blob: ae303d1979f381035b672e0ff65f264e9509dfb8 [file] [log] [blame]
"Accounts": "Accounts",
"Affinity Groups": "Affinity Groups",
"Alerts": "Alerts",
"allocated": "Allocated",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"CPU Sockets": "CPU Sockets",
"Cloudian Storage": "Cloudian Storage",
"Clusters": "Clusters",
"Compute": "Compute",
"Compute Offerings": "Compute Offerings",
"confirmacceptinvitation": "Please confirm you wish to join this project",
"confirmdeclineinvitation": "Are you sure you want to decline this project invitation?",
"Configuration": "Configuration",
"Dashboard": "Dashboard",
"Disk Offerings": "Disk Offerings",
"Domains": "Domains",
"done": "Done",
"Events": "Events",
"Global Settings": "Global Settings",
"Hosts": "Hosts",
"Hypervisor Capabilities": "Hypervisor capabilities",
"ISOs": "ISOs",
"Identity and Access": "Identity and Access",
"Infrastructure": "Infrastructure",
"Instances": "Instances",
"LDAP Configuration": "LDAP Configuration",
"Management Servers": "Management Servers",
"monday": "Monday",
"Monitor": "Monitor",
"Network": "Network",
"Network Offerings": "Network Offerings",
"Plugins": "Plugins",
"Pods": "Pods",
"Primary Storage": "Primary Storage",
"Projects": "Projects",
"Public IP Addresses": "Public IP Addresses",
"Public network": "Public network",
"Quota": "Quota",
"RESOURCE_NAME": "Resource Name",
"Roles": "Roles",
"SSH Key Pairs": "SSH Key Pairs",
"Secondary Storage": "Secondary Storage",
"Security Groups": "Security Groups",
"Snapshots": "Snapshots",
"Storage": "Storage",
"System Offerings": "System Offerings",
"System VMs": "System VMs",
"Templates": "Templates",
"tuesday": "Tuesday",
"thursday": "Thursday",
"Users": "Users",
"VM Snapshots": "VM Snapshots",
"VPC": "VPC",
"VPC Offerings": "VPC Offerings",
"VPN Gateway": "VPN Gateway",
"Virtual Routers": "Virtual Routers",
"Volumes": "Volumes",
"Zones": "Zones",
"access": "Access",
"accesskey": "Access Key",
"account": "Account",
"accountId": "Account",
"accountTotal": "Accounts",
"accountlist": "Accounts",
"accounts": "Accounts",
"accounttype": "Account Type",
"aclTotal": "Network ACL Total",
"aclid": "ACL",
"aclname": "ACL Name",
"action": "Action",
"activeviewersessions": "Active Sessions",
"add": "Add",
"add-scaleDowncondition": "Add",
"add-scaleUpcondition": "Add",
"address": "Address",
"admin": "Domain Admin",
"affinitygroup": "Affinity Group",
"agentPassword": "Agent Password",
"agentPort": "Agent Port",
"agentUsername": "Agent Username",
"agentstate": "Agent State",
"algorithm": "Algorithm",
"all": "All",
"allocatediops": "IOPS Allocated",
"allocationstate": "Allocation State",
"allowuserdrivenbackups": "Allow User Driven Backups",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"apikey": "API Key",
"associatednetwork": "Associated Network",
"associatednetworkid": "Associated Network ID",
"associatednetworkname": "Network Name",
"asyncBackup": "Async Backup",
"availability": "Availability",
"availabilityZone": "Availability Zone",
"balance": "Balance",
"baremetalCpu": "CPU (in MHz)",
"baremetalCpuCores": "# of CPU Cores",
"baremetalMAC": "Host MAC",
"baremetalMemory": "Memory (in MB)",
"backupofferingid": "Backup Offering",
"bcfdeviceid": "ID",
"bladeid": "Blade ID",
"bootable": "Bootable",
"broadcastdomainrange": "Broadcast domain range",
"broadcastdomaintype": "Broadcast Domain Type",
"broadcasturi": "Broadcast URI",
"bucket": "Bucket",
"bypassvlanoverlapcheck": "Bypass VLAN id/range overlap",
"cachemode": "Write-cache Type",
"capacity": "Capacity",
"capacityBytes": "Capacity Bytes",
"capacityIops": "Capacity IOPS",
"capacityiops": "IOPS Total",
"certchain": "Chain",
"certificate": "Certificate",
"certificateid": "Certificate ID",
"chassis": "Chassis",
"checksum": "Checksum",
"cidr": "Super CIDR for Guest Networks",
"cidrlist": "CIDR list",
"cks.cluster.size": "Cluster size (Worker nodes)",
"cleanup": "Clean up",
"clusterId": "Cluster",
"clusterid": "Cluster",
"clustername": "Cluster",
"clusternamelabel": "Cluster Name",
"clusters": "Clusters",
"clustertype": "Cluster Type",
"confirmpassword": "Confirm Password",
"connectiontimeout": "Connection Timeout",
"conservemode": "Conserve mode",
"counterid": "Counter",
"cpuCap": "CPU Cap",
"cpulimit": "CPU limits",
"cpuNumber": "# of CPU Cores",
"cpuSpeed": "CPU (in MHz)",
"cpuallocated": "CPU Allocated for VMs",
"cpuallocatedghz": "Allocated",
"cpumaxdeviation": "Deviation",
"cpunumber": "CPU Cores",
"cpusockets": "The Number of CPU Sockets",
"cpuspeed": "CPU (in MHz)",
"cputotal": "Total CPU",
"cputotalghz": "Total",
"cpuused": "CPU Utilized",
"cpuusedghz": "Used CPU",
"createNfsCache": "Create NFS secondary staging store",
"created": "Created",
"credit": "Credit",
"crossZones": "Cross Zones",
"current": "isCurrent",
"currentpassword": "Current Password",
"date": "Date",
"dedicated": "Dedicated",
"default": "Default",
"deleteconfirm": "Please confirm that you would like to delete this {name}",
"deleteprofile": "Delete Profile",
"deploymentPlanner": "Deployment planner",
"deploymentplanner": "Deployment planner",
"description": "Description",
"destination": "Destination",
"destinationZoneId": "Destination Zone",
"destinationphysicalnetworkid": "Destination physical network ID",
"destroyVMgracePeriod": "Destroy VM Grace Period",
"details": "Details",
"deviceid": "Device ID",
"directdownload": "Direct Download",
"disconnected": "Last Disconnected",
"disk": "Disk",
"diskBytesReadRate": "Disk Read Rate (BPS)",
"diskBytesWriteRate": "Disk Write Rate (BPS)",
"diskIopsReadRate": "Disk Read Rate (IOPS)",
"diskIopsWriteRate": "Disk Write Rate (IOPS)",
"diskoffering": "Disk Offering",
"diskofferingid": "Disk Offering",
"diskSize": "Disk Size (in GB)",
"diskiopstotal": "Disk IOPS",
"diskioread": "Disk Read (IO)",
"diskiowrite": "Disk Write (IO)",
"diskkbsread": "Disk Read (Bytes)",
"diskkbswrite": "Disk Write (Bytes)",
"diskofferingdisplaytext": "Disk Offering",
"disksize": "Disk Size (in GB)",
"disksizeallocated": "Disk Allocated",
"disksizeallocatedgb": "Allocated",
"disksizetotal": "Disk Total",
"disksizetotalgb": "Total",
"disksizeunallocatedgb": "Unallocated",
"disksizeusedgb": "Used",
"displayText": "Description",
"displayname": "Display Name",
"displaytext": "Description",
"distributedvpcrouter": "Distributed VPC Router",
"dns1": "DNS 1",
"dns2": "DNS 2",
"domain": "Domain",
"domainId": "Domain",
"domainid": "Domain ID",
"domainname": "Domain",
"domainpath": "Domain",
"dpd": "Dead Peer Detection",
"driver": "Driver",
