blob: c3b1324aa9fdc7b3d912b22b5f52a4421e848b87 [file] [log] [blame]
.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information#
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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under the License.
This section describes installing the Management Server. There are two
slightly different installation flows, depending on how many Management
Server nodes will be in your cloud:
- A single Management Server node, with MySQL on the same node.
- Multiple Management Server nodes, with MySQL on a node separate from
the Management Servers.
In either case, each machine must meet the system requirements described
in :ref:`minimum-system-requirements`.
.. warning::
For the sake of security, be sure the public Internet can not access port
8096 or port 8250 on the Management Server.
The procedure for installing the Management Server is:
#. Prepare the Operating System
#. (XenServer only) Download and install vhd-util.
#. Install the First Management Server
#. Install and Configure the MySQL database
#. Prepare NFS Shares
#. Prepare and Start Additional Management Servers (optional)
#. Prepare the System VM Template
Prepare the Operating System
The OS must be prepared to host the Management Server using the
following steps. These steps must be performed on each Management Server
#. Log in to your OS as root.
#. Check for a fully qualified hostname.
.. parsed-literal::
hostname --fqdn
This should return a fully qualified hostname such as
"". If it does not, edit /etc/hosts so
that it does.
#. Make sure that the machine can reach the Internet.
.. parsed-literal::
#. Turn on NTP for time synchronization.
.. note::
An NTP daemon is required to synchronize the clocks of the servers in your cloud.
Install chrony.
In RHEL or CentOS:
.. parsed-literal::
$ yum install chrony
In Ubuntu:
.. parsed-literal::
$ apt-get install chrony
.. parsed-literal::
$ zypper install chrony
#. Repeat all of these steps on every host where the Management Server
will be installed.
.. warning::
CloudStack |version| requires Java 11 JRE. Installing CloudStack packages will
automatically install Java 11, but it's good to explicitly confirm that the Java 11
is the selected/active one (in case you had a previous Java version already installed)
with ``alternatives --config java`` after CloudStack packages are already installed.