blob: cefdf74330b60d1b22a9bd665421f3941d9b2cef [file] [log] [blame]
.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information#
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
API Changes Introduced in
For the complete list of API commands and params consult the `CloudStack Apidocs`_.
New API Commands
.. cssclass:: table-striped table-bordered table-hover
| Name | Description |
| ``startRollingMaintenance`` | Start rolling maintenance |
| ``createBackupSchedule`` | Creates a user-defined VM backup schedule |
| ``listBackupOfferings`` | Lists backup offerings |
| ``createBackup`` | Create VM backup |
| ``stopKubernetesCluster`` | Stops a running Kubernetes cluster |
| ``listKubernetesClusters`` | Lists Kubernetes clusters |
| ``scaleKubernetesCluster`` | Scales a created, running or stopped Kubernetes cluster |
| ``destroyVolume`` | Destroys a Volume. |
| ``deleteBackupOffering`` | Deletes a backup offering |
| ``updateSecurityGroup`` | Updates a security group |
| ``getRouterHealthCheckResults`` | Starts a router. |
| ``listBackups`` | Lists VM backups |
| ``listBackupProviders`` | Lists Backup and Recovery providers |
| ``deleteKubernetesSupportedVersion`` | Deletes a Kubernetes cluster |
| ``restoreBackup`` | Restores an existing stopped or deleted VM using a VM backup |
| ``addKubernetesSupportedVersion`` | Add a supported Kubernetes version |
| ``deleteKubernetesCluster`` | Deletes a Kubernetes cluster |
| ``getKubernetesClusterConfig`` | Get Kubernetes cluster config |
| ``updateKubernetesSupportedVersion`` | Update a supported Kubernetes version |
| ``upgradeKubernetesCluster`` | Upgrades a running Kubernetes cluster |
| ``deleteBackupSchedule`` | Deletes the backup schedule of a VM |
| ``listBackupProviderOfferings`` | Lists external backup offerings of the provider |
| ``createKubernetesCluster`` | Creates a Kubernetes cluster |
| ``importBackupOffering`` | Imports a backup offering using a backup provider |
| ``removeVirtualMachineFromBackupOffering`` | Removes a VM from any existing backup offering |
| ``listKubernetesSupportedVersions`` | Lists container clusters |
| ``recoverVolume`` | Recovers a Destroy volume. |
| ``listUnmanagedInstances`` | Lists unmanaged virtual machines for a given cluster. |
| ``importUnmanagedInstance`` | Import unmanaged virtual machine from a given cluster. |
| ``getDiagnosticsData`` | Get diagnostics and files from system VMs |
| ``startKubernetesCluster`` | Starts a stopped Kubernetes cluster |
| ``listBackupSchedule`` | List backup schedule of a VM |
| ``restoreVolumeFromBackupAndAttachToVM`` | Restore and attach a backed up volume to VM |
| ``updateBackupSchedule`` | Updates a user-defined VM backup schedule |
| ``deleteBackup`` | Delete VM backup |
| ``assignVirtualMachineToBackupOffering`` | Assigns a VM to a backup offering |
Parameters Changed API Commands
.. cssclass:: table-striped table-bordered table-hover
| Name | Description |
| ``listHosts`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cpuloadaverage`` |
| | - ``ueficapability`` |
| | |
| | *Removed Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``averageload`` |
| | |
| ``importLdapUsers`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``conflictingusersource`` |
| | |
| ``listHostsMetrics`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cpuloadaverage`` |
| | |
| ``restoreVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``updateHost`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cpuloadaverage`` |
| | - ``ueficapability`` |
| | |
| | *Removed Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``averageload`` |
| | |
| ``stopRouter`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``healthchecksfailed`` |
| | - ``healthcheckresults(*)`` |
| | |
| ``changeServiceForVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``startRouter`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``healthchecksfailed`` |
| | - ``healthcheckresults(*)`` |
| | |
| ``rebootVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``listVolumesMetrics`` | **Request:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``state`` (optional) |
| | |
| ``updateVmNicIp`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``startInternalLoadBalancerVM`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``healthchecksfailed`` |
| | - ``healthcheckresults(*)`` |
| | |
| ``searchLdap`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``conflictingusersource`` |
| | |
| ``stopNetScalerVpx`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``healthchecksfailed`` |
| | - ``healthcheckresults(*)`` |
| | |
| ``listCapabilities`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``allowuserexpungerecovervolume`` |
| | - ``kubernetesclusterexperimentalfeaturesenabled`` |
| | - ``kubernetesserviceenabled`` |
| | |
| ``listLdapUsers`` | **Request:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``domainid`` (optional) |
| | - ``userfilter`` (optional) |
| | |
| | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``conflictingusersource`` |
| | |