"egressdefaultpolicy": "Default egress policy",
"email": "Email",
"enddate": "By date (end)",
"endip": "End IP",
"endipv4": "IPv4 End IP",
"endipv6": "IPv6 End IP",
"endpoint": "Endpoint",
"endport": "End Port",
"espEncryption": "ESP Encryption",
"espHash": "ESP Hash",
"esplifetime": "ESP Lifetime (second)",
"esppolicy": "ESP policy",
"expunge": "Expunge",
"externalloadbalanceripaddress": "External load balancer IP address",
"externalid": "External Id",
"extra": "Extra Arguments",
"files":"Alternate Files to Retrieve",
"fingerprint": "FingerPrint",
"firewall": "Firewall",
"firstname": "First Name",
"forced": "Force",
"forceencap": "Force UDP Encapsulation of ESP Packets",
"forgedtransmits": "Forged Transmits",
"format": "Format",
"friday": "Friday",
"fwdevicecapacity": "Capacity",
"fwdeviceid": "ID",
"fwdevicename": "Type",
"fwdevicestate": "Status",
"gateway": "Gateway",
"glustervolume": "Volume",
"gpu": "GPU",
"group": "Group",
"gslbdomainname": "GSLB Domain Name",
"gslblbmethod": "Algorithm",
"gslbprovider": "GSLB service",
"gslbproviderprivateip": "GSLB service Private IP",
"gslbproviderpublicip": "GSLB service Public IP",
"gslbservicetype": "Service Type",
"guestEndIp": "Guest end IP",
"guestGateway": "Guest Gateway",
"guestIpType": "Guest Type",
"guestNetmask": "Guest Netmask",
"guestNetwork": "Guest Network",
"guestStartIp": "Guest start IP",
"guestcidraddress": "Guest CIDR",
"guestipaddress": "Guest IP Address",
"guestiptype": "Guest Type",
"guestnetworkid": "Network ID",
"guestnetworkname": "Network Name",
"guestosid": "OS Type",
"guestvlanrange": "VLAN Range(s)",
"haenable": "HA Enabled",
"hahost": "HA Enabled",
"haprovider": "HA Provider",
"hardware": "Hardware",
"hastate": "HA State",
"hideipaddressusage": "Hide IP Address Usage",
"host": "IP Address",
"hostId": "Host",
"hostTags": "Host Tags",
"hostname": "Host",
"hostnamelabel": "Host Name",
"hosts": "Hosts",
"hosttags": "Host Tags",
"hypervisor": "Hypervisor",
"hypervisorSnapshotReserve": "Hypervisor Snapshot Reserve",
"hypervisorsnapshotreserve": "Hypervisor Snapshot Reserve",
"hypervisortype": "Hypervisor",
"hypervisorversion": "Hypervisor Version",
"hypervnetworklabel": "HyperV Traffic Label",
"icmp": "ICMP",
"icmpcode": "ICMP Code",
"icmptype": "ICMP Type",
"id": "ID",
"ikeDh": "IKE DH",
"ikeEncryption": "IKE Encryption",
"ikeHash": "IKE Hash",
"ikelifetime": "IKE lifetime (second)",
"ikepolicy": "IKE policy",
"insideportprofile": "Inside Port Profile",
"instancename": "Internal name",
"instanceport": "Instance Port",
"instances": "Instances",
"instances.actions.reboot.label": "Reboot instance",
"internaldns1": "Internal DNS 1",
"internaldns2": "Internal DNS 2",
"interval": "Polling Interval (in sec)",
"intervaltype": "Interval Type",
"invitations": "Invitations",
"ip": "IP Address",
"ips": "IPs",
"ip4Netmask": "IPv4 Netmask",
"ip4dns1": "IPv4 DNS1",
"ip4dns2": "IPv4 DNS2",
"ip4gateway": "IPv4 Gateway",
"ip6address": "IPv6 IP Address",
"ip6cidr": "IPv6 CIDR",
"ip6dns1": "IPv6 DNS1",
"ip6dns2": "IPv6 DNS2",
"ip6gateway": "IPv6 Gateway",
"iplimit": "Public IP Limits",
"ipaddress": "IP Address",
"ipaddress1": "IP Address",
"ipaddress2": "IP Address",
"ipsecpsk": "IPsec Preshared-Key",
"iptotal": "Total of IP Addresses",
"iqn": "Target IQN",
"isAdvanced": "Show advanced settings",
"isBootable": "Bootable",
"isCustomized": "Custom Disk Size",
"isCustomizedIops": "Custom IOPS",
"isDedicated": "Dedicate",
"isFeatured": "Featured",
"isForced": "Force Delete",
"isManaged": "Managed",
"isPasswordEnabled": "Password Enabled",
"isPersistent": "Persistent ",
"isPublic": "Public",
"isVolatile": "Volatile",
"iscustomized": "Custom Disk Size",
"iscustomizediops": "Custom IOPS",
"isdedicated": "Dedicated",
"isdefault": "Is Default",
"isdynamicallyscalable": "Dynamically Scalable",
"isextractable": "Extractable",
"isfeatured": "Featured",
"iso": "ISO",
"isoid": "ISO",
"isolatedpvlantype": "Secondary Isolated VLAN Type",
"isolatedpvlanid": "Secondary Isolated VLAN ID",
"isolationmethods": "Isolation method",
"isolationuri": "Isolation URI",
"isoname": "Attached ISO",
"isostate": "ISO State",
"ispersistent": "Persistent ",
"isportable": "Cross Zones",
"ispublic": "Public",
"isready": "Ready",
"isredundantrouter": "Redundant Router",
"isrouting": "Routing",
"issourcenat": "Source NAT",
"isstaticnat": "Static NAT",
"issystem": "Is System",
"isvolatile": "Volatile",
"keep": "Keep",
"key": "Key",
"keyboardType": "Keyboard type",
"keypair": "SSH Key Pair",
"kubernetesversionid": "Kubernetes version",
"kubernetesversionname": "Kubernetes version",
"kvmnetworklabel": "KVM Traffic Label",
"l2gatewayserviceuuid": "L2 Gateway Service Uuid",
"l3gatewayserviceuuid": "L3 Gateway Service Uuid",
"label.accept.project.invitation": "Accept project invitation",
"": "Acquire New IP",
"": "Acquire new secondary IP",
"label.action.attach.disk": "Attach Disk",
"label.action.attach.iso": "Attach ISO",
"label.action.cancel.maintenance.mode": "Cancel Maintenance Mode",
"label.action.change.password": "Change Password",
"label.action.configure.samlauthorization": "Configure SAML SSO Authorization",
"label.action.configure.stickiness": "Stickiness",
"label.action.copy.ISO": "Copy ISO",
"label.action.copy.template": "Copy Template",
"label.action.create.volume": "Create Volume",
"label.action.delete.ISO": "Delete ISO",
"label.action.delete.account": "Delete account",
"label.action.delete.cluster": "Delete Cluster",
"label.action.delete.disk.offering": "Delete Disk Offering",
"label.action.delete.domain": "Delete Domain",
"": "Delete Network",
"label.action.delete.nic": "Remove NIC",
"": "Delete physical network",
"": "Delete Primary Storage",
"": "Delete Secondary Storage",
"": "Delete Security Group",
"label.action.delete.service.offering": "Delete Service Offering",
"label.action.delete.snapshot": "Delete Snapshot",
"label.action.delete.system.service.offering": "Delete System Service Offering",
"label.action.delete.template": "Delete Template",
"label.action.delete.user": "Delete User",
"label.action.delete.volume": "Delete Volume",
"": "Delete Zone",
"label.action.destroy.instance": "Destroy Instance",
"label.action.destroy.systemvm": "Destroy System VM",
"label.action.detach.disk": "Detach Disk",
"label.action.detach.iso": "Detach ISO",
"label.action.disable.account": "Disable account",
"label.action.disable.cluster": "Disable Cluster",
"label.action.disable.nexusVswitch": "Disable Nexus 1000v",
"label.action.disable.pod": "Disable Pod",
