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Apache CloudStack Administration Guide
CloudStack will send alerts for a number of
API Queries
Configuration Parameters
System Reliability and Availability
HA for Management Server
The CloudStack Management Server should be deployed in a multi-node
configuration such that it is not susceptible to individual server failures.
The Management Server itself (as distinct from the MySQL database) is
stateless and may be placed behind a load balancer.
Normal operation of Hosts is not impacted by an outage of all Management
Serves. All guest VMs will continue to work.
When the Management Server is down, no new VMs can be created, and the end
user and admin UI, API, dynamic load distribution, and HA will cease to work.
Management Server Load Balancing
CloudStack can use a load balancer to provide a virtual IP for multiple
Management Servers. The administrator is responsible for creating the load
balancer rules for the Management Servers. The application requires
persistence or stickiness across multiple sessions. The following chart lists
the ports that should be load balanced and whether or not persistence is
.. cssclass:: table-striped table-bordered table-hover
============ ======================== ============== ======================
Source port Destination port Protocol Persistence Required?
============ ======================== ============== ======================
80 or 443 8080 (or 20400 with AJP) HTTP (or AJP) Yes
8250 8250 TCP Yes
============ ======================== ============== ======================
In addition to above settings, the administrator is responsible for setting
the 'host' global config value from the management server IP to load balancer
virtual IP address. If the 'host' value is not set to the VIP for Port 8250
and one of your management servers crashes, the UI is still available but the
system VMs will not be able to contact the management server.
Limiting the Rate of API Requests
You can limit the rate at which API requests can be placed for each account.
This is useful to avoid malicious attacks on the Management Server, prevent
performance degradation, and provide fairness to all accounts.
If the number of API calls exceeds the threshold, an error message is returned
for any additional API calls. The caller will have to retry these API calls at
another time.
Configuring the API Request Rate
To control the API request rate, use the following global configuration
- api.throttling.enabled - Enable/Disable API throttling. By default, this
setting is false, so API throttling is not enabled.
- api.throttling.interval (in seconds) - Time interval during which the
number of API requests is to be counted. When the interval has passed, the
API count is reset to 0.
- api.throttling.max - Maximum number of APIs that can be placed within the
api.throttling.interval period.
- api.throttling.cachesize - Cache size for storing API counters. Use a value
higher than the total number of accounts managed by the cloud. One cache
entry is needed for each account, to store the running API total for that
Limitations on API Throttling
The following limitations exist in the current implementation of this feature:
- In a deployment with multiple Management Servers, the cache is not
synchronized across them. In this case, CloudStack might not be able to
ensure that only the exact desired number of API requests are allowed. In
the worst case, the number of API calls that might be allowed is ``(number
of Management Servers) * (api.throttling.max)``.
- The API commands resetApiLimit and getApiLimit are limited to the
Management Server where the API is invoked.
HA-Enabled Virtual Machines
The user can specify a virtual machine as HA-enabled. By default, all virtual
router VMs and Elastic Load Balancing VMs are automatically configured as
HA-enabled. When an HA-enabled VM crashes, CloudStack detects the crash and
restarts the VM automatically within the same Availability Zone. HA is never
performed across different Availability Zones. CloudStack has a conservative
policy towards restarting VMs and ensures that there will never be two
instances of the same VM running at the same time. The Management Server
attempts to start the VM on another Host in the same cluster.
VM HA is not supported when the VM is using local storage.
Dedicated HA Hosts
One or more hosts can be designated for use only by HA-enabled VMs that are
restarting due to a host failure. Setting up a pool of such dedicated HA hosts
as the recovery destination for all HA-enabled VMs is useful to:
#. Make it easier to determine which VMs have been restarted as part of the
CloudStack high-availability function. If a VM is running on a dedicated HA
host, then it must be an HA-enabled VM whose original host failed. (With
one exception: It is possible for an administrator to manually migrate any
VM to a dedicated HA host.).
#. Keep HA-enabled VMs from restarting on hosts which may be reserved for
other purposes.
The dedicated HA option is set through a special host tag when the host is
created. To allow the administrator to dedicate hosts to only HA-enabled VMs,
set the global configuration variable ha.tag to the desired tag (for example,
"ha_host"), and restart the Management Server. Enter the value in the Host
Tags field when adding the host(s) that you want to dedicate to HA-enabled VMs.
