blob: cc2d114113d346ba61f6fa2ff13ac39b3df57d33 [file] [log] [blame]
.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information#
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Install the database server
The CloudStack management server uses a MySQL database server to store
its data. When you are installing the management server on a single
node, you can install the MySQL server locally. For an installation that
has multiple management server nodes, we assume the MySQL database also
runs on a separate node.
CloudStack has been tested with MySQL 5.1 and 5.5. These versions are
included in RHEL/CentOS and Ubuntu.
Install the Database on the Management Server Node
This section describes how to install MySQL on the same machine with the
Management Server. This technique is intended for a simple deployment
that has a single Management Server node. If you have a multi-node
Management Server deployment, you will typically use a separate node for
MySQL. See :ref:`install-database-on-separate-node`.
#. Install MySQL from the package repository of your distribution:
.. parsed-literal::
yum install mysql-server
.. parsed-literal::
zypper install mysql-server
.. parsed-literal::
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
#. Open the MySQL configuration file. The configuration file is
``/etc/my.cnf`` or ``/etc/mysql/my.cnf``, depending on your OS.
Insert the following lines in the ``[mysqld]`` section.
You can put these lines below the datadir line. The max\_connections
parameter should be set to 350 multiplied by the number of Management
Servers you are deploying. This example assumes one Management
.. parsed-literal::
binlog-format = 'ROW'
.. note::
For Ubuntu 16.04 and later, make sure you specify a ``server-id`` in your ``.cnf`` file for binary logging. Set the ``server-id`` according to your database setup.
.. parsed-literal::
binlog-format = 'ROW'
.. note::
You can also create a file ``/etc/mysql/conf.d/cloudstack.cnf``
and add these directives there. Don't forget to add ``[mysqld]`` on the
first line of the file.
#. Start or restart MySQL to put the new configuration into effect.
On RHEL/CentOS, MySQL doesn't automatically start after installation.
Start it manually.
.. parsed-literal::
systemctl start mysqld
On SUSE, start MySQL
.. parsed-literal::
systemctl start mysql
On Ubuntu, restart MySQL.
.. parsed-literal::
sudo systemctl restart mysql
#. (CentOS and RHEL only; not required on Ubuntu)
.. warning::
On RHEL and CentOS, MySQL does not set a root password by default. It is
very strongly recommended that you set a root password as a security
Run the following command to secure your installation. You can answer "Y"
to all questions.
.. parsed-literal::
#. CloudStack can be blocked by security mechanisms, such as SELinux.
Disable SELinux to ensure + that the Agent has all the required
Configure SELinux (RHEL and CentOS):
#. Check whether SELinux is installed on your machine. If not, you
can skip this section.
In RHEL or CentOS, SELinux is installed and enabled by default.
You can verify this with:
.. parsed-literal::
rpm -qa | grep selinux
#. Set the SELINUX variable in ``/etc/selinux/config`` to
"permissive". This ensures that the permissive setting will be
maintained after a system reboot.
In RHEL or CentOS:
.. parsed-literal::
vi /etc/selinux/config
Change the following line
.. parsed-literal::
to this:
.. parsed-literal::
#. Set SELinux to permissive starting immediately, without requiring
a system reboot.
.. parsed-literal::
setenforce permissive
#. Set up the database.
The cloudstack-setup-databases script is used for creating the cloudstack
databases (cloud, cloud_usage), creating a user (cloud), granting permissions
to the user and preparing the tables for the first startup of the management
The following command creates the "cloud" user on the database.
