blob: 12881fb07801abb438d1910c6ecf77ae45fd56fa [file] [log] [blame]
import json
from requests import Response
from cStringIO import StringIO
from werkzeug.exceptions import Unauthorized
except ImportError:
Unauthorized = Exception
from . import utils
from gstack import app
class Provider(object):
"""Base provider class for different types of OAuth 2.0 providers."""
def _handle_exception(self, exc):
"""Handle an internal exception that was caught and suppressed.
:param exc: Exception to process.
:type exc: Exception
def _make_response(self, body='', headers=None, status_code=200):
"""Return a response object from the given parameters.
:param body: Buffer/string containing the response body.
:type body: str
:param headers: Dict of headers to include in the requests.
:type headers: dict
:param status_code: HTTP status code.
:type status_code: int
:rtype: requests.Response
res = Response()
res.status_code = status_code
if headers is not None:
res.raw = StringIO(body)
return res
def _make_redirect_error_response(self, redirect_uri, err):
"""Return a HTTP 302 redirect response object containing the error.
:param redirect_uri: Client redirect URI.
:type redirect_uri: str
:param err: OAuth error message.
:type err: str
:rtype: requests.Response
params = {
'error': err,
'response_type': None,
'client_id': None,
'redirect_uri': None
redirect = utils.build_url(redirect_uri, params)
return self._make_response(headers={'Location': redirect},
def _make_json_response(self, data, headers=None, status_code=200):
"""Return a response object from the given JSON data.
:param data: Data to JSON-encode.
:type data: mixed
:param headers: Dict of headers to include in the requests.
:type headers: dict
:param status_code: HTTP status code.
:type status_code: int
:rtype: requests.Response
response_headers = {}
if headers is not None:
response_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
response_headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-store'
response_headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
return self._make_response(json.dumps(data),
def _make_json_error_response(self, err):
"""Return a JSON-encoded response object representing the error.
:param err: OAuth error message.
:type err: str
:rtype: requests.Response
return self._make_json_response({'error': err}, status_code=400)
def _invalid_redirect_uri_response(self):
"""What to return when the redirect_uri parameter is missing.
:rtype: requests.Response
return self._make_json_error_response('invalid_request')
class AuthorizationProvider(Provider):
"""OAuth 2.0 authorization provider. This class manages authorization
codes and access tokens. Certain methods MUST be overridden in a
subclass, thus this class cannot be directly used as a provider.
These are the methods that must be implemented in a subclass:
validate_client_id(self, client_id)
# Return True or False
validate_client_secret(self, client_id, client_secret)
# Return True or False
validate_scope(self, client_id, scope)
# Return True or False
validate_redirect_uri(self, client_id, redirect_uri)
# Return True or False
validate_access(self) # Use this to validate your app session user
# Return True or False
from_authorization_code(self, client_id, code, scope)
# Return mixed data or None on invalid
from_refresh_token(self, client_id, refresh_token, scope)
# Return mixed data or None on invalid
persist_authorization_code(self, client_id, code, scope)
# Return value ignored
persist_token_information(self, client_id, scope, access_token,
token_type, expires_in, refresh_token,
# Return value ignored
discard_authorization_code(self, client_id, code)
# Return value ignored
discard_refresh_token(self, client_id, refresh_token)
# Return value ignored
Optionally, the following may be overridden to acheive desired behavior:
def token_length(self):
"""Property method to get the length used to generate tokens.
:rtype: int
return 40
def token_type(self):
"""Property method to get the access token type.
:rtype: str
return 'Bearer'
def token_expires_in(self):
"""Property method to get the token expiration time in seconds.
:rtype: int
return 3600
def generate_authorization_code(self):
"""Generate a random authorization code.
:rtype: str
return utils.random_ascii_string(self.token_length)
def generate_access_token(self):
"""Generate a random access token.
:rtype: str
return utils.random_ascii_string(self.token_length)
def generate_refresh_token(self):
"""Generate a random refresh token.
:rtype: str
return utils.random_ascii_string(self.token_length)
def get_authorization_code(self,
"""Generate authorization code HTTP response.
:param response_type: Desired response type. Must be exactly "code".
:type response_type: str
:param client_id: Client ID.
:type client_id: str
:param redirect_uri: Client redirect URI.
