Instanza",
"label.action.start.router": "Avvio Router",
"label.action.start.systemvm": "Avvio VM di Sistema",
"label.action.stop.instance": "Arresto Instanza",
"label.action.stop.router": "Arresto Router",
"label.action.stop.systemvm": "Arresto VM di Sistema",
"label.action.take.snapshot": "Cattura uno Snapshot",
"label.action.unmanage.cluster": "Unmanage Cluster",
"label.action.update.resource.count": "Aggiornare il conteggio delle Risorse",
"label.action.vmsnapshot.create": "Cattura uno Snapshot della VM",
"label.action.vmsnapshot.delete": "Cancella lo Snapshot della VM",
"label.action.vmsnapshot.revert": "Ripristinare lo snapshot della VM",
"label.activate.project": "Attivare il Progetto",
"label.add": "Add",
"label.add.BigSwitchBcf.device": "Aggiungere Controller BigSwitch BCF",
"label.add.BrocadeVcs.device": "Aggiungere Switch Brocade Vcs",
"label.add.F5.device": "Aggiungere device F5",
"label.add.NiciraNvp.device": "Aggiungere Controller Nvp",
"label.add.OpenDaylight.device": "Add OpenDaylight Controller",
"label.add.PA.device": "Aggiungere un device Palo Alto",
"label.add.SRX.device": "Aggiungere device SRX",
"": "Aggiungere una VM al livello",
"label.add.account": "Aggiungi un Account",
"label.add.acl.list": "Add ACL List",
"": "Aggiungere un nuovo gruppo di affinit\u00e0",
"label.add.baremetal.dhcp.device": "Add Baremetal DHCP Device",
"label.add.baremetal.rack.configuration": "Add Baremetal Rack Configuration",
"label.add.ciscoASA1000v": "Add CiscoASA1000v Resource",
"label.add.cluster": "Aggiunta Cluster",
"label.add.compute.offering": "Aggiungere una offerta computazionale",
"label.add.disk.offering": "Aggiungere Offerta Disco",
"label.add.domain": "Aggiunta Dominio",
"label.add.gslb": "Add GSLB",
"": "Aggiungere una rete guest",
"": "Aggiunta Host",
"": "Add Internal LB",
"label.add.ip.range": "Aggiungere un IP Range",
"": "Add Isolated Network",
"": "Add L2 Guest Network",
"label.add.ldap.account": "Aggiungi un account LDAP",
"label.add.netScaler.device": "Aggiungere device Netscaler",
"": "Aggiungere offerta di rete",
"": "Aggiungere un nuovo livello",
"": "Add NFS Secondary Staging Store",
"label.add.pod": "Aggiungere un Pod",
"label.add.portable.ip.range": "Add Portable IP Range",
"": "Aggiungere uno Storage Primario",
"label.add.region": "Aggiungere una Regione",
"label.add.role": "Add Role",
"": "Aggiungere uno Storage Secondario",
"": "Aggiungere un Gruppo di Sicurezza",
"label.add.system.service.offering": "Aggiungere Offerte di Servizio di Sistema",
"label.add.ucs.manager": "Add UCS Manager",
"label.add.user": "Aggiungere un Utente",
"label.add.vmware.datacenter": "Add VMware datacenter",
"label.add.vnmc.device": "Add VNMC device",
"label.add.vnmc.provider": "Add VNMC provider",
"label.add.vpc": "Aggiungere VPC",
"label.add.vpc.offering": "Add VPC Offering",
"label.add.vpn.customer.gateway": "Aggiungere Gateway VPN del Cliente",
"": "Aggiungere una Zona",
"label.archive": "Archive",
"label.archive.alerts": "Archivia allarmi",
"": "Archivia eventi",
"label.assign.instance.another": "Assign Instance to Another Account",
"label.assign.vms": "Assign VMs",
"label.baremetal.pxe.device": "Add Baremetal PXE Device",
"label.change.affinity": "Change Affinity",
"label.change.ipaddress": "Change IP address for NIC",
"label.change.service.offering": "Modificare offerta di servizio",
