Information about StorPool plugin (#270)

diff --git a/source/installguide/configuration.rst b/source/installguide/configuration.rst
index a6dc628..7cb469f 100644
--- a/source/installguide/configuration.rst
+++ b/source/installguide/configuration.rst
@@ -1328,6 +1328,57 @@
 -	<STORAGEPOOL>=[PowerFlex storage pool name (case sensitive)]
+StorPool Plug-in
+.. note::
+   The StorPool storage plug-in for CloudStack is part of the standard
+   CloudStack install. There is no additional work required to add this
+   component.
+The StorPool plug-in is deeply integrated with CloudStack and works on with KVM hypervisors.
+When used with service or disk offerings, an administrator is able to
+build an environment in which a root or data disk that a user creates
+leads to the dynamic creation of a StorPool volume, which has guaranteed
+performance. Such a StorPool volume is associated with one CloudStack volume,
+so performance of the CloudStack volume does not vary depending on how
+heavily other tenants are using the system. The volume migration is supported
+accross non-managed storage pools (e.g. NFS/Local storage/Ceph) to StorPool, and
+accross StorPool storage pools.
+More technical details could be found on `StorPool Knowledge Base <>`_.
+The createStoragePool API has been augmented to support plugable storage providers.
+The following is a list of parameters to use when adding storage to CloudStack that is based on the StorPool plug-in:
+zoneid=[your zone id]
+name=[name for primary storage]
+capacityBytes=[used for accounting purposes only. May be more or less than the actual StorPool template capacity]
+url=[storage pool url]
+The url parameter contains the StorPool storage pool details, specifed in the following format:
+-       <SP_API_HTTP>=[address of StorPool Api]
+-       <SP_AUTH_TOKEN>=[StorPool's token]
+-       <SP_TEMPLATE>=[name of StorPool's template]
+================================= ====================================================================================================================================================================
+StorPool Configurations                     Description
+================================= ====================================================================================================================================================================       For StorPool Managed storage backup to secondary                     For StorPool multi cluster authorization (It will be set automaticaly for each cluster)
+sp.enable.alternative.endpoint    Used for StorPool primary storage, defines if there is a need to be used alternative endpoint
+sp.alternative.endpoint           Used for StorPool primary storage for an alternative endpoint. Structure of the endpoint is `SP_API_HTTP=address:port; SP_AUTH_TOKEN=token; SP_TEMPLATE=template_name`
+storpool.volume.tags.checkup      Minimal interval (in seconds) to check and report if a StorPool volume created by CloudStack exists in CloudStack's database
+storpool.snapshot.tags.checkup    Minimal interval (in seconds) to check and report if a StorPool snapshot created by CloudStack exists in CloudStack's database
+================================= ====================================================================================================================================================================
 .. _add-secondary-storage: