blob: e13985d726bfcb11c45e8ae525613d2893457ee6 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
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// Package webhook implements the authenticator.Token interface using HTTP webhooks.
package webhook
import (
authentication ""
authenticationclient ""
var (
groupVersions = []schema.GroupVersion{authentication.SchemeGroupVersion}
const retryBackoff = 500 * time.Millisecond
// Ensure WebhookTokenAuthenticator implements the authenticator.Token interface.
var _ authenticator.Token = (*WebhookTokenAuthenticator)(nil)
type WebhookTokenAuthenticator struct {
tokenReview authenticationclient.TokenReviewInterface
initialBackoff time.Duration
implicitAuds authenticator.Audiences
// NewFromInterface creates a webhook authenticator using the given tokenReview
// client. It is recommend to wrap this authenticator with the token cache
// authenticator implemented in
func NewFromInterface(tokenReview authenticationclient.TokenReviewInterface, implicitAuds authenticator.Audiences) (*WebhookTokenAuthenticator, error) {
return newWithBackoff(tokenReview, retryBackoff, implicitAuds)
// New creates a new WebhookTokenAuthenticator from the provided kubeconfig
// file. It is recommend to wrap this authenticator with the token cache
// authenticator implemented in
func New(kubeConfigFile string, implicitAuds authenticator.Audiences) (*WebhookTokenAuthenticator, error) {
tokenReview, err := tokenReviewInterfaceFromKubeconfig(kubeConfigFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newWithBackoff(tokenReview, retryBackoff, implicitAuds)
// newWithBackoff allows tests to skip the sleep.
func newWithBackoff(tokenReview authenticationclient.TokenReviewInterface, initialBackoff time.Duration, implicitAuds authenticator.Audiences) (*WebhookTokenAuthenticator, error) {
return &WebhookTokenAuthenticator{tokenReview, initialBackoff, implicitAuds}, nil
// AuthenticateToken implements the authenticator.Token interface.
func (w *WebhookTokenAuthenticator) AuthenticateToken(ctx context.Context, token string) (*authenticator.Response, bool, error) {
// We take implicit audiences of the API server at WebhookTokenAuthenticator
// construction time. The outline of how we validate audience here is:
// * if the ctx is not audience limited, don't do any audience validation.
// * if ctx is audience-limited, add the audiences to the tokenreview spec
// * if the tokenreview returns with audiences in the status that intersect
// with the audiences in the ctx, copy into the response and return success
// * if the tokenreview returns without an audience in the status, ensure
// the ctx audiences intersect with the implicit audiences, and set the
// intersection in the response.
// * otherwise return unauthenticated.
wantAuds, checkAuds := authenticator.AudiencesFrom(ctx)
r := &authentication.TokenReview{
Spec: authentication.TokenReviewSpec{
Token: token,
Audiences: wantAuds,
var (
result *authentication.TokenReview
err error
auds authenticator.Audiences
webhook.WithExponentialBackoff(w.initialBackoff, func() error {
result, err = w.tokenReview.Create(r)
return err
if err != nil {
// An error here indicates bad configuration or an outage. Log for debugging.
klog.Errorf("Failed to make webhook authenticator request: %v", err)
return nil, false, err
if checkAuds {
gotAuds := w.implicitAuds
if len(result.Status.Audiences) > 0 {
gotAuds = result.Status.Audiences
auds = wantAuds.Intersect(gotAuds)
if len(auds) == 0 {
return nil, false, nil
r.Status = result.Status
if !r.Status.Authenticated {
var err error
if len(r.Status.Error) != 0 {
err = errors.New(r.Status.Error)
return nil, false, err
var extra map[string][]string
if r.Status.User.Extra != nil {
extra = map[string][]string{}
for k, v := range r.Status.User.Extra {
extra[k] = v
return &authenticator.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{
Name: r.Status.User.Username,
UID: r.Status.User.UID,
Groups: r.Status.User.Groups,
Extra: extra,
Audiences: auds,
}, true, nil
// tokenReviewInterfaceFromKubeconfig builds a client from the specified kubeconfig file,
// and returns a TokenReviewInterface that uses that client. Note that the client submits TokenReview
// requests to the exact path specified in the kubeconfig file, so arbitrary non-API servers can be targeted.
func tokenReviewInterfaceFromKubeconfig(kubeConfigFile string) (authenticationclient.TokenReviewInterface, error) {
localScheme := runtime.NewScheme()
if err := scheme.AddToScheme(localScheme); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := localScheme.SetVersionPriority(groupVersions...); err != nil {
return nil, err
gw, err := webhook.NewGenericWebhook(localScheme, scheme.Codecs, kubeConfigFile, groupVersions, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &tokenReviewClient{gw}, nil
type tokenReviewClient struct {
w *webhook.GenericWebhook
func (t *tokenReviewClient) Create(tokenReview *authentication.TokenReview) (*authentication.TokenReview, error) {
result := &authentication.TokenReview{}
err := t.w.RestClient.Post().Body(tokenReview).Do().Into(result)
return result, err