"label.action.disable.static.NAT": "Disable Static NAT",
"label.action.disable.user": "Disable User",
"": "Disable Zone",
"": "Download ISO",
"": "Download Template",
"": "Download Volume",
"label.action.edit.domain": "Edit Domain",
"label.action.enable.account": "Enable account",
"label.action.enable.cluster": "Enable Cluster",
"label.action.enable.maintenance.mode": "Enable Maintenance Mode",
"label.action.enable.nexusVswitch": "Enable Nexus 1000v",
"label.action.enable.pod": "Enable Pod",
"label.action.enable.static.NAT": "Enable Static NAT",
"label.action.enable.user": "Enable User",
"": "Enable Zone",
"label.action.expunge.instance": "Expunge Instance",
"label.action.force.reconnect": "Force Reconnect",
"label.action.generate.keys": "Generate Keys",
"label.action.get.diagnostics":"Get Diagnostics Data",
"label.action.lock.account": "Lock account",
"label.action.manage.cluster": "Manage Cluster",
"label.action.migrate.router": "Migrate Router",
"label.action.migrate.systemvm": "Migrate System VM",
"label.action.project.add.account": "Add Account to Project",
"label.action.reboot.instance": "Reboot Instance",
"label.action.reboot.router": "Reboot Router",
"label.action.reboot.systemvm": "Reboot System VM",
"label.action.register.iso": "Register ISO",
"label.action.register.ncc": "Register NCC",
"label.action.release.ip": "Release IP",
"": "Remove Host",
"label.action.remove.vm": "Release VM",
"label.action.reset.password": "Reset Password",
"label.action.resize.volume": "Resize Volume",
"label.action.restore.instance": "Restore Instance",
"label.action.revert.snapshot": "Revert to Snapshot",
"": "Get health checks result",
"": "Run Diagnostics",
"": "Provision Host Security Keys",
"label.action.share.template": "Update Template Permissions",
"label.action.start.instance": "Start Instance",
"label.action.start.router": "Start Router",
"label.action.start.systemvm": "Start System VM",
"label.action.stop.instance": "Stop Instance",
"label.action.stop.router": "Stop Router",
"label.action.stop.systemvm": "Stop System VM",
"label.action.take.snapshot": "Take Snapshot",
"label.action.unmanage.cluster": "Unmanage Cluster",
"label.action.update.offering.access": "Update Offering Access",
"label.action.update.resource.count": "Update Resource Count",
"label.action.vmsnapshot.create": "Take VM Snapshot",
"label.action.vmsnapshot.delete": "Delete VM snapshot",
"label.action.vmsnapshot.revert": "Revert to VM snapshot",
"label.action.vmstoragesnapshot.create": "Take VM volume snapshot",
"label.activate.project": "Activate Project",
"label.add": "Add",
"label.add.BigSwitchBcf.device": "Add BigSwitch BCF Controller",
"label.add.BrocadeVcs.device": "Add Brocade Vcs Switch",
"label.add.F5.device": "Add F5 device",
"label.add.NiciraNvp.device": "Add Nvp Controller",
"label.add.OpenDaylight.device": "Add OpenDaylight Controller",
"label.add.PA.device": "Add Palo Alto device",
"label.add.SRX.device": "Add SRX device",
"label.add.VM": "Add VM",
"label.add.VMs": "Add VMs",
"": "Add VM to tier",
"label.add.account": "Add Account",
"label.add.acl.list": "Add ACL List",
"": "Add new affinity group",
"label.add.baremetal.dhcp.device": "Add Baremetal DHCP Device",
"label.add.baremetal.rack.configuration": "Add Baremetal Rack Configuration",
"label.add.certificate": "Add Certificate",
"label.add.ciscoASA1000v": "Add CiscoASA1000v Resource",
"label.add.cluster": "Add Cluster",
"label.add.compute.offering": "Add compute offering",
"label.add.disk.offering": "Add Disk Offering",
"label.add.domain": "Add Domain",
"label.add.gslb": "Add GSLB",
"": "Add guest network",
"": "Add Host",
"": "Add Internal LB",
"label.add.ip.range": "Add IP Range",
"": "Add Isolated Network",
"": "Add L2 Guest Network",
"label.add.ldap.account": "Add LDAP account",
"label.add.ldap.list.users": "List LDAP users",
"":"ACL List Name",
"label.add.netScaler.device": "Add Netscaler device",
"": "Add network offering",
"": "Add new gateway",
"": "Add new tier",
"": "Add NFS Secondary Staging Store",
"label.add.pod": "Add Pod",
"label.add.portable.ip.range": "Add Portable IP Range",
"": "Add Primary Storage",
"label.add.region": "Add Region",
"label.add.role": "Add Role",
"label.add.route": "Add Route",
"label.add.rule": "Add Rule",
"": "Add Secondary Storage",
"": "Add Security Group",
"label.add.setting": "Add Setting",
"label.add.system.service.offering": "Add System Service Offering",
"label.add.ucs.manager": "Add UCS Manager",
"label.add.user": "Add User",
"label.add.vmware.datacenter": "Add VMware datacenter",
"label.add.vnmc.device": "Add VNMC device",
"label.add.vnmc.provider": "Add VNMC provider",
"label.add.vpc": "Add VPC",
"label.add.vpc.offering": "Add VPC Offering",
"label.add.vpn.customer.gateway": "Add VPN Customer Gateway",
"": "Add Zone",
"": "All Zones",
"label.archive": "Archive",
"label.archive.alerts": "Archive alerts",
"": "Archive events",
"label.assign.instance.another": "Assign Instance to Another Account",
"label.assign.vms": "Assign VMs",
"label.baremetal.pxe.device": "Add Baremetal PXE Device",
"label.change.affinity": "Change Affinity",
"label.change.ipaddress": "Change IP address for NIC",
"label.change.service.offering": "Change service offering",
"label.change.value": "Change value",
"": "Destination Network CIDR",
"label.configure": "Configure",
"label.configure.ldap": "Configure LDAP",
"label.configure.vpc": "Configure VPC",
"label.console.proxy":"Console proxy",
"label.create.VPN.connection": "Create VPN Connection",
"label.create.ssh.key.pair": "Create a SSH Key Pair",
"label.create.template": "Create template",
"": "Day of Month",
"": "Day of Week",
"label.decline.invitation": "Decline invitation",
"label.dedicate.cluster": "Dedicate Cluster",
"": "Dedicate Host",
"label.dedicate.pod": "Dedicate Pod",
"label.dedicate.vlan.vni.range": "Dedicate VLAN/VNI Range",
"": "Dedicate Zone",
"label.delete": "Delete",
"label.delete.BigSwitchBcf": "Remove BigSwitch BCF Controller",
"label.delete.BrocadeVcs": "Remove Brocade Vcs Switch",
"label.delete.F5": "Delete F5",
"label.delete.NetScaler": "Delete NetScaler",
"label.delete.OpenDaylight.device": "Delete OpenDaylight Controller",
"label.delete.PA": "Delete Palo Alto",
"label.delete.SRX": "Delete SRX",
"label.delete.VPN.connection": "Delete VPN connection",
"label.delete.VPN.customer.gateway": "Delete VPN Customer Gateway",
"label.delete.VPN.gateway": "Delete VPN Gateway",
"label.delete.acl.list": "Delete ACL List",
"": "Delete Affinity Group",
"label.delete.alerts": "Delete alerts",