| ``rebootRouter`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``healthchecksfailed`` |
| | - ``healthcheckresults(*)`` |
| | |
| ``listNics`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``adaptertype`` |
| | - ``ipaddresses`` |
| | - ``isolatedpvlan`` |
| | - ``isolatedpvlantype`` |
| | - ``vlanid`` |
| | |
| ``addNicToVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``listExternalLoadBalancers`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cpuloadaverage`` |
| | - ``ueficapability`` |
| | |
| | *Removed Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``averageload`` |
| | |
| ``updateDefaultNicForVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``stopInternalLoadBalancerVM`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``healthchecksfailed`` |
| | - ``healthcheckresults(*)`` |
| | |
| ``createServiceOffering`` | **Request:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cachemode`` (optional) |
| | |
| | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cacheMode`` |
| | |
| ``assignVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``changeServiceForRouter`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``healthchecksfailed`` |
| | - ``healthcheckresults(*)`` |
| | |
| ``updateVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``migrateVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``resetPasswordForVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``associateIpAddress`` | **Request:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``ipaddress`` (optional) |
| | |
| ``resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``listInternalLoadBalancerVMs`` | **Request:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``fetchhealthcheckresults`` (optional) |
| | |
| | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``healthchecksfailed`` |
| | - ``healthcheckresults(*)`` |
| | |
| ``detachIso`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``prepareHostForMaintenance`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cpuloadaverage`` |
| | - ``ueficapability`` |
| | |
| | *Removed Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``averageload`` |
| | |
| ``listVirtualMachines`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``revertToVMSnapshot`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``deployVirtualMachine`` | **Request:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``bootmode`` (optional) |
| | - ``boottype`` (optional) |
| | |
| | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``cancelHostMaintenance`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cpuloadaverage`` |
| | - ``ueficapability`` |
| | |
| | *Removed Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``averageload`` |
| | |
| ``createDiskOffering`` | **Request:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cachemode`` (optional) |
| | |
| ``listVolumes`` | **Request:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``state`` (optional) |
| | |
| ``createNetwork`` | **Request:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``isolatedpvlantype`` (optional) |
| | |
| ``migrateVirtualMachineWithVolume`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``addHost`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cpuloadaverage`` |
| | - ``ueficapability`` |
| | |
| | *Removed Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``averageload`` |
| | |
| ``updateVMAffinityGroup`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``recoverVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``listRouters`` | **Request:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``fetchhealthcheckresults`` (optional) |
| | |
| | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``healthchecksfailed`` |
| | - ``healthcheckresults(*)`` |
| | |
| ``attachIso`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``destroyRouter`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``healthchecksfailed`` |
| | - ``healthcheckresults(*)`` |
| | |
| ``removeNicFromVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``reconnectHost`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cpuloadaverage`` |
| | - ``ueficapability`` |
| | |
| | *Removed Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``averageload`` |
| | |
| ``createPrivateGateway`` | **Request:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``bypassvlanoverlapcheck`` (optional) |
| | |
| ``addBaremetalHost`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cpuloadaverage`` |
| | - ``ueficapability`` |
| | |
| | *Removed Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``averageload`` |
| | |
| ``destroyVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``listServiceOfferings`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cacheMode`` |
| | |
| ``startVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``stopVirtualMachine`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``backupofferingid`` |
| | - ``backupofferingname`` |
| | - ``bootmode`` |
| | - ``boottype`` |
| | |
| ``updateServiceOffering`` | **Response:** |
| | |
| | *New Parameters:* |
| | |
| | - ``cacheMode`` |
| | |