Merge branch '4.3' into 4.4

diff --git a/.tx/config b/.tx/config
index 4bc5a06..bdbe794 100644
--- a/.tx/config
+++ b/.tx/config
@@ -2,103 +2,248 @@
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diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index a866fbb..0b8430a 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -13,17 +13,20 @@
    specific language governing permissions and limitations
    under the License.
 Apache CloudStack
 Apache CloudStack is an Apache project, see <> for
 more information.
 This administration guide is on-line at <>
@@ -64,18 +67,114 @@
    sphinx-intl build --locale-dir source/locale
    make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='ja'" html
 Please send feedback to the mailing list at <>,
 or the JIRA at <>.
-You can submit a pull request via github or submit patches via review board <>
+Contributing to the documentation
-For information on how to contribute, please see the Contributing
-chapter in our documentation <>
+Initial setup of your fork
+In your browser, navigate to:
+Fork this repository by clicking on the 'Fork' button on the top right hand side.  The fork will happen and you will be taken to your own fork of the repository.  On the right hand side of the page of your fork, under 'HTTPS clone URL', copy the URL to your clipboard by clicking the the clipboard just right of the URL.
+On your computer, follow these steps to setup a local repository for working on the documentation:
+.. code:: bash
+   $ git clone
+   $ cd cloudstack-docs-admin
+   $ git remote add upstream
+   $ git checkout master
+   $ git fetch upstream
+   $ git merge upstream/master
+Making changes
+It is important that you create a new branch to make changes on and that you do not change the `master` branch (other than to pull in changes from `upstream/master`).  In this case I will assume you will be creating a branch called `dev` to make your changes in.  This `dev` branch will be created on your local repository and will then be pushed to your forked repository on GitHub where you will create a Pull Request for the changes to be committed into the official documentation.
+It is good practice to create a new branch each time you want to contribute to the documentation and only track the changes for that pull request in this branch.
+.. code:: bash
+   $ git checkout -b dev
+   (make your changes)
+   $ git add .
+   $ git commit -a -m "commit message for your changes"
+.. note:: 
+   The `-b` specifies that you want to create a new branch called `dev`.  You only specify `-b` the first time because you are creating a new branch.  Once the `dev` branch exists, you can later switch to it with only `git checkout dev`.
+Merging `upstream/master` into your `dev` branch
+It is important that you maintain an up-to-date `master` branch in your local repository.  This is done by merging in the `upstream/master` (the official documentation repository) into your local repository.  You will want to do this before you start working on a feature as well as right before you submit your changes as a pull request.  You can also do this process periodically while you work on your changes to make sure you are working off the most recent version of the documentation.
+This process will do the following:
+#. Checkout your local `master` branch
+#. Synchronize your local `master` branch with the `upstream/master` so you have all the latest changes from the official docs
+#. Merge the latest changes from the official docs into your `dev` branch so it is up-to-date with the latest changes
+.. code:: bash
+   $ git checkout master
+   $ git fetch upstream
+   $ git merge upstream/master
+   $ git checkout dev
+   $ git pull . master
+.. note:: Now your `dev` branch is up-to-date with all the recent changes in the `upstream/master`.
+Making a pull request on GitHub to contribute your changes
+When you are happy with your changes and you want to contribute them, you will be creating a Pull Request on GitHub to do so.  This is done by pushing your changes to your forked repository (usually called 'origin') and then initiating a pull request.
+.. note:: Make sure you have merged `upstream/master` into your `dev` branch before you do this.
+.. code:: bash
+   $ git push origin master
+   $ git push origin dev
+Now that the `dev` branch has been pushed to your GitHub repository, you can initiate the pull request.  
+To initiate the pull request, do the following:
+#. Navigate your browser to your forked repository:
+#. Click the new button called 'Compare & pull request' that showed up just above the main area in your forked repository
+#. Enter a good description of the work you have done and then click 'Send pull request'
+If you are requested to make modifications to your proposed changes, make the changes locally on your `dev` branch, re-push the changes and submit the pull request again.
+Cleaning up after a successful pull request
+Once the `dev` branch has been committed into the `upstream/master` branch, your local `dev` branch and the `origin/dev` branch are not needed anymore.  If you want to make additional documentation changes, restart the process with a new branch.
+.. note:: Make sure that your changes are in `upstream/master` before you delete your `dev` and `origin/dev` branches!
+You can delete these deprecated branches with the following:
+.. code:: bash
+   $ git checkout master
+   $ git branch -D dev
+   $ git push origin :dev
diff --git a/source/_static/acslogo.png b/source/_static/acslogo.png
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/ b/source/
index b181590..9811851 100644
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@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 # The short X.Y version.
 version = '4'
 # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = '4.3'
+release = '4.4'
 # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
 # for a list of supported languages.
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/accounts.pot b/source/locale/pot/accounts.pot
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+++ b/source/locale/pot/accounts.pot
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-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
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 #: ../../accounts.rst:18
-# 90951daa147540dab10f9d0c78d8c73b
+# bdc151e73be141a8ad0b4190c3102939
 msgid "Managing Accounts, Users and Domains"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../accounts.rst:21
-# 661635f04f94452db5ca9e4dd563cef7
+# a49422e951994e72894009f0fc5cc963
 msgid "Accounts, Users, and Domains"
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 #: ../../accounts.rst:24
-# a7494e04f72d469a86f3c67e958ed65f
+# 7316ca3f637249cbbf2f29bd75791600
 msgid "Accounts"
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 #: ../../accounts.rst:26
-# 457dea8dff534d9aa75e2270c1e1ac6d
+# 7544ce31af194b279c9dcfb7ae37d3cc
 msgid "An account typically represents a customer of the service provider or a department in a large organization. Multiple users can exist in an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:31
-# b45cd9ee7d3e478cbb3c129943ce53d5
+#: ../../accounts.rst:32
+# e758840629a8483ba31892ff437911e1
 msgid "Domains"
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-#: ../../accounts.rst:33
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+#: ../../accounts.rst:34
+# 3e28d2a36b0642c08a698f6a4426e72c
 msgid "Accounts are grouped by domains. Domains usually contain multiple accounts that have some logical relationship to each other and a set of delegated administrators with some authority over the domain and its subdomains. For example, a service provider with several resellers could create a domain for each reseller."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:39
-# 403c3bff584f41c6b9ee1d4ba5bc6241
+#: ../../accounts.rst:40
+# 79060520f2e046868f58925f3f2efc01
 msgid "For each account created, the Cloud installation creates three different types of user accounts: root administrator, domain administrator, and user."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:44
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+#: ../../accounts.rst:46
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 msgid "Users"
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-#: ../../accounts.rst:46
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+#: ../../accounts.rst:48
+# 8efee3ca63e44a4098ff5086e58f1249
 msgid "Users are like aliases in the account. Users in the same account are not isolated from each other, but they are isolated from users in other accounts. Most installations need not surface the notion of users; they just have one user per account. The same user cannot belong to multiple accounts."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:52
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+#: ../../accounts.rst:54
+# 67a573904306470f87a1f3f6ad52a15f
 msgid "Username is unique in a domain across accounts in that domain. The same username can exist in other domains, including sub-domains. Domain name can repeat only if the full pathname from root is unique. For example, you can create root/d1, as well as root/foo/d1, and root/sales/d1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:57
-# 1754108df51d4b9aa2bfcab98e1b9bf0
+#: ../../accounts.rst:59
+# af85977a7aeb4aff9010bde059e08b23
 msgid "Administrators are accounts with special privileges in the system. There may be multiple administrators in the system. Administrators can create or delete other administrators, and change the password for any user in the system."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:63
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+#: ../../accounts.rst:66
+# 8613eb42958647fba87ae1b922d58740
 msgid "Domain Administrators"
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-#: ../../accounts.rst:65
-# 14a1bb86d2624ad3b4c82731fa8dd170
+#: ../../accounts.rst:68
+# 901efdb2c8554033b865587a48a319f9
 msgid "Domain administrators can perform administrative operations for users who belong to that domain. Domain administrators do not have visibility into physical servers or other domains."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:70
-# 39f193590cb5492691994021f7591f2e
+#: ../../accounts.rst:74
+# 5922a532b5814e479301a7d697eb8854
 msgid "Root Administrator"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:72
-# 97d51f9ba69843b5af3c3770b5e6a41d
+#: ../../accounts.rst:76
+# 20be104d0a134bab92309e774b538dd4
 msgid "Root administrators have complete access to the system, including managing templates, service offerings, customer care administrators, and domains"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:77
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+#: ../../accounts.rst:82
+# 7f9e7eaa9c5b4eaba5575b81514d4040
 msgid "Resource Ownership"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:79
-# 72eb8676abfd416cb9bbb177a3de84f6
+#: ../../accounts.rst:84
+# 3fad6f5edfb34464b707419ce6b7b4a6
 msgid "Resources belong to the account, not individual users in that account. For example, billing, resource limits, and so on are maintained by the account, not the users. A user can operate on any resource in the account provided the user has privileges for that operation. The privileges are determined by the role. A root administrator can change the ownership of any virtual machine from one account to any other account by using the assignVirtualMachine API. A domain or sub-domain administrator can do the same for VMs within the domain from one account to any other account in the domain or any of its sub-domains."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:90
-# ff5d0b1e1c574c599f7af2c724e6fed1
+#: ../../accounts.rst:96
+# f25ec45041cd435d83eaf32720407dd4
 msgid "Dedicating Resources to Accounts and Domains"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:92
-# 0a4bdfeefcbc4e6b90e29d85882276e5
+#: ../../accounts.rst:98
+# 8a6427fc034647e681a14ca03224406c
 msgid "The root administrator can dedicate resources to a specific domain or account that needs private infrastructure for additional security or performance guarantees. A zone, pod, cluster, or host can be reserved by the root administrator for a specific domain or account. Only users in that domain or its subdomain may use the infrastructure. For example, only users in a given domain can create guests in a zone dedicated to that domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:100
-# d6b26e49ebc04db7bc3a577de66cada3
+#: ../../accounts.rst:106
+# 13b20e92d1144d5da1089384a9ce4e59
 msgid "There are several types of dedication available:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:104
-# dac518c9d097412c8fc411ea7ed6a9e7
+#: ../../accounts.rst:108
+# a62e7433baeb444386932b41fe5601fa
 msgid "Explicit dedication. A zone, pod, cluster, or host is dedicated to an account or domain by the root administrator during initial deployment and configuration."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:110
-# 574012d1f1984a9a8d7a720f9ea1c4d6
+#: ../../accounts.rst:112
+# 29fbffa86cfd49b4aa29ea7d373eaa03
 msgid "Strict implicit dedication. A host will not be shared across multiple accounts. For example, strict implicit dedication is useful for deployment of certain types of applications, such as desktops, where no host can be shared between different accounts without violating the desktop software's terms of license."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../accounts.rst:118
-# a5988bb1ccf4413394ead18a5bf8d2b4
+# a821acd0f71541708e12788d2fbc5d75
 msgid "Preferred implicit dedication. The VM will be deployed in dedicated infrastructure if possible. Otherwise, the VM can be deployed in shared infrastructure."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:123
-# 599bcac969ab4007b46f4a44e3aab507
+#: ../../accounts.rst:124
+# b498c9fe36a94f2588d7a9e4494a761d
 msgid "How to Dedicate a Zone, Cluster, Pod, or Host to an Account or Domain"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:125
-# 235f58f9b9bd48eab66c66dc94d93e40
+#: ../../accounts.rst:126
+# 62ce22c4d6f346b79218ff7a937ee3e2
 msgid "For explicit dedication: When deploying a new zone, pod, cluster, or host, the root administrator can click the Dedicated checkbox, then choose a domain or account to own the resource."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:129
-# 99189fbc5d704126a534a43918bd1cc9
+#: ../../accounts.rst:130
+# 9dfe3b7a9e87411d9694c32c5e4f891e
 msgid "To explicitly dedicate an existing zone, pod, cluster, or host: log in as the root admin, find the resource in the UI, and click the Dedicate button. |button to dedicate a zone, pod,cluster, or host|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:133
-# e7ebf6fbd7d048bf822061139e2b5a4c
+#: ../../accounts.rst:134
+# 90707af3ed2b4e6fa7875e9bdd890252
 msgid "For implicit dedication: The administrator creates a compute service offering and in the Deployment Planner field, chooses ImplicitDedicationPlanner. Then in Planner Mode, the administrator specifies either Strict or Preferred, depending on whether it is permissible to allow some use of shared resources when dedicated resources are not available. Whenever a user creates a VM based on this service offering, it is allocated on one of the dedicated hosts."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:142
-# 57e1c25d97df4d22b88b35dc599e45f7
+#: ../../accounts.rst:144
+# fda3697ce3a4454da72edbe9f02b3564
 msgid "How to Use Dedicated Hosts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:144
-# b227acf3ae06498d99b21119713e2238
+#: ../../accounts.rst:146
+# cfd0e245a5a2498b9fa7c89160957ffe
 msgid "To use an explicitly dedicated host, use the explicit-dedicated type of affinity group (see `“Affinity Groups” <virtual_machines.html#affinity-groups>`_). For example, when creating a new VM, an end user can choose to place it on dedicated infrastructure. This operation will succeed only if some infrastructure has already been assigned as dedicated to the user's account or domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:152
-# f9c5cb26d6904347ad48d4ceba1481a6
+#: ../../accounts.rst:155
+# 86abbd3940f34e96a1ad71a01dc6339d
 msgid "Behavior of Dedicated Hosts, Clusters, Pods, and Zones"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:154
-# 05b28e9607634f78abda79633a1403cf
+#: ../../accounts.rst:157
+# a9963e63da4e48f2a2b7b7fdad96ba29
 msgid "The administrator can live migrate VMs away from dedicated hosts if desired, whether the destination is a host reserved for a different account/domain or a host that is shared (not dedicated to any particular account or domain). CloudStack will generate an alert, but the operation is allowed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:160
-# ce25fc9a198a4cbeaabd2e2405325e9c
+#: ../../accounts.rst:163
+# a9a8992734b0490aac5bd5e5efa45483
 msgid "Dedicated hosts can be used in conjunction with host tags. If both a host tag and dedication are requested, the VM will be placed only on a host that meets both requirements. If there is no dedicated resource available to that user that also has the host tag requested by the user, then the VM will not deploy."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:166
-# aeb33b23037c45be909c3768cc8966b6
+#: ../../accounts.rst:169
+# 694b1842b07049c094a79e240c2db934
 msgid "If you delete an account or domain, any hosts, clusters, pods, and zones that were dedicated to it are freed up. They will now be available to be shared by any account or domain, or the administrator may choose to re-dedicate them to a different account or domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:171
-# 1ce4e0516a79477a817eb0619fbfb51e
+#: ../../accounts.rst:174
+# 9676e7d49a4247c0bd41a3d53e7482a1
 msgid "System VMs and virtual routers affect the behavior of host dedication. System VMs and virtual routers are owned by the CloudStack system account, and they can be deployed on any host. They do not adhere to explicit dedication. The presence of system vms and virtual routers on a host makes it unsuitable for strict implicit dedication. The host can not be used for strict implicit dedication, because the host already has VMs of a specific account (the default system account). However, a host with system VMs or virtual routers can be used for preferred implicit dedication."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:182
-# ad8c17e1de7c4cb4af2c8b55ee0a851c
+#: ../../accounts.rst:186
+# c3ac9b9cb46f4fa7b6ea8d96adc7111e
 msgid "Using an LDAP Server for User Authentication"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:184
-# d3eb07c14a05493ba2ff39ea53010821
+#: ../../accounts.rst:188
+# 4c358cdbd0ef4ea8bae9aa240f1b4e4a
 msgid "You can use an external LDAP server such as Microsoft Active Directory or ApacheDS to authenticate CloudStack end-users. Just map CloudStack accounts to the corresponding LDAP accounts using a query filter. The query filter is written using the query syntax of the particular LDAP server, and can include special wildcard characters provided by CloudStack for matching common values such as the user’s email address and name. CloudStack will search the external LDAP directory tree starting at a specified base directory and return the distinguished name (DN) and password of the matching user. This information along with the given password is used to authenticate the user.."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:195
-# efbc795d47b644b592c065f9221a5ecc
+#: ../../accounts.rst:199
+# 14c749c7da61408588c8e8cdaa11796c
 msgid "To set up LDAP authentication in CloudStack, call the CloudStack API command ldapConfig and provide the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:200
-# 7826c9574e864a3fa3927d2452d6f247
+#: ../../accounts.rst:202
+# c4708aa56b75423080f17f84ec2a37a4
 msgid "Hostname or IP address and listening port of the LDAP server"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../accounts.rst:204
-# 70b92e095a0749628ec280152921d951
+# ff4d11fcc40f4d5c86ce032c3d6e6a76
 msgid "Base directory and query filter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:208
-# 4fe250c5d3ac44ab883b8c10af24f1fe
+#: ../../accounts.rst:206
+# 0b5fce75930e49b19cf1d00062c78539
 msgid "Search user DN credentials, which give CloudStack permission to search on the LDAP server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:213
-# 2ceaa9828892484ebd391520d745991d
+#: ../../accounts.rst:209
+# c3d66516470141c3af861a4b24f45150
 msgid "SSL keystore and password, if SSL is used"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:216
-# 26d8fb1d67a74f8387452da5b3cce675
+#: ../../accounts.rst:213
+# 6e565fd7b02d4a97b86b380e839f129f
 msgid "Example LDAP Configuration Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:218
-# 1c19000335be4f7ebdab1d79a7c4658c
+#: ../../accounts.rst:215
+# ee72e29a6b33456684ebcbfd012c075a
 msgid "To understand the examples in this section, you need to know the basic concepts behind calling the CloudStack API, which are explained in the Developer’s Guide."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:222
-# d7aafed8ded6431d8129d3bbe41769aa
+#: ../../accounts.rst:219
+# 065e58a0d0f74c8d84670251cf00c487
 msgid "The following shows an example invocation of ldapConfig with an ApacheDS LDAP server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:229
-# 7214405299e94877a1c09f6c6287ee10
+#: ../../accounts.rst:226
+# 31d88144f8004adf8efd11cf7f9db7bd
 msgid "The command must be URL-encoded. Here is the same example without the URL encoding:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:247
-# 74c45748c7614774911829b534605cc1
+#: ../../accounts.rst:244
+# 884cde7f5dbd499ba1c28ff09380c692
 msgid "The following shows a similar command for Active Directory. Here, the search base is the testing group within a company, and the users are matched up based on email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:255
-# e42d0dbce6674c9ba00d73998fb30e71
+#: ../../accounts.rst:252
+# d2675a267aa34f4ea3fe2bba2300b61c
 msgid "The next few sections explain some of the concepts you will need to know when filling out the ldapConfig parameters."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:259
-# a47324fc43df41cdbcae97f676f2536f
+#: ../../accounts.rst:257
+# befdce0cfd624549844139c917a82bb4
 msgid "Search Base"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:261
-# f44d14b0d741402087e0cc706bbb068e
+#: ../../accounts.rst:259
+# 1522f19d5a2a4e35a8bedc5d147a1af1
 msgid "An LDAP query is relative to a given node of the LDAP directory tree, called the search base. The search base is the distinguished name (DN) of a level of the directory tree below which all users can be found. The users can be in the immediate base directory or in some subdirectory. The search base may be equivalent to the organization, group, or domain name. The syntax for writing a DN varies depending on which LDAP server you are using. A full discussion of distinguished names is outside the scope of our documentation. The following table shows some examples of search bases to find users in the testing department.."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:272
+#: ../../accounts.rst:270
 #: ../../accounts.rst:328
-# c824c6d3616243eaa848cc45808ec373
-# 46c8c55831674fd3a12caa7352108fa4
+# 3649e87915d24059beec30463e0abd10
+# eb0f32160dd24b21991c2f454df60742
 msgid "LDAP Server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:272
-# bf34c451c0994186b556742324006c30
+#: ../../accounts.rst:270
+# d8fb5f498afb4ee1aa6669b39f1e34be
 msgid "Example Search Base DN"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:274
+#: ../../accounts.rst:272
 #: ../../accounts.rst:330
-# c6940ea324fb4c99895c4d2152bfd32e
-# 359bafef7f4044e380b30643767ad285
+# 2e421fc0d49d4a819b31999dc3cae2e0
+# a0327a00878d45dab6dc0bc777814674
 msgid "ApacheDS"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:274
-# 2253d38b2ae84eeab805635117cf368c
+#: ../../accounts.rst:272
+# 6c854d5e6cdd4e3aadda7dd9be769a53
 msgid "OU=testing, O=project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:275
+#: ../../accounts.rst:273
 #: ../../accounts.rst:331
-# ddf11f35901948058a34dff9cbca8c3d
-# 6d6eab10b7674a65aedf6c1f41312bf8
+# a1fbaf989c584a248386911c51fd2fba
+# c776e850eb3e4d64b262a32a9d302bfb
 msgid "Active Directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:275
-# 0fdc037b3c2746e0b455bd0594bf0bee
+#: ../../accounts.rst:273
+# 5d0095ff2d7044e7b60bc1754210dd3c
 msgid "OU=testing, DC=company"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:279
-# 03d46aff89114039bebeeea32fbcda86
+#: ../../accounts.rst:278
+# 8309dae488944f0aae3e84a8e1a97ac3
 msgid "Query Filter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:281
-# 93b867a441bc4cddad5a72d6b9e51abf
+#: ../../accounts.rst:280
+# c523dbbf5dd94c62a2e3927a8f3123dc
 msgid "The query filter is used to find a mapped user in the external LDAP server. The query filter should uniquely map the CloudStack user to LDAP user for a meaningful authentication. For more information about query filter syntax, consult the documentation for your LDAP server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:286
-# 94920970089b494395b1e5410ad30bb1
+#: ../../accounts.rst:285
+# f4f9c13ceefa4163962bd3cfab257852
 msgid "The CloudStack query filter wildcards are:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:289
-# f7c82cdd777a4284b5adc6a920065f32
+#: ../../accounts.rst:288
+# bab683973b9045339c8df3488bc5dd1c
 msgid "Query Filter Wildcard"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:289
-# 2e1c45a30d2648c6878074583a6a4c7b
+#: ../../accounts.rst:288
+# a94af335cc864d9a962f1fb9b7b5f72c
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:291
-# b636b6a26b4942d390e3083bb99636ec
+#: ../../accounts.rst:290
+# 334393ba6786415e91a2ed1a22d26adb
 msgid "%u"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:291
-# b85fa10a6f7c473f9579fbee87abc7dc
+#: ../../accounts.rst:290
+# 151cd28e952d4ff98ff9d1544698ccb8
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:292
-# aaca04ef47ce4a6d957d7f999021beec
+#: ../../accounts.rst:291
+# f1f86cbcf39e412fb298da7653a123d3
 msgid "%e"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:292
-# 04104fb07bb94de38b10667d6fdadf04
+#: ../../accounts.rst:291
+# fdf52531788c41fabb814f45f07b178a
 msgid "Email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:293
-# ae0690d61f774148a22980a6ed2d4c98
+#: ../../accounts.rst:292
+# 6e5b529e3da248ee85f1e20f81bd8e1c
 msgid "%n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:293
-# 5c8df2d1e58b4c88b7f6f76691f54e32
+#: ../../accounts.rst:292
+# 4704eb3b3e494ad3bc2105d98a3c84a9
 msgid "First and last name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:296
-# fb24e5d77b0b4a369c988a18859c27b5
+#: ../../accounts.rst:295
+# 51612c6475e246f7b7d8a156605a2323
 msgid "The following examples assume you are using Active Directory, and refer to user attributes from the Active Directory schema."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:299
-# 53d9ff57793f490ea016d5c0dd2235e1
+#: ../../accounts.rst:298
+# d853815e3f894dcdbb92be883305dc5b
 msgid "If the CloudStack user name is the same as the LDAP user ID:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:305
-# fe9b3901fa4c442dbba0966d900dc335
+#: ../../accounts.rst:304
+# d0bb623240d0410eb8d70ed22ba5a2f8
 msgid "If the CloudStack user name is the LDAP display name:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../accounts.rst:311
-# 67bfee8945324987bfa2debd1cbd0f29
+#: ../../accounts.rst:310
+# 0a96c3c2516946c1b4260fd4d4d6ffb7
 msgid "To find a user by email address:"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../accounts.rst:318
-# 0a2a4f3d28a447ccafdcade93acec26e
+# 5b63c901fb5a4d208df8e362234d1cba
 msgid "Search User Bind DN"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../accounts.rst:320
-# 9d07ca9ffe4d45e1a14848570aad2f64
+# 92769f4cb5be444cab0bcb685ebe1cc4
 msgid "The bind DN is the user on the external LDAP server permitted to search the LDAP directory within the defined search base. When the DN is returned, the DN and passed password are used to authenticate the CloudStack user with an LDAP bind. A full discussion of bind DNs is outside the scope of our documentation. The following table shows some examples of bind DNs."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../accounts.rst:328
-# 3b0b6b5b036945e6bb5442cb94a46fcd
+# 7fcc45a0be9241b09a01d2287541d652
 msgid "Example Bind DN"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../accounts.rst:330
-# 1cd4f20b644c4fd68eb8a37ef35f7b47
+# b4c0b2f84be54e32820cac392b6c9c75
 msgid "CN=Administrator,DC=testing,OU=project,OU=org"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../accounts.rst:331
-# 2e60a99cfddd494c9de480a48304dfe3
+# 46e145ddbc9f47e08b21fa2631ed9fa7
 msgid "CN=Administrator, OU=testing, DC=company, DC=com"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../accounts.rst:336
-# 16cd1707b0594271ae8a6ae3884ec80e
+# cbaaf7054abf480eb88b336ba62a097b
 msgid "SSL Keystore Path and Password"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../accounts.rst:338
-# 074f3d04369241be9e56096bb7dded79
+# 8a6a84c57cc144edb9a20e63c71ddedc
 msgid "If the LDAP server requires SSL, you need to enable it in the ldapConfig command by setting the parameters ssl, truststore, and truststorepass. Before enabling SSL for ldapConfig, you need to get the certificate which the LDAP server is using and add it to a trusted keystore. You will need to know the path to the keystore and the password."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/administration.pot b/source/locale/pot/administration.pot
index a70fd94..4c7627a 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/administration.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/administration.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
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@@ -16,48 +16,48 @@
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-#: ../../administration.rst:19
-# 5782522e7a564a9caa1ecc02e0977696
+#: ../../administration.rst:18
+# 29cfff43a2514946ad4c3499ebefbed6
 msgid "User Services"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../administration.rst:21
-# 06114f8c3f954e45b8add1ef10ed3f6e
+#: ../../administration.rst:20
+# d7001feee3bd4b298a4c17869c0c45dc
 msgid "In addition to the physical and logical infrastructure of your cloud and the CloudStack software and servers, you also need a layer of user services so that people can actually make use of the cloud. This means not just a user UI, but a set of options and resources that users can choose from, such as templates for creating virtual machines, disk storage, and more. If you are running a commercial service, you will be keeping track of what services and resources users are consuming and charging them for that usage. Even if you do not charge anything for people to use your cloud – say, if the users are strictly internal to your organization, or just friends who are sharing your cloud – you can still keep track of what services they use and how much of them."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../administration.rst:34
-# 08b7862dbeb64d2d8c3e46cacc0a995d
+# 8691c3078d2741dabb85f469a7b58373
 msgid "Service Offerings, Disk Offerings, Network Offerings, and Templates"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../administration.rst:36
-# f761dfbfdddc4df58bc4fb22ad4c4ada
+# 82a1a03c5a234653b024700134d18169
 msgid "A user creating a new instance can make a variety of choices about its characteristics and capabilities. CloudStack provides several ways to present users with choices when creating a new instance:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../administration.rst:42
-# 46491c0220454387a6a1eaf3e9c62f68
+#: ../../administration.rst:40
+# 5b79acf1c4034cf09e56634938cbfd33
 msgid "Service Offerings, defined by the CloudStack administrator, provide a choice of CPU speed, number of CPUs, RAM size, tags on the root disk, and other choices. See Creating a New Compute Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../administration.rst:48
-# 2739214a038842799d6315fc83f2d7b9
+#: ../../administration.rst:44
+# d71f7d3d0dda4061838347d6fc7e35fc
 msgid "Disk Offerings, defined by the CloudStack administrator, provide a choice of disk size and IOPS (Quality of Service) for primary data storage. See Creating a New Disk Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../administration.rst:54
-# 7b90ec0921524642a75fc2610c86c276
+#: ../../administration.rst:48
+# c00720676a8a4c4a9d423dd5f5743f4c
 msgid "Network Offerings, defined by the CloudStack administrator, describe the feature set that is available to end users from the virtual router or external networking devices on a given guest network. See Network Offerings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../administration.rst:61
-# b5a2bc83e71142d2b6133c4d6266cab9
+#: ../../administration.rst:53
+# 169ad751a60e44929103a91c102ac2a2
 msgid "Templates, defined by the CloudStack administrator or by any CloudStack user, are the base OS images that the user can choose from when creating a new instance. For example, CloudStack includes CentOS as a template. See Working with Templates."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../administration.rst:66
-# 2e2f04a2e3e449698ca4be2d9d1215fb
+#: ../../administration.rst:58
+# 81b027ebc2094409b6f28288660792c7
 msgid "In addition to these choices that are provided for users, there is another type of service offering which is available only to the CloudStack root administrator, and is used for configuring virtual infrastructure resources. For more information, see Upgrading a Virtual Router with System Service Offerings."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/api.pot b/source/locale/pot/api.pot
index efa4adf..70a1475 100644
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+++ b/source/locale/pot/api.pot
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 #: ../../api.rst:18
-# c9f373cc299e447998a4b0c51d6b30e1
+# 7499b008b97e41b59d4cdc3835758f36
 msgid "CloudStack API"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../api.rst:20
-# 4f31f79497784c4eb83f19285c8fc8d4
+# 7a40beffc6484f108ad5202cb2a4e7c3
 msgid "The CloudStack API is a low level API that has been used to implement the CloudStack web UIs. It is also a good basis for implementing other popular APIs such as EC2/S3 and emerging DMTF standards."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../api.rst:24
-# 0484938f098f467e94ea20aa2d3de1f0
+# 0e4247f81b8a4a83afa84f323d2697b9
 msgid "Many CloudStack API calls are asynchronous. These will return a Job ID immediately when called. This Job ID can be used to query the status of the job later. Also, status calls on impacted resources will provide some indication of their state."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../api.rst:29
-# 59bb256e7c6841a89ab8fd907a34f08a
+# dc0b3fef72b74085a24d7e0c15cb227d
 msgid "The API has a REST-like query basis and returns results in XML or JSON."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../api.rst:31
-# 3f40f7f90a3b4dd2a8b4ddbb30340800
+# 1f57015e966c480795b141ba3f87b86a
 msgid "See `the Developer’s Guide <>`_ and `the API Reference <>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:35
-# 850a1709dc05430b81c947813bf2c387
+#: ../../api.rst:36
+# de3d35bb699f45f495251ceb69a2c238
 msgid "Provisioning and Authentication API"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:37
-# 4b899aee7aa147bbb8cbe8cc3fdd3436
+#: ../../api.rst:38
+# c8eb593d2c654d8db8d5ce7791bedd07
 msgid "CloudStack expects that a customer will have their own user provisioning infrastructure. It provides APIs to integrate with these existing systems where the systems call out to CloudStack to add/remove users.."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:41
-# d1809ac4f63b4171bd2bf7449f9af520
+#: ../../api.rst:42
+# f37cbbabb4af4c76977b51277f5cefa3
 msgid "CloudStack supports pluggable authenticators. By default, CloudStack assumes it is provisioned with the user’s password, and as a result authentication is done locally. However, external authentication is possible as well. For example, see Using an LDAP Server for User Authentication."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:48
-# e0f1a61ca7404d2fbe4cfa7a466e23a6
+#: ../../api.rst:50
+# a1cd31f63e9a4fe6869e80cdd8f2274f
 msgid "User Data and Meta Data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:50
-# 4921f2bf02984bc0a308cc391af4cabf
+#: ../../api.rst:52
+# 8adea5c3508040cfb6f8475bc1f2f96c
 msgid "CloudStack provides API access to attach up to 32KB of user data to a deployed VM. Deployed VMs also have access to instance metadata via the virtual router."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:54
-# 076533995e0345db90168c6278c3460b
+#: ../../api.rst:56
+# 11a9a59d3f23401d8c639b7767af0a94
 msgid "User data can be accessed once the IP address of the virtual router is known. Once the IP address is known, use the following steps to access the user data:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:58
-# cf43f38848f845f4a34393092ae8b81e
+#: ../../api.rst:60
+# 0b14bfd2cf6c41a98f39a406fdb83868
 msgid "Run the following command to find the virtual router."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:64
-# 6fff13e87cff49809caebf13b8fa61cb
+#: ../../api.rst:66
+# e0144a29051543d1aba1d5b18d18e033
 msgid "Access user data by running the following command using the result of the above command"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:71
-# cd37cb5d158343c29780503c5bca4540
+#: ../../api.rst:73
+# 8ebc1946ef8840c4b4c99d6194576997
 msgid "Meta Data can be accessed similarly, using a URL of the form{metadata type}. (For backwards compatibility, the previous URL{metadata type} is also supported.) For metadata type, use one of the following:"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../api.rst:78
-# e84e13e6d81f41fda2e53325bcf8196b
+# bed0120874a643b1b9d59bd6a4e9e404
 msgid "service-offering. A description of the VMs service offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:82
-# 62048249f8d2494db34980c3b1862e5b
+#: ../../api.rst:80
+# 71b8d766955140c3b512c2a9318fa115
 msgid "availability-zone. The Zone name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:86
-# 7463be88f12e49e8aac8925ca6a5884f
+#: ../../api.rst:82
+# 2a80730691bb49e0b69de28d14feea03
 msgid "local-ipv4. The guest IP of the VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:90
-# ba16b21040764726a1202dde1d4e83d6
+#: ../../api.rst:84
+# 6f5c73e35f714f0f83b7c799a46c499f
 msgid "local-hostname. The hostname of the VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:94
-# 363adc60e20b4bfcb51004281919f11e
+#: ../../api.rst:86
+# ad4c5b53b2844aa9b7518ea0165e3c5a
 msgid "public-ipv4. The first public IP for the router. (E.g. the first IP of eth2)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:99
-# 352781028d6f46f1b95f08adccbb1ff2
+#: ../../api.rst:89
+# 53db659838e1499c86e3674db658bbdb
 msgid "public-hostname. This is the same as public-ipv4"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../api.rst:103
-# dc787ff8567442788d44cf46ab9a6462
+#: ../../api.rst:91
+# 760946f739514ea5be9f4c114716b1ba
 msgid "instance-id. The instance name of the VM"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/events.pot b/source/locale/pot/events.pot
index 57799bc..0fe5136 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/events.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/events.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -17,316 +17,316 @@
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 #: ../../events.rst:18
-# 102ed2ffb3fb4c3bb6029d0c7eb905de
+# 0defb3a9608c4824b34ed35d916fd0c4
 msgid "Event Notification"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../events.rst:20
-# afc241a8b0d0496a8744768e3563fbe8
+# 37ebc4e9b0b148daaab42c65d71cc834
 msgid "An event is essentially a significant or meaningful change in the state of both virtual and physical resources associated with a cloud environment. Events are used by monitoring systems, usage and billing systems, or any other event-driven workflow systems to discern a pattern and make the right business decision. In CloudStack an event could be a state change of virtual or physical resources, an action performed by an user (action events), or policy based events (alerts)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:29
-# 0fca00203fea49669148771eeedf55c3
+#: ../../events.rst:30
+# 82bc7c30085140f89344da554ad386a3
 msgid "Event Logs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:31
-# 1d21fa8ae81748baa8e52f31043facf7
+#: ../../events.rst:32
+# c1d54e6d1a2d4cd6888ad99bf943ed83
 msgid "There are two types of events logged in the CloudStack Event Log. Standard events log the success or failure of an event and can be used to identify jobs or processes that have failed. There are also long running job events. Events for asynchronous jobs log when a job is scheduled, when it starts, and when it completes. Other long running synchronous jobs log when a job starts, and when it completes. Long running synchronous and asynchronous event logs can be used to gain more information on the status of a pending job or can be used to identify a job that is hanging or has not started. The following sections provide more information on these events.."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:43
-# 8a0c6176934d4aec840789a07a73084b
+#: ../../events.rst:45
+# 127295678f0c4cf084cf737444f11087
 msgid "Notification"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:45
-# 64816315eaa145ab8ad138648b2589e3
+#: ../../events.rst:47
+# a669e3079b7e41d1a82dd149bf00b011
 msgid "Event notification framework provides a means for the Management Server components to publish and subscribe to CloudStack events. Event notification is achieved by implementing the concept of event bus abstraction in the Management Server. An event bus is introduced in the Management Server that allows the CloudStack components and extension plug-ins to subscribe to the events by using the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) client. In CloudStack, a default implementation of event bus is provided as a plug-in that uses the RabbitMQ AMQP client. The AMQP client pushes the published events to a compatible AMQP server. Therefore all the CloudStack events are published to an exchange in the AMQP server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:57
-# 69559e28bd3c4833a65e235470bd7ae9
+#: ../../events.rst:59
+# e41f3e4f6450467da27fc6dc4ebb2788
 msgid "A new event for state change, resource state change, is introduced as part of Event notification framework. Every resource, such as user VM, volume, NIC, network, public IP, snapshot, and template, is associated with a state machine and generates events as part of the state change. That implies that a change in the state of a resource results in a state change event, and the event is published in the corresponding state machine on the event bus. All the CloudStack events (alerts, action events, usage events) and the additional category of resource state change events, are published on to the events bus."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:68
-# c7c4a9021bb94d0d8c8806bdc797abc7
+#: ../../events.rst:71
+# 4aaf02080d184ab387923b45f39d5762
 msgid "Use Cases"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:70
-# 2b32e72970d74bd3b50d67a5c2b25913
+#: ../../events.rst:73
+# f7b5a1de0f014d2eabfe925d0c5c4e95
 msgid "The following are some of the use cases:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:74
-# 785e64cd20c945e39b1fcd1248e29463
+#: ../../events.rst:75
+# 9be82bc2fe244fef9851d9adb481fdaf
 msgid "Usage or Billing Engines: A third-party cloud usage solution can implement a plug-in that can connects to CloudStack to subscribe to CloudStack events and generate usage data. The usage data is consumed by their usage software."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:81
-# 697fd51abda3475fbec2bfb2cf48eeee
+#: ../../events.rst:80
+# 2585685666874f3f8795c70fe2671356
 msgid "AMQP plug-in can place all the events on the a message queue, then a AMQP message broker can provide topic-based notification to the subscribers."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:87
-# 13d4c3bf275446aca6afcc5f13b12aa3
+#: ../../events.rst:84
+# ff10e0227bc04e2f86f15c3c534b7c47
 msgid "Publish and Subscribe notification service can be implemented as a pluggable service in CloudStack that can provide rich set of APIs for event notification, such as topics-based subscription and notification. Additionally, the pluggable service can deal with multi-tenancy, authentication, and authorization issues."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:94
-# 1aedf09c5c0b4effa9dd9117fcf5a102
+#: ../../events.rst:92
+# bdc9ac2f935c456fbd3778ddef6c91cf
 msgid "Configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:96
-# 1520275479c3459fb8bb45890eae9935
+#: ../../events.rst:94
+# c2514aa04f964044bd2bd630f31b4d3f
 msgid "As a CloudStack administrator, perform the following one-time configuration to enable event notification framework. At run time no changes can control the behaviour."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:102
-# e80abe3d28594327a0464339d8818c44
+#: ../../events.rst:98
+# e94d4200515d4f15adbc52ca3bbf8c54
 msgid "Open ``'componentContext.xml``."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:106
-# 9df0be28f95041d19f82142547b7265b
+#: ../../events.rst:100
+# e2bbf37abe854d6cb8384bdd3c9d72b9
 msgid "Define a bean named ``eventNotificationBus`` as follows:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:110
-# e46a3a197cc74df2a9eb8e5bd57ebf52
+#: ../../events.rst:102
+# 47bce54d52714df7bafac2b6d04dd816
 msgid "name : Specify a name for the bean."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:114
-# b203c95bc9f44afc81fbb8980802291e
+#: ../../events.rst:104
+# 4317cb3aa0fd4c7fa3f0e637f6cfea48
 msgid "server : The name or the IP address of the RabbitMQ AMQP server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:118
-# 6e8c151c2dd847f1a2a160d97c119e86
+#: ../../events.rst:106
+# 0f6561172d38446db99181316f50e667
 msgid "port : The port on which RabbitMQ server is running."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:122
-# 42911e580f7a4f6fa5b5be87551390cb
+#: ../../events.rst:108
+# 7ff0aa3ff7af48fbbf4651a2d8e5f34d
 msgid "username : The username associated with the account to access the RabbitMQ server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:127
-# 887fd9bc57b548f382e1c635c3dbb8a0
+#: ../../events.rst:111
+# 7193c434eaab44eda2d7d9b2b86c675d
 msgid "password : The password associated with the username of the account to access the RabbitMQ server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:132
-# 4c518b7b80a941638553284affb8603e
+#: ../../events.rst:114
+# f765ea7d69504610a98a95fdb802fe32
 msgid "exchange : The exchange name on the RabbitMQ server where CloudStack events are published."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:135
-# f881113c3c1540c9a568b4bb01f37ff2
+#: ../../events.rst:117
+# 7ba933b1d4ec41c1a20f2cdca4275405
 msgid "A sample bean is given below:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:148
-# c88f66382e86471fa752a96e8c286e51
+#: ../../events.rst:130
+# 07a04a0f79804e938092a93f3180770a
 msgid "The ``eventNotificationBus`` bean represents the ```` class."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:153
-# 3c84696f04ae4ad58c0edfe8eee24a49
+#: ../../events.rst:133
+# 83cdf82ae8c34a238d181c5bbaef30dd
 msgid "Restart the Management Server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:156
-# 34f2df7b30c8489690de80ca02292b43
+#: ../../events.rst:137
+# 573b41c4def247f6981e828da7f54f82
 msgid "Standard Events"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:158
-#: ../../events.rst:191
-# 658ab70617ca480387c4446d2df3f783
-# e43e53282a8743bc94e7a3f26dacfeed
+#: ../../events.rst:139
+#: ../../events.rst:161
+# f503981d0a764de49d4acc01c70d6126
+# 9212f9cd71b542899ac8256d4a51026d
 msgid "The events log records three types of standard events."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:162
-#: ../../events.rst:195
-# 9400dae867ab48dfb95e9a05e8949fdb
-# cb299fcbd64849a7a47486675d1f6477
+#: ../../events.rst:141
+#: ../../events.rst:163
+# fab87560ba674752808dacaf3abfc44a
+# 94b40a1c0c98456399293f6a38102385
 msgid "INFO. This event is generated when an operation has been successfully performed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:167
-#: ../../events.rst:200
-# 294607854e004c4fa685bb9760e11d2f
-# 26f912bd36f4415c9f6349109dbc880a
+#: ../../events.rst:144
+#: ../../events.rst:166
+# 49450fc963104f569e80611ac7179829
+# 13438410decf4526b0381dc44062ba76
 msgid "WARN. This event is generated in the following circumstances."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:171
-#: ../../events.rst:204
-# 8f26ab07f1da41c5a67f35568dee82ae
-# a962175d5c794f9e88b25a995aa3fe1a
+#: ../../events.rst:146
+#: ../../events.rst:168
+# c6197efc809f4a67baf05aa139cb10f5
+# a16599807269441f8f1799ae29968e11
 msgid "When a network is disconnected while monitoring a template download."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:176
-#: ../../events.rst:209
-# 41d6341dfbc74296aebd0eff9602f59a
-# 9bdea7d661d140718fea5fda4ae30615
+#: ../../events.rst:149
+#: ../../events.rst:171
+# 0e060afef9e84640b3c2da38436691e2
+# 019e604962174d4492cca7be02ad2647
 msgid "When a template download is abandoned."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:180
-#: ../../events.rst:213
-# d2d6ebc19c2f42138e8698f89ee29c6f
-# 93031d47c5704fb383a9e8149b602855
+#: ../../events.rst:151
+#: ../../events.rst:173
+# 8b3eabd5fcc0406bb83abe3863261df9
+# 19ccb6eebbc1446a8cb47056d2ad0274
 msgid "When an issue on the storage server causes the volumes to fail over to the mirror storage server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:185
-#: ../../events.rst:218
-# 583a50a8c403401093490e43cbd95dfd
-# 52ea4911fdfe42a5af3cc9a97e48a987
+#: ../../events.rst:154
+#: ../../events.rst:176
+# 96793fba6d294c98bd8dcde72d0d9f49
+# 0b487b0c814145438366a847c93c52d8
 msgid "ERROR. This event is generated when an operation has not been successfully performed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:189
-# 5b8500630feb40f4afb3b8f9e29a53a3
+#: ../../events.rst:159
+# b1c1824ddd304288bd0803e80d482bb9
 msgid "Long Running Job Events"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:222
-# c379b57670384b0b9da909afafca7292
+#: ../../events.rst:181
+# ffb5ee0896674a62a567e634fc725510
 msgid "Event Log Queries"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:224
-# 88a9f85fb3da4603bee07701eabb7806
+#: ../../events.rst:183
+# 0c75a642e72943e0bb28642902590c9b
 msgid "Database logs can be queried from the user interface. The list of events captured by the system includes:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:229
-# cd15e4ae2eca4d55b7510293e7fd2bbd
+#: ../../events.rst:186
+# fe735d1b0444472aa47e381cd00eec61
 msgid "Virtual machine creation, deletion, and on-going management operations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:234
-# 2df022a424dc41b699e1367171be2d50
+#: ../../events.rst:189
+# e331126149b64023bf0e7655bbcb2991
 msgid "Virtual router creation, deletion, and on-going management operations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:238
-# d36f900c99fb40fa94804d5e52af7822
+#: ../../events.rst:191
+# 33b99484fca246c48ceff95aac8b52d2
 msgid "Template creation and deletion"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:242
-# 2e97521ac7be4b15b4892a30073bc966
+#: ../../events.rst:193
+# 7969071933104816945f05e9f3a597e3
 msgid "Network/load balancer rules creation and deletion"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:246
-# f59bcdcfa249464a800cad1cd97cfc0f
+#: ../../events.rst:195
+# 91ecfa5192134ffeafe5043cff29432a
 msgid "Storage volume creation and deletion"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:250
-# 8bd53c90bb38449fbbadd472c0930466
+#: ../../events.rst:197
+# b0c0672f35af4003870943a16b461337
 msgid "User login and logout"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:253
-# 1e928be3f4e54e8f8b6532879b4e5f7e
+#: ../../events.rst:201
+# 57cfb09e85c842b581f3a0f38609a9c4
 msgid "Deleting and Archiving Events and Alerts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:255
-# 13275df9c48f45ccba383ca172df3874
+#: ../../events.rst:203
+# b4160055fbd946979df299cf40a75777
 msgid "CloudStack provides you the ability to delete or archive the existing alerts and events that you no longer want to implement. You can regularly delete or archive any alerts or events that you cannot, or do not want to resolve from the database."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:260
-# 1371e435af2d4271b9db506b9e5c40aa
+#: ../../events.rst:208
+# 7bdab572982c4739808182e94b589c7e
 msgid "You can delete or archive individual alerts or events either directly by using the Quickview or by using the Details page. If you want to delete multiple alerts or events at the same time, you can use the respective context menu. You can delete alerts or events by category for a time period. For example, you can select categories such as **USER.LOGOUT**, **VM.DESTROY**, **VM.AG.UPDATE**, **CONFIGURATION.VALUE.EDI**, and so on. You can also view the number of events or alerts archived or deleted."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:269
-# c8695ccfaf37456c9fe6e0ec4d207a62
+#: ../../events.rst:217
+# cf46cdd4536a4a93912df2f4e88af8a1
 msgid "In order to support the delete or archive alerts, the following global parameters have been added:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:274
-# d437d10a6c5c4d4fac98d68635980067
+#: ../../events.rst:220
+# 19ff2e090cf24d30aeacde33ec972af1
 msgid "**alert.purge.delay**: The alerts older than specified number of days are purged. Set the value to 0 to never purge alerts automatically."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:279
-# 368c17d62d6043429befbae6871a04c0
+#: ../../events.rst:223
+# e3ccfdc51da14488bc9e44623c64d707
 msgid "**alert.purge.interval**: The interval in seconds to wait before running the alert purge thread. The default is 86400 seconds (one day)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:283
-# 57dd9b95bbcf4bfd87ebf5cbaef78931
+#: ../../events.rst:228
+# a6eda71ad15940c2b58724ff74f97e26
 msgid "Archived alerts or events cannot be viewed in the UI or by using the API. They are maintained in the database for auditing or compliance purposes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:288
-# ec3e8f0b43514403afc0a9e47f381c0c
+#: ../../events.rst:234
+# 7c40293965f24130896768ea8223a152
 msgid "Permissions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:290
-# 7db5396af5d24382a51e418ced931fff
+#: ../../events.rst:236
+# e43e679e6a304ae1b78e11f56bed12b2
 msgid "Consider the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:294
-# 2814ee39c91e4c2e832d73a1a39839b5
+#: ../../events.rst:238
+# c5bd820d9a5e487b9440609da1e22551
 msgid "The root admin can delete or archive one or multiple alerts or events."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:299
-# 01be1c88e97f4e9eae1e310e28045ae2
+#: ../../events.rst:241
+# 51b4fa6e53064c7088052c69d7a1b4fe
 msgid "The domain admin or end user can delete or archive one or multiple events."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:303
-# 8d806f13fadd4080bae10069ad330bbc
+#: ../../events.rst:246
+# bea2b3dcb4bb41468a31793133ffeb06
 msgid "Procedure"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:307
-# 0670181e1983452ab571f7ae6ce4d594
+#: ../../events.rst:248
+# aa16543921984837a7f59142ad2df67d
 msgid "Log in as administrator to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:311
-# 3ab15d176fec4a14a47ed28c4e81a0bc
+#: ../../events.rst:250
+# f8b2ec5bdbf749d2bf704ff20c063c89
 msgid "In the left navigation, click Events."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:315
-# 3dfc816afe4744f1a2b5aa030c3be966
+#: ../../events.rst:252
+# 5519a86ae5b04a68b972ee88e37deffe
 msgid "Perform either of the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:319
-# 3308c260b9c8454bb6109c2b36420617
+#: ../../events.rst:254
+# fd1193e3ff83466aa226d4834dea269d
 msgid "To archive events, click Archive Events, and specify event type and date."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:324
-# 3563bec70a3f40aa9bfd26494bda8c93
+#: ../../events.rst:257
+# abfda9e22c7f42f3a4ff488ff755e59e
 msgid "To archive events, click Delete Events, and specify event type and date."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../events.rst:329
-# f0ab5197a41b478684c629f86f95fc12
+#: ../../events.rst:260
+# 58b630d17160410ab6757d134aa17a62
 msgid "Click OK."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/hosts.pot b/source/locale/pot/hosts.pot
index da72b99..6314be5 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/hosts.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/hosts.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -17,812 +17,812 @@
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 #: ../../hosts.rst:18
-# 592d97db5d074967b8037886828bbbf7
+# d162d1d06fd7403885aaa50b51be64cf
 msgid "Working with Hosts"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../hosts.rst:21
-# eb6157eff5a24266a1934dce1cc5c38e
+# 6c9e070451664a89a2bab7d9dcb4892e
 msgid "Adding Hosts"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../hosts.rst:23
-# 8278623233e349e2bbe063bea7e23268
+# 0fea464db7a843f6930b135daf0f6eef
 msgid "Additional hosts can be added at any time to provide more capacity for guest VMs. For requirements and instructions, see `“Adding a Host” <>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:28
-# d13936e89f4e4d9ea480d52a5c693cab
+#: ../../hosts.rst:29
+# 8d309023c45240b78a9ddce49978e18c
 msgid "Scheduled Maintenance and Maintenance Mode for Hosts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:30
-# c80faa4e959d4bf6a547b8898e582f71
+#: ../../hosts.rst:31
+# 7a2b019ac10a47c39de133fdc1a06f3d
 msgid "You can place a host into maintenance mode. When maintenance mode is activated, the host becomes unavailable to receive new guest VMs, and the guest VMs already running on the host are seamlessly migrated to another host not in maintenance mode. This migration uses live migration technology and does not interrupt the execution of the guest."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:37
-# 050155d6fe2d4fe9bfb03ae737991f51
+#: ../../hosts.rst:39
+# af2fbe9bb8ff4ab29c19fbb7dc7d6a2b
 msgid "vCenter and Maintenance Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:39
-# 6e6dd514ac534a609dbba7282dd7d14e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:41
+# d2d9b481634d47499c874f1781439746
 msgid "To enter maintenance mode on a vCenter host, both vCenter and CloudStack must be used in concert. CloudStack and vCenter have separate maintenance modes that work closely together."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../hosts.rst:45
-# 1e1a327f506545d588b5c2dac6a6be66
+# 1757e266dc494d81be5c3b51608b8507
 msgid "Place the host into CloudStack's \"scheduled maintenance\" mode. This does not invoke the vCenter maintenance mode, but only causes VMs to be migrated off the host"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../hosts.rst:49
-# 10b6ab6a7f494f5e8df3db13ccfd3af8
+# d96d3c3231d445ffbe5379d2f572a864
 msgid "When the CloudStack maintenance mode is requested, the host first moves into the Prepare for Maintenance state. In this state it cannot be the target of new guest VM starts. Then all VMs will be migrated off the server. Live migration will be used to move VMs off the host. This allows the guests to be migrated to other hosts with no disruption to the guests. After this migration is completed, the host will enter the Ready for Maintenance mode."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:59
-# 1628c924f80a4f4e9f5becf74ad3f0ee
+#: ../../hosts.rst:57
+# a0302fba3abb4768b9ea6456150d1e34
 msgid "Wait for the \"Ready for Maintenance\" indicator to appear in the UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:63
-# 4adef7c4df77454e8bd00237cd21e93c
+#: ../../hosts.rst:59
+# bb2fe5471107450db78672f18f6c459b
 msgid "Now use vCenter to perform whatever actions are necessary to maintain the host. During this time, the host cannot be the target of new VM allocations."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:69
-# 7d67902696d54dba85c98361d7218cc4
+#: ../../hosts.rst:63
+# 465e081898184a07a0da7751a1b9540b
 msgid "When the maintenance tasks are complete, take the host out of maintenance mode as follows:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:74
-# a3f38b02fdc24e5e9b3c51227bb08fd7
+#: ../../hosts.rst:66
+# d513b1610d3f4e3c94c36672598225ef
 msgid "First use vCenter to exit the vCenter maintenance mode."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:76
-# d4f34ccb4d9b4a1bb09958fa5cf4de5e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:68
+# 20604374352a49e78c96fc359907798b
 msgid "This makes the host ready for CloudStack to reactivate it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:80
-# fc22d153282549d19896184eb37b2090
+#: ../../hosts.rst:70
+# 268a4bfa21584498b9c29213e959d532
 msgid "Then use CloudStack's administrator UI to cancel the CloudStack maintenance mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:83
-# ce24285fd2e84a2d8e071223d9f7aa23
+#: ../../hosts.rst:73
+# 473e00df4c58462d9df612fdba5c4996
 msgid "When the host comes back online, the VMs that were migrated off of it may be migrated back to it manually and new VMs can be added."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:87
-# 1be609d82bc7437ab1f435f587dee885
+#: ../../hosts.rst:78
+# 8026febd757948bdb38b4f85cbd4c425
 msgid "XenServer and Maintenance Mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:89
-# 4801359e1b504036a523926cb3083fcf
+#: ../../hosts.rst:80
+# 38555be75efd4fed91c3479a883493d1
 msgid "For XenServer, you can take a server offline temporarily by using the Maintenance Mode feature in XenCenter. When you place a server into Maintenance Mode, all running VMs are automatically migrated from it to another host in the same pool. If the server is the pool master, a new master will also be selected for the pool. While a server is Maintenance Mode, you cannot create or start any VMs on it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:96
-# 4a08aa70600a434a8cf5feeb551dd509
+#: ../../hosts.rst:87
+# 456e5e6e17bf41909c0b487227d097cd
 msgid "**To place a server in Maintenance Mode:**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:100
-#: ../../hosts.rst:123
-# f29fecea7fd547a4ac456396de215514
-# e5801557c9ac4721b34dd0390e57621f
+#: ../../hosts.rst:89
+#: ../../hosts.rst:104
+# 5de27d0060754518bf21cd3ed27ed05a
+# 568c45e59b4f4b2294d24752311a5022
 msgid "In the Resources pane, select the server, then do one of the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:105
-# 1c753ac55dcb457ca6a65e85506faea1
+#: ../../hosts.rst:92
+# a31b8242b89b4b24a48e8d242ed46718
 msgid "Right-click, then click Enter Maintenance Mode on the shortcut menu."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:110
-# 457c53ac36f14ed5a1f83bc59f41713a
+#: ../../hosts.rst:95
+# 1e90893580c44442be56fd686ba4aab4
 msgid "On the Server menu, click Enter Maintenance Mode."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:114
-# 8870ed34b2dc4486ac8f411a890d72c4
+#: ../../hosts.rst:97
+# 95cf013b55004f2486b693b9a9bdb52d
 msgid "Click Enter Maintenance Mode."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:116
-# 2433c930578741a1909765bc2bade385
+#: ../../hosts.rst:99
+# e9120c5408d94ba89b65157b49de36ae
 msgid "The server's status in the Resources pane shows when all running VMs have been successfully migrated off the server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:119
-# 42be08f037604e5a9f47001de252d369
+#: ../../hosts.rst:102
+# c8ae2b6b96814aa8a04dc2ceebbacabb
 msgid "**To take a server out of Maintenance Mode:**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:128
-# f57ec4b8d883455d81686a1fd40f6160
+#: ../../hosts.rst:107
+# ae539b7f53ce42e8b161a38c897302a8
 msgid "Right-click, then click Exit Maintenance Mode on the shortcut menu."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:133
-# 7d8e71c7ffbc4d71a75266dfba6b84df
+#: ../../hosts.rst:110
+# ee115cfaf80446f49c0e9fae828c783e
 msgid "On the Server menu, click Exit Maintenance Mode."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:137
-# 8d0f538994db4767b7f9417b1cb41871
+#: ../../hosts.rst:112
+# 7edbfea17cdb4c4a85766a3d46ccf8da
 msgid "Click Exit Maintenance Mode."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:140
-# bd837a82be2c48858847657c7b3cfdaa
+#: ../../hosts.rst:116
+# e6edc76480294c5faf6518aaf5f6aacb
 msgid "Disabling and Enabling Zones, Pods, and Clusters"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:142
-# 3aea5f5c94fc4404a3d7c5f194da767d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:118
+# 144624e6273f4b5c94ed3f88c8fc95e3
 msgid "You can enable or disable a zone, pod, or cluster without permanently removing it from the cloud. This is useful for maintenance or when there are problems that make a portion of the cloud infrastructure unreliable. No new allocations will be made to a disabled zone, pod, or cluster until its state is returned to Enabled. When a zone, pod, or cluster is first added to the cloud, it is Disabled by default."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:149
-# a9c8925bb2d04ecc9962de6fd0fbc1fd
+#: ../../hosts.rst:125
+# 9fbfab10c6be45a3bd2f6c231c6737bb
 msgid "To disable and enable a zone, pod, or cluster:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:153
-# 32c0489f474c4fecb77b83336097e9db
+#: ../../hosts.rst:127
+# 71e22a46ce644865b910006aaa048a8d
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:157
-#: ../../hosts.rst:447
-# 6b89d161130140ffbf2ccaee055008a3
-# 2f4cd598e62c47168a2ed22c6bec7674
+#: ../../hosts.rst:129
+#: ../../hosts.rst:404
+# 50c0cd124fa643fdbbc561152e0dbabf
+# e16a19456eb441b4ab3cf57ec846a391
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:161
-# 5ce0a640f1954756b46305873f389ad9
+#: ../../hosts.rst:131
+# 11fd25d319484ab2b87f09c842be5134
 msgid "In Zones, click View More."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:165
-# 3d333ceeab284ce5ad02f60c1fa67471
+#: ../../hosts.rst:133
+# c9caf60acf104601bc0f0f946d22b0c5
 msgid "If you are disabling or enabling a zone, find the name of the zone in the list, and click the Enable/Disable button. |enable-disable.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:170
-# 0a4cfd78743b4e2c83066e46ce8464f8
+#: ../../hosts.rst:136
+# 222f496a2d1e456589a79442f4ed34a5
 msgid "If you are disabling or enabling a pod or cluster, click the name of the zone that contains the pod or cluster."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:175
-# 0dc7b10cd00b48c1a2c77859a0cd940a
+#: ../../hosts.rst:139
+# 8de91492f6c848dca361c3822956148a
 msgid "Click the Compute tab."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:179
-# c7daddfdce6e4da6bb743f31b20c08df
+#: ../../hosts.rst:141
+# 260854995dc747e8b0224b78525f9646
 msgid "In the Pods or Clusters node of the diagram, click View All."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:183
-# 35005e277f71455ca42dd6d65bf92a77
+#: ../../hosts.rst:143
+# 5496ff56c1c74d689c2d2453c38b4708
 msgid "Click the pod or cluster name in the list."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:187
-# e96437e7b142420f990a2c0717d1e472
+#: ../../hosts.rst:145
+# 893e62d5abbf47a38a0dd2c1a53d6a5a
 msgid "Click the Enable/Disable button. |enable-disable.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:190
-# 5ab36fe8716644fa8a74b1315198f7d3
+#: ../../hosts.rst:149
+# 8f3d3ce8e0c64e67aea7a02d485fb245
 msgid "Removing Hosts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:192
-# 2915247620714f17b21f9124f39d894e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:151
+# 984b62f5ee574b5fa2921a9c51086739
 msgid "Hosts can be removed from the cloud as needed. The procedure to remove a host depends on the hypervisor type."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:196
-# 04254d2838064c639d5331ae3ffc4753
+#: ../../hosts.rst:156
+# 65240cc22f554f09bdc03200b95bd05d
 msgid "Removing XenServer and KVM Hosts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:198
-# eccc01ddbac946f9800dccea47e31ba9
+#: ../../hosts.rst:158
+# 879cec7da3564798aa9e0d864809678d
 msgid "A node cannot be removed from a cluster until it has been placed in maintenance mode. This will ensure that all of the VMs on it have been migrated to other Hosts. To remove a Host from the cloud:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:204
-# 82565e09d51041738069677fb128372d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:162
+# 7b965bf8884a4bcba98b12aab945722c
 msgid "Place the node in maintenance mode."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:206
-# dd04ef23348a42fc815ff0a376123868
+#: ../../hosts.rst:164
+# 1301a77070374e238eb438818854da08
 msgid "See `“Scheduled Maintenance and Maintenance Mode for Hosts” <#scheduled-maintenance-and-maintenance-mode-for-hosts>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:211
-# fed544dd8c474c2581684a87c9dae984
+#: ../../hosts.rst:167
+# 6cb63d9356e643f1b3e032a8056a89ee
 msgid "For KVM, stop the cloud-agent service."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:215
-# 1f7547325d9a4881a6768dd009061aae
+#: ../../hosts.rst:169
+# 3a90c7e2a9224f36b01d73a1df4cd39c
 msgid "Use the UI option to remove the node."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:217
-# f00eeb5fdaae4a9cbd1e36d610e270ac
+#: ../../hosts.rst:171
+# 400a182ceace4cef87ffe6c731ea45cd
 msgid "Then you may power down the Host, re-use its IP address, re-install it, etc"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:221
-# ae67d2137019437192ee7fbe0d451012
+#: ../../hosts.rst:176
+# b9297a05564a41f8aa6995f8f1e2265a
 msgid "Removing vSphere Hosts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:223
-# b5b44fe095f645ed89753427c54c129e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:178
+# c32ebbedc8304707ab76b57248d80fee
 msgid "To remove this type of host, first place it in maintenance mode, as described in `“Scheduled Maintenance and Maintenance Mode for Hosts” <#scheduled-maintenance-and-maintenance-mode-for-hosts>`_. Then use CloudStack to remove the host. CloudStack will not direct commands to a host that has been removed using CloudStack. However, the host may still exist in the vCenter cluster."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:231
-# 2634c1aab86c49d6847a1cb6b9ca885d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:187
+# dd4d1c612fb44dc195061dd566beec5e
 msgid "Re-Installing Hosts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:233
-# 4a42ccaecda646bca2ac6ac89016ca33
+#: ../../hosts.rst:189
+# 0ee9288a566b4631b2e8f680cfbe5b47
 msgid "You can re-install a host after placing it in maintenance mode and then removing it. If a host is down and cannot be placed in maintenance mode, it should still be removed before the re-install."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:238
-# 65deb360368a4ef6aeac7a84cfe5c1ab
+#: ../../hosts.rst:195
+# c85fb73c99e34c10b3289143d58b305b
 msgid "Maintaining Hypervisors on Hosts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:240
-# b927785c512c4eb79d94c141907bf453
+#: ../../hosts.rst:197
+# af548f5aa95e4755a881574a77d625fd
 msgid "When running hypervisor software on hosts, be sure all the hotfixes provided by the hypervisor vendor are applied. Track the release of hypervisor patches through your hypervisor vendor’s support channel, and apply patches as soon as possible after they are released. CloudStack will not track or notify you of required hypervisor patches. It is essential that your hosts are completely up to date with the provided hypervisor patches. The hypervisor vendor is likely to refuse to support any system that is not up to date with patches."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:250
-# 6e001d3995a4461a98eb2c84399f8040
+#: ../../hosts.rst:207
+# fb13ff2e1e1c478e8ee99dbb7a71c69d
 msgid "The lack of up-do-date hotfixes can lead to data corruption and lost VMs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:252
-# 24e34948fedb4eebaaa0b332c6b3ea55
+#: ../../hosts.rst:209
+# 0132d3f953a446e7af2712c1f7f204d9
 msgid "(XenServer) For more information, see `Highly Recommended Hotfixes for XenServer in the CloudStack Knowledge Base <>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:255
-# e291026e0bcb4fc19c5f5ec67fb27962
+#: ../../hosts.rst:215
+# a2b8576f632f48e8b6556fe7958a2b4e
 msgid "Changing Host Password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:257
-# a2ecdc3bf4ea4777a754dbf829ae95cf
+#: ../../hosts.rst:217
+# 026b9758a8234d5d82e1fd3c20d9f9d6
 msgid "The password for a XenServer Node, KVM Node, or vSphere Node may be changed in the database. Note that all Nodes in a Cluster must have the same password."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:261
-# 932a8d5023a3408bb325bb9976e78c9f
+#: ../../hosts.rst:221
+# d662651348254d968559ee61ec677c9d
 msgid "To change a Node's password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:265
-# 02c81a7d530c40cfa1a6acfbdd7d7db5
+#: ../../hosts.rst:223
+# eac8c72d0110440e8d47f458d4dfa691
 msgid "Identify all hosts in the cluster."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:269
-# 5493aaf270c04495a774d707812f6b71
+#: ../../hosts.rst:225
+# 6c429aa99fc44f4e85ed4eda61090335
 msgid "Change the password on all hosts in the cluster. Now the password for the host and the password known to CloudStack will not match. Operations on the cluster will fail until the two passwords match."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:275
-# 5a61d0b0dad244d5943f0f9a28393c34
+#: ../../hosts.rst:229
+# bd29f4605f0b40a9822294fd0cba68e4
 msgid "Get the list of host IDs for the host in the cluster where you are changing the password. You will need to access the database to determine these host IDs. For each hostname \"h\" (or vSphere cluster) that you are changing the password for, execute:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:286
-# 6581ccaebb344383ac2fc40ddd20df3a
+#: ../../hosts.rst:238
+# ae93d4bde54f48ef9b96126a36220883
 msgid "This should return a single ID. Record the set of such IDs for these hosts."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:291
-# 081546910b424a93a45df2dee1cc04ca
+#: ../../hosts.rst:241
+# 6e33a985c6204813a3beec13959e029a
 msgid "Update the passwords for the host in the database. In this example, we change the passwords for hosts with IDs 5, 10, and 12 to \"password\"."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:300
-# 08354d3af75c417c8f3bb81415fabd09
+#: ../../hosts.rst:251
+# 36d8dc7ed9b3447a819222bfb445bd10
 msgid "Over-Provisioning and Service Offering Limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:302
-# a3bafa57323548dd9a6431f678eee017
+#: ../../hosts.rst:253
+# 3e5ec1fcb0cf49fda1383c022d23de87
 msgid "(Supported for XenServer, KVM, and VMware)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:304
-# 0b69ea7e552248b1be401f196dfbb5d3
+#: ../../hosts.rst:255
+# 3633dc63fade45ad8b1bc222bb9ad425
 msgid "CPU and memory (RAM) over-provisioning factors can be set for each cluster to change the number of VMs that can run on each host in the cluster. This helps optimize the use of resources. By increasing the over-provisioning ratio, more resource capacity will be used. If the ratio is set to 1, no over-provisioning is done."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:310
-# e80bfc39f5a24aec99fa634cef445579
+#: ../../hosts.rst:261
+# 43467fc7868049cab2d4374ff0094af1
 msgid "The administrator can also set global default over-provisioning ratios in the cpu.overprovisioning.factor and mem.overprovisioning.factor global configuration variables. The default value of these variables is 1: over-provisioning is turned off by default."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:315
-# 22e46dfef84e43f088ea1c9ba56b012b
+#: ../../hosts.rst:266
+# 253e39db71ed47619ec617fb7a5397ac
 msgid "Over-provisioning ratios are dynamically substituted in CloudStack's capacity calculations. For example:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:318
-# aeb35836bd204db3878f47e711625690
+#: ../../hosts.rst:269
+# 48cbfebf2e804785ba7f9631cb010778
 msgid "Capacity = 2 GB Over-provisioning factor = 2 Capacity after over-provisioning = 4 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:322
-# fb3b9278bc9d46c7a2c77e1f574c1151
+#: ../../hosts.rst:273
+# af111e47b7cc4e53825770d523defc61
 msgid "With this configuration, suppose you deploy 3 VMs of 1 GB each:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:324
-# 9feabccde7a04110b98c75d65bdfb257
+#: ../../hosts.rst:275
+# 851386252faa45d69618b89e2ff7ba8e
 msgid "Used = 3 GB Free = 1 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:327
-# 5fb90dd3e25942db89cf99b12028bc9f
+#: ../../hosts.rst:278
+# fdd299fb9bed44d696ed49d97cd8779d
 msgid "The administrator can specify a memory over-provisioning ratio, and can specify both CPU and memory over-provisioning ratios on a per-cluster basis."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:331
-# 116d6bee32f044cbbd7e4da1d643e5b7
+#: ../../hosts.rst:282
+# 13239c1da0164d2e88a9275d8083e8aa
 msgid "In any given cloud, the optimum number of VMs for each host is affected by such things as the hypervisor, storage, and hardware configuration. These may be different for each cluster in the same cloud. A single global over-provisioning setting can not provide the best utilization for all the different clusters in the cloud. It has to be set for the lowest common denominator. The per-cluster setting provides a finer granularity for better utilization of resources, no matter where the CloudStack placement algorithm decides to place a VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:340
-# 52d81b5edf1e4675934e117fe3f7e39b
+#: ../../hosts.rst:291
+# 14bb9814011f4bb6972aeb18939b2e6c
 msgid "The overprovisioning settings can be used along with dedicated resources (assigning a specific cluster to an account) to effectively offer different levels of service to different accounts. For example, an account paying for a more expensive level of service could be assigned to a dedicated cluster with an over-provisioning ratio of 1, and a lower-paying account to a cluster with a ratio of 2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:347
-# c36163afa88548cfba86a4569c955329
+#: ../../hosts.rst:298
+# a04ae50db280409bacc1c0752456eb1b
 msgid "When a new host is added to a cluster, CloudStack will assume the host has the capability to perform the CPU and RAM over-provisioning which is configured for that cluster. It is up to the administrator to be sure the host is actually suitable for the level of over-provisioning which has been set."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:354
-# edc95af891bf48bf9348b06cd982309c
+#: ../../hosts.rst:306
+# bc9d355b0e014b5ab9fd367c9e80ab24
 msgid "Limitations on Over-Provisioning in XenServer and KVM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:358
-#: ../../hosts.rst:465
-# cc00f5f645f64e0697ca6ebdd96d0def
-# fa75f18b499847fd8e2399cb4259df55
+#: ../../hosts.rst:308
+#: ../../hosts.rst:416
+# c556b8018bbd4fee9f244adf40b4f51d
+# 536dc98cafb74355b90a4bea9be01f99
 msgid "In XenServer, due to a constraint of this hypervisor, you can not use an over-provisioning factor greater than 4."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:363
-# 0a8e4b3712eb41eb98132d75c64a88a7
+#: ../../hosts.rst:311
+# a9dd662370ca407596ca9fa0b313a3af
 msgid "The KVM hypervisor can not manage memory allocation to VMs dynamically. CloudStack sets the minimum and maximum amount of memory that a VM can use. The hypervisor adjusts the memory within the set limits based on the memory contention."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:369
-# f2fe7c9bf6004d17af2fc11f9e60bcb5
+#: ../../hosts.rst:318
+# 4eb1b9a8ad484a8fa8cb381ce6b52eb2
 msgid "Requirements for Over-Provisioning"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:371
-# bee683fe8af6414ba2ce5829f1cce894
+#: ../../hosts.rst:320
+# b5394f77c74e479980f2f996e9f81251
 msgid "Several prerequisites are required in order for over-provisioning to function properly. The feature is dependent on the OS type, hypervisor capabilities, and certain scripts. It is the administrator's responsibility to ensure that these requirements are met."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:377
-# ac320e5915bc4d5e92bae95824019630
+#: ../../hosts.rst:327
+# 4fc500a083b4403998ada5877b9d0de0
 msgid "Balloon Driver"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:379
-# 90096ecdf9dd4377bedd8eacc44a5805
+#: ../../hosts.rst:329
+# 9e1eb0f5b30a4a9cbebcf773c16bf440
 msgid "All VMs should have a balloon driver installed in them. The hypervisor communicates with the balloon driver to free up and make the memory available to a VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:384
-#: ../../hosts.rst:410
-# 3a85924afec74d44a1d3d84552e06e8f
-# 8cce762b3d4c48b5aaa49bca9049a7b8
+#: ../../hosts.rst:335
+#: ../../hosts.rst:365
+# 588dfd76655d44b999fcc554493271ee
+# 876a75ef59a549349b25f46f2f3fc8bf
 msgid "XenServer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:386
-# 2bce40c454304c82b26a1b0275e7d257
+#: ../../hosts.rst:337
+# cc2308bc95464b93a3dc5631c6edb411
 msgid "The balloon driver can be found as a part of xen pv or PVHVM drivers. The xen pvhvm drivers are included in upstream linux kernels 2.6.36+."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:390
-# 9514bde1f9244064beacff1f13d21855
+#: ../../hosts.rst:342
+# db7f94775ac3401c8e7da496601ce4d7
 msgid "VMware"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:392
-# 1721067bf51441578864874e46fb712f
+#: ../../hosts.rst:344
+# db5f8890af6c435aa86e4c6106f0d83e
 msgid "The balloon driver can be found as a part of the VMware tools. All the VMs that are deployed in a over-provisioned cluster should have the VMware tools installed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:397
-# fdfc3291197e40cbb6918abad409e86f
+#: ../../hosts.rst:350
+# e051f09fe032421881651a264ec5562c
 msgid "KVM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:399
-# 393102255c6a4f449aa9100faef98786
+#: ../../hosts.rst:352
+# 9c51a6068b774e919cd552b525963bef
 msgid "All VMs are required to support the virtio drivers. These drivers are installed in all Linux kernel versions 2.6.25 and greater. The administrator must set CONFIG\\_VIRTIO\\_BALLOON=y in the virtio configuration."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:405
-# 02e47b485a7e4c9792ff13a65325ff98
+#: ../../hosts.rst:359
+# c8150c4e5af743bd8897bbd116c538d7
 msgid "Hypervisor capabilities"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:407
-# 24056966cd1e43f4b55061b3d1952313
+#: ../../hosts.rst:361
+# efc1f0769cdf44d0aee285aed27c7e0f
 msgid "The hypervisor must be capable of using the memory ballooning."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:412
-# cbb4ca754be34de8ac7f1de22df461b5
+#: ../../hosts.rst:367
+# 8b282cb5f7914088be3b38b87b604492
 msgid "The DMC (Dynamic Memory Control) capability of the hypervisor should be enabled. Only XenServer Advanced and above versions have this feature."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:416
-# 134f00ef1ff74950a8dff3d90e185df3
+#: ../../hosts.rst:372
+# 11e7b221209c4b97ab044dbbb6c53b0e
 msgid "VMware, KVM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:418
-# cbf853d94adb42db8f9447bcc6c094b4
+#: ../../hosts.rst:374
+# c289bebec04c474c9497ce81216e04f1
 msgid "Memory ballooning is supported by default."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:421
-# fe751eb8be7f47c4ac053e41b99a0c3f
+#: ../../hosts.rst:378
+# fd73c49bd922450fb7a771ebb8586d6d
 msgid "Setting Over-Provisioning Ratios"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:423
-# 362d1a967cde49bd8c050e25ce11a418
+#: ../../hosts.rst:380
+# 7d8bbd43174f499a98270e1aad9301bd
 msgid "There are two ways the root admin can set CPU and RAM over-provisioning ratios. First, the global configuration settings cpu.overprovisioning.factor and mem.overprovisioning.factor will be applied when a new cluster is created. Later, the ratios can be modified for an existing cluster."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:429
-# 1f116a42dfc04347bf2fbc30976a7fe1
+#: ../../hosts.rst:386
+# 6930197d999a4c1bb3e8bca13bb10c00
 msgid "Only VMs deployed after the change are affected by the new setting. If you want VMs deployed before the change to adopt the new over-provisioning ratio, you must stop and restart the VMs. When this is done, CloudStack recalculates or scales the used and reserved capacities based on the new over-provisioning ratios, to ensure that CloudStack is correctly tracking the amount of free capacity."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:437
-# 93a9d4a11ea3467bab17fb3f4cd0dad6
+#: ../../hosts.rst:394
+# fe4660151e234650980661b9975d4c77
 msgid "It is safer not to deploy additional new VMs while the capacity recalculation is underway, in case the new values for available capacity are not high enough to accommodate the new VMs. Just wait for the new used/available values to become available, to be sure there is room for all the new VMs you want."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:439
-# e0366b1e2fa54380bcd721e1a380fc53
+#: ../../hosts.rst:400
+# 443b0ee66d0b40bdad6e11ac6c4eb123
 msgid "To change the over-provisioning ratios for an existing cluster:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:443
-# 7ffed21dabe7462b8e09848f5725cc96
+#: ../../hosts.rst:402
+# b796b807352f4f8285fca177e9417577
 msgid "Log in as administrator to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:451
-# 4d7c773d04964e5b9f50c9425f2787da
+#: ../../hosts.rst:406
+# 450e03bbb9974112bec16a0dca62c829
 msgid "Under Clusters, click View All."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:455
-# 84bddff125d543f283dd83cce8892998
+#: ../../hosts.rst:408
+# dc9598fec6f74c74a82c2311ff962b5d
 msgid "Select the cluster you want to work with, and click the Edit button."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:459
-# 519a8079ef6b4d2eb83eb8537dfed6e8
+#: ../../hosts.rst:410
+# 4574765089c64df0a53ffd4b0d9052a0
 msgid "Fill in your desired over-provisioning multipliers in the fields CPU overcommit ratio and RAM overcommit ratio. The value which is intially shown in these fields is the default value inherited from the global configuration settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:468
-# 8e7465fb587642f5aac407e899b0ad64
+#: ../../hosts.rst:421
+# 2652eabbfcd64f92bab0644f7cddd8d6
 msgid "Service Offering Limits and Over-Provisioning"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:470
-# 0d6a4122110b4dee8cff81972c293a1f
+#: ../../hosts.rst:423
+# d88ad9813f6448ec9277039383ab3f86
 msgid "Service offering limits (e.g. 1 GHz, 1 core) are strictly enforced for core count. For example, a guest with a service offering of one core will have only one core available to it regardless of other activity on the Host."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:475
-# 480c139ad92a490a8cf4bf6004be1bf8
+#: ../../hosts.rst:428
+# 0a5fa05e882e493f8d41201840eb0cd9
 msgid "Service offering limits for gigahertz are enforced only in the presence of contention for CPU resources. For example, suppose that a guest was created with a service offering of 1 GHz on a Host that has 2 GHz cores, and that guest is the only guest running on the Host. The guest will have the full 2 GHz available to it. When multiple guests are attempting to use the CPU a weighting factor is used to schedule CPU resources. The weight is based on the clock speed in the service offering. Guests receive a CPU allocation that is proportionate to the GHz in the service offering. For example, a guest created from a 2 GHz service offering will receive twice the CPU allocation as a guest created from a 1 GHz service offering. CloudStack does not perform memory over-provisioning."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:488
-# 6973ca6704974a47964898e5e0e218dc
+#: ../../hosts.rst:442
+# 86b75c2fbf034662ac3133fe63acefea
 msgid "VLAN Provisioning"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:490
-# 5b73126100d24f48a0f831790b6172db
+#: ../../hosts.rst:444
+# 9d66a1eb7d4d4d88818d5d5d00bb285a
 msgid "CloudStack automatically creates and destroys interfaces bridged to VLANs on the hosts. In general the administrator does not need to manage this process."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:494
-# 4e2359bef8e1410d98f92288a2f72a96
+#: ../../hosts.rst:448
+# 7cfe38c7368a44d1b920f68fbb7e2b5e
 msgid "CloudStack manages VLANs differently based on hypervisor type. For XenServer or KVM, the VLANs are created on only the hosts where they will be used and then they are destroyed when all guests that require them have been terminated or moved to another host."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:499
-# cfd189a826f9412e8b54976947f52b54
+#: ../../hosts.rst:453
+# a681bdc643fc41a49688c3a833dce9ac
 msgid "For vSphere the VLANs are provisioned on all hosts in the cluster even if there is no guest running on a particular Host that requires the VLAN. This allows the administrator to perform live migration and other functions in vCenter without having to create the VLAN on the destination Host. Additionally, the VLANs are not removed from the Hosts when they are no longer needed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:506
-# fc44fd764b804474b12d380d2b22dc04
+#: ../../hosts.rst:460
+# 162b7ae68b2d41db83c3bc6d32e86e6b
 msgid "You can use the same VLANs on different physical networks provided that each physical network has its own underlying layer-2 infrastructure, such as switches. For example, you can specify VLAN range 500 to 1000 while deploying physical networks A and B in an Advanced zone setup. This capability allows you to set up an additional layer-2 physical infrastructure on a different physical NIC and use the same set of VLANs if you run out of VLANs. Another advantage is that you can use the same set of IPs for different customers, each one with their own routers and the guest networks on different physical NICs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:517
-# 06f9c538941f4e3ca83477adfe036a8b
+#: ../../hosts.rst:472
+# d4316f84d139424ab25c6fb9292b2840
 msgid "VLAN Allocation Example"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:519
-# 7a8e238fd6a447e9803e0fcd39957760
+#: ../../hosts.rst:474
+# ea6edc6b827c4791a53ea10997662dae
 msgid "VLANs are required for public and guest traffic. The following is an example of a VLAN allocation scheme:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:523
-# 97aaca38941d42f183baf9eb2c560eec
+#: ../../hosts.rst:478
+# 558c3d372c85421390186a570da26dee
 msgid "VLAN IDs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:523
-# d6cbed5a64fc49fda68543d1a54823ec
+#: ../../hosts.rst:478
+# b6c7ef27f668454dbb5adb9a9c190c98
 msgid "Traffic type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:523
-# c6a593644e2848398fdf1b4c86458434
+#: ../../hosts.rst:478
+# 2dc30077851f4826beeaeb3c808e6452
 msgid "Scope"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:525
-# df3262b199df4244a2cb492f3134ee68
+#: ../../hosts.rst:480
+# 46e966a312a047cfa77c7292aaba1fdb
 msgid "less than 500"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:525
-# 5fc5eed1fae7464bb9bd0cd832cb9901
+#: ../../hosts.rst:480
+# c6ffd280911a498f99904379cc538935
 msgid "Management traffic."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:525
-# d7ca9d9a93904c57808e9baf286d1374
+#: ../../hosts.rst:480
+# bb76ee312d884069ac0a101cfc2680d2
 msgid "Reserved for administrative purposes.  CloudStack software can access this, hypervisors, system VMs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:526
-# 816d6141016845e68cc5cfbb70a5ca4a
+#: ../../hosts.rst:481
+# 1307c25d94c447a08ebf7b1f47d76fa7
 msgid "500-599"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:526
-# 4c6772a236b949c6a827887e55f468dc
+#: ../../hosts.rst:481
+# fb79eefe00ad444eaf660e4c6c7571b7
 msgid "VLAN carrying public traffic."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:526
-# 9788f1148534421f8b3e69b0a2291d4c
+#: ../../hosts.rst:481
+# 0c7d0d0d68c94f5f889f1e32dcb564cb
 msgid "CloudStack accounts."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:527
-# faa736af78474fec844134eb7ee8f8e8
+#: ../../hosts.rst:482
+# 9ab975c827154ebd84ab2f50936736b8
 msgid "600-799"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:527
-#: ../../hosts.rst:528
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-# 968535793b2646eda10843e74d06390c
+#: ../../hosts.rst:482
+#: ../../hosts.rst:483
+# e33f1854a40043ed9d323fa1f1a3519d
+# 1dfa7469eec44ea6b03b34b9c6f7504e
 msgid "VLANs carrying guest traffic."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:527
-# 4c9c92a88e4240c8a3eb4021856220ab
+#: ../../hosts.rst:482
+# e10058e68df14ced9dda12d02876f4c4
 msgid "CloudStack accounts. Account-specific VLAN is chosen from this pool."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:528
-# 821a9f34a9dd4ccbbcb7099bc2e120ff
+#: ../../hosts.rst:483
+# 26028e0cc17c46ceae4008c85730b970
 msgid "800-899"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:528
-# a0b968ec993843e7b61e267dcffdc110
+#: ../../hosts.rst:483
+# a894ab0d32654721aa09284c57bbabc4
 msgid "CloudStack accounts. Account-specific VLAN chosen by CloudStack admin to assign to that account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:529
-# eebf870170034248bf44689d980f22fd
+#: ../../hosts.rst:484
+# 4a297ddc517048fab79c4a44c5ad0b99
 msgid "900-999"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:529
-# fcaefad65c864f0aa12decdbc8ea1a9f
+#: ../../hosts.rst:484
+# 404678aaa64349f8924466d04c12db32
 msgid "VLAN carrying guest traffic"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:529
-# dbc8efd08bdb47939963f1e1ade787c4
+#: ../../hosts.rst:484
+# 185277c2c47d409cb9ec68e3f03ceddc
 msgid "CloudStack accounts. Can be scoped by project, domain, or all accounts."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:530
-# b91c7c3931aa46dbaddfffb5b3497d75
+#: ../../hosts.rst:485
+# 5032da4e90be448f905a4ee48df7d8ed
 msgid "greater than 1000"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:530
-# 11b667ae6cb04cc68d5a10a133cee37b
+#: ../../hosts.rst:485
+# af16d28d60df4d84b3951c37a78f02bc
 msgid "Reserved for future use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:534
-# 10b73559efa5445caf021d488a10c300
+#: ../../hosts.rst:490
+# ef44b9e8dc084564a01254fc196c3b9e
 msgid "Adding Non Contiguous VLAN Ranges"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:536
-# 632b0960356d40aabb5f7262a942d317
+#: ../../hosts.rst:492
+# 5b73c96b899144be9a84d12c7ed11d55
 msgid "CloudStack provides you with the flexibility to add non contiguous VLAN ranges to your network. The administrator can either update an existing VLAN range or add multiple non contiguous VLAN ranges while creating a zone. You can also use the UpdatephysicalNetwork API to extend the VLAN range."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:544
-# 22166092fd8e4f749f83b22e91ed0a19
+#: ../../hosts.rst:498
+# 957172517a6845a3915b26e7b95812d0
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:548
-# c3cc468f1166400fbf2d5bbccec17632
+#: ../../hosts.rst:500
+# cb713605543d4f8eb0ffd5bec494839d
 msgid "Ensure that the VLAN range does not already exist."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:552
-# 0cca254c9b6c4adab9fca2d53a8d2a99
+#: ../../hosts.rst:502
+# 6543749bf38741be83173b69828b1f49
 msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:556
-# 501e52d3dc124b9b81b1a94a93af9f28
+#: ../../hosts.rst:504
+# 7bd96bd6e7fd4c94bd7be28295bd46de
 msgid "On Zones, click View More, then click the zone to which you want to work with."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:561
-# 6a6640c67ea34b0b9a0ca859696174c0
+#: ../../hosts.rst:507
+# 29ea322032104b06880f1204aa29a145
 msgid "Click Physical Network."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:565
-# 9df7f0d650ab4fa8868898684c3025ba
+#: ../../hosts.rst:509
+# a6e5a25d6929406594577a6b3f074454
 msgid "In the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:569
-# 81b5cc6e8b5e4cffada11d5628cf542b
+#: ../../hosts.rst:511
+# b85881c793b045978846d5eb97408757
 msgid "Click Edit |edit-icon.png|."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:571
-# 128ddb2b1a0b403eaa01728b573229e2
+#: ../../hosts.rst:513
+# 061af0a695ad4e1abcd195287ee6e0ef
 msgid "The VLAN Ranges field now is editable."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:575
-# ecf3f3c2e0a24b78aed1b4ed3eb44f3c
+#: ../../hosts.rst:515
+# 131fadb281474dc597e34d3fe0d6d444
 msgid "Specify the start and end of the VLAN range in comma-separated list."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:577
-# 16e7961826d14270960e64272b17457a
+#: ../../hosts.rst:517
+# aaf0146792d5487297eff314b521c053
 msgid "Specify all the VLANs you want to use, VLANs not specified will be removed if you are adding new ranges to the existing list."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:582
-# d6cbf61222844716888f5f8f862bfd82
+#: ../../hosts.rst:520
+# d7cd1af070644a71ae33b79fbc724b87
 msgid "Click Apply."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:585
-# 87d75c37a1ca4312b9d73ae90c39dacf
+#: ../../hosts.rst:524
+# 9685350eac754d8c889dc8da19292529
 msgid "Assigning VLANs to Isolated Networks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:587
-# 329c29ef5c0640298b62d8621919a04e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:526
+# 31001908f2bd40018f7b77a9001e50c7
 msgid "CloudStack provides you the ability to control VLAN assignment to Isolated networks. As a Root admin, you can assign a VLAN ID when a network is created, just the way it's done for Shared networks."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:591
-# d463cc2b2e6b45efbc688fae2f8c844e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:530
+# 47af367fd0e74e9c98c07d5fd93d9a6a
 msgid "The former behaviour also is supported — VLAN is randomly allocated to a network from the VNET range of the physical network when the network turns to Implemented state. The VLAN is released back to the VNET pool when the network shuts down as a part of the Network Garbage Collection. The VLAN can be re-used either by the same network when it is implemented again, or by any other network. On each subsequent implementation of a network, a new VLAN can be assigned."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:599
-# 67f26f616c1d468f9f43fbad3a96d653
+#: ../../hosts.rst:538
+# 1ba6d80370024ab596ffd9d4ae6294cc
 msgid "Only the Root admin can assign VLANs because the regular users or domain admin are not aware of the physical network topology. They cannot even view what VLAN is assigned to a network."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:603
-# 8cb6b5c237b24db2a036745c714fd0c1
+#: ../../hosts.rst:542
+# f8d82f2f80da4f4fbdef3b4308538511
 msgid "To enable you to assign VLANs to Isolated networks,"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:607
-# aa68c2b731f44e8ca5e7b12992e491e4
+#: ../../hosts.rst:544
+# 51e781fd8ac2474f896774fe185ff585
 msgid "Create a network offering by specifying the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:611
-# 6ac8335147a0424ea30c996690f508f6
+#: ../../hosts.rst:546
+# 38ae271a7f7f4855a4353c109d01d761
 msgid "**Guest Type**: Select Isolated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:615
-# a4d3756da9654670af81f81ef51f5bea
+#: ../../hosts.rst:548
+# 136f37de7a6f4b1ead01c213603a4a47
 msgid "**Specify VLAN**: Select the option."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:617
-# 418a868357c54463be949ae219831e3f
+#: ../../hosts.rst:550
+# ba4c14a8b3d94e1fbeccb6afd28ec4ad
 msgid "For more information, see the CloudStack Installation Guide."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:621
-# c7ae08cd2c954f069c402e2f29bd6498
+#: ../../hosts.rst:552
+# 42fbeadc772741cdb88549a149bef4c4
 msgid "Using this network offering, create a network."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:623
-# b76ebd2ac4ec4be88b31ead41a0ffa76
+#: ../../hosts.rst:554
+# b08c9effb9bf43ecb0e42699daf88922
 msgid "You can create a VPC tier or an Isolated network."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:627
-# c827ff2cdfaa40c0a2f5dcefd4637b6f
+#: ../../hosts.rst:556
+# d1ae253e49f3473a9ee2ed29b8447270
 msgid "Specify the VLAN when you create the network."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:629
-# 8e3918b569284ecc9204e3c58114c951
+#: ../../hosts.rst:558
+# d4c5557c8994473ba6ca182dc7149c44
 msgid "When VLAN is specified, a CIDR and gateway are assigned to this network and the state is changed to Setup. In this state, the network will not be garbage collected."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../hosts.rst:634
-# 710699c1ce8949f781a434db64439614
+#: ../../hosts.rst:563
+# 89369b26917b4d54ad28290b37c59b53
 msgid "You cannot change a VLAN once it's assigned to the network. The VLAN remains with the network for its entire life cycle."
 msgstr ""
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+#: ../../index.rst:32
+# 3ed721b0cbc84d29b41f1f88c145794b
+msgid "This guide is aimed at Administrators of a CloudStack based Cloud, for Release Notes, Installation and General introduction to CloudStack see the following guides:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:36
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+msgid "`Documentation Start <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:38
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+msgid "`Installation Guide <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:40
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+msgid "`Release Notes <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../index.rst:44
+# 62705a3d035f4c9894e165081f5341b0
 msgid "User Interface"
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-#: ../../index.rst:33
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+#: ../../index.rst:53
+# 253ae3a9066e4b22aa50e77c73b69357
 msgid "Managing Accounts, Users and Domains"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:41
-# ade0aa6c65934d08b9439c9b55d76991
+#: ../../index.rst:62
+# bb51dd2b7b6d4b6287d5b832dd1ef9f3
 msgid "Using Projects to Organize User Resources"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:48
-# a4efa62c4fe0431e97cf1e8a8afa3c4c
+#: ../../index.rst:70
+# fcbcd54779cb4d14b7c28ea8e525c2ff
 msgid "Service Offerings"
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-#: ../../index.rst:56
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+#: ../../index.rst:79
+# 2fed4745955e4e73b1b3bd6c4664a015
 msgid "Setting up Networking for Users"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:64
-# 99a275b31677470fb19d20cc2cfb3a66
+#: ../../index.rst:88
+# 37cb22ac86ef4acb9c046bc1dc7f7de4
 msgid "Working with Virtual Machines"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:72
-# 8f3d1a01a82d4daca2072ce17e85191b
+#: ../../index.rst:97
+# 625c8add441e4edeac86a1ec4f792cec
 msgid "Working with Templates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:80
-# b618e01117be4bc8917aab2189ec3be4
+#: ../../index.rst:106
+# 7ad29a9c67c74560b24731372d219e23
 msgid "Working with Hosts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:88
-# 1d07b6cc6bd74b689edf5f3f6305e11f
+#: ../../index.rst:115
+# a3332c4666934361ad83c88e6946f7f7
 msgid "Working with Storage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:96
-# 538bdb71f1c34206a75745c0c45b8669
+#: ../../index.rst:124
+# f2f20fd23af44019b1f0578d399c9ecc
 msgid "Working with System Virtual Machines"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:104
-# da80feddb6be416fb7a724951d7f6049
+#: ../../index.rst:133
+# 73fe247fe2a14cf08be624ae4f8d5926
 msgid "Working with Usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:112
-# 89016757f86c44379eb90b8ea75b6d40
+#: ../../index.rst:142
+# 5d20c3a9b5124254a155ba5a519c85ca
 msgid "Managing Networks and Traffic"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:120
-# 4c1cbbb4d99f4c8bace30f6c0edbdd98
+#: ../../index.rst:151
+# c591434a39994a6fa8546f4b1115eb07
 msgid "Managing the Cloud"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:128
-# 769cb32397e246beb100d0a77e9bf7ab
+#: ../../index.rst:160
+# 1ffdcf555b9a45d58d6a0e3b4d670037
 msgid "System Reliability and Availability"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:136
-# 2256c3b81c7b49e18235f85ab474184f
+#: ../../index.rst:169
+# 8422886b2cfe4b9c9d2adf3afd86f37f
 msgid "Tuning"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../index.rst:144
-# 1577c7120b3648449625d8806030fe2b
+#: ../../index.rst:178
+# c05956039d98457abe5c11b6f7661b23
 msgid "Events and Troubleshooting"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/management.pot b/source/locale/pot/management.pot
index e68a324..96ab7aa 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/management.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/management.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
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@@ -17,442 +17,442 @@
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 #: ../../management.rst:18
-# 62fa0deba316409090e6e208765342a7
+# 36cc316d379647279da05d191cf9e9b5
 msgid "Managing the Cloud"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../management.rst:21
-# a792503e467d4d97a1d4aa55140452a5
+# 0dc09dfbe9e34a9cb51831005d8fc025
 msgid "Using Tags to Organize Resources in the Cloud"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../management.rst:23
-# c61cae44c33f4a3b93bcbde61e020c22
+# 3ead5d7ddceb4d98a278abeeed0683c2
 msgid "A tag is a key-value pair that stores metadata about a resource in the cloud. Tags are useful for categorizing resources. For example, you can tag a user VM with a value that indicates the user's city of residence. In this case, the key would be \"city\" and the value might be \"Toronto\" or \"Tokyo.\" You can then request CloudStack to find all resources that have a given tag; for example, VMs for users in a given city."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../management.rst:30
-# b8bee7f6ee524c41a62546c3926fc5a6
+# 6388318fab6c44f58fd92b854f510717
 msgid "You can tag a user virtual machine, volume, snapshot, guest network, template, ISO, firewall rule, port forwarding rule, public IP address, security group, load balancer rule, project, VPC, network ACL, or static route. You can not tag a remote access VPN."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../management.rst:35
-# 41f9c119f564420ebc0b2ce07d6a5211
+# 87e95cabe82f4b7f86c2cd1cc303b912
 msgid "You can work with tags through the UI or through the API commands createTags, deleteTags, and listTags. You can define multiple tags for each resource. There is no limit on the number of tags you can define. Each tag can be up to 255 characters long. Users can define tags on the resources they own, and administrators can define tags on any resources in the cloud."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../management.rst:42
-# 4987c5d196e64161aae21901c96b4c37
+# c2db56ab546245ec9d37ccf72573c16c
 msgid "An optional input parameter, \"tags,\" exists on many of the list\\* API commands. The following example shows how to use this new parameter to find all the volumes having tag region=canada OR tag city=Toronto:"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../management.rst:55
-# 7914681bd50244bcaf4169707987eb00
+# 0d735394ca9f48f8a4ef3c5d0a25741d
 msgid "The following API commands have the \"tags\" input parameter:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:59
-# 61fbca041dee4db2aade53a7cf792de7
+#: ../../management.rst:57
+# 6d986331aa5d4971bab13111a8471d36
 msgid "listVirtualMachines"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:63
-# ba0235266c3845cc96ba7fcf7de44466
+#: ../../management.rst:59
+# b0e2702f6aed49a8831ae5c2983a18c9
 msgid "listVolumes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:67
-# 1c68c5c60b174ea2a71f39ba93a211ac
+#: ../../management.rst:61
+# 97c53594680a4cecb64e3f1a5ea2a2f3
 msgid "listSnapshots"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:71
-# 9f05731121b4498e9e51a500a79f2511
+#: ../../management.rst:63
+# 0217180a24604d579084142d07f11299
 msgid "listNetworks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:75
-# 36599c953977457c84ecffc6c9395338
+#: ../../management.rst:65
+# dcf958a652304820818033fc441226e7
 msgid "listTemplates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:79
-# c3b6ffcb5da240cea465ea296dd4ccfd
+#: ../../management.rst:67
+# 296660956a3b4ce5b02c4c7f1272e889
 msgid "listIsos"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:83
-# 6a47e3c18c6f476bb22295c172479796
+#: ../../management.rst:69
+# 69e88bee17394199a778180f3304fbf0
 msgid "listFirewallRules"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:87
-# 08d8500b98314effbb3d7916236f7e2b
+#: ../../management.rst:71
+# 7954e7afc0334bc7bfcf16492195bb49
 msgid "listPortForwardingRules"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:91
-# 2a42e7c362bc427eba13e2d7e7bf7380
+#: ../../management.rst:73
+# d273e10141d84eecbdc74ec901700d11
 msgid "listPublicIpAddresses"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:95
-# 4509004a0c73478ca0a184d142eb4a57
+#: ../../management.rst:75
+# b3e40262a34d4590bed84b8d5fc62798
 msgid "listSecurityGroups"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:99
-# fd868f656abb4c0fb6f87da360511519
+#: ../../management.rst:77
+# e8f6e365e1da4b499d6b852d6c3e1162
 msgid "listLoadBalancerRules"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:103
-# e65694d6fab44e9d946a5866f926091c
+#: ../../management.rst:79
+# 3c8faeeede5147fb911f022fd5858210
 msgid "listProjects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:107
-# 830852c2a7c84d06b6c01a444f0b1b66
+#: ../../management.rst:81
+# a9805315805e4d75b977c3428bcde48a
 msgid "listVPCs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:111
-# 9f2367d8d4df4802bb1c90dcd52a411f
+#: ../../management.rst:83
+# bfab0c32d8364cd9a3e762e7992888f1
 msgid "listNetworkACLs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:115
-# 8afa8bc38679406e95930eda004cc27b
+#: ../../management.rst:85
+# 46fab81fefa1469eb87698342b0f045e
 msgid "listStaticRoutes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:119
-# 073cb1458dc443a1b9e2e791e168eafe
+#: ../../management.rst:89
+# 489808dcb1c9407cbe2bd271c02ce89a
 msgid "Reporting CPU Sockets"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:121
-# d3bc3b48bddd4f228b7fde7ad5520fd3
+#: ../../management.rst:91
+# 7d8f4e987714451e9db1c9e749f8b1ca
 msgid "PRODUCT manages different types of hosts that contains one or more physical CPU sockets. CPU socket is considered as a unit of measure used for licensing and billing cloud infrastructure. PRODUCT provides both UI and API support to collect the CPU socket statistics for billing purpose. The Infrastructure tab has a new tab for CPU sockets. You can view the statistics for CPU sockets managed by PRODUCT, which in turn reflects the size of the cloud. The CPU Socket page will give you the number of hosts and sockets used for each host type."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:130
-# 179f99e5b8df40a1ba2a0197f6341be2
+#: ../../management.rst:100
+# dec087784ccd48c49189c3f0ed1811a9
 msgid "Log in to the PRODUCT UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:132
-# 57d62b4d9b054608adfe2e064e3dd8f8
+#: ../../management.rst:102
+# 012d9d141d8745a48fd182b1cab1f8f1
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:134
-# 8e60a5440ac44537a259df5ffe6c34a6
+#: ../../management.rst:104
+# 991d040f4ccc467f87019591608beea8
 msgid "On CPU Sockets, click View all."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:136
-# 1ae3d6da93ee4bbd939915b25643adf5
+#: ../../management.rst:106
+# 1f3a30df3d8746f291bc00e761d59f3e
 msgid "The CPU Socket page is displayed. The page shows the number of hosts and CPU sockets based on hypervisor types."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:141
-# 4478c2a6941346c4a839b782797026a0
+#: ../../management.rst:111
+# 3d662bf06abc42bd951d16844faada76
 msgid "Changing the Database Configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:143
-# b70d57ac66ee464eae4b05c578e89c8e
+#: ../../management.rst:113
+# 638ca3cbc00844789edafb4eb0e60df5
 msgid "The CloudStack Management Server stores database configuration information (e.g., hostname, port, credentials) in the file ``/etc/cloudstack/management/``. To effect a change, edit this file on each Management Server, then restart the Management Server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:149
-# d69ee7ee9b9646d7a8a016fccc2db9e4
+#: ../../management.rst:119
+# a0530bddfe5a47a69ac27ef0a2c38a2e
 msgid "Changing the Database Password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:151
-# d84602682dbf4f349b1478edbbf567d1
+#: ../../management.rst:121
+# 6ede044a32ac422baed2cd80afc2e114
 msgid "You may need to change the password for the MySQL account used by CloudStack. If so, you'll need to change the password in MySQL, and then add the encrypted password to ``/etc/cloudstack/management/``."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:158
-# 46979db784d447698778e73ecb8eaf02
+#: ../../management.rst:126
+# 803fea7347b74457808913e8d34560e4
 msgid "Before changing the password, you'll need to stop CloudStack's management server and the usage engine if you've deployed that component."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:169
-# 530bd78524724552bfa1d927234ca3b7
+#: ../../management.rst:135
+# 83b051e006ce4a898817788447a54253
 msgid "Next, you'll update the password for the CloudStack user on the MySQL server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:176
-# 342e9a0cf7114011a7a6e9909df7a65a
+#: ../../management.rst:142
+# a6ed0f9a1e5f41d9883e8ab8e6ed7157
 msgid "At the MySQL shell, you'll change the password and flush privileges:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:186
-# c906e56dd67a40f9a09b8fd0c69cca61
+#: ../../management.rst:150
+# 5042ed8fa23b4aa6bf244fb7e8d21d0b
 msgid "The next step is to encrypt the password and copy the encrypted password to CloudStack's database configuration (``/etc/cloudstack/management/``)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:195
-# 966a4c741fcc455d95a07582cd1148e2
+#: ../../management.rst:160
+# 08fe5ba4a2844019b7c34948af80d3e9
 msgid "File encryption type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:197
-# 6b56e1a2563f4b379240d045e9066699
+#: ../../management.rst:162
+# a985e48a20754561ae6daee44e6d79a8
 msgid "Note that this is for the file encryption type. If you're using the web encryption type then you'll use password=\"management\\_server\\_secret\\_key\""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:203
-# 12e8a0b52c124abfa87ae48dfc2bef1f
+#: ../../management.rst:166
+# 41348185b9bc4aa59d47266350f37bea
 msgid "Now, you'll update ``/etc/cloudstack/management/`` with the new ciphertext. Open ``/etc/cloudstack/management/`` in a text editor, and update these parameters:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:214
-# 05fa3e47277c4963819e7b9d1ac941db
+#: ../../management.rst:175
+# 3224048da0604d5e8ff7b22550451ce5
 msgid "After copying the new password over, you can now start CloudStack (and the usage engine, if necessary)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:223
-# ab0e0b55f2304115bfd6653d5a7e0dd9
+#: ../../management.rst:185
+# b42158e718f44c4ab881833d2dbc0929
 msgid "Administrator Alerts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:225
-# 4fc127299b7e4745978235d4354bbccb
+#: ../../management.rst:187
+# f35a6a1c63244c84b73055d401027bf8
 msgid "The system provides alerts and events to help with the management of the cloud. Alerts are notices to an administrator, generally delivered by e-mail, notifying the administrator that an error has occurred in the cloud. Alert behavior is configurable."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:230
-# 76ae47fe37774d1483c1b5363a6d4202
+#: ../../management.rst:192
+# ff3195bd128540cca761c8b00697d461
 msgid "Events track all of the user and administrator actions in the cloud. For example, every guest VM start creates an associated event. Events are stored in the Management Server’s database."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:234
-# a1e3c013206f4c6ab4e6995a41e2fb3b
+#: ../../management.rst:196
+# 6b6c7d267ebc4ecdba5787f75ed95d52
 msgid "Emails will be sent to administrators under the following circumstances:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:238
-# 3bd4b2bfb7784f4c85a053970508cc79
+#: ../../management.rst:198
+# 239b319d590244788e6be621087e695a
 msgid "The Management Server cluster runs low on CPU, memory, or storage resources"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:243
-# b200b975c0a74ffcba301baf70b4cbee
+#: ../../management.rst:201
+# 11bbb0a3f5de4024ac7e944c1603e026
 msgid "The Management Server loses heartbeat from a Host for more than 3 minutes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:248
-# ccb116becdc34d05b675e0dd815eb45f
+#: ../../management.rst:204
+# f6a69a83f8bb45a193d273cbd63ac7bd
 msgid "The Host cluster runs low on CPU, memory, or storage resources"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:251
-# 34703bd556ff4860a1b4276a8c595679
+#: ../../management.rst:208
+# 267b4ae8b12e42d69f646aa22992388d
 msgid "Sending Alerts to External SNMP and Syslog Managers"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:253
-# 2cd893dc03494c9f9d2e89a38be1365e
+#: ../../management.rst:210
+# 030acb1fc907414196ead65866a918b0
 msgid "In addition to showing administrator alerts on the Dashboard in the CloudStack UI and sending them in email, CloudStack can also send the same alerts to external SNMP or Syslog management software. This is useful if you prefer to use an SNMP or Syslog manager to monitor your cloud."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:259
-# 183fd5a09ba94d239b50995e39c6d1bb
+#: ../../management.rst:216
+# ae64dcb892834822b7480195c2882a8c
 msgid "The alerts which can be sent are:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:261
-# 9c0f28eb90514f2885638a6cc4c911d0
+#: ../../management.rst:218
+# 814ff89fb6f444fc96a8b87a532bc28f
 msgid "The following is the list of alert type numbers. The current alerts can be found by calling listAlerts."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:373
-# fcd80afc6c874d05a553c2385a73b1de
+#: ../../management.rst:330
+# cac2d1c9d3a34cb29f25fc81630f96dc
 msgid "You can also display the most up to date list by calling the API command ``listAlerts``."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:376
-# 55bd3cff1d234d10b6874e5bd2208730
+#: ../../management.rst:334
+# 0ead10e6a3664baf84b6199d70dfb243
 msgid "SNMP Alert Details"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:378
-# b7f474def21a45019ad42f1dcb03434e
+#: ../../management.rst:336
+# 77c8d073d21f41859f495f2b0120f7ef
 msgid "The supported protocol is SNMP version 2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:380
-# 93853f006fe94159a30cfacd98bacaef
+#: ../../management.rst:338
+# 164535e01fe54071916fc21626d662af
 msgid "Each SNMP trap contains the following information: message, podId, dataCenterId, clusterId, and generationTime."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:384
-# 7b720e085e5a440280e905349f42fd5e
+#: ../../management.rst:343
+# be99b465676b4d13ae21a9bd33ff94ef
 msgid "Syslog Alert Details"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:386
-# 632fd4dd34df40eaab1b80869ea0ef29
+#: ../../management.rst:345
+# 653fb8fc18ea4f17ab01fe630ed6783b
 msgid "CloudStack generates a syslog message for every alert. Each syslog message incudes the fields alertType, message, podId, dataCenterId, and clusterId, in the following format. If any field does not have a valid value, it will not be included."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:395
-# 16294475b8e9426f92abe561d0af9d18
+#: ../../management.rst:354
+# 7c74aa344fe948a39e5bff24928b78fa
 msgid "For example:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:402
-# 033011aa33934bbea10d0f9348ad5744
+#: ../../management.rst:361
+# b3bcf49651e44cc189085099c9309174
 msgid "Configuring SNMP and Syslog Managers"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:404
-# 6c85d75e087e497288d50df030ecea6f
+#: ../../management.rst:363
+# b5638ebd1bd5442ab77995897186ed0c
 msgid "To configure one or more SNMP managers or Syslog managers to receive alerts from CloudStack:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:409
-# c688dbbc722f42a5be3cb7cec4b0b7e8
+#: ../../management.rst:366
+# 377884390b154436a6ce3913008b664c
 msgid "For an SNMP manager, install the CloudStack MIB file on your SNMP manager system. This maps the SNMP OIDs to trap types that can be more easily read by users. The file must be publicly available. For more information on how to install this file, consult the documentation provided with the SNMP manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:417
-# b89ad48e4ed84c129f21d619c068d364
+#: ../../management.rst:372
+# a32632406531434cbf5c4c261b1f69b6
 msgid "Edit the file /etc/cloudstack/management/log4j-cloud.xml."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:425
-# 4b3128207e8349a9ad7401fc69b17a2b
+#: ../../management.rst:378
+# 8ba1745b7c924d888e2595a379d2db32
 msgid "Add an entry using the syntax shown below. Follow the appropriate example depending on whether you are adding an SNMP manager or a Syslog manager. To specify multiple external managers, separate the IP addresses and other configuration values with commas (,)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:430
-# fd1b4680483c4c89a013cdc0b216cd85
+#: ../../management.rst:384
+# 6cd8468c57974817b400436e8e445394
 msgid "The recommended maximum number of SNMP or Syslog managers is 20 for each."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:432
-# e2aaea38ebe14fa09cad5de41d56840f
+#: ../../management.rst:387
+# d399f22c73ea4836a3776bd53493aaf9
 msgid "The following example shows how to configure two SNMP managers at IP addresses and Substitute your own IP addresses, ports, and communities. Do not change the other values (name, threshold, class, and layout values)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:450
-# 3b890460b1ab4e089a42043ac96ead1b
+#: ../../management.rst:405
+# 57b464a769fd4128a163f5613f5f1c96
 msgid "The following example shows how to configure two Syslog managers at IP addresses and Substitute your own IP addresses. You can set Facility to any syslog-defined value, such as LOCAL0 - LOCAL7. Do not change the other values."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:468
-# 6519d2611cb9461c9db740d0a6a88955
+#: ../../management.rst:421
+# 9ac4b5f945144653a9fb6df9185afba4
 msgid "If your cloud has multiple Management Server nodes, repeat these steps to edit log4j-cloud.xml on every instance."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:473
-# 8f72a4c1d1a8453b87cc53aa201f48b4
+#: ../../management.rst:424
+# d82882ad1f8e447fb1ddbf2141ca0f1e
 msgid "If you have made these changes while the Management Server is running, wait a few minutes for the change to take effect."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:476
-# 27c6084b918c4be5af71768e4b0d44db
+#: ../../management.rst:427
+# c74a110e35d5496db9637e208ca69f0c
 msgid "**Troubleshooting:** If no alerts appear at the configured SNMP or Syslog manager after a reasonable amount of time, it is likely that there is an error in the syntax of the <appender> entry in log4j-cloud.xml. Check to be sure that the format and settings are correct."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:483
-# 6c4c318782b24c9f8ca91f295b54c425
+#: ../../management.rst:435
+# 6e66a0c8054b4278923a1680c1d13f92
 msgid "Deleting an SNMP or Syslog Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:485
-# 333c2a71b97e46b2b464c7febe95676e
+#: ../../management.rst:437
+# daed36b7b2304574be3a327f0fdaae34
 msgid "To remove an external SNMP manager or Syslog manager so that it no longer receives alerts from CloudStack, remove the corresponding entry from the file ``/etc/cloudstack/management/log4j-cloud.xml``."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:490
-# 41d170a469ed480ba6aeb1e5fad947d3
+#: ../../management.rst:443
+# 13024d28ec5a4e0d9d54dc264f048c4c
 msgid "Customizing the Network Domain Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:492
-# 710127df750e46a29414e4b5949fdd84
+#: ../../management.rst:445
+# 47fe94d226e941e8971730847123ac7e
 msgid "The root administrator can optionally assign a custom DNS suffix at the level of a network, account, domain, zone, or entire CloudStack installation, and a domain administrator can do so within their own domain. To specify a custom domain name and put it into effect, follow these steps."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:500
-# 987b6416037e4b1ea4964ea02e0857b8
+#: ../../management.rst:451
+# 12a0d889b85a42dfb2f7a37556be8592
 msgid "Set the DNS suffix at the desired scope"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:504
-# 4a55e259b9f540b28cdf2a67892b7742
+#: ../../management.rst:453
+# 8f9f57e29f9c404d9930091f8630a427
 msgid "At the network level, the DNS suffix can be assigned through the UI when creating a new network, as described in `“Adding an Additional Guest Network” <networking2#adding-an-additional-guest-network>`_ or with the updateNetwork command in the CloudStack API."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:511
-# 9bbd2a476c3946808b3e2adb221d3e39
+#: ../../management.rst:459
+# c091289d2eee46e89ea79afc752a76bf
 msgid "At the account, domain, or zone level, the DNS suffix can be assigned with the appropriate CloudStack API commands: createAccount, editAccount, createDomain, editDomain, createZone, or editZone."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:518
-# 96dae8eb905745c4bdd5bd0cdd34a994
+#: ../../management.rst:464
+# 3aa8bfbb66e6499eaf26bd3d496d6bf8
 msgid "At the global level, use the configuration parameter guest.domain.suffix. You can also use the CloudStack API command updateConfiguration. After modifying this global configuration, restart the Management Server to put the new setting into effect."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:525
-# 9a8fe7370653486b84e2578fe98f0907
+#: ../../management.rst:469
+# ea55aed82e8440d191210e6219afd4b4
 msgid "To make the new DNS suffix take effect for an existing network, call the CloudStack API command updateNetwork. This step is not necessary when the DNS suffix was specified while creating a new network."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:529
-# b990678db82f4ca593bdbf4d333df20e
+#: ../../management.rst:473
+# c4c8780f62264aef9166fb7abb03b23d
 msgid "The source of the network domain that is used depends on the following rules."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:534
-# 128ab344160241e0b8edba4e6f9eb6ce
+#: ../../management.rst:476
+# ed54e22f6c384a979fdd24525a23d6f4
 msgid "For all networks, if a network domain is specified as part of a network's own configuration, that value is used."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:539
-# 39bda91169304fcbb776da4b1eb65182
+#: ../../management.rst:479
+# b62736506f044912b7508f5bcfca6b0b
 msgid "For an account-specific network, the network domain specified for the account is used. If none is specified, the system looks for a value in the domain, zone, and global configuration, in that order."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:545
-# 7e6ca25cc96d442cb4abbcaa1a058fb6
+#: ../../management.rst:483
+# e4424d33ec9549389255552629bbdd2a
 msgid "For a domain-specific network, the network domain specified for the domain is used. If none is specified, the system looks for a value in the zone and global configuration, in that order."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:551
-# 3366663c410b4c01bc0ede1967e0057c
+#: ../../management.rst:487
+# 3d1ebf272ba647ef8f54fcd126b4806c
 msgid "For a zone-specific network, the network domain specified for the zone is used. If none is specified, the system looks for a value in the global configuration."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:556
-# 574bfe6275184a228bf29c18f7d01f4e
+#: ../../management.rst:493
+# b6795b367f9a4a56bd542d1303ef6706
 msgid "Stopping and Restarting the Management Server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:558
-# 03e70a994f15444d8c76fed8ea185b6c
+#: ../../management.rst:495
+# bbd28a885afc4bd6918951b631b80c85
 msgid "The root administrator will need to stop and restart the Management Server from time to time."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:561
-# 03739589fbc44d29b6c184ac61cd2bc1
+#: ../../management.rst:498
+# 0d670244a1804343a1935015f8eaa6fb
 msgid "For example, after changing a global configuration parameter, a restart is required. If you have multiple Management Server nodes, restart all of them to put the new parameter value into effect consistently throughout the cloud.."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:566
-# d45ce656da614e40af35f65d5da5b4c4
+#: ../../management.rst:503
+# 180fc3fdda44467f97b04959693747c5
 msgid "To stop the Management Server, issue the following command at the operating system prompt on the Management Server node:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../management.rst:573
-# d6a59f81a7de46bfba9fc759713e09d5
+#: ../../management.rst:510
+# 02d90290579d496098aed77584f7a2d3
 msgid "To start the Management Server:"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking.pot
index 64d1056..0c5c206 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/networking.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/networking.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -17,749 +17,749 @@
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 #: ../../networking.rst:18
-# 378fc355da2a4f7d8546a95fd9b3f5dc
+# e178ac0be7b0492e8a2edc6ed9be7a7b
 msgid "Setting Up Networking for Users"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../networking.rst:21
-# 17e4cb5cdf264aa19e3578731bf842c4
+# 04f3cd2def1648f2a118dc72cdd5a592
 msgid "Overview of Setting Up Networking for Users"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../networking.rst:23
-# 96d37a14970944b58909ecaace082018
+# 60188130ecb74037bd537749bcaf4750
 msgid "People using cloud infrastructure have a variety of needs and preferences when it comes to the networking services provided by the cloud. As a CloudStack administrator, you can do the following things to set up networking for your users:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:30
-# 3db74da31e2046a8908c67bf3c665472
+#: ../../networking.rst:28
+# fb8952bb97144229abe5a477941ae76a
 msgid "Set up physical networks in zones"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:34
-# 94e40111c3614cebb720933c53c016bb
+#: ../../networking.rst:30
+# 8dd6941ef2c54c6bbabf956d9eb0680a
 msgid "Set up several different providers for the same service on a single physical network (for example, both Cisco and Juniper firewalls)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:39
-# f7ee99dc067d4b129ec339cb1799e0cd
+#: ../../networking.rst:33
+# d4c8d144d71e47c7b10f71c182941308
 msgid "Bundle different types of network services into network offerings, so users can choose the desired network services for any given virtual machine"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:45
-# c5a8692df93942eca2c97aa1872928c6
+#: ../../networking.rst:37
+# f5309ffd41a14f77a9dd77113c106332
 msgid "Add new network offerings as time goes on so end users can upgrade to a better class of service on their network"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:50
-# f11d70f72e114c728425a80bf2c162c5
+#: ../../networking.rst:40
+# 13b07adc896a416793148e27ab919b13
 msgid "Provide more ways for a network to be accessed by a user, such as through a project of which the user is a member"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:54
-# aa05ae98bb2a4229a3c0478a99a39fe6
+#: ../../networking.rst:45
+# 75c4f2f501724f68be26715201e81f13
 msgid "About Virtual Networks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:56
-# a08bd43e29f54560ba910cb343eb5f53
+#: ../../networking.rst:47
+# 6e8b5c92233f49618f96673822e130e6
 msgid "A virtual network is a logical construct that enables multi-tenancy on a single physical network. In CloudStack a virtual network can be shared or isolated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:61
-# d1784c41349f444cbaaffea5119ee4bf
+#: ../../networking.rst:53
+# e96b2f098a274b148edc9883c7424a27
 msgid "Isolated Networks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:63
-# db4418e95acd4fa69374025ca81020cb
+#: ../../networking.rst:55
+# 3358619f0382468a9d2f2aea99522408
 msgid "An isolated network can be accessed only by virtual machines of a single account. Isolated networks have the following properties."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:68
-# 554e4288f8524114a4bcf6da37435d19
+#: ../../networking.rst:58
+# c84b0ce76be64977bad2361a036a55cf
 msgid "Resources such as VLAN are allocated and garbage collected dynamically"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:73
-# 55a8c8a3a194402a9e55453f2ec86253
+#: ../../networking.rst:61
+# 3eb29ededba94d0dbcb168491b1acda6
 msgid "There is one network offering for the entire network"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:77
-# 6da623bb1302444ebd2054fdbf1743b7
+#: ../../networking.rst:63
+# ff059c44a53e4765b488337444f9fd70
 msgid "The network offering can be upgraded or downgraded but it is for the entire network"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:80
-# c3f3fb10b1b84b56b1a7c5c1d57144f7
+#: ../../networking.rst:66
+# d147367777724c05a61626c7756aae05
 msgid "For more information, see `“Configure Guest Traffic in an Advanced Zone” <networking2.html#configure-guest-traffic-in-an-advanced-zone>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:83
-# 774c3f3c464645b68e37c9d0558753fc
+#: ../../networking.rst:71
+# 9cb58dfba63248058b6e4c2370250e1f
 msgid "Shared Networks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:85
-# a3d1aa420b2e4d5b9d13ffb9fc397614
+#: ../../networking.rst:73
+# 4b159336d5054af78283deb65966e56d
 msgid "A shared network can be accessed by virtual machines that belong to many different accounts. Network Isolation on shared networks is accomplished by using techniques such as security groups, which is supported only in Basic zones in CloudStack 3.0.3 and later versions."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:92
-# 0046613bd7254cef901e0515e4a83759
+#: ../../networking.rst:78
+# 0eed59cfbc8447e98bc84e58489e3ae7
 msgid "Shared Networks are created by the administrator"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:96
-# 4f8d81c8a66e42688826ed6e2e945dcb
+#: ../../networking.rst:80
+# b29eadf838f449549e16a2e745f711af
 msgid "Shared Networks can be designated to a certain domain"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:100
-# ed54831a452d415eaadb8ceee4586eca
+#: ../../networking.rst:82
+# 956864b9c95e4fb98178b4a0ad4918d3
 msgid "Shared Network resources such as VLAN and physical network that it maps to are designated by the administrator"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:105
-# da3c9bed2af34e42a36b14d2b5ff6541
+#: ../../networking.rst:85
+# a9b84145482e4171bdf228084a5d51f4
 msgid "Shared Networks can be isolated by security groups"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:109
-# 0b46085b309e4593b1de03c7e4b4bf9c
+#: ../../networking.rst:87
+# 345abc742c6749aeb975b3453c70c387
 msgid "Public Network is a shared network that is not shown to the end users"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:113
-# 44ffaf3770314f4c887d620f8aca1f78
+#: ../../networking.rst:89
+# 743e27f0ef1d415180cce8da2bb79724
 msgid "Source NAT per zone is not supported in Shared Network when the service provider is virtual router. However, Source NAT per account is supported. For information, see `“Configuring a Shared Guest Network” <networking2.html#configuring-a-shared-guest-network>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:119
-# f6678b56239e4ca6bde83febb7adfae4
+#: ../../networking.rst:96
+# dfed0497ec374d71927a32da736f6b28
 msgid "Runtime Allocation of Virtual Network Resources"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:121
-# e38a78ac1a6049de83a965db1b35dae3
+#: ../../networking.rst:98
+# 33c1cc37caa3449d8a22888ee5706153
 msgid "When you define a new virtual network, all your settings for that network are stored in CloudStack. The actual network resources are activated only when the first virtual machine starts in the network. When all virtual machines have left the virtual network, the network resources are garbage collected so they can be allocated again. This helps to conserve network resources."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:129
-# 8ab8ea2db95d4c4f810705a814fb93b9
+#: ../../networking.rst:107
+# c7699333b3c747f09b34f3a541caa725
 msgid "Network Service Providers"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:132
-# d6ce8ef140484edcb8039a76dc385b9e
+#: ../../networking.rst:110
+# 90bd799fd2444d978136f72070afd1ca
 msgid "For the most up-to-date list of supported network service providers, see the CloudStack UI or call `listNetworkServiceProviders`."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:134
-# 1cbf32a3d9944d6f8bb5bd6c44f80f49
+#: ../../networking.rst:113
+# 3f97bb088f7240d99034a78ca6adf65f
 msgid "A service provider (also called a network element) is hardware or virtual appliance that makes a network service possible; for example, a firewall appliance can be installed in the cloud to provide firewall service. On a single network, multiple providers can provide the same network service. For example, a firewall service may be provided by Cisco or Juniper devices in the same physical network."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:141
-# 8f25fd00ebd8421db4c8b732bc40daf3
+#: ../../networking.rst:120
+# e52ed5139a664c31acccd845de73897d
 msgid "You can have multiple instances of the same service provider in a network (say, more than one Juniper SRX device)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:144
-# c16afb129f964ce0b4f26b864fc15cfb
+#: ../../networking.rst:123
+# 013a36e42a254aaa98b7e3ad9ea97db8
 msgid "If different providers are set up to provide the same service on the network, the administrator can create network offerings so users can specify which network service provider they prefer (along with the other choices offered in network offerings). Otherwise, CloudStack will choose which provider to use whenever the service is called for."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:150
-# 54e114cc45464476b77ca5d8de1ce4bb
+#: ../../networking.rst:129
+# eb5e7f69942b448f906dc822400a348c
 msgid "*Supported Network Service Providers*"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:152
-# 3d10447bdf2c432586a4e5610ae5ab5e
+#: ../../networking.rst:131
+# d43ecfbdacb84dac9d6ffe5229f277a3
 msgid "CloudStack ships with an internal list of the supported service providers, and you can choose from this list when creating a network offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:157
-# e743e99990144f939fc3a63349774ce0
+#: ../../networking.rst:136
+# 5dd3d24c6aa149cd8be77c9e90e924fa
 msgid "Virtual Router"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:157
-# f79fe8d0744940bfa69f362edb14c35f
+#: ../../networking.rst:136
+# 8f9be66568214ef19761bdd0b1e87a0a
 msgid "Citrix NetScaler"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:157
-# d86abf81c8de465b9cede26a7720dace
+#: ../../networking.rst:136
+# dccb0ff066124e7ca8f1f4b1df9b566a
 msgid "Juniper SRX"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:157
-# 023e0ba83f2f413890cf4eac19ab30fc
+#: ../../networking.rst:136
+# b6c9b2cf119641999eeded8e8069824f
 msgid "F5 BigIP"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:157
-# 4cc8fae5e06d4938a3d6777a1f49b7ef
+#: ../../networking.rst:136
+# 4eec0320581e47cea2b8b9a6eb5c5b70
 msgid "Host based (KVM/Xen)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:160
-# 538c6cf7488a4cf1b2790816cb3796d3
+#: ../../networking.rst:139
+# 2c2f1239e908471a929feb91a02e08dd
 msgid "Remote Access VPN"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:160
-#: ../../networking.rst:162
-#: ../../networking.rst:164
-#: ../../networking.rst:164
-#: ../../networking.rst:166
-#: ../../networking.rst:166
-#: ../../networking.rst:166
-#: ../../networking.rst:168
-#: ../../networking.rst:170
-#: ../../networking.rst:172
-#: ../../networking.rst:172
-#: ../../networking.rst:174
-#: ../../networking.rst:174
-#: ../../networking.rst:174
-#: ../../networking.rst:176
-#: ../../networking.rst:176
-# 9d3882428ce14164ae21556dd4f71980
-# 9f18b0853a44447f9f9a8c1e8f154ad5
-# e0be26ab6fad4753893deb50337a6730
-# 7aa2d2ff8735493a9a3a6b5eb8d46f1d
-# 65fb94ad60864e47837bd7097c7e950b
-# c98aa239bbbf48af9ab5709b1ce4d85f
-# 1fdc23d97e81478caf0d9a4ddc729069
-# 024d3b3a60ca47228a4cbd600dccbe1f
-# 71139b53fe904bd4a018ae8097a371d1
-# c9f2815cd2864ed9be683e676444d21e
-# f5651ed2f2a74438a882ca58fa5379c4
-# b803d31092d74127a0d71cf5ec01e6de
-# f0378ae48126424bb889176fd22f0f26
-# 5c6b625d8fd64373a5a58eb8be434d7d
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-# 4093e40696754637b985dac12d3c3a9d
+#: ../../networking.rst:139
+#: ../../networking.rst:141
+#: ../../networking.rst:143
+#: ../../networking.rst:143
+#: ../../networking.rst:145
+#: ../../networking.rst:145
+#: ../../networking.rst:145
+#: ../../networking.rst:147
+#: ../../networking.rst:149
+#: ../../networking.rst:151
+#: ../../networking.rst:151
+#: ../../networking.rst:153
+#: ../../networking.rst:153
+#: ../../networking.rst:153
+#: ../../networking.rst:155
+#: ../../networking.rst:155
+# 3ae9d08f24164c359e5553b13dd96db0
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+# 411fef44341e42758013621c4a23b6b6
+# 6c934e881e7849368f5400433ea69f81
+# 1fc336068db6481183d8a01c5746f5e0
+# 8a397af8cc344e41b52173b2d9bce329
+# 8a7faf6012614a33a03fce7b63e06032
+# f4b01e6ad27f435bbe4aa4b14adc6cd9
+# 60fc90d0645a4e70a2b43c269d7d92ab
+# 72abbb0d60bb43e7ac7ca73f206aa8dd
+# 3f6508ced2f04ac2adcd337ac022d6b0
+# 5492ba67a1304fdb9b75910ef384ac85
+# 1b2c1c6af0814e59bd1d64623dec20d6
+# 76efa1585e2241eaaae3e5a45da37007
+# 933c860bae084ab4846ad9f7270712aa
+# c38c824dc105481f82f564a1071efb74
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:160
-#: ../../networking.rst:160
-#: ../../networking.rst:160
-#: ../../networking.rst:160
-#: ../../networking.rst:162
-#: ../../networking.rst:162
-#: ../../networking.rst:162
-#: ../../networking.rst:162
-#: ../../networking.rst:164
-#: ../../networking.rst:164
-#: ../../networking.rst:164
-#: ../../networking.rst:166
-#: ../../networking.rst:166
-#: ../../networking.rst:168
-#: ../../networking.rst:168
-#: ../../networking.rst:168
-#: ../../networking.rst:168
-#: ../../networking.rst:170
-#: ../../networking.rst:170
-#: ../../networking.rst:170
-#: ../../networking.rst:170
-#: ../../networking.rst:172
-#: ../../networking.rst:172
-#: ../../networking.rst:172
-#: ../../networking.rst:174
-#: ../../networking.rst:174
-#: ../../networking.rst:176
-#: ../../networking.rst:176
-#: ../../networking.rst:176
-# cf6cd7e627894bb399d4b2a2e8935730
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-# 47da62cd78544702b598db9bfa70aa28
-# 8b8bcaa926154fa8a8da6ebe379fecc0
-# aaffd78d2bd642cb86e191db5ed57113
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-# 9e327f9dff554171807add97cd2d1086
-# b0c5b421a56f45dc914f8da460b23bbc
-# 511fe014c5594bdea7000aaf6d83bfdd
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-# 8dc5b57a7f834fa1897d63f2d907cca3
-# 5e6786c934114eafba47a9285f24c1a3
-# 4bc2d4a340ab4e3285bb620d3f3f7cae
-# 8afc553c7dfb446dab37feab5d539e84
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-# 68be8c9eb09c4f56ae0a82896449d23e
-# 8a22ab4b1b144f7c81adf05c887c7d30
-# 990514caa33a45b8aa649b0f23afcccd
-# adcbfe0ed8f84271af55d6e2e9042250
-# 0f0d09b47b7742bc8039484cf91cc212
-# a5faef20128445dcbffe80d358fa2f2e
-# 3abe142c737841929ddfd4c25902d9a2
-# 3f06f8c6b0844269a865cbe05fed4dbb
-# 56624add510a4e4e96cc0fbb740e66b9
+#: ../../networking.rst:139
+#: ../../networking.rst:139
+#: ../../networking.rst:139
+#: ../../networking.rst:139
+#: ../../networking.rst:141
+#: ../../networking.rst:141
+#: ../../networking.rst:141
+#: ../../networking.rst:141
+#: ../../networking.rst:143
+#: ../../networking.rst:143
+#: ../../networking.rst:143
+#: ../../networking.rst:145
+#: ../../networking.rst:145
+#: ../../networking.rst:147
+#: ../../networking.rst:147
+#: ../../networking.rst:147
+#: ../../networking.rst:147
+#: ../../networking.rst:149
+#: ../../networking.rst:149
+#: ../../networking.rst:149
+#: ../../networking.rst:149
+#: ../../networking.rst:151
+#: ../../networking.rst:151
+#: ../../networking.rst:151
+#: ../../networking.rst:153
+#: ../../networking.rst:153
+#: ../../networking.rst:155
+#: ../../networking.rst:155
+#: ../../networking.rst:155
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+# fdceedef2f9e43bbbb62a4fb09483cf2
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+# 248462887faa478ab6a39350b06d8262
+# 5f0d4dc5583a4a2eab7336f826b54b67
 msgid "No"
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-#: ../../networking.rst:162
-# e4a4c959124946818756ed66cb87561f
+#: ../../networking.rst:141
+# ab9d28c06dcf43d6b43310410d730272
 msgid "DNS/DHCP/User Data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:164
-#: ../../networking.rst:213
-#: ../../networking.rst:347
-# 8fa7de81857c47bf95dbb457c47ad0ee
-# 3ee09c09bfb4473d97f2902efd5a8dc2
-# 19c378b323184814a5616bd38baac90d
+#: ../../networking.rst:143
+#: ../../networking.rst:180
+#: ../../networking.rst:288
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+# 98b80ddeb60c417e839a5e695b989f52
+# 155333ae90b64d45959ef29649a45d44
 msgid "Firewall"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:166
-#: ../../networking.rst:209
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-# f948b5d0102c45b59800ce77524e1e61
+#: ../../networking.rst:145
+#: ../../networking.rst:178
+# ec3524d24a7c47479fbc5f696c94c8ba
+# 5d871878b8f6400babacd35334ff571b
 msgid "Load Balancing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:168
-# 5a07c7f449494ff6863e789adde970a6
+#: ../../networking.rst:147
+# e9f00e30da4347368893885b9ebf0951
 msgid "Elastic IP"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:170
-# 10fe6e755ee449b181436d52a65d114c
+#: ../../networking.rst:149
+# 2665ea2a6b90470e81ee706892bc8f12
 msgid "Elastic LB"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking.rst:151
 #: ../../networking.rst:172
-#: ../../networking.rst:197
-#: ../../networking.rst:348
-# f6ab100ea87b42e7ac418826469fbbab
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+#: ../../networking.rst:289
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+# 522b28c564644bf68213f95712c5b120
+# 2177095ff4a24da29d588bb4cd3c2f4a
 msgid "Source NAT"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking.rst:153
 #: ../../networking.rst:174
-#: ../../networking.rst:201
-#: ../../networking.rst:351
-# bdd8361aec614d1d88b3744f189c4415
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+#: ../../networking.rst:292
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+# c02a1aa3d43f4cde9668b0c049f5ca68
+# fdd23b4cdd3f4aa4a540bf84253e6a5b
 msgid "Static NAT"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking.rst:155
 #: ../../networking.rst:176
-#: ../../networking.rst:205
-#: ../../networking.rst:354
-# 06fc70b280b249f380499674c2c4b04e
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+#: ../../networking.rst:295
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+# 218d3d03262e42b2aff11ea6d99f0a49
+# 3ec6fc2e436743f7bf4b9704948e4af3
 msgid "Port Forwarding"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:180
-# cbe50c4a0b834778a33a13b921dc6816
+#: ../../networking.rst:160
+# 479f4b962b404a428355bb406c787cd9
 msgid "Network Offerings"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:183
-# 02abde9be17140019afedd547b9803b6
+#: ../../networking.rst:163
+# 25cda5fdd680428d82d9dc0b90b9da3f
 msgid "For the most up-to-date list of supported network services, see the CloudStack UI or call listNetworkServices."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:185
-# ffb8cf5d807844839de681dda6fbac69
+#: ../../networking.rst:166
+# 746c329fee3d40298682a774fc0e1ce0
 msgid "A network offering is a named set of network services, such as:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:189
-#: ../../networking.rst:342
-# 81bef347f73f480d99fe3b774343e95a
-# 7ac52f84225841a9b0722b7da042b868
+#: ../../networking.rst:168
+#: ../../networking.rst:283
+# 1f84716ebc364d34a628de273bfae124
+# 50ebc53bb5124166b60910b97ac86bc4
 msgid "DHCP"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:193
-#: ../../networking.rst:343
-# e657c892333148a896e62c25f0270de2
-# cb2df25d008a4c8b8dc95cb508b6108d
+#: ../../networking.rst:170
+#: ../../networking.rst:284
+# 883e0ebe77d94552b3e24415615a7bd9
+# 206e31a90b27475a957f3a6347b7e15d
 msgid "DNS"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:217
-#: ../../networking.rst:357
-# 343e51150ca849f9a2fd1732bd5f57ce
-# e17fb858985f47528d2cd7bb3abb2ef2
+#: ../../networking.rst:182
+#: ../../networking.rst:298
+# c7ba4a3ce199420a8e1ffa59b6b5aa77
+# e018337607ad4a9d90fe4ef3ab26189e
 msgid "VPN"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:221
-# 8bd55493dec640089760b46be49c832b
+#: ../../networking.rst:184
+# 0c8566ee7245401e89972f62635febae
 msgid "(Optional) Name one of several available providers to use for a given service, such as Juniper for the firewall"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:226
-# 23bc443c0915486e927b945665f7e8e5
+#: ../../networking.rst:187
+# 010067ad73c94e95ad457ead1a816c4e
 msgid "(Optional) Network tag to specify which physical network to use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:228
-# a58f1c2f9e4644848265743394fedf70
+#: ../../networking.rst:189
+# 27fc0e1384a041e280aad1d5c6497be1
 msgid "When creating a new VM, the user chooses one of the available network offerings, and that determines which network services the VM can use."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:231
-# ad1942baddc2480e88346f41b83f27ca
+#: ../../networking.rst:192
+# f0629abea4a3489ab43c6616754295d7
 msgid "The CloudStack administrator can create any number of custom network offerings, in addition to the default network offerings provided by CloudStack. By creating multiple custom network offerings, you can set up your cloud to offer different classes of service on a single multi-tenant physical network. For example, while the underlying physical wiring may be the same for two tenants, tenant A may only need simple firewall protection for their website, while tenant B may be running a web server farm and require a scalable firewall solution, load balancing solution, and alternate networks for accessing the database backend."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:243
-# a559cfad18634227802c97abe0c02a8d
+#: ../../networking.rst:204
+# f84d6b9ac9d44d159518d14cc74cef39
 msgid "If you create load balancing rules while using a network service offering that includes an external load balancer device such as NetScaler, and later change the network service offering to one that uses the CloudStack virtual router, you must create a firewall rule on the virtual router for each of your existing load balancing rules so that they continue to function."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:245
-# cbc7fbcc3e6348d3908586739dbdb6f9
+#: ../../networking.rst:211
+# 6a193ad193634184b47093dfab78d48b
 msgid "When creating a new virtual network, the CloudStack administrator chooses which network offering to enable for that network. Each virtual network is associated with one network offering. A virtual network can be upgraded or downgraded by changing its associated network offering. If you do this, be sure to reprogram the physical network to match."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:251
-# 8b73057c0c584686894e081c92eea81b
+#: ../../networking.rst:217
+# 514547d261a44dbba069882e1163a863
 msgid "CloudStack also has internal network offerings for use by CloudStack system VMs. These network offerings are not visible to users but can be modified by administrators."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:256
-# 4d0b8c9601714fac8c47073432d9e949
+#: ../../networking.rst:223
+# 9eab025e1e0b4102aabc5ed825ad3513
 msgid "Creating a New Network Offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:258
-# 0fa5ee2229ff43078785d734c21c6b05
+#: ../../networking.rst:225
+# 101c5c58b3164f2d91d7c068fa2ddc13
 msgid "To create a network offering:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:262
-# 714f4a8335f74b50b2b380ea0835002c
+#: ../../networking.rst:227
+# ad144ea208224f0ba8bfd3d268ebaa1a
 msgid "Log in with admin privileges to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:266
-# 64031cf3f054467b9761f61d4c992bbc
+#: ../../networking.rst:229
+# 7183c1c87f1e4a549609755e3b609e22
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Service Offerings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:270
-# 2101d4a328014f82bb6ef04a97fb0ad3
+#: ../../networking.rst:231
+# 22b7bae2bee145399e00d289bccc7917
 msgid "In Select Offering, choose Network Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:274
-# 8bf2efa20d1c4622a49ae4a0b6dcbf05
+#: ../../networking.rst:233
+# ef1169d122904044a6c0246757cbbb46
 msgid "Click Add Network Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:278
-# e8766f68e8ed4da6b03e3af2140b0d80
+#: ../../networking.rst:235
+# 3479c8e9a5ef4f458aa9a86725ea9a15
 msgid "In the dialog, make the following choices:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:282
-# 75d57bbc650d443d8b718a6cff553561
+#: ../../networking.rst:237
+# b9faa7d006ed43108fcd33897fea3a5f
 msgid "**Name**. Any desired name for the network offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:286
-# 7b961fe0b52e4394b4a2a5c534a0281a
+#: ../../networking.rst:239
+# 28d48401d7c74f61a6251f06e8e33ea5
 msgid "**Description**. A short description of the offering that can be displayed to users."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:291
-# b36f9adc538b411399e9bb7eedd9ede1
+#: ../../networking.rst:242
+# a81d203163fd41108b4ed24231b5c84d
 msgid "**Network Rate**. Allowed data transfer rate in MB per second."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:295
-# 9d644252577743f494f2701d3f95b837
+#: ../../networking.rst:244
+# bf34e4c1410c487c81e21d82564c0ceb
 msgid "**Guest Type**. Choose whether the guest network is isolated or shared."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:298
-# f952fc596b554510abfff2e7086d1b47
+#: ../../networking.rst:247
+# 636bbcf4e8ff4e89bc5a3263fa3152fd
 msgid "For a description of this term, see `“About Virtual Networks” <#about-virtual-networks>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:303
-# 4faa7ce7f56d45a0b9b28ab153d54696
+#: ../../networking.rst:250
+# d9e50bd69812476c975c4eb28509a054
 msgid "**Persistent**. Indicate whether the guest network is persistent or not. The network that you can provision without having to deploy a VM on it is termed persistent network. For more information, see `“Persistent Networks” <networking2.html#persistent-networks>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:311
-# e7f9363df01c4b10bca858974859c9f0
+#: ../../networking.rst:256
+# a78fcf61c20941b4a0074b52d456b4fb
 msgid "**Specify VLAN**. (Isolated guest networks only) Indicate whether a VLAN could be specified when this offering is used. If you select this option and later use this network offering while creating a VPC tier or an isolated network, you will be able to specify a VLAN ID for the network you create."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:319
-# 18a5a261ef97492783748484bdd7253e
+#: ../../networking.rst:262
+# 0c356efbc6b1453083e1df0e795cfc3f
 msgid "**VPC**. This option indicate whether the guest network is Virtual Private Cloud-enabled. A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a private, isolated part of CloudStack. A VPC can have its own virtual network topology that resembles a traditional physical network. For more information on VPCs, see `“About Virtual Private Clouds” <networking2.html#about-virtual-private-clouds>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:328
-# 510455b8922645178e4b65ac6ea03074
+#: ../../networking.rst:269
+# 99699a8ca7b8442b9273331bf3721599
 msgid "**Supported Services**. Select one or more of the possible network services. For some services, you must also choose the service provider; for example, if you select Load Balancer, you can choose the CloudStack virtual router or any other load balancers that have been configured in the cloud. Depending on which services you choose, additional fields may appear in the rest of the dialog box."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:336
-# 848c619314564e039dde5bb033f1e105
+#: ../../networking.rst:277
+# 92f1a16c1ffe4ceb84808c9ba972cbd4
 msgid "Based on the guest network type selected, you can see the following supported services:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:340
-# 067698001bec491d8fc5da16e8cc4977
+#: ../../networking.rst:281
+# 88a57a6470eb454ba571d8fde5632a82
 msgid "Supported Services"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:340
-# 082297be434e4d349883eba64e1823fc
+#: ../../networking.rst:281
+# d4aa55848ef645639458f908896ac697
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:340
-# db17d52f55764b76b8435be1ec2074b0
+#: ../../networking.rst:281
+# f8724e6bbae14251ae83b23169d9420f
 msgid "Isolated"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:340
-# 4205e1ffe3b64c5693fdb740cda418af
+#: ../../networking.rst:281
+# 23bd72f8680a493682d6741602166846
 msgid "Shared"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:342
-#: ../../networking.rst:343
-# df8baf4211044f108c91f3f6c0e24f20
-# 698d83cab39d406cb37e6185f6294670
+#: ../../networking.rst:283
+#: ../../networking.rst:284
+# b488c5b17c004a7b88b330efbc3bc05f
+# 9817c5466dbe4abf99c2de124120bbed
 msgid "For more information, see `“DNS and DHCP” <networking2.html#dns-and-dhcp>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:342
-#: ../../networking.rst:342
-#: ../../networking.rst:343
-#: ../../networking.rst:343
-#: ../../networking.rst:344
-#: ../../networking.rst:344
-#: ../../networking.rst:347
-#: ../../networking.rst:347
-#: ../../networking.rst:348
-#: ../../networking.rst:348
-#: ../../networking.rst:351
-#: ../../networking.rst:351
-#: ../../networking.rst:354
-#: ../../networking.rst:357
-#: ../../networking.rst:359
-#: ../../networking.rst:361
-#: ../../networking.rst:363
-# 805e347c65e64c3487ba61961339baad
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-# 7904ea495a294d47b5f60c1ae82b3cf9
-# e6321736963444f5a2a5a0d63dae4628
-# a6d8711696ae4c65b2ddad646846e398
-# a45176c2843d4f00b795b93389e07d23
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-# 7895e040465840ef880398bb1062364c
-# 78c72a0d4ef44f929d74c807f28a290a
+#: ../../networking.rst:283
+#: ../../networking.rst:283
+#: ../../networking.rst:284
+#: ../../networking.rst:284
+#: ../../networking.rst:285
+#: ../../networking.rst:285
+#: ../../networking.rst:288
+#: ../../networking.rst:288
+#: ../../networking.rst:289
+#: ../../networking.rst:289
+#: ../../networking.rst:292
+#: ../../networking.rst:292
+#: ../../networking.rst:295
+#: ../../networking.rst:298
+#: ../../networking.rst:300
+#: ../../networking.rst:302
+#: ../../networking.rst:304
+# c4875cd1ba3341f0801c282d362f1d24
+# d065a3aee4944733bff2d01f26b75c7f
+# 9f736e032cce456ebb4f77be38b5e58f
+# 7df1ac5d383948bd84380b75c4e098af
+# 3ba5059895ef4d1c85924407662447ee
+# 3e841c3844b94853b7a8aaaed25cd4ad
+# c77eeef8c5314be099fb3716d3445a66
+# 25f106d12a764b078bb2b6524ad18215
+# f63379e1fe44403bb4b003d91fc04f93
+# 4f4951219e654f71ba852ba5238e8851
+# 15ddd915917341cb80019e9b900a4731
+# 8dacf6aaa0704e9db73a0126c94e16e5
+# 50e87369ed7e48e29d7cb426767a5ed8
+# c1b167740f9e43c2a17a96fbf65930bf
+# 22a23c6ed73740b8a269adc46484bd2a
+# bb47b4ce2443499aa4f5308fec5ed187
+# 8754a866d8d14c92a6556744cf012422
 msgid "Supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:344
-# 2dec5922a2294cc480f3f05d1bd945c4
+#: ../../networking.rst:285
+# 50819151ad5442aeb2570677b2632a46
 msgid "Load Balancer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:344
-# 388ef4db2cdc42b2ae647f16f589956e
+#: ../../networking.rst:285
+# b9edc8827ba44d2db0f62206a215e670
 msgid "If you select Load Balancer, you can choose the CloudStack virtual router or any other load balancers that have been configured in the cloud."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:347
-# f7c3d40254e14277836751f9ec34a7f4
+#: ../../networking.rst:288
+# 2e489054cb1e4a35ac3e90f70c1f1255
 msgid "For more information, see the Administration Guide."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:348
-# 3173c380050745e6ad4b7b92d36511db
+#: ../../networking.rst:289
+# 8e117eda9d13423c93e568f0818cc4d9
 msgid "If you select Source NAT, you can choose the CloudStack virtual router or any other Source NAT providers that have been configured in the cloud."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:351
-# 27b525b30dff4fe3916f070201dad176
+#: ../../networking.rst:292
+# aba8109b051a46d89785cb597e382503
 msgid "If you select Static NAT, you can choose the CloudStack virtual router or any other Static NAT providers that have been configured in the cloud."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:354
-# 89f8c6b4aa8847c2887fa86705dd9fc9
+#: ../../networking.rst:295
+# d932fb3f0c49487e8fb03f47c8ec3137
 msgid "If you select Port Forwarding, you can choose the CloudStack virtual router or any other Port Forwarding providers that have been configured in the cloud."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:354
-#: ../../networking.rst:357
-#: ../../networking.rst:359
-#: ../../networking.rst:361
-#: ../../networking.rst:363
-# 39935b90efc0487db70afc5717e01d83
-# 104dd89e6b6b43eaa5334b8d5b5f5f53
-# 89b082d6787c4b188960b061c7a04a11
-# cb004398c5fd45f09a4c14efda2ba7ce
-# e196626d888c4e44adcc5559c162e76e
+#: ../../networking.rst:295
+#: ../../networking.rst:298
+#: ../../networking.rst:300
+#: ../../networking.rst:302
+#: ../../networking.rst:304
+# ba3080b2df494a6194c5a4ec14bd1410
+# 5c07262385d1478c927953b93692e644
+# 23f57ac958b34548a1c2d23a776e1da8
+# c3490a0f19134b8b886f204a4794c427
+# 111a4f3a414c443cb13dcb958326620f
 msgid "Not Supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:357
-# acae22d0beeb4a5586a1cad5230e9a16
+#: ../../networking.rst:298
+# ab512b24e90a4f0fbeff2872914232bf
 msgid "For more information, see `“Remote Access VPN” <networking2.html#remote-access-vpn>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:359
-# 25d327d1ea194c4f9fad29644ad234cf
+#: ../../networking.rst:300
+# bc836dbec7dd41098535b7062953abf7
 msgid "User Data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:359
-# a86728de7e1b4f4aa18f8f727e9ec771
+#: ../../networking.rst:300
+# 2ee92986a8924dd1a8704e477e3ce1a6
 msgid "For more information, see `“User Data and Meta Data” <api.html#user-data-and-meta-data>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:361
-# 24ec41e6903441df91985a2b8263e940
+#: ../../networking.rst:302
+# c84e2a3c0cb2440f96442843325bf941
 msgid "Network ACL"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:361
-# 3cbcb6d20c0340c289ccf8ee0816ded6
+#: ../../networking.rst:302
+# 1a00657b608e45b9b31d17dedf1209d9
 msgid "For more information, see `“Configuring Network Access Control List” <networking2.html#configuring-network-access-control-list>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:363
-# 7cb17996648848c898d5952be68b74cf
+#: ../../networking.rst:304
+# 72b47ce7c25a4820af0c52549a594235
 msgid "Security Groups"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:363
-# b2e84782193f4cbbadbe57ee0930d0fa
+#: ../../networking.rst:304
+# 08f3a340905b433990695bcc9c4fdd28
 msgid "For more information, see `“Adding a Security Group” <networking2.html#adding-a-security-group>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:370
-# e70f833484e94ba689ce3ba1a4b96c13
+#: ../../networking.rst:309
+# e235b3337dbb400c90ecee3f5837fde2
 msgid "**System Offering**. If the service provider for any of the services selected in Supported Services is a virtual router, the System Offering field appears. Choose the system service offering that you want virtual routers to use in this network. For example, if you selected Load Balancer in Supported Services and selected a virtual router to provide load balancing, the System Offering field appears so you can choose between the CloudStack default system service offering and any custom system service offerings that have been defined by the CloudStack root administrator."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:380
-# 43b34d0af71d489ca3e2b5cf1b16c934
+#: ../../networking.rst:319
+# 34b519afb51c4d1f9b1718b0f32cb527
 msgid "For more information, see `“System Service Offerings” <service_offerings.html#system-service-offerings>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:384
-# 2752b779a38b4d959c80d66f531a23d3
+#: ../../networking.rst:322
+# 66fb3b1df7164cd6bc37c61a61367d73
 msgid "**LB Isolation**: Specify what type of load balancer isolation you want for the network: Shared or Dedicated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:387
-# 46399957be6d41b2979acc5bb8a854e2
+#: ../../networking.rst:325
+# a07b6242746142e18198a5bf7356254f
 msgid "**Dedicated**: If you select dedicated LB isolation, a dedicated load balancer device is assigned for the network from the pool of dedicated load balancer devices provisioned in the zone. If no sufficient dedicated load balancer devices are available in the zone, network creation fails. Dedicated device is a good choice for the high-traffic networks that make full use of the device's resources."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:395
-# 955c3d93a3eb49dfbf4aa835ab91ddb6
+#: ../../networking.rst:333
+# 1481728f6860436790f1bbdf1de1b4d0
 msgid "**Shared**: If you select shared LB isolation, a shared load balancer device is assigned for the network from the pool of shared load balancer devices provisioned in the zone. While provisioning CloudStack picks the shared load balancer device that is used by the least number of accounts. Once the device reaches its maximum capacity, the device will not be allocated to a new account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:405
-# ef915a99816543cdb9ec79a04b12edb7
+#: ../../networking.rst:341
+# 232eced6797144d7b6cb941627e8d2e6
 msgid "**Mode**: You can select either Inline mode or Side by Side mode:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:407
-# 55d2e7b518ca4905b53e95f5e33620f0
+#: ../../networking.rst:343
+# 7684aca0c54c44fb9871f784de706a13
 msgid "**Inline mode**: Supported only for Juniper SRX firewall and BigF5 load balancer devices. In inline mode, a firewall device is placed in front of a load balancing device. The firewall acts as the gateway for all the incoming traffic, then redirect the load balancing traffic to the load balancer behind it. The load balancer in this case will not have the direct access to the public network."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:415
-# 39292129cf2a4209ba5f76220fa6f8f3
+#: ../../networking.rst:351
+# a5a609bdc196450fb249b0fed2b62618
 msgid "**Side by Side**: In side by side mode, a firewall device is deployed in parallel with the load balancer device. So the traffic to the load balancer public IP is not routed through the firewall, and therefore, is exposed to the public network."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:422
-# 5b49b6db7f9248748b051cd86bbeb3e6
+#: ../../networking.rst:356
+# fddae68fcb5145e68976043eb707eed5
 msgid "**Associate Public IP**: Select this option if you want to assign a public IP address to the VMs deployed in the guest network. This option is available only if"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:428
-# c93e0c1cc09645c8af8abc86082a8cfb
+#: ../../networking.rst:360
+# b6cedd774fb4418b8c7f09c30e492ac5
 msgid "Guest network is shared."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:432
-# 854f813bb8dd41f6a6c9758906509b86
+#: ../../networking.rst:362
+# c011835f1c314df2afcb840630a7ff99
 msgid "StaticNAT is enabled."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:436
-# d14fd96be5f346aa9321354e32489e9b
+#: ../../networking.rst:364
+# fcd9521a7c684aaaaacf045798eaaf33
 msgid "Elastic IP is enabled."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:438
-# dfaca3652ee64df0a3bac4e699a494fb
+#: ../../networking.rst:366
+# 9818049dc1484f41b94a2c0c3904838d
 msgid "For information on Elastic IP, see `“About Elastic IP” <networking2.html#about-elastic-ip>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:442
-# d5a841361fe14001a46d6a5310aca5bf
+#: ../../networking.rst:369
+# 6c9c68a68ab14d30a00460dd3b13f8a6
 msgid "**Redundant router capability**: Available only when Virtual Router is selected as the Source NAT provider. Select this option if you want to use two virtual routers in the network for uninterrupted connection: one operating as the master virtual router and the other as the backup. The master virtual router receives requests from and sends responses to the user’s VM. The backup virtual router is activated only when the master is down. After the failover, the backup becomes the master virtual router. CloudStack deploys the routers on different hosts to ensure reliability if one host is down."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:455
-# 580303d29adc4bbc97763c93dba3acc0
+#: ../../networking.rst:380
+# e5994ec5233c4a979624fa1fc8593822
 msgid "**Conserve mode**: Indicate whether to use conserve mode. In this mode, network resources are allocated only when the first virtual machine starts in the network. When conservative mode is off, the public IP can only be used for a single service. For example, a public IP used for a port forwarding rule cannot be used for defining other services, such as StaticNAT or load balancing. When the conserve mode is on, you can define more than one service on the same public IP."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:465
-# c521afbaf7ff46ac97fd58fbc5b6b357
+#: ../../networking.rst:390
+# 6a2faa335b6b42588d747ac83fc4770b
 msgid "If StaticNAT is enabled, irrespective of the status of the conserve mode, no port forwarding or load balancing rule can be created for the IP. However, you can add the firewall rules by using the createFirewallRule command."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:469
-# 398b07e9909440cb9af01eda7c190c87
+#: ../../networking.rst:395
+# 029a76d3e8444e15981d3fda29b8982e
 msgid "**Tags**: Network tag to specify which physical network to use."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:473
-# 228ba6bcfa4e47429f666a1da30b31a6
+#: ../../networking.rst:397
+# e0d7d2460dba47d29922d3dcf0d16dc5
 msgid "**Default egress policy**: Configure the default policy for firewall egress rules. Options are Allow and Deny. Default is Allow if no egress policy is specified, which indicates that all the egress traffic is accepted when a guest network is created from this offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:479
-# 10673613d31446f89ee73ede461ae140
+#: ../../networking.rst:403
+# 6cf9fba73dda48b8801d8608ce2f52a4
 msgid "To block the egress traffic for a guest network, select Deny. In this case, when you configure an egress rules for an isolated guest network, rules are added to allow the specified traffic."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../networking.rst:485
-# 0878f452756346e9b614df490e386e84
+#: ../../networking.rst:407
+# fcfc7b9313f94bbda5ac1afbd8168f7c
 msgid "Click Add."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d9eb2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/pot/networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:18
+# aec0c098f53f452cb8665fc7b69cd182
+msgid "Acquiring a New IP Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:20
+# 6113064b39bc4682869acf44286131ad
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:22
+# ccc7a493b9b940c2b706c15e852b3e93
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:24
+# 9a6973f9449e4414a4643a6da352263e
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:26
+# beaa083fcce64bb48e44a47c9b4ab745
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:28
+# 76867ce630364509a651c09137cab94e
+msgid "Click Acquire New IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:30
+# 35698ea68aa24ff79ce9dc09c1d12caf
+msgid "The Acquire New IP window is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:32
+# 4819ef07622d41fd818aef83d9752ac2
+msgid "Specify whether you want cross-zone IP or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:34
+# 342295d34e8e4252b2850d040aca7909
+msgid "If you want Portable IP click Yes in the confirmation dialog. If you want a normal Public IP click No."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:37
+# 9a4837aaa4c940b78c8aa311245b748a
+msgid "For more information on Portable IP, see `\"Portable IPs\" <#portable-ips>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:40
+# 2ee8ad57fe20463893a86f3fe6eb669f
+msgid "Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear with the state Allocated. You can now use the IP address in port forwarding or static NAT rules."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/advanced_zone_config.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/advanced_zone_config.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f6bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/pot/networking/advanced_zone_config.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:19
+# bcc6293e20c4470c938be75c5f17196e
+msgid "Advanced Zone Physical Network Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:21
+# 65ad7a2b34f848cd9f21c2d2d51f06f6
+msgid "Within a zone that uses advanced networking, you need to tell the Management Server how the physical network is set up to carry different kinds of traffic in isolation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:27
+# 360066243e5b4ffc894a816b7e903923
+msgid "Configure Guest Traffic in an Advanced Zone"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:29
+# ed393c6319d54e98ba44a7577315044b
+msgid "These steps assume you have already logged in to the CloudStack UI. To configure the base guest network:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:32
+# e3081f9e98e446d6855a2e72cba9849d
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure. On Zones, click View More, then click the zone to which you want to add a network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:35
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:87
+# 7e76a728cc8a43778d79ff577c30b3f2
+# 22748233c6cf4d06b5ba94259fe1e6e9
+msgid "Click the Network tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:37
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:89
+# 1c9241340a4d47a58af0ae3e10893ea1
+# 2c90664c2e9647c59a36e2a8f25d1a87
+msgid "Click Add guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:39
+# cbb8ccbe13b34ed88593d4cf688451a1
+msgid "The Add guest network window is displayed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:41
+# ef5079e0fa7f4e5c8bac3410c02fa00f
+msgid "|addguestnetwork.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:43
+# ec8bb470f4924bd0af5b256494fbf0f5
+msgid "Provide the following information:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:45
+# fa32f98dfeb04b68b79b01e6ef0e1fcf
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be user-visible"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:47
+# f38e902b2f2c4fe78960c5d37c4a3609
+msgid "**Display Text**: The description of the network. This will be user-visible"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:50
+# c1e74ac05b5a4eacb568d9201d733f74
+msgid "**Zone**: The zone in which you are configuring the guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:52
+# 1bb07d209bd44e82b5f43507bb058db9
+msgid "**Network offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network offerings, select the one you want to use for this network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:55
+# a33441c2621f415eb45dbc077a63e7bb
+msgid "**Guest Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:57
+# 7f50db013a5941939cff931a256abb58
+msgid "**Guest Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:60
+# 186fd6f7a8de48fea845645978a6b332
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:64
+# 6c2ac4e12f5f4a8c8788df54295b6e31
+msgid "Configure Public Traffic in an Advanced Zone"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:66
+# 7e91e673073d49e69f1ec92976a0d118
+msgid "In a zone that uses advanced networking, you need to configure at least one range of IP addresses for Internet traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:71
+# c4aa53c641a347da9da814dfc32940a5
+msgid "Configuring a Shared Guest Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:73
+# d5ac14718de945a5ae1eda9e0574d9cf
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:75
+# 9a3fd0f929374352a6cf52cc9790dfb1
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:77
+# dbfd04e800154df197a15cb258be6d3f
+msgid "On Zones, click View More."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:79
+# 7f633e5cc4504dfdaa399fcb8ab6c22e
+msgid "Click the zone to which you want to add a guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:81
+# 173dd051e7a1433d90061cca03962fc4
+msgid "Click the Physical Network tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:83
+# e48da344ca7241429e6404ab7b137b39
+msgid "Click the physical network you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:85
+# 0e03928f490a4bf5acd9028fed3fd8d8
+msgid "On the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:91
+# 9272a3e9c02b4d3fb7e88cd90f63e56f
+msgid "The Add guest network window is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:93
+# 271290c4c54643a9a8cc203840b4bb3b
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:95
+# a69cf77fdc48441b9a0e41233bf3d4db
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be visible to the user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:97
+# 924d5df6b0f643c3ad34cdfa02548391
+msgid "**Description**: The short description of the network that can be displayed to users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:100
+# 8c68c64196cb4b548290e4a3e9851553
+msgid "**VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the VLAN."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:102
+# 0711300a6023445c91c8a4d7926a8e04
+msgid "**Isolated VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the Secondary Isolated VLAN."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:105
+# dbbc4b85106a407f9bb4532a5c1a40a2
+msgid "**Scope**: The available scopes are Domain, Account, Project, and All."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:108
+# 46fd996ba0b241efa0f21c9f22c7c77d
+msgid "**Domain**: Selecting Domain limits the scope of this guest network to the domain you specify. The network will not be available for other domains. If you select Subdomain Access, the guest network is available to all the sub domains within the selected domain."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:114
+# 79bd2bf86f74472db3b4cba26ef143dd
+msgid "**Account**: The account for which the guest network is being created for. You must specify the domain the account belongs to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:118
+# f3de2d8830134ab195b04b7e4b74b215
+msgid "**Project**: The project for which the guest network is being created for. You must specify the domain the project belongs to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:122
+# e03c5c4ff8d646cdb1a4029a794765e5
+msgid "**All**: The guest network is available for all the domains, account, projects within the selected zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:125
+# 74217dea4b9c4d8faa89e1ea6b2c754e
+msgid "**Network Offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network offerings, select the one you want to use for this network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:129
+# 587275eb7b1249e590763c8b0fb81d41
+msgid "**Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:131
+# 8123de4fbb1d4a1cba01cb099365b448
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:133
+# 129d7c2b8ec442cb802ec894eb871959
+msgid "**IP Range**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the Internet and are assigned to the guest VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:136
+# 8ea844eb28e94825bdefeba5cc1e143c
+msgid "If one NIC is used, these IPs should be in the same CIDR in the case of IPv6."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:139
+# 1a2dacdd2a984c978ad1455bdb6c04b8
+msgid "**IPv6 CIDR**: The network prefix that defines the guest network subnet. This is the CIDR that describes the IPv6 addresses in use in the guest networks in this zone. To allot IP addresses from within a particular address block, enter a CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:144
+# d17e32d82ae849139dda243c9ddc9676
+msgid "**Network Domain**: A custom DNS suffix at the level of a network. If you want to assign a special domain name to the guest VM network, specify a DNS suffix."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:148
+# e200da9c829a41109b13173bce7f11ca
+msgid "Click OK to confirm."
+msgstr ""
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..529851f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/pot/networking/basic_zone_config.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/basic_zone_config.rst:19
+# bf16fca54893437db5aad5aa3f2e6e2c
+msgid "Basic Zone Physical Network Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/basic_zone_config.rst:21
+# 153ba46cfcf14ac28f2db2730d2e43af
+msgid "In a basic network, configuring the physical network is fairly straightforward. You only need to configure one guest network to carry traffic that is generated by guest VMs. When you first add a zone to CloudStack, you set up the guest network through the Add Zone screens."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/dns_and_dhcp.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/dns_and_dhcp.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f43cebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/pot/networking/dns_and_dhcp.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/dns_and_dhcp.rst:18
+# 727de7b64d0e4c34bddda54359ed846d
+msgid "DNS and DHCP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/dns_and_dhcp.rst:20
+# f58ccb2c24bb47c0872a16c74d47f121
+msgid "The Virtual Router provides DNS and DHCP services to the guests. It proxies DNS requests to the DNS server configured on the Availability Zone."
+msgstr ""
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:18
+# 68f25b7a2e514065b563d7ccdd72f355
+msgid "About Elastic IPs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:20
+# bf34049aef4a4cddb2aa0169d49b5281
+msgid "Elastic IP (EIP) addresses are the IP addresses that are associated with an account, and act as static IP addresses. The account owner has the complete control over the Elastic IP addresses that belong to the account. As an account owner, you can allocate an Elastic IP to a VM of your choice from the EIP pool of your account. Later if required you can reassign the IP address to a different VM. This feature is extremely helpful during VM failure. Instead of replacing the VM which is down, the IP address can be reassigned to a new VM in your account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:29
+# 8b249afbc2664b01a564524559d5c5fd
+msgid "Similar to the public IP address, Elastic IP addresses are mapped to their associated private IP addresses by using StaticNAT. The EIP service is equipped with StaticNAT (1:1) service in an EIP-enabled basic zone. The default network offering, DefaultSharedNetscalerEIPandELBNetworkOffering, provides your network with EIP and ELB network services if a NetScaler device is deployed in your zone. Consider the following illustration for more details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:37
+# deef19d6b1414dbb967743f1b7cef2df
+msgid "|eip-ns-basiczone.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:39
+# a1f02d4922ed4bbb8941ccc048f0b0b4
+msgid "In the illustration, a NetScaler appliance is the default entry or exit point for the CloudStack instances, and firewall is the default entry or exit point for the rest of the data center. Netscaler provides LB services and staticNAT service to the guest networks. The guest traffic in the pods and the Management Server are on different subnets / VLANs. The policy-based routing in the data center core switch sends the public traffic through the NetScaler, whereas the rest of the data center goes through the firewall."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:48
+# 28c78bf967714b33884e97cfa4ca307b
+msgid "The EIP work flow is as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:50
+# 773cd4ac9b6d4973832aafd2d0cf2f9e
+msgid "When a user VM is deployed, a public IP is automatically acquired from the pool of public IPs configured in the zone. This IP is owned by the VM's account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:54
+# 23a70289953d415c81e8dd6ebc86423c
+msgid "Each VM will have its own private IP. When the user VM starts, Static NAT is provisioned on the NetScaler device by using the Inbound Network Address Translation (INAT) and Reverse NAT (RNAT) rules between the public IP and the private IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:60
+# bfa50768ea9b496599aa1804e3437f25
+msgid "Inbound NAT (INAT) is a type of NAT supported by NetScaler, in which the destination IP address is replaced in the packets from the public network, such as the Internet, with the private IP address of a VM in the private network. Reverse NAT (RNAT) is a type of NAT supported by NetScaler, in which the source IP address is replaced in the packets generated by a VM in the private network with the public IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:67
+# cef50f723bd34b298098fab0ed2c2328
+msgid "This default public IP will be released in two cases:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:69
+# 954fad75b2bd41d1b16f50f819a7e300
+msgid "When the VM is stopped. When the VM starts, it again receives a new public IP, not necessarily the same one allocated initially, from the pool of Public IPs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:73
+# a5713ccdbc7f41dea9e1fb5bd2a81337
+msgid "The user acquires a public IP (Elastic IP). This public IP is associated with the account, but will not be mapped to any private IP. However, the user can enable Static NAT to associate this IP to the private IP of a VM in the account. The Static NAT rule for the public IP can be disabled at any time. When Static NAT is disabled, a new public IP is allocated from the pool, which is not necessarily be the same one allocated initially."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:81
+# a8f5524c22bd4ddf82fd8d2d6240b94f
+msgid "For the deployments where public IPs are limited resources, you have the flexibility to choose not to allocate a public IP by default. You can use the Associate Public IP option to turn on or off the automatic public IP assignment in the EIP-enabled Basic zones. If you turn off the automatic public IP assignment while creating a network offering, only a private IP is assigned to a VM when the VM is deployed with that network offering. Later, the user can acquire an IP for the VM and enable static NAT."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:90
+# 89cea0807df84e08bd3c61dbf7579d80
+msgid "For more information on the Associate Public IP option, see `\"Creating a New Network Offering\" <networking.html#creating-a-new-network-offering>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:94
+# e8e0a7038ebb4ea181ba58c3f4cdc0ed
+msgid "The Associate Public IP feature is designed only for use with user VMs. The System VMs continue to get both public IP and private by default, irrespective of the network offering configuration."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:98
+# 116e2d3d7abc4e4b89e08770c938b985
+msgid "New deployments which use the default shared network offering with EIP and ELB services to create a shared network in the Basic zone will continue allocating public IPs to each user VM."
+msgstr ""
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:18
+# 9b2c57c96864404ab39ea18532184a3c
+msgid "External Firewalls and Load Balancers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:20
+# 406fa3a599d74b6fb0f6a893d839784a
+msgid "CloudStack is capable of replacing its Virtual Router with an external Juniper SRX device and an optional external NetScaler or F5 load balancer for gateway and load balancing services. In this case, the VMs use the SRX as their gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:27
+# e50bcd9fe60e430d85efc883354624a5
+msgid "About Using a NetScaler Load Balancer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:29
+# 1cf32061da5449a2a6dc5887c27b0d72
+msgid "Citrix NetScaler is supported as an external network element for load balancing in zones that use isolated networking in advanced zones. Set up an external load balancer when you want to provide load balancing through means other than CloudStack's provided virtual router."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:35
+# 188f8456b75c41ffadbc92d637327f54
+msgid "In a Basic zone, load balancing service is supported only if Elastic IP or Elastic LB services are enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:38
+# 7189603a0b934b4b8f4de77ccc774586
+msgid "When NetScaler load balancer is used to provide EIP or ELB services in a Basic zone, ensure that all guest VM traffic must enter and exit through the NetScaler device. When inbound traffic goes through the NetScaler device, traffic is routed by using the NAT protocol depending on the EIP/ELB configured on the public IP to the private IP. The traffic that is originated from the guest VMs usually goes through the layer 3 router. To ensure that outbound traffic goes through NetScaler device providing EIP/ELB, layer 3 router must have a policy-based routing. A policy-based route must be set up so that all traffic originated from the guest VM's are directed to NetScaler device. This is required to ensure that the outbound traffic from the guest VM's is routed to a public IP by using NAT.For more information on Elastic IP, see `\"About Elastic IP\" <#about-elastic-ip>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:52
+# baddaa181f054bb5b0b41e5dcce1387e
+msgid "The NetScaler can be set up in direct (outside the firewall) mode. It must be added before any load balancing rules are deployed on guest VMs in the zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:56
+# 263c8a9eb9d147ad91ae71970d65bd41
+msgid "The functional behavior of the NetScaler with CloudStack is the same as described in the CloudStack documentation for using an F5 external load balancer. The only exception is that the F5 supports routing domains, and NetScaler does not. NetScaler can not yet be used as a firewall."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:61
+# 79187d2fbfa743c39e8c524304235dc2
+msgid "To install and enable an external load balancer for CloudStack management, see External Guest Load Balancer Integration in the Installation Guide."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:65
+# d3c851ee525b49599c01646d4d1e2dd5
+msgid "The Citrix NetScaler comes in three varieties. The following summarizes how these variants are treated in CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:68
+# 64aec7c1c44049498dcf6c10b4fa5605
+msgid "**MPX**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:70
+# b8df1ce8dfa14d8c8ecc441c6f71748f
+msgid "Physical appliance. Capable of deep packet inspection. Can act as application firewall and load balancer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:73
+# 3a1ec0e897e34118a0fbeb78f64a544a
+msgid "In advanced zones, load balancer functionality fully supported without limitation. In basic zones, static NAT, elastic IP (EIP), and elastic load balancing (ELB) are also provided."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:77
+# 68d5e27c550d40cd921b14324d33692a
+msgid "**VPX**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:79
+# 886b66d79fd049739f35d53684946f35
+msgid "Virtual appliance. Can run as VM on XenServer, ESXi, and Hyper-V hypervisors. Same functionality as MPX"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:82
+# acdf8d15b2b740579349caa99d8ff14f
+msgid "Supported on ESXi and XenServer. Same functional support as for MPX. CloudStack will treat VPX and MPX as the same device type."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:85
+# 632775a416fd40bfb11895ae39b883e9
+msgid "**SDX**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:87
+# 94896445c73d42c7a8a8b30da3d762a9
+msgid "Physical appliance. Can create multiple fully isolated VPX instances on a single appliance to support multi-tenant usage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:90
+# 7272ab89523e416fba357a4ceb24b459
+msgid "CloudStack will dynamically provision, configure, and manage the life cycle of VPX instances on the SDX. Provisioned instances are added into CloudStack automatically - no manual configuration by the administrator is required. Once a VPX instance is added into CloudStack, it is treated the same as a VPX on an ESXi host."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:98
+# e712ff0906b7463083ac7a8f9b19847c
+msgid "Configuring SNMP Community String on a RHEL Server"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:100
+# a0e11ba7efae4e63a0cd9eb015162722
+msgid "The SNMP Community string is similar to a user id or password that provides access to a network device, such as router. This string is sent along with all SNMP requests. If the community string is correct, the device responds with the requested information. If the community string is incorrect, the device discards the request and does not respond."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:106
+# d9a8fc53fc4949bda74cb44fbcb04146
+msgid "The NetScaler device uses SNMP to communicate with the VMs. You must install SNMP and configure SNMP Community string for a secure communication between the NetScaler device and the RHEL machine."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:110
+# 9f7d96642a9b435ab7687ecf88e6f6de
+msgid "Ensure that you installed SNMP on RedHat. If not, run the following command:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:117
+# 657a8fba85b14585be4a9165ba95128b
+msgid "Edit the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file to allow the SNMP polling from the NetScaler device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:120
+# 752d34a607b64dbea0348f5551d5cebc
+msgid "Map the community name into a security name (local and mynetwork, depending on where the request is coming from):"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:124
+# 07b1fa6ac91c4aa186c434d633b0384e
+msgid "Use a strong password instead of public when you edit the following table."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:133
+# f8acb0abc31c4fd0ab9300c705ba1f72
+msgid "Setting to allows all IPs to poll the NetScaler server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:135
+# 327a4b1c1e4d429c83dc1e1628f8376a
+msgid "Map the security names into group names:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:145
+# 193cbe00950147958924521840ba4405
+msgid "Create a view to allow the groups to have the permission to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:151
+# 39191ba80aa24e32898e8a79892fb7cf
+msgid "Grant access with different write permissions to the two groups to the view you created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:160
+# ca08ac1ab89442c9a42c7d59efa70e6b
+msgid "Unblock SNMP in iptables."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:166
+# f161affb624f4139be0750f3dc19f505
+msgid "Start the SNMP service:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:172
+# 60eb8801ebf44b97b3b4cc63348013b6
+msgid "Ensure that the SNMP service is started automatically during the system startup:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:181
+# 8893688efc574dbfba90b00df9f467bd
+msgid "Initial Setup of External Firewalls and Load Balancers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:183
+# 2149019287d549649f77e49102f3a8e2
+msgid "When the first VM is created for a new account, CloudStack programs the external firewall and load balancer to work with the VM. The following objects are created on the firewall:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:187
+# 7bec0089c55040c9bcc3b75a4ce9ae0b
+msgid "A new logical interface to connect to the account's private VLAN. The interface IP is always the first IP of the account's private subnet (e.g."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:191
+# 5d690ff5c70b4951a41d9ccf663e1e5d
+msgid "A source NAT rule that forwards all outgoing traffic from the account's private VLAN to the public Internet, using the account's public IP address as the source address"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:195
+# a8b478c2d3334a0aa56507a774978095
+msgid "A firewall filter counter that measures the number of bytes of outgoing traffic for the account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:198
+# 438d673ffaa3412c98761796e1c9043c
+msgid "The following objects are created on the load balancer:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:200
+# 07491865d4a3476293c53ae24c343c78
+msgid "A new VLAN that matches the account's provisioned Zone VLAN"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:202
+# 3691e62805b34e95acd2ff232154ca0d
+msgid "A self IP for the VLAN. This is always the second IP of the account's private subnet (e.g."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:207
+# 1e387fca9feb4a08825eb2dfe3547fb0
+msgid "Ongoing Configuration of External Firewalls and Load Balancers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:209
+# 133336c3018e4957ba148ad3a8f85ed4
+msgid "Additional user actions (e.g. setting a port forward) will cause further programming of the firewall and load balancer. A user may request additional public IP addresses and forward traffic received at these IPs to specific VMs. This is accomplished by enabling static NAT for a public IP address, assigning the IP to a VM, and specifying a set of protocols and port ranges to open. When a static NAT rule is created, CloudStack programs the zone's external firewall with the following objects:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:218
+# cfcd0d08f25142019221555a1a499683
+msgid "A static NAT rule that maps the public IP address to the private IP address of a VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:221
+# 76e196b931384143a2f1b65467f003dd
+msgid "A security policy that allows traffic within the set of protocols and port ranges that are specified."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:224
+# b6b755f7fb5a4d4d9495bfe3b0eac10e
+msgid "A firewall filter counter that measures the number of bytes of incoming traffic to the public IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:227
+# 077fa026b5954737b4af75e98a4dd1e8
+msgid "The number of incoming and outgoing bytes through source NAT, static NAT, and load balancing rules is measured and saved on each external element. This data is collected on a regular basis and stored in the CloudStack database."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:234
+# a882754de1c64a389513a78637f3325d
+msgid "Load Balancer Rules"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:236
+# 9b95ee51dc6e4026905b950584948d63
+msgid "A CloudStack user or administrator may create load balancing rules that balance traffic received at a public IP to one or more VMs. A user creates a rule, specifies an algorithm, and assigns the rule to a set of VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:242
+# 7ac5de99c5694e0b89ceb6d4c39e0dfb
+msgid "If you create load balancing rules while using a network service offering that includes an external load balancer device such as NetScaler, and later change the network service offering to one that uses the CloudStack virtual router, you must create a firewall rule on the virtual router for each of your existing load balancing rules so that they continue to function."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:253
+# b09aa6c58aa84b8f89b3293a64ca17fd
+msgid "Adding a Load Balancer Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:255
+# 1bc40a00c2f341118db65e97bbbcf986
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:257
+# 57f7d8a61234427abc813c4208e84192
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:259
+# d947318aba7746718816eb5c7e29e9b1
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to load balance the traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:262
+# 20fc7dedf2cf482d94d8977ac64c6b0d
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:264
+# aff4544b414847af82ceceb0bd4e3b55
+msgid "Click the IP address for which you want to create the rule, then click the Configuration tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:267
+# a84c70dc6b4f4d7c8f5a2d1f82b59355
+msgid "In the Load Balancing node of the diagram, click View All."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:269
+# 698c929938644fa88bcaa781f68ea4e7
+msgid "In a Basic zone, you can also create a load balancing rule without acquiring or selecting an IP address. CloudStack internally assign an IP when you create the load balancing rule, which is listed in the IP Addresses page when the rule is created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:274
+# 2991ed0062324ee88859d10be3c6d280
+msgid "To do that, select the name of the network, then click Add Load Balancer tab. Continue with #7."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:277
+# f62541afe2764660ba42de5ab1903be0
+msgid "Fill in the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:279
+# 9d106d6a229045acbfc2622c0c395bd9
+msgid "**Name**: A name for the load balancer rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:281
+# 75090eb93c0c438fbb12cc3c26d20ef9
+msgid "**Public Port**: The port receiving incoming traffic to be balanced."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:284
+# 61dc53b8703148608a98d96de9b2f3f7
+msgid "**Private Port**: The port that the VMs will use to receive the traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:287
+# 9e98c799101c44728527da77d95553ee
+msgid "**Algorithm**: Choose the load balancing algorithm you want CloudStack to use. CloudStack supports a variety of well-known algorithms. If you are not familiar with these choices, you will find plenty of information about them on the Internet."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:292
+# 1fc198ccbf4e4718beba8aaec97b2a38
+msgid "**Stickiness**: (Optional) Click Configure and choose the algorithm for the stickiness policy. See Sticky Session Policies for Load Balancer Rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:296
+# 8d672e758cc24f2da82cbdd82c83ea21
+msgid "**AutoScale**: Click Configure and complete the AutoScale configuration as explained in :ref:`conf-autoscale`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:299
+# 33ab79892f344fde975f3d6c32cd9b12
+msgid "**Health Check**: (Optional; NetScaler load balancers only) Click Configure and fill in the characteristics of the health check policy. See :ref:`health-check`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:303
+# d643db9463b745c7ac1f19daad8358dd
+msgid "**Ping path (Optional)**: Sequence of destinations to which to send health check queries. Default: / (all)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:306
+# b33a72d1050241329dd52806584f0b49
+msgid "**Response time (Optional)**: How long to wait for a response from the health check (2 - 60 seconds). Default: 5 seconds."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:309
+# 885f1763ea71493ea93ba841259240b3
+msgid "**Interval time (Optional)**: Amount of time between health checks (1 second - 5 minutes). Default value is set in the global configuration parameter lbrule\\_health check\\_time\\_interval."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:314
+# 82dd529deb534e00b11b709fad1a829f
+msgid "**Healthy threshold (Optional)**: Number of consecutive health check successes that are required before declaring an instance healthy. Default: 2."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:318
+# 8c946ad8aa9b402ba1d7808681a90216
+msgid "**Unhealthy threshold (Optional)**: Number of consecutive health check failures that are required before declaring an instance unhealthy. Default: 10."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:322
+# 8bd4120f80ff41368605d05b647ee837
+msgid "Click Add VMs, then select two or more VMs that will divide the load of incoming traffic, and click Apply."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:325
+# 9720f8ded014448394288000a5c40217
+msgid "The new load balancer rule appears in the list. You can repeat these steps to add more load balancer rules for this IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:330
+# 3ccedfb3a9324eb1860d1924ac909e3a
+msgid "Sticky Session Policies for Load Balancer Rules"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:332
+# b33d98749eb5488a8a02cad61861c752
+msgid "Sticky sessions are used in Web-based applications to ensure continued availability of information across the multiple requests in a user's session. For example, if a shopper is filling a cart, you need to remember what has been purchased so far. The concept of \"stickiness\" is also referred to as persistence or maintaining state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:338
+# 68678f9c4f934ed796779a0d4121e91a
+msgid "Any load balancer rule defined in CloudStack can have a stickiness policy. The policy consists of a name, stickiness method, and parameters. The parameters are name-value pairs or flags, which are defined by the load balancer vendor. The stickiness method could be load balancer-generated cookie, application-generated cookie, or source-based. In the source-based method, the source IP address is used to identify the user and locate the user's stored data. In the other methods, cookies are used. The cookie generated by the load balancer or application is included in request and response URLs to create persistence. The cookie name can be specified by the administrator or automatically generated. A variety of options are provided to control the exact behavior of cookies, such as how they are generated and whether they are cached."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:352
+# bb05b34273814acfb053cac6ffdfe917
+msgid "For the most up to date list of available stickiness methods, see the CloudStack UI or call listNetworks and check the SupportedStickinessMethods capability."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:360
+# 35aba1c4298e4ecdaaa750f3375b4be2
+msgid "Health Checks for Load Balancer Rules"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:362
+# d9cc398640dc410ea5c44e614e8d82cd
+msgid "(NetScaler load balancer only; requires NetScaler version 10.0)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:364
+# 13a5a45067f34a0b8387527dfaa9d0ce
+msgid "Health checks are used in load-balanced applications to ensure that requests are forwarded only to running, available services. When creating a load balancer rule, you can specify a health check policy. This is in addition to specifying the stickiness policy, algorithm, and other load balancer rule options. You can configure one health check policy per load balancer rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:371
+# 507b3dcc2fbd48a18c5ae46dcb37b341
+msgid "Any load balancer rule defined on a NetScaler load balancer in CloudStack can have a health check policy. The policy consists of a ping path, thresholds to define \"healthy\" and \"unhealthy\" states, health check frequency, and timeout wait interval."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:376
+# 35f78e270b3e47749e7a677486944ac1
+msgid "When a health check policy is in effect, the load balancer will stop forwarding requests to any resources that are found to be unhealthy. If the resource later becomes available again, the periodic health check will discover it, and the resource will once again be added to the pool of resources that can receive requests from the load balancer. At any given time, the most recent result of the health check is displayed in the UI. For any VM that is attached to a load balancer rule with a health check configured, the state will be shown as UP or DOWN in the UI depending on the result of the most recent health check."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:386
+# bdff04e42c3943e38c182443f757f743
+msgid "You can delete or modify existing health check policies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:388
+# eef49f2114c344a58739dcf8f68aac70
+msgid "To configure how often the health check is performed by default, use the global configuration setting healthcheck.update.interval (default value is 600 seconds). You can override this value for an individual health check policy."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:393
+# 6f13b2ca1fd74ad2a09363a9de9dfa54
+msgid "For details on how to set a health check policy using the UI, see :ref:`adding-lb-rule`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:400
+# 6f66a1def18847c0ba2eec5214f58bc4
+msgid "Configuring AutoScale"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:402
+# 1d10105f71d4436ca70e813d83aa587d
+msgid "AutoScaling allows you to scale your back-end services or application VMs up or down seamlessly and automatically according to the conditions you define. With AutoScaling enabled, you can ensure that the number of VMs you are using seamlessly scale up when demand increases, and automatically decreases when demand subsides. Thus it helps you save compute costs by terminating underused VMs automatically and launching new VMs when you need them, without the need for manual intervention."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:410
+# f916e1ba803d4d5f93f20a1fc650704f
+msgid "NetScaler AutoScaling is designed to seamlessly launch or terminate VMs based on user-defined conditions. Conditions for triggering a scaleup or scaledown action can vary from a simple use case like monitoring the CPU usage of a server to a complex use case of monitoring a combination of server's responsiveness and its CPU usage. For example, you can configure AutoScaling to launch an additional VM whenever CPU usage exceeds 80 percent for 15 minutes, or to remove a VM whenever CPU usage is less than 20 percent for 30 minutes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:419
+# fa4167d0761945e6b5552ddc195aa1cb
+msgid "CloudStack uses the NetScaler load balancer to monitor all aspects of a system's health and work in unison with CloudStack to initiate scale-up or scale-down actions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:424
+# 25cc6eeee03544bead38d29ffde91c33
+msgid "AutoScale is supported on NetScaler Release 10 Build 74.4006.e and beyond."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:428
+# f97b092a261142629f674c1cf40ee949
+msgid "Prerequisites"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:430
+# 0c697f756785488aaa591aa8b9a921cc
+msgid "Before you configure an AutoScale rule, consider the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:432
+# 8229cf3ea2d24a22bc9707f8f142ca5e
+msgid "Ensure that the necessary template is prepared before configuring AutoScale. When a VM is deployed by using a template and when it comes up, the application should be up and running."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:437
+# a3b170baceb44749ba1bc8c05a2d5b1c
+msgid "If the application is not running, the NetScaler device considers the VM as ineffective and continues provisioning the VMs unconditionally until the resource limit is exhausted."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:441
+# df32d04c33ca462ea54e7d716b2d8ffe
+msgid "Deploy the templates you prepared. Ensure that the applications come up on the first boot and is ready to take the traffic. Observe the time requires to deploy the template. Consider this time when you specify the quiet time while configuring AutoScale."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:446
+# e416b95063a0497fa2b7ca6430c0957c
+msgid "The AutoScale feature supports the SNMP counters that can be used to define conditions for taking scale up or scale down actions. To monitor the SNMP-based counter, ensure that the SNMP agent is installed in the template used for creating the AutoScale VMs, and the SNMP operations work with the configured SNMP community and port by using standard SNMP managers. For example, see `\"Configuring SNMP Community String on a RHELServer\" <#configuring-snmp-community-string-on-a-rhel-server>`_ to configure SNMP on a RHEL machine."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:456
+# 0ac0707e74464bd0840f60e335716a25
+msgid "Ensure that the endpointe.url parameter present in the Global Settings is set to the Management Server API URL. For example, ````. In a multi-node Management Server deployment, use the virtual IP address configured in the load balancer for the management server's cluster. Additionally, ensure that the NetScaler device has access to this IP address to provide AutoScale support."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:464
+# f8d93cd584a54fd8b2a72143d4107323
+msgid "If you update the endpointe.url, disable the AutoScale functionality of the load balancer rules in the system, then enable them back to reflect the changes. For more information see :ref:`update-autoscale`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:468
+# f4e671d2a1814ee7936944319291f882
+msgid "If the API Key and Secret Key are regenerated for an AutoScale user, ensure that the AutoScale functionality of the load balancers that the user participates in are disabled and then enabled to reflect the configuration changes in the NetScaler."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:473
+# 1def24ca3fcf4a9984043a4339307137
+msgid "In an advanced Zone, ensure that at least one VM should be present before configuring a load balancer rule with AutoScale. Having one VM in the network ensures that the network is in implemented state for configuring AutoScale."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:480
+# d722fd21fbb64e1f8fe5c04b72d39a29
+msgid "Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:482
+# aa34165bbbed4360bb6cebfc7b978d91
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:484
+# 306046475ddb4e789bc88bc1633cdc73
+msgid "|autoscaleateconfig.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:486
+# 951132877c0f4870b67560ae8035c8eb
+msgid "**Template**: A template consists of a base OS image and application. A template is used to provision the new instance of an application on a scaleup action. When a VM is deployed from a template, the VM can start taking the traffic from the load balancer without any admin intervention. For example, if the VM is deployed for a Web service, it should have the Web server running, the database connected, and so on."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:494
+# 313bdbb8a05e46239d80664ae76a92cf
+msgid "**Compute offering**: A predefined set of virtual hardware attributes, including CPU speed, number of CPUs, and RAM size, that the user can select when creating a new virtual machine instance. Choose one of the compute offerings to be used while provisioning a VM instance as part of scaleup action."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:500
+# cd0d1d8ce17d439eb9c360d182e61bc0
+msgid "**Min Instance**: The minimum number of active VM instances that is assigned to a load balancing rule. The active VM instances are the application instances that are up and serving the traffic, and are being load balanced. This parameter ensures that a load balancing rule has at least the configured number of active VM instances are available to serve the traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:508
+# b883f060ac0a4b669952542845307113
+msgid "If an application, such as SAP, running on a VM instance is down for some reason, the VM is then not counted as part of Min Instance parameter, and the AutoScale feature initiates a scaleup action if the number of active VM instances is below the configured value. Similarly, when an application instance comes up from its earlier down state, this application instance is counted as part of the active instance count and the AutoScale process initiates a scaledown action when the active instance count breaches the Max instance value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:518
+# 1062b529c80542fe9f49822dc8e1226b
+msgid "**Max Instance**: Maximum number of active VM instances that **should be assigned to**\\ a load balancing rule. This parameter defines the upper limit of active VM instances that can be assigned to a load balancing rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:523
+# 2f6f81ae0f294d00be1d4501c00d3ef4
+msgid "Specifying a large value for the maximum instance parameter might result in provisioning large number of VM instances, which in turn leads to a single load balancing rule exhausting the VM instances limit specified at the account or domain level."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:529
+# 80e14b2eba9f4b31bf0f73a8fb4665ac
+msgid "If an application, such as SAP, running on a VM instance is down for some reason, the VM is not counted as part of Max Instance parameter. So there may be scenarios where the number of VMs provisioned for a scaleup action might be more than the configured Max Instance value. Once the application instances in the VMs are up from an earlier down state, the AutoScale feature starts aligning to the configured Max Instance value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:537
+# c05f5503e8994d1bbe38126fc1652574
+msgid "Specify the following scale-up and scale-down policies:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:539
+# 8b8ee965cf5f45e4a993ef5a61584ee7
+msgid "**Duration**: The duration, in seconds, for which the conditions you specify must be true to trigger a scaleup action. The conditions defined should hold true for the entire duration you specify for an AutoScale action to be invoked."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:544
+# aef0e1b396cc4f4aa88ea919926bc457
+msgid "**Counter**: The performance counters expose the state of the monitored instances. By default, CloudStack offers four performance counters: Three SNMP counters and one NetScaler counter. The SNMP counters are Linux User CPU, Linux System CPU, and Linux CPU Idle. The NetScaler counter is ResponseTime. The root administrator can add additional counters into CloudStack by using the CloudStack API."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:551
+# e13329c9be684765967ad40f1ed75b4e
+msgid "**Operator**: The following five relational operators are supported in AutoScale feature: Greater than, Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater than or equal to, and Equal to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:555
+# 736606eaa3ac4622b52ed0ab0545ba37
+msgid "**Threshold**: Threshold value to be used for the counter. Once the counter defined above breaches the threshold value, the AutoScale feature initiates a scaleup or scaledown action."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:559
+# e74122a065ed4373a7c1291eb1291e64
+msgid "**Add**: Click Add to add the condition."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:561
+# 7d05f0a9ea384a5790999dfcd7fd3647
+msgid "Additionally, if you want to configure the advanced settings, click Show advanced settings, and specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:564
+# 9e8ccf2af53541eea6450c116ba10b0a
+msgid "**Polling interval**: Frequency in which the conditions, combination of counter, operator and threshold, are to be evaluated before taking a scale up or down action. The default polling interval is 30 seconds."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:569
+# 9a0a8077043d427ba02f39207e648c16
+msgid "**Quiet Time**: This is the cool down period after an AutoScale action is initiated. The time includes the time taken to complete provisioning a VM instance from its template and the time taken by an application to be ready to serve traffic. This quiet time allows the fleet to come up to a stable state before any action can take place. The default is 300 seconds."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:576
+# d562af8950534ba78cfad860812c91af
+msgid "**Destroy VM Grace Period**: The duration in seconds, after a scaledown action is initiated, to wait before the VM is destroyed as part of scaledown action. This is to ensure graceful close of any pending sessions or transactions being served by the VM marked for destroy. The default is 120 seconds."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:582
+# b74500ed7cdc4d5e984c9d01a17d6cae
+msgid "**Security Groups**: Security groups provide a way to isolate traffic to the VM instances. A security group is a group of VMs that filter their incoming and outgoing traffic according to a set of rules, called ingress and egress rules. These rules filter network traffic according to the IP address that is attempting to communicate with the VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:589
+# 6e921b5c683943bf8e306cb4cd731b76
+msgid "**Disk Offerings**: A predefined set of disk size for primary data storage."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:592
+# 8eeeb8c4bf1749e6b405081fce9318ca
+msgid "**SNMP Community**: The SNMP community string to be used by the NetScaler device to query the configured counter value from the provisioned VM instances. Default is public."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:596
+# 63d93ca18c5245e3aa630d743d5b1fff
+msgid "**SNMP Port**: The port number on which the SNMP agent that run on the provisioned VMs is listening. Default port is 161."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:599
+# 8e4ead8319ea470ba2e3a6183acf7ce2
+msgid "**User**: This is the user that the NetScaler device use to invoke scaleup and scaledown API calls to the cloud. If no option is specified, the user who configures AutoScaling is applied. Specify another user name to override."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:604
+# c5ab8b8578de4f5b8e2aa37c414525aa
+msgid "**Apply**: Click Apply to create the AutoScale configuration."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:608
+# 3d6ec42e045a4082a8798bec5791982a
+msgid "Disabling and Enabling an AutoScale Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:610
+# ec5c758cc62a40e587a4b6c4fddb434f
+msgid "If you want to perform any maintenance operation on the AutoScale VM instances, disable the AutoScale configuration. When the AutoScale configuration is disabled, no scaleup or scaledown action is performed. You can use this downtime for the maintenance activities. To disable the AutoScale configuration, click the Disable AutoScale |EnableDisable.png| button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:616
+# 0a60f936b205455c98dceed77b11df3c
+msgid "The button toggles between enable and disable, depending on whether AutoScale is currently enabled or not. After the maintenance operations are done, you can enable the AutoScale configuration back. To enable, open the AutoScale configuration page again, then click the Enable AutoScale |EnableDisable.png| button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:626
+# f4bb71e85bd344b89fdcb3239a0f51f8
+msgid "Updating an AutoScale Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:628
+# 3bf60f14a73d43869794736b33b5aa5b
+msgid "You can update the various parameters and add or delete the conditions in a scaleup or scaledown rule. Before you update an AutoScale configuration, ensure that you disable the AutoScale load balancer rule by clicking the Disable AutoScale button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:633
+# f9665a6811b3410ba434ca755c6451f6
+msgid "After you modify the required AutoScale parameters, click Apply. To apply the new AutoScale policies, open the AutoScale configuration page again, then click the Enable AutoScale button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:639
+# debb34a5766f45ca8759a81e6401dc05
+msgid "Runtime Considerations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:641
+# 57af5a07b00746d1b071d2eb6e80fea1
+msgid "An administrator should not assign a VM to a load balancing rule which is configured for AutoScale."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:644
+# 7df6035fc7ca442bbbb5d7bd0ea0428b
+msgid "Before a VM provisioning is completed if NetScaler is shutdown or restarted, the provisioned VM cannot be a part of the load balancing rule though the intent was to assign it to a load balancing rule. To workaround, rename the AutoScale provisioned VMs based on the rule name or ID so at any point of time the VMs can be reconciled to its load balancing rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:651
+# 0eca9ec603bb4fc28eaabd868afa3e27
+msgid "Making API calls outside the context of AutoScale, such as destroyVM, on an autoscaled VM leaves the load balancing configuration in an inconsistent state. Though VM is destroyed from the load balancer rule, NetScaler continues to show the VM as a service assigned to a rule."
+msgstr ""
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
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+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:18
+# dcd5b9f2eedc4d1682f64e174cd2cef7
+msgid "Global Server Load Balancing Support"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:20
+# 6cf6d74b4dde4e5fb05f41ae52822a4a
+msgid "CloudStack supports Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) functionalities to provide business continuity, and enable seamless resource movement within a CloudStack environment. CloudStack achieve this by extending its functionality of integrating with NetScaler Application Delivery Controller (ADC), which also provides various GSLB capabilities, such as disaster recovery and load balancing. The DNS redirection technique is used to achieve GSLB in CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:28
+# 7396fe0f91a94dcf8d73474623b3c975
+msgid "In order to support this functionality, region level services and service provider are introduced. A new service 'GSLB' is introduced as a region level service. The GSLB service provider is introduced that will provider the GSLB service. Currently, NetScaler is the supported GSLB provider in CloudStack. GSLB functionality works in an Active-Active data center environment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:37
+# c1b8feb53b76438681b08acf77c25440
+msgid "About Global Server Load Balancing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:39
+# e03a6a1a69b640308c22260d5737533b
+msgid "Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) is an extension of load balancing functionality, which is highly efficient in avoiding downtime. Based on the nature of deployment, GSLB represents a set of technologies that is used for various purposes, such as load sharing, disaster recovery, performance, and legal obligations. With GSLB, workloads can be distributed across multiple data centers situated at geographically separated locations. GSLB can also provide an alternate location for accessing a resource in the event of a failure, or to provide a means of shifting traffic easily to simplify maintenance, or both."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:51
+# ba32175058a043b081e7045d04a34334
+msgid "Components of GSLB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:53
+# 8282609b9ff24cd980a31ea858744fba
+msgid "A typical GSLB environment is comprised of the following components:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:55
+# 0c4b0b08a37346789443744bef960c26
+msgid "**GSLB Site**: In CloudStack terminology, GSLB sites are represented by zones that are mapped to data centers, each of which has various network appliances. Each GSLB site is managed by a NetScaler appliance that is local to that site. Each of these appliances treats its own site as the local site and all other sites, managed by other appliances, as remote sites. It is the central entity in a GSLB deployment, and is represented by a name and an IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:63
+# e6f8317f00944a5faf27bf059374e211
+msgid "**GSLB Services**: A GSLB service is typically represented by a load balancing or content switching virtual server. In a GSLB environment, you can have a local as well as remote GSLB services. A local GSLB service represents a local load balancing or content switching virtual server. A remote GSLB service is the one configured at one of the other sites in the GSLB setup. At each site in the GSLB setup, you can create one local GSLB service and any number of remote GSLB services."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:72
+# 0d6074d67e874afaafcced32aa2dcad8
+msgid "**GSLB Virtual Servers**: A GSLB virtual server refers to one or more GSLB services and balances traffic between traffic across the VMs in multiple zones by using the CloudStack functionality. It evaluates the configured GSLB methods or algorithms to select a GSLB service to which to send the client requests. One or more virtual servers from different zones are bound to the GSLB virtual server. GSLB virtual server does not have a public IP associated with it, instead it will have a FQDN DNS name."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:81
+# 25269a15ffaf4c48880b969ed8e8ff0b
+msgid "**Load Balancing or Content Switching Virtual Servers**: According to Citrix NetScaler terminology, a load balancing or content switching virtual server represents one or many servers on the local network. Clients send their requests to the load balancing or content switching virtual server's virtual IP (VIP) address, and the virtual server balances the load across the local servers. After a GSLB virtual server selects a GSLB service representing either a local or a remote load balancing or content switching virtual server, the client sends the request to that virtual server's VIP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:91
+# a4ae12735c574a18995202afba84a585
+msgid "**DNS VIPs**: DNS virtual IP represents a load balancing DNS virtual server on the GSLB service provider. The DNS requests for domains for which the GSLB service provider is authoritative can be sent to a DNS VIP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:96
+# 18dae232ea054aad8beb56723f2e9d6d
+msgid "**Authoritative DNS**: ADNS (Authoritative Domain Name Server) is a service that provides actual answer to DNS queries, such as web site IP address. In a GSLB environment, an ADNS service responds only to DNS requests for domains for which the GSLB service provider is authoritative. When an ADNS service is configured, the service provider owns that IP address and advertises it. When you create an ADNS service, the NetScaler responds to DNS queries on the configured ADNS service IP and port."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:107
+# 9efb5a6ae20d45eab31e7fe7ffc87eab
+msgid "How Does GSLB Works in CloudStack?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:109
+# daac6a57d97c4caebd3fa5d2f5f27324
+msgid "Global server load balancing is used to manage the traffic flow to a web site hosted on two separate zones that ideally are in different geographic locations. The following is an illustration of how GLSB functionality is provided in CloudStack: An organization, xyztelco, has set up a public cloud that spans two zones, Zone-1 and Zone-2, across geographically separated data centers that are managed by CloudStack. Tenant-A of the cloud launches a highly available solution by using xyztelco cloud. For that purpose, they launch two instances each in both the zones: VM1 and VM2 in Zone-1 and VM5 and VM6 in Zone-2. Tenant-A acquires a public IP, IP-1 in Zone-1, and configures a load balancer rule to load balance the traffic between VM1 and VM2 instances. CloudStack orchestrates setting up a virtual server on the LB service provider in Zone-1. Virtual server 1 that is set up on the LB service provider in Zone-1 represents a publicly accessible virtual server that client reaches at IP-1. The client traffic to virtual server 1 at IP-1 will be load balanced across VM1 and VM2 instances."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:126
+# ab85065c7a794a62bb64bb4d17ff62c9
+msgid "Tenant-A acquires another public IP, IP-2 in Zone-2 and sets up a load balancer rule to load balance the traffic between VM5 and VM6 instances. Similarly in Zone-2, CloudStack orchestrates setting up a virtual server on the LB service provider. Virtual server 2 that is setup on the LB service provider in Zone-2 represents a publicly accessible virtual server that client reaches at IP-2. The client traffic that reaches virtual server 2 at IP-2 is load balanced across VM5 and VM6 instances. At this point Tenant-A has the service enabled in both the zones, but has no means to set up a disaster recovery plan if one of the zone fails. Additionally, there is no way for Tenant-A to load balance the traffic intelligently to one of the zones based on load, proximity and so on. The cloud administrator of xyztelco provisions a GSLB service provider to both the zones. A GSLB provider is typically an ADC that has the ability to act as an ADNS (Authoritative Domain Name Server) and has the mechanism to monitor health of virtual servers both at local and remote sites. The cloud admin enables GSLB as a service to the tenants that use zones 1 and 2."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:144
+# 16e02bcf2da14fd48ec4af740ccfc445
+msgid "|gslb.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:146
+# 7f93cb0f9f2e4bc58cfc7f308c019bda
+msgid "Tenant-A wishes to leverage the GSLB service provided by the xyztelco cloud. Tenant-A configures a GSLB rule to load balance traffic across virtual server 1 at Zone-1 and virtual server 2 at Zone-2. The domain name is provided as CloudStack orchestrates setting up GSLB virtual server 1 on the GSLB service provider at Zone-1. CloudStack binds virtual server 1 of Zone-1 and virtual server 2 of Zone-2 to GLSB virtual server 1. GSLB virtual server 1 is configured to start monitoring the health of virtual server 1 and 2 in Zone-1. CloudStack will also orchestrate setting up GSLB virtual server 2 on GSLB service provider at Zone-2. CloudStack will bind virtual server 1 of Zone-1 and virtual server 2 of Zone-2 to GLSB virtual server 2. GSLB virtual server 2 is configured to start monitoring the health of virtual server 1 and 2. CloudStack will bind the domain to both the GSLB virtual server 1 and 2. At this point, Tenant-A service will be globally reachable at The private DNS server for the domain is configured by the admin out-of-band to resolve the domain to the GSLB providers at both the zones, which are configured as ADNS for the domain A client when sends a DNS request to resolve, will eventually get DNS delegation to the address of GSLB providers at zone 1 and 2. A client DNS request will be received by the GSLB provider. The GSLB provider, depending on the domain for which it needs to resolve, will pick up the GSLB virtual server associated with the domain. Depending on the health of the virtual servers being load balanced, DNS request for the domain will be resolved to the public IP associated with the selected virtual server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:175
+# dcd79b8e29a442d098cb8090a4527144
+msgid "Configuring GSLB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:177
+# af3fb04e787447d9976ebb989e847e3d
+msgid "To configure a GSLB deployment, you must first configure a standard load balancing setup for each zone. This enables you to balance load across the different servers in each zone in the region. Then on the NetScaler side, configure both NetScaler appliances that you plan to add to each zone as authoritative DNS (ADNS) servers. Next, create a GSLB site for each zone, configure GSLB virtual servers for each site, create GLSB services, and bind the GSLB services to the GSLB virtual servers. Finally, bind the domain to the GSLB virtual servers. The GSLB configurations on the two appliances at the two different zones are identical, although each sites load-balancing configuration is specific to that site."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:189
+# f12e3e8dd3114cc6ab5febf7d770620a
+msgid "Perform the following as a cloud administrator. As per the example given above, the administrator of xyztelco is the one who sets up GSLB:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:192
+# 9579cd3756414bb59e03052c3c4807de
+msgid "In the global parameter, specify the DNS name of your tenant's cloud that make use of the GSLB service."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:195
+# e675df400e4c40079a4b8ac2c3a3a007
+msgid "On the NetScaler side, configure GSLB as given in `Configuring Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) <>`_:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:199
+# 8366d0a33b5d4328b32668eee7db43a7
+msgid "Configuring a standard load balancing setup."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:201
+# 652a6e0d3f25435bad8a3a37ff14f6de
+msgid "Configure Authoritative DNS, as explained in `Configuring an Authoritative DNS Service <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:205
+# eb1be7170a664c05818eea4cebcd652c
+msgid "Configure a GSLB site with site name formed from the domain name details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:208
+# af0e9c7b27f545b9a2532edf6109ddf3
+msgid "Configure a GSLB site with the site name formed from the domain name."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:211
+# 6c3c9b0f00314c219b51b9ea4a817b37
+msgid "As per the example given above, the site names are and"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:214
+# 8bc45e9126194d24824f0e0e2d92ca1b
+msgid "For more information, see `Configuring a Basic GSLB Site <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:217
+# 7276993a8c1f4f089886c5bfce5f4f6e
+msgid "Configure a GSLB virtual server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:219
+# 8d0c82c139184d3992209af4d2e54a6c
+msgid "For more information, see `Configuring a GSLB Virtual Server <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:222
+# 7db75bd72fa44709ab7adb82ba26f318
+msgid "Configure a GSLB service for each virtual server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:224
+# 7dd4d9aa1c394ed6859a00b0331f3e5b
+msgid "For more information, see `Configuring a GSLB Service <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:227
+# 30745365545f4cbca1a5ff6fa73a495f
+msgid "Bind the GSLB services to the GSLB virtual server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:229
+# f5c32c764b0c44cc9b430cd2c74f5a0b
+msgid "For more information, see `Binding GSLB Services to a GSLB Virtual Server <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:232
+# 74f55b2693404f1d8b46b1960f0987db
+msgid "Bind domain name to GSLB virtual server. Domain name is obtained from the domain details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:235
+# 012a1ab7ff7b422995e21b6709b4c6b3
+msgid "For more information, see `Binding a Domain to a GSLB Virtual Server <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:238
+# efe8d44a7dc84347bdc932507e0cf417
+msgid "In each zone that are participating in GSLB, add GSLB-enabled NetScaler device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:241
+# b4176a11b248487686fbfb80d484f72d
+msgid "For more information, see :ref:`enabling-gslb-in-ns`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:243
+# 8fc3da50593741b9863599aee89587e8
+msgid "As a domain administrator/ user perform the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:245
+# 8c1293eb2d3746e8abb219c5c4cb7290
+msgid "Add a GSLB rule on both the sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:247
+# a78f47a38a364e859b24e482f8eab174
+msgid "See \":ref:`adding-gslb-rule`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:249
+# 17e3b59ea95e4eb39b1290cea67e4801
+msgid "Assign load balancer rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:251
+# d37f5840c4d34fa9aa990a0bb0610af9
+msgid "See \":ref:`assigning-lb-rule-gslb`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:255
+# 2553447c986746b582a9f8b495396c3b
+msgid "Prerequisites and Guidelines"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:257
+# 8627b5c519f04c4bb75b82af96f25418
+msgid "The GSLB functionality is supported both Basic and Advanced zones."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:259
+# c2b5f208b13f4b07b6755c0a53fa1104
+msgid "GSLB is added as a new network service."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:261
+# 3c6e0da5ecd148d599a35191c7e92678
+msgid "GSLB service provider can be added to a physical network in a zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:263
+# 6c159f1bc2224bb2b35dd03ec51bc6b1
+msgid "The admin is allowed to enable or disable GSLB functionality at region level."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:266
+# 6367e49f50d0418c92b7b6fc7cc91a39
+msgid "The admin is allowed to configure a zone as GSLB capable or enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:268
+# a66b5c6d51534ab492d244d518221776
+msgid "A zone shall be considered as GSLB capable only if a GSLB service provider is provisioned in the zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:271
+# 0ea762e8718b465eaacf40a6118c8f7f
+msgid "When users have VMs deployed in multiple availability zones which are GSLB enabled, they can use the GSLB functionality to load balance traffic across the VMs in multiple zones."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:275
+# ed2130b4027e41e3833699a89ff82708
+msgid "The users can use GSLB to load balance across the VMs across zones in a region only if the admin has enabled GSLB in that region."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:278
+# 1b374fea614b459eb39cfbe4f20478c9
+msgid "The users can load balance traffic across the availability zones in the same region or different regions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:281
+# 62da6f878356420f9becc6fffbe1ae6d
+msgid "The admin can configure DNS name for the entire cloud."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:283
+# 799fe9490296493e9d86d0ea8cdc9297
+msgid "The users can specify an unique name across the cloud for a globally load balanced service. The provided name is used as the domain name under the DNS name associated with the cloud."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:287
+# 1d6c20de63954971a720227985a74433
+msgid "The user-provided name along with the admin-provided DNS name is used to produce a globally resolvable FQDN for the globally load balanced service of the user. For example, if the admin has configured as the DNS name for the cloud, and user specifies 'foo' for the GSLB virtual service, then the FQDN name of the GSLB virtual service is"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:294
+# a7817e36fe2c4ea58737d1a5ae3db30b
+msgid "While setting up GSLB, users can select a load balancing method, such as round robin, for using across the zones that are part of GSLB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:297
+# 971bcd7f3cf24bbbb424a020cc7c06a4
+msgid "The user shall be able to set weight to zone-level virtual server. Weight shall be considered by the load balancing method for distributing the traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:301
+# 6f3d31dca71d4b608fa90d1eb73ecee2
+msgid "The GSLB functionality shall support session persistence, where series of client requests for particular domain name is sent to a virtual server on the same zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:305
+# bfaf6196eae343259864ac2443ff5746
+msgid "Statistics is collected from each GSLB virtual server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:311
+# d2f3468cd4ac44d58c53e731e50e35dd
+msgid "Enabling GSLB in NetScaler"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:313
+# d51d618416764b5c843fc13bfd2dfa6d
+msgid "In each zone, add GSLB-enabled NetScaler device for load balancing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:315
+# 91d1d3b496c34b179f0b865500b6bf93
+msgid "Log in as administrator to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:317
+# cc1ae38bffd84c058812510e8495b73f
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:319
+# 46ba7c7f81d04aa78f0c04d3d045bc8a
+msgid "In Zones, click View More."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:321
+# 1feb8d2e09014d9989264c48ece8fc81
+msgid "Choose the zone you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:323
+# 82a50383b1124be48db8d0c5721e9f13
+msgid "Click the Physical Network tab, then click the name of the physical network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:326
+# 75224089389e4bee8e89a1caf1dc5880
+msgid "In the Network Service Providers node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:329
+# 410a9b626bf9412a9f482c2df1aac784
+msgid "You might have to scroll down to see this."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:331
+# 1d32a851fb92436c8e045ccc828641f4
+msgid "Click NetScaler."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:333
+# af72e8614fc44c60af3004624dba03b1
+msgid "Click Add NetScaler device and provide the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:335
+# 6290f4f42d054ac28661b16c5366b62f
+msgid "For NetScaler:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:337
+# 8e09b55d68a849d089029f2c893e3e97
+msgid "**IP Address**: The IP address of the SDX."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:339
+# 9b9b4165d2ee4e64b3b0b04390702686
+msgid "**Username/Password**: The authentication credentials to access the device. CloudStack uses these credentials to access the device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:343
+# 212ab71ac16a49309da99e2870717faa
+msgid "**Type**: The type of device that is being added. It could be F5 Big Ip Load Balancer, NetScaler VPX, NetScaler MPX, or NetScaler SDX. For a comparison of the NetScaler types, see the CloudStack Administration Guide."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:348
+# 3d72c6cb5cbb49418002a5e3acf1617c
+msgid "**Public interface**: Interface of device that is configured to be part of the public network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:351
+# 5bbed919dc2c45008af4312d028cfbd7
+msgid "**Private interface**: Interface of device that is configured to be part of the private network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:354
+# fb82ba2e06e34aaf9ab8e8fa8362b43d
+msgid "**GSLB service**: Select this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:356
+# 8a1e3ad262934da086878740aefca5fc
+msgid "**GSLB service Public IP**: The public IP address of the NAT translator for a GSLB service that is on a private network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:359
+# 5ca3fc19dd8e4706872b9e3af0652c2f
+msgid "**GSLB service Private IP**: The private IP of the GSLB service."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:361
+# 8f1a8fd9ec814e02970f7edf85c8fad1
+msgid "**Number of Retries**. Number of times to attempt a command on the device before considering the operation failed. Default is 2."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:364
+# 2416b7a9e5fa43fdb27834cb7e46253b
+msgid "**Capacity**: The number of networks the device can handle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:366
+# c9166740fb2747a7abd4ae6c0851aabc
+msgid "**Dedicated**: When marked as dedicated, this device will be dedicated to a single account. When Dedicated is checked, the value in the Capacity field has no significance implicitly, its value is 1."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:371
+# e7f874eb36ba4cd380f7a50d5bff8909
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:377
+# d1556618bd5d4d18862c048d52694dd4
+msgid "Adding a GSLB Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:379
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:423
+# c06bbbd0cb824ecc8ef3d7956571f739
+# 2b618c03ffb14afb99d7e63813820288
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a domain administrator or user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:381
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:425
+# 3b04d23a46774662bbca98318323a71e
+# 62eb7d6a5d9b4256bde0fcafb9f42b7f
+msgid "In the left navigation pane, click Region."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:383
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:427
+# 940f5610d0484910bf9e9ba31728be30
+# 581952b854514ed78884cc712ee4ec94
+msgid "Select the region for which you want to create a GSLB rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:385
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:429
+# fc1d362cc95a4668b2a24c7c0f488348
+# 8519e9d4ad6d46989865460e20b186b6
+msgid "In the Details tab, click View GSLB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:387
+# f59a742f9f1b4f37b6f0bc0b062028d6
+msgid "Click Add GSLB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:389
+# ca546577015a45af8ddcdc3d2ad22f3a
+msgid "The Add GSLB page is displayed as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:391
+# b0b6437c269342ff9099b6da9a6d5b9f
+msgid "|gslb-add.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:393
+# 767ce39d9a094fda85465381d3a93bad
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:395
+# affa9e59440b4f4e9e6428e887d12582
+msgid "**Name**: Name for the GSLB rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:397
+# 82b72cbf0f8949fdab2de931138620c5
+msgid "**Description**: (Optional) A short description of the GSLB rule that can be displayed to users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:400
+# 8a6b82bfcd3a469c838315b17f4cd014
+msgid "**GSLB Domain Name**: A preferred domain name for the service."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:402
+# ff5539d5f09f48bc80c0cf9dc83dcca0
+msgid "**Algorithm**: (Optional) The algorithm to use to load balance the traffic across the zones. The options are Round Robin, Least Connection, and Proximity."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:406
+# b07f4dffc105427389bb8e089a71f9f0
+msgid "**Service Type**: The transport protocol to use for GSLB. The options are TCP and UDP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:409
+# 03ffe3890f5c4ea79836cfa0cc96986f
+msgid "**Domain**: (Optional) The domain for which you want to create the GSLB rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:412
+# 5d0367f6567241968e5d6cac6f8ab34b
+msgid "**Account**: (Optional) The account on which you want to apply the GSLB rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:415
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:439
+# 0161504934d746e39b05e6b50e264faf
+# 8c377e12f8494a009d5eed7e06824fe3
+msgid "Click OK to confirm."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:421
+# f61c6b78ef4940129243771e21d78f4c
+msgid "Assigning Load Balancing Rules to GSLB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:431
+# 54cc7b916ceb420584020f5ff230b79c
+msgid "Select the desired GSLB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:433
+# 5e2a1bf3adfc41bab4bea1a489f9bda1
+msgid "Click view assigned load balancing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:435
+# 269db9ca8770495f9c5bc08491e61bc6
+msgid "Click assign more load balancing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:437
+# eceeb5fccdfa4cac904ef8fb945242c9
+msgid "Select the load balancing rule you have created for the zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:443
+# d8792daad4a94b4589452d5b61f75cd9
+msgid "Known Limitation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:445
+# 7424fdf000e3479c910e72fbbaaa0169
+msgid "Currently, CloudStack does not support orchestration of services across the zones. The notion of services and service providers in region are to be introduced."
+msgstr ""
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new file mode 100644
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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+#: ../../networking/guest_ip_ranges.rst:18
+# c4f6e8eb1ed7428a8132309d84e4b1bf
+msgid "Guest IP Ranges"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_ip_ranges.rst:20
+# ef6d3891253c4ed58a8a51c2f86b51dc
+msgid "The IP ranges for guest network traffic are set on a per-account basis by the user. This allows the users to configure their network in a fashion that will enable VPN linking between their guest network and their clients."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_ip_ranges.rst:25
+# 943864c06f494d7ca4f4310246ba996a
+msgid "In shared networks in Basic zone and Security Group-enabled Advanced networks, you will have the flexibility to add multiple guest IP ranges from different subnets. You can add or remove one IP range at a time. For more information, see `\"About Multiple IP Ranges\" <#about-multiple-ip-ranges>`_."
+msgstr ""
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cb5bbb
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
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+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:18
+# 6a1d02b308ae4f228e4104aa95e39ee3
+msgid "Guest Traffic"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:20
+# 77e0128afe644aa9a04259e24cb22595
+msgid "A network can carry guest traffic only between VMs within one zone. Virtual machines in different zones cannot communicate with each other using their IP addresses; they must communicate with each other by routing through a public IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:25
+# 79cb326a48f942949bf3dfe341a3664f
+msgid "See a typical guest traffic setup given below:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:27
+# e0ac4742331840b89eef72912ffd2138
+msgid "|guest-traffic-setup.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:29
+# 685689cd44444e13aefa015c58761ebb
+msgid "Typically, the Management Server automatically creates a virtual router for each network. A virtual router is a special virtual machine that runs on the hosts. Each virtual router in an isolated network has three network interfaces. If multiple public VLAN is used, the router will have multiple public interfaces. Its eth0 interface serves as the gateway for the guest traffic and has the IP address of Its eth1 interface is used by the system to configure the virtual router. Its eth2 interface is assigned a public IP address for public traffic. If multiple public VLAN is used, the router will have multiple public interfaces."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:40
+# c07d5440a8e64d5b912e6e98e6f9d078
+msgid "The virtual router provides DHCP and will automatically assign an IP address for each guest VM within the IP range assigned for the network. The user can manually reconfigure guest VMs to assume different IP addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:45
+# 360d9d124254479e85292973d6d8e7f9
+msgid "Source NAT is automatically configured in the virtual router to forward outbound traffic for all guest VMs"
+msgstr ""
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
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+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
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+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:18
+# 536a6b6a19a04686832c0c8f3202472a
+msgid "About Inter-VLAN Routing (nTier Apps)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:20
+# 01903cae08524fb18fb51475e29cccc5
+msgid "Inter-VLAN Routing (nTier Apps) is the capability to route network traffic between VLANs. This feature enables you to build Virtual Private Clouds (VPC), an isolated segment of your cloud, that can hold multi-tier applications. These tiers are deployed on different VLANs that can communicate with each other. You provision VLANs to the tiers your create, and VMs can be deployed on different tiers. The VLANs are connected to a virtual router, which facilitates communication between the VMs. In effect, you can segment VMs by means of VLANs into different networks that can host multi-tier applications, such as Web, Application, or Database. Such segmentation by means of VLANs logically separate application VMs for higher security and lower broadcasts, while remaining physically connected to the same device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:33
+# d835d5a69985471085a5688b045c4e38
+msgid "This feature is supported on XenServer, KVM, and VMware hypervisors."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:35
+# 7aecd1ac66b84f9cb92b03fea7d5edde
+msgid "The major advantages are:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:37
+# dca4c4be393c4d7bbcda75f49ffc8efc
+msgid "The administrator can deploy a set of VLANs and allow users to deploy VMs on these VLANs. A guest VLAN is randomly alloted to an account from a pre-specified set of guest VLANs. All the VMs of a certain tier of an account reside on the guest VLAN allotted to that account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:43
+# d5d8b41e126e4b38913d0cf7de1ec29d
+msgid "A VLAN allocated for an account cannot be shared between multiple accounts."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:45
+# 4e04be2a6cef4fa8973d317232221018
+msgid "The administrator can allow users create their own VPC and deploy the application. In this scenario, the VMs that belong to the account are deployed on the VLANs allotted to that account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:49
+# 48018251e76046c4a606035de8d1b4d5
+msgid "Both administrators and users can create multiple VPCs. The guest network NIC is plugged to the VPC virtual router when the first VM is deployed in a tier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:53
+# cc50778ecfab43c38af3373511f47072
+msgid "The administrator can create the following gateways to send to or receive traffic from the VMs:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:56
+# 5d91169a83a5400b8408b6ce4ccb84f5
+msgid "**VPN Gateway**: For more information, see `\"Creating a VPN gateway for the VPC\" <#creating-a-vpn-gateway-for-the-vpc>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:59
+# 1f0ed1ecf964455ab40301bdf5ab2dc2
+msgid "**Public Gateway**: The public gateway for a VPC is added to the virtual router when the virtual router is created for VPC. The public gateway is not exposed to the end users. You are not allowed to list it, nor allowed to create any static routes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:64
+# b843201a793749bb924d48f21be04e09
+msgid "**Private Gateway**: For more information, see \":ref:`adding-priv-gw-vpc`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:66
+# a4ac63d4b99a4edd968087d0f622647a
+msgid "Both administrators and users can create various possible destinations-gateway combinations. However, only one gateway of each type can be used in a deployment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:70
+# 50735b7154a64b7880f5543c4792b1c0
+msgid "For example:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:72
+# bdd41dc64438436aac12d9f1c8d5a8bc
+msgid "**VLANs and Public Gateway**: For example, an application is deployed in the cloud, and the Web application VMs communicate with the Internet."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:76
+# f2c3b70246534d5aabdd3954a25ba1eb
+msgid "**VLANs, VPN Gateway, and Public Gateway**: For example, an application is deployed in the cloud; the Web application VMs communicate with the Internet; and the database VMs communicate with the on-premise devices."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:81
+# 7fb2fe01c3484b80a30d4c6edb0b5782
+msgid "The administrator can define Network Access Control List (ACL) on the virtual router to filter the traffic among the VLANs or between the Internet and a VLAN. You can define ACL based on CIDR, port range, protocol, type code (if ICMP protocol is selected) and Ingress/Egress type."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:87
+# 95cd03acfa2948c682ec51eaf24346be
+msgid "The following figure shows the possible deployment scenarios of a Inter-VLAN setup:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:90
+# a9f3216208ba417681d8885848d2a414
+msgid "|mutltier.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:92
+# 785b1c5286424a3680f6ffa4fa40de5a
+msgid "To set up a multi-tier Inter-VLAN deployment, see \":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.pot
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:18
+# 3ec46c2d67cb4acc87705b3f0985e5c8
+msgid "IP Forwarding and Firewalling"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:20
+# 5bb709bf233742ce8f3a83dc5ce7cf26
+msgid "By default, all incoming traffic to the public IP address is rejected. All outgoing traffic from the guests is also blocked by default."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:23
+# 83f985061e4e4301aa5ce50049ea4565
+msgid "To allow outgoing traffic, follow the procedure in :ref:`egress-fw-rules`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:25
+# 1328a8040ae7487b8f7ed1dcaaf5a596
+msgid "To allow incoming traffic, users may set up firewall rules and/or port forwarding rules. For example, you can use a firewall rule to open a range of ports on the public IP address, such as 33 through 44. Then use port forwarding rules to direct traffic from individual ports within that range to specific ports on user VMs. For example, one port forwarding rule could route incoming traffic on the public IP's port 33 to port 100 on one user VM's private IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:35
+# 88ee727310bb4a5789291e8e48578dab
+msgid "Firewall Rules"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:37
+# 073cb21345c44ce2a3f2ce3446d4ad3a
+msgid "By default, all incoming traffic to the public IP address is rejected by the firewall. To allow external traffic, you can open firewall ports by specifying firewall rules. You can optionally specify one or more CIDRs to filter the source IPs. This is useful when you want to allow only incoming requests from certain IP addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:43
+# b43e4fc4f43841c9aebd342bbd60b33d
+msgid "You cannot use firewall rules to open ports for an elastic IP address. When elastic IP is used, outside access is instead controlled through the use of security groups. See `\"Adding a Security Group\" <#adding-a-security-group>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:48
+# 36b1e8acd3ef4b1cb7a7ffd1f60599c5
+msgid "In an advanced zone, you can also create egress firewall rules by using the virtual router. For more information, see \":ref:`egress-fw-rules`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:51
+# 2aeb084c075b4451b0911c2a6baf0f84
+msgid "Firewall rules can be created using the Firewall tab in the Management Server UI. This tab is not displayed by default when CloudStack is installed. To display the Firewall tab, the CloudStack administrator must set the global configuration parameter firewall.rule.ui.enabled to \"true.\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:57
+# e1408eeb730f4709bbba8852f79807fd
+msgid "To create a firewall rule:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:59
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:132
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:245
+# 098b22043ec643559c039b39aa24d618
+# f62479b013c241a791c42b8843bd140d
+# c384f1b44804485fba23fe018c16683e
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:61
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:134
+# a633160d3ee343639365b9067af58eb1
+# c6c7495d464a4262ace3361c7cce9b5b
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:63
+# ff56e69810c34ee4a08280a7ef06cfbb
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:65
+# d546be88025a4254b8eecf1f0b16bdf0
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:67
+# 0c60a7fde5644f9188c0bf190c166890
+msgid "Click the IP address you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:69
+# 0e0775a902554fa68fc54157ed73ed0a
+msgid "Click the Configuration tab and fill in the following values."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:71
+# 8bb21f2deca7442683f782de4a83935f
+msgid "**Source CIDR**: (Optional) To accept only traffic from IP addresses within a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. Example: Leave empty to allow all CIDRs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:76
+# 4cb05fbe28ae408a8df34014da711575
+msgid "**Protocol**: The communication protocol in use on the opened port(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:79
+# e59d4d2a187f4510a91409fac5cfb51c
+msgid "**Start Port and End Port**: The port(s) you want to open on the firewall. If you are opening a single port, use the same number in both fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:83
+# 3274875afce44bbe9d7017bb4e2fc2b2
+msgid "**ICMP Type and ICMP Code**: Used only if Protocol is set to ICMP. Provide the type and code required by the ICMP protocol to fill out the ICMP header. Refer to ICMP documentation for more details if you are not sure what to enter"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:88
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:163
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:276
+# 41821a610d844daf8255026b71299059
+# 1d39fcb3a5e34d769f89885db9866836
+# 2319658c89b74a0294ce8f0a253a4d53
+msgid "Click Add."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:94
+# eec2e0a57feb4eca85c58ac1b58b228b
+msgid "Egress Firewall Rules in an Advanced Zone"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:96
+# 3bae6d1e0fb543beaeb466c40aeddfc3
+msgid "The egress traffic originates from a private network to a public network, such as the Internet. By default, the egress traffic is blocked in default network offerings, so no outgoing traffic is allowed from a guest network to the Internet. However, you can control the egress traffic in an Advanced zone by creating egress firewall rules. When an egress firewall rule is applied, the traffic specific to the rule is allowed and the remaining traffic is blocked. When all the firewall rules are removed the default policy, Block, is applied."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:107
+# 80fbdba2a681463894376f620458c160
+msgid "Prerequisites and Guidelines"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:109
+# 998ae537c5664319b836e769ab967fc3
+msgid "Consider the following scenarios to apply egress firewall rules:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:111
+# 18a68e97f28f4f7898b92513d34e5e26
+msgid "Egress firewall rules are supported on Juniper SRX and virtual router."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:114
+# a4eaae6cb4474e5a8182092404f48116
+msgid "The egress firewall rules are not supported on shared networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:116
+# 85bdd2e7a708485bae147bfa93cdcb1b
+msgid "Allow the egress traffic from specified source CIDR. The Source CIDR is part of guest network CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:119
+# d9af348ce95e47a0bae91a55488b1155
+msgid "Allow the egress traffic with protocol TCP,UDP,ICMP, or ALL."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:121
+# 786d85af2e334cf5a8a25fc59dde7cb5
+msgid "Allow the egress traffic with protocol and destination port range. The port range is specified for TCP, UDP or for ICMP type and code."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:124
+# 8d9e5fa49cb648a6ad0b917f06176014
+msgid "The default policy is Allow for the new network offerings, whereas on upgrade existing network offerings with firewall service providers will have the default egress policy Deny."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:130
+# ee1ee0417255469abce66dbfd40f9611
+msgid "Configuring an Egress Firewall Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:136
+# 4d43b047c25a4605acc888b025d376aa
+msgid "In Select view, choose Guest networks, then click the Guest network you want."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:139
+# 4c11dfc739f94ce0995b7c7bdf566e5d
+msgid "To add an egress rule, click the Egress rules tab and fill out the following fields to specify what type of traffic is allowed to be sent out of VM instances in this guest network:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:143
+# a476fe8da41b43168b89c7b558afcb48
+msgid "|egress-firewall-rule.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:145
+# d56527f1ac864c5c9d47df9e55c225cf
+msgid "**CIDR**: (Add by CIDR only) To send traffic only to the IP addresses within a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the destination. For example, To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:151
+# c1e8fac9fa8046d8a9315511c011542e
+msgid "**Protocol**: The networking protocol that VMs uses to send outgoing traffic. The TCP and UDP protocols are typically used for data exchange and end-user communications. The ICMP protocol is typically used to send error messages or network monitoring data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:156
+# 6b9d46d4c88d48c98d3fa4fcceb60e29
+msgid "**Start Port, End Port**: (TCP, UDP only) A range of listening ports that are the destination for the outgoing traffic. If you are opening a single port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:160
+# 17c266c56f194132a6fc948f3142e4bc
+msgid "**ICMP Type, ICMP Code**: (ICMP only) The type of message and error code that are sent."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:167
+# f0100304289f4a67b01e8f6c52976a10
+msgid "Configuring the Default Egress Policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:169
+# a802326f92404392beacd9675985c106
+msgid "The default egress policy for Isolated guest network is configured by using Network offering. Use the create network offering option to determine whether the default policy should be block or allow all the traffic to the public network from a guest network. Use this network offering to create the network. If no policy is specified, by default all the traffic is allowed from the guest network that you create by using this network offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:177
+# 9b5e480b6757449ab8272d3e7a691110
+msgid "You have two options: Allow and Deny."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:180
+# 9b8d4463d6024d8589cc801658fa7bab
+msgid "Allow"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:182
+# 01d29e0665f84d548d9f41399d9258d8
+msgid "If you select Allow for a network offering, by default egress traffic is allowed. However, when an egress rule is configured for a guest network, rules are applied to block the specified traffic and rest are allowed. If no egress rules are configured for the network, egress traffic is accepted."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:189
+# 63816b9551f04933aa99e27cc3dc34f1
+msgid "Deny"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:191
+# 1952d7735fb746a6834bbdeed4c1eaa9
+msgid "If you select Deny for a network offering, by default egress traffic for the guest network is blocked. However, when an egress rules is configured for a guest network, rules are applied to allow the specified traffic. While implementing a guest network, CloudStack adds the firewall egress rule specific to the default egress policy for the guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:198
+# 238db98415e74782937deddd3970b285
+msgid "This feature is supported only on virtual router and Juniper SRX."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:200
+# e460df960d61405db56e64d21a8c43d7
+msgid "Create a network offering with your desirable default egress policy:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:202
+# 5271ad0a1d4a4a27aa5597b044b42acf
+msgid "Log in with admin privileges to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:204
+# fd49a59627284ffda66fef7096eaa709
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Service Offerings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:206
+# 7fce8b96f6e64727bb6063766c828bdd
+msgid "In Select Offering, choose Network Offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:208
+# ef8895c197ff4343b04aecc73b5a9294
+msgid "Click Add Network Offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:210
+# abb73d0d766d4d32a4bbe32137193cad
+msgid "In the dialog, make necessary choices, including firewall provider."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:213
+# 932c30480a1f4e3ea92f06ba4296ae45
+msgid "In the Default egress policy field, specify the behaviour."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:215
+# 41d012a83e774bdeaeac42e5b44d851c
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:217
+# 5a1192bc5c8a4c3c930879e56c5d58bb
+msgid "Create an isolated network by using this network offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:219
+# 3918ff66d4914376a4707b9db470a027
+msgid "Based on your selection, the network will have the egress public traffic blocked or allowed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:224
+# 29ffedbd547e431f95d82b075df5ea66
+msgid "Port Forwarding"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:226
+# d9efd9df178e4f7c8d81b2ba24a9fdbb
+msgid "A port forward service is a set of port forwarding rules that define a policy. A port forward service is then applied to one or more guest VMs. The guest VM then has its inbound network access managed according to the policy defined by the port forwarding service. You can optionally specify one or more CIDRs to filter the source IPs. This is useful when you want to allow only incoming requests from certain IP addresses to be forwarded."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:234
+# ae4f5d3e4bc24f8584c17c3057688144
+msgid "A guest VM can be in any number of port forward services. Port forward services can be defined but have no members. If a guest VM is part of more than one network, port forwarding rules will function only if they are defined on the default network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:239
+# 89ce910349884d8ea8a7b4f6aee10613
+msgid "You cannot use port forwarding to open ports for an elastic IP address. When elastic IP is used, outside access is instead controlled through the use of security groups. See Security Groups."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:243
+# 263627f6e1de45999d0e9ab68c8a1a2d
+msgid "To set up port forwarding:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:247
+# 41c9b9f2473e4b5aa0d8ea3c54e45b1b
+msgid "If you have not already done so, add a public IP address range to a zone in CloudStack. See Adding a Zone and Pod in the Installation Guide."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:251
+# 2c98fbd961df4ef28a276b3ccf1d53c0
+msgid "Add one or more VM instances to CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:253
+# 17a544cc6c8a42cbaef47575f1029173
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:255
+# ade84b4f63694fadbe6c835b52ba796f
+msgid "Click the name of the guest network where the VMs are running."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:257
+# 48ab8bf9d7e04ca7a13eaf58eeead278
+msgid "Choose an existing IP address or acquire a new IP address. See `\"Acquiring a New IP Address\" <#acquiring-a-new-ip-address>`_. Click the name of the IP address in the list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:261
+# da392889cd304ce8973c2b4b8341665b
+msgid "Click the Configuration tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:263
+# 4d02af0497b544d89616ff1ddf286767
+msgid "In the Port Forwarding node of the diagram, click View All."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:265
+# ee9101e2c97447d4b23f89177c60e7ab
+msgid "Fill in the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:267
+# e9d9402255ae405781f85b32409d3654
+msgid "**Public Port**: The port to which public traffic will be addressed on the IP address you acquired in the previous step."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:270
+# bf8d351e8ca649ca9931311f402ea7bc
+msgid "**Private Port**: The port on which the instance is listening for forwarded public traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:273
+# 5140efc173fd46e194d6c4827a8a67fc
+msgid "**Protocol**: The communication protocol in use between the two ports"
+msgstr ""
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
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+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
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+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:18
+# 974ac2a4e2dd4641920f5361833b3e12
+msgid "IP Load Balancing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:20
+# 7eaede5161a04e0cbb6a4b15fc2de3b2
+msgid "The user may choose to associate the same public IP for multiple guests. CloudStack implements a TCP-level load balancer with the following policies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:24
+# 8c044fa0f1714d63815a08d7a658b08d
+msgid "Round-robin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:26
+# 6732c79a9ecf4eec91f6ddea4d55833a
+msgid "Least connection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:28
+# 28c3b6fa228545e382ed84cceaf1666a
+msgid "Source IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:30
+# 0eac6f2afde349909f9ee8d0148a99b6
+msgid "This is similar to port forwarding but the destination may be multiple IP addresses."
+msgstr ""
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index 0000000..4d28e10
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+++ b/source/locale/pot/networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.pot
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
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+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
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+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
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+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:18
+# 25e21d9bd50e4db29764c09ec3255ea1
+msgid "IP Reservation in Isolated Guest Networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:20
+# f043acb1e27b49aebecf48876dca90d4
+msgid "In isolated guest networks, a part of the guest IP address space can be reserved for non-CloudStack VMs or physical servers. To do so, you configure a range of Reserved IP addresses by specifying the CIDR when a guest network is in Implemented state. If your customers wish to have non-CloudStack controlled VMs or physical servers on the same network, they can share a part of the IP address space that is primarily provided to the guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:28
+# fe77cb19c33a475f9389f57e62e466e0
+msgid "In an Advanced zone, an IP address range or a CIDR is assigned to a network when the network is defined. The CloudStack virtual router acts as the DHCP server and uses CIDR for assigning IP addresses to the guest VMs. If you decide to reserve CIDR for non-CloudStack purposes, you can specify a part of the IP address range or the CIDR that should only be allocated by the DHCP service of the virtual router to the guest VMs created in CloudStack. The remaining IPs in that network are called Reserved IP Range. When IP reservation is configured, the administrator can add additional VMs or physical servers that are not part of CloudStack to the same network and assign them the Reserved IP addresses. CloudStack guest VMs cannot acquire IPs from the Reserved IP Range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:43
+# 9428ab05bfce48cb9dce92078998854c
+msgid "IP Reservation Considerations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:45
+# 5780d0b48e6f44cbb972018a31489ebb
+msgid "Consider the following before you reserve an IP range for non-CloudStack machines:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:48
+# cc50e370af0c450588c711e282c0ac93
+msgid "IP Reservation is supported only in Isolated networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:50
+# 9543f099f9de4fc3a8a815cd3cb04f40
+msgid "IP Reservation can be applied only when the network is in Implemented state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:53
+# c7bc13975b37474299e4a7a65c56ed75
+msgid "No IP Reservation is done by default."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:55
+# f7a970b25ef94f48bc75a5c8a5fd0a0c
+msgid "Guest VM CIDR you specify must be a subset of the network CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:57
+# a96a64591c4d498ca7c95b1458def6f3
+msgid "Specify a valid Guest VM CIDR. IP Reservation is applied only if no active IPs exist outside the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:60
+# 0710411bb18c4764970dffcc49fe5dab
+msgid "You cannot apply IP Reservation if any VM is alloted with an IP address that is outside the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:63
+# ba005fe1c84e4e5d8d8b2f2cbd904deb
+msgid "To reset an existing IP Reservation, apply IP reservation by specifying the value of network CIDR in the CIDR field."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:66
+# 23bef4e190a54c2298a52b3acb439c57
+msgid "For example, the following table describes three scenarios of guest network creation:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+# fd80ccd9ee7947c6a41f35a77766ba87
+msgid "Case"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+# 1b0d9124efce41c8bf2ff9c04f471053
+msgid "CIDR"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+# 340cf6747d6449b09015c49437828468
+msgid "Network CIDR"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+# ca9e89e3707343c6a6bb2e2c52dc4acd
+msgid "Reserved IP Range for Non-CloudStack VMs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+# e1395f7f735643f98e49f71acb302533
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+# bfc721eb783042dbbd4049d97eeae50c
+msgid "1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+# 07110191079642298d8d53f83f4a6fe7
+# a0e61e48b84a4bb297fead377ce043cf
+# d64231917df74c5189732a5fedd1d141
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+# 865ea8d88306424bab506a500520c22e
+# 184b1eac870b483f910546a5d5b37906
+# 70f4868471d54ac882b8093eb1db9f74
+# 3c040050888741f09b3cee5a8482aca4
+msgid "None"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+# 24e526351c7b4686b16e030bc869d399
+msgid "No IP Reservation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+# 81f560cf3b4c47bbb2b781add102de88
+msgid "2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+# 725f92aed0d44be3bb5865f246acc29d
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+# 02e4012c8ce94d95a0c5e4d5088637fd
+msgid " to"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+# 8fe36bed92d2475bbdd0fa903eb8c54b
+msgid "IP Reservation configured by the UpdateNetwork API with guestvmcidr= or enter in the CIDR field in the UI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+# e2c363737b654228a0ac0581ba4c55c8
+msgid "3"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+# 139e9ad2489d40738198ebfac4b14c45
+msgid "Removing IP Reservation by the UpdateNetwork API with guestvmcidr= or enter in the CIDR field in the UI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:83
+# 43bbd9a15792420cb8b1e694ad792cf2
+msgid "Limitations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:85
+# 1ed6f796d3f04ed0b5c96512bc673c25
+msgid "The IP Reservation is not supported if active IPs that are found outside the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:88
+# 28ed30440a3543f6b7744261f3f5c2e0
+msgid "Upgrading network offering which causes a change in CIDR (such as upgrading an offering with no external devices to one with external devices) IP Reservation becomes void if any. Reconfigure IP Reservation in the new re-implemeted network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:95
+# f9aacfd3f1a94c7c8d3ca0910da962a9
+msgid "Best Practices"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:97
+# c5d0950bef8a49ce9b373d64fcf22b86
+msgid "Apply IP Reservation to the guest network as soon as the network state changes to Implemented. If you apply reservation soon after the first guest VM is deployed, lesser conflicts occurs while applying reservation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:104
+# 636d85b86d5a460788a233fd1cb49014
+msgid "Reserving an IP Range"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:106
+# 34eb58849cb141e9898291a434cc05ba
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:108
+# 3dc484e1bd5145259125fe0fcf8ccf8c
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:110
+# e4559a4e7ddf4812890314b955dae344
+msgid "Click the name of the network you want to modify."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:112
+# 9119b8d7ea884da4b996f8a191d30e0b
+msgid "In the Details tab, click Edit. |ip-edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:114
+# 31eaf6bfc27e465e950da4b920fbad80
+msgid "The CIDR field changes to editable one."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:116
+# f29831c8666d45218af0ae6769e46fff
+msgid "In CIDR, specify the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:118
+# 41acec1236df4ddbad427f23127244b1
+msgid "Click Apply."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:120
+# 8213a6fd8f414bd2b710a4ee77b167ae
+msgid "Wait for the update to complete. The Network CIDR and the Reserved IP Range are displayed on the Details page."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.pot
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index 0000000..1839104
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+++ b/source/locale/pot/networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.pot
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:18
+# 2ce5e59640934ab387652df180ce1583
+msgid "Isolation in Advanced Zone Using Private VLAN"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:20
+# 813ada1771994469abac6b243cbc4ed6
+msgid "Isolation of guest traffic in shared networks can be achieved by using Private VLANs (PVLAN). PVLANs provide Layer 2 isolation between ports within the same VLAN. In a PVLAN-enabled shared network, a user VM cannot reach other user VM though they can reach the DHCP server and gateway, this would in turn allow users to control traffic within a network and help them deploy multiple applications without communication between application as well as prevent communication with other users' VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:29
+# 1f6fb3f08ede4dbcbd7c9017afd047dd
+msgid "Isolate VMs in a shared networks by using Private VLANs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:31
+# c578b86e668046b18652e81289fd1811
+msgid "Supported on KVM, XenServer, and VMware hypervisors"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:33
+# f410d2d58c4b4e91b95fec05d57cf0b8
+msgid "PVLAN-enabled shared network can be a part of multiple networks of a guest VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:38
+# 23d9d81e853644d8a8e311853c02a801
+msgid "About Private VLAN"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:40
+# a83e1c8b0ee2433b8776507d78fdd2b4
+msgid "In an Ethernet switch, a VLAN is a broadcast domain where hosts can establish direct communication with each another at Layer 2. Private VLAN is designed as an extension of VLAN standard to add further segmentation of the logical broadcast domain. A regular VLAN is a single broadcast domain, whereas a private VLAN partitions a larger VLAN broadcast domain into smaller sub-domains. A sub-domain is represented by a pair of VLANs: a Primary VLAN and a Secondary VLAN. The original VLAN that is being divided into smaller groups is called Primary, which implies that all VLAN pairs in a private VLAN share the same Primary VLAN. All the secondary VLANs exist only inside the Primary. Each Secondary VLAN has a specific VLAN ID associated to it, which differentiates one sub-domain from another."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:53
+# 4b8abf8fe1534c228333ad081037a150
+msgid "Three types of ports exist in a private VLAN domain, which essentially determine the behaviour of the participating hosts. Each ports will have its own unique set of rules, which regulate a connected host's ability to communicate with other connected host within the same private VLAN domain. Configure each host that is part of a PVLAN pair can be by using one of these three port designation:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:60
+# d369217099d04739b0c778e20ac02897
+msgid "**Promiscuous**: A promiscuous port can communicate with all the interfaces, including the community and isolated host ports that belong to the secondary VLANs. In Promiscuous mode, hosts are connected to promiscuous ports and are able to communicate directly with resources on both primary and secondary VLAN. Routers, DHCP servers, and other trusted devices are typically attached to promiscuous ports."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:68
+# 1e0c762b123d404eaedebd33003ad75b
+msgid "**Isolated VLANs**: The ports within an isolated VLAN cannot communicate with each other at the layer-2 level. The hosts that are connected to Isolated ports can directly communicate only with the Promiscuous resources. If your customer device needs to have access only to a gateway router, attach it to an isolated port."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:74
+# 15e3128ebacd47afb6aa943d0f2a5df1
+msgid "**Community VLANs**: The ports within a community VLAN can communicate with each other and with the promiscuous ports, but they cannot communicate with the ports in other communities at the layer-2 level. In a Community mode, direct communication is permitted only with the hosts in the same community and those that are connected to the Primary PVLAN in promiscuous mode. If your customer has two devices that need to be isolated from other customers' devices, but to be able to communicate among themselves, deploy them in community ports."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:84
+# 6a977183f6864375ada79a287e63bab3
+msgid "For further reading:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:86
+# ca791914bab54854b0b9c5cfdbb20be8
+msgid "`Understanding Private VLANs <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:89
+# e676f05feb9a46d6974a4ed7048edad2
+msgid "`Cisco Systems' Private VLANs: Scalable Security in a Multi-Client Environment <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:92
+# d5429c82db8a47aa82c6bf7602605f93
+msgid "`Private VLAN (PVLAN) on vNetwork Distributed Switch - Concept Overview (1010691) <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:97
+# ad67b66852ee445b847bec89936c0d02
+msgid "Prerequisites"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:99
+# 1f2367cd590b456b9590a9b2616c8ad5
+msgid "Use a PVLAN supported switch."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:101
+# f2c1161babac465c93d8ff531d97174d
+msgid "See `Private VLAN Catalyst Switch Support Matrix <>`_ for more information."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:105
+# d6805374b5244b3da5f5a39bbb521739
+msgid "All the layer 2 switches, which are PVLAN-aware, are connected to each other, and one of them is connected to a router. All the ports connected to the host would be configured in trunk mode. Open Management VLAN, Primary VLAN (public) and Secondary Isolated VLAN ports. Configure the switch port connected to the router in PVLAN promiscuous trunk mode, which would translate an isolated VLAN to primary VLAN for the PVLAN-unaware router."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:113
+# 3afd52bf2fa3442b8f0721d8bca53715
+msgid "Note that only Cisco Catalyst 4500 has the PVLAN promiscuous trunk mode to connect both normal VLAN and PVLAN to a PVLAN-unaware switch. For the other Catalyst PVLAN support switch, connect the switch to upper switch by using cables, one each for a PVLAN pair."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:118
+# 5ce2b463414844099564cd171152b994
+msgid "Configure private VLAN on your physical switches out-of-band."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:120
+# 2cd1aebdb79742a3ab786e439ef69d89
+msgid "Before you use PVLAN on XenServer and KVM, enable Open vSwitch (OVS)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:123
+# 23029ff5d87847c3b9a551d1755aae1a
+msgid "OVS on XenServer and KVM does not support PVLAN natively. Therefore, CloudStack managed to simulate PVLAN on OVS for XenServer and KVM by modifying the flow table."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:129
+# 1ab529fe7a53485da31a8085c5fc8181
+msgid "Creating a PVLAN-Enabled Guest Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:131
+# 73811e0470e04b63a31d32549a8c882b
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:133
+# f987d4525be34ae986962e374a48197f
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:135
+# 81a7cad61d0c43e3989e9742e6efb902
+msgid "On Zones, click View More."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:137
+# 62eb1c2209d34440987b38dc999dad75
+msgid "Click the zone to which you want to add a guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:139
+# aeaece1bb557450383b2b0c0930b8d39
+msgid "Click the Physical Network tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:141
+# bdccf5bb73ce4a58b074c7db9f09db19
+msgid "Click the physical network you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:143
+# d325d3d79e0e41fd9ce93131ae2ea76a
+msgid "On the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:145
+# 3254ff32eecc4e9b9ac57fc4f2219acd
+msgid "Click the Network tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:147
+# fdd056f25bee447e98028c9301071fd7
+msgid "Click Add guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:149
+# f58f17bd25284897abbe7df71fc2c3fb
+msgid "The Add guest network window is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:151
+# 5e421fb492504766a709b728f4fc51e5
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:153
+# 606686347ca84fbc9a83c5f46c31d8ea
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be visible to the user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:156
+# 73bbe5e4075e43f39b388b8b267c5401
+msgid "**Description**: The short description of the network that can be displayed to users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:159
+# 17a0fe7f48cc4af3bbe7b8e52b6f6d1b
+msgid "**VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the VLAN."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:161
+# 1656d47de54d42a788bc34e0a0c5f2e4
+msgid "**Secondary Isolated VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the Secondary Isolated VLAN."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:164
+# 22e09670bce14054b1c11ce5ff049ba5
+msgid "For the description on Secondary Isolated VLAN, see `About Private VLAN\" <#about-private-vlan>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:167
+# 38765c8ae24048dba72826d07d096afe
+msgid "**Scope**: The available scopes are Domain, Account, Project, and All."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:170
+# 90706772c0084832b86742ce99f99d6e
+msgid "**Domain**: Selecting Domain limits the scope of this guest network to the domain you specify. The network will not be available for other domains. If you select Subdomain Access, the guest network is available to all the sub domains within the selected domain."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:176
+# 7e174e9b956f4f2784d5196f1a30439f
+msgid "**Account**: The account for which the guest network is being created for. You must specify the domain the account belongs to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:180
+# d8216708afb2490c97e3cca13b2752dd
+msgid "**Project**: The project for which the guest network is being created for. You must specify the domain the project belongs to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:184
+# 3aa0f96be4f84d1bae1f1744b108dff8
+msgid "**All**: The guest network is available for all the domains, account, projects within the selected zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:187
+# 339b47c6f0f94ca4a221c0f592e92d5b
+msgid "**Network Offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network offerings, select the one you want to use for this network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:191
+# ae2111debd664f179fe8eb3b251587ff
+msgid "**Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:193
+# df6c332c5f7e427d867dcef1784c0731
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:195
+# 5331fd382d74450c957ad9e5fa46a095
+msgid "**IP Range**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the Internet and are assigned to the guest VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:198
+# 6be7da6ede894331ad2082717f19c89d
+msgid "**Network Domain**: A custom DNS suffix at the level of a network. If you want to assign a special domain name to the guest VM network, specify a DNS suffix."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:202
+# 0f106d1db97249348138b9cf76182524
+msgid "Click OK to confirm."
