blob: cc2e6f6f9732b5ea507086116a7a71d15cff5ab3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
"""This module provides functions to generate an ec2stack configuration file.
import os
import argparse
from alembic import command
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
from alembic.config import Config as AlembicConfig
def main():
Entry point into the configuration application.
config_folder = _create_config_folder()
def _create_config_folder():
Creates a folder to hold the user's configuration files.
@return: Path of the configuration folder.
config_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.ec2stack')
if not os.path.exists(config_folder):
os.chmod(config_folder, 0700)
return config_folder
def _create_config_file(config_folder):
Reads in configuration items and writes them out to the configuration file.
@param config_folder: Path of the configuration folder.
args = _generate_args()
profile = args.pop('profile')
advanced_network_enabled = args.pop('advanced')
config_file_path = config_folder + '/ec2stack.conf'
config = _modify_config_profile(config_file_path, profile, advanced_network_enabled)
config_file = open(config_file_path, 'w+')
def _generate_args():
Generate command line arguments for ec2stack-configure.
@return: args.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
'Command line utility for configuring ec2stack'
help='The profile to configure, default is initial',
help='Turn advanced network config on for application',
args = parser.parse_args()
return vars(args)
def _modify_config_profile(config_file, profile, advanced_network_enabled):
Modify configuration profile.
@param config_file: current config file configuration.
@param profile: the profile to set the attribute in.
@return: configparser configuration.
config = SafeConfigParser()
if not config.has_section(profile):
config = _set_mandatory_attributes_of_profile(config, profile)
if advanced_network_enabled:
config = _set_advanced_network_attributes_of_profile(config, profile)
config = _set_optional_attributes_of_profile(config, profile)
return config
def _set_mandatory_attributes_of_profile(config, profile):
Modify mandatory attributes of profile.
@param config: current configparser configuration.
@param profile: the profile to set the attribute in.
@return: configparser configuration.
config = _set_attribute_of_profile(
config, profile, 'ec2stack_bind_address', 'EC2Stack bind address', 'localhost'
config = _set_attribute_of_profile(
config, profile, 'ec2stack_port', 'EC2Stack bind port', '5000'
config = _set_attribute_of_profile(
config, profile, 'cloudstack_host', 'Cloudstack host', 'localhost'
config = _set_attribute_of_profile(
config, profile, 'cloudstack_port', 'Cloudstack port', '8080'
config = _set_attribute_of_profile(
config, profile, 'cloudstack_protocol', 'Cloudstack protocol', 'http'
config = _set_attribute_of_profile(
config, profile, 'cloudstack_path', 'Cloudstack path', '/client/api'
config = _set_attribute_of_profile(
config, profile, 'cloudstack_custom_disk_offering', 'Cloudstack custom disk offering name', 'Custom'
while True:
config = _set_attribute_of_profile(
config, profile, 'cloudstack_default_zone', 'Cloudstack default zone name', ''
if config.get(profile, 'cloudstack_default_zone') is not '':
return config
def _set_advanced_network_attributes_of_profile(config, profile):
Modify advanced network attributes of profile.
@param config: current configparser configuration.
@param profile: the profile to set the attribute in.
@return: configparser configuration.
config = _set_attribute_of_profile(
config, profile, 'vpc_offering_id', 'VPC offering id', ''
return config
def _set_optional_attributes_of_profile(config, profile):
Modify optional attributes of profile.
@param config: current configparser configuration.
@param profile: the profile to set the attribute in.
@return: configparser configuration.
configure_instance_type_mapings = raw_input(
'Do you wish to input instance type mappings? (Yes/No): '
if configure_instance_type_mapings.lower() in ['yes', 'y']:
config = _read_user_instance_mappings(config, profile)
configure_resource_type_mapings = raw_input(
'Do you wish to input resource type to resource id mappings'
+ ' for tag support? (Yes/No): '
if configure_resource_type_mapings.lower() in ['yes', 'y']:
config = _read_user_resource_type_mappings(config, profile)
return config
def _read_user_instance_mappings(config, profile):
Add instance type mappings to profile.
@param config: current configparser configuration.
@param profile: the profile to set the attribute in.
@return: configparser configuration.
instance_section = profile + "instancemap"
if not config.has_section(instance_section):
while True:
key = raw_input(
'Insert the AWS EC2 instance type you wish to map: '
value = raw_input(
'Insert the name of the instance type you wish to map this to: '
config.set(instance_section, key, value)
add_more = raw_input(
'Do you wish to add more mappings? (Yes/No): ')
if add_more.lower() in ['no', 'n']:
return config
def _read_user_resource_type_mappings(config, profile):
Add resource type mappings to profile.
@param config: current configparser configuration.
@param profile: the profile to set the attribute in.
@return: configparser configuration.
resource_section = profile + "resourcemap"
if not config.has_section(resource_section):
while True:
key = raw_input(
'Insert the cloudstack resource id you wish to map: '
value = raw_input(
'Insert the cloudstack resource type you wish to map this to: '
config.set(resource_section, key, value)
add_more = raw_input(
'Do you wish to add more mappings? (Yes/No): ')
if add_more.lower() in ['no', 'n']:
return config
def _set_attribute_of_profile(config, profile, attribute, message, default):
Set attribute of profile
@param config: current configparser configuration.
@param profile: the profile to set the attribute in.
@param attribute: the attribute to set.
@param message: the message to prompt the user with.
@param default: the default value to use if none is entered.
@return: configparser configuration.
if config.has_option(profile, attribute):
default = config.get(profile, attribute)
attribute_value = _read_in_config_attribute_or_use_default(message, default)
config.set(profile, attribute, attribute_value)
return config
def _read_in_config_attribute_or_use_default(message, default):
Add resource type mappings to profile.
@param message: the message to prompt the user with.
@param default: the default value to use if none is entered.
@return: configparser configuration.
attribute = raw_input(message + ' [' + default + ']: ')
if attribute == '':
attribute = default
return attribute
def _create_database():
Creates/Updates the database.
directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../migrations')
config = AlembicConfig(os.path.join(
config.set_main_option('script_location', directory)
command.upgrade(config, 'head', sql=False, tag=None)