"label.delete.baremetal.rack.configuration": "Delete Baremetal Rack Configuration",
"label.delete.ciscoASA1000v": "Delete CiscoASA1000v",
"label.delete.ciscovnmc.resource": "Delete CiscoVNMC resource",
"": "Delete events",
"": "Delete Internal LB",
"label.delete.portable.ip.range": "Delete Portable IP Range",
"label.delete.project": "Delete project",
"label.delete.role": "Delete Role",
"": "Delete Secondary Staging Store",
"label.delete.sslcertificate": "Delete SSL Certificate",
"label.delete.ucs.manager": "Delete UCS Manager",
"label.destroy.router": "Destroy router",
"":"Shared Network IPs",
"": "Disable Host",
"": "Disable network offering",
"label.disable.provider": "Disable provider",
"label.disable.vnmc.provider": "Disable VNMC provider",
"label.disable.vpc.offering": "Disable VPC offering",
"label.disable.vpn": "Disable Remote Access VPN",
"label.disassociate.profile.blade": "Disassociate Profile from Blade",
"label.domain.router":"Domain router",
"label.edit": "Edit",
"label.edit.acl.list": "Edit ACL List",
"label.edit.region": "Edit Region",
"label.edit.role": "Edit Role",
"": "Enable Host",
"": "Enable network offering",
"label.enable.provider": "Enable provider",
"label.enable.vnmc.provider": "Enable VNMC provider",
"label.enable.vpc.offering": "Enable VPC offering",
"label.enable.vpn": "Enable Remote Access VPN",
"": "Enable Zone",
"label.enter.token": "Enter token",
"label.error.volume.upload": "Please choose a file",
"": "All Zones cannot be combined with any other zone",
"label.french.azerty.keyboard": "French AZERTY keyboard",
"": "GloboDNS Configuration",
"": "Assign more load balancing",
"label.gslb.delete": "Delete GSLB",
"": "Remove load balancing from this GSLB",
"label.ha.configure": "Configure HA",
"label.ha.disable": "Disable HA",
"label.ha.enable": "Enable HA",
"label.scheduled.backups": "Scheduled Backups",
"label.scheduled.snapshots": "Scheduled Snapshots",
"label.header.backup.schedule": "You can set up recurring backup schedules by selecting from the available options below and applying your policy preference",
"label.header.volume.snapshot": "You can set up recurring snapshot schedules by selecting from the available options below and applying your policy preference",
"label.header.volume.take.snapshot": "Please confirm that you want to take a snapshot of this volume.",
"label.instanciate.template.associate.profile.blade": "Instanciate Template and Associate Profile to Blade",
"label.interval.weekly": "Every {number}",
"label.interval.monthly": "Day {number} of month",
"label.japanese.keyboard": "Japanese keyboard",
"": "Link Domain to LDAP",
"":"Local Storage",
"label.make.project.owner": "Make account project owner",
"":"Management IP Addresses",
"":"Management Server",
"label.metrics": "Metrics",
"label.min.past.hour": "min past the hr",
"label.minute.past.hour": "minute(s) past the hour",
"": "Migrate instance to another host",
"": "Migrate instance to another primary storage",
"": "Migrate LB VM",
"label.migrate.volume": "Migrate Volume",
"": "Migrate volume to another primary storage",
"label.ncc.delete": "Delete NCC",
"": "Add network to VM",
"": "New Tag",
"": "New Project",
"label.num.cpu.cores":"# of CPU Cores",
"label.outofbandmanagement.action.issue": "Issue Out-of-band Management Power Action",
"label.outofbandmanagement.changepassword": "Change Out-of-band Management Password",
"label.outofbandmanagement.configure": "Configure Out-of-band Management",
"label.outofbandmanagement.disable": "Disable Out-of-band Management",
"label.outofbandmanagement.enable": "Enable Out-of-band Management",
"":"Primary Storage",
"":"Primary Storage Allocated",
"":"Primary Storage Used",
"label.project.invitation": "Project Invitations",
"label.public.ips":"Public IP Addresses",
"label.quota.add.credits": "Add Credits",
"label.quota.dates": "Update Dates",
"label.recover.vm": "Recover VM",
"label.refresh.blades": "Refresh Blades",
"label.reinstall.vm": "Reinstall VM",
"label.release.account": "Release from Account",
"label.release.dedicated.cluster": "Release Dedicated Cluster",
"": "Release Dedicated Host",
"label.release.dedicated.pod": "Release Dedicated Pod",
"label.release.dedicated.vlan.range": "Release dedicated VLAN range",
"": "Release Dedicated Zone",
"label.remove.ACL": "Remove ACL",
"label.remove.ip.range": "Remove IP range",
"label.remove.ldap": "Remove LDAP",
"": "Remove network offering",
"label.remove.project.account": "Remove account from project",
"label.remove.region": "Remove Region",
"label.remove.ssh.key.pair": "Remove SSH Key Pair",
"label.remove.tier": "Remove tier",
"label.remove.vm.load.balancer": "Remove VM from load balancer",
"label.remove.vmware.datacenter": "Remove VMware Datacenter",
"label.remove.vpc": "Remove VPC",
"label.remove.vpc.offering": "Remove VPC offering",
"":"Routing Host",
"label.replace.acl.list": "Replace ACL List",
"label.reset.VPN.connection": "Reset VPN connection",
"label.reset.ssh.key.pair": "Reset SSH Key Pair",
"": "Restart network",
"label.restart.vpc": "Restart VPC",
"label.revoke.project.invite": "Revoke invitation",
"":"Secondary Storage",
"":"Secondary storage VM",
"label.service.offering":"Service Offering",
"label.set.default.NIC": "Set default NIC",
"label.set.reservation": "Set Reservation",
"label.shutdown.provider": "Shutdown provider",
"label.snapshot.schedule": "Set up Recurring Snapshot",
"": "Standard (US) keyboard",
"label.simplified.chinese.keyboard": "Simplified Chinese keyboard",
"": "Start LB VM",
"": "Stop LB VM",
"label.suspend.project": "Suspend Project",
"": "UK keyboard",
"label.update.vmware.datacenter": "Update VMware Datacenter",
"label.upgrade.router.newer.template": "Upgrade Router to Use Newer Template",
"label.upload": "Upload",
"label.upload.from.local": "Upload from Local",
"label.usage.server":"Usage Server",
"label.user.vm":"User VM",
"label.view.console": "View console",
"label.vm.add": "Add Instance",
"last_updated": "Last Update",
"lastannotated": "Last annotation date",
"lastname": "Last Name",
"lbType": "Load Balancer Type",
"lbdevicecapacity": "Capacity",
"lbdevicededicated": "Dedicated",
"lbdeviceid": "ID",
"lbdevicename": "Type",
"lbdevicestate": "Status",
"level": "Level",
"limits": "Limits",
"limitcpuuse": "CPU Cap",
"linklocalip": "Link Local IP Address",
"loadbalancerinstance": "Assigned VMs",
"loadbalancing": "Load Balancing",
"loadbalancerrule": "Load balancing rule",
"localstorageenabled": "Enable local storage for User VMs",
