blob: 6efcacf0b5bfdfa8ccfe7e88a8bab5396e7a2292 [file] [log] [blame]
#Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#distributed with this work for additional information
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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-02-02T20:11:58\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-02T20:11:58\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: None\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: application/x-publican; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Tag: title
#, no-c-format
msgid "Database Replication (Optional)"
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "&PRODUCT; supports database replication from one MySQL node to another. This is achieved using standard MySQL replication. You may want to do this as insurance against MySQL server or storage loss. MySQL replication is implemented using a master/slave model. The master is the node that the Management Servers are configured to use. The slave is a standby node that receives all write operations from the master and applies them to a local, redundant copy of the database. The following steps are a guide to implementing MySQL replication."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Creating a replica is not a backup solution. You should develop a backup procedure for the MySQL data that is distinct from replication."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ensure that this is a fresh install with no data in the master."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Edit my.cnf on the master and add the following in the [mysqld] section below datadir."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: programlisting
#, no-c-format
msgid "\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "The server_id must be unique with respect to other servers. The recommended way to achieve this is to give the master an ID of 1 and each slave a sequential number greater than 1, so that the servers are numbered 1, 2, 3, etc."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Restart the MySQL service:"
msgstr ""
#. Tag: programlisting
#, no-c-format
msgid "\n"
"# service mysqld restart\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Create a replication account on the master and give it privileges. We will use the \"cloud-repl\" user with the password \"password\". This assumes that master and slave run on the network."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: programlisting
#, no-c-format
msgid "\n"
"# mysql -u root\n"
"mysql> create user 'cloud-repl'@'172.16.1.%' identified by 'password';\n"
"mysql> grant replication slave on *.* TO 'cloud-repl'@'172.16.1.%';\n"
"mysql> flush privileges;\n"
"mysql> flush tables with read lock;\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Leave the current MySQL session running."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "In a new shell start a second MySQL session."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Retrieve the current position of the database."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: programlisting
#, no-c-format
msgid "\n"
"# mysql -u root\n"
"mysql> show master status;\n"
"| File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |\n"
"| mysql-bin.000001 | 412 | | |\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Note the file and the position that are returned by your instance."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Exit from this session."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Complete the master setup. Returning to your first session on the master, release the locks and exit MySQL."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: programlisting
#, no-c-format
msgid "\n"
"mysql> unlock tables;\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Install and configure the slave. On the slave server, run the following commands."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: programlisting
#, no-c-format
msgid "\n"
"# yum install mysql-server\n"
"# chkconfig mysqld on\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Edit my.cnf and add the following lines in the [mysqld] section below datadir."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: programlisting
#, no-c-format
msgid "\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Restart MySQL."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Instruct the slave to connect to and replicate from the master. Replace the IP address, password, log file, and position with the values you have used in the previous steps."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: programlisting
#, no-c-format
msgid "\n"
"mysql> change master to\n"
" -> master_host='',\n"
" -> master_user='cloud-repl',\n"
" -> master_password='password',\n"
" -> master_log_file='mysql-bin.000001',\n"
" -> master_log_pos=412;\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Then start replication on the slave."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: programlisting
#, no-c-format
msgid "\n"
"mysql> start slave;\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Optionally, open port 3306 on the slave as was done on the master earlier."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is not required for replication to work. But if you choose not to do this, you will need to do it when failover to the replica occurs."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: title
#, no-c-format
msgid "Failover"
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "This will provide for a replicated database that can be used to implement manual failover for the Management Servers. &PRODUCT; failover from one MySQL instance to another is performed by the administrator. In the event of a database failure you should:"
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Stop the Management Servers (via service cloud-management stop)."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Change the replica's configuration to be a master and restart it."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ensure that the replica's port 3306 is open to the Management Servers."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Make a change so that the Management Server uses the new database. The simplest process here is to put the IP address of the new database server into each Management Server's /etc/cloud/management/"
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#, no-c-format
msgid "Restart the Management Servers:"
msgstr ""
#. Tag: programlisting
#, no-c-format
msgid "\n"
"# service cloud-management start\n"
" "
msgstr ""