Primary Storage Outage and Data Loss
When a primary storage outage occurs the hypervisor immediately stops all VMs
stored on that storage device. Guests that are marked for HA will be restarted
as soon as practical when the primary storage comes back on line. With NFS,
the hypervisor may allow the virtual machines to continue running depending on
the nature of the issue. For example, an NFS hang will cause the guest VMs to
be suspended until storage connectivity is restored.Primary storage is not
designed to be backed up. Individual volumes in primary storage can be backed
up using snapshots.
Secondary Storage Outage and Data Loss
For a Zone that has only one secondary storage server, a secondary storage
outage will have feature level impact to the system but will not impact
running guest VMs. It may become impossible to create a VM with the selected
template for a user. A user may also not be able to save snapshots or
examine/restore saved snapshots. These features will automatically be
available when the secondary storage comes back online.
Secondary storage data loss will impact recently added user data including
templates, snapshots, and ISO images. Secondary storage should be backed up
periodically. Multiple secondary storage servers can be provisioned within
each zone to increase the scalability of the system.
Managing System VMs
CloudStack uses several types of system virtual machines to perform tasks in
the cloud. In general CloudStack manages these system VMs and creates, starts,
and stops them as needed based on scale and immediate needs. However, the
administrator should be aware of them and their roles to assist in debugging
You can configure the system.vm.random.password parameter to create a random
system VM password to ensure higher security. If you reset the value for
system.vm.random.password to true and restart the Management Server, a random
password is generated and stored encrypted in the database. You can view the
decrypted password under the system.vm.password global parameter on the
CloudStack UI or by calling the listConfigurations API.
The System VM Template
The System VMs come from a single template. The System VM has the following
- Debian 6.0 ("Squeeze"), 2.6.32 kernel with the latest security patches from
the Debian security APT repository
- Has a minimal set of packages installed thereby reducing the attack surface
- 32-bit for enhanced performance on Xen/VMWare
- pvops kernel with Xen PV drivers, KVM virtio drivers, and VMware tools for
optimum performance on all hypervisors
- Xen tools inclusion allows performance monitoring
- Latest versions of HAProxy, iptables, IPsec, and Apache from debian
repository ensures improved security and speed
- Latest version of JRE from Sun/Oracle ensures improved security and speed
Accessing System VMs
It may sometimes be necessary to access System VMs for diagnostics of certain
issues, for example if you are experiencing SSVM (Secondary Storage VM)
connection issues. Use the steps below in order to connect to the SSH console
of a running System VM.
Accessing System VMs over the network requires the use of private keys and
connecting to System VMs SSH Daemon on port 3922. XenServer/KVM Hypervisors
store this key at /root/.ssh/ on each CloudStack agent. To access
System VMs running on ESXi, the key is stored on the management server at
#. Find the details of the System VM
#. Log in with admin privileges to the CloudStack UI.
#. Click Infrastructure, then System VMs, and then click the name of a
running VM.
#. Take a note of the 'Host', 'Private IP Address' and 'Link Local IP
Address' of the System VM you wish to access.
#. XenServer/KVM Hypervisors
#. Connect to the Host of which the System VM is running.
#. SSH to the 'Link Local IP Address' of the System VM from the Host on
which the VM is running.
Format: ssh -i <path-to-private-key> <link-local-ip> -p 3922
Example: root@faith:~# ssh -i /root/.ssh/ -p 3922
#. ESXi Hypervisors
#. Connect to your CloudStack Management Server.
#. ESXi users should SSH to the private IP address of the System VM.
Format: ssh -i <path-to-private-key> <vm-private-ip> -p 3922
Example: root@management:~# ssh -i /var/lib/cloudstack/management/.ssh/id_rsa -p 3922
Multiple System VM Support for VMware
Every CloudStack zone has single System VM for template processing tasks such
as downloading templates, uploading templates, and uploading ISOs. In a zone
where VMware is being used, additional System VMs can be launched to process
VMware-specific tasks such as taking snapshots and creating private templates.