"localstorageenabledforsystemvm": "Enable local storage for System VMs",
"lun": "LUN #",
"lxcnetworklabel": "LXC Traffic Label",
"macaddresschanges": "MAC Address Changes",
"macaddress": "MAC Address",
"makeredundant": "Make redundant",
"managedstate": "Managed State",
"managementServers": "Number of Management Servers",
"masternodes": "Master nodes",
"maxuservm": "Max. User VMs",
"maxpublicip": "Max. Public IPs",
"maxvolume": "Max. Volumes",
"maxsnapshot": "Max. Snapshots",
"maxtemplate": "Max. Templates",
"maxproject": "Max. Projects",
"maxnetwork": "Max. Networks",
"maxvpc": "Max. VPCs",
"maxcpu": "Max. CPU Cores",
"maxmemory": "Max. Memory (MiB)",
"maxprimarystorage": "Max. Primary Storage (GiB)",
"maxsecondarystorage": "Max. Secondary Storage (GiB)",
"maxCPUNumber": "Max CPU Cores",
"maxInstance": "Max Instances",
"maxIops": "Max IOPS",
"maxMemory": "Max Memory (in MB)",
"maxerrorretry": "Max Error Retry",
"maxguestslimit": "Max guest limit",
"maxiops": "Max IOPS",
"memallocated": "Mem Allocation",
"memory": "Memory (in MB)",
"memorylimit": "Memory limits (MiB)",
"memoryallocated": "Memory Allocated",
"memoryallocatedgb": "Allocated",
"memorymaxdeviation": "Deviation",
"memorytotal": "Memory Allocated",
"memorytotalgb": "Total",
"memoryused": "Used Memory",
"memoryusedgb": "Used",
"memused": "Memory Usage",
"message.edit.account": "Edit (\"-1\" indicates no limit to the amount of resources create)",
"":"Please specify the information to add a new gateway to this VPC.",
"message.assign.instance.another": "Please specify the account type, domain, account name and network (optional) of the new account. <br> If the default nic of the vm is on a shared network, CloudStack will check if the network can be used by the new account if you do not specify one network. <br> If the default nic of the vm is on a isolated network, and the new account has more one isolated networks, you should specify one.",
"":"Please specify the network that you would like to add this VM to. A new NIC will be added for this network.",
"": "Please confirm that want to remove this NIC, which will also remove the associated network from the VM.",
"" : "Please confirm that you would like to acquire a new secondary IP for this NIC. \n NOTE: You need to manually configure the newly-acquired secondary IP inside the virtual machine.",
"": "Please confirm that you would like to change the IP address for this NIC on VM.",
"message.validate.equalto": "Please enter the same value again.",
"message.desc.create.ssh.key.pair": "Please fill in the following data to create or register a ssh key pair.<br><br>(1) If public key is set, CloudStack will register the public key. You can use it through your private key.<br><br>(2) If public key is not set, CloudStack will create a new SSH Key pair. In this case, please copy and save the private key. CloudStack will not keep it.<br>",
"mincpunumber": "Min CPU Cores",
"minInstance": "Min Instances",
"minIops": "Min IOPS",
"minmemory": "Min Memory (in MB)",
"min_balance": "Min Balance",
"miniops": "Min IOPS",
"name": "Name",
"nat": "BigSwitch BCF NAT Enabled",
"netmask": "Netmask",
"network": "Network",
"networkDomain": "Network Domain",
"networklimit": "Network limits",
"networkOfferingId": "Network Offering",
"networkRate": "Network Rate (Mb/s)",
"networkcidr": "Network CIDR",
"networkdevicetype": "Type",
"networkdomain": "Network Domain",
"networkdomaintext": "Network domain",
"networkid": "Network",
"networkkbsread": "Network Read",
"networkkbswrite": "Network Write",
"networkname": "Network Name",
"networkofferingdisplaytext": "Network Offering",
"networkofferingid": "Network Offering",
"networkofferingidText": "Network Offering ID",
"networkofferingname": "Network Offering",
"networkrate": "Network Rate (Mb/s)",
"networkread": "Network Read",
"networktype": "Network Type",
"networkwrite": "Network Write",
"newDiskOffering": "New Disk Offering",
"newdiskoffering": "New Offering",
"newsize": "New Size (GB)",
"nfsCacheNfsServer": "NFS Server",
"nfsCachePath": "Path",
"nfsCacheZoneid": "Zone",
"nfsServer": "NFS Server",
"nicAdapterType": "NIC adapter type",
"noderootdisksize": "Node root disk size (in GB)",
"number": "#Rule",
"numberOfRouterRequiresUpgrade": "Total of Virtual Routers that require upgrade",
"numretries": "Number of Retries",
"nvpdeviceid": "ID",
"offerHA": "Offer HA",
"offerha": "Offer HA",
"offeringtype": "Compute Offering Type",
"operation": "Operation",
"order": "Order",
"osTypeId": "OS Type",
"oscategoryid": "OS Preference",
"ostypeid": "OS Type",
"ostypename": "OS Type",
"overrideguesttraffic": "Override Guest-Traffic",
"overridepublictraffic": "Override Public-Traffic",
"ovm3cluster": "Native Clustering",
"ovm3networklabel": "OVM3 Traffic Label",
"ovm3pool": "Native Pooling",
"ovm3vip": "Master Vip IP",
"ovmnetworklabel": "OVM Traffic Label",
"palp": "Palo Alto Log Profile",
"params": "Parameters",
"parentName": "Parent",
"passive": "Passive",
"password": "Password",
"password-confirm": "Confirm password",
"passwordenabled": "Password Enabled",
"path": "Path",
"patp": "Palo Alto Threat Profile",
"pavr": "Virtual Router",
"pciDevice": "GPU",
"perfectForwardSecrecy": "Perfect Forward Secrecy",
"performFreshChecks": "Perform fresh checks",
"physicalNetworkId": "Physical Network",
"physicalnetworkid": "Physical Network",
"physicalsize": "Physical Size",
"plannerMode": "Planner mode",
"podId": "Pod",
"podname": "Pod name",
"port": "Port",
"portableipaddress": "Portable IPs",
"portforwarding": "Port Forwarding",
"powerstate": "Power State",
"primarystoragelimit": "Primary Storage limits (GiB)",
"primarystoragetotal": "Primary Storage",
"privateinterface": "Private Interface",
"privateip": "Private IP Address",
"privatekey": "Private Key",
"privatenetwork": "Private network",
"privateport": "Private Port",
"profiledn": "Associated Profile",
"profilename": "Profile",
"project": "Project",
"projectId": "Project",
"projectid": "Project ID",
"projects": "Projects",
"promiscuousmode": "Promiscuous Mode",
"property": "Property",
"protocol": "Protocol",
"protocolnumber": "#Protocol",
"provider": "HA Provider",
"providername": "Provider",
"provisioning": "Provisioning",
"provisioningType": "Provisioning Type",
"provisioningtype": "Provisioning Type",
"publicinterface": "Public Interface",
"publicip": "IP Address",
"publickey": "Public Key",
"publicnetwork": "Public network",
"publicport": "Public Port",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"qostype": "QoS Type",
"quickview": "Quick view",
"quiescevm": "Quiesce VM",
"quietTime": "Quiet Time (in sec)",
"quota": "Quota Value",
"quota_enforce": "Enforce Quota",
"rbdid": "Cephx user",
"rbdmonitor": "Ceph monitor",
"rbdpool": "Ceph pool",
"rbdsecret": "Cephx secret",
"reason": "Reason",
"receivedbytes": "Bytes Received",
"redundantRouterState": "Redundant state",
"redundantrouter": "Redundant Router",
"redundantstate": "Redundant state",
"redundantvpcrouter": "Redundant VPC",
"reenterpassword": "Re-enter Password",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"relationaloperator": "Operator",
"remove": "Remove",
"required": "Required",
"requireshvm": "HVM",
"requiresupgrade": "Requires Upgrade",
"reservedSystemEndIp": "End Reserved system IP",
"reservedSystemGateway": "Reserved system gateway",
"reservedSystemNetmask": "Reserved system netmask",
"reservedSystemStartIp": "Start Reserved system IP",
"reservediprange": "Reserved IP Range",
"reset": "Reset",
"resources": "Resources",
"resourceid": "Resource ID",
"resourcename": "Resource Name",
"resourcestate": "Resource state",
"restartrequired": "Restart required",
"revokeinvitationconfirm": "Please confirm that you would like to revoke this invitation?",
"role": "Role",
"rolename": "Role",
"roletype": "Role Type",
"rootDiskControllerType": "Root disk controller",
"rootDiskControllerTypeKVM": "Root disk controller",
"routerCount": "Total of Virtual Routers",
"routerRequiresUpgrade": "Upgrade is required",
"routerType": "Type",
"samlEnable": "Authorize SAML SSO",
"samlEntity": "Identity Provider",
"saturday": "Saturday",
"schedule": "Schedule",
"scope": "Scope",
"secondarystoragelimit": "Secondary Storage limits (GiB)",
"secondaryips": "Secondary IPs",
"secretkey": "Secret Key",
"securityGroups": "Security Groups",
"securitygroup": "Security Group",
"select": "Select",
"semanticversion": "Semantic version",
"sent": "Date",
"sentbytes": "Bytes Sent",
"server": "Server",
"service.Connectivity.distributedRouterCapabilityCheckbox": "Distributed Router",
"service.Connectivity.regionLevelVpcCapabilityCheckbox": "Region Level VPC",
"service.Lb.Netscaler.servicePackages": "Netscaler Service Packages",
"service.Lb.Netscaler.servicePackages.description": "Service Package Description",
"service.Lb.elasticLbCheckbox": "Elastic LB",
"service.Lb.inlineModeDropdown": "Mode",
"service.Lb.lbIsolationDropdown": "LB isolation",
"service.SourceNat.redundantRouterCapabilityCheckbox": "Redundant router capability",
"service.StaticNat.associatePublicIP": "Associate Public IP",
"service.StaticNat.elasticIpCheckbox": "Elastic IP",
"serviceCapabilities": "Service Capabilities",
"serviceOfferingId": "Compute Offering",
"servicelist": "Services",
"serviceofferingid": "Compute Offering",
"serviceofferingname": "Compute Offering",
"settings": "Settings",
"shareWith": "Share With",
"shrinkok": "Shrink OK",
"size": "Size",
"sizegb": "Size",
"smbDomain": "SMB Domain",
"smbPassword": "SMB Password",
"smbUsername": "SMB Username",
"snapshotlimit": "Snapshot Limits",
"snapshotMemory": "Snapshot memory",
"snmpCommunity": "SNMP Community",
"snmpPort": "SNMP Port",
"sockettimeout": "Socket Timeout",
"sourcecidr": "Source CIDR",
"sourcenattype": "Supported Source NAT type",
"destcidr": "Destination CIDR",
"sourceNat": "Source NAT",
"sourceipaddress": "Source IP Address",
"sourceport": "Source Port",
"specifyVlan": "Specify VLAN",
"specifyipranges": "Specify IP ranges",
"specifyvlan": "Specify VLAN",
"sshkeypair": "New SSH Key Pair",
"sshkeyenabled": "SSH Enabled",
"startdate": "By date (start)",
"startip": "Start IP",
"startipv4": "IPv4 Start IP",
"startipv6": "IPv6 Start IP",
"startport": "Start Port",
"startquota": "Quota Value",
"state": "State",
"status": "Status",
"storage": "Storage",
"storageId": "Primary Storage",
"storagePool": "Storage Pool",
"storagetags": "Storage Tags",
"storageType": "Storage Type",
"storagepolicy": "Storage policy",
"storagetype": "Storage Type",
"subdomainaccess": "Subdomain Access",
"submit": "Submit",
"sunday": "Sunday",
"supportedservices": "Supported Services",
"supportspublicaccess": "Supports Public Access",
"supportsregionLevelvpc": "Supports Region Level VPC",
"supportsstrechedl2subnet": "Supports Streched L2 Subnet",
"systemvmtype": "System VM Type",
"tags": "Tags",
"tariffValue": "Tariff Value",
"tcp": "TCP",
"template": "Select a template",
"templateFileUpload": "Local file",
"templatelimit": "Template Limits",
"templateNames": "Template",
"templatebody": "Body",
"templatedn": "Select Template",
"templatename": "Template",
"templatesubject": "Subject",
"templatetotal": "Template",
"templatetype": "Email Template",
"tftpdir": "Tftp root directory",
"threshold": "Threshold",
"tierName": "Tier",
"time": "Time",
"timeout": "Timeout",
"timezone": "Timezone",
"token": "Token",
"totalCPU": "Total CPU",
"traffictype": "Traffic Type",
"transportzoneuuid": "Transport Zone Uuid",
"type": "Type",
"udp": "UDP",
"unit": "Usage Unit",
"url": "URL",
"usageName": "Usage Type",
"usageUnit": "Unit",
"usageinterface": "Usage Interface",
"useNewDiskOffering": "Replace disk offering?",
"useVpc": "VPC",
"usehttps": "Use HTTPS",
"userDataL2": "User Data",
"username": "Username",
"utilization": "Utilisation",
"uuid": "ID",
"vCenterDataCenter": "vCenter Datacenter",
"vCenterDataStore": "vCenter Datastore",
"vCenterDatacenter": "vCenter Datacenter",
"vCenterHost": "vCenter Host",
"vCenterPassword": "vCenter Password",
"vCenterUsername": "vCenter Username",
"vSwitchGuestName": "Guest Traffic vSwitch Name",
"vSwitchGuestType": "Guest Traffic vSwitch Type",
"vSwitchPublicName": "Public Traffic vSwitch Name",
"vSwitchPublicType": "Public Traffic vSwitch Type",
"value": "Value",
"vcenter": "VMware Datacenter vCenter",
"vcenterHost": "ESX/ESXi Host",
"vcsdeviceid": "ID",
"version": "Version",
"vgpu": "VGPU",
"vgputype": "vGPU type",
"virtualMachineId": "Instance",
"virtualmachinedisplayname": "VM name",
"virtualmachineid": "VM ID",
"virtualsize": "Virtual Size",
"vlan": "VLAN/VNI",
"vlanId": "VLAN/VNI ID",
"vlanRange": "VLAN/VNI Range",
"vlanname": "VLAN",
"vlanrange": "VLAN/VNI Range",
"vm": "VM",
"vmlimit": "Instance Limits",
"vmTotal": "Instances",
"vmdisplayname": "VM display name",
"vmipaddress": "VM IP Address",
"vmname": "VM Name",
"vmstate": "VM State",
"vmtotal": "Total of VMs",
"vmwaredcId": "VMware Datacenter ID",
"vmwaredcName": "VMware Datacenter Name",
"vmwaredcVcenter": "VMware Datacenter vCenter",
"vmwarenetworklabel": "VMware Traffic Label",
"volume": "Volume",