:type redirect_uri: str
:rtype: requests.Response
# Ensure proper response_type
if response_type != 'code':
err = 'unsupported_response_type'
return self._make_redirect_error_response(redirect_uri, err)
# Check redirect URI
is_valid_redirect_uri = self.validate_redirect_uri(client_id,
if not is_valid_redirect_uri:
return self._invalid_redirect_uri_response()
# Check conditions
is_valid_client_id = self.validate_client_id(client_id)
is_valid_access = self.validate_access()
scope = params.get('scope', '')
is_valid_scope = self.validate_scope(client_id, scope)
# Return proper error responses on invalid conditions
if not is_valid_client_id:
err = 'unauthorized_client'
return self._make_redirect_error_response(redirect_uri, err)
if not is_valid_access:
err = 'access_denied'
return self._make_redirect_error_response(redirect_uri, err)
if not is_valid_scope:
err = 'invalid_scope'
return self._make_redirect_error_response(redirect_uri, err)
# Generate authorization code
code = self.generate_authorization_code()
# Save information to be used to validate later requests
# Return redirection response
'code': code,
'response_type': None,
'client_id': None,
'redirect_uri': None
redirect = utils.build_url(redirect_uri, params)
return self._make_response(headers={'Location': redirect},
def refresh_token(self,
"""Generate access token HTTP response from a refresh token.
:param grant_type: Desired grant type. Must be "refresh_token".
:type grant_type: str
:param client_id: Client ID.
:type client_id: str
:param client_secret: Client secret.
:type client_secret: str
:param refresh_token: Refresh token.
:type refresh_token: str
:rtype: requests.Response
# Ensure proper grant_type
if grant_type != 'refresh_token':
return self._make_json_error_response('unsupported_grant_type')
# Check conditions
is_valid_client_id = self.validate_client_id(client_id)
is_valid_client_secret = self.validate_client_secret(client_id,
scope = params.get('scope', '')
is_valid_scope = self.validate_scope(client_id, scope)
data = self.from_refresh_token(client_id, refresh_token, scope)
is_valid_refresh_token = data is not None
# Return proper error responses on invalid conditions
if not (is_valid_client_id and is_valid_client_secret):
return self._make_json_error_response('invalid_client')
if not is_valid_scope:
return self._make_json_error_response('invalid_scope')
if not is_valid_refresh_token:
return self._make_json_error_response('invalid_grant')
# Discard original refresh token
self.discard_refresh_token(client_id, refresh_token)
# Generate access tokens once all conditions have been met
access_token = self.generate_access_token()
token_type = self.token_type
expires_in = self.token_expires_in
refresh_token = self.generate_refresh_token()
# Save information to be used to validate later requests
# Return json response
return self._make_json_response({
'access_token': access_token,
'token_type': token_type,
'expires_in': expires_in,
'refresh_token': refresh_token
def get_token(self,
"""Generate access token HTTP response.
:param grant_type: Desired grant type. Must be "authorization_code".
:type grant_type: str
:param client_id: Client ID.
:type client_id: str
:param client_secret: Client secret.
:type client_secret: str
:param redirect_uri: Client redirect URI.
:type redirect_uri: str
:param code: Authorization code.
:type code: str
:rtype: requests.Response
# Ensure proper grant_type
if grant_type != 'authorization_code':
return self._make_json_error_response('unsupported_grant_type')
# Check conditions
is_valid_client_id = self.validate_client_id(client_id)
is_valid_client_secret = self.validate_client_secret(client_id,
is_valid_redirect_uri = self.validate_redirect_uri(client_id,
scope = params.get('scope', '')
is_valid_scope = self.validate_scope(client_id, scope)
data = self.from_authorization_code(client_id, code, scope)
is_valid_grant = data is not None
# Return proper error responses on invalid conditions
if not (is_valid_client_id and is_valid_client_secret):
return self._make_json_error_response('invalid_client')
if not is_valid_grant or not is_valid_redirect_uri:
return self._make_json_error_response('invalid_grant')
if not is_valid_scope:
return self._make_json_error_response('invalid_scope')
# Discard original authorization code
self.discard_authorization_code(client_id, code)
# Generate access tokens once all conditions have been met
access_token = self.generate_access_token()
token_type = self.token_type
expires_in = self.token_expires_in
refresh_token = self.generate_refresh_token()
# Save information to be used to validate later requests
# Return json response
return self._make_json_response({
'access_token': access_token,
'token_type': token_type,
'expires_in': expires_in,
'refresh_token': refresh_token
def get_authorization_code_from_uri(self, uri):
"""Get authorization code response from a URI. This method will
ignore the domain and path of the request, instead
automatically parsing the query string parameters.