The CloudStack management server launches additional System VMs for
VMware-specific tasks as the load increases. The management server monitors
and weights all commands sent to these System VMs and performs dynamic load
balancing and scaling-up of more System VMs.
Console Proxy
The Console Proxy is a type of System Virtual Machine that has a role in
presenting a console view via the web UI. It connects the user’s browser to
the VNC port made available via the hypervisor for the console of the guest.
Both the administrator and end user web UIs offer a console connection.
Clicking a console icon brings up a new window. The AJAX code downloaded into
that window refers to the public IP address of a console proxy VM. There is
exactly one public IP address allocated per console proxy VM. The AJAX
application connects to this IP. The console proxy then proxies the connection
to the VNC port for the requested VM on the Host hosting the guest.
The console proxy VM will periodically report its active session count to the
Management Server. The default reporting interval is five seconds. This can be
changed through standard Management Server configuration with the parameter
Assignment of guest VM to console proxy is determined by first determining if
the guest VM has a previous session associated with a console proxy. If it
does, the Management Server will assign the guest VM to the target Console
Proxy VM regardless of the load on the proxy VM. Failing that, the first
available running Console Proxy VM that has the capacity to handle new
sessions is used.
Console proxies can be restarted by administrators but this will interrupt
existing console sessions for users.
Using a SSL Certificate for the Console Proxy
The console viewing functionality uses a dynamic DNS service under the domain
name to assist in providing SSL security to console sessions.
The console proxy is assigned a public IP address. In order to avoid browser
warnings for mismatched SSL certificates, the URL for the new console window
is set to the form of You will see
this URL during console session creation. CloudStack includes the SSL certificate in the console proxy VM. Of course, CloudStack
cannot know about the DNS A records for our customers' public IPs prior to
shipping the software. CloudStack therefore runs a dynamic DNS server that is
authoritative for the domain. It maps the aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd part
of the DNS name to the IP address aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd on lookups. This allows the
browser to correctly connect to the console proxy's public IP, where it then
expects and receives a SSL certificate for, and SSL is set up
without browser warnings.
Changing the Console Proxy SSL Certificate and Domain
If the administrator prefers, it is possible for the URL of the customer's
console session to show a domain other than The administrator
can customize the displayed domain by selecting a different domain and
uploading a new SSL certificate and private key. The domain must run a DNS
service that is capable of resolving queries for addresses of the form
aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd.your.domain to an IPv4 IP address in the form aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd,
for example, To change the console proxy domain, SSL certificate,
and private key:
#. Set up dynamic name resolution or populate all possible DNS names in your
public IP range into your existing DNS server with the format -> aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.
#. Generate the private key and certificate signing request (CSR). When you
are using openssl to generate private/public key pairs and CSRs, for the
private key that you are going to paste into the CloudStack UI, be sure to
convert it into PKCS#8 format.
#. Generate a new 2048-bit private key
openssl genrsa -des3 -out yourprivate.key 2048
#. Generate a new certificate CSR
openssl req -new -key yourprivate.key -out yourcertificate.csr
#. Head to the website of your favorite trusted Certificate Authority,
purchase an SSL certificate, and submit the CSR. You should receive a
valid certificate in return
#. Convert your private key format into PKCS#8 encrypted format.
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in yourprivate.key -out yourprivate.pkcs8.encrypted.key
#. Convert your PKCS#8 encrypted private key into the PKCS#8 format that is
compliant with CloudStack
openssl pkcs8 -in yourprivate.pkcs8.encrypted.key -out yourprivate.pkcs8.key
#. In the Update SSL Certificate screen of the CloudStack UI, paste the following:
- The certificate you've just generated.
- The private key you've just generated.
- The desired new domain name; for example,
#. The desired new domain name; for example,
This stops all currently running console proxy VMs, then restarts them with
the new certificate and key. Users might notice a brief interruption in
console availability.
The Management Server generates URLs of the form ""
after this change is made. The new console requests will be served with the
new DNS domain name, certificate, and key.
Virtual Router
The virtual router is a type of System Virtual Machine. The virtual router is
one of the most frequently used service providers in CloudStack. The end user
has no direct access to the virtual router. Users can ping the virtual router
and take actions that affect it (such as setting up port forwarding), but
users do not have SSH access into the virtual router.