"volumeChecksum": "MD5 checksum",
"volumeFileUpload": "Local file",
"volumelimit": "Volume Limits",
"volumeTotal": "Volumes",
"volumegroup": "Volume Group",
"volumeids": "Volumes to be deleted",
"volumename": "Volume Name",
"volumes": "Volumes",
"volumetotal": "Volume",
"volume.volumeFileUpload.description": "Click or drag file to this area to upload",
"vpclimit": "VPC limits",
"vpc": "VPC",
"vpcid": "VPC",
"vpcname": "VPC",
"vpcoffering": "VPC Offering",
"vpncustomergatewayid": "VPN Customer Gateway",
"vpncustomergatewayname": "Unique name for VPN customer gateway",
"vpncustomergateway": "IP address of the remote gateway",
"vpncustomergateway_cidrlist": "Comma separated guest CIDR list of the remote subnets.",
"vpncustomergateway_secretkey": "Enter a secret key value",
"vpncustomergateway_ikelifetime": "phase-1 lifetime of the security association in seconds",
"vpncustomergateway_esplifetime": "The phase-2 lifetime of the security association in seconds",
"vsmctrlvlanid": "Control VLAN ID",
"vsmdeviceid": "Name",
"vsmdevicestate": "State",
"vsmipaddress": "Nexus 1000v IP Address",
"vsmipaddress_req": "Nexus 1000v IP Address",
"vsmpassword": "Nexus 1000v Password",
"vsmpassword_req": "Nexus 1000v Password",
"vsmpktvlanid": "Packet VLAN ID",
"vsmstoragevlanid": "Storage VLAN ID",
"vsmusername": "Nexus 1000v Username",
"vsmusername_req": "Nexus 1000v Username",
"xennetworklabel": "XenServer Traffic Label",
"xenserverToolsVersion61plus": "Original XS Version is 6.1+",
"zone": "Zone",
"zones": "Zones",
"zoneId": "Zone",
"zoneid": "Zone",
"zonename": "Zone",
"zonenamelabel": "Zone Name",
"instance": "Instance",
"yourInstance": "Your instance",
"newInstance": "New instance",
"defaultNetwork": "Default network",
"cpu": "CPU",
"ram": "RAM",
"ok": "OK",
"minMaxIops": "Min IOPS / Max IOPS",
"isSelf": "Self",
"isShared": "Shared",
"networks": "Networks",
"BasicSetup": "Basic setup",
"templateIso": "Template/ISO",
"addAnotherNetwork": "Add another network",
"addNewNetworks": "Add new networks",
"existingNetworks": "Existing networks",
"sshKeyPairs": "SSH keypairs",
"wednesday": "Wednesday",
"noselect": "No thanks",
"keyboard": "Keyboard language",
"userdata": "Userdata",
"label.back": "Back",
"label.basic": "Basic",
"label.advanced": "Advanced",
"": "A zone is the largest organizational unit in CloudStack, and it typically corresponds to a single datacenter. Zones provide physical isolation and redundancy. A zone consists of one or more pods (each of which contains hosts and primary storage servers) and a secondary storage server which is shared by all pods in the zone.",
"": "Provide a single network where each VM instance is assigned an IP directly from the network. Guest isolation can be provided through layer-3 means such as security groups (IP address source filtering).",
"": "For more sophisticated network topologies. This network model provides the most flexibility in defining guest networks and providing custom network offerings such as firewall, VPN, or load balancer support.",
"": "Choose this if you wish to use security groups to provide guest VM isolation.",
"": "When adding a basic zone, you can set up one physical network, which corresponds to a NIC on the hypervisor. The network carries several types of traffic.<br/><br/>You may also <strong>add</strong> other traffic types onto the physical network.",
"": "When adding an advanced zone, you need to set up one or more physical networks. Each network corresponds to a NIC on the hypervisor. Each physical network can carry one or more types of traffic, with certain restrictions on how they may be combined. Add or remove one or more traffic types onto each physical network.",
"": "Public traffic is generated when VMs in the cloud access the internet. Publicly-accessible IPs must be allocated for this purpose. End users can use the CloudStack UI to acquire these IPs to implement NAT between their guest network and their public network.<br/><br/>Provide at least one range of IP addresses for internet traffic.",
"": "Public traffic is generated when VMs in the cloud access the Internet or provide services to clients over the Internet. Publicly accessible IPs must be allocated for this purpose. When a instance is created, an IP from this set of Public IPs will be allocated to the instance in addition to the guest IP address. Static 1-1 NAT will be set up automatically between the public IP and the guest IP. End users can also use the CloudStack UI to acquire additional IPs to implement static NAT between their instances and the public IP.",
"": "Guest network traffic is communication between end-user virtual machines. Specify a range of VLAN IDs to carry guest traffic for each physical network.",
"": "Guest network traffic is communication between end-user virtual machines. Specify a range of IP addresses that CloudStack can assign to guest VMs. Make sure this range does not overlap the reserved system IP range.",
"": "Each zone must contain in one or more pods, and we will add the first pod now. A pod contains hosts and primary storage servers, which you will add in a later step. First, configure a range of reserved IP addresses for CloudStack's internal management traffic. The reserved IP range must be unique for each zone in the cloud.",
"message.desc.cluster": "Each pod must contain one or more clusters, and we will add the first cluster now. A cluster provides a way to group hosts. The hosts in a cluster all have identical hardware, run the same hypervisor, are on the same subnet, and access the same shared storage. Each cluster consists of one or more hosts and one or more primary storage servers.",
"": "Each cluster must contain at least one host (computer) for guest VMs to run on, and we will add the first host now. For a host to function in CloudStack, you must install hypervisor software on the host, assign an IP address to the host, and ensure the host is connected to the CloudStack management server.<br/><br/>Give the host's DNS or IP address, the user name (usually root) and password, and any labels you use to categorize hosts.",
"": "Creating zone",
"": "Dedicating zone",
"message.creating.physical.networks": "Creating physical networks",
"message.configuring.physical.networks": "Configuring physical networks",
"message.adding.Netscaler.provider": "Adding Netscaler provider",
"message.adding.Netscaler.device": "Adding Netscaler device",
"message.creating.pod": "Creating pod",
"": "Creating guest network",