+msgstr ""
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
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+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
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+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:18
+# cbc2c710bdfe4a52822f6acf8381d1dd
+msgid "Using Multiple Guest Networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:20
+# 43824860271641cabc92b4e2fea91b0d
+msgid "In zones that use advanced networking, additional networks for guest traffic may be added at any time after the initial installation. You can also customize the domain name associated with the network by specifying a DNS suffix for each network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:25
+# e7a7a8ebce174e439d282d7c86c23ffc
+msgid "A VM's networks are defined at VM creation time. A VM cannot add or remove networks after it has been created, although the user can go into the guest and remove the IP address from the NIC on a particular network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:30
+# c1facfd27f164a849bd7151e92129d58
+msgid "Each VM has just one default network. The virtual router's DHCP reply will set the guest's default gateway as that for the default network. Multiple non-default networks may be added to a guest in addition to the single, required default network. The administrator can control which networks are available as the default network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:36
+# 008bbd9e609541888208d792dda845fd
+msgid "Additional networks can either be available to all accounts or be assigned to a specific account. Networks that are available to all accounts are zone-wide. Any user with access to the zone can create a VM with access to that network. These zone-wide networks provide little or no isolation between guests.Networks that are assigned to a specific account provide strong isolation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:45
+# e8b12ba98b314fcca6f8659fdffe0e5a
+msgid "Adding an Additional Guest Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:47
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:97
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:135
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:153
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:173
+# fc94885acfb44c089b5b955040cda635
+# e90f66fa32fb4ac0bdd48def8833e52d
+# 443695bf438a4240b9c354d9c66f2292
+# dc150422f8d8498e81ccfa11cc7daf5f
+# f4162f2a3af54aee90b80a9efec6523f
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:49
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:179
+# e9d2f3becfba421592c540e757fe27e8
+# 1e2cad5b28aa4f56bfee80c03c969d5c
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:51
+# 4e88ac1dcf2144278c13cac5cf518978
+msgid "Click Add guest network. Provide the following information:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:53
+# 752dce8be6894794b7f10719d33214c9
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be user-visible."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:55
+# 68d2d60b814f4b48805d73f511a0c3f4
+msgid "**Display Text**: The description of the network. This will be user-visible."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:58
+# 2e28d86b3670448ea924597e1a6eafbb
+msgid "**Zone**. The name of the zone this network applies to. Each zone is a broadcast domain, and therefore each zone has a different IP range for the guest network. The administrator must configure the IP range for each zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:63
+# 783fa5ad4bb94a898e27fb2fb400ce30
+msgid "**Network offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network offerings, select the one you want to use for this network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:67
+# e6d0251f520945198846d9589071d11c
+msgid "**Guest Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:69
+# 82e7d212928549ba947dfe5e04919372
+msgid "**Guest Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:72
+# 333d9595d92b4dbc9842d746d1dd8448
+msgid "Click Create."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:76
+# cadd27c83ef84c9e9ce49c9ce9e5d8ca
+msgid "Reconfiguring Networks in VMs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:78
+# 38552d30397849ea975e0b5d28fd31a0
+msgid "CloudStack provides you the ability to move VMs between networks and reconfigure a VM's network. You can remove a VM from a network and add to a new network. You can also change the default network of a virtual machine. With this functionality, hybrid or traditional server loads can be accommodated with ease."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:84
+# 205bea0ed92e4de594873aa8e5ad9d45
+msgid "This feature is supported on XenServer, VMware, and KVM hypervisors."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:88
+# 7d8b8d41cfa04ea0b337a64b1206ae92
+msgid "Prerequisites"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:90
+# bd4145a5e8ae4ca29cd7bdd5b1aab637
+msgid "Ensure that vm-tools are running on guest VMs for adding or removing networks to work on VMware hypervisor."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:95
+# 42b8d9502ed54485bde4210b8fdbb499
+msgid "Adding a Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:99
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:137
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:155
+# c398a820cb1648bc8799135cbaa74b1b
+# d48f631728b44c90be3cb811c9cd0505
+# 37c98038af7f4dc6a120b05e4e13c555
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Instances."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:101
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:139
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:157
+# b25bff80ed07457f9b1f926c0a58cc6c
+# 39876863e78d47378acdd305a1e22606
+# 2f4e1895d207479597c89b7b137794df
+msgid "Choose the VM that you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:103
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:141
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:159
+# 00b5baacd9084cd580b5fc02a2eb93fb
+# cd7d2fceff8d47d5b392be059b471ab9
+# 3f13993fdab542d6b8318cc2fe353acb
+msgid "Click the NICs tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:105
+# 47b1307c53ed41dfbe754e5141219451
+msgid "Click Add network to VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:107
+# ebd8002977894bed935a5229f868dc66
+msgid "The Add network to VM dialog is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:109
+# fa83b310f8904d8587c3dfdc52cacbad
+msgid "In the drop-down list, select the network that you would like to add this VM to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:112
+# dd48bfa27d7345aa87c6b7e63a358160
+msgid "A new NIC is added for this network. You can view the following details in the NICs page:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:115
+# 6463c065bc1943008470d1edad582974
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:117
+# 9420ad95bce443da9b81765885249155
+msgid "Network Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:119
+# f846a9f3d938451198081772cc74cb85
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:121
+# 8592916e5acf4e70bafbdbda7c00c614
+msgid "IP Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:123
+# c75427419ce04483b71df9bd261c2fbd
+msgid "Gateway"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:125
+# d008ddbc8a054a27ae521d3e3b8a4013
+msgid "Netmask"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:127
+# 41cff6439a0b42b5abab39913bc773bb
+msgid "Is default"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:129
+# cb23bf06693941579c5993219c416bb8
+msgid "CIDR (for IPv6)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:133
+# bce02b8426584ab693112a2a3eaa69a4
+msgid "Removing a Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:143
+# ca1c1c7c1c9d4ff8aaca289a38a6f7c0
+msgid "Locate the NIC you want to remove."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:145
+# 85a4e2e7437642f18635fa647891d856
+msgid "Click Remove NIC button. |remove-nic.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:147
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:165
+# ffa7cf9f06374be19a3b64261219cdc1
+# 5597778b6dec4d1fac608939422f4a00
+msgid "Click Yes to confirm."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:151
+# 78a6b76d558e43c18b80b80d9ae29567
+msgid "Selecting the Default Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:161
+# d548799e04664a74b122217c8b65678f
+msgid "Locate the NIC you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:163
+# 43217c75ff3e4ac885b27d575f4c47ee
+msgid "Click the Set default NIC button. |set-default-nic.png|."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:168
+# fea27f4c1e3f45e89b4b9439c9affb16
+msgid "Changing the Network Offering on a Guest Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:170
+# 9de4858c24814a74a54559f2494b3a89
+msgid "A user or administrator can change the network offering that is associated with an existing guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:175
+# 7c551d2e95a241b48be8ce6603506ab3
+msgid "If you are changing from a network offering that uses the CloudStack virtual router to one that uses external devices as network service providers, you must first stop all the VMs on the network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:181
+# c67df95acd7f48b18f620634af845488
+msgid "Click the name of the network you want to modify."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:183
+# fb679c3a524c4c4a837fe24566e3a12b
+msgid "In the Details tab, click Edit. |edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:185
+# 4afa43a2ac5b46f29ad42d421235b01d
+msgid "In Network Offering, choose the new network offering, then click Apply."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:188
+# 6a7280bbaba74bfb8b6622ac7832cf5c
+msgid "A prompt is displayed asking whether you want to keep the existing CIDR. This is to let you know that if you change the network offering, the CIDR will be affected."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:192
+# 42e2f2150b07464bbdf35bc0c30edd91
+msgid "If you upgrade between virtual router as a provider and an external network device as provider, acknowledge the change of CIDR to continue, so choose Yes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:196
+# 3b240e38bc11456095069b1622cc917f
+msgid "Wait for the update to complete. Don't try to restart VMs until the network change is complete."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:199
+# a6db1505b17b48e1ae1063872635e2bb
+msgid "If you stopped any VMs, restart them."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/multiple_ip_ranges.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/multiple_ip_ranges.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c2c968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/pot/networking/multiple_ip_ranges.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:18
+# cea4bcb571304273bc04b67f139f0140
+msgid "About Multiple IP Ranges"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:20
+# fb1aec1297a645198cd0ecbc09f187eb
+msgid "The feature can only be implemented on IPv4 addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:22
+# 3180ea2f13aa4565a8715d959ef1148d
+msgid "CloudStack provides you with the flexibility to add guest IP ranges from different subnets in Basic zones and security groups-enabled Advanced zones. For security groups-enabled Advanced zones, it implies multiple subnets can be added to the same VLAN. With the addition of this feature, you will be able to add IP address ranges from the same subnet or from a different one when IP address are exhausted. This would in turn allows you to employ higher number of subnets and thus reduce the address management overhead. To support this feature, the capability of ``createVlanIpRange`` API is extended to add IP ranges also from a different subnet."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:33
+# d1d9636b0fd14b508f2570b3d7f5b7a2
+msgid "Ensure that you manually configure the gateway of the new subnet before adding the IP range. Note that CloudStack supports only one gateway for a subnet; overlapping subnets are not currently supported."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:37
+# b1ed3bd81dfa4662bcf9ab17817d99e5
+msgid "Use the ``deleteVlanRange`` API to delete IP ranges. This operation fails if an IP from the remove range is in use. If the remove range contains the IP address on which the DHCP server is running, CloudStack acquires a new IP from the same subnet. If no IP is available in the subnet, the remove operation fails."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:43
+# 5c66e6ebd5cc42728bccf16a99764a94
+msgid "This feature is supported on KVM, xenServer, and VMware hypervisors."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.pot
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:18
+# 80e46ffc92914befa1e1b6bb37ae48e0
+msgid "Configuring Multiple IP Addresses on a Single NIC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:20
+# e552e4b860e64b83bd63e053002d0187
+msgid "CloudStack provides you the ability to associate multiple private IP addresses per guest VM NIC. In addition to the primary IP, you can assign additional IPs to the guest VM NIC. This feature is supported on all the network configurations: Basic, Advanced, and VPC. Security Groups, Static NAT and Port forwarding services are supported on these additional IPs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:27
+# 37ec7f1162de4309afcd34ea7bc9af66
+msgid "As always, you can specify an IP from the guest subnet; if not specified, an IP is automatically picked up from the guest VM subnet. You can view the IPs associated with for each guest VM NICs on the UI. You can apply NAT on these additional guest IPs by using network configuration option in the CloudStack UI. You must specify the NIC to which the IP should be associated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:34
+# 9a035e888c1245098bf6a6b97754c398
+msgid "This feature is supported on XenServer, KVM, and VMware hypervisors. Note that Basic zone security groups are not supported on VMware."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:39
+# e65e3e62dc4a4301b7c488f06bbe696d
+msgid "Use Cases"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:41
+# 11ad1c7201dd4368b51c2686f4f6c436
+msgid "Some of the use cases are described below:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:43
+# bad26d93f70a454ea65fe8d314c5fb5f
+msgid "Network devices, such as firewalls and load balancers, generally work best when they have access to multiple IP addresses on the network interface."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:47
+# 95be93b5a22541cf8e3a65154ae683cc
+msgid "Moving private IP addresses between interfaces or instances. Applications that are bound to specific IP addresses can be moved between instances."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:51
+# 9ee757e7b88f4aa2a87ccd4771a324d2
+msgid "Hosting multiple SSL Websites on a single instance. You can install multiple SSL certificates on a single instance, each associated with a distinct IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:57
+# 4edd1f589e2e49829a8738af942f1449
+msgid "Guidelines"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:59
+# 54a52619c6484653a0d95be689657a85
+msgid "To prevent IP conflict, configure different subnets when multiple networks are connected to the same VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:64
+# 2e55027ec0ce4ce6b87130453ca2ea69
+msgid "Assigning Additional IPs to a VM"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:66
+# 24aaa9f9fd734b1d9b775ad1342d31b2
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:68
+# 51fd921471ee488bb728f102e439c19e
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Instances."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:70
+# f0efc1c51c2a471498620eb3d6313aa6
+msgid "Click the name of the instance you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:72
+# 17a62e09249f4a3fac5b78b1ee42aa11
+msgid "In the Details tab, click NICs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:74
+# 815af55e9e6e475ea2139c0ee79838c8
+msgid "Click View Secondary IPs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:76
+# edd4eb38ff964d91901201733864317e
+msgid "Click Acquire New Secondary IP, and click Yes in the confirmation dialog."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:79
+# a243effbef704447bf0f0a2d5bdc0a86
+msgid "You need to configure the IP on the guest VM NIC manually. CloudStack will not automatically configure the acquired IP address on the VM. Ensure that the IP address configuration persist on VM reboot."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:83
+# 92b50e481e5943af8db0036e562bcf45
+msgid "Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear with the state Allocated. You can now use the IP address in Port Forwarding or StaticNAT rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:89
+# 8ce45ae597644592be9f68b1b9a50693
+msgid "Port Forwarding and StaticNAT Services Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:91
+# 707c305e2e104709866aebe9741b3891
+msgid "Because multiple IPs can be associated per NIC, you are allowed to select a desired IP for the Port Forwarding and StaticNAT services. The default is the primary IP. To enable this functionality, an extra optional parameter 'vmguestip' is added to the Port forwarding and StaticNAT APIs (enableStaticNat, createIpForwardingRule) to indicate on what IP address NAT need to be configured. If vmguestip is passed, NAT is configured on the specified private IP of the VM. if not passed, NAT is configured on the primary IP of the VM."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca77e68
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@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:18
+# aaae14dc309846cf90268bd429550032
+msgid "Multiple Subnets in Shared Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:20
+# e1e0546c06b44b948781bf1b155376b6
+msgid "CloudStack provides you with the flexibility to add guest IP ranges from different subnets in Basic zones and security groups-enabled Advanced zones. For security groups-enabled Advanced zones, it implies multiple subnets can be added to the same VLAN. With the addition of this feature, you will be able to add IP address ranges from the same subnet or from a different one when IP address are exhausted. This would in turn allows you to employ higher number of subnets and thus reduce the address management overhead. You can delete the IP ranges you have added."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:32
+# d651b6e4b73a4c8897943f492f553be4
+msgid "Prerequisites and Guidelines"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:34
+# 321b92f77c9e47b581323b300949d477
+msgid "This feature can only be implemented:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:36
+# 693a867b887b40c39f9112ee79a514f3
+msgid "on IPv4 addresses"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:38
+# d4bb9088f4ce439bb4aa86f2d6ca1226
+msgid "if virtual router is the DHCP provider"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:40
+# b4bb01b3421b4a26af052b41ef2e9c74
+msgid "on KVM, xenServer, and VMware hypervisors"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:42
+# 3ce0b6127bed4c878204268e02519b5f
+msgid "Manually configure the gateway of the new subnet before adding the IP range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:45
+# 92e9da161e084fd09cbd7a34e3a8ea59
+msgid "CloudStack supports only one gateway for a subnet; overlapping subnets are not currently supported"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:50
+# 0ccc8eb511c649519820d407c101fb3f
+msgid "Adding Multiple Subnets to a Shared Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:52
+# 402388a40d1c4432adf97dcb94bc7e0a
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:54
+# c062e6ebc0b74be185c8e192c237a3d8
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:56
+# 9d6f09662ceb452bb8bf26c21696a7ff
+msgid "On Zones, click View More, then click the zone to which you want to work with.."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:59
+# 9a6c131e8dee4829a34a534324f96d6a
+msgid "Click Physical Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:61
+# 412cf2ea6b7c4fc9a45dcfabca044210
+msgid "In the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:63
+# 20271a4db3304ebd986eefb0dbe2304b
+msgid "Click Networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:65
+# d4d67c51b96a441984f094dad7440b53
+msgid "Select the networks you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:67
+# dbda223b46514614bc24a96cbd967579
+msgid "Click View IP Ranges."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:69
+# fd40e95e0dcc4b37ac83ea1764ccd1c5
+msgid "Click Add IP Range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:71
+# e57818339fdd4bea80a587551ff3bb27
+msgid "The Add IP Range dialog is displayed, as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:73
+# 1adf38c68dd04551aeded2194d8d3bfb
+msgid "|add-ip-range.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:75
+# 8d5c0e4efe1742f7988a60fe55223d66
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:77
+# c5bd70e2ab5748e18b8bc2840088a41e
+msgid "All the fields are mandatory."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:79
+# cefcd378eaf44ae5b0c6aaa2809a4fe4
+msgid "**Gateway**: The gateway for the tier you create. Ensure that the gateway is within the Super CIDR range that you specified while creating the VPC, and is not overlapped with the CIDR of any existing tier within the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:84
+# d63b707e5f374d5d807b5749f9cc44ad
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask for the tier you create."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:86
+# f5d499f2a9fa4a859f8563d9b68b29a3
+msgid "For example, if the VPC CIDR is and the network tier CIDR is, the gateway of the tier is, and the netmask of the tier is"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:90
+# 4aeabf0b77244ea994e1c9a3587421a7
+msgid "**Start IP/ End IP**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the Internet and will be allocated to guest VMs. Enter the first and last IP addresses that define a range that CloudStack can assign to guest VMs ."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:95
+# c54dd19ac3fc4b1abe5c8e2ba6021969
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/networking_in_pod.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/networking_in_pod.pot
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:18
+# 3d0c16ad63444261b9694623c2402727
+msgid "Networking in a Pod"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:20
+# 6f94486d31ee45b8a15da0d2a1c080ca
+msgid "The figure below illustrates network setup within a single pod. The hosts are connected to a pod-level switch. At a minimum, the hosts should have one physical uplink to each switch. Bonded NICs are supported as well. The pod-level switch is a pair of redundant gigabit switches with 10 G uplinks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:26
+# d14ee305eeed479b95127d50242ce7f9
+msgid "|networksinglepod.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:28
+# 6c63d1a963fe4751bb6a3efcc28ec07b
+msgid "Servers are connected as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:30
+# cab4d0a9b3874148b142ec81b8916ab3
+msgid "Storage devices are connected to only the network that carries management traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:33
+# a01f83aa00be44768e404b928746539d
+msgid "Hosts are connected to networks for both management traffic and public traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:36
+# 7cc32b192f154001a6b37b93bf141c79
+msgid "Hosts are also connected to one or more networks carrying guest traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:39
+# afe45e02d11f436b92bc4752de309aa2
+msgid "We recommend the use of multiple physical Ethernet cards to implement each network interface as well as redundant switch fabric in order to maximize throughput and improve reliability."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/networking_in_zone.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/networking_in_zone.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..377c408
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:18
+# 3080bd3d63ce42f7970a7e111d5cc46b
+msgid "Networking in a Zone"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:20
+# acc145c9dbbb43d0a4e7bcb5cdb804cb
+msgid "The following figure illustrates the network setup within a single zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:22
+# a22b23e45435457b927cdcd248830e97
+msgid "|networksetupzone.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:24
+# 116d5e262cd547858fe9873be74c59da
+msgid "A firewall for management traffic operates in the NAT mode. The network typically is assigned IP addresses in the Class B private address space. Each pod is assigned IP addresses in the 192.168.\\*.0/24 Class C private address space."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:29
+# 7a1eee0be4da4ed3aa3c0854ab4c2230
+msgid "Each zone has its own set of public IP addresses. Public IP addresses from different zones do not overlap."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/palo_alto_config.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/palo_alto_config.pot
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index 0000000..6483dea
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@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:18
+# f3d9b37c09d84940aa4c2fde3f9acd2a
+msgid "Setup a Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:22
+# bf6ec115893747b1baf4957e9be35ff4
+msgid "Functionality Provided"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:24
+# c1f3ed83f8394089ab4694fe954e0195
+msgid "This implementation enables the orchestration of a Palo Alto Networks Firewall from within CloudStack UI and API."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:27
+# 4b1340d4e6f74cd39095e06ca20ccbdd
+msgid "**The following features are supported**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:29
+# e30f817e0e4d45ff8140a2bf41b86fb3
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Palo Alto Networks service provider"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:31
+# d027f8c0521d4e3c8659c5f89b010dc3
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Palo Alto Networks network service offering"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:33
+# d3c3bd36ca4744d68797f6bda8758efd
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Palo Alto Networks network using the above service offering"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:35
+# d4ba1563cd1a4efb8039895bd0fc4abc
+msgid "Add an instance to a Palo Alto Networks network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:37
+# 095297003ef84ab4946859b93741650f
+msgid "Source NAT management on network create and delete"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:39
+# 83be5169430e457495da1faa61028b94
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Ingress Firewall rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:41
+# 934645096b2041c0892c5827ab0bae62
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Egress Firewall rule (both 'Allow' and 'Deny' default rules supported)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:44
+# b3d40e33e09544e892974a896c1c0f5e
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Port Forwarding rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:46
+# 2227e25f9e3e4cf19e34dd0deddbb404
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Static NAT rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:48
+# 64c598fbe2d04d368d5f30c35aa7f1d6
+msgid "Apply a Threat Profile to all firewall rules (more details in the Additional Features section)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:51
+# 6843739b321a4d828b6e9b17a9ef0fc8
+msgid "Apply a Log Forwarding profile to all firewall rules (more details in the Additional Features section)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:57
+# 90c46aad0abf4f3c9d84941828556629
+msgid "Initial Palo Alto Networks Firewall Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:60
+# 3404e87b314644c49c28a53bc5f5e6a0
+msgid "Anatomy of the Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:62
+# a9c2ce1bfd05437a975c7cb37c0fba62
+msgid "In **'Network > Interfaces'** there is a list of physical interfaces as well as aggregated physical interfaces which are used for managing traffic in and out of the Palo Alto Networks Firewall device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:66
+# 5ac5b705b6834ded91c030380797cbd2
+msgid "In **'Network > Zones'** there is a list of the different configuration zones.  This implementation will use two zones; a public (defaults to 'untrust') and private (defaults to 'trust') zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:70
+# eea4177c1fff4e099f0d3ed3d68ddfca
+msgid "In **'Network > Virtual Routers'** there is a list of VRs which handle traffic routing for the Palo Alto Firewall.  We only use a single Virtual Router on the firewall and it is used to handle all the routing to the next network hop."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:75
+# abd376e7380441f390cd90564d09d4c5
+msgid "In **'Objects > Security Profile Groups'** there is a list of profiles which can be applied to firewall rules.  These profiles are used to better understand the types of traffic that is flowing through your network. Configured when you add the firewall provider to CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:80
+# 81bf3163d8e548f9827901650a45fa29
+msgid "In **'Objects > Log Forwarding'** there is a list of profiles which can be applied to firewall rules.  These profiles are used to better track the logs generated by the firewall.  Configured when you add the firewall provider to CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:85
+# 3f1feff617394987a3e0e75b9098bdb8
+msgid "In **'Policies > Security'** there is a list of firewall rules that are currently configured.  You will not need to modify this section because it will be completely automated by CloudStack, but you can review the firewall rules which have been created here."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:90
+# 34e8e7a02d1a478d99e352c6a4dd825c
+msgid "In **'Policies > NAT'** there is a list of the different NAT rules.  You will not need to modify this section because it will be completely automated by CloudStack, but you can review the different NAT rules that have been created here.  Source NAT, Static NAT and Destination NAT (Port Forwarding) rules will show up in this list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:99
+# 640e9e01bf184821b43d47005542f297
+msgid "Configure the Public / Private Zones on the firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:101
+# dd1583c5eff3465b96b6e0e55da67a78
+msgid "No manual configuration is required to setup these zones because CloudStack will configure them automatically when you add the Palo Alto Networks firewall device to CloudStack as a service provider.  This implementation depends on two zones, one for the public side and one for the private side of the firewall."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:107
+# f247dae111a8455598a5509325f99b2d
+msgid "The public zone (defaults to 'untrust') will contain all of the public interfaces and public IPs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:110
+# 3cc0d8d0cdd949bbae82f501193f7705
+msgid "The private zone (defaults to 'trust') will contain all of the private interfaces and guest network gateways."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:113
+# fffcd92335be420f92a7847a249b200c
+msgid "The NAT and firewall rules will be configured between these zones."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:118
+# 0f85059787c94c61b9cb4b39e5cb52c9
+msgid "Configure the Public / Private Interfaces on the firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:120
+# c8c72310b2744d4caefb5b9575ee6e60
+msgid "This implementation supports standard physical interfaces as well as grouped physical interfaces called aggregated interfaces.  Both standard interfaces and aggregated interfaces are treated the same, so they can be used interchangeably. For this document, we will assume that we are using 'ethernet1/1' as the public interface and 'ethernet1/2' as the private interface.  If aggregated interfaces where used, you would use something like 'ae1' and 'ae2' as the interfaces."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:128
+# 2831a742f496425ba96db130e37c9fdf
+msgid "This implementation requires that the 'Interface Type' be set to 'Layer3' for both the public and private interfaces.  If you want to be able to use the 'Untagged' VLAN tag for public traffic in CloudStack, you will need to enable support for it in the public 'ethernet1/1' interface (details below)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:133
+# 7c752ebb778a47f5ab20ddd8e7c2c88d
+msgid "**Steps to configure the Public Interface**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:135
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:171
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:228
+# 5700c7ece81b43cb98c6727c752735b2
+# e49c5cac5b754c67a068eb76b8f2b016
+# de7a1d67b1d944d9a9282e1481b27948
+msgid "Log into Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:137
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:230
+# 084f3f60d58341c1bb8a4c5902758909
+# ef024b35b5944a84b02459069f6213a1
+msgid "Navigate to 'Network > Interfaces'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:139
+# f9c2ae1f0de249878828ead2f5703582
+msgid "Click on 'ethernet1/1' (for aggregated ethernet, it will probably be called 'ae1')"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:142
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:155
+# 04a63a60ad414b7e81b979d479bae1fd
+# 04da4ad3a88d4e6cba3ee5b4668f9ee2
+msgid "Select 'Layer3' from the 'Interface Type' list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:144
+# ff872b1bbd2945db9cce189792e38246
+msgid "Click 'Advanced'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:146
+# 944d68b812d8463a87b69f9d882e8b28
+msgid "Check the 'Untagged Subinterface' check-box"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:148
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:157
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:193
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:195
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:265
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:339
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:388
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:426
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:455
+# 290ce1b89ac441bcbc6691b3a41534a6
+# ac12e64f14884682ba033e7f2177cc9b
+# 8f94cc2074684065a79e57cf90d6ab9a
+# 8a83b222380740918936aca1feee32b9
+# f18ef2d3aeac41389cdfd198b83c5467
+# 95a5afc210324dab8a21ba2da8e6801c
+# d765a343c5f146639728c4ea3493e250
+# 8b7efac976c241fe9f3fa33963361d5a
+# 8a61018dde394d37b9ca3df99d188ee5
+msgid "Click 'OK'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:150
+# 8b5c88e0cc8242a580db731046cce5d3
+msgid "**Steps to configure the Private Interface**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:152
+# a94612c3076e4722bd18904180a04114
+msgid "Click on 'ethernet1/2' (for aggregated ethernet, it will probably be called 'ae2')"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:162
+# 0beaed2fa39442e887eaca261cae62d7
+msgid "Configure a Virtual Router on the firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:164
+# 22d2fb39f9f44f928787ed03f4aa558c
+msgid "The Virtual Router on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall is not to be confused with the Virtual Routers that CloudStack provisions.  For this implementation, the Virtual Router on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall will ONLY handle the upstream routing from the Firewall to the next hop."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:169
+# e11103f99e6d45d0bea4183b1cf60c98
+msgid "**Steps to configure the Virtual Router**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:173
+# d520996f46e84c8c94ce274dd654f3cb
+msgid "Navigate to 'Network > Virtual Routers'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:175
+# e966f3781b904686b55509eef9892346
+msgid "Select the 'default' Virtual Router or Add a new Virtual Router if there are none in the list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:178
+# 9cbe5a8debc5407fb6918d33d5b71aab
+msgid "If you added a new Virtual Router, you will need to give it a 'Name'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:180
+# b6a107e3fda3444fbcc24365b6ee33ca
+msgid "Navigate to 'Static Routes > IPv4'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:182
+# 6efcbc75fe144976b8a75a2dd888c615
+msgid "'Add' a new static route"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:184
+# ed78234999764665912475eb992e6395
+msgid "**Name**: next_hop (you can name it anything you want)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:186
+# 47efb66b283043aa89a78ad4c6a87339
+msgid "**Destination**: (send all traffic to this route)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:188
+# f9dde0e9e0534954bf1da5b6bf535824
+msgid "**Interface**: ethernet1/1 (or whatever you set your public interface as)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:191
+# 1e8a9818e50544a19445ee39589e5215
+msgid "**Next Hop**: (specify the gateway IP for the next hop in your network)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:200
+# f26446d9a67c4620a0f511145ecfde2b
+msgid "Configure the default Public Subinterface"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:202
+# 7225aebfeb604bd7ad6ffa6bd19425c3
+msgid "The current implementation of the Palo Alto Networks firewall integration uses CIDRs in the form of 'w.x.y.z/32' for the public IP addresses that CloudStack provisions.  Because no broadcast or gateway IPs are in this single IP range, there is no way for the firewall to route the traffic for these IPs.  To route the traffic for these IPs, we create a single subinterface on the public interface with an IP and a CIDR which encapsulates the CloudStack public IP range.  This IP will need to be inside the subnet defined by the CloudStack public range netmask, but outside the CloudStack public IP range.  The CIDR should reflect the same subnet defined by the CloudStack public range netmask. The name of the subinterface is determined by the VLAN configured for the public range in CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:214
+# 3c781eec6bac4e599027b694351c3cd4
+msgid "To clarify this concept, we will use the following example."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:216
+# 9637f4b7396f4c51983c5bf87b43e912
+msgid "**Example CloudStack Public Range Configuration**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:218
+# 8a3070e081974ca68cc0375eca88007b
+msgid "**Gateway**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:220
+# 9f64613849464823b633f1d16645d42e
+msgid "**Netmask**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:222
+# 9330fe95cfaf44abbdb0d4f38e739dde
+msgid "**IP Range**: -"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:224
+# 435b6fb99438485f877a6756893298bf
+msgid "**VLAN**: Untagged"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:226
+# eb956dfff226492fa1b0806cbbf743dc
+msgid "**Configure the Public Subinterface**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:232
+# 2c3eb0c3c7e642cbb78583a57bc43be3
+msgid "Select the 'ethernet1/1' line (not clicking on the name)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:234
+# 739221cdf0024efc9b93b1d76646825b
+msgid "Click 'Add Subinterface' at the bottom of the window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:236
+# 6b8490f4a2684ca8ad9814a1461edaaa
+msgid "Enter 'Interface Name': 'ethernet1/1' . '9999'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:238
+# fb030c9c7b044a0185fe843def4a3bb5
+msgid "9999 is used if the CloudStack public range VLAN is 'Untagged'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:240
+# 912e1187e17b414f9493ddb7f368b068
+msgid "If the CloudStack public range VLAN is tagged (eg: 333), then the name will reflect that tag"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:243
+# 4472ddfa3e6f4c878a16d411cc343a7d
+msgid "The 'Tag' is the VLAN tag that the traffic is sent to the next hop with, so set it accordingly.  If you are passing 'Untagged' traffic from CloudStack to your next hop, leave it blank.  If you want to pass tagged traffic from CloudStack, specify the tag."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:248
+# f1ede2abd59c4fcc914acf233aa4b38c
+msgid "Select 'default' from the 'Config > Virtual Router' drop-down (assuming that is what your virtual router is called)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:251
+# 0d7f8743ae7e405c833390569c1a342c
+msgid "Click the 'IPv4' tab"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:253
+# 93bc9ae7b5f346f99a40644725c2ebc0
+msgid "Select 'Static' from the 'Type' radio options"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:255
+# 661bc9fb00f342d58bfd39624ff5f72a
+msgid "Click 'Add' in the 'IP' section"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:257
+# b3482058794d4e2abb1e0a1f41bee8fa
+msgid "Enter '' in the new line"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:259
+# 02e03b2878504ed9a7ee888b36978cd4
+msgid "The IP can be any IP outside the CloudStack public IP range, but inside the CloudStack public range netmask (it can NOT be the gateway IP)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:262
+# 925fe2a4b10d4cb1ab438e2de318af0a
+msgid "The subnet defined by the CIDR should match the CloudStack public range netmask"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:269
+# 10d6dd9ed3af49ffad4020de805389de
+msgid "Commit configuration on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:271
+# 89ac6f1b3c694a06b75008f8eec59b16
+msgid "In order for all the changes we just made to take effect, we need to commit the changes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:274
+# 3137cac6d6e14fc9904a5fa154e3905d
+msgid "Click the 'Commit' link in the top right corner of the window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:276
+# f3aaf9f819ef410fba6edbc621ea6a4d
+msgid "Click 'OK' in the commit window overlay"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:278
+# 3b4acc9911434ddc83362cedcacab668
+msgid "Click 'Close' to the resulting commit status window after the commit finishes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:284
+# 6bb86113a96547538dbfd01db7c9e7ae
+msgid "Setup the Palo Alto Networks Firewall in CloudStack"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:287
+# b8515e0d94ef4d4a865f64f7bef85482
+msgid "Add the Palo Alto Networks Firewall as a Service Provider"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:289
+# 9b19a32893484d2fac28f3558f2643b5
+msgid "Navigate to 'Infrastructure > Zones > ZONE_NAME > Physical Network > NETWORK_NAME (guest) > Configure; Network Service Providers'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:292
+# 9bdf06473baa43cd9c6b8cb17a6313c3
+msgid "Click on 'Palo Alto' in the list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:294
+# 8565a2ab22994798a9167083879136f7
+msgid "Click 'View Devices'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:296
+# d10162d1e53c40e6bd448e05bb8a3259
+msgid "Click 'Add Palo Alto Device'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:298
+# c6fcd95bacbf4675951227d95a5737fc
+msgid "Enter your configuration in the overlay.  This example will reflect the details previously used in this guide."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:301
+# 1d34f716f84e4296a01fd3f7afde7356
+msgid "**IP Address**: (the IP of the Palo Alto Networks Firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:303
+# add3b3461b6b48d7b74f94961a7b26e1
+msgid "**Username**: (the admin username for the firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:305
+# 708228ac2edb498f9fd079d05a8a7511
+msgid "**Password**: (the admin password for the firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:307
+# b2a6f266de904ebe94805b3176617484
+msgid "**Type**: Palo Alto Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:309
+# 1cc218519592430f98cc8e009d0c8f2c
+msgid "**Public Interface**: ethernet1/1 (use what you setup earlier as the public interface if it is different from my examples)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:312
+# 5f1c1837d4df4e65a7a8abd05abd43ce
+msgid "**Private Interface**: ethernet1/2 (use what you setup earlier as the private interface if it is different from my examples)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:315
+# dd40b4143070449bb34ede04b3fe467e
+msgid "**Number of Retries**: 2 (the default is fine)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:317
+# 1d8080f41f894087b6e0a8c4c934dfe9
+msgid "**Timeout**: 300 (the default is fine)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:319
+# 876888b0168e496a897f306b246db971
+msgid "**Public Network**: untrust (this is the public zone on the firewall and did not need to be configured)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:322
+# 920274e528a341fb8962b73ff4b77179
+msgid "**Private Network**: trust (this is the private zone on the firewall and did not need to be configured)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:325
+# 2072277d3e14495aa762454838f72995
+msgid "**Virtual Router**: default (this is the name of the Virtual Router we setup on the firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:328
+# 0376444c2cbd4404ad01b614aac5c07f
+msgid "**Palo Alto Threat Profile**: (not required.  name of the 'Security Profile Groups' to apply.  more details in the 'Additional Features' section)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:332
+# e649ac1802774500b5003c708987fe74
+msgid "**Palo Alto Log Profile**: (not required.  name of the 'Log Forwarding' profile to apply.  more details in the 'Additional Features' section)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:335
+# 32094fb7d72248d28b8f84e1fd56e988
+msgid "**Capacity**: (not required)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:337
+# 7e33721fb17a48e2ab7aa2d1b1dc460c
+msgid "**Dedicated**: (not required)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:341
+# dbef98d732fc4f7fbbad776d1b61f41e
+msgid "Click on 'Palo Alto' in the breadcrumbs to go back one screen."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:343
+# e499e22a30754ab4acfd6a779b03ea97
+msgid "Click on 'Enable Provider' |EnableDisableFeature.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:347
+# b7b0fa1a4629430b839286b55162f882
+msgid "Add a Network Service Offering to use the new Provider"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:349
+# 1cc4ca671df7479c96ab873e7ae0cc68
+msgid "There are 6 'Supported Services' that need to be configured in the network service offering for this functionality.  They are DHCP, DNS, Firewall, Source NAT, Static NAT and Port Forwarding.  For the other settings, there are probably additional configurations which will work, but I will just document a common case."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:355
+# f406f98a91684fd1bd4947a0b06ed1a2
+msgid "Navigate to 'Service Offerings'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:357
+# 942ee3b426ba4d88acfbee186446dcaf
+msgid "In the drop-down at the top, select 'Network Offerings'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:359
+# 6d216de0290941758439b72593f8a6c8
+msgid "Click 'Add Network Offering'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:361
+# da673cd57e5d4dadaaa406cb5fa5ec13
+msgid "**Name**: (name it whatever you want)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:363
+# a59e3d821172494d9efb8de1253d352d
+msgid "**Description**: (again, can be whatever you want)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:365
+# bdb32fa4fdf545d2886707aa7ca1156d
+msgid "**Guest Type**: Isolated"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:367
+# ee73168cca234bf08581ec3131ec5bb8
+msgid "**Supported Services**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:369
+# 320e8c3f0b9b49ac8768926d267e94d7
+msgid "**DHCP**: Provided by 'VirtualRouter'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:371
+# 4c6b47d1b7b34586863177a90b865d85
+msgid "**DNS**: Provided by 'VirtualRouter'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:373
+# 56ac8260b8a3496ca38997dfc58dae3f
+msgid "**Firewall**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:375
+# fb63dd0553724890988f01e52cc9fb1a
+msgid "**Source NAT**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:377
+# 4cdf39f3041d47699f285f61fcf0ac95
+msgid "**Static NAT**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:379
+# bfbb888f85ab4e179965cac8c6d8dadb
+msgid "**Port Forwarding**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:381
+# 88e886aff4204f32811dff6e4d8ea019
+msgid "**System Offering for Router**: System Offering For Software Router"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:383
+# 8f0e43a7d0f34b9992263fdfdcfcd2d6
+msgid "**Supported Source NAT Type**: Per account (this is the only supported option)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:386
+# e06e5423d74c4f328eae1e741028734b
+msgid "**Default egress policy**: (both 'Allow' and 'Deny' are supported)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:390
+# 59c525fe149a425098205f41b21a9cf1
+msgid "Click on the newly created service offering"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:392
+# 44fc81442fe34d68a2728f0ca0a160dc
+msgid "Click 'Enable network offering' |EnableDisableFeature.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:394
+# 934d3259e9bf44c083323e6b2f2aa9bf
+msgid "When adding networks in CloudStack, select this network offering to use the Palo Alto Networks firewall."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:399
+# fae8d19c649e479f99c6b2edd49434eb
+msgid "Additional Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:401
+# 9dc0b83948d74e16b3ad351d1210f5b5
+msgid "In addition to the standard functionality exposed by CloudStack, we have added a couple additional features to this implementation.  We did not add any new screens to CloudStack, but we have added a couple fields to the 'Add Palo Alto Service Provider' screen which will add functionality globally for the device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:408
+# 5af1e576fa7847f7b87eed5fe35e77b8
+msgid "Palo Alto Networks Threat Profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:410
+# 9070542c237349599f645efcd8a64128
+msgid "This feature allows you to specify a 'Security Profile Group' to be applied to all of the firewall rules which are created on the Palo Alto Networks firewall device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:414
+# a4257973d0524640b7102968817ca7e5
+msgid "To create a 'Security Profile Group' on the Palo Alto Networks firewall, do the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:417
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:446
+# 77a31bab19cd4e55b4cc13c92cb328bb
+# 92409a68a6f345c89e059f0a26e707ee
+msgid "Log into the Palo Alto Networks firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:419
+# 2b0227f96b854d92bf96e91d9c17435c
+msgid "Navigate to 'Objects > Security Profile Groups'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:421
+# 2405f37aad834c34b4360f784ce6ec69
+msgid "Click 'Add' at the bottom of the page to add a new group"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:423
+# 7e5ffff8c26545c48b07a4921ca76a52
+msgid "Give the group a Name and specify the profiles you would like to include in the group"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:428
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:457
+# 3e3d4bfaa14c46c38499c68ce4f36095
+# 547b08aaaf164fb68c2b8f1b37d09793
+msgid "Click the 'Commit' link in the top right of the screen and follow the on screen instructions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:431
+# a31ebe4cd3bf4bf9b7e3fe8d35c32f63
+msgid "Once you have created a profile, you can reference it by Name in the 'Palo Alto Threat Profile' field in the 'Add the Palo Alto Networks Firewall as a Service Provider' step."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:437
+# 735566ed2935434ea67f2e2595c3f686
+msgid "Palo Alto Networks Log Forwarding Profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:439
+# c229e4bdb0c04fac952295035d8afa6b
+msgid "This feature allows you to specify a 'Log Forwarding' profile to better manage where the firewall logs are sent to.  This is helpful for keeping track of issues that can arise on the firewall."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:443
+# 461ea8be12674fcd842217cf72c68f7f
+msgid "To create a 'Log Forwarding' profile on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall, do the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:448
+# a61142f77e8941e9b976c01cd1aa9f89
+msgid "Navigate to 'Objects > Log Forwarding'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:450
+# ea14dff9d3c448f0976b6aebe2d119cc
+msgid "Click 'Add' at the bottom of the page to add a new profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:452
+# 1352f9adcbd94a24a5429e2ed53caa48
+msgid "Give the profile a Name and specify the details you want for the traffic and threat settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:460
+# 6b304cde8312467ebef3f110a46fce1a
+msgid "Once you have created a profile, you can reference it by Name in the 'Palo Alto Log Profile' field in the 'Add the Palo Alto Networks Firewall as a Service Provider' step."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:467
+# 7ba0d11bde5b4c3e97de4830b0aecc15
+msgid "Limitations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:469
+# 796314d492b54823a652a3f50d430629
+msgid "The implementation currently only supports a single public IP range in CloudStack"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:472
+# c8e8545461454cb9acf0a06bf42b95c0
+msgid "Usage tracking is not yet implemented"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/persistent_networks.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/persistent_networks.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5db6bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/pot/networking/persistent_networks.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:18
+# 4083b4f8962d4ce2add5a637beceaf4d
+msgid "Persistent Networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:20
+# 5157cfe530594f5f954a8a8e1525ce10
+msgid "The network that you can provision without having to deploy any VMs on it is called a persistent network. A persistent network can be part of a VPC or a non-VPC environment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:24
+# 469fa7c5517f4f82b49e9015b0027b0f
+msgid "When you create other types of network, a network is only a database entry until the first VM is created on that network. When the first VM is created, a VLAN ID is assigned and the network is provisioned. Also, when the last VM is destroyed, the VLAN ID is released and the network is no longer available. With the addition of persistent network, you will have the ability to create a network in CloudStack in which physical devices can be deployed without having to run any VMs. Additionally, you can deploy physical devices on that network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:33
+# 87f88f46858c41ba96f785b7c3122342
+msgid "One of the advantages of having a persistent network is that you can create a VPC with a tier consisting of only physical devices. For example, you might create a VPC for a three-tier application, deploy VMs for Web and Application tier, and use physical machines for the Database tier. Another use case is that if you are providing services by using physical hardware, you can define the network as persistent and therefore even if all its VMs are destroyed the services will not be discontinued."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:44
+# 68622842a6474e23b5b4ace4928a7f02
+msgid "Persistent Network Considerations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:46
+# bd289a0ef0dc4ef1b5a6acb8b9ad0c38
+msgid "Persistent network is designed for isolated networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:48
+# 10b2b9266df84efcb8fb9002316e3f11
+msgid "All default network offerings are non-persistent."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:50
+# d9e8d354f6bc4b6f8194156ed112a537
+msgid "A network offering cannot be editable because changing it affects the behavior of the existing networks that were created using this network offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:54
+# 80b8615033b54141b06d3d7a311809bf
+msgid "When you create a guest network, the network offering that you select defines the network persistence. This in turn depends on whether persistent network is enabled in the selected network offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:58
+# 5e5d6fc784af4dec8e15481000f5125f
+msgid "An existing network can be made persistent by changing its network offering to an offering that has the Persistent option enabled. While setting this property, even if the network has no running VMs, the network is provisioned."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:63
+# 30e1aaa119a34adcb9a57e513d705745
+msgid "An existing network can be made non-persistent by changing its network offering to an offering that has the Persistent option disabled. If the network has no running VMs, during the next network garbage collection run the network is shut down."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:68
+# 1fafa4f8c2e8475e984703fe2e4c29ba
+msgid "When the last VM on a network is destroyed, the network garbage collector checks if the network offering associated with the network is persistent, and shuts down the network only if it is non-persistent."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:75
+# 6302571eba5d408687957bd3759816c3
+msgid "Creating a Persistent Guest Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:77
+# c3876e9bd8d449b489101f5ac1bae458
+msgid "To create a persistent network, perform the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:79
+# 99fe5f5c722844089e5bdbcdadb22fc0
+msgid "Create a network offering with the Persistent option enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:81
+# 16d2470643ab4777a40f35f26a9de70c
+msgid "See `\"Creating a New Network Offering\" <networking.html#creating-a-new-network-offering>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:84
+# 267c8937d18548498e620897ef0e587e
+msgid "Select Network from the left navigation pane."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:86
+# bc4568a29a4149c797c11839057e9538
+msgid "Select the guest network that you want to offer this network service to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:89
+# ecdb6f1a35444f46acd9620f3305b060
+msgid "Click the Edit button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:91
+# 5bda22ffd010416cb80b2848179d18fa
+msgid "From the Network Offering drop-down, select the persistent network offering you have just created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:94
+# fd7fed942171405cb30c3ea00f4111cb
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/portable_ips.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/portable_ips.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d21b851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/pot/networking/portable_ips.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:18
+# 0d718ef9845940f3b45f93fdedd55a80
+msgid "Portable IPs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:21
+# 7dbdc94b3c7148f3a67dd212137b1b78
+msgid "About Portable IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:23
+# a4b9041cb1da4c7c9185978b3bd46328
+msgid "Portable IPs in CloudStack are region-level pool of IPs, which are elastic in nature, that can be transferred across geographically separated zones. As an administrator, you can provision a pool of portable public IPs at region level and are available for user consumption. The users can acquire portable IPs if admin has provisioned portable IPs at the region level they are part of. These IPs can be use for any service within an advanced zone. You can also use portable IPs for EIP services in basic zones."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:32
+# 824ded2676d34d4b8d60fd93b08f58c8
+msgid "The salient features of Portable IP are as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:34
+# 1f57b59fbbbd426b9b2fd6f4dffaa0d2
+msgid "IP is statically allocated"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:36
+# 1759d65d5ed34db283d80b85d56f486a
+msgid "IP need not be associated with a network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:38
+# 6826b76a9eea4332a6c068382f8b050c
+msgid "IP association is transferable across networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:40
+# ae7460bc9900474fbf94402165b9cb7e
+msgid "IP is transferable across both Basic and Advanced zones"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:42
+# 770563314c044da6acca6641fce5f500
+msgid "IP is transferable across VPC, non-VPC isolated and shared networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:44
+# ea55d3113555412f8f8a2bbf4f6b0846
+msgid "Portable IP transfer is available only for static NAT."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:48
+# 2ff5ef4c14bb4585a2e7c5c7458d25fe
+msgid "Guidelines"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:50
+# 662d9610efd3460aae2192eea97c7bd6
+msgid "Before transferring to another network, ensure that no network rules (Firewall, Static NAT, Port Forwarding, and so on) exist on that portable IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:56
+# d276865047e64a7f9cdddb63ad28d313
+msgid "Configuring Portable IPs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:58
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:90
+# b085a9f5f2ce4744b86603f26196b283
+# a28f4db3b1734d3c9f0aa6cada34dab5
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:60
+# 2f850a50ddab404d9df06aa0338d6479
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Regions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:62
+# 316a2bbd2c69469597356b663e5135ba
+msgid "Choose the Regions that you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:64
+# c66c2dfa7575447e82396eeff33e1315
+msgid "Click View Portable IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:66
+# cd5798170b724d0abe4461ee8779eded
+msgid "Click Portable IP Range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:68
+# 09d0a8e2201a44acbe61f89c2ebdba6b
+msgid "The Add Portable IP Range window is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:70
+# 9c9681bfaca543f09522720f86b05c3b
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:72
+# 2832d8a453bf4a27a01dfbe6ade2c252
+msgid "**Start IP/ End IP**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the Internet and will be allocated to guest VMs. Enter the first and last IP addresses that define a range that CloudStack can assign to guest VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:77
+# ea589b30c39d429c86fd50fe49515dd7
+msgid "**Gateway**: The gateway in use for the Portable IP addresses you are configuring."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:80
+# 9d8360b75a254007b307c9ba1341550d
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask associated with the Portable IP range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:82
+# 60ed534104ce48fdb9586f72c61b379f
+msgid "**VLAN**: The VLAN that will be used for public traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:84
+# 8615e1020e2747f0ba31cd4cb186a010
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:88
+# d88ec64c255243049a67ed2616530031
+msgid "Acquiring a Portable IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:92
+# b933b6d78fe94153a35b24d2ccfd8e06
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:94
+# 2f46ac57574a4ff3833cd3af46386463
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:96
+# a7dc83315ae746af830094d45cfe7c11
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:98
+# 64b8eac8ac21402293c2fff5d435a7eb
+msgid "Click Acquire New IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:100
+# 4a739787a6194df09e032797d1fe0911
+msgid "The Acquire New IP window is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:102
+# c8424da0e97a443f9d01fab04339184f
+msgid "Specify whether you want cross-zone IP or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:104
+# 222f964df0914c01bf92a5a5f461d4cc
+msgid "Click Yes in the confirmation dialog."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:106
+# 97dbf547785f4b1aaea165efca4b50a9
+msgid "Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear with the state Allocated. You can now use the IP address in port forwarding or static NAT rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:112
+# b84bba5db56047ba9dcd10cad9a14c3a
+msgid "Transferring Portable IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:114
+# f9ff7b7ea0d541a2bb6530a633a01f8b
+msgid "An IP can be transferred from one network to another only if Static NAT is enabled. However, when a portable IP is associated with a network, you can use it for any service in the network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:118
+# 2112dfc5676e4e7fbeb783e1bdbafb8d
+msgid "To transfer a portable IP across the networks, execute the following API:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:125
+# 794e73bb89214a29bc9257f2fc58c178
+msgid "Replace the UUID with appropriate UUID. For example, if you want to transfer a portable IP to network X and VM Y in a network, execute the following:"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.pot
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:18
+# e16ce84ab27a470389c600bd7f1937e6
+msgid "Reserving Public IP Addresses and VLANs for Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:20
+# d20bf40a65964aee8e9477cfb99a8d76
+msgid "CloudStack provides you the ability to reserve a set of public IP addresses and VLANs exclusively for an account. During zone creation, you can continue defining a set of VLANs and multiple public IP ranges. This feature extends the functionality to enable you to dedicate a fixed set of VLANs and guest IP addresses for a tenant."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:26
+# e0cd381debc1495fa88b0bed963e8b16
+msgid "Note that if an account has consumed all the VLANs and IPs dedicated to it, the account can acquire two more resources from the system. CloudStack provides the root admin with two configuration parameter to modify this default behavior: use.system.public.ips and use.system.guest.vlans. These global parameters enable the root admin to disallow an account from acquiring public IPs and guest VLANs from the system, if the account has dedicated resources and these dedicated resources have all been consumed. Both these configurations are configurable at the account level."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:36
+# baef2538501f4f729cd5b4f69fbbefaa
+msgid "This feature provides you the following capabilities:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:38
+# 4e16f6283a6e4f389b44d3af88cc4364
+msgid "Reserve a VLAN range and public IP address range from an Advanced zone and assign it to an account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:41
+# c67672fcea6c4ae69a5c3c7d8fbd6a33
+msgid "Disassociate a VLAN and public IP address range from an account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:43
+# 8451f0b840ab420cb1589fcc1572e6c0
+msgid "View the number of public IP addresses allocated to an account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:45
+# 2a183b234d9c44b8b99fa31594f06e38
+msgid "Check whether the required range is available and is conforms to account limits."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:48
+# be8cff382a7748e4a75c68c3f8aa3dd7
+msgid "The maximum IPs per account limit cannot be superseded."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:52
+# 17f5e888607c4537816aa2f2e8b7c363
+msgid "Dedicating IP Address Ranges to an Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:54
+# 5409cfc1bd6f4b41bdd23eee4d6b9396
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:56
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:126
+# b8615267486a44ff8ee964b26529f16d
+# ba51a55851504a869dc0f28d293993ad
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:58
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:128
+# b1c57a90f0c843c4906f95e699dd7d13
+# 2a38ee721dc8442f850ff993fa52de59
+msgid "In Zones, click View All."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:60
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:130
+# defb870416a14ff0a7ea37bf68b8e890
+# 207025dba9b843299213868bf721e0d2
+msgid "Choose the zone you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:62
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:132
+# 04eaa49757a64adf830002153cf8db20
+# cea8888967a844ccbb283c973f4b9482
+msgid "Click the Physical Network tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:64
+# fd016a6c74fa4aceb46c592a01f82621
+msgid "In the Public node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:66
+# abe4deb76feb40fd9fa6dd1461e1dec3
+msgid "Click the IP Ranges tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:68
+# 3686de2bd0e24c578fb64abcd3b86fbc
+msgid "You can either assign an existing IP range to an account, or create a new IP range and assign to an account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:71
+# 90bc5a3040c541cb95831323867cee7d
+msgid "To assign an existing IP range to an account, perform the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:73
+# 196250a3ddc54abc978d437ea8ba3f96
+msgid "Locate the IP range you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:75
+# 0a707d3297ad4ccfa38f80baa7690816
+msgid "Click Add Account |addAccount-icon.png| button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:77
+# 3aaf2af3bb8f4c9485ae2e0ada7aee73
+msgid "The Add Account dialog is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:79
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:89
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:107
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:142
+# b99e236f412f4946af47669c8d62396e
+# eedc80b2aa5c4c8696da4d4b51a28179
+# 39b98908344542aeb2e40bdbf9550571
+# f6dc925b4c634b9fa0523254d12380bb
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:81
+# 64e4bf3c9f034ef4adb32087be1bc7aa
+msgid "**Account**: The account to which you want to assign the IP address range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:84
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:112
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:150
+# d15ca620e8154bf9ad213a256496e6e0
+# 09ac68b8a6f24e84b36a726d6058809b
+# f8da528d9cdd447fb262d7ca5542308f
+msgid "**Domain**: The domain associated with the account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:86
+# 06d6686b378e4a22a762e94353aee862
+msgid "To create a new IP range and assign an account, perform the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:91
+# dd52a8808d1b44e7ba133f213439d71d
+msgid "**Gateway**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:93
+# 781ca41349a949cca28101dfea1676d5
+msgid "**Netmask**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:95
+# 1b745bfb0a6443e1a0f947860308e044
+msgid "**VLAN**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:97
+# 9526ce220e2941459d408f259d6e9b30
+msgid "**Start IP**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:99
+# a55c7588b51f4a84afa7fa78fc58ed5e
+msgid "**End IP**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:101
+# 9282436854274ee485b8c2df6ba7f342
+msgid "**Account**: Perform the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:103
+# 678fa43c9d524b8fbb3ca453d599d6f1
+msgid "Click Account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:105
+# 58e785cf6c3f4544af852a60e9ff4639
+msgid "The Add Account page is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:109
+# c1b6c5a339b940b7907cfc3fd14b35d6
+msgid "**Account**: The account to which you want to assign an IP address range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:115
+# e54b45158ec1469392091a64574cbb55
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:117
+# cbf3d4473399404684b33c48a92e0148
+msgid "Click Add."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:121
+# 8d933442217c4288b95b7ed71f57b95f
+msgid "Dedicating VLAN Ranges to an Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:123
+# d7e1ce8c0be24d57b606cd1a7b4ac29e
+msgid "After the CloudStack Management Server is installed, log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:134
+# 68317dc975da4182878b75c19ec73b1e
+msgid "In the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:136
+# de0ffdc9f48d4d068a50a53f85c49cea
+msgid "Select the Dedicated VLAN Ranges tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:138
+# d7319cdb148746849dba29b0a020ce01
+msgid "Click Dedicate VLAN Range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:140
+# 6037b47944d9429aad5df0dd7981dace
+msgid "The Dedicate VLAN Range dialog is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:144
+# 564cf1e324b54969924910efd7c3f00b
+msgid "**VLAN Range**: The VLAN range that you want to assign to an account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:147
+# b2c4b566d49c4a3b99b3268f4e867233
+msgid "**Account**: The account to which you want to assign the selected VLAN range."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/releasing_an_ip_address.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/releasing_an_ip_address.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a982ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/pot/networking/releasing_an_ip_address.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
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+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:18
+# c50d06f60c5d483ba5f4799c50384e9c
+msgid "Releasing an IP Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:20
+# 3a245bdefb444425ad5f7bd6a1ea5de2
+msgid "When the last rule for an IP address is removed, you can release that IP address. The IP address still belongs to the VPC; however, it can be picked up for any guest network again."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:24
+# 99e24197740148e683aa3ffad5870800
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:26
+# da80f79b21a846878018930987c87ffd
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:28
+# 24863c020eb04ba9808fc2e0f24e0760
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:30
+# 1e70144ba5394954a2c92850335b7555
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:32
+# 3f542514484849b1bfde31aa95ec3a25
+msgid "Click the IP address you want to release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:34
+# 7851cee0ec9c4ea3a8d5309aa5f84d40
+msgid "Click the Release IP button. |ReleaseIPButton.png|"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/remote_access_vpn.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/remote_access_vpn.pot
new file mode 100644
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
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+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:18
+# 037fa60a2e2f4601bf22e714a97fe0fd
+msgid "Remote Access VPN"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:20
+# 8202b8f150584992995c6c6f69a2c907
+msgid "CloudStack account owners can create virtual private networks (VPN) to access their virtual machines. If the guest network is instantiated from a network offering that offers the Remote Access VPN service, the virtual router (based on the System VM) is used to provide the service. CloudStack provides a L2TP-over-IPsec-based remote access VPN service to guest virtual networks. Since each network gets its own virtual router, VPNs are not shared across the networks. VPN clients native to Windows, Mac OS X and iOS can be used to connect to the guest networks. The account owner can create and manage users for their VPN. CloudStack does not use its account database for this purpose but uses a separate table. The VPN user database is shared across all the VPNs created by the account owner. All VPN users get access to all VPNs created by the account owner."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:35
+# a8a54e6134ab4ebaae71aeb42d0ad32b
+msgid "Make sure that not all traffic goes through the VPN. That is, the route installed by the VPN should be only for the guest network and not for all traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:39
+# a107bc4ab6624b839681adafc00d60e1
+msgid "**Road Warrior / Remote Access**. Users want to be able to connect securely from a home or office to a private network in the cloud. Typically, the IP address of the connecting client is dynamic and cannot be preconfigured on the VPN server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:44
+# 7b5e742bfe7f429794320cf1c32ffdfc
+msgid "**Site to Site**. In this scenario, two private subnets are connected over the public Internet with a secure VPN tunnel. The cloud user's subnet (for example, an office network) is connected through a gateway to the network in the cloud. The address of the user's gateway must be preconfigured on the VPN server in the cloud. Note that although L2TP-over-IPsec can be used to set up Site-to-Site VPNs, this is not the primary intent of this feature. For more information, see \":ref:`setting-s2s-vpn-conn`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:55
+# 3411c8387ca84f18bd032795907f4585
+msgid "Configuring Remote Access VPN"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:57
+# b5e1d88079c447ba9d2baa0e3f5cf685
+msgid "To set up VPN for the cloud:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:59
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:301
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:411
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:431
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:493
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:624
+# 85153916f2a94aeb80faa2c9f22cfcea
+# e7cff502f3494c00b665a1b732e05fb1
+# 7fd5ac75573d435b8c164435b6b50404
+# ab1f2323529a48e8a071e9baa44284e3
+# 6dfbddbad973426b8d6704da05fb2166
+# ce7c03a477b84c029914728fac5f85d5
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:61
+# ef4d98e4df0149d797b4aebfc0dbdc03
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Global Settings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:63
+# 6915f23eef3f4ddfaf19ba566058535d
+msgid "Set the following global configuration parameters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:65
+# b46467b5e34e436389d14380f0094d63
+msgid "remote.access.vpn.client.ip.range - The range of IP addresses to be allocated to remote access VPN clients. The first IP in the range is used by the VPN server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:69
+# ad4d961d0bf3453ebc21a59b09ad0207
+msgid "remote.access.vpn.psk.length - Length of the IPSec key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:71
+# a89aef80d75a49a9bf21eed458b3a570
+msgid "remote.access.vpn.user.limit - Maximum number of VPN users per account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:74
+# 115f9b2e63704bd7b8d0880401243098
+msgid "To enable VPN for a particular network:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:76
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:101
+# 1cbcce1e10884bc0906f10625b02b967
+# d3065ab6ac634b4ab6d37d5cc5f6b0f8
+msgid "Log in as a user or administrator to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:78
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:103
+# 911488c63a744096b46e3c6ffffb13be
+# d221bc15811f454fbe75a5f60599eddf
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:80
+# 6c20446c6a1442f5997a8515ffe0e2b7
+msgid "Click the name of the network you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:82
+# a23f38b6e2c8464bb754dcb7965bd45e
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:84
+# ddf12be035374568a290af5640b40e74
+msgid "Click one of the displayed IP address names."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:86
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:140
+# 41e32709f78944188aa733087e185747
+# 29b34df35b844a28a5c4da345fb4deca
+msgid "Click the Enable VPN button. |vpn-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:88
+# 2721223cf47046fa977985536715b7f7
+msgid "The IPsec key is displayed in a popup window."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:92
+# 4837a25ffda64a66818f80b1160c7cd2
+msgid "Configuring Remote Access VPN in VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:94
+# c157c1f5cdd34780971c2d08fa7c492c
+msgid "On enabling Remote Access VPN on a VPC, any VPN client present outside the VPC can access VMs present in the VPC by using the Remote VPN connection. The VPN client can be present anywhere except inside the VPC on which the user enabled the Remote Access VPN service."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:99
+# 5254f550923d4da39985b04b9a5b5054
+msgid "To enable VPN for a VPC:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:105
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:435
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:497
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:628
+# 12f54511f47d449693acfea97e8d4600
+# 435bbd53f5414d84ba589387bf3fdce6
+# b89124caf1504a709e89424403a433ed
+# 7f0dcc6104d34e828aed248a3d1e5382
+msgid "In the Select view, select VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:107
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:437
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:630
+# 7febfd652a0f4a4a9e44f110742bf34a
+# f923f2ca6046405ab0c396e3ca9d07ec
+# 07d5aa607fb94d8b9968b055618eea1c
+msgid "All the VPCs that you have created for the account is listed in the page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:110
+# 9c932fa1898c4fef97f99b0535e90a08
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:112
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:446
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:509
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:641
+# 83859c50046f48e4b614cd9f79148c16
+# 15f6f70e22df4f90868d62f6c93d09f7
+# 22a5c413786843acb09faad526a6e8e0
+# b4e49b76aea54ad6a1b5116db84dd6d6
+msgid "For each tier, the following options are displayed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:114
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:448
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:511
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:643
+# f709cfb9270544caa350d3649e206913
+# 1e135a9023a3449996277c5654e0ffe8
+# 36d751e518594344814cd905fce95167
+# 5f29611ae8024e66a507590e86ca1301
+msgid "Internal LB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:116
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:450
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:513
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:645
+# 38b29ff504c24ecc8d7d54f35ab29998
+# d744448419454b5ba7aae6c638c1f8fd
+# 7e6e21ff676c435d902e75134d2341e5
+# b7dd123eea7d460aa99844bad34e0f91
+msgid "Public LB IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:118
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:452
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:515
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:647
+# 74d00e17afdf47d8a79f5c8f0a90a214
+# 404668f335f04d41947db0129e79e65f
+# bee509b27e7c4c9985f5bd7c9169ecaf
+# 7f14717fbb6e471c9e00e2f7622cfa7b
+msgid "Static NAT"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:120
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:454
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:517
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:649
+# 6fd6582e4c7d47019c91a20d69646e3a
+# e333c5792fca4359b9348192f5918984
+# bdf83d752fbc42ef93ab96051cdf7700
+# 30265536e81c46c2879ee0cca63d1297
+msgid "Virtual Machines"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:122
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:456
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:519
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:651
+# 8696dd08ef2d4b6a816ecd0095cdf602
+# f1f39145e71e46b09b4c26ce0175e5b8
+# fe3c8f334ef04b4aa83e3850c9666137
+# 54ff7edf855e482da2b26688c543effe
+msgid "CIDR"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:124
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:458
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:521
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:653
+# 1bd24a8501fd4efd8cd4d0eba492ce37
+# e7a3e4a10b2e484f8b311cdb938a0e47
+# 95e13a760c004dc9a119ddf73d83d0fa
+# 5605be5958c24cb5a0f534dbdecdfa40
+msgid "The following router information is displayed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:126
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:460
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:523
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:655
+# 8d80f7dd9bcc41f38e801ab022f3fa7d
+# 5c726601395a427e9f541bf544194e40
+# 8b623ab0e8764c58bad6a828685b3cce
+# 71bcceb5de54474b88583e11b88f962e
+msgid "Private Gateways"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:128
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:462
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:525
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:657
+# 0b3d0e7c6eac4b83b9912d3af84c76b3
+# 582728e1b1c043f0bde4a3c35e0ebaba
+# df66b830cc464227ab4da8790a6275bf
+# 4055bdef61d847dc91261a6fc6346d1d
+msgid "Public IP Addresses"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:130
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:464
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:527
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:659
+# 9ce2994577cc43f9bd1f86225e23149e
+# fbf89a2ae9534ea18fb4673230aa75fb
+# 0720a5b1037e49ffbf44a70beacd5c9b
+# 3ade6e74142f446c9bea2329e2828be8
+msgid "Site-to-Site VPNs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:132
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:466
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:529
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:661
+# 8c10e84bb92143eb918356bda1b0e7e5
+# 376033730f8d4e0b88fc25e1b6fdea80
+# a7e9c55327984532a4460a2b4ba05bb4
+# cd29b4ee7b0c4da0aec784bb04dce7e6
+msgid "Network ACL Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:134
+# c45c88d1e8af4023bd23142b7397edd5
+msgid "In the Router node, select Public IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:136
+# 2334ea7959384b2bbf5138eb8c7aaf78
+msgid "The IP Addresses page is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:138
+# 31440b2a6daa47d2a5ff458a51ca81cc
+msgid "Click Source NAT IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:142
+# 8cf058b60a184e129abe4d2bc8ade840
+msgid "Click OK to confirm. The IPsec key is displayed in a pop-up window."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:144
+# 36c398fbda5b45599ac36f3b5b77e97d
+msgid "Now, you need to add the VPN users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:146
+# a6d5430b813547dabde217104eba046a
+msgid "Click the Source NAT IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:148
+# 88ac91cdca464aa8a924d7cbca73f3df
+msgid "Select the VPN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:150
+# 76a034604e9a4113a46051cde33b0cd8
+msgid "Add the username and the corresponding password of the user you wanted to add."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:153
+# f388fc2f4f0749f5bbb9e062d57f1137
+msgid "Click Add."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:155
+# c491f786e1874564b25032b670c35f98
+msgid "Repeat the same steps to add the VPN users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:159
+# d3c8df533b2c4e659158e77c8669a813
+msgid "Using Remote Access VPN with Windows"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:161
+# d03485e36a8744758782e81ab88041d1
+msgid "The procedure to use VPN varies by Windows version. Generally, the user must edit the VPN properties and make sure that the default route is not the VPN. The following steps are for Windows L2TP clients on Windows Vista. The commands should be similar for other Windows versions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:166
+# 98196e5429de407da75adf5f3ce7cf8d
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI and click on the source NAT IP for the account. The VPN tab should display the IPsec preshared key. Make a note of this and the source NAT IP. The UI also lists one or more users and their passwords. Choose one of these users, or, if none exists, add a user and password."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:172
+# 6a896fa8431d479195d161efebf56672
+msgid "On the Windows box, go to Control Panel, then select Network and Sharing center. Click Setup a connection or network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:175
+# 8e983aa928b444228e689749e8fc0801
+msgid "In the next dialog, select No, create a new connection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:177
+# 98f484c7652c45d2ae57690d719610ed
+msgid "In the next dialog, select Use my Internet Connection (VPN)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:179
+# 784c5c041ba94caea475a667add0adcd
+msgid "In the next dialog, enter the source NAT IP from step #1 and give the connection a name. Check Don't connect now."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:183
+# 41d1540c0a7d401a9c549bd5304f18ce
+msgid "In the next dialog, enter the user name and password selected in step #1."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:186
+# 3cbbd674fd8d412c90bfbbeb8f607ea0
+msgid "Click Create."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:188
+# 85a9ef6f201e47f584255229980b3d87
+msgid "Go back to the Control Panel and click Network Connections to see the new connection. The connection is not active yet."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:191
+# 1d169d66dd744654bd8ea7dd62a677a6
+msgid "Right-click the new connection and select Properties. In the Properties dialog, select the Networking tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:196
+# a191730de1684f06a3d729e5cde2e487
+msgid "In Type of VPN, choose L2TP IPsec VPN, then click IPsec settings. Select Use preshared key. Enter the preshared key from step #1."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:199
+# 343858b6c3e5498fad0bd34b503e792d
+msgid "The connection is ready for activation. Go back to Control Panel -> Network Connections and double-click the created connection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:202
+# e60c05ee4aef40d38a3a0b01aade9b5e
+msgid "Enter the user name and password from step #1."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:206
+# d1cfefca174a4554a0c4170ec0c49f9b
+msgid "Using Remote Access VPN with Mac OS X"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:208
+# 728cc61e43c440459c1ad6252a2f6b97
+msgid "First, be sure you've configured the VPN settings in your CloudStack install. This section is only concerned with connecting via Mac OS X to your VPN."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:212
+# b3185af9f4534991ad3e3e5b66f47da2
+msgid "Note, these instructions were written on Mac OS X 10.7.5. They may differ slightly in older or newer releases of Mac OS X."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:215
+# 6f2aaf1e33d6421db0f521c5820d02c8
+msgid "On your Mac, open System Preferences and click Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:217
+# 26e7088ea9494f94922f1a8f5e0ad753
+msgid "Make sure Send all traffic over VPN connection is not checked."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:219
+# 8e0600ca2c9546a2b3905659b64a835b
+msgid "If your preferences are locked, you'll need to click the lock in the bottom left-hand corner to make any changes and provide your administrator credentials."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:223
+# da1ba33a066b4415a728d14ab936780c
+msgid "You will need to create a new network entry. Click the plus icon on the bottom left-hand side and you'll see a dialog that says \"Select the interface and enter a name for the new service.\" Select VPN from the Interface drop-down menu, and \"L2TP over IPSec\" for the VPN Type. Enter whatever you like within the \"Service Name\" field."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:229
+# b96bb5f3c9534d3384752b6c652405b5
+msgid "You'll now have a new network interface with the name of whatever you put in the \"Service Name\" field. For the purposes of this example, we'll assume you've named it \"CloudStack.\" Click on that interface and provide the IP address of the interface for your VPN under the Server Address field, and the user name for your VPN under Account Name."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:236
+# db5b3b2b72e449368be600488d32a212
+msgid "Click Authentication Settings, and add the user's password under User Authentication and enter the pre-shared IPSec key in the Shared Secret field under Machine Authentication. Click OK."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:240
+# 79ff11baad9844c9a7bb84f19aac4703
+msgid "You may also want to click the \"Show VPN status in menu bar\" but that's entirely optional."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:243
+# 74b926642e7d49ca925804a4d6d99abc
+msgid "Now click \"Connect\" and you will be connected to the CloudStack VPN."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:249
+# fb0aef197790435d95971b0006f98a9d
+msgid "Setting Up a Site-to-Site VPN Connection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:251
+# b113a5a8546b4ce8b1a7507f2b860ad7
+msgid "A Site-to-Site VPN connection helps you establish a secure connection from an enterprise datacenter to the cloud infrastructure. This allows users to access the guest VMs by establishing a VPN connection to the virtual router of the account from a device in the datacenter of the enterprise. You can also establish a secure connection between two VPC setups or high availability zones in your environment. Having this facility eliminates the need to establish VPN connections to individual VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:260
+# ec0ce935716740158c031ebf544b7294
+msgid "The difference from Remote VPN is that Site-to-site VPNs connects entire networks to each other, for example, connecting a branch office network to a company headquarters network. In a site-to-site VPN, hosts do not have VPN client software; they send and receive normal TCP/IP traffic through a VPN gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:266
+# 79120b77963b4f77afa51573e6ad1ca7
+msgid "The supported endpoints on the remote datacenters are:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:268
+# 34aba4dd56884ad3871e85272aab2acf
+msgid "Cisco ISR with IOS 12.4 or later"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:270
+# 95978dcfdbf34c2886952ee16cb6e16d
+msgid "Juniper J-Series routers with JunOS 9.5 or later"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:272
+# 272a2a827c494e90a6b2d52dc96b7f0b
+msgid "CloudStack virtual routers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:275
+# 8c16297c0eab4c72b6a2a29b0f4866d1
+msgid "In addition to the specific Cisco and Juniper devices listed above, the expectation is that any Cisco or Juniper device running on the supported operating systems are able to establish VPN connections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:279
+# eb701cb20d40405b9ca1d79ce15b681f
+msgid "To set up a Site-to-Site VPN connection, perform the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:281
+# b5f397a7a64b47168a74fb1618810e5c
+msgid "Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:283
+# 1d44be641cf042b99841b146bb055956
+msgid "See \":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:285
+# f1ff67e23d7d4eaeb81c1b5686399942
+msgid "Create a VPN Customer Gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:287
+# e3425171b9504f5b958d0802ca1a55ce
+msgid "Create a VPN gateway for the VPC that you created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:289
+# 6d0964544a6944f39ec8eafdaf587428
+msgid "Create VPN connection from the VPC VPN gateway to the customer VPN gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:294
+# 3d85874020904fbdb261885b5e2f05ce
+msgid "Creating and Updating a VPN Customer Gateway"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:297
+# 9b0857af13544aaebee5984422c93195
+msgid "A VPN customer gateway can be connected to only one VPN gateway at a time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:299
+# 1a951a0ee8d54164b9b99ff9cd080e58
+msgid "To add a VPN Customer Gateway:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:303
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:413
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:433
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:495
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:626
+# 6a26e636eb224d1eb75c9782de7c830d
+# affc98b5cd4b401086e5e00f9e69ac90
+# 23c81aa674f64826830390c49839730c
+# 98dc2f6f69d341b0b1867f35102e20ff
+# d4efd83e728b439eaa8408bd783d0c11
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:305
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:415
+# b0e99af0f0014e1aa156dd7f2644f23a
+# cf4e8a6aa8be4c3e9c92bd5f84e9b571
+msgid "In the Select view, select VPN Customer Gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:307
+# 51d8e12e75dd47e4b2d4a9c52da89be9
+msgid "Click Add VPN Customer Gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:309
+# e72b7822c85649f99f01e845e1418844
+msgid "|addvpncustomergateway.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:311
+# 0810d2cb133043b4858badbc2e4ac704
+msgid "Provide the following information:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:313
+# 372ec8983a514ad3b0927d01bc30fae6
+msgid "**Name**: A unique name for the VPN customer gateway you create."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:315
+# 0cd283ba65a241cf97d90b2c5f04c36f
+msgid "**Gateway**: The IP address for the remote gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:317
+# 0e3f2efe75f7454e9f2ac706604f832d
+msgid "**CIDR list**: The guest CIDR list of the remote subnets. Enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. Ensure that a guest CIDR list is not overlapped with the VPC's CIDR, or another guest CIDR. The CIDR must be RFC1918-compliant."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:322
+# 929c5f444fae4aee88faa98a926d0f52
+msgid "**IPsec Preshared Key**: Preshared keying is a method where the endpoints of the VPN share a secret key. This key value is used to authenticate the customer gateway and the VPC VPN gateway to each other."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:328
+# 171abb6f27ef471eae87fd0718d714af
+msgid "The IKE peers (VPN end points) authenticate each other by computing and sending a keyed hash of data that includes the Preshared key. If the receiving peer is able to create the same hash independently by using its Preshared key, it knows that both peers must share the same secret, thus authenticating the customer gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:335
+# a4553b53ccb04b358a278545e87eb9bd
+msgid "**IKE Encryption**: The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) policy for phase-1. The supported encryption algorithms are AES128, AES192, AES256, and 3DES. Authentication is accomplished through the Preshared Keys."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:341
+# 3bb40218a4db49e0aa09d5983d57a8fa
+msgid "The phase-1 is the first phase in the IKE process. In this initial negotiation phase, the two VPN endpoints agree on the methods to be used to provide security for the underlying IP traffic. The phase-1 authenticates the two VPN gateways to each other, by confirming that the remote gateway has a matching Preshared Key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:347
+# a5e3619f28fb487987386ff3359d079b
+msgid "**IKE Hash**: The IKE hash for phase-1. The supported hash algorithms are SHA1 and MD5."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:350
+# 998f798e068147c69b96d5332181acdd
+msgid "**IKE DH**: A public-key cryptography protocol which allows two parties to establish a shared secret over an insecure communications channel. The 1536-bit Diffie-Hellman group is used within IKE to establish session keys. The supported options are None, Group-5 (1536-bit) and Group-2 (1024-bit)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:356
+# 34c98169c2dd4375a23dff45d764590d
+msgid "**ESP Encryption**: Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) algorithm within phase-2. The supported encryption algorithms are AES128, AES192, AES256, and 3DES."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:361
+# c61b40cf82de4f9fb6c45b8e0172b4b4
+msgid "The phase-2 is the second phase in the IKE process. The purpose of IKE phase-2 is to negotiate IPSec security associations (SA) to set up the IPSec tunnel. In phase-2, new keying material is extracted from the Diffie-Hellman key exchange in phase-1, to provide session keys to use in protecting the VPN data flow."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:367
+# 71d47a66a42f4a04b2540e69eba4cdd9
+msgid "**ESP Hash**: Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) hash for phase-2. Supported hash algorithms are SHA1 and MD5."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:370
+# 2378eab3a19b42cda0e954ae2c70bb38
+msgid "**Perfect Forward Secrecy**: Perfect Forward Secrecy (or PFS) is the property that ensures that a session key derived from a set of long-term public and private keys will not be compromised. This property enforces a new Diffie-Hellman key exchange. It provides the keying material that has greater key material life and thereby greater resistance to cryptographic attacks. The available options are None, Group-5 (1536-bit) and Group-2 (1024-bit). The security of the key exchanges increase as the DH groups grow larger, as does the time of the exchanges."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:381
+# de12259eb62f48c294bc324395468d43
+msgid "When PFS is turned on, for every negotiation of a new phase-2 SA the two gateways must generate a new set of phase-1 keys. This adds an extra layer of protection that PFS adds, which ensures if the phase-2 SA's have expired, the keys used for new phase-2 SA's have not been generated from the current phase-1 keying material."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:387
+# c29472e88000476ea8eb3f3165f58da4
+msgid "**IKE Lifetime (seconds)**: The phase-1 lifetime of the security association in seconds. Default is 86400 seconds (1 day). Whenever the time expires, a new phase-1 exchange is performed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:391
+# c05a91d5e2b44d7a9ea842e762a6f4a0
+msgid "**ESP Lifetime (seconds)**: The phase-2 lifetime of the security association in seconds. Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour). Whenever the value is exceeded, a re-key is initiated to provide a new IPsec encryption and authentication session keys."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:396
+# 9afba73f17a3471faa8cff978bb64495
+msgid "**Dead Peer Detection**: A method to detect an unavailable Internet Key Exchange (IKE) peer. Select this option if you want the virtual router to query the liveliness of its IKE peer at regular intervals. It's recommended to have the same configuration of DPD on both side of VPN connection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:402
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:425
+# 4d12f59b777c48e98fb18ab2bace355d
+# a65f0ba427b04b6da2bdc39a05acba02
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:406
+# 460983ec4dd64370b650944e21d45b75
+msgid "Updating and Removing a VPN Customer Gateway"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:408
+# 47640086ca6e4122a862027f6e528af6
+msgid "You can update a customer gateway either with no VPN connection, or related VPN connection is in error state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:417
+# eee4a55897da4f06b44795327c878110
+msgid "Select the VPN customer gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:419
+# 9dc617447a9c48df92819b996a8e3b39
+msgid "To modify the required parameters, click the Edit VPN Customer Gateway button |vpn-edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:422
+# 0c3c4beedfb2453cb03958649454d3d2
+msgid "To remove the VPN customer gateway, click the Delete VPN Customer Gateway button |delete.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:429
+# ae45fd8564384b9a8682a662011196da
+msgid "Creating a VPN gateway for the VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:440
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:501
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:633
+# addf23d2b2b14d9c80370bc70f64ec94
+# 8ab2d3e53e83433ab4cf699e916d89d9
+# 5ece94a59df34ecdb036ac45fc49bd06
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC to which you want to deploy the VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:443
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:504
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:636
+# af1a9268a6da4a45922589c847776234
+# 1ccf3bf911414951aeb77508e82aa992
+# 433faedb39a3413c8ce1f220f5e22560
+msgid "The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you created are listed in a diagram."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:468
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:531
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:663
+# 3152bcd237704f96b4a1b897b801f81b
+# 5a72231d602e4625acd0cbd4b0af4f7e
+# 243047505a8c40e1aadfa9dfbc091f0c
+msgid "Select Site-to-Site VPN."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:470
+# 626b08a7444c4baeb387b316fcf8921d
+msgid "If you are creating the VPN gateway for the first time, selecting Site-to-Site VPN prompts you to create a VPN gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:473
+# c46b3f642ec240738664d6765c1d736f
+msgid "In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to confirm."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:475
+# 6dbf5c6dc5984bc896785e8d81f1fa0d
+msgid "Within a few moments, the VPN gateway is created. You will be prompted to view the details of the VPN gateway you have created. Click Yes to confirm."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:479
+# 62c9ff637a9c46beb4a187d9d333e711
+msgid "The following details are displayed in the VPN Gateway page:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:481
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:561
+# 202a6b9a51f3470d89bb84bb2c9579a8
+# 47435eb81ccf40eab149e9b0abb9213e
+msgid "IP Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:483
+# 46f2ea07f3744ac381add8029488f5d3
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:485
+# bad02846a1ee4160a278abb51303de1f
+msgid "Domain"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:489
+# b0b08d6daddb48409f581811786b76cf
+msgid "Creating a VPN Connection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:491
+# 596c1d39f0fe47fa8b05ff9b321ae507
+msgid "CloudStack supports creating up to 8 VPN connections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:499
+# a61e029b8b514adfa93c97620ffff95f
+msgid "All the VPCs that you create for the account are listed in the page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:507
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:639
+# 690702b545754083adec40f20d69acb4
+# 614430ff17c8485fae7ddb094273ef06
+msgid "Click the Settings icon."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:533
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:665
+# 86dbf74b2c6e4f0aab3f252fafd89f2c
+# fab72af09a284fd2800ff51645f071bf
+msgid "The Site-to-Site VPN page is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:535
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:667
+# db4dc2719dd6405eb250f62908eef010
+# 207bfc2acd9e434887770513a245873b
+msgid "From the Select View drop-down, ensure that VPN Connection is selected."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:538
+# 950eac49657f4a29a9fba1b973577867
+msgid "Click Create VPN Connection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:540
+# 916fc10dd39346ada9828e3a2a80ffda
+msgid "The Create VPN Connection dialog is displayed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:542
+# 87888fff4a5f4664be5c4c03fc2ecf6a
+msgid "|createvpnconnection.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:544
+# 4b6cc407b8bc4a728fb3328f0ce53f3f
+msgid "Select the desired customer gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:546
+# 6776ab8d9fad4c2d8956d78ff11ab998
+msgid "Select Passive if you want to establish a connection between two VPC virtual routers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:549
+# 513eee2d7f8745a4b338c8ea142fae05
+msgid "If you want to establish a connection between two VPC virtual routers, select Passive only on one of the VPC virtual routers, which waits for the other VPC virtual router to initiate the connection. Do not select Passive on the VPC virtual router that initiates the connection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:555
+# dd03407d4f064ec99ea68bb066d2289e
+msgid "Click OK to confirm."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:557
+# d4c274e9cecb44bcad1ba67ed65069e4
+msgid "Within a few moments, the VPN Connection is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:559
+# 42dd7918225d458f980e458924b262f3
+msgid "The following information on the VPN connection is displayed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:563
+# 64fdbdcdfac148dea0883db2615bf0ed
+msgid "Gateway"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:565
+# 8ac547f2f1574131adc8c69d4e3c30ef
+msgid "State"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:567
+# d2a5bd51a6e347e89857750706114fc9
+msgid "IPSec Preshared Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:569
+# ccfea0cb9ae34777990aa348b7a9c23f
+msgid "IKE Policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:571
+# bc29ecfda06848f78a8cc694b3f6d47b
+msgid "ESP Policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:575
+# 57cee5dc2eed4f6a9164c4838ebdc9d6
+msgid "Site-to-Site VPN Connection Between VPC Networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:577
+# d8f9f929fafd40e6895122549b022754
+msgid "CloudStack provides you with the ability to establish a site-to-site VPN connection between CloudStack virtual routers. To achieve that, add a passive mode Site-to-Site VPN. With this functionality, users can deploy applications in multiple Availability Zones or VPCs, which can communicate with each other by using a secure Site-to-Site VPN Tunnel."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:583
+# 2fb087843cd04fafa3beba95a3ae2af1
+msgid "This feature is supported on all the hypervisors."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:585
+# 217a4da322cc4f8caa7e04c029779c8b
+msgid "Create two VPCs. For example, VPC A and VPC B."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:587
+# a78d89e3621346c8a11277927e8dc502
+msgid "For more information, see \":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:589
+# 09b752dc4d4e4cd29912fcbe352309fa
+msgid "Create VPN gateways on both the VPCs you created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:591
+# b9af87b346ef40889104b5a1f40c7702
+msgid "For more information, see `\"Creating a VPN gateway for the VPC\" <#creating-a-vpn-gateway-for-the-vpc>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:594
+# 29d8db01114c458e8d855996c22e0664
+msgid "Create VPN customer gateway for both the VPCs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:596
+# 1a50b7ef681f4cb48c15d30e08dfd1e7
+msgid "For more information, see `\"Creating and Updating a VPN Customer Gateway\" <#creating-and-updating-a-vpn-customer-gateway>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:599
+# c9013d4ec4c74444a40bf745ae0a5544
+msgid "Enable a VPN connection on VPC A in passive mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:601
+# 8fb700491eeb4156a1c7549d81a78346
+msgid "For more information, see `\"Creating a VPN Connection\" <#creating-a-vpn-connection>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:604
+# e8dd1dd51dd34f57ac10161220734be4
+msgid "Ensure that the customer gateway is pointed to VPC B. The VPN connection is shown in the Disconnected state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:607
+# eca76af9d9304b17982a0bb977a12547
+msgid "Enable a VPN connection on VPC B."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:609
+# 79e9417cc7294b70bd95236d9c2c80ac
+msgid "Ensure that the customer gateway is pointed to VPC A. Because virtual router of VPC A, in this case, is in passive mode and is waiting for the virtual router of VPC B to initiate the connection, VPC B virtual router should not be in passive mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:614
+# cf0657024acb43ea8028262bf74a9848
+msgid "The VPN connection is shown in the Disconnected state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:616
+# 4c18218889914f65b2fe355d4568b407
+msgid "Creating VPN connection on both the VPCs initiates a VPN connection. Wait for few seconds. The default is 30 seconds for both the VPN connections to show the Connected state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:622
+# 84118e99c0b14f49b14160c3975dad17
+msgid "Restarting and Removing a VPN Connection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:670
+# 090940869ab44e80b8e9c4ea04fa48ec
+msgid "All the VPN connections you created are displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:672
+# b921e72e9ca74e75b9c515a87f105b9a
+msgid "Select the VPN connection you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:674
+# 2387d86e243f469f84a0cee989324610
+msgid "The Details tab is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:676
+# 345c5bfe23d84fd09f56e0e34de09e29
+msgid "To remove a VPN connection, click the Delete VPN connection button |remove-vpn.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:679
+# 8d1a3cf378554f51a5702b0710c331f2
+msgid "To restart a VPN connection, click the Reset VPN connection button present in the Details tab. |reset-vpn.png|"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/security_groups.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/security_groups.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52a4a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/pot/networking/security_groups.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:18
+# b67087ae536e4b77ac5668f8f3f73ba8
+msgid "Security Groups"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:21
+# 1397d3fadf7d45779a890fb7156cf142
+msgid "About Security Groups"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:23
+# 965e0935679141b0bc89e0d82dc1cff8
+msgid "Security groups provide a way to isolate traffic to VMs. A security group is a group of VMs that filter their incoming and outgoing traffic according to a set of rules, called ingress and egress rules. These rules filter network traffic according to the IP address that is attempting to communicate with the VM. Security groups are particularly useful in zones that use basic networking, because there is a single guest network for all guest VMs. In advanced zones, security groups are supported only on the KVM hypervisor."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:33
+# 7cc1c024596546c4837b5e09cef7f7db
+msgid "In a zone that uses advanced networking, you can instead define multiple guest networks to isolate traffic to VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:36
+# bd8429af9a564cd398104231d1bfc2d9
+msgid "Each CloudStack account comes with a default security group that denies all inbound traffic and allows all outbound traffic. The default security group can be modified so that all new VMs inherit some other desired set of rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:41
+# 3eb3f0e93cf04d8a9c2a967e8ff3a11c
+msgid "Any CloudStack user can set up any number of additional security groups. When a new VM is launched, it is assigned to the default security group unless another user-defined security group is specified. A VM can be a member of any number of security groups. Once a VM is assigned to a security group, it remains in that group for its entire lifetime; you can not move a running VM from one security group to another."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:48
+# 1d91c7babdd54f38b62e9e65788a8a7c
+msgid "You can modify a security group by deleting or adding any number of ingress and egress rules. When you do, the new rules apply to all VMs in the group, whether running or stopped."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:52
+# f705f2a195b240f49ffc0cbe9aaa253a
+msgid "If no ingress rules are specified, then no traffic will be allowed in, except for responses to any traffic that has been allowed out through an egress rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:58
+# 7fa1798aea704a55b545171eb64a16bd
+msgid "Adding a Security Group"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:60
+# f7cc763899ad4df99b9e927ef37eabb4
+msgid "A user or administrator can define a new security group."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:62
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:124
+# a026f1875e7f4cec8447b013bf2d7a78
+# 27e30ee65cbe485bb8e7370a38b75281
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:64
+# 344ee6a79a674e88a4a61b24b0a01b42
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:66
+# 07579af87ecd4f1d8bd6e66835cb2958
+msgid "In Select view, choose Security Groups."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:68
+# 23507439460f427cb5be523f65e254fb
+msgid "Click Add Security Group."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:70
+# a530b7d59d194fb18081a92d396a272a
+msgid "Provide a name and description."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:72
+# 237fc184482448589b8a2eb7c3c70e76
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:74
+# 34ea82240e9c456ab55ff2f0d5756566
+msgid "The new security group appears in the Security Groups Details tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:76
+# df20adfc9c2e43b9b56c6f1119a9d73f
+msgid "To make the security group useful, continue to Adding Ingress and Egress Rules to a Security Group."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:81
+# 0a506fc7186b4a0c8a15ae463c4793e1
+msgid "Security Groups in Advanced Zones (KVM Only)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:83
+# b2a6fb8be2384189ae73c2430ce94159
+msgid "CloudStack provides the ability to use security groups to provide isolation between guests on a single shared, zone-wide network in an advanced zone where KVM is the hypervisor. Using security groups in advanced zones rather than multiple VLANs allows a greater range of options for setting up guest isolation in a cloud."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:91
+# 180782afad3643f1ba9672b7f6da72b3
+msgid "Limitations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:93
+# 133ba38a19484e2e9122631ab38446fa
+msgid "The following are not supported for this feature:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:95
+# 7c46f4b3ab9f405b8ba2b599ffc1985e
+msgid "Two IP ranges with the same VLAN and different gateway or netmask in security group-enabled shared network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:98
+# 25d83dec92f045bda786a85257b3e1d1
+msgid "Two IP ranges with the same VLAN and different gateway or netmask in account-specific shared networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:101
+# 529f72b64c464f0cbbe8b287e8258f1a
+msgid "Multiple VLAN ranges in security group-enabled shared network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:103
+# c9ffb5f82e6b45778e4e1b83b29ed310
+msgid "Multiple VLAN ranges in account-specific shared networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:105
+# 8488c958047d450bb250b38d098bc214
+msgid "Security groups must be enabled in the zone in order for this feature to be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:110
+# 6c5be222e8184b8ab28d3019648e9990
+msgid "Enabling Security Groups"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:112
+# b6b2af559254408ba42336e7fddf32e6
+msgid "In order for security groups to function in a zone, the security groups feature must first be enabled for the zone. The administrator can do this when creating a new zone, by selecting a network offering that includes security groups. The procedure is described in Basic Zone Configuration in the Advanced Installation Guide. The administrator can not enable security groups for an existing zone, only when creating a new zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:122
+# e09d51e1a259488eab79d1fb28954b59
+msgid "Adding Ingress and Egress Rules to a Security Group"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:126
+# b24e5ca705b84ea4a6c0511ef2244936
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:128
+# e6e52ad277a249ebb052f48c14687e98
+msgid "In Select view, choose Security Groups, then click the security group you want."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:131
+# 4563cb9609194e7b8bfe401fa3b6219e
+msgid "To add an ingress rule, click the Ingress Rules tab and fill out the following fields to specify what network traffic is allowed into VM instances in this security group. If no ingress rules are specified, then no traffic will be allowed in, except for responses to any traffic that has been allowed out through an egress rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:137
+# a4934e5b794b41469ff66677df530f64
+msgid "**Add by CIDR/Account**. Indicate whether the source of the traffic will be defined by IP address (CIDR) or an existing security group in a CloudStack account (Account). Choose Account if you want to allow incoming traffic from all VMs in another security group"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:143
+# 38c863d52b6c4f3b900f9268d71a3167
+msgid "**Protocol**. The networking protocol that sources will use to send traffic to the security group. TCP and UDP are typically used for data exchange and end-user communications. ICMP is typically used to send error messages or network monitoring data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:148
+# bcb96d430c8649f483335f10c670e649
+msgid "**Start Port, End Port**. (TCP, UDP only) A range of listening ports that are the destination for the incoming traffic. If you are opening a single port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:152
+# 6c1ac4c3fb7e476a8eba891bbf1fa14e
+msgid "**ICMP Type, ICMP Code**. (ICMP only) The type of message and error code that will be accepted."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:155
+# 6d982263975e486e8e1b13fe56a83ed0
+msgid "**CIDR**. (Add by CIDR only) To accept only traffic from IP addresses within a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the incoming traffic. For example, To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:161
+# 10e7f63d3cf94152a51416bc737199ed
+msgid "**Account, Security Group**. (Add by Account only) To accept only traffic from another security group, enter the CloudStack account and name of a security group that has already been defined in that account. To allow traffic between VMs within the security group you are editing now, enter the same name you used in step 7."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:167
+# 9d70746377c24fdb80bdb73145dda1fe
+msgid "The following example allows inbound HTTP access from anywhere:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:169
+# f1fa895a70e745a182f076db946d9d16
+msgid "|httpaccess.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:171
+# 25c1f9eee689482ab0a99049e45c6ceb
+msgid "To add an egress rule, click the Egress Rules tab and fill out the following fields to specify what type of traffic is allowed to be sent out of VM instances in this security group. If no egress rules are specified, then all traffic will be allowed out. Once egress rules are specified, the following types of traffic are allowed out: traffic specified in egress rules; queries to DNS and DHCP servers; and responses to any traffic that has been allowed in through an ingress rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:180
+# 83bfb97418d545549c3ea5c0a17c5985
+msgid "**Add by CIDR/Account**. Indicate whether the destination of the traffic will be defined by IP address (CIDR) or an existing security group in a CloudStack account (Account). Choose Account if you want to allow outgoing traffic to all VMs in another security group."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:186
+# f175b78e34494795b301760a7fd5168f
+msgid "**Protocol**. The networking protocol that VMs will use to send outgoing traffic. TCP and UDP are typically used for data exchange and end-user communications. ICMP is typically used to send error messages or network monitoring data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:191
+# 31089018bb9f47e4941651c91b2bd90c
+msgid "**Start Port, End Port**. (TCP, UDP only) A range of listening ports that are the destination for the outgoing traffic. If you are opening a single port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:195
+# 96661f61b9b54d448e5e7be7ba933296
+msgid "**ICMP Type, ICMP Code**. (ICMP only) The type of message and error code that will be sent"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:198
+# 7e52dd9e52524ea98f0bcf7ff00116ac
+msgid "**CIDR**. (Add by CIDR only) To send traffic only to IP addresses within a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the destination. For example, To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:204
+# 40e0b1515ef948adb1a42642f73f490d
+msgid "**Account, Security Group**. (Add by Account only) To allow traffic to be sent to another security group, enter the CloudStack account and name of a security group that has already been defined in that account. To allow traffic between VMs within the security group you are editing now, enter its name."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:210
+# 39febf06883a4d248d1ac5ad19510065
+msgid "Click Add."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/networking/static_nat.pot b/source/locale/pot/networking/static_nat.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20773ee
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+++ b/source/locale/pot/networking/static_nat.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:18
+# 89295dfc645a421eac4401834f1b5564
+msgid "Static NAT"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:20
+# c3b2d053fab944578298ac1adf46e76e
+msgid "A static NAT rule maps a public IP address to the private IP address of a VM in order to allow Internet traffic into the VM. The public IP address always remains the same, which is why it is called static NAT. This section tells how to enable or disable static NAT for a particular IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:28
+# ffe605639e6844fa8170c65805372b4c
+msgid "Enabling or Disabling Static NAT"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:30
+# 311e1bb870dd43bb98cd7ee6a01f42ca
+msgid "If port forwarding rules are already in effect for an IP address, you cannot enable static NAT to that IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:33
+# b89fc2e081874b24b0ad50ed843837e9
+msgid "If a guest VM is part of more than one network, static NAT rules will function only if they are defined on the default network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:36
+# e6dabe6070464d23926137799673505a
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:38
+# 726614a43cbf4c448770c40822676059
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:40
+# 71505d3318714907a3abd5319833b78e
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:42
+# 0898722d18384a89a217a7a8e7cb6fbf
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:44
+# 5e916ccbf7c94237b104827f38f2ca6a
+msgid "Click the IP address you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:46
+# 4f5018aad8f14212a2d0c17d955b197a
+msgid "Click the Static NAT |enabledisablenat.png| button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:48
+# 001cc2e543c345afb265ff300a5435ca
+msgid "The button toggles between Enable and Disable, depending on whether static NAT is currently enabled for the IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:51
+# 91178f93f90f4135b40823266a6ecb4e
+msgid "If you are enabling static NAT, a dialog appears where you can choose the destination VM and click Apply."
+msgstr ""
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new file mode 100644
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
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+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
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+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:20
+# 4425df0b51c64a33802d59f9f7eb5bd8
+msgid "Configuring a Virtual Private Cloud"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:23
+# 60b4e45448554da0a9df907a8e700391
+msgid "About Virtual Private Clouds"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:25
+# 9caa2b864b03431aae6a6f47aa583653
+msgid "CloudStack Virtual Private Cloud is a private, isolated part of CloudStack. A VPC can have its own virtual network topology that resembles a traditional physical network. You can launch VMs in the virtual network that can have private addresses in the range of your choice, for example: You can define network tiers within your VPC network range, which in turn enables you to group similar kinds of instances based on IP address range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:33
+# e8c6a442ed744a6c96df83edc8c28763
+msgid "For example, if a VPC has the private range, its guest networks can have the network ranges,,, and so on."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:39
+# d7dd703816c14c8ab823fc4ac5ee3c02
+msgid "Major Components of a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:41
+# c50712e0b85b4e8d8a37c525dc8f77d0
+msgid "A VPC is comprised of the following network components:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:43
+# 7805e308c7f14ae4b5bf6813c742fd84
+msgid "**VPC**: A VPC acts as a container for multiple isolated networks that can communicate with each other via its virtual router."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:46
+# 6837ce595efa433cb0a4eeef3c61bd86
+msgid "**Network Tiers**: Each tier acts as an isolated network with its own VLANs and CIDR list, where you can place groups of resources, such as VMs. The tiers are segmented by means of VLANs. The NIC of each tier acts as its gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:51
+# eaa3327f752e430ba437d3048c8cd517
+msgid "**Virtual Router**: A virtual router is automatically created and started when you create a VPC. The virtual router connect the tiers and direct traffic among the public gateway, the VPN gateways, and the NAT instances. For each tier, a corresponding NIC and IP exist in the virtual router. The virtual router provides DNS and DHCP services through its IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:58
+# 2922aef73276424d86c458cab53d05d6
+msgid "**Public Gateway**: The traffic to and from the Internet routed to the VPC through the public gateway. In a VPC, the public gateway is not exposed to the end user; therefore, static routes are not support for the public gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:63
+# 417e8d202f044580b6bef8868a97493b
+msgid "**Private Gateway**: All the traffic to and from a private network routed to the VPC through the private gateway. For more information, see \":ref:`adding-priv-gw-vpc`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:67
+# 4776de29b7b1471084bbdc0a5fd8257d
+msgid "**VPN Gateway**: The VPC side of a VPN connection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:69
+# 208527258e274b0ea77846c710ba8258
+msgid "**Site-to-Site VPN Connection**: A hardware-based VPN connection between your VPC and your datacenter, home network, or co-location facility. For more information, see \":ref:`setting-s2s-vpn-conn`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:73
+# 3b96c83ddcc34269896e5573992e31b5
+msgid "**Customer Gateway**: The customer side of a VPN Connection. For more information, see `\"Creating and Updating a VPN Customer Gateway\" <#creating-and-updating-a-vpn-customer-gateway>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:77
+# bfadc68d3fbe458bb82d6692306f1319
+msgid "**NAT Instance**: An instance that provides Port Address Translation for instances to access the Internet via the public gateway. For more information, see \":ref:`enabling-disabling-static-nat-on-vpc`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:81
+# aa7430e86dde41ea828ef58fdc9a2616
+msgid "**Network ACL**: Network ACL is a group of Network ACL items. Network ACL items are nothing but numbered rules that are evaluated in order, starting with the lowest numbered rule. These rules determine whether traffic is allowed in or out of any tier associated with the network ACL. For more information, see \":ref:`conf-net-acl`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:89
+# 3248944cfc5a49b7a0c47f7fe13a0385
+msgid "Network Architecture in a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:91
+# 5f310f0748274a1a9d0a095aec7c9c2b
+msgid "In a VPC, the following four basic options of network architectures are present:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:94
+# 7cb03da5ae0b478690c6ab442164a344
+msgid "VPC with a public gateway only"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:96
+# ea9f2145319e406e957665bb7b53123c
+msgid "VPC with public and private gateways"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:98
+# 2b4f4b4fbf46434c8e5534d0631bca33
+msgid "VPC with public and private gateways and site-to-site VPN access"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:100
+# 45b4489a9fcc4360a6d5b2719a77dc79
+msgid "VPC with a private gateway only and site-to-site VPN access"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:104
+# b702ceb782244642b4369af267ce81d8
+msgid "Connectivity Options for a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:106
+# 6b1ff95952fe4ccbba871b1f5d84e8d8
+msgid "You can connect your VPC to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:108
+# 65aa43fb551b4f999e9e48eb5960893d
+msgid "The Internet through the public gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:110
+# 09137011988c4abebde330c2201cbfe4
+msgid "The corporate datacenter by using a site-to-site VPN connection through the VPN gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:113
+# 7a7466064859416c9bf3d5f6fb2828fa
+msgid "Both the Internet and your corporate datacenter by using both the public gateway and a VPN gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:118
+# c4053fc0a35c4c30b312bd50f3cc946e
+msgid "VPC Network Considerations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:120
+# f884bf37cfa444299fac3dd70425950c
+msgid "Consider the following before you create a VPC:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:122
+# 3d67118ab9e24f4d861c4b78cd07fe86
+msgid "A VPC, by default, is created in the enabled state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:124
+# 64f62904ffbf4d0998ef58a29ec39785
+msgid "A VPC can be created in Advance zone only, and can't belong to more than one zone at a time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:127
+# 146628ae783e4af79b8cdd56694e87b3
+msgid "The default number of VPCs an account can create is 20. However, you can change it by using the max.account.vpcs global parameter, which controls the maximum number of VPCs an account is allowed to create."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:131
+# 548f4246178a412ba72c20238355c619
+msgid "The default number of tiers an account can create within a VPC is 3. You can configure this number by using the vpc.max.networks parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:135
+# 8f4ab58bb2db48e7ab28e709ee99c791
+msgid "Each tier should have an unique CIDR in the VPC. Ensure that the tier's CIDR should be within the VPC CIDR range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:138
+# a3ab5225e8e649a38b583c6dfa85dd0b
+msgid "A tier belongs to only one VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:140
+# cbf79c1dbbb04abeb940ac4a4e63693b
+msgid "All network tiers inside the VPC should belong to the same account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:142
+# 4697685b3c1c4f75888b23d1f474ad37
+msgid "When a VPC is created, by default, a SourceNAT IP is allocated to it. The Source NAT IP is released only when the VPC is removed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:145
+# f790d826d90d4341885a39022d276efc
+msgid "A public IP can be used for only one purpose at a time. If the IP is a sourceNAT, it cannot be used for StaticNAT or port forwarding."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:148
+# cccc0c77482c4721a48a8e3eee6370e0
+msgid "The instances can only have a private IP address that you provision. To communicate with the Internet, enable NAT to an instance that you launch in your VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:152
+# b833eb4050c145869c7a419c8f37aee9
+msgid "Only new networks can be added to a VPC. The maximum number of networks per VPC is limited by the value you specify in the vpc.max.networks parameter. The default value is three."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:156
+# 1180f413398548729b7198559dc5eb33
+msgid "The load balancing service can be supported by only one tier inside the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:159
+# 1d6388d964364caa8d134f7673bfa2dd
+msgid "If an IP address is assigned to a tier:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:161
+# 92d15597ceda4a5383fd25cb566b47c7
+msgid "That IP can't be used by more than one tier at a time in the VPC. For example, if you have tiers A and B, and a public IP1, you can create a port forwarding rule by using the IP either for A or B, but not for both."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:166
+# a92e77fa9415458b960baded020a27ac
+msgid "That IP can't be used for StaticNAT, load balancing, or port forwarding rules for another guest network inside the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:169
+# e138623610a449e8a6fd5bb3f4a2ab3f
+msgid "Remote access VPN is not supported in VPC networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:173
+# 02efff273d294762ad189c6d19730f71
+msgid "Adding a Virtual Private Cloud"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:175
+# d1100a2ab1a54454bece6b2f5a47e4f8
+msgid "When creating the VPC, you simply provide the zone and a set of IP addresses for the VPC network address space. You specify this set of addresses in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:179
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:223
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:331
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:380
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:492
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:662
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:729
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:788
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:848
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1014
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1227
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1282
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1360
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1388
+# 27c90db3b2d846b58c9abf075735077b
+# 23214314bc4c40d3bc784cf8b99c1273
+# 06da644a106746d9b22320df5442e7eb
+# 8292048a7bd74adeae7e3b6677cc7dc8
+# fb4e97f30b554d92af68a1e9d1886576
+# ceaea70c95b1422597606b789f77fae7
+# c80fe5feb23443ab8e81a05534c38d15
+# 612a8d98561a4b08824d22d8ab9cd815
+# 3d9f5b1f4cf7497ebaa39f40d2b7d3fb
+# 7af40adf2d7f49ee82115cf17558f076
+# 54efcc991da44e5b87cab339063f09cc
+# 98308f9c7c7e4548b3e6ef0828178c9d
+# b16c2e02fd8e42a1aacb687d60b4fb46
+# 1d2a5b77246843818d6d6cc8fd7482ae
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:181
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:225
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:333
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:382
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:494
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:664
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:731
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:790
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:850
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1016
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1229
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1284
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1362
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1390
+# 25aa9d2390434c03a89b6b16c9b69fe9
+# 6e8e81dbb9f447c3aaabac12cbbebc79
+# 7daeed72e5de4f68b5d3fec3deae5a12
+# ad50664f103d4bc3b95d04f0c6891395
+# b462daef366f4f119997d229bdcd4fde
+# cbb8c618e79f4f5bb024ac637c94f155
+# d418a0fbecc7474d89b0c7122cb9f046
+# c1602cd2089a4465bb64a310c84582ae
+# 692a153c672746fa937e636f18024241
+# f2241fbd031643a498b64bc52bc9a3ed
+# 35b9e68484d140e1813335d0a33c68d1
+# bb61fadd006d4624a91bb45665efac73
+# 0cdbc29c89c540c08fa87bd601f4976c
+# 2706338d19fe43d589acd0c274b932c0
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:183
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:227
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:335
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:384
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:496
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:666
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:733
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:792
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:852
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1018
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1231
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1286
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1364
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1392
+# 4a2df6815f134b918345eaf3d39193fa
+# a59b8d1dfb334d948ed4ad0764ce5b84
+# 12b0ac2563474462b71654534aba088a
+# 08995e8ef0484b879f2982b11278720c
+# 0913e0292efb41c284ad04d0d8ec0c1d
+# f66916dd15334247bb50483cd9c296b7
+# d34dad2acbce43aa9f28ce7014089f24
+# 50500a3f8df347e19b005d01525ac7e1
+# c538254df2644b7fb6e4aa16f80f84a6
+# 92649f86d20849b498765a29fd1d7973
+# 9528e3d88e224cacb28e4e204ddab6a7
+# 934c19367f124113b2d3d8f8aabab4a6
+# cd85c04d5e0b4e7c901b189b7ab5e96e
+# 2028f717603c4390944c6c6cb703af37
+msgid "In the Select view, select VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:185
+# 03b833a9bbc14d2f8ccd0561f8bac779
+msgid "Click Add VPC. The Add VPC page is displayed as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:187
+# 007c69b8b7c640d2a9dd08b2b4a86102
+msgid "|add-vpc.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:189
+# 7bd4344fc68d4e6c8939286640c64ff6
+msgid "Provide the following information:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:191
+# fecc1622a73f4e299c4fe16149ef3c1e
+msgid "**Name**: A short name for the VPC that you are creating."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:193
+# 9fe964ec13864d159f7f9fe45e612351
+msgid "**Description**: A brief description of the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:195
+# 75bab09118a641cd94d798e0450bb114
+msgid "**Zone**: Choose the zone where you want the VPC to be available."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:197
+# 38e1b19b64074aebbc448d4398522e6a
+msgid "**Super CIDR for Guest Networks**: Defines the CIDR range for all the tiers (guest networks) within a VPC. When you create a tier, ensure that its CIDR is within the Super CIDR value you enter. The CIDR must be RFC1918 compliant."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:202
+# 2b3cb992f4d9418699ec71ad0d7892b7
+msgid "**DNS domain for Guest Networks**: If you want to assign a special domain name, specify the DNS suffix. This parameter is applied to all the tiers within the VPC. That implies, all the tiers you create in the VPC belong to the same DNS domain. If the parameter is not specified, a DNS domain name is generated automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:208
+# ae282958b5fb4ea594fe92f009ca5f46
+msgid "**Public Load Balancer Provider**: You have two options: VPC Virtual Router and Netscaler."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:211
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:281
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:455
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:479
+# f0a8bdb0febf4b97879a69db489ba8b8
+# a37c6acaf1254a6f818d9f64ae0960aa
+# 677238e0e48a40898578fd007249ecaa
+# 650c882688974599ba5c3660d14f2838
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:215
+# 83d71b83ff1b413187423073f1a1c957
+msgid "Adding Tiers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:217
+# 8202063e990e4086bb8c476cfa8f2650
+msgid "Tiers are distinct locations within a VPC that act as isolated networks, which do not have access to other tiers by default. Tiers are set up on different VLANs that can communicate with each other by using a virtual router. Tiers provide inexpensive, low latency network connectivity to other tiers within the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:229
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1366
+# 6f156f2256294f94a48422c02a2a33f1
+# 91fdfd64076446a1af782ea3021c6911
+msgid "All the VPC that you have created for the account is listed in the page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:233
+# 98e3757975184289b5414253c54bd6c9
+msgid "The end users can see their own VPCs, while root and domain admin can see any VPC they are authorized to see."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:236
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1369
+# 3293738bea7a4e3c97fc6b8cd60f65ba
+# 4c89fd343c734f5cabc8cb26dd48bf94
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC for which you want to set up tiers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:239
+# a3b02bf28e484233b337b84341a2f39e
+msgid "Click Create network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:241
+# e8b22e1b54b84b1e9945e0c94e3fd069
+msgid "The Add new tier dialog is displayed, as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:243
+# 1f18a2fd76094e94947690c4064b2a75
+msgid "|add-tier.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:245
+# 830f50fe9c8041c9821f1cf9b94f87bd
+msgid "If you have already created tiers, the VPC diagram is displayed. Click Create Tier to add a new tier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:248
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:539
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1062
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1330
+# b372cab6baf04844a5ff7a1611d1d5b6
+# 4bc6b0a5224f4b8383ff3c5322dc34c6
+# 95ebee159c7a49d6a38872dfbba22963
+# 1490eec9177146d0bb7ef70ee1896fb9
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:250
+# 07194bca2d77463fb722f6b3a2d51fd6
+msgid "All the fields are mandatory."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:252
+# 26b1c6c9cd4747a0b399711d03ee9f7f
+msgid "**Name**: A unique name for the tier you create."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:254
+# b4b14e979a074d9fbdd39309629f1524
+msgid "**Network Offering**: The following default network offerings are listed: Internal LB, DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksNoLB, DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:259
+# 54126af9bcfb4590a766f2324d72f790
+msgid "In a VPC, only one tier can be created by using LB-enabled network offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:262
+# 083df7653efc42938c67b7537bbc4bc3
+msgid "**Gateway**: The gateway for the tier you create. Ensure that the gateway is within the Super CIDR range that you specified while creating the VPC, and is not overlapped with the CIDR of any existing tier within the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:267
+# abb381823abe42c78600368125e95a5a
+msgid "**VLAN**: The VLAN ID for the tier that the root admin creates."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:269
+# e6585788ce994cfba6fa7581d88af8df
+msgid "This option is only visible if the network offering you selected is VLAN-enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:272
+# 383ce12e9bc44d939d3ae386c0ca42aa
+msgid "For more information, see `\"Assigning VLANs to Isolated Networks\" <hosts.html#assigning-vlans-to-isolated-networks>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:275
+# 88877f2edc5f40a9949cf663c7c306a0
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask for the tier you create."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:277
+# 25897e33d08b4bedb702059f77e2f09e
+msgid "For example, if the VPC CIDR is and the network tier CIDR is, the gateway of the tier is, and the netmask of the tier is"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:283
+# 6da01b412d664e3baa5324abd03955b7
+msgid "Continue with configuring access control list for the tier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:289
+# dc2a5ea9afaf4bb8b1d188b3cadc5fb2
+msgid "Configuring Network Access Control List"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:291
+# 79dbace67e0b4872ba1da3458f8ccb16
+msgid "Define Network Access Control List (ACL) on the VPC virtual router to control incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress) traffic between the VPC tiers, and the tiers and Internet. By default, all incoming traffic to the guest networks is blocked and all outgoing traffic from guest networks is allowed, once you add an ACL rule for outgoing traffic, then only outgoing traffic specified in this ACL rule is allowed, the rest is blocked. To open the ports, you must create a new network ACL. The network ACLs can be created for the tiers only if the NetworkACL service is supported."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:303
+# c9d908950964474eb10940d7ba15e7ba
+msgid "About Network ACL Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:305
+# c28b7fe0e1f04f65ad1968b74ca91f03
+msgid "In CloudStack terminology, Network ACL is a group of Network ACL items. Network ACL items are nothing but numbered rules that are evaluated in order, starting with the lowest numbered rule. These rules determine whether traffic is allowed in or out of any tier associated with the network ACL. You need to add the Network ACL items to the Network ACL, then associate the Network ACL with a tier. Network ACL is associated with a VPC and can be assigned to multiple VPC tiers within a VPC. A Tier is associated with a Network ACL at all the times. Each tier can be associated with only one ACL."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:315
+# e213818eed1947258f8bcb2896c4b24a
+msgid "The default Network ACL is used when no ACL is associated. Default behavior is all the incoming traffic is blocked and outgoing traffic is allowed from the tiers. Default network ACL cannot be removed or modified. Contents of the default Network ACL is:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+# e7163daf40764297bb4c9256f9b0db76
+msgid "Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+# 8c0f119efb90499885ad10d74e32f699
+msgid "Protocol"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+# 6a4e95a5005949559075e58b104e8b1e
+msgid "Traffic type"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+# db7f138ccd254efda3045d28c44e5ebd
+msgid "Action"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:352
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:519
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:754
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:812
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:873
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1039
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1307
+# 51c0d62f36c143a5baf332fb86f16b96
+# d597d570fbfc4080b2ea3998fa7d939e
+# eff385663f0941d4b6809c0c182cfaf2
+# 2599fa667bce44d7b2c977f4d835a98e
+# bc9aa77c4f984714a6cead0bf43281ad
+# a2e2cc9d31f448ecab07fc456663f5bd
+# d849de055dcd46a29493cd6942aa2cae
+# 7d80106d48c4421190d8c55e7ddd2f90
+msgid "CIDR"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+# fc484eb64ca04d1b8fed82414583e90a
+msgid "1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+# c40bf7c2103d4006b064570d67b6b324
+# 8f113663532445cbb46226109e68fc87
+msgid "All"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+# cd3fb0b3957f47a7b32acd1b403d5f55
+msgid "Ingress"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+# e166cc8cfc04481391575caea5841312
+# d259eeaee8994ad79d0143e92a5fe39a
+msgid "Deny"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+# acedcca878414c89b67e3f7e98d67e02
+# c2f3ea9812544c20a6fc02ac9aad34f0
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+# dd6e16cde8494347a2e77ca176fd8a0c
+msgid "2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+# 23726ba83ae748468e32ef14a54d573b
+msgid "Egress"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:329
+# 464f3ed7f4f24169b73210972956651a
+msgid "Creating ACL Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:337
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:386
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:498
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:668
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:735
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:794
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:854
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1020
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1233
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1288
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1394
+# b4c82d1c9112484d92153e98ab6a2d33
+# 473281bb899a4393b7cf08840e8c8fde
+# 96a686680e5647d1b47c4067236c664f
+# a790843b311f4f1a9cd8d8d1ee5257a0
+# 4b114128189141c284315e2473ddc438
+# eee54cf82c9f4083b3ad53bb800a3bb4
+# 5c27b5d189844a82a379bc064c2b337e
+# 24808f02d0764c739d4aad58f9e15037
+# 1b11a2ac4b0e47ee9fc8a3f367edea68
+# 100ab8e1140f431bb36c49295576da40
+# 3ed6090af9fa4e238cf801269c4c072d
+msgid "All the VPCs that you have created for the account is listed in the page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:340
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:389
+# 6aa87599a443418889e9db15cc500f7d
+# 0bb74bee4b2d4d6da70d6240c47afe8f
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:342
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1029
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1297
+# a7a5868fc1c545d8b40456b1836b9ddc
+# 62d64d7c737248d3b49d2cfcf91ab9ea
+# a7576a24a2874ab89a29f6d0b1528bac
+msgid "For each tier, the following options are displayed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:344
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:511
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:746
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:804
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:865
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1031
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1299
+# c84c70798b73443ba7f00b174398ed30
+# 2b1209152c06414c809dd9cbe8e873f6
+# 2d40227490424cf0b08f531835947150
+# 5d234a982f1c449bb04697d7e629b3d7
+# b35cbc7845ed400cb02bd71b07eac64e
+# 68ca9e9b2011446da7adcef0d83d05ee
+# edde5a9896f94691829221191ccf24ca
+msgid "Internal LB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:346
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:513
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:748
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:806
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:867
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1033
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1301
+# 840747d13a8548c3a1ed1cfa7aec94d8
+# 2cebf679ea3c44cea4495a0da3fdede4
+# 171baf1d98124ad5a9e0e93348d43959
+# 60793fb25c274674a39f4d6ca1d6f5e8
+# cdafdf21344242e391e50189def8e3f7
+# 22aed14946de415e844a06a396d14413
+# d215b78e0acd4886aaae10e01da3539a
+msgid "Public LB IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:348
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:515
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:750
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:808
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:869
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1035
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1303
+# 503c7c6831eb4f5ca96c64c2b8328442
+# b565e6a4cff8412f9d1c9032ea24e848
+# 749694902cf440fea4b8315f93dddf91
+# 0b5fb5da84014d7680951915cb26b0a8
+# f8fa3d05ec454df1abf7f6a5079c965b
+# 43f4ab42a09a499783f95aba183bd8a7
+# 88e9603df37e4eacb36619474a076744
+msgid "Static NAT"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:350
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:517
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:752
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:810
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:871
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1037
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1305
+# c7d592104fa6447da1b9471822e82ec8
+# 714747328af148798be74203cc3ea72e
+# 86f01795bd5c488fb9cbffd13a3b84a0
+# 1a4d0e4cefc648188e4e0d1e3f5f813f
+# 7df65f6c728842c680faa985c0d2b934
+# 0caa2b61a0d14a3893de13c06290cb7a
+# 8adba6b367094ad4bd769cc0a7ae13a8
+msgid "Virtual Machines"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:354
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:521
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:756
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:814
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:875
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1041
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1309
+# 2e579cf3f90345feb4b8edc18f78fd8d
+# 600d551d0f114e47a420f1c86cd445f4
+# 485eb313498a44e2ab1906012a044734
+# 92f01bcc2bcd45919753fcbc87f143c3
+# e6be963a127340ba88d4e76482c44368
+# e48b3a02fdbf4c1aab3e5704df727b54
+# 0a61a781736c436c9379e115fd3df3cb
+msgid "The following router information is displayed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:356
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:523
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:758
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:816
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:877
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1043
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1311
+# 4ed3754e8e014af2a5af0fb4036eeef2
+# 3d5c5cdec63d4e90aee5f9c884e80a5d
+# dcf31b093d01445ebfad5a3769f1a716
+# 4e06d785ce264f838a57f818a5eb51de
+# 33fd1f6f2fe94fbb8fcebb54432f6db5
+# 920576fcde1e43f5a7d673e3fc8c3961
+# 8d9aac57476145b98417e24b78edbee1
+msgid "Private Gateways"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:358
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:525
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:760
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:818
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:879
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1045
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1313
+# 0f79101b541d4297ad26fb3125843df6
+# 4e977612c45648cd8858b2f415c8d338
+# 764c6f4d2f214c1f9d33d36fec4bc931
+# 9ed4d3258aec4c01a9d1d7ab9ee6584a
+# 6210247a7c834558b9caf3e695d10eeb
+# b44f415f26cd49dcb58c424bce136a67
+# db0357d3ac9a479698e479d686e8cd9c
+msgid "Public IP Addresses"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:360
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:527
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:762
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:820
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:881
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1047
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1315
+# 70abe760545c42d0a794c6ce16a6c288
+# 0c346db4251b43b3a80a084bfd310d80
+# e6e45a6bac434db8b588e5a74c0902b8
+# d682a97cc5f14a0e801c4858edf11f48
+# 29fa45fc941945f891cbf96f6478db82
+# 941bc49890ae411aa05236d0e5102149
+# 3800a9e49a3b4745b17c1769febf9383
+msgid "Site-to-Site VPNs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:362
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:529
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:764
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:822
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:883
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1049
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1317
+# ba528c5024fa489689b4d8ce0c1a0d85
+# 9b993afc4ad845f081de9838ee06ba00
+# 64ec433ac68146178442d14772e8ef45
+# 5a1b96032f234dbc85b6c87e45c31b31
+# c6f194d9a94a415a914fccd54dd4cffa
+# 1148599659df40fc8189b9aaf51587de
+# 5ae9778ec74a46dca0c4191ae03ecbb0
+msgid "Network ACL Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:364
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:391
+# a3498a3bc728411aa4d5a7313f8d1fca
+# 1fd8c162a2124419bfff5003f1d58fe3
+msgid "Select Network ACL Lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:366
+# 9a1064fed3e342afb4b08a5d9e4ba3f9
+msgid "The following default rules are displayed in the Network ACLs page: default\\_allow, default\\_deny."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:369
+# eee1fde55c454e4ba76e51f7c0073681
+msgid "Click Add ACL Lists, and specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:371
+# 0019e51fcb5d4b609e3dfc8a2f798182
+msgid "**ACL List Name**: A name for the ACL list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:373
+# 545d7afa82d944fc932e088624630881
+msgid "**Description**: A short description of the ACL list that can be displayed to users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:378
+# 0eef9c80eb244e469737b6dbfed09ee5
+msgid "Creating an ACL Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:393
+# 9ec1bad501f2492c875359dee57af36c
+msgid "In addition to the custom ACL lists you have created, the following default rules are displayed in the Network ACLs page: default\\_allow, default\\_deny."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:397
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:477
+# 56fa96725745426090705b3dea696c75
+# a5a846532a7f4d51b3b4ad850b809ffc
+msgid "Select the desired ACL list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:399
+# 9b8b87a05d164a1e9388a9e96455c916
+msgid "Select the ACL List Rules tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:401
+# a35e39faa5504d4a939aa4cbc70ebd47
+msgid "To add an ACL rule, fill in the following fields to specify what kind of network traffic is allowed in the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:404
+# 09875f1f997e40c78467e4afbfd008a0
+msgid "**Rule Number**: The order in which the rules are evaluated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:406
+# 718a86130cf84374b39ef695d7c0319f
+msgid "**CIDR**: The CIDR acts as the Source CIDR for the Ingress rules, and Destination CIDR for the Egress rules. To accept traffic only from or to the IP addresses within a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the incoming traffic. For example, To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:413
+# 5e7871dde2bc4878b9630e4f89ef78a5
+msgid "**Action**: What action to be taken. Allow traffic or block."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:415
+# 960f6ba511804daf84bb14b0ee7d9fcb
+msgid "**Protocol**: The networking protocol that sources use to send traffic to the tier. The TCP and UDP protocols are typically used for data exchange and end-user communications. The ICMP protocol is typically used to send error messages or network monitoring data. All supports all the traffic. Other option is Protocol Number."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:422
+# f8c920b2724240f7bcce7a3ffa539142
+msgid "**Start Port**, **End Port** (TCP, UDP only): A range of listening ports that are the destination for the incoming traffic. If you are opening a single port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:426
+# 6354d433a9d14d5aac441bc824aa18d8
+msgid "**Protocol Number**: The protocol number associated with IPv4 or IPv6. For more information, see `Protocol Numbers <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:430
+# 07c3ccfb6e804b7b9f9c6ee3e97baab6
+msgid "**ICMP Type**, **ICMP Code** (ICMP only): The type of message and error code that will be sent."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:433
+# fcf4685a451c434fa979261a9f4a989a
+msgid "**Traffic Type**: The type of traffic: Incoming or outgoing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:435
+# 4cb2859d5c494c07a39e4f7f9c8b316d
+msgid "Click Add. The ACL rule is added."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:437
+# 6a1dc858d8f64fc4b59744f3ce271735
+msgid "You can edit the tags assigned to the ACL rules and delete the ACL rules you have created. Click the appropriate button in the Details tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:443
+# f116157c2cc3452d9381d88f34e5edcc
+msgid "Creating a Tier with Custom ACL List"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:445
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:461
+# a6dcc18dbcf14658bbe49913ec9d7258
+# a9d8c9ab4785456fa3b539a958e0a391
+msgid "Create a VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:447
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:467
+# c46ed610d0de4aabb7a66be1bc38b59c
+# 0eba50fd6c8241ce8c46b4f22adac8ce
+msgid "Create a custom ACL list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:449
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:469
+# d641158411d6429aa58b99856ae3aa3e
+# ee2e3bb2bdcf4ae6ac56d960eb5c8414
+msgid "Add ACL rules to the ACL list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:451
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:463
+# 1b9144de1d7c42478e9bcc5e58e8ad8b
+# 6416990ed47a46299ea5a399d45a25e5
+msgid "Create a tier in the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:453
+# d7313c7f5dc741be9cab74d4cc465987
+msgid "Select the desired ACL list while creating a tier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:459
+# a2518e7f8c9347b1b2c5d2a4575170df
+msgid "Assigning a Custom ACL List to a Tier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:465
+# 67c4657175a040149f04332d949d57bf
+msgid "Associate the tier with the default ACL rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:471
+# b83eff10b1ce44d2bcfae9e1e8920b6f
+msgid "Select the tier for which you want to assign the custom ACL."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:473
+# a44330dc8018442bb213f335afaab969
+msgid "Click the Replace ACL List icon. |replace-acl-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:475
+# dd9f88e9651f45199d45d102228e2574
+msgid "The Replace ACL List dialog is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:485
+# 51a9c7e87c8c46bc8c2d01f1c70b1b5e
+msgid "Adding a Private Gateway to a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:487
+# 5bb03fe2db6344479a16781735c33d36
+msgid "A private gateway can be added by the root admin only. The VPC private network has 1:1 relationship with the NIC of the physical network. You can configure multiple private gateways to a single VPC. No gateways with duplicated VLAN and IP are allowed in the same data center."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:501
+# 56d5e3ac03e0437e95ee0073c44b19dd
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC to which you want to configure load balancing rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:504
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:741
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:799
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:860
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1294
+# 142dc427cda8454c943c18bb8066cbea
+# 508dbf4fb717460bbb35c009061f7564
+# fb95c3660854480db28704507ed4b900
+# 21eb0af33be64ade85d894838188a330
+# 75579da7cb264f9b80565e8bc7ef99b4
+msgid "The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you created are listed in a diagram."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:507
+# 57a669215b0c459babdfa0f7477512bb
+msgid "Click the Settings icon."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:509
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:744
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:802
+# 27df09e575754d0bb04ff268ac13cd85
+# aec57c8f590a41ea9f3c4002d2bb2082
+# c83fad1cd6a74d3ba7da7551441402ad
+msgid "The following options are displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:531
+# c22be90142b04c5483ec525bb576d2c3
+msgid "Select Private Gateways."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:533
+# 2902accc6b5b49a1b204fd3fd16b1f5e
+msgid "The Gateways page is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:535
+# 92c2f2f09846411594265950bf78b9e4
+msgid "Click Add new gateway:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:537
+# 2c2c653d4d9d4521b4a7eb5c0e19f64c
+msgid "|add-new-gateway-vpc.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:541
+# 891ea4ddb15443e5ab8f32c8088c452f
+msgid "**Physical Network**: The physical network you have created in the zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:544
+# ca06b3e4deaf4ce3a02322454f78ed68
+msgid "**IP Address**: The IP address associated with the VPC gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:546
+# a5410ac8843e4c719973edf2d9bab4e0
+msgid "**Gateway**: The gateway through which the traffic is routed to and from the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:549
+# 955c1cc8e0f847408e1bd7754afbe13b
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask associated with the VPC gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:551
+# 852f638bb7234dc1a27dc43b5e016322
+msgid "**VLAN**: The VLAN associated with the VPC gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:553
+# 6f6c910aeb6d4ee29cfd16a8f169801a
+msgid "**Source NAT**: Select this option to enable the source NAT service on the VPC private gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:556
+# ca50f58a899f498d80e5d3cfaddc4e56
+msgid "See \":ref:`source-nat-priv-gw`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:558
+# 4004b1c124dc41d7afca981bfc6aa29d
+msgid "**ACL**: Controls both ingress and egress traffic on a VPC private gateway. By default, all the traffic is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:561
+# e0641473896e4fc4abe0e8d8f6500ad5
+msgid "See \":ref:`acl-priv-gw`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:563
+# c748dfb7b8764ed2b63524e27be99156
+msgid "The new gateway appears in the list. You can repeat these steps to add more gateway for this VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:570
+# 67cc2c7079b445b1aa5c3f8d7b0ff2bf
+msgid "Source NAT on Private Gateway"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:572
+# 2a8f60c14ac64d6e8d87dbce76bedb16
+msgid "You might want to deploy multiple VPCs with the same super CIDR and guest tier CIDR. Therefore, multiple guest VMs from different VPCs can have the same IPs to reach a enterprise data center through the private gateway. In such cases, a NAT service need to be configured on the private gateway to avoid IP conflicts. If Source NAT is enabled, the guest VMs in VPC reaches the enterprise network via private gateway IP address by using the NAT service."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:580
+# 13ba311a60ee4d00b7c597fafb945d0b
+msgid "The Source NAT service on a private gateway can be enabled while adding the private gateway. On deletion of a private gateway, source NAT rules specific to the private gateway are deleted."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:584
+# d8e4c7cc999e4730ad5bf6aa6f1b810f
+msgid "To enable source NAT on existing private gateways, delete them and create afresh with source NAT."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:591
+# 8c1553f72c3d4599892c402b65672931
+msgid "ACL on Private Gateway"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:593
+# 7a5729fff5c74521a2455b4e2b885a0f
+msgid "The traffic on the VPC private gateway is controlled by creating both ingress and egress network ACL rules. The ACLs contains both allow and deny rules. As per the rule, all the ingress traffic to the private gateway interface and all the egress traffic out from the private gateway interface are blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:599
+# a7c844a5b9594a8c9090ef0fb4c815ac
+msgid "You can change this default behaviour while creating a private gateway. Alternatively, you can do the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:602
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:633
+# ce82be93f3014dafa0618abed1ddbc56
+# cf4dffd32e4045a0809d358aa5c89b4e
+msgid "In a VPC, identify the Private Gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:604
+# d931e9176936499f8a82583a1141f759
+msgid "In the Private Gateway page, do either of the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:606
+# df22ccb2fc4a4d4cbc59a8eced7cdd99
+msgid "Use the Quickview. See 3."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:608
+# 2e88948ffe35436398eb3dcc24a068a1
+msgid "Use the Details tab. See 4 through ."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:610
+# a6b863b1326a484080f38c0d2fffe32e
+msgid "In the Quickview of the selected Private Gateway, click Replace ACL, select the ACL rule, then click OK"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:613
+# 393090f44f4e449480ae7b9cd7171e2e
+msgid "Click the IP address of the Private Gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:615
+# 175a8bc977814206b1b438e55d487d9d
+msgid "In the Detail tab, click the Replace ACL button. |replace-acl-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:618
+# cb57cf7f56bd4ab7b815980fd401d492
+msgid "The Replace ACL dialog is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:620
+# 52fd814724fc4614a6513bc716822b2e
+msgid "select the ACL rule, then click OK."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:622
+# 0594c5c95e77436b9fba83680438d29f
+msgid "Wait for few seconds. You can see that the new ACL rule is displayed in the Details page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:627
+# ab277710c8d843ae81e757e3336317d0
+msgid "Creating a Static Route"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:629
+# 941e24b2fbef4bb7a3938f2fc6fb31ba
+msgid "CloudStack enables you to specify routing for the VPN connection you create. You can enter one or CIDR addresses to indicate which traffic is to be routed back to the gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:635
+# 6a994cb0af754d01bd335367a6f9d4f9
+msgid "In the Private Gateway page, click the IP address of the Private Gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:638
+# ed8760a26f62434da30f3b3d3094da23
+msgid "Select the Static Routes tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:640
+# dc6e78e20d8a49b18b1c7b68fc53d28f
+msgid "Specify the CIDR of destination network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:642
+# a267ec664f35442db0c8d33d273ec07a
+msgid "Click Add."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:644
+# 0b06e4ce11114d68a1d616162a29b46b
+msgid "Wait for few seconds until the new route is created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:648
+# f66d2b908d63453ba9331658c3105974
+msgid "Blacklisting Routes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:650
+# 5e262d8f57f94df080de1ebfd57089c5
+msgid "CloudStack enables you to block a list of routes so that they are not assigned to any of the VPC private gateways. Specify the list of routes that you want to blacklist in the ``blacklisted.routes`` global parameter. Note that the parameter update affects only new static route creations. If you block an existing static route, it remains intact and continue functioning. You cannot add a static route if the route is blacklisted for the zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:660
+# c95c27354e2b4308b6fe6cd594b07c4b
+msgid "Deploying VMs to the Tier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:671
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:738
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:857
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1291
+# d912fb084257494b9ea49a22d2952df6
+# 6a271ec843964a2392c14ea15bebcab2
+# 2db0b4a30faa4d2486de8987dc035b35
+# 42de70c0e3314b3b9312103ccf0318a3
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC to which you want to deploy the VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:674
+# a10f32d36f52426288a9a524c7034bde
+msgid "The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you have created are listed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:677
+# e8a7f18c2c2443b8afb0ba68b10df211
+msgid "Click Virtual Machines tab of the tier to which you want to add a VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:679
+# 2021d183ee7640019cdf5bdbfe5498f3
+msgid "|add-vm-vpc.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:681
+# 2d48018b840946fd8af8d726d139f5d0
+msgid "The Add Instance page is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:683
+# 3090bc6cae14453a973abac600b9c2cf
+msgid "Follow the on-screen instruction to add an instance. For information on adding an instance, see the Installation Guide."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:688
+# dcd8e45c721b400eaba7cde1328bdc81
+msgid "Deploying VMs to VPC Tier and Shared Networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:690
+# 17212685c197411da69afebe1fd43553
+msgid "CloudStack allows you deploy VMs on a VPC tier and one or more shared networks. With this feature, VMs deployed in a multi-tier application can receive monitoring services via a shared network provided by a service provider."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:695
+# fc5a14ca00a74032a5a578f32fe13799
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:697
+# 32b36a6c72fa45f99cc16fe65842edb4
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Instances."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:699
+# 2f251266e8f84c3bb1eb88f9cbf3421b
+msgid "Click Add Instance."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:701
+# e9423e60b1d047809ea35f96287dc4cb
+msgid "Select a zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:703
+# 270e50111a9d4c328ccfd3e302a1712c
+msgid "Select a template or ISO, then follow the steps in the wizard."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:705
+# b9f9249e068d492a89e876e8d5282100
+msgid "Ensure that the hardware you have allows starting the selected service offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:708
+# 646cca07fc3241d9bdcb00578a77e3e3
+msgid "Under Networks, select the desired networks for the VM you are launching."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:711
+# c5f162c06a0641cf8ca1c4ee6f54f651
+msgid "You can deploy a VM to a VPC tier and multiple shared networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:713
+# edcfad81a1b04c068848242fac9adfac
+msgid "|addvm-tier-sharednw.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:715
+# efc4e3cc0b2843ccb58ccc673b8f20cd
+msgid "Click Next, review the configuration and click Launch."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:717
+# 34b1022eb48b4dbf92712eb65b1308c8
+msgid "Your VM will be deployed to the selected VPC tier and shared network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:721
+# e75183b01c2e4d9a87561e256f60760d
+msgid "Acquiring a New IP Address for a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:723
+# 8712a3a4537f4038a9703ae12a15da40
+msgid "When you acquire an IP address, all IP addresses are allocated to VPC, not to the guest networks within the VPC. The IPs are associated to the guest network only when the first port-forwarding, load balancing, or Static NAT rule is created for the IP or the network. IP can't be associated to more than one network at a time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:766
+# f3548df663fd4502b857204d85782486
+msgid "Select IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:768
+# 8b29cfd1cdcd4018ae63dfe1624f5e58
+msgid "The Public IP Addresses page is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:770
+# b571bcf25fd64067a9bc6c684f923ef4
+msgid "Click Acquire New IP, and click Yes in the confirmation dialog."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:772
+# 5bc9804e2b3a444c9eca95b480c5247e
+msgid "You are prompted for confirmation because, typically, IP addresses are a limited resource. Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear with the state Allocated. You can now use the IP address in port forwarding, load balancing, and static NAT rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:779
+# f14eea7624044595966630cad5fb25a4
+msgid "Releasing an IP Address Alloted to a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:781
+# a32c2ee15c7f41209d11d1460881df99
+msgid "The IP address is a limited resource. If you no longer need a particular IP, you can disassociate it from its VPC and return it to the pool of available addresses. An IP address can be released from its tier, only when all the networking ( port forwarding, load balancing, or StaticNAT ) rules are removed for this IP address. The released IP address will still belongs to the same VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:797
+# cff29ec3366646748c80c78ae0b21df3
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC whose IP you want to release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:824
+# e61ac663ca83460e902eb75be8323c7b
+msgid "Select Public IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:826
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:887
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1053
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1321
+# d6214f88ed8e46abb807a2b8e2f87bf7
+# fee8b392a6654e98b2a92ed46a6a1d09
+# 86b1ba91303847249fe71e091aa53075
+# e80daef3c8c548fe905c71e3888d9d35
+msgid "The IP Addresses page is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:828
+# 7100a75c5b7f4e94af12eba67cc769d7
+msgid "Click the IP you want to release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:830
+# 5d08cda75ef64158bc169fa0b4d55bfd
+msgid "In the Details tab, click the Release IP button |release-ip-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:836
+# 66b58ca8d7e8481184b5f30fb10aeb3a
+msgid "Enabling or Disabling Static NAT on a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:838
+# 5ffcce98eb5341c4815405feb3f45e3d
+msgid "A static NAT rule maps a public IP address to the private IP address of a VM in a VPC to allow Internet traffic to it. This section tells how to enable or disable static NAT for a particular IP address in a VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:842
+# 3a033892a74543d4a655001ee01f7102
+msgid "If port forwarding rules are already in effect for an IP address, you cannot enable static NAT to that IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:845
+# 3ced6dfc6cda40c59a7663608968ae25
+msgid "If a guest VM is part of more than one network, static NAT rules will function only if they are defined on the default network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:863
+# a101d2d938bd44ef8b442c2dd878803b
+msgid "For each tier, the following options are displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:885
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1051
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1319
+# 2aa87b8efca045199c60a69232f4100c
+# f29854dbe679478497f195c125c70fc3
+# 0ca75518c2c1401bada82a5f5b3953b2
+msgid "In the Router node, select Public IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:889
+# ecb19327446e44f7a44f71eaef9cc73a
+msgid "Click the IP you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:891
+# 54b9ba8fad964d51a0442fc5838ba574
+msgid "In the Details tab,click the Static NAT button. |enable-disable.png| The button toggles between Enable and Disable, depending on whether static NAT is currently enabled for the IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:896
+# ee96b8eeef6f44169338cbec4bd552e2
+msgid "If you are enabling static NAT, a dialog appears as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:898
+# 2934b5d934b343aab14d143fb537ce07
+msgid "|select-vmstatic-nat.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:900
+# ba4894eec4ee4f8ab908308bf7f2b682
+msgid "Select the tier and the destination VM, then click Apply."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:904
+# 6bc44c698b784002948ea93ac931ccb3
+msgid "Adding Load Balancing Rules on a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:906
+# d55b224d3d4d427da85774962a911e9b
+msgid "In a VPC, you can configure two types of load balancing: external LB and internal LB. External LB is nothing but a LB rule created to redirect the traffic received at a public IP of the VPC virtual router. The traffic is load balanced within a tier based on your configuration. Citrix NetScaler and VPC virtual router are supported for external LB. When you use internal LB service, traffic received at a tier is load balanced across different VMs within that tier. For example, traffic reached at Web tier is redirected to another VM in that tier. External load balancing devices are not supported for internal LB. The service is provided by a internal LB VM configured on the target tier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:919
+# 40e935f35e0c40ada19216e535aa1258
+msgid "Load Balancing Within a Tier (External LB)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:921
+# f415c289521945488fc0ee0094a1dab0
+msgid "A CloudStack user or administrator may create load balancing rules that balance traffic received at a public IP to one or more VMs that belong to a network tier that provides load balancing service in a VPC. A user creates a rule, specifies an algorithm, and assigns the rule to a set of VMs within a tier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:929
+# 3e4fdfab26c8433f985733abf6b8fab2
+msgid "Enabling NetScaler as the LB Provider on a VPC Tier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:931
+# f4009b64ee9a4abc935568ba00072b14
+msgid "Add and enable Netscaler VPX in dedicated mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:933
+# 11c807f9e62a4acb9f8b3ef0d007c2c9
+msgid "Netscaler can be used in a VPC environment only if it is in dedicated mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:936
+# 57a85fbc857449ee89781dd4fce1788c
+msgid "Create a network offering, as given in \":ref:`create-net-offering-ext-lb`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:938
+# 08a0f277fc3f43b694322360de337dfc
+msgid "Create a VPC with Netscaler as the Public LB provider."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:940
+# ecc067da6bf9448587d900d0602ecacd
+msgid "For more information, see `\"Adding a Virtual Private Cloud\" <#adding-a-virtual-private-cloud>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:943
+# aa3b5b48c05343338d0ee08f3382b40d
+msgid "For the VPC, acquire an IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:945
+# 7c4c3743af9240d882f3ba1d438b3bd8
+msgid "Create an external load balancing rule and apply, as given in :ref:`create-ext-lb-rule`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:952
+# 65a1193d54904d989149249c4257b9c1
+msgid "Creating a Network Offering for External LB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:954
+# e69c20a921124dc7b5ac28a8bc23f254
+msgid "To have external LB support on VPC, create a network offering as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:957
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1163
+# 27d475982a384fed8f13220941eded23
+# 2da0ddfe20c0412a9dc8725da9ebfb08
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a user or admin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:959
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1165
+# 2e6d402ef3d044488597c6501ca6749d
+# f974a014675745ceae4ebb19113bc49e
+msgid "From the Select Offering drop-down, choose Network Offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:961
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1167
+# 08107e25d3ae4ed5a4e72a9ef68249af
+# f88397d4525c49d4b10ca8f6d24c5999
+msgid "Click Add Network Offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:963
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1169
+# 0b77090696474c0a9cab45f79b1c7986
+# e1cffd47fe2e4f3089c2620a68b839a1
+msgid "In the dialog, make the following choices:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:965
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1171
+# 60d2abd68eb948dbaba04e1ac5723b86
+# 2e15e5f8b3704612a4d58813e4d32f6b
+msgid "**Name**: Any desired name for the network offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:967
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1173
+# 3959d6091cd747cb937e8f842088c32e
+# 5f694898705c49328c1a2e142eb14d1f
+msgid "**Description**: A short description of the offering that can be displayed to users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:970
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1176
+# 2e0e45c2f8604206ab9ab52b64e032e0
+# 40a66509e3424c24bb6186610a441bac
+msgid "**Network Rate**: Allowed data transfer rate in MB per second."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:972
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1178
+# 33f13b044bc94b5b8696d75ddf4b8bc3
+# a160a569847143f797400c4ff977efdf
+msgid "**Traffic Type**: The type of network traffic that will be carried on the network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:975
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1181
+# aaf9ff68483341d98ede19f290845e4d
+# c3356024660a4455a0ceac2dcae5caee
+msgid "**Guest Type**: Choose whether the guest network is isolated or shared."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:978
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1184
+# 78da437179454d2e9bb2b2566016b345
+# 8e43b8eb7620486dafe2037f9644fc74
+msgid "**Persistent**: Indicate whether the guest network is persistent or not. The network that you can provision without having to deploy a VM on it is termed persistent network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:982
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1188
+# b8efdabd98ae4986a6423993e842848f
+# a09dbae19ba24a44abe4d1e06d94391d
+msgid "**VPC**: This option indicate whether the guest network is Virtual Private Cloud-enabled. A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a private, isolated part of CloudStack. A VPC can have its own virtual network topology that resembles a traditional physical network. For more information on VPCs, see `\"About Virtual Private Clouds\" <#about-virtual-private-clouds>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:988
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1195
+# f833921e66e7405e90b64ecab4f06585
+# 60780dc0b1414010b97ef9ee9fdf6896
+msgid "**Specify VLAN**: (Isolated guest networks only) Indicate whether a VLAN should be specified when this offering is used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:991
+# c39ddc76ab104334a4dc179d2666185f
+msgid "**Supported Services**: Select Load Balancer. Use Netscaler or VpcVirtualRouter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:994
+# 0f2a2787484945d4893a95c93e013659
+msgid "**Load Balancer Type**: Select Public LB from the drop-down."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:996
+# 012d5de507d14d86a63f00c612267262
+msgid "**LB Isolation**: Select Dedicated if Netscaler is used as the external LB provider."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:999
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1203
+# 32714ec60c95462a86fad6f4ea8a389f
+# 6d1b55437586405195f96d4e1901a030
+msgid "**System Offering**: Choose the system service offering that you want virtual routers to use in this network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1002
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1206
+# ccddc4e596ac4b9590b1e89143679f4c
+# 5b0c2de816bb4f3489ea6c0aaf56dd92
+msgid "**Conserve mode**: Indicate whether to use conserve mode. In this mode, network resources are allocated only when the first virtual machine starts in the network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1006
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1210
+# 64b8ac5900b040949abdbe1be369798e
+# 86eacc968b5642af9d7708d20b05fa0b
+msgid "Click OK and the network offering is created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1012
+# 7d8aa307714e45a48e2b8a026f88ecd5
+msgid "Creating an External LB Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1023
+# ec858cbb6d054d82b7344347f3d1f80a
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC, for which you want to configure load balancing rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1026
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1239
+# 24c4acc56c8546b48b0d1ba8225aa2c3
+# 8623ea1fa5f64fc882bc161a00e0de31
+msgid "The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you created listed in a diagram."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1055
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1323
+# faa2aca06f244ec79e1495f403d60fba
+# f6b4d72a1ace463aaeae65e85f5351fe
+msgid "Click the IP address for which you want to create the rule, then click the Configuration tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1058
+# 05fb941cda1540a6ae76a68c80d28164
+msgid "In the Load Balancing node of the diagram, click View All."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1060
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1328
+# a68bbaad32ad4fb1a32434a21627c7df
+# 513eb1682d554f15af9624073505f185
+msgid "Select the tier to which you want to apply the rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1064
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1249
+# 48072a5bd67b4fc2b091903b2930ef20
+# 23e879002b734874bb3fb8648d82ec9f
+msgid "**Name**: A name for the load balancer rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1066
+# 035ce1c6b7094ddfb03cf84e79fe13fb
+msgid "**Public Port**: The port that receives the incoming traffic to be balanced."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1069
+# 95e57b758d354580b0723b1cf69b1ad9
+msgid "**Private Port**: The port that the VMs will use to receive the traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1072
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1268
+# 9401419db1ac40dd8912809bfb47d5fa
+# c29c451e2c474605af3093430f4fe416
+msgid "**Algorithm**. Choose the load balancing algorithm you want CloudStack to use. CloudStack supports the following well-known algorithms:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1076
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1272
+# 45872bf350da46e8915a4c200e500d47
+# 2fe10525962546129f438019ddb43570
+msgid "Round-robin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1078
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1274
+# b89b8c35da0e4067aa0e2dfc46507db4
+# 384c8fd5fe8049389138586119a8e392
+msgid "Least connections"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1080
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1276
+# 75b481e88cb749ee9744fa2d4153d658
+# a656566824f644a7a9bf0c5aa7f7ce82
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1082
+# 156eaabf00d6402fb1a6f26cdc8bdc3a
+msgid "**Stickiness**. (Optional) Click Configure and choose the algorithm for the stickiness policy. See Sticky Session Policies for Load Balancer Rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1086
+# 5a609fc01f0c442fbaa6859f3c48de9d
+msgid "**Add VMs**: Click Add VMs, then select two or more VMs that will divide the load of incoming traffic, and click Apply."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1089
+# 227920ab85304ccd9ef2ff2fcc816394
+msgid "The new load balancing rule appears in the list. You can repeat these steps to add more load balancing rules for this IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1094
+# 9e2c252f60374e98b336b982bdb5a807
+msgid "Load Balancing Across Tiers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1096
+# b0b3d2bc1154428ea7aa2a73ccf65ca9
+msgid "CloudStack supports sharing workload across different tiers within your VPC. Assume that multiple tiers are set up in your environment, such as Web tier and Application tier. Traffic to each tier is balanced on the VPC virtual router on the public side, as explained in `\"Adding Load Balancing Rules on a VPC\" <#adding-load-balancing-rules-on-a-vpc>`_. If you want the traffic coming from the Web tier to the Application tier to be balanced, use the internal load balancing feature offered by CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1107
+# fbb2a59a26334767857dae55b7dd76d2
+msgid "How Does Internal LB Work in VPC?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1109
+# 9f3100aad1e345bb8ac547e9ff36084f
+msgid "In this figure, a public LB rule is created for the public IP with public port 80 and private port 81. The LB rule, created on the VPC virtual router, is applied on the traffic coming from the Internet to the VMs on the Web tier. On the Application tier two internal load balancing rules are created. An internal LB rule for the guest IP with load balancer port 23 and instance port 25 is configured on the VM, InternalLBVM1. Another internal LB rule for the guest IP with load balancer port 45 and instance port 46 is configured on the VM, InternalLBVM1. Another internal LB rule for the guest IP, with load balancer port 23 and instance port 25 is configured on the VM, InternalLBVM2."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1121
+# c94baade36ca41029339b5771845f6eb
+msgid "|vpc-lb.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1125
+# 6b5c736fe39c453f9df86d49e415bb0d
+msgid "Guidelines"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1127
+# f48db5cf237f48c1b83470d2b3619c89
+msgid "Internal LB and Public LB are mutually exclusive on a tier. If the tier has LB on the public side, then it can't have the Internal LB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1130
+# 39c3726d0f1e417ba4856caefdc69c5f
+msgid "Internal LB is supported just on VPC networks in CloudStack 4.2 release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1133
+# c9b5009bd45949ca9adfe8bad469126e
+msgid "Only Internal LB VM can act as the Internal LB provider in CloudStack 4.2 release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1136
+# f0db26b4389241deb62e3e62af4ae108
+msgid "Network upgrade is not supported from the network offering with Internal LB to the network offering with Public LB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1139
+# cdacc61443a24192b33aa89bf454081d
+msgid "Multiple tiers can have internal LB support in a VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1141
+# 08ebb9d7ed624f58a875207bb6be9859
+msgid "Only one tier can have Public LB support in a VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1145
+# 0cf099b085094a858d1b083c8e2f72f6
+msgid "Enabling Internal LB on a VPC Tier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1147
+# 381918d116bf406189b9d4dd38f04f33
+msgid "Create a network offering, as given in :ref:`creating-net-offering-internal-lb`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1150
+# f09e6b3612574602ae51429ca4126c05
+msgid "Create an internal load balancing rule and apply, as given in :ref:`create-int-lb-rule`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1157
+# 25a70af8ca1e41f18f48eb08ef5d850a
+msgid "Creating a Network Offering for Internal LB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1159
+# 08c27533594e44e582e605b3e9b3df6a
+msgid "To have internal LB support on VPC, either use the default offering, DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksWithInternalLB, or create a network offering as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1198
+# a41f382608f64d309fbe464cf7137a17
+msgid "**Supported Services**: Select Load Balancer. Select ``InternalLbVM`` from the provider list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1201
+# 163583059e0b4dc38ec9a9324be12914
+msgid "**Load Balancer Type**: Select Internal LB from the drop-down."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1216
+# c468f85bcd804f59b3e50b6395b59e2a
+msgid "Creating an Internal LB Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1218
+# 97768defcebc48e484aca56eed453215
+msgid "When you create the Internal LB rule and applies to a VM, an Internal LB VM, which is responsible for load balancing, is created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1221
+# 68b5cb10c6e7463690bbeefba32870fb
+msgid "You can view the created Internal LB VM in the Instances page if you navigate to **Infrastructure** > **Zones** > <zone\\_ name> > <physical\\_network\\_name> > **Network Service Providers** > **Internal LB VM**. You can manage the Internal LB VMs as and when required from the location."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1236
+# 3df2a5995876429facf54c5a8446811d
+msgid "Locate the VPC for which you want to configure internal LB, then click Configure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1242
+# 6f207d8e5df84a4b8c67c56fd431c1d7
+msgid "Locate the Tier for which you want to configure an internal LB rule, click Internal LB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1245
+# 3d886b162d3b4cb78187e716d7935265
+msgid "In the Internal LB page, click Add Internal LB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1247
+# f08b145932924c3caba6b02b3e38b19a
+msgid "In the dialog, specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1251
+# 551399e510014c7fbc3cf5f1a0110627
+msgid "**Description**: A short description of the rule that can be displayed to users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1254
+# 6cf0e4a86d4043878ef3a656833ff790
+msgid "**Source IP Address**: (Optional) The source IP from which traffic originates. The IP is acquired from the CIDR of that particular tier on which you want to create the Internal LB rule. If not specified, the IP address is automatically allocated from the network CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1260
+# 2feac41c2e1b49e48df5d82f1bda3eef
+msgid "For every Source IP, a new Internal LB VM is created for load balancing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1263
+# 4063dce4a7c94bc19982815512a92efa
+msgid "**Source Port**: The port associated with the source IP. Traffic on this port is load balanced."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1266
+# 7c1698db8e014d99ba6821c2749a280a
+msgid "**Instance Port**: The port of the internal LB VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1280
+# 22a6cc81098f4226b86f3e9b82cd4bba
+msgid "Adding a Port Forwarding Rule on a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1326
+# d8e4477eb9414ccbad83f00d2dbb0bcc
+msgid "In the Port Forwarding node of the diagram, click View All."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1332
+# 0dae384f57174980aacd91725f200202
+msgid "**Public Port**: The port to which public traffic will be addressed on the IP address you acquired in the previous step."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1335
+# e58b66b804154984ac2848feded76f18
+msgid "**Private Port**: The port on which the instance is listening for forwarded public traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1338
+# fdf35395971c43d7b03e9bf1a85afd10
+msgid "**Protocol**: The communication protocol in use between the two ports."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1341
+# 3488a82bf48c43dbbcf214cbc6915803
+msgid "TCP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1343
+# 65fd29db5c09403aad6a2b1688af4414
+msgid "UDP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1345
+# 3092d0bc5e29456e9c83bf700d0989ed
+msgid "**Add VM**: Click Add VM. Select the name of the instance to which this rule applies, and click Apply."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1348
+# 957a6544516446768dd3e34e10b081d8
+msgid "You can test the rule by opening an SSH session to the instance."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1352
+# fa091c39660d4a79ad8d7663f777f9b0
+msgid "Removing Tiers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1354
+# 23a5734e02084bdcb2075d5b7ff872ef
+msgid "You can remove a tier from a VPC. A removed tier cannot be revoked. When a tier is removed, only the resources of the tier are expunged. All the network rules (port forwarding, load balancing and staticNAT) and the IP addresses associated to the tier are removed. The IP address still be belonging to the same VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1372
+# 9b3b9eb7db0b4fc3983bc9bd94eb5f2c
+msgid "The Configure VPC page is displayed. Locate the tier you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1375
+# b4b3c46f5c7c43d2a38281a25cff0a95
+msgid "Select the tier you want to remove."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1377
+# 1c7ac4dbb28d46be86f3ab4794676d8c
+msgid "In the Network Details tab, click the Delete Network button. |del-tier.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1380
+# b2a09950453549488f1a8233090286dd
+msgid "Click Yes to confirm. Wait for some time for the tier to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1384
+# 4dc06c7515ba4393856799669ecf6a8a
+msgid "Editing, Restarting, and Removing a Virtual Private Cloud"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1386
+# c61c02b8451b4d52bc9e0b8232ce8d73
+msgid "Ensure that all the tiers are removed before you remove a VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1397
+# 7e354bd7277d4569a94e6a022ae111e5
+msgid "Select the VPC you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1399
+# 4e23279e59874fcdb4e38c54c1054efa
+msgid "In the Details tab, click the Remove VPC button |remove-vpc.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1401
+# 3227af3c60cb400c8679fd84202d852a
+msgid "You can remove the VPC by also using the remove button in the Quick View."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1404
+# 0e3026db29aa4e3780f95b598c5483fc
+msgid "You can edit the name and description of a VPC. To do that, select the VPC, then click the Edit button. |vpc-edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1407
+# 5d731df0a6ca4174a2b9f85dba537a8a
+msgid "To restart a VPC, select the VPC, then click the Restart button. |restart-vpc.png|"
+msgstr ""
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new file mode 100644
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+# Copyright (C) 
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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+#: ../../networking_and_traffic.rst:18
+# 2e88968824744a699d5b9e641bba935c
+msgid "Managing Networks and Traffic"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking_and_traffic.rst:20
+# 5f4766ac0c9e42fb808ce551ae256f24
+msgid "In a CloudStack, guest VMs can communicate with each other using shared infrastructure with the security and user perception that the guests have a private LAN. The CloudStack virtual router is the main component providing networking features for guest traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:18
+# 547c4ea0a4df4369904d3e89102a2ff0
+msgid "Guest Traffic"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:20
+# 66d2b2ce8a6e4cd2a1129c71097c9ffd
+msgid "A network can carry guest traffic only between VMs within one zone. Virtual machines in different zones cannot communicate with each other using their IP addresses; they must communicate with each other by routing through a public IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:25
+# d283edc27a994358b1d82be3efe292b3
+msgid "See a typical guest traffic setup given below:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:27
+# 585953ea4f7741d289a4d3930fbea7f8
+msgid "|guest-traffic-setup.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:29
+# 231054f3bb304ca8b569aae0ca379d62
+msgid "Typically, the Management Server automatically creates a virtual router for each network. A virtual router is a special virtual machine that runs on the hosts. Each virtual router in an isolated network has three network interfaces. If multiple public VLAN is used, the router will have multiple public interfaces. Its eth0 interface serves as the gateway for the guest traffic and has the IP address of Its eth1 interface is used by the system to configure the virtual router. Its eth2 interface is assigned a public IP address for public traffic. If multiple public VLAN is used, the router will have multiple public interfaces."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:40
+# fac52c70fa3c497faa044acd49d26532
+msgid "The virtual router provides DHCP and will automatically assign an IP address for each guest VM within the IP range assigned for the network. The user can manually reconfigure guest VMs to assume different IP addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:45
+# 60254b35a5ca48dcb79bab826da4a5ab
+msgid "Source NAT is automatically configured in the virtual router to forward outbound traffic for all guest VMs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:18
+# ffe1b004a96f43bc974d111d3a433cce
+msgid "Networking in a Pod"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:20
+# b0f1a12d5e7543ab99e1e3a70c348c57
+msgid "The figure below illustrates network setup within a single pod. The hosts are connected to a pod-level switch. At a minimum, the hosts should have one physical uplink to each switch. Bonded NICs are supported as well. The pod-level switch is a pair of redundant gigabit switches with 10 G uplinks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:26
+# fa46cc84fe1b4d539c299613f2ea90f8
+msgid "|networksinglepod.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:28
+# 0b80653796454fe7b33fc3de812c6200
+msgid "Servers are connected as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:30
+# 91c1e31402e44614ac425a77ffd95c12
+msgid "Storage devices are connected to only the network that carries management traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:33
+# 7c9c0e94df7a4c19b6cd106477d3162b
+msgid "Hosts are connected to networks for both management traffic and public traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:36
+# ab64d976f00e480885bb92e5d544d3ec
+msgid "Hosts are also connected to one or more networks carrying guest traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:39
+# 2d032fc9112345a8b2b9c78d5f64a723
+msgid "We recommend the use of multiple physical Ethernet cards to implement each network interface as well as redundant switch fabric in order to maximize throughput and improve reliability."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:18
+# 34f26bc9bb954421b5a49ea5148512a1
+msgid "Networking in a Zone"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:20
+# 42aa6b7f996f49748a02f70fa69cac5d
+msgid "The following figure illustrates the network setup within a single zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:22
+# cec13401ef5743db802dc373651f4cee
+msgid "|networksetupzone.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:24
+# caf254a7b27b483ab945007e27ab2454
+msgid "A firewall for management traffic operates in the NAT mode. The network typically is assigned IP addresses in the Class B private address space. Each pod is assigned IP addresses in the 192.168.\\*.0/24 Class C private address space."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:29
+# 0de7f4a8ad2349cc87a373a814392846
+msgid "Each zone has its own set of public IP addresses. Public IP addresses from different zones do not overlap."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/basic_zone_config.rst:19
+# 8133c02743444c1691e584fe82e3dbdb
+msgid "Basic Zone Physical Network Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/basic_zone_config.rst:21
+# 501779cb0c9441e4a29799acb6518b3e
+msgid "In a basic network, configuring the physical network is fairly straightforward. You only need to configure one guest network to carry traffic that is generated by guest VMs. When you first add a zone to CloudStack, you set up the guest network through the Add Zone screens."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:19
+# 309e851c308a4e6eb88d0b9cb9eca1a4
+msgid "Advanced Zone Physical Network Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:21
+# 5ba22edac905490bac4351986297202e
+msgid "Within a zone that uses advanced networking, you need to tell the Management Server how the physical network is set up to carry different kinds of traffic in isolation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:27
+# 7433a105cf0f4c4a8b5eb2d1b71b5278
+msgid "Configure Guest Traffic in an Advanced Zone"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:29
+# 0479d8eccf0646bda9f39cac51ca890c
+msgid "These steps assume you have already logged in to the CloudStack UI. To configure the base guest network:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:32
+# 6a02a9096d534a41aa433f728dd55749
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure. On Zones, click View More, then click the zone to which you want to add a network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:35
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:87
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:145
+# 9d184022aba349b2aa9aeb49c5222497
+# e23a8b99ae3d4beb87a9db4e87291025
+# 367ee4d166f843e6b790c71cbbf8f9e3
+msgid "Click the Network tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:37
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:89
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:147
+# 3245c61546fe4a81bc5e6e8a09167804
+# aeb508d106f6462bbdae174ca0a17b83
+# b07a9c22d66f4cd59a846a846778af53
+msgid "Click Add guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:39
+# be8bee6943514afda63cb052034b5613
+msgid "The Add guest network window is displayed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:41
+# 1c4523333dc64212b845c2b6912c260c
+msgid "|addguestnetwork.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:43
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:311
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:189
+# acadf5b43bd44355836e260ef18944cb
+# 914acc88287948198f6d2e928d524cff
+# 00444541c712470cabb10e4c18d44754
+msgid "Provide the following information:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:45
+# 3a472c2f7bd74e88894a25b50b2ecc0b
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be user-visible"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:47
+# cd0d4d5ebb2843508a34eef3fa3cbf95
+msgid "**Display Text**: The description of the network. This will be user-visible"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:50
+# 458b580931c147f39c8754144178743c
+msgid "**Zone**: The zone in which you are configuring the guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:52
+# 5a598415cdd64826baeb7bf89f1d991e
+msgid "**Network offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network offerings, select the one you want to use for this network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:55
+# 1bd47cc800e74d299fd0a2f14dc79b82
+msgid "**Guest Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:57
+# dbd235f763be4ac3bd961dfeab6a4119
+msgid "**Guest Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:60
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:115
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:84
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:95
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:371
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:215
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:402
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:425
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:211
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:281
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:455
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:479
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:94
+# 7a600295ac7141be85b91494277f8bae
+# 1699ac2b1b66466896e3e308100bc131
+# c2b6ddd6457b41cda3df2cbb62cbb901
+# 3929bccca11f489993ac83ea79cc8f48
+# c6b55626cac14e82aa807bfced97b64d
+# 46ab1fed30c44cb386441db1762dd430
+# 4562b7f8a5e64cf78cdd7c58d62866fc
+# 692b7464148b43a49edb927fbd74fd4b
+# 70bd2e1ea0524a7882ca8a0d1d607829
+# a6fb58ce33b74a20894b08e4aeffb48f
+# 3c8f6b6fdfc447fb8ee7f3a409e82bad
+# 7673a522d97348a9bc4533f2c623e3b6
+# e92a6822a63b483d92dfedd0eb104b22
+# d8d73b45f64a4ba0a15a6bf8124841f0
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:64
+# c735b3c2a79d4a97ba3b2798068b9032
+msgid "Configure Public Traffic in an Advanced Zone"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:66
+# b6188c4a11a04e4da53e69931cea7e92
+msgid "In a zone that uses advanced networking, you need to configure at least one range of IP addresses for Internet traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:71
+# 382eb9f366b44454835a00e621aa1743
+msgid "Configuring a Shared Guest Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:73
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:54
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:131
+# 017873e7ecfe4402a18cf99f80504c6b
+# a45daa5eec1d4fa68d75831b169fafa5
+# b177d05e7fb54f8ab7429856f854dd16
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:75
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:54
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:133
+# 84a0ef2ad9f943ad9f91eb6a8abb8ae7
+# 76b78351191646ffa98f8ec8e59fea01
+# ef875cadd3c647089970c4b011189042
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:77
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:135
+# 06247e8726024f7098ba1a2c8ffb7cd9
+# 4d47e34008e44518b3ce4ffc1d522b5e
+msgid "On Zones, click View More."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:79
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:137
+# 11a261c7ce9a4280b2283b3420540729
+# a53663a4596d4418b2447b2f34253c13
+msgid "Click the zone to which you want to add a guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:81
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:62
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:132
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:139
+# ad879d34c24644c6be82095823dd2634
+# f4034b1a820b425bbbd9b51218978bac
+# dda2aaaac56e490da82fb8570abcec7c
+# 7ee99e2d45ac49679a2ffc018fb9bada
+msgid "Click the Physical Network tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:83
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:141
+# 8e7c54c3dff94e4c975465a247fdc749
+# 6904ead432c948b1a353d1a14cf24ba3
+msgid "Click the physical network you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:85
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:143
+# 5198c123311c4dedb764b0fad9b75511
+# b6b304bb36064d9795035a047d554897
+msgid "On the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:91
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:149
+# 9b0560860e8142b6acacce6dee68f77d
+# f66ffb16e9e34d2fab95288ecddbc072
+msgid "The Add guest network window is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:93
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:79
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:89
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:107
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:142
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:70
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:75
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:151
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:482
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:393
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:248
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:539
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1062
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1330
+# 177f27f031a444b2a8fd7dd381980b4d
+# bf9352536eb942a18db080fc500523d3
+# a08d4b6ba13540ceab3e8058b95f89af
+# bc8ca26c46054b58b949250071678da5
+# 65686255f3e34e33b7c9014b22a1f32c
+# 0d69bb44a42b4273942af07cece87f40
+# 40882d4726394e6eabd4a92f88844717
+# df42ee8c70dc4c80884bb2241dce3ff9
+# 392bb66c4eed477b8f17b7327c094d70
+# 67322aa6283c41329898fae4fcd9d14a
+# f8a7557a036c4c2d9e8a1664f9788eb0
+# 15e16203d42441acbfb55f6d515c2648
+# 7dbdb60b7de340c08a41ac492f5f5f2b
+# c11b631f982340159764b1fc93b73259
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:95
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:153
+# 6554135d72104186ad415b989326d68a
+# f5bee2ab4a8a4cd1bb25c20ef7021f7c
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be visible to the user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:97
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:156
+# b63b119a113e499fb649c6b668452512
+# 53f9619369324f10bbc8f0dfb003c5af
+msgid "**Description**: The short description of the network that can be displayed to users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:100
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:159
+# 7623ee3426cd4a4b8719ca1027787ee0
+# fa610595c19f43feb0a9916b4c61517e
+msgid "**VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the VLAN."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:102
+# a6a3c73efe124f6690c9949d7466b2cd
+msgid "**Isolated VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the Secondary Isolated VLAN."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:105
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:167
+# eb5d4e3b37bb4d94bd1e4ce02cf03368
+# 8401ce13c8b14fc7ba27b4342afc3f7f
+msgid "**Scope**: The available scopes are Domain, Account, Project, and All."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:108
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:170
+# 484bd18b48f64d8190817eb10bf25d94
+# 7991b529beef453ba5728f8ca2b2b220
+msgid "**Domain**: Selecting Domain limits the scope of this guest network to the domain you specify. The network will not be available for other domains. If you select Subdomain Access, the guest network is available to all the sub domains within the selected domain."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:114
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:176
+# 252ca851074346a6be3e6f4c74f7834d
+# 621835256ebd4c57a89c9353ef9852f2
+msgid "**Account**: The account for which the guest network is being created for. You must specify the domain the account belongs to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:118
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:180
+# 0ab56139ecb94d0e8c9655e557cb946c
+# d4a5c2d9539246839f4dd99383968ef9
+msgid "**Project**: The project for which the guest network is being created for. You must specify the domain the project belongs to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:122
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:184
+# 2b9a0513ff7e422db20b3251b2fbe195
+# 0f2a1593be4f484781fdadc2f41437da
+msgid "**All**: The guest network is available for all the domains, account, projects within the selected zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:125
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:187
+# ca6ea5abd11c4e1788e84dfe1bff99a2
+# d3110bc74ceb49d3be22fc9aae58619b
+msgid "**Network Offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network offerings, select the one you want to use for this network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:129
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:191
+# f51f569ac91a494caa7f8c799bfdbb9f
+# a9df4480acb64d5bbd3f3ceef50ef146
+msgid "**Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:131
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:193
+# 1a04acb9a38148f68b32c27969c45f73
+# 283222bd73704d83b1a3edb949df0350
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:133
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:195
+# 615ae59795614770a2544f5a3b35cd87
+# 3564dbe5dcda4549a0101e20522adce2
+msgid "**IP Range**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the Internet and are assigned to the guest VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:136
+# 83b96bd50ac546028d9179711930d8b4
+msgid "If one NIC is used, these IPs should be in the same CIDR in the case of IPv6."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:139
+# e8f7fd43c9964fb39020455720c2ace1
+msgid "**IPv6 CIDR**: The network prefix that defines the guest network subnet. This is the CIDR that describes the IPv6 addresses in use in the guest networks in this zone. To allot IP addresses from within a particular address block, enter a CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:144
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:198
+# 447ec4231b6249d0a2be7e648cf05a4b
+# 9f34c3ebe1d44cc59d6246b9e1ef1cc6
+msgid "**Network Domain**: A custom DNS suffix at the level of a network. If you want to assign a special domain name to the guest VM network, specify a DNS suffix."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:148
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:202
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:415
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:439
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:555
+# 47c08e953e5a4dc6a1fea963aef82e35
+# eda271a950a6423f91f6019045850a96
+# 6866ffd602874da0a27c9d867eef7121
+# 0d2313e6a2b24e99a9800598ca9f6d0a
+# 210ec4b443e34cedbeb2ac91183bbc9e
+msgid "Click OK to confirm."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:18
+# 62aeac41fec848808050e2e871a2b129
+msgid "Using Multiple Guest Networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:20
+# 173b4dafa8a24c8d8ef490a9e5d1a2a3
+msgid "In zones that use advanced networking, additional networks for guest traffic may be added at any time after the initial installation. You can also customize the domain name associated with the network by specifying a DNS suffix for each network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:25
+# c8b83803c190449586b842e47655e008
+msgid "A VM's networks are defined at VM creation time. A VM cannot add or remove networks after it has been created, although the user can go into the guest and remove the IP address from the NIC on a particular network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:30
+# 71b0ed98702b4b929a15ba55f3aa6352
+msgid "Each VM has just one default network. The virtual router's DHCP reply will set the guest's default gateway as that for the default network. Multiple non-default networks may be added to a guest in addition to the single, required default network. The administrator can control which networks are available as the default network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:36
+# 849cc36464bd447d99a2d270e0b8c0b3
+msgid "Additional networks can either be available to all accounts or be assigned to a specific account. Networks that are available to all accounts are zone-wide. Any user with access to the zone can create a VM with access to that network. These zone-wide networks provide little or no isolation between guests.Networks that are assigned to a specific account provide strong isolation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:45
+# a3fc8a922f68476db11bacc83c025d3d
+msgid "Adding an Additional Guest Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:47
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:97
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:135
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:153
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:173
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:106
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:58
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:90
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:52
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:62
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:124
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:255
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:20
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:24
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:36
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:59
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:132
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:245
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:59
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:301
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:411
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:431
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:493
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:624
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:179
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:223
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:331
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:380
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:492
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:662
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:729
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:788
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:848
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1014
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1227
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1282
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1360
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1388
+# dc6276841e84471ba268d113e94e1fde
+# cbab5080c8724ae6b32d638711c47ad3
+# 48fc29cc7efc4b409a45c98ead6968af
+# ace2e79a21274181a0e6a1418b773520
+# 6befffe2a21747639acd37de4675a94a
+# f5963e2398134322866f292a2ba5637c
+# 551332081c79467bb0b0ae8d270e12fc
+# ecb9ef417cf8480db8b57ca2d9f61454
+# ce46c3a278f44eb5b1e7654fa8161e03
+# 9424276887a84ee99fd0b5822bdcd91a
+# cf03db0555ba4247b9b9cf2b658dc39c
+# 3e08d28b8e2f41d18f75caa20d66f640
+# 16776cbc4ef94f86a8459cd47cf975b6
+# 5d6031b242154874a2eea237547f4e27
+# 4556ff5dc1a74038a41b53936c78f484
+# 671400e41c7c4103bbcba44d13f5f1da
+# 62daba2f10ce4203b9a4ace43acaf3e6
+# 349c3fc0ae0045c091b01248f7139bd9
+# 6488b7ea43c743ea94940e1c1f3f2898
+# 3eb6a0e839144aac93bd3202f87081a4
+# 16a312e861604ecca8b56044c71267a5
+# 6a8b51d9d05c4ac48c274e364f981a83
+# d5aee6dabdd249118c7128383890359b
+# 5c15fdde88e743f4b18aea3fe127d933
+# 7a23456b027045198970bd22c7e8c26d
+# 2e31addff9374029b171be7e6159ce7e
+# 4e46d0a70f45414098f422f177f3ac81
+# 285f7a9fc04f4d6489fda4d6a5f605bb
+# 6803fb7ef5e947a19da33579f371d0fa
+# 989f403b307946939b500439893373fa
+# f3ea7727060d4b25b4a675666aa53047
+# 1c9c88a759cd4868990e4b477dc4a97f
+# 8fac984de8c04571aed052d41660d304
+# 155c85bc6c6c471c8933826c53d412db
+# a87fa80f420b452a9c4e0fb44344cd64
+# de7a6e86366d4763b6ed6974061246e9
+# 8e1be4aa91664f038b1f00940c6fef85
+# a9f7303f7b5c4984a44ef3c6a938123e
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:49
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:179
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:108
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:92
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:64
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:257
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:22
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:26
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:38
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:61
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:134
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:303
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:413
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:433
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:495
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:626
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:181
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:225
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:333
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:382
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:494
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:664
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:731
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:790
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:850
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1016
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1229
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1284
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1362
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1390
+# 237757a1c35441d4b6a1d0138d51de32
+# 39b4377eadca44f88700dca104d2f2a4
+# 14e144b6e7d84af79103518642863237
+# e38926ea76d24deabf34f94cc6156141
+# 1cafa5021f254ccdb3e66342906cbbe0
+# 76644abeaf9b49d48e5c26fd3863d65d
+# fd119509867a413eb5b071e9da496e8e
+# 957b74b12b1a45c7b9b8114b38f97d77
+# aa4565d6e2ed407b960640041eb584ff
+# 4e76e138c9884ac8beba173f7412d536
+# 44488e4d095a4f2d8266449c8307fc21
+# af7438793b9e44748cabc8348e59fda1
+# 4eb14251b140410c9af761d030914dc5
+# 60c4993c8a9a4e568ee599adb94f496d
+# ac22aded37484d4f98a0e5a40819d801
+# 8cc4478d868544b9848e14dfbd88437c
+# 7c473fc1dc29485bab80620cb5516658
+# 5719d26cc6b34a00b95be2ce35247df4
+# 10dbf0d03759490a8446988e520c079c
+# 92cb7c01ff9f4be098792e0ef2848938
+# fd1c21fdf57f4352984d33f74a0ffe94
+# 10c9ca3bb4e64794961df411c87283c0
+# 9ceabecc68364512ba46aba32daf9204
+# d77f1f6f348745e08a97c31b73820e52
+# f7bed0f61bd84981b3ec3692340f0005
+# 9981e33a734c445c98a725f067fc9940
+# e068bf6b3bc14e1b90f2154ebf50cc7f
+# 37ca9de5ef034ad4a025068c67b7cda8
+# 3f72ad0b7cf24c6cad9063dd0771a6b0
+# 52a95f6853b440feb680fdfbf7854d1e
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:51
+# cb6079f81a4a444c8445b03dfffb3384
+msgid "Click Add guest network. Provide the following information:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:53
+# a733015f94ce486a85c1b03cddfbc38d
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be user-visible."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:55
+# c09b04d766c44686adfb027006335ba6
+msgid "**Display Text**: The description of the network. This will be user-visible."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:58
+# 2c86bf84ff20496e9c0dbae8475b8796
+msgid "**Zone**. The name of the zone this network applies to. Each zone is a broadcast domain, and therefore each zone has a different IP range for the guest network. The administrator must configure the IP range for each zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:63
+# afa6888ba15346988e310755527a9c8c
+msgid "**Network offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network offerings, select the one you want to use for this network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:67
+# 7f1d89fa4b5b43eabe3a6dcd6a33dfeb
+msgid "**Guest Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:69
+# b882e804c5a845c2bb51f84c46f7e4b2
+msgid "**Guest Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:186
+# fae38490ef9a46b1849e4b2335cc0fed
+# 78b272d2f17d4c2aa5e3c38757550038
+msgid "Click Create."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:76
+# 89ec799633d344d9a83b6db46a6c828c
+msgid "Reconfiguring Networks in VMs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:78
+# a88f5c6d61374a3b928e78e6b1ea34aa
+msgid "CloudStack provides you the ability to move VMs between networks and reconfigure a VM's network. You can remove a VM from a network and add to a new network. You can also change the default network of a virtual machine. With this functionality, hybrid or traditional server loads can be accommodated with ease."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:84
+# 2316dff2f40f4d3f86f201bc60758648
+msgid "This feature is supported on XenServer, VMware, and KVM hypervisors."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:88
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:97
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:428
+# 616dba5e33b041d58b10b5d6e07ee798
+# 537bba5fd9ca4e46a540acdaa254af70
+# cedaba73cb0d47a88420f975227d5918
+msgid "Prerequisites"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:90
+# 96d0ba198631458b9ed9d4fa9ed7a7e8
+msgid "Ensure that vm-tools are running on guest VMs for adding or removing networks to work on VMware hypervisor."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:95
+# 0329f8bc61c245c990fbec99fc953f92
+msgid "Adding a Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:99
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:137
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:155
+# 97b216f50e31423b9810c721a305ff6a
+# 9a2142ffcdd841c6add827da072540a3
+# 472370d3518e4d43897027152ff4f4a4
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Instances."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:101
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:139
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:157
+# a42801e9f96a4b12aef748033faea01f
+# 81f21ab3baef4f45b105fc9089d4e0d3
+# 635dc740070544bc8307380af26d34fa
+msgid "Choose the VM that you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:103
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:141
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:159
+# 6bac6d526e3d4904baf4586d1d888847
+# fc1fad0459ba46678afe706a5a01d3e2
+# 1975c5cefdba4f0e8aeb59dd9eace947
+msgid "Click the NICs tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:105
+# 4fab29c3388c444694883cc767e38d1a
+msgid "Click Add network to VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:107
+# 2607dcbcf15f4c8dafde44a5570a2766
+msgid "The Add network to VM dialog is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:109
+# 078937d5a79043d497e0b24671ff352d
+msgid "In the drop-down list, select the network that you would like to add this VM to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:112
+# 45834b3a55d14caebf167b7bd28ebd2f
+msgid "A new NIC is added for this network. You can view the following details in the NICs page:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:115
+# 2e97354cbec940b796eec8b025dc982e
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:117
+# 122b599d9d7d4f8c8fb462bd0c5b5f2e
+msgid "Network Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:119
+# 6766a85b557b460c8955aa3fb09bfb8d
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:121
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:481
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:561
+# 3bd581b01cb243438e2e27273acdbedf
+# 5933f737b419411fa7207a44b3bdea6a
+# 940af38d78dc494ab2ad01f61aafe5d1
+msgid "IP Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:123
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:563
+# daa389d546724738b57068be58e101d3
+# 95d8f0e06cb94200ae5681c2d2a96628
+msgid "Gateway"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:125
+# c39faf6b191042feb2d8ef693d09e473
+msgid "Netmask"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:127
+# 84a7fde285214a59a6105b424d0e3616
+msgid "Is default"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:129
+# 7689a2a82f5c496e89049b4c6c30a8a0
+msgid "CIDR (for IPv6)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:133
+# 8d0db3320eaf4c88be0ac3e518bfb002
+msgid "Removing a Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:143
+# 5aa8d15ef25e4b49b6eebcd1275b2a27
+msgid "Locate the NIC you want to remove."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:145
+# 839f1682ea074a07990190ec500a473f
+msgid "Click Remove NIC button. |remove-nic.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:147
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:165
+# 00cc631ddf71493784b992fb54efb226
+# aba902f0e4d940768424cda703f41a00
+msgid "Click Yes to confirm."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:151
+# 4628fde155ff46dab3f60b7acb743a7a
+msgid "Selecting the Default Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:161
+# cd2ff5578eb8448fb8960115c581a240
+msgid "Locate the NIC you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:163
+# b267fb4c8ea944a896d8494196363127
+msgid "Click the Set default NIC button. |set-default-nic.png|."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:168
+# b1e087e064cd4c8ebe77979cdeb59029
+msgid "Changing the Network Offering on a Guest Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:170
+# 98f57e4d0fe143c39ec77fdc7afbbc1a
+msgid "A user or administrator can change the network offering that is associated with an existing guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:175
+# 8c3a2eaed1fa46a09bab8a2fb9394033
+msgid "If you are changing from a network offering that uses the CloudStack virtual router to one that uses external devices as network service providers, you must first stop all the VMs on the network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:181
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:110
+# deb6cb39e0f942ef8537ff0805aee20c
+# d19c0a1a49dd41129e10a67ab3d452dc
+msgid "Click the name of the network you want to modify."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:183
+# ecccedf20bf340e2ba7ead538934109d
+msgid "In the Details tab, click Edit. |edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:185
+# edc1fb28dc1b449cacf52a30f5e913b6
+msgid "In Network Offering, choose the new network offering, then click Apply."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:188
+# 19df93b01dc24fd594f644c960aac9d3
+msgid "A prompt is displayed asking whether you want to keep the existing CIDR. This is to let you know that if you change the network offering, the CIDR will be affected."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:192
+# 31721f214c5b41e0902e0192cb732fd2
+msgid "If you upgrade between virtual router as a provider and an external network device as provider, acknowledge the change of CIDR to continue, so choose Yes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:196
+# 3bd6b923a2f64dfe984b12e9d7a9989a
+msgid "Wait for the update to complete. Don't try to restart VMs until the network change is complete."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:199
+# 33336e86a2f748f6a87662d9f20dc804
+msgid "If you stopped any VMs, restart them."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:18
+# 685effa0d8104882b0a30dc6b824029a
+msgid "IP Reservation in Isolated Guest Networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:20
+# 359e7f6b58f44d209b72518d79eaa4a1
+msgid "In isolated guest networks, a part of the guest IP address space can be reserved for non-CloudStack VMs or physical servers. To do so, you configure a range of Reserved IP addresses by specifying the CIDR when a guest network is in Implemented state. If your customers wish to have non-CloudStack controlled VMs or physical servers on the same network, they can share a part of the IP address space that is primarily provided to the guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:28
+# e20dc9218ab14a249b1976460b6ff50e
+msgid "In an Advanced zone, an IP address range or a CIDR is assigned to a network when the network is defined. The CloudStack virtual router acts as the DHCP server and uses CIDR for assigning IP addresses to the guest VMs. If you decide to reserve CIDR for non-CloudStack purposes, you can specify a part of the IP address range or the CIDR that should only be allocated by the DHCP service of the virtual router to the guest VMs created in CloudStack. The remaining IPs in that network are called Reserved IP Range. When IP reservation is configured, the administrator can add additional VMs or physical servers that are not part of CloudStack to the same network and assign them the Reserved IP addresses. CloudStack guest VMs cannot acquire IPs from the Reserved IP Range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:43
+# aa0353a0869b430a9e00cc950d697674
+msgid "IP Reservation Considerations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:45
+# 22d783b25a1a4a81835a9f474578360d
+msgid "Consider the following before you reserve an IP range for non-CloudStack machines:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:48
+# 0b76d0acbe274475b3d5501612754809
+msgid "IP Reservation is supported only in Isolated networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:50
+# 5bc6f26160614e04a5e091d9ce7f7b41
+msgid "IP Reservation can be applied only when the network is in Implemented state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:53
+# ab5412a6ce1d4c0cb3eef49dfab3e255
+msgid "No IP Reservation is done by default."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:55
+# 428a3fe4ee25419a968877cb3d6e16e8
+msgid "Guest VM CIDR you specify must be a subset of the network CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:57
+# 172c915bb06f46d498d3fc10f4f49011
+msgid "Specify a valid Guest VM CIDR. IP Reservation is applied only if no active IPs exist outside the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:60
+# 0e5b7bff020d494b9f4e85c641380036
+msgid "You cannot apply IP Reservation if any VM is alloted with an IP address that is outside the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:63
+# dd5d34dcc85b438e9f317da8db24673b
+msgid "To reset an existing IP Reservation, apply IP reservation by specifying the value of network CIDR in the CIDR field."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:66
+# 56f3f34b92224637b58c7c86bb310fd1
+msgid "For example, the following table describes three scenarios of guest network creation:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+# 96cbc8ccee6044a3a4e224d82dda12dd
+msgid "Case"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:122
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:456
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:519
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:651
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:352
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:519
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:754
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:812
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:873
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1039
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1307
+# 2982ca1c12bf49f2866744193ff6f578
+# f16720ba82ad472da40e8ad034254fe4
+# 24dfa509e12d4af98062dd3ae0b48f52
+# 8e4bbd56239d4c71954370d8ef6e8cbe
+# 1f15602058a04c8ebef82e324bb336e6
+# 9ba99b464c2a41bdbe57d55fafae2ccb
+# ebb32770ece6425e9748b0b6a9e2f681
+# ddc08af8ce4f4978a487c0467816270a
+# 642e10bd685b467ead08d1a5a1df5a5f
+# 4060fb167ecd47c882155784f918a887
+# 4c47fa58c98943ec8448eb44ecf621c2
+# 2bf6e84c5f66458f9ed8b4566d751075
+# 606de62e4a0643e89e7cc0809decf0d1
+msgid "CIDR"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+# d4529e4573f1422e89f8705d72b14fa6
+msgid "Network CIDR"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+# 8717091b7d574910ae7f7db398dec4df
+msgid "Reserved IP Range for Non-CloudStack VMs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+# f596416e0a6849629c21a6b74715913c
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+# 3982ebcb186c4a28bf3ffa4552438c72
+# 15b7293e51984eb1be8bb66b8d99d6e1
+msgid "1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+# f627b7351048414296987b276f691d64
+# 696d3ab791fa4146be4d6793d9894204
+# df688c92b303499f87d27d2a6fda5fc3
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+# a5a742b38ae847cb99bd9339c2d47e94
+# 332c38a7b5df4f1ca82b88c659c623bd
+# 8adf0d6c1d72460eb7310b93522b0346
+# d4268a954eb94931af19f1c48598c309
+msgid "None"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+# f2eddeac640e48e5b16991ce8b7bfa93
+msgid "No IP Reservation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+# 5bb07f152b264e86ae6eda03cc31e1c1
+# f5f2048cf9714b9ea68d2049570c4f6c
+msgid "2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+# 01110998a1c74b3c80ef1a4dc83268a1
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+# e5cce0b4eb08472589cd816030a3de7d
+msgid " to"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+# 9e5926a76629431e9e75a9c27ec25211
+msgid "IP Reservation configured by the UpdateNetwork API with guestvmcidr= or enter in the CIDR field in the UI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+# a1279f60da4448408c8b4ef94ae25031
+msgid "3"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+# 24e829a2afac40eaa86a07045b551c40
+msgid "Removing IP Reservation by the UpdateNetwork API with guestvmcidr= or enter in the CIDR field in the UI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:83
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:91
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:467
+# d2dda38687714f138add9a3210ce94ec
+# 46aafdafc5b941cc973bf413019aea2d
+# 72b66fa9b2694682919a62c46d2a7506
+msgid "Limitations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:85
+# 6c3ae7eb716447539cf6ce3a087485f8
+msgid "The IP Reservation is not supported if active IPs that are found outside the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:88
+# 2b40b03295c04e3384d785ee53b756e2
+msgid "Upgrading network offering which causes a change in CIDR (such as upgrading an offering with no external devices to one with external devices) IP Reservation becomes void if any. Reconfigure IP Reservation in the new re-implemeted network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:95
+# 583ca0216ee74e1581158dc7533c07d0
+msgid "Best Practices"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:97
+# 388bdfcc95f147538a75b7767724cbda
+msgid "Apply IP Reservation to the guest network as soon as the network state changes to Implemented. If you apply reservation soon after the first guest VM is deployed, lesser conflicts occurs while applying reservation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:104
+# a3c4555e018a445ca599010a280d64a5
+msgid "Reserving an IP Range"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:112
+# 6242f71ba63246c7a5080997cf22f7c6
+msgid "In the Details tab, click Edit. |ip-edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:114
+# df98c1294588410ca38bdcafe1f1a634
+msgid "The CIDR field changes to editable one."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:116
+# e18e130a65f64f129965e464668821cc
+msgid "In CIDR, specify the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:118
+# e1926c61c2e24ac9bb3568b5425e6640
+msgid "Click Apply."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:120
+# 8e47676d285f403ab1c11aacbe5ad256
+msgid "Wait for the update to complete. The Network CIDR and the Reserved IP Range are displayed on the Details page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:18
+# b15f7528cec041d084db2225a51abbd1
+msgid "Reserving Public IP Addresses and VLANs for Accounts"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:20
+# 1237af30bb46480aa12ce39cfe5e593c
+msgid "CloudStack provides you the ability to reserve a set of public IP addresses and VLANs exclusively for an account. During zone creation, you can continue defining a set of VLANs and multiple public IP ranges. This feature extends the functionality to enable you to dedicate a fixed set of VLANs and guest IP addresses for a tenant."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:26
+# 17369f839a29414b986f6bea29ed68ba
+msgid "Note that if an account has consumed all the VLANs and IPs dedicated to it, the account can acquire two more resources from the system. CloudStack provides the root admin with two configuration parameter to modify this default behavior: use.system.public.ips and use.system.guest.vlans. These global parameters enable the root admin to disallow an account from acquiring public IPs and guest VLANs from the system, if the account has dedicated resources and these dedicated resources have all been consumed. Both these configurations are configurable at the account level."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:36
+# eb7adb4a348943f4a8a202f85e7fb8d5
+msgid "This feature provides you the following capabilities:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:38
+# 358e7d880b0749daa4dc8a226925c073
+msgid "Reserve a VLAN range and public IP address range from an Advanced zone and assign it to an account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:41
+# 6e0eb4612e474dc984111d18bb95fc83
+msgid "Disassociate a VLAN and public IP address range from an account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:43
+# bab06e5f1a2f454aa3b08743ba57c793
+msgid "View the number of public IP addresses allocated to an account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:45
+# a6866fc5db5347209e221b84742c3365
+msgid "Check whether the required range is available and is conforms to account limits."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:48
+# 1620986a4ae94f2485a54cd91ccaac56
+msgid "The maximum IPs per account limit cannot be superseded."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:52
+# 22120243221443aebd306ac3563d496f
+msgid "Dedicating IP Address Ranges to an Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:56
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:126
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:317
+# 41eada43c00c47d3af3049e17e3a5ed4
+# 3a4fc14485e04b878d42c2f16d2c1874
+# 3b0a5efffc524d5a89c218f531388b51
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:58
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:128
+# afa72273b7894980af0176c1cbb8d600
+# 1b7787454ba64ef5bde4f8dc55076690
+msgid "In Zones, click View All."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:60
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:130
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:321
+# 3538cd7eca744d5dbedb17d4d1df1490
+# 737bb1531046470f96395e869b9b3d0d
+# 1c6a07051f2f4a1eb71d9cb9a6cbb984
+msgid "Choose the zone you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:64
+# 2afee3aa9d964227ad8abeec4cff164d
+msgid "In the Public node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:66
+# 31af885ac08540b1a345a76ed1c81e3a
+msgid "Click the IP Ranges tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:68
+# d99c704f2b3e4e829337b91b0e1af56a
+msgid "You can either assign an existing IP range to an account, or create a new IP range and assign to an account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:71
+# 781bb561940748e88798ab180120b3e8
+msgid "To assign an existing IP range to an account, perform the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:73
+# 64caee3705894ae5b7eb188e82c8d260
+msgid "Locate the IP range you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:75
+# 9e0730ca65ac4442a517f39c9056cee8
+msgid "Click Add Account |addAccount-icon.png| button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:77
+# 6c4ee6b7080e4fd7a90d8edddfda5845
+msgid "The Add Account dialog is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:81
+# 2c50704135d54e319c54ab3e0aade306
+msgid "**Account**: The account to which you want to assign the IP address range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:84
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:112
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:150
+# ee19ac37f89e4403997fdca99142dad5
+# 2ba3bff62178453c93570a1e85aa2879
+# 265ed744d98042a9bbcb2c139f70e7fb
+msgid "**Domain**: The domain associated with the account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:86
+# 8fbac9b35cdb43ea90d07e27edb5a231
+msgid "To create a new IP range and assign an account, perform the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:91
+# 16602be853314d1ca41010b8d9c70203
+msgid "**Gateway**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:93
+# 2b07551df7d347b2877a717602b072a0
+msgid "**Netmask**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:95
+# 8302fe6345ff497088145a583593bea1
+msgid "**VLAN**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:97
+# 34b38799ec734aa89366e4c3f651a3e4
+msgid "**Start IP**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:99
+# 70bab7c8bc9a44b8b72a460686975a2a
+msgid "**End IP**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:101
+# 02aaa72ff90843289ad5aeb650f65a9d
+msgid "**Account**: Perform the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:103
+# 9a58082c89c9466fba38134f240e1b52
+msgid "Click Account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:105
+# dcb5729930024223b016b7cbdb424ba1
+msgid "The Add Account page is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:109
+# 5c2df9219e7346a6bfc5ecb3bf074542
+msgid "**Account**: The account to which you want to assign an IP address range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:117
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:210
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:88
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:163
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:276
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:153
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:642
+# f149473b61b340ca9e017c5f4aad3762
+# 2ddbd5f2481d4b119ddad24b954900cc
+# b48da4e586f54f578325e5a80b7d9f43
+# 5b0f318024d544438e606644459f750b
+# 065cefba75724c0a8d56d7931eea5c3d
+# 589f4a9092e34b8f8382b017ebf0259f
+# b103ac8cfde9495fb1cd24a491540360
+msgid "Click Add."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:121
+# 6f051411c8144bdc9db1c5f418ca9e6b
+msgid "Dedicating VLAN Ranges to an Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:123
+# 0624b2939c5d4e5f9f0769c68abba80a
+msgid "After the CloudStack Management Server is installed, log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:134
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:61
+# 40248bd661704cdb80e80629fe09d500
+# f99a23ecda8047cfa0314a138db2515e
+msgid "In the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:136
+# 092aa112394946a6a4808b597cc9d85d
+msgid "Select the Dedicated VLAN Ranges tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:138
+# 1fdecb917bc84f50afd745175be5d7e7
+msgid "Click Dedicate VLAN Range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:140
+# b67fd2523d364441a6c82f24bc357ab5
+msgid "The Dedicate VLAN Range dialog is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:144
+# 542f999a29c64479b5f5d452895813bd
+msgid "**VLAN Range**: The VLAN range that you want to assign to an account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:147
+# 55217660cfb0479ebc430fe86772c808
+msgid "**Account**: The account to which you want to assign the selected VLAN range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:18
+# 4b6378bc482446339fca13029388310a
+msgid "Configuring Multiple IP Addresses on a Single NIC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:20
+# 3cb13c102ebb495b944a5ea2571c0ea6
+msgid "CloudStack provides you the ability to associate multiple private IP addresses per guest VM NIC. In addition to the primary IP, you can assign additional IPs to the guest VM NIC. This feature is supported on all the network configurations: Basic, Advanced, and VPC. Security Groups, Static NAT and Port forwarding services are supported on these additional IPs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:27
+# cda7fad448d845659243893d3485d00f
+msgid "As always, you can specify an IP from the guest subnet; if not specified, an IP is automatically picked up from the guest VM subnet. You can view the IPs associated with for each guest VM NICs on the UI. You can apply NAT on these additional guest IPs by using network configuration option in the CloudStack UI. You must specify the NIC to which the IP should be associated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:34
+# de43d093c3fa4819badd7e95a605662c
+msgid "This feature is supported on XenServer, KVM, and VMware hypervisors. Note that Basic zone security groups are not supported on VMware."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:39
+# b0dc091ada714fc080fbb52f2ea8f427
+msgid "Use Cases"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:41
+# f716fd8c0f43409d9b85a31bfd022770
+msgid "Some of the use cases are described below:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:43
+# 39e24f20af4e4a389da098c9fb80f1f5
+msgid "Network devices, such as firewalls and load balancers, generally work best when they have access to multiple IP addresses on the network interface."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:47
+# 75801965b1464997a865772f1ea040ef
+msgid "Moving private IP addresses between interfaces or instances. Applications that are bound to specific IP addresses can be moved between instances."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:51
+# 1f4805e6057f4a5f97735f57cc71033c
+msgid "Hosting multiple SSL Websites on a single instance. You can install multiple SSL certificates on a single instance, each associated with a distinct IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:57
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:48
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1125
+# c0033b8d9992490791fbd0dc7f89fa6f
+# 4c7d965ae98540498820d6359998db6c
+# 924fe16b17a346a1b175d02a5701f4db
+msgid "Guidelines"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:59
+# ab36c55d792048e78529f118b75f7169
+msgid "To prevent IP conflict, configure different subnets when multiple networks are connected to the same VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:64
+# a16d7477fb8d418abbe4a25970ed93ac
+msgid "Assigning Additional IPs to a VM"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:66
+# 8913586016c847b1b942015f371fff55
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:68
+# 93115e86c11446058862e5525c9fcc6d
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Instances."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:70
+# 197ab17d29454cdc8de866d1f2c0be83
+msgid "Click the name of the instance you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:72
+# c7863b679faf4fb6ac1f9e48e70ba5d4
+msgid "In the Details tab, click NICs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:74
+# 9dfa60a220ed42018f74c7bd78e6d7cd
+msgid "Click View Secondary IPs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:76
+# e783f44753f8491689c78956994376bd
+msgid "Click Acquire New Secondary IP, and click Yes in the confirmation dialog."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:79
+# ae7779933a044ea395e2bfa5e67ca484
+msgid "You need to configure the IP on the guest VM NIC manually. CloudStack will not automatically configure the acquired IP address on the VM. Ensure that the IP address configuration persist on VM reboot."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:83
+# e08145cc27e24301982a9f2f45bd93d8
+msgid "Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear with the state Allocated. You can now use the IP address in Port Forwarding or StaticNAT rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:89
+# 1aa79a21e0f24d109fbf1a380be58b37
+msgid "Port Forwarding and StaticNAT Services Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:91
+# ffac07bcb64d47f7bcb39e02c46e43b5
+msgid "Because multiple IPs can be associated per NIC, you are allowed to select a desired IP for the Port Forwarding and StaticNAT services. The default is the primary IP. To enable this functionality, an extra optional parameter 'vmguestip' is added to the Port forwarding and StaticNAT APIs (enableStaticNat, createIpForwardingRule) to indicate on what IP address NAT need to be configured. If vmguestip is passed, NAT is configured on the specified private IP of the VM. if not passed, NAT is configured on the primary IP of the VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:18
+# 0e8ade71092049f9bae900723c45e41a
+msgid "About Multiple IP Ranges"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:20
+# e46b13dd887941a78dd4dde1a9c91f7b
+msgid "The feature can only be implemented on IPv4 addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:22
+# 6bd2d25649fc4326b60a07cefee0f204
+msgid "CloudStack provides you with the flexibility to add guest IP ranges from different subnets in Basic zones and security groups-enabled Advanced zones. For security groups-enabled Advanced zones, it implies multiple subnets can be added to the same VLAN. With the addition of this feature, you will be able to add IP address ranges from the same subnet or from a different one when IP address are exhausted. This would in turn allows you to employ higher number of subnets and thus reduce the address management overhead. To support this feature, the capability of ``createVlanIpRange`` API is extended to add IP ranges also from a different subnet."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:33
+# 3ba0c789bb3449fe86585f4c8c841997
+msgid "Ensure that you manually configure the gateway of the new subnet before adding the IP range. Note that CloudStack supports only one gateway for a subnet; overlapping subnets are not currently supported."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:37
+# e5e487ee073f4d56be1f4666a45f4dfe
+msgid "Use the ``deleteVlanRange`` API to delete IP ranges. This operation fails if an IP from the remove range is in use. If the remove range contains the IP address on which the DHCP server is running, CloudStack acquires a new IP from the same subnet. If no IP is available in the subnet, the remove operation fails."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:43
+# bc188db60e2742989c16aedac841809e
+msgid "This feature is supported on KVM, xenServer, and VMware hypervisors."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:18
+# 866f7bd8690f4e378e4a55a7c80d196c
+msgid "About Elastic IPs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:20
+# 53c01f3c606045ad9beed865c2233d50
+msgid "Elastic IP (EIP) addresses are the IP addresses that are associated with an account, and act as static IP addresses. The account owner has the complete control over the Elastic IP addresses that belong to the account. As an account owner, you can allocate an Elastic IP to a VM of your choice from the EIP pool of your account. Later if required you can reassign the IP address to a different VM. This feature is extremely helpful during VM failure. Instead of replacing the VM which is down, the IP address can be reassigned to a new VM in your account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:29
+# eeb2c5db0229477692e9e379117ad90e
+msgid "Similar to the public IP address, Elastic IP addresses are mapped to their associated private IP addresses by using StaticNAT. The EIP service is equipped with StaticNAT (1:1) service in an EIP-enabled basic zone. The default network offering, DefaultSharedNetscalerEIPandELBNetworkOffering, provides your network with EIP and ELB network services if a NetScaler device is deployed in your zone. Consider the following illustration for more details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:37
+# c188c126629840a7a54f6b8956cb2c76
+msgid "|eip-ns-basiczone.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:39
+# 51020097041145ddb6805633c7eb819c
+msgid "In the illustration, a NetScaler appliance is the default entry or exit point for the CloudStack instances, and firewall is the default entry or exit point for the rest of the data center. Netscaler provides LB services and staticNAT service to the guest networks. The guest traffic in the pods and the Management Server are on different subnets / VLANs. The policy-based routing in the data center core switch sends the public traffic through the NetScaler, whereas the rest of the data center goes through the firewall."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:48
+# 3f2630ad1d0343c68eb8a2303ccb4c9c
+msgid "The EIP work flow is as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:50
+# d20e19311068491ba44b06500472b710
+msgid "When a user VM is deployed, a public IP is automatically acquired from the pool of public IPs configured in the zone. This IP is owned by the VM's account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:54
+# d15702d110a942848fa6cef69cece507
+msgid "Each VM will have its own private IP. When the user VM starts, Static NAT is provisioned on the NetScaler device by using the Inbound Network Address Translation (INAT) and Reverse NAT (RNAT) rules between the public IP and the private IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:60
+# ff6cb27225094523ba3a17d305016521
+msgid "Inbound NAT (INAT) is a type of NAT supported by NetScaler, in which the destination IP address is replaced in the packets from the public network, such as the Internet, with the private IP address of a VM in the private network. Reverse NAT (RNAT) is a type of NAT supported by NetScaler, in which the source IP address is replaced in the packets generated by a VM in the private network with the public IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:67
+# e9dde6b9e99a42a4b1141fa7cde9549e
+msgid "This default public IP will be released in two cases:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:69
+# bb3ef5bc34c24d44980be5d6f69e0c5c
+msgid "When the VM is stopped. When the VM starts, it again receives a new public IP, not necessarily the same one allocated initially, from the pool of Public IPs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:73
+# 571a9e4939ea4287a8aa0ddf426417b4
+msgid "The user acquires a public IP (Elastic IP). This public IP is associated with the account, but will not be mapped to any private IP. However, the user can enable Static NAT to associate this IP to the private IP of a VM in the account. The Static NAT rule for the public IP can be disabled at any time. When Static NAT is disabled, a new public IP is allocated from the pool, which is not necessarily be the same one allocated initially."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:81
+# aaf805319e4341d8a268392acb2bda8e
+msgid "For the deployments where public IPs are limited resources, you have the flexibility to choose not to allocate a public IP by default. You can use the Associate Public IP option to turn on or off the automatic public IP assignment in the EIP-enabled Basic zones. If you turn off the automatic public IP assignment while creating a network offering, only a private IP is assigned to a VM when the VM is deployed with that network offering. Later, the user can acquire an IP for the VM and enable static NAT."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:90
+# 31babd6d6dfd4d079192f8d6984817ee
+msgid "For more information on the Associate Public IP option, see `\"Creating a New Network Offering\" <networking.html#creating-a-new-network-offering>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:94
+# dbb9cddd535f4a438059357783272fe3
+msgid "The Associate Public IP feature is designed only for use with user VMs. The System VMs continue to get both public IP and private by default, irrespective of the network offering configuration."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:98
+# d898deec360a48b1851e6a597385713b
+msgid "New deployments which use the default shared network offering with EIP and ELB services to create a shared network in the Basic zone will continue allocating public IPs to each user VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:18
+# 0f08f4f232ba497eb9cd9c3e04f96afc
+msgid "Portable IPs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:21
+# 7ac92bb50f6449d988fcc630639a18fc
+msgid "About Portable IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:23
+# 6ae5874856114307829101c5c704d620
+msgid "Portable IPs in CloudStack are region-level pool of IPs, which are elastic in nature, that can be transferred across geographically separated zones. As an administrator, you can provision a pool of portable public IPs at region level and are available for user consumption. The users can acquire portable IPs if admin has provisioned portable IPs at the region level they are part of. These IPs can be use for any service within an advanced zone. You can also use portable IPs for EIP services in basic zones."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:32
+# 742f98931c1a44baa38129e2d9707866
+msgid "The salient features of Portable IP are as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:34
+# a4472d2004c943f1ad88325b36b6a440
+msgid "IP is statically allocated"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:36
+# fcd6dca4d30d4a1f92bb64c7635abeb1
+msgid "IP need not be associated with a network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:38
+# 7409719b9ce74f6c8d91b07f9079a6ef
+msgid "IP association is transferable across networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:40
+# 5aeff85fa3704f3ab93dbbba900c80f2
+msgid "IP is transferable across both Basic and Advanced zones"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:42
+# 96ffa5d02ec9464e8866c8d272aad9c1
+msgid "IP is transferable across VPC, non-VPC isolated and shared networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:44
+# 6207a2e79e024acc8ef256c36daec0ff
+msgid "Portable IP transfer is available only for static NAT."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:50
+# c3d0138ce57f44a9becb32df52ca0fb9
+msgid "Before transferring to another network, ensure that no network rules (Firewall, Static NAT, Port Forwarding, and so on) exist on that portable IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:56
+# 18cc0645453a43eebf52beaa73a9a6a6
+msgid "Configuring Portable IPs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:60
+# 740ad8e23fac49f8950f5161989c18e9
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Regions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:62
+# 40704d729f114cbcb667118f671238ef
+msgid "Choose the Regions that you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:64
+# 03bf5d8664204ec084df0a9d5940644a
+msgid "Click View Portable IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:66
+# ddc000619eb94419951b60265902d979
+msgid "Click Portable IP Range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:68
+# c8a67f00327e4e37bfae6b2882e40fa0
+msgid "The Add Portable IP Range window is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:72
+# 873cae2265344ab384d2b0f8956b8cbe
+msgid "**Start IP/ End IP**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the Internet and will be allocated to guest VMs. Enter the first and last IP addresses that define a range that CloudStack can assign to guest VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:77
+# 47a17aedcd9a46d4aa9426bc133f7593
+msgid "**Gateway**: The gateway in use for the Portable IP addresses you are configuring."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:80
+# 7979e6a1cf8a4b2d8e8673ed132db41e
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask associated with the Portable IP range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:82
+# 63cb5224252e403480ba1ddc53337de8
+msgid "**VLAN**: The VLAN that will be used for public traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:88
+# 124023448c074dcea01be7eddc177170
+msgid "Acquiring a Portable IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:94
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:24
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:28
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:40
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:63
+# ac222ffaf3d1404a885f643c228d2c83
+# baf678baec6247bb94c9eab6b3b1e84e
+# ffdddf1fe28240469a8090a522b32151
+# 663ad172db854afdadd95fc1d3db1f64
+# 2bf3f81e7dbb4b2cb34d627506ee9889
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:96
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:262
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:26
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:30
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:42
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:65
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:82
+# 442ce3999e8d427da57daa610533fb7c
+# 9cc585cd1a5740acba75c898195b0eab
+# 4c9d3404671a4e4d99d3323175204d8e
+# e8c449dffe3c49e8938437a96cef0ca6
+# d605e8bf3fb74b278bf0d265f1db6084
+# 5f4eacd3a2ba48349a41f04f8756ee37
+# ba3dfb6ca3af4d51a17fa31861d95379
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:98
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:28
+# fbc9c26eb4f041618e668c4addb7f051
+# eab860b6d87641698d96cf5e11803339
+msgid "Click Acquire New IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:100
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:30
+# 294bab6d3d9f43aa8d85acabb8fdbdf5
+# 5ebf3c5ce9154b57bf3cf2ef8e449b4b
+msgid "The Acquire New IP window is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:102
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:32
+# 54c07b2049174cceae5d75abcd11939f
+# d82eff4f2d2d4e8cb8c9fe694607832a
+msgid "Specify whether you want cross-zone IP or not."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:104
+# 3c0460b1928b474e8347baf870d93061
+msgid "Click Yes in the confirmation dialog."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:106
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:40
+# c6d079ae16bb440d9430701ba56f68a1
+# 5c09ad0de69f460bbc10914cf114f514
+msgid "Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear with the state Allocated. You can now use the IP address in port forwarding or static NAT rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:112
+# 8f37986b8a4e47ba93264a3bb9af1a18
+msgid "Transferring Portable IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:114
+# 8a4e3d4a96ea471794ae2d68687fa797
+msgid "An IP can be transferred from one network to another only if Static NAT is enabled. However, when a portable IP is associated with a network, you can use it for any service in the network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:118
+# 680b04281ce240339902b0a08da4ecd8
+msgid "To transfer a portable IP across the networks, execute the following API:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:125
+# 8a701f169d1449e7b4cc16e3e4ae8b8f
+msgid "Replace the UUID with appropriate UUID. For example, if you want to transfer a portable IP to network X and VM Y in a network, execute the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:18
+# 7089d5ba1bd84cd788dd5c22ca2b1bd2
+msgid "Multiple Subnets in Shared Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:20
+# 0477f56fce2e483d8971ed6598538bac
+msgid "CloudStack provides you with the flexibility to add guest IP ranges from different subnets in Basic zones and security groups-enabled Advanced zones. For security groups-enabled Advanced zones, it implies multiple subnets can be added to the same VLAN. With the addition of this feature, you will be able to add IP address ranges from the same subnet or from a different one when IP address are exhausted. This would in turn allows you to employ higher number of subnets and thus reduce the address management overhead. You can delete the IP ranges you have added."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:32
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:255
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:107
+# 2ad5b5d4ac7c4c81bb8f93f0bc9ec255
+# 788fe7caacfd434d9974e747cc5b6975
+# 6a8d2ba526f244f0867dd3ba399837cc
+msgid "Prerequisites and Guidelines"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:34
+# 6ba395678a3b488d83285fef91d03eb8
+msgid "This feature can only be implemented:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:36
+# d0797766d8c8418a944d9351c7a7d5f2
+msgid "on IPv4 addresses"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:38
+# dfbc41f238524d26b2412643554b3dda
+msgid "if virtual router is the DHCP provider"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:40
+# b16927d0778c489d8684d17d6d5080a5
+msgid "on KVM, xenServer, and VMware hypervisors"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:42
+# da5c39ee692344d9ad7e4baa53792f99
+msgid "Manually configure the gateway of the new subnet before adding the IP range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:45
+# 12c49c34743945559bdac3337e94b72b
+msgid "CloudStack supports only one gateway for a subnet; overlapping subnets are not currently supported"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:50
+# 5e0122bb568b4cb89567b4d417ff860d
+msgid "Adding Multiple Subnets to a Shared Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:56
+# 5dead61f678f4f708dc471eb41eb51d7
+msgid "On Zones, click View More, then click the zone to which you want to work with.."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:59
+# 113bdf0910ef4fa181ae7e1dd6b4965a
+msgid "Click Physical Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:63
+# 93cb70825bb2406bb280993bb96c1423
+msgid "Click Networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:65
+# a8776092b5274a8f85bb80eea30fc74e
+msgid "Select the networks you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:67
+# 1bee5ce455ca48a99e79744a7d62e425
+msgid "Click View IP Ranges."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:69
+# bda3572323594aa4b29c6a6b5757d2b3
+msgid "Click Add IP Range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:71
+# 9f735ab5dccd454ba2337ef570347dd5
+msgid "The Add IP Range dialog is displayed, as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:73
+# 83f6544a7bc44bc09cf19bfaf591db11
+msgid "|add-ip-range.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:77
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:250
+# d555abc08eb3476c9e5aa15b14cb5ecb
+# fbc89fdbac934907bce2121e6b919e02
+msgid "All the fields are mandatory."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:79
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:262
+# a0f1b8e275a849a79eefa4a842795497
+# da34b3884ae5434b9e9aa6bcf68fd955
+msgid "**Gateway**: The gateway for the tier you create. Ensure that the gateway is within the Super CIDR range that you specified while creating the VPC, and is not overlapped with the CIDR of any existing tier within the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:84
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:275
+# 9a478560b45f4c7fa3a7749ae1781e2f
+# 625aa7b3683d4ab686623285a759d03e
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask for the tier you create."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:86
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:277
+# bc0ecfa80a4b43e4881c58b85f681266
+# c8ffd6a926fe4eefbdc0e84ebc7dd348
+msgid "For example, if the VPC CIDR is and the network tier CIDR is, the gateway of the tier is, and the netmask of the tier is"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:90
+# b48ff10b434e49e5abe6714cfb3452d9
+msgid "**Start IP/ End IP**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the Internet and will be allocated to guest VMs. Enter the first and last IP addresses that define a range that CloudStack can assign to guest VMs ."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:18
+# cc7a99018f204eb3b14ae4407e439d52
+msgid "Isolation in Advanced Zone Using Private VLAN"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:20
+# d4c63a56d1c541179877426fec001db5
+msgid "Isolation of guest traffic in shared networks can be achieved by using Private VLANs (PVLAN). PVLANs provide Layer 2 isolation between ports within the same VLAN. In a PVLAN-enabled shared network, a user VM cannot reach other user VM though they can reach the DHCP server and gateway, this would in turn allow users to control traffic within a network and help them deploy multiple applications without communication between application as well as prevent communication with other users' VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:29
+# 662c4fdd4bd34b7b9c55b5525c739c11
+msgid "Isolate VMs in a shared networks by using Private VLANs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:31
+# 1a255e04a5154ff0be5f76264b93453e
+msgid "Supported on KVM, XenServer, and VMware hypervisors"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:33
+# 8f8a37c238cc4670b3152c2a622787c7
+msgid "PVLAN-enabled shared network can be a part of multiple networks of a guest VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:38
+# 8be0c81861ea4d4f9f8a9e2403e11250
+msgid "About Private VLAN"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:40
+# 19221ad3a5f64011b70c802da07bee31
+msgid "In an Ethernet switch, a VLAN is a broadcast domain where hosts can establish direct communication with each another at Layer 2. Private VLAN is designed as an extension of VLAN standard to add further segmentation of the logical broadcast domain. A regular VLAN is a single broadcast domain, whereas a private VLAN partitions a larger VLAN broadcast domain into smaller sub-domains. A sub-domain is represented by a pair of VLANs: a Primary VLAN and a Secondary VLAN. The original VLAN that is being divided into smaller groups is called Primary, which implies that all VLAN pairs in a private VLAN share the same Primary VLAN. All the secondary VLANs exist only inside the Primary. Each Secondary VLAN has a specific VLAN ID associated to it, which differentiates one sub-domain from another."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:53
+# c46e1be64b4e467aaa0a2109cb87bc24
+msgid "Three types of ports exist in a private VLAN domain, which essentially determine the behaviour of the participating hosts. Each ports will have its own unique set of rules, which regulate a connected host's ability to communicate with other connected host within the same private VLAN domain. Configure each host that is part of a PVLAN pair can be by using one of these three port designation:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:60
+# 8773791ad68744dbbef479a5a63348f1
+msgid "**Promiscuous**: A promiscuous port can communicate with all the interfaces, including the community and isolated host ports that belong to the secondary VLANs. In Promiscuous mode, hosts are connected to promiscuous ports and are able to communicate directly with resources on both primary and secondary VLAN. Routers, DHCP servers, and other trusted devices are typically attached to promiscuous ports."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:68
+# 91c780247f2c4db2a19e098d51fb2a1f
+msgid "**Isolated VLANs**: The ports within an isolated VLAN cannot communicate with each other at the layer-2 level. The hosts that are connected to Isolated ports can directly communicate only with the Promiscuous resources. If your customer device needs to have access only to a gateway router, attach it to an isolated port."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:74
+# 4e94602bf9fa44c6b94244cf55cb1aeb
+msgid "**Community VLANs**: The ports within a community VLAN can communicate with each other and with the promiscuous ports, but they cannot communicate with the ports in other communities at the layer-2 level. In a Community mode, direct communication is permitted only with the hosts in the same community and those that are connected to the Primary PVLAN in promiscuous mode. If your customer has two devices that need to be isolated from other customers' devices, but to be able to communicate among themselves, deploy them in community ports."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:84
+# 362d4b4e5dd242628fe508d3abbe3361
+msgid "For further reading:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:86
+# 9dc2e8a81d2e4418ae9f6222887a9bd3
+msgid "`Understanding Private VLANs <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:89
+# 7e9fd9cf1c9b469ebd5bd961175982df
+msgid "`Cisco Systems' Private VLANs: Scalable Security in a Multi-Client Environment <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:92
+# 7cd6254dad1c4523b2c2be1867cca7cb
+msgid "`Private VLAN (PVLAN) on vNetwork Distributed Switch - Concept Overview (1010691) <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:99
+# e7159581e2aa4e7f82fcc3e3e5b8e9b2
+msgid "Use a PVLAN supported switch."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:101
+# 558f121cf82b419cbacce6914151513e
+msgid "See `Private VLAN Catalyst Switch Support Matrix <>`_ for more information."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:105
+# bc44ba94ec284076984bcf8bd7345e42
+msgid "All the layer 2 switches, which are PVLAN-aware, are connected to each other, and one of them is connected to a router. All the ports connected to the host would be configured in trunk mode. Open Management VLAN, Primary VLAN (public) and Secondary Isolated VLAN ports. Configure the switch port connected to the router in PVLAN promiscuous trunk mode, which would translate an isolated VLAN to primary VLAN for the PVLAN-unaware router."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:113
+# 71abf1e9b2ae4a149e565ca17b45f51c
+msgid "Note that only Cisco Catalyst 4500 has the PVLAN promiscuous trunk mode to connect both normal VLAN and PVLAN to a PVLAN-unaware switch. For the other Catalyst PVLAN support switch, connect the switch to upper switch by using cables, one each for a PVLAN pair."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:118
+# 6b7feb8b8f8646848e0fc9321c60bb0f
+msgid "Configure private VLAN on your physical switches out-of-band."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:120
+# 06b27f4c4355406886e4aa1e037d9467
+msgid "Before you use PVLAN on XenServer and KVM, enable Open vSwitch (OVS)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:123
+# d9b9a5e0ce044d7b94cc7f36f40dac75
+msgid "OVS on XenServer and KVM does not support PVLAN natively. Therefore, CloudStack managed to simulate PVLAN on OVS for XenServer and KVM by modifying the flow table."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:129
+# 579764808b8b4cee81634b52e650e7f4
+msgid "Creating a PVLAN-Enabled Guest Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:161
+# 5fd76d10b7a245ca92d599f5d84b04aa
+msgid "**Secondary Isolated VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the Secondary Isolated VLAN."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:164
+# ba80bf59655f4806845c6b592500c85a
+msgid "For the description on Secondary Isolated VLAN, see `About Private VLAN\" <#about-private-vlan>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:18
+# cb6cc7de1ccf43ceb4fee732f2374d3a
+msgid "Security Groups"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:21
+# d27a88932a2a40c580ff31cd04f7c5b1
+msgid "About Security Groups"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:23
+# f5ba715a47234ff3a2bb8f9c56d490ab
+msgid "Security groups provide a way to isolate traffic to VMs. A security group is a group of VMs that filter their incoming and outgoing traffic according to a set of rules, called ingress and egress rules. These rules filter network traffic according to the IP address that is attempting to communicate with the VM. Security groups are particularly useful in zones that use basic networking, because there is a single guest network for all guest VMs. In advanced zones, security groups are supported only on the KVM hypervisor."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:33
+# 29c17e93f2554fe99e042dbc72b337d9
+msgid "In a zone that uses advanced networking, you can instead define multiple guest networks to isolate traffic to VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:36
+# b0e658a849c44ade96fd212d6c6b2589
+msgid "Each CloudStack account comes with a default security group that denies all inbound traffic and allows all outbound traffic. The default security group can be modified so that all new VMs inherit some other desired set of rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:41
+# 03c3350e08fe420da4f2f221c5773dba
+msgid "Any CloudStack user can set up any number of additional security groups. When a new VM is launched, it is assigned to the default security group unless another user-defined security group is specified. A VM can be a member of any number of security groups. Once a VM is assigned to a security group, it remains in that group for its entire lifetime; you can not move a running VM from one security group to another."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:48
+# 4b6f67cf254b46589e9ddd94ff94b1bc
+msgid "You can modify a security group by deleting or adding any number of ingress and egress rules. When you do, the new rules apply to all VMs in the group, whether running or stopped."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:52
+# d23292c15bd3444c9ce839ff69392d35
+msgid "If no ingress rules are specified, then no traffic will be allowed in, except for responses to any traffic that has been allowed out through an egress rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:58
+# c22e98199bb447fd9a71ddcec88a9deb
+msgid "Adding a Security Group"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:60
+# 8a6a28fa1d434e4fbe428253b48eb3b8
+msgid "A user or administrator can define a new security group."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:66
+# 1ed905affb2a472aa04efaf4868c54d6
+msgid "In Select view, choose Security Groups."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:68
+# b052c553469c485a8ff0422d5b0abf73
+msgid "Click Add Security Group."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:70
+# 3db27ac74dd94357a381d19d64f5759e
+msgid "Provide a name and description."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:74
+# 5715f7737e534f99853d1f7ef2ff13f0
+msgid "The new security group appears in the Security Groups Details tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:76
+# 581f75deea1c4ce98b419a71f864130e
+msgid "To make the security group useful, continue to Adding Ingress and Egress Rules to a Security Group."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:81
+# f35cc6563a5e4857b8feee6cf88f29a3
+msgid "Security Groups in Advanced Zones (KVM Only)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:83
+# fe26402e50fd46458f4ad511d322ba21
+msgid "CloudStack provides the ability to use security groups to provide isolation between guests on a single shared, zone-wide network in an advanced zone where KVM is the hypervisor. Using security groups in advanced zones rather than multiple VLANs allows a greater range of options for setting up guest isolation in a cloud."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:93
+# 6199b2fe0a1346459e8db63371e35db5
+msgid "The following are not supported for this feature:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:95
+# 68ca4f1c51804347a9af6d0fd227f701
+msgid "Two IP ranges with the same VLAN and different gateway or netmask in security group-enabled shared network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:98
+# 6d6ded6fa4fe4853b91bbaea875c3db7
+msgid "Two IP ranges with the same VLAN and different gateway or netmask in account-specific shared networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:101
+# fb280b17f22e4093b26c6e9d1891f60c
+msgid "Multiple VLAN ranges in security group-enabled shared network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:103
+# 465a90dfe47647f28f1d23f859ff2f8a
+msgid "Multiple VLAN ranges in account-specific shared networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:105
+# d5d9f22d58634efcbbd25a21f05d9ddf
+msgid "Security groups must be enabled in the zone in order for this feature to be used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:110
+# 4f0382c2c0e349d0b3df1e3c6f9ae199
+msgid "Enabling Security Groups"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:112
+# 5b48cea9b0254d6b92404b64173b5f9f
+msgid "In order for security groups to function in a zone, the security groups feature must first be enabled for the zone. The administrator can do this when creating a new zone, by selecting a network offering that includes security groups. The procedure is described in Basic Zone Configuration in the Advanced Installation Guide. The administrator can not enable security groups for an existing zone, only when creating a new zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:122
+# f31414cc005f439194236fdcf63adaba
+msgid "Adding Ingress and Egress Rules to a Security Group"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:126
+# 13f6fe7914834d94be54eccfd3a6571e
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:128
+# 012c6f8bd96840d5b500950bbb99d37a
+msgid "In Select view, choose Security Groups, then click the security group you want."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:131
+# c5c93da9ab4542f288c0ea7dacc7015d
+msgid "To add an ingress rule, click the Ingress Rules tab and fill out the following fields to specify what network traffic is allowed into VM instances in this security group. If no ingress rules are specified, then no traffic will be allowed in, except for responses to any traffic that has been allowed out through an egress rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:137
+# a2545fd9c6a14c158863af3aca3b3a6d
+msgid "**Add by CIDR/Account**. Indicate whether the source of the traffic will be defined by IP address (CIDR) or an existing security group in a CloudStack account (Account). Choose Account if you want to allow incoming traffic from all VMs in another security group"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:143
+# b0594fd78a124efd8984037ef17e6b89
+msgid "**Protocol**. The networking protocol that sources will use to send traffic to the security group. TCP and UDP are typically used for data exchange and end-user communications. ICMP is typically used to send error messages or network monitoring data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:148
+# 3af9a8d515614eccafed5e09672a8f15
+msgid "**Start Port, End Port**. (TCP, UDP only) A range of listening ports that are the destination for the incoming traffic. If you are opening a single port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:152
+# 27a7bc38a030400e9d8f1dedb608659e
+msgid "**ICMP Type, ICMP Code**. (ICMP only) The type of message and error code that will be accepted."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:155
+# 0ce4ad2050184376bdd26ed654e59599
+msgid "**CIDR**. (Add by CIDR only) To accept only traffic from IP addresses within a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the incoming traffic. For example, To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:161
+# 91ef8eb9529941acbded2108e7c153e0
+msgid "**Account, Security Group**. (Add by Account only) To accept only traffic from another security group, enter the CloudStack account and name of a security group that has already been defined in that account. To allow traffic between VMs within the security group you are editing now, enter the same name you used in step 7."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:167
+# 813409a701e84482ab284821eb359fe2
+msgid "The following example allows inbound HTTP access from anywhere:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:169
+# 7ac1c499669b4a3cafd27ef10695d298
+msgid "|httpaccess.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:171
+# e1083636f84c412fab7099c64bed463a
+msgid "To add an egress rule, click the Egress Rules tab and fill out the following fields to specify what type of traffic is allowed to be sent out of VM instances in this security group. If no egress rules are specified, then all traffic will be allowed out. Once egress rules are specified, the following types of traffic are allowed out: traffic specified in egress rules; queries to DNS and DHCP servers; and responses to any traffic that has been allowed in through an ingress rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:180
+# 69e5e83165db4e4ea9fd33a5bd1b0fff
+msgid "**Add by CIDR/Account**. Indicate whether the destination of the traffic will be defined by IP address (CIDR) or an existing security group in a CloudStack account (Account). Choose Account if you want to allow outgoing traffic to all VMs in another security group."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:186
+# 63fc0c9e030d4dc193c101bcb0e4b3fb
+msgid "**Protocol**. The networking protocol that VMs will use to send outgoing traffic. TCP and UDP are typically used for data exchange and end-user communications. ICMP is typically used to send error messages or network monitoring data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:191
+# 0aa4b36b063a4f05a08b6a2ebb65d1f7
+msgid "**Start Port, End Port**. (TCP, UDP only) A range of listening ports that are the destination for the outgoing traffic. If you are opening a single port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:195
+# c2b03378b50f4e2b8ad15946702ddb5c
+msgid "**ICMP Type, ICMP Code**. (ICMP only) The type of message and error code that will be sent"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:198
+# f8d9e0334b9a4b1faa27a9fa5f918dae
+msgid "**CIDR**. (Add by CIDR only) To send traffic only to IP addresses within a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the destination. For example, To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:204
+# 748c734315774d6ea521e50471bbadab
+msgid "**Account, Security Group**. (Add by Account only) To allow traffic to be sent to another security group, enter the CloudStack account and name of a security group that has already been defined in that account. To allow traffic between VMs within the security group you are editing now, enter its name."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:18
+# 121a5a4d0fdf4adbadf0e9018abbb3f2
+msgid "External Firewalls and Load Balancers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:20
+# da0033de7a88452b92b35dc42a5409ca
+msgid "CloudStack is capable of replacing its Virtual Router with an external Juniper SRX device and an optional external NetScaler or F5 load balancer for gateway and load balancing services. In this case, the VMs use the SRX as their gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:27
+# 1758f3bbc4ec49b6a87df151d32c7822
+msgid "About Using a NetScaler Load Balancer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:29
+# edf025a8432d4d2e916b9e1e4506292b
+msgid "Citrix NetScaler is supported as an external network element for load balancing in zones that use isolated networking in advanced zones. Set up an external load balancer when you want to provide load balancing through means other than CloudStack's provided virtual router."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:35
+# e6c1fa94b4a44fe9af51313b701a4c0a
+msgid "In a Basic zone, load balancing service is supported only if Elastic IP or Elastic LB services are enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:38
+# 919e3b6335ec43cbb41cd06193a91872
+msgid "When NetScaler load balancer is used to provide EIP or ELB services in a Basic zone, ensure that all guest VM traffic must enter and exit through the NetScaler device. When inbound traffic goes through the NetScaler device, traffic is routed by using the NAT protocol depending on the EIP/ELB configured on the public IP to the private IP. The traffic that is originated from the guest VMs usually goes through the layer 3 router. To ensure that outbound traffic goes through NetScaler device providing EIP/ELB, layer 3 router must have a policy-based routing. A policy-based route must be set up so that all traffic originated from the guest VM's are directed to NetScaler device. This is required to ensure that the outbound traffic from the guest VM's is routed to a public IP by using NAT.For more information on Elastic IP, see `\"About Elastic IP\" <#about-elastic-ip>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:52
+# e8f3e9f2b1bd412a99284612b6c7e030
+msgid "The NetScaler can be set up in direct (outside the firewall) mode. It must be added before any load balancing rules are deployed on guest VMs in the zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:56
+# 523f98e01f234306b388d42100392a01
+msgid "The functional behavior of the NetScaler with CloudStack is the same as described in the CloudStack documentation for using an F5 external load balancer. The only exception is that the F5 supports routing domains, and NetScaler does not. NetScaler can not yet be used as a firewall."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:61
+# 9526107823ab4b9bbdf3aeabea512cbd
+msgid "To install and enable an external load balancer for CloudStack management, see External Guest Load Balancer Integration in the Installation Guide."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:65
+# b606dd0a26944ae7abe244a91ae68dce
+msgid "The Citrix NetScaler comes in three varieties. The following summarizes how these variants are treated in CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:68
+# 4d4acf453ee34b99bcd9422624a29d4f
+msgid "**MPX**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:70
+# 31bf9c295f6f41ceba97d553ee88a09e
+msgid "Physical appliance. Capable of deep packet inspection. Can act as application firewall and load balancer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:73
+# 9393642591e14352a7b452e06213da83
+msgid "In advanced zones, load balancer functionality fully supported without limitation. In basic zones, static NAT, elastic IP (EIP), and elastic load balancing (ELB) are also provided."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:77
+# b9313747ed1d4f2bb9ceb37cc651ef0e
+msgid "**VPX**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:79
+# 726835d9e8994018bac41442046eebab
+msgid "Virtual appliance. Can run as VM on XenServer, ESXi, and Hyper-V hypervisors. Same functionality as MPX"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:82
+# c85737d038fa4926a9e5e9ea965a24ce
+msgid "Supported on ESXi and XenServer. Same functional support as for MPX. CloudStack will treat VPX and MPX as the same device type."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:85
+# 6aa4be1b809449b48793dde65f3fee9c
+msgid "**SDX**"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:87
+# ffe20a22c29347ff81fd3ac28699bc4c
+msgid "Physical appliance. Can create multiple fully isolated VPX instances on a single appliance to support multi-tenant usage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:90
+# 363ff0dd6af349ae9fb5dfe4b0264655
+msgid "CloudStack will dynamically provision, configure, and manage the life cycle of VPX instances on the SDX. Provisioned instances are added into CloudStack automatically - no manual configuration by the administrator is required. Once a VPX instance is added into CloudStack, it is treated the same as a VPX on an ESXi host."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:98
+# 48be3cf5cf894ea3be2012a3fd52b693
+msgid "Configuring SNMP Community String on a RHEL Server"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:100
+# 124686b380a8434fbe22ff4861dcf466
+msgid "The SNMP Community string is similar to a user id or password that provides access to a network device, such as router. This string is sent along with all SNMP requests. If the community string is correct, the device responds with the requested information. If the community string is incorrect, the device discards the request and does not respond."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:106
+# db1b06466d9042489699add305179ed0
+msgid "The NetScaler device uses SNMP to communicate with the VMs. You must install SNMP and configure SNMP Community string for a secure communication between the NetScaler device and the RHEL machine."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:110
+# 86bf1082cfba4dd0ab1ae1cd1fc55280
+msgid "Ensure that you installed SNMP on RedHat. If not, run the following command:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:117
+# b57fd1f457bb47559202771c0c0e81b9
+msgid "Edit the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file to allow the SNMP polling from the NetScaler device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:120
+# 7cc4f86ef08341519c58b04122531955
+msgid "Map the community name into a security name (local and mynetwork, depending on where the request is coming from):"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:124
+# 96e1da8de4da414f8ba5659fc97790f5
+msgid "Use a strong password instead of public when you edit the following table."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:133
+# e0dfb13b632f40ee91f2522b6545638c
+msgid "Setting to allows all IPs to poll the NetScaler server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:135
+# 8bbf09e13cf4449eab6802c2e431d166
+msgid "Map the security names into group names:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:145
+# 28f26a19a75e4d38b8cbe455da453945
+msgid "Create a view to allow the groups to have the permission to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:151
+# cbb139269f8f422ea3ced1eb9e1f20d4
+msgid "Grant access with different write permissions to the two groups to the view you created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:160
+# 4b8fa0c0c42b41e585535c6e0a66012c
+msgid "Unblock SNMP in iptables."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:166
+# 62e7b099d03c4a73bfcac8ea208630d3
+msgid "Start the SNMP service:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:172
+# 54522a637adb4007a9a82f11819c2c59
+msgid "Ensure that the SNMP service is started automatically during the system startup:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:181
+# 5949212234ed48b6adc372a7c7ce1637
+msgid "Initial Setup of External Firewalls and Load Balancers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:183
+# 4cac2b9077964674844de4e3e3a93a0b
+msgid "When the first VM is created for a new account, CloudStack programs the external firewall and load balancer to work with the VM. The following objects are created on the firewall:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:187
+# 4bf4042c7f4f4def95f95bb7a9c4c3ec
+msgid "A new logical interface to connect to the account's private VLAN. The interface IP is always the first IP of the account's private subnet (e.g."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:191
+# 0691cec2a7cf4c178b39117f7d1ae324
+msgid "A source NAT rule that forwards all outgoing traffic from the account's private VLAN to the public Internet, using the account's public IP address as the source address"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:195
+# 493986833b5c4b068a45f8c644330cc3
+msgid "A firewall filter counter that measures the number of bytes of outgoing traffic for the account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:198
+# d94c05bebe7142f69087aa01f32a8dd2
+msgid "The following objects are created on the load balancer:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:200
+# 3038b6bbaf9a40e4bf717fc65b7b5f7a
+msgid "A new VLAN that matches the account's provisioned Zone VLAN"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:202
+# 6babff57f8864990afeabf3aa8702676
+msgid "A self IP for the VLAN. This is always the second IP of the account's private subnet (e.g."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:207
+# c78efbcb1b344675a63143a5fa305c80
+msgid "Ongoing Configuration of External Firewalls and Load Balancers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:209
+# 778d4134b7bd4fec9bc3c731d1dd006f
+msgid "Additional user actions (e.g. setting a port forward) will cause further programming of the firewall and load balancer. A user may request additional public IP addresses and forward traffic received at these IPs to specific VMs. This is accomplished by enabling static NAT for a public IP address, assigning the IP to a VM, and specifying a set of protocols and port ranges to open. When a static NAT rule is created, CloudStack programs the zone's external firewall with the following objects:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:218
+# 98d20f26e4be4a6693dbe1d69cbd1dc6
+msgid "A static NAT rule that maps the public IP address to the private IP address of a VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:221
+# 21bcfd0a7295477cb6daae191a4b5300
+msgid "A security policy that allows traffic within the set of protocols and port ranges that are specified."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:224
+# d57954e8fd754ec291d98eda142d626c
+msgid "A firewall filter counter that measures the number of bytes of incoming traffic to the public IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:227
+# fe43a5a0e7e9497595d1e43626bc76de
+msgid "The number of incoming and outgoing bytes through source NAT, static NAT, and load balancing rules is measured and saved on each external element. This data is collected on a regular basis and stored in the CloudStack database."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:234
+# 6db8db0667bd4e58b757a87adabda6bc
+msgid "Load Balancer Rules"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:236
+# 146c1ce3466a4755a2e0733761dc4ed0
+msgid "A CloudStack user or administrator may create load balancing rules that balance traffic received at a public IP to one or more VMs. A user creates a rule, specifies an algorithm, and assigns the rule to a set of VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:242
+# c95ce127b66547f6922052b2dd046529
+msgid "If you create load balancing rules while using a network service offering that includes an external load balancer device such as NetScaler, and later change the network service offering to one that uses the CloudStack virtual router, you must create a firewall rule on the virtual router for each of your existing load balancing rules so that they continue to function."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:253
+# 1cb0607405a54290aac63427224142d3
+msgid "Adding a Load Balancer Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:259
+# e9125f99985c4930b8ca325f3fcf515a
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to load balance the traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:264
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1055
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1323
+# e2976048502c4d5a9d5bee635ce5ee1b
+# 5b388625f3784583b0752e36f9353e8a
+# aa8c8d52101742e9a804ccc41cbcfbb3
+msgid "Click the IP address for which you want to create the rule, then click the Configuration tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:267
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1058
+# d0100e755da442c3a5f073f8219b5816
+# bc3f9224355b4e66b73a49411a2326b8
+msgid "In the Load Balancing node of the diagram, click View All."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:269
+# aed2916e2f794074898738f6a54fd470
+msgid "In a Basic zone, you can also create a load balancing rule without acquiring or selecting an IP address. CloudStack internally assign an IP when you create the load balancing rule, which is listed in the IP Addresses page when the rule is created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:274
+# cdcdffd84542448691328bee08d8de97
+msgid "To do that, select the name of the network, then click Add Load Balancer tab. Continue with #7."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:277
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:265
+# c90d375729ae4857b6cbfad14e955c25
+# 899cdfae1e1b423fa4228db904e74d4c
+msgid "Fill in the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:279
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1064
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1249
+# ee36f3f0257549b5a157b2c373cc595f
+# 03c1b13d01dd4d93abf1db0df4d270c3
+# 35a1954cf7ed4135a2a506e65626b63b
+msgid "**Name**: A name for the load balancer rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:281
+# 13aa4f60513144f581eaaea2a25fc259
+msgid "**Public Port**: The port receiving incoming traffic to be balanced."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:284
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1069
+# 94a4f9710f0548e9b5efb1ced085ee7c
+# 43dd6392f9004b9ea68310e1bda21332
+msgid "**Private Port**: The port that the VMs will use to receive the traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:287
+# 6dadc08ee20e449882fb626362f7af7f
+msgid "**Algorithm**: Choose the load balancing algorithm you want CloudStack to use. CloudStack supports a variety of well-known algorithms. If you are not familiar with these choices, you will find plenty of information about them on the Internet."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:292
+# b7ba39ce29984655a3fee83759341968
+msgid "**Stickiness**: (Optional) Click Configure and choose the algorithm for the stickiness policy. See Sticky Session Policies for Load Balancer Rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:296
+# a79ee74d2a374432bae88b284375af8d
+msgid "**AutoScale**: Click Configure and complete the AutoScale configuration as explained in :ref:`conf-autoscale`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:299
+# 748f88b5e1234460b650bb46124ebf32
+msgid "**Health Check**: (Optional; NetScaler load balancers only) Click Configure and fill in the characteristics of the health check policy. See :ref:`health-check`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:303
+# 57115cc9cda44c37ab09f3b0a846ddb6
+msgid "**Ping path (Optional)**: Sequence of destinations to which to send health check queries. Default: / (all)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:306
+# 4f4a56c64b114bfbbc4a00ffe27666f1
+msgid "**Response time (Optional)**: How long to wait for a response from the health check (2 - 60 seconds). Default: 5 seconds."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:309
+# 5d063fd6cf084d458e9bb553fdcaa398
+msgid "**Interval time (Optional)**: Amount of time between health checks (1 second - 5 minutes). Default value is set in the global configuration parameter lbrule\\_health check\\_time\\_interval."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:314
+# 6550d0fabfa042e698d1e24bab46eae8
+msgid "**Healthy threshold (Optional)**: Number of consecutive health check successes that are required before declaring an instance healthy. Default: 2."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:318
+# d30d4c6e04f84624988f359219dfe504
+msgid "**Unhealthy threshold (Optional)**: Number of consecutive health check failures that are required before declaring an instance unhealthy. Default: 10."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:322
+# 427464c4195c4474982b88b06a60bd2b
+msgid "Click Add VMs, then select two or more VMs that will divide the load of incoming traffic, and click Apply."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:325
+# b57e6480829e4e1ea39a935dfae60828
+msgid "The new load balancer rule appears in the list. You can repeat these steps to add more load balancer rules for this IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:330
+# 5b7fc7b5ea6d40a5bc3f415a80425764
+msgid "Sticky Session Policies for Load Balancer Rules"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:332
+# b9827a93606d4bd78ba8176109a6543b
+msgid "Sticky sessions are used in Web-based applications to ensure continued availability of information across the multiple requests in a user's session. For example, if a shopper is filling a cart, you need to remember what has been purchased so far. The concept of \"stickiness\" is also referred to as persistence or maintaining state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:338
+# a0e599620e7d421795bf10da5e68221f
+msgid "Any load balancer rule defined in CloudStack can have a stickiness policy. The policy consists of a name, stickiness method, and parameters. The parameters are name-value pairs or flags, which are defined by the load balancer vendor. The stickiness method could be load balancer-generated cookie, application-generated cookie, or source-based. In the source-based method, the source IP address is used to identify the user and locate the user's stored data. In the other methods, cookies are used. The cookie generated by the load balancer or application is included in request and response URLs to create persistence. The cookie name can be specified by the administrator or automatically generated. A variety of options are provided to control the exact behavior of cookies, such as how they are generated and whether they are cached."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:352
+# 788d44c8346c41e88c23f175e62c939b
+msgid "For the most up to date list of available stickiness methods, see the CloudStack UI or call listNetworks and check the SupportedStickinessMethods capability."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:360
+# 44e5efde27ff453a945b83ed79f8935b
+msgid "Health Checks for Load Balancer Rules"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:362
+# e0222e643eba40e5b2a9d97fbebef725
+msgid "(NetScaler load balancer only; requires NetScaler version 10.0)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:364
+# cdf4e72bdd1842b38d1c7c61809209b5
+msgid "Health checks are used in load-balanced applications to ensure that requests are forwarded only to running, available services. When creating a load balancer rule, you can specify a health check policy. This is in addition to specifying the stickiness policy, algorithm, and other load balancer rule options. You can configure one health check policy per load balancer rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:371
+# 3186740a23ed4c6ba61108544d0a4aec
+msgid "Any load balancer rule defined on a NetScaler load balancer in CloudStack can have a health check policy. The policy consists of a ping path, thresholds to define \"healthy\" and \"unhealthy\" states, health check frequency, and timeout wait interval."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:376
+# ec37f719769d4b7386f0b940981fed70
+msgid "When a health check policy is in effect, the load balancer will stop forwarding requests to any resources that are found to be unhealthy. If the resource later becomes available again, the periodic health check will discover it, and the resource will once again be added to the pool of resources that can receive requests from the load balancer. At any given time, the most recent result of the health check is displayed in the UI. For any VM that is attached to a load balancer rule with a health check configured, the state will be shown as UP or DOWN in the UI depending on the result of the most recent health check."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:386
+# e7b935bafd4a47d68590f912c335e640
+msgid "You can delete or modify existing health check policies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:388
+# c111733988ec45f6bcd2979e368c5226
+msgid "To configure how often the health check is performed by default, use the global configuration setting healthcheck.update.interval (default value is 600 seconds). You can override this value for an individual health check policy."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:393
+# 4c9ae4abb3c04ebda936ddf28d4b1250
+msgid "For details on how to set a health check policy using the UI, see :ref:`adding-lb-rule`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:400
+# 3d3b622fa6c24a71a43dfb7d262e68ff
+msgid "Configuring AutoScale"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:402
+# 5b23f0c9a3884ba4a454fd703688166f
+msgid "AutoScaling allows you to scale your back-end services or application VMs up or down seamlessly and automatically according to the conditions you define. With AutoScaling enabled, you can ensure that the number of VMs you are using seamlessly scale up when demand increases, and automatically decreases when demand subsides. Thus it helps you save compute costs by terminating underused VMs automatically and launching new VMs when you need them, without the need for manual intervention."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:410
+# 5141d63f3ea14b7cb903e6c53d86085f
+msgid "NetScaler AutoScaling is designed to seamlessly launch or terminate VMs based on user-defined conditions. Conditions for triggering a scaleup or scaledown action can vary from a simple use case like monitoring the CPU usage of a server to a complex use case of monitoring a combination of server's responsiveness and its CPU usage. For example, you can configure AutoScaling to launch an additional VM whenever CPU usage exceeds 80 percent for 15 minutes, or to remove a VM whenever CPU usage is less than 20 percent for 30 minutes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:419
+# f32191641b9644909945358cb69ebe4d
+msgid "CloudStack uses the NetScaler load balancer to monitor all aspects of a system's health and work in unison with CloudStack to initiate scale-up or scale-down actions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:424
+# 56002db08e75494cac10bdd7f2b5c707
+msgid "AutoScale is supported on NetScaler Release 10 Build 74.4006.e and beyond."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:430
+# 45a1a6402e1e40a0a91763809e1b7729
+msgid "Before you configure an AutoScale rule, consider the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:432
+# 0a687417e2094c359d8a604e95095fc5
+msgid "Ensure that the necessary template is prepared before configuring AutoScale. When a VM is deployed by using a template and when it comes up, the application should be up and running."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:437
+# 7d9b17872f514d4c88eedbe080005a94
+msgid "If the application is not running, the NetScaler device considers the VM as ineffective and continues provisioning the VMs unconditionally until the resource limit is exhausted."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:441
+# c72572ced880471fa607c51156f11bda
+msgid "Deploy the templates you prepared. Ensure that the applications come up on the first boot and is ready to take the traffic. Observe the time requires to deploy the template. Consider this time when you specify the quiet time while configuring AutoScale."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:446
+# ff134327842d420886adb98a42f2723a
+msgid "The AutoScale feature supports the SNMP counters that can be used to define conditions for taking scale up or scale down actions. To monitor the SNMP-based counter, ensure that the SNMP agent is installed in the template used for creating the AutoScale VMs, and the SNMP operations work with the configured SNMP community and port by using standard SNMP managers. For example, see `\"Configuring SNMP Community String on a RHELServer\" <#configuring-snmp-community-string-on-a-rhel-server>`_ to configure SNMP on a RHEL machine."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:456
+# d8cef4ea8860477489a80f3a715fbd90
+msgid "Ensure that the endpointe.url parameter present in the Global Settings is set to the Management Server API URL. For example, ````. In a multi-node Management Server deployment, use the virtual IP address configured in the load balancer for the management server's cluster. Additionally, ensure that the NetScaler device has access to this IP address to provide AutoScale support."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:464
+# 1cd70adcb30d47abbcc3dc69e3707036
+msgid "If you update the endpointe.url, disable the AutoScale functionality of the load balancer rules in the system, then enable them back to reflect the changes. For more information see :ref:`update-autoscale`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:468
+# 55df6ae7033b4ca3a3f52dd90fd74501
+msgid "If the API Key and Secret Key are regenerated for an AutoScale user, ensure that the AutoScale functionality of the load balancers that the user participates in are disabled and then enabled to reflect the configuration changes in the NetScaler."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:473
+# f6552bde1aaf4055b316eb9c17b5f64a
+msgid "In an advanced Zone, ensure that at least one VM should be present before configuring a load balancer rule with AutoScale. Having one VM in the network ensures that the network is in implemented state for configuring AutoScale."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:480
+# a79a1b3a477d4397abe465f3b5ba2c56
+msgid "Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:484
+# 7d9d1fe996094830bd4e91ea3b3632e7
+msgid "|autoscaleateconfig.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:486
+# 4fc1aed8f2864acba56525d8509dfc38
+msgid "**Template**: A template consists of a base OS image and application. A template is used to provision the new instance of an application on a scaleup action. When a VM is deployed from a template, the VM can start taking the traffic from the load balancer without any admin intervention. For example, if the VM is deployed for a Web service, it should have the Web server running, the database connected, and so on."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:494
+# 15493a90f6c04d51a80a4caaa5a833c5
+msgid "**Compute offering**: A predefined set of virtual hardware attributes, including CPU speed, number of CPUs, and RAM size, that the user can select when creating a new virtual machine instance. Choose one of the compute offerings to be used while provisioning a VM instance as part of scaleup action."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:500
+# 55397884cbb84b2cb778668b2f01bb7e
+msgid "**Min Instance**: The minimum number of active VM instances that is assigned to a load balancing rule. The active VM instances are the application instances that are up and serving the traffic, and are being load balanced. This parameter ensures that a load balancing rule has at least the configured number of active VM instances are available to serve the traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:508
+# c33b18f0b309446eb974ca219945f004
+msgid "If an application, such as SAP, running on a VM instance is down for some reason, the VM is then not counted as part of Min Instance parameter, and the AutoScale feature initiates a scaleup action if the number of active VM instances is below the configured value. Similarly, when an application instance comes up from its earlier down state, this application instance is counted as part of the active instance count and the AutoScale process initiates a scaledown action when the active instance count breaches the Max instance value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:518
+# f040e7755d074bee8817ada9261b421b
+msgid "**Max Instance**: Maximum number of active VM instances that **should be assigned to**\\ a load balancing rule. This parameter defines the upper limit of active VM instances that can be assigned to a load balancing rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:523
+# 2115dadd36d541558713322993492848
+msgid "Specifying a large value for the maximum instance parameter might result in provisioning large number of VM instances, which in turn leads to a single load balancing rule exhausting the VM instances limit specified at the account or domain level."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:529
+# 40a5c798ef9d4d7584efa6400c0edfac
+msgid "If an application, such as SAP, running on a VM instance is down for some reason, the VM is not counted as part of Max Instance parameter. So there may be scenarios where the number of VMs provisioned for a scaleup action might be more than the configured Max Instance value. Once the application instances in the VMs are up from an earlier down state, the AutoScale feature starts aligning to the configured Max Instance value."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:537
+# 19812fc19c6a4a7d9ebc51b8e0ecb75b
+msgid "Specify the following scale-up and scale-down policies:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:539
+# 74891b0d3cfd491f863a6557f788d493
+msgid "**Duration**: The duration, in seconds, for which the conditions you specify must be true to trigger a scaleup action. The conditions defined should hold true for the entire duration you specify for an AutoScale action to be invoked."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:544
+# 436acb44653a45cc9c54ff9c950b7a56
+msgid "**Counter**: The performance counters expose the state of the monitored instances. By default, CloudStack offers four performance counters: Three SNMP counters and one NetScaler counter. The SNMP counters are Linux User CPU, Linux System CPU, and Linux CPU Idle. The NetScaler counter is ResponseTime. The root administrator can add additional counters into CloudStack by using the CloudStack API."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:551
+# 2137176110684b2db672902ab582654c
+msgid "**Operator**: The following five relational operators are supported in AutoScale feature: Greater than, Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater than or equal to, and Equal to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:555
+# fce26387204d4e949d43cee1c917b9c0
+msgid "**Threshold**: Threshold value to be used for the counter. Once the counter defined above breaches the threshold value, the AutoScale feature initiates a scaleup or scaledown action."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:559
+# f9e47cc9e3ad4739a2e6ef1470a50570
+msgid "**Add**: Click Add to add the condition."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:561
+# 3ea8d8738fdd408fb23e11b899d7b418
+msgid "Additionally, if you want to configure the advanced settings, click Show advanced settings, and specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:564
+# 9fafd8d4c0614661af2bc64d9c06879e
+msgid "**Polling interval**: Frequency in which the conditions, combination of counter, operator and threshold, are to be evaluated before taking a scale up or down action. The default polling interval is 30 seconds."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:569
+# c719d597315640dc81a33fab44ae0a0e
+msgid "**Quiet Time**: This is the cool down period after an AutoScale action is initiated. The time includes the time taken to complete provisioning a VM instance from its template and the time taken by an application to be ready to serve traffic. This quiet time allows the fleet to come up to a stable state before any action can take place. The default is 300 seconds."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:576
+# 98b814f48ff24f0c9ed3bca9f2dd1619
+msgid "**Destroy VM Grace Period**: The duration in seconds, after a scaledown action is initiated, to wait before the VM is destroyed as part of scaledown action. This is to ensure graceful close of any pending sessions or transactions being served by the VM marked for destroy. The default is 120 seconds."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:582
+# bcae2f20091343669f94311a955eb918
+msgid "**Security Groups**: Security groups provide a way to isolate traffic to the VM instances. A security group is a group of VMs that filter their incoming and outgoing traffic according to a set of rules, called ingress and egress rules. These rules filter network traffic according to the IP address that is attempting to communicate with the VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:589
+# 24e7476382c24a7a8bdb85ceef987fcb
+msgid "**Disk Offerings**: A predefined set of disk size for primary data storage."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:592
+# 8b28accd4fce47b6afc47f2341e26d5d
+msgid "**SNMP Community**: The SNMP community string to be used by the NetScaler device to query the configured counter value from the provisioned VM instances. Default is public."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:596
+# e01443d94f864a8e80ec211f1a96c910
+msgid "**SNMP Port**: The port number on which the SNMP agent that run on the provisioned VMs is listening. Default port is 161."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:599
+# 64c6d2f9ae6f4ac3b09f31d6fb0e360c
+msgid "**User**: This is the user that the NetScaler device use to invoke scaleup and scaledown API calls to the cloud. If no option is specified, the user who configures AutoScaling is applied. Specify another user name to override."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:604
+# 062c87f44c6f4c92916dae1a85b891cc
+msgid "**Apply**: Click Apply to create the AutoScale configuration."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:608
+# 6563ec698c3d499ab5e8e86cb3073ff0
+msgid "Disabling and Enabling an AutoScale Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:610
+# e1b4da3ad2534f6c8fba4e5ec4616af2
+msgid "If you want to perform any maintenance operation on the AutoScale VM instances, disable the AutoScale configuration. When the AutoScale configuration is disabled, no scaleup or scaledown action is performed. You can use this downtime for the maintenance activities. To disable the AutoScale configuration, click the Disable AutoScale |EnableDisable.png| button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:616
+# eb31769bc729463bbdd6b8d9bd472847
+msgid "The button toggles between enable and disable, depending on whether AutoScale is currently enabled or not. After the maintenance operations are done, you can enable the AutoScale configuration back. To enable, open the AutoScale configuration page again, then click the Enable AutoScale |EnableDisable.png| button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:626
+# 800c645e10c34f3b96d364a7e7b44570
+msgid "Updating an AutoScale Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:628
+# 35012a4fdbe84c63a612c99f0ba31d1b
+msgid "You can update the various parameters and add or delete the conditions in a scaleup or scaledown rule. Before you update an AutoScale configuration, ensure that you disable the AutoScale load balancer rule by clicking the Disable AutoScale button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:633
+# b87ea7a2a6c5474392ec23163db4cadb
+msgid "After you modify the required AutoScale parameters, click Apply. To apply the new AutoScale policies, open the AutoScale configuration page again, then click the Enable AutoScale button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:639
+# 4b66b8ccf0284d27afeafec62196c28b
+msgid "Runtime Considerations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:641
+# c38f40d156554c08a840a51d5bc01d89
+msgid "An administrator should not assign a VM to a load balancing rule which is configured for AutoScale."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:644
+# dee362b009924ebea8ca92bdd9f61f8d
+msgid "Before a VM provisioning is completed if NetScaler is shutdown or restarted, the provisioned VM cannot be a part of the load balancing rule though the intent was to assign it to a load balancing rule. To workaround, rename the AutoScale provisioned VMs based on the rule name or ID so at any point of time the VMs can be reconciled to its load balancing rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:651
+# 68fd9fba22874c88aeee1a1e17da457f
+msgid "Making API calls outside the context of AutoScale, such as destroyVM, on an autoscaled VM leaves the load balancing configuration in an inconsistent state. Though VM is destroyed from the load balancer rule, NetScaler continues to show the VM as a service assigned to a rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:18
+# 25734f8479cd4aeaa96bc94c9e97b3f0
+msgid "Global Server Load Balancing Support"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:20
+# 4281e272ec6741e89ba2c668c2b466e9
+msgid "CloudStack supports Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) functionalities to provide business continuity, and enable seamless resource movement within a CloudStack environment. CloudStack achieve this by extending its functionality of integrating with NetScaler Application Delivery Controller (ADC), which also provides various GSLB capabilities, such as disaster recovery and load balancing. The DNS redirection technique is used to achieve GSLB in CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:28
+# 6945e2d89c9d4d758cba8b0168f0b818
+msgid "In order to support this functionality, region level services and service provider are introduced. A new service 'GSLB' is introduced as a region level service. The GSLB service provider is introduced that will provider the GSLB service. Currently, NetScaler is the supported GSLB provider in CloudStack. GSLB functionality works in an Active-Active data center environment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:37
+# e5df28b9850c419293fdae6e4e253ab5
+msgid "About Global Server Load Balancing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:39
+# 0b8dcd5aa2ba4b9984c94850cd1c44a9
+msgid "Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) is an extension of load balancing functionality, which is highly efficient in avoiding downtime. Based on the nature of deployment, GSLB represents a set of technologies that is used for various purposes, such as load sharing, disaster recovery, performance, and legal obligations. With GSLB, workloads can be distributed across multiple data centers situated at geographically separated locations. GSLB can also provide an alternate location for accessing a resource in the event of a failure, or to provide a means of shifting traffic easily to simplify maintenance, or both."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:51
+# ab0467a3e9d24e78b8e9e16d225ce4b3
+msgid "Components of GSLB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:53
+# f131bfe486894f13961e91b6409ae286
+msgid "A typical GSLB environment is comprised of the following components:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:55
+# 6bc81bb78e4c4bd9974edba31c58d4cf
+msgid "**GSLB Site**: In CloudStack terminology, GSLB sites are represented by zones that are mapped to data centers, each of which has various network appliances. Each GSLB site is managed by a NetScaler appliance that is local to that site. Each of these appliances treats its own site as the local site and all other sites, managed by other appliances, as remote sites. It is the central entity in a GSLB deployment, and is represented by a name and an IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:63
+# ed55296b3210425390ee6cb680b0f347
+msgid "**GSLB Services**: A GSLB service is typically represented by a load balancing or content switching virtual server. In a GSLB environment, you can have a local as well as remote GSLB services. A local GSLB service represents a local load balancing or content switching virtual server. A remote GSLB service is the one configured at one of the other sites in the GSLB setup. At each site in the GSLB setup, you can create one local GSLB service and any number of remote GSLB services."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:72
+# f00eb1ec7b75437699e4603066de4f63
+msgid "**GSLB Virtual Servers**: A GSLB virtual server refers to one or more GSLB services and balances traffic between traffic across the VMs in multiple zones by using the CloudStack functionality. It evaluates the configured GSLB methods or algorithms to select a GSLB service to which to send the client requests. One or more virtual servers from different zones are bound to the GSLB virtual server. GSLB virtual server does not have a public IP associated with it, instead it will have a FQDN DNS name."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:81
+# ca80f04e2c8542269d92af6e7de92d03
+msgid "**Load Balancing or Content Switching Virtual Servers**: According to Citrix NetScaler terminology, a load balancing or content switching virtual server represents one or many servers on the local network. Clients send their requests to the load balancing or content switching virtual server's virtual IP (VIP) address, and the virtual server balances the load across the local servers. After a GSLB virtual server selects a GSLB service representing either a local or a remote load balancing or content switching virtual server, the client sends the request to that virtual server's VIP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:91
+# d008156342444851b79a1c914ff2dbcb
+msgid "**DNS VIPs**: DNS virtual IP represents a load balancing DNS virtual server on the GSLB service provider. The DNS requests for domains for which the GSLB service provider is authoritative can be sent to a DNS VIP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:96
+# 71d33e18670d4b49a2881ebc9a6de115
+msgid "**Authoritative DNS**: ADNS (Authoritative Domain Name Server) is a service that provides actual answer to DNS queries, such as web site IP address. In a GSLB environment, an ADNS service responds only to DNS requests for domains for which the GSLB service provider is authoritative. When an ADNS service is configured, the service provider owns that IP address and advertises it. When you create an ADNS service, the NetScaler responds to DNS queries on the configured ADNS service IP and port."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:107
+# 0a4b19e96b7140af83a35ab77bc744af
+msgid "How Does GSLB Works in CloudStack?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:109
+# 3fcf9c5675d647d09f1b6df17ad60cc1
+msgid "Global server load balancing is used to manage the traffic flow to a web site hosted on two separate zones that ideally are in different geographic locations. The following is an illustration of how GLSB functionality is provided in CloudStack: An organization, xyztelco, has set up a public cloud that spans two zones, Zone-1 and Zone-2, across geographically separated data centers that are managed by CloudStack. Tenant-A of the cloud launches a highly available solution by using xyztelco cloud. For that purpose, they launch two instances each in both the zones: VM1 and VM2 in Zone-1 and VM5 and VM6 in Zone-2. Tenant-A acquires a public IP, IP-1 in Zone-1, and configures a load balancer rule to load balance the traffic between VM1 and VM2 instances. CloudStack orchestrates setting up a virtual server on the LB service provider in Zone-1. Virtual server 1 that is set up on the LB service provider in Zone-1 represents a publicly accessible virtual server that client reaches at IP-1. The client traffic to virtual server 1 at IP-1 will be load balanced across VM1 and VM2 instances."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:126
+# 16209a7b07e746f19adc6902ea420f50
+msgid "Tenant-A acquires another public IP, IP-2 in Zone-2 and sets up a load balancer rule to load balance the traffic between VM5 and VM6 instances. Similarly in Zone-2, CloudStack orchestrates setting up a virtual server on the LB service provider. Virtual server 2 that is setup on the LB service provider in Zone-2 represents a publicly accessible virtual server that client reaches at IP-2. The client traffic that reaches virtual server 2 at IP-2 is load balanced across VM5 and VM6 instances. At this point Tenant-A has the service enabled in both the zones, but has no means to set up a disaster recovery plan if one of the zone fails. Additionally, there is no way for Tenant-A to load balance the traffic intelligently to one of the zones based on load, proximity and so on. The cloud administrator of xyztelco provisions a GSLB service provider to both the zones. A GSLB provider is typically an ADC that has the ability to act as an ADNS (Authoritative Domain Name Server) and has the mechanism to monitor health of virtual servers both at local and remote sites. The cloud admin enables GSLB as a service to the tenants that use zones 1 and 2."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:144
+# d073e26f378940f9b2b7bacfdc8d7e0a
+msgid "|gslb.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:146
+# 78fe59c21fad44febb867459cdd3c4fc
+msgid "Tenant-A wishes to leverage the GSLB service provided by the xyztelco cloud. Tenant-A configures a GSLB rule to load balance traffic across virtual server 1 at Zone-1 and virtual server 2 at Zone-2. The domain name is provided as CloudStack orchestrates setting up GSLB virtual server 1 on the GSLB service provider at Zone-1. CloudStack binds virtual server 1 of Zone-1 and virtual server 2 of Zone-2 to GLSB virtual server 1. GSLB virtual server 1 is configured to start monitoring the health of virtual server 1 and 2 in Zone-1. CloudStack will also orchestrate setting up GSLB virtual server 2 on GSLB service provider at Zone-2. CloudStack will bind virtual server 1 of Zone-1 and virtual server 2 of Zone-2 to GLSB virtual server 2. GSLB virtual server 2 is configured to start monitoring the health of virtual server 1 and 2. CloudStack will bind the domain to both the GSLB virtual server 1 and 2. At this point, Tenant-A service will be globally reachable at The private DNS server for the domain is configured by the admin out-of-band to resolve the domain to the GSLB providers at both the zones, which are configured as ADNS for the domain A client when sends a DNS request to resolve, will eventually get DNS delegation to the address of GSLB providers at zone 1 and 2. A client DNS request will be received by the GSLB provider. The GSLB provider, depending on the domain for which it needs to resolve, will pick up the GSLB virtual server associated with the domain. Depending on the health of the virtual servers being load balanced, DNS request for the domain will be resolved to the public IP associated with the selected virtual server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:175
+# ec2c5b7b09154785b795d77e01eadd4d
+msgid "Configuring GSLB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:177
+# 9df6a592e23d49148060b5c6ca5e52ac
+msgid "To configure a GSLB deployment, you must first configure a standard load balancing setup for each zone. This enables you to balance load across the different servers in each zone in the region. Then on the NetScaler side, configure both NetScaler appliances that you plan to add to each zone as authoritative DNS (ADNS) servers. Next, create a GSLB site for each zone, configure GSLB virtual servers for each site, create GLSB services, and bind the GSLB services to the GSLB virtual servers. Finally, bind the domain to the GSLB virtual servers. The GSLB configurations on the two appliances at the two different zones are identical, although each sites load-balancing configuration is specific to that site."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:189
+# ea099698d96f40f7adcc38a2fc9c997d
+msgid "Perform the following as a cloud administrator. As per the example given above, the administrator of xyztelco is the one who sets up GSLB:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:192
+# ac5abddeadb048d794cccae84c2689cb
+msgid "In the global parameter, specify the DNS name of your tenant's cloud that make use of the GSLB service."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:195
+# 628b54626394479caf7ea8d6fd8d3210
+msgid "On the NetScaler side, configure GSLB as given in `Configuring Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) <>`_:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:199
+# 4ae673b1b0a741d4a8ae715022d39bfc
+msgid "Configuring a standard load balancing setup."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:201
+# a3e3a1d93b6a48128aea3a0dee30c2ce
+msgid "Configure Authoritative DNS, as explained in `Configuring an Authoritative DNS Service <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:205
+# 1bbbaf3fabe54fa8bd1f12d3cf85553d
+msgid "Configure a GSLB site with site name formed from the domain name details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:208
+# 9bbfadb6046f4a089e701c8968231bf1
+msgid "Configure a GSLB site with the site name formed from the domain name."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:211
+# 5c91f57c9b0a4c1b81467b113da3b368
+msgid "As per the example given above, the site names are and"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:214
+# cf4285866ee549228e56d7a5b5423e75
+msgid "For more information, see `Configuring a Basic GSLB Site <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:217
+# 665433a1ecba490ca6d1a6f594d8d15d
+msgid "Configure a GSLB virtual server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:219
+# 62a5af1b8ba947619f77fffcc044737e
+msgid "For more information, see `Configuring a GSLB Virtual Server <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:222
+# b5348156d5684555bf4a16f7b0aed2e1
+msgid "Configure a GSLB service for each virtual server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:224
+# 1be7e75accb342118f2db621053cd0ca
+msgid "For more information, see `Configuring a GSLB Service <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:227
+# a057f57840c249baa28d0ea92fb18a4d
+msgid "Bind the GSLB services to the GSLB virtual server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:229
+# 54fde0c1b28d4b218b1b38fd69512fc7
+msgid "For more information, see `Binding GSLB Services to a GSLB Virtual Server <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:232
+# b238ffa658954d6bb8950514feb4309e
+msgid "Bind domain name to GSLB virtual server. Domain name is obtained from the domain details."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:235
+# ddb89d80e86542fca93e99d812871a42
+msgid "For more information, see `Binding a Domain to a GSLB Virtual Server <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:238
+# 994ecce5579142d68bbcabc7fbbcee66
+msgid "In each zone that are participating in GSLB, add GSLB-enabled NetScaler device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:241
+# 77a9ecb28f3c42fa871ca4293f5fb3c2
+msgid "For more information, see :ref:`enabling-gslb-in-ns`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:243
+# 9d1700ef75be4986a54fd1e51b7daf09
+msgid "As a domain administrator/ user perform the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:245
+# 1b28e385ddd9459f934219e64252f08a
+msgid "Add a GSLB rule on both the sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:247
+# b3f6d2228fdd4f249692765a44df3257
+msgid "See \":ref:`adding-gslb-rule`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:249
+# d4539ca63ba143f5a57e95a7cc50c138
+msgid "Assign load balancer rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:251
+# 5e832683ca534485b0fbd672a249e511
+msgid "See \":ref:`assigning-lb-rule-gslb`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:257
+# 9fd9a67186904ceda46fa7d9e61e6dce
+msgid "The GSLB functionality is supported both Basic and Advanced zones."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:259
+# 155a1b915c7840afae25327ef3a7f6bb
+msgid "GSLB is added as a new network service."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:261
+# b5681032556f4430a86b311f53d393c5
+msgid "GSLB service provider can be added to a physical network in a zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:263
+# ba83a0e977bc4a3abc65c3f30c4684d4
+msgid "The admin is allowed to enable or disable GSLB functionality at region level."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:266
+# 682239c65afe4c2fa7312feeac21e9bf
+msgid "The admin is allowed to configure a zone as GSLB capable or enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:268
+# 16c808c16f1e4f22a5294f1060dfe2c3
+msgid "A zone shall be considered as GSLB capable only if a GSLB service provider is provisioned in the zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:271
+# 54c1b30001084a9d88eb89799461dc9f
+msgid "When users have VMs deployed in multiple availability zones which are GSLB enabled, they can use the GSLB functionality to load balance traffic across the VMs in multiple zones."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:275
+# 04c2a492332c437daed8f4ef774ba016
+msgid "The users can use GSLB to load balance across the VMs across zones in a region only if the admin has enabled GSLB in that region."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:278
+# 1f9b8a3555524eaea6e144288b6f74a6
+msgid "The users can load balance traffic across the availability zones in the same region or different regions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:281
+# 56f19e5d46de43f5b7e3ac6674a8084b
+msgid "The admin can configure DNS name for the entire cloud."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:283
+# 5d62e65b44ab487688e71984b4665f2b
+msgid "The users can specify an unique name across the cloud for a globally load balanced service. The provided name is used as the domain name under the DNS name associated with the cloud."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:287
+# ed7a5577959a4271b7b98ac369d63874
+msgid "The user-provided name along with the admin-provided DNS name is used to produce a globally resolvable FQDN for the globally load balanced service of the user. For example, if the admin has configured as the DNS name for the cloud, and user specifies 'foo' for the GSLB virtual service, then the FQDN name of the GSLB virtual service is"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:294
+# 8cac76f1529943b5a001cc5e9e8978ac
+msgid "While setting up GSLB, users can select a load balancing method, such as round robin, for using across the zones that are part of GSLB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:297
+# d53da99edf45482fae37a6beabd277e0
+msgid "The user shall be able to set weight to zone-level virtual server. Weight shall be considered by the load balancing method for distributing the traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:301
+# 7a49a6392b3841eea149e6bda34bf00a
+msgid "The GSLB functionality shall support session persistence, where series of client requests for particular domain name is sent to a virtual server on the same zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:305
+# bb4138b786e9474fb0ed35738608df60
+msgid "Statistics is collected from each GSLB virtual server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:311
+# 47055f92a29342529bfcdc61d569e7e5
+msgid "Enabling GSLB in NetScaler"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:313
+# 993ee7e5933440be90a5d733c261dbfa
+msgid "In each zone, add GSLB-enabled NetScaler device for load balancing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:315
+# 1ccc47562da1485ebadaf564a75a1e8f
+msgid "Log in as administrator to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:319
+# 50c53a288e5c4ba8a5873ae93ce2ebc1
+msgid "In Zones, click View More."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:323
+# 426b0fac04b243adae39f7591362417b
+msgid "Click the Physical Network tab, then click the name of the physical network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:326
+# fafed439faa145cfbd6e0660489f0c23
+msgid "In the Network Service Providers node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:329
+# fd8f072b359a4f04ad326eb3d908940d
+msgid "You might have to scroll down to see this."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:331
+# 4cb81ecc1e2041ac85015a942c236caf
+msgid "Click NetScaler."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:333
+# fd9c663d6f344362bc282938fa9a7568
+msgid "Click Add NetScaler device and provide the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:335
+# 482e597c23cc41b798a1610afce4cdeb
+msgid "For NetScaler:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:337
+# 3294458f8c544dd2b784f2fa14c2aa67
+msgid "**IP Address**: The IP address of the SDX."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:339
+# b70b5b91f59c409c9dd3966293451a99
+msgid "**Username/Password**: The authentication credentials to access the device. CloudStack uses these credentials to access the device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:343
+# 8ef3b665ac154e6287ad6ea81148049c
+msgid "**Type**: The type of device that is being added. It could be F5 Big Ip Load Balancer, NetScaler VPX, NetScaler MPX, or NetScaler SDX. For a comparison of the NetScaler types, see the CloudStack Administration Guide."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:348
+# 2e237e04e2dc44aa9a63e9b610481683
+msgid "**Public interface**: Interface of device that is configured to be part of the public network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:351
+# 1768efdd0e38457882de8c3f6a4bc7ac
+msgid "**Private interface**: Interface of device that is configured to be part of the private network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:354
+# d7a97e5326bf493ea8de67360056032f
+msgid "**GSLB service**: Select this option."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:356
+# 3169f742f2b541cf9ba5e47685b71979
+msgid "**GSLB service Public IP**: The public IP address of the NAT translator for a GSLB service that is on a private network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:359
+# 8aea303aff5746d887377f892f81bedb
+msgid "**GSLB service Private IP**: The private IP of the GSLB service."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:361
+# 12ef6d7387b1493fbb70926187f28853
+msgid "**Number of Retries**. Number of times to attempt a command on the device before considering the operation failed. Default is 2."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:364
+# 66bbb327d60548f78a85f6f748811885
+msgid "**Capacity**: The number of networks the device can handle."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:366
+# d60d1dd86fb4433b99b28a0c96f1576a
+msgid "**Dedicated**: When marked as dedicated, this device will be dedicated to a single account. When Dedicated is checked, the value in the Capacity field has no significance implicitly, its value is 1."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:377
+# 69bd10926c1b4f639cc360e4c6418c3e
+msgid "Adding a GSLB Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:379
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:423
+# d8d474dabeab4c1f8f00fa162277cd18
+# 2533afdf8c2f4af0ae6a8c0a349218af
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a domain administrator or user."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:381
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:425
+# 7550ed528a27426c853c744100fd4ae1
+# a6856d0d96014ad4bcf0169664b844e3
+msgid "In the left navigation pane, click Region."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:383
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:427
+# 5a1ef80e398e476bb8d0a513004669b9
+# 8f5b19bc2a244501b359c7b31af3d903
+msgid "Select the region for which you want to create a GSLB rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:385
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:429
+# de6f8ae256d04834b07c2f957c2d329f
+# 14610babee3a4c4f98ccda032d8a1a24
+msgid "In the Details tab, click View GSLB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:387
+# 9c265b9b1d6f450fbb90a2dab4a3dd4d
+msgid "Click Add GSLB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:389
+# 7b20c6e1ba68451d9c097b40cf182ed5
+msgid "The Add GSLB page is displayed as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:391
+# 156298ad77934768a3936c310cb506c7
+msgid "|gslb-add.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:395
+# 94ceaa226a6348128cee4e536b67def7
+msgid "**Name**: Name for the GSLB rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:397
+# 1bedbf6a59124f5ab5ad9ae9d676f428
+msgid "**Description**: (Optional) A short description of the GSLB rule that can be displayed to users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:400
+# 760fed68b0f1425d813d3da44e010ef0
+msgid "**GSLB Domain Name**: A preferred domain name for the service."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:402
+# f10e909d63a847f2ac92ce505fbe7453
+msgid "**Algorithm**: (Optional) The algorithm to use to load balance the traffic across the zones. The options are Round Robin, Least Connection, and Proximity."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:406
+# 5bd10eaef9ea49fdafb1aaf2a6d04f89
+msgid "**Service Type**: The transport protocol to use for GSLB. The options are TCP and UDP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:409
+# 5a07001702fd46899b6363fe3e335dda
+msgid "**Domain**: (Optional) The domain for which you want to create the GSLB rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:412
+# f95e0967cf5b4586af07b8c278fa7f2c
+msgid "**Account**: (Optional) The account on which you want to apply the GSLB rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:421
+# 8e6fff3aabfc4338a6d75cc7a0817e74
+msgid "Assigning Load Balancing Rules to GSLB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:431
+# c1a5b66d72da4e03acd469f7c6097117
+msgid "Select the desired GSLB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:433
+# 1a740350bc534faaaa40f53959d4fee9
+msgid "Click view assigned load balancing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:435
+# daff37ebdd2349a497dab10e0d234426
+msgid "Click assign more load balancing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:437
+# d63a5166197e4a17b6bd9ab1cd618814
+msgid "Select the load balancing rule you have created for the zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:443
+# 35f5b11c84c142c58580b76bb4ddadfd
+msgid "Known Limitation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:445
+# 89c2b07fa33e40838e9c4de58e3296be
+msgid "Currently, CloudStack does not support orchestration of services across the zones. The notion of services and service providers in region are to be introduced."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_ip_ranges.rst:18
+# 43426b72e0e24e35a5898286a3dd3dc2
+msgid "Guest IP Ranges"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_ip_ranges.rst:20
+# 8ad2743b8f6d4eb1bf10b5afb1c89f54
+msgid "The IP ranges for guest network traffic are set on a per-account basis by the user. This allows the users to configure their network in a fashion that will enable VPN linking between their guest network and their clients."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/guest_ip_ranges.rst:25
+# dc1be0f75ec04a468b17af4d2750b1ca
+msgid "In shared networks in Basic zone and Security Group-enabled Advanced networks, you will have the flexibility to add multiple guest IP ranges from different subnets. You can add or remove one IP range at a time. For more information, see `\"About Multiple IP Ranges\" <#about-multiple-ip-ranges>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:18
+# 5daf1c058a0c43718015e5812d9c0836
+msgid "Acquiring a New IP Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:34
+# 32dbea4bf3a6422da3941f2407b12a71
+msgid "If you want Portable IP click Yes in the confirmation dialog. If you want a normal Public IP click No."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:37
+# b8ffa6eff3794134bf11db68c7c32099
+msgid "For more information on Portable IP, see `\"Portable IPs\" <#portable-ips>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:18
+# d5be22795b3d4926be02f94cc069db79
+msgid "Releasing an IP Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:20
+# d608beb5fbb544afaaad161b9661dcb0
+msgid "When the last rule for an IP address is removed, you can release that IP address. The IP address still belongs to the VPC; however, it can be picked up for any guest network again."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:32
+# cbede7f4af98499c97ff53a446ca173d
+msgid "Click the IP address you want to release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:34
+# b5f7d64cc75b4ee18855fa6ad6f1438d
+msgid "Click the Release IP button. |ReleaseIPButton.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:18
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:118
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:452
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:515
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:647
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:348
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:515
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:750
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:808
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:869
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1035
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1303
+# 6d82408293c1416ca310c302379aa09a
+# 2fb7e2316ee54739935361a2c3eaeeb3
+# e63c1fef73664de395b24f2fd3232139
+# a499d21cfffe4303bb3b23988d32ed53
+# 692e4e5ab7df4a7cbc791aa7fa428661
+# bd6701c2c7bb43c3b81bd5a810215d73
+# e357c811590c493c8341f10d87e99492
+# ad2e62635b524cfd95d4640c69979c8e
+# ba9cd4d358194f5bb69c7779b84c8c27
+# 24720c3dbfa6455a9c417b49062ebfd7
+# c7886284bd2c4db990aecc9f5d015a0c
+# b1144b4196da4257868a1599fb14431d
+msgid "Static NAT"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:20
+# 894073bd52434748977055e7ee9a6604
+msgid "A static NAT rule maps a public IP address to the private IP address of a VM in order to allow Internet traffic into the VM. The public IP address always remains the same, which is why it is called static NAT. This section tells how to enable or disable static NAT for a particular IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:28
+# 3ce1cecac4bf48f6bc8b81b403d9e42b
+msgid "Enabling or Disabling Static NAT"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:30
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:842
+# ca8d159797c4416288520787181cb2f5
+# 7732dac53f9c44c3884d468654271191
+msgid "If port forwarding rules are already in effect for an IP address, you cannot enable static NAT to that IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:33
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:845
+# a931121d677f4d04b656aca83f043d26
+# c2bb747e18d64159bd3605ffa4f2f044
+msgid "If a guest VM is part of more than one network, static NAT rules will function only if they are defined on the default network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:44
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:67
+# 33a01340d067438a8dfaf19d33406d95
+# 39954d50f8bc407f84931182c3e7dd86
+msgid "Click the IP address you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:46
+# a33212ef265c4bc68a9ed53a9c693df0
+msgid "Click the Static NAT |enabledisablenat.png| button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:48
+# c6c4c974f1b44a05823bc42e28095e76
+msgid "The button toggles between Enable and Disable, depending on whether static NAT is currently enabled for the IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:51
+# 0e003c10fb6b4b86a1c8fb0d260fb702
+msgid "If you are enabling static NAT, a dialog appears where you can choose the destination VM and click Apply."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:18
+# ab5d3e20a35044a490aa5251c4b85f4d
+msgid "IP Forwarding and Firewalling"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:20
+# aee28d66b74c499597d47124ee883143
+msgid "By default, all incoming traffic to the public IP address is rejected. All outgoing traffic from the guests is also blocked by default."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:23
+# 387c2271d56a4e12beb6624f511851c8
+msgid "To allow outgoing traffic, follow the procedure in :ref:`egress-fw-rules`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:25
+# 2e337162d6dd4714a9a6a2542e8a146e
+msgid "To allow incoming traffic, users may set up firewall rules and/or port forwarding rules. For example, you can use a firewall rule to open a range of ports on the public IP address, such as 33 through 44. Then use port forwarding rules to direct traffic from individual ports within that range to specific ports on user VMs. For example, one port forwarding rule could route incoming traffic on the public IP's port 33 to port 100 on one user VM's private IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:35
+# 3b46ec3be763405b94a219d0c00a44d9
+msgid "Firewall Rules"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:37
+# 289b2b9b80b942a7bd122ec6a45830a1
+msgid "By default, all incoming traffic to the public IP address is rejected by the firewall. To allow external traffic, you can open firewall ports by specifying firewall rules. You can optionally specify one or more CIDRs to filter the source IPs. This is useful when you want to allow only incoming requests from certain IP addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:43
+# aebb1c0165554e0eaf7198fa58bb0243
+msgid "You cannot use firewall rules to open ports for an elastic IP address. When elastic IP is used, outside access is instead controlled through the use of security groups. See `\"Adding a Security Group\" <#adding-a-security-group>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:48
+# a63a51dddfbc4821b71342f76ea15396
+msgid "In an advanced zone, you can also create egress firewall rules by using the virtual router. For more information, see \":ref:`egress-fw-rules`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:51
+# 9cdd6b4c846447d8bf19cfb8b5b22829
+msgid "Firewall rules can be created using the Firewall tab in the Management Server UI. This tab is not displayed by default when CloudStack is installed. To display the Firewall tab, the CloudStack administrator must set the global configuration parameter firewall.rule.ui.enabled to \"true.\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:57
+# 109ed3b0aad347d99e3cff3240722f30
+msgid "To create a firewall rule:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:69
+# ec5934105a19458782c675dd18684173
+msgid "Click the Configuration tab and fill in the following values."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:71
+# 61cd332681ea4fccb7a69d35effdfbe0
+msgid "**Source CIDR**: (Optional) To accept only traffic from IP addresses within a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. Example: Leave empty to allow all CIDRs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:76
+# fbecf77ee36345b38502a02307d58865
+msgid "**Protocol**: The communication protocol in use on the opened port(s)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:79
+# 87689392abf14a949afbc25ee0410466
+msgid "**Start Port and End Port**: The port(s) you want to open on the firewall. If you are opening a single port, use the same number in both fields"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:83
+# 9e4666af35d043358c3246ec14509b78
+msgid "**ICMP Type and ICMP Code**: Used only if Protocol is set to ICMP. Provide the type and code required by the ICMP protocol to fill out the ICMP header. Refer to ICMP documentation for more details if you are not sure what to enter"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:94
+# c0ae5406014e43d4a50a05ed74aa8dc8
+msgid "Egress Firewall Rules in an Advanced Zone"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:96
+# bf3e32d6e33f4bb199a83e9ee2a6d307
+msgid "The egress traffic originates from a private network to a public network, such as the Internet. By default, the egress traffic is blocked in default network offerings, so no outgoing traffic is allowed from a guest network to the Internet. However, you can control the egress traffic in an Advanced zone by creating egress firewall rules. When an egress firewall rule is applied, the traffic specific to the rule is allowed and the remaining traffic is blocked. When all the firewall rules are removed the default policy, Block, is applied."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:109
+# bedc63fb7a3b4ba2ad3a4f4c4992b742
+msgid "Consider the following scenarios to apply egress firewall rules:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:111
+# 20406d7e04b74d6d9adb04b039195d77
+msgid "Egress firewall rules are supported on Juniper SRX and virtual router."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:114
+# 97a42a58db4c4505919b767f168001e8
+msgid "The egress firewall rules are not supported on shared networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:116
+# 1bd785cd4def48be9265615471d02ced
+msgid "Allow the egress traffic from specified source CIDR. The Source CIDR is part of guest network CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:119
+# ff0740d14f3f454395f0342767084065
+msgid "Allow the egress traffic with protocol TCP,UDP,ICMP, or ALL."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:121
+# 3da424158d4a46fb955bad940049cfaf
+msgid "Allow the egress traffic with protocol and destination port range. The port range is specified for TCP, UDP or for ICMP type and code."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:124
+# bfec00d70b32484abdd2be7a7067fb12
+msgid "The default policy is Allow for the new network offerings, whereas on upgrade existing network offerings with firewall service providers will have the default egress policy Deny."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:130
+# 77a21030af6444aaac365dc1d6c1a40e
+msgid "Configuring an Egress Firewall Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:136
+# d7e0415b36d0404bb5d71baf38d49af2
+msgid "In Select view, choose Guest networks, then click the Guest network you want."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:139
+# acbfbe60bbfa423ab99d7faeea324dac
+msgid "To add an egress rule, click the Egress rules tab and fill out the following fields to specify what type of traffic is allowed to be sent out of VM instances in this guest network:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:143
+# 93d9dbdbdf68488fb08f2c93714eb381
+msgid "|egress-firewall-rule.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:145
+# 71041bfd382d4c2ea6e0339c055e8e66
+msgid "**CIDR**: (Add by CIDR only) To send traffic only to the IP addresses within a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the destination. For example, To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:151
+# 136a4ea4a1424e4fb3a4e36f7ba438c7
+msgid "**Protocol**: The networking protocol that VMs uses to send outgoing traffic. The TCP and UDP protocols are typically used for data exchange and end-user communications. The ICMP protocol is typically used to send error messages or network monitoring data."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:156
+# a710752f5a514f3e92ca3474b03d66b0
+msgid "**Start Port, End Port**: (TCP, UDP only) A range of listening ports that are the destination for the outgoing traffic. If you are opening a single port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:160
+# 273049a1dabe4b00aab163a686500120
+msgid "**ICMP Type, ICMP Code**: (ICMP only) The type of message and error code that are sent."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:167
+# 0ba1bc60e7114766b5562aa9f590799d
+msgid "Configuring the Default Egress Policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:169
+# 8b256b4cb62e43fe879f448d1cb5c940
+msgid "The default egress policy for Isolated guest network is configured by using Network offering. Use the create network offering option to determine whether the default policy should be block or allow all the traffic to the public network from a guest network. Use this network offering to create the network. If no policy is specified, by default all the traffic is allowed from the guest network that you create by using this network offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:177
+# b03f1cb4957b4a18b437e26cca194176
+msgid "You have two options: Allow and Deny."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:180
+# faccf3355885414e87bbb03070f6a7c0
+msgid "Allow"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:182
+# a7d3b32fbf8448c5ab02390ca3e1cc21
+msgid "If you select Allow for a network offering, by default egress traffic is allowed. However, when an egress rule is configured for a guest network, rules are applied to block the specified traffic and rest are allowed. If no egress rules are configured for the network, egress traffic is accepted."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:189
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+# 17b36c3415d3468896d8b48ae47ca8a8
+# 6cccf344439e4750904131cef8ef2b39
+# 1208ff713d13448f8bb67189a2a733dd
+msgid "Deny"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:191
+# 933662ed493243f599791cfc52e41965
+msgid "If you select Deny for a network offering, by default egress traffic for the guest network is blocked. However, when an egress rules is configured for a guest network, rules are applied to allow the specified traffic. While implementing a guest network, CloudStack adds the firewall egress rule specific to the default egress policy for the guest network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:198
+# 0f97837bd48b43808e4499c3bca32f0a
+msgid "This feature is supported only on virtual router and Juniper SRX."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:200
+# 12362b3472604a26858c49a699414934
+msgid "Create a network offering with your desirable default egress policy:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:202
+# e3686a1cbaa54de4adb23df170fdbb9a
+msgid "Log in with admin privileges to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:204
+# 2b34103f06b74a83956a2e4aa4c43e89
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Service Offerings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:206
+# be40a0ea880c4159a9d420c70881eeba
+msgid "In Select Offering, choose Network Offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:208
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:961
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1167
+# 3b005d62ac404f7a971817f2e813a88a
+# 42bbce384f5b43a39000860f820fe3a0
+# 80979f7b880b45f0864683361aa46fd3
+msgid "Click Add Network Offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:210
+# d3e708006ce243298b2fdbfef4a94a28
+msgid "In the dialog, make necessary choices, including firewall provider."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:213
+# a6aaeba01e87402cab4799e384a7e8b7
+msgid "In the Default egress policy field, specify the behaviour."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:217
+# dfeed74eee834f7aa70dc9a0ebca0b5d
+msgid "Create an isolated network by using this network offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:219
+# d4f2f0db67ad4becad9ecf217e63fc08
+msgid "Based on your selection, the network will have the egress public traffic blocked or allowed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:224
+# 49dbcf0869cc408aac40d8ace99c793b
+msgid "Port Forwarding"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:226
+# d63e7dc020174931a136b5f851d10342
+msgid "A port forward service is a set of port forwarding rules that define a policy. A port forward service is then applied to one or more guest VMs. The guest VM then has its inbound network access managed according to the policy defined by the port forwarding service. You can optionally specify one or more CIDRs to filter the source IPs. This is useful when you want to allow only incoming requests from certain IP addresses to be forwarded."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:234
+# 28ad8f3213ac41ed9debe3407c4cf783
+msgid "A guest VM can be in any number of port forward services. Port forward services can be defined but have no members. If a guest VM is part of more than one network, port forwarding rules will function only if they are defined on the default network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:239
+# acee955e81034850834c7f10a308dd65
+msgid "You cannot use port forwarding to open ports for an elastic IP address. When elastic IP is used, outside access is instead controlled through the use of security groups. See Security Groups."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:243
+# 456211f25f094d9090dc8de808d1c666
+msgid "To set up port forwarding:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:247
+# d0f998d8aa0a48f9a3f19ea0d36f07d2
+msgid "If you have not already done so, add a public IP address range to a zone in CloudStack. See Adding a Zone and Pod in the Installation Guide."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:251
+# 10d08ed8092843f18456b1a0752ba168
+msgid "Add one or more VM instances to CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:253
+# bdd495a8008d4823b8bd78a763cca275
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:255
+# 73ad1f9cd260427bb05aeb2d4ca2f056
+msgid "Click the name of the guest network where the VMs are running."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:257
+# 89c3b56ae71346e9b89fa5e446f3f43d
+msgid "Choose an existing IP address or acquire a new IP address. See `\"Acquiring a New IP Address\" <#acquiring-a-new-ip-address>`_. Click the name of the IP address in the list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:261
+# 2c19d7e25d8845cbba9fd2d132c04fb7
+msgid "Click the Configuration tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:263
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1326
+# a9244a779ecb4355bbabd6689495a9ae
+# 35dbd54b25cb438f97ccf2f32ff9370e
+msgid "In the Port Forwarding node of the diagram, click View All."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:267
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1332
+# a51ed2228b8a437386ad9ff99ee96a04
+# e6d29f52eea44172bfaa95b47d20d5b9
+msgid "**Public Port**: The port to which public traffic will be addressed on the IP address you acquired in the previous step."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:270
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1335
+# 994ccfa7425f4863ade7a74a14b9e011
+# 5fbd968022954bba912d0dfdbe504ad9
+msgid "**Private Port**: The port on which the instance is listening for forwarded public traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:273
+# 98023e5bfedb4649a79fadc67850521f
+msgid "**Protocol**: The communication protocol in use between the two ports"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:18
+# b71d2a4a35644691974638b71dbe56b1
+msgid "IP Load Balancing"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:20
+# 982a5f5a6b7f481dbf623c4ae30c9ef1
+msgid "The user may choose to associate the same public IP for multiple guests. CloudStack implements a TCP-level load balancer with the following policies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:24
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1076
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1272
+# a01b6fefc32a4fce911ca69c16c670d9
+# 28c60cdb8d574461b463ea6e8e14675c
+# b09a939f044f421d83e16513b3a9dc7b
+msgid "Round-robin"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:26
+# e8cdafa2b1f645e99d3133d52f0a355a
+msgid "Least connection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:28
+# 803259d2ae8f446a9c4ec7c8ed71a28b
+msgid "Source IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:30
+# 6ba67a79525947f49fd89a4630112c11
+msgid "This is similar to port forwarding but the destination may be multiple IP addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/dns_and_dhcp.rst:18
+# f64b9bee4c5c4f5b8edb7227f447c380
+msgid "DNS and DHCP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/dns_and_dhcp.rst:20
+# b1490bbc343240eba492e29dd3431440
+msgid "The Virtual Router provides DNS and DHCP services to the guests. It proxies DNS requests to the DNS server configured on the Availability Zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:18
+# 380298c917b144379af6fe612e2d842a
+msgid "Remote Access VPN"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:20
+# 6e90c60bc41e4969b0281b09531745b8
+msgid "CloudStack account owners can create virtual private networks (VPN) to access their virtual machines. If the guest network is instantiated from a network offering that offers the Remote Access VPN service, the virtual router (based on the System VM) is used to provide the service. CloudStack provides a L2TP-over-IPsec-based remote access VPN service to guest virtual networks. Since each network gets its own virtual router, VPNs are not shared across the networks. VPN clients native to Windows, Mac OS X and iOS can be used to connect to the guest networks. The account owner can create and manage users for their VPN. CloudStack does not use its account database for this purpose but uses a separate table. The VPN user database is shared across all the VPNs created by the account owner. All VPN users get access to all VPNs created by the account owner."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:35
+# c670185e66c148958a214fecee43aff5
+msgid "Make sure that not all traffic goes through the VPN. That is, the route installed by the VPN should be only for the guest network and not for all traffic."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:39
+# dba6da095c764124a25c5a98d801496e
+msgid "**Road Warrior / Remote Access**. Users want to be able to connect securely from a home or office to a private network in the cloud. Typically, the IP address of the connecting client is dynamic and cannot be preconfigured on the VPN server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:44
+# 8793d40a1a80441398907f711e568b99
+msgid "**Site to Site**. In this scenario, two private subnets are connected over the public Internet with a secure VPN tunnel. The cloud user's subnet (for example, an office network) is connected through a gateway to the network in the cloud. The address of the user's gateway must be preconfigured on the VPN server in the cloud. Note that although L2TP-over-IPsec can be used to set up Site-to-Site VPNs, this is not the primary intent of this feature. For more information, see \":ref:`setting-s2s-vpn-conn`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:55
+# 8c8d8279293b421c868d44267f2291d1
+msgid "Configuring Remote Access VPN"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:57
+# 90ad6dccf00c4430ac2951fce79496d6
+msgid "To set up VPN for the cloud:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:61
+# e37d36e8639e48b5a1043c2e57008523
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Global Settings."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:63
+# 505b3a7726bc48fda8c03560c7bf88b1
+msgid "Set the following global configuration parameters."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:65
+# 53ec16f914374f86a2beb90e7af26ece
+msgid "remote.access.vpn.client.ip.range - The range of IP addresses to be allocated to remote access VPN clients. The first IP in the range is used by the VPN server."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:69
+# f4300671c2a149c284a642b6f79ef00e
+msgid "remote.access.vpn.psk.length - Length of the IPSec key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:71
+# 231df586fa3c4ed1970d5b7575cc5b83
+msgid "remote.access.vpn.user.limit - Maximum number of VPN users per account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:74
+# 76cfe55cf6cf458e93e7c31c53fd06c7
+msgid "To enable VPN for a particular network:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:76
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:101
+# 7c4372020568480ea2a617b164d7fde7
+# 84de4841949448d09c061ed72abcd263
+msgid "Log in as a user or administrator to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:78
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:103
+# 1b8df6da450a4c73b2f16aa4eaca745f
+# 5be9a0df2c9b497c95947824049942f6
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:80
+# 4a0bb2f81c4f4829853bbbb9f5fdcdea
+msgid "Click the name of the network you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:84
+# dcdbca37932e4934822095b46a7460fd
+msgid "Click one of the displayed IP address names."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:86
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:140
+# c58b358559ab46a8b37d20c157cabb78
+# 3d371180587a4467995d29840af82de7
+msgid "Click the Enable VPN button. |vpn-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:88
+# d3fc3632ae204d92945354ecf5b17a1c
+msgid "The IPsec key is displayed in a popup window."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:92
+# 866b778ea915477a8513f360a7923a9f
+msgid "Configuring Remote Access VPN in VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:94
+# 4f7b18dfcf584e5c90d57d8e8a471744
+msgid "On enabling Remote Access VPN on a VPC, any VPN client present outside the VPC can access VMs present in the VPC by using the Remote VPN connection. The VPN client can be present anywhere except inside the VPC on which the user enabled the Remote Access VPN service."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:99
+# cf87d57665af4942874e753a98b32768
+msgid "To enable VPN for a VPC:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:105
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:435
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:497
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:628
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:183
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:227
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:335
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:384
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:496
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:666
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:733
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:792
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:852
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1018
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1231
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1286
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1364
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1392
+# a851855e564c4ad2abb7f191c35fc2e8
+# 7696ccb576dc417482a5c054ceca9b60
+# e018f229d0304c21bc251e3bcaf4174e
+# 853e8a12190242e1922b7e3eceeacd90
+# 858d04db9e0d49328574f666ca08832b
+# 7e353532572644f29c0956717585ae5d
+# 3788df11cb0b4d9f99e69906815734a3
+# 2bb59ff5316a4315ad133017bc7aaa7b
+# 19560e560096444384f47cc8bcc957a9
+# 92e2187aa49046a4a1c1d8e8b50caeda
+# 74ff9845b2fc4a28a4f6e5c10d5b5e41
+# 3f4c3248f6b74195aadf920c9d064ea0
+# 37596bbfca114dd292c20a4d712a56d4
+# 474cd3b9ddcf45209e8b7f7c20094087
+# f011af1bc62c416bb2cc09b3e6d1da82
+# 51106dd7db2e450480c1b806d5f8c575
+# 20cb483c8c1a457d88d907105a2df0b6
+# 20037f12721b44a5b069106ec01c9037
+msgid "In the Select view, select VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:107
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:437
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:630
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:337
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:386
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:498
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:668
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:735
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:794
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:854
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1020
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1233
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1288
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1394
+# 433a058aaf2c4f7abcac16a4a89c0cb0
+# 253f99defd504664bca4c20805fad8d8
+# b03f74003e0f49f7b107d129dc8378f5
+# 0c712fdfecf145558f1363a547a5be30
+# 73d10dfbf9fe4ada98571d825e6a514f
+# df3ab8626fa64f6aac0e4c7b4baba5f6
+# 7d49d58694804462b40ebf7853c9f722
+# b343232e12944a0fa7e090d98eb63cdd
+# 01f2e1ef8d4a4fdd977b417d2e5a263f
+# 93c2804d558a4e9d838e266756a2a563
+# d561a8755b42408f897f89f7078867ec
+# c51038c5a8a44985867d6ba9c27b9d9d
+# fbee3b23e526460b81062dca124f6118
+# 0e98fee7920f4d06bebf81cf58e4cc47
+msgid "All the VPCs that you have created for the account is listed in the page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:110
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:340
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:389
+# 9be1f95a9d58404cbd6e4417d049f493
+# 101241fe7ad147dd849d0b52d7648247
+# 1448cfd34b3f43a480717b41c5eebb77
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:112
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:446
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:509
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:641
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:342
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1029
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1297
+# c95b38d3084f49a79782733848b3ecca
+# ab89f03b01054efcbdc4b304e895e95b
+# e9dc8a6495354766a07447565741a528
+# 985ac077ba8248a7a48dfa8c5c506d16
+# 9bc1baaed7ec4515ad2c3b5c6ce0451e
+# 801d602110c041cabcf0cc684584957a
+# be7596ebba2542159b95b5abc0607142
+msgid "For each tier, the following options are displayed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:114
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:448
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:511
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:643
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:344
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:511
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:746
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:804
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:865
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1031
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1299
+# 0d83a023e9014f9aade55353c79e3170
+# 401ffa05eaf246a28e37840ebe9292cc
+# 067e314f365a480ca4a21f8e163015f1
+# f9a89e98ace24da0b17c3378764628ec
+# df1588b26c554c8ebb2120108c70f35d
+# 14d477e028374bc7ba1a23e02c9a1b4c
+# 3961aede6bf54c31b9c546f46b4e6aa5
+# 8f1f5dfc2d674fc194d70276d8d18468
+# 0a8f19a5e8734bcab55acd9fca629358
+# 445b7ca76fea45e8a3439159d1faa90e
+# 1487ab642c08402ca5ba42c3837ea69a
+msgid "Internal LB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:116
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:450
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:513
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:645
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:346
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:513
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:748
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:806
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:867
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1033
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1301
+# 31d49abe67634960a557928d198a117b
+# d9f6c55773f44decab0c8f7c54706ab1
+# 77bc18fed48f46e4ac2df77187e262df
+# 2261a78bcdfd4e6da5136e979c35bb88
+# cbbd2dca656549c884e00639b9ae2035
+# e61e6beeae9c412bbe90181105cf2ae1
+# 909e61b8202a4b838f82ea576f748d63
+# 44b5133723344f3bbd1c7783e59642ed
+# b4286c8c1b954ab2bf7fe43800649c15
+# 0c9f5baff8f847a8871c2dc07441e145
+# 39db39923d924abba04f7eb190b0c065
+msgid "Public LB IP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:120
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:454
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:517
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:649
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:350
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:517
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:752
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:810
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:871
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1037
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1305
+# 5eaac9ad38594847b17964661cf9236c
+# 92df7a88e8e04a3483d10de7d9e73800
+# 5a76cc0a9455476cbc8b2c81878d7f05
+# 89f6fcd63e4f4cd1a5c2ae9d98d431d3
+# 3848ce6d7b224573a45a3daa5e369d11
+# ef82afc618e2465d879fb6566335f979
+# 4270f6ecdc324f22951c5acb77c4ee23
+# 39a7d2038d76415498e328d304159562
+# 593c2b74c4fc46a68613d48864ea1ea1
+# 442f49fa53564d63ac1c056170b5b4a8
+# 1679c7f2f3d74f87941189cd7a8eadf1
+msgid "Virtual Machines"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:124
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:458
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:521
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:653
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:354
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:521
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:756
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:814
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:875
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1041
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1309
+# f5bae5ffb2f542f1a50da6263d5830fc
+# 1353046d5778408f926e87efdf7cfff4
+# 86105ce7fed24f5cb1731b0445e71c58
+# d0a50513766f4193a8ae3ce206f4f27f
+# 9494e63e7f1345eab39614b094d5418c
+# e840260e3fbe4d8e9ee76819e55c2271
+# 6e3d9062bdbb4bba84da4f570fd7c7fb
+# b76b5756109d44ddb7bcf3eee9b52377
+# ad03548aa7c148f1b0bb6d6489c1b169
+# 2eeb832b8f2744ff994afa7f34a8d110
+# fef8407d652246f9b64d3af9fab77e4c
+msgid "The following router information is displayed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:126
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:460
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:523
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:655
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:356
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:523
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:758
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:816
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:877
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1043
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1311
+# daf0d5dc2d9040e19b1366f58af4b3c6
+# a4596fec8cdb45bba1c99bc713b0d10c
+# 8da0cfd9fed2460cb97816a778997f9d
+# 056a09262bfc4d6482a20801b8acaaf5
+# 777bc6a7065949dbb37c74c841759e3c
+# b2c193538ac94be38e2a27ee2bf943d0
+# 0f492f18d1ae4cee885b69b82980784f
+# 5afe0c98d94b4a129c170577873b4208
+# d371bf7bd366484abd327ba22b4906d8
+# 7cf1fde7dabe40ecb52db6750a1508f7
+# 0369ed96499e48b3a23519de10fa02a8
+msgid "Private Gateways"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:128
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:462
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:525
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:657
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:358
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:525
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:760
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:818
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:879
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1045
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1313
+# 5f0457bd87ee495a8d5bfe9c4e4140b9
+# be6d3ce6cbaf4b5784187f736898bbb4
+# 137340b6a07047f5b4105b550bd2dea5
+# 16a448bd22a34fd59b341f0be0cfad13
+# 98dd6a7c42284bd7ab5a086176692d74
+# 77e662d10339479c93999acb83f50aab
+# f87b9d1bf7c8489d824e4bc2c1edb94a
+# 4627c69d41294c8fab4d9898db33c83f
+# 0c430ab6225a479a8e58afe0436292db
+# f224a8b6cbea436aaea2ce0b6c58b5a5
+# 50ff9ec30a43472aaaea14d658f3ede1
+msgid "Public IP Addresses"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:130
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:464
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:527
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:659
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:360
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:527
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:762
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:820
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:881
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1047
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1315
+# 2a01498545a9403e8315ab2b9dc8d3ff
+# 5c6c556abdb042cd95b91af10067d5b6
+# 863fdc1a436149ec81d2a240d4d22a2f
+# 79192eb67b614bd58e10729375bddf8c
+# d36fe14908f246bf83e43933e55ef3b4
+# 65e2c761e70f4440ad714dd09cd91349
+# 5aeddf583b6743bb889616c075b0793a
+# 147238d0cb65480c9d78837c05e43bd9
+# 1b2e46ec5bea49d09a0c7c272595d111
+# 26fcc9420a3f49edb4de8b1efbb457bc
+# 63efa7ad47a34105874929f9bbd9427f
+msgid "Site-to-Site VPNs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:132
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:466
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:529
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:661
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:362
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:529
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:764
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:822
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:883
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1049
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1317
+# b27df81c137d4ada8a78b99a42ce9318
+# ce6512f959b543ed84a43badeb5efb3c
+# b81bad1751644d18810aa0953be2bea5
+# 9f3e88679a5d4387855b32022dbff52c
+# 0e0ee230ef824ba0a10c19e3b311b598
+# 78ef6f691db5444eb53d8f8e2876e4e9
+# 3a98e8ef4c754c41ab1345025b5cc625
+# 0e6c5b8161104349a11cb3207b8b813a
+# 383a9b461f6b4113acb24f60ec71b1fc
+# cc1ad8b9d34945a9baa02216efbc2555
+# 299782736e884755a67a9ff9eae837dd
+msgid "Network ACL Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:134
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:885
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1051
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1319
+# c6c2c79f850f4077829c5505885e62f5
+# 1062ef9c7f464e158c482bea53e6ea61
+# e6718162b3284e44a60f542408ae32fc
+# 6a480049441d4ccc8a31e3f11799dd7b
+msgid "In the Router node, select Public IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:136
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:826
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:887
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1053
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1321
+# 7d553b7fbdc6413d8c633ce8dfb4868c
+# 2b2b55ab8a624bb78e95913869ab2a05
+# 0de20186cc34473cb61133c9b865f960
+# 3e9dafbca1bc4a50b60617d6c81f170f
+# 9abe20eba64240cd90a18743af0e00c2
+msgid "The IP Addresses page is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:138
+# f1ce2b4d26b145d49d98a4cecca586e8
+msgid "Click Source NAT IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:142
+# e83452437c9449d7b1f7508735d5e35a
+msgid "Click OK to confirm. The IPsec key is displayed in a pop-up window."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:144
+# d9c262cf3fdb476ea6a3500b5c9e3102
+msgid "Now, you need to add the VPN users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:146
+# 93e980a2795646be9a5fbc975be42289
+msgid "Click the Source NAT IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:148
+# 15e0e443545942579a324fda601e2686
+msgid "Select the VPN tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:150
+# 400f2955d75b4fe29ece4d0b82cdadf3
+msgid "Add the username and the corresponding password of the user you wanted to add."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:155
+# 13bbf1c44ce8451e9fda9df0a55488d9
+msgid "Repeat the same steps to add the VPN users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:159
+# f882d1b965574377abb5c47c46d2017d
+msgid "Using Remote Access VPN with Windows"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:161
+# 7dac5068f0b244e1a144a09d45c39932
+msgid "The procedure to use VPN varies by Windows version. Generally, the user must edit the VPN properties and make sure that the default route is not the VPN. The following steps are for Windows L2TP clients on Windows Vista. The commands should be similar for other Windows versions."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:166
+# 9863de47db9f4572ad58ea772de9f36d
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI and click on the source NAT IP for the account. The VPN tab should display the IPsec preshared key. Make a note of this and the source NAT IP. The UI also lists one or more users and their passwords. Choose one of these users, or, if none exists, add a user and password."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:172
+# 7fda5d36b51847d49837befe10623588
+msgid "On the Windows box, go to Control Panel, then select Network and Sharing center. Click Setup a connection or network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:175
+# da78d151c9234aed8997f0bc85337cf6
+msgid "In the next dialog, select No, create a new connection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:177
+# 43e868088a2941f2b050d28f6420c815
+msgid "In the next dialog, select Use my Internet Connection (VPN)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:179
+# 239288f41e5547d280e2293ec8da8206
+msgid "In the next dialog, enter the source NAT IP from step #1 and give the connection a name. Check Don't connect now."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:183
+# 38f025d6b59c4032a92973f1c1a27c07
+msgid "In the next dialog, enter the user name and password selected in step #1."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:188
+# 65891d17f3074ed9b484f59841022124
+msgid "Go back to the Control Panel and click Network Connections to see the new connection. The connection is not active yet."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:191
+# 90aee2a731374796ae19cb91e6c4eaca
+msgid "Right-click the new connection and select Properties. In the Properties dialog, select the Networking tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:196
+# 785904429cc24b31a7cf663347b72344
+msgid "In Type of VPN, choose L2TP IPsec VPN, then click IPsec settings. Select Use preshared key. Enter the preshared key from step #1."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:199
+# 3e29d7f5cd6b43428b98157632b35cfe
+msgid "The connection is ready for activation. Go back to Control Panel -> Network Connections and double-click the created connection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:202
+# 658b86e57b2145119bff660e836d339d
+msgid "Enter the user name and password from step #1."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:206
+# f28b68b93a984f618a8681036210e3b9
+msgid "Using Remote Access VPN with Mac OS X"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:208
+# 8b76f5b992cc490bad145d28495ce704
+msgid "First, be sure you've configured the VPN settings in your CloudStack install. This section is only concerned with connecting via Mac OS X to your VPN."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:212
+# 7da87b538a3b4bd98149a9dc28b99cb5
+msgid "Note, these instructions were written on Mac OS X 10.7.5. They may differ slightly in older or newer releases of Mac OS X."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:215
+# 99afa11cb02448889b90260c46e6daf2
+msgid "On your Mac, open System Preferences and click Network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:217
+# 1b60714f0b664945b51a0b61be0399a5
+msgid "Make sure Send all traffic over VPN connection is not checked."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:219
+# bcd319828ca0418fb3c241dfe5096e41
+msgid "If your preferences are locked, you'll need to click the lock in the bottom left-hand corner to make any changes and provide your administrator credentials."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:223
+# 4300ee6f178548d5a9905a6bbe2d9860
+msgid "You will need to create a new network entry. Click the plus icon on the bottom left-hand side and you'll see a dialog that says \"Select the interface and enter a name for the new service.\" Select VPN from the Interface drop-down menu, and \"L2TP over IPSec\" for the VPN Type. Enter whatever you like within the \"Service Name\" field."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:229
+# 23650c313b074382a57881042b50304e
+msgid "You'll now have a new network interface with the name of whatever you put in the \"Service Name\" field. For the purposes of this example, we'll assume you've named it \"CloudStack.\" Click on that interface and provide the IP address of the interface for your VPN under the Server Address field, and the user name for your VPN under Account Name."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:236
+# 6b61feadee8d476583c5ac8024ecf9dc
+msgid "Click Authentication Settings, and add the user's password under User Authentication and enter the pre-shared IPSec key in the Shared Secret field under Machine Authentication. Click OK."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:240
+# 82160d6db5874a5fb691804a0f4064ee
+msgid "You may also want to click the \"Show VPN status in menu bar\" but that's entirely optional."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:243
+# 7888991db08f4692af070e20a8f548e4
+msgid "Now click \"Connect\" and you will be connected to the CloudStack VPN."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:249
+# b8fcb8654d4045cabab65cc607473fa0
+msgid "Setting Up a Site-to-Site VPN Connection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:251
+# bf33833486e34298bbd54de0d5e5c883
+msgid "A Site-to-Site VPN connection helps you establish a secure connection from an enterprise datacenter to the cloud infrastructure. This allows users to access the guest VMs by establishing a VPN connection to the virtual router of the account from a device in the datacenter of the enterprise. You can also establish a secure connection between two VPC setups or high availability zones in your environment. Having this facility eliminates the need to establish VPN connections to individual VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:260
+# 4bf27ce4183e47dda88b6603d61b46b8
+msgid "The difference from Remote VPN is that Site-to-site VPNs connects entire networks to each other, for example, connecting a branch office network to a company headquarters network. In a site-to-site VPN, hosts do not have VPN client software; they send and receive normal TCP/IP traffic through a VPN gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:266
+# 153b937b1c0e4de69b3b94451840a13f
+msgid "The supported endpoints on the remote datacenters are:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:268
+# 5ebb68947e8846959fdb844894eba6eb
+msgid "Cisco ISR with IOS 12.4 or later"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:270
+# e3a55a3999da49baa81621a7f7ffb70a
+msgid "Juniper J-Series routers with JunOS 9.5 or later"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:272
+# ffc402a2243c4da9bcd196372f78bf94
+msgid "CloudStack virtual routers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:275
+# af60329a6d1b421db96e66d969e7148a
+msgid "In addition to the specific Cisco and Juniper devices listed above, the expectation is that any Cisco or Juniper device running on the supported operating systems are able to establish VPN connections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:279
+# 4e099c5b2d15403d841fca6ab971b147
+msgid "To set up a Site-to-Site VPN connection, perform the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:281
+# 9f0c55b7e3d1405ea91d412d82570573
+msgid "Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:283
+# 1cc41acb25564437bf47069632c1e47f
+msgid "See \":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:285
+# 0350dab55c154adb8bfb5fc2329bc99b
+msgid "Create a VPN Customer Gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:287
+# 9e0ade3afda44783837277f292aac18e
+msgid "Create a VPN gateway for the VPC that you created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:289
+# bd574fc0e611460eb6f1cf836570d65a
+msgid "Create VPN connection from the VPC VPN gateway to the customer VPN gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:294
+# 94a11afb4f284c39876ab9e7ad9b4203
+msgid "Creating and Updating a VPN Customer Gateway"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:297
+# d7741a7964f14270836f90faa50dee5e
+msgid "A VPN customer gateway can be connected to only one VPN gateway at a time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:299
+# b0237b80ce7945038ccf7e43814bc271
+msgid "To add a VPN Customer Gateway:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:305
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:415
+# 101bb0d15ff04d2b833841a38622b5a3
+# 2b4e8de7b2b8461685571e9bd8677151
+msgid "In the Select view, select VPN Customer Gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:307
+# 7731e51aab804267b5d9a1b77c2a563f
+msgid "Click Add VPN Customer Gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:309
+# a28ae413767b455ba902116cbfb65b62
+msgid "|addvpncustomergateway.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:313
+# 4b1ee71a183a40f08f2c0f6153980745
+msgid "**Name**: A unique name for the VPN customer gateway you create."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:315
+# 4a55d6fffb10456eb7eedd3b877f3290
+msgid "**Gateway**: The IP address for the remote gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:317
+# a1719efbdbf3445e88fe8b57058e647d
+msgid "**CIDR list**: The guest CIDR list of the remote subnets. Enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. Ensure that a guest CIDR list is not overlapped with the VPC's CIDR, or another guest CIDR. The CIDR must be RFC1918-compliant."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:322
+# 45e753e1aca84d72a27705c47e7359fe
+msgid "**IPsec Preshared Key**: Preshared keying is a method where the endpoints of the VPN share a secret key. This key value is used to authenticate the customer gateway and the VPC VPN gateway to each other."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:328
+# 685253a274ff4f8ab93ec131da0a8e17
+msgid "The IKE peers (VPN end points) authenticate each other by computing and sending a keyed hash of data that includes the Preshared key. If the receiving peer is able to create the same hash independently by using its Preshared key, it knows that both peers must share the same secret, thus authenticating the customer gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:335
+# 99c6b3d0d9b644ac963db1bbbec803aa
+msgid "**IKE Encryption**: The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) policy for phase-1. The supported encryption algorithms are AES128, AES192, AES256, and 3DES. Authentication is accomplished through the Preshared Keys."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:341
+# 5fc1a26b6376451e99e9e5edb6e43b8c
+msgid "The phase-1 is the first phase in the IKE process. In this initial negotiation phase, the two VPN endpoints agree on the methods to be used to provide security for the underlying IP traffic. The phase-1 authenticates the two VPN gateways to each other, by confirming that the remote gateway has a matching Preshared Key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:347
+# 4a50daea38b94c4c8f566640f9423d59
+msgid "**IKE Hash**: The IKE hash for phase-1. The supported hash algorithms are SHA1 and MD5."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:350
+# 164ad3cc6c1d4be09637856b2caebc73
+msgid "**IKE DH**: A public-key cryptography protocol which allows two parties to establish a shared secret over an insecure communications channel. The 1536-bit Diffie-Hellman group is used within IKE to establish session keys. The supported options are None, Group-5 (1536-bit) and Group-2 (1024-bit)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:356
+# 7f48a32285424744aed43ca25afe1013
+msgid "**ESP Encryption**: Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) algorithm within phase-2. The supported encryption algorithms are AES128, AES192, AES256, and 3DES."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:361
+# b406299f4fea47069d76bb649b8708f9
+msgid "The phase-2 is the second phase in the IKE process. The purpose of IKE phase-2 is to negotiate IPSec security associations (SA) to set up the IPSec tunnel. In phase-2, new keying material is extracted from the Diffie-Hellman key exchange in phase-1, to provide session keys to use in protecting the VPN data flow."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:367
+# a27571240d7c4f3c9acf4a0a4aa3b628
+msgid "**ESP Hash**: Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) hash for phase-2. Supported hash algorithms are SHA1 and MD5."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:370
+# 4b7ceba042f249029e0dbf978aa690d3
+msgid "**Perfect Forward Secrecy**: Perfect Forward Secrecy (or PFS) is the property that ensures that a session key derived from a set of long-term public and private keys will not be compromised. This property enforces a new Diffie-Hellman key exchange. It provides the keying material that has greater key material life and thereby greater resistance to cryptographic attacks. The available options are None, Group-5 (1536-bit) and Group-2 (1024-bit). The security of the key exchanges increase as the DH groups grow larger, as does the time of the exchanges."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:381
+# 31cd21a987c94c2593fa18b480d5655a
+msgid "When PFS is turned on, for every negotiation of a new phase-2 SA the two gateways must generate a new set of phase-1 keys. This adds an extra layer of protection that PFS adds, which ensures if the phase-2 SA's have expired, the keys used for new phase-2 SA's have not been generated from the current phase-1 keying material."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:387
+# c4fac70acb7546528e8f03a69aec87d6
+msgid "**IKE Lifetime (seconds)**: The phase-1 lifetime of the security association in seconds. Default is 86400 seconds (1 day). Whenever the time expires, a new phase-1 exchange is performed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:391
+# 253e1c3775154909922b7f978944cd3e
+msgid "**ESP Lifetime (seconds)**: The phase-2 lifetime of the security association in seconds. Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour). Whenever the value is exceeded, a re-key is initiated to provide a new IPsec encryption and authentication session keys."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:396
+# c0c484db7f344e408d168f25bb654809
+msgid "**Dead Peer Detection**: A method to detect an unavailable Internet Key Exchange (IKE) peer. Select this option if you want the virtual router to query the liveliness of its IKE peer at regular intervals. It's recommended to have the same configuration of DPD on both side of VPN connection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:406
+# bbbaed88ff1d435c8172e82d1ba38621
+msgid "Updating and Removing a VPN Customer Gateway"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:408
+# dce2c8dc1af941d3995eccd689185d2f
+msgid "You can update a customer gateway either with no VPN connection, or related VPN connection is in error state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:417
+# a2663d4c4c664967b66aed432bc15feb
+msgid "Select the VPN customer gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:419
+# a7ded8e5a4764341a0616505650a00e8
+msgid "To modify the required parameters, click the Edit VPN Customer Gateway button |vpn-edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:422
+# 756841a8fa024fd8a5c97c8f30e876d3
+msgid "To remove the VPN customer gateway, click the Delete VPN Customer Gateway button |delete.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:429
+# b8b2a50b82054314966bddcea5e58624
+msgid "Creating a VPN gateway for the VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:440
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:501
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:633
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:671
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:738
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:857
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1291
+# 55ffd9d38baf4689915216b245eb0345
+# 9dffc7abb0334653a04e9da28c3986eb
+# cafe1c918b254231856621d595a969ea
+# 629408b6b4d44c488f179e9d12c9d1c8
+# 12f2c2ca637145198bd85e6aefc78803
+# 322ff7890b6647d89fc773f95de5ca97
+# b5eb13586b2d401b9224cc304d4d596e
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC to which you want to deploy the VMs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:443
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:504
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:636
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:504
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:741
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:799
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:860
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1294
+# 3ede94e26b2243618297004100dde13e
+# 2f52e248552b455a87f010302f709dad
+# 053eb6822dcf4582b9bba73ede381afb
+# d368f1f8019d471eb6596301beba362c
+# dfea3c0fff89489eac70a967cc49c5aa
+# 73059e34302c43d1a5a4c816f43b9382
+# fb07c649ea2b4a768d6e5716e8030063
+# 28f7d7ee821449b29c5cd912fde10a27
+msgid "The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you created are listed in a diagram."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:468
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:531
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:663
+# bb47b6a4c9894b0ba98c007547e23a7b
+# 5f44ee9703334af187a5f781a5bdd3ca
+# 90eeedf47dda43f69ca4cd79e42918d7
+msgid "Select Site-to-Site VPN."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:470
+# 3904e2f97d404bd0ac8c9e9461127c9c
+msgid "If you are creating the VPN gateway for the first time, selecting Site-to-Site VPN prompts you to create a VPN gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:473
+# 58e6c2a9a3ca472c8470f2da068490b4
+msgid "In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to confirm."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:475
+# 0dcce7d9ba7e44fea93fd343b6eb8ccd
+msgid "Within a few moments, the VPN gateway is created. You will be prompted to view the details of the VPN gateway you have created. Click Yes to confirm."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:479
+# 08c91c396238462eb6a6a86c3bc34356
+msgid "The following details are displayed in the VPN Gateway page:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:483
+# a77fc54a7c8146a3ac276762ce040121
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:485
+# 7d5a08b580ca444fa94ea41cf933bbed
+msgid "Domain"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:489
+# a9bedddab6d94613aa7949d22530c563
+msgid "Creating a VPN Connection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:491
+# eb9ff504d03f4098abe385052da3a163
+msgid "CloudStack supports creating up to 8 VPN connections."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:499
+# 4106c6c68d6d468fa69e8066df52a37d
+msgid "All the VPCs that you create for the account are listed in the page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:507
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:639
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:507
+# 30ef75902e6a416e943de29ba0ae78f2
+# 2ea0f0278379492ba4ae3fe6df1acc1e
+# 9120ca60dcc143a28655716ade74dd8d
+msgid "Click the Settings icon."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:533
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:665
+# c17fddae85054e48acc62417d618005b
+# d51c787e2c3641bda74032c8dda674a2
+msgid "The Site-to-Site VPN page is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:535
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:667
+# d20933656e614d3c90bbeca3c9dfa1e8
+# ae7c48ded27f46fba258b7713abe8020
+msgid "From the Select View drop-down, ensure that VPN Connection is selected."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:538
+# e805d37fb5de4010a4e653ecc10fe88f
+msgid "Click Create VPN Connection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:540
+# 6461a9409d0d43af95085f7592764ec5
+msgid "The Create VPN Connection dialog is displayed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:542
+# 302fc42f8855480ea855ba83253ae510
+msgid "|createvpnconnection.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:544
+# 256fd2eeb83d4c8ca42223952cda2eaa
+msgid "Select the desired customer gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:546
+# 1216cafe939448ce89002732610150f9
+msgid "Select Passive if you want to establish a connection between two VPC virtual routers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:549
+# 31801a53933d4e8e98ac8b775c9547ad
+msgid "If you want to establish a connection between two VPC virtual routers, select Passive only on one of the VPC virtual routers, which waits for the other VPC virtual router to initiate the connection. Do not select Passive on the VPC virtual router that initiates the connection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:557
+# 06301a1ae56d4aa0829075cea0e779b2
+msgid "Within a few moments, the VPN Connection is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:559
+# aa7133cb7a2f415180d09d0a134d39b2
+msgid "The following information on the VPN connection is displayed:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:565
+# 0c0a058f5bba400ba3f349f62ea660f1
+msgid "State"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:567
+# c7cdf1f2c13b4df7852fb798ffb852f1
+msgid "IPSec Preshared Key"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:569
+# 97c84bf1a75c4e84a20bda2e28f8dd99
+msgid "IKE Policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:571
+# 7d9d2e44ca2e45118dd87874aab3660c
+msgid "ESP Policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:575
+# 53ad2d1f828e40a5a6e793ae3c464cf6
+msgid "Site-to-Site VPN Connection Between VPC Networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:577
+# bfe3ddb6f0054692ade09235d6409226
+msgid "CloudStack provides you with the ability to establish a site-to-site VPN connection between CloudStack virtual routers. To achieve that, add a passive mode Site-to-Site VPN. With this functionality, users can deploy applications in multiple Availability Zones or VPCs, which can communicate with each other by using a secure Site-to-Site VPN Tunnel."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:583
+# 4d7b48c89729493fab30a6c8fa3e3d8a
+msgid "This feature is supported on all the hypervisors."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:585
+# 63d33594095642d6bd759d685c327728
+msgid "Create two VPCs. For example, VPC A and VPC B."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:587
+# f38ada5b2bf347699a13c440cdbb6d6d
+msgid "For more information, see \":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:589
+# 9725f2c0a7804cd08dabeb07ccced69e
+msgid "Create VPN gateways on both the VPCs you created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:591
+# 863b39380dc440b39636aefc3f305286
+msgid "For more information, see `\"Creating a VPN gateway for the VPC\" <#creating-a-vpn-gateway-for-the-vpc>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:594
+# 80e6cc23902e4983926d330301305245
+msgid "Create VPN customer gateway for both the VPCs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:596
+# 8b053f18f0cf45d7a54c9a55525e51d5
+msgid "For more information, see `\"Creating and Updating a VPN Customer Gateway\" <#creating-and-updating-a-vpn-customer-gateway>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:599
+# e62bfd0cb16b4506af656ac300d2b9d6
+msgid "Enable a VPN connection on VPC A in passive mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:601
+# e9a973fc175a4c358a0961c603185a9b
+msgid "For more information, see `\"Creating a VPN Connection\" <#creating-a-vpn-connection>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:604
+# 077205cc874949ebb23a94463f757867
+msgid "Ensure that the customer gateway is pointed to VPC B. The VPN connection is shown in the Disconnected state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:607
+# a1f2ec5982ca4ee88e0e1b6d64a341e4
+msgid "Enable a VPN connection on VPC B."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:609
+# 9b111a2dd2fb47d384d121a954fb00d0
+msgid "Ensure that the customer gateway is pointed to VPC A. Because virtual router of VPC A, in this case, is in passive mode and is waiting for the virtual router of VPC B to initiate the connection, VPC B virtual router should not be in passive mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:614
+# 6f48c7f01a334934959f0048f9a19913
+msgid "The VPN connection is shown in the Disconnected state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:616
+# f9289b1f358541dcbbea60dd60547408
+msgid "Creating VPN connection on both the VPCs initiates a VPN connection. Wait for few seconds. The default is 30 seconds for both the VPN connections to show the Connected state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:622
+# 9fe12894f28c427a9daba08709f4326d
+msgid "Restarting and Removing a VPN Connection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:670
+# 4f1aa09db210412ca829b0fadcbc3175
+msgid "All the VPN connections you created are displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:672
+# 17e6855dfa4241a58cce788d5d96a057
+msgid "Select the VPN connection you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:674
+# bc52370e920b4f288050d7fcf2c623f4
+msgid "The Details tab is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:676
+# dd3715695c204665987222ab000106cd
+msgid "To remove a VPN connection, click the Delete VPN connection button |remove-vpn.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:679
+# 4b987b9761934af19b5d8a4be76875a5
+msgid "To restart a VPN connection, click the Reset VPN connection button present in the Details tab. |reset-vpn.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:18
+# 1280b685b60c4cd9b6c84035e7c3ff2a
+msgid "About Inter-VLAN Routing (nTier Apps)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:20
+# be2045156b3041218bc42ecd27d7d6f0
+msgid "Inter-VLAN Routing (nTier Apps) is the capability to route network traffic between VLANs. This feature enables you to build Virtual Private Clouds (VPC), an isolated segment of your cloud, that can hold multi-tier applications. These tiers are deployed on different VLANs that can communicate with each other. You provision VLANs to the tiers your create, and VMs can be deployed on different tiers. The VLANs are connected to a virtual router, which facilitates communication between the VMs. In effect, you can segment VMs by means of VLANs into different networks that can host multi-tier applications, such as Web, Application, or Database. Such segmentation by means of VLANs logically separate application VMs for higher security and lower broadcasts, while remaining physically connected to the same device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:33
+# ee648742bfb3421f8a3889c2349f279b
+msgid "This feature is supported on XenServer, KVM, and VMware hypervisors."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:35
+# ef162a16526641098e51a139989ae97e
+msgid "The major advantages are:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:37
+# 3e6de8dbeba5419abdb2b03019116141
+msgid "The administrator can deploy a set of VLANs and allow users to deploy VMs on these VLANs. A guest VLAN is randomly alloted to an account from a pre-specified set of guest VLANs. All the VMs of a certain tier of an account reside on the guest VLAN allotted to that account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:43
+# bc8ba74b90594f12a5fd5677cc9ff6d1
+msgid "A VLAN allocated for an account cannot be shared between multiple accounts."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:45
+# 1ab1ca8e96254434870948d662709b43
+msgid "The administrator can allow users create their own VPC and deploy the application. In this scenario, the VMs that belong to the account are deployed on the VLANs allotted to that account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:49
+# a3116bd8472e48a7aa7cda71b97e27cc
+msgid "Both administrators and users can create multiple VPCs. The guest network NIC is plugged to the VPC virtual router when the first VM is deployed in a tier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:53
+# 6fd43509fad74559adbc29b02d394dc9
+msgid "The administrator can create the following gateways to send to or receive traffic from the VMs:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:56
+# 8ddc983de3d241f09f98b725eb5816b9
+msgid "**VPN Gateway**: For more information, see `\"Creating a VPN gateway for the VPC\" <#creating-a-vpn-gateway-for-the-vpc>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:59
+# 61e9f85faff44050a4964c4318e14c71
+msgid "**Public Gateway**: The public gateway for a VPC is added to the virtual router when the virtual router is created for VPC. The public gateway is not exposed to the end users. You are not allowed to list it, nor allowed to create any static routes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:64
+# b56703bb9e304d9eb985cf50d8467b88
+msgid "**Private Gateway**: For more information, see \":ref:`adding-priv-gw-vpc`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:66
+# 971a020719584df99604941837f413e9
+msgid "Both administrators and users can create various possible destinations-gateway combinations. However, only one gateway of each type can be used in a deployment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:70
+# a959d3a87f854875b155e4dd0378bc58
+msgid "For example:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:72
+# c8562933cf3a49dabea40ebda77c173e
+msgid "**VLANs and Public Gateway**: For example, an application is deployed in the cloud, and the Web application VMs communicate with the Internet."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:76
+# 9a0414207cf1455fa28030b70576f628
+msgid "**VLANs, VPN Gateway, and Public Gateway**: For example, an application is deployed in the cloud; the Web application VMs communicate with the Internet; and the database VMs communicate with the on-premise devices."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:81
+# 8534c0f613cb4afd87cee4abbbeb1864
+msgid "The administrator can define Network Access Control List (ACL) on the virtual router to filter the traffic among the VLANs or between the Internet and a VLAN. You can define ACL based on CIDR, port range, protocol, type code (if ICMP protocol is selected) and Ingress/Egress type."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:87
+# dbc5184ebe294b3c978a2597145d1afc
+msgid "The following figure shows the possible deployment scenarios of a Inter-VLAN setup:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:90
+# 7b6b27d712ab4049bb9e18da1df3f10f
+msgid "|mutltier.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:92
+# a73c0ccfe9e242bbafc920ed4db89f8c
+msgid "To set up a multi-tier Inter-VLAN deployment, see \":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:20
+# 68230541a8c04698a2cd4782fa199025
+msgid "Configuring a Virtual Private Cloud"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:23
+# c96dce204b9449f096ddff43e7c501e4
+msgid "About Virtual Private Clouds"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:25
+# 39a15c9ebdbf402189072d4ad538b511
+msgid "CloudStack Virtual Private Cloud is a private, isolated part of CloudStack. A VPC can have its own virtual network topology that resembles a traditional physical network. You can launch VMs in the virtual network that can have private addresses in the range of your choice, for example: You can define network tiers within your VPC network range, which in turn enables you to group similar kinds of instances based on IP address range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:33
+# 52f1ec4df5f14d00acc410893a48cd12
+msgid "For example, if a VPC has the private range, its guest networks can have the network ranges,,, and so on."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:39
+# c427f4f401964436adf6600e085f1c73
+msgid "Major Components of a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:41
+# aa65d02ab49c4593ab9a6304e97b0499
+msgid "A VPC is comprised of the following network components:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:43
+# 6ce250346a5b4839af2f807498d27a93
+msgid "**VPC**: A VPC acts as a container for multiple isolated networks that can communicate with each other via its virtual router."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:46
+# bf8dcbee37f94f398e40dcc29aa1b1f2
+msgid "**Network Tiers**: Each tier acts as an isolated network with its own VLANs and CIDR list, where you can place groups of resources, such as VMs. The tiers are segmented by means of VLANs. The NIC of each tier acts as its gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:51
+# 85c01a3feddd4eefa12e8569dc29abdb
+msgid "**Virtual Router**: A virtual router is automatically created and started when you create a VPC. The virtual router connect the tiers and direct traffic among the public gateway, the VPN gateways, and the NAT instances. For each tier, a corresponding NIC and IP exist in the virtual router. The virtual router provides DNS and DHCP services through its IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:58
+# 084d9e9386154de29f7c85e78edcbddf
+msgid "**Public Gateway**: The traffic to and from the Internet routed to the VPC through the public gateway. In a VPC, the public gateway is not exposed to the end user; therefore, static routes are not support for the public gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:63
+# 0a67aeaa8469476786141e2d15792113
+msgid "**Private Gateway**: All the traffic to and from a private network routed to the VPC through the private gateway. For more information, see \":ref:`adding-priv-gw-vpc`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:67
+# 7f1df774c21345d183d04571db70c24d
+msgid "**VPN Gateway**: The VPC side of a VPN connection."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:69
+# d4f1eced716140b2ba2e5c4a4bb94733
+msgid "**Site-to-Site VPN Connection**: A hardware-based VPN connection between your VPC and your datacenter, home network, or co-location facility. For more information, see \":ref:`setting-s2s-vpn-conn`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:73
+# d96c6c8f7e914115913908328dafe225
+msgid "**Customer Gateway**: The customer side of a VPN Connection. For more information, see `\"Creating and Updating a VPN Customer Gateway\" <#creating-and-updating-a-vpn-customer-gateway>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:77
+# 4a709f7fe7a644bcbf353a4841f01b9d
+msgid "**NAT Instance**: An instance that provides Port Address Translation for instances to access the Internet via the public gateway. For more information, see \":ref:`enabling-disabling-static-nat-on-vpc`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:81
+# d3585dd79a1e4e7e89912c04813bb102
+msgid "**Network ACL**: Network ACL is a group of Network ACL items. Network ACL items are nothing but numbered rules that are evaluated in order, starting with the lowest numbered rule. These rules determine whether traffic is allowed in or out of any tier associated with the network ACL. For more information, see \":ref:`conf-net-acl`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:89
+# d9a20cb6323241afa91a6c2cbc307ff9
+msgid "Network Architecture in a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:91
+# 7ee1153de76a4c929d0b1fa6a71fd31d
+msgid "In a VPC, the following four basic options of network architectures are present:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:94
+# 1451c0ec747146d4b4c7cef8cb2721de
+msgid "VPC with a public gateway only"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:96
+# 10f537ebc4544eb487ff69cb3d4925f7
+msgid "VPC with public and private gateways"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:98
+# 6df0df8e0b47452e978347b896d0550a
+msgid "VPC with public and private gateways and site-to-site VPN access"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:100
+# 7210a6e941a1458299c8b7853414ea18
+msgid "VPC with a private gateway only and site-to-site VPN access"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:104
+# 41f1471fc8d144d4a2ae08eaa26079e5
+msgid "Connectivity Options for a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:106
+# 7939a1a9ae10427e945a7598b60a6acb
+msgid "You can connect your VPC to:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:108
+# 92785d31fb8449578b7a7d78f8d59eb4
+msgid "The Internet through the public gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:110
+# 013122ffc01c46aabad011737399bc1b
+msgid "The corporate datacenter by using a site-to-site VPN connection through the VPN gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:113
+# 3199327142444fe1bd185a5b40149130
+msgid "Both the Internet and your corporate datacenter by using both the public gateway and a VPN gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:118
+# 2a91b9eca4284fbcb69ab5478b249d29
+msgid "VPC Network Considerations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:120
+# 8e8bd043a0c34c77885f6c613181a421
+msgid "Consider the following before you create a VPC:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:122
+# f39001cdf8054dcfbd61db983190b41f
+msgid "A VPC, by default, is created in the enabled state."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:124
+# 82792dd3f27546d2a3c42b67ba5b29f4
+msgid "A VPC can be created in Advance zone only, and can't belong to more than one zone at a time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:127
+# 8a09712594af4741822a39824fdef070
+msgid "The default number of VPCs an account can create is 20. However, you can change it by using the max.account.vpcs global parameter, which controls the maximum number of VPCs an account is allowed to create."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:131
+# 261cae4270494826bf83e0dcae8af848
+msgid "The default number of tiers an account can create within a VPC is 3. You can configure this number by using the vpc.max.networks parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:135
+# 62fc1185526b4470b7cc2d5eebfcbdfd
+msgid "Each tier should have an unique CIDR in the VPC. Ensure that the tier's CIDR should be within the VPC CIDR range."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:138
+# 96300f5d5fe44005a32e9cf1f40b4ea4
+msgid "A tier belongs to only one VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:140
+# 3fa6bb2bbfc54d1da2bab5ebfe5b22b2
+msgid "All network tiers inside the VPC should belong to the same account."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:142
+# abd18af86f4e44958067a2f7dc82012f
+msgid "When a VPC is created, by default, a SourceNAT IP is allocated to it. The Source NAT IP is released only when the VPC is removed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:145
+# 14ebd559d22240e29e435b14253ef654
+msgid "A public IP can be used for only one purpose at a time. If the IP is a sourceNAT, it cannot be used for StaticNAT or port forwarding."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:148
+# c29d747872084beb8924548c54211fae
+msgid "The instances can only have a private IP address that you provision. To communicate with the Internet, enable NAT to an instance that you launch in your VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:152
+# 8d3468d50b334a3389cb81da8b464dea
+msgid "Only new networks can be added to a VPC. The maximum number of networks per VPC is limited by the value you specify in the vpc.max.networks parameter. The default value is three."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:156
+# af8282a7c19c4580a62b69371106d6f2
+msgid "The load balancing service can be supported by only one tier inside the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:159
+# 39cb5b3dc8fe40988ffba7f5ede4490d
+msgid "If an IP address is assigned to a tier:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:161
+# 176c27ebe07048b3a7836a228d011441
+msgid "That IP can't be used by more than one tier at a time in the VPC. For example, if you have tiers A and B, and a public IP1, you can create a port forwarding rule by using the IP either for A or B, but not for both."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:166
+# f43348e85da24485a1d92b63da2366ac
+msgid "That IP can't be used for StaticNAT, load balancing, or port forwarding rules for another guest network inside the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:169
+# fee8e4c6c5954adeb9005bf1d5ce023e
+msgid "Remote access VPN is not supported in VPC networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:173
+# 96fc9927ad5141bba2d657b1963d9d87
+msgid "Adding a Virtual Private Cloud"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:175
+# 5f129175d6144d298c7ede91ac9ec513
+msgid "When creating the VPC, you simply provide the zone and a set of IP addresses for the VPC network address space. You specify this set of addresses in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:185
+# c91fb511977940b7b6f4adbffe2da030
+msgid "Click Add VPC. The Add VPC page is displayed as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:187
+# 7632a958cf894fb9a2bfac92d1f5600d
+msgid "|add-vpc.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:191
+# 8ecd10dee5dc44baa12a0ec575b6f501
+msgid "**Name**: A short name for the VPC that you are creating."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:193
+# 27ae714de91a400780ba0479927daaf5
+msgid "**Description**: A brief description of the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:195
+# 1824e109bd6c46ac8a5a0c0f2057b2fa
+msgid "**Zone**: Choose the zone where you want the VPC to be available."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:197
+# e936203c2e05451299d2de67f4f47ebc
+msgid "**Super CIDR for Guest Networks**: Defines the CIDR range for all the tiers (guest networks) within a VPC. When you create a tier, ensure that its CIDR is within the Super CIDR value you enter. The CIDR must be RFC1918 compliant."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:202
+# 6ca68d15f75048b0b195f40134796a2c
+msgid "**DNS domain for Guest Networks**: If you want to assign a special domain name, specify the DNS suffix. This parameter is applied to all the tiers within the VPC. That implies, all the tiers you create in the VPC belong to the same DNS domain. If the parameter is not specified, a DNS domain name is generated automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:208
+# 71b34c1e720143dfa39c979df560f4ca
+msgid "**Public Load Balancer Provider**: You have two options: VPC Virtual Router and Netscaler."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:215
+# 8798d1945a1c4084a1b2a0614ec9db32
+msgid "Adding Tiers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:217
+# 98d4e1b6db094ef3be8c292cd0efa54b
+msgid "Tiers are distinct locations within a VPC that act as isolated networks, which do not have access to other tiers by default. Tiers are set up on different VLANs that can communicate with each other by using a virtual router. Tiers provide inexpensive, low latency network connectivity to other tiers within the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:229
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1366
+# 3314f3a5a14a4b969d7ee70acab97a4a
+# f747c26b980441cc9b6ecb7baf8f8557
+msgid "All the VPC that you have created for the account is listed in the page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:233
+# 8844e1d7896046a7881fdb53a34d3dce
+msgid "The end users can see their own VPCs, while root and domain admin can see any VPC they are authorized to see."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:236
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1369
+# 9771fbcf9e3e4bc7adeceaeb5db1a8ff
+# 19ef7e315e30411398c644e4ee829252
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC for which you want to set up tiers."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:239
+# c78aa8064f6342b481fd5870fce87c54
+msgid "Click Create network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:241
+# c405f8d748a04cbe8c19e538c402ff7e
+msgid "The Add new tier dialog is displayed, as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:243
+# 34e2e606b003480ab786bf798340707f
+msgid "|add-tier.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:245
+# e176f3eb0eff46849004f861f27d70ba
+msgid "If you have already created tiers, the VPC diagram is displayed. Click Create Tier to add a new tier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:252
+# 6da7a219b10c4cd393a25728f68792f6
+msgid "**Name**: A unique name for the tier you create."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:254
+# 1b4af9e2df5d4c45a8fe0846d9421847
+msgid "**Network Offering**: The following default network offerings are listed: Internal LB, DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksNoLB, DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:259
+# ee49520ec77a4c7097618acebca06e0a
+msgid "In a VPC, only one tier can be created by using LB-enabled network offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:267
+# fe3e7690b8434d17bee25931f77b4060
+msgid "**VLAN**: The VLAN ID for the tier that the root admin creates."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:269
+# ac4187501eb24391a8fe48b9eaea78db
+msgid "This option is only visible if the network offering you selected is VLAN-enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:272
+# 4f0b4d89f6904969ae3ee5e09664a312
+msgid "For more information, see `\"Assigning VLANs to Isolated Networks\" <hosts.html#assigning-vlans-to-isolated-networks>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:283
+# 9d2a27efdd3340729e2b4d326a7ae82f
+msgid "Continue with configuring access control list for the tier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:289
+# cfc11ab12602462ea15568f2ee59a571
+msgid "Configuring Network Access Control List"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:291
+# 80d05b449ec74dcf9676a890310dd627
+msgid "Define Network Access Control List (ACL) on the VPC virtual router to control incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress) traffic between the VPC tiers, and the tiers and Internet. By default, all incoming traffic to the guest networks is blocked and all outgoing traffic from guest networks is allowed, once you add an ACL rule for outgoing traffic, then only outgoing traffic specified in this ACL rule is allowed, the rest is blocked. To open the ports, you must create a new network ACL. The network ACLs can be created for the tiers only if the NetworkACL service is supported."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:303
+# aa42198a93034f1c84348ea431669aa6
+msgid "About Network ACL Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:305
+# b8c70fbf1bc54242a435cb7f6a8bcfff
+msgid "In CloudStack terminology, Network ACL is a group of Network ACL items. Network ACL items are nothing but numbered rules that are evaluated in order, starting with the lowest numbered rule. These rules determine whether traffic is allowed in or out of any tier associated with the network ACL. You need to add the Network ACL items to the Network ACL, then associate the Network ACL with a tier. Network ACL is associated with a VPC and can be assigned to multiple VPC tiers within a VPC. A Tier is associated with a Network ACL at all the times. Each tier can be associated with only one ACL."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:315
+# 2b2f7cf9c53546368b42fa70f544bd0a
+msgid "The default Network ACL is used when no ACL is associated. Default behavior is all the incoming traffic is blocked and outgoing traffic is allowed from the tiers. Default network ACL cannot be removed or modified. Contents of the default Network ACL is:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+# 94ec3c0bd9ad4d2694658ae87c05a6dc
+msgid "Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+# cdf1ee2618b8425fa236a5ba71e879f8
+msgid "Protocol"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+# 71beb1131ecc4bf79f519067b0cc0421
+msgid "Traffic type"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+# 02feb18dc4204c6d816848bece6753f2
+msgid "Action"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+# 7b039a75bc4e40b0998ee720fc9be7af
+# b4c3a2a2f8274af8b1e3a9590128b37e
+msgid "All"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+# 29b1464ed65441e9aef0eac71c0aee88
+msgid "Ingress"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+# 0f25a9ce81214a8db99b2c15ca68ecaf
+# 1f7b00eb40c84e49afad68ec636cf017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+# 2a938982deaf4bee91999a560045df0f
+msgid "Egress"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:329
+# a89760a050314e7687a774e021984e36
+msgid "Creating ACL Lists"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:364
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:391
+# 3eda1f1ad1e84a5fa0abdd0d63298377
+# c9c0ef8b2d724a88af647c817e2e60b3
+msgid "Select Network ACL Lists."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:366
+# d948b72948e443708b6aa2c594cbf48c
+msgid "The following default rules are displayed in the Network ACLs page: default\\_allow, default\\_deny."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:369
+# a06453197ea54b78a1671d85bf9e73d7
+msgid "Click Add ACL Lists, and specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:371
+# 936eba7c1c614d71b4d81a9836930774
+msgid "**ACL List Name**: A name for the ACL list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:373
+# 33929738488f4ea9919dcf6a7e3fe2f5
+msgid "**Description**: A short description of the ACL list that can be displayed to users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:378
+# 7c8c60eca2c549f5b45770647d1aa00c
+msgid "Creating an ACL Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:393
+# 9dd4e8a5913f4029b9009edcec1a873e
+msgid "In addition to the custom ACL lists you have created, the following default rules are displayed in the Network ACLs page: default\\_allow, default\\_deny."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:397
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:477
+# a6f4bd8cfb1b4f6fad84ffaa0cb8be7d
+# 8f83289dee8e4333b67e394e3c8d0f0d
+msgid "Select the desired ACL list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:399
+# 92b66b5dafcf4032a201494a372c5a09
+msgid "Select the ACL List Rules tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:401
+# dfaf3ab49c4a4d8c89f6e9f968c769ac
+msgid "To add an ACL rule, fill in the following fields to specify what kind of network traffic is allowed in the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:404
+# 51c1de77519e4d1dbd873ec733e2ba75
+msgid "**Rule Number**: The order in which the rules are evaluated."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:406
+# 86a9b66780f94ece927187a782db5a7b
+msgid "**CIDR**: The CIDR acts as the Source CIDR for the Ingress rules, and Destination CIDR for the Egress rules. To accept traffic only from or to the IP addresses within a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the incoming traffic. For example, To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:413
+# 8330289162464c20a853e935c0a8994c
+msgid "**Action**: What action to be taken. Allow traffic or block."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:415
+# 498ccf8b2f69422382f0f84e1ca4539c
+msgid "**Protocol**: The networking protocol that sources use to send traffic to the tier. The TCP and UDP protocols are typically used for data exchange and end-user communications. The ICMP protocol is typically used to send error messages or network monitoring data. All supports all the traffic. Other option is Protocol Number."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:422
+# e63c6c1906af4a6b8ed6d87b9c73ed40
+msgid "**Start Port**, **End Port** (TCP, UDP only): A range of listening ports that are the destination for the incoming traffic. If you are opening a single port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:426
+# 7c79246e902c4bbc8186dda26670b328
+msgid "**Protocol Number**: The protocol number associated with IPv4 or IPv6. For more information, see `Protocol Numbers <>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:430
+# f108c8672b5549f0b7bccead5633f71e
+msgid "**ICMP Type**, **ICMP Code** (ICMP only): The type of message and error code that will be sent."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:433
+# aea6fa8baba04251bd617d19ec0fac50
+msgid "**Traffic Type**: The type of traffic: Incoming or outgoing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:435
+# 8837fecc5cbe4deb9b9b32eb1e7a22bb
+msgid "Click Add. The ACL rule is added."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:437
+# ff24506a3edf4b368b6851738d3cd4a6
+msgid "You can edit the tags assigned to the ACL rules and delete the ACL rules you have created. Click the appropriate button in the Details tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:443
+# 686d25e2eb934b228756cffad503dc14
+msgid "Creating a Tier with Custom ACL List"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:445
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:461
+# 12b4daba446b406188c175ab28efa5c1
+# e044ead1ada14ab5b3ec8b3e711b655c
+msgid "Create a VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:447
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:467
+# 5f8cae5888424f2a90e4e67bb1174768
+# 1a83d09401c84e96a549f864c6695017
+msgid "Create a custom ACL list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:449
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:469
+# a0a748dbf9a14a6292e606e617c28d64
+# b359fbe706df412e8209f49644e377e0
+msgid "Add ACL rules to the ACL list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:451
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:463
+# 3c202066013d4bc0adfd54fbb57b6a40
+# c1084edbb18d4e88a8862f51a676882d
+msgid "Create a tier in the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:453
+# 2693d2f98f2144d2bd046d2a6ee9edc4
+msgid "Select the desired ACL list while creating a tier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:459
+# 8d75f722483847bfbaf121d50683108f
+msgid "Assigning a Custom ACL List to a Tier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:465
+# fb8e5f4022c7464683a31b78f61d773e
+msgid "Associate the tier with the default ACL rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:471
+# 39e12cdf7861405b9cb6e499e2a43a69
+msgid "Select the tier for which you want to assign the custom ACL."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:473
+# 948fcbc5ab17415abed167dfec847398
+msgid "Click the Replace ACL List icon. |replace-acl-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:475
+# 1e59b7c5187d410c84f77a2de169bfd2
+msgid "The Replace ACL List dialog is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:485
+# 6a8102624df0467d816ba212863e0f4a
+msgid "Adding a Private Gateway to a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:487
+# d90a68b590214ef5a6ef4f86afbf6fd5
+msgid "A private gateway can be added by the root admin only. The VPC private network has 1:1 relationship with the NIC of the physical network. You can configure multiple private gateways to a single VPC. No gateways with duplicated VLAN and IP are allowed in the same data center."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:501
+# 8834cea2024a427e8ed0a565fd66bd19
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC to which you want to configure load balancing rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:509
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:744
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:802
+# b947ba8a391e4148ae31611b4dd8a083
+# 97f4415d522c4cd0bcb3fccbe14ce6bb
+# 3ee1ffc35ae4421ab543c330faa61f59
+msgid "The following options are displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:531
+# 0486f473e9e3414bb92b039e48b87494
+msgid "Select Private Gateways."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:533
+# a70922624b2b4f53abab8e82e8145edb
+msgid "The Gateways page is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:535
+# 997a7c9466244a49a73f4b7b36f80498
+msgid "Click Add new gateway:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:537
+# 46ae796875074a9bb87aa12a389ff481
+msgid "|add-new-gateway-vpc.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:541
+# 2bdb16a51b0c4b0ebc5ecc1fe2301931
+msgid "**Physical Network**: The physical network you have created in the zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:544
+# 40e19742c3d6491ba0358d3376dca15c
+msgid "**IP Address**: The IP address associated with the VPC gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:546
+# b992f8b2e26749a7b8eb0483fbe18516
+msgid "**Gateway**: The gateway through which the traffic is routed to and from the VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:549
+# 08b7e18cfef146d5aac5e3a932b9ceee
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask associated with the VPC gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:551
+# 17bf2c0bfeb849c286ef214c11472b88
+msgid "**VLAN**: The VLAN associated with the VPC gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:553
+# 7c787d4d6da0489494c04559abeb12bb
+msgid "**Source NAT**: Select this option to enable the source NAT service on the VPC private gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:556
+# d3c83ba870aa46f481f5b326130c542f
+msgid "See \":ref:`source-nat-priv-gw`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:558
+# d19b3a39546842e5a175f1e7e7819cef
+msgid "**ACL**: Controls both ingress and egress traffic on a VPC private gateway. By default, all the traffic is blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:561
+# eb9e7232fbad4dc5b0bae719d0592256
+msgid "See \":ref:`acl-priv-gw`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:563
+# 7aa9fc8200334aa4901dc0974c908c27
+msgid "The new gateway appears in the list. You can repeat these steps to add more gateway for this VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:570
+# 2b0ce92e7bed418b936208b7bad7d5b7
+msgid "Source NAT on Private Gateway"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:572
+# fe7ed22a9393446c9cc5ad4d4cd5edc3
+msgid "You might want to deploy multiple VPCs with the same super CIDR and guest tier CIDR. Therefore, multiple guest VMs from different VPCs can have the same IPs to reach a enterprise data center through the private gateway. In such cases, a NAT service need to be configured on the private gateway to avoid IP conflicts. If Source NAT is enabled, the guest VMs in VPC reaches the enterprise network via private gateway IP address by using the NAT service."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:580
+# 5a711a13a70c4237b78e207150d2aa6b
+msgid "The Source NAT service on a private gateway can be enabled while adding the private gateway. On deletion of a private gateway, source NAT rules specific to the private gateway are deleted."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:584
+# 63952cd0c2df4a2ba370e8e3f499ebb3
+msgid "To enable source NAT on existing private gateways, delete them and create afresh with source NAT."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:591
+# ca4ce702729d44de9545633f08b8e2c0
+msgid "ACL on Private Gateway"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:593
+# f6b347934c2d421d9b87c66c8944a8b9
+msgid "The traffic on the VPC private gateway is controlled by creating both ingress and egress network ACL rules. The ACLs contains both allow and deny rules. As per the rule, all the ingress traffic to the private gateway interface and all the egress traffic out from the private gateway interface are blocked."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:599
+# 6f1f3b0dd74f4ce594dbb45f33ef48e9
+msgid "You can change this default behaviour while creating a private gateway. Alternatively, you can do the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:602
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:633
+# 8238d9adc04246d9a930b0b546fc0dc4
+# b52342a1c90a4d8588ad601a3cb95384
+msgid "In a VPC, identify the Private Gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:604
+# d0331cbe6cb343e9baeed7ebabf6898b
+msgid "In the Private Gateway page, do either of the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:606
+# d004af9551994806b983a6b59283779b
+msgid "Use the Quickview. See 3."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:608
+# 40cc4d8cf410478e812d5cb50a621341
+msgid "Use the Details tab. See 4 through ."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:610
+# 6d609b2091244d7ca3405dc4269efe6f
+msgid "In the Quickview of the selected Private Gateway, click Replace ACL, select the ACL rule, then click OK"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:613
+# 83b99b7439014125a36b48a6b0a7f80e
+msgid "Click the IP address of the Private Gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:615
+# 14187251994f4a8c8ccffac034d839d3
+msgid "In the Detail tab, click the Replace ACL button. |replace-acl-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:618
+# 9dbebf0df0394108a99bc5c305a172cb
+msgid "The Replace ACL dialog is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:620
+# ec9140575d1943d0b76f6536f0862e43
+msgid "select the ACL rule, then click OK."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:622
+# a324b1ff2ee443c885f67b4510b32b3e
+msgid "Wait for few seconds. You can see that the new ACL rule is displayed in the Details page."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:627
+# 9a47b3e0d1cf4da0990cb87352ca3de5
+msgid "Creating a Static Route"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:629
+# e189527e17704f7cab4e4e21f6b2549f
+msgid "CloudStack enables you to specify routing for the VPN connection you create. You can enter one or CIDR addresses to indicate which traffic is to be routed back to the gateway."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:635
+# b95c782aec15430ab351080cb9dc47ba
+msgid "In the Private Gateway page, click the IP address of the Private Gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:638
+# f62c207d59b144dd8e5724167fb00821
+msgid "Select the Static Routes tab."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:640
+# 98e5544022bb4cf39452861c830d9665
+msgid "Specify the CIDR of destination network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:644
+# 35f9f527d4364d4db2faefcd92d3a394
+msgid "Wait for few seconds until the new route is created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:648
+# f5f80f387b5246caa603111d30dcfab7
+msgid "Blacklisting Routes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:650
+# 8515025cd30a4b30b46f527ea9be5b2b
+msgid "CloudStack enables you to block a list of routes so that they are not assigned to any of the VPC private gateways. Specify the list of routes that you want to blacklist in the ``blacklisted.routes`` global parameter. Note that the parameter update affects only new static route creations. If you block an existing static route, it remains intact and continue functioning. You cannot add a static route if the route is blacklisted for the zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:660
+# 0a8f5a5461c9432188d46d5dc80a91a0
+msgid "Deploying VMs to the Tier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:674
+# ad6ac67751dc4a668c90b3901921cecf
+msgid "The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you have created are listed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:677
+# 8da453ba01704444966e4877573b0073
+msgid "Click Virtual Machines tab of the tier to which you want to add a VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:679
+# 7564a13e0be543f29abd89bd7ef0c987
+msgid "|add-vm-vpc.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:681
+# ceb06d16d0d545d79a24d120e0cc1557
+msgid "The Add Instance page is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:683
+# e0c2b5aaefda4e768eca34fdf762257c
+msgid "Follow the on-screen instruction to add an instance. For information on adding an instance, see the Installation Guide."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:688
+# 23b31383376b429ab397c708f57a73bb
+msgid "Deploying VMs to VPC Tier and Shared Networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:690
+# 2bac09bc2c4a4906abd70bb5d83a5111
+msgid "CloudStack allows you deploy VMs on a VPC tier and one or more shared networks. With this feature, VMs deployed in a multi-tier application can receive monitoring services via a shared network provided by a service provider."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:695
+# e86ba5c678024942ba0da9ff54dd94ae
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:697
+# 50b2ea4e91a94d79b91efe6ba058dadd
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Instances."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:699
+# 0f4af44df518497191f2b3af865061d2
+msgid "Click Add Instance."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:701
+# a5a3bb272f26416fa231be8972453e35
+msgid "Select a zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:703
+# 51a5385be8d5470b859a693b22b5c52b
+msgid "Select a template or ISO, then follow the steps in the wizard."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:705
+# bb1283c54a10494a96923abd8273c452
+msgid "Ensure that the hardware you have allows starting the selected service offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:708
+# afcf609fa1fb4cc5a296c5eb20e7c9f5
+msgid "Under Networks, select the desired networks for the VM you are launching."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:711
+# f749aa3668cd4b44bb2ebeff764f56dd
+msgid "You can deploy a VM to a VPC tier and multiple shared networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:713
+# b0aa4f80622f4438a373dce39b0c6537
+msgid "|addvm-tier-sharednw.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:715
+# d3d95e78e214447ab42817d669d4fb61
+msgid "Click Next, review the configuration and click Launch."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:717
+# 2f1d867de64e4eef8f377943f7f76f2b
+msgid "Your VM will be deployed to the selected VPC tier and shared network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:721
+# 5dfeffe5b39b420b8932120cf5a86f75
+msgid "Acquiring a New IP Address for a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:723
+# 31693458308e43659d6be92a4f78c332
+msgid "When you acquire an IP address, all IP addresses are allocated to VPC, not to the guest networks within the VPC. The IPs are associated to the guest network only when the first port-forwarding, load balancing, or Static NAT rule is created for the IP or the network. IP can't be associated to more than one network at a time."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:766
+# 075db32f8684487ebf86e97f17da3fb0
+msgid "Select IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:768
+# ca26d66e3c0644258b7e33c973c87793
+msgid "The Public IP Addresses page is displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:770
+# 501fe4755a8a4045952f5337c4e34ad3
+msgid "Click Acquire New IP, and click Yes in the confirmation dialog."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:772
+# 6654947db0c74b30bedc7c3644dad688
+msgid "You are prompted for confirmation because, typically, IP addresses are a limited resource. Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear with the state Allocated. You can now use the IP address in port forwarding, load balancing, and static NAT rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:779
+# 8c7d4d3811bd4e5a9cdc8fd5b9fc07a4
+msgid "Releasing an IP Address Alloted to a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:781
+# fa1d68cb193b4e8186bc44093bb34441
+msgid "The IP address is a limited resource. If you no longer need a particular IP, you can disassociate it from its VPC and return it to the pool of available addresses. An IP address can be released from its tier, only when all the networking ( port forwarding, load balancing, or StaticNAT ) rules are removed for this IP address. The released IP address will still belongs to the same VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:797
+# 2ce137b1395747dc8e893c80bcda0e22
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC whose IP you want to release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:824
+# 9fd161045cbe45a281c9d8e874926856
+msgid "Select Public IP Addresses."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:828
+# 5efdb9a8c3284fe195862d5624cd2ad7
+msgid "Click the IP you want to release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:830
+# 2a495a61f8ae472bb5500bb1d609c595
+msgid "In the Details tab, click the Release IP button |release-ip-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:836
+# 0d6369bc16a24d93ab131097fa1c26d0
+msgid "Enabling or Disabling Static NAT on a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:838
+# ca62a217246f4a06a8d12965cdfa849c
+msgid "A static NAT rule maps a public IP address to the private IP address of a VM in a VPC to allow Internet traffic to it. This section tells how to enable or disable static NAT for a particular IP address in a VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:863
+# 2b8f37a180cf44aabf4c1102171a0a0f
+msgid "For each tier, the following options are displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:889
+# 27a3e8f27ef74f348d38e0a750d4b22d
+msgid "Click the IP you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:891
+# cdf3e4bc65504a1ba280c33c311c5ff3
+msgid "In the Details tab,click the Static NAT button. |enable-disable.png| The button toggles between Enable and Disable, depending on whether static NAT is currently enabled for the IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:896
+# 5d57c9b6170d475cb726d63bd8a7d4b4
+msgid "If you are enabling static NAT, a dialog appears as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:898
+# 8652f2ad4f894964b5749224fa457264
+msgid "|select-vmstatic-nat.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:900
+# 8642184696854f59a8be93ce090ef2fb
+msgid "Select the tier and the destination VM, then click Apply."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:904
+# 3f81050b54e046ce8e1509efface1df4
+msgid "Adding Load Balancing Rules on a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:906
+# 64775e05d52c4fd68cdf87d2e24c802f
+msgid "In a VPC, you can configure two types of load balancing: external LB and internal LB. External LB is nothing but a LB rule created to redirect the traffic received at a public IP of the VPC virtual router. The traffic is load balanced within a tier based on your configuration. Citrix NetScaler and VPC virtual router are supported for external LB. When you use internal LB service, traffic received at a tier is load balanced across different VMs within that tier. For example, traffic reached at Web tier is redirected to another VM in that tier. External load balancing devices are not supported for internal LB. The service is provided by a internal LB VM configured on the target tier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:919
+# 5f34d7b800174adea102238371bbf537
+msgid "Load Balancing Within a Tier (External LB)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:921
+# 060c73cf4ee8497d961587b4e5e88f8e
+msgid "A CloudStack user or administrator may create load balancing rules that balance traffic received at a public IP to one or more VMs that belong to a network tier that provides load balancing service in a VPC. A user creates a rule, specifies an algorithm, and assigns the rule to a set of VMs within a tier."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:929
+# e988811e64294d9690e628d0a32d6f6e
+msgid "Enabling NetScaler as the LB Provider on a VPC Tier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:931
+# 1a47a4579a094d95b8a0de664ef21a91
+msgid "Add and enable Netscaler VPX in dedicated mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:933
+# 9cd82ffd68b24939ae095006b094d212
+msgid "Netscaler can be used in a VPC environment only if it is in dedicated mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:936
+# b3484bb76994414e9ea417121e40d040
+msgid "Create a network offering, as given in \":ref:`create-net-offering-ext-lb`\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:938
+# 121f69be457f40c5a9230d5ea3592bfb
+msgid "Create a VPC with Netscaler as the Public LB provider."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:940
+# e3da4dec088145cdab1337246f694c25
+msgid "For more information, see `\"Adding a Virtual Private Cloud\" <#adding-a-virtual-private-cloud>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:943
+# a9a66b4ea7f240caa72b7230eb594dca
+msgid "For the VPC, acquire an IP."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:945
+# 41f7df1af1ff4bd8b55750efc9e38211
+msgid "Create an external load balancing rule and apply, as given in :ref:`create-ext-lb-rule`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:952
+# 6f16d85076c347eb9f22335560475ef4
+msgid "Creating a Network Offering for External LB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:954
+# 709e2fd0e27745f68f26028a48c613a5
+msgid "To have external LB support on VPC, create a network offering as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:957
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1163
+# 76d5fee0b6ef4598b2f4f80ee690c974
+# 80171134c89b4246b8e6d948ddf36a21
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a user or admin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:959
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1165
+# d6358f1cb80b45c6becf012d6670f0ff
+# 19877c93762c4d95b38bfafc90fc110c
+msgid "From the Select Offering drop-down, choose Network Offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:963
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1169
+# 34b1dc57da234cfcbef32cbb10126c3c
+# 1bba2b0d34da443ea11b5a194c8a3b59
+msgid "In the dialog, make the following choices:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:965
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1171
+# 86e34c74e6134c7bb7c04554bfed9df0
+# 4e3f1479665d42f78ead497e7f965f00
+msgid "**Name**: Any desired name for the network offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:967
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1173
+# c960eb115c114434af67b0fbc25be487
+# bc5490caeeff4328865c3f318b98cfee
+msgid "**Description**: A short description of the offering that can be displayed to users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:970
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1176
+# 84e47db19f574c3ba5d0b2f1154fbc45
+# 93388787993544a4901e262399be3022
+msgid "**Network Rate**: Allowed data transfer rate in MB per second."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:972
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1178
+# 816b6192dc2f4e3ca02aeb6804edb355
+# 27411d0400294e9ba1bfb67609002343
+msgid "**Traffic Type**: The type of network traffic that will be carried on the network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:975
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1181
+# c74a767bceed4a628199500712d7c8c7
+# eb0786cb716a4706a211b3b6088bb4b9
+msgid "**Guest Type**: Choose whether the guest network is isolated or shared."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:978
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1184
+# c522088c1c6e47d79f06f5fe842e40ee
+# 0aea3f7e943e49b291046f8fc45d6484
+msgid "**Persistent**: Indicate whether the guest network is persistent or not. The network that you can provision without having to deploy a VM on it is termed persistent network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:982
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1188
+# b84887ec1f6c4513aa057f3a630484a1
+# 930505e9acaa4d9193047e12ab7c3a3e
+msgid "**VPC**: This option indicate whether the guest network is Virtual Private Cloud-enabled. A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a private, isolated part of CloudStack. A VPC can have its own virtual network topology that resembles a traditional physical network. For more information on VPCs, see `\"About Virtual Private Clouds\" <#about-virtual-private-clouds>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:988
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1195
+# ed834a8fdce7467eb36d015cba5a8227
+# dbc9e89b121148e296344a7619ca01db
+msgid "**Specify VLAN**: (Isolated guest networks only) Indicate whether a VLAN should be specified when this offering is used."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:991
+# 6e7a1944576040bbb72e01310aa2b99d
+msgid "**Supported Services**: Select Load Balancer. Use Netscaler or VpcVirtualRouter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:994
+# 89f5557a4a6546158f9fdc778ad029c1
+msgid "**Load Balancer Type**: Select Public LB from the drop-down."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:996
+# 7a932d710a9843c0af0b0cf4522a5284
+msgid "**LB Isolation**: Select Dedicated if Netscaler is used as the external LB provider."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:999
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1203
+# 4ac8eb66ecab474195206ca9dd076d42
+# fe97ea397c194e4284760800bee72bea
+msgid "**System Offering**: Choose the system service offering that you want virtual routers to use in this network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1002
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1206
+# fdf046b7980844e19139feacede80d66
+# 6f5f9241b8e1492a846b95d1bf8c9fe1
+msgid "**Conserve mode**: Indicate whether to use conserve mode. In this mode, network resources are allocated only when the first virtual machine starts in the network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1006
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1210
+# d3ed6db3fe1745b78b2b927bc7d01a53
+# c9781285467f4ad1b249ead320965229
+msgid "Click OK and the network offering is created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1012
+# 88f68116cf4240d1b534cf9122dca89d
+msgid "Creating an External LB Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1023
+# 08a7150e85df4a9f8efd234f87de819b
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC, for which you want to configure load balancing rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1026
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1239
+# ea4d0a7fdac64d889620ae55b699113e
+# 0d81aa1b316a4977838e69024fa1072a
+msgid "The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you created listed in a diagram."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1060
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1328
+# a5ab0f5fbd054d0790aeb9802997b2d0
+# 5ff05892aa8e4255bd7bc42730f2c699
+msgid "Select the tier to which you want to apply the rule."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1066
+# ef5c662d47e24cd2bd98a84a97bf37cd
+msgid "**Public Port**: The port that receives the incoming traffic to be balanced."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1072
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1268
+# 36f023f1ff9f4854a6413a29e48a1be5
+# 4842c5ef77d840658853291a3ee85181
+msgid "**Algorithm**. Choose the load balancing algorithm you want CloudStack to use. CloudStack supports the following well-known algorithms:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1078
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1274
+# 70c9123d5f194ebf9c345f9ad993cdc0
+# 7ac4ebb233324a8eb27698cc7a04a5be
+msgid "Least connections"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1080
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1276
+# 23d0139cefac4b7a805b0d7e4a1a43e5
+# 7eeb60a40f294f1dacce7d723e8e193c
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1082
+# 75a5279c04344957bc0a080be77c8274
+msgid "**Stickiness**. (Optional) Click Configure and choose the algorithm for the stickiness policy. See Sticky Session Policies for Load Balancer Rules."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1086
+# 43d9888e2f9440e984b9541afc588eea
+msgid "**Add VMs**: Click Add VMs, then select two or more VMs that will divide the load of incoming traffic, and click Apply."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1089
+# 59f6f69006154b2f8ce3eb5d9e9e5351
+msgid "The new load balancing rule appears in the list. You can repeat these steps to add more load balancing rules for this IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1094
+# b829d10e71d44f6eae3ea7663c35f418
+msgid "Load Balancing Across Tiers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1096
+# ee38327ce5984aab9e56b1a4096f683f
+msgid "CloudStack supports sharing workload across different tiers within your VPC. Assume that multiple tiers are set up in your environment, such as Web tier and Application tier. Traffic to each tier is balanced on the VPC virtual router on the public side, as explained in `\"Adding Load Balancing Rules on a VPC\" <#adding-load-balancing-rules-on-a-vpc>`_. If you want the traffic coming from the Web tier to the Application tier to be balanced, use the internal load balancing feature offered by CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1107
+# d83d8db5511d4aba8c9c4efd61e0f5e6
+msgid "How Does Internal LB Work in VPC?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1109
+# c710a43f15e34b5ab71f20ea2709e950
+msgid "In this figure, a public LB rule is created for the public IP with public port 80 and private port 81. The LB rule, created on the VPC virtual router, is applied on the traffic coming from the Internet to the VMs on the Web tier. On the Application tier two internal load balancing rules are created. An internal LB rule for the guest IP with load balancer port 23 and instance port 25 is configured on the VM, InternalLBVM1. Another internal LB rule for the guest IP with load balancer port 45 and instance port 46 is configured on the VM, InternalLBVM1. Another internal LB rule for the guest IP, with load balancer port 23 and instance port 25 is configured on the VM, InternalLBVM2."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1121
+# 37cf27e0f1d34d6eb0aed4b83bbd2b4c
+msgid "|vpc-lb.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1127
+# 2ebee5edba904c0a9de6b022c5d1e3d8
+msgid "Internal LB and Public LB are mutually exclusive on a tier. If the tier has LB on the public side, then it can't have the Internal LB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1130
+# 82754be2930f483c83607cde35e73470
+msgid "Internal LB is supported just on VPC networks in CloudStack 4.2 release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1133
+# a8769b5a4a9e48caab6c9ecc82e77234
+msgid "Only Internal LB VM can act as the Internal LB provider in CloudStack 4.2 release."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1136
+# b076139f831c4e3ba6417259ac863de8
+msgid "Network upgrade is not supported from the network offering with Internal LB to the network offering with Public LB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1139
+# 969d6f5939874bca859151e7d0d68447
+msgid "Multiple tiers can have internal LB support in a VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1141
+# 67372cabb36b437a8232a78a78f08515
+msgid "Only one tier can have Public LB support in a VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1145
+# 69768caec218466dafc06876ae8e797f
+msgid "Enabling Internal LB on a VPC Tier"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1147
+# daf581a704674dc287b6516c737b20e9
+msgid "Create a network offering, as given in :ref:`creating-net-offering-internal-lb`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1150
+# a3b6f09db9e44bc597c6dd364de8f2ec
+msgid "Create an internal load balancing rule and apply, as given in :ref:`create-int-lb-rule`."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1157
+# e6d4695c11f545a09e177701ad41e3c4
+msgid "Creating a Network Offering for Internal LB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1159
+# b711b583939045f2b881dd3d65a60666
+msgid "To have internal LB support on VPC, either use the default offering, DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksWithInternalLB, or create a network offering as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1198
+# 3248edb0427641c389adc91e927709f9
+msgid "**Supported Services**: Select Load Balancer. Select ``InternalLbVM`` from the provider list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1201
+# e7e35dcafc134423bff098fbd63e22e9
+msgid "**Load Balancer Type**: Select Internal LB from the drop-down."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1216
+# 56e0a94386164762912004a783f992e4
+msgid "Creating an Internal LB Rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1218
+# 89853887164549829b5d2bf60bd1820d
+msgid "When you create the Internal LB rule and applies to a VM, an Internal LB VM, which is responsible for load balancing, is created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1221
+# 353f381499f141628587960d6e26f5b0
+msgid "You can view the created Internal LB VM in the Instances page if you navigate to **Infrastructure** > **Zones** > <zone\\_ name> > <physical\\_network\\_name> > **Network Service Providers** > **Internal LB VM**. You can manage the Internal LB VMs as and when required from the location."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1236
+# 695b01da42ba4aafa25052faf19cfb61
+msgid "Locate the VPC for which you want to configure internal LB, then click Configure."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1242
+# 353f4dce86ad490c9f02ffb55550faf1
+msgid "Locate the Tier for which you want to configure an internal LB rule, click Internal LB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1245
+# 2950ef7334d8445db81781a662805752
+msgid "In the Internal LB page, click Add Internal LB."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1247
+# c7bb9deb227d41a08b2d4a17f0c56272
+msgid "In the dialog, specify the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1251
+# acee91ffe73343149992e4445c25639d
+msgid "**Description**: A short description of the rule that can be displayed to users."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1254
+# 21c16720a2424baba66dd99f17596511
+msgid "**Source IP Address**: (Optional) The source IP from which traffic originates. The IP is acquired from the CIDR of that particular tier on which you want to create the Internal LB rule. If not specified, the IP address is automatically allocated from the network CIDR."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1260
+# 09ee6ad213fe4332930cd10d34913eba
+msgid "For every Source IP, a new Internal LB VM is created for load balancing."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1263
+# d79a0aa56c2d43a99118d61cdee35de5
+msgid "**Source Port**: The port associated with the source IP. Traffic on this port is load balanced."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1266
+# 2aa21466b141411194bccbfbce825ad3
+msgid "**Instance Port**: The port of the internal LB VM."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1280
+# 519302d094284d71b5c6fb38328a1324
+msgid "Adding a Port Forwarding Rule on a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1338
+# 8637eb165f5a4accba725d09dc0f0a2b
+msgid "**Protocol**: The communication protocol in use between the two ports."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1341
+# 6acdc3f1bfe647e8bc3f77d1c6ebe7cc
+msgid "TCP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1343
+# a94613fd8a23416cbcd8dddc6013a988
+msgid "UDP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1345
+# 10549636e52849679931a001d1d335eb
+msgid "**Add VM**: Click Add VM. Select the name of the instance to which this rule applies, and click Apply."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1348
+# 5be772f552314f2d8e9cee0ff65bf489
+msgid "You can test the rule by opening an SSH session to the instance."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1352
+# e0d8c785784b42e5b872d0d1e0e01fc8
+msgid "Removing Tiers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1354
+# 7568184600d04040b5e2be7097d75720
+msgid "You can remove a tier from a VPC. A removed tier cannot be revoked. When a tier is removed, only the resources of the tier are expunged. All the network rules (port forwarding, load balancing and staticNAT) and the IP addresses associated to the tier are removed. The IP address still be belonging to the same VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1372
+# f487d939ba954e449d7080e7517574a6
+msgid "The Configure VPC page is displayed. Locate the tier you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1375
+# c7fbdf1d685a4919a2ea4a0624d9d045
+msgid "Select the tier you want to remove."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1377
+# f5493869c62248649482971d798e37ca
+msgid "In the Network Details tab, click the Delete Network button. |del-tier.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1380
+# aa755672baae4d7697f96b16039da071
+msgid "Click Yes to confirm. Wait for some time for the tier to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1384
+# 9b44d6e7259c4c4d88ddd3fbec0511de
+msgid "Editing, Restarting, and Removing a Virtual Private Cloud"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1386
+# a72ab3649f44452fad64ca5e5c27699f
+msgid "Ensure that all the tiers are removed before you remove a VPC."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1397
+# 528e37d6eed24e24a482eda24bba84b4
+msgid "Select the VPC you want to work with."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1399
+# 85aecab9e0aa42e285e0946a9b7fc270
+msgid "In the Details tab, click the Remove VPC button |remove-vpc.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1401
+# d499762e52f543f7a82c853e728a5516
+msgid "You can remove the VPC by also using the remove button in the Quick View."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1404
+# db5c63c401ed457d8296666c3e708e2b
+msgid "You can edit the name and description of a VPC. To do that, select the VPC, then click the Edit button. |vpc-edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1407
+# 85223757733c41afac7e59be10812ad4
+msgid "To restart a VPC, select the VPC, then click the Restart button. |restart-vpc.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:18
+# c73707abeeee4762af99c2fe10074730
+msgid "Persistent Networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:20
+# f57736d14d734e409d67507b6128fbec
+msgid "The network that you can provision without having to deploy any VMs on it is called a persistent network. A persistent network can be part of a VPC or a non-VPC environment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:24
+# ce6fd8a3ec00423d86e7ba4f4cba6189
+msgid "When you create other types of network, a network is only a database entry until the first VM is created on that network. When the first VM is created, a VLAN ID is assigned and the network is provisioned. Also, when the last VM is destroyed, the VLAN ID is released and the network is no longer available. With the addition of persistent network, you will have the ability to create a network in CloudStack in which physical devices can be deployed without having to run any VMs. Additionally, you can deploy physical devices on that network."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:33
+# 6fcce92beeff40cb864882157e6e38eb
+msgid "One of the advantages of having a persistent network is that you can create a VPC with a tier consisting of only physical devices. For example, you might create a VPC for a three-tier application, deploy VMs for Web and Application tier, and use physical machines for the Database tier. Another use case is that if you are providing services by using physical hardware, you can define the network as persistent and therefore even if all its VMs are destroyed the services will not be discontinued."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:44
+# 2967de4df3df472abd55988c65ca1c07
+msgid "Persistent Network Considerations"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:46
+# 4091d1efe69a4148864ddea8b1361e5f
+msgid "Persistent network is designed for isolated networks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:48
+# 153b60917c5c49d3982f1098e01b59b7
+msgid "All default network offerings are non-persistent."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:50
+# 77c3328fec084f13967871c9b7123076
+msgid "A network offering cannot be editable because changing it affects the behavior of the existing networks that were created using this network offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:54
+# 06bccf901e8a4ee8be58f15bfd579e68
+msgid "When you create a guest network, the network offering that you select defines the network persistence. This in turn depends on whether persistent network is enabled in the selected network offering."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:58
+# d92b9c95102f488ba671717466ac055f
+msgid "An existing network can be made persistent by changing its network offering to an offering that has the Persistent option enabled. While setting this property, even if the network has no running VMs, the network is provisioned."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:63
+# ef669f1e80be470eb1e8a8db355b2d4a
+msgid "An existing network can be made non-persistent by changing its network offering to an offering that has the Persistent option disabled. If the network has no running VMs, during the next network garbage collection run the network is shut down."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:68
+# 007f1cc1aa7c42f8a66e3fb305143475
+msgid "When the last VM on a network is destroyed, the network garbage collector checks if the network offering associated with the network is persistent, and shuts down the network only if it is non-persistent."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:75
+# 4d27044c9aad4e059509066b13f9dc3a
+msgid "Creating a Persistent Guest Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:77
+# 30f307ec95db44a0b8c70317f2a9c100
+msgid "To create a persistent network, perform the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:79
+# f479c47b1f454044bc8c2e67d6f14f0a
+msgid "Create a network offering with the Persistent option enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:81
+# 08ed25ddd4a8403e98bddb19816af5cf
+msgid "See `\"Creating a New Network Offering\" <networking.html#creating-a-new-network-offering>`_."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:84
+# fd6c23139519494b901a461ef6fd445e
+msgid "Select Network from the left navigation pane."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:86
+# 92c525d55a6643c6a9f89f6b1ee2ff2e
+msgid "Select the guest network that you want to offer this network service to."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:89
+# 7c5a5842cf864317a92199d463521c9f
+msgid "Click the Edit button."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:91
+# 552f67c193a3437586fc226221b340e3
+msgid "From the Network Offering drop-down, select the persistent network offering you have just created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:18
+# 4cd6d99517e445589fe0847cd2035e84
+msgid "Setup a Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:22
+# a25de960bb5944a9a2ffe54913707ab8
+msgid "Functionality Provided"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:24
+# c9b058343ea14748825cfcc53a551dcf
+msgid "This implementation enables the orchestration of a Palo Alto Networks Firewall from within CloudStack UI and API."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:27
+# 0f204dd9374d4ca281f9fa055813bcb0
+msgid "**The following features are supported**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:29
+# 0a04c861f9c64663836468cf37783f6d
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Palo Alto Networks service provider"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:31
+# f032d6431c414cb3bbb06b959df9a121
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Palo Alto Networks network service offering"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:33
+# c1ad64a629ce42868368c8787dd4f3b8
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Palo Alto Networks network using the above service offering"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:35
+# 983ec08ac8f442c580217a2a2fb8a596
+msgid "Add an instance to a Palo Alto Networks network"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:37
+# 3ad3b15459c64a6eae255957c08316de
+msgid "Source NAT management on network create and delete"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:39
+# 452d433b69644504b60597d2c0abd868
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Ingress Firewall rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:41
+# 0a537c6e22f5405a970698d492049bda
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Egress Firewall rule (both 'Allow' and 'Deny' default rules supported)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:44
+# 6df7942d9fdd4433a02767a4b6bbd97a
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Port Forwarding rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:46
+# 5adfa913867943e9a5334e717ba621b6
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Static NAT rule"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:48
+# 9073fd9f1c574f99830d3323ff81b059
+msgid "Apply a Threat Profile to all firewall rules (more details in the Additional Features section)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:51
+# de1483044bfa4bb6a8d75e7825ab54af
+msgid "Apply a Log Forwarding profile to all firewall rules (more details in the Additional Features section)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:57
+# bb979ee8007748adb71a5a35c819303f
+msgid "Initial Palo Alto Networks Firewall Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:60
+# 933f635eb00e45d291ea9b284dde50c8
+msgid "Anatomy of the Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:62
+# 6c130d9bd83d4265aa57e471d8849d87
+msgid "In **'Network > Interfaces'** there is a list of physical interfaces as well as aggregated physical interfaces which are used for managing traffic in and out of the Palo Alto Networks Firewall device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:66
+# f3ed9b3a42c94267a7aa3c8799d6f2d4
+msgid "In **'Network > Zones'** there is a list of the different configuration zones.  This implementation will use two zones; a public (defaults to 'untrust') and private (defaults to 'trust') zone."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:70
+# 702c5d78734a4fb8ad9bdde0f6fe0fa8
+msgid "In **'Network > Virtual Routers'** there is a list of VRs which handle traffic routing for the Palo Alto Firewall.  We only use a single Virtual Router on the firewall and it is used to handle all the routing to the next network hop."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:75
+# fa5e01b476f8473cb2cd6dba3c93b26d
+msgid "In **'Objects > Security Profile Groups'** there is a list of profiles which can be applied to firewall rules.  These profiles are used to better understand the types of traffic that is flowing through your network. Configured when you add the firewall provider to CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:80
+# 6ec861ebd15247b2a9d647243d07b9dc
+msgid "In **'Objects > Log Forwarding'** there is a list of profiles which can be applied to firewall rules.  These profiles are used to better track the logs generated by the firewall.  Configured when you add the firewall provider to CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:85
+# 10bd8a298e9b4499a4e2b8158b2781ec
+msgid "In **'Policies > Security'** there is a list of firewall rules that are currently configured.  You will not need to modify this section because it will be completely automated by CloudStack, but you can review the firewall rules which have been created here."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:90
+# 5deafeaa993b405cafa909f5c07398af
+msgid "In **'Policies > NAT'** there is a list of the different NAT rules.  You will not need to modify this section because it will be completely automated by CloudStack, but you can review the different NAT rules that have been created here.  Source NAT, Static NAT and Destination NAT (Port Forwarding) rules will show up in this list."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:99
+# 97d928354c784496b323810668db7981
+msgid "Configure the Public / Private Zones on the firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:101
+# fc57f3d20fc6497093dfee06aed841b5
+msgid "No manual configuration is required to setup these zones because CloudStack will configure them automatically when you add the Palo Alto Networks firewall device to CloudStack as a service provider.  This implementation depends on two zones, one for the public side and one for the private side of the firewall."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:107
+# 5dc660fae9f340ae9d54c5ba27bccdc1
+msgid "The public zone (defaults to 'untrust') will contain all of the public interfaces and public IPs."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:110
+# af5503e4adbb4dff94c7db0cbfeda2b0
+msgid "The private zone (defaults to 'trust') will contain all of the private interfaces and guest network gateways."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:113
+# 0c1f328f71d949568997a16e0ee29ebb
+msgid "The NAT and firewall rules will be configured between these zones."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:118
+# 4edccd68911e4eb8ad8d16aae69c40c7
+msgid "Configure the Public / Private Interfaces on the firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:120
+# 7b5d71324ae94b4eb1345496cb5fc980
+msgid "This implementation supports standard physical interfaces as well as grouped physical interfaces called aggregated interfaces.  Both standard interfaces and aggregated interfaces are treated the same, so they can be used interchangeably. For this document, we will assume that we are using 'ethernet1/1' as the public interface and 'ethernet1/2' as the private interface.  If aggregated interfaces where used, you would use something like 'ae1' and 'ae2' as the interfaces."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:128
+# ce56405d9b404dd8abcbd2b47dbd6002
+msgid "This implementation requires that the 'Interface Type' be set to 'Layer3' for both the public and private interfaces.  If you want to be able to use the 'Untagged' VLAN tag for public traffic in CloudStack, you will need to enable support for it in the public 'ethernet1/1' interface (details below)."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:133
+# e655877c1c3c4268b51d1f17b4d569e1
+msgid "**Steps to configure the Public Interface**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:135
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:171
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:228
+# e8057bd4216c433a90d5747562875a83
+# e308adb3c6de47c3998377447d260f7e
+# 25d30e44808748d2bb2915a15019e45e
+msgid "Log into Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:137
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:230
+# 86c58907aa3c4905ac84366e69565cd9
+# 9e1f9a8ecebd488e8489f498bfc9409a
+msgid "Navigate to 'Network > Interfaces'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:139
+# d130fc55cd9d49c5a73893a0c995e367
+msgid "Click on 'ethernet1/1' (for aggregated ethernet, it will probably be called 'ae1')"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:142
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:155
+# 33208ee8235747389e981e3758d7dc4e
+# 39345e835bac41baa611bcf824968ff2
+msgid "Select 'Layer3' from the 'Interface Type' list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:144
+# b0867e0d6cb34b75b442b55cfa026322
+msgid "Click 'Advanced'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:146
+# 0c56d4c03cf243f6a1a87f9d8ca7e880
+msgid "Check the 'Untagged Subinterface' check-box"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:148
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:157
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:193
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:195
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:265
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:339
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:388
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:426
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:455
+# 9166a2200b574af9b0ffe071ed3f4b87
+# 00c33fde208a445a9be7a319592575fc
+# 987a5a8988304ce2896e1879196846a5
+# 065cd5ad2daf471ea266f1b0d2fda873
+# c3f6ec8691624d8ab74249c07e266983
+# 91645da523df4c5ab7b8492737d911f5
+# 4240529e3bd14c3ca9c9d3376612f6f7
+# d3d09b3543e544f3bddba24c6963e421
+# 380b2d7379934a6da1b399eab4d37c07
+msgid "Click 'OK'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:150
+# a53d6716c3174e058cf5ad15298f16e9
+msgid "**Steps to configure the Private Interface**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:152
+# 3aa72dc4f76541deb400a07b2b6b6787
+msgid "Click on 'ethernet1/2' (for aggregated ethernet, it will probably be called 'ae2')"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:162
+# 9be091f2707545c88df4139ff618a457
+msgid "Configure a Virtual Router on the firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:164
+# 84d511674355441bbe7dbe76d66c768f
+msgid "The Virtual Router on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall is not to be confused with the Virtual Routers that CloudStack provisions.  For this implementation, the Virtual Router on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall will ONLY handle the upstream routing from the Firewall to the next hop."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:169
+# e82ded6aea36475f968637969a284573
+msgid "**Steps to configure the Virtual Router**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:173
+# 579fa3c360f448d08cbcf3ed1ac4c275
+msgid "Navigate to 'Network > Virtual Routers'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:175
+# c0ff1f9d1a7247718698f44028af33b5
+msgid "Select the 'default' Virtual Router or Add a new Virtual Router if there are none in the list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:178
+# 9d99adc7f2b74c30b6053032d36fabb3
+msgid "If you added a new Virtual Router, you will need to give it a 'Name'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:180
+# feab30a949cd4a22885bd65920931c99
+msgid "Navigate to 'Static Routes > IPv4'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:182
+# ac625a8780de43ed897656d4cfb74bcd
+msgid "'Add' a new static route"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:184
+# 472da2053fed453e96fb4acb49fd7e62
+msgid "**Name**: next_hop (you can name it anything you want)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:186
+# cbfb1fb365b04c96b7df8ee388ae85d7
+msgid "**Destination**: (send all traffic to this route)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:188
+# cda878dca5164d2f8e01aa0ff2848a96
+msgid "**Interface**: ethernet1/1 (or whatever you set your public interface as)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:191
+# a8dff252ac8841e1b30d1b61396e2f83
+msgid "**Next Hop**: (specify the gateway IP for the next hop in your network)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:200
+# 903e21b9a4a14125bacefde84d94aff4
+msgid "Configure the default Public Subinterface"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:202
+# 2bd085187cbc476bbd72de056c01f9b1
+msgid "The current implementation of the Palo Alto Networks firewall integration uses CIDRs in the form of 'w.x.y.z/32' for the public IP addresses that CloudStack provisions.  Because no broadcast or gateway IPs are in this single IP range, there is no way for the firewall to route the traffic for these IPs.  To route the traffic for these IPs, we create a single subinterface on the public interface with an IP and a CIDR which encapsulates the CloudStack public IP range.  This IP will need to be inside the subnet defined by the CloudStack public range netmask, but outside the CloudStack public IP range.  The CIDR should reflect the same subnet defined by the CloudStack public range netmask. The name of the subinterface is determined by the VLAN configured for the public range in CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:214
+# 1027972bdb804444a04abfcb173c3213
+msgid "To clarify this concept, we will use the following example."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:216
+# a217cfb35c1942b49aad39cf26323af1
+msgid "**Example CloudStack Public Range Configuration**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:218
+# 0d8df54c42af461d957cae7fb26c8b0f
+msgid "**Gateway**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:220
+# 203a1dcc624243cebe5260b914ca588d
+msgid "**Netmask**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:222
+# fe0cf8e78a914ef6a9d994d84e33f273
+msgid "**IP Range**: -"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:224
+# 763cbf33799e4a66ba4ebba67deedea8
+msgid "**VLAN**: Untagged"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:226
+# ef7b22d901134531a4ddc52d109f3884
+msgid "**Configure the Public Subinterface**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:232
+# ce16b404e8fa422cb8d798d367d8ef89
+msgid "Select the 'ethernet1/1' line (not clicking on the name)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:234
+# 032bbee32d6343328a3ad9989c008a6d
+msgid "Click 'Add Subinterface' at the bottom of the window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:236
+# 6359f5f7ec124236b0f34c9d7e6c3635
+msgid "Enter 'Interface Name': 'ethernet1/1' . '9999'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:238
+# ed56cd87d56b41ed87efb9d1bf1c66f8
+msgid "9999 is used if the CloudStack public range VLAN is 'Untagged'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:240
+# 57a09d78c0084f9d839011aec1eed2eb
+msgid "If the CloudStack public range VLAN is tagged (eg: 333), then the name will reflect that tag"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:243
+# bcde49681f784127a31d97e7b792eed0
+msgid "The 'Tag' is the VLAN tag that the traffic is sent to the next hop with, so set it accordingly.  If you are passing 'Untagged' traffic from CloudStack to your next hop, leave it blank.  If you want to pass tagged traffic from CloudStack, specify the tag."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:248
+# 579804e4cdd9464eb30e3ff2621fb8a1
+msgid "Select 'default' from the 'Config > Virtual Router' drop-down (assuming that is what your virtual router is called)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:251
+# 3a5160b4f5c042c6b940642fa2b05b2c
+msgid "Click the 'IPv4' tab"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:253
+# 84bf732b36934a829114ed49a2742f17
+msgid "Select 'Static' from the 'Type' radio options"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:255
+# 5870dee962e9418d9d87eeacec3d35ad
+msgid "Click 'Add' in the 'IP' section"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:257
+# 5b9f289d72b14be9b4cfa38ef1728f76
+msgid "Enter '' in the new line"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:259
+# a57d0d5ce83540e0a1b3d855b376e6b8
+msgid "The IP can be any IP outside the CloudStack public IP range, but inside the CloudStack public range netmask (it can NOT be the gateway IP)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:262
+# 359215f62863484ba745f8d2e03ce161
+msgid "The subnet defined by the CIDR should match the CloudStack public range netmask"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:269
+# c46252e83d114010880044c824b7e57b
+msgid "Commit configuration on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:271
+# 365f937b3fec42aea6aea597efca79fd
+msgid "In order for all the changes we just made to take effect, we need to commit the changes."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:274
+# e5f848bca30e4beba84d97eb6c369c28
+msgid "Click the 'Commit' link in the top right corner of the window"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:276
+# 506c144a4d5e4583b1ac84b1eead3373
+msgid "Click 'OK' in the commit window overlay"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:278
+# c6025e0b37e240a4bbb98c10672afae7
+msgid "Click 'Close' to the resulting commit status window after the commit finishes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:284
+# 37fa8b13701846cc9138c340b9c5c1c9
+msgid "Setup the Palo Alto Networks Firewall in CloudStack"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:287
+# bf172f38242047e6a97f2181882e672f
+msgid "Add the Palo Alto Networks Firewall as a Service Provider"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:289
+# 937455f6c6d4494680d9216fc506771b
+msgid "Navigate to 'Infrastructure > Zones > ZONE_NAME > Physical Network > NETWORK_NAME (guest) > Configure; Network Service Providers'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:292
+# cf68cff820a249ceb84fe458347aa12b
+msgid "Click on 'Palo Alto' in the list"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:294
+# 46ab280934294383a25c46ec2f79b443
+msgid "Click 'View Devices'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:296
+# 7560d69ce9b843b6bf611c931c0675bb
+msgid "Click 'Add Palo Alto Device'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:298
+# 8956b2ff67f7426190554aae0701fcfa
+msgid "Enter your configuration in the overlay.  This example will reflect the details previously used in this guide."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:301
+# 30d5213a36ba4d038e33bd011c545565
+msgid "**IP Address**: (the IP of the Palo Alto Networks Firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:303
+# 521f94e44aa74f7d80c7fa7e161c899e
+msgid "**Username**: (the admin username for the firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:305
+# 8e9ee920bf3e4af9ac7f6b3577fa353d
+msgid "**Password**: (the admin password for the firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:307
+# bb1105db236c4fe2a3565df1a58ce8f1
+msgid "**Type**: Palo Alto Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:309
+# dc49c3aae7c3461cbd16d505f7fd294b
+msgid "**Public Interface**: ethernet1/1 (use what you setup earlier as the public interface if it is different from my examples)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:312
+# 752d21019c2944548bded6ff17d05189
+msgid "**Private Interface**: ethernet1/2 (use what you setup earlier as the private interface if it is different from my examples)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:315
+# d71bcfebd9824cd59280dfb23f87fc94
+msgid "**Number of Retries**: 2 (the default is fine)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:317
+# 8f1e92bb49df4bf69a4983820930b5b6
+msgid "**Timeout**: 300 (the default is fine)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:319
+# ac1090afc1b14b8a9dd41ebfe6fd059e
+msgid "**Public Network**: untrust (this is the public zone on the firewall and did not need to be configured)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:322
+# 81323dc3b1b5477a84f1f9a0aca02f1d
+msgid "**Private Network**: trust (this is the private zone on the firewall and did not need to be configured)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:325
+# 0587f506923242dba7d30acfa5f444bc
+msgid "**Virtual Router**: default (this is the name of the Virtual Router we setup on the firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:328
+# 64503dfbfc6a4a52a027fb5580d77e45
+msgid "**Palo Alto Threat Profile**: (not required.  name of the 'Security Profile Groups' to apply.  more details in the 'Additional Features' section)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:332
+# 6a825e2b4acf42e89c8918ec303b4857
+msgid "**Palo Alto Log Profile**: (not required.  name of the 'Log Forwarding' profile to apply.  more details in the 'Additional Features' section)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:335
+# 096b8832d07e48e49b72747a73f81495
+msgid "**Capacity**: (not required)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:337
+# f58dd37d12ff463a8cf1cf7fd24c6249
+msgid "**Dedicated**: (not required)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:341
+# fffae74d8e664c85be11eaef42463e99
+msgid "Click on 'Palo Alto' in the breadcrumbs to go back one screen."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:343
+# 3eb2449be08d4f88b8175a9fbd1e399a
+msgid "Click on 'Enable Provider' |EnableDisableFeature.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:347
+# f471b4d3e1334984931fdfba6c1e3630
+msgid "Add a Network Service Offering to use the new Provider"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:349
+# 4e9125d7228d4e1d82ac0e317b41a5db
+msgid "There are 6 'Supported Services' that need to be configured in the network service offering for this functionality.  They are DHCP, DNS, Firewall, Source NAT, Static NAT and Port Forwarding.  For the other settings, there are probably additional configurations which will work, but I will just document a common case."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:355
+# b591b1d771584a438ede97f7071cd655
+msgid "Navigate to 'Service Offerings'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:357
+# 14059062e0634e599485931cf2e0733b
+msgid "In the drop-down at the top, select 'Network Offerings'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:359
+# 2b3a92a7cce44d9792ac52aea4305a79
+msgid "Click 'Add Network Offering'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:361
+# 6b9a36687b1c429aa2bedbe8afb2a16c
+msgid "**Name**: (name it whatever you want)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:363
+# 3dd061afb48b49d5828e2ffafa973281
+msgid "**Description**: (again, can be whatever you want)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:365
+# 49f121a90bb6407484225354829e4f76
+msgid "**Guest Type**: Isolated"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:367
+# 3ac932b614024736adfe4404b0994b15
+msgid "**Supported Services**:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:369
+# 5326f2fa7c3046859d71e526cbb378d3
+msgid "**DHCP**: Provided by 'VirtualRouter'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:371
+# 8380eb62feed49cf9defb0c46d0d965a
+msgid "**DNS**: Provided by 'VirtualRouter'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:373
+# c1a7cc369b54411b886e9cf936f96da2
+msgid "**Firewall**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:375
+# 2c93d4effcc3444b8ab2c3da1933602d
+msgid "**Source NAT**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:377
+# 4279d687aefd4657a9a25f5a81681496
+msgid "**Static NAT**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:379
+# 629dfab5c1dc40cc99930ae86c10df50
+msgid "**Port Forwarding**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:381
+# 7d48d89ad530444db29511d673a7df5e
+msgid "**System Offering for Router**: System Offering For Software Router"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:383
+# 5ea8ba9b5eab4284ae26af32a837796e
+msgid "**Supported Source NAT Type**: Per account (this is the only supported option)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:386
+# c1ce203c827e446d855abb79dc033d31
+msgid "**Default egress policy**: (both 'Allow' and 'Deny' are supported)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:390
+# 1e2fa21b7c18491d943e71b38a893339
+msgid "Click on the newly created service offering"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:392
+# ded26656c3714a89969c20ed0145aeca
+msgid "Click 'Enable network offering' |EnableDisableFeature.png|"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:394
+# 961c14735e81493e85f84b384a2cf059
+msgid "When adding networks in CloudStack, select this network offering to use the Palo Alto Networks firewall."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:399
+# 625a28d178864aeba73bb243f68af405
+msgid "Additional Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:401
+# 966abd9906d540eeb3992080bfa4e79b
+msgid "In addition to the standard functionality exposed by CloudStack, we have added a couple additional features to this implementation.  We did not add any new screens to CloudStack, but we have added a couple fields to the 'Add Palo Alto Service Provider' screen which will add functionality globally for the device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:408
+# a0955c0b218e4ead9953db5f3e933ebc
+msgid "Palo Alto Networks Threat Profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:410
+# b56617dd1b7a49439204d45bd3ddc540
+msgid "This feature allows you to specify a 'Security Profile Group' to be applied to all of the firewall rules which are created on the Palo Alto Networks firewall device."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:414
+# ddf43faad14a41deb2f807650433579e
+msgid "To create a 'Security Profile Group' on the Palo Alto Networks firewall, do the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:417
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:446
+# a77eb7c4a55b45db96ba922310c92a31
+# 401e0ddfb24441f3a01f0406fed5ea8c
+msgid "Log into the Palo Alto Networks firewall"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:419
+# d1cffa0eb5b84c4fac78345a6a1eac14
+msgid "Navigate to 'Objects > Security Profile Groups'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:421
+# d8a2cff026f443e48ddc23e758c6b433
+msgid "Click 'Add' at the bottom of the page to add a new group"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:423
+# 2260b8c3d00f4fb48409751005878ea3
+msgid "Give the group a Name and specify the profiles you would like to include in the group"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:428
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:457
+# 71409d6bba4e4cefb293a3a2adb62a58
+# b0ff6a165cf648f59bb775cb80b7bae8
+msgid "Click the 'Commit' link in the top right of the screen and follow the on screen instructions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:431
+# 39f6f68e96514eb687aee18212a17720
+msgid "Once you have created a profile, you can reference it by Name in the 'Palo Alto Threat Profile' field in the 'Add the Palo Alto Networks Firewall as a Service Provider' step."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:437
+# 19e3020b2cb741dcbeaf2757b1c46b0e
+msgid "Palo Alto Networks Log Forwarding Profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:439
+# 8e702ba47eb14d06953df77990976d35
+msgid "This feature allows you to specify a 'Log Forwarding' profile to better manage where the firewall logs are sent to.  This is helpful for keeping track of issues that can arise on the firewall."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:443
+# a924dcc217f44a8d9ea1bf038038cc48
+msgid "To create a 'Log Forwarding' profile on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall, do the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:448
+# ae0e76d3eff94c3aae3e4b2c7d55b745
+msgid "Navigate to 'Objects > Log Forwarding'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:450
+# 2568e7109c7a4034872602eaf73fc171
+msgid "Click 'Add' at the bottom of the page to add a new profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:452
+# b3e2a50453874aa591e0592eea54a974
+msgid "Give the profile a Name and specify the details you want for the traffic and threat settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:460
+# 15fa6db47be1443fa69fb555db7583b7
+msgid "Once you have created a profile, you can reference it by Name in the 'Palo Alto Log Profile' field in the 'Add the Palo Alto Networks Firewall as a Service Provider' step."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:469
+# 5d10eda1d77e4cdcaef70d1cded35c75
+msgid "The implementation currently only supports a single public IP range in CloudStack"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:472
+# 01f1108e82134be5bf3daf49f3d331ea
+msgid "Usage tracking is not yet implemented"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/projects.pot b/source/locale/pot/projects.pot
index e99ad00..e29ee05 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/projects.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/projects.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -17,584 +17,584 @@
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 #: ../../projects.rst:18
-# 67b9f51612cb496d9701fcd2c24d9cb5
+# 4b4ac9e9d63047e88707cfbcf936a425
 msgid "Using Projects to Organize Users and Resources"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../projects.rst:21
-# 1cb3a4ccdca349788ea29a615f989e93
+# dd53e71c97984e29944fd5f92845fc70
 msgid "Overview of Projects"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../projects.rst:23
-# f06b8f1572294f1c9e8567167df9a4c5
+# 9ad708c803064abcbaa0ba5c9d5efe55
 msgid "Projects are used to organize people and resources. CloudStack users within a single domain can group themselves into project teams so they can collaborate and share virtual resources such as VMs, snapshots, templates, data disks, and IP addresses. CloudStack tracks resource usage per project as well as per user, so the usage can be billed to either a user account or a project. For example, a private cloud within a software company might have all members of the QA department assigned to one project, so the company can track the resources used in testing while the project members can more easily isolate their efforts from other users of the same cloud"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../projects.rst:34
-# 467cabcfe9c448b784ab2c2c52560838
+# df157ec524304800a9ced5d428bd234c
 msgid "You can configure CloudStack to allow any user to create a new project, or you can restrict that ability to just CloudStack administrators. Once you have created a project, you become that project’s administrator, and you can add others within your domain to the project. CloudStack can be set up either so that you can add people directly to a project, or so that you have to send an invitation which the recipient must accept. Project members can view and manage all virtual resources created by anyone in the project (for example, share VMs). A user can be a member of any number of projects and can switch views in the CloudStack UI to show only project-related information, such as project VMs, fellow project members, project-related alerts, and so on."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../projects.rst:46
-# 084d2df113554d86bc84fabe4777c76c
+# d29f7ae31802463281f05dac9610d8d2
 msgid "The project administrator can pass on the role to another project member. The project administrator can also add more members, remove members from the project, set new resource limits (as long as they are below the global defaults set by the CloudStack administrator), and delete the project. When the administrator removes a member from the project, resources created by that user, such as VM instances, remain with the project. This brings us to the subject of resource ownership and which resources can be used by a project."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../projects.rst:55
-# 3c0e437493cc47a7ae950a51d94f7b72
+# dde002b5830f493b94778605a4014583
 msgid "Resources created within a project are owned by the project, not by any particular CloudStack account, and they can be used only within the project. A user who belongs to one or more projects can still create resources outside of those projects, and those resources belong to the user’s account; they will not be counted against the project’s usage or resource limits. You can create project-level networks to isolate traffic within the project and provide network services such as port forwarding, load balancing, VPN, and static NAT. A project can also make use of certain types of resources from outside the project, if those resources are shared. For example, a shared network or public template is available to any project in the domain. A project can get access to a private template if the template’s owner will grant permission. A project can use any service offering or disk offering available in its domain; however, you can not create private service and disk offerings at the project level.."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:72
-# a53649cfbfa54d2faadb804f7b60dc42
+#: ../../projects.rst:73
+# 847217dcf84349fc9c5c719bfde3ec7f
 msgid "Configuring Projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:74
-# 409cbc0e07374aa2bb946e59f01aa5e0
+#: ../../projects.rst:75
+# 8a115b7683d3463087791eaed5a40d85
 msgid "Before CloudStack users start using projects, the CloudStack administrator must set up various systems to support them, including membership invitations, limits on project resources, and controls on who can create projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:80
-# 88c44194d06549edb39e6d7cdf57783c
+#: ../../projects.rst:82
+# 327e0569d0c44de5b93b9f7e446920cc
 msgid "Setting Up Invitations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:82
-# 2d0fcd00386f4b86abf09bd4a3cf2c88
+#: ../../projects.rst:84
+# 3e242eb556ee478cb2f58ad9f6d5ce85
 msgid "CloudStack can be set up either so that project administrators can add people directly to a project, or so that it is necessary to send an invitation which the recipient must accept. The invitation can be sent by email or through the user’s CloudStack account. If you want administrators to use invitations to add members to projects, turn on and set up the invitations feature in CloudStack."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../projects.rst:91
-#: ../../projects.rst:168
-#: ../../projects.rst:200
-#: ../../projects.rst:247
-#: ../../projects.rst:284
-# 59ed72e622cb4d1995d33e948a358c8b
-# e6ba70a14d374e0db36684000897aa1d
-# d93d49c7c1024e178d8b9181bb31e7da
-# 1758c4678559493894aaa229ebea9e45
-# bbb433d475704c568dc75532dd96138a
+#: ../../projects.rst:158
+#: ../../projects.rst:177
+#: ../../projects.rst:214
+#: ../../projects.rst:242
+# 8e48e6338f444e73898549bf0932c731
+# 2309d4b19c6d404181b591f4f6d205fc
+# 2e84d8cc479e4cf0af43cd20e4fa190b
+# ccfea269215f463d9fe35998c9494c53
+# 8c0130530bbe4c28b429436a6d8e61c9
 msgid "Log in as administrator to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:95
-#: ../../projects.rst:204
-#: ../../projects.rst:251
-# 4f972f509e204e46b3a2d3e9a5582942
-# 431e2eead6c4499db65445f004e8c998
-# f8db5cdebb8c4434b988c467a33b770d
+#: ../../projects.rst:93
+#: ../../projects.rst:179
+#: ../../projects.rst:216
+# e539c47bc6254e2c8a1382c03574a8c0
+# c7df097745ac41e1ab3b12f5ede84582
+# 989f33da3208451a8bcb145c25a7d1c9
 msgid "In the left navigation, click Global Settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:99
-# bae913de91674043a1cca535165318ae
+#: ../../projects.rst:95
+# 37e43d6f62be443998cb185f24333cdf
 msgid "In the search box, type project and click the search button. |Searches projects|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:104
-# 37a9fac5bb5c473b93f335d10ff3b848
+#: ../../projects.rst:98
+# e42abfd82e134939b6d5b7d2fed2f4cc
 msgid "In the search results, you can see a few other parameters you need to set to control how invitations behave. The table below shows global configuration parameters related to project invitations. Click the edit button to set each parameter."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:110
-# 1708bd1229214fcabbf8ecdeef8a1cfc
+#: ../../projects.rst:104
+# 9a803ec0fbce49a1bfcbdcb1961d9fe9
 msgid "Configuration Parameters"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:110
-# ca3b2c6c430b46d0aae519d2e68e6bfb
+#: ../../projects.rst:104
+# 2eb9f6fe8d7148b99a39f5ba5c0b8acf
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:112
-# a246e157a45f4200983ec1ea49c90ebb
+#: ../../projects.rst:106
+# 8f015394c22643a89189371d0708f414
 msgid "project.invite.required"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:112
-# 086f42e092d14d8a8203ab0f759b9ece
+#: ../../projects.rst:106
+# 3f3e2860eff34ffaad4d84f57b53f46d
 msgid "Set to true to turn on the invitations feature."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:114
-# 03762abea2bf4ae0af7415c5e7b30029
+#: ../../projects.rst:108
+# c3dd124564eb4178a6f272ed89393757
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:114
-# 48141d344bd9434b994abcd3c6054e64
+#: ../../projects.rst:108
+# 1c83afe8caa5414181a01e7c8e31627f
 msgid "The email address to show in the From field of invitation emails."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:116
-# 52a79b2f401a4edba2d3daf78fee2deb
+#: ../../projects.rst:110
+# 31cb407a37cc40c79b6cdb1c8171c153
 msgid "project.invite.timeout"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:116
-# da33a2acf3d3417584722eeaf6f71216
+#: ../../projects.rst:110
+# 1ff23ba5f3174049a1f067acd434fa47
 msgid "Amount of time to allow for a new member to respond to the invitation."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:118
-# 6aea4b8ae5044c118ef90cf9b3b850ed
+#: ../../projects.rst:112
+# 9daf130db7394b60aae7266b51a04ff6
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:118
-# 61fd32c7879f4d4c9172f1853e4aa116
+#: ../../projects.rst:112
+# dd464c374e9049c4995f6ea455014f6a
 msgid "Name of the host that acts as an email server to handle invitations."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:120
-# 7694735f91b74bf2bf17595676e496fe
+#: ../../projects.rst:114
+# 89967c84b58c4a69af3b1718861da2b1
 msgid "project.smtp.password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:120
-# ea9112506e1d485db75be150ba24c122
+#: ../../projects.rst:114
+# 1815f51cddd147efb8c9cd0bf2fb66dd
 msgid "(Optional) Password required by the SMTP server. You must also set project.smtp.username and set project.smtp.useAuth to true."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:122
-# 521e92a91a0f492ea611ed184e57514c
+#: ../../projects.rst:116
+# bb3f4cd97d8c4c5881aaded19029f405
 msgid "project.smtp.port"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:122
-# 87c311479de94ea88ea3af5902889bf6
+#: ../../projects.rst:116
+# 30ad11730ae14fc5a8a26e34a244704d
 msgid "SMTP server’s listening port."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:124
-# bd090dd563074164900c1d2dfbcb17ed
+#: ../../projects.rst:118
+# 1e41abde08fb4385ad49ccdd91e5d856
 msgid "project.smtp.useAuth"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:124
-# 561e7c0ae0c543a39846104161567074
+#: ../../projects.rst:118
+# 41fc2bf9b98d4dd7af52e18e21334a4a
 msgid "Set to true if the SMTP server requires a username and password."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:126
-# 65279b768d8e4c28b2b9a44138b68fcb
+#: ../../projects.rst:120
+# d22498c945d14f65bd0892d1a3bbb4ab
 msgid "project.smtp.username"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:126
-# 97c3e819133a437eac8012da0470ae5c
+#: ../../projects.rst:120
+# a025e0ccc7b641c8b1c1c18d0884a7e8
 msgid "(Optional) User name required by the SMTP server for authentication. You must also set project.smtp.password and set project.smtp.useAuth to true.."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:131
-# fae690fdd7ee41709620845c82bd6285
+#: ../../projects.rst:123
+# 5a399b5498814feb8d1d90ac249c0f06
 msgid "Restart the Management Server:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:138
-# 722a9bbe1a974df38f687dace1f5632b
+#: ../../projects.rst:130
+# cc25b73903da4b3eb00ef5dca983a9b6
 msgid "Setting Resource Limits for Projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:140
-# 273ccdcf6f124c10a4a90e705b70030b
+#: ../../projects.rst:132
+# 4554a70f1086483a8feea5f0c15eafd0
 msgid "The CloudStack administrator can set global default limits to control the amount of resources that can be owned by each project in the cloud. This serves to prevent uncontrolled usage of resources such as snapshots, IP addresses, and virtual machine instances. Domain administrators can override these resource limits for individual projects with their domains, as long as the new limits are below the global defaults set by the CloudStack root administrator. The root administrator can also set lower resource limits for any project in the cloud"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:151
-# bd79e43b15154578b3b73965c8de8a24
+#: ../../projects.rst:143
+# 87c2e78e1e344c2fa0e550443ff641e3
 msgid "Setting Per-Project Resource Limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:153
-# 35bf817bb33142f88ac5ef8dd26b9214
+#: ../../projects.rst:145
+# 7e81041e8a9147bd84fde49f3f569465
 msgid "The CloudStack root administrator or the domain administrator of the domain where the project resides can set new resource limits for an individual project. The project owner can set resource limits only if the owner is also a domain or root administrator."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:158
-# 3fb3e20139094b9ab734eca835527188
+#: ../../projects.rst:150
+# 47029644eddd41d1b4647b5332d9c061
 msgid "The new limits must be below the global default limits set by the CloudStack administrator (as described in `“Setting Resource Limits for Projects” <#setting-resource-limits-for-projects>`_). If the project already owns more of a given type of resource than the new maximum, the resources are not affected; however, the project can not add any new resources of that type until the total drops below the new limit."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:172
-#: ../../projects.rst:288
-#: ../../projects.rst:344
-#: ../../projects.rst:407
-#: ../../projects.rst:440
-#: ../../projects.rst:479
-# 3fcbacd6ccea43a2b8ecc0cdff1cdbdd
-# 19e2f08a56b0442a8522e9cad855930f
-# d9594aa91e5347768c79dd0113a197d3
-# 3cf6663e5c6341559a649fa3a285cd89
-# bc73035e033c43c2ab844ac37b640e04
-# f1b162b83e964649b8bee3908fed1890
+#: ../../projects.rst:160
+#: ../../projects.rst:244
+#: ../../projects.rst:284
+#: ../../projects.rst:328
+#: ../../projects.rst:350
+#: ../../projects.rst:380
+# f22a47ab0c5948e6b1e37d8a2ea696c9
+# e197ae8d631c487694852e4f6de2552f
+# befd6ea180404a3bb8cc85b535ec7a84
+# c2260b29d8b94395b2be966c4a99333d
+# 322b7293e93f44dcb5b9d2b201132963
+# 9f3d412110854b50a846dbdbcf15d67a
 msgid "In the left navigation, click Projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:176
-#: ../../projects.rst:348
-#: ../../projects.rst:411
-#: ../../projects.rst:483
-# 90fa632519674015b7099f8dbeb8e44c
-# c71535c66cba4b0bb6623c722ce0d171
-# ae8e17566ee14ccba9d97a07a50107f8
-# 4b40011760b84031aa730741c109b402
+#: ../../projects.rst:162
+#: ../../projects.rst:286
+#: ../../projects.rst:330
+#: ../../projects.rst:382
+# 028c250e7e6144e2a78bcb28aeb20c20
+# 2eb7b64a81f44d6381ff74cb4876454f
+# ced1ffd77bfc4a769d87a1e02b4f605b
+# c52047f8f2064bb2a2e81d5aa52a4c86
 msgid "In Select View, choose Projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:180
-#: ../../projects.rst:352
-#: ../../projects.rst:415
-# 53db713c99504c5985dac8e64571dab0
-# 018eb9a76ca342ad9cb27c1e2cf1490b
-# a2f3bfa283984936a6967a5dee596fa7
+#: ../../projects.rst:164
+#: ../../projects.rst:288
+#: ../../projects.rst:332
+# af4be7e8b89f4da08c1391967263e362
+# dc1fc36ced6d4c48984c0a599e2893ba
+# 79ab804df9234bd0af6b4f89d1b545b5
 msgid "Click the name of the project you want to work with."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:184
-# d5f4e26bc5d04420a7b1d08edeb5d7fc
+#: ../../projects.rst:166
+# 5e274b4f574149edaa1899709a04a1d3
 msgid "Click the Resources tab. This tab lists the current maximum amount that the project is allowed to own for each type of resource."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:189
-# 377294f3a42a43a999012d03f8a8b597
+#: ../../projects.rst:169
+# b0861fc478514256ad0ca41e6184ba3a
 msgid "Type new values for one or more resources."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:193
-# f06ce2b89f93487fa0db0d0e2ed73010
+#: ../../projects.rst:171
+# 363f4b7e52b04d4ba5bf081c3c51dc8a
 msgid "Click Apply."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:196
-# fc06488e3bd144ca8880e6ba61597186
+#: ../../projects.rst:175
+# 7263280c84454f05be8680c02efbd4c3
 msgid "Setting the Global Project Resource Limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:208
-# eea9b416069044c3becc63d3cf1c0ec8
+#: ../../projects.rst:181
+# 81a908897f4d4aacb979288d14e8f4ad
 msgid "In the search box, type max.projects and click the search button."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:212
-# e79a2857cdc6415ba97f2f86f7bd6554
+#: ../../projects.rst:183
+# 7a132176784548a1bb80edb054b486b9
 msgid "In the search results, you will see the parameters you can use to set per-project maximum resource amounts that apply to all projects in the cloud. No project can have more resources, but an individual project can have lower limits. Click the edit button to set each parameter. |Edits parameters|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:219
-# 6e812cacf6d14e8e807f46917624f35f
+#: ../../projects.rst:190
+# 241b29e357a047dc890813c8021b8bfa
 msgid "max.project.public.ips"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:219
-# da5c017dd916441d9d3b2792817c5613
+#: ../../projects.rst:190
+# ca118c2a5e6d41b0ae029c8780d99883
 msgid "Maximum number of public IP addresses that can be owned by any project in the cloud. See About Public IP Addresses."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:221
-# 8a932c5b2bd34eba920c199d51470ec8
+#: ../../projects.rst:192
+# 2c1e0ade7edc46ff97ef948312221adb
 msgid "max.project.snapshots"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:221
-# e0f8e4a312f84a2f8542b47a377dd24f
+#: ../../projects.rst:192
+# a809d74e8e264f2f8544e96dacf33d1a
 msgid "Maximum number of snapshots that can be owned by any project in the cloud. See Working with Snapshots."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:223
-# 431c5b5e8e264582892facf6880e9951
+#: ../../projects.rst:194
+# 977134a911f844f98a39206991e01c12
 msgid "max.project.templates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:223
-# 45cde451730948709fd14e0b55fb40e7
+#: ../../projects.rst:194
+# 44dcf66c930a42869b7601e0250466ac
 msgid "Maximum number of templates that can be owned by any project in the cloud. See Working with Templates."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:225
-# 17a84045548846f9a724dbd78157ebfc
+#: ../../projects.rst:196
+# 9007c476909543678660480c9c5cca8e
 msgid "max.project.uservms"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:225
-# 79b0c584853c4ecabdd05360221386b1
+#: ../../projects.rst:196
+# fa7756a39a51499aa79542f6a9aebd0a
 msgid "Maximum number of guest virtual machines that can be owned by any project in the cloud. See Working With Virtual Machines."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:227
-# 2fc2b4f5105c478aa53ee2ceac77ed2d
+#: ../../projects.rst:198
+# 4bd44963b3c84bd09612d0c16cb2b21f
 msgid "max.project.volumes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:227
-# dbbaa5b0e13f433daa843baa8ba11ef0
+#: ../../projects.rst:198
+# b684120b36d54144b7d6bfd1b9cb26fd
 msgid "Maximum number of data volumes that can be owned by any project in the cloud. See Working with Volumes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:233
-#: ../../projects.rst:269
-# ded6bd843e2d4da3b3cbea4b6e6e67b9
-# 66cc93245d2245048ac8307dc1a301a7
+#: ../../projects.rst:202
+#: ../../projects.rst:228
+# 0a08e573ccff40ed964877c1e0a25422
+# 30bf816d7d164ebc9a3527bb06dcd0f5
 msgid "Restart the Management Server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:240
-# 5b42647462274807a1965dc0029da27a
+#: ../../projects.rst:209
+# 7a9e7b11d9204da7b5e4ae5b0cad6e15
 msgid "Setting Project Creator Permissions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:242
-# c765613d284d4a0082d7160251dd41be
+#: ../../projects.rst:211
+# c9583a67341f459c94f3aa76485a5fd8
 msgid "You can configure CloudStack to allow any user to create a new project, or you can restrict that ability to just CloudStack administrators."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:255
-# f6602a33555b433a830a6b097b1ff61b
+#: ../../projects.rst:218
+# 0c5d1047bef445548c0c40109d391eca
 msgid "In the search box, type allow.user.create.projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:259
-# 4dc7f063937846acbbc2bac848eea8e7
+#: ../../projects.rst:220
+# 44b11d9aac27438eb4bfa70d31759c86
 msgid "Click the edit button to set the parameter. |Edits parameters|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:261
-# c9261ba2ed0b4744ab1243277e32403d
+#: ../../projects.rst:222
+# fb277fa119e0496885f889a3ae48d1e7
 msgid "``allow.user.create.projects``"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:263
-# d73414f42c874e149977ebf7c3b11c03
+#: ../../projects.rst:224
+# 9cdac884b4f1482599019f9178759604
 msgid "Set to true to allow end users to create projects. Set to false if you want only the CloudStack root administrator and domain administrators to create projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:276
-# 4f31fe2326b349c4a4a0c41ec1f748ca
+#: ../../projects.rst:236
+# c36ba31002c74ec98d2dcdec7bd9374e
 msgid "Creating a New Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:278
-# dbbe4802a063414a8f3778e4576f48fa
+#: ../../projects.rst:238
+# 6b62d8460a034f809371e1886bd34e80
 msgid "CloudStack administrators and domain administrators can create projects. If the global configuration parameter allow.user.create.projects is set to true, end users can also create projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:292
-# 47b3864aa6d54f7fae412da1457ede31
+#: ../../projects.rst:246
+# 4a302cfc6cb34ba5baf6615abcae28ec
 msgid "In Select view, click Projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:296
-# 06db7f55a8214e2aafc54a6e3a929f7e
+#: ../../projects.rst:248
+# 520e75eebfb24c338a07edbd8119b8b8
 msgid "Click New Project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:300
-# 5a92979634d04809b092a53588a2832c
+#: ../../projects.rst:250
+# 42a42b0b1bb24125b530a8fb28a3b31a
 msgid "Give the project a name and description for display to users, then click Create Project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:305
-# be4b535a0eeb4adeb755ba434174363e
+#: ../../projects.rst:253
+# 2c2486f0447d4f138b5e1c0e8ceace41
 msgid "A screen appears where you can immediately add more members to the project. This is optional. Click Next when you are ready to move on."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:310
-# 1e1be88b7c5f4a09b90d20bfca41edef
+#: ../../projects.rst:256
+# 2bc3c862668e44e78c5ec777dc974839
 msgid "Click Save."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:313
-# f82e929271254a2098fe664b6ff55d7e
+#: ../../projects.rst:260
+# 986f0cb8853a42738eabaab830e43267
 msgid "Adding Members to a Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:315
-# a679fdf88f23474d8afc7b0e89bd8a51
+#: ../../projects.rst:262
+# 50647c0e69974fbba211aabef3bcda09
 msgid "New members can be added to a project by the project’s administrator, the domain administrator of the domain where the project resides or any parent domain, or the CloudStack root administrator. There are two ways to add members in CloudStack, but only one way is enabled at a time:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:322
-# 74aecd6a087a48be839f6622b7f3892c
+#: ../../projects.rst:267
+# ef81123f6c0e4fc3b1c2521f4324fc93
 msgid "If invitations have been enabled, you can send invitations to new members."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:327
-# 603f27d1e5c8405c9efe510b46ab7b7f
+#: ../../projects.rst:270
+# f7125c407042411f8a4f35feff955784
 msgid "If invitations are not enabled, you can add members directly through the UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:331
-# 0e892bc8a32b43db88e038ec91657312
+#: ../../projects.rst:275
+# a4433f30587f4374807fa615b7d326cb
 msgid "Sending Project Membership Invitations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:333
-# 7fd41724933444dfa0a953c08adef46f
+#: ../../projects.rst:277
+# 4417ea897e4e418caf7f9050b019b36e
 msgid "Use these steps to add a new member to a project if the invitations feature is enabled in the cloud as described in `“Setting Up Invitations” <#setting-up-invitations>`_. If the invitations feature is not turned on, use the procedure in Adding Project Members From the UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:340
-#: ../../projects.rst:403
-#: ../../projects.rst:436
-#: ../../projects.rst:475
-#: ../../projects.rst:508
-# ab8eab012c1c46558116b894236d4acd
-# d17de13b68524c69844a16c4ec2ef3dc
-# f937e69d5f634f2b96d6b69d791209f1
-# e58a8b357c2440d59cc5b79658819db2
-# fd54a0c1ae01474399367ebad870a931
+#: ../../projects.rst:282
+#: ../../projects.rst:326
+#: ../../projects.rst:348
+#: ../../projects.rst:378
+#: ../../projects.rst:402
+# b67c9d2fbb734979be7d9a0b06c83e07
+# 09c3e88bd9394c8ebecf83e40f6dfef9
+# 2b65ac18e6e14d988ed9d105965093b3
+# 0f9433a953604a24aaa3936b6304ff37
+# aaabf61386aa4e90a83121dd76c55ca6
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:356
-# 1c6df4d955aa45b0a8eeccfc609dbe5e
+#: ../../projects.rst:290
+# 6848798224324e658909d941615e3c71
 msgid "Click the Invitations tab."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:360
-# 04a835998d1744649bbcc446b137cc60
+#: ../../projects.rst:292
+# 49786f4671bb4afbb13144fb5cdb22de
 msgid "In Add by, select one of the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:364
-# f0869811271a46ad85946e7171508993
+#: ../../projects.rst:294
+# 00420a7de6a943b5bea54e2930363c7b
 msgid "Account – The invitation will appear in the user’s Invitations tab in the Project View. See Using the Project View."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:369
-# 4ff28b50b45840dfbcf018e083b596dd
+#: ../../projects.rst:297
+# 23674aa094d8476181833f1077c82ce9
 msgid "Email – The invitation will be sent to the user’s email address. Each emailed invitation includes a unique code called a token which the recipient will provide back to CloudStack when accepting the invitation. Email invitations will work only if the global parameters related to the SMTP server have been set. See `“Setting Up Invitations” <#setting-up-invitations>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:378
-# 63d8234ccb564cb8b2ae520c348847a3
+#: ../../projects.rst:304
+# 98b4ad1148b94b9ba8e815a3ce4214a8
 msgid "Type the user name or email address of the new member you want to add, and click Invite. Type the CloudStack user name if you chose Account in the previous step. If you chose Email, type the email address. You can invite only people who have an account in this cloud within the same domain as the project. However, you can send the invitation to any email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:387
-# 19f5e2f979fe4a5383fc1f1c74c80de5
+#: ../../projects.rst:311
+# 9a6d6ea948754921bbc259b87b29ba60
 msgid "To view and manage the invitations you have sent, return to this tab. When an invitation is accepted, the new member will appear in the project’s Accounts tab."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:392
-# 1fa9fdb999824b16a8885fa6f2bf6991
+#: ../../projects.rst:317
+# 2cf29d018a2c48a79262e2f02cd30162
 msgid "Adding Project Members From the UI"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:394
-# 634e76a61668495986d87f58b48cde1d
+#: ../../projects.rst:319
+# fdbf78a90732473689bcedc64864415d
 msgid "The steps below tell how to add a new member to a project if the invitations feature is not enabled in the cloud. If the invitations feature is enabled cloud,as described in `“Setting Up Invitations” <#setting-up-invitations>`_, use the procedure in `“Sending Project Membership Invitations” <#sending-project-membership-invitations>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:419
-# d44716d4ee4e46fa9f638bdba1e07897
+#: ../../projects.rst:334
+# 069a956c95384174a82d2d0302f3dfd7
 msgid "Click the Accounts tab. The current members of the project are listed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:424
-# 22d34b290b0c4607ac5e2221ebac3bbc
+#: ../../projects.rst:337
+# 7654413243e545579270bc7c8b813727
 msgid "Type the account name of the new member you want to add, and click Add Account. You can add only people who have an account in this cloud and within the same domain as the project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:429
-# ab0d3f71202f43279a22b257c03087ae
+#: ../../projects.rst:343
+# 774bd03942ea4a3ab9023bb4f72b627b
 msgid "Accepting a Membership Invitation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:431
-# 8309e8995eed453fb95cf80c4cea509f
+#: ../../projects.rst:345
+# 462eace7144340bc8bc65c06d8056b5d
 msgid "If you have received an invitation to join a CloudStack project, and you want to accept the invitation, follow these steps:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:444
-# dfd6ae68c1d44dfabcd5ae024c877dc2
+#: ../../projects.rst:352
+# 0196721635cc470094d28372774afeac
 msgid "In Select View, choose Invitations."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:448
-# 46164e28428f49768e3cd8860f3cb439
+#: ../../projects.rst:354
+# f5c8ed37ac54486f8d3f20f9129936a9
 msgid "If you see the invitation listed onscreen, click the Accept button."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:450
-# baf85cb1c1ff401cb2a3841fe19a942d
+#: ../../projects.rst:356
+# f33506966c894c8eb0f91c35c2d506ee
 msgid "Invitations listed on screen were sent to you using your CloudStack account name."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:455
-# 8d5865ebea1549d59a145350dc2b3952
+#: ../../projects.rst:359
+# 67733042a89a4b969d73efc5f2fa6e94
 msgid "If you received an email invitation, click the Enter Token button, and provide the project ID and unique ID code (token) from the email."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:459
-# 4a85d989928541aab9af1ccc90a5794b
+#: ../../projects.rst:364
+# c33bd4e1071f4d9dab4b1d9a3be3f052
 msgid "Suspending or Deleting a Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:461
-# 4e16261095b34918ba0f7facf7d49929
+#: ../../projects.rst:366
+# b401169d94da465097ecd686cf60ced2
 msgid "When a project is suspended, it retains the resources it owns, but they can no longer be used. No new resources or members can be added to a suspended project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:465
-# dc1c27af896441cdaff303fd1de7ce72
+#: ../../projects.rst:370
+# d08b758fd1754360a7334fa51c6067cf
 msgid "When a project is deleted, its resources are destroyed, and member accounts are removed from the project. The project’s status is shown as Disabled pending final deletion."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:469
-# 3e9689a8c42d43bea8d3b9f43e864c27
+#: ../../projects.rst:374
+# 400db324f49c472881028c92fb1082c8
 msgid "A project can be suspended or deleted by the project administrator, the domain administrator of the domain the project belongs to or of its parent domain, or the CloudStack root administrator."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:487
-# e8fcc307b2884e06b36d29645a62c82e
+#: ../../projects.rst:384
+# d8a96b11443d49109477879ebdf4e6c1
 msgid "Click the name of the project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:491
-# 3965fce7975340e7aab2ac78894779e7
+#: ../../projects.rst:386
+# 6c5f88a0ad7443cdb4f778b9d3d8da58
 msgid "Click one of the buttons:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:493
-# 938e8e59daac4c85b9e048a0e4e99cae
+#: ../../projects.rst:388
+# 29804834398d400d9518f86f6aadc9ca
 msgid "To delete, use |Removes a project|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:495
-# ad49c8cc9be44347b55fd52a48faa40e
+#: ../../projects.rst:390
+# 41920e56886b48dbb25f86128a21a0c2
 msgid "To suspend, use |Suspends a project|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:498
-# e6bc94fded454cffa079596ee3bb9de3
+#: ../../projects.rst:394
+# fe947634ec70449bb7e58adb8700e805
 msgid "Using the Project View"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:500
-# 5c0b41ab2f25497fa3c7d8885e2f8cbe
+#: ../../projects.rst:396
+# b2b759558262491e98fb0636eae9bd35
 msgid "If you are a member of a project, you can use CloudStack’s project view to see project members, resources consumed, and more. The project view shows only information related to one project. It is a useful way to filter out other information so you can concentrate on a project status and resources."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:512
-# 15a80877953d4c038b0f23ac0009926f
+#: ../../projects.rst:404
+# b2d475dcc43b441da5592c11733cec95
 msgid "Click Project View."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:516
-# 4f00f96f109c4bd599ef4857858b521a
+#: ../../projects.rst:406
+# 697e02ba1d754fab8d93b30aa2692085
 msgid "The project dashboard appears, showing the project’s VMs, volumes, users, events, network settings, and more. From the dashboard, you can:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:522
-# 42a09e087518479a95c5a4fc8d19644c
+#: ../../projects.rst:410
+# 0439e9369d664d92be0b7b1fdb1ca88f
 msgid "Click the Accounts tab to view and manage project members. If you are the project administrator, you can add new members, remove members, or change the role of a member from user to admin. Only one member at a time can have the admin role, so if you set another user’s role to admin, your role will change to regular user."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../projects.rst:531
-# 78a58c1149b14d5db4cc9f586ef7ec59
+#: ../../projects.rst:417
+# cfe2dfd46e014224a3ec791add73746c
 msgid "(If invitations are enabled) Click the Invitations tab to view and manage invitations that have been sent to new project members but not yet accepted. Pending invitations will remain in this list until the new member accepts, the invitation timeout is reached, or you cancel the invitation."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/reliability.pot b/source/locale/pot/reliability.pot
index 0152431..74a2341 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/reliability.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/reliability.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -17,352 +17,352 @@
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 #: ../../reliability.rst:18
-# 42f93e7b838b4f629ef21f938464dbc1
+# 87e0763c1e254b4d865a6575d53cd476
 msgid "System Reliability and High Availability"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../reliability.rst:21
-# d4f935885bde4f5fa5bd434efc73f99d
+# c2cb2128aadc481d823ace426cd60607
 msgid "HA for Management Server"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../reliability.rst:23
-# e5b86e788b984534a8773e9b0e137860
+# 2cf0c6cbde074e988216174d32a34366
 msgid "The CloudStack Management Server should be deployed in a multi-node configuration such that it is not susceptible to individual server failures. The Management Server itself (as distinct from the MySQL database) is stateless and may be placed behind a load balancer."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../reliability.rst:28
-# 931b292dc1f74dbd9e98310a33755f2e
+# 0fa3d9ec6d144621b71b2a0077137930
 msgid "Normal operation of Hosts is not impacted by an outage of all Management Serves. All guest VMs will continue to work."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../reliability.rst:31
-# 53c840831c6a4a97abe49f13dd6971fe
+# 161abac9b6d7470bbf7a984e225c9a6d
 msgid "When the Management Server is down, no new VMs can be created, and the end user and admin UI, API, dynamic load distribution, and HA will cease to work."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:36
-# e2cde8cb07bc44a6910e13f99d712af1
+#: ../../reliability.rst:37
+# c2abacc0b20149d5b7a4683aedfe4f32
 msgid "Management Server Load Balancing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:38
-# 40b039f7bb73453883a04bd362d24d0f
+#: ../../reliability.rst:39
+# 0dc6eb435a354cf3b4279772461cbf7f
 msgid "CloudStack can use a load balancer to provide a virtual IP for multiple Management Servers. The administrator is responsible for creating the load balancer rules for the Management Servers. The application requires persistence or stickiness across multiple sessions. The following chart lists the ports that should be load balanced and whether or not persistence is required."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:45
-# 8245b999edf543b8b855b4b82d1265b2
+#: ../../reliability.rst:46
+# c998c6decbb94666aa6b7c6191a0f4ce
 msgid "Even if persistence is not required, enabling it is permitted."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:48
-# b04bd18b0d6a453da2ac167e9125242a
+#: ../../reliability.rst:49
+# fa7858c33d194002ade885780b974057
 msgid "Source Port"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:48
-# ebb2d9d219f340f4b0093d48ed13ae6a
+#: ../../reliability.rst:49
+# 8e4749c413de4b28a281ada8d2d64112
 msgid "Destination Port"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:48
-# 31d3c75bdca44069961fd1d368c585ce
+#: ../../reliability.rst:49
+# 044f0a55ef9143028e6a1442c2d75ee4
 msgid "Protocol"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:48
-# 39f21fee6f9a4961bb1505eeb987cb10
+#: ../../reliability.rst:49
+# 50fdab6c4d254b51be652286846ebac8
 msgid "Persistence Required?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:50
-# 8d5dca5870cd499b8c812aaec487689f
+#: ../../reliability.rst:51
+# f5fcf842916f48bba5a1ef7630fe9998
 msgid "80 or 443"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:50
-# 288469eaaf774c19a13c8fe7c98b96f9
+#: ../../reliability.rst:51
+# 3a276b78a619418392895c04f2b8e5f0
 msgid "8080 (or 20400 with AJP)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:50
-# dbee0ed7df2d4c69966a3470fcda672d
+#: ../../reliability.rst:51
+# d09ff40864724d449227f282f2c255b4
 msgid "HTTP (or AJP)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:50
 #: ../../reliability.rst:51
-# 93f39d72b22a47079b7592a8cae8c45f
-# f3f32f1a6d394b3fa117251394a644fb
+#: ../../reliability.rst:52
+# 10b0e96112a54a5b92b53ee2ad9bf186
+# fb100cffa01e43e2b2b5880237a41528
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:51
-#: ../../reliability.rst:51
-# c0aabddc4c074140b57cb568da9e53b3
-# 8fd23a1c5df9479d9afd5712e0002a06
+#: ../../reliability.rst:52
+#: ../../reliability.rst:52
+# f3007601ae444c0796d25c5e58d09d7a
+# 1393fb040df84ca781d1000f40e4794a
 msgid "8250"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:51
-# 85c5e2e6a7fd4b50bd15b6abcaa54b68
+#: ../../reliability.rst:52
+# 6443f2a5e1d840699fd47b726ff379f9
 msgid "TCP"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:52
-#: ../../reliability.rst:52
-# af8641ff7dea44debac63cb552e1eba2
-# 0400986df3d04ae68ba993a8b0e52af9
+#: ../../reliability.rst:53
+#: ../../reliability.rst:53
+# 1e51ee3a6cd14a0a954cce617a60c19d
+# a50ea41d89cf476eadb2a4ad960c9c6a
 msgid "8096"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:52
-# 163b9f4609284288aa510edc22883546
+#: ../../reliability.rst:53
+# c2b280074d6f40d685182ce0770b0146
 msgid "HTTP"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:52
-# 0e1c03c950fe4e3e858d6bb9a5fc20d2
+#: ../../reliability.rst:53
+# 759f4cdc678a4b149c52cf0e39205f9c
 msgid "No"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:55
-# c0703d8275f042169efecb8f1c34e24e
+#: ../../reliability.rst:56
+# a6f72463a9f44a83992ea95a6ca2d121
 msgid "In addition to above settings, the administrator is responsible for setting the 'host' global config value from the management server IP to load balancer virtual IP address. If the 'host' value is not set to the VIP for Port 8250 and one of your management servers crashes, the UI is still available but the system VMs will not be able to contact the management server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:63
-# 1d47e0a3a4304c5688d0eab5f738a7d1
+#: ../../reliability.rst:65
+# 4ea4aac15f0649b9a4ec0335de47dde1
 msgid "HA-Enabled Virtual Machines"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:65
-#: ../../reliability.rst:81
-# 988f2b0a1cee49ad8e2adff19be0e125
-# 949f6e66114f428586d4157ff19ae45f
+#: ../../reliability.rst:67
+#: ../../reliability.rst:84
+# c3b807bd9019482093758c219005a8af
+# 15a6c6ff487d4b4ab6f7088de5c25301
 msgid "The user can specify a virtual machine as HA-enabled. By default, all virtual router VMs and Elastic Load Balancing VMs are automatically configured as HA-enabled. When an HA-enabled VM crashes, CloudStack detects the crash and restarts the VM automatically within the same Availability Zone. HA is never performed across different Availability Zones. CloudStack has a conservative policy towards restarting VMs and ensures that there will never be two instances of the same VM running at the same time. The Management Server attempts to start the VM on another Host in the same cluster."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:75
-#: ../../reliability.rst:91
-# 6dfc9dedb8e8424cb2e303f598a5b0ef
-# ceb436b58de14beba4dd06668804afaa
+#: ../../reliability.rst:77
+#: ../../reliability.rst:94
+# 07861c848b9c4db19a1648e1e80cfabd
+# 69462f0a341c4b64a73b9f2e6a9dbb2d
 msgid "HA features work with iSCSI or NFS primary storage. HA with local storage is not supported."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:79
-# da466f3482fa41629f951ec50aa2631e
+#: ../../reliability.rst:82
+# d6b616e863194085b6c28e537822b4b0
 msgid "HA for Hosts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:95
-# df16c2c0607a4c61b64c304e0777c42c
+#: ../../reliability.rst:99
+# 00c672182ced409dbf9628273c7e72cc
 msgid "Dedicated HA Hosts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:97
-# ac98a112bb4a41d6a10c2e9fd2af8886
+#: ../../reliability.rst:101
+# d615a157c03a46f8a4185819e7d53f6a
 msgid "One or more hosts can be designated for use only by HA-enabled VMs that are restarting due to a host failure. Setting up a pool of such dedicated HA hosts as the recovery destination for all HA-enabled VMs is useful to:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:104
-# 1d9c1f1284e849da8df6aef8c6b79917
+#: ../../reliability.rst:106
+# 3b2ac4cb2fd24384adc49f8f6de78d12
 msgid "Make it easier to determine which VMs have been restarted as part of the CloudStack high-availability function. If a VM is running on a dedicated HA host, then it must be an HA-enabled VM whose original host failed. (With one exception: It is possible for an administrator to manually migrate any VM to a dedicated HA host.)."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../reliability.rst:112
-# c54e253d01d046bca426de20270f3f89
+# 2814f71a4772417494be794e95ed6189
 msgid "Keep HA-enabled VMs from restarting on hosts which may be reserved for other purposes."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../reliability.rst:115
-# 203f11cbe6f5426c9cbb6c8e066737b4
+# f29ad59410ba484d81a40d3ab33cfb75
 msgid "The dedicated HA option is set through a special host tag when the host is created. To allow the administrator to dedicate hosts to only HA-enabled VMs, set the global configuration variable ha.tag to the desired tag (for example, \"ha\\_host\"), and restart the Management Server. Enter the value in the Host Tags field when adding the host(s) that you want to dedicate to HA-enabled VMs."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../reliability.rst:123
-# ad8a1db8b7c54f3fbedd9f2ead6994d8
+# d5444df1dd2240bea9615234f1703727
 msgid "If you set ha.tag, be sure to actually use that tag on at least one host in your cloud. If the tag specified in ha.tag is not set for any host in the cloud, the HA-enabled VMs will fail to restart after a crash."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:126
-# d286858984534e66a45c79482130eb8a
+#: ../../reliability.rst:130
+# 41dd6b225a02456f873c956ecc4e6018
 msgid "Primary Storage Outage and Data Loss"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:128
-# aa482325b164497797fcc8925e319b83
+#: ../../reliability.rst:132
+# 982e58c7dfd644a9a8e0eaf38fbf516a
 msgid "When a primary storage outage occurs the hypervisor immediately stops all VMs stored on that storage device. Guests that are marked for HA will be restarted as soon as practical when the primary storage comes back on line. With NFS, the hypervisor may allow the virtual machines to continue running depending on the nature of the issue. For example, an NFS hang will cause the guest VMs to be suspended until storage connectivity is restored.Primary storage is not designed to be backed up. Individual volumes in primary storage can be backed up using snapshots."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:139
-# 33fbc63d82cb4eafb2178c004fb912a1
+#: ../../reliability.rst:144
+# 2d193df58d2c4fcb867416d740fd9657
 msgid "Secondary Storage Outage and Data Loss"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:141
-# 2a93ea5d2f0e4da6939e8f13391dad91
+#: ../../reliability.rst:146
+# 2d7b3415392e4e8ba762191a40dafa04
 msgid "For a Zone that has only one secondary storage server, a secondary storage outage will have feature level impact to the system but will not impact running guest VMs. It may become impossible to create a VM with the selected template for a user. A user may also not be able to save snapshots or examine/restore saved snapshots. These features will automatically be available when the secondary storage comes back online."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:148
-# 0131fdfdae154752be6146df6032f176
+#: ../../reliability.rst:153
+# 8cda194548a545c0864b2334b52ac6c1
 msgid "Secondary storage data loss will impact recently added user data including templates, snapshots, and ISO images. Secondary storage should be backed up periodically. Multiple secondary storage servers can be provisioned within each zone to increase the scalability of the system."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:154
-# 32e946f31bec452b97aee852fdedbfb3
+#: ../../reliability.rst:160
+# 5d6dd861732344e1a4563e92beaf4b89
 msgid "Database High Availability"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:156
-# 24f4f434b1ce4281b25606d418fccc6a
+#: ../../reliability.rst:162
+# 2ab1e8b94c5447719fe99d7a1f876d22
 msgid "To help ensure high availability of the databases that store the internal data for CloudStack, you can set up database replication. This covers both the main CloudStack database and the Usage database. Replication is achieved using the MySQL connector parameters and two-way replication. Tested with MySQL 5.1 and 5.5."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:163
-# efec316eee4b461987bf261d0d56a86c
+#: ../../reliability.rst:170
+# 2f86c6796ebc476ba0a054b55ec4199d
 msgid "How to Set Up Database Replication"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:165
-# 0817e84d25fd413cbd639d20eba36e91
+#: ../../reliability.rst:172
+# 9c0172a3e34d439ca93117a4c922b4cf
 msgid "Database replication in CloudStack is provided using the MySQL replication capabilities. The steps to set up replication can be found in the MySQL documentation (links are provided below). It is suggested that you set up two-way replication, which involves two database nodes. In this case, for example, you might have node1 and node2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:171
-# fe0744bc687148038eea8aeed5de6c19
+#: ../../reliability.rst:178
+# c0c448bf2d294f1f99d5a0715263bf84
 msgid "You can also set up chain replication, which involves more than two nodes. In this case, you would first set up two-way replication with node1 and node2. Next, set up one-way replication from node2 to node3. Then set up one-way replication from node3 to node4, and so on for all the additional nodes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:177
-# 0384ce5c101a4318a81921b85dd616fb
+#: ../../reliability.rst:184
+# 946a91ee699241e981ff92c48293ebe9
 msgid "References:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:181
-# c14908b4a0ea4700ab13002919e09120
+#: ../../reliability.rst:186
+# 0e89f25f5f474fa8a51de012dc293160
 msgid "` <>`_"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:185
-# 10b1becde5ca4283b66ab4115c633fcd
+#: ../../reliability.rst:188
+# 4b174fc7f8484911b245607384172cae
 msgid "` <>`_"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:188
-# a1a34eb9cd884a308f39baf29410a2d7
+#: ../../reliability.rst:192
+# 4fe437de91df4ffa8fe0925f0acdbfc5
 msgid "Configuring Database High Availability"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:190
-# 037e1ed319cb45afa95431f629bb98f6
+#: ../../reliability.rst:194
+# f284eab37564471292cd2af70ef18ae5
 msgid "To control the database high availability behavior, use the following configuration settings in the file /etc/cloudstack/management/"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:194
-# 65be31716ae147b190ef26c95d3f20a7
+#: ../../reliability.rst:198
+# f79c8f4273854ceb83977ca0474e9594
 msgid "**Required Settings**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:196
-# 983f7044f00b474b9377e8715f91f5d6
+#: ../../reliability.rst:200
+# 239ea1c4ea2a4c428cbfdd0ae1d3c2a3
 msgid "Be sure you have set the following in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:200
-# 7fcf4985b7104c20b8363c6d5f1b2c5c
+#: ../../reliability.rst:202
+# e03d864abdca47daa90be6c6c5eccecc
 msgid "``db.ha.enabled``: set to true if you want to use the replication feature."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:203
-# e4167706f93b47dc856a1acf6a26bd1b
+#: ../../reliability.rst:205
+# affe10ff738642c4b25a6cbfc26c498e
 msgid "Example: ``db.ha.enabled=true``"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../reliability.rst:207
-# d4ae850e4ab24d3d988e5c2f04454c0f
+# 147ac9efb2314312b6e97323a267fd7c
 msgid "````: set to a comma-delimited set of slave hosts for the cloud database. This is the list of nodes set up with replication. The master node is not in the list, since it is already mentioned elsewhere in the properties file."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../reliability.rst:212
-# 4964061ca5f747aab4d1a379ad79e066
+# aa38f185ca8b4c1b86e19da970eb3901
 msgid "Example: ``,node3,node4``"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:216
-# b9de2539c2864fd28ae3e261f396f19f
+#: ../../reliability.rst:214
+# 1783ef0808884e28ab22f6b3172dba41
 msgid "``db.usage.slaves``: set to a comma-delimited set of slave hosts for the usage database. This is the list of nodes set up with replication. The master node is not in the list, since it is already mentioned elsewhere in the properties file."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:221
-# 2a099840b3e046b8b70eb0874e152f0c
+#: ../../reliability.rst:219
+# 573fb04445dd4b0ba4f5b9a5f8517c75
 msgid "Example: ``db.usage.slaves=node2,node3,node4``"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:223
-# ecbb9cad4a2f4f6b851ab724105cf548
+#: ../../reliability.rst:221
+# 739f9df2617d4e24aaa9adb209c65969
 msgid "**Optional Settings**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:225
-# beb50c0c502942fc93950ab5d64e62e1
+#: ../../reliability.rst:223
+# 21e38ceba8e84d3f8b520026cae7d1b7
 msgid "The following settings must be present in, but you are not required to change the default values unless you wish to do so for tuning purposes:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:231
-# 88199ce67b78476db5890126b9fa443e
+#: ../../reliability.rst:227
+# bcfa8dcb331c4185bab0cbdfbb3624ca
 msgid "````: The number of seconds the MySQL connector should wait before trying again to connect to the master after the master went down. Default is 1 hour. The retry might happen sooner if is reached first."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:236
-# a6a0d838e7734aec9c8e8a441d61f582
+#: ../../reliability.rst:232
+# 55d7217f8ea6408e8389bd39dbbfc3fc
 msgid "Example: ````"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:240
-# c87ff2e5eef14dc098a850ea37ab8641
+#: ../../reliability.rst:234
+# d8cfb3b10706434d8ad7c63b231e7ee9
 msgid "````: The minimum number of queries to be sent to the database before trying again to connect to the master after the master went down. Default is 5000. The retry might happen sooner if is reached first."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:245
-# 3219915768bf4a108afabb00a195ecda
+#: ../../reliability.rst:239
+# f7b672a867c64854accef70177a0dd73
 msgid "Example: ````"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:249
-# b67a476758de4af7b0154ae8360f24cb
+#: ../../reliability.rst:241
+# 2283aca3081443c585804a3c9d63a45d
 msgid "````: Initial time the MySQL connector should wait before trying again to connect to the master. Default is 3600."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:252
-# bfdaf629f4eb48c0ac92eee0b8757ccd
+#: ../../reliability.rst:244
+# bae95908743e448b967b6992b4e88816
 msgid "Example: ````"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:255
-# 909b81bf9974499e9cc66b8a3210b542
+#: ../../reliability.rst:248
+# 6b17824c97504228abd0de9726eb598e
 msgid "Limitations on Database High Availability"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:257
-# d4d81b0c77f7473cbef77ab8ade71f76
+#: ../../reliability.rst:250
+# 5df2f93aff944e03bd3c9f9e21c95cb6
 msgid "The following limitations exist in the current implementation of this feature."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:262
-# d3fd890ab3da46e798aa4e47b67e394f
+#: ../../reliability.rst:253
+# 7c4a38ab45c943a489f2e7ae8f3ab0e2
 msgid "Slave hosts can not be monitored through CloudStack. You will need to have a separate means of monitoring."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:267
-# 80173b87cb9e44a38c93854d4adcfa19
+#: ../../reliability.rst:256
+# 5270e63b8008415bbe847a54002660bc
 msgid "Events from the database side are not integrated with the CloudStack Management Server events system."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../reliability.rst:272
-# 2cc19c99cbfa4e3796e358a8b8ea6365
+#: ../../reliability.rst:259
+# 1bef8f38060a49e7ba30b234ad377f32
 msgid "You must periodically perform manual clean-up of bin log files generated by replication on database nodes. If you do not clean up the log files, the disk can become full."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/service_offerings.pot b/source/locale/pot/service_offerings.pot
index 5882ad4..6edb5a3 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/service_offerings.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/service_offerings.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
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-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
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@@ -17,793 +17,793 @@
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 #: ../../service_offerings.rst:18
-# 620304e9ac5340aea4af6b894b131b3a
+# 003ddcd4027d44e1bae1560113612be3
 msgid "Service Offerings"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../service_offerings.rst:20
-# 748817ca8ea841e7bb071e3fd4e9b1b8
+# db77c1944ac947e79b5c76bac2c1cc4d
 msgid "In addition to the physical and logical infrastructure of your cloud and the CloudStack software and servers, you also need a layer of user services so that people can actually make use of the cloud. This means not just a user UI, but a set of options and resources that users can choose from, such as templates for creating virtual machines, disk storage, and more. If you are running a commercial service, you will be keeping track of what services and resources users are consuming and charging them for that usage. Even if you do not charge anything for people to use your cloud – say, if the users are strictly internal to your organization, or just friends who are sharing your cloud – you can still keep track of what services they use and how much of them."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:33
-# 89ec6965888c4194969da68934867e8f
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:34
+# eac4f2f6a6f346d991640acd102c8d0f
 msgid "Service Offerings, Disk Offerings, Network Offerings, and Templates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:35
-# 39b9fb81cc4a452f932a9becc1c08318
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:36
+# f620092a7ebb41d79ed21c4a5c81d56c
 msgid "A user creating a new instance can make a variety of choices about its characteristics and capabilities. CloudStack provides several ways to present users with choices when creating a new instance:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:39
-# a080b00346eb4c6191b4a6b1b6ede2bd
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:40
+# ab361873de2144c095169458d8a25cb1
 msgid "Service Offerings, defined by the CloudStack administrator, provide a choice of CPU speed, number of CPUs, RAM size, tags on the root disk, and other choices. See Creating a New Compute Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:43
-# 87390738e5c6421e8cb6428fd0efd434
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:44
+# 1044e18059f346f9ac414afad0f176ff
 msgid "Disk Offerings, defined by the CloudStack administrator, provide a choice of disk size and IOPS (Quality of Service) for primary data storage. See Creating a New Disk Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:47
-# 3416adb53bd2464c93a0a7de7341aa8c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:48
+# 8fa5935f6811416784633a016e64dff9
 msgid "Network Offerings, defined by the CloudStack administrator, describe the feature set that is available to end users from the virtual router or external networking devices on a given guest network. See Network Offerings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:52
-# 7be016c225ca4b45a449e6d718fbba3e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:53
+# 0e8bd7f2f14a4d698ef10eb8f7bd3059
 msgid "Templates, defined by the CloudStack administrator or by any CloudStack user, are the base OS images that the user can choose from when creating a new instance. For example, CloudStack includes CentOS as a template. See Working with Templates."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:57
-# b8d86f3b37c14661a8fb085d021643ec
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:58
+# 52afe58166814f258c3426dd55249f7d
 msgid "In addition to these choices that are provided for users, there is another type of service offering which is available only to the CloudStack root administrator, and is used for configuring virtual infrastructure resources. For more information, see Upgrading a Virtual Router with System Service Offerings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:65
-# 497f38bfe2d6443581220156e1f029b9
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:66
+# b05b989a07394a3eafabebb48aeaa29b
 msgid "Compute and Disk Service Offerings"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:67
-# 52085dbbc1004cecb8896d5a71beb122
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:68
+# 494d86b3d06340ab855b7df7a298410a
 msgid "A service offering is a set of virtual hardware features such as CPU core count and speed, memory, and disk size. The CloudStack administrator can set up various offerings, and then end users choose from the available offerings when they create a new VM. Based on the user’s selected offering, CloudStack emits usage records that can be integrated with billing systems."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:74
-# e38d63cf2be54e2b854d33212b89738c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:75
+# d5a6cbcc11594496b3347a195f561c03
 msgid "Some characteristics of service offerings must be defined by the CloudStack administrator, and others can be left undefined so that the end-user can enter their own desired values. This is useful to reduce the number of offerings the CloudStack administrator has to define. Instead of defining a compute offering for every imaginable combination of values that a user might want, the administrator can define offerings that provide some flexibility to the users and can serve as the basis for several different VM configurations."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:83
-# 16bb1eb6b41446fdb147162d0a814206
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:84
+# 57a11b0d87cd4cb6bd64aa2c1b61db19
 msgid "A service offering includes the following elements:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:85
-# 01489605f3244de5a1bc81aaee6061b3
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:86
+# 314c7c80394a45fe9bd7869f420d84b0
 msgid "CPU, memory, and network resource guarantees"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:87
-# 51db366a8906424ba9cf812f9b60f1e1
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:88
+# b88f65b187394191a414ccf797fb3c8a
 msgid "How resources are metered"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:89
-# f4426a9028b1477f993491f7ff9fc44e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:90
+# 0f00c0ffe83246cdbebaae3ad3295fb6
 msgid "How the resource usage is charged"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:91
-# f860e43721b4403fb342200627b03959
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:92
+# 168105b5e4554db0b0cb46f61c6763c3
 msgid "How often the charges are generated"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:93
-# aac0beacd1da46ccb20c4e122f600e27
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:94
+# 4ed86a2b44c647c4991679260cf019f9
 msgid "For example, one service offering might allow users to create a virtual machine instance that is equivalent to a 1 GHz Intel® Core™ 2 CPU, with 1 GB memory at $0.20/hour, with network traffic metered at $0.10/GB."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:97
-# 52f140ea4d8e46949f2b4cdfc784692e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:98
+# c41f30feb0b442d4b39c95168d4ea2cc
 msgid "CloudStack separates service offerings into compute offerings and disk offerings. The compute service offering specifies:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:100
-# d71c4438b2304531a7495334a9bb16c6
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:101
+# 03b79e1695f6418596fbf3dfdae6fdf5
 msgid "Guest CPU (optional). If not defined by the CloudStack administrator, users can pick the CPU attributes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:103
-# d4687e525e464fe089849edce3fa9ee7
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:104
+# a9484632eacc49aaaa151b0462236017
 msgid "Guest RAM (optional). If not defined by the CloudStack administrator, users can pick the RAM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:106
-# ea0f8a077efa4283a9a5f0ff3095ee22
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:107
+# 8566fe8312914c68bedcb2c81b3c0c7b
 msgid "Guest Networking type (virtual or direct)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:108
-# e6556b198b654f48b943af09419b9f29
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:109
+# 083cf96ec0c24344baef88ec1b1b562b
 msgid "Tags on the root disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:110
-# d229f1617ef24ed3bae77ae2c5d40eb9
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:111
+# 49478998f1fc4c37a9278a56f4e95eac
 msgid "The disk offering specifies:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:112
-# 4c096d14455c4ec5b7da89386faf0f40
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:113
+# e819601d04c3430f97d349bc00ef953b
 msgid "Disk size (optional). If not defined by the CloudStack administrator, users can pick the disk size."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:115
-# fcf2e32b5ebf4d188141ab3ce3ed2482
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:116
+# a4d4936154c4482d889d800ccf8426ef
 msgid "Tags on the data disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:118
-# 9c8a3805fea1490e9fdaef4a62835949
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:120
+# a561332470b74e3e90cdf9bcabe2317e
 msgid "Custom Compute Offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:120
-# 17da79d9fde24ffc8d17738158295566
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:122
+# 55f34a846c444887ad4349ad37fe65f8
 msgid "CloudStack provides you the flexibility to specify the desired values for the number of CPU, CPU speed, and memory while deploying a VM. As an admin, you create a Compute Offering by marking it as custom, and the users will be able to customize this dynamic Compute Offering by specifying the memory, and CPU at the time of VM creation or upgrade. Custom Compute Offering is same as the normal Compute Offering except that the values of the dynamic parameters will be set to zeros in the given set of templates. Use this offering to deploy VM by specifying custom values for the dynamic parameters. Memory, CPU and number of CPUs are considered as dynamic parameters."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:131
-# cb0c0fa6f2ec454a909c47774e4e8d17
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:133
+# 50cd9056418842c08eb28fdce54e3deb
 msgid "Dynamic Compute Offerings can be used in following cases: deploying a VM, changing the compute offering of a stopped VM and running VMs, which is nothing but scaling up. To support this feature a new field, Custom, has been added to the Create Compute Offering page. If the Custom field is checked, the user will be able to create a custom Compute Offering by filling in the desired values for number of CPU, CPU speed, and memory. See ? for more information on this."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:139
-# 84585460d12c44bfa2209bbabfbf3a6e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:141
+# efbe01f182224e6a96c59f3165e87c47
 msgid "*Recording Usage Events for Dynamically Assigned Resources*."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:141
-# 33a7e765f65f4e30b4730aafc92986bc
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:143
+# b098284613414134b2cd3e2527db633b
 msgid "To support this feature, usage events has been enhanced to register events for dynamically assigned resources. Usage events are registered when a VM is created from a custom compute offering, and upon changing the compute offering of a stopped or running VM. The values of the parameters, such as CPU, speed, RAM are recorded."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:149
-# d7cf1519f2914b6f8c539df8a1003af2
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:151
+# 64a1b09cdfbd4e95b1fcdf2ba0db010b
 msgid "Creating a New Compute Offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:151
-# aa23150497984322bfaee6cf77ad1266
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:153
+# a989d37873d84df993d59a7d089d7cdd
 msgid "To create a new compute offering:"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../service_offerings.rst:155
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:327
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:455
-# 4e886343524d4af088e739543d88b5df
-# 5968195946ff437aa8ebae46521a3b11
-# becf5f59558d4bd8abef46be798ea016
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:276
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:375
+# cd40916e685345c99849ac58022fd684
+# 3f783f61450b417ea824bafee21771db
+# a464ec4a658b4d9884f389505fe3ad18
 msgid "Log in with admin privileges to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:159
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:331
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:459
-# 1b95a518f09246a0ba57402df48b11d5
-# d27cedf8009e4d10aee385860508093c
-# 6fe6e438fb09452bafd97b6d8cbe5822
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:157
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:278
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:377
+# 430fa2ee248b407f9d4085fb63dd7d77
+# 999d0aeef65e43539cf25bcb3f791342
+# b51af425528d45d6b50797a303b9badc
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Service Offerings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:163
-# c9a07ce801384c9eaa0c811234f294f0
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:159
+# 9d93f2c8859741418b99ea21160f5717
 msgid "In Select Offering, choose Compute Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:167
-# 6e407e41db2344bdbef4d63aa97d99b6
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:161
+# 7167eb3ab24d4bba83156b7b67a2474a
 msgid "Click Add Compute Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:171
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:343
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:471
-# c03b1abf28ba497cbceb0722695fc1e5
-# f8eb24e0c3724766a8e8ce117c942e11
-# 4f350ef9c2844d3ba73ee61009bb09d1
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:163
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:284
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:383
+# d66b1055632049b3be191768ce8d3f6f
+# 8282a7241f674568b997c0dcd2b08b88
+# 22f14b2d47e140ae9fa9f96c736f51f5
 msgid "In the dialog, make the following choices:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:175
-# f5bb8c0e56614ef59a5ce2a33a867bdd
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:165
+# 248a64cf597a40f29490a97743581cae
 msgid "**Name**: Any desired name for the service offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:179
-# eff6335236d048f6afbe4657d434339c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:167
+# 16069fbe3c51423eba16ddfb98cd4dd2
 msgid "**Description**: A short description of the offering that can be displayed to users"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:184
-# 1e4bb660557a451e9c5779d3aa0a33b5
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:170
+# 347237d86b124a00be0d69850897539d
 msgid "**Storage type**: The type of disk that should be allocated. Local allocates from storage attached directly to the host where the system VM is running. Shared allocates from storage accessible via NFS."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:191
-# 4a5d3fc37ad547ce855aedcf994f4686
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:175
+# 2740734abb894968ad28ec481f8be6f8
 msgid "**Custom**: Custom compute offerings can be used in following cases: deploying a VM, changing the compute offering of a stopped VM and running VMs, which is nothing but scaling up."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:195
-# c7af5e8d271849d3ad37e04e01d0cb09
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:179
+# ca83dc70a28544378533fd9391d96e06
 msgid "If the Custom field is checked, the end-user must fill in the desired values for number of CPU, CPU speed, and RAM Memory when using a custom compute offering. When you check this box, those three input fields are hidden in the dialog box."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:202
-# 991116818ea64024b0590766bd14d349
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:184
+# 8ca7932a8f254ece814179f9c5690c71
 msgid "**# of CPU cores**: The number of cores which should be allocated to a system VM with this offering. If Custom is checked, this field does not appear."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:208
-# 88f0912f030742c8b5ea52db1852f9e4
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:188
+# 179de46f279a47c38263160519e05bc8
 msgid "**CPU (in MHz)**: The CPU speed of the cores that the system VM is allocated. For example, “2000” would provide for a 2 GHz clock. If Custom is checked, this field does not appear."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:214
-# 73983dcad95048e6962a24da88337a0f
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:192
+# b4862e3476024139a5791b56f164bf54
 msgid "**Memory (in MB)**: The amount of memory in megabytes that the system VM should be allocated. For example, “2048” would provide for a 2 GB RAM allocation. If Custom is checked, this field does not appear."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:221
-# 49dbd9d864764c3bb376c6d8be3bece9
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:197
+# 75b2531b57c743c1b6077813a925c97c
 msgid "**Network Rate**: Allowed data transfer rate in MB per second."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:225
-# 4795fdfeed274d4e8285f07a6f79765e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:199
+# d8427006117040188afa00c409a53e9c
 msgid "**Disk Read Rate**: Allowed disk read rate in bits per second."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:229
-# d6c47d486cb24fa5b357988fc94cf0b2
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:201
+# d7c08f798b324b0fa241b2bc293d9fe1
 msgid "**Disk Write Rate**: Allowed disk write rate in bits per second."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:233
-# 55076ab2ffc14cc0a8c900e458e4a399
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:203
+# 657abd8d993d47f98da0e15c0842aadd
 msgid "**Disk Read Rate**: Allowed disk read rate in IOPS (input/output operations per second)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:238
-# 4d2fddd5f68d460185407974f5fa7c24
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:206
+# 41c2fbc1baef42c6b5df3e05a520019a
 msgid "**Disk Write Rate**: Allowed disk write rate in IOPS (input/output operations per second)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:243
-# 5aa78ccd32374d3ca982b045ba9017a6
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:209
+# 1ec28ce24ead4f2486f7368ade10a4e8
 msgid "**Offer HA**: If yes, the administrator can choose to have the system VM be monitored and as highly available as possible."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:248
-# 165a9bce37684d13b4148ff372af93ac
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:212
+# 6d4c0c7c0d8548e3825edabb5d73d731
 msgid "**Storage Tags**: The tags that should be associated with the primary storage used by the system VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:253
-# 62a32c62b6214915a1be3170d977ff82
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:215
+# b730850e604446d89aba06366e8302be
 msgid "**Host Tags**: (Optional) Any tags that you use to organize your hosts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:258
-# 3f87e25c978045b4ad15f9f50a50ff29
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:218
+# 6fb3e5e926cc49038912a81d7d3c1a1c
 msgid "**CPU cap**: Whether to limit the level of CPU usage even if spare capacity is available."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:263
-# 5fed37e2d47f4527a0aeabf1b92e7139
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:221
+# 5eff635b882c422680849b6f7d511fdb
 msgid "**Public**: Indicate whether the service offering should be available all domains or only some domains. Choose Yes to make it available to all domains. Choose No to limit the scope to a subdomain; CloudStack will then prompt for the subdomain's name."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:270
-# 0f0c33d4cb044afb966204f19fd40896
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:226
+# d401f5f62aaa4778bce3429d100a06de
 msgid "**isVolatile**: If checked, VMs created from this service offering will have their root disks reset upon reboot. This is useful for secure environments that need a fresh start on every boot and for desktops that should not retain state."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:277
-# bf91571008434f83ae42a626145b3114
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:231
+# 7ea10a7203db4d629ba1fc7dfd120b28
 msgid "**Deployment Planner**: Choose the technique that you would like CloudStack to use when deploying VMs based on this service offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:281
-# c29bc8d4409c4cbf867d8cfb948d557f
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:235
+# 09d1468dffad438fa4266aa82987ce0e
 msgid "First Fit places new VMs on the first host that is found having sufficient capacity to support the VM's requirements."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:284
-# 44ea64956b5c4f038e044c9ef887cee0
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:238
+# 9a877ddb3dab4ad69db6b5c7627dd22c
 msgid "User Dispersing makes the best effort to evenly distribute VMs belonging to the same account on different clusters or pods."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:287
-# e4a54060c1ac4d8599b69999244f81b7
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:241
+# e2716f72710c4569899cebc9a22840ab
 msgid "User Concentrated prefers to deploy VMs belonging to the same account within a single pod."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:290
-# 46470c04363245eb8f5a3bb22cc5c6ff
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:244
+# 5e285b8b246b49bbb76fdf939e1dc838
 msgid "Implicit Dedication will deploy VMs on private infrastructure that is dedicated to a specific domain or account. If you choose this planner, then you must also pick a value for Planner Mode. See `“Dedicating Resources to Accounts and Domains” <accounts.html#dedicating-resources-to-accounts-and-domains>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:296
-# cfd2799cef4f4539a84f5af69e7b703d
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:250
+# 6e9b2cfece7840a3a281d17fbf4d19cd
 msgid "Bare Metal is used with bare metal hosts. See Bare Metal Installation in the Installation Guide."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:301
-# 251146ce0d03439e90d1c4af3f26121d
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:253
+# 3a40b2888d8b4d0bb06501a2d726411d
 msgid "**Planner Mode**: Used when ImplicitDedicationPlanner is selected in the previous field. The planner mode determines how VMs will be deployed on private infrastructure that is dedicated to a single domain or account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:306
-# 971de015210e4c48b8bbb69d41e7c9bb
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:258
+# 8c6a6d1601d5409f9cf07e89162fe229
 msgid "Strict: A host will not be shared across multiple accounts. For example, strict implicit dedication is useful for deployment of certain types of applications, such as desktops, where no host can be shared between different accounts without violating the desktop software's terms of license."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:312
-# bc0ad33164c54b72a4e427acfb9789f6
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:264
+# 36d35c740f134708ade301fc640503d9
 msgid "Preferred: The VM will be deployed in dedicated infrastructure if possible. Otherwise, the VM can be deployed in shared infrastructure."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:318
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:414
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:542
-# 069722e5040444d5a99c36f0eb592a7b
-# a4fcc407968549d78264a3e08d0caf2f
-# 79e8caf7d7524e89b160a24e84853cc8
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:268
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:333
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:426
+# 094aad8be1574fa385667bebf06ed3b6
+# 857fa2723e0b4bf4916f435ba0604892
+# ac56513abaae4c1895b390a2f0333ab0
 msgid "Click Add."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:321
-# 053a8f5b0d2b4df1a06751fc5fe86eae
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:272
+# 1a46fadd2f3a42c68b8cdeef05745eca
 msgid "Creating a New Disk Offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:323
-# fc92b6817cc4485b9235164c1d7d8be5
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:274
+# 06fce5a6dad94dfa84eed86ae00ec617
 msgid "To create a new disk offering:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:335
-# b124a0ea44e647a08b56eeee27020518
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:280
+# d3eb3c404772407da39449916e1953ca
 msgid "In Select Offering, choose Disk Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:339
-# d84bcd6ae3b940a0bd9b95f2c1415bfd
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:282
+# da2d57c6d441495685b440392d59c162
 msgid "Click Add Disk Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:347
-# d5b09789f4cc4f109f9288ca121710e6
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:286
+# d178f97b76c84de0bfd097ef93c110d3
 msgid "Name. Any desired name for the disk offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:351
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:479
-# 9aaa706a1a5243a6803b1417fbdbfdbb
-# 65350cb3cb09468ea7484bd505f8ed6e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:288
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:387
+# efaecce14927441aa329961c4d485567
+# e7bfb9a5943b405a8cae32d04743b528
 msgid "Description. A short description of the offering that can be displayed to users"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:356
-# 44aac5b446314cb386205e75784d0b48
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:291
+# 4f1a836b18b74aaf94d4ad7e5b83152c
 msgid "Custom Disk Size. If checked, the user can set their own disk size. If not checked, the root administrator must define a value in Disk Size."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:362
-# 438e1190c56f4d4383bdf95683e8d2cb
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:295
+# 5663fa2cb649450db44f795449d5dd9f
 msgid "Disk Size. Appears only if Custom Disk Size is not selected. Define the volume size in GB."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:367
-# 1c08af488d444558abd3043bf83faf45
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:298
+# d06aab69bbd44359a42d1eaebcb4ca5a
 msgid "QoS Type. Three options: Empty (no Quality of Service), hypervisor (rate limiting enforced on the hypervisor side), and storage (guaranteed minimum and maximum IOPS enforced on the storage side). If leveraging QoS, make sure that the hypervisor or storage system supports this feature."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:375
-# 2861b3c7902b44419d44cf577eab14dc
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:304
+# 665e3b5c270e42979195e2837591595b
 msgid "Custom IOPS. If checked, the user can set their own IOPS. If not checked, the root administrator can define values. If the root admin does not set values when using storage QoS, default values are used (the defauls can be overridden if the proper parameters are passed into CloudStack when creating the primary storage in question)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:384
-# bb20ef54f93f49e9ac31ed2fefb219ad
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:311
+# 3fdd090110144e8fae3a8a6d77e6e426
 msgid "Min IOPS. Appears only if storage QoS is to be used. Set a guaranteed minimum number of IOPS to be enforced on the storage side."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:390
-# d4b184d984de4df4b1196b900abaf1df
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:315
+# 5f904e8920db455192f6af78633b6f22
 msgid "Max IOPS. Appears only if storage QoS is to be used. Set a maximum number of IOPS to be enforced on the storage side (the system may go above this limit in certain circumstances for short intervals)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:396
-# 0460331aded04f488a2dbd97cd010333
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:319
+# ea14b97cc586470c8be3da25ef0a3ae1
 msgid "(Optional)Storage Tags. The tags that should be associated with the primary storage for this disk. Tags are a comma separated list of attributes of the storage. For example \"ssd,blue\". Tags are also added on Primary Storage. CloudStack matches tags on a disk offering to tags on the storage. If a tag is present on a disk offering that tag (or tags) must also be present on Primary Storage for the volume to be provisioned. If no such primary storage exists, allocation from the disk offering will fail.."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:407
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:535
-# aaf4ad498bec466486f07c12fa2b9680
-# a5ded01d13be462b911b0f572ae883a0
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:328
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:421
+# dda851b25a4c44ae92e6890fb2542e04
+# 5034af57e1514329ba054bf08be12e5a
 msgid "Public. Indicate whether the service offering should be available all domains or only some domains. Choose Yes to make it available to all domains. Choose No to limit the scope to a subdomain; CloudStack will then prompt for the subdomain's name."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:417
-# 081432e45d6443ec8f74a2bec8f4d865
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:337
+# 5c44a4ba4c074c4caf886309d1aba4f1
 msgid "Modifying or Deleting a Service Offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:419
-# 04957538fcac40cda4cae6e23226b84d
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:339
+# 5aab86d5c8e443609a4613d0073f7314
 msgid "Service offerings cannot be changed once created. This applies to both compute offerings and disk offerings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:422
-# 7c46df7dc12140539bfd46d99a2043a2
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:342
+# 1bab2fd909c74ac299118dcd6c9848b4
 msgid "A service offering can be deleted. If it is no longer in use, it is deleted immediately and permanently. If the service offering is still in use, it will remain in the database until all the virtual machines referencing it have been deleted. After deletion by the administrator, a service offering will not be available to end users that are creating new instances."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:430
-# d4e978b689ae43d396b3948586c8fe51
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:351
+# 0f1e4fe248f24ff6b4e4f47ef4a4ef55
 msgid "System Service Offerings"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:432
-# 81dcd14983c44b3db493d1295cd1c324
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:353
+# 007749e74de54391b1664b4166e80259
 msgid "System service offerings provide a choice of CPU speed, number of CPUs, tags, and RAM size, just as other service offerings do. But rather than being used for virtual machine instances and exposed to users, system service offerings are used to change the default properties of virtual routers, console proxies, and other system VMs. System service offerings are visible only to the CloudStack root administrator. CloudStack provides default system service offerings. The CloudStack root administrator can create additional custom system service offerings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:441
-# 4e12b4c9239643c28f670ed1616b20e0
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:362
+# 4201666336094c93ae198477756df881
 msgid "When CloudStack creates a virtual router for a guest network, it uses default settings which are defined in the system service offering associated with the network offering. You can upgrade the capabilities of the virtual router by applying a new network offering that contains a different system service offering. All virtual routers in that network will begin using the settings from the new service offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:449
-# 3730bbecb4f94765aab86ec88a82187c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:371
+# f91e393f388b4e6481cd8a71e7f79278
 msgid "Creating a New System Service Offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:451
-# d631a080073a4cb6acbb274c4ed773dc
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:373
+# 0d2bc72cb0364a098544d79a257c89d8
 msgid "To create a system service offering:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:463
-# 3fd1bbef80f24c399cfe374469107744
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:379
+# 6e5e507b5bf94c149b3113e07ca5ce03
 msgid "In Select Offering, choose System Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:467
-# 7d7196c8eaea429384aa3171b8fb0857
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:381
+# 42a35e0d5b5e434f8fa210dfa25c0edf
 msgid "Click Add System Service Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:475
-# b8ac0675d6c94d75b4169623ca12cb7e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:385
+# c20bf047c83a44d89017825a2228c46d
 msgid "Name. Any desired name for the system offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:484
-# 1d8d081c6f3a448b8c4b8856ae75211b
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:390
+# 1d970335d51e46ac9bda9c706759ba65
 msgid "System VM Type. Select the type of system virtual machine that this offering is intended to support."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:489
-# 784381566bea439caa03dbe7d8cbe864
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:393
+# 8086a4f1336049c19479206b751d04ea
 msgid "Storage type. The type of disk that should be allocated. Local allocates from storage attached directly to the host where the system VM is running. Shared allocates from storage accessible via NFS."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:496
-# b6b544adf6234b0187f4b984c60b0d7f
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:398
+# 913ba08b0770492cba53d3d247655710
 msgid "# of CPU cores. The number of cores which should be allocated to a system VM with this offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:501
-# d84bb45103ba4d42a5294e82673f95bb
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:401
+# fb5a2f7abf0a4e18b7847db64d898bc2
 msgid "CPU (in MHz). The CPU speed of the cores that the system VM is allocated. For example, \"2000\" would provide for a 2 GHz clock."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:506
-# f08747fb0de447389835eaa94f6d5503
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:404
+# de2eaf45f59b471b9d37d34ab02ce6e2
 msgid "Memory (in MB). The amount of memory in megabytes that the system VM should be allocated. For example, \"2048\" would provide for a 2 GB RAM allocation."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:512
-# 543ccf9e89094bb8a3885601a683c7bf
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:408
+# c1d2470c7b62430481a4de61c2356410
 msgid "Network Rate. Allowed data transfer rate in MB per second."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:516
-# 7f09cb9a722544e7a23f713f939cfb88
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:410
+# a7d7af4efcf94e478441f58eb4ab9ec1
 msgid "Offer HA. If yes, the administrator can choose to have the system VM be monitored and as highly available as possible."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:521
-# 2702400504534a74b319b416af939d43
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:413
+# 41c4d5f0752e44e98e557a65b65a14c0
 msgid "Storage Tags. The tags that should be associated with the primary storage used by the system VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:526
-# b7d909be7e1b4a3184babd8801653369
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:416
+# 22cd45b0933841f3bf3106245a42af05
 msgid "Host Tags. (Optional) Any tags that you use to organize your hosts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:530
-# 2617004b14634e419e19c06d3d654906
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:418
+# c8df696c132647959ca16dcad278053e
 msgid "CPU cap. Whether to limit the level of CPU usage even if spare capacity is available."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:545
-# c7c9cb00c4da4943846c26420cf4df0f
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:430
+# 53c64783d59d4debb2c9c1ebe4a0bb7d
 msgid "Network Throttling"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:547
-# f1830dc574e340b2b66af0a7a65e80b7
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:432
+# 26cf64df6529406f922adcedb9234f9f
 msgid "Network throttling is the process of controlling the network access and bandwidth usage based on certain rules. CloudStack controls this behaviour of the guest networks in the cloud by using the network rate parameter. This parameter is defined as the default data transfer rate in Mbps (Megabits Per Second) allowed in a guest network. It defines the upper limits for network utilization. If the current utilization is below the allowed upper limits, access is granted, else revoked."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:555
-# f1daa5866fcc45728acad7d74e2f8a33
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:440
+# 27806198975d424082e8dab6ce49f0b4
 msgid "You can throttle the network bandwidth either to control the usage above a certain limit for some accounts, or to control network congestion in a large cloud environment. The network rate for your cloud can be configured on the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:562
-# 25d479438aef42238d2d59ca69a45c2e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:445
+# 7432018ff67f4894a723bdca6bff087b
 msgid "Network Offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:566
-# 8aa95eec28104620848f96ef583794e1
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:447
+# 506188e4ff414063a2491e10c81e51c9
 msgid "Service Offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:570
-# 967aa7efbc474657ab2c56b2f2cfe89d
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:449
+# 320ac2d073ce4bf5af25029badc0cdb4
 msgid "Global parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:572
-# 0b9b8573e9374141b8494c8977757b76
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:451
+# 9c2fc1907fa34cf7b21cefc002bff096
 msgid "If network rate is set to NULL in service offering, the value provided in the global parameter is applied. If the value is set to NULL for network offering, the value provided in the network.throttling.rate global parameter is considered."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:577
-# 103b96ec5d704a988165c554da186ff0
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:456
+# 70d2185fb70847edb5c332fb612484e7
 msgid "For the default public, storage, and management networks, network rate is set to 0. This implies that the public, storage, and management networks will have unlimited bandwidth by default. For default guest networks, network rate is set to NULL. In this case, network rate is defaulted to the global parameter value."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:583
-# fc7b8c60b2c6410fafc10af96b2028eb
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:462
+# 88f665be2f3e4cfd87c6d89ae2b118ef
 msgid "The following table gives you an overview of how network rate is applied on different types of networks in CloudStack."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:587
-# 4b720fa08a67466f8c4be7b61b5006d7
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:466
+# 2df7571b44394db29aa0803e1bd515ae
 msgid "Networks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:587
-# 5c196b4f7f9343949e714444a81662ca
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:466
+# 30beee005ab04cb3947aa3a093695d15
 msgid "Network Rate Is Taken from"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:589
-# 8a75f76704c6494188994beb853c358c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:468
+# 2d1b0256284f4e9196bed7491709337e
 msgid "Guest network of Virtual Router"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:589
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:590
-# da1096a96e734078acf210be8b8d8ffa
-# 4f9c2c9e08d94ef19098590eacd942b1
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:468
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:469
+# 710cff98d40d47b1b4691f4ef4cc0ed7
+# 7301bab7c1654ab09e4495741b32f409
 msgid "Guest Network Offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:590
-# e18323526a374696b62b18aedd3198fa
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:469
+# b9550d4e593644f7997ae2b59833d30e
 msgid "Public network of Virtual Router"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:591
-# 7f04af96ba48492981b6640e3c6bfc7e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:470
+# 5fbb2616fe4146139b5adddf90e140c5
 msgid "Storage network of Secondary Storage VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:591
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:592
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:593
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:594
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:595
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:596
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:597
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:598
-# d8b79a9ca30648fdb2644a4c08822aa2
-# bd6341e090f442968d71738bcb538137
-# d470046fa29b40249f53f1289089a15c
-# 883e08fa95c44faa9a4efb3d59b3192e
-# 9e97d44a94694a7fb7f28c7bb59a676d
-# 8498073f7c214108a8c1991f002a96e5
-# bd551bcdaefd4caaac78bd7448f65e29
-# 7febd7a246114388850b925808d3d834
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:470
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:471
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:472
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:473
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:474
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:475
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:476
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:477
+# 149bbe361c7b4f85bc046a55d9a0147e
+# f68c6d576d58455194ee074721af9ab1
+# 6767654cd1d74942a8dc4a4a997c0e62
+# 9784131010fd47ce8cbdf1d9b322bdd6
+# fcb50bbb01464259bf0060a49547950f
+# 3499985b0b95428c8cf13bdceeacae5c
+# 9eb605f5c4204f7a93451b0af6b0ac63
+# a5eff8a6947548b99a5e9c63a24f4890
 msgid "System Network Offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:592
-# 132a5d89b2cf4543a74909dd2674a9ec
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:471
+# d0e8015a02d74f79a085327db997c47a
 msgid "Management network of Secondary Storage VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:593
-# f2b0b9fcf39c4902979d572868e85a78
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:472
+# 5ec6da9e6d934d9fad3bede5813f70f9
 msgid "Storage network of Console Proxy VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:594
-# 92e7a0a5af7a47bda3fbba4cef6ad20d
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:473
+# 4cf8b23c38354b708cd82d9c7e31ff03
 msgid "Management network of Console Proxy VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:595
-# c4659347051f4759ab6b9ab75295ae0c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:474
+# 2ff0726b224449c08b32d13597df71a7
 msgid "Storage network of Virtual Router"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:596
-# 6413da0a4c90484d887d39fef63d14c1
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:475
+# 91083f647e9345d4a21912156d7990dd
 msgid "Management network of Virtual Router"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:597
-# 11957148748943c68ddf5c23079e89e9
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:476
+# 20a8e9d21dda41208554a4065467ea8e
 msgid "Public network of Secondary Storage VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:598
-# 589807908d6a463db2ec68c966dbf5d7
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:477
+# 801f07af30a34b239adb18ef1edcd47c
 msgid "Public network of Console Proxy VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:599
-# 89fb7e1afb4543c88835a3ca994303ac
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:478
+# 860138dcf0344072bed2a8184a5336c7
 msgid "Default network of a guest VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:599
-# cdbf4eb58e834d4392be25038d928473
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:478
+# a6f07fe2acf94351951e197227848984
 msgid "Compute Offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:600
-# a94d5ee824fc4df19725d593f54d08e1
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:479
+# bb5e6134192f48038cbdfcc8141882da
 msgid "Additional networks of a guest VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:600
-# bf973633a40042d38a533aa9deecb6c3
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:479
+# 9cdc4ff5ef2e42b39986c9157d856fc7
 msgid "Corresponding Network Offerings"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:604
-# 5cfd6ae1e9b64e74841a67f4cd70d485
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:482
+# 82ee01b4006f4ba48baf48b75381dac7
 msgid "A guest VM must have a default network, and can also have many additional networks. Depending on various parameters, such as the host and virtual switch used, you can observe a difference in the network rate in your cloud. For example, on a VMware host the actual network rate varies based on where they are configured (compute offering, network offering, or both); the network type (shared or isolated); and traffic direction (ingress or egress)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:612
-# 92aac7a6df8c4b349ebaed61a6f31c67
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:490
+# a3a45b2e646846f984140407ef18cd47
 msgid "The network rate set for a network offering used by a particular network in CloudStack is used for the traffic shaping policy of a port group, for example: port group A, for that network: a particular subnet or VLAN on the actual network. The virtual routers for that network connects to the port group A, and by default instances in that network connects to this port group. However, if an instance is deployed with a compute offering with the network rate set, and if this rate is used for the traffic shaping policy of another port group for the network, for example port group B, then instances using this compute offering are connected to the port group B, instead of connecting to port group A."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:623
-# f5c03fa32d6e4f2983c7ff66b192d60f
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:501
+# 439cfd7a4cdd405c9eb7e554009d476e
 msgid "The traffic shaping policy on standard port groups in VMware only applies to the egress traffic, and the net effect depends on the type of network used in CloudStack. In shared networks, ingress traffic is unlimited for CloudStack, and egress traffic is limited to the rate that applies to the port group used by the instance if any. If the compute offering has a network rate configured, this rate applies to the egress traffic, otherwise the network rate set for the network offering applies. For isolated networks, the network rate set for the network offering, if any, effectively applies to the ingress traffic. This is mainly because the network rate set for the network offering applies to the egress traffic from the virtual router to the instance. The egress traffic is limited by the rate that applies to the port group used by the instance if any, similar to shared networks."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:637
-# 5286b20c07fa446383e5bbb52b2c92aa
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:515
+# 1a67086f74d24fdca3d3c8ddc160b6a1
 msgid "For example:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:639
-# 766974c020ba48f4a25970cb60cf548a
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:517
+# 1ef70fcdcb7742dd9f1e68d72b62bab8
 msgid "Network rate of network offering = 10 Mbps"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:641
-# 39893a3149b64f5bb830da2ca8a40712
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:519
+# 4aed36fd4b1e47b994e240a5180902f7
 msgid "Network rate of compute offering = 200 Mbps"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:643
-# e2476b49fd764870928ced7642f8f07e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:521
+# 728d67e125214dc69bcb42e87a0bd8ae
 msgid "In shared networks, ingress traffic will not be limited for CloudStack, while egress traffic will be limited to 200 Mbps. In an isolated network, ingress traffic will be limited to 10 Mbps and egress to 200 Mbps."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:649
-# abc1ac0645fb48f486870aa8d4c2bab0
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:528
+# c18fc63ba86d45f6a4a69c240bcbd863
 msgid "Changing the Default System Offering for System VMs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:651
-# 8ad19cf6c98047c7949c49cb480775b8
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:530
+# dce8139f2a074eda9f35ccab7be40838
 msgid "You can manually change the system offering for a particular System VM. Additionally, as a CloudStack administrator, you can also change the default system offering used for System VMs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:657
-# 18c5c2c31180461ab2bdc0018e43b820
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:534
+# d7758b140e8f4c8ea68093fe1bd87309
 msgid "Create a new system offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:659
-# b3000d9d38c446e38588053ec16f04a6
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:536
+# 60b70b45018c4c8398470022264172b3
 msgid "For more information, see Creating a New System Service Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:663
-# c26c502d859341c8b5809d65fbdaab32
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:538
+# c8a9263bb9974a9fb39e3ce36805a635
 msgid "Back up the database:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:671
-# b55e76b346d8402987a5664cce1e6fdd
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:544
+# 7a52c92add7a4ae696f4727651be9ba4
 msgid "Open an MySQL prompt:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:679
-# d2f05e5d35634eed8868a9643ea6f36c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:550
+# 51c46ec1b2844020aea4f791b5a5950e
 msgid "Run the following queries on the cloud database."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:683
-# 5e641aaf3ad74318a5f050a9a72d1033
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:552
+# 6ee5a9e0f1d249749376ed26cf656f31
 msgid "In the disk\\_offering table, identify the original default offering and the new offering you want to use by default."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:686
-# 6521f0ec28f6435f9801c6c5738b998c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:555
+# 2611865e94844c71b289c6243b7a2e4c
 msgid "Take a note of the ID of the new offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:694
-# 497b62e6320840929935a243e49b3a24
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:561
+# 31118e91861d48389cbab25fa138f75e
 msgid "For the original default offering, set the value of unique\\_name to NULL."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:701
-# d7dff9df26b440bfadf8ae86dc592858
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:568
+# 04fa9b26725d4ca09b7fd864838698ac
 msgid "Ensure that you use the correct value for the ID."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:705
-# 31d41d6cf1f041ec8805016e12293a5a
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:570
+# 8884980ed2d74f3ab78d5bfec97e5861
 msgid "For the new offering that you want to use by default, set the value of unique\\_name as follows:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:708
-# 5af2c257aaeb4d888548b5499fee43df
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:573
+# bc246e06f82a4bc2a0d1c4ba3aad6618
 msgid "For the default Console Proxy VM (CPVM) offering,set unique\\_name to ''. For the default Secondary Storage VM (SSVM) offering, set unique\\_name to ''. For example:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:719
-# 2e93eab165104e88bd96e7ac3ded117a
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:582
+# aebfd61c6ee344829f0ec8db45c37d75
 msgid "Restart CloudStack Management Server. Restarting is required because the default offerings are loaded into the memory at startup."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:728
-# 7f3d5522d0144163a56bb61490306a87
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:589
+# 9f700ce4ec00451991c06d4850686fa9
 msgid "Destroy the existing CPVM or SSVM offerings and wait for them to be recreated. The new CPVM or SSVM are configured with the new offering."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/storage.pot b/source/locale/pot/storage.pot
index 240f9fe..e6cdb16 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/storage.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/storage.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
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-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
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@@ -17,183 +17,183 @@
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 #: ../../storage.rst:18
-# 6a202e4741994470b627a504dfaa0ec4
+# 32b44221e38d43c08f57ce3a72c53f03
 msgid "Working with Storage"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:21
-# 162dc01704434bf39297420664b52155
+# 10d8b20690d442af8af5376748e600e0
 msgid "Storage Overview"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:23
-# fb6cf279ed414191933888a05da50e30
+# 59f0d86b537245ecb2688c84730ca29a
 msgid "CloudStack defines two types of storage: primary and secondary. Primary storage can be accessed by either iSCSI or NFS. Additionally, direct attached storage may be used for primary storage. Secondary storage is always accessed using NFS."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:28
-# 3e1682b1378e44d1b6277de404cef6c9
+# 20876e254ad044ddaa6b6090751c79d2
 msgid "There is no ephemeral storage in CloudStack. All volumes on all nodes are persistent."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:32
-# 3b158cf365224a128dce4c9bf414bc05
+#: ../../storage.rst:33
+# bf8fb32949b941d98036a5312e70d5a4
 msgid "Primary Storage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:34
-# 0182a2b8079342b0b3ceb0b29b179646
+#: ../../storage.rst:35
+# d56fc829e85b469dae70016a093f1050
 msgid "This section gives concepts and technical details about CloudStack primary storage. For information about how to install and configure primary storage through the CloudStack UI, see the Installation Guide."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:38
-# 6050cb5647774b9191d87c9ac4c7db00
+#: ../../storage.rst:39
+# 950476049a7645b887c0f50e0a4d1f27
 msgid "`“About Primary Storage” <>`_"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:41
-# 2d5f67decc454f279ad544d95f3a200c
+#: ../../storage.rst:43
+# c26af650001f4c28b6d9803b7efde40e
 msgid "Best Practices for Primary Storage"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:45
-# a8e6b6ee46a0407d89434124df4e5829
+# 6f52e89385424e26a23b25f5784a3491
 msgid "The speed of primary storage will impact guest performance. If possible, choose smaller, higher RPM drives or SSDs for primary storage."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:51
-# 25a499cd8ec24c99bfc6f0391d203d7b
+#: ../../storage.rst:49
+# f8f87fc7d7e4415b831b34939cbe9b12
 msgid "There are two ways CloudStack can leverage primary storage:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:53
-# 8c344e1829c64653b8c2a3f7fd4340c6
+#: ../../storage.rst:51
+# 52ac4abe89dd4b3586b61386e9b5b0e5
 msgid "Static: This is CloudStack's traditional way of handling storage. In this model, a preallocated amount of storage (ex. a volume from a SAN) is given to CloudStack. CloudStack then permits many of its volumes to be created on this storage (can be root and/or data disks). If using this technique, ensure that nothing is stored on the storage. Adding the storage to CloudStack will destroy any existing data."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:61
-# 72b1dbe1653c4bfbb6de406140cd47d5
+#: ../../storage.rst:59
+# 813a87ee26ba4259a5c3ef52a1b0ef5a
 msgid "Dynamic: This is a newer way for CloudStack to manage storage. In this model, a storage system (rather than a preallocated amount of storage) is given to CloudStack. CloudStack, working in concert with a storage plug-in, dynamically creates volumes on the storage system and each volume on the storage system maps to a single CloudStack volume. This is highly useful for features such as storage Quality of Service. Currently this feature is supported for data disks (Disk Offerings)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:71
-# 0a9a0545d65d499e9e87855b3f653046
+#: ../../storage.rst:70
+# f97cbc96312f49aba2a6bab0d1e1b2a4
 msgid "Runtime Behavior of Primary Storage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:73
-# c1b7c1df534f487d9b282f9cba881b25
+#: ../../storage.rst:72
+# 5bf02a65cf3a40df9e7e165fd9ecd864
 msgid "Root volumes are created automatically when a virtual machine is created. Root volumes are deleted when the VM is destroyed. Data volumes can be created and dynamically attached to VMs. Data volumes are not deleted when VMs are destroyed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:78
-# b55c6963f6704ca899a39303709603e6
+#: ../../storage.rst:77
+# 80ad3630b276444cac7f5324ecf5a326
 msgid "Administrators should monitor the capacity of primary storage devices and add additional primary storage as needed. See the Advanced Installation Guide."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:82
-# 0e941196770047709eb7afb942ef3189
+#: ../../storage.rst:81
+# 073d4376c5e04c77bbfdba19e134418c
 msgid "Administrators add primary storage to the system by creating a CloudStack storage pool. Each storage pool is associated with a cluster or a zone."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:86
-# 0be8863a4d5c46b1bfa11b79c1a1b407
+#: ../../storage.rst:85
+# 79ff1a8b27224fff8510e3a5ce37a304
 msgid "With regards to data disks, when a user executes a Disk Offering to create a data disk, the information is initially written to the CloudStack database only. Upon the first request that the data disk be attached to a VM, CloudStack determines what storage to place the volume on and space is taken from that storage (either from preallocated storage or from a storage system (ex. a SAN), depending on how the primary storage was added to CloudStack)."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:95
-# 35ce9d0c83744d748be1f1449258f36c
+# 03d9238ac1b44704b10a3c6cbc9a194c
 msgid "Hypervisor Support for Primary Storage"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:97
-# 31019aa248e34fc6b8039761b2720e7f
+# f9043e1c7c614dcab5cc48b83c777751
 msgid "The following table shows storage options and parameters for different hypervisors."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:101
-# 9b771149e496473c92a454c33198c403
+# df81aa4abfe0426f8ea7b5d76689b532
 msgid "Storage media \\\\ hypervisor"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:101
-#: ../../storage.rst:805
-# e97686c28c974dbf92162b6b0fa942b8
-# bfae9331e42b4e998bdae8c62e3765eb
+#: ../../storage.rst:709
+# 21dd8b1cdc0d40dc8559cbcf4fbfab3d
+# 6e7b702add314a16a42c7e999147c3c9
 msgid "VMware vSphere"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:101
-#: ../../storage.rst:805
-# 0058e135219d4613a2d541b1870917de
-# 3b343f7b559749a29a430c1a553b3526
+#: ../../storage.rst:709
+# 95085080f31c48d7a3c6eeb26d596976
+# fd649d92db414b198a27e37febfdfe07
 msgid "Citrix XenServer"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:101
-#: ../../storage.rst:354
-#: ../../storage.rst:805
-# 367bf4f20f1c4984924962ff00d6df89
-# 52a52afa13aa4117b06c90af23419b9d
-# edc2d21234584f6a99ca592df4540bbe
+#: ../../storage.rst:332
+#: ../../storage.rst:709
+# 94199ee2b07049529bc3e9c2b7eb8707
+# 7b0dbf552cc34bb0ac898f31180f3a83
+# 3f78f67d3c14490da80f847d2a00fc5d
 msgid "KVM"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:101
-# b5679e3e7ee44ad081663d53a59df3e5
+# b63b5cf8a70b492f82138dc7fd0b3d4f
 msgid "Hyper-V"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:103
-# 8c6b23cd30df4e11a24b05d287672f22
+# 6b911e3d65954475be2786623c89bfee
 msgid "**Format for Disks, Templates, and Snapshots**"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:103
-# 1533db8909654e9dbdee1bfb501c22da
+# 597a7a22248749eab119febe7cad0654
 msgid "VMDK"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:103
-#: ../../storage.rst:352
-# aa7a7f57290745ebb004f74e8d93a94c
-# 7d5a6b20bd9c40dd8e2bf7f89defbb4f
+#: ../../storage.rst:330
+# dcb226ea6af24150b270ebd0e57ce0d6
+# 06b1f702f7ae492c9259258d6cdb9bba
 msgid "VHD"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:103
-#: ../../storage.rst:354
-# 857238d5d0894c4195147b0552ef94cc
-# 85858348297d4cb18e06b4f68df7bb9b
+#: ../../storage.rst:332
+# 3c8131f767e745659f09e7635e52de1d
+# 891d2deb650249bdaaa476d91cedea41
 msgid "QCOW2"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:103
-# 45f3ddfdaf174b0e844873ef2d5609aa
+# 0ef733d6419b49ddb03a35218b141dad
 msgid "VHD Snapshots are not supported."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:105
-# 629dd8794f35435ba0c0de72442d0698
+# 366c31ae3c524e20bcbff9f5b0f33865
 msgid "**iSCSI support**"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:105
 #: ../../storage.rst:106
-# df0857bbc10d454694cb27c6368cc385
-# 6cbf7a9a5ccf4c9b8d9cfea376fa936c
+# 169329b4d94f4d5a9a71e806fc6493ee
+# eb8734785e1e4253ae29efadaea66c18
 msgid "VMFS"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:105
-# 6356c605eb10407597ce69ae946eded4
+# 439fbab809dc46b291a52de0067fb0f5
 msgid "Clustered LVM"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:105
 #: ../../storage.rst:106
-# 54f6f377a0e9433ba6646f2d344089a1
-# e8acf322132f4c1d92c944041a19c61f
+# 7166fec7c32746bea34118f3db301ae6
+# aa36e5087ca64a9590ad2b643c91d5f7
 msgid "Yes, via Shared Mountpoint"
 msgstr ""
@@ -204,32 +204,32 @@
 #: ../../storage.rst:110
 #: ../../storage.rst:110
 #: ../../storage.rst:110
-#: ../../storage.rst:807
-#: ../../storage.rst:807
-# d6cf7d4bef014613aaf695ffffe4a235
-# c823d9f7038149b690668fa00379827b
-# 0b59cd2d03ac46529c20eaaab120981c
-# 846a3012c0ae422495176ac15ab15e55
-# d14fff6660d64688afc8ccbcc70cddfd
-# caa33ef9d4a04315a001850c938c31b8
-# 86461019f42a406e8b39a826bc193ed7
-# 5bb1f7b752e345d2b87e7e358be4b8a8
-# e68af722a2d2497aa6f8a8fca2cbdde6
+#: ../../storage.rst:711
+#: ../../storage.rst:711
+# 03d269fc73bc48348ab1896256774ae1
+# ce5af21795294bc697ba5aa4474636da
+# 785a027864c94241bdfc6686ade2836e
+# 3099d25cace04a4788cd2531e69b4710
+# 2e285148115d4a2da6cae3f373aba27f
+# 895e4b1ff76840cc94de98328f387f6f
+# 8353d798b3004fb5bbd003df12fac8a2
+# 9695a4455edd45c899785834ba6fef74
+# 7857cd4194be451faa95e02696061cf8
 msgid "No"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:106
-# 4a312a6b96eb419e9e8f0340e73043c7
+# b70b0d5267be474c85b0240f24b6a2b9
 msgid "**Fiber Channel support**"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:106
-# ca35f289a9684c7dbf0aa1d2eec7ea07
+# 443c6e664d6b46a9a0f879410a6e1aa7
 msgid "Yes, via Existing SR"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:107
-# 50c9535f99f94ba991e8f54be3a35868
+# b46dc3d64ece43109c0051e5fc0d66e5
 msgid "**NFS support**"
 msgstr ""
@@ -241,866 +241,866 @@
 #: ../../storage.rst:108
 #: ../../storage.rst:108
 #: ../../storage.rst:110
-#: ../../storage.rst:807
-# e2c8e01326de420a93da3da1cccc6e04
-# 03b10788ed144cee89bfeb280a91507b
-# 36ec13d7d1104063898e7ee586dc8e73
-# 7b8ce691a5754a2bbe7b77ba4a5beb29
-# 73f105a11ea244348d276ceda77ffa48
-# 8e54d7de196946248fa2f7c5e5e89ed6
-# f03361eae16c40518b6e18d98ee28635
-# 34559af0e0774036a131a78b6b54e924
-# 89b6eb69d35a47eabb875bdf4405e421
+#: ../../storage.rst:711
+# ac7f31ad38674dd5bd5040d072b67e09
+# de71afbac6cb457caff9416ed30e2d9c
+# 12e7d7ffb19d4610a624484aaffeebf2
+# 10601f00b2d54ae1833a5b8cf47428ea
+# cfade3e6b2824c0b8ae1ddfc34d36e9a
+# 4b311bb6db4b41779b0c525c589c00a7
+# 6ab3b70adba24666a78774746ccfabad
+# bed48ae68b8e4818aad52abb69bbc24b
+# 11121f7bcfdc45db85459a8f12982e26
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:108
-# 6d3ad498707b47e183038ce5ebb1447d
+# 8c9b266cc80241eda65595fd19a54dc7
 msgid "**Local storage support**"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:109
-# 858891283fa8498382d9942dc59e2ae6
+# 1b48c07eb50544109f66a49c39c5d38c
 msgid "**Storage over-provisioning**"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:109
-# 876ffced6c3f4dd1825a99b39c624759
+# 36ee1094090c495d95a6a7650892ffae
 msgid "NFS and iSCSI"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:109
 #: ../../storage.rst:109
-# 34edc60597864cb88c0d3a68161bd014
-# afaccbd5ae404bbf9a2b322b957fc27f
+# 565842e982394810bcd8454836b9b271
+# bb172a9d571244538e501ba593025cd6
 msgid "NFS"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:110
-# 5cdd4df99d8146b99052b26946cfdebc
+# a5915b6a85a64a268e5a1e41080fa835
 msgid "**SMB/CIFS**"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:113
-# 23cfe36aac394c0183ffe7482f8dcded
+# 8f37dda63c1a49f084a39311ad775fd6
 msgid "XenServer uses a clustered LVM system to store VM images on iSCSI and Fiber Channel volumes and does not support over-provisioning in the hypervisor. The storage server itself, however, can support thin-provisioning. As a result the CloudStack can still support storage over-provisioning by running on thin-provisioned storage volumes."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:119
-# bd46a0f32fc0459fadf89598bd0b9f7b
+# d8bfde747fd541bcb2d1f62d1d2ddd9c
 msgid "KVM supports \"Shared Mountpoint\" storage. A shared mountpoint is a file system path local to each server in a given cluster. The path must be the same across all Hosts in the cluster, for example /mnt/primary1. This shared mountpoint is assumed to be a clustered filesystem such as OCFS2. In this case the CloudStack does not attempt to mount or unmount the storage as is done with NFS. The CloudStack requires that the administrator insure that the storage is available"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:127
-# 5ab2d028f0aa4897b165fb8e42dbb0e4
+# 80ebb012a77045e9b3a5a47d82cef42c
 msgid "With NFS storage, CloudStack manages the overprovisioning. In this case the global configuration parameter storage.overprovisioning.factor controls the degree of overprovisioning. This is independent of hypervisor type."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:132
-# 585fda9b393848eaa23c3131967805fe
+# 46f7d4fdff4d4ea996d136375ac93805
 msgid "Local storage is an option for primary storage for vSphere, XenServer, and KVM. When the local disk option is enabled, a local disk storage pool is automatically created on each host. To use local storage for the System Virtual Machines (such as the Virtual Router), set to true in global configuration."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../storage.rst:138
-# c4c43cee4d724ef7aa505614fe3cedba
+# 84339fc995ab461cb30e853b024629a4
 msgid "CloudStack supports multiple primary storage pools in a Cluster. For example, you could provision 2 NFS servers in primary storage. Or you could provision 1 iSCSI LUN initially and then add a second iSCSI LUN when the first approaches capacity."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:144
-# 235339683cb34f9984c233974b8da43d
+#: ../../storage.rst:145
+# 16767f52da5e4a3ea351cb7c2208207a
 msgid "Storage Tags"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:146
-# c9a9cdbd754642189859f3f96cfebe95
+#: ../../storage.rst:147
+# d0ffba1bad5942adaca099b572104c63
 msgid "Storage may be \"tagged\". A tag is a text string attribute associated with primary storage, a Disk Offering, or a Service Offering. Tags allow administrators to provide additional information about the storage. For example, that is a \"SSD\" or it is \"slow\". Tags are not interpreted by CloudStack. They are matched against tags placed on service and disk offerings. CloudStack requires all tags on service and disk offerings to exist on the primary storage before it allocates root or data disks on the primary storage. Service and disk offering tags are used to identify the requirements of the storage that those offerings have. For example, the high end service offering may require \"fast\" for its root disk volume."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:158
-# 62e869476add4ac8a88d34476a992a0b
+#: ../../storage.rst:159
+# 81b0523239f34456bfe222f88c9520e0
 msgid "The interaction between tags, allocation, and volume copying across clusters and pods can be complex. To simplify the situation, use the same set of tags on the primary storage for all clusters in a pod. Even if different devices are used to present those tags, the set of exposed tags can be the same."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:165
-# 85d0b9514cd94531b80bb8458c5ce0dc
+#: ../../storage.rst:167
+# b85907f2a2a546ae9312b9c9d9a443e3
 msgid "Maintenance Mode for Primary Storage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:167
-# 51dcf6eb4eec44809e6e374dbf77c6bf
+#: ../../storage.rst:169
+# 0e84968be86b4971b80b0b9f4f141840
 msgid "Primary storage may be placed into maintenance mode. This is useful, for example, to replace faulty RAM in a storage device. Maintenance mode for a storage device will first stop any new guests from being provisioned on the storage device. Then it will stop all guests that have any volume on that storage device. When all such guests are stopped the storage device is in maintenance mode and may be shut down. When the storage device is online again you may cancel maintenance mode for the device. The CloudStack will bring the device back online and attempt to start all guests that were running at the time of the entry into maintenance mode."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:179
-# 50c6445f7bbf459c8184fcbee613ef51
+#: ../../storage.rst:182
+# 67a803ad730347ec9a5e5667d7ceadfa
 msgid "Secondary Storage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:181
-# 93e8dd0aa2384174bfaff80a3205b6cb
+#: ../../storage.rst:184
+# d48d908ab2384420a19689dfc1957c12
 msgid "This section gives concepts and technical details about CloudStack secondary storage. For information about how to install and configure secondary storage through the CloudStack UI, see the Advanced Installation Guide."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:186
-# 18793cf034ab43f1b77b289ac9d4286b
+#: ../../storage.rst:189
+# 4c9b91f3c5dd4d8a83a8c2706ac95f41
 msgid "`“About Secondary Storage” <>`_"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:189
-# 581e0ba4319a47feb92812e319ae14af
+#: ../../storage.rst:193
+# 6ca82acb4184482298cdd589b41fdd16
 msgid "Working With Volumes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:191
-# 142cd329b56e4fb2b0e17fb5fe687958
+#: ../../storage.rst:195
+# d8b653a972c54421a4405a011c4ca3e7
 msgid "A volume provides storage to a guest VM. The volume can provide for a root disk or an additional data disk. CloudStack supports additional volumes for guest VMs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:195
-# cdaaac178c9946e9bd5030fe82be6c78
+#: ../../storage.rst:199
+# 2197b194989d434ca7e999eb0f6cfaa9
 msgid "Volumes are created for a specific hypervisor type. A volume that has been attached to guest using one hypervisor type (e.g, XenServer) may not be attached to a guest that is using another hypervisor type, for example:vSphere, KVM. This is because the different hypervisors use different disk image formats."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:201
-# 91341fe4ee6540a9a6ee240d99134524
+#: ../../storage.rst:205
+# 6d23b58657fd41c2aba08ac7ae7eaabe
 msgid "CloudStack defines a volume as a unit of storage available to a guest VM. Volumes are either root disks or data disks. The root disk has \"/\" in the file system and is usually the boot device. Data disks provide for additional storage, for example: \"/opt\" or \"D:\". Every guest VM has a root disk, and VMs can also optionally have a data disk. End users can mount multiple data disks to guest VMs. Users choose data disks from the disk offerings created by administrators. The user can create a template from a volume as well; this is the standard procedure for private template creation. Volumes are hypervisor-specific: a volume from one hypervisor type may not be used on a guest of another hypervisor type."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:213
-# da3a2cb646de40cba343e682fd29a500
+#: ../../storage.rst:217
+# 0dfd84618eba4890bd79fdde4a5681c2
 msgid "CloudStack supports attaching up to 13 data disks to a VM on XenServer hypervisor versions 6.0 and above. For the VMs on other hypervisor types, the data disk limit is 6."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:216
-# f994b230e52240c089e8967a20e17040
+#: ../../storage.rst:223
+# f423c15d3d884dd295629f532792322b
 msgid "Creating a New Volume"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:218
-# 73e8fe50f38c4b7ab55f0fc3569b141f
+#: ../../storage.rst:225
+# 288ba1fb3a644f05a3cd4b08e05b1524
 msgid "You can add more data disk volumes to a guest VM at any time, up to the limits of your storage capacity. Both CloudStack administrators and users can add volumes to VM instances. When you create a new volume, it is stored as an entity in CloudStack, but the actual storage resources are not allocated on the physical storage device until you attach the volume. This optimization allows the CloudStack to provision the volume nearest to the guest that will use it when the first attachment is made."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:227
-# 4e95f1cce44c4810b4dbd2d9ad64b99c
+#: ../../storage.rst:235
+# 09420f12f6d84b9ebe5882b8a922b802
 msgid "Using Local Storage for Data Volumes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:229
-# 77c86c26103b40de80b813b21c07de64
+#: ../../storage.rst:237
+# 87d84c3ad80f4c65ae01116db8e49f5b
 msgid "You can create data volumes on local storage (supported with XenServer, KVM, and VMware). The data volume is placed on the same host as the VM instance that is attached to the data volume. These local data volumes can be attached to virtual machines, detached, re-attached, and deleted just as with the other types of data volume."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:235
-# 4e4085b4548c4fd291c04570d4b72c31
+#: ../../storage.rst:243
+# 2092c3e84a0040c88df79f6600d12b26
 msgid "Local storage is ideal for scenarios where persistence of data volumes and HA is not required. Some of the benefits include reduced disk I/O latency and cost reduction from using inexpensive local disks."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:239
-# fb5fadabf5084ba2be5f47f42c575bec
+#: ../../storage.rst:247
+# 24091baabed046c79bbde0f55cc59de6
 msgid "In order for local volumes to be used, the feature must be enabled for the zone."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:242
-# 2738dcf7ec914826a7fee9dde6d1dd3d
+#: ../../storage.rst:250
+# a3fc0fa189a444759468f8645397fc0a
 msgid "You can create a data disk offering for local storage. When a user creates a new VM, they can select this disk offering in order to cause the data disk volume to be placed in local storage."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:246
-# e6cc30d22423450c85f9517f7c29b58c
+#: ../../storage.rst:254
+# 2884a62219544ddea52e40fbabdfc590
 msgid "You can not migrate a VM that has a volume in local storage to a different host, nor migrate the volume itself away to a different host. If you want to put a host into maintenance mode, you must first stop any VMs with local data volumes on that host."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:252
-# 5ba5e0d99d2b485eb47568e8f5c49974
+#: ../../storage.rst:261
+# 427238ca555946cc8792695ca92136df
 msgid "To Create a New Volume"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:256
-#: ../../storage.rst:386
-#: ../../storage.rst:428
-#: ../../storage.rst:498
-#: ../../storage.rst:529
-#: ../../storage.rst:566
-#: ../../storage.rst:636
-# 854156bcaf7841df87abdbbe3c2e1a97
-# 81089de40b7f4cfabaf992d654b45b6a
-# d2aadcf9b28745ccabf9ab9238f12bb8
-# 87447c411f444603b00a3bdf59da65d0
-# 6f7be70585d8470fb8e8e0f82a57714b
-# c9aa8bf9f15c4956ab9d0372030dc6ee
-# 88f2f68cca994709945a84a66ff08f83
+#: ../../storage.rst:263
+#: ../../storage.rst:357
+#: ../../storage.rst:390
+#: ../../storage.rst:456
+#: ../../storage.rst:477
+#: ../../storage.rst:506
+#: ../../storage.rst:562
+# 70f2f0de47b04a1cbb185fe77792e139
+# 629422b536114a33be189acc56c6cc01
+# 541ad7fafe48443d97a67692a359748c
+# b61f2bef29ea454bb44952aebc53c22c
+# 0e5cea32ef9848a0a96a9ede62313c86
+# 8e3b1d8db33d44fabb0894f24d17d358
+# e35965b604404bef9f199b32675ad907
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a user or admin."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:260
-#: ../../storage.rst:324
-#: ../../storage.rst:640
-#: ../../storage.rst:756
-# 72e414f9ba5a469aa0219d560888934b
-# 14f9e0c99a7a49f6ac1f53e3163d2025
-# 50e1473900704ebcae177aa3a73ed45c
-# ce7e768615b345d1a5cfd791b3e49343
+#: ../../storage.rst:265
+#: ../../storage.rst:312
+#: ../../storage.rst:564
+#: ../../storage.rst:664
+# 146d31151f5e442c8b76e9ef512eac29
+# 11db8955c3494f43b8d2e1bc13a914df
+# 54c24ff429df4622aa1ce17ff0817663
+# f9babc8c9c9941049be79d67a3c60c82
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Storage."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:264
-#: ../../storage.rst:394
-#: ../../storage.rst:644
-# 5e66820dfd5e495fb59a2e3b04eceaf4
-# 7490a7779492470692842a5bc16f66a8
-# 05e2753aad0543ed9de8f5fe61ae80d8
+#: ../../storage.rst:267
+#: ../../storage.rst:361
+#: ../../storage.rst:566
+# 9df84607b2a94838bb6739342d1e0bd7
+# 1f30687ee1374b74bb647174e701cc9b
+# 47fcd7e70cc34717b426f9bf08a626c8
 msgid "In Select View, choose Volumes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:268
-# 98f953c385004db884f1a0b9d7fcce09
+#: ../../storage.rst:269
+# d9affc0389314e7cadbe9e0340e6bddd
 msgid "To create a new volume, click Add Volume, provide the following details, and click OK."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:273
-# f77218cc8e0944c5ac93425caddc5a5c
+#: ../../storage.rst:272
+# 8aa967b67394416b9971e9986853fc0e
 msgid "Name. Give the volume a unique name so you can find it later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:277
-# 77f2d58bc029432fad2e20894e0dc4a4
+#: ../../storage.rst:274
+# b95f18a10ac946d8bb6e4424522125a5
 msgid "Availability Zone. Where do you want the storage to reside? This should be close to the VM that will use the volume."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:282
-# 0dd389820dab437ab448b331b2e2e3dc
+#: ../../storage.rst:277
+# 55b275ed6b1b4c7e965e8d9c3fc64d99
 msgid "Disk Offering. Choose the characteristics of the storage."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:284
-# 3ff901f9fc4245859f4413152d691ec2
+#: ../../storage.rst:279
+# 75cbb5f7984642d8a86bb71c3f274c52
 msgid "The new volume appears in the list of volumes with the state “Allocated.” The volume data is stored in CloudStack, but the volume is not yet ready for use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:290
-# 1fd0848ef74948fdbcbccf818d92177d
+#: ../../storage.rst:283
+# 97a7e13d891c4ab78df0cd8ebcafdfc7
 msgid "To start using the volume, continue to Attaching a Volume"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:293
-# c0df3d546d4d4bb0b749ee670e7fb1b4
+#: ../../storage.rst:287
+# 890dc04ff24f497186a44bb7d537412d
 msgid "Uploading an Existing Volume to a Virtual Machine"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:295
-# 72bbdbadb3124063954e9e6fe0dce7a1
+#: ../../storage.rst:289
+# 17f14f4d6eec4e609b6e183abaa18556
 msgid "Existing data can be made accessible to a virtual machine. This is called uploading a volume to the VM. For example, this is useful to upload data from a local file system and attach it to a VM. Root administrators, domain administrators, and end users can all upload existing volumes to VMs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:301
-# c9884a3f983640be9c819a9386183862
+#: ../../storage.rst:295
+# f18a289b1dae403cb4a540ec6280499b
 msgid "The upload is performed using HTTP. The uploaded volume is placed in the zone's secondary storage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:304
-# 0a24f9d7f649445ea6f882e03af5a4c8
+#: ../../storage.rst:298
+# e22b07fc396b4455bf886c103b353298
 msgid "You cannot upload a volume if the preconfigured volume limit has already been reached. The default limit for the cloud is set in the global configuration parameter max.account.volumes, but administrators can also set per-domain limits that are different from the global default. See Setting Usage Limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:310
-# 561cea17ed5b4aa18cea478b6159261d
+#: ../../storage.rst:304
+# e8b13fa3aadd48cca116ddff3d8ac16a
 msgid "To upload a volume:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:314
-# 5ca6925a182745bd92c83dddbb7ae803
+#: ../../storage.rst:306
+# 2032475f0e514f0d87b48fde37cfda03
 msgid "(Optional) Create an MD5 hash (checksum) of the disk image file that you are going to upload. After uploading the data disk, CloudStack will use this value to verify that no data corruption has occurred."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:320
-# 51a89894bbfa4442971f72c7e46f146d
+#: ../../storage.rst:310
+# 0fc87857d60e4b6e8d2d80130b6dd64d
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or user"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:328
-# 28723898f3674b00ab161be4a747617a
+#: ../../storage.rst:314
+# cfa804b4dc5e4b539613e1693f19c041
 msgid "Click Upload Volume."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:332
-# ad72af46b40f4b3f9a6e531498b729d9
+#: ../../storage.rst:316
+# b664bc425cd54ca4917358c8830843e7
 msgid "Provide the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:336
-# 2171cbf4083742a8be4e3f3d6905d0da
+#: ../../storage.rst:318
+# 33a6b2a32f3646e98a44862cba5bea26
 msgid "Name and Description. Any desired name and a brief description that can be shown in the UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:341
-# 4cd509c15df24aba8666b7d11a9051be
+#: ../../storage.rst:321
+# 1c773983c9a14bda81f657b9831390d5
 msgid "Availability Zone. Choose the zone where you want to store the volume. VMs running on hosts in this zone can attach the volume."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:346
-# 17cb7725cd0940cf8557d68206638aea
+#: ../../storage.rst:324
+# d0263e16ccf649a88f3265f9cbd34b80
 msgid "Format. Choose one of the following to indicate the disk image format of the volume."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:350
-# e4c763d0aab143b49ab6e9d9a1432df0
+#: ../../storage.rst:328
+# 9e62f8681cf6466c87525f623ab74761
 msgid "Hypervisor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:350
-# 31ec3ac278d44770a548d99764119364
+#: ../../storage.rst:328
+# 18fa4b974ece4a8fae34fccd9062dc6a
 msgid "Disk Image Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:352
-# 81cdbfc4baaf46318a9b1031f0aa73f9
+#: ../../storage.rst:330
+# fd430608386e4e7db755bcbf9a932e8a
 msgid "XenServer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:353
-# b0ad57c5512c4cfda950f3a262618a6d
+#: ../../storage.rst:331
+# 6e5d75ea06c7464cb4ec871161a4a108
 msgid "VMware"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:353
-# 9714e77ca28e441fad02c1f395a121a9
+#: ../../storage.rst:331
+# 01efef53521d4f8189c939afdd9c1cbb
 msgid "OVA"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:359
-# 1c6d0308a6d84f04909361d7d827e4a8
+#: ../../storage.rst:335
+# 9e300c5607d34ce6837b1817e414992a
 msgid "URL. The secure HTTP or HTTPS URL that CloudStack can use to access your disk. The type of file at the URL must match the value chosen in Format. For example, if Format is VHD, the URL might look like the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:364
-# f0494cc84c3941c1b9f499bc95a77793
+#: ../../storage.rst:340
+# 82d85bc5e5704af5a3256a92d5c02114
 msgid "``http://yourFileServerIP/userdata/myDataDisk.vhd``"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:368
-# 459a453424c84b51abfd379a935f578d
+#: ../../storage.rst:342
+# 2a1e40703cff43efba2d4349b3a16219
 msgid "MD5 checksum. (Optional) Use the hash that you created in step 1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:372
-# 8532aa0d890a4990b343381696efe17b
+#: ../../storage.rst:344
+# c13069ba6499470eb80792d35b8177e5
 msgid "Wait until the status of the volume shows that the upload is complete. Click Instances - Volumes, find the name you specified in step 5, and make sure the status is Uploaded."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:377
-# 9d29a7dddfd446539ef41dfcdf464ca1
+#: ../../storage.rst:350
+# 0fd449f8d801478d84a4b2700da5e8b6
 msgid "Attaching a Volume"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:379
-# 59c5f93ac3c64d8eb008975ca5b66300
+#: ../../storage.rst:352
+# da2f32e627974c378217daaed2a05282
 msgid "You can attach a volume to a guest VM to provide extra disk storage. Attach a volume when you first create a new volume, when you are moving an existing volume from one VM to another, or after you have migrated a volume from one storage pool to another."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:390
-# d2666c87d93e413aa8dd8637e062f650
+#: ../../storage.rst:359
+# e98f959945e047bc950d507b756c28e7
 msgid "In the left navigation, click Storage."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:398
-# 60b9f463a5304e338a5505ef7d8c64ff
+#: ../../storage.rst:363
+# 4334745af8f24f039eba4f0736befe7f
 msgid "Click the volume name in the Volumes list, then click the Attach Disk button |AttachDiskButton.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:403
-# 9b1bee8f6c564762854e98112c13ef30
+#: ../../storage.rst:366
+# 0840d7b567f84dbcbf9820547c2e68b2
 msgid "In the Instance popup, choose the VM to which you want to attach the volume. You will only see instances to which you are allowed to attach volumes; for example, a user will see only instances created by that user, but the administrator will have more choices."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:410
-# 650c85a5e1254efdb77ed55f37f13a14
+#: ../../storage.rst:371
+# 6e680f84bdb84267a7d2d60e4e7fcdf9
 msgid "When the volume has been attached, you should be able to see it by clicking Instances, the instance name, and View Volumes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:414
-# 3a8754012f8f4da98dfba46033984c06
+#: ../../storage.rst:376
+# dc8f48c99c24477fa1924ef7a1fb28dc
 msgid "Detaching and Moving Volumes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:417
-# 15d989ccfe6b43b28260c1289e7388cf
+#: ../../storage.rst:379
+# 988a57d9e81b49e6be5b37db8f4970c2
 msgid "This procedure is different from moving volumes from one storage pool to another as described in `“VM Storage Migration” <#vm-storage-migration>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:419
-# 8bf4295f191343829d3c43e858b12a1e
+#: ../../storage.rst:383
+# 87a675231744495a92d09e12337edda0
 msgid "A volume can be detached from a guest VM and attached to another guest. Both CloudStack administrators and users can detach volumes from VMs and move them to other VMs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:423
-# 4b538b0a7328497cbb1de6c4dd724eb2
+#: ../../storage.rst:387
+# f3a14cfb3fe242fd95952025a2f91323
 msgid "If the two VMs are in different clusters, and the volume is large, it may take several minutes for the volume to be moved to the new VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:432
-# 39d64a096df5469ba79c30f50856d546
+#: ../../storage.rst:392
+# 8c279d5d59154e34b12465e6c1b2088a
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Storage, and choose Volumes in Select View. Alternatively, if you know which VM the volume is attached to, you can click Instances, click the VM name, and click View Volumes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:439
-# 791d977d23984313b80ffa2aa915577d
+#: ../../storage.rst:397
+# 02ba88b018e140248a056d426fd7c9ea
 msgid "Click the name of the volume you want to detach, then click the Detach Disk button. |DetachDiskButton.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:444
-# 6b7ea67796a948bbbaeab6bbdaf832c2
+#: ../../storage.rst:400
+# 2ef3b0f777434eb58770702236698b0d
 msgid "To move the volume to another VM, follow the steps in `“Attaching a Volume” <#attaching-a-volume>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:448
-# 6597c6aaa3fc40f89bdac966f91c4642
+#: ../../storage.rst:405
+# 7bce94ec5cda4cfd9031d62fa230127d
 msgid "VM Storage Migration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:450
-# 98aac3254e864e4dad42c3824a081f9d
+#: ../../storage.rst:407
+# 1bc602fbceb14e5ab29eb5e9189ae80d
 msgid "Supported in XenServer, KVM, and VMware."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:453
-# 04f285a0220743a19e6d3a7b54226766
+#: ../../storage.rst:410
+# 8183ae7d15c748109dabfa42d80894c4
 msgid "This procedure is different from moving disk volumes from one VM to another as described in `“Detaching and Moving Volumes” <#detaching-and-moving-volumes>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:455
-# 63619f4ba4c14b57b06d4b6f34cad27e
+#: ../../storage.rst:414
+# 1124cbad549d456f858d2dd00e5689b4
 msgid "You can migrate a virtual machine’s root disk volume or any additional data disk volume from one storage pool to another in the same zone."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:458
-# b374aaa7079f4357a3f44ea9e8d06dfc
+#: ../../storage.rst:417
+# cb9592a82bf84a7c8393f53e9e18ef77
 msgid "You can use the storage migration feature to achieve some commonly desired administration goals, such as balancing the load on storage pools and increasing the reliability of virtual machines by moving them away from any storage pool that is experiencing issues."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:463
-# 04abf2b317084f6a948d7878ad1cbaf4
+#: ../../storage.rst:422
+# a2bcc01e8bd8426dba63dd8846123778
 msgid "On XenServer and VMware, live migration of VM storage is enabled through CloudStack support for XenMotion and vMotion. Live storage migration allows VMs to be moved from one host to another, where the VMs are not located on storage shared between the two hosts. It provides the option to live migrate a VM’s disks along with the VM itself. It is possible to migrate a VM from one XenServer resource pool / VMware cluster to another, or to migrate a VM whose disks are on local storage, or even to migrate a VM’s disks from one storage repository to another, all while the VM is running."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:474
-# def78c6283b8421d959acad05e006b34
+#: ../../storage.rst:433
+# ebbd4f4ab1654020b6c6bd65f6c8bf34
 msgid "Because of a limitation in VMware, live migration of storage for a VM is allowed only if the source and target storage pool are accessible to the source host; that is, the host where the VM is running when the live migration operation is requested."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:477
-# c24b72459dde481887747acf4697636f
+#: ../../storage.rst:440
+# ebbe88108b474e6fbcb0bf7db34d5473
 msgid "Migrating a Data Volume to a New Storage Pool"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:479
-# bf37a69a59b542a98c25363d45c9713d
+#: ../../storage.rst:442
+# c5d71980858c4c34a0fa4c90024e9f49
 msgid "There are two situations when you might want to migrate a disk:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:483
-# f8b93cb34c384463a75f83959616871f
+#: ../../storage.rst:444
+# 787fcb424e3a474794856b6e4c36294a
 msgid "Move the disk to new storage, but leave it attached to the same running VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:488
-# 5cbf239bfd444a0f9c842deb94ed82ba
+#: ../../storage.rst:447
+# d3a83f9da3984d7285731f35b1577f61
 msgid "Detach the disk from its current VM, move it to new storage, and attach it to a new VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:492
-# 0d25ecabc349499586d885844f71b1d0
+#: ../../storage.rst:452
+# 47132cdecc7e40bdbe0b73b197292474
 msgid "Migrating Storage For a Running VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:494
-# 245dccc84a4e456990f3c0543c4fead3
+#: ../../storage.rst:454
+# 49fb8bbee6ed48a0a77ef96befb12bde
 msgid "(Supported on XenServer and VMware)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:502
-# 30cb4d3d0e4e417492b11e590eb7f765
+#: ../../storage.rst:458
+# 22e57c1b2aa74b2681ccf49f19103618
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Instances, click the VM name, and click View Volumes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:507
-# 5277b5ef2825414da877bab6feb8fc04
+#: ../../storage.rst:461
+# afc084613de9415cb23e3125751a0dbe
 msgid "Click the volume you want to migrate."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:511
-#: ../../storage.rst:533
-# d0f6564fdaf8483e98845c58dc25c962
-# 9e933a0caa314e80b7270c72c0de6271
+#: ../../storage.rst:463
+#: ../../storage.rst:479
+# 162037fc56d042c085a994af770ebe2c
+# 35b4f135a003412db306d5c378f6f2b8
 msgid "Detach the disk from the VM. See `“Detaching and Moving Volumes” <#detaching-and-moving-volumes>`_ but skip the “reattach” step at the end. You will do that after migrating to new storage."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:517
-#: ../../storage.rst:539
-# 4649c894198146228bfeed3a1fb7bdd4
-# 27b66737b23347a0926867a4c198ca1a
+#: ../../storage.rst:467
+#: ../../storage.rst:483
+# bc76fcc2fe05464dbd69894e5d2d4746
+# d3951fd18db542b9b7fa617306a1f07c
 msgid "Click the Migrate Volume button |Migrateinstance.png| and choose the destination from the dropdown list."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:521
-# 8b7c76c6d3b441929912e2e36ceb34d2
+#: ../../storage.rst:470
+# 98ce5d9b63084686a8b2a0c0ad1bf658
 msgid "Watch for the volume status to change to Migrating, then back to Ready."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:525
-# 3ffc696411bf46ccacd94ed84c8a4e52
+#: ../../storage.rst:475
+# f5d81aecca72450bac7269a86bf20b26
 msgid "Migrating Storage and Attaching to a Different VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:543
-# 451b903ccdf9481a87553a1ff3e11675
+#: ../../storage.rst:486
+# 614797ab3f9a44f08c275e1f6ed61f13
 msgid "Watch for the volume status to change to Migrating, then back to Ready. You can find the volume by clicking Storage in the left navigation bar. Make sure that Volumes is displayed at the top of the window, in the Select View dropdown."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:550
-# 3ea9addc45e04febafb2f43888f9756a
+#: ../../storage.rst:491
+# 5dafaedc6390428eb94978091d3808ad
 msgid "Attach the volume to any desired VM running in the same cluster as the new storage server. See `“Attaching a Volume” <#attaching-a-volume>`_"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:555
-# 4f145ec0a8e9487a840dd7dbd6858579
+#: ../../storage.rst:497
+# 2b29f819fd9f4a61b39cd73dbc205e65
 msgid "Migrating a VM Root Volume to a New Storage Pool"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:557
-# b1b1c5f5444e43bcb759263c0dc47036
+#: ../../storage.rst:499
+# 2fdc3aca153f473fac5ef5e7ba874b2a
 msgid "(XenServer, VMware) You can live migrate a VM's root disk from one storage pool to another, without stopping the VM first."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:560
-# df65430daab94ed197c4acaf08a3e836
+#: ../../storage.rst:502
+# f6a2cc4f4e2c40ce85564e77487a6051
 msgid "(KVM) When migrating the root disk volume, the VM must first be stopped, and users can not access the VM. After migration is complete, the VM can be restarted."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:570
-# be481dbccbbf4cb0a2cc056284533ab8
+#: ../../storage.rst:508
+# 99e0360f9cff4f3595658d757416655e
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Instances, and click the VM name."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:574
-# 5274bdb89bf44ea3b038c790ff8672b4
+#: ../../storage.rst:510
+# 40a52b70ece74eeb83347bcca88c58c0
 msgid "(KVM only) Stop the VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:578
-# 33f3864ed4d34fb881cc89f632512d88
+#: ../../storage.rst:512
+# 918eb301d15e4e369656d3ab9c3eb850
 msgid "Click the Migrate button |Migrateinstance.png| and choose the destination from the dropdown list."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:581
-# 3349af1b38e4457482c539813e40a08c
+#: ../../storage.rst:516
+# d43200e809304acdad782782547fe7b0
 msgid "If the VM's storage has to be migrated along with the VM, this will be noted in the host list. CloudStack will take care of the storage migration for you."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:585
-# 4445e369263d4d0dafd72fe3666283a7
+#: ../../storage.rst:520
+# 7e0343377d674714bb987eed30d9687e
 msgid "Watch for the volume status to change to Migrating, then back to Running (or Stopped, in the case of KVM). This can take some time."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:590
-# e1ad558399c64d8aa7ae00633e58c413
+#: ../../storage.rst:523
+# cf995ac6b00e4ede877a0a869d35d0c3
 msgid "(KVM only) Restart the VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:593
-# a5eee53b3a944bf88fba18aafe337287
+#: ../../storage.rst:527
+# fe6a0aed97e24cd7a80e1e10b113296f
 msgid "Resizing Volumes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:595
-# a5d5757162eb492aaf50d2220d1d1b98
+#: ../../storage.rst:529
+# d5de1d251de94750aef7188031910714
 msgid "CloudStack provides the ability to resize data disks; CloudStack controls volume size by using disk offerings. This provides CloudStack administrators with the flexibility to choose how much space they want to make available to the end users. Volumes within the disk offerings with the same storage tag can be resized. For example, if you only want to offer 10, 50, and 100 GB offerings, the allowed resize should stay within those limits. That implies if you define a 10 GB, a 50 GB and a 100 GB disk offerings, a user can upgrade from 10 GB to 50 GB, or 50 GB to 100 GB. If you create a custom-sized disk offering, then you have the option to resize the volume by specifying a new, larger size."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:606
-# 4d2a89a3e81a4293bb926db2952a2d89
+#: ../../storage.rst:540
+# 6111e137df7f47a99f428cab9e407bda
 msgid "Additionally, using the resizeVolume API, a data volume can be moved from a static disk offering to a custom disk offering with the size specified. This functionality allows those who might be billing by certain volume sizes or disk offerings to stick to that model, while providing the flexibility to migrate to whatever custom size necessary."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:612
-# 0c302b9381964652a04f4931be9a3656
+#: ../../storage.rst:546
+# c25a67ebb3344e2c951583bec9826b9e
 msgid "This feature is supported on KVM, XenServer, and VMware hosts. However, shrinking volumes is not supported on VMware hosts."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:615
-# c9bd7905071a44d4a6f7905fee796c4a
+#: ../../storage.rst:549
+# f3d3d1c66a9a46a49a97000ce2d104ee
 msgid "Before you try to resize a volume, consider the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:619
-# 82c7ca43b93f4df09d6c513ff5b70486
+#: ../../storage.rst:551
+# 1c0434424baf4f79a95622559c9119b2
 msgid "The VMs associated with the volume are stopped."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:623
-# 6f5a21b47e314e0484db238c6e9c457e
+#: ../../storage.rst:553
+# bb545d0a9cf34f5e864a5b016d15775d
 msgid "The data disks associated with the volume are removed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:627
-# fec276a1979249fb9dc124f18e1455bd
+#: ../../storage.rst:555
+# 157e4971d3784646a5df1fc2c27026fa
 msgid "When a volume is shrunk, the disk associated with it is simply truncated, and doing so would put its content at risk of data loss. Therefore, resize any partitions or file systems before you shrink a data disk so that all the data is moved off from that disk."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:632
-# 91d00577aa774910bc0090ff9249c714
+#: ../../storage.rst:560
+# ea92d28ccffe4acbb40da15110829f69
 msgid "To resize a volume:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:648
-# b8b72eb1404144179334e6914f461c43
+#: ../../storage.rst:568
+# 4bcbe35ab7f749c49a97fc0b69386143
 msgid "Select the volume name in the Volumes list, then click the Resize Volume button |resize-volume-icon.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:653
-# 6d5f5f78fa294317aaaa19d07403aa91
+#: ../../storage.rst:571
+# 7e6057281d384902b45704d88725b3b2
 msgid "In the Resize Volume pop-up, choose desired characteristics for the storage."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:656
-# 94cd2f322cad423485fcfdaa0afe2ab4
+#: ../../storage.rst:574
+# 837580ae5e7d422eb6d54ca24b547f32
 msgid "|resize-volume.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:660
-# 7f15ee5fc83e482791baa84599ea55cd
+#: ../../storage.rst:576
+# 2a4fef4505014a8c9cee37ce70dc08a3
 msgid "If you select Custom Disk, specify a custom size."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:664
-# 138ac0a6338b4b0f95312bd4dec59967
+#: ../../storage.rst:578
+# 0f0109182c0345099ae713929c4c1f4d
 msgid "Click Shrink OK to confirm that you are reducing the size of a volume."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:667
-# 7381eca9284e4773a1bb46e44a3865aa
+#: ../../storage.rst:581
+# 86a5314fba614528805c75a1ce993c5b
 msgid "This parameter protects against inadvertent shrinking of a disk, which might lead to the risk of data loss. You must sign off that you know what you are doing."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:673
-# eed53ca74872424ea49fa6cabfbe9eb9
+#: ../../storage.rst:585
+# fa1e5898785847d0acd130136d2b3e4b
 msgid "Click OK."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:676
-# 5d71f55bf71c4f58beb781d2cb94c74c
+#: ../../storage.rst:589
+# 7416d78fc57b4a21a1c5a748c35efa62
 msgid "Reset VM to New Root Disk on Reboot"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:678
-# 2521d69d348047fc8a660b3b8a77b2ac
+#: ../../storage.rst:591
+# aa266ce7558249a58dc21c85bbe527c1
 msgid "You can specify that you want to discard the root disk and create a new one whenever a given VM is rebooted. This is useful for secure environments that need a fresh start on every boot and for desktops that should not retain state. The IP address of the VM will not change due to this operation."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:684
-# f9ff6cc586b8407c9ff1e235962ec731
+#: ../../storage.rst:597
+# f4a034b658174e23b49d8a0dae7faf9d
 msgid "**To enable root disk reset on VM reboot:**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:686
-# 0c3f06afe8504df7a4bf4ea7bea288bf
+#: ../../storage.rst:599
+# 0d8e7c9c2b4b461bb00b40c89b19ca07
 msgid "When creating a new service offering, set the parameter isVolatile to True. VMs created from this service offering will have their disks reset upon reboot. See `“Creating a New Compute Offering” <service_offerings.html#creating-a-new-compute-offering>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:692
-# d0e6735ecfb243bcb2038075c332453d
+#: ../../storage.rst:606
+# 80b7517a265a468a91758a97f1049265
 msgid "Volume Deletion and Garbage Collection"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:694
-# 15a72eae3cce46e494793039f4408bc2
+#: ../../storage.rst:608
+# 97ddeaa6235d4294ace130e1f8fd97c0
 msgid "The deletion of a volume does not delete the snapshots that have been created from the volume"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:697
-# 484eaae26aa442b2af1e54dea16342d2
+#: ../../storage.rst:611
+# 0050f5041dd04b1dbeff8201bd20e44e
 msgid "When a VM is destroyed, data disk volumes that are attached to the VM are not deleted."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:700
-# 5fd59185e6d64db280b2ca89ecca3f89
+#: ../../storage.rst:614
+# f3a035c41fca41908db4d1f0f724f360
 msgid "Volumes are permanently destroyed using a garbage collection process. The global configuration variables expunge.delay and expunge.interval determine when the physical deletion of volumes will occur."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:706
-# 9111bfdfe0ee4dcf8c15a359324059fc
+#: ../../storage.rst:618
+# e4eb84092e8b4ea9a1a97fecac24acbb
 msgid "`expunge.delay`: determines how old the volume must be before it is destroyed, in seconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:711
-# b9e7a6caccba433b8b23ff40bfd62123
+#: ../../storage.rst:621
+# 7564390647064858ac8aa5f26279afe5
 msgid "`expunge.interval`: determines how often to run the garbage collection check"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:714
-# 984f73d3efdc4d5a8a6a4309599cb386
+#: ../../storage.rst:624
+# 000948d93f8f4cdba6f8fbab90adf234
 msgid "Administrators should adjust these values depending on site policies around data retention."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:718
-# 08d9ad354b7942bda197e39303ab4ebe
+#: ../../storage.rst:629
+# a8d6b53bbfe04f9198da340f624d7b85
 msgid "Working with Volume Snapshots"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:720
-#: ../../storage.rst:773
-# 9eb74cf1e4cd42df8c38300249e3e96b
-# a741a75990ca4897a4f34de220bde407
+#: ../../storage.rst:631
+#: ../../storage.rst:676
+# 86801042196e4703adde0a0f8f421cc2
+# ecd40cf685aa497094053129489ffa6d
 msgid "(Supported for the following hypervisors: **XenServer**, **VMware vSphere**, and **KVM**)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:723
-# 673b7caff5fb4ce481e087a9877d4dcd
+#: ../../storage.rst:634
+# 084599a159574408809d1cfaa15f2160
 msgid "CloudStack supports snapshots of disk volumes. Snapshots are a point-in-time capture of virtual machine disks. Memory and CPU states are not captured. If you are using the Oracle VM hypervisor, you can not take snapshots, since OVM does not support them."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:728
-# d6369c41ebb54df68c691818f61104bb
+#: ../../storage.rst:639
+# bd4b18a4d2374e20ae0af95dad8d53e5
 msgid "Snapshots may be taken for volumes, including both root and data disks (except when the Oracle VM hypervisor is used, which does not support snapshots). The administrator places a limit on the number of stored snapshots per user. Users can create new volumes from the snapshot for recovery of particular files and they can create templates from snapshots to boot from a restored disk."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:735
-# 90f5f9401836415abbc9e1620b3f224f
+#: ../../storage.rst:646
+# 61d7db60070b43a4a6a950e12598da22
 msgid "Users can create snapshots manually or by setting up automatic recurring snapshot policies. Users can also create disk volumes from snapshots, which may be attached to a VM like any other disk volume. Snapshots of both root disks and data disks are supported. However, CloudStack does not currently support booting a VM from a recovered root disk. A disk recovered from snapshot of a root disk is treated as a regular data disk; the data on recovered disk can be accessed by attaching the disk to a VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:744
-# 75d1388574754e729e8da27b3c799a49
+#: ../../storage.rst:655
+# 42324227e8644e9dae9c6866285da289
 msgid "A completed snapshot is copied from primary storage to secondary storage, where it is stored until deleted or purged by newer snapshot."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:748
-# bada0f726d0d4d729aea533943c409b3
+#: ../../storage.rst:660
+# 6d4012e38675491e950c4095403168d4
 msgid "How to Snapshot a Volume"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:752
-# 44e0d512d57c4888a44a396a5eac75bb
+#: ../../storage.rst:662
+# c8a3e39ed65148c1b2db5692449e3ec0
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a user or administrator."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:760
-# 19c4af0199724420aecc49d58b0f818e
+#: ../../storage.rst:666
+# ee26042497e54259b376064aafe9cebf
 msgid "In Select View, be sure Volumes is selected."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:764
-# 70d14f08edf540afaa590235f7ea2f8b
+#: ../../storage.rst:668
+# 2f05b064d8b245a99e010a0f45f944e2
 msgid "Click the name of the volume you want to snapshot."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:768
-# aed06a6f99fd4092a29f2307fa3f046b
+#: ../../storage.rst:670
+# b4d7d4eaa5a149f0812cdddc1fd45a61
 msgid "Click the Snapshot button. |SnapshotButton.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:771
-# 669a8d0c02184e369299bf9d7e5483d2
+#: ../../storage.rst:674
+# 6daa1fb5225e4efe8672fc86408e7055
 msgid "Automatic Snapshot Creation and Retention"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:776
-# 24d0d72217234a93a95c9d1990899367
+#: ../../storage.rst:679
+# 01044207c30b40148eedee96353f6ad9
 msgid "Users can set up a recurring snapshot policy to automatically create multiple snapshots of a disk at regular intervals. Snapshots can be created on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly interval. One snapshot policy can be set up per disk volume. For example, a user can set up a daily snapshot at 02:30."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:782
-# 1ddc07ffd4744db3996a56928fabe1b3
+#: ../../storage.rst:685
+# bc81c587ad8b4032b27d61690390e258
 msgid "With each snapshot schedule, users can also specify the number of scheduled snapshots to be retained. Older snapshots that exceed the retention limit are automatically deleted. This user-defined limit must be equal to or lower than the global limit set by the CloudStack administrator. See `“Globally Configured Limits” <usage.html#globally-configured-limits>`_. The limit applies only to those snapshots that are taken as part of an automatic recurring snapshot policy. Additional manual snapshots can be created and retained."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:793
-# cf33bcc958214dce8809b1b3664d8473
+#: ../../storage.rst:697
+# 4d944a9ae89444379355fd0f48bd592a
 msgid "Incremental Snapshots and Backup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:795
-# 790dbaf719ea4af3a21944492c933590
+#: ../../storage.rst:699
+# d0114a6db3e54775a44f58bd333b2916
 msgid "Snapshots are created on primary storage where a disk resides. After a snapshot is created, it is immediately backed up to secondary storage and removed from primary storage for optimal utilization of space on primary storage."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:800
-# c6a3543640914d2abcb184e9f17b9a33
+#: ../../storage.rst:704
+# 1c3dce8473ed47388f4d6175b8e34c81
 msgid "CloudStack does incremental backups for some hypervisors. When incremental backups are supported, every N backup is a full backup."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:807
-# ca4450266a9e41e4ba1d71743809cc71
+#: ../../storage.rst:711
+# 4559fc5082f543d6b1cdacaa46ed5a23
 msgid "Support incremental backup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:812
-# 05da4101c8ee4a32a1cd8e61dd902cca
+#: ../../storage.rst:716
+# 1c981e7b2c7b445a9061e36444287afb
 msgid "Volume Status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:814
-# 389f5943ba4c4e04be7c271c11632520
+#: ../../storage.rst:718
+# b7db2aabc187479797c7424c5a1bb1f8
 msgid "When a snapshot operation is triggered by means of a recurring snapshot policy, a snapshot is skipped if a volume has remained inactive since its last snapshot was taken. A volume is considered to be inactive if it is either detached or attached to a VM that is not running. CloudStack ensures that at least one snapshot is taken since the volume last became inactive."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:821
-# f6a7564bbd474bb28c93ac2ef46e537f
+#: ../../storage.rst:725
+# b5a7b1b8f3fe4e47a40bc594491a0643
 msgid "When a snapshot is taken manually, a snapshot is always created regardless of whether a volume has been active or not."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:825
-# e1558eacbe2f4d768b7fe6e226152c57
+#: ../../storage.rst:730
+# e8778a84f2d142489ea29fa0793066b1
 msgid "Snapshot Restore"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:827
-# eb2f5defecae49b9a0b4338cc0a8ff65
+#: ../../storage.rst:732
+# 4bcf574b0e484b7ebf81324e87069f67
 msgid "There are two paths to restoring snapshots. Users can create a volume from the snapshot. The volume can then be mounted to a VM and files recovered as needed. Alternatively, a template may be created from the snapshot of a root disk. The user can then boot a VM from this template to effect recovery of the root disk."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:834
-# e9999cd4fd964600a2979344583457d2
+#: ../../storage.rst:740
+# cf46f177e13341079bac27a54806636b
 msgid "Snapshot Job Throttling"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:836
-# c31b190ad5a64d5c84c623c66056d37a
+#: ../../storage.rst:742
+# 6ba670f617a541788c30476794cde2c6
 msgid "When a snapshot of a virtual machine is requested, the snapshot job runs on the same host where the VM is running or, in the case of a stopped VM, the host where it ran last. If many snapshots are requested for VMs on a single host, this can lead to problems with too many snapshot jobs overwhelming the resources of the host."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:842
-# b250747385d042f49ad48f81329b10a7
+#: ../../storage.rst:748
+# aedc3df480554bd59de19f4c4ba17dff
 msgid "To address this situation, the cloud's root administrator can throttle how many snapshot jobs are executed simultaneously on the hosts in the cloud by using the global configuration setting concurrent.snapshots.threshold.perhost. By using this setting, the administrator can better ensure that snapshot jobs do not time out and hypervisor hosts do not experience performance issues due to hosts being overloaded with too many snapshot requests."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:850
-# d1dd9aa964bc44e39ace5434f582dcd1
+#: ../../storage.rst:756
+# 9a43b07f0da64addaa4eb478d80b82a2
 msgid "Set concurrent.snapshots.threshold.perhost to a value that represents a best guess about how many snapshot jobs the hypervisor hosts can execute at one time, given the current resources of the hosts and the number of VMs running on the hosts. If a given host has more snapshot requests, the additional requests are placed in a waiting queue. No new snapshot jobs will start until the number of currently executing snapshot jobs falls below the configured limit."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:858
-# 7b49369aa49743b780984cc9c3bd2c52
+#: ../../storage.rst:764
+# 2fd65be78bf841d9911d51c1de67cd86
 msgid "The admin can also set job.expire.minutes to place a maximum on how long a snapshot request will wait in the queue. If this limit is reached, the snapshot request fails and returns an error message."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:863
-# fb6fcac386824780ac7f09de0d50a555
+#: ../../storage.rst:770
+# 45b8545120ba486ca2cbee08b18502d3
 msgid "VMware Volume Snapshot Performance"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:865
-# 80cd717eab4a487f89e5d530af50dcdf
+#: ../../storage.rst:772
+# aa81997f26a64d1399b138ae79ae8ab7
 msgid "When you take a snapshot of a data or root volume on VMware, CloudStack uses an efficient storage technique to improve performance."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:868
-# 0feb29ffc87942eaa740795e36db3801
+#: ../../storage.rst:775
+# edf5b2aae9f54e098d3b6627c10fe21d
 msgid "A snapshot is not immediately exported from vCenter to a mounted NFS share and packaged into an OVA file format. This operation would consume time and resources. Instead, the original file formats (e.g., VMDK) provided by vCenter are retained. An OVA file will only be created as needed, on demand. To generate the OVA, CloudStack uses information in a properties file (\\*.ova.meta) which it stored along with the original snapshot data."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../storage.rst:877
-# de8e361b5b984d8fac0ef05d6f5e03e2
+#: ../../storage.rst:784
+# c2bf4f95ccfe40aea4c948e5145c1e45
 msgid "For upgrading customers: This process applies only to newly created snapshots after upgrade to CloudStack 4.2. Snapshots that have already been taken and stored in OVA format will continue to exist in that format, and will continue to work as expected."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/systemvm.pot b/source/locale/pot/systemvm.pot
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+++ b/source/locale/pot/systemvm.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
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@@ -17,724 +17,724 @@
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 #: ../../systemvm.rst:18
-# 8be3f4aab5e948cf9ebc392ede63eb61
+# a1ba7b5ddeaa4674a16ca755b4399374
 msgid "Working with System Virtual Machines"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../systemvm.rst:20
-# 9b5d8dc94fe14b1188a4787951b5b7c1
+# 8adf74bd899541a180455ab6582554ec
 msgid "CloudStack uses several types of system virtual machines to perform tasks in the cloud. In general CloudStack manages these system VMs and creates, starts, and stops them as needed based on scale and immediate needs. However, the administrator should be aware of them and their roles to assist in debugging issues."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:27
-# e59d13f8791c445b80132078609fc486
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:28
+# 9309f035653a42c2a2abfdaced6acabe
 msgid "The System VM Template"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:29
-# 6f29f33ed8a249eba1387f295bc684c4
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:30
+# c845974251da4739b29ae9338d9f85f0
 msgid "The System VMs come from a single template. The System VM has the following characteristics:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:34
-# 9ce666c19d774839b1f8cb4590445c4c
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:33
+# 6ce60c193c5547e38390bda23ad9acff
 msgid "Debian 6.0 (\"Squeeze\"), 2.6.32 kernel with the latest security patches from the Debian security APT repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:39
-# 63fe9d9aeac34acdaa94ec25235705a7
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:36
+# 7ba8f1dd850e4472b93271c07b12e27e
 msgid "Has a minimal set of packages installed thereby reducing the attack surface"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:44
-# 8180871802ba4e12bb9ad0c90bfcc6b4
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:39
+# 157f5d425def480e9b24095a62b2f059
 msgid "32-bit for enhanced performance on Xen/VMWare"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:48
-# efa0ecb7d9b340aa94a5b3d97c5df6e2
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:41
+# 7a44b4350ff6457cab519a552bd9afca
 msgid "pvops kernel with Xen PV drivers, KVM virtio drivers, and VMware tools for optimum performance on all hypervisors"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:53
-# 94cc7872776443ce9c1e37cfda94a603
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:44
+# 3e0764891a5141e2b34368e7bb8aeb84
 msgid "Xen tools inclusion allows performance monitoring"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:57
-# 285ca06aefd5405aa00784ffa1cada94
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:46
+# 60aeed2365974b86a64bdf02460e8ef7
 msgid "Latest versions of HAProxy, iptables, IPsec, and Apache from debian repository ensures improved security and speed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:62
-# b0c807016df746d99783c98f27b847fd
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:49
+# 5dab0ffe88944ef3ad1ceb02e640ed9d
 msgid "Latest version of JRE from Sun/Oracle ensures improved security and speed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:66
-# 980ff8d24ffa4282b0253bd5dced0af0
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:54
+# 9f806f6735e64fb786b5ab22d695493f
 msgid "Changing the Default System VM Template"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:68
-# bfb28a5b9b2e40cd8ffe8f6283a4e11b
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:56
+# 88cf932e61dd41a8bc1c583aa0bd38b7
 msgid "CloudStack allows you to change the default 32-bit System VM template to 64-bit one. Using the 64-bit template, upgrade the virtual router to manage larger number of connection in your network."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:74
-# a3da003f69c948a283852316ca9ffa82
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:60
+# a4f753c8b20b411495b4077d429fadda
 msgid "Based on the hypervisor you use, download the 64-bit template from the following location:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:78
-# b74fdcb62bef470783f70197cf39862a
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:64
+# 0c56be6861554fe2b5519acffca4bbbf
 msgid "Hypervisor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:78
-# 82de6e1547904950afe93194ab91799e
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:64
+# 2d2c7eabf8364232911d6ea74c1ebce2
 msgid "Download Location"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:80
-# df1edb0301da483f8b0ca187dd744a9a
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:66
+# 18c32afddeff4951a466847a983335fe
 msgid "XenServer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:80
-# a9827113f80349149b9e852182c71c66
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:66
+# 6ea0f846b0a34711b7c0090cb48d8c32
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:81
-# d7d1a2ca0edf4236a8b88cb136140a3a
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:67
+# e8a51da6f6614114a91e4006eedfc912
 msgid "KVM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:81
-# e1c0fc4ecafa47c099784ed401cc859f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:67
+# fe251bca2b854129890cba8e7ac9bbbf
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:86
-# 1991ed3c7f0a4f1b967f4df8e95a91a8
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:70
+# 2d498240d20c4683ab11ac2232135a16
 msgid "As an administrator, log in to the CloudStack UI"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:90
-# b1decf00ede048919d1c784794861c8c
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:72
+# cb836b9320584dfe917198280919b2a8
 msgid "Register the 64 bit template."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:92
-# 75b465541dca4b75b9478b03231dc561
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:74
+# c8cab1a649c94d0ba1393b80e7bf411b
 msgid "For example: KVM64bitTemplate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:96
-# fe9c54d3437f4392919edcc710f73459
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:76
+# d88c6f133f114456914ec8807ccef386
 msgid "While registering the template, select Routing."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:100
-# 30ba77a33a2e48628183d0526def5673
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:78
+# b7e2b731ae7e4c789be6af9ed2d185af
 msgid "Navigate to Infrastructure > Zone > Settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:104
-# b372692c62ad4ab9b6b8bccc49531f94
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:80
+# b58d5557ddeb454fbae55b570e2c68f0
 msgid "Set the name of the 64-bit template, KVM64bitTemplate, in the *``router.template.kvm``* global parameter."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:107
-# 2a574634e2e8493c8da4b269d66aeb8f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:83
+# 951cf2ccd5d34614a87679078d22599c
 msgid "If you are using a XenServer 64-bit template, set the name in the *``router.template.xen``* global parameter."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:110
-# 666051846b1f4a1ea93a880753cd8d27
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:86
+# 534ac4d13b2a4560aa420c9aa2fb9e57
 msgid "Any new virtual router created in this Zone automatically picks up this template."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:115
-# 6c10aa07673b4a3e93b8a6a67399c5c6
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:89
+# be4168abcbfd4eed8d7d73b2284d3ac4
 msgid "Restart the Management Server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:118
-# 5822cebf2557488fb14924b61507a3d9
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:93
+# 266b4692ed0b4fb4bae8eb4d1ce9af1f
 msgid "Multiple System VM Support for VMware"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:120
-# f0ac39803b514fe783d81dc8e27501bf
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:95
+# 2e1e78598bc94637b2c8fdfb6387a908
 msgid "Every CloudStack zone has single System VM for template processing tasks such as downloading templates, uploading templates, and uploading ISOs. In a zone where VMware is being used, additional System VMs can be launched to process VMware-specific tasks such as taking snapshots and creating private templates. The CloudStack management server launches additional System VMs for VMware-specific tasks as the load increases. The management server monitors and weights all commands sent to these System VMs and performs dynamic load balancing and scaling-up of more System VMs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:131
-# 4bfb13dcef06450a869b263a475962c0
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:107
+# 37fb441bcdb34d6fb7432fa98ef8886b
 msgid "Console Proxy"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:133
-# 1891a33953af4ab5bfa2f0021c9cbcb0
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:109
+# 9217568c55be47b7bd405187d23f7777
 msgid "The Console Proxy is a type of System Virtual Machine that has a role in presenting a console view via the web UI. It connects the user’s browser to the VNC port made available via the hypervisor for the console of the guest. Both the administrator and end user web UIs offer a console connection."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:139
-# 89e2955ebed34f69ad899a6ccf98a150
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:115
+# f0a0de282eec4d69a9f65b3ff7114cf8
 msgid "Clicking a console icon brings up a new window. The AJAX code downloaded into that window refers to the public IP address of a console proxy VM. There is exactly one public IP address allocated per console proxy VM. The AJAX application connects to this IP. The console proxy then proxies the connection to the VNC port for the requested VM on the Host hosting the guest."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:147
-# 56d88ad46e2745acb147e3b0cc16c012
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:123
+# b8ee3c97a12f494fadd3971c927e4f87
 msgid "The hypervisors will have many ports assigned to VNC usage so that multiple VNC sessions can occur simultaneously."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:149
-# bfa2d281e05b47a2a090213554adea82
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:126
+# 04dcecfe7e024822a311ba18520f6cce
 msgid "There is never any traffic to the guest virtual IP, and there is no need to enable VNC within the guest."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:152
-# 956afe779c6a4490bf06ba6b3c8d9b7a
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:129
+# 15e8724d26714949a10f88914e7038db
 msgid "The console proxy VM will periodically report its active session count to the Management Server. The default reporting interval is five seconds. This can be changed through standard Management Server configuration with the parameter consoleproxy.loadscan.interval."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:157
-# 6ba80d42bac146da89dd7c0ddfaed6b9
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:134
+# 67b327e6f92f4c69a649679cf88b933c
 msgid "Assignment of guest VM to console proxy is determined by first determining if the guest VM has a previous session associated with a console proxy. If it does, the Management Server will assign the guest VM to the target Console Proxy VM regardless of the load on the proxy VM. Failing that, the first available running Console Proxy VM that has the capacity to handle new sessions is used."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:164
-# d3194eb67f53470798abbefc2170f007
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:141
+# 0fcca189c0b0490fb490988079cca591
 msgid "Console proxies can be restarted by administrators but this will interrupt existing console sessions for users."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:168
-# 5477616ef10c44a99bd0e5d91ee3c9d3
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:146
+# 9c3b4c70f4cf47379b07b5f24863023b
 msgid "Using a SSL Certificate for the Console Proxy"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:171
-# 7c9861003bfe4abe99b1cfd073a0fe0e
-msgid "In the past CloudStack used the ```` dynamic  DNS resolution service. As this service will be shut down as of  June 30th, 2014, CloudStack has stopped using the service as of version 4.3."