"label.change.value": "Modifica il valore",
"label.configure": "Configurare",
"label.configure.ldap": "Configura LDAP",
"label.configure.vpc": "Configurare VPC",
"label.create.VPN.connection": "Creare una Connessione VPN",
"label.create.ssh.key.pair": "Create a SSH Key Pair",
"label.create.template": "Creare un template",
"label.decline.invitation": "Declinare un invito",
"label.dedicate.cluster": "Dedicate Cluster",
"": "Dedicate Host",
"label.dedicate.pod": "Dedicate Pod",
"label.dedicate.vlan.vni.range": "Dedicate VLAN/VNI Range",
"": "Dedicate Zone",
"label.delete": "Cancellare",
"label.delete.BigSwitchBcf": "Rimuovere Controller BigSwitch BCF",
"label.delete.BrocadeVcs": "Remove Brocade Vcs Switch",
"label.delete.F5": "Rimozione F5",
"label.delete.NetScaler": "Rimozione NetScaler",
"label.delete.OpenDaylight.device": "Delete OpenDaylight Controller",
"label.delete.PA": "Cancellare Palo Alto",
"label.delete.SRX": "Rimozione SRX",
"label.delete.VPN.connection": "cancellare la connessione VPN",
"label.delete.VPN.customer.gateway": "cancellare il Gateway VPN del Cliente",
"label.delete.VPN.gateway": "cancellare un Gateway VPN",
"label.delete.acl.list": "Delete ACL List",
"": "Cancellare Gruppo di Affinit\u00e0",
"label.delete.alerts": "Cancella allarmi",
"label.delete.baremetal.rack.configuration": "Delete Baremetal Rack Configuration",
"label.delete.ciscoASA1000v": "Delete CiscoASA1000v",
"label.delete.ciscovnmc.resource": "Delete CiscoVNMC resource",
"": "Cancella eventi",
"": "Delete Internal LB",
"label.delete.portable.ip.range": "Delete Portable IP Range",
"label.delete.project": "Cancellare progetto",
"label.delete.role": "Delete Role",
"": "Delete Secondary Staging Store",
"label.delete.ucs.manager": "Delete UCS Manager",
"label.destroy.router": "Distruggere il router",
"": "Disable Host",
"": "Disable network offering",
"label.disable.provider": "Disabilitare il provider",
"label.disable.vnmc.provider": "Disable VNMC provider",
"label.disable.vpc.offering": "Disable VPC offering",
"label.disable.vpn": "Disabilitare VPN",
"label.disassociate.profile.blade": "Disassociate Profile from Blade",
"label.edit": "Modifica",
"label.edit.acl.list": "Edit ACL List",
"label.edit.region": "Edit Region",
"label.edit.role": "Edit Role",
"": "Enable Host",
"": "Enable network offering",
"label.enable.provider": "Abilitare il provider",
"label.enable.vnmc.provider": "Enable VNMC provider",
"label.enable.vpc.offering": "Enable VPC offering",
"label.enable.vpn": "Abilitare VPN",
"label.enter.token": "Inserire il token",
"": "GloboDNS Configuration",
"": "Assign more load balancing",
"label.gslb.delete": "Delete GSLB",
"": "Remove load balancing from this GSLB",
"label.instanciate.template.associate.profile.blade": "Instanciate Template and Associate Profile to Blade",
"": "Link Domain to LDAP",
"label.make.project.owner": "Make account project owner",
"label.metrics": "Metrics",
"": "Migrare instance verso un altro host",
"": "Migrare instance verso un altro primary storage",
"": "Migrate LB VM",
"label.migrate.volume": "Migrate Volume",
"": "Migrare un volume verso un altro primary storage",
"": "Add network to VM",
"": "Nuovo Progetto",
"label.outofbandmanagement.action.issue": "Issue Out-of-band Management Power Action",
"label.outofbandmanagement.changepassword": "Change Out-of-band Management Password",