:param uri: URI to parse for authorization information.
:type uri: str
:rtype: requests.Response
params = utils.url_query_params(uri)
if 'response_type' not in params:
raise TypeError('Missing parameter response_type in URL query')
if 'client_id' not in params:
raise TypeError('Missing parameter client_id in URL query')
if 'redirect_uri' not in params:
raise TypeError('Missing parameter redirect_uri in URL query')
return self.get_authorization_code(**params)
except TypeError as exc:
# Catch missing parameters in request
err = 'invalid_request'
if 'redirect_uri' in params:
u = params['redirect_uri']
return self._make_redirect_error_response(u, err)
return self._invalid_redirect_uri_response()
except Exception as exc:
print exc.errno
print exc.strerror
# Catch all other server errors
err = 'server_error'
u = params['redirect_uri']
return self._make_redirect_error_response(u, err)
def get_token_from_post_data(self, data):
"""Get a token response from POST data.
:param data: POST data containing authorization information.
:type data: dict
:rtype: requests.Response
# Verify OAuth 2.0 Parameters
for x in ['grant_type', 'client_id', 'client_secret']:
if not data.get(x):
raise TypeError(
"Missing required OAuth 2.0 POST param: {0}".format(x))
# Handle get token from refresh_token
if 'refresh_token' in data:
return self.refresh_token(**data)
# Handle get token from authorization code
for x in ['redirect_uri', 'code']:
if not data.get(x):
raise TypeError(
"Missing required OAuth 2.0 POST param: {0}".format(x))
return self.get_token(**data)
except TypeError as exc:
# Catch missing parameters in request
return self._make_json_error_response('invalid_request')
except Exception as exc:
print exc
# Catch all other server errors
return self._make_json_error_response('server_error')
def validate_client_id(self, client_id):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement '
def validate_client_secret(self, client_id, client_secret):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement '
def validate_redirect_uri(self, client_id, redirect_uri):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement '
def validate_scope(self, client_id, scope):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement '
def validate_access(self):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement '
def from_authorization_code(self, client_id, code, scope):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement '
def from_refresh_token(self, client_id, refresh_token, scope):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement '
def persist_authorization_code(self, client_id, code, scope):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement '
def persist_token_information(self, client_id, scope, access_token,
token_type, expires_in, refresh_token,
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement '
def discard_authorization_code(self, client_id, code):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement '
def discard_refresh_token(self, client_id, refresh_token):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement '
class OAuthError(Unauthorized):
"""OAuth error, including the OAuth error reason."""
def __init__(self, reason, *args, **kwargs):
self.reason = reason
super(OAuthError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class ResourceAuthorization(object):
"""A class containing an OAuth 2.0 authorization."""
is_oauth = False
is_valid = None
token = None
client_id = None
expires_in = None
error = None
def raise_error_if_invalid(self):
if not self.is_valid:
raise OAuthError(self.error, 'OAuth authorization error')
class ResourceProvider(Provider):
"""OAuth 2.0 resource provider. This class provides an interface
to validate an incoming request and authenticate resource access.
Certain methods MUST be overridden in a subclass, thus this
class cannot be directly used as a resource provider.
These are the methods that must be implemented in a subclass:
# Return header string for key "Authorization" or None
validate_access_token(self, access_token, authorization)
# Set is_valid=True, client_id, and expires_in attributes
# on authorization if authorization was successful.
# Return value is ignored
def authorization_class(self):
return ResourceAuthorization
def get_authorization(self):
"""Get authorization object representing status of authentication."""
auth = self.authorization_class()
header = self.get_authorization_header()
if not header or not header.split:
return auth
header = header.split()
if len(header) > 1 and header[0] == 'Bearer':
auth.is_oauth = True
access_token = header[1]
self.validate_access_token(access_token, auth)
if not auth.is_valid:
auth.error = 'access_denied'
return auth
def get_authorization_header(self):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement '
def validate_access_token(self, access_token, authorization):
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement '