Add documentation for packaging/ (#178)

diff --git a/source/installguide/building_from_source.rst b/source/installguide/building_from_source.rst
index 21000e6..e7b6e64 100644
--- a/source/installguide/building_from_source.rst
+++ b/source/installguide/building_from_source.rst
@@ -271,14 +271,15 @@
    $ mvn -P deps
 Now that we have resolved the dependencies we can move on to building
-CloudStack and packaging them into DEBs by issuing the following
+CloudStack and packaging them into DEBs by running the script in ``packaging`` folder:
 .. parsed-literal::
-   $ dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us
+   $ cd packaging/
+   $ ./
-This command will build the following debian packages. You should have
+This script will build the following debian packages. You should have
 all of the following:
 .. parsed-literal::
@@ -573,3 +574,11 @@
 #. Once you've built CloudStack with the ``noredist`` profile, you can
    package it using the `“Building RPMs from Source” <#building-rpms-from-source>`_
    or `“Building DEB packages” <#building-deb-packages>`_ instructions.
+.. note::
+   In case you are building debian packages via script ``packaging/``, you will need to export the following configuration:
+.. parsed-literal::
+   $ export ACS_BUILD_OPTS="-Dnoredist -Dnonoss"