Virtual routers can be restarted by administrators, but this will interrupt
public network access and other services for end users. A basic test in
debugging networking issues is to attempt to ping the virtual router from a
guest VM. Some of the characteristics of the virtual router are determined by
its associated system service offering..
Configuring the Virtual Router
You can set the following:
- IP range
- Supported network services
- Default domain name for the network serviced by the virtual router
- Gateway IP address
- How often CloudStack fetches network usage statistics from CloudStack
virtual routers. If you want to collect traffic metering data from the
virtual router, set the global configuration parameter
router.stats.interval. If you are not using the virtual router to gather
network usage statistics, set it to 0.
Upgrading a Virtual Router with System Service Offerings
When CloudStack creates a virtual router, it uses default settings which are
defined in a default system service offering. See Section 8.2, “System Service
Offerings”. All the virtual routers in a single guest network use the same
system service offering. You can upgrade the capabilities of the virtual
router by creating and applying a custom system service offering.
Define your custom system service offering.
Associate the system service offering with a network offering.
Apply the network offering to the network where you want the virtual routers
to use the new system service offering.
Best Practices for Virtual Routers
- Restarting a virtual router from a hypervisor console deletes all the
iptables rules. To work around this issue, stop the virtual router and
start it from the CloudStack UI.
- Do not use the destroyRouter API when only one router is available in the
network, because restartNetwork API with the cleanup=false parameter can't
recreate it later. If you want to destroy and recreate the single router
available in the network, use the restartNetwork API with the cleanup=true
Secondary Storage VM
In addition to the hosts, CloudStack’s Secondary Storage VM mounts and writes
to secondary storage. Submissions to secondary storage go through the
Secondary Storage VM. The Secondary Storage VM can retrieve templates and ISO
images from URLs using a variety of protocols. The secondary storage VM
provides a background task that takes care of a variety of secondary storage
activities: downloading a new template to a Zone, copying templates between
Zones, and snapshot backups. The administrator can log in to the secondary
storage VM if needed.
Storage Administration
Hypervisor Host Management
Maintenance mode
Maintenance mode makes a host unavailable to have new virtual machines
allocated to it. It also starts a process by which running virtual machines
are live migrated to other available hosts within the same cluster. It should
be noted that the live migration is not universally perfect, and you may end
up with recalcitrant virtual machines which are unable to be live migrated.
This can be due to lack of hypervisor-specific tooling or other problems.
vCenter and Maintenance mode
To enter maintenance mode on a vCenter host, both vCenter and CloudStack must
be used in concert. CloudStack and vCenter have separate maintenance modes
that work closely together.
#. Place the host into CloudStack's "scheduled maintenance" mode. This does
not invoke the vCenter maintenance mode, but only causes VMs to be migrated
off the host When the CloudStack maintenance mode is requested, the host
first moves into the Prepare for Maintenance state. In this state it cannot
be the target of new guest VM starts. Then all VMs will be migrated off the
server. Live migration will be used to move VMs off the host. This allows
the guests to be migrated to other hosts with no disruption to the guests.
After this migration is completed, the host will enter the Ready for
Maintenance mode.
#. Wait for the "Ready for Maintenance" indicator to appear in the UI.
#. Now use vCenter to perform whatever actions are necessary to maintain the
host. During this time, the host cannot be the target of new VM allocations.
#. When the maintenance tasks are complete, take the host out of maintenance
mode as follows:
#. First use vCenter to exit the vCenter maintenance mode. This makes the
host ready for CloudStack to reactivate it.
#. Then use CloudStack's administrator UI to cancel the CloudStack
maintenance mode When the host comes back online, the VMs that were
migrated off of it may be migrated back to it manually and new VMs can
be added.
XenServer Maintenance Mode
XenServer, you can take a server offline temporarily by using the Maintenance
Mode feature in XenCenter. When you place a server into Maintenance Mode, all
running VMs are automatically migrated from it to another host in the same
pool. If the server is the pool master, a new master will also be selected for
the pool. While a server is Maintenance Mode, you cannot create or start any
VMs on it.