.. parsed-literal::
cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:<dbpassword>@localhost \
[ --deploy-as=root:<password> | --schema-only ] \
-e <encryption_type> \
-m <management_server_key> \
-k <database_key> \
-i <management_server_ip>
- In dbpassword, specify the password to be assigned to the "cloud"
user. You can choose to provide no password although that is not
- In deploy-as, specify the username and password of the user
deploying the database. In the following command, it is assumed
the root user is deploying the database and creating the "cloud"
- (Optional) There is an option to bypass the creating of the databases,
user and granting permissions to the user. This is useful if you don't
want to expose your root credentials but still want the database to
be prepared for first start up. These skipped steps will have had to be
done manually prior to executing this script. This behaviour can be
envoked by passing the --schema-only flag. This flag conflicts with the
--deploy-as flag so the two cannot be used together. To set up the
databases and user manually before executing the script with the flag,
these commands can be executed:
.. code:: mysql
-- Create the cloud and cloud_usage databases
CREATE DATABASE `cloud_usage`;
-- Create the cloud user
CREATE USER cloud@`localhost` identified by '<password>';
CREATE USER cloud@`%` identified by '<password>';
-- Grant all privileges to the cloud user on the databases
GRANT ALL ON cloud.* to cloud@`localhost`;
GRANT ALL ON cloud.* to cloud@`%`;
GRANT ALL ON cloud_usage.* to cloud@`localhost`;
GRANT ALL ON cloud_usage.* to cloud@`%`;
-- Grant process list privilege for all other databases
GRANT process ON *.* TO cloud@`localhost`;
GRANT process ON *.* TO cloud@`%`;
- (Optional) For encryption\_type, use file or web to indicate the
technique used to pass in the database encryption password.
Default: file. See :ref:`about-password-key-encryption`.
- (Optional) For management\_server\_key, substitute the default key
that is used to encrypt confidential parameters in the CloudStack
properties file. Default: password. It is highly recommended that
you replace this with a more secure value. See
- (Optional) For database\_key, substitute the default key that is
used to encrypt confidential parameters in the CloudStack
database. Default: password. It is highly recommended that you
replace this with a more secure value. See
- (Optional) For management\_server\_ip, you may explicitly specify
cluster management server node IP. If not specified, the local IP
address will be used.
When this script is finished, you should see a message like
“Successfully initialized the database.”
.. note::
If the script is unable to connect to the MySQL database, check the
"localhost" loopback address in ``/etc/hosts``. It should be pointing to
the IPv4 loopback address "" and not the IPv6 loopback address
``::1``. Alternatively, reconfigure MySQL to bind to the IPv6 loopback
#. If you are running the KVM hypervisor on the same machine with the
Management Server, edit /etc/sudoers and add the following line:
.. parsed-literal::
Defaults:cloud !requiretty
#. Now that the database is set up, you can finish configuring the OS
for the Management Server. This command will set up iptables,
sudoers, and start the Management Server.
.. parsed-literal::
You should get the output message “CloudStack Management Server setup is
If the servlet container is Tomcat7 the argument --tomcat7 must be used.
.. _install-database-on-separate-node:
Install the Database on a Separate Node
This section describes how to install MySQL on a standalone machine,
separate from the Management Server. This technique is intended for a
deployment that includes several Management Server nodes. If you have a
single-node Management Server deployment, you will typically use the
same node for MySQL. See `“Install the Database on the Management Server Node”
.. note::
The management server doesn't require a specific distribution for the MySQL
node. You can use a distribution or Operating System of your choice. Using
the same distribution as the management server is recommended, but not
required. See `“Management Server, Database, and Storage System Requirements”
#. Install MySQL from the package repository from your distribution:
.. parsed-literal::
yum install mysql-server
.. parsed-literal::
zypper install mysql-server
.. parsed-literal::
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
#. Edit the MySQL configuration (/etc/my.cnf or /etc/mysql/my.cnf,
depending on your OS) and insert the following lines in the [mysqld]
section. You can put these lines below the datadir line. The
max\_connections parameter should be set to 350 multiplied by the
number of Management Servers you are deploying. This example assumes
two Management Servers.
.. note::
On Ubuntu, you can also create /etc/mysql/conf.d/cloudstack.cnf file and
add these directives there. Don't forget to add [mysqld] on the first
line of the file.
.. parsed-literal::
binlog-format = 'ROW'
bind-address =
#. Start or restart MySQL to put the new configuration into effect.
On RHEL/CentOS, MySQL doesn't automatically start after installation.
Start it manually.
.. parsed-literal::
service mysqld start
On SUSE, enable and start MySQL
.. parsed-literal::
systemctl enable mysql
systemctl start mysql
On Ubuntu, restart MySQL.
.. parsed-literal::
sudo service mysql restart
#. (CentOS and RHEL only; not required on Ubuntu)
.. warning::
On RHEL and CentOS, MySQL does not set a root password by default. It is
very strongly recommended that you set a root password as a security
precaution. Run the following command to secure your installation. You
can answer "Y" to all questions except "Disallow root login remotely?".
