Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/4.14'
diff --git a/source/installguide/hypervisor/vsphere.rst b/source/installguide/hypervisor/vsphere.rst
index 4c01b93..af95ddc 100644
--- a/source/installguide/hypervisor/vsphere.rst
+++ b/source/installguide/hypervisor/vsphere.rst
@@ -339,19 +339,66 @@
 Extend Port Range for CloudStack Console Proxy
-(Applies only to VMware vSphere version 4.x)
-You need to extend the range of firewall ports that the console proxy
-works with on the hosts. This is to enable the console proxy to work
-with VMware-based VMs. The default additional port range is 59000-60000.
-To extend the port range, log in to the VMware ESX service console on
-each host and run the following commands:
+In production environments (large number of VMs), 
+it's needed to extend the range of firewall ports that the console proxy
+works with on the hosts. The default additional port range is 50000-50999
+(see global settings ``vmware.additional.vnc.portrange.size`` and ``vmware.additional.vnc.portrange.start``).
+Change global setting ``vmware.additional.vnc.portrange.size`` to i.e "10000" and restart the 
+management-server service on each management server.
+Add those additional ports to the ESXi firewall on each host.
+Log in via SSH to every VMware ESXi host and edit the file ``/etc/rc.local.d/``
+by adding the following lines just above the "exit 0" line.:
 .. parsed-literal::
-   esxcfg-firewall -o 59000-60000,tcp,in,vncextras
-   esxcfg-firewall -o 59000-60000,tcp,out,vncextras
+   cat <<EOF > /etc/vmware/firewall/vncAdditionalPorts.xml
+   <ConfigRoot>
+     <service>
+       <id>vncAdditionalPorts</id>
+       <rule id='0000'>
+         <direction>inbound</direction>
+         <protocol>tcp</protocol>
+         <porttype>dst</porttype>
+         <port>
+           <begin>51000</begin>
+           <end>60000</end>
+         </port>
+       </rule>
+       <enabled>true</enabled>
+       <required>false</required>
+     </service>
+   </ConfigRoot>
+   EOF
+   esxcli network firewall refresh
+This will ensure the needed firewall rules are applied on boot of ESXi hosts.
+To make the change on the running host, repeat the commands that were just added to ```` script, at the shell command line:
+.. parsed-literal::
+   cat <<EOF > /etc/vmware/firewall/vncAdditionalPorts.xml
+   <ConfigRoot>
+     <service>
+       <id>vncAdditionalPorts</id>
+       <rule id='0000'>
+         <direction>inbound</direction>
+         <protocol>tcp</protocol>
+         <porttype>dst</porttype>
+         <port>
+           <begin>51000</begin>
+           <end>60000</end>
+         </port>
+       </rule>
+       <enabled>true</enabled>
+       <required>false</required>
+     </service>
+   </ConfigRoot>
+   EOF
+   esxcli network firewall refresh
+Run the script ``/sbin/`` and then logout from each ESXi host.
 Configure NIC Bonding for vSphere
diff --git a/source/installguide/management-server/_database.rst b/source/installguide/management-server/_database.rst
index 46a9f13..3fb2903 100644
--- a/source/installguide/management-server/_database.rst
+++ b/source/installguide/management-server/_database.rst
@@ -385,5 +385,12 @@
    You should get the output message “CloudStack Management Server setup is
-   done.”
+   done!”
+   .. warning::
+      On RHEL and CentOS systems, firewalld (installed by default) will override all 
+      iptables rules set by the cloudstack-setup-management script, 
+      so ensure that the firewalld is disabled or ensure the correct firewalld rules
+      are in place to allow traffic to ports 8080, 8250 and 9090 to the management server.
diff --git a/source/installguide/management-server/_second_mgt.rst b/source/installguide/management-server/_second_mgt.rst
index 4526bfd..f079d75 100644
--- a/source/installguide/management-server/_second_mgt.rst
+++ b/source/installguide/management-server/_second_mgt.rst
@@ -64,6 +64,12 @@
    The Management Server on this node should now be running.
    If the servlet container is Tomcat7 the argument --tomcat7 must be used.
+   .. warning::
+      On RHEL and CentOS systems, firewalld (installed by default) will override all 
+      iptables rules set by the cloudstack-setup-management script, 
+      so ensure that the firewalld is disabled or ensure the correct firewalld rules
+      are in place to allow traffic to ports 8080, 8250 and 9090 to the management server.
 #. Repeat these steps on each additional Management Server.