"label.outofbandmanagement.configure": "Configure Out-of-band Management",
"label.outofbandmanagement.disable": "Disable Out-of-band Management",
"label.outofbandmanagement.enable": "Enable Out-of-band Management",
"label.quota.add.credits": "Add Credits",
"label.quota.dates": "Update Dates",
"label.recover.vm": "Recupera la VM",
"label.refresh.blades": "Refresh Blades",
"label.reinstall.vm": "Reinstalla la VM",
"label.release.dedicated.cluster": "Release Dedicated Cluster",
"": "Release Dedicated Host",
"label.release.dedicated.pod": "Release Dedicated Pod",
"label.release.dedicated.vlan.range": "Release dedicated VLAN range",
"": "Release Dedicated Zone",
"label.remove.ACL": "Rimuovere ACL",
"label.remove.ip.range": "Rimuovere intervallo di indirizzi IP",
"label.remove.ldap": "Rimuovi LDAP",
"": "Remove network offering",
"label.remove.project.account": "Remove account from project",
"label.remove.region": "Remove Region",
"label.remove.ssh.key.pair": "Remove SSH Key Pair",
"label.remove.tier": "Rimuovere un livello",
"label.remove.vm.load.balancer": "Remove VM from load balancer",
"label.remove.vmware.datacenter": "Remove VMware datacenter",
"label.remove.vpc": "Rimuovere VPC",
"label.remove.vpc.offering": "Remove VPC offering",
"label.replace.acl.list": "Replace ACL List",
"label.reset.VPN.connection": "Reset della connessione VPN",
"label.reset.ssh.key.pair": "Reset SSH Key Pair",
"": "Riavviare il servizio di rete",
"label.restart.vpc": "Riavviare VPC",
"label.revoke.project.invite": "Revocare un invit",
"label.set.default.NIC": "Set default NIC",
"label.shutdown.provider": "Arresto del provider",
"label.snapshot.schedule": "Set up Recurring Snapshot",
"": "Start LB VM",
"": "Stop LB VM",
"label.suspend.project": "Sospendere il Progett",
"label.upgrade.router.newer.template": "Upgrade Router to Use Newer Template",
"label.upload": "Upload",
"label.upload.from.local": "Upload from Local",
"label.view.console": "View console",
"label.vm.add": "Add Instance",
"last_updated": "Last Update",
"lastname": "Last Name",
"lbType": "Load Balancer Type",
"lbdevicecapacity": "Capacit\u00e0",
"lbdevicededicated": "Dedicato",
"lbdeviceid": "ID",
"lbdevicename": "Type",
"lbdevicestate": "Status",
"level": "Livello",
"limitcpuuse": "Limite CPU",
"linklocalip": "Link Local IP Address",
"loadbalancerinstance": "Assigned VMs",
"loadbalancerrule": "Load balancing rule",
"localstorageenabled": "Enable local storage for User VMs",
"localstorageenabledforsystemvm": "Enable local storage for System VMs",
"lun": "LUN #",
"lxcnetworklabel": "LXC Traffic Label",
"makeredundant": "Rendi ridondante",
"maxInstance": "Max Instances",
"maxIops": "Max IOPS",
"maxerrorretry": "Numero massimo di tentativi a seguito di errore",
"maxguestslimit": "Limite max di guest",
"maxiops": "Max IOPS",
"memallocated": "Mem Allocation",
"memory": "Memoria (in MB)",
"memoryLimit": "Memory limits (MiB)",
"memoryallocated": "Memory Allocated",
"memoryallocatedgb": "Allocato",
"memorymaxdeviation": "Deviation",
"memorytotal": "Allocato",
"memorytotalgb": "Total",
"memoryused": "Used",
"memoryusedgb": "Used",
"memused": "Mem Usage",
"message.edit.account": "Edit (\"-1\" indicates no limit to the amount of resources create)",
"minInstance": "Min Instances",
"minIops": "Min IOPS",
"min_balance": "Min Balance",
"miniops": "Min IOPS",
"name": "Name",
"nat": "BigSwitch BCF NAT Enabled",
"netmask": "Netmask",
"network": "Network",
"networkDomain": "Network Domain",
"networkLimit": "Network limits",
"networkOfferingId": "Network Offering",
"networkRate": "Network Rate (Mb/s)",
"networkcidr": "Network CIDR",
"networkdevicetype": "Type",
"networkdomain": "Network Domain",
"networkdomaintext": "Dominio di Rete",
"networkid": "Network",
"networkkbsread": "Network Read",
"networkkbswrite": "Network Write",
"networkname": "Network Name",
"networkofferingdisplaytext": "Network Offering",
"networkofferingid": "Network Offering",
"networkofferingidText": "Network Offering ID",
"networkofferingname": "Network Offering",
"networkrate": "Network Rate (Mb/s)",
"networkread": "Read",
"networktype": "Network Type",
"networkwrite": "Write",
"newDiskOffering": "New Disk Offering",
"newdiskoffering": "New Offering",
"newsize": "New Size (GB)",
"nfsCacheNfsServer": "NFS Server",
"nfsCachePath": "Path",
"nfsCacheZoneid": "Zone",
"nfsServer": "NFS Server",
"nicAdapterType": "Tipo di scheda NIC",
"number": "#Rule",
"numberOfRouterRequiresUpgrade": "Total of Virtual Routers that require upgrade",
"numretries": "Number of Retries",
"nvpdeviceid": "ID",
"offerHA": "Offer HA",
"offerha": "Offer HA",
"osTypeId": "OS Type",
"oscategoryid": "OS Preference",
"ostypeid": "OS Type",
"ostypename": "OS Type",
"overrideguesttraffic": "Override Guest-Traffic",
"overridepublictraffic": "Override Public-Traffic",
"ovm3cluster": "Native Clustering",
"ovm3networklabel": "OVM3 traffic label",
"ovm3pool": "Native Pooling",
"ovm3vip": "Master Vip IP",
"ovmnetworklabel": "OVM traffic label",
"palp": "Palo Alto Log Profile",
"parentName": "Parent",
"passive": "Passive",
"password": "Password",
"password-confirm": "Confermare la password",
"passwordenabled": "Password Enabled",
"path": "Path",
"patp": "Palo Alto Threat Profile",
"pavr": "Virtual Router",
"pciDevice": "GPU",
"perfectForwardSecrecy": "Segretezza di Forward perfetta",
"physicalNetworkId": "Physical Network",
"physicalnetworkid": "Physical Network",
"physicalsize": "Physical Size",
"plannerMode": "Planner mode",
"podId": "Pod",
"podname": "Nome del Pod",
"port": "Porta",
"portableipaddress": "Portable IPs",
"powerstate": "Power State",
"primaryStorageLimit": "Primary Storage limits (GiB)",
"primarystoragetotal": "Storage Primario",
"privateinterface": "Private Interface",
"privateip": "Private IP Address",
"privatekey": "Private Key",
"privatenetwork": "Rete privata",
"privateport": "Private Port",
"profiledn": "Associated Profile",
"profilename": "Profile",
"project": "Project",
"projectId": "Project",
"projectid": "Project ID",
"projects": "Progetti",
"property": "Property",
"protocol": "Protocol",
"protocolnumber": "#Protocol",
"provider": "Provider",
"providername": "Provider",
"provisioningType": "Tipo di Provisioning",
"provisioningtype": "Tipo di Provisioning",
"publicinterface": "Public Interface",
"publicip": "Indirizzo IP",
"publickey": "Public Key",
"publicnetwork": "Rete pubblica",
"publicport": "Public Port",
"purpose": "Scopo",
"qosType": "QoS Type",
"quiescevm": "Quiesce VM",
"quietTime": "Quiet Time (in sec)",
"quota": "Quota Value",
"quota_enforce": "Enforce Quota",
"rbdid": "Cephx user",
"rbdmonitor": "Ceph monitor",
"rbdpool": "Ceph pool",
"rbdsecret": "Cephx secret",
"reason": "Reason",
"receivedbytes": "Byte Ricevuti",
"redundantRouterState": "Redundant state",
"redundantrouter": "Redundant Router",
"redundantstate": "Redundant state",
"redundantvpcrouter": "Redundant VPC",
"reenterpassword": "Re-enter Password",
"relationaloperator": "Operator",
"requireshvm": "HVM",
"requiresupgrade": "Requires Upgrade",
"reservedSystemEndIp": "Indirizzo IP finale riservato di sistema",
"reservedSystemGateway": "Gateway di sistema riservato",
"reservedSystemNetmask": "Netmask di sistema riservata",
"reservedSystemStartIp": "Indirizzo IP iniziale riservato di sistema",
"reservediprange": "Reserved IP Range",
"resourceid": "Resource ID",
"resourcename": "Resource Name",
"resourcestate": "Stato della risorsa",
"restartrequired": "E' necessario un riavvio",
"role": "Role",
"rolename": "Role",
"roletype": "Role Type",
"rootDiskControllerType": "Controller del disco root",
"rootDiskControllerTypeKVM": "Controller del disco root",
"routerCount": "Total of Virtual Routers",
"routerRequiresUpgrade": "Upgrade is required",
"routerType": "Type",
"samlEnable": "Authorize SAML SSO",
"samlEntity": "Identity Provider",
"scope": "Scope",
"secondaryStorageLimit": "Secondary Storage limits (GiB)",
"secondaryips": "IP Secondari",
"secretkey": "Secret Key",
"securityGroups": "Security Groups",
"securitygroup": "Security Group",
"sent": "Data",
"sentbytes": "Byte Inviati",
"server": "Server",
"service.Connectivity.distributedRouterCapabilityCheckbox": "Distributed Router",
"service.Connectivity.regionLevelVpcCapabilityCheckbox": "Region Level VPC",
"service.Lb.elasticLbCheckbox": "Elastic LB",
"service.Lb.inlineModeDropdown": "Modalit\u00e0",
"service.Lb.lbIsolationDropdown": "Isolamento di LB",
"service.SourceNat.redundantRouterCapabilityCheckbox": "Capacit\u00e0 di ridondanza del router",
"service.SourceNat.sourceNatTypeDropdown": "Tipo di Source NAT supportato",
"service.StaticNat.associatePublicIP": "Associate Public IP",
"service.StaticNat.elasticIpCheckbox": "Elastic IP",
"serviceCapabilities": "Capacit\u00e0 di Servizio",
"serviceOfferingId": "Offerta computazionale",
"servicelist": "Services",
"serviceofferingid": "Offerta computazionale",
"serviceofferingname": "Offerta computazionale",
"shrinkok": "Shrink OK",
"size": "Size",
"sizegb": "Size",
"smbDomain": "Dominio SMB",
"smbPassword": "Password SMB",
"smbUsername": "Username SMB",
"snapshotLimit": "Snapshot Limits",
"snapshotMemory": "Snapshot memory",
"snmpCommunity": "SNMP Community",
"snmpPort": "SNMP Port",
"sockettimeout": "Tempo di scadenza del Socket",
"sourceNat": "Source NAT",
"sourceipaddress": "Source IP Address",
"sourceport": "Source Port",
"specifyVlan": "Specify VLAN",
"specifyipranges": "Specificare intervallo di indirizzi IP",
"specifyvlan": "Specify VLAN",
"sshkeypair": "New SSH Key Pair",
"startdate": "Per data (da)",
"startip": "Indirizzo IP iniziale",
"startipv4": "IPv4 Start IP",
"startipv6": "IPv6 Start IP",
"startport": "Start Port",
"startquota": "Quota Value",
"state": "State",
"status": "Status",
"storage": "Storage",
"storageId": "Storage Primario",
"storagePool": "Storage Pool",
"storageTags": "Storage Tags",
"storageType": "Storage Type",
"storagetype": "Storage Type",
"subdomainaccess": "Subdomain Access",
"supportedServices": "Servizi Supportati",