To place a XenServer host in Maintenace Mode
#. In the Resources pane, select the server, then do one of the following:
- Right-click, then click Enter Maintenance Mode on the shortcut menu.
- On the Server menu, click Enter Maintenance Mode.
#. Click Enter Maintenance Mode.
The server's status in the Resources pane shows when all running VMs have been
successfully migrated off the server.
To take a Xenserver host out of Maintenance mode
#. In the Resources pane, select the server, then do one of the following:
- Right-click, then click Exit Maintenance Mode on the shortcut menu.
- On the Server menu, click Exit Maintenance Mode.
#. Click Exit Maintenance Mode.
Disabling and enabling Zones, Pods, and Clusters
You can enable or disable a zone, pod, or cluster without permanently removing
it from the cloud. This is useful for maintenance or when there are problems
that make a portion of the cloud infrastructure unreliable. No new allocations
will be made to a disabled zone, pod, or cluster until its state is returned
to Enabled. When a zone, pod, or cluster is first added to the cloud, it is
Disabled by default.
To disable and enable a zone, pod, or cluster:
#. Log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator
#. In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure.
#. In Zones, click View More.
#. If you are disabling or enabling a zone, find the name of the zone in the
list, and click the Enable/Disable button.
#. If you are disabling or enabling a pod or cluster, click the name of the
zone that contains the pod or cluster.
#. Click the Compute tab.
#. In the Pods or Clusters node of the diagram, click View All.
#. Click the pod or cluster name in the list.
#. Click the Enable/Disable button.
Removing hypervisor hosts
Hosts can be removed from the cloud as needed. The procedure to remove a host
depends on the hypervisor type.
Removing XenServer and KVM Hosts
A node cannot be removed from a cluster until it has been placed in
maintenance mode. This will ensure that all of the VMs on it have been
migrated to other Hosts. To remove a Host from CloudStack:
#. Place the node in maintenance mode.
#. For KVM, stop the cloud-agent service.
#. Use the UI option to remove the node.
#. Then you may power down the Host, re-use its IP address, re-install it, etc
Removing vSphere Hosts
To remove this type of host, first place it in maintenance mode, as described
above. Then use CloudStack to remove the host. CloudStack will not direct
commands to a host that has been removed using CloudStack. However, the host
may still exist in the vCenter cluster.
Changing hypervisor host password
The password for a XenServer Node, KVM Node, or vSphere Node may be changed in
the database. Note that all Nodes in a Cluster must have the same password.
To change a hosts password:
#. Identify all hosts in the cluster.
#. Change the password on all hosts in the cluster. Now the password for the
host and the password known to CloudStack will not match. Operations on the
cluster will fail until the two passwords match.
#. Get the list of host IDs for the host in the cluster where you are changing
the password. You will need to access the database to determine these host
IDs. For each hostname "h" (or vSphere cluster) that you are changing the
password for, execute:
mysql> select id from where name like '%h%';
#. Update the passwords for the host in the database. In this example, we
change the passwords for hosts with IDs 5, 10, and 12 to "password".
mysql> update set password='password' where id=5 or id=10 or id=12;
Overprovisioning and Service Offering Limits
CPU and memory (RAM) over-provisioning factors can be set for each cluster to
change the number of VMs that can run on each host in the cluster. This helps
optimize the use of resources. By increasing the over-provisioning ratio, more
resource capacity will be used. If the ratio is set to 1, no over-provisioning
is done.
The administrator can also set global default over-provisioning ratios in the
cpu.overprovisioning.factor and mem.overprovisioning.factor global
configuration variables. The default value of these variables is 1:
over-provisioning is turned off by default.
Over-provisioning ratios are dynamically substituted in CloudStack's capacity
calculations. For example:
Capacity = 2 GB
Over-provisioning factor = 2
Capacity after over-provisioning = 4 GB
With this configuration, suppose you deploy 3 VMs of 1 GB each:
Used = 3 GB
Free = 1 GB
The administrator can specify a memory over-provisioning ratio, and can
specify both CPU and memory over-provisioning ratios on a per-cluster basis.