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:149
+# 7be31349d45949dfa61f79105ade746f
+msgid "In the past CloudStack used the ```` dynamic  DNS resolution service. As this service will be shut down as of June 30th, 2014, CloudStack has stopped using the service as of version 4.3."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:173
-# 0e590e7788f44b4d9a3b9ad796811333
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:154
+# ff149d60a5d74070bb252689b6e724ab
 msgid "By default, the console viewing functionality uses plaintext HTTP. In any production environment, the console proxy connection should be encrypted via SSL at the mininum."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:177
-# 0ff02ca358074c6ca30f83692bfe9919
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:158
+# 471907f542334e94b211495c26beacff
 msgid "A CloudStack administrator has 2 ways to secure the console proxy communication with SSL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:181
-# 7e0bf8a823b04926a0b9e726bb3b5429
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:161
+# bd5c72a779c74100ada4a4e0ebd65633
 msgid "Set up a SSL wild-card certificate and domain name resolution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:184
-# cb6ce63cfc6c44c495463deb0c8d9069
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:163
+# 9d2106a856664feba8d3ed31ffef47b3
 msgid "Set up SSL certificate for specific FQDN and configure load-balancer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:188
-# 3417b2470c9f4f539baac5d4cc994cae
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:167
+# fbea784e67f546259f790571d5c68d02
 msgid "Changing the Console Proxy SSL Certificate and Domain"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:190
-# 7002d85817e54eac8bb42dfe7bd4f2e2
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:169
+# 0ef9de23136a444a802cb1fb49929072
 msgid "The administrator can configure SSL encryption  by selecting a domain and uploading a new SSL certificate and private key. The domain must run a DNS service that is capable of resolving queries for addresses of the form aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd.your.domain to an IPv4 IP address in the form aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd, for example, To change the console proxy domain, SSL certificate, and private key:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:199
-# 528c9b8be4d14a0ab8403dff3eef4bf0
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:176
+# 21ed531476934988b073b6db592f8ded
 msgid "Set up dynamic name resolution or populate all possible DNS names in your public IP range into your existing DNS server with the format -> aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:204
-# 0ec80daec466449db79404dbbf71124a
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:181
+# 8e0e99fee7274b59a2f75b2439a28528
 msgid "In these steps you will notice ** -For security best practices, we recommend creating a wildcard SSL certificate on a separate subdomain so in the event that the certificate is compromised, a malicious user cannot impersonate a domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:208
-# 1484d83d7dcf452fbf59cb14fb8a2ac9
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:187
+# 8840c66ff2704cbca38c9c9f5daddc09
 msgid "Generate the private key and certificate signing request (CSR). When you are using openssl to generate private/public key pairs and CSRs, for the private key that you are going to paste into the CloudStack UI, be sure to convert it into PKCS#8 format."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:215
-# 8d2e65e2ba1541cab43c314bde8a0285
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:192
+# efd9b8a8ee594499800d89e3257cef8c
 msgid "Generate a new 2048-bit private key"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:223
-# 3067b8795544424aba9ba004412ba13e
-msgid "Generate a new certificate CSR. Ensure the creation of a wildcard certificate, eg *"
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:198
+# 95cd5c1544fd480784d73f497d0474a9
+msgid "Generate a new certificate CSR. Ensure the creation of a wildcard certificate, eg ``*``"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:232
-# c09f472413874e608a2ba56b2f252be7
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:205
+# 8501f0bd21d3496f9a95f55217ad5715
 msgid "Head to the website of your favorite trusted Certificate Authority, purchase an SSL certificate, and submit the CSR. You should receive a valid certificate in return"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:238
-# 6d8e7177a0674ed5ba0017acb2023cf0
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:209
+# c5e0a99a8e5548a7b30a82aad6008419
 msgid "Convert your private key format into PKCS#8 encrypted format."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:246
-# e84ab195ef4745de94b29161c636eb66
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:215
+# 21138c806f2e48abab8f0748512628e2
 msgid "Convert your PKCS#8 encrypted private key into the PKCS#8 format that is compliant with CloudStack"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:255
-# e2eb37bdbd9348a49345d7ab4af8407a
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:222
+# 021b9614a4c740eb995d66bb07551c5d
 msgid "In the Update SSL Certificate screen of the CloudStack UI, paste the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:260
-# 0e5339200c5d495d81a2fa3b605140fd
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:225
+# 93d3977b1fbf4bdcaa3cb7c106025be0
 msgid "The certificate you've just generated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:264
-# 2ff7b3e117b34b79984384ff67d02a33
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:227
+# f8f025d190ce4094a3dd63915b29267f
 msgid "The private key you've just generated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:268
-# 4ad81c4f609149a6ab2643fb3e4e52b7
-msgid "The desired domain name, prefixed with ``*.``; for example, *"
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:229
+# a44d63f6a2084e029bf84c965e10cae2
+msgid "The desired domain name, prefixed with ``*.``; for example, ``*``"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:270
-# c4b5f9b94d3a4ac5a9cb7cf8aab71229
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:231
+# d69ea42c636247548be90fe1cb7c5f51
 msgid "|update-ssl.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:274
-# 3c0c071f698549f2b472be8f635c3843
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:233
+# b0dd0973913649e1876bac396552c02e
 msgid "This stops all currently running console proxy VMs, then restarts them with the new certificate and key. Users might notice a brief interruption in console availability."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:278
-# 1d1a2c29eb6e49b8ac44653667dd7acc
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:237
+# 88d8a0760f5641a6a3d5dac7f7ecb8e2
 msgid "The Management Server generates URLs of the form \"\" after this change is made. The new console requests will be served with the new DNS domain name, certificate, and key."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:284
-# a4bf2c5975d3412ea4e3aaa92e552a0c
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:244
+# d9ae75c0be0d474f8707a09850ff25db
 msgid "Load-balancing Console Proxies"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:285
-# fe7709e48afe4cd7ab9f0a1fd1490af4
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:245
+# baf2bcf57fed4f82aa193fd45f2f2140
 msgid "An alternative to using dynamic DNS or creating a range of DNS entries as described in the last section would be to create a SSL certificate for a specific domain name, configure CloudStack to use that particular FQDN, and then configure a load balancer to load balance the console proxy's IP address behind the FQDN. As the functionality for this is still new, please see for more details."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:295
-# 9af4851426194c41a2501ab36c4a159f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:256
+# f8bc0488fcae4eed874f0719dcbd03dc
 msgid "Virtual Router"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:297
-# 9ce6e91707bc4a7e991bc3c105ad6469
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:258
+# 5aa09837be9b4cbbb6e84ebaabca6559
 msgid "The virtual router is a type of System Virtual Machine. The virtual router is one of the most frequently used service providers in CloudStack. The end user has no direct access to the virtual router. Users can ping the virtual router and take actions that affect it (such as setting up port forwarding), but users do not have SSH access into the virtual router."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:304
-# 2522b8aa1b924af2a9e4949a1d5d9f69
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:265
+# b1afb70840d04ed6917b9fd0e68a312b
 msgid "There is no mechanism for the administrator to log in to the virtual router. Virtual routers can be restarted by administrators, but this will interrupt public network access and other services for end users. A basic test in debugging networking issues is to attempt to ping the virtual router from a guest VM. Some of the characteristics of the virtual router are determined by its associated system service offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:312
-# e45ecc9391d642928809c57529dc7c1d
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:274
+# a07561d1be02426f9c20ec39d37ebfda
 msgid "Configuring the Virtual Router"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:314
-# 7d13b8bb3b1a4a16b722a92b49334947
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:276
+# 33b921e943764375b7e2833cd80501f1
 msgid "You can set the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:318
-# 44b8835e26ea4246b96ebb3462ae7d47
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:278
+# f4bf9f0a9f5341ce9751734831cb4100
 msgid "IP range"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:322
-# ba1e4554a5cb4fadb85802fc8dfa10e4
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:280
+# 63e37af44a1644428067b31b62f0c6b2
 msgid "Supported network services"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:326
-# b24a9cab32c441a4a6c1f5c392b01534
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:282
+# e1a2e37b67a14415b27cdce549422c45
 msgid "Default domain name for the network serviced by the virtual router"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:330
-# bde8e898b23e47a49b93858446f8b2c3
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:284
+# a78c71c42d6b400e8c6a037d8be60b00
 msgid "Gateway IP address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:334
-# 90d3eeaccd7a4d24931e20da1b3e3734
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:286
+# c17203f5ab7c4339ab3bf6d4b276357c
 msgid "How often CloudStack fetches network usage statistics from CloudStack virtual routers. If you want to collect traffic metering data from the virtual router, set the global configuration parameter router.stats.interval. If you are not using the virtual router to gather network usage statistics, set it to 0."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:341
-# 33174573568c462da9b9bb8f32ac5da9
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:294
+# db1198a11ec947f18c4cf2244c33eb08
 msgid "Upgrading a Virtual Router with System Service Offerings"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:343
-# 4128bcaf29264574bcb5520add843d5c
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:296
+# 35a9d4cee92b4a9fb1654d44110881fa
 msgid "When CloudStack creates a virtual router, it uses default settings which are defined in a default system service offering. See `“System Service Offerings” <#system-service-offerings>`_. All the virtual routers in a single guest network use the same system service offering. You can upgrade the capabilities of the virtual router by creating and applying a custom system service offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:352
-# 6ff917ce569a4851ac880b4dda7f12e4
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:303
+# cd27cfafbeca4a8dbe03d9b84184a373
 msgid "Define your custom system service offering. See `“Creating a New System Service Offering” <#creating-a-new-system-service-offering>`_. In System VM Type, choose Domain Router."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:358
-# 7cddcde709a1400297d4e1f750058515
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:308
+# 59d868f989f44a7daf1bfbc0e292db28
 msgid "Associate the system service offering with a network offering. See `“Creating a New Network Offering” <networking.html#creating-a-new-network-offering>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:363
-# de01c46a779f4d83af353a858610a991
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:312
+# dfa56664a39341bcbf503aa23d46f1d4
 msgid "Apply the network offering to the network where you want the virtual routers to use the new system service offering. If this is a new network, follow the steps in Adding an Additional Guest Network on page 66. To change the service offering for existing virtual routers, follow the steps in `“Changing the Network Offering on a Guest Network” <networking2.html#changing-the-network-offering-on-a-guest-network>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:371
-# b524a14c48bc495cadc308d7b63ac2a4
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:321
+# 24d02637553648a99ee527214679997f
 msgid "Best Practices for Virtual Routers"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:375
-# 0b2febff4097420d96a2ff9ef1aeaf46
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:323
+# 9264d919f1d24e30b3ff39600891fd32
 msgid "WARNING: Restarting a virtual router from a hypervisor console deletes all the iptables rules. To work around this issue, stop the virtual router and start it from the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:382
-# 33e6af6c5b92437593f1714d86528d52
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:328
+# f0a98ab823014588ba7a79e496358417
 msgid "Do not use the destroyRouter API when only one router is available in the network, because restartNetwork API with the cleanup=false parameter can't recreate it later. If you want to destroy and recreate the single router available in the network, use the restartNetwork API with the cleanup=true parameter."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:385
-# e1f923bf381241aa8b2f6e0525dbd7c3
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:336
+# c9fe7a0ac42f4b8ba7e912ff1ccd88a6
 msgid "Service Monitoring Tool for Virtual Router"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:387
-# 166c312922e14f80ba6eaa81286860a4
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:338
+# 8c7761b870df47549d73c8e0a8e21ec0
 msgid "Various services running on the CloudStack virtual routers can be monitored by using a Service Monitoring tool. The tool ensures that services are successfully running until CloudStack deliberately disables them. If a service goes down, the tool automatically restarts the service, and if that does not help bringing up the service, an alert as well as an event is generated indicating the failure. A new global parameter, ``network.router.enableservicemonitoring``, has been introduced to control this feature. The default value is false, implies, monitoring is disabled. When you enable, ensure that the Management Server and the router are restarted."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:391
-# f2aa21d6fd1645609a2c098d6d09bccc
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:349
+# eb435554762a44ae9561f7c121329709
 msgid "Monitoring tool can help to start a VR service, which is crashed due to an unexpected reason. For example:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:396
-# 90673418a28f414f9cf60f53a4a2b2c3
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:352
+# c64d62fa24064373919f92f8bb26dab6
 msgid "The services crashed due to defects in the source code."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:400
-# 7de0e474327d491a96aacd4fb31eecec
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:354
+# 19f8982ead484814b9812242f98822cf
 msgid "The services that are terminated by the OS when memory or CPU is not sufficiently available for the service."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:404
-# f92166fbe86541dea2b8ef0ac17616a7
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:358
+# 88522e16c4ad4587887f207c3cb1de9f
 msgid "Only those services with daemons are monitored. The services that are failed due to errors in the service/daemon configuration file cannot be restarted by the Monitoring tool. VPC networks are not supported."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:406
-# e834c36c5253482cadb9ee5127097911
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:362
+# d6dde7af5158444683442aab05bf244e
 msgid "The following services are monitored in a VR:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:410
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:487
-# 5eb9ccfaf20f479f9a7b4cee96aedfa8
-# 5dab896f995444178c11b71d812ef1e4
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:364
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:424
+# 919f0a593e4c494588e1859a5fccfae0
+# b9653f8b1d8744999883790ea0990b01
 msgid "DNS"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:414
-# 12d6fc507c824f6eb84aded5da24244a
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:366
+# c8fa5957a2504e62afaf2aef337a064b
 msgid "HA Proxy"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:418
-# 51b1f6716b2745c4a097cc59d32242a6
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:368
+# d5ed20a1e7744cb0b70dcfa442d18ee0
 msgid "SSH"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:422
-# 3dfcf65152e54be5bdf65e04ef4ada39
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:370
+# 9a5f6db0ba8441d4ad47c0946c9230bb
 msgid "Apache Web Server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:424
-# 4c17b9d1a4414d47acd51913cd1be094
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:372
+# 6f2ae7c39bfd4fd3b950701b42e2f0fa
 msgid "The following networks are supported:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:428
-# 28e056cf7a134d9cae449b40828ba914
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:374
+# 6ed18a5a0c7f48feacc05607c212daf6
 msgid "Isolated Networks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:432
-# 8384bb1c2d7c4e2ab34d88425ad4a1cf
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:376
+# fd2ab5e43ac34e0fa5bade7bde71c5cf
 msgid "Shared Networks in both Advanced and Basic zone"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:434
-# e8b7509b71234cecbac0aa2646beba62
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:378
+# fb5714c33d284b61af774529226b1346
 msgid "VPC networks are not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:436
-# 744b64cc707645a3a88ce7550f3a51f6
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:380
+# d22c1884f61f4ed5b1e3c6c1b2b8b218
 msgid "This feature is supported on the following hypervisors: XenServer, VMware, and KVM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:440
-# 9559bdb81188441197d3737020a4f5d3
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:385
+# 209b4c2a4ff24293988606ece94dcc3d
 msgid "Enhanced Upgrade for Virtual Routers"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:442
-# 894d5248559d4c9fb2de284c4e9d8434
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:387
+# fe5f961e7475463681b5ffacfc66cadd
 msgid "Upgrading VR is made flexible. The CloudStack administrators will be able to control the sequence of the VR upgrades. The sequencing is based on Infrastructure hierarchy, such as by Cluster, Pod, or Zone, and Administrative (Account) hierarchy, such as by Tenant or Domain. As an administrator, you can also determine when a particular customer service, such as VR, is upgraded within a specified upgrade interval. Upgrade operation is enhanced to increase the upgrade speed by allowing as many upgrade operations in parallel as possible."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:451
-# 390d4db6cf7b4418bfeb14d1a1c823de
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:396
+# 0a2326eddab447b690fd8118e9f41940
 msgid "During the entire duration of the upgrade, users cannot launch new services or make changes to an existing service."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:454
-# 8f52ba2d3aaa400fbadbc9370ab8bec3
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:399
+# 4fb42cca852e4f548c30cb9034654413
 msgid "Additionally, using multiple versions of VRs in a single instance is supported. In the Details tab of a VR, you can view the version and whether it requires upgrade. During the Management Server upgrade, CloudStack checks whether VR is at the latest version before performing any operation on the VR. To support this, a new global parameter, *``router.version.check``*, has been added. This parameter is set to true by default, which implies minimum required version is checked before performing any operation. No operation is performed if the VR is not at the required version. Services of the older version VR continue to be available, but no further operations can be performed on the VR until it is upgraded to the latest version. This will be a transient state until the VR is upgraded. This will ensure that the availability of VR services and VR state is not impacted due to the Management Server upgrade."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:469
-# 2331fd6f14b74031838819c4c9b6ebb7
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:414
+# 0567e75c33134bcea3a1caa72a5aaa00
 msgid "The following service will be available even if the VR is not upgraded. However, no changes for any of the services can be sent to the VR, until it is upgraded:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:475
-# 7516020ea8e044fb88f03f243dc262c8
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:418
+# 48fcfc3f076b494e942f868e0372e0b9
 msgid "SecurityGroup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:479
-# f5c9179d8b634903b4ed88d21547163f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:420
+# 1bee20546a154520ba2788c22c1f3486
 msgid "UserData"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:483
-# a841e81bc7f840cd90bde9fac872c5c4
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:422
+# 60d206f07ef3446fa4fb2747aa88893b
 msgid "DHCP"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:491
-# 05e911e9b8264679b13442e754ba881c
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:426
+# ace288f1a1044792b92215d6a79af5d1
 msgid "LB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:495
-# f42a3ac7fca94077ba20fe12c98f4d78
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:428
+# 4ccc43be9ec44655b59657daed06a562
 msgid "Port Forwarding"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:499
-# 00acf0cb58cf46d38ce34b163e25e276
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:430
+# 1ffbebe241a745ebaaea80aa5ff7e00e
 msgid "VPN"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:503
-# dd5fa0de47874783993d5994dc2fd2f5
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:432
+# 9bfb5e6221b142eab579bea52cded3a4
 msgid "Static NAT"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:507
-# 442821509b954101b664febb12148e0e
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:434
+# 2b905be150d94c69b81d0dfbcf8e70ec
 msgid "Source NAT"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:511
-# 976cf6d3ec014a5fa46956c266814608
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:436
+# 952471d71a404a99b736c2438fd03018
 msgid "Firewall"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:515
-# a952c4dfb48c40128f21c886c8344dc6
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:438
+# 4051d26b7c91408999d41f021c3ca178
 msgid "Gateway"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:519
-# de23c8c7f9844a17aedffe2a73f69611
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:440
+# 69c89cdcc4844f728351fe01740e32ef
 msgid "NetworkACL"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:522
-# e4882b2d87d54dd3bc156802ff35c064
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:444
+# 769b3ed7ed5c4ccf85d9386e5aea8b3f
 msgid "Supported Virtual Routers"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:526
-# 4d87bcbc7b9e43e5a9eca2df6be5d5ac
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:446
+# b3bd3d522cca4802afae131818e0df27
 msgid "VR"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:530
-# 2366a655dfd34f968eb66f89ef1061e4
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:448
+# 6378fb7b02b248cb8e34872a3d19b51d
 msgid "VPC VR"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:534
-# cf2ef91163e843d68825b0a5a4b95b6e
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:450
+# dd5c03dc42ae4454a713ff50a2be91e9
 msgid "Redundant VR"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:537
-# 40a69f9a229a49388862563f000c4860
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:454
+# d9325031af0f4d1597f136b4d9f0e3e3
 msgid "Upgrading Virtual Routers"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:541
-# 51999619ca9449acb43f2b7ff514e0f5
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:456
+# 975d8f6d95014399909cc0cd8a2b16c6
 msgid "Download the latest System VM template."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:545
-# 2b9f628af9ae4dfa85e753fbe4df2b62
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:458
+# c25708086d324a38b701d238b7463924
 msgid "Download the latest System VM to all the primary storage pools."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:549
-# d67082be8aa144a590daf97a8e1a3f19
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:460
+# c9378adb82f140be8f8663c096c895c5
 msgid "Upgrade the Management Server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:553
-# 4a0db3a39c01439ab7d5ed74da052a23
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:462
+# 40387558057548f98875005c7ceabeb7
 msgid "Upgrade CPVM and SSVM either from the UI or by using the following script:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:560
-# 75f1e4536fea4cc7b74f72f92c4ce4ed
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:469
+# d28d9ad5f0a0451bbff0baf5b102d9dd
 msgid "Even when the VRs are still on older versions, existing services will continue to be available to the VMs. The Management Server cannot perform any operations on the VRs until they are upgraded."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:566
-# 52d169af58f5479d97ba0aa2d39427ba
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:473
+# 2a8027346ddf4f988d4554184bcdb544
 msgid "Selectively upgrade the VRs:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:570
-# bf46425e15e94970b120dc56e0a09344
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:475
+# 6e59012980ce40deba2b51593d9d8901
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as the root administrator."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:574
-# bc21fde401934629b30ec8c8ca4cf278
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:477
+# 728ae8ec4eb74571819bf5ec86b38073
 msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:578
-# 4e8fccd1f33c40ccb6ed22ee6e8d332c
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:479
+# 2d56351b1a1644bda4f342dce58b51d7
 msgid "On Virtual Routers, click View More."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:580
-# f592498dba844e608a98645a5e029d73
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:481
+# 9af9b62d86b14af2a745e1a359d1c940
 msgid "All the VRs are listed in the Virtual Routers page."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:584
-# 8e507a8910a34e0ebdfe3d328e34a57a
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:483
+# f19642bbaf564ca0a26f3e8dff683a65
 msgid "In Select View drop-down, select desired grouping based on your requirement."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:587
-# f855b4bee2804bcfa3ed201dec42a5f9
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:486
+# a76c013f7da8482eb097248fb3757989
 msgid "You can use either of the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:591
-# 01bf9acb8a8b466ba5c27d2d9a86a200
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:488
+# 0b60f1059d8e4b1faadac9b7a3113d8b
 msgid "Group by zone"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:595
-# d8c3db41d03b415c9be8e88d8a30cbdd
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:490
+# 5a12e32c9b0c4862a582cca80cd74030
 msgid "Group by pod"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:599
-# a0cadfeca2fc4c36a1b9ec6f62173efd
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:492
+# a83f4a59498e44e09b79b5eb014f9d4f
 msgid "Group by cluster"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:603
-# 172c882d2b264bf7adc756a2abf1f7bc
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:494
+# a1c022abb009480bb49288cdad2b5210
 msgid "Group by account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:607
-# a0bb9324a5594bb3b533bac200ac7f3f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:496
+# 87a6b85df243430293aa4d5a55e00c4a
 msgid "Click the group which has the VRs to be upgraded."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:609
-# 11b6bdc33790432a9a05952ef21703ca
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:498
+# 9e519d5a83be4513a0a20c665777a298
 msgid "For example, if you have selected Group by zone, select the name of the desired zone."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:614
-# 26032885ac044b0a9f38285436395a3e
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:501
+# bd6d3d8bf8954923909c8147a4718053
 msgid "Click the Upgrade button to upgrade all the VRs. |vr-upgrade.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:618
-# 41f6eec247474ec98c1088ddc2f8b1af
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:503
+# 56d36b4fbb234438a6e0fce7d66a0ac1
 msgid "Click OK to confirm."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:621
-# 9a9ab1374064436ab421237b3915f8ed
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:507
+# 2b7574a9be0e46a9bd04bff25c748a13
 msgid "Secondary Storage VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:623
-# a30a067a625b4308ada0c22ba29b3f0f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:509
+# e941ae432ef24ea2a8b4987accf91257
 msgid "In addition to the hosts, CloudStack’s Secondary Storage VM mounts and writes to secondary storage."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:626
-# 4b35371f113244a284b9c6c317ed00e7
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:512
+# f062d628750b4d5bbf97ac967cf17788
 msgid "Submissions to secondary storage go through the Secondary Storage VM. The Secondary Storage VM can retrieve templates and ISO images from URLs using a variety of protocols."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:630
-# 5d192f685cb44355936e873868c40732
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:516
+# cedfcfe3cd38411ca2633b120ab0d034
 msgid "The secondary storage VM provides a background task that takes care of a variety of secondary storage activities: downloading a new template to a Zone, copying templates between Zones, and snapshot backups."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:634
-# 9d38d1ca3ce44e2e89de62903f01097f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:520
+# c2a68c523bf14634b2f881ce767633cc
 msgid "The administrator can log in to the secondary storage VM if needed."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/templates.pot b/source/locale/pot/templates.pot
index 830142b..5491370 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/templates.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/templates.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
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@@ -16,1200 +16,1200 @@
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-#: ../../templates.rst:17
-# b97982f6c7534586be38178d1c1fdcd8
+#: ../../templates.rst:18
+# cf61f319f9464e6a8d50baac31e9b5ec
 msgid "Working with Templates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:19
-# e9dce9aaa8b14b9b8163fc28465cbca2
+#: ../../templates.rst:20
+# 9fd79a40a20d4709abcae61ed6a93dfd
 msgid "A template is a reusable configuration for virtual machines. When users launch VMs, they can choose from a list of templates in CloudStack."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:22
-# d0a82a53c7814d2bad8709d6ea8d8243
+#: ../../templates.rst:23
+# 882ddad869e440869d4f74c92ab41271
 msgid "Specifically, a template is a virtual disk image that includes one of a variety of operating systems, optional additional software such as office applications, and settings such as access control to determine who can use the template. Each template is associated with a particular type of hypervisor, which is specified when the template is added to CloudStack."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:29
-# 3cea19812ae7412c873921f3b112df2d
+#: ../../templates.rst:30
+# 100cd7a983eb4961b368c8ba7734c42d
 msgid "CloudStack ships with a default template. In order to present more choices to users, CloudStack administrators and users can create templates and add them to CloudStack."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:34
-# cdd1318db7514de09ddba24875b24795
+#: ../../templates.rst:36
+# 18309d4f55464acabeff92b1bab9055f
 msgid "Creating Templates: Overview"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:36
-# 6604bbcbda1146a8947cec849b8aacfc
+#: ../../templates.rst:38
+# 51d039ce8ec945faabf8f8999b3d3c0f
 msgid "CloudStack ships with a default template for the CentOS operating system. There are a variety of ways to add more templates. Administrators and end users can add templates. The typical sequence of events is:"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../templates.rst:43
-# f34378876e0d44ff800666b2d65fc180
+# 06dcc3e2b2554e33bbfdf892226179bd
 msgid "Launch a VM instance that has the operating system you want. Make any other desired configuration changes to the VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:48
-# 24b37b205a73458c8aa1fb8a40a568e0
+#: ../../templates.rst:46
+# 991daad714364dbdb6c7429365bfb041
 msgid "Stop the VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:52
-# c64df33a7a6842908b88d0747e1af601
+#: ../../templates.rst:48
+# 284657ff1abc49e09a72598a4a379a00
 msgid "Convert the volume into a template."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:54
-# 59a9ab57227c474ab160737b378627a2
+#: ../../templates.rst:50
+# ee2b8742854b46679adc6fced33914ab
 msgid "There are other ways to add templates to CloudStack. For example, you can take a snapshot of the VM's volume and create a template from the snapshot, or import a VHD from another system into CloudStack."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:58
-# ed480ef0b4464b7f8970f7eab786dc96
+#: ../../templates.rst:54
+# 7dee2cf1359f4fcdb0bc7f03150b7582
 msgid "The various techniques for creating templates are described in the next few sections."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:62
-# af2d0bd506da45ac8de738d250325f24
+#: ../../templates.rst:59
+# 9fa8a8480b0345fd8fa7ccd71dcf1b0c
 msgid "Requirements for Templates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:66
-# fc604d7ce79041b2897e66c4616fd723
+#: ../../templates.rst:61
+# cb14c5b032c24423959c7044dc64c47f
 msgid "For XenServer, install PV drivers / Xen tools on each template that you create. This will enable live migration and clean guest shutdown."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:71
-# 2b50282ce07c41bab1cee4868ba4f5d6
+#: ../../templates.rst:64
+# f69f5344e03e49e78a793d4ca605d703
 msgid "For vSphere, install VMware Tools on each template that you create. This will enable console view to work properly."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:75
-# 5377504bbc294b95a18bed88ae03f1d9
+#: ../../templates.rst:69
+# edd05ad541bd4f498f39bb0645713513
 msgid "Best Practices for Templates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:77
-# 8b50a16e441f4fd184b61b8ee029f3f5
+#: ../../templates.rst:71
+# fd430ee9ee634ec9bf53dfcec6786ee3
 msgid "If you plan to use large templates (100 GB or larger), be sure you have a 10-gigabit network to support the large templates. A slower network can lead to timeouts and other errors when large templates are used."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:82
-# c65bd804ed504406aef7628943a9c8d2
+#: ../../templates.rst:77
+# 4405e8f642174cb3afc031cd7fdb4dd4
 msgid "The Default Template"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:84
-# 3b90996336f84b0aa52436eb288e8fba
+#: ../../templates.rst:79
+# 1f4b4121eca94788a949ff8bbb9b6377
 msgid "CloudStack includes a CentOS template. This template is downloaded by the Secondary Storage VM after the primary and secondary storage are configured. You can use this template in your production deployment or you can delete it and use custom templates."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:89
-# bf35079fef2c4e0da02bb26f3df5fe85
+#: ../../templates.rst:84
+# a5936c6c63214301b0a732ab8a848614
 msgid "The root password for the default template is \"password\"."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:91
-# d186fb39f0b14670b9a5253112624276
+#: ../../templates.rst:86
+# 56f17d0ded4f4175b6a8c78f5e04b44f
 msgid "A default template is provided for each of XenServer, KVM, and vSphere. The templates that are downloaded depend on the hypervisor type that is available in your cloud. Each template is approximately 2.5 GB physical size."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:96
-# ae8fa27cab21480a8c78818ad26a73cb
+#: ../../templates.rst:91
+# 5c9065097a2b42dbb7b454a66807e888
 msgid "The default template includes the standard iptables rules, which will block most access to the template excluding ssh."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:127
-# 585bfd6d56c141f389acaac29c2bc2b6
+#: ../../templates.rst:123
+# 466a67f6a17249d19212da0a1d4ae915
 msgid "Private and Public Templates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:129
-# 094bc80655894801afd84e326eb84942
+#: ../../templates.rst:125
+# 9c4cef26750347d693d5d9d2abc33ab3
 msgid "When a user creates a template, it can be designated private or public."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:131
-# 38f8f0da399c4f41a347cc19f748ae1b
+#: ../../templates.rst:127
+# 0a5c2d13d7de4c8696c17de766c7ff8e
 msgid "Private templates are only available to the user who created them. By default, an uploaded template is private."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:134
-# 2a9baa4520e347fe908ae26fd50998f9
+#: ../../templates.rst:130
+# 28c6ea956b7145bf87d5c591a262ed56
 msgid "When a user marks a template as “public,” the template becomes available to all users in all accounts in the user's domain, as well as users in any other domains that have access to the Zone where the template is stored. This depends on whether the Zone, in turn, was defined as private or public. A private Zone is assigned to a single domain, and a public Zone is accessible to any domain. If a public template is created in a private Zone, it is available only to users in the domain assigned to that Zone. If a public template is created in a public Zone, it is available to all users in all domains."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:145
-# 3d8553febf0c4c4fbc1aed2d798b78c2
+#: ../../templates.rst:142
+# 8cc9490673de43a29b0fa3b899a796c0
 msgid "Creating a Template from an Existing Virtual Machine"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:147
-# b34a4411b3bf42179857b79aaec48563
+#: ../../templates.rst:144
+# 0cd7674a6e674324a8b36a9eef61b924
 msgid "Once you have at least one VM set up in the way you want, you can use it as the prototype for other VMs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:152
-# 78c1160dd7654cdfbe52f57d079f5abd
+#: ../../templates.rst:147
+# e16345095f804e34ba10cdf1772864c5
 msgid "Create and start a virtual machine using any of the techniques given in `“Creating VMs” <virtual_machines.html#creating-vms>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:157
-# 2929319d149c4fcdb37c841bdbcc196a
+#: ../../templates.rst:150
+# 9ecb6312deb04964a10192717ca021b5
 msgid "Make any desired configuration changes on the running VM, then click Stop."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:162
-# 2d69a12ca4de48a78512bbbbebb2eefa
+#: ../../templates.rst:153
+# 3bf1cf52e2f44c9bb0cc976b5b3217d4
 msgid "Wait for the VM to stop. When the status shows Stopped, go to the next step."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:167
-# f6f6ce0522624d9996ceb76388d1b770
+#: ../../templates.rst:156
+# 51cee376de054012b33542272d214e67
 msgid "Click Create Template and provide the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:171
-# df5bf3067ef5417d92794b9738fd372f
+#: ../../templates.rst:158
+# 3dc70b806977409392d741e01a49337b
 msgid "**Name and Display Text**. These will be shown in the UI, so choose something descriptive."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:176
-# 903462ebc26045d2af6e191c552a45ab
+#: ../../templates.rst:161
+# b7cb11e24ec1424abcb2fd299d27e6f8
 msgid "**OS Type**. This helps CloudStack and the hypervisor perform certain operations and make assumptions that improve the performance of the guest. Select one of the following."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:182
-#: ../../templates.rst:279
-# eef0499093fc423da1fb5e509f3cb7be
-# eaaf0c252a824fccb1af2998fee8d49f
+#: ../../templates.rst:165
+#: ../../templates.rst:242
+# b79a71e908b643308ec4fe326a113d06
+# 3a9638381a74458e8dc78d91fcd5d121
 msgid "If the operating system of the stopped VM is listed, choose it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:186
-#: ../../templates.rst:283
-# 4f0b55b1cccf465198f844ca55404e39
-# dc5c72f566c5451a87f2d2f76991185a
+#: ../../templates.rst:167
+#: ../../templates.rst:244
+# c2046860ca7a420282727c68e7e0bd8d
+# 612b47eacf5a4564b7557383ab6085ff
 msgid "If the OS type of the stopped VM is not listed, choose Other."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:190
-# 85bc582d7b3342eabcac40adc7d072c8
+#: ../../templates.rst:169
+# a132a4db61c047f6843764cb4ad468c3
 msgid "If you want to boot from this template in PV mode, choose Other PV (32-bit) or Other PV (64-bit). This choice is available only for XenServere:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:195
-# a41f73ed716e4aa3a7f43e06bada92ed
+#: ../../templates.rst:174
+# 400f23d7aa30429cadbbcf6d927ea291
 msgid "Generally you should not choose an older version of the OS than the version in the image. For example, choosing CentOS 5.4 to support a CentOS 6.2 image will in general not work. In those cases you should choose Other."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:199
-#: ../../templates.rst:311
-# 44c4a4919ef041128bb76ba89fffa6d6
-# e06181c135fe4c93bd3a807628405544
+#: ../../templates.rst:179
+#: ../../templates.rst:266
+# a74d603504464359801664a22644ecf1
+# f36349a0b7934f51bc4238b6ce12d3bd
 msgid "**Public**. Choose Yes to make this template accessible to all users of this CloudStack installation. The template will appear in the Community Templates list. See `“Private and Public Templates” <#private-and-public-templates>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:206
-#: ../../templates.rst:300
-# 05097ba3eec34760b41263458363d672
-# 7e830042c5e14c27bb0dc51842194b14
+#: ../../templates.rst:184
+#: ../../templates.rst:258
+# cad391d15484479f99460980862c7571
+# f596589a997f4443a0ac19eee063c09f
 msgid "**Password Enabled**. Choose Yes if your template has the CloudStack password change script installed. See :ref:`adding-password-management-to-templates`."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:212
-# b8c02b54e1284747953940f7ccf942a8
+#: ../../templates.rst:188
+# 0ad3f0f48f50458e8c753d6a087e4736
 msgid "Click Add."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:214
-# cb7e9326affc4313ac75fea0bff14a3c
+#: ../../templates.rst:190
+# 7560e86cb7f64b25a24a8adffa210672
 msgid "The new template will be visible in the Templates section when the template creation process has been completed. The template is then available when creating a new VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:219
-# d1fecfebba6645d9a4f9568d91c0fb06
+#: ../../templates.rst:196
+# f25db73d631a4cf2b1a90ddbc720ebea
 msgid "Creating a Template from a Snapshot"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:221
-# a7cea31e283c40dd96c119053c993503
+#: ../../templates.rst:198
+# 37c2eb36164e46d982140684d23eccc7
 msgid "If you do not want to stop the VM in order to use the Create Template menu item (as described in `“Creating a Template from an Existing Virtual Machine” <#creating-a-template-from-an-existing-virtual-machine>`_), you can create a template directly from any snapshot through the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:228
-# 984009ddf50d40dfb2110f5b23387f61
+#: ../../templates.rst:206
+# 1fddfc6f75c745558d997e2c6af314cf
 msgid "Uploading Templates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:231
-# 196471dc9b5849d2aa744d1e7b8d0ec0
+#: ../../templates.rst:210
+# f50af047d15042849fd3b9d1ea923270
 msgid "vSphere Templates and ISOs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:233
-# 30866cf195c8486db3b993897617b502
+#: ../../templates.rst:212
+# 942a210bb20f467b98414c592d71af20
 msgid "If you are uploading a template that was created using vSphere Client, be sure the OVA file does not contain an ISO. If it does, the deployment of VMs from the template will fail."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:237
-# f8a902f51889404f9159fc314d776820
+#: ../../templates.rst:216
+# 6b6237e29230422f8b97fbbbc07dffd7
 msgid "Templates are uploaded based on a URL. HTTP is the supported access protocol. Templates are frequently large files. You can optionally gzip them to decrease upload times."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:241
-# cbcb2f29584346b6abf842dfd76253c5
+#: ../../templates.rst:220
+# 40368082877e412c87f9a15e9b28e64a
 msgid "To upload a template:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:245
-# b46958da45914799b6d8ff82c369141a
+#: ../../templates.rst:222
+# b954f933d2b84ec6bdc9dcf119fd3657
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Templates."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:249
-# 19421f0f499d41a987b6029ab13e22d2
+#: ../../templates.rst:224
+# 8d360dd921b54190850f9eb8bcfd5832
 msgid "Click Register Template."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:253
-# 7350ec439ecf4b9fa396697dfa3435e5
+#: ../../templates.rst:226
+# 641dd9e5a6d24e33ba70513e4c194dde
 msgid "Provide the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:257
-# 1ce39115484049f199d0e70ec9561044
+#: ../../templates.rst:228
+# ee2439f863e4425a9b1d3eed40b451cb
 msgid "**Name and Description**. These will be shown in the UI, so choose something descriptive."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:262
-# 127eb097c195441b944d50f4a71deca7
+#: ../../templates.rst:231
+# c521e0a0730348a88e0393d8c53e0fd8
 msgid "**URL**. The Management Server will download the file from the specified URL, such as ``http://my.web.server/filename.vhd.gz``."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:267
-# 6f01a7bde653483995bb5ea42190e593
+#: ../../templates.rst:234
+# 935dbff52fbc49e2bc3effdfe8343c7f
 msgid "**Zone**. Choose the zone where you want the template to be available, or All Zones to make it available throughout CloudStack."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:273
-# ef2f1a58ba5c4460bdbfda5ae10bcc24
+#: ../../templates.rst:238
+# ef7a5cbcab564351b11799afe2f3221f
 msgid "**OS Type**: This helps CloudStack and the hypervisor perform certain operations and make assumptions that improve the performance of the guest. Select one of the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:286
-# c7645974b5a64764ac62444e1d454568
+#: ../../templates.rst:247
+# e179d642fb334f9fa4073821044a5116
 msgid "You should not choose an older version of the OS than the version in the image. For example, choosing CentOS 5.4 to support a CentOS 6.2 image will in general not work. In those cases you should choose Other."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:290
-# bd3382cf7fe747aab8acebd0878992e0
+#: ../../templates.rst:252
+# 558b914220d948188698827bc674fa3a
 msgid "**Hypervisor**: The supported hypervisors are listed. Select the desired one."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:295
-# c413d15acab8476abae76e3ec4158efe
+#: ../../templates.rst:255
+# 362c6490da7e426ead7c28ef7bca2f3d
 msgid "**Format**. The format of the template upload file, such as VHD or OVA."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:305
-# eb40e62c6b99406f95b7505520fc671c
+#: ../../templates.rst:262
+# 475796efd2dd4d64a7897d80ccf02191
 msgid "**Extractable**. Choose Yes if the template is available for extraction. If this option is selected, end users can download a full image of a template."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:318
-# d0c590b7a8ff4fde8139138840e3a796
+#: ../../templates.rst:271
+# 7f676cb6f6844001ac5af17d480dd595
 msgid "**Featured**. Choose Yes if you would like this template to be more prominent for users to select. The template will appear in the Featured Templates list. Only an administrator can make a template Featured."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:324
-# b953221466f84cdaaf807ddf3dd14331
+#: ../../templates.rst:278
+# 4f1b071c71184d61b1e20db9a1408381
 msgid "Exporting Templates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:326
-# 210af661681d4b74ab96649040a98801
+#: ../../templates.rst:280
+# 07e8cf807f6341c981fd8028383cae01
 msgid "End users and Administrators may export templates from the CloudStack. Navigate to the template in the UI and choose the Download function from the Actions menu."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:331
-# c9e622e4441c486e9792dad0071c79a4
+#: ../../templates.rst:286
+# ff3b2f1a01194b86a94ca7406e2c9e4c
 msgid "Creating a Linux Template"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:333
-# f3d40c1bd83a40e482eecb6fc443d8d8
+#: ../../templates.rst:288
+# 942a09f060a248499ad52006fb12910b
 msgid "Linux templates should be prepared using this documentation in order to prepare your linux VMs for template deployment. For ease of documentation, the VM which you are configuring the template on will be referred to as \"Template Master\". This guide currently covers legacy setups which do not take advantage of UserData and cloud-init and assumes openssh-server is installed during installation."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:340
-# cbdcfc92ef3c42daaad80eab662526ec
+#: ../../templates.rst:295
+# c110f6248b3b4a56a32c3a3c42a213b0
 msgid "An overview of the procedure is as follow:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:344
-# 09ce1d3c4240411da2de19daa0e75a14
+#: ../../templates.rst:297
+# fccf60393f704035b1c6fceaae12ea12
 msgid "Upload your Linux ISO."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:346
-#: ../../templates.rst:621
-# b709b7a1294e4b3a89aba8985610f2bf
-# ac566543d5174806b5b43b5c4b2d8e51
+#: ../../templates.rst:299
+#: ../../templates.rst:549
+# 0a498b0d37ad4ca29ed96268e032ca4f
+# a70aa21eac0643d2908840edc2bf61b8
 msgid "For more information, see `“Adding an ISO” <virtual_machines.html#adding-an-iso>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:351
-#: ../../templates.rst:626
-# 9f5f963ccb544cd799db5e8d28c3f13a
-# 55a6ab4f297b490494f31fcd9bef1cc4
+#: ../../templates.rst:302
+#: ../../templates.rst:552
+# a2c6ef939b3644e5a63b94756a7ef72e
+# 949a4ba056404bb29cc67697a1f50b33
 msgid "Create a VM Instance with this ISO."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:353
-#: ../../templates.rst:628
-# 7b26a17b00654d78b1d48449d47bb693
-# 018114db744c49f7a4ebca7ebe93a5f2
+#: ../../templates.rst:304
+#: ../../templates.rst:554
+# eb1605dc63014381b489c931a38377e3
+# 6cf1e105b8a542adb4ea1daf3718eb15
 msgid "For more information, see `“Creating VMs” <virtual_machines.html#creating-vms>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:358
-# 0eaeb0fc68664d88bafb0c88f87caeee
+#: ../../templates.rst:307
+# 6e61739ba7024680bdf5d1c3a4fb8ddc
 msgid "Prepare the Linux VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:362
-# 1bcbb90a25ea4b2b9644a3aa3ee13c96
+#: ../../templates.rst:309
+# 86ecdc3984a446e69db7d31db4b0f355
 msgid "Create a template from the VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:364
-# 6d747156af6d4e22b6f7f4183a481d23
+#: ../../templates.rst:311
+# e865dcc3232e4f51972fe0f554d58eeb
 msgid "For more information, see `“Creating a Template from an Existing Virtual Machine” <#creating-a-template-from-an-existing-virtual-machine>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:368
-# d0502af4e09d4f53a49dc979cc2115ff
+#: ../../templates.rst:316
+# dce1b0c69ea14188bf5d99e9aa364a4d
 msgid "System preparation for Linux"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:370
-# f2357087bc5f42eaa080740d2f383720
+#: ../../templates.rst:318
+# 9d4c8a98ec1c466da2893fd12538e3ba
 msgid "The following steps will prepare a basic Linux installation for templating."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:375
-# 2f768f536c1c467eb43f846f7d4b20e7
+#: ../../templates.rst:321
+# 3de223a77c284109956a2eef988638db
 msgid "**Installation**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:377
-# c0e24128e57f4829b65dc62d46c7ba22
+#: ../../templates.rst:323
+# 4f6808052a554f3cbb8697209cafc2de
 msgid "It is good practice to name your VM something generic during installation, this will ensure components such as LVM do not appear unique to a machine. It is recommended that the name of \"localhost\" is used for installation."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:383
-# c7b181c8424c4ac2a5db84ab32932c6b
+#: ../../templates.rst:329
+# ff8376cf4b4b40899df3911a0216a3f8
 msgid "For CentOS, it is necessary to take unique identification out of the interface configuration file, for this edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and change the content to the following."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:395
-# c809b5e9069d4d308ce145cebfe06181
+#: ../../templates.rst:341
+# f68b6e4efb764f92a1e56ad9ea54f90c
 msgid "The next steps updates the packages on the Template Master."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:399
-#: ../../templates.rst:452
-#: ../../templates.rst:507
-# 579e290288bf4dbd83390d508b5ef3d1
-# 4495571dfe17446e936d6c2e985e2ab1
-# e55ce9881af345a1b47fc4f7b61bc53b
+#: ../../templates.rst:343
+#: ../../templates.rst:390
+#: ../../templates.rst:446
+# 143c241d86a44e32b496b66a9934ec6a
+# 4de01ffab6a44664b87eb62c32e550a4
+# 141d36e8817e444e94e29f6c889f76d9
 msgid "Ubuntu"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:411
-#: ../../templates.rst:516
-# e80c530710fb4cee96e8d71723f4d96e
-# c67c8bb4b1744c8ba004a8c61a6fad89
+#: ../../templates.rst:353
+#: ../../templates.rst:453
+# 7b51d3bdb3c2417486c37949b1978dab
+# a37b78dad81f45429074776c11add237
 msgid "CentOS"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:421
-# 547d3c2473034af098b576f4f992a237
+#: ../../templates.rst:361
+# b6d69c72e22e4f40bd0d7d7bdaa1be7e
 msgid "**Password management**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:424
-# d51304bc25b14d99b74a9110a390ccca
+#: ../../templates.rst:364
+# f71ab72462f5424fbc900751e054d736
 msgid "If preferred, custom users (such as ones created during the Ubuntu installation) should be removed. First ensure the root user account is enabled by giving it a password and then login as root to continue."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:431
-# 658b170366354ccf83ce75fe1639bc4d
+#: ../../templates.rst:373
+# ef5341894f7e40a4a9c300485f9f1367
 msgid "As root, remove any custom user accounts created during the installation process."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:438
-# f637065854134e638919541fb32eb84b
+#: ../../templates.rst:380
+# a81798014288476da8e256abdea8526b
 msgid "See :ref:`adding-password-management-to-templates` for instructions to setup the password management script, this will allow CloudStack to change your root password from the web interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:444
-# d13b9fe31d374f469fac4aa8ce8dc9f4
+#: ../../templates.rst:384
+# 9d00097815b24c0ca4034a304afee047
 msgid "**Hostname Management**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:446
-# 982c2c40802c440eb281ce70ee1039de
+#: ../../templates.rst:386
+# c41219c74c2b4b138cdfd88c986a2a02
 msgid "CentOS configures the hostname by default on boot. Unfortunately Ubuntu does not have this functionality, for Ubuntu installations use the following steps."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:454
-# 0178c9ebbec047ac97ddc98ca473d916
+#: ../../templates.rst:392
+# ad9bf73797c24558b7e106dc2ce8510b
 msgid "The hostname of a Templated VM is set by a custom script in `/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d`, this script first checks if the current hostname is localhost, if true, it will get the host-name, domain-name and fixed-ip from the DHCP lease file and use those values to set the hostname and append the `/etc/hosts` file for local hostname resolution. Once this script, or a user has changed the hostname from localhost, it will no longer adjust system files regardless of it's new hostname. The script also recreates openssh-server keys, which should have been deleted before templating (shown below). Save the following script to `/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/sethostname`, and adjust the permissions."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:495
-# fe871e346c034a448c839f15e941772f
+#: ../../templates.rst:434
+# 1f68693847f1433bb6541b70f1abedd5
 msgid "The following steps should be run when you are ready to template your Template Master. If the Template Master is rebooted during these steps you will have to run all the steps again. At the end of this process the Template Master should be shutdown and the template created in order to create and deploy the final template."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:499
-# 149ee407a0784b0e8d7ead7d9d8a7569
+#: ../../templates.rst:440
+# 79b32100447b4464a62f56cf91492a6c
 msgid "**Remove the udev persistent device rules**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:501
-# 09d2f6969ea4495f8d3200289619bc87
+#: ../../templates.rst:442
+# 7a1b5554792c4cb1aa676f8e73a843b8
 msgid "This step removes information unique to your Template Master such as network MAC addresses, lease files and CD block devices, the files are automatically generated on next boot."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:525
-# dccc779f465d434584a69fd29714e940
+#: ../../templates.rst:460
+# 381e458992444a499e21908b7bf88a68
 msgid "**Remove SSH Keys**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:527
-# d6760ea97ea8402d93af0b6120f93697
+#: ../../templates.rst:462
+# 9badfc5f4bfa454e8ca0d64a71a11c24
 msgid "This step is to ensure all your Templated VMs do not have the same SSH keys, which would decrease the security of the machines dramatically."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:537
-# e4e46d9373974bb9a3ae5ccf1f52f702
+#: ../../templates.rst:470
+# 0d2aa14e20f04c3bb2bad70954a1291a
 msgid "**Cleaning log files**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:539
-# 980fbba40e0f47e7b22db48d406cc44b
+#: ../../templates.rst:472
+# af913fb8f91b484bb83ac0737e1b1d10
 msgid "It is good practice to remove old logs from the Template Master."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:550
-# 7f8be6e73c1d47068b14e4ad28ef5e15
+#: ../../templates.rst:481
+# db125d8aa6cc45c8bdf9340dde1d3d45
 msgid "**Setting hostname**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:552
-# de0f2fa5263e473abcbeb7c76a6d40c3
+#: ../../templates.rst:483
+# 5a2162138fca40088196712b5650f551
 msgid "In order for the Ubuntu DHCP script to function and the CentOS dhclient to set the VM hostname they both require the Template Master's hostname to be \"localhost\", run the following commands to change the hostname."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:564
-# f2483a338de1437d970961b780b42986
+#: ../../templates.rst:493
+# 3ed2b72c9128441ab39130f547642191
 msgid "**Set user password to expire**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:566
-# f4f9060b59e04300a00134b382b7e942
+#: ../../templates.rst:495
+# 10db50989ebe48c4a10ebdefa260c489
 msgid "This step forces the user to change the password of the VM after the template has been deployed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:575
-# 1d5004344434482e955600fae7641ddd
+#: ../../templates.rst:502
+# abe301956bd54c1c86c35fca1411ece6
 msgid "**Clearing User History**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:577
-# 558586e151b34ea9bee4fca84ebe87e0
+#: ../../templates.rst:504
+# 9b6183972b934b91be6da40e93a1c12a
 msgid "The next step clears the bash commands you have just run."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:586
-# d067fa08a996436f8012882688681b5f
+#: ../../templates.rst:511
+# b8a76342290b46209f3bf8c468dc5cee
 msgid "**Shutdown the VM**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:588
-# 3385f8a2912f4b7aa403ac9336129197
+#: ../../templates.rst:513
+# f92b1a930b3e4d859616309b9db518e1
 msgid "Your now ready to shutdown your Template Master and create a template!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:597
-# 833287af973b459dade1e7d9b9e12fd0
+#: ../../templates.rst:520
+# 43e271d15b2742238d231b3f7fe85ed1
 msgid "**Create the template!**"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:599
-# cc845b025bf7436c8a2fe1a5370697dd
+#: ../../templates.rst:522
+# 1db89306e7ae4b99b486fb9d7c783da4
 msgid "You are now ready to create the template, for more information see `“Creating a Template from an Existing Virtual Machine” <#creating-a-template-from-an-existing-virtual-machine>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:603
-# 49f52c8fd11641b28939444cfcce76ae
+#: ../../templates.rst:527
+# 43f673483bbc490ca475ad5e0e1f1736
 msgid "Templated VMs for both Ubuntu and CentOS may require a reboot after provisioning in order to pickup the hostname."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:606
-# 1010fc47e18749c68019824bc996c021
+#: ../../templates.rst:532
+# 96fe0ca1217f4c6789bb7ef7bf304036
 msgid "Creating a Windows Template"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:608
-# 62aa5a53936342a5be49acafed8787e2
+#: ../../templates.rst:534
+# dc56a5c13129464f9d23300535eedbcc
 msgid "Windows templates must be prepared with Sysprep before they can be provisioned on multiple machines. Sysprep allows you to create a generic Windows template and avoid any possible SID conflicts."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:613
-# 93f8c56a97ed45f9b7eef40d188fa6f6
+#: ../../templates.rst:539
+# fcbe31f9497c46618be1ae04f1c300d2
 msgid "(XenServer) Windows VMs running on XenServer require PV drivers, which may be provided in the template or added after the VM is created. The PV drivers are necessary for essential management functions such as mounting additional volumes and ISO images, live migration, and graceful shutdown."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:615
-# 10e9f2ae09f346b191803a1268827c34
+#: ../../templates.rst:545
+# 6918a5f84f9e483484479aa24d4ec044
 msgid "An overview of the procedure is as follows:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:619
-# 7c74d731ea0c49059fbcf67d5ff664a2
+#: ../../templates.rst:547
+# c48d96b9ff9d430780c7eefe88c19a2d
 msgid "Upload your Windows ISO."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:633
-# 2b9ecebbe01b4c29a2d7ffbc9ed8b065
+#: ../../templates.rst:557
+# c29e3a4c4aec4418a525b07f70e30657
 msgid "Follow the steps in Sysprep for Windows Server 2008 R2 (below) or Sysprep for Windows Server 2003 R2, depending on your version of Windows Server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:639
-# 169ee710e92b4161841d3210c6b91486
+#: ../../templates.rst:561
+# d526a7794b20490094eb4688b02c0a58
 msgid "The preparation steps are complete. Now you can actually create the template as described in Creating the Windows Template."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:643
-# c0ab9ccaa2854a52a850fa038d0151e0
+#: ../../templates.rst:566
+# 9e309b24a2eb479e878115e7e5af8cd0
 msgid "System Preparation for Windows Server 2008 R2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:645
-# 2e7993ee27744e2b89db43f38f717532
+#: ../../templates.rst:568
+# a195817082c4472ea5bb4e287b2b8718
 msgid "For Windows 2008 R2, you run Windows System Image Manager to create a custom sysprep response XML file. Windows System Image Manager is installed as part of the Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK). Windows AIK can be downloaded from `Microsoft Download Center <>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:651
-# 9735f11f65f043fc812bfee77f30b42f
+#: ../../templates.rst:574
+# 8add2ef3ee0741feb9b1575421ee590d
 msgid "Use the following steps to run sysprep for Windows 2008 R2:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:654
-# fdb356b8473046cca0039cd58ece0ffc
+#: ../../templates.rst:577
+# 0e82209c29214738a91cd3233c54314c
 msgid "The steps outlined here are derived from the excellent guide by Charity Shelbourne, originally published at `Windows Server 2008 Sysprep Mini-Setup. <>`_"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:658
-# a800a2000a8a43e19b88a1d6530c372f
+#: ../../templates.rst:582
+# 9392d5c10c02447f82b7413a71b09128
 msgid "Download and install the Windows AIK"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:660
-# f66f1235066d41e8b512a595faad7818
+#: ../../templates.rst:585
+# a4389660d8ad4d1b8c036e5a312acf49
 msgid "Windows AIK should not be installed on the Windows 2008 R2 VM you just created. Windows AIK should not be part of the template you create. It is only used to create the sysprep answer file."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:664
-# f5c23584f8704d3e8eafef5f0c3ca904
+#: ../../templates.rst:589
+# b6b2049c23774943958f7539fc0624db
 msgid "Copy the install.wim file in the \\\\sources directory of the Windows 2008 R2 installation DVD to the hard disk. This is a very large file and may take a long time to copy. Windows AIK requires the WIM file to be writable."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:671
-# aab8b3e2b3974f70baa1625fac2c14fd
+#: ../../templates.rst:594
+# 6a1367c35ec54816823cc2f821fb42c3
 msgid "Start the Windows System Image Manager, which is part of the Windows AIK."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:676
-# 1c160daa1e4d45298e989df5d4cfd37f
+#: ../../templates.rst:597
+# 210d191e2b2540c6986358e0c0b9c87d
 msgid "In the Windows Image pane, right click the Select a Windows image or catalog file option to load the install.wim file you just copied."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:681
-# 2f06fcf046b24cecb301f75499dad24c
+#: ../../templates.rst:600
+# 2ae1354725354401b1c6774b56210b30
 msgid "Select the Windows 2008 R2 Edition."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:683
-# 8469a2417aad4122900ecb188ce0fcbe
+#: ../../templates.rst:602
+# a4139f632731431fa6c278ed49a402a3
 msgid "You may be prompted with a warning that the catalog file cannot be opened. Click Yes to create a new catalog file."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:688
-# 8635e88aab6e46139f303271f469e2bc
+#: ../../templates.rst:605
+# 6daadc2945704fdbae1a77fab0ef5843
 msgid "In the Answer File pane, right click to create a new answer file."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:692
-# 24d7e05616d6424cb5eaee30ee84e85c
+#: ../../templates.rst:607
+# 0d84d28c59424fc39b5a2f36f3dd6bfd
 msgid "Generate the answer file from the Windows System Image Manager using the following steps:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:697
-# 7d146d237bdf4c8b9bc322249916735e
+#: ../../templates.rst:610
+# fed0398c42684441a6958c5be21f5c07
 msgid "The first page you need to automate is the Language and Country or Region Selection page. To automate this, expand Components in your Windows Image pane, right-click and add the Microsoft-Windows-International-Core setting to Pass 7 oobeSystem. In your Answer File pane, configure the InputLocale, SystemLocale, UILanguage, and UserLocale with the appropriate settings for your language and country or region. Should you have a question about any of these settings, you can right-click on the specific setting and select Help. This will open the appropriate CHM help file with more information, including examples on the setting you are attempting to configure."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:709
-# 39a6eeb7c8944403884a739c0cf32e3b
+#: ../../templates.rst:622
+# e1b641ce1c5d42e0bc8e530c840f89c0
 msgid "|sysmanager.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:713
-# 1395a502c6dd45f58cfcd4f820af8fe7
+#: ../../templates.rst:624
+# fd41b3e0931141e5971248dfb811dc0a
 msgid "You need to automate the Software License Terms Selection page, otherwise known as the End-User License Agreement (EULA). To do this, expand the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup component. High-light the OOBE setting, and add the setting to the Pass 7 oobeSystem. In Settings, set HideEULAPage true."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:719
-# db723163193447488c0439d1a6632aed
+#: ../../templates.rst:630
+# 72f9459967ad49cdaebc5ac0cf7e0940
 msgid "|software-license.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:723
-# d98cb51114994e44a8bdd0d588ba834f
+#: ../../templates.rst:632
+# d818473f321c4c2594fbc0d903e86837
 msgid "Make sure the license key is properly set. If you use MAK key, you can just enter the MAK key on the Windows 2008 R2 VM. You need not input the MAK into the Windows System Image Manager. If you use KMS host for activation you need not enter the Product Key. Details of Windows Volume Activation can be found at ` <>`_"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:732
-# acb1ca72a0a5474295b25d5e1c567eed
+#: ../../templates.rst:640
+# 0941ea38dbb84c5ab3a37e64ff29e6d1
 msgid "You need to automate is the Change Administrator Password page. Expand the Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup component (if it is not still expanded), expand UserAccounts, right-click on AdministratorPassword, and add the setting to the Pass 7 oobeSystem configuration pass of your answer file. Under Settings, specify a password next to Value."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:739
-# e682e956688f47d68955125dac840c14
+#: ../../templates.rst:647
+# 8092f90cf8784fc0bc8408b84b547e18
 msgid "|change-admin-password.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:741
-# daf0fbba34134968a9719502d2441755
+#: ../../templates.rst:649
+# e7e1281b1ae04398b43ab9c70d0f8370
 msgid "You may read the AIK documentation and set many more options that suit your deployment. The steps above are the minimum needed to make Windows unattended setup work."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:747
-# 2177f3f79d7745109ee2ed854da656fa
+#: ../../templates.rst:653
+# 9461bfba70d24cebb27c1d65ea4bdcfa
 msgid "Save the answer file as unattend.xml. You can ignore the warning messages that appear in the validation window."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:752
-# 75e9203b76fe4bbbae1be6975b972993
+#: ../../templates.rst:656
+# e03af6631f444bac834875feb1551d93
 msgid "Copy the unattend.xml file into the c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\sysprep directory of the Windows 2008 R2 Virtual Machine"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:757
-# e84ae652bc724676b0076c85b3cf53f8
+#: ../../templates.rst:659
+# f25b60a2d1c64b00ab525ccb2ca1488e
 msgid "Once you place the unattend.xml file in c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\sysprep directory, you run the sysprep tool as follows:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:766
-# 0d8f98d28cb44bee935c1a3fa186b971
+#: ../../templates.rst:668
+# c8ba22aeffd14733b20fd2ddadb189dd
 msgid "The Windows 2008 R2 VM will automatically shut down after sysprep is complete."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:770
-# 131fba78f4fe42138a6d62dff1e93de1
+#: ../../templates.rst:673
+# 8d4d691768fd4d2a9d131f80a0af05cc
 msgid "System Preparation for Windows Server 2003 R2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:772
-# 5a4f1cef39ff41a08b9ac2528ffb6f92
+#: ../../templates.rst:675
+# 25fcbd475b3842f69219e1db506c148d
 msgid "Earlier versions of Windows have a different sysprep tool. Follow these steps for Windows Server 2003 R2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:777
-# c249bea7dcdf459ab7238be1d409e256
+#: ../../templates.rst:678
+# e4b387caeb524e64b8e43a7256ad002b
 msgid "Extract the content of \\\\support\\\\tools\\\\ on the Windows installation CD into a directory called c:\\\\sysprep on the Windows 2003 R2 VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:783
-# 7e7e0bd9f3b44465a5160687008f203e
+#: ../../templates.rst:682
+# 678e1857aae14091ad3954e190199112
 msgid "Run c:\\\\sysprep\\\\setupmgr.exe to create the sysprep.inf file."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:787
-# ee8815b2ec4b4be893fb36a3348d01f8
+#: ../../templates.rst:684
+# eaaddf71b1e144ba9354ecdc3e61237f
 msgid "Select Create New to create a new Answer File."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:791
-# 045a9cf32e0548aaa69c44f772b4d46f
+#: ../../templates.rst:686
+# 3a59447b097e4d6a8bbef6303be9c428
 msgid "Enter “Sysprep setup” for the Type of Setup."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:795
-# d6bf6bd23bb94cf6b60f6b6907bbf7a6
+#: ../../templates.rst:688
+# 511f5fa4a9e04084a2344c13153944c3
 msgid "Select the appropriate OS version and edition."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:799
-# 7e54b77b3e2e4d80a63a6be54ae18c5c
+#: ../../templates.rst:690
+# c36d76222fa14fe39dfdd33baf171555
 msgid "On the License Agreement screen, select “Yes fully automate the installation”."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:804
-# 82b865e18fbb473082090aa49f85ae93
+#: ../../templates.rst:693
+# 42eac0aa963c4b138bba5785ecc4a9ab
 msgid "Provide your name and organization."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:808
-# 7a5769e94b4a428db294a3fb3a0207f4
+#: ../../templates.rst:695
+# 923d7a62003b4bb28c6fdcec04988da5
 msgid "Leave display settings at default."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:812
-# 010c51f88169452b957f232e3157804a
+#: ../../templates.rst:697
+# 28ff1531e0574780b26bbcdab535f18d
 msgid "Set the appropriate time zone."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:816
-# bfb59b5726d6458fa9279b6d55943a6d
+#: ../../templates.rst:699
+# c166a631d91d4ec5ba1fe55fb27e9071
 msgid "Provide your product key."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:820
-# 4deb0945241246ea8ce43407adf7d91d
+#: ../../templates.rst:701
+# bb448a5c8bad409b910a983aafc7e7e5
 msgid "Select an appropriate license mode for your deployment"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:824
-# 5ab1bdc24ada4093b615dee9c5f9272c
+#: ../../templates.rst:703
+# 5961b7acd3964ece89961a88ac1c9e49
 msgid "Select “Automatically generate computer name”."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:828
-# 42d2434653d540858a5cba81e3d19ef3
+#: ../../templates.rst:705
+# ee71045d980c48c3b4229992144775db
 msgid "Type a default administrator password. If you enable the password reset feature, the users will not actually use this password. This password will be reset by the instance manager after the guest boots up."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:835
-# a4ff18a071b740839db9b822fbc1294a
+#: ../../templates.rst:710
+# 662f974f66a84b258158cc6d888d31ff
 msgid "Leave Network Components at “Typical Settings”."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:839
-# 685f000b0e2c437889a925b63be7891b
+#: ../../templates.rst:712
+# b382f00fffc54d2092dea46275ce07e0
 msgid "Select the “WORKGROUP” option."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:843
-# d5daab57605f4acda1d1527df570facc
+#: ../../templates.rst:714
+# 864a8297271a4b9c9310a8e580d93f85
 msgid "Leave Telephony options at default."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:847
-# 307c10038df64e339b109d2ef3c1edb8
+#: ../../templates.rst:716
+# f9104d77ee794b999a52c430bde6f5e0
 msgid "Select appropriate Regional Settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:851
-# 327e06e3a211403cbf0495a02e7ddb7d
+#: ../../templates.rst:718
+# 7a038c948aee40caad5fdbd408680a4e
 msgid "Select appropriate language settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:855
-# 294dd6e2af71471691c00afa513dafc3
+#: ../../templates.rst:720
+# 8fe7a793a4b149fc8b2c04b222bb95ff
 msgid "Do not install printers."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:859
-# 43b1e07d7cc44c428ba0bc1102ca572e
+#: ../../templates.rst:722
+# 0bd5cf14d63149e8a68370eb7b35c1b5
 msgid "Do not specify “Run Once commands”."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:863
-# ab30e54717e5455988d343bfe649d8f8
+#: ../../templates.rst:724
+# 05694b63059140748f90c4a339c83a2e
 msgid "You need not specify an identification string."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:867
-# 107e4b3c6eba43cbbf9a800861554df3
+#: ../../templates.rst:726
+# a48d1b90a9bc405daa8af11e577a21dc
 msgid "Save the Answer File as c:\\\\sysprep\\\\sysprep.inf."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:871
-# 5545498adcc84a05ad9f5e12352d008f
+#: ../../templates.rst:728
+# a2f33c40df224c318576f392e89a029e
 msgid "Run the following command to sysprep the image:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:877
-# 3b883691a9b0417b9a68bce12f0f527c
+#: ../../templates.rst:734
+# 47370d15208e44779af8dc395473c3ab
 msgid "After this step the machine will automatically shut down"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:880
-# 4775b7c9a84248d1805900870fc3d92b
+#: ../../templates.rst:738
+# 6a05bb80ea29400084b33d565fcc1600
 msgid "Importing Amazon Machine Images"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:882
-# 2eefa378d4324b908272db125ba9c907
+#: ../../templates.rst:740
+# eaa1897518c8471ca61593a7b64fd3e2
 msgid "The following procedures describe how to import an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) into CloudStack when using the XenServer hypervisor."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:885
-# cdd42569882b4c7bbd9ed8019c883085
+#: ../../templates.rst:743
+# f83727180aee4a54aa1735df061a32d3
 msgid "Assume you have an AMI file and this file is called CentOS\\_6.2\\_x64. Assume further that you are working on a CentOS host. If the AMI is a Fedora image, you need to be working on a Fedora host initially."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:889
-# 086bce4bc9064c9ea174a48be1aa2c74
+#: ../../templates.rst:747
+# d52c5657eb014680ba5dcb4cd793964b
 msgid "You need to have a XenServer host with a file-based storage repository (either a local ext3 SR or an NFS SR) to convert to a VHD once the image file has been customized on the Centos/Fedora host."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:894
-# f965846d43ff4abfb3740625b21cae0a
+#: ../../templates.rst:752
+# c6369502d5ec442bba824ba9ebd3399f
 msgid "When copying and pasting a command, be sure the command has pasted as a single line before executing. Some document viewers may introduce unwanted line breaks in copied text."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:896
-# f6ed8764a50b4608af894c68403d242d
+#: ../../templates.rst:756
+# b12f0319181043b6ace0737e16ca933e
 msgid "To import an AMI:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:900
-# 88712070dbe94517bb3d3d0647f5441e
+#: ../../templates.rst:758
+# 516bca51c4054cb9a0a7c70f455cfb50
 msgid "Set up loopback on image file:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:909
-# 731b13cca9b34c8fb6d76b76714b91a7
+#: ../../templates.rst:765
+# c40cb6ea1f3a41dbbdfca02adc87b77a
 msgid "Install the kernel-xen package into the image. This downloads the PV kernel and ramdisk to the image."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:918
-# d80578e92f4f4dbeb7b4cb4520ef13fd
+#: ../../templates.rst:772
+# 0cf205e0b1214bfd85b81840483a7e11
 msgid "Create a grub entry in /boot/grub/grub.conf."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:928
-# 40de498250654d60970ab0fde749f33d
+#: ../../templates.rst:780
+# ea05e45228434e6eb41f8d92afdcb402
 msgid "Determine the name of the PV kernel that has been installed into the image."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:941
-# 12376387693e4b6c8d20181fcfefddf8
+#: ../../templates.rst:793
+# 3395c5bd2c424bf08e6b7c6e789b89b8
 msgid "Xen kernels/ramdisk always end with \"xen\". For the kernel version you choose, there has to be an entry for that version under lib/modules, there has to be an initrd and vmlinuz corresponding to that. Above, the only kernel that satisfies this condition is 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5xen."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:949
-# 3a62a427fb3c49b7b2b502d29b65a104
+#: ../../templates.rst:799
+# cd3138f8605141a1a0ef5f9ae345c8cc
 msgid "Based on your findings, create an entry in the grub.conf file. Below is an example entry."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:964
-# 1f77fea0644a4939a5aa5518e600b8f0
+#: ../../templates.rst:812
+# 82b126faf726428faa043e59b48fab5c
 msgid "Edit etc/fstab, changing “sda1” to “xvda” and changing “sdb” to “xvdb”."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:978
-# 6dbb820000b64e9fb6810b145ca28d42
+#: ../../templates.rst:824
+# 158d080ac2c845c089c610cf10e51f6e
 msgid "Enable login via the console. The default console device in a XenServer system is xvc0. Ensure that etc/inittab and etc/securetty have the following lines respectively:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:991
-# d845e8d11c9d4fe38746eb6b52797f86
+#: ../../templates.rst:835
+# 78c0483458064433a5dcf14ba528eb3e
 msgid "Ensure the ramdisk supports PV disk and PV network. Customize this for the kernel version you have determined above."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1003
-# 4893ef89071946749654fbb656b0e336
+#: ../../templates.rst:845
+# c5985961045c4177b2d3d8f684fbd61b
 msgid "Change the password."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1015
-# 5909d8aaa9b341d1b5d2f6b578e69426
+#: ../../templates.rst:855
+# a26809b7f44741e898c17da609bbd7fd
 msgid "Exit out of chroot."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1023
-# e19dfedb8f7a41dd8565196723f12adc
+#: ../../templates.rst:861
+# 3fc6a7c5bbaf414da8d8a91f9f2e1056
 msgid "Check `etc/ssh/sshd_config` for lines allowing ssh login using a password."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1034
-# 2c14e5b85e714ea5b0d15324faaf9dc8
+#: ../../templates.rst:870
+# 664c645f17104a9689c80c1722a33864
 msgid "If you need the template to be enabled to reset passwords from the CloudStack UI or API, install the password change script into the image at this point. See :ref:`adding-password-management-to-templates`."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1040
-# e3ae811674584093b712c1621429a742
+#: ../../templates.rst:874
+# a4f18c75d1074dd2b110ac78ffe5265f
 msgid "Unmount and delete loopback mount."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1049
-# ef597f13741c4cacb5592cc16ddea1c6
+#: ../../templates.rst:881
+# 8edfb6c75d614771b3b350cbc348a938
 msgid "Copy the image file to your XenServer host's file-based storage repository. In the example below, the Xenserver is \"xenhost\". This XenServer has an NFS repository whose uuid is a9c5b8c8-536b-a193-a6dc-51af3e5ff799."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1060
-# bb52019afeee4122a6ea0771f8b19f31
+#: ../../templates.rst:890
+# 0dc1d9510e784714bcdec1384e8755f1
 msgid "Log in to the Xenserver and create a VDI the same size as the image."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1072
-# 86293b52fbc14f619d01d676808e0013
+#: ../../templates.rst:900
+# 4e8f8e659e434bc5a3f36dc2fd9f822d
 msgid "Import the image file into the VDI. This may take 10–20 minutes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1080
-# f04c66a89a2c438996c653df62753586
+#: ../../templates.rst:906
+# 0b58122603704ebda3d2342ee6515ff7
 msgid "Locate a the VHD file. This is the file with the VDI’s UUID as its name. Compress it and upload it to your web server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1089
-# 2c6186dad1e149ffb6b4c6088919cf7b
+#: ../../templates.rst:916
+# 7691e9d11b8b49d29aec196fe6cb380c
 msgid "Converting a Hyper-V VM to a Template"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1091
-# 93e316bb224044d49835989bb24f4307
+#: ../../templates.rst:918
+# 3edfac90ab644da58894eab904cc447c
 msgid "To convert a Hyper-V VM to a XenServer-compatible CloudStack template, you will need a standalone XenServer host with an attached NFS VHD SR. Use whatever XenServer version you are using with CloudStack, but use XenCenter 5.6 FP1 or SP2 (it is backwards compatible to 5.6). Additionally, it may help to have an attached NFS ISO SR."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1097
-# 5f6b98e6e49d496aa214066dc19570f8
+#: ../../templates.rst:924
+# b65f920f7aa24af9b850a9b006b20069
 msgid "For Linux VMs, you may need to do some preparation in Hyper-V before trying to get the VM to work in XenServer. Clone the VM and work on the clone if you still want to use the VM in Hyper-V. Uninstall Hyper-V Integration Components and check for any references to device names in /etc/fstab:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1105
-# 6ac2232482394839a03c271bbca3c8f9
+#: ../../templates.rst:930
+# 163cf95a7ec7444d8308e6f3915b94f7
 msgid "From the linux\\_ic/drivers/dist directory, run make uninstall (where \"linux\\_ic\" is the path to the copied Hyper-V Integration Components files)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1111
-# 46e3b7b8475e4952bb6daf4722722e41
+#: ../../templates.rst:934
+# 32eb47eefa0b4af493237f82dd0f08e1
 msgid "Restore the original initrd from backup in /boot/ (the backup is named \\*.backup0)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1116
-# 111dd445f55a471a98190fb0c78e40b6
+#: ../../templates.rst:937
+# b7363d0658ff4efcb9bdf4657296d185
 msgid "Remove the \"hdX=noprobe\" entries from /boot/grub/menu.lst."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1120
-# be3986f7247d4a5faed5369107bfe3e9
+#: ../../templates.rst:939
+# f8878c3d06ea47b0b8c1cfaf1721f34b
 msgid "Check /etc/fstab for any partitions mounted by device name. Change those entries (if any) to mount by LABEL or UUID. You can get that information with the blkid command."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1124
-# f9e63db044dc4f719af8694d4b426090
+#: ../../templates.rst:943
+# 685ac8156ffb427f853074d04df8be85
 msgid "The next step is make sure the VM is not running in Hyper-V, then get the VHD into XenServer. There are two options for doing this."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1127
-# a3bfb3c562494523b1f9e34e1f784513
+#: ../../templates.rst:946
+# 2a0e0f2e121b4d30bb10710db99fd9cb
 msgid "Option one:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1131
-# c7c46c25ea2c446296f3c469a1ca7fbc
+#: ../../templates.rst:948
+# 7006009b5d4d452d9a3936d365133d47
 msgid "Import the VHD using XenCenter. In XenCenter, go to Tools>Virtual Appliance Tools>Disk Image Import."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1136
-#: ../../templates.rst:1156
-# 02a3b8607a71477686060abece70fd5c
-# ac971f1553804894ab99e8034171a895
+#: ../../templates.rst:951
+#: ../../templates.rst:963
+# 0b382531327d4323aa4983bacc4ed07f
+# d535d0d741a64664bf63603df9967f1f
 msgid "Choose the VHD, then click Next."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1140
-# a9bab1d1a45a4cafb6e8c6249a5876a9
+#: ../../templates.rst:953
+# 2a052e079f674601944c0ba73a344456
 msgid "Name the VM, choose the NFS VHD SR under Storage, enable \"Run Operating System Fixups\" and choose the NFS ISO SR."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1145
-# 6cbb139632604de5ab457b8a26f09644
+#: ../../templates.rst:956
+# cc2978604a5d4e41bc9bf810c2d56de3
 msgid "Click Next, then Finish. A VM should be created."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1147
-# b64f3cb8f2b94ad4b2420392608be3b9
+#: ../../templates.rst:958
+# 67a0e0a79a8a4361a4a7a54ce0f7d4bb
 msgid "Option two:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1151
-# 8fa8282a43bf473ca4d7c4c12a507faf
+#: ../../templates.rst:960
+# 30a1d3fd83154d909f816cbdb7f05e1e
 msgid "Run XenConvert, under From choose VHD, under To choose XenServer. Click Next."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1160
-# 637e824a79ea42cfad3ee75f6b72178c
+#: ../../templates.rst:965
+# a00bf9e6d260466fbec3fa0226669cdb
 msgid "Input the XenServer host info, then click Next."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1164
-# 31ec8cb452ee4cd3a4e1fbd1a5591cce
+#: ../../templates.rst:967
+# 44711d8c01324ee79a30d8ce8b327a78
 msgid "Name the VM, then click Next, then Convert. A VM should be created."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1166
-# 496176bfda5f4ca090835a247ab83525
+#: ../../templates.rst:969
+# 92901943e7874fb1a3d951cd238e0711
 msgid "Once you have a VM created from the Hyper-V VHD, prepare it using the following steps:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1171
-# 4e71cb70625645019467653e605e2c10
+#: ../../templates.rst:972
+# 86356c840f4d4588a591dc27d244bfca
 msgid "Boot the VM, uninstall Hyper-V Integration Services, and reboot."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1175
-# 73af4ce888ac410fb724f43a4f97b6e1
+#: ../../templates.rst:974
+# b7695ac5e06a43afb682c51148ea61a2
 msgid "Install XenServer Tools, then reboot."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1179
-# c3d2431ce6f140379ffc743673a49262
+#: ../../templates.rst:976
+# 35c3a56ed699450c91f45bdba9627f4c
 msgid "Prepare the VM as desired. For example, run sysprep on Windows VMs. See `“Creating a Windows Template” <#creating-a-windows-template>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1183
-# 45c26189e85d4114914986ecd8612d99
+#: ../../templates.rst:980
+# 35897d5ecf6144a88204cb836ee76084
 msgid "Either option above will create a VM in HVM mode. This is fine for Windows VMs, but Linux VMs may not perform optimally. Converting a Linux VM to PV mode will require additional steps and will vary by distribution."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1190
-# e991522b48624c3880f9b55c06c5a0e0
+#: ../../templates.rst:985
+# e4c0e0e192034e3b9e9439d79eae9bb3
 msgid "Shut down the VM and copy the VHD from the NFS storage to a web server; for example, mount the NFS share on the web server and copy it, or from the XenServer host use sftp or scp to upload it to the web server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1197
-# cb7bc05407234c42ae3603ec5da5f4e4
+#: ../../templates.rst:990
+# 96fa0ff0b9e842af9381d561f9534955
 msgid "In CloudStack, create a new template using the following values:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1201
-# 9604d23f8f734af59c09a539f13ca526
+#: ../../templates.rst:992
+# 713fe06958f947ecb69e69b7d6b4d85e
 msgid "URL. Give the URL for the VHD"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1205
-# d1f70e73d3234873b57cb7171f26765b
+#: ../../templates.rst:994
+# 4af6eb652e6744cca4ac135718ee31e2
 msgid "OS Type. Use the appropriate OS. For PV mode on CentOS, choose Other PV (32-bit) or Other PV (64-bit). This choice is available only for XenServer."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1211
-# 0ac91486a990460eb7221cf9d1fafe83
+#: ../../templates.rst:998
+# 2d17699c6d72457e94c849e9369be071
 msgid "Hypervisor. XenServer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1215
-# 9d054209286d4d7c9c0610236b45cfa7
+#: ../../templates.rst:1000
+# 0fe80c0299054980a5b04cae8c3a89c4
 msgid "Format. VHD"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1217
-# 5bcee6035ba44c2d8d9cb1dd8cf29469
+#: ../../templates.rst:1002
+# 0a2022d596764dda94ee0b8c61a7b8f6
 msgid "The template will be created, and you can create instances from it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1222
-# dd759eeb19364467981383f61c60927b
+#: ../../templates.rst:1008
+# 4a48b7a200f84177bc4c2935b3cb7020
 msgid "Adding Password Management to Your Templates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1224
-# fb423b84f13b4398afd1b6531cbaf84e
+#: ../../templates.rst:1010
+# c24c604a1aa648859c9853bd23207c13
 msgid "CloudStack provides an optional password reset feature that allows users to set a temporary admin or root password as well as reset the existing admin or root password from the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1228
-# df4d415dd2564e7ab3b4de2a880058fa
+#: ../../templates.rst:1014
+# 217ddf1185f5412999996969e470b02e
 msgid "To enable the Reset Password feature, you will need to download an additional script to patch your template. When you later upload the template into CloudStack, you can specify whether reset admin/root password feature should be enabled for this template."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1233
-# 78843c1122fa4c54a3929a71cdc9802a
+#: ../../templates.rst:1019
+# bed2001bd6fd4768808ffe617fb80007
 msgid "The password management feature works always resets the account password on instance boot. The script does an HTTP call to the virtual router to retrieve the account password that should be set. As long as the virtual router is accessible the guest will have access to the account password that should be used. When the user requests a password reset the management server generates and sends a new password to the virtual router for the account. Thus an instance reboot is necessary to effect any password changes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1242
-# 7e61c96f8bbb4f4ca576ab92fe9ce78c
+#: ../../templates.rst:1028
+# 6294578d1b274e62ad53e3b5b90dba5e
 msgid "If the script is unable to contact the virtual router during instance boot it will not set the password but boot will continue normally."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1246
-# 49eed667df7349ffbb96bf4c5855b760
+#: ../../templates.rst:1033
+# 19d468fa67b84dc4ad8a85a6c367545c
 msgid "Linux OS Installation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1248
-# cdb19794d6b74c899b8104d2993f5d8a
+#: ../../templates.rst:1035
+# 8dafc3143daa4624ac256c0d1deebdb3
 msgid "Use the following steps to begin the Linux OS installation:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1252
-# 103d0d138ee144c78942523b42447afd
+#: ../../templates.rst:1037
+# 4cc0194e2b4049d186735606a395ff0c
 msgid "Download the script file cloud-set-guest-password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1256
-# d55938ee41df43778f8a15a14f3bea66
+#: ../../templates.rst:1039
+# 7dfc38f9a99c4d0bbb5007329350693e
 msgid "` <>`_"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1260
-# 69a9531c06f3411aab079ec846b69481
+#: ../../templates.rst:1042
+# 6eead5e6602446c78f65d37e092b049f
 msgid "Copy this file to /etc/init.d."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1262
-# 386ec6429c6d4721a35bf98174797cba
+#: ../../templates.rst:1044
+# 2819cf0c972f4042931c612b737e8f1d
 msgid "On some Linux distributions, copy the file to ``/etc/rc.d/init.d``."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1266
-# 8a851834aab54db0bd4728de50b5ce79
+#: ../../templates.rst:1046
+# f914b404aef44aa1a7fbc43160c833b3
 msgid "Run the following command to make the script executable:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1274
-# a32adaaea0b346c9a57ebee47ad88300
+#: ../../templates.rst:1052
+# ae8119d7538749fb95c1ce6ac6541c59
 msgid "Depending on the Linux distribution, continue with the appropriate step."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1277
-# 4a6cab3c328841e6943b0113ca737c5b
+#: ../../templates.rst:1055
+# c85e239054a542e88bb0030af7cb7a19
 msgid "On Fedora, CentOS/RHEL, and Debian, run:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1284
-# 1d4622c6039c4d018da6f87125f5d8f5
+#: ../../templates.rst:1063
+# e83101bd5fd3442f817ec22d010edc3e
 msgid "Windows OS Installation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1286
-# ceaf3ec621d44c85ad793bdc04cb5ea8
+#: ../../templates.rst:1065
+# c40beb0a6d5c466c994729dba2d4b12e
 msgid "Download the installer, CloudInstanceManager.msi, from the `Download page <>`_ and run the installer in the newly created Windows VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1291
-# 26d4aac3e7914c3eb9e017404da446e7
+#: ../../templates.rst:1071
+# 56df3bfa3de0447b9f0a0b4f02a1fb4c
 msgid "Deleting Templates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1293
-# 254a98cbb5b9413287be33a6278244f4
+#: ../../templates.rst:1073
+# 2d005d50f15746f793e20a2343fe6e29
 msgid "Templates may be deleted. In general, when a template spans multiple Zones, only the copy that is selected for deletion will be deleted; the same template in other Zones will not be deleted. The provided CentOS template is an exception to this. If the provided CentOS template is deleted, it will be deleted from all Zones."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates.rst:1299
-# dd775f9e560549d88e1e2f6582bc17b8
+#: ../../templates.rst:1079
+# 4ddffe7d5d2b4f14814054eea2d8fd47
 msgid "When templates are deleted, the VMs instantiated from them will continue to run. However, new VMs cannot be created based on the deleted template."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/troubleshooting.pot b/source/locale/pot/troubleshooting.pot
index c3bba5c..c9164fa 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/troubleshooting.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/troubleshooting.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -16,368 +16,368 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:17
-# e8bd92e93dac45f788464ab1963b20e7
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:18
+# 453abc0964244620ab303e8bbdd16340
 msgid "TroubleShooting"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:20
-# 55d6cf3cc73d4ef5a617636942890a97
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:21
+# b90eea0457d64f3cb90be7deabcaa0c3
 msgid "Working with Server Logs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:22
-# 493b26a59c724cb0b4753cf2de7729c6
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:23
+# 9d89b655688d4af2bfc8302c8a0c9134
 msgid "The CloudStack Management Server logs all web site, middle tier, and database activities for diagnostics purposes in `/var/log/cloudstack/management/`. The CloudStack logs a variety of error messages. We recommend this command to find the problematic output in the Management Server log:."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:29
-# e9110df374044f87990151358476d4c4
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:30
+# 3fc8e92bb3a741c3bd3a67d67cf0e9a3
 msgid "When copying and pasting a command, be sure the command has pasted as a single line before executing. Some document viewers may introduce unwanted line breaks in copied text."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:37
-# 0650dd8f9e3042b6a0023c284e9700af
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:38
+# 845cfc971cf84bbca9edce162a942ad2
 msgid "The CloudStack processes requests with a Job ID. If you find an error in the logs and you are interested in debugging the issue you can grep for this job ID in the management server log. For example, suppose that you find the following ERROR message:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:46
-# 8311990224b84dd0b3faf4084d527b4f
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:47
+# f7529d9ff27a4e27bdad7d8a6435087a
 msgid "Note that the job ID is 1076. You can track back the events relating to job 1076 with the following grep:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:53
-# e3ffc3e9a91f4bbd92acf9a582aa4f09
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:54
+# 4da5450950cc43b79b6d4391e28f4f41
 msgid "The CloudStack Agent Server logs its activities in `/var/log/cloudstack/agent/`."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:57
-# 2e3bac54e6a44e7a916a10b1a72ae7b8
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:58
+# ba4670a0c5444406a2eb230cb99333d5
 msgid "Data Loss on Exported Primary Storage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:60
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:94
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:138
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:158
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:178
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:215
-# 17772f3eaf854986935381edba6a08f4
-# a36bc3bf835b43ceb89eb0502f49427f
-# 5b32c5e122f34a7390b04dc584d7d8b1
-# 8c990e9835c843e0ba8e6389024c9da7
-# c07d93b58e73413caee9927f2f377a4c
-# 0210bf5ba6124daab904e885ec47d2c3
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:61
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:99
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:140
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:162
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:185
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:219
+# b0ef204b69a54f32bd49070c4b9b6a91
+# 96d811275eea4240af38ec923db3c739
+# 03085fe48e6f4b379bcb1b827fff32d4
+# 83a83346af6342ae960e60c796e896d3
+# dc69c8f4922e4f69a378d3a16a609df7
+# 3970143e5afb4c03a4b3aed0f9e50fc7
 msgid "Symptom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:62
-# b8c4b40af3fd4552bdc54740a5a0fd39
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:63
+# a5727b8982354aaeb9aaa3eaccf41ef9
 msgid "Loss of existing data on primary storage which has been exposed as a Linux NFS server export on an iSCSI volume."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:66
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:100
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:143
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:163
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:195
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:221
-# c0c2bc4870e74609a67d1aed2af2b411
-# 989912d8a32b45e8a4bd2c54b5a97647
-# 1b80c032e2184fad85a5b5d2321b104a
-# b3c2f63d649b4d4dbb78fe05f3e2f087
-# aa3a404aa32c48bbb850fca268ee4ac9
-# 57820682c7c44dc0b9429c160629a1eb
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:68
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:106
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:146
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:168
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:197
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:226
+# 77646ea81e804cb9ada6c17c6289cbbe
+# e5b68ba31d5948388069cf4e01357332
+# 48d47c0902414b5194a1d38398971eb6
+# 8c13e9a8446c49ef90ae29a314ee0d33
+# 8a80e812487d4bf6b38f6cdc6feddae0
+# 350e1aaa22b5432f8065bdf94cc27e02
 msgid "Cause"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:68
-# ea41406a62e9453a82d56cf6ddeb6106
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:70
+# 8ca868ba6d9349e6b0d83564a152f19e
 msgid "It is possible that a client from outside the intended pool has mounted the storage. When this occurs, the LVM is wiped and all data in the volume is lost"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:73
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:105
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:149
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:170
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:204
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:229
-# f0ac12571f8b418ea67f8c179e9588d9
-# f84f95c1a8d549ed861a92e77654701f
-# 520bb677c65d4e4181f06db8804f56f0
-# 34a989bf06a745339a0202448dfa05be
-# a5d809d99a0f49cdbe7d4430121a264c
-# 2b638ad3018740ebb634edfd14737f06
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:76
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:112
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:153
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:176
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:207
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:235
+# 4934510ae4ce4c79a0ed5d6ee26fea0a
+# df9bd94f2f95481f93b741b643baedfb
+# 5d33b8b45f404f25abcb9d3fbfeafb70
+# 044a6cc8e613432ab218a02d3bbde2a1
+# 4445e221c952428fb2585060c4540dee
+# 7c3b4d63c42d4990999e96195fe72cca
 msgid "Solution"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:75
-# 4e51a9c86fae49d7a0d2e695914263a2
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:78
+# 990ebb2f5e854a479d94d06df1280a15
 msgid "When setting up LUN exports, restrict the range of IP addresses that are allowed access by specifying a subnet mask. For example:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:82
-# 568eeac2135a4012ab60259769577431
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:85
+# 17f9dff87a0b4b848b2938ad46c42bfc
 msgid "Adjust the above command to suit your deployment needs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:85
-# d4fee5a097ac450381983de58d22c6e9
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:89
+# 9dd74bb044b640dcb1b4e410db1a44e2
 msgid "More Information"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:87
-# 415506db5609428e9f0558889286845c
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:91
+# 6c10365641b54f549e84579ccb8d4fe2
 msgid "See the export procedure in the \"Secondary Storage\" section of the CloudStack Installation Guide"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:91
-# bc6b86b9b20744fa952c68c30ec06a25
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:96
+# 08ecc200c09045599e0c1f960186fdc4
 msgid "Recovering a Lost Virtual Router"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:96
-# e1bedbd70a194eea9bcb6f65d3f50c4c
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:101
+# db28bc81f196417980c31fd2d4b63f29
 msgid "A virtual router is running, but the host is disconnected. A virtual router no longer functions as expected."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:102
-# 08893bf84e644b23a7e0c804ca534073
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:108
+# a6ac53ae9be44b4e8b3602647222e9ac
 msgid "The Virtual router is lost or down."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:107
-# deaff49a430e473684632d83aedc2d39
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:114
+# 1bd58bc5e2314d0cbf2e0059b096bf0a
 msgid "If you are sure that a virtual router is down forever, or no longer functions as expected, destroy it. You must create one afresh while keeping the backup router up and running (it is assumed this is in a redundant router setup):"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:114
-# 263660e8d5c948cc90b7b071927c461c
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:119
+# 19e8516bc79a4b7faeb2645670f3a6a1
 msgid "Force stop the router. Use the stopRouter API with forced=true parameter to do so."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:119
-# a8c0f38a546c4ff7bee2db37d149b15c
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:122
+# 340f24e153484784bc1cf3b493c32ea3
 msgid "Before you continue with destroying this router, ensure that the backup router is running. Otherwise the network connection will be lost."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:125
-# af2a90eee3694d938aa01933f42ba89b
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:126
+# c2db1e8bd10547bfacb3e2d044ca6d06
 msgid "Destroy the router by using the destroyRouter API."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:127
-# 9089ab21bdab4b03b6f2dcc47cebf9bc
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:128
+# af3e07ca34034b49b6dba68eb7da16f3
 msgid "Recreate the missing router by using the restartNetwork API with cleanup=false parameter. For more information about redundant router setup, see Creating a New Network Offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:131
-# a434f77186074258ad0e39e2ff0db759
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:132
+# 25bdb5c7a6a7454ea25d62c3f0a02c57
 msgid "For more information about the API syntax, see the API Reference at ` <>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:135
-# eae25ddc68984cdf8cb3f8f596561d2a
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:137
+# d1a32a2023024c72907911b8c7757cae
 msgid "Maintenance mode not working on vCenter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:140
-# b72eae733c17444ba5a514ecb6b09fa5
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:142
+# bd6813f30ddc4a0da8cf13b7725c9748
 msgid "Host was placed in maintenance mode, but still appears live in vCenter."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:145
-# fbf7e8fb0dd64ce1a2017a533e13295e
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:148
+# 7241c889dd0842189f0c38eda241d14b
 msgid "The CloudStack administrator UI was used to place the host in scheduled maintenance mode. This mode is separate from vCenter's maintenance mode."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:151
-# 7ab1f606082f4ed2a25670e6c57fc031
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:155
+# a959d82ede064a89ad631ce910f8f7df
 msgid "Use vCenter to place the host in maintenance mode."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:155
-# 1311ca0126c0430a9dd150a744645cdc
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:159
+# f3c4a03f0b5042009b2e858d5b259496
 msgid "Unable to deploy VMs from uploaded vSphere template"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:160
-# 025f901918574e87add36be30ea7798f
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:164
+# f0d6310e9be647eda1506c7161d33a8b
 msgid "When attempting to create a VM, the VM will not deploy."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:165
-# 07f8edc978564e228b5b8b83d7435203
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:170
+# 82efe5f025f8468c99e720b0e00c067e
 msgid "If the template was created by uploading an OVA file that was created using vSphere Client, it is possible the OVA contained an ISO image. If it does, the deployment of VMs from the template will fail."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:172
-# e0782e40719a4fcaa6ceb63e014b5b83
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:178
+# c61b5fec4b5d4b75afac37386a78b766
 msgid "Remove the ISO and re-upload the template."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:175
-# 35ac51f5ddaf48a793878e40c33977b9
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:182
+# 7d4b56be6f504129860c6d5c12fd73d5
 msgid "Unable to power on virtual machine on VMware"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:180
-# 42400d62c2e14b4d9ad3abb86261cc42
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:187
+# bb0c46e2f09647f9a260c9e676f72afb
 msgid "Virtual machine does not power on. You might see errors like:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:184
-# 87c7076aa51441eda4d24256adff07b5
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:189
+# 92c768be206b4267bb993ce6b1b74d77
 msgid "Unable to open Swap File"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:188
-# 0cf604246d19441aba6cae448684bbf4
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:191
+# a63cf9eda829479b835aff2d3b017460
 msgid "Unable to access a file since it is locked"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:192
-# d18757cf00914c3ca874b46461d59d4a
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:193
+# 0deea4202b4b41d9a4fab5ae3dad09bf
 msgid "Unable to access Virtual machine configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:197
-# 86aaef84a5ce401ba596471a5d992fa7
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:199
+# 0605d083a0fa4569ad92e3ea1cfe6634
 msgid "A known issue on VMware machines. ESX hosts lock certain critical virtual machine files and file systems to prevent concurrent changes. Sometimes the files are not unlocked when the virtual machine is powered off. When a virtual machine attempts to power on, it can not access these critical files, and the virtual machine is unable to power on."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:206
-# 2a6626575cfa4e8d9051adef52800493
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:209
+# 177329a9571d49b5bce7dc8d84731724
 msgid "See the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:208
-# 5f72ef4ab29d49aabf6254dadff2157f
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:211
+# 344210667a0d414a89c35ba8bce56ca0
 msgid "`VMware Knowledge Base Article <>`_"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:212
-# c0e9e61553884ca791e3221a8b15478b
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:216
+# 7e82b8b3093b42cfb1088af2632abacf
 msgid "Load balancer rules fail after changing network offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:217
-# 54be70ae479746b099f16a975e6b313e
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:221
+# 8feb8c6245fb490d835881b4996a3504
 msgid "After changing the network offering on a network, load balancer rules stop working."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:223
-# 8859286ab9d946d5afc087a41d70f300
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:228
+# dea9609b31dc4131b77505535e3aca09
 msgid "Load balancing rules were created while using a network service offering that includes an external load balancer device such as NetScaler, and later the network service offering changed to one that uses the CloudStack virtual router."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:231
-# c745ba81f8c64e42ad0d937ae17224cd
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:237
+# e344e7e16a5145ee9dfeb6c9057e6cb6
 msgid "Create a firewall rule on the virtual router for each of your existing load balancing rules so that they continue to function."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:235
-# 59274eeb4f9c42eab20167cb78fcfcec
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:242
+# 8bc5100986b347c1a08bbeb52b64f7f7
 msgid "Troubleshooting Internet Traffic"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:237
-# 8b0eac2ff7a14b528639484afb576723
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:244
+# 5f383b9190f34ebcbdd6bb92b713ee21
 msgid "Below are a few troubleshooting steps to check whats going wrong with your network..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:241
-# f27e96f760da43158895e31cefe0d354
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:249
+# 07599df9fe734016810667b0edbc9a49
 msgid "Trouble Shooting Steps"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:243
-# 5b3da7b6d48a45ccaab81ec2fefb9b72
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:251
+# 1a82d41b488b46c2bef892a561b3756c
 msgid "The switches have to be configured correctly to pass VLAN traffic. You can verify if VLAN traffic is working by bringing up a tagged interface on the hosts and pinging between them as below..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:247
-# ebc26236b36141e2ad5ea9414f0eefc4
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:255
+# 6b44f2f662ed49199d66820be6f6de02
 msgid "On *host1 (kvm1)*"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:255
-# 1466a71fb13c4e8d9d6885ac3c9a46ea
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:263
+# 5120295551574a56817a504f54bfe602
 msgid "On *host2 (kvm2)*"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:263
-# e3a67b52cabd4480b54de5ad3c79f6b5
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:271
+# 417a511656394e62ab6533726322a54e
 msgid "If the pings dont work, run *tcpdump(8)* all over the place to check who is gobbling up the packets. Ultimately, if the switches are not configured correctly, CloudStack networking wont work so fix the physical networking issues before you proceed to the next steps"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:268
-# ce37e4e95d564397b90ff5aef4baa80d
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:276
+# 63be4a452fb043e1ad03834e2b6afc37
 msgid "Ensure `Traffic Labels <>`_ are set for the Zone."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:270
-# 6be4c1c298e3442c8353ba69a623d6d9
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:278
+# 997b8cf202374996adfbc66cf272e85d
 msgid "Traffic labels need to be set for all hypervisors including XenServer, KVM and VMware types. You can configure traffic labels when you creating a new zone from the *Add Zone Wizard*."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:276
-# f1555452ac5a4341a628cf84d907af13
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:284
+# 7f2757fe05a54b7890d5b634724bd166
 msgid "On an existing zone, you can modify the traffic labels by going to *Infrastructure, Zones, Physical Network* tab."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:281
-# 344079c7f4e54f748b8d4b63b1be58d4
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:289
+# de6b7290f1874731bab19679f2b1c123
 msgid "List labels using *CloudMonkey*"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:313
-# 5426cbca012c4e0ba7d7afa01f49719e
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:321
+# d7be5d89abc2416a81c2e11ae80e5c5e
 msgid "KVM traffic labels require to be named as *\"cloudbr0\"*, *\"cloudbr2\"*, *\"cloudbrN\"* etc and the corresponding bridge must exist on the KVM hosts. If you create labels/bridges with any other names, CloudStack (atleast earlier versions did) seems to ignore them. CloudStack does not create the physical bridges on the KVM hosts, you need to create them **before** before adding the host to Cloudstack."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:332
-# 4892fd19e0e14fc39b02e7c7dddb8f2b
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:340
+# 4d5d185d16bb4379b29d90b15b9e9855
 msgid "The Virtual Router, SSVM, CPVM *public* interface would be bridged to a physical interface on the host. In the example below, *cloudbr0* is the public interface and CloudStack has correctly created the virtual interfaces bridge. This virtual interface to physical interface mapping is done automatically by CloudStack using the traffic label settings for the Zone. If you have provided correct settings and still dont have a working working Internet, check the switching layer before you debug any further. You can verify traffic using tcpdump on the virtual, physical and bridge interfaces."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:364
-# a87950c34d404d9ba5426109cc68a1cc
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:372
+# f261f43d727440edbeaf4c36ca611f7c
 msgid "Pre-create labels on the XenServer Hosts. Similar to KVM bridge setup, traffic labels must also be pre-created on the XenServer hosts before adding them to CloudStack."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:377
-# 59c18293d72e465580db2a7b77faebcc
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:385
+# e75bf706d6a745c9a94ee34516e86d1f
 msgid "The Internet would be accessible from both the SSVM and CPVM instances by default. Their public IPs will also be directly pingable from the Internet. Please note that these test would work only if your switches and traffic labels are configured correctly for your environment. If your SSVM/CPVM cant reach the Internet, its very unlikely that the Virtual Router (VR) can also the reach the Internet suggesting that its either a switching issue or incorrectly assigned traffic labels. Fix the SSVM/CPVM issues before you debug VR issues."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:409
-# c4cfab36727849f1a4ca325b9a43eaf9
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:417
+# c1f11bc2b9ea470382b5f863e8d1a146
 msgid "The Virtual Router (VR) should also be able to reach the Internet without having any Egress rules. The Egress rules only control forwarded traffic and not traffic that originates on the VR itself."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:424
-# f7afcd661a50477fb5a663ebab387610
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:432
+# fd961e75e43d4c48a4b779ef136e1d12
 msgid "However, the Virtual Router's (VR) Source NAT Public IP address **WONT** be reachable until appropriate Ingress rules are in place. You can add *Ingress* rules under *Network, Guest Network, IP Address, Firewall* setting page."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:431
-# ad40b8f845bf4c679b118fa88838fc44
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:439
+# 7a1ba3d03cd64a0cb60486d361453ebd
 msgid "The VM Instances by default wont be able to access the Internet. Add Egress rules to permit traffic."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:436
-# 8f93a9ea7cec42038a0511d2d00b1b9c
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:444
+# 2d798a14dcd149af8197080268c1b12b
 msgid "Some users have reported that flushing IPTables rules (or changing routes) on the SSVM, CPVM or the Virtual Router makes the Internet work. This is not expected behaviour and suggests that your networking settings are incorrect. No IPtables/route changes are required on the SSVM, CPVM or the VR. Go back and double check all your settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:443
-# 5b0ed7e9c0584d40aa39fb35184e6122
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:451
+# e14dab36e181467a9fd09fb6d0283176
 msgid "In a vast majority of the cases, the problem has turned out to be at the switching layer where the L3 switches were configured incorrectly."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:446
-# 264a011e35404961978190f2eebf50e0
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:454
+# 5fff1dc7083a4412a9e4051f2e239180
 msgid "This section was contibuted by Shanker Balan and was originally published on `Shapeblue's blog <>`_"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/tuning.pot b/source/locale/pot/tuning.pot
index 1d0a753..d13b8e8 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/tuning.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/tuning.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
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 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
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 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -17,107 +17,107 @@
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 #: ../../tuning.rst:18
-# a09f44bbf5fe4885aa5f5856bae80ea4
+# 0c7c82c60c1c4ce4b2ec9838cc883b84
 msgid "Tuning"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../tuning.rst:20
-# eb683307decf4141bcb683821c79ee03
+# 9a2a025467014e929276cfa1e9e73e71
 msgid "This section provides tips on how to improve the performance of your cloud."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:24
-# 0ae5216b7aa04aed8e4ba37ced396c59
+#: ../../tuning.rst:25
+# 9b00143dbb7b4b4b97baab2aa95815aa
 msgid "Performance Monitoring"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:26
-# 4b6618cc525444739c5aec508caf360f
+#: ../../tuning.rst:27
+# 43c6615bb7084bc58dbf0561984e39f3
 msgid "Host and guest performance monitoring is available to end users and administrators. This allows the user to monitor their utilization of resources and determine when it is appropriate to choose a more powerful service offering or larger disk."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:32
-# 276e9fb4d3d343ff908423a78692e732
+#: ../../tuning.rst:34
+# 470932b76e664973b7568b285a10a77d
 msgid "Increase Management Server Maximum Memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:34
-# 411d58758d4c45029bda78e8e3a11012
+#: ../../tuning.rst:36
+# 82b1560c6fbf421b952de1c8424aa4a2
 msgid "If the Management Server is subject to high demand, the default maximum JVM memory allocation can be insufficient. To increase the memory:"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../tuning.rst:39
-# d48e389d98ec45acb7f98d594f33935d
+# 1b69cb03d370442f913397dde140c37c
 msgid "Edit the Tomcat configuration file:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:47
-# 279ab9737d40423aa83a711cc6156296
+#: ../../tuning.rst:45
+# d9a022a48b8a4076872b335db29f658c
 msgid "Change the command-line parameter -XmxNNNm to a higher value of N."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:49
-# 4a5af47c21964e2f9365ab8534002b04
+#: ../../tuning.rst:47
+# bf5935dc78264c1baf8cd4984a631b98
 msgid "For example, if the current value is -Xmx128m, change it to -Xmx1024m or higher."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:54
-# 0b7931e36ac34cd8a33dc0c4a60e549e
+#: ../../tuning.rst:50
+# e4dda8bcace04b10a404493586f871a1
 msgid "To put the new setting into effect, restart the Management Server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:60
-# 922da07d183b4c1fb87754cee9ee711c
+#: ../../tuning.rst:56
+# 4b11c5fd61d0469480f110a7ebe528d0
 msgid "For more information about memory issues, see \"FAQ: Memory\" at `Tomcat Wiki. <>`_"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:64
-# 2abdd3204b2647e7b0d236deba7e6dc7
+#: ../../tuning.rst:61
+# 588f5981eb3843ac91a1041e9f3bb832
 msgid "Set Database Buffer Pool Size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:66
-# 3dc24e56555f45a3a78f54a9c01167cb
+#: ../../tuning.rst:63
+# 2a1e327a1aa04838bfefce6674d9ec3e
 msgid "It is important to provide enough memory space for the MySQL database to cache data and indexes:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:71
-# 1ad70fcf154640e0bd9f10edc5194af6
+#: ../../tuning.rst:66
+# 55bafed06cb5401fba6713f86660fe74
 msgid "Edit the MySQL configuration file:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:79
-# 98a251615df34d0ebe59198a671cfb7a
+#: ../../tuning.rst:72
+# a2719920b1ad4f2388c10ed8f19e5437
 msgid "Insert the following line in the [mysqld] section, below the datadir line. Use a value that is appropriate for your situation. We recommend setting the buffer pool at 40% of RAM if MySQL is on the same server as the management server or 70% of RAM if MySQL has a dedicated server. The following example assumes a dedicated server with 1024M of RAM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:92
-# f4b16571708a45d6bdccae5a0c4eea4f
+#: ../../tuning.rst:83
+# 30d79aae5ff745b789f7e402c61d4164
 msgid "Restart the MySQL service."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:98
-# e96855539cae48449d32a81ed8982be7
+#: ../../tuning.rst:89
+# b12c7032e74b411d9d9c7bc32a92a3ab
 msgid "For more information about the buffer pool, see \"The InnoDB Buffer Pool\" at `MySQL Reference Manual <>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:103
-# 5bde2eb730ae44e1ac63a015a63a84ef
+#: ../../tuning.rst:95
+# 1cbfe60313d445848eb5e90f708b55a1
 msgid "Set and Monitor Total VM Limits per Host"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:105
-# 4d031105d275433294098273f33fe211
+#: ../../tuning.rst:97
+# 36520c7bbf2b4888813341615ca176fa
 msgid "The CloudStack administrator should monitor the total number of VM instances in each cluster, and disable allocation to the cluster if the total is approaching the maximum that the hypervisor can handle. Be sure to leave a safety margin to allow for the possibility of one or more hosts failing, which would increase the VM load on the other hosts as the VMs are automatically redeployed. Consult the documentation for your chosen hypervisor to find the maximum permitted number of VMs per host, then use CloudStack global configuration settings to set this as the default limit. Monitor the VM activity in each cluster at all times. Keep the total number of VMs below a safe level that allows for the occasional host failure. For example, if there are N hosts in the cluster, and you want to allow for one host in the cluster to be down at any given time, the total number of VM instances you can permit in the cluster is at most (N-1) \\* (per-host-limit). Once a cluster reaches this number of VMs, use the CloudStack UI to disable allocation of more VMs to the cluster."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:123
-# e32b5f442e7246fb98e590d27b87fbb5
+#: ../../tuning.rst:116
+# 87fad0d347f845e4b589cf1b70bfaad0
 msgid "Configure XenServer dom0 Memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../tuning.rst:125
-# 6614a82a183a4312bdbccca333889df7
+#: ../../tuning.rst:118
+# e6d8fead31da4d2880407fe308a0c13a
 msgid "Configure the XenServer dom0 settings to allocate more memory to dom0. This can enable XenServer to handle larger numbers of virtual machines. We recommend 2940 MB of RAM for XenServer dom0. For instructions on how to do this, see `Citrix Knowledgebase Article <>`_.The article refers to XenServer 5.6, but the same information applies to XenServer 6"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/ui.pot b/source/locale/pot/ui.pot
index 39f5882..5830e1d 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/ui.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/ui.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
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 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
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@@ -16,330 +16,175 @@
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-#: ../../ui.rst:17
-# 824f2fb7a40e400c817793505bf85705
+#: ../../ui.rst:18
+# 823af79fce60474780309ce761b8cbb3
 msgid "User Interface"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:20
-# 9930e90c431f4e6b83a5464220c2f363
+#: ../../ui.rst:21
+# a41f3714ea474cafa002318580d95e84
 msgid "Log In to the UI"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:22
-# 66dab55143a94a97bf69d0a14b01ee02
+#: ../../ui.rst:23
+# aab161d8e0fa441c97c979ad5befdaf2
 msgid "CloudStack provides a web-based UI that can be used by both administrators and end users. The appropriate version of the UI is displayed depending on the credentials used to log in. The UI is available in popular browsers including IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox 3.5+, Firefox 4, Safari 4, and Safari 5. The URL is: (substitute your own management server IP address)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:33
-# 1f150301d3b24a0c9ef17e3907c6f7bd
+#: ../../ui.rst:34
+# 5757c519124e45b4b91631b922360a4c
 msgid "On a fresh Management Server installation, a guided tour splash screen appears. On later visits, you’ll see a login screen where you specify the following to proceed to your Dashboard:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:37
-# 75ef5c6d747743f6b305a6985cc9317c
+#: ../../ui.rst:38
+# 192d35e05058441db921256f04a28daf
 msgid "Username -> The user ID of your account. The default username is admin."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:39
-# d50078a4174245929b7bed1d18dee41b
+#: ../../ui.rst:40
+# 7ca04676225345a3a4d7e9f05fa900b9
 msgid "Password -> The password associated with the user ID. The password for the default username is password."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:42
-# ed8d4b1b0749488a8eddc7c967b431a0
+#: ../../ui.rst:43
+# fff9c234e7724e1aa8a5ca63b9cbc714
 msgid "Domain -> If you are a root user, leave this field blank."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:44
-# 7f94ded7b94e493191cad1f8aa619d8c
+#: ../../ui.rst:45
+# f7cc367a3acb49149809ad5212740659
 msgid "If you are a user in the sub-domains, enter the full path to the domain, excluding the root domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:47
-# 2fe701c5f506417b9ab5d9eb89b7282e
+#: ../../ui.rst:48
+# 2716e01ce2b446be9cf2b3c098897945
 msgid "For example, suppose multiple levels are created under the root domain, such as Comp1/hr. The users in the Comp1 domain should enter Comp1 in the Domain field, whereas the users in the Comp1/sales domain should enter Comp1/sales."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:52
-# b6a9dbd7c01b41f29187e7bbca753c06
+#: ../../ui.rst:53
+# dab31f7d62b846799291e80598d3534d
 msgid "For more guidance about the choices that appear when you log in to this UI, see Logging In as the Root Administrator."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:56
-# 48d00dd7bd68418190cd46bb293473d6
+#: ../../ui.rst:58
+# f89e19a4f46d49d3899770c2d8d858ae
 msgid "End User's UI Overview"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:58
-# 7ff28690d249411096a5af0c0ddfa6a9
+#: ../../ui.rst:60
+# fab0b6e0d255493e9c1a1800bffbd107
 msgid "The CloudStack UI helps users of cloud infrastructure to view and use their cloud resources, including virtual machines, templates and ISOs, data volumes and snapshots, guest networks, and IP addresses. If the user is a member or administrator of one or more CloudStack projects, the UI can provide a project-oriented view."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:65
-# b9f32da1cc284a77a0170d30360c2295
+#: ../../ui.rst:68
+# 03bffb509d6342f09a88c6c18b4a0041
 msgid "Root Administrator's UI Overview"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:67
-# de7c88e845554ec786a629a84f587490
+#: ../../ui.rst:70
+# f46ea02636f0416ab79e48c05c194422
 msgid "The CloudStack UI helps the CloudStack administrator provision, view, and manage the cloud infrastructure, domains, user accounts, projects, and configuration settings. The first time you start the UI after a fresh Management Server installation, you can choose to follow a guided tour to provision your cloud infrastructure. On subsequent logins, the dashboard of the logged-in user appears. The various links in this screen and the navigation bar on the left provide access to a variety of administrative functions. The root administrator can also use the UI to perform all the same tasks that are present in the end-user’s UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:78
-# cec8e56a3f3c4003b9b5cb32786f06c1
+#: ../../ui.rst:82
+# 2010e004d6354a46899b6e0a6177a36a
 msgid "Logging In as the Root Administrator"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:80
-# bba4bc7659854a22a7f9755411002452
+#: ../../ui.rst:84
+# beb82ae526444b67b6c2baff8c7901a7
 msgid "After the Management Server software is installed and running, you can run the CloudStack user interface. This UI is there to help you provision, view, and manage your cloud infrastructure."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:86
-#: ../../ui.rst:155
-# 9da61f92327340a882b5300469950b1d
-# dfefb71a2c3a4f5ba43d40560f9b829f
+#: ../../ui.rst:88
+#: ../../ui.rst:151
+# 6beabdba74e7408e8fcc8ffa226a704e
+# 8c7e2423aea64ae6b5b2f13c8c000895
 msgid "Open your favorite Web browser and go to this URL. Substitute the IP address of your own Management Server:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:93
-# c848c16d0204458d89b15421d959a14c
+#: ../../ui.rst:95
+# 5afc8c800bcb4248a79f7b7dc8ea6173
 msgid "After logging into a fresh Management Server installation, a guided tour splash screen appears. On later visits, you’ll be taken directly into the Dashboard."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../ui.rst:99
-# 9dc9abbeec84440ab29d157ce21b2021
+# a27fd5db6a0d41dbb4d17954889871c7
 msgid "If you see the first-time splash screen, choose one of the following."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:103
-# 4c0c71f3a1684669a2f9d69e77f2b70c
+#: ../../ui.rst:101
+# f9579429faa6431a9cc007c91af49e61
 msgid "**Continue with basic setup.** Choose this if you're just trying CloudStack, and you want a guided walkthrough of the simplest possible configuration so that you can get started right away. We'll help you set up a cloud with the following features: a single machine that runs CloudStack software and uses NFS to provide storage; a single machine running VMs under the XenServer or KVM hypervisor; and a shared public network."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:111
-# 0e0058e02be4491a9d8b2b762a2bce2c
+#: ../../ui.rst:109
+# 8a24a6a0c06f440087e093cad917bffb
 msgid "The prompts in this guided tour should give you all the information you need, but if you want just a bit more detail, you can follow along in the Trial Installation Guide."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:117
-# 531d687fea424084bf40162d887f1157
+#: ../../ui.rst:113
+# 81d70c27e4d842afbbdc4f74e0c19acb
 msgid "**I have used CloudStack before.** Choose this if you have already gone through a design phase and planned a more sophisticated deployment, or you are ready to start scaling up a trial cloud that you set up earlier with the basic setup screens. In the Administrator UI, you can start using the more powerful features of CloudStack, such as advanced VLAN networking, high availability, additional network elements such as load balancers and firewalls, and support for multiple hypervisors including Citrix XenServer, KVM, and VMware vSphere."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:127
-# a9ade2077b0b4da09c1f74ee47fbf1df
+#: ../../ui.rst:123
+# 031ecbafb6b14054869c6a4202b5c1fd
 msgid "The root administrator Dashboard appears."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:131
-# 6d272187a4224eee883e147c2bd70841
+#: ../../ui.rst:125
+# 7d9e4e036dec429db9386110482d17fa
 msgid "You should set a new root administrator password. If you chose basic setup, you’ll be prompted to create a new password right away. If you chose experienced user, use the steps in :ref:`changing-root-password`."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:137
-# ce25a9e2a2e5427ba0b0979423dee209
+#: ../../ui.rst:130
+# 812d903dc8bc4cf5a98f694baeb328a0
 msgid "You are logging in as the root administrator. This account manages the CloudStack deployment, including physical infrastructure. The root administrator can modify configuration settings to change basic functionality, create or delete user accounts, and take many actions that should be performed only by an authorized person. Please change the default password to a new, unique password."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:142
-# 245d29fc03c0406eb25debd7beae06df
+#: ../../ui.rst:140
+# b350994b6904403db6d30d524f0eed32
 msgid "Changing the Root Password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:144
-# e7c7d3abe5564cc1a37b80c78666c4f0
+#: ../../ui.rst:142
+# 3a06c8a9892b4cbeaac7e2dec367ddd7
 msgid "During installation and ongoing cloud administration, you will need to log in to the UI as the root administrator. The root administrator account manages the CloudStack deployment, including physical infrastructure. The root administrator can modify configuration settings to change basic functionality, create or delete user accounts, and take many actions that should be performed only by an authorized person. When first installing CloudStack, be sure to change the default password to a new, unique value."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:164
-# 6043d1e39c2a48e4b854e3578f22ec8c
+#: ../../ui.rst:158
+# 7057f98c0cb94bceb1dc66c14a0b5802
 msgid "Log in to the UI using the current root user ID and password. The default is admin, password."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:169
-# cd0b86751e6349b0b87a2b0b90f2aa0f
+#: ../../ui.rst:161
+# fdf104279af341739d24347f0e1fce4e
 msgid "Click Accounts."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:173
-# 026a6a1bd5f249e5ba1083e8c008bff0
+#: ../../ui.rst:163
+# c12c934bf488453e9c209dcf140e5b22
 msgid "Click the admin account name."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:177
-# d409c268bfec40fdaafc542ed7e5f9a8
+#: ../../ui.rst:165
+# 9941a672247948c09ee39a2119dcbb22
 msgid "Click View Users."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:181
-# aaa72f38d16f48b483ed186fa00197c1
+#: ../../ui.rst:167
+# 482e7c8a3e904702a4089d4643cdae41
 msgid "Click the admin user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:185
-# 028079ae04324fb6b57f66f799f63c62
+#: ../../ui.rst:169
+# ae46b97a741b49e4b1c2422f074135e9
 msgid "Click the Change Password button. |change-password.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:189
-# ac75f53f86c345ff8363e0493a554c7e
+#: ../../ui.rst:171
+# 9ba47399deaa4e378669ad789c0a47c0
 msgid "Type the new password, and click OK."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:192
-# 247f04e8fcf944c4b5dae33d5904fc7e
-msgid "Using SSH Keys for Authentication"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:194
-# 17729e6e0703435c8d7cdae57ea0158e
-msgid "In addition to the username and password authentication, CloudStack supports using SSH keys to log in to the cloud infrastructure for additional security. You can use the createSSHKeyPair API to generate the SSH keys."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:199
-# 60474970e0924ca8881ca58a0f2aaf1c
-msgid "Because each cloud user has their own SSH key, one cloud user cannot log in to another cloud user's instances unless they share their SSH key files. Using a single SSH key pair, you can manage multiple instances."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:204
-# d04ab78757e648db9a36b21757d95eb2
-msgid "Creating an Instance Template that Supports SSH Keys"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:206
-# 7c8b494ef99a4f8b91c6a2ae002c4924
-msgid "Create an instance template that supports SSH Keys."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:210
-# 4912a213c00d429780087b2cfe97da53
-msgid "Create a new instance by using the template provided by cloudstack."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:212
-# a6a64feeebfc45e093188be0b11f249c
-msgid "For more information on creating a new instance, see"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:216
-# d9301346ec2b4466bbcb41b41e4fca67
-msgid "Download the cloudstack script from `The SSH Key Gen Script <>`_ to the instance you have created."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:224
-# 35616f7818954a1f944b86f8c1647662
-msgid "Copy the file to /etc/init.d."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:232
-# 9cd32ae2ba0048f7b0defa4c05704fe4
-msgid "Give the necessary permissions on the script:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:240
-# a3cdb8470165420e9cf800130e0c9558
-msgid "Run the script while starting up the operating system:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:248
-# d72d733121264975825dda05eb82afa6
-msgid "Stop the instance."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:251
-# a4e2c66c696d4a828deb3db3bb32b233
-msgid "Creating the SSH Keypair"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:253
-# eda0dab882fb4b638b95e4b9037d81d5
-msgid "You must make a call to the createSSHKeyPair api method. You can either use the CloudStack Python API library or the curl commands to make the call to the cloudstack api."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:257
-# e7eb58ee1cc84b6c840951ef582865f5
-msgid "For example, make a call from the cloudstack server to create a SSH keypair called \"keypair-doc\" for the admin account in the root domain:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:261
-# 20b8836d5e81433da0a0f2282cce73ec
-msgid "Ensure that you adjust these values to meet your needs. If you are making the API call from a different server, your URL/PORT will be different, and you will need to use the API keys."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:265
-# dd16dc8df12049cc8028328a49770426
-msgid "Run the following curl command:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:271
-# 798b044a5a404bd2941a9401c694f194
-msgid "The output is something similar to what is given below:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:291
-# a17314d9ae5f4ea784ffd1b69cd6cd2a
-msgid "Copy the key data into a file. The file looks like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:310
-# f0d5785a5fad443a97a2b93c0f250eb4
-msgid "Save the file."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:313
-# 3c61b221b8a44556a48855acb7af4081
-msgid "Creating an Instance"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:315
-# 845a398aabe44a5e897e410247bd5050
-msgid "After you save the SSH keypair file, you must create an instance by using the template that you created at `Section 5.2.1, “ Creating an Instance Template that Supports SSH Keys” <#create-ssh-template>`__. Ensure that you use the same SSH key name that you created at `Section 5.2.2, “Creating the SSH Keypair” <#create-ssh-keypair>`__."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:323
-# ca39f1c10c0b4ec5a8e4eb9fd95332a8
-msgid "You cannot create the instance by using the GUI at this time and associate the instance with the newly created SSH keypair."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:325
-# 1ba0532c6e384ad6946a13e520f2d0cb
-msgid "A sample curl command to create a new instance is:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:331
-# aeece32098de4a77970e86a23ee7503c
-msgid "Substitute the template, service offering and security group IDs (if you are using the security group feature) that are in your cloud environment."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:336
-# 5acfe9f470754268bf12beafb1da8590
-msgid "Logging In Using the SSH Keypair"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:338
-# ecbc54c997a6494591311348d6c7cf10
-msgid "To test your SSH key generation is successful, check whether you can log in to the cloud setup."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:341
-# f728e066bd8042eb9f636f25a36855df
-msgid "For example, from a Linux OS, run:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:347
-# ada257a069dc4790a47c1f4742f1e348
-msgid "The -i parameter tells the ssh client to use a ssh key found at ~/.ssh/keypair-doc."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:351
-# b5c198f3ab0344df9eaf41527b550991
-msgid "Resetting SSH Keys"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../ui.rst:353
-# 459aabf9f16142f2a857a89ccd498c4a
-msgid "With the API command resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine, a user can set or reset the SSH keypair assigned to a virtual machine. A lost or compromised SSH keypair can be changed, and the user can access the VM by using the new keypair. Just create or register a new keypair, then call resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine."
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/usage.pot b/source/locale/pot/usage.pot
index e3d9b4d..b8b14ac 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/usage.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/usage.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
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 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -17,1481 +17,1481 @@
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 #: ../../usage.rst:18
-# 0337566b79334160ac7120790c9d0ac7
+# f960d1bdf1ff4edcab85c8de14d937d9
 msgid "Working with Usage"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../usage.rst:20
-# ef6eee68a2ab4c3eb31cb3115bab6062
+# 15ed9c55a30744308390d710f71e001e
 msgid "The Usage Server is an optional, separately-installed part of CloudStack that provides aggregated usage records which you can use to create billing integration for CloudStack. The Usage Server works by taking data from the events log and creating summary usage records that you can access using the listUsageRecords API call."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../usage.rst:26
-# 3f5a5a7bc4cc4528840d66c404992c64
+# 96a54f49657f4ecb814c7babc3d12cd5
 msgid "The usage records show the amount of resources, such as VM run time or template storage space, consumed by guest instances."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../usage.rst:29
-# 7534ac8e2cf443e7801e747d7e156ec4
+# 55c9c7dee78b4ff284f8a3775ee15d80
 msgid "The Usage Server runs at least once per day. It can be configured to run multiple times per day."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:33
-# ea7f343f907540088f49db087d846e0c
+#: ../../usage.rst:34
+# e3e786135adc456da195d8c62094e4cf
 msgid "Configuring the Usage Server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:35
-# 5aa6afef926b456384cf8fe5fef33e85
+#: ../../usage.rst:36
+# 6fb60ef9e16e4db0878d21a3d8ae162b
 msgid "To configure the usage server:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:39
-# 4a2672643b7e4281babb6fa1f2c8f5c6
+#: ../../usage.rst:38
+# 5adc62eff1f640a094ea087767a99266
 msgid "Be sure the Usage Server has been installed. This requires extra steps beyond just installing the CloudStack software. See Installing the Usage Server (Optional) in the Advanced Installation Guide."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:45
-# b81ee209e7eb43f2b4440774ee120d74
+#: ../../usage.rst:42
+# 79b6062dbd284c60a7d174315e5ddf4f
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:49
-# b71109d7bf9b4edd8cb8b8b3c62c7375
+#: ../../usage.rst:44
+# 19a9f5fbef3041d9b13807ca7c2cb8b9
 msgid "Click Global Settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:53
-# d97b663ae09745498728fffc03e2f754
+#: ../../usage.rst:46
+# 667e5b8b21924fb69b4fa8afbf76896b
 msgid "In Search, type usage. Find the configuration parameter that controls the behavior you want to set. See the table below for a description of the available parameters."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:59
-# b0484803860b4b1a99bb5c37475c7246
+#: ../../usage.rst:50
+# 8fa5855d775b43958fe08525d0e94aae
 msgid "In Actions, click the Edit icon."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:63
-# 704d9670a22a4b81b84bd8f2aa97bb9a
+#: ../../usage.rst:52
+# 63178267fdd94998ab92da5146692648
 msgid "Type the desired value and click the Save icon."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:67
-# f01266ae6922418997f31eb79d697cab
+#: ../../usage.rst:54
+# 5d851f4543c0408f8e57dce0857766a3
 msgid "Restart the Management Server (as usual with any global configuration change) and also the Usage Server:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:75
-# 7b5da1780fc444d2b67d97b1a97eabb7
+#: ../../usage.rst:62
+# b91f29141e0f4cdaaa81be318e86c10e
 msgid "The following table shows the global configuration settings that control the behavior of the Usage Server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:78
-# 0ca8d699a2cd4e91b01369666cbcb2ca
+#: ../../usage.rst:65
+# 1e76426d14bf4fc6915a0e1c79ef2b9a
 msgid "Parameter Name  Description"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:80
-# a6789ec8fc34419ba8e0cc40f94d7f67
+#: ../../usage.rst:67
+# 668e6317ce104d72ab45c55b9411ea8e
 msgid "enable.usage.server  Whether the Usage Server is active."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:82
-# f437a7fb1872449e9caf308fcfa5526f
+#: ../../usage.rst:69
+# 1fcaf07a4ddb4e8c958cd1b6ef8cfe91
 msgid "usage.aggregation.timezone"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:84
-# 002d5b3110bb405a8848871cde0b96d5
+#: ../../usage.rst:71
+# fb381c2892df4ea7b1c44440f03ba556
 msgid "Time zone of usage records. Set this if the usage records and daily job execution are in different time zones. For example, with the following settings, the usage job will run at PST 00:15 and generate usage records for the 24 hours from 00:00:00 GMT to 23:59:59 GMT:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:95
-# c7f851a818984dcd81e65157bc3432f4
+#: ../../usage.rst:82
+# 509f3bce303a4ab7a526dcc19e3c3e50
 msgid "Valid values for the time zone are specified in `Appendix A, *Time Zones* <>`_"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:97
-# 40b92c7b30364a0893e6e3026b182ae8
+#: ../../usage.rst:85
+# 3133231b20dd4c9da1fe9fd7d09136a3
 msgid "Default: GMT"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:99
-# 7fa13665f2e44fc28418dc803fdee1b0
+#: ../../usage.rst:87
+# 22dabfab93eb4361b26eb9088cad5134
 msgid "usage.execution.timezone"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:101
-# 03ddf36a6b6a42a891a0c341c43056f6
+#: ../../usage.rst:89
+# a27f0dcfc71847ee846e80cb1b5c6e66
 msgid "The time zone of usage.stats.job.exec.time. Valid values for the time zone are specified in `Appendix A, *Time Zones* <>`_"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:104
-# e638a1f3e44e48da83a97b95361fe670
+#: ../../usage.rst:93
+# 101b64630291428aa4dce0f295b51f96
 msgid "Default: The time zone of the management server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:106
-# 336418dd41ec4a81934459e2c042fbf7
+#: ../../usage.rst:95
+# e5296f4116c949e282dda12b62a2e31b
 msgid "usage.sanity.check.interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:108
-# 6db1762ecd314edeae225d23b32a5155
+#: ../../usage.rst:97
+# 12e3d1486808475ba2d50b4b1f480b20
 msgid "The number of days between sanity checks. Set this in order to periodically search for records with erroneous data before issuing customer invoices. For example, this checks for VM usage records created after the VM was destroyed, and similar checks for templates, volumes, and so on. It also checks for usage times longer than the aggregation range. If any issue is found, the alert ALERT\\_TYPE\\_USAGE\\_SANITY\\_RESULT = 21 is sent."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:116
-# 6e8167cad8334e6db1221cfc494f72ff
+#: ../../usage.rst:105
+# d6a51defdc9b4ca1900dca6ee38d488b
 msgid "usage.stats.job.aggregation.range"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:118
-# e01e74ee70b744fe8f79e8f35126362f
+#: ../../usage.rst:107
+# f200ecf1491a41c58c58d607a2030621
 msgid "The time period in minutes between Usage Server processing jobs. For example, if you set it to 1440, the Usage Server will run once per day. If you set it to 600, it will run every ten hours. In general, when a Usage Server job runs, it processes all events generated since usage was last run."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:124
-# 72a14011c979446c83c67f906fbbd35e
+#: ../../usage.rst:113
+# 3fb2ba9c61a64f54bb226a97eff0e59f
 msgid "There is special handling for the case of 1440 (once per day). In this case the Usage Server does not necessarily process all records since Usage was last run. CloudStack assumes that you require processing once per day for the previous, complete day’s records. For example, if the current day is October 7, then it is assumed you would like to process records for October 6, from midnight to midnight. CloudStack assumes this “midnight to midnight” is relative to the usage.execution.timezone."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:132
-# fff2920912c74d6ea4ecfe9d04f4326c
+#: ../../usage.rst:121
+# 657e01fff8404e7086e1a5cd318ed5b9
 msgid "Default: 1440"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:134
-# dcb0cd40eeb94e38b3f968e426612b3d
+#: ../../usage.rst:123
+# 8e231a3dfe9b4ac494f5ae8dc3e03001
 msgid "usage.stats.job.exec.time"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:136
-# a6a0f4fad3a14d5eadb8f19ebb248c50
+#: ../../usage.rst:125
+# 05f6de4a7dd947ceba3246443c6e2ace
 msgid "The time when the Usage Server processing will start. It is specified in 24-hour format (HH:MM) in the time zone of the server, which should be GMT. For example, to start the Usage job at 10:30 GMT, enter “10:30”."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:140
-# 4d07c9c85f514d65bf442bf13e109864
+#: ../../usage.rst:129
+# 54677f1477574ba58b744ade5f531ddd
 msgid "If usage.stats.job.aggregation.range is also set, and its value is not 1440, then its value will be added to usage.stats.job.exec.time to get the time to run the Usage Server job again. This is repeated until 24 hours have elapsed, and the next day's processing begins again at usage.stats.job.exec.time."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:146
-# 5111f12513a84c968c37d5b3255f5661
+#: ../../usage.rst:135
+# 870bef8e0dc54e1a87ab39acc1c59e7b
 msgid "Default: 00:15."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:148
-# 691a7dadec4449ab885c9903e9de6d4d
+#: ../../usage.rst:137
+# 3c30b2b9e20f485c8ac878c1c8b62ef5
 msgid "For example, suppose that your server is in GMT, your user population is predominantly in the East Coast of the United States, and you would like to process usage records every night at 2 AM local (EST) time. Choose these settings:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:155
-# 854380bcaa4d4944a2e420a412fdd458
+#: ../../usage.rst:142
+# 910e4a77b6c34e64ad844e417ab623d5
 msgid "enable.usage.server = true"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:159
-# 9552647831c040ddaf47d5c8fc277756
+#: ../../usage.rst:144
+# 078da3cc8569439c9002cbbb7337d936
 msgid "usage.execution.timezone = America/New\\_York"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:163
-# 1aa8ef9c65f04460a33aba6389e20164
+#: ../../usage.rst:146
+# 42e66162ae97481083688b89c626c8cc
 msgid "usage.stats.job.exec.time = 07:00. This will run the Usage job at 2:00 AM EST. Note that this will shift by an hour as the East Coast of the U.S. enters and exits Daylight Savings Time."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:169
-# 11423a0b34ff4d9c9197b18830cdb91f
+#: ../../usage.rst:150
+# 5ba2fd5fa7004081a393783418655cdd
 msgid "usage.stats.job.aggregation.range = 1440"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:171
-# 45bcb1eac33046019e58feb7bc0457a1
+#: ../../usage.rst:152
+# 1c9ce06adfa54705878ac2e20fcc8462
 msgid "With this configuration, the Usage job will run every night at 2 AM EST and will process records for the previous day’s midnight-midnight as defined by the EST (America/New\\_York) time zone."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:176
-# 40a9e9e40a5747bc89152657465138c2
+#: ../../usage.rst:157
+# 1e914c7e818e47d8b13676d7f92bbe0b
 msgid "Because the special value 1440 has been used for usage.stats.job.aggregation.range, the Usage Server will ignore the data between midnight and 2 AM. That data will be included in the next day's run."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:182
-# 8859130b1f4e4118a9a83a2ecac3cf43
+#: ../../usage.rst:164
+# 40d99d806e4949158aa5ab2e841cfa2a
 msgid "Setting Usage Limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:184
-# 67183fba4b79465a918f40539a1af8de
+#: ../../usage.rst:166
+# 579aaca84d1548508b091885f6e9e9da
 msgid "CloudStack provides several administrator control points for capping resource usage by users. Some of these limits are global configuration parameters. Others are applied at the ROOT domain and may be overridden on a per-account basis."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:190
-# 4aac553e7c064eeab7acf5f41532e597
+#: ../../usage.rst:173
+# 229ad89efb9c4cb0ab03a6ce99f44f23
 msgid "Globally Configured Limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:192
-# 37ace931a09a4cbb8686c2f6a35a51e2
+#: ../../usage.rst:175
+# e2b6313d1a4d4917a2544b4440379415
 msgid "In a zone, the guest virtual network has a 24 bit CIDR by default. This limits the guest virtual network to 254 running instances. It can be adjusted as needed, but this must be done before any instances are created in the zone. For example, would provide for ~1000 addresses."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:198
-# ae098636d8e648f3a914678156700e14
+#: ../../usage.rst:181
+# 84670b12426b4429831f536c401fc323
 msgid "The following table lists limits set in the Global Configuration:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:201
-#: ../../usage.rst:264
-#: ../../usage.rst:393
-#: ../../usage.rst:475
-# 4eb4df145b8e419e88f38cc31ce59ec5
-# 88da6c4bbb414d48a70762e6a87a8239
-# fd92835d48cb40a88c4fcd1120b360c8
-# ed9e4fe39d504bbfabc315a12eeb4f81
+#: ../../usage.rst:184
+#: ../../usage.rst:239
+#: ../../usage.rst:343
+#: ../../usage.rst:414
+# 7da9c9f6c4464762b975b5c84e4ebf9c
+# 146d490544914790b152209b009cacb9
+# 1bb822fa0c3e4b7db77988b5cf5efdbd
+# c79e2332c1ba4ad5883126f553ad5388
 msgid "Parameter Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:201
-# 6ab99d8d306a4f868671e875f1e9686d
+#: ../../usage.rst:184
+# 69e6a02d3513471b89dca9419976e56b
 msgid "Definition"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:203
-# 3181f7c34e2546de868e6a8c49b343cb
+#: ../../usage.rst:186
+# 8f803160c7ef4b258545cf19783a2cb2
 msgid "max.account.public.ips"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:203
-# 52580eeb30b0494aacd46547a9a70f06
+#: ../../usage.rst:186
+# 33a9e7f75edb450eb385f759769e8a27
 msgid "Number of public IP addresses that can be owned by an account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:205
-# fb78fccf0cab4d608f3a9a4b50afc7de
+#: ../../usage.rst:188
+# 9d54d7043dfa4cfdba9892d7b4987d27
 msgid "max.account.snapshots"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:205
-# 1f04bedfc70946aab381d1442e177e8b
+#: ../../usage.rst:188
+# 53e9c6336fc343f58d5d0f0c982ecd16
 msgid "Number of snapshots that can exist for an account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:207
-# eb091b2e7bc947318a0dc0eeb27fd55a
+#: ../../usage.rst:190
+# 6979458b8f824d9ea8eb1a932cb3700a
 msgid "max.account.templates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:207
-# 2900cbdf57044d8d849e01b90d7b484f
+#: ../../usage.rst:190
+# a450954b78c549129d90f452f3261c83
 msgid "Number of templates that can exist for an account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:209
-# e470b1824d0448d0bcaaef0003e0e758
+#: ../../usage.rst:192
+# e090c2956d874c139e10f94be47e21bd
 msgid "max.account.user.vms"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:209
-# 45fc3b15f0f74fd9af1cfd0e3b57140e
+#: ../../usage.rst:192
+# d30280c4822b48cf86341f0c6f0e9f40
 msgid "Number of virtual machine instances that can exist for an account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:211
-# f552a012a4504f6a841f24ad45d78c4a
+#: ../../usage.rst:194
+# ecaf59ece9264e429a9664b72c83c9d5
 msgid "max.account.volumes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:211
-# 14bb2f91823c4d258090722dfff1a485
+#: ../../usage.rst:194
+# 352d53dede964c53adaba408485377bb
 msgid "Number of disk volumes that can exist for an account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:213
-# 050c07868c484da0ac186174142b1a02
+#: ../../usage.rst:196
+# 4855308d9e7f453ca68c4f73a23b7da2
 msgid "max.template.iso.size"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:213
-# ae347d4cccf446ee8db6e10db1ffbbe5
+#: ../../usage.rst:196
+# c3cf19fabb7b41c6bfeda6bfcb0d40c6
 msgid "Maximum size for a downloaded template or ISO in GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:215
-# 8873afe317eb48ebad10fb3d4fad05bb
+#: ../../usage.rst:198
+# e2bd816e02a74341ac3b504ef37abf9b
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:215
-# 292847e00d914fe9a87ed2fc6cb35196
+#: ../../usage.rst:198
+# ac589029cbaa451fb486f219b27caf43
 msgid "Maximum size for a volume in GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:217
-# ad2a43dbb1674c4c89fd570d1d61adea
+#: ../../usage.rst:200
+# 3b152b7effc14a2098e6b2f885125e11
 msgid "network.throttling.rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:217
-# 3acfdadda9ab43c685d660013eb62877
+#: ../../usage.rst:200
+# d66b6e2b68304b4d97dae0d72709be2f
 msgid "Default data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed per user (supported on XenServer)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:219
-# d1cb00d8c3ff4620a4118ee8a249bc92
+#: ../../usage.rst:202
+# e01d028d0d5643a3a283f12888581998
 msgid "snapshot.max.hourly"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:219
-# d9d7ab38671b42a2a3a0317c58782ced
+#: ../../usage.rst:202
+# 305a224a1c5946ab949570233597705b
 msgid "Maximum recurring hourly snapshots to be retained for a volume. If the limit is reached, early snapshots from the start of the hour are deleted so that newer ones can be saved. This limit does not apply to manual snapshots. If set to 0, recurring hourly snapshots can not be scheduled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:221
-# b1f9cffb6fe647ad92ea2c6d5d289791
+#: ../../usage.rst:204
+# 7734cc014872464a8d8672c1190ff731
 msgid "snapshot.max.daily"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:221
-# 704f71e544f345d09065347025c7cde4
+#: ../../usage.rst:204
+# ddca821bebdf4a12a2b4fb3d9e089efe
 msgid "Maximum recurring daily snapshots to be retained for a volume. If the limit is reached, snapshots from the start of the day are deleted so that newer ones can be saved. This limit does not apply to manual snapshots. If set to 0, recurring daily snapshots can not be scheduled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:223
-# 601336d47b0f418780ce30ebd5a32095
+#: ../../usage.rst:206
+# 90b70954860841d5a31b17b85cc10f84
 msgid "snapshot.max.weekly"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:223
-# 5640652f34584cbb8e42774ff9737df1
+#: ../../usage.rst:206
+# 8ee51877c42a40da9039bdc877f388c5
 msgid "Maximum recurring weekly snapshots to be retained for a volume. If the limit is reached, snapshots from the beginning of the week are deleted so that newer ones can be saved. This limit does not apply to manual snapshots. If set to 0, recurring weekly snapshots can not be scheduled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:225
-# b2ef6f891d434c94a29c4965b9c39566
+#: ../../usage.rst:208
+# 65aa1a30aab34f218756e423bac8f482
 msgid "snapshot.max.monthly"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:225
-# a5cad05dc86f49a38f79efa242145811
+#: ../../usage.rst:208
+# 631eba2a40fe48f3b4f179dfe6e9fdc7
 msgid "Maximum recurring monthly snapshots to be retained for a volume. If the limit is reached, snapshots from the beginning of the month are deleted so that newer ones can be saved. This limit does not apply to manual snapshots. If set to 0, recurring monthly snapshots can not be scheduled."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:228
-# a9bb337b48804353bf8145ab56aadc02
+#: ../../usage.rst:211
+# dce0ccf760cb481290483d2e6c7439e4
 msgid "To modify global configuration parameters, use the global configuration screen in the CloudStack UI. See Setting Global Configuration Parameters"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:233
-# 19348124e5c641fd87314245b0b13f1c
+#: ../../usage.rst:216
+# adacfb1bcc74482cbac23e9a14c1803c
 msgid "Limiting Resource Usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:235
-# 79afe19dfc844449944f0572513152de
+#: ../../usage.rst:218
+# 354d5dde0afe47a982710d8800da3315
 msgid "CloudStack allows you to control resource usage based on the types of resources, such as CPU, RAM, Primary storage, and Secondary storage. A new set of resource types has been added to the existing pool of resources to support the new customization model—need-basis usage, such as large VM or small VM. The new resource types are now broadly classified as CPU, RAM, Primary storage, and Secondary storage. The root administrator is able to impose resource usage limit by the following resource types for Domain, Project, and Accounts."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:246
-# a9ae7f3a467e463eab0552d8f074f9bb
+#: ../../usage.rst:227
+# b80deb66aa1244279f48b9e17db7f7a0
 msgid "CPUs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:250
-# d1e8543092ca4e278cb463f77f1d2d2d
+#: ../../usage.rst:229
+# a7c54e874cae4016b7a1d2a17c5a7a89
 msgid "Memory (RAM)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:254
-# 9bc201d30c4f454aa76e9ea96d490920
+#: ../../usage.rst:231
+# 3db51597d1dd4f328899070b88325384
 msgid "Primary Storage (Volumes)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:258
-# 2eb3b21cf5ff4e0c9db68b1d2027d48a
+#: ../../usage.rst:233
+# 6de9a84059e7408e85e9fdb47dbb341d
 msgid "Secondary Storage (Snapshots, Templates, ISOs)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:260
-# ba99ec918f874b8082b08d81454b8fca
+#: ../../usage.rst:235
+# 36f9c552269b44e49eb2f86fa2bd98c8
 msgid "To control the behaviour of this feature, the following configuration parameters have been added:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:264
-#: ../../usage.rst:395
-#: ../../usage.rst:477
-#: ../../usage.rst:1006
-# 701e7e16a99445b99fc60cffc35a1613
-# 895a22fc7c014f04bd420cec4b2209d1
-# 191142d4e5a34f1a981be02aab78a4e9
-# f2dd174ed4ca4418983cfaa634ead8a3
+#: ../../usage.rst:239
+#: ../../usage.rst:345
+#: ../../usage.rst:416
+#: ../../usage.rst:750
+# fc46eaac2efd4bf289bbd9025fd78502
+# 160c8719552a4684880d4f4a8ada714c
+# 947dba25316d4d74959935b65c8c5a33
+# 161ab30e9a60413d90729511c5fe9ec1
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:266
-# c9b3ff00335343b584b50bb9d670e66b
+#: ../../usage.rst:241
+# 23d6c966c2c94a1f986282a729352f38
 msgid "max.account.cpus"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:266
-#: ../../usage.rst:274
-# 808381505f1949dcbe071d0118def06a
-# e576ee036df54d8fb5e8e54071303efb
+#: ../../usage.rst:241
+#: ../../usage.rst:249
+# cdd19d9379ec43648cd224ba64a960dd
+# 2ca1b2c4fdc44e0e940da7f75cb5788b
 msgid "Maximum number of CPU cores that can be used for an account. Default is 40."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:268
-# 6babe6b036e849c1935af0fdb317a503
+#: ../../usage.rst:243
+# 4979d3f2676e4809a49cc696c48d2f8d
 msgid "max.account.ram (MB)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:268
-#: ../../usage.rst:276
-# 0d3c447ef2b44034ac9f10ef0a6cf757
-# 83ccac909d944ba784f4c8286642b875
+#: ../../usage.rst:243
+#: ../../usage.rst:251
+# f3c0b37fc2ea4617b811cef9791eda3b
+# 00fb0cdbac5b4ad291bc50a5e1219a47
 msgid "Maximum RAM that can be used for an account. Default is 40960."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:270
-# 7ff408b8265a47cfaf763eb727c7f173
+#: ../../usage.rst:245
+# 45df7928f7174808a2083dd11add33c0
 msgid " (GB)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:270
-#: ../../usage.rst:278
-# 91e413d1b9bb4711b508311ddd9347c6
-# 20a5043887eb49b1a52d77e4cc334412
+#: ../../usage.rst:245
+#: ../../usage.rst:253
+# 1ee6c5009abd4668a5dd0a640a18c8ea
+# 254b02916fc34ad6a649c8c990d4f41a
 msgid "Maximum primary storage space that can be used for an account. Default is 200."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:272
-# 5f6df194148e43a7b3c27106ce4b7ae9
+#: ../../usage.rst:247
+# cdeb23ce821d4c3196c6ea784f4367b6
 msgid " (GB)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:272
-#: ../../usage.rst:280
-# 694920973fbe4b3a9c30a8be9d0bed46
-# 97892a16f5464907b6ecdee7beac3914
+#: ../../usage.rst:247
+#: ../../usage.rst:255
+# c51c46bd539f4093a4393f2d6d4e9b79
+# 982aa6e78c6f4ecda0f24acd5f6564d3
 msgid "Maximum secondary storage space that can be used for an account. Default is 400."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:274
-# 145cd18bd90944c29a70a7031636b807
+#: ../../usage.rst:249
+# 01081c6a660a44f5851d914915a1281b
 msgid "max.project.cpus"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:276
-# c40411dfaeb04da3867c26ce7f18cf93
+#: ../../usage.rst:251
+# b7aede866d8a41298cf2c284450aea39
 msgid "max.project.ram (MB)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:278
-# 472152eee1784c32878c18418221acdb
+#: ../../usage.rst:253
+# 6a66f463c8a14145b745751a99ff5412
 msgid " (GB)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:280
-# e7351bedf5464f369b0c6475fc3826bb
+#: ../../usage.rst:255
+# 86d804726f994f5ea14d1a29e97eb968
 msgid " (GB)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:285
-# fc4d573c924648f3b8d5cfb5701bfe79
+#: ../../usage.rst:261
+# 8ea9def42949482d99838f5ebe00a5e2
 msgid "User Permission"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:287
-# 992a6cf60f4d464eaa582363722fe802
+#: ../../usage.rst:263
+# 31b6a320c933489c96b4ce8db09ee012
 msgid "The root administrator, domain administrators and users are able to list resources. Ensure that proper logs are maintained in the ``vmops.log`` and ``api.log`` files."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:293
-# 41185d18c788495bb86298b0d85badd0
+#: ../../usage.rst:267
+# 41b569e3765441d69d540fed030e34e2
 msgid "The root admin will have the privilege to list and update resource limits."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:298
-# 76a4aba5c62647b4b43b704d8cfdb5ea
+#: ../../usage.rst:270
+# 9f791a84c2014d73b5f8b74f287ad010
 msgid "The domain administrators are allowed to list and change these resource limits only for the sub-domains and accounts under their own domain or the sub-domains."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:304
-# a87d4ac1c2e346ffa3b116567c1a2d0a
+#: ../../usage.rst:274
+# df23a35291874e2d9f7af5d93db4dae4
 msgid "The end users will the privilege to list resource limits. Use the listResourceLimits API."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:308
-# aca61571889f482e9ae39fde99d3d2c6
+#: ../../usage.rst:279
+# 474425750935446e84565dc2a2f561b6
 msgid "Limit Usage Considerations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:312
-# 96374a37482c4635afc8f21dd613d978
+#: ../../usage.rst:281
+# c96935ecfc1545448c6a31bf7e9bcefa
 msgid "Primary or Secondary storage space refers to the stated size of the volume and not the physical size— the actual consumed size on disk in case of thin provisioning."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:318
-# 8ebf7be7aceb49d9abe430f6d3214d7f
+#: ../../usage.rst:285
+# 003d62e3a41b4ec0838c1ad1e22ab0c8
 msgid "If the admin reduces the resource limit for an account and set it to less than the resources that are currently being consumed, the existing VMs/templates/volumes are not destroyed. Limits are imposed only if the user under that account tries to execute a new operation using any of these resources. For example, the existing behavior in the case of a VM are:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:327
-# 89e003933f074f23bbc0599f15cdff5f
+#: ../../usage.rst:292
+# 61f14d0421dc4f27885ac8f93946dbe6
 msgid "migrateVirtualMachine: The users under that account will be able to migrate the running VM into any other host without facing any limit issue."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:333
-# 4adef6c4f48a4141b8994845fa47579d
+#: ../../usage.rst:296
+# 287edb83794948b4b1509e7c1ed82b17
 msgid "recoverVirtualMachine: Destroyed VMs cannot be recovered."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:337
-# bc957aef4ad4410aac019444739d39a4
+#: ../../usage.rst:298
+# 2b57273cf486489e856ef1a97146d73a
 msgid "For any resource type, if a domain has limit X, sub-domains or accounts under that domain can have there own limits. However, the sum of resource allocated to a sub-domain or accounts under the domain at any point of time should not exceed the value X."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:342
-# 24a983cb8b67474abde79f6889217547
+#: ../../usage.rst:303
+# 9f35315b3f6b4560abe71837984f2ed7
 msgid "For example, if a domain has the CPU limit of 40 and the sub-domain D1 and account A1 can have limits of 30 each, but at any point of time the resource allocated to D1 and A1 should not exceed the limit of 40."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:349
-# 30fe62ee367f4359a9a57e89756d466d
+#: ../../usage.rst:308
+# cfc912fe9e294238a5a41841f8636ecf
 msgid "If any operation needs to pass through two of more resource limit check, then the lower of 2 limits will be enforced, For example: if an account has the VM limit of 10 and CPU limit of 20, and a user under that account requests 5 VMs of 4 CPUs each. The user can deploy 5 more VMs because VM limit is 10. However, the user cannot deploy any more instances because the CPU limit has been exhausted."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:357
-# e2ebbbc8967b45cc9998475e4dbd9d24
+#: ../../usage.rst:317
+# fd7e43ba4fc2492cb1117d9f171cb475
 msgid "Limiting Resource Usage in a Domain"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:359
-# bb8ae3e9878c46f89162dc7fdc092f1b
+#: ../../usage.rst:319
+# d7bae8b0c64640aaab9b686ccb641ca1
 msgid "CloudStack allows the configuration of limits on a domain basis. With a domain limit in place, all users still have their account limits. They are additionally limited, as a group, to not exceed the resource limits set on their domain. Domain limits aggregate the usage of all accounts in the domain as well as all the accounts in all the sub-domains of that domain. Limits set at the root domain level apply to the sum of resource usage by the accounts in all the domains and sub-domains below that root domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:368
-# 103a30006f7741ac9db713d266a5260a
+#: ../../usage.rst:328
+# 42cc77754b864082aff2b2d5e091fa0f
 msgid "To set a domain limit:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:372
-#: ../../usage.rst:454
-# 70f50a6779ea4f7594118e18b47895fe
-# 48c0bb0248954742bd447c868ebdf0a8
+#: ../../usage.rst:330
+#: ../../usage.rst:401
+# bb5fc3b2710e4ea59810c1d28209dfc2
+# b83cbc0f83d7410e8b117351958fc591
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:376
-# b2c05194969c4e2e8ad740be41b6d06d
+#: ../../usage.rst:332
+# 530247f4ca1a4475ae86e656ceff6abb
 msgid "In the left navigation tree, click Domains."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:380
-# 7011345e6a9840ce90707e5370d8b01c
+#: ../../usage.rst:334
+# a9bff41fd28c435cbb09170c5b103277
 msgid "Select the domain you want to modify. The current domain limits are displayed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:383
-#: ../../usage.rst:465
-# 6aeb808f62f34735a7d07e7d86d372a2
-# 30925ced880840748118903c27bffadd
+#: ../../usage.rst:337
+#: ../../usage.rst:408
+# 519c174598aa4e55b86e899664c75018
+# 182d21886ebb4a09aebb0ef93e1fba63
 msgid "A value of -1 shows that there is no limit in place."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:387
-# d45e49e7b252469a978dfaade17de643
+#: ../../usage.rst:339
+# b83647ec9f344cccbf360b1f8b85c119
 msgid "Click the Edit button |editbutton.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:391
-#: ../../usage.rst:473
-# 3644e560828a437a8efd7294c1146c57
-# dcb185144b264299ada24bfd162ca230
+#: ../../usage.rst:341
+#: ../../usage.rst:412
+# c209d72330bd40f887995563563a6337
+# 99aa0e22f71d481eb51b72047c456f3a
 msgid "Edit the following as per your requirement:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:397
-#: ../../usage.rst:479
-# 0e98068650894afca9c4cad2ba57d012
-# d99b60d3d6cc4a2ebc4bb48e70492e46
+#: ../../usage.rst:347
+#: ../../usage.rst:418
+# cd271c3e43ea4c79a12f3f84924b6307
+# f889d8a628fd4b0ba7972855f0dbdc45
 msgid "Instance Limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:399
-# 1490bec5c5af4b6aac1977fae7406bd9
+#: ../../usage.rst:349
+# 5ef71e88c22848aeb261dfceed3f0ad3
 msgid "The number of instances that can be used in a domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:401
-#: ../../usage.rst:485
-# 6b1b4dc40c63424a9bee7ff075229e64
-# 6b59062ccedf4877b9bcbf68577231ac
+#: ../../usage.rst:351
+#: ../../usage.rst:424
+# 8eb91b3c4b884b1886b84388b430c4b5
+# 50f79b10ffa84d4e8d63df31d54a18bc
 msgid "Public IP Limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:403
-# ad257ba8e044423d828023c39de3ad02
+#: ../../usage.rst:353
+# 9c123828b8bd44759ea889e13f4ab4bb
 msgid "The number of public IP addresses that can be used in a domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:405
-#: ../../usage.rst:491
-# dcdfcfad513b4222b5331ce5736ef137
-# d9ca60a77d4849b193ae25ff879389d0
+#: ../../usage.rst:355
+#: ../../usage.rst:430
+# 682adde29cb64e42b391dcb5e5cdc9ad
+# f9ffeebe6c1a4111ab27c1b8d080143f
 msgid "Volume Limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:407
-# 1eb1867ffda449a6bb66c6ec8f065967
+#: ../../usage.rst:357
+# 57ca197f678f416c961a36d6a71f9bf5
 msgid "The number of disk volumes that can be created in a domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:409
-#: ../../usage.rst:497
-# b6f42f973d934cb999c41c20e433d8fe
-# 10261a1b88ae4d2a8e58d52c1de12d25
+#: ../../usage.rst:359
+#: ../../usage.rst:436
+# 014dffd5f65443088674d2ee9df38979
+# ae967a3a9a714ab2892d18c80a55f652
 msgid "Snapshot Limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:411
-# 4b257bf3dce344af8eadcef3141b57b9
+#: ../../usage.rst:361
+# 11f338d7f95041eaa7b84b9960a9f12f
 msgid "The number of snapshots that can be created in a domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:413
-#: ../../usage.rst:503
-# b7ee911b551c44f7919c853b78b4425f
-# 86f76db28bb548458cb440dba9aa78cc
+#: ../../usage.rst:363
+#: ../../usage.rst:442
+# 07a01397e2404e18a667da23df9e7bf3
+# 6ba3ca1a17df418cac4387d71ddd7656
 msgid "Template Limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:415
-# 420b972a03034c3f8eb40442e16f668a
+#: ../../usage.rst:365
+# 6dc70a7ce5ec48f3bcf254b4a20b4145
 msgid "The number of templates that can be registered in a domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:417
-#: ../../usage.rst:509
-# 3e038058f17d4b0da96787cea06872d7
-# be00e5ab52c04e94a69c4a70e2881d6c
+#: ../../usage.rst:367
+#: ../../usage.rst:448
+# 3bf5c725f231453cb6152f1bade12d17
+# 0b2a474b089d426d850f25818db1d152
 msgid "VPC limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:419
-# b7d308b327c04f1ab4e8b5f302af61ab
+#: ../../usage.rst:369
+# 6041d380cc8b460e838d34d542c0fe6f
 msgid "The number of VPCs that can be created in a domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:421
-#: ../../usage.rst:515
-# fce16fe529af4a7293745ff0c030b9cb
-# 443d6a522d9840e2a18dd44f0289166f
+#: ../../usage.rst:371
+#: ../../usage.rst:454
+# 6167d0a236e346cdac41980cca4b61a1
+# efac374c510144af805a206947596f0d
 msgid "CPU limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:423
-# d71cdb39c26d44ce8f7dc1d458970d6f
+#: ../../usage.rst:373
+# c3bb1f4173a04335bd9f9a2aa60ffb7f
 msgid "The number of CPU cores that can be used for a domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:425
-#: ../../usage.rst:521
-# 636111c4340a4e8d81ea9a1408617fff
-# 8cd52cd9a5764bb0b4e8df8a94c725ab
+#: ../../usage.rst:375
+#: ../../usage.rst:460
+# 5b77e8eb1eed4b89a6add832c6efa78d
+# 0f97c6c6f6bd48d49582e4a5773420a0
 msgid "Memory limits (MB)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:427
-# 3b5d06b9763040d885a0698e6fbdbb6a
+#: ../../usage.rst:377
+# 46ff0275d44b492790fbf06cfcc202f9
 msgid "The number of RAM that can be used for a domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:429
-#: ../../usage.rst:527
-# c6b3a361e0414c88a4d5c44b76a273ea
-# d77e6bda798a4106ab33783525f2e4f2
+#: ../../usage.rst:379
+#: ../../usage.rst:466
+# cfada3bdc3304c91b6093699cc7aba26
+# e09ca8ab179747818fc4be09918773c3
 msgid "Primary Storage limits (GB)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:431
-# 9fd1366af3c34b8ebc3569a0ee410c57
+#: ../../usage.rst:381
+# fadd0e1341ce4a40a364f8e7e5cbd720
 msgid "The primary storage space that can be used for a domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:433
-#: ../../usage.rst:533
-# 7a3d9175a9a24b8aaa8450632df0a763
-# 172a382bbcdf4f84bb58871b61c9425b
+#: ../../usage.rst:383
+#: ../../usage.rst:472
+# 94e6ad3512c64a968eba503aae4228e9
+# 88b20b1a22f5450abfd0371827b8a662
 msgid "Secondary Storage limits (GB)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:435
-# 141ca6b4f0ff49fb83194c64faaa2785
+#: ../../usage.rst:385
+# af7bbd32f2d744bbb6bc8bc38f2a6fff
 msgid "The secondary storage space that can be used for a domain."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:439
-#: ../../usage.rst:541
-# 05f0937c41c248c2a42d5b01086833af
-# a30d9a7a173147dfad893988bb11c62c
+#: ../../usage.rst:387
+#: ../../usage.rst:478
+# 9c4e390eeaf74125aff2fabb290d7508
+# 8554c878b3db4319b1e9ff271f3f2e16
 msgid "Click Apply."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:442
-# e64546c23abc46f69e958e6ba2f6a45e
+#: ../../usage.rst:391
+# 0aea17dfad1c43818257b74482bdc4ec
 msgid "Default Account Resource Limits"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:444
-# d39e8db38abb47f7bb88354317f3c717
+#: ../../usage.rst:393
+# 5aec04d06e414d8c85567ee7ad5fa5a2
 msgid "You can limit resource use by accounts. The default limits are set by using Global configuration parameters, and they affect all accounts within a cloud. The relevant parameters are those beginning with max.account, for example: max.account.snapshots."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:449
-# 785d6083ab194768bf8fd0e111052af4
+#: ../../usage.rst:398
+# 49c964b0ef8840ef953d87ef3115cf7f
 msgid "To override a default limit for a particular account, set a per-account resource limit."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:458
-# 234f93b230d546038672b7b7fabb3bb6
+#: ../../usage.rst:403
+# 7954a55684b74afbb3e48736fb619dfe
 msgid "In the left navigation tree, click Accounts."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:462
-# c46ae3c1e44c48eb8b3c1b418b6dd7a6
+#: ../../usage.rst:405
+# 30a0c7b93a044a24b1bbcab3362c9130
 msgid "Select the account you want to modify. The current limits are displayed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:469
-# 6ef5ea22b14643cca72f87c8f6f3ec87
+#: ../../usage.rst:410
+# 247dcfe79c914ac0a42c2bb5f617c3b2
 msgid "Click the Edit button. |editbutton.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:481
-# bcacb6c61c5643d59e3f18626a386e80
+#: ../../usage.rst:420
+# a5b53a96d84f4cb993b2539562072ba0
 msgid "The number of instances that can be used in an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:483
-#: ../../usage.rst:489
-#: ../../usage.rst:495
-#: ../../usage.rst:501
-#: ../../usage.rst:507
-#: ../../usage.rst:513
-# 5219fe5416b143daad66670634c102c4
-# 3a80e105e27b4fe1aa28988ee3df905b
-# 3c1d4c98816f438b948a9ba94bac3dff
-# 71f315d93a394970a010d89c3b8cd47b
-# da4f44de38794f3ba45677eab7816383
-# cc29ea692bbe4e10ac190932bb654c87
+#: ../../usage.rst:422
+#: ../../usage.rst:428
+#: ../../usage.rst:434
+#: ../../usage.rst:440
+#: ../../usage.rst:446
+#: ../../usage.rst:452
+# 4f148fb22eeb4cd5867de40af5d6957d
+# f6aef839dc7e4814a93524ac42691632
+# c8a80cc9dabc47b7908b2be9906b47e6
+# b1fc64706b924e37bcdf44b959b1a10b
+# a4c96e4f6931454c803ad5d310dd832a
+# 37ebe0cf9b3644a59962fb5255cd1e7c
 msgid "The default is 20."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:487
-# 2975c69d82ae46719fe87557b9340482
+#: ../../usage.rst:426
+# b71498e20d9c45f5b4e6246502846b7a
 msgid "The number of public IP addresses that can be used in an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:493
-# cb4700fde09a4bf393a2e6f7f2368957
+#: ../../usage.rst:432
+# a7a78f1d32244bd7ae3f36a8706565ec
 msgid "The number of disk volumes that can be created in an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:499
-# dc40e0f30ee94e799f0206e7c1e8e07e
+#: ../../usage.rst:438
+# f22d973606cc4fe68cdf2ef0d22fb7b9
 msgid "The number of snapshots that can be created in an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:505
-# 853d74cbd7dd482f8df89f4b8dce104a
+#: ../../usage.rst:444
+# 78aa50a7ed74400c8d0a3bcc278ed06b
 msgid "The number of templates that can be registered in an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:511
-# 288f9071013747059feb9d3da84c2355
+#: ../../usage.rst:450
+# 17544e59335b42c2b1dcb5439be274a4
 msgid "The number of VPCs that can be created in an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:517
-# 3f289b8a9f0448ea9c4e5da62d340a93
+#: ../../usage.rst:456
+# dab1fd7da66d424fa313f0a8da2fd672
 msgid "The number of CPU cores that can be used for an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:519
-# 38ebe4cd1c664c47a588d311025f7d69
+#: ../../usage.rst:458
+# f8813118e7014ec4b09e2ce57e9826a0
 msgid "The default is 40."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:523
-# 696083649ee5486b9a14674a296d3994
+#: ../../usage.rst:462
+# 5ee54380b1c7418aa85f1b4aa3d18f5c
 msgid "The number of RAM that can be used for an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:525
-# 920dfc71a5b14a5fa400d697dfb7cc6f
+#: ../../usage.rst:464
+# 463fe26a18c747bdba2e4c943174df89
 msgid "The default is 40960."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:529
-# b2455dd2cd2e4e6193381252d5c91530
+#: ../../usage.rst:468
+# 483d95c867804bd7a67bd7c5db5d7250
 msgid "The primary storage space that can be used for an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:531
-# 99fcd0a0086c4a25940fafc2e2f61f29
+#: ../../usage.rst:470
+# b5792f85ad5748629247339cddc34442
 msgid "The default is 200."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:535
-# a491b8aa13c54bfd9ba29c7e0f5510c2
+#: ../../usage.rst:474
+# cf2794b976cb4597a1c7c46023d92939
 msgid "The secondary storage space that can be used for an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:537
-# b38daf6fd3f54c9fb4aca46e83dd6d05
+#: ../../usage.rst:476
+# e31012695d1342b893a7afc797d9efc8
 msgid "The default is 400."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:545
-# 3b7fd66c0dbe4d9395e99d3fda42744f
+#: ../../usage.rst:482
+# 58fd1b50da564cbfbe626a0c715242a2
 msgid "Usage Record Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:548
-# 23e146a6c80f40faad4f402fb96f69d3
+#: ../../usage.rst:485
+# bd6e6ad5dd4441038efbfa8256d54fbb
 msgid "Virtual Machine Usage Record Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:550
-# b18a9612524b4defa9435bd2af0808fa
+#: ../../usage.rst:487
+# f4090312493645f999618d3518704fe4
 msgid "For running and allocated virtual machine usage, the following fields exist in a usage record:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:555
-#: ../../usage.rst:625
-#: ../../usage.rst:726
-#: ../../usage.rst:787
-#: ../../usage.rst:894
-#: ../../usage.rst:955
-# b7e355e1118447e2ab1db44f43eb678e
-# f7b98329db784060812bbff8bf46b00e
-# 8d470f7dd5d243da9c56213943473ecf
-# 6069dd2ad3aa4c408d1048d2f3fa005e
-# 37b469072184449b94d3535ae468bffe
-# 7c8f0dc188cb45309cc91a5c67b6b9a3
+#: ../../usage.rst:490
+#: ../../usage.rst:531
+#: ../../usage.rst:590
+#: ../../usage.rst:624
+#: ../../usage.rst:685
+#: ../../usage.rst:719
+# 1ea8ad4e82f849199566823e669d2e60
+# cb746968f7ea4c6eaeae3a8696c37487
+# 800271ae9863449db8b5d5a7a20f41be
+# 40d84f3b7c0243a2b680c8c5ee6fe699
+# b060e5d0dfc94db5a3dc884d3afc9829
+# 34a867e377074d8b8b7a9d16f17250f8
 msgid "account – name of the account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:559
-#: ../../usage.rst:629
-#: ../../usage.rst:730
-#: ../../usage.rst:791
-#: ../../usage.rst:898
-#: ../../usage.rst:959
-# e1e34a37ba1d498585eaab30e2351742
-# 026f620f0e294b169c97fdb92ba57ecf
-# 30917b31f13c40179982bf003c13d5b2
-# b78545017e5b4064903c7f09ff6cd401
-# acfd26101a794b8e9a48f436dbbd01a9
-# b3a301e04b424468a2b699c872d1ff3a
+#: ../../usage.rst:492
+#: ../../usage.rst:533
+#: ../../usage.rst:592
+#: ../../usage.rst:626
+#: ../../usage.rst:687
+#: ../../usage.rst:721
+# 0c884e63b3b6479d8ee0a652be74d5d4
+# 374676d104da4bb795381a260c95ddf1
+# cdf46e85f5ce46b6b29adc8183f20bc5
+# 0afdb6434c584c61acb197cf1a10f04c
+# 871a1002f0e34f38a9d8b6511ac9c04e
+# e13b8b9c705048e583810469fcd0a485
 msgid "accountid – ID of the account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:563
-#: ../../usage.rst:633
-#: ../../usage.rst:734
-#: ../../usage.rst:795
-#: ../../usage.rst:902
-#: ../../usage.rst:963
-# 15be8f85307f42a0b06f5e97b57c4e7f
-# cd486a947a304246a98f9893e3e00557
-# 79d393b3b1f14871bf02b50c422421f9
-# bf901bb97d6f47f5b916b329cac5ce26
-# cf82083852df4a67b8f82a8b17ff8d38
-# 271309f9bfab4620acc24e2f5a375f2d
+#: ../../usage.rst:494
+#: ../../usage.rst:535
+#: ../../usage.rst:594
+#: ../../usage.rst:628
+#: ../../usage.rst:689
+#: ../../usage.rst:723
+# 422137b0ab2b4696a321d367b6d26f6d
+# 86455aead7614969ab37a2e295a26530
+# 0c7934f2579a497cb68757e53895fe18
+# cd40f5f568ed41969adeb774e54813da
+# bdd3a9da32134e1e8ca88e1d720abcef
+# e797f39fdbc04ecbbbe2bdc559a0b118
 msgid "domainid – ID of the domain in which this account resides"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:567
-#: ../../usage.rst:637
-#: ../../usage.rst:738
-#: ../../usage.rst:799
-#: ../../usage.rst:906
-#: ../../usage.rst:967
-# 1ac00861f5ac4e1f9e6c74777a6a6eca
-# 18ab3268a73d453195129ad3a1bd3dab
-# ba80f684ac1e4667b879233f20723c3d
-# 4384bfa6f64146438dc81cfbe82e8987
-# 06a1afeaa8664be5944707d630da307d
-# a2ce895fafd04583ac774cf156786df2
+#: ../../usage.rst:496
+#: ../../usage.rst:537
+#: ../../usage.rst:596
+#: ../../usage.rst:630
+#: ../../usage.rst:691
+#: ../../usage.rst:725
+# d938ef5bbcc140c3a43fe372485e16af
+# 0e8bcce04fb34321a8e64ed6f0511dc6
+# 989ad97f092f4ef38b22b0112e749925
+# a74af98e8b4f4970805d2c13cdf90c37
+# 07ebb7ef423743fa8f659f3ab930b615
+# 7f6481f066a049c68b8df922020b9f23
 msgid "zoneid – Zone where the usage occurred"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:571
-#: ../../usage.rst:641
-#: ../../usage.rst:742
-#: ../../usage.rst:803
-#: ../../usage.rst:910
-#: ../../usage.rst:971
-# 4e304294d1424ed787da24b1cbe632bf
-# 9b796d3f857b4c298c92d93c80d31584
-# 7fdfbfc30a354983b9c12308e1976ef3
-# 688751ec77e249f4bf58e1ad0cba8768
-# fe7cdd70966543dca1a3cc526ee07500
-# 0c59a00f82af422babd5a77980e812ec
+#: ../../usage.rst:498
+#: ../../usage.rst:539
+#: ../../usage.rst:598
+#: ../../usage.rst:632
+#: ../../usage.rst:693
+#: ../../usage.rst:727
+# 603607ff4edb47e9a79f7310b5606576
+# 54a63f2835ce4ebcab6a5e8f61822468
+# 6c1cd88b31ef47699a96c86e2dc2fd57
+# a97e62aec444404ba90732a66e38ba16
+# 851e49d28b7748bc84040d925da26fc0
+# cdf33c6ee5c24ddd843c0c573f0236c9
 msgid "description – A string describing what the usage record is tracking"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:575
-# 9bef56bf42ff4bec9ff2e9bb16072e4c
+#: ../../usage.rst:500
+# 18c681fd6a6d4db7ac9c8d0c14546df8
 msgid "usage – String representation of the usage, including the units of usage (e.g. 'Hrs' for VM running time)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:580
-#: ../../usage.rst:645
-#: ../../usage.rst:751
-#: ../../usage.rst:812
-#: ../../usage.rst:919
-#: ../../usage.rst:931
-#: ../../usage.rst:980
-#: ../../usage.rst:992
-# e639456f21ae4b7294943056663a4b83
-# 78fc89b23a9241f784b08190352c8f17
-# fea2f14a640c406d8639087c670a0a59
-# 734f38e6f69c41d3959da554e5e174bb
-# 2c43f4b99f624f0694765d97d03a3133
-# 2009c00147bd45b6904fd38e30dc7bbf
-# b3dd2416c8cf4a7b847db345892636b9
-# a8ab363fa03b4e0bac77a4d12f9d84df
+#: ../../usage.rst:503
+#: ../../usage.rst:541
+#: ../../usage.rst:603
+#: ../../usage.rst:637
+#: ../../usage.rst:698
+#: ../../usage.rst:704
+#: ../../usage.rst:732
+#: ../../usage.rst:738
+# b56f48c2ce7e4ef8a421781cd8ac72d9
+# 367c8fbc6c3040e1b454649a311e5f24
+# 7a9a014a24af4f13afdf4091e920b2c7
+# 5ea8dfa3838546fea2bc64e05c8c673a
+# 3d7a93e77f944490999348ecfa138347
+# 65753a35c9384d9488a6ba39494069d9
+# 72b65cd48a914780a818c78d2b39df45
+# defb130ed24d43fcbdd05f28d6551b33
 msgid "usagetype – A number representing the usage type (see Usage Types)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:584
-#: ../../usage.rst:649
-#: ../../usage.rst:755
-#: ../../usage.rst:816
-#: ../../usage.rst:923
-#: ../../usage.rst:984
-# fa25ba78790940ce9c81f39bf7771531
-# 94514edf37854f9281d8bd02aa335609
-# acd0fa0b9e3642638023b78708ba7d52
-# 688683e918054191b46f54f1173303bc
-# 40bc7564d68946fa9702312b5692111e
-# ea864a184c9f4400a0a2f754fedd82f3
+#: ../../usage.rst:505
+#: ../../usage.rst:543
+#: ../../usage.rst:605
+#: ../../usage.rst:639
+#: ../../usage.rst:700
+#: ../../usage.rst:734
+# dead7906f5ff49c88d8e41f0a3140bd3
+# 8ee236cbfec44c23a571ce1209509110
+# 51b806027dda42548e0b46c7e5f0c468
+# 2b60dfbda65048239a38cba051b05cd8
+# da840cc63b26444a8154da21e65d5f6b
+# 0f380999106d476eae77a3f78ab9bd69
 msgid "rawusage – A number representing the actual usage in hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:588
-#: ../../usage.rst:939
-#: ../../usage.rst:943
-# b3bf8f9450024875b00dffc676334381
-# 72dc579445cf44438333e64d076dd4db
-# 6e37cc43677a4185befdfb76040dd76b
+#: ../../usage.rst:507
+#: ../../usage.rst:708
+#: ../../usage.rst:710
+# e398aeba3cd0401992be1f2f12e5fc91
+# e9e71b3111f84185baca323877a352fd
+# 28490f43f8cd44f4bf26a2abb77429ed
 msgid "virtualMachineId – The ID of the virtual machine"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:592
-# f7235acfed7044978392f3d934ece97b
+#: ../../usage.rst:509
+# adce21eabe0243be8c394e06dd5f7790
 msgid "name – The name of the virtual machine"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:596
-# 2df0848f8a4f42568e119c9d7d29a727
+#: ../../usage.rst:511
+# 6b520c414595424cad27b0ae57527c1f
 msgid "offeringid – The ID of the service offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:600
-# 5bd83bab0e0a4f6ba6c55054e85c83eb
+#: ../../usage.rst:513
+# 9329a1f52e57454a9b515f46ce1e110c
 msgid "templateid – The ID of the template or the ID of the parent template. The parent template value is present when the current template was created from a volume."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:606
-# b623aaa31f4a41609d3a766dbbc266a7
+#: ../../usage.rst:517
+# d061eac093024ebb867ea323cb34bbc0
 msgid "usageid – Virtual machine"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:610
-#: ../../usage.rst:767
-# 6a34753a5ffe4b88987b17fe58117df1
-# c577b82ea72f485cbd49efa5aa440607
+#: ../../usage.rst:519
+#: ../../usage.rst:611
+# 047ce224b91448ba964e79cc572efd1e
+# db530f7238e94cb295d4cf30edceb4bc
 msgid "type – Hypervisor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:614
-#: ../../usage.rst:661
-#: ../../usage.rst:779
-#: ../../usage.rst:837
-#: ../../usage.rst:947
-#: ../../usage.rst:996
-# a2b44295f13e4ba98617f6459e465a37
-# dcc85c1318a74646ab89f15fae94e929
-# e8c7e84d490e44d78444e65214200082
-# 9770ba4689364876ba4ef9372159e7c9
-# 1ce8c0863df3409e8857338c5a87d0d8
-# 7a0a24dd0d2f44eaa688daabf2da6e9c
+#: ../../usage.rst:521
+#: ../../usage.rst:549
+#: ../../usage.rst:617
+#: ../../usage.rst:650
+#: ../../usage.rst:712
+#: ../../usage.rst:740
+# 13784faf965d4cae937aa6cdbbb601b3
+# f723716e1445424cbc729bcae6910bae
+# 193cb9ce321c4844bfc67c7421b46b78
+# 3362120577564331af89079c96e60819
+# 48e9160ce71b475d961c452d6984a6fc
+# ed62c302bb274df094275fbf56674a91
 msgid "startdate, enddate – The range of time for which the usage is aggregated; see Dates in the Usage Record"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:618
-# 87c6f3a716f94e7ab8419c6a0e40665f
+#: ../../usage.rst:526
+# eedaa3906dfd445e8bccefccc0c58cf6
 msgid "Network Usage Record Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:620
-# caa3dfd36b9846c8b39e6ee4109f3f60
+#: ../../usage.rst:528
+# a62195cc17e14143a58822cf0c485c0e
 msgid "For network usage (bytes sent/received), the following fields exist in a usage record."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:653
-# 35da263687c546ef981a6184c650e0b1
+#: ../../usage.rst:545
+# e2aa41ae9fda438280903d7de43e9fa7
 msgid "usageid – Device ID (virtual router ID or external device ID)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:657
-# 4f07d5b20ad64f2f98ee95b228e8bc2d
+#: ../../usage.rst:547
+# cba1335aecd94359b17f04495d757350
 msgid "type – Device type (domain router, external load balancer, etc.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:665
-# de5e410ac9ac4c0e95cbf32877b38e3b
+#: ../../usage.rst:554
+# f60aa591df79401691c6f36e9a9372cd
 msgid "IP Address Usage Record Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:667
-# 78c0ae94aad9451fbc17b139ac592178
+#: ../../usage.rst:556
+# 8c83a518ebf94bda95be14bed415fbdd
 msgid "For IP address usage the following fields exist in a usage record."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:671
-#: ../../usage.rst:845
-# 1001f3ef83a3471599363668140e611c
-# 87506d34d23849e999f41a90f0e0585d
+#: ../../usage.rst:558
+#: ../../usage.rst:657
+# 872facde9d324938a2dc358b6f91d3d6
+# a38435a4207846d386ed6690dbeb757c
 msgid "account - name of the account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:675
-#: ../../usage.rst:849
-# 0a347a476a6f4465adc7648b145d9e13
-# 45147a5415414feaa29f4adf0867a62c
+#: ../../usage.rst:560
+#: ../../usage.rst:659
+# c2361416c29c4fbd838cca88df7fce39
+# bc06c74f16144181bca49330654a8470
 msgid "accountid - ID of the account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:679
-#: ../../usage.rst:853
-# bdce765bf0ef41df9a40c8a859c79485
-# e8c3fbe59cbb429894c293078923df6c
+#: ../../usage.rst:562
+#: ../../usage.rst:661
+# 7ad667e8f90242c5b4cacb1421dc53a2
+# e6e2d964ef1a4c8b94bc42f08beea530
 msgid "domainid - ID of the domain in which this account resides"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:683
-#: ../../usage.rst:857
-# 700974b57fd44957b826e34572177ab7
-# c21235c6b75d438d85b8057cb2d0a501
+#: ../../usage.rst:564
+#: ../../usage.rst:663
+# c05809fe04764a479c42fe337b8f32a7
+# 051704b34aa84fecb879697aa4461b9c
 msgid "zoneid - Zone where the usage occurred"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:687
-#: ../../usage.rst:861
-# b6586df549a74fd1b4afa690b0e12ac8
-# 3f9507fea4424e28a5053bc9de564425
+#: ../../usage.rst:566
+#: ../../usage.rst:665
+# ef2388373bf042c79862477f5068f84f
+# ac7162ddbf9b4f07a70378f7cb4f1376
 msgid "description - A string describing what the usage record is tracking"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:691
-# e452ef9c4fe94507b8101ce28484e653
+#: ../../usage.rst:568
+# 680a2939f1ab4cd0b4c7d7ba19346be0
 msgid "usage - String representation of the usage, including the units of usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:696
-#: ../../usage.rst:870
-#: ../../usage.rst:882
-# b6cb74da5c8b4f119df10d28162abdaf
-# 476d4b86321e419fb217ec240a902e5c
-# 9ea53be1624442bfa13824d94cc10c97
+#: ../../usage.rst:571
+#: ../../usage.rst:670
+#: ../../usage.rst:676
+# 552772e8c5f745518dc6484ef776e37b
+# 8b658740424143e0804a450732cc90d5
+# 79adc7a2a02248f8a0ee7771272a5624
 msgid "usagetype - A number representing the usage type (see Usage Types)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:700
-#: ../../usage.rst:874
-# ab04998bb97140f9869fc42034d21075
-# e9cf568981ba4cdda04c84338e7cf7cb
+#: ../../usage.rst:573
+#: ../../usage.rst:672
+# 565c646fcbed4427bf835e888529e76c
+# af9345ffb0554f0eb0ad166c00406ea8
 msgid "rawusage - A number representing the actual usage in hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:704
-# c4dd2f456c2c41a09936672e513ca634
+#: ../../usage.rst:575
+# 1ce3b40124484eefb27601e1907f939a
 msgid "usageid - IP address ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:708
-#: ../../usage.rst:886
-# 374f362f0e62453f9a1e286a4098b80c
-# 9d53d00bcf374d8a965d7bdb030e03a0
+#: ../../usage.rst:577
+#: ../../usage.rst:678
+# abfd139b052e4864afc695aba432783c
+# a5cbc24cefb54a2996cf860cf2b1e75c
 msgid "startdate, enddate - The range of time for which the usage is aggregated; see Dates in the Usage Record"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:713
-# e0fedba7f0d44912b8b66044224e26a9
+#: ../../usage.rst:580
+# 7631780188e9474f8a1041b55d0ac20b
 msgid "issourcenat - Whether source NAT is enabled for the IP address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:717
-# 54327477db6a4fc0a5edc3ebe3bece46
+#: ../../usage.rst:582
+# 85f7d46f4fd5425cad1b87a37ec9ecf7
 msgid "iselastic - True if the IP address is elastic."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:720
-# e6f2bace17244b43af803f2dda9c3068
+#: ../../usage.rst:586
+# fd56a0a694804aa884be5fdefcfd3320
 msgid "Disk Volume Usage Record Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:722
-# 0c0c23e5bf654ac49834841997c2f6bb
+#: ../../usage.rst:588
+# dc66789696474008bbbc81eb24bec679
 msgid "For disk volumes, the following fields exist in a usage record."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:746
-#: ../../usage.rst:807
-#: ../../usage.rst:914
-#: ../../usage.rst:975
-# be28f6050bb94084bb656efc502ac189
-# 2d215ba8acb44195bea83a442070fbbd
-# e7cf1890be9c4bed99ef1a6ff8cb5c4b
-# 84493a2ef1494522a1f9761ed36de673
+#: ../../usage.rst:600
+#: ../../usage.rst:634
+#: ../../usage.rst:695
+#: ../../usage.rst:729
+# 4a12e3d8b23f40078657c836a946af1e
+# d33548fd1fe240509c2c86f75c6bd701
+# 38cb41b0bdc94d2e94ee5c3a6492e281
+# 95202bd84a0e4a61991829c07c2c0720
 msgid "usage – String representation of the usage, including the units of usage (e.g. 'Hrs' for hours)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:759
-# b1e806b2412543a9ac138c0bceed3ac7
+#: ../../usage.rst:607
+# c2f1554e72084e81892a0b538a19c7f8
 msgid "usageid – The volume ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:763
-#: ../../usage.rst:824
-# ba95fc6f138d4d6d9eee73ac54807567
-# 447cf10b356f43b583376cb3762a49e2
+#: ../../usage.rst:609
+#: ../../usage.rst:643
+# b7525535c67b49b98b4d922f07293bcb
+# c781024621454a418e050f006e91921c
 msgid "offeringid – The ID of the disk offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:771
-# 4f952183cc3944d6b58d2764e2b3483e
+#: ../../usage.rst:613
+# 543db09e00804cd787e00be0867a5c6e
 msgid "templateid – ROOT template ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:775
-# 6239c472f1174d7486c4373f3f91b852
+#: ../../usage.rst:615
+# f2ab3e39617449bf8a68f1fbc0eb4fbe
 msgid "size – The amount of storage allocated"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:783
-# 0b8e217bf8664b26910d0336284d2685
+#: ../../usage.rst:622
+# e54797d2c60c4441ac584d3abb0f9c77
 msgid "Template, ISO, and Snapshot Usage Record Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:820
-# 8e86814eb5504fd7aabdd42b9ecd30dc
+#: ../../usage.rst:641
+# 60eda22a3c7d4756847f64ff53b961e2
 msgid "usageid – The ID of the the template, ISO, or snapshot"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:828
-# b62090bf985a4410b04c8cdebd58f05e
+#: ../../usage.rst:645
+# 3562063eefc04af28187703974e45228
 msgid "templateid – – Included only for templates (usage type 7). Source template ID."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:833
-# 3b4e511d50554530abbc0f26a25b931a
+#: ../../usage.rst:648
+# 9fbfbc974f184b2983595a2d4fed5cdb
 msgid "size – Size of the template, ISO, or snapshot"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:841
-# 03cd150724624caab3641ef9a3fde274
+#: ../../usage.rst:655
+# aa26900876304f758262788c79483c44
 msgid "Load Balancer Policy or Port Forwarding Rule Usage Record Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:865
-# 1988ac276c19468ab601b81781e1529c
+#: ../../usage.rst:667
+# f493ad9446bd4b0d84e50c9937d2b21c
 msgid "usage - String representation of the usage, including the units of usage (e.g. 'Hrs' for hours)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:878
-# 0bb591c7914846548e7b36b597a37b90
+#: ../../usage.rst:674
+# 03d262a193f246749d1ed6f6df6d3930
 msgid "usageid - ID of the load balancer policy or port forwarding rule"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:890
-# 5b356b33fefd4c119e70c313d74e255b
+#: ../../usage.rst:683
+# b01513d3fd8e466ba943f21dd926c03a
 msgid "Network Offering Usage Record Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:927
-# 4080c653f1fa4ac2b72572385a12cc7c
+#: ../../usage.rst:702
+# d5c5360548e6437882e13f383f854c51
 msgid "usageid – ID of the network offering"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:935
-# df1d1f4e37554d8998d72b642a45e94c
+#: ../../usage.rst:706
+# 1dd0260b113b4149979baeec2b430e69
 msgid "offeringid – Network offering ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:951
-# e4e67d8c23ed4921811a4a624f9fca5d
+#: ../../usage.rst:717
+# 2e3b410e70064b95997310d4b2f2d6bb
 msgid "VPN User Usage Record Format"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:988
-# 8b9aa4e21f1d4e7cac5643ff605c5b70
+#: ../../usage.rst:736
+# 78984789b8f74fcb9ae0dc8712b092fa
 msgid "usageid – VPN user ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1001
-# 48f6a187d7534e2aad5d1126010a8dd7
+#: ../../usage.rst:745
+# 371ab2afddac4c8ebe7b59df3a7e3150
 msgid "Usage Types"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1003
-# f951beabc0db44fb826fb17761d72ca0
+#: ../../usage.rst:747
+# bb807347fed448728c3e17662b8b1ebc
 msgid "The following table shows all usage types."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1006
-# ae77cdba18f94b57a8941a2844af363d
+#: ../../usage.rst:750
+# 9d81d10d8b5343f19edc1316cfbf4854
 msgid "Type ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1006
-# b40f4bfeab6f4b7d82c8df177efc5494
+#: ../../usage.rst:750
+# e5f69db4f5e44d94804a6a1fa96b3da8
 msgid "Type Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1008
-# 2e79133f6c254a3ea34f062b3b00adfe
+#: ../../usage.rst:752
+# 78ead0d9336c42648a3ca740bc0c71c3
 msgid "1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1008
-# 6fc25c417b3c4e73a34a2f6127a5526d
+#: ../../usage.rst:752
+# e747e335348c4f96b8157b30a1f87074
 msgid "RUNNING\\_VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1008
-# 553837efadde440abfa7687270684afa
+#: ../../usage.rst:752
+# 477ac63f7f36460ea08116c949753044
 msgid "Tracks the total running time of a VM per usage record period. If the VM is upgraded during the usage period, you will get a separate Usage Record for the new upgraded VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1018
-# 6b2ede664c0940b99b0572bae4a790b9
+#: ../../usage.rst:762
+# 64af61ae9a154740bc59c51cf93b8e50
 msgid "2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1018
-# 80b324130a704587aff102829b0c6426
+#: ../../usage.rst:762
+# 7e1e8fb7beaf45439e7683227a55abb7
 msgid "ALLOCATED\\_VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1018
-# 95f4ba653c114aaca66ccbf6ad5575a1
+#: ../../usage.rst:762
+# 12dcdffa3a2f4d5faaece0b8ee808625
 msgid "Tracks the total time the VM has been created to the time when it has been destroyed. This usage type is also useful in determining usage for specific templates such as Windows-based templates."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1030
-# 70ee8dc453b44a559e3611d4905431eb
+#: ../../usage.rst:774
+# 56a5110004de419981e5f220ae4e8552
 msgid "3"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1030
-# 384d4585b8d94f55a0c45b67e9a8c681
+#: ../../usage.rst:774
+# 9300fc0a0c054c8cb8cf1c50a798ccfe
 msgid "IP\\_ADDRESS"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1030
-# 3edd301131ca4260b92e5eae2d72a822
+#: ../../usage.rst:774
+# bdd7930fce7d439cac6b82c99e189623
 msgid "Tracks the public IP address owned by the account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1034
-# 9bbb8b348a364049b6b15d3e160ab7c9
+#: ../../usage.rst:778
+# 8f41c0480a214679a34ebff91433884a
 msgid "4"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1034
-# 62cac7d5101249369ba98a37698c3545
+#: ../../usage.rst:778
+# 3468bfe1926344ed8b778f78f298e356
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1034
-# 58fa7365227e461ba6b9a1d6f922e939
+#: ../../usage.rst:778
+# 4fc69e9acd00430db5d7bdd162d53a88
 msgid "Tracks the total number of bytes sent by all the VMs for an account. does not currently track network traffic per VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1042
-# 0c96ae6238c149b28be7bb9f9ad262a6
+#: ../../usage.rst:786
+# 9c0a0d79a0ee491b99fc2f18847a9c29
 msgid "5"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1042
-# 8a0cb74bfd7347ba92b20d2d362c4c21
+#: ../../usage.rst:786
+# 8053534caf9a43cfbe6f344918e90568
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1042
-# b7299005f8554e048e5ccf902d01381f
+#: ../../usage.rst:786
+# a09f77e6b1d540fdb4c9e398f8042f22
 msgid "Tracks the total number of bytes received by all the VMs for an account. does not currently track network traffic per VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1051
-# 7bb40a3d83364d27abda2ddee3127c13
+#: ../../usage.rst:795
+# 5d8944a3cb7d444aa82efaa09053af2d
 msgid "6"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1051
-# eb746069f1d94e08922bb968616c8aa6
+#: ../../usage.rst:795
+# bd9f4acea1a34fb5ada48e39c65e7781
 msgid "VOLUME"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1051
-# e9368a4fb8534f63ba8424870d3075f3
+#: ../../usage.rst:795
+# e39b0cb9d477433db943c1dfbeb90bb5
 msgid "Tracks the total time a disk volume has been created to the time when it has been destroyed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1057
-# 24d7abf2ee5a4c609bad7caab9af4a62
+#: ../../usage.rst:801
+# fb74bed3e64f40f4b1b99833cdfb858b
 msgid "7"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1057
-# a9213fe9713049ae96283bcf490d4308
+#: ../../usage.rst:801
+# 8dbe0a482b8740bcaba3e70100493143
 msgid "TEMPLATE"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1057
-# 8c5b8c19ee504e05bb60ec1609708714
+#: ../../usage.rst:801
+# e01ba5c82149495a87253a75e8f1ee5c
 msgid "Tracks the total time a template (either created from a snapshot or uploaded to the cloud) has been created to the time it has been destroyed. The size of the template is also returned."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1068
-# c2abf324066b4e4cab56b7216871a359
+#: ../../usage.rst:812
+# ea46b251003a4703b4db0e8e9ca83a4a
 msgid "8"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1068
-# 2a3df63ab62844d0a3726eb47b69e9d4
+#: ../../usage.rst:812
+# f349c4660c004c8f81133723f6ac350c
 msgid "ISO"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1068
-# 9ae612e4f42b4ea5b61a1e0019f6cb83
+#: ../../usage.rst:812
+# 7c32db79c4a944e294459472e67ef9a5
 msgid "Tracks the total time an ISO has been uploaded to the time it has been removed from the cloud. The size of the ISO is also returned."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1076
-# 5004f945801c4d21b59b522676de23c3
+#: ../../usage.rst:820
+# b0dacdf41a1c4d989f2f39ef17257ecc
 msgid "9"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1076
-# 7cbcaf5ded5f4812b51f49dce1c44b64
+#: ../../usage.rst:820
+# 1405b90e80e34b8381a814756e95d768
 msgid "SNAPSHOT"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1076
-# aa3ea6e95b98436f9ccc3d0dd076e294
+#: ../../usage.rst:820
+# e5fa93c081164375acc3fd52345b1187
 msgid "Tracks the total time from when a snapshot has been created to the time it have been destroyed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1082
-# b64bb9ece22e4adebc65e6a42b82e2cc
+#: ../../usage.rst:826
+# 4f2594d3f1f24d2c9169fcfc149a62e9
 msgid "11"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1082
-# f4c8701f91d54e6a9481feae36f73a77
+#: ../../usage.rst:826
+# d37ae3d5c27447e4a1078346d90a373f
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1082
-# 5c8b784f8c9947fb87a3d39c29ef5947
+#: ../../usage.rst:826
+# 024b703ada76417194235a1d10290b53
 msgid "Tracks the total time a load balancer policy has been created to the time it has been removed. does not track whether a VM has been assigned to a policy."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1092
-# 492651ba27f04885a8b3a8e8b4faa817
+#: ../../usage.rst:836
+# 6ebb8ff8421347ba8d0f37e13f9738a1
 msgid "12"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1092
-# 55510ef40e1344ada16cdea064718be6
+#: ../../usage.rst:836
+# 4f5ff172a156494c910377d3273476ca
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1092
-# 0ec6b93728df42439989a39dfd6ee1ba
+#: ../../usage.rst:836
+# 00141f10a4c040fd9c1981d4c44a5d6b
 msgid "Tracks the time from when a port forwarding rule was created until the time it was removed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1098
-# 695922a0cadf4a5ea3e7c57d0667b4f3
+#: ../../usage.rst:842
+# bc4b98fcdabc461a8ede71b5285838b0
 msgid "13"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1098
-# 7a50f4ca25a542b89e077cc7ab8af9fe
+#: ../../usage.rst:842
+# 6123d10ab7004c9b943a532e894e2e20
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1098
-# 286a423ed17c4338b633f9bb54d9e1e5
+#: ../../usage.rst:842
+# ec1c84a50ae5471ba6539ff923b81caa
 msgid "The time from when a network offering was assigned to a VM until it is removed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1103
-# a60708e3e8594601a4b1b2105134c5aa
+#: ../../usage.rst:847
+# 04d219bbd49540e7a4d433b51cb42d2b
 msgid "14"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1103
-# 15ae51ac66614bc287c41414f7c09109
+#: ../../usage.rst:847
+# d70576ee50674251a6ee58e7a072795a
 msgid "VPN\\_USERS"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1103
-# a7fa63344c7a4ca4bce4e5f2fc4db7c2
+#: ../../usage.rst:847
+# 7031f45ce0894436b7ab77616de3681f
 msgid "The time from when a VPN user is created until it is removed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1110
-# 086989197eba4ea0b04de3d594e67f9a
+#: ../../usage.rst:854
+# da745a0b82b6445e998e6d31a0f107b7
 msgid "Example response from listUsageRecords"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1112
-# 6186119d4c2442f3b774acb989e55d89
+#: ../../usage.rst:856
+# 73da4de663384d6ba278d517dc44eeef
 msgid "All CloudStack API requests are submitted in the form of a HTTP GET/POST with an associated command and any parameters. A request is composed of the following whether in HTTP or HTTPS:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1143
-# fa32f5bc7d9043b69396e40e9c707274
+#: ../../usage.rst:888
+# b1267ab3f74744b8966d6c8dce38d38a
 msgid "Dates in the Usage Record"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1145
-# d6aaa516cd40419c9be627b88a616e2c
+#: ../../usage.rst:890
+# f9638c3a7a0c4939922d9b03330f3a5a
 msgid "Usage records include a start date and an end date. These dates define the period of time for which the raw usage number was calculated. If daily aggregation is used, the start date is midnight on the day in question and the end date is 23:59:59 on the day in question (with one exception; see below). A virtual machine could have been deployed at noon on that day, stopped at 6pm on that day, then started up again at 11pm. When usage is calculated on that day, there will be 7 hours of running VM usage (usage type 1) and 12 hours of allocated VM usage (usage type 2). If the same virtual machine runs for the entire next day, there will 24 hours of both running VM usage (type 1) and allocated VM usage (type 2)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1157
-# e3fe8feb8604460f9930592cef0bc680
+#: ../../usage.rst:902
+# aa505995145d4de796ce7a54c69e8c04
 msgid "Note: The start date is not the time a virtual machine was started, and the end date is not the time when a virtual machine was stopped. The start and end dates give the time range within which usage was calculated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1162
-# 50f292d2f9ac4b3f880517d684fe569e
+#: ../../usage.rst:907
+# ffee51b332cd4e589de90c6abf2b8476
 msgid "For network usage, the start date and end date again define the range in which the number of bytes transferred was calculated. If a user downloads 10 MB and uploads 1 MB in one day, there will be two records, one showing the 10 megabytes received and one showing the 1 megabyte sent."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../usage.rst:1168
-# 629cfc1088724d7ea55ee7b728cb3b32
+#: ../../usage.rst:913
+# de58fb769cc74ed3a62616b4158bd9e8
 msgid "There is one case where the start date and end date do not correspond to midnight and 11:59:59pm when daily aggregation is used. This occurs only for network usage records. When the usage server has more than one day's worth of unprocessed data, the old data will be included in the aggregation period. The start date in the usage record will show the date and time of the earliest event. For other types of usage, such as IP addresses and VMs, the old unprocessed data is not included in daily aggregation."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/pot/virtual_machines.pot b/source/locale/pot/virtual_machines.pot
index d609951..32a1751 100644
--- a/source/locale/pot/virtual_machines.pot
+++ b/source/locale/pot/virtual_machines.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation 4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -17,1440 +17,1595 @@
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 #: ../../virtual_machines.rst:18
-# 2170d7c1a0e145718f15a48fdfd6376c
+# 825181279d9643c3ae9e1a485765f79a
 msgid "Working with Virtual Machines"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../virtual_machines.rst:21
-# 7b1c6837d7294d04b64fdefe3b860527
+# 8ef9955cc01742fb833f6f4cb20ddc40
 msgid "About Working with Virtual Machines"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../virtual_machines.rst:23
-# a8fcaad6e74c48de85dda47b508896ff
+# 5dfc79c076ae4bcf9b78cbc7e7998fb1
 msgid "CloudStack provides administrators with complete control over the lifecycle of all guest VMs executing in the cloud. CloudStack provides several guest management operations for end users and administrators. VMs may be stopped, started, rebooted, and destroyed."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../virtual_machines.rst:28
-# 76072107bbd74ed58ef5e488bbc45361
+# a74753cd5a1e4e87b2b25bb214d76583
 msgid "Guest VMs have a name and group. VM names and groups are opaque to CloudStack and are available for end users to organize their VMs. Each VM can have three names for use in different contexts. Only two of these names can be controlled by the user:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:35
-# fdf35c82059748b09618dc1b96c32958
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:33
+# 33b7dd1035fe468788852c131410d355
 msgid "Instance name – a unique, immutable ID that is generated by CloudStack and can not be modified by the user. This name conforms to the requirements in IETF RFC 1123."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:41
-# 35bab809b50548b78006bcf7edfd8375
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:37
+# f1b72ed931524f89a7d072ed361a635e
 msgid "Display name – the name displayed in the CloudStack web UI. Can be set by the user. Defaults to instance name."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:46
-# fc95d564a6b74400bdf7cbc43166b900
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:40
+# adc0efb3ff154603a38bf9294009ac65
 msgid "Name – host name that the DHCP server assigns to the VM. Can be set by the user. Defaults to instance name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:50
-# 29b7bc970aec4088a82cb82eac51acf2
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:44
+# 14d2256532ea4ba9ab19bed35890856a
 msgid "You can append the display name of a guest VM to its internal name. For more information, see `“Appending a Display Name to the Guest VM’s Internal Name” <#appending-a-display-name-to-the-guest-vms-internal-name>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:52
-# 7776a17a323a4f91a6a4286428927bdf
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:48
+# a8d661456c4f45b28ad427c44e9b6325
 msgid "Guest VMs can be configured to be Highly Available (HA). An HA-enabled VM is monitored by the system. If the system detects that the VM is down, it will attempt to restart the VM, possibly on a different host. For more information, see HA-Enabled Virtual Machines on"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:57
-# 89d81c5e76a047d0b049cbfcc9437d7d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:53
+# 5305c3fec9d94b62aa5980618331557e
 msgid "Each new VM is allocated one public IP address. When the VM is started, CloudStack automatically creates a static NAT between this public IP address and the private IP address of the VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:61
-# 39ead95968f944999976e4c34017f685
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:57
+# 587dd3d141fc46bca48b617989e96f59
 msgid "If elastic IP is in use (with the NetScaler load balancer), the IP address initially allocated to the new VM is not marked as elastic. The user must replace the automatically configured IP with a specifically acquired elastic IP, and set up the static NAT mapping between this new IP and the guest VM’s private IP. The VM’s original IP address is then released and returned to the pool of available public IPs. Optionally, you can also decide not to allocate a public IP to a VM in an EIP-enabled Basic zone. For more information on Elastic IP, see `“About Elastic IP” <networking2.html#about-elastic-ip>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:71
-# d4c486f223e24c42bd8704829023ab5d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:67
+# 6fbeb0da9ef448f98d0a7a11b1032be6
 msgid "CloudStack cannot distinguish a guest VM that was shut down by the user (such as with the “shutdown” command in Linux) from a VM that shut down unexpectedly. If an HA-enabled VM is shut down from inside the VM, CloudStack will restart it. To shut down an HA-enabled VM, you must go through the CloudStack UI or API."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:78
-# 9376b049fcf74e669edc936a118d19e3
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:75
+# 9787aabb3dc94e8db7a5de0c51ea7443
 msgid "Best Practices for Virtual Machines"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:80
-# 386619ec83cc48dfb2c427037f91d9f4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:77
+# 6372fe37d9ed4beeb1424ae97b03ad24
 msgid "For VMs to work as expected and provide excellent service, follow these guidelines."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:83
-# 863fbc4da7ab48ceb27e621892255393
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:82
+# d2a792bb33c2418bba1e90839b5208d4
 msgid "Monitor VMs for Max Capacity"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:85
-# b1c4a0929eb34ecb943335789bb31c92
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:84
+# aaa155f7b055496592fb19179ed93f73
 msgid "The CloudStack administrator should monitor the total number of VM instances in each cluster, and disable allocation to the cluster if the total is approaching the maximum that the hypervisor can handle. Be sure to leave a safety margin to allow for the possibility of one or more hosts failing, which would increase the VM load on the other hosts as the VMs are automatically redeployed. Consult the documentation for your chosen hypervisor to find the maximum permitted number of VMs per host, then use CloudStack global configuration settings to set this as the default limit. Monitor the VM activity in each cluster at all times. Keep the total number of VMs below a safe level that allows for the occasional host failure. For example, if there are N hosts in the cluster, and you want to allow for one host in the cluster to be down at any given time, the total number of VM instances you can permit in the cluster is at most (N-1) \\* (per-host-limit). Once a cluster reaches this number of VMs, use the CloudStack UI to disable allocation of more VMs to the cluster."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../virtual_machines.rst:103
-# 07a8c32f156044b19d2ab4dc8c6911fa
+# e6554027f7f9466a8a5ab12bbbf30fb9
 msgid "Install Required Tools and Drivers"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../../virtual_machines.rst:105
-# 3f8d86b785404f85abaf6c075cc419cd
+# 6b07dcd845a944ea872a6ace009f7f24
 msgid "Be sure the following are installed on each VM:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:109
-# 5f5ab58b23b3484d806d822ff59a2de9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:107
+# 31fe2e3e61ec4b15865970eafecc35df
 msgid "For XenServer, install PV drivers and Xen tools on each VM. This will enable live migration and clean guest shutdown. Xen tools are required in order for dynamic CPU and RAM scaling to work."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:115
-# 0535820eb5d040f4925c98cdfa7f1f00
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:111
+# 59c6618b482a4e8590293c7da8aaf7ef
 msgid "For vSphere, install VMware Tools on each VM. This will enable console view to work properly. VMware Tools are required in order for dynamic CPU and RAM scaling to work."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:119
-# 52b93993efd74552bcbdffc5a0e4e982
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:115
+# 0054a653c9ee4d008cb5fff30bcb3de8
 msgid "To be sure that Xen tools or VMware Tools is installed, use one of the following techniques:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:124
-# 74b0c1c26a5b460bb377b19ce856399d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:118
+# 183593c0142745a49f4f2a3791981e31
 msgid "Create each VM from a template that already has the tools installed; or,"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:129
-# 0e2a66d2e624435b827732e1a4e5f02c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:121
+# 4ad9dec1226046d48a5dba3598abbf0a
 msgid "When registering a new template, the administrator or user can indicate whether tools are installed on the template. This can be done through the UI or using the updateTemplate API; or,"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:135
-# be979443be424b4695d86d2417edaf13
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:125
+# 3a12a213c40345018c066a0ec37e65a9
 msgid "If a user deploys a virtual machine with a template that does not have Xen tools or VMware Tools, and later installs the tools on the VM, then the user can inform CloudStack using the updateVirtualMachine API. After installing the tools and updating the virtual machine, stop and start the VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:142
-# d34d6ed121d543db962b242b95d76f47
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:133
+# b7a0169d017a496787e38b9e50311a88
 msgid "VM Lifecycle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:144
-# c150b40a15b348f5b5cdcc9af91ec2ec
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:135
+# 0af797cf30df4ac984c7b8d11ede977e
 msgid "Virtual machines can be in the following states:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:146
-# 35450095449943769e4df916f2ba98d1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:137
+# f5d2991885b4440f8c7062a60633f065
 msgid "|basic-deployment.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:148
-# 82d68697d2034dcaa1e4dd828818f3e5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:139
+# 4c2d3ebcce3744b481035492578b6e3c
 msgid "Once a virtual machine is destroyed, it cannot be recovered. All the resources used by the virtual machine will be reclaimed by the system. This includes the virtual machine’s IP address."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:152
-# e5d85a86eec94820acffac7223216d7b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:143
+# 08c95a701e5348e789bd295aa7819d86
 msgid "A stop will attempt to gracefully shut down the operating system, which typically involves terminating all the running applications. If the operation system cannot be stopped, it will be forcefully terminated. This has the same effect as pulling the power cord to a physical machine."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:158
-# 3262f9ef48524241b39ab24f50027665
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:149
+# 6d5fb2afbc1e44ad842f052187cc201f
 msgid "A reboot is a stop followed by a start."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:160
-# 9fd4ac9dadd4498aba1893ab9ff67b37
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:151
+# eb78f755807e4fe59ff45bc534fa6dc5
 msgid "CloudStack preserves the state of the virtual machine hard disk until the machine is destroyed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:163
-# 225f316ae08b45c9af659bb8052ff60e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:154
+# e18941c1f49b40d4ae53034763c41e57
 msgid "A running virtual machine may fail because of hardware or network issues. A failed virtual machine is in the down state."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:166
-# c87832d0da9849c99bb576cdc028a417
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:157
+# 73bd5337e5854464a320f36cca3d4964
 msgid "The system places the virtual machine into the down state if it does not receive the heartbeat from the hypervisor for three minutes."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:169
-# 38f2875d662c4c31b795e48e5666cdb5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:160
+# a45ff69a534b47189b4457ff2d058d8c
 msgid "The user can manually restart the virtual machine from the down state."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:171
-# f36a208dc3c04defb09639b1fc2c9ffa
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:162
+# 42d0a445aab2404abad8ce54e6ff5947
 msgid "The system will start the virtual machine from the down state automatically if the virtual machine is marked as HA-enabled."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:175
-# 435b7bc89e044825854f8238d54cd95c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:167
+# fdeb58579e7749fe88bdf405f79049e5
 msgid "Creating VMs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:177
-# 90596cf453df41bea97abf4d26b55b9e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:169
+# 7453d7d0a14e4a9dab16d5580766c5d5
 msgid "Virtual machines are usually created from a template. Users can also create blank virtual machines. A blank virtual machine is a virtual machine without an OS template. Users can attach an ISO file and install the OS from the CD/DVD-ROM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:183
-# 89062b64f78c473bb4f095089a47a3e8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:175
+# 3edf15d4b2054f90ae481e9bde143346
 msgid "You can create a VM without starting it. You can determine whether the VM needs to be started as part of the VM deployment. A request parameter, startVM, in the deployVm API provides this feature. For more information, see the Developer's Guide."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:185
-# 0672247e369b4e2d946b125ca4084ed2
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:180
+# e3cf740a72c247ea8cdb5ff298a2e7b3
 msgid "To create a VM from a template:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:189
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:228
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:379
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:426
-# dbdc45137b3844029f53e2cb9d9162c6
-# 321604ea0f024536a10305764908c359
-# 7f0370ba68fe4dae844b8c30bee8233e
-# 60f232c6cc96485796b41b3a4e0e8595
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:182
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:212
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:330
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:366
+# 6b4fb12f7826449389052e48b175bf9a
+# 1c346e18dafd4ac7977a7dc98d85926c
+# 4d63920f853642a68b92f2632d3a1ba1
+# d667b7df24994fc4ac857e47436efd5d
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or user."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:193
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:232
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:430
-# 17cf7cb65591426fb58ec425f5fd55d8
-# 770013bd81d74beab891f720896b414d
-# c137363adbfd4c509c5f2496508d10e3
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:184
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:214
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:368
+# 243b4d8b914d49d19dd68312aae2042a
+# fbbc9105a1f14883918e0460b902a681
+# 74fc4567c9104ff0ae51ec0d88dc5006
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Instances."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:197
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:236
-# 7d2ba36548a74ef1b9f34c832b763e04
-# f3c1e3fb075f473dafabe13193f34933
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:186
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:216
+# be1be45993694cb6ab943a5c229ac71e
+# 7d1b7b4f15c349c68567df62e225bc34
 msgid "Click Add Instance."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:201
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:240
-# d0219b24a04045f995b827bd2898f2aa
-# 539be5bfcf034e2aaa08ec396700de1c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:188
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:218
+# 64202b2c542d459596118bf9dd4ad508
+# 7f1cbee620c946a88f43e9b6c8f1e9bf
 msgid "Select a zone."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:205
-# 4a5fbf9ff1ee4269a55b0c3f549a22a5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:190
+# a0aa0f810b974edcb1d8f305c1b24a5d
 msgid "Select a template, then follow the steps in the wizard. For more information about how the templates came to be in this list, see `*Working with Templates* <templates.html>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:211
-# f131286995d64c42ac059085f726ae06
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:194
+# 33bbf5e131484a929c10053278adddde
 msgid "Be sure that the hardware you have allows starting the selected service offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:216
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:248
-# edf69164fb0c47cb865ec5cbff2aa54e
-# 4068a900b1d144749c414fd49b63db55
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:197
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:222
+# 9a01eecf26a748e198056df4f7e9b825
+# 82109b204e5841308ff5e74b12cf24a4
 msgid "Click Submit and your VM will be created and started."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:219
-# f14fe68cb6e646b49647dfb709dffe56
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:200
+# 7a2965e6d5004b7088a5e5bc18da649c
 msgid "For security reason, the internal name of the VM is visible only to the root admin."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:221
-# c7f29a0e0eca4b1fa04ae333390ec922
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:203
+# c19e66233eaa4d00b5b615550ebc0c11
 msgid "To create a VM from an ISO:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:224
-# 9802d38bcbeb44faad59f0c6b4dd425f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:206
+# ff3d83c8dc1b40baab04b8c1bcfe3619
 msgid "(XenServer) Windows VMs running on XenServer require PV drivers, which may be provided in the template or added after the VM is created. The PV drivers are necessary for essential management functions such as mounting additional volumes and ISO images, live migration, and graceful shutdown."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:244
-# f11205e9a0634c1990bc69a94b684091
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:220
+# aceacbbcfec4422e939ff1ed89aa25c5
 msgid "Select ISO Boot, and follow the steps in the wizard."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:251
-# 162cd4c1933b48c4a8e5a41c7ec37a5e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:226
+# a843dc7f749c44d89ba116d3c6af89f8
 msgid "Accessing VMs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:253
-# 1c1e1a7cc847480488dea9931bd3ffd6
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:228
+# 0bf035db01dd401abc60fc76e71330ba
 msgid "Any user can access their own virtual machines. The administrator can access all VMs running in the cloud."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:256
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:657
-# 582b288bbc8d448daa35ab6398edd5b6
-# 63c33ffacebf44328922949b1d62e681
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:231
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:555
+# ff40a54bdc2e4f3f8b310d37998c096b
+# b719e6aa6218441b864dbd9dbb664b20
 msgid "To access a VM through the CloudStack UI:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:260
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:661
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:741
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:970
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1007
-# 7966ee7c12414472976feb432099fd1e
-# cc969f07182e4a4f825bb39d784326e2
-# 717a93d287eb42e799e3246945610dee
-# 7eedbf3ba193494f952fae4200c0bb8a
-# c5992eae3ce542a287bec2ab940ce661
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:233
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:557
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:618
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:792
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:820
+# 72fdf34366e84d53a902f30170e96826
+# 3b5b89a3e29346439a79e6c9625ab11a
+# 5d3ec5e17ef1449a85064c70381209dc
+# 151cdfe9cd414184908d5b1c15cc7de9
+# 995bd5571b2446418ec4a6f27a17fe5f
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a user or admin."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:264
-# 1bad53cc506643b4afa9f2f32d5c84df
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:235
+# c09833ddb4424c4e82d2b49397dbf82e
 msgid "Click Instances, then click the name of a running VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:268
-# ea61544613854ab98f0c7eaee19319b4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:237
+# 7276130f1e014d969cbd9246b1310121
 msgid "Click the View Console button |console-icon.png|."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:270
-# 7ee1f849247e4736b77106c631e33767
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:239
+# c06df9b367c1493a908523e863cade69
 msgid "To access a VM directly over the network:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:274
-# 210aa9db3b28438cae36441f14c29e2b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:241
+# 3a9997d1c0444c66b00f908de1b14f74
 msgid "The VM must have some port open to incoming traffic. For example, in a basic zone, a new VM might be assigned to a security group which allows incoming traffic. This depends on what security group you picked when creating the VM. In other cases, you can open a port by setting up a port forwarding policy. See `“IP Forwarding and Firewalling” <networking2.html#ip-forwarding-and-firewalling>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:283
-# b955202d572b4eab831bf58c7ddf0290
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:248
+# aa1d9ea00c0f47d58155e9aa67793a80
 msgid "If a port is open but you can not access the VM using ssh, it’s possible that ssh is not already enabled on the VM. This will depend on whether ssh is enabled in the template you picked when creating the VM. Access the VM through the CloudStack UI and enable ssh on the machine using the commands for the VM’s operating system."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:291
-# eef15aa3610941a48b076ada83a93a76
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:254
+# af42226ae2f845c4ae39472cd44d62cf
 msgid "If the network has an external firewall device, you will need to create a firewall rule to allow access. See `“IP Forwarding and Firewalling” <networking2.html#ip-forwarding-and-firewalling>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:296
-# 07e9a7efad2c4aba92b7119770430d15
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:260
+# 334cb66ea0fd46fab55d62d6c94401cc
 msgid "Stopping and Starting VMs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:298
-# 3c483022f9974e77b1c3b4911b4b3ebb
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:262
+# 194b6682b53b4c028e9387e57f318392
 msgid "Once a VM instance is created, you can stop, restart, or delete it as needed. In the CloudStack UI, click Instances, select the VM, and use the Stop, Start, Reboot, and Destroy buttons."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:303
-# 049108e92aae41a0bf087e70dee11846
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:268
+# 3475020a222a4190b9e4e184a4be143c
 msgid "Assigning VMs to Hosts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:305
-# dd82ff2b06c14258a8d3b8de3cf2b75f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:270
+# ab04e4134ad1499abbfb64970cd8d83b
 msgid "At any point in time, each virtual machine instance is running on a single host. How does CloudStack determine which host to place a VM on? There are several ways:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:311
-# db958d47c4e14a3bb226699150d1e382
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:274
+# c9fcda8e47454c1b9ccdd115dc618ffb
 msgid "Automatic default host allocation. CloudStack can automatically pick the most appropriate host to run each virtual machine."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:316
-# c02752691e62472cbdcfeb12b718e2b5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:277
+# 13722d82fe934c8fbe47baadf772e4b3
 msgid "Instance type preferences. CloudStack administrators can specify that certain hosts should have a preference for particular types of guest instances. For example, an administrator could state that a host should have a preference to run Windows guests. The default host allocator will attempt to place guests of that OS type on such hosts first. If no such host is available, the allocator will place the instance wherever there is sufficient physical capacity."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:326
-# 725d3214117b4a0e84922b5aa3395e44
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:285
+# a32cedb1c3d54276bafa87b47914776e
 msgid "Vertical and horizontal allocation. Vertical allocation consumes all the resources of a given host before allocating any guests on a second host. This reduces power consumption in the cloud. Horizontal allocation places a guest on each host in a round-robin fashion. This may yield better performance to the guests in some cases."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:334
-# 4aff1f16d00b45acab4019e0d726746f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:291
+# cc5699db1af34f3a9b499307c558a058
 msgid "End user preferences. Users can not control exactly which host will run a given VM instance, but they can specify a zone for the VM. CloudStack is then restricted to allocating the VM only to one of the hosts in that zone."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:341
-# 39bc261d5136423daceebdb26aa9c3b5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:296
+# 0411284295194622b05a0cb1879eeb76
 msgid "Host tags. The administrator can assign tags to hosts. These tags can be used to specify which host a VM should use. The CloudStack administrator decides whether to define host tags, then create a service offering using those tags and offer it to the user."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:348
-# 9bf9ddb0d6134624a599dea900cf220f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:301
+# ead4cb40fadd4eefa3f8eeddf36bea8e
 msgid "Affinity groups. By defining affinity groups and assigning VMs to them, the user or administrator can influence (but not dictate) which VMs should run on separate hosts. This feature is to let users specify that certain VMs won't be on the same host."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:355
-# 2bf39c550ec84d32bb321b563cf38e3f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:306
+# 475f207be88542b496285e35e6edb937
 msgid "CloudStack also provides a pluggable interface for adding new allocators. These custom allocators can provide any policy the administrator desires."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:360
-# 3f904a94520a464aaf183764319a1669
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:312
+# 838c2813c99f4ea89cb67e8b2ff25abd
 msgid "Affinity Groups"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:362
-# 1736a4811e0940b1a81a870d8894b714
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:314
+# d72b6ebfff7246118fbc4df220e6f966
 msgid "By defining affinity groups and assigning VMs to them, the user or administrator can influence (but not dictate) which VMs should run on separate hosts. This feature is to let users specify that VMs with the same “host anti-affinity” type won’t be on the same host. This serves to increase fault tolerance. If a host fails, another VM offering the same service (for example, hosting the user's website) is still up and running on another host."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:370
-# 53fbff90dbfe4378912bdce947f6360c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:322
+# 7dad3924b6fe49e9b9e6ed13a6316bbf
 msgid "The scope of an affinity group is per user account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:373
-# f21a6c3edcb943709a5fd18034689340
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:326
+# 537f3770162d4c7db20724e2cd3a6d25
 msgid "Creating a New Affinity Group"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:375
-# 952aa2be921548eca8c72a16351e18aa
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:328
+# 89ec84e3b1004702a136fe33ae40a620
 msgid "To add an affinity group:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:383
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:452
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:472
-# b4788a23606446a28d9e54f23baa1d0a
-# 9979d59417b340e4a9ccbe5403d7ac69
-# 30711cca7fee42eea38e1ce82da4c842
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:332
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:382
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:397
+# 2e4c181542d24eceadbedafacef6a048
+# 129e5d65a94748d49cc72d49901d7982
+# bfe6c54e9b1d4b95b230d06a783465c2
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Affinity Groups."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:387
-# cc4ced2fb2cb407692a1ee70f26a589d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:334
+# 2d49709c41b24dcfa6cbec72f9655ecb
 msgid "Click Add affinity group. In the dialog box, fill in the following fields:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:392
-# 7f6afe679e8146c98f7d6df960d9ea71
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:337
+# 8f2541aa578d480ab600f234860b710f
 msgid "Name. Give the group a name."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:396
-# 3203d032a77d455483907eb99dad9f4e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:339
+# 283fc43838584136ada4a8670741a62f
 msgid "Description. Any desired text to tell more about the purpose of the group."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:401
-# f0132b06c21a4ccf96e0e405288b2f01
-msgid "Type. The only supported type shipped with CloudStack is Host Anti-Affinity. This indicates that the VMs in this group should avoid being placed on the same VM with each other. If you see other types in this list, it means that your installation of CloudStack has been extended with customized affinity group plugins."
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:342
+# 6ad15d35202c4aa3829229be0b4dc5a3
+msgid "Type. The only supported type shipped with CloudStack is Host Anti-Affinity. This indicates that the VMs in this group should avoid being placed on the same host with each other. If you see other types in this list, it means that your installation of CloudStack has been extended with customized affinity group plugins."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:409
-# 68888c95236b4de6989162419f0b4d05
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:351
+# 9dd18a72cf94423295b7f4e16ebdd474
 msgid "Assign a New VM to an Affinity Group"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:411
-# a7f949c20a7c4f7f92c6c36d19462f79
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:353
+# f986290eacc04fcd88cddb44e54dd110
 msgid "To assign a new VM to an affinity group:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:415
-# b9be84f061894a848f0963c9c1a9b762
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:355
+# b7ecd6311df24770b2f5ff16290be095
 msgid "Create the VM as usual, as described in `“Creating VMs” <virtual_machines.html#creating-vms>`_. In the Add Instance wizard, there is a new Affinity tab where you can select the affinity group."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:420
-# 60d469cdf8b345b6bbccde8cea1c500d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:362
+# d887ac9c84494254beaf5d7c2d1d8b17
 msgid "Change Affinity Group for an Existing VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:422
-# 72f9a8cbe55f459c8e234d4829094f58
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:364
+# ac05d8cab3d84c0fb5fecc7ff5be7a41
 msgid "To assign an existing VM to an affinity group:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:434
-# 2f2bed0782f840c0ae1f2403e67b0119
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:370
+# 406004d08a994c7e83f19eb8d3d5ccb4
 msgid "Click the name of the VM you want to work with."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:438
-# 1be9c0b8187d462099baa414f292414f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:372
+# 5198d04fabab4aba81bb176cafd9cd5f
 msgid "Stop the VM by clicking the Stop button."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:442
-# 9934a272aed044e1be6519701136b0f3
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:374
+# d7c213c32fa64651beb6d71b29a2f881
 msgid "Click the Change Affinity button. |change-affinity-button.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:446
-# 107b608573824f32b25733aa1be35a61
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:378
+# 7964ffac44554385887c85ac33410324
 msgid "View Members of an Affinity Group"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:448
-# 39aa367909e247d9b7dda5e00fdc11d1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:380
+# 60958f4621bd45d68c4c4e5ff8e6166b
 msgid "To see which VMs are currently assigned to a particular affinity group:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:456
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:476
-# c6ff79b2977f4780bba8d89d2939d6d7
-# 528c4e24d64c40b782c2f097045479bd
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:384
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:399
+# 44277c6e70cc49f5a0262172b42602cd
+# 84c34fd8f1024bc3b3b89c6074d25602
 msgid "Click the name of the group you are interested in."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:460
-# cd9344db1a7845e2ac6db8ae1b9cdce8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:386
+# d621ae0b24c54f108a31c5dc8cf05476
 msgid "Click View Instances. The members of the group are listed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:462
-# c8e598a21aa9411993a3e9d98098f792
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:388
+# 43f372265bc14aa89389bbc7b9584816
 msgid "From here, you can click the name of any VM in the list to access all its details and controls."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:466
-# bc6253fed6ef4ad9b34d66377fac822d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:393
+# c126741a86364834b153814dff481a58
 msgid "Delete an Affinity Group"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:468
-# 705ed7f11fa2492aa4f12cb7c3b83a33
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:395
+# 41b2a9676116417a9cc26ddecd8e35c0
 msgid "To delete an affinity group:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:480
-# 26faa61c5e374823a212c9ef948eaab7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:401
+# 97c32e0a3b4d4a039f0167b916626e38
 msgid "Click Delete."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:482
-# e080c219cee941d2a3bd9afa644b52a0
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:403
+# 2f1e052c0a0441988e9ccb2459b64996
 msgid "Any VM that is a member of the affinity group will be disassociated from the group. The former group members will continue to run normally on the current hosts, but if the VM is restarted, it will no longer follow the host allocation rules from its former affinity group."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:489
-# 96f9f97fd07a401ca04a60cc43e9ddf7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:411
+# 1500b2cdf2f8433f9dc55740099c7554
 msgid "Virtual Machine Snapshots"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:491
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:777
-# c64deb2f10e54c858148630c5d08c79d
-# 1cd91ec4adb3485cbef7eb7ad8a345e9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:413
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:643
+# 352168175d0f45c7944fb134e5e1ccb0
+# f1ff6b7e77974160b7eb0e268b6c8adf
 msgid "(Supported on VMware and XenServer)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:493
-# 9f988407b4244ebd939a738c3e1171a4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:415
+# 4b76741f3c964e48b09015a19ac9ffe6
 msgid "In addition to the existing CloudStack ability to snapshot individual VM volumes, you can take a VM snapshot to preserve all the VM's data volumes as well as (optionally) its CPU/memory state. This is useful for quick restore of a VM. For example, you can snapshot a VM, then make changes such as software upgrades. If anything goes wrong, simply restore the VM to its previous state using the previously saved VM snapshot."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:501
-# 297acbf3278b49e3aebcdb2d625a42c9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:423
+# 9ea94fa6d9804e22af343c5c65a0362d
 msgid "The snapshot is created using the hypervisor's native snapshot facility. The VM snapshot includes not only the data volumes, but optionally also whether the VM is running or turned off (CPU state) and the memory contents. The snapshot is stored in CloudStack's primary storage."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:506
-# b2c35dd49ee449fe89b52c9e65cdca77
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:428
+# b710a2e6c248420bb55ebfa8f0f376dc
 msgid "VM snapshots can have a parent/child relationship. Each successive snapshot of the same VM is the child of the snapshot that came before it. Each time you take an additional snapshot of the same VM, it saves only the differences between the current state of the VM and the state stored in the most recent previous snapshot. The previous snapshot becomes a parent, and the new snapshot is its child. It is possible to create a long chain of these parent/child snapshots, which amount to a \"redo\" record leading from the current state of the VM back to the original."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:516
-# b05ac4e6c37441b2bdf0604ab2728763
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:438
+# efe6658a42c34ba1badb3bb03008f9f0
 msgid "If you need more information about VM snapshots on VMware, check out the VMware documentation and the VMware Knowledge Base, especially `Understanding virtual machine snapshots <>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:522
-# d5a9dd1a0e4f4d38ae6043e7107cef55
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:445
+# 8fb9c61d831b4840801c19c568c3e2f7
 msgid "Limitations on VM Snapshots"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:526
-# 480356d265c44ccc955e6ec4d6b996a0
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:447
+# b40a26e614ff482b83dd6fe7ca66a097
 msgid "If a VM has some stored snapshots, you can't attach new volume to the VM or delete any existing volumes. If you change the volumes on the VM, it would become impossible to restore the VM snapshot which was created with the previous volume structure. If you want to attach a volume to such a VM, first delete its snapshots."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:534
-# e0539e9e649742e791fe86f92cf42c59
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:453
+# 137adaa8ad304bad8e6a62a539a5b277
 msgid "VM snapshots which include both data volumes and memory can't be kept if you change the VM's service offering. Any existing VM snapshots of this type will be discarded."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:540
-# af92c31e2cf54c6d93375e9b3b69359a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:457
+# 9890e43dc8174a959a93587c2843f753
 msgid "You can't make a VM snapshot at the same time as you are taking a volume snapshot."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:545
-# 51e49b30ae8e4501b16ef50f39f5c97b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:460
+# 0ffbf8b4539648a4884ee457c3ab1cb1
 msgid "You should use only CloudStack to create VM snapshots on hosts managed by CloudStack. Any snapshots that you make directly on the hypervisor will not be tracked in CloudStack."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:550
-# 33b02b024ce6425e827df49595c4f880
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:466
+# 77f6cb8f4c0f41fcb04fe4aa2c2f5268
 msgid "Configuring VM Snapshots"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:552
-# 438a0db0ad7f45dbbb046cbe9560f821
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:468
+# 8582f7496ba340e7b18f0ec535fc74c1
 msgid "The cloud administrator can use global configuration variables to control the behavior of VM snapshots. To set these variables, go through the Global Settings area of the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:556
-# 8ab6bf4420be492e9639c233e77c6a0c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:472
+# f9f9fa5a5bf040cf942989a479a5e690
 msgid "Configuration Setting Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:558
-# e5c65267d46a46588873cedef9381210
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:474
+# 68ee9c1c4d5a4d0b85ee63309d7b1db0
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:560
-# a7756869a2d7450fa6c00d59471d65a9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:476
+# 85763ceb28de4f0eaca494db0a967117
 msgid "vmsnapshots.max"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:562
-# 6b59688572f44a4084dee840e8cb92ab
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:478
+# 7466c6685f504780a8c5d77c5d580374
 msgid "The maximum number of VM snapshots that can be saved for any given virtual machine in the cloud. The total possible number of VM snapshots in the cloud is (number of VMs) \\* vmsnapshots.max. If the number of snapshots for any VM ever hits the maximum, the older ones are removed by the snapshot expunge job."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:568
-# 315e15f035d34660bf6c75e32f80bbf8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:484
+# 2fd939410c2b4b3aa8b3003ab8a3b968
 msgid "vmsnapshot.create.wait"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:570
-# 6c9f1eb1eee34263828e3616bc01b765
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:486
+# 375a0959e9c94eb1a423b278ae046b5b
 msgid "Number of seconds to wait for a snapshot job to succeed before declaring failure and issuing an error."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:574
-# 0a1f1d071bd5411aa41ed07db298dbd7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:491
+# 2b92af396f6c475a81e3dd289b5b2058
 msgid "Using VM Snapshots"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:576
-# 1012a83b75ba4980ade5783df566d171
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:493
+# 936e0bc234f649d98911b973d2a89f24
 msgid "To create a VM snapshot using the CloudStack UI:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:580
-# 33a990587dc74ae3a44b7680873a280a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:495
+# 7cd076f83efb4c1bbf3fd895f87582e8
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a user or administrator."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:584
-# 2c71edf0fbcf41d7b5cf19ccb31a2d8f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:497
+# 79e76d457cf54a80bf3e15e93c930b60
 msgid "Click Instances."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:588
-# f0d034c90731414caf988c6b39daa3a4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:499
+# 271888c8e7844949b68a79c940659c7b
 msgid "Click the name of the VM you want to snapshot."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:592
-# cef255aa1bbf427eb67c09e57661c074
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:501
+# e60b0597ab2c4b37b9c1b6e585208f39
 msgid "Click the Take VM Snapshot button. |VMSnapshotButton.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:594
-# 91d86429adfe4fafa6557ac8fe9a4ebe
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:504
+# 516b8188c37544fe9289100fa8fd6f81
 msgid "If a snapshot is already in progress, then clicking this button will have no effect."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:598
-# 0370dff77dde4e72adf2a67b45e8149c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:507
+# 3af8f23237d44f6a82ff3805d8748f9b
 msgid "Provide a name and description. These will be displayed in the VM Snapshots list."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:603
-# 855867a6500d429293ee8ebbcd75c9df
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:510
+# 213a0335d6b44dc3a98d11a064dc6168
 msgid "(For running VMs only) If you want to include the VM's memory in the snapshot, click the Memory checkbox. This saves the CPU and memory state of the virtual machine. If you don't check this box, then only the current state of the VM disk is saved. Checking this box makes the snapshot take longer."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:611
-# 555b611b1cd247a2996216ce643b91fd
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:516
+# d45f3edd0bc741a7a60bc61f1687caae
 msgid "Quiesce VM: check this box if you want to quiesce the file system on the VM before taking the snapshot. Not supported on XenServer when used with CloudStack-provided primary storage."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:615
-# 8e99f68110884748840edd18ab5dd2e6
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:520
+# fe21f13b62b746c7a13b2f7f85a6eaa9
 msgid "When this option is used with CloudStack-provided primary storage, the quiesce operation is performed by the underlying hypervisor (VMware is supported). When used with another primary storage vendor's plugin, the quiesce operation is provided according to the vendor's implementation."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:623
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:770
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:994
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1177
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1212
-# 64c731c2d39b45c2a9bda67514d23efd
-# a9ac563a0811423d904a5107ca94c503
-# 591146dd0e264c80b6464b88ca9357c3
-# dec56daa0b3542fbb8341e07033e9665
-# 3636f9c70f554023be95dc5ac236d8df
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:526
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:635
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:808
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:951
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:975
+# 2a6c32cefec74407bd7fbe5e305ad9fc
+# a8e7b2f2b1c94ee9ab5aacd3929d2b84
+# cd457f5e102e42109f716c58cae05fee
+# 2226bef2616a496e93a295e437d134ec
+# 48260fa4b2a8429582628ee0a4834f18
 msgid "Click OK."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:625
-# 8b2f4e3ab42c4ecca13a79bdeda7aef4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:528
+# f4d9b9197aca4868ab4d46cfeaeeeb8d
 msgid "To delete a snapshot or restore a VM to the state saved in a particular snapshot:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:630
-# 100fcc6b769847daadd44b81deb01660
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:531
+# 36f6cf98d55c41459202b6750b7eb7f4
 msgid "Navigate to the VM as described in the earlier steps."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:634
-# b42bf19ec7fe4d348bb9896919e99d7e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:533
+# bf91c94f8979476a930e9dbf513be4d4
 msgid "Click View VM Snapshots."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:638
-# 116e22cf4bbc46f583ec19afc7a83234
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:535
+# e7ccaab839314560b552b6071fc14e64
 msgid "In the list of snapshots, click the name of the snapshot you want to work with."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:643
-# 9680e9db4d1d45e0a4f1355162d48d87
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:538
+# 8e39335e75044ff99ab9e0def4fdc7d3
 msgid "Depending on what you want to do:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:645
-# cc915de819194759a4730b1596fd0f45
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:540
+# 1992a3d840bc470fabd250937c4de81e
 msgid "To delete the snapshot, click the Delete button. |delete-button.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:647
-# 5720d90a77164d1c9b47a6e4d6493f58
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:542
+# 00f5fcea682d428c9a9e195edb1178e9
 msgid "To revert to the snapshot, click the Revert button. |revert-vm.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:649
-# 1eb4b6de42fc4a958c571bddd6fdf4af
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:545
+# d31395bcdf554ce6a1057725cfec443b
 msgid "VM snapshots are deleted automatically when a VM is destroyed. You don't have to manually delete the snapshots in this case."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:652
-# bf0cbd9990334eb78c0a68b58fd55949
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:550
+# b68606a2ccc14896810536c55cfc1b43
 msgid "Changing the VM Name, OS, or Group"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:654
-# bb3f878a35cd400eb4dbc5590833c6a4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:552
+# c3a4b62362fc4863a6506f6a5e3187de
 msgid "After a VM is created, you can modify the display name, operating system, and the group it belongs to."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:665
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:745
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:974
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1011
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1196
-# 3c79485483a24041b1a63ff8c4962455
-# 26a8095e2378453aae012204e61d5012
-# 892ab93158c6470293b350d2c1a1683b
-# 7292d4056be84a7da4271b3efcf751eb
-# 74da77f007b54413b23a8cf4c355ea97
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:559
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:620
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:794
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:822
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:967
+# 72447d94968d48569debc5b7e37e4e80
+# 635b0652817c46e8929098fb5425c79b
+# edcc32c2db4948f7b0702e1fec2c46dd
+# af3dab76cece4fbfa032b786f5efe55f
+# 19861b8d6dbc4928b12763a78bf07383
 msgid "In the left navigation, click Instances."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:669
-# b3c44fd119fd4d3ca4a21c70c141006b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:561
+# b339e4730d0445bebdcb106a5c75c2f4
 msgid "Select the VM that you want to modify."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:673
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:756
-# cd5efcab714940198a37940b533fb83e
-# b98ba035b8fe4339955221cfa626e541
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:563
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:627
+# 304e46f42670493198568fd5f0ff4ee9
+# 7fdd96b1f7e0497fb108cb28b45a1d3c
 msgid "Click the Stop button to stop the VM. |StopButton.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:677
-# 2c56bc69a7b441e9a866eb6c9a2cc8ad
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:565
+# 8b84a60389bf4387933672f32d30340e
 msgid "Click Edit. |EditButton.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:681
-# c532542833a74aff9cb5d19bfb2fa261
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:567
+# f5ce6fcba1ca478e9bd1598907c1a601
 msgid "Make the desired changes to the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:685
-# bc23e5df14ed483584bea8c0150a484c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:569
+# 96da85f1c1db4d90b6131a4e7bbe1267
 msgid "**Display name**: Enter a new display name if you want to change the name of the VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:690
-# 7afcc727427d45fe96e478ea446336a0
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:572
+# b2eb919b8d15426a86942e811b6b785a
 msgid "**OS Type**: Select the desired operating system."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:694
-# abbc86a92d4444ed9f7b9b2357baa1be
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:574
+# 963531001c6f471fae769294df407de4
 msgid "**Group**: Enter the group name for the VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:698
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:846
-# dd76abfa5c964108a6c9230c9fbcd606
-# 415be7be9d294588a419692258b1ba1a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:576
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:691
+# 1f8f9ed119ca43b291afa2ae2b572532
+# acdd7ec88c4b4a27a7b9ade935e17aad
 msgid "Click Apply."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:701
-# bfc324b750b049169c4a90709c8f6fe5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:580
+# 35efc08bc7314a2a83b202b6bfd078c6
 msgid "Appending a Display Name to the Guest VM’s Internal Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:703
-# 3fdb1ec3e9ca4ab2bed35e0b9d0fc31d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:582
+# 090483f924564a9d8180f7df880f4066
 msgid "Every guest VM has an internal name. The host uses the internal name to identify the guest VMs. CloudStack gives you an option to provide a guest VM with a display name. You can set this display name as the internal name so that the vCenter can use it to identify the guest VM. A new global parameter, vm.instancename.flag, has now been added to achieve this functionality."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:710
-# 70ebc8d7fb524bba80935443c9bb5a38
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:589
+# f1544ed6d7c34d8ebadbc2726fd7edb9
 msgid "The default format of the internal name is i-<user\\_id>-<vm\\_id>-<>, where is a global parameter. However, If vm.instancename.flag is set to true, and if a display name is provided during the creation of a guest VM, the display name is appended to the internal name of the guest VM on the host. This makes the internal name format as i-<user\\_id>-<vm\\_id>-<displayName>. The default value of vm.instancename.flag is set to false. This feature is intended to make the correlation between instance names and internal names easier in large data center deployments."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:720
-# e7dcf9ff2ede40e7ad88cc9d45558874
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:599
+# fa48ed23ffd24df4a02ee5f2167670e9
 msgid "The following table explains how a VM name is displayed in different scenarios."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:724
-# a9e2bf46d7c346d8af293ad73c2e684a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:603
+# 76ff8c667a8c480fb21958db7dd65d12
 msgid "User-Provided Display Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:724
-# fee0cd8b1fe4487d8c082ef34a9fc968
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:603
+# 77b3d04a25244f7b88843f76b0269874
 msgid "vm.instancename.flag"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:724
-# 0802a64909d3466191c2bad24ec8bbe9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:603
+# eb539380b01a4ba7abe6fab6cbef8d37
 msgid "Hostname on the VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:724
-# 431d32ea296544f9b8e951dcc7988ec1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:603
+# 44a68176f9334f3d893063ea88a1880e
 msgid "Name on vCenter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:724
-# adc50a465cb94885ae79c571546e7570
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:603
+# 09d5fe54336843e99505c1bd9d7c24c9
 msgid "Internal Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:726
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:728
-# 3dc225bc98dd447ba275ccc6b1fc3c4a
-# b100851adac24eb6b9b6159a2f934f7e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:605
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:607
+# 8a2a30cd89b8470ab636c82eea18e3a4
+# 8c02dc549daa4804be4ee3b3bf8216a7
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:726
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:727
-# f51d73dfb1b149be9803bf629bd5adaa
-# be1874026cab4afd8a1717bf4a88618b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:605
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:606
+# 854c972116cd4ffea1dd8e5be0d72b55
+# 2d6b531677a8463b806c81b61c640ad8
 msgid "True"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:726
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:728
-# 003ebc1da3174970bb1750546ae5ce4a
-# ce3520ca7d684836aff5c98244992ba2
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:605
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:607
+# e24020ac7abe425a8fc5ae02e4464a87
+# 1eaa0ac4785f44bf90d042a044d9500f
 msgid "Display name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:726
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:726
-# 5838c808f46141f0bb3d0ec56b725f2b
-# 0148868b3e774a4db0afb05287ebc1ff
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:605
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:605
+# da8b1b08fbf24753a7ad71dc4c6e910a
+# b909f46baf824afb95db14b2c7a3628a
 msgid "i-<user\\_id>-<vm\\_id>-displayName"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:727
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:729
-# b2ae497e2b0642e3a4f8603ccedfe021
-# 8132948b1e674e5eb57f3d1ec76613ce
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:606
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:608
+# fe84676df63e465ab7918b5f44790a34
+# 799a550bf2024c8db25a267cd0eac622
 msgid "No"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:727
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:729
-# 976d1732c80e416895823f19d9ea3d33
-# 03b0a027103941e785544c80d73c35a0
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:606
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:608
+# 2f6abcbb57e24820b71d94a8d721a901
+# 05c2b0965dab4221a022ca3f4d1fb71e
 msgid "UUID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:727
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:727
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:728
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:728
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:729
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:729
-# b7cbaa66caa14d6cb52d162873d6e34a
-# 21ccfc6d8c7d48da985a9dbe38ad47f9
-# cf8e6e77c0b7410ebf9f734284ae8051
-# 491471d146974889873f5b29feab9516
-# 442b5ea91886462f8e77ec3c3fa26f73
-# f65b3aaa71f34436b30c67aa875be464
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:606
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:606
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:607
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:607
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:608
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:608
+# 5179011192fa4530bf1aa6561ba03e80
+# 0e4881cabf544619b6ed3f98b666fa4d
+# 923b87aaf25d404cb843c35fde7e8abf
+# 14cf566f26974c38b4ceaa39a9c10a2b
+# 5351204fc9aa4a09ac443444dcb12cf5
+# 1b26f9393c914e4bbc0f6099ee278a0e
 msgid "i-<user\\_id>-<vm\\_id>-<>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:728
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:729
-# 80ad2684aaef4dd4a4c4e661b4780896
-# 772274ff3eac4e59afaed9d440dce9b4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:607
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:608
+# 882c61362e02473eb3d26c71fc8a1d93
+# 2e62c668c7b74882a7c5518dd4e345b7
 msgid "False"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:734
-# c9ae081445274a4f8ed0bab875e10d91
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:613
+# c1aad1317c774f3cb8be7a171d4c7615
 msgid "Changing the Service Offering for a VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:736
-# 24262c17e18946c69d73feb0f92d470a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:615
+# aa826a1e593e4934b4bd9a30bd004c64
 msgid "To upgrade or downgrade the level of compute resources available to a virtual machine, you can change the VM's compute offering."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:749
-# 5635030af83f40ecb65cccb32dc8e5d5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:622
+# 8c522d8ff0c341f08389ff47a300b9be
 msgid "Choose the VM that you want to work with."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:753
-# 5f129aad75ed42008e8dfe5a33c70b3c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:624
+# 0efe6503c5934cb0b193cabcb06131e0
 msgid "(Skip this step if you have enabled dynamic VM scaling; see :ref:`cpu-and-memory-scaling`.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:760
-# 7558361b218c43b6a41cab8d88ad8917
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:629
+# 8a714661de844774afa81e0071868b59
 msgid "Click the Change Service button. |ChangeServiceButton.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:762
-# e2a7b28c0ed643628721bae2c57866ad
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:631
+# 83f39b159c464727b6fccf6e6b055c0e
 msgid "The Change service dialog box is displayed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:766
-# c534200b0f234e4c9bab8bde5e8870e9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:633
+# c981bd6e1e7f49bab3deb9b83f0477f6
 msgid "Select the offering you want to apply to the selected VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:775
-# 27cc346285d64fc28e5ae5385a64ccf2
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:641
+# a01d7307691b4520a87be0d9d9b9da2d
 msgid "CPU and Memory Scaling for Running VMs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:779
-# 003ea8b547a9485b93e271dd28f999c7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:645
+# ab0e9786b026430a9847f2f68311aeb3
 msgid "It is not always possible to accurately predict the CPU and RAM requirements when you first deploy a VM. You might need to increase these resources at any time during the life of a VM. You can dynamically modify CPU and RAM levels to scale up these resources for a running VM without incurring any downtime."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:785
-# 01c0085974924811b187eae6b78a7e3c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:651
+# 115161eb80b3499bacb45dfdfebee485
 msgid "Dynamic CPU and RAM scaling can be used in the following cases:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:789
-# 31c363b5061f41f0a3d90253661544bd
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:653
+# 30297090e50d4dde9f897f9a136fe4f6
 msgid "User VMs on hosts running VMware and XenServer."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:793
-# a5aa7ca4c88e404c856aa6e294e9d37e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:655
+# 6232185457af46168206dcb77fbe3d5a
 msgid "System VMs on VMware."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:797
-# a7d2cfb519ec4add81f26ea49d645daa
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:657
+# f6a39632a5fc44fc95fe18b95ec76dca
 msgid "VMware Tools or XenServer Tools must be installed on the virtual machine."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:802
-# 2bba4d9cff7f4ba7a99dbcaf432658b8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:660
+# 3a9ff2ea379947d1a7d14452ee5a9f23
 msgid "The new requested CPU and RAM values must be within the constraints allowed by the hypervisor and the VM operating system."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:807
-# dea06443628241338663ac0823265090
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:663
+# 5110926c89cb47f6b2f174d9b7fd2074
 msgid "New VMs that are created after the installation of CloudStack 4.2 can use the dynamic scaling feature. If you are upgrading from a previous version of CloudStack, your existing VMs created with previous versions will not have the dynamic scaling capability unless you update them using the following procedure."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:814
-# f85afebe892a4ace9207f033d6491f66
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:671
+# 1ad181d6d7c7496e95ae7d8940fdae5e
 msgid "Updating Existing VMs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:816
-# 5b1650cd938443f58757171129549956
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:673
+# 869cd5d508b846d8bac2af633484f301
 msgid "If you are upgrading from a previous version of CloudStack, and you want your existing VMs created with previous versions to have the dynamic scaling capability, update the VMs using the following steps:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:822
-# e17b5670258343b49b747ee6e079d4ec
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:677
+# 11e41c992a6545bca58c3d47b712fc40
 msgid "Make sure the zone-level setting enable.dynamic.scale.vm is set to true. In the left navigation bar of the CloudStack UI, click Infrastructure, then click Zones, click the zone you want, and click the Settings tab."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:829
-# bee04f5bc16843af85ad08de5482bb0b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:682
+# 62c28d859ce4495393ca05ebe80feab9
 msgid "Install Xen tools (for XenServer hosts) or VMware Tools (for VMware hosts) on each VM if they are not already installed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:834
-# b1f2bf5ed45a4fcfa061660f0df1f283
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:685
+# d20322e380d44022b1ff5c61fdb66462
 msgid "Stop the VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:838
-# 4d3222f75f4441acb3f7516e2d388648
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:687
+# 7fb4a5e90f7240faa3517081515db067
 msgid "Click the Edit button."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:842
-# 61e90315c538406a9c315c62f747cc2e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:689
+# e27c8efe5a804069964feebad14fc869
 msgid "Click the Dynamically Scalable checkbox."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:850
-# 9aa7f5d09507405ea98a7e3a187f958b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:693
+# cfbb1778b1b04d149bb2c2bb69c274d3
 msgid "Restart the VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:853
-# 73d1c7490e504d2281a6892402c02e81
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:697
+# f11c788c7fd447179dd19538674fb81c
 msgid "Configuring Dynamic CPU and RAM Scaling"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:855
-# 05f20343444d4826bbcf7850a03ff73e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:699
+# 30af79a24d8f48a1b834110d8374abbc
 msgid "To configure this feature, use the following new global configuration variables:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:860
-# 1aaa2fb09309444697b5b4bf9ef5ef75
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:702
+# 5a2816315adb4870943cb43b6d0cf99c
 msgid "enable.dynamic.scale.vm: Set to True to enable the feature. By default, the feature is turned off."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:865
-# 52efb56d95374359815b6efedb138880
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:705
+# cdeb9f1cb4df4b029610a510842cc284
 msgid "scale.retry: How many times to attempt the scaling operation. Default = 2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:869
-# 2ae2186e2b6e404dbd39ee8095a87bf4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:710
+# 07decccd4eb04199817b30945867ed27
 msgid "How to Dynamically Scale CPU and RAM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:871
-# 0e93a4355ab7478e98e7505e737337d1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:712
+# ae889fadf36342a6a037fb765a54fd59
 msgid "To modify the CPU and/or RAM capacity of a virtual machine, you need to change the compute offering of the VM to a new compute offering that has the desired CPU and RAM values. You can use the same steps described above in `“Changing the Service Offering for a VM” <#changing-the-service-offering-for-a-vm>`_, but skip the step where you stop the virtual machine. Of course, you might have to create a new compute offering first."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:879
-# b101fbdc248247569dec5af8568168b6
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:720
+# 4ad82ed62390433a83075a6fe291e6c6
 msgid "When you submit a dynamic scaling request, the resources will be scaled up on the current host if possible. If the host does not have enough resources, the VM will be live migrated to another host in the same cluster. If there is no host in the cluster that can fulfill the requested level of CPU and RAM, the scaling operation will fail. The VM will continue to run as it was before."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:887
-# 1d09d0d96932426eaedf888c5d4bb7b3
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:729
+# 04a78ffb0e8a4995a6fbbf8870ef3c01
 msgid "Limitations"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:891
-# 8df5bd609d334564a90f30f51a4a07f1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:731
+# 4d4543f814604671a8582fd47d1298ca
 msgid "You can not do dynamic scaling for system VMs on XenServer."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:895
-# 2f2a3e6456674e06ace3c43636415177
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:733
+# 0c3b91b5ecc54cb1b79f79eea7129458
 msgid "CloudStack will not check to be sure that the new CPU and RAM levels are compatible with the OS running on the VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:900
-# 492ccb959cfc432e88b64e8dd249b28c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:736
+# c8b490e8cfa64c6c992a761349ffcec9
 msgid "When scaling memory or CPU for a Linux VM on VMware, you might need to run scripts in addition to the other steps mentioned above. For more information, see `Hot adding memory in Linux (1012764) <>`_ in the VMware Knowledge Base."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:908
-# 715ff91daf224aeab90718b612d41d50
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:742
+# 4e112807f7f146ccb7683bafe9845553
 msgid "(VMware) If resources are not available on the current host, scaling up will fail on VMware because of a known issue where CloudStack and vCenter calculate the available capacity differently. For more information, see ` <>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:916
-# f0f4ca2f349f499fadb1cc2a3d13b761
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:748
+# eed3ea4ba4134de1b4cb819e07cb8326
 msgid "On VMs running Linux 64-bit and Windows 7 32-bit operating systems, if the VM is initially assigned a RAM of less than 3 GB, it can be dynamically scaled up to 3 GB, but not more. This is due to a known issue with these operating systems, which will freeze if an attempt is made to dynamically scale from less than 3 GB to more than 3 GB."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:923
-# e5f94051809f4fdc9b73c3c2a82fda21
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:756
+# 0f66f02496244365a1fc127038eafca0
 msgid "Resetting the Virtual Machine Root Volume on Reboot"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:925
-# 48d80af594204278be829b174c5a4523
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:758
+# 63185701fdb845c78448a80722e1e1f9
 msgid "For secure environments, and to ensure that VM state is not persisted across reboots, you can reset the root disk. For more information, see `“Reset VM to New Root Disk on Reboot” <storage.html#reset-vm-to-new-root-disk-on-reboot>`_."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:931
-# aa4ca1c9e6f1450b872d7b19cb306a9d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:765
+# 66018bd4d29d47f5b9921b2b638bd9e5
 msgid "Moving VMs Between Hosts (Manual Live Migration)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:933
-# 991bc31743834bd285fd42664f467f3b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:767
+# 4a11ec0f0f7849af900329d21eb5021a
 msgid "The CloudStack administrator can move a running VM from one host to another without interrupting service to users or going into maintenance mode. This is called manual live migration, and can be done under the following conditions:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:940
-# 3155449d7c29414bb311284884f57a23
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:772
+# f7d30be3c9c04c2890163879415fbec7
 msgid "The root administrator is logged in. Domain admins and users can not perform manual live migration of VMs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:945
-# ea6b697cd1214233b579d728a08a9398
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:775
+# 17e5f9d4b5d849c395dc3660e836ea8c
 msgid "The VM is running. Stopped VMs can not be live migrated."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:949
-# ef589ba17133433db3d1e4374fedb177
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:777
+# 948845ad74164fee9ba6899a995747ff
 msgid "The destination host must have enough available capacity. If not, the VM will remain in the \"migrating\" state until memory becomes available."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:955
-# 70e5acb9366945f3a292924549f075c5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:781
+# 926ce179048d440ba2bea6731af74b85
 msgid "(KVM) The VM must not be using local disk storage. (On XenServer and VMware, VM live migration with local disk is enabled by CloudStack support for XenMotion and vMotion.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:961
-# ad1e58fdb03a4bda8f7cbe3509dc1b29
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:785
+# 7afc45cd0fd64406bf6773ae8ca01061
 msgid "(KVM) The destination host must be in the same cluster as the original host. (On XenServer and VMware, VM live migration from one cluster to another is enabled by CloudStack support for XenMotion and vMotion.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:966
-# 3bbeb916fadc4d5485cc2311778dea39
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:790
+# 5b314d24029f4c3b8005118729a96b8a
 msgid "To manually live migrate a virtual machine"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:978
-# cac7bb80e52140ffb9b2064aaf90a545
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:796
+# 1e1e47dac41d499993b564e4a93cb2d3
 msgid "Choose the VM that you want to migrate."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:982
-# ad6a7c7fc2774af19be664773c62991f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:798
+# 761a3094e3774e94a810eb219c96c394
 msgid "Click the Migrate Instance button. |Migrateinstance.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:986
-# f6a8c2c04d5a419ea87d0eb7c6aab2f9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:800
+# fd690eecd191485bb7d1b4908411a5cc
 msgid "From the list of suitable hosts, choose the one to which you want to move the VM."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:990
-# aa10e98e071f4ce6a979503514da6fc6
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:804
+# 726aae3ee8924808ba550a28342fc0e5
 msgid "If the VM's storage has to be migrated along with the VM, this will be noted in the host list. CloudStack will take care of the storage migration for you."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:997
-# 2ee1776c823e444bb96036b1353934ff
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:812
+# 8f08330a7d1e42caaf5ef765aa58882a
 msgid "Deleting VMs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:999
-# 4506fdbbd39a4d90822765565d24819e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:814
+# c3d724719a8246f193d97c4f0d121699
 msgid "Users can delete their own virtual machines. A running virtual machine will be abruptly stopped before it is deleted. Administrators can delete any virtual machines."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1003
-# 913edf18c98446f7add9e9b002dc571e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:818
+# 7ce9ae8ec54a41f9a717fdf87bd9c144
 msgid "To delete a virtual machine:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1015
-# 4471e96b3042480887044b650cf5dfa7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:824
+# e404b64388f74a71bbfc6af41ccd3ff1
 msgid "Choose the VM that you want to delete."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1019
-# 14c5b440483c444190fd3fc8d953c2a5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:826
+# 2d8231a2d7c149b796ed88861d1bb909
 msgid "Click the Destroy Instance button. |Destroyinstance.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1022
-# 7739d729c35f4724a4c0492fbc8c1b97
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:830
+# e060074ca29143089e33cdd841b6e53c
 msgid "Working with ISOs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1024
-# 037ea9c2997f4695a6eb7227eda501ca
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:832
+# 49e588f8f3d3457396167bfe47840a9c
 msgid "CloudStack supports ISOs and their attachment to guest VMs. An ISO is a read-only file that has an ISO/CD-ROM style file system. Users can upload their own ISOs and mount them on their guest VMs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1028
-# bb915cb78ccb40fbb74f5c72bfc775f9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:836
+# 43da1c69da0e4ff3ba3867e9061ad9c4
 msgid "ISOs are uploaded based on a URL. HTTP is the supported protocol. Once the ISO is available via HTTP specify an upload URL such as http://my.web.server/filename.iso."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1032
-# 49d1e81d8d2f431ead35a0681b93930e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:840
+# 646b8bd2384245229f23171a7a8d7712
 msgid "ISOs may be public or private, like templates.ISOs are not hypervisor-specific. That is, a guest on vSphere can mount the exact same image that a guest on KVM can mount."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1036
-# ec9f85158e634c70bb3289ba4354c53e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:844
+# 3d98a7d5d5ef47d5b8a0ccafaa66e0e7
 msgid "ISO images may be stored in the system and made available with a privacy level similar to templates. ISO images are classified as either bootable or not bootable. A bootable ISO image is one that contains an OS image. CloudStack allows a user to boot a guest VM off of an ISO image. Users can also attach ISO images to guest VMs. For example, this enables installing PV drivers into Windows. ISO images are not hypervisor-specific."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1045
-# 66d6d4e68aaa46fc8a38ea3d9e9eff72
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:854
+# 8d9568801830478a848ccdac420a263f
 msgid "Adding an ISO"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1047
-# 4d9f89344dbd49cf809056b015c893e9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:856
+# ba8d1a29acc24d7ca0da86abbc13d3d2
 msgid "To make additional operating system or other software available for use with guest VMs, you can add an ISO. The ISO is typically thought of as an operating system image, but you can also add ISOs for other types of software, such as desktop applications that you want to be installed as part of a template."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1055
-# 9498811c36fa4b7081260060ea17df89
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:862
+# 79227c9ef0904022a147fb56ff1f7530
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1059
-# 9c94cd61bf874dde87586c83b2468101
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:864
+# 0241367a6d3f4783a3b774447b3e7ba8
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Templates."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1063
-# a5071eb73fa449c18ce96de2c342e45d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:866
+# 0f973ef8ca224955a380e55e4cb178f7
 msgid "In Select View, choose ISOs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1067
-# e19433ec2d144a92bbf9c55ad2bc3484
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:868
+# 7fa77a1f7f2c433b9a91a2674c905e0f
 msgid "Click Add ISO."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1071
-# b760a614085c4b59bb13262b7892cde4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:870
+# d823b6abfa4f4f90a537b89a3028cbf8
 msgid "In the Add ISO screen, provide the following:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1075
-# 9fdde4dd08374f0793251a5518e975be
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:872
+# 3685d0bb311b4ed380fda725b7cd9278
 msgid "**Name**: Short name for the ISO image. For example, CentOS 6.2 64-bit."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1080
-# 057c511f14834d53b851241e6e307b66
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:875
+# 2b4eed14408848cdba835ad59d43680e
 msgid "**Description**: Display test for the ISO image. For example, CentOS 6.2 64-bit."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1085
-# 45877549dabb466b9cf1d79d86e902f3
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:878
+# f186dace19cc4fb78d4e957564d8542e
 msgid "**URL**: The URL that hosts the ISO image. The Management Server must be able to access this location via HTTP. If needed you can place the ISO image directly on the Management Server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1091
-# 68c8d3975adf4027a8cbceacace184c5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:882
+# 425e7404b8194bb5931d02792793408e
 msgid "**Zone**: Choose the zone where you want the ISO to be available, or All Zones to make it available throughout CloudStack."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1096
-# 0159cee8f9ad46aab66d2a0b15a0026f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:885
+# aa204bdaf6d9433bb4412c757dc5d44b
 msgid "**Bootable**: Whether or not a guest could boot off this ISO image. For example, a CentOS ISO is bootable, a Microsoft Office ISO is not bootable."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1102
-# 20cb0c8a4e1d4ffd8279d8587ac831d2
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:889
+# 8b59d99740ca42ecbb70e61c148a6cea
 msgid "**OS Type**: This helps CloudStack and the hypervisor perform certain operations and make assumptions that improve the performance of the guest. Select one of the following."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1108
-# 5ccda673858b485d9d029499d3c6e0db
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:893
+# 55d339b4332b4f8d90ab0c41ac4064b8
 msgid "If the operating system of your desired ISO image is listed, choose it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1113
-# 2ab6ca22329e4c3e877533c892467967
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:896
+# 7181c3bfc6ea45d29f5de6686bdbc0c8
 msgid "If the OS Type of the ISO is not listed or if the ISO is not bootable, choose Other."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1118
-# 9be1c439f3ce4ab9a41d7137880e76cd
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:899
+# 121ed273b9d942f0bcab107605fbc155
 msgid "(XenServer only) If you want to boot from this ISO in PV mode, choose Other PV (32-bit) or Other PV (64-bit)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1123
-# b50992f8bb54434387b26839fd05e1a2
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:902
+# 4630b5213f5447b692ec7949d9d2d0b8
 msgid "(KVM only) If you choose an OS that is PV-enabled, the VMs created from this ISO will have a SCSI (virtio) root disk. If the OS is not PV-enabled, the VMs will have an IDE root disk. The PV-enabled types are:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1128
-# aad0ef1396ee4a6f9bc531d842d53100
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:907
+# 635be29dfcf3483a8f0a22d1a6baccd9
 msgid "Fedora 13"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1130
-# 59079d1f59324bbe8b1abcea8603f2cc
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:909
+# 93e9c1d5a6a3487d8c2c3fa739eaf98d
 msgid "Fedora 12"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1132
-# b8b262bd1513438d840f6124407681e2
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:911
+# 2a8eeb99d2ea4a3bac651072df26da55
 msgid "Fedora 11"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1134
-# b4b9f21ef32a4ef6a55ca72d8ecb6e21
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:913
+# c31cbc941bb44094846e2e60cddb38b8
 msgid "Fedora 10"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1136
-# 63098f620c9846d0bb57b96bce1570f7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:915
+# 46d96452f5e645899cdbeed2f1d8dd64
 msgid "Fedora 9"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1138
-# 23123eb72cc94f54a8c080e0d7e3f9b1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:917
+# 4b44f056e016456b86e5d94d780f5c70
 msgid "Other PV"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1140
-# e2502905c8ad4a5082eaf77c12a663a2
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:919
+# 1f0bbb7dcde34e43a90ab458542c9245
 msgid "Debian GNU/Linux"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1142
-# 3e223c0e18b546c6aa44380d75dbcd75
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:921
+# fa0ff295703648b6a27c3051e80cc1a7
 msgid "CentOS 5.3"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1144
-# 22c90e96d87b47b9b52f5d36afbb4bca
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:923
+# 10c5d0e4740249ef938a3af66c83cbd4
 msgid "CentOS 5.4"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1146
-# 08857787cb804700851faf1944428e9a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:925
+# 3abebb97eac94950b3928ed76316c4fb
 msgid "CentOS 5.5"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1148
-# 3d0c5c0b25ac43dfb9c6f424494416c5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:927
+# 6e43cd1649cc453eb9ddd4fd035c80cc
 msgid "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1150
-# 192d89c4588a46089607de0c7d8eb8d1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:929
+# 460371604538459f9aaab9dbec447cdd
 msgid "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1152
-# 577c9a33d98b4fc4a4a121cd9f026fd1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:931
+# 7d68f48aeac44031b6cd313d5fc799a1
 msgid "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1154
-# 99aa5f6d829c492ca635ff7a54373fd8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:933
+# a2764fbb27c34b978dae6142215c6850
 msgid "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1157
-# b33e5a4f06cf443b9506e80db9f2e83d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:936
+# 94dfebd340a74c8b88a2994cc95f58ec
 msgid "It is not recommended to choose an older version of the OS than the version in the image. For example, choosing CentOS 5.4 to support a CentOS 6.2 image will usually not work. In these cases, choose Other."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1161
-# e4e2e905b80442298bc0b64ce88ecab1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:941
+# f097cba5535645278ee6719b4a03072a
 msgid "**Extractable**: Choose Yes if the ISO should be available for extraction."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1166
-# a2f23bd50ec54f93ba29dffc1fb73308
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:944
+# 7d047a068b0a49599ef129b9c79a6666
 msgid "**Public**: Choose Yes if this ISO should be available to other users."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1171
-# a045b92e96314a2b9ca966ae7d9e69e7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:947
+# cc70871cc63f4a778f5a762c96814820
 msgid "**Featured**: Choose Yes if you would like this ISO to be more prominent for users to select. The ISO will appear in the Featured ISOs list. Only an administrator can make an ISO Featured."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1179
-# f6a3a2db613242338786ae4594017ed0
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:953
+# 0ada7b2845314dff81bc2025971a349d
 msgid "The Management Server will download the ISO. Depending on the size of the ISO, this may take a long time. The ISO status column will display Ready once it has been successfully downloaded into secondary storage. Clicking Refresh updates the download percentage."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1186
-# 0fed1d5c6f1043ffb6867a5b24e6f76d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:958
+# 6918d4062b5b40fe9ec994fe73602e85
 msgid "**Important**: Wait for the ISO to finish downloading. If you move on to the next task and try to use the ISO right away, it will appear to fail. The entire ISO must be available before CloudStack can work with it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1192
-# 75e7c4822f2949598aa3a5e8cfa3c75a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:965
+# b14f8c054f394494acb88245da8ba860
 msgid "Attaching an ISO to a VM"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1200
-# c49011305c6040abac9c4c10904564b0
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:969
+# b5dd3e88e7fd4e289eaba6d0a5144d12
 msgid "Choose the virtual machine you want to work with."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1204
-# a3b01615c42b489a9c2ca0f920b92cb1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:971
+# 7dc31f79f1d14b79a420d462bfee1c59
 msgid "Click the Attach ISO button. |iso.png|"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1208
-# 02bc55c3634a43e9947613722f71ada2
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:973
+# c8a3faf4703b4ccd9b1e8108195cc959
 msgid "In the Attach ISO dialog box, select the desired ISO."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1215
-# 071721241f504f06bfb0b36125fc3870
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:979
+# 549b92307c7f47f98184d3f1124fa408
 msgid "Changing a VM's Base Image"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1217
-# 0d3190522cde471aa0ebe72afd3e6cf8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:981
+# 13e3fdc48e0047a987a24ca40e0e1a87
 msgid "Every VM is created from a base image, which is a template or ISO which has been created and stored in CloudStack. Both cloud administrators and end users can create and modify templates, ISOs, and VMs."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1221
-# de60998312a04130be852dba54b0e5d8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:985
+# f5fa30e2adb14813a20639e4efb5b685
 msgid "In CloudStack, you can change an existing VM's base image from one template to another, or from one ISO to another. (You can not change from an ISO to a template, or from a template to an ISO)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1225
-# da938830337643e9992dbf05c3792f8c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:989
+# 950431c149ec42938db84b6db95abf20
 msgid "For example, suppose there is a template based on a particular operating system, and the OS vendor releases a software patch. The administrator or user naturally wants to apply the patch and then make sure existing VMs start using it. Whether a software update is involved or not, it's also possible to simply switch a VM from its current template to any other desired template."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1232
-# 8218e4d0e098440f88209b1124c5ee3c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:996
+# fee5003ddd3f4dbbaba68ad0e14fe0d0
 msgid "To change a VM's base image, call the restoreVirtualMachine API command and pass in the virtual machine ID and a new template ID. The template ID parameter may refer to either a template or an ISO, depending on which type of base image the VM was already using (it must match the previous type of image). When this call occurs, the VM's root disk is first destroyed, then a new root disk is created from the source designated in the template ID parameter. The new root disk is attached to the VM, and now the VM is based on the new template."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1241
-# 9f9d3ce3a34c4a55ba84e57c2537163e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1005
+# 0b104b6b42e9463c92201dd3799d82d6
 msgid "You can also omit the template ID parameter from the restoreVirtualMachine call. In this case, the VM's root disk is destroyed and recreated, but from the same template or ISO that was already in use by the VM."
 msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1012
+# e0d3653b842a43b7bd3f9cba8bfb4397
+msgid "Using SSH Keys for Authentication"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1014
+# f04e7ecfb1314f84ab38410cef835634
+msgid "In addition to the username and password authentication, CloudStack supports using SSH keys to log in to the cloud infrastructure for additional security. You can use the createSSHKeyPair API to generate the SSH keys."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1019
+# 007515e3abea40618c568f35513e1571
+msgid "Because each cloud user has their own SSH key, one cloud user cannot log in to another cloud user's instances unless they share their SSH key files. Using a single SSH key pair, you can manage multiple instances."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1025
+# 0edd947ce47c438daad162beb19d2fd7
+msgid "Creating an Instance Template that Supports SSH Keys"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1027
+# f2ce122e2dcf433a8945e8c2d923e2b6
+msgid "Create an instance template that supports SSH Keys."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1029
+# c683112d085244fabffdc696c868fdf2
+msgid "Create a new instance by using the template provided by cloudstack."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1031
+# 0409d2f2d7964ac28bfeb8bed3f58e12
+msgid "For more information on creating a new instance, see"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1033
+# 497da833fd9642c39f7ca84fadb0ce84
+msgid "Download the cloudstack script from `The SSH Key Gen Script <>`_ to the instance you have created."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1041
+# 339a3d87be144308915639d37c89ea1d
+msgid "Copy the file to /etc/init.d."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1047
+# f601fce5097849559dc10a71eeb440a9
+msgid "Give the necessary permissions on the script:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1053
+# a5a38d6cf81845aa81cbb049a6c03108
+msgid "Run the script while starting up the operating system:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1059
+# 733b18c1fccb453396b69626f1da7452
+msgid "Stop the instance."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1063
+# 580da0c9298f41699deb34011b0310e6
+msgid "Creating the SSH Keypair"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1065
+# c5ac52360d7941528588398acbb420e8
+msgid "You must make a call to the createSSHKeyPair api method. You can either use the CloudStack Python API library or the curl commands to make the call to the cloudstack api."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1069
+# 89cec2df86664c26bafeddd6fd2aa054
+msgid "For example, make a call from the cloudstack server to create a SSH keypair called \"keypair-doc\" for the admin account in the root domain:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1073
+# c57fbd36512446559d91c1b7eeff7cea
+msgid "Ensure that you adjust these values to meet your needs. If you are making the API call from a different server, your URL/PORT will be different, and you will need to use the API keys."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1077
+# 6d651f1b57ef4e81ade3cdafcc642e4b
+msgid "Run the following curl command:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1083
+# 665246c92ab74234b1790979863082a7
+msgid "The output is something similar to what is given below:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1101
+# 64c5993f04f043b5a0e5925aef2db171
+msgid "Copy the key data into a file. The file looks like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1118
+# cf75a310b6854564b8053aa63328f6ce
+msgid "Save the file."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1122
+# 87cc3ec398db47f09bc21e1a66c8720f
+msgid "Creating an Instance"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1124
+# e115c665e72345fcab3fc94458caa818
+msgid "After you save the SSH keypair file, you must create an instance by using the template that you created at `Section 5.2.1, “ Creating an Instance Template that Supports SSH Keys” <#create-ssh-template>`__. Ensure that you use the same SSH key name that you created at `Section 5.2.2, “Creating the SSH Keypair” <#create-ssh-keypair>`__."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1131
+# 8e5a7943aaf741989b2f9aa7c92fa061
+msgid "You cannot create the instance by using the GUI at this time and associate the instance with the newly created SSH keypair."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1134
+# bb36e5f1a5cc497bb95f96481cd3c232
+msgid "A sample curl command to create a new instance is:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1140
+# 9a98f03016ba40f1b8eb932e8e15a75c
+msgid "Substitute the template, service offering and security group IDs (if you are using the security group feature) that are in your cloud environment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1146
+# 9c448726db0b469bb32323df48aeba12
+msgid "Logging In Using the SSH Keypair"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1148
+# 5276ff9c384b4372bc6814b7f7461ae2
+msgid "To test your SSH key generation is successful, check whether you can log in to the cloud setup."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1151
+# 632b48d2ebaf4620be47c9bc1b6e1d39
+msgid "For example, from a Linux OS, run:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1157
+# b597ba33b4154d5c95931e7a30a1aa41
+msgid "The -i parameter tells the ssh client to use a ssh key found at ~/.ssh/keypair-doc."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1162
+# 0ebe651140d94e709efff80066e042b7
+msgid "Resetting SSH Keys"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1164
+# 1367090489eb4ad68179bce4ba266e37
+msgid "With the API command resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine, a user can set or reset the SSH keypair assigned to a virtual machine. A lost or compromised SSH keypair can be changed, and the user can access the VM by using the new keypair. Just create or register a new keypair, then call resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index 8cb6d09..cc88167 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/accounts.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/accounts.po
index c7f84c9..2d96d83 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/accounts.po
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/accounts.po
@@ -3,16 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# darrentang <>, 2014
-# morgan wang <>, 2014
-# renoshen <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-27 07:52+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: renoshen <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:03+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
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 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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@@ -20,35 +17,35 @@
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-# 90951daa147540dab10f9d0c78d8c73b
+# bdc151e73be141a8ad0b4190c3102939
 #: ../../accounts.rst:18
 msgid "Managing Accounts, Users and Domains"
 msgstr "管理账户,用户和域"
-# 661635f04f94452db5ca9e4dd563cef7
+# a49422e951994e72894009f0fc5cc963
 #: ../../accounts.rst:21
 msgid "Accounts, Users, and Domains"
 msgstr "账户,用户,域"
-# a7494e04f72d469a86f3c67e958ed65f
+# 7316ca3f637249cbbf2f29bd75791600
 #: ../../accounts.rst:24
 msgid "Accounts"
 msgstr "账户"
-# 457dea8dff534d9aa75e2270c1e1ac6d
+# 7544ce31af194b279c9dcfb7ae37d3cc
 #: ../../accounts.rst:26
 msgid ""
 "An account typically represents a customer of the service provider or a "
 "department in a large organization. Multiple users can exist in an account."
 msgstr "一个账户通常代表一个客户的服务提供者或一个大组织中的一个部门。一个账户可存在多个用户。"
-# b45cd9ee7d3e478cbb3c129943ce53d5
-#: ../../accounts.rst:31
+# e758840629a8483ba31892ff437911e1
+#: ../../accounts.rst:32
 msgid "Domains"
 msgstr "域"
-# 10ebf41c7dbf4e65b1be24934d043965
-#: ../../accounts.rst:33
+# 3e28d2a36b0642c08a698f6a4426e72c
+#: ../../accounts.rst:34
 msgid ""
 "Accounts are grouped by domains. Domains usually contain multiple accounts "
 "that have some logical relationship to each other and a set of delegated "
@@ -57,20 +54,20 @@
 " each reseller."
 msgstr "帐户通常按域进行分组。域中经常包含多个账户,这些账户间存在一些逻辑上关系和一系列该域和其子域下的委派的管理员(这段的意思就是说在逻辑上域下可以有管理员,子域下也可以有管理员)。比如,一个服务提供商可有多个分销商这样的服务提供商就能为每一个分销商创建一个域"
-# 403c3bff584f41c6b9ee1d4ba5bc6241
-#: ../../accounts.rst:39
+# 79060520f2e046868f58925f3f2efc01
+#: ../../accounts.rst:40
 msgid ""
 "For each account created, the Cloud installation creates three different "
 "types of user accounts: root administrator, domain administrator, and user."
-msgstr "对于每个账户的创建,&PRODUCT; 创建了三种不同类型的用户账户:根管理员,域管理员,普通用户。"
+msgstr "对于每个账户的创建,Cloud的安装过程中创建了三种不同类型的用户账户:根管理员,域管理员,普通用户。"
-# 65e0965c3efe4beb825b48109a593375
-#: ../../accounts.rst:44
+# 341bf7792d884c2d8180600a07351f62
+#: ../../accounts.rst:46
 msgid "Users"
 msgstr "普通用户"
-# 34892ebe1c424238b2d30be07cfbef77
-#: ../../accounts.rst:46
+# 8efee3ca63e44a4098ff5086e58f1249
+#: ../../accounts.rst:48
 msgid ""
 "Users are like aliases in the account. Users in the same account are not "
 "isolated from each other, but they are isolated from users in other "
@@ -79,8 +76,8 @@
 msgstr "用户就像是账户的别名。在同一账户下的用户彼此之间并非隔离的。但是他们与不同账户下的用户是相互隔离的。大多数安装不需要用户的表面概念;他们只是每一个帐户的用户。同一用户不能属于多个帐户。"
-# 31c0da272edb4413bba06570446855e5
-#: ../../accounts.rst:52
+# 67a573904306470f87a1f3f6ad52a15f
+#: ../../accounts.rst:54
 msgid ""
 "Username is unique in a domain across accounts in that domain. The same "
 "username can exist in other domains, including sub-domains. Domain name can "
@@ -88,8 +85,8 @@
 "create root/d1, as well as root/foo/d1, and root/sales/d1."
 msgstr "多个账户中的用户名在域中应该是唯一的。相同的用户名能在其他的域中存在,包括子域。域名只有在全路径名唯一的时候才能重复。比如,你能创建一个root/d1,也可以创建root/foo/d1和root/sales/d1。"
-# 1754108df51d4b9aa2bfcab98e1b9bf0
-#: ../../accounts.rst:57
+# af85977a7aeb4aff9010bde059e08b23
+#: ../../accounts.rst:59
 msgid ""
 "Administrators are accounts with special privileges in the system. There may"
 " be multiple administrators in the system. Administrators can create or "
@@ -97,38 +94,38 @@
 msgstr "管理员在系统中是拥有特权的账户。可能有多个管理员在系统中,管理员能创建删除其他管理员,并且修改系统中任意用户的密码。"
-# 12ec03346ad2491195e691d8d6e3139b
-#: ../../accounts.rst:63
+# 8613eb42958647fba87ae1b922d58740
+#: ../../accounts.rst:66
 msgid "Domain Administrators"
 msgstr "域管理员"
-# 14a1bb86d2624ad3b4c82731fa8dd170
-#: ../../accounts.rst:65
+# 901efdb2c8554033b865587a48a319f9
+#: ../../accounts.rst:68
 msgid ""
 "Domain administrators can perform administrative operations for users who "
 "belong to that domain. Domain administrators do not have visibility into "
 "physical servers or other domains."
 msgstr "域管理员可以对属于该域的用户进行管理操作。域管理员在物理服务器或其他域中不可见。"
-# 39f193590cb5492691994021f7591f2e
-#: ../../accounts.rst:70
+# 5922a532b5814e479301a7d697eb8854
+#: ../../accounts.rst:74
 msgid "Root Administrator"
 msgstr "根管理员"
-# 97d51f9ba69843b5af3c3770b5e6a41d
-#: ../../accounts.rst:72
+# 20be104d0a134bab92309e774b538dd4
+#: ../../accounts.rst:76
 msgid ""
 "Root administrators have complete access to the system, including managing "
 "templates, service offerings, customer care administrators, and domains"
 msgstr "根管理员拥有系统完全访问权限,包括管理模板,服务方案,客户服务管理员和域。"
-# 0231216736c74923a934181f66c7be6d
-#: ../../accounts.rst:77
+# 7f9e7eaa9c5b4eaba5575b81514d4040
+#: ../../accounts.rst:82
 msgid "Resource Ownership"
 msgstr "资源所有权"
-# 72eb8676abfd416cb9bbb177a3de84f6
-#: ../../accounts.rst:79
+# 3fad6f5edfb34464b707419ce6b7b4a6
+#: ../../accounts.rst:84
 msgid ""
 "Resources belong to the account, not individual users in that account. For "
 "example, billing, resource limits, and so on are maintained by the account, "
@@ -141,13 +138,13 @@
 "domain or any of its sub-domains."
 msgstr "资源属于帐户,而不是帐户中的单个用户。例如,账单、资源限制等由帐户维护,而不是用户维护。用户有权限操作任何在帐户中提供的资源。权限有角色决定。根管理员通过使用assignVirtualMachine API可以将任何虚拟机的所有权从一个帐户调整到另一个帐户。域或子域管理员可以对域中的VMs做同样的操作,包括子域。"
-# ff5d0b1e1c574c599f7af2c724e6fed1
-#: ../../accounts.rst:90
+# f25ec45041cd435d83eaf32720407dd4
+#: ../../accounts.rst:96
 msgid "Dedicating Resources to Accounts and Domains"
 msgstr "给帐户和域分配专用资源"
-# 0a4bdfeefcbc4e6b90e29d85882276e5
-#: ../../accounts.rst:92
+# 8a6427fc034647e681a14ca03224406c
+#: ../../accounts.rst:98
 msgid ""
 "The root administrator can dedicate resources to a specific domain or "
 "account that needs private infrastructure for additional security or "
@@ -157,21 +154,21 @@
 "in a given domain can create guests in a zone dedicated to that domain."
 msgstr "根管理员可以将资源分配给指定的域或为了保证额外的安全或性能从而需要单独基础架构帐户。为了一个指定的域或账号,区域、机架、群集或者主机可以被根管理员保留。只有域或它的子域中的用户可以使用这个基础架构。比如,只有域中的用户可以在其中的区域中创建来宾虚机。"
-# d6b26e49ebc04db7bc3a577de66cada3
-#: ../../accounts.rst:100
+# 13b20e92d1144d5da1089384a9ce4e59
+#: ../../accounts.rst:106
 msgid "There are several types of dedication available:"
 msgstr "这里有几种有效的分配方式:"
-# dac518c9d097412c8fc411ea7ed6a9e7
-#: ../../accounts.rst:104
+# a62e7433baeb444386932b41fe5601fa
+#: ../../accounts.rst:108
 msgid ""
 "Explicit dedication. A zone, pod, cluster, or host is dedicated to an "
 "account or domain by the root administrator during initial deployment and "
 msgstr "明确的专用。根管理员在初始部署和配置期间给一个帐户或者域分配了一个区域、机架、群集或者主机。"
-# 574012d1f1984a9a8d7a720f9ea1c4d6
-#: ../../accounts.rst:110
+# 29fbffa86cfd49b4aa29ea7d373eaa03
+#: ../../accounts.rst:112
 msgid ""
 "Strict implicit dedication. A host will not be shared across multiple "
 "accounts. For example, strict implicit dedication is useful for deployment "
@@ -180,7 +177,7 @@
 "terms of license."
 msgstr "严格的潜在专用:一个主机禁止通过多个账号共享。例如,严格私自共享对于部署的某些应用是有用处的,像没有软件授权主机不能在不同账号间进行桌面共享。"
-# a5988bb1ccf4413394ead18a5bf8d2b4
+# a821acd0f71541708e12788d2fbc5d75
 #: ../../accounts.rst:118
 msgid ""
 "Preferred implicit dedication. The VM will be deployed in dedicated "
@@ -188,29 +185,29 @@
 msgstr "优先的潜在专用。如果可以的话,VM会被部署在专用的基础架构中。否则,VM可被部署在共享基础架构中。"
-# 599bcac969ab4007b46f4a44e3aab507
-#: ../../accounts.rst:123
+# b498c9fe36a94f2588d7a9e4494a761d
+#: ../../accounts.rst:124
 msgid "How to Dedicate a Zone, Cluster, Pod, or Host to an Account or Domain"
 msgstr "如何给帐户或者域指定一个区域、群集、机架或者主机"
-# 235f58f9b9bd48eab66c66dc94d93e40
-#: ../../accounts.rst:125
+# 62ce22c4d6f346b79218ff7a937ee3e2
+#: ../../accounts.rst:126
 msgid ""
 "For explicit dedication: When deploying a new zone, pod, cluster, or host, "
 "the root administrator can click the Dedicated checkbox, then choose a "
 "domain or account to own the resource."
 msgstr "对于明确的专用:当部署一个新的区域、机架、群集或者主机的时候,根管理员可以点击Dedicated选框,然后选择域或者帐户来拥有这些资源。"
-# 99189fbc5d704126a534a43918bd1cc9
-#: ../../accounts.rst:129
+# 9dfe3b7a9e87411d9694c32c5e4f891e
+#: ../../accounts.rst:130
 msgid ""
 "To explicitly dedicate an existing zone, pod, cluster, or host: log in as "
 "the root admin, find the resource in the UI, and click the Dedicate button. "
 "|button to dedicate a zone, pod,cluster, or host|"
 msgstr "对于明确的专用一个已存在的区域、机架、群集或者主机:使用根管理员登录,在UI中找到资源,然后点击Dedicate按钮。|button to dedicate a zone, pod,cluster, or host|"
-# e7ebf6fbd7d048bf822061139e2b5a4c
-#: ../../accounts.rst:133
+# 90707af3ed2b4e6fa7875e9bdd890252
+#: ../../accounts.rst:134
 msgid ""
 "For implicit dedication: The administrator creates a compute service "
 "offering and in the Deployment Planner field, chooses "
@@ -221,13 +218,13 @@
 " on one of the dedicated hosts."
 msgstr "对于隐式的专用:管理员创建的计算服务方案和在部署规划区域选择ImplicitDedicationPlanner。然后在规划模型中,管理员按照是否允许一些人当没有专用资源可用的时候使用共享资源来选择严格的或者优先的。无论何时,用户基于这个服务方案创建的VM都会位于专用主机。"
-# 57e1c25d97df4d22b88b35dc599e45f7
-#: ../../accounts.rst:142
+# fda3697ce3a4454da72edbe9f02b3564
+#: ../../accounts.rst:144
 msgid "How to Use Dedicated Hosts"
 msgstr "如何使用专用主机"
-# b227acf3ae06498d99b21119713e2238
-#: ../../accounts.rst:144
+# cfd0e245a5a2498b9fa7c89160957ffe
+#: ../../accounts.rst:146
 msgid ""
 "To use an explicitly dedicated host, use the explicit-dedicated type of "
 "affinity group (see `“Affinity Groups” <virtual_machines.html#affinity-"
@@ -237,13 +234,13 @@
 "account or domain."
 msgstr "要使用明确专用主机,在关联组 (参阅 `“关联组” <virtual_machines.html#affinity-groups>`_)中选择explicit-dedicated 类型。比如,当创建新VM的时候,终端用户可以选择将其运行在专用基础架构上。如果一些基础架构已经被分配给专用的用户帐号或域,那么这个操作才能成功。"
-# f9c5cb26d6904347ad48d4ceba1481a6
-#: ../../accounts.rst:152
+# 86abbd3940f34e96a1ad71a01dc6339d
+#: ../../accounts.rst:155
 msgid "Behavior of Dedicated Hosts, Clusters, Pods, and Zones"
 msgstr "专用主机、群集、机架和区域的行为"
-# 05b28e9607634f78abda79633a1403cf
-#: ../../accounts.rst:154
+# a9963e63da4e48f2a2b7b7fdad96ba29
+#: ../../accounts.rst:157
 msgid ""
 "The administrator can live migrate VMs away from dedicated hosts if desired,"
 " whether the destination is a host reserved for a different account/domain "
@@ -251,8 +248,8 @@
 "domain). CloudStack will generate an alert, but the operation is allowed."
 msgstr "管理员可以将VMs从专用主机上迁移到任何想要的地方,不管目标主机是不同帐号/域专用的还是共享的主机(不对任何特殊帐号或域专用)。CloudStack将生成一个警告,不过操作还是允许的。"
-# ce25fc9a198a4cbeaabd2e2405325e9c
-#: ../../accounts.rst:160
+# a9a8992734b0490aac5bd5e5efa45483
+#: ../../accounts.rst:163
 msgid ""
 "Dedicated hosts can be used in conjunction with host tags. If both a host "
 "tag and dedication are requested, the VM will be placed only on a host that "
@@ -261,8 +258,8 @@
 " deploy."
 msgstr "专用主机可用主机标签连接。如果同时需要主机标签和专用,那么VM将只会在匹配所有需求的主机上运行。如果没有专用资源可用于这类用户,那么VM就不会被不部署。"
-# aeb33b23037c45be909c3768cc8966b6
-#: ../../accounts.rst:166
+# 694b1842b07049c094a79e240c2db934
+#: ../../accounts.rst:169
 msgid ""
 "If you delete an account or domain, any hosts, clusters, pods, and zones "
 "that were dedicated to it are freed up. They will now be available to be "
@@ -270,8 +267,8 @@
 "dedicate them to a different account or domain."
 msgstr "如果你删除了一个指定了专用资源的帐号或者域,那么其中的任何主机、群集、机架和区域就会被释放。它们会变成可被任何帐户或者域共享,或者管理员可选择重新把它们指定给不同的帐号或域。"
-# 1ce4e0516a79477a817eb0619fbfb51e
-#: ../../accounts.rst:171
+# 9676e7d49a4247c0bd41a3d53e7482a1
+#: ../../accounts.rst:174
 msgid ""
 "System VMs and virtual routers affect the behavior of host dedication. "
 "System VMs and virtual routers are owned by the CloudStack system account, "
@@ -283,13 +280,13 @@
 "virtual routers can be used for preferred implicit dedication."
 msgstr "系统VMs和虚拟路由器影响专用主机的行为。系统VMs和虚拟路由器由CloudStack系统账号拥有,并且它们可在任何主机上部署。它们不会伴随着明确专用主机。主机上的系统虚机和虚拟路由器使其不再适合作为严格的潜在专用主机。主机之所以不能用于严格的潜在专用主机,是因为主机已经有针对帐号(默认系统账号)的VMs。尽管如此,运行着系统VMs或虚拟路由器的主机可以被用于优先的潜在专用。"
-# ad8c17e1de7c4cb4af2c8b55ee0a851c
-#: ../../accounts.rst:182
+# c3ac9b9cb46f4fa7b6ea8d96adc7111e
+#: ../../accounts.rst:186
 msgid "Using an LDAP Server for User Authentication"
 msgstr "使用LDAP服务器用于用户验证"
-# d3eb07c14a05493ba2ff39ea53010821
-#: ../../accounts.rst:184
+# 4c358cdbd0ef4ea8bae9aa240f1b4e4a
+#: ../../accounts.rst:188
 msgid ""
 "You can use an external LDAP server such as Microsoft Active Directory or "
 "ApacheDS to authenticate CloudStack end-users. Just map CloudStack accounts "
@@ -303,84 +300,84 @@
 "authenticate the user.."
 msgstr "你可以使用一个外部LDAP服务器,例如微软活动目录或ApacheDS进行CloudStack的终端用户验证。仅仅使用查询过滤器映射CloudStack账户与对应的LDAP帐户。查询过滤器是使用查询语法写的特别的LDAP服务器,可以包括用CloudStack提供的特殊通配符匹配通用的像用户的电子邮件地址和名称这种值。CloudStack将在外部LDAP目录树中从一个指定的基目搜索录并返回专有名称(DN)和密码匹配用户。这个信息以及给定的密码是用于验证用户。。"
-# efbc795d47b644b592c065f9221a5ecc
-#: ../../accounts.rst:195
+# 14c749c7da61408588c8e8cdaa11796c
+#: ../../accounts.rst:199
 msgid ""
 "To set up LDAP authentication in CloudStack, call the CloudStack API command"
 " ldapConfig and provide the following:"
 msgstr "在CloudStack中设置LDAP验证,调用CloudStack API指令ldapConfig,并提供如下:"
-# 7826c9574e864a3fa3927d2452d6f247
-#: ../../accounts.rst:200
+# c4708aa56b75423080f17f84ec2a37a4
+#: ../../accounts.rst:202
 msgid "Hostname or IP address and listening port of the LDAP server"
 msgstr "LDAP服务器的主机名或IP地址和监听端口"
-# 70b92e095a0749628ec280152921d951
+# ff4d11fcc40f4d5c86ce032c3d6e6a76
 #: ../../accounts.rst:204
 msgid "Base directory and query filter"
 msgstr "基本目录和查询过滤器"
-# 4fe250c5d3ac44ab883b8c10af24f1fe
-#: ../../accounts.rst:208
+# 0b5fce75930e49b19cf1d00062c78539
+#: ../../accounts.rst:206
 msgid ""
 "Search user DN credentials, which give CloudStack permission to search on "
 "the LDAP server"
 msgstr "搜索用户DN 凭证,这个凭证是授予CloudStack允许搜索LDAP服务器上的凭证"
-# 2ceaa9828892484ebd391520d745991d
-#: ../../accounts.rst:213
+# c3d66516470141c3af861a4b24f45150
+#: ../../accounts.rst:209
 msgid "SSL keystore and password, if SSL is used"
 msgstr "SSL密钥库和密码,如果使用了SSL"
-# 26d8fb1d67a74f8387452da5b3cce675
-#: ../../accounts.rst:216
+# 6e565fd7b02d4a97b86b380e839f129f
+#: ../../accounts.rst:213
 msgid "Example LDAP Configuration Commands"
 msgstr "LDAP配置命令示例"
-# 1c19000335be4f7ebdab1d79a7c4658c
-#: ../../accounts.rst:218
+# ee72e29a6b33456684ebcbfd012c075a
+#: ../../accounts.rst:215
 msgid ""
 "To understand the examples in this section, you need to know the basic "
 "concepts behind calling the CloudStack API, which are explained in the "
 "Developer’s Guide."
 msgstr "为了明白本章节的示例, 你需要知道调用CloudStack API的基本概念,这在开发者文档中有讲解。"
-# d7aafed8ded6431d8129d3bbe41769aa
-#: ../../accounts.rst:222
+# 065e58a0d0f74c8d84670251cf00c487
+#: ../../accounts.rst:219
 msgid ""
 "The following shows an example invocation of ldapConfig with an ApacheDS "
 "LDAP server"
 msgstr "以下展示了通过ApacheDS LDAP服务器调用 ldapConfig命令的示例"
-# 7214405299e94877a1c09f6c6287ee10
-#: ../../accounts.rst:229
+# 31d88144f8004adf8efd11cf7f9db7bd
+#: ../../accounts.rst:226
 msgid ""
 "The command must be URL-encoded. Here is the same example without the URL "
 msgstr "命令调用的URL必须进行编码. 这里是一个没有进行URL编码的示例:"
-# 74c45748c7614774911829b534605cc1
-#: ../../accounts.rst:247
+# 884cde7f5dbd499ba1c28ff09380c692
+#: ../../accounts.rst:244
 msgid ""
 "The following shows a similar command for Active Directory. Here, the search"
 " base is the testing group within a company, and the users are matched up "
 "based on email address."
 msgstr "以下展示了与活动目录类似的命令。这里,搜索是基于一个公司的测试组,用户是根据邮件地址进行查找。"
-# e42d0dbce6674c9ba00d73998fb30e71
-#: ../../accounts.rst:255
+# d2675a267aa34f4ea3fe2bba2300b61c
+#: ../../accounts.rst:252
 msgid ""
 "The next few sections explain some of the concepts you will need to know "
 "when filling out the ldapConfig parameters."
 msgstr "接下来的几个章节解释了当填写ldapConfig参数时你需要知道的一些概念。"
-# a47324fc43df41cdbcae97f676f2536f
-#: ../../accounts.rst:259
+# befdce0cfd624549844139c917a82bb4
+#: ../../accounts.rst:257
 msgid "Search Base"
 msgstr "搜索基础目录"
-# f44d14b0d741402087e0cc706bbb068e
-#: ../../accounts.rst:261
+# 1522f19d5a2a4e35a8bedc5d147a1af1
+#: ../../accounts.rst:259
 msgid ""
 "An LDAP query is relative to a given node of the LDAP directory tree, called"
 " the search base. The search base is the distinguished name (DN) of a level "
@@ -393,46 +390,46 @@
 "the testing department.."
 msgstr "LDAP查询与一个LDAP目录树中的节点有关,称之为做搜索基础目录。搜索基础目录是目录库中的一级的distinguished name(DN),在这里能找到所有用户。用户可以直属于根目录或者一些子目录。搜索基础目录可能是组织、组或者域用户名。用于写DN变量的语法取决于你所使用的LDAP服务。再深入全面的讨论distinguished names超出了我们文档的范围。以下表格中展示了一些在搜索基础目录中查找测试部门中用户的示例。"
-# c824c6d3616243eaa848cc45808ec373
-# 46c8c55831674fd3a12caa7352108fa4
-#: ../../accounts.rst:272 ../../accounts.rst:328
+# 3649e87915d24059beec30463e0abd10
+# eb0f32160dd24b21991c2f454df60742
+#: ../../accounts.rst:270 ../../accounts.rst:328
 msgid "LDAP Server"
 msgstr "LDAP服务器"
-# bf34c451c0994186b556742324006c30
-#: ../../accounts.rst:272
+# d8fb5f498afb4ee1aa6669b39f1e34be
+#: ../../accounts.rst:270
 msgid "Example Search Base DN"
 msgstr "搜索基本DN示例"
-# c6940ea324fb4c99895c4d2152bfd32e
-# 359bafef7f4044e380b30643767ad285
-#: ../../accounts.rst:274 ../../accounts.rst:330
+# 2e421fc0d49d4a819b31999dc3cae2e0
+# a0327a00878d45dab6dc0bc777814674
+#: ../../accounts.rst:272 ../../accounts.rst:330
 msgid "ApacheDS"
 msgstr "ApacheDS"
-# 2253d38b2ae84eeab805635117cf368c
-#: ../../accounts.rst:274
+# 6c854d5e6cdd4e3aadda7dd9be769a53
+#: ../../accounts.rst:272
 msgid "OU=testing, O=project"
 msgstr "OU=testing, O=project"
-# ddf11f35901948058a34dff9cbca8c3d
-# 6d6eab10b7674a65aedf6c1f41312bf8
-#: ../../accounts.rst:275 ../../accounts.rst:331
+# a1fbaf989c584a248386911c51fd2fba
+# c776e850eb3e4d64b262a32a9d302bfb
+#: ../../accounts.rst:273 ../../accounts.rst:331
 msgid "Active Directory"
 msgstr "Active Directory"
-# 0fdc037b3c2746e0b455bd0594bf0bee
-#: ../../accounts.rst:275
+# 5d0095ff2d7044e7b60bc1754210dd3c
+#: ../../accounts.rst:273
 msgid "OU=testing, DC=company"
 msgstr "OU=testing, DC=company"
-# 03d46aff89114039bebeeea32fbcda86
-#: ../../accounts.rst:279
+# 8309dae488944f0aae3e84a8e1a97ac3
+#: ../../accounts.rst:278
 msgid "Query Filter"
 msgstr "查询过滤"
-# 93b867a441bc4cddad5a72d6b9e51abf
-#: ../../accounts.rst:281
+# c523dbbf5dd94c62a2e3927a8f3123dc
+#: ../../accounts.rst:280
 msgid ""
 "The query filter is used to find a mapped user in the external LDAP server. "
 "The query filter should uniquely map the CloudStack user to LDAP user for a "
@@ -440,79 +437,79 @@
 "consult the documentation for your LDAP server."
 msgstr "查询过滤器用于在外部LDAP服务器中查找一个映射的用户。为实现有效认证,查询过滤器应该将CloudStack的用户唯一映射到LDAP用户。关于查询过滤器的语法,请参考您使用的LDAP服务器文档。"
-# 94920970089b494395b1e5410ad30bb1
-#: ../../accounts.rst:286
+# f4f9c13ceefa4163962bd3cfab257852
+#: ../../accounts.rst:285
 msgid "The CloudStack query filter wildcards are:"
 msgstr "CloudStack查询过滤的通配符有:"
-# f7c82cdd777a4284b5adc6a920065f32
-#: ../../accounts.rst:289
+# bab683973b9045339c8df3488bc5dd1c
+#: ../../accounts.rst:288
 msgid "Query Filter Wildcard"
 msgstr "查询过滤通配符"
-# 2e1c45a30d2648c6878074583a6a4c7b
-#: ../../accounts.rst:289
+# a94af335cc864d9a962f1fb9b7b5f72c
+#: ../../accounts.rst:288
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "描述"
-# b636b6a26b4942d390e3083bb99636ec
-#: ../../accounts.rst:291
+# 334393ba6786415e91a2ed1a22d26adb
+#: ../../accounts.rst:290
 msgid "%u"
 msgstr "%u"
-# b85fa10a6f7c473f9579fbee87abc7dc
-#: ../../accounts.rst:291
+# 151cd28e952d4ff98ff9d1544698ccb8
+#: ../../accounts.rst:290
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "用户名"
-# aaca04ef47ce4a6d957d7f999021beec
-#: ../../accounts.rst:292
+# f1f86cbcf39e412fb298da7653a123d3
+#: ../../accounts.rst:291
 msgid "%e"
 msgstr "%e"
-# 04104fb07bb94de38b10667d6fdadf04
-#: ../../accounts.rst:292
+# fdf52531788c41fabb814f45f07b178a
+#: ../../accounts.rst:291
 msgid "Email address"
 msgstr "邮件地址"
-# ae0690d61f774148a22980a6ed2d4c98
-#: ../../accounts.rst:293
+# 6e5b529e3da248ee85f1e20f81bd8e1c
+#: ../../accounts.rst:292
 msgid "%n"
 msgstr "%n"
-# 5c8df2d1e58b4c88b7f6f76691f54e32
-#: ../../accounts.rst:293
+# 4704eb3b3e494ad3bc2105d98a3c84a9
+#: ../../accounts.rst:292
 msgid "First and last name"
 msgstr "姓名"
-# fb24e5d77b0b4a369c988a18859c27b5
-#: ../../accounts.rst:296
+# 51612c6475e246f7b7d8a156605a2323
+#: ../../accounts.rst:295
 msgid ""
 "The following examples assume you are using Active Directory, and refer to "
 "user attributes from the Active Directory schema."
 msgstr "下面的示例假设你使用活动目录, 并从活动目录架构中获得用户属性."
-# 53d9ff57793f490ea016d5c0dd2235e1
-#: ../../accounts.rst:299
+# d853815e3f894dcdbb92be883305dc5b
+#: ../../accounts.rst:298
 msgid "If the CloudStack user name is the same as the LDAP user ID:"
 msgstr "如果 CloudStack 的用户名与LDAP中的用户ID一致:"
-# fe9b3901fa4c442dbba0966d900dc335
-#: ../../accounts.rst:305
+# d0bb623240d0410eb8d70ed22ba5a2f8
+#: ../../accounts.rst:304
 msgid "If the CloudStack user name is the LDAP display name:"
 msgstr "如果CloudStack的用户名是LDAP中的显示名字:"
-# 67bfee8945324987bfa2debd1cbd0f29
-#: ../../accounts.rst:311
+# 0a96c3c2516946c1b4260fd4d4d6ffb7
+#: ../../accounts.rst:310
 msgid "To find a user by email address:"
 msgstr "使用邮件地址查找用户:"
-# 0a2a4f3d28a447ccafdcade93acec26e
+# 5b63c901fb5a4d208df8e362234d1cba
 #: ../../accounts.rst:318
 msgid "Search User Bind DN"
 msgstr "搜索用户绑定的DN"
-# 9d07ca9ffe4d45e1a14848570aad2f64
+# 92769f4cb5be444cab0bcb685ebe1cc4
 #: ../../accounts.rst:320
 msgid ""
 "The bind DN is the user on the external LDAP server permitted to search the "
@@ -522,27 +519,27 @@
 "documentation. The following table shows some examples of bind DNs."
 msgstr "bind DN是位于外部被允许在定义的搜索基础目录中搜索LDAP目录的LDAP服务器上的用户。当DN返回值的时候,DN和通过的密码就与LDAPbind一起被用于验证CloudStack 用户。再深入完全的讨论bind DNs超出了文档的范围。下面的表格展示了一些bind DNs的实例。"
-# 3b0b6b5b036945e6bb5442cb94a46fcd
+# 7fcc45a0be9241b09a01d2287541d652
 #: ../../accounts.rst:328
 msgid "Example Bind DN"
 msgstr "绑定DN示例"
-# 1cd4f20b644c4fd68eb8a37ef35f7b47
+# b4c0b2f84be54e32820cac392b6c9c75
 #: ../../accounts.rst:330
 msgid "CN=Administrator,DC=testing,OU=project,OU=org"
 msgstr "CN=Administrator,DC=testing,OU=project,OU=org"
-# 2e60a99cfddd494c9de480a48304dfe3
+# 46e145ddbc9f47e08b21fa2631ed9fa7
 #: ../../accounts.rst:331
 msgid "CN=Administrator, OU=testing, DC=company, DC=com"
 msgstr "CN=Administrator, OU=testing, DC=company, DC=com"
-# 16cd1707b0594271ae8a6ae3884ec80e
+# cbaaf7054abf480eb88b336ba62a097b
 #: ../../accounts.rst:336
 msgid "SSL Keystore Path and Password"
 msgstr "SSL 密钥库路径和密码"
-# 074f3d04369241be9e56096bb7dded79
+# 8a6a84c57cc144edb9a20e63c71ddedc
 #: ../../accounts.rst:338
 msgid ""
 "If the LDAP server requires SSL, you need to enable it in the ldapConfig "
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index aaf0abf..e93c94b 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
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@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# darrentang <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-27 02:01+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: darrentang <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -18,13 +17,13 @@
 "Language: zh_CN\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-# 5782522e7a564a9caa1ecc02e0977696
-#: ../../administration.rst:19
+# 29cfff43a2514946ad4c3499ebefbed6
+#: ../../administration.rst:18
 msgid "User Services"
 msgstr "用户服务"
-# 06114f8c3f954e45b8add1ef10ed3f6e
-#: ../../administration.rst:21
+# d7001feee3bd4b298a4c17869c0c45dc
+#: ../../administration.rst:20
 msgid ""
 "In addition to the physical and logical infrastructure of your cloud and the"
 " CloudStack software and servers, you also need a layer of user services so "
@@ -37,14 +36,14 @@
 " strictly internal to your organization, or just friends who are sharing "
 "your cloud – you can still keep track of what services they use and how much"
 " of them."
-msgstr "除了云中的物理和逻辑基础设施以及CloudStack软件和服务器,你还需要一个用户服务层以便让人们能够真正利用云。这不仅仅意味这一个用户界面,而是一组用户可选择的选项和资源,如通过模版创建虚拟机,磁盘存储等等。如果您正在运行一个商业服务,您将可以跟踪服务和用户资源的使用以及使用计费情况。即使你不对使用云的人收费,-比如说,用户是你的内部组织,或只是你的朋友共享你的云 - 你仍然可以跟踪他们所使用的服务以及有多少人。"
+msgstr "除了云中的物理和逻辑基础设施以及 CloudStack 软件和服务器,你还需要一个用户服务层以便让人们能够真正利用云。这不仅仅意味这一个用户界面,而是一组用户可选择的选项和资源,如通过模版创建虚拟机,磁盘存储等等。如果您正在运行一个商业服务,您将可以跟踪服务和用户资源的使用以及使用计费情况。即使你不对使用云的人收费,-比如说,用户是你的内部组织,或只是你的朋友共享你的云 - 你仍然可以跟踪他们所使用的服务以及有多少人。"
-# 08b7862dbeb64d2d8c3e46cacc0a995d
+# 8691c3078d2741dabb85f469a7b58373
 #: ../../administration.rst:34
 msgid "Service Offerings, Disk Offerings, Network Offerings, and Templates"
 msgstr "服务方案,磁盘方案,网络方案和模版"
-# f761dfbfdddc4df58bc4fb22ad4c4ada
+# 82a1a03c5a234653b024700134d18169
 #: ../../administration.rst:36
 msgid ""
 "A user creating a new instance can make a variety of choices about its "
@@ -52,32 +51,32 @@
 "present users with choices when creating a new instance:"
 msgstr "用户可以根据不同的功能和特性来创建新的实例,CloudStack提供了几种方法供用户选择以便创建一个新的实例:"
-# 46491c0220454387a6a1eaf3e9c62f68
-#: ../../administration.rst:42
+# 5b79acf1c4034cf09e56634938cbfd33
+#: ../../administration.rst:40
 msgid ""
 "Service Offerings, defined by the CloudStack administrator, provide a choice"
 " of CPU speed, number of CPUs, RAM size, tags on the root disk, and other "
 "choices. See Creating a New Compute Offering."
 msgstr "服务方案,由CloudStack管理员定义,提供了CPU速率,CPU核数,内存大小,根磁盘标签等多种选项供选择。可参阅创建新的计算方案。"
-# 2739214a038842799d6315fc83f2d7b9
-#: ../../administration.rst:48
+# d71f7d3d0dda4061838347d6fc7e35fc
+#: ../../administration.rst:44
 msgid ""
 "Disk Offerings, defined by the CloudStack administrator, provide a choice of"
 " disk size and IOPS (Quality of Service) for primary data storage. See "
 "Creating a New Disk Offering."
 msgstr "磁盘方案,由CloudStack管理员定义,针对主数据存储提供磁盘大小和IOPS(QOS)等选项供选择。可参阅创建新的磁盘方案。"
-# 7b90ec0921524642a75fc2610c86c276
-#: ../../administration.rst:54
+# c00720676a8a4c4a9d423dd5f5743f4c
+#: ../../administration.rst:48
 msgid ""
 "Network Offerings, defined by the CloudStack administrator, describe the "
 "feature set that is available to end users from the virtual router or "
 "external networking devices on a given guest network. See Network Offerings."
-msgstr "网络方案,由CloudStack管理员定义,描述可用的功能集,通过虚拟路由器或给定的来宾网络中的外部网络设备提供给最终用户。参阅网络方案。"
+msgstr "网络方案,由 CloudStack 管理员定义,约定来宾网络中虚拟路由器或外部网络设备提供给终端用户可用的功能描述集。"
-# b5a2bc83e71142d2b6133c4d6266cab9
-#: ../../administration.rst:61
+# 169ad751a60e44929103a91c102ac2a2
+#: ../../administration.rst:53
 msgid ""
 "Templates, defined by the CloudStack administrator or by any CloudStack "
 "user, are the base OS images that the user can choose from when creating a "
@@ -85,8 +84,8 @@
 "Working with Templates."
 msgstr "模版,由CloudStack管理员或其他CloudStack用户定义,用户创建新的实例时可选择的基本操作系统镜像。例如,CloudStack中包含的CentOS模版。可参阅使用模版。"
-# 2e2f04a2e3e449698ca4be2d9d1215fb
-#: ../../administration.rst:66
+# 81b027ebc2094409b6f28288660792c7
+#: ../../administration.rst:58
 msgid ""
 "In addition to these choices that are provided for users, there is another "
 "type of service offering which is available only to the CloudStack root "
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index cbe1413..c4abbf3 100644
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Binary files differ
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+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/api.po
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# darrentang <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-24 13:43+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: darrentang <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -18,12 +17,12 @@
 "Language: zh_CN\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-# c9f373cc299e447998a4b0c51d6b30e1
+# 7499b008b97e41b59d4cdc3835758f36
 #: ../../api.rst:18
 msgid "CloudStack API"
 msgstr "CloudStack API"
-# 4f31f79497784c4eb83f19285c8fc8d4
+# 7a40beffc6484f108ad5202cb2a4e7c3
 #: ../../api.rst:20
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack API is a low level API that has been used to implement the "
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@
 "APIs such as EC2/S3 and emerging DMTF standards."
 msgstr "CloudStack API 是可以被用来实现CloudStack Web UI的底层API。这是良好的基础使其提供比如EC2和S3和新兴的DMTF标准等受欢迎的API。"
-# 0484938f098f467e94ea20aa2d3de1f0
+# 0e4247f81b8a4a83afa84f323d2697b9
 #: ../../api.rst:24
 msgid ""
 "Many CloudStack API calls are asynchronous. These will return a Job ID "
@@ -40,13 +39,13 @@
 "indication of their state."
 msgstr "大多CloudStack的API调用都是异步的. 在调用时它们将立即返回一个任务ID。这个任务ID稍后可以用于查询任务状态。此外,状态调用会在资源受影响时提供一些状态指示。"
-# 59bb256e7c6841a89ab8fd907a34f08a
+# dc0b3fef72b74085a24d7e0c15cb227d
 #: ../../api.rst:29
 msgid ""
 "The API has a REST-like query basis and returns results in XML or JSON."
 msgstr "API基于类似REST的查询, 可以返回XML或JSON格式."
-# 3f40f7f90a3b4dd2a8b4ddbb30340800
+# 1f57015e966c480795b141ba3f87b86a
 #: ../../api.rst:31
 msgid ""
 "See `the Developer’s Guide "
@@ -54,21 +53,21 @@
 "and `the API Reference <>`_."
 msgstr "参阅  `开发指南 <>`_ 和 `参考API <>`_."
-# 850a1709dc05430b81c947813bf2c387
-#: ../../api.rst:35
+# de3d35bb699f45f495251ceb69a2c238
+#: ../../api.rst:36
 msgid "Provisioning and Authentication API"
 msgstr "配置和认证API"
-# 4b899aee7aa147bbb8cbe8cc3fdd3436
-#: ../../api.rst:37
+# c8eb593d2c654d8db8d5ce7791bedd07
+#: ../../api.rst:38
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack expects that a customer will have their own user provisioning "
 "infrastructure. It provides APIs to integrate with these existing systems "
 "where the systems call out to CloudStack to add/remove users.."
 msgstr "CloudStack期望客户都会有自己的用户提供基础设施。它提供的API可与这些现有系统集成,通过外部调用CloudStack添加/删除用户。"
-# d1809ac4f63b4171bd2bf7449f9af520
-#: ../../api.rst:41
+# f37cbbabb4af4c76977b51277f5cefa3
+#: ../../api.rst:42
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack supports pluggable authenticators. By default, CloudStack assumes"
 " it is provisioned with the user’s password, and as a result authentication "
@@ -76,41 +75,41 @@
 "example, see Using an LDAP Server for User Authentication."
 msgstr "CloudStack支持插件类型的身份验证. 默认情况下, CloudStack假定自身提供用户密码,作为本地的验证方式. 但也可以使用外部验证。 例如, 参阅使用LDAP服务器进行用户验证。"
-# e0f1a61ca7404d2fbe4cfa7a466e23a6
-#: ../../api.rst:48
+# a1cd31f63e9a4fe6869e80cdd8f2274f
+#: ../../api.rst:50
 msgid "User Data and Meta Data"
 msgstr "用户数据和元数据"
-# 4921f2bf02984bc0a308cc391af4cabf
-#: ../../api.rst:50
+# 8adea5c3508040cfb6f8475bc1f2f96c
+#: ../../api.rst:52
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack provides API access to attach up to 32KB of user data to a "
 "deployed VM. Deployed VMs also have access to instance metadata via the "
 "virtual router."
 msgstr "CloudStack提供的API访问在部署VM时可附加多达32KB的用户数据。部署虚拟机也可以通过虚拟路由器访问实例的元数据。"
-# 076533995e0345db90168c6278c3460b
-#: ../../api.rst:54
+# 11a9a59d3f23401d8c639b7767af0a94
+#: ../../api.rst:56
 msgid ""
 "User data can be accessed once the IP address of the virtual router is "
 "known. Once the IP address is known, use the following steps to access the "
 "user data:"
 msgstr "一旦得知虚拟路由的IP便可以访问用户数据。得到IP地址后使用如下步骤访问用户数据:"
-# cf43f38848f845f4a34393092ae8b81e
-#: ../../api.rst:58
+# 0b14bfd2cf6c41a98f39a406fdb83868
+#: ../../api.rst:60
 msgid "Run the following command to find the virtual router."
 msgstr "执行如下命令查找虚拟路由器。"
-# 6fff13e87cff49809caebf13b8fa61cb
-#: ../../api.rst:64
+# e0144a29051543d1aba1d5b18d18e033
+#: ../../api.rst:66
 msgid ""
 "Access user data by running the following command using the result of the "
 "above command"
 msgstr "通过上述命令的结果运行如下命令访问用户数据"
-# cd37cb5d158343c29780503c5bca4540
-#: ../../api.rst:71
+# 8ebc1946ef8840c4b4c99d6194576997
+#: ../../api.rst:73
 msgid ""
 "Meta Data can be accessed similarly, using a URL of the form "
 "{metadata type}. (For backwards "
@@ -118,38 +117,38 @@
 "also supported.) For metadata type, use one of the following:"
 msgstr "元数据同样可以被访问,使用URL表单{元数据类型} 。 (为了向后兼容,之前的URL也同样支持{元数据类型} 。) 关于元数据类型,请使用以下方法之一:"
-# e84e13e6d81f41fda2e53325bcf8196b
+# bed0120874a643b1b9d59bd6a4e9e404
 #: ../../api.rst:78
 msgid "service-offering. A description of the VMs service offering"
 msgstr "service-offering。VM服务方案的描述。"
-# 62048249f8d2494db34980c3b1862e5b
-#: ../../api.rst:82
+# 71b8d766955140c3b512c2a9318fa115
+#: ../../api.rst:80
 msgid "availability-zone. The Zone name"
 msgstr "availability-zone。区域名称"
-# 7463be88f12e49e8aac8925ca6a5884f
-#: ../../api.rst:86
+# 2a80730691bb49e0b69de28d14feea03
+#: ../../api.rst:82
 msgid "local-ipv4. The guest IP of the VM"
 msgstr "local-ipv4。VM的来宾地址"
-# ba16b21040764726a1202dde1d4e83d6
-#: ../../api.rst:90
+# 6f5c73e35f714f0f83b7c799a46c499f
+#: ../../api.rst:84
 msgid "local-hostname. The hostname of the VM"
 msgstr "local-hostname。VM的主机名"
-# 363adc60e20b4bfcb51004281919f11e
-#: ../../api.rst:94
+# ad4c5b53b2844aa9b7518ea0165e3c5a
+#: ../../api.rst:86
 msgid ""
 "public-ipv4. The first public IP for the router. (E.g. the first IP of eth2)"
 msgstr "public-ipv4。第一个IP为路由器的IP。 (E.g. eth2为第一个IP)"
-# 352781028d6f46f1b95f08adccbb1ff2
-#: ../../api.rst:99
+# 53db659838e1499c86e3674db658bbdb
+#: ../../api.rst:89
 msgid "public-hostname. This is the same as public-ipv4"
 msgstr "public-hostname。与public-ipv4相同"
-# dc787ff8567442788d44cf46ab9a6462
-#: ../../api.rst:103
+# 760946f739514ea5be9f4c114716b1ba
+#: ../../api.rst:91
 msgid "instance-id. The instance name of the VM"
 msgstr "instance-id。VM实例的名称"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index a461140..76198e6 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
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index b078580..26aa1ff 100644
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+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/events.po
@@ -3,16 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# darrentang <>, 2014
-# morgan wang <>, 2014
-# typuc <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-24 13:53+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: darrentang <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -20,12 +17,12 @@
 "Language: zh_CN\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-# 102ed2ffb3fb4c3bb6029d0c7eb905de
+# 0defb3a9608c4824b34ed35d916fd0c4
 #: ../../events.rst:18
 msgid "Event Notification"
 msgstr "事件通知"
-# afc241a8b0d0496a8744768e3563fbe8
+# 37ebc4e9b0b148daaab42c65d71cc834
 #: ../../events.rst:20
 msgid ""
 "An event is essentially a significant or meaningful change in the state of "
@@ -37,13 +34,13 @@
 "policy based events (alerts)."
 msgstr "事件本质上是与云环境相关的虚拟和物理资源的状态显著或有意义的变化。事件用于监控系统,使用率和计费系统,或者是用于辨别模式和做出正确商业决定的其他任何事件驱动工作流系统。在 CloudStack 中的事件可以是虚拟或物理资源的状态变化,用户(操作事件)执行的操作,或基于策略的事件(警告)。"
-# 0fca00203fea49669148771eeedf55c3
-#: ../../events.rst:29
+# 82bc7c30085140f89344da554ad386a3
+#: ../../events.rst:30
 msgid "Event Logs"
 msgstr "事件日志"
-# 1d21fa8ae81748baa8e52f31043facf7
-#: ../../events.rst:31
+# c1d54e6d1a2d4cd6888ad99bf943ed83
+#: ../../events.rst:32
 msgid ""
 "There are two types of events logged in the CloudStack Event Log. Standard "
 "events log the success or failure of an event and can be used to identify "
@@ -56,13 +53,13 @@
 " following sections provide more information on these events.."
 msgstr "这里有两种类型的事件记录在&PRODUCT;事件日志。标准事件记录一个事件的成功或失败,并且可以用于鉴别哪些是已经失败的任务或进程。这里也记录长时间运行任务事件。异步任务的制定,启动,完成这些事件都被记录。长时间运行的同步和异步事件日志可用于获取挂起任务更多的状态信息,也可以用来识别任务是被挂起或还未开始。以下各节提供有关这些事件的详细信息。"
-# 8a0c6176934d4aec840789a07a73084b
-#: ../../events.rst:43
+# 127295678f0c4cf084cf737444f11087
+#: ../../events.rst:45
 msgid "Notification"
 msgstr "通知"
-# 64816315eaa145ab8ad138648b2589e3
-#: ../../events.rst:45
+# a669e3079b7e41d1a82dd149bf00b011
+#: ../../events.rst:47
 msgid ""
 "Event notification framework provides a means for the Management Server "
 "components to publish and subscribe to CloudStack events. Event notification"
@@ -76,8 +73,8 @@
 "published to an exchange in the AMQP server."
 msgstr "事件通知框架提供一种手段来管理管理服务器组件来发布和订阅 CloudStack 中的事件。事件通知是通过实现事件总线抽象的管理服务器的概念来实现。事件总线的管理服务器,允许 CloudStack 中的组件和扩展插件通过使用高级消息队列协议(AMQP)客户端订阅事件的介绍。在 CloudStack 中,事件总线默认通过一个使用Rabbit MQAMQP 客户端 的插件实现。AMQP 客户端推送发布事件到兼容 AMQP 服务器。因此,所有的 CloudStack 中的事件发布到 AMQP 服务器中交换 。"
-# 69559e28bd3c4833a65e235470bd7ae9
-#: ../../events.rst:57
+# e41f3e4f6450467da27fc6dc4ebb2788
+#: ../../events.rst:59
 msgid ""
 "A new event for state change, resource state change, is introduced as part "
 "of Event notification framework. Every resource, such as user VM, volume, "
@@ -90,33 +87,33 @@
 " events bus."
 msgstr "状态变化,资源状态变化的新事件作为事件通知架构的一部分被引入。每个资源,例如用户VM,卷VM,网卡,网络,公共IP,快照以及模板,使用机器状态和常规事件被关联起来作为状态变化的一部分。这意味着,一个资源状态的变化产生了一个状态变化事件,并且该事件被公布到相应的状态事件总线。所有的  CloudStack 事件(报警,动作事件,使用事件)和 资源状态变化事件的附加条目将被公布到事件总线。"
-# c7c4a9021bb94d0d8c8806bdc797abc7
-#: ../../events.rst:68
+# 4aaf02080d184ab387923b45f39d5762
+#: ../../events.rst:71
 msgid "Use Cases"
 msgstr "使用案例"
-# 2b32e72970d74bd3b50d67a5c2b25913
-#: ../../events.rst:70
+# f7b5a1de0f014d2eabfe925d0c5c4e95
+#: ../../events.rst:73
 msgid "The following are some of the use cases:"
 msgstr "以下是一些使用场景:"
-# 785e64cd20c945e39b1fcd1248e29463
-#: ../../events.rst:74
+# 9be82bc2fe244fef9851d9adb481fdaf
+#: ../../events.rst:75
 msgid ""
 "Usage or Billing Engines: A third-party cloud usage solution can implement a"
 " plug-in that can connects to CloudStack to subscribe to CloudStack events "
 "and generate usage data. The usage data is consumed by their usage software."
 msgstr "使用率或计费引擎:第三方云使用的解决方案可以实现一个插件,它可以连接到 CloudStack 中订阅 CloudStack 中的事件并产生使用率数据。使用率数据是它们的使用的软件消耗。"
-# 697fd51abda3475fbec2bfb2cf48eeee
-#: ../../events.rst:81
+# 2585685666874f3f8795c70fe2671356
+#: ../../events.rst:80
 msgid ""
 "AMQP plug-in can place all the events on the a message queue, then a AMQP "
 "message broker can provide topic-based notification to the subscribers."
 msgstr "AMQP的插件可以存放消息队列中的所有事件,然后一个AMQP消息代理可以提供基于主题的通知订阅者。"
-# 13d4c3bf275446aca6afcc5f13b12aa3
-#: ../../events.rst:87
+# ff10e0227bc04e2f86f15c3c534b7c47
+#: ../../events.rst:84
 msgid ""
 "Publish and Subscribe notification service can be implemented as a pluggable"
 " service in CloudStack that can provide rich set of APIs for event "
@@ -125,189 +122,189 @@
 "authentication, and authorization issues."
 msgstr "AMQP的插件可以存放所有事件在一个消息队列中,然后AMQP打乱的\n发布和订阅通知服务可以作为一个可插拔的服务,在CloudStack中该服务可以为事件通知提供丰富的API集,如主题为标题的主题和通知。此外,可插拔服务可以处理多租户,认证,授权issues.age代理,并提供基于主题的订阅通知。"
-# 1aedf09c5c0b4effa9dd9117fcf5a102
-#: ../../events.rst:94
+# bdc9ac2f935c456fbd3778ddef6c91cf
+#: ../../events.rst:92
 msgid "Configuration"
 msgstr "配置"
-# 1520275479c3459fb8bb45890eae9935
-#: ../../events.rst:96
+# c2514aa04f964044bd2bd630f31b4d3f
+#: ../../events.rst:94
 msgid ""
 "As a CloudStack administrator, perform the following one-time configuration "
 "to enable event notification framework. At run time no changes can control "
 "the behaviour."
 msgstr "作为一个  CloudStack 管理员,执行下列一次性配置启用事件通知框架。在运行时不能修改控件行为。"
-# e80abe3d28594327a0464339d8818c44
-#: ../../events.rst:102
+# e94d4200515d4f15adbc52ca3bbf8c54
+#: ../../events.rst:98
 msgid "Open ``'componentContext.xml``."
 msgstr "打开 `` componentContext.xml ``."
-# 9df0be28f95041d19f82142547b7265b
-#: ../../events.rst:106
+# e2bbf37abe854d6cb8384bdd3c9d72b9
+#: ../../events.rst:100
 msgid "Define a bean named ``eventNotificationBus`` as follows:"
 msgstr "按照以下实例顶一个叫做 “ eventNotificationBus ” 的实体: "
-# e46a3a197cc74df2a9eb8e5bd57ebf52
-#: ../../events.rst:110
+# 47bce54d52714df7bafac2b6d04dd816
+#: ../../events.rst:102
 msgid "name : Specify a name for the bean."
 msgstr "名字:为实体指定一个名字。"
-# b203c95bc9f44afc81fbb8980802291e
-#: ../../events.rst:114
+# 4317cb3aa0fd4c7fa3f0e637f6cfea48
+#: ../../events.rst:104
 msgid "server : The name or the IP address of the RabbitMQ AMQP server."
 msgstr "服务器: RabbitMQ AMQP 的名字或IP地址"
-# 6e8c151c2dd847f1a2a160d97c119e86
-#: ../../events.rst:118
+# 0f6561172d38446db99181316f50e667
+#: ../../events.rst:106
 msgid "port : The port on which RabbitMQ server is running."
 msgstr "端口 : RabbitMQ服务器运行端口."
-# 42911e580f7a4f6fa5b5be87551390cb
-#: ../../events.rst:122
+# 7ff0aa3ff7af48fbbf4651a2d8e5f34d
+#: ../../events.rst:108
 msgid ""
 "username : The username associated with the account to access the RabbitMQ "
 msgstr "用户名: 用户名关联访问 RabbitMQ 服务器的账号。"
-# 887fd9bc57b548f382e1c635c3dbb8a0
-#: ../../events.rst:127
+# 7193c434eaab44eda2d7d9b2b86c675d
+#: ../../events.rst:111
 msgid ""
 "password : The password associated with the username of the account to "
 "access the RabbitMQ server."
 msgstr "密码: 密码关联访问 RabbitMQ 服务器账号的用户名。"
-# 4c518b7b80a941638553284affb8603e
-#: ../../events.rst:132
+# f765ea7d69504610a98a95fdb802fe32
+#: ../../events.rst:114
 msgid ""
 "exchange : The exchange name on the RabbitMQ server where CloudStack events "
 "are published."
 msgstr "交流:其中 CloudStack 中事件发布的 RabbitMQ 的服务器上的交流名称。"
-# f881113c3c1540c9a568b4bb01f37ff2
-#: ../../events.rst:135
+# 7ba933b1d4ec41c1a20f2cdca4275405
+#: ../../events.rst:117
 msgid "A sample bean is given below:"
 msgstr "下面给出一个实体实例:"
-# c88f66382e86471fa752a96e8c286e51
-#: ../../events.rst:148
+# 07a04a0f79804e938092a93f3180770a
+#: ../../events.rst:130
 msgid ""
 "The ``eventNotificationBus`` bean represents the "
 "```` class."
 msgstr " `` eventNotificationBus ``  表示 ` ` ``  类"
-# 3c84696f04ae4ad58c0edfe8eee24a49
-#: ../../events.rst:153
+# 83cdf82ae8c34a238d181c5bbaef30dd
+#: ../../events.rst:133
 msgid "Restart the Management Server."
 msgstr "重启管理服务器。"
-# 34f2df7b30c8489690de80ca02292b43
-#: ../../events.rst:156
+# 573b41c4def247f6981e828da7f54f82
+#: ../../events.rst:137
 msgid "Standard Events"
 msgstr "标准事件"
-# 658ab70617ca480387c4446d2df3f783
-# e43e53282a8743bc94e7a3f26dacfeed
-#: ../../events.rst:158 ../../events.rst:191
+# f503981d0a764de49d4acc01c70d6126
+# 9212f9cd71b542899ac8256d4a51026d
+#: ../../events.rst:139 ../../events.rst:161
 msgid "The events log records three types of standard events."
 msgstr "事件日志记录三种类型的标准事件"
-# 9400dae867ab48dfb95e9a05e8949fdb
-# cb299fcbd64849a7a47486675d1f6477
-#: ../../events.rst:162 ../../events.rst:195
+# fab87560ba674752808dacaf3abfc44a
+# 94b40a1c0c98456399293f6a38102385
+#: ../../events.rst:141 ../../events.rst:163
 msgid ""
 "INFO. This event is generated when an operation has been successfully "
 msgstr "通知:当一个操作被成功执行产生事件。"
-# 294607854e004c4fa685bb9760e11d2f
-# 26f912bd36f4415c9f6349109dbc880a
-#: ../../events.rst:167 ../../events.rst:200
+# 49450fc963104f569e80611ac7179829
+# 13438410decf4526b0381dc44062ba76
+#: ../../events.rst:144 ../../events.rst:166
 msgid "WARN. This event is generated in the following circumstances."
 msgstr "警告:以下状况产生该事件。"
-# 8f26ab07f1da41c5a67f35568dee82ae
-# a962175d5c794f9e88b25a995aa3fe1a
-#: ../../events.rst:171 ../../events.rst:204
+# c6197efc809f4a67baf05aa139cb10f5
+# a16599807269441f8f1799ae29968e11
+#: ../../events.rst:146 ../../events.rst:168
 msgid "When a network is disconnected while monitoring a template download."
 msgstr "监控模板下载的同时网络被断开"
-# 41d6341dfbc74296aebd0eff9602f59a
-# 9bdea7d661d140718fea5fda4ae30615
-#: ../../events.rst:176 ../../events.rst:209
+# 0e060afef9e84640b3c2da38436691e2
+# 019e604962174d4492cca7be02ad2647
+#: ../../events.rst:149 ../../events.rst:171
 msgid "When a template download is abandoned."
 msgstr "模板下载被放弃"
-# d2d6ebc19c2f42138e8698f89ee29c6f
-# 93031d47c5704fb383a9e8149b602855
-#: ../../events.rst:180 ../../events.rst:213
+# 8b3eabd5fcc0406bb83abe3863261df9
+# 19ccb6eebbc1446a8cb47056d2ad0274
+#: ../../events.rst:151 ../../events.rst:173
 msgid ""
 "When an issue on the storage server causes the volumes to fail over to the "
 "mirror storage server."
 msgstr "当存储服务器上的问题会导致卷故障转移到镜像存储服务器。"
-# 583a50a8c403401093490e43cbd95dfd
-# 52ea4911fdfe42a5af3cc9a97e48a987
-#: ../../events.rst:185 ../../events.rst:218
+# 96793fba6d294c98bd8dcde72d0d9f49
+# 0b487b0c814145438366a847c93c52d8
+#: ../../events.rst:154 ../../events.rst:176
 msgid ""
 "ERROR. This event is generated when an operation has not been successfully "
 msgstr "错误:当操作没有成功执行产生该事件"
-# 5b8500630feb40f4afb3b8f9e29a53a3
-#: ../../events.rst:189
+# b1c1824ddd304288bd0803e80d482bb9
+#: ../../events.rst:159
 msgid "Long Running Job Events"
 msgstr "长事件运行任务事件"
-# c379b57670384b0b9da909afafca7292
-#: ../../events.rst:222
+# ffb5ee0896674a62a567e634fc725510
+#: ../../events.rst:181
 msgid "Event Log Queries"
 msgstr "事件记录查询"
-# 88a9f85fb3da4603bee07701eabb7806
-#: ../../events.rst:224
+# 0c75a642e72943e0bb28642902590c9b
+#: ../../events.rst:183
 msgid ""
 "Database logs can be queried from the user interface. The list of events "
 "captured by the system includes:"
 msgstr "可以通过用户接口查询数据库日志。系统收集了以下列表事件:"
-# cd15e4ae2eca4d55b7510293e7fd2bbd
-#: ../../events.rst:229
+# fe735d1b0444472aa47e381cd00eec61
+#: ../../events.rst:186
 msgid "Virtual machine creation, deletion, and on-going management operations"
 msgstr "虚拟机创建,删除,以及持续管理操作"
-# 2df022a424dc41b699e1367171be2d50
-#: ../../events.rst:234
+# e331126149b64023bf0e7655bbcb2991
+#: ../../events.rst:189
 msgid "Virtual router creation, deletion, and on-going management operations"
 msgstr "虚拟路由器创建,删除,以及持续管理操作"
-# d36f900c99fb40fa94804d5e52af7822
-#: ../../events.rst:238
+# 33b99484fca246c48ceff95aac8b52d2
+#: ../../events.rst:191
 msgid "Template creation and deletion"
 msgstr "模板创建和删除"
-# 2e97521ac7be4b15b4892a30073bc966
-#: ../../events.rst:242
+# 7969071933104816945f05e9f3a597e3
+#: ../../events.rst:193
 msgid "Network/load balancer rules creation and deletion"
 msgstr "网络/压力 负载规则创建和删除"
-# f59bcdcfa249464a800cad1cd97cfc0f
-#: ../../events.rst:246
+# 91ecfa5192134ffeafe5043cff29432a
+#: ../../events.rst:195
 msgid "Storage volume creation and deletion"
 msgstr "存储卷创建和和删除"
-# 8bd53c90bb38449fbbadd472c0930466
-#: ../../events.rst:250
+# b0c0672f35af4003870943a16b461337
+#: ../../events.rst:197
 msgid "User login and logout"
 msgstr "用户登录注销"
-# 1e928be3f4e54e8f8b6532879b4e5f7e
-#: ../../events.rst:253
+# 57cfb09e85c842b581f3a0f38609a9c4
+#: ../../events.rst:201
 msgid "Deleting and Archiving Events and Alerts"
 msgstr "删除和归档事件警告"
-# 13275df9c48f45ccba383ca172df3874
-#: ../../events.rst:255
+# b4160055fbd946979df299cf40a75777
+#: ../../events.rst:203
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack provides you the ability to delete or archive the existing alerts"
 " and events that you no longer want to implement. You can regularly delete "
@@ -315,8 +312,8 @@
 "from the database."
 msgstr "CloudStack 提供你删除或归档那些再也不使用的现存警告和事件的能力。您可以定期删除或存档的任何那些您不能或不想从数据库来解决的警报或事件,"
-# 1371e435af2d4271b9db506b9e5c40aa
-#: ../../events.rst:260
+# 7bdab572982c4739808182e94b589c7e
+#: ../../events.rst:208
 msgid ""
 "You can delete or archive individual alerts or events either directly by "
 "using the Quickview or by using the Details page. If you want to delete "
@@ -327,88 +324,88 @@
 "You can also view the number of events or alerts archived or deleted."
 msgstr "您可以通过快速查看或详情页面直接删除或归档个别警报或事件。如果你想同时删除多个警报或事件,您可以分别使用相应的快捷菜单。您可以按类别删除某个时期的警报或事件。例如,您可以选择诸如 ** USER.LOGOUT**,** VM.DESTROY**,** VM.AG.UPDATE**,** CONFIGURATION.VALUE.EDI** 等类别,依此类推。您还可以查看事件和警报归档或删除的数量。"
-# c8695ccfaf37456c9fe6e0ec4d207a62
-#: ../../events.rst:269
+# cf46cdd4536a4a93912df2f4e88af8a1
+#: ../../events.rst:217
 msgid ""
 "In order to support the delete or archive alerts, the following global "
 "parameters have been added:"
 msgstr "为了支持删除或归档报警,增加了以下全局参数:"
-# d437d10a6c5c4d4fac98d68635980067
-#: ../../events.rst:274
+# 19ff2e090cf24d30aeacde33ec972af1
+#: ../../events.rst:220
 msgid ""
 "**alert.purge.delay**: The alerts older than specified number of days are "
 "purged. Set the value to 0 to never purge alerts automatically."
 msgstr " **alert.purge.delay** : 指定报警大于多少天被销毁。设置值为0将永不自动销毁"
-# 368c17d62d6043429befbae6871a04c0
-#: ../../events.rst:279
+# e3ccfdc51da14488bc9e44623c64d707
+#: ../../events.rst:223
 msgid ""
 "**alert.purge.interval**: The interval in seconds to wait before running the"
 " alert purge thread. The default is 86400 seconds (one day)."
 msgstr " **alert.purge.interval** : 执行销毁线程后等待间隔秒数. 默认值是86400秒 ( 1天 )."
