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Primate Guide
What is Primate?
Apache CloudStack Primate is a modern role-based progressive UI based on Vue.js
and Ant Design for Apache CloudStack.
.. image::
:width: 800px
:alt: alternate text
:align: left
Primate GA was released with CloudStack 4.15, where the legacy UI is deprecated,
and will be removed in an eventual major CloudStack release.
`User participation in the community mailing lists
<>`_ is encouraged. Users may
also log issues on Github
Primate uses API auto-discovery to discover APIs allowed for a logged-in user
and creates navigation and views based on that, and requires the following:
- Apache CloudStack 4.15 or later
- API discovery (listApis) enabled
- Modern browsers that are `ES5-compliant <>`_
In theory Primate can work with any older version of CloudStack that supports
API discovery. However, several Primate list views require API pagination support,
some of which are available starting Apache CloudStack 4.15 as well as several other
API improvements which may not be available prior to Apache CloudStack 4.15.
Installation on CentOS
Users running management server (4.15 or above) on CentOS can setup the
following Primate repository:
.. parsed-literal::
rpm --import
cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudstack-primate.repo
Next, install Primate:
.. parsed-literal::
yum install cloudstack-primate
Note: there is no need to restart management server post-installation, and
after installation the UI can be accessed on
management-server-host:8080/client/primate using any modern browser.
Installation on Ubuntu
Users running CloudStack management server (4.15 or above) on Ubuntu can setup the following Primate repository:
.. parsed-literal::
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys BDF0E176584DF93F
echo deb / > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudstack-primate.list
Next, install Primate:
.. parsed-literal::
apt-get update
apt-get install cloudstack-primate
Note: there is no need to restart management server post-installation, and
after installation the UI can be accessed on
management-server-host:8080/client/primate using any modern browser.
Using Archive
Primate archives are tarballs of single-page app builds. They can be simply
downloaded and extracted to the management server webapp directory or hosted
with a custom webserver.
Users can download the builds from
Using Docker
Users can use docker builds of Primate from
For example:
.. parsed-literal::
docker pull apache/cloudstack-primate:latest
docker run -ti --rm -p 8080:80 -v $(pwd)/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro apache/cloudstack-primate:latest
Example nginx config:
.. parsed-literal::
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html;
location /client/ {
# should be replaced your CloudStack management
# Server's actual URI
Basic Customization in CloudStack Primate
Users can now customize the CloudStack's user interface by means of a configuration file at /usr/share/cloudstack-management/webapp/primate/config.json which can be used to modify the theme, logos, etc. to align to one's requirement.
To change the logo, login banner, error page icon, etc. the following details can be edited in config.json:
.. parsed-literal::
"logo": "assets/logo.svg",
"banner": "assets/banner.svg",
"error": {
"404": "assets/404.png",
"403": "assets/403.png",
"500": "assets/500.png"
- logo: changes the logo top-left side image.
- banner: changes the login banner image.
- error.404: changes the image of error Page not found.
- error.403: changes the image of error Forbidden.
- error.500: changes the image of error Internal Server Error.
Customization of themes is also possible, such as, modifying banner width, general color, etc. This can be done by editing the "theme" section of the config.json file:
.. parsed-literal::
"theme": {
"@logo-background-color": "#ffffff",
"@navigation-background-color": "#ffffff",
"@navigation-text-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)",
"@primary-color": "#1890ff",
"@link-color": "#1890ff",
"@link-hover-color": "#40a9ff",
"@loading-color": "#1890ff",
"@processing-color": "#1890ff",
"@success-color": "#52c41a",
"@warning-color": "#faad14",
"@error-color": "#f5222d",
"@font-size-base": "14px",
"@heading-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)",
"@text-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)",
"@text-color-secondary": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45)",
"@disabled-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)",
"@border-color-base": "#d9d9d9",
"@border-radius-base": "4px",
"@box-shadow-base": "0 2px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)",
"@logo-width": "256px",
"@logo-height": "64px",
"@banner-width": "700px",
"@banner-height": "110px",
"@error-width": "256px",
"@error-height": "256px"
- @logo-background-color changes the logo background color.
- @navigation-background-color changes the navigation menu background color.
- @navigation-text-color changes the navigation text color.
- @primary-color: changes the major background color of the page (background button, icon hover, etc).
- @link-color changes the link color.
- @link-hover-color changes the link hover color.
- @loading-color changes the message loading color and page loading bar at the top page.
- @success-color: changes success state color.
- @processing-color: changes processing state color. Exp: progress status.
- @warning-color: changes warning state color.
- @error-color: changes error state color.
- @heading-color: changes table header color.
- @text-color: change in major text color.
- @text-color-secondary: change of secondary text color (breadcrumb icon).
- @disabled-color: disable state color (disabled button, switch, etc).
- @border-color-base: change in major border color.
- @logo-width: change the width of the logo top-left side.
- @logo-height: change the height of the logo top-left side.
- @banner-width: changes the width of the login banner.
- @banner-height: changes the height of the login banner.
- @error-width: changes the width of the error image.
- @error-height: changes the height of the error image.
Some assorted primary theme colours:
- Blue: #1890FF
- Red: #F5222D
- Yellow: #FAAD14
- Cyan: #13C2C2
- Green: #52C41A
- Purple: #722ED1
Advanced Customisation
Primate advanced customisation is possible only by changing JavaScript based config
files which define rules for sections, names, icons, actions and components and by
building primate from source available on the `cloudstack-primate
repository. Advanced customisation may require some experience in JavaScript and VueJS,
a development and customisation guide is available `here
Known Issues and Missing Features
- Deployment of a basic zone is not supported. However, existing basic zones will continue to be supported as well as all the actions and views of various resources within the existing basic zone.
- Support for S3 based secondary storage.
- NFS secondary staging storage list/resource view and add/update actions.
- SSL certificate for Guest network LB rule.
- Regions.
Primate open issues are listed on