In any given cloud, the optimum number of VMs for each host is affected by
such things as the hypervisor, storage, and hardware configuration. These may
be different for each cluster in the same cloud. A single global
over-provisioning setting can not provide the best utilization for all the
different clusters in the cloud. It has to be set for the lowest common
denominator. The per-cluster setting provides a finer granularity for better
utilization of resources, no matter where the CloudStack placement algorithm
decides to place a VM.
The overprovisioning settings can be used along with dedicated resources
(assigning a specific cluster to an account) to effectively offer different
levels of service to different accounts. For example, an account paying for a
more expensive level of service could be assigned to a dedicated cluster with
an over-provisioning ratio of 1, and a lower-paying account to a cluster with
a ratio of 2.
When a new host is added to a cluster, CloudStack will assume the host has the
capability to perform the CPU and RAM over-provisioning which is configured
for that cluster. It is up to the administrator to be sure the host is
actually suitable for the level of over-provisioning which has been set.
Limitations on over-provisioning in KVM and XenServer
In XenServer, due to a constraint of this hypervisor, you can not use an
over-provisioning factor greater than 4.
KVM can not manage memory allocation to VMs dynamically. CloudStack sets the
minimum and maximum amount of memory that a VM can use. The hypervisor adjusts
the memory within the set limits based on the memory contention.
Requirements for Over-Provisioning
Several prerequisites are required in order for over-provisioning to function
properly. The feature is dependent on the OS type, hypervisor capabilities,
and certain scripts. It is the administrator's responsibility to ensure that
these requirements are met.
Balloon Driver
All VMs should have a balloon driver installed in them. The hypervisor
communicates with the balloon driver to free up and make the memory available
to a VM.
The balloon driver can be found as a part of xen pv or PVHVM drivers. The xen
pvhvm drivers are included in upstream linux kernels 2.6.36+.
The balloon driver can be found as a part of the VMware tools. All the VMs
that are deployed in a over-provisioned cluster should have the VMware tools
All VMs are required to support the virtio drivers. These drivers are
installed in all Linux kernel versions 2.6.25 and greater. The administrator
must set CONFIG_VIRTIO_BALLOON=y in the virtio configuration.
Hypervisor capabilities
The hypervisor must be capable of using the memory ballooning.
The DMC (Dynamic Memory Control) capability of the hypervisor should be
enabled. Only XenServer Advanced and above versions have this feature.
VMware, KVM
Memory ballooning is supported by default.
Setting Over-Provisioning Rations
There are two ways the root admin can set CPU and RAM over-provisioning ratios.
First, the global configuration settings cpu.overprovisioning.factor and
mem.overprovisioning.factor will be applied when a new cluster is created.
Later, the ratios can be modified for an existing cluster.
Only VMs deployed after the change are affected by the new setting. If you
want VMs deployed before the change to adopt the new over-provisioning ratio,
you must stop and restart the VMs. When this is done, CloudStack recalculates
or scales the used and reserved capacities based on the new over-provisioning
ratios, to ensure that CloudStack is correctly tracking the amount of free
To change the over-provisioning ratios for an existing cluster:
#. Log in as administrator to the CloudStack UI.
#. In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure.
#. Under Clusters, click View All.
#. Select the cluster you want to work with, and click the Edit button.
#. Fill in your desired over-provisioning multipliers in the fields CPU
overcommit ratio and RAM overcommit ratio. The value which is intially
shown in these fields is the default value inherited from the global
configuration settings.
Service Offering Limits and Over-Provisioning
Service offering limits (e.g. 1 GHz, 1 core) are strictly enforced for core
count. For example, a guest with a service offering of one core will have only
one core available to it regardless of other activity on the Host.
Service offering limits for gigahertz are enforced only in the presence of
contention for CPU resources. For example, suppose that a guest was created
with a service offering of 1 GHz on a Host that has 2 GHz cores, and that
guest is the only guest running on the Host. The guest will have the full
2 GHz available to it. When multiple guests are attempting to use the CPU a
weighting factor is used to schedule CPU resources. The weight is based on the
clock speed in the service offering. Guests receive a CPU allocation that is
proportionate to the GHz in the service offering. For example, a guest created
from a 2 GHz service offering will receive twice the CPU allocation as a guest
created from a 1 GHz service offering. CloudStack does not perform memory