-# 57dd9b95bbcf4bfd87ebf5cbaef78931
-#: ../../events.rst:283
+# a6eda71ad15940c2b58724ff74f97e26
+#: ../../events.rst:228
 msgid ""
 "Archived alerts or events cannot be viewed in the UI or by using the API. "
 "They are maintained in the database for auditing or compliance purposes."
 msgstr "不能同通过UI 或 API 来归档报警或者事件。它们都存放在数据库中用于升级或其他目的。"
-# ec3e8f0b43514403afc0a9e47f381c0c
-#: ../../events.rst:288
+# 7c40293965f24130896768ea8223a152
+#: ../../events.rst:234
 msgid "Permissions"
 msgstr "许可"
-# 7db5396af5d24382a51e418ced931fff
-#: ../../events.rst:290
+# e43e679e6a304ae1b78e11f56bed12b2
+#: ../../events.rst:236
 msgid "Consider the following:"
 msgstr "参考以下几点:"
-# 2814ee39c91e4c2e832d73a1a39839b5
-#: ../../events.rst:294
+# c5bd820d9a5e487b9440609da1e22551
+#: ../../events.rst:238
 msgid "The root admin can delete or archive one or multiple alerts or events."
 msgstr "root 管理 可以删除或归档一个或多个警告事件"
-# 01be1c88e97f4e9eae1e310e28045ae2
-#: ../../events.rst:299
+# 51b4fa6e53064c7088052c69d7a1b4fe
+#: ../../events.rst:241
 msgid ""
 "The domain admin or end user can delete or archive one or multiple events."
 msgstr "域关乎或终端用户可以删除或归档一个或多个警告事件"
-# 8d806f13fadd4080bae10069ad330bbc
-#: ../../events.rst:303
+# bea2b3dcb4bb41468a31793133ffeb06
+#: ../../events.rst:246
 msgid "Procedure"
 msgstr "步骤"
-# 0670181e1983452ab571f7ae6ce4d594
-#: ../../events.rst:307
+# aa16543921984837a7f59142ad2df67d
+#: ../../events.rst:248
 msgid "Log in as administrator to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr "使用管理员登录到CloudStack管理界面。"
-# 3ab15d176fec4a14a47ed28c4e81a0bc
-#: ../../events.rst:311
+# f8b2ec5bdbf749d2bf704ff20c063c89
+#: ../../events.rst:250
 msgid "In the left navigation, click Events."
 msgstr "在左侧导航栏中,点击事件。"
-# 3dfc816afe4744f1a2b5aa030c3be966
-#: ../../events.rst:315
+# 5519a86ae5b04a68b972ee88e37deffe
+#: ../../events.rst:252
 msgid "Perform either of the following:"
 msgstr "请执行下列操作之一: "
-# 3308c260b9c8454bb6109c2b36420617
-#: ../../events.rst:319
+# fd1193e3ff83466aa226d4834dea269d
+#: ../../events.rst:254
 msgid ""
 "To archive events, click Archive Events, and specify event type and date."
 msgstr "归档事件,点击 归档事件,并指定事件类型和日期。"
-# 3563bec70a3f40aa9bfd26494bda8c93
-#: ../../events.rst:324
+# abfda9e22c7f42f3a4ff488ff755e59e
+#: ../../events.rst:257
 msgid ""
 "To archive events, click Delete Events, and specify event type and date."
 msgstr "归档事件,点击  删除事件,并指定事件类型和日期。"
-# f0ab5197a41b478684c629f86f95fc12
-#: ../../events.rst:329
+# 58b630d17160410ab6757d134aa17a62
+#: ../../events.rst:260
 msgid "Click OK."
 msgstr "点击确定。"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index 913f8c4..f9a0168 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/hosts.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/hosts.po
index 4d900c2..254e584 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/hosts.po
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/hosts.po
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# renoshen <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
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+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
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 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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@@ -18,17 +17,17 @@
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-# 592d97db5d074967b8037886828bbbf7
+# d162d1d06fd7403885aaa50b51be64cf
 #: ../../hosts.rst:18
 msgid "Working with Hosts"
 msgstr "使用主机"
-# eb6157eff5a24266a1934dce1cc5c38e
+# 6c9e070451664a89a2bab7d9dcb4892e
 #: ../../hosts.rst:21
 msgid "Adding Hosts"
 msgstr "添加主机"
-# 8278623233e349e2bbe063bea7e23268
+# 0fea464db7a843f6930b135daf0f6eef
 #: ../../hosts.rst:23
 msgid ""
 "Additional hosts can be added at any time to provide more capacity for guest"
@@ -37,13 +36,13 @@
 msgstr "添加主机能为来宾VMs提供更多的性能。更多需求与说明请参阅 `“添加主机” <>`_。"
-# d13936e89f4e4d9ea480d52a5c693cab
-#: ../../hosts.rst:28
+# 8d309023c45240b78a9ddce49978e18c
+#: ../../hosts.rst:29
 msgid "Scheduled Maintenance and Maintenance Mode for Hosts"
 msgstr "主机的维护计划与维护模式"
-# c80faa4e959d4bf6a547b8898e582f71
-#: ../../hosts.rst:30
+# 7a2b019ac10a47c39de133fdc1a06f3d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:31
 msgid ""
 "You can place a host into maintenance mode. When maintenance mode is "
 "activated, the host becomes unavailable to receive new guest VMs, and the "
@@ -52,20 +51,20 @@
 "and does not interrupt the execution of the guest."
 msgstr "你可以使一台主机进入维护模式。当激活维护模式时,这台主机将不会接纳新的来宾VMs,同时上面的VMs会无缝地迁移到其他非维护模式的主机上。这个迁移使用在线迁移技术并且不会中断用户的操作。"
-# 050155d6fe2d4fe9bfb03ae737991f51
-#: ../../hosts.rst:37
+# af2fbe9bb8ff4ab29c19fbb7dc7d6a2b
+#: ../../hosts.rst:39
 msgid "vCenter and Maintenance Mode"
 msgstr "vCenter与维护模式"
-# 6e6dd514ac534a609dbba7282dd7d14e
-#: ../../hosts.rst:39
+# d2d9b481634d47499c874f1781439746
+#: ../../hosts.rst:41
 msgid ""
 "To enter maintenance mode on a vCenter host, both vCenter and CloudStack "
 "must be used in concert. CloudStack and vCenter have separate maintenance "
 "modes that work closely together."
 msgstr "要使vCenter主机进入维护模式,vCenter和CloudStack上都必须进行此操作。CloudStack和vCenter有各自的维护模式,他们需要紧密合作。"
-# 1e1a327f506545d588b5c2dac6a6be66
+# 1757e266dc494d81be5c3b51608b8507
 #: ../../hosts.rst:45
 msgid ""
 "Place the host into CloudStack's \"scheduled maintenance\" mode. This does "
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@
 "off the host"
 msgstr "在CloudStack中,将主机进入\"维护计划\"模式。这个操作不会调用vCenter的维护模式,但是会将VMs迁离该主机。"
-# 10b6ab6a7f494f5e8df3db13ccfd3af8
+# d96d3c3231d445ffbe5379d2f572a864
 #: ../../hosts.rst:49
 msgid ""
 "When the CloudStack maintenance mode is requested, the host first moves into"
@@ -84,56 +83,56 @@
 "migration is completed, the host will enter the Ready for Maintenance mode."
 msgstr "当CloudStack维护模式启用后,主机首先会进入准备维护状态。在这个阶段它不能运行新的来宾VMs。然后所有的VMs将会被迁离该主机。主机使用在线迁移来迁移VMs。这种方式能够使来宾VMs在迁移到其他主机的过程中不会中断用户的操作。"
-# 1628c924f80a4f4e9f5becf74ad3f0ee
-#: ../../hosts.rst:59
+# a0302fba3abb4768b9ea6456150d1e34
+#: ../../hosts.rst:57
 msgid "Wait for the \"Ready for Maintenance\" indicator to appear in the UI."
 msgstr "等\"准备好维护\"指示灯出现在UI中。"
-# 4adef7c4df77454e8bd00237cd21e93c
-#: ../../hosts.rst:63
+# bb2fe5471107450db78672f18f6c459b
+#: ../../hosts.rst:59
 msgid ""
 "Now use vCenter to perform whatever actions are necessary to maintain the "
 "host. During this time, the host cannot be the target of new VM allocations."
 msgstr "现在使用vCenter通过必要的步骤将主机进入维护模式。在此期间,主机不会运行新的VM。"
-# 7d67902696d54dba85c98361d7218cc4
-#: ../../hosts.rst:69
+# 465e081898184a07a0da7751a1b9540b
+#: ../../hosts.rst:63
 msgid ""
 "When the maintenance tasks are complete, take the host out of maintenance "
 "mode as follows:"
 msgstr "当维护任务完成之后,按以下操作将主机退出维护模式:"
-# a3f38b02fdc24e5e9b3c51227bb08fd7
-#: ../../hosts.rst:74
+# d513b1610d3f4e3c94c36672598225ef
+#: ../../hosts.rst:66
 msgid "First use vCenter to exit the vCenter maintenance mode."
 msgstr "首先通过vCenter退出vCenter维护模式。"
-# d4f34ccb4d9b4a1bb09958fa5cf4de5e
-#: ../../hosts.rst:76
+# 20604374352a49e78c96fc359907798b
+#: ../../hosts.rst:68
 msgid "This makes the host ready for CloudStack to reactivate it."
 msgstr "这么做是为了主机能够准备好以便CloudStack恢复它。"
-# fc22d153282549d19896184eb37b2090
-#: ../../hosts.rst:80
+# 268a4bfa21584498b9c29213e959d532
+#: ../../hosts.rst:70
 msgid ""
 "Then use CloudStack's administrator UI to cancel the CloudStack maintenance "
 msgstr "然后通过CloudStack的管理员UI来取消CloudStack维护模式"
-# ce24285fd2e84a2d8e071223d9f7aa23
-#: ../../hosts.rst:83
+# 473e00df4c58462d9df612fdba5c4996
+#: ../../hosts.rst:73
 msgid ""
 "When the host comes back online, the VMs that were migrated off of it may be"
 " migrated back to it manually and new VMs can be added."
 msgstr "当主机恢复正常,被迁移走的VMs可能需要手工迁移回来并且也能在主机上添加新的VMs了。"
-# 1be609d82bc7437ab1f435f587dee885
-#: ../../hosts.rst:87
+# 8026febd757948bdb38b4f85cbd4c425
+#: ../../hosts.rst:78
 msgid "XenServer and Maintenance Mode"
 msgstr "XenServer和维护模式"
-# 4801359e1b504036a523926cb3083fcf
-#: ../../hosts.rst:89
+# 38555be75efd4fed91c3479a883493d1
+#: ../../hosts.rst:80
 msgid ""
 "For XenServer, you can take a server offline temporarily by using the "
 "Maintenance Mode feature in XenCenter. When you place a server into "
@@ -143,67 +142,67 @@
 "Mode, you cannot create or start any VMs on it."
 msgstr "对于XenServer,你能够通过使用XenCenter中的维护模式功能将一台服务器临时的离线。当你使一台服务器进入维护模式,所有运行的VMs都会自动的迁移到同一个池中的其他主机上。如果此服务器是池master主机,那么此池会选举一个新的master主机。当一台服务器在维护模式下时,你不能在上面创建或启动任何VMs。"
-# 4a08aa70600a434a8cf5feeb551dd509
-#: ../../hosts.rst:96
+# 456e5e6e17bf41909c0b487227d097cd
+#: ../../hosts.rst:87
 msgid "**To place a server in Maintenance Mode:**"
 msgstr "**使一台服务器进入维护模式:**"
-# f29fecea7fd547a4ac456396de215514
-# e5801557c9ac4721b34dd0390e57621f
-#: ../../hosts.rst:100 ../../hosts.rst:123
+# 5de27d0060754518bf21cd3ed27ed05a
+# 568c45e59b4f4b2294d24752311a5022
+#: ../../hosts.rst:89 ../../hosts.rst:104
 msgid ""
 "In the Resources pane, select the server, then do one of the following:"
 msgstr "在资源面板,选择服务器,然后按下列步骤进行操作:"
-# 1c753ac55dcb457ca6a65e85506faea1
-#: ../../hosts.rst:105
+# a31b8242b89b4b24a48e8d242ed46718
+#: ../../hosts.rst:92
 msgid "Right-click, then click Enter Maintenance Mode on the shortcut menu."
 msgstr "右击,然后在弹出的快捷菜单中点击进入维护模式。"
-# 457c53ac36f14ed5a1f83bc59f41713a
-#: ../../hosts.rst:110
+# 1e90893580c44442be56fd686ba4aab4
+#: ../../hosts.rst:95
 msgid "On the Server menu, click Enter Maintenance Mode."
 msgstr "在服务器菜单,点击进入维护模式。"
-# 8870ed34b2dc4486ac8f411a890d72c4
-#: ../../hosts.rst:114
+# 95cf013b55004f2486b693b9a9bdb52d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:97
 msgid "Click Enter Maintenance Mode."
 msgstr "点击进入维护模式。"
-# 2433c930578741a1909765bc2bade385
-#: ../../hosts.rst:116
+# e9120c5408d94ba89b65157b49de36ae
+#: ../../hosts.rst:99
 msgid ""
 "The server's status in the Resources pane shows when all running VMs have "
 "been successfully migrated off the server."
 msgstr "当所有运行当中的VMs成功的迁离该主机后,在资源面板中会显示服务器的状态。"
-# 42be08f037604e5a9f47001de252d369
-#: ../../hosts.rst:119
+# c8ae2b6b96814aa8a04dc2ceebbacabb
+#: ../../hosts.rst:102
 msgid "**To take a server out of Maintenance Mode:**"
 msgstr "**使服务器退出维护模式:**"
-# f57ec4b8d883455d81686a1fd40f6160
-#: ../../hosts.rst:128
+# ae539b7f53ce42e8b161a38c897302a8
+#: ../../hosts.rst:107
 msgid "Right-click, then click Exit Maintenance Mode on the shortcut menu."
 msgstr "右击,然后在弹出的快捷菜单中点击退出维护模式。"
-# 7d8e71c7ffbc4d71a75266dfba6b84df
-#: ../../hosts.rst:133
+# ee115cfaf80446f49c0e9fae828c783e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:110
 msgid "On the Server menu, click Exit Maintenance Mode."
 msgstr "在服务器菜单,点击提出维护模式。"
-# 8d0f538994db4767b7f9417b1cb41871
-#: ../../hosts.rst:137
+# 7edbfea17cdb4c4a85766a3d46ccf8da
+#: ../../hosts.rst:112
 msgid "Click Exit Maintenance Mode."
 msgstr "点击退出维护模式。"
-# bd837a82be2c48858847657c7b3cfdaa
-#: ../../hosts.rst:140
+# e6edc76480294c5faf6518aaf5f6aacb
+#: ../../hosts.rst:116
 msgid "Disabling and Enabling Zones, Pods, and Clusters"
 msgstr "禁用和启用Zones,Pods和Clusters"
-# 3aea5f5c94fc4404a3d7c5f194da767d
-#: ../../hosts.rst:142
+# 144624e6273f4b5c94ed3f88c8fc95e3
+#: ../../hosts.rst:118
 msgid ""
 "You can enable or disable a zone, pod, or cluster without permanently "
 "removing it from the cloud. This is useful for maintenance or when there are"
@@ -213,121 +212,121 @@
 " the cloud, it is Disabled by default."
 msgstr "你可以启用或禁用一个zone,pod或者cluster而不用永久的从云中移除他们。这对于维护或者当云中一部分架构的可靠性有问题的时候很有用。禁用状态下的zone,pod或cluster不会接受新的分配,除非其状态变为启用。当一个zone,pod或cluster是初次添加到云中的,默认的情况下它是禁用的。"
-# a9c8925bb2d04ecc9962de6fd0fbc1fd
-#: ../../hosts.rst:149
+# 9fbfab10c6be45a3bd2f6c231c6737bb
+#: ../../hosts.rst:125
 msgid "To disable and enable a zone, pod, or cluster:"
 msgstr "要禁用和启用一个zone,pod或者cluster:"
-# 32c0489f474c4fecb77b83336097e9db
-#: ../../hosts.rst:153
+# 71e22a46ce644865b910006aaa048a8d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:127
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator"
 msgstr "使用管理员权限的账号登录到CloudStack"
-# 6b89d161130140ffbf2ccaee055008a3
-# 2f4cd598e62c47168a2ed22c6bec7674
-#: ../../hosts.rst:157 ../../hosts.rst:447
+# 50c0cd124fa643fdbbc561152e0dbabf
+# e16a19456eb441b4ab3cf57ec846a391
+#: ../../hosts.rst:129 ../../hosts.rst:404
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure."
 msgstr "在左侧导航栏中,点击基础架构"
-# 5ce0a640f1954756b46305873f389ad9
-#: ../../hosts.rst:161
+# 11fd25d319484ab2b87f09c842be5134
+#: ../../hosts.rst:131
 msgid "In Zones, click View More."
 msgstr "点击区域中的查看更多。"
-# 3d333ceeab284ce5ad02f60c1fa67471
-#: ../../hosts.rst:165
+# c9caf60acf104601bc0f0f946d22b0c5
+#: ../../hosts.rst:133
 msgid ""
 "If you are disabling or enabling a zone, find the name of the zone in the "
 "list, and click the Enable/Disable button. |enable-disable.png|"
 msgstr "如果你要禁用或启用一个zone,请在列表里找到zone的名称,然后点击启用/禁用按钮。|enable-disable.png|"
-# 0a4cfd78743b4e2c83066e46ce8464f8
-#: ../../hosts.rst:170
+# 222f496a2d1e456589a79442f4ed34a5
+#: ../../hosts.rst:136
 msgid ""
 "If you are disabling or enabling a pod or cluster, click the name of the "
 "zone that contains the pod or cluster."
 msgstr "如果你要禁用或启用一个pod或者cluster,点击包含该pod或cluster的zone名称。"
-# 0dc7b10cd00b48c1a2c77859a0cd940a
-#: ../../hosts.rst:175
+# 8de91492f6c848dca361c3822956148a
+#: ../../hosts.rst:139
 msgid "Click the Compute tab."
 msgstr "点击计算这个标签。"
-# c7daddfdce6e4da6bb743f31b20c08df
-#: ../../hosts.rst:179
+# 260854995dc747e8b0224b78525f9646
+#: ../../hosts.rst:141
 msgid "In the Pods or Clusters node of the diagram, click View All."
 msgstr "在示意图中的Pods或者Clusters节点,点击查看所有。"
-# 35005e277f71455ca42dd6d65bf92a77
-#: ../../hosts.rst:183
+# 5496ff56c1c74d689c2d2453c38b4708
+#: ../../hosts.rst:143
 msgid "Click the pod or cluster name in the list."
 msgstr "点击列表中的pod或者cluster名称。"
-# e96437e7b142420f990a2c0717d1e472
-#: ../../hosts.rst:187
+# 893e62d5abbf47a38a0dd2c1a53d6a5a
+#: ../../hosts.rst:145
 msgid "Click the Enable/Disable button. |enable-disable.png|"
 msgstr "点击启用/禁用按钮。|enable-disable.png|"
-# 5ab36fe8716644fa8a74b1315198f7d3
-#: ../../hosts.rst:190
+# 8f3d3ce8e0c64e67aea7a02d485fb245
+#: ../../hosts.rst:149
 msgid "Removing Hosts"
 msgstr "移除主机"
-# 2915247620714f17b21f9124f39d894e
-#: ../../hosts.rst:192
+# 984b62f5ee574b5fa2921a9c51086739
+#: ../../hosts.rst:151
 msgid ""
 "Hosts can be removed from the cloud as needed. The procedure to remove a "
 "host depends on the hypervisor type."
 msgstr "主机在需要的时候可以被移除。这个过程取决于主机所使用的hypervisor类型。"
-# 04254d2838064c639d5331ae3ffc4753
-#: ../../hosts.rst:196
+# 65240cc22f554f09bdc03200b95bd05d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:156
 msgid "Removing XenServer and KVM Hosts"
 msgstr "移除XenServer和KVM主机"
-# eccc01ddbac946f9800dccea47e31ba9
-#: ../../hosts.rst:198
+# 879cec7da3564798aa9e0d864809678d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:158
 msgid ""
 "A node cannot be removed from a cluster until it has been placed in "
 "maintenance mode. This will ensure that all of the VMs on it have been "
 "migrated to other Hosts. To remove a Host from the cloud:"
 msgstr "cluster中的主机只有进入维护模式才能被移除。这么做是为了确保其上所有的VMs被迁移至其他主机。要从云中移除一个主机:"
-# 82565e09d51041738069677fb128372d
-#: ../../hosts.rst:204
+# 7b965bf8884a4bcba98b12aab945722c
+#: ../../hosts.rst:162
 msgid "Place the node in maintenance mode."
 msgstr "将主机进入维护模式。"
-# dd04ef23348a42fc815ff0a376123868
-#: ../../hosts.rst:206
+# 1301a77070374e238eb438818854da08
+#: ../../hosts.rst:164
 msgid ""
 "See `“Scheduled Maintenance and Maintenance Mode for Hosts” <#scheduled-"
 msgstr "请参考`“主机的维护计划与维护模式” <#scheduled-maintenance-and-maintenance-mode-for-hosts>`_."
-# fed544dd8c474c2581684a87c9dae984
-#: ../../hosts.rst:211
+# 6cb63d9356e643f1b3e032a8056a89ee
+#: ../../hosts.rst:167
 msgid "For KVM, stop the cloud-agent service."
 msgstr "对于KVM,停止cloud-agent服务。"
-# 1f7547325d9a4881a6768dd009061aae
-#: ../../hosts.rst:215
+# 3a90c7e2a9224f36b01d73a1df4cd39c
+#: ../../hosts.rst:169
 msgid "Use the UI option to remove the node."
 msgstr "使用UI选项来移除主机。"
-# f00eeb5fdaae4a9cbd1e36d610e270ac
-#: ../../hosts.rst:217
+# 400a182ceace4cef87ffe6c731ea45cd
+#: ../../hosts.rst:171
 msgid ""
 "Then you may power down the Host, re-use its IP address, re-install it, etc"
 msgstr "然后你可以关掉主机,重用它的IP地址,重新安装系统,等等。"
-# ae67d2137019437192ee7fbe0d451012
-#: ../../hosts.rst:221
+# b9297a05564a41f8aa6995f8f1e2265a
+#: ../../hosts.rst:176
 msgid "Removing vSphere Hosts"
 msgstr "移除vSphere主机"
-# b5b44fe095f645ed89753427c54c129e
-#: ../../hosts.rst:223
+# c32ebbedc8304707ab76b57248d80fee
+#: ../../hosts.rst:178
 msgid ""
 "To remove this type of host, first place it in maintenance mode, as "
 "described in `“Scheduled Maintenance and Maintenance Mode for Hosts” "
@@ -337,26 +336,26 @@
 "in the vCenter cluster."
 msgstr "要移除此类型的主机,首先按照 `“主机的维护计划与维护模式” <#scheduled-maintenance-and-maintenance-mode-for-hosts>`_中的描述将其进入维护模式。然后使用CloudStack来移除主机。使用CloudStack移除主机时,CloudStack不会直接操作主机。但是,主机可能仍然存留在vCenter群集中。"
-# 2634c1aab86c49d6847a1cb6b9ca885d
-#: ../../hosts.rst:231
+# dd4d1c612fb44dc195061dd566beec5e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:187
 msgid "Re-Installing Hosts"
 msgstr "重新安装主机"
-# 4a42ccaecda646bca2ac6ac89016ca33
-#: ../../hosts.rst:233
+# 0ee9288a566b4631b2e8f680cfbe5b47
+#: ../../hosts.rst:189
 msgid ""
 "You can re-install a host after placing it in maintenance mode and then "
 "removing it. If a host is down and cannot be placed in maintenance mode, it "
 "should still be removed before the re-install."
 msgstr "你可以在将主机进入维护模式并移除它之后重新安装系统。如果主机是宕机状态而不能进入维护模式,在重装它之前仍然能被移除。"
-# 65deb360368a4ef6aeac7a84cfe5c1ab
-#: ../../hosts.rst:238
+# c85fb73c99e34c10b3289143d58b305b
+#: ../../hosts.rst:195
 msgid "Maintaining Hypervisors on Hosts"
 msgstr "在主机上维护Hypervisors"
-# b927785c512c4eb79d94c141907bf453
-#: ../../hosts.rst:240
+# af548f5aa95e4755a881574a77d625fd
+#: ../../hosts.rst:197
 msgid ""
 "When running hypervisor software on hosts, be sure all the hotfixes provided"
 " by the hypervisor vendor are applied. Track the release of hypervisor "
@@ -368,53 +367,53 @@
 "to date with patches."
 msgstr "当主机上运行了hypervisor软件,请确保安装了供应商提供的所有修补程序。请通过供应商跟踪虚拟化平台的补丁发布情况,一旦发布,请尽快打上补丁。CloudStack不会跟踪或通知您所需要的虚拟化平台补丁。您的主机及时打上最新虚拟化平台补丁是非常重要的。虚拟化平台厂商很可能会拒绝支持未打最新补丁的系统。"
-# 6e001d3995a4461a98eb2c84399f8040
-#: ../../hosts.rst:250
+# fb13ff2e1e1c478e8ee99dbb7a71c69d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:207
 msgid ""
 "The lack of up-do-date hotfixes can lead to data corruption and lost VMs."
-msgstr "没有最新的修补程序可能会导致数据出错或虚拟机丢失。"
+msgstr "缺乏最新补丁更新可能会导致数据和虚拟机丢失。"
-# 24e34948fedb4eebaaa0b332c6b3ea55
-#: ../../hosts.rst:252
+# 0132d3f953a446e7af2712c1f7f204d9
+#: ../../hosts.rst:209
 msgid ""
 "(XenServer) For more information, see `Highly Recommended Hotfixes for "
 "XenServer in the CloudStack Knowledge Base "
 msgstr "(XenServer)更多信息,请参考`CloudStack知识库中高度推荐的XenServer修补程序 <>`_."
-# e291026e0bcb4fc19c5f5ec67fb27962
-#: ../../hosts.rst:255
+# a2b8576f632f48e8b6556fe7958a2b4e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:215
 msgid "Changing Host Password"
 msgstr "更改主机密码"
-# a2ecdc3bf4ea4777a754dbf829ae95cf
-#: ../../hosts.rst:257
+# 026b9758a8234d5d82e1fd3c20d9f9d6
+#: ../../hosts.rst:217
 msgid ""
 "The password for a XenServer Node, KVM Node, or vSphere Node may be changed "
 "in the database. Note that all Nodes in a Cluster must have the same "
 msgstr "数据库中的XenServer主机,KVM主机或者vShpere主机密码可能会被变更。注意群集中的所有节点密码必须一致。"
-# 932a8d5023a3408bb325bb9976e78c9f
-#: ../../hosts.rst:261
+# d662651348254d968559ee61ec677c9d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:221
 msgid "To change a Node's password:"
 msgstr "用户名和密码要更改一台主机的密码:"
-# 02c81a7d530c40cfa1a6acfbdd7d7db5
-#: ../../hosts.rst:265
+# eac8c72d0110440e8d47f458d4dfa691
+#: ../../hosts.rst:223
 msgid "Identify all hosts in the cluster."
 msgstr "让群集中所有的主机状态保持一致。"
-# 5493aaf270c04495a774d707812f6b71
-#: ../../hosts.rst:269
+# 6c429aa99fc44f4e85ed4eda61090335
+#: ../../hosts.rst:225
 msgid ""
 "Change the password on all hosts in the cluster. Now the password for the "
 "host and the password known to CloudStack will not match. Operations on the "
 "cluster will fail until the two passwords match."
 msgstr "更改群集中所有主机的密码。此刻主机上的密码与CloudStack已知的密码不一致。两个密码不一致的话会导致群集上的操作失败。"
-# 5a61d0b0dad244d5943f0f9a28393c34
-#: ../../hosts.rst:275
+# bd29f4605f0b40a9822294fd0cba68e4
+#: ../../hosts.rst:229
 msgid ""
 "Get the list of host IDs for the host in the cluster where you are changing "
 "the password. You will need to access the database to determine these host "
@@ -422,31 +421,31 @@
 "password for, execute:"
 msgstr "获取群集中你更改了密码的主机ID列表。你必须访问数据库来获取这些ID。为每个你要更改密码的主机名(或者vSphere群集) \"h\",执行:"
-# 6581ccaebb344383ac2fc40ddd20df3a
-#: ../../hosts.rst:286
+# ae93d4bde54f48ef9b96126a36220883
+#: ../../hosts.rst:238
 msgid ""
 "This should return a single ID. Record the set of such IDs for these hosts."
 msgstr "这条命令将会返回一个ID。记录这些主机的ID。"
-# 081546910b424a93a45df2dee1cc04ca
-#: ../../hosts.rst:291
+# 6e33a985c6204813a3beec13959e029a
+#: ../../hosts.rst:241
 msgid ""
 "Update the passwords for the host in the database. In this example, we "
 "change the passwords for hosts with IDs 5, 10, and 12 to \"password\"."
 msgstr "在数据库中为这些主机更新密码。在这个例子中,我们将主机ID为5,10和12的密码更改为\"password\"。"
-# 08354d3af75c417c8f3bb81415fabd09
-#: ../../hosts.rst:300
+# 36d8dc7ed9b3447a819222bfb445bd10
+#: ../../hosts.rst:251
 msgid "Over-Provisioning and Service Offering Limits"
 msgstr "超配和服务方案限制"
-# a3bafa57323548dd9a6431f678eee017
-#: ../../hosts.rst:302
+# 3e5ec1fcb0cf49fda1383c022d23de87
+#: ../../hosts.rst:253
 msgid "(Supported for XenServer, KVM, and VMware)"
 msgstr "(支持XenServer、KVM和VMware)"
-# 0b69ea7e552248b1be401f196dfbb5d3
-#: ../../hosts.rst:304
+# 3633dc63fade45ad8b1bc222bb9ad425
+#: ../../hosts.rst:255
 msgid ""
 "CPU and memory (RAM) over-provisioning factors can be set for each cluster "
 "to change the number of VMs that can run on each host in the cluster. This "
@@ -455,8 +454,8 @@
 "over-provisioning is done."
 msgstr "CPU和内存(RAM)超配直接影响每个群集中主机上可以运行的VMs数量。这样可以帮助优化资源的使用。依靠增加超配比率,能使使资源更充分的被利用。如果比率设为1,那么表示没有使用超配。"
-# e80bfc39f5a24aec99fa634cef445579
-#: ../../hosts.rst:310
+# 43467fc7868049cab2d4374ff0094af1
+#: ../../hosts.rst:261
 msgid ""
 "The administrator can also set global default over-provisioning ratios in "
 "the cpu.overprovisioning.factor and mem.overprovisioning.factor global "
@@ -464,39 +463,39 @@
 "provisioning is turned off by default."
 msgstr "管理员也可以在cpu.overprovisioning.factor和mem.overprovisioning.factor这两个全局配置变量中设置全局默认超配比率。默认的值是1:默认情况下超配是关闭的。"
-# 22e46dfef84e43f088ea1c9ba56b012b
-#: ../../hosts.rst:315
+# 253e39db71ed47619ec617fb7a5397ac
+#: ../../hosts.rst:266
 msgid ""
 "Over-provisioning ratios are dynamically substituted in CloudStack's "
 "capacity calculations. For example:"
 msgstr "超配比率是由CloudStack的容量计算器动态调整的。比如:"
-# aeb35836bd204db3878f47e711625690
-#: ../../hosts.rst:318
+# 48cbfebf2e804785ba7f9631cb010778
+#: ../../hosts.rst:269
 msgid ""
 "Capacity = 2 GB Over-provisioning factor = 2 Capacity after over-"
 "provisioning = 4 GB"
 msgstr "容量=2GB 超配系数=2 超配后容量=4GB"
-# fb3b9278bc9d46c7a2c77e1f574c1151
-#: ../../hosts.rst:322
+# af111e47b7cc4e53825770d523defc61
+#: ../../hosts.rst:273
 msgid "With this configuration, suppose you deploy 3 VMs of 1 GB each:"
 msgstr "按照这个配置,假设你部署了3个VMs,每个VM 1GB:"
-# 9feabccde7a04110b98c75d65bdfb257
-#: ../../hosts.rst:324
+# 851386252faa45d69618b89e2ff7ba8e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:275
 msgid "Used = 3 GB Free = 1 GB"
 msgstr "已使用=3GB  空闲=1GB"
-# 5fb90dd3e25942db89cf99b12028bc9f
-#: ../../hosts.rst:327
+# fdd299fb9bed44d696ed49d97cd8779d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:278
 msgid ""
 "The administrator can specify a memory over-provisioning ratio, and can "
 "specify both CPU and memory over-provisioning ratios on a per-cluster basis."
 msgstr "管理员可以在每个群集中指定一个内存超配比率,也可以同时指定CPU和内存超配比率。"
-# 116d6bee32f044cbbd7e4da1d643e5b7
-#: ../../hosts.rst:331
+# 13239c1da0164d2e88a9275d8083e8aa
+#: ../../hosts.rst:282
 msgid ""
 "In any given cloud, the optimum number of VMs for each host is affected by "
 "such things as the hypervisor, storage, and hardware configuration. These "
@@ -508,8 +507,8 @@
 "algorithm decides to place a VM."
 msgstr "在任何已有的云中,hypervisor、存储和硬件配置影响每个主机上VMs最佳数量。同一个云中的每个群集的这些配置可能都不同。单一的全局超配设置不能为云中所有的群集提供最佳效果。它只能作为一个基线。无论CloudStack使用哪种算法来放置一个VM,每个群集都提供了细颗粒度的设置以提供更好的资源效果。"
-# 52d81b5edf1e4675934e117fe3f7e39b
-#: ../../hosts.rst:340
+# 14bb9814011f4bb6972aeb18939b2e6c
+#: ../../hosts.rst:291
 msgid ""
 "The overprovisioning settings can be used along with dedicated resources "
 "(assigning a specific cluster to an account) to effectively offer different "
@@ -519,8 +518,8 @@
 "cluster with a ratio of 2."
 msgstr "超配设置和专用资源(对一个账号分配一个特定的群集)一起使用时能对不同用户有效的提供的不同服务级别。比如,一个账号购买了比较高级别的服务,那么分配给他一个超配比率为1的专用群集,购买低级别服务的账号分配一个比率为2的群集。"
-# c36163afa88548cfba86a4569c955329
-#: ../../hosts.rst:347
+# a04ae50db280409bacc1c0752456eb1b
+#: ../../hosts.rst:298
 msgid ""
 "When a new host is added to a cluster, CloudStack will assume the host has "
 "the capability to perform the CPU and RAM over-provisioning which is "
@@ -529,21 +528,21 @@
 msgstr "当一个新主机被添加到群集中,CloudStack假设配置了超配的群集中的主机能够提供CPU和RAM的超配能力。这个要靠管理员来决定主机是否真的能够提供设置的超配级别。"
-# edc95af891bf48bf9348b06cd982309c
-#: ../../hosts.rst:354
+# bc9d355b0e014b5ab9fd367c9e80ab24
+#: ../../hosts.rst:306
 msgid "Limitations on Over-Provisioning in XenServer and KVM"
 msgstr "XenServer和KVM中超配的局限性"
-# cc00f5f645f64e0697ca6ebdd96d0def
-# fa75f18b499847fd8e2399cb4259df55
-#: ../../hosts.rst:358 ../../hosts.rst:465
+# c556b8018bbd4fee9f244adf40b4f51d
+# 536dc98cafb74355b90a4bea9be01f99
+#: ../../hosts.rst:308 ../../hosts.rst:416
 msgid ""
 "In XenServer, due to a constraint of this hypervisor, you can not use an "
 "over-provisioning factor greater than 4."
 msgstr "在XenServer中,由于这个hypervisor的限制,超配系数不能超过4。"
-# 0a8e4b3712eb41eb98132d75c64a88a7
-#: ../../hosts.rst:363
+# a9dd662370ca407596ca9fa0b313a3af
+#: ../../hosts.rst:311
 msgid ""
 "The KVM hypervisor can not manage memory allocation to VMs dynamically. "
 "CloudStack sets the minimum and maximum amount of memory that a VM can use. "
@@ -551,13 +550,13 @@
 msgstr "KVM hypervisor不能动态的管理分配给VMs的内存。CloudStack设置VM能够使用的内存最小和最大量。Hypervisor基于存储器争用技术在设定范围内调整内存。"
-# f2fe7c9bf6004d17af2fc11f9e60bcb5
-#: ../../hosts.rst:369
+# 4eb1b9a8ad484a8fa8cb381ce6b52eb2
+#: ../../hosts.rst:318
 msgid "Requirements for Over-Provisioning"
 msgstr "存储超配的要求"
-# bee683fe8af6414ba2ce5829f1cce894
-#: ../../hosts.rst:371
+# b5394f77c74e479980f2f996e9f81251
+#: ../../hosts.rst:320
 msgid ""
 "Several prerequisites are required in order for over-provisioning to "
 "function properly. The feature is dependent on the OS type, hypervisor "
@@ -565,92 +564,92 @@
 "to ensure that these requirements are met."
 msgstr "为了让超配能够正常工作需要几个前提条件。此特性取决于OS类型,hypervisor功能和特定的脚本。管理员负责确认这些条件都符合。"
-# ac320e5915bc4d5e92bae95824019630
-#: ../../hosts.rst:377
+# 4fc500a083b4403998ada5877b9d0de0
+#: ../../hosts.rst:327
 msgid "Balloon Driver"
 msgstr "Balloon驱动"
-# 90096ecdf9dd4377bedd8eacc44a5805
-#: ../../hosts.rst:379
+# 9e1eb0f5b30a4a9cbebcf773c16bf440
+#: ../../hosts.rst:329
 msgid ""
 "All VMs should have a balloon driver installed in them. The hypervisor "
 "communicates with the balloon driver to free up and make the memory "
 "available to a VM."
 msgstr "所有VMs中都安装了balloon驱动。Hypervisor靠balloon驱动与VM通讯以释放内存和让内存变得可用。"
-# 3a85924afec74d44a1d3d84552e06e8f
-# 8cce762b3d4c48b5aaa49bca9049a7b8
-#: ../../hosts.rst:384 ../../hosts.rst:410
+# 588dfd76655d44b999fcc554493271ee
+# 876a75ef59a549349b25f46f2f3fc8bf
+#: ../../hosts.rst:335 ../../hosts.rst:365
 msgid "XenServer"
 msgstr "XenServer"
-# 2bce40c454304c82b26a1b0275e7d257
-#: ../../hosts.rst:386
+# cc2308bc95464b93a3dc5631c6edb411
+#: ../../hosts.rst:337
 msgid ""
 "The balloon driver can be found as a part of xen pv or PVHVM drivers. The "
 "xen pvhvm drivers are included in upstream linux kernels 2.6.36+."
 msgstr "Balloon驱动是Xen pv或者PVHVM驱动的一部分。Linux kernels 2.6.36和以上版本中包含了Xen pvhvm驱动。"
-# 9514bde1f9244064beacff1f13d21855
-#: ../../hosts.rst:390
+# db7f94775ac3401c8e7da496601ce4d7
+#: ../../hosts.rst:342
 msgid "VMware"
 msgstr "VMware"
-# 1721067bf51441578864874e46fb712f
-#: ../../hosts.rst:392
+# db5f8890af6c435aa86e4c6106f0d83e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:344
 msgid ""
 "The balloon driver can be found as a part of the VMware tools. All the VMs "
 "that are deployed in a over-provisioned cluster should have the VMware tools"
 " installed."
 msgstr "Balloon驱动是VMware tools的一部分。在一台超配群集中部署的所有的VMs都应该安装VMware tools。"
-# fdfc3291197e40cbb6918abad409e86f
-#: ../../hosts.rst:397
+# e051f09fe032421881651a264ec5562c
+#: ../../hosts.rst:350
 msgid "KVM"
 msgstr "KVM"
-# 393102255c6a4f449aa9100faef98786
-#: ../../hosts.rst:399
+# 9c51a6068b774e919cd552b525963bef
+#: ../../hosts.rst:352
 msgid ""
 "All VMs are required to support the virtio drivers. These drivers are "
 "installed in all Linux kernel versions 2.6.25 and greater. The administrator"
 " must set CONFIG\\_VIRTIO\\_BALLOON=y in the virtio configuration."
 msgstr "所有VMs都需要支持virtio驱动。Linux kernel versions 2.6.25和更高版本中已经安装了这些驱动。管理员必须在virtio的配置文件中配置CONFIG\\_VIRTIO\\_BALLOON=y。"
-# 02e47b485a7e4c9792ff13a65325ff98
-#: ../../hosts.rst:405
+# c8150c4e5af743bd8897bbd116c538d7
+#: ../../hosts.rst:359
 msgid "Hypervisor capabilities"
 msgstr "Hypervisor功能"
-# 24056966cd1e43f4b55061b3d1952313
-#: ../../hosts.rst:407
+# efc1f0769cdf44d0aee285aed27c7e0f
+#: ../../hosts.rst:361
 msgid "The hypervisor must be capable of using the memory ballooning."
 msgstr "Hypervisor必须能够使用内存ballooning。"
-# cbb4ca754be34de8ac7f1de22df461b5
-#: ../../hosts.rst:412
+# 8b282cb5f7914088be3b38b87b604492
+#: ../../hosts.rst:367
 msgid ""
 "The DMC (Dynamic Memory Control) capability of the hypervisor should be "
 "enabled. Only XenServer Advanced and above versions have this feature."
 msgstr "Hypervisor必须启用了DMC(动态内存控制)功能。只有XenServer高级版以及更高版本拥有这个功能。"
-# 134f00ef1ff74950a8dff3d90e185df3
-#: ../../hosts.rst:416
+# 11e7b221209c4b97ab044dbbb6c53b0e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:372
 msgid "VMware, KVM"
 msgstr "VMware、KVM"
-# cbf853d94adb42db8f9447bcc6c094b4
-#: ../../hosts.rst:418
+# c289bebec04c474c9497ce81216e04f1
+#: ../../hosts.rst:374
 msgid "Memory ballooning is supported by default."
 msgstr "默认支持内存ballooning。"
-# fe751eb8be7f47c4ac053e41b99a0c3f
-#: ../../hosts.rst:421
+# fd73c49bd922450fb7a771ebb8586d6d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:378
 msgid "Setting Over-Provisioning Ratios"
 msgstr "设置存储超配系数"
-# 362d1a967cde49bd8c050e25ce11a418
-#: ../../hosts.rst:423
+# 7d8bbd43174f499a98270e1aad9301bd
+#: ../../hosts.rst:380
 msgid ""
 "There are two ways the root admin can set CPU and RAM over-provisioning "
 "ratios. First, the global configuration settings cpu.overprovisioning.factor"
@@ -658,8 +657,8 @@
 "created. Later, the ratios can be modified for an existing cluster."
 msgstr "管理员有两种方法来设置CPU和RAM超配系数。第一,当新的群集被创建完成的时候全局配置中的cpu.overprovisioning.factor和mem.overprovisioning.factor将生效。第二,对于已存在的群集可以直接修改系数。  "
-# 1f116a42dfc04347bf2fbc30976a7fe1
-#: ../../hosts.rst:429
+# 6930197d999a4c1bb3e8bca13bb10c00
+#: ../../hosts.rst:386
 msgid ""
 "Only VMs deployed after the change are affected by the new setting. If you "
 "want VMs deployed before the change to adopt the new over-provisioning "
@@ -669,8 +668,8 @@
 "the amount of free capacity."
 msgstr "只有在变更之后部署VMs,设置才会生效。如果想让变更之前部署的VMs也能继承新的超配比率,你必须重启VMs。当此操作完成之后,CloudStack会重新计算或者调整已使用的资源,并且基于新的超配比率预留出容量,以保证CloudStack正确的掌握了剩余容量的情况。"
-# 93a9d4a11ea3467bab17fb3f4cd0dad6
-#: ../../hosts.rst:437
+# fe4660151e234650980661b9975d4c77
+#: ../../hosts.rst:394
 msgid ""
 "It is safer not to deploy additional new VMs while the capacity "
 "recalculation is underway, in case the new values for available capacity are"
@@ -679,28 +678,28 @@
 "the new VMs you want."
 msgstr "如果新的可用容量不足以满足新的VMs需求,那么当重新计算容量的过程中不去部署新的VMs是比较安全的。等新的已用/可用容量完全可用时,确认这空间对于你想创建的VMs足够用。"
-# e0366b1e2fa54380bcd721e1a380fc53
-#: ../../hosts.rst:439
+# 443b0ee66d0b40bdad6e11ac6c4eb123
+#: ../../hosts.rst:400
 msgid "To change the over-provisioning ratios for an existing cluster:"
 msgstr "在已存在的群集中更改超配系数:"
-# 7ffed21dabe7462b8e09848f5725cc96
-#: ../../hosts.rst:443
+# b796b807352f4f8285fca177e9417577
+#: ../../hosts.rst:402
 msgid "Log in as administrator to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr "使用管理员登录到CloudStack管理界面。"
-# 4d7c773d04964e5b9f50c9425f2787da
-#: ../../hosts.rst:451
+# 450e03bbb9974112bec16a0dca62c829
+#: ../../hosts.rst:406
 msgid "Under Clusters, click View All."
 msgstr "在群集页面,点击查看所有。"
-# 84bddff125d543f283dd83cce8892998
-#: ../../hosts.rst:455
+# dc9598fec6f74c74a82c2311ff962b5d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:408
 msgid "Select the cluster you want to work with, and click the Edit button."
 msgstr "选择你要操作的群集,点击编辑按钮。"
-# 519a8079ef6b4d2eb83eb8537dfed6e8
-#: ../../hosts.rst:459
+# 4574765089c64df0a53ffd4b0d9052a0
+#: ../../hosts.rst:410
 msgid ""
 "Fill in your desired over-provisioning multipliers in the fields CPU "
 "overcommit ratio and RAM overcommit ratio. The value which is intially shown"
@@ -708,21 +707,21 @@
 "configuration settings."
 msgstr "在CPU overcommit ratio和RAM overcommit ratio区域里填入你希望的超配系数。这里的初始值是从全局配置设置里继承而来的。"
-# 8e7465fb587642f5aac407e899b0ad64
-#: ../../hosts.rst:468
+# 2652eabbfcd64f92bab0644f7cddd8d6
+#: ../../hosts.rst:421
 msgid "Service Offering Limits and Over-Provisioning"
 msgstr "服务方案限制和超配"
-# 0d6a4122110b4dee8cff81972c293a1f
-#: ../../hosts.rst:470
+# d88ad9813f6448ec9277039383ab3f86
+#: ../../hosts.rst:423
 msgid ""
 "Service offering limits (e.g. 1 GHz, 1 core) are strictly enforced for core "
 "count. For example, a guest with a service offering of one core will have "
 "only one core available to it regardless of other activity on the Host."
 msgstr "服务方案限制(比如1GHz,1 core)是受到core数严格限制的。比如,一个使用1 core服务方案的用户只能用 1core,无论这个主机多空闲。"
-# 480c139ad92a490a8cf4bf6004be1bf8
-#: ../../hosts.rst:475
+# 0a5fa05e882e493f8d41201840eb0cd9
+#: ../../hosts.rst:428
 msgid ""
 "Service offering limits for gigahertz are enforced only in the presence of "
 "contention for CPU resources. For example, suppose that a guest was created "
@@ -737,21 +736,21 @@
 " not perform memory over-provisioning."
 msgstr "GHz的服务方案限制只存在于CPU资源的争用中。比如,假设用户在一个有2GHz core的主机上创建了一个1 GHz的服务方案,并且该用户是这个主机上唯一一个用户。那么该用户有2 GHz可用性能。当多个用户尝试使用CPU,则由权重系数来调度CPU资源。这个权重基于服务方案中的时钟速度。用户分配到的CPU GHz与服务方案中一致。比如,用户从一个2GHz服务方案中创建的VM分配到的CPU是从1 GHz方案中分配到的2倍。CloudStack不能提供内存的超配。"
-# 6973ca6704974a47964898e5e0e218dc
-#: ../../hosts.rst:488
+# 86b75c2fbf034662ac3133fe63acefea
+#: ../../hosts.rst:442
 msgid "VLAN Provisioning"
 msgstr "VLAN供应"
-# 5b73126100d24f48a0f831790b6172db
-#: ../../hosts.rst:490
+# 9d66a1eb7d4d4d88818d5d5d00bb285a
+#: ../../hosts.rst:444
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack automatically creates and destroys interfaces bridged to VLANs on"
 " the hosts. In general the administrator does not need to manage this "
 msgstr "CloudStack能在主机上自动创建和销毁桥接至VLAN的网络接口。一般来说,管理员不需要介入此处理过程。"
-# 4e2359bef8e1410d98f92288a2f72a96
-#: ../../hosts.rst:494
+# 7cfe38c7368a44d1b920f68fbb7e2b5e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:448
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack manages VLANs differently based on hypervisor type. For XenServer"
 " or KVM, the VLANs are created on only the hosts where they will be used and"
@@ -759,8 +758,8 @@
 "terminated or moved to another host."
 msgstr "CloudStack根据hypervisor类型的不同,管理VLANs的方式也不同。对于XenServer或者KVM来说,只在使用VLANs的主机上创建VLANs,并且当所有使用VLANs的来宾虚机被销毁或者移动至其他主机的时候,这些VLANs就会被销毁。"
-# cfd189a826f9412e8b54976947f52b54
-#: ../../hosts.rst:499
+# a681bdc643fc41a49688c3a833dce9ac
+#: ../../hosts.rst:453
 msgid ""
 "For vSphere the VLANs are provisioned on all hosts in the cluster even if "
 "there is no guest running on a particular Host that requires the VLAN. This "
@@ -770,8 +769,8 @@
 "longer needed."
 msgstr "vSphere上的VLANs是在群集中的所有主机上配置的,不管主机上有没有使用VLAN的来宾虚机在运行。这样允许管理员在vCenter中不需在目标主机上创建VLAN就可以执行在线迁移和其他功能。此外,当主机不再需要的时候VLANs也不会被移除。"
-# fc44fd764b804474b12d380d2b22dc04
-#: ../../hosts.rst:506
+# 162b7ae68b2d41db83c3bc6d32e86e6b
+#: ../../hosts.rst:460
 msgid ""
 "You can use the same VLANs on different physical networks provided that each"
 " physical network has its own underlying layer-2 infrastructure, such as "
@@ -784,126 +783,126 @@
 "networks on different physical NICs."
 msgstr "你能够使用由不同的拥有二层网络结构的物理网络提供同样的VLANs,比如交换机。比如,在对高级zone中部署物理网络A和B的时候,你可以指定VLAN范围为500-1000。如果你的VLANs用尽了,这个功能允许你在不同的物理网卡上设置追加一个二层物理网络并且使用同样的VLANs设置。另一个优点是你可以在不同的物理网卡上为不同的客户使用同样的IPs设置,每个都有自己的路由器和来宾网络。"
-# 06f9c538941f4e3ca83477adfe036a8b
-#: ../../hosts.rst:517
+# d4316f84d139424ab25c6fb9292b2840
+#: ../../hosts.rst:472
 msgid "VLAN Allocation Example"
 msgstr "VLAN分配示例"
-# 7a8e238fd6a447e9803e0fcd39957760
-#: ../../hosts.rst:519
+# ea6edc6b827c4791a53ea10997662dae
+#: ../../hosts.rst:474
 msgid ""
 "VLANs are required for public and guest traffic. The following is an example"
 " of a VLAN allocation scheme:"
-msgstr "公共和来并流量需要VLAN,下面是一个VLAN分配的示例:"
+msgstr "公共和来宾流量要求使用VLAN,下面是一个VLAN分配的示例:"
-# 97aaca38941d42f183baf9eb2c560eec
-#: ../../hosts.rst:523
+# 558c3d372c85421390186a570da26dee
+#: ../../hosts.rst:478
 msgid "VLAN IDs"
 msgstr "VLAN IDs"
-# d6cbed5a64fc49fda68543d1a54823ec
-#: ../../hosts.rst:523
+# b6c7ef27f668454dbb5adb9a9c190c98
+#: ../../hosts.rst:478
 msgid "Traffic type"
 msgstr "流量类型"
-# c6a593644e2848398fdf1b4c86458434
-#: ../../hosts.rst:523
+# 2dc30077851f4826beeaeb3c808e6452
+#: ../../hosts.rst:478
 msgid "Scope"
 msgstr "范围"
-# df3262b199df4244a2cb492f3134ee68
-#: ../../hosts.rst:525
+# 46e966a312a047cfa77c7292aaba1fdb
+#: ../../hosts.rst:480
 msgid "less than 500"
 msgstr "小于500"
-# 5fc5eed1fae7464bb9bd0cd832cb9901
-#: ../../hosts.rst:525
+# c6ffd280911a498f99904379cc538935
+#: ../../hosts.rst:480
 msgid "Management traffic."
 msgstr "管理流量。"
-# d7ca9d9a93904c57808e9baf286d1374
-#: ../../hosts.rst:525
+# bb76ee312d884069ac0a101cfc2680d2
+#: ../../hosts.rst:480
 msgid ""
 "Reserved for administrative purposes.  CloudStack software can access this, "
 "hypervisors, system VMs."
 msgstr "出于管理目的而预留的。CloudStack,hypervisors和系统虚机能访问它。"
-# 816d6141016845e68cc5cfbb70a5ca4a
-#: ../../hosts.rst:526
+# 1307c25d94c447a08ebf7b1f47d76fa7
+#: ../../hosts.rst:481
 msgid "500-599"
 msgstr "500-599"
-# 4c6772a236b949c6a827887e55f468dc
-#: ../../hosts.rst:526
+# fb79eefe00ad444eaf660e4c6c7571b7
+#: ../../hosts.rst:481
 msgid "VLAN carrying public traffic."
 msgstr "承载公共流量。"
-# 9788f1148534421f8b3e69b0a2291d4c
-#: ../../hosts.rst:526
+# 0c7d0d0d68c94f5f889f1e32dcb564cb
+#: ../../hosts.rst:481
 msgid "CloudStack accounts."
 msgstr "CloudStack账户。"
-# faa736af78474fec844134eb7ee8f8e8
-#: ../../hosts.rst:527
+# 9ab975c827154ebd84ab2f50936736b8
+#: ../../hosts.rst:482
 msgid "600-799"
 msgstr "600-799"
-# 00cdf19f243d48eda62692e050cca578
-# 968535793b2646eda10843e74d06390c
-#: ../../hosts.rst:527 ../../hosts.rst:528
+# e33f1854a40043ed9d323fa1f1a3519d
+# 1dfa7469eec44ea6b03b34b9c6f7504e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:482 ../../hosts.rst:483
 msgid "VLANs carrying guest traffic."
 msgstr "承载来宾流量"
-# 4c9c92a88e4240c8a3eb4021856220ab
-#: ../../hosts.rst:527
+# e10058e68df14ced9dda12d02876f4c4
+#: ../../hosts.rst:482
 msgid "CloudStack accounts. Account-specific VLAN is chosen from this pool."
-msgstr "CloudStack accounts. Account-specific VLAN is chosen from this pool."
+msgstr "CloudStack 账户。 从这个池中选择账户特定的VLAN。"
-# 821a9f34a9dd4ccbbcb7099bc2e120ff
-#: ../../hosts.rst:528
+# 26028e0cc17c46ceae4008c85730b970
+#: ../../hosts.rst:483
 msgid "800-899"
 msgstr "800-899"
-# a0b968ec993843e7b61e267dcffdc110
-#: ../../hosts.rst:528
+# a894ab0d32654721aa09284c57bbabc4
+#: ../../hosts.rst:483
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack accounts. Account-specific VLAN chosen by CloudStack admin to "
 "assign to that account."
 msgstr "CloudStack 账户。CloudStack管理员为账户指定特定的VLAN。"
-# eebf870170034248bf44689d980f22fd
-#: ../../hosts.rst:529
+# 4a297ddc517048fab79c4a44c5ad0b99
+#: ../../hosts.rst:484
 msgid "900-999"
 msgstr "900-999"
-# fcaefad65c864f0aa12decdbc8ea1a9f
-#: ../../hosts.rst:529
+# 404678aaa64349f8924466d04c12db32
+#: ../../hosts.rst:484
 msgid "VLAN carrying guest traffic"
 msgstr "承载来宾流量"
-# dbc8efd08bdb47939963f1e1ade787c4
-#: ../../hosts.rst:529
+# 185277c2c47d409cb9ec68e3f03ceddc
+#: ../../hosts.rst:484
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack accounts. Can be scoped by project, domain, or all accounts."
 msgstr "CloudStack 账户。可作为项目、域或所有账户的作用域。"
-# b91c7c3931aa46dbaddfffb5b3497d75
-#: ../../hosts.rst:530
+# 5032da4e90be448f905a4ee48df7d8ed
+#: ../../hosts.rst:485
 msgid "greater than 1000"
 msgstr "大于1000"
-# 11b667ae6cb04cc68d5a10a133cee37b
-#: ../../hosts.rst:530
+# af16d28d60df4d84b3951c37a78f02bc
+#: ../../hosts.rst:485
 msgid "Reserved for future use"
 msgstr "保留为将来使用"
-# 10b73559efa5445caf021d488a10c300
-#: ../../hosts.rst:534
+# ef44b9e8dc084564a01254fc196c3b9e
+#: ../../hosts.rst:490
 msgid "Adding Non Contiguous VLAN Ranges"
 msgstr "添加不连续的VLAN范围"
-# 632b0960356d40aabb5f7262a942d317
-#: ../../hosts.rst:536
+# 5b73c96b899144be9a84d12c7ed11d55
+#: ../../hosts.rst:492
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack provides you with the flexibility to add non contiguous VLAN "
 "ranges to your network. The administrator can either update an existing VLAN"
@@ -911,80 +910,80 @@
 " can also use the UpdatephysicalNetwork API to extend the VLAN range."
 msgstr "CloudStack能让你灵活的给你的网络添加不连续的VLAN范围。在创建一个zone的时候,管理员要么更新一个已存在的VLAN范围,要么添加多个不连续的VLAN范围。你同样可以使用UpdatephysicalNetwork API来扩展VLAN范围。"
-# 22166092fd8e4f749f83b22e91ed0a19
-#: ../../hosts.rst:544
+# 957172517a6845a3915b26e7b95812d0
+#: ../../hosts.rst:498
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
 msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
-# c3cc468f1166400fbf2d5bbccec17632
-#: ../../hosts.rst:548
+# cb713605543d4f8eb0ffd5bec494839d
+#: ../../hosts.rst:500
 msgid "Ensure that the VLAN range does not already exist."
 msgstr "确保VLAN范围没有被使用。"
-# 0cca254c9b6c4adab9fca2d53a8d2a99
-#: ../../hosts.rst:552
+# 6543749bf38741be83173b69828b1f49
+#: ../../hosts.rst:502
 msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure."
 msgstr "在左边的导航,选择基础架构。"
-# 501e52d3dc124b9b81b1a94a93af9f28
-#: ../../hosts.rst:556
+# 7bd96bd6e7fd4c94bd7be28295bd46de
+#: ../../hosts.rst:504
 msgid ""
 "On Zones, click View More, then click the zone to which you want to work "
 msgstr "在Zones上,点击查看更多,然后点击你要进行操作的zone。"
-# 6a6640c67ea34b0b9a0ca859696174c0
-#: ../../hosts.rst:561
+# 29ea322032104b06880f1204aa29a145
+#: ../../hosts.rst:507
 msgid "Click Physical Network."
 msgstr "点击物理网络。"
-# 9df7f0d650ab4fa8868898684c3025ba
-#: ../../hosts.rst:565
+# a6e5a25d6929406594577a6b3f074454
+#: ../../hosts.rst:509
 msgid "In the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
 msgstr "在图中的来宾节点上,点击配置"
-# 81b5cc6e8b5e4cffada11d5628cf542b
-#: ../../hosts.rst:569
+# b85881c793b045978846d5eb97408757
+#: ../../hosts.rst:511
 msgid "Click Edit |edit-icon.png|."
 msgstr "点击编辑|edit-icon.png|。"
-# 128ddb2b1a0b403eaa01728b573229e2
-#: ../../hosts.rst:571
+# 061af0a695ad4e1abcd195287ee6e0ef
+#: ../../hosts.rst:513
 msgid "The VLAN Ranges field now is editable."
 msgstr "现在VLAN范围区域是可编辑的了。"
-# ecf3f3c2e0a24b78aed1b4ed3eb44f3c
-#: ../../hosts.rst:575
+# 131fadb281474dc597e34d3fe0d6d444
+#: ../../hosts.rst:515
 msgid "Specify the start and end of the VLAN range in comma-separated list."
 msgstr "指定VLAN范围的起始和结束用逗号隔开。"
-# 16e7961826d14270960e64272b17457a
-#: ../../hosts.rst:577
+# aaf0146792d5487297eff314b521c053
+#: ../../hosts.rst:517
 msgid ""
 "Specify all the VLANs you want to use, VLANs not specified will be removed "
 "if you are adding new ranges to the existing list."
 msgstr "指定所有你想使用的VLANs,如果你添加新的范围到已有列表里,那么没有指定的VLANs将被移除。"
-# d6cbf61222844716888f5f8f862bfd82
-#: ../../hosts.rst:582
+# d7cd1af070644a71ae33b79fbc724b87
+#: ../../hosts.rst:520
 msgid "Click Apply."
 msgstr "点击应用"
-# 87d75c37a1ca4312b9d73ae90c39dacf
-#: ../../hosts.rst:585
+# 9685350eac754d8c889dc8da19292529
+#: ../../hosts.rst:524
 msgid "Assigning VLANs to Isolated Networks"
 msgstr "给隔离的网络指定VLAN。"
-# 329c29ef5c0640298b62d8621919a04e
-#: ../../hosts.rst:587
+# 31001908f2bd40018f7b77a9001e50c7
+#: ../../hosts.rst:526
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack provides you the ability to control VLAN assignment to Isolated "
 "networks. As a Root admin, you can assign a VLAN ID when a network is "
 "created, just the way it's done for Shared networks."
 msgstr "CloudStack能够让你控制VLAN分配至隔离网络。作为一个Root管理员,当一个网络被创建后,你能为其分配一个VLAN ID,这个网络只能是共享网络。"
-# d463cc2b2e6b45efbc688fae2f8c844e
-#: ../../hosts.rst:591
+# 47af367fd0e74e9c98c07d5fd93d9a6a
+#: ../../hosts.rst:530
 msgid ""
 "The former behaviour also is supported — VLAN is randomly allocated to a "
 "network from the VNET range of the physical network when the network turns "
@@ -995,64 +994,64 @@
 "VLAN can be assigned."
 msgstr "同样被支持—当网络转换为运行状态是,VLAN是随机地通过物理网络的VNET范围分配给网络。当网络作为网络垃圾回收过程的一部分而关闭时,VLAN会被回收到VNET池。当网络再次启用的时候VLAN还能被其重用,或者其他网络使用。在每个新启用的网络中,都有一个新的VLAN被分配。"
-# 67f26f616c1d468f9f43fbad3a96d653
-#: ../../hosts.rst:599
+# 1ba6d80370024ab596ffd9d4ae6294cc
+#: ../../hosts.rst:538
 msgid ""
 "Only the Root admin can assign VLANs because the regular users or domain "
 "admin are not aware of the physical network topology. They cannot even view "
 "what VLAN is assigned to a network."
 msgstr "只有Root管理员能够分配VLANs,因为常规的用户和域管理员并不清楚物理网络拓扑。他们也不能查看哪个VLAN被分配给网络。"
-# 8cb6b5c237b24db2a036745c714fd0c1
-#: ../../hosts.rst:603
+# f8d82f2f80da4f4fbdef3b4308538511
+#: ../../hosts.rst:542
 msgid "To enable you to assign VLANs to Isolated networks,"
 msgstr "要把VLANs分配给隔离的网络,"
-# aa68c2b731f44e8ca5e7b12992e491e4
-#: ../../hosts.rst:607
+# 51e781fd8ac2474f896774fe185ff585
+#: ../../hosts.rst:544
 msgid "Create a network offering by specifying the following:"
 msgstr "使用下列指定的步骤创建一个网络方案:"
-# 6ac8335147a0424ea30c996690f508f6
-#: ../../hosts.rst:611
+# 38ae271a7f7f4855a4353c109d01d761
+#: ../../hosts.rst:546
 msgid "**Guest Type**: Select Isolated."
 msgstr "**来宾网络类型**:选择隔离的。"
-# a4d3756da9654670af81f81ef51f5bea
-#: ../../hosts.rst:615
+# 136f37de7a6f4b1ead01c213603a4a47
+#: ../../hosts.rst:548
 msgid "**Specify VLAN**: Select the option."
 msgstr "**指定VLAN**:选择一个选项。"
-# 418a868357c54463be949ae219831e3f
-#: ../../hosts.rst:617
+# ba4c14a8b3d94e1fbeccb6afd28ec4ad
+#: ../../hosts.rst:550
 msgid "For more information, see the CloudStack Installation Guide."
 msgstr "更多信息,请参考CloudStack安装指导。"
-# c7ae08cd2c954f069c402e2f29bd6498
-#: ../../hosts.rst:621
+# 42fbeadc772741cdb88549a149bef4c4
+#: ../../hosts.rst:552
 msgid "Using this network offering, create a network."
 msgstr "使用这个网络方案,创建一个网络。"
-# b76ebd2ac4ec4be88b31ead41a0ffa76
-#: ../../hosts.rst:623
+# b08c9effb9bf43ecb0e42699daf88922
+#: ../../hosts.rst:554
 msgid "You can create a VPC tier or an Isolated network."
 msgstr "你可以创建一个VPC层或者一个隔离网络。"
-# c827ff2cdfaa40c0a2f5dcefd4637b6f
-#: ../../hosts.rst:627
+# d1ae253e49f3473a9ee2ed29b8447270
+#: ../../hosts.rst:556
 msgid "Specify the VLAN when you create the network."
 msgstr "当你创建网络的时候指定VLAN。"
-# 8e3918b569284ecc9204e3c58114c951
-#: ../../hosts.rst:629
+# d4c5557c8994473ba6ca182dc7149c44
+#: ../../hosts.rst:558
 msgid ""
 "When VLAN is specified, a CIDR and gateway are assigned to this network and "
 "the state is changed to Setup. In this state, the network will not be "
 "garbage collected."
 msgstr "当VLAN被指定后,CIDR和网关就被分配给这个网络了,并且它的状态也变成Setup了。在这个状态下,网络不会被回收。"
-# 710699c1ce8949f781a434db64439614
-#: ../../hosts.rst:634
+# 89369b26917b4d54ad28290b37c59b53
+#: ../../hosts.rst:563
 msgid ""
 "You cannot change a VLAN once it's assigned to the network. The VLAN remains"
 " with the network for its entire life cycle."
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Binary files differ
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 # Translators:
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-#: ../../index.rst:22
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+#: ../../index.rst:23
 msgid "Welcome to CloudStack Administration Documentation"
 msgstr "欢迎阅读CloudStack管理文档"
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-#: ../../index.rst:25
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+#: ../../index.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"We are in the process of changing documentation format as well as hosting "
+"mechanism. Please be patient with us as we migrate our entire documentation "
+"to this new setup."
+msgstr ""
+# 3ed721b0cbc84d29b41f1f88c145794b
+#: ../../index.rst:32
+msgid ""
+"This guide is aimed at Administrators of a CloudStack based Cloud, for "
+"Release Notes, Installation and General introduction to CloudStack see the "
+"following guides:"
+msgstr ""
+# 6bdec416d5864e24a626b2a1672d12fc
+#: ../../index.rst:36
+msgid "`Documentation Start <>`_"
+msgstr ""
+# 59647f13b4c6495bb231941872f8615c
+#: ../../index.rst:38
+msgid ""
+"`Installation Guide <"
+msgstr ""
+# 3cb4b38db39a4954baa74c5207e46806
+#: ../../index.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"`Release Notes <"
+msgstr "`发行说明 <>`_"
+# 62705a3d035f4c9894e165081f5341b0
+#: ../../index.rst:44
 msgid "User Interface"
 msgstr "用户界面"
-# 0b869c712c0549f794b04850fc92bbf0
-#: ../../index.rst:33
+# 253ae3a9066e4b22aa50e77c73b69357
+#: ../../index.rst:53
 msgid "Managing Accounts, Users and Domains"
 msgstr "管理账户,用户和域"
-# ade0aa6c65934d08b9439c9b55d76991
-#: ../../index.rst:41
+# bb51dd2b7b6d4b6287d5b832dd1ef9f3
+#: ../../index.rst:62
 msgid "Using Projects to Organize User Resources"
 msgstr "使用项目来组织用户资源"
-# a4efa62c4fe0431e97cf1e8a8afa3c4c
-#: ../../index.rst:48
+# fcbcd54779cb4d14b7c28ea8e525c2ff
+#: ../../index.rst:70
 msgid "Service Offerings"
 msgstr "服务方案"
-# 784d8d28e28c49e588607297adc80f3b
-#: ../../index.rst:56
+# 2fed4745955e4e73b1b3bd6c4664a015
+#: ../../index.rst:79
 msgid "Setting up Networking for Users"
 msgstr "用户网络设置"
-# 99a275b31677470fb19d20cc2cfb3a66
-#: ../../index.rst:64
+# 37cb22ac86ef4acb9c046bc1dc7f7de4
+#: ../../index.rst:88
 msgid "Working with Virtual Machines"
 msgstr "使用虚拟机"
-# 8f3d1a01a82d4daca2072ce17e85191b
-#: ../../index.rst:72
+# 625c8add441e4edeac86a1ec4f792cec
+#: ../../index.rst:97
 msgid "Working with Templates"
 msgstr "使用模板"
-# b618e01117be4bc8917aab2189ec3be4
-#: ../../index.rst:80
+# 7ad29a9c67c74560b24731372d219e23
+#: ../../index.rst:106
 msgid "Working with Hosts"
 msgstr "使用主机"
-# 1d07b6cc6bd74b689edf5f3f6305e11f
-#: ../../index.rst:88
+# a3332c4666934361ad83c88e6946f7f7
+#: ../../index.rst:115
 msgid "Working with Storage"
 msgstr "使用存储"
-# 538bdb71f1c34206a75745c0c45b8669
-#: ../../index.rst:96
+# f2f20fd23af44019b1f0578d399c9ecc
+#: ../../index.rst:124
 msgid "Working with System Virtual Machines"
 msgstr "使用系统虚拟机"
-# da80feddb6be416fb7a724951d7f6049
-#: ../../index.rst:104
+# 73fe247fe2a14cf08be624ae4f8d5926
+#: ../../index.rst:133
 msgid "Working with Usage"
 msgstr "使用服务"
-# 89016757f86c44379eb90b8ea75b6d40
-#: ../../index.rst:112
+# 5d20c3a9b5124254a155ba5a519c85ca
+#: ../../index.rst:142
 msgid "Managing Networks and Traffic"
 msgstr "网络和流量管理"
-# 4c1cbbb4d99f4c8bace30f6c0edbdd98
-#: ../../index.rst:120
+# c591434a39994a6fa8546f4b1115eb07
+#: ../../index.rst:151
 msgid "Managing the Cloud"
 msgstr "管理云"
-# 769cb32397e246beb100d0a77e9bf7ab
-#: ../../index.rst:128
+# 1ffdcf555b9a45d58d6a0e3b4d670037
+#: ../../index.rst:160
 msgid "System Reliability and Availability"
 msgstr "系统可靠性和可用性"
-# 2256c3b81c7b49e18235f85ab474184f
-#: ../../index.rst:136
+# 8422886b2cfe4b9c9d2adf3afd86f37f
+#: ../../index.rst:169
 msgid "Tuning"
 msgstr "调优"
-# 1577c7120b3648449625d8806030fe2b
-#: ../../index.rst:144
+# c05956039d98457abe5c11b6f7661b23
+#: ../../index.rst:178
 msgid "Events and Troubleshooting"
 msgstr "事件和故障排查"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index 0b1ed5d..bfdfc68 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/management.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/management.po
index c97d646..5374345 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/management.po
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/management.po
@@ -3,16 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# darrentang <>, 2014
-# morgan wang <>, 2014
-# renoshen <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-27 02:41+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: renoshen <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -20,17 +17,17 @@
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-# 62fa0deba316409090e6e208765342a7
+# 36cc316d379647279da05d191cf9e9b5
 #: ../../management.rst:18
 msgid "Managing the Cloud"
 msgstr "管理云"
-# a792503e467d4d97a1d4aa55140452a5
+# 0dc09dfbe9e34a9cb51831005d8fc025
 #: ../../management.rst:21
 msgid "Using Tags to Organize Resources in the Cloud"
 msgstr "在云中使用Tags来组织资源。"
-# c61cae44c33f4a3b93bcbde61e020c22
+# 3ead5d7ddceb4d98a278abeeed0683c2
 #: ../../management.rst:23
 msgid ""
 "A tag is a key-value pair that stores metadata about a resource in the "
@@ -41,7 +38,7 @@
 " given tag; for example, VMs for users in a given city."
 msgstr "标签是一类存储云中资源元数据的键值对。其主要用来分类资源,例如,可以将一个用户的虚拟机打上标签,以表明用户所在的城市。在这个例子中,键就是城市,而值可能是Toronto或是Tokyo。可以让cloudstack发现所有打上标签的资源。例如,发现指定城市里用户的虚拟机。"
-# b8bee7f6ee524c41a62546c3926fc5a6
+# 6388318fab6c44f58fd92b854f510717
 #: ../../management.rst:30
 msgid ""
 "You can tag a user virtual machine, volume, snapshot, guest network, "
@@ -50,7 +47,7 @@
 "route. You can not tag a remote access VPN."
 msgstr "可以给用户虚拟机,磁盘卷,快照,来宾网络,模板,ISO镜像,防火墙规则,端口转发规则,公共IP地址,安全组,负载均衡规则,项目,VPC,网络访问列表或者静态路由器等等,都打上标签。但不能给远程登录VPN打上标签。"
-# 41f9c119f564420ebc0b2ce07d6a5211
+# 87e95cabe82f4b7f86c2cd1cc303b912
 #: ../../management.rst:35
 msgid ""
 "You can work with tags through the UI or through the API commands "
@@ -60,7 +57,7 @@
 "they own, and administrators can define tags on any resources in the cloud."
 msgstr "可以通过CloudStack的界面或者API来创建标签,删除标签或者列出标签。也可以为每一个资源定义多个标签。没有数量的限制。并且,每个标签可以达到255个字符的长度。用户可以定义自己拥有的资源的标签,而管理员可以定义云中所有资源的标签。"
-# 4987c5d196e64161aae21901c96b4c37
+# c2db56ab546245ec9d37ccf72573c16c
 #: ../../management.rst:42
 msgid ""
 "An optional input parameter, \"tags,\" exists on many of the list\\* API "
@@ -68,93 +65,93 @@
 "all the volumes having tag region=canada OR tag city=Toronto:"
 msgstr "一个可选的输入参数,标签,存在于多个API中。下面的例子展示了如何应用这个新参数来查找带有 地域=加拿大或城市=多伦多 标签的所有磁盘卷。"
-# 7914681bd50244bcaf4169707987eb00
+# 0d735394ca9f48f8a4ef3c5d0a25741d
 #: ../../management.rst:55
 msgid "The following API commands have the \"tags\" input parameter:"
 msgstr "下面的API命令具有以下输入参数:"
-# 61fbca041dee4db2aade53a7cf792de7
-#: ../../management.rst:59
+# 6d986331aa5d4971bab13111a8471d36
+#: ../../management.rst:57
 msgid "listVirtualMachines"
 msgstr "listVirtualMachines"
-# ba0235266c3845cc96ba7fcf7de44466
-#: ../../management.rst:63
+# b0e2702f6aed49a8831ae5c2983a18c9
+#: ../../management.rst:59
 msgid "listVolumes"
 msgstr "listVolumes"
-# 1c68c5c60b174ea2a71f39ba93a211ac
-#: ../../management.rst:67
+# 97c53594680a4cecb64e3f1a5ea2a2f3
+#: ../../management.rst:61
 msgid "listSnapshots"
 msgstr "listSnapshots"
-# 9f05731121b4498e9e51a500a79f2511
-#: ../../management.rst:71
+# 0217180a24604d579084142d07f11299
+#: ../../management.rst:63
 msgid "listNetworks"
 msgstr "listNetworks"
-# 36599c953977457c84ecffc6c9395338
-#: ../../management.rst:75
+# dcf958a652304820818033fc441226e7
+#: ../../management.rst:65
 msgid "listTemplates"
 msgstr "listTemplates"
-# c3b6ffcb5da240cea465ea296dd4ccfd
-#: ../../management.rst:79
+# 296660956a3b4ce5b02c4c7f1272e889
+#: ../../management.rst:67
 msgid "listIsos"
 msgstr "listIsos"
-# 6a47e3c18c6f476bb22295c172479796
-#: ../../management.rst:83
+# 69e88bee17394199a778180f3304fbf0
+#: ../../management.rst:69
 msgid "listFirewallRules"
 msgstr "listFirewallRules"
-# 08d8500b98314effbb3d7916236f7e2b
-#: ../../management.rst:87
+# 7954e7afc0334bc7bfcf16492195bb49
+#: ../../management.rst:71
 msgid "listPortForwardingRules"
 msgstr "listPortForwardingRules"
-# 2a42e7c362bc427eba13e2d7e7bf7380
-#: ../../management.rst:91
+# d273e10141d84eecbdc74ec901700d11
+#: ../../management.rst:73
 msgid "listPublicIpAddresses"
 msgstr "listPublicIpAddresses"
-# 4509004a0c73478ca0a184d142eb4a57
-#: ../../management.rst:95
+# b3e40262a34d4590bed84b8d5fc62798
+#: ../../management.rst:75
 msgid "listSecurityGroups"
 msgstr "listSecurityGroups"
-# fd868f656abb4c0fb6f87da360511519
-#: ../../management.rst:99
+# e8f6e365e1da4b499d6b852d6c3e1162
+#: ../../management.rst:77
 msgid "listLoadBalancerRules"
 msgstr "listLoadBalancerRules"
-# e65694d6fab44e9d946a5866f926091c
-#: ../../management.rst:103
+# 3c8faeeede5147fb911f022fd5858210
+#: ../../management.rst:79
 msgid "listProjects"
 msgstr "listProjects"
-# 830852c2a7c84d06b6c01a444f0b1b66
-#: ../../management.rst:107
+# a9805315805e4d75b977c3428bcde48a
+#: ../../management.rst:81
 msgid "listVPCs"
 msgstr "listVPCs"
-# 9f2367d8d4df4802bb1c90dcd52a411f
-#: ../../management.rst:111
+# bfab0c32d8364cd9a3e762e7992888f1
+#: ../../management.rst:83
 msgid "listNetworkACLs"
 msgstr "listNetworkACLs"
-# 8afa8bc38679406e95930eda004cc27b
-#: ../../management.rst:115
+# 46fab81fefa1469eb87698342b0f045e
+#: ../../management.rst:85
 msgid "listStaticRoutes"
 msgstr "listStaticRoutes"
-# 073cb1458dc443a1b9e2e791e168eafe
-#: ../../management.rst:119
+# 489808dcb1c9407cbe2bd271c02ce89a
+#: ../../management.rst:89
 msgid "Reporting CPU Sockets"
 msgstr "CPU Sockets报表"
-# d3bc3b48bddd4f228b7fde7ad5520fd3
-#: ../../management.rst:121
+# 7d8f4e987714451e9db1c9e749f8b1ca
+#: ../../management.rst:91
 msgid ""
 "PRODUCT manages different types of hosts that contains one or more physical "
 "CPU sockets. CPU socket is considered as a unit of measure used for "
@@ -166,35 +163,35 @@
 " sockets used for each host type."
 msgstr "生产环境管理着包含一个多个物理CPU端口的不同类型的主机。CPU端口可以看作是一个测量单元,用来授权或制定云架构。生产环境提供UI和API支持来收集CPU端口统计,供订单使用。在架构选项中,有一个新的CPU端口项。可以查看生产环境管理的CPU端口统计数据,这些数据能够反映云的大小。CPU端口页会展示每一主机类型的主机数量及端口数。"
-# 179f99e5b8df40a1ba2a0197f6341be2
-#: ../../management.rst:130
+# dec087784ccd48c49189c3f0ed1811a9
+#: ../../management.rst:100
 msgid "Log in to the PRODUCT UI."
 msgstr "登录到CloudStack用户界面。"
-# 57d62b4d9b054608adfe2e064e3dd8f8
-#: ../../management.rst:132
+# 012d9d141d8745a48fd182b1cab1f8f1
+#: ../../management.rst:102
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure."
 msgstr "在左侧导航栏中,点击基础架构"
-# 8e60a5440ac44537a259df5ffe6c34a6
-#: ../../management.rst:134
+# 991d040f4ccc467f87019591608beea8
+#: ../../management.rst:104
 msgid "On CPU Sockets, click View all."
 msgstr "在CPU Sockets中,点击查看全部。"
-# 1ae3d6da93ee4bbd939915b25643adf5
-#: ../../management.rst:136
+# 1f3a30df3d8746f291bc00e761d59f3e
+#: ../../management.rst:106
 msgid ""
 "The CPU Socket page is displayed. The page shows the number of hosts and CPU"
 " sockets based on hypervisor types."
 msgstr "显示CPU插槽页。此页会显示主机数量以及基于虚拟机类型的CPU插槽数量。"
-# 4478c2a6941346c4a839b782797026a0
-#: ../../management.rst:141
+# 3d662bf06abc42bd951d16844faada76
+#: ../../management.rst:111
 msgid "Changing the Database Configuration"
 msgstr "更改数据库配置"
-# b70d57ac66ee464eae4b05c578e89c8e
-#: ../../management.rst:143
+# 638ca3cbc00844789edafb4eb0e60df5
+#: ../../management.rst:113
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack Management Server stores database configuration information "
 "(e.g., hostname, port, credentials) in the file "
@@ -202,81 +199,81 @@
 "file on each Management Server, then restart the Management Server."
 msgstr "CloudStack管理服务器存储了数据库配置信息(如主机名,端口,凭证),这些信息在/etc/cloudstack/management/db.properties文件中,为使更改生效,编辑每个管理服务器上的此文件,然后重启管理服务器"
-# d69ee7ee9b9646d7a8a016fccc2db9e4
-#: ../../management.rst:149
+# a0530bddfe5a47a69ac27ef0a2c38a2e
+#: ../../management.rst:119
 msgid "Changing the Database Password"
 msgstr "更改数据库密码"
-# d84602682dbf4f349b1478edbbf567d1
-#: ../../management.rst:151
+# 6ede044a32ac422baed2cd80afc2e114
+#: ../../management.rst:121
 msgid ""
 "You may need to change the password for the MySQL account used by "
 "CloudStack. If so, you'll need to change the password in MySQL, and then add"
 " the encrypted password to ``/etc/cloudstack/management/``."
 msgstr "可能会需要更改CloudStack使用的mysql账户密码。如果要更改,需要在MySQL中更改密码,同时要将加密的密码加入到/etc/cloudstack/management/db.properties文件中。"
-# 46979db784d447698778e73ecb8eaf02
-#: ../../management.rst:158
+# 803fea7347b74457808913e8d34560e4
+#: ../../management.rst:126
 msgid ""
 "Before changing the password, you'll need to stop CloudStack's management "
 "server and the usage engine if you've deployed that component."
 msgstr "在更改密码之前,需要停止CloudStack管理服务器,如果部署了使用引擎,也需要关闭使用引擎。"
-# 530bd78524724552bfa1d927234ca3b7
-#: ../../management.rst:169
+# 83b051e006ce4a898817788447a54253
+#: ../../management.rst:135
 msgid ""
 "Next, you'll update the password for the CloudStack user on the MySQL "
 msgstr "接下来,你将在MySQL服务器上更新CloudStack的用户密码。"
-# 342e9a0cf7114011a7a6e9909df7a65a
-#: ../../management.rst:176
+# a6ed0f9a1e5f41d9883e8ab8e6ed7157
+#: ../../management.rst:142
 msgid "At the MySQL shell, you'll change the password and flush privileges:"
 msgstr "在MySQL命令行下,你将更改密码并且刷新权限:"
-# c906e56dd67a40f9a09b8fd0c69cca61
-#: ../../management.rst:186
+# 5042ed8fa23b4aa6bf244fb7e8d21d0b
+#: ../../management.rst:150
 msgid ""
 "The next step is to encrypt the password and copy the encrypted password to "
 "CloudStack's database configuration "
 msgstr "下一步是加密密码然后拷贝加密后的密码到CloudStack的数据库配置中(``/etc/cloudstack/management/``)。"
-# 966a4c741fcc455d95a07582cd1148e2
-#: ../../management.rst:195
+# 08fe5ba4a2844019b7c34948af80d3e9
+#: ../../management.rst:160
 msgid "File encryption type"
 msgstr "文件加密类型"
-# 6b56e1a2563f4b379240d045e9066699
-#: ../../management.rst:197
+# a985e48a20754561ae6daee44e6d79a8
+#: ../../management.rst:162
 msgid ""
 "Note that this is for the file encryption type. If you're using the web "
 "encryption type then you'll use "
 msgstr "请注意这是给文件加密类型准备的。如果你使用web加密类型,那么你要使用password=\"management\\_server\\_secret\\_key\""
-# 12e8a0b52c124abfa87ae48dfc2bef1f
-#: ../../management.rst:203
+# 41348185b9bc4aa59d47266350f37bea
+#: ../../management.rst:166
 msgid ""
 "Now, you'll update ``/etc/cloudstack/management/`` with the new"
 " ciphertext. Open ``/etc/cloudstack/management/`` in a text "
 "editor, and update these parameters:"
 msgstr "现在,你会在 ``/etc/cloudstack/management/`` 中更新心的密文。使用文本编辑器打开``/etc/cloudstack/management/`` ,然后更新这些参数:"
-# 05fa3e47277c4963819e7b9d1ac941db
-#: ../../management.rst:214
+# 3224048da0604d5e8ff7b22550451ce5
+#: ../../management.rst:175
 msgid ""
 "After copying the new password over, you can now start CloudStack (and the "
 "usage engine, if necessary)."
 msgstr "在复制新的密码过去之后,你可以启动CloudStack了(如果需要的话,还有用量引擎)。"
-# ab0e0b55f2304115bfd6653d5a7e0dd9
-#: ../../management.rst:223
+# b42158e718f44c4ab881833d2dbc0929
+#: ../../management.rst:185
 msgid "Administrator Alerts"
 msgstr "管理员告警信息"
-# 4fc127299b7e4745978235d4354bbccb
-#: ../../management.rst:225
+# f35a6a1c63244c84b73055d401027bf8
+#: ../../management.rst:187
 msgid ""
 "The system provides alerts and events to help with the management of the "
 "cloud. Alerts are notices to an administrator, generally delivered by "
@@ -284,44 +281,44 @@
 " Alert behavior is configurable."
 msgstr "系统提供告警和事件用以帮助云的管理。告警通知管理员,一般用邮件发送,提醒管理员云中有错误发生。告警的行为可以进行配置。"
-# 76ae47fe37774d1483c1b5363a6d4202
-#: ../../management.rst:230
+# ff3195bd128540cca761c8b00697d461
+#: ../../management.rst:192
 msgid ""
 "Events track all of the user and administrator actions in the cloud. For "
 "example, every guest VM start creates an associated event. Events are stored"
 " in the Management Server’s database."
 msgstr "事件会追踪云中所有用户和管理员的操作事件。比如,每个客户虚拟机的启动会建立一个对应的事件。每个时间都存储在管理节点的数据库中。"
-# a1e3c013206f4c6ab4e6995a41e2fb3b
-#: ../../management.rst:234
+# 6b6c7d267ebc4ecdba5787f75ed95d52
+#: ../../management.rst:196
 msgid ""
 "Emails will be sent to administrators under the following circumstances:"
 msgstr "在以下情况,系统会发送邮件给管理员:"
-# 3bd4b2bfb7784f4c85a053970508cc79
-#: ../../management.rst:238
+# 239b319d590244788e6be621087e695a
+#: ../../management.rst:198
 msgid ""
 "The Management Server cluster runs low on CPU, memory, or storage resources"
 msgstr "管理节点集群中CPU,内存或者存储资源的可用量低。"
-# b200b975c0a74ffcba301baf70b4cbee
-#: ../../management.rst:243
+# 11bbb0a3f5de4024ac7e944c1603e026
+#: ../../management.rst:201
 msgid ""
 "The Management Server loses heartbeat from a Host for more than 3 minutes"
 msgstr "管理节点和主机之间的心跳检查丢失超过3分钟。"
-# ccb116becdc34d05b675e0dd815eb45f
-#: ../../management.rst:248
+# f6a69a83f8bb45a193d273cbd63ac7bd
+#: ../../management.rst:204
 msgid "The Host cluster runs low on CPU, memory, or storage resources"
 msgstr "主机集群中CPU,内存或者存储资源的可用量低。"
-# 34703bd556ff4860a1b4276a8c595679
-#: ../../management.rst:251
+# 267b4ae8b12e42d69f646aa22992388d
+#: ../../management.rst:208
 msgid "Sending Alerts to External SNMP and Syslog Managers"
 msgstr "将警告发送给外部的SNMP和Syslog管理器"
-# 2cd893dc03494c9f9d2e89a38be1365e
-#: ../../management.rst:253
+# 030acb1fc907414196ead65866a918b0
+#: ../../management.rst:210
 msgid ""
 "In addition to showing administrator alerts on the Dashboard in the "
 "CloudStack UI and sending them in email, CloudStack can also send the same "
@@ -329,49 +326,49 @@
 " prefer to use an SNMP or Syslog manager to monitor your cloud."
 msgstr "除了在CloudStack UI中的仪表板上给管理员显示警告和发送电子邮件之外,CloudStack还可以发送同样的警告给外部的SNMP或者Syslog管理软件。如果你更愿意使用SNMP或者Syslog管理器来监视你的云的话,那这么做很有用。"
-# 183fd5a09ba94d239b50995e39c6d1bb
-#: ../../management.rst:259
+# ae64dcb892834822b7480195c2882a8c
+#: ../../management.rst:216
 msgid "The alerts which can be sent are:"
 msgstr "可以发送的警告有:"
-# 9c0f28eb90514f2885638a6cc4c911d0
-#: ../../management.rst:261
+# 814ff89fb6f444fc96a8b87a532bc28f
+#: ../../management.rst:218
 msgid ""
 "The following is the list of alert type numbers. The current alerts can be "
 "found by calling listAlerts."
 msgstr "以下是告警类型的列表。当前告警可以通过调用listAlerts得知。"
-# fcd80afc6c874d05a553c2385a73b1de
-#: ../../management.rst:373
+# cac2d1c9d3a34cb29f25fc81630f96dc
+#: ../../management.rst:330
 msgid ""
 "You can also display the most up to date list by calling the API command "
 msgstr "通过调用API命令 ``listAlerts``,你还可以显示最新的列表。"
-# 55bd3cff1d234d10b6874e5bd2208730
-#: ../../management.rst:376
+# 0ead10e6a3664baf84b6199d70dfb243
+#: ../../management.rst:334
 msgid "SNMP Alert Details"
 msgstr "SNMP警告详情"
-# b7f474def21a45019ad42f1dcb03434e
-#: ../../management.rst:378
+# 77c8d073d21f41859f495f2b0120f7ef
+#: ../../management.rst:336
 msgid "The supported protocol is SNMP version 2."
 msgstr "支持SNMP v2。"
-# 93853f006fe94159a30cfacd98bacaef
-#: ../../management.rst:380
+# 164535e01fe54071916fc21626d662af
+#: ../../management.rst:338
 msgid ""
 "Each SNMP trap contains the following information: message, podId, "
 "dataCenterId, clusterId, and generationTime."
 msgstr "每个SNMP陷阱报错以下信息:message、podId、dataCenterId、clusterId和generationTime。"
-# 7b720e085e5a440280e905349f42fd5e
-#: ../../management.rst:384
+# be99b465676b4d13ae21a9bd33ff94ef
+#: ../../management.rst:343
 msgid "Syslog Alert Details"
 msgstr "Syslog警报详情"
-# 632fd4dd34df40eaab1b80869ea0ef29
-#: ../../management.rst:386
+# 653fb8fc18ea4f17ab01fe630ed6783b
+#: ../../management.rst:345
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack generates a syslog message for every alert. Each syslog message "
 "incudes the fields alertType, message, podId, dataCenterId, and clusterId, "
@@ -379,25 +376,25 @@
 "not be included."
 msgstr "CloudStack为每个警告生成一个syslog信息。每个syslog信息包含下列格式的字段alertType、message、podId、dataCenterId和clusterId。如果任何字段没有有效值的话,它将不会包含在内。"
-# 16294475b8e9426f92abe561d0af9d18
-#: ../../management.rst:395
+# 7c74aa344fe948a39e5bff24928b78fa
+#: ../../management.rst:354
 msgid "For example:"
 msgstr "例如:"
-# 033011aa33934bbea10d0f9348ad5744
-#: ../../management.rst:402
+# b3bcf49651e44cc189085099c9309174
+#: ../../management.rst:361
 msgid "Configuring SNMP and Syslog Managers"
 msgstr "配置SNMP和Syslog日志管理"
-# 6c85d75e087e497288d50df030ecea6f
-#: ../../management.rst:404
+# b5638ebd1bd5442ab77995897186ed0c
+#: ../../management.rst:363
 msgid ""
 "To configure one or more SNMP managers or Syslog managers to receive alerts "
 "from CloudStack:"
 msgstr "要配置一个或多个SNMP管理器或者Syslog管理器来接收来自CloudStack 的警告:"
-# c688dbbc722f42a5be3cb7cec4b0b7e8
-#: ../../management.rst:409
+# 377884390b154436a6ce3913008b664c
+#: ../../management.rst:366
 msgid ""
 "For an SNMP manager, install the CloudStack MIB file on your SNMP manager "
 "system. This maps the SNMP OIDs to trap types that can be more easily read "
@@ -406,13 +403,13 @@
 msgstr "对于SNMP管理器,一个安装在你的SNMP管理系统上安装的CloudStack MIB文件。它映射SNMP OIDs到陷阱类型,目的让用户更容易阅读。这个文件必须是公开的。关于如何安装这个文件的更多信息,参阅SNMP管理器提供的文档。"
-# b89ad48e4ed84c129f21d619c068d364
-#: ../../management.rst:417
+# a32632406531434cbf5c4c261b1f69b6
+#: ../../management.rst:372
 msgid "Edit the file /etc/cloudstack/management/log4j-cloud.xml."
 msgstr "编辑 /etc/cloudstack/management/log4j-cloud.xml文件。"
-# 4b3128207e8349a9ad7401fc69b17a2b
-#: ../../management.rst:425
+# 8ba1745b7c924d888e2595a379d2db32
+#: ../../management.rst:378
 msgid ""
 "Add an entry using the syntax shown below. Follow the appropriate example "
 "depending on whether you are adding an SNMP manager or a Syslog manager. To "
@@ -420,14 +417,14 @@
 "configuration values with commas (,)."
 msgstr "使用下面给出的语法添加一个条目。选择你是要添加一个SNMP管理器还是一个Syslog管理器,然后按照适当的示例操作。要指定多个外部管理器,使用逗号(,)将IP地址和其他配置值隔开。"
-# fd1b4680483c4c89a013cdc0b216cd85
-#: ../../management.rst:430
+# 6cd8468c57974817b400436e8e445394
+#: ../../management.rst:384
 msgid ""
 "The recommended maximum number of SNMP or Syslog managers is 20 for each."
 msgstr "SNMP或Syslog管理器推荐的最大值是20。"
-# e2aaea38ebe14fa09cad5de41d56840f
-#: ../../management.rst:432
+# d399f22c73ea4836a3776bd53493aaf9
+#: ../../management.rst:387
 msgid ""
 "The following example shows how to configure two SNMP managers at IP "
 "addresses and Substitute your own IP addresses, ports, "
@@ -435,8 +432,8 @@
 " layout values)."
 msgstr "下面的例子展示了如果配置两个IP分别为10.1.1.1和10.1.1.2的SNMP管理器。在实际使用中请替换成你的IP、ports和communities。不要改变其他值(name、threshold、class和layout值)。"
-# 3b890460b1ab4e089a42043ac96ead1b
-#: ../../management.rst:450
+# 57b464a769fd4128a163f5613f5f1c96
+#: ../../management.rst:405
 msgid ""
 "The following example shows how to configure two Syslog managers at IP "
 "addresses and Substitute your own IP addresses. You can "
@@ -444,22 +441,22 @@
 "change the other values."
 msgstr "下面的例子展示了如果配置两个IP分别为10.1.1.1和10.1.1.2的Syslog管理器。在实际是使用中请替换成你的IP。你可以设置Facility为任何syslog-defined的值,如 LOCAL0 - LOCAL7。不要改变其他的值。"
-# 6519d2611cb9461c9db740d0a6a88955
-#: ../../management.rst:468
+# 9ac4b5f945144653a9fb6df9185afba4
+#: ../../management.rst:421
 msgid ""
 "If your cloud has multiple Management Server nodes, repeat these steps to "
 "edit log4j-cloud.xml on every instance."
 msgstr "如果你的云有多个管理服务器节点,在编辑每个节点中log4j-cloud.xml的时候,重复这些步骤。"
-# 8f72a4c1d1a8453b87cc53aa201f48b4
-#: ../../management.rst:473
+# d82882ad1f8e447fb1ddbf2141ca0f1e
+#: ../../management.rst:424
 msgid ""
 "If you have made these changes while the Management Server is running, wait "
 "a few minutes for the change to take effect."
 msgstr "当管理服务器正在运行的时候,你做了这些变更,等待一会让变更生效。"
-# 27c6084b918c4be5af71768e4b0d44db
-#: ../../management.rst:476
+# c74a110e35d5496db9637e208ca69f0c
+#: ../../management.rst:427
 msgid ""
 "**Troubleshooting:** If no alerts appear at the configured SNMP or Syslog "
 "manager after a reasonable amount of time, it is likely that there is an "
@@ -467,26 +464,26 @@
 "sure that the format and settings are correct."
 msgstr "**排错:**如果一段之后,在配置的SNMP或者Syslog管理器中没有警告出现,那么log4j-cloud.xml中<appender>的语法可能有错误。检查并确定格式和设置都是正确的。"
-# 6c4c318782b24c9f8ca91f295b54c425
-#: ../../management.rst:483
+# 6e66a0c8054b4278923a1680c1d13f92
+#: ../../management.rst:435
 msgid "Deleting an SNMP or Syslog Manager"
 msgstr "删除SNMP或Syslog日志管理"
-# 333c2a71b97e46b2b464c7febe95676e
-#: ../../management.rst:485
+# daed36b7b2304574be3a327f0fdaae34
+#: ../../management.rst:437
 msgid ""
 "To remove an external SNMP manager or Syslog manager so that it no longer "
 "receives alerts from CloudStack, remove the corresponding entry from the "
 "file ``/etc/cloudstack/management/log4j-cloud.xml``."
 msgstr "要移除一个外部SNMP管理器或者Syslog管理器以便它不再接收来自CloudStack 的警告,请删除``/etc/cloudstack/management/log4j-cloud.xml``文件中对应的条目。"
-# 41d170a469ed480ba6aeb1e5fad947d3
-#: ../../management.rst:490
+# 13024d28ec5a4e0d9d54dc264f048c4c
+#: ../../management.rst:443
 msgid "Customizing the Network Domain Name"
 msgstr "自定义网络域名"
-# 710127df750e46a29414e4b5949fdd84
-#: ../../management.rst:492
+# 47fe94d226e941e8971730847123ac7e
+#: ../../management.rst:445
 msgid ""
 "The root administrator can optionally assign a custom DNS suffix at the "
 "level of a network, account, domain, zone, or entire CloudStack "
@@ -494,13 +491,13 @@
 "To specify a custom domain name and put it into effect, follow these steps."
 msgstr "根管理员在网络, 帐户,域, 资源域以及整个CloudStack级别可选择设置DNS后缀,域管理员可以在自己的域做这样的设置。要自定义域名并使其有效, 请按照下面的步骤操作。"
-# 987b6416037e4b1ea4964ea02e0857b8
-#: ../../management.rst:500
+# 12a0d889b85a42dfb2f7a37556be8592
+#: ../../management.rst:451
 msgid "Set the DNS suffix at the desired scope"
 msgstr "在所需的范围内设置DNS后缀"
-# 4a55e259b9f540b28cdf2a67892b7742
-#: ../../management.rst:504
+# 8f9f57e29f9c404d9930091f8630a427
+#: ../../management.rst:453
 msgid ""
 "At the network level, the DNS suffix can be assigned through the UI when "
 "creating a new network, as described in `“Adding an Additional Guest "
@@ -508,16 +505,16 @@
 "updateNetwork command in the CloudStack API."
 msgstr "在网络级别中, DNS后缀可以通过UI在创建新的网络时设置, 这些在 `“添加额外的来宾网络” <networking2#adding-an-additional-guest-network>`_ 或CloudStack API的updateNetwork命令中都有描述."
-# 9bbd2a476c3946808b3e2adb221d3e39
-#: ../../management.rst:511
+# c091289d2eee46e89ea79afc752a76bf
+#: ../../management.rst:459
 msgid ""
 "At the account, domain, or zone level, the DNS suffix can be assigned with "
 "the appropriate CloudStack API commands: createAccount, editAccount, "
 "createDomain, editDomain, createZone, or editZone."
 msgstr "在帐户、域或者区域级别,DNS后缀可以由以下CloudStack API命令:createAccount、editAccount、createDomain、editDomain、createZone或editZone指定。"
-# 96dae8eb905745c4bdd5bd0cdd34a994
-#: ../../management.rst:518
+# 3aa8bfbb66e6499eaf26bd3d496d6bf8
+#: ../../management.rst:464
 msgid ""
 "At the global level, use the configuration parameter guest.domain.suffix. "
 "You can also use the CloudStack API command updateConfiguration. After "
@@ -525,66 +522,66 @@
 "the new setting into effect."
 msgstr "在全局级别中,使用配置参数guest.domain.suffix。你也可以使用CloudStack API命令updateConfiguration。当更改了这个全局配置后,重启管理服务器的服务以便新的设置有效。"
-# 9a8fe7370653486b84e2578fe98f0907
-#: ../../management.rst:525
+# ea55aed82e8440d191210e6219afd4b4
+#: ../../management.rst:469
 msgid ""
 "To make the new DNS suffix take effect for an existing network, call the "
 "CloudStack API command updateNetwork. This step is not necessary when the "
 "DNS suffix was specified while creating a new network."
 msgstr "为了使你的新DNS后缀对已经存在的网络有效,你需要调用CloudStack API命令updateNetwork。对于DNS后缀已经更改后新建的网络这一步不是必需的。"
-# b990678db82f4ca593bdbf4d333df20e
-#: ../../management.rst:529
+# c4c8780f62264aef9166fb7abb03b23d
+#: ../../management.rst:473
 msgid ""
 "The source of the network domain that is used depends on the following "
 msgstr "你使用的网络域的源取决于下面的一些规则。"
-# 128ab344160241e0b8edba4e6f9eb6ce
-#: ../../management.rst:534
+# ed54e22f6c384a979fdd24525a23d6f4
+#: ../../management.rst:476
 msgid ""
 "For all networks, if a network domain is specified as part of a network's "
 "own configuration, that value is used."
 msgstr "对于所有的网络,如果网络域作为这个网络自己配置的一部分,那这个网络域的值会被使用。"
-# 39bda91169304fcbb776da4b1eb65182
-#: ../../management.rst:539
+# b62736506f044912b7508f5bcfca6b0b
+#: ../../management.rst:479
 msgid ""
 "For an account-specific network, the network domain specified for the "
 "account is used. If none is specified, the system looks for a value in the "
 "domain, zone, and global configuration, in that order."
 msgstr "对于账户指定的网络,为这个账户指定的网域会被使用。如果没有指定,系统会按照域,区域和全局配置的顺序查找网域的值。"
-# 7e6ca25cc96d442cb4abbcaa1a058fb6
-#: ../../management.rst:545
+# e4424d33ec9549389255552629bbdd2a
+#: ../../management.rst:483
 msgid ""
 "For a domain-specific network, the network domain specified for the domain "
 "is used. If none is specified, the system looks for a value in the zone and "
 "global configuration, in that order."
 msgstr "对于域指定的网络, 为这个域指定的网络域名会被使用. 如果没有指定, 系统会区域和全局配置中按顺序查找网络域名的值."
-# 3366663c410b4c01bc0ede1967e0057c
-#: ../../management.rst:551
+# 3d1ebf272ba647ef8f54fcd126b4806c
+#: ../../management.rst:487
 msgid ""
 "For a zone-specific network, the network domain specified for the zone is "
 "used. If none is specified, the system looks for a value in the global "
 msgstr "对于区域指定的网络, 为这个域指定的网络域名会被使用. 如果没有指定, 系统会在全局配置里查找网络域名的值."
-# 574bfe6275184a228bf29c18f7d01f4e
-#: ../../management.rst:556
+# b6795b367f9a4a56bd542d1303ef6706
+#: ../../management.rst:493
 msgid "Stopping and Restarting the Management Server"
 msgstr "停止和重启管理服务"
-# 03e70a994f15444d8c76fed8ea185b6c
-#: ../../management.rst:558
+# bbd28a885afc4bd6918951b631b80c85
+#: ../../management.rst:495
 msgid ""
 "The root administrator will need to stop and restart the Management Server "
 "from time to time."
 msgstr "超级管理员需要经常性的关闭和重启管理服务。"
-# 03739589fbc44d29b6c184ac61cd2bc1
-#: ../../management.rst:561
+# 0d670244a1804343a1935015f8eaa6fb
+#: ../../management.rst:498
 msgid ""
 "For example, after changing a global configuration parameter, a restart is "
 "required. If you have multiple Management Server nodes, restart all of them "
@@ -592,14 +589,14 @@
 msgstr "例如,修改全局配置参数之后,要求重启管理服务器。如果您有多个管理服务器节点,请全部重启,以便使新参数值在整个云中生效。"
-# d45ce656da614e40af35f65d5da5b4c4
-#: ../../management.rst:566
+# 180fc3fdda44467f97b04959693747c5
+#: ../../management.rst:503
 msgid ""
 "To stop the Management Server, issue the following command at the operating "
 "system prompt on the Management Server node:"
 msgstr "要停止管理服务,在管理服务节点所在的操作系统中运行如下命令:"
-# d6a59f81a7de46bfba9fc759713e09d5
-#: ../../management.rst:573
+# 02d90290579d496098aed77584f7a2d3
+#: ../../management.rst:510
 msgid "To start the Management Server:"
 msgstr "启动管理服务:"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index 353f3d3..53f4100 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
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Binary files differ
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index 81430a8..0d95a6e 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking.po
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking.po
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
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-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-23 12:39+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: aguncn <>\n"
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+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
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-# 378fc355da2a4f7d8546a95fd9b3f5dc
+# e178ac0be7b0492e8a2edc6ed9be7a7b
 #: ../../networking.rst:18
 msgid "Setting Up Networking for Users"
 msgstr "用户网络设置"
-# 17e4cb5cdf264aa19e3578731bf842c4
+# 04f3cd2def1648f2a118dc72cdd5a592
 #: ../../networking.rst:21
 msgid "Overview of Setting Up Networking for Users"
 msgstr "用户网络设置概览"
-# 96d37a14970944b58909ecaace082018
+# 60188130ecb74037bd537749bcaf4750
 #: ../../networking.rst:23
 msgid ""
 "People using cloud infrastructure have a variety of needs and preferences "
@@ -37,95 +36,95 @@
 "networking for your users:"
 msgstr "当涉及到云计算所提供的网络服务, 使用云基础设施的人都有各自不同的需求和喜好. 作为CloudStack管理员, 你可以为你的用户做下面的事情来设置网络:"
-# 3db74da31e2046a8908c67bf3c665472
-#: ../../networking.rst:30
+# fb8952bb97144229abe5a477941ae76a
+#: ../../networking.rst:28
 msgid "Set up physical networks in zones"
 msgstr "在资源域里设置物理网络"
-# 94e40111c3614cebb720933c53c016bb
-#: ../../networking.rst:34
+# 8dd6941ef2c54c6bbabf956d9eb0680a
+#: ../../networking.rst:30
 msgid ""
 "Set up several different providers for the same service on a single physical"
 " network (for example, both Cisco and Juniper firewalls)"
 msgstr "在单个物理网卡上为同一服务设置不同的服务提供者(例如, 同时设置Cisco和Juniper的防火墙)"
-# f7ee99dc067d4b129ec339cb1799e0cd
-#: ../../networking.rst:39
+# d4c8d144d71e47c7b10f71c182941308
+#: ../../networking.rst:33
 msgid ""
 "Bundle different types of network services into network offerings, so users "
 "can choose the desired network services for any given virtual machine"
 msgstr "绑定不同类型的网络服务到网络方案中, 这样用户可以在给定的虚机中使用期望的网络服务."
-# c5a8692df93942eca2c97aa1872928c6
-#: ../../networking.rst:45
+# f5309ffd41a14f77a9dd77113c106332
+#: ../../networking.rst:37
 msgid ""
 "Add new network offerings as time goes on so end users can upgrade to a "
 "better class of service on their network"
 msgstr "随着时间的推移, 添加新的网络方案以便是最终用户升级他们的网络服务."
-# f11d70f72e114c728425a80bf2c162c5
-#: ../../networking.rst:50
+# 13b07adc896a416793148e27ab919b13
+#: ../../networking.rst:40
 msgid ""
 "Provide more ways for a network to be accessed by a user, such as through a "
 "project of which the user is a member"
 msgstr "提供更多的途径让一个用户访问一个网络, 比如通过用户所在的一个项目"
-# aa05ae98bb2a4229a3c0478a99a39fe6
-#: ../../networking.rst:54
+# 75c4f2f501724f68be26715201e81f13
+#: ../../networking.rst:45
 msgid "About Virtual Networks"
 msgstr "关于虚拟网络"
-# a08bd43e29f54560ba910cb343eb5f53
-#: ../../networking.rst:56
+# 6e8b5c92233f49618f96673822e130e6
+#: ../../networking.rst:47
 msgid ""
 "A virtual network is a logical construct that enables multi-tenancy on a "
 "single physical network. In CloudStack a virtual network can be shared or "
 msgstr "虚拟网络是使多租户在一个物理网络中的逻辑结构。在CloudStack中,虚拟网络可以被共享或隔离。"
-# d1784c41349f444cbaaffea5119ee4bf
-#: ../../networking.rst:61
+# e96b2f098a274b148edc9883c7424a27
+#: ../../networking.rst:53
 msgid "Isolated Networks"
-msgstr "隔离的网络"
+msgstr "独立的网络"
-# db4418e95acd4fa69374025ca81020cb
-#: ../../networking.rst:63
+# 3358619f0382468a9d2f2aea99522408
+#: ../../networking.rst:55
 msgid ""
 "An isolated network can be accessed only by virtual machines of a single "
 "account. Isolated networks have the following properties."
 msgstr "一个隔离的网络可以访问虚拟机的单一账户。隔离的网络具有下列性质。"
-# 554e4288f8524114a4bcf6da37435d19
-#: ../../networking.rst:68
+# c84b0ce76be64977bad2361a036a55cf
+#: ../../networking.rst:58
 msgid "Resources such as VLAN are allocated and garbage collected dynamically"
 msgstr "如VLAN等资源被动态分配和垃圾收集"
-# 55a8c8a3a194402a9e55453f2ec86253
-#: ../../networking.rst:73
+# 3eb29ededba94d0dbcb168491b1acda6
+#: ../../networking.rst:61
 msgid "There is one network offering for the entire network"
 msgstr "有一个用于整个网络的网络方案"
-# 6da623bb1302444ebd2054fdbf1743b7
-#: ../../networking.rst:77
+# ff059c44a53e4765b488337444f9fd70
+#: ../../networking.rst:63
 msgid ""
 "The network offering can be upgraded or downgraded but it is for the entire "
 msgstr "网络提供可升级或降级,但它是用于整个网络的"
-# c3f3fb10b1b84b56b1a7c5c1d57144f7
-#: ../../networking.rst:80
+# d147367777724c05a61626c7756aae05
+#: ../../networking.rst:66
 msgid ""
 "For more information, see `“Configure Guest Traffic in an Advanced Zone” "
 msgstr "更多信息,参考`“在高级区域中配置来宾流量” <networking2.html#configure-guest-traffic-in-an-advanced-zone>`_."
-# 774c3f3c464645b68e37c9d0558753fc
-#: ../../networking.rst:83
+# 9cb58dfba63248058b6e4c2370250e1f
+#: ../../networking.rst:71
 msgid "Shared Networks"
 msgstr "共享网络"
-# a3d1aa420b2e4d5b9d13ffb9fc397614
-#: ../../networking.rst:85
+# 4b159336d5054af78283deb65966e56d
+#: ../../networking.rst:73
 msgid ""
 "A shared network can be accessed by virtual machines that belong to many "
 "different accounts. Network Isolation on shared networks is accomplished by "
@@ -133,35 +132,35 @@
 "zones in CloudStack 3.0.3 and later versions."
 msgstr "共享网络可以被属于不同客户的虚拟机访问。共享网络中的网络隔离通过安全组实现(仅在CloudStack 3.0.3及以后的基本区域中支持)"
-# 0046613bd7254cef901e0515e4a83759
-#: ../../networking.rst:92
+# 0eed59cfbc8447e98bc84e58489e3ae7
+#: ../../networking.rst:78
 msgid "Shared Networks are created by the administrator"
 msgstr "管理员创建的共享网络"
-# 4f8d81c8a66e42688826ed6e2e945dcb
-#: ../../networking.rst:96
+# b29eadf838f449549e16a2e745f711af
+#: ../../networking.rst:80
 msgid "Shared Networks can be designated to a certain domain"
 msgstr "在一个确定的哉中设计共享网络"
-# ed54831a452d415eaadb8ceee4586eca
-#: ../../networking.rst:100
+# 956864b9c95e4fb98178b4a0ad4918d3
+#: ../../networking.rst:82
 msgid ""
 "Shared Network resources such as VLAN and physical network that it maps to "
 "are designated by the administrator"
 msgstr "共享网络资源如VLAN和物理网络,它映射到指定的管理员"
-# da3c9bed2af34e42a36b14d2b5ff6541
-#: ../../networking.rst:105
+# a9b84145482e4171bdf228084a5d51f4
+#: ../../networking.rst:85
 msgid "Shared Networks can be isolated by security groups"
 msgstr "共享网络通过安全组实现隔离"
-# 0b46085b309e4593b1de03c7e4b4bf9c
-#: ../../networking.rst:109
+# 345abc742c6749aeb975b3453c70c387
+#: ../../networking.rst:87
 msgid "Public Network is a shared network that is not shown to the end users"
 msgstr "公网网络作为一个共享网络不会展示给终端用户"
-# 44ffaf3770314f4c887d620f8aca1f78
-#: ../../networking.rst:113
+# 743e27f0ef1d415180cce8da2bb79724
+#: ../../networking.rst:89
 msgid ""
 "Source NAT per zone is not supported in Shared Network when the service "
 "provider is virtual router. However, Source NAT per account is supported. "
@@ -169,13 +168,13 @@
 msgstr "当共享网络是由虚拟路由提供的服务,则每个区域是不支持Source NAT功能的。然而,每个帐户是支持Source NAT功能的。更多信息,参考`“配置共享来宾网络” <networking2.html#configuring-a-shared-guest-network>`_."
-# f6678b56239e4ca6bde83febb7adfae4
-#: ../../networking.rst:119
+# dfed0497ec374d71927a32da736f6b28
+#: ../../networking.rst:96
 msgid "Runtime Allocation of Virtual Network Resources"
 msgstr "虚拟网络资源的运行时分配"
-# e38a78ac1a6049de83a965db1b35dae3
-#: ../../networking.rst:121
+# 33c1cc37caa3449d8a22888ee5706153
+#: ../../networking.rst:98
 msgid ""
 "When you define a new virtual network, all your settings for that network "
 "are stored in CloudStack. The actual network resources are activated only "
@@ -185,20 +184,20 @@
 msgstr "当你定义一个新的虚拟网络,该网络的所有的设置都存储在CloudStack中。只有当第一台虚拟机在该网络中启动时,实际的网络资源才会被激活。当所有的虚拟机都离开了虚拟网络,系统进行网络资源垃圾收集,使它们能够重新分配。这有助于节约网络资源。"
-# 8ab8ea2db95d4c4f810705a814fb93b9
-#: ../../networking.rst:129
+# c7699333b3c747f09b34f3a541caa725
+#: ../../networking.rst:107
 msgid "Network Service Providers"
 msgstr "网络服务提供者"
-# d6ce8ef140484edcb8039a76dc385b9e
-#: ../../networking.rst:132
+# 90bd799fd2444d978136f72070afd1ca
+#: ../../networking.rst:110
 msgid ""
 "For the most up-to-date list of supported network service providers, see the"
 " CloudStack UI or call `listNetworkServiceProviders`."
 msgstr "查看最新的网络服务提供者支持列表请见CloudStack用户界面或者调用listNetworkServiceProviders`.。"
-# 1cbf32a3d9944d6f8bb5bd6c44f80f49
-#: ../../networking.rst:134
+# 3f97bb088f7240d99034a78ca6adf65f
+#: ../../networking.rst:113
 msgid ""
 "A service provider (also called a network element) is hardware or virtual "
 "appliance that makes a network service possible; for example, a firewall "
@@ -208,15 +207,15 @@
 "the same physical network."
 msgstr "服务提供者(也称为网络元件)是指通过硬件或虚拟应用来实现网络应用。比如,防火墙应用可以安装在云端来提供防火墙服务。在独立网络中多个提供者能提供相同的网络服务。比如,可以通过思科或者Juniper的设备在同一个物理网络中提供防火墙服务。"
-# 8f25fd00ebd8421db4c8b732bc40daf3
-#: ../../networking.rst:141
+# e52ed5139a664c31acccd845de73897d
+#: ../../networking.rst:120
 msgid ""
 "You can have multiple instances of the same service provider in a network "
 "(say, more than one Juniper SRX device)."
 msgstr "在一个网络中你可以多个实例使用相同的服务提供者(也可以使用多个Juniper SRX设备)"
-# c16afb129f964ce0b4f26b864fc15cfb
-#: ../../networking.rst:144
+# 013a36e42a254aaa98b7e3ad9ea97db8
+#: ../../networking.rst:123
 msgid ""
 "If different providers are set up to provide the same service on the "
 "network, the administrator can create network offerings so users can specify"
@@ -225,220 +224,220 @@
 "provider to use whenever the service is called for."
 msgstr "如果不同提供者被设置在网络中提供相同服务,管理员可以通过创建网络提供方案,因此用户能够自己制定使用哪个物理网络提供者(要遵从网络提供方案中的其他选项)。否则CloudStack会在服务被需求的时候选择使用哪个提供者。"
-# 54e114cc45464476b77ca5d8de1ce4bb
-#: ../../networking.rst:150
+# eb5e7f69942b448f906dc822400a348c
+#: ../../networking.rst:129
 msgid "*Supported Network Service Providers*"
 msgstr "*支持的网络服务提供者*"
-# 3d10447bdf2c432586a4e5610ae5ab5e
-#: ../../networking.rst:152
+# d43ecfbdacb84dac9d6ffe5229f277a3
+#: ../../networking.rst:131
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack ships with an internal list of the supported service providers, "
 "and you can choose from this list when creating a network offering."
 msgstr "CloudStack已经预置了一些内置的服务提供者支持列表。你能在创建网络提供方案的时候你能从这列表中选择。"
-# e743e99990144f939fc3a63349774ce0
-#: ../../networking.rst:157
+# 5dd3d24c6aa149cd8be77c9e90e924fa
+#: ../../networking.rst:136
 msgid "Virtual Router"
 msgstr "虚拟路由"
-# f79fe8d0744940bfa69f362edb14c35f
-#: ../../networking.rst:157
+# 8f9be66568214ef19761bdd0b1e87a0a
+#: ../../networking.rst:136
 msgid "Citrix NetScaler"
 msgstr "Citrix NetScaler"
-# d86abf81c8de465b9cede26a7720dace
-#: ../../networking.rst:157
+# dccb0ff066124e7ca8f1f4b1df9b566a
+#: ../../networking.rst:136
 msgid "Juniper SRX"
 msgstr "Juniper SRX"
-# 023e0ba83f2f413890cf4eac19ab30fc
-#: ../../networking.rst:157
+# b6c9b2cf119641999eeded8e8069824f
+#: ../../networking.rst:136
 msgid "F5 BigIP"
 msgstr "F5 BigIP"
-# 4cc8fae5e06d4938a3d6777a1f49b7ef
-#: ../../networking.rst:157
+# 4eec0320581e47cea2b8b9a6eb5c5b70
+#: ../../networking.rst:136
 msgid "Host based (KVM/Xen)"
 msgstr "Host based (KVM/Xen)"
-# 538c6cf7488a4cf1b2790816cb3796d3
-#: ../../networking.rst:160
+# 2c2f1239e908471a929feb91a02e08dd
+#: ../../networking.rst:139
 msgid "Remote Access VPN"
 msgstr "远程访问VPN"
-# 9d3882428ce14164ae21556dd4f71980
-# 9f18b0853a44447f9f9a8c1e8f154ad5
-# e0be26ab6fad4753893deb50337a6730
-# 7aa2d2ff8735493a9a3a6b5eb8d46f1d
-# 65fb94ad60864e47837bd7097c7e950b
-# c98aa239bbbf48af9ab5709b1ce4d85f
-# 1fdc23d97e81478caf0d9a4ddc729069
-# 024d3b3a60ca47228a4cbd600dccbe1f
-# 71139b53fe904bd4a018ae8097a371d1
-# c9f2815cd2864ed9be683e676444d21e
-# f5651ed2f2a74438a882ca58fa5379c4
-# b803d31092d74127a0d71cf5ec01e6de
-# f0378ae48126424bb889176fd22f0f26
-# 5c6b625d8fd64373a5a58eb8be434d7d
-# a5a7cbf6009341a5970e96d746a90485
-# 4093e40696754637b985dac12d3c3a9d
-#: ../../networking.rst:160 ../../networking.rst:162 ../../networking.rst:164
-#: ../../networking.rst:164 ../../networking.rst:166 ../../networking.rst:166
-#: ../../networking.rst:166 ../../networking.rst:168 ../../networking.rst:170
-#: ../../networking.rst:172 ../../networking.rst:172 ../../networking.rst:174
-#: ../../networking.rst:174 ../../networking.rst:174 ../../networking.rst:176
-#: ../../networking.rst:176
+# 3ae9d08f24164c359e5553b13dd96db0
+# 0c7c9adabf9449babcb4553e3a59b52b
+# 411fef44341e42758013621c4a23b6b6
+# 6c934e881e7849368f5400433ea69f81
+# 1fc336068db6481183d8a01c5746f5e0
+# 8a397af8cc344e41b52173b2d9bce329
+# 8a7faf6012614a33a03fce7b63e06032
+# f4b01e6ad27f435bbe4aa4b14adc6cd9
+# 60fc90d0645a4e70a2b43c269d7d92ab
+# 72abbb0d60bb43e7ac7ca73f206aa8dd
+# 3f6508ced2f04ac2adcd337ac022d6b0
+# 5492ba67a1304fdb9b75910ef384ac85
+# 1b2c1c6af0814e59bd1d64623dec20d6
+# 76efa1585e2241eaaae3e5a45da37007
+# 933c860bae084ab4846ad9f7270712aa
+# c38c824dc105481f82f564a1071efb74
+#: ../../networking.rst:139 ../../networking.rst:141 ../../networking.rst:143
+#: ../../networking.rst:143 ../../networking.rst:145 ../../networking.rst:145
+#: ../../networking.rst:145 ../../networking.rst:147 ../../networking.rst:149
+#: ../../networking.rst:151 ../../networking.rst:151 ../../networking.rst:153
+#: ../../networking.rst:153 ../../networking.rst:153 ../../networking.rst:155
+#: ../../networking.rst:155
 msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "支持"
+msgstr "是"
-# cf6cd7e627894bb399d4b2a2e8935730
-# c3739de5a9764c0ab1a9eec12242ba2f
-# b9904b520f854271863c5edcd444465b
-# d6acc1800a59467cb6b4a593f7406d73
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-# aaffd78d2bd642cb86e191db5ed57113
-# eb30654a90c149bcb276e1dbdf484b74
-# 9e327f9dff554171807add97cd2d1086
-# b0c5b421a56f45dc914f8da460b23bbc
-# 511fe014c5594bdea7000aaf6d83bfdd
-# 78332347e8df424599c7e2ae65ffdfe5
-# d61f0398e7c64d2b938caf47076f9b33
-# 9f358aeca54544e79a112777b0be0386
-# 8dc5b57a7f834fa1897d63f2d907cca3
-# 5e6786c934114eafba47a9285f24c1a3
-# 4bc2d4a340ab4e3285bb620d3f3f7cae
-# 8afc553c7dfb446dab37feab5d539e84
-# c6d4fcc0d2e24f26993278c0224e9a2a
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-# 68be8c9eb09c4f56ae0a82896449d23e
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-# 990514caa33a45b8aa649b0f23afcccd
-# adcbfe0ed8f84271af55d6e2e9042250
-# 0f0d09b47b7742bc8039484cf91cc212
-# a5faef20128445dcbffe80d358fa2f2e
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-# 3f06f8c6b0844269a865cbe05fed4dbb
-# 56624add510a4e4e96cc0fbb740e66b9
-#: ../../networking.rst:160 ../../networking.rst:160 ../../networking.rst:160
-#: ../../networking.rst:160 ../../networking.rst:162 ../../networking.rst:162
-#: ../../networking.rst:162 ../../networking.rst:162 ../../networking.rst:164
-#: ../../networking.rst:164 ../../networking.rst:164 ../../networking.rst:166
-#: ../../networking.rst:166 ../../networking.rst:168 ../../networking.rst:168
-#: ../../networking.rst:168 ../../networking.rst:168 ../../networking.rst:170
-#: ../../networking.rst:170 ../../networking.rst:170 ../../networking.rst:170
-#: ../../networking.rst:172 ../../networking.rst:172 ../../networking.rst:172
-#: ../../networking.rst:174 ../../networking.rst:174 ../../networking.rst:176
-#: ../../networking.rst:176 ../../networking.rst:176
+# d7b2c2af7ecd47769b0c7bb3013e1bbd
+# beb488a16e4646b3aa87280ad9216415
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+# 8a8f9ec35bea40f1853aba71a675887e
+# ec884b7505904c66b59ae39b287f3682
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+# fdceedef2f9e43bbbb62a4fb09483cf2
+# 10e8e962affb46bd999d66cae4c189c0
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+# 07903eb7e9fc46fbb91c64c77357409f
+# 98c2b214043b41dea4181a3d1d4726d8
+# ce61ff1d67ff4e90a5a5a722d0fef5f0
+# ded424a7c1b345f398e02e70edea8a5a
+# 9feb3d9ea53b45c5a8e95492710b7124
+# 562866fe2ede4c5f838067549ca5b4bd
+# f21d80c3b07e4fd69b54807235ed3cdb
+# e2d5fa4c2d874e8e90d4022e41f6a3ef
+# 4f7bcdd07de343638f1983951581d2a9
+# 6491fc2c462b4ae5ace77aa2cb534435
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+# 5f0d4dc5583a4a2eab7336f826b54b67
+#: ../../networking.rst:139 ../../networking.rst:139 ../../networking.rst:139
+#: ../../networking.rst:139 ../../networking.rst:141 ../../networking.rst:141
+#: ../../networking.rst:141 ../../networking.rst:141 ../../networking.rst:143
+#: ../../networking.rst:143 ../../networking.rst:143 ../../networking.rst:145
+#: ../../networking.rst:145 ../../networking.rst:147 ../../networking.rst:147
+#: ../../networking.rst:147 ../../networking.rst:147 ../../networking.rst:149
+#: ../../networking.rst:149 ../../networking.rst:149 ../../networking.rst:149
+#: ../../networking.rst:151 ../../networking.rst:151 ../../networking.rst:151
+#: ../../networking.rst:153 ../../networking.rst:153 ../../networking.rst:155
+#: ../../networking.rst:155 ../../networking.rst:155
 msgid "No"
-msgstr "不支持"
+msgstr "否"
-# e4a4c959124946818756ed66cb87561f
-#: ../../networking.rst:162
+# ab9d28c06dcf43d6b43310410d730272
+#: ../../networking.rst:141
 msgid "DNS/DHCP/User Data"
 msgstr "DNS/DHCP/User Data"
-# 8fa7de81857c47bf95dbb457c47ad0ee
-# 3ee09c09bfb4473d97f2902efd5a8dc2
-# 19c378b323184814a5616bd38baac90d
-#: ../../networking.rst:164 ../../networking.rst:213 ../../networking.rst:347
+# ec9a836945d54daa80b2790549b0e124
+# 98b80ddeb60c417e839a5e695b989f52
+# 155333ae90b64d45959ef29649a45d44
+#: ../../networking.rst:143 ../../networking.rst:180 ../../networking.rst:288
 msgid "Firewall"
 msgstr "防火墙"
-# cee9dbc5210747198f81a673f44a12f9
-# f948b5d0102c45b59800ce77524e1e61
-#: ../../networking.rst:166 ../../networking.rst:209
+# ec3524d24a7c47479fbc5f696c94c8ba
+# 5d871878b8f6400babacd35334ff571b
+#: ../../networking.rst:145 ../../networking.rst:178
 msgid "Load Balancing"
 msgstr "负载均衡"
-# 5a07c7f449494ff6863e789adde970a6
-#: ../../networking.rst:168
+# e9f00e30da4347368893885b9ebf0951
+#: ../../networking.rst:147
 msgid "Elastic IP"
 msgstr "弹性IP"
-# 10fe6e755ee449b181436d52a65d114c
-#: ../../networking.rst:170
+# 2665ea2a6b90470e81ee706892bc8f12
+#: ../../networking.rst:149
 msgid "Elastic LB"
 msgstr "弹性负载均衡"
-# f6ab100ea87b42e7ac418826469fbbab
-# 89757ebd8a6a4f00b3c75bf99bc10ee8
-# f84a82fdc1174b07a63be45eb129877b
-#: ../../networking.rst:172 ../../networking.rst:197 ../../networking.rst:348
+# b07356b446e34c669846ad2c208ed183
+# 522b28c564644bf68213f95712c5b120
+# 2177095ff4a24da29d588bb4cd3c2f4a
+#: ../../networking.rst:151 ../../networking.rst:172 ../../networking.rst:289
 msgid "Source NAT"
 msgstr "Source NAT"
-# bdd8361aec614d1d88b3744f189c4415
-# ad01893a0c484fb091cf1e5d092fdc80
-# b1c7bbe203744800a2b447343c326b1a
-#: ../../networking.rst:174 ../../networking.rst:201 ../../networking.rst:351
+# eea6bbfe102d498e8fed5cb73cc69b0d
+# c02a1aa3d43f4cde9668b0c049f5ca68
+# fdd23b4cdd3f4aa4a540bf84253e6a5b
+#: ../../networking.rst:153 ../../networking.rst:174 ../../networking.rst:292
 msgid "Static NAT"
 msgstr "静态 NAT"
-# 06fc70b280b249f380499674c2c4b04e
-# 8568edfad82b413fadcc6a7f88f09caa
-# 2968ac56dd7343a8aafe6eb21f1fd292
-#: ../../networking.rst:176 ../../networking.rst:205 ../../networking.rst:354
+# b4c037f8d0f1486a8b571d432c94dfc2
+# 218d3d03262e42b2aff11ea6d99f0a49
+# 3ec6fc2e436743f7bf4b9704948e4af3
+#: ../../networking.rst:155 ../../networking.rst:176 ../../networking.rst:295
 msgid "Port Forwarding"
 msgstr "端口转发"
-# cbe50c4a0b834778a33a13b921dc6816
-#: ../../networking.rst:180
+# 479f4b962b404a428355bb406c787cd9
+#: ../../networking.rst:160
 msgid "Network Offerings"
 msgstr "网络方案"
-# 02abde9be17140019afedd547b9803b6
-#: ../../networking.rst:183
+# 25cda5fdd680428d82d9dc0b90b9da3f
+#: ../../networking.rst:163
 msgid ""
 "For the most up-to-date list of supported network services, see the "
 "CloudStack UI or call listNetworkServices."
 msgstr "要查看最新的网络服务支持列表,请参见 CloudStack用户界面或者调用API listNetworkServices。"
-# ffb8cf5d807844839de681dda6fbac69
-#: ../../networking.rst:185
+# 746c329fee3d40298682a774fc0e1ce0
+#: ../../networking.rst:166
 msgid "A network offering is a named set of network services, such as:"
 msgstr "网络方案是带名称的一套网络服务,例如:"
-# 81bef347f73f480d99fe3b774343e95a
-# 7ac52f84225841a9b0722b7da042b868
-#: ../../networking.rst:189 ../../networking.rst:342
+# 1f84716ebc364d34a628de273bfae124
+# 50ebc53bb5124166b60910b97ac86bc4
+#: ../../networking.rst:168 ../../networking.rst:283
 msgid "DHCP"
 msgstr "DHCP"
-# e657c892333148a896e62c25f0270de2
-# cb2df25d008a4c8b8dc95cb508b6108d
-#: ../../networking.rst:193 ../../networking.rst:343
+# 883e0ebe77d94552b3e24415615a7bd9
+# 206e31a90b27475a957f3a6347b7e15d
+#: ../../networking.rst:170 ../../networking.rst:284
 msgid "DNS"
 msgstr "DNS"
-# 343e51150ca849f9a2fd1732bd5f57ce
-# e17fb858985f47528d2cd7bb3abb2ef2
-#: ../../networking.rst:217 ../../networking.rst:357
+# c7ba4a3ce199420a8e1ffa59b6b5aa77
+# e018337607ad4a9d90fe4ef3ab26189e
+#: ../../networking.rst:182 ../../networking.rst:298
 msgid "VPN"
 msgstr "VPN"
-# 8bd55493dec640089760b46be49c832b
-#: ../../networking.rst:221
+# 0c8566ee7245401e89972f62635febae
+#: ../../networking.rst:184
 msgid ""
 "(Optional) Name one of several available providers to use for a given "
 "service, such as Juniper for the firewall"
 msgstr "(可选)在服务的多个可选提供者中指定其一,例如Juniper作为防火墙服务"
-# 23bc443c0915486e927b945665f7e8e5
-#: ../../networking.rst:226
+# 010067ad73c94e95ad457ead1a816c4e
+#: ../../networking.rst:187
 msgid "(Optional) Network tag to specify which physical network to use"
 msgstr "(可选)用于指定使用哪个物理网络的网络标签"
-# a58f1c2f9e4644848265743394fedf70
-#: ../../networking.rst:228
+# 27fc0e1384a041e280aad1d5c6497be1
+#: ../../networking.rst:189
 msgid ""
 "When creating a new VM, the user chooses one of the available network "
 "offerings, and that determines which network services the VM can use."
 msgstr "用户创建虚机时,需要选择一种可用的网络方案。该网络方案确定了虚机可使用的网络服务。"
-# ad1942baddc2480e88346f41b83f27ca
-#: ../../networking.rst:231
+# f0629abea4a3489ab43c6616754295d7
+#: ../../networking.rst:192
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack administrator can create any number of custom network "
 "offerings, in addition to the default network offerings provided by "
@@ -451,8 +450,8 @@
 " networks for accessing the database backend."
 msgstr "CloudStack ;提供了默认的网络方案,在此之外,系统管理员可以添加任意数量的自定义网络方案。通过创建多种自定义网络方案,您可以在一个多租户的物理网络基础上提供不同级别的网络服务。例如,尽管两个租户的底层物理网络是一个,租户A可能仅需要用防火墙保护他们的网站,而租户B可能运行一个Web服务器集群,要求一个可扩展的防火墙方案、负载均衡方案、和用于访问后台数据库的可替代的网络。"
-# a559cfad18634227802c97abe0c02a8d
-#: ../../networking.rst:243
+# f84d6b9ac9d44d159518d14cc74cef39
+#: ../../networking.rst:204
 msgid ""
 "If you create load balancing rules while using a network service offering "
 "that includes an external load balancer device such as NetScaler, and later "
@@ -461,8 +460,8 @@
 "your existing load balancing rules so that they continue to function."
 msgstr "如果你创建了一个负载均衡规则且使用包括外部负载均衡设备的网络服务方案,如包括NetScaler,但随后将网络方案改成使用CloudStack的虚拟路由器,则你必须在虚拟路由器上创建一个防火墙规则,这些防火墙规则与已经设置的负载均衡规则一一对应,只有这样,才能使那些负载均衡规则继续起作用。"
-# cbc7fbcc3e6348d3908586739dbdb6f9
-#: ../../networking.rst:245
+# 6a193ad193634184b47093dfab78d48b
+#: ../../networking.rst:211
 msgid ""
 "When creating a new virtual network, the CloudStack administrator chooses "
 "which network offering to enable for that network. Each virtual network is "
@@ -471,81 +470,81 @@
 "sure to reprogram the physical network to match."
 msgstr "创建新虚拟网络时,CloudStack 管理服务器可选择该网络使用的网络方案。每个虚拟网络都关联一个网络方案。虚拟网络可以通过改变关联的网络方案来升级或降级。如果您要这样做,请确保调整物理网络以匹配网络方案。"
-# 8b73057c0c584686894e081c92eea81b
-#: ../../networking.rst:251
+# 514547d261a44dbba069882e1163a863
+#: ../../networking.rst:217
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack also has internal network offerings for use by CloudStack system "
 "VMs. These network offerings are not visible to users but can be modified by"
 " administrators."
 msgstr "CloudStack 中有给系统虚机使用的内部网络方案。内部网络方案对最终用户是不可见的,但系统管理员可以对其修改。"
-# 4d0b8c9601714fac8c47073432d9e949
-#: ../../networking.rst:256
+# 9eab025e1e0b4102aabc5ed825ad3513
+#: ../../networking.rst:223
 msgid "Creating a New Network Offering"
 msgstr "创建一个新的网络方案"
-# 0fa5ee2229ff43078785d734c21c6b05
-#: ../../networking.rst:258
+# 101c5c58b3164f2d91d7c068fa2ddc13
+#: ../../networking.rst:225
 msgid "To create a network offering:"
 msgstr "创建一个新的网络方案"
-# 714f4a8335f74b50b2b380ea0835002c
-#: ../../networking.rst:262
+# ad144ea208224f0ba8bfd3d268ebaa1a
+#: ../../networking.rst:227
 msgid "Log in with admin privileges to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr "以管理员权限登录CloudStack用户界面。"
-# 64031cf3f054467b9761f61d4c992bbc
-#: ../../networking.rst:266
+# 7183c1c87f1e4a549609755e3b609e22
+#: ../../networking.rst:229
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Service Offerings."
 msgstr "在左侧导航栏中,点击 服务方案。"
-# 2101d4a328014f82bb6ef04a97fb0ad3
-#: ../../networking.rst:270
+# 22b7bae2bee145399e00d289bccc7917
+#: ../../networking.rst:231
 msgid "In Select Offering, choose Network Offering."
 msgstr "在选择方案中,选择网络方案。"
-# 8bf2efa20d1c4622a49ae4a0b6dcbf05
-#: ../../networking.rst:274
+# ef1169d122904044a6c0246757cbbb46
+#: ../../networking.rst:233
 msgid "Click Add Network Offering."
 msgstr "点击添加网络方案。"
-# e8766f68e8ed4da6b03e3af2140b0d80
-#: ../../networking.rst:278
+# 3479c8e9a5ef4f458aa9a86725ea9a15
+#: ../../networking.rst:235
 msgid "In the dialog, make the following choices:"
 msgstr "在对话框中,选择如下操作:"
-# 75d57bbc650d443d8b718a6cff553561
-#: ../../networking.rst:282
+# b9faa7d006ed43108fcd33897fea3a5f
+#: ../../networking.rst:237
 msgid "**Name**. Any desired name for the network offering."
 msgstr "**名称**: 任何网络方案的名称。"
-# 7b961fe0b52e4394b4a2a5c534a0281a
-#: ../../networking.rst:286
+# 28d48401d7c74f61a6251f06e8e33ea5
+#: ../../networking.rst:239
 msgid ""
 "**Description**. A short description of the offering that can be displayed "
 "to users."
 msgstr "**描述**: 提供一个简短的方案描述。 "
-# b36f9adc538b411399e9bb7eedd9ede1
-#: ../../networking.rst:291
+# a81d203163fd41108b4ed24231b5c84d
+#: ../../networking.rst:242
 msgid "**Network Rate**. Allowed data transfer rate in MB per second."
 msgstr "**网络速度**: 允许的数据传输速度(MB/秒)。"
-# 9d644252577743f494f2701d3f95b837
-#: ../../networking.rst:295
+# bf34e4c1410c487c81e21d82564c0ceb
+#: ../../networking.rst:244
 msgid ""
 "**Guest Type**. Choose whether the guest network is isolated or shared."
 msgstr "**来宾类型**: 选择来宾网络为隔离或共享网络。"
-# f952fc596b554510abfff2e7086d1b47
-#: ../../networking.rst:298
+# 636bbcf4e8ff4e89bc5a3263fa3152fd
+#: ../../networking.rst:247
 msgid ""
 "For a description of this term, see `“About Virtual Networks” <#about-"
 msgstr "关于此组的描述,参考 see `“关于虚拟网络” <#about-virtual-networks>`_."
-# 4faa7ce7f56d45a0b9b28ab153d54696
-#: ../../networking.rst:303
+# d9e50bd69812476c975c4eb28509a054
+#: ../../networking.rst:250
 msgid ""
 "**Persistent**. Indicate whether the guest network is persistent or not. The"
 " network that you can provision without having to deploy a VM on it is "
@@ -553,8 +552,8 @@
 msgstr "**持续性**: 表明来宾网络是否支持持续性。无需提供任何VM部署的网络,称之为持续性网络。更多信息,参考 `“持久性网络” <networking2.html#persistent-networks>`_."
-# e7f9363df01c4b10bca858974859c9f0
-#: ../../networking.rst:311
+# a78fcf61c20941b4a0074b52d456b4fb
+#: ../../networking.rst:256
 msgid ""
 "**Specify VLAN**. (Isolated guest networks only) Indicate whether a VLAN "
 "could be specified when this offering is used. If you select this option and"
@@ -562,8 +561,8 @@
 "network, you will be able to specify a VLAN ID for the network you create."
 msgstr "**指定VLAN**.(只针对隔离来宾网络)这表明无论使用这个方案时是否指定了VLAN,如果你选中了这个选项,并且当你创建VPC层或隔离网络时使用了这个网络方案,那么,你都可以为你创建的网络拽定一个VLAN ID。"
-# 18a5a261ef97492783748484bdd7253e
-#: ../../networking.rst:319
+# 0c356efbc6b1453083e1df0e795cfc3f
+#: ../../networking.rst:262
 msgid ""
 "**VPC**. This option indicate whether the guest network is Virtual Private "
 "Cloud-enabled. A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a private, isolated part of "
@@ -572,8 +571,8 @@
 "Virtual Private Clouds” <networking2.html#about-virtual-private-clouds>`_."
 msgstr "**VPC**: 此选项表明是否在来宾网络中启用VPC。 CloudStack中的虚拟专用云(VPC)是专用、隔离的。 一个VPC可以有一个类似于传统物理网络的虚拟网络拓扑结构。有关的VPC的详细信息,请参考 see `“关于VPC” <networking2.html#about-virtual-private-clouds>`_."
-# 510455b8922645178e4b65ac6ea03074
-#: ../../networking.rst:328
+# 99699a8ca7b8442b9273331bf3721599
+#: ../../networking.rst:269
 msgid ""
 "**Supported Services**. Select one or more of the possible network services."
 " For some services, you must also choose the service provider; for example, "
@@ -583,160 +582,160 @@
 "the dialog box."
 msgstr "**支持的服务**.选择一个或多个可能的网络服务。对于有一个服务,你还必须同时选择服务的提供者。比如,如果你选择了负载均衡服务,那你可以CLOUDSTACK虚拟路由或是云环境中其它配置了此功能的服务者。取决于你选择服务的不同,额外的选项或是对话框的填写项也会相应不同。"
-# 848c619314564e039dde5bb033f1e105
-#: ../../networking.rst:336
+# 92f1a16c1ffe4ceb84808c9ba972cbd4
+#: ../../networking.rst:277
 msgid ""
 "Based on the guest network type selected, you can see the following "
 "supported services:"
 msgstr "基于你选择的来宾网络类型,可以看到如何支持的服务。"
-# 067698001bec491d8fc5da16e8cc4977
-#: ../../networking.rst:340
+# 88a57a6470eb454ba571d8fde5632a82
+#: ../../networking.rst:281
 msgid "Supported Services"
 msgstr "支持的服务"
-# 082297be434e4d349883eba64e1823fc
-#: ../../networking.rst:340
+# d4aa55848ef645639458f908896ac697
+#: ../../networking.rst:281
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "描述"
-# db17d52f55764b76b8435be1ec2074b0
-#: ../../networking.rst:340
+# f8724e6bbae14251ae83b23169d9420f
+#: ../../networking.rst:281
 msgid "Isolated"
 msgstr "隔离"
-# 4205e1ffe3b64c5693fdb740cda418af
-#: ../../networking.rst:340
+# 23bd72f8680a493682d6741602166846
+#: ../../networking.rst:281
 msgid "Shared"
 msgstr "共享"
-# df8baf4211044f108c91f3f6c0e24f20
-# 698d83cab39d406cb37e6185f6294670
-#: ../../networking.rst:342 ../../networking.rst:343
+# b488c5b17c004a7b88b330efbc3bc05f
+# 9817c5466dbe4abf99c2de124120bbed
+#: ../../networking.rst:283 ../../networking.rst:284
 msgid ""
 "For more information, see `“DNS and DHCP” <networking2.html#dns-and-dhcp>`_."
 msgstr "更多信息,请参考 `“DNS and DHCP” <networking2.html#dns-and-dhcp>`_."
-# 805e347c65e64c3487ba61961339baad
-# 23025c3016ac4b1e8a702c33cde28ea7
-# 2da3a8e5b0e2474e934d7132d1e14dd0
-# 7e3249a14ead45599a181314690d0f9c
-# 01605fd514bc4b5cb1b53970d0e3bafa
-# 38fb8a3f30b044b1bc1f17a899253152
-# 302e53129bee49f58cd18d77c82d1d7d
-# 7904ea495a294d47b5f60c1ae82b3cf9
-# e6321736963444f5a2a5a0d63dae4628
-# a6d8711696ae4c65b2ddad646846e398
-# a45176c2843d4f00b795b93389e07d23
-# 17e75d9784d74f69a498b086a3e1f610
-# f86900fd609948eba216b7a53fd99ba8
-# 2a0310279b294d7aa5fccdfdfb283c5f
-# afcb530f4be04708984c4a202cf24904
-# 7895e040465840ef880398bb1062364c
-# 78c72a0d4ef44f929d74c807f28a290a
-#: ../../networking.rst:342 ../../networking.rst:342 ../../networking.rst:343
-#: ../../networking.rst:343 ../../networking.rst:344 ../../networking.rst:344
-#: ../../networking.rst:347 ../../networking.rst:347 ../../networking.rst:348
-#: ../../networking.rst:348 ../../networking.rst:351 ../../networking.rst:351
-#: ../../networking.rst:354 ../../networking.rst:357 ../../networking.rst:359
-#: ../../networking.rst:361 ../../networking.rst:363
+# c4875cd1ba3341f0801c282d362f1d24
+# d065a3aee4944733bff2d01f26b75c7f
+# 9f736e032cce456ebb4f77be38b5e58f
+# 7df1ac5d383948bd84380b75c4e098af
+# 3ba5059895ef4d1c85924407662447ee
+# 3e841c3844b94853b7a8aaaed25cd4ad
+# c77eeef8c5314be099fb3716d3445a66
+# 25f106d12a764b078bb2b6524ad18215
+# f63379e1fe44403bb4b003d91fc04f93
+# 4f4951219e654f71ba852ba5238e8851
+# 15ddd915917341cb80019e9b900a4731
+# 8dacf6aaa0704e9db73a0126c94e16e5
+# 50e87369ed7e48e29d7cb426767a5ed8
+# c1b167740f9e43c2a17a96fbf65930bf
+# 22a23c6ed73740b8a269adc46484bd2a
+# bb47b4ce2443499aa4f5308fec5ed187
+# 8754a866d8d14c92a6556744cf012422
+#: ../../networking.rst:283 ../../networking.rst:283 ../../networking.rst:284
+#: ../../networking.rst:284 ../../networking.rst:285 ../../networking.rst:285
+#: ../../networking.rst:288 ../../networking.rst:288 ../../networking.rst:289
+#: ../../networking.rst:289 ../../networking.rst:292 ../../networking.rst:292
+#: ../../networking.rst:295 ../../networking.rst:298 ../../networking.rst:300
+#: ../../networking.rst:302 ../../networking.rst:304
 msgid "Supported"
 msgstr "支持"
-# 2dec5922a2294cc480f3f05d1bd945c4
-#: ../../networking.rst:344
+# 50819151ad5442aeb2570677b2632a46
+#: ../../networking.rst:285
 msgid "Load Balancer"
 msgstr "负载均衡"
-# 388ef4db2cdc42b2ae647f16f589956e
-#: ../../networking.rst:344
+# b9edc8827ba44d2db0f62206a215e670
+#: ../../networking.rst:285
 msgid ""
 "If you select Load Balancer, you can choose the CloudStack virtual router or"
 " any other load balancers that have been configured in the cloud."
 msgstr "如果选择了负载均衡功能,你就可以选择CLOUDSTACK虚拟路由或是云环境中其它配置了此服务的提供者。"
-# f7c3d40254e14277836751f9ec34a7f4
-#: ../../networking.rst:347
+# 2e489054cb1e4a35ac3e90f70c1f1255
+#: ../../networking.rst:288
 msgid "For more information, see the Administration Guide."
 msgstr "更多信息,请参考管理指南"
-# 3173c380050745e6ad4b7b92d36511db
-#: ../../networking.rst:348
+# 8e117eda9d13423c93e568f0818cc4d9
+#: ../../networking.rst:289
 msgid ""
 "If you select Source NAT, you can choose the CloudStack virtual router or "
 "any other Source NAT providers that have been configured in the cloud."
 msgstr "如果选择了 Source NAT功能,你就可以选择CLOUDSTACK虚拟路由或是云环境中其它配置了此服务的提供者。 "
-# 27b525b30dff4fe3916f070201dad176
-#: ../../networking.rst:351
+# aba8109b051a46d89785cb597e382503
+#: ../../networking.rst:292
 msgid ""
 "If you select Static NAT, you can choose the CloudStack virtual router or "
 "any other Static NAT providers that have been configured in the cloud."
 msgstr "如果选择了Static NAT功能,你就可以选择CLOUDSTACK虚拟路由或是云环境中其它配置了此服务的提供者。"
-# 89f8c6b4aa8847c2887fa86705dd9fc9
-#: ../../networking.rst:354
+# d932fb3f0c49487e8fb03f47c8ec3137
+#: ../../networking.rst:295
 msgid ""
 "If you select Port Forwarding, you can choose the CloudStack virtual router "
 "or any other Port Forwarding providers that have been configured in the "
 msgstr "如果选择了端口转发功能,你就可以选择CLOUDSTACK虚拟路由或是云环境中其它配置了此服务的提供者。"
-# 39935b90efc0487db70afc5717e01d83
-# 104dd89e6b6b43eaa5334b8d5b5f5f53
-# 89b082d6787c4b188960b061c7a04a11
-# cb004398c5fd45f09a4c14efda2ba7ce
-# e196626d888c4e44adcc5559c162e76e
-#: ../../networking.rst:354 ../../networking.rst:357 ../../networking.rst:359
-#: ../../networking.rst:361 ../../networking.rst:363
+# ba3080b2df494a6194c5a4ec14bd1410
+# 5c07262385d1478c927953b93692e644
+# 23f57ac958b34548a1c2d23a776e1da8
+# c3490a0f19134b8b886f204a4794c427
+# 111a4f3a414c443cb13dcb958326620f
+#: ../../networking.rst:295 ../../networking.rst:298 ../../networking.rst:300
+#: ../../networking.rst:302 ../../networking.rst:304
 msgid "Not Supported"
 msgstr "不支持"
-# acae22d0beeb4a5586a1cad5230e9a16
-#: ../../networking.rst:357
+# ab512b24e90a4f0fbeff2872914232bf
+#: ../../networking.rst:298
 msgid ""
 "For more information, see `“Remote Access VPN” <networking2.html#remote-"
 msgstr "更多信息,请参考`“Remote Access VPN” <networking2.html#remote-access-vpn>`_."
-# 25d327d1ea194c4f9fad29644ad234cf
-#: ../../networking.rst:359
+# bc836dbec7dd41098535b7062953abf7
+#: ../../networking.rst:300
 msgid "User Data"
 msgstr "用户数据"
-# a86728de7e1b4f4aa18f8f727e9ec771
-#: ../../networking.rst:359
+# 2ee92986a8924dd1a8704e477e3ce1a6
+#: ../../networking.rst:300
 msgid ""
 "For more information, see `“User Data and Meta Data” <api.html#user-data-"
 msgstr "更多信息,请参考 `“用户数据和元数据” <api.html#user-data-and-meta-data>`_."
-# 24ec41e6903441df91985a2b8263e940
-#: ../../networking.rst:361
+# c84e2a3c0cb2440f96442843325bf941
+#: ../../networking.rst:302
 msgid "Network ACL"
 msgstr "网络 ACL"
-# 3cbcb6d20c0340c289ccf8ee0816ded6
-#: ../../networking.rst:361
+# 1a00657b608e45b9b31d17dedf1209d9
+#: ../../networking.rst:302
 msgid ""
 "For more information, see `“Configuring Network Access Control List” "
 msgstr "更多信息,参考 `“配置网络ACL” <networking2.html#configuring-network-access-control-list>`_."
-# 7cb17996648848c898d5952be68b74cf
-#: ../../networking.rst:363
+# 72b47ce7c25a4820af0c52549a594235
+#: ../../networking.rst:304
 msgid "Security Groups"
 msgstr "安全组"
-# b2e84782193f4cbbadbe57ee0930d0fa
-#: ../../networking.rst:363
+# 08f3a340905b433990695bcc9c4fdd28
+#: ../../networking.rst:304
 msgid ""
 "For more information, see `“Adding a Security Group” "
 msgstr "更多信息,请参考 `“添加一个安全组” <networking2.html#adding-a-security-group>`_."
-# e70f833484e94ba689ce3ba1a4b96c13
-#: ../../networking.rst:370
+# e235b3337dbb400c90ecee3f5837fde2
+#: ../../networking.rst:309
 msgid ""
 "**System Offering**. If the service provider for any of the services "
 "selected in Supported Services is a virtual router, the System Offering "
@@ -748,22 +747,22 @@
 "offerings that have been defined by the CloudStack root administrator."
 msgstr "**系统方案**.如果你在任务服务提供者中选择了虚拟路由,那就会出现系统方案的填写项。选择你希望虚拟路由在此网络中提供的服务。比如,如果你选择了虚拟路由提供负载均衡服务,系统方案填写项就会出现,你可以选择CLOUDSTACK管理员定义的所有系统服务及默认服务。 "
-# 43b34d0af71d489ca3e2b5cf1b16c934
-#: ../../networking.rst:380
+# 34b519afb51c4d1f9b1718b0f32cb527
+#: ../../networking.rst:319
 msgid ""
 "For more information, see `“System Service Offerings” "
 msgstr "更多信息,参考 `“系统服务方案” <service_offerings.html#system-service-offerings>`_."
-# 2752b779a38b4d959c80d66f531a23d3
-#: ../../networking.rst:384
+# 66fb3b1df7164cd6bc37c61a61367d73
+#: ../../networking.rst:322
 msgid ""
 "**LB Isolation**: Specify what type of load balancer isolation you want for "
 "the network: Shared or Dedicated."
 msgstr "**负载均衡隔离**:指定一种你希望的网络里的负载均衡隔离类型:共享的或单独的。"
-# 46399957be6d41b2979acc5bb8a854e2
-#: ../../networking.rst:387
+# a07b6242746142e18198a5bf7356254f
+#: ../../networking.rst:325
 msgid ""
 "**Dedicated**: If you select dedicated LB isolation, a dedicated load "
 "balancer device is assigned for the network from the pool of dedicated load "
@@ -773,8 +772,8 @@
 "full use of the device's resources."
 msgstr "**单独的**:如果你选择了单独的负载均衡隔离类型,这个区域内的单独负载均衡设备资源池里就会分出一个设备来供使用。如果没有足够的设备,网络创建就会失败。如果要在高流量环境充分利用设备,单独的负载均衡设备是一个很好的选择。"
-# 955c3d93a3eb49dfbf4aa835ab91ddb6
-#: ../../networking.rst:395
+# 1481728f6860436790f1bbdf1de1b4d0
+#: ../../networking.rst:333
 msgid ""
 "**Shared**: If you select shared LB isolation, a shared load balancer device"
 " is assigned for the network from the pool of shared load balancer devices "
@@ -784,13 +783,13 @@
 "new account."
 msgstr "**共享的**:如果你选择了共享的负载均衡设备, 这个区域内的共享负载均衡设备资源池里就会分出一个设备来供使用。CloudStack会将共享设备分配给不少于一定量的帐号共用,如果共享设备到达了最大数量,则这个设备不会再分配给新的帐号使用。"
-# ef915a99816543cdb9ec79a04b12edb7
-#: ../../networking.rst:405
+# 232eced6797144d7b6cb941627e8d2e6
+#: ../../networking.rst:341
 msgid "**Mode**: You can select either Inline mode or Side by Side mode:"
 msgstr "**模式**: 你可以选择 Inline mode 或 Side by Side 模式:"
-# 55d2e7b518ca4905b53e95f5e33620f0
-#: ../../networking.rst:407
+# 7684aca0c54c44fb9871f784de706a13
+#: ../../networking.rst:343
 msgid ""
 "**Inline mode**: Supported only for Juniper SRX firewall and BigF5 load "
 "balancer devices. In inline mode, a firewall device is placed in front of a "
@@ -800,8 +799,8 @@
 " the public network."
 msgstr "**Inline mode**: 这种模式只被Juniper SRX 和BigF5负载均衡设备支持。在Inline mode模式下,防火墙设备放在负载均衡设置的前端,这个防火墙作为进入流量的网关,所有的流量会被转发到后端的负载均衡设备上。在这种情况下,负载均衡不是直接连接到公网网络的。"
-# 39292129cf2a4209ba5f76220fa6f8f3
-#: ../../networking.rst:415
+# a5a609bdc196450fb249b0fed2b62618
+#: ../../networking.rst:351
 msgid ""
 "**Side by Side**: In side by side mode, a firewall device is deployed in "
 "parallel with the load balancer device. So the traffic to the load balancer "
@@ -809,38 +808,38 @@
 "the public network."
 msgstr "*Side by Side**:在Side by Side模式下,防火墙设备和负载均衡设备是并列的。所以所有的流量都是直接到负载均衡设备而不经过防火墙。因此,负载均衡设备是直接暴露在公网中的。"
-# 5b49b6db7f9248748b051cd86bbeb3e6
-#: ../../networking.rst:422
+# fddae68fcb5145e68976043eb707eed5
+#: ../../networking.rst:356
 msgid ""
 "**Associate Public IP**: Select this option if you want to assign a public "
 "IP address to the VMs deployed in the guest network. This option is "
 "available only if"
 msgstr "**关联的公网IP**:如果你想给来宾网络中的虚拟机直接分配公网IP,选择这个选项。这个选择只有在以下情况都满足时才有效:"
-# c93e0c1cc09645c8af8abc86082a8cfb
-#: ../../networking.rst:428
+# b6cedd774fb4418b8c7f09c30e492ac5
+#: ../../networking.rst:360
 msgid "Guest network is shared."
 msgstr "来宾网络被共享"
-# 854f813bb8dd41f6a6c9758906509b86
-#: ../../networking.rst:432
+# c011835f1c314df2afcb840630a7ff99
+#: ../../networking.rst:362
 msgid "StaticNAT is enabled."
 msgstr "启用StaticNAT "
-# d14fd96be5f346aa9321354e32489e9b
-#: ../../networking.rst:436
+# fcd9521a7c684aaaaacf045798eaaf33
+#: ../../networking.rst:364
 msgid "Elastic IP is enabled."
 msgstr "启用弹性IP"
-# dfaca3652ee64df0a3bac4e699a494fb
-#: ../../networking.rst:438
+# 9818049dc1484f41b94a2c0c3904838d
+#: ../../networking.rst:366
 msgid ""
 "For information on Elastic IP, see `“About Elastic IP” <networking2.html"
 msgstr "更多信息,参考`“关于弹性IP” <networking2.html#about-elastic-ip>`_."
-# d5a841361fe14001a46d6a5310aca5bf
-#: ../../networking.rst:442
+# 6c9c68a68ab14d30a00460dd3b13f8a6
+#: ../../networking.rst:369
 msgid ""
 "**Redundant router capability**: Available only when Virtual Router is "
 "selected as the Source NAT provider. Select this option if you want to use "
@@ -853,8 +852,8 @@
 "one host is down."
 msgstr "**冗余路由性能**:这个选项只有在虚拟路由作为Source NAT提供者时才是可选的。如果你希望提供不间断的网络连接,选中这个选项,则系统会提供两个虚拟路由:一个主的,一个辅的。主虚拟路由负载收发用户虚拟机器的相关请深圳市。如主的路由DOWN掉时,由辅助路由升级为主路由接替工作。CloudStack 会将两个邪气路由分别部署在不同的主机上,以保证可用性。"
-# 580303d29adc4bbc97763c93dba3acc0
-#: ../../networking.rst:455
+# e5994ec5233c4a979624fa1fc8593822
+#: ../../networking.rst:380
 msgid ""
 "**Conserve mode**: Indicate whether to use conserve mode. In this mode, "
 "network resources are allocated only when the first virtual machine starts "
@@ -865,21 +864,21 @@
 "more than one service on the same public IP."
 msgstr "**Conserve mode**: 这个选项表明是滞要使用Conserve模式。在这种模式下,网络资源只会分配给网络里第一个启动的虚拟机。当Conserve模式被关闭时,公网IP只能用于一个设备。比如,一个用于端口转发规则的公网IP不会被用于其它StaticNAT或是负载均衡服务。当Conserve模式启用时,你可以在同一个公网IP上定义多个服务。"
-# c521afbaf7ff46ac97fd58fbc5b6b357
-#: ../../networking.rst:465
+# 6a2faa335b6b42588d747ac83fc4770b
+#: ../../networking.rst:390
 msgid ""
 "If StaticNAT is enabled, irrespective of the status of the conserve mode, no"
 " port forwarding or load balancing rule can be created for the IP. However, "
 "you can add the firewall rules by using the createFirewallRule command."
 msgstr "如果StaticNAT启用后,不考虑conseve模式的状态,则此IP不会创建端口转发或是负载均衡规则。然而,你可以通过 createFirewallRule命令添加防火墙规则。"
-# 398b07e9909440cb9af01eda7c190c87
-#: ../../networking.rst:469
+# 029a76d3e8444e15981d3fda29b8982e
+#: ../../networking.rst:395
 msgid "**Tags**: Network tag to specify which physical network to use."
 msgstr "**标签**:网络标签用于指定所要使用的物理网络。 "
-# 228ba6bcfa4e47429f666a1da30b31a6
-#: ../../networking.rst:473
+# e0d7d2460dba47d29922d3dcf0d16dc5
+#: ../../networking.rst:397
 msgid ""
 "**Default egress policy**: Configure the default policy for firewall egress "
 "rules. Options are Allow and Deny. Default is Allow if no egress policy is "
@@ -887,15 +886,15 @@
 "guest network is created from this offering."
 msgstr "**默认外出策略**: 为防火墙配置默认的外出流量规则。选项有阻止和允许。如果没有特别制定策略的话,所有外出流量都是允许的。这表明,从这个方案创建的客户网络是允许所有外出流量的。"
-# 10673613d31446f89ee73ede461ae140
-#: ../../networking.rst:479
+# 6cf9fba73dda48b8801d8608ce2f52a4
+#: ../../networking.rst:403
 msgid ""
 "To block the egress traffic for a guest network, select Deny. In this case, "
 "when you configure an egress rules for an isolated guest network, rules are "
 "added to allow the specified traffic."
 msgstr "为了阻止客户网络的外出流量,选择阻止选项。在这种情况下,当你从一个隔离的客户网络配置一个外出规则时,添加一些特殊的规则以允许外出流量。"
-# 0878f452756346e9b614df490e386e84
-#: ../../networking.rst:485
+# fcfc7b9313f94bbda5ac1afbd8168f7c
+#: ../../networking.rst:407
 msgid "Click Add."
 msgstr "点击 添加"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d9afb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad1020f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.po
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# aec0c098f53f452cb8665fc7b69cd182
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:18
+msgid "Acquiring a New IP Address"
+msgstr "获得一个新的IP地址"
+# 6113064b39bc4682869acf44286131ad
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:20
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# ccc7a493b9b940c2b706c15e852b3e93
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:22
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络。"
+# 9a6973f9449e4414a4643a6da352263e
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:24
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击拟修改的网络名称。"
+# beaa083fcce64bb48e44a47c9b4ab745
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:26
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr "点击查看IP地址。"
+# 76867ce630364509a651c09137cab94e
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:28
+msgid "Click Acquire New IP."
+msgstr "点击获取新IP。"
+# 35698ea68aa24ff79ce9dc09c1d12caf
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:30
+msgid "The Acquire New IP window is displayed."
+msgstr "获取新IP的窗口会出现。"
+# 4819ef07622d41fd818aef83d9752ac2
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:32
+msgid "Specify whether you want cross-zone IP or not."
+msgstr "说明是否需要IP跨区。"
+# 342295d34e8e4252b2850d040aca7909
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:34
+msgid ""
+"If you want Portable IP click Yes in the confirmation dialog. If you want a "
+"normal Public IP click No."
+msgstr "如果你想作为 Portable IP则在确认窗口中点击Yes,如果你想作为正常的公共IP则点击No。"
+# 9a4837aaa4c940b78c8aa311245b748a
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:37
+msgid ""
+"For more information on Portable IP, see `\"Portable IPs\" <#portable-"
+msgstr "关于便携式IP的更多信息,查看 `\"便携式IP\" <#portable-ips>`_."
+# 2ee8ad57fe20463893a86f3fe6eb669f
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear with the state "
+"Allocated. You can now use the IP address in port forwarding or static NAT "
+msgstr "稍等一会,新的IP地址会出现,状态栏为会显示为分配。现在可以在端口转发或静态NAT规则中使用此IP地址了。"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b88509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/advanced_zone_config.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/advanced_zone_config.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..532e751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/advanced_zone_config.po
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# bcc6293e20c4470c938be75c5f17196e
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:19
+msgid "Advanced Zone Physical Network Configuration"
+msgstr "高级区域物理网络的配置"
+# 65ad7a2b34f848cd9f21c2d2d51f06f6
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:21
+msgid ""
+"Within a zone that uses advanced networking, you need to tell the Management"
+" Server how the physical network is set up to carry different kinds of "
+"traffic in isolation."
+msgstr "在使用复杂网络的区域中,你需要告知管理服务器,为了实现隔离不同类型的通讯,物理网络是如何设置的。"
+# 360066243e5b4ffc894a816b7e903923
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:27
+msgid "Configure Guest Traffic in an Advanced Zone"
+msgstr "在高级域中设置客户通信"
+# ed393c6319d54e98ba44a7577315044b
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"These steps assume you have already logged in to the CloudStack UI. To "
+"configure the base guest network:"
+msgstr "下面的步骤假定你已经登录进入 CloudStack 的界面。设置基本的客户网络:"
+# e3081f9e98e446d6855a2e72cba9849d
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:32
+msgid ""
+"In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure. On Zones, click View More, "
+"then click the zone to which you want to add a network."
+msgstr "在左边的导航栏,选择基础架构。在区域界面点击查看全部,然后点击你要添加网络的区域。"
+# 7e76a728cc8a43778d79ff577c30b3f2
+# 22748233c6cf4d06b5ba94259fe1e6e9
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:35
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:87
+msgid "Click the Network tab."
+msgstr "点击网络选项卡。"
+# 1c9241340a4d47a58af0ae3e10893ea1
+# 2c90664c2e9647c59a36e2a8f25d1a87
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:37
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:89
+msgid "Click Add guest network."
+msgstr "点击 添加来宾网络。"
+# cbb8ccbe13b34ed88593d4cf688451a1
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:39
+msgid "The Add guest network window is displayed:"
+msgstr "添加来宾网络窗口显示:"
+# ef5079e0fa7f4e5c8bac3410c02fa00f
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:41
+msgid "|addguestnetwork.png|"
+msgstr "|addguestnetwork.png|"
+# ec8bb470f4924bd0af5b256494fbf0f5
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:43
+msgid "Provide the following information:"
+msgstr "填写以下内容:"
+# fa32f98dfeb04b68b79b01e6ef0e1fcf
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:45
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be user-visible"
+msgstr ""
+# f38e902b2f2c4fe78960c5d37c4a3609
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"**Display Text**: The description of the network. This will be user-visible"
+msgstr "**Display Text**:网络的描述。用户可见"
+# c1e74ac05b5a4eacb568d9201d733f74
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:50
+msgid "**Zone**: The zone in which you are configuring the guest network."
+msgstr "**Zone**: 这里的区域是指你要配置客户网络的区域。"
+# 1bb07d209bd44e82b5f43507bb058db9
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:52
+msgid ""
+"**Network offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network "
+"offerings, select the one you want to use for this network"
+msgstr "**网络提议**: 如果管理员已经配置了多个网络方案,可以选择你需要的那个"
+# a33441c2621f415eb45dbc077a63e7bb
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:55
+msgid "**Guest Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use"
+msgstr "**Guest gateway**:虚拟机需要使用的网关"
+# 7f50db013a5941939cff931a256abb58
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:57
+msgid ""
+"**Guest Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use"
+msgstr "**Guest Netmask**:客户虚拟机会使用的子网掩码"
+# 186fd6f7a8de48fea845645978a6b332
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:60
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
+# 6c2ac4e12f5f4a8c8788df54295b6e31
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:64
+msgid "Configure Public Traffic in an Advanced Zone"
+msgstr "在高级区域中配置公共通信"
+# 7e91e673073d49e69f1ec92976a0d118
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"In a zone that uses advanced networking, you need to configure at least one "
+"range of IP addresses for Internet traffic."
+msgstr "在一个使用高级网络配置的区域中,你需要配置至少一个用于Internet通信的IP地址范围。"
+# c4aa53c641a347da9da814dfc32940a5
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:71
+msgid "Configuring a Shared Guest Network"
+msgstr "配置共享的客户网络"
+# d5ac14718de945a5ae1eda9e0574d9cf
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:73
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator."
+msgstr "作为管理员登录到CloudStack用户界面。"
+# 9a3fd0f929374352a6cf52cc9790dfb1
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:75
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure."
+msgstr "在左边的导航,选择基础架构。"
+# dbfd04e800154df197a15cb258be6d3f
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:77
+msgid "On Zones, click View More."
+msgstr "在区域页面,点击查看全部。"
+# 7f633e5cc4504dfdaa399fcb8ab6c22e
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:79
+msgid "Click the zone to which you want to add a guest network."
+msgstr "选择要添加客户网络的那个区域。"
+# 173dd051e7a1433d90061cca03962fc4
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:81
+msgid "Click the Physical Network tab."
+msgstr "点击物理网络标签卡。"
+# e48da344ca7241429e6404ab7b137b39
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:83
+msgid "Click the physical network you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择您要操作的物理网络。"
+# 0e03928f490a4bf5acd9028fed3fd8d8
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:85
+msgid "On the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr "在客户节点界面,点击配置。"
+# 9272a3e9c02b4d3fb7e88cd90f63e56f
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:91
+msgid "The Add guest network window is displayed."
+msgstr "现实添加客户网络窗口。"
+# 271290c4c54643a9a8cc203840b4bb3b
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:93
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr "指定以下信息:"
+# a69cf77fdc48441b9a0e41233bf3d4db
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:95
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be visible to the user."
+msgstr "**Name**: 要建立的网络的名字。这个是用户可见的"
+# 924d5df6b0f643c3ad34cdfa02548391
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:97
+msgid ""
+"**Description**: The short description of the network that can be displayed "
+"to users."
+msgstr "**描述**: 提供一个简短的方案描述。 "
+# 8c68c64196cb4b548290e4a3e9851553
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:100
+msgid "**VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the VLAN."
+msgstr "**VLAN ID**: VLAN 的ID。"
+# 0711300a6023445c91c8a4d7926a8e04
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:102
+msgid "**Isolated VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the Secondary Isolated VLAN."
+msgstr "**Isolated VLAN ID**: 二级独立 VLAN 的 ID。"
+# dbbc4b85106a407f9bb4532a5c1a40a2
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:105
+msgid "**Scope**: The available scopes are Domain, Account, Project, and All."
+msgstr "**Scope**: 可用的范围,包括域,帐户,项目和其他所以。"
+# 46fd996ba0b241efa0f21c9f22c7c77d
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:108
+msgid ""
+"**Domain**: Selecting Domain limits the scope of this guest network to the "
+"domain you specify. The network will not be available for other domains. If "
+"you select Subdomain Access, the guest network is available to all the sub "
+"domains within the selected domain."
+msgstr "**Domain**: 域,指定客户网络范围的域。指定域中的网络相对其他域是隔离不可见的。如果指定子域访问,域中的客户网络将在所有的子域中可用。"
+# 79bd2bf86f74472db3b4cba26ef143dd
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"**Account**: The account for which the guest network is being created for. "
+"You must specify the domain the account belongs to."
+msgstr "**Account**: 这里的帐户是为建立客户网络所指定的。必须指定域中所属的帐户。"
+# f3de2d8830134ab195b04b7e4b74b215
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:118
+msgid ""
+"**Project**: The project for which the guest network is being created for. "
+"You must specify the domain the project belongs to."
+msgstr "**Project**: 项目是客户网络所建立的项目。必须为这个项目指定域。"
+# e03c5c4ff8d646cdb1a4029a794765e5
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:122
+msgid ""
+"**All**: The guest network is available for all the domains, account, "
+"projects within the selected zone."
+msgstr "**All**:  选择它,会让客户网络对这个区域(Zone)中的所有域,帐户和项目都可用。"
+# 74217dea4b9c4d8faa89e1ea6b2c754e
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:125
+msgid ""
+"**Network Offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network "
+"offerings, select the one you want to use for this network."
+msgstr "**网络提议**:  如果管理员已经配置了多个网络方案,可以选择你需要的那个。"
+# 587275eb7b1249e590763c8b0fb81d41
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:129
+msgid "**Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use."
+msgstr "**Guest gateway**:  虚拟机需要使用的网关。"
+# 8123de4fbb1d4a1cba01cb099365b448
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:131
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use."
+msgstr "**Netmask**:  虚拟机子网要使用的网络掩码。"
+# 129d7c2b8ec442cb802ec894eb871959
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:133
+msgid ""
+"**IP Range**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the Internet "
+"and are assigned to the guest VMs."
+msgstr "**IP Range**:  定义公网IP范围,这些IP用来访问公网或是从公网访问客户虚拟机。"
+# 8ea844eb28e94825bdefeba5cc1e143c
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:136
+msgid ""
+"If one NIC is used, these IPs should be in the same CIDR in the case of "
+msgstr "如果使用了网卡,这些IP应该在相同的IPv6的CIDR中。"
+# 1a2dacdd2a984c978ad1455bdb6c04b8
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:139
+msgid ""
+"**IPv6 CIDR**: The network prefix that defines the guest network subnet. "
+"This is the CIDR that describes the IPv6 addresses in use in the guest "
+"networks in this zone. To allot IP addresses from within a particular "
+"address block, enter a CIDR."
+msgstr "**IPv6 CIDR**:  用于定义网络子网的网络前缀。"
+# d17e32d82ae849139dda243c9ddc9676
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:144
+msgid ""
+"**Network Domain**: A custom DNS suffix at the level of a network. If you "
+"want to assign a special domain name to the guest VM network, specify a DNS "
+msgstr "**网络域**:  如果你想为客户虚机网络定义一个域名,在此处输入后缀名。"
+# e200da9c829a41109b13173bce7f11ca
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:148
+msgid "Click OK to confirm."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# bf16fca54893437db5aad5aa3f2e6e2c
+#: ../../networking/basic_zone_config.rst:19
+msgid "Basic Zone Physical Network Configuration"
+msgstr "基本区域物理网络配置"
+# 153ba46cfcf14ac28f2db2730d2e43af
+#: ../../networking/basic_zone_config.rst:21
+msgid ""
+"In a basic network, configuring the physical network is fairly "
+"straightforward. You only need to configure one guest network to carry "
+"traffic that is generated by guest VMs. When you first add a zone to "
+"CloudStack, you set up the guest network through the Add Zone screens."
+msgstr "在一个基本的网络中,物理网络的配置非常直接明了。你只需要配置一个客户网络(虚拟)以承载由客户虚拟机产生的流量。当你首次增加一个区域(Zone)到 CloudStack 中,你通过添加域(Add Zone)页面来设置客户网络(虚拟)。"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
new file mode 100644
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Binary files differ
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 727de7b64d0e4c34bddda54359ed846d
+#: ../../networking/dns_and_dhcp.rst:18
+msgid "DNS and DHCP"
+msgstr "DNS和DHCP"
+# f58ccb2c24bb47c0872a16c74d47f121
+#: ../../networking/dns_and_dhcp.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The Virtual Router provides DNS and DHCP services to the guests. It proxies "
+"DNS requests to the DNS server configured on the Availability Zone."
+msgstr "虚拟路由器为来宾提供DNS和DHCP服务。它将DNS请求代理到在可用区域中配置的DNS服务器。"
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 68f25b7a2e514065b563d7ccdd72f355
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:18
+msgid "About Elastic IPs"
+msgstr ""
+# bf34049aef4a4cddb2aa0169d49b5281
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"Elastic IP (EIP) addresses are the IP addresses that are associated with an "
+"account, and act as static IP addresses. The account owner has the complete "
+"control over the Elastic IP addresses that belong to the account. As an "
+"account owner, you can allocate an Elastic IP to a VM of your choice from "
+"the EIP pool of your account. Later if required you can reassign the IP "
+"address to a different VM. This feature is extremely helpful during VM "
+"failure. Instead of replacing the VM which is down, the IP address can be "
+"reassigned to a new VM in your account."
+msgstr "弹性IP(EIP)地址是指与帐户关联的IP地址,能起到静态IP地址的作用。帐户所有者能完全控制隶属于此账户的弹性IP。作为帐户拥有者,你可以从你帐户的EIP池中选择一个IP分配给虚拟机。如果后续需要,你可以继续分配此IP地址给另一个虚拟机。在VM宕机时,此功能特别有用。此IP地址可以重新指定给一个新的虚拟机,而不是取代已经宕机的虚拟机。"
+# 8b249afbc2664b01a564524559d5c5fd
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Similar to the public IP address, Elastic IP addresses are mapped to their "
+"associated private IP addresses by using StaticNAT. The EIP service is "
+"equipped with StaticNAT (1:1) service in an EIP-enabled basic zone. The "
+"default network offering, DefaultSharedNetscalerEIPandELBNetworkOffering, "
+"provides your network with EIP and ELB network services if a NetScaler "
+"device is deployed in your zone. Consider the following illustration for "
+"more details."
+msgstr "与公共IP地址一样,弹性IP地址通过使用静态NAT关联至与之相关的私有IP地址。在起用了EIP的基础域中,EIP的服务与静态NAT的服务一一对应。默认的网络方案,默认共享EIP与负载均衡网络方案,在区域部署了NetScaler设备的前提下,能够提供EIP以及ELB网络服务。参见以下更详细的说明。"
+# deef19d6b1414dbb967743f1b7cef2df
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:37
+msgid "|eip-ns-basiczone.png|"
+msgstr "|eip-ns-basiczone.png|"
+# a1f02d4922ed4bbb8941ccc048f0b0b4
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"In the illustration, a NetScaler appliance is the default entry or exit "
+"point for the CloudStack instances, and firewall is the default entry or "
+"exit point for the rest of the data center. Netscaler provides LB services "
+"and staticNAT service to the guest networks. The guest traffic in the pods "
+"and the Management Server are on different subnets / VLANs. The policy-based"
+" routing in the data center core switch sends the public traffic through the"
+" NetScaler, whereas the rest of the data center goes through the firewall."
+msgstr "在图中,NetScaler设备对CloudStack的实例而言是一个默认的入口或出口,防火墙是剩余数据中心的出口或入口。Netscaler对来宾网络提供负载均衡以及静态NAT的服务。在机架和管理服务器上,来宾流量是不同的子网或VLAN。在数据中心的核心交换机的基础路由策略是通过NetScaler转发公共流量,其他数据中心的流量则通过防火墙。"
+# 28c78bf967714b33884e97cfa4ca307b
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:48
+msgid "The EIP work flow is as follows:"
+msgstr "EIP的工作流如下:"
+# 773cd4ac9b6d4973832aafd2d0cf2f9e
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"When a user VM is deployed, a public IP is automatically acquired from the "
+"pool of public IPs configured in the zone. This IP is owned by the VM's "
+msgstr "当部署一个用户虚拟机时,会从区域配置的IP中自动获得一个公共IP。这个IP为虚拟机帐户所拥有。"
+# 23a70289953d415c81e8dd6ebc86423c
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"Each VM will have its own private IP. When the user VM starts, Static NAT is"
+" provisioned on the NetScaler device by using the Inbound Network Address "
+"Translation (INAT) and Reverse NAT (RNAT) rules between the public IP and "
+"the private IP."
+msgstr "每一个虚拟机都有自己的私有IP。当来客户虚拟机启动时,通过使用在公共IP和私有IP之间的入口网络地址转换(INAT)以及预留地址转换(RNAT),NetScaler设备可以提供静态NAT"
+# bfa50768ea9b496599aa1804e3437f25
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:60
+msgid ""
+"Inbound NAT (INAT) is a type of NAT supported by NetScaler, in which the "
+"destination IP address is replaced in the packets from the public network, "
+"such as the Internet, with the private IP address of a VM in the private "
+"network. Reverse NAT (RNAT) is a type of NAT supported by NetScaler, in "
+"which the source IP address is replaced in the packets generated by a VM in "
+"the private network with the public IP address."
+msgstr "入口网络地址转换(INAT)是NetScaler支持的一类NAT类型,在此类型中,来自公共网络(如Internet)的数据包中的目标IP地址被私有网络中虚拟机的私有地址取代。预留地址转换(RNAT)也是NetScaler支持的一类NAT类型,私有网络中虚拟机产生的数据包中的源IP地址被公共IP地址取代。"
+# cef50f723bd34b298098fab0ed2c2328
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:67
+msgid "This default public IP will be released in two cases:"
+msgstr "默认的公共IP在两种情况下会被释放:"
+# 954fad75b2bd41d1b16f50f819a7e300
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"When the VM is stopped. When the VM starts, it again receives a new public "
+"IP, not necessarily the same one allocated initially, from the pool of "
+"Public IPs."
+msgstr "当虚拟机停止时。当虚拟机启动时,可以重新获取一个新的公共IP,并不必须是从公共IP地址池中最初分配的那一个。"
+# a5713ccdbc7f41dea9e1fb5bd2a81337
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:73
+msgid ""
+"The user acquires a public IP (Elastic IP). This public IP is associated "
+"with the account, but will not be mapped to any private IP. However, the "
+"user can enable Static NAT to associate this IP to the private IP of a VM in"
+" the account. The Static NAT rule for the public IP can be disabled at any "
+"time. When Static NAT is disabled, a new public IP is allocated from the "
+"pool, which is not necessarily be the same one allocated initially."
+msgstr "当用户获取公共IP(弹性IP)时。这些公共IP与帐户相关联,但不与任何私有IP相关。然而,用户可以开启静态NAT将帐户中虚拟机的私有IP与之关联。对应公共IP的静态NAT规则可随时取消。当静态NAT关闭时,会从地址池中分配的一个新的公共IP,并不必须是最初分配的那一个。"
+# a8f5524c22bd4ddf82fd8d2d6240b94f
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"For the deployments where public IPs are limited resources, you have the "
+"flexibility to choose not to allocate a public IP by default. You can use "
+"the Associate Public IP option to turn on or off the automatic public IP "
+"assignment in the EIP-enabled Basic zones. If you turn off the automatic "
+"public IP assignment while creating a network offering, only a private IP is"
+" assigned to a VM when the VM is deployed with that network offering. Later,"
+" the user can acquire an IP for the VM and enable static NAT."
+msgstr "对部署而言,公共IP会受限于资源,可以灵活的选择默认不分配公共IP。可以在开启了EIP的基础区域中,通过关联公共IP选项来打开或关闭自动公共IP指定。如果在创建网络方案时,你关闭了自动公共IP指定,则在使用此网络方案部署时,仅会分配一个私有IP给虚拟机。此后,用户虚拟机可以获取一个IP,并可以开启静态NAT。"
+# 89cea0807df84e08bd3c61dbf7579d80
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"For more information on the Associate Public IP option, see `\"Creating a "
+"New Network Offering\" <networking.html#creating-a-new-network-offering>`_."
+msgstr "要了解更多关于关联公共IP的选项,请参考`\"创建一个新的网络方案\" <networking.html#creating-a-new-network-offering>`_."
+# e8e0a7038ebb4ea181ba58c3f4cdc0ed
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:94
+msgid ""
+"The Associate Public IP feature is designed only for use with user VMs. The "
+"System VMs continue to get both public IP and private by default, "
+"irrespective of the network offering configuration."
+msgstr "设计关联公共IP的功能,仅是为使用用户虚拟机。系统虚拟机仍然默认会获取公共IP和私有IP,与网络配置并不相关。"
+# 116e2d3d7abc4e4b89e08770c938b985
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"New deployments which use the default shared network offering with EIP and "
+"ELB services to create a shared network in the Basic zone will continue "
+"allocating public IPs to each user VM."
+msgstr "在基础区域中,使用默认具有EIP和ELB服务的网络方案来创建共享网络时,仍然会给每一个用户虚拟机分配公共IP。"
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 9b2c57c96864404ab39ea18532184a3c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:18
+msgid "External Firewalls and Load Balancers"
+msgstr "外部防火墙及负载均衡"
+# 406fa3a599d74b6fb0f6a893d839784a
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack is capable of replacing its Virtual Router with an external "
+"Juniper SRX device and an optional external NetScaler or F5 load balancer "
+"for gateway and load balancing services. In this case, the VMs use the SRX "
+"as their gateway."
+msgstr "CloudStack允许通过外部的Jniper SRX 设备和外部NetScaler设备或网关负载均衡设备和负载均衡服务。在此情形下,虚拟机使用SRX作为网关。"
+# e50bcd9fe60e430d85efc883354624a5
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:27
+msgid "About Using a NetScaler Load Balancer"
+msgstr "关于使用NetScaler负载均衡器"
+# 1cf32061da5449a2a6dc5887c27b0d72
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Citrix NetScaler is supported as an external network element for load "
+"balancing in zones that use isolated networking in advanced zones. Set up an"
+" external load balancer when you want to provide load balancing through "
+"means other than CloudStack's provided virtual router."
+msgstr "在区域中,或高级区域使用隔离网络时,CloudStack支持思杰的NetScaler作为外部网络设备元素作为负责均衡。拟通过其他方案提供负载均衡而不是CloudStack的虚拟路由器时,就可以建立一个外部负载均衡器"
+# 188f8456b75c41ffadbc92d637327f54
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:35
+msgid ""
+"In a Basic zone, load balancing service is supported only if Elastic IP or "
+"Elastic LB services are enabled."
+msgstr "在基础区域中,仅在弹性IP或弹性负载均衡服务开启时,才支持负载均衡服务"
+# 7189603a0b934b4b8f4de77ccc774586
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:38
+msgid ""
+"When NetScaler load balancer is used to provide EIP or ELB services in a "
+"Basic zone, ensure that all guest VM traffic must enter and exit through the"
+" NetScaler device. When inbound traffic goes through the NetScaler device, "
+"traffic is routed by using the NAT protocol depending on the EIP/ELB "
+"configured on the public IP to the private IP. The traffic that is "
+"originated from the guest VMs usually goes through the layer 3 router. To "
+"ensure that outbound traffic goes through NetScaler device providing "
+"EIP/ELB, layer 3 router must have a policy-based routing. A policy-based "
+"route must be set up so that all traffic originated from the guest VM's are "
+"directed to NetScaler device. This is required to ensure that the outbound "
+"traffic from the guest VM's is routed to a public IP by using NAT.For more "
+"information on Elastic IP, see `\"About Elastic IP\" <#about-elastic-ip>`_."
+msgstr "在基础域中使用NetScaler负载均衡提供EIP或ELB服务时,确保所有的客户虚拟机流量必须通过NetScaler设备进出。当入流量通过NetScaler设备时流量通过使用NAT协议被路由,此NAT协议依赖于公共IP到私有IP的配置。来自客户虚拟机的流量通常要经过3层路由器,为确保出流量通过提供EIP/ELB的NetScaler设备,3层路由器,必须具有基础策略。必有设立一个具有基础策略的路由器可保证所有客户机的流量都能转向NetScaler设备。这也需要确保客户虚拟机的出流量通过使用NAT被路由到公共IP。关于EIP的更多信息,参看`\"关于EIP\" <#about-elastic-ip>`_."
+# baddaa181f054bb5b0b41e5dcce1387e
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:52
+msgid ""
+"The NetScaler can be set up in direct (outside the firewall) mode. It must "
+"be added before any load balancing rules are deployed on guest VMs in the "
+msgstr "NetScaler可以设置成直通模式。它必须在区域中部署客户虚拟机负载均衡规则之前加入。"
+# 263c8a9eb9d147ad91ae71970d65bd41
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:56
+msgid ""
+"The functional behavior of the NetScaler with CloudStack is the same as "
+"described in the CloudStack documentation for using an F5 external load "
+"balancer. The only exception is that the F5 supports routing domains, and "
+"NetScaler does not. NetScaler can not yet be used as a firewall."
+msgstr "CloudStack中NetScaler的功能作用与CloudStack文档中说明的使用F5 外部负载均衡器的功能作用相同。一点差别就是,F5支持路由域名,而NetScaler无此功能。NetScaler也不可以用作防火墙。"
+# 79187d2fbfa743c39e8c524304235dc2
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:61
+msgid ""
+"To install and enable an external load balancer for CloudStack management, "
+"see External Guest Load Balancer Integration in the Installation Guide."
+msgstr "为CLOUDSTACK管理端安装和启用外部负载均衡功能,参阅安装文档里的外部客户负载均衡。"
+# d3c851ee525b49599c01646d4d1e2dd5
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:65
+msgid ""
+"The Citrix NetScaler comes in three varieties. The following summarizes how "
+"these variants are treated in CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+# 64aec7c1c44049498dcf6c10b4fa5605
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:68
+msgid "**MPX**"
+msgstr ""
+# b8df1ce8dfa14d8c8ecc441c6f71748f
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"Physical appliance. Capable of deep packet inspection. Can act as "
+"application firewall and load balancer"
+msgstr "物理应用。能够进行深度数据包检测。可作为防火墙和负载均衡应用。"
+# 3a1ec0e897e34118a0fbeb78f64a544a
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:73
+msgid ""
+"In advanced zones, load balancer functionality fully supported without "
+"limitation. In basic zones, static NAT, elastic IP (EIP), and elastic load "
+"balancing (ELB) are also provided."
+msgstr "在高级区域中,完全支持负载均衡功能,没有限制。在基础区域中,也提供静态NAT,EIP,ELB功能。"
+# 68d5e27c550d40cd921b14324d33692a
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:77
+msgid "**VPX**"
+msgstr ""
+# 886b66d79fd049739f35d53684946f35
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"Virtual appliance. Can run as VM on XenServer, ESXi, and Hyper-V "
+"hypervisors. Same functionality as MPX"
+msgstr "虚拟应用,可以运行在XenServer,ESXi以及Hyper-V上虚拟机上。与MPX功能相同。"
+# acdf8d15b2b740579349caa99d8ff14f
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:82
+msgid ""
+"Supported on ESXi and XenServer. Same functional support as for MPX. "
+"CloudStack will treat VPX and MPX as the same device type."
+msgstr "在ESXi和XenServer上支持。对MPX也支持一些功能。CloudStack将VPX和MPX作为同一类型的设备看待。"
+# 632775a416fd40bfb11895ae39b883e9
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:85
+msgid "**SDX**"
+msgstr ""
+# 94896445c73d42c7a8a8b30da3d762a9
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"Physical appliance. Can create multiple fully isolated VPX instances on a "
+"single appliance to support multi-tenant usage"
+msgstr "物理应用。可以在单个应用上创建多个完全隔离的VPX实例,以支持多客户使用。"
+# 7272ab89523e416fba357a4ceb24b459
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack will dynamically provision, configure, and manage the life cycle "
+"of VPX instances on the SDX. Provisioned instances are added into CloudStack"
+" automatically - no manual configuration by the administrator is required. "
+"Once a VPX instance is added into CloudStack, it is treated the same as a "
+"VPX on an ESXi host."
+msgstr "CloudStack会动态分配,配置,管理在SDX上的虚拟机实例的生命周期。分配的实例会自动加入到CloudStack,不需要管理员进行手动配置。一旦一个VPX实例加入到CloudStack,将会认为是ESXi主机上的一个VPX。"
+# e712ff0906b7463083ac7a8f9b19847c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:98
+msgid "Configuring SNMP Community String on a RHEL Server"
+msgstr "在RHEL服务器上配置SNMP社区字符串"
+# a0e11ba7efae4e63a0cd9eb015162722
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:100
+msgid ""
+"The SNMP Community string is similar to a user id or password that provides "
+"access to a network device, such as router. This string is sent along with "
+"all SNMP requests. If the community string is correct, the device responds "
+"with the requested information. If the community string is incorrect, the "
+"device discards the request and does not respond."
+msgstr "SNMP社区字符串类似于用户ID或用户密码,用来登录网络设备,如路由器。这类字符串随着所有的SNMP请求发送。如果社区字符串正确,设备将反馈相应的字符串若不正确,设备将丢弃请求,不进行处理。"
+# d9a8fc53fc4949bda74cb44fbcb04146
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:106
+msgid ""
+"The NetScaler device uses SNMP to communicate with the VMs. You must install"
+" SNMP and configure SNMP Community string for a secure communication between"
+" the NetScaler device and the RHEL machine."
+msgstr "NetScaler设备使用SNMP与虚拟机进行通讯。为保证NetScaler设备与RHEL机器之间安全的通讯,必须安装并配置社区字符串。"
+# 9f7d96642a9b435ab7687ecf88e6f6de
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that you installed SNMP on RedHat. If not, run the following command:"
+msgstr "确保在RedHat上安装了SNMP,如果没有,执行以下命令:"
+# 657a8fba85b14585be4a9165ba95128b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:117
+msgid ""
+"Edit the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file to allow the SNMP polling from the "
+"NetScaler device."
+msgstr "编辑/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf 文件,以允许来自NetScaler设备的SNMP查询"
+# 752d34a607b64dbea0348f5551d5cebc
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:120
+msgid ""
+"Map the community name into a security name (local and mynetwork, depending "
+"on where the request is coming from):"
+msgstr "映射社区名到一个安全的名字(本地,我的网络,依赖于其来源)"
+# 07b1fa6ac91c4aa186c434d633b0384e
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:124
+msgid ""
+"Use a strong password instead of public when you edit the following table."
+msgstr "编辑下表时,使用一个强密码"
+# f8acb0abc31c4fd0ab9300c705ba1f72
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:133
+msgid "Setting to allows all IPs to poll the NetScaler server."
+msgstr "设置0.0.0.0以允许所有的IP都可以查询NetScaler设备"
+# 327a4b1c1e4d429c83dc1e1628f8376a
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:135
+msgid "Map the security names into group names:"
+msgstr "映射一个安全名到组名"
+# 193cbe00950147958924521840ba4405
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:145
+msgid "Create a view to allow the groups to have the permission to:"
+msgstr "创建一个视图,以允许组有权限执行:"
+# 39191ba80aa24e32898e8a79892fb7cf
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:151
+msgid ""
+"Grant access with different write permissions to the two groups to the view "
+"you created."
+msgstr "授权不同的写权限给二个组及你创建的视图"
+# ca08ac1ab89442c9a42c7d59efa70e6b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:160
+msgid "Unblock SNMP in iptables."
+msgstr "在iptalbes中解除对SNMP的锁定。"
+# f161affb624f4139be0750f3dc19f505
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:166
+msgid "Start the SNMP service:"
+msgstr "开启SNMP服务:"
+# 60eb8801ebf44b97b3b4cc63348013b6
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:172
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that the SNMP service is started automatically during the system "
+msgstr "确保在系统启动时,SNMP服务能够自动启动。"
+# 8893688efc574dbfba90b00df9f467bd
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:181
+msgid "Initial Setup of External Firewalls and Load Balancers"
+msgstr "初始化安装外部防火墙和负载均衡"
+# 2149019287d549649f77e49102f3a8e2
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:183
+msgid ""
+"When the first VM is created for a new account, CloudStack programs the "
+"external firewall and load balancer to work with the VM. The following "
+"objects are created on the firewall:"
+msgstr "当为一个新帐户创建一个虚拟机时,CloudStack会设置程序以让外部防火墙和负载均衡与虚拟机共同工作。会在防火墙上创建以下对象:"
+# 7bec0089c55040c9bcc3b75a4ce9ae0b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:187
+msgid ""
+"A new logical interface to connect to the account's private VLAN. The "
+"interface IP is always the first IP of the account's private subnet (e.g. "
+msgstr "一个新的逻辑接口,用以连接帐户的私有VLAN。接口的IP通常是私有帐户私有子网的第一个IP。"
+# 5d690ff5c70b4951a41d9ccf663e1e5d
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:191
+msgid ""
+"A source NAT rule that forwards all outgoing traffic from the account's "
+"private VLAN to the public Internet, using the account's public IP address "
+"as the source address"
+msgstr "一个源NAT规则转发帐户从私有VLAN到公共网络的的出口流量,使用帐户的公共IP地址作为源地址。"
+# a8b478c2d3334a0aa56507a774978095
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:195
+msgid ""
+"A firewall filter counter that measures the number of bytes of outgoing "
+"traffic for the account"
+msgstr "防火墙过滤计数器计量帐户出口流量的字节数"
+# 438d673ffaa3412c98761796e1c9043c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:198
+msgid "The following objects are created on the load balancer:"
+msgstr "以下对象会在负载均衡上创建:"
+# 07491865d4a3476293c53ae24c343c78
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:200
+msgid "A new VLAN that matches the account's provisioned Zone VLAN"
+msgstr "匹配帐户区域VLAN的私有VLAN。"
+# 3691e62805b34e95acd2ff232154ca0d
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:202
+msgid ""
+"A self IP for the VLAN. This is always the second IP of the account's "
+"private subnet (e.g."
+msgstr "一个VLAN的自有IP。经常是帐户私有子网的第二个IP。"
+# 1e387fca9feb4a08825eb2dfe3547fb0
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:207
+msgid "Ongoing Configuration of External Firewalls and Load Balancers"
+msgstr "继续配置外部防火墙和负载均衡"
+# 133336c3018e4957ba148ad3a8f85ed4
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:209
+msgid ""
+"Additional user actions (e.g. setting a port forward) will cause further "
+"programming of the firewall and load balancer. A user may request additional"
+" public IP addresses and forward traffic received at these IPs to specific "
+"VMs. This is accomplished by enabling static NAT for a public IP address, "
+"assigning the IP to a VM, and specifying a set of protocols and port ranges "
+"to open. When a static NAT rule is created, CloudStack programs the zone's "
+"external firewall with the following objects:"
+msgstr "增加的用户行为(如设置端口转发)会引起防火墙和负载均衡的程序化。一个用户可以请求增加公共IP地址以及转发使用此公共IP地址的虚拟机接受到的流量。这是通过静态NAT功能完成的,静态NAT将一个公共IP地址映射给一个虚拟机,并指定一组特定协议,开放一组特定端口。当静态NAT建立好之后,CLOUDSTACK会在区域的外部防火墙上通过程序定制如下对象:"
+# cfcd0d08f25142019221555a1a499683
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:218
+msgid ""
+"A static NAT rule that maps the public IP address to the private IP address "
+"of a VM."
+msgstr "一条静态NAT规则将虚拟机的私有IP地址映射到公共IP地址。"
+# 76e196b931384143a2f1b65467f003dd
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:221
+msgid ""
+"A security policy that allows traffic within the set of protocols and port "
+"ranges that are specified."
+msgstr "一个安全策略可以允许说明的协议和端口范围内的流量通过。"
+# b6b755f7fb5a4d4d9495bfe3b0eac10e
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:224
+msgid ""
+"A firewall filter counter that measures the number of bytes of incoming "
+"traffic to the public IP."
+msgstr "防火墙过滤计数器计量到达此公共IP的流量"
+# 077fa026b5954737b4af75e98a4dd1e8
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:227
+msgid ""
+"The number of incoming and outgoing bytes through source NAT, static NAT, "
+"and load balancing rules is measured and saved on each external element. "
+"This data is collected on a regular basis and stored in the CloudStack "
+msgstr "通过源NAT,静态NAT以及负载均衡规则进出的字节数均被计量并保存在每一个外部设备中。按一定的规则对这些数据进行收集,并将其存储在CloudStack的数据库中。"
+# a882754de1c64a389513a78637f3325d
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:234
+msgid "Load Balancer Rules"
+msgstr "负载均衡规则"
+# 9b95ee51dc6e4026905b950584948d63
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:236
+msgid ""
+"A CloudStack user or administrator may create load balancing rules that "
+"balance traffic received at a public IP to one or more VMs. A user creates a"
+" rule, specifies an algorithm, and assigns the rule to a set of VMs."
+msgstr "一个CloudStack的用户或管理员可以创建负载均衡规则以平衡一个公共IP地址收到的针对一个或多个虚拟机的外部流量。一个用户可以创建一条规则,说明一个算法,并将其指定给一部分虚拟机。"
+# 7ac5de99c5694e0b89ceb6d4c39e0dfb
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:242
+msgid ""
+"If you create load balancing rules while using a network service offering "
+"that includes an external load balancer device such as NetScaler, and later "
+"change the network service offering to one that uses the CloudStack virtual "
+"router, you must create a firewall rule on the virtual router for each of "
+"your existing load balancing rules so that they continue to function."
+msgstr "如果你创建了一个负载均衡规则且使用包括外部负载均衡设备的网络服务方案,如包括NetScaler,但随后将网络方案改成使用CloudStack的虚拟路由器,则你必须在虚拟路由器上创建一个防火墙规则,这些防火墙规则与已经设置的负载均衡规则一一对应,只有这样,才能使那些负载均衡规则继续起作用。"
+# b09aa6c58aa84b8f89b3293a64ca17fd
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:253
+msgid "Adding a Load Balancer Rule"
+msgstr "增加一条负载均衡规则"
+# 1bc40a00c2f341118db65e97bbbcf986
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:255
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# 57f7d8a61234427abc813c4208e84192
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:257
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络。"
+# d947318aba7746718816eb5c7e29e9b1
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:259
+msgid ""
+"Click the name of the network where you want to load balance the traffic."
+msgstr "点击拟进行负载均衡的网络名称"
+# 20fc7dedf2cf482d94d8977ac64c6b0d
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:262
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr "点击查看IP地址。"
+# aff4544b414847af82ceceb0bd4e3b55
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:264
+msgid ""
+"Click the IP address for which you want to create the rule, then click the "
+"Configuration tab."
+msgstr "点击你希望创建规则的IP地址,然后点击配置"
+# a84c70dc6b4f4d7c8f5a2d1f82b59355
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:267
+msgid "In the Load Balancing node of the diagram, click View All."
+msgstr "在图的负载均衡节点点上,点击 查看全部。"
+# 698c929938644fa88bcaa781f68ea4e7
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:269
+msgid ""
+"In a Basic zone, you can also create a load balancing rule without acquiring"
+" or selecting an IP address. CloudStack internally assign an IP when you "
+"create the load balancing rule, which is listed in the IP Addresses page "
+"when the rule is created."
+msgstr "在基础区域中,在不需要或不选择IP的条件下,你可以创建一条负载均衡规则。当你创建负载均衡规则时,CloudStack会内部指定一个IP地址。当规则创建完成时,IP地址会在IP地址页列出来。"
+# 2991ed0062324ee88859d10be3c6d280
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:274
+msgid ""
+"To do that, select the name of the network, then click Add Load Balancer "
+"tab. Continue with #7."
+msgstr "为此,选择网络名称,点击 增加负载均衡。按#7继续进行配置。"
+# f62541afe2764660ba42de5ab1903be0
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:277
+msgid "Fill in the following:"
+msgstr "填写以下内容:"
+# 9d106d6a229045acbfc2622c0c395bd9
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:279
+msgid "**Name**: A name for the load balancer rule."
+msgstr "**名称**: 负载均衡规则的名称。"
+# 75090eb93c0c438fbb12cc3c26d20ef9
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:281
+msgid "**Public Port**: The port receiving incoming traffic to be balanced."
+msgstr "**公共端口**: 这个端口接受到负载均衡的进入流量。"
+# 61dc53b8703148608a98d96de9b2f3f7
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:284
+msgid ""
+"**Private Port**: The port that the VMs will use to receive the traffic."
+msgstr "**私有端口**: 虚拟机会使用此端口接收流量。"
+# 9e98c799101c44728527da77d95553ee
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:287
+msgid ""
+"**Algorithm**: Choose the load balancing algorithm you want CloudStack to "
+"use. CloudStack supports a variety of well-known algorithms. If you are not "
+"familiar with these choices, you will find plenty of information about them "
+"on the Internet."
+msgstr "**算法**: 选择让CloudStack使用的负载均衡算法。CloudStack各类已知的算法,如果不熟悉那些选项,通过goole搜索会发现大量信息。"
+# 1fc198ccbf4e4718beba8aaec97b2a38
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:292
+msgid ""
+"**Stickiness**: (Optional) Click Configure and choose the algorithm for the "
+"stickiness policy. See Sticky Session Policies for Load Balancer Rules."
+msgstr "**粘性**: (可选) 点击配置,为粘性策略选择一个算法。可参见为负载均衡规则制定的粘性会话策略。"
+# 8d672e758cc24f2da82cbdd82c83ea21
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:296
+msgid ""
+"**AutoScale**: Click Configure and complete the AutoScale configuration as "
+"explained in :ref:`conf-autoscale`."
+msgstr "**自动缩放**:点击配置完成自动缩放配置,在 :ref:`conf-autoscale`中有介绍。"
+# 33ab79892f344fde975f3d6c32cd9b12
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:299
+msgid ""
+"**Health Check**: (Optional; NetScaler load balancers only) Click Configure "
+"and fill in the characteristics of the health check policy. See :ref"
+msgstr "**健康检查**:(可选,只针对NetScaler的负载均衡设备)点击配置并填写健康检查特性,参见15.16.5.3 负载均衡规则的健康检查。参见 :ref:`health-check`."
+# d643db9463b745c7ac1f19daad8358dd
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:303
+msgid ""
+"**Ping path (Optional)**: Sequence of destinations to which to send health "
+"check queries. Default: / (all)."
+msgstr "**ping 路径(可选)**: 需要发送健康检查的目的地顺序。默认:/ (all)。"
+# b33a72d1050241329dd52806584f0b49
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:306
+msgid ""
+"**Response time (Optional)**: How long to wait for a response from the "
+"health check (2 - 60 seconds). Default: 5 seconds."
+msgstr "**响应时间(可选)**:  从健康检查返回的响应时间(2-60秒),默认为5秒。"
+# 885f1763ea71493ea93ba841259240b3
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:309
+msgid ""
+"**Interval time (Optional)**: Amount of time between health checks (1 second"
+" - 5 minutes). Default value is set in the global configuration parameter "
+"lbrule\\_health check\\_time\\_interval."
+msgstr "**间隔时间(可选)**: 健康检查的间隔时间(1秒-5分))。默认值在全局参数 lbrule\\_health check\\_time\\_interval"
+# 82dd529deb534e00b11b709fad1a829f
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:314
+msgid ""
+"**Healthy threshold (Optional)**: Number of consecutive health check "
+"successes that are required before declaring an instance healthy. Default: "
+msgstr "**健康阀值(可选)**: 在声明一个实例健康之前,连续健康检查成功的次数。默认为2."
+# 8c946ad8aa9b402ba1d7808681a90216
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:318
+msgid ""
+"**Unhealthy threshold (Optional)**: Number of consecutive health check "
+"failures that are required before declaring an instance unhealthy. Default: "
+msgstr "**不健康阀值(可选)**: 在声音一个实例不健康之前连续健康检查失败的次数。默认为10。"
+# 8bd4120f80ff41368605d05b647ee837
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:322
+msgid ""
+"Click Add VMs, then select two or more VMs that will divide the load of "
+"incoming traffic, and click Apply."
+msgstr "点击添加虚拟机,选择拟分散进入流量的二个或多个虚拟机,点击应用。"
+# 9720f8ded014448394288000a5c40217
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:325
+msgid ""
+"The new load balancer rule appears in the list. You can repeat these steps "
+"to add more load balancer rules for this IP address."
+msgstr "在列表中会出现新加的负载均衡规则。可以重复以上步骤以对此IP增加更多的负载均衡规则。"
+# 3ccedfb3a9324eb1860d1924ac909e3a
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:330
+msgid "Sticky Session Policies for Load Balancer Rules"
+msgstr "为负载均衡规则制定的粘性会话策略。"
+# b33d98749eb5488a8a02cad61861c752
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:332
+msgid ""
+"Sticky sessions are used in Web-based applications to ensure continued "
+"availability of information across the multiple requests in a user's "
+"session. For example, if a shopper is filling a cart, you need to remember "
+"what has been purchased so far. The concept of \"stickiness\" is also "
+"referred to as persistence or maintaining state."
+msgstr "粘性会话应用于基于网页的应用中,以确保在用户的会话中,对用户的多种请求持续提供信息。例如,购物者正在向购物车中增加东西,则需要记住到目前为止已买的东西。粘性的概念也指持久发现或维护状态。"
+# 68678f9c4f934ed796779a0d4121e91a
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:338
+msgid ""
+"Any load balancer rule defined in CloudStack can have a stickiness policy. "
+"The policy consists of a name, stickiness method, and parameters. The "
+"parameters are name-value pairs or flags, which are defined by the load "
+"balancer vendor. The stickiness method could be load balancer-generated "
+"cookie, application-generated cookie, or source-based. In the source-based "
+"method, the source IP address is used to identify the user and locate the "
+"user's stored data. In the other methods, cookies are used. The cookie "
+"generated by the load balancer or application is included in request and "
+"response URLs to create persistence. The cookie name can be specified by the"
+" administrator or automatically generated. A variety of options are provided"
+" to control the exact behavior of cookies, such as how they are generated "
+"and whether they are cached."
+msgstr "在CloudStack中定义的任何负载均衡规则,都可以具有粘性策略。策略有名字,粘性方法以及参数组成。参数是成对的值-名或标志,这些由负载均衡提供商进行定义。粘发现方法可以加载负载均衡设备产生的cookie,应用生产的cookie,或基于源产生的cookie。在基于源的方法中,源IP地址被用来区分用户和定位用户存储的数据。在其他方法中,则使用cookie。由负载均衡或应用产生的cookie,包含在请求或响应的url中,以产生持久性。cookie的名称可以有管理员指定或自动产生。提供了多种选择来准确控制cookie行为。诸如如何产生的以及是否进行缓存。"
+# bb05b34273814acfb053cac6ffdfe917
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:352
+msgid ""
+"For the most up to date list of available stickiness methods, see the "
+"CloudStack UI or call listNetworks and check the SupportedStickinessMethods "
+msgstr "对于多数粘性方法变量列表,可以参看CloudStack UI或者调用网络列表,并检查粘性方法支持能力。"
+# 35aba1c4298e4ecdaaa750f3375b4be2
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:360
+msgid "Health Checks for Load Balancer Rules"
+msgstr "负载均衡规则的健康检查。"
+# d9cc398640dc410ea5c44e614e8d82cd
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:362
+msgid "(NetScaler load balancer only; requires NetScaler version 10.0)"
+msgstr "(仅对NetScaler负载均衡设备,需要NetScaler版本10.0以上。)"
+# 13a5a45067f34a0b8387527dfaa9d0ce
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:364
+msgid ""
+"Health checks are used in load-balanced applications to ensure that requests"
+" are forwarded only to running, available services. When creating a load "
+"balancer rule, you can specify a health check policy. This is in addition to"
+" specifying the stickiness policy, algorithm, and other load balancer rule "
+"options. You can configure one health check policy per load balancer rule."
+msgstr "负载均衡应用中的健康检查,能够确保转发需求运行,服务可用。当创建一个负载均衡规则里,你可以指定一个健康检查策略。这是对粘性策略,算法,其他负载均衡设备规则的附加说明。可以为每一条负载均衡设备进行配置。"
+# 507b3dcc2fbd48a18c5ae46dcb37b341
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:371
+msgid ""
+"Any load balancer rule defined on a NetScaler load balancer in CloudStack "
+"can have a health check policy. The policy consists of a ping path, "
+"thresholds to define \"healthy\" and \"unhealthy\" states, health check "
+"frequency, and timeout wait interval."
+msgstr "在CloudStackk中的NetScaler负载均衡设备定义的任一负载均衡规则都可以有一条健康检查策略。该策略有ping路径,定义健康或非健康状态的阀值,健康检查频率以及等待超时间隔。"
+# 35f78e270b3e47749e7a677486944ac1
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:376
+msgid ""
+"When a health check policy is in effect, the load balancer will stop "
+"forwarding requests to any resources that are found to be unhealthy. If the "
+"resource later becomes available again, the periodic health check will "
+"discover it, and the resource will once again be added to the pool of "
+"resources that can receive requests from the load balancer. At any given "
+"time, the most recent result of the health check is displayed in the UI. For"
+" any VM that is attached to a load balancer rule with a health check "
+"configured, the state will be shown as UP or DOWN in the UI depending on the"
+" result of the most recent health check."
+msgstr "当健康检查策略生效时,负载均衡被发现处于非健康状态时,会停止转发到源的任何请求。如果随后资源变为可用,周期性进行的健康检查就会发现,此资源就会再一次被添加至从负载均衡器收到的请求资源池里。任一时刻,最近的健康检查结果会显示在UI中。对绑定了负载均衡规则的虚拟机,且此规则配置了健康检查,依据最近的检查,状态会显示为正常或失败。"
+# bdff04e42c3943e38c182443f757f743
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:386
+msgid "You can delete or modify existing health check policies."
+msgstr "可以删除或修改存在的健康检查策略。"
+# eef49f2114c344a58739dcf8f68aac70
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:388
+msgid ""
+"To configure how often the health check is performed by default, use the "
+"global configuration setting healthcheck.update.interval (default value is "
+"600 seconds). You can override this value for an individual health check "
+msgstr "为配置默认的健康检查执行频率,通过全局配置参数 healthcheck.update.interval进行设备,默认值是600秒。可以根据需要进行设置此值。"
+# 6f13b2ca1fd74ad2a09363a9de9dfa54
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:393
+msgid ""
+"For details on how to set a health check policy using the UI, see :ref"
+msgstr "如何通过UI进行健康检查策略的设置,可参看 :ref:`adding-lb-rule`。"
+# 6f66a1def18847c0ba2eec5214f58bc4
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:400
+msgid "Configuring AutoScale"
+msgstr "配置自缩放"
+# 1d10105f71d4436ca70e813d83aa587d
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:402
+msgid ""
+"AutoScaling allows you to scale your back-end services or application VMs up"
+" or down seamlessly and automatically according to the conditions you "
+"define. With AutoScaling enabled, you can ensure that the number of VMs you "
+"are using seamlessly scale up when demand increases, and automatically "
+"decreases when demand subsides. Thus it helps you save compute costs by "
+"terminating underused VMs automatically and launching new VMs when you need "
+"them, without the need for manual intervention."
+msgstr "自缩放允许你能够根据定义的条件进行无缝且自动的增加或减少后端服务或应用虚拟机。当开启自缩放时,可以确保在需求增加时,无缝的增加正在使用虚拟机的数量。因此他会通过关闭未使用的虚拟机或者需要时开启新的虚拟机,从而节省你的计算成本。这些操作,都不需要手动干预。"
+# f916e1ba803d4d5f93f20a1fc650704f
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:410
+msgid ""
+"NetScaler AutoScaling is designed to seamlessly launch or terminate VMs "
+"based on user-defined conditions. Conditions for triggering a scaleup or "
+"scaledown action can vary from a simple use case like monitoring the CPU "
+"usage of a server to a complex use case of monitoring a combination of "
+"server's responsiveness and its CPU usage. For example, you can configure "
+"AutoScaling to launch an additional VM whenever CPU usage exceeds 80 percent"
+" for 15 minutes, or to remove a VM whenever CPU usage is less than 20 "
+"percent for 30 minutes."
+msgstr "NetScaler的自缩放定义为基于用户定义的条件,无缝的开启或关闭虚拟机。触发扩大或缩小行为的条件从监控服务器cpu的使用率的单一用例到监控服务器响应及cpu使用率的组合用例,各不相同。例如,你可以一个自缩放,能够在CPU使用超过80%持续15分钟时启动一个新的虚拟机,或CPU使用率低于20%持续30分钟时,移除一个虚拟机。"
+# fa4167d0761945e6b5552ddc195aa1cb
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:419
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack uses the NetScaler load balancer to monitor all aspects of a "
+"system's health and work in unison with CloudStack to initiate scale-up or "
+"scale-down actions."
+msgstr "CloudStack使用NetScaler负载均衡器来监控系统健康的各方面,并与CloudStack共同工作以初始化扩大或缩小的行为。"
+# 25cc6eeee03544bead38d29ffde91c33
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:424
+msgid ""
+"AutoScale is supported on NetScaler Release 10 Build 74.4006.e and beyond."
+msgstr "自缩放在NetScaler发布的10版本以上适用。(Build 74.4006.e 及以上)"
+# f97b092a261142629f674c1cf40ee949
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:428
+msgid "Prerequisites"
+msgstr "先决条件"
+# 0c697f756785488aaa591aa8b9a921cc
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:430
+msgid "Before you configure an AutoScale rule, consider the following:"
+msgstr "在配置自缩放前,需要考虑以下几点:"
+# 8229cf3ea2d24a22bc9707f8f142ca5e
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:432
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that the necessary template is prepared before configuring AutoScale."
+" When a VM is deployed by using a template and when it comes up, the "
+"application should be up and running."
+msgstr "确保在配置自缩放时有必需的模板。当使用模板部署虚拟机并使虚拟机启动时,应用能够起动并运行。"
+# a3b170baceb44749ba1bc8c05a2d5b1c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:437
+msgid ""
+"If the application is not running, the NetScaler device considers the VM as "
+"ineffective and continues provisioning the VMs unconditionally until the "
+"resource limit is exhausted."
+msgstr "如果应用没有运行,NetScaler设备会认为虚拟机无效并持续无条件的创建虚拟机,直到资源耗尽。"
+# df32d04c33ca462ea54e7d716b2d8ffe
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:441
+msgid ""
+"Deploy the templates you prepared. Ensure that the applications come up on "
+"the first boot and is ready to take the traffic. Observe the time requires "
+"to deploy the template. Consider this time when you specify the quiet time "
+"while configuring AutoScale."
+msgstr "部署准备好的模板。确保应用在第一次启动时能够开启并准备好接管流量。观察部署模板需要的时间。在配置自缩放时,要考虑这段时间。"
+# e416b95063a0497fa2b7ca6430c0957c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:446
+msgid ""
+"The AutoScale feature supports the SNMP counters that can be used to define "
+"conditions for taking scale up or scale down actions. To monitor the SNMP-"
+"based counter, ensure that the SNMP agent is installed in the template used "
+"for creating the AutoScale VMs, and the SNMP operations work with the "
+"configured SNMP community and port by using standard SNMP managers. For "
+"example, see `\"Configuring SNMP Community String on a RHELServer\" "
+"<#configuring-snmp-community-string-on-a-rhel-server>`_ to configure SNMP on"
+" a RHEL machine."
+msgstr ""
+# 0ac0707e74464bd0840f60e335716a25
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:456
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that the endpointe.url parameter present in the Global Settings is "
+"set to the Management Server API URL. For example, "
+"````. In a multi-node Management Server "
+"deployment, use the virtual IP address configured in the load balancer for "
+"the management server's cluster. Additionally, ensure that the NetScaler "
+"device has access to this IP address to provide AutoScale support."
+msgstr "确保在全局配置中的结束点地址参数已设置为管理服务器的API地址。例如:````。 在多管理节点的部署中,使用配置在负载均衡器上的虚拟IP地址作为管理服务器集群的IP地址。此外,确保NetScaler设备有读取为提供自缩放而配置的IP地址的权限。"
+# f8d93cd584a54fd8b2a72143d4107323
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:464
+msgid ""
+"If you update the endpointe.url, disable the AutoScale functionality of the "
+"load balancer rules in the system, then enable them back to reflect the "
+"changes. For more information see :ref:`update-autoscale`."
+msgstr "如果更新了endpointe.url,在系统自动负载均衡器规则里,先关闭自缩放功能随后再开启,以应用此更新。。更多信息,参见 :ref:`update-autoscale`。"
+# f4e671d2a1814ee7936944319291f882
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:468
+msgid ""
+"If the API Key and Secret Key are regenerated for an AutoScale user, ensure "
+"that the AutoScale functionality of the load balancers that the user "
+"participates in are disabled and then enabled to reflect the configuration "
+"changes in the NetScaler."
+msgstr "如果为自缩放用户生成了API值和秘钥,确保用户参与的负载均衡器的自缩放功能先关闭,再开启,以应用NetScaler配置的变化。"
+# 1def24ca3fcf4a9984043a4339307137
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:473
+msgid ""
+"In an advanced Zone, ensure that at least one VM should be present before "
+"configuring a load balancer rule with AutoScale. Having one VM in the "
+"network ensures that the network is in implemented state for configuring "
+msgstr "在高级区域中,在配置带自缩放的负载均衡规则时,确保至少要有一个虚拟机。在网络中存在一个虚拟机,可保证在配置自缩放时,网络处于使用状态。"
+# d722fd21fbb64e1f8fe5c04b72d39a29
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:480
+msgid "Configuration"
+msgstr "配置"
+# aa34165bbbed4360bb6cebfc7b978d91
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:482
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr "指定以下信息:"
+# 306046475ddb4e789bc88bc1633cdc73
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:484
+msgid "|autoscaleateconfig.png|"
+msgstr "|autoscaleateconfig.png|"
+# 951132877c0f4870b67560ae8035c8eb
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:486
+msgid ""
+"**Template**: A template consists of a base OS image and application. A "
+"template is used to provision the new instance of an application on a "
+"scaleup action. When a VM is deployed from a template, the VM can start "
+"taking the traffic from the load balancer without any admin intervention. "
+"For example, if the VM is deployed for a Web service, it should have the Web"
+" server running, the database connected, and so on."
+msgstr "**模板**: 模板由基本的操作系统镜像和应用组成。在自缩放动作中,模板用来提供一个应用的新的实例。当从模板部署虚拟机时,虚拟机在管理员不干预的情形下开始从负载均衡器那里接管流量。例如,如果虚拟机部署为WEB服务应用,则虚拟机上的WEB服务器应该在运行,并且连接了数据库,等等。"
+# 313bdbb8a05e46239d80664ae76a92cf
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:494
+msgid ""
+"**Compute offering**: A predefined set of virtual hardware attributes, "
+"including CPU speed, number of CPUs, and RAM size, that the user can select "
+"when creating a new virtual machine instance. Choose one of the compute "
+"offerings to be used while provisioning a VM instance as part of scaleup "
+msgstr "**计算方案**: 一个预定义的虚拟硬件资源集,包括CPU速度,CPU数量,RAM,用户在创建虚拟时可以选择这些。选择一个计算方案作为提供虚拟机实例中自缩放行为的一部分。"
+# cd0d1d8ce17d439eb9c360d182e61bc0
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:500
+msgid ""
+"**Min Instance**: The minimum number of active VM instances that is assigned"
+" to a load balancing rule. The active VM instances are the application "
+"instances that are up and serving the traffic, and are being load balanced. "
+"This parameter ensures that a load balancing rule has at least the "
+"configured number of active VM instances are available to serve the traffic."
+msgstr "**最小实例**: 指定给负载均衡规则活动的虚拟机实例的最小数量,活动的虚拟机实例是开启的应用实例,并服务于流量和负载均衡。这个参数确保负载均衡规则拥有至少一个配置的活动虚拟机实例,并且能够服务于流量。"
+# b883f060ac0a4b669952542845307113
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:508
+msgid ""
+"If an application, such as SAP, running on a VM instance is down for some "
+"reason, the VM is then not counted as part of Min Instance parameter, and "
+"the AutoScale feature initiates a scaleup action if the number of active VM "
+"instances is below the configured value. Similarly, when an application "
+"instance comes up from its earlier down state, this application instance is "
+"counted as part of the active instance count and the AutoScale process "
+"initiates a scaledown action when the active instance count breaches the Max"
+" instance value."
+msgstr "如果一个应用程序,比如SAP,它运行在一个VM实例上,但是VM因为某些原因宕机了,那么这个VM没有被算成是Min实例的一部分,并且如果这些活动的VM实例是下面配置的数值,那么自动扩展功能启动一个扩展的动作。同样的,当应用程序实例从宕机的状态恢复了以后,这个应用程序实例会被算为活动实例计数的一部分,并且当活动实例计数超出Max实例数值的时候,自动扩展启动一个缩减动作。"
+# 1062b529c80542fe9f49822dc8e1226b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:518
+msgid ""
+"**Max Instance**: Maximum number of active VM instances that **should be "
+"assigned to**\\ a load balancing rule. This parameter defines the upper "
+"limit of active VM instances that can be assigned to a load balancing rule."
+msgstr "**最大实例数**:最大数量的**应该被指派到**\\ 一条负载均衡策略的活动VM实例。这个参数定义了能被指派到一条负载均衡策略的活动VM实例的上限。"
+# 2f6f81ae0f294d00be1d4501c00d3ef4
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:523
+msgid ""
+"Specifying a large value for the maximum instance parameter might result in "
+"provisioning large number of VM instances, which in turn leads to a single "
+"load balancing rule exhausting the VM instances limit specified at the "
+"account or domain level."
+msgstr "给最大量实例参数指定一个大的值可能引发大量VM实例的分发,这个过程会导致一个负载均衡策略耗尽账户或者域级别下VM实例指定的限制。"
+# 80e14b2eba9f4b31bf0f73a8fb4665ac
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:529
+msgid ""
+"If an application, such as SAP, running on a VM instance is down for some "
+"reason, the VM is not counted as part of Max Instance parameter. So there "
+"may be scenarios where the number of VMs provisioned for a scaleup action "
+"might be more than the configured Max Instance value. Once the application "
+"instances in the VMs are up from an earlier down state, the AutoScale "
+"feature starts aligning to the configured Max Instance value."
+msgstr "如果一个应用程序,比如SAP,它运行在一个VM实例上,但是VM因为某些原因宕机了,那么这个VM没有被算成是Max实例的一部分。所以这个情况中为扩展动作分发的VMs数量可能会超过配置的MAX实例数值。一旦这个VMs中的应用程序实例从先前的宕机中恢复的时候,自动扩展功能就会校正Max实例的数值。"
+# c05f5503e8994d1bbe38126fc1652574
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:537
+msgid "Specify the following scale-up and scale-down policies:"
+msgstr "指定下列扩展和缩减的策略:"
+# 8b8ee965cf5f45e4a993ef5a61584ee7
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:539
+msgid ""
+"**Duration**: The duration, in seconds, for which the conditions you specify"
+" must be true to trigger a scaleup action. The conditions defined should "
+"hold true for the entire duration you specify for an AutoScale action to be "
+msgstr "**持续**:持续,以秒为单位,你必须指定条件为true以触发一个扩展动作。这个条件定义的是为了触发一个自动扩展动作,你指定的全部持续值应保持为true。"
+# aef0e1b396cc4f4aa88ea919926bc457
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:544
+msgid ""
+"**Counter**: The performance counters expose the state of the monitored "
+"instances. By default, CloudStack offers four performance counters: Three "
+"SNMP counters and one NetScaler counter. The SNMP counters are Linux User "
+"CPU, Linux System CPU, and Linux CPU Idle. The NetScaler counter is "
+"ResponseTime. The root administrator can add additional counters into "
+"CloudStack by using the CloudStack API."
+msgstr "**计数器**:性能计数器直接体现了被监视实例的状态。默认情况下,CloudStack提供了4个性能计数器:3个SNMP计数器和1个NetScaler计数器。SNMP计数器是Linux User CPU、Linux System CPU和Linux CPU Idle。NetScaler计数器是ResponseTime。root管理员能够使用CloudStack API给CloudStack添加额外的计数器。"
+# e13329c9be684765967ad40f1ed75b4e
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:551
+msgid ""
+"**Operator**: The following five relational operators are supported in "
+"AutoScale feature: Greater than, Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater "
+"than or equal to, and Equal to."
+msgstr "**运算符**:自动扩展功能支持下列5种关系型运算符:大于、小于、小于或等于、大于或等于和等于。"
+# 736606eaa3ac4622b52ed0ab0545ba37
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:555
+msgid ""
+"**Threshold**: Threshold value to be used for the counter. Once the counter "
+"defined above breaches the threshold value, the AutoScale feature initiates "
+"a scaleup or scaledown action."
+msgstr "**阈值**:阈值用于计数器。一旦上面计数器中定义的值超出阈值,自动扩展功能会启动扩展或者缩减动作。"
+# e74122a065ed4373a7c1291eb1291e64
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:559
+msgid "**Add**: Click Add to add the condition."
+msgstr "**添加**::点击添加来添加条件。"
+# 7d05f0a9ea384a5790999dfcd7fd3647
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:561
+msgid ""
+"Additionally, if you want to configure the advanced settings, click Show "
+"advanced settings, and specify the following:"
+msgstr "另外,如果你想配置高级设置,点击显示高级设置,接着指定下列参数:"
+# 9e8ccf2af53541eea6450c116ba10b0a
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:564
+msgid ""
+"**Polling interval**: Frequency in which the conditions, combination of "
+"counter, operator and threshold, are to be evaluated before taking a scale "
+"up or down action. The default polling interval is 30 seconds."
+msgstr "**轮询间隔**:组合计数器,运算和阈值这几个条件的频率在触发扩展和缩减动作之前都要被评估。默认的轮询间隔是30秒。"
+# 9a0a8077043d427ba02f39207e648c16
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:569
+msgid ""
+"**Quiet Time**: This is the cool down period after an AutoScale action is "
+"initiated. The time includes the time taken to complete provisioning a VM "
+"instance from its template and the time taken by an application to be ready "
+"to serve traffic. This quiet time allows the fleet to come up to a stable "
+"state before any action can take place. The default is 300 seconds."
+msgstr "**平静期**:这是自动扩展动作被触发之后的冷静期。这个时间包括完成从模板分发一个VM实例的时间和一个应用程序准备好提供服务的时间。平静期允许机群在发生任何动作之前进入稳定状态。默认值是300秒。"
+# d562af8950534ba78cfad860812c91af
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:576
+msgid ""
+"**Destroy VM Grace Period**: The duration in seconds, after a scaledown "
+"action is initiated, to wait before the VM is destroyed as part of scaledown"
+" action. This is to ensure graceful close of any pending sessions or "
+"transactions being served by the VM marked for destroy. The default is 120 "
+msgstr "**VM销毁宽限期**:此宽限期以秒计算,在一个缩减动作运行之后,在VMs被视为缩减动作的一部分从而销毁之前的等待时间。它保证了能够彻底关闭任何服务于被标记为销毁的VM的挂起中的进程或者事务。默认值是120秒。"
+# b74500ed7cdc4d5e984c9d01a17d6cae
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:582
+msgid ""
+"**Security Groups**: Security groups provide a way to isolate traffic to the"
+" VM instances. A security group is a group of VMs that filter their incoming"
+" and outgoing traffic according to a set of rules, called ingress and egress"
+" rules. These rules filter network traffic according to the IP address that "
+"is attempting to communicate with the VM."
+msgstr "**安全组**:安全组提供一种方法来隔离VMs流量。一个安全组是一组依照设置名为入口规则和出口规则来过滤他们进出流量的VMs,这些规则依靠与VM通讯的IP地址来过滤网络流量。"
+# 6e921b5c683943bf8e306cb4cd731b76
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:589
+msgid ""
+"**Disk Offerings**: A predefined set of disk size for primary data storage."
+msgstr "**磁盘方案**:一组预定义的主数据存储磁盘大小。"
+# 8eeeb8c4bf1749e6b405081fce9318ca
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:592
+msgid ""
+"**SNMP Community**: The SNMP community string to be used by the NetScaler "
+"device to query the configured counter value from the provisioned VM "
+"instances. Default is public."
+msgstr "**SNMP 联系**:SNMP 联系字符串被用于NetScaler设备从分发的VM实例中查询已配置的计数器的值。默认是public。"
+# 63d93ca18c5245e3aa630d743d5b1fff
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:596
+msgid ""
+"**SNMP Port**: The port number on which the SNMP agent that run on the "
+"provisioned VMs is listening. Default port is 161."
+msgstr "**SNMP端口**:运行在已分发的VMs上的SNMP代理端口号。默认的端口是161."
+# 8e4ead8319ea470ba2e3a6183acf7ce2
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:599
+msgid ""
+"**User**: This is the user that the NetScaler device use to invoke scaleup "
+"and scaledown API calls to the cloud. If no option is specified, the user "
+"who configures AutoScaling is applied. Specify another user name to "
+msgstr "**用户**:在云中NetScaler设备中用于发起扩展和缩减API调用的用户。如果没有指定选项,那么该用户被配置为自动扩展。指定其他用户名可以覆盖此配置。"
+# c5ab8b8578de4f5b8e2aa37c414525aa
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:604
+msgid "**Apply**: Click Apply to create the AutoScale configuration."
+msgstr "**应用**:点击应用创建自动扩展配置。"
+# 3d6ec42e045a4082a8798bec5791982a
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:608
+msgid "Disabling and Enabling an AutoScale Configuration"
+msgstr "禁止和启用自动扩展配置"
+# ec5c758cc62a40e587a4b6c4fddb434f
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:610
+msgid ""
+"If you want to perform any maintenance operation on the AutoScale VM "
+"instances, disable the AutoScale configuration. When the AutoScale "
+"configuration is disabled, no scaleup or scaledown action is performed. You "
+"can use this downtime for the maintenance activities. To disable the "
+"AutoScale configuration, click the Disable AutoScale |EnableDisable.png| "
+msgstr "如果你想对一个自动扩展VM实例执行任何维护操作,请禁用自动扩展配置。当自动扩展配置被禁用,扩展和缩减动作不会执行。你可以利用停机时间进行维护活动。要禁用自动扩展配置,点击禁用自动扩展按钮 |EnableDisable.png|。"
+# 0a60f936b205455c98dceed77b11df3c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:616
+msgid ""
+"The button toggles between enable and disable, depending on whether "
+"AutoScale is currently enabled or not. After the maintenance operations are "
+"done, you can enable the AutoScale configuration back. To enable, open the "
+"AutoScale configuration page again, then click the Enable AutoScale "
+"|EnableDisable.png| button."
+msgstr "这个按钮是启用和禁止的切换开关,取决于当前是否启用了自动扩展。在执行完维护操作以后,你可以启用回自动扩展配置。要启用,请再次打开自动扩展配置页面,然后点击启用自动扩展按钮|EnableDisable.png|。"
+# f4bb71e85bd344b89fdcb3239a0f51f8
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:626
+msgid "Updating an AutoScale Configuration"
+msgstr "更新自动扩展配置"
+# 3bf60f14a73d43869794736b33b5aa5b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:628
+msgid ""
+"You can update the various parameters and add or delete the conditions in a "
+"scaleup or scaledown rule. Before you update an AutoScale configuration, "
+"ensure that you disable the AutoScale load balancer rule by clicking the "
+"Disable AutoScale button."
+msgstr "你可以更新各种参数和添加或者删除扩展或缩减策略中的条件。在你更新自动扩展配置之前,请确保你已经通过点击禁止自动扩展按钮禁止了自动扩展负载均衡策略。"
+# f9665a6811b3410ba434ca755c6451f6
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:633
+msgid ""
+"After you modify the required AutoScale parameters, click Apply. To apply "
+"the new AutoScale policies, open the AutoScale configuration page again, "
+"then click the Enable AutoScale button."
+msgstr "在你修改了所需的自动扩展参数之后,点击应用。要应新的自动扩展策略,再次打开自动扩展配置页面,然后点击启用自动扩展按钮。"
+# debb34a5766f45ca8759a81e6401dc05
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:639
+msgid "Runtime Considerations"
+msgstr "运行时注意事项"
+# 57af5a07b00746d1b071d2eb6e80fea1
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:641
+msgid ""
+"An administrator should not assign a VM to a load balancing rule which is "
+"configured for AutoScale."
+msgstr "管理员不应该分配VM到配置为AutoScale的负载均衡规则中。"
+# 7df6035fc7ca442bbbb5d7bd0ea0428b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:644
+msgid ""
+"Before a VM provisioning is completed if NetScaler is shutdown or restarted,"
+" the provisioned VM cannot be a part of the load balancing rule though the "
+"intent was to assign it to a load balancing rule. To workaround, rename the "
+"AutoScale provisioned VMs based on the rule name or ID so at any point of "
+"time the VMs can be reconciled to its load balancing rule."
+msgstr "在分配虚拟机到一个负载均衡的规则配置完成前如果NetScaler被关闭或重启,则配置的虚拟机不能成为负载均衡规则的一部分。要解决此问题,重命名基于AutoScale配置的虚拟机名称或ID,以便在任何时间点负载平衡规则可以调节该虚拟机。"
+# 0eca9ec603bb4fc28eaabd868afa3e27
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:651
+msgid ""
+"Making API calls outside the context of AutoScale, such as destroyVM, on an "
+"autoscaled VM leaves the load balancing configuration in an inconsistent "
+"state. Though VM is destroyed from the load balancer rule, NetScaler "
+"continues to show the VM as a service assigned to a rule."
+msgstr "在自动扩展上下文之外使用API调用,如destroyVM,那么自动扩展下的VM会处于负载均衡配置冲突状态中。虽然VM被负载均衡策略所销毁,但NetScaler仍然会把VM作为一个设备分配一条策略。"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f27f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/global_server_load_balancing.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/global_server_load_balancing.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2778969
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@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# dcd5b9f2eedc4d1682f64e174cd2cef7
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:18
+msgid "Global Server Load Balancing Support"
+msgstr "全局服务器负载均衡 支持"
+# 6cf6d74b4dde4e5fb05f41ae52822a4a
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack supports Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) functionalities to "
+"provide business continuity, and enable seamless resource movement within a "
+"CloudStack environment. CloudStack achieve this by extending its "
+"functionality of integrating with NetScaler Application Delivery Controller "
+"(ADC), which also provides various GSLB capabilities, such as disaster "
+"recovery and load balancing. The DNS redirection technique is used to "
+"achieve GSLB in CloudStack."
+msgstr "CLOUDSTACK支持全局服务器负载均衡 (GSLB) 功能以提供可持续的商业运营。GSLB可以在CLOUDSTACK环境中实现资源的无缝迁移。CLOUDSTACK通过集成NetScaler应用交付控制器 (ADC)来提供GSLB功能,ADC可以提供各种各样的GSLB能力,比如灾难恢复,负载均衡。CLOUDSTACK在实现GSLB功能进,使用了DNS重定向技术。"
+# 7396fe0f91a94dcf8d73474623b3c975
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:28
+msgid ""
+"In order to support this functionality, region level services and service "
+"provider are introduced. A new service 'GSLB' is introduced as a region "
+"level service. The GSLB service provider is introduced that will provider "
+"the GSLB service. Currently, NetScaler is the supported GSLB provider in "
+"CloudStack. GSLB functionality works in an Active-Active data center "
+msgstr "为了支持这个功能,引进了地域级别的服务和服务提供者。引进了一项新服务“GSLB”作为地域级别的服务。该GSLB服务提供者介绍将提供GSLB服务。目前,CloudStack中NetScaler可作为GSLB提供者。 GSLB功能工作在Active-Active数据中心环境。"
+# c1b8feb53b76438681b08acf77c25440
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:37
+msgid "About Global Server Load Balancing"
+msgstr "关于全局服务器负载均衡"
+# e03a6a1a69b640308c22260d5737533b
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) is an extension of load balancing "
+"functionality, which is highly efficient in avoiding downtime. Based on the "
+"nature of deployment, GSLB represents a set of technologies that is used for"
+" various purposes, such as load sharing, disaster recovery, performance, and"
+" legal obligations. With GSLB, workloads can be distributed across multiple "
+"data centers situated at geographically separated locations. GSLB can also "
+"provide an alternate location for accessing a resource in the event of a "
+"failure, or to provide a means of shifting traffic easily to simplify "
+"maintenance, or both."
+msgstr "全局服务器负载均衡(GSLB)是负载均衡功能的扩展,为了高效的避免停机时间。基于部署的性质,GSLB代表一组技术的集合,用于各种用途,如负载均衡,灾难恢复,性能,和法定义务。使用GSLB,工作负载可以分布在位于不同地理位置的多个数据中心。 GSLB也可以用于在发生故障时访问资源的另一个备用位置,或对流量提供了简易的维护方式,或两者兼得。"
+# ba32175058a043b081e7045d04a34334
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:51
+msgid "Components of GSLB"
+msgstr "GSLB服务组件"
+# 8282609b9ff24cd980a31ea858744fba
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:53
+msgid "A typical GSLB environment is comprised of the following components:"
+msgstr "一个典型的GSLB环境由以下服务组件组成:"
+# 0c4b0b08a37346789443744bef960c26
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"**GSLB Site**: In CloudStack terminology, GSLB sites are represented by "
+"zones that are mapped to data centers, each of which has various network "
+"appliances. Each GSLB site is managed by a NetScaler appliance that is local"
+" to that site. Each of these appliances treats its own site as the local "
+"site and all other sites, managed by other appliances, as remote sites. It "
+"is the central entity in a GSLB deployment, and is represented by a name and"
+" an IP address."
+msgstr "**GSLB站点**:在CloudStack专业术语中,GSLB站点表现为映射至数据中心的zones,每个GSLB有多个网络设备。每个GSLB站点由一个位于站点中的NetScaler设备管理。每个NetScaler设备将他管理的站点视为本地站点,并且由其他NetScaler设备管理的站点视为远程站点。在GSLB部署中它是一个中央实体,具体表现为一个名称和一个IP地址。"
+# e6f8317f00944a5faf27bf059374e211
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"**GSLB Services**: A GSLB service is typically represented by a load "
+"balancing or content switching virtual server. In a GSLB environment, you "
+"can have a local as well as remote GSLB services. A local GSLB service "
+"represents a local load balancing or content switching virtual server. A "
+"remote GSLB service is the one configured at one of the other sites in the "
+"GSLB setup. At each site in the GSLB setup, you can create one local GSLB "
+"service and any number of remote GSLB services."
+msgstr "**GSLB服务**:GSLB服务表现为典型的负载均衡或者内容交换虚拟服务器。在一个GSLB环境中,你可以有本地及远程GSLB服务。本地GSLB服务表现为一个本地负载均衡或者内容交换虚拟服务器。远程GSLB服务是配置在GSLB设置中的其他站点。在每个站点中的GSLB设置里,你可以创建一个本地GSLB服务和任意数量的远程GSLB服务。"
+# 0d6074d67e874afaafcced32aa2dcad8
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"**GSLB Virtual Servers**: A GSLB virtual server refers to one or more GSLB "
+"services and balances traffic between traffic across the VMs in multiple "
+"zones by using the CloudStack functionality. It evaluates the configured "
+"GSLB methods or algorithms to select a GSLB service to which to send the "
+"client requests. One or more virtual servers from different zones are bound "
+"to the GSLB virtual server. GSLB virtual server does not have a public IP "
+"associated with it, instead it will have a FQDN DNS name."
+msgstr "**GSLB虚拟服务器**:GSLB虚拟服务器指的是一个或多个GSLB服务和平衡跨越多个使用CloudStack功能的zones之间VMs的流量。它通过评估配置的GSLB方法或者算法来选择一个GSLB服务发送客户端请求。来自不同zone的一个或多个虚拟服务器被绑定到GSLB虚拟服务器上。GSLB虚拟服务器没有对应的公共IP,只有一个FQDN DNS名称。"
+# 25269a15ffaf4c48880b969ed8e8ff0b
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"**Load Balancing or Content Switching Virtual Servers**: According to Citrix"
+" NetScaler terminology, a load balancing or content switching virtual server"
+" represents one or many servers on the local network. Clients send their "
+"requests to the load balancing or content switching virtual server's virtual"
+" IP (VIP) address, and the virtual server balances the load across the local"
+" servers. After a GSLB virtual server selects a GSLB service representing "
+"either a local or a remote load balancing or content switching virtual "
+"server, the client sends the request to that virtual server's VIP address."
+msgstr "**负载均衡或内容交换虚拟服务器**:依照Citrix NetScaler的专业术语,一个负载均衡或者内容交换虚拟服务器表现为本地网络上的一个或多个服务器。客户端发送他们的请求至负载均衡或内容交换虚拟服务器IP(VIP)地址,并且由虚拟服务器平衡本地服务器之间的负载。在GSLB虚拟服务器选择了一个基于本地或者远程负载均衡或者内容交换虚拟服务器的GSLB服务之后,客户端发送请求至虚拟服务器的VIP地址。"
+# a4ae12735c574a18995202afba84a585
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:91
+msgid ""
+"**DNS VIPs**: DNS virtual IP represents a load balancing DNS virtual server "
+"on the GSLB service provider. The DNS requests for domains for which the "
+"GSLB service provider is authoritative can be sent to a DNS VIP."
+msgstr "**DNS VIPs**:DNS虚拟IP是一个在GSLB服务供应者上的DNS负载均衡虚拟服务器。在有GSLB服务提供者的域中的DNS请求会被发送至一个DNS VIP。"
+# 18dae232ea054aad8beb56723f2e9d6d
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:96
+msgid ""
+"**Authoritative DNS**: ADNS (Authoritative Domain Name Server) is a service "
+"that provides actual answer to DNS queries, such as web site IP address. In "
+"a GSLB environment, an ADNS service responds only to DNS requests for "
+"domains for which the GSLB service provider is authoritative. When an ADNS "
+"service is configured, the service provider owns that IP address and "
+"advertises it. When you create an ADNS service, the NetScaler responds to "
+"DNS queries on the configured ADNS service IP and port."
+msgstr "**权威DNS**:ADNS(权威域名称服务器)是一个为DNS请求提供真实响应的服务,比如web站点IP地址。在GSLB环境中,一个ADNS服务只响应权威的GSLB服务提供者所在域的DNS请求。当配置了一个ADNS服务,该服务的提供者即拥有该服务IP并且广播它。当你创建一个ADNS服务的时候,NetScaler通过配置的ADNS服务IP和端口响应DNS请求。"
+# 9efb5a6ae20d45eab31e7fe7ffc87eab
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:107
+msgid "How Does GSLB Works in CloudStack?"
+msgstr "在CloudStack中,GSLB的工作原理是什么?"
+# daac6a57d97c4caebd3fa5d2f5f27324
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:109
+msgid ""
+"Global server load balancing is used to manage the traffic flow to a web "
+"site hosted on two separate zones that ideally are in different geographic "
+"locations. The following is an illustration of how GLSB functionality is "
+"provided in CloudStack: An organization, xyztelco, has set up a public cloud"
+" that spans two zones, Zone-1 and Zone-2, across geographically separated "
+"data centers that are managed by CloudStack. Tenant-A of the cloud launches "
+"a highly available solution by using xyztelco cloud. For that purpose, they "
+"launch two instances each in both the zones: VM1 and VM2 in Zone-1 and VM5 "
+"and VM6 in Zone-2. Tenant-A acquires a public IP, IP-1 in Zone-1, and "
+"configures a load balancer rule to load balance the traffic between VM1 and "
+"VM2 instances. CloudStack orchestrates setting up a virtual server on the LB"
+" service provider in Zone-1. Virtual server 1 that is set up on the LB "
+"service provider in Zone-1 represents a publicly accessible virtual server "
+"that client reaches at IP-1. The client traffic to virtual server 1 at IP-1 "
+"will be load balanced across VM1 and VM2 instances."
+msgstr "全局服务器负载均衡-GSLB-用于在不同地域的不同独立区域之间管理WEB服务器的访问流量。以下是CLOUDSTACK中提供的GSLB功能图示:EXZTELCO这个组织用CLOUDSTACK在不同的数据中心部署一个公有云,此云环境包括两个区域,Zone-1 和Zone-2。XYZTELCO里有租户A需要部署一个高可用方案。为了达到此目标,他们分别在两个区域里部署了两个虚拟机实例:Zone-1中有VM1和VM2,Zone-2中有VM5和VM6。租户A在Zone-1中得到一个公网IP-IP-1,并且在VM1和VM2之间配置了负载均衡规则。CLOUDSTACK 编排系统在 Zone-1中LB服务上设置了一个虚拟服务器-Virtual server 1 。客户端对-IP-1的访问会到达Virtual server 1,此虚拟服务器再将流量转发到VM1和VM2上进行流量负载均衡。"
+# ab85065c7a794a62bb64bb4d17ff62c9
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:126
+msgid ""
+"Tenant-A acquires another public IP, IP-2 in Zone-2 and sets up a load "
+"balancer rule to load balance the traffic between VM5 and VM6 instances. "
+"Similarly in Zone-2, CloudStack orchestrates setting up a virtual server on "
+"the LB service provider. Virtual server 2 that is setup on the LB service "
+"provider in Zone-2 represents a publicly accessible virtual server that "
+"client reaches at IP-2. The client traffic that reaches virtual server 2 at "
+"IP-2 is load balanced across VM5 and VM6 instances. At this point Tenant-A "
+"has the service enabled in both the zones, but has no means to set up a "
+"disaster recovery plan if one of the zone fails. Additionally, there is no "
+"way for Tenant-A to load balance the traffic intelligently to one of the "
+"zones based on load, proximity and so on. The cloud administrator of "
+"xyztelco provisions a GSLB service provider to both the zones. A GSLB "
+"provider is typically an ADC that has the ability to act as an ADNS "
+"(Authoritative Domain Name Server) and has the mechanism to monitor health "
+"of virtual servers both at local and remote sites. The cloud admin enables "
+"GSLB as a service to the tenants that use zones 1 and 2."
+msgstr "租户A在Zone-2中得到一个公网IP-IP-2,并且在VM5和VM6之间配置了负载均衡规则。CLOUDSTACK 编排系统在 Zone-2中LB服务上设置了一个虚拟服务器-Virtual server 2 。客户端对-IP-2的访问会到达Virtual server 2,此虚拟服务器再将流量转发到VM5和VM6上进行流量负载均衡。此时,租户A在两个区域里都启用了服务,但是,无法在这种环境下部署灾难恢复计划,也无法更智能在区域内使用负载均衡。要解决这些问题,XYZTELCO云管理员可以在两个区域内启用GSLB服务,一个GSLB服务通常是一个具有ADNS(认证域名服务器)能力的ADC,并且具有监测本地和远程站点健康状况的手段。云管理员可以在ZONE 1和2中为租户启用GSLB服务。"
+# 16e02bcf2da14fd48ec4af740ccfc445
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:144
+msgid "|gslb.png|"
+msgstr "|gslb.png|"
+# 7f93cb0f9f2e4bc58cfc7f308c019bda
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:146
+msgid ""
+"Tenant-A wishes to leverage the GSLB service provided by the xyztelco cloud."
+" Tenant-A configures a GSLB rule to load balance traffic across virtual "
+"server 1 at Zone-1 and virtual server 2 at Zone-2. The domain name is "
+"provided as CloudStack orchestrates setting up GSLB virtual "
+"server 1 on the GSLB service provider at Zone-1. CloudStack binds virtual "
+"server 1 of Zone-1 and virtual server 2 of Zone-2 to GLSB virtual server 1. "
+"GSLB virtual server 1 is configured to start monitoring the health of "
+"virtual server 1 and 2 in Zone-1. CloudStack will also orchestrate setting "
+"up GSLB virtual server 2 on GSLB service provider at Zone-2. CloudStack will"
+" bind virtual server 1 of Zone-1 and virtual server 2 of Zone-2 to GLSB "
+"virtual server 2. GSLB virtual server 2 is configured to start monitoring "
+"the health of virtual server 1 and 2. CloudStack will bind the domain "
+" to both the GSLB virtual server 1 and 2. At this point, "
+"Tenant-A service will be globally reachable at The private "
+"DNS server for the domain is configured by the admin out-of-"
+"band to resolve the domain to the GSLB providers at both the "
+"zones, which are configured as ADNS for the domain A client "
+"when sends a DNS request to resolve, will eventually get DNS"
+" delegation to the address of GSLB providers at zone 1 and 2. A client DNS "
+"request will be received by the GSLB provider. The GSLB provider, depending "
+"on the domain for which it needs to resolve, will pick up the GSLB virtual "
+"server associated with the domain. Depending on the health of the virtual "
+"servers being load balanced, DNS request for the domain will be resolved to "
+"the public IP associated with the selected virtual server."
+msgstr "租户- A希望利用由xyztelco cloud提供的GSLB服务。租户-A配置了一个GSLB规则对Zone-1中的虚拟服务器1和Zone-2中的虚拟服务器2提供流量负载均衡。假设域名是 。CloudStack中协调设置GSLB服务提供者Zone-1中的GSLB虚拟服务器1。 CloudStack绑定Zone-1中的虚拟服务器1和Zone-2中的虚拟服务器2到GSLB虚拟服务器1。CloudStack也将协调设置GSLB服务提供者Zone-2中的GSLB虚拟服务器2.CloudStack绑定Zone-1中的虚拟服务器1和Zone-2中的虚拟服务器2到GSLB虚拟服务器2.GSLB虚拟服务器2配置为开始监视虚拟服务器1和2的健康。CloudStack中会绑定域名A.xyztelco.com到GSLB虚拟服务器1和2。在这一点上,租户-A的服务将在全球范围内可达于。域名xyztelcom.com的专用DNS服务器,被管理员配置为外带管理,由两个区域的GSLB提供者对域名A.xyztelco.com提供解析。它将被配置为域名A.xyztelco.com的ADNS。当客户端请求解析A.xyztelcom.com域名时,将最终由DNS指派到GSLB提供者Zone 1 和Zone2。客户DNS请求将被GSLB提供者接获。GSLB提供者,根据需要解析的域名,将获得与域名关联的GSLB虚拟服务器。根据用于负载均衡的虚拟服务器的运行健康状况,域名DNS请求将被解析到所选择关联的虚拟服务器中。"
+# dcd79b8e29a442d098cb8090a4527144
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:175
+msgid "Configuring GSLB"
+msgstr "配置GSLB"
+# af3fb04e787447d9976ebb989e847e3d
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:177
+msgid ""
+"To configure a GSLB deployment, you must first configure a standard load "
+"balancing setup for each zone. This enables you to balance load across the "
+"different servers in each zone in the region. Then on the NetScaler side, "
+"configure both NetScaler appliances that you plan to add to each zone as "
+"authoritative DNS (ADNS) servers. Next, create a GSLB site for each zone, "
+"configure GSLB virtual servers for each site, create GLSB services, and bind"
+" the GSLB services to the GSLB virtual servers. Finally, bind the domain to "
+"the GSLB virtual servers. The GSLB configurations on the two appliances at "
+"the two different zones are identical, although each sites load-balancing "
+"configuration is specific to that site."
+msgstr "要配置GSLB的部署,您必须首先为每个区域配置一个标准的负载平衡设置。这使您能够在该地域中每个区域的不同服务器之间进行负载均衡。然后在NetScaler方面,配置您计划添加到每个区域作为权威DNS(ADNS)服务器的两个NetScaler应用。接下来,为每个区域创建GSLB站点、配置GSLB虚拟服务器、创建GSLB服务并绑定GSLB服务到GSLB虚拟服务器中。最后,绑定该域到GSLB虚拟服务器。两个应用的GSLB配置在两个不同区域中是完全相同的,尽管每个网站的负载均衡配置特定于该网站。"
+# f12e3e8dd3114cc6ab5febf7d770620a
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:189
+msgid ""
+"Perform the following as a cloud administrator. As per the example given "
+"above, the administrator of xyztelco is the one who sets up GSLB:"
+msgstr "作为云管理员执行以下操作。按照上面给出的例子中,由管理员xyztelco设置GSLB:"
+# 9579cd3756414bb59e03052c3c4807de
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:192
+msgid ""
+"In the global parameter, specify the DNS name of your "
+"tenant's cloud that make use of the GSLB service."
+msgstr "在全局变量 cloud.dns.name中,为您租户云定义DNS名称并供GSLB服务使用。"
+# e675df400e4c40079a4b8ac2c3a3a007
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:195
+msgid ""
+"On the NetScaler side, configure GSLB as given in `Configuring Global Server"
+" Load Balancing (GSLB) <"
+msgstr "在NetScaler方面,给出GSLB配置  `配置全局服务器负载均衡 (GSLB)<>`_:"
+# 8366d0a33b5d4328b32668eee7db43a7
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:199
+msgid "Configuring a standard load balancing setup."
+msgstr "配置一个标准的负载均衡设置。"
+# 652a6e0d3f25435bad8a3a37ff14f6de
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:201
+msgid ""
+"Configure Authoritative DNS, as explained in `Configuring an Authoritative "
+"DNS Service <"
+msgstr "配置权威DNS,如下解释 `配置权威的DNS服务 <>`__."
+# eb1be7170a664c05818eea4cebcd652c
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:205
+msgid ""
+"Configure a GSLB site with site name formed from the domain name details."
+msgstr "由域名详细信息配置一个GSLB站点和站点名称。"
+# af0e9c7b27f545b9a2532edf6109ddf3
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:208
+msgid "Configure a GSLB site with the site name formed from the domain name."
+msgstr "由域名配置一个GSLB站点和站点名称。"
+# 6c3c9b0f00314c219b51b9ea4a817b37
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:211
+msgid ""
+"As per the example given above, the site names are and "
+msgstr "按照上面给出的例子,站点名称为 和"
+# 8bc45e9126194d24824f0e0e2d92ca1b
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:214
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `Configuring a Basic GSLB Site "
+msgstr "更多信息,请参阅 `配置基本的GSLB站点 <>`__."
+# 7276993a8c1f4f089886c5bfce5f4f6e
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:217
+msgid "Configure a GSLB virtual server."
+msgstr "配置GSLB虚拟服务器。"
+# 8d0c82c139184d3992209af4d2e54a6c
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:219
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `Configuring a GSLB Virtual Server "
+msgstr "更多信息,请参阅 `配置GSLB虚拟服务器 <>`__."
+# 7db75bd72fa44709ab7adb82ba26f318
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:222
+msgid "Configure a GSLB service for each virtual server."
+msgstr "为每个虚拟服务器配置GSLB服务。"
+# 7dd4d9aa1c394ed6859a00b0331f3e5b
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:224
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `Configuring a GSLB Service "
+msgstr "更多信息,请参阅 `配置GSLB服务 <>`__."
+# 30745365545f4cbca1a5ff6fa73a495f
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:227
+msgid "Bind the GSLB services to the GSLB virtual server."
+msgstr "绑定GSLB服务到GSLB虚拟服务器。"
+# f5c32c764b0c44cc9b430cd2c74f5a0b
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:229
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `Binding GSLB Services to a GSLB Virtual Server "
+msgstr "更多信息,请参阅 `绑定GSLB服务到GSLB虚拟服务器 <>`__."
+# 74f55b2693404f1d8b46b1960f0987db
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:232
+msgid ""
+"Bind domain name to GSLB virtual server. Domain name is obtained from the "
+"domain details."
+msgstr "绑定GSLB域名到GSLB虚拟服务器。从域的详细信息中获得域名。"
+# 012a1ab7ff7b422995e21b6709b4c6b3
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:235
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `Binding a Domain to a GSLB Virtual Server "
+msgstr "更多信息,请参阅  `绑定GSLB域名到GSLB虚拟服务器 <>`__."
+# efe8d44a7dc84347bdc932507e0cf417
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:238
+msgid ""
+"In each zone that are participating in GSLB, add GSLB-enabled NetScaler "
+msgstr "在每个参与GSLB的区域内,添加启用GSLB功能的NetScaler设备。"
+# b4176a11b248487686fbfb80d484f72d
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:241
+msgid "For more information, see :ref:`enabling-gslb-in-ns`."
+msgstr "更多信息请参考 :ref:`enabling-gslb-in-ns`."
+# 8fc3da50593741b9863599aee89587e8
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:243
+msgid "As a domain administrator/ user perform the following:"
+msgstr "以域管理员/用户执行以下操作:"
+# 8c1293eb2d3746e8abb219c5c4cb7290
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:245
+msgid "Add a GSLB rule on both the sites."
+msgstr "在两个站点中添加GSLB规则。"
+# a78f47a38a364e859b24e482f8eab174
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:247
+msgid "See \":ref:`adding-gslb-rule`\"."
+msgstr "参考\":ref:`adding-gslb-rule`\"."
+# 17e3b59ea95e4eb39b1290cea67e4801
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:249
+msgid "Assign load balancer rules."
+msgstr "分配负载均衡规则。"
+# d37f5840c4d34fa9aa990a0bb0610af9
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:251
+msgid "See \":ref:`assigning-lb-rule-gslb`\"."
+msgstr "参考\":ref:`assigning-lb-rule-gslb`\"."
+# 2553447c986746b582a9f8b495396c3b
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:255
+msgid "Prerequisites and Guidelines"
+msgstr "先决条件和指南"
+# 8627b5c519f04c4bb75b82af96f25418
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:257
+msgid "The GSLB functionality is supported both Basic and Advanced zones."
+msgstr "GSLB功能支持基本和高级区域。"
+# c2b5f208b13f4b07b6755c0a53fa1104
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:259
+msgid "GSLB is added as a new network service."
+msgstr "GSLB是新添加的网络服务。"
+# 3c6e0da5ecd148d599a35191c7e92678
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:261
+msgid "GSLB service provider can be added to a physical network in a zone."
+msgstr "GSLB服务提供者可以被添加至区域中的物理网络。"
+# 6c159f1bc2224bb2b35dd03ec51bc6b1
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:263
+msgid ""
+"The admin is allowed to enable or disable GSLB functionality at region "
+msgstr "管理员允许开启或禁用地域级别的GSLB功能。"
+# 6367e49f50d0418c92b7b6fc7cc91a39
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:266
+msgid "The admin is allowed to configure a zone as GSLB capable or enabled."
+msgstr "管理员具有启用或配置区域为GSLB的能力"
+# a66b5c6d51534ab492d244d518221776
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:268
+msgid ""
+"A zone shall be considered as GSLB capable only if a GSLB service provider "
+"is provisioned in the zone."
+msgstr "只有在GSLB服务提供者提供的区域中,该区域才被视为有GSLB能力。"
+# 0ea762e8718b465eaacf40a6118c8f7f
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:271
+msgid ""
+"When users have VMs deployed in multiple availability zones which are GSLB "
+"enabled, they can use the GSLB functionality to load balance traffic across "
+"the VMs in multiple zones."
+msgstr "当用户的VMs部署在启用GSLB功能的多个可用区域中时,他们可以使用GSLB功能在多个区域中将VM的流量进行负载均衡。"
+# ed2130b4027e41e3833699a89ff82708
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:275
+msgid ""
+"The users can use GSLB to load balance across the VMs across zones in a "
+"region only if the admin has enabled GSLB in that region."
+msgstr "如果管理员在地域中启用了GSLB,用户可以使用GSLB对地狱中的所有区域的VMs进行负载均衡。"
+# 1b374fea614b459eb39cfbe4f20478c9
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:278
+msgid ""
+"The users can load balance traffic across the availability zones in the same"
+" region or different regions."
+msgstr "用户可以为同一个区域或不同地域间可用的区域流量进行负载均衡。"
+# 62da6f878356420f9becc6fffbe1ae6d
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:281
+msgid "The admin can configure DNS name for the entire cloud."
+msgstr "管理员可以为整个云配置DNS名称。"
+# 799fe9490296493e9d86d0ea8cdc9297
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:283
+msgid ""
+"The users can specify an unique name across the cloud for a globally load "
+"balanced service. The provided name is used as the domain name under the DNS"
+" name associated with the cloud."
+msgstr "用户可以为云中的全局负载均衡服务指定一个唯一的名称。所提供名称的域名相当于云的DNS名称。"
+# 1d6c20de63954971a720227985a74433
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:287
+msgid ""
+"The user-provided name along with the admin-provided DNS name is used to "
+"produce a globally resolvable FQDN for the globally load balanced service of"
+" the user. For example, if the admin has configured as the DNS "
+"name for the cloud, and user specifies 'foo' for the GSLB virtual service, "
+"then the FQDN name of the GSLB virtual service is"
+msgstr "用户提供的名称与管理员提供的DNS名称一起为用户的全局负载均衡服务产生一个全局解析的FQDN。例如,如果管理员已经配置xyztelco.com为云中的DNS名称,以及用户为GSLB虚拟服务器指定的名称为'foo',那么GSLB虚拟服务器的FQDN名称是。"
+# a7817e36fe2c4ea58737d1a5ae3db30b
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:294
+msgid ""
+"While setting up GSLB, users can select a load balancing method, such as "
+"round robin, for using across the zones that are part of GSLB."
+msgstr "设置GSLB时,用户可以为GSLB跨区域的一部分选择负载均衡方式,例如 round robin。"
+# 971bcd7f3cf24bbbb424a020cc7c06a4
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:297
+msgid ""
+"The user shall be able to set weight to zone-level virtual server. Weight "
+"shall be considered by the load balancing method for distributing the "
+msgstr "用户应能设置区域级虚拟服务器的权重。负载均衡在分配流量时会考虑该权重。"
+# 6f3d31dca71d4b608fa90d1eb73ecee2
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:301
+msgid ""
+"The GSLB functionality shall support session persistence, where series of "
+"client requests for particular domain name is sent to a virtual server on "
+"the same zone."
+msgstr "该GSLB功能必须支持会话持久性,特定域名的一系列客户端请求被发送到同一个区域中的虚拟服务器上。"
+# bfaf6196eae343259864ac2443ff5746
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:305
+msgid "Statistics is collected from each GSLB virtual server."
+msgstr "从每个GSLB虚拟服务器中收集统计数据。"
+# d2f3468cd4ac44d58c53e731e50e35dd
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:311
+msgid "Enabling GSLB in NetScaler"
+msgstr "开启NetScaler的GSLB"
+# d51d618416764b5c843fc13bfd2dfa6d
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:313
+msgid "In each zone, add GSLB-enabled NetScaler device for load balancing."
+msgstr "在每个区域中,添加启用GSLB的NetScaler设备提供负载均衡。"
+# 91d1d3b496c34b179f0b865500b6bf93
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:315
+msgid "Log in as administrator to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr "使用管理员登录到CloudStack管理界面。"
+# cc1ae38bffd84c058812510e8495b73f
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:317
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure."
+msgstr "在左侧导航栏中,点击基础架构"
+# 46ba7c7f81d04aa78f0c04d3d045bc8a
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:319
+msgid "In Zones, click View More."
+msgstr "点击区域中的查看更多。"
+# 1feb8d2e09014d9989264c48ece8fc81
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:321
+msgid "Choose the zone you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择你要设置的区域。"
+# 82a50383b1124be48db8d0c5721e9f13
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:323
+msgid ""
+"Click the Physical Network tab, then click the name of the physical network."
+msgstr "点击物理网络选项卡,然后点击物理网络的名称。"
+# 75224089389e4bee8e89a1caf1dc5880
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:326
+msgid "In the Network Service Providers node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr "点击示意图'网络服务提供程序'中的配置"
+# 410a9b626bf9412a9f482c2df1aac784
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:329
+msgid "You might have to scroll down to see this."
+msgstr "你可能需要向下滚动才能看到。"
+# 1d32a851fb92436c8e045ccc828641f4
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:331
+msgid "Click NetScaler."
+msgstr "点击NetScaler."
+# af72e8614fc44c60af3004624dba03b1
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:333
+msgid "Click Add NetScaler device and provide the following:"
+msgstr "点击添加NetScaler设备并提供如下信息:"
+# 6290f4f42d054ac28661b16c5366b62f
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:335
+msgid "For NetScaler:"
+msgstr "对于NetScaler:"
+# 8e09b55d68a849d089029f2c893e3e97
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:337
+msgid "**IP Address**: The IP address of the SDX."
+msgstr "**IP地址**: SDX的IP地址。"
+# 9b9b4165d2ee4e64b3b0b04390702686
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:339
+msgid ""
+"**Username/Password**: The authentication credentials to access the device. "
+"CloudStack uses these credentials to access the device."
+msgstr "**用户名/密码.** 访问此设备的认证许可。CloudStack使用这些认证信息访问此设备。"
+# 212ab71ac16a49309da99e2870717faa
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:343
+msgid ""
+"**Type**: The type of device that is being added. It could be F5 Big Ip Load"
+" Balancer, NetScaler VPX, NetScaler MPX, or NetScaler SDX. For a comparison "
+"of the NetScaler types, see the CloudStack Administration Guide."
+msgstr "**类型**:添加设备的类型。可以是F5 BigIP负载均衡器、NetScaler VPX、NetScaler MPX或 NetScaler SDX等设备。关于NetScaler的类型比较,请参阅CloudStack管理指南。"
+# 3d72c6cb5cbb49418002a5e3acf1617c
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:348
+msgid ""
+"**Public interface**: Interface of device that is configured to be part of "
+"the public network."
+msgstr "**公共接口**: 配置为公共网络部分的设备接口。"
+# 5bbed919dc2c45008af4312d028cfbd7
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:351
+msgid ""
+"**Private interface**: Interface of device that is configured to be part of "
+"the private network."
+msgstr "**专用接口**: 配置为专用网络部分的设备接口。"
+# fb82ba2e06e34aaf9ab8e8fa8362b43d
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:354
+msgid "**GSLB service**: Select this option."
+msgstr "**GSLB 服务**:选择该选项。"
+# 8a1e3ad262934da086878740aefca5fc
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:356
+msgid ""
+"**GSLB service Public IP**: The public IP address of the NAT translator for "
+"a GSLB service that is on a private network."
+msgstr "**GSLB 服务公共IP**:在专用网络中,为GSLB服务提供NAT转换的公共IP地址。"
+# 5ca3fc19dd8e4706872b9e3af0652c2f
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:359
+msgid "**GSLB service Private IP**: The private IP of the GSLB service."
+msgstr "**GSLB 服务专用IP**: GSLB服务的专用IP地址。"
+# 8f1a8fd9ec814e02970f7edf85c8fad1
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:361
+msgid ""
+"**Number of Retries**. Number of times to attempt a command on the device "
+"before considering the operation failed. Default is 2."
+msgstr "**重试次数** 尝试控制设备失败时重试的次数,默认为2次。"
+# 2416b7a9e5fa43fdb27834cb7e46253b
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:364
+msgid "**Capacity**: The number of networks the device can handle."
+msgstr "**容量**:该设备能处理的网络数量。"
+# c9166740fb2747a7abd4ae6c0851aabc
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:366
+msgid ""
+"**Dedicated**: When marked as dedicated, this device will be dedicated to a "
+"single account. When Dedicated is checked, the value in the Capacity field "
+"has no significance implicitly, its value is 1."
+msgstr "**专用**: 当标记为专用后,这个设备只对单个帐号专用。该选项被勾选后,容量选项就没有了实际意义且值会被置为1。"
+# e7f874eb36ba4cd380f7a50d5bff8909
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:371
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
+# d1556618bd5d4d18862c048d52694dd4
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:377
+msgid "Adding a GSLB Rule"
+msgstr "添加 GSLB规则"
+# c06bbbd0cb824ecc8ef3d7956571f739
+# 2b618c03ffb14afb99d7e63813820288
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:379
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:423
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a domain administrator or user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# 3b04d23a46774662bbca98318323a71e
+# 62eb7d6a5d9b4256bde0fcafb9f42b7f
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:381
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:425
+msgid "In the left navigation pane, click Region."
+msgstr "在左边的导航栏里,点击区域(为文档翻译中地域的概念,英文为region,下同)"
+# 940f5610d0484910bf9e9ba31728be30
+# 581952b854514ed78884cc712ee4ec94
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:383
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:427
+msgid "Select the region for which you want to create a GSLB rule."
+msgstr "选择你想创建GSLB规则的地域。"
+# fc1d362cc95a4668b2a24c7c0f488348
+# 8519e9d4ad6d46989865460e20b186b6
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:385
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:429
+msgid "In the Details tab, click View GSLB."
+msgstr "在详细选项卡中,点击查看GSLB。"
+# f59a742f9f1b4f37b6f0bc0b062028d6
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:387
+msgid "Click Add GSLB."
+msgstr "点击添加GSLB。"
+# ca546577015a45af8ddcdc3d2ad22f3a
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:389
+msgid "The Add GSLB page is displayed as follows:"
+msgstr "添加GSLB页面显示如下:"
+# b0b6437c269342ff9099b6da9a6d5b9f
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:391
+msgid "|gslb-add.png|"
+msgstr "|gslb-add.png|"
+# 767ce39d9a094fda85465381d3a93bad
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:393
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr "指定以下信息:"
+# affa9e59440b4f4e9e6428e887d12582
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:395
+msgid "**Name**: Name for the GSLB rule."
+msgstr "**名称**: GSLB规则的名称。"
+# 82b72cbf0f8949fdab2de931138620c5
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:397
+msgid ""
+"**Description**: (Optional) A short description of the GSLB rule that can be"
+" displayed to users."
+msgstr "**描述**: (可选)为用户提供一个简短的GSLB规则描述。 "
+# 8a6b82bfcd3a469c838315b17f4cd014
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:400
+msgid "**GSLB Domain Name**: A preferred domain name for the service."
+msgstr "**GSLB 域名**: 首选的域名服务。"
+# ff5539d5f09f48bc80c0cf9dc83dcca0
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:402
+msgid ""
+"**Algorithm**: (Optional) The algorithm to use to load balance the traffic "
+"across the zones. The options are Round Robin, Least Connection, and "
+msgstr "**算法**: (可选) 用于跨区域流量负载均衡的算法。可选项为 Round Robin, Least Connection, 和Proximity."
+# b07f4dffc105427389bb8e089a71f9f0
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:406
+msgid ""
+"**Service Type**: The transport protocol to use for GSLB. The options are "
+"TCP and UDP."
+msgstr "**服务类型**: GSLB使用的传输协议。可选项为TCP和UDP。"
+# 03ffe3890f5c4ea79836cfa0cc96986f
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:409
+msgid ""
+"**Domain**: (Optional) The domain for which you want to create the GSLB "
+msgstr "**域**: (可选)  你想要创建GSLB规则的域。"
+# 5d0367f6567241968e5d6cac6f8ab34b
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:412
+msgid ""
+"**Account**: (Optional) The account on which you want to apply the GSLB "
+msgstr "**账户**: (可选)  应用GSLB规则的账户。"
+# 0161504934d746e39b05e6b50e264faf
+# 8c377e12f8494a009d5eed7e06824fe3
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:415
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:439
+msgid "Click OK to confirm."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
+# f61c6b78ef4940129243771e21d78f4c
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:421
+msgid "Assigning Load Balancing Rules to GSLB"
+msgstr "为GSLB分配负载均衡规则"
+# 54cc7b916ceb420584020f5ff230b79c
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:431
+msgid "Select the desired GSLB."
+msgstr "选择所需的GSLB。"
+# 5e2a1bf3adfc41bab4bea1a489f9bda1
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:433
+msgid "Click view assigned load balancing."
+msgstr "点击已分配的负载均衡视图。"
+# 269db9ca8770495f9c5bc08491e61bc6
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:435
+msgid "Click assign more load balancing."
+msgstr "点击分配更多负载平衡"
+# eceeb5fccdfa4cac904ef8fb945242c9
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:437
+msgid "Select the load balancing rule you have created for the zone."
+msgstr "选择你将为区域创建的负载均衡规则。"
+# d8792daad4a94b4589452d5b61f75cd9
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:443
+msgid "Known Limitation"
+msgstr "已知的局限性"
+# 7424fdf000e3479c910e72fbbaaa0169
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:445
+msgid ""
+"Currently, CloudStack does not support orchestration of services across the "
+"zones. The notion of services and service providers in region are to be "
+msgstr "目前,CloudStack并不支持跨区域的服务编排。将引入服务的概念和地域服务提供者。"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
new file mode 100644
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/guest_ip_ranges.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/guest_ip_ranges.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b793339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/guest_ip_ranges.po
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# c4f6e8eb1ed7428a8132309d84e4b1bf
+#: ../../networking/guest_ip_ranges.rst:18
+msgid "Guest IP Ranges"
+msgstr "来宾IP范围"
+# ef6d3891253c4ed58a8a51c2f86b51dc
+#: ../../networking/guest_ip_ranges.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The IP ranges for guest network traffic are set on a per-account basis by "
+"the user. This allows the users to configure their network in a fashion that"
+" will enable VPN linking between their guest network and their clients."
+msgstr "宾客网络流量的IP是由用户以帐号为基础设置的。这允许用户以在他们的宾客网络和他们的客户端之间开通VPN连接的方式配置他们的网络。"
+# 943864c06f494d7ca4f4310246ba996a
+#: ../../networking/guest_ip_ranges.rst:25
+msgid ""
+"In shared networks in Basic zone and Security Group-enabled Advanced "
+"networks, you will have the flexibility to add multiple guest IP ranges from"
+" different subnets. You can add or remove one IP range at a time. For more "
+"information, see `\"About Multiple IP Ranges\" <#about-multiple-ip-"
+msgstr "存在基本网络和启用安全组的高级网络中的共享网络,你可以灵活的在不同子网中添加多个来宾IP范围。你可以同时添加或移除IP范围。更多信息,请参阅 `章节 15.10, “关于多IP范围”<#about-multiple-ip-ranges>`_."
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
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Binary files differ
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 6a1d02b308ae4f228e4104aa95e39ee3
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:18
+msgid "Guest Traffic"
+msgstr "来宾流量"
+# 77e0128afe644aa9a04259e24cb22595
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"A network can carry guest traffic only between VMs within one zone. Virtual "
+"machines in different zones cannot communicate with each other using their "
+"IP addresses; they must communicate with each other by routing through a "
+"public IP address."
+msgstr "在同一个区域内,客户虚拟机之间可以互访,但在不同的区域内,客户虚拟机之间不可以通过(内网)IP地址互访,而只能通过公网IP路由才可以互连。"
+# 79cb326a48f942949bf3dfe341a3664f
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:25
+msgid "See a typical guest traffic setup given below:"
+msgstr "下图是一个典型的来宾流量设置:"
+# e0ac4742331840b89eef72912ffd2138
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:27
+msgid "|guest-traffic-setup.png|"
+msgstr "|guest-traffic-setup.png|"
+# 685689cd44444e13aefa015c58761ebb
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Typically, the Management Server automatically creates a virtual router for "
+"each network. A virtual router is a special virtual machine that runs on the"
+" hosts. Each virtual router in an isolated network has three network "
+"interfaces. If multiple public VLAN is used, the router will have multiple "
+"public interfaces. Its eth0 interface serves as the gateway for the guest "
+"traffic and has the IP address of Its eth1 interface is used by "
+"the system to configure the virtual router. Its eth2 interface is assigned a"
+" public IP address for public traffic. If multiple public VLAN is used, the "
+"router will have multiple public interfaces."
+msgstr "通常,管理服务会自动为每一个网络建立一个虚拟路由。一个虚拟路由实际上就是运行在物理主机上的一台特殊的虚拟机。每一台在一个独立网络中的虚拟路由有3个网口。如果使用多个公共 VLAN,相应的这台路由器就有多个公共的网口。 它的 eth0 网口是提供客户机通信的网关服务的,它的IP地址是。eth1 网口是为系统来配置这个虚拟路由而提供的。eth2 网口被赋予一个公共 IP 地址用来实现外部的公共通信。 同样如果使用了多个公共 VLAN 接入,这台路由器将会拥有多个公共的网口。"
+# c07d5440a8e64d5b912e6e98e6f9d078
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"The virtual router provides DHCP and will automatically assign an IP address"
+" for each guest VM within the IP range assigned for the network. The user "
+"can manually reconfigure guest VMs to assume different IP addresses."
+msgstr "虚拟路由器提供DHCP功能,能自动的为每一个客户虚拟机在预先定义好的IP范围之内分配IP地址。用户也可以为虚拟机手工配置不同的IP地址。"
+# 360d9d124254479e85292973d6d8e7f9
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"Source NAT is automatically configured in the virtual router to forward "
+"outbound traffic for all guest VMs"
+msgstr "Source NAT功能是在虚拟路由里自动配置好的,它可以转发所有来宾虚拟机的外出流量。"
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Binary files differ
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 536a6b6a19a04686832c0c8f3202472a
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:18
+msgid "About Inter-VLAN Routing (nTier Apps)"
+msgstr "关于vlan间路由(多层应用)"
+# 01903cae08524fb18fb51475e29cccc5
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"Inter-VLAN Routing (nTier Apps) is the capability to route network traffic "
+"between VLANs. This feature enables you to build Virtual Private Clouds "
+"(VPC), an isolated segment of your cloud, that can hold multi-tier "
+"applications. These tiers are deployed on different VLANs that can "
+"communicate with each other. You provision VLANs to the tiers your create, "
+"and VMs can be deployed on different tiers. The VLANs are connected to a "
+"virtual router, which facilitates communication between the VMs. In effect, "
+"you can segment VMs by means of VLANs into different networks that can host "
+"multi-tier applications, such as Web, Application, or Database. Such "
+"segmentation by means of VLANs logically separate application VMs for higher"
+" security and lower broadcasts, while remaining physically connected to the "
+"same device."
+msgstr "vlan间路由(多层应用)提供了在vlan间通过流量路由的功能。这个特性使你能够j建立私有云(vpc),独立分割的云,可容纳多层应用程序。这些层被部署在不同的VLAN,可以互相沟通。您提供的VLAN层的创建和部署虚拟机可以在不同的层上。VLAN连接到一个虚拟路由器,这有利于虚拟机之间的通信。实际上,你可以通过不同定义的vlan来分割你的虚拟机到不同网络,以便承担多层应用,如Web,应用程序或数据库的虚拟机。通过VLAN的逻辑上独立的应用程序的虚拟具有较高的安全性和较低的广播,同时任然物理连接到同一设备。"
+# d835d5a69985471085a5688b045c4e38
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:33
+msgid "This feature is supported on XenServer, KVM, and VMware hypervisors."
+msgstr "在 XenServer ,KVM和 VMware hypervisors支持这个特性"
+# 7aecd1ac66b84f9cb92b03fea7d5edde
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:35
+msgid "The major advantages are:"
+msgstr "主要的优势为:"
+# dca4c4be393c4d7bbcda75f49ffc8efc
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:37
+msgid ""
+"The administrator can deploy a set of VLANs and allow users to deploy VMs on"
+" these VLANs. A guest VLAN is randomly alloted to an account from a pre-"
+"specified set of guest VLANs. All the VMs of a certain tier of an account "
+"reside on the guest VLAN allotted to that account."
+msgstr "管理可以部署一个vlans集,同时运行用户部署虚拟机在这些vlan上。从预先指定的vlan集中随机的为租户分配一个来宾vlan.租户处于同一层的所有vm处于分配给这个租户的来宾vlan."
+# d5d8b41e126e4b38913d0cf7de1ec29d
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"A VLAN allocated for an account cannot be shared between multiple accounts."
+msgstr "一个租户分配到的vlan不能被多个租户共享"
+# 4e04be2a6cef4fa8973d317232221018
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"The administrator can allow users create their own VPC and deploy the "
+"application. In this scenario, the VMs that belong to the account are "
+"deployed on the VLANs allotted to that account."
+msgstr "管理员允许所有用户创建自己的vpc,并部署应用。这个场景中,租户的虚拟机被部署到改租户的分配到的vlan中"
+# 48018251e76046c4a606035de8d1b4d5
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:49
+msgid ""
+"Both administrators and users can create multiple VPCs. The guest network "
+"NIC is plugged to the VPC virtual router when the first VM is deployed in a "
+msgstr "管理员和用户都可以创建多个vpcs.当第一个虚拟机被部署到该层时候,一个来宾网络nic插入到这个vpc虚拟路由器上"
+# cc50778ecfab43c38af3373511f47072
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:53
+msgid ""
+"The administrator can create the following gateways to send to or receive "
+"traffic from the VMs:"
+msgstr "管理员创建网关用接受和发送来自vm的流量:"
+# 5d91169a83a5400b8408b6ce4ccb84f5
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:56
+msgid ""
+"**VPN Gateway**: For more information, see `\"Creating a VPN gateway for the"
+" VPC\" <#creating-a-vpn-gateway-for-the-vpc>`_."
+msgstr "**VPN网关**:更多信息,参考 `\"为VPC创建VPN网关\" <#creating-a-vpn-gateway-for-the-vpc>`_."
+# 1f0ed1ecf964455ab40301bdf5ab2dc2
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"**Public Gateway**: The public gateway for a VPC is added to the virtual "
+"router when the virtual router is created for VPC. The public gateway is not"
+" exposed to the end users. You are not allowed to list it, nor allowed to "
+"create any static routes."
+msgstr "**公网网关**:当为vpc创建一个虚拟路由器时,这个vpc的公共网关就添加到虚拟路由器当中。公共网关还没有暴露到最终用户。你不允许其列出,也不允许建立任何静态路由。"
+# b843201a793749bb924d48f21be04e09
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:64
+msgid ""
+"**Private Gateway**: For more information, see \":ref:`adding-priv-gw-"
+msgstr "**私有网关**: 更多信息,参考 \":ref:`adding-priv-gw-vpc`\"."
+# a4ac63d4b99a4edd968087d0f622647a
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"Both administrators and users can create various possible destinations-"
+"gateway combinations. However, only one gateway of each type can be used in "
+"a deployment."
+msgstr "管理员和用户可以创建各种可能的目的地的网关组合。但是,在部署中每种类型只能有一个网关。"
+# 50735b7154a64b7880f5543c4792b1c0
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:70
+msgid "For example:"
+msgstr "例如:"
+# bdd41dc64438436aac12d9f1c8d5a8bc
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"**VLANs and Public Gateway**: For example, an application is deployed in the"
+" cloud, and the Web application VMs communicate with the Internet."
+msgstr "**VLAN和公网网关**: 比如,在云中部署了一个应用,并且这个web应用所在的虚拟机要和因特网通信。"
+# f2c3b70246534d5aabdd3954a25ba1eb
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"**VLANs, VPN Gateway, and Public Gateway**: For example, an application is "
+"deployed in the cloud; the Web application VMs communicate with the "
+"Internet; and the database VMs communicate with the on-premise devices."
+msgstr "**VLANs, VPN网关和公网网关**: 比如, 云中部署了一个应用;部署这个web应用的虚拟机要和因特网通信; 并且数据库虚拟要个先前提到的设备通信"
+# 7fb2fe01c3484b80a30d4c6edb0b5782
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"The administrator can define Network Access Control List (ACL) on the "
+"virtual router to filter the traffic among the VLANs or between the Internet"
+" and a VLAN. You can define ACL based on CIDR, port range, protocol, type "
+"code (if ICMP protocol is selected) and Ingress/Egress type."
+msgstr "管理员可以在虚拟路由器定义一个访问控制列表(ACL)用于过滤vlan或者因特网和vlan直接的流量。你可定义基于CIDR,端口范围,协议,类型代码(如果选用ICPM协议)和进出流量的acl"
+# 95cd03acfa2948c682ec51eaf24346be
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"The following figure shows the possible deployment scenarios of a Inter-VLAN"
+" setup:"
+msgstr "下图显示了可能的部署一个VLAN间的场景设置的:"
+# a9f3216208ba417681d8885848d2a414
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:90
+msgid "|mutltier.png|"
+msgstr "|mutltier.png|"
+# 785b1c5286424a3680f6ffa4fa40de5a
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:92
+msgid ""
+"To set up a multi-tier Inter-VLAN deployment, see \":ref:`configuring-"
+msgstr "要建立一个多层次的跨VLAN部署,请参考\":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 3ec46c2d67cb4acc87705b3f0985e5c8
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:18
+msgid "IP Forwarding and Firewalling"
+msgstr "IP转发及防火墙"
+# 5bb709bf233742ce8f3a83dc5ce7cf26
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"By default, all incoming traffic to the public IP address is rejected. All "
+"outgoing traffic from the guests is also blocked by default."
+msgstr "默认情况下, 所有从公共IP进来的流量都会被拒绝. 所有在来宾网络出去的流量默认也被阻挡。"
+# 83f985061e4e4301aa5ce50049ea4565
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:23
+msgid ""
+"To allow outgoing traffic, follow the procedure in :ref:`egress-fw-rules`."
+msgstr "为了允许外出的流量,遵循:ref:`egress-fw-rules`中的操作步骤。"
+# 1328a8040ae7487b8f7ed1dcaaf5a596
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:25
+msgid ""
+"To allow incoming traffic, users may set up firewall rules and/or port "
+"forwarding rules. For example, you can use a firewall rule to open a range "
+"of ports on the public IP address, such as 33 through 44. Then use port "
+"forwarding rules to direct traffic from individual ports within that range "
+"to specific ports on user VMs. For example, one port forwarding rule could "
+"route incoming traffic on the public IP's port 33 to port 100 on one user "
+"VM's private IP."
+msgstr "为了允许接收到的流量, 用户可以设置一些防火墙规则和/或端口转发规则. 例如, 你可以在公共IP地址上设定防火墙规则来打开一个端口范围, 比如从33到44端口. 然后使用端口转发将流量从这个特定的范围内的端口直接送到指定的用户虚机端口. 例如, 一个端口转发的规则可以将接收的流量从公共IP的33端口到用户虚机私有IP的100端口."
+# 88ee727310bb4a5789291e8e48578dab
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:35
+msgid "Firewall Rules"
+msgstr "防火墙规则"
+# 073cb21345c44ce2a3f2ce3446d4ad3a
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:37
+msgid ""
+"By default, all incoming traffic to the public IP address is rejected by the"
+" firewall. To allow external traffic, you can open firewall ports by "
+"specifying firewall rules. You can optionally specify one or more CIDRs to "
+"filter the source IPs. This is useful when you want to allow only incoming "
+"requests from certain IP addresses."
+msgstr "默认情况下,防火墙拒绝所有流入公共IP的流量。要允许外部流量,你需要制定防火墙规则打开防火墙端口。你可以选择性的制定一个或多个CIDR来过滤来源IP。这在当你只需要允许特定IP请求时会很有用。"
+# b43e4fc4f43841c9aebd342bbd60b33d
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"You cannot use firewall rules to open ports for an elastic IP address. When "
+"elastic IP is used, outside access is instead controlled through the use of "
+"security groups. See `\"Adding a Security Group\" <#adding-a-security-"
+msgstr "你不能使用防火墙规则打开弹性IP的端口。当弹性IP处在使用状态时,外部的通过请求将被安全组管理。参阅 `\"添加安全组\" <#adding-a-security-group>`_."
+# 36b1e8acd3ef4b1cb7a7ffd1f60599c5
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"In an advanced zone, you can also create egress firewall rules by using the "
+"virtual router. For more information, see \":ref:`egress-fw-rules`\"."
+msgstr "在高级Zone中,您也可以用虚拟路由器来创建流出的防火墙规则。更多信息,请查阅\":ref:`egress-fw-rules`\"。"
+# 2aeb084c075b4451b0911c2a6baf0f84
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Firewall rules can be created using the Firewall tab in the Management "
+"Server UI. This tab is not displayed by default when CloudStack is "
+"installed. To display the Firewall tab, the CloudStack administrator must "
+"set the global configuration parameter firewall.rule.ui.enabled to \"true.\""
+msgstr "防火墙规则能在管理服务器的UI中防火墙选项卡里创建,CloudStac安装好以后,这个规则选项卡默认不显示,你需要以管理员身份修改全局变量 firewall.rule.ui.enabled为 \"true\"才能显示。"
+# e1408eeb730f4709bbba8852f79807fd
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:57
+msgid "To create a firewall rule:"
+msgstr "创建防火墙规则:"
+# 098b22043ec643559c039b39aa24d618
+# f62479b013c241a791c42b8843bd140d
+# c384f1b44804485fba23fe018c16683e
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:59
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:132
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:245
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# a633160d3ee343639365b9067af58eb1
+# c6c7495d464a4262ace3361c7cce9b5b
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:61
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:134
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络。"
+# ff56e69810c34ee4a08280a7ef06cfbb
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:63
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击拟修改的网络名称。"
+# d546be88025a4254b8eecf1f0b16bdf0
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:65
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr "点击查看IP地址。"
+# 0c60a7fde5644f9188c0bf190c166890
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:67
+msgid "Click the IP address you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击你要修改的IP地址"
+# 0e0775a902554fa68fc54157ed73ed0a
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:69
+msgid "Click the Configuration tab and fill in the following values."
+msgstr "点击设置选项卡 填入以下值:"
+# 8bb21f2deca7442683f782de4a83935f
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:71
+msgid ""
+"**Source CIDR**: (Optional) To accept only traffic from IP addresses within "
+"a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs."
+" Example: Leave empty to allow all CIDRs."
+msgstr ""
+# 4cb05fbe28ae408a8df34014da711575
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:76
+msgid "**Protocol**: The communication protocol in use on the opened port(s)."
+msgstr ""
+# e59d4d2a187f4510a91409fac5cfb51c
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"**Start Port and End Port**: The port(s) you want to open on the firewall. "
+"If you are opening a single port, use the same number in both fields"
+msgstr ""
+# 3274875afce44bbe9d7017bb4e2fc2b2
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"**ICMP Type and ICMP Code**: Used only if Protocol is set to ICMP. Provide "
+"the type and code required by the ICMP protocol to fill out the ICMP header."