Remote root login is required to set up the databases.
.. parsed-literal::
#. If a firewall is present on the system, open TCP port 3306 so
external MySQL connections can be established.
On Ubuntu, UFW is the default firewall. Open the port with this
.. parsed-literal::
ufw allow mysql
#. Edit the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file and add the following line
at the beginning of the INPUT chain.
.. parsed-literal::
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
#. Now reload the iptables rules.
.. parsed-literal::
service iptables restart
.. warning::
On CentOS 8 / SUSE, firewalld is the default firewall manager and controls iptables. It is
recommended that it be disabled ``systemctl stop firewalld ; systemctl disable firewalld``,
since CloudStack directly manipulates the iptable rules to manage networks.
.. warning::
On SUSE, iptables are not persisted on reboot, so it is recommended that iptables and
ip6tables service be created to ensure that they persist
#. Return to the root shell on your first Management Server.
#. Set up the database.
The cloudstack-setup-databases script is used for creating the cloudstack
databases (cloud, cloud_usage), creating a user (cloud), granting permissions
to the user and preparing the tables for the first startup of the management
The following command creates the cloud user on the database.
.. parsed-literal::
cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:<dbpassword>@<ip address mysql server> \
[ --deploy-as=root:<password> | --schema-only ]\
-e <encryption_type> \
-m <management_server_key> \
-k <database_key> \
-i <management_server_ip>
- In dbpassword, specify the password to be assigned to the cloud
user. You can choose to provide no password.
- In deploy-as, specify the username and password of the user
deploying the database. In the following command, it is assumed
the root user is deploying the database and creating the cloud
- (Optional) There is an option to bypass the creating of the databases,
user and granting permissions to the user. This is useful if you don't
want to expose your root credentials but still want the database to
be prepared for first start up. These skipped steps will have had to be
done manually prior to executing this script. This behaviour can be
envoked by passing the --schema-only flag. This flag conflicts with the
--deploy-as flag so the two cannot be used together. To set up the
databases and user manually before executing the script with the flag,
these commands can be executed:
.. code:: mysql
-- Create the cloud and cloud_usage databases
CREATE DATABASE `cloud_usage`;
-- Create the cloud user
CREATE USER cloud@`localhost` identified by '<password>';
CREATE USER cloud@`%` identified by '<password>';
-- Grant all privileges to the cloud user on the databases
GRANT ALL ON cloud.* to cloud@`localhost`;
GRANT ALL ON cloud.* to cloud@`%`;
GRANT ALL ON cloud_usage.* to cloud@`localhost`;
GRANT ALL ON cloud_usage.* to cloud@`%`;
-- Grant process list privilege for all other databases
GRANT process ON *.* TO cloud@`localhost`;
GRANT process ON *.* TO cloud@`%`;
- (Optional) For encryption\_type, use file or web to indicate the
technique used to pass in the database encryption password.
Default: file. See :ref:`about-password-key-encryption`.
- (Optional) For management\_server\_key, substitute the default key
that is used to encrypt confidential parameters in the CloudStack
properties file. Default: password. It is highly recommended that
you replace this with a more secure value. See
- (Optional) For database\_key, substitute the default key that is
used to encrypt confidential parameters in the CloudStack
database. Default: password. It is highly recommended that you
replace this with a more secure value. See
- (Optional) For management\_server\_ip, you may explicitly specify
cluster management server node IP. If not specified, the local IP
address will be used.
.. parsed-literal::
cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:<dbpassword>@<ip address mysql server> \
--deploy-as=root:<password> \
-e <encryption_type> \
-m <management_server_key> \
-k <database_key> \
-i <management_server_ip>
When this script is finished, you should see a message like
“Successfully initialized the database.”
#. Now that the database is set up, you can finish configuring the OS
for the Management Server. This command will set up iptables,
sudoers, and start the Management Server.
.. parsed-literal::
You should get the output message “CloudStack Management Server setup is
.. warning::
On RHEL and CentOS systems, firewalld (installed by default) will override all
iptables rules set by the cloudstack-setup-management script,
so ensure that the firewalld is disabled or ensure the correct firewalld rules
are in place to allow traffic to ports 8080, 8250 and 9090 to the management server.