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If you find a typographical error in this manual, or if you have thought of a way to make this manual better, we would love to hear from you! Please submit a bug: <a href=""></a> against the component <span class="application"><strong>Doc</strong></span>.
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Better yet, feel free to submit a patch if you would like to enhance the documentation. Our documentation is, along with the rest of the Apache CloudStack source code, kept in the project's git repository.
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The most efficient way to get help with Apache CloudStack is to ask on the mailing lists.
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The Apache CloudStack project has mailing lists for users and developers. These are the official channels of communication for the project and are the best way to get answers about using and contributing to CloudStack. It's a good idea to subscribe to the mailing list if you've deployed or are deploying CloudStack into production, and even for test deployments.
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The CloudStack developer's mailing list ( is for discussions about CloudStack development, and is the best list for discussing possible bugs in CloudStack. Anyone contributing to CloudStack should be on this mailing list.
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To posts to the lists, you'll need to be subscribed. See the <a href="">CloudStack Web site</a> for instructions.
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