+" Refer to ICMP documentation for more details if you are not sure what to "
+msgstr ""
+# 41821a610d844daf8255026b71299059
+# 1d39fcb3a5e34d769f89885db9866836
+# 2319658c89b74a0294ce8f0a253a4d53
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:88
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:163
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:276
+msgid "Click Add."
+msgstr "点击 添加"
+# eec2e0a57feb4eca85c58ac1b58b228b
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:94
+msgid "Egress Firewall Rules in an Advanced Zone"
+msgstr "高级区域中的出口防火墙规则"
+# 3bae6d1e0fb543beaeb466c40aeddfc3
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:96
+msgid ""
+"The egress traffic originates from a private network to a public network, "
+"such as the Internet. By default, the egress traffic is blocked in default "
+"network offerings, so no outgoing traffic is allowed from a guest network to"
+" the Internet. However, you can control the egress traffic in an Advanced "
+"zone by creating egress firewall rules. When an egress firewall rule is "
+"applied, the traffic specific to the rule is allowed and the remaining "
+"traffic is blocked. When all the firewall rules are removed the default "
+"policy, Block, is applied."
+msgstr "出口流量起源于从专用网络访问公共网络,例如Internet。默认情况下,在默认网络方案中,出口流量被拒绝,所以没有从来宾网络到Internet的出口流量被允许。不过,你可以通过创建出口防火墙规则来控制高级网络中的出口流量。当出口防火墙规则被应用时,规则指定的流量被允许,其余的流量被阻止。当所有的防火墙规则从默认策略中移除,阻止策略再次被应用。"
+# 80fbdba2a681463894376f620458c160
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:107
+msgid "Prerequisites and Guidelines"
+msgstr "先决条件和指南"
+# 998ae537c5664319b836e769ab967fc3
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:109
+msgid "Consider the following scenarios to apply egress firewall rules:"
+msgstr "应用出口防火墙规则时请思考如下方案:"
+# 18a68e97f28f4f7898b92513d34e5e26
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:111
+msgid "Egress firewall rules are supported on Juniper SRX and virtual router."
+msgstr "出口防火墙规则在Jniper SRX和虚拟路由器中均支持。"
+# a4eaae6cb4474e5a8182092404f48116
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:114
+msgid "The egress firewall rules are not supported on shared networks."
+msgstr "共享网络中不支持出口防火墙规则。"
+# 85bdd2e7a708485bae147bfa93cdcb1b
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:116
+msgid ""
+"Allow the egress traffic from specified source CIDR. The Source CIDR is part"
+" of guest network CIDR."
+msgstr "允许特定源CIDR的出口流量。源CIDR是来宾网络CIDR的一部分。"
+# d9af348ce95e47a0bae91a55488b1155
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:119
+msgid "Allow the egress traffic with protocol TCP,UDP,ICMP, or ALL."
+msgstr "允许出口流量的协议为TCP,UDP,ICMP或ALL。"
+# 786d85af2e334cf5a8a25fc59dde7cb5
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:121
+msgid ""
+"Allow the egress traffic with protocol and destination port range. The port "
+"range is specified for TCP, UDP or for ICMP type and code."
+msgstr "允许出口流量协议和目标端口范围。端口范围需要指定TCP,UDP或ICMP类型和代码。"
+# 8d9e5fa49cb648a6ad0b917f06176014
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:124
+msgid ""
+"The default policy is Allow for the new network offerings, whereas on "
+"upgrade existing network offerings with firewall service providers will have"
+" the default egress policy Deny."
+msgstr "新网络方案的默认策略是允许的,然而升级现有的网络方案后,防火墙服务提供商的出口策略默认将是拒绝。"
+# ee1ee0417255469abce66dbfd40f9611
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:130
+msgid "Configuring an Egress Firewall Rule"
+msgstr "配置出口防火墙规则"
+# 4d43b047c25a4605acc888b025d376aa
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:136
+msgid ""
+"In Select view, choose Guest networks, then click the Guest network you "
+msgstr "在选择视图中,选择来宾网络,然后点击需要的来宾网络。"
+# 4c11dfc739f94ce0995b7c7bdf566e5d
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:139
+msgid ""
+"To add an egress rule, click the Egress rules tab and fill out the following"
+" fields to specify what type of traffic is allowed to be sent out of VM "
+"instances in this guest network:"
+msgstr "要添加出口策略,点击出口策略选项卡并填写以下字段指定哪种类型的流量在来宾网络中是被允许从VM中实例发送出的。"
+# a476fe8da41b43168b89c7b558afcb48
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:143
+msgid "|egress-firewall-rule.png|"
+msgstr "|egress-firewall-rule.png|"
+# d56527f1ac864c5c9d47df9e55c225cf
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:145
+msgid ""
+"**CIDR**: (Add by CIDR only) To send traffic only to the IP addresses within"
+" a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of "
+"CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the destination. For example, "
+" To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr "**CIDR**:(仅通过CIDR添加)为接受来来自特殊地址块的流量,输入一个CIDR,多个时用逗号隔开。CIDR是进入流量的基础IP地址。例如:,为允许所有CIDR,请设为0.0.0.0/0"
+# c1e8fac9fa8046d8a9315511c011542e
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:151
+msgid ""
+"**Protocol**: The networking protocol that VMs uses to send outgoing "
+"traffic. The TCP and UDP protocols are typically used for data exchange and "
+"end-user communications. The ICMP protocol is typically used to send error "
+"messages or network monitoring data."
+msgstr "**协议**: 虚拟机发送流量所使用的网络协议。TCP和UDP通常用于数据交换和用户通讯。ICMP通常用于发送出错信息和网络监控数据。"
+# 6b9d46d4c88d48c98d3fa4fcceb60e29
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"**Start Port, End Port**: (TCP, UDP only) A range of listening ports that "
+"are the destination for the outgoing traffic. If you are opening a single "
+"port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr "**开始端口,结束端口**: (仅对TCP,UDP)。目的地为进入流量而设的监听端口范围。如果仅开放了单个端口,则在两者的区域中用同一端口。"
+# 17c266c56f194132a6fc948f3142e4bc
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:160
+msgid ""
+"**ICMP Type, ICMP Code**: (ICMP only) The type of message and error code "
+"that are sent."
+msgstr "**ICMP类型**, **ICMP代码** (ICMP only): 信息类型及发送错误的代码。"
+# f0100304289f4a67b01e8f6c52976a10
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:167
+msgid "Configuring the Default Egress Policy"
+msgstr "配置默认出口策略"
+# a802326f92404392beacd9675985c106
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:169
+msgid ""
+"The default egress policy for Isolated guest network is configured by using "
+"Network offering. Use the create network offering option to determine "
+"whether the default policy should be block or allow all the traffic to the "
+"public network from a guest network. Use this network offering to create the"
+" network. If no policy is specified, by default all the traffic is allowed "
+"from the guest network that you create by using this network offering."
+msgstr "通过网络方案配置隔离来宾网络的默认出口策略。通过创建网络方案选项决定来宾网络到公共网络的所有流量在默认策略中是允许或者拒绝。使用该网络方案创建网络。如果没有指定策略,你创建的来宾网络中的所有流量将被允许。"
+# 9b5e480b6757449ab8272d3e7a691110
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:177
+msgid "You have two options: Allow and Deny."
+msgstr "你有两个选择:允许和拒绝。"
+# 9b8d4463d6024d8589cc801658fa7bab
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:180
+msgid "Allow"
+msgstr "允许"
+# 01d29e0665f84d548d9f41399d9258d8
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:182
+msgid ""
+"If you select Allow for a network offering, by default egress traffic is "
+"allowed. However, when an egress rule is configured for a guest network, "
+"rules are applied to block the specified traffic and rest are allowed. If no"
+" egress rules are configured for the network, egress traffic is accepted."
+msgstr "如果你选择网络方案为允许,则默认出口流量被允许。无论如何,当配置了来宾网络的出口规则,规则被应用于阻止特定的流量和允许其他的 。如果网络中没有配置出口规则,则出口流量会被放行。"
+# 63816b9551f04933aa99e27cc3dc34f1
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:189
+msgid "Deny"
+msgstr "拒绝"
+# 1952d7735fb746a6834bbdeed4c1eaa9
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:191
+msgid ""
+"If you select Deny for a network offering, by default egress traffic for the"
+" guest network is blocked. However, when an egress rules is configured for a"
+" guest network, rules are applied to allow the specified traffic. While "
+"implementing a guest network, CloudStack adds the firewall egress rule "
+"specific to the default egress policy for the guest network."
+msgstr "如果你选择网络方案为拒绝,则来宾网络中的默认出口流量将被阻挡。无论如何,当配置了来宾网络的出口规则,规则被应用于允许特定的流量。当实施来宾网络时,CloudStack为来宾网络添加防火墙出口规则指定默认的出口策略。"
+# 238db98415e74782937deddd3970b285
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:198
+msgid "This feature is supported only on virtual router and Juniper SRX."
+msgstr "该特定只支持虚拟路由器和Juniper SRX。"
+# e460df960d61405db56e64d21a8c43d7
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:200
+msgid "Create a network offering with your desirable default egress policy:"
+msgstr "为合适的默认出口策略创建一个网络方案:"
+# 5271ad0a1d4a4a27aa5597b044b42acf
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:202
+msgid "Log in with admin privileges to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr "以管理员权限登录CloudStack用户界面。"
+# fd49a59627284ffda66fef7096eaa709
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:204
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Service Offerings."
+msgstr "在左侧导航栏中,点击 服务方案。"
+# 7fce8b96f6e64727bb6063766c828bdd
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:206
+msgid "In Select Offering, choose Network Offering."
+msgstr "在选择方案中,选择网络方案。"
+# ef8895c197ff4343b04aecc73b5a9294
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:208
+msgid "Click Add Network Offering."
+msgstr "点击添加网络方案。"
+# abb73d0d766d4d32a4bbe32137193cad
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:210
+msgid "In the dialog, make necessary choices, including firewall provider."
+msgstr "在对话框中,填写必选项,包括防火墙提供者。"
+# 932c30480a1f4e3ea92f06ba4296ae45
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:213
+msgid "In the Default egress policy field, specify the behaviour."
+msgstr "在默认出口策略选项中,指定行为。"
+# 41d012a83e774bdeaeac42e5b44d851c
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:215
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
+# 5a1192bc5c8a4c3c930879e56c5d58bb
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:217
+msgid "Create an isolated network by using this network offering."
+msgstr "使用网络方案创建隔离网络。"
+# 3918ff66d4914376a4707b9db470a027
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:219
+msgid ""
+"Based on your selection, the network will have the egress public traffic "
+"blocked or allowed."
+msgstr "根据你的选择,网络的出口公共流量将被拒绝或允许。"
+# 29ffedbd547e431f95d82b075df5ea66
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:224
+msgid "Port Forwarding"
+msgstr "端口转发"
+# d9efd9df178e4f7c8d81b2ba24a9fdbb
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:226
+msgid ""
+"A port forward service is a set of port forwarding rules that define a "
+"policy. A port forward service is then applied to one or more guest VMs. The"
+" guest VM then has its inbound network access managed according to the "
+"policy defined by the port forwarding service. You can optionally specify "
+"one or more CIDRs to filter the source IPs. This is useful when you want to "
+"allow only incoming requests from certain IP addresses to be forwarded."
+msgstr "一个端口转发服务是一系列转发转发规则的集合。一个端口转发服务随后可以应用于一个或多个来宾虚拟机。来宾虚拟机会根据端口转发规则作相关进入端口的管理。你可以定义一个或多个CIDR来过滤源IP地址。当你只希望特定的IP流量进入时是相当有用的。"
+# ae4f5d3e4bc24f8584c17c3057688144
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:234
+msgid ""
+"A guest VM can be in any number of port forward services. Port forward "
+"services can be defined but have no members. If a guest VM is part of more "
+"than one network, port forwarding rules will function only if they are "
+"defined on the default network"
+msgstr "一个客户VM可以在任意数量的端口转发服务中。端口转发服务可以不包含客户VM。如果客户VM在多个网络中,则端口转发仅在默认网络中定义时才生效。"
+# 89ce910349884d8ea8a7b4f6aee10613
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:239
+msgid ""
+"You cannot use port forwarding to open ports for an elastic IP address. When"
+" elastic IP is used, outside access is instead controlled through the use of"
+" security groups. See Security Groups."
+msgstr "您不能使用端口转发打开弹性IP地址的端口。当使用弹性IP时,外部访问是由安全组控制的。参见安全组。"
+# 263627f6e1de45999d0e9ab68c8a1a2d
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:243
+msgid "To set up port forwarding:"
+msgstr "设置端口转发:"
+# 41c9b9f2473e4b5aa0d8ea3c54e45b1b
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:247
+msgid ""
+"If you have not already done so, add a public IP address range to a zone in "
+"CloudStack. See Adding a Zone and Pod in the Installation Guide."
+msgstr "如果还没有,请在 CloudStack中为Zone添加公网IP段。参阅 安装指南中的添加Zone和Pod。"
+# 2c98fbd961df4ef28a276b3ccf1d53c0
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:251
+msgid "Add one or more VM instances to CloudStack."
+msgstr "在 CloudStack中创建1台或更多VM。"
+# 17a544cc6c8a42cbaef47575f1029173
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:253
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Network."
+msgstr "在左边导航栏,点击网络。"
+# ade84b4f63694fadbe6c835b52ba796f
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:255
+msgid "Click the name of the guest network where the VMs are running."
+msgstr "点击需要操作VM所在的网络名称。"
+# 48ab8bf9d7e04ca7a13eaf58eeead278
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:257
+msgid ""
+"Choose an existing IP address or acquire a new IP address. See `\"Acquiring "
+"a New IP Address\" <#acquiring-a-new-ip-address>`_. Click the name of the IP"
+" address in the list."
+msgstr "选择一个已有的IP或者获取一个新的IP地址。参阅 `\"获取一个新的IP\" <#acquiring-a-new-ip-address>`_.。 点击列表中IP地址的名称。"
+# da392889cd304ce8973c2b4b8341665b
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:261
+msgid "Click the Configuration tab."
+msgstr "点击配置选项卡。"
+# 4d02af0497b544d89616ff1ddf286767
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:263
+msgid "In the Port Forwarding node of the diagram, click View All."
+msgstr "在图表的端口转发节点,点击查看所有。"
+# ee9101e2c97447d4b23f89177c60e7ab
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:265
+msgid "Fill in the following:"
+msgstr "填写以下内容:"
+# e9d9402255ae405781f85b32409d3654
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:267
+msgid ""
+"**Public Port**: The port to which public traffic will be addressed on the "
+"IP address you acquired in the previous step."
+msgstr "**公用端口**: 你在前面操作所获取的供公共流量使用的公用IP地址的端口。 "
+# bf8d351e8ca649ca9931311f402ea7bc
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:270
+msgid ""
+"**Private Port**: The port on which the instance is listening for forwarded "
+"public traffic."
+msgstr "**私有端口**: 虚拟机实例将被转发到公共流量的监听端口。"
+# 5140efc173fd46e194d6c4827a8a67fc
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:273
+msgid "**Protocol**: The communication protocol in use between the two ports"
+msgstr ""
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Binary files differ
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 974ac2a4e2dd4641920f5361833b3e12
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:18
+msgid "IP Load Balancing"
+msgstr "IP负载均衡"
+# 7eaede5161a04e0cbb6a4b15fc2de3b2
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The user may choose to associate the same public IP for multiple guests. "
+"CloudStack implements a TCP-level load balancer with the following policies."
+msgstr "用户可以选择关联同一个公网IP到多个虚拟机。 CloudStack实现了TCP级别的负载平衡器,有以下策略。"
+# 8c044fa0f1714d63815a08d7a658b08d
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:24
+msgid "Round-robin"
+msgstr "轮询"
+# 6732c79a9ecf4eec91f6ddea4d55833a
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:26
+msgid "Least connection"
+msgstr "最少连接数"
+# 28c3b6fa228545e382ed84cceaf1666a
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:28
+msgid "Source IP"
+msgstr "源IP"
+# 0eac6f2afde349909f9ee8d0148a99b6
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:30
+msgid ""
+"This is similar to port forwarding but the destination may be multiple IP "
+msgstr "这类似于端口转发,但目标可能会有多个IP地址。"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
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Binary files differ
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 25e21d9bd50e4db29764c09ec3255ea1
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:18
+msgid "IP Reservation in Isolated Guest Networks"
+msgstr "隔离的来宾网络中的预留IP"
+# f043acb1e27b49aebecf48876dca90d4
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"In isolated guest networks, a part of the guest IP address space can be "
+"reserved for non-CloudStack VMs or physical servers. To do so, you configure"
+" a range of Reserved IP addresses by specifying the CIDR when a guest "
+"network is in Implemented state. If your customers wish to have non-"
+"CloudStack controlled VMs or physical servers on the same network, they can "
+"share a part of the IP address space that is primarily provided to the guest"
+" network."
+msgstr "在隔离的来宾网络中,来宾IP地址空间中的一部分可以被保留下来以供非CloudStack VMs或者物理服务器使用。要真么做,你应该在来宾网络应用状态时依靠指定CIDR来配置一个预留IP地址范围。如果你的客户希望在同一个网络中有非CloudStack控制的VMs或者物理服务器,它们可以共享一部分主要为来宾网络提供的IP地址空间。"
+# fe77cb19c33a475f9389f57e62e466e0
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:28
+msgid ""
+"In an Advanced zone, an IP address range or a CIDR is assigned to a network "
+"when the network is defined. The CloudStack virtual router acts as the DHCP "
+"server and uses CIDR for assigning IP addresses to the guest VMs. If you "
+"decide to reserve CIDR for non-CloudStack purposes, you can specify a part "
+"of the IP address range or the CIDR that should only be allocated by the "
+"DHCP service of the virtual router to the guest VMs created in CloudStack. "
+"The remaining IPs in that network are called Reserved IP Range. When IP "
+"reservation is configured, the administrator can add additional VMs or "
+"physical servers that are not part of CloudStack to the same network and "
+"assign them the Reserved IP addresses. CloudStack guest VMs cannot acquire "
+"IPs from the Reserved IP Range."
+msgstr "在高级域中,定义一个网络时要给其赋予一个IP地址范围或CIDR。CloudStack虚拟路由器起着DHCP的作用,并通过CIDR来给客户虚拟机分配IP地址。如果为了预留CIDR不用于cloudstack,应当进行说明,即部分IP地址范围或CIDR仅能被DHCP服务分配给在cloudstack中创建的虚拟机。剩下的IP地址被称作预留IP地址范围。当预留的IP被配置时,管理员可以增加额外的虚拟机或并不属于cloudstack的物理服务器到同一个网络,可以将预留的IP地址指定给他们。cloudstack的客户虚拟机不能够从预留的IP地址中获得地址。"
+# 9428ab05bfce48cb9dce92078998854c
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:43
+msgid "IP Reservation Considerations"
+msgstr "IP预留事项"
+# 5780d0b48e6f44cbb972018a31489ebb
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"Consider the following before you reserve an IP range for non-CloudStack "
+msgstr "在给非cloudstack内的机器预留IP地址时,要考虑以下几个方面:"
+# cc50e370af0c450588c711e282c0ac93
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:48
+msgid "IP Reservation is supported only in Isolated networks."
+msgstr "IP预留仅在隔离网络内支持"
+# 9543f099f9de4fc3a8a815cd3cb04f40
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"IP Reservation can be applied only when the network is in Implemented state."
+msgstr "仅当网络在实施状态时,IP预留才能被应用。"
+# c7bc13975b37474299e4a7a65c56ed75
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:53
+msgid "No IP Reservation is done by default."
+msgstr "默认不做IP预留。"
+# f7a970b25ef94f48bc75a5c8a5fd0a0c
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:55
+msgid "Guest VM CIDR you specify must be a subset of the network CIDR."
+msgstr "指定客户的CIDR必须是网络CIDR的子网。"
+# a96a64591c4d498ca7c95b1458def6f3
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:57
+msgid ""
+"Specify a valid Guest VM CIDR. IP Reservation is applied only if no active "
+"IPs exist outside the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr "指定一个有效的客户虚拟机CIDR。只有不活动的IP在客户虚拟机CIDR存在时,IP预留才能被应用。"
+# 0710411bb18c4764970dffcc49fe5dab
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:60
+msgid ""
+"You cannot apply IP Reservation if any VM is alloted with an IP address that"
+" is outside the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr "如果任一虚拟机被分配了客户虚拟机CIDR之外的IP地址时,IP预留将不能应用。"
+# ba005fe1c84e4e5d8d8b2f2cbd904deb
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"To reset an existing IP Reservation, apply IP reservation by specifying the "
+"value of network CIDR in the CIDR field."
+msgstr "为重置一个已存在的IP预留,通过在CIDR框指定CIDR值就可应用IP预留。"
+# 23bef4e190a54c2298a52b3acb439c57
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"For example, the following table describes three scenarios of guest network "
+msgstr "例如,下表描述了客户网络创建的三种情形:"
+# fd80ccd9ee7947c6a41f35a77766ba87
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+msgid "Case"
+msgstr "案例"
+# 1b0d9124efce41c8bf2ff9c04f471053
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+msgid "CIDR"
+msgstr "CIDR"
+# 340cf6747d6449b09015c49437828468
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+msgid "Network CIDR"
+msgstr "网络CIDR"
+# ca9e89e3707343c6a6bb2e2c52dc4acd
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+msgid "Reserved IP Range for Non-CloudStack VMs"
+msgstr "非cloudstack虚拟机的IP预留范围"
+# e1395f7f735643f98e49f71acb302533
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "描述"
+# bfc721eb783042dbbd4049d97eeae50c
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+msgid "1"
+msgstr "1"
+# 07110191079642298d8d53f83f4a6fe7
+# a0e61e48b84a4bb297fead377ce043cf
+# d64231917df74c5189732a5fedd1d141
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+# 865ea8d88306424bab506a500520c22e
+# 184b1eac870b483f910546a5d5b37906
+# 70f4868471d54ac882b8093eb1db9f74
+# 3c040050888741f09b3cee5a8482aca4
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "无"
+# 24e526351c7b4686b16e030bc869d399
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+msgid "No IP Reservation."
+msgstr "无"
+# 81f560cf3b4c47bbb2b781add102de88
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+msgid "2"
+msgstr "2"
+# 725f92aed0d44be3bb5865f246acc29d
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+# 02e4012c8ce94d95a0c5e4d5088637fd
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+msgid " to"
+msgstr ""
+# 8fe36bed92d2475bbdd0fa903eb8c54b
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+msgid ""
+"IP Reservation configured by the UpdateNetwork API with "
+"guestvmcidr= or enter in the CIDR field in the UI."
+msgstr "在界面的CIDR框内输入10.1.1.0/26或通过UpdateNetwork的API配置为guestvmcidr=,进行IP预留配置"
+# e2c363737b654228a0ac0581ba4c55c8
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+msgid "3"
+msgstr "3"
+# 139e9ad2489d40738198ebfac4b14c45
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Removing IP Reservation by the UpdateNetwork API with "
+"guestvmcidr= or enter in the CIDR field in the UI."
+msgstr "在界面的CIDR框内输入10.1.1.0/24或通过UpdateNetwork API配置为guestvmcidr=,进行IP预留清除"
+# 43bbd9a15792420cb8b1e694ad792cf2
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:83
+msgid "Limitations"
+msgstr "局限性"
+# 1ed6f796d3f04ed0b5c96512bc673c25
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:85
+msgid ""
+"The IP Reservation is not supported if active IPs that are found outside the"
+" Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr "如果在客户虚拟机CIDR外发现活动的IP地址,IP预留将不被支持。"
+# 28ed30440a3543f6b7744261f3f5c2e0
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:88
+msgid ""
+"Upgrading network offering which causes a change in CIDR (such as upgrading "
+"an offering with no external devices to one with external devices) IP "
+"Reservation becomes void if any. Reconfigure IP Reservation in the new re-"
+"implemeted network."
+msgstr "在IP预留中,引起CIDR变化的网络升级方案都将无效,如将无外部设备的方案升级到带有外部设备的方案。在新实施的网络中,要重新配置IP预留。"
+# f9aacfd3f1a94c7c8d3ca0910da962a9
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:95
+msgid "Best Practices"
+msgstr "最佳实践"
+# c5d0950bef8a49ce9b373d64fcf22b86
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:97
+msgid ""
+"Apply IP Reservation to the guest network as soon as the network state "
+"changes to Implemented. If you apply reservation soon after the first guest "
+"VM is deployed, lesser conflicts occurs while applying reservation."
+msgstr "一旦网络状态变为实施,应尽快应用IP预留到客户网络。如果在第一台客户虚拟机部署后应用IP预留,则会在应用IP会有较少的冲突发生。"
+# 636d85b86d5a460788a233fd1cb49014
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:104
+msgid "Reserving an IP Range"
+msgstr "预留一个IP范围"
+# 34eb58849cb141e9898291a434cc05ba
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:106
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# 3dc484e1bd5145259125fe0fcf8ccf8c
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:108
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络。"
+# e4559a4e7ddf4812890314b955dae344
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:110
+msgid "Click the name of the network you want to modify."
+msgstr "点击你要修改的网络名称。"
+# 9119b8d7ea884da4b996f8a191d30e0b
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:112
+msgid "In the Details tab, click Edit. |ip-edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+# 31eaf6bfc27e465e950da4b920fbad80
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:114
+msgid "The CIDR field changes to editable one."
+msgstr "CIDR框将变为可编辑状态"
+# f29831c8666d45218af0ae6769e46fff
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:116
+msgid "In CIDR, specify the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr "在CIDR框,说明客户虚拟机的CIDR"
+# 41acec1236df4ddbad427f23127244b1
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:118
+msgid "Click Apply."
+msgstr "点击应用"
+# 8213a6fd8f414bd2b710a4ee77b167ae
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:120
+msgid ""
+"Wait for the update to complete. The Network CIDR and the Reserved IP Range "
+"are displayed on the Details page."
+msgstr "等待更新完成。"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
new file mode 100644
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Binary files differ
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index 0000000..f7ca60e
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@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 2ce5e59640934ab387652df180ce1583
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:18
+msgid "Isolation in Advanced Zone Using Private VLAN"
+msgstr "使用Private VLAN隔离高级Zone中的网络"
+# 813ada1771994469abac6b243cbc4ed6
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"Isolation of guest traffic in shared networks can be achieved by using "
+"Private VLANs (PVLAN). PVLANs provide Layer 2 isolation between ports within"
+" the same VLAN. In a PVLAN-enabled shared network, a user VM cannot reach "
+"other user VM though they can reach the DHCP server and gateway, this would "
+"in turn allow users to control traffic within a network and help them deploy"
+" multiple applications without communication between application as well as "
+"prevent communication with other users' VMs."
+msgstr "在共享网络中的隔离来宾流量能被Private VLAN(PVLAN)获取。PVLANs提供同一个VLAN里端口间的2层网络隔离。在启用了PVLAN的共享网络,一个用户VM不能到达其他用户VM,但是他们能与DHCP服务器和网关通讯,反过来这样能允许用户去控制网络内部的流量,并且帮助他们像阻止与其他用户VMs通讯一样的去部署无需通讯的多个应用程序。"
+# 1f6fb3f08ede4dbcbd7c9017afd047dd
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:29
+msgid "Isolate VMs in a shared networks by using Private VLANs."
+msgstr "使用PVLAN在共享网络中隔离VMs。"
+# c578b86e668046b18652e81289fd1811
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:31
+msgid "Supported on KVM, XenServer, and VMware hypervisors"
+msgstr "在KVM,XenServer和VMware hypervisors中支持"
+# f410d2d58c4b4e91b95fec05d57cf0b8
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"PVLAN-enabled shared network can be a part of multiple networks of a guest "
+msgstr "启用了PVLAN的共享网络可以是来宾VM的多个网络的一部分。"
+# 23d9d81e853644d8a8e311853c02a801
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:38
+msgid "About Private VLAN"
+msgstr "关于Private VLAN"
+# a83e1c8b0ee2433b8776507d78fdd2b4
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"In an Ethernet switch, a VLAN is a broadcast domain where hosts can "
+"establish direct communication with each another at Layer 2. Private VLAN is"
+" designed as an extension of VLAN standard to add further segmentation of "
+"the logical broadcast domain. A regular VLAN is a single broadcast domain, "
+"whereas a private VLAN partitions a larger VLAN broadcast domain into "
+"smaller sub-domains. A sub-domain is represented by a pair of VLANs: a "
+"Primary VLAN and a Secondary VLAN. The original VLAN that is being divided "
+"into smaller groups is called Primary, which implies that all VLAN pairs in "
+"a private VLAN share the same Primary VLAN. All the secondary VLANs exist "
+"only inside the Primary. Each Secondary VLAN has a specific VLAN ID "
+"associated to it, which differentiates one sub-domain from another."
+msgstr "在以太网交换机中,VLAN是二层网络中的一个主机之间主机能建立直接通讯的广播域 。Private VLAN被设计成一个标准的VLAN的延伸,为了进一步细分逻辑广播域。一个规则的VLAN是单一广播域,但是一个 private VLAN将一个较大的VLAN广播域划分为较小的多个子域。子域表现为一对VLANs:一个主VLAN和一个辅助VLAN。被划分为较小组的原始VLAN叫主,这意味着所有的在private VLAN中的VLAN对共享着同一个主VLAN。所有的辅助VLANs存在与主VLAN中。每个辅助VLAN有一个特定的区别于其他子域VLAN ID。"
+# 4b8abf8fe1534c228333ad081037a150
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:53
+msgid ""
+"Three types of ports exist in a private VLAN domain, which essentially "
+"determine the behaviour of the participating hosts. Each ports will have its"
+" own unique set of rules, which regulate a connected host's ability to "
+"communicate with other connected host within the same private VLAN domain. "
+"Configure each host that is part of a PVLAN pair can be by using one of "
+"these three port designation:"
+msgstr "在private VLAN中有三种端口类型,它们实质上决定了所包含的主机的流量走势。每组端口都有自己唯一的策略,它能控制配置同一个private VLAN域中连接到端口的主机与其他已连接主机的通讯。使用下面三种端口定义中的一种来配置每个PVLAN对中的主机:"
+# d369217099d04739b0c778e20ac02897
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:60
+msgid ""
+"**Promiscuous**: A promiscuous port can communicate with all the interfaces,"
+" including the community and isolated host ports that belong to the "
+"secondary VLANs. In Promiscuous mode, hosts are connected to promiscuous "
+"ports and are able to communicate directly with resources on both primary "
+"and secondary VLAN. Routers, DHCP servers, and other trusted devices are "
+"typically attached to promiscuous ports."
+msgstr "**混杂模式(Promiscuous)**:混杂模式的端口能与所有的接口通讯,包括可通讯与隔离属于辅助VLANs的主机端口。在混杂模式中,主机被连接到混在模式端口并且能够直接与主VLAN和辅助VLAN中的资源。典型的连接到混杂模式端口的是路由器,DHCP服务器和其他受信任的设备。"
+# 1e0c762b123d404eaedebd33003ad75b
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:68
+msgid ""
+"**Isolated VLANs**: The ports within an isolated VLAN cannot communicate "
+"with each other at the layer-2 level. The hosts that are connected to "
+"Isolated ports can directly communicate only with the Promiscuous resources."
+" If your customer device needs to have access only to a gateway router, "
+"attach it to an isolated port."
+msgstr "**隔离(Isolated)VLANs**: 隔离模式VLAN中的端口不能与其他二层网络中的端口通讯。连接隔离模式端口上的主机只能直接与混杂模式下的资源通讯。如果你的客户设备只访问网关路由器,请将其附加至隔离端口。"
+# 15e3128ebacd47afb6aa943d0f2a5df1
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:74
+msgid ""
+"**Community VLANs**: The ports within a community VLAN can communicate with "
+"each other and with the promiscuous ports, but they cannot communicate with "
+"the ports in other communities at the layer-2 level. In a Community mode, "
+"direct communication is permitted only with the hosts in the same community "
+"and those that are connected to the Primary PVLAN in promiscuous mode. If "
+"your customer has two devices that need to be isolated from other customers'"
+" devices, but to be able to communicate among themselves, deploy them in "
+"community ports."
+msgstr "**Community VLANs**:中的端口能与其他端口和混杂模式下的端口通讯,但是他们不能与二层网络中的其他community VLAN中的端口通讯。在Community模式下,主机能与同一community中的主机和连接到混杂模式中的主VLAN的主机可以通讯。如果你的客户有两个设备需要与其他客户的设备隔离,但是他们之间又要通讯,请将他们部署至 community 端口。"
+# 6a977183f6864375ada79a287e63bab3
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:84
+msgid "For further reading:"
+msgstr "延伸阅读:"
+# ca791914bab54854b0b9c5cfdbb20be8
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:86
+msgid ""
+"`Understanding Private VLANs "
+msgstr "`理解 Private VLANs <>`_"
+# e676f05feb9a46d6974a4ed7048edad2
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"`Cisco Systems' Private VLANs: Scalable Security in a Multi-Client "
+"Environment <>`_"
+msgstr "`Cisco Systems' Private VLANs: Scalable Security in a Multi-Client Environment <>`_"
+# d5429c82db8a47aa82c6bf7602605f93
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:92
+msgid ""
+"`Private VLAN (PVLAN) on vNetwork Distributed Switch - Concept Overview "
+"(1010691) <>`_"
+msgstr "`Private VLAN (PVLAN) on vNetwork Distributed Switch - Concept Overview (1010691) <>`_"
+# ad67b66852ee445b847bec89936c0d02
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:97
+msgid "Prerequisites"
+msgstr "先决条件"
+# 1f2367cd590b456b9590a9b2616c8ad5
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:99
+msgid "Use a PVLAN supported switch."
+msgstr "在支持的交换机上使用PVLAN。"
+# f2c1161babac465c93d8ff531d97174d
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:101
+msgid ""
+"See `Private VLAN Catalyst Switch Support Matrix "
+" for more information."
+msgstr "更多信息,请参考 `Private VLAN Catalyst Switch Support Matrix <>`_ "
+# d6805374b5244b3da5f5a39bbb521739
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:105
+msgid ""
+"All the layer 2 switches, which are PVLAN-aware, are connected to each "
+"other, and one of them is connected to a router. All the ports connected to "
+"the host would be configured in trunk mode. Open Management VLAN, Primary "
+"VLAN (public) and Secondary Isolated VLAN ports. Configure the switch port "
+"connected to the router in PVLAN promiscuous trunk mode, which would "
+"translate an isolated VLAN to primary VLAN for the PVLAN-unaware router."
+msgstr "将所有能识别PVLAN的二层交换机之间互连,并且其中一个要连至一个路由器。主机连接到的所有端口需配置为trunk模式。打开VLAN管理,主VLAN(公共网络)和隔离的辅助VLAN端口。配置交换机连接到路由器的端口为PVLAN混杂trunk,这样可以为不识别PVLAN的路由器转换一个隔离的VLAN到主VLAN。"
+# 3afd52bf2fa3442b8f0721d8bca53715
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:113
+msgid ""
+"Note that only Cisco Catalyst 4500 has the PVLAN promiscuous trunk mode to "
+"connect both normal VLAN and PVLAN to a PVLAN-unaware switch. For the other "
+"Catalyst PVLAN support switch, connect the switch to upper switch by using "
+"cables, one each for a PVLAN pair."
+msgstr "注意只有Cisco Catalyst 4500有PVLAN混杂trunk模式,可以连接所有普通VLAN和PVLAN到不能识别PVLAN的交换机。其他支持PVLAN的Catalyst交换机,在PVALN对中的每个交换机上使用级联线连接到上联交换机。"
+# 5ce2b463414844099564cd171152b994
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:118
+msgid "Configure private VLAN on your physical switches out-of-band."
+msgstr "在你的物理交换机上使用带外管理配置private VLAN。"
+# 2cd1aebdb79742a3ab786e439ef69d89
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:120
+msgid "Before you use PVLAN on XenServer and KVM, enable Open vSwitch (OVS)."
+msgstr "在XenServer和KVM上使用PVALN之前,请启用Open vSwitch (OVS)。"
+# 23029ff5d87847c3b9a551d1755aae1a
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:123
+msgid ""
+"OVS on XenServer and KVM does not support PVLAN natively. Therefore, "
+"CloudStack managed to simulate PVLAN on OVS for XenServer and KVM by "
+"modifying the flow table."
+msgstr "XenServer和KVM中的OVS不支持原生的PVLAN。因此,靠修改flow table,CloudStack为XenServer和KVM模拟OVS中的PVLAN。"
+# 1ab529fe7a53485da31a8085c5fc8181
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:129
+msgid "Creating a PVLAN-Enabled Guest Network"
+msgstr "配置一个启用了PVLAN的来宾网络"
+# 73811e0470e04b63a31d32549a8c882b
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:131
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator."
+msgstr "作为管理员登录到CloudStack用户界面。"
+# f987d4525be34ae986962e374a48197f
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:133
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure."
+msgstr "在左边的导航,选择基础架构。"
+# 81a7cad61d0c43e3989e9742e6efb902
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:135
+msgid "On Zones, click View More."
+msgstr "在区域页面,点击查看全部。"
+# 62eb1c2209d34440987b38dc999dad75
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:137
+msgid "Click the zone to which you want to add a guest network."
+msgstr "选择要添加客户网络的那个区域。"
+# aeaece1bb557450383b2b0c0930b8d39
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:139
+msgid "Click the Physical Network tab."
+msgstr "点击物理网络标签卡。"
+# bdccf5bb73ce4a58b074c7db9f09db19
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:141
+msgid "Click the physical network you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择您要操作的物理网络。"
+# d325d3d79e0e41fd9ce93131ae2ea76a
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:143
+msgid "On the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr "在客户节点界面,点击配置。"
+# 3254ff32eecc4e9b9ac57fc4f2219acd
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:145
+msgid "Click the Network tab."
+msgstr "点击网络选项卡。"
+# fdd056f25bee447e98028c9301071fd7
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:147
+msgid "Click Add guest network."
+msgstr "点击 添加来宾网络。"
+# f58f17bd25284897abbe7df71fc2c3fb
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:149
+msgid "The Add guest network window is displayed."
+msgstr "现实添加客户网络窗口。"
+# 5e421fb492504766a709b728f4fc51e5
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:151
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr "指定以下信息:"
+# 606686347ca84fbc9a83c5f46c31d8ea
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:153
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be visible to the user."
+msgstr "**Name**: 要建立的网络的名字。这个是用户可见的"
+# 73bbe5e4075e43f39b388b8b267c5401
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"**Description**: The short description of the network that can be displayed "
+"to users."
+msgstr "**描述**: 提供一个简短的方案描述。 "
+# 17a0fe7f48cc4af3bbe7b8e52b6f6d1b
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:159
+msgid "**VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the VLAN."
+msgstr "**VLAN ID**: VLAN 的ID。"
+# 1656d47de54d42a788bc34e0a0c5f2e4
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:161
+msgid ""
+"**Secondary Isolated VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the Secondary Isolated "
+msgstr "**辅助隔离VLAN ID**:辅助隔离VLAN的唯一ID。"
+# 22e09670bce14054b1c11ce5ff049ba5
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:164
+msgid ""
+"For the description on Secondary Isolated VLAN, see `About Private VLAN\" "
+msgstr "更多关于辅助隔离VLAN的描述,请参考see `关于 Private VLAN\" <#about-private-vlan>`_."
+# 38765c8ae24048dba72826d07d096afe
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:167
+msgid "**Scope**: The available scopes are Domain, Account, Project, and All."
+msgstr "**Scope**: 可用的范围,包括域,帐户,项目和其他所以。"
+# 90706772c0084832b86742ce99f99d6e
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:170
+msgid ""
+"**Domain**: Selecting Domain limits the scope of this guest network to the "
+"domain you specify. The network will not be available for other domains. If "
+"you select Subdomain Access, the guest network is available to all the sub "
+"domains within the selected domain."
+msgstr "**Domain**: 域,指定客户网络范围的域。指定域中的网络相对其他域是隔离不可见的。如果指定子域访问,域中的客户网络将在所有的子域中可用。"
+# 7e174e9b956f4f2784d5196f1a30439f
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:176
+msgid ""
+"**Account**: The account for which the guest network is being created for. "
+"You must specify the domain the account belongs to."
+msgstr "**Account**: 这里的帐户是为建立客户网络所指定的。必须指定域中所属的帐户。"
+# d8216708afb2490c97e3cca13b2752dd
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:180
+msgid ""
+"**Project**: The project for which the guest network is being created for. "
+"You must specify the domain the project belongs to."
+msgstr "**Project**: 项目是客户网络所建立的项目。必须为这个项目指定域。"
+# 3aa0f96be4f84d1bae1f1744b108dff8
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:184
+msgid ""
+"**All**: The guest network is available for all the domains, account, "
+"projects within the selected zone."
+msgstr "**All**:  选择它,会让客户网络对这个区域(Zone)中的所有域,帐户和项目都可用。"
+# 339b47c6f0f94ca4a221c0f592e92d5b
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:187
+msgid ""
+"**Network Offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network "
+"offerings, select the one you want to use for this network."
+msgstr "**网络提议**:  如果管理员已经配置了多个网络方案,可以选择你需要的那个。"
+# ae2111debd664f179fe8eb3b251587ff
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:191
+msgid "**Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use."
+msgstr "**Guest gateway**:  虚拟机需要使用的网关。"
+# df6c332c5f7e427d867dcef1784c0731
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:193
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use."
+msgstr "**Netmask**:  虚拟机子网要使用的网络掩码。"
+# 5331fd382d74450c957ad9e5fa46a095
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:195
+msgid ""
+"**IP Range**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the Internet "
+"and are assigned to the guest VMs."
+msgstr "**IP Range**:  定义公网IP范围,这些IP用来访问公网或是从公网访问客户虚拟机。"
+# 6be7da6ede894331ad2082717f19c89d
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:198
+msgid ""
+"**Network Domain**: A custom DNS suffix at the level of a network. If you "
+"want to assign a special domain name to the guest VM network, specify a DNS "
+msgstr "**网络域**:  如果你想为客户虚机网络定义一个域名,在此处输入后缀名。"
+# 0f106d1db97249348138b9cf76182524
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:202
+msgid "Click OK to confirm."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bde4667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/multiple_guest_networks.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/multiple_guest_networks.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..679e057
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# cbc2c710bdfe4a52822f6acf8381d1dd
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:18
+msgid "Using Multiple Guest Networks"
+msgstr "使用多个来宾网络"
+# 43824860271641cabc92b4e2fea91b0d
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"In zones that use advanced networking, additional networks for guest traffic"
+" may be added at any time after the initial installation. You can also "
+"customize the domain name associated with the network by specifying a DNS "
+"suffix for each network."
+msgstr "在使用高级网络的资源域里, 额外的来宾网络可以在初始安装后任何时间添加. 你还可以通过指定DNS后缀为每个网络自定义关联的域名."
+# e7a7a8ebce174e439d282d7c86c23ffc
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:25
+msgid ""
+"A VM's networks are defined at VM creation time. A VM cannot add or remove "
+"networks after it has been created, although the user can go into the guest "
+"and remove the IP address from the NIC on a particular network."
+msgstr "一个虚机的网络在其创建时定义. 当一个虚机创建以后, 就不能对其网络添加删除, 即便用户可以进入客户虚机删除指定网卡的IP地址."
+# c1facfd27f164a849bd7151e92129d58
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:30
+msgid ""
+"Each VM has just one default network. The virtual router's DHCP reply will "
+"set the guest's default gateway as that for the default network. Multiple "
+"non-default networks may be added to a guest in addition to the single, "
+"required default network. The administrator can control which networks are "
+"available as the default network."
+msgstr "每一个虚机只有一个默认的网络. 在这个默认网络里, 虚拟路由器的DHCP响应将设置客户的默认网关. 除了单一,必须的默认网络, 多个非默认的网络也可以添加到客户虚机里. 管理员可以控制哪个网络作为默认的网络."
+# 008bbd9e609541888208d792dda845fd
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"Additional networks can either be available to all accounts or be assigned "
+"to a specific account. Networks that are available to all accounts are zone-"
+"wide. Any user with access to the zone can create a VM with access to that "
+"network. These zone-wide networks provide little or no isolation between "
+"guests.Networks that are assigned to a specific account provide strong "
+msgstr "附加的网络可以给所有账户使用或者分配给特定的账户. 对所有账户都可用的网络在整个资源域有效. 任何可以访问这个资源域的用户都可以使用这个网络创建虚机. 这些资源域一级的网络基本不提供客户之间的隔离. 分配给特定帐户的网络提供强制隔离的功能."
+# e8b12ba98b314fcca6f8659fdffe0e5a
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:45
+msgid "Adding an Additional Guest Network"
+msgstr "增添一个虚拟机的网络"
+# fc94885acfb44c089b5b955040cda635
+# e90f66fa32fb4ac0bdd48def8833e52d
+# 443695bf438a4240b9c354d9c66f2292
+# dc150422f8d8498e81ccfa11cc7daf5f
+# f4162f2a3af54aee90b80a9efec6523f
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:47
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:97
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:135
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:153
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:173
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# e9d2f3becfba421592c540e757fe27e8
+# 1e2cad5b28aa4f56bfee80c03c969d5c
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:49
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:179
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络。"
+# 4e88ac1dcf2144278c13cac5cf518978
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:51
+msgid "Click Add guest network. Provide the following information:"
+msgstr "地阿基添加来宾网络。提供以下信息:"
+# 752dce8be6894794b7f10719d33214c9
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:53
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be user-visible."
+msgstr "**Name**:网络的名称。对于最终用户可见。"
+# 68d2d60b814f4b48805d73f511a0c3f4
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"**Display Text**: The description of the network. This will be user-visible."
+msgstr "**Display Text**:网络的描述信息。对于最终用户可见。"
+# 2e28d86b3670448ea924597e1a6eafbb
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"**Zone**. The name of the zone this network applies to. Each zone is a "
+"broadcast domain, and therefore each zone has a different IP range for the "
+"guest network. The administrator must configure the IP range for each zone."
+msgstr "**Zone**:此网络所应用到zone的名称。每个zone都是一个广播域,因此每个zone中的来宾网络都有不同的IP范围。管理员必须为每个zone配置IP范围。"
+# 783fa5ad4bb94a898e27fb2fb400ce30
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"**Network offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network "
+"offerings, select the one you want to use for this network."
+msgstr "**Network offering**: 如果管理员已经配置了多个网络,选择一个你想使用的。"
+# e6d0251f520945198846d9589071d11c
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:67
+msgid "**Guest Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use."
+msgstr "**Guest Gateway**: 来宾网络的网关。"
+# 82e7d212928549ba947dfe5e04919372
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"**Guest Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use."
+msgstr "**Guest Netmask**: 来宾网络的子网掩码。"
+# 333d9595d92b4dbc9842d746d1dd8448
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:72
+msgid "Click Create."
+msgstr "点击创建。"
+# cadd27c83ef84c9e9ce49c9ce9e5d8ca
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:76
+msgid "Reconfiguring Networks in VMs"
+msgstr "在VMs中重新配置网络"
+# 38552d30397849ea975e0b5d28fd31a0
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:78
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides you the ability to move VMs between networks and "
+"reconfigure a VM's network. You can remove a VM from a network and add to a "
+"new network. You can also change the default network of a virtual machine. "
+"With this functionality, hybrid or traditional server loads can be "
+"accommodated with ease."
+msgstr "CloudStack能让你在不同网络间移动VMs和重新配置VM的网络。你可以从一个网络中移除一个VM,再将其移动到另一个网络。你同样可以修改虚拟机的默认我拿过来,使用这个功能,混合和传统的服务器负载可以被轻松缓解。"
+# 205bea0ed92e4de594873aa8e5ad9d45
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:84
+msgid "This feature is supported on XenServer, VMware, and KVM hypervisors."
+msgstr "XenServer、VMware和KVM hypervisors支持这个特性。"
+# 7d8b8d41cfa04ea0b337a64b1206ae92
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:88
+msgid "Prerequisites"
+msgstr "先决条件"
+# bd4145a5e8ae4ca29cd7bdd5b1aab637
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that vm-tools are running on guest VMs for adding or removing "
+"networks to work on VMware hypervisor."
+msgstr "确保虚拟机上安装了vm-tools以便通过VMware hypervisor添加或移除网络。"
+# 42b8d9502ed54485bde4210b8fdbb499
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:95
+msgid "Adding a Network"
+msgstr "添加网络"
+# c398a820cb1648bc8799135cbaa74b1b
+# d48f631728b44c90be3cb811c9cd0505
+# 37c98038af7f4dc6a120b05e4e13c555
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:99
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:137
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:155
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Instances."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航菜单中,点击实例。"
+# b25bff80ed07457f9b1f926c0a58cc6c
+# 39876863e78d47378acdd305a1e22606
+# 2f4e1895d207479597c89b7b137794df
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:101
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:139
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:157
+msgid "Choose the VM that you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择你要处理的VM。"
+# 00b5baacd9084cd580b5fc02a2eb93fb
+# cd7d2fceff8d47d5b392be059b471ab9
+# 3f13993fdab542d6b8318cc2fe353acb
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:103
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:141
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:159
+msgid "Click the NICs tab."
+msgstr "点击网络适配器标签。"
+# 47b1307c53ed41dfbe754e5141219451
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:105
+msgid "Click Add network to VM."
+msgstr "将网络添加到 VM"
+# ebd8002977894bed935a5229f868dc66
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:107
+msgid "The Add network to VM dialog is displayed."
+msgstr "显示添加网络对话框。"
+# fa83b310f8904d8587c3dfdc52cacbad
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:109
+msgid ""
+"In the drop-down list, select the network that you would like to add this VM"
+" to."
+msgstr "在下拉列表里选择你要添加给VM的网络。"
+# dd48bfa27d7345aa87c6b7e63a358160
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"A new NIC is added for this network. You can view the following details in "
+"the NICs page:"
+msgstr "这样就为这个网络添加了一个新网卡。你可以在网卡页面查看下列信息:"
+# 6463c065bc1943008470d1edad582974
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:115
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+# 9420ad95bce443da9b81765885249155
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:117
+msgid "Network Name"
+msgstr "网络名称"
+# f846a9f3d938451198081772cc74cb85
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:119
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "类型"
+# 8592916e5acf4e70bafbdbda7c00c614
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:121
+msgid "IP Address"
+msgstr "IP地址"
+# c75427419ce04483b71df9bd261c2fbd
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:123
+msgid "Gateway"
+msgstr "网关"
+# d008ddbc8a054a27ae521d3e3b8a4013
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:125
+msgid "Netmask"
+msgstr "子网掩码"
+# 41cff6439a0b42b5abab39913bc773bb
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:127
+msgid "Is default"
+msgstr "默认的"
+# cb23bf06693941579c5993219c416bb8
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:129
+msgid "CIDR (for IPv6)"
+msgstr "CIDR(IPv6)"
+# bce02b8426584ab693112a2a3eaa69a4
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:133
+msgid "Removing a Network"
+msgstr "移除网络"
+# ca1c1c7c1c9d4ff8aaca289a38a6f7c0
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:143
+msgid "Locate the NIC you want to remove."
+msgstr "找到你要移除的网卡上。"
+# 85a4e2e7437642f18635fa647891d856
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:145
+msgid "Click Remove NIC button. |remove-nic.png|"
+msgstr "点击移除网卡按钮。|remove-nic.png|"
+# ffa7cf9f06374be19a3b64261219cdc1
+# 5597778b6dec4d1fac608939422f4a00
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:147
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:165
+msgid "Click Yes to confirm."
+msgstr "点击Yes确认。"
+# 78a6b76d558e43c18b80b80d9ae29567
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:151
+msgid "Selecting the Default Network"
+msgstr "选择默认网络"
+# d548799e04664a74b122217c8b65678f
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:161
+msgid "Locate the NIC you want to work with."
+msgstr "找到你想要的网卡。"
+# 43217c75ff3e4ac885b27d575f4c47ee
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:163
+msgid "Click the Set default NIC button. |set-default-nic.png|."
+msgstr "点击设置为默认网卡按钮。 |set-default-nic.png|."
+# fea27f4c1e3f45e89b4b9439c9affb16
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:168
+msgid "Changing the Network Offering on a Guest Network"
+msgstr "在来宾网络上更改网络方案"
+# 9de4858c24814a74a54559f2494b3a89
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:170
+msgid ""
+"A user or administrator can change the network offering that is associated "
+"with an existing guest network."
+msgstr "用户或者管理员可以更改与之相关的来宾网络的网络方案。"
+# 7c551d2e95a241b48be8ce6603506ab3
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:175
+msgid ""
+"If you are changing from a network offering that uses the CloudStack virtual"
+" router to one that uses external devices as network service providers, you "
+"must first stop all the VMs on the network."
+msgstr "如果你将使用CloudStack虚拟路由的一个网络方案改成使用公共网络设备作为网络服务商,那么你必须先关掉该网络中的所有虚机。"
+# c67df95acd7f48b18f620634af845488
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:181
+msgid "Click the name of the network you want to modify."
+msgstr "点击你要修改的网络名称。"
+# fb679c3a524c4c4a837fe24566e3a12b
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:183
+msgid "In the Details tab, click Edit. |edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr "在  详细  页签,点击 编辑按钮。|edit-icon.png|"
+# 4afa43a2ac5b46f29ad42d421235b01d
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:185
+msgid ""
+"In Network Offering, choose the new network offering, then click Apply."
+msgstr "在网络方案中,选择新的网络方案,然后点击应用。"
+# 6a7280bbaba74bfb8b6622ac7832cf5c
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:188
+msgid ""
+"A prompt is displayed asking whether you want to keep the existing CIDR. "
+"This is to let you know that if you change the network offering, the CIDR "
+"will be affected."
+msgstr "这时会有一个提示问你是否保持已存在的CIDR不变。这是让你了解如果你改变网络了方案,那么CIDR会受到影响。"
+# 42e2f2150b07464bbdf35bc0c30edd91
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:192
+msgid ""
+"If you upgrade between virtual router as a provider and an external network "
+"device as provider, acknowledge the change of CIDR to continue, so choose "
+msgstr "如果你将虚拟路由升级到外网设备,在看到变更CIDR以继续时,请选择Yes。"
+# 3b240e38bc11456095069b1622cc917f
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:196
+msgid ""
+"Wait for the update to complete. Don't try to restart VMs until the network "
+"change is complete."
+msgstr "等待更新完成。在网络变更完成之前不要试图重启虚拟机。"
+# a6db1505b17b48e1ae1063872635e2bb
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:199
+msgid "If you stopped any VMs, restart them."
+msgstr "如果你停止了任何VMs,请重启他们。"
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Binary files differ
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# cea4bcb571304273bc04b67f139f0140
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:18
+msgid "About Multiple IP Ranges"
+msgstr "关于多IP范围"
+# fb1aec1297a645198cd0ecbc09f187eb
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:20
+msgid "The feature can only be implemented on IPv4 addresses."
+msgstr "这些功能仅能在IPV4的地址是实现。"
+# 3180ea2f13aa4565a8715d959ef1148d
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:22
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides you with the flexibility to add guest IP ranges from "
+"different subnets in Basic zones and security groups-enabled Advanced zones."
+" For security groups-enabled Advanced zones, it implies multiple subnets can"
+" be added to the same VLAN. With the addition of this feature, you will be "
+"able to add IP address ranges from the same subnet or from a different one "
+"when IP address are exhausted. This would in turn allows you to employ "
+"higher number of subnets and thus reduce the address management overhead. To"
+" support this feature, the capability of ``createVlanIpRange`` API is "
+"extended to add IP ranges also from a different subnet."
+msgstr "在基础区域以及高级区域的开启安全组,CloudStack能够让你从不同的子网添加来宾IP范围。对于高级区域的开启安全组,多个子网可被加至同一个VLAN。随着此功能的增加,当IP地址耗尽时,你能够从同一个子网或从不同的子网添加IP范围。这会允许你添加更多的子网,因此减少了了地址管理的问题。为支持这一特性,创建VLANIP范围的API被加以扩展,这样就能从不同的子网添加IP范围"
+# d1d9636b0fd14b508f2570b3d7f5b7a2
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that you manually configure the gateway of the new subnet before "
+"adding the IP range. Note that CloudStack supports only one gateway for a "
+"subnet; overlapping subnets are not currently supported."
+msgstr "确实在添加IP范围前,手动配置了子网的网关。注意,CloudStack仅支持一个子网有一个网关。不支持重叠的子网。"
+# b1ed3bd81dfa4662bcf9ab17817d99e5
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:37
+msgid ""
+"Use the ``deleteVlanRange`` API to delete IP ranges. This operation fails if"
+" an IP from the remove range is in use. If the remove range contains the IP "
+"address on which the DHCP server is running, CloudStack acquires a new IP "
+"from the same subnet. If no IP is available in the subnet, the remove "
+"operation fails."
+msgstr "使用删除VLAN范围的API删除IP范围。如果拟删除的IP在被使用时,此操作会失败。如果删除的范围包含DHCP服务器拟分配的IP地址CloudStack会从同一个子网下获取新的IP。如果在子网内没有可供利用的IP时,删除操作会失败。"
+# 5c66e6ebd5cc42728bccf16a99764a94
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:43
+msgid "This feature is supported on KVM, xenServer, and VMware hypervisors."
+msgstr "在KVM, xenServer以及VMware虚拟机中,都支持这项功能。 "
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Binary files differ
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 80e46ffc92914befa1e1b6bb37ae48e0
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:18
+msgid "Configuring Multiple IP Addresses on a Single NIC"
+msgstr "在单网卡配置多个IP地址"
+# e552e4b860e64b83bd63e053002d0187
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides you the ability to associate multiple private IP "
+"addresses per guest VM NIC. In addition to the primary IP, you can assign "
+"additional IPs to the guest VM NIC. This feature is supported on all the "
+"network configurations: Basic, Advanced, and VPC. Security Groups, Static "
+"NAT and Port forwarding services are supported on these additional IPs."
+msgstr "CloudStack能够让你给每个客户虚拟机网卡配置多个私有IP地址,除主IP地址外,你可以指定额外的IP地址到客户虚拟机网卡。在所有的网络配置中,如基础配置,高级配置,VPC,均支持这一功能。安全组,静态NAT及端口转发服务在额外的IP地址上也都被支持。"
+# 37ec7f1162de4309afcd34ea7bc9af66
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:27
+msgid ""
+"As always, you can specify an IP from the guest subnet; if not specified, an"
+" IP is automatically picked up from the guest VM subnet. You can view the "
+"IPs associated with for each guest VM NICs on the UI. You can apply NAT on "
+"these additional guest IPs by using network configuration option in the "
+"CloudStack UI. You must specify the NIC to which the IP should be "
+msgstr "当然,你也可以从来宾子网中指定一个IP,如果没有指定,将会从来宾虚拟机子网中自动选择一个。可以从UI中查看每一个与来宾虚拟机网卡关联的IP地址。也可以在CloudStack界面中通过网络配置选项在那些额外的来宾虚拟机上应用NAT。但必须指明网卡与哪一个IP关联。"
+# 9a035e888c1245098bf6a6b97754c398
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:34
+msgid ""
+"This feature is supported on XenServer, KVM, and VMware hypervisors. Note "
+"that Basic zone security groups are not supported on VMware."
+msgstr "在XenServer,KVM和VMware虚拟机中,都支持这些功能。注意,VMware不支持基础区域的安全组。"
+# e65e3e62dc4a4301b7c488f06bbe696d
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:39
+msgid "Use Cases"
+msgstr "使用案例"
+# 11ad1c7201dd4368b51c2686f4f6c436
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:41
+msgid "Some of the use cases are described below:"
+msgstr "一些使用案例见以下描述"
+# bad26d93f70a454ea65fe8d314c5fb5f
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"Network devices, such as firewalls and load balancers, generally work best "
+"when they have access to multiple IP addresses on the network interface."
+msgstr "网络设备,如防火墙或负责均衡设备,一般来讲,当他们在网络接口上接入更多的IP地址时,他们能够更好的工作。"
+# 95be93b5a22541cf8e3a65154ae683cc
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"Moving private IP addresses between interfaces or instances. Applications "
+"that are bound to specific IP addresses can be moved between instances."
+msgstr "在接口和实例中迁移IP地址。绑定到特定IP地址的应用可以在实例中迁移。"
+# 9ee757e7b88f4aa2a87ccd4771a324d2
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Hosting multiple SSL Websites on a single instance. You can install multiple"
+" SSL certificates on a single instance, each associated with a distinct IP "
+msgstr "在单个实例上开启多个SSL网站。可以在单个实例上安装多个SSL认证,每一个认证都关联一个单独的IP地址。"
+# 4edd1f589e2e49829a8738af942f1449
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:57
+msgid "Guidelines"
+msgstr "指南"
+# 54a52619c6484653a0d95be689657a85
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"To prevent IP conflict, configure different subnets when multiple networks "
+"are connected to the same VM."
+msgstr "为防止IP冲突,当多个网络连接至同一个虚拟机时,要配置不同的子网。"
+# 2e55027ec0ce4ce6b87130453ca2ea69
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:64
+msgid "Assigning Additional IPs to a VM"
+msgstr "指定额外的IP给虚拟机"
+# 24aaa9f9fd734b1d9b775ad1342d31b2
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:66
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr "登录到CloudStack的界面"
+# 51fd921471ee488bb728f102e439c19e
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:68
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Instances."
+msgstr "在左侧导航栏,点击实例"
+# f0efc1c51c2a471498620eb3d6313aa6
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:70
+msgid "Click the name of the instance you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击拟配置的实例"
+# 17a62e09249f4a3fac5b78b1ee42aa11
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:72
+msgid "In the Details tab, click NICs."
+msgstr "在详细 页签,点击网卡"
+# 815af55e9e6e475ea2139c0ee79838c8
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:74
+msgid "Click View Secondary IPs."
+msgstr "点击查看二级地址"
+# edd4eb38ff964d91901201733864317e
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Click Acquire New Secondary IP, and click Yes in the confirmation dialog."
+msgstr "点击获取新二级IP,在确认对话框点击确定。"
+# a243effbef704447bf0f0a2d5bdc0a86
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"You need to configure the IP on the guest VM NIC manually. CloudStack will "
+"not automatically configure the acquired IP address on the VM. Ensure that "
+"the IP address configuration persist on VM reboot."
+msgstr "需要手动配置来宾虚拟机的网卡。在虚拟机上,CloudStack不会自动配置获取IP。确保在虚拟机重启IP地址配置仍有效。"
+# 92b50e481e5943af8db0036e562bcf45
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear with the state "
+"Allocated. You can now use the IP address in Port Forwarding or StaticNAT "
+msgstr "稍等一会,新的IP地址会出现,状态栏为会显示为分配。现在可以在端口转发或静态NAT规则中使用此IP地址了。"
+# 8ce45ae597644592be9f68b1b9a50693
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:89
+msgid "Port Forwarding and StaticNAT Services Changes"
+msgstr "更改端口转发和静态NAT服务"
+# 707c305e2e104709866aebe9741b3891
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:91
+msgid ""
+"Because multiple IPs can be associated per NIC, you are allowed to select a "
+"desired IP for the Port Forwarding and StaticNAT services. The default is "
+"the primary IP. To enable this functionality, an extra optional parameter "
+"'vmguestip' is added to the Port forwarding and StaticNAT APIs "
+"(enableStaticNat, createIpForwardingRule) to indicate on what IP address NAT"
+" need to be configured. If vmguestip is passed, NAT is configured on the "
+"specified private IP of the VM. if not passed, NAT is configured on the "
+"primary IP of the VM."
+msgstr "因为每一个网卡都可关联至多IP,CloudStack可以允许为端口转发及静态NAT服务选择一个目标IP。默认为主IP。为开启此功能,另一个可选的配置参数  虚拟机来宾IP 需要被加至端口转发及静态NAT 的API中去(开启静态NAT,创建IP端口转发),以示IP地址NAT需要配置。如果虚拟机来宾IP 没有设置,NAT会配置在虚拟机的私有IP上,如果设置了,NAT会配置在虚拟机的主IP上。"
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# aaae14dc309846cf90268bd429550032
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:18
+msgid "Multiple Subnets in Shared Network"
+msgstr "共享网络中的多子网"
+# e1e0546c06b44b948781bf1b155376b6
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides you with the flexibility to add guest IP ranges from "
+"different subnets in Basic zones and security groups-enabled Advanced zones."
+" For security groups-enabled Advanced zones, it implies multiple subnets can"
+" be added to the same VLAN. With the addition of this feature, you will be "
+"able to add IP address ranges from the same subnet or from a different one "
+"when IP address are exhausted. This would in turn allows you to employ "
+"higher number of subnets and thus reduce the address management overhead. "
+"You can delete the IP ranges you have added."
+msgstr "CloudStack为你提供了在基本zones和启用了安全组的高级zones不同的子网中灵活的添加来宾IP段功能 。在启用了安全组的高级zones中,这意味着多子网可以被添加到同一个VLAN。这个特性还意味着,当IP地址用尽的时候,你可以从同一个子网或从不同的子网添加IP地址范围。这将允许你使用更多的子网,降低地址管理工作量。你也可以删除已经添加的IP地址范围。"
+# d651b6e4b73a4c8897943f492f553be4
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:32
+msgid "Prerequisites and Guidelines"
+msgstr "先决条件和指南"
+# 321b92f77c9e47b581323b300949d477
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:34
+msgid "This feature can only be implemented:"
+msgstr "这个特性只能被实现在:"
+# 693a867b887b40c39f9112ee79a514f3
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:36
+msgid "on IPv4 addresses"
+msgstr "IPv4地址"
+# d4bb9088f4ce439bb4aa86f2d6ca1226
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:38
+msgid "if virtual router is the DHCP provider"
+msgstr "如果虚拟路由是由DHCP提供的"
+# b4bb01b3421b4a26af052b41ef2e9c74
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:40
+msgid "on KVM, xenServer, and VMware hypervisors"
+msgstr "在KVM,XenServer和VMware hypervisors"
+# 3ce0b6127bed4c878204268e02519b5f
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"Manually configure the gateway of the new subnet before adding the IP range."
+msgstr "在添加IP范围之前,手动配置新子网的网关。"
+# 92e9da161e084fd09cbd7a34e3a8ea59
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack supports only one gateway for a subnet; overlapping subnets are "
+"not currently supported"
+msgstr "CloudStack只支持一个子网对应一个网关;交叉子网目前不支持。"
+# 0ccc8eb511c649519820d407c101fb3f
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:50
+msgid "Adding Multiple Subnets to a Shared Network"
+msgstr "给共享网络添加多子网"
+# 402388a40d1c4432adf97dcb94bc7e0a
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:52
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# c062e6ebc0b74be185c8e192c237a3d8
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:54
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure."
+msgstr "在左边的导航,选择基础架构。"
+# 9d6f09662ceb452bb8bf26c21696a7ff
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:56
+msgid ""
+"On Zones, click View More, then click the zone to which you want to work "
+msgstr "在Zones上,点击查看更多,然后点击你要进行操作的zone.."
+# 9a6c131e8dee4829a34a534324f96d6a
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:59
+msgid "Click Physical Network."
+msgstr "点击物理网络。"
+# 412cf2ea6b7c4fc9a45dcfabca044210
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:61
+msgid "In the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr "在图中的来宾节点上,点击配置"
+# 20271a4db3304ebd986eefb0dbe2304b
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:63
+msgid "Click Networks."
+msgstr "点击网络。"
+# d4d67c51b96a441984f094dad7440b53
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:65
+msgid "Select the networks you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择你想要操作的网络。"
+# dbda223b46514614bc24a96cbd967579
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:67
+msgid "Click View IP Ranges."
+msgstr "点击查看IP范围。"
+# fd40e95e0dcc4b37ac83ea1764ccd1c5
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:69
+msgid "Click Add IP Range."
+msgstr "点击添加IP范围。"
+# e57818339fdd4bea80a587551ff3bb27
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:71
+msgid "The Add IP Range dialog is displayed, as follows:"
+msgstr "显示的添加IP范围对话框如下:"
+# 1adf38c68dd04551aeded2194d8d3bfb
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:73
+msgid "|add-ip-range.png|"
+msgstr "|add-ip-range.png|"
+# 8d5c0e4efe1742f7988a60fe55223d66
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:75
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr "指定以下信息:"
+# c5bd70e2ab5748e18b8bc2840088a41e
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:77
+msgid "All the fields are mandatory."
+msgstr "所有的区域必须填写的。"
+# cefcd378eaf44ae5b0c6aaa2809a4fe4
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"**Gateway**: The gateway for the tier you create. Ensure that the gateway is"
+" within the Super CIDR range that you specified while creating the VPC, and "
+"is not overlapped with the CIDR of any existing tier within the VPC."
+msgstr "**网关**:你创建网络层的网关。确保网关在你创建VPC时指定的超级CIDR范围内,并且不能与已存在VPC的任何网络层的CIDR重叠。"
+# d63b707e5f374d5d807b5749f9cc44ad
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:84
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask for the tier you create."
+msgstr "**子网掩码**:你创建的网络层的子网掩码。"
+# f5d499f2a9fa4a859f8563d9b68b29a3
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:86
+msgid ""
+"For example, if the VPC CIDR is and the network tier CIDR is "
+", the gateway of the tier is, and the netmask of the "
+"tier is"
+msgstr "比如,如果VPC CIDR是10.0.0.0/16并且该网络层CIDR是10.0.1.0/24,那么这个网络层的网关是10.0.1.1,子网掩码是255.255.255.0."
+# 4aeabf0b77244ea994e1c9a3587421a7
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"**Start IP/ End IP**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the "
+"Internet and will be allocated to guest VMs. Enter the first and last IP "
+"addresses that define a range that CloudStack can assign to guest VMs ."
+msgstr "**起始/结束IP**:从互联网获得的和将被分配给来宾VMsIP地址范围。输入第一个和最后一个IP地址,该地址范围定义的是CloudStack能分配给来宾VMs的范围。"
+# c54dd19ac3fc4b1abe5c8e2ba6021969
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:95
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
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Binary files differ
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index 0000000..067e7e1
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 3d0c16ad63444261b9694623c2402727
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:18
+msgid "Networking in a Pod"
+msgstr "一个提供点里的网络"
+# 6f94486d31ee45b8a15da0d2a1c080ca
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The figure below illustrates network setup within a single pod. The hosts "
+"are connected to a pod-level switch. At a minimum, the hosts should have one"
+" physical uplink to each switch. Bonded NICs are supported as well. The pod-"
+"level switch is a pair of redundant gigabit switches with 10 G uplinks."
+msgstr "下图演示了一个单提供点的网络配置。主机均连接到提供点层级的交换机。每一个主机至少有一个物理网卡连接到交换机。当然,这种环境也支持网卡绑定。提供点层级的交换机由两个1000M冗余组成,它们通过10G线路上联。"
+# d14ee305eeed479b95127d50242ce7f9
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:26
+msgid "|networksinglepod.png|"
+msgstr "|networksinglepod.png|"
+# 6c63d1a963fe4751bb6a3efcc28ec07b
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:28
+msgid "Servers are connected as follows:"
+msgstr "服务器以如下形式连接:"
+# cab4d0a9b3874148b142ec81b8916ab3
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:30
+msgid ""
+"Storage devices are connected to only the network that carries management "
+msgstr "存储设备只与管理网络连接。"
+# a01f83aa00be44768e404b928746539d
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"Hosts are connected to networks for both management traffic and public "
+msgstr "主机同时与管理网络和公共网络连接。"
+# 7cc32b192f154001a6b37b93bf141c79
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"Hosts are also connected to one or more networks carrying guest traffic."
+msgstr "主机也与一个或多个来宾网络连接。"
+# afe45e02d11f436b92bc4752de309aa2
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"We recommend the use of multiple physical Ethernet cards to implement each "
+"network interface as well as redundant switch fabric in order to maximize "
+"throughput and improve reliability."
+msgstr "我们推荐用多个物理网卡以改进性能,也推荐用冗余的光纤交换机以改进网络可靠性。"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
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Binary files differ
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index 0000000..0637569
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 3080bd3d63ce42f7970a7e111d5cc46b
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:18
+msgid "Networking in a Zone"
+msgstr "一个区域里的网络"
+# acc145c9dbbb43d0a4e7bcb5cdb804cb
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The following figure illustrates the network setup within a single zone."
+msgstr "下图说明了一个单一区域内的网络设置。"
+# a22b23e45435457b927cdcd248830e97
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:22
+msgid "|networksetupzone.png|"
+msgstr "|networksetupzone.png|"
+# 116d5e262cd547858fe9873be74c59da
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:24
+msgid ""
+"A firewall for management traffic operates in the NAT mode. The network "
+"typically is assigned IP addresses in the Class B private "
+"address space. Each pod is assigned IP addresses in the 192.168.\\*.0/24 "
+"Class C private address space."
+msgstr "用于管理通信的防火墙工作在NAT模式。通常是分配给网络中的IP地址192.168.0.0/16 B类私有地址空间。每个机柜(POD)分配的IP地址是192.168.*.0/24 C类私有地址空间。"
+# 7a1eee0be4da4ed3aa3c0854ab4c2230
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Each zone has its own set of public IP addresses. Public IP addresses from "
+"different zones do not overlap."
+msgstr "每个区域都有自己的一套公网IP地址。来自不同区域的公网IP地址不重叠。"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60e47c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/palo_alto_config.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/palo_alto_config.po
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,932 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# f3d9b37c09d84940aa4c2fde3f9acd2a
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:18
+msgid "Setup a Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# bf6ec115893747b1baf4957e9be35ff4
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:22
+msgid "Functionality Provided"
+msgstr ""
+# c1f3ed83f8394089ab4694fe954e0195
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:24
+msgid ""
+"This implementation enables the orchestration of a Palo Alto Networks "
+"Firewall from within CloudStack UI and API."
+msgstr ""
+# 4b1340d4e6f74cd39095e06ca20ccbdd
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:27
+msgid "**The following features are supported**:"
+msgstr ""
+# e30f817e0e4d45ff8140a2bf41b86fb3
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:29
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Palo Alto Networks service provider"
+msgstr ""
+# d027f8c0521d4e3c8659c5f89b010dc3
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:31
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Palo Alto Networks network service offering"
+msgstr ""
+# d3c3bd36ca4744d68797f6bda8758efd
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"List/Add/Delete Palo Alto Networks network using the above service offering"
+msgstr ""
+# d4ba1563cd1a4efb8039895bd0fc4abc
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:35
+msgid "Add an instance to a Palo Alto Networks network"
+msgstr ""
+# 095297003ef84ab4946859b93741650f
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:37
+msgid "Source NAT management on network create and delete"
+msgstr ""
+# 83be5169430e457495da1faa61028b94
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:39
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Ingress Firewall rule"
+msgstr ""
+# 934645096b2041c0892c5827ab0bae62
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:41
+msgid ""
+"List/Add/Delete Egress Firewall rule (both 'Allow' and 'Deny' default rules "
+msgstr ""
+# b3d40e33e09544e892974a896c1c0f5e
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:44
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Port Forwarding rule"
+msgstr ""
+# 2227e25f9e3e4cf19e34dd0deddbb404
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:46
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Static NAT rule"
+msgstr ""
+# 64c598fbe2d04d368d5f30c35aa7f1d6
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"Apply a Threat Profile to all firewall rules (more details in the Additional"
+" Features section)"
+msgstr ""
+# 6843739b321a4d828b6e9b17a9ef0fc8
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Apply a Log Forwarding profile to all firewall rules (more details in the "
+"Additional Features section)"
+msgstr ""
+# 90c46aad0abf4f3c9d84941828556629
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:57
+msgid "Initial Palo Alto Networks Firewall Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+# 3404e87b314644c49c28a53bc5f5e6a0
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:60
+msgid "Anatomy of the Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# a9c2ce1bfd05437a975c7cb37c0fba62
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:62
+msgid ""
+"In **'Network > Interfaces'** there is a list of physical interfaces as well"
+" as aggregated physical interfaces which are used for managing traffic in "
+"and out of the Palo Alto Networks Firewall device."
+msgstr ""
+# 5ac5b705b6834ded91c030380797cbd2
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"In **'Network > Zones'** there is a list of the different configuration "
+"zones.  This implementation will use two zones; a public (defaults to "
+"'untrust') and private (defaults to 'trust') zone."
+msgstr ""
+# eea4177c1fff4e099f0d3ed3d68ddfca
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"In **'Network > Virtual Routers'** there is a list of VRs which handle "
+"traffic routing for the Palo Alto Firewall.  We only use a single Virtual "
+"Router on the firewall and it is used to handle all the routing to the next "
+"network hop."
+msgstr ""
+# abd376e7380441f390cd90564d09d4c5
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:75
+msgid ""
+"In **'Objects > Security Profile Groups'** there is a list of profiles which"
+" can be applied to firewall rules.  These profiles are used to better "
+"understand the types of traffic that is flowing through your network. "
+"Configured when you add the firewall provider to CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+# 81bf3163d8e548f9827901650a45fa29
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:80
+msgid ""
+"In **'Objects > Log Forwarding'** there is a list of profiles which can be "
+"applied to firewall rules.  These profiles are used to better track the logs"
+" generated by the firewall.  Configured when you add the firewall provider "
+"to CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+# 3f1feff617394987a3e0e75b9098bdb8
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:85
+msgid ""
+"In **'Policies > Security'** there is a list of firewall rules that are "
+"currently configured.  You will not need to modify this section because it "
+"will be completely automated by CloudStack, but you can review the firewall "
+"rules which have been created here."
+msgstr ""
+# 34e8e7a02d1a478d99e352c6a4dd825c
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"In **'Policies > NAT'** there is a list of the different NAT rules.  You "
+"will not need to modify this section because it will be completely automated"
+" by CloudStack, but you can review the different NAT rules that have been "
+"created here.  Source NAT, Static NAT and Destination NAT (Port Forwarding) "
+"rules will show up in this list."
+msgstr ""
+# 640e9e01bf184821b43d47005542f297
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:99
+msgid "Configure the Public / Private Zones on the firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# dd1583c5eff3465b96b6e0e55da67a78
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:101
+msgid ""
+"No manual configuration is required to setup these zones because CloudStack "
+"will configure them automatically when you add the Palo Alto Networks "
+"firewall device to CloudStack as a service provider.  This implementation "
+"depends on two zones, one for the public side and one for the private side "
+"of the firewall."
+msgstr ""
+# f247dae111a8455598a5509325f99b2d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:107
+msgid ""
+"The public zone (defaults to 'untrust') will contain all of the public "
+"interfaces and public IPs."
+msgstr ""
+# 3cc0d8d0cdd949bbae82f501193f7705
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"The private zone (defaults to 'trust') will contain all of the private "
+"interfaces and guest network gateways."
+msgstr ""
+# fffcd92335be420f92a7847a249b200c
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:113
+msgid "The NAT and firewall rules will be configured between these zones."
+msgstr ""
+# 0f85059787c94c61b9cb4b39e5cb52c9
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:118
+msgid "Configure the Public / Private Interfaces on the firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# c8c72310b2744d4caefb5b9575ee6e60
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:120
+msgid ""
+"This implementation supports standard physical interfaces as well as grouped"
+" physical interfaces called aggregated interfaces.  Both standard interfaces"
+" and aggregated interfaces are treated the same, so they can be used "
+"interchangeably. For this document, we will assume that we are using "
+"'ethernet1/1' as the public interface and 'ethernet1/2' as the private "
+"interface.  If aggregated interfaces where used, you would use something "
+"like 'ae1' and 'ae2' as the interfaces."
+msgstr ""
+# 2831a742f496425ba96db130e37c9fdf
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:128
+msgid ""
+"This implementation requires that the 'Interface Type' be set to 'Layer3' "
+"for both the public and private interfaces.  If you want to be able to use "
+"the 'Untagged' VLAN tag for public traffic in CloudStack, you will need to "
+"enable support for it in the public 'ethernet1/1' interface (details below)."
+msgstr ""
+# 7c752ebb778a47f5ab20ddd8e7c2c88d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:133
+msgid "**Steps to configure the Public Interface**:"
+msgstr ""
+# 5700c7ece81b43cb98c6727c752735b2
+# e49c5cac5b754c67a068eb76b8f2b016
+# de7a1d67b1d944d9a9282e1481b27948
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:135
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:171
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:228
+msgid "Log into Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# 084f3f60d58341c1bb8a4c5902758909
+# ef024b35b5944a84b02459069f6213a1
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:137
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:230
+msgid "Navigate to 'Network > Interfaces'"
+msgstr ""
+# f9c2ae1f0de249878828ead2f5703582
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:139
+msgid ""
+"Click on 'ethernet1/1' (for aggregated ethernet, it will probably be called "
+msgstr ""
+# 04a63a60ad414b7e81b979d479bae1fd
+# 04da4ad3a88d4e6cba3ee5b4668f9ee2
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:142
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:155
+msgid "Select 'Layer3' from the 'Interface Type' list"
+msgstr ""
+# ff872b1bbd2945db9cce189792e38246
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:144
+msgid "Click 'Advanced'"
+msgstr ""
+# 944d68b812d8463a87b69f9d882e8b28
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:146
+msgid "Check the 'Untagged Subinterface' check-box"
+msgstr ""
+# 290ce1b89ac441bcbc6691b3a41534a6
+# ac12e64f14884682ba033e7f2177cc9b
+# 8f94cc2074684065a79e57cf90d6ab9a
+# 8a83b222380740918936aca1feee32b9
+# f18ef2d3aeac41389cdfd198b83c5467
+# 95a5afc210324dab8a21ba2da8e6801c
+# d765a343c5f146639728c4ea3493e250
+# 8b7efac976c241fe9f3fa33963361d5a
+# 8a61018dde394d37b9ca3df99d188ee5
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:148
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:157
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:193
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:195
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:265
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:339
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:388
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:426
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:455
+msgid "Click 'OK'"
+msgstr ""
+# 8b5c88e0cc8242a580db731046cce5d3
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:150
+msgid "**Steps to configure the Private Interface**:"
+msgstr ""
+# a94612c3076e4722bd18904180a04114
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:152
+msgid ""
+"Click on 'ethernet1/2' (for aggregated ethernet, it will probably be called "
+msgstr ""
+# 0beaed2fa39442e887eaca261cae62d7
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:162
+msgid "Configure a Virtual Router on the firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# 22d2fb39f9f44f928787ed03f4aa558c
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:164
+msgid ""
+"The Virtual Router on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall is not to be confused "
+"with the Virtual Routers that CloudStack provisions.  For this "
+"implementation, the Virtual Router on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall will "
+"ONLY handle the upstream routing from the Firewall to the next hop."
+msgstr ""
+# e11103f99e6d45d0bea4183b1cf60c98
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:169
+msgid "**Steps to configure the Virtual Router**:"
+msgstr ""
+# d520996f46e84c8c94ce274dd654f3cb
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:173
+msgid "Navigate to 'Network > Virtual Routers'"
+msgstr ""
+# e966f3781b904686b55509eef9892346
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:175
+msgid ""
+"Select the 'default' Virtual Router or Add a new Virtual Router if there are"
+" none in the list"
+msgstr ""
+# 9cbe5a8debc5407fb6918d33d5b71aab
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:178
+msgid "If you added a new Virtual Router, you will need to give it a 'Name'"
+msgstr ""
+# b6a107e3fda3444fbcc24365b6ee33ca
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:180
+msgid "Navigate to 'Static Routes > IPv4'"
+msgstr ""
+# 6efcbc75fe144976b8a75a2dd888c615
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:182
+msgid "'Add' a new static route"
+msgstr ""
+# ed78234999764665912475eb992e6395
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:184
+msgid "**Name**: next_hop (you can name it anything you want)"
+msgstr ""
+# 47efb66b283043aa89a78ad4c6a87339
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:186
+msgid "**Destination**: (send all traffic to this route)"
+msgstr ""
+# f9dde0e9e0534954bf1da5b6bf535824
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:188
+msgid ""
+"**Interface**: ethernet1/1 (or whatever you set your public interface as)"
+msgstr ""
+# 1e8a9818e50544a19445ee39589e5215
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:191
+msgid ""
+"**Next Hop**: (specify the gateway IP for the next hop in your network)"
+msgstr ""
+# f26446d9a67c4620a0f511145ecfde2b
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:200
+msgid "Configure the default Public Subinterface"
+msgstr ""
+# 7225aebfeb604bd7ad6ffa6bd19425c3
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:202
+msgid ""
+"The current implementation of the Palo Alto Networks firewall integration "
+"uses CIDRs in the form of 'w.x.y.z/32' for the public IP addresses that "
+"CloudStack provisions.  Because no broadcast or gateway IPs are in this "
+"single IP range, there is no way for the firewall to route the traffic for "
+"these IPs.  To route the traffic for these IPs, we create a single "
+"subinterface on the public interface with an IP and a CIDR which "
+"encapsulates the CloudStack public IP range.  This IP will need to be inside"
+" the subnet defined by the CloudStack public range netmask, but outside the "
+"CloudStack public IP range.  The CIDR should reflect the same subnet defined"
+" by the CloudStack public range netmask. The name of the subinterface is "
+"determined by the VLAN configured for the public range in CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+# 3c781eec6bac4e599027b694351c3cd4
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:214
+msgid "To clarify this concept, we will use the following example."
+msgstr ""
+# 9637f4b7396f4c51983c5bf87b43e912
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:216
+msgid "**Example CloudStack Public Range Configuration**:"
+msgstr ""
+# 8a3070e081974ca68cc0375eca88007b
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:218
+msgid "**Gateway**:"
+msgstr ""
+# 9f64613849464823b633f1d16645d42e
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:220
+msgid "**Netmask**:"
+msgstr ""
+# 9330fe95cfaf44abbdb0d4f38e739dde
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:222
+msgid "**IP Range**: -"
+msgstr ""
+# 435b6fb99438485f877a6756893298bf
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:224
+msgid "**VLAN**: Untagged"
+msgstr ""
+# eb956dfff226492fa1b0806cbbf743dc
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:226
+msgid "**Configure the Public Subinterface**:"
+msgstr ""
+# 2c3eb0c3c7e642cbb78583a57bc43be3
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:232
+msgid "Select the 'ethernet1/1' line (not clicking on the name)"
+msgstr ""
+# 739221cdf0024efc9b93b1d76646825b
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:234
+msgid "Click 'Add Subinterface' at the bottom of the window"
+msgstr ""
+# 6b8490f4a2684ca8ad9814a1461edaaa
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:236
+msgid "Enter 'Interface Name': 'ethernet1/1' . '9999'"
+msgstr ""
+# fb030c9c7b044a0185fe843def4a3bb5
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:238
+msgid "9999 is used if the CloudStack public range VLAN is 'Untagged'"
+msgstr ""
+# 912e1187e17b414f9493ddb7f368b068
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:240
+msgid ""
+"If the CloudStack public range VLAN is tagged (eg: 333), then the name will "
+"reflect that tag"
+msgstr ""
+# 4472ddfa3e6f4c878a16d411cc343a7d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:243
+msgid ""
+"The 'Tag' is the VLAN tag that the traffic is sent to the next hop with, so "
+"set it accordingly.  If you are passing 'Untagged' traffic from CloudStack "
+"to your next hop, leave it blank.  If you want to pass tagged traffic from "
+"CloudStack, specify the tag."
+msgstr ""
+# f1ede2abd59c4fcc914acf233aa4b38c
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:248
+msgid ""
+"Select 'default' from the 'Config > Virtual Router' drop-down (assuming that"
+" is what your virtual router is called)"
+msgstr ""
+# 0d7f8743ae7e405c833390569c1a342c
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:251
+msgid "Click the 'IPv4' tab"
+msgstr ""
+# 93bc9ae7b5f346f99a40644725c2ebc0
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:253
+msgid "Select 'Static' from the 'Type' radio options"
+msgstr ""
+# 661bc9fb00f342d58bfd39624ff5f72a
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:255
+msgid "Click 'Add' in the 'IP' section"
+msgstr ""
+# b3482058794d4e2abb1e0a1f41bee8fa
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:257
+msgid "Enter '' in the new line"
+msgstr ""
+# 02e03b2878504ed9a7ee888b36978cd4
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:259
+msgid ""
+"The IP can be any IP outside the CloudStack public IP range, but inside the "
+"CloudStack public range netmask (it can NOT be the gateway IP)"
+msgstr ""
+# 925fe2a4b10d4cb1ab438e2de318af0a
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:262
+msgid ""
+"The subnet defined by the CIDR should match the CloudStack public range "
+msgstr ""
+# 10d6dd9ed3af49ffad4020de805389de
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:269
+msgid "Commit configuration on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# 89ac6f1b3c694a06b75008f8eec59b16
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:271
+msgid ""
+"In order for all the changes we just made to take effect, we need to commit "
+"the changes."
+msgstr ""
+# 3137cac6d6e14fc9904a5fa154e3905d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:274
+msgid "Click the 'Commit' link in the top right corner of the window"
+msgstr ""
+# f3aaf9f819ef410fba6edbc621ea6a4d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:276
+msgid "Click 'OK' in the commit window overlay"
+msgstr ""
+# 3b4acc9911434ddc83362cedcacab668
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:278
+msgid ""
+"Click 'Close' to the resulting commit status window after the commit "
+msgstr ""
+# 6bb86113a96547538dbfd01db7c9e7ae
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:284
+msgid "Setup the Palo Alto Networks Firewall in CloudStack"
+msgstr ""
+# b8515e0d94ef4d4a865f64f7bef85482
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:287
+msgid "Add the Palo Alto Networks Firewall as a Service Provider"
+msgstr ""
+# 9b19a32893484d2fac28f3558f2643b5
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:289
+msgid ""
+"Navigate to 'Infrastructure > Zones > ZONE_NAME > Physical Network > "
+"NETWORK_NAME (guest) > Configure; Network Service Providers'"
+msgstr ""
+# 9bdf06473baa43cd9c6b8cb17a6313c3
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:292
+msgid "Click on 'Palo Alto' in the list"
+msgstr ""
+# 8565a2ab22994798a9167083879136f7
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:294
+msgid "Click 'View Devices'"
+msgstr ""
+# d10162d1e53c40e6bd448e05bb8a3259
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:296
+msgid "Click 'Add Palo Alto Device'"
+msgstr ""
+# c6fcd95bacbf4675951227d95a5737fc
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:298
+msgid ""
+"Enter your configuration in the overlay.  This example will reflect the "
+"details previously used in this guide."
+msgstr ""
+# 1d34f716f84e4296a01fd3f7afde7356
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:301
+msgid "**IP Address**: (the IP of the Palo Alto Networks Firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+# add3b3461b6b48d7b74f94961a7b26e1
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:303
+msgid "**Username**: (the admin username for the firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+# 708228ac2edb498f9fd079d05a8a7511
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:305
+msgid "**Password**: (the admin password for the firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+# b2a6f266de904ebe94805b3176617484
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:307
+msgid "**Type**: Palo Alto Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# 1cc218519592430f98cc8e009d0c8f2c
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:309
+msgid ""
+"**Public Interface**: ethernet1/1 (use what you setup earlier as the public "
+"interface if it is different from my examples)"
+msgstr ""
+# 5f1c1837d4df4e65a7a8abd05abd43ce
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:312
+msgid ""
+"**Private Interface**: ethernet1/2 (use what you setup earlier as the "
+"private interface if it is different from my examples)"
+msgstr ""
+# dd40b4143070449bb34ede04b3fe467e
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:315
+msgid "**Number of Retries**: 2 (the default is fine)"
+msgstr ""
+# 1d8080f41f894087b6e0a8c4c934dfe9
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:317
+msgid "**Timeout**: 300 (the default is fine)"
+msgstr ""
+# 876888b0168e496a897f306b246db971
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:319
+msgid ""
+"**Public Network**: untrust (this is the public zone on the firewall and did"
+" not need to be configured)"
+msgstr ""
+# 920274e528a341fb8962b73ff4b77179
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:322
+msgid ""
+"**Private Network**: trust (this is the private zone on the firewall and did"
+" not need to be configured)"
+msgstr ""
+# 2072277d3e14495aa762454838f72995
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:325
+msgid ""
+"**Virtual Router**: default (this is the name of the Virtual Router we setup"
+" on the firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+# 0376444c2cbd4404ad01b614aac5c07f
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:328
+msgid ""
+"**Palo Alto Threat Profile**: (not required.  name of the 'Security Profile "
+"Groups' to apply.  more details in the 'Additional Features' section)"
+msgstr ""
+# e649ac1802774500b5003c708987fe74
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:332
+msgid ""
+"**Palo Alto Log Profile**: (not required.  name of the 'Log Forwarding' "
+"profile to apply.  more details in the 'Additional Features' section)"
+msgstr ""
+# 32094fb7d72248d28b8f84e1fd56e988
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:335
+msgid "**Capacity**: (not required)"
+msgstr ""
+# 7e33721fb17a48e2ab7aa2d1b1dc460c
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:337
+msgid "**Dedicated**: (not required)"
+msgstr ""
+# dbef98d732fc4f7fbbad776d1b61f41e
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:341
+msgid "Click on 'Palo Alto' in the breadcrumbs to go back one screen."
+msgstr ""
+# e499e22a30754ab4acfd6a779b03ea97
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:343
+msgid "Click on 'Enable Provider' |EnableDisableFeature.png|"
+msgstr ""
+# b7b0fa1a4629430b839286b55162f882
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:347
+msgid "Add a Network Service Offering to use the new Provider"
+msgstr ""
+# 1cc4ca671df7479c96ab873e7ae0cc68
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:349
+msgid ""
+"There are 6 'Supported Services' that need to be configured in the network "
+"service offering for this functionality.  They are DHCP, DNS, Firewall, "
+"Source NAT, Static NAT and Port Forwarding.  For the other settings, there "
+"are probably additional configurations which will work, but I will just "
+"document a common case."
+msgstr ""
+# f406f98a91684fd1bd4947a0b06ed1a2
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:355
+msgid "Navigate to 'Service Offerings'"
+msgstr ""
+# 942ee3b426ba4d88acfbee186446dcaf
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:357
+msgid "In the drop-down at the top, select 'Network Offerings'"
+msgstr ""
+# 6d216de0290941758439b72593f8a6c8
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:359
+msgid "Click 'Add Network Offering'"
+msgstr ""
+# da673cd57e5d4dadaaa406cb5fa5ec13
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:361
+msgid "**Name**: (name it whatever you want)"
+msgstr ""
+# a59e3d821172494d9efb8de1253d352d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:363
+msgid "**Description**: (again, can be whatever you want)"
+msgstr ""
+# bdb32fa4fdf545d2886707aa7ca1156d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:365
+msgid "**Guest Type**: Isolated"
+msgstr ""
+# ee73168cca234bf08581ec3131ec5bb8
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:367
+msgid "**Supported Services**:"
+msgstr ""
+# 320e8c3f0b9b49ac8768926d267e94d7
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:369
+msgid "**DHCP**: Provided by 'VirtualRouter'"
+msgstr ""
+# 4c6b47d1b7b34586863177a90b865d85
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:371
+msgid "**DNS**: Provided by 'VirtualRouter'"
+msgstr ""
+# 56ac8260b8a3496ca38997dfc58dae3f
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:373
+msgid "**Firewall**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+# fb63dd0553724890988f01e52cc9fb1a
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:375
+msgid "**Source NAT**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+# 4cdf39f3041d47699f285f61fcf0ac95
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:377
+msgid "**Static NAT**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+# bfbb888f85ab4e179965cac8c6d8dadb
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:379
+msgid "**Port Forwarding**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+# 88e886aff4204f32811dff6e4d8ea019
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:381
+msgid "**System Offering for Router**: System Offering For Software Router"
+msgstr ""
+# 8f0e43a7d0f34b9992263fdfdcfcd2d6
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:383
+msgid ""
+"**Supported Source NAT Type**: Per account (this is the only supported "
+msgstr ""
+# e06e5423d74c4f328eae1e741028734b
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:386
+msgid "**Default egress policy**: (both 'Allow' and 'Deny' are supported)"
+msgstr ""
+# 59c525fe149a425098205f41b21a9cf1
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:390
+msgid "Click on the newly created service offering"
+msgstr ""
+# 44fc81442fe34d68a2728f0ca0a160dc
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:392
+msgid "Click 'Enable network offering' |EnableDisableFeature.png|"
+msgstr ""
+# 934d3259e9bf44c083323e6b2f2aa9bf
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:394
+msgid ""
+"When adding networks in CloudStack, select this network offering to use the "
+"Palo Alto Networks firewall."
+msgstr ""
+# fae8d19c649e479f99c6b2edd49434eb
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:399
+msgid "Additional Features"
+msgstr ""
+# 9dc0b83948d74e16b3ad351d1210f5b5
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:401
+msgid ""
+"In addition to the standard functionality exposed by CloudStack, we have "
+"added a couple additional features to this implementation.  We did not add "
+"any new screens to CloudStack, but we have added a couple fields to the 'Add"
+" Palo Alto Service Provider' screen which will add functionality globally "
+"for the device."
+msgstr ""
+# 5af1e576fa7847f7b87eed5fe35e77b8
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:408
+msgid "Palo Alto Networks Threat Profile"
+msgstr ""
+# 9070542c237349599f645efcd8a64128
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:410
+msgid ""
+"This feature allows you to specify a 'Security Profile Group' to be applied "
+"to all of the firewall rules which are created on the Palo Alto Networks "
+"firewall device."
+msgstr ""
+# a4257973d0524640b7102968817ca7e5
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:414
+msgid ""
+"To create a 'Security Profile Group' on the Palo Alto Networks firewall, do "
+"the following:"
+msgstr ""
+# 77a31bab19cd4e55b4cc13c92cb328bb
+# 92409a68a6f345c89e059f0a26e707ee
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:417
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:446
+msgid "Log into the Palo Alto Networks firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# 2b0227f96b854d92bf96e91d9c17435c
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:419
+msgid "Navigate to 'Objects > Security Profile Groups'"
+msgstr ""
+# 2405f37aad834c34b4360f784ce6ec69
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:421
+msgid "Click 'Add' at the bottom of the page to add a new group"
+msgstr ""
+# 7e5ffff8c26545c48b07a4921ca76a52
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:423
+msgid ""
+"Give the group a Name and specify the profiles you would like to include in "
+"the group"
+msgstr ""
+# 3e3d4bfaa14c46c38499c68ce4f36095
+# 547b08aaaf164fb68c2b8f1b37d09793
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:428
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:457
+msgid ""
+"Click the 'Commit' link in the top right of the screen and follow the on "
+"screen instructions"
+msgstr ""
+# a31ebe4cd3bf4bf9b7e3fe8d35c32f63
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:431
+msgid ""
+"Once you have created a profile, you can reference it by Name in the 'Palo "
+"Alto Threat Profile' field in the 'Add the Palo Alto Networks Firewall as a "
+"Service Provider' step."
+msgstr ""
+# 735566ed2935434ea67f2e2595c3f686
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:437
+msgid "Palo Alto Networks Log Forwarding Profile"
+msgstr ""
+# c229e4bdb0c04fac952295035d8afa6b
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:439
+msgid ""
+"This feature allows you to specify a 'Log Forwarding' profile to better "
+"manage where the firewall logs are sent to.  This is helpful for keeping "
+"track of issues that can arise on the firewall."
+msgstr ""
+# 461ea8be12674fcd842217cf72c68f7f
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:443
+msgid ""
+"To create a 'Log Forwarding' profile on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall, do "
+"the following:"
+msgstr ""
+# a61142f77e8941e9b976c01cd1aa9f89
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:448
+msgid "Navigate to 'Objects > Log Forwarding'"
+msgstr ""
+# ea14dff9d3c448f0976b6aebe2d119cc
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:450
+msgid "Click 'Add' at the bottom of the page to add a new profile"
+msgstr ""
+# 1352f9adcbd94a24a5429e2ed53caa48
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:452
+msgid ""
+"Give the profile a Name and specify the details you want for the traffic and"
+" threat settings"
+msgstr ""
+# 6b304cde8312467ebef3f110a46fce1a
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:460
+msgid ""
+"Once you have created a profile, you can reference it by Name in the 'Palo "
+"Alto Log Profile' field in the 'Add the Palo Alto Networks Firewall as a "
+"Service Provider' step."
+msgstr ""
+# 7ba0d11bde5b4c3e97de4830b0aecc15
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:467
+msgid "Limitations"
+msgstr "局限性"
+# 796314d492b54823a652a3f50d430629
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:469
+msgid ""
+"The implementation currently only supports a single public IP range in "
+msgstr ""
+# c8e8545461454cb9acf0a06bf42b95c0
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:472
+msgid "Usage tracking is not yet implemented"
+msgstr ""
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37f083f
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89352a5
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 4083b4f8962d4ce2add5a637beceaf4d
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:18
+msgid "Persistent Networks"
+msgstr "持久化网络"
+# 5157cfe530594f5f954a8a8e1525ce10
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The network that you can provision without having to deploy any VMs on it is"
+" called a persistent network. A persistent network can be part of a VPC or a"
+" non-VPC environment."
+msgstr "在不部署任何VM的情况下就初始化好的网络称为持久化网络。持久化网络可以是VPC的一部分,也可以不是。"
+# 469fa7c5517f4f82b49e9015b0027b0f
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:24
+msgid ""
+"When you create other types of network, a network is only a database entry "
+"until the first VM is created on that network. When the first VM is created,"
+" a VLAN ID is assigned and the network is provisioned. Also, when the last "
+"VM is destroyed, the VLAN ID is released and the network is no longer "
+"available. With the addition of persistent network, you will have the "
+"ability to create a network in CloudStack in which physical devices can be "
+"deployed without having to run any VMs. Additionally, you can deploy "
+"physical devices on that network."
+msgstr "在您创建其它类型的网络时,在网络中第一台VM创建之前,该网络仅是数据库的一条记录。当第一个VM创建时,网络会指定一个VLAN ID并初始化。同样,当网络中最后一个VM销毁后,VLAN ID会被释放,这样该网络就不再可用。通过使用持久化网络,您就有能力在不部署VM的情况下在&PRODUCT;中创建一个网络用来部署物理设备。而且,您可以在该网络中部署物理设备。"
+# 87f88f46858c41ba96f785b7c3122342
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"One of the advantages of having a persistent network is that you can create "
+"a VPC with a tier consisting of only physical devices. For example, you "
+"might create a VPC for a three-tier application, deploy VMs for Web and "
+"Application tier, and use physical machines for the Database tier. Another "
+"use case is that if you are providing services by using physical hardware, "
+"you can define the network as persistent and therefore even if all its VMs "
+"are destroyed the services will not be discontinued."
+msgstr "使用持久化网络的一个优点是您可以创建具有一个只包含物理设备的层的VPC。例如,您可以为一个三层应用创建一个VPC,在Web层和应用层部署VM,在数据库层使用物理机器。另一个使用场景为如果您使用物理硬件提供网络服务,您可以定义网络为持久化的。这样即便网络中所有VM都销毁了,服务还可以继续提供。"
+# 68622842a6474e23b5b4ace4928a7f02
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:44
+msgid "Persistent Network Considerations"
+msgstr "持久化网络的考虑事项"
+# bd289a0ef0dc4ef1b5a6acb8b9ad0c38
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:46
+msgid "Persistent network is designed for isolated networks."
+msgstr "Persistent网络是为隔离网络而设计的。"
+# 10b2b9266df84efcb8fb9002316e3f11
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:48
+msgid "All default network offerings are non-persistent."
+msgstr "所有默认网络方案都不是持久化的。"
+# d9e8d354f6bc4b6f8194156ed112a537
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"A network offering cannot be editable because changing it affects the "
+"behavior of the existing networks that were created using this network "
+msgstr "网络方案的持久化选项不可编辑。因为修改该选项会影响使用该网络方案创建的已有网络的行为。"
+# 80b8615033b54141b06d3d7a311809bf
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"When you create a guest network, the network offering that you select "
+"defines the network persistence. This in turn depends on whether persistent "
+"network is enabled in the selected network offering."
+msgstr "当您创建客户网络时,您选择的网络方案定义了该网络的持久化。反过来,这依赖于选择的网络方案是否启用持久化网络。"
+# 5e5d6fc784af4dec8e15481000f5125f
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"An existing network can be made persistent by changing its network offering "
+"to an offering that has the Persistent option enabled. While setting this "
+"property, even if the network has no running VMs, the network is "
+msgstr "通过修改使用的网络方案为启用持久化的方案,现有网络可以变为持久化。在设置该属性时,即便网络中没有运行的VM,该网络也会初始化。"
+# 30e1aaa119a34adcb9a57e513d705745
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"An existing network can be made non-persistent by changing its network "
+"offering to an offering that has the Persistent option disabled. If the "
+"network has no running VMs, during the next network garbage collection run "
+"the network is shut down."
+msgstr "通过修改使用的网络方案为禁用持久化的方案,现有网络可以变为非持久化。如果网络中没有运行的VM,在下次网络垃圾回收运行时,该网络会被关闭。"
+# 1fafa4f8c2e8475e984703fe2e4c29ba
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:68
+msgid ""
+"When the last VM on a network is destroyed, the network garbage collector "
+"checks if the network offering associated with the network is persistent, "
+"and shuts down the network only if it is non-persistent."
+msgstr "当网络中最后一台VM销毁时,网络垃圾回收器会检查该网络的网络方案是否为持久化,若不是持久化,则会关闭网络。"
+# 6302571eba5d408687957bd3759816c3
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:75
+msgid "Creating a Persistent Guest Network"
+msgstr "创建一个Persistent客户网络"
+# c3876e9bd8d449b489101f5ac1bae458
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:77
+msgid "To create a persistent network, perform the following:"
+msgstr "要创建一个Persistent网络,请按如下操作:"
+# 99fe5f5c722844089e5bdbcdadb22fc0
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:79
+msgid "Create a network offering with the Persistent option enabled."
+msgstr "创建一个Persistent选项启用的网络方案。"
+# 16d2470643ab4777a40f35f26a9de70c
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"See `\"Creating a New Network Offering\" <networking.html#creating-a-new-"
+msgstr "请参考`\"创建一个新的网络方案\" <networking.html#creating-a-new-network-offering>`_."
+# 267c8937d18548498e620897ef0e587e
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:84
+msgid "Select Network from the left navigation pane."
+msgstr "从左边的导航栏里选择网络。"
+# bc4568a29a4149c797c11839057e9538
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:86
+msgid ""
+"Select the guest network that you want to offer this network service to."
+msgstr "选择你希望提供此网络方案服务的客户网络。"
+# ecdb6f1a35444f46acd9620f3305b060
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:89
+msgid "Click the Edit button."
+msgstr "点击编辑按钮。"
+# 5bda22ffd010416cb80b2848179d18fa
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:91
+msgid ""
+"From the Network Offering drop-down, select the persistent network offering "
+"you have just created."
+msgstr "在网络方案下拉列表里,选择你刚才创建的persistent网络方案。"
+# fd7fed942171405cb30c3ea00f4111cb
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:94
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33859a2
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 0d718ef9845940f3b45f93fdedd55a80
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:18
+msgid "Portable IPs"
+msgstr "端口IP"
+# 7dbdc94b3c7148f3a67dd212137b1b78
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:21
+msgid "About Portable IP"
+msgstr "关于端口IP"
+# a4b9041cb1da4c7c9185978b3bd46328
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:23
+msgid ""
+"Portable IPs in CloudStack are region-level pool of IPs, which are elastic "
+"in nature, that can be transferred across geographically separated zones. As"
+" an administrator, you can provision a pool of portable public IPs at region"
+" level and are available for user consumption. The users can acquire "
+"portable IPs if admin has provisioned portable IPs at the region level they "
+"are part of. These IPs can be use for any service within an advanced zone. "
+"You can also use portable IPs for EIP services in basic zones."
+msgstr "在CloudStack中,端口IP是地域级的IP地址池,其天然具有弹性,亦即可以在地理隔离的区域中进行转发。作为管理员,可以在地域级提供IP地址池供用户使用。如果在用户所属的地域,其管理员提供了端口IP,用户就可以获取此类IP。在高级区域内,这些IP可用于任一服务。也可以在基础区域中为EIP服务使用端口IP。"
+# 824ded2676d34d4b8d60fd93b08f58c8
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:32
+msgid "The salient features of Portable IP are as follows:"
+msgstr "端口IP的主要功能如下:"
+# 1f57b59fbbbd426b9b2fd6f4dffaa0d2
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:34
+msgid "IP is statically allocated"
+msgstr "IP是静态分配的。"
+# 1759d65d5ed34db283d80b85d56f486a
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:36
+msgid "IP need not be associated with a network"
+msgstr "IP与网络无关。"
+# 6826b76a9eea4332a6c068382f8b050c
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:38
+msgid "IP association is transferable across networks"
+msgstr "IP关联是可以通过网络转发的。"
+# ae7460bc9900474fbf94402165b9cb7e
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:40
+msgid "IP is transferable across both Basic and Advanced zones"
+msgstr "IP可以在基础区域和高级区域中转发。"
+# 770563314c044da6acca6641fce5f500
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:42
+msgid "IP is transferable across VPC, non-VPC isolated and shared networks"
+msgstr "IP可通过VPC,非VPC隔离和共享网络进行转发。"
+# ea55d3113555412f8f8a2bbf4f6b0846
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:44
+msgid "Portable IP transfer is available only for static NAT."
+msgstr "端口IP转发仅对静态NAT可用。"
+# 2ff5ef4c14bb4585a2e7c5c7458d25fe
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:48
+msgid "Guidelines"
+msgstr "指南"
+# 662d9610efd3460aae2192eea97c7bd6
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"Before transferring to another network, ensure that no network rules "
+"(Firewall, Static NAT, Port Forwarding, and so on) exist on that portable "
+msgstr "在转发至另一网络前,确保没有网络规则(如防火墙,静态NAT,端口转发等等)不存在于端口IP。"
+# d276865047e64a7f9cdddb63ad28d313
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:56
+msgid "Configuring Portable IPs"
+msgstr "配置端口IP"
+# b085a9f5f2ce4744b86603f26196b283
+# a28f4db3b1734d3c9f0aa6cada34dab5
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:58 ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:90
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# 2f850a50ddab404d9df06aa0338d6479
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:60
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Regions."
+msgstr "在左侧导航栏中,点击地域"
+# 316a2bbd2c69469597356b663e5135ba
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:62
+msgid "Choose the Regions that you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择拟修改的地域。"
+# c66c2dfa7575447e82396eeff33e1315
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:64
+msgid "Click View Portable IP."
+msgstr "点击查看端口IP"
+# cd5798170b724d0abe4461ee8779eded
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:66
+msgid "Click Portable IP Range."
+msgstr "点击端口IP范围"
+# 09d0a8e2201a44acbe61f89c2ebdba6b
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:68
+msgid "The Add Portable IP Range window is displayed."
+msgstr "会出现 添加端口IP范围的窗口"
+# 9c9681bfaca543f09522720f86b05c3b
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:70
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr "指定以下信息:"
+# 2832d8a453bf4a27a01dfbe6ade2c252
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"**Start IP/ End IP**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the "
+"Internet and will be allocated to guest VMs. Enter the first and last IP "
+"addresses that define a range that CloudStack can assign to guest VMs."
+msgstr "**起始IP/结束IP**: 从Internet可以访问的一个IP地址范围,将会分配给客户虚拟机。输入起始IP以及结束IP,定义CloudStack指定给客户虚拟机的IP范围。"
+# ea589b30c39d429c86fd50fe49515dd7
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:77
+msgid ""
+"**Gateway**: The gateway in use for the Portable IP addresses you are "
+msgstr "**网关**: 配置端口IP地址所使用的网关。"
+# 9d8360b75a254007b307c9ba1341550d
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:80
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask associated with the Portable IP range."
+msgstr "**掩码**: 与端口IP范围关联的掩码。"
+# 60ed534104ce48fdb9586f72c61b379f
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:82
+msgid "**VLAN**: The VLAN that will be used for public traffic."
+msgstr "**VLAN**: 公共流量拟使用的VLAN。"
+# 8615e1020e2747f0ba31cd4cb186a010
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:84
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
+# d88ec64c255243049a67ed2616530031
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:88
+msgid "Acquiring a Portable IP"
+msgstr "获取端口IP。"
+# b933b6d78fe94153a35b24d2ccfd8e06
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:92
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络。"
+# 2f46ac57574a4ff3833cd3af46386463
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:94
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击拟修改的网络名称。"
+# a7dc83315ae746af830094d45cfe7c11
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:96
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr "点击查看IP地址。"
+# 64b8eac8ac21402293c2fff5d435a7eb
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:98
+msgid "Click Acquire New IP."
+msgstr "点击获取新IP。"
+# 4a739787a6194df09e032797d1fe0911
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:100
+msgid "The Acquire New IP window is displayed."
+msgstr "获取新IP的窗口会出现。"
+# c8424da0e97a443f9d01fab04339184f
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:102
+msgid "Specify whether you want cross-zone IP or not."
+msgstr "说明是否需要IP跨区。"
+# 222f964df0914c01bf92a5a5f461d4cc
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:104
+msgid "Click Yes in the confirmation dialog."
+msgstr "在确认对话框中点击确定。"
+# 97dbf547785f4b1aaea165efca4b50a9
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:106
+msgid ""
+"Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear with the state "
+"Allocated. You can now use the IP address in port forwarding or static NAT "
+msgstr "稍等一会,新的IP地址会出现,状态栏为会显示为分配。现在可以在端口转发或静态NAT规则中使用此IP地址了。"
+# b84bba5db56047ba9dcd10cad9a14c3a
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:112
+msgid "Transferring Portable IP"
+msgstr "便携式IP"
+# f9ff7b7ea0d541a2bb6530a633a01f8b
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"An IP can be transferred from one network to another only if Static NAT is "
+"enabled. However, when a portable IP is associated with a network, you can "
+"use it for any service in the network."
+msgstr "IP要从一个网络转换至另一网络的话,只需启用静态NAT。但是,当一个portable IP对应一个网络的时候,你可以在网络中为任何服务使用它 。"
+# 2112dfc5676e4e7fbeb783e1bdbafb8d
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:118
+msgid ""
+"To transfer a portable IP across the networks, execute the following API:"
+msgstr "要跨网络转换一个portable IP,执行下列API:"
+# 794e73bb89214a29bc9257f2fc58c178
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:125
+msgid ""
+"Replace the UUID with appropriate UUID. For example, if you want to transfer"
+" a portable IP to network X and VM Y in a network, execute the following:"
+msgstr "用正确的UUID替换此处的UUID。比如,如果你想转换一个portable IP至X网络和一个网络中的VM Y,请执行下列操作:"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
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+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# e16ce84ab27a470389c600bd7f1937e6
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:18
+msgid "Reserving Public IP Addresses and VLANs for Accounts"
+msgstr "为账户预留公共IP地址及VLANS"
+# d20bf40a65964aee8e9477cfb99a8d76
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides you the ability to reserve a set of public IP addresses "
+"and VLANs exclusively for an account. During zone creation, you can continue"
+" defining a set of VLANs and multiple public IP ranges. This feature extends"
+" the functionality to enable you to dedicate a fixed set of VLANs and guest "
+"IP addresses for a tenant."
+msgstr "CloudStack可以让你能够独立的为账户预留一部分公共IP地址和VLANS。在创建区域阶段,你可以继续定义一部分VLANS以及多个公共IP范围。这种功能扩展特性可以让你能够为客户预留固定的一部分VLAN和客户IP地址"
+# e0cd381debc1495fa88b0bed963e8b16
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"Note that if an account has consumed all the VLANs and IPs dedicated to it, "
+"the account can acquire two more resources from the system. CloudStack "
+"provides the root admin with two configuration parameter to modify this "
+"default behavior: use.system.public.ips and use.system.guest.vlans. These "
+"global parameters enable the root admin to disallow an account from "
+"acquiring public IPs and guest VLANs from the system, if the account has "
+"dedicated resources and these dedicated resources have all been consumed. "
+"Both these configurations are configurable at the account level."
+msgstr "注意,如果一个账户使用了所有分配给他的VLAN和IP,这个账户可以从系统获得二个以上的资源。CloudStack为根管理员提供了二个参数可以进行控制,分别是use.system.public.ips和use.system.guest.vlans。当一个账户分配了资源并且这些资源已经被消耗掉时,这二个全局参数可以使根管理员拒绝此账户从公共IP和来宾VLAN获取资源。二个配置都能在帐户级别进行配置。"
+# baef2538501f4f729cd5b4f69fbbefaa
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:36
+msgid "This feature provides you the following capabilities:"
+msgstr "这些特性可提供以下的功能:"
+# 4e16f6283a6e4f389b44d3af88cc4364
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:38
+msgid ""
+"Reserve a VLAN range and public IP address range from an Advanced zone and "
+"assign it to an account"
+msgstr "从一个高级区域中预留一个VLAN范围和公共IP地址,并可以将其指定给一个账户。"
+# c67672fcea6c4ae69a5c3c7d8fbd6a33
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:41
+msgid "Disassociate a VLAN and public IP address range from an account"
+msgstr "将一个VLAN和IP地址从一个账户解除联系。"
+# 8451f0b840ab420cb1589fcc1572e6c0
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:43
+msgid "View the number of public IP addresses allocated to an account"
+msgstr "查看分配给帐户的公共IP地址。"
+# 2a183b234d9c44b8b99fa31594f06e38
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"Check whether the required range is available and is conforms to account "
+msgstr "检查需要的范围是否可用并且要符合帐户限制。"
+# be8cff382a7748e4a75c68c3f8aa3dd7
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:48
+msgid "The maximum IPs per account limit cannot be superseded."
+msgstr "不能超过每个账户最大的IP限制数。"
+# 17f5e888607c4537816aa2f2e8b7c363
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:52
+msgid "Dedicating IP Address Ranges to an Account"
+msgstr "分配IP地址给一个账户"
+# 5409cfc1bd6f4b41bdd23eee4d6b9396
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:54
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator."
+msgstr "作为管理员登录到CloudStack用户界面。"
+# b8615267486a44ff8ee964b26529f16d
+# ba51a55851504a869dc0f28d293993ad
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:56
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:126
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure."
+msgstr "在左侧导航栏中,点击基础架构"
+# b1c57a90f0c843c4906f95e699dd7d13
+# 2a38ee721dc8442f850ff993fa52de59
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:58
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:128
+msgid "In Zones, click View All."
+msgstr "在区域中,点击查看全部"
+# defb870416a14ff0a7ea37bf68b8e890
+# 207025dba9b843299213868bf721e0d2
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:60
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:130
+msgid "Choose the zone you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择你要设置的区域。"
+# 04eaa49757a64adf830002153cf8db20
+# cea8888967a844ccbb283c973f4b9482
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:62
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:132
+msgid "Click the Physical Network tab."
+msgstr "点击物理网络标签卡。"
+# fd016a6c74fa4aceb46c592a01f82621
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:64
+msgid "In the Public node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr "在图的公共节点上,点击配置。"
+# abe4deb76feb40fd9fa6dd1461e1dec3
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:66
+msgid "Click the IP Ranges tab."
+msgstr "点击IP范围页签。"
+# 3686de2bd0e24c578fb64abcd3b86fbc
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:68
+msgid ""
+"You can either assign an existing IP range to an account, or create a new IP"
+" range and assign to an account."
+msgstr "或者指定一个已经的IP范围给帐户,或创建一个新的IP范围并指定给一个帐户。"
+# 90bc5a3040c541cb95831323867cee7d
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:71
+msgid "To assign an existing IP range to an account, perform the following:"
+msgstr "要指定一个已有IP范围给帐户,按以下操作进行"
+# 196250a3ddc54abc978d437ea8ba3f96
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:73
+msgid "Locate the IP range you want to work with."
+msgstr "确定需要分配的IP范围"
+# 0a707d3297ad4ccfa38f80baa7690816
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:75
+msgid "Click Add Account |addAccount-icon.png| button."
+msgstr "点击添加帐户按钮。|addAccount-icon.png| "
+# 3aaf2af3bb8f4c9485ae2e0ada7aee73
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:77
+msgid "The Add Account dialog is displayed."
+msgstr "会弹出添加帐户对话框。"
+# b99e236f412f4946af47669c8d62396e
+# eedc80b2aa5c4c8696da4d4b51a28179
+# 39b98908344542aeb2e40bdbf9550571
+# f6dc925b4c634b9fa0523254d12380bb
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:79
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:89
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:107
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:142
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr "指定以下信息:"
+# 64e4bf3c9f034ef4adb32087be1bc7aa
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"**Account**: The account to which you want to assign the IP address range."
+msgstr "**帐户**: 即需要指定IP地址范围的帐户"
+# d15ca620e8154bf9ad213a256496e6e0
+# 09ac68b8a6f24e84b36a726d6058809b
+# f8da528d9cdd447fb262d7ca5542308f
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:84
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:112
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:150
+msgid "**Domain**: The domain associated with the account."
+msgstr "**域**: 与帐户关联的域名"
+# 06d6686b378e4a22a762e94353aee862
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:86
+msgid "To create a new IP range and assign an account, perform the following:"
+msgstr "要指定一个新的IP范围给帐户,按以下操作进行"
+# dd52a8808d1b44e7ba133f213439d71d
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:91
+msgid "**Gateway**"
+msgstr "**网关**"
+# 781ca41349a949cca28101dfea1676d5
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:93
+msgid "**Netmask**"
+msgstr "**掩码**"
+# 1b745bfb0a6443e1a0f947860308e044
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:95
+msgid "**VLAN**"
+msgstr "**VLAN**"
+# 9526ce220e2941459d408f259d6e9b30
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:97
+msgid "**Start IP**"
+msgstr "**起始IP**"
+# a55c7588b51f4a84afa7fa78fc58ed5e
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:99
+msgid "**End IP**"
+msgstr "**结束IP**"
+# 9282436854274ee485b8c2df6ba7f342
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:101
+msgid "**Account**: Perform the following:"
+msgstr "**帐户**: 按以下操作进行:"
+# 678fa43c9d524b8fbb3ca453d599d6f1
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:103
+msgid "Click Account."
+msgstr "点击帐户"
+# 58e785cf6c3f4544af852a60e9ff4639
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:105
+msgid "The Add Account page is displayed."
+msgstr "会显示添加帐户页"
+# c1b6c5a339b940b7907cfc3fd14b35d6
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:109
+msgid ""
+"**Account**: The account to which you want to assign an IP address range."
+msgstr ""
+# e54b45158ec1469392091a64574cbb55
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:115
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
+# cbf3d4473399404684b33c48a92e0148
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:117
+msgid "Click Add."
+msgstr "点击 添加"
+# 8d933442217c4288b95b7ed71f57b95f
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:121
+msgid "Dedicating VLAN Ranges to an Account"
+msgstr "确定需要分配的IP范围"
+# d7e1ce8c0be24d57b606cd1a7b4ac29e
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:123
+msgid ""
+"After the CloudStack Management Server is installed, log in to the "
+"CloudStack UI as administrator."
+msgstr "安装好CloudStack管理端后,使用管理员帐号登录CloudStack用户界面。"
+# 68317dc975da4182878b75c19ec73b1e
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:134
+msgid "In the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr "在图中的来宾节点上,点击配置"
+# de0ffdc9f48d4d068a50a53f85c49cea
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:136
+msgid "Select the Dedicated VLAN Ranges tab."
+msgstr "选择分配VLAN范围页签"
+# d7319cdb148746849dba29b0a020ce01
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:138
+msgid "Click Dedicate VLAN Range."
+msgstr "点击分配VLAN范围"
+# 6037b47944d9429aad5df0dd7981dace
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:140
+msgid "The Dedicate VLAN Range dialog is displayed."
+msgstr "会弹出分配VLAN对话框。"
+# 564cf1e324b54969924910efd7c3f00b
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:144
+msgid "**VLAN Range**: The VLAN range that you want to assign to an account."
+msgstr ""
+# b2c4b566d49c4a3b99b3268f4e867233
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:147
+msgid ""
+"**Account**: The account to which you want to assign the selected VLAN "
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/releasing_an_ip_address.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/releasing_an_ip_address.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0ee7f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/releasing_an_ip_address.po
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# c50d06f60c5d483ba5f4799c50384e9c
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:18
+msgid "Releasing an IP Address"
+msgstr "释放IP地址"
+# 3a245bdefb444425ad5f7bd6a1ea5de2
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"When the last rule for an IP address is removed, you can release that IP "
+"address. The IP address still belongs to the VPC; however, it can be picked "
+"up for any guest network again."
+msgstr "当IP的最后一条规则删除后,您就能够释放该IP。然而,该IP仍属于VPC,无论如何,该IP可以再次被VPC中的来宾网络再次获取。"
+# 99e24197740148e683aa3ffad5870800
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:24
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# da80f79b21a846878018930987c87ffd
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:26
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络。"
+# 24863c020eb04ba9808fc2e0f24e0760
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:28
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击拟修改的网络名称。"
+# 1e70144ba5394954a2c92850335b7555
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:30
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr "点击查看IP地址。"
+# 3f542514484849b1bfde31aa95ec3a25
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:32
+msgid "Click the IP address you want to release."
+msgstr "点击要释放的IP地址。"
+# 7851cee0ec9c4ea3a8d5309aa5f84d40
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:34
+msgid "Click the Release IP button. |ReleaseIPButton.png|"
+msgstr "Click the Release IP button. |ReleaseIPButton.png|"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f16bc24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/remote_access_vpn.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/remote_access_vpn.po
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index 0000000..d6fc91e
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@@ -0,0 +1,1199 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 037fa60a2e2f4601bf22e714a97fe0fd
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:18
+msgid "Remote Access VPN"
+msgstr "远程访问VPN"
+# 8202b8f150584992995c6c6f69a2c907
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack account owners can create virtual private networks (VPN) to "
+"access their virtual machines. If the guest network is instantiated from a "
+"network offering that offers the Remote Access VPN service, the virtual "
+"router (based on the System VM) is used to provide the service. CloudStack "
+"provides a L2TP-over-IPsec-based remote access VPN service to guest virtual "
+"networks. Since each network gets its own virtual router, VPNs are not "
+"shared across the networks. VPN clients native to Windows, Mac OS X and iOS "
+"can be used to connect to the guest networks. The account owner can create "
+"and manage users for their VPN. CloudStack does not use its account database"
+" for this purpose but uses a separate table. The VPN user database is shared"
+" across all the VPNs created by the account owner. All VPN users get access "
+"to all VPNs created by the account owner."
+msgstr "CloudStack中的账户拥有者可以建立虚拟专用网(VPN)以便访问他们的虚拟机。如果通过网络方案对来宾网络提供远程VPN访问服务的实例化,虚拟路由(基于System VM)将被用于提供服务。CloudStack为来宾虚拟网络提供了一个基于L2TP-over-IPsec-based协议的远程VPN访问服务。因为每个网络有它自己的虚拟路由器,VPNs不能跨网络共享。Windows, Mac OS X和iOS自带的VPN客户端可以用于访问来宾网络。账户拥有者可以建立并管理他们的VPN用户。CloudStack并不为此使用自己的账户数据库,而是使用一个独立的表。VPN用户数据库在同一个账户拥有者建立的VPN网络中被共享。 也就是说,同一个账户拥有者创建的所有VPN可以被它的所有VPN用户访问。"
+# a8a54e6134ab4ebaae71aeb42d0ad32b
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:35
+msgid ""
+"Make sure that not all traffic goes through the VPN. That is, the route "
+"installed by the VPN should be only for the guest network and not for all "
+msgstr "确保不是所有的网络流量走VPN。也就是说,用于配置VPN的route不是唯一用于该guest network,也不承担全部的网络流量。"
+# a107bc4ab6624b839681adafc00d60e1
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"**Road Warrior / Remote Access**. Users want to be able to connect securely "
+"from a home or office to a private network in the cloud. Typically, the IP "
+"address of the connecting client is dynamic and cannot be preconfigured on "
+"the VPN server."
+msgstr "**公路勇士/远程访问**. .用户希望可以安全地从家里或者办公室连接到云里的一个 私有网络。特别是连接的客户端的IP地址是动态决定的,不能预先配置到VPN 服务器上。"
+# 7b5e742bfe7f429794320cf1c32ffdfc
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:44
+msgid ""
+"**Site to Site**. In this scenario, two private subnets are connected over "
+"the public Internet with a secure VPN tunnel. The cloud user's subnet (for "
+"example, an office network) is connected through a gateway to the network in"
+" the cloud. The address of the user's gateway must be preconfigured on the "
+"VPN server in the cloud. Note that although L2TP-over-IPsec can be used to "
+"set up Site-to-Site VPNs, this is not the primary intent of this feature. "
+"For more information, see \":ref:`setting-s2s-vpn-conn`\"."
+msgstr "**Site to Site 站点到站点**。在这个场景中,两个私有子网通过公共互联网上的一个安全VPN隧道互联。云用户的子网 (例如:办公室的网络)通过一个网关连接到云中的网络。用户的网关地址必须被预先配置到云的VPN服务器上。注意:通过 L2TP-over-IPsec 协议可以用来配置站点到站点的 VPN,虽然这不是该特性的最初目标。更多信息,参考\":ref:`setting-s2s-vpn-conn`\"。"
+# 3411c8387ca84f18bd032795907f4585
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:55
+msgid "Configuring Remote Access VPN"
+msgstr "配置远程访问VPN"
+# b5e1d88079c447ba9d2baa0e3f5cf685
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:57
+msgid "To set up VPN for the cloud:"
+msgstr "为云设置VPN:"
+# 85153916f2a94aeb80faa2c9f22cfcea
+# e7cff502f3494c00b665a1b732e05fb1
+# 7fd5ac75573d435b8c164435b6b50404
+# ab1f2323529a48e8a071e9baa44284e3
+# 6dfbddbad973426b8d6704da05fb2166
+# ce7c03a477b84c029914728fac5f85d5
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:59
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:301
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:411
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:431
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:493
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:624
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# ef4d98e4df0149d797b4aebfc0dbdc03
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:61
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Global Settings."
+msgstr "在左侧导航栏,点击 全局设置"
+# 6915f23eef3f4ddfaf19ba566058535d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:63
+msgid "Set the following global configuration parameters."
+msgstr "设置以下全局配置参数。"
+# b46467b5e34e436389d14380f0094d63
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:65
+msgid ""
+"remote.access.vpn.client.ip.range - The range of IP addresses to be "
+"allocated to remote access VPN clients. The first IP in the range is used by"
+" the VPN server."
+msgstr "remote.access.vpn.client.ip.range – 分配给远程访问VPN客户端的IP地址范围。第一个IP被VPN服务器使用。"
+# ad4d961d0bf3453ebc21a59b09ad0207
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:69
+msgid "remote.access.vpn.psk.length - Length of the IPSec key."
+msgstr "remote.access.vpn.psk.length – IPsec密钥长度。"
+# a89aef80d75a49a9bf21eed458b3a570
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:71
+msgid ""
+"remote.access.vpn.user.limit - Maximum number of VPN users per account."
+msgstr "remote.access.vpn.user.limit – 单个账户的最大VPN用户数量。"
+# 115f9b2e63704bd7b8d0880401243098
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:74
+msgid "To enable VPN for a particular network:"
+msgstr "为特定的网络启用VPN:"
+# 1cbcce1e10884bc0906f10625b02b967
+# d3065ab6ac634b4ab6d37d5cc5f6b0f8
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:76
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:101
+msgid "Log in as a user or administrator to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr "使用用户或管理员身份登录到CloudStack用户界面。"
+# 911488c63a744096b46e3c6ffffb13be
+# d221bc15811f454fbe75a5f60599eddf
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:78
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:103
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Network."
+msgstr "在左边导航栏,点击网络。"
+# 6c20446c6a1442f5997a8515ffe0e2b7
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:80
+msgid "Click the name of the network you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择你要操作的网络名称"
+# a23f38b6e2c8464bb754dcb7965bd45e
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:82
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr "点击查看IP地址。"
+# ddf12be035374568a290af5640b40e74
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:84
+msgid "Click one of the displayed IP address names."
+msgstr "点击一个显示的IP地址名称。"
+# 41e32709f78944188aa733087e185747
+# 29b34df35b844a28a5c4da345fb4deca
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:86
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:140
+msgid "Click the Enable VPN button. |vpn-icon.png|"
+msgstr "点击启用VPN按钮。|vpn-icon.png|"
+# 2721223cf47046fa977985536715b7f7
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:88
+msgid "The IPsec key is displayed in a popup window."
+msgstr "IPsec密钥将显示在弹出的窗口中。"
+# 4837a25ffda64a66818f80b1160c7cd2
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:92
+msgid "Configuring Remote Access VPN in VPC"
+msgstr "为VPC配置远程访问VPN"
+# c157c1f5cdd34780971c2d08fa7c492c
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:94
+msgid ""
+"On enabling Remote Access VPN on a VPC, any VPN client present outside the "
+"VPC can access VMs present in the VPC by using the Remote VPN connection. "
+"The VPN client can be present anywhere except inside the VPC on which the "
+"user enabled the Remote Access VPN service."
+msgstr "在VPC中启用远程访问VPN,任何VPC以外的VPN客户端都可以使用远程VPN连接访问VPC中的VM。VPN客户端可以在除了用户启用了远程访问VPN服务的VPC中的任何位置。"
+# 5254f550923d4da39985b04b9a5b5054
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:99
+msgid "To enable VPN for a VPC:"
+msgstr "为VPC开启VPN:"
+# 12f54511f47d449693acfea97e8d4600
+# 435bbd53f5414d84ba589387bf3fdce6
+# b89124caf1504a709e89424403a433ed
+# 7f0dcc6104d34e828aed248a3d1e5382
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:105
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:435
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:497
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:628
+msgid "In the Select view, select VPC."
+msgstr "在选择视图中,选择VPC。"
+# 7febfd652a0f4a4a9e44f110742bf34a
+# f923f2ca6046405ab0c396e3ca9d07ec
+# 07d5aa607fb94d8b9968b055618eea1c
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:107
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:437
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:630
+msgid ""
+"All the VPCs that you have created for the account is listed in the page."
+msgstr "此帐号创建的所有VPC将显示在页面中。"
+# 9c932fa1898c4fef97f99b0535e90a08
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:110
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC."
+msgstr "点击VPC的配置按钮。"
+# 83859c50046f48e4b614cd9f79148c16
+# 15f6f70e22df4f90868d62f6c93d09f7
+# 22a5c413786843acb09faad526a6e8e0
+# b4e49b76aea54ad6a1b5116db84dd6d6
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:112
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:446
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:509
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:641
+msgid "For each tier, the following options are displayed:"
+msgstr "对于每一个层,会显示以下选项。"
+# f709cfb9270544caa350d3649e206913
+# 1e135a9023a3449996277c5654e0ffe8
+# 36d751e518594344814cd905fce95167
+# 5f29611ae8024e66a507590e86ca1301
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:114
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:448
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:511
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:643
+msgid "Internal LB"
+msgstr "内部LB"
+# 38b29ff504c24ecc8d7d54f35ab29998
+# d744448419454b5ba7aae6c638c1f8fd
+# 7e6e21ff676c435d902e75134d2341e5
+# b7dd123eea7d460aa99844bad34e0f91
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:116
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:450
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:513
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:645
+msgid "Public LB IP"
+msgstr "公共LB IP"
+# 74d00e17afdf47d8a79f5c8f0a90a214
+# 404668f335f04d41947db0129e79e65f
+# bee509b27e7c4c9985f5bd7c9169ecaf
+# 7f14717fbb6e471c9e00e2f7622cfa7b
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:118
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:452
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:515
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:647
+msgid "Static NAT"
+msgstr "静态 NAT"
+# 6fd6582e4c7d47019c91a20d69646e3a
+# e333c5792fca4359b9348192f5918984
+# bdf83d752fbc42ef93ab96051cdf7700
+# 30265536e81c46c2879ee0cca63d1297
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:120
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:454
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:517
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:649
+msgid "Virtual Machines"
+msgstr "虚拟机"
+# 8696dd08ef2d4b6a816ecd0095cdf602
+# f1f39145e71e46b09b4c26ce0175e5b8
+# fe3c8f334ef04b4aa83e3850c9666137
+# 54ff7edf855e482da2b26688c543effe
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:122
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:456
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:519
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:651
+msgid "CIDR"
+msgstr "CIDR"
+# 1bd24a8501fd4efd8cd4d0eba492ce37
+# e7a3e4a10b2e484f8b311cdb938a0e47
+# 95e13a760c004dc9a119ddf73d83d0fa
+# 5605be5958c24cb5a0f534dbdecdfa40
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:124
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:458
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:521
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:653
+msgid "The following router information is displayed:"
+msgstr "显示以下路由器信息:"
+# 8d80f7dd9bcc41f38e801ab022f3fa7d
+# 5c726601395a427e9f541bf544194e40
+# 8b623ab0e8764c58bad6a828685b3cce
+# 71bcceb5de54474b88583e11b88f962e
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:126
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:460
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:523
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:655
+msgid "Private Gateways"
+msgstr "专用网关"
+# 0b3d0e7c6eac4b83b9912d3af84c76b3
+# 582728e1b1c043f0bde4a3c35e0ebaba
+# df66b830cc464227ab4da8790a6275bf
+# 4055bdef61d847dc91261a6fc6346d1d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:128
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:462
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:525
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:657
+msgid "Public IP Addresses"
+msgstr "公共IP地址"
+# 9ce2994577cc43f9bd1f86225e23149e
+# fbf89a2ae9534ea18fb4673230aa75fb
+# 0720a5b1037e49ffbf44a70beacd5c9b
+# 3ade6e74142f446c9bea2329e2828be8
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:130
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:464
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:527
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:659
+msgid "Site-to-Site VPNs"
+msgstr "站点到站点 VPN"
+# 8c10e84bb92143eb918356bda1b0e7e5
+# 376033730f8d4e0b88fc25e1b6fdea80
+# a7e9c55327984532a4460a2b4ba05bb4
+# cd29b4ee7b0c4da0aec784bb04dce7e6
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:132
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:466
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:529
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:661
+msgid "Network ACL Lists"
+msgstr "网络 ACL列表"
+# c45c88d1e8af4023bd23142b7397edd5
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:134
+msgid "In the Router node, select Public IP Addresses."
+msgstr "在路由器节点中,选择公共IP地址。"
+# 2334ea7959384b2bbf5138eb8c7aaf78
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:136
+msgid "The IP Addresses page is displayed."
+msgstr "系统显示IP地址页面。"
+# 31440b2a6daa47d2a5ff458a51ca81cc
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:138
+msgid "Click Source NAT IP address."
+msgstr "点击源NAT IP地址。"
+# 8cf058b60a184e129abe4d2bc8ade840
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:142
+msgid "Click OK to confirm. The IPsec key is displayed in a pop-up window."
+msgstr "点击OK确认。IPsec密钥将显示在弹出的窗口中。"
+# 36c398fbda5b45599ac36f3b5b77e97d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:144
+msgid "Now, you need to add the VPN users."
+msgstr "现在,需要添加VPN用户。"
+# a6d5430b813547dabde217104eba046a
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:146
+msgid "Click the Source NAT IP."
+msgstr "点击源NAT IP。"
+# 88ac91cdca464aa8a924d7cbca73f3df
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:148
+msgid "Select the VPN tab."
+msgstr "选择VPN选项卡。"
+# 76a034604e9a4113a46051cde33b0cd8
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:150
+msgid ""
+"Add the username and the corresponding password of the user you wanted to "
+msgstr "为你要创建的用户添加用户名和对应的密码。"
+# f388fc2f4f0749f5bbb9e062d57f1137
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:153
+msgid "Click Add."
+msgstr "点击 添加"
+# c491f786e1874564b25032b670c35f98
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:155
+msgid "Repeat the same steps to add the VPN users."
+msgstr "重复相同的步骤添加VPN用户。"
+# d3c8df533b2c4e659158e77c8669a813
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:159
+msgid "Using Remote Access VPN with Windows"
+msgstr "在Windows系统中使用远程访问VPN"
+# d03485e36a8744758782e81ab88041d1
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:161
+msgid ""
+"The procedure to use VPN varies by Windows version. Generally, the user must"
+" edit the VPN properties and make sure that the default route is not the "
+"VPN. The following steps are for Windows L2TP clients on Windows Vista. The "
+"commands should be similar for other Windows versions."
+msgstr "程序使用不同Windows版本的VPN。通常用户必须编辑VPN属性并确保不使用VPN的默认路由。以下步骤使用基于Windows Vista的Windows L2TP客户端。命令应该类似于其他版本的Windows。"
+# 98196e5429de407da75adf5f3ce7cf8d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:166
+msgid ""
+"Log in to the CloudStack UI and click on the source NAT IP for the account. "
+"The VPN tab should display the IPsec preshared key. Make a note of this and "
+"the source NAT IP. The UI also lists one or more users and their passwords. "
+"Choose one of these users, or, if none exists, add a user and password."
+msgstr "登录到CloudStack用户界面并点击账户下的源NAT IP。VPN选项卡应该会显示IPsec预共享密钥。记录该密钥和源NAT IP。用户界面同样也列出了一个多或多个用户他们的密码。选择一个用户,或者如果不存在任何用户,则创建一个用户。"
+# 6a896fa8431d479195d161efebf56672
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:172
+msgid ""
+"On the Windows box, go to Control Panel, then select Network and Sharing "
+"center. Click Setup a connection or network."
+msgstr "在Windows中,进入控制面板,然后选择网络和共享中心,点击设置一个网络连接。"
+# 8e983aa928b444228e689749e8fc0801
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:175
+msgid "In the next dialog, select No, create a new connection."
+msgstr "在下一个对话框中,选择否,创建一个新的连接。"
+# 98f484c7652c45d2ae57690d719610ed
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:177
+msgid "In the next dialog, select Use my Internet Connection (VPN)."
+msgstr "在下一个对话框中,选择使用我的Internet连接(VPN)."
+# 784c5c041ba94caea475a667add0adcd
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:179
+msgid ""
+"In the next dialog, enter the source NAT IP from step #1 and give the "
+"connection a name. Check Don't connect now."
+msgstr "在下一个对话框中,输入此步骤#1中的源NAT IP地址并填写连接名称。勾选现在不连接。"
+# 41d1540c0a7d401a9c549bd5304f18ce
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:183
+msgid ""
+"In the next dialog, enter the user name and password selected in step #1."
+msgstr "在下一个对话框中,输入此步骤#1中的用户名和密码。"
+# 3cbbd674fd8d412c90bfbbeb8f607ea0
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:186
+msgid "Click Create."
+msgstr "点击创建。"
+# 85a9ef6f201e47f584255229980b3d87
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:188
+msgid ""
+"Go back to the Control Panel and click Network Connections to see the new "
+"connection. The connection is not active yet."
+msgstr "返回控制面板并点击网络连接查看这个新的连接。但当前连接并不是活动状态。"
+# 1d169d66dd744654bd8ea7dd62a677a6
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:191
+msgid ""
+"Right-click the new connection and select Properties. In the Properties "
+"dialog, select the Networking tab."
+msgstr "在新创建的连接上点击右键并选择属性。在属性对话框中,选择网络选项卡。"
+# a191730de1684f06a3d729e5cde2e487
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:196
+msgid ""
+"In Type of VPN, choose L2TP IPsec VPN, then click IPsec settings. Select Use"
+" preshared key. Enter the preshared key from step #1."
+msgstr "在VPN类型中,选择L2TP IPsec VPN,然后点击IPsec设置,选择用户预共享密钥。并输入此步骤#1中提供的密钥。"
+# 343858b6c3e5498fad0bd34b503e792d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:199
+msgid ""
+"The connection is ready for activation. Go back to Control Panel -> Network "
+"Connections and double-click the created connection."
+msgstr "该连接已经准备好被激活。返回到控制面板 -> 网络连接,双击创建连接。"
+# e60c05ee4aef40d38a3a0b01aade9b5e
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:202
+msgid "Enter the user name and password from step #1."
+msgstr "输入此步骤 #1中提供的用户名和密码。"
+# d1cfefca174a4554a0c4170ec0c49f9b
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:206
+msgid "Using Remote Access VPN with Mac OS X"
+msgstr "在Mac OS X 中使用远程访问VPN"
+# 728cc61e43c440459c1ad6252a2f6b97
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:208
+msgid ""
+"First, be sure you've configured the VPN settings in your CloudStack "
+"install. This section is only concerned with connecting via Mac OS X to your"
+" VPN."
+msgstr "首先,确保在你的CloudStack中已经设置好VPN。本章节仅涉及通过Mac OS X 连接至VPN。"
+# b3185af9f4534991ad3e3e5b66f47da2
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:212
+msgid ""
+"Note, these instructions were written on Mac OS X 10.7.5. They may differ "
+"slightly in older or newer releases of Mac OS X."
+msgstr "请注意,此指南只基于Mac OS X 10.7.5 。在旧版或新版本的Mac OS X中可能会略有不同。"
+# 6f2aaf1e33d6421db0f521c5820d02c8
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:215
+msgid "On your Mac, open System Preferences and click Network."
+msgstr "在Mac中,打开系统偏好设置然后点击网络。"
+# 26e7088ea9494f94922f1a8f5e0ad753
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:217
+msgid "Make sure Send all traffic over VPN connection is not checked."
+msgstr "确保Send all traffic over VPN connection没有被选定。"
+# 8e0600ca2c9546a2b3905659b64a835b
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:219
+msgid ""
+"If your preferences are locked, you'll need to click the lock in the bottom "
+"left-hand corner to make any changes and provide your administrator "
+msgstr "如果你的首选项框被锁住,你如果要做些改动需要点击底部左侧的锁按钮,并提供管理员认证。"
+# da1ba33a066b4415a728d14ab936780c
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:223
+msgid ""
+"You will need to create a new network entry. Click the plus icon on the "
+"bottom left-hand side and you'll see a dialog that says \"Select the "
+"interface and enter a name for the new service.\" Select VPN from the "
+"Interface drop-down menu, and \"L2TP over IPSec\" for the VPN Type. Enter "
+"whatever you like within the \"Service Name\" field."
+msgstr "您将需要创建一个新的网络入口。点击底部左侧的加号图标,你会看到一个对话框,写着“选择接口并输入新服务的名称”。在接口下拉菜单中选择VPN,VPN类型为“基于IPSec的L2TP”。在“服务名称”中输入任何你喜欢的字段。"
+# b96bb5f3c9534d3384752b6c652405b5
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:229
+msgid ""
+"You'll now have a new network interface with the name of whatever you put in"
+" the \"Service Name\" field. For the purposes of this example, we'll assume "
+"you've named it \"CloudStack.\" Click on that interface and provide the IP "
+"address of the interface for your VPN under the Server Address field, and "
+"the user name for your VPN under Account Name."
+msgstr "现在你需要在\"Service Name\" 中填入新的网络接口的名称。对于这个例子,我们假设你已经把它命名为“CloudStack”。点击该接口,并在服务器地址字段中填入提供的VPN IP地址,并在账户名称中填入您的VPN用户名。"
+# db5b3b2b72e449368be600488d32a212
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:236
+msgid ""
+"Click Authentication Settings, and add the user's password under User "
+"Authentication and enter the pre-shared IPSec key in the Shared Secret field"
+" under Machine Authentication. Click OK."
+msgstr "点击身份验证设置,在机器验证中,用户身份验证下输入用户名和密码,在共享密钥下输入预共享IPsec密钥。点击OK。"
+# 79ff11baad9844c9a7bb84f19aac4703
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:240
+msgid ""
+"You may also want to click the \"Show VPN status in menu bar\" but that's "
+"entirely optional."
+msgstr "你也可以点击\"在菜单栏中查看VPN状态\",这完全是可选的操作。"
+# 74b926642e7d49ca925804a4d6d99abc
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:243
+msgid "Now click \"Connect\" and you will be connected to the CloudStack VPN."
+msgstr "现在点击\"连接\" 你将会连接到CloudStack VPN。"
+# fb0aef197790435d95971b0006f98a9d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:249
+msgid "Setting Up a Site-to-Site VPN Connection"
+msgstr "配置站点到站点的VPN连接"
+# b113a5a8546b4ce8b1a7507f2b860ad7
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:251
+msgid ""
+"A Site-to-Site VPN connection helps you establish a secure connection from "
+"an enterprise datacenter to the cloud infrastructure. This allows users to "
+"access the guest VMs by establishing a VPN connection to the virtual router "
+"of the account from a device in the datacenter of the enterprise. You can "
+"also establish a secure connection between two VPC setups or high "
+"availability zones in your environment. Having this facility eliminates the "
+"need to establish VPN connections to individual VMs."
+msgstr "一个站点到站点的VPN连接可以帮助你建立从云基础架构到企业内部数据中心的安全连接.这就允许一个账户从企业内部数据中心的设备连接到此账户启用VPN连接的虚拟路由器上, 从而通过VPN连接到该账户的虚拟机.你也可以在两个VPC之间或是高可用区域之间建立VPC以加强安全。这样一来,就不需要在虚拟机之间建立VPN连接的必要了。"
+# ec0ce935716740158c031ebf544b7294
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:260
+msgid ""
+"The difference from Remote VPN is that Site-to-site VPNs connects entire "
+"networks to each other, for example, connecting a branch office network to a"
+" company headquarters network. In a site-to-site VPN, hosts do not have VPN "
+"client software; they send and receive normal TCP/IP traffic through a VPN "
+msgstr "与Remote VPN不同,Site-to-site VPNs是将两个网络相互连接。比如,将一个分支办公室的网络与总公司网络互联,Site-to-site VPN的两个主机不需要VPN客户端软件,它们通过VPN网关收发普通的TCP/IP数据包流量 。"
+# 79120b77963b4f77afa51573e6ad1ca7
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:266
+msgid "The supported endpoints on the remote datacenters are:"
+msgstr "目前支持的数据中心的终端设备是:"
+# 34aba4dd56884ad3871e85272aab2acf
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:268
+msgid "Cisco ISR with IOS 12.4 or later"
+msgstr "Cisco ISR IOS 12.4或更新"
+# 95978dcfdbf34c2886952ee16cb6e16d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:270
+msgid "Juniper J-Series routers with JunOS 9.5 or later"
+msgstr "Juniper J-系统 路由器  JunOS 9.5 或更新版本"
+# 272a2a827c494e90a6b2d52dc96b7f0b
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:272
+msgid "CloudStack virtual routers"
+msgstr "CloudStack虚拟路由器。"
+# 8c16297c0eab4c72b6a2a29b0f4866d1
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:275
+msgid ""
+"In addition to the specific Cisco and Juniper devices listed above, the "
+"expectation is that any Cisco or Juniper device running on the supported "
+"operating systems are able to establish VPN connections."
+msgstr "除了上述指定的Cisco和Juniper设备, 所期望的是任何Cisco或Juniper的设备在支持的操作系统上都可以建立VPN连接."
+# eb701cb20d40405b9ca1d79ce15b681f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:279
+msgid "To set up a Site-to-Site VPN connection, perform the following:"
+msgstr "为了建立站点到站点的VPN连接, 需要执行以下步骤:"
+# b5f397a7a64b47168a74fb1618810e5c
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:281
+msgid "Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)."
+msgstr "创建一个虚拟私有云(VPC)."
+# 1d44be641cf042b99841b146bb055956
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:283
+msgid "See \":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+msgstr "参考\":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+# f1ff67e23d7d4eaeb81c1b5686399942
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:285
+msgid "Create a VPN Customer Gateway."
+msgstr "创建一个VPN客户网关."
+# e3425171b9504f5b958d0802ca1a55ce
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:287
+msgid "Create a VPN gateway for the VPC that you created."
+msgstr "为你创建的VPC设定一个VPN网关."
+# 6d0964544a6944f39ec8eafdaf587428
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:289
+msgid ""
+"Create VPN connection from the VPC VPN gateway to the customer VPN gateway."
+msgstr "从VPC的VPN网关到客户的VPN网关建立VPN连接."
+# 3d85874020904fbdb261885b5e2f05ce
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:294
+msgid "Creating and Updating a VPN Customer Gateway"
+msgstr "创建和更新一个VPN客户网关."
+# 9b0857af13544aaebee5984422c93195
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:297
+msgid ""
+"A VPN customer gateway can be connected to only one VPN gateway at a time."
+msgstr "一个VPN客户网关在同一时间只能连接一个VPN网关。"
+# 1a951a0ee8d54164b9b99ff9cd080e58
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:299
+msgid "To add a VPN Customer Gateway:"
+msgstr "添加 VPN 客户网关"
+# 6a26e636eb224d1eb75c9782de7c830d
+# affc98b5cd4b401086e5e00f9e69ac90
+# 23c81aa674f64826830390c49839730c
+# 98dc2f6f69d341b0b1867f35102e20ff
+# d4efd83e728b439eaa8408bd783d0c11
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:303
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:413
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:433
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:495
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:626
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络。"
+# b0e99af0f0014e1aa156dd7f2644f23a
+# cf4e8a6aa8be4c3e9c92bd5f84e9b571
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:305
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:415
+msgid "In the Select view, select VPN Customer Gateway."
+msgstr "在选择视图里,选择VPN客户网关。"
+# 51d8e12e75dd47e4b2d4a9c52da89be9
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:307
+msgid "Click Add VPN Customer Gateway."
+msgstr "点击添加 VPN 客户网关。"
+# e72b7822c85649f99f01e845e1418844
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:309
+msgid "|addvpncustomergateway.png|"
+msgstr "|addvpncustomergateway.png|"
+# 0810d2cb133043b4858badbc2e4ac704
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:311
+msgid "Provide the following information:"
+msgstr "填写以下内容:"
+# 372ec8983a514ad3b0927d01bc30fae6
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:313
+msgid "**Name**: A unique name for the VPN customer gateway you create."
+msgstr "**名称**: 你添加的VPN客户网关的一个唯一的名称。"
+# 0cd283ba65a241cf97d90b2c5f04c36f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:315
+msgid "**Gateway**: The IP address for the remote gateway."
+msgstr "**IP地址**: 远端网关的IP地址。"
+# 0e3f2efe75f7454e9f2ac706604f832d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:317
+msgid ""
+"**CIDR list**: The guest CIDR list of the remote subnets. Enter a CIDR or a "
+"comma-separated list of CIDRs. Ensure that a guest CIDR list is not "
+"overlapped with the VPC's CIDR, or another guest CIDR. The CIDR must be "
+msgstr "**CIDR列表**: 远端客户子网的CIDR。输入一个CIDR或是以逗号分隔的多个CIDR。在确认客户的CIDR和VPC的CIDR或是另一个客户的CIDR不重叠冲突。CIDR的格式必须符合 RFC1918标准。"
+# 929c5f444fae4aee88faa98a926d0f52
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:322
+msgid ""
+"**IPsec Preshared Key**: Preshared keying is a method where the endpoints of"
+" the VPN share a secret key. This key value is used to authenticate the "
+"customer gateway and the VPC VPN gateway to each other."
+msgstr "**IPsec预共享密钥**: 预共享密钥在两个端点之间共享同一个密钥。这个密钥用来在客户网关和VPN的VPN网关之间相互认证。"
+# 171abb6f27ef471eae87fd0718d714af
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:328
+msgid ""
+"The IKE peers (VPN end points) authenticate each other by computing and "
+"sending a keyed hash of data that includes the Preshared key. If the "
+"receiving peer is able to create the same hash independently by using its "
+"Preshared key, it knows that both peers must share the same secret, thus "
+"authenticating the customer gateway."
+msgstr "Internet密钥交换协议(IKE)匹配点 ( VPN 端点 ) 通过计算并发送包含预共享密钥的哈希键值来进行相互验证。如果收接点通过自己的预共享密钥算出同一个键值的话,这就说明两个点是用的同一个密钥,相互之间认证通过,形成匹配。"
+# a4553b53ccb04b358a278545e87eb9bd
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:335
+msgid ""
+"**IKE Encryption**: The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) policy for phase-1. The "
+"supported encryption algorithms are AES128, AES192, AES256, and 3DES. "
+"Authentication is accomplished through the Preshared Keys."
+msgstr "**IKE 加密**: Internet密钥交换协议(IKE)第一阶段(phase-1)策略。支持的加密算法包括 AES128, AES192, AES256和3DES.。认证通过预共享密钥完成。"
+# 3bb40218a4db49e0aa09d5983d57a8fa
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:341
+msgid ""
+"The phase-1 is the first phase in the IKE process. In this initial "
+"negotiation phase, the two VPN endpoints agree on the methods to be used to "
+"provide security for the underlying IP traffic. The phase-1 authenticates "
+"the two VPN gateways to each other, by confirming that the remote gateway "
+"has a matching Preshared Key."
+msgstr "phase-1是IKE过程的第一阶段。在这个开始的协商阶段,两个VPN端点在将底层IP流量加密安全的方法上取得一致。第一阶段认证通过的条件是:两个VPN网关之间使用的是同一个预定义密钥。"
+# a5e3619f28fb487987386ff3359d079b
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:347
+msgid ""
+"**IKE Hash**: The IKE hash for phase-1. The supported hash algorithms are "
+"SHA1 and MD5."
+msgstr "**IKE 哈希**:  IKE第一阶段( phase-1)哈希散列使用的算法。支持SHA1 和 MD5."
+# 998f798e068147c69b96d5332181acdd
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:350
+msgid ""
+"**IKE DH**: A public-key cryptography protocol which allows two parties to "
+"establish a shared secret over an insecure communications channel. The "
+"1536-bit Diffie-Hellman group is used within IKE to establish session keys. "
+"The supported options are None, Group-5 (1536-bit) and Group-2 (1024-bit)."
+msgstr "**IKE DH(Diffie-Hellman组)**: IKE的DH加密协议,可以在不安全的连接上确保共享KEY的安全。1536位的DH组用在IKE中用来建立会话KEYS。在这里,支持的选项是 None, Group-5 (1536-bit) 和 Group-2 (1024-bit)."
+# 34c98169c2dd4375a23dff45d764590d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:356
+msgid ""
+"**ESP Encryption**: Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) algorithm within "
+"phase-2. The supported encryption algorithms are AES128, AES192, AES256, and"
+" 3DES."
+msgstr "**ESP 加密**: 封装安全有效负荷(Encapsulating Security Payload,ESP)算法是发生在第二阶段(phase-2)。其支持的加密算法包括 AES128, AES192, AES256, 和 3DES。"
+# c61b40cf82de4f9fb6c45b8e0172b4b4
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:361
+msgid ""
+"The phase-2 is the second phase in the IKE process. The purpose of IKE "
+"phase-2 is to negotiate IPSec security associations (SA) to set up the IPSec"
+" tunnel. In phase-2, new keying material is extracted from the Diffie-"
+"Hellman key exchange in phase-1, to provide session keys to use in "
+"protecting the VPN data flow."
+msgstr "phase-2是IKE过程的第二阶段,其目标是协助IPSec安全关联 (SA) 以建立IPSec通道。在 phase-2阶段,会利用 phase-1阶段建立好的DH安全协议方法来交换新的密钥。"
+# 71d47a66a42f4a04b2540e69eba4cdd9
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:367
+msgid ""
+"**ESP Hash**: Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) hash for phase-2. "
+"Supported hash algorithms are SHA1 and MD5."
+msgstr "**ESP哈希散列**:phase-2支持的封装安全有效负荷(Encapsulating Security Payload,ESP)哈希算法包括:SHA1 和MD5."
+# 2378eab3a19b42cda0e954ae2c70bb38
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:370
+msgid ""
+"**Perfect Forward Secrecy**: Perfect Forward Secrecy (or PFS) is the "
+"property that ensures that a session key derived from a set of long-term "
+"public and private keys will not be compromised. This property enforces a "
+"new Diffie-Hellman key exchange. It provides the keying material that has "
+"greater key material life and thereby greater resistance to cryptographic "
+"attacks. The available options are None, Group-5 (1536-bit) and Group-2 "
+"(1024-bit). The security of the key exchanges increase as the DH groups grow"
+" larger, as does the time of the exchanges."
+msgstr "**Perfect forward secrecy(完全正向保密,PFS) **: PFS的性质是确保来自一组的长期的公共密钥和私人密钥之间的会话密钥不会妥协失效。PFS会促使一组新的DH KEY发生交换。这组新KEY具有更长的生命周期因此可以抵制更强大的功击。DH的可用选项是 None, Group-5 (1536-bit)和 Group-2 (1024-bit). 当新KEY交换之后,DH组会变得更大。"
+# de12259eb62f48c294bc324395468d43
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:381
+msgid ""
+"When PFS is turned on, for every negotiation of a new phase-2 SA the two "
+"gateways must generate a new set of phase-1 keys. This adds an extra layer "
+"of protection that PFS adds, which ensures if the phase-2 SA's have expired,"
+" the keys used for new phase-2 SA's have not been generated from the current"
+" phase-1 keying material."
+msgstr "当PFS打开后,两个网关之间的新的phase-2 SA协商都会产生新的phase-1的一组KEY,这就会导致增加一个额外的层。这个层的作用是保证即使phase-2 SA失效过期,其KEY也不会由phase-1生成。"
+# c29472e88000476ea8eb3f3165f58da4
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:387
+msgid ""
+"**IKE Lifetime (seconds)**: The phase-1 lifetime of the security association"
+" in seconds. Default is 86400 seconds (1 day). Whenever the time expires, a "
+"new phase-1 exchange is performed."
+msgstr "**IKE 存活期(秒)**:  SA的phase-1的存活期。默认是86400 秒 (1 天).当这个时间过了之后,会发生一次新的  phase-1 KEY交换。"
+# c05a91d5e2b44d7a9ea842e762a6f4a0
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:391
+msgid ""
+"**ESP Lifetime (seconds)**: The phase-2 lifetime of the security association"
+" in seconds. Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour). Whenever the value is "
+"exceeded, a re-key is initiated to provide a new IPsec encryption and "
+"authentication session keys."
+msgstr "**ESP存活期 (秒)**:SA的  phase-2存活期。默认为 3600 秒(1 小时). 当过了这个时间之后,会有一个新的KEY初始化,用来加密和认证 IPsec的会话KEY。"
+# 9afba73f17a3471faa8cff978bb64495
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:396
+msgid ""
+"**Dead Peer Detection**: A method to detect an unavailable Internet Key "
+"Exchange (IKE) peer. Select this option if you want the virtual router to "
+"query the liveliness of its IKE peer at regular intervals. It's recommended "
+"to have the same configuration of DPD on both side of VPN connection."
+msgstr "**死亡匹配点检测**:这是一种检测不可用IKE节点的方法。如果你希望虚拟路由器随时测试IKE节点的存活情况,选择了这个选项。 一般来说,最好在VPN连接的两端都同时配置DPD(Dead Peer Detectio)."
+# 4d12f59b777c48e98fb18ab2bace355d
+# a65f0ba427b04b6da2bdc39a05acba02
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:402
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:425
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
+# 460983ec4dd64370b650944e21d45b75
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:406
+msgid "Updating and Removing a VPN Customer Gateway"
+msgstr "更新和删除一个VPN客户网关."
+# 47640086ca6e4122a862027f6e528af6
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:408
+msgid ""
+"You can update a customer gateway either with no VPN connection, or related "
+"VPN connection is in error state."
+msgstr "你可以更新一个客户网关:即可以从无到有新建一个VPN,或是将有错误提示的VPN改正。"
+# eee4a55897da4f06b44795327c878110
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:417
+msgid "Select the VPN customer gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择您要操作的客户VPN连接。"
+# 9dc617447a9c48df92819b996a8e3b39
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:419
+msgid ""
+"To modify the required parameters, click the Edit VPN Customer Gateway "
+"button |vpn-edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+# 0c3c4beedfb2453cb03958649454d3d2
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:422
+msgid ""
+"To remove the VPN customer gateway, click the Delete VPN Customer Gateway "
+"button |delete.png|"
+msgstr "删除一个客户VPN网关,点击删除客户VPN网关按钮。  |delete.png|"
+# ae45fd8564384b9a8682a662011196da
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:429
+msgid "Creating a VPN gateway for the VPC"
+msgstr "为VPC创建一个VPN网关"
+# addf23d2b2b14d9c80370bc70f64ec94
+# 8ab2d3e53e83433ab4cf699e916d89d9
+# 5ece94a59df34ecdb036ac45fc49bd06
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:440
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:501
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:633
+msgid ""
+"Click the Configure button of the VPC to which you want to deploy the VMs."
+msgstr "点击要部署虚机的VPC的配置按钮。"
+# af1a9268a6da4a45922589c847776234
+# 1ccf3bf911414951aeb77508e82aa992
+# 433faedb39a3413c8ce1f220f5e22560
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:443
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:504
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:636
+msgid ""
+"The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you created are listed in a "
+msgstr "系统会显示VPC页面,您创建的所有层都列在图中。"
+# 3152bcd237704f96b4a1b897b801f81b
+# 5a72231d602e4625acd0cbd4b0af4f7e
+# 243047505a8c40e1aadfa9dfbc091f0c
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:468
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:531
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:663
+msgid "Select Site-to-Site VPN."
+msgstr "选择点对点VPN"
+# 626b08a7444c4baeb387b316fcf8921d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:470
+msgid ""
+"If you are creating the VPN gateway for the first time, selecting Site-to-"
+"Site VPN prompts you to create a VPN gateway."
+msgstr "如果您是第一次创建VPN网关,选择点对点VPN会提示您创建一个VPN网关。"
+# c46b3f642ec240738664d6765c1d736f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:473
+msgid "In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to confirm."
+msgstr "在信息确认对话框,点击“是”。"
+# 6dbf5c6dc5984bc896785e8d81f1fa0d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:475
+msgid ""
+"Within a few moments, the VPN gateway is created. You will be prompted to "
+"view the details of the VPN gateway you have created. Click Yes to confirm."
+msgstr "过一会儿,VPN网关就创建出来了。系统会提示您查看VPN网关的详细信息,请点击“是”。"
+# 62c9ff637a9c46beb4a187d9d333e711
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:479
+msgid "The following details are displayed in the VPN Gateway page:"
+msgstr "VPN网关页面会显示以下详细信息:"
+# 202a6b9a51f3470d89bb84bb2c9579a8
+# 47435eb81ccf40eab149e9b0abb9213e
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:481
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:561
+msgid "IP Address"
+msgstr "IP地址"
+# 46f2ea07f3744ac381add8029488f5d3
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:483
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "帐号"
+# bad02846a1ee4160a278abb51303de1f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:485
+msgid "Domain"
+msgstr "域名"
+# b0b08d6daddb48409f581811786b76cf
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:489
+msgid "Creating a VPN Connection"
+msgstr "新建vpn连接"
+# 596c1d39f0fe47fa8b05ff9b321ae507
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:491
+msgid "CloudStack supports creating up to 8 VPN connections."
+msgstr "CloudStack最多支持建立8个VPN连接。"
+# a61e029b8b514adfa93c97620ffff95f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:499
+msgid "All the VPCs that you create for the account are listed in the page."
+msgstr "页面上列出了该账号下所有的VPC。"
+# 690702b545754083adec40f20d69acb4
+# 614430ff17c8485fae7ddb094273ef06
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:507
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:639
+msgid "Click the Settings icon."
+msgstr "点击设置图标。"
+# 86dbf74b2c6e4f0aab3f252fafd89f2c
+# fab72af09a284fd2800ff51645f071bf
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:533
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:665
+msgid "The Site-to-Site VPN page is displayed."
+msgstr "系统会显示点对点VPN页面。"
+# db4dc2719dd6405eb250f62908eef010
+# 207bfc2acd9e434887770513a245873b
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:535
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:667
+msgid ""
+"From the Select View drop-down, ensure that VPN Connection is selected."
+msgstr "在选择视图下拉框,请确保选择VPN连接。"
+# 950eac49657f4a29a9fba1b973577867
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:538
+msgid "Click Create VPN Connection."
+msgstr "选择创建vpn连接按钮"
+# 916fc10dd39346ada9828e3a2a80ffda
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:540
+msgid "The Create VPN Connection dialog is displayed:"
+msgstr "系统会显示创建VPN连接对话框:"
+# 87888fff4a5f4664be5c4c03fc2ecf6a
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:542
+msgid "|createvpnconnection.png|"
+msgstr "|createvpnconnection.png|"
+# 4b6cc407b8bc4a728fb3328f0ce53f3f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:544
+msgid "Select the desired customer gateway."
+msgstr "选择想要的用户网关。"
+# 6776ab8d9fad4c2d8956d78ff11ab998
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:546
+msgid ""
+"Select Passive if you want to establish a connection between two VPC virtual"
+" routers."
+msgstr "如果你希望在两个VPC虚拟路由器之间建立连接,选择被动模式。"
+# 513eee2d7f8745a4b338c8ea142fae05
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:549
+msgid ""
+"If you want to establish a connection between two VPC virtual routers, "
+"select Passive only on one of the VPC virtual routers, which waits for the "
+"other VPC virtual router to initiate the connection. Do not select Passive "
+"on the VPC virtual router that initiates the connection."
+msgstr "如果你希望在两个VPC虚拟路由器之间建立连接,需要等待另一个虚拟路由器来初始化连接,则只有其中一个虚拟器上选择被动模式。在这种情况下,不要在初始化连接的虚拟路由器上选择被动模式。"
+# dd03407d4f064ec99ea68bb066d2289e
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:555
+msgid "Click OK to confirm."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
+# d4c274e9cecb44bcad1ba67ed65069e4
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:557
+msgid "Within a few moments, the VPN Connection is displayed."
+msgstr "过一会儿,系统会显示该VPN连接。"
+# 42dd7918225d458f980e458924b262f3
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:559
+msgid "The following information on the VPN connection is displayed:"
+msgstr "VPN连接信息"
+# 64fdbdcdfac148dea0883db2615bf0ed
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:563
+msgid "Gateway"
+msgstr "网关"
+# 8ac547f2f1574131adc8c69d4e3c30ef
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:565
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "状态 "
+# d2a5bd51a6e347e89857750706114fc9
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:567
+msgid "IPSec Preshared Key"
+msgstr "IPSec 预共享密钥"
+# ccfea0cb9ae34777990aa348b7a9c23f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:569
+msgid "IKE Policy"
+msgstr "IKE策略"
+# bc29ecfda06848f78a8cc694b3f6d47b
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:571
+msgid "ESP Policy"
+msgstr "ESP策略"
+# 57cee5dc2eed4f6a9164c4838ebdc9d6
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:575
+msgid "Site-to-Site VPN Connection Between VPC Networks"
+msgstr "在VPC网络之间的站点的VPN连接"
+# d8f9f929fafd40e6895122549b022754
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:577
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides you with the ability to establish a site-to-site VPN "
+"connection between CloudStack virtual routers. To achieve that, add a "
+"passive mode Site-to-Site VPN. With this functionality, users can deploy "
+"applications in multiple Availability Zones or VPCs, which can communicate "
+"with each other by using a secure Site-to-Site VPN Tunnel."
+msgstr "CloudStack可以在虚拟路由器之间部署站点到站点的VPN连接,这需要添加一个被动模式的站点到站点VPN。有了这个功能之后,用户就可以在多个区域或VPC之间通过安全的VPN通道互联。"
+# 2fb087843cd04fafa3beba95a3ae2af1
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:583
+msgid "This feature is supported on all the hypervisors."
+msgstr "这个特性支持所有类型的HYPERVISOR."
+# 217a4da322cc4f8caa7e04c029779c8b
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:585
+msgid "Create two VPCs. For example, VPC A and VPC B."
+msgstr "创建两个VPC。比如,VPC A和VPC B。"
+# a78d89e3621346c8a11277927e8dc502
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:587
+msgid "For more information, see \":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+msgstr "更多信息,参考\":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+# 09b752dc4d4e4cd29912fcbe352309fa
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:589
+msgid "Create VPN gateways on both the VPCs you created."
+msgstr "在创建的VPC两边都添加VPN网关。"
+# b9af87b346ef40889104b5a1f40c7702
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:591
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `\"Creating a VPN gateway for the VPC\" "
+msgstr "更多信息,参考 `\"为VPC创建VPN网关\" <#creating-a-vpn-gateway-for-the-vpc>`_."
+# 29d8db01114c458e8d855996c22e0664
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:594
+msgid "Create VPN customer gateway for both the VPCs."
+msgstr "在VPC两边都创建VPN客户网关。"
+# 1a50b7ef681f4cb48c15d30e08dfd1e7
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:596
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `\"Creating and Updating a VPN Customer Gateway\" "
+msgstr "更多信息,参考`\"创建和更新VPN客户网关\" <#creating-and-updating-a-vpn-customer-gateway>`_."
+# c9013d4ec4c74444a40bf745ae0a5544
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:599
+msgid "Enable a VPN connection on VPC A in passive mode."
+msgstr "在VPC A这边启用VPN的被动连接模式。"
+# 8fb700491eeb4156a1c7549d81a78346
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:601
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `\"Creating a VPN Connection\" <#creating-a-vpn-"
+msgstr "更多信息,请参阅 `\"创建VPN连接\" <#creating-a-vpn-connection>`_。"
+# e8dd1dd51dd34f57ac10161220734be4
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:604
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that the customer gateway is pointed to VPC B. The VPN connection is "
+"shown in the Disconnected state."
+msgstr "确保客户网关指向VPC B。这个VPN当前显示的是未连接状态。"
+# eca76af9d9304b17982a0bb977a12547
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:607
+msgid "Enable a VPN connection on VPC B."
+msgstr "在VPC B上启用VPN连接。"
+# 79e9417cc7294b70bd95236d9c2c80ac
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:609
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that the customer gateway is pointed to VPC A. Because virtual router"
+" of VPC A, in this case, is in passive mode and is waiting for the virtual "
+"router of VPC B to initiate the connection, VPC B virtual router should not "
+"be in passive mode."
+msgstr "确保客户网关指向VPC A。在这个示例里,因为VPC A的虚拟路由器是处于被动模式且等待着VPC B进行初始化连接,所以VPC B的虚拟路由器不要设置为被动模式。"
+# cf0657024acb43ea8028262bf74a9848
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:614
+msgid "The VPN connection is shown in the Disconnected state."
+msgstr "VPN连接当前显示为未连接状态。"
+# 4c18218889914f65b2fe355d4568b407
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:616
+msgid ""
+"Creating VPN connection on both the VPCs initiates a VPN connection. Wait "
+"for few seconds. The default is 30 seconds for both the VPN connections to "
+"show the Connected state."
+msgstr "VPC两边的VPN会进行初始化连接。默认为30秒之后,两边VPN都会显示为已连接状态。"
+# 84118e99c0b14f49b14160c3975dad17
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:622
+msgid "Restarting and Removing a VPN Connection"
+msgstr "VPN连接的重启和删除"
+# 090940869ab44e80b8e9c4ea04fa48ec
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:670
+msgid "All the VPN connections you created are displayed."
+msgstr "系统会显示创建VPN连接对话框:"
+# b921e72e9ca74e75b9c515a87f105b9a
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:672
+msgid "Select the VPN connection you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择您要操作的VPN连接。"
+# 2387d86e243f469f84a0cee989324610
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:674
+msgid "The Details tab is displayed."
+msgstr "系统显示详细信息页。"
+# 345c5bfe23d84fd09f56e0e34de09e29
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:676
+msgid ""
+"To remove a VPN connection, click the Delete VPN connection button |remove-"
+msgstr "删除一个VPN连接,点击删除VPN连接按钮。 |remove-vpn.png|"
+# 8d1a3cf378554f51a5702b0710c331f2
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:679
+msgid ""
+"To restart a VPN connection, click the Reset VPN connection button present "
+"in the Details tab. |reset-vpn.png|"
+msgstr "要重启VPN连接,请点击详细信息页的重置VPN连接按钮。  |reset-vpn.png|"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc17470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3105cce
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@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# b67087ae536e4b77ac5668f8f3f73ba8
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:18
+msgid "Security Groups"
+msgstr "安全组"
+# 1397d3fadf7d45779a890fb7156cf142
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:21
+msgid "About Security Groups"
+msgstr "关于安全组"
+# 965e0935679141b0bc89e0d82dc1cff8
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:23
+msgid ""
+"Security groups provide a way to isolate traffic to VMs. A security group is"
+" a group of VMs that filter their incoming and outgoing traffic according to"
+" a set of rules, called ingress and egress rules. These rules filter network"
+" traffic according to the IP address that is attempting to communicate with "
+"the VM. Security groups are particularly useful in zones that use basic "
+"networking, because there is a single guest network for all guest VMs. In "
+"advanced zones, security groups are supported only on the KVM hypervisor."
+msgstr "安全组提供一种方法来隔离VMs流量。一个安全组是一组依照设置名为入口规则和出口规则来过滤他们进出流量的VMs,这些规则依靠与VM通讯的IP地址来过滤网络流量。安全组在使用基础网络的zones中尤为重要,因为这里只有一个来宾网络。在高级zones中,只有KVM hypervisor支持安全组。"
+# 7cc1c024596546c4837b5e09cef7f7db
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"In a zone that uses advanced networking, you can instead define multiple "
+"guest networks to isolate traffic to VMs."
+msgstr "在一个使用高级网络的zone中,你可以改为定义多个来宾网络隔离流量至VMs。"
+# bd8429af9a564cd398104231d1bfc2d9
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"Each CloudStack account comes with a default security group that denies all "
+"inbound traffic and allows all outbound traffic. The default security group "
+"can be modified so that all new VMs inherit some other desired set of rules."
+msgstr "每个CloudStack账号匹配一个拒绝所有入站流量和允许所有出口流量的默认安全组 。可以编辑默认的安全组以便所有新VMs的策略继承一些的想要的设置。"
+# 3eb3f0e93cf04d8a9c2a967e8ff3a11c
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:41
+msgid ""
+"Any CloudStack user can set up any number of additional security groups. "
+"When a new VM is launched, it is assigned to the default security group "
+"unless another user-defined security group is specified. A VM can be a "
+"member of any number of security groups. Once a VM is assigned to a security"
+" group, it remains in that group for its entire lifetime; you can not move a"
+" running VM from one security group to another."
+msgstr "任何CloudStack用户可以增加任意数量的安全组。当一个新的VM运行起来的时候,它会被添加到默认安全组除非其他用户指定了其他安全组。一个VM可以是任何安全组的成员。一旦VM被添加到一个安全组,它会继承这个组的生命周期;你不能移动一台正在运行的VM到其他安全组。"
+# 1d91c7babdd54f38b62e9e65788a8a7c
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"You can modify a security group by deleting or adding any number of ingress "
+"and egress rules. When you do, the new rules apply to all VMs in the group, "
+"whether running or stopped."
+msgstr "你可以通过删除或添加任意的入口和出口策略来修改一个安全组。当你这么做的时候,新的策略会应用到组中的所有VMs,无论是运行的还是关机的。"
+# f705f2a195b240f49ffc0cbe9aaa253a
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:52
+msgid ""
+"If no ingress rules are specified, then no traffic will be allowed in, "
+"except for responses to any traffic that has been allowed out through an "
+"egress rule."
+msgstr "如果没有指定入口规则,那么流量会被禁止,除了已经允许通过一个出口规则响应任何流量 。"
+# 7fa1798aea704a55b545171eb64a16bd
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:58
+msgid "Adding a Security Group"
+msgstr "添加一个安全组"
+# f7cc763899ad4df99b9e927ef37eabb4
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:60
+msgid "A user or administrator can define a new security group."
+msgstr "一个用户或者管理员能定义一个新的安全组。"
+# a026f1875e7f4cec8447b013bf2d7a78
+# 27e30ee65cbe485bb8e7370a38b75281
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:62
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:124
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# 344ee6a79a674e88a4a61b24b0a01b42
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:64
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络。"
+# 07579af87ecd4f1d8bd6e66835cb2958
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:66
+msgid "In Select view, choose Security Groups."
+msgstr "在选择视图中,选择安全组。"
+# 23507439460f427cb5be523f65e254fb
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:68
+msgid "Click Add Security Group."
+msgstr "点击添加安全组。"
+# a530b7d59d194fb18081a92d396a272a
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:70
+msgid "Provide a name and description."
+msgstr "提供一个名称和描述。"
+# 237fc184482448589b8a2eb7c3c70e76
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:72
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
+# 34ea82240e9c456ab55ff2f0d5756566
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:74
+msgid "The new security group appears in the Security Groups Details tab."
+msgstr "新的安全组出现在安全组详细信息标签中。"
+# df20adfc9c2e43b9b56c6f1119a9d73f
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"To make the security group useful, continue to Adding Ingress and Egress "
+"Rules to a Security Group."
+msgstr "要使安全组生效,继续给这个安全组添加入口和出口策略。"
+# 0a506fc7186b4a0c8a15ae463c4793e1
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:81
+msgid "Security Groups in Advanced Zones (KVM Only)"
+msgstr "高级区域中的安全组(只针对KVM)"
+# b2a6fb8be2384189ae73c2430ce94159
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides the ability to use security groups to provide isolation "
+"between guests on a single shared, zone-wide network in an advanced zone "
+"where KVM is the hypervisor. Using security groups in advanced zones rather "
+"than multiple VLANs allows a greater range of options for setting up guest "
+"isolation in a cloud."
+msgstr "以KVM作为虚拟机时,在单共享广域的网络内,CloudStack可以通过安全组来隔离客户。通过使用安全组而不是多VLAN,可以在云中隔离客户时具有更高的灵活性"
+# 180782afad3643f1ba9672b7f6da72b3
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:91
+msgid "Limitations"
+msgstr "局限性"
+# 133ba38a19484e2e9122631ab38446fa
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:93
+msgid "The following are not supported for this feature:"
+msgstr "下列不支持此功能:"
+# 7c46f4b3ab9f405b8ba2b599ffc1985e
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:95
+msgid ""
+"Two IP ranges with the same VLAN and different gateway or netmask in "
+"security group-enabled shared network."
+msgstr "在开启了安全组的共享网络内,同一VLAN内具有不同网关或掩码的二个IP范围,"
+# 25d83dec92f045bda786a85257b3e1d1
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"Two IP ranges with the same VLAN and different gateway or netmask in "
+"account-specific shared networks."
+msgstr "在共享网络的特殊帐户内,同一VLAN内具有不同网关或掩码的二个IP范围"
+# 529f72b64c464f0cbbe8b287e8258f1a
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:101
+msgid "Multiple VLAN ranges in security group-enabled shared network."
+msgstr "在开启了安全组共享网络的多VLAN范围"
+# c9ffb5f82e6b45778e4e1b83b29ed310
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:103
+msgid "Multiple VLAN ranges in account-specific shared networks."
+msgstr "在共享网络的特殊帐户内,多个VLAN范围"
+# 8488c958047d450bb250b38d098bc214
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:105
+msgid ""
+"Security groups must be enabled in the zone in order for this feature to be "
+msgstr "为使用此特性,在区域内必须开启安全组"
+# 6c5be222e8184b8ab28d3019648e9990
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:110
+msgid "Enabling Security Groups"
+msgstr "开启安全组"
+# b6b2af559254408ba42336e7fddf32e6
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"In order for security groups to function in a zone, the security groups "
+"feature must first be enabled for the zone. The administrator can do this "
+"when creating a new zone, by selecting a network offering that includes "
+"security groups. The procedure is described in Basic Zone Configuration in "
+"the Advanced Installation Guide. The administrator can not enable security "
+"groups for an existing zone, only when creating a new zone."
+msgstr "使用安全组功能之前,必须先在Zone中启用安全组功能。系统管理员可以在创建一个新的Zone时,通过选择带‘安全组’功能的网络方案进行启用。在高级安装指南的基本Zone配置中有该过程的详细描述。系统管理员不能对现有Zone启用安全组,只能在新建Zone时启用。"
+# e09d51e1a259488eab79d1fb28954b59
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:122
+msgid "Adding Ingress and Egress Rules to a Security Group"
+msgstr "对安全组添加入口出口规则"
+# b24e5ca705b84ea4a6c0511ef2244936
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:126
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network"
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络"
+# e6e52ad277a249ebb052f48c14687e98
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:128
+msgid ""
+"In Select view, choose Security Groups, then click the security group you "
+msgstr ""
+# 4563cb9609194e7b8bfe401fa3b6219e
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:131
+msgid ""
+"To add an ingress rule, click the Ingress Rules tab and fill out the "
+"following fields to specify what network traffic is allowed into VM "
+"instances in this security group. If no ingress rules are specified, then no"
+" traffic will be allowed in, except for responses to any traffic that has "
+"been allowed out through an egress rule."
+msgstr "为增加入口规则,点击入口规则并填写相应内容,以说明在此安全组内何种网络流量可以到达虚拟机实例。如果没有说明入口规则,则不会允许流量进入。也就只有出口规允许的流量了。"
+# a4934e5b794b41469ff66677df530f64
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:137
+msgid ""
+"**Add by CIDR/Account**. Indicate whether the source of the traffic will be "
+"defined by IP address (CIDR) or an existing security group in a CloudStack "
+"account (Account). Choose Account if you want to allow incoming traffic from"
+" all VMs in another security group"
+msgstr "**通过CIDR帐户添加**. 表明在CloudStack帐户中是否有CIDR定义的流量来源或是已存在的安全组。如果允许来自另一安全组的所有虚拟机的流量进入,则添加此帐户。"
+# 38c863d52b6c4f3b900f9268d71a3167
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:143
+msgid ""
+"**Protocol**. The networking protocol that sources will use to send traffic "
+"to the security group. TCP and UDP are typically used for data exchange and "
+"end-user communications. ICMP is typically used to send error messages or "
+"network monitoring data."
+msgstr "**协议**. 发送源会使用网络协议来发送流量到安全组。TCP和UDP是典型的二种用来数据交换和终端用户交流的协议。ICMP则用来发送错误信息或网络监控数据"
+# bcb96d430c8649f483335f10c670e649
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:148
+msgid ""
+"**Start Port, End Port**. (TCP, UDP only) A range of listening ports that "
+"are the destination for the incoming traffic. If you are opening a single "
+"port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr "**开始端口,结束端口**. (仅对TCP,UDP)。目的地为进入流量而设的监听端口范围。如果仅开放了单个端口,则在两者的区域中用同一端口。"
+# 6c1ac4c3fb7e476a8eba891bbf1fa14e
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:152
+msgid ""
+"**ICMP Type, ICMP Code**. (ICMP only) The type of message and error code "
+"that will be accepted."
+msgstr "**ICMP类型,ICMP编码**. (仅对ICMP)。接受的信息及错误码的类型。"
+# 6d982263975e486e8e1b13fe56a83ed0
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:155
+msgid ""
+"**CIDR**. (Add by CIDR only) To accept only traffic from IP addresses within"
+" a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of "
+"CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the incoming traffic. For example,"
+" To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr "**CIDR**. (仅通过CIDR添加)。为接受来来自特殊地址块的流量,输入一个CIDR,多个时用逗号隔开。CIDR是进入流量的基础IP地址。例如:,为允许所有CIDR,请设为0.0.0.0/0"
+# 10e7f63d3cf94152a51416bc737199ed
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:161
+msgid ""
+"**Account, Security Group**. (Add by Account only) To accept only traffic "
+"from another security group, enter the CloudStack account and name of a "
+"security group that has already been defined in that account. To allow "
+"traffic between VMs within the security group you are editing now, enter the"
+" same name you used in step 7."
+msgstr "**帐户,安全组**. (仅通过帐户添加)。为接受来自另一安全组的流量,输入一个CloudStack帐户和在此帐户中已经定义的安全组的名字。为允许你正在编辑的安全组内虚拟机之间的流量,输入你在第7步使用的相同的名字。"
+# 9d70746377c24fdb80bdb73145dda1fe
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:167
+msgid "The following example allows inbound HTTP access from anywhere:"
+msgstr "下面这个例子允许内部任何地方的HTTP访问"
+# f1fa895a70e745a182f076db946d9d16
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:169
+msgid "|httpaccess.png|"
+msgstr "|httpaccess.png|"
+# 25c1f9eee689482ab0a99049e45c6ceb
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:171
+msgid ""
+"To add an egress rule, click the Egress Rules tab and fill out the following"
+" fields to specify what type of traffic is allowed to be sent out of VM "
+"instances in this security group. If no egress rules are specified, then all"
+" traffic will be allowed out. Once egress rules are specified, the following"
+" types of traffic are allowed out: traffic specified in egress rules; "
+"queries to DNS and DHCP servers; and responses to any traffic that has been "
+"allowed in through an ingress rule"
+msgstr "为添加一个出口规则,点击出口规则并填写以下内容,以说明在此安全组内的虚拟机,被允许哪一类型的流量送出。如果出口规则没有说明,所以的流量都被允许出去一旦进行了说明,则以下流量可以允许出去:在出口规则中进行说明的,查询DNS和DHCP服务器的,响应来自入口规则允许进入的流量的"
+# 83bfb97418d545549c3ea5c0a17c5985
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:180
+msgid ""
+"**Add by CIDR/Account**. Indicate whether the destination of the traffic "
+"will be defined by IP address (CIDR) or an existing security group in a "
+"CloudStack account (Account). Choose Account if you want to allow outgoing "
+"traffic to all VMs in another security group."
+msgstr "**通过CIDR帐户添加**. 表明流量目的地是否已通过IP地址(CIDR)定义或是CloudStack帐户(Account)内存在的安全组。选择帐户,以允许流量到其安全组内所有虚拟机"
+# f175b78e34494795b301760a7fd5168f
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:186
+msgid ""
+"**Protocol**. The networking protocol that VMs will use to send outgoing "
+"traffic. TCP and UDP are typically used for data exchange and end-user "
+"communications. ICMP is typically used to send error messages or network "
+"monitoring data."
+msgstr "**协议**. 虚拟机发送流量需要的协议。TCP和UDP是典型的二种用来数据交换和终端用户交流的协议。ICMP则用来发送错误信息或网络监控数据"
+# 31089018bb9f47e4941651c91b2bd90c
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:191
+msgid ""
+"**Start Port, End Port**. (TCP, UDP only) A range of listening ports that "
+"are the destination for the outgoing traffic. If you are opening a single "
+"port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr "**开始端口,结束端口**. (仅对TCP,UDP) 。目的地为进入流量而设的监听端口范围。如果仅开放了单个端口,则在两者的区域中用同一端口。"
+# 96661f61b9b54d448e5e7be7ba933296
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:195
+msgid ""
+"**ICMP Type, ICMP Code**. (ICMP only) The type of message and error code "
+"that will be sent"
+msgstr "**ICMP类型,ICMP编码**. (仅对ICMP) 。信息及错误码的类型。"
+# 7e52dd9e52524ea98f0bcf7ff00116ac
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:198
+msgid ""
+"**CIDR**. (Add by CIDR only) To send traffic only to IP addresses within a "
+"particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. "
+"The CIDR is the base IP address of the destination. For example, "
+" To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr "**CIDR**. (仅通过CIDR添加) 。为接受来来自特殊地址块的流量,输入一个CIDR,多个时用逗号隔开。CIDR是进入流量的基础IP地址。例如:,为允许所有CIDR,请设为0.0.0.0/0"
+# 40e0b1515ef948adb1a42642f73f490d
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:204
+msgid ""
+"**Account, Security Group**. (Add by Account only) To allow traffic to be "
+"sent to another security group, enter the CloudStack account and name of a "
+"security group that has already been defined in that account. To allow "
+"traffic between VMs within the security group you are editing now, enter its"
+" name."
+msgstr "**帐户,安全组**. (仅通过帐户添加) 。为接受来自另一安全组的流量,输入一个CloudStack帐户和在此帐户中已经定义的安全组的名字。为允许你正在编辑的安全组内虚拟机之间的流量,输入名字。"
+# 39febf06883a4d248d1ac5ad19510065
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:210
+msgid "Click Add."
+msgstr "点击 添加"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d175f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/static_nat.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/static_nat.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4407395
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@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 89295dfc645a421eac4401834f1b5564
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:18
+msgid "Static NAT"
+msgstr "静态 NAT"
+# c3b2d053fab944578298ac1adf46e76e
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"A static NAT rule maps a public IP address to the private IP address of a VM"
+" in order to allow Internet traffic into the VM. The public IP address "
+"always remains the same, which is why it is called static NAT. This section "
+"tells how to enable or disable static NAT for a particular IP address."
+msgstr ""
+# ffe605639e6844fa8170c65805372b4c
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:28
+msgid "Enabling or Disabling Static NAT"
+msgstr "启用或禁用静态NAT"
+# 311e1bb870dd43bb98cd7ee6a01f42ca
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:30
+msgid ""
+"If port forwarding rules are already in effect for an IP address, you cannot"
+" enable static NAT to that IP."
+msgstr "如果该公网IP上已经有端口转发规则,则不允许再启用静态NAT。"
+# b89fc2e081874b24b0ad50ed843837e9
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"If a guest VM is part of more than one network, static NAT rules will "
+"function only if they are defined on the default network."
+msgstr "如果用户VM存在多个网络,则静态NAT规则仅在默认网络上定义时生效。"
+# e6dabe6070464d23926137799673505a
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:36
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# 726614a43cbf4c448770c40822676059
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:38
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络。"
+# 71505d3318714907a3abd5319833b78e
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:40
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击拟修改的网络名称。"
+# 0898722d18384a89a217a7a8e7cb6fbf
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:42
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr "点击查看IP地址。"
+# 5e916ccbf7c94237b104827f38f2ca6a
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:44
+msgid "Click the IP address you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击你要修改的IP地址"
+# 4f5018aad8f14212a2d0c17d955b197a
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:46
+msgid "Click the Static NAT |enabledisablenat.png| button."
+msgstr "点击静态NAT按钮。 |enabledisablenat.png| "
+# 001cc2e543c345afb265ff300a5435ca
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"The button toggles between Enable and Disable, depending on whether static "
+"NAT is currently enabled for the IP address."
+msgstr "该按钮在启用和禁用之间切换,这取决于IP地址是否已经启用了静态NAT。"
+# 91178f93f90f4135b40823266a6ecb4e
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"If you are enabling static NAT, a dialog appears where you can choose the "
+"destination VM and click Apply."
+msgstr "如果是启用静态NAT,会出现一个对话框让您选择目标VM然后点击应用。"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4430eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..163e960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.po
@@ -0,0 +1,2403 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 4425df0b51c64a33802d59f9f7eb5bd8
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:20
+msgid "Configuring a Virtual Private Cloud"
+msgstr "配置一个虚拟私有云(VPC)"
+# 60b4e45448554da0a9df907a8e700391
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:23
+msgid "About Virtual Private Clouds"
+msgstr "关于虚拟私有云(VPC)"
+# 9caa2b864b03431aae6a6f47aa583653
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:25
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack Virtual Private Cloud is a private, isolated part of CloudStack. "
+"A VPC can have its own virtual network topology that resembles a traditional"
+" physical network. You can launch VMs in the virtual network that can have "
+"private addresses in the range of your choice, for example: You"
+" can define network tiers within your VPC network range, which in turn "
+"enables you to group similar kinds of instances based on IP address range."
+msgstr "CloudStackVPC是CloudStack云中私有并隔离的部分。一个VPC可以使用自己的虚拟网络拓扑来组建传统物理网络。在这个虚拟网络中,您创建的虚机的私网地址可以由您自主选择IP范围,例如10.0.0.0/16。您可以在VPC网络范围内定义多个网络层,这些层可以让你将类似的虚机按IP地址范围分组。"
+# e8c6a442ed744a6c96df83edc8c28763
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"For example, if a VPC has the private range, its guest networks "
+"can have the network ranges,,, and so "
+msgstr "例如:一个VPC的私有地址范围是10.0.0.0/16,其中的用户网络的地址范围可以分别是10.0.1.0/24、、等等。"
+# d7dd703816c14c8ab823fc4ac5ee3c02
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:39
+msgid "Major Components of a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+# c50712e0b85b4e8d8a37c525dc8f77d0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:41
+msgid "A VPC is comprised of the following network components:"
+msgstr "VPC主要由以下网络组件构成:"
+# 7805e308c7f14ae4b5bf6813c742fd84
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"**VPC**: A VPC acts as a container for multiple isolated networks that can "
+"communicate with each other via its virtual router."
+msgstr "**VPC**:一个VPC是多个隔离网络的容器,隔离网络间可以通过VPC的虚拟路由器互通。"
+# 6837ce595efa433cb0a4eeef3c61bd86
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:46
+msgid ""
+"**Network Tiers**: Each tier acts as an isolated network with its own VLANs "
+"and CIDR list, where you can place groups of resources, such as VMs. The "
+"tiers are segmented by means of VLANs. The NIC of each tier acts as its "
+msgstr "**网络层**:每个层是一个拥有各自VLAN和CIDR的隔离网络。您可以在层内放置VM等各种资源组。层与层之间通过VLAN方式隔离。VPC虚拟路由器在每个层中的网卡是该层的网关。"
+# eaa3327f752e430ba437d3048c8cd517
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"**Virtual Router**: A virtual router is automatically created and started "
+"when you create a VPC. The virtual router connect the tiers and direct "
+"traffic among the public gateway, the VPN gateways, and the NAT instances. "
+"For each tier, a corresponding NIC and IP exist in the virtual router. The "
+"virtual router provides DNS and DHCP services through its IP."
+msgstr "**虚拟路由器**:创建VPC时会自动创建并启动一个虚拟路由器。该虚拟路由器连接了各层,并负责各层与公网网关、VPN网关和NAT实例间的网络流量。对于每个层,该虚拟路由器都会有对应的网卡和IP,并通过该IP提供DNS和DHCP服务。"
+# 2922aef73276424d86c458cab53d05d6
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"**Public Gateway**: The traffic to and from the Internet routed to the VPC "
+"through the public gateway. In a VPC, the public gateway is not exposed to "
+"the end user; therefore, static routes are not support for the public "
+msgstr "**公网网关**:VPC进出互联网的流量会走公网网关。VPC中的公网网关不暴露给最终用户,因此公网网关上不支持静态路由。"
+# 417e8d202f044580b6bef8868a97493b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"**Private Gateway**: All the traffic to and from a private network routed to"
+" the VPC through the private gateway. For more information, see \":ref"
+msgstr "**私有网关**:VPC进出某个私有网络的流量通过私有网关。更多信息,请查阅 \":ref:`adding-priv-gw-vpc`\"."
+# 4776de29b7b1471084bbdc0a5fd8257d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:67
+msgid "**VPN Gateway**: The VPC side of a VPN connection."
+msgstr "**VPN 网关**:VPN连接的VPC端。"
+# 208527258e274b0ea77846c710ba8258
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"**Site-to-Site VPN Connection**: A hardware-based VPN connection between "
+"your VPC and your datacenter, home network, or co-location facility. For "
+"more information, see \":ref:`setting-s2s-vpn-conn`\"."
+msgstr "**点对点VPN连接**:您的VPC和您的数据中心、家庭网络、主机托管设施之间基于硬件的VPN连接。更多信息,请参考\":ref:`setting-s2s-vpn-conn`\"."
+# 3b96c83ddcc34269896e5573992e31b5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:73
+msgid ""
+"**Customer Gateway**: The customer side of a VPN Connection. For more "
+"information, see `\"Creating and Updating a VPN Customer Gateway\" "
+msgstr "**客户网关**:客户这边的VPN连接。更多信息,请参考 `\"创建和更新VPN客户网关\" <#creating-and-updating-a-vpn-customer-gateway>`_."
+# bfadc68d3fbe458bb82d6692306f1319
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:77
+msgid ""
+"**NAT Instance**: An instance that provides Port Address Translation for "
+"instances to access the Internet via the public gateway. For more "
+"information, see \":ref:`enabling-disabling-static-nat-on-vpc`\"."
+msgstr "**NAT实例**:在用户虚机通过公网网关访问公网时,提供端口地址转换的实例。关于更多信息,请参考 \":ref:`enabling-disabling-static-nat-on-vpc`\"."
+# aa7430e86dde41ea828ef58fdc9a2616
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"**Network ACL**: Network ACL is a group of Network ACL items. Network ACL "
+"items are nothing but numbered rules that are evaluated in order, starting "
+"with the lowest numbered rule. These rules determine whether traffic is "
+"allowed in or out of any tier associated with the network ACL. For more "
+"information, see \":ref:`conf-net-acl`\"."
+msgstr "**网络ACL**: 网络ACL是一组网络访问控制列表。这些列表就是一个按顺序编号的规则,执行的时候,从最小的编号开始。这些规则决定了与此ACL关联的各个层的进出流量会被允许或阻止。更多信息,请参考 \":ref:`conf-net-acl`\"."
+# 3248944cfc5a49b7a0c47f7fe13a0385
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:89
+msgid "Network Architecture in a VPC"
+msgstr "VPC的网络架构"
+# 5f310f0748274a1a9d0a095aec7c9c2b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:91
+msgid ""
+"In a VPC, the following four basic options of network architectures are "
+msgstr "VPC有以下四个基本的网络架构:"
+# 7cb03da5ae0b478690c6ab442164a344
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:94
+msgid "VPC with a public gateway only"
+msgstr "只有一个公网网关的VPC"
+# ea9f2145319e406e957665bb7b53123c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:96
+msgid "VPC with public and private gateways"
+msgstr "VPC的公有和私有网关"
+# 2b4f4b4fbf46434c8e5534d0631bca33
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:98
+msgid "VPC with public and private gateways and site-to-site VPN access"
+msgstr "VPC的公有和私有网关以及site-to-site VPN访问"
+# 45b4489a9fcc4360a6d5b2719a77dc79
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:100
+msgid "VPC with a private gateway only and site-to-site VPN access"
+msgstr "只有私有网关的VPC以及site-to-site VPN访问"
+# b702ceb782244642b4369af267ce81d8
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:104
+msgid "Connectivity Options for a VPC"
+msgstr "VPC的连接选择"
+# 6b1ff95952fe4ccbba871b1f5d84e8d8
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:106
+msgid "You can connect your VPC to:"
+msgstr "你可以连接你的VPC:"
+# 65aa43fb551b4f999e9e48eb5960893d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:108
+msgid "The Internet through the public gateway."
+msgstr "通过公有网关连接到Internet."
+# 09137011988c4abebde330c2201cbfe4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"The corporate datacenter by using a site-to-site VPN connection through the "
+"VPN gateway."
+msgstr "通过site-to-siteVPN网关连接到相邻数据中心。"
+# 7a7466064859416c9bf3d5f6fb2828fa
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:113
+msgid ""
+"Both the Internet and your corporate datacenter by using both the public "
+"gateway and a VPN gateway."
+msgstr "通过公有和私有VPN网关同时连接到Internet和相邻数据中心。"
+# c4053fc0a35c4c30b312bd50f3cc946e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:118
+msgid "VPC Network Considerations"
+msgstr "VPC网络的考虑事项"
+# f884bf37cfa444299fac3dd70425950c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:120
+msgid "Consider the following before you create a VPC:"
+msgstr "在创建VPC之前,确认以下事项:"
+# 3d67118ab9e24f4d861c4b78cd07fe86
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:122
+msgid "A VPC, by default, is created in the enabled state."
+msgstr "在创建好VPC之后,其默认处于启用状态。"
+# 64f62904ffbf4d0998ef58a29ec39785
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:124
+msgid ""
+"A VPC can be created in Advance zone only, and can't belong to more than one"
+" zone at a time."
+msgstr "只能在高级区域中创建VPC,并且VPC只能属于一个区域。"
+# 146628ae783e4af79b8cdd56694e87b3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:127
+msgid ""
+"The default number of VPCs an account can create is 20. However, you can "
+"change it by using the max.account.vpcs global parameter, which controls the"
+" maximum number of VPCs an account is allowed to create."
+msgstr "默认VPC的数量是20个。如果你需要更多的VPC的话,可以通过修改max.account.vpcs这个全局参数。这个参数是控制创建VPC的最大数量的。"
+# 548f4246178a412ba72c20238355c619
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:131
+msgid ""
+"The default number of tiers an account can create within a VPC is 3. You can"
+" configure this number by using the vpc.max.networks parameter."
+msgstr "默认一个用户能创建VPC的层数是三层。也可以通过vpc.max.networks这个参数修改。"
+# 8f4ab58bb2db48e7ab28e709ee99c791
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:135
+msgid ""
+"Each tier should have an unique CIDR in the VPC. Ensure that the tier's CIDR"
+" should be within the VPC CIDR range."
+msgstr "VPC中每一层都需要是唯一的CIDR,并且这个CIDR是在VPC的CIDR的范围之内。"
+# a3ab5225e8e649a38b583c6dfa85dd0b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:138
+msgid "A tier belongs to only one VPC."
+msgstr "每一层只能属于一个VPC。"
+# cbf79c1dbbb04abeb940ac4a4e63693b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:140
+msgid "All network tiers inside the VPC should belong to the same account."
+msgstr "VPC中所有网络层都应属于同一个帐号。"
+# 4697685b3c1c4f75888b23d1f474ad37
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:142
+msgid ""
+"When a VPC is created, by default, a SourceNAT IP is allocated to it. The "
+"Source NAT IP is released only when the VPC is removed."
+msgstr "当VPC创建好之后,默认会分配好SourceNAT IP。当此VPC删除之后,SourceNAT IP也会被释放。"
+# f790d826d90d4341885a39022d276efc
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:145
+msgid ""
+"A public IP can be used for only one purpose at a time. If the IP is a "
+"sourceNAT, it cannot be used for StaticNAT or port forwarding."
+msgstr "一个公网IP只能用一个用途。如果此IP用于SourceNAT作用的话,就不能同时再用作StaticNAT 或端口转发。"
+# cccc0c77482c4721a48a8e3eee6370e0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:148
+msgid ""
+"The instances can only have a private IP address that you provision. To "
+"communicate with the Internet, enable NAT to an instance that you launch in "
+"your VPC."
+msgstr "一个实例只能有一个私有IP地址,为了访问Internet,你可以为VPC里的此实例启用NAT功能。"
+# b833eb4050c145869c7a419c8f37aee9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:152
+msgid ""
+"Only new networks can be added to a VPC. The maximum number of networks per "
+"VPC is limited by the value you specify in the vpc.max.networks parameter. "
+"The default value is three."
+msgstr "只有新的网络才能加入VPC。每一个VPC的最大网络数量由参数vpc.max.networks指定。其默认值为3."
+# 1180f413398548729b7198559dc5eb33
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"The load balancing service can be supported by only one tier inside the VPC."
+msgstr "VPC中只有一层支持负载均衡服务。"
+# 1d6388d964364caa8d134f7673bfa2dd
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:159
+msgid "If an IP address is assigned to a tier:"
+msgstr "如果一个IP地址被赋予一个网络层:"
+# 92d15597ceda4a5383fd25cb566b47c7
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:161
+msgid ""
+"That IP can't be used by more than one tier at a time in the VPC. For "
+"example, if you have tiers A and B, and a public IP1, you can create a port "
+"forwarding rule by using the IP either for A or B, but not for both."
+msgstr "那么这个IP就不能在VPC里被另外的层所使用。比如:如果你有A层和B层以及一个公网IP地址,则你可以为A或B创建一个端口转发规则,但不能同时在A和B上创建。"
+# a92e77fa9415458b960baded020a27ac
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:166
+msgid ""
+"That IP can't be used for StaticNAT, load balancing, or port forwarding "
+"rules for another guest network inside the VPC."
+msgstr "那个IP也不能在VPC的其它的客户网络里用作StaticNAT,负载均衡,端口转发规则。"
+# e138623610a449e8a6fd5bb3f4a2ab3f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:169
+msgid "Remote access VPN is not supported in VPC networks."
+msgstr "VPC网络不支持Remote access VPN。"
+# 02efff273d294762ad189c6d19730f71
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:173
+msgid "Adding a Virtual Private Cloud"
+msgstr "添加一个VPC"
+# d1100a2ab1a54454bece6b2f5a47e4f8
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:175
+msgid ""
+"When creating the VPC, you simply provide the zone and a set of IP addresses"
+" for the VPC network address space. You specify this set of addresses in the"
+" form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block."
+msgstr "当创建VPC时,你只需要提供区域名和VPC要使用的一组IP地址。这组IP地址是以CIDR块的形式提供。"
+# 27c90db3b2d846b58c9abf075735077b
+# 23214314bc4c40d3bc784cf8b99c1273
+# 06da644a106746d9b22320df5442e7eb
+# 8292048a7bd74adeae7e3b6677cc7dc8
+# fb4e97f30b554d92af68a1e9d1886576
+# ceaea70c95b1422597606b789f77fae7
+# c80fe5feb23443ab8e81a05534c38d15
+# 612a8d98561a4b08824d22d8ab9cd815
+# 3d9f5b1f4cf7497ebaa39f40d2b7d3fb
+# 7af40adf2d7f49ee82115cf17558f076
+# 54efcc991da44e5b87cab339063f09cc
+# 98308f9c7c7e4548b3e6ef0828178c9d
+# b16c2e02fd8e42a1aacb687d60b4fb46
+# 1d2a5b77246843818d6d6cc8fd7482ae
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:179
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:223
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:331
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:380
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:492
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:662
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:729
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:788
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:848
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1014
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1227
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1282
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1360
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1388
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# 25aa9d2390434c03a89b6b16c9b69fe9
+# 6e8e81dbb9f447c3aaabac12cbbebc79
+# 7daeed72e5de4f68b5d3fec3deae5a12
+# ad50664f103d4bc3b95d04f0c6891395
+# b462daef366f4f119997d229bdcd4fde
+# cbb8c618e79f4f5bb024ac637c94f155
+# d418a0fbecc7474d89b0c7122cb9f046
+# c1602cd2089a4465bb64a310c84582ae
+# 692a153c672746fa937e636f18024241
+# f2241fbd031643a498b64bc52bc9a3ed
+# 35b9e68484d140e1813335d0a33c68d1
+# bb61fadd006d4624a91bb45665efac73
+# 0cdbc29c89c540c08fa87bd601f4976c
+# 2706338d19fe43d589acd0c274b932c0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:181
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:225
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:333
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:382
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:494
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:664
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:731
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:790
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:850
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1016
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1229
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1284
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1362
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1390
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络。"
+# 4a2df6815f134b918345eaf3d39193fa
+# a59b8d1dfb334d948ed4ad0764ce5b84
+# 12b0ac2563474462b71654534aba088a
+# 08995e8ef0484b879f2982b11278720c
+# 0913e0292efb41c284ad04d0d8ec0c1d
+# f66916dd15334247bb50483cd9c296b7
+# d34dad2acbce43aa9f28ce7014089f24
+# 50500a3f8df347e19b005d01525ac7e1
+# c538254df2644b7fb6e4aa16f80f84a6
+# 92649f86d20849b498765a29fd1d7973
+# 9528e3d88e224cacb28e4e204ddab6a7
+# 934c19367f124113b2d3d8f8aabab4a6
+# cd85c04d5e0b4e7c901b189b7ab5e96e
+# 2028f717603c4390944c6c6cb703af37
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:183
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:227
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:335
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:384
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:496
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:666
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:733
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:792
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:852
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1018
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1231
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1286
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1364
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1392
+msgid "In the Select view, select VPC."
+msgstr "在选择视图中,选择VPC。"
+# 03b833a9bbc14d2f8ccd0561f8bac779
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:185
+msgid "Click Add VPC. The Add VPC page is displayed as follows:"
+msgstr "点击添加VPC按钮。页面呈现以下:"
+# 007c69b8b7c640d2a9dd08b2b4a86102
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:187
+msgid "|add-vpc.png|"
+msgstr "|add-vpc.png|"
+# 7bd4344fc68d4e6c8939286640c64ff6
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:189
+msgid "Provide the following information:"
+msgstr "填写以下内容:"
+# fecc1622a73f4e299c4fe16149ef3c1e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:191
+msgid "**Name**: A short name for the VPC that you are creating."
+msgstr "**名称**: 要创建的VPC的名称。"
+# 9fe964ec13864d159f7f9fe45e612351
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:193
+msgid "**Description**: A brief description of the VPC."
+msgstr "**描述**: 关于此VPC的简短描述."
+# 75bab09118a641cd94d798e0450bb114
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:195
+msgid "**Zone**: Choose the zone where you want the VPC to be available."
+msgstr "**区域**: 你希望将此VPN应用在哪个区域中。"
+# 38e1b19b64074aebbc448d4398522e6a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:197
+msgid ""
+"**Super CIDR for Guest Networks**: Defines the CIDR range for all the tiers "
+"(guest networks) within a VPC. When you create a tier, ensure that its CIDR "
+"is within the Super CIDR value you enter. The CIDR must be RFC1918 "
+msgstr "**客户网络超级CIDR**: 定义一个VPC内所有层(客户网络)的CIDR范围。当你新创建一个层时,这个层的CIDR必须在这个超级CIDR范围之内。CIDR的格式定义必须符合RFC1918。"
+# 2b3cb992f4d9418699ec71ad0d7892b7
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:202
+msgid ""
+"**DNS domain for Guest Networks**: If you want to assign a special domain "
+"name, specify the DNS suffix. This parameter is applied to all the tiers "
+"within the VPC. That implies, all the tiers you create in the VPC belong to "
+"the same DNS domain. If the parameter is not specified, a DNS domain name is"
+" generated automatically."
+msgstr "**客户网络的DNS域名**: 如果你需要一个域名,则需要在此指定域名后缀。这个参数会应用到VPC中所有的层中。这表示,VPC中所有的层都属于同一个域。如果没有指定域名,则域名会由系统随机产生。"
+# ae282958b5fb4ea594fe92f009ca5f46
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:208
+msgid ""
+"**Public Load Balancer Provider**: You have two options: VPC Virtual Router "
+"and Netscaler."
+msgstr "**公共负载均衡提供者**: 有两个选项:VPC虚拟路由器和 Netscaler。"
+# f0a8bdb0febf4b97879a69db489ba8b8
+# a37c6acaf1254a6f818d9f64ae0960aa
+# 677238e0e48a40898578fd007249ecaa
+# 650c882688974599ba5c3660d14f2838
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:211
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:281
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:455
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:479
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
+# 83d71b83ff1b413187423073f1a1c957
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:215
+msgid "Adding Tiers"
+msgstr "添加层"
+# 8202063e990e4086bb8c476cfa8f2650
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:217
+msgid ""
+"Tiers are distinct locations within a VPC that act as isolated networks, "
+"which do not have access to other tiers by default. Tiers are set up on "
+"different VLANs that can communicate with each other by using a virtual "
+"router. Tiers provide inexpensive, low latency network connectivity to other"
+" tiers within the VPC."
+msgstr "层在VPC里起来隔离网络的作用,默认规则是层之间不能互访。不同VLAN之间的层可以通过虚拟机实现连接。层在VPC内部提供一种廉价,低延迟的网络连接。"
+# 6f156f2256294f94a48422c02a2a33f1
+# 91fdfd64076446a1af782ea3021c6911
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:229
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1366
+msgid ""
+"All the VPC that you have created for the account is listed in the page."
+msgstr "此帐号创建的所有VPC将显示在页面中。"
+# 98e3757975184289b5414253c54bd6c9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:233
+msgid ""
+"The end users can see their own VPCs, while root and domain admin can see "
+"any VPC they are authorized to see."
+msgstr "最终用户能看到他们自己的VPC,系统管理用户和域管理员可以看到所有被授权查看的VPC。"
+# 3293738bea7a4e3c97fc6b8cd60f65ba
+# 4c89fd343c734f5cabc8cb26dd48bf94
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:236
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1369
+msgid ""
+"Click the Configure button of the VPC for which you want to set up tiers."
+msgstr "在你希望设置层的VPC里,点击配置按钮。"
+# a3b02bf28e484233b337b84341a2f39e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:239
+msgid "Click Create network."
+msgstr "点击新建网络。"
+# e8b22e1b54b84b1e9945e0c94e3fd069
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:241
+msgid "The Add new tier dialog is displayed, as follows:"
+msgstr "然后,添加层的对话界面就会出现。如下:"
+# 1f18a2fd76094e94947690c4064b2a75
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:243
+msgid "|add-tier.png|"
+msgstr "|add-tier.png|"
+# 830f50fe9c8041c9821f1cf9b94f87bd
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:245
+msgid ""
+"If you have already created tiers, the VPC diagram is displayed. Click "
+"Create Tier to add a new tier."
+msgstr "如果你已添加层,VPC界面就会出现。点击添加层可以增加一个新的层。"
+# b372cab6baf04844a5ff7a1611d1d5b6
+# 4bc6b0a5224f4b8383ff3c5322dc34c6
+# 95ebee159c7a49d6a38872dfbba22963
+# 1490eec9177146d0bb7ef70ee1896fb9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:248
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:539
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1062
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1330
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr "指定以下信息:"
+# 07194bca2d77463fb722f6b3a2d51fd6
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:250
+msgid "All the fields are mandatory."
+msgstr "所有的区域必须填写的。"
+# 26b1c6c9cd4747a0b399711d03ee9f7f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:252
+msgid "**Name**: A unique name for the tier you create."
+msgstr "**名称**: 你添加的层的一个唯一的层名。"
+# b4b14e979a074d9fbdd39309629f1524
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:254
+msgid ""
+"**Network Offering**: The following default network offerings are listed: "
+"Internal LB, DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksNoLB, "
+msgstr "**网络方案**: 默认有以下几种网络方案: Internal LB, DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksNoLB, DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworks"
+# 54126af9bcfb4590a766f2324d72f790
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:259
+msgid ""
+"In a VPC, only one tier can be created by using LB-enabled network offering."
+msgstr "在一个VPC中,用LB-enabled network offering只能创建一个层。"
+# 083df7653efc42938c67b7537bbc4bc3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:262
+msgid ""
+"**Gateway**: The gateway for the tier you create. Ensure that the gateway is"
+" within the Super CIDR range that you specified while creating the VPC, and "
+"is not overlapped with the CIDR of any existing tier within the VPC."
+msgstr "**网关**:你创建网络层的网关。确保网关在你创建VPC时指定的超级CIDR范围内,并且不能与已存在VPC的任何网络层的CIDR重叠。"
+# abb381823abe42c78600368125e95a5a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:267
+msgid "**VLAN**: The VLAN ID for the tier that the root admin creates."
+msgstr "**VLAN**: 指定系统管理员创建的层的VLAN ID号。"
+# e6585788ce994cfba6fa7581d88af8df
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:269
+msgid ""
+"This option is only visible if the network offering you selected is VLAN-"
+msgstr "这个选项只在你选择的方案在VLAN-enabled的情况下才会显示出来。"
+# 383ce12e9bc44d939d3ae386c0ca42aa
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:272
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `\"Assigning VLANs to Isolated Networks\" "
+msgstr "如需要更多信息,请参考\"为隔离网络分配VLAN\" <hosts.html#assigning-vlans-to-isolated-networks>`_.节。"
+# 88877f2edc5f40a9949cf663c7c306a0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:275
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask for the tier you create."
+msgstr "**子网掩码**:你创建的网络层的子网掩码。"
+# 25897e33d08b4bedb702059f77e2f09e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:277
+msgid ""
+"For example, if the VPC CIDR is and the network tier CIDR is "
+", the gateway of the tier is, and the netmask of the "
+"tier is"
+msgstr "比如,如果VPC CIDR是10.0.0.0/16并且该网络层CIDR是10.0.1.0/24,那么这个网络层的网关是10.0.1.1,子网掩码是255.255.255.0."
+# 6da01b412d664e3baa5324abd03955b7
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:283
+msgid "Continue with configuring access control list for the tier."
+msgstr "继续为层配置访问控制列表。"
+# dc2a5ea9afaf4bb8b1d188b3cadc5fb2
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:289
+msgid "Configuring Network Access Control List"
+msgstr "配置网络访问控制列表"
+# 79dbace67e0b4872ba1da3458f8ccb16
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:291
+msgid ""
+"Define Network Access Control List (ACL) on the VPC virtual router to "
+"control incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress) traffic between the VPC "
+"tiers, and the tiers and Internet. By default, all incoming traffic to the "
+"guest networks is blocked and all outgoing traffic from guest networks is "
+"allowed, once you add an ACL rule for outgoing traffic, then only outgoing "
+"traffic specified in this ACL rule is allowed, the rest is blocked. To open "
+"the ports, you must create a new network ACL. The network ACLs can be "
+"created for the tiers only if the NetworkACL service is supported."
+msgstr "定义网络访问控制列表(ACL),用以在VPC的层之间,或是层与互联网之间控制进出流量。默认情况下,客户网络的所有进入流量被阻止,所有外出流量被允许。一旦在外出流量方向添加了ACL,则只有ACL规则允许的流量可以被允许,其余的外出流量会被阻止。如果要开放其它端口,则需要在新的ACL中明确定义。只有在支持NetworkACL服务的条件下,只能创建层的ACL。"
+# c9d908950964474eb10940d7ba15e7ba
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:303
+msgid "About Network ACL Lists"
+msgstr "关于ACL列表"
+# c28b7fe0e1f04f65ad1968b74ca91f03
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:305
+msgid ""
+"In CloudStack terminology, Network ACL is a group of Network ACL items. "
+"Network ACL items are nothing but numbered rules that are evaluated in "
+"order, starting with the lowest numbered rule. These rules determine whether"
+" traffic is allowed in or out of any tier associated with the network ACL. "
+"You need to add the Network ACL items to the Network ACL, then associate the"
+" Network ACL with a tier. Network ACL is associated with a VPC and can be "
+"assigned to multiple VPC tiers within a VPC. A Tier is associated with a "
+"Network ACL at all the times. Each tier can be associated with only one ACL."
+msgstr "在CloudStack术语中,ACL指的是一组针对网络条目。其按条目规则顺序执行,从最小值开始。这些规则决定了与此ACL关联的层的进出流量是被允许还是阻止。操作的方法是添加一个ACL,然后将这个ACL与层关联。ACL在整个VPC中使用,它可以被关系到一个VPC当中多个层中。一个层能及只能关联到一个ACL中。"
+# e213818eed1947258f8bcb2896c4b24a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:315
+msgid ""
+"The default Network ACL is used when no ACL is associated. Default behavior "
+"is all the incoming traffic is blocked and outgoing traffic is allowed from "
+"the tiers. Default network ACL cannot be removed or modified. Contents of "
+"the default Network ACL is:"
+msgstr "当没有ACL明确关联时,会有一个默认的ACL起作用。默认规则是层中所有进入流量被阻止,所有外出流量被允许默认的ACL不能被删除或修改。默认ACL的内容如下:"
+# e7163daf40764297bb4c9256f9b0db76
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+msgid "Rule"
+msgstr "规则"
+# 8c0f119efb90499885ad10d74e32f699
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+msgid "Protocol"
+msgstr "协议"
+# 6a4e95a5005949559075e58b104e8b1e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+msgid "Traffic type"
+msgstr "流量类型"
+# db7f138ccd254efda3045d28c44e5ebd
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+msgid "Action"
+msgstr "动作"
+# 51c0d62f36c143a5baf332fb86f16b96
+# d597d570fbfc4080b2ea3998fa7d939e
+# eff385663f0941d4b6809c0c182cfaf2
+# 2599fa667bce44d7b2c977f4d835a98e
+# bc9aa77c4f984714a6cead0bf43281ad
+# a2e2cc9d31f448ecab07fc456663f5bd
+# d849de055dcd46a29493cd6942aa2cae
+# 7d80106d48c4421190d8c55e7ddd2f90
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:352
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:519
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:754
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:812
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:873
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1039
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1307
+msgid "CIDR"
+msgstr "CIDR"
+# fc484eb64ca04d1b8fed82414583e90a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+msgid "1"
+msgstr "1"
+# c40bf7c2103d4006b064570d67b6b324
+# 8f113663532445cbb46226109e68fc87
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "所有"
+# cd3fb0b3957f47a7b32acd1b403d5f55
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+msgid "Ingress"
+msgstr "进入流量"
+# e166cc8cfc04481391575caea5841312
+# d259eeaee8994ad79d0143e92a5fe39a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+msgid "Deny"
+msgstr "拒绝"
+# acedcca878414c89b67e3f7e98d67e02
+# c2f3ea9812544c20a6fc02ac9aad34f0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+# dd6e16cde8494347a2e77ca176fd8a0c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+msgid "2"
+msgstr "2"
+# 23726ba83ae748468e32ef14a54d573b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+msgid "Egress"
+msgstr "外出流量"
+# 464f3ed7f4f24169b73210972956651a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:329
+msgid "Creating ACL Lists"
+msgstr "创建ACL列表"
+# b4c82d1c9112484d92153e98ab6a2d33
+# 473281bb899a4393b7cf08840e8c8fde
+# 96a686680e5647d1b47c4067236c664f
+# a790843b311f4f1a9cd8d8d1ee5257a0
+# 4b114128189141c284315e2473ddc438
+# eee54cf82c9f4083b3ad53bb800a3bb4
+# 5c27b5d189844a82a379bc064c2b337e
+# 24808f02d0764c739d4aad58f9e15037
+# 1b11a2ac4b0e47ee9fc8a3f367edea68
+# 100ab8e1140f431bb36c49295576da40
+# 3ed6090af9fa4e238cf801269c4c072d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:337
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:386
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:498
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:668
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:735
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:794
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:854
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1020
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1233
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1288
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1394
+msgid ""
+"All the VPCs that you have created for the account is listed in the page."
+msgstr "此帐号创建的所有VPC将显示在页面中。"
+# 6aa87599a443418889e9db15cc500f7d
+# 0bb74bee4b2d4d6da70d6240c47afe8f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:340
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:389
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC."
+msgstr "点击VPC的配置按钮。"
+# a7a5868fc1c545d8b40456b1836b9ddc
+# 62d64d7c737248d3b49d2cfcf91ab9ea
+# a7576a24a2874ab89a29f6d0b1528bac
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:342
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1029
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1297
+msgid "For each tier, the following options are displayed:"
+msgstr "对于每一个层,会显示以下选项。"
+# c84c70798b73443ba7f00b174398ed30
+# 2b1209152c06414c809dd9cbe8e873f6
+# 2d40227490424cf0b08f531835947150
+# 5d234a982f1c449bb04697d7e629b3d7
+# b35cbc7845ed400cb02bd71b07eac64e
+# 68ca9e9b2011446da7adcef0d83d05ee
+# edde5a9896f94691829221191ccf24ca
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:344
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:511
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:746
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:804
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:865
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1031
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1299
+msgid "Internal LB"
+msgstr "内部LB"
+# 840747d13a8548c3a1ed1cfa7aec94d8
+# 2cebf679ea3c44cea4495a0da3fdede4
+# 171baf1d98124ad5a9e0e93348d43959
+# 60793fb25c274674a39f4d6ca1d6f5e8
+# cdafdf21344242e391e50189def8e3f7
+# 22aed14946de415e844a06a396d14413
+# d215b78e0acd4886aaae10e01da3539a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:346
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:513
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:748
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:806
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:867
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1033
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1301
+msgid "Public LB IP"
+msgstr "公共LB IP"
+# 503c7c6831eb4f5ca96c64c2b8328442
+# b565e6a4cff8412f9d1c9032ea24e848
+# 749694902cf440fea4b8315f93dddf91
+# 0b5fb5da84014d7680951915cb26b0a8
+# f8fa3d05ec454df1abf7f6a5079c965b
+# 43f4ab42a09a499783f95aba183bd8a7
+# 88e9603df37e4eacb36619474a076744
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:348
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:515
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:750
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:808
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:869
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1035
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1303
+msgid "Static NAT"
+msgstr "静态 NAT"
+# c7d592104fa6447da1b9471822e82ec8
+# 714747328af148798be74203cc3ea72e
+# 86f01795bd5c488fb9cbffd13a3b84a0
+# 1a4d0e4cefc648188e4e0d1e3f5f813f
+# 7df65f6c728842c680faa985c0d2b934
+# 0caa2b61a0d14a3893de13c06290cb7a
+# 8adba6b367094ad4bd769cc0a7ae13a8
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:350
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:517
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:752
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:810
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:871
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1037
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1305
+msgid "Virtual Machines"
+msgstr "虚拟机"
+# 2e579cf3f90345feb4b8edc18f78fd8d
+# 600d551d0f114e47a420f1c86cd445f4
+# 485eb313498a44e2ab1906012a044734
+# 92f01bcc2bcd45919753fcbc87f143c3
+# e6be963a127340ba88d4e76482c44368
+# e48b3a02fdbf4c1aab3e5704df727b54
+# 0a61a781736c436c9379e115fd3df3cb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:354
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:521
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:756
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:814
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:875
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1041
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1309
+msgid "The following router information is displayed:"
+msgstr "显示以下路由器信息:"
+# 4ed3754e8e014af2a5af0fb4036eeef2
+# 3d5c5cdec63d4e90aee5f9c884e80a5d
+# dcf31b093d01445ebfad5a3769f1a716
+# 4e06d785ce264f838a57f818a5eb51de
+# 33fd1f6f2fe94fbb8fcebb54432f6db5
+# 920576fcde1e43f5a7d673e3fc8c3961
+# 8d9aac57476145b98417e24b78edbee1
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:356
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:523
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:758
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:816
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:877
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1043
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1311
+msgid "Private Gateways"
+msgstr "专用网关"
+# 0f79101b541d4297ad26fb3125843df6
+# 4e977612c45648cd8858b2f415c8d338
+# 764c6f4d2f214c1f9d33d36fec4bc931
+# 9ed4d3258aec4c01a9d1d7ab9ee6584a
+# 6210247a7c834558b9caf3e695d10eeb
+# b44f415f26cd49dcb58c424bce136a67
+# db0357d3ac9a479698e479d686e8cd9c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:358
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:525
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:760
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:818
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:879
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1045
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1313
+msgid "Public IP Addresses"
+msgstr "公共IP地址"
+# 70abe760545c42d0a794c6ce16a6c288
+# 0c346db4251b43b3a80a084bfd310d80
+# e6e45a6bac434db8b588e5a74c0902b8
+# d682a97cc5f14a0e801c4858edf11f48
+# 29fa45fc941945f891cbf96f6478db82
+# 941bc49890ae411aa05236d0e5102149
+# 3800a9e49a3b4745b17c1769febf9383
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:360
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:527
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:762
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:820
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:881
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1047
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1315
+msgid "Site-to-Site VPNs"
+msgstr "站点到站点 VPN"
+# ba528c5024fa489689b4d8ce0c1a0d85
+# 9b993afc4ad845f081de9838ee06ba00
+# 64ec433ac68146178442d14772e8ef45
+# 5a1b96032f234dbc85b6c87e45c31b31
+# c6f194d9a94a415a914fccd54dd4cffa
+# 1148599659df40fc8189b9aaf51587de
+# 5ae9778ec74a46dca0c4191ae03ecbb0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:362
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:529
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:764
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:822
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:883
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1049
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1317
+msgid "Network ACL Lists"
+msgstr "网络 ACL列表"
+# a3498a3bc728411aa4d5a7313f8d1fca
+# 1fd8c162a2124419bfff5003f1d58fe3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:364
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:391
+msgid "Select Network ACL Lists."
+msgstr "选择网络ACL列表。"
+# 9a1064fed3e342afb4b08a5d9e4ba3f9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:366
+msgid ""
+"The following default rules are displayed in the Network ACLs page: "
+"default\\_allow, default\\_deny."
+msgstr "在ACL页面,下面默认规则将会显示出来:default\\_allow, default\\_deny."
+# eee1fde55c454e4ba76e51f7c0073681
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:369
+msgid "Click Add ACL Lists, and specify the following:"
+msgstr "点击添加ACL列表,指定以下配置:"
+# 0019e51fcb5d4b609e3dfc8a2f798182
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:371
+msgid "**ACL List Name**: A name for the ACL list."
+msgstr "**ACL列表名称**: 为ACL列表命名。"
+# 545d7afa82d944fc932e088624630881
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:373
+msgid ""
+"**Description**: A short description of the ACL list that can be displayed "
+"to users."
+msgstr "**描述**: ACL列表的简短描述。"
+# 0eef9c80eb244e469737b6dbfed09ee5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:378
+msgid "Creating an ACL Rule"
+msgstr "创建一个ACL规则"
+# 9ec1bad501f2492c875359dee57af36c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:393
+msgid ""
+"In addition to the custom ACL lists you have created, the following default "
+"rules are displayed in the Network ACLs page: default\\_allow, "
+msgstr "除了创建的你自定义的ACL列表之后,以下默认ACL规则也会显示在页面中:default\\_allow, default\\_deny."
+# 56fa96725745426090705b3dea696c75
+# a5a846532a7f4d51b3b4ad850b809ffc
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:397
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:477
+msgid "Select the desired ACL list."
+msgstr "选择需要的ACL列表。"
+# 9b8b87a05d164a1e9388a9e96455c916
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:399
+msgid "Select the ACL List Rules tab."
+msgstr "选择ACL规则栏"
+# a35e39faa5504d4a939aa4cbc70ebd47
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:401
+msgid ""
+"To add an ACL rule, fill in the following fields to specify what kind of "
+"network traffic is allowed in the VPC."
+msgstr "为了创建ACL规则,需要在VPC中定义下面哪些网络流量是允许的。"
+# 09875f1f997e40c78467e4afbfd008a0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:404
+msgid "**Rule Number**: The order in which the rules are evaluated."
+msgstr "**规则序号**: 规则被执行的顺序。"
+# 718a86130cf84374b39ef695d7c0319f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:406
+msgid ""
+"**CIDR**: The CIDR acts as the Source CIDR for the Ingress rules, and "
+"Destination CIDR for the Egress rules. To accept traffic only from or to the"
+" IP addresses within a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-"
+"separated list of CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the incoming "
+"traffic. For example, To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr "**CIDR**: 对于进入的规则,CIDR对源地址起作用,对于外出的规则,CIDR对目标地址起作用。如果要定义多个可接受进出流量的特定地址段,需要以逗号分隔各个CIDR。CIDR是进入流量的基IP地址。比如, 如要对所有CIDR允许流量, 设置为"
+# 5e7871dde2bc4878b9630e4f89ef78a5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:413
+msgid "**Action**: What action to be taken. Allow traffic or block."
+msgstr "**操作**: 定义要进行的操作,允许或阻止。"
+# 960f6ba511804daf84bb14b0ee7d9fcb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:415
+msgid ""
+"**Protocol**: The networking protocol that sources use to send traffic to "
+"the tier. The TCP and UDP protocols are typically used for data exchange and"
+" end-user communications. The ICMP protocol is typically used to send error "
+"messages or network monitoring data. All supports all the traffic. Other "
+"option is Protocol Number."
+msgstr "**协议**: 发送到层的源地址的网络协议。最终用户的访问和数据交换通常是用TCP和UDP协议。ICMP协议通常用来发送错误信息或网络监控。ALL表示支持所有协议流量,其它选项是协议编号。"
+# f8c920b2724240f7bcce7a3ffa539142
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:422
+msgid ""
+"**Start Port**, **End Port** (TCP, UDP only): A range of listening ports "
+"that are the destination for the incoming traffic. If you are opening a "
+"single port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr "**起始端口**, **结束端口** (TCP, UDP only):对进入流量,这些端口是指需要监听的目标地址的端口范围。如果你只开放一个端口,则在起始和结束端口里填写同一个端口。"
+# 6354d433a9d14d5aac441bc824aa18d8
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:426
+msgid ""
+"**Protocol Number**: The protocol number associated with IPv4 or IPv6. For "
+"more information, see `Protocol Numbers <"
+msgstr "**协议编号**: 协议编号是与IPV4或IPV6相关联的。更多信息,请参考 `协议号 <>`_."
+# 07c3ccfb6e804b7b9f9c6ee3e97baab6
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:430
+msgid ""
+"**ICMP Type**, **ICMP Code** (ICMP only): The type of message and error code"
+" that will be sent."
+msgstr "**ICMP类型**, **ICMP代码** (ICMP only): 信息类型及发送错误的代码。"
+# fcf4685a451c434fa979261a9f4a989a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:433
+msgid "**Traffic Type**: The type of traffic: Incoming or outgoing."
+msgstr "**流量类型**: 进出流量的类型。"
+# 4cb2859d5c494c07a39e4f7f9c8b316d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:435
+msgid "Click Add. The ACL rule is added."
+msgstr "点击添加。这个ACL规则就添加好了。"
+# 6a1dc858d8f64fc4b59744f3ce271735
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:437
+msgid ""
+"You can edit the tags assigned to the ACL rules and delete the ACL rules you"
+" have created. Click the appropriate button in the Details tab."
+msgstr "你可以重新编辑ACL标签,或是删除ACL。点击详细信息里的appropriate按钮。"
+# f116157c2cc3452d9381d88f34e5edcc
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:443
+msgid "Creating a Tier with Custom ACL List"
+msgstr "创建一个具有自定义ACL列表的层。"
+# a6dcc18dbcf14658bbe49913ec9d7258
+# a9d8c9ab4785456fa3b539a958e0a391
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:445
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:461
+msgid "Create a VPC."
+msgstr "创建一个VPC。"
+# c46ed610d0de4aabb7a66be1bc38b59c
+# 0eba50fd6c8241ce8c46b4f22adac8ce
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:447
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:467
+msgid "Create a custom ACL list."
+msgstr "创建一个自定义ACL列表。"
+# d641158411d6429aa58b99856ae3aa3e
+# ee2e3bb2bdcf4ae6ac56d960eb5c8414
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:449
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:469
+msgid "Add ACL rules to the ACL list."
+msgstr "将ACL规则加入ACL列表。"
+# 1b9144de1d7c42478e9bcc5e58e8ad8b
+# 6416990ed47a46299ea5a399d45a25e5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:451
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:463
+msgid "Create a tier in the VPC."
+msgstr "在VPC里创建一个层。"
+# d7313c7f5dc741be9cab74d4cc465987
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:453
+msgid "Select the desired ACL list while creating a tier."
+msgstr "在创建层的过程中选择需要的ACL列表。"
+# a2518e7f8c9347b1b2c5d2a4575170df
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:459
+msgid "Assigning a Custom ACL List to a Tier"
+msgstr "将一个自定义的ACL关联到一个层。"
+# 67c4657175a040149f04332d949d57bf
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:465
+msgid "Associate the tier with the default ACL rule."
+msgstr "将默认的ACL规则关联到层。"
+# b83eff10b1ce44d2bcfae9e1e8920b6f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:471
+msgid "Select the tier for which you want to assign the custom ACL."
+msgstr "选中你希望赋予自定义ACL的层。"
+# a44330dc8018442bb213f335afaab969
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:473
+msgid "Click the Replace ACL List icon. |replace-acl-icon.png|"
+msgstr "点击替换ACL图标。|replace-acl-icon.png|"
+# dd9f88e9651f45199d45d102228e2574
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:475
+msgid "The Replace ACL List dialog is displayed."
+msgstr "替换ACL的对话界面将会弹出来。"
+# 51a9c7e87c8c46bc8c2d01f1c70b1b5e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:485
+msgid "Adding a Private Gateway to a VPC"
+msgstr "在一个VPC里加入私有网关。"
+# 5bb03fe2db6344479a16781735c33d36
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:487
+msgid ""
+"A private gateway can be added by the root admin only. The VPC private "
+"network has 1:1 relationship with the NIC of the physical network. You can "
+"configure multiple private gateways to a single VPC. No gateways with "
+"duplicated VLAN and IP are allowed in the same data center."
+msgstr "私有网关只能被系统管理员添加。VPC私有网络和物理网络之间是1:1的对应关系。你可以在一个VPC里定义多个私有网关。在同一个数据中心,不允许复制VLAN和IP的网关。"
+# 56d5e3ac03e0437e95ee0073c44b19dd
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:501
+msgid ""
+"Click the Configure button of the VPC to which you want to configure load "
+"balancing rules."
+msgstr "在你想配置负载均衡的VPC上点击配置按钮。"
+# 142dc427cda8454c943c18bb8066cbea
+# 508dbf4fb717460bbb35c009061f7564
+# fb95c3660854480db28704507ed4b900
+# 21eb0af33be64ade85d894838188a330
+# 75579da7cb264f9b80565e8bc7ef99b4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:504
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:741
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:799
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:860
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1294
+msgid ""
+"The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you created are listed in a "
+msgstr "系统会显示VPC页面,您创建的所有层都列在图中。"
+# 57a669215b0c459babdfa0f7477512bb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:507
+msgid "Click the Settings icon."
+msgstr "点击设置图标。"
+# 27df09e575754d0bb04ff268ac13cd85
+# aec57c8f590a41ea9f3c4002d2bb2082
+# c83fad1cd6a74d3ba7da7551441402ad
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:509
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:744
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:802
+msgid "The following options are displayed."
+msgstr "下面这些选项就会出现。"
+# c22be90142b04c5483ec525bb576d2c3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:531
+msgid "Select Private Gateways."
+msgstr "选择私有网关。"
+# 2902accc6b5b49a1b204fd3fd16b1f5e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:533
+msgid "The Gateways page is displayed."
+msgstr "网关对话框就会显示出来。"
+# 92c2f2f09846411594265950bf78b9e4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:535
+msgid "Click Add new gateway:"
+msgstr "点击添加新网关:"
+# 2c2c653d4d9d4521b4a7eb5c0e19f64c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:537
+msgid "|add-new-gateway-vpc.png|"
+msgstr "|add-new-gateway-vpc.png|"
+# 891ea4ddb15443e5ab8f32c8088c452f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:541
+msgid ""
+"**Physical Network**: The physical network you have created in the zone."
+msgstr "**物理网络**: 此处为你已在区域内建好的物理网络。"
+# ca06b3e4deaf4ce3a02322454f78ed68
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:544
+msgid "**IP Address**: The IP address associated with the VPC gateway."
+msgstr "**IP地址**: 关联VPC网关的IP地址。"
+# a5410ac8843e4c719973edf2d9bab4e0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:546
+msgid ""
+"**Gateway**: The gateway through which the traffic is routed to and from the"
+" VPC."
+msgstr "**网关**: 定义进出VPC流量的网关。"
+# 955c1cc8e0f847408e1bd7754afbe13b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:549
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask associated with the VPC gateway."
+msgstr "**Netmask**: VPC网关的子网掩码。"
+# 852f638bb7234dc1a27dc43b5e016322
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:551
+msgid "**VLAN**: The VLAN associated with the VPC gateway."
+msgstr "**VLAN**: VPC网关的VLAN。"
+# 6f6c910aeb6d4ee29cfd16a8f169801a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:553
+msgid ""
+"**Source NAT**: Select this option to enable the source NAT service on the "
+"VPC private gateway."
+msgstr "**Source NAT**: 这个选项会启用VPC私有网关的source NAT服务。"
+# ca50f58a899f498d80e5d3cfaddc4e56
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:556
+msgid "See \":ref:`source-nat-priv-gw`\"."
+msgstr "参考\":ref:`source-nat-priv-gw`\"."
+# 4004b1c124dc41d7afca981bfc6aa29d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:558
+msgid ""
+"**ACL**: Controls both ingress and egress traffic on a VPC private gateway. "
+"By default, all the traffic is blocked."
+msgstr "**ACL**: 控制VPC私有网关的进出流量,默认情况下,所有流量被阻止。"
+# e0641473896e4fc4abe0e8d8f6500ad5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:561
+msgid "See \":ref:`acl-priv-gw`\"."
+msgstr "参考\":ref:`acl-priv-gw`\"."
+# c748dfb7b8764ed2b63524e27be99156
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:563
+msgid ""
+"The new gateway appears in the list. You can repeat these steps to add more "
+"gateway for this VPC."
+msgstr "新的网关就会出现在列表中。你可以重复这些步骤为VPC增加更多的网关。"
+# 67cc2c7079b445b1aa5c3f8d7b0ff2bf
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:570
+msgid "Source NAT on Private Gateway"
+msgstr "私有网关的Source NAT"
+# 2a8f60c14ac64d6e8d87dbce76bedb16
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:572
+msgid ""
+"You might want to deploy multiple VPCs with the same super CIDR and guest "
+"tier CIDR. Therefore, multiple guest VMs from different VPCs can have the "
+"same IPs to reach a enterprise data center through the private gateway. In "
+"such cases, a NAT service need to be configured on the private gateway to "
+"avoid IP conflicts. If Source NAT is enabled, the guest VMs in VPC reaches "
+"the enterprise network via private gateway IP address by using the NAT "
+msgstr "你可能希望在同一个超级CIDR和客户层CIDR中部署多个VPC。因此,在一个数据中心,不同VPC中的虚拟机通过私有网络可以拥有相同的IP地址。在这种情况下,就需要在私有网关里配置Source NAT服务以避免IP冲突。如果Source NAT服务启用,VPC中的客户虚拟机使用私有网关IP地址与数据中心其它机器交流。"
+# 13ba311a60ee4d00b7c597fafb945d0b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:580
+msgid ""
+"The Source NAT service on a private gateway can be enabled while adding the "
+"private gateway. On deletion of a private gateway, source NAT rules specific"
+" to the private gateway are deleted."
+msgstr "Source NAT服务是添加私有网关时启用。如果删除了私有网关,关联到此私有网关的Source NAT规则也会被删除。"
+# d8e4c7cc999e4730ad5bf6aa6f1b810f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:584
+msgid ""
+"To enable source NAT on existing private gateways, delete them and create "
+"afresh with source NAT."
+msgstr "如要有已有私有网关中启用Source NAT,需要先删除(私有网关),然后再建一个启用Source NAT的私有网关。"
+# 8c1553f72c3d4599892c402b65672931
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:591
+msgid "ACL on Private Gateway"
+msgstr "私有网关的ACL"
+# 7a5729fff5c74521a2455b4e2b885a0f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:593
+msgid ""
+"The traffic on the VPC private gateway is controlled by creating both "
+"ingress and egress network ACL rules. The ACLs contains both allow and deny "
+"rules. As per the rule, all the ingress traffic to the private gateway "
+"interface and all the egress traffic out from the private gateway interface "
+"are blocked."
+msgstr "VPC私有网关的进出流量是被ACL规则控制的。ACL均包含允许和阻止的规则。在每一条规则中,所有进出私有网关接口的流量是被阻止的。"
+# a7c844a5b9594a8c9090ef0fb4c815ac
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:599
+msgid ""
+"You can change this default behaviour while creating a private gateway. "
+"Alternatively, you can do the following:"
+msgstr "你可以在创建私有网关时,改变这个默认的行为。或者,你也可以按如下方式操作:"
+# ce82be93f3014dafa0618abed1ddbc56
+# cf4dffd32e4045a0809d358aa5c89b4e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:602
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:633
+msgid "In a VPC, identify the Private Gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr "在VPC中,验证你想操作的私有网关。"
+# d931e9176936499f8a82583a1141f759
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:604
+msgid "In the Private Gateway page, do either of the following:"
+msgstr "在私有网关页面,按如下步骤操作:"
+# df22ccb2fc4a4d4cbc59a8eced7cdd99
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:606
+msgid "Use the Quickview. See 3."
+msgstr "使用快速查看视图,参考3."
+# 2e88948ffe35436398eb3dcc24a068a1
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:608
+msgid "Use the Details tab. See 4 through ."
+msgstr "使用详细查看栏。参考4。"
+# a6b863b1326a484080f38c0d2fffe32e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:610
+msgid ""
+"In the Quickview of the selected Private Gateway, click Replace ACL, select "
+"the ACL rule, then click OK"
+msgstr "在所选择的私有网关的快速查看视图里,点击替换ACL,选中ACL规则,然后点击OK按钮。"
+# 393090f44f4e449480ae7b9cd7171e2e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:613
+msgid "Click the IP address of the Private Gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击你需要操作的私有网关的IP地址。"
+# 175a8bc977814206b1b438e55d487d9d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:615
+msgid ""
+"In the Detail tab, click the Replace ACL button. |replace-acl-icon.png|"
+msgstr "在详细查看栏。点击替换ACL按钮。|replace-acl-icon.png|"
+# cb57cf7f56bd4ab7b815980fd401d492
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:618
+msgid "The Replace ACL dialog is displayed."
+msgstr "替换ACL的对话框就会出现。"
+# 52fd814724fc4614a6513bc716822b2e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:620
+msgid "select the ACL rule, then click OK."
+msgstr "选择ACL规则,然后点击OK按钮。"
+# 0594c5c95e77436b9fba83680438d29f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:622
+msgid ""
+"Wait for few seconds. You can see that the new ACL rule is displayed in the "
+"Details page."
+msgstr "稍等片刻。你就会看到新的ACL规则出现在详细页面里了。"
+# ab277710c8d843ae81e757e3336317d0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:627
+msgid "Creating a Static Route"
+msgstr "创建一个静态静由。"
+# 941e24b2fbef4bb7a3938f2fc6fb31ba
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:629
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack enables you to specify routing for the VPN connection you create."
+" You can enter one or CIDR addresses to indicate which traffic is to be "
+"routed back to the gateway."
+msgstr "CloudStack可以让你指定你创建的VPN链接的路由。你可以输入一个或CIDR地址来指定路由返回到网关的具体流量。"
+# 6a994cb0af754d01bd335367a6f9d4f9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:635
+msgid ""
+"In the Private Gateway page, click the IP address of the Private Gateway you"
+" want to work with."
+msgstr "在私有网关页面,点击你需要的私有网关的IP地址。"
+# ed8760a26f62434da30f3b3d3094da23
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:638
+msgid "Select the Static Routes tab."
+msgstr "选择静态路由栏。"
+# dc6e78e20d8a49b18b1c7b68fc53d28f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:640
+msgid "Specify the CIDR of destination network."
+msgstr "指定目标网络的CIDR。"
+# a267ec664f35442db0c8d33d273ec07a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:642
+msgid "Click Add."
+msgstr "点击 添加"
+# 0b06e4ce11114d68a1d616162a29b46b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:644
+msgid "Wait for few seconds until the new route is created."
+msgstr "稍等片刻,新的路由就创建好了。"
+# f66d2b908d63453ba9331658c3105974
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:648
+msgid "Blacklisting Routes"
+msgstr "路由黑名单"
+# 5e262d8f57f94df080de1ebfd57089c5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:650
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack enables you to block a list of routes so that they are not "
+"assigned to any of the VPC private gateways. Specify the list of routes that"
+" you want to blacklist in the ``blacklisted.routes`` global parameter. Note "
+"that the parameter update affects only new static route creations. If you "
+"block an existing static route, it remains intact and continue functioning. "
+"You cannot add a static route if the route is blacklisted for the zone."
+msgstr "CloudStack允许你定义一个路由黑名单,这样它们就不能关联到任何VPC私有网关。你需要在全局参数blacklisted.routes里定义。要注意,此参数只在新路由创建时才会生效。如果你在黑名单里加入了已存在的静态路由,则此静态路由还是会继续起作用。你不能把在路由黑名单里的路由加入到静态路由当中去。"
+# c95c27354e2b4308b6fe6cd594b07c4b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:660
+msgid "Deploying VMs to the Tier"
+msgstr "将虚拟机部署到层。"
+# d912fb084257494b9ea49a22d2952df6
+# 6a271ec843964a2392c14ea15bebcab2
+# 2db0b4a30faa4d2486de8987dc035b35
+# 42de70c0e3314b3b9312103ccf0318a3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:671
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:738
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:857
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1291
+msgid ""
+"Click the Configure button of the VPC to which you want to deploy the VMs."
+msgstr "点击要部署虚机的VPC的配置按钮。"
+# a10f32d36f52426288a9a524c7034bde
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:674
+msgid ""
+"The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you have created are listed."
+msgstr "所有创建好的层都会有VPC页面里列出来。"
+# e8a7f18c2c2443b8afb0ba68b10df211
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:677
+msgid "Click Virtual Machines tab of the tier to which you want to add a VM."
+msgstr "指向你想添加虚拟机的层,点击虚拟机栏。"
+# 2021d183ee7640019cdf5bdbfe5498f3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:679
+msgid "|add-vm-vpc.png|"
+msgstr "|add-vm-vpc.png|"
+# 2d48018b840946fd8af8d726d139f5d0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:681
+msgid "The Add Instance page is displayed."
+msgstr "添加实例的页面就会出现。"
+# 3090bc6cae14453a973abac600b9c2cf
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:683
+msgid ""
+"Follow the on-screen instruction to add an instance. For information on "
+"adding an instance, see the Installation Guide."
+msgstr "按照屏幕所指示的操作加入实例。至于如何添加实例,参照安装指南文档。"
+# dcd8e45c721b400eaba7cde1328bdc81
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:688
+msgid "Deploying VMs to VPC Tier and Shared Networks"
+msgstr "在VPC层中部署虚拟,共享网络。"
+# 17212685c197411da69afebe1fd43553
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:690
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack allows you deploy VMs on a VPC tier and one or more shared "
+"networks. With this feature, VMs deployed in a multi-tier application can "
+"receive monitoring services via a shared network provided by a service "
+msgstr "CloudStack允许你在VPC层中部署虚拟机和共享网络。有了这个功能,分布在多层当中的虚拟机可以通过共享网络接收到监控服务。"
+# fc5a14ca00a74032a5a578f32fe13799
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:695
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator."
+msgstr "用系统管理员登陆到CloudStack UI界面。"
+# 32b36a6c72fa45f99cc16fe65842edb4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:697
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Instances."
+msgstr "在左边的导航栏里,选择实例。"
+# 2f251266e8f84c3bb1eb88f9cbf3421b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:699
+msgid "Click Add Instance."
+msgstr "点击添加实例。"
+# e9423e60b1d047809ea35f96287dc4cb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:701
+msgid "Select a zone."
+msgstr "选择一个区域。"
+# 270e50111a9d4c328ccfd3e302a1712c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:703
+msgid "Select a template or ISO, then follow the steps in the wizard."
+msgstr "选择一个模板或ISO,按向导步骤操作。 "
+# b9f9249e068d492a89e876e8d5282100
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:705
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that the hardware you have allows starting the selected service "
+msgstr "请确认你的硬件支持所选择的服务方案。"
+# 646cca07fc3241d9bdcb00578a77e3e3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:708
+msgid ""
+"Under Networks, select the desired networks for the VM you are launching."
+msgstr "在网络导航栏,选择你希望虚拟机所在的网络。"
+# c5f162c06a0641cf8ca1c4ee6f54f651
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:711
+msgid "You can deploy a VM to a VPC tier and multiple shared networks."
+msgstr "你可以将虚拟机部署在一个拥有多个共享网络的VPC层中。"
+# edcfad81a1b04c068848242fac9adfac
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:713
+msgid "|addvm-tier-sharednw.png|"
+msgstr "|addvm-tier-sharednw.png|"
+# efc4e3cc0b2843ccb58ccc673b8f20cd
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:715
+msgid "Click Next, review the configuration and click Launch."
+msgstr "点击下一步,审看已配置信息,然后点击启动。"
+# 34b1022eb48b4dbf92712eb65b1308c8
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:717
+msgid "Your VM will be deployed to the selected VPC tier and shared network."
+msgstr "你的这个虚拟机就已被部署到所选择的VPC层和共享网络中。"
+# e75183b01c2e4d9a87561e256f60760d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:721
+msgid "Acquiring a New IP Address for a VPC"
+msgstr "VPC获取新的IP地址。"
+# 8712a3a4537f4038a9703ae12a15da40
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:723
+msgid ""
+"When you acquire an IP address, all IP addresses are allocated to VPC, not "
+"to the guest networks within the VPC. The IPs are associated to the guest "
+"network only when the first port-forwarding, load balancing, or Static NAT "
+"rule is created for the IP or the network. IP can't be associated to more "
+"than one network at a time."
+msgstr "当获取IP地址时,所有的IP地址会被分配到该VPC,而不是VPC中的用户网络。只有当在IP或用户网络上创建第一个网络规则(端口映射、负载均衡、静态NAT)时,该IP才会关联到用户网络。一个IP不能同时关联一个以上的网络。"
+# f3548df663fd4502b857204d85782486
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:766
+msgid "Select IP Addresses."
+msgstr "选择IP地址。"
+# 8b29cfd1cdcd4018ae63dfe1624f5e58
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:768
+msgid "The Public IP Addresses page is displayed."
+msgstr "公网IP地址页面就显示出来。"
+# b571bcf25fd64067a9bc6c684f923ef4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:770
+msgid "Click Acquire New IP, and click Yes in the confirmation dialog."
+msgstr "点击获得一个新IP, 并且在确认的对话框中点击确定."
+# 5bc9804e2b3a444c9eca95b480c5247e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:772
+msgid ""
+"You are prompted for confirmation because, typically, IP addresses are a "
+"limited resource. Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear "
+"with the state Allocated. You can now use the IP address in port forwarding,"
+" load balancing, and static NAT rules."
+msgstr "因为通常IP地址是有限资源,系统会提示您确认。 在稍等片刻之后,新的IP地址将会出现并且状态是已分配。现在您就可以使用这个IP地址做端口转发、负载均衡或静态NAT。"
+# f14eea7624044595966630cad5fb25a4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:779
+msgid "Releasing an IP Address Alloted to a VPC"
+msgstr "释放VPC分配的IP地址"
+# a32c2ee15c7f41209d11d1460881df99
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:781
+msgid ""
+"The IP address is a limited resource. If you no longer need a particular IP,"
+" you can disassociate it from its VPC and return it to the pool of available"
+" addresses. An IP address can be released from its tier, only when all the "
+"networking ( port forwarding, load balancing, or StaticNAT ) rules are "
+"removed for this IP address. The released IP address will still belongs to "
+"the same VPC."
+msgstr "IP地址是有限资源。如果您不再需要某个IP,请解除该IP和VPC的关联,使其返回到可用地址池中。只有当IP上所有的网络规则(端口映射、负载均衡、静态NAT)都删除后,该IP才能从所属层释放。释放的IP仍属于该VPC。"
+# cff29ec3366646748c80c78ae0b21df3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:797
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC whose IP you want to release."
+msgstr "点击要释放IP的VPC的配置按钮。"
+# e61ac663ca83460e902eb75be8323c7b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:824
+msgid "Select Public IP Addresses."
+msgstr "选择公网IP地址。"
+# d6214f88ed8e46abb807a2b8e2f87bf7
+# fee8b392a6654e98b2a92ed46a6a1d09
+# 86b1ba91303847249fe71e091aa53075
+# e80daef3c8c548fe905c71e3888d9d35
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:826
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:887
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1053
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1321
+msgid "The IP Addresses page is displayed."
+msgstr "系统显示IP地址页面。"
+# 7100a75c5b7f4e94af12eba67cc769d7
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:828
+msgid "Click the IP you want to release."
+msgstr "点击要释放的IP地址。"
+# 5d08cda75ef64158bc169fa0b4d55bfd
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:830
+msgid "In the Details tab, click the Release IP button |release-ip-icon.png|"
+msgstr "在详细查看栏,点击释放IP按钮。 |release-ip-icon.png|"
+# 66b58ca8d7e8481184b5f30fb10aeb3a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:836
+msgid "Enabling or Disabling Static NAT on a VPC"
+msgstr "VPC中启用或禁用静态NAT"
+# 5ffcce98eb5341c4815405feb3f45e3d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:838
+msgid ""
+"A static NAT rule maps a public IP address to the private IP address of a VM"
+" in a VPC to allow Internet traffic to it. This section tells how to enable "
+"or disable static NAT for a particular IP address in a VPC."
+msgstr "静态NAT规则是将公网IP映射到VPC中虚机的私网IP,以便允许互联网流量访问该虚机。本节描述如何在VPC中启用或禁用某个公网IP地址的静态NAT。"
+# 3a033892a74543d4a655001ee01f7102
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:842
+msgid ""
+"If port forwarding rules are already in effect for an IP address, you cannot"
+" enable static NAT to that IP."
+msgstr "如果该公网IP上已经有端口转发规则,则不允许再启用静态NAT。"
+# 3ced6dfc6cda40c59a7663608968ae25
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:845
+msgid ""
+"If a guest VM is part of more than one network, static NAT rules will "
+"function only if they are defined on the default network."
+msgstr "如果用户VM存在多个网络,则静态NAT规则仅在默认网络上定义时生效。"
+# a101d2d938bd44ef8b442c2dd878803b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:863
+msgid "For each tier, the following options are displayed."
+msgstr "对于每一个层,会显示以下选项。"
+# 2aa87b8efca045199c60a69232f4100c
+# f29854dbe679478497f195c125c70fc3
+# 0ca75518c2c1401bada82a5f5b3953b2
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:885
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1051
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1319
+msgid "In the Router node, select Public IP Addresses."
+msgstr "在路由器节点中,选择公共IP地址。"
+# ecb19327446e44f7a44f71eaef9cc73a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:889
+msgid "Click the IP you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击您要操作的IP。"
+# 54b9ba8fad964d51a0442fc5838ba574
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:891
+msgid ""
+"In the Details tab,click the Static NAT button. |enable-disable.png| The "
+"button toggles between Enable and Disable, depending on whether static NAT "
+"is currently enabled for the IP address."
+msgstr "在“详细信息”页,点击静态NAT按钮|enable-disable.png| 。该按钮会根据公网IP的静态NAT当前状态,在启用和禁用间切换。"
+# ee96b8eeef6f44169338cbec4bd552e2
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:896
+msgid "If you are enabling static NAT, a dialog appears as follows:"
+msgstr "如果是启用静态NAT,会显示如下对话框:"
+# 2934b5d934b343aab14d143fb537ce07
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:898
+msgid "|select-vmstatic-nat.png|"
+msgstr "|select-vmstatic-nat.png|"
+# ba4894eec4ee4f8ab908308bf7f2b682
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:900
+msgid "Select the tier and the destination VM, then click Apply."
+msgstr "选择层和目标虚机,然后点击“应用”。"
+# 6bc44c698b784002948ea93ac931ccb3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:904
+msgid "Adding Load Balancing Rules on a VPC"
+msgstr "VPC中添加负载均衡规则"
+# d55b224d3d4d427da85774962a911e9b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:906
+msgid ""
+"In a VPC, you can configure two types of load balancing: external LB and "
+"internal LB. External LB is nothing but a LB rule created to redirect the "
+"traffic received at a public IP of the VPC virtual router. The traffic is "
+"load balanced within a tier based on your configuration. Citrix NetScaler "
+"and VPC virtual router are supported for external LB. When you use internal "
+"LB service, traffic received at a tier is load balanced across different VMs"
+" within that tier. For example, traffic reached at Web tier is redirected to"
+" another VM in that tier. External load balancing devices are not supported "
+"for internal LB. The service is provided by a internal LB VM configured on "
+"the target tier."
+msgstr "在VPC中,你可以配置外部或内部负载均衡。外部负载均衡就是将VPC虚拟路由器接收到的公网流量进行转发的规则。这个流量如何在层里进行均衡取决于你的配置。Citrix NetScaler 和 VPC virtual router都支持外部负载均衡。内部均衡是在层内的虚拟之间进行均衡。比如,到达WEB层请求的流量可以转发到此层另外的虚拟机。外部负载均衡设备不支持内部均衡。内部负载均衡的服务是由目标层的内部虚拟机配置后提供支持服务的。"
+# 40e935f35e0c40ada19216e535aa1258
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:919
+msgid "Load Balancing Within a Tier (External LB)"
+msgstr "在层内进行负载均衡(外部负载均衡)"
+# f415c289521945488fc0ee0094a1dab0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:921
+msgid ""
+"A CloudStack user or administrator may create load balancing rules that "
+"balance traffic received at a public IP to one or more VMs that belong to a "
+"network tier that provides load balancing service in a VPC. A user creates a"
+" rule, specifies an algorithm, and assigns the rule to a set of VMs within a"
+" tier."
+msgstr " CloudStack用户或管理员可以创建负载均衡规则。负载均衡规则用于将一个公网IP的流量分担到在VPC提供负载均衡服务的网络层内的一个或多个VM中。用户可以创建规则,指定算法,然后将规则指定到VPC的一套VM中。"
+# 3e4fdfab26c8433f985733abf6b8fab2
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:929
+msgid "Enabling NetScaler as the LB Provider on a VPC Tier"
+msgstr "在VPC层中启用基于NetScaler的负载均衡"
+# f4009b64ee9a4abc935568ba00072b14
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:931
+msgid "Add and enable Netscaler VPX in dedicated mode."
+msgstr "添加并启用 Netscaler VPX独立模块。"
+# 11c807f9e62a4acb9f8b3ef0d007c2c9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:933
+msgid ""
+"Netscaler can be used in a VPC environment only if it is in dedicated mode."
+msgstr "Netscaler只能在独立模块的形式下应用于VPC环境中。"
+# 57a85fbc857449ee89781dd4fce1788c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:936
+msgid ""
+"Create a network offering, as given in \":ref:`create-net-offering-ext-"
+msgstr "创建启用持久化选项的网络方案。请参考\":ref:`create-net-offering-ext-lb`\"."
+# 08a0f277fc3f43b694322360de337dfc
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:938
+msgid "Create a VPC with Netscaler as the Public LB provider."
+msgstr "在VPC中创建一个基于Netscaler的公用负载均衡。"
+# ecc067da6bf9448587d900d0602ecacd
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:940
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `\"Adding a Virtual Private Cloud\" <#adding-a"
+msgstr "更多信息,请参考 `\"添加一个VPC\" <#adding-a-virtual-private-cloud>`_."
+# aa3b5b48c05343338d0ee08f3382b40d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:943
+msgid "For the VPC, acquire an IP."
+msgstr "在VPC中获取一个IP地址。"
+# 7c4c3743af9240d882f3ba1d438b3bd8
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:945
+msgid ""
+"Create an external load balancing rule and apply, as given in :ref:`create-"
+msgstr "创建并应用一个外部负载均衡规则。请参考:ref:`create-ext-lb-rule`."
+# 65a1193d54904d989149249c4257b9c1
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:952
+msgid "Creating a Network Offering for External LB"
+msgstr "创建一个外部负载均衡网络方案"
+# e69c20a921124dc7b5ac28a8bc23f254
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:954
+msgid ""
+"To have external LB support on VPC, create a network offering as follows:"
+msgstr "要在VPC中启用外部负载均衡支持,依如下操作建立网络方案:"
+# 27d475982a384fed8f13220941eded23
+# 2da0ddfe20c0412a9dc8725da9ebfb08
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:957
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1163
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a user or admin."
+msgstr "使用用户或管理员登录到CloudStack用户界面。"
+# 2e6d402ef3d044488597c6501ca6749d
+# f974a014675745ceae4ebb19113bc49e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:959
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1165
+msgid "From the Select Offering drop-down, choose Network Offering."
+msgstr "下拉选择方案,选择网络方案:"
+# 08107e25d3ae4ed5a4e72a9ef68249af
+# f88397d4525c49d4b10ca8f6d24c5999
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:961
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1167
+msgid "Click Add Network Offering."
+msgstr "点击添加网络方案。"
+# 0b77090696474c0a9cab45f79b1c7986
+# e1cffd47fe2e4f3089c2620a68b839a1
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:963
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1169
+msgid "In the dialog, make the following choices:"
+msgstr "在对话框中,选择如下操作:"
+# 60d2abd68eb948dbaba04e1ac5723b86
+# 2e15e5f8b3704612a4d58813e4d32f6b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:965
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1171
+msgid "**Name**: Any desired name for the network offering."
+msgstr "**名称**: 任何网络方案的名称。"
+# 3959d6091cd747cb937e8f842088c32e
+# 5f694898705c49328c1a2e142eb14d1f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:967
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1173
+msgid ""
+"**Description**: A short description of the offering that can be displayed "
+"to users."
+msgstr "**描述**: 提供一个简短的方案描述。 "
+# 2e0e45c2f8604206ab9ab52b64e032e0
+# 40a66509e3424c24bb6186610a441bac
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:970
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1176
+msgid "**Network Rate**: Allowed data transfer rate in MB per second."
+msgstr "**网络速度**: 允许的数据传输速度(MB/秒)。"
+# 33f13b044bc94b5b8696d75ddf4b8bc3
+# a160a569847143f797400c4ff977efdf
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:972
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1178
+msgid ""
+"**Traffic Type**: The type of network traffic that will be carried on the "
+msgstr "**流量类型**: 允许承载的网络流量类型。"
+# aaf9ff68483341d98ede19f290845e4d
+# c3356024660a4455a0ceac2dcae5caee
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:975
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1181
+msgid ""
+"**Guest Type**: Choose whether the guest network is isolated or shared."
+msgstr "**来宾类型**: 选择来宾网络为隔离或共享网络。"
+# 78da437179454d2e9bb2b2566016b345
+# 8e43b8eb7620486dafe2037f9644fc74
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:978
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1184
+msgid ""
+"**Persistent**: Indicate whether the guest network is persistent or not. The"
+" network that you can provision without having to deploy a VM on it is "
+"termed persistent network."
+msgstr "**持续性**: 表明来宾网络是否支持持续性。无需提供任何VM部署的网络,称之为持续性网络。"
+# b8efdabd98ae4986a6423993e842848f
+# a09dbae19ba24a44abe4d1e06d94391d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:982
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1188
+msgid ""
+"**VPC**: This option indicate whether the guest network is Virtual Private "
+"Cloud-enabled. A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a private, isolated part of "
+"CloudStack. A VPC can have its own virtual network topology that resembles a"
+" traditional physical network. For more information on VPCs, see `\"About "
+"Virtual Private Clouds\" <#about-virtual-private-clouds>`_."
+msgstr "**VPC**: 此选项表明是否在来宾网络中启用VPC。 CloudStack中的虚拟专用云(VPC)是专用、隔离的。 一个VPC可以有一个类似于传统物理网络的虚拟网络拓扑结构。有关的VPC的详细信息,请参考`\"关于VPC\" <#about-virtual-private-clouds>`_."
+# f833921e66e7405e90b64ecab4f06585
+# 60780dc0b1414010b97ef9ee9fdf6896
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:988
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1195
+msgid ""
+"**Specify VLAN**: (Isolated guest networks only) Indicate whether a VLAN "
+"should be specified when this offering is used."
+msgstr "**指定**: (仅隔离的来宾网络) 表明在使用这个网络方案时,是否指定VLAN。"
+# c39ddc76ab104334a4dc179d2666185f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:991
+msgid ""
+"**Supported Services**: Select Load Balancer. Use Netscaler or "
+msgstr "**支持服务**:选择负载均衡,使用Netscaler 或 VpcVirtualRouter."
+# 0f2a2787484945d4893a95c93e013659
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:994
+msgid "**Load Balancer Type**: Select Public LB from the drop-down."
+msgstr "**负载均衡类型**:从下拉列表里选择公用负载均衡。"
+# 012d5de507d14d86a63f00c612267262
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:996
+msgid ""
+"**LB Isolation**: Select Dedicated if Netscaler is used as the external LB "
+msgstr "**负载均衡隔离**: 如果使用Netscale作为外部负载均衡,选择此项进行隔离。"
+# 32714ec60c95462a86fad6f4ea8a389f
+# 6d1b55437586405195f96d4e1901a030
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:999
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1203
+msgid ""
+"**System Offering**: Choose the system service offering that you want "
+"virtual routers to use in this network."
+msgstr "**系统方案**: 选择你想在这个网络中使用的虚拟路由器的系统服务方案。"
+# ccddc4e596ac4b9590b1e89143679f4c
+# 5b0c2de816bb4f3489ea6c0aaf56dd92
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1002
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1206
+msgid ""
+"**Conserve mode**: Indicate whether to use conserve mode. In this mode, "
+"network resources are allocated only when the first virtual machine starts "
+"in the network."
+msgstr "**保护模式**: 表明是否使用保护模式。在这个模式中,只有网络中第一个虚拟机启动时才分配网络资源。"
+# 64b8ac5900b040949abdbe1be369798e
+# 86eacc968b5642af9d7708d20b05fa0b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1006
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1210
+msgid "Click OK and the network offering is created."
+msgstr "点击OK按钮,网络方案就创建好了。"
+# 7d8aa307714e45a48e2b8a026f88ecd5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1012
+msgid "Creating an External LB Rule"
+msgstr "创建一个外部负载均衡规则"
+# ec858cbb6d054d82b7344347f3d1f80a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1023
+msgid ""
+"Click the Configure button of the VPC, for which you want to configure load "
+"balancing rules."
+msgstr "点击要配置负载均衡规则的VPC的配置按钮。"
+# 24c4acc56c8546b48b0d1ba8225aa2c3
+# 8623ea1fa5f64fc882bc161a00e0de31
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1026
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1239
+msgid ""
+"The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you created listed in a "
+msgstr "系统会显示VPC页面,您创建的所有层都列在图中。"
+# faa2aca06f244ec79e1495f403d60fba
+# f6b4d72a1ace463aaeae65e85f5351fe
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1055
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1323
+msgid ""
+"Click the IP address for which you want to create the rule, then click the "
+"Configuration tab."
+msgstr "点击你希望创建规则的IP地址,然后点击配置"
+# 05fb941cda1540a6ae76a68c80d28164
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1058
+msgid "In the Load Balancing node of the diagram, click View All."
+msgstr "在图的负载均衡节点点上,点击 查看全部。"
+# a68bbaad32ad4fb1a32434a21627c7df
+# 513eb1682d554f15af9624073505f185
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1060
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1328
+msgid "Select the tier to which you want to apply the rule."
+msgstr "选择应用规则的层。"
+# 48072a5bd67b4fc2b091903b2930ef20
+# 23e879002b734874bb3fb8648d82ec9f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1064
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1249
+msgid "**Name**: A name for the load balancer rule."
+msgstr "**名称**: 负载均衡规则的名称。"
+# 035ce1c6b7094ddfb03cf84e79fe13fb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1066
+msgid ""
+"**Public Port**: The port that receives the incoming traffic to be balanced."
+msgstr "**公网端口**: 接收待负载均衡的流入流量的端口。"
+# 95e57b758d354580b0723b1cf69b1ad9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1069
+msgid ""
+"**Private Port**: The port that the VMs will use to receive the traffic."
+msgstr "**私有端口**: 虚拟机会使用此端口接收流量。"
+# 9401419db1ac40dd8912809bfb47d5fa
+# c29c451e2c474605af3093430f4fe416
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1072
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1268
+msgid ""
+"**Algorithm**. Choose the load balancing algorithm you want CloudStack to "
+"use. CloudStack supports the following well-known algorithms:"
+msgstr "**算法**。选择您希望CloudStack  使用的负载均衡算法。CloudStack 支持下列知名的算法:"
+# 45872bf350da46e8915a4c200e500d47
+# 2fe10525962546129f438019ddb43570
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1076
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1272
+msgid "Round-robin"
+msgstr "轮询"
+# b89b8c35da0e4067aa0e2dfc46507db4
+# 384c8fd5fe8049389138586119a8e392
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1078
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1274
+msgid "Least connections"
+msgstr "最少连接"
+# 75b481e88cb749ee9744fa2d4153d658
+# a656566824f644a7a9bf0c5aa7f7ce82
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1080
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1276
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "源IP"
+# 156eaabf00d6402fb1a6f26cdc8bdc3a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1082
+msgid ""
+"**Stickiness**. (Optional) Click Configure and choose the algorithm for the "
+"stickiness policy. See Sticky Session Policies for Load Balancer Rules."
+msgstr "**粘性**. (可选)点击配置,选择粘性策略使用的算法。参见负载均衡规则的粘性会话策略。"
+# 5a609fc01f0c442fbaa6859f3c48de9d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1086
+msgid ""
+"**Add VMs**: Click Add VMs, then select two or more VMs that will divide the"
+" load of incoming traffic, and click Apply."
+msgstr "点击添加VM,选择两个或更多的VM分担流入的流量,然后点击应用。"
+# 227920ab85304ccd9ef2ff2fcc816394
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1089
+msgid ""
+"The new load balancing rule appears in the list. You can repeat these steps "
+"to add more load balancing rules for this IP address."
+msgstr "新的负载均衡策略会显示在列表中。您可以重复以上步骤为该IP地址添加更多的负载均衡策略。"
+# 9e2c252f60374e98b336b982bdb5a807
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1094
+msgid "Load Balancing Across Tiers"
+msgstr "跨越层的负载均衡"
+# b0b3d2bc1154428ea7aa2a73ccf65ca9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1096
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack supports sharing workload across different tiers within your VPC."
+" Assume that multiple tiers are set up in your environment, such as Web tier"
+" and Application tier. Traffic to each tier is balanced on the VPC virtual "
+"router on the public side, as explained in `\"Adding Load Balancing Rules on"
+" a VPC\" <#adding-load-balancing-rules-on-a-vpc>`_. If you want the traffic "
+"coming from the Web tier to the Application tier to be balanced, use the "
+"internal load balancing feature offered by CloudStack."
+msgstr "CloudStack支持在VPC内不同层之间共享工作负载。这需要先在你的环境里设置好多个层,比如WEB层,应用层。每一个层的流量通过VPC虚拟路由机进行负载均衡。关于这方面的内容, `\"在VPC里添加负载均衡规则\" <#adding-load-balancing-rules-on-a-vpc>`_.  如果你想将WEB层发向应用层的流量进行负载均衡,需要使用Cloudstack的内部负载均衡功能。"
+# fbb2a59a26334767857dae55b7dd76d2
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1107
+msgid "How Does Internal LB Work in VPC?"
+msgstr "在VPC中,内部负载均衡是如何工作的呢?"
+# 9f3100aad1e345bb8ac547e9ff36084f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1109
+msgid ""
+"In this figure, a public LB rule is created for the public IP "
+"with public port 80 and private port 81. The LB rule, created on the VPC "
+"virtual router, is applied on the traffic coming from the Internet to the "
+"VMs on the Web tier. On the Application tier two internal load balancing "
+"rules are created. An internal LB rule for the guest IP with load"
+" balancer port 23 and instance port 25 is configured on the VM, "
+"InternalLBVM1. Another internal LB rule for the guest IP with "
+"load balancer port 45 and instance port 46 is configured on the VM, "
+"InternalLBVM1. Another internal LB rule for the guest IP, with "
+"load balancer port 23 and instance port 25 is configured on the VM, "
+msgstr "在这个图中,公网负载均衡规则是这样创建的:公网IP为IP,外网端口为80,内网端口为81。VPC的虚拟路由机创建的负载均衡规则将互联网的流量分配到WEB层的各个虚拟机上。在应用层创建了两个内部负载均衡规则。其中一个规则是:客户IP为10.10.10.4的将端口23进行负载分发,实例VM和InternalLBVM1的端口25进行了负载。另一条规则是:客户IP为10.10.10.4的将端口45进行负载分发,实例VM和InternalLBVM1的端口46进行了负载。另一条规则是:客户IP为10.10.10.6的将端口23进行负载分发,实例VM和InternalLBVM1的端口25进行了负载。(两条规则还是三条规则?原文如此,希望图示能明解)"
+# c94baade36ca41029339b5771845f6eb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1121
+msgid "|vpc-lb.png|"
+msgstr "|vpc-lb.png|"
+# 6b5c736fe39c453f9df86d49e415bb0d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1125
+msgid "Guidelines"
+msgstr "指南"
+# f48db5cf237f48c1b83470d2b3619c89
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1127
+msgid ""
+"Internal LB and Public LB are mutually exclusive on a tier. If the tier has "
+"LB on the public side, then it can't have the Internal LB."
+msgstr "内部和公网负载均衡在一个层里往往是互斥的。如果一个层已应用了公网负载均衡之后,此层就不能再应用内部负载均衡。"
+# 39c3726d0f1e417ba4856caefdc69c5f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1130
+msgid ""
+"Internal LB is supported just on VPC networks in CloudStack 4.2 release."
+msgstr "在 CloudStack 4.2版本中,只有VPC网络支持内部负载均衡。"
+# c9b5009bd45949ca9adfe8bad469126e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1133
+msgid ""
+"Only Internal LB VM can act as the Internal LB provider in CloudStack 4.2 "
+msgstr "在CloudStack 4.2 版本中,只有Internal LB VM才能作内部负载均衡的提供方。"
+# f0db26b4389241deb62e3e62af4ae108
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1136
+msgid ""
+"Network upgrade is not supported from the network offering with Internal LB "
+"to the network offering with Public LB."
+msgstr "将网络方案由内部负载均衡更改为公网负载均衡是不可行的。"
+# cdacc61443a24192b33aa89bf454081d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1139
+msgid "Multiple tiers can have internal LB support in a VPC."
+msgstr "在VPC中,多层可以应用内部负载均衡。"
+# 08ebb9d7ed624f58a875207bb6be9859
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1141
+msgid "Only one tier can have Public LB support in a VPC."
+msgstr "在VPC中,只有一层只支持公网负载均衡。"
+# 0cf099b085094a858d1b083c8e2f72f6
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1145
+msgid "Enabling Internal LB on a VPC Tier"
+msgstr "在VPC层上启用内部负载均衡功能"
+# 381918d116bf406189b9d4dd38f04f33
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1147
+msgid ""
+"Create a network offering, as given in :ref:`creating-net-offering-internal-"
+msgstr "创建一个新的网络方案,请参考:ref:`creating-net-offering-internal-lb`."
+# f09e6b3612574602ae51429ca4126c05
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1150
+msgid ""
+"Create an internal load balancing rule and apply, as given in :ref:`create-"
+msgstr "创建并应用一个内部负载均衡规则。参考:ref:`create-int-lb-rule`."
+# 25a70af8ca1e41f18f48eb08ef5d850a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1157
+msgid "Creating a Network Offering for Internal LB"
+msgstr "创建一个内部负载均衡网络方案"
+# 08c27533594e44e582e605b3e9b3df6a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1159
+msgid ""
+"To have internal LB support on VPC, either use the default offering, "
+"DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksWithInternalLB, or create a "
+"network offering as follows:"
+msgstr "要在VPC当中使用内部负载均衡,可以使用默认的DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksWithInternalLB,或按如下操作新建一个网络方案:"
+# a41f382608f64d309fbe464cf7137a17
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1198
+msgid ""
+"**Supported Services**: Select Load Balancer. Select ``InternalLbVM`` from "
+"the provider list."
+msgstr "**支持服务**: 选择负载均衡,从待提供的下拉列表里选择`InternalLbVM。"
+# 163583059e0b4dc38ec9a9324be12914
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1201
+msgid "**Load Balancer Type**: Select Internal LB from the drop-down."
+msgstr "**负载均衡类型**: 从下拉列表里选择内部负载均衡。"
+# c468f85bcd804f59b3e50b6395b59e2a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1216
+msgid "Creating an Internal LB Rule"
+msgstr "创建一个内部负载均衡规则"
+# 97768defcebc48e484aca56eed453215
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1218
+msgid ""
+"When you create the Internal LB rule and applies to a VM, an Internal LB VM,"
+" which is responsible for load balancing, is created."
+msgstr "当你创建好一个内部负载均衡规则,并将之用于一个虚拟之后,一个内部负载均衡的应用就建立起来了。"
+# 68b5cb10c6e7463690bbeefba32870fb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1221
+msgid ""
+"You can view the created Internal LB VM in the Instances page if you "
+"navigate to **Infrastructure** > **Zones** > <zone\\_ name> > "
+"<physical\\_network\\_name> > **Network Service Providers** > **Internal LB "
+"VM**. You can manage the Internal LB VMs as and when required from the "
+msgstr "你可以在实例页面中查看创建的内部LB VM 按如下导航 **基础构架** > **区域** > <zone\\_ name> > <physical\\_network\\_name> > **网络服务提供** > **内部负载均衡虚拟机**,你就可以看到已创建了内部负载均衡的实例上。也可以在此进行内部负载均衡的管理。"
+# 3df2a5995876429facf54c5a8446811d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1236
+msgid ""
+"Locate the VPC for which you want to configure internal LB, then click "
+msgstr "点击要配置内部负载均衡规则的VPC的配置按钮。"
+# 6f207d8e5df84a4b8c67c56fd431c1d7
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1242
+msgid ""
+"Locate the Tier for which you want to configure an internal LB rule, click "
+"Internal LB."
+msgstr "指向你想配置内部负载均衡的层,点击内部负载均衡。"
+# 3d886b162d3b4cb78187e716d7935265
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1245
+msgid "In the Internal LB page, click Add Internal LB."
+msgstr "在 Internal LB页面里,点击添加 Internal LB。"
+# f08b145932924c3caba6b02b3e38b19a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1247
+msgid "In the dialog, specify the following:"
+msgstr "在对话框里,定义以下内容:"
+# 551399e510014c7fbc3cf5f1a0110627
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1251
+msgid ""
+"**Description**: A short description of the rule that can be displayed to "
+msgstr "**描述**: 提供一个简短的规则描述。 "
+# 6cf0e4a86d4043878ef3a656833ff790
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1254
+msgid ""
+"**Source IP Address**: (Optional) The source IP from which traffic "
+"originates. The IP is acquired from the CIDR of that particular tier on "
+"which you want to create the Internal LB rule. If not specified, the IP "
+"address is automatically allocated from the network CIDR."
+msgstr "**源IP地址**: (可选) 是指产生流量的源IP地址。这个地址是从你创建内部负载均衡的层中的CIDR中获取的。如果没有指定,则系统会自动从CIDR中分配。"
+# 2feac41c2e1b49e48df5d82f1bda3eef
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1260
+msgid ""
+"For every Source IP, a new Internal LB VM is created for load balancing."
+msgstr "对于每一个源IP地址,都可以建立一个针对它的内部负载均衡。"
+# 4063dce4a7c94bc19982815512a92efa
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1263
+msgid ""
+"**Source Port**: The port associated with the source IP. Traffic on this "
+"port is load balanced."
+msgstr "**源端口**: 与源IP地址关联的端口,此端口上的流量是基于负载均衡的。"
+# 7c1698db8e014d99ba6821c2749a280a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1266
+msgid "**Instance Port**: The port of the internal LB VM."
+msgstr "**实例端口**: 内部负载均衡虚拟机的端口。"
+# 22a6cc81098f4226b86f3e9b82cd4bba
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1280
+msgid "Adding a Port Forwarding Rule on a VPC"
+msgstr "在VPC里添加一个端口转发规则。"
+# d8e4477eb9414ccbad83f00d2dbb0bcc
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1326
+msgid "In the Port Forwarding node of the diagram, click View All."
+msgstr "在图表的端口转发节点,点击查看所有。"
+# 0dae384f57174980aacd91725f200202
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1332
+msgid ""
+"**Public Port**: The port to which public traffic will be addressed on the "
+"IP address you acquired in the previous step."
+msgstr "**公用端口**: 你在前面操作所获取的供公共流量使用的公用IP地址的端口。 "
+# e58b66b804154984ac2848feded76f18
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1335
+msgid ""
+"**Private Port**: The port on which the instance is listening for forwarded "
+"public traffic."
+msgstr "**私有端口**: 虚拟机实例将被转发到公共流量的监听端口。"
+# fdf35395971c43d7b03e9bf1a85afd10
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1338
+msgid "**Protocol**: The communication protocol in use between the two ports."
+msgstr "**Protocol**: 两个端口之间所用的互联协议。"
+# 3488a82bf48c43dbbcf214cbc6915803
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1341
+msgid "TCP"
+msgstr "TCP"
+# 65fd29db5c09403aad6a2b1688af4414
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1343
+msgid "UDP"
+msgstr "UDP"
+# 3092d0bc5e29456e9c83bf700d0989ed
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1345
+msgid ""
+"**Add VM**: Click Add VM. Select the name of the instance to which this rule"
+" applies, and click Apply."
+msgstr "**Add VM**: 点击增加虚拟机,选择你想将此规则应用上的虚拟机,点击应用。"
+# 957a6544516446768dd3e34e10b081d8
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1348
+msgid "You can test the rule by opening an SSH session to the instance."
+msgstr "你可以通过SSH连接实例来测试此规则。"
+# fa091c39660d4a79ad8d7663f777f9b0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1352
+msgid "Removing Tiers"
+msgstr "删除层"
+# 23a5734e02084bdcb2075d5b7ff872ef
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1354
+msgid ""
+"You can remove a tier from a VPC. A removed tier cannot be revoked. When a "
+"tier is removed, only the resources of the tier are expunged. All the "
+"network rules (port forwarding, load balancing and staticNAT) and the IP "
+"addresses associated to the tier are removed. The IP address still be "
+"belonging to the same VPC."
+msgstr "你可以从一个VPC中删除一个层。一个被删除的层是不能被擦除的。当一个层被删除后,只有层的资源被删去。所有的网络规则(端口转发,负载均衡,静态NAT)还有关联到此层的IP地址都会删除。但这些IP地址仍然属于这个VPC。"
+# 9b3b9eb7db0b4fc3983bc9bd94eb5f2c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1372
+msgid ""
+"The Configure VPC page is displayed. Locate the tier you want to work with."
+msgstr "配置VPC的页面显示出来了。指向你需要操作的层。"
+# b4b3c46f5c7c43d2a38281a25cff0a95
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1375
+msgid "Select the tier you want to remove."
+msgstr "选择你想删除的层。"
+# 1c7ac4dbb28d46be86f3ab4794676d8c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1377
+msgid ""
+"In the Network Details tab, click the Delete Network button. |del-tier.png|"
+msgstr "在网络详细栏,点击删除网络按钮。|del-tier.png|"
+# b2a09950453549488f1a8233090286dd
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1380
+msgid "Click Yes to confirm. Wait for some time for the tier to be removed."
+msgstr "点击YES按钮。稍等片片刻,层就会被删除了。"
+# 4dc06c7515ba4393856799669ecf6a8a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1384
+msgid "Editing, Restarting, and Removing a Virtual Private Cloud"
+msgstr "编辑,重启,删除VPC。"
+# c61c02b8451b4d52bc9e0b8232ce8d73
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1386
+msgid "Ensure that all the tiers are removed before you remove a VPC."
+msgstr "在删除VPC前,需要先删除所有的层。"
+# 7e354bd7277d4569a94e6a022ae111e5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1397
+msgid "Select the VPC you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择你需要的VPC。"
+# 4e23279e59874fcdb4e38c54c1054efa
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1399
+msgid "In the Details tab, click the Remove VPC button |remove-vpc.png|"
+msgstr "在详细栏,点击删除VPC按钮。|remove-vpc.png|"
+# 3227af3c60cb400c8679fd84202d852a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1401
+msgid ""
+"You can remove the VPC by also using the remove button in the Quick View."
+msgstr "你也可以在快速查看视图里点击删除按钮进行VPC的删除。"
+# 0e3026db29aa4e3780f95b598c5483fc
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1404
+msgid ""
+"You can edit the name and description of a VPC. To do that, select the VPC, "
+"then click the Edit button. |vpc-edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+# 5d731df0a6ca4174a2b9f85dba537a8a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1407
+msgid ""
+"To restart a VPC, select the VPC, then click the Restart button. |restart-"
+msgstr "如果要重启一个VPC,点击重启按钮。|restart-vpc.png|"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac44f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking_and_traffic.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking_and_traffic.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7093a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/networking_and_traffic.po
@@ -0,0 +1,9580 @@
+# Copyright (C)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+# 2e88968824744a699d5b9e641bba935c
+#: ../../networking_and_traffic.rst:18
+msgid "Managing Networks and Traffic"
+msgstr "网络和流量管理"
+# 5f4766ac0c9e42fb808ce551ae256f24
+#: ../../networking_and_traffic.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"In a CloudStack, guest VMs can communicate with each other using shared "
+"infrastructure with the security and user perception that the guests have a "
+"private LAN. The CloudStack virtual router is the main component providing "
+"networking features for guest traffic."
+msgstr "在CLOUDSTACK中,客户虚拟机之间可以在共享构架下相互通讯,并且可以在一个私有LAN中实现安全和用户互通。CLOUDSTACK的虚拟路由器是实现客户网络功能的主要组件。"
+# 547c4ea0a4df4369904d3e89102a2ff0
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:18
+msgid "Guest Traffic"
+msgstr "来宾流量"
+# 66d2b2ce8a6e4cd2a1129c71097c9ffd
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"A network can carry guest traffic only between VMs within one zone. Virtual "
+"machines in different zones cannot communicate with each other using their "
+"IP addresses; they must communicate with each other by routing through a "
+"public IP address."
+msgstr "在同一个区域内,客户虚拟机之间可以互访,但在不同的区域内,客户虚拟机之间不可以通过(内网)IP地址互访,而只能通过公网IP路由才可以互连。"
+# d283edc27a994358b1d82be3efe292b3
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:25
+msgid "See a typical guest traffic setup given below:"
+msgstr "下图是一个典型的来宾流量设置:"
+# 585953ea4f7741d289a4d3930fbea7f8
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:27
+msgid "|guest-traffic-setup.png|"
+msgstr "|guest-traffic-setup.png|"
+# 231054f3bb304ca8b569aae0ca379d62
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Typically, the Management Server automatically creates a virtual router for "
+"each network. A virtual router is a special virtual machine that runs on the"
+" hosts. Each virtual router in an isolated network has three network "
+"interfaces. If multiple public VLAN is used, the router will have multiple "
+"public interfaces. Its eth0 interface serves as the gateway for the guest "
+"traffic and has the IP address of Its eth1 interface is used by "
+"the system to configure the virtual router. Its eth2 interface is assigned a"
+" public IP address for public traffic. If multiple public VLAN is used, the "
+"router will have multiple public interfaces."
+msgstr "通常,管理服务会自动为每一个网络建立一个虚拟路由。一个虚拟路由实际上就是运行在物理主机上的一台特殊的虚拟机。每一台在一个独立网络中的虚拟路由有3个网口。如果使用多个公共 VLAN,相应的这台路由器就有多个公共的网口。 它的 eth0 网口是提供客户机通信的网关服务的,它的IP地址是。eth1 网口是为系统来配置这个虚拟路由而提供的。eth2 网口被赋予一个公共 IP 地址用来实现外部的公共通信。 同样如果使用了多个公共 VLAN 接入,这台路由器将会拥有多个公共的网口。"
+# fac52c70fa3c497faa044acd49d26532
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"The virtual router provides DHCP and will automatically assign an IP address"
+" for each guest VM within the IP range assigned for the network. The user "
+"can manually reconfigure guest VMs to assume different IP addresses."
+msgstr "虚拟路由器提供DHCP功能,能自动的为每一个客户虚拟机在预先定义好的IP范围之内分配IP地址。用户也可以为虚拟机手工配置不同的IP地址。"
+# 60254b35a5ca48dcb79bab826da4a5ab
+#: ../../networking/guest_traffic.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"Source NAT is automatically configured in the virtual router to forward "
+"outbound traffic for all guest VMs"
+msgstr "Source NAT功能是在虚拟路由里自动配置好的,它可以转发所有来宾虚拟机的外出流量。"
+# ffe1b004a96f43bc974d111d3a433cce
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:18
+msgid "Networking in a Pod"
+msgstr "一个提供点里的网络"
+# b0f1a12d5e7543ab99e1e3a70c348c57
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The figure below illustrates network setup within a single pod. The hosts "
+"are connected to a pod-level switch. At a minimum, the hosts should have one"
+" physical uplink to each switch. Bonded NICs are supported as well. The pod-"
+"level switch is a pair of redundant gigabit switches with 10 G uplinks."