"supportspublicaccess": "Supports Public Access",
"supportsregionLevelvpc": "Supports Region Level VPC",
"supportsstrechedl2subnet": "Supports Streched L2 Subnet",
"systemvmtype": "System VM Type",
"tags": "Tags",
"tariffValue": "Tariff Value",
"template": "Selezionare un template",
"templateFileUpload": "Local file",
"templateLimit": "Template Limits",
"templateNames": "Template",
"templatebody": "Body",
"templatedn": "Select Template",
"templatename": "Template",
"templatesubject": "Subject",
"templatetotal": "Template",
"templatetype": "Email Template",
"tftpdir": "Tftp root directory",
"threshold": "Threshold",
"tierName": "Livello",
"timeout": "Timeout",
"timezone": "Timezone",
"token": "Token",
"totalCPU": "CPU Totali",
"traffictype": "Traffic Type",
"transportzoneuuid": "Transport Zone Uuid",
"type": "Type",
"unit": "Usage Unit",
"url": "URL",
"usageName": "Usage Type",
"usageUnit": "Unit",
"usageinterface": "Usage Interface",
"useNewDiskOffering": "Replace disk offering?",
"useVpc": "VPC",
"usehttps": "Utilizzare HTTPS",
"userDataL2": "User Data",
"username": "Username",
"utilization": "Utilisation",
"uuid": "ID",
"vCenterDataCenter": "vCenter Datacenter",
"vCenterDataStore": "vCenter Datastore",
"vCenterDatacenter": "vCenter Datacenter",
"vCenterHost": "vCenter Host",
"vCenterPassword": "vCenter Password",
"vCenterUsername": "vCenter Username",
"vSwitchGuestName": "Guest Traffic vSwitch Name",
"vSwitchGuestType": "Guest Traffic vSwitch Type",
"vSwitchPublicName": "Public Traffic vSwitch Name",
"vSwitchPublicType": "Public Traffic vSwitch Type",
"value": "Credits",
"vcenter": "VMware datacenter vcenter",
"vcenterHost": "ESX/ESXi Host",
"vcsdeviceid": "ID",
"version": "Version",
"vgpu": "VGPU",
"vgpuType": "vGPU type",
"virtualMachineId": "Istanza",
"virtualmachinedisplayname": "Nome VM",
"virtualmachineid": "VM ID",
"virtualsize": "Virtual Size",
"vlan": "VLAN",
"vlanId": "VLAN/VNI ID",
"vlanRange": "VLAN/VNI Range",
"vlanname": "VLAN",
"vlanrange": "VLAN/VNI Range",
"vmLimit": "Limiti dell'Istanza",
"vmTotal": "Istanze",
"vmdisplayname": "Nome visualizzato della VM",
"vmipaddress": "Indirizzo IP della VM",
"vmname": "VM Name",
"vmstate": "Stato VM",
"vmtotal": "Total of VMs",
"vmwaredcId": "VMware datacenter ID",
"vmwaredcName": "VMware datacenter Name",
"vmwaredcVcenter": "VMware datacenter vcenter",
"vmwarenetworklabel": "Etichetta del traffico via VMware",
"volume": "Volume",
"volumeFileUpload": "Local file",
"volumeLimit": "Volume Limits",
"volumeTotal": "Volumes",
"volumegroup": "Volume Group",
"volumename": "Volume Name",
"volumetotal": "Volume",
"vpcLimit": "VPC limits",
"vpcid": "VPC",
"vpcname": "VPC",
"vpcoffering": "VPC Offering",
"vpncustomergatewayid": "Gateway VPN del Cliente",
"vsmctrlvlanid": "VLAN ID di Controllo",
"vsmdeviceid": "Name",
"vsmdevicestate": "State",
"vsmipaddress": "Nexus 1000v IP Address",
"vsmipaddress_req": "Nexus 1000v IP Address",
"vsmpassword": "Nexus 1000v Password",
"vsmpassword_req": "Nexus 1000v Password",
"vsmpktvlanid": "VLAN ID del Pacchetto",
"vsmstoragevlanid": "VLAN ID di Storage",
"vsmusername": "Nexus 1000v Username",
"vsmusername_req": "Nexus 1000v Username",
"xennetworklabel": "Etichetta del traffico via XenServer",
"xenserverToolsVersion61plus": "Original XS Version is 6.1+",
"zone": "Zone",
"zoneId": "Zone",
"zoneid": "Zone",
"zonename": "Zone"