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.. _bypass-secondary-storage-kvm:
Bypassing Secondary Storage For KVM templates
CloudStack provides an additional way to register and use templates on KVM.
Instead of registering a template and storing it on secondary storage, the user can opt to skip downloading the template to secondary storage for KVM at template registration. At deployment time, the template is downloaded directly to primary storage from the registered source, instead of being copied from secondary storage.
Supported protocols: HTTP/HTTPS, NFS and metalinks. The protocol is obtained from the template URL.
To enable this option for a template:
#. In the left navigation bar, click Templates.
#. Click Register Template.
#. Select KVM as hypervisor:
- **Direct Download**. This option will be shown in the UI when KVM is selected as the hypervisor. Choose Yes to enable the bypassing secondary storage option.
- **Checksum**. Optional field. If this field is populated, the checksum is compared to the downloaded template checksum when the template is downloaded to primary storage at deployment time.
After the template is registered, it is automatically available for VM deployments.
Uploading Certificates for Direct Downloads
For direct downloads over HTTPS, the KVM hosts must have valid certificates. These certificates can be either self-signed or signed and will allow the KVM hosts to access the templates/ISOs and download them.
CloudStack provides some APIs to handle certificates for direct downloads:
- Upload a certificate to hosts in 'Up' state in a zone with id = ZONE_ID:
.. code:: bash
upload templatedirectdownloadcertificate hypervisor=KVM name=CERTIFICATE_ALIAS zoneid=ZONE_ID certificate=CERTIFICATE_FORMATTED
- CERTIFICATE_FORMATTED is the string format of a X509 certificate
- CERTIFICATE_ALIAS is the alias which will be used to import the certificate on each KVM host
**Note:**. These certificates are imported into the /etc/cloudstack/agent/cloud.jks keystore on each KVM host.
- Revoke a certificate from every host in 'Up' state in a zone with id = ZONE_ID:
.. code:: bash
revoke templatedirectdownloadcertificate hypervisor=KVM name=CERTIFICATE_ALIAS zoneid=ZONE_ID
- It is also possible to revoke a certificate from a specific host within a zone:
.. code:: bash
revoke templatedirectdownloadcertificate hypervisor=KVM name=CERTIFICATE_ALIAS zoneid=ZONE_ID hostid=HOST_ID
- After a certificate is revoked from a host within a zone, it can be re-uploaded to the host:
.. code:: bash
upload templatedirectdownloadcertificate hypervisor=KVM name=CERTIFICATE_ALIAS zoneid=ZONE_ID certificate=CERTIFICATE_FORMATTED hostid=HOST_ID
Syncronising Certificates for Direct Downloads
As new hosts may be added to a zone which do not include a certificate which was previously uploaded to pre-existing hosts.
CloudStack provides a way to synchronize certificates across all the connected hosts in each zone. The global setting '' defines the interval in which the synchronization task will run. This task will:
- Iterate through each enabled zone
- Enumerate the connected hosts in a zone
- Check which hosts are missing the certificates which have been already uploaded to other hosts
- Upload missing certificates to hosts