blob: a78d3d0482c209cc8a8229aa7ed0f9171382dfc7 [file] [log] [blame]
Package volumeactions provides information and interaction with volumes in the
OpenStack Block Storage service. A volume is a detachable block storage
device, akin to a USB hard drive.
Example of Attaching a Volume to an Instance
attachOpts := volumeactions.AttachOpts{
MountPoint: "/mnt",
Mode: "rw",
InstanceUUID: server.ID,
err := volumeactions.Attach(client, volume.ID, attachOpts).ExtractErr()
if err != nil {
detachOpts := volumeactions.DetachOpts{
AttachmentID: volume.Attachments[0].AttachmentID,
err = volumeactions.Detach(client, volume.ID, detachOpts).ExtractErr()
if err != nil {
Example of Creating an Image from a Volume
uploadImageOpts := volumeactions.UploadImageOpts{
ImageName: "my_vol",
Force: true,
volumeImage, err := volumeactions.UploadImage(client, volume.ID, uploadImageOpts).Extract()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", volumeImage)
Example of Extending a Volume's Size
extendOpts := volumeactions.ExtendSizeOpts{
NewSize: 100,
err := volumeactions.ExtendSize(client, volume.ID, extendOpts).ExtractErr()
if err != nil {
Example of Initializing a Volume Connection
connectOpts := &volumeactions.InitializeConnectionOpts{
IP: "",
Host: "stack",
Initiator: "",
Multipath: gophercloud.Disabled,
Platform: "x86_64",
OSType: "linux2",
connectionInfo, err := volumeactions.InitializeConnection(client, volume.ID, connectOpts).Extract()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", connectionInfo["data"])
terminateOpts := &volumeactions.InitializeConnectionOpts{
IP: "",
Host: "stack",
Initiator: "",
Multipath: gophercloud.Disabled,
Platform: "x86_64",
OSType: "linux2",
err = volumeactions.TerminateConnection(client, volume.ID, terminateOpts).ExtractErr()
if err != nil {
package volumeactions