+msgstr "下图演示了一个单提供点的网络配置。主机均连接到提供点层级的交换机。每一个主机至少有一个物理网卡连接到交换机。当然,这种环境也支持网卡绑定。提供点层级的交换机由两个1000M冗余组成,它们通过10G线路上联。"
+# fa46cc84fe1b4d539c299613f2ea90f8
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:26
+msgid "|networksinglepod.png|"
+msgstr "|networksinglepod.png|"
+# 0b80653796454fe7b33fc3de812c6200
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:28
+msgid "Servers are connected as follows:"
+msgstr "服务器以如下形式连接:"
+# 91c1e31402e44614ac425a77ffd95c12
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:30
+msgid ""
+"Storage devices are connected to only the network that carries management "
+msgstr "存储设备只与管理网络连接。"
+# 7c9c0e94df7a4c19b6cd106477d3162b
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"Hosts are connected to networks for both management traffic and public "
+msgstr "主机同时与管理网络和公共网络连接。"
+# ab64d976f00e480885bb92e5d544d3ec
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"Hosts are also connected to one or more networks carrying guest traffic."
+msgstr "主机也与一个或多个来宾网络连接。"
+# 2d032fc9112345a8b2b9c78d5f64a723
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_pod.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"We recommend the use of multiple physical Ethernet cards to implement each "
+"network interface as well as redundant switch fabric in order to maximize "
+"throughput and improve reliability."
+msgstr "我们推荐用多个物理网卡以改进性能,也推荐用冗余的光纤交换机以改进网络可靠性。"
+# 34f26bc9bb954421b5a49ea5148512a1
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:18
+msgid "Networking in a Zone"
+msgstr "一个区域里的网络"
+# 42aa6b7f996f49748a02f70fa69cac5d
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The following figure illustrates the network setup within a single zone."
+msgstr "下图说明了一个单一区域内的网络设置。"
+# cec13401ef5743db802dc373651f4cee
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:22
+msgid "|networksetupzone.png|"
+msgstr "|networksetupzone.png|"
+# caf254a7b27b483ab945007e27ab2454
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:24
+msgid ""
+"A firewall for management traffic operates in the NAT mode. The network "
+"typically is assigned IP addresses in the Class B private "
+"address space. Each pod is assigned IP addresses in the 192.168.\\*.0/24 "
+"Class C private address space."
+msgstr "用于管理通信的防火墙工作在NAT模式。通常是分配给网络中的IP地址192.168.0.0/16 B类私有地址空间。每个机柜(POD)分配的IP地址是192.168.*.0/24 C类私有地址空间。"
+# 0de7f4a8ad2349cc87a373a814392846
+#: ../../networking/networking_in_zone.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Each zone has its own set of public IP addresses. Public IP addresses from "
+"different zones do not overlap."
+msgstr "每个区域都有自己的一套公网IP地址。来自不同区域的公网IP地址不重叠。"
+# 8133c02743444c1691e584fe82e3dbdb
+#: ../../networking/basic_zone_config.rst:19
+msgid "Basic Zone Physical Network Configuration"
+msgstr "基本区域物理网络配置"
+# 501779cb0c9441e4a29799acb6518b3e
+#: ../../networking/basic_zone_config.rst:21
+msgid ""
+"In a basic network, configuring the physical network is fairly "
+"straightforward. You only need to configure one guest network to carry "
+"traffic that is generated by guest VMs. When you first add a zone to "
+"CloudStack, you set up the guest network through the Add Zone screens."
+msgstr "在一个基本的网络中,物理网络的配置非常直接明了。你只需要配置一个客户网络(虚拟)以承载由客户虚拟机产生的流量。当你首次增加一个区域(Zone)到 CloudStack 中,你通过添加域(Add Zone)页面来设置客户网络(虚拟)。"
+# 309e851c308a4e6eb88d0b9cb9eca1a4
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:19
+msgid "Advanced Zone Physical Network Configuration"
+msgstr "高级区域物理网络的配置"
+# 5ba22edac905490bac4351986297202e
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:21
+msgid ""
+"Within a zone that uses advanced networking, you need to tell the Management"
+" Server how the physical network is set up to carry different kinds of "
+"traffic in isolation."
+msgstr "在使用复杂网络的区域中,你需要告知管理服务器,为了实现隔离不同类型的通讯,物理网络是如何设置的。"
+# 7433a105cf0f4c4a8b5eb2d1b71b5278
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:27
+msgid "Configure Guest Traffic in an Advanced Zone"
+msgstr "在高级域中设置客户通信"
+# 0479d8eccf0646bda9f39cac51ca890c
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"These steps assume you have already logged in to the CloudStack UI. To "
+"configure the base guest network:"
+msgstr "下面的步骤假定你已经登录进入 CloudStack 的界面。设置基本的客户网络:"
+# 6a02a9096d534a41aa433f728dd55749
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:32
+msgid ""
+"In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure. On Zones, click View More, "
+"then click the zone to which you want to add a network."
+msgstr "在左边的导航栏,选择基础架构。在区域界面点击查看全部,然后点击你要添加网络的区域。"
+# 9d184022aba349b2aa9aeb49c5222497
+# e23a8b99ae3d4beb87a9db4e87291025
+# 367ee4d166f843e6b790c71cbbf8f9e3
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:35
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:87
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:145
+msgid "Click the Network tab."
+msgstr "点击网络选项卡。"
+# 3245c61546fe4a81bc5e6e8a09167804
+# aeb508d106f6462bbdae174ca0a17b83
+# b07a9c22d66f4cd59a846a846778af53
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:37
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:89
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:147
+msgid "Click Add guest network."
+msgstr "点击 添加来宾网络。"
+# be8bee6943514afda63cb052034b5613
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:39
+msgid "The Add guest network window is displayed:"
+msgstr "添加来宾网络窗口显示:"
+# 1c4523333dc64212b845c2b6912c260c
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:41
+msgid "|addguestnetwork.png|"
+msgstr "|addguestnetwork.png|"
+# acadf5b43bd44355836e260ef18944cb
+# 914acc88287948198f6d2e928d524cff
+# 00444541c712470cabb10e4c18d44754
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:43
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:311
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:189
+msgid "Provide the following information:"
+msgstr "填写以下内容:"
+# 3a472c2f7bd74e88894a25b50b2ecc0b
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:45
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be user-visible"
+msgstr ""
+# cd0d4d5ebb2843508a34eef3fa3cbf95
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"**Display Text**: The description of the network. This will be user-visible"
+msgstr "**Display Text**:网络的描述。用户可见"
+# 458b580931c147f39c8754144178743c
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:50
+msgid "**Zone**: The zone in which you are configuring the guest network."
+msgstr "**Zone**: 这里的区域是指你要配置客户网络的区域。"
+# 5a598415cdd64826baeb7bf89f1d991e
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:52
+msgid ""
+"**Network offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network "
+"offerings, select the one you want to use for this network"
+msgstr "**网络提议**: 如果管理员已经配置了多个网络方案,可以选择你需要的那个"
+# 1bd47cc800e74d299fd0a2f14dc79b82
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:55
+msgid "**Guest Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use"
+msgstr "**Guest gateway**:虚拟机需要使用的网关"
+# dbd235f763be4ac3bd961dfeab6a4119
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:57
+msgid ""
+"**Guest Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use"
+msgstr "**Guest Netmask**:客户虚拟机会使用的子网掩码"
+# 7a600295ac7141be85b91494277f8bae
+# 1699ac2b1b66466896e3e308100bc131
+# c2b6ddd6457b41cda3df2cbb62cbb901
+# 3929bccca11f489993ac83ea79cc8f48
+# c6b55626cac14e82aa807bfced97b64d
+# 46ab1fed30c44cb386441db1762dd430
+# 4562b7f8a5e64cf78cdd7c58d62866fc
+# 692b7464148b43a49edb927fbd74fd4b
+# 70bd2e1ea0524a7882ca8a0d1d607829
+# a6fb58ce33b74a20894b08e4aeffb48f
+# 3c8f6b6fdfc447fb8ee7f3a409e82bad
+# 7673a522d97348a9bc4533f2c623e3b6
+# e92a6822a63b483d92dfedd0eb104b22
+# d8d73b45f64a4ba0a15a6bf8124841f0
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:60
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:115
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:84
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:95
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:371
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:215
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:402
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:425
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:211
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:281
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:455
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:479
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:94
+msgid "Click OK."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
+# c735b3c2a79d4a97ba3b2798068b9032
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:64
+msgid "Configure Public Traffic in an Advanced Zone"
+msgstr "在高级区域中配置公共通信"
+# b6188c4a11a04e4da53e69931cea7e92
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"In a zone that uses advanced networking, you need to configure at least one "
+"range of IP addresses for Internet traffic."
+msgstr "在一个使用高级网络配置的区域中,你需要配置至少一个用于Internet通信的IP地址范围。"
+# 382eb9f366b44454835a00e621aa1743
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:71
+msgid "Configuring a Shared Guest Network"
+msgstr "配置共享的客户网络"
+# 017873e7ecfe4402a18cf99f80504c6b
+# a45daa5eec1d4fa68d75831b169fafa5
+# b177d05e7fb54f8ab7429856f854dd16
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:73
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:54
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:131
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator."
+msgstr "作为管理员登录到CloudStack用户界面。"
+# 84a0ef2ad9f943ad9f91eb6a8abb8ae7
+# 76b78351191646ffa98f8ec8e59fea01
+# ef875cadd3c647089970c4b011189042
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:75
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:54
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:133
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure."
+msgstr "在左边的导航,选择基础架构。"
+# 06247e8726024f7098ba1a2c8ffb7cd9
+# 4d47e34008e44518b3ce4ffc1d522b5e
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:77
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:135
+msgid "On Zones, click View More."
+msgstr "在区域页面,点击查看全部。"
+# 11a261c7ce9a4280b2283b3420540729
+# a53663a4596d4418b2447b2f34253c13
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:79
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:137
+msgid "Click the zone to which you want to add a guest network."
+msgstr "选择要添加客户网络的那个区域。"
+# ad879d34c24644c6be82095823dd2634
+# f4034b1a820b425bbbd9b51218978bac
+# dda2aaaac56e490da82fb8570abcec7c
+# 7ee99e2d45ac49679a2ffc018fb9bada
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:81
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:62
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:132
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:139
+msgid "Click the Physical Network tab."
+msgstr "点击物理网络标签卡。"
+# 8e7c54c3dff94e4c975465a247fdc749
+# 6904ead432c948b1a353d1a14cf24ba3
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:83
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:141
+msgid "Click the physical network you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择您要操作的物理网络。"
+# 5198c123311c4dedb764b0fad9b75511
+# b6b304bb36064d9795035a047d554897
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:85
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:143
+msgid "On the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr "在客户节点界面,点击配置。"
+# 9b0560860e8142b6acacce6dee68f77d
+# f66ffb16e9e34d2fab95288ecddbc072
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:91
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:149
+msgid "The Add guest network window is displayed."
+msgstr "现实添加客户网络窗口。"
+# 177f27f031a444b2a8fd7dd381980b4d
+# bf9352536eb942a18db080fc500523d3
+# a08d4b6ba13540ceab3e8058b95f89af
+# bc8ca26c46054b58b949250071678da5
+# 65686255f3e34e33b7c9014b22a1f32c
+# 0d69bb44a42b4273942af07cece87f40
+# 40882d4726394e6eabd4a92f88844717
+# df42ee8c70dc4c80884bb2241dce3ff9
+# 392bb66c4eed477b8f17b7327c094d70
+# 67322aa6283c41329898fae4fcd9d14a
+# f8a7557a036c4c2d9e8a1664f9788eb0
+# 15e16203d42441acbfb55f6d515c2648
+# 7dbdb60b7de340c08a41ac492f5f5f2b
+# c11b631f982340159764b1fc93b73259
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:93
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:79
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:89
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:107
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:142
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:70
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:75
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:151
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:482
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:393
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:248
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:539
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1062
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1330
+msgid "Specify the following:"
+msgstr "指定以下信息:"
+# 6554135d72104186ad415b989326d68a
+# f5bee2ab4a8a4cd1bb25c20ef7021f7c
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:95
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:153
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be visible to the user."
+msgstr "**Name**: 要建立的网络的名字。这个是用户可见的"
+# b63b119a113e499fb649c6b668452512
+# 53f9619369324f10bbc8f0dfb003c5af
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:97
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"**Description**: The short description of the network that can be displayed "
+"to users."
+msgstr "**描述**: 提供一个简短的方案描述。 "
+# 7623ee3426cd4a4b8719ca1027787ee0
+# fa610595c19f43feb0a9916b4c61517e
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:100
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:159
+msgid "**VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the VLAN."
+msgstr "**VLAN ID**: VLAN 的ID。"
+# a6a3c73efe124f6690c9949d7466b2cd
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:102
+msgid "**Isolated VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the Secondary Isolated VLAN."
+msgstr "**Isolated VLAN ID**: 二级独立 VLAN 的 ID。"
+# eb5d4e3b37bb4d94bd1e4ce02cf03368
+# 8401ce13c8b14fc7ba27b4342afc3f7f
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:105
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:167
+msgid "**Scope**: The available scopes are Domain, Account, Project, and All."
+msgstr "**Scope**: 可用的范围,包括域,帐户,项目和其他所以。"
+# 484bd18b48f64d8190817eb10bf25d94
+# 7991b529beef453ba5728f8ca2b2b220
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:108
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:170
+msgid ""
+"**Domain**: Selecting Domain limits the scope of this guest network to the "
+"domain you specify. The network will not be available for other domains. If "
+"you select Subdomain Access, the guest network is available to all the sub "
+"domains within the selected domain."
+msgstr "**Domain**: 域,指定客户网络范围的域。指定域中的网络相对其他域是隔离不可见的。如果指定子域访问,域中的客户网络将在所有的子域中可用。"
+# 252ca851074346a6be3e6f4c74f7834d
+# 621835256ebd4c57a89c9353ef9852f2
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:114
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:176
+msgid ""
+"**Account**: The account for which the guest network is being created for. "
+"You must specify the domain the account belongs to."
+msgstr "**Account**: 这里的帐户是为建立客户网络所指定的。必须指定域中所属的帐户。"
+# 0ab56139ecb94d0e8c9655e557cb946c
+# d4a5c2d9539246839f4dd99383968ef9
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:118
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:180
+msgid ""
+"**Project**: The project for which the guest network is being created for. "
+"You must specify the domain the project belongs to."
+msgstr "**Project**: 项目是客户网络所建立的项目。必须为这个项目指定域。"
+# 2b9a0513ff7e422db20b3251b2fbe195
+# 0f2a1593be4f484781fdadc2f41437da
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:122
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:184
+msgid ""
+"**All**: The guest network is available for all the domains, account, "
+"projects within the selected zone."
+msgstr "**All**:  选择它,会让客户网络对这个区域(Zone)中的所有域,帐户和项目都可用。"
+# ca6ea5abd11c4e1788e84dfe1bff99a2
+# d3110bc74ceb49d3be22fc9aae58619b
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:125
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:187
+msgid ""
+"**Network Offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network "
+"offerings, select the one you want to use for this network."
+msgstr "**网络提议**:  如果管理员已经配置了多个网络方案,可以选择你需要的那个。"
+# f51f569ac91a494caa7f8c799bfdbb9f
+# a9df4480acb64d5bbd3f3ceef50ef146
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:129
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:191
+msgid "**Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use."
+msgstr "**Guest gateway**:  虚拟机需要使用的网关。"
+# 1a04acb9a38148f68b32c27969c45f73
+# 283222bd73704d83b1a3edb949df0350
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:131
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:193
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use."
+msgstr "**Netmask**:  虚拟机子网要使用的网络掩码。"
+# 615ae59795614770a2544f5a3b35cd87
+# 3564dbe5dcda4549a0101e20522adce2
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:133
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:195
+msgid ""
+"**IP Range**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the Internet "
+"and are assigned to the guest VMs."
+msgstr "**IP Range**:  定义公网IP范围,这些IP用来访问公网或是从公网访问客户虚拟机。"
+# 83b96bd50ac546028d9179711930d8b4
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:136
+msgid ""
+"If one NIC is used, these IPs should be in the same CIDR in the case of "
+msgstr "如果使用了网卡,这些IP应该在相同的IPv6的CIDR中。"
+# e8f7fd43c9964fb39020455720c2ace1
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:139
+msgid ""
+"**IPv6 CIDR**: The network prefix that defines the guest network subnet. "
+"This is the CIDR that describes the IPv6 addresses in use in the guest "
+"networks in this zone. To allot IP addresses from within a particular "
+"address block, enter a CIDR."
+msgstr "**IPv6 CIDR**:  用于定义网络子网的网络前缀。"
+# 447ec4231b6249d0a2be7e648cf05a4b
+# 9f34c3ebe1d44cc59d6246b9e1ef1cc6
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:144
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:198
+msgid ""
+"**Network Domain**: A custom DNS suffix at the level of a network. If you "
+"want to assign a special domain name to the guest VM network, specify a DNS "
+msgstr "**网络域**:  如果你想为客户虚机网络定义一个域名,在此处输入后缀名。"
+# 47c08e953e5a4dc6a1fea963aef82e35
+# eda271a950a6423f91f6019045850a96
+# 6866ffd602874da0a27c9d867eef7121
+# 0d2313e6a2b24e99a9800598ca9f6d0a
+# 210ec4b443e34cedbeb2ac91183bbc9e
+#: ../../networking/advanced_zone_config.rst:148
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:202
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:415
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:439
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:555
+msgid "Click OK to confirm."
+msgstr "点击确定。"
+# 62aeac41fec848808050e2e871a2b129
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:18
+msgid "Using Multiple Guest Networks"
+msgstr "使用多个来宾网络"
+# 173b4dafa8a24c8d8ef490a9e5d1a2a3
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"In zones that use advanced networking, additional networks for guest traffic"
+" may be added at any time after the initial installation. You can also "
+"customize the domain name associated with the network by specifying a DNS "
+"suffix for each network."
+msgstr "在使用高级网络的资源域里, 额外的来宾网络可以在初始安装后任何时间添加. 你还可以通过指定DNS后缀为每个网络自定义关联的域名."
+# c8b83803c190449586b842e47655e008
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:25
+msgid ""
+"A VM's networks are defined at VM creation time. A VM cannot add or remove "
+"networks after it has been created, although the user can go into the guest "
+"and remove the IP address from the NIC on a particular network."
+msgstr "一个虚机的网络在其创建时定义. 当一个虚机创建以后, 就不能对其网络添加删除, 即便用户可以进入客户虚机删除指定网卡的IP地址."
+# 71b0ed98702b4b929a15ba55f3aa6352
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:30
+msgid ""
+"Each VM has just one default network. The virtual router's DHCP reply will "
+"set the guest's default gateway as that for the default network. Multiple "
+"non-default networks may be added to a guest in addition to the single, "
+"required default network. The administrator can control which networks are "
+"available as the default network."
+msgstr "每一个虚机只有一个默认的网络. 在这个默认网络里, 虚拟路由器的DHCP响应将设置客户的默认网关. 除了单一,必须的默认网络, 多个非默认的网络也可以添加到客户虚机里. 管理员可以控制哪个网络作为默认的网络."
+# 849cc36464bd447d99a2d270e0b8c0b3
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"Additional networks can either be available to all accounts or be assigned "
+"to a specific account. Networks that are available to all accounts are zone-"
+"wide. Any user with access to the zone can create a VM with access to that "
+"network. These zone-wide networks provide little or no isolation between "
+"guests.Networks that are assigned to a specific account provide strong "
+msgstr "附加的网络可以给所有账户使用或者分配给特定的账户. 对所有账户都可用的网络在整个资源域有效. 任何可以访问这个资源域的用户都可以使用这个网络创建虚机. 这些资源域一级的网络基本不提供客户之间的隔离. 分配给特定帐户的网络提供强制隔离的功能."
+# a3fc8a922f68476db11bacc83c025d3d
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:45
+msgid "Adding an Additional Guest Network"
+msgstr "增添一个虚拟机的网络"
+# dc6276841e84471ba268d113e94e1fde
+# cbab5080c8724ae6b32d638711c47ad3
+# 48fc29cc7efc4b409a45c98ead6968af
+# ace2e79a21274181a0e6a1418b773520
+# 6befffe2a21747639acd37de4675a94a
+# f5963e2398134322866f292a2ba5637c
+# 551332081c79467bb0b0ae8d270e12fc
+# ecb9ef417cf8480db8b57ca2d9f61454
+# ce46c3a278f44eb5b1e7654fa8161e03
+# 9424276887a84ee99fd0b5822bdcd91a
+# cf03db0555ba4247b9b9cf2b658dc39c
+# 3e08d28b8e2f41d18f75caa20d66f640
+# 16776cbc4ef94f86a8459cd47cf975b6
+# 5d6031b242154874a2eea237547f4e27
+# 4556ff5dc1a74038a41b53936c78f484
+# 671400e41c7c4103bbcba44d13f5f1da
+# 62daba2f10ce4203b9a4ace43acaf3e6
+# 349c3fc0ae0045c091b01248f7139bd9
+# 6488b7ea43c743ea94940e1c1f3f2898
+# 3eb6a0e839144aac93bd3202f87081a4
+# 16a312e861604ecca8b56044c71267a5
+# 6a8b51d9d05c4ac48c274e364f981a83
+# d5aee6dabdd249118c7128383890359b
+# 5c15fdde88e743f4b18aea3fe127d933
+# 7a23456b027045198970bd22c7e8c26d
+# 2e31addff9374029b171be7e6159ce7e
+# 4e46d0a70f45414098f422f177f3ac81
+# 285f7a9fc04f4d6489fda4d6a5f605bb
+# 6803fb7ef5e947a19da33579f371d0fa
+# 989f403b307946939b500439893373fa
+# f3ea7727060d4b25b4a675666aa53047
+# 1c9c88a759cd4868990e4b477dc4a97f
+# 8fac984de8c04571aed052d41660d304
+# 155c85bc6c6c471c8933826c53d412db
+# a87fa80f420b452a9c4e0fb44344cd64
+# de7a6e86366d4763b6ed6974061246e9
+# 8e1be4aa91664f038b1f00940c6fef85
+# a9f7303f7b5c4984a44ef3c6a938123e
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:47
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:97
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:135
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:153
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:173
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:106
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:58 ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:90
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:52
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:62
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:124
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:255
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:20
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:24
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:36
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:59
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:132
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:245
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:59
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:301
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:411
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:431
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:493
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:624
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:179
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:223
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:331
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:380
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:492
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:662
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:729
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:788
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:848
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1014
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1227
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1282
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1360
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1388
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# 237757a1c35441d4b6a1d0138d51de32
+# 39b4377eadca44f88700dca104d2f2a4
+# 14e144b6e7d84af79103518642863237
+# e38926ea76d24deabf34f94cc6156141
+# 1cafa5021f254ccdb3e66342906cbbe0
+# 76644abeaf9b49d48e5c26fd3863d65d
+# fd119509867a413eb5b071e9da496e8e
+# 957b74b12b1a45c7b9b8114b38f97d77
+# aa4565d6e2ed407b960640041eb584ff
+# 4e76e138c9884ac8beba173f7412d536
+# 44488e4d095a4f2d8266449c8307fc21
+# af7438793b9e44748cabc8348e59fda1
+# 4eb14251b140410c9af761d030914dc5
+# 60c4993c8a9a4e568ee599adb94f496d
+# ac22aded37484d4f98a0e5a40819d801
+# 8cc4478d868544b9848e14dfbd88437c
+# 7c473fc1dc29485bab80620cb5516658
+# 5719d26cc6b34a00b95be2ce35247df4
+# 10dbf0d03759490a8446988e520c079c
+# 92cb7c01ff9f4be098792e0ef2848938
+# fd1c21fdf57f4352984d33f74a0ffe94
+# 10c9ca3bb4e64794961df411c87283c0
+# 9ceabecc68364512ba46aba32daf9204
+# d77f1f6f348745e08a97c31b73820e52
+# f7bed0f61bd84981b3ec3692340f0005
+# 9981e33a734c445c98a725f067fc9940
+# e068bf6b3bc14e1b90f2154ebf50cc7f
+# 37ca9de5ef034ad4a025068c67b7cda8
+# 3f72ad0b7cf24c6cad9063dd0771a6b0
+# 52a95f6853b440feb680fdfbf7854d1e
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:49
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:179
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:108
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:92
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:64
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:257
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:22
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:26
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:38
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:61
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:134
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:303
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:413
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:433
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:495
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:626
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:181
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:225
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:333
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:382
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:494
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:664
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:731
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:790
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:850
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1016
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1229
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1284
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1362
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1390
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络。"
+# cb6079f81a4a444c8445b03dfffb3384
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:51
+msgid "Click Add guest network. Provide the following information:"
+msgstr "地阿基添加来宾网络。提供以下信息:"
+# a733015f94ce486a85c1b03cddfbc38d
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:53
+msgid "**Name**: The name of the network. This will be user-visible."
+msgstr "**Name**:网络的名称。对于最终用户可见。"
+# c09b04d766c44686adfb027006335ba6
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"**Display Text**: The description of the network. This will be user-visible."
+msgstr "**Display Text**:网络的描述信息。对于最终用户可见。"
+# 2c86bf84ff20496e9c0dbae8475b8796
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"**Zone**. The name of the zone this network applies to. Each zone is a "
+"broadcast domain, and therefore each zone has a different IP range for the "
+"guest network. The administrator must configure the IP range for each zone."
+msgstr "**Zone**:此网络所应用到zone的名称。每个zone都是一个广播域,因此每个zone中的来宾网络都有不同的IP范围。管理员必须为每个zone配置IP范围。"
+# afa6888ba15346988e310755527a9c8c
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"**Network offering**: If the administrator has configured multiple network "
+"offerings, select the one you want to use for this network."
+msgstr "**Network offering**: 如果管理员已经配置了多个网络,选择一个你想使用的。"
+# 7f1d89fa4b5b43eabe3a6dcd6a33dfeb
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:67
+msgid "**Guest Gateway**: The gateway that the guests should use."
+msgstr "**Guest Gateway**: 来宾网络的网关。"
+# b882e804c5a845c2bb51f84c46f7e4b2
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"**Guest Netmask**: The netmask in use on the subnet the guests will use."
+msgstr "**Guest Netmask**: 来宾网络的子网掩码。"
+# fae38490ef9a46b1849e4b2335cc0fed
+# 78b272d2f17d4c2aa5e3c38757550038
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:186
+msgid "Click Create."
+msgstr "点击创建。"
+# 89ec799633d344d9a83b6db46a6c828c
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:76
+msgid "Reconfiguring Networks in VMs"
+msgstr "在VMs中重新配置网络"
+# a88f5c6d61374a3b928e78e6b1ea34aa
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:78
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides you the ability to move VMs between networks and "
+"reconfigure a VM's network. You can remove a VM from a network and add to a "
+"new network. You can also change the default network of a virtual machine. "
+"With this functionality, hybrid or traditional server loads can be "
+"accommodated with ease."
+msgstr "CloudStack能让你在不同网络间移动VMs和重新配置VM的网络。你可以从一个网络中移除一个VM,再将其移动到另一个网络。你同样可以修改虚拟机的默认我拿过来,使用这个功能,混合和传统的服务器负载可以被轻松缓解。"
+# 2316dff2f40f4d3f86f201bc60758648
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:84
+msgid "This feature is supported on XenServer, VMware, and KVM hypervisors."
+msgstr "XenServer、VMware和KVM hypervisors支持这个特性。"
+# 616dba5e33b041d58b10b5d6e07ee798
+# 537bba5fd9ca4e46a540acdaa254af70
+# cedaba73cb0d47a88420f975227d5918
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:88
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:97
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:428
+msgid "Prerequisites"
+msgstr "先决条件"
+# 96d0ba198631458b9ed9d4fa9ed7a7e8
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that vm-tools are running on guest VMs for adding or removing "
+"networks to work on VMware hypervisor."
+msgstr "确保虚拟机上安装了vm-tools以便通过VMware hypervisor添加或移除网络。"
+# 0329f8bc61c245c990fbec99fc953f92
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:95
+msgid "Adding a Network"
+msgstr "添加网络"
+# 97b216f50e31423b9810c721a305ff6a
+# 9a2142ffcdd841c6add827da072540a3
+# 472370d3518e4d43897027152ff4f4a4
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:99
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:137
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:155
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Instances."
+msgstr "在左侧的导航菜单中,点击实例。"
+# a42801e9f96a4b12aef748033faea01f
+# 81f21ab3baef4f45b105fc9089d4e0d3
+# 635dc740070544bc8307380af26d34fa
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:101
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:139
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:157
+msgid "Choose the VM that you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择你要处理的VM。"
+# 6bac6d526e3d4904baf4586d1d888847
+# fc1fad0459ba46678afe706a5a01d3e2
+# 1975c5cefdba4f0e8aeb59dd9eace947
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:103
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:141
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:159
+msgid "Click the NICs tab."
+msgstr "点击网络适配器标签。"
+# 4fab29c3388c444694883cc767e38d1a
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:105
+msgid "Click Add network to VM."
+msgstr "将网络添加到 VM"
+# 2607dcbcf15f4c8dafde44a5570a2766
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:107
+msgid "The Add network to VM dialog is displayed."
+msgstr "显示添加网络对话框。"
+# 078937d5a79043d497e0b24671ff352d
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:109
+msgid ""
+"In the drop-down list, select the network that you would like to add this VM"
+" to."
+msgstr "在下拉列表里选择你要添加给VM的网络。"
+# 45834b3a55d14caebf167b7bd28ebd2f
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"A new NIC is added for this network. You can view the following details in "
+"the NICs page:"
+msgstr "这样就为这个网络添加了一个新网卡。你可以在网卡页面查看下列信息:"
+# 2e97354cbec940b796eec8b025dc982e
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:115
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+# 122b599d9d7d4f8c8fb462bd0c5b5f2e
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:117
+msgid "Network Name"
+msgstr "网络名称"
+# 6766a85b557b460c8955aa3fb09bfb8d
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:119
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "类型"
+# 3bd581b01cb243438e2e27273acdbedf
+# 5933f737b419411fa7207a44b3bdea6a
+# 940af38d78dc494ab2ad01f61aafe5d1
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:121
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:481
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:561
+msgid "IP Address"
+msgstr "IP地址"
+# daa389d546724738b57068be58e101d3
+# 95d8f0e06cb94200ae5681c2d2a96628
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:123
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:563
+msgid "Gateway"
+msgstr "网关"
+# c39faf6b191042feb2d8ef693d09e473
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:125
+msgid "Netmask"
+msgstr "子网掩码"
+# 84a7fde285214a59a6105b424d0e3616
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:127
+msgid "Is default"
+msgstr "默认的"
+# 7689a2a82f5c496e89049b4c6c30a8a0
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:129
+msgid "CIDR (for IPv6)"
+msgstr "CIDR(IPv6)"
+# 8d0db3320eaf4c88be0ac3e518bfb002
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:133
+msgid "Removing a Network"
+msgstr "移除网络"
+# 5aa8d15ef25e4b49b6eebcd1275b2a27
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:143
+msgid "Locate the NIC you want to remove."
+msgstr "找到你要移除的网卡上。"
+# 839f1682ea074a07990190ec500a473f
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:145
+msgid "Click Remove NIC button. |remove-nic.png|"
+msgstr "点击移除网卡按钮。|remove-nic.png|"
+# 00cc631ddf71493784b992fb54efb226
+# aba902f0e4d940768424cda703f41a00
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:147
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:165
+msgid "Click Yes to confirm."
+msgstr "点击Yes确认。"
+# 4628fde155ff46dab3f60b7acb743a7a
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:151
+msgid "Selecting the Default Network"
+msgstr "选择默认网络"
+# cd2ff5578eb8448fb8960115c581a240
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:161
+msgid "Locate the NIC you want to work with."
+msgstr "找到你想要的网卡。"
+# b267fb4c8ea944a896d8494196363127
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:163
+msgid "Click the Set default NIC button. |set-default-nic.png|."
+msgstr "点击设置为默认网卡按钮。 |set-default-nic.png|."
+# b1e087e064cd4c8ebe77979cdeb59029
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:168
+msgid "Changing the Network Offering on a Guest Network"
+msgstr "在来宾网络上更改网络方案"
+# 98f57e4d0fe143c39ec77fdc7afbbc1a
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:170
+msgid ""
+"A user or administrator can change the network offering that is associated "
+"with an existing guest network."
+msgstr "用户或者管理员可以更改与之相关的来宾网络的网络方案。"
+# 8c3a2eaed1fa46a09bab8a2fb9394033
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:175
+msgid ""
+"If you are changing from a network offering that uses the CloudStack virtual"
+" router to one that uses external devices as network service providers, you "
+"must first stop all the VMs on the network."
+msgstr "如果你将使用CloudStack虚拟路由的一个网络方案改成使用公共网络设备作为网络服务商,那么你必须先关掉该网络中的所有虚机。"
+# deb6cb39e0f942ef8537ff0805aee20c
+# d19c0a1a49dd41129e10a67ab3d452dc
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:181
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:110
+msgid "Click the name of the network you want to modify."
+msgstr "点击你要修改的网络名称。"
+# ecccedf20bf340e2ba7ead538934109d
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:183
+msgid "In the Details tab, click Edit. |edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr "在  详细  页签,点击 编辑按钮。|edit-icon.png|"
+# edc1fb28dc1b449cacf52a30f5e913b6
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:185
+msgid ""
+"In Network Offering, choose the new network offering, then click Apply."
+msgstr "在网络方案中,选择新的网络方案,然后点击应用。"
+# 19df93b01dc24fd594f644c960aac9d3
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:188
+msgid ""
+"A prompt is displayed asking whether you want to keep the existing CIDR. "
+"This is to let you know that if you change the network offering, the CIDR "
+"will be affected."
+msgstr "这时会有一个提示问你是否保持已存在的CIDR不变。这是让你了解如果你改变网络了方案,那么CIDR会受到影响。"
+# 31721f214c5b41e0902e0192cb732fd2
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:192
+msgid ""
+"If you upgrade between virtual router as a provider and an external network "
+"device as provider, acknowledge the change of CIDR to continue, so choose "
+msgstr "如果你将虚拟路由升级到外网设备,在看到变更CIDR以继续时,请选择Yes。"
+# 3bd6b923a2f64dfe984b12e9d7a9989a
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:196
+msgid ""
+"Wait for the update to complete. Don't try to restart VMs until the network "
+"change is complete."
+msgstr "等待更新完成。在网络变更完成之前不要试图重启虚拟机。"
+# 33336e86a2f748f6a87662d9f20dc804
+#: ../../networking/multiple_guest_networks.rst:199
+msgid "If you stopped any VMs, restart them."
+msgstr "如果你停止了任何VMs,请重启他们。"
+# 685effa0d8104882b0a30dc6b824029a
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:18
+msgid "IP Reservation in Isolated Guest Networks"
+msgstr "隔离的来宾网络中的预留IP"
+# 359e7f6b58f44d209b72518d79eaa4a1
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"In isolated guest networks, a part of the guest IP address space can be "
+"reserved for non-CloudStack VMs or physical servers. To do so, you configure"
+" a range of Reserved IP addresses by specifying the CIDR when a guest "
+"network is in Implemented state. If your customers wish to have non-"
+"CloudStack controlled VMs or physical servers on the same network, they can "
+"share a part of the IP address space that is primarily provided to the guest"
+" network."
+msgstr "在隔离的来宾网络中,来宾IP地址空间中的一部分可以被保留下来以供非CloudStack VMs或者物理服务器使用。要真么做,你应该在来宾网络应用状态时依靠指定CIDR来配置一个预留IP地址范围。如果你的客户希望在同一个网络中有非CloudStack控制的VMs或者物理服务器,它们可以共享一部分主要为来宾网络提供的IP地址空间。"
+# e20dc9218ab14a249b1976460b6ff50e
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:28
+msgid ""
+"In an Advanced zone, an IP address range or a CIDR is assigned to a network "
+"when the network is defined. The CloudStack virtual router acts as the DHCP "
+"server and uses CIDR for assigning IP addresses to the guest VMs. If you "
+"decide to reserve CIDR for non-CloudStack purposes, you can specify a part "
+"of the IP address range or the CIDR that should only be allocated by the "
+"DHCP service of the virtual router to the guest VMs created in CloudStack. "
+"The remaining IPs in that network are called Reserved IP Range. When IP "
+"reservation is configured, the administrator can add additional VMs or "
+"physical servers that are not part of CloudStack to the same network and "
+"assign them the Reserved IP addresses. CloudStack guest VMs cannot acquire "
+"IPs from the Reserved IP Range."
+msgstr "在高级域中,定义一个网络时要给其赋予一个IP地址范围或CIDR。CloudStack虚拟路由器起着DHCP的作用,并通过CIDR来给客户虚拟机分配IP地址。如果为了预留CIDR不用于cloudstack,应当进行说明,即部分IP地址范围或CIDR仅能被DHCP服务分配给在cloudstack中创建的虚拟机。剩下的IP地址被称作预留IP地址范围。当预留的IP被配置时,管理员可以增加额外的虚拟机或并不属于cloudstack的物理服务器到同一个网络,可以将预留的IP地址指定给他们。cloudstack的客户虚拟机不能够从预留的IP地址中获得地址。"
+# aa0353a0869b430a9e00cc950d697674
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:43
+msgid "IP Reservation Considerations"
+msgstr "IP预留事项"
+# 22d783b25a1a4a81835a9f474578360d
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"Consider the following before you reserve an IP range for non-CloudStack "
+msgstr "在给非cloudstack内的机器预留IP地址时,要考虑以下几个方面:"
+# 0b76d0acbe274475b3d5501612754809
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:48
+msgid "IP Reservation is supported only in Isolated networks."
+msgstr "IP预留仅在隔离网络内支持"
+# 5bc6f26160614e04a5e091d9ce7f7b41
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"IP Reservation can be applied only when the network is in Implemented state."
+msgstr "仅当网络在实施状态时,IP预留才能被应用。"
+# ab5412a6ce1d4c0cb3eef49dfab3e255
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:53
+msgid "No IP Reservation is done by default."
+msgstr "默认不做IP预留。"
+# 428a3fe4ee25419a968877cb3d6e16e8
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:55
+msgid "Guest VM CIDR you specify must be a subset of the network CIDR."
+msgstr "指定客户的CIDR必须是网络CIDR的子网。"
+# 172c915bb06f46d498d3fc10f4f49011
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:57
+msgid ""
+"Specify a valid Guest VM CIDR. IP Reservation is applied only if no active "
+"IPs exist outside the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr "指定一个有效的客户虚拟机CIDR。只有不活动的IP在客户虚拟机CIDR存在时,IP预留才能被应用。"
+# 0e5b7bff020d494b9f4e85c641380036
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:60
+msgid ""
+"You cannot apply IP Reservation if any VM is alloted with an IP address that"
+" is outside the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr "如果任一虚拟机被分配了客户虚拟机CIDR之外的IP地址时,IP预留将不能应用。"
+# dd5d34dcc85b438e9f317da8db24673b
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"To reset an existing IP Reservation, apply IP reservation by specifying the "
+"value of network CIDR in the CIDR field."
+msgstr "为重置一个已存在的IP预留,通过在CIDR框指定CIDR值就可应用IP预留。"
+# 56f3f34b92224637b58c7c86bb310fd1
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"For example, the following table describes three scenarios of guest network "
+msgstr "例如,下表描述了客户网络创建的三种情形:"
+# 96cbc8ccee6044a3a4e224d82dda12dd
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+msgid "Case"
+msgstr "案例"
+# 2982ca1c12bf49f2866744193ff6f578
+# f16720ba82ad472da40e8ad034254fe4
+# 24dfa509e12d4af98062dd3ae0b48f52
+# 8e4bbd56239d4c71954370d8ef6e8cbe
+# 1f15602058a04c8ebef82e324bb336e6
+# 9ba99b464c2a41bdbe57d55fafae2ccb
+# ebb32770ece6425e9748b0b6a9e2f681
+# ddc08af8ce4f4978a487c0467816270a
+# 642e10bd685b467ead08d1a5a1df5a5f
+# 4060fb167ecd47c882155784f918a887
+# 4c47fa58c98943ec8448eb44ecf621c2
+# 2bf6e84c5f66458f9ed8b4566d751075
+# 606de62e4a0643e89e7cc0809decf0d1
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:122
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:456
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:519
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:651
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:352
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:519
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:754
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:812
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:873
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1039
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1307
+msgid "CIDR"
+msgstr "CIDR"
+# d4529e4573f1422e89f8705d72b14fa6
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+msgid "Network CIDR"
+msgstr "网络CIDR"
+# 8717091b7d574910ae7f7db398dec4df
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+msgid "Reserved IP Range for Non-CloudStack VMs"
+msgstr "非cloudstack虚拟机的IP预留范围"
+# f596416e0a6849629c21a6b74715913c
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:70
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "描述"
+# 3982ebcb186c4a28bf3ffa4552438c72
+# 15b7293e51984eb1be8bb66b8d99d6e1
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+msgid "1"
+msgstr "1"
+# f627b7351048414296987b276f691d64
+# 696d3ab791fa4146be4d6793d9894204
+# df688c92b303499f87d27d2a6fda5fc3
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+# a5a742b38ae847cb99bd9339c2d47e94
+# 332c38a7b5df4f1ca82b88c659c623bd
+# 8adf0d6c1d72460eb7310b93522b0346
+# d4268a954eb94931af19f1c48598c309
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "无"
+# f2eddeac640e48e5b16991ce8b7bfa93
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:72
+msgid "No IP Reservation."
+msgstr "无"
+# 5bb07f152b264e86ae6eda03cc31e1c1
+# f5f2048cf9714b9ea68d2049570c4f6c
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+msgid "2"
+msgstr "2"
+# 01110998a1c74b3c80ef1a4dc83268a1
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+# e5cce0b4eb08472589cd816030a3de7d
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+msgid " to"
+msgstr ""
+# 9e5926a76629431e9e75a9c27ec25211
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:73
+msgid ""
+"IP Reservation configured by the UpdateNetwork API with "
+"guestvmcidr= or enter in the CIDR field in the UI."
+msgstr "在界面的CIDR框内输入10.1.1.0/26或通过UpdateNetwork的API配置为guestvmcidr=,进行IP预留配置"
+# a1279f60da4448408c8b4ef94ae25031
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+msgid "3"
+msgstr "3"
+# 24e829a2afac40eaa86a07045b551c40
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Removing IP Reservation by the UpdateNetwork API with "
+"guestvmcidr= or enter in the CIDR field in the UI."
+msgstr "在界面的CIDR框内输入10.1.1.0/24或通过UpdateNetwork API配置为guestvmcidr=,进行IP预留清除"
+# d2dda38687714f138add9a3210ce94ec
+# 46aafdafc5b941cc973bf413019aea2d
+# 72b66fa9b2694682919a62c46d2a7506
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:83
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:91
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:467
+msgid "Limitations"
+msgstr "局限性"
+# 6c3ae7eb716447539cf6ce3a087485f8
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:85
+msgid ""
+"The IP Reservation is not supported if active IPs that are found outside the"
+" Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr "如果在客户虚拟机CIDR外发现活动的IP地址,IP预留将不被支持。"
+# 2b40b03295c04e3384d785ee53b756e2
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:88
+msgid ""
+"Upgrading network offering which causes a change in CIDR (such as upgrading "
+"an offering with no external devices to one with external devices) IP "
+"Reservation becomes void if any. Reconfigure IP Reservation in the new re-"
+"implemeted network."
+msgstr "在IP预留中,引起CIDR变化的网络升级方案都将无效,如将无外部设备的方案升级到带有外部设备的方案。在新实施的网络中,要重新配置IP预留。"
+# 583ca0216ee74e1581158dc7533c07d0
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:95
+msgid "Best Practices"
+msgstr "最佳实践"
+# 388bdfcc95f147538a75b7767724cbda
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:97
+msgid ""
+"Apply IP Reservation to the guest network as soon as the network state "
+"changes to Implemented. If you apply reservation soon after the first guest "
+"VM is deployed, lesser conflicts occurs while applying reservation."
+msgstr "一旦网络状态变为实施,应尽快应用IP预留到客户网络。如果在第一台客户虚拟机部署后应用IP预留,则会在应用IP会有较少的冲突发生。"
+# a3c4555e018a445ca599010a280d64a5
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:104
+msgid "Reserving an IP Range"
+msgstr "预留一个IP范围"
+# 6242f71ba63246c7a5080997cf22f7c6
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:112
+msgid "In the Details tab, click Edit. |ip-edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+# df98c1294588410ca38bdcafe1f1a634
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:114
+msgid "The CIDR field changes to editable one."
+msgstr "CIDR框将变为可编辑状态"
+# e18e130a65f64f129965e464668821cc
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:116
+msgid "In CIDR, specify the Guest VM CIDR."
+msgstr "在CIDR框,说明客户虚拟机的CIDR"
+# e1926c61c2e24ac9bb3568b5425e6640
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:118
+msgid "Click Apply."
+msgstr "点击应用"
+# 8e47676d285f403ab1c11aacbe5ad256
+#: ../../networking/ip_reservation_in_guest_networks.rst:120
+msgid ""
+"Wait for the update to complete. The Network CIDR and the Reserved IP Range "
+"are displayed on the Details page."
+msgstr "等待更新完成。"
+# b15f7528cec041d084db2225a51abbd1
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:18
+msgid "Reserving Public IP Addresses and VLANs for Accounts"
+msgstr "为账户预留公共IP地址及VLANS"
+# 1237af30bb46480aa12ce39cfe5e593c
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides you the ability to reserve a set of public IP addresses "
+"and VLANs exclusively for an account. During zone creation, you can continue"
+" defining a set of VLANs and multiple public IP ranges. This feature extends"
+" the functionality to enable you to dedicate a fixed set of VLANs and guest "
+"IP addresses for a tenant."
+msgstr "CloudStack可以让你能够独立的为账户预留一部分公共IP地址和VLANS。在创建区域阶段,你可以继续定义一部分VLANS以及多个公共IP范围。这种功能扩展特性可以让你能够为客户预留固定的一部分VLAN和客户IP地址"
+# 17369f839a29414b986f6bea29ed68ba
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:26
+msgid ""
+"Note that if an account has consumed all the VLANs and IPs dedicated to it, "
+"the account can acquire two more resources from the system. CloudStack "
+"provides the root admin with two configuration parameter to modify this "
+"default behavior: use.system.public.ips and use.system.guest.vlans. These "
+"global parameters enable the root admin to disallow an account from "
+"acquiring public IPs and guest VLANs from the system, if the account has "
+"dedicated resources and these dedicated resources have all been consumed. "
+"Both these configurations are configurable at the account level."
+msgstr "注意,如果一个账户使用了所有分配给他的VLAN和IP,这个账户可以从系统获得二个以上的资源。CloudStack为根管理员提供了二个参数可以进行控制,分别是use.system.public.ips和use.system.guest.vlans。当一个账户分配了资源并且这些资源已经被消耗掉时,这二个全局参数可以使根管理员拒绝此账户从公共IP和来宾VLAN获取资源。二个配置都能在帐户级别进行配置。"
+# eb7adb4a348943f4a8a202f85e7fb8d5
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:36
+msgid "This feature provides you the following capabilities:"
+msgstr "这些特性可提供以下的功能:"
+# 358e7d880b0749daa4dc8a226925c073
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:38
+msgid ""
+"Reserve a VLAN range and public IP address range from an Advanced zone and "
+"assign it to an account"
+msgstr "从一个高级区域中预留一个VLAN范围和公共IP地址,并可以将其指定给一个账户。"
+# 6e0eb4612e474dc984111d18bb95fc83
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:41
+msgid "Disassociate a VLAN and public IP address range from an account"
+msgstr "将一个VLAN和IP地址从一个账户解除联系。"
+# bab06e5f1a2f454aa3b08743ba57c793
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:43
+msgid "View the number of public IP addresses allocated to an account"
+msgstr "查看分配给帐户的公共IP地址。"
+# a6866fc5db5347209e221b84742c3365
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"Check whether the required range is available and is conforms to account "
+msgstr "检查需要的范围是否可用并且要符合帐户限制。"
+# 1620986a4ae94f2485a54cd91ccaac56
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:48
+msgid "The maximum IPs per account limit cannot be superseded."
+msgstr "不能超过每个账户最大的IP限制数。"
+# 22120243221443aebd306ac3563d496f
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:52
+msgid "Dedicating IP Address Ranges to an Account"
+msgstr "分配IP地址给一个账户"
+# 41eada43c00c47d3af3049e17e3a5ed4
+# 3a4fc14485e04b878d42c2f16d2c1874
+# 3b0a5efffc524d5a89c218f531388b51
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:56
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:126
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:317
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure."
+msgstr "在左侧导航栏中,点击基础架构"
+# afa72273b7894980af0176c1cbb8d600
+# 1b7787454ba64ef5bde4f8dc55076690
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:58
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:128
+msgid "In Zones, click View All."
+msgstr "在区域中,点击查看全部"
+# 3538cd7eca744d5dbedb17d4d1df1490
+# 737bb1531046470f96395e869b9b3d0d
+# 1c6a07051f2f4a1eb71d9cb9a6cbb984
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:60
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:130
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:321
+msgid "Choose the zone you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择你要设置的区域。"
+# 2afee3aa9d964227ad8abeec4cff164d
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:64
+msgid "In the Public node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr "在图的公共节点上,点击配置。"
+# 31af885ac08540b1a345a76ed1c81e3a
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:66
+msgid "Click the IP Ranges tab."
+msgstr "点击IP范围页签。"
+# d99c704f2b3e4e829337b91b0e1af56a
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:68
+msgid ""
+"You can either assign an existing IP range to an account, or create a new IP"
+" range and assign to an account."
+msgstr "或者指定一个已经的IP范围给帐户,或创建一个新的IP范围并指定给一个帐户。"
+# 781bb561940748e88798ab180120b3e8
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:71
+msgid "To assign an existing IP range to an account, perform the following:"
+msgstr "要指定一个已有IP范围给帐户,按以下操作进行"
+# 64caee3705894ae5b7eb188e82c8d260
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:73
+msgid "Locate the IP range you want to work with."
+msgstr "确定需要分配的IP范围"
+# 9e0730ca65ac4442a517f39c9056cee8
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:75
+msgid "Click Add Account |addAccount-icon.png| button."
+msgstr "点击添加帐户按钮。|addAccount-icon.png| "
+# 6c4ee6b7080e4fd7a90d8edddfda5845
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:77
+msgid "The Add Account dialog is displayed."
+msgstr "会弹出添加帐户对话框。"
+# 2c50704135d54e319c54ab3e0aade306
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"**Account**: The account to which you want to assign the IP address range."
+msgstr "**帐户**: 即需要指定IP地址范围的帐户"
+# ee19ac37f89e4403997fdca99142dad5
+# 2ba3bff62178453c93570a1e85aa2879
+# 265ed744d98042a9bbcb2c139f70e7fb
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:84
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:112
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:150
+msgid "**Domain**: The domain associated with the account."
+msgstr "**域**: 与帐户关联的域名"
+# 8fbac9b35cdb43ea90d07e27edb5a231
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:86
+msgid "To create a new IP range and assign an account, perform the following:"
+msgstr "要指定一个新的IP范围给帐户,按以下操作进行"
+# 16602be853314d1ca41010b8d9c70203
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:91
+msgid "**Gateway**"
+msgstr "**网关**"
+# 2b07551df7d347b2877a717602b072a0
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:93
+msgid "**Netmask**"
+msgstr "**掩码**"
+# 8302fe6345ff497088145a583593bea1
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:95
+msgid "**VLAN**"
+msgstr "**VLAN**"
+# 34b38799ec734aa89366e4c3f651a3e4
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:97
+msgid "**Start IP**"
+msgstr "**起始IP**"
+# 70bab7c8bc9a44b8b72a460686975a2a
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:99
+msgid "**End IP**"
+msgstr "**结束IP**"
+# 02aaa72ff90843289ad5aeb650f65a9d
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:101
+msgid "**Account**: Perform the following:"
+msgstr "**帐户**: 按以下操作进行:"
+# 9a58082c89c9466fba38134f240e1b52
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:103
+msgid "Click Account."
+msgstr "点击帐户"
+# dcb5729930024223b016b7cbdb424ba1
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:105
+msgid "The Add Account page is displayed."
+msgstr "会显示添加帐户页"
+# 5c2df9219e7346a6bfc5ecb3bf074542
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:109
+msgid ""
+"**Account**: The account to which you want to assign an IP address range."
+msgstr ""
+# f149473b61b340ca9e017c5f4aad3762
+# 2ddbd5f2481d4b119ddad24b954900cc
+# b48da4e586f54f578325e5a80b7d9f43
+# 5b0f318024d544438e606644459f750b
+# 065cefba75724c0a8d56d7931eea5c3d
+# 589f4a9092e34b8f8382b017ebf0259f
+# b103ac8cfde9495fb1cd24a491540360
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:117
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:210
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:88
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:163
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:276
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:153
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:642
+msgid "Click Add."
+msgstr "点击 添加"
+# 6f051411c8144bdc9db1c5f418ca9e6b
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:121
+msgid "Dedicating VLAN Ranges to an Account"
+msgstr "确定需要分配的IP范围"
+# 0624b2939c5d4e5f9f0769c68abba80a
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:123
+msgid ""
+"After the CloudStack Management Server is installed, log in to the "
+"CloudStack UI as administrator."
+msgstr "安装好CloudStack管理端后,使用管理员帐号登录CloudStack用户界面。"
+# 40248bd661704cdb80e80629fe09d500
+# f99a23ecda8047cfa0314a138db2515e
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:134
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:61
+msgid "In the Guest node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr "在图中的来宾节点上,点击配置"
+# 092aa112394946a6a4808b597cc9d85d
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:136
+msgid "Select the Dedicated VLAN Ranges tab."
+msgstr "选择分配VLAN范围页签"
+# 1fdecb917bc84f50afd745175be5d7e7
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:138
+msgid "Click Dedicate VLAN Range."
+msgstr "点击分配VLAN范围"
+# b67fd2523d364441a6c82f24bc357ab5
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:140
+msgid "The Dedicate VLAN Range dialog is displayed."
+msgstr "会弹出分配VLAN对话框。"
+# 542f999a29c64479b5f5d452895813bd
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:144
+msgid "**VLAN Range**: The VLAN range that you want to assign to an account."
+msgstr ""
+# 55217660cfb0479ebc430fe86772c808
+#: ../../networking/public_ips_and_vlans_for_accounts.rst:147
+msgid ""
+"**Account**: The account to which you want to assign the selected VLAN "
+msgstr ""
+# 4b6378bc482446339fca13029388310a
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:18
+msgid "Configuring Multiple IP Addresses on a Single NIC"
+msgstr "在单网卡配置多个IP地址"
+# 3cb13c102ebb495b944a5ea2571c0ea6
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides you the ability to associate multiple private IP "
+"addresses per guest VM NIC. In addition to the primary IP, you can assign "
+"additional IPs to the guest VM NIC. This feature is supported on all the "
+"network configurations: Basic, Advanced, and VPC. Security Groups, Static "
+"NAT and Port forwarding services are supported on these additional IPs."
+msgstr "CloudStack能够让你给每个客户虚拟机网卡配置多个私有IP地址,除主IP地址外,你可以指定额外的IP地址到客户虚拟机网卡。在所有的网络配置中,如基础配置,高级配置,VPC,均支持这一功能。安全组,静态NAT及端口转发服务在额外的IP地址上也都被支持。"
+# cda7fad448d845659243893d3485d00f
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:27
+msgid ""
+"As always, you can specify an IP from the guest subnet; if not specified, an"
+" IP is automatically picked up from the guest VM subnet. You can view the "
+"IPs associated with for each guest VM NICs on the UI. You can apply NAT on "
+"these additional guest IPs by using network configuration option in the "
+"CloudStack UI. You must specify the NIC to which the IP should be "
+msgstr "当然,你也可以从来宾子网中指定一个IP,如果没有指定,将会从来宾虚拟机子网中自动选择一个。可以从UI中查看每一个与来宾虚拟机网卡关联的IP地址。也可以在CloudStack界面中通过网络配置选项在那些额外的来宾虚拟机上应用NAT。但必须指明网卡与哪一个IP关联。"
+# de43d093c3fa4819badd7e95a605662c
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:34
+msgid ""
+"This feature is supported on XenServer, KVM, and VMware hypervisors. Note "
+"that Basic zone security groups are not supported on VMware."
+msgstr "在XenServer,KVM和VMware虚拟机中,都支持这些功能。注意,VMware不支持基础区域的安全组。"
+# b0dc091ada714fc080fbb52f2ea8f427
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:39
+msgid "Use Cases"
+msgstr "使用案例"
+# f716fd8c0f43409d9b85a31bfd022770
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:41
+msgid "Some of the use cases are described below:"
+msgstr "一些使用案例见以下描述"
+# 39e24f20af4e4a389da098c9fb80f1f5
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"Network devices, such as firewalls and load balancers, generally work best "
+"when they have access to multiple IP addresses on the network interface."
+msgstr "网络设备,如防火墙或负责均衡设备,一般来讲,当他们在网络接口上接入更多的IP地址时,他们能够更好的工作。"
+# 75801965b1464997a865772f1ea040ef
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:47
+msgid ""
+"Moving private IP addresses between interfaces or instances. Applications "
+"that are bound to specific IP addresses can be moved between instances."
+msgstr "在接口和实例中迁移IP地址。绑定到特定IP地址的应用可以在实例中迁移。"
+# 1f4805e6057f4a5f97735f57cc71033c
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Hosting multiple SSL Websites on a single instance. You can install multiple"
+" SSL certificates on a single instance, each associated with a distinct IP "
+msgstr "在单个实例上开启多个SSL网站。可以在单个实例上安装多个SSL认证,每一个认证都关联一个单独的IP地址。"
+# c0033b8d9992490791fbd0dc7f89fa6f
+# 4c7d965ae98540498820d6359998db6c
+# 924fe16b17a346a1b175d02a5701f4db
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:57
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:48
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1125
+msgid "Guidelines"
+msgstr "指南"
+# ab36c55d792048e78529f118b75f7169
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"To prevent IP conflict, configure different subnets when multiple networks "
+"are connected to the same VM."
+msgstr "为防止IP冲突,当多个网络连接至同一个虚拟机时,要配置不同的子网。"
+# a16d7477fb8d418abbe4a25970ed93ac
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:64
+msgid "Assigning Additional IPs to a VM"
+msgstr "指定额外的IP给虚拟机"
+# 8913586016c847b1b942015f371fff55
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:66
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr "登录到CloudStack的界面"
+# 93115e86c11446058862e5525c9fcc6d
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:68
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Instances."
+msgstr "在左侧导航栏,点击实例"
+# 197ab17d29454cdc8de866d1f2c0be83
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:70
+msgid "Click the name of the instance you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击拟配置的实例"
+# c7863b679faf4fb6ac1f9e48e70ba5d4
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:72
+msgid "In the Details tab, click NICs."
+msgstr "在详细 页签,点击网卡"
+# 9dfa60a220ed42018f74c7bd78e6d7cd
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:74
+msgid "Click View Secondary IPs."
+msgstr "点击查看二级地址"
+# e783f44753f8491689c78956994376bd
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"Click Acquire New Secondary IP, and click Yes in the confirmation dialog."
+msgstr "点击获取新二级IP,在确认对话框点击确定。"
+# ae7779933a044ea395e2bfa5e67ca484
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"You need to configure the IP on the guest VM NIC manually. CloudStack will "
+"not automatically configure the acquired IP address on the VM. Ensure that "
+"the IP address configuration persist on VM reboot."
+msgstr "需要手动配置来宾虚拟机的网卡。在虚拟机上,CloudStack不会自动配置获取IP。确保在虚拟机重启IP地址配置仍有效。"
+# e08145cc27e24301982a9f2f45bd93d8
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear with the state "
+"Allocated. You can now use the IP address in Port Forwarding or StaticNAT "
+msgstr "稍等一会,新的IP地址会出现,状态栏为会显示为分配。现在可以在端口转发或静态NAT规则中使用此IP地址了。"
+# 1aa79a21e0f24d109fbf1a380be58b37
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:89
+msgid "Port Forwarding and StaticNAT Services Changes"
+msgstr "更改端口转发和静态NAT服务"
+# ffac07bcb64d47f7bcb39e02c46e43b5
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ips_on_single_nic.rst:91
+msgid ""
+"Because multiple IPs can be associated per NIC, you are allowed to select a "
+"desired IP for the Port Forwarding and StaticNAT services. The default is "
+"the primary IP. To enable this functionality, an extra optional parameter "
+"'vmguestip' is added to the Port forwarding and StaticNAT APIs "
+"(enableStaticNat, createIpForwardingRule) to indicate on what IP address NAT"
+" need to be configured. If vmguestip is passed, NAT is configured on the "
+"specified private IP of the VM. if not passed, NAT is configured on the "
+"primary IP of the VM."
+msgstr "因为每一个网卡都可关联至多IP,CloudStack可以允许为端口转发及静态NAT服务选择一个目标IP。默认为主IP。为开启此功能,另一个可选的配置参数  虚拟机来宾IP 需要被加至端口转发及静态NAT 的API中去(开启静态NAT,创建IP端口转发),以示IP地址NAT需要配置。如果虚拟机来宾IP 没有设置,NAT会配置在虚拟机的私有IP上,如果设置了,NAT会配置在虚拟机的主IP上。"
+# 0e8ade71092049f9bae900723c45e41a
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:18
+msgid "About Multiple IP Ranges"
+msgstr "关于多IP范围"
+# e46b13dd887941a78dd4dde1a9c91f7b
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:20
+msgid "The feature can only be implemented on IPv4 addresses."
+msgstr "这些功能仅能在IPV4的地址是实现。"
+# 6bd2d25649fc4326b60a07cefee0f204
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:22
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides you with the flexibility to add guest IP ranges from "
+"different subnets in Basic zones and security groups-enabled Advanced zones."
+" For security groups-enabled Advanced zones, it implies multiple subnets can"
+" be added to the same VLAN. With the addition of this feature, you will be "
+"able to add IP address ranges from the same subnet or from a different one "
+"when IP address are exhausted. This would in turn allows you to employ "
+"higher number of subnets and thus reduce the address management overhead. To"
+" support this feature, the capability of ``createVlanIpRange`` API is "
+"extended to add IP ranges also from a different subnet."
+msgstr "在基础区域以及高级区域的开启安全组,CloudStack能够让你从不同的子网添加来宾IP范围。对于高级区域的开启安全组,多个子网可被加至同一个VLAN。随着此功能的增加,当IP地址耗尽时,你能够从同一个子网或从不同的子网添加IP范围。这会允许你添加更多的子网,因此减少了了地址管理的问题。为支持这一特性,创建VLANIP范围的API被加以扩展,这样就能从不同的子网添加IP范围"
+# 3ba0c789bb3449fe86585f4c8c841997
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that you manually configure the gateway of the new subnet before "
+"adding the IP range. Note that CloudStack supports only one gateway for a "
+"subnet; overlapping subnets are not currently supported."
+msgstr "确实在添加IP范围前,手动配置了子网的网关。注意,CloudStack仅支持一个子网有一个网关。不支持重叠的子网。"
+# e5e487ee073f4d56be1f4666a45f4dfe
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:37
+msgid ""
+"Use the ``deleteVlanRange`` API to delete IP ranges. This operation fails if"
+" an IP from the remove range is in use. If the remove range contains the IP "
+"address on which the DHCP server is running, CloudStack acquires a new IP "
+"from the same subnet. If no IP is available in the subnet, the remove "
+"operation fails."
+msgstr "使用删除VLAN范围的API删除IP范围。如果拟删除的IP在被使用时,此操作会失败。如果删除的范围包含DHCP服务器拟分配的IP地址CloudStack会从同一个子网下获取新的IP。如果在子网内没有可供利用的IP时,删除操作会失败。"
+# bc188db60e2742989c16aedac841809e
+#: ../../networking/multiple_ip_ranges.rst:43
+msgid "This feature is supported on KVM, xenServer, and VMware hypervisors."
+msgstr "在KVM, xenServer以及VMware虚拟机中,都支持这项功能。 "
+# 866f7bd8690f4e378e4a55a7c80d196c
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:18
+msgid "About Elastic IPs"
+msgstr ""
+# 53c01f3c606045ad9beed865c2233d50
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"Elastic IP (EIP) addresses are the IP addresses that are associated with an "
+"account, and act as static IP addresses. The account owner has the complete "
+"control over the Elastic IP addresses that belong to the account. As an "
+"account owner, you can allocate an Elastic IP to a VM of your choice from "
+"the EIP pool of your account. Later if required you can reassign the IP "
+"address to a different VM. This feature is extremely helpful during VM "
+"failure. Instead of replacing the VM which is down, the IP address can be "
+"reassigned to a new VM in your account."
+msgstr "弹性IP(EIP)地址是指与帐户关联的IP地址,能起到静态IP地址的作用。帐户所有者能完全控制隶属于此账户的弹性IP。作为帐户拥有者,你可以从你帐户的EIP池中选择一个IP分配给虚拟机。如果后续需要,你可以继续分配此IP地址给另一个虚拟机。在VM宕机时,此功能特别有用。此IP地址可以重新指定给一个新的虚拟机,而不是取代已经宕机的虚拟机。"
+# eeb2c5db0229477692e9e379117ad90e
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Similar to the public IP address, Elastic IP addresses are mapped to their "
+"associated private IP addresses by using StaticNAT. The EIP service is "
+"equipped with StaticNAT (1:1) service in an EIP-enabled basic zone. The "
+"default network offering, DefaultSharedNetscalerEIPandELBNetworkOffering, "
+"provides your network with EIP and ELB network services if a NetScaler "
+"device is deployed in your zone. Consider the following illustration for "
+"more details."
+msgstr "与公共IP地址一样,弹性IP地址通过使用静态NAT关联至与之相关的私有IP地址。在起用了EIP的基础域中,EIP的服务与静态NAT的服务一一对应。默认的网络方案,默认共享EIP与负载均衡网络方案,在区域部署了NetScaler设备的前提下,能够提供EIP以及ELB网络服务。参见以下更详细的说明。"
+# c188c126629840a7a54f6b8956cb2c76
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:37
+msgid "|eip-ns-basiczone.png|"
+msgstr "|eip-ns-basiczone.png|"
+# 51020097041145ddb6805633c7eb819c
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"In the illustration, a NetScaler appliance is the default entry or exit "
+"point for the CloudStack instances, and firewall is the default entry or "
+"exit point for the rest of the data center. Netscaler provides LB services "
+"and staticNAT service to the guest networks. The guest traffic in the pods "
+"and the Management Server are on different subnets / VLANs. The policy-based"
+" routing in the data center core switch sends the public traffic through the"
+" NetScaler, whereas the rest of the data center goes through the firewall."
+msgstr "在图中,NetScaler设备对CloudStack的实例而言是一个默认的入口或出口,防火墙是剩余数据中心的出口或入口。Netscaler对来宾网络提供负载均衡以及静态NAT的服务。在机架和管理服务器上,来宾流量是不同的子网或VLAN。在数据中心的核心交换机的基础路由策略是通过NetScaler转发公共流量,其他数据中心的流量则通过防火墙。"
+# 3f2630ad1d0343c68eb8a2303ccb4c9c
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:48
+msgid "The EIP work flow is as follows:"
+msgstr "EIP的工作流如下:"
+# d20e19311068491ba44b06500472b710
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"When a user VM is deployed, a public IP is automatically acquired from the "
+"pool of public IPs configured in the zone. This IP is owned by the VM's "
+msgstr "当部署一个用户虚拟机时,会从区域配置的IP中自动获得一个公共IP。这个IP为虚拟机帐户所拥有。"
+# d15702d110a942848fa6cef69cece507
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"Each VM will have its own private IP. When the user VM starts, Static NAT is"
+" provisioned on the NetScaler device by using the Inbound Network Address "
+"Translation (INAT) and Reverse NAT (RNAT) rules between the public IP and "
+"the private IP."
+msgstr "每一个虚拟机都有自己的私有IP。当来客户虚拟机启动时,通过使用在公共IP和私有IP之间的入口网络地址转换(INAT)以及预留地址转换(RNAT),NetScaler设备可以提供静态NAT"
+# ff6cb27225094523ba3a17d305016521
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:60
+msgid ""
+"Inbound NAT (INAT) is a type of NAT supported by NetScaler, in which the "
+"destination IP address is replaced in the packets from the public network, "
+"such as the Internet, with the private IP address of a VM in the private "
+"network. Reverse NAT (RNAT) is a type of NAT supported by NetScaler, in "
+"which the source IP address is replaced in the packets generated by a VM in "
+"the private network with the public IP address."
+msgstr "入口网络地址转换(INAT)是NetScaler支持的一类NAT类型,在此类型中,来自公共网络(如Internet)的数据包中的目标IP地址被私有网络中虚拟机的私有地址取代。预留地址转换(RNAT)也是NetScaler支持的一类NAT类型,私有网络中虚拟机产生的数据包中的源IP地址被公共IP地址取代。"
+# e9dde6b9e99a42a4b1141fa7cde9549e
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:67
+msgid "This default public IP will be released in two cases:"
+msgstr "默认的公共IP在两种情况下会被释放:"
+# bb3ef5bc34c24d44980be5d6f69e0c5c
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"When the VM is stopped. When the VM starts, it again receives a new public "
+"IP, not necessarily the same one allocated initially, from the pool of "
+"Public IPs."
+msgstr "当虚拟机停止时。当虚拟机启动时,可以重新获取一个新的公共IP,并不必须是从公共IP地址池中最初分配的那一个。"
+# 571a9e4939ea4287a8aa0ddf426417b4
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:73
+msgid ""
+"The user acquires a public IP (Elastic IP). This public IP is associated "
+"with the account, but will not be mapped to any private IP. However, the "
+"user can enable Static NAT to associate this IP to the private IP of a VM in"
+" the account. The Static NAT rule for the public IP can be disabled at any "
+"time. When Static NAT is disabled, a new public IP is allocated from the "
+"pool, which is not necessarily be the same one allocated initially."
+msgstr "当用户获取公共IP(弹性IP)时。这些公共IP与帐户相关联,但不与任何私有IP相关。然而,用户可以开启静态NAT将帐户中虚拟机的私有IP与之关联。对应公共IP的静态NAT规则可随时取消。当静态NAT关闭时,会从地址池中分配的一个新的公共IP,并不必须是最初分配的那一个。"
+# aaf805319e4341d8a268392acb2bda8e
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"For the deployments where public IPs are limited resources, you have the "
+"flexibility to choose not to allocate a public IP by default. You can use "
+"the Associate Public IP option to turn on or off the automatic public IP "
+"assignment in the EIP-enabled Basic zones. If you turn off the automatic "
+"public IP assignment while creating a network offering, only a private IP is"
+" assigned to a VM when the VM is deployed with that network offering. Later,"
+" the user can acquire an IP for the VM and enable static NAT."
+msgstr "对部署而言,公共IP会受限于资源,可以灵活的选择默认不分配公共IP。可以在开启了EIP的基础区域中,通过关联公共IP选项来打开或关闭自动公共IP指定。如果在创建网络方案时,你关闭了自动公共IP指定,则在使用此网络方案部署时,仅会分配一个私有IP给虚拟机。此后,用户虚拟机可以获取一个IP,并可以开启静态NAT。"
+# 31babd6d6dfd4d079192f8d6984817ee
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"For more information on the Associate Public IP option, see `\"Creating a "
+"New Network Offering\" <networking.html#creating-a-new-network-offering>`_."
+msgstr "要了解更多关于关联公共IP的选项,请参考`\"创建一个新的网络方案\" <networking.html#creating-a-new-network-offering>`_."
+# dbb9cddd535f4a438059357783272fe3
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:94
+msgid ""
+"The Associate Public IP feature is designed only for use with user VMs. The "
+"System VMs continue to get both public IP and private by default, "
+"irrespective of the network offering configuration."
+msgstr "设计关联公共IP的功能,仅是为使用用户虚拟机。系统虚拟机仍然默认会获取公共IP和私有IP,与网络配置并不相关。"
+# d898deec360a48b1851e6a597385713b
+#: ../../networking/elastic_ips.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"New deployments which use the default shared network offering with EIP and "
+"ELB services to create a shared network in the Basic zone will continue "
+"allocating public IPs to each user VM."
+msgstr "在基础区域中,使用默认具有EIP和ELB服务的网络方案来创建共享网络时,仍然会给每一个用户虚拟机分配公共IP。"
+# 0f08f4f232ba497eb9cd9c3e04f96afc
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:18
+msgid "Portable IPs"
+msgstr "端口IP"
+# 7ac92bb50f6449d988fcc630639a18fc
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:21
+msgid "About Portable IP"
+msgstr "关于端口IP"
+# 6ae5874856114307829101c5c704d620
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:23
+msgid ""
+"Portable IPs in CloudStack are region-level pool of IPs, which are elastic "
+"in nature, that can be transferred across geographically separated zones. As"
+" an administrator, you can provision a pool of portable public IPs at region"
+" level and are available for user consumption. The users can acquire "
+"portable IPs if admin has provisioned portable IPs at the region level they "
+"are part of. These IPs can be use for any service within an advanced zone. "
+"You can also use portable IPs for EIP services in basic zones."
+msgstr "在CloudStack中,端口IP是地域级的IP地址池,其天然具有弹性,亦即可以在地理隔离的区域中进行转发。作为管理员,可以在地域级提供IP地址池供用户使用。如果在用户所属的地域,其管理员提供了端口IP,用户就可以获取此类IP。在高级区域内,这些IP可用于任一服务。也可以在基础区域中为EIP服务使用端口IP。"
+# 742f98931c1a44baa38129e2d9707866
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:32
+msgid "The salient features of Portable IP are as follows:"
+msgstr "端口IP的主要功能如下:"
+# a4472d2004c943f1ad88325b36b6a440
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:34
+msgid "IP is statically allocated"
+msgstr "IP是静态分配的。"
+# fcd6dca4d30d4a1f92bb64c7635abeb1
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:36
+msgid "IP need not be associated with a network"
+msgstr "IP与网络无关。"
+# 7409719b9ce74f6c8d91b07f9079a6ef
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:38
+msgid "IP association is transferable across networks"
+msgstr "IP关联是可以通过网络转发的。"
+# 5aeff85fa3704f3ab93dbbba900c80f2
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:40
+msgid "IP is transferable across both Basic and Advanced zones"
+msgstr "IP可以在基础区域和高级区域中转发。"
+# 96ffa5d02ec9464e8866c8d272aad9c1
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:42
+msgid "IP is transferable across VPC, non-VPC isolated and shared networks"
+msgstr "IP可通过VPC,非VPC隔离和共享网络进行转发。"
+# 6207a2e79e024acc8ef256c36daec0ff
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:44
+msgid "Portable IP transfer is available only for static NAT."
+msgstr "端口IP转发仅对静态NAT可用。"
+# c3d0138ce57f44a9becb32df52ca0fb9
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"Before transferring to another network, ensure that no network rules "
+"(Firewall, Static NAT, Port Forwarding, and so on) exist on that portable "
+msgstr "在转发至另一网络前,确保没有网络规则(如防火墙,静态NAT,端口转发等等)不存在于端口IP。"
+# 18cc0645453a43eebf52beaa73a9a6a6
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:56
+msgid "Configuring Portable IPs"
+msgstr "配置端口IP"
+# 740ad8e23fac49f8950f5161989c18e9
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:60
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Regions."
+msgstr "在左侧导航栏中,点击地域"
+# 40704d729f114cbcb667118f671238ef
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:62
+msgid "Choose the Regions that you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择拟修改的地域。"
+# 03bf5d8664204ec084df0a9d5940644a
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:64
+msgid "Click View Portable IP."
+msgstr "点击查看端口IP"
+# ddc000619eb94419951b60265902d979
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:66
+msgid "Click Portable IP Range."
+msgstr "点击端口IP范围"
+# c8a67f00327e4e37bfae6b2882e40fa0
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:68
+msgid "The Add Portable IP Range window is displayed."
+msgstr "会出现 添加端口IP范围的窗口"
+# 873cae2265344ab384d2b0f8956b8cbe
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"**Start IP/ End IP**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the "
+"Internet and will be allocated to guest VMs. Enter the first and last IP "
+"addresses that define a range that CloudStack can assign to guest VMs."
+msgstr "**起始IP/结束IP**: 从Internet可以访问的一个IP地址范围,将会分配给客户虚拟机。输入起始IP以及结束IP,定义CloudStack指定给客户虚拟机的IP范围。"
+# 47a17aedcd9a46d4aa9426bc133f7593
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:77
+msgid ""
+"**Gateway**: The gateway in use for the Portable IP addresses you are "
+msgstr "**网关**: 配置端口IP地址所使用的网关。"
+# 7979e6a1cf8a4b2d8e8673ed132db41e
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:80
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask associated with the Portable IP range."
+msgstr "**掩码**: 与端口IP范围关联的掩码。"
+# 63cb5224252e403480ba1ddc53337de8
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:82
+msgid "**VLAN**: The VLAN that will be used for public traffic."
+msgstr "**VLAN**: 公共流量拟使用的VLAN。"
+# 124023448c074dcea01be7eddc177170
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:88
+msgid "Acquiring a Portable IP"
+msgstr "获取端口IP。"
+# ac222ffaf3d1404a885f643c228d2c83
+# baf678baec6247bb94c9eab6b3b1e84e
+# ffdddf1fe28240469a8090a522b32151
+# 663ad172db854afdadd95fc1d3db1f64
+# 2bf3f81e7dbb4b2cb34d627506ee9889
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:94
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:24
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:28
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:40
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:63
+msgid "Click the name of the network where you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击拟修改的网络名称。"
+# 442ce3999e8d427da57daa610533fb7c
+# 9cc585cd1a5740acba75c898195b0eab
+# 4c9d3404671a4e4d99d3323175204d8e
+# e8c449dffe3c49e8938437a96cef0ca6
+# d605e8bf3fb74b278bf0d265f1db6084
+# 5f4eacd3a2ba48349a41f04f8756ee37
+# ba3dfb6ca3af4d51a17fa31861d95379
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:96
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:262
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:26
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:30
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:42
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:65
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:82
+msgid "Click View IP Addresses."
+msgstr "点击查看IP地址。"
+# fbc9c26eb4f041618e668c4addb7f051
+# eab860b6d87641698d96cf5e11803339
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:98
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:28
+msgid "Click Acquire New IP."
+msgstr "点击获取新IP。"
+# 294bab6d3d9f43aa8d85acabb8fdbdf5
+# 5ebf3c5ce9154b57bf3cf2ef8e449b4b
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:100
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:30
+msgid "The Acquire New IP window is displayed."
+msgstr "获取新IP的窗口会出现。"
+# 54c07b2049174cceae5d75abcd11939f
+# d82eff4f2d2d4e8cb8c9fe694607832a
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:102
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:32
+msgid "Specify whether you want cross-zone IP or not."
+msgstr "说明是否需要IP跨区。"
+# 3c0460b1928b474e8347baf870d93061
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:104
+msgid "Click Yes in the confirmation dialog."
+msgstr "在确认对话框中点击确定。"
+# c6d079ae16bb440d9430701ba56f68a1
+# 5c09ad0de69f460bbc10914cf114f514
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:106
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear with the state "
+"Allocated. You can now use the IP address in port forwarding or static NAT "
+msgstr "稍等一会,新的IP地址会出现,状态栏为会显示为分配。现在可以在端口转发或静态NAT规则中使用此IP地址了。"
+# 8f37986b8a4e47ba93264a3bb9af1a18
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:112
+msgid "Transferring Portable IP"
+msgstr "便携式IP"
+# 8a4e3d4a96ea471794ae2d68687fa797
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:114
+msgid ""
+"An IP can be transferred from one network to another only if Static NAT is "
+"enabled. However, when a portable IP is associated with a network, you can "
+"use it for any service in the network."
+msgstr "IP要从一个网络转换至另一网络的话,只需启用静态NAT。但是,当一个portable IP对应一个网络的时候,你可以在网络中为任何服务使用它 。"
+# 680b04281ce240339902b0a08da4ecd8
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:118
+msgid ""
+"To transfer a portable IP across the networks, execute the following API:"
+msgstr "要跨网络转换一个portable IP,执行下列API:"
+# 8a701f169d1449e7b4cc16e3e4ae8b8f
+#: ../../networking/portable_ips.rst:125
+msgid ""
+"Replace the UUID with appropriate UUID. For example, if you want to transfer"
+" a portable IP to network X and VM Y in a network, execute the following:"
+msgstr "用正确的UUID替换此处的UUID。比如,如果你想转换一个portable IP至X网络和一个网络中的VM Y,请执行下列操作:"
+# 7089d5ba1bd84cd788dd5c22ca2b1bd2
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:18
+msgid "Multiple Subnets in Shared Network"
+msgstr "共享网络中的多子网"
+# 0477f56fce2e483d8971ed6598538bac
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides you with the flexibility to add guest IP ranges from "
+"different subnets in Basic zones and security groups-enabled Advanced zones."
+" For security groups-enabled Advanced zones, it implies multiple subnets can"
+" be added to the same VLAN. With the addition of this feature, you will be "
+"able to add IP address ranges from the same subnet or from a different one "
+"when IP address are exhausted. This would in turn allows you to employ "
+"higher number of subnets and thus reduce the address management overhead. "
+"You can delete the IP ranges you have added."
+msgstr "CloudStack为你提供了在基本zones和启用了安全组的高级zones不同的子网中灵活的添加来宾IP段功能 。在启用了安全组的高级zones中,这意味着多子网可以被添加到同一个VLAN。这个特性还意味着,当IP地址用尽的时候,你可以从同一个子网或从不同的子网添加IP地址范围。这将允许你使用更多的子网,降低地址管理工作量。你也可以删除已经添加的IP地址范围。"
+# 2ad5b5d4ac7c4c81bb8f93f0bc9ec255
+# 788fe7caacfd434d9974e747cc5b6975
+# 6a8d2ba526f244f0867dd3ba399837cc
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:32
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:255
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:107
+msgid "Prerequisites and Guidelines"
+msgstr "先决条件和指南"
+# 6ba395678a3b488d83285fef91d03eb8
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:34
+msgid "This feature can only be implemented:"
+msgstr "这个特性只能被实现在:"
+# d0797766d8c8418a944d9351c7a7d5f2
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:36
+msgid "on IPv4 addresses"
+msgstr "IPv4地址"
+# dfbc41f238524d26b2412643554b3dda
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:38
+msgid "if virtual router is the DHCP provider"
+msgstr "如果虚拟路由是由DHCP提供的"
+# b16927d0778c489d8684d17d6d5080a5
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:40
+msgid "on KVM, xenServer, and VMware hypervisors"
+msgstr "在KVM,XenServer和VMware hypervisors"
+# da5c39ee692344d9ad7e4baa53792f99
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:42
+msgid ""
+"Manually configure the gateway of the new subnet before adding the IP range."
+msgstr "在添加IP范围之前,手动配置新子网的网关。"
+# 12c49c34743945559bdac3337e94b72b
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack supports only one gateway for a subnet; overlapping subnets are "
+"not currently supported"
+msgstr "CloudStack只支持一个子网对应一个网关;交叉子网目前不支持。"
+# 5e0122bb568b4cb89567b4d417ff860d
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:50
+msgid "Adding Multiple Subnets to a Shared Network"
+msgstr "给共享网络添加多子网"
+# 5dead61f678f4f708dc471eb41eb51d7
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:56
+msgid ""
+"On Zones, click View More, then click the zone to which you want to work "
+msgstr "在Zones上,点击查看更多,然后点击你要进行操作的zone.."
+# 113bdf0910ef4fa181ae7e1dd6b4965a
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:59
+msgid "Click Physical Network."
+msgstr "点击物理网络。"
+# 93cb70825bb2406bb280993bb96c1423
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:63
+msgid "Click Networks."
+msgstr "点击网络。"
+# a8776092b5274a8f85bb80eea30fc74e
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:65
+msgid "Select the networks you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择你想要操作的网络。"
+# 1bee5ce455ca48a99e79744a7d62e425
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:67
+msgid "Click View IP Ranges."
+msgstr "点击查看IP范围。"
+# bda3572323594aa4b29c6a6b5757d2b3
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:69
+msgid "Click Add IP Range."
+msgstr "点击添加IP范围。"
+# 9f735ab5dccd454ba2337ef570347dd5
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:71
+msgid "The Add IP Range dialog is displayed, as follows:"
+msgstr "显示的添加IP范围对话框如下:"
+# 83f6544a7bc44bc09cf19bfaf591db11
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:73
+msgid "|add-ip-range.png|"
+msgstr "|add-ip-range.png|"
+# d555abc08eb3476c9e5aa15b14cb5ecb
+# fbc89fdbac934907bce2121e6b919e02
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:77
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:250
+msgid "All the fields are mandatory."
+msgstr "所有的区域必须填写的。"
+# a0f1b8e275a849a79eefa4a842795497
+# da34b3884ae5434b9e9aa6bcf68fd955
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:79
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:262
+msgid ""
+"**Gateway**: The gateway for the tier you create. Ensure that the gateway is"
+" within the Super CIDR range that you specified while creating the VPC, and "
+"is not overlapped with the CIDR of any existing tier within the VPC."
+msgstr "**网关**:你创建网络层的网关。确保网关在你创建VPC时指定的超级CIDR范围内,并且不能与已存在VPC的任何网络层的CIDR重叠。"
+# 9a478560b45f4c7fa3a7749ae1781e2f
+# 625aa7b3683d4ab686623285a759d03e
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:84
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:275
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask for the tier you create."
+msgstr "**子网掩码**:你创建的网络层的子网掩码。"
+# bc0ecfa80a4b43e4881c58b85f681266
+# c8ffd6a926fe4eefbdc0e84ebc7dd348
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:86
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:277
+msgid ""
+"For example, if the VPC CIDR is and the network tier CIDR is "
+", the gateway of the tier is, and the netmask of the "
+"tier is"
+msgstr "比如,如果VPC CIDR是10.0.0.0/16并且该网络层CIDR是10.0.1.0/24,那么这个网络层的网关是10.0.1.1,子网掩码是255.255.255.0."
+# b48ff10b434e49e5abe6714cfb3452d9
+#: ../../networking/multiple_subnets_in_shared_network.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"**Start IP/ End IP**: A range of IP addresses that are accessible from the "
+"Internet and will be allocated to guest VMs. Enter the first and last IP "
+"addresses that define a range that CloudStack can assign to guest VMs ."
+msgstr "**起始/结束IP**:从互联网获得的和将被分配给来宾VMsIP地址范围。输入第一个和最后一个IP地址,该地址范围定义的是CloudStack能分配给来宾VMs的范围。"
+# cc7a99018f204eb3b14ae4407e439d52
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:18
+msgid "Isolation in Advanced Zone Using Private VLAN"
+msgstr "使用Private VLAN隔离高级Zone中的网络"
+# d4c63a56d1c541179877426fec001db5
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"Isolation of guest traffic in shared networks can be achieved by using "
+"Private VLANs (PVLAN). PVLANs provide Layer 2 isolation between ports within"
+" the same VLAN. In a PVLAN-enabled shared network, a user VM cannot reach "
+"other user VM though they can reach the DHCP server and gateway, this would "
+"in turn allow users to control traffic within a network and help them deploy"
+" multiple applications without communication between application as well as "
+"prevent communication with other users' VMs."
+msgstr "在共享网络中的隔离来宾流量能被Private VLAN(PVLAN)获取。PVLANs提供同一个VLAN里端口间的2层网络隔离。在启用了PVLAN的共享网络,一个用户VM不能到达其他用户VM,但是他们能与DHCP服务器和网关通讯,反过来这样能允许用户去控制网络内部的流量,并且帮助他们像阻止与其他用户VMs通讯一样的去部署无需通讯的多个应用程序。"
+# 662c4fdd4bd34b7b9c55b5525c739c11
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:29
+msgid "Isolate VMs in a shared networks by using Private VLANs."
+msgstr "使用PVLAN在共享网络中隔离VMs。"
+# 1a255e04a5154ff0be5f76264b93453e
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:31
+msgid "Supported on KVM, XenServer, and VMware hypervisors"
+msgstr "在KVM,XenServer和VMware hypervisors中支持"
+# 8f8a37c238cc4670b3152c2a622787c7
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"PVLAN-enabled shared network can be a part of multiple networks of a guest "
+msgstr "启用了PVLAN的共享网络可以是来宾VM的多个网络的一部分。"
+# 8be0c81861ea4d4f9f8a9e2403e11250
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:38
+msgid "About Private VLAN"
+msgstr "关于Private VLAN"
+# 19221ad3a5f64011b70c802da07bee31
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:40
+msgid ""
+"In an Ethernet switch, a VLAN is a broadcast domain where hosts can "
+"establish direct communication with each another at Layer 2. Private VLAN is"
+" designed as an extension of VLAN standard to add further segmentation of "
+"the logical broadcast domain. A regular VLAN is a single broadcast domain, "
+"whereas a private VLAN partitions a larger VLAN broadcast domain into "
+"smaller sub-domains. A sub-domain is represented by a pair of VLANs: a "
+"Primary VLAN and a Secondary VLAN. The original VLAN that is being divided "
+"into smaller groups is called Primary, which implies that all VLAN pairs in "
+"a private VLAN share the same Primary VLAN. All the secondary VLANs exist "
+"only inside the Primary. Each Secondary VLAN has a specific VLAN ID "
+"associated to it, which differentiates one sub-domain from another."
+msgstr "在以太网交换机中,VLAN是二层网络中的一个主机之间主机能建立直接通讯的广播域 。Private VLAN被设计成一个标准的VLAN的延伸,为了进一步细分逻辑广播域。一个规则的VLAN是单一广播域,但是一个 private VLAN将一个较大的VLAN广播域划分为较小的多个子域。子域表现为一对VLANs:一个主VLAN和一个辅助VLAN。被划分为较小组的原始VLAN叫主,这意味着所有的在private VLAN中的VLAN对共享着同一个主VLAN。所有的辅助VLANs存在与主VLAN中。每个辅助VLAN有一个特定的区别于其他子域VLAN ID。"
+# c46e1be64b4e467aaa0a2109cb87bc24
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:53
+msgid ""
+"Three types of ports exist in a private VLAN domain, which essentially "
+"determine the behaviour of the participating hosts. Each ports will have its"
+" own unique set of rules, which regulate a connected host's ability to "
+"communicate with other connected host within the same private VLAN domain. "
+"Configure each host that is part of a PVLAN pair can be by using one of "
+"these three port designation:"
+msgstr "在private VLAN中有三种端口类型,它们实质上决定了所包含的主机的流量走势。每组端口都有自己唯一的策略,它能控制配置同一个private VLAN域中连接到端口的主机与其他已连接主机的通讯。使用下面三种端口定义中的一种来配置每个PVLAN对中的主机:"
+# 8773791ad68744dbbef479a5a63348f1
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:60
+msgid ""
+"**Promiscuous**: A promiscuous port can communicate with all the interfaces,"
+" including the community and isolated host ports that belong to the "
+"secondary VLANs. In Promiscuous mode, hosts are connected to promiscuous "
+"ports and are able to communicate directly with resources on both primary "
+"and secondary VLAN. Routers, DHCP servers, and other trusted devices are "
+"typically attached to promiscuous ports."
+msgstr "**混杂模式(Promiscuous)**:混杂模式的端口能与所有的接口通讯,包括可通讯与隔离属于辅助VLANs的主机端口。在混杂模式中,主机被连接到混在模式端口并且能够直接与主VLAN和辅助VLAN中的资源。典型的连接到混杂模式端口的是路由器,DHCP服务器和其他受信任的设备。"
+# 91c780247f2c4db2a19e098d51fb2a1f
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:68
+msgid ""
+"**Isolated VLANs**: The ports within an isolated VLAN cannot communicate "
+"with each other at the layer-2 level. The hosts that are connected to "
+"Isolated ports can directly communicate only with the Promiscuous resources."
+" If your customer device needs to have access only to a gateway router, "
+"attach it to an isolated port."
+msgstr "**隔离(Isolated)VLANs**: 隔离模式VLAN中的端口不能与其他二层网络中的端口通讯。连接隔离模式端口上的主机只能直接与混杂模式下的资源通讯。如果你的客户设备只访问网关路由器,请将其附加至隔离端口。"
+# 4e94602bf9fa44c6b94244cf55cb1aeb
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:74
+msgid ""
+"**Community VLANs**: The ports within a community VLAN can communicate with "
+"each other and with the promiscuous ports, but they cannot communicate with "
+"the ports in other communities at the layer-2 level. In a Community mode, "
+"direct communication is permitted only with the hosts in the same community "
+"and those that are connected to the Primary PVLAN in promiscuous mode. If "
+"your customer has two devices that need to be isolated from other customers'"
+" devices, but to be able to communicate among themselves, deploy them in "
+"community ports."
+msgstr "**Community VLANs**:中的端口能与其他端口和混杂模式下的端口通讯,但是他们不能与二层网络中的其他community VLAN中的端口通讯。在Community模式下,主机能与同一community中的主机和连接到混杂模式中的主VLAN的主机可以通讯。如果你的客户有两个设备需要与其他客户的设备隔离,但是他们之间又要通讯,请将他们部署至 community 端口。"
+# 362d4b4e5dd242628fe508d3abbe3361
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:84
+msgid "For further reading:"
+msgstr "延伸阅读:"
+# 9dc2e8a81d2e4418ae9f6222887a9bd3
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:86
+msgid ""
+"`Understanding Private VLANs "
+msgstr "`理解 Private VLANs <>`_"
+# 7e9fd9cf1c9b469ebd5bd961175982df
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:89
+msgid ""
+"`Cisco Systems' Private VLANs: Scalable Security in a Multi-Client "
+"Environment <>`_"
+msgstr "`Cisco Systems' Private VLANs: Scalable Security in a Multi-Client Environment <>`_"
+# 7cd6254dad1c4523b2c2be1867cca7cb
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:92
+msgid ""
+"`Private VLAN (PVLAN) on vNetwork Distributed Switch - Concept Overview "
+"(1010691) <>`_"
+msgstr "`Private VLAN (PVLAN) on vNetwork Distributed Switch - Concept Overview (1010691) <>`_"
+# e7159581e2aa4e7f82fcc3e3e5b8e9b2
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:99
+msgid "Use a PVLAN supported switch."
+msgstr "在支持的交换机上使用PVLAN。"
+# 558f121cf82b419cbacce6914151513e
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:101
+msgid ""
+"See `Private VLAN Catalyst Switch Support Matrix "
+" for more information."
+msgstr "更多信息,请参考 `Private VLAN Catalyst Switch Support Matrix <>`_ "
+# bc44ba94ec284076984bcf8bd7345e42
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:105
+msgid ""
+"All the layer 2 switches, which are PVLAN-aware, are connected to each "
+"other, and one of them is connected to a router. All the ports connected to "
+"the host would be configured in trunk mode. Open Management VLAN, Primary "
+"VLAN (public) and Secondary Isolated VLAN ports. Configure the switch port "
+"connected to the router in PVLAN promiscuous trunk mode, which would "
+"translate an isolated VLAN to primary VLAN for the PVLAN-unaware router."
+msgstr "将所有能识别PVLAN的二层交换机之间互连,并且其中一个要连至一个路由器。主机连接到的所有端口需配置为trunk模式。打开VLAN管理,主VLAN(公共网络)和隔离的辅助VLAN端口。配置交换机连接到路由器的端口为PVLAN混杂trunk,这样可以为不识别PVLAN的路由器转换一个隔离的VLAN到主VLAN。"
+# 71abf1e9b2ae4a149e565ca17b45f51c
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:113
+msgid ""
+"Note that only Cisco Catalyst 4500 has the PVLAN promiscuous trunk mode to "
+"connect both normal VLAN and PVLAN to a PVLAN-unaware switch. For the other "
+"Catalyst PVLAN support switch, connect the switch to upper switch by using "
+"cables, one each for a PVLAN pair."
+msgstr "注意只有Cisco Catalyst 4500有PVLAN混杂trunk模式,可以连接所有普通VLAN和PVLAN到不能识别PVLAN的交换机。其他支持PVLAN的Catalyst交换机,在PVALN对中的每个交换机上使用级联线连接到上联交换机。"
+# 6b7feb8b8f8646848e0fc9321c60bb0f
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:118
+msgid "Configure private VLAN on your physical switches out-of-band."
+msgstr "在你的物理交换机上使用带外管理配置private VLAN。"
+# 06b27f4c4355406886e4aa1e037d9467
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:120
+msgid "Before you use PVLAN on XenServer and KVM, enable Open vSwitch (OVS)."
+msgstr "在XenServer和KVM上使用PVALN之前,请启用Open vSwitch (OVS)。"
+# d9b9a5e0ce044d7b94cc7f36f40dac75
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:123
+msgid ""
+"OVS on XenServer and KVM does not support PVLAN natively. Therefore, "
+"CloudStack managed to simulate PVLAN on OVS for XenServer and KVM by "
+"modifying the flow table."
+msgstr "XenServer和KVM中的OVS不支持原生的PVLAN。因此,靠修改flow table,CloudStack为XenServer和KVM模拟OVS中的PVLAN。"
+# 579764808b8b4cee81634b52e650e7f4
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:129
+msgid "Creating a PVLAN-Enabled Guest Network"
+msgstr "配置一个启用了PVLAN的来宾网络"
+# 5fd76d10b7a245ca92d599f5d84b04aa
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:161
+msgid ""
+"**Secondary Isolated VLAN ID**: The unique ID of the Secondary Isolated "
+msgstr "**辅助隔离VLAN ID**:辅助隔离VLAN的唯一ID。"
+# ba80bf59655f4806845c6b592500c85a
+#: ../../networking/isolation_in_advanced_zone_with_vlan.rst:164
+msgid ""
+"For the description on Secondary Isolated VLAN, see `About Private VLAN\" "
+msgstr "更多关于辅助隔离VLAN的描述,请参考see `关于 Private VLAN\" <#about-private-vlan>`_."
+# cb6cc7de1ccf43ceb4fee732f2374d3a
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:18
+msgid "Security Groups"
+msgstr "安全组"
+# d27a88932a2a40c580ff31cd04f7c5b1
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:21
+msgid "About Security Groups"
+msgstr "关于安全组"
+# f5ba715a47234ff3a2bb8f9c56d490ab
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:23
+msgid ""
+"Security groups provide a way to isolate traffic to VMs. A security group is"
+" a group of VMs that filter their incoming and outgoing traffic according to"
+" a set of rules, called ingress and egress rules. These rules filter network"
+" traffic according to the IP address that is attempting to communicate with "
+"the VM. Security groups are particularly useful in zones that use basic "
+"networking, because there is a single guest network for all guest VMs. In "
+"advanced zones, security groups are supported only on the KVM hypervisor."
+msgstr "安全组提供一种方法来隔离VMs流量。一个安全组是一组依照设置名为入口规则和出口规则来过滤他们进出流量的VMs,这些规则依靠与VM通讯的IP地址来过滤网络流量。安全组在使用基础网络的zones中尤为重要,因为这里只有一个来宾网络。在高级zones中,只有KVM hypervisor支持安全组。"
+# 29c17e93f2554fe99e042dbc72b337d9
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"In a zone that uses advanced networking, you can instead define multiple "
+"guest networks to isolate traffic to VMs."
+msgstr "在一个使用高级网络的zone中,你可以改为定义多个来宾网络隔离流量至VMs。"
+# b0e658a849c44ade96fd212d6c6b2589
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:36
+msgid ""
+"Each CloudStack account comes with a default security group that denies all "
+"inbound traffic and allows all outbound traffic. The default security group "
+"can be modified so that all new VMs inherit some other desired set of rules."
+msgstr "每个CloudStack账号匹配一个拒绝所有入站流量和允许所有出口流量的默认安全组 。可以编辑默认的安全组以便所有新VMs的策略继承一些的想要的设置。"
+# 03c3350e08fe420da4f2f221c5773dba
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:41
+msgid ""
+"Any CloudStack user can set up any number of additional security groups. "
+"When a new VM is launched, it is assigned to the default security group "
+"unless another user-defined security group is specified. A VM can be a "
+"member of any number of security groups. Once a VM is assigned to a security"
+" group, it remains in that group for its entire lifetime; you can not move a"
+" running VM from one security group to another."
+msgstr "任何CloudStack用户可以增加任意数量的安全组。当一个新的VM运行起来的时候,它会被添加到默认安全组除非其他用户指定了其他安全组。一个VM可以是任何安全组的成员。一旦VM被添加到一个安全组,它会继承这个组的生命周期;你不能移动一台正在运行的VM到其他安全组。"
+# 4b6f67cf254b46589e9ddd94ff94b1bc
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"You can modify a security group by deleting or adding any number of ingress "
+"and egress rules. When you do, the new rules apply to all VMs in the group, "
+"whether running or stopped."
+msgstr "你可以通过删除或添加任意的入口和出口策略来修改一个安全组。当你这么做的时候,新的策略会应用到组中的所有VMs,无论是运行的还是关机的。"
+# d23292c15bd3444c9ce839ff69392d35
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:52
+msgid ""
+"If no ingress rules are specified, then no traffic will be allowed in, "
+"except for responses to any traffic that has been allowed out through an "
+"egress rule."
+msgstr "如果没有指定入口规则,那么流量会被禁止,除了已经允许通过一个出口规则响应任何流量 。"
+# c22e98199bb447fd9a71ddcec88a9deb
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:58
+msgid "Adding a Security Group"
+msgstr "添加一个安全组"
+# 8a6a28fa1d434e4fbe428253b48eb3b8
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:60
+msgid "A user or administrator can define a new security group."
+msgstr "一个用户或者管理员能定义一个新的安全组。"
+# 1ed905affb2a472aa04efaf4868c54d6
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:66
+msgid "In Select view, choose Security Groups."
+msgstr "在选择视图中,选择安全组。"
+# b052c553469c485a8ff0422d5b0abf73
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:68
+msgid "Click Add Security Group."
+msgstr "点击添加安全组。"
+# 3db27ac74dd94357a381d19d64f5759e
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:70
+msgid "Provide a name and description."
+msgstr "提供一个名称和描述。"
+# 5715f7737e534f99853d1f7ef2ff13f0
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:74
+msgid "The new security group appears in the Security Groups Details tab."
+msgstr "新的安全组出现在安全组详细信息标签中。"
+# 581f75deea1c4ce98b419a71f864130e
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"To make the security group useful, continue to Adding Ingress and Egress "
+"Rules to a Security Group."
+msgstr "要使安全组生效,继续给这个安全组添加入口和出口策略。"
+# f35cc6563a5e4857b8feee6cf88f29a3
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:81
+msgid "Security Groups in Advanced Zones (KVM Only)"
+msgstr "高级区域中的安全组(只针对KVM)"
+# fe26402e50fd46458f4ad511d322ba21
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides the ability to use security groups to provide isolation "
+"between guests on a single shared, zone-wide network in an advanced zone "
+"where KVM is the hypervisor. Using security groups in advanced zones rather "
+"than multiple VLANs allows a greater range of options for setting up guest "
+"isolation in a cloud."
+msgstr "以KVM作为虚拟机时,在单共享广域的网络内,CloudStack可以通过安全组来隔离客户。通过使用安全组而不是多VLAN,可以在云中隔离客户时具有更高的灵活性"
+# 6199b2fe0a1346459e8db63371e35db5
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:93
+msgid "The following are not supported for this feature:"
+msgstr "下列不支持此功能:"
+# 68ca4f1c51804347a9af6d0fd227f701
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:95
+msgid ""
+"Two IP ranges with the same VLAN and different gateway or netmask in "
+"security group-enabled shared network."
+msgstr "在开启了安全组的共享网络内,同一VLAN内具有不同网关或掩码的二个IP范围,"
+# 6d6ded6fa4fe4853b91bbaea875c3db7
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:98
+msgid ""
+"Two IP ranges with the same VLAN and different gateway or netmask in "
+"account-specific shared networks."
+msgstr "在共享网络的特殊帐户内,同一VLAN内具有不同网关或掩码的二个IP范围"
+# fb280b17f22e4093b26c6e9d1891f60c
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:101
+msgid "Multiple VLAN ranges in security group-enabled shared network."
+msgstr "在开启了安全组共享网络的多VLAN范围"
+# 465a90dfe47647f28f1d23f859ff2f8a
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:103
+msgid "Multiple VLAN ranges in account-specific shared networks."
+msgstr "在共享网络的特殊帐户内,多个VLAN范围"
+# d5d9f22d58634efcbbd25a21f05d9ddf
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:105
+msgid ""
+"Security groups must be enabled in the zone in order for this feature to be "
+msgstr "为使用此特性,在区域内必须开启安全组"
+# 4f0382c2c0e349d0b3df1e3c6f9ae199
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:110
+msgid "Enabling Security Groups"
+msgstr "开启安全组"
+# 5b48cea9b0254d6b92404b64173b5f9f
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:112
+msgid ""
+"In order for security groups to function in a zone, the security groups "
+"feature must first be enabled for the zone. The administrator can do this "
+"when creating a new zone, by selecting a network offering that includes "
+"security groups. The procedure is described in Basic Zone Configuration in "
+"the Advanced Installation Guide. The administrator can not enable security "
+"groups for an existing zone, only when creating a new zone."
+msgstr "使用安全组功能之前,必须先在Zone中启用安全组功能。系统管理员可以在创建一个新的Zone时,通过选择带‘安全组’功能的网络方案进行启用。在高级安装指南的基本Zone配置中有该过程的详细描述。系统管理员不能对现有Zone启用安全组,只能在新建Zone时启用。"
+# f31414cc005f439194236fdcf63adaba
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:122
+msgid "Adding Ingress and Egress Rules to a Security Group"
+msgstr "对安全组添加入口出口规则"
+# 13f6fe7914834d94be54eccfd3a6571e
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:126
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Network"
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,选择网络"
+# 012c6f8bd96840d5b500950bbb99d37a
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:128
+msgid ""
+"In Select view, choose Security Groups, then click the security group you "
+msgstr ""
+# c5c93da9ab4542f288c0ea7dacc7015d
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:131
+msgid ""
+"To add an ingress rule, click the Ingress Rules tab and fill out the "
+"following fields to specify what network traffic is allowed into VM "
+"instances in this security group. If no ingress rules are specified, then no"
+" traffic will be allowed in, except for responses to any traffic that has "
+"been allowed out through an egress rule."
+msgstr "为增加入口规则,点击入口规则并填写相应内容,以说明在此安全组内何种网络流量可以到达虚拟机实例。如果没有说明入口规则,则不会允许流量进入。也就只有出口规允许的流量了。"
+# a2545fd9c6a14c158863af3aca3b3a6d
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:137
+msgid ""
+"**Add by CIDR/Account**. Indicate whether the source of the traffic will be "
+"defined by IP address (CIDR) or an existing security group in a CloudStack "
+"account (Account). Choose Account if you want to allow incoming traffic from"
+" all VMs in another security group"
+msgstr "**通过CIDR帐户添加**. 表明在CloudStack帐户中是否有CIDR定义的流量来源或是已存在的安全组。如果允许来自另一安全组的所有虚拟机的流量进入,则添加此帐户。"
+# b0594fd78a124efd8984037ef17e6b89
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:143
+msgid ""
+"**Protocol**. The networking protocol that sources will use to send traffic "
+"to the security group. TCP and UDP are typically used for data exchange and "
+"end-user communications. ICMP is typically used to send error messages or "
+"network monitoring data."
+msgstr "**协议**. 发送源会使用网络协议来发送流量到安全组。TCP和UDP是典型的二种用来数据交换和终端用户交流的协议。ICMP则用来发送错误信息或网络监控数据"
+# 3af9a8d515614eccafed5e09672a8f15
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:148
+msgid ""
+"**Start Port, End Port**. (TCP, UDP only) A range of listening ports that "
+"are the destination for the incoming traffic. If you are opening a single "
+"port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr "**开始端口,结束端口**. (仅对TCP,UDP)。目的地为进入流量而设的监听端口范围。如果仅开放了单个端口,则在两者的区域中用同一端口。"
+# 27a7bc38a030400e9d8f1dedb608659e
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:152
+msgid ""
+"**ICMP Type, ICMP Code**. (ICMP only) The type of message and error code "
+"that will be accepted."
+msgstr "**ICMP类型,ICMP编码**. (仅对ICMP)。接受的信息及错误码的类型。"
+# 0ce4ad2050184376bdd26ed654e59599
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:155
+msgid ""
+"**CIDR**. (Add by CIDR only) To accept only traffic from IP addresses within"
+" a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of "
+"CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the incoming traffic. For example,"
+" To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr "**CIDR**. (仅通过CIDR添加)。为接受来来自特殊地址块的流量,输入一个CIDR,多个时用逗号隔开。CIDR是进入流量的基础IP地址。例如:,为允许所有CIDR,请设为0.0.0.0/0"
+# 91ef8eb9529941acbded2108e7c153e0
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:161
+msgid ""
+"**Account, Security Group**. (Add by Account only) To accept only traffic "
+"from another security group, enter the CloudStack account and name of a "
+"security group that has already been defined in that account. To allow "
+"traffic between VMs within the security group you are editing now, enter the"
+" same name you used in step 7."
+msgstr "**帐户,安全组**. (仅通过帐户添加)。为接受来自另一安全组的流量,输入一个CloudStack帐户和在此帐户中已经定义的安全组的名字。为允许你正在编辑的安全组内虚拟机之间的流量,输入你在第7步使用的相同的名字。"
+# 813409a701e84482ab284821eb359fe2
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:167
+msgid "The following example allows inbound HTTP access from anywhere:"
+msgstr "下面这个例子允许内部任何地方的HTTP访问"
+# 7ac1c499669b4a3cafd27ef10695d298
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:169
+msgid "|httpaccess.png|"
+msgstr "|httpaccess.png|"
+# e1083636f84c412fab7099c64bed463a
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:171
+msgid ""
+"To add an egress rule, click the Egress Rules tab and fill out the following"
+" fields to specify what type of traffic is allowed to be sent out of VM "
+"instances in this security group. If no egress rules are specified, then all"
+" traffic will be allowed out. Once egress rules are specified, the following"
+" types of traffic are allowed out: traffic specified in egress rules; "
+"queries to DNS and DHCP servers; and responses to any traffic that has been "
+"allowed in through an ingress rule"
+msgstr "为添加一个出口规则,点击出口规则并填写以下内容,以说明在此安全组内的虚拟机,被允许哪一类型的流量送出。如果出口规则没有说明,所以的流量都被允许出去一旦进行了说明,则以下流量可以允许出去:在出口规则中进行说明的,查询DNS和DHCP服务器的,响应来自入口规则允许进入的流量的"
+# 69e5e83165db4e4ea9fd33a5bd1b0fff
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:180
+msgid ""
+"**Add by CIDR/Account**. Indicate whether the destination of the traffic "
+"will be defined by IP address (CIDR) or an existing security group in a "
+"CloudStack account (Account). Choose Account if you want to allow outgoing "
+"traffic to all VMs in another security group."
+msgstr "**通过CIDR帐户添加**. 表明流量目的地是否已通过IP地址(CIDR)定义或是CloudStack帐户(Account)内存在的安全组。选择帐户,以允许流量到其安全组内所有虚拟机"
+# 63fc0c9e030d4dc193c101bcb0e4b3fb
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:186
+msgid ""
+"**Protocol**. The networking protocol that VMs will use to send outgoing "
+"traffic. TCP and UDP are typically used for data exchange and end-user "
+"communications. ICMP is typically used to send error messages or network "
+"monitoring data."
+msgstr "**协议**. 虚拟机发送流量需要的协议。TCP和UDP是典型的二种用来数据交换和终端用户交流的协议。ICMP则用来发送错误信息或网络监控数据"
+# 0aa4b36b063a4f05a08b6a2ebb65d1f7
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:191
+msgid ""
+"**Start Port, End Port**. (TCP, UDP only) A range of listening ports that "
+"are the destination for the outgoing traffic. If you are opening a single "
+"port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr "**开始端口,结束端口**. (仅对TCP,UDP) 。目的地为进入流量而设的监听端口范围。如果仅开放了单个端口,则在两者的区域中用同一端口。"
+# c2b03378b50f4e2b8ad15946702ddb5c
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:195
+msgid ""
+"**ICMP Type, ICMP Code**. (ICMP only) The type of message and error code "
+"that will be sent"
+msgstr "**ICMP类型,ICMP编码**. (仅对ICMP) 。信息及错误码的类型。"
+# f8d9e0334b9a4b1faa27a9fa5f918dae
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:198
+msgid ""
+"**CIDR**. (Add by CIDR only) To send traffic only to IP addresses within a "
+"particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs. "
+"The CIDR is the base IP address of the destination. For example, "
+" To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr "**CIDR**. (仅通过CIDR添加) 。为接受来来自特殊地址块的流量,输入一个CIDR,多个时用逗号隔开。CIDR是进入流量的基础IP地址。例如:,为允许所有CIDR,请设为0.0.0.0/0"
+# 748c734315774d6ea521e50471bbadab
+#: ../../networking/security_groups.rst:204
+msgid ""
+"**Account, Security Group**. (Add by Account only) To allow traffic to be "
+"sent to another security group, enter the CloudStack account and name of a "
+"security group that has already been defined in that account. To allow "
+"traffic between VMs within the security group you are editing now, enter its"
+" name."
+msgstr "**帐户,安全组**. (仅通过帐户添加) 。为接受来自另一安全组的流量,输入一个CloudStack帐户和在此帐户中已经定义的安全组的名字。为允许你正在编辑的安全组内虚拟机之间的流量,输入名字。"
+# 121a5a4d0fdf4adbadf0e9018abbb3f2
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:18
+msgid "External Firewalls and Load Balancers"
+msgstr "外部防火墙及负载均衡"
+# da0033de7a88452b92b35dc42a5409ca
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack is capable of replacing its Virtual Router with an external "
+"Juniper SRX device and an optional external NetScaler or F5 load balancer "
+"for gateway and load balancing services. In this case, the VMs use the SRX "
+"as their gateway."
+msgstr "CloudStack允许通过外部的Jniper SRX 设备和外部NetScaler设备或网关负载均衡设备和负载均衡服务。在此情形下,虚拟机使用SRX作为网关。"
+# 1758f3bbc4ec49b6a87df151d32c7822
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:27
+msgid "About Using a NetScaler Load Balancer"
+msgstr "关于使用NetScaler负载均衡器"
+# edf025a8432d4d2e916b9e1e4506292b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:29
+msgid ""
+"Citrix NetScaler is supported as an external network element for load "
+"balancing in zones that use isolated networking in advanced zones. Set up an"
+" external load balancer when you want to provide load balancing through "
+"means other than CloudStack's provided virtual router."
+msgstr "在区域中,或高级区域使用隔离网络时,CloudStack支持思杰的NetScaler作为外部网络设备元素作为负责均衡。拟通过其他方案提供负载均衡而不是CloudStack的虚拟路由器时,就可以建立一个外部负载均衡器"
+# e6c1fa94b4a44fe9af51313b701a4c0a
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:35
+msgid ""
+"In a Basic zone, load balancing service is supported only if Elastic IP or "
+"Elastic LB services are enabled."
+msgstr "在基础区域中,仅在弹性IP或弹性负载均衡服务开启时,才支持负载均衡服务"
+# 919e3b6335ec43cbb41cd06193a91872
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:38
+msgid ""
+"When NetScaler load balancer is used to provide EIP or ELB services in a "
+"Basic zone, ensure that all guest VM traffic must enter and exit through the"
+" NetScaler device. When inbound traffic goes through the NetScaler device, "
+"traffic is routed by using the NAT protocol depending on the EIP/ELB "
+"configured on the public IP to the private IP. The traffic that is "
+"originated from the guest VMs usually goes through the layer 3 router. To "
+"ensure that outbound traffic goes through NetScaler device providing "
+"EIP/ELB, layer 3 router must have a policy-based routing. A policy-based "
+"route must be set up so that all traffic originated from the guest VM's are "
+"directed to NetScaler device. This is required to ensure that the outbound "
+"traffic from the guest VM's is routed to a public IP by using NAT.For more "
+"information on Elastic IP, see `\"About Elastic IP\" <#about-elastic-ip>`_."
+msgstr "在基础域中使用NetScaler负载均衡提供EIP或ELB服务时,确保所有的客户虚拟机流量必须通过NetScaler设备进出。当入流量通过NetScaler设备时流量通过使用NAT协议被路由,此NAT协议依赖于公共IP到私有IP的配置。来自客户虚拟机的流量通常要经过3层路由器,为确保出流量通过提供EIP/ELB的NetScaler设备,3层路由器,必须具有基础策略。必有设立一个具有基础策略的路由器可保证所有客户机的流量都能转向NetScaler设备。这也需要确保客户虚拟机的出流量通过使用NAT被路由到公共IP。关于EIP的更多信息,参看`\"关于EIP\" <#about-elastic-ip>`_."
+# e8f3e9f2b1bd412a99284612b6c7e030
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:52
+msgid ""
+"The NetScaler can be set up in direct (outside the firewall) mode. It must "
+"be added before any load balancing rules are deployed on guest VMs in the "
+msgstr "NetScaler可以设置成直通模式。它必须在区域中部署客户虚拟机负载均衡规则之前加入。"
+# 523f98e01f234306b388d42100392a01
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:56
+msgid ""
+"The functional behavior of the NetScaler with CloudStack is the same as "
+"described in the CloudStack documentation for using an F5 external load "
+"balancer. The only exception is that the F5 supports routing domains, and "
+"NetScaler does not. NetScaler can not yet be used as a firewall."
+msgstr "CloudStack中NetScaler的功能作用与CloudStack文档中说明的使用F5 外部负载均衡器的功能作用相同。一点差别就是,F5支持路由域名,而NetScaler无此功能。NetScaler也不可以用作防火墙。"
+# 9526107823ab4b9bbdf3aeabea512cbd
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:61
+msgid ""
+"To install and enable an external load balancer for CloudStack management, "
+"see External Guest Load Balancer Integration in the Installation Guide."
+msgstr "为CLOUDSTACK管理端安装和启用外部负载均衡功能,参阅安装文档里的外部客户负载均衡。"
+# b606dd0a26944ae7abe244a91ae68dce
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:65
+msgid ""
+"The Citrix NetScaler comes in three varieties. The following summarizes how "
+"these variants are treated in CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+# 4d4acf453ee34b99bcd9422624a29d4f
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:68
+msgid "**MPX**"
+msgstr ""
+# 31bf9c295f6f41ceba97d553ee88a09e
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"Physical appliance. Capable of deep packet inspection. Can act as "
+"application firewall and load balancer"
+msgstr "物理应用。能够进行深度数据包检测。可作为防火墙和负载均衡应用。"
+# 9393642591e14352a7b452e06213da83
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:73
+msgid ""
+"In advanced zones, load balancer functionality fully supported without "
+"limitation. In basic zones, static NAT, elastic IP (EIP), and elastic load "
+"balancing (ELB) are also provided."
+msgstr "在高级区域中,完全支持负载均衡功能,没有限制。在基础区域中,也提供静态NAT,EIP,ELB功能。"
+# b9313747ed1d4f2bb9ceb37cc651ef0e
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:77
+msgid "**VPX**"
+msgstr ""
+# 726835d9e8994018bac41442046eebab
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"Virtual appliance. Can run as VM on XenServer, ESXi, and Hyper-V "
+"hypervisors. Same functionality as MPX"
+msgstr "虚拟应用,可以运行在XenServer,ESXi以及Hyper-V上虚拟机上。与MPX功能相同。"
+# c85737d038fa4926a9e5e9ea965a24ce
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:82
+msgid ""
+"Supported on ESXi and XenServer. Same functional support as for MPX. "
+"CloudStack will treat VPX and MPX as the same device type."
+msgstr "在ESXi和XenServer上支持。对MPX也支持一些功能。CloudStack将VPX和MPX作为同一类型的设备看待。"
+# 6aa4be1b809449b48793dde65f3fee9c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:85
+msgid "**SDX**"
+msgstr ""
+# ffe20a22c29347ff81fd3ac28699bc4c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"Physical appliance. Can create multiple fully isolated VPX instances on a "
+"single appliance to support multi-tenant usage"
+msgstr "物理应用。可以在单个应用上创建多个完全隔离的VPX实例,以支持多客户使用。"
+# 363ff0dd6af349ae9fb5dfe4b0264655
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack will dynamically provision, configure, and manage the life cycle "
+"of VPX instances on the SDX. Provisioned instances are added into CloudStack"
+" automatically - no manual configuration by the administrator is required. "
+"Once a VPX instance is added into CloudStack, it is treated the same as a "
+"VPX on an ESXi host."
+msgstr "CloudStack会动态分配,配置,管理在SDX上的虚拟机实例的生命周期。分配的实例会自动加入到CloudStack,不需要管理员进行手动配置。一旦一个VPX实例加入到CloudStack,将会认为是ESXi主机上的一个VPX。"
+# 48be3cf5cf894ea3be2012a3fd52b693
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:98
+msgid "Configuring SNMP Community String on a RHEL Server"
+msgstr "在RHEL服务器上配置SNMP社区字符串"
+# 124686b380a8434fbe22ff4861dcf466
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:100
+msgid ""
+"The SNMP Community string is similar to a user id or password that provides "
+"access to a network device, such as router. This string is sent along with "
+"all SNMP requests. If the community string is correct, the device responds "
+"with the requested information. If the community string is incorrect, the "
+"device discards the request and does not respond."
+msgstr "SNMP社区字符串类似于用户ID或用户密码,用来登录网络设备,如路由器。这类字符串随着所有的SNMP请求发送。如果社区字符串正确,设备将反馈相应的字符串若不正确,设备将丢弃请求,不进行处理。"
+# db1b06466d9042489699add305179ed0
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:106
+msgid ""
+"The NetScaler device uses SNMP to communicate with the VMs. You must install"
+" SNMP and configure SNMP Community string for a secure communication between"
+" the NetScaler device and the RHEL machine."
+msgstr "NetScaler设备使用SNMP与虚拟机进行通讯。为保证NetScaler设备与RHEL机器之间安全的通讯,必须安装并配置社区字符串。"
+# 86bf1082cfba4dd0ab1ae1cd1fc55280
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that you installed SNMP on RedHat. If not, run the following command:"
+msgstr "确保在RedHat上安装了SNMP,如果没有,执行以下命令:"
+# b57fd1f457bb47559202771c0c0e81b9
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:117
+msgid ""
+"Edit the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file to allow the SNMP polling from the "
+"NetScaler device."
+msgstr "编辑/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf 文件,以允许来自NetScaler设备的SNMP查询"
+# 7cc4f86ef08341519c58b04122531955
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:120
+msgid ""
+"Map the community name into a security name (local and mynetwork, depending "
+"on where the request is coming from):"
+msgstr "映射社区名到一个安全的名字(本地,我的网络,依赖于其来源)"
+# 96e1da8de4da414f8ba5659fc97790f5
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:124
+msgid ""
+"Use a strong password instead of public when you edit the following table."
+msgstr "编辑下表时,使用一个强密码"
+# e0dfb13b632f40ee91f2522b6545638c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:133
+msgid "Setting to allows all IPs to poll the NetScaler server."
+msgstr "设置0.0.0.0以允许所有的IP都可以查询NetScaler设备"
+# 8bbf09e13cf4449eab6802c2e431d166
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:135
+msgid "Map the security names into group names:"
+msgstr "映射一个安全名到组名"
+# 28f26a19a75e4d38b8cbe455da453945
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:145
+msgid "Create a view to allow the groups to have the permission to:"
+msgstr "创建一个视图,以允许组有权限执行:"
+# cbb139269f8f422ea3ced1eb9e1f20d4
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:151
+msgid ""
+"Grant access with different write permissions to the two groups to the view "
+"you created."
+msgstr "授权不同的写权限给二个组及你创建的视图"
+# 4b8fa0c0c42b41e585535c6e0a66012c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:160
+msgid "Unblock SNMP in iptables."
+msgstr "在iptalbes中解除对SNMP的锁定。"
+# 62e7b099d03c4a73bfcac8ea208630d3
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:166
+msgid "Start the SNMP service:"
+msgstr "开启SNMP服务:"
+# 54522a637adb4007a9a82f11819c2c59
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:172
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that the SNMP service is started automatically during the system "
+msgstr "确保在系统启动时,SNMP服务能够自动启动。"
+# 5949212234ed48b6adc372a7c7ce1637
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:181
+msgid "Initial Setup of External Firewalls and Load Balancers"
+msgstr "初始化安装外部防火墙和负载均衡"
+# 4cac2b9077964674844de4e3e3a93a0b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:183
+msgid ""
+"When the first VM is created for a new account, CloudStack programs the "
+"external firewall and load balancer to work with the VM. The following "
+"objects are created on the firewall:"
+msgstr "当为一个新帐户创建一个虚拟机时,CloudStack会设置程序以让外部防火墙和负载均衡与虚拟机共同工作。会在防火墙上创建以下对象:"
+# 4bf4042c7f4f4def95f95bb7a9c4c3ec
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:187
+msgid ""
+"A new logical interface to connect to the account's private VLAN. The "
+"interface IP is always the first IP of the account's private subnet (e.g. "
+msgstr "一个新的逻辑接口,用以连接帐户的私有VLAN。接口的IP通常是私有帐户私有子网的第一个IP。"
+# 0691cec2a7cf4c178b39117f7d1ae324
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:191
+msgid ""
+"A source NAT rule that forwards all outgoing traffic from the account's "
+"private VLAN to the public Internet, using the account's public IP address "
+"as the source address"
+msgstr "一个源NAT规则转发帐户从私有VLAN到公共网络的的出口流量,使用帐户的公共IP地址作为源地址。"
+# 493986833b5c4b068a45f8c644330cc3
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:195
+msgid ""
+"A firewall filter counter that measures the number of bytes of outgoing "
+"traffic for the account"
+msgstr "防火墙过滤计数器计量帐户出口流量的字节数"
+# d94c05bebe7142f69087aa01f32a8dd2
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:198
+msgid "The following objects are created on the load balancer:"
+msgstr "以下对象会在负载均衡上创建:"
+# 3038b6bbaf9a40e4bf717fc65b7b5f7a
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:200
+msgid "A new VLAN that matches the account's provisioned Zone VLAN"
+msgstr "匹配帐户区域VLAN的私有VLAN。"
+# 6babff57f8864990afeabf3aa8702676
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:202
+msgid ""
+"A self IP for the VLAN. This is always the second IP of the account's "
+"private subnet (e.g."
+msgstr "一个VLAN的自有IP。经常是帐户私有子网的第二个IP。"
+# c78efbcb1b344675a63143a5fa305c80
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:207
+msgid "Ongoing Configuration of External Firewalls and Load Balancers"
+msgstr "继续配置外部防火墙和负载均衡"
+# 778d4134b7bd4fec9bc3c731d1dd006f
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:209
+msgid ""
+"Additional user actions (e.g. setting a port forward) will cause further "
+"programming of the firewall and load balancer. A user may request additional"
+" public IP addresses and forward traffic received at these IPs to specific "
+"VMs. This is accomplished by enabling static NAT for a public IP address, "
+"assigning the IP to a VM, and specifying a set of protocols and port ranges "
+"to open. When a static NAT rule is created, CloudStack programs the zone's "
+"external firewall with the following objects:"
+msgstr "增加的用户行为(如设置端口转发)会引起防火墙和负载均衡的程序化。一个用户可以请求增加公共IP地址以及转发使用此公共IP地址的虚拟机接受到的流量。这是通过静态NAT功能完成的,静态NAT将一个公共IP地址映射给一个虚拟机,并指定一组特定协议,开放一组特定端口。当静态NAT建立好之后,CLOUDSTACK会在区域的外部防火墙上通过程序定制如下对象:"
+# 98d20f26e4be4a6693dbe1d69cbd1dc6
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:218
+msgid ""
+"A static NAT rule that maps the public IP address to the private IP address "
+"of a VM."
+msgstr "一条静态NAT规则将虚拟机的私有IP地址映射到公共IP地址。"
+# 21bcfd0a7295477cb6daae191a4b5300
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:221
+msgid ""
+"A security policy that allows traffic within the set of protocols and port "
+"ranges that are specified."
+msgstr "一个安全策略可以允许说明的协议和端口范围内的流量通过。"
+# d57954e8fd754ec291d98eda142d626c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:224
+msgid ""
+"A firewall filter counter that measures the number of bytes of incoming "
+"traffic to the public IP."
+msgstr "防火墙过滤计数器计量到达此公共IP的流量"
+# fe43a5a0e7e9497595d1e43626bc76de
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:227
+msgid ""
+"The number of incoming and outgoing bytes through source NAT, static NAT, "
+"and load balancing rules is measured and saved on each external element. "
+"This data is collected on a regular basis and stored in the CloudStack "
+msgstr "通过源NAT,静态NAT以及负载均衡规则进出的字节数均被计量并保存在每一个外部设备中。按一定的规则对这些数据进行收集,并将其存储在CloudStack的数据库中。"
+# 6db8db0667bd4e58b757a87adabda6bc
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:234
+msgid "Load Balancer Rules"
+msgstr "负载均衡规则"
+# 146c1ce3466a4755a2e0733761dc4ed0
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:236
+msgid ""
+"A CloudStack user or administrator may create load balancing rules that "
+"balance traffic received at a public IP to one or more VMs. A user creates a"
+" rule, specifies an algorithm, and assigns the rule to a set of VMs."
+msgstr "一个CloudStack的用户或管理员可以创建负载均衡规则以平衡一个公共IP地址收到的针对一个或多个虚拟机的外部流量。一个用户可以创建一条规则,说明一个算法,并将其指定给一部分虚拟机。"
+# c95ce127b66547f6922052b2dd046529
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:242
+msgid ""
+"If you create load balancing rules while using a network service offering "
+"that includes an external load balancer device such as NetScaler, and later "
+"change the network service offering to one that uses the CloudStack virtual "
+"router, you must create a firewall rule on the virtual router for each of "
+"your existing load balancing rules so that they continue to function."
+msgstr "如果你创建了一个负载均衡规则且使用包括外部负载均衡设备的网络服务方案,如包括NetScaler,但随后将网络方案改成使用CloudStack的虚拟路由器,则你必须在虚拟路由器上创建一个防火墙规则,这些防火墙规则与已经设置的负载均衡规则一一对应,只有这样,才能使那些负载均衡规则继续起作用。"
+# 1cb0607405a54290aac63427224142d3
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:253
+msgid "Adding a Load Balancer Rule"
+msgstr "增加一条负载均衡规则"
+# e9125f99985c4930b8ca325f3fcf515a
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:259
+msgid ""
+"Click the name of the network where you want to load balance the traffic."
+msgstr "点击拟进行负载均衡的网络名称"
+# e2976048502c4d5a9d5bee635ce5ee1b
+# 5b388625f3784583b0752e36f9353e8a
+# aa8c8d52101742e9a804ccc41cbcfbb3
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:264
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1055
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1323
+msgid ""
+"Click the IP address for which you want to create the rule, then click the "
+"Configuration tab."
+msgstr "点击你希望创建规则的IP地址,然后点击配置"
+# d0100e755da442c3a5f073f8219b5816
+# bc3f9224355b4e66b73a49411a2326b8
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:267
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1058
+msgid "In the Load Balancing node of the diagram, click View All."
+msgstr "在图的负载均衡节点点上,点击 查看全部。"
+# aed2916e2f794074898738f6a54fd470
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:269
+msgid ""
+"In a Basic zone, you can also create a load balancing rule without acquiring"
+" or selecting an IP address. CloudStack internally assign an IP when you "
+"create the load balancing rule, which is listed in the IP Addresses page "
+"when the rule is created."
+msgstr "在基础区域中,在不需要或不选择IP的条件下,你可以创建一条负载均衡规则。当你创建负载均衡规则时,CloudStack会内部指定一个IP地址。当规则创建完成时,IP地址会在IP地址页列出来。"
+# cdcdffd84542448691328bee08d8de97
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:274
+msgid ""
+"To do that, select the name of the network, then click Add Load Balancer "
+"tab. Continue with #7."
+msgstr "为此,选择网络名称,点击 增加负载均衡。按#7继续进行配置。"
+# c90d375729ae4857b6cbfad14e955c25
+# 899cdfae1e1b423fa4228db904e74d4c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:277
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:265
+msgid "Fill in the following:"
+msgstr "填写以下内容:"
+# ee36f3f0257549b5a157b2c373cc595f
+# 03c1b13d01dd4d93abf1db0df4d270c3
+# 35a1954cf7ed4135a2a506e65626b63b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:279
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1064
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1249
+msgid "**Name**: A name for the load balancer rule."
+msgstr "**名称**: 负载均衡规则的名称。"
+# 13aa4f60513144f581eaaea2a25fc259
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:281
+msgid "**Public Port**: The port receiving incoming traffic to be balanced."
+msgstr "**公共端口**: 这个端口接受到负载均衡的进入流量。"
+# 94a4f9710f0548e9b5efb1ced085ee7c
+# 43dd6392f9004b9ea68310e1bda21332
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:284
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1069
+msgid ""
+"**Private Port**: The port that the VMs will use to receive the traffic."
+msgstr "**私有端口**: 虚拟机会使用此端口接收流量。"
+# 6dadc08ee20e449882fb626362f7af7f
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:287
+msgid ""
+"**Algorithm**: Choose the load balancing algorithm you want CloudStack to "
+"use. CloudStack supports a variety of well-known algorithms. If you are not "
+"familiar with these choices, you will find plenty of information about them "
+"on the Internet."
+msgstr "**算法**: 选择让CloudStack使用的负载均衡算法。CloudStack各类已知的算法,如果不熟悉那些选项,通过goole搜索会发现大量信息。"
+# b7ba39ce29984655a3fee83759341968
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:292
+msgid ""
+"**Stickiness**: (Optional) Click Configure and choose the algorithm for the "
+"stickiness policy. See Sticky Session Policies for Load Balancer Rules."
+msgstr "**粘性**: (可选) 点击配置,为粘性策略选择一个算法。可参见为负载均衡规则制定的粘性会话策略。"
+# a79ee74d2a374432bae88b284375af8d
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:296
+msgid ""
+"**AutoScale**: Click Configure and complete the AutoScale configuration as "
+"explained in :ref:`conf-autoscale`."
+msgstr "**自动缩放**:点击配置完成自动缩放配置,在 :ref:`conf-autoscale`中有介绍。"
+# 748f88b5e1234460b650bb46124ebf32
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:299
+msgid ""
+"**Health Check**: (Optional; NetScaler load balancers only) Click Configure "
+"and fill in the characteristics of the health check policy. See :ref"
+msgstr "**健康检查**:(可选,只针对NetScaler的负载均衡设备)点击配置并填写健康检查特性,参见15.16.5.3 负载均衡规则的健康检查。参见 :ref:`health-check`."
+# 57115cc9cda44c37ab09f3b0a846ddb6
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:303
+msgid ""
+"**Ping path (Optional)**: Sequence of destinations to which to send health "
+"check queries. Default: / (all)."
+msgstr "**ping 路径(可选)**: 需要发送健康检查的目的地顺序。默认:/ (all)。"
+# 4f4a56c64b114bfbbc4a00ffe27666f1
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:306
+msgid ""
+"**Response time (Optional)**: How long to wait for a response from the "
+"health check (2 - 60 seconds). Default: 5 seconds."
+msgstr "**响应时间(可选)**:  从健康检查返回的响应时间(2-60秒),默认为5秒。"
+# 5d063fd6cf084d458e9bb553fdcaa398
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:309
+msgid ""
+"**Interval time (Optional)**: Amount of time between health checks (1 second"
+" - 5 minutes). Default value is set in the global configuration parameter "
+"lbrule\\_health check\\_time\\_interval."
+msgstr "**间隔时间(可选)**: 健康检查的间隔时间(1秒-5分))。默认值在全局参数 lbrule\\_health check\\_time\\_interval"
+# 6550d0fabfa042e698d1e24bab46eae8
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:314
+msgid ""
+"**Healthy threshold (Optional)**: Number of consecutive health check "
+"successes that are required before declaring an instance healthy. Default: "
+msgstr "**健康阀值(可选)**: 在声明一个实例健康之前,连续健康检查成功的次数。默认为2."
+# d30d4c6e04f84624988f359219dfe504
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:318
+msgid ""
+"**Unhealthy threshold (Optional)**: Number of consecutive health check "
+"failures that are required before declaring an instance unhealthy. Default: "
+msgstr "**不健康阀值(可选)**: 在声音一个实例不健康之前连续健康检查失败的次数。默认为10。"
+# 427464c4195c4474982b88b06a60bd2b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:322
+msgid ""
+"Click Add VMs, then select two or more VMs that will divide the load of "
+"incoming traffic, and click Apply."
+msgstr "点击添加虚拟机,选择拟分散进入流量的二个或多个虚拟机,点击应用。"
+# b57e6480829e4e1ea39a935dfae60828
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:325
+msgid ""
+"The new load balancer rule appears in the list. You can repeat these steps "
+"to add more load balancer rules for this IP address."
+msgstr "在列表中会出现新加的负载均衡规则。可以重复以上步骤以对此IP增加更多的负载均衡规则。"
+# 5b7fc7b5ea6d40a5bc3f415a80425764
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:330
+msgid "Sticky Session Policies for Load Balancer Rules"
+msgstr "为负载均衡规则制定的粘性会话策略。"
+# b9827a93606d4bd78ba8176109a6543b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:332
+msgid ""
+"Sticky sessions are used in Web-based applications to ensure continued "
+"availability of information across the multiple requests in a user's "
+"session. For example, if a shopper is filling a cart, you need to remember "
+"what has been purchased so far. The concept of \"stickiness\" is also "
+"referred to as persistence or maintaining state."
+msgstr "粘性会话应用于基于网页的应用中,以确保在用户的会话中,对用户的多种请求持续提供信息。例如,购物者正在向购物车中增加东西,则需要记住到目前为止已买的东西。粘性的概念也指持久发现或维护状态。"
+# a0e599620e7d421795bf10da5e68221f
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:338
+msgid ""
+"Any load balancer rule defined in CloudStack can have a stickiness policy. "
+"The policy consists of a name, stickiness method, and parameters. The "
+"parameters are name-value pairs or flags, which are defined by the load "
+"balancer vendor. The stickiness method could be load balancer-generated "
+"cookie, application-generated cookie, or source-based. In the source-based "
+"method, the source IP address is used to identify the user and locate the "
+"user's stored data. In the other methods, cookies are used. The cookie "
+"generated by the load balancer or application is included in request and "
+"response URLs to create persistence. The cookie name can be specified by the"
+" administrator or automatically generated. A variety of options are provided"
+" to control the exact behavior of cookies, such as how they are generated "
+"and whether they are cached."
+msgstr "在CloudStack中定义的任何负载均衡规则,都可以具有粘性策略。策略有名字,粘性方法以及参数组成。参数是成对的值-名或标志,这些由负载均衡提供商进行定义。粘发现方法可以加载负载均衡设备产生的cookie,应用生产的cookie,或基于源产生的cookie。在基于源的方法中,源IP地址被用来区分用户和定位用户存储的数据。在其他方法中,则使用cookie。由负载均衡或应用产生的cookie,包含在请求或响应的url中,以产生持久性。cookie的名称可以有管理员指定或自动产生。提供了多种选择来准确控制cookie行为。诸如如何产生的以及是否进行缓存。"
+# 788d44c8346c41e88c23f175e62c939b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:352
+msgid ""
+"For the most up to date list of available stickiness methods, see the "
+"CloudStack UI or call listNetworks and check the SupportedStickinessMethods "
+msgstr "对于多数粘性方法变量列表,可以参看CloudStack UI或者调用网络列表,并检查粘性方法支持能力。"
+# 44e5efde27ff453a945b83ed79f8935b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:360
+msgid "Health Checks for Load Balancer Rules"
+msgstr "负载均衡规则的健康检查。"
+# e0222e643eba40e5b2a9d97fbebef725
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:362
+msgid "(NetScaler load balancer only; requires NetScaler version 10.0)"
+msgstr "(仅对NetScaler负载均衡设备,需要NetScaler版本10.0以上。)"
+# cdf4e72bdd1842b38d1c7c61809209b5
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:364
+msgid ""
+"Health checks are used in load-balanced applications to ensure that requests"
+" are forwarded only to running, available services. When creating a load "
+"balancer rule, you can specify a health check policy. This is in addition to"
+" specifying the stickiness policy, algorithm, and other load balancer rule "
+"options. You can configure one health check policy per load balancer rule."
+msgstr "负载均衡应用中的健康检查,能够确保转发需求运行,服务可用。当创建一个负载均衡规则里,你可以指定一个健康检查策略。这是对粘性策略,算法,其他负载均衡设备规则的附加说明。可以为每一条负载均衡设备进行配置。"
+# 3186740a23ed4c6ba61108544d0a4aec
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:371
+msgid ""
+"Any load balancer rule defined on a NetScaler load balancer in CloudStack "
+"can have a health check policy. The policy consists of a ping path, "
+"thresholds to define \"healthy\" and \"unhealthy\" states, health check "
+"frequency, and timeout wait interval."
+msgstr "在CloudStackk中的NetScaler负载均衡设备定义的任一负载均衡规则都可以有一条健康检查策略。该策略有ping路径,定义健康或非健康状态的阀值,健康检查频率以及等待超时间隔。"
+# ec37f719769d4b7386f0b940981fed70
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:376
+msgid ""
+"When a health check policy is in effect, the load balancer will stop "
+"forwarding requests to any resources that are found to be unhealthy. If the "
+"resource later becomes available again, the periodic health check will "
+"discover it, and the resource will once again be added to the pool of "
+"resources that can receive requests from the load balancer. At any given "
+"time, the most recent result of the health check is displayed in the UI. For"
+" any VM that is attached to a load balancer rule with a health check "
+"configured, the state will be shown as UP or DOWN in the UI depending on the"
+" result of the most recent health check."
+msgstr "当健康检查策略生效时,负载均衡被发现处于非健康状态时,会停止转发到源的任何请求。如果随后资源变为可用,周期性进行的健康检查就会发现,此资源就会再一次被添加至从负载均衡器收到的请求资源池里。任一时刻,最近的健康检查结果会显示在UI中。对绑定了负载均衡规则的虚拟机,且此规则配置了健康检查,依据最近的检查,状态会显示为正常或失败。"
+# e7b935bafd4a47d68590f912c335e640
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:386
+msgid "You can delete or modify existing health check policies."
+msgstr "可以删除或修改存在的健康检查策略。"
+# c111733988ec45f6bcd2979e368c5226
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:388
+msgid ""
+"To configure how often the health check is performed by default, use the "
+"global configuration setting healthcheck.update.interval (default value is "
+"600 seconds). You can override this value for an individual health check "
+msgstr "为配置默认的健康检查执行频率,通过全局配置参数 healthcheck.update.interval进行设备,默认值是600秒。可以根据需要进行设置此值。"
+# 4c9ae4abb3c04ebda936ddf28d4b1250
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:393
+msgid ""
+"For details on how to set a health check policy using the UI, see :ref"
+msgstr "如何通过UI进行健康检查策略的设置,可参看 :ref:`adding-lb-rule`。"
+# 3d3b622fa6c24a71a43dfb7d262e68ff
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:400
+msgid "Configuring AutoScale"
+msgstr "配置自缩放"
+# 5b23f0c9a3884ba4a454fd703688166f
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:402
+msgid ""
+"AutoScaling allows you to scale your back-end services or application VMs up"
+" or down seamlessly and automatically according to the conditions you "
+"define. With AutoScaling enabled, you can ensure that the number of VMs you "
+"are using seamlessly scale up when demand increases, and automatically "
+"decreases when demand subsides. Thus it helps you save compute costs by "
+"terminating underused VMs automatically and launching new VMs when you need "
+"them, without the need for manual intervention."
+msgstr "自缩放允许你能够根据定义的条件进行无缝且自动的增加或减少后端服务或应用虚拟机。当开启自缩放时,可以确保在需求增加时,无缝的增加正在使用虚拟机的数量。因此他会通过关闭未使用的虚拟机或者需要时开启新的虚拟机,从而节省你的计算成本。这些操作,都不需要手动干预。"
+# 5141d63f3ea14b7cb903e6c53d86085f
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:410
+msgid ""
+"NetScaler AutoScaling is designed to seamlessly launch or terminate VMs "
+"based on user-defined conditions. Conditions for triggering a scaleup or "
+"scaledown action can vary from a simple use case like monitoring the CPU "
+"usage of a server to a complex use case of monitoring a combination of "
+"server's responsiveness and its CPU usage. For example, you can configure "
+"AutoScaling to launch an additional VM whenever CPU usage exceeds 80 percent"
+" for 15 minutes, or to remove a VM whenever CPU usage is less than 20 "
+"percent for 30 minutes."
+msgstr "NetScaler的自缩放定义为基于用户定义的条件,无缝的开启或关闭虚拟机。触发扩大或缩小行为的条件从监控服务器cpu的使用率的单一用例到监控服务器响应及cpu使用率的组合用例,各不相同。例如,你可以一个自缩放,能够在CPU使用超过80%持续15分钟时启动一个新的虚拟机,或CPU使用率低于20%持续30分钟时,移除一个虚拟机。"
+# f32191641b9644909945358cb69ebe4d
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:419
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack uses the NetScaler load balancer to monitor all aspects of a "
+"system's health and work in unison with CloudStack to initiate scale-up or "
+"scale-down actions."
+msgstr "CloudStack使用NetScaler负载均衡器来监控系统健康的各方面,并与CloudStack共同工作以初始化扩大或缩小的行为。"
+# 56002db08e75494cac10bdd7f2b5c707
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:424
+msgid ""
+"AutoScale is supported on NetScaler Release 10 Build 74.4006.e and beyond."
+msgstr "自缩放在NetScaler发布的10版本以上适用。(Build 74.4006.e 及以上)"
+# 45a1a6402e1e40a0a91763809e1b7729
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:430
+msgid "Before you configure an AutoScale rule, consider the following:"
+msgstr "在配置自缩放前,需要考虑以下几点:"
+# 0a687417e2094c359d8a604e95095fc5
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:432
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that the necessary template is prepared before configuring AutoScale."
+" When a VM is deployed by using a template and when it comes up, the "
+"application should be up and running."
+msgstr "确保在配置自缩放时有必需的模板。当使用模板部署虚拟机并使虚拟机启动时,应用能够起动并运行。"
+# 7d9b17872f514d4c88eedbe080005a94
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:437
+msgid ""
+"If the application is not running, the NetScaler device considers the VM as "
+"ineffective and continues provisioning the VMs unconditionally until the "
+"resource limit is exhausted."
+msgstr "如果应用没有运行,NetScaler设备会认为虚拟机无效并持续无条件的创建虚拟机,直到资源耗尽。"
+# c72572ced880471fa607c51156f11bda
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:441
+msgid ""
+"Deploy the templates you prepared. Ensure that the applications come up on "
+"the first boot and is ready to take the traffic. Observe the time requires "
+"to deploy the template. Consider this time when you specify the quiet time "
+"while configuring AutoScale."
+msgstr "部署准备好的模板。确保应用在第一次启动时能够开启并准备好接管流量。观察部署模板需要的时间。在配置自缩放时,要考虑这段时间。"
+# ff134327842d420886adb98a42f2723a
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:446
+msgid ""
+"The AutoScale feature supports the SNMP counters that can be used to define "
+"conditions for taking scale up or scale down actions. To monitor the SNMP-"
+"based counter, ensure that the SNMP agent is installed in the template used "
+"for creating the AutoScale VMs, and the SNMP operations work with the "
+"configured SNMP community and port by using standard SNMP managers. For "
+"example, see `\"Configuring SNMP Community String on a RHELServer\" "
+"<#configuring-snmp-community-string-on-a-rhel-server>`_ to configure SNMP on"
+" a RHEL machine."
+msgstr ""
+# d8cef4ea8860477489a80f3a715fbd90
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:456
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that the endpointe.url parameter present in the Global Settings is "
+"set to the Management Server API URL. For example, "
+"````. In a multi-node Management Server "
+"deployment, use the virtual IP address configured in the load balancer for "
+"the management server's cluster. Additionally, ensure that the NetScaler "
+"device has access to this IP address to provide AutoScale support."
+msgstr "确保在全局配置中的结束点地址参数已设置为管理服务器的API地址。例如:````。 在多管理节点的部署中,使用配置在负载均衡器上的虚拟IP地址作为管理服务器集群的IP地址。此外,确保NetScaler设备有读取为提供自缩放而配置的IP地址的权限。"
+# 1cd70adcb30d47abbcc3dc69e3707036
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:464
+msgid ""
+"If you update the endpointe.url, disable the AutoScale functionality of the "
+"load balancer rules in the system, then enable them back to reflect the "
+"changes. For more information see :ref:`update-autoscale`."
+msgstr "如果更新了endpointe.url,在系统自动负载均衡器规则里,先关闭自缩放功能随后再开启,以应用此更新。。更多信息,参见 :ref:`update-autoscale`。"
+# 55df6ae7033b4ca3a3f52dd90fd74501
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:468
+msgid ""
+"If the API Key and Secret Key are regenerated for an AutoScale user, ensure "
+"that the AutoScale functionality of the load balancers that the user "
+"participates in are disabled and then enabled to reflect the configuration "
+"changes in the NetScaler."
+msgstr "如果为自缩放用户生成了API值和秘钥,确保用户参与的负载均衡器的自缩放功能先关闭,再开启,以应用NetScaler配置的变化。"
+# f6552bde1aaf4055b316eb9c17b5f64a
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:473
+msgid ""
+"In an advanced Zone, ensure that at least one VM should be present before "
+"configuring a load balancer rule with AutoScale. Having one VM in the "
+"network ensures that the network is in implemented state for configuring "
+msgstr "在高级区域中,在配置带自缩放的负载均衡规则时,确保至少要有一个虚拟机。在网络中存在一个虚拟机,可保证在配置自缩放时,网络处于使用状态。"
+# a79a1b3a477d4397abe465f3b5ba2c56
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:480
+msgid "Configuration"
+msgstr "配置"
+# 7d9d1fe996094830bd4e91ea3b3632e7
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:484
+msgid "|autoscaleateconfig.png|"
+msgstr "|autoscaleateconfig.png|"
+# 4fc1aed8f2864acba56525d8509dfc38
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:486
+msgid ""
+"**Template**: A template consists of a base OS image and application. A "
+"template is used to provision the new instance of an application on a "
+"scaleup action. When a VM is deployed from a template, the VM can start "
+"taking the traffic from the load balancer without any admin intervention. "
+"For example, if the VM is deployed for a Web service, it should have the Web"
+" server running, the database connected, and so on."
+msgstr "**模板**: 模板由基本的操作系统镜像和应用组成。在自缩放动作中,模板用来提供一个应用的新的实例。当从模板部署虚拟机时,虚拟机在管理员不干预的情形下开始从负载均衡器那里接管流量。例如,如果虚拟机部署为WEB服务应用,则虚拟机上的WEB服务器应该在运行,并且连接了数据库,等等。"
+# 15493a90f6c04d51a80a4caaa5a833c5
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:494
+msgid ""
+"**Compute offering**: A predefined set of virtual hardware attributes, "
+"including CPU speed, number of CPUs, and RAM size, that the user can select "
+"when creating a new virtual machine instance. Choose one of the compute "
+"offerings to be used while provisioning a VM instance as part of scaleup "
+msgstr "**计算方案**: 一个预定义的虚拟硬件资源集,包括CPU速度,CPU数量,RAM,用户在创建虚拟时可以选择这些。选择一个计算方案作为提供虚拟机实例中自缩放行为的一部分。"
+# 55397884cbb84b2cb778668b2f01bb7e
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:500
+msgid ""
+"**Min Instance**: The minimum number of active VM instances that is assigned"
+" to a load balancing rule. The active VM instances are the application "
+"instances that are up and serving the traffic, and are being load balanced. "
+"This parameter ensures that a load balancing rule has at least the "
+"configured number of active VM instances are available to serve the traffic."
+msgstr "**最小实例**: 指定给负载均衡规则活动的虚拟机实例的最小数量,活动的虚拟机实例是开启的应用实例,并服务于流量和负载均衡。这个参数确保负载均衡规则拥有至少一个配置的活动虚拟机实例,并且能够服务于流量。"
+# c33b18f0b309446eb974ca219945f004
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:508
+msgid ""
+"If an application, such as SAP, running on a VM instance is down for some "
+"reason, the VM is then not counted as part of Min Instance parameter, and "
+"the AutoScale feature initiates a scaleup action if the number of active VM "
+"instances is below the configured value. Similarly, when an application "
+"instance comes up from its earlier down state, this application instance is "
+"counted as part of the active instance count and the AutoScale process "
+"initiates a scaledown action when the active instance count breaches the Max"
+" instance value."
+msgstr "如果一个应用程序,比如SAP,它运行在一个VM实例上,但是VM因为某些原因宕机了,那么这个VM没有被算成是Min实例的一部分,并且如果这些活动的VM实例是下面配置的数值,那么自动扩展功能启动一个扩展的动作。同样的,当应用程序实例从宕机的状态恢复了以后,这个应用程序实例会被算为活动实例计数的一部分,并且当活动实例计数超出Max实例数值的时候,自动扩展启动一个缩减动作。"
+# f040e7755d074bee8817ada9261b421b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:518
+msgid ""
+"**Max Instance**: Maximum number of active VM instances that **should be "
+"assigned to**\\ a load balancing rule. This parameter defines the upper "
+"limit of active VM instances that can be assigned to a load balancing rule."
+msgstr "**最大实例数**:最大数量的**应该被指派到**\\ 一条负载均衡策略的活动VM实例。这个参数定义了能被指派到一条负载均衡策略的活动VM实例的上限。"
+# 2115dadd36d541558713322993492848
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:523
+msgid ""
+"Specifying a large value for the maximum instance parameter might result in "
+"provisioning large number of VM instances, which in turn leads to a single "
+"load balancing rule exhausting the VM instances limit specified at the "
+"account or domain level."
+msgstr "给最大量实例参数指定一个大的值可能引发大量VM实例的分发,这个过程会导致一个负载均衡策略耗尽账户或者域级别下VM实例指定的限制。"
+# 40a5c798ef9d4d7584efa6400c0edfac
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:529
+msgid ""
+"If an application, such as SAP, running on a VM instance is down for some "
+"reason, the VM is not counted as part of Max Instance parameter. So there "
+"may be scenarios where the number of VMs provisioned for a scaleup action "
+"might be more than the configured Max Instance value. Once the application "
+"instances in the VMs are up from an earlier down state, the AutoScale "
+"feature starts aligning to the configured Max Instance value."
+msgstr "如果一个应用程序,比如SAP,它运行在一个VM实例上,但是VM因为某些原因宕机了,那么这个VM没有被算成是Max实例的一部分。所以这个情况中为扩展动作分发的VMs数量可能会超过配置的MAX实例数值。一旦这个VMs中的应用程序实例从先前的宕机中恢复的时候,自动扩展功能就会校正Max实例的数值。"
+# 19812fc19c6a4a7d9ebc51b8e0ecb75b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:537
+msgid "Specify the following scale-up and scale-down policies:"
+msgstr "指定下列扩展和缩减的策略:"
+# 74891b0d3cfd491f863a6557f788d493
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:539
+msgid ""
+"**Duration**: The duration, in seconds, for which the conditions you specify"
+" must be true to trigger a scaleup action. The conditions defined should "
+"hold true for the entire duration you specify for an AutoScale action to be "
+msgstr "**持续**:持续,以秒为单位,你必须指定条件为true以触发一个扩展动作。这个条件定义的是为了触发一个自动扩展动作,你指定的全部持续值应保持为true。"
+# 436acb44653a45cc9c54ff9c950b7a56
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:544
+msgid ""
+"**Counter**: The performance counters expose the state of the monitored "
+"instances. By default, CloudStack offers four performance counters: Three "
+"SNMP counters and one NetScaler counter. The SNMP counters are Linux User "
+"CPU, Linux System CPU, and Linux CPU Idle. The NetScaler counter is "
+"ResponseTime. The root administrator can add additional counters into "
+"CloudStack by using the CloudStack API."
+msgstr "**计数器**:性能计数器直接体现了被监视实例的状态。默认情况下,CloudStack提供了4个性能计数器:3个SNMP计数器和1个NetScaler计数器。SNMP计数器是Linux User CPU、Linux System CPU和Linux CPU Idle。NetScaler计数器是ResponseTime。root管理员能够使用CloudStack API给CloudStack添加额外的计数器。"
+# 2137176110684b2db672902ab582654c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:551
+msgid ""
+"**Operator**: The following five relational operators are supported in "
+"AutoScale feature: Greater than, Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater "
+"than or equal to, and Equal to."
+msgstr "**运算符**:自动扩展功能支持下列5种关系型运算符:大于、小于、小于或等于、大于或等于和等于。"
+# fce26387204d4e949d43cee1c917b9c0
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:555
+msgid ""
+"**Threshold**: Threshold value to be used for the counter. Once the counter "
+"defined above breaches the threshold value, the AutoScale feature initiates "
+"a scaleup or scaledown action."
+msgstr "**阈值**:阈值用于计数器。一旦上面计数器中定义的值超出阈值,自动扩展功能会启动扩展或者缩减动作。"
+# f9e47cc9e3ad4739a2e6ef1470a50570
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:559
+msgid "**Add**: Click Add to add the condition."
+msgstr "**添加**::点击添加来添加条件。"
+# 3ea8d8738fdd408fb23e11b899d7b418
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:561
+msgid ""
+"Additionally, if you want to configure the advanced settings, click Show "
+"advanced settings, and specify the following:"
+msgstr "另外,如果你想配置高级设置,点击显示高级设置,接着指定下列参数:"
+# 9fafd8d4c0614661af2bc64d9c06879e
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:564
+msgid ""
+"**Polling interval**: Frequency in which the conditions, combination of "
+"counter, operator and threshold, are to be evaluated before taking a scale "
+"up or down action. The default polling interval is 30 seconds."
+msgstr "**轮询间隔**:组合计数器,运算和阈值这几个条件的频率在触发扩展和缩减动作之前都要被评估。默认的轮询间隔是30秒。"
+# c719d597315640dc81a33fab44ae0a0e
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:569
+msgid ""
+"**Quiet Time**: This is the cool down period after an AutoScale action is "
+"initiated. The time includes the time taken to complete provisioning a VM "
+"instance from its template and the time taken by an application to be ready "
+"to serve traffic. This quiet time allows the fleet to come up to a stable "
+"state before any action can take place. The default is 300 seconds."
+msgstr "**平静期**:这是自动扩展动作被触发之后的冷静期。这个时间包括完成从模板分发一个VM实例的时间和一个应用程序准备好提供服务的时间。平静期允许机群在发生任何动作之前进入稳定状态。默认值是300秒。"
+# 98b814f48ff24f0c9ed3bca9f2dd1619
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:576
+msgid ""
+"**Destroy VM Grace Period**: The duration in seconds, after a scaledown "
+"action is initiated, to wait before the VM is destroyed as part of scaledown"
+" action. This is to ensure graceful close of any pending sessions or "
+"transactions being served by the VM marked for destroy. The default is 120 "
+msgstr "**VM销毁宽限期**:此宽限期以秒计算,在一个缩减动作运行之后,在VMs被视为缩减动作的一部分从而销毁之前的等待时间。它保证了能够彻底关闭任何服务于被标记为销毁的VM的挂起中的进程或者事务。默认值是120秒。"
+# bcae2f20091343669f94311a955eb918
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:582
+msgid ""
+"**Security Groups**: Security groups provide a way to isolate traffic to the"
+" VM instances. A security group is a group of VMs that filter their incoming"
+" and outgoing traffic according to a set of rules, called ingress and egress"
+" rules. These rules filter network traffic according to the IP address that "
+"is attempting to communicate with the VM."
+msgstr "**安全组**:安全组提供一种方法来隔离VMs流量。一个安全组是一组依照设置名为入口规则和出口规则来过滤他们进出流量的VMs,这些规则依靠与VM通讯的IP地址来过滤网络流量。"
+# 24e7476382c24a7a8bdb85ceef987fcb
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:589
+msgid ""
+"**Disk Offerings**: A predefined set of disk size for primary data storage."
+msgstr "**磁盘方案**:一组预定义的主数据存储磁盘大小。"
+# 8b28accd4fce47b6afc47f2341e26d5d
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:592
+msgid ""
+"**SNMP Community**: The SNMP community string to be used by the NetScaler "
+"device to query the configured counter value from the provisioned VM "
+"instances. Default is public."
+msgstr "**SNMP 联系**:SNMP 联系字符串被用于NetScaler设备从分发的VM实例中查询已配置的计数器的值。默认是public。"
+# e01443d94f864a8e80ec211f1a96c910
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:596
+msgid ""
+"**SNMP Port**: The port number on which the SNMP agent that run on the "
+"provisioned VMs is listening. Default port is 161."
+msgstr "**SNMP端口**:运行在已分发的VMs上的SNMP代理端口号。默认的端口是161."
+# 64c6d2f9ae6f4ac3b09f31d6fb0e360c
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:599
+msgid ""
+"**User**: This is the user that the NetScaler device use to invoke scaleup "
+"and scaledown API calls to the cloud. If no option is specified, the user "
+"who configures AutoScaling is applied. Specify another user name to "
+msgstr "**用户**:在云中NetScaler设备中用于发起扩展和缩减API调用的用户。如果没有指定选项,那么该用户被配置为自动扩展。指定其他用户名可以覆盖此配置。"
+# 062c87f44c6f4c92916dae1a85b891cc
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:604
+msgid "**Apply**: Click Apply to create the AutoScale configuration."
+msgstr "**应用**:点击应用创建自动扩展配置。"
+# 6563ec698c3d499ab5e8e86cb3073ff0
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:608
+msgid "Disabling and Enabling an AutoScale Configuration"
+msgstr "禁止和启用自动扩展配置"
+# e1b4da3ad2534f6c8fba4e5ec4616af2
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:610
+msgid ""
+"If you want to perform any maintenance operation on the AutoScale VM "
+"instances, disable the AutoScale configuration. When the AutoScale "
+"configuration is disabled, no scaleup or scaledown action is performed. You "
+"can use this downtime for the maintenance activities. To disable the "
+"AutoScale configuration, click the Disable AutoScale |EnableDisable.png| "
+msgstr "如果你想对一个自动扩展VM实例执行任何维护操作,请禁用自动扩展配置。当自动扩展配置被禁用,扩展和缩减动作不会执行。你可以利用停机时间进行维护活动。要禁用自动扩展配置,点击禁用自动扩展按钮 |EnableDisable.png|。"
+# eb31769bc729463bbdd6b8d9bd472847
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:616
+msgid ""
+"The button toggles between enable and disable, depending on whether "
+"AutoScale is currently enabled or not. After the maintenance operations are "
+"done, you can enable the AutoScale configuration back. To enable, open the "
+"AutoScale configuration page again, then click the Enable AutoScale "
+"|EnableDisable.png| button."
+msgstr "这个按钮是启用和禁止的切换开关,取决于当前是否启用了自动扩展。在执行完维护操作以后,你可以启用回自动扩展配置。要启用,请再次打开自动扩展配置页面,然后点击启用自动扩展按钮|EnableDisable.png|。"
+# 800c645e10c34f3b96d364a7e7b44570
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:626
+msgid "Updating an AutoScale Configuration"
+msgstr "更新自动扩展配置"
+# 35012a4fdbe84c63a612c99f0ba31d1b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:628
+msgid ""
+"You can update the various parameters and add or delete the conditions in a "
+"scaleup or scaledown rule. Before you update an AutoScale configuration, "
+"ensure that you disable the AutoScale load balancer rule by clicking the "
+"Disable AutoScale button."
+msgstr "你可以更新各种参数和添加或者删除扩展或缩减策略中的条件。在你更新自动扩展配置之前,请确保你已经通过点击禁止自动扩展按钮禁止了自动扩展负载均衡策略。"
+# b87ea7a2a6c5474392ec23163db4cadb
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:633
+msgid ""
+"After you modify the required AutoScale parameters, click Apply. To apply "
+"the new AutoScale policies, open the AutoScale configuration page again, "
+"then click the Enable AutoScale button."
+msgstr "在你修改了所需的自动扩展参数之后,点击应用。要应新的自动扩展策略,再次打开自动扩展配置页面,然后点击启用自动扩展按钮。"
+# 4b66b8ccf0284d27afeafec62196c28b
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:639
+msgid "Runtime Considerations"
+msgstr "运行时注意事项"
+# c38f40d156554c08a840a51d5bc01d89
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:641
+msgid ""
+"An administrator should not assign a VM to a load balancing rule which is "
+"configured for AutoScale."
+msgstr "管理员不应该分配VM到配置为AutoScale的负载均衡规则中。"
+# dee362b009924ebea8ca92bdd9f61f8d
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:644
+msgid ""
+"Before a VM provisioning is completed if NetScaler is shutdown or restarted,"
+" the provisioned VM cannot be a part of the load balancing rule though the "
+"intent was to assign it to a load balancing rule. To workaround, rename the "
+"AutoScale provisioned VMs based on the rule name or ID so at any point of "
+"time the VMs can be reconciled to its load balancing rule."
+msgstr "在分配虚拟机到一个负载均衡的规则配置完成前如果NetScaler被关闭或重启,则配置的虚拟机不能成为负载均衡规则的一部分。要解决此问题,重命名基于AutoScale配置的虚拟机名称或ID,以便在任何时间点负载平衡规则可以调节该虚拟机。"
+# 68fd9fba22874c88aeee1a1e17da457f
+#: ../../networking/external_firewalls_and_load_balancers.rst:651
+msgid ""
+"Making API calls outside the context of AutoScale, such as destroyVM, on an "
+"autoscaled VM leaves the load balancing configuration in an inconsistent "
+"state. Though VM is destroyed from the load balancer rule, NetScaler "
+"continues to show the VM as a service assigned to a rule."
+msgstr "在自动扩展上下文之外使用API调用,如destroyVM,那么自动扩展下的VM会处于负载均衡配置冲突状态中。虽然VM被负载均衡策略所销毁,但NetScaler仍然会把VM作为一个设备分配一条策略。"
+# 25734f8479cd4aeaa96bc94c9e97b3f0
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:18
+msgid "Global Server Load Balancing Support"
+msgstr "全局服务器负载均衡 支持"
+# 4281e272ec6741e89ba2c668c2b466e9
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack supports Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) functionalities to "
+"provide business continuity, and enable seamless resource movement within a "
+"CloudStack environment. CloudStack achieve this by extending its "
+"functionality of integrating with NetScaler Application Delivery Controller "
+"(ADC), which also provides various GSLB capabilities, such as disaster "
+"recovery and load balancing. The DNS redirection technique is used to "
+"achieve GSLB in CloudStack."
+msgstr "CLOUDSTACK支持全局服务器负载均衡 (GSLB) 功能以提供可持续的商业运营。GSLB可以在CLOUDSTACK环境中实现资源的无缝迁移。CLOUDSTACK通过集成NetScaler应用交付控制器 (ADC)来提供GSLB功能,ADC可以提供各种各样的GSLB能力,比如灾难恢复,负载均衡。CLOUDSTACK在实现GSLB功能进,使用了DNS重定向技术。"
+# 6945e2d89c9d4d758cba8b0168f0b818
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:28
+msgid ""
+"In order to support this functionality, region level services and service "
+"provider are introduced. A new service 'GSLB' is introduced as a region "
+"level service. The GSLB service provider is introduced that will provider "
+"the GSLB service. Currently, NetScaler is the supported GSLB provider in "
+"CloudStack. GSLB functionality works in an Active-Active data center "
+msgstr "为了支持这个功能,引进了地域级别的服务和服务提供者。引进了一项新服务“GSLB”作为地域级别的服务。该GSLB服务提供者介绍将提供GSLB服务。目前,CloudStack中NetScaler可作为GSLB提供者。 GSLB功能工作在Active-Active数据中心环境。"
+# e5df28b9850c419293fdae6e4e253ab5
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:37
+msgid "About Global Server Load Balancing"
+msgstr "关于全局服务器负载均衡"
+# 0b8dcd5aa2ba4b9984c94850cd1c44a9
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) is an extension of load balancing "
+"functionality, which is highly efficient in avoiding downtime. Based on the "
+"nature of deployment, GSLB represents a set of technologies that is used for"
+" various purposes, such as load sharing, disaster recovery, performance, and"
+" legal obligations. With GSLB, workloads can be distributed across multiple "
+"data centers situated at geographically separated locations. GSLB can also "
+"provide an alternate location for accessing a resource in the event of a "
+"failure, or to provide a means of shifting traffic easily to simplify "
+"maintenance, or both."
+msgstr "全局服务器负载均衡(GSLB)是负载均衡功能的扩展,为了高效的避免停机时间。基于部署的性质,GSLB代表一组技术的集合,用于各种用途,如负载均衡,灾难恢复,性能,和法定义务。使用GSLB,工作负载可以分布在位于不同地理位置的多个数据中心。 GSLB也可以用于在发生故障时访问资源的另一个备用位置,或对流量提供了简易的维护方式,或两者兼得。"
+# ab0467a3e9d24e78b8e9e16d225ce4b3
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:51
+msgid "Components of GSLB"
+msgstr "GSLB服务组件"
+# f131bfe486894f13961e91b6409ae286
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:53
+msgid "A typical GSLB environment is comprised of the following components:"
+msgstr "一个典型的GSLB环境由以下服务组件组成:"
+# 6bc81bb78e4c4bd9974edba31c58d4cf
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:55
+msgid ""
+"**GSLB Site**: In CloudStack terminology, GSLB sites are represented by "
+"zones that are mapped to data centers, each of which has various network "
+"appliances. Each GSLB site is managed by a NetScaler appliance that is local"
+" to that site. Each of these appliances treats its own site as the local "
+"site and all other sites, managed by other appliances, as remote sites. It "
+"is the central entity in a GSLB deployment, and is represented by a name and"
+" an IP address."
+msgstr "**GSLB站点**:在CloudStack专业术语中,GSLB站点表现为映射至数据中心的zones,每个GSLB有多个网络设备。每个GSLB站点由一个位于站点中的NetScaler设备管理。每个NetScaler设备将他管理的站点视为本地站点,并且由其他NetScaler设备管理的站点视为远程站点。在GSLB部署中它是一个中央实体,具体表现为一个名称和一个IP地址。"
+# ed55296b3210425390ee6cb680b0f347
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"**GSLB Services**: A GSLB service is typically represented by a load "
+"balancing or content switching virtual server. In a GSLB environment, you "
+"can have a local as well as remote GSLB services. A local GSLB service "
+"represents a local load balancing or content switching virtual server. A "
+"remote GSLB service is the one configured at one of the other sites in the "
+"GSLB setup. At each site in the GSLB setup, you can create one local GSLB "
+"service and any number of remote GSLB services."
+msgstr "**GSLB服务**:GSLB服务表现为典型的负载均衡或者内容交换虚拟服务器。在一个GSLB环境中,你可以有本地及远程GSLB服务。本地GSLB服务表现为一个本地负载均衡或者内容交换虚拟服务器。远程GSLB服务是配置在GSLB设置中的其他站点。在每个站点中的GSLB设置里,你可以创建一个本地GSLB服务和任意数量的远程GSLB服务。"
+# f00eb1ec7b75437699e4603066de4f63
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"**GSLB Virtual Servers**: A GSLB virtual server refers to one or more GSLB "
+"services and balances traffic between traffic across the VMs in multiple "
+"zones by using the CloudStack functionality. It evaluates the configured "
+"GSLB methods or algorithms to select a GSLB service to which to send the "
+"client requests. One or more virtual servers from different zones are bound "
+"to the GSLB virtual server. GSLB virtual server does not have a public IP "
+"associated with it, instead it will have a FQDN DNS name."
+msgstr "**GSLB虚拟服务器**:GSLB虚拟服务器指的是一个或多个GSLB服务和平衡跨越多个使用CloudStack功能的zones之间VMs的流量。它通过评估配置的GSLB方法或者算法来选择一个GSLB服务发送客户端请求。来自不同zone的一个或多个虚拟服务器被绑定到GSLB虚拟服务器上。GSLB虚拟服务器没有对应的公共IP,只有一个FQDN DNS名称。"
+# ca80f04e2c8542269d92af6e7de92d03
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"**Load Balancing or Content Switching Virtual Servers**: According to Citrix"
+" NetScaler terminology, a load balancing or content switching virtual server"
+" represents one or many servers on the local network. Clients send their "
+"requests to the load balancing or content switching virtual server's virtual"
+" IP (VIP) address, and the virtual server balances the load across the local"
+" servers. After a GSLB virtual server selects a GSLB service representing "
+"either a local or a remote load balancing or content switching virtual "
+"server, the client sends the request to that virtual server's VIP address."
+msgstr "**负载均衡或内容交换虚拟服务器**:依照Citrix NetScaler的专业术语,一个负载均衡或者内容交换虚拟服务器表现为本地网络上的一个或多个服务器。客户端发送他们的请求至负载均衡或内容交换虚拟服务器IP(VIP)地址,并且由虚拟服务器平衡本地服务器之间的负载。在GSLB虚拟服务器选择了一个基于本地或者远程负载均衡或者内容交换虚拟服务器的GSLB服务之后,客户端发送请求至虚拟服务器的VIP地址。"
+# d008156342444851b79a1c914ff2dbcb
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:91
+msgid ""
+"**DNS VIPs**: DNS virtual IP represents a load balancing DNS virtual server "
+"on the GSLB service provider. The DNS requests for domains for which the "
+"GSLB service provider is authoritative can be sent to a DNS VIP."
+msgstr "**DNS VIPs**:DNS虚拟IP是一个在GSLB服务供应者上的DNS负载均衡虚拟服务器。在有GSLB服务提供者的域中的DNS请求会被发送至一个DNS VIP。"
+# 71d33e18670d4b49a2881ebc9a6de115
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:96
+msgid ""
+"**Authoritative DNS**: ADNS (Authoritative Domain Name Server) is a service "
+"that provides actual answer to DNS queries, such as web site IP address. In "
+"a GSLB environment, an ADNS service responds only to DNS requests for "
+"domains for which the GSLB service provider is authoritative. When an ADNS "
+"service is configured, the service provider owns that IP address and "
+"advertises it. When you create an ADNS service, the NetScaler responds to "
+"DNS queries on the configured ADNS service IP and port."
+msgstr "**权威DNS**:ADNS(权威域名称服务器)是一个为DNS请求提供真实响应的服务,比如web站点IP地址。在GSLB环境中,一个ADNS服务只响应权威的GSLB服务提供者所在域的DNS请求。当配置了一个ADNS服务,该服务的提供者即拥有该服务IP并且广播它。当你创建一个ADNS服务的时候,NetScaler通过配置的ADNS服务IP和端口响应DNS请求。"
+# 0a4b19e96b7140af83a35ab77bc744af
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:107
+msgid "How Does GSLB Works in CloudStack?"
+msgstr "在CloudStack中,GSLB的工作原理是什么?"
+# 3fcf9c5675d647d09f1b6df17ad60cc1
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:109
+msgid ""
+"Global server load balancing is used to manage the traffic flow to a web "
+"site hosted on two separate zones that ideally are in different geographic "
+"locations. The following is an illustration of how GLSB functionality is "
+"provided in CloudStack: An organization, xyztelco, has set up a public cloud"
+" that spans two zones, Zone-1 and Zone-2, across geographically separated "
+"data centers that are managed by CloudStack. Tenant-A of the cloud launches "
+"a highly available solution by using xyztelco cloud. For that purpose, they "
+"launch two instances each in both the zones: VM1 and VM2 in Zone-1 and VM5 "
+"and VM6 in Zone-2. Tenant-A acquires a public IP, IP-1 in Zone-1, and "
+"configures a load balancer rule to load balance the traffic between VM1 and "
+"VM2 instances. CloudStack orchestrates setting up a virtual server on the LB"
+" service provider in Zone-1. Virtual server 1 that is set up on the LB "
+"service provider in Zone-1 represents a publicly accessible virtual server "
+"that client reaches at IP-1. The client traffic to virtual server 1 at IP-1 "
+"will be load balanced across VM1 and VM2 instances."
+msgstr "全局服务器负载均衡-GSLB-用于在不同地域的不同独立区域之间管理WEB服务器的访问流量。以下是CLOUDSTACK中提供的GSLB功能图示:EXZTELCO这个组织用CLOUDSTACK在不同的数据中心部署一个公有云,此云环境包括两个区域,Zone-1 和Zone-2。XYZTELCO里有租户A需要部署一个高可用方案。为了达到此目标,他们分别在两个区域里部署了两个虚拟机实例:Zone-1中有VM1和VM2,Zone-2中有VM5和VM6。租户A在Zone-1中得到一个公网IP-IP-1,并且在VM1和VM2之间配置了负载均衡规则。CLOUDSTACK 编排系统在 Zone-1中LB服务上设置了一个虚拟服务器-Virtual server 1 。客户端对-IP-1的访问会到达Virtual server 1,此虚拟服务器再将流量转发到VM1和VM2上进行流量负载均衡。"
+# 16209a7b07e746f19adc6902ea420f50
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:126
+msgid ""
+"Tenant-A acquires another public IP, IP-2 in Zone-2 and sets up a load "
+"balancer rule to load balance the traffic between VM5 and VM6 instances. "
+"Similarly in Zone-2, CloudStack orchestrates setting up a virtual server on "
+"the LB service provider. Virtual server 2 that is setup on the LB service "
+"provider in Zone-2 represents a publicly accessible virtual server that "
+"client reaches at IP-2. The client traffic that reaches virtual server 2 at "
+"IP-2 is load balanced across VM5 and VM6 instances. At this point Tenant-A "
+"has the service enabled in both the zones, but has no means to set up a "
+"disaster recovery plan if one of the zone fails. Additionally, there is no "
+"way for Tenant-A to load balance the traffic intelligently to one of the "
+"zones based on load, proximity and so on. The cloud administrator of "
+"xyztelco provisions a GSLB service provider to both the zones. A GSLB "
+"provider is typically an ADC that has the ability to act as an ADNS "
+"(Authoritative Domain Name Server) and has the mechanism to monitor health "
+"of virtual servers both at local and remote sites. The cloud admin enables "
+"GSLB as a service to the tenants that use zones 1 and 2."
+msgstr "租户A在Zone-2中得到一个公网IP-IP-2,并且在VM5和VM6之间配置了负载均衡规则。CLOUDSTACK 编排系统在 Zone-2中LB服务上设置了一个虚拟服务器-Virtual server 2 。客户端对-IP-2的访问会到达Virtual server 2,此虚拟服务器再将流量转发到VM5和VM6上进行流量负载均衡。此时,租户A在两个区域里都启用了服务,但是,无法在这种环境下部署灾难恢复计划,也无法更智能在区域内使用负载均衡。要解决这些问题,XYZTELCO云管理员可以在两个区域内启用GSLB服务,一个GSLB服务通常是一个具有ADNS(认证域名服务器)能力的ADC,并且具有监测本地和远程站点健康状况的手段。云管理员可以在ZONE 1和2中为租户启用GSLB服务。"
+# d073e26f378940f9b2b7bacfdc8d7e0a
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:144
+msgid "|gslb.png|"
+msgstr "|gslb.png|"
+# 78fe59c21fad44febb867459cdd3c4fc
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:146
+msgid ""
+"Tenant-A wishes to leverage the GSLB service provided by the xyztelco cloud."
+" Tenant-A configures a GSLB rule to load balance traffic across virtual "
+"server 1 at Zone-1 and virtual server 2 at Zone-2. The domain name is "
+"provided as CloudStack orchestrates setting up GSLB virtual "
+"server 1 on the GSLB service provider at Zone-1. CloudStack binds virtual "
+"server 1 of Zone-1 and virtual server 2 of Zone-2 to GLSB virtual server 1. "
+"GSLB virtual server 1 is configured to start monitoring the health of "
+"virtual server 1 and 2 in Zone-1. CloudStack will also orchestrate setting "
+"up GSLB virtual server 2 on GSLB service provider at Zone-2. CloudStack will"
+" bind virtual server 1 of Zone-1 and virtual server 2 of Zone-2 to GLSB "
+"virtual server 2. GSLB virtual server 2 is configured to start monitoring "
+"the health of virtual server 1 and 2. CloudStack will bind the domain "
+" to both the GSLB virtual server 1 and 2. At this point, "
+"Tenant-A service will be globally reachable at The private "
+"DNS server for the domain is configured by the admin out-of-"
+"band to resolve the domain to the GSLB providers at both the "
+"zones, which are configured as ADNS for the domain A client "
+"when sends a DNS request to resolve, will eventually get DNS"
+" delegation to the address of GSLB providers at zone 1 and 2. A client DNS "
+"request will be received by the GSLB provider. The GSLB provider, depending "
+"on the domain for which it needs to resolve, will pick up the GSLB virtual "
+"server associated with the domain. Depending on the health of the virtual "
+"servers being load balanced, DNS request for the domain will be resolved to "
+"the public IP associated with the selected virtual server."
+msgstr "租户- A希望利用由xyztelco cloud提供的GSLB服务。租户-A配置了一个GSLB规则对Zone-1中的虚拟服务器1和Zone-2中的虚拟服务器2提供流量负载均衡。假设域名是 。CloudStack中协调设置GSLB服务提供者Zone-1中的GSLB虚拟服务器1。 CloudStack绑定Zone-1中的虚拟服务器1和Zone-2中的虚拟服务器2到GSLB虚拟服务器1。CloudStack也将协调设置GSLB服务提供者Zone-2中的GSLB虚拟服务器2.CloudStack绑定Zone-1中的虚拟服务器1和Zone-2中的虚拟服务器2到GSLB虚拟服务器2.GSLB虚拟服务器2配置为开始监视虚拟服务器1和2的健康。CloudStack中会绑定域名A.xyztelco.com到GSLB虚拟服务器1和2。在这一点上,租户-A的服务将在全球范围内可达于。域名xyztelcom.com的专用DNS服务器,被管理员配置为外带管理,由两个区域的GSLB提供者对域名A.xyztelco.com提供解析。它将被配置为域名A.xyztelco.com的ADNS。当客户端请求解析A.xyztelcom.com域名时,将最终由DNS指派到GSLB提供者Zone 1 和Zone2。客户DNS请求将被GSLB提供者接获。GSLB提供者,根据需要解析的域名,将获得与域名关联的GSLB虚拟服务器。根据用于负载均衡的虚拟服务器的运行健康状况,域名DNS请求将被解析到所选择关联的虚拟服务器中。"
+# ec2c5b7b09154785b795d77e01eadd4d
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:175
+msgid "Configuring GSLB"
+msgstr "配置GSLB"
+# 9df6a592e23d49148060b5c6ca5e52ac
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:177
+msgid ""
+"To configure a GSLB deployment, you must first configure a standard load "
+"balancing setup for each zone. This enables you to balance load across the "
+"different servers in each zone in the region. Then on the NetScaler side, "
+"configure both NetScaler appliances that you plan to add to each zone as "
+"authoritative DNS (ADNS) servers. Next, create a GSLB site for each zone, "
+"configure GSLB virtual servers for each site, create GLSB services, and bind"
+" the GSLB services to the GSLB virtual servers. Finally, bind the domain to "
+"the GSLB virtual servers. The GSLB configurations on the two appliances at "
+"the two different zones are identical, although each sites load-balancing "
+"configuration is specific to that site."
+msgstr "要配置GSLB的部署,您必须首先为每个区域配置一个标准的负载平衡设置。这使您能够在该地域中每个区域的不同服务器之间进行负载均衡。然后在NetScaler方面,配置您计划添加到每个区域作为权威DNS(ADNS)服务器的两个NetScaler应用。接下来,为每个区域创建GSLB站点、配置GSLB虚拟服务器、创建GSLB服务并绑定GSLB服务到GSLB虚拟服务器中。最后,绑定该域到GSLB虚拟服务器。两个应用的GSLB配置在两个不同区域中是完全相同的,尽管每个网站的负载均衡配置特定于该网站。"
+# ea099698d96f40f7adcc38a2fc9c997d
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:189
+msgid ""
+"Perform the following as a cloud administrator. As per the example given "
+"above, the administrator of xyztelco is the one who sets up GSLB:"
+msgstr "作为云管理员执行以下操作。按照上面给出的例子中,由管理员xyztelco设置GSLB:"
+# ac5abddeadb048d794cccae84c2689cb
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:192
+msgid ""
+"In the global parameter, specify the DNS name of your "
+"tenant's cloud that make use of the GSLB service."
+msgstr "在全局变量 cloud.dns.name中,为您租户云定义DNS名称并供GSLB服务使用。"
+# 628b54626394479caf7ea8d6fd8d3210
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:195
+msgid ""
+"On the NetScaler side, configure GSLB as given in `Configuring Global Server"
+" Load Balancing (GSLB) <"
+msgstr "在NetScaler方面,给出GSLB配置  `配置全局服务器负载均衡 (GSLB)<>`_:"
+# 4ae673b1b0a741d4a8ae715022d39bfc
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:199
+msgid "Configuring a standard load balancing setup."
+msgstr "配置一个标准的负载均衡设置。"
+# a3e3a1d93b6a48128aea3a0dee30c2ce
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:201
+msgid ""
+"Configure Authoritative DNS, as explained in `Configuring an Authoritative "
+"DNS Service <"
+msgstr "配置权威DNS,如下解释 `配置权威的DNS服务 <>`__."
+# 1bbbaf3fabe54fa8bd1f12d3cf85553d
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:205
+msgid ""
+"Configure a GSLB site with site name formed from the domain name details."
+msgstr "由域名详细信息配置一个GSLB站点和站点名称。"
+# 9bbfadb6046f4a089e701c8968231bf1
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:208
+msgid "Configure a GSLB site with the site name formed from the domain name."
+msgstr "由域名配置一个GSLB站点和站点名称。"
+# 5c91f57c9b0a4c1b81467b113da3b368
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:211
+msgid ""
+"As per the example given above, the site names are and "
+msgstr "按照上面给出的例子,站点名称为 和"
+# cf4285866ee549228e56d7a5b5423e75
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:214
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `Configuring a Basic GSLB Site "
+msgstr "更多信息,请参阅 `配置基本的GSLB站点 <>`__."
+# 665433a1ecba490ca6d1a6f594d8d15d
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:217
+msgid "Configure a GSLB virtual server."
+msgstr "配置GSLB虚拟服务器。"
+# 62a5af1b8ba947619f77fffcc044737e
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:219
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `Configuring a GSLB Virtual Server "
+msgstr "更多信息,请参阅 `配置GSLB虚拟服务器 <>`__."
+# b5348156d5684555bf4a16f7b0aed2e1
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:222
+msgid "Configure a GSLB service for each virtual server."
+msgstr "为每个虚拟服务器配置GSLB服务。"
+# 1be7e75accb342118f2db621053cd0ca
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:224
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `Configuring a GSLB Service "
+msgstr "更多信息,请参阅 `配置GSLB服务 <>`__."
+# a057f57840c249baa28d0ea92fb18a4d
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:227
+msgid "Bind the GSLB services to the GSLB virtual server."
+msgstr "绑定GSLB服务到GSLB虚拟服务器。"
+# 54fde0c1b28d4b218b1b38fd69512fc7
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:229
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `Binding GSLB Services to a GSLB Virtual Server "
+msgstr "更多信息,请参阅 `绑定GSLB服务到GSLB虚拟服务器 <>`__."
+# b238ffa658954d6bb8950514feb4309e
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:232
+msgid ""
+"Bind domain name to GSLB virtual server. Domain name is obtained from the "
+"domain details."
+msgstr "绑定GSLB域名到GSLB虚拟服务器。从域的详细信息中获得域名。"
+# ddb89d80e86542fca93e99d812871a42
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:235
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `Binding a Domain to a GSLB Virtual Server "
+msgstr "更多信息,请参阅  `绑定GSLB域名到GSLB虚拟服务器 <>`__."
+# 994ecce5579142d68bbcabc7fbbcee66
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:238
+msgid ""
+"In each zone that are participating in GSLB, add GSLB-enabled NetScaler "
+msgstr "在每个参与GSLB的区域内,添加启用GSLB功能的NetScaler设备。"
+# 77a9ecb28f3c42fa871ca4293f5fb3c2
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:241
+msgid "For more information, see :ref:`enabling-gslb-in-ns`."
+msgstr "更多信息请参考 :ref:`enabling-gslb-in-ns`."
+# 9d1700ef75be4986a54fd1e51b7daf09
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:243
+msgid "As a domain administrator/ user perform the following:"
+msgstr "以域管理员/用户执行以下操作:"
+# 1b28e385ddd9459f934219e64252f08a
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:245
+msgid "Add a GSLB rule on both the sites."
+msgstr "在两个站点中添加GSLB规则。"
+# b3f6d2228fdd4f249692765a44df3257
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:247
+msgid "See \":ref:`adding-gslb-rule`\"."
+msgstr "参考\":ref:`adding-gslb-rule`\"."
+# d4539ca63ba143f5a57e95a7cc50c138
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:249
+msgid "Assign load balancer rules."
+msgstr "分配负载均衡规则。"
+# 5e832683ca534485b0fbd672a249e511
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:251
+msgid "See \":ref:`assigning-lb-rule-gslb`\"."
+msgstr "参考\":ref:`assigning-lb-rule-gslb`\"."
+# 9fd9a67186904ceda46fa7d9e61e6dce
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:257
+msgid "The GSLB functionality is supported both Basic and Advanced zones."
+msgstr "GSLB功能支持基本和高级区域。"
+# 155a1b915c7840afae25327ef3a7f6bb
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:259
+msgid "GSLB is added as a new network service."
+msgstr "GSLB是新添加的网络服务。"
+# b5681032556f4430a86b311f53d393c5
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:261
+msgid "GSLB service provider can be added to a physical network in a zone."
+msgstr "GSLB服务提供者可以被添加至区域中的物理网络。"
+# ba83a0e977bc4a3abc65c3f30c4684d4
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:263
+msgid ""
+"The admin is allowed to enable or disable GSLB functionality at region "
+msgstr "管理员允许开启或禁用地域级别的GSLB功能。"
+# 682239c65afe4c2fa7312feeac21e9bf
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:266
+msgid "The admin is allowed to configure a zone as GSLB capable or enabled."
+msgstr "管理员具有启用或配置区域为GSLB的能力"
+# 16c808c16f1e4f22a5294f1060dfe2c3
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:268
+msgid ""
+"A zone shall be considered as GSLB capable only if a GSLB service provider "
+"is provisioned in the zone."
+msgstr "只有在GSLB服务提供者提供的区域中,该区域才被视为有GSLB能力。"
+# 54c1b30001084a9d88eb89799461dc9f
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:271
+msgid ""
+"When users have VMs deployed in multiple availability zones which are GSLB "
+"enabled, they can use the GSLB functionality to load balance traffic across "
+"the VMs in multiple zones."
+msgstr "当用户的VMs部署在启用GSLB功能的多个可用区域中时,他们可以使用GSLB功能在多个区域中将VM的流量进行负载均衡。"
+# 04c2a492332c437daed8f4ef774ba016
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:275
+msgid ""
+"The users can use GSLB to load balance across the VMs across zones in a "
+"region only if the admin has enabled GSLB in that region."
+msgstr "如果管理员在地域中启用了GSLB,用户可以使用GSLB对地狱中的所有区域的VMs进行负载均衡。"
+# 1f9b8a3555524eaea6e144288b6f74a6
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:278
+msgid ""
+"The users can load balance traffic across the availability zones in the same"
+" region or different regions."
+msgstr "用户可以为同一个区域或不同地域间可用的区域流量进行负载均衡。"
+# 56f19e5d46de43f5b7e3ac6674a8084b
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:281
+msgid "The admin can configure DNS name for the entire cloud."
+msgstr "管理员可以为整个云配置DNS名称。"
+# 5d62e65b44ab487688e71984b4665f2b
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:283
+msgid ""
+"The users can specify an unique name across the cloud for a globally load "
+"balanced service. The provided name is used as the domain name under the DNS"
+" name associated with the cloud."
+msgstr "用户可以为云中的全局负载均衡服务指定一个唯一的名称。所提供名称的域名相当于云的DNS名称。"
+# ed7a5577959a4271b7b98ac369d63874
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:287
+msgid ""
+"The user-provided name along with the admin-provided DNS name is used to "
+"produce a globally resolvable FQDN for the globally load balanced service of"
+" the user. For example, if the admin has configured as the DNS "
+"name for the cloud, and user specifies 'foo' for the GSLB virtual service, "
+"then the FQDN name of the GSLB virtual service is"
+msgstr "用户提供的名称与管理员提供的DNS名称一起为用户的全局负载均衡服务产生一个全局解析的FQDN。例如,如果管理员已经配置xyztelco.com为云中的DNS名称,以及用户为GSLB虚拟服务器指定的名称为'foo',那么GSLB虚拟服务器的FQDN名称是。"
+# 8cac76f1529943b5a001cc5e9e8978ac
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:294
+msgid ""
+"While setting up GSLB, users can select a load balancing method, such as "
+"round robin, for using across the zones that are part of GSLB."
+msgstr "设置GSLB时,用户可以为GSLB跨区域的一部分选择负载均衡方式,例如 round robin。"
+# d53da99edf45482fae37a6beabd277e0
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:297
+msgid ""
+"The user shall be able to set weight to zone-level virtual server. Weight "
+"shall be considered by the load balancing method for distributing the "
+msgstr "用户应能设置区域级虚拟服务器的权重。负载均衡在分配流量时会考虑该权重。"
+# 7a49a6392b3841eea149e6bda34bf00a
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:301
+msgid ""
+"The GSLB functionality shall support session persistence, where series of "
+"client requests for particular domain name is sent to a virtual server on "
+"the same zone."
+msgstr "该GSLB功能必须支持会话持久性,特定域名的一系列客户端请求被发送到同一个区域中的虚拟服务器上。"
+# bb4138b786e9474fb0ed35738608df60
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:305
+msgid "Statistics is collected from each GSLB virtual server."
+msgstr "从每个GSLB虚拟服务器中收集统计数据。"
+# 47055f92a29342529bfcdc61d569e7e5
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:311
+msgid "Enabling GSLB in NetScaler"
+msgstr "开启NetScaler的GSLB"
+# 993ee7e5933440be90a5d733c261dbfa
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:313
+msgid "In each zone, add GSLB-enabled NetScaler device for load balancing."
+msgstr "在每个区域中,添加启用GSLB的NetScaler设备提供负载均衡。"
+# 1ccc47562da1485ebadaf564a75a1e8f
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:315
+msgid "Log in as administrator to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr "使用管理员登录到CloudStack管理界面。"
+# 50c53a288e5c4ba8a5873ae93ce2ebc1
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:319
+msgid "In Zones, click View More."
+msgstr "点击区域中的查看更多。"
+# 426b0fac04b243adae39f7591362417b
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:323
+msgid ""
+"Click the Physical Network tab, then click the name of the physical network."
+msgstr "点击物理网络选项卡,然后点击物理网络的名称。"
+# fafed439faa145cfbd6e0660489f0c23
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:326
+msgid "In the Network Service Providers node of the diagram, click Configure."
+msgstr "点击示意图'网络服务提供程序'中的配置"
+# fd8f072b359a4f04ad326eb3d908940d
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:329
+msgid "You might have to scroll down to see this."
+msgstr "你可能需要向下滚动才能看到。"
+# 4cb81ecc1e2041ac85015a942c236caf
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:331
+msgid "Click NetScaler."
+msgstr "点击NetScaler."
+# fd9c663d6f344362bc282938fa9a7568
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:333
+msgid "Click Add NetScaler device and provide the following:"
+msgstr "点击添加NetScaler设备并提供如下信息:"
+# 482e597c23cc41b798a1610afce4cdeb
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:335
+msgid "For NetScaler:"
+msgstr "对于NetScaler:"
+# 3294458f8c544dd2b784f2fa14c2aa67
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:337
+msgid "**IP Address**: The IP address of the SDX."
+msgstr "**IP地址**: SDX的IP地址。"
+# b70b5b91f59c409c9dd3966293451a99
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:339
+msgid ""
+"**Username/Password**: The authentication credentials to access the device. "
+"CloudStack uses these credentials to access the device."
+msgstr "**用户名/密码.** 访问此设备的认证许可。CloudStack使用这些认证信息访问此设备。"
+# 8ef3b665ac154e6287ad6ea81148049c
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:343
+msgid ""
+"**Type**: The type of device that is being added. It could be F5 Big Ip Load"
+" Balancer, NetScaler VPX, NetScaler MPX, or NetScaler SDX. For a comparison "
+"of the NetScaler types, see the CloudStack Administration Guide."
+msgstr "**类型**:添加设备的类型。可以是F5 BigIP负载均衡器、NetScaler VPX、NetScaler MPX或 NetScaler SDX等设备。关于NetScaler的类型比较,请参阅CloudStack管理指南。"
+# 2e237e04e2dc44aa9a63e9b610481683
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:348
+msgid ""
+"**Public interface**: Interface of device that is configured to be part of "
+"the public network."
+msgstr "**公共接口**: 配置为公共网络部分的设备接口。"
+# 1768efdd0e38457882de8c3f6a4bc7ac
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:351
+msgid ""
+"**Private interface**: Interface of device that is configured to be part of "
+"the private network."
+msgstr "**专用接口**: 配置为专用网络部分的设备接口。"
+# d7a97e5326bf493ea8de67360056032f
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:354
+msgid "**GSLB service**: Select this option."
+msgstr "**GSLB 服务**:选择该选项。"
+# 3169f742f2b541cf9ba5e47685b71979
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:356
+msgid ""
+"**GSLB service Public IP**: The public IP address of the NAT translator for "
+"a GSLB service that is on a private network."
+msgstr "**GSLB 服务公共IP**:在专用网络中,为GSLB服务提供NAT转换的公共IP地址。"
+# 8aea303aff5746d887377f892f81bedb
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:359
+msgid "**GSLB service Private IP**: The private IP of the GSLB service."
+msgstr "**GSLB 服务专用IP**: GSLB服务的专用IP地址。"
+# 12ef6d7387b1493fbb70926187f28853
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:361
+msgid ""
+"**Number of Retries**. Number of times to attempt a command on the device "
+"before considering the operation failed. Default is 2."
+msgstr "**重试次数** 尝试控制设备失败时重试的次数,默认为2次。"
+# 66bbb327d60548f78a85f6f748811885
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:364
+msgid "**Capacity**: The number of networks the device can handle."
+msgstr "**容量**:该设备能处理的网络数量。"
+# d60d1dd86fb4433b99b28a0c96f1576a
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:366
+msgid ""
+"**Dedicated**: When marked as dedicated, this device will be dedicated to a "
+"single account. When Dedicated is checked, the value in the Capacity field "
+"has no significance implicitly, its value is 1."
+msgstr "**专用**: 当标记为专用后,这个设备只对单个帐号专用。该选项被勾选后,容量选项就没有了实际意义且值会被置为1。"
+# 69bd10926c1b4f639cc360e4c6418c3e
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:377
+msgid "Adding a GSLB Rule"
+msgstr "添加 GSLB规则"
+# d8d474dabeab4c1f8f00fa162277cd18
+# 2533afdf8c2f4af0ae6a8c0a349218af
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:379
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:423
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a domain administrator or user."
+msgstr "使用管理员或者用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
+# 7550ed528a27426c853c744100fd4ae1
+# a6856d0d96014ad4bcf0169664b844e3
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:381
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:425
+msgid "In the left navigation pane, click Region."
+msgstr "在左边的导航栏里,点击区域(为文档翻译中地域的概念,英文为region,下同)"
+# 5a1ef80e398e476bb8d0a513004669b9
+# 8f5b19bc2a244501b359c7b31af3d903
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:383
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:427
+msgid "Select the region for which you want to create a GSLB rule."
+msgstr "选择你想创建GSLB规则的地域。"
+# de6f8ae256d04834b07c2f957c2d329f
+# 14610babee3a4c4f98ccda032d8a1a24
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:385
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:429
+msgid "In the Details tab, click View GSLB."
+msgstr "在详细选项卡中,点击查看GSLB。"
+# 9c265b9b1d6f450fbb90a2dab4a3dd4d
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:387
+msgid "Click Add GSLB."
+msgstr "点击添加GSLB。"
+# 7b20c6e1ba68451d9c097b40cf182ed5
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:389
+msgid "The Add GSLB page is displayed as follows:"
+msgstr "添加GSLB页面显示如下:"
+# 156298ad77934768a3936c310cb506c7
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:391
+msgid "|gslb-add.png|"
+msgstr "|gslb-add.png|"
+# 94ceaa226a6348128cee4e536b67def7
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:395
+msgid "**Name**: Name for the GSLB rule."
+msgstr "**名称**: GSLB规则的名称。"
+# 1bedbf6a59124f5ab5ad9ae9d676f428
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:397
+msgid ""
+"**Description**: (Optional) A short description of the GSLB rule that can be"
+" displayed to users."
+msgstr "**描述**: (可选)为用户提供一个简短的GSLB规则描述。 "
+# 760fed68b0f1425d813d3da44e010ef0
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:400
+msgid "**GSLB Domain Name**: A preferred domain name for the service."
+msgstr "**GSLB 域名**: 首选的域名服务。"
+# f10e909d63a847f2ac92ce505fbe7453
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:402
+msgid ""
+"**Algorithm**: (Optional) The algorithm to use to load balance the traffic "
+"across the zones. The options are Round Robin, Least Connection, and "
+msgstr "**算法**: (可选) 用于跨区域流量负载均衡的算法。可选项为 Round Robin, Least Connection, 和Proximity."
+# 5bd10eaef9ea49fdafb1aaf2a6d04f89
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:406
+msgid ""
+"**Service Type**: The transport protocol to use for GSLB. The options are "
+"TCP and UDP."
+msgstr "**服务类型**: GSLB使用的传输协议。可选项为TCP和UDP。"
+# 5a07001702fd46899b6363fe3e335dda
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:409
+msgid ""
+"**Domain**: (Optional) The domain for which you want to create the GSLB "
+msgstr "**域**: (可选)  你想要创建GSLB规则的域。"
+# f95e0967cf5b4586af07b8c278fa7f2c
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:412
+msgid ""
+"**Account**: (Optional) The account on which you want to apply the GSLB "
+msgstr "**账户**: (可选)  应用GSLB规则的账户。"
+# 8e6fff3aabfc4338a6d75cc7a0817e74
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:421
+msgid "Assigning Load Balancing Rules to GSLB"
+msgstr "为GSLB分配负载均衡规则"
+# c1a5b66d72da4e03acd469f7c6097117
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:431
+msgid "Select the desired GSLB."
+msgstr "选择所需的GSLB。"
+# 1a740350bc534faaaa40f53959d4fee9
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:433
+msgid "Click view assigned load balancing."
+msgstr "点击已分配的负载均衡视图。"
+# daff37ebdd2349a497dab10e0d234426
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:435
+msgid "Click assign more load balancing."
+msgstr "点击分配更多负载平衡"
+# d63a5166197e4a17b6bd9ab1cd618814
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:437
+msgid "Select the load balancing rule you have created for the zone."
+msgstr "选择你将为区域创建的负载均衡规则。"
+# 35f5b11c84c142c58580b76bb4ddadfd
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:443
+msgid "Known Limitation"
+msgstr "已知的局限性"
+# 89c2b07fa33e40838e9c4de58e3296be
+#: ../../networking/global_server_load_balancing.rst:445
+msgid ""
+"Currently, CloudStack does not support orchestration of services across the "
+"zones. The notion of services and service providers in region are to be "
+msgstr "目前,CloudStack并不支持跨区域的服务编排。将引入服务的概念和地域服务提供者。"
+# 43426b72e0e24e35a5898286a3dd3dc2
+#: ../../networking/guest_ip_ranges.rst:18
+msgid "Guest IP Ranges"
+msgstr "来宾IP范围"
+# 8ad2743b8f6d4eb1bf10b5afb1c89f54
+#: ../../networking/guest_ip_ranges.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The IP ranges for guest network traffic are set on a per-account basis by "
+"the user. This allows the users to configure their network in a fashion that"
+" will enable VPN linking between their guest network and their clients."
+msgstr "宾客网络流量的IP是由用户以帐号为基础设置的。这允许用户以在他们的宾客网络和他们的客户端之间开通VPN连接的方式配置他们的网络。"
+# dc1be0f75ec04a468b17af4d2750b1ca
+#: ../../networking/guest_ip_ranges.rst:25
+msgid ""
+"In shared networks in Basic zone and Security Group-enabled Advanced "
+"networks, you will have the flexibility to add multiple guest IP ranges from"
+" different subnets. You can add or remove one IP range at a time. For more "
+"information, see `\"About Multiple IP Ranges\" <#about-multiple-ip-"
+msgstr "存在基本网络和启用安全组的高级网络中的共享网络,你可以灵活的在不同子网中添加多个来宾IP范围。你可以同时添加或移除IP范围。更多信息,请参阅 `章节 15.10, “关于多IP范围”<#about-multiple-ip-ranges>`_."
+# 5daf1c058a0c43718015e5812d9c0836
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:18
+msgid "Acquiring a New IP Address"
+msgstr "获得一个新的IP地址"
+# 32dbea4bf3a6422da3941f2407b12a71
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:34
+msgid ""
+"If you want Portable IP click Yes in the confirmation dialog. If you want a "
+"normal Public IP click No."
+msgstr "如果你想作为 Portable IP则在确认窗口中点击Yes,如果你想作为正常的公共IP则点击No。"
+# b8ffa6eff3794134bf11db68c7c32099
+#: ../../networking/acquiring_an_ip_address.rst:37
+msgid ""
+"For more information on Portable IP, see `\"Portable IPs\" <#portable-"
+msgstr "关于便携式IP的更多信息,查看 `\"便携式IP\" <#portable-ips>`_."
+# d5be22795b3d4926be02f94cc069db79
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:18
+msgid "Releasing an IP Address"
+msgstr "释放IP地址"
+# d608beb5fbb544afaaad161b9661dcb0
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"When the last rule for an IP address is removed, you can release that IP "
+"address. The IP address still belongs to the VPC; however, it can be picked "
+"up for any guest network again."
+msgstr "当IP的最后一条规则删除后,您就能够释放该IP。然而,该IP仍属于VPC,无论如何,该IP可以再次被VPC中的来宾网络再次获取。"
+# cbede7f4af98499c97ff53a446ca173d
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:32
+msgid "Click the IP address you want to release."
+msgstr "点击要释放的IP地址。"
+# b5f7d64cc75b4ee18855fa6ad6f1438d
+#: ../../networking/releasing_an_ip_address.rst:34
+msgid "Click the Release IP button. |ReleaseIPButton.png|"
+msgstr "Click the Release IP button. |ReleaseIPButton.png|"
+# 6d82408293c1416ca310c302379aa09a
+# 2fb7e2316ee54739935361a2c3eaeeb3
+# e63c1fef73664de395b24f2fd3232139
+# a499d21cfffe4303bb3b23988d32ed53
+# 692e4e5ab7df4a7cbc791aa7fa428661
+# bd6701c2c7bb43c3b81bd5a810215d73
+# e357c811590c493c8341f10d87e99492
+# ad2e62635b524cfd95d4640c69979c8e
+# ba9cd4d358194f5bb69c7779b84c8c27
+# 24720c3dbfa6455a9c417b49062ebfd7
+# c7886284bd2c4db990aecc9f5d015a0c
+# b1144b4196da4257868a1599fb14431d
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:18
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:118
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:452
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:515
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:647
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:348
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:515
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:750
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:808
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:869
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1035
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1303
+msgid "Static NAT"
+msgstr "静态 NAT"
+# 894073bd52434748977055e7ee9a6604
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"A static NAT rule maps a public IP address to the private IP address of a VM"
+" in order to allow Internet traffic into the VM. The public IP address "
+"always remains the same, which is why it is called static NAT. This section "
+"tells how to enable or disable static NAT for a particular IP address."
+msgstr ""
+# 3ce1cecac4bf48f6bc8b81b403d9e42b
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:28
+msgid "Enabling or Disabling Static NAT"
+msgstr "启用或禁用静态NAT"
+# ca8d159797c4416288520787181cb2f5
+# 7732dac53f9c44c3884d468654271191
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:30
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:842
+msgid ""
+"If port forwarding rules are already in effect for an IP address, you cannot"
+" enable static NAT to that IP."
+msgstr "如果该公网IP上已经有端口转发规则,则不允许再启用静态NAT。"
+# a931121d677f4d04b656aca83f043d26
+# c2bb747e18d64159bd3605ffa4f2f044
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:33
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:845
+msgid ""
+"If a guest VM is part of more than one network, static NAT rules will "
+"function only if they are defined on the default network."
+msgstr "如果用户VM存在多个网络,则静态NAT规则仅在默认网络上定义时生效。"
+# 33a01340d067438a8dfaf19d33406d95
+# 39954d50f8bc407f84931182c3e7dd86
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:44
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:67
+msgid "Click the IP address you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击你要修改的IP地址"
+# a33212ef265c4bc68a9ed53a9c693df0
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:46
+msgid "Click the Static NAT |enabledisablenat.png| button."
+msgstr "点击静态NAT按钮。 |enabledisablenat.png| "
+# c6c4c974f1b44a05823bc42e28095e76
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"The button toggles between Enable and Disable, depending on whether static "
+"NAT is currently enabled for the IP address."
+msgstr "该按钮在启用和禁用之间切换,这取决于IP地址是否已经启用了静态NAT。"
+# 0e003c10fb6b4b86a1c8fb0d260fb702
+#: ../../networking/static_nat.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"If you are enabling static NAT, a dialog appears where you can choose the "
+"destination VM and click Apply."
+msgstr "如果是启用静态NAT,会出现一个对话框让您选择目标VM然后点击应用。"
+# ab5d3e20a35044a490aa5251c4b85f4d
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:18
+msgid "IP Forwarding and Firewalling"
+msgstr "IP转发及防火墙"
+# aee28d66b74c499597d47124ee883143
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"By default, all incoming traffic to the public IP address is rejected. All "
+"outgoing traffic from the guests is also blocked by default."
+msgstr "默认情况下, 所有从公共IP进来的流量都会被拒绝. 所有在来宾网络出去的流量默认也被阻挡。"
+# 387c2271d56a4e12beb6624f511851c8
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:23
+msgid ""
+"To allow outgoing traffic, follow the procedure in :ref:`egress-fw-rules`."
+msgstr "为了允许外出的流量,遵循:ref:`egress-fw-rules`中的操作步骤。"
+# 2e337162d6dd4714a9a6a2542e8a146e
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:25
+msgid ""
+"To allow incoming traffic, users may set up firewall rules and/or port "
+"forwarding rules. For example, you can use a firewall rule to open a range "
+"of ports on the public IP address, such as 33 through 44. Then use port "
+"forwarding rules to direct traffic from individual ports within that range "
+"to specific ports on user VMs. For example, one port forwarding rule could "
+"route incoming traffic on the public IP's port 33 to port 100 on one user "
+"VM's private IP."
+msgstr "为了允许接收到的流量, 用户可以设置一些防火墙规则和/或端口转发规则. 例如, 你可以在公共IP地址上设定防火墙规则来打开一个端口范围, 比如从33到44端口. 然后使用端口转发将流量从这个特定的范围内的端口直接送到指定的用户虚机端口. 例如, 一个端口转发的规则可以将接收的流量从公共IP的33端口到用户虚机私有IP的100端口."
+# 3b46ec3be763405b94a219d0c00a44d9
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:35
+msgid "Firewall Rules"
+msgstr "防火墙规则"
+# 289b2b9b80b942a7bd122ec6a45830a1
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:37
+msgid ""
+"By default, all incoming traffic to the public IP address is rejected by the"
+" firewall. To allow external traffic, you can open firewall ports by "
+"specifying firewall rules. You can optionally specify one or more CIDRs to "
+"filter the source IPs. This is useful when you want to allow only incoming "
+"requests from certain IP addresses."
+msgstr "默认情况下,防火墙拒绝所有流入公共IP的流量。要允许外部流量,你需要制定防火墙规则打开防火墙端口。你可以选择性的制定一个或多个CIDR来过滤来源IP。这在当你只需要允许特定IP请求时会很有用。"
+# aebb1c0165554e0eaf7198fa58bb0243
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"You cannot use firewall rules to open ports for an elastic IP address. When "
+"elastic IP is used, outside access is instead controlled through the use of "
+"security groups. See `\"Adding a Security Group\" <#adding-a-security-"
+msgstr "你不能使用防火墙规则打开弹性IP的端口。当弹性IP处在使用状态时,外部的通过请求将被安全组管理。参阅 `\"添加安全组\" <#adding-a-security-group>`_."
+# a63a51dddfbc4821b71342f76ea15396
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"In an advanced zone, you can also create egress firewall rules by using the "
+"virtual router. For more information, see \":ref:`egress-fw-rules`\"."
+msgstr "在高级Zone中,您也可以用虚拟路由器来创建流出的防火墙规则。更多信息,请查阅\":ref:`egress-fw-rules`\"。"
+# 9cdd6b4c846447d8bf19cfb8b5b22829
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Firewall rules can be created using the Firewall tab in the Management "
+"Server UI. This tab is not displayed by default when CloudStack is "
+"installed. To display the Firewall tab, the CloudStack administrator must "
+"set the global configuration parameter firewall.rule.ui.enabled to \"true.\""
+msgstr "防火墙规则能在管理服务器的UI中防火墙选项卡里创建,CloudStac安装好以后,这个规则选项卡默认不显示,你需要以管理员身份修改全局变量 firewall.rule.ui.enabled为 \"true\"才能显示。"
+# 109ed3b0aad347d99e3cff3240722f30
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:57
+msgid "To create a firewall rule:"
+msgstr "创建防火墙规则:"
+# ec5934105a19458782c675dd18684173
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:69
+msgid "Click the Configuration tab and fill in the following values."
+msgstr "点击设置选项卡 填入以下值:"
+# 61cd332681ea4fccb7a69d35effdfbe0
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:71
+msgid ""
+"**Source CIDR**: (Optional) To accept only traffic from IP addresses within "
+"a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of CIDRs."
+" Example: Leave empty to allow all CIDRs."
+msgstr ""
+# fbecf77ee36345b38502a02307d58865
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:76
+msgid "**Protocol**: The communication protocol in use on the opened port(s)."
+msgstr ""
+# 87689392abf14a949afbc25ee0410466
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:79
+msgid ""
+"**Start Port and End Port**: The port(s) you want to open on the firewall. "
+"If you are opening a single port, use the same number in both fields"
+msgstr ""
+# 9e4666af35d043358c3246ec14509b78
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:83
+msgid ""
+"**ICMP Type and ICMP Code**: Used only if Protocol is set to ICMP. Provide "
+"the type and code required by the ICMP protocol to fill out the ICMP header."
+" Refer to ICMP documentation for more details if you are not sure what to "
+msgstr ""
+# c0ae5406014e43d4a50a05ed74aa8dc8
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:94
+msgid "Egress Firewall Rules in an Advanced Zone"
+msgstr "高级区域中的出口防火墙规则"
+# bf3e32d6e33f4bb199a83e9ee2a6d307
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:96
+msgid ""
+"The egress traffic originates from a private network to a public network, "
+"such as the Internet. By default, the egress traffic is blocked in default "
+"network offerings, so no outgoing traffic is allowed from a guest network to"
+" the Internet. However, you can control the egress traffic in an Advanced "
+"zone by creating egress firewall rules. When an egress firewall rule is "
+"applied, the traffic specific to the rule is allowed and the remaining "
+"traffic is blocked. When all the firewall rules are removed the default "
+"policy, Block, is applied."
+msgstr "出口流量起源于从专用网络访问公共网络,例如Internet。默认情况下,在默认网络方案中,出口流量被拒绝,所以没有从来宾网络到Internet的出口流量被允许。不过,你可以通过创建出口防火墙规则来控制高级网络中的出口流量。当出口防火墙规则被应用时,规则指定的流量被允许,其余的流量被阻止。当所有的防火墙规则从默认策略中移除,阻止策略再次被应用。"
+# bedc63fb7a3b4ba2ad3a4f4c4992b742
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:109
+msgid "Consider the following scenarios to apply egress firewall rules:"
+msgstr "应用出口防火墙规则时请思考如下方案:"
+# 20406d7e04b74d6d9adb04b039195d77
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:111
+msgid "Egress firewall rules are supported on Juniper SRX and virtual router."
+msgstr "出口防火墙规则在Jniper SRX和虚拟路由器中均支持。"
+# 97a42a58db4c4505919b767f168001e8
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:114
+msgid "The egress firewall rules are not supported on shared networks."
+msgstr "共享网络中不支持出口防火墙规则。"
+# 1bd785cd4def48be9265615471d02ced
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:116
+msgid ""
+"Allow the egress traffic from specified source CIDR. The Source CIDR is part"
+" of guest network CIDR."
+msgstr "允许特定源CIDR的出口流量。源CIDR是来宾网络CIDR的一部分。"
+# ff0740d14f3f454395f0342767084065
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:119
+msgid "Allow the egress traffic with protocol TCP,UDP,ICMP, or ALL."
+msgstr "允许出口流量的协议为TCP,UDP,ICMP或ALL。"
+# 3da424158d4a46fb955bad940049cfaf
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:121
+msgid ""
+"Allow the egress traffic with protocol and destination port range. The port "
+"range is specified for TCP, UDP or for ICMP type and code."
+msgstr "允许出口流量协议和目标端口范围。端口范围需要指定TCP,UDP或ICMP类型和代码。"
+# bfec00d70b32484abdd2be7a7067fb12
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:124
+msgid ""
+"The default policy is Allow for the new network offerings, whereas on "
+"upgrade existing network offerings with firewall service providers will have"
+" the default egress policy Deny."
+msgstr "新网络方案的默认策略是允许的,然而升级现有的网络方案后,防火墙服务提供商的出口策略默认将是拒绝。"
+# 77a21030af6444aaac365dc1d6c1a40e
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:130
+msgid "Configuring an Egress Firewall Rule"
+msgstr "配置出口防火墙规则"
+# d7e0415b36d0404bb5d71baf38d49af2
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:136
+msgid ""
+"In Select view, choose Guest networks, then click the Guest network you "
+msgstr "在选择视图中,选择来宾网络,然后点击需要的来宾网络。"
+# acbfbe60bbfa423ab99d7faeea324dac
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:139
+msgid ""
+"To add an egress rule, click the Egress rules tab and fill out the following"
+" fields to specify what type of traffic is allowed to be sent out of VM "
+"instances in this guest network:"
+msgstr "要添加出口策略,点击出口策略选项卡并填写以下字段指定哪种类型的流量在来宾网络中是被允许从VM中实例发送出的。"
+# 93d9dbdbdf68488fb08f2c93714eb381
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:143
+msgid "|egress-firewall-rule.png|"
+msgstr "|egress-firewall-rule.png|"
+# 71041bfd382d4c2ea6e0339c055e8e66
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:145
+msgid ""
+"**CIDR**: (Add by CIDR only) To send traffic only to the IP addresses within"
+" a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-separated list of "
+"CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the destination. For example, "
+" To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr "**CIDR**:(仅通过CIDR添加)为接受来来自特殊地址块的流量,输入一个CIDR,多个时用逗号隔开。CIDR是进入流量的基础IP地址。例如:,为允许所有CIDR,请设为0.0.0.0/0"
+# 136a4ea4a1424e4fb3a4e36f7ba438c7
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:151
+msgid ""
+"**Protocol**: The networking protocol that VMs uses to send outgoing "
+"traffic. The TCP and UDP protocols are typically used for data exchange and "
+"end-user communications. The ICMP protocol is typically used to send error "
+"messages or network monitoring data."
+msgstr "**协议**: 虚拟机发送流量所使用的网络协议。TCP和UDP通常用于数据交换和用户通讯。ICMP通常用于发送出错信息和网络监控数据。"
+# a710752f5a514f3e92ca3474b03d66b0
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"**Start Port, End Port**: (TCP, UDP only) A range of listening ports that "
+"are the destination for the outgoing traffic. If you are opening a single "
+"port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr "**开始端口,结束端口**: (仅对TCP,UDP)。目的地为进入流量而设的监听端口范围。如果仅开放了单个端口,则在两者的区域中用同一端口。"
+# 273049a1dabe4b00aab163a686500120
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:160
+msgid ""
+"**ICMP Type, ICMP Code**: (ICMP only) The type of message and error code "
+"that are sent."
+msgstr "**ICMP类型**, **ICMP代码** (ICMP only): 信息类型及发送错误的代码。"
+# 0ba1bc60e7114766b5562aa9f590799d
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:167
+msgid "Configuring the Default Egress Policy"
+msgstr "配置默认出口策略"
+# 8b256b4cb62e43fe879f448d1cb5c940
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:169
+msgid ""
+"The default egress policy for Isolated guest network is configured by using "
+"Network offering. Use the create network offering option to determine "
+"whether the default policy should be block or allow all the traffic to the "
+"public network from a guest network. Use this network offering to create the"
+" network. If no policy is specified, by default all the traffic is allowed "
+"from the guest network that you create by using this network offering."
+msgstr "通过网络方案配置隔离来宾网络的默认出口策略。通过创建网络方案选项决定来宾网络到公共网络的所有流量在默认策略中是允许或者拒绝。使用该网络方案创建网络。如果没有指定策略,你创建的来宾网络中的所有流量将被允许。"
+# b03f1cb4957b4a18b437e26cca194176
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:177
+msgid "You have two options: Allow and Deny."
+msgstr "你有两个选择:允许和拒绝。"
+# faccf3355885414e87bbb03070f6a7c0
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:180
+msgid "Allow"
+msgstr "允许"
+# a7d3b32fbf8448c5ab02390ca3e1cc21
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:182
+msgid ""
+"If you select Allow for a network offering, by default egress traffic is "
+"allowed. However, when an egress rule is configured for a guest network, "
+"rules are applied to block the specified traffic and rest are allowed. If no"
+" egress rules are configured for the network, egress traffic is accepted."
+msgstr "如果你选择网络方案为允许,则默认出口流量被允许。无论如何,当配置了来宾网络的出口规则,规则被应用于阻止特定的流量和允许其他的 。如果网络中没有配置出口规则,则出口流量会被放行。"
+# 17b36c3415d3468896d8b48ae47ca8a8
+# 6cccf344439e4750904131cef8ef2b39
+# 1208ff713d13448f8bb67189a2a733dd
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:189
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+msgid "Deny"
+msgstr "拒绝"
+# 933662ed493243f599791cfc52e41965
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:191
+msgid ""
+"If you select Deny for a network offering, by default egress traffic for the"
+" guest network is blocked. However, when an egress rules is configured for a"
+" guest network, rules are applied to allow the specified traffic. While "
+"implementing a guest network, CloudStack adds the firewall egress rule "
+"specific to the default egress policy for the guest network."
+msgstr "如果你选择网络方案为拒绝,则来宾网络中的默认出口流量将被阻挡。无论如何,当配置了来宾网络的出口规则,规则被应用于允许特定的流量。当实施来宾网络时,CloudStack为来宾网络添加防火墙出口规则指定默认的出口策略。"
+# 0f97837bd48b43808e4499c3bca32f0a
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:198
+msgid "This feature is supported only on virtual router and Juniper SRX."
+msgstr "该特定只支持虚拟路由器和Juniper SRX。"
+# 12362b3472604a26858c49a699414934
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:200
+msgid "Create a network offering with your desirable default egress policy:"
+msgstr "为合适的默认出口策略创建一个网络方案:"
+# e3686a1cbaa54de4adb23df170fdbb9a
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:202
+msgid "Log in with admin privileges to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr "以管理员权限登录CloudStack用户界面。"
+# 2b34103f06b74a83956a2e4aa4c43e89
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:204
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Service Offerings."
+msgstr "在左侧导航栏中,点击 服务方案。"
+# be40a0ea880c4159a9d420c70881eeba
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:206
+msgid "In Select Offering, choose Network Offering."
+msgstr "在选择方案中,选择网络方案。"
+# 3b005d62ac404f7a971817f2e813a88a
+# 42bbce384f5b43a39000860f820fe3a0
+# 80979f7b880b45f0864683361aa46fd3
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:208
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:961
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1167
+msgid "Click Add Network Offering."
+msgstr "点击添加网络方案。"
+# d3e708006ce243298b2fdbfef4a94a28
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:210
+msgid "In the dialog, make necessary choices, including firewall provider."
+msgstr "在对话框中,填写必选项,包括防火墙提供者。"
+# a6aaeba01e87402cab4799e384a7e8b7
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:213
+msgid "In the Default egress policy field, specify the behaviour."
+msgstr "在默认出口策略选项中,指定行为。"
+# dfeed74eee834f7aa70dc9a0ebca0b5d
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:217
+msgid "Create an isolated network by using this network offering."
+msgstr "使用网络方案创建隔离网络。"
+# d4f2f0db67ad4becad9ecf217e63fc08
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:219
+msgid ""
+"Based on your selection, the network will have the egress public traffic "
+"blocked or allowed."
+msgstr "根据你的选择,网络的出口公共流量将被拒绝或允许。"
+# 49dbcf0869cc408aac40d8ace99c793b
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:224
+msgid "Port Forwarding"
+msgstr "端口转发"
+# d63e7dc020174931a136b5f851d10342
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:226
+msgid ""
+"A port forward service is a set of port forwarding rules that define a "
+"policy. A port forward service is then applied to one or more guest VMs. The"
+" guest VM then has its inbound network access managed according to the "
+"policy defined by the port forwarding service. You can optionally specify "
+"one or more CIDRs to filter the source IPs. This is useful when you want to "
+"allow only incoming requests from certain IP addresses to be forwarded."
+msgstr "一个端口转发服务是一系列转发转发规则的集合。一个端口转发服务随后可以应用于一个或多个来宾虚拟机。来宾虚拟机会根据端口转发规则作相关进入端口的管理。你可以定义一个或多个CIDR来过滤源IP地址。当你只希望特定的IP流量进入时是相当有用的。"
+# 28ad8f3213ac41ed9debe3407c4cf783
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:234
+msgid ""
+"A guest VM can be in any number of port forward services. Port forward "
+"services can be defined but have no members. If a guest VM is part of more "
+"than one network, port forwarding rules will function only if they are "
+"defined on the default network"
+msgstr "一个客户VM可以在任意数量的端口转发服务中。端口转发服务可以不包含客户VM。如果客户VM在多个网络中,则端口转发仅在默认网络中定义时才生效。"
+# acee955e81034850834c7f10a308dd65
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:239
+msgid ""
+"You cannot use port forwarding to open ports for an elastic IP address. When"
+" elastic IP is used, outside access is instead controlled through the use of"
+" security groups. See Security Groups."
+msgstr "您不能使用端口转发打开弹性IP地址的端口。当使用弹性IP时,外部访问是由安全组控制的。参见安全组。"
+# 456211f25f094d9090dc8de808d1c666
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:243
+msgid "To set up port forwarding:"
+msgstr "设置端口转发:"
+# d0f998d8aa0a48f9a3f19ea0d36f07d2
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:247
+msgid ""
+"If you have not already done so, add a public IP address range to a zone in "
+"CloudStack. See Adding a Zone and Pod in the Installation Guide."
+msgstr "如果还没有,请在 CloudStack中为Zone添加公网IP段。参阅 安装指南中的添加Zone和Pod。"
+# 10d08ed8092843f18456b1a0752ba168
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:251
+msgid "Add one or more VM instances to CloudStack."
+msgstr "在 CloudStack中创建1台或更多VM。"
+# bdd495a8008d4823b8bd78a763cca275
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:253
+msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Network."
+msgstr "在左边导航栏,点击网络。"
+# 73ad1f9cd260427bb05aeb2d4ca2f056
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:255
+msgid "Click the name of the guest network where the VMs are running."
+msgstr "点击需要操作VM所在的网络名称。"
+# 89c3b56ae71346e9b89fa5e446f3f43d
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:257
+msgid ""
+"Choose an existing IP address or acquire a new IP address. See `\"Acquiring "
+"a New IP Address\" <#acquiring-a-new-ip-address>`_. Click the name of the IP"
+" address in the list."
+msgstr "选择一个已有的IP或者获取一个新的IP地址。参阅 `\"获取一个新的IP\" <#acquiring-a-new-ip-address>`_.。 点击列表中IP地址的名称。"
+# 2c19d7e25d8845cbba9fd2d132c04fb7
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:261
+msgid "Click the Configuration tab."
+msgstr "点击配置选项卡。"
+# a9244a779ecb4355bbabd6689495a9ae
+# 35dbd54b25cb438f97ccf2f32ff9370e
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:263
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1326
+msgid "In the Port Forwarding node of the diagram, click View All."
+msgstr "在图表的端口转发节点,点击查看所有。"
+# a51ed2228b8a437386ad9ff99ee96a04
+# e6d29f52eea44172bfaa95b47d20d5b9
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:267
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1332
+msgid ""
+"**Public Port**: The port to which public traffic will be addressed on the "
+"IP address you acquired in the previous step."
+msgstr "**公用端口**: 你在前面操作所获取的供公共流量使用的公用IP地址的端口。 "
+# 994ccfa7425f4863ade7a74a14b9e011
+# 5fbd968022954bba912d0dfdbe504ad9
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:270
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1335
+msgid ""
+"**Private Port**: The port on which the instance is listening for forwarded "
+"public traffic."
+msgstr "**私有端口**: 虚拟机实例将被转发到公共流量的监听端口。"
+# 98023e5bfedb4649a79fadc67850521f
+#: ../../networking/ip_forwarding_and_firewalling.rst:273
+msgid "**Protocol**: The communication protocol in use between the two ports"
+msgstr ""
+# b71d2a4a35644691974638b71dbe56b1
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:18
+msgid "IP Load Balancing"
+msgstr "IP负载均衡"
+# 982a5f5a6b7f481dbf623c4ae30c9ef1
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The user may choose to associate the same public IP for multiple guests. "
+"CloudStack implements a TCP-level load balancer with the following policies."
+msgstr "用户可以选择关联同一个公网IP到多个虚拟机。 CloudStack实现了TCP级别的负载平衡器,有以下策略。"
+# a01b6fefc32a4fce911ca69c16c670d9
+# 28c60cdb8d574461b463ea6e8e14675c
+# b09a939f044f421d83e16513b3a9dc7b
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:24
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1076
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1272
+msgid "Round-robin"
+msgstr "轮询"
+# e8cdafa2b1f645e99d3133d52f0a355a
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:26
+msgid "Least connection"
+msgstr "最少连接数"
+# 803259d2ae8f446a9c4ec7c8ed71a28b
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:28
+msgid "Source IP"
+msgstr "源IP"
+# 6ba67a79525947f49fd89a4630112c11
+#: ../../networking/ip_load_balancing.rst:30
+msgid ""
+"This is similar to port forwarding but the destination may be multiple IP "
+msgstr "这类似于端口转发,但目标可能会有多个IP地址。"
+# f64b9bee4c5c4f5b8edb7227f447c380
+#: ../../networking/dns_and_dhcp.rst:18
+msgid "DNS and DHCP"
+msgstr "DNS和DHCP"
+# b1490bbc343240eba492e29dd3431440
+#: ../../networking/dns_and_dhcp.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The Virtual Router provides DNS and DHCP services to the guests. It proxies "
+"DNS requests to the DNS server configured on the Availability Zone."
+msgstr "虚拟路由器为来宾提供DNS和DHCP服务。它将DNS请求代理到在可用区域中配置的DNS服务器。"
+# 380298c917b144379af6fe612e2d842a
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:18
+msgid "Remote Access VPN"
+msgstr "远程访问VPN"
+# 6e90c60bc41e4969b0281b09531745b8
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack account owners can create virtual private networks (VPN) to "
+"access their virtual machines. If the guest network is instantiated from a "
+"network offering that offers the Remote Access VPN service, the virtual "
+"router (based on the System VM) is used to provide the service. CloudStack "
+"provides a L2TP-over-IPsec-based remote access VPN service to guest virtual "
+"networks. Since each network gets its own virtual router, VPNs are not "
+"shared across the networks. VPN clients native to Windows, Mac OS X and iOS "
+"can be used to connect to the guest networks. The account owner can create "
+"and manage users for their VPN. CloudStack does not use its account database"
+" for this purpose but uses a separate table. The VPN user database is shared"
+" across all the VPNs created by the account owner. All VPN users get access "
+"to all VPNs created by the account owner."
+msgstr "CloudStack中的账户拥有者可以建立虚拟专用网(VPN)以便访问他们的虚拟机。如果通过网络方案对来宾网络提供远程VPN访问服务的实例化,虚拟路由(基于System VM)将被用于提供服务。CloudStack为来宾虚拟网络提供了一个基于L2TP-over-IPsec-based协议的远程VPN访问服务。因为每个网络有它自己的虚拟路由器,VPNs不能跨网络共享。Windows, Mac OS X和iOS自带的VPN客户端可以用于访问来宾网络。账户拥有者可以建立并管理他们的VPN用户。CloudStack并不为此使用自己的账户数据库,而是使用一个独立的表。VPN用户数据库在同一个账户拥有者建立的VPN网络中被共享。 也就是说,同一个账户拥有者创建的所有VPN可以被它的所有VPN用户访问。"
+# c670185e66c148958a214fecee43aff5
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:35
+msgid ""
+"Make sure that not all traffic goes through the VPN. That is, the route "
+"installed by the VPN should be only for the guest network and not for all "
+msgstr "确保不是所有的网络流量走VPN。也就是说,用于配置VPN的route不是唯一用于该guest network,也不承担全部的网络流量。"
+# dba6da095c764124a25c5a98d801496e
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:39
+msgid ""
+"**Road Warrior / Remote Access**. Users want to be able to connect securely "
+"from a home or office to a private network in the cloud. Typically, the IP "
+"address of the connecting client is dynamic and cannot be preconfigured on "
+"the VPN server."
+msgstr "**公路勇士/远程访问**. .用户希望可以安全地从家里或者办公室连接到云里的一个 私有网络。特别是连接的客户端的IP地址是动态决定的,不能预先配置到VPN 服务器上。"
+# 8793d40a1a80441398907f711e568b99
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:44
+msgid ""
+"**Site to Site**. In this scenario, two private subnets are connected over "
+"the public Internet with a secure VPN tunnel. The cloud user's subnet (for "
+"example, an office network) is connected through a gateway to the network in"
+" the cloud. The address of the user's gateway must be preconfigured on the "
+"VPN server in the cloud. Note that although L2TP-over-IPsec can be used to "
+"set up Site-to-Site VPNs, this is not the primary intent of this feature. "
+"For more information, see \":ref:`setting-s2s-vpn-conn`\"."
+msgstr "**Site to Site 站点到站点**。在这个场景中,两个私有子网通过公共互联网上的一个安全VPN隧道互联。云用户的子网 (例如:办公室的网络)通过一个网关连接到云中的网络。用户的网关地址必须被预先配置到云的VPN服务器上。注意:通过 L2TP-over-IPsec 协议可以用来配置站点到站点的 VPN,虽然这不是该特性的最初目标。更多信息,参考\":ref:`setting-s2s-vpn-conn`\"。"
+# 8c8d8279293b421c868d44267f2291d1
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:55
+msgid "Configuring Remote Access VPN"
+msgstr "配置远程访问VPN"
+# 90ad6dccf00c4430ac2951fce79496d6
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:57
+msgid "To set up VPN for the cloud:"
+msgstr "为云设置VPN:"
+# e37d36e8639e48b5a1043c2e57008523
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:61
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Global Settings."
+msgstr "在左侧导航栏,点击 全局设置"
+# 505b3a7726bc48fda8c03560c7bf88b1
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:63
+msgid "Set the following global configuration parameters."
+msgstr "设置以下全局配置参数。"
+# 53ec16f914374f86a2beb90e7af26ece
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:65
+msgid ""
+"remote.access.vpn.client.ip.range - The range of IP addresses to be "
+"allocated to remote access VPN clients. The first IP in the range is used by"
+" the VPN server."
+msgstr "remote.access.vpn.client.ip.range – 分配给远程访问VPN客户端的IP地址范围。第一个IP被VPN服务器使用。"
+# f4300671c2a149c284a642b6f79ef00e
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:69
+msgid "remote.access.vpn.psk.length - Length of the IPSec key."
+msgstr "remote.access.vpn.psk.length – IPsec密钥长度。"
+# 231df586fa3c4ed1970d5b7575cc5b83
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:71
+msgid ""
+"remote.access.vpn.user.limit - Maximum number of VPN users per account."
+msgstr "remote.access.vpn.user.limit – 单个账户的最大VPN用户数量。"
+# 76cfe55cf6cf458e93e7c31c53fd06c7
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:74
+msgid "To enable VPN for a particular network:"
+msgstr "为特定的网络启用VPN:"
+# 7c4372020568480ea2a617b164d7fde7
+# 84de4841949448d09c061ed72abcd263
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:76
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:101
+msgid "Log in as a user or administrator to the CloudStack UI."
+msgstr "使用用户或管理员身份登录到CloudStack用户界面。"
+# 1b8df6da450a4c73b2f16aa4eaca745f
+# 5be9a0df2c9b497c95947824049942f6
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:78
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:103
+msgid "In the left navigation, click Network."
+msgstr "在左边导航栏,点击网络。"
+# 4a0bb2f81c4f4829853bbbb9f5fdcdea
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:80
+msgid "Click the name of the network you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择你要操作的网络名称"
+# dcdbca37932e4934822095b46a7460fd
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:84
+msgid "Click one of the displayed IP address names."
+msgstr "点击一个显示的IP地址名称。"
+# c58b358559ab46a8b37d20c157cabb78
+# 3d371180587a4467995d29840af82de7
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:86
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:140
+msgid "Click the Enable VPN button. |vpn-icon.png|"
+msgstr "点击启用VPN按钮。|vpn-icon.png|"
+# d3fc3632ae204d92945354ecf5b17a1c
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:88
+msgid "The IPsec key is displayed in a popup window."
+msgstr "IPsec密钥将显示在弹出的窗口中。"
+# 866b778ea915477a8513f360a7923a9f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:92
+msgid "Configuring Remote Access VPN in VPC"
+msgstr "为VPC配置远程访问VPN"
+# 4f7b18dfcf584e5c90d57d8e8a471744
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:94
+msgid ""
+"On enabling Remote Access VPN on a VPC, any VPN client present outside the "
+"VPC can access VMs present in the VPC by using the Remote VPN connection. "
+"The VPN client can be present anywhere except inside the VPC on which the "
+"user enabled the Remote Access VPN service."
+msgstr "在VPC中启用远程访问VPN,任何VPC以外的VPN客户端都可以使用远程VPN连接访问VPC中的VM。VPN客户端可以在除了用户启用了远程访问VPN服务的VPC中的任何位置。"
+# cf87d57665af4942874e753a98b32768
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:99
+msgid "To enable VPN for a VPC:"
+msgstr "为VPC开启VPN:"
+# a851855e564c4ad2abb7f191c35fc2e8
+# 7696ccb576dc417482a5c054ceca9b60
+# e018f229d0304c21bc251e3bcaf4174e
+# 853e8a12190242e1922b7e3eceeacd90
+# 858d04db9e0d49328574f666ca08832b
+# 7e353532572644f29c0956717585ae5d
+# 3788df11cb0b4d9f99e69906815734a3
+# 2bb59ff5316a4315ad133017bc7aaa7b
+# 19560e560096444384f47cc8bcc957a9
+# 92e2187aa49046a4a1c1d8e8b50caeda
+# 74ff9845b2fc4a28a4f6e5c10d5b5e41
+# 3f4c3248f6b74195aadf920c9d064ea0
+# 37596bbfca114dd292c20a4d712a56d4
+# 474cd3b9ddcf45209e8b7f7c20094087
+# f011af1bc62c416bb2cc09b3e6d1da82
+# 51106dd7db2e450480c1b806d5f8c575
+# 20cb483c8c1a457d88d907105a2df0b6
+# 20037f12721b44a5b069106ec01c9037
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:105
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:435
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:497
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:628
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:183
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:227
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:335
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:384
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:496
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:666
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:733
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:792
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:852
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1018
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1231
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1286
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1364
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1392
+msgid "In the Select view, select VPC."
+msgstr "在选择视图中,选择VPC。"
+# 433a058aaf2c4f7abcac16a4a89c0cb0
+# 253f99defd504664bca4c20805fad8d8
+# b03f74003e0f49f7b107d129dc8378f5
+# 0c712fdfecf145558f1363a547a5be30
+# 73d10dfbf9fe4ada98571d825e6a514f
+# df3ab8626fa64f6aac0e4c7b4baba5f6
+# 7d49d58694804462b40ebf7853c9f722
+# b343232e12944a0fa7e090d98eb63cdd
+# 01f2e1ef8d4a4fdd977b417d2e5a263f
+# 93c2804d558a4e9d838e266756a2a563
+# d561a8755b42408f897f89f7078867ec
+# c51038c5a8a44985867d6ba9c27b9d9d
+# fbee3b23e526460b81062dca124f6118
+# 0e98fee7920f4d06bebf81cf58e4cc47
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:107
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:437
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:630
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:337
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:386
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:498
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:668
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:735
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:794
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:854
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1020
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1233
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1288
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1394
+msgid ""
+"All the VPCs that you have created for the account is listed in the page."
+msgstr "此帐号创建的所有VPC将显示在页面中。"
+# 9be1f95a9d58404cbd6e4417d049f493
+# 101241fe7ad147dd849d0b52d7648247
+# 1448cfd34b3f43a480717b41c5eebb77
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:110
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:340
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:389
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC."
+msgstr "点击VPC的配置按钮。"
+# c95b38d3084f49a79782733848b3ecca
+# ab89f03b01054efcbdc4b304e895e95b
+# e9dc8a6495354766a07447565741a528
+# 985ac077ba8248a7a48dfa8c5c506d16
+# 9bc1baaed7ec4515ad2c3b5c6ce0451e
+# 801d602110c041cabcf0cc684584957a
+# be7596ebba2542159b95b5abc0607142
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:112
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:446
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:509
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:641
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:342
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1029
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1297
+msgid "For each tier, the following options are displayed:"
+msgstr "对于每一个层,会显示以下选项。"
+# 0d83a023e9014f9aade55353c79e3170
+# 401ffa05eaf246a28e37840ebe9292cc
+# 067e314f365a480ca4a21f8e163015f1
+# f9a89e98ace24da0b17c3378764628ec
+# df1588b26c554c8ebb2120108c70f35d
+# 14d477e028374bc7ba1a23e02c9a1b4c
+# 3961aede6bf54c31b9c546f46b4e6aa5
+# 8f1f5dfc2d674fc194d70276d8d18468
+# 0a8f19a5e8734bcab55acd9fca629358
+# 445b7ca76fea45e8a3439159d1faa90e
+# 1487ab642c08402ca5ba42c3837ea69a
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:114
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:448
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:511
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:643
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:344
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:511
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:746
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:804
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:865
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1031
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1299
+msgid "Internal LB"
+msgstr "内部LB"
+# 31d49abe67634960a557928d198a117b
+# d9f6c55773f44decab0c8f7c54706ab1
+# 77bc18fed48f46e4ac2df77187e262df
+# 2261a78bcdfd4e6da5136e979c35bb88
+# cbbd2dca656549c884e00639b9ae2035
+# e61e6beeae9c412bbe90181105cf2ae1
+# 909e61b8202a4b838f82ea576f748d63
+# 44b5133723344f3bbd1c7783e59642ed
+# b4286c8c1b954ab2bf7fe43800649c15
+# 0c9f5baff8f847a8871c2dc07441e145
+# 39db39923d924abba04f7eb190b0c065
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:116
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:450
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:513
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:645
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:346
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:513
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:748
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:806
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:867
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1033
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1301
+msgid "Public LB IP"
+msgstr "公共LB IP"
+# 5eaac9ad38594847b17964661cf9236c
+# 92df7a88e8e04a3483d10de7d9e73800
+# 5a76cc0a9455476cbc8b2c81878d7f05
+# 89f6fcd63e4f4cd1a5c2ae9d98d431d3
+# 3848ce6d7b224573a45a3daa5e369d11
+# ef82afc618e2465d879fb6566335f979
+# 4270f6ecdc324f22951c5acb77c4ee23
+# 39a7d2038d76415498e328d304159562
+# 593c2b74c4fc46a68613d48864ea1ea1
+# 442f49fa53564d63ac1c056170b5b4a8
+# 1679c7f2f3d74f87941189cd7a8eadf1
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:120
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:454
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:517
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:649
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:350
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:517
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:752
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:810
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:871
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1037
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1305
+msgid "Virtual Machines"
+msgstr "虚拟机"
+# f5bae5ffb2f542f1a50da6263d5830fc
+# 1353046d5778408f926e87efdf7cfff4
+# 86105ce7fed24f5cb1731b0445e71c58
+# d0a50513766f4193a8ae3ce206f4f27f
+# 9494e63e7f1345eab39614b094d5418c
+# e840260e3fbe4d8e9ee76819e55c2271
+# 6e3d9062bdbb4bba84da4f570fd7c7fb
+# b76b5756109d44ddb7bcf3eee9b52377
+# ad03548aa7c148f1b0bb6d6489c1b169
+# 2eeb832b8f2744ff994afa7f34a8d110
+# fef8407d652246f9b64d3af9fab77e4c
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:124
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:458
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:521
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:653
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:354
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:521
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:756
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:814
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:875
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1041
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1309
+msgid "The following router information is displayed:"
+msgstr "显示以下路由器信息:"
+# daf0d5dc2d9040e19b1366f58af4b3c6
+# a4596fec8cdb45bba1c99bc713b0d10c
+# 8da0cfd9fed2460cb97816a778997f9d
+# 056a09262bfc4d6482a20801b8acaaf5
+# 777bc6a7065949dbb37c74c841759e3c
+# b2c193538ac94be38e2a27ee2bf943d0
+# 0f492f18d1ae4cee885b69b82980784f
+# 5afe0c98d94b4a129c170577873b4208
+# d371bf7bd366484abd327ba22b4906d8
+# 7cf1fde7dabe40ecb52db6750a1508f7
+# 0369ed96499e48b3a23519de10fa02a8
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:126
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:460
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:523
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:655
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:356
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:523
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:758
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:816
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:877
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1043
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1311
+msgid "Private Gateways"
+msgstr "专用网关"
+# 5f0457bd87ee495a8d5bfe9c4e4140b9
+# be6d3ce6cbaf4b5784187f736898bbb4
+# 137340b6a07047f5b4105b550bd2dea5
+# 16a448bd22a34fd59b341f0be0cfad13
+# 98dd6a7c42284bd7ab5a086176692d74
+# 77e662d10339479c93999acb83f50aab
+# f87b9d1bf7c8489d824e4bc2c1edb94a
+# 4627c69d41294c8fab4d9898db33c83f
+# 0c430ab6225a479a8e58afe0436292db
+# f224a8b6cbea436aaea2ce0b6c58b5a5
+# 50ff9ec30a43472aaaea14d658f3ede1
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:128
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:462
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:525
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:657
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:358
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:525
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:760
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:818
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:879
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1045
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1313
+msgid "Public IP Addresses"
+msgstr "公共IP地址"
+# 2a01498545a9403e8315ab2b9dc8d3ff
+# 5c6c556abdb042cd95b91af10067d5b6
+# 863fdc1a436149ec81d2a240d4d22a2f
+# 79192eb67b614bd58e10729375bddf8c
+# d36fe14908f246bf83e43933e55ef3b4
+# 65e2c761e70f4440ad714dd09cd91349
+# 5aeddf583b6743bb889616c075b0793a
+# 147238d0cb65480c9d78837c05e43bd9
+# 1b2e46ec5bea49d09a0c7c272595d111
+# 26fcc9420a3f49edb4de8b1efbb457bc
+# 63efa7ad47a34105874929f9bbd9427f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:130
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:464
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:527
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:659
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:360
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:527
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:762
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:820
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:881
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1047
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1315
+msgid "Site-to-Site VPNs"
+msgstr "站点到站点 VPN"
+# b27df81c137d4ada8a78b99a42ce9318
+# ce6512f959b543ed84a43badeb5efb3c
+# b81bad1751644d18810aa0953be2bea5
+# 9f3e88679a5d4387855b32022dbff52c
+# 0e0ee230ef824ba0a10c19e3b311b598
+# 78ef6f691db5444eb53d8f8e2876e4e9
+# 3a98e8ef4c754c41ab1345025b5cc625
+# 0e6c5b8161104349a11cb3207b8b813a
+# 383a9b461f6b4113acb24f60ec71b1fc
+# cc1ad8b9d34945a9baa02216efbc2555
+# 299782736e884755a67a9ff9eae837dd
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:132
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:466
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:529
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:661
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:362
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:529
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:764
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:822
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:883
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1049
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1317
+msgid "Network ACL Lists"
+msgstr "网络 ACL列表"
+# c6c2c79f850f4077829c5505885e62f5
+# 1062ef9c7f464e158c482bea53e6ea61
+# e6718162b3284e44a60f542408ae32fc
+# 6a480049441d4ccc8a31e3f11799dd7b
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:134
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:885
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1051
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1319
+msgid "In the Router node, select Public IP Addresses."
+msgstr "在路由器节点中,选择公共IP地址。"
+# 7d553b7fbdc6413d8c633ce8dfb4868c
+# 2b2b55ab8a624bb78e95913869ab2a05
+# 0de20186cc34473cb61133c9b865f960
+# 3e9dafbca1bc4a50b60617d6c81f170f
+# 9abe20eba64240cd90a18743af0e00c2
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:136
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:826
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:887
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1053
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1321
+msgid "The IP Addresses page is displayed."
+msgstr "系统显示IP地址页面。"
+# f1ce2b4d26b145d49d98a4cecca586e8
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:138
+msgid "Click Source NAT IP address."
+msgstr "点击源NAT IP地址。"
+# e83452437c9449d7b1f7508735d5e35a
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:142
+msgid "Click OK to confirm. The IPsec key is displayed in a pop-up window."
+msgstr "点击OK确认。IPsec密钥将显示在弹出的窗口中。"
+# d9c262cf3fdb476ea6a3500b5c9e3102
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:144
+msgid "Now, you need to add the VPN users."
+msgstr "现在,需要添加VPN用户。"
+# 93e980a2795646be9a5fbc975be42289
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:146
+msgid "Click the Source NAT IP."
+msgstr "点击源NAT IP。"
+# 15e0e443545942579a324fda601e2686
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:148
+msgid "Select the VPN tab."
+msgstr "选择VPN选项卡。"
+# 400f2955d75b4fe29ece4d0b82cdadf3
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:150
+msgid ""
+"Add the username and the corresponding password of the user you wanted to "
+msgstr "为你要创建的用户添加用户名和对应的密码。"
+# 13bbf1c44ce8451e9fda9df0a55488d9
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:155
+msgid "Repeat the same steps to add the VPN users."
+msgstr "重复相同的步骤添加VPN用户。"
+# f882d1b965574377abb5c47c46d2017d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:159
+msgid "Using Remote Access VPN with Windows"
+msgstr "在Windows系统中使用远程访问VPN"
+# 7dac5068f0b244e1a144a09d45c39932
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:161
+msgid ""
+"The procedure to use VPN varies by Windows version. Generally, the user must"
+" edit the VPN properties and make sure that the default route is not the "
+"VPN. The following steps are for Windows L2TP clients on Windows Vista. The "
+"commands should be similar for other Windows versions."
+msgstr "程序使用不同Windows版本的VPN。通常用户必须编辑VPN属性并确保不使用VPN的默认路由。以下步骤使用基于Windows Vista的Windows L2TP客户端。命令应该类似于其他版本的Windows。"
+# 9863de47db9f4572ad58ea772de9f36d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:166
+msgid ""
+"Log in to the CloudStack UI and click on the source NAT IP for the account. "
+"The VPN tab should display the IPsec preshared key. Make a note of this and "
+"the source NAT IP. The UI also lists one or more users and their passwords. "
+"Choose one of these users, or, if none exists, add a user and password."
+msgstr "登录到CloudStack用户界面并点击账户下的源NAT IP。VPN选项卡应该会显示IPsec预共享密钥。记录该密钥和源NAT IP。用户界面同样也列出了一个多或多个用户他们的密码。选择一个用户,或者如果不存在任何用户,则创建一个用户。"
+# 7fda5d36b51847d49837befe10623588
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:172
+msgid ""
+"On the Windows box, go to Control Panel, then select Network and Sharing "
+"center. Click Setup a connection or network."
+msgstr "在Windows中,进入控制面板,然后选择网络和共享中心,点击设置一个网络连接。"
+# da78d151c9234aed8997f0bc85337cf6
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:175
+msgid "In the next dialog, select No, create a new connection."
+msgstr "在下一个对话框中,选择否,创建一个新的连接。"
+# 43e868088a2941f2b050d28f6420c815
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:177
+msgid "In the next dialog, select Use my Internet Connection (VPN)."
+msgstr "在下一个对话框中,选择使用我的Internet连接(VPN)."
+# 239288f41e5547d280e2293ec8da8206
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:179
+msgid ""
+"In the next dialog, enter the source NAT IP from step #1 and give the "
+"connection a name. Check Don't connect now."
+msgstr "在下一个对话框中,输入此步骤#1中的源NAT IP地址并填写连接名称。勾选现在不连接。"
+# 38f025d6b59c4032a92973f1c1a27c07
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:183
+msgid ""
+"In the next dialog, enter the user name and password selected in step #1."
+msgstr "在下一个对话框中,输入此步骤#1中的用户名和密码。"
+# 65891d17f3074ed9b484f59841022124
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:188
+msgid ""
+"Go back to the Control Panel and click Network Connections to see the new "
+"connection. The connection is not active yet."
+msgstr "返回控制面板并点击网络连接查看这个新的连接。但当前连接并不是活动状态。"
+# 90aee2a731374796ae19cb91e6c4eaca
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:191
+msgid ""
+"Right-click the new connection and select Properties. In the Properties "
+"dialog, select the Networking tab."
+msgstr "在新创建的连接上点击右键并选择属性。在属性对话框中,选择网络选项卡。"
+# 785904429cc24b31a7cf663347b72344
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:196
+msgid ""
+"In Type of VPN, choose L2TP IPsec VPN, then click IPsec settings. Select Use"
+" preshared key. Enter the preshared key from step #1."
+msgstr "在VPN类型中,选择L2TP IPsec VPN,然后点击IPsec设置,选择用户预共享密钥。并输入此步骤#1中提供的密钥。"
+# 3e29d7f5cd6b43428b98157632b35cfe
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:199
+msgid ""
+"The connection is ready for activation. Go back to Control Panel -> Network "
+"Connections and double-click the created connection."
+msgstr "该连接已经准备好被激活。返回到控制面板 -> 网络连接,双击创建连接。"
+# 658b86e57b2145119bff660e836d339d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:202
+msgid "Enter the user name and password from step #1."
+msgstr "输入此步骤 #1中提供的用户名和密码。"
+# f28b68b93a984f618a8681036210e3b9
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:206
+msgid "Using Remote Access VPN with Mac OS X"
+msgstr "在Mac OS X 中使用远程访问VPN"
+# 8b76f5b992cc490bad145d28495ce704
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:208
+msgid ""
+"First, be sure you've configured the VPN settings in your CloudStack "
+"install. This section is only concerned with connecting via Mac OS X to your"
+" VPN."
+msgstr "首先,确保在你的CloudStack中已经设置好VPN。本章节仅涉及通过Mac OS X 连接至VPN。"
+# 7da87b538a3b4bd98149a9dc28b99cb5
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:212
+msgid ""
+"Note, these instructions were written on Mac OS X 10.7.5. They may differ "
+"slightly in older or newer releases of Mac OS X."
+msgstr "请注意,此指南只基于Mac OS X 10.7.5 。在旧版或新版本的Mac OS X中可能会略有不同。"
+# 99afa11cb02448889b90260c46e6daf2
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:215
+msgid "On your Mac, open System Preferences and click Network."
+msgstr "在Mac中,打开系统偏好设置然后点击网络。"
+# 1b60714f0b664945b51a0b61be0399a5
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:217
+msgid "Make sure Send all traffic over VPN connection is not checked."
+msgstr "确保Send all traffic over VPN connection没有被选定。"
+# bcd319828ca0418fb3c241dfe5096e41
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:219
+msgid ""
+"If your preferences are locked, you'll need to click the lock in the bottom "
+"left-hand corner to make any changes and provide your administrator "
+msgstr "如果你的首选项框被锁住,你如果要做些改动需要点击底部左侧的锁按钮,并提供管理员认证。"
+# 4300ee6f178548d5a9905a6bbe2d9860
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:223
+msgid ""
+"You will need to create a new network entry. Click the plus icon on the "
+"bottom left-hand side and you'll see a dialog that says \"Select the "
+"interface and enter a name for the new service.\" Select VPN from the "
+"Interface drop-down menu, and \"L2TP over IPSec\" for the VPN Type. Enter "
+"whatever you like within the \"Service Name\" field."
+msgstr "您将需要创建一个新的网络入口。点击底部左侧的加号图标,你会看到一个对话框,写着“选择接口并输入新服务的名称”。在接口下拉菜单中选择VPN,VPN类型为“基于IPSec的L2TP”。在“服务名称”中输入任何你喜欢的字段。"
+# 23650c313b074382a57881042b50304e
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:229
+msgid ""
+"You'll now have a new network interface with the name of whatever you put in"
+" the \"Service Name\" field. For the purposes of this example, we'll assume "
+"you've named it \"CloudStack.\" Click on that interface and provide the IP "
+"address of the interface for your VPN under the Server Address field, and "
+"the user name for your VPN under Account Name."
+msgstr "现在你需要在\"Service Name\" 中填入新的网络接口的名称。对于这个例子,我们假设你已经把它命名为“CloudStack”。点击该接口,并在服务器地址字段中填入提供的VPN IP地址,并在账户名称中填入您的VPN用户名。"
+# 6b61feadee8d476583c5ac8024ecf9dc
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:236
+msgid ""
+"Click Authentication Settings, and add the user's password under User "
+"Authentication and enter the pre-shared IPSec key in the Shared Secret field"
+" under Machine Authentication. Click OK."
+msgstr "点击身份验证设置,在机器验证中,用户身份验证下输入用户名和密码,在共享密钥下输入预共享IPsec密钥。点击OK。"
+# 82160d6db5874a5fb691804a0f4064ee
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:240
+msgid ""
+"You may also want to click the \"Show VPN status in menu bar\" but that's "
+"entirely optional."
+msgstr "你也可以点击\"在菜单栏中查看VPN状态\",这完全是可选的操作。"
+# 7888991db08f4692af070e20a8f548e4
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:243
+msgid "Now click \"Connect\" and you will be connected to the CloudStack VPN."
+msgstr "现在点击\"连接\" 你将会连接到CloudStack VPN。"
+# b8fcb8654d4045cabab65cc607473fa0
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:249
+msgid "Setting Up a Site-to-Site VPN Connection"
+msgstr "配置站点到站点的VPN连接"
+# bf33833486e34298bbd54de0d5e5c883
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:251
+msgid ""
+"A Site-to-Site VPN connection helps you establish a secure connection from "
+"an enterprise datacenter to the cloud infrastructure. This allows users to "
+"access the guest VMs by establishing a VPN connection to the virtual router "
+"of the account from a device in the datacenter of the enterprise. You can "
+"also establish a secure connection between two VPC setups or high "
+"availability zones in your environment. Having this facility eliminates the "
+"need to establish VPN connections to individual VMs."
+msgstr "一个站点到站点的VPN连接可以帮助你建立从云基础架构到企业内部数据中心的安全连接.这就允许一个账户从企业内部数据中心的设备连接到此账户启用VPN连接的虚拟路由器上, 从而通过VPN连接到该账户的虚拟机.你也可以在两个VPC之间或是高可用区域之间建立VPC以加强安全。这样一来,就不需要在虚拟机之间建立VPN连接的必要了。"
+# 4bf27ce4183e47dda88b6603d61b46b8
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:260
+msgid ""
+"The difference from Remote VPN is that Site-to-site VPNs connects entire "
+"networks to each other, for example, connecting a branch office network to a"
+" company headquarters network. In a site-to-site VPN, hosts do not have VPN "
+"client software; they send and receive normal TCP/IP traffic through a VPN "
+msgstr "与Remote VPN不同,Site-to-site VPNs是将两个网络相互连接。比如,将一个分支办公室的网络与总公司网络互联,Site-to-site VPN的两个主机不需要VPN客户端软件,它们通过VPN网关收发普通的TCP/IP数据包流量 。"
+# 153b937b1c0e4de69b3b94451840a13f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:266
+msgid "The supported endpoints on the remote datacenters are:"
+msgstr "目前支持的数据中心的终端设备是:"
+# 5ebb68947e8846959fdb844894eba6eb
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:268
+msgid "Cisco ISR with IOS 12.4 or later"
+msgstr "Cisco ISR IOS 12.4或更新"
+# e3a55a3999da49baa81621a7f7ffb70a
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:270
+msgid "Juniper J-Series routers with JunOS 9.5 or later"
+msgstr "Juniper J-系统 路由器  JunOS 9.5 或更新版本"
+# ffc402a2243c4da9bcd196372f78bf94
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:272
+msgid "CloudStack virtual routers"
+msgstr "CloudStack虚拟路由器。"
+# af60329a6d1b421db96e66d969e7148a
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:275
+msgid ""
+"In addition to the specific Cisco and Juniper devices listed above, the "
+"expectation is that any Cisco or Juniper device running on the supported "
+"operating systems are able to establish VPN connections."
+msgstr "除了上述指定的Cisco和Juniper设备, 所期望的是任何Cisco或Juniper的设备在支持的操作系统上都可以建立VPN连接."
+# 4e099c5b2d15403d841fca6ab971b147
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:279
+msgid "To set up a Site-to-Site VPN connection, perform the following:"
+msgstr "为了建立站点到站点的VPN连接, 需要执行以下步骤:"
+# 9f0c55b7e3d1405ea91d412d82570573
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:281
+msgid "Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)."
+msgstr "创建一个虚拟私有云(VPC)."
+# 1cc41acb25564437bf47069632c1e47f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:283
+msgid "See \":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+msgstr "参考\":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+# 0350dab55c154adb8bfb5fc2329bc99b
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:285
+msgid "Create a VPN Customer Gateway."
+msgstr "创建一个VPN客户网关."
+# 9e0ade3afda44783837277f292aac18e
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:287
+msgid "Create a VPN gateway for the VPC that you created."
+msgstr "为你创建的VPC设定一个VPN网关."
+# bd574fc0e611460eb6f1cf836570d65a
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:289
+msgid ""
+"Create VPN connection from the VPC VPN gateway to the customer VPN gateway."
+msgstr "从VPC的VPN网关到客户的VPN网关建立VPN连接."
+# 94a11afb4f284c39876ab9e7ad9b4203
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:294
+msgid "Creating and Updating a VPN Customer Gateway"
+msgstr "创建和更新一个VPN客户网关."
+# d7741a7964f14270836f90faa50dee5e
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:297
+msgid ""
+"A VPN customer gateway can be connected to only one VPN gateway at a time."
+msgstr "一个VPN客户网关在同一时间只能连接一个VPN网关。"
+# b0237b80ce7945038ccf7e43814bc271
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:299
+msgid "To add a VPN Customer Gateway:"
+msgstr "添加 VPN 客户网关"
+# 101bb0d15ff04d2b833841a38622b5a3
+# 2b4e8de7b2b8461685571e9bd8677151
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:305
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:415
+msgid "In the Select view, select VPN Customer Gateway."
+msgstr "在选择视图里,选择VPN客户网关。"
+# 7731e51aab804267b5d9a1b77c2a563f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:307
+msgid "Click Add VPN Customer Gateway."
+msgstr "点击添加 VPN 客户网关。"
+# a28ae413767b455ba902116cbfb65b62
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:309
+msgid "|addvpncustomergateway.png|"
+msgstr "|addvpncustomergateway.png|"
+# 4b1ee71a183a40f08f2c0f6153980745
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:313
+msgid "**Name**: A unique name for the VPN customer gateway you create."
+msgstr "**名称**: 你添加的VPN客户网关的一个唯一的名称。"
+# 4a55d6fffb10456eb7eedd3b877f3290
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:315
+msgid "**Gateway**: The IP address for the remote gateway."
+msgstr "**IP地址**: 远端网关的IP地址。"
+# a1719efbdbf3445e88fe8b57058e647d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:317
+msgid ""
+"**CIDR list**: The guest CIDR list of the remote subnets. Enter a CIDR or a "
+"comma-separated list of CIDRs. Ensure that a guest CIDR list is not "
+"overlapped with the VPC's CIDR, or another guest CIDR. The CIDR must be "
+msgstr "**CIDR列表**: 远端客户子网的CIDR。输入一个CIDR或是以逗号分隔的多个CIDR。在确认客户的CIDR和VPC的CIDR或是另一个客户的CIDR不重叠冲突。CIDR的格式必须符合 RFC1918标准。"
+# 45e753e1aca84d72a27705c47e7359fe
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:322
+msgid ""
+"**IPsec Preshared Key**: Preshared keying is a method where the endpoints of"
+" the VPN share a secret key. This key value is used to authenticate the "
+"customer gateway and the VPC VPN gateway to each other."
+msgstr "**IPsec预共享密钥**: 预共享密钥在两个端点之间共享同一个密钥。这个密钥用来在客户网关和VPN的VPN网关之间相互认证。"
+# 685253a274ff4f8ab93ec131da0a8e17
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:328
+msgid ""
+"The IKE peers (VPN end points) authenticate each other by computing and "
+"sending a keyed hash of data that includes the Preshared key. If the "
+"receiving peer is able to create the same hash independently by using its "
+"Preshared key, it knows that both peers must share the same secret, thus "
+"authenticating the customer gateway."
+msgstr "Internet密钥交换协议(IKE)匹配点 ( VPN 端点 ) 通过计算并发送包含预共享密钥的哈希键值来进行相互验证。如果收接点通过自己的预共享密钥算出同一个键值的话,这就说明两个点是用的同一个密钥,相互之间认证通过,形成匹配。"
+# 99c6b3d0d9b644ac963db1bbbec803aa
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:335
+msgid ""
+"**IKE Encryption**: The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) policy for phase-1. The "
+"supported encryption algorithms are AES128, AES192, AES256, and 3DES. "
+"Authentication is accomplished through the Preshared Keys."
+msgstr "**IKE 加密**: Internet密钥交换协议(IKE)第一阶段(phase-1)策略。支持的加密算法包括 AES128, AES192, AES256和3DES.。认证通过预共享密钥完成。"
+# 5fc1a26b6376451e99e9e5edb6e43b8c
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:341
+msgid ""
+"The phase-1 is the first phase in the IKE process. In this initial "
+"negotiation phase, the two VPN endpoints agree on the methods to be used to "
+"provide security for the underlying IP traffic. The phase-1 authenticates "
+"the two VPN gateways to each other, by confirming that the remote gateway "
+"has a matching Preshared Key."
+msgstr "phase-1是IKE过程的第一阶段。在这个开始的协商阶段,两个VPN端点在将底层IP流量加密安全的方法上取得一致。第一阶段认证通过的条件是:两个VPN网关之间使用的是同一个预定义密钥。"
+# 4a50daea38b94c4c8f566640f9423d59
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:347
+msgid ""
+"**IKE Hash**: The IKE hash for phase-1. The supported hash algorithms are "
+"SHA1 and MD5."
+msgstr "**IKE 哈希**:  IKE第一阶段( phase-1)哈希散列使用的算法。支持SHA1 和 MD5."
+# 164ad3cc6c1d4be09637856b2caebc73
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:350
+msgid ""
+"**IKE DH**: A public-key cryptography protocol which allows two parties to "
+"establish a shared secret over an insecure communications channel. The "
+"1536-bit Diffie-Hellman group is used within IKE to establish session keys. "
+"The supported options are None, Group-5 (1536-bit) and Group-2 (1024-bit)."
+msgstr "**IKE DH(Diffie-Hellman组)**: IKE的DH加密协议,可以在不安全的连接上确保共享KEY的安全。1536位的DH组用在IKE中用来建立会话KEYS。在这里,支持的选项是 None, Group-5 (1536-bit) 和 Group-2 (1024-bit)."
+# 7f48a32285424744aed43ca25afe1013
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:356
+msgid ""
+"**ESP Encryption**: Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) algorithm within "
+"phase-2. The supported encryption algorithms are AES128, AES192, AES256, and"
+" 3DES."
+msgstr "**ESP 加密**: 封装安全有效负荷(Encapsulating Security Payload,ESP)算法是发生在第二阶段(phase-2)。其支持的加密算法包括 AES128, AES192, AES256, 和 3DES。"
+# b406299f4fea47069d76bb649b8708f9
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:361
+msgid ""
+"The phase-2 is the second phase in the IKE process. The purpose of IKE "
+"phase-2 is to negotiate IPSec security associations (SA) to set up the IPSec"
+" tunnel. In phase-2, new keying material is extracted from the Diffie-"
+"Hellman key exchange in phase-1, to provide session keys to use in "
+"protecting the VPN data flow."
+msgstr "phase-2是IKE过程的第二阶段,其目标是协助IPSec安全关联 (SA) 以建立IPSec通道。在 phase-2阶段,会利用 phase-1阶段建立好的DH安全协议方法来交换新的密钥。"
+# a27571240d7c4f3c9acf4a0a4aa3b628
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:367
+msgid ""
+"**ESP Hash**: Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) hash for phase-2. "
+"Supported hash algorithms are SHA1 and MD5."
+msgstr "**ESP哈希散列**:phase-2支持的封装安全有效负荷(Encapsulating Security Payload,ESP)哈希算法包括:SHA1 和MD5."
+# 4b7ceba042f249029e0dbf978aa690d3
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:370
+msgid ""
+"**Perfect Forward Secrecy**: Perfect Forward Secrecy (or PFS) is the "
+"property that ensures that a session key derived from a set of long-term "
+"public and private keys will not be compromised. This property enforces a "
+"new Diffie-Hellman key exchange. It provides the keying material that has "
+"greater key material life and thereby greater resistance to cryptographic "
+"attacks. The available options are None, Group-5 (1536-bit) and Group-2 "
+"(1024-bit). The security of the key exchanges increase as the DH groups grow"
+" larger, as does the time of the exchanges."
+msgstr "**Perfect forward secrecy(完全正向保密,PFS) **: PFS的性质是确保来自一组的长期的公共密钥和私人密钥之间的会话密钥不会妥协失效。PFS会促使一组新的DH KEY发生交换。这组新KEY具有更长的生命周期因此可以抵制更强大的功击。DH的可用选项是 None, Group-5 (1536-bit)和 Group-2 (1024-bit). 当新KEY交换之后,DH组会变得更大。"
+# 31cd21a987c94c2593fa18b480d5655a
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:381
+msgid ""
+"When PFS is turned on, for every negotiation of a new phase-2 SA the two "
+"gateways must generate a new set of phase-1 keys. This adds an extra layer "
+"of protection that PFS adds, which ensures if the phase-2 SA's have expired,"
+" the keys used for new phase-2 SA's have not been generated from the current"
+" phase-1 keying material."
+msgstr "当PFS打开后,两个网关之间的新的phase-2 SA协商都会产生新的phase-1的一组KEY,这就会导致增加一个额外的层。这个层的作用是保证即使phase-2 SA失效过期,其KEY也不会由phase-1生成。"
+# c4fac70acb7546528e8f03a69aec87d6
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:387
+msgid ""
+"**IKE Lifetime (seconds)**: The phase-1 lifetime of the security association"
+" in seconds. Default is 86400 seconds (1 day). Whenever the time expires, a "
+"new phase-1 exchange is performed."
+msgstr "**IKE 存活期(秒)**:  SA的phase-1的存活期。默认是86400 秒 (1 天).当这个时间过了之后,会发生一次新的  phase-1 KEY交换。"
+# 253e1c3775154909922b7f978944cd3e
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:391
+msgid ""
+"**ESP Lifetime (seconds)**: The phase-2 lifetime of the security association"
+" in seconds. Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour). Whenever the value is "
+"exceeded, a re-key is initiated to provide a new IPsec encryption and "
+"authentication session keys."
+msgstr "**ESP存活期 (秒)**:SA的  phase-2存活期。默认为 3600 秒(1 小时). 当过了这个时间之后,会有一个新的KEY初始化,用来加密和认证 IPsec的会话KEY。"
+# c0c484db7f344e408d168f25bb654809
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:396
+msgid ""
+"**Dead Peer Detection**: A method to detect an unavailable Internet Key "
+"Exchange (IKE) peer. Select this option if you want the virtual router to "
+"query the liveliness of its IKE peer at regular intervals. It's recommended "
+"to have the same configuration of DPD on both side of VPN connection."
+msgstr "**死亡匹配点检测**:这是一种检测不可用IKE节点的方法。如果你希望虚拟路由器随时测试IKE节点的存活情况,选择了这个选项。 一般来说,最好在VPN连接的两端都同时配置DPD(Dead Peer Detectio)."
+# bbbaed88ff1d435c8172e82d1ba38621
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:406
+msgid "Updating and Removing a VPN Customer Gateway"
+msgstr "更新和删除一个VPN客户网关."
+# dce2c8dc1af941d3995eccd689185d2f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:408
+msgid ""
+"You can update a customer gateway either with no VPN connection, or related "
+"VPN connection is in error state."
+msgstr "你可以更新一个客户网关:即可以从无到有新建一个VPN,或是将有错误提示的VPN改正。"
+# a2663d4c4c664967b66aed432bc15feb
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:417
+msgid "Select the VPN customer gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择您要操作的客户VPN连接。"
+# a7ded8e5a4764341a0616505650a00e8
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:419
+msgid ""
+"To modify the required parameters, click the Edit VPN Customer Gateway "
+"button |vpn-edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+# 756841a8fa024fd8a5c97c8f30e876d3
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:422
+msgid ""
+"To remove the VPN customer gateway, click the Delete VPN Customer Gateway "
+"button |delete.png|"
+msgstr "删除一个客户VPN网关,点击删除客户VPN网关按钮。  |delete.png|"
+# b8b2a50b82054314966bddcea5e58624
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:429
+msgid "Creating a VPN gateway for the VPC"
+msgstr "为VPC创建一个VPN网关"
+# 55ffd9d38baf4689915216b245eb0345
+# 9dffc7abb0334653a04e9da28c3986eb
+# cafe1c918b254231856621d595a969ea
+# 629408b6b4d44c488f179e9d12c9d1c8
+# 12f2c2ca637145198bd85e6aefc78803
+# 322ff7890b6647d89fc773f95de5ca97
+# b5eb13586b2d401b9224cc304d4d596e
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:440
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:501
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:633
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:671
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:738
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:857
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1291
+msgid ""
+"Click the Configure button of the VPC to which you want to deploy the VMs."
+msgstr "点击要部署虚机的VPC的配置按钮。"
+# 3ede94e26b2243618297004100dde13e
+# 2f52e248552b455a87f010302f709dad
+# 053eb6822dcf4582b9bba73ede381afb
+# d368f1f8019d471eb6596301beba362c
+# dfea3c0fff89489eac70a967cc49c5aa
+# 73059e34302c43d1a5a4c816f43b9382
+# fb07c649ea2b4a768d6e5716e8030063
+# 28f7d7ee821449b29c5cd912fde10a27
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:443
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:504
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:636
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:504
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:741
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:799
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:860
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1294
+msgid ""
+"The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you created are listed in a "
+msgstr "系统会显示VPC页面,您创建的所有层都列在图中。"
+# bb47b6a4c9894b0ba98c007547e23a7b
+# 5f44ee9703334af187a5f781a5bdd3ca
+# 90eeedf47dda43f69ca4cd79e42918d7
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:468
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:531
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:663
+msgid "Select Site-to-Site VPN."
+msgstr "选择点对点VPN"
+# 3904e2f97d404bd0ac8c9e9461127c9c
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:470
+msgid ""
+"If you are creating the VPN gateway for the first time, selecting Site-to-"
+"Site VPN prompts you to create a VPN gateway."
+msgstr "如果您是第一次创建VPN网关,选择点对点VPN会提示您创建一个VPN网关。"
+# 58e6c2a9a3ca472c8470f2da068490b4
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:473
+msgid "In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to confirm."
+msgstr "在信息确认对话框,点击“是”。"
+# 0dcce7d9ba7e44fea93fd343b6eb8ccd
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:475
+msgid ""
+"Within a few moments, the VPN gateway is created. You will be prompted to "
+"view the details of the VPN gateway you have created. Click Yes to confirm."
+msgstr "过一会儿,VPN网关就创建出来了。系统会提示您查看VPN网关的详细信息,请点击“是”。"
+# 08c91c396238462eb6a6a86c3bc34356
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:479
+msgid "The following details are displayed in the VPN Gateway page:"
+msgstr "VPN网关页面会显示以下详细信息:"
+# a77fc54a7c8146a3ac276762ce040121
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:483
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "帐号"
+# 7d5a08b580ca444fa94ea41cf933bbed
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:485
+msgid "Domain"
+msgstr "域名"
+# a9bedddab6d94613aa7949d22530c563
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:489
+msgid "Creating a VPN Connection"
+msgstr "新建vpn连接"
+# eb9ff504d03f4098abe385052da3a163
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:491
+msgid "CloudStack supports creating up to 8 VPN connections."
+msgstr "CloudStack最多支持建立8个VPN连接。"
+# 4106c6c68d6d468fa69e8066df52a37d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:499
+msgid "All the VPCs that you create for the account are listed in the page."
+msgstr "页面上列出了该账号下所有的VPC。"
+# 30ef75902e6a416e943de29ba0ae78f2
+# 2ea0f0278379492ba4ae3fe6df1acc1e
+# 9120ca60dcc143a28655716ade74dd8d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:507
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:639
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:507
+msgid "Click the Settings icon."
+msgstr "点击设置图标。"
+# c17fddae85054e48acc62417d618005b
+# d51c787e2c3641bda74032c8dda674a2
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:533
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:665
+msgid "The Site-to-Site VPN page is displayed."
+msgstr "系统会显示点对点VPN页面。"
+# d20933656e614d3c90bbeca3c9dfa1e8
+# ae7c48ded27f46fba258b7713abe8020
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:535
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:667
+msgid ""
+"From the Select View drop-down, ensure that VPN Connection is selected."
+msgstr "在选择视图下拉框,请确保选择VPN连接。"
+# e805d37fb5de4010a4e653ecc10fe88f
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:538
+msgid "Click Create VPN Connection."
+msgstr "选择创建vpn连接按钮"
+# 6461a9409d0d43af95085f7592764ec5
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:540
+msgid "The Create VPN Connection dialog is displayed:"
+msgstr "系统会显示创建VPN连接对话框:"
+# 302fc42f8855480ea855ba83253ae510
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:542
+msgid "|createvpnconnection.png|"
+msgstr "|createvpnconnection.png|"
+# 256fd2eeb83d4c8ca42223952cda2eaa
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:544
+msgid "Select the desired customer gateway."
+msgstr "选择想要的用户网关。"
+# 1216cafe939448ce89002732610150f9
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:546
+msgid ""
+"Select Passive if you want to establish a connection between two VPC virtual"
+" routers."
+msgstr "如果你希望在两个VPC虚拟路由器之间建立连接,选择被动模式。"
+# 31801a53933d4e8e98ac8b775c9547ad
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:549
+msgid ""
+"If you want to establish a connection between two VPC virtual routers, "
+"select Passive only on one of the VPC virtual routers, which waits for the "
+"other VPC virtual router to initiate the connection. Do not select Passive "
+"on the VPC virtual router that initiates the connection."
+msgstr "如果你希望在两个VPC虚拟路由器之间建立连接,需要等待另一个虚拟路由器来初始化连接,则只有其中一个虚拟器上选择被动模式。在这种情况下,不要在初始化连接的虚拟路由器上选择被动模式。"
+# 06301a1ae56d4aa0829075cea0e779b2
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:557
+msgid "Within a few moments, the VPN Connection is displayed."
+msgstr "过一会儿,系统会显示该VPN连接。"
+# aa7133cb7a2f415180d09d0a134d39b2
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:559
+msgid "The following information on the VPN connection is displayed:"
+msgstr "VPN连接信息"
+# 0c0a058f5bba400ba3f349f62ea660f1
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:565
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "状态 "
+# c7cdf1f2c13b4df7852fb798ffb852f1
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:567
+msgid "IPSec Preshared Key"
+msgstr "IPSec 预共享密钥"
+# 97c84bf1a75c4e84a20bda2e28f8dd99
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:569
+msgid "IKE Policy"
+msgstr "IKE策略"
+# 7d9d2e44ca2e45118dd87874aab3660c
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:571
+msgid "ESP Policy"
+msgstr "ESP策略"
+# 53ad2d1f828e40a5a6e793ae3c464cf6
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:575
+msgid "Site-to-Site VPN Connection Between VPC Networks"
+msgstr "在VPC网络之间的站点的VPN连接"
+# bfe3ddb6f0054692ade09235d6409226
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:577
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack provides you with the ability to establish a site-to-site VPN "
+"connection between CloudStack virtual routers. To achieve that, add a "
+"passive mode Site-to-Site VPN. With this functionality, users can deploy "
+"applications in multiple Availability Zones or VPCs, which can communicate "
+"with each other by using a secure Site-to-Site VPN Tunnel."
+msgstr "CloudStack可以在虚拟路由器之间部署站点到站点的VPN连接,这需要添加一个被动模式的站点到站点VPN。有了这个功能之后,用户就可以在多个区域或VPC之间通过安全的VPN通道互联。"
+# 4d7b48c89729493fab30a6c8fa3e3d8a
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:583
+msgid "This feature is supported on all the hypervisors."
+msgstr "这个特性支持所有类型的HYPERVISOR."
+# 63d33594095642d6bd759d685c327728
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:585
+msgid "Create two VPCs. For example, VPC A and VPC B."
+msgstr "创建两个VPC。比如,VPC A和VPC B。"
+# f38ada5b2bf347699a13c440cdbb6d6d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:587
+msgid "For more information, see \":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+msgstr "更多信息,参考\":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+# 9725f2c0a7804cd08dabeb07ccced69e
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:589
+msgid "Create VPN gateways on both the VPCs you created."
+msgstr "在创建的VPC两边都添加VPN网关。"
+# 863b39380dc440b39636aefc3f305286
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:591
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `\"Creating a VPN gateway for the VPC\" "
+msgstr "更多信息,参考 `\"为VPC创建VPN网关\" <#creating-a-vpn-gateway-for-the-vpc>`_."
+# 80e6cc23902e4983926d330301305245
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:594
+msgid "Create VPN customer gateway for both the VPCs."
+msgstr "在VPC两边都创建VPN客户网关。"
+# 8b053f18f0cf45d7a54c9a55525e51d5
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:596
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `\"Creating and Updating a VPN Customer Gateway\" "
+msgstr "更多信息,参考`\"创建和更新VPN客户网关\" <#creating-and-updating-a-vpn-customer-gateway>`_."
+# e62bfd0cb16b4506af656ac300d2b9d6
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:599
+msgid "Enable a VPN connection on VPC A in passive mode."
+msgstr "在VPC A这边启用VPN的被动连接模式。"
+# e9a973fc175a4c358a0961c603185a9b
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:601
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `\"Creating a VPN Connection\" <#creating-a-vpn-"
+msgstr "更多信息,请参阅 `\"创建VPN连接\" <#creating-a-vpn-connection>`_。"
+# 077205cc874949ebb23a94463f757867
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:604
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that the customer gateway is pointed to VPC B. The VPN connection is "
+"shown in the Disconnected state."
+msgstr "确保客户网关指向VPC B。这个VPN当前显示的是未连接状态。"
+# a1f2ec5982ca4ee88e0e1b6d64a341e4
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:607
+msgid "Enable a VPN connection on VPC B."
+msgstr "在VPC B上启用VPN连接。"
+# 9b111a2dd2fb47d384d121a954fb00d0
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:609
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that the customer gateway is pointed to VPC A. Because virtual router"
+" of VPC A, in this case, is in passive mode and is waiting for the virtual "
+"router of VPC B to initiate the connection, VPC B virtual router should not "
+"be in passive mode."
+msgstr "确保客户网关指向VPC A。在这个示例里,因为VPC A的虚拟路由器是处于被动模式且等待着VPC B进行初始化连接,所以VPC B的虚拟路由器不要设置为被动模式。"
+# 6f48c7f01a334934959f0048f9a19913
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:614
+msgid "The VPN connection is shown in the Disconnected state."
+msgstr "VPN连接当前显示为未连接状态。"
+# f9289b1f358541dcbbea60dd60547408
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:616
+msgid ""
+"Creating VPN connection on both the VPCs initiates a VPN connection. Wait "
+"for few seconds. The default is 30 seconds for both the VPN connections to "
+"show the Connected state."
+msgstr "VPC两边的VPN会进行初始化连接。默认为30秒之后,两边VPN都会显示为已连接状态。"
+# 9fe12894f28c427a9daba08709f4326d
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:622
+msgid "Restarting and Removing a VPN Connection"
+msgstr "VPN连接的重启和删除"
+# 4f1aa09db210412ca829b0fadcbc3175
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:670
+msgid "All the VPN connections you created are displayed."
+msgstr "系统会显示创建VPN连接对话框:"
+# 17e6855dfa4241a58cce788d5d96a057
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:672
+msgid "Select the VPN connection you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择您要操作的VPN连接。"
+# bc52370e920b4f288050d7fcf2c623f4
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:674
+msgid "The Details tab is displayed."
+msgstr "系统显示详细信息页。"
+# dd3715695c204665987222ab000106cd
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:676
+msgid ""
+"To remove a VPN connection, click the Delete VPN connection button |remove-"
+msgstr "删除一个VPN连接,点击删除VPN连接按钮。 |remove-vpn.png|"
+# 4b987b9761934af19b5d8a4be76875a5
+#: ../../networking/remote_access_vpn.rst:679
+msgid ""
+"To restart a VPN connection, click the Reset VPN connection button present "
+"in the Details tab. |reset-vpn.png|"
+msgstr "要重启VPN连接,请点击详细信息页的重置VPN连接按钮。  |reset-vpn.png|"
+# 1280b685b60c4cd9b6c84035e7c3ff2a
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:18
+msgid "About Inter-VLAN Routing (nTier Apps)"
+msgstr "关于vlan间路由(多层应用)"
+# be2045156b3041218bc42ecd27d7d6f0
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"Inter-VLAN Routing (nTier Apps) is the capability to route network traffic "
+"between VLANs. This feature enables you to build Virtual Private Clouds "
+"(VPC), an isolated segment of your cloud, that can hold multi-tier "
+"applications. These tiers are deployed on different VLANs that can "
+"communicate with each other. You provision VLANs to the tiers your create, "
+"and VMs can be deployed on different tiers. The VLANs are connected to a "
+"virtual router, which facilitates communication between the VMs. In effect, "
+"you can segment VMs by means of VLANs into different networks that can host "
+"multi-tier applications, such as Web, Application, or Database. Such "
+"segmentation by means of VLANs logically separate application VMs for higher"
+" security and lower broadcasts, while remaining physically connected to the "
+"same device."
+msgstr "vlan间路由(多层应用)提供了在vlan间通过流量路由的功能。这个特性使你能够j建立私有云(vpc),独立分割的云,可容纳多层应用程序。这些层被部署在不同的VLAN,可以互相沟通。您提供的VLAN层的创建和部署虚拟机可以在不同的层上。VLAN连接到一个虚拟路由器,这有利于虚拟机之间的通信。实际上,你可以通过不同定义的vlan来分割你的虚拟机到不同网络,以便承担多层应用,如Web,应用程序或数据库的虚拟机。通过VLAN的逻辑上独立的应用程序的虚拟具有较高的安全性和较低的广播,同时任然物理连接到同一设备。"
+# ee648742bfb3421f8a3889c2349f279b
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:33
+msgid "This feature is supported on XenServer, KVM, and VMware hypervisors."
+msgstr "在 XenServer ,KVM和 VMware hypervisors支持这个特性"
+# ef162a16526641098e51a139989ae97e
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:35
+msgid "The major advantages are:"
+msgstr "主要的优势为:"
+# 3e6de8dbeba5419abdb2b03019116141
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:37
+msgid ""
+"The administrator can deploy a set of VLANs and allow users to deploy VMs on"
+" these VLANs. A guest VLAN is randomly alloted to an account from a pre-"
+"specified set of guest VLANs. All the VMs of a certain tier of an account "
+"reside on the guest VLAN allotted to that account."
+msgstr "管理可以部署一个vlans集,同时运行用户部署虚拟机在这些vlan上。从预先指定的vlan集中随机的为租户分配一个来宾vlan.租户处于同一层的所有vm处于分配给这个租户的来宾vlan."
+# bc8ba74b90594f12a5fd5677cc9ff6d1
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"A VLAN allocated for an account cannot be shared between multiple accounts."
+msgstr "一个租户分配到的vlan不能被多个租户共享"
+# 1ab1ca8e96254434870948d662709b43
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:45
+msgid ""
+"The administrator can allow users create their own VPC and deploy the "
+"application. In this scenario, the VMs that belong to the account are "
+"deployed on the VLANs allotted to that account."
+msgstr "管理员允许所有用户创建自己的vpc,并部署应用。这个场景中,租户的虚拟机被部署到改租户的分配到的vlan中"
+# a3116bd8472e48a7aa7cda71b97e27cc
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:49
+msgid ""
+"Both administrators and users can create multiple VPCs. The guest network "
+"NIC is plugged to the VPC virtual router when the first VM is deployed in a "
+msgstr "管理员和用户都可以创建多个vpcs.当第一个虚拟机被部署到该层时候,一个来宾网络nic插入到这个vpc虚拟路由器上"
+# 6fd43509fad74559adbc29b02d394dc9
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:53
+msgid ""
+"The administrator can create the following gateways to send to or receive "
+"traffic from the VMs:"
+msgstr "管理员创建网关用接受和发送来自vm的流量:"
+# 8ddc983de3d241f09f98b725eb5816b9
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:56
+msgid ""
+"**VPN Gateway**: For more information, see `\"Creating a VPN gateway for the"
+" VPC\" <#creating-a-vpn-gateway-for-the-vpc>`_."
+msgstr "**VPN网关**:更多信息,参考 `\"为VPC创建VPN网关\" <#creating-a-vpn-gateway-for-the-vpc>`_."
+# 61e9f85faff44050a4964c4318e14c71
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:59
+msgid ""
+"**Public Gateway**: The public gateway for a VPC is added to the virtual "
+"router when the virtual router is created for VPC. The public gateway is not"
+" exposed to the end users. You are not allowed to list it, nor allowed to "
+"create any static routes."
+msgstr "**公网网关**:当为vpc创建一个虚拟路由器时,这个vpc的公共网关就添加到虚拟路由器当中。公共网关还没有暴露到最终用户。你不允许其列出,也不允许建立任何静态路由。"
+# b56703bb9e304d9eb985cf50d8467b88
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:64
+msgid ""
+"**Private Gateway**: For more information, see \":ref:`adding-priv-gw-"
+msgstr "**私有网关**: 更多信息,参考 \":ref:`adding-priv-gw-vpc`\"."
+# 971a020719584df99604941837f413e9
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"Both administrators and users can create various possible destinations-"
+"gateway combinations. However, only one gateway of each type can be used in "
+"a deployment."
+msgstr "管理员和用户可以创建各种可能的目的地的网关组合。但是,在部署中每种类型只能有一个网关。"
+# a959d3a87f854875b155e4dd0378bc58
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:70
+msgid "For example:"
+msgstr "例如:"
+# c8562933cf3a49dabea40ebda77c173e
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:72
+msgid ""
+"**VLANs and Public Gateway**: For example, an application is deployed in the"
+" cloud, and the Web application VMs communicate with the Internet."
+msgstr "**VLAN和公网网关**: 比如,在云中部署了一个应用,并且这个web应用所在的虚拟机要和因特网通信。"
+# 9a0414207cf1455fa28030b70576f628
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:76
+msgid ""
+"**VLANs, VPN Gateway, and Public Gateway**: For example, an application is "
+"deployed in the cloud; the Web application VMs communicate with the "
+"Internet; and the database VMs communicate with the on-premise devices."
+msgstr "**VLANs, VPN网关和公网网关**: 比如, 云中部署了一个应用;部署这个web应用的虚拟机要和因特网通信; 并且数据库虚拟要个先前提到的设备通信"
+# 8534c0f613cb4afd87cee4abbbeb1864
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"The administrator can define Network Access Control List (ACL) on the "
+"virtual router to filter the traffic among the VLANs or between the Internet"
+" and a VLAN. You can define ACL based on CIDR, port range, protocol, type "
+"code (if ICMP protocol is selected) and Ingress/Egress type."
+msgstr "管理员可以在虚拟路由器定义一个访问控制列表(ACL)用于过滤vlan或者因特网和vlan直接的流量。你可定义基于CIDR,端口范围,协议,类型代码(如果选用ICPM协议)和进出流量的acl"
+# dbc5184ebe294b3c978a2597145d1afc
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:87
+msgid ""
+"The following figure shows the possible deployment scenarios of a Inter-VLAN"
+" setup:"
+msgstr "下图显示了可能的部署一个VLAN间的场景设置的:"
+# 7b6b27d712ab4049bb9e18da1df3f10f
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:90
+msgid "|mutltier.png|"
+msgstr "|mutltier.png|"
+# a73c0ccfe9e242bbafc920ed4db89f8c
+#: ../../networking/inter_vlan_routing.rst:92
+msgid ""
+"To set up a multi-tier Inter-VLAN deployment, see \":ref:`configuring-"
+msgstr "要建立一个多层次的跨VLAN部署,请参考\":ref:`configuring-vpc`\"."