"message.configuring.public.traffic": "Configuring public traffic",
"": "Configuring storage traffic",
"message.configuring.guest.traffic": "Configuring guest traffic",
"message.creating.cluster": "Creating cluster",
"": "Adding host",
"": "Creating primary storage",
"": "Creating secondary storage",
"": "Enabling Security Group provider",
"message.Zone.creation.complete": "Zone creation complete",
"": "Zone is ready to launch; please proceed to the next step.",
"": "Please wait while your zone is being created; this may take a while...",
"message.required.add.least.IP": "Please add at least 1 IP Range",
"message.required.traffic.type": "Error in configuration! All required traffic types should be added and with multiple physical networks each network should have a label.",
"": "Each cluster must contain one or more primary storage servers, and we will add the first one now. Primary storage contains the disk volumes for all the VMs running on hosts in the cluster. Use any standards-compliant protocol that is supported by the underlying hypervisor.",
"": "Each zone must have at least one NFS or secondary storage server, and we will add the first one now. Secondary storage stores VM templates, ISO images, and VM disk volume snapshots. This server must be available to all hosts in the zone.<br/><br/>Provide the IP address and exported path.",
"message.error.required.input": "Please enter input",
"message.error.invalid.range": "Please enter values from {min} to {max}",
"message.error.number": "Please enter a valid number",
"": "Please select option",
"message.disk.offering.created": "Disk offering created: {name}",
"": "Name",
"label.ipv4.dns1": "IPv4 DNS1",
"label.ipv4.dns2": "IPv4 DNS2",
"label.ipv6.dns1": "IPv6 DNS1",
"label.ipv6.dns2": "IPv6 DNS2",
"label.internal.dns.1": "Internal DNS 1",
"label.internal.dns.2": "Internal DNS 2",
"label.hypervisor": "Hypervisor",
"": "Network Offering",
"": "Network Domain",
"label.guest.cidr": "Guest CIDR",
"label.dedicated": "Dedicated",
"": "Domains",
"label.account": "Account",
"": "Enable local storage for User VMs",
"": "Enable local storage for System VMs",
"": "Security Groups",
"": "Network Name",
"label.isolation.method": "Isolation method",
"label.traffic.types": "Traffic Types",
"label.previous": "Previous",
"": "Next",
"": "Zone Type",
"": "Zone details",
"": "Network",
"label.add.resources": "Add Resources",
"label.launch": "Launch",
"": "Physical Network",
"label.netScaler": "NetScaler",
"label.public.traffic": "Public traffic",
"label.pod": "Pod",
"label.guest.traffic": "Guest Traffic",
"": "Storage Traffic",
"label.guest.ip": "Guest IP Address",
"label.username": "Username",
"label.password": "Password",
"label.type": "Type",
"label.public.interface": "Public Interface",
"label.private.interface": "Private Interface",
"label.gslb.service": "GSLB service",
"label.gslb.service.public.ip": "GSLB service Public IP",
"label.gslb.service.private.ip": "GSLB service Private IP",
"label.numretries": "Number of Retries",
"label.capacity": "Capacity",
"": "Please specify Netscaler info",
"": "Management: Traffic between CloudStack's internal resources, including any components that communicate with the Management Server, such as hosts and CloudStack system VMs",
"": "Pod name",
"label.reserved.system.gateway": "Reserved system gateway",
"label.reserved.system.netmask": "Reserved system netmask",
"label.start.reserved.system.IP": "Start Reserved system IP",
"label.end.reserved.system.IP": "End Reserved system IP",
"label.guest.gateway": "Guest Gateway",
"label.guest.netmask": "Guest Netmask",
"label.guest.start.ip": "Guest start IP",
"label.guest.end.ip": "Guest end IP",
"label.cluster": "Cluster",
"": "Host",
"": "Cluster Name",
"": "vCenter Host",
"label.vcenter.password": "vCenter Password",
"label.vcenter.username": "vCenter Username",
"label.vcenter.datacenter": "vCenter Datacenter",
"label.vcenter.datastore": "vCenter Datastore",
"label.override.public.traffic": "Override Public-Traffic",
"label.override.guest.traffic": "Override Guest-Traffic",
"": "Nexus 1000v IP Address",
"": "Nexus 1000v Password",
"": "Nexus 1000v Username",
"": "Host Name",
"label.agent.username": "Agent Username",
"label.agent.password": "Agent Password",
"label.tags": "Tags",
"label.scope": "Scope",
"label.protocol": "Protocol",
"label.server": "Server",
"label.path": "Path",
"": "SR Name-Label",
"": "Target IQN",
"label.LUN.number": "LUN #",
"label.smb.domain": "SMB Domain",
"label.smb.username": "SMB Username",
"label.smb.password": "SMB Password",
"label.rados.monitor": "RADOS Monitor",
"label.rados.pool": "RADOS Pool",
"label.rados.user": "RADOS User",
"label.rados.secret": "RADOS Secret",
"label.volgroup": "Volume Group",
"label.volume": "Volume",
"": "Storage Tags",
"label.provider": "Provider",
"label.s3.access_key": "Access Key",
"label.s3.bucket": "Bucket",
"label.s3.connection_timeout": "Connection Timeout",
"label.s3.endpoint": "Endpoint",
"label.s3.max_error_retry": "Max Error Retry",
"label.s3.nfs.path": "S3 NFS Path",
"label.s3.nfs.server": "S3 NFS Server",
"label.s3.secret_key": "Secret Key",
"label.s3.socket_timeout": "Socket Timeout",
"label.s3.use_https": "Use HTTPS",
"": "Create NFS Secondary Staging Store",
"": "Create NFS secondary staging store",
"label.url": "URL",
"label.key": "Key",
"": "Add Physical Network",
"label.delete.confirm": "Delete?",
"label.gateway": "Gateway",
"label.netmask": "Netmask",
"label.start.IP": "Start IP",
"label.end.IP": "End IP",
"label.add.traffic": "Add Traffic",
"label.vlan.range": "VLAN/VNI Range",
"": "Launch Zone",
"label.done": "Done",
"label.fix.errors": "Fix errors",
"error.something.went.wrong.please.correct.the.following": "Something went wrong; please correct the following",
"filter": "Filter",
"featured": "Featured",
"community": "Community",
"selfexecutable": "Self",
"sharedexecutable": "Shared",
"fixed": "Fixed Offering",
"customconstrained": "Custom Constrained",
"customunconstrained": "Custom Unconstrained",
"iscustomizeddiskiops": "Custom IOPS",
"diskiopsmin": "Min IOPS",
"diskiopsmax": "Max IOPS",
"diskbytesreadrate": "Disk Read Rate (BPS)",
"diskbyteswriterate": "Disk Write Rate (BPS)",
"diskiopsreadrate": "Disk Read Rate (IOPS)",
"diskiopswriterate": "Disk Write Rate (IOPS)",
"customdisksize": "Custom Disk Size",
"writecachetype": "Write-cache Type",
"nodiskcache": "No disk cache",
"writeback": "Write-back disk caching",
"writethrough": "Write-through",
"none": "None",
"maxcpunumber": "Max CPU Cores"