blob: db68073f1268ccc29f7023da8e618702869ac055 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// This product is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
// You may not use this product except in compliance with the License.
// This product may include a number of subcomponents with separate copyright notices and
// license terms. Your use of these subcomponents is subject to the terms and conditions
// of the subcomponent's license, as noted in the LICENSE file.
package photon
import (
// Contains functionality for auth API.
type AuthAPI struct {
client *Client
const authUrl string = rootUrl + "/auth"
// Gets authentication info.
func (api *AuthAPI) Get() (info *AuthInfo, err error) {
res, err := api.client.restClient.Get(api.client.Endpoint+authUrl, nil)
if err != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
res, err = getError(res)
if err != nil {
info = &AuthInfo{}
err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(info)
// Gets Tokens from username/password.
func (api *AuthAPI) GetTokensByPassword(username string, password string) (tokenOptions *TokenOptions, err error) {
oidcClient, err := api.buildOIDCClient()
if err != nil {
tokenResponse, err := oidcClient.GetTokenByPasswordGrant(username, password)
if err != nil {
return api.toTokenOptions(tokenResponse), nil
// GetTokensFromWindowsLogInContext gets tokens based on Windows logged in context
// In case of running on platform other than Windows, it returns error
func (api *AuthAPI) GetTokensFromWindowsLogInContext() (tokenOptions *TokenOptions, err error) {
oidcClient, err := api.buildOIDCClient()
if err != nil {
tokenResponse, err := oidcClient.GetTokensFromWindowsLogInContext()
if err != nil {
return api.toTokenOptions(tokenResponse), nil
// Gets tokens from refresh token.
func (api *AuthAPI) GetTokensByRefreshToken(refreshtoken string) (tokenOptions *TokenOptions, err error) {
oidcClient, err := api.buildOIDCClient()
if err != nil {
tokenResponse, err := oidcClient.GetTokenByRefreshTokenGrant(refreshtoken)
if err != nil {
return api.toTokenOptions(tokenResponse), nil
func (api *AuthAPI) getAuthEndpoint() (endpoint string, err error) {
authInfo, err := api.client.Auth.Get()
if err != nil {
if authInfo.Port == 0 {
authInfo.Port = 443
return fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:%d", authInfo.Endpoint, authInfo.Port), nil
func (api *AuthAPI) buildOIDCClient() (client *lightwave.OIDCClient, err error) {
authEndPoint, err := api.getAuthEndpoint()
if err != nil {
return lightwave.NewOIDCClient(
api.client.restClient.logger), nil
const tokenScope string = "openid offline_access rs_photon_platform at_groups"
func (api *AuthAPI) buildOIDCClientOptions(options *ClientOptions) *lightwave.OIDCClientOptions {
return &lightwave.OIDCClientOptions{
IgnoreCertificate: api.client.options.IgnoreCertificate,
RootCAs: api.client.options.RootCAs,
TokenScope: tokenScope,
func (api *AuthAPI) toTokenOptions(response *lightwave.OIDCTokenResponse) *TokenOptions {
return &TokenOptions{
AccessToken: response.AccessToken,
ExpiresIn: response.ExpiresIn,
RefreshToken: response.RefreshToken,
IdToken: response.IdToken,
TokenType: response.TokenType,
// Parse the given token details.
func (api *AuthAPI) parseTokenDetails(token string) (jwtToken *lightwave.JWTToken, err error) {
jwtToken = lightwave.ParseTokenDetails(token)
return jwtToken, nil
// Parse the given token raw details.
func (api *AuthAPI) parseRawTokenDetails(token string) (jwtToken []string, err error) {
jwtToken, err = lightwave.ParseRawTokenDetails(token)
return jwtToken, err