+# 68230541a8c04698a2cd4782fa199025
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:20
+msgid "Configuring a Virtual Private Cloud"
+msgstr "配置一个虚拟私有云(VPC)"
+# c96dce204b9449f096ddff43e7c501e4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:23
+msgid "About Virtual Private Clouds"
+msgstr "关于虚拟私有云(VPC)"
+# 39a15c9ebdbf402189072d4ad538b511
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:25
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack Virtual Private Cloud is a private, isolated part of CloudStack. "
+"A VPC can have its own virtual network topology that resembles a traditional"
+" physical network. You can launch VMs in the virtual network that can have "
+"private addresses in the range of your choice, for example: You"
+" can define network tiers within your VPC network range, which in turn "
+"enables you to group similar kinds of instances based on IP address range."
+msgstr "CloudStackVPC是CloudStack云中私有并隔离的部分。一个VPC可以使用自己的虚拟网络拓扑来组建传统物理网络。在这个虚拟网络中,您创建的虚机的私网地址可以由您自主选择IP范围,例如10.0.0.0/16。您可以在VPC网络范围内定义多个网络层,这些层可以让你将类似的虚机按IP地址范围分组。"
+# 52f1ec4df5f14d00acc410893a48cd12
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"For example, if a VPC has the private range, its guest networks "
+"can have the network ranges,,, and so "
+msgstr "例如:一个VPC的私有地址范围是10.0.0.0/16,其中的用户网络的地址范围可以分别是10.0.1.0/24、、等等。"
+# c427f4f401964436adf6600e085f1c73
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:39
+msgid "Major Components of a VPC"
+msgstr ""
+# aa65d02ab49c4593ab9a6304e97b0499
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:41
+msgid "A VPC is comprised of the following network components:"
+msgstr "VPC主要由以下网络组件构成:"
+# 6ce250346a5b4839af2f807498d27a93
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:43
+msgid ""
+"**VPC**: A VPC acts as a container for multiple isolated networks that can "
+"communicate with each other via its virtual router."
+msgstr "**VPC**:一个VPC是多个隔离网络的容器,隔离网络间可以通过VPC的虚拟路由器互通。"
+# bf8dcbee37f94f398e40dcc29aa1b1f2
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:46
+msgid ""
+"**Network Tiers**: Each tier acts as an isolated network with its own VLANs "
+"and CIDR list, where you can place groups of resources, such as VMs. The "
+"tiers are segmented by means of VLANs. The NIC of each tier acts as its "
+msgstr "**网络层**:每个层是一个拥有各自VLAN和CIDR的隔离网络。您可以在层内放置VM等各种资源组。层与层之间通过VLAN方式隔离。VPC虚拟路由器在每个层中的网卡是该层的网关。"
+# 85c01a3feddd4eefa12e8569dc29abdb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"**Virtual Router**: A virtual router is automatically created and started "
+"when you create a VPC. The virtual router connect the tiers and direct "
+"traffic among the public gateway, the VPN gateways, and the NAT instances. "
+"For each tier, a corresponding NIC and IP exist in the virtual router. The "
+"virtual router provides DNS and DHCP services through its IP."
+msgstr "**虚拟路由器**:创建VPC时会自动创建并启动一个虚拟路由器。该虚拟路由器连接了各层,并负责各层与公网网关、VPN网关和NAT实例间的网络流量。对于每个层,该虚拟路由器都会有对应的网卡和IP,并通过该IP提供DNS和DHCP服务。"
+# 084d9e9386154de29f7c85e78edcbddf
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"**Public Gateway**: The traffic to and from the Internet routed to the VPC "
+"through the public gateway. In a VPC, the public gateway is not exposed to "
+"the end user; therefore, static routes are not support for the public "
+msgstr "**公网网关**:VPC进出互联网的流量会走公网网关。VPC中的公网网关不暴露给最终用户,因此公网网关上不支持静态路由。"
+# 0a67aeaa8469476786141e2d15792113
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"**Private Gateway**: All the traffic to and from a private network routed to"
+" the VPC through the private gateway. For more information, see \":ref"
+msgstr "**私有网关**:VPC进出某个私有网络的流量通过私有网关。更多信息,请查阅 \":ref:`adding-priv-gw-vpc`\"."
+# 7f1df774c21345d183d04571db70c24d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:67
+msgid "**VPN Gateway**: The VPC side of a VPN connection."
+msgstr "**VPN 网关**:VPN连接的VPC端。"
+# d4f1eced716140b2ba2e5c4a4bb94733
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:69
+msgid ""
+"**Site-to-Site VPN Connection**: A hardware-based VPN connection between "
+"your VPC and your datacenter, home network, or co-location facility. For "
+"more information, see \":ref:`setting-s2s-vpn-conn`\"."
+msgstr "**点对点VPN连接**:您的VPC和您的数据中心、家庭网络、主机托管设施之间基于硬件的VPN连接。更多信息,请参考\":ref:`setting-s2s-vpn-conn`\"."
+# d96c6c8f7e914115913908328dafe225
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:73
+msgid ""
+"**Customer Gateway**: The customer side of a VPN Connection. For more "
+"information, see `\"Creating and Updating a VPN Customer Gateway\" "
+msgstr "**客户网关**:客户这边的VPN连接。更多信息,请参考 `\"创建和更新VPN客户网关\" <#creating-and-updating-a-vpn-customer-gateway>`_."
+# 4a709f7fe7a644bcbf353a4841f01b9d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:77
+msgid ""
+"**NAT Instance**: An instance that provides Port Address Translation for "
+"instances to access the Internet via the public gateway. For more "
+"information, see \":ref:`enabling-disabling-static-nat-on-vpc`\"."
+msgstr "**NAT实例**:在用户虚机通过公网网关访问公网时,提供端口地址转换的实例。关于更多信息,请参考 \":ref:`enabling-disabling-static-nat-on-vpc`\"."
+# d3585dd79a1e4e7e89912c04813bb102
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"**Network ACL**: Network ACL is a group of Network ACL items. Network ACL "
+"items are nothing but numbered rules that are evaluated in order, starting "
+"with the lowest numbered rule. These rules determine whether traffic is "
+"allowed in or out of any tier associated with the network ACL. For more "
+"information, see \":ref:`conf-net-acl`\"."
+msgstr "**网络ACL**: 网络ACL是一组网络访问控制列表。这些列表就是一个按顺序编号的规则,执行的时候,从最小的编号开始。这些规则决定了与此ACL关联的各个层的进出流量会被允许或阻止。更多信息,请参考 \":ref:`conf-net-acl`\"."
+# d9a20cb6323241afa91a6c2cbc307ff9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:89
+msgid "Network Architecture in a VPC"
+msgstr "VPC的网络架构"
+# 7ee1153de76a4c929d0b1fa6a71fd31d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:91
+msgid ""
+"In a VPC, the following four basic options of network architectures are "
+msgstr "VPC有以下四个基本的网络架构:"
+# 1451c0ec747146d4b4c7cef8cb2721de
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:94
+msgid "VPC with a public gateway only"
+msgstr "只有一个公网网关的VPC"
+# 10f537ebc4544eb487ff69cb3d4925f7
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:96
+msgid "VPC with public and private gateways"
+msgstr "VPC的公有和私有网关"
+# 6df0df8e0b47452e978347b896d0550a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:98
+msgid "VPC with public and private gateways and site-to-site VPN access"
+msgstr "VPC的公有和私有网关以及site-to-site VPN访问"
+# 7210a6e941a1458299c8b7853414ea18
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:100
+msgid "VPC with a private gateway only and site-to-site VPN access"
+msgstr "只有私有网关的VPC以及site-to-site VPN访问"
+# 41f1471fc8d144d4a2ae08eaa26079e5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:104
+msgid "Connectivity Options for a VPC"
+msgstr "VPC的连接选择"
+# 7939a1a9ae10427e945a7598b60a6acb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:106
+msgid "You can connect your VPC to:"
+msgstr "你可以连接你的VPC:"
+# 92785d31fb8449578b7a7d78f8d59eb4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:108
+msgid "The Internet through the public gateway."
+msgstr "通过公有网关连接到Internet."
+# 013122ffc01c46aabad011737399bc1b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"The corporate datacenter by using a site-to-site VPN connection through the "
+"VPN gateway."
+msgstr "通过site-to-siteVPN网关连接到相邻数据中心。"
+# 3199327142444fe1bd185a5b40149130
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:113
+msgid ""
+"Both the Internet and your corporate datacenter by using both the public "
+"gateway and a VPN gateway."
+msgstr "通过公有和私有VPN网关同时连接到Internet和相邻数据中心。"
+# 2a91b9eca4284fbcb69ab5478b249d29
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:118
+msgid "VPC Network Considerations"
+msgstr "VPC网络的考虑事项"
+# 8e8bd043a0c34c77885f6c613181a421
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:120
+msgid "Consider the following before you create a VPC:"
+msgstr "在创建VPC之前,确认以下事项:"
+# f39001cdf8054dcfbd61db983190b41f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:122
+msgid "A VPC, by default, is created in the enabled state."
+msgstr "在创建好VPC之后,其默认处于启用状态。"
+# 82792dd3f27546d2a3c42b67ba5b29f4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:124
+msgid ""
+"A VPC can be created in Advance zone only, and can't belong to more than one"
+" zone at a time."
+msgstr "只能在高级区域中创建VPC,并且VPC只能属于一个区域。"
+# 8a09712594af4741822a39824fdef070
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:127
+msgid ""
+"The default number of VPCs an account can create is 20. However, you can "
+"change it by using the max.account.vpcs global parameter, which controls the"
+" maximum number of VPCs an account is allowed to create."
+msgstr "默认VPC的数量是20个。如果你需要更多的VPC的话,可以通过修改max.account.vpcs这个全局参数。这个参数是控制创建VPC的最大数量的。"
+# 261cae4270494826bf83e0dcae8af848
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:131
+msgid ""
+"The default number of tiers an account can create within a VPC is 3. You can"
+" configure this number by using the vpc.max.networks parameter."
+msgstr "默认一个用户能创建VPC的层数是三层。也可以通过vpc.max.networks这个参数修改。"
+# 62fc1185526b4470b7cc2d5eebfcbdfd
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:135
+msgid ""
+"Each tier should have an unique CIDR in the VPC. Ensure that the tier's CIDR"
+" should be within the VPC CIDR range."
+msgstr "VPC中每一层都需要是唯一的CIDR,并且这个CIDR是在VPC的CIDR的范围之内。"
+# 96300f5d5fe44005a32e9cf1f40b4ea4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:138
+msgid "A tier belongs to only one VPC."
+msgstr "每一层只能属于一个VPC。"
+# 3fa6bb2bbfc54d1da2bab5ebfe5b22b2
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:140
+msgid "All network tiers inside the VPC should belong to the same account."
+msgstr "VPC中所有网络层都应属于同一个帐号。"
+# abd18af86f4e44958067a2f7dc82012f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:142
+msgid ""
+"When a VPC is created, by default, a SourceNAT IP is allocated to it. The "
+"Source NAT IP is released only when the VPC is removed."
+msgstr "当VPC创建好之后,默认会分配好SourceNAT IP。当此VPC删除之后,SourceNAT IP也会被释放。"
+# 14ebd559d22240e29e435b14253ef654
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:145
+msgid ""
+"A public IP can be used for only one purpose at a time. If the IP is a "
+"sourceNAT, it cannot be used for StaticNAT or port forwarding."
+msgstr "一个公网IP只能用一个用途。如果此IP用于SourceNAT作用的话,就不能同时再用作StaticNAT 或端口转发。"
+# c29d747872084beb8924548c54211fae
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:148
+msgid ""
+"The instances can only have a private IP address that you provision. To "
+"communicate with the Internet, enable NAT to an instance that you launch in "
+"your VPC."
+msgstr "一个实例只能有一个私有IP地址,为了访问Internet,你可以为VPC里的此实例启用NAT功能。"
+# 8d3468d50b334a3389cb81da8b464dea
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:152
+msgid ""
+"Only new networks can be added to a VPC. The maximum number of networks per "
+"VPC is limited by the value you specify in the vpc.max.networks parameter. "
+"The default value is three."
+msgstr "只有新的网络才能加入VPC。每一个VPC的最大网络数量由参数vpc.max.networks指定。其默认值为3."
+# af8282a7c19c4580a62b69371106d6f2
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:156
+msgid ""
+"The load balancing service can be supported by only one tier inside the VPC."
+msgstr "VPC中只有一层支持负载均衡服务。"
+# 39cb5b3dc8fe40988ffba7f5ede4490d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:159
+msgid "If an IP address is assigned to a tier:"
+msgstr "如果一个IP地址被赋予一个网络层:"
+# 176c27ebe07048b3a7836a228d011441
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:161
+msgid ""
+"That IP can't be used by more than one tier at a time in the VPC. For "
+"example, if you have tiers A and B, and a public IP1, you can create a port "
+"forwarding rule by using the IP either for A or B, but not for both."
+msgstr "那么这个IP就不能在VPC里被另外的层所使用。比如:如果你有A层和B层以及一个公网IP地址,则你可以为A或B创建一个端口转发规则,但不能同时在A和B上创建。"
+# f43348e85da24485a1d92b63da2366ac
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:166
+msgid ""
+"That IP can't be used for StaticNAT, load balancing, or port forwarding "
+"rules for another guest network inside the VPC."
+msgstr "那个IP也不能在VPC的其它的客户网络里用作StaticNAT,负载均衡,端口转发规则。"
+# fee8e4c6c5954adeb9005bf1d5ce023e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:169
+msgid "Remote access VPN is not supported in VPC networks."
+msgstr "VPC网络不支持Remote access VPN。"
+# 96fc9927ad5141bba2d657b1963d9d87
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:173
+msgid "Adding a Virtual Private Cloud"
+msgstr "添加一个VPC"
+# 5f129175d6144d298c7ede91ac9ec513
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:175
+msgid ""
+"When creating the VPC, you simply provide the zone and a set of IP addresses"
+" for the VPC network address space. You specify this set of addresses in the"
+" form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block."
+msgstr "当创建VPC时,你只需要提供区域名和VPC要使用的一组IP地址。这组IP地址是以CIDR块的形式提供。"
+# c91fb511977940b7b6f4adbffe2da030
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:185
+msgid "Click Add VPC. The Add VPC page is displayed as follows:"
+msgstr "点击添加VPC按钮。页面呈现以下:"
+# 7632a958cf894fb9a2bfac92d1f5600d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:187
+msgid "|add-vpc.png|"
+msgstr "|add-vpc.png|"
+# 8ecd10dee5dc44baa12a0ec575b6f501
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:191
+msgid "**Name**: A short name for the VPC that you are creating."
+msgstr "**名称**: 要创建的VPC的名称。"
+# 27ae714de91a400780ba0479927daaf5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:193
+msgid "**Description**: A brief description of the VPC."
+msgstr "**描述**: 关于此VPC的简短描述."
+# 1824e109bd6c46ac8a5a0c0f2057b2fa
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:195
+msgid "**Zone**: Choose the zone where you want the VPC to be available."
+msgstr "**区域**: 你希望将此VPN应用在哪个区域中。"
+# e936203c2e05451299d2de67f4f47ebc
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:197
+msgid ""
+"**Super CIDR for Guest Networks**: Defines the CIDR range for all the tiers "
+"(guest networks) within a VPC. When you create a tier, ensure that its CIDR "
+"is within the Super CIDR value you enter. The CIDR must be RFC1918 "
+msgstr "**客户网络超级CIDR**: 定义一个VPC内所有层(客户网络)的CIDR范围。当你新创建一个层时,这个层的CIDR必须在这个超级CIDR范围之内。CIDR的格式定义必须符合RFC1918。"
+# 6ca68d15f75048b0b195f40134796a2c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:202
+msgid ""
+"**DNS domain for Guest Networks**: If you want to assign a special domain "
+"name, specify the DNS suffix. This parameter is applied to all the tiers "
+"within the VPC. That implies, all the tiers you create in the VPC belong to "
+"the same DNS domain. If the parameter is not specified, a DNS domain name is"
+" generated automatically."
+msgstr "**客户网络的DNS域名**: 如果你需要一个域名,则需要在此指定域名后缀。这个参数会应用到VPC中所有的层中。这表示,VPC中所有的层都属于同一个域。如果没有指定域名,则域名会由系统随机产生。"
+# 71b34c1e720143dfa39c979df560f4ca
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:208
+msgid ""
+"**Public Load Balancer Provider**: You have two options: VPC Virtual Router "
+"and Netscaler."
+msgstr "**公共负载均衡提供者**: 有两个选项:VPC虚拟路由器和 Netscaler。"
+# 8798d1945a1c4084a1b2a0614ec9db32
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:215
+msgid "Adding Tiers"
+msgstr "添加层"
+# 98d4e1b6db094ef3be8c292cd0efa54b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:217
+msgid ""
+"Tiers are distinct locations within a VPC that act as isolated networks, "
+"which do not have access to other tiers by default. Tiers are set up on "
+"different VLANs that can communicate with each other by using a virtual "
+"router. Tiers provide inexpensive, low latency network connectivity to other"
+" tiers within the VPC."
+msgstr "层在VPC里起来隔离网络的作用,默认规则是层之间不能互访。不同VLAN之间的层可以通过虚拟机实现连接。层在VPC内部提供一种廉价,低延迟的网络连接。"
+# 3314f3a5a14a4b969d7ee70acab97a4a
+# f747c26b980441cc9b6ecb7baf8f8557
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:229
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1366
+msgid ""
+"All the VPC that you have created for the account is listed in the page."
+msgstr "此帐号创建的所有VPC将显示在页面中。"
+# 8844e1d7896046a7881fdb53a34d3dce
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:233
+msgid ""
+"The end users can see their own VPCs, while root and domain admin can see "
+"any VPC they are authorized to see."
+msgstr "最终用户能看到他们自己的VPC,系统管理用户和域管理员可以看到所有被授权查看的VPC。"
+# 9771fbcf9e3e4bc7adeceaeb5db1a8ff
+# 19ef7e315e30411398c644e4ee829252
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:236
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1369
+msgid ""
+"Click the Configure button of the VPC for which you want to set up tiers."
+msgstr "在你希望设置层的VPC里,点击配置按钮。"
+# c78aa8064f6342b481fd5870fce87c54
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:239
+msgid "Click Create network."
+msgstr "点击新建网络。"
+# c405f8d748a04cbe8c19e538c402ff7e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:241
+msgid "The Add new tier dialog is displayed, as follows:"
+msgstr "然后,添加层的对话界面就会出现。如下:"
+# 34e2e606b003480ab786bf798340707f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:243
+msgid "|add-tier.png|"
+msgstr "|add-tier.png|"
+# e176f3eb0eff46849004f861f27d70ba
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:245
+msgid ""
+"If you have already created tiers, the VPC diagram is displayed. Click "
+"Create Tier to add a new tier."
+msgstr "如果你已添加层,VPC界面就会出现。点击添加层可以增加一个新的层。"
+# 6da7a219b10c4cd393a25728f68792f6
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:252
+msgid "**Name**: A unique name for the tier you create."
+msgstr "**名称**: 你添加的层的一个唯一的层名。"
+# 1b4af9e2df5d4c45a8fe0846d9421847
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:254
+msgid ""
+"**Network Offering**: The following default network offerings are listed: "
+"Internal LB, DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksNoLB, "
+msgstr "**网络方案**: 默认有以下几种网络方案: Internal LB, DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksNoLB, DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworks"
+# ee49520ec77a4c7097618acebca06e0a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:259
+msgid ""
+"In a VPC, only one tier can be created by using LB-enabled network offering."
+msgstr "在一个VPC中,用LB-enabled network offering只能创建一个层。"
+# fe3e7690b8434d17bee25931f77b4060
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:267
+msgid "**VLAN**: The VLAN ID for the tier that the root admin creates."
+msgstr "**VLAN**: 指定系统管理员创建的层的VLAN ID号。"
+# ac4187501eb24391a8fe48b9eaea78db
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:269
+msgid ""
+"This option is only visible if the network offering you selected is VLAN-"
+msgstr "这个选项只在你选择的方案在VLAN-enabled的情况下才会显示出来。"
+# 4f0b4d89f6904969ae3ee5e09664a312
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:272
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `\"Assigning VLANs to Isolated Networks\" "
+msgstr "如需要更多信息,请参考\"为隔离网络分配VLAN\" <hosts.html#assigning-vlans-to-isolated-networks>`_.节。"
+# 9d2a27efdd3340729e2b4d326a7ae82f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:283
+msgid "Continue with configuring access control list for the tier."
+msgstr "继续为层配置访问控制列表。"
+# cfc11ab12602462ea15568f2ee59a571
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:289
+msgid "Configuring Network Access Control List"
+msgstr "配置网络访问控制列表"
+# 80d05b449ec74dcf9676a890310dd627
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:291
+msgid ""
+"Define Network Access Control List (ACL) on the VPC virtual router to "
+"control incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress) traffic between the VPC "
+"tiers, and the tiers and Internet. By default, all incoming traffic to the "
+"guest networks is blocked and all outgoing traffic from guest networks is "
+"allowed, once you add an ACL rule for outgoing traffic, then only outgoing "
+"traffic specified in this ACL rule is allowed, the rest is blocked. To open "
+"the ports, you must create a new network ACL. The network ACLs can be "
+"created for the tiers only if the NetworkACL service is supported."
+msgstr "定义网络访问控制列表(ACL),用以在VPC的层之间,或是层与互联网之间控制进出流量。默认情况下,客户网络的所有进入流量被阻止,所有外出流量被允许。一旦在外出流量方向添加了ACL,则只有ACL规则允许的流量可以被允许,其余的外出流量会被阻止。如果要开放其它端口,则需要在新的ACL中明确定义。只有在支持NetworkACL服务的条件下,只能创建层的ACL。"
+# aa42198a93034f1c84348ea431669aa6
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:303
+msgid "About Network ACL Lists"
+msgstr "关于ACL列表"
+# b8c70fbf1bc54242a435cb7f6a8bcfff
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:305
+msgid ""
+"In CloudStack terminology, Network ACL is a group of Network ACL items. "
+"Network ACL items are nothing but numbered rules that are evaluated in "
+"order, starting with the lowest numbered rule. These rules determine whether"
+" traffic is allowed in or out of any tier associated with the network ACL. "
+"You need to add the Network ACL items to the Network ACL, then associate the"
+" Network ACL with a tier. Network ACL is associated with a VPC and can be "
+"assigned to multiple VPC tiers within a VPC. A Tier is associated with a "
+"Network ACL at all the times. Each tier can be associated with only one ACL."
+msgstr "在CloudStack术语中,ACL指的是一组针对网络条目。其按条目规则顺序执行,从最小值开始。这些规则决定了与此ACL关联的层的进出流量是被允许还是阻止。操作的方法是添加一个ACL,然后将这个ACL与层关联。ACL在整个VPC中使用,它可以被关系到一个VPC当中多个层中。一个层能及只能关联到一个ACL中。"
+# 2b2f7cf9c53546368b42fa70f544bd0a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:315
+msgid ""
+"The default Network ACL is used when no ACL is associated. Default behavior "
+"is all the incoming traffic is blocked and outgoing traffic is allowed from "
+"the tiers. Default network ACL cannot be removed or modified. Contents of "
+"the default Network ACL is:"
+msgstr "当没有ACL明确关联时,会有一个默认的ACL起作用。默认规则是层中所有进入流量被阻止,所有外出流量被允许默认的ACL不能被删除或修改。默认ACL的内容如下:"
+# 94ec3c0bd9ad4d2694658ae87c05a6dc
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+msgid "Rule"
+msgstr "规则"
+# cdf1ee2618b8425fa236a5ba71e879f8
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+msgid "Protocol"
+msgstr "协议"
+# 71beb1131ecc4bf79f519067b0cc0421
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+msgid "Traffic type"
+msgstr "流量类型"
+# 02feb18dc4204c6d816848bece6753f2
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:321
+msgid "Action"
+msgstr "动作"
+# 7b039a75bc4e40b0998ee720fc9be7af
+# b4c3a2a2f8274af8b1e3a9590128b37e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "所有"
+# 29b1464ed65441e9aef0eac71c0aee88
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+msgid "Ingress"
+msgstr "进入流量"
+# 0f25a9ce81214a8db99b2c15ca68ecaf
+# 1f7b00eb40c84e49afad68ec636cf017
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:323
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+# 2a938982deaf4bee91999a560045df0f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:324
+msgid "Egress"
+msgstr "外出流量"
+# a89760a050314e7687a774e021984e36
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:329
+msgid "Creating ACL Lists"
+msgstr "创建ACL列表"
+# 3eda1f1ad1e84a5fa0abdd0d63298377
+# c9c0ef8b2d724a88af647c817e2e60b3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:364
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:391
+msgid "Select Network ACL Lists."
+msgstr "选择网络ACL列表。"
+# d948b72948e443708b6aa2c594cbf48c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:366
+msgid ""
+"The following default rules are displayed in the Network ACLs page: "
+"default\\_allow, default\\_deny."
+msgstr "在ACL页面,下面默认规则将会显示出来:default\\_allow, default\\_deny."
+# a06453197ea54b78a1671d85bf9e73d7
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:369
+msgid "Click Add ACL Lists, and specify the following:"
+msgstr "点击添加ACL列表,指定以下配置:"
+# 936eba7c1c614d71b4d81a9836930774
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:371
+msgid "**ACL List Name**: A name for the ACL list."
+msgstr "**ACL列表名称**: 为ACL列表命名。"
+# 33929738488f4ea9919dcf6a7e3fe2f5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:373
+msgid ""
+"**Description**: A short description of the ACL list that can be displayed "
+"to users."
+msgstr "**描述**: ACL列表的简短描述。"
+# 7c8c60eca2c549f5b45770647d1aa00c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:378
+msgid "Creating an ACL Rule"
+msgstr "创建一个ACL规则"
+# 9dd4e8a5913f4029b9009edcec1a873e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:393
+msgid ""
+"In addition to the custom ACL lists you have created, the following default "
+"rules are displayed in the Network ACLs page: default\\_allow, "
+msgstr "除了创建的你自定义的ACL列表之后,以下默认ACL规则也会显示在页面中:default\\_allow, default\\_deny."
+# a6f4bd8cfb1b4f6fad84ffaa0cb8be7d
+# 8f83289dee8e4333b67e394e3c8d0f0d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:397
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:477
+msgid "Select the desired ACL list."
+msgstr "选择需要的ACL列表。"
+# 92b66b5dafcf4032a201494a372c5a09
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:399
+msgid "Select the ACL List Rules tab."
+msgstr "选择ACL规则栏"
+# dfaf3ab49c4a4d8c89f6e9f968c769ac
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:401
+msgid ""
+"To add an ACL rule, fill in the following fields to specify what kind of "
+"network traffic is allowed in the VPC."
+msgstr "为了创建ACL规则,需要在VPC中定义下面哪些网络流量是允许的。"
+# 51c1de77519e4d1dbd873ec733e2ba75
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:404
+msgid "**Rule Number**: The order in which the rules are evaluated."
+msgstr "**规则序号**: 规则被执行的顺序。"
+# 86a9b66780f94ece927187a782db5a7b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:406
+msgid ""
+"**CIDR**: The CIDR acts as the Source CIDR for the Ingress rules, and "
+"Destination CIDR for the Egress rules. To accept traffic only from or to the"
+" IP addresses within a particular address block, enter a CIDR or a comma-"
+"separated list of CIDRs. The CIDR is the base IP address of the incoming "
+"traffic. For example, To allow all CIDRs, set to"
+msgstr "**CIDR**: 对于进入的规则,CIDR对源地址起作用,对于外出的规则,CIDR对目标地址起作用。如果要定义多个可接受进出流量的特定地址段,需要以逗号分隔各个CIDR。CIDR是进入流量的基IP地址。比如, 如要对所有CIDR允许流量, 设置为"
+# 8330289162464c20a853e935c0a8994c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:413
+msgid "**Action**: What action to be taken. Allow traffic or block."
+msgstr "**操作**: 定义要进行的操作,允许或阻止。"
+# 498ccf8b2f69422382f0f84e1ca4539c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:415
+msgid ""
+"**Protocol**: The networking protocol that sources use to send traffic to "
+"the tier. The TCP and UDP protocols are typically used for data exchange and"
+" end-user communications. The ICMP protocol is typically used to send error "
+"messages or network monitoring data. All supports all the traffic. Other "
+"option is Protocol Number."
+msgstr "**协议**: 发送到层的源地址的网络协议。最终用户的访问和数据交换通常是用TCP和UDP协议。ICMP协议通常用来发送错误信息或网络监控。ALL表示支持所有协议流量,其它选项是协议编号。"
+# e63c6c1906af4a6b8ed6d87b9c73ed40
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:422
+msgid ""
+"**Start Port**, **End Port** (TCP, UDP only): A range of listening ports "
+"that are the destination for the incoming traffic. If you are opening a "
+"single port, use the same number in both fields."
+msgstr "**起始端口**, **结束端口** (TCP, UDP only):对进入流量,这些端口是指需要监听的目标地址的端口范围。如果你只开放一个端口,则在起始和结束端口里填写同一个端口。"
+# 7c79246e902c4bbc8186dda26670b328
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:426
+msgid ""
+"**Protocol Number**: The protocol number associated with IPv4 or IPv6. For "
+"more information, see `Protocol Numbers <"
+msgstr "**协议编号**: 协议编号是与IPV4或IPV6相关联的。更多信息,请参考 `协议号 <>`_."
+# f108c8672b5549f0b7bccead5633f71e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:430
+msgid ""
+"**ICMP Type**, **ICMP Code** (ICMP only): The type of message and error code"
+" that will be sent."
+msgstr "**ICMP类型**, **ICMP代码** (ICMP only): 信息类型及发送错误的代码。"
+# aea6fa8baba04251bd617d19ec0fac50
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:433
+msgid "**Traffic Type**: The type of traffic: Incoming or outgoing."
+msgstr "**流量类型**: 进出流量的类型。"
+# 8837fecc5cbe4deb9b9b32eb1e7a22bb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:435
+msgid "Click Add. The ACL rule is added."
+msgstr "点击添加。这个ACL规则就添加好了。"
+# ff24506a3edf4b368b6851738d3cd4a6
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:437
+msgid ""
+"You can edit the tags assigned to the ACL rules and delete the ACL rules you"
+" have created. Click the appropriate button in the Details tab."
+msgstr "你可以重新编辑ACL标签,或是删除ACL。点击详细信息里的appropriate按钮。"
+# 686d25e2eb934b228756cffad503dc14
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:443
+msgid "Creating a Tier with Custom ACL List"
+msgstr "创建一个具有自定义ACL列表的层。"
+# 12b4daba446b406188c175ab28efa5c1
+# e044ead1ada14ab5b3ec8b3e711b655c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:445
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:461
+msgid "Create a VPC."
+msgstr "创建一个VPC。"
+# 5f8cae5888424f2a90e4e67bb1174768
+# 1a83d09401c84e96a549f864c6695017
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:447
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:467
+msgid "Create a custom ACL list."
+msgstr "创建一个自定义ACL列表。"
+# a0a748dbf9a14a6292e606e617c28d64
+# b359fbe706df412e8209f49644e377e0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:449
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:469
+msgid "Add ACL rules to the ACL list."
+msgstr "将ACL规则加入ACL列表。"
+# 3c202066013d4bc0adfd54fbb57b6a40
+# c1084edbb18d4e88a8862f51a676882d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:451
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:463
+msgid "Create a tier in the VPC."
+msgstr "在VPC里创建一个层。"
+# 2693d2f98f2144d2bd046d2a6ee9edc4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:453
+msgid "Select the desired ACL list while creating a tier."
+msgstr "在创建层的过程中选择需要的ACL列表。"
+# 8d75f722483847bfbaf121d50683108f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:459
+msgid "Assigning a Custom ACL List to a Tier"
+msgstr "将一个自定义的ACL关联到一个层。"
+# fb8e5f4022c7464683a31b78f61d773e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:465
+msgid "Associate the tier with the default ACL rule."
+msgstr "将默认的ACL规则关联到层。"
+# 39e12cdf7861405b9cb6e499e2a43a69
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:471
+msgid "Select the tier for which you want to assign the custom ACL."
+msgstr "选中你希望赋予自定义ACL的层。"
+# 948fcbc5ab17415abed167dfec847398
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:473
+msgid "Click the Replace ACL List icon. |replace-acl-icon.png|"
+msgstr "点击替换ACL图标。|replace-acl-icon.png|"
+# 1e59b7c5187d410c84f77a2de169bfd2
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:475
+msgid "The Replace ACL List dialog is displayed."
+msgstr "替换ACL的对话界面将会弹出来。"
+# 6a8102624df0467d816ba212863e0f4a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:485
+msgid "Adding a Private Gateway to a VPC"
+msgstr "在一个VPC里加入私有网关。"
+# d90a68b590214ef5a6ef4f86afbf6fd5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:487
+msgid ""
+"A private gateway can be added by the root admin only. The VPC private "
+"network has 1:1 relationship with the NIC of the physical network. You can "
+"configure multiple private gateways to a single VPC. No gateways with "
+"duplicated VLAN and IP are allowed in the same data center."
+msgstr "私有网关只能被系统管理员添加。VPC私有网络和物理网络之间是1:1的对应关系。你可以在一个VPC里定义多个私有网关。在同一个数据中心,不允许复制VLAN和IP的网关。"
+# 8834cea2024a427e8ed0a565fd66bd19
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:501
+msgid ""
+"Click the Configure button of the VPC to which you want to configure load "
+"balancing rules."
+msgstr "在你想配置负载均衡的VPC上点击配置按钮。"
+# b947ba8a391e4148ae31611b4dd8a083
+# 97f4415d522c4cd0bcb3fccbe14ce6bb
+# 3ee1ffc35ae4421ab543c330faa61f59
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:509
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:744
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:802
+msgid "The following options are displayed."
+msgstr "下面这些选项就会出现。"
+# 0486f473e9e3414bb92b039e48b87494
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:531
+msgid "Select Private Gateways."
+msgstr "选择私有网关。"
+# a70922624b2b4f53abab8e82e8145edb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:533
+msgid "The Gateways page is displayed."
+msgstr "网关对话框就会显示出来。"
+# 997a7c9466244a49a73f4b7b36f80498
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:535
+msgid "Click Add new gateway:"
+msgstr "点击添加新网关:"
+# 46ae796875074a9bb87aa12a389ff481
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:537
+msgid "|add-new-gateway-vpc.png|"
+msgstr "|add-new-gateway-vpc.png|"
+# 2bdb16a51b0c4b0ebc5ecc1fe2301931
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:541
+msgid ""
+"**Physical Network**: The physical network you have created in the zone."
+msgstr "**物理网络**: 此处为你已在区域内建好的物理网络。"
+# 40e19742c3d6491ba0358d3376dca15c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:544
+msgid "**IP Address**: The IP address associated with the VPC gateway."
+msgstr "**IP地址**: 关联VPC网关的IP地址。"
+# b992f8b2e26749a7b8eb0483fbe18516
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:546
+msgid ""
+"**Gateway**: The gateway through which the traffic is routed to and from the"
+" VPC."
+msgstr "**网关**: 定义进出VPC流量的网关。"
+# 08b7e18cfef146d5aac5e3a932b9ceee
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:549
+msgid "**Netmask**: The netmask associated with the VPC gateway."
+msgstr "**Netmask**: VPC网关的子网掩码。"
+# 17bf2c0bfeb849c286ef214c11472b88
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:551
+msgid "**VLAN**: The VLAN associated with the VPC gateway."
+msgstr "**VLAN**: VPC网关的VLAN。"
+# 7c787d4d6da0489494c04559abeb12bb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:553
+msgid ""
+"**Source NAT**: Select this option to enable the source NAT service on the "
+"VPC private gateway."
+msgstr "**Source NAT**: 这个选项会启用VPC私有网关的source NAT服务。"
+# d3c83ba870aa46f481f5b326130c542f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:556
+msgid "See \":ref:`source-nat-priv-gw`\"."
+msgstr "参考\":ref:`source-nat-priv-gw`\"."
+# d19b3a39546842e5a175f1e7e7819cef
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:558
+msgid ""
+"**ACL**: Controls both ingress and egress traffic on a VPC private gateway. "
+"By default, all the traffic is blocked."
+msgstr "**ACL**: 控制VPC私有网关的进出流量,默认情况下,所有流量被阻止。"
+# eb9e7232fbad4dc5b0bae719d0592256
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:561
+msgid "See \":ref:`acl-priv-gw`\"."
+msgstr "参考\":ref:`acl-priv-gw`\"."
+# 7aa9fc8200334aa4901dc0974c908c27
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:563
+msgid ""
+"The new gateway appears in the list. You can repeat these steps to add more "
+"gateway for this VPC."
+msgstr "新的网关就会出现在列表中。你可以重复这些步骤为VPC增加更多的网关。"
+# 2b0ce92e7bed418b936208b7bad7d5b7
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:570
+msgid "Source NAT on Private Gateway"
+msgstr "私有网关的Source NAT"
+# fe7ed22a9393446c9cc5ad4d4cd5edc3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:572
+msgid ""
+"You might want to deploy multiple VPCs with the same super CIDR and guest "
+"tier CIDR. Therefore, multiple guest VMs from different VPCs can have the "
+"same IPs to reach a enterprise data center through the private gateway. In "
+"such cases, a NAT service need to be configured on the private gateway to "
+"avoid IP conflicts. If Source NAT is enabled, the guest VMs in VPC reaches "
+"the enterprise network via private gateway IP address by using the NAT "
+msgstr "你可能希望在同一个超级CIDR和客户层CIDR中部署多个VPC。因此,在一个数据中心,不同VPC中的虚拟机通过私有网络可以拥有相同的IP地址。在这种情况下,就需要在私有网关里配置Source NAT服务以避免IP冲突。如果Source NAT服务启用,VPC中的客户虚拟机使用私有网关IP地址与数据中心其它机器交流。"
+# 5a711a13a70c4237b78e207150d2aa6b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:580
+msgid ""
+"The Source NAT service on a private gateway can be enabled while adding the "
+"private gateway. On deletion of a private gateway, source NAT rules specific"
+" to the private gateway are deleted."
+msgstr "Source NAT服务是添加私有网关时启用。如果删除了私有网关,关联到此私有网关的Source NAT规则也会被删除。"
+# 63952cd0c2df4a2ba370e8e3f499ebb3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:584
+msgid ""
+"To enable source NAT on existing private gateways, delete them and create "
+"afresh with source NAT."
+msgstr "如要有已有私有网关中启用Source NAT,需要先删除(私有网关),然后再建一个启用Source NAT的私有网关。"
+# ca4ce702729d44de9545633f08b8e2c0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:591
+msgid "ACL on Private Gateway"
+msgstr "私有网关的ACL"
+# f6b347934c2d421d9b87c66c8944a8b9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:593
+msgid ""
+"The traffic on the VPC private gateway is controlled by creating both "
+"ingress and egress network ACL rules. The ACLs contains both allow and deny "
+"rules. As per the rule, all the ingress traffic to the private gateway "
+"interface and all the egress traffic out from the private gateway interface "
+"are blocked."
+msgstr "VPC私有网关的进出流量是被ACL规则控制的。ACL均包含允许和阻止的规则。在每一条规则中,所有进出私有网关接口的流量是被阻止的。"
+# 6f1f3b0dd74f4ce594dbb45f33ef48e9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:599
+msgid ""
+"You can change this default behaviour while creating a private gateway. "
+"Alternatively, you can do the following:"
+msgstr "你可以在创建私有网关时,改变这个默认的行为。或者,你也可以按如下方式操作:"
+# 8238d9adc04246d9a930b0b546fc0dc4
+# b52342a1c90a4d8588ad601a3cb95384
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:602
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:633
+msgid "In a VPC, identify the Private Gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr "在VPC中,验证你想操作的私有网关。"
+# d0331cbe6cb343e9baeed7ebabf6898b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:604
+msgid "In the Private Gateway page, do either of the following:"
+msgstr "在私有网关页面,按如下步骤操作:"
+# d004af9551994806b983a6b59283779b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:606
+msgid "Use the Quickview. See 3."
+msgstr "使用快速查看视图,参考3."
+# 40cc4d8cf410478e812d5cb50a621341
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:608
+msgid "Use the Details tab. See 4 through ."
+msgstr "使用详细查看栏。参考4。"
+# 6d609b2091244d7ca3405dc4269efe6f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:610
+msgid ""
+"In the Quickview of the selected Private Gateway, click Replace ACL, select "
+"the ACL rule, then click OK"
+msgstr "在所选择的私有网关的快速查看视图里,点击替换ACL,选中ACL规则,然后点击OK按钮。"
+# 83b99b7439014125a36b48a6b0a7f80e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:613
+msgid "Click the IP address of the Private Gateway you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击你需要操作的私有网关的IP地址。"
+# 14187251994f4a8c8ccffac034d839d3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:615
+msgid ""
+"In the Detail tab, click the Replace ACL button. |replace-acl-icon.png|"
+msgstr "在详细查看栏。点击替换ACL按钮。|replace-acl-icon.png|"
+# 9dbebf0df0394108a99bc5c305a172cb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:618
+msgid "The Replace ACL dialog is displayed."
+msgstr "替换ACL的对话框就会出现。"
+# ec9140575d1943d0b76f6536f0862e43
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:620
+msgid "select the ACL rule, then click OK."
+msgstr "选择ACL规则,然后点击OK按钮。"
+# a324b1ff2ee443c885f67b4510b32b3e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:622
+msgid ""
+"Wait for few seconds. You can see that the new ACL rule is displayed in the "
+"Details page."
+msgstr "稍等片刻。你就会看到新的ACL规则出现在详细页面里了。"
+# 9a47b3e0d1cf4da0990cb87352ca3de5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:627
+msgid "Creating a Static Route"
+msgstr "创建一个静态静由。"
+# e189527e17704f7cab4e4e21f6b2549f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:629
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack enables you to specify routing for the VPN connection you create."
+" You can enter one or CIDR addresses to indicate which traffic is to be "
+"routed back to the gateway."
+msgstr "CloudStack可以让你指定你创建的VPN链接的路由。你可以输入一个或CIDR地址来指定路由返回到网关的具体流量。"
+# b95c782aec15430ab351080cb9dc47ba
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:635
+msgid ""
+"In the Private Gateway page, click the IP address of the Private Gateway you"
+" want to work with."
+msgstr "在私有网关页面,点击你需要的私有网关的IP地址。"
+# f62c207d59b144dd8e5724167fb00821
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:638
+msgid "Select the Static Routes tab."
+msgstr "选择静态路由栏。"
+# 98e5544022bb4cf39452861c830d9665
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:640
+msgid "Specify the CIDR of destination network."
+msgstr "指定目标网络的CIDR。"
+# 35f9f527d4364d4db2faefcd92d3a394
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:644
+msgid "Wait for few seconds until the new route is created."
+msgstr "稍等片刻,新的路由就创建好了。"
+# f5f80f387b5246caa603111d30dcfab7
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:648
+msgid "Blacklisting Routes"
+msgstr "路由黑名单"
+# 8515025cd30a4b30b46f527ea9be5b2b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:650
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack enables you to block a list of routes so that they are not "
+"assigned to any of the VPC private gateways. Specify the list of routes that"
+" you want to blacklist in the ``blacklisted.routes`` global parameter. Note "
+"that the parameter update affects only new static route creations. If you "
+"block an existing static route, it remains intact and continue functioning. "
+"You cannot add a static route if the route is blacklisted for the zone."
+msgstr "CloudStack允许你定义一个路由黑名单,这样它们就不能关联到任何VPC私有网关。你需要在全局参数blacklisted.routes里定义。要注意,此参数只在新路由创建时才会生效。如果你在黑名单里加入了已存在的静态路由,则此静态路由还是会继续起作用。你不能把在路由黑名单里的路由加入到静态路由当中去。"
+# 0a8f5a5461c9432188d46d5dc80a91a0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:660
+msgid "Deploying VMs to the Tier"
+msgstr "将虚拟机部署到层。"
+# ad6ac67751dc4a668c90b3901921cecf
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:674
+msgid ""
+"The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you have created are listed."
+msgstr "所有创建好的层都会有VPC页面里列出来。"
+# 8da453ba01704444966e4877573b0073
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:677
+msgid "Click Virtual Machines tab of the tier to which you want to add a VM."
+msgstr "指向你想添加虚拟机的层,点击虚拟机栏。"
+# 7564a13e0be543f29abd89bd7ef0c987
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:679
+msgid "|add-vm-vpc.png|"
+msgstr "|add-vm-vpc.png|"
+# ceb06d16d0d545d79a24d120e0cc1557
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:681
+msgid "The Add Instance page is displayed."
+msgstr "添加实例的页面就会出现。"
+# e0c2b5aaefda4e768eca34fdf762257c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:683
+msgid ""
+"Follow the on-screen instruction to add an instance. For information on "
+"adding an instance, see the Installation Guide."
+msgstr "按照屏幕所指示的操作加入实例。至于如何添加实例,参照安装指南文档。"
+# 23b31383376b429ab397c708f57a73bb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:688
+msgid "Deploying VMs to VPC Tier and Shared Networks"
+msgstr "在VPC层中部署虚拟,共享网络。"
+# 2bac09bc2c4a4906abd70bb5d83a5111
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:690
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack allows you deploy VMs on a VPC tier and one or more shared "
+"networks. With this feature, VMs deployed in a multi-tier application can "
+"receive monitoring services via a shared network provided by a service "
+msgstr "CloudStack允许你在VPC层中部署虚拟机和共享网络。有了这个功能,分布在多层当中的虚拟机可以通过共享网络接收到监控服务。"
+# e86ba5c678024942ba0da9ff54dd94ae
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:695
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator."
+msgstr "用系统管理员登陆到CloudStack UI界面。"
+# 50b2ea4e91a94d79b91efe6ba058dadd
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:697
+msgid "In the left navigation, choose Instances."
+msgstr "在左边的导航栏里,选择实例。"
+# 0f4af44df518497191f2b3af865061d2
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:699
+msgid "Click Add Instance."
+msgstr "点击添加实例。"
+# a5a3bb272f26416fa231be8972453e35
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:701
+msgid "Select a zone."
+msgstr "选择一个区域。"
+# 51a5385be8d5470b859a693b22b5c52b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:703
+msgid "Select a template or ISO, then follow the steps in the wizard."
+msgstr "选择一个模板或ISO,按向导步骤操作。 "
+# bb1283c54a10494a96923abd8273c452
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:705
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that the hardware you have allows starting the selected service "
+msgstr "请确认你的硬件支持所选择的服务方案。"
+# afcf609fa1fb4cc5a296c5eb20e7c9f5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:708
+msgid ""
+"Under Networks, select the desired networks for the VM you are launching."
+msgstr "在网络导航栏,选择你希望虚拟机所在的网络。"
+# f749aa3668cd4b44bb2ebeff764f56dd
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:711
+msgid "You can deploy a VM to a VPC tier and multiple shared networks."
+msgstr "你可以将虚拟机部署在一个拥有多个共享网络的VPC层中。"
+# b0aa4f80622f4438a373dce39b0c6537
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:713
+msgid "|addvm-tier-sharednw.png|"
+msgstr "|addvm-tier-sharednw.png|"
+# d3d95e78e214447ab42817d669d4fb61
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:715
+msgid "Click Next, review the configuration and click Launch."
+msgstr "点击下一步,审看已配置信息,然后点击启动。"
+# 2f1d867de64e4eef8f377943f7f76f2b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:717
+msgid "Your VM will be deployed to the selected VPC tier and shared network."
+msgstr "你的这个虚拟机就已被部署到所选择的VPC层和共享网络中。"
+# 5dfeffe5b39b420b8932120cf5a86f75
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:721
+msgid "Acquiring a New IP Address for a VPC"
+msgstr "VPC获取新的IP地址。"
+# 31693458308e43659d6be92a4f78c332
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:723
+msgid ""
+"When you acquire an IP address, all IP addresses are allocated to VPC, not "
+"to the guest networks within the VPC. The IPs are associated to the guest "
+"network only when the first port-forwarding, load balancing, or Static NAT "
+"rule is created for the IP or the network. IP can't be associated to more "
+"than one network at a time."
+msgstr "当获取IP地址时,所有的IP地址会被分配到该VPC,而不是VPC中的用户网络。只有当在IP或用户网络上创建第一个网络规则(端口映射、负载均衡、静态NAT)时,该IP才会关联到用户网络。一个IP不能同时关联一个以上的网络。"
+# 075db32f8684487ebf86e97f17da3fb0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:766
+msgid "Select IP Addresses."
+msgstr "选择IP地址。"
+# ca26d66e3c0644258b7e33c973c87793
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:768
+msgid "The Public IP Addresses page is displayed."
+msgstr "公网IP地址页面就显示出来。"
+# 501fe4755a8a4045952f5337c4e34ad3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:770
+msgid "Click Acquire New IP, and click Yes in the confirmation dialog."
+msgstr "点击获得一个新IP, 并且在确认的对话框中点击确定."
+# 6654947db0c74b30bedc7c3644dad688
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:772
+msgid ""
+"You are prompted for confirmation because, typically, IP addresses are a "
+"limited resource. Within a few moments, the new IP address should appear "
+"with the state Allocated. You can now use the IP address in port forwarding,"
+" load balancing, and static NAT rules."
+msgstr "因为通常IP地址是有限资源,系统会提示您确认。 在稍等片刻之后,新的IP地址将会出现并且状态是已分配。现在您就可以使用这个IP地址做端口转发、负载均衡或静态NAT。"
+# 8c7d4d3811bd4e5a9cdc8fd5b9fc07a4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:779
+msgid "Releasing an IP Address Alloted to a VPC"
+msgstr "释放VPC分配的IP地址"
+# fa1d68cb193b4e8186bc44093bb34441
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:781
+msgid ""
+"The IP address is a limited resource. If you no longer need a particular IP,"
+" you can disassociate it from its VPC and return it to the pool of available"
+" addresses. An IP address can be released from its tier, only when all the "
+"networking ( port forwarding, load balancing, or StaticNAT ) rules are "
+"removed for this IP address. The released IP address will still belongs to "
+"the same VPC."
+msgstr "IP地址是有限资源。如果您不再需要某个IP,请解除该IP和VPC的关联,使其返回到可用地址池中。只有当IP上所有的网络规则(端口映射、负载均衡、静态NAT)都删除后,该IP才能从所属层释放。释放的IP仍属于该VPC。"
+# 2ce137b1395747dc8e893c80bcda0e22
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:797
+msgid "Click the Configure button of the VPC whose IP you want to release."
+msgstr "点击要释放IP的VPC的配置按钮。"
+# 9fd161045cbe45a281c9d8e874926856
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:824
+msgid "Select Public IP Addresses."
+msgstr "选择公网IP地址。"
+# 5efdb9a8c3284fe195862d5624cd2ad7
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:828
+msgid "Click the IP you want to release."
+msgstr "点击要释放的IP地址。"
+# 2a495a61f8ae472bb5500bb1d609c595
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:830
+msgid "In the Details tab, click the Release IP button |release-ip-icon.png|"
+msgstr "在详细查看栏,点击释放IP按钮。 |release-ip-icon.png|"
+# 0d6369bc16a24d93ab131097fa1c26d0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:836
+msgid "Enabling or Disabling Static NAT on a VPC"
+msgstr "VPC中启用或禁用静态NAT"
+# ca62a217246f4a06a8d12965cdfa849c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:838
+msgid ""
+"A static NAT rule maps a public IP address to the private IP address of a VM"
+" in a VPC to allow Internet traffic to it. This section tells how to enable "
+"or disable static NAT for a particular IP address in a VPC."
+msgstr "静态NAT规则是将公网IP映射到VPC中虚机的私网IP,以便允许互联网流量访问该虚机。本节描述如何在VPC中启用或禁用某个公网IP地址的静态NAT。"
+# 2b8f37a180cf44aabf4c1102171a0a0f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:863
+msgid "For each tier, the following options are displayed."
+msgstr "对于每一个层,会显示以下选项。"
+# 27a3e8f27ef74f348d38e0a750d4b22d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:889
+msgid "Click the IP you want to work with."
+msgstr "点击您要操作的IP。"
+# cdf3e4bc65504a1ba280c33c311c5ff3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:891
+msgid ""
+"In the Details tab,click the Static NAT button. |enable-disable.png| The "
+"button toggles between Enable and Disable, depending on whether static NAT "
+"is currently enabled for the IP address."
+msgstr "在“详细信息”页,点击静态NAT按钮|enable-disable.png| 。该按钮会根据公网IP的静态NAT当前状态,在启用和禁用间切换。"
+# 5d57c9b6170d475cb726d63bd8a7d4b4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:896
+msgid "If you are enabling static NAT, a dialog appears as follows:"
+msgstr "如果是启用静态NAT,会显示如下对话框:"
+# 8652f2ad4f894964b5749224fa457264
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:898
+msgid "|select-vmstatic-nat.png|"
+msgstr "|select-vmstatic-nat.png|"
+# 8642184696854f59a8be93ce090ef2fb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:900
+msgid "Select the tier and the destination VM, then click Apply."
+msgstr "选择层和目标虚机,然后点击“应用”。"
+# 3f81050b54e046ce8e1509efface1df4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:904
+msgid "Adding Load Balancing Rules on a VPC"
+msgstr "VPC中添加负载均衡规则"
+# 64775e05d52c4fd68cdf87d2e24c802f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:906
+msgid ""
+"In a VPC, you can configure two types of load balancing: external LB and "
+"internal LB. External LB is nothing but a LB rule created to redirect the "
+"traffic received at a public IP of the VPC virtual router. The traffic is "
+"load balanced within a tier based on your configuration. Citrix NetScaler "
+"and VPC virtual router are supported for external LB. When you use internal "
+"LB service, traffic received at a tier is load balanced across different VMs"
+" within that tier. For example, traffic reached at Web tier is redirected to"
+" another VM in that tier. External load balancing devices are not supported "
+"for internal LB. The service is provided by a internal LB VM configured on "
+"the target tier."
+msgstr "在VPC中,你可以配置外部或内部负载均衡。外部负载均衡就是将VPC虚拟路由器接收到的公网流量进行转发的规则。这个流量如何在层里进行均衡取决于你的配置。Citrix NetScaler 和 VPC virtual router都支持外部负载均衡。内部均衡是在层内的虚拟之间进行均衡。比如,到达WEB层请求的流量可以转发到此层另外的虚拟机。外部负载均衡设备不支持内部均衡。内部负载均衡的服务是由目标层的内部虚拟机配置后提供支持服务的。"
+# 5f34d7b800174adea102238371bbf537
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:919
+msgid "Load Balancing Within a Tier (External LB)"
+msgstr "在层内进行负载均衡(外部负载均衡)"
+# 060c73cf4ee8497d961587b4e5e88f8e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:921
+msgid ""
+"A CloudStack user or administrator may create load balancing rules that "
+"balance traffic received at a public IP to one or more VMs that belong to a "
+"network tier that provides load balancing service in a VPC. A user creates a"
+" rule, specifies an algorithm, and assigns the rule to a set of VMs within a"
+" tier."
+msgstr " CloudStack用户或管理员可以创建负载均衡规则。负载均衡规则用于将一个公网IP的流量分担到在VPC提供负载均衡服务的网络层内的一个或多个VM中。用户可以创建规则,指定算法,然后将规则指定到VPC的一套VM中。"
+# e988811e64294d9690e628d0a32d6f6e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:929
+msgid "Enabling NetScaler as the LB Provider on a VPC Tier"
+msgstr "在VPC层中启用基于NetScaler的负载均衡"
+# 1a47a4579a094d95b8a0de664ef21a91
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:931
+msgid "Add and enable Netscaler VPX in dedicated mode."
+msgstr "添加并启用 Netscaler VPX独立模块。"
+# 9cd82ffd68b24939ae095006b094d212
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:933
+msgid ""
+"Netscaler can be used in a VPC environment only if it is in dedicated mode."
+msgstr "Netscaler只能在独立模块的形式下应用于VPC环境中。"
+# b3484bb76994414e9ea417121e40d040
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:936
+msgid ""
+"Create a network offering, as given in \":ref:`create-net-offering-ext-"
+msgstr "创建启用持久化选项的网络方案。请参考\":ref:`create-net-offering-ext-lb`\"."
+# 121f69be457f40c5a9230d5ea3592bfb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:938
+msgid "Create a VPC with Netscaler as the Public LB provider."
+msgstr "在VPC中创建一个基于Netscaler的公用负载均衡。"
+# e3da4dec088145cdab1337246f694c25
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:940
+msgid ""
+"For more information, see `\"Adding a Virtual Private Cloud\" <#adding-a"
+msgstr "更多信息,请参考 `\"添加一个VPC\" <#adding-a-virtual-private-cloud>`_."
+# a9a66b4ea7f240caa72b7230eb594dca
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:943
+msgid "For the VPC, acquire an IP."
+msgstr "在VPC中获取一个IP地址。"
+# 41f7df1af1ff4bd8b55750efc9e38211
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:945
+msgid ""
+"Create an external load balancing rule and apply, as given in :ref:`create-"
+msgstr "创建并应用一个外部负载均衡规则。请参考:ref:`create-ext-lb-rule`."
+# 6f16d85076c347eb9f22335560475ef4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:952
+msgid "Creating a Network Offering for External LB"
+msgstr "创建一个外部负载均衡网络方案"
+# 709e2fd0e27745f68f26028a48c613a5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:954
+msgid ""
+"To have external LB support on VPC, create a network offering as follows:"
+msgstr "要在VPC中启用外部负载均衡支持,依如下操作建立网络方案:"
+# 76d5fee0b6ef4598b2f4f80ee690c974
+# 80171134c89b4246b8e6d948ddf36a21
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:957
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1163
+msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a user or admin."
+msgstr "使用用户或管理员登录到CloudStack用户界面。"
+# d6358f1cb80b45c6becf012d6670f0ff
+# 19877c93762c4d95b38bfafc90fc110c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:959
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1165
+msgid "From the Select Offering drop-down, choose Network Offering."
+msgstr "下拉选择方案,选择网络方案:"
+# 34b1dc57da234cfcbef32cbb10126c3c
+# 1bba2b0d34da443ea11b5a194c8a3b59
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:963
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1169
+msgid "In the dialog, make the following choices:"
+msgstr "在对话框中,选择如下操作:"
+# 86e34c74e6134c7bb7c04554bfed9df0
+# 4e3f1479665d42f78ead497e7f965f00
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:965
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1171
+msgid "**Name**: Any desired name for the network offering."
+msgstr "**名称**: 任何网络方案的名称。"
+# c960eb115c114434af67b0fbc25be487
+# bc5490caeeff4328865c3f318b98cfee
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:967
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1173
+msgid ""
+"**Description**: A short description of the offering that can be displayed "
+"to users."
+msgstr "**描述**: 提供一个简短的方案描述。 "
+# 84e47db19f574c3ba5d0b2f1154fbc45
+# 93388787993544a4901e262399be3022
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:970
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1176
+msgid "**Network Rate**: Allowed data transfer rate in MB per second."
+msgstr "**网络速度**: 允许的数据传输速度(MB/秒)。"
+# 816b6192dc2f4e3ca02aeb6804edb355
+# 27411d0400294e9ba1bfb67609002343
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:972
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1178
+msgid ""
+"**Traffic Type**: The type of network traffic that will be carried on the "
+msgstr "**流量类型**: 允许承载的网络流量类型。"
+# c74a767bceed4a628199500712d7c8c7
+# eb0786cb716a4706a211b3b6088bb4b9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:975
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1181
+msgid ""
+"**Guest Type**: Choose whether the guest network is isolated or shared."
+msgstr "**来宾类型**: 选择来宾网络为隔离或共享网络。"
+# c522088c1c6e47d79f06f5fe842e40ee
+# 0aea3f7e943e49b291046f8fc45d6484
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:978
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1184
+msgid ""
+"**Persistent**: Indicate whether the guest network is persistent or not. The"
+" network that you can provision without having to deploy a VM on it is "
+"termed persistent network."
+msgstr "**持续性**: 表明来宾网络是否支持持续性。无需提供任何VM部署的网络,称之为持续性网络。"
+# b84887ec1f6c4513aa057f3a630484a1
+# 930505e9acaa4d9193047e12ab7c3a3e
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:982
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1188
+msgid ""
+"**VPC**: This option indicate whether the guest network is Virtual Private "
+"Cloud-enabled. A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a private, isolated part of "
+"CloudStack. A VPC can have its own virtual network topology that resembles a"
+" traditional physical network. For more information on VPCs, see `\"About "
+"Virtual Private Clouds\" <#about-virtual-private-clouds>`_."
+msgstr "**VPC**: 此选项表明是否在来宾网络中启用VPC。 CloudStack中的虚拟专用云(VPC)是专用、隔离的。 一个VPC可以有一个类似于传统物理网络的虚拟网络拓扑结构。有关的VPC的详细信息,请参考`\"关于VPC\" <#about-virtual-private-clouds>`_."
+# ed834a8fdce7467eb36d015cba5a8227
+# dbc9e89b121148e296344a7619ca01db
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:988
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1195
+msgid ""
+"**Specify VLAN**: (Isolated guest networks only) Indicate whether a VLAN "
+"should be specified when this offering is used."
+msgstr "**指定**: (仅隔离的来宾网络) 表明在使用这个网络方案时,是否指定VLAN。"
+# 6e7a1944576040bbb72e01310aa2b99d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:991
+msgid ""
+"**Supported Services**: Select Load Balancer. Use Netscaler or "
+msgstr "**支持服务**:选择负载均衡,使用Netscaler 或 VpcVirtualRouter."
+# 89f5557a4a6546158f9fdc778ad029c1
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:994
+msgid "**Load Balancer Type**: Select Public LB from the drop-down."
+msgstr "**负载均衡类型**:从下拉列表里选择公用负载均衡。"
+# 7a932d710a9843c0af0b0cf4522a5284
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:996
+msgid ""
+"**LB Isolation**: Select Dedicated if Netscaler is used as the external LB "
+msgstr "**负载均衡隔离**: 如果使用Netscale作为外部负载均衡,选择此项进行隔离。"
+# 4ac8eb66ecab474195206ca9dd076d42
+# fe97ea397c194e4284760800bee72bea
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:999
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1203
+msgid ""
+"**System Offering**: Choose the system service offering that you want "
+"virtual routers to use in this network."
+msgstr "**系统方案**: 选择你想在这个网络中使用的虚拟路由器的系统服务方案。"
+# fdf046b7980844e19139feacede80d66
+# 6f5f9241b8e1492a846b95d1bf8c9fe1
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1002
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1206
+msgid ""
+"**Conserve mode**: Indicate whether to use conserve mode. In this mode, "
+"network resources are allocated only when the first virtual machine starts "
+"in the network."
+msgstr "**保护模式**: 表明是否使用保护模式。在这个模式中,只有网络中第一个虚拟机启动时才分配网络资源。"
+# d3ed6db3fe1745b78b2b927bc7d01a53
+# c9781285467f4ad1b249ead320965229
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1006
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1210
+msgid "Click OK and the network offering is created."
+msgstr "点击OK按钮,网络方案就创建好了。"
+# 88f68116cf4240d1b534cf9122dca89d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1012
+msgid "Creating an External LB Rule"
+msgstr "创建一个外部负载均衡规则"
+# 08a7150e85df4a9f8efd234f87de819b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1023
+msgid ""
+"Click the Configure button of the VPC, for which you want to configure load "
+"balancing rules."
+msgstr "点击要配置负载均衡规则的VPC的配置按钮。"
+# ea4d0a7fdac64d889620ae55b699113e
+# 0d81aa1b316a4977838e69024fa1072a
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1026
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1239
+msgid ""
+"The VPC page is displayed where all the tiers you created listed in a "
+msgstr "系统会显示VPC页面,您创建的所有层都列在图中。"
+# a5ab0f5fbd054d0790aeb9802997b2d0
+# 5ff05892aa8e4255bd7bc42730f2c699
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1060
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1328
+msgid "Select the tier to which you want to apply the rule."
+msgstr "选择应用规则的层。"
+# ef5c662d47e24cd2bd98a84a97bf37cd
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1066
+msgid ""
+"**Public Port**: The port that receives the incoming traffic to be balanced."
+msgstr "**公网端口**: 接收待负载均衡的流入流量的端口。"
+# 36f023f1ff9f4854a6413a29e48a1be5
+# 4842c5ef77d840658853291a3ee85181
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1072
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1268
+msgid ""
+"**Algorithm**. Choose the load balancing algorithm you want CloudStack to "
+"use. CloudStack supports the following well-known algorithms:"
+msgstr "**算法**。选择您希望CloudStack  使用的负载均衡算法。CloudStack 支持下列知名的算法:"
+# 70c9123d5f194ebf9c345f9ad993cdc0
+# 7ac4ebb233324a8eb27698cc7a04a5be
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1078
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1274
+msgid "Least connections"
+msgstr "最少连接"
+# 23d0139cefac4b7a805b0d7e4a1a43e5
+# 7eeb60a40f294f1dacce7d723e8e193c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1080
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1276
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "源IP"
+# 75a5279c04344957bc0a080be77c8274
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1082
+msgid ""
+"**Stickiness**. (Optional) Click Configure and choose the algorithm for the "
+"stickiness policy. See Sticky Session Policies for Load Balancer Rules."
+msgstr "**粘性**. (可选)点击配置,选择粘性策略使用的算法。参见负载均衡规则的粘性会话策略。"
+# 43d9888e2f9440e984b9541afc588eea
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1086
+msgid ""
+"**Add VMs**: Click Add VMs, then select two or more VMs that will divide the"
+" load of incoming traffic, and click Apply."
+msgstr "点击添加VM,选择两个或更多的VM分担流入的流量,然后点击应用。"
+# 59f6f69006154b2f8ce3eb5d9e9e5351
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1089
+msgid ""
+"The new load balancing rule appears in the list. You can repeat these steps "
+"to add more load balancing rules for this IP address."
+msgstr "新的负载均衡策略会显示在列表中。您可以重复以上步骤为该IP地址添加更多的负载均衡策略。"
+# b829d10e71d44f6eae3ea7663c35f418
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1094
+msgid "Load Balancing Across Tiers"
+msgstr "跨越层的负载均衡"
+# ee38327ce5984aab9e56b1a4096f683f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1096
+msgid ""
+"CloudStack supports sharing workload across different tiers within your VPC."
+" Assume that multiple tiers are set up in your environment, such as Web tier"
+" and Application tier. Traffic to each tier is balanced on the VPC virtual "
+"router on the public side, as explained in `\"Adding Load Balancing Rules on"
+" a VPC\" <#adding-load-balancing-rules-on-a-vpc>`_. If you want the traffic "
+"coming from the Web tier to the Application tier to be balanced, use the "
+"internal load balancing feature offered by CloudStack."
+msgstr "CloudStack支持在VPC内不同层之间共享工作负载。这需要先在你的环境里设置好多个层,比如WEB层,应用层。每一个层的流量通过VPC虚拟路由机进行负载均衡。关于这方面的内容, `\"在VPC里添加负载均衡规则\" <#adding-load-balancing-rules-on-a-vpc>`_.  如果你想将WEB层发向应用层的流量进行负载均衡,需要使用Cloudstack的内部负载均衡功能。"
+# d83d8db5511d4aba8c9c4efd61e0f5e6
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1107
+msgid "How Does Internal LB Work in VPC?"
+msgstr "在VPC中,内部负载均衡是如何工作的呢?"
+# c710a43f15e34b5ab71f20ea2709e950
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1109
+msgid ""
+"In this figure, a public LB rule is created for the public IP "
+"with public port 80 and private port 81. The LB rule, created on the VPC "
+"virtual router, is applied on the traffic coming from the Internet to the "
+"VMs on the Web tier. On the Application tier two internal load balancing "
+"rules are created. An internal LB rule for the guest IP with load"
+" balancer port 23 and instance port 25 is configured on the VM, "
+"InternalLBVM1. Another internal LB rule for the guest IP with "
+"load balancer port 45 and instance port 46 is configured on the VM, "
+"InternalLBVM1. Another internal LB rule for the guest IP, with "
+"load balancer port 23 and instance port 25 is configured on the VM, "
+msgstr "在这个图中,公网负载均衡规则是这样创建的:公网IP为IP,外网端口为80,内网端口为81。VPC的虚拟路由机创建的负载均衡规则将互联网的流量分配到WEB层的各个虚拟机上。在应用层创建了两个内部负载均衡规则。其中一个规则是:客户IP为10.10.10.4的将端口23进行负载分发,实例VM和InternalLBVM1的端口25进行了负载。另一条规则是:客户IP为10.10.10.4的将端口45进行负载分发,实例VM和InternalLBVM1的端口46进行了负载。另一条规则是:客户IP为10.10.10.6的将端口23进行负载分发,实例VM和InternalLBVM1的端口25进行了负载。(两条规则还是三条规则?原文如此,希望图示能明解)"
+# 37cf27e0f1d34d6eb0aed4b83bbd2b4c
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1121
+msgid "|vpc-lb.png|"
+msgstr "|vpc-lb.png|"
+# 2ebee5edba904c0a9de6b022c5d1e3d8
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1127
+msgid ""
+"Internal LB and Public LB are mutually exclusive on a tier. If the tier has "
+"LB on the public side, then it can't have the Internal LB."
+msgstr "内部和公网负载均衡在一个层里往往是互斥的。如果一个层已应用了公网负载均衡之后,此层就不能再应用内部负载均衡。"
+# 82754be2930f483c83607cde35e73470
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1130
+msgid ""
+"Internal LB is supported just on VPC networks in CloudStack 4.2 release."
+msgstr "在 CloudStack 4.2版本中,只有VPC网络支持内部负载均衡。"
+# a8769b5a4a9e48caab6c9ecc82e77234
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1133
+msgid ""
+"Only Internal LB VM can act as the Internal LB provider in CloudStack 4.2 "
+msgstr "在CloudStack 4.2 版本中,只有Internal LB VM才能作内部负载均衡的提供方。"
+# b076139f831c4e3ba6417259ac863de8
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1136
+msgid ""
+"Network upgrade is not supported from the network offering with Internal LB "
+"to the network offering with Public LB."
+msgstr "将网络方案由内部负载均衡更改为公网负载均衡是不可行的。"
+# 969d6f5939874bca859151e7d0d68447
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1139
+msgid "Multiple tiers can have internal LB support in a VPC."
+msgstr "在VPC中,多层可以应用内部负载均衡。"
+# 67372cabb36b437a8232a78a78f08515
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1141
+msgid "Only one tier can have Public LB support in a VPC."
+msgstr "在VPC中,只有一层只支持公网负载均衡。"
+# 69768caec218466dafc06876ae8e797f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1145
+msgid "Enabling Internal LB on a VPC Tier"
+msgstr "在VPC层上启用内部负载均衡功能"
+# daf581a704674dc287b6516c737b20e9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1147
+msgid ""
+"Create a network offering, as given in :ref:`creating-net-offering-internal-"
+msgstr "创建一个新的网络方案,请参考:ref:`creating-net-offering-internal-lb`."
+# a3b6f09db9e44bc597c6dd364de8f2ec
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1150
+msgid ""
+"Create an internal load balancing rule and apply, as given in :ref:`create-"
+msgstr "创建并应用一个内部负载均衡规则。参考:ref:`create-int-lb-rule`."
+# e6d4695c11f545a09e177701ad41e3c4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1157
+msgid "Creating a Network Offering for Internal LB"
+msgstr "创建一个内部负载均衡网络方案"
+# b711b583939045f2b881dd3d65a60666
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1159
+msgid ""
+"To have internal LB support on VPC, either use the default offering, "
+"DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksWithInternalLB, or create a "
+"network offering as follows:"
+msgstr "要在VPC当中使用内部负载均衡,可以使用默认的DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksWithInternalLB,或按如下操作新建一个网络方案:"
+# 3248edb0427641c389adc91e927709f9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1198
+msgid ""
+"**Supported Services**: Select Load Balancer. Select ``InternalLbVM`` from "
+"the provider list."
+msgstr "**支持服务**: 选择负载均衡,从待提供的下拉列表里选择`InternalLbVM。"
+# e7e35dcafc134423bff098fbd63e22e9
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1201
+msgid "**Load Balancer Type**: Select Internal LB from the drop-down."
+msgstr "**负载均衡类型**: 从下拉列表里选择内部负载均衡。"
+# 56e0a94386164762912004a783f992e4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1216
+msgid "Creating an Internal LB Rule"
+msgstr "创建一个内部负载均衡规则"
+# 89853887164549829b5d2bf60bd1820d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1218
+msgid ""
+"When you create the Internal LB rule and applies to a VM, an Internal LB VM,"
+" which is responsible for load balancing, is created."
+msgstr "当你创建好一个内部负载均衡规则,并将之用于一个虚拟之后,一个内部负载均衡的应用就建立起来了。"
+# 353f381499f141628587960d6e26f5b0
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1221
+msgid ""
+"You can view the created Internal LB VM in the Instances page if you "
+"navigate to **Infrastructure** > **Zones** > <zone\\_ name> > "
+"<physical\\_network\\_name> > **Network Service Providers** > **Internal LB "
+"VM**. You can manage the Internal LB VMs as and when required from the "
+msgstr "你可以在实例页面中查看创建的内部LB VM 按如下导航 **基础构架** > **区域** > <zone\\_ name> > <physical\\_network\\_name> > **网络服务提供** > **内部负载均衡虚拟机**,你就可以看到已创建了内部负载均衡的实例上。也可以在此进行内部负载均衡的管理。"
+# 695b01da42ba4aafa25052faf19cfb61
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1236
+msgid ""
+"Locate the VPC for which you want to configure internal LB, then click "
+msgstr "点击要配置内部负载均衡规则的VPC的配置按钮。"
+# 353f4dce86ad490c9f02ffb55550faf1
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1242
+msgid ""
+"Locate the Tier for which you want to configure an internal LB rule, click "
+"Internal LB."
+msgstr "指向你想配置内部负载均衡的层,点击内部负载均衡。"
+# 2950ef7334d8445db81781a662805752
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1245
+msgid "In the Internal LB page, click Add Internal LB."
+msgstr "在 Internal LB页面里,点击添加 Internal LB。"
+# c7bb9deb227d41a08b2d4a17f0c56272
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1247
+msgid "In the dialog, specify the following:"
+msgstr "在对话框里,定义以下内容:"
+# acee91ffe73343149992e4445c25639d
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1251
+msgid ""
+"**Description**: A short description of the rule that can be displayed to "
+msgstr "**描述**: 提供一个简短的规则描述。 "
+# 21c16720a2424baba66dd99f17596511
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1254
+msgid ""
+"**Source IP Address**: (Optional) The source IP from which traffic "
+"originates. The IP is acquired from the CIDR of that particular tier on "
+"which you want to create the Internal LB rule. If not specified, the IP "
+"address is automatically allocated from the network CIDR."
+msgstr "**源IP地址**: (可选) 是指产生流量的源IP地址。这个地址是从你创建内部负载均衡的层中的CIDR中获取的。如果没有指定,则系统会自动从CIDR中分配。"
+# 09ee6ad213fe4332930cd10d34913eba
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1260
+msgid ""
+"For every Source IP, a new Internal LB VM is created for load balancing."
+msgstr "对于每一个源IP地址,都可以建立一个针对它的内部负载均衡。"
+# d79a0aa56c2d43a99118d61cdee35de5
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1263
+msgid ""
+"**Source Port**: The port associated with the source IP. Traffic on this "
+"port is load balanced."
+msgstr "**源端口**: 与源IP地址关联的端口,此端口上的流量是基于负载均衡的。"
+# 2aa21466b141411194bccbfbce825ad3
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1266
+msgid "**Instance Port**: The port of the internal LB VM."
+msgstr "**实例端口**: 内部负载均衡虚拟机的端口。"
+# 519302d094284d71b5c6fb38328a1324
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1280
+msgid "Adding a Port Forwarding Rule on a VPC"
+msgstr "在VPC里添加一个端口转发规则。"
+# 8637eb165f5a4accba725d09dc0f0a2b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1338
+msgid "**Protocol**: The communication protocol in use between the two ports."
+msgstr "**Protocol**: 两个端口之间所用的互联协议。"
+# 6acdc3f1bfe647e8bc3f77d1c6ebe7cc
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1341
+msgid "TCP"
+msgstr "TCP"
+# a94613fd8a23416cbcd8dddc6013a988
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1343
+msgid "UDP"
+msgstr "UDP"
+# 10549636e52849679931a001d1d335eb
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1345
+msgid ""
+"**Add VM**: Click Add VM. Select the name of the instance to which this rule"
+" applies, and click Apply."
+msgstr "**Add VM**: 点击增加虚拟机,选择你想将此规则应用上的虚拟机,点击应用。"
+# 5be772f552314f2d8e9cee0ff65bf489
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1348
+msgid "You can test the rule by opening an SSH session to the instance."
+msgstr "你可以通过SSH连接实例来测试此规则。"
+# e0d8c785784b42e5b872d0d1e0e01fc8
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1352
+msgid "Removing Tiers"
+msgstr "删除层"
+# 7568184600d04040b5e2be7097d75720
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1354
+msgid ""
+"You can remove a tier from a VPC. A removed tier cannot be revoked. When a "
+"tier is removed, only the resources of the tier are expunged. All the "
+"network rules (port forwarding, load balancing and staticNAT) and the IP "
+"addresses associated to the tier are removed. The IP address still be "
+"belonging to the same VPC."
+msgstr "你可以从一个VPC中删除一个层。一个被删除的层是不能被擦除的。当一个层被删除后,只有层的资源被删去。所有的网络规则(端口转发,负载均衡,静态NAT)还有关联到此层的IP地址都会删除。但这些IP地址仍然属于这个VPC。"
+# f487d939ba954e449d7080e7517574a6
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1372
+msgid ""
+"The Configure VPC page is displayed. Locate the tier you want to work with."
+msgstr "配置VPC的页面显示出来了。指向你需要操作的层。"
+# c7fbdf1d685a4919a2ea4a0624d9d045
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1375
+msgid "Select the tier you want to remove."
+msgstr "选择你想删除的层。"
+# f5493869c62248649482971d798e37ca
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1377
+msgid ""
+"In the Network Details tab, click the Delete Network button. |del-tier.png|"
+msgstr "在网络详细栏,点击删除网络按钮。|del-tier.png|"
+# aa755672baae4d7697f96b16039da071
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1380
+msgid "Click Yes to confirm. Wait for some time for the tier to be removed."
+msgstr "点击YES按钮。稍等片片刻,层就会被删除了。"
+# 9b44d6e7259c4c4d88ddd3fbec0511de
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1384
+msgid "Editing, Restarting, and Removing a Virtual Private Cloud"
+msgstr "编辑,重启,删除VPC。"
+# a72ab3649f44452fad64ca5e5c27699f
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1386
+msgid "Ensure that all the tiers are removed before you remove a VPC."
+msgstr "在删除VPC前,需要先删除所有的层。"
+# 528e37d6eed24e24a482eda24bba84b4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1397
+msgid "Select the VPC you want to work with."
+msgstr "选择你需要的VPC。"
+# 85aecab9e0aa42e285e0946a9b7fc270
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1399
+msgid "In the Details tab, click the Remove VPC button |remove-vpc.png|"
+msgstr "在详细栏,点击删除VPC按钮。|remove-vpc.png|"
+# d499762e52f543f7a82c853e728a5516
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1401
+msgid ""
+"You can remove the VPC by also using the remove button in the Quick View."
+msgstr "你也可以在快速查看视图里点击删除按钮进行VPC的删除。"
+# db5c63c401ed457d8296666c3e708e2b
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1404
+msgid ""
+"You can edit the name and description of a VPC. To do that, select the VPC, "
+"then click the Edit button. |vpc-edit-icon.png|"
+msgstr ""
+# 85223757733c41afac7e59be10812ad4
+#: ../../networking/virtual_private_cloud_config.rst:1407
+msgid ""
+"To restart a VPC, select the VPC, then click the Restart button. |restart-"
+msgstr "如果要重启一个VPC,点击重启按钮。|restart-vpc.png|"
+# c73707abeeee4762af99c2fe10074730
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:18
+msgid "Persistent Networks"
+msgstr "持久化网络"
+# f57736d14d734e409d67507b6128fbec
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:20
+msgid ""
+"The network that you can provision without having to deploy any VMs on it is"
+" called a persistent network. A persistent network can be part of a VPC or a"
+" non-VPC environment."
+msgstr "在不部署任何VM的情况下就初始化好的网络称为持久化网络。持久化网络可以是VPC的一部分,也可以不是。"
+# ce6fd8a3ec00423d86e7ba4f4cba6189
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:24
+msgid ""
+"When you create other types of network, a network is only a database entry "
+"until the first VM is created on that network. When the first VM is created,"
+" a VLAN ID is assigned and the network is provisioned. Also, when the last "
+"VM is destroyed, the VLAN ID is released and the network is no longer "
+"available. With the addition of persistent network, you will have the "
+"ability to create a network in CloudStack in which physical devices can be "
+"deployed without having to run any VMs. Additionally, you can deploy "
+"physical devices on that network."
+msgstr "在您创建其它类型的网络时,在网络中第一台VM创建之前,该网络仅是数据库的一条记录。当第一个VM创建时,网络会指定一个VLAN ID并初始化。同样,当网络中最后一个VM销毁后,VLAN ID会被释放,这样该网络就不再可用。通过使用持久化网络,您就有能力在不部署VM的情况下在&PRODUCT;中创建一个网络用来部署物理设备。而且,您可以在该网络中部署物理设备。"
+# 6fcce92beeff40cb864882157e6e38eb
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"One of the advantages of having a persistent network is that you can create "
+"a VPC with a tier consisting of only physical devices. For example, you "
+"might create a VPC for a three-tier application, deploy VMs for Web and "
+"Application tier, and use physical machines for the Database tier. Another "
+"use case is that if you are providing services by using physical hardware, "
+"you can define the network as persistent and therefore even if all its VMs "
+"are destroyed the services will not be discontinued."
+msgstr "使用持久化网络的一个优点是您可以创建具有一个只包含物理设备的层的VPC。例如,您可以为一个三层应用创建一个VPC,在Web层和应用层部署VM,在数据库层使用物理机器。另一个使用场景为如果您使用物理硬件提供网络服务,您可以定义网络为持久化的。这样即便网络中所有VM都销毁了,服务还可以继续提供。"
+# 2967de4df3df472abd55988c65ca1c07
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:44
+msgid "Persistent Network Considerations"
+msgstr "持久化网络的考虑事项"
+# 4091d1efe69a4148864ddea8b1361e5f
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:46
+msgid "Persistent network is designed for isolated networks."
+msgstr "Persistent网络是为隔离网络而设计的。"
+# 153b60917c5c49d3982f1098e01b59b7
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:48
+msgid "All default network offerings are non-persistent."
+msgstr "所有默认网络方案都不是持久化的。"
+# 77c3328fec084f13967871c9b7123076
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:50
+msgid ""
+"A network offering cannot be editable because changing it affects the "
+"behavior of the existing networks that were created using this network "
+msgstr "网络方案的持久化选项不可编辑。因为修改该选项会影响使用该网络方案创建的已有网络的行为。"
+# 06bccf901e8a4ee8be58f15bfd579e68
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:54
+msgid ""
+"When you create a guest network, the network offering that you select "
+"defines the network persistence. This in turn depends on whether persistent "
+"network is enabled in the selected network offering."
+msgstr "当您创建客户网络时,您选择的网络方案定义了该网络的持久化。反过来,这依赖于选择的网络方案是否启用持久化网络。"
+# d92b9c95102f488ba671717466ac055f
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:58
+msgid ""
+"An existing network can be made persistent by changing its network offering "
+"to an offering that has the Persistent option enabled. While setting this "
+"property, even if the network has no running VMs, the network is "
+msgstr "通过修改使用的网络方案为启用持久化的方案,现有网络可以变为持久化。在设置该属性时,即便网络中没有运行的VM,该网络也会初始化。"
+# ef669f1e80be470eb1e8a8db355b2d4a
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:63
+msgid ""
+"An existing network can be made non-persistent by changing its network "
+"offering to an offering that has the Persistent option disabled. If the "
+"network has no running VMs, during the next network garbage collection run "
+"the network is shut down."
+msgstr "通过修改使用的网络方案为禁用持久化的方案,现有网络可以变为非持久化。如果网络中没有运行的VM,在下次网络垃圾回收运行时,该网络会被关闭。"
+# 007f1cc1aa7c42f8a66e3fb305143475
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:68
+msgid ""
+"When the last VM on a network is destroyed, the network garbage collector "
+"checks if the network offering associated with the network is persistent, "
+"and shuts down the network only if it is non-persistent."
+msgstr "当网络中最后一台VM销毁时,网络垃圾回收器会检查该网络的网络方案是否为持久化,若不是持久化,则会关闭网络。"
+# 4d27044c9aad4e059509066b13f9dc3a
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:75
+msgid "Creating a Persistent Guest Network"
+msgstr "创建一个Persistent客户网络"
+# 30f307ec95db44a0b8c70317f2a9c100
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:77
+msgid "To create a persistent network, perform the following:"
+msgstr "要创建一个Persistent网络,请按如下操作:"
+# f479c47b1f454044bc8c2e67d6f14f0a
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:79
+msgid "Create a network offering with the Persistent option enabled."
+msgstr "创建一个Persistent选项启用的网络方案。"
+# 08ed25ddd4a8403e98bddb19816af5cf
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:81
+msgid ""
+"See `\"Creating a New Network Offering\" <networking.html#creating-a-new-"
+msgstr "请参考`\"创建一个新的网络方案\" <networking.html#creating-a-new-network-offering>`_."
+# fd6c23139519494b901a461ef6fd445e
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:84
+msgid "Select Network from the left navigation pane."
+msgstr "从左边的导航栏里选择网络。"
+# 92c525d55a6643c6a9f89f6b1ee2ff2e
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:86
+msgid ""
+"Select the guest network that you want to offer this network service to."
+msgstr "选择你希望提供此网络方案服务的客户网络。"
+# 7c5a5842cf864317a92199d463521c9f
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:89
+msgid "Click the Edit button."
+msgstr "点击编辑按钮。"
+# 552f67c193a3437586fc226221b340e3
+#: ../../networking/persistent_networks.rst:91
+msgid ""
+"From the Network Offering drop-down, select the persistent network offering "
+"you have just created."
+msgstr "在网络方案下拉列表里,选择你刚才创建的persistent网络方案。"
+# 4cd6d99517e445589fe0847cd2035e84
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:18
+msgid "Setup a Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# a25de960bb5944a9a2ffe54913707ab8
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:22
+msgid "Functionality Provided"
+msgstr ""
+# c9b058343ea14748825cfcc53a551dcf
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:24
+msgid ""
+"This implementation enables the orchestration of a Palo Alto Networks "
+"Firewall from within CloudStack UI and API."
+msgstr ""
+# 0f204dd9374d4ca281f9fa055813bcb0
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:27
+msgid "**The following features are supported**:"
+msgstr ""
+# 0a04c861f9c64663836468cf37783f6d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:29
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Palo Alto Networks service provider"
+msgstr ""
+# f032d6431c414cb3bbb06b959df9a121
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:31
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Palo Alto Networks network service offering"
+msgstr ""
+# c1ad64a629ce42868368c8787dd4f3b8
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:33
+msgid ""
+"List/Add/Delete Palo Alto Networks network using the above service offering"
+msgstr ""
+# 983ec08ac8f442c580217a2a2fb8a596
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:35
+msgid "Add an instance to a Palo Alto Networks network"
+msgstr ""
+# 3ad3b15459c64a6eae255957c08316de
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:37
+msgid "Source NAT management on network create and delete"
+msgstr ""
+# 452d433b69644504b60597d2c0abd868
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:39
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Ingress Firewall rule"
+msgstr ""
+# 0a537c6e22f5405a970698d492049bda
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:41
+msgid ""
+"List/Add/Delete Egress Firewall rule (both 'Allow' and 'Deny' default rules "
+msgstr ""
+# 6df7942d9fdd4433a02767a4b6bbd97a
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:44
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Port Forwarding rule"
+msgstr ""
+# 5adfa913867943e9a5334e717ba621b6
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:46
+msgid "List/Add/Delete Static NAT rule"
+msgstr ""
+# 9073fd9f1c574f99830d3323ff81b059
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:48
+msgid ""
+"Apply a Threat Profile to all firewall rules (more details in the Additional"
+" Features section)"
+msgstr ""
+# de1483044bfa4bb6a8d75e7825ab54af
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:51
+msgid ""
+"Apply a Log Forwarding profile to all firewall rules (more details in the "
+"Additional Features section)"
+msgstr ""
+# bb979ee8007748adb71a5a35c819303f
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:57
+msgid "Initial Palo Alto Networks Firewall Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+# 933f635eb00e45d291ea9b284dde50c8
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:60
+msgid "Anatomy of the Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# 6c130d9bd83d4265aa57e471d8849d87
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:62
+msgid ""
+"In **'Network > Interfaces'** there is a list of physical interfaces as well"
+" as aggregated physical interfaces which are used for managing traffic in "
+"and out of the Palo Alto Networks Firewall device."
+msgstr ""
+# f3ed9b3a42c94267a7aa3c8799d6f2d4
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:66
+msgid ""
+"In **'Network > Zones'** there is a list of the different configuration "
+"zones.  This implementation will use two zones; a public (defaults to "
+"'untrust') and private (defaults to 'trust') zone."
+msgstr ""
+# 702c5d78734a4fb8ad9bdde0f6fe0fa8
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:70
+msgid ""
+"In **'Network > Virtual Routers'** there is a list of VRs which handle "
+"traffic routing for the Palo Alto Firewall.  We only use a single Virtual "
+"Router on the firewall and it is used to handle all the routing to the next "
+"network hop."
+msgstr ""
+# fa5e01b476f8473cb2cd6dba3c93b26d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:75
+msgid ""
+"In **'Objects > Security Profile Groups'** there is a list of profiles which"
+" can be applied to firewall rules.  These profiles are used to better "
+"understand the types of traffic that is flowing through your network. "
+"Configured when you add the firewall provider to CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+# 6ec861ebd15247b2a9d647243d07b9dc
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:80
+msgid ""
+"In **'Objects > Log Forwarding'** there is a list of profiles which can be "
+"applied to firewall rules.  These profiles are used to better track the logs"
+" generated by the firewall.  Configured when you add the firewall provider "
+"to CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+# 10bd8a298e9b4499a4e2b8158b2781ec
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:85
+msgid ""
+"In **'Policies > Security'** there is a list of firewall rules that are "
+"currently configured.  You will not need to modify this section because it "
+"will be completely automated by CloudStack, but you can review the firewall "
+"rules which have been created here."
+msgstr ""
+# 5deafeaa993b405cafa909f5c07398af
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:90
+msgid ""
+"In **'Policies > NAT'** there is a list of the different NAT rules.  You "
+"will not need to modify this section because it will be completely automated"
+" by CloudStack, but you can review the different NAT rules that have been "
+"created here.  Source NAT, Static NAT and Destination NAT (Port Forwarding) "
+"rules will show up in this list."
+msgstr ""
+# 97d928354c784496b323810668db7981
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:99
+msgid "Configure the Public / Private Zones on the firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# fc57f3d20fc6497093dfee06aed841b5
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:101
+msgid ""
+"No manual configuration is required to setup these zones because CloudStack "
+"will configure them automatically when you add the Palo Alto Networks "
+"firewall device to CloudStack as a service provider.  This implementation "
+"depends on two zones, one for the public side and one for the private side "
+"of the firewall."
+msgstr ""
+# 5dc660fae9f340ae9d54c5ba27bccdc1
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:107
+msgid ""
+"The public zone (defaults to 'untrust') will contain all of the public "
+"interfaces and public IPs."
+msgstr ""
+# af5503e4adbb4dff94c7db0cbfeda2b0
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:110
+msgid ""
+"The private zone (defaults to 'trust') will contain all of the private "
+"interfaces and guest network gateways."
+msgstr ""
+# 0c1f328f71d949568997a16e0ee29ebb
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:113
+msgid "The NAT and firewall rules will be configured between these zones."
+msgstr ""
+# 4edccd68911e4eb8ad8d16aae69c40c7
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:118
+msgid "Configure the Public / Private Interfaces on the firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# 7b5d71324ae94b4eb1345496cb5fc980
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:120
+msgid ""
+"This implementation supports standard physical interfaces as well as grouped"
+" physical interfaces called aggregated interfaces.  Both standard interfaces"
+" and aggregated interfaces are treated the same, so they can be used "
+"interchangeably. For this document, we will assume that we are using "
+"'ethernet1/1' as the public interface and 'ethernet1/2' as the private "
+"interface.  If aggregated interfaces where used, you would use something "
+"like 'ae1' and 'ae2' as the interfaces."
+msgstr ""
+# ce56405d9b404dd8abcbd2b47dbd6002
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:128
+msgid ""
+"This implementation requires that the 'Interface Type' be set to 'Layer3' "
+"for both the public and private interfaces.  If you want to be able to use "
+"the 'Untagged' VLAN tag for public traffic in CloudStack, you will need to "
+"enable support for it in the public 'ethernet1/1' interface (details below)."
+msgstr ""
+# e655877c1c3c4268b51d1f17b4d569e1
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:133
+msgid "**Steps to configure the Public Interface**:"
+msgstr ""
+# e8057bd4216c433a90d5747562875a83
+# e308adb3c6de47c3998377447d260f7e
+# 25d30e44808748d2bb2915a15019e45e
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:135
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:171
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:228
+msgid "Log into Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# 86c58907aa3c4905ac84366e69565cd9
+# 9e1f9a8ecebd488e8489f498bfc9409a
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:137
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:230
+msgid "Navigate to 'Network > Interfaces'"
+msgstr ""
+# d130fc55cd9d49c5a73893a0c995e367
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:139
+msgid ""
+"Click on 'ethernet1/1' (for aggregated ethernet, it will probably be called "
+msgstr ""
+# 33208ee8235747389e981e3758d7dc4e
+# 39345e835bac41baa611bcf824968ff2
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:142
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:155
+msgid "Select 'Layer3' from the 'Interface Type' list"
+msgstr ""
+# b0867e0d6cb34b75b442b55cfa026322
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:144
+msgid "Click 'Advanced'"
+msgstr ""
+# 0c56d4c03cf243f6a1a87f9d8ca7e880
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:146
+msgid "Check the 'Untagged Subinterface' check-box"
+msgstr ""
+# 9166a2200b574af9b0ffe071ed3f4b87
+# 00c33fde208a445a9be7a319592575fc
+# 987a5a8988304ce2896e1879196846a5
+# 065cd5ad2daf471ea266f1b0d2fda873
+# c3f6ec8691624d8ab74249c07e266983
+# 91645da523df4c5ab7b8492737d911f5
+# 4240529e3bd14c3ca9c9d3376612f6f7
+# d3d09b3543e544f3bddba24c6963e421
+# 380b2d7379934a6da1b399eab4d37c07
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:148
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:157
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:193
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:195
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:265
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:339
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:388
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:426
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:455
+msgid "Click 'OK'"
+msgstr ""
+# a53d6716c3174e058cf5ad15298f16e9
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:150
+msgid "**Steps to configure the Private Interface**:"
+msgstr ""
+# 3aa72dc4f76541deb400a07b2b6b6787
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:152
+msgid ""
+"Click on 'ethernet1/2' (for aggregated ethernet, it will probably be called "
+msgstr ""
+# 9be091f2707545c88df4139ff618a457
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:162
+msgid "Configure a Virtual Router on the firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# 84d511674355441bbe7dbe76d66c768f
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:164
+msgid ""
+"The Virtual Router on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall is not to be confused "
+"with the Virtual Routers that CloudStack provisions.  For this "
+"implementation, the Virtual Router on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall will "
+"ONLY handle the upstream routing from the Firewall to the next hop."
+msgstr ""
+# e82ded6aea36475f968637969a284573
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:169
+msgid "**Steps to configure the Virtual Router**:"
+msgstr ""
+# 579fa3c360f448d08cbcf3ed1ac4c275
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:173
+msgid "Navigate to 'Network > Virtual Routers'"
+msgstr ""
+# c0ff1f9d1a7247718698f44028af33b5
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:175
+msgid ""
+"Select the 'default' Virtual Router or Add a new Virtual Router if there are"
+" none in the list"
+msgstr ""
+# 9d99adc7f2b74c30b6053032d36fabb3
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:178
+msgid "If you added a new Virtual Router, you will need to give it a 'Name'"
+msgstr ""
+# feab30a949cd4a22885bd65920931c99
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:180
+msgid "Navigate to 'Static Routes > IPv4'"
+msgstr ""
+# ac625a8780de43ed897656d4cfb74bcd
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:182
+msgid "'Add' a new static route"
+msgstr ""
+# 472da2053fed453e96fb4acb49fd7e62
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:184
+msgid "**Name**: next_hop (you can name it anything you want)"
+msgstr ""
+# cbfb1fb365b04c96b7df8ee388ae85d7
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:186
+msgid "**Destination**: (send all traffic to this route)"
+msgstr ""
+# cda878dca5164d2f8e01aa0ff2848a96
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:188
+msgid ""
+"**Interface**: ethernet1/1 (or whatever you set your public interface as)"
+msgstr ""
+# a8dff252ac8841e1b30d1b61396e2f83
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:191
+msgid ""
+"**Next Hop**: (specify the gateway IP for the next hop in your network)"
+msgstr ""
+# 903e21b9a4a14125bacefde84d94aff4
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:200
+msgid "Configure the default Public Subinterface"
+msgstr ""
+# 2bd085187cbc476bbd72de056c01f9b1
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:202
+msgid ""
+"The current implementation of the Palo Alto Networks firewall integration "
+"uses CIDRs in the form of 'w.x.y.z/32' for the public IP addresses that "
+"CloudStack provisions.  Because no broadcast or gateway IPs are in this "
+"single IP range, there is no way for the firewall to route the traffic for "
+"these IPs.  To route the traffic for these IPs, we create a single "
+"subinterface on the public interface with an IP and a CIDR which "
+"encapsulates the CloudStack public IP range.  This IP will need to be inside"
+" the subnet defined by the CloudStack public range netmask, but outside the "
+"CloudStack public IP range.  The CIDR should reflect the same subnet defined"
+" by the CloudStack public range netmask. The name of the subinterface is "
+"determined by the VLAN configured for the public range in CloudStack."
+msgstr ""
+# 1027972bdb804444a04abfcb173c3213
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:214
+msgid "To clarify this concept, we will use the following example."
+msgstr ""
+# a217cfb35c1942b49aad39cf26323af1
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:216
+msgid "**Example CloudStack Public Range Configuration**:"
+msgstr ""
+# 0d8df54c42af461d957cae7fb26c8b0f
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:218
+msgid "**Gateway**:"
+msgstr ""
+# 203a1dcc624243cebe5260b914ca588d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:220
+msgid "**Netmask**:"
+msgstr ""
+# fe0cf8e78a914ef6a9d994d84e33f273
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:222
+msgid "**IP Range**: -"
+msgstr ""
+# 763cbf33799e4a66ba4ebba67deedea8
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:224
+msgid "**VLAN**: Untagged"
+msgstr ""
+# ef7b22d901134531a4ddc52d109f3884
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:226
+msgid "**Configure the Public Subinterface**:"
+msgstr ""
+# ce16b404e8fa422cb8d798d367d8ef89
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:232
+msgid "Select the 'ethernet1/1' line (not clicking on the name)"
+msgstr ""
+# 032bbee32d6343328a3ad9989c008a6d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:234
+msgid "Click 'Add Subinterface' at the bottom of the window"
+msgstr ""
+# 6359f5f7ec124236b0f34c9d7e6c3635
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:236
+msgid "Enter 'Interface Name': 'ethernet1/1' . '9999'"
+msgstr ""
+# ed56cd87d56b41ed87efb9d1bf1c66f8
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:238
+msgid "9999 is used if the CloudStack public range VLAN is 'Untagged'"
+msgstr ""
+# 57a09d78c0084f9d839011aec1eed2eb
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:240
+msgid ""
+"If the CloudStack public range VLAN is tagged (eg: 333), then the name will "
+"reflect that tag"
+msgstr ""
+# bcde49681f784127a31d97e7b792eed0
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:243
+msgid ""
+"The 'Tag' is the VLAN tag that the traffic is sent to the next hop with, so "
+"set it accordingly.  If you are passing 'Untagged' traffic from CloudStack "
+"to your next hop, leave it blank.  If you want to pass tagged traffic from "
+"CloudStack, specify the tag."
+msgstr ""
+# 579804e4cdd9464eb30e3ff2621fb8a1
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:248
+msgid ""
+"Select 'default' from the 'Config > Virtual Router' drop-down (assuming that"
+" is what your virtual router is called)"
+msgstr ""
+# 3a5160b4f5c042c6b940642fa2b05b2c
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:251
+msgid "Click the 'IPv4' tab"
+msgstr ""
+# 84bf732b36934a829114ed49a2742f17
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:253
+msgid "Select 'Static' from the 'Type' radio options"
+msgstr ""
+# 5870dee962e9418d9d87eeacec3d35ad
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:255
+msgid "Click 'Add' in the 'IP' section"
+msgstr ""
+# 5b9f289d72b14be9b4cfa38ef1728f76
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:257
+msgid "Enter '' in the new line"
+msgstr ""
+# a57d0d5ce83540e0a1b3d855b376e6b8
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:259
+msgid ""
+"The IP can be any IP outside the CloudStack public IP range, but inside the "
+"CloudStack public range netmask (it can NOT be the gateway IP)"
+msgstr ""
+# 359215f62863484ba745f8d2e03ce161
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:262
+msgid ""
+"The subnet defined by the CIDR should match the CloudStack public range "
+msgstr ""
+# c46252e83d114010880044c824b7e57b
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:269
+msgid "Commit configuration on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# 365f937b3fec42aea6aea597efca79fd
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:271
+msgid ""
+"In order for all the changes we just made to take effect, we need to commit "
+"the changes."
+msgstr ""
+# e5f848bca30e4beba84d97eb6c369c28
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:274
+msgid "Click the 'Commit' link in the top right corner of the window"
+msgstr ""
+# 506c144a4d5e4583b1ac84b1eead3373
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:276
+msgid "Click 'OK' in the commit window overlay"
+msgstr ""
+# c6025e0b37e240a4bbb98c10672afae7
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:278
+msgid ""
+"Click 'Close' to the resulting commit status window after the commit "
+msgstr ""
+# 37fa8b13701846cc9138c340b9c5c1c9
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:284
+msgid "Setup the Palo Alto Networks Firewall in CloudStack"
+msgstr ""
+# bf172f38242047e6a97f2181882e672f
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:287
+msgid "Add the Palo Alto Networks Firewall as a Service Provider"
+msgstr ""
+# 937455f6c6d4494680d9216fc506771b
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:289
+msgid ""
+"Navigate to 'Infrastructure > Zones > ZONE_NAME > Physical Network > "
+"NETWORK_NAME (guest) > Configure; Network Service Providers'"
+msgstr ""
+# cf68cff820a249ceb84fe458347aa12b
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:292
+msgid "Click on 'Palo Alto' in the list"
+msgstr ""
+# 46ab280934294383a25c46ec2f79b443
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:294
+msgid "Click 'View Devices'"
+msgstr ""
+# 7560d69ce9b843b6bf611c931c0675bb
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:296
+msgid "Click 'Add Palo Alto Device'"
+msgstr ""
+# 8956b2ff67f7426190554aae0701fcfa
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:298
+msgid ""
+"Enter your configuration in the overlay.  This example will reflect the "
+"details previously used in this guide."
+msgstr ""
+# 30d5213a36ba4d038e33bd011c545565
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:301
+msgid "**IP Address**: (the IP of the Palo Alto Networks Firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+# 521f94e44aa74f7d80c7fa7e161c899e
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:303
+msgid "**Username**: (the admin username for the firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+# 8e9ee920bf3e4af9ac7f6b3577fa353d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:305
+msgid "**Password**: (the admin password for the firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+# bb1105db236c4fe2a3565df1a58ce8f1
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:307
+msgid "**Type**: Palo Alto Firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# dc49c3aae7c3461cbd16d505f7fd294b
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:309
+msgid ""
+"**Public Interface**: ethernet1/1 (use what you setup earlier as the public "
+"interface if it is different from my examples)"
+msgstr ""
+# 752d21019c2944548bded6ff17d05189
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:312
+msgid ""
+"**Private Interface**: ethernet1/2 (use what you setup earlier as the "
+"private interface if it is different from my examples)"
+msgstr ""
+# d71bcfebd9824cd59280dfb23f87fc94
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:315
+msgid "**Number of Retries**: 2 (the default is fine)"
+msgstr ""
+# 8f1e92bb49df4bf69a4983820930b5b6
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:317
+msgid "**Timeout**: 300 (the default is fine)"
+msgstr ""
+# ac1090afc1b14b8a9dd41ebfe6fd059e
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:319
+msgid ""
+"**Public Network**: untrust (this is the public zone on the firewall and did"
+" not need to be configured)"
+msgstr ""
+# 81323dc3b1b5477a84f1f9a0aca02f1d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:322
+msgid ""
+"**Private Network**: trust (this is the private zone on the firewall and did"
+" not need to be configured)"
+msgstr ""
+# 0587f506923242dba7d30acfa5f444bc
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:325
+msgid ""
+"**Virtual Router**: default (this is the name of the Virtual Router we setup"
+" on the firewall)"
+msgstr ""
+# 64503dfbfc6a4a52a027fb5580d77e45
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:328
+msgid ""
+"**Palo Alto Threat Profile**: (not required.  name of the 'Security Profile "
+"Groups' to apply.  more details in the 'Additional Features' section)"
+msgstr ""
+# 6a825e2b4acf42e89c8918ec303b4857
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:332
+msgid ""
+"**Palo Alto Log Profile**: (not required.  name of the 'Log Forwarding' "
+"profile to apply.  more details in the 'Additional Features' section)"
+msgstr ""
+# 096b8832d07e48e49b72747a73f81495
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:335
+msgid "**Capacity**: (not required)"
+msgstr ""
+# f58dd37d12ff463a8cf1cf7fd24c6249
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:337
+msgid "**Dedicated**: (not required)"
+msgstr ""
+# fffae74d8e664c85be11eaef42463e99
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:341
+msgid "Click on 'Palo Alto' in the breadcrumbs to go back one screen."
+msgstr ""
+# 3eb2449be08d4f88b8175a9fbd1e399a
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:343
+msgid "Click on 'Enable Provider' |EnableDisableFeature.png|"
+msgstr ""
+# f471b4d3e1334984931fdfba6c1e3630
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:347
+msgid "Add a Network Service Offering to use the new Provider"
+msgstr ""
+# 4e9125d7228d4e1d82ac0e317b41a5db
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:349
+msgid ""
+"There are 6 'Supported Services' that need to be configured in the network "
+"service offering for this functionality.  They are DHCP, DNS, Firewall, "
+"Source NAT, Static NAT and Port Forwarding.  For the other settings, there "
+"are probably additional configurations which will work, but I will just "
+"document a common case."
+msgstr ""
+# b591b1d771584a438ede97f7071cd655
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:355
+msgid "Navigate to 'Service Offerings'"
+msgstr ""
+# 14059062e0634e599485931cf2e0733b
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:357
+msgid "In the drop-down at the top, select 'Network Offerings'"
+msgstr ""
+# 2b3a92a7cce44d9792ac52aea4305a79
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:359
+msgid "Click 'Add Network Offering'"
+msgstr ""
+# 6b9a36687b1c429aa2bedbe8afb2a16c
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:361
+msgid "**Name**: (name it whatever you want)"
+msgstr ""
+# 3dd061afb48b49d5828e2ffafa973281
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:363
+msgid "**Description**: (again, can be whatever you want)"
+msgstr ""
+# 49f121a90bb6407484225354829e4f76
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:365
+msgid "**Guest Type**: Isolated"
+msgstr ""
+# 3ac932b614024736adfe4404b0994b15
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:367
+msgid "**Supported Services**:"
+msgstr ""
+# 5326f2fa7c3046859d71e526cbb378d3
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:369
+msgid "**DHCP**: Provided by 'VirtualRouter'"
+msgstr ""
+# 8380eb62feed49cf9defb0c46d0d965a
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:371
+msgid "**DNS**: Provided by 'VirtualRouter'"
+msgstr ""
+# c1a7cc369b54411b886e9cf936f96da2
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:373
+msgid "**Firewall**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+# 2c93d4effcc3444b8ab2c3da1933602d
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:375
+msgid "**Source NAT**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+# 4279d687aefd4657a9a25f5a81681496
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:377
+msgid "**Static NAT**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+# 629dfab5c1dc40cc99930ae86c10df50
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:379
+msgid "**Port Forwarding**: Provided by 'PaloAlto'"
+msgstr ""
+# 7d48d89ad530444db29511d673a7df5e
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:381
+msgid "**System Offering for Router**: System Offering For Software Router"
+msgstr ""
+# 5ea8ba9b5eab4284ae26af32a837796e
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:383
+msgid ""
+"**Supported Source NAT Type**: Per account (this is the only supported "
+msgstr ""
+# c1ce203c827e446d855abb79dc033d31
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:386
+msgid "**Default egress policy**: (both 'Allow' and 'Deny' are supported)"
+msgstr ""
+# 1e2fa21b7c18491d943e71b38a893339
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:390
+msgid "Click on the newly created service offering"
+msgstr ""
+# ded26656c3714a89969c20ed0145aeca
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:392
+msgid "Click 'Enable network offering' |EnableDisableFeature.png|"
+msgstr ""
+# 961c14735e81493e85f84b384a2cf059
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:394
+msgid ""
+"When adding networks in CloudStack, select this network offering to use the "
+"Palo Alto Networks firewall."
+msgstr ""
+# 625a28d178864aeba73bb243f68af405
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:399
+msgid "Additional Features"
+msgstr ""
+# 966abd9906d540eeb3992080bfa4e79b
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:401
+msgid ""
+"In addition to the standard functionality exposed by CloudStack, we have "
+"added a couple additional features to this implementation.  We did not add "
+"any new screens to CloudStack, but we have added a couple fields to the 'Add"
+" Palo Alto Service Provider' screen which will add functionality globally "
+"for the device."
+msgstr ""
+# a0955c0b218e4ead9953db5f3e933ebc
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:408
+msgid "Palo Alto Networks Threat Profile"
+msgstr ""
+# b56617dd1b7a49439204d45bd3ddc540
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:410
+msgid ""
+"This feature allows you to specify a 'Security Profile Group' to be applied "
+"to all of the firewall rules which are created on the Palo Alto Networks "
+"firewall device."
+msgstr ""
+# ddf43faad14a41deb2f807650433579e
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:414
+msgid ""
+"To create a 'Security Profile Group' on the Palo Alto Networks firewall, do "
+"the following:"
+msgstr ""
+# a77eb7c4a55b45db96ba922310c92a31
+# 401e0ddfb24441f3a01f0406fed5ea8c
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:417
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:446
+msgid "Log into the Palo Alto Networks firewall"
+msgstr ""
+# d1cffa0eb5b84c4fac78345a6a1eac14
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:419
+msgid "Navigate to 'Objects > Security Profile Groups'"
+msgstr ""
+# d8a2cff026f443e48ddc23e758c6b433
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:421
+msgid "Click 'Add' at the bottom of the page to add a new group"
+msgstr ""
+# 2260b8c3d00f4fb48409751005878ea3
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:423
+msgid ""
+"Give the group a Name and specify the profiles you would like to include in "
+"the group"
+msgstr ""
+# 71409d6bba4e4cefb293a3a2adb62a58
+# b0ff6a165cf648f59bb775cb80b7bae8
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:428
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:457
+msgid ""
+"Click the 'Commit' link in the top right of the screen and follow the on "
+"screen instructions"
+msgstr ""
+# 39f6f68e96514eb687aee18212a17720
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:431
+msgid ""
+"Once you have created a profile, you can reference it by Name in the 'Palo "
+"Alto Threat Profile' field in the 'Add the Palo Alto Networks Firewall as a "
+"Service Provider' step."
+msgstr ""
+# 19e3020b2cb741dcbeaf2757b1c46b0e
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:437
+msgid "Palo Alto Networks Log Forwarding Profile"
+msgstr ""
+# 8e702ba47eb14d06953df77990976d35
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:439
+msgid ""
+"This feature allows you to specify a 'Log Forwarding' profile to better "
+"manage where the firewall logs are sent to.  This is helpful for keeping "
+"track of issues that can arise on the firewall."
+msgstr ""
+# a924dcc217f44a8d9ea1bf038038cc48
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:443
+msgid ""
+"To create a 'Log Forwarding' profile on the Palo Alto Networks Firewall, do "
+"the following:"
+msgstr ""
+# ae0e76d3eff94c3aae3e4b2c7d55b745
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:448
+msgid "Navigate to 'Objects > Log Forwarding'"
+msgstr ""
+# 2568e7109c7a4034872602eaf73fc171
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:450
+msgid "Click 'Add' at the bottom of the page to add a new profile"
+msgstr ""
+# b3e2a50453874aa591e0592eea54a974
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:452
+msgid ""
+"Give the profile a Name and specify the details you want for the traffic and"
+" threat settings"
+msgstr ""
+# 15fa6db47be1443fa69fb555db7583b7
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:460
+msgid ""
+"Once you have created a profile, you can reference it by Name in the 'Palo "
+"Alto Log Profile' field in the 'Add the Palo Alto Networks Firewall as a "
+"Service Provider' step."
+msgstr ""
+# 5d10eda1d77e4cdcaef70d1cded35c75
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:469
+msgid ""
+"The implementation currently only supports a single public IP range in "
+msgstr ""
+# 01f1108e82134be5bf3daf49f3d331ea
+#: ../../networking/palo_alto_config.rst:472
+msgid "Usage tracking is not yet implemented"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index 29eefc5..e1f84f3 100644
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Binary files differ
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+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/projects.po
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# mushroom_rain <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-16 07:45+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: mushroom_rain <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -18,17 +17,17 @@
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-# 67b9f51612cb496d9701fcd2c24d9cb5
+# 4b4ac9e9d63047e88707cfbcf936a425
 #: ../../projects.rst:18
 msgid "Using Projects to Organize Users and Resources"
 msgstr "使用项目来管理用户和资源。"
-# 1cb3a4ccdca349788ea29a615f989e93
+# dd53e71c97984e29944fd5f92845fc70
 #: ../../projects.rst:21
 msgid "Overview of Projects"
 msgstr "项目概览"
-# f06b8f1572294f1c9e8567167df9a4c5
+# 9ad708c803064abcbaa0ba5c9d5efe55
 #: ../../projects.rst:23
 msgid ""
 "Projects are used to organize people and resources. CloudStack users within "
@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@
 "easily isolate their efforts from other users of the same cloud"
 msgstr "项目用来管理用户和资源。处于单独域中的CloudStack用户可以自组,他们可以集中并分享虚拟资源,如VM、快照、模板、磁盘、IP地址等。CloudStack可以像跟踪每个用户一样跟踪每个项目的资源,所以可以按照用户或者项目对资源使用收费。例如,一个软件公司的私有云可能将所有QA部门的员工分配到一个项目,当需要在测试中区分同一云中该项目组员工的贡献时,测试中的资源跟踪将变的容易。"
-# 467cabcfe9c448b784ab2c2c52560838
+# df157ec524304800a9ced5d428bd234c
 #: ../../projects.rst:34
 msgid ""
 "You can configure CloudStack to allow any user to create a new project, or "
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@
 "alerts, and so on."
 msgstr "你可以配置 CloudStack允许任何用户创建项目,或者你也可以只允许CloudStack管理员进行此项操作。一旦你创建了项目,你就成为项目管理员,你可以将域中的其他用户加入到项目。CloudStack可以设置成将用户直接加入项目或者向接受者发送邀请。项目组成员可以浏览和管理项目中的所有虚拟资源(例如,共享VM)。一个用户可以属于任何项目组,并可在CloudStack界面中切换只与项目相关的信息,如项目VM,项目成员,项目相关警告等。"
-# 084d2df113554d86bc84fabe4777c76c
+# d29f7ae31802463281f05dac9610d8d2
 #: ../../projects.rst:46
 msgid ""
 "The project administrator can pass on the role to another project member. "
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@
 msgstr "项目管理员可以将角色传递给项目另外的成员。项目管理员也可以添加、删除项目成员,设置新的资源限制(只要在CloudStack管理员默认的全局设置范围之内),删除项目。当管理员将成员移出项目,那个成员所创建的资源,如VM实例,仍旧在项目中。这将我们带到了资源归属以及项目可用资源的课题下."
-# 3c0e437493cc47a7ae950a51d94f7b72
+# dde002b5830f493b94778605a4014583
 #: ../../projects.rst:55
 msgid ""
 "Resources created within a project are owned by the project, not by any "
@@ -90,13 +89,13 @@
 "disk offerings at the project level.."
 msgstr "项目内创建的资源为项目所有,不属于任何特殊的CloudStack帐户,仅能在项目内使用。属于一个或多个项目的用户扔可在这些项目之外创建资源,这些资源属于这个用户帐户;与项目使用和资源限制并不冲突。你可以在项目内创建项目级的网络来隔离流量,并提供网络服务,如端口转发,负载均衡,VPN,静态NAT。项目也可以在项目之外使用特定资源,只要这些资源是共享的。例如,域中的共享网络,公用模板对任何项目都是可用的。模板所有者如果赋予权限,项目也可以使用私有模板。项目可以使用域中设置的服务方案或磁盘方案;然后,你无法在项目层级创建私有服务和磁盘方案。"
-# a53649cfbfa54d2faadb804f7b60dc42
-#: ../../projects.rst:72
+# 847217dcf84349fc9c5c719bfde3ec7f
+#: ../../projects.rst:73
 msgid "Configuring Projects"
 msgstr "配置项目"
-# 409cbc0e07374aa2bb946e59f01aa5e0
-#: ../../projects.rst:74
+# 8a115b7683d3463087791eaed5a40d85
+#: ../../projects.rst:75
 msgid ""
 "Before CloudStack users start using projects, the CloudStack administrator "
 "must set up various systems to support them, including membership "
@@ -104,13 +103,13 @@
 msgstr "在CloudStack用户使用项目前,CloudStack管理员必须设置不同的系统以支持它们,包括成员身份邀请,项目资源的限制,以及对谁可以创建项目的控制。"
-# 88c44194d06549edb39e6d7cdf57783c
-#: ../../projects.rst:80
+# 327e0569d0c44de5b93b9f7e446920cc
+#: ../../projects.rst:82
 msgid "Setting Up Invitations"
 msgstr "设置邀请"
-# 2d0fcd00386f4b86abf09bd4a3cf2c88
-#: ../../projects.rst:82
+# 3e242eb556ee478cb2f58ad9f6d5ce85
+#: ../../projects.rst:84
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack can be set up either so that project administrators can add "
 "people directly to a project, or so that it is necessary to send an "
@@ -120,32 +119,32 @@
 "invitations feature in CloudStack."
 msgstr "CloudStack可以设置成项目管理员直接添加用户或者向接受者发送邀请。邀请可以通过邮件或者用户的CloudStack帐户。如果你希望管理员使用邀请来添加项目成员,那么打开并设置CloudStack中的邀请属性。"
-# 59ed72e622cb4d1995d33e948a358c8b
-# e6ba70a14d374e0db36684000897aa1d
-# d93d49c7c1024e178d8b9181bb31e7da
-# 1758c4678559493894aaa229ebea9e45
-# bbb433d475704c568dc75532dd96138a
-#: ../../projects.rst:91 ../../projects.rst:168 ../../projects.rst:200
-#: ../../projects.rst:247 ../../projects.rst:284
+# 8e48e6338f444e73898549bf0932c731
+# 2309d4b19c6d404181b591f4f6d205fc
+# 2e84d8cc479e4cf0af43cd20e4fa190b
+# ccfea269215f463d9fe35998c9494c53
+# 8c0130530bbe4c28b429436a6d8e61c9
+#: ../../projects.rst:91 ../../projects.rst:158 ../../projects.rst:177
+#: ../../projects.rst:214 ../../projects.rst:242
 msgid "Log in as administrator to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr "使用管理员登录到CloudStack管理界面。"
-# 4f972f509e204e46b3a2d3e9a5582942
-# 431e2eead6c4499db65445f004e8c998
-# f8db5cdebb8c4434b988c467a33b770d
-#: ../../projects.rst:95 ../../projects.rst:204 ../../projects.rst:251
+# e539c47bc6254e2c8a1382c03574a8c0
+# c7df097745ac41e1ab3b12f5ede84582
+# 989f33da3208451a8bcb145c25a7d1c9
+#: ../../projects.rst:93 ../../projects.rst:179 ../../projects.rst:216
 msgid "In the left navigation, click Global Settings."
 msgstr "在左侧导航栏,点击 全局设置"
-# bae913de91674043a1cca535165318ae
-#: ../../projects.rst:99
+# 37e43d6f62be443998cb185f24333cdf
+#: ../../projects.rst:95
 msgid ""
 "In the search box, type project and click the search button. |Searches "
 msgstr "在搜索栏中,输入项目,点击搜索按钮。 |搜索项目|"
-# 37a9fac5bb5c473b93f335d10ff3b848
-#: ../../projects.rst:104
+# e42abfd82e134939b6d5b7d2fed2f4cc
+#: ../../projects.rst:98
 msgid ""
 "In the search results, you can see a few other parameters you need to set to"
 " control how invitations behave. The table below shows global configuration "
@@ -153,112 +152,112 @@
 " parameter."
 msgstr "在搜索结果中,你还需要设置一些其他的参数来控制邀请行为。下表所示的是全局配置参数中与项目邀请相关的部分,点击编辑按钮设置每个参数。"
-# 1708bd1229214fcabbf8ecdeef8a1cfc
-#: ../../projects.rst:110
+# 9a803ec0fbce49a1bfcbdcb1961d9fe9
+#: ../../projects.rst:104
 msgid "Configuration Parameters"
 msgstr "配置参数"
-# ca3b2c6c430b46d0aae519d2e68e6bfb
-#: ../../projects.rst:110
+# 2eb9f6fe8d7148b99a39f5ba5c0b8acf
+#: ../../projects.rst:104
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "描述"
-# a246e157a45f4200983ec1ea49c90ebb
-#: ../../projects.rst:112
+# 8f015394c22643a89189371d0708f414
+#: ../../projects.rst:106
 msgid "project.invite.required"
 msgstr "project.invite.required"
-# 086f42e092d14d8a8203ab0f759b9ece
-#: ../../projects.rst:112
+# 3f3e2860eff34ffaad4d84f57b53f46d
+#: ../../projects.rst:106
 msgid "Set to true to turn on the invitations feature."
 msgstr "将值设置为 true以打开邀请特性。"
-# 03762abea2bf4ae0af7415c5e7b30029
-#: ../../projects.rst:114
+# c3dd124564eb4178a6f272ed89393757
+#: ../../projects.rst:108
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-# 48141d344bd9434b994abcd3c6054e64
-#: ../../projects.rst:114
+# 1c83afe8caa5414181a01e7c8e31627f
+#: ../../projects.rst:108
 msgid "The email address to show in the From field of invitation emails."
 msgstr "邀请邮件中填入发送区域的邮件地址。"
-# 52a79b2f401a4edba2d3daf78fee2deb
-#: ../../projects.rst:116
+# 31cb407a37cc40c79b6cdb1c8171c153
+#: ../../projects.rst:110
 msgid "project.invite.timeout"
 msgstr "project.invite.timeout"
-# da33a2acf3d3417584722eeaf6f71216
-#: ../../projects.rst:116
+# 1ff23ba5f3174049a1f067acd434fa47
+#: ../../projects.rst:110
 msgid "Amount of time to allow for a new member to respond to the invitation."
 msgstr "新成员对于邀请的允许响应时间。"
-# 6aea4b8ae5044c118ef90cf9b3b850ed
-#: ../../projects.rst:118
+# 9daf130db7394b60aae7266b51a04ff6
+#: ../../projects.rst:112
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-# 61fd32c7879f4d4c9172f1853e4aa116
-#: ../../projects.rst:118
+# dd464c374e9049c4995f6ea455014f6a
+#: ../../projects.rst:112
 msgid "Name of the host that acts as an email server to handle invitations."
 msgstr "作为处理邀请的邮件服务器的主机名。"
-# 7694735f91b74bf2bf17595676e496fe
-#: ../../projects.rst:120
+# 89967c84b58c4a69af3b1718861da2b1
+#: ../../projects.rst:114
 msgid "project.smtp.password"
 msgstr "project.smtp.password"
-# ea9112506e1d485db75be150ba24c122
-#: ../../projects.rst:120
+# 1815f51cddd147efb8c9cd0bf2fb66dd
+#: ../../projects.rst:114
 msgid ""
 "(Optional) Password required by the SMTP server. You must also set "
 "project.smtp.username and set project.smtp.useAuth to true."
 msgstr "(可选)SMTP服务器要求的密码。你必须将project.smtp.username和project.smtp.useAuth也设置为true。"
-# 521e92a91a0f492ea611ed184e57514c
-#: ../../projects.rst:122
+# bb3f4cd97d8c4c5881aaded19029f405
+#: ../../projects.rst:116
 msgid "project.smtp.port"
 msgstr "project.smtp.port"
-# 87c311479de94ea88ea3af5902889bf6
-#: ../../projects.rst:122
+# 30ad11730ae14fc5a8a26e34a244704d
+#: ../../projects.rst:116
 msgid "SMTP server’s listening port."
 msgstr "SMTP服务器的监听端口。"
-# bd090dd563074164900c1d2dfbcb17ed
-#: ../../projects.rst:124
+# 1e41abde08fb4385ad49ccdd91e5d856
+#: ../../projects.rst:118
 msgid "project.smtp.useAuth"
 msgstr "project.smtp.useAuth"
-# 561e7c0ae0c543a39846104161567074
-#: ../../projects.rst:124
+# 41fc2bf9b98d4dd7af52e18e21334a4a
+#: ../../projects.rst:118
 msgid "Set to true if the SMTP server requires a username and password."
 msgstr "如果SMTP服务器需要用户名和密码,则设置为true"
-# 65279b768d8e4c28b2b9a44138b68fcb
-#: ../../projects.rst:126
+# d22498c945d14f65bd0892d1a3bbb4ab
+#: ../../projects.rst:120
 msgid "project.smtp.username"
 msgstr "project.smtp.username"
-# 97c3e819133a437eac8012da0470ae5c
-#: ../../projects.rst:126
+# a025e0ccc7b641c8b1c1c18d0884a7e8
+#: ../../projects.rst:120
 msgid ""
 "(Optional) User name required by the SMTP server for authentication. You "
 "must also set project.smtp.password and set project.smtp.useAuth to true.."
 msgstr "(可选) 用于SMTPU认证的用户名。必须将project.smtp.password 和project.smtp.useAuth也设置为true。"
-# fae690fdd7ee41709620845c82bd6285
-#: ../../projects.rst:131
+# 5a399b5498814feb8d1d90ac249c0f06
+#: ../../projects.rst:123
 msgid "Restart the Management Server:"
 msgstr "重启管理服务器:"
-# 722a9bbe1a974df38f687dace1f5632b
-#: ../../projects.rst:138
+# cc25b73903da4b3eb00ef5dca983a9b6
+#: ../../projects.rst:130
 msgid "Setting Resource Limits for Projects"
 msgstr "设置项目的资源限制"
-# 273ccdcf6f124c10a4a90e705b70030b
-#: ../../projects.rst:140
+# 4554a70f1086483a8feea5f0c15eafd0
+#: ../../projects.rst:132
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack administrator can set global default limits to control the "
 "amount of resources that can be owned by each project in the cloud. This "
@@ -270,13 +269,13 @@
 " any project in the cloud"
 msgstr "CloudStack管理员可以设置全局默认限制来控制云中每个项目可拥有的资源量。该服务用来限制不可控的资源使用,如快照,IP地址,虚拟机实例。域管理员在域中可以覆盖个人项目中的这些资源限制,只要这些限制在CloudStack根管理员的全局默认限制范围内。CloudStack根管理员可以为云中的任何项目设置更低的资源限制。"
-# bd79e43b15154578b3b73965c8de8a24
-#: ../../projects.rst:151
+# 87c2e78e1e344c2fa0e550443ff641e3
+#: ../../projects.rst:143
 msgid "Setting Per-Project Resource Limits"
 msgstr "按项目设置资源限制"
-# 35bf817bb33142f88ac5ef8dd26b9214
-#: ../../projects.rst:153
+# 7e81041e8a9147bd84fde49f3f569465
+#: ../../projects.rst:145
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack root administrator or the domain administrator of the domain "
 "where the project resides can set new resource limits for an individual "
@@ -284,8 +283,8 @@
 " a domain or root administrator."
 msgstr " CloudStack系统管理员和项目所在域的域管理员可以设置单个项目的资源限制。项目所有者只有在其同时为域或系统管理员的情况下才能设置资源限制。"
-# 3fb3e20139094b9ab734eca835527188
-#: ../../projects.rst:158
+# 47029644eddd41d1b4647b5332d9c061
+#: ../../projects.rst:150
 msgid ""
 "The new limits must be below the global default limits set by the CloudStack"
 " administrator (as described in `“Setting Resource Limits for Projects” "
@@ -295,62 +294,62 @@
 "until the total drops below the new limit."
 msgstr "新限制值必须小于 CloudStack系统管理员设置的全局限制值(参见`“设置项目的资源限制” <#setting-resource-limits-for-projects>`_)。如果项目中的某种资源数量已经超过了新限制值,现有资源不受影响。然而,该项目将不能再添加该类型的新资源,直到资源数低于新限制值。"
-# 3fcbacd6ccea43a2b8ecc0cdff1cdbdd
-# 19e2f08a56b0442a8522e9cad855930f
-# d9594aa91e5347768c79dd0113a197d3
-# 3cf6663e5c6341559a649fa3a285cd89
-# bc73035e033c43c2ab844ac37b640e04
-# f1b162b83e964649b8bee3908fed1890
-#: ../../projects.rst:172 ../../projects.rst:288 ../../projects.rst:344
-#: ../../projects.rst:407 ../../projects.rst:440 ../../projects.rst:479
+# f22a47ab0c5948e6b1e37d8a2ea696c9
+# e197ae8d631c487694852e4f6de2552f
+# befd6ea180404a3bb8cc85b535ec7a84
+# c2260b29d8b94395b2be966c4a99333d
+# 322b7293e93f44dcb5b9d2b201132963
+# 9f3d412110854b50a846dbdbcf15d67a
+#: ../../projects.rst:160 ../../projects.rst:244 ../../projects.rst:284
+#: ../../projects.rst:328 ../../projects.rst:350 ../../projects.rst:380
 msgid "In the left navigation, click Projects."
 msgstr "在左侧导航栏点击项目。"
-# 90fa632519674015b7099f8dbeb8e44c
-# c71535c66cba4b0bb6623c722ce0d171
-# ae8e17566ee14ccba9d97a07a50107f8
-# 4b40011760b84031aa730741c109b402
-#: ../../projects.rst:176 ../../projects.rst:348 ../../projects.rst:411
-#: ../../projects.rst:483
+# 028c250e7e6144e2a78bcb28aeb20c20
+# 2eb7b64a81f44d6381ff74cb4876454f
+# ced1ffd77bfc4a769d87a1e02b4f605b
+# c52047f8f2064bb2a2e81d5aa52a4c86
+#: ../../projects.rst:162 ../../projects.rst:286 ../../projects.rst:330
+#: ../../projects.rst:382
 msgid "In Select View, choose Projects."
 msgstr "在选择视图选择项目。"
-# 53db713c99504c5985dac8e64571dab0
-# 018eb9a76ca342ad9cb27c1e2cf1490b
-# a2f3bfa283984936a6967a5dee596fa7
-#: ../../projects.rst:180 ../../projects.rst:352 ../../projects.rst:415
+# af4be7e8b89f4da08c1391967263e362
+# dc1fc36ced6d4c48984c0a599e2893ba
+# 79ab804df9234bd0af6b4f89d1b545b5
+#: ../../projects.rst:164 ../../projects.rst:288 ../../projects.rst:332
 msgid "Click the name of the project you want to work with."
 msgstr "点击您要操作的项目名称。"
-# d5f4e26bc5d04420a7b1d08edeb5d7fc
-#: ../../projects.rst:184
+# 5e274b4f574149edaa1899709a04a1d3
+#: ../../projects.rst:166
 msgid ""
 "Click the Resources tab. This tab lists the current maximum amount that the "
 "project is allowed to own for each type of resource."
 msgstr "点击资源页。该页列出了项目当前可拥有的各类资源的最大数量。"
-# 377294f3a42a43a999012d03f8a8b597
-#: ../../projects.rst:189
+# b0861fc478514256ad0ca41e6184ba3a
+#: ../../projects.rst:169
 msgid "Type new values for one or more resources."
 msgstr "为一种或几种资源输入新值。"
-# f06ce2b89f93487fa0db0d0e2ed73010
-#: ../../projects.rst:193
+# 363f4b7e52b04d4ba5bf081c3c51dc8a
+#: ../../projects.rst:171
 msgid "Click Apply."
 msgstr "点击应用"
-# fc06488e3bd144ca8880e6ba61597186
-#: ../../projects.rst:196
+# 7263280c84454f05be8680c02efbd4c3
+#: ../../projects.rst:175
 msgid "Setting the Global Project Resource Limits"
 msgstr "设置全局项目资源限制"
-# eea9b416069044c3becc63d3cf1c0ec8
-#: ../../projects.rst:208
+# 81a908897f4d4aacb979288d14e8f4ad
+#: ../../projects.rst:181
 msgid "In the search box, type max.projects and click the search button."
 msgstr "在搜索栏输入“max.projects”,点击搜索按钮。"
-# e79a2857cdc6415ba97f2f86f7bd6554
-#: ../../projects.rst:212
+# 7a132176784548a1bb80edb054b486b9
+#: ../../projects.rst:183
 msgid ""
 "In the search results, you will see the parameters you can use to set per-"
 "project maximum resource amounts that apply to all projects in the cloud. No"
@@ -358,156 +357,156 @@
 "limits. Click the edit button to set each parameter. |Edits parameters|"
 msgstr "在搜索结果中,你可以看到应用于云中所有项目的参数,你可以使用它们设置每个项目的最大资源量。没有项目能拥有更多资源,但个人项目能拥有更低的限制。点击编辑按钮设置每个参数。|编辑参数|"
-# 6e812cacf6d14e8e807f46917624f35f
-#: ../../projects.rst:219
+# 241b29e357a047dc890813c8021b8bfa
+#: ../../projects.rst:190
 msgid "max.project.public.ips"
 msgstr "max.project.public.ips"
-# da5c017dd916441d9d3b2792817c5613
-#: ../../projects.rst:219
+# ca118c2a5e6d41b0ae029c8780d99883
+#: ../../projects.rst:190
 msgid ""
 "Maximum number of public IP addresses that can be owned by any project in "
 "the cloud. See About Public IP Addresses."
 msgstr "项目拥有的公共IP最大值,参看公共IP地址。"
-# 8a932c5b2bd34eba920c199d51470ec8
-#: ../../projects.rst:221
+# 2c1e0ade7edc46ff97ef948312221adb
+#: ../../projects.rst:192
 msgid "max.project.snapshots"
 msgstr "max.project.snapshots"
-# e0f8e4a312f84a2f8542b47a377dd24f
-#: ../../projects.rst:221
+# a809d74e8e264f2f8544e96dacf33d1a
+#: ../../projects.rst:192
 msgid ""
 "Maximum number of snapshots that can be owned by any project in the cloud. "
 "See Working with Snapshots."
 msgstr "项目可拥有的最大快照数。参看工作相关快照。"
-# 431c5b5e8e264582892facf6880e9951
-#: ../../projects.rst:223
+# 977134a911f844f98a39206991e01c12
+#: ../../projects.rst:194
 msgid "max.project.templates"
 msgstr "max.project.templates"
-# 45cde451730948709fd14e0b55fb40e7
-#: ../../projects.rst:223
+# 44dcf66c930a42869b7601e0250466ac
+#: ../../projects.rst:194
 msgid ""
 "Maximum number of templates that can be owned by any project in the cloud. "
 "See Working with Templates."
 msgstr "项目可拥有的最大模板数。参看工作相关模板。"
-# 17a84045548846f9a724dbd78157ebfc
-#: ../../projects.rst:225
+# 9007c476909543678660480c9c5cca8e
+#: ../../projects.rst:196
 msgid "max.project.uservms"
 msgstr "max.project.uservms"
-# 79b0c584853c4ecabdd05360221386b1
-#: ../../projects.rst:225
+# fa7756a39a51499aa79542f6a9aebd0a
+#: ../../projects.rst:196
 msgid ""
 "Maximum number of guest virtual machines that can be owned by any project in"
 " the cloud. See Working With Virtual Machines."
 msgstr "项目中的虚拟客户机最大数目。参看工作相关虚拟机。"
-# 2fc2b4f5105c478aa53ee2ceac77ed2d
-#: ../../projects.rst:227
+# 4bd44963b3c84bd09612d0c16cb2b21f
+#: ../../projects.rst:198
 msgid "max.project.volumes"
 msgstr "max.project.volumes"
-# dbbaa5b0e13f433daa843baa8ba11ef0
-#: ../../projects.rst:227
+# b684120b36d54144b7d6bfd1b9cb26fd
+#: ../../projects.rst:198
 msgid ""
 "Maximum number of data volumes that can be owned by any project in the "
 "cloud. See Working with Volumes."
 msgstr "项目中所拥有的最大数据卷数,参看工作相关卷。"
-# ded6bd843e2d4da3b3cbea4b6e6e67b9
-# 66cc93245d2245048ac8307dc1a301a7
-#: ../../projects.rst:233 ../../projects.rst:269
+# 0a08e573ccff40ed964877c1e0a25422
+# 30bf816d7d164ebc9a3527bb06dcd0f5
+#: ../../projects.rst:202 ../../projects.rst:228
 msgid "Restart the Management Server."
 msgstr "重启管理服务器。"
-# 5b42647462274807a1965dc0029da27a
-#: ../../projects.rst:240
+# 7a9e7b11d9204da7b5e4ae5b0cad6e15
+#: ../../projects.rst:209
 msgid "Setting Project Creator Permissions"
 msgstr "设置项目创建许可"
-# c765613d284d4a0082d7160251dd41be
-#: ../../projects.rst:242
+# c9583a67341f459c94f3aa76485a5fd8
+#: ../../projects.rst:211
 msgid ""
 "You can configure CloudStack to allow any user to create a new project, or "
 "you can restrict that ability to just CloudStack administrators."
 msgstr "你可以配置 CloudStack允许所有用户创建新项目,或限制只有 CloudStack管理员具备此项能力。"
-# f6602a33555b433a830a6b097b1ff61b
-#: ../../projects.rst:255
+# 0c5d1047bef445548c0c40109d391eca
+#: ../../projects.rst:218
 msgid "In the search box, type allow.user.create.projects."
 msgstr "在搜索框中,输入allow.user.create.projects。"
-# 4dc7f063937846acbbc2bac848eea8e7
-#: ../../projects.rst:259
+# 44b11d9aac27438eb4bfa70d31759c86
+#: ../../projects.rst:220
 msgid "Click the edit button to set the parameter. |Edits parameters|"
 msgstr "点击编辑按钮设置参数。|编辑参数|"
-# c9261ba2ed0b4744ab1243277e32403d
-#: ../../projects.rst:261
+# fb277fa119e0496885f889a3ae48d1e7
+#: ../../projects.rst:222
 msgid "``allow.user.create.projects``"
 msgstr "``allow.user.create.projects``"
-# d73414f42c874e149977ebf7c3b11c03
-#: ../../projects.rst:263
+# 9cdac884b4f1482599019f9178759604
+#: ../../projects.rst:224
 msgid ""
 "Set to true to allow end users to create projects. Set to false if you want "
 "only the CloudStack root administrator and domain administrators to create "
 msgstr "设置为true以允许端用户创建项目。设置为false如果你仅希望CloudStack根管理员和域管理员创建项目。"
-# 4f31fe2326b349c4a4a0c41ec1f748ca
-#: ../../projects.rst:276
+# c36ba31002c74ec98d2dcdec7bd9374e
+#: ../../projects.rst:236
 msgid "Creating a New Project"
 msgstr "创建新项目"
-# dbbe4802a063414a8f3778e4576f48fa
-#: ../../projects.rst:278
+# 6b62d8460a034f809371e1886bd34e80
+#: ../../projects.rst:238
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack administrators and domain administrators can create projects. If "
 "the global configuration parameter allow.user.create.projects is set to "
 "true, end users can also create projects."
 msgstr "CloudStack系统管理员和域管理员能创建项目。如果全局变量allow.user.create.projects设置为true,终端用户也能创建项目。"
-# 47b3864aa6d54f7fae412da1457ede31
-#: ../../projects.rst:292
+# 4a302cfc6cb34ba5baf6615abcae28ec
+#: ../../projects.rst:246
 msgid "In Select view, click Projects."
 msgstr "在选择视图点击项目。"
-# 06db7f55a8214e2aafc54a6e3a929f7e
-#: ../../projects.rst:296
+# 520e75eebfb24c338a07edbd8119b8b8
+#: ../../projects.rst:248
 msgid "Click New Project."
 msgstr "点击新建项目。"
-# 5a92979634d04809b092a53588a2832c
-#: ../../projects.rst:300
+# 42a42b0b1bb24125b530a8fb28a3b31a
+#: ../../projects.rst:250
 msgid ""
 "Give the project a name and description for display to users, then click "
 "Create Project."
 msgstr "为项目命名并添加描述,然后点击创建项目。"
-# be4b535a0eeb4adeb755ba434174363e
-#: ../../projects.rst:305
+# 2c2486f0447d4f138b5e1c0e8ceace41
+#: ../../projects.rst:253
 msgid ""
 "A screen appears where you can immediately add more members to the project. "
 "This is optional. Click Next when you are ready to move on."
 msgstr "会出现一个界面,你可以很快的添加更多成员到项目中,此步可选。当你准备好继续,点击下一步。"
-# 1e1be88b7c5f4a09b90d20bfca41edef
-#: ../../projects.rst:310
+# 2bc3c862668e44e78c5ec777dc974839
+#: ../../projects.rst:256
 msgid "Click Save."
 msgstr "点击保存。"
-# f82e929271254a2098fe664b6ff55d7e
-#: ../../projects.rst:313
+# 986f0cb8853a42738eabaab830e43267
+#: ../../projects.rst:260
 msgid "Adding Members to a Project"
 msgstr "添加成员到一个项目"
-# a679fdf88f23474d8afc7b0e89bd8a51
-#: ../../projects.rst:315
+# 50647c0e69974fbba211aabef3bcda09
+#: ../../projects.rst:262
 msgid ""
 "New members can be added to a project by the project’s administrator, the "
 "domain administrator of the domain where the project resides or any parent "
@@ -515,25 +514,25 @@
 "members in CloudStack, but only one way is enabled at a time:"
 msgstr "项目管理员、项目所属域的域及其父域的管理员,CloudStack根管理员均可以添加新成员。CloudStack有两种方法可以添加成员,但每次只能使能一种:"
-# 74aecd6a087a48be839f6622b7f3892c
-#: ../../projects.rst:322
+# ef81123f6c0e4fc3b1c2521f4324fc93
+#: ../../projects.rst:267
 msgid ""
 "If invitations have been enabled, you can send invitations to new members."
 msgstr "如果邀请已被使能,你可以向新成员发送邀请。"
-# 603f27d1e5c8405c9efe510b46ab7b7f
-#: ../../projects.rst:327
+# f7125c407042411f8a4f35feff955784
+#: ../../projects.rst:270
 msgid ""
 "If invitations are not enabled, you can add members directly through the UI."
 msgstr "如果邀请未被使能,你可以直接通过界面添加成员。"
-# 0e892bc8a32b43db88e038ec91657312
-#: ../../projects.rst:331
+# a4433f30587f4374807fa615b7d326cb
+#: ../../projects.rst:275
 msgid "Sending Project Membership Invitations"
 msgstr "发送项目成员关系邀请"
-# 7fd41724933444dfa0a953c08adef46f
-#: ../../projects.rst:333
+# 4417ea897e4e418caf7f9050b019b36e
+#: ../../projects.rst:277
 msgid ""
 "Use these steps to add a new member to a project if the invitations feature "
 "is enabled in the cloud as described in `“Setting Up Invitations” <#setting-"
@@ -541,35 +540,35 @@
 "procedure in Adding Project Members From the UI."
 msgstr "如果邀请特性按照 `“设置邀请” <#设置邀请>`_中描述的方式被打开,使用这些步骤添加项目成员。如果邀请特性没有被打开,使用在界面中添加项目成员的步骤。"
-# ab8eab012c1c46558116b894236d4acd
-# d17de13b68524c69844a16c4ec2ef3dc
-# f937e69d5f634f2b96d6b69d791209f1
-# e58a8b357c2440d59cc5b79658819db2
-# fd54a0c1ae01474399367ebad870a931
-#: ../../projects.rst:340 ../../projects.rst:403 ../../projects.rst:436
-#: ../../projects.rst:475 ../../projects.rst:508
+# b67c9d2fbb734979be7d9a0b06c83e07
+# 09c3e88bd9394c8ebecf83e40f6dfef9
+# 2b65ac18e6e14d988ed9d105965093b3
+# 0f9433a953604a24aaa3936b6304ff37
+# aaabf61386aa4e90a83121dd76c55ca6
+#: ../../projects.rst:282 ../../projects.rst:326 ../../projects.rst:348
+#: ../../projects.rst:378 ../../projects.rst:402
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr "登录到CloudStack的界面"
-# 1c6df4d955aa45b0a8eeccfc609dbe5e
-#: ../../projects.rst:356
+# 6848798224324e658909d941615e3c71
+#: ../../projects.rst:290
 msgid "Click the Invitations tab."
 msgstr "点击邀请标签。"
-# 04a835998d1744649bbcc446b137cc60
-#: ../../projects.rst:360
+# 49786f4671bb4afbb13144fb5cdb22de
+#: ../../projects.rst:292
 msgid "In Add by, select one of the following:"
 msgstr "在添加中,选择以下其中一个:"
-# f0869811271a46ad85946e7171508993
-#: ../../projects.rst:364
+# 00420a7de6a943b5bea54e2930363c7b
+#: ../../projects.rst:294
 msgid ""
 "Account – The invitation will appear in the user’s Invitations tab in the "
 "Project View. See Using the Project View."
 msgstr "帐户 – 邀请将出现在用户项目概览的邀请标签中。参见使用项目概览。"
-# 4ff28b50b45840dfbcf018e083b596dd
-#: ../../projects.rst:369
+# 23674aa094d8476181833f1077c82ce9
+#: ../../projects.rst:297
 msgid ""
 "Email – The invitation will be sent to the user’s email address. Each "
 "emailed invitation includes a unique code called a token which the recipient"
@@ -579,8 +578,8 @@
 msgstr "邮件 – 邀请将发送到用户的邮箱地址。每个被发送的邀请中包含一个唯一的编码,称为令牌,当接收者接受邀请时需要向 CloudStack提供此令牌。只有当SMTP服务器相关的参数设置完毕后,邮件邀请才能工作。参见`“设置邀请” <#setting-up-invitations>`_。"
-# 63d8234ccb564cb8b2ae520c348847a3
-#: ../../projects.rst:378
+# 98b4ad1148b94b9ba8e815a3ce4214a8
+#: ../../projects.rst:304
 msgid ""
 "Type the user name or email address of the new member you want to add, and "
 "click Invite. Type the CloudStack user name if you chose Account in the "
@@ -589,21 +588,21 @@
 "project. However, you can send the invitation to any email address."
 msgstr "输入想要添加的新用户的用户名称或邮件地址,点击邀请。如果你在前述步骤中选择了帐户那么输入CloudStack用户名。如果你选择了邮箱,那么输入邮箱地址,你只能邀请在云中拥有帐户并在与项目组同一域中的用户。然而,你可以向任何邮箱发送邀请。"
-# 19f5e2f979fe4a5383fc1f1c74c80de5
-#: ../../projects.rst:387
+# 9a6d6ea948754921bbc259b87b29ba60
+#: ../../projects.rst:311
 msgid ""
 "To view and manage the invitations you have sent, return to this tab. When "
 "an invitation is accepted, the new member will appear in the project’s "
 "Accounts tab."
 msgstr "为了浏览和管理你所发送的邀请,返回到这个标签。当邀请被接受,新成员将显示在项目帐户标签中。"
-# 1fa9fdb999824b16a8885fa6f2bf6991
-#: ../../projects.rst:392
+# 2cf29d018a2c48a79262e2f02cd30162
+#: ../../projects.rst:317
 msgid "Adding Project Members From the UI"
 msgstr "在界面中添加项目成员"
-# 634e76a61668495986d87f58b48cde1d
-#: ../../projects.rst:394
+# fdbf78a90732473689bcedc64864415d
+#: ../../projects.rst:319
 msgid ""
 "The steps below tell how to add a new member to a project if the invitations"
 " feature is not enabled in the cloud. If the invitations feature is enabled "
@@ -612,111 +611,111 @@
 msgstr "下面的步骤介绍在邀请特性未使能的情况下如何添加项目新成员。如果邀请特性已按照 `“设置邀请” <#设置邀请>`_在云中被使能,那么使用 `“发送项目成员关系邀请” <#发送项目成员关系邀请>`_中的步骤。"
-# d44716d4ee4e46fa9f638bdba1e07897
-#: ../../projects.rst:419
+# 069a956c95384174a82d2d0302f3dfd7
+#: ../../projects.rst:334
 msgid "Click the Accounts tab. The current members of the project are listed."
 msgstr "点击项目按钮,项目目前的成员将被列表显示。"
-# 22d34b290b0c4607ac5e2221ebac3bbc
-#: ../../projects.rst:424
+# 7654413243e545579270bc7c8b813727
+#: ../../projects.rst:337
 msgid ""
 "Type the account name of the new member you want to add, and click Add "
 "Account. You can add only people who have an account in this cloud and "
 "within the same domain as the project."
 msgstr "输入你想添加的新成员帐户名称,点击添加帐户。你只能添加云中已有并与项目存在于相同域中的帐户。"
-# ab0d3f71202f43279a22b257c03087ae
-#: ../../projects.rst:429
+# 774bd03942ea4a3ab9023bb4f72b627b
+#: ../../projects.rst:343
 msgid "Accepting a Membership Invitation"
 msgstr "接受成员关系邀请"
-# 8309e8995eed453fb95cf80c4cea509f
-#: ../../projects.rst:431
+# 462eace7144340bc8bc65c06d8056b5d
+#: ../../projects.rst:345
 msgid ""
 "If you have received an invitation to join a CloudStack project, and you "
 "want to accept the invitation, follow these steps:"
 msgstr "如果你收到了一个加入CloudStack项目的邀请,并希望接受邀请,请按照以下步骤:"
-# dfd6ae68c1d44dfabcd5ae024c877dc2
-#: ../../projects.rst:444
+# 0196721635cc470094d28372774afeac
+#: ../../projects.rst:352
 msgid "In Select View, choose Invitations."
 msgstr "在选择概览,选择邀请。"
-# 46164e28428f49768e3cd8860f3cb439
-#: ../../projects.rst:448
+# f5c8ed37ac54486f8d3f20f9129936a9
+#: ../../projects.rst:354
 msgid "If you see the invitation listed onscreen, click the Accept button."
 msgstr "如果你看到有邀请列表显示,点击接受按钮。"
-# baf85cb1c1ff401cb2a3841fe19a942d
-#: ../../projects.rst:450
+# f33506966c894c8eb0f91c35c2d506ee
+#: ../../projects.rst:356
 msgid ""
 "Invitations listed on screen were sent to you using your CloudStack account "
 msgstr "屏幕上所显示的邀请是通过你的CloudStack帐户发送的。"
-# 8d5865ebea1549d59a145350dc2b3952
-#: ../../projects.rst:455
+# 67733042a89a4b969d73efc5f2fa6e94
+#: ../../projects.rst:359
 msgid ""
 "If you received an email invitation, click the Enter Token button, and "
 "provide the project ID and unique ID code (token) from the email."
 msgstr "如果你收到的是邮件邀请,点击输入令牌按钮,提供邮件中的项目ID和唯一的ID编码(令牌)。"
-# 4a85d989928541aab9af1ccc90a5794b
-#: ../../projects.rst:459
+# c33bd4e1071f4d9dab4b1d9a3be3f052
+#: ../../projects.rst:364
 msgid "Suspending or Deleting a Project"
 msgstr "挂起或删除项目"
-# 4e16261095b34918ba0f7facf7d49929
-#: ../../projects.rst:461
+# b401169d94da465097ecd686cf60ced2
+#: ../../projects.rst:366
 msgid ""
 "When a project is suspended, it retains the resources it owns, but they can "
 "no longer be used. No new resources or members can be added to a suspended "
 msgstr "当项目被挂起,它仍保有资源,但这些资源不能被使用。新资源及用户不能被加入到挂起的项目。"
-# dc1c27af896441cdaff303fd1de7ce72
-#: ../../projects.rst:465
+# d08b758fd1754360a7334fa51c6067cf
+#: ../../projects.rst:370
 msgid ""
 "When a project is deleted, its resources are destroyed, and member accounts "
 "are removed from the project. The project’s status is shown as Disabled "
 "pending final deletion."
 msgstr "当项目被删除,资源将被销毁,成员帐户也从项目中移除。项目状态被显示为禁止有待最后删除。"
-# 3e9689a8c42d43bea8d3b9f43e864c27
-#: ../../projects.rst:469
+# 400db324f49c472881028c92fb1082c8
+#: ../../projects.rst:374
 msgid ""
 "A project can be suspended or deleted by the project administrator, the "
 "domain administrator of the domain the project belongs to or of its parent "
 "domain, or the CloudStack root administrator."
 msgstr "项目可以被管理员,项目所属的域及其父域管理员, CloudStack根管理员挂起或删除,"
-# e8fcc307b2884e06b36d29645a62c82e
-#: ../../projects.rst:487
+# d8a96b11443d49109477879ebdf4e6c1
+#: ../../projects.rst:384
 msgid "Click the name of the project."
 msgstr "点击项目名称。"
-# 3965fce7975340e7aab2ac78894779e7
-#: ../../projects.rst:491
+# 6c5f88a0ad7443cdb4f778b9d3d8da58
+#: ../../projects.rst:386
 msgid "Click one of the buttons:"
 msgstr "点击以下按钮:"
-# 938e8e59daac4c85b9e048a0e4e99cae
-#: ../../projects.rst:493
+# 29804834398d400d9518f86f6aadc9ca
+#: ../../projects.rst:388
 msgid "To delete, use |Removes a project|"
 msgstr "使用 |移除项目|进行删除"
-# ad49c8cc9be44347b55fd52a48faa40e
-#: ../../projects.rst:495
+# 41920e56886b48dbb25f86128a21a0c2
+#: ../../projects.rst:390
 msgid "To suspend, use |Suspends a project|"
 msgstr "使用 |挂起项目|进行挂起"
-# e6bc94fded454cffa079596ee3bb9de3
-#: ../../projects.rst:498
+# fe947634ec70449bb7e58adb8700e805
+#: ../../projects.rst:394
 msgid "Using the Project View"
 msgstr "使用项目概览"
-# 5c0b41ab2f25497fa3c7d8885e2f8cbe
-#: ../../projects.rst:500
+# b2b759558262491e98fb0636eae9bd35
+#: ../../projects.rst:396
 msgid ""
 "If you are a member of a project, you can use CloudStack’s project view to "
 "see project members, resources consumed, and more. The project view shows "
@@ -724,20 +723,20 @@
 "other information so you can concentrate on a project status and resources."
 msgstr "如果你是项目成员,你可以通过CloudStack项目概览查看项目成员,资源消耗等。项目概览仅显示与一个项目相关的信息,从众多信息中筛选出项目状态及资源,这是种有效的方法。"
-# 15a80877953d4c038b0f23ac0009926f
-#: ../../projects.rst:512
+# b2d475dcc43b441da5592c11733cec95
+#: ../../projects.rst:404
 msgid "Click Project View."
 msgstr "点击项目概览。"
-# 4f00f96f109c4bd599ef4857858b521a
-#: ../../projects.rst:516
+# 697e02ba1d754fab8d93b30aa2692085
+#: ../../projects.rst:406
 msgid ""
 "The project dashboard appears, showing the project’s VMs, volumes, users, "
 "events, network settings, and more. From the dashboard, you can:"
 msgstr "出现项目控制板,显示项目VM,卷,用户,事件,网络设置等,在控制板中,你可以:"
-# 42a09e087518479a95c5a4fc8d19644c
-#: ../../projects.rst:522
+# 0439e9369d664d92be0b7b1fdb1ca88f
+#: ../../projects.rst:410
 msgid ""
 "Click the Accounts tab to view and manage project members. If you are the "
 "project administrator, you can add new members, remove members, or change "
@@ -746,8 +745,8 @@
 "change to regular user."
 msgstr "点击帐户按钮浏览和管理项目成员。如果你是项目管理员,你可以添加新成员,或者将成员从用户改为管理员。每次只有一名成员能成为管理员,如果你将另外的用户设置为管理员,你将成为普通用户。"
-# 78a58c1149b14d5db4cc9f586ef7ec59
-#: ../../projects.rst:531
+# cfe2dfd46e014224a3ec791add73746c
+#: ../../projects.rst:417
 msgid ""
 "(If invitations are enabled) Click the Invitations tab to view and manage "
 "invitations that have been sent to new project members but not yet accepted."
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index 90f3fcf..eb0f294 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/reliability.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/reliability.po
index f0c8643..141543d 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/reliability.po
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/reliability.po
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# renoshen <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
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-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-26 08:46+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: renoshen <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
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 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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@@ -18,17 +17,17 @@
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-# 42f93e7b838b4f629ef21f938464dbc1
+# 87e0763c1e254b4d865a6575d53cd476
 #: ../../reliability.rst:18
 msgid "System Reliability and High Availability"
 msgstr "系统可靠性与高可用性"
-# d4f935885bde4f5fa5bd434efc73f99d
+# c2cb2128aadc481d823ace426cd60607
 #: ../../reliability.rst:21
 msgid "HA for Management Server"
 msgstr "管理服务器的HA"
-# e5b86e788b984534a8773e9b0e137860
+# 2cf0c6cbde074e988216174d32a34366
 #: ../../reliability.rst:23
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack Management Server should be deployed in a multi-node "
@@ -37,14 +36,14 @@
 "stateless and may be placed behind a load balancer."
 msgstr "CloudStack管理服务器可以部署为多节点的配置,使得它不容易受到单个服务器故障影响。管理服务器(不同于MySQL数据库)本身是无状态的,可以被部署在负载均衡设备后面。"
-# 931b292dc1f74dbd9e98310a33755f2e
+# 0fa3d9ec6d144621b71b2a0077137930
 #: ../../reliability.rst:28
 msgid ""
 "Normal operation of Hosts is not impacted by an outage of all Management "
 "Serves. All guest VMs will continue to work."
 msgstr "停止的所有管理服务不会影响主机的正常操作。所有来宾VM将继续工作。"
-# 53c840831c6a4a97abe49f13dd6971fe
+# 161abac9b6d7470bbf7a984e225c9a6d
 #: ../../reliability.rst:31
 msgid ""
 "When the Management Server is down, no new VMs can be created, and the end "
@@ -52,13 +51,13 @@
 msgstr "当管理主机下线后,不能创建新的VMs、最终用户,管理UI、API、动态负载以及HA都将停止工作。"
-# e2cde8cb07bc44a6910e13f99d712af1
-#: ../../reliability.rst:36
+# c2abacc0b20149d5b7a4683aedfe4f32
+#: ../../reliability.rst:37
 msgid "Management Server Load Balancing"
 msgstr "管理服务器负载均衡"
-# 40b039f7bb73453883a04bd362d24d0f
-#: ../../reliability.rst:38
+# 0dc6eb435a354cf3b4279772461cbf7f
+#: ../../reliability.rst:39
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack can use a load balancer to provide a virtual IP for multiple "
 "Management Servers. The administrator is responsible for creating the load "
@@ -68,81 +67,81 @@
 "is required."
 msgstr "CloudStack可以使用负载均衡器为多管理服务器提供一个虚拟IP。管理员负责创建管理服务器的负载均衡规则。应用程序需要跨多个持久性或stickiness的会话。下表列出了需要进行负载平衡的端口和是否有持久性要求。"
-# 8245b999edf543b8b855b4b82d1265b2
-#: ../../reliability.rst:45
+# c998c6decbb94666aa6b7c6191a0f4ce
+#: ../../reliability.rst:46
 msgid "Even if persistence is not required, enabling it is permitted."
 msgstr "即使不需要持久性,也使它是允许的。"
-# b04bd18b0d6a453da2ac167e9125242a
-#: ../../reliability.rst:48
+# fa7858c33d194002ade885780b974057
+#: ../../reliability.rst:49
 msgid "Source Port"
 msgstr "源端口"
-# ebb2d9d219f340f4b0093d48ed13ae6a
-#: ../../reliability.rst:48
+# 8e4749c413de4b28a281ada8d2d64112
+#: ../../reliability.rst:49
 msgid "Destination Port"
 msgstr "目标端口"
-# 31d3c75bdca44069961fd1d368c585ce
-#: ../../reliability.rst:48
+# 044f0a55ef9143028e6a1442c2d75ee4
+#: ../../reliability.rst:49
 msgid "Protocol"
 msgstr "协议"
-# 39f21fee6f9a4961bb1505eeb987cb10
-#: ../../reliability.rst:48
+# 50fdab6c4d254b51be652286846ebac8
+#: ../../reliability.rst:49
 msgid "Persistence Required?"
 msgstr "持续请求"
-# 8d5dca5870cd499b8c812aaec487689f
-#: ../../reliability.rst:50
+# f5fcf842916f48bba5a1ef7630fe9998
+#: ../../reliability.rst:51
 msgid "80 or 443"
 msgstr "80或者443"
-# 288469eaaf774c19a13c8fe7c98b96f9
-#: ../../reliability.rst:50
+# 3a276b78a619418392895c04f2b8e5f0
+#: ../../reliability.rst:51
 msgid "8080 (or 20400 with AJP)"
 msgstr "8080 (或者 20400 with AJP)"
-# dbee0ed7df2d4c69966a3470fcda672d
-#: ../../reliability.rst:50
+# d09ff40864724d449227f282f2c255b4
+#: ../../reliability.rst:51
 msgid "HTTP (or AJP)"
 msgstr "HTTP (或者AJP)"
-# 93f39d72b22a47079b7592a8cae8c45f
-# f3f32f1a6d394b3fa117251394a644fb
-#: ../../reliability.rst:50 ../../reliability.rst:51
+# 10b0e96112a54a5b92b53ee2ad9bf186
+# fb100cffa01e43e2b2b5880237a41528
+#: ../../reliability.rst:51 ../../reliability.rst:52
 msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "支持"
+msgstr "是"
-# c0aabddc4c074140b57cb568da9e53b3
-# 8fd23a1c5df9479d9afd5712e0002a06
-#: ../../reliability.rst:51 ../../reliability.rst:51
+# f3007601ae444c0796d25c5e58d09d7a
+# 1393fb040df84ca781d1000f40e4794a
+#: ../../reliability.rst:52 ../../reliability.rst:52
 msgid "8250"
 msgstr "8250"
-# 85c5e2e6a7fd4b50bd15b6abcaa54b68
-#: ../../reliability.rst:51
+# 6443f2a5e1d840699fd47b726ff379f9
+#: ../../reliability.rst:52
 msgid "TCP"
 msgstr "TCP"
-# af8641ff7dea44debac63cb552e1eba2
-# 0400986df3d04ae68ba993a8b0e52af9
-#: ../../reliability.rst:52 ../../reliability.rst:52
+# 1e51ee3a6cd14a0a954cce617a60c19d
+# a50ea41d89cf476eadb2a4ad960c9c6a
+#: ../../reliability.rst:53 ../../reliability.rst:53
 msgid "8096"
 msgstr "8096"
-# 163b9f4609284288aa510edc22883546
-#: ../../reliability.rst:52
+# c2b280074d6f40d685182ce0770b0146
+#: ../../reliability.rst:53
 msgid "HTTP"
 msgstr "HTTP"
-# 0e1c03c950fe4e3e858d6bb9a5fc20d2
-#: ../../reliability.rst:52
+# 759f4cdc678a4b149c52cf0e39205f9c
+#: ../../reliability.rst:53
 msgid "No"
-msgstr "不支持"
+msgstr "否"
-# c0703d8275f042169efecb8f1c34e24e
-#: ../../reliability.rst:55
+# a6f72463a9f44a83992ea95a6ca2d121
+#: ../../reliability.rst:56
 msgid ""
 "In addition to above settings, the administrator is responsible for setting "
 "the 'host' global config value from the management server IP to load "
@@ -152,14 +151,14 @@
 msgstr "除了上面的设置,管理员还负责设置‘host’全局配置值,由管理服务器IP地址更改为负载均衡虚拟IP地址。如果‘host’值未设置为VIP的8250端口并且一台管理服务器崩溃时,用户界面依旧可用,但系统虚拟机将无法与管理服务器联系。"
-# 1d47e0a3a4304c5688d0eab5f738a7d1
-#: ../../reliability.rst:63
+# 4ea4aac15f0649b9a4ec0335de47dde1
+#: ../../reliability.rst:65
 msgid "HA-Enabled Virtual Machines"
 msgstr "启用了HA的虚拟机"
-# 988f2b0a1cee49ad8e2adff19be0e125
-# 949f6e66114f428586d4157ff19ae45f
-#: ../../reliability.rst:65 ../../reliability.rst:81
+# c3b807bd9019482093758c219005a8af
+# 15a6c6ff487d4b4ab6f7088de5c25301
+#: ../../reliability.rst:67 ../../reliability.rst:84
 msgid ""
 "The user can specify a virtual machine as HA-enabled. By default, all "
 "virtual router VMs and Elastic Load Balancing VMs are automatically "
@@ -172,34 +171,34 @@
 msgstr "用户可以给指定的虚拟机开启高可用特性。默认情况下所有的虚拟路由虚拟机和弹性负载均衡虚拟机自动开启了高可用特性。当CloudStack检测到开启了高可用特性的虚拟机崩溃时将会在相同的可用资源与中自动重新启动该虚拟机。高可用特性不会跨资源域执行。CloudStack采用比较保守的方式重启虚拟机,以确使不会同时运行两个相同的实例。管理服务器会尝试在本集群的另一台主机上开启该虚拟机。"
-# 6dfc9dedb8e8424cb2e303f598a5b0ef
-# ceb436b58de14beba4dd06668804afaa
-#: ../../reliability.rst:75 ../../reliability.rst:91
+# 07861c848b9c4db19a1648e1e80cfabd
+# 69462f0a341c4b64a73b9f2e6a9dbb2d
+#: ../../reliability.rst:77 ../../reliability.rst:94
 msgid ""
 "HA features work with iSCSI or NFS primary storage. HA with local storage is"
 " not supported."
 msgstr "高可用特性只在使用iSCSI和NFS做主存储的时候才可以使用。不支持使用本地存储作为主存储的高可用。"
-# da466f3482fa41629f951ec50aa2631e
-#: ../../reliability.rst:79
+# d6b616e863194085b6c28e537822b4b0
+#: ../../reliability.rst:82
 msgid "HA for Hosts"
 msgstr "主机的HA"
-# df16c2c0607a4c61b64c304e0777c42c
-#: ../../reliability.rst:95
+# 00c672182ced409dbf9628273c7e72cc
+#: ../../reliability.rst:99
 msgid "Dedicated HA Hosts"
 msgstr "专用的HA主机"
-# ac98a112bb4a41d6a10c2e9fd2af8886
-#: ../../reliability.rst:97
+# d615a157c03a46f8a4185819e7d53f6a
+#: ../../reliability.rst:101
 msgid ""
 "One or more hosts can be designated for use only by HA-enabled VMs that are "
 "restarting due to a host failure. Setting up a pool of such dedicated HA "
 "hosts as the recovery destination for all HA-enabled VMs is useful to:"
 msgstr "一台或更多台主机可以被设计为只有启用HA的VMs才能使用,这些VMs在主机出现问题的时候会重启。出于灾难恢复目的为所有启用了HA的VMs设置一个像专用HA主机这样的池是有用的:"
-# 1d9c1f1284e849da8df6aef8c6b79917
-#: ../../reliability.rst:104
+# 3b2ac4cb2fd24384adc49f8f6de78d12
+#: ../../reliability.rst:106
 msgid ""
 "Make it easier to determine which VMs have been restarted as part of the "
 "CloudStack high-availability function. If a VM is running on a dedicated HA "
@@ -208,14 +207,14 @@
 "to a dedicated HA host.)."
 msgstr "确定哪些VMs作为CloudStack高可用功能的一部分而重启是比较容易的。如果一个VM正运行在专用的HA主机上,那么它必须是一个启用了HA的,从失败的主机上迁移过来的VM。(有一个例外:它可能是管理员手工迁移过来的任何VM。)。"
-# c54e253d01d046bca426de20270f3f89
+# 2814f71a4772417494be794e95ed6189
 #: ../../reliability.rst:112
 msgid ""
 "Keep HA-enabled VMs from restarting on hosts which may be reserved for other"
 " purposes."
 msgstr "出于其他目的,可能保留一些启用了HA的VMs在主机上不要重启。"
-# 203f11cbe6f5426c9cbb6c8e066737b4
+# f29ad59410ba484d81a40d3ab33cfb75
 #: ../../reliability.rst:115
 msgid ""
 "The dedicated HA option is set through a special host tag when the host is "
@@ -226,7 +225,7 @@
 "HA-enabled VMs."
 msgstr "当创建了主机之后,通过指定一个主机标签来设置专用HA选项。要允许管理员只给启用了HA的VMs制定专用主机,请设置全局配置变量ha.tag为想要的tag(比如, \"ha\\_host\"),并且重启管理服务器。当添加你想给启用HA的VMs配置专用主机(s\n)时,在主机标签区域中输入值。"
-# ad8a1db8b7c54f3fbedd9f2ead6994d8
+# d5444df1dd2240bea9615234f1703727
 #: ../../reliability.rst:123
 msgid ""
 "If you set ha.tag, be sure to actually use that tag on at least one host in "
@@ -234,13 +233,13 @@
 "cloud, the HA-enabled VMs will fail to restart after a crash."
 msgstr "如果你设置ha.tag,请确认在你的云中至少有一台主机真的在使用该标签。如果在ha.tag中没有为云中的任何主机设置指定的标签,那么启用了HA的VMs在崩溃之后不会重启。"
-# d286858984534e66a45c79482130eb8a
-#: ../../reliability.rst:126
+# 41dd6b225a02456f873c956ecc4e6018
+#: ../../reliability.rst:130
 msgid "Primary Storage Outage and Data Loss"
 msgstr "主存储故障和数据丢失"
-# aa482325b164497797fcc8925e319b83
-#: ../../reliability.rst:128
+# 982e58c7dfd644a9a8e0eaf38fbf516a
+#: ../../reliability.rst:132
 msgid ""
 "When a primary storage outage occurs the hypervisor immediately stops all "
 "VMs stored on that storage device. Guests that are marked for HA will be "
@@ -252,13 +251,13 @@
 "storage can be backed up using snapshots."
 msgstr "当主存储发生故障,hypervisor 立即停止该存储设备上存储的所有虚拟机。客户机被标记为当主存储重新上线时,HA根据实际情况尽快将重新启动。使用NFS时,hypervisor 可以允许虚拟机继续运行,这取决于问题的性质。例如,NFS挂起将导致客户虚拟机暂停,直至恢复存储连接。主存储没有被设计进行备份。在主存储中的单个卷,可以使用快照备份。"
-# 33fbc63d82cb4eafb2178c004fb912a1
-#: ../../reliability.rst:139
+# 2d193df58d2c4fcb867416d740fd9657
+#: ../../reliability.rst:144
 msgid "Secondary Storage Outage and Data Loss"
 msgstr "二级存储的故障和数据丢失"
-# 2a93ea5d2f0e4da6939e8f13391dad91
-#: ../../reliability.rst:141
+# 2d7b3415392e4e8ba762191a40dafa04
+#: ../../reliability.rst:146
 msgid ""
 "For a Zone that has only one secondary storage server, a secondary storage "
 "outage will have feature level impact to the system but will not impact "
@@ -268,8 +267,8 @@
 "available when the secondary storage comes back online."
 msgstr "由于一个资源域只有一个二级存储服务器,二级存储的中断将会对系统的一些功能产生影响,但不影响正在运行的客户虚拟机。可能会让用户无法选择模版来创建虚拟机。用户也可能无法保存快照,检查或恢复已保存的快照。当二级存储恢复连接后,这些功能也就可以自动恢复。"
-# 0131fdfdae154752be6146df6032f176
-#: ../../reliability.rst:148
+# 8cda194548a545c0864b2334b52ac6c1
+#: ../../reliability.rst:153
 msgid ""
 "Secondary storage data loss will impact recently added user data including "
 "templates, snapshots, and ISO images. Secondary storage should be backed up "
@@ -277,13 +276,13 @@
 "each zone to increase the scalability of the system."
 msgstr "二级存储的数据丢失将会影响最近添加的用户数据,包括模版、快照、和ISO镜像。二级存储应该进行定期备份。为每个资源域提供多个二级存储服务器能够增强系统的可扩展性。"
-# 32e946f31bec452b97aee852fdedbfb3
-#: ../../reliability.rst:154
+# 5d6dd861732344e1a4563e92beaf4b89
+#: ../../reliability.rst:160
 msgid "Database High Availability"
 msgstr "数据库的高可用"
-# 24f4f434b1ce4281b25606d418fccc6a
-#: ../../reliability.rst:156
+# 2ab1e8b94c5447719fe99d7a1f876d22
+#: ../../reliability.rst:162
 msgid ""
 "To help ensure high availability of the databases that store the internal "
 "data for CloudStack, you can set up database replication. This covers both "
@@ -292,13 +291,13 @@
 "MySQL 5.1 and 5.5."
 msgstr "为了确保存储CloudStack内部数据的数据库的高可用性,你可以设置数据库复制。这涉及到所有CloudStack主数据库和用量数据库。复制是指完全使用MySQL连接参数和双向复制。MySQL 5.1和5.5已测试通过。"
-# efec316eee4b461987bf261d0d56a86c
-#: ../../reliability.rst:163
+# 2f86c6796ebc476ba0a054b55ec4199d
+#: ../../reliability.rst:170
 msgid "How to Set Up Database Replication"
 msgstr "如何设置数据库复制"
-# 0817e84d25fd413cbd639d20eba36e91
-#: ../../reliability.rst:165
+# 9c0172a3e34d439ca93117a4c922b4cf
+#: ../../reliability.rst:172
 msgid ""
 "Database replication in CloudStack is provided using the MySQL replication "
 "capabilities. The steps to set up replication can be found in the MySQL "
@@ -307,8 +306,8 @@
 "example, you might have node1 and node2."
 msgstr "CloudStack中的数据库复制是由MySQL复制功能提供的。设置复制的步骤可在MySQL的文档中找到(链接在下面提供)。它建议你设置双向复制,涉及两个数据库节点。在这个情形下,比如,你可能有node1和node2。"
-# fe0744bc687148038eea8aeed5de6c19
-#: ../../reliability.rst:171
+# c0c448bf2d294f1f99d5a0715263bf84
+#: ../../reliability.rst:178
 msgid ""
 "You can also set up chain replication, which involves more than two nodes. "
 "In this case, you would first set up two-way replication with node1 and "
@@ -317,60 +316,60 @@
 msgstr "你同样可以设置链式复制,这涉及到多于两个节点。在这个情况下,你可以先设置node1和node2的双向复制。然后,设置node2和node3的单向复制。在设置node3和node4的单向复制,其他所有的节点依次类推。"
-# 0384ce5c101a4318a81921b85dd616fb
-#: ../../reliability.rst:177
+# 946a91ee699241e981ff92c48293ebe9
+#: ../../reliability.rst:184
 msgid "References:"
 msgstr "参考文献:"
-# c14908b4a0ea4700ab13002919e09120
-#: ../../reliability.rst:181
+# 0e89f25f5f474fa8a51de012dc293160
+#: ../../reliability.rst:186
 msgid ""
 "` "
 msgstr "` <>`_"
-# 10b1becde5ca4283b66ab4115c633fcd
-#: ../../reliability.rst:185
+# 4b174fc7f8484911b245607384172cae
+#: ../../reliability.rst:188
 msgid ""
 " "
 msgstr "` <>`_"
-# a1a34eb9cd884a308f39baf29410a2d7
-#: ../../reliability.rst:188
+# 4fe437de91df4ffa8fe0925f0acdbfc5
+#: ../../reliability.rst:192
 msgid "Configuring Database High Availability"
 msgstr "配置数据库高可用"
-# 037e1ed319cb45afa95431f629bb98f6
-#: ../../reliability.rst:190
+# f284eab37564471292cd2af70ef18ae5
+#: ../../reliability.rst:194
 msgid ""
 "To control the database high availability behavior, use the following "
 "configuration settings in the file /etc/cloudstack/management/"
 msgstr "要控制数据库高可用特性,在/etc/cloudstack/management/db.properties文件中使用以下配置设置。"
-# 65be31716ae147b190ef26c95d3f20a7
-#: ../../reliability.rst:194
+# f79c8f4273854ceb83977ca0474e9594
+#: ../../reliability.rst:198
 msgid "**Required Settings**"
 msgstr "**需求设置**"
-# 983f7044f00b474b9377e8715f91f5d6
-#: ../../reliability.rst:196
+# 239ea1c4ea2a4c428cbfdd0ae1d3c2a3
+#: ../../reliability.rst:200
 msgid "Be sure you have set the following in"
 msgstr "确定你在 db.properties中使用了以下设置:"
-# 7fcf4985b7104c20b8363c6d5f1b2c5c
-#: ../../reliability.rst:200
+# e03d864abdca47daa90be6c6c5eccecc
+#: ../../reliability.rst:202
 msgid ""
 "``db.ha.enabled``: set to true if you want to use the replication feature."
 msgstr "``db.ha.enabled``:如果你想使用复制功能,请设置为true。"
-# e4167706f93b47dc856a1acf6a26bd1b
-#: ../../reliability.rst:203
+# affe10ff738642c4b25a6cbfc26c498e
+#: ../../reliability.rst:205
 msgid "Example: ``db.ha.enabled=true``"
 msgstr "例如:``db.ha.enabled=true``"
-# d4ae850e4ab24d3d988e5c2f04454c0f
+# 147ac9efb2314312b6e97323a267fd7c
 #: ../../reliability.rst:207
 msgid ""
 "````: set to a comma-delimited set of slave hosts for the "
@@ -379,13 +378,13 @@
 "the properties file."
 msgstr "````:为云数据库设置多台slave主机,用逗号隔开。这是用于复制的节点清单。主节点不在列表中,因为在属性文件中的别处已经使用了它。"
-# 4964061ca5f747aab4d1a379ad79e066
+# aa38f185ca8b4c1b86e19da970eb3901
 #: ../../reliability.rst:212
 msgid "Example: ``,node3,node4``"
 msgstr "例如:``,node3,node4``"
-# b9de2539c2864fd28ae3e261f396f19f
-#: ../../reliability.rst:216
+# 1783ef0808884e28ab22f6b3172dba41
+#: ../../reliability.rst:214
 msgid ""
 "``db.usage.slaves``: set to a comma-delimited set of slave hosts for the "
 "usage database. This is the list of nodes set up with replication. The "
@@ -393,26 +392,26 @@
 "the properties file."
 msgstr "``db.usage.slaves``:为用量数据库设置多台slave主机,用逗号隔开。这是用于复制的节点清单。主节点不在列表中,因为在属性文件中的别处已经使用了它。"
-# 2a099840b3e046b8b70eb0874e152f0c
-#: ../../reliability.rst:221
+# 573fb04445dd4b0ba4f5b9a5f8517c75
+#: ../../reliability.rst:219
 msgid "Example: ``db.usage.slaves=node2,node3,node4``"
 msgstr "例如:``db.usage.slaves=node2,node3,node4``"
-# ecbb9cad4a2f4f6b851ab724105cf548
-#: ../../reliability.rst:223
+# 739f9df2617d4e24aaa9adb209c65969
+#: ../../reliability.rst:221
 msgid "**Optional Settings**"
 msgstr "**可选的设置**"
-# beb50c0c502942fc93950ab5d64e62e1
-#: ../../reliability.rst:225
+# 21e38ceba8e84d3f8b520026cae7d1b7
+#: ../../reliability.rst:223
 msgid ""
 "The following settings must be present in, but you are not "
 "required to change the default values unless you wish to do so for tuning "
 msgstr "必须在db.properties中提供以下设置,但是你不用改变默认值除非你希望做一些优化:"
-# 88199ce67b78476db5890126b9fa443e
-#: ../../reliability.rst:231
+# bcfa8dcb331c4185bab0cbdfbb3624ca
+#: ../../reliability.rst:227
 msgid ""
 "````: The number of seconds the MySQL "
 "connector should wait before trying again to connect to the master after the"
@@ -420,13 +419,13 @@
 " is reached first."
 msgstr "````:在master宕机之后,MySQL连接器重试连接到master之前所等待的秒数。默认是1小时。如果首先达到了 的限制,重试可能更早发生。"
-# a6a0d838e7734aec9c8e8a441d61f582
-#: ../../reliability.rst:236
+# 55d7217f8ea6408e8389bd39dbbfc3fc
+#: ../../reliability.rst:232
 msgid "Example: ````"
 msgstr "例如:````"
-# c87ff2e5eef14dc098a850ea37ab8641
-#: ../../reliability.rst:240
+# d8cfb3b10706434d8ad7c63b231e7ee9
+#: ../../reliability.rst:234
 msgid ""
 "````: The minimum number of queries to be "
 "sent to the database before trying again to connect to the master after the "
@@ -434,51 +433,51 @@
 " is reached first."
 msgstr "````:在master宕机之后,重新尝试连接到master之前向数据库查询的最小次数。默认值是5000。如果首先达到了的限制,重试可能更早发生。"
-# 3219915768bf4a108afabb00a195ecda
-#: ../../reliability.rst:245
+# f7b672a867c64854accef70177a0dd73
+#: ../../reliability.rst:239
 msgid "Example: ````"
 msgstr "例如:````"
-# b67a476758de4af7b0154ae8360f24cb
-#: ../../reliability.rst:249
+# 2283aca3081443c585804a3c9d63a45d
+#: ../../reliability.rst:241
 msgid ""
 "````: Initial time the MySQL connector should wait "
 "before trying again to connect to the master. Default is 3600."
 msgstr "````:在重新尝试连接至master之前,MySQL连接器等待的初始时间。默认是3600。"
-# bfdaf629f4eb48c0ac92eee0b8757ccd
-#: ../../reliability.rst:252
+# bae95908743e448b967b6992b4e88816
+#: ../../reliability.rst:244
 msgid "Example: ````"
 msgstr "例如:````"
-# 909b81bf9974499e9cc66b8a3210b542
-#: ../../reliability.rst:255
+# 6b17824c97504228abd0de9726eb598e
+#: ../../reliability.rst:248
 msgid "Limitations on Database High Availability"
 msgstr "数据库高可用性的限制"
-# d4d81b0c77f7473cbef77ab8ade71f76
-#: ../../reliability.rst:257
+# 5df2f93aff944e03bd3c9f9e21c95cb6
+#: ../../reliability.rst:250
 msgid ""
 "The following limitations exist in the current implementation of this "
 msgstr "目前此功能的实现还存在下列限制。"
-# d3fd890ab3da46e798aa4e47b67e394f
-#: ../../reliability.rst:262
+# 7c4a38ab45c943a489f2e7ae8f3ab0e2
+#: ../../reliability.rst:253
 msgid ""
 "Slave hosts can not be monitored through CloudStack. You will need to have a"
 " separate means of monitoring."
 msgstr "Slave主机不能被CloudStack监控。你必须有单独的监控手段。"
-# 80173b87cb9e44a38c93854d4adcfa19
-#: ../../reliability.rst:267
+# 5270e63b8008415bbe847a54002660bc
+#: ../../reliability.rst:256
 msgid ""
 "Events from the database side are not integrated with the CloudStack "
 "Management Server events system."
 msgstr "数据库端的事件没有集成到CloudStack管理服务器事件系统。"
-# 2cc19c99cbfa4e3796e358a8b8ea6365
-#: ../../reliability.rst:272
+# 1bef8f38060a49e7ba30b234ad377f32
+#: ../../reliability.rst:259
 msgid ""
 "You must periodically perform manual clean-up of bin log files generated by "
 "replication on database nodes. If you do not clean up the log files, the "
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-# 748817ca8ea841e7bb071e3fd4e9b1b8
+# db77c1944ac947e79b5c76bac2c1cc4d
 #: ../../service_offerings.rst:20
 msgid ""
 "In addition to the physical and logical infrastructure of your cloud and the"
@@ -39,45 +38,45 @@
 " of them."
 msgstr "除了云中的物理和逻辑基础设施以及 CloudStack 软件和服务器,你还需要一个用户服务层以便让人们能够真正利用云。这不仅仅意味这一个用户界面,而是一组用户可选择的选项和资源,如通过模版创建虚拟机,磁盘存储等等。如果您正在运行一个商业服务,您将可以跟踪服务和用户资源的使用以及使用计费情况。即使你不对使用云的人收费,-比如说,用户是你的内部组织,或只是你的朋友共享你的云 - 你仍然可以跟踪他们所使用的服务以及有多少人。"
-# 89ec6965888c4194969da68934867e8f
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:33
+# eac4f2f6a6f346d991640acd102c8d0f
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:34
 msgid "Service Offerings, Disk Offerings, Network Offerings, and Templates"
 msgstr "服务方案,磁盘方案,网络方案和模版"
-# 39b9fb81cc4a452f932a9becc1c08318
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:35
+# f620092a7ebb41d79ed21c4a5c81d56c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:36
 msgid ""
 "A user creating a new instance can make a variety of choices about its "
 "characteristics and capabilities. CloudStack provides several ways to "
 "present users with choices when creating a new instance:"
 msgstr "用户可以根据不同的功能和特性来创建新的实例,CloudStack提供了几种方法供用户选择以便创建一个新的实例:"
-# a080b00346eb4c6191b4a6b1b6ede2bd
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:39
+# ab361873de2144c095169458d8a25cb1
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:40
 msgid ""
 "Service Offerings, defined by the CloudStack administrator, provide a choice"
 " of CPU speed, number of CPUs, RAM size, tags on the root disk, and other "
 "choices. See Creating a New Compute Offering."
-msgstr "服务方案,由CloudStack管理员定义,提供了多种选项供选择:CPU速率,CPU核数,内存大小,根磁盘标签等。可参阅创建新的计算方案。"
+msgstr "服务方案,由CloudStack管理员定义,提供了CPU速率,CPU核数,内存大小,根磁盘标签等多种选项供选择。可参阅创建新的计算方案。"
-# 87390738e5c6421e8cb6428fd0efd434
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:43
+# 1044e18059f346f9ac414afad0f176ff
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:44
 msgid ""
 "Disk Offerings, defined by the CloudStack administrator, provide a choice of"
 " disk size and IOPS (Quality of Service) for primary data storage. See "
 "Creating a New Disk Offering."
 msgstr "磁盘方案,由CloudStack管理员定义,针对主数据存储提供磁盘大小和IOPS(QOS)等选项供选择。可参阅创建新的磁盘方案。"
-# 3416adb53bd2464c93a0a7de7341aa8c
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:47
+# 8fa5935f6811416784633a016e64dff9
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:48
 msgid ""
 "Network Offerings, defined by the CloudStack administrator, describe the "
 "feature set that is available to end users from the virtual router or "
 "external networking devices on a given guest network. See Network Offerings."
 msgstr "网络方案,由 CloudStack 管理员定义,约定来宾网络中虚拟路由器或外部网络设备提供给终端用户可用的功能描述集。"
-# 7be016c225ca4b45a449e6d718fbba3e
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:52
+# 0e8bd7f2f14a4d698ef10eb8f7bd3059
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:53
 msgid ""
 "Templates, defined by the CloudStack administrator or by any CloudStack "
 "user, are the base OS images that the user can choose from when creating a "
@@ -85,8 +84,8 @@
 "Working with Templates."
 msgstr "模版,由CloudStack管理员或其他CloudStack用户定义,用户创建新的实例时可选择的基本操作系统镜像。例如,CloudStack中包含的CentOS模版。可参阅使用模版。"
-# b8d86f3b37c14661a8fb085d021643ec
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:57
+# 52afe58166814f258c3426dd55249f7d
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:58
 msgid ""
 "In addition to these choices that are provided for users, there is another "
 "type of service offering which is available only to the CloudStack root "
@@ -95,13 +94,13 @@
 msgstr "除了给用户提供了这些选择,还有另一种类型的服务方案只提供给CloudStack管理员,用于配置虚拟基础设施资源。欲了解更多信息,请参阅使用系统服务方案升级虚拟路由器。"
-# 497f38bfe2d6443581220156e1f029b9
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:65
+# b05b989a07394a3eafabebb48aeaa29b
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:66
 msgid "Compute and Disk Service Offerings"
 msgstr "计算和磁盘服务方案"
-# 52085dbbc1004cecb8896d5a71beb122
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:67
+# 494d86b3d06340ab855b7df7a298410a
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:68
 msgid ""
 "A service offering is a set of virtual hardware features such as CPU core "
 "count and speed, memory, and disk size. The CloudStack administrator can set"
@@ -110,8 +109,8 @@
 "CloudStack emits usage records that can be integrated with billing systems."
 msgstr "一个服务方案是一个虚拟硬件特征集合,比如 CPU 核心数量和速度,内存,已经磁盘大小。 CloudStack 管理员可以建立各种方案,接着终端用户在建立一个新虚拟机时就可以选择可用方案。基于用户的选择方案, CloudStack 可以发送整合在计费系统中的使用记录。"
-# e38d63cf2be54e2b854d33212b89738c
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:74
+# d5a6cbcc11594496b3347a195f561c03
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:75
 msgid ""
 "Some characteristics of service offerings must be defined by the CloudStack "
 "administrator, and others can be left undefined so that the end-user can "
@@ -123,94 +122,94 @@
 " configurations."
 msgstr "CloudStack 管理员必须定义一些服务方案的特征,同时留下一些未定义的,让终端用户输入自己需要的值。这个对于降低 CloudStack  管理员定义的方案的数量很有用处。代替为每个用户定义一个他们想要可能组合值的计算方案,管理员可以为用户定义灵活的计算方案,并作为基本的若干不同虚拟机配置。"
-# 16bb1eb6b41446fdb147162d0a814206
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:83
+# 57a11b0d87cd4cb6bd64aa2c1b61db19
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:84
 msgid "A service offering includes the following elements:"
 msgstr "一个服务方案包含以下元素:"
-# 01489605f3244de5a1bc81aaee6061b3
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:85
+# 314c7c80394a45fe9bd7869f420d84b0
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:86
 msgid "CPU, memory, and network resource guarantees"
 msgstr "必备的CPU,内存和网络资源"
-# 51db366a8906424ba9cf812f9b60f1e1
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:87
+# b88f65b187394191a414ccf797fb3c8a
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:88
 msgid "How resources are metered"
 msgstr "如何计算资源"
-# f4426a9028b1477f993491f7ff9fc44e
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:89
+# 0f00c0ffe83246cdbebaae3ad3295fb6
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:90
 msgid "How the resource usage is charged"
 msgstr "使用资源如何收费"
-# f860e43721b4403fb342200627b03959
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:91
+# 168105b5e4554db0b0cb46f61c6763c3
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:92
 msgid "How often the charges are generated"
 msgstr "产生了多少费用"
-# aac0beacd1da46ccb20c4e122f600e27
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:93
+# 4ed86a2b44c647c4991679260cf019f9
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:94
 msgid ""
 "For example, one service offering might allow users to create a virtual "
 "machine instance that is equivalent to a 1 GHz Intel® Core™ 2 CPU, with 1 GB"
 " memory at $0.20/hour, with network traffic metered at $0.10/GB."
 msgstr "比如,一个服务方案允许用户创建一个虚拟机实例,这个实例等于: 1 GHz Intel® Core™ 2 CPU,  $0.20/hour 的 1G 内存,   $0.10/GB. 的网络流量。"
-# 52f140ea4d8e46949f2b4cdfc784692e
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:97
+# c41f30feb0b442d4b39c95168d4ea2cc
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:98
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack separates service offerings into compute offerings and disk "
 "offerings. The compute service offering specifies:"
 msgstr "CloudStack 把服务方案分割为计算方案和磁盘放哪。计算方案指定:"
-# d71c4438b2304531a7495334a9bb16c6
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:100
+# 03b79e1695f6418596fbf3dfdae6fdf5
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:101
 msgid ""
 "Guest CPU (optional). If not defined by the CloudStack administrator, users "
 "can pick the CPU attributes."
 msgstr "来宾 CPU(可选)。如果 CloudStack 管理员未定义,用户可选择 CPU 特性。"
-# d4687e525e464fe089849edce3fa9ee7
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:103
+# a9484632eacc49aaaa151b0462236017
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:104
 msgid ""
 "Guest RAM (optional). If not defined by the CloudStack administrator, users "
 "can pick the RAM."
 msgstr "来宾 RAM ( 可选)。如果 CloudStack 管理员未定义,用户可选择 RAM。"
-# ea0f8a077efa4283a9a5f0ff3095ee22
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:106
+# 8566fe8312914c68bedcb2c81b3c0c7b
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:107
 msgid "Guest Networking type (virtual or direct)"
 msgstr "来宾网络类型(虚拟或者直连)"
-# e6556b198b654f48b943af09419b9f29
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:108
+# 083cf96ec0c24344baef88ec1b1b562b
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:109
 msgid "Tags on the root disk"
 msgstr "根磁盘标签"
-# d229f1617ef24ed3bae77ae2c5d40eb9
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:110
+# 49478998f1fc4c37a9278a56f4e95eac
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:111
 msgid "The disk offering specifies:"
 msgstr "磁盘方案特指:"
-# 4c096d14455c4ec5b7da89386faf0f40
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:112
+# e819601d04c3430f97d349bc00ef953b
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:113
 msgid ""
 "Disk size (optional). If not defined by the CloudStack administrator, users "
 "can pick the disk size."
 msgstr "磁盘大小 (可选)。如果 CloudStack 管理员未定义,用户可选择磁盘大小。"
-# fcf2e32b5ebf4d188141ab3ce3ed2482
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:115
+# a4d4936154c4482d889d800ccf8426ef
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:116
 msgid "Tags on the data disk"
 msgstr "数据磁盘标签"
-# 9c8a3805fea1490e9fdaef4a62835949
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:118
+# a561332470b74e3e90cdf9bcabe2317e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:120
 msgid "Custom Compute Offering"
 msgstr "自定义计算方案"
-# 17da79d9fde24ffc8d17738158295566
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:120
+# 55f34a846c444887ad4349ad37fe65f8
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:122
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack provides you the flexibility to specify the desired values for "
 "the number of CPU, CPU speed, and memory while deploying a VM. As an admin, "
@@ -224,8 +223,8 @@
 msgstr " 部署虚拟机时,CloudStack 为你灵活地提供指定的 CPU 数量,CPU 速度和内存需要的值。作为管理员,你通过标记为自定义创建一个新的计算方案,并且用户将能够在虚拟机创建和更新时动态的定制计算方案的内存和 CPU 。自定义计算方案和普通的计算方案一样,除了在模板中配置为0的动态参数。使用该方案通过为动态参数指定自定义值来部署虚拟机。内存,CPU 和 CPU 数量被认为是动态参数。"
-# cb0c0fa6f2ec454a909c47774e4e8d17
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:131
+# 50cd9056418842c08eb28fdce54e3deb
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:133
 msgid ""
 "Dynamic Compute Offerings can be used in following cases: deploying a VM, "
 "changing the compute offering of a stopped VM and running VMs, which is "
@@ -236,13 +235,13 @@
 "? for more information on this."
 msgstr "动态计算方案可以在下列情况下使用:部署虚拟机,改变停止状态虚拟机和运行中的虚拟机的计算方案,单独扩容。为了支持此功能的新字段,自定义,已经被添加到创建计算方案页面。如果自定义字段被选中,用户将可以通过填写所需 CPU ,CPU 速度和内存数量的值来创建自定义计方案。看到了吗?有关它的更多信息。"
-# 84585460d12c44bfa2209bbabfbf3a6e
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:139
+# efbe01f182224e6a96c59f3165e87c47
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:141
 msgid "*Recording Usage Events for Dynamically Assigned Resources*."
 msgstr "* 记录动态分配资源使用事件 * "
-# 33a7e765f65f4e30b4730aafc92986bc
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:141
+# b098284613414134b2cd3e2527db633b
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:143
 msgid ""
 "To support this feature, usage events has been enhanced to register events "
 "for dynamically assigned resources. Usage events are registered when a VM is"
@@ -251,80 +250,80 @@
 "CPU, speed, RAM are recorded."
 msgstr "为了支持该功能,使用事件已经被增强到动态分配资源注册事件中。当从一个自定义计算方案创建一个虚拟机时,使用事件被注册,并紧接更改处于停止状态或者运行状态虚拟机的计算方案。如 CPU ,速度,RAM 这些参数的值被记录下来。"
-# d7cf1519f2914b6f8c539df8a1003af2
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:149
+# 64a1b09cdfbd4e95b1fcdf2ba0db010b
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:151
 msgid "Creating a New Compute Offering"
 msgstr "创建一个新的计算方案"
-# aa23150497984322bfaee6cf77ad1266
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:151
+# a989d37873d84df993d59a7d089d7cdd
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:153
 msgid "To create a new compute offering:"
 msgstr "为了创建一个新的计算方案"
-# 4e886343524d4af088e739543d88b5df
-# 5968195946ff437aa8ebae46521a3b11
-# becf5f59558d4bd8abef46be798ea016
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:155 ../../service_offerings.rst:327
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:455
+# cd40916e685345c99849ac58022fd684
+# 3f783f61450b417ea824bafee21771db
+# a464ec4a658b4d9884f389505fe3ad18
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:155 ../../service_offerings.rst:276
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:375
 msgid "Log in with admin privileges to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr "以管理员权限登录CloudStack用户界面。"
-# 1b95a518f09246a0ba57402df48b11d5
-# d27cedf8009e4d10aee385860508093c
-# 6fe6e438fb09452bafd97b6d8cbe5822
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:159 ../../service_offerings.rst:331
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:459
+# 430fa2ee248b407f9d4085fb63dd7d77
+# 999d0aeef65e43539cf25bcb3f791342
+# b51af425528d45d6b50797a303b9badc
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:157 ../../service_offerings.rst:278
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:377
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Service Offerings."
 msgstr "在左侧导航栏中,点击 服务方案。"
-# c9a07ce801384c9eaa0c811234f294f0
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:163
+# 9d93f2c8859741418b99ea21160f5717
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:159
 msgid "In Select Offering, choose Compute Offering."
 msgstr "选择方案中,选择计算方案"
-# 6e407e41db2344bdbef4d63aa97d99b6
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:167
+# 7167eb3ab24d4bba83156b7b67a2474a
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:161
 msgid "Click Add Compute Offering."
 msgstr "点击 添加计算方案"
-# c03b1abf28ba497cbceb0722695fc1e5
-# f8eb24e0c3724766a8e8ce117c942e11
-# 4f350ef9c2844d3ba73ee61009bb09d1
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:171 ../../service_offerings.rst:343
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:471
+# d66b1055632049b3be191768ce8d3f6f
+# 8282a7241f674568b997c0dcd2b08b88
+# 22f14b2d47e140ae9fa9f96c736f51f5
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:163 ../../service_offerings.rst:284
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:383
 msgid "In the dialog, make the following choices:"
 msgstr "在对话框中,选择如下操作:"
-# f5bb8c0e56614ef59a5ce2a33a867bdd
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:175
+# 248a64cf597a40f29490a97743581cae
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:165
 msgid "**Name**: Any desired name for the service offering."
 msgstr "** 名称 **: 服务方案所需的名称。"
-# eff6335236d048f6afbe4657d434339c
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:179
+# 16069fbe3c51423eba16ddfb98cd4dd2
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:167
 msgid ""
 "**Description**: A short description of the offering that can be displayed "
 "to users"
 msgstr "** 描述 ** :显示给用户的简短方案描述。"
-# 1e4bb660557a451e9c5779d3aa0a33b5
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:184
+# 347237d86b124a00be0d69850897539d
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:170
 msgid ""
 "**Storage type**: The type of disk that should be allocated. Local allocates"
 " from storage attached directly to the host where the system VM is running. "
 "Shared allocates from storage accessible via NFS."
 msgstr "** 存储类型 *:磁盘类型应该被分配。系统VM 运行时所在主机挂载的存储作为本地分配。通过 NFS 可访问的存储作为 共享分配。"
-# 4a5d3fc37ad547ce855aedcf994f4686
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:191
+# 2740734abb894968ad28ec481f8be6f8
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:175
 msgid ""
 "**Custom**: Custom compute offerings can be used in following cases: "
 "deploying a VM, changing the compute offering of a stopped VM and running "
 "VMs, which is nothing but scaling up."
 msgstr "** 自定义 ** :自定义计算方案使用在以下场景:部署虚拟机,改变停止状态和运行中虚拟机的计算方案,仅仅为了扩大规模。"
-# c7af5e8d271849d3ad37e04e01d0cb09
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:195
+# ca83dc70a28544378533fd9391d96e06
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:179
 msgid ""
 "If the Custom field is checked, the end-user must fill in the desired values"
 " for number of CPU, CPU speed, and RAM Memory when using a custom compute "
@@ -332,87 +331,87 @@
 "the dialog box."
 msgstr "如果自定义字段被选中,最终用户必须为CPU,CPU速度和RAM存储器的数量所需的值使用自定义计算产品时填写。当您选中该复选框,这三个输入字段隐藏在该对话框。"
-# 991116818ea64024b0590766bd14d349
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:202
+# 8ca7932a8f254ece814179f9c5690c71
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:184
 msgid ""
 "**# of CPU cores**: The number of cores which should be allocated to a "
 "system VM with this offering. If Custom is checked, this field does not "
 msgstr "**# of CPU cores**:  在该方案中分配核心数量给系统 VM , 如果选择自定义,该区域不会出现。"
-# 88f0912f030742c8b5ea52db1852f9e4
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:208
+# 179de46f279a47c38263160519e05bc8
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:188
 msgid ""
 "**CPU (in MHz)**: The CPU speed of the cores that the system VM is "
 "allocated. For example, “2000” would provide for a 2 GHz clock. If Custom is"
 " checked, this field does not appear."
 msgstr "** CPU (in MHz) **: 分配给系统 VM 的 CPU 核心速度。比如 “ 2000 ” 将提供 2 GHz 时钟频率。如果选择订制,该区域不会出现"
-# 73983dcad95048e6962a24da88337a0f
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:214
+# b4862e3476024139a5791b56f164bf54
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:192
 msgid ""
 "**Memory (in MB)**: The amount of memory in megabytes that the system VM "
 "should be allocated. For example, “2048” would provide for a 2 GB RAM "
 "allocation. If Custom is checked, this field does not appear."
 msgstr "** Memory (in MB) **:  分配给系统 VM 的内存M数。比如,, “ 2048 ” 应该提供 2 G  RAM。如果选择订制,该区域不会出现。"
-# 49dbd9d864764c3bb376c6d8be3bece9
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:221
+# 75b2531b57c743c1b6077813a925c97c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:197
 msgid "**Network Rate**: Allowed data transfer rate in MB per second."
 msgstr "**网络速度**: 允许的数据传输速度(MB/秒)。"
-# 4795fdfeed274d4e8285f07a6f79765e
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:225
+# d8427006117040188afa00c409a53e9c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:199
 msgid "**Disk Read Rate**: Allowed disk read rate in bits per second."
 msgstr "** 磁盘读取速率 ** :磁盘每秒允许读取的bit数"
-# d6c47d486cb24fa5b357988fc94cf0b2
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:229
+# d7c08f798b324b0fa241b2bc293d9fe1
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:201
 msgid "**Disk Write Rate**: Allowed disk write rate in bits per second."
 msgstr "** 磁盘写入速率 **: 磁盘每秒允许写入的bit数。"
-# 55076ab2ffc14cc0a8c900e458e4a399
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:233
+# 657abd8d993d47f98da0e15c0842aadd
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:203
 msgid ""
 "**Disk Read Rate**: Allowed disk read rate in IOPS (input/output operations "
 "per second)."
 msgstr "** 磁盘读取速率 ** : IPOS (每秒的输入/输出操作 )中运行磁盘读取的速率"
-# 4d2fddd5f68d460185407974f5fa7c24
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:238
+# 41c2fbc1baef42c6b5df3e05a520019a
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:206
 msgid ""
 "**Disk Write Rate**: Allowed disk write rate in IOPS (input/output "
 "operations per second)."
 msgstr "** 磁盘写入速率 ** : IPOS (每秒的输入/输出操作 )中运行磁盘写入的速率"
-# 5aa78ccd32374d3ca982b045ba9017a6
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:243
+# 1ec28ce24ead4f2486f7368ade10a4e8
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:209
 msgid ""
 "**Offer HA**: If yes, the administrator can choose to have the system VM be "
 "monitored and as highly available as possible."
 msgstr "** HA 方案 ** : 如果必要,管理员可以选择监控系统 VM 和尽可能采用高可用。"
-# 165a9bce37684d13b4148ff372af93ac
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:248
+# 6d4c0c7c0d8548e3825edabb5d73d731
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:212
 msgid ""
 "**Storage Tags**: The tags that should be associated with the primary "
 "storage used by the system VM."
 msgstr "** 存储标签 ** :这个标签应该和系统 VM 使用的主存储相关联。"
-# 62a32c62b6214915a1be3170d977ff82
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:253
+# b730850e604446d89aba06366e8302be
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:215
 msgid "**Host Tags**: (Optional) Any tags that you use to organize your hosts"
 msgstr "** 主机标签 ** :(可选)用于组织你的主机的任何标签。"
-# 3f87e25c978045b4ad15f9f50a50ff29
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:258
+# 6fb3e5e926cc49038912a81d7d3c1a1c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:218
 msgid ""
 "**CPU cap**: Whether to limit the level of CPU usage even if spare capacity "
 "is available."
 msgstr "** CPU 容量 ** : 是否限制CPU使用率的水平,即使备用容量仍可用。"
-# 5fed37e2d47f4527a0aeabf1b92e7139
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:263
+# 5eff635b882c422680849b6f7d511fdb
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:221
 msgid ""
 "**Public**: Indicate whether the service offering should be available all "
 "domains or only some domains. Choose Yes to make it available to all "
@@ -420,8 +419,8 @@
 "prompt for the subdomain's name."
 msgstr "** 公共 ** : 指明系统方案是对所有域或者部分域是否可用。 选择 Yes 则所有域可用。选择 No 则限制一定范围的域可用; CloudStack 会给出一个字域名字提示。"
-# 0f0c33d4cb044afb966204f19fd40896
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:270
+# d401f5f62aaa4778bce3429d100a06de
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:226
 msgid ""
 "**isVolatile**: If checked, VMs created from this service offering will have"
 " their root disks reset upon reboot. This is useful for secure environments "
@@ -429,36 +428,36 @@
 "retain state."
 msgstr "** 隔离 ** : 如果选中,从这个服务方案创建的虚拟机重启复位后都会有自己的根磁盘。这对于需要通过重启获得全新开始和无需保持桌面状态的安全环境中非常有用。"
-# bf91571008434f83ae42a626145b3114
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:277
+# 7ea10a7203db4d629ba1fc7dfd120b28
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:231
 msgid ""
 "**Deployment Planner**: Choose the technique that you would like CloudStack "
 "to use when deploying VMs based on this service offering."
 msgstr "** 部署方案 ** :当部署基于这个服务方案的虚拟机时,你会让 CloudStack 选择使用这个技术。"
-# c29bc8d4409c4cbf867d8cfb948d557f
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:281
+# 09d1468dffad438fa4266aa82987ce0e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:235
 msgid ""
 "First Fit places new VMs on the first host that is found having sufficient "
 "capacity to support the VM's requirements."
 msgstr "首先,存放新虚拟机的第一台主机必须有足够的容量来满足虚拟机的要求。"
-# 44ea64956b5c4f038e044c9ef887cee0
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:284
+# 9a877ddb3dab4ad69db6b5c7627dd22c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:238
 msgid ""
 "User Dispersing makes the best effort to evenly distribute VMs belonging to "
 "the same account on different clusters or pods."
 msgstr " 用户分散尽最大努力均匀分配同一个账户的虚拟机在不同的集群或者提供点。"
-# e4a54060c1ac4d8599b69999244f81b7
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:287
+# e2716f72710c4569899cebc9a22840ab
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:241
 msgid ""
 "User Concentrated prefers to deploy VMs belonging to the same account within"
 " a single pod."
 msgstr "用户更倾向于集中部署同一帐户内的虚拟机在单一提供点."
-# 46470c04363245eb8f5a3bb22cc5c6ff
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:290
+# 5e285b8b246b49bbb76fdf939e1dc838
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:244
 msgid ""
 "Implicit Dedication will deploy VMs on private infrastructure that is "
 "dedicated to a specific domain or account. If you choose this planner, then "
@@ -467,23 +466,23 @@
 msgstr "默认将虚拟机部署在特定域或账户的专属基础设施中。如果你选择,那么你必须为规划者参考 `“ 为账号和域指定资源 ”  <accounts.html#dedicating-resources-to-accounts-and-domains>`_."
-# cfd2799cef4f4539a84f5af69e7b703d
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:296
+# 6e9b2cfece7840a3a281d17fbf4d19cd
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:250
 msgid ""
 "Bare Metal is used with bare metal hosts. See Bare Metal Installation in the"
 " Installation Guide."
 msgstr "裸机协同全裸机使用。参考安装向导中的全裸机安装。"
-# 251146ce0d03439e90d1c4af3f26121d
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:301
+# 3a40b2888d8b4d0bb06501a2d726411d
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:253
 msgid ""
 "**Planner Mode**: Used when ImplicitDedicationPlanner is selected in the "
 "previous field. The planner mode determines how VMs will be deployed on "
 "private infrastructure that is dedicated to a single domain or account."
 msgstr "** 方案模式 ** :当在之前场景中默认指定方案被选中时使用。方案模式决定了在分享的单独域或账户的私有基础架构中部署多少虚拟机。"
-# 971de015210e4c48b8bbb69d41e7c9bb
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:306
+# 8c6a6d1601d5409f9cf07e89162fe229
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:258
 msgid ""
 "Strict: A host will not be shared across multiple accounts. For example, "
 "strict implicit dedication is useful for deployment of certain types of "
@@ -492,70 +491,70 @@
 msgstr "严禁:一个主机禁止通过多个账号共享。例如,严格默认指定对于部署的某些应用是有用处的,例如,在无隔离桌面软件授权主机上不能在不同账号间进行桌面共享。"
-# bc0ad33164c54b72a4e427acfb9789f6
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:312
+# 36d35c740f134708ade301fc640503d9
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:264
 msgid ""
 "Preferred: The VM will be deployed in dedicated infrastructure if possible. "
 "Otherwise, the VM can be deployed in shared infrastructure."
 msgstr "优先:VM 尽可能的部署在专属基础架构。否则部署在共享基础架构。"
-# 069722e5040444d5a99c36f0eb592a7b
-# a4fcc407968549d78264a3e08d0caf2f
-# 79e8caf7d7524e89b160a24e84853cc8
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:318 ../../service_offerings.rst:414
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:542
+# 094aad8be1574fa385667bebf06ed3b6
+# 857fa2723e0b4bf4916f435ba0604892
+# ac56513abaae4c1895b390a2f0333ab0
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:268 ../../service_offerings.rst:333
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:426
 msgid "Click Add."
 msgstr "点击 添加"
-# 053a8f5b0d2b4df1a06751fc5fe86eae
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:321
+# 1a46fadd2f3a42c68b8cdeef05745eca
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:272
 msgid "Creating a New Disk Offering"
 msgstr "创建一个新的磁盘方案"
-# fc92b6817cc4485b9235164c1d7d8be5
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:323
+# 06fce5a6dad94dfa84eed86ae00ec617
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:274
 msgid "To create a new disk offering:"
 msgstr "为了创建一个新的磁盘方案"
-# b124a0ea44e647a08b56eeee27020518
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:335
+# d3eb3c404772407da39449916e1953ca
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:280
 msgid "In Select Offering, choose Disk Offering."
 msgstr "在选择方案中,选择  磁盘方案"
-# d84bcd6ae3b940a0bd9b95f2c1415bfd
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:339
+# da2d57c6d441495685b440392d59c162
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:282
 msgid "Click Add Disk Offering."
 msgstr "点击 添加磁盘方案"
-# d5b09789f4cc4f109f9288ca121710e6
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:347
+# d178f97b76c84de0bfd097ef93c110d3
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:286
 msgid "Name. Any desired name for the disk offering."
 msgstr "名字"
-# 9aaa706a1a5243a6803b1417fbdbfdbb
-# 65350cb3cb09468ea7484bd505f8ed6e
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:351 ../../service_offerings.rst:479
+# efaecce14927441aa329961c4d485567
+# e7bfb9a5943b405a8cae32d04743b528
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:288 ../../service_offerings.rst:387
 msgid ""
 "Description. A short description of the offering that can be displayed to "
 msgstr "描述。显示给用户的方案简短描述。"
-# 44aac5b446314cb386205e75784d0b48
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:356
+# 4f1a836b18b74aaf94d4ad7e5b83152c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:291
 msgid ""
 "Custom Disk Size. If checked, the user can set their own disk size. If not "
 "checked, the root administrator must define a value in Disk Size."
 msgstr "订制磁盘大小。如果选中,用户可以设置自己磁盘大小。如果没选中,管理员必须定义这个磁盘大小的值。"
-# 438e1190c56f4d4383bdf95683e8d2cb
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:362
+# 5663fa2cb649450db44f795449d5dd9f
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:295
 msgid ""
 "Disk Size. Appears only if Custom Disk Size is not selected. Define the "
 "volume size in GB."
 msgstr "磁盘大小。只有 订制磁盘大小 未被选择才会显示。按照GB定义卷大小。"
-# 1c08af488d444558abd3043bf83faf45
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:367
+# d06aab69bbd44359a42d1eaebcb4ca5a
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:298
 msgid ""
 "QoS Type. Three options: Empty (no Quality of Service), hypervisor (rate "
 "limiting enforced on the hypervisor side), and storage (guaranteed minimum "
@@ -563,8 +562,8 @@
 " that the hypervisor or storage system supports this feature."
 msgstr "QoS 类型。三种可选:空 ( 无服务质量), hypervisor (在 hypervisor侧强制速率限制),存储 (在存储侧保证最小和最大 IOPS)。如需使用 QoS ,确保 hypervisor 或存储系统支持此功能。"
-# 2861b3c7902b44419d44cf577eab14dc
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:375
+# 665e3b5c270e42979195e2837591595b
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:304
 msgid ""
 "Custom IOPS. If checked, the user can set their own IOPS. If not checked, "
 "the root administrator can define values. If the root admin does not set "
@@ -573,23 +572,23 @@
 " the primary storage in question)."
 msgstr "订制 IOPS 。 如选中,用户可以设置自己的 IOPS。如未被选中,root 管理员则能够定义该值。如果使用存储 QoS时,root 管理员没有设置该值,则采用默认值(如果创建主存储时考虑到对应的参数被传递到 CloudStack 中,则默认值将被覆盖)"
-# bb20ef54f93f49e9ac31ed2fefb219ad
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:384
+# 3fdd090110144e8fae3a8a6d77e6e426
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:311
 msgid ""
 "Min IOPS. Appears only if storage QoS is to be used. Set a guaranteed "
 "minimum number of IOPS to be enforced on the storage side."
 msgstr "最小  IOPS 。只有使用存储 QoS 才会出现。在存储侧进行保障最小 IOPS 数量。"
-# d4b184d984de4df4b1196b900abaf1df
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:390
+# 5f904e8920db455192f6af78633b6f22
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:315
 msgid ""
 "Max IOPS. Appears only if storage QoS is to be used. Set a maximum number of"
 " IOPS to be enforced on the storage side (the system may go above this limit"
 " in certain circumstances for short intervals)."
 msgstr "最大 IOPS 。 使用了存储 QoS才会显示。IPOS 最大数量将在存储侧被强制设置(系统可以在短时间内超过这个限制)"
-# 0460331aded04f488a2dbd97cd010333
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:396
+# ea14b97cc586470c8be3da25ef0a3ae1
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:319
 msgid ""
 "(Optional)Storage Tags. The tags that should be associated with the primary "
 "storage for this disk. Tags are a comma separated list of attributes of the "
@@ -600,9 +599,9 @@
 " exists, allocation from the disk offering will fail.."
 msgstr "(可选)存储标签.这个标签应与这个磁盘的主存储相关联。标签以逗号分隔存储的属性列表。比如 \"ssd,blue\". 标签被添加在主存储上。CloudStack 通过标记匹配磁盘方案到主存储。 如果一个标签出(或多个标签)现在磁盘方案里, 那这个标签也必须出现在将要分配这个卷的主存储上。如果这样的主存储不存在, 从这个磁盘方案中进行分配将失败。"
-# aaf4ad498bec466486f07c12fa2b9680
-# a5ded01d13be462b911b0f572ae883a0
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:407 ../../service_offerings.rst:535
+# dda851b25a4c44ae92e6890fb2542e04
+# 5034af57e1514329ba054bf08be12e5a
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:328 ../../service_offerings.rst:421
 msgid ""
 "Public. Indicate whether the service offering should be available all "
 "domains or only some domains. Choose Yes to make it available to all "
@@ -610,20 +609,20 @@
 "prompt for the subdomain's name."
 msgstr "** 公共 ** : 指明系统方案是对所有域或者部分域是否可用。 选择 Yes 则所有域可用。选择 No 则限制一定范围的域可用; CloudStack 会给出一个子域名字提示。"
-# 081432e45d6443ec8f74a2bec8f4d865
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:417
+# 5c44a4ba4c074c4caf886309d1aba4f1
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:337
 msgid "Modifying or Deleting a Service Offering"
 msgstr "修改或删除一个服务方案"
-# 04957538fcac40cda4cae6e23226b84d
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:419
+# 5aab86d5c8e443609a4613d0073f7314
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:339
 msgid ""
 "Service offerings cannot be changed once created. This applies to both "
 "compute offerings and disk offerings."
 msgstr "服务方案一旦被创建则不能被修改。这个特性同样适用于计算方案和磁盘方案。"
-# 7c46df7dc12140539bfd46d99a2043a2
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:422
+# 1bab2fd909c74ac299118dcd6c9848b4
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:342
 msgid ""
 "A service offering can be deleted. If it is no longer in use, it is deleted "
 "immediately and permanently. If the service offering is still in use, it "
@@ -632,13 +631,13 @@
 "will not be available to end users that are creating new instances."
 msgstr "系统服务方案可以被删除。它不再处于使用中,它可以被立即永久删除。如果服务方案处于使用中,它会留在数据库中,直到所有引用它的虚拟机被删除。管理员删除后,管理员创建新的虚拟机时这个服务方案将不可用。"
-# d4e978b689ae43d396b3948586c8fe51
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:430
+# 0f1e4fe248f24ff6b4e4f47ef4a4ef55
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:351
 msgid "System Service Offerings"
 msgstr "系统服务方案"
-# 81dcd14983c44b3db493d1295cd1c324
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:432
+# 007749e74de54391b1664b4166e80259
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:353
 msgid ""
 "System service offerings provide a choice of CPU speed, number of CPUs, "
 "tags, and RAM size, just as other service offerings do. But rather than "
@@ -650,8 +649,8 @@
 "create additional custom system service offerings."
 msgstr "系统服务方案提供CPU速度,CPU数量,标签和RAM大小的选择,就像其他服务方案那样。但不被用于虚拟机实例和暴露给用户,系统服务方案是用来改变虚拟路由器,console 代理,和其他系统的虚拟机的默认属性。系统服务方案只对 CloudStack中 root 管理员是可见的。CloudStack 提供默认的系统管理方案。CloudStack 中 root 管理员可以创建其他自定义系统服务方案。"
-# 4e12b4c9239643c28f670ed1616b20e0
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:441
+# 4201666336094c93ae198477756df881
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:362
 msgid ""
 "When CloudStack creates a virtual router for a guest network, it uses "
 "default settings which are defined in the system service offering associated"
@@ -661,105 +660,105 @@
 "settings from the new service offering."
 msgstr "当 CloudStack 中创建一个虚拟路由器的来宾网络,它使用系统服务方案中的默认设置和网络方案进行关联。你可以通过应用包含不同的系统服务方案的网络方案升级的虚拟路由器的功能。该网络中的所有虚拟路由器将使用来自新服务方案的设置。"
-# 3730bbecb4f94765aab86ec88a82187c
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:449
+# f91e393f388b4e6481cd8a71e7f79278
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:371
 msgid "Creating a New System Service Offering"
 msgstr "创建一个新的系统服务方案"
-# d631a080073a4cb6acbb274c4ed773dc
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:451
+# 0d2bc72cb0364a098544d79a257c89d8
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:373
 msgid "To create a system service offering:"
 msgstr "为了创建一个系统服务方案:"
-# 3fd1bbef80f24c399cfe374469107744
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:463
+# 6e5e507b5bf94c149b3113e07ca5ce03
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:379
 msgid "In Select Offering, choose System Offering."
 msgstr "在选择方案中,选择 系统方案"
-# 7d7196c8eaea429384aa3171b8fb0857
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:467
+# 42a35e0d5b5e434f8fa210dfa25c0edf
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:381
 msgid "Click Add System Service Offering."
 msgstr "点击 添加系统服务方案"
-# b8ac0675d6c94d75b4169623ca12cb7e
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:475
+# c20bf047c83a44d89017825a2228c46d
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:385
 msgid "Name. Any desired name for the system offering."
 msgstr "名称。系统方案任意名称。"
-# 1d8d081c6f3a448b8c4b8856ae75211b
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:484
+# 1d970335d51e46ac9bda9c706759ba65
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:390
 msgid ""
 "System VM Type. Select the type of system virtual machine that this offering"
 " is intended to support."
 msgstr "系统 VM 类型。选中方案支持的系统虚拟机的类型。"
-# 784381566bea439caa03dbe7d8cbe864
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:489
+# 8086a4f1336049c19479206b751d04ea
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:393
 msgid ""
 "Storage type. The type of disk that should be allocated. Local allocates "
 "from storage attached directly to the host where the system VM is running. "
 "Shared allocates from storage accessible via NFS."
 msgstr "存储类型。应该指明磁盘类型。运行中的虚拟机所在主机关联的存储采用本地分配。通过 NFS 可访问存储共享分配。"
-# b6b544adf6234b0187f4b984c60b0d7f
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:496
+# 913ba08b0770492cba53d3d247655710
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:398
 msgid ""
 "# of CPU cores. The number of cores which should be allocated to a system VM"
 " with this offering"
 msgstr "# CPU 核心。方案中提供给系统 VM 可分配的核心数量。"
-# d84bb45103ba4d42a5294e82673f95bb
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:501
+# fb5a2f7abf0a4e18b7847db64d898bc2
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:401
 msgid ""
 "CPU (in MHz). The CPU speed of the cores that the system VM is allocated. "
 "For example, \"2000\" would provide for a 2 GHz clock."
 msgstr "CPU ( MHz )。 分配给系统 VM CPU 核心频率。例如,” 2000 “ 将提供一个2 GHz 时钟。"
-# f08747fb0de447389835eaa94f6d5503
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:506
+# de2eaf45f59b471b9d37d34ab02ce6e2
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:404
 msgid ""
 "Memory (in MB). The amount of memory in megabytes that the system VM should "
 "be allocated. For example, \"2048\" would provide for a 2 GB RAM allocation."
 msgstr "内存 ( MB )。系统 VM 应该总计分配兆字节内存。例如,” 2048 “ 应该分配 2GB RAM."
-# 543ccf9e89094bb8a3885601a683c7bf
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:512
+# c1d2470c7b62430481a4de61c2356410
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:408
 msgid "Network Rate. Allowed data transfer rate in MB per second."
 msgstr "网络速率。每秒允许传输多少 MB 数据。"
-# 7f09cb9a722544e7a23f713f939cfb88
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:516
+# a7d7af4efcf94e478441f58eb4ab9ec1
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:410
 msgid ""
 "Offer HA. If yes, the administrator can choose to have the system VM be "
 "monitored and as highly available as possible."
 msgstr "提供HA。如果提供,管理员可以为监控系统 VM 并且提供必要的高可用。"
-# 2702400504534a74b319b416af939d43
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:521
+# 41c4d5f0752e44e98e557a65b65a14c0
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:413
 msgid ""
 "Storage Tags. The tags that should be associated with the primary storage "
 "used by the system VM."
 msgstr "存储标签。它应该和系统 VM 使用的主存储相关联。"
-# b7d909be7e1b4a3184babd8801653369
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:526
+# 22cd45b0933841f3bf3106245a42af05
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:416
 msgid "Host Tags. (Optional) Any tags that you use to organize your hosts"
 msgstr "主机标签。 ( 可选 )你可以选择任何标签用于规范你的主机。"
-# 2617004b14634e419e19c06d3d654906
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:530
+# c8df696c132647959ca16dcad278053e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:418
 msgid ""
 "CPU cap. Whether to limit the level of CPU usage even if spare capacity is "
 msgstr "CPU 容量。是否限制 CPU 使用水平不管是否还有可用的空闲容量。"
-# c7c9cb00c4da4943846c26420cf4df0f
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:545
+# 53c64783d59d4debb2c9c1ebe4a0bb7d
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:430
 msgid "Network Throttling"
 msgstr "网络限速"
-# f1830dc574e340b2b66af0a7a65e80b7
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:547
+# 26cf64df6529406f922adcedb9234f9f
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:432
 msgid ""
 "Network throttling is the process of controlling the network access and "
 "bandwidth usage based on certain rules. CloudStack controls this behaviour "
@@ -770,8 +769,8 @@
 "limits, access is granted, else revoked."
 msgstr "网络限速是基于明确规则来控制网络访问和带宽使用率的一个进程。 CloudStack 中通过网络速率参数来控制来宾网络在云中的行为。这个参数定义一个来宾网络允许的默认数据传输速率为 Mbps (兆比特每秒)。它定义了网络利用上限。如果目前的使用率低于允许的上限,则允许访问,否则拒绝。"
-# f1daa5866fcc45728acad7d74e2f8a33
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:555
+# 27806198975d424082e8dab6ce49f0b4
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:440
 msgid ""
 "You can throttle the network bandwidth either to control the usage above a "
 "certain limit for some accounts, or to control network congestion in a large"
@@ -779,23 +778,23 @@
 " following:"
 msgstr "你可以在大型云环境中通过限制一些账户明确的使用率或拥塞控制来节省网络带宽。以下是可以在你的云中进行配置的网络速率:"
-# 25d479438aef42238d2d59ca69a45c2e
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:562
+# 7432018ff67f4894a723bdca6bff087b
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:445
 msgid "Network Offering"
 msgstr "网络方案"
-# 8aa95eec28104620848f96ef583794e1
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:566
+# 506188e4ff414063a2491e10c81e51c9
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:447
 msgid "Service Offering"
 msgstr "服务方案"
-# 967aa7efbc474657ab2c56b2f2cfe89d
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:570
+# 320ac2d073ce4bf5af25029badc0cdb4
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:449
 msgid "Global parameter"
 msgstr "全局参数"
-# 0b9b8573e9374141b8494c8977757b76
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:572
+# 9c2fc1907fa34cf7b21cefc002bff096
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:451
 msgid ""
 "If network rate is set to NULL in service offering, the value provided in "
 "the global parameter is applied. If the value is "
@@ -803,8 +802,8 @@
 "network.throttling.rate global parameter is considered."
 msgstr "服务方案中如果网络速率设置为 NULL , 值作为全局参数被应用。网络方案中如果这个值设置为 NULL 。network.throttling.rate 值被看做全局参数。"
-# 103b96ec5d704a988165c554da186ff0
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:577
+# 70d2185fb70847edb5c332fb612484e7
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:456
 msgid ""
 "For the default public, storage, and management networks, network rate is "
 "set to 0. This implies that the public, storage, and management networks "
@@ -813,116 +812,116 @@
 "global parameter value."
 msgstr "对于默认的公共,存储和管理网络,网络速度被设置为0,这意味着,公共,存储和管理网络默认不被限制带宽。对于默认来宾网络,网络速率设置为 NULL 。在这种情况下,网络速率被默认为全局参数值。"
-# fc7b8c60b2c6410fafc10af96b2028eb
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:583
+# 88f665be2f3e4cfd87c6d89ae2b118ef
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:462
 msgid ""
 "The following table gives you an overview of how network rate is applied on "
 "different types of networks in CloudStack."
 msgstr "你可以在大型云环境中通过限制一些账户明确的使用率或拥塞控制来节省网络带宽。以下是可以在你的云中进行配置的网络速率:"
-# 4b720fa08a67466f8c4be7b61b5006d7
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:587
+# 2df7571b44394db29aa0803e1bd515ae
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:466
 msgid "Networks"
 msgstr "网络"
-# 5c196b4f7f9343949e714444a81662ca
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:587
+# 30beee005ab04cb3947aa3a093695d15
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:466
 msgid "Network Rate Is Taken from"
 msgstr "网络速率起源"
-# 8a75f76704c6494188994beb853c358c
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:589
+# 2d1b0256284f4e9196bed7491709337e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:468
 msgid "Guest network of Virtual Router"
 msgstr "来宾网络虚拟路由器"
-# da1096a96e734078acf210be8b8d8ffa
-# 4f9c2c9e08d94ef19098590eacd942b1
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:589 ../../service_offerings.rst:590
+# 710cff98d40d47b1b4691f4ef4cc0ed7
+# 7301bab7c1654ab09e4495741b32f409
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:468 ../../service_offerings.rst:469
 msgid "Guest Network Offering"
 msgstr "来宾网络方案"
-# e18323526a374696b62b18aedd3198fa
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:590
+# b9550d4e593644f7997ae2b59833d30e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:469
 msgid "Public network of Virtual Router"
 msgstr "公网网络虚拟路由器"
-# 7f04af96ba48492981b6640e3c6bfc7e
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:591
+# 5fbb2616fe4146139b5adddf90e140c5
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:470
 msgid "Storage network of Secondary Storage VM"
 msgstr "辅助存储 VM 的存储网络"
-# d8b79a9ca30648fdb2644a4c08822aa2
-# bd6341e090f442968d71738bcb538137
-# d470046fa29b40249f53f1289089a15c
-# 883e08fa95c44faa9a4efb3d59b3192e
-# 9e97d44a94694a7fb7f28c7bb59a676d
-# 8498073f7c214108a8c1991f002a96e5
-# bd551bcdaefd4caaac78bd7448f65e29
-# 7febd7a246114388850b925808d3d834
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:591 ../../service_offerings.rst:592
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:593 ../../service_offerings.rst:594
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:595 ../../service_offerings.rst:596
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:597 ../../service_offerings.rst:598
+# 149bbe361c7b4f85bc046a55d9a0147e
+# f68c6d576d58455194ee074721af9ab1
+# 6767654cd1d74942a8dc4a4a997c0e62
+# 9784131010fd47ce8cbdf1d9b322bdd6
+# fcb50bbb01464259bf0060a49547950f
+# 3499985b0b95428c8cf13bdceeacae5c
+# 9eb605f5c4204f7a93451b0af6b0ac63
+# a5eff8a6947548b99a5e9c63a24f4890
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:470 ../../service_offerings.rst:471
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:472 ../../service_offerings.rst:473
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:474 ../../service_offerings.rst:475
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:476 ../../service_offerings.rst:477
 msgid "System Network Offering"
 msgstr "系统网络方案"
-# 132a5d89b2cf4543a74909dd2674a9ec
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:592
+# d0e8015a02d74f79a085327db997c47a
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:471
 msgid "Management network of Secondary Storage VM"
 msgstr "辅助存储 VM 的管理网络"
-# f2b0b9fcf39c4902979d572868e85a78
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:593
+# 5ec6da9e6d934d9fad3bede5813f70f9
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:472
 msgid "Storage network of Console Proxy VM"
 msgstr "Console 代理 VM 的存储网络"
-# 92e7a0a5af7a47bda3fbba4cef6ad20d
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:594
+# 4cf8b23c38354b708cd82d9c7e31ff03
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:473
 msgid "Management network of Console Proxy VM"
 msgstr "Console 代理 VM 的管理玩了过"
-# c4659347051f4759ab6b9ab75295ae0c
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:595
+# 2ff0726b224449c08b32d13597df71a7
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:474
 msgid "Storage network of Virtual Router"
 msgstr "虚拟路由器的存储网络"
-# 6413da0a4c90484d887d39fef63d14c1
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:596
+# 91083f647e9345d4a21912156d7990dd
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:475
 msgid "Management network of Virtual Router"
 msgstr "虚拟路由器的管理网络"
-# 11957148748943c68ddf5c23079e89e9
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:597
+# 20a8e9d21dda41208554a4065467ea8e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:476
 msgid "Public network of Secondary Storage VM"
 msgstr "辅助存储 VM 的公共网络"
-# 589807908d6a463db2ec68c966dbf5d7
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:598
+# 801f07af30a34b239adb18ef1edcd47c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:477
 msgid "Public network of Console Proxy VM"
 msgstr "Console 代理 VM 的公共玩了过"
-# 89fb7e1afb4543c88835a3ca994303ac
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:599
+# 860138dcf0344072bed2a8184a5336c7
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:478
 msgid "Default network of a guest VM"
 msgstr "Console 代理 VM 的默认网络"
-# cdbf4eb58e834d4392be25038d928473
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:599
+# a6f07fe2acf94351951e197227848984
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:478
 msgid "Compute Offering"
 msgstr "计算方案"
-# a94d5ee824fc4df19725d593f54d08e1
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:600
+# bb5e6134192f48038cbdfcc8141882da
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:479
 msgid "Additional networks of a guest VM"
 msgstr "来宾 VM 的附加网络"
-# bf973633a40042d38a533aa9deecb6c3
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:600
+# 9cdc4ff5ef2e42b39986c9157d856fc7
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:479
 msgid "Corresponding Network Offerings"
 msgstr "对应的网络方案"
-# 5cfd6ae1e9b64e74841a67f4cd70d485
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:604
+# 82ee01b4006f4ba48baf48b75381dac7
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:482
 msgid ""
 "A guest VM must have a default network, and can also have many additional "
 "networks. Depending on various parameters, such as the host and virtual "
@@ -933,8 +932,8 @@
 msgstr "一个来宾虚拟机必须有一个默认网络,也可拥有多个附加网。根据各种参数,如主机和虚拟交换机使用,你可以观察到在云网络中的不同速率。例如,在 VMware 主机的实际网络速率依赖于其他配置( 计算方案,网络方案,或两者兼有 );网络类型( 共享或隔离 )和流量方向( 入口或出口 )。"
-# 92aac7a6df8c4b349ebaed61a6f31c67
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:612
+# a3a45b2e646846f984140407ef18cd47
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:490
 msgid ""
 "The network rate set for a network offering used by a particular network in "
 "CloudStack is used for the traffic shaping policy of a port group, for "
@@ -948,8 +947,8 @@
 "instead of connecting to port group A."
 msgstr "CloudStack 中特定网络使用网络方案的网络速率设置将应用到端口组的流量整形策略中。例如:端口组 A , 网络 : 现实网络的特定子网或 VLAN 。网络通过虚拟路由器连接端口组 A ,同时网络中默认实例也连接该端口组。尽管如此,如果通过设置了网络速率的计算方案部署虚拟机,并且如果这个网络速率通过流量整形策略应用到其他端口组。例如端口组 B , 使用该计算方案的实例连接到端口组 B 将 替换到端口组 A 的连接。"
-# f5c03fa32d6e4f2983c7ff66b192d60f
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:623
+# 439cfd7a4cdd405c9eb7e554009d476e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:501
 msgid ""
 "The traffic shaping policy on standard port groups in VMware only applies to"
 " the egress traffic, and the net effect depends on the type of network used "
@@ -966,114 +965,114 @@
 msgstr "VMWARE中基于标准端口组流量整形策略只被应用于出口流量,并且网络效果依赖于 CloudStack 中使用的网络类型。共享网络中,不限制 CloudStack 入口流量,同时限制出口流量到任何实例应用到端口组的速率。如果计算方案配置了网络速率,速率应用到出口流量,否则应用网络方案的网络速率设置。对于隔离网络,网络方案设置网络速率,如果明确了范围,会对入口流量产生影响。这个主要是因为网络方案的网络速率设置应用在虚拟路由器到实例之间的出口流量上。在一定范围内,实例通过端口组速率限制出口流量,这个和共享网络类似。"
-# 5286b20c07fa446383e5bbb52b2c92aa
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:637
+# 1a67086f74d24fdca3d3c8ddc160b6a1
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:515
 msgid "For example:"
 msgstr "例如:"
-# 766974c020ba48f4a25970cb60cf548a
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:639
+# 1ef70fcdcb7742dd9f1e68d72b62bab8
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:517
 msgid "Network rate of network offering = 10 Mbps"
 msgstr "网络方案网络速率 = 10 Mbps"
-# 39893a3149b64f5bb830da2ca8a40712
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:641
+# 4aed36fd4b1e47b994e240a5180902f7
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:519
 msgid "Network rate of compute offering = 200 Mbps"
 msgstr "计算方案网络速率 = 200 Mbps"
-# e2476b49fd764870928ced7642f8f07e
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:643
+# 728d67e125214dc69bcb42e87a0bd8ae
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:521
 msgid ""
 "In shared networks, ingress traffic will not be limited for CloudStack, "
 "while egress traffic will be limited to 200 Mbps. In an isolated network, "
 "ingress traffic will be limited to 10 Mbps and egress to 200 Mbps."
 msgstr "共享网络中。CloudStack 这种进入流量不进行限制,同时出口流量限制为 200 Mbps。隔离网络入口流量限制为 10 Mbps,同时出口流量限制到 200 Mbps"
-# abc1ac0645fb48f486870aa8d4c2bab0
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:649
+# c18fc63ba86d45f6a4a69c240bcbd863
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:528
 msgid "Changing the Default System Offering for System VMs"
 msgstr "修改系统 VM 的默系统方案"
-# 8ad19cf6c98047c7949c49cb480775b8
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:651
+# dce8139f2a074eda9f35ccab7be40838
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:530
 msgid ""
 "You can manually change the system offering for a particular System VM. "
 "Additionally, as a CloudStack administrator, you can also change the default"
 " system offering used for System VMs."
 msgstr "你可认为的修改一个特殊系统 VM 的系统方案。此外,作为一个 CloudStack 管理员,你也可以改变系统 VM 使用的默认系统方案。"
-# 18c5c2c31180461ab2bdc0018e43b820
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:657
+# d7758b140e8f4c8ea68093fe1bd87309
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:534
 msgid "Create a new system offering."
 msgstr "创建一个新的系统方案"
-# b3000d9d38c446e38588053ec16f04a6
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:659
+# 60b70b45018c4c8398470022264172b3
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:536
 msgid "For more information, see Creating a New System Service Offering."
 msgstr "获取更多信息,查看 创建一个新的系统服务方案"
-# c26c502d859341c8b5809d65fbdaab32
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:663
+# c8a9263bb9974a9fb39e3ce36805a635
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:538
 msgid "Back up the database:"
 msgstr "备份数据库:"
-# b55e76b346d8402987a5664cce1e6fdd
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:671
+# 7a52c92add7a4ae696f4727651be9ba4
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:544
 msgid "Open an MySQL prompt:"
 msgstr "打开一个 MySQL 提示:"
-# d2f05e5d35634eed8868a9643ea6f36c
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:679
+# 51c46ec1b2844020aea4f791b5a5950e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:550
 msgid "Run the following queries on the cloud database."
 msgstr "在 cloud 数据库运行以下查询。"
-# 5e641aaf3ad74318a5f050a9a72d1033
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:683
+# 6ee5a9e0f1d249749376ed26cf656f31
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:552
 msgid ""
 "In the disk\\_offering table, identify the original default offering and the"
 " new offering you want to use by default."
 msgstr "在磁盘 \\_offering 表,验证原始默认方案和你想默认使用的新方案。"
-# 6521f0ec28f6435f9801c6c5738b998c
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:686
+# 2611865e94844c71b289c6243b7a2e4c
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:555
 msgid "Take a note of the ID of the new offering."
 msgstr "记录新方案的 ID"
-# 497b62e6320840929935a243e49b3a24
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:694
+# 31118e91861d48389cbab25fa138f75e
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:561
 msgid ""
 "For the original default offering, set the value of unique\\_name to NULL."
 msgstr "对于原始默认方案,设置 \\_name 唯一值为 NULL"
-# d7dff9df26b440bfadf8ae86dc592858
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:701
+# 04fa9b26725d4ca09b7fd864838698ac
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:568
 msgid "Ensure that you use the correct value for the ID."
 msgstr "确保你使用正确的 ID 值"
-# 31d41d6cf1f041ec8805016e12293a5a
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:705
+# 8884980ed2d74f3ab78d5bfec97e5861
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:570
 msgid ""
 "For the new offering that you want to use by default, set the value of "
 "unique\\_name as follows:"
 msgstr "对于你想使用默认值的新方案,参照以下进行唯一 \\_name 值设置:"
-# 5af2c257aaeb4d888548b5499fee43df
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:708
+# bc246e06f82a4bc2a0d1c4ba3aad6618
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:573
 msgid ""
 "For the default Console Proxy VM (CPVM) offering,set unique\\_name to 'Cloud"
 ".com-ConsoleProxy'. For the default Secondary Storage VM (SSVM) offering, "
 "set unique\\_name to ''. For example:"
 msgstr "对于默认控制台代理虚拟机 ( CPVM )方案, 设置唯一 \\_name 为 ' '。对于默认辅助存储虚拟机 ( SSVM  ) 方案,  设置唯一 \\_name 为 ' '。例如:"
-# 2e93eab165104e88bd96e7ac3ded117a
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:719
+# aebfd61c6ee344829f0ec8db45c37d75
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:582
 msgid ""
 "Restart CloudStack Management Server. Restarting is required because the "
 "default offerings are loaded into the memory at startup."
 msgstr "重启 CloudStack  管理器服务器。因为默认方案启动时被加载到内存,要求重启。"
-# 7f3d5522d0144163a56bb61490306a87
-#: ../../service_offerings.rst:728
+# 9f700ce4ec00451991c06d4850686fa9
+#: ../../service_offerings.rst:589
 msgid ""
 "Destroy the existing CPVM or SSVM offerings and wait for them to be "
 "recreated. The new CPVM or SSVM are configured with the new offering."
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index eb30eff..5c691d8 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/storage.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/storage.po
index dfc19da..af85d5e 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/storage.po
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/storage.po
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# renoshen <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-15 02:30+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: renoshen <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -18,17 +17,17 @@
 "Language: zh_CN\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-# 6a202e4741994470b627a504dfaa0ec4
+# 32b44221e38d43c08f57ce3a72c53f03
 #: ../../storage.rst:18
 msgid "Working with Storage"
 msgstr "使用存储"
-# 162dc01704434bf39297420664b52155
+# 10d8b20690d442af8af5376748e600e0
 #: ../../storage.rst:21
 msgid "Storage Overview"
 msgstr "存储概述"
-# fb6cf279ed414191933888a05da50e30
+# 59f0d86b537245ecb2688c84730ca29a
 #: ../../storage.rst:23
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack defines two types of storage: primary and secondary. Primary "
@@ -37,53 +36,53 @@
 "always accessed using NFS."
 msgstr "CloudStack定义了两种存储:主存储和辅助存储。主存储可以使用iSCSI或NFS协议。另外,直接附加存储可被用于主存储。辅助存储通常使用NFS协议。"
-# 3e1682b1378e44d1b6277de404cef6c9
+# 20876e254ad044ddaa6b6090751c79d2
 #: ../../storage.rst:28
 msgid ""
 "There is no ephemeral storage in CloudStack. All volumes on all nodes are "
 msgstr "CloudStack不支持临时存储。所有节点上的所有卷都是持久存储。"
-# 3b158cf365224a128dce4c9bf414bc05
-#: ../../storage.rst:32
+# bf8fb32949b941d98036a5312e70d5a4
+#: ../../storage.rst:33
 msgid "Primary Storage"
 msgstr "主存储"
-# 0182a2b8079342b0b3ceb0b29b179646
-#: ../../storage.rst:34
+# d56fc829e85b469dae70016a093f1050
+#: ../../storage.rst:35
 msgid ""
 "This section gives concepts and technical details about CloudStack primary "
 "storage. For information about how to install and configure primary storage "
 "through the CloudStack UI, see the Installation Guide."
 msgstr "本章节讲述的是关于CloudStack的主存储概念和技术细节。更多关于如何通过CloudStack UI安装和配置主存储的信息,请参阅安装向导。"
-# 6050cb5647774b9191d87c9ac4c7db00
-#: ../../storage.rst:38
+# 950476049a7645b887c0f50e0a4d1f27
+#: ../../storage.rst:39
 msgid ""
 "`“About Primary Storage” "
-msgstr "`“关于主存储” <关于主存储>`_"
+msgstr "`“关于主存储” <>`_"
-# 2d5f67decc454f279ad544d95f3a200c
-#: ../../storage.rst:41
+# c26af650001f4c28b6d9803b7efde40e
+#: ../../storage.rst:43
 msgid "Best Practices for Primary Storage"
 msgstr "主存储的最佳实践"
-# a8e6b6ee46a0407d89434124df4e5829
+# 6f52e89385424e26a23b25f5784a3491
 #: ../../storage.rst:45
 msgid ""
 "The speed of primary storage will impact guest performance. If possible, "
 "choose smaller, higher RPM drives or SSDs for primary storage."
 msgstr "主存储的速度会直接影响来宾虚机的性能。如果可能,为主存储选择选择容量小,转速高的硬盘或SSDs。"
-# 25a499cd8ec24c99bfc6f0391d203d7b
-#: ../../storage.rst:51
+# f8f87fc7d7e4415b831b34939cbe9b12
+#: ../../storage.rst:49
 msgid "There are two ways CloudStack can leverage primary storage:"
 msgstr "CloudStack用两种方式使用主存储:"
-# 8c344e1829c64653b8c2a3f7fd4340c6
-#: ../../storage.rst:53
+# 52ac4abe89dd4b3586b61386e9b5b0e5
+#: ../../storage.rst:51
 msgid ""
 "Static: This is CloudStack's traditional way of handling storage. In this "
 "model, a preallocated amount of storage (ex. a volume from a SAN) is given "
@@ -93,8 +92,8 @@
 "CloudStack will destroy any existing data."
 msgstr "静态:CloudStack管理存储的传统方式。在这个模式下,要给CloudStack预先分配几个存储(比如一个SAN上的卷)。然后CloudStack在上面创建若干个卷(可以是root和/或者数据盘)。如果使用这种技术,确保存储上没有数据。给CloudStack添加存储会销毁已存在的所有数据。"
-# 72b1dbe1653c4bfbb6de406140cd47d5
-#: ../../storage.rst:61
+# 813a87ee26ba4259a5c3ef52a1b0ef5a
+#: ../../storage.rst:59
 msgid ""
 "Dynamic: This is a newer way for CloudStack to manage storage. In this "
 "model, a storage system (rather than a preallocated amount of storage) is "
@@ -105,13 +104,13 @@
 "supported for data disks (Disk Offerings)."
 msgstr "动态:这是一个比较新的CloudStack管理存储的方式。在这个模式中,给CloudStack使用的是一个存储系统(但不是预分配的存储)。CloudStack配合存储一起工作,动态的在存储系统上创建卷并且存储系统上的每个卷都映射到一个CloudStack卷。这样做非常有利于存储的QoS。目前数据磁盘(磁盘方案)支持这个特性。"
-# 0a9a0545d65d499e9e87855b3f653046
-#: ../../storage.rst:71
+# f97cbc96312f49aba2a6bab0d1e1b2a4
+#: ../../storage.rst:70
 msgid "Runtime Behavior of Primary Storage"
 msgstr "主存储的运行时行为"
-# c1b7c1df534f487d9b282f9cba881b25
-#: ../../storage.rst:73
+# 5bf02a65cf3a40df9e7e165fd9ecd864
+#: ../../storage.rst:72
 msgid ""
 "Root volumes are created automatically when a virtual machine is created. "
 "Root volumes are deleted when the VM is destroyed. Data volumes can be "
@@ -119,23 +118,23 @@
 "VMs are destroyed."
 msgstr "当创建虚拟机的时候,root卷也会自动的创建。在VM被销毁的时候root卷也会被删除。数据卷可以被创建并动态的挂载到VMs上。VMs销毁时并不会删除数据卷。"
-# b55c6963f6704ca899a39303709603e6
-#: ../../storage.rst:78
+# 80ad3630b276444cac7f5324ecf5a326
+#: ../../storage.rst:77
 msgid ""
 "Administrators should monitor the capacity of primary storage devices and "
 "add additional primary storage as needed. See the Advanced Installation "
 msgstr "管理员可以监控主存储设备的容量和在需要时添加其他的主存储。强参阅高级安装指导。"
-# 0e941196770047709eb7afb942ef3189
-#: ../../storage.rst:82
+# 073d4376c5e04c77bbfdba19e134418c
+#: ../../storage.rst:81
 msgid ""
 "Administrators add primary storage to the system by creating a CloudStack "
 "storage pool. Each storage pool is associated with a cluster or a zone."
 msgstr "管理员通过CloudStack创建存储池来给系统添加主存储。每个存储池对应一个群集或者区域。"
-# 0be8863a4d5c46b1bfa11b79c1a1b407
-#: ../../storage.rst:86
+# 79ff1a8b27224fff8510e3a5ce37a304
+#: ../../storage.rst:85
 msgid ""
 "With regards to data disks, when a user executes a Disk Offering to create a"
 " data disk, the information is initially written to the CloudStack database "
@@ -146,168 +145,168 @@
 msgstr "对于数据磁盘,当一个用户执行一个磁盘方案来创建数据磁盘的时候,初始化信息就被写到了CloudStack的数据库中。根据第一次给VM附加数据磁盘的请求,CloudStack决定这个卷的位置和空间占用在哪个存储(预分配存储和存储系统(比如SAN)中的任意一种,这取决于CloudStack使用的哪种主存储)。"
-# 35ce9d0c83744d748be1f1449258f36c
+# 03d9238ac1b44704b10a3c6cbc9a194c
 #: ../../storage.rst:95
 msgid "Hypervisor Support for Primary Storage"
-msgstr "Hypervisor支持的主存储"
+msgstr "Hypervisor对主存储的支持"
-# 31019aa248e34fc6b8039761b2720e7f
+# f9043e1c7c614dcab5cc48b83c777751
 #: ../../storage.rst:97
 msgid ""
 "The following table shows storage options and parameters for different "
-msgstr "下面的表格展示了不同hypervisors所支持的存储类型。"
+msgstr "下表显示了针对不同Hypervisors的存储选项和参数。"
-# 9b771149e496473c92a454c33198c403
+# df81aa4abfe0426f8ea7b5d76689b532
 #: ../../storage.rst:101
 msgid "Storage media \\\\ hypervisor"
 msgstr "存储媒介 \\\\ hypervisor"
-# e97686c28c974dbf92162b6b0fa942b8
-# bfae9331e42b4e998bdae8c62e3765eb
-#: ../../storage.rst:101 ../../storage.rst:805
+# 21dd8b1cdc0d40dc8559cbcf4fbfab3d
+# 6e7b702add314a16a42c7e999147c3c9
+#: ../../storage.rst:101 ../../storage.rst:709
 msgid "VMware vSphere"
 msgstr "VMware vSphere"
-# 0058e135219d4613a2d541b1870917de
-# 3b343f7b559749a29a430c1a553b3526
-#: ../../storage.rst:101 ../../storage.rst:805
+# 95085080f31c48d7a3c6eeb26d596976
+# fd649d92db414b198a27e37febfdfe07
+#: ../../storage.rst:101 ../../storage.rst:709
 msgid "Citrix XenServer"
 msgstr "Citrix XenServer"
-# 367bf4f20f1c4984924962ff00d6df89
-# 52a52afa13aa4117b06c90af23419b9d
-# edc2d21234584f6a99ca592df4540bbe
-#: ../../storage.rst:101 ../../storage.rst:354 ../../storage.rst:805
+# 94199ee2b07049529bc3e9c2b7eb8707
+# 7b0dbf552cc34bb0ac898f31180f3a83
+# 3f78f67d3c14490da80f847d2a00fc5d
+#: ../../storage.rst:101 ../../storage.rst:332 ../../storage.rst:709
 msgid "KVM"
 msgstr "KVM"
-# b5679e3e7ee44ad081663d53a59df3e5
+# b63b5cf8a70b492f82138dc7fd0b3d4f
 #: ../../storage.rst:101
 msgid "Hyper-V"
 msgstr "Hyper-V"
-# 8c6b23cd30df4e11a24b05d287672f22
+# 6b911e3d65954475be2786623c89bfee
 #: ../../storage.rst:103
 msgid "**Format for Disks, Templates, and Snapshots**"
 msgstr "**磁盘、模板和快照的格式**"
-# 1533db8909654e9dbdee1bfb501c22da
+# 597a7a22248749eab119febe7cad0654
 #: ../../storage.rst:103
 msgid "VMDK"
 msgstr "VMDK"
-# aa7a7f57290745ebb004f74e8d93a94c
-# 7d5a6b20bd9c40dd8e2bf7f89defbb4f
-#: ../../storage.rst:103 ../../storage.rst:352
+# dcb226ea6af24150b270ebd0e57ce0d6
+# 06b1f702f7ae492c9259258d6cdb9bba
+#: ../../storage.rst:103 ../../storage.rst:330
 msgid "VHD"
 msgstr "VHD"
-# 857238d5d0894c4195147b0552ef94cc
-# 85858348297d4cb18e06b4f68df7bb9b
-#: ../../storage.rst:103 ../../storage.rst:354
+# 3c8131f767e745659f09e7635e52de1d
+# 891d2deb650249bdaaa476d91cedea41
+#: ../../storage.rst:103 ../../storage.rst:332
 msgid "QCOW2"
 msgstr "QCOW2"
-# 45f3ddfdaf174b0e844873ef2d5609aa
+# 0ef733d6419b49ddb03a35218b141dad
 #: ../../storage.rst:103
 msgid "VHD Snapshots are not supported."
 msgstr "不支持VHD快照。"
-# 629dd8794f35435ba0c0de72442d0698
+# 366c31ae3c524e20bcbff9f5b0f33865
 #: ../../storage.rst:105
 msgid "**iSCSI support**"
 msgstr "**支持iSCSI**"
-# df0857bbc10d454694cb27c6368cc385
-# 6cbf7a9a5ccf4c9b8d9cfea376fa936c
+# 169329b4d94f4d5a9a71e806fc6493ee
+# eb8734785e1e4253ae29efadaea66c18
 #: ../../storage.rst:105 ../../storage.rst:106
 msgid "VMFS"
 msgstr "VMFS"
-# 6356c605eb10407597ce69ae946eded4
+# 439fbab809dc46b291a52de0067fb0f5
 #: ../../storage.rst:105
 msgid "Clustered LVM"
 msgstr "集群化的LVM"
-# 54f6f377a0e9433ba6646f2d344089a1
-# e8acf322132f4c1d92c944041a19c61f
+# 7166fec7c32746bea34118f3db301ae6
+# aa36e5087ca64a9590ad2b643c91d5f7
 #: ../../storage.rst:105 ../../storage.rst:106
 msgid "Yes, via Shared Mountpoint"
-msgstr "是的,通过Shared Mountpoint"
+msgstr "支持,通过Shared Mountpoint"
-# d6cf7d4bef014613aaf695ffffe4a235
-# c823d9f7038149b690668fa00379827b
-# 0b59cd2d03ac46529c20eaaab120981c
-# 846a3012c0ae422495176ac15ab15e55
-# d14fff6660d64688afc8ccbcc70cddfd
-# caa33ef9d4a04315a001850c938c31b8
-# 86461019f42a406e8b39a826bc193ed7
-# 5bb1f7b752e345d2b87e7e358be4b8a8
-# e68af722a2d2497aa6f8a8fca2cbdde6
+# 03d269fc73bc48348ab1896256774ae1
+# ce5af21795294bc697ba5aa4474636da
+# 785a027864c94241bdfc6686ade2836e
+# 3099d25cace04a4788cd2531e69b4710
+# 2e285148115d4a2da6cae3f373aba27f
+# 895e4b1ff76840cc94de98328f387f6f
+# 8353d798b3004fb5bbd003df12fac8a2
+# 9695a4455edd45c899785834ba6fef74
+# 7857cd4194be451faa95e02696061cf8
 #: ../../storage.rst:105 ../../storage.rst:106 ../../storage.rst:107
 #: ../../storage.rst:109 ../../storage.rst:110 ../../storage.rst:110
-#: ../../storage.rst:110 ../../storage.rst:807 ../../storage.rst:807
+#: ../../storage.rst:110 ../../storage.rst:711 ../../storage.rst:711
 msgid "No"
-msgstr "不支持"
+msgstr "否"
-# 4a312a6b96eb419e9e8f0340e73043c7
+# b70b0d5267be474c85b0240f24b6a2b9
 #: ../../storage.rst:106
 msgid "**Fiber Channel support**"
-msgstr "**FC支持**"
+msgstr "**支持FC**"
-# ca35f289a9684c7dbf0aa1d2eec7ea07
+# 443c6e664d6b46a9a0f879410a6e1aa7
 #: ../../storage.rst:106
 msgid "Yes, via Existing SR"
-msgstr "是的,通过已有的SR"
+msgstr "支持,通过已有的SR"
-# 50c9535f99f94ba991e8f54be3a35868
+# b46dc3d64ece43109c0051e5fc0d66e5
 #: ../../storage.rst:107
 msgid "**NFS support**"
 msgstr "**支持NFS**"
-# e2c8e01326de420a93da3da1cccc6e04
-# 03b10788ed144cee89bfeb280a91507b
-# 36ec13d7d1104063898e7ee586dc8e73
-# 7b8ce691a5754a2bbe7b77ba4a5beb29
-# 73f105a11ea244348d276ceda77ffa48
-# 8e54d7de196946248fa2f7c5e5e89ed6
-# f03361eae16c40518b6e18d98ee28635
-# 34559af0e0774036a131a78b6b54e924
-# 89b6eb69d35a47eabb875bdf4405e421
+# ac7f31ad38674dd5bd5040d072b67e09
+# de71afbac6cb457caff9416ed30e2d9c
+# 12e7d7ffb19d4610a624484aaffeebf2
+# 10601f00b2d54ae1833a5b8cf47428ea
+# cfade3e6b2824c0b8ae1ddfc34d36e9a
+# 4b311bb6db4b41779b0c525c589c00a7
+# 6ab3b70adba24666a78774746ccfabad
+# bed48ae68b8e4818aad52abb69bbc24b
+# 11121f7bcfdc45db85459a8f12982e26
 #: ../../storage.rst:107 ../../storage.rst:107 ../../storage.rst:107
 #: ../../storage.rst:108 ../../storage.rst:108 ../../storage.rst:108
-#: ../../storage.rst:108 ../../storage.rst:110 ../../storage.rst:807
+#: ../../storage.rst:108 ../../storage.rst:110 ../../storage.rst:711
 msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "支持"
+msgstr "是"
-# 6d3ad498707b47e183038ce5ebb1447d
+# 8c9b266cc80241eda65595fd19a54dc7
 #: ../../storage.rst:108
 msgid "**Local storage support**"
 msgstr "**支持本地存储**"
-# 858891283fa8498382d9942dc59e2ae6
+# 1b48c07eb50544109f66a49c39c5d38c
 #: ../../storage.rst:109
 msgid "**Storage over-provisioning**"
 msgstr "**存储超配**"
-# 876ffced6c3f4dd1825a99b39c624759
+# 36ee1094090c495d95a6a7650892ffae
 #: ../../storage.rst:109
 msgid "NFS and iSCSI"
-msgstr "NFS and iSCSI"
+msgstr "NFS 和 iSCSI"
-# 34edc60597864cb88c0d3a68161bd014
-# afaccbd5ae404bbf9a2b322b957fc27f
+# 565842e982394810bcd8454836b9b271
+# bb172a9d571244538e501ba593025cd6
 #: ../../storage.rst:109 ../../storage.rst:109
 msgid "NFS"
 msgstr "NFS"
-# 5cdd4df99d8146b99052b26946cfdebc
+# a5915b6a85a64a268e5a1e41080fa835
 #: ../../storage.rst:110
 msgid "**SMB/CIFS**"
 msgstr "**SMB/CIFS**"
-# 23cfe36aac394c0183ffe7482f8dcded
+# 8f37dda63c1a49f084a39311ad775fd6
 #: ../../storage.rst:113
 msgid ""
 "XenServer uses a clustered LVM system to store VM images on iSCSI and Fiber "
@@ -317,7 +316,7 @@
 " on thin-provisioned storage volumes."
 msgstr "XenServer通过在iSCSI和FC卷上使用集群化的LVM系统来存储VM镜像,并且不支持存储超配。尽管存储本身支持自动精简配置。不过CloudStack仍然支持在有自动精简配置的存储卷上使用存储超配。"
-# bd46a0f32fc0459fadf89598bd0b9f7b
+# d8bfde747fd541bcb2d1f62d1d2ddd9c
 #: ../../storage.rst:119
 msgid ""
 "KVM supports \"Shared Mountpoint\" storage. A shared mountpoint is a file "
@@ -327,17 +326,17 @@
 "case the CloudStack does not attempt to mount or unmount the storage as is "
 "done with NFS. The CloudStack requires that the administrator insure that "
 "the storage is available"
-msgstr "KVM支持 \"Shared Mountpoint\"存储。Shared Mountpoint是群集中每个服务器本地文件系统中的一个路径。群集中所有主机上的这个路径必须一致,比如/mnt/primary1。假设Shared Mountpoint是一个集群文件系统如OCFS2。在这种情况下,CloudStack不会把它当做NFS存储去尝试挂载或卸载。CloudStack需要管理员保证存储时可用的。"
+msgstr "KVM支持 \"Shared Mountpoint\"存储。Shared Mountpoint是群集中每个服务器本地文件系统中的一个路径。群集所有主机中的该路径必须一致,比如/mnt/primary1。并假设Shared Mountpoint是一个集群文件系统如OCFS2。在这种情况下,CloudStack不会把它当做NFS存储去尝试挂载或卸载。CloudStack需要管理员确保该存储是可用的。"
-# 5ab2d028f0aa4897b165fb8e42dbb0e4
+# 80ebb012a77045e9b3a5a47d82cef42c
 #: ../../storage.rst:127
 msgid ""
 "With NFS storage, CloudStack manages the overprovisioning. In this case the "
 "global configuration parameter storage.overprovisioning.factor controls the "
 "degree of overprovisioning. This is independent of hypervisor type."
-msgstr "在NFS存储中,CloudStack负责超配置。这种情况下,全局配置参数storage.overprovisioning.factor来控制超配的范围。这取决于hyperviso类型。"
+msgstr "在NFS存储中,CloudStack管理超配。这种情况下,使用全局配置参数storage.overprovisioning.factor来控制超配的范围。且不受hyperviso类型约束。"
-# 585fda9b393848eaa23c3131967805fe
+# 46f7d4fdff4d4ea996d136375ac93805
 #: ../../storage.rst:132
 msgid ""
 "Local storage is an option for primary storage for vSphere, XenServer, and "
@@ -345,24 +344,24 @@
 "automatically created on each host. To use local storage for the System "
 "Virtual Machines (such as the Virtual Router), set "
 " to true in global configuration."
-msgstr "在vSphere, XenServer和KVM中,本地存储是一个可选项。当选择了使用本地存储,所有主机上会自动创建本地存储资源池。要让System Virtual Machines (如the Virtual Router)使用本地存储,请设置全局配置中的system.vm.use.local.storage为true."
+msgstr "在vSphere, XenServer和KVM中,本地存储是一个可选项。当选择了使用本地存储,所有主机会自动创建本地存储池。想要系统虚拟机 (例如虚拟路由器)使用本地存储,请设置全局配置参数system.vm.use.local.storage为true."
-# c4c43cee4d724ef7aa505614fe3cedba
+# 84339fc995ab461cb30e853b024629a4
 #: ../../storage.rst:138
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack supports multiple primary storage pools in a Cluster. For "
 "example, you could provision 2 NFS servers in primary storage. Or you could "
 "provision 1 iSCSI LUN initially and then add a second iSCSI LUN when the "
 "first approaches capacity."
-msgstr "CloudStack支持在一个群集内有多个主存储池。比如,有2个NFS服务器提供主存储。或原来有1个iSCSI LUN后来又添加了第二个iSCSI LUN。"
+msgstr "CloudStack支持在一个群集内有多个主存储池。比如,使用2个NFS服务器提供主存储。或原有的1个iSCSI LUN达到一定容量时再添加第二个iSCSI LUN。"
-# 235339683cb34f9984c233974b8da43d
-#: ../../storage.rst:144
+# 16767f52da5e4a3ea351cb7c2208207a
+#: ../../storage.rst:145
 msgid "Storage Tags"
 msgstr "存储标签"
-# c9a9cdbd754642189859f3f96cfebe95
-#: ../../storage.rst:146
+# d0ffba1bad5942adaca099b572104c63
+#: ../../storage.rst:147
 msgid ""
 "Storage may be \"tagged\". A tag is a text string attribute associated with "
 "primary storage, a Disk Offering, or a Service Offering. Tags allow "
@@ -376,8 +375,8 @@
 " end service offering may require \"fast\" for its root disk volume."
 msgstr "存储是可以被\"标签\"的。标签是与主存储、磁盘方案或服务方案关联的字符串属性。标签允许管理员给存储添加额外的信息。比如\"SSD\"或者\"慢速\"。CloudStack不负责解释标签。它不会匹配服务和磁盘方案的标签。CloudStack要求在主存储上分配root或数据磁盘之前,所有服务和磁盘方案的都已存在对应的标签。服务和磁盘方案的标签被用于识别方案对存储的要求。比如,高端服务方案可能需要它的root磁盘卷是\"快速的\""
-# 62e869476add4ac8a88d34476a992a0b
-#: ../../storage.rst:158
+# 81b0523239f34456bfe222f88c9520e0
+#: ../../storage.rst:159
 msgid ""
 "The interaction between tags, allocation, and volume copying across clusters"
 " and pods can be complex. To simplify the situation, use the same set of "
@@ -386,13 +385,13 @@
 msgstr "标签,分配,跨集群或机架的卷复制之间的关系是很复杂的。简单的环境就是在一个机架内所有集群的主存储使用相同的标签。即使用这些标签表示不同设备,展现出来的标签组仍可以是一样的。"
-# 85d0b9514cd94531b80bb8458c5ce0dc
-#: ../../storage.rst:165
+# b85907f2a2a546ae9312b9c9d9a443e3
+#: ../../storage.rst:167
 msgid "Maintenance Mode for Primary Storage"
 msgstr "主存储的维护模式"
-# 51dcf6eb4eec44809e6e374dbf77c6bf
-#: ../../storage.rst:167
+# 0e84968be86b4971b80b0b9f4f141840
+#: ../../storage.rst:169
 msgid ""
 "Primary storage may be placed into maintenance mode. This is useful, for "
 "example, to replace faulty RAM in a storage device. Maintenance mode for a "
@@ -405,42 +404,42 @@
 "running at the time of the entry into maintenance mode."
 msgstr "主存储可以被设置成维护模式。这很有用,例如,替换存储设备中坏的RAM。对存储设备的维护模式将首先停止任何新的来自预处理的来宾虚机,然后停止所有有数据卷的来宾虚机。当所有来宾虚机被停止的时候,这个存储设备就进入维护模式了并且可以关机。当存储设备再次上线的时候,你可以对这个设备取消维护模式。CloudStack将返回在线状态并且试着启动所有曾在这个设备进入维护模式前运行的来宾机器。"
-# 50c6445f7bbf459c8184fcbee613ef51
-#: ../../storage.rst:179
+# 67a803ad730347ec9a5e5667d7ceadfa
+#: ../../storage.rst:182
 msgid "Secondary Storage"
 msgstr "辅助存储"
-# 93e8dd0aa2384174bfaff80a3205b6cb
-#: ../../storage.rst:181
+# d48d908ab2384420a19689dfc1957c12
+#: ../../storage.rst:184
 msgid ""
 "This section gives concepts and technical details about CloudStack secondary"
 " storage. For information about how to install and configure secondary "
 "storage through the CloudStack UI, see the Advanced Installation Guide."
 msgstr "本章节讲述的是关于CloudStack的辅助存储概念和技术细节。更多关于如何通过CloudStack UI安装和配置主存储的信息,请参阅高级安装向导。"
-# 18793cf034ab43f1b77b289ac9d4286b
-#: ../../storage.rst:186
+# 4c9b91f3c5dd4d8a83a8c2706ac95f41
+#: ../../storage.rst:189
 msgid ""
 "`“About Secondary Storage” "
 msgstr "`“关于辅助存储” <>`_。"
-# 581e0ba4319a47feb92812e319ae14af
-#: ../../storage.rst:189
+# 6ca82acb4184482298cdd589b41fdd16
+#: ../../storage.rst:193
 msgid "Working With Volumes"
 msgstr "使用磁盘卷"
-# 142cd329b56e4fb2b0e17fb5fe687958
-#: ../../storage.rst:191
+# d8b653a972c54421a4405a011c4ca3e7
+#: ../../storage.rst:195
 msgid ""
 "A volume provides storage to a guest VM. The volume can provide for a root "
 "disk or an additional data disk. CloudStack supports additional volumes for "
 "guest VMs."
 msgstr "卷为来宾虚机提供存储。卷可以作为root分区或附加数据磁盘。CloudStack支持为来宾虚机添加卷。"
-# cdaaac178c9946e9bd5030fe82be6c78
-#: ../../storage.rst:195
+# 2197b194989d434ca7e999eb0f6cfaa9
+#: ../../storage.rst:199
 msgid ""
 "Volumes are created for a specific hypervisor type. A volume that has been "
 "attached to guest using one hypervisor type (e.g, XenServer) may not be "
@@ -449,8 +448,8 @@
 "different disk image formats."
 msgstr "不同的hypervisor创建的磁盘卷有所不同。当磁盘卷被附加到一种hypervisor的虚拟机(如:xenserver),就不能再被附加到其他类型的hypervisor,如:vmware、kvm的虚拟机中。因为它们所用的磁盘分区模式不同。"
-# 91341fe4ee6540a9a6ee240d99134524
-#: ../../storage.rst:201
+# 6d23b58657fd41c2aba08ac7ae7eaabe
+#: ../../storage.rst:205
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack defines a volume as a unit of storage available to a guest VM. "
 "Volumes are either root disks or data disks. The root disk has \"/\" in the "
@@ -464,21 +463,21 @@
 " may not be used on a guest of another hypervisor type."
 msgstr "CloudStack定义一个卷作为来宾虚机的一个有效的存储单元。卷可能是root磁盘或者数据磁盘。root磁盘在文件系统中有 \"/\" 并且通常用于启动设备。数据磁盘提供额外的存储,比如:\"/opt\"或者\"D:\"。每个来宾VM都有一个root磁盘,VMs可能也还有数据磁盘。终端用可以给来宾VMs挂在多个数据磁盘。用户通过管理员创建的磁盘方案来选择数据磁盘。用户同样可以在卷上创建模板;这是标准私有模板的创建流程。针对不同的hypervisor卷也不同:一个hypervisor类型上的卷不能用于其它的hypervisor类型上的来宾虚机。"
-# da3a2cb646de40cba343e682fd29a500
-#: ../../storage.rst:213
+# 0dfd84618eba4890bd79fdde4a5681c2
+#: ../../storage.rst:217
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack supports attaching up to 13 data disks to a VM on XenServer "
 "hypervisor versions 6.0 and above. For the VMs on other hypervisor types, "
 "the data disk limit is 6."
 msgstr "CloudStack支持给XenServer 6.0和以上版本的VM最多附加13个数据磁盘。其它hypervisor类型上的VMs,最多附加6个数据磁盘。"
-# f994b230e52240c089e8967a20e17040
-#: ../../storage.rst:216
+# f423c15d3d884dd295629f532792322b
+#: ../../storage.rst:223
 msgid "Creating a New Volume"
 msgstr "创建新卷"
-# 73e8fe50f38c4b7ab55f0fc3569b141f
-#: ../../storage.rst:218
+# 288ba1fb3a644f05a3cd4b08e05b1524
+#: ../../storage.rst:225
 msgid ""
 "You can add more data disk volumes to a guest VM at any time, up to the "
 "limits of your storage capacity. Both CloudStack administrators and users "
@@ -489,13 +488,13 @@
 "guest that will use it when the first attachment is made."
 msgstr "你可以在符合你存储能力的情况下随时向来宾虚拟机添加多个数据卷。CloudStack的管理员和普通用户都可以向虚拟机实例中添加卷。当你创建了一个新卷,他以一个实体的形式存在于CloudStack中,但是在你将其附加到实例中之前他并不会被分配实际的物理空间。这个优化项允许CloudStack提供最接近来宾虚机的卷,并在第一个附加至虚机的时候使用它。"
-# 4e95f1cce44c4810b4dbd2d9ad64b99c
-#: ../../storage.rst:227
+# 09420f12f6d84b9ebe5882b8a922b802
+#: ../../storage.rst:235
 msgid "Using Local Storage for Data Volumes"
 msgstr "使用本地存储作为数据卷"
-# 77c86c26103b40de80b813b21c07de64
-#: ../../storage.rst:229
+# 87d84c3ad80f4c65ae01116db8e49f5b
+#: ../../storage.rst:237
 msgid ""
 "You can create data volumes on local storage (supported with XenServer, KVM,"
 " and VMware). The data volume is placed on the same host as the VM instance "
@@ -504,31 +503,31 @@
 "with the other types of data volume."
 msgstr "您可以将数据盘创建在本地存储上(XenServer、KVM和VMware支持)。数据盘会存放在和所挂载的虚机相同的主机上。这些本地数据盘可以象其它类型的数据盘一样挂载到虚机、卸载、再挂载和删除。"
-# 4e4085b4548c4fd291c04570d4b72c31
-#: ../../storage.rst:235
+# 2092c3e84a0040c88df79f6600d12b26
+#: ../../storage.rst:243
 msgid ""
 "Local storage is ideal for scenarios where persistence of data volumes and "
 "HA is not required. Some of the benefits include reduced disk I/O latency "
 "and cost reduction from using inexpensive local disks."
 msgstr "在不需要持久化数据卷和HA的情况下,本地存储是个理想的选择。其优点包括降低磁盘I/O延迟、使用廉价的本地磁盘来降低费用等。"
-# fb5fadabf5084ba2be5f47f42c575bec
-#: ../../storage.rst:239
+# 24091baabed046c79bbde0f55cc59de6
+#: ../../storage.rst:247
 msgid ""
 "In order for local volumes to be used, the feature must be enabled for the "
 msgstr "为了能使用本地磁盘,区域中必须启用该功能。"
-# 2738dcf7ec914826a7fee9dde6d1dd3d
-#: ../../storage.rst:242
+# a3fc0fa189a444759468f8645397fc0a
+#: ../../storage.rst:250
 msgid ""
 "You can create a data disk offering for local storage. When a user creates a"
 " new VM, they can select this disk offering in order to cause the data disk "
 "volume to be placed in local storage."
 msgstr "您可以为本地存储创建一个数据盘方案。当创建新虚机时,用户就能够选择该磁盘方案使数据盘存放到本地存储上。"
-# e6cc30d22423450c85f9517f7c29b58c
-#: ../../storage.rst:246
+# 2884a62219544ddea52e40fbabdfc590
+#: ../../storage.rst:254
 msgid ""
 "You can not migrate a VM that has a volume in local storage to a different "
 "host, nor migrate the volume itself away to a different host. If you want to"
@@ -536,84 +535,84 @@
 "data volumes on that host."
 msgstr "你不能将使用了本地存储作为磁盘的虚机迁移到别的主机,也不能迁移磁盘本身到别的主机。若要将主机置于维护模式,您必须先将该主机上所有拥有本地数据卷的虚机关机。"
-# 5ba5e0d99d2b485eb47568e8f5c49974
-#: ../../storage.rst:252
+# 427238ca555946cc8792695ca92136df
+#: ../../storage.rst:261
 msgid "To Create a New Volume"
 msgstr "创建新卷"
-# 854156bcaf7841df87abdbbe3c2e1a97
-# 81089de40b7f4cfabaf992d654b45b6a
-# d2aadcf9b28745ccabf9ab9238f12bb8
-# 87447c411f444603b00a3bdf59da65d0
-# 6f7be70585d8470fb8e8e0f82a57714b
-# c9aa8bf9f15c4956ab9d0372030dc6ee
-# 88f2f68cca994709945a84a66ff08f83
-#: ../../storage.rst:256 ../../storage.rst:386 ../../storage.rst:428
-#: ../../storage.rst:498 ../../storage.rst:529 ../../storage.rst:566
-#: ../../storage.rst:636
+# 70f2f0de47b04a1cbb185fe77792e139
+# 629422b536114a33be189acc56c6cc01
+# 541ad7fafe48443d97a67692a359748c
+# b61f2bef29ea454bb44952aebc53c22c
+# 0e5cea32ef9848a0a96a9ede62313c86
+# 8e3b1d8db33d44fabb0894f24d17d358
+# e35965b604404bef9f199b32675ad907
+#: ../../storage.rst:263 ../../storage.rst:357 ../../storage.rst:390
+#: ../../storage.rst:456 ../../storage.rst:477 ../../storage.rst:506
+#: ../../storage.rst:562
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a user or admin."
 msgstr "使用用户或管理员登录到CloudStack用户界面。"
-# 72e414f9ba5a469aa0219d560888934b
-# 14f9e0c99a7a49f6ac1f53e3163d2025
-# 50e1473900704ebcae177aa3a73ed45c
-# ce7e768615b345d1a5cfd791b3e49343
-#: ../../storage.rst:260 ../../storage.rst:324 ../../storage.rst:640
-#: ../../storage.rst:756
+# 146d31151f5e442c8b76e9ef512eac29
+# 11db8955c3494f43b8d2e1bc13a914df
+# 54c24ff429df4622aa1ce17ff0817663
+# f9babc8c9c9941049be79d67a3c60c82
+#: ../../storage.rst:265 ../../storage.rst:312 ../../storage.rst:564
+#: ../../storage.rst:664
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Storage."
 msgstr "在左侧导航栏点击存储。"
-# 5e66820dfd5e495fb59a2e3b04eceaf4
-# 7490a7779492470692842a5bc16f66a8
-# 05e2753aad0543ed9de8f5fe61ae80d8
-#: ../../storage.rst:264 ../../storage.rst:394 ../../storage.rst:644
+# 9df84607b2a94838bb6739342d1e0bd7
+# 1f30687ee1374b74bb647174e701cc9b
+# 47fcd7e70cc34717b426f9bf08a626c8
+#: ../../storage.rst:267 ../../storage.rst:361 ../../storage.rst:566
 msgid "In Select View, choose Volumes."
 msgstr "在选择视图中选择卷。"
-# 98f953c385004db884f1a0b9d7fcce09
-#: ../../storage.rst:268
+# d9affc0389314e7cadbe9e0340e6bddd
+#: ../../storage.rst:269
 msgid ""
 "To create a new volume, click Add Volume, provide the following details, and"
 " click OK."
 msgstr "点击添加卷来创建一个新卷,填写以下信息后点击确定。"
-# f77218cc8e0944c5ac93425caddc5a5c
-#: ../../storage.rst:273
+# 8aa967b67394416b9971e9986853fc0e
+#: ../../storage.rst:272
 msgid "Name. Give the volume a unique name so you can find it later."
 msgstr "名字。给卷取个唯一的名字以便于你以后找到它。"
-# 77f2d58bc029432fad2e20894e0dc4a4
-#: ../../storage.rst:277
+# b95f18a10ac946d8bb6e4424522125a5
+#: ../../storage.rst:274
 msgid ""
 "Availability Zone. Where do you want the storage to reside? This should be "
 "close to the VM that will use the volume."
 msgstr "可用的资源域。你想让这个存储在哪个地方有效?这个应该接近要是用这个卷的VM。(就是说你要 在单个资源域内使用这个存储就选择单个资源域,如果此存储要在多个资源与内共享你就选所有资源域)"
-# 0dd389820dab437ab448b331b2e2e3dc
-#: ../../storage.rst:282
+# 55b275ed6b1b4c7e965e8d9c3fc64d99
+#: ../../storage.rst:277
 msgid "Disk Offering. Choose the characteristics of the storage."
 msgstr "磁盘方案。选择存储特性。"
-# 3ff901f9fc4245859f4413152d691ec2
-#: ../../storage.rst:284
+# 75cbb5f7984642d8a86bb71c3f274c52
+#: ../../storage.rst:279
 msgid ""
 "The new volume appears in the list of volumes with the state “Allocated.” "
 "The volume data is stored in CloudStack, but the volume is not yet ready for"
 " use"
 msgstr "新建的存储会在卷列表中显示为“已分配”状态。卷数据已经存储到CloudStack了,但是该卷还不能被使用。"
-# 1fd0848ef74948fdbcbccf818d92177d
-#: ../../storage.rst:290
+# 97a7e13d891c4ab78df0cd8ebcafdfc7
+#: ../../storage.rst:283
 msgid "To start using the volume, continue to Attaching a Volume"
 msgstr "通过附加卷来开始使用这个卷。"
-# c0df3d546d4d4bb0b749ee670e7fb1b4
-#: ../../storage.rst:293
+# 890dc04ff24f497186a44bb7d537412d
+#: ../../storage.rst:287
 msgid "Uploading an Existing Volume to a Virtual Machine"
 msgstr "上传一个已存在的卷给虚拟机"
-# 72bbdbadb3124063954e9e6fe0dce7a1
-#: ../../storage.rst:295
+# 17f14f4d6eec4e609b6e183abaa18556
+#: ../../storage.rst:289
 msgid ""
 "Existing data can be made accessible to a virtual machine. This is called "
 "uploading a volume to the VM. For example, this is useful to upload data "
@@ -621,15 +620,15 @@
 "administrators, and end users can all upload existing volumes to VMs."
 msgstr "已存在的数据现在可以被虚拟机存取。这个被称为上传一个卷到VM。例如,这对于从本地数据系统上传数据并将数据附加到VM是非常有用的。Root管理员、域管理员和终端用户都可以给VMs上传已存在的卷。"
-# c9884a3f983640be9c819a9386183862
-#: ../../storage.rst:301
+# f18a289b1dae403cb4a540ec6280499b
+#: ../../storage.rst:295
 msgid ""
 "The upload is performed using HTTP. The uploaded volume is placed in the "
 "zone's secondary storage"
 msgstr "使用HTTP上传。上传的卷被存储在区域中的辅助存储中。"
-# 0a24f9d7f649445ea6f882e03af5a4c8
-#: ../../storage.rst:304
+# e22b07fc396b4455bf886c103b353298
+#: ../../storage.rst:298
 msgid ""
 "You cannot upload a volume if the preconfigured volume limit has already "
 "been reached. The default limit for the cloud is set in the global "
@@ -638,113 +637,113 @@
 "Usage Limits"
 msgstr "如果预配置的卷已经达到了上限的话,那么你就不能上传卷了。默认的限制在全局配置参数max.account.volumes中设置,但是管理员同样可以为每个用户域设置不同于全局默认的上限值。请参阅设置使用限制。"
-# 561cea17ed5b4aa18cea478b6159261d
-#: ../../storage.rst:310
+# e8b13fa3aadd48cca116ddff3d8ac16a
+#: ../../storage.rst:304
 msgid "To upload a volume:"
 msgstr "要上传一个卷:"
-# 5ca6925a182745bd92c83dddbb7ae803
-#: ../../storage.rst:314
+# 2032475f0e514f0d87b48fde37cfda03
+#: ../../storage.rst:306
 msgid ""
 "(Optional) Create an MD5 hash (checksum) of the disk image file that you are"
 " going to upload. After uploading the data disk, CloudStack will use this "
 "value to verify that no data corruption has occurred."
 msgstr "(可选项)为将要上传的磁盘镜像文件创建一个MD5哈希(校验)。再上传数据磁盘之后,CloudStack将使用这个校验值来检查这个磁盘文件再上传过程中没有出错。"
-# 51a89894bbfa4442971f72c7e46f146d
-#: ../../storage.rst:320
+# 0fc87857d60e4b6e8d2d80130b6dd64d
+#: ../../storage.rst:310
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or user"
 msgstr "用管理员或用户账号登录CloudStack UI"
-# 28723898f3674b00ab161be4a747617a
-#: ../../storage.rst:328
+# cfa804b4dc5e4b539613e1693f19c041
+#: ../../storage.rst:314
 msgid "Click Upload Volume."
 msgstr "点击上传卷。"
-# ad72af46b40f4b3f9a6e531498b729d9
-#: ../../storage.rst:332
+# b664bc425cd54ca4917358c8830843e7
+#: ../../storage.rst:316
 msgid "Provide the following:"
 msgstr "填写以下内容:"
-# 2171cbf4083742a8be4e3f3d6905d0da
-#: ../../storage.rst:336
+# 33a6b2a32f3646e98a44862cba5bea26
+#: ../../storage.rst:318
 msgid ""
 "Name and Description. Any desired name and a brief description that can be "
 "shown in the UI."
 msgstr "名称和描述。你想要的任何名称和一个简洁的描述,这些都会显示在UI中。"
-# 4cd509c15df24aba8666b7d11a9051be
-#: ../../storage.rst:341
+# 1c773983c9a14bda81f657b9831390d5
+#: ../../storage.rst:321
 msgid ""
 "Availability Zone. Choose the zone where you want to store the volume. VMs "
 "running on hosts in this zone can attach the volume."
 msgstr "可用的区域:选择你想存储卷的区域。运行在该区域中的主机上的VMs都可以附加这个卷。"
-# 17cb7725cd0940cf8557d68206638aea
-#: ../../storage.rst:346
+# d0263e16ccf649a88f3265f9cbd34b80
+#: ../../storage.rst:324
 msgid ""
 "Format. Choose one of the following to indicate the disk image format of the"
 " volume."
 msgstr "格式。在下面所指出的卷的磁盘镜像格式中选择一种。"
-# e4c763d0aab143b49ab6e9d9a1432df0
-#: ../../storage.rst:350
+# 9e62f8681cf6466c87525f623ab74761
+#: ../../storage.rst:328
 msgid "Hypervisor"
 msgstr "Hypervisor"
-# 31ec3ac278d44770a548d99764119364
-#: ../../storage.rst:350
+# 18fa4b974ece4a8fae34fccd9062dc6a
+#: ../../storage.rst:328
 msgid "Disk Image Format"
 msgstr "磁盘镜像格式"
-# 81cdbfc4baaf46318a9b1031f0aa73f9
-#: ../../storage.rst:352
+# fd430608386e4e7db755bcbf9a932e8a
+#: ../../storage.rst:330
 msgid "XenServer"
 msgstr "XenServer"
-# b0ad57c5512c4cfda950f3a262618a6d
-#: ../../storage.rst:353
+# 6e5d75ea06c7464cb4ec871161a4a108
+#: ../../storage.rst:331
 msgid "VMware"
 msgstr "VMware"
-# 9714e77ca28e441fad02c1f395a121a9
-#: ../../storage.rst:353
+# 01efef53521d4f8189c939afdd9c1cbb
+#: ../../storage.rst:331
 msgid "OVA"
 msgstr "OVA"
-# 1c6d0308a6d84f04909361d7d827e4a8
-#: ../../storage.rst:359
+# 9e300c5607d34ce6837b1817e414992a
+#: ../../storage.rst:335
 msgid ""
 "URL. The secure HTTP or HTTPS URL that CloudStack can use to access your "
 "disk. The type of file at the URL must match the value chosen in Format. For"
 " example, if Format is VHD, the URL might look like the following:"
 msgstr "URL。CloudStack用来访问你的磁盘的安全HTTP或HTTPS URL。URL对应的文件种类必须符合在格式中选择的。例如,格式为VHD,则URL必须像下面的:"
-# f0494cc84c3941c1b9f499bc95a77793
-#: ../../storage.rst:364
+# 82d85bc5e5704af5a3256a92d5c02114
+#: ../../storage.rst:340
 msgid "``http://yourFileServerIP/userdata/myDataDisk.vhd``"
 msgstr "``http://yourFileServerIP/userdata/myDataDisk.vhd``"
-# 459a453424c84b51abfd379a935f578d
-#: ../../storage.rst:368
+# 2a1e40703cff43efba2d4349b3a16219
+#: ../../storage.rst:342
 msgid "MD5 checksum. (Optional) Use the hash that you created in step 1."
 msgstr "MD5校验。(可选项)使用在步骤1中创建的哈希。"
-# 8532aa0d890a4990b343381696efe17b
-#: ../../storage.rst:372
+# c13069ba6499470eb80792d35b8177e5
+#: ../../storage.rst:344
 msgid ""
 "Wait until the status of the volume shows that the upload is complete. Click"
 " Instances - Volumes, find the name you specified in step 5, and make sure "
 "the status is Uploaded."
 msgstr "等到卷的上传显示完成。点击实例-卷,找到你在步骤5中指定的名称,单后确保状态是已上传。"
-# 9d29a7dddfd446539ef41dfcdf464ca1
-#: ../../storage.rst:377
+# 0fd449f8d801478d84a4b2700da5e8b6
+#: ../../storage.rst:350
 msgid "Attaching a Volume"
 msgstr "附加一个卷"
-# 59c5f93ac3c64d8eb008975ca5b66300
-#: ../../storage.rst:379
+# da2f32e627974c378217daaed2a05282
+#: ../../storage.rst:352
 msgid ""
 "You can attach a volume to a guest VM to provide extra disk storage. Attach "
 "a volume when you first create a new volume, when you are moving an existing"
@@ -752,20 +751,20 @@
 " storage pool to another."
 msgstr "你可以通过附加一个卷来提供虚拟机的额外磁盘存储。当你第一次创建新卷,或移动已存在的卷到另一台虚拟机,或实在从另一个存储池迁移过来一个卷的时候你才可以附加一个卷。"
-# d2666c87d93e413aa8dd8637e062f650
-#: ../../storage.rst:390
+# e98f959945e047bc950d507b756c28e7
+#: ../../storage.rst:359
 msgid "In the left navigation, click Storage."
 msgstr "在左侧导航栏点击存储。"
-# 60b9f463a5304e338a5505ef7d8c64ff
-#: ../../storage.rst:398
+# 4334745af8f24f039eba4f0736befe7f
+#: ../../storage.rst:363
 msgid ""
 "Click the volume name in the Volumes list, then click the Attach Disk button"
 " |AttachDiskButton.png|"
 msgstr "在卷列表中点击卷的名称,然后点击附加磁盘按钮 |AttachDiskButton.png|"
-# 9b1bee8f6c564762854e98112c13ef30
-#: ../../storage.rst:403
+# 0840d7b567f84dbcbf9820547c2e68b2
+#: ../../storage.rst:366
 msgid ""
 "In the Instance popup, choose the VM to which you want to attach the volume."
 " You will only see instances to which you are allowed to attach volumes; for"
@@ -773,89 +772,89 @@
 "administrator will have more choices."
 msgstr "在弹出的实例界面,选择你打算附加卷的那台虚拟机。你只能看到允许你附加卷的实例;比如,普通用户只能看到他自己创建的实例,而管理员将会有更多的选择。"
-# 650c85a5e1254efdb77ed55f37f13a14
-#: ../../storage.rst:410
+# 6e680f84bdb84267a7d2d60e4e7fcdf9
+#: ../../storage.rst:371
 msgid ""
 "When the volume has been attached, you should be able to see it by clicking "
 "Instances, the instance name, and View Volumes."
 msgstr "当卷被附加之后,你通过点击实例看到实例名和该实例所附加的卷。"
-# 3a8754012f8f4da98dfba46033984c06
-#: ../../storage.rst:414
+# dc8f48c99c24477fa1924ef7a1fb28dc
+#: ../../storage.rst:376
 msgid "Detaching and Moving Volumes"
 msgstr "卸载和移动卷"
-# 15d989ccfe6b43b28260c1289e7388cf
-#: ../../storage.rst:417
+# 988a57d9e81b49e6be5b37db8f4970c2
+#: ../../storage.rst:379
 msgid ""
 "This procedure is different from moving volumes from one storage pool to "
 "another as described in `“VM Storage Migration” <#vm-storage-migration>`_."
 msgstr "这个过程不同于从一个存储池移动卷到其他的池。这些内容在 `“VM存储迁移” <#vm-storage-migration>`_中有描述。"
-# 8bf4295f191343829d3c43e858b12a1e
-#: ../../storage.rst:419
+# 87a675231744495a92d09e12337edda0
+#: ../../storage.rst:383
 msgid ""
 "A volume can be detached from a guest VM and attached to another guest. Both"
 " CloudStack administrators and users can detach volumes from VMs and move "
 "them to other VMs."
 msgstr "卷可以从来宾虚机上卸载再附加到其他来宾虚机上。CloudStack管理员和用户都能从VMs上卸载卷再给其他VMs附加上。"
-# 4b538b0a7328497cbb1de6c4dd724eb2
-#: ../../storage.rst:423
+# f3a14cfb3fe242fd95952025a2f91323
+#: ../../storage.rst:387
 msgid ""
 "If the two VMs are in different clusters, and the volume is large, it may "
 "take several minutes for the volume to be moved to the new VM."
 msgstr "如果两个VMs存在于不同的群集中,并且卷很大,那么卷移动至新的VM上可能要耗费比较长的时间。"
-# 39d64a096df5469ba79c30f50856d546
-#: ../../storage.rst:432
+# 8c279d5d59154e34b12465e6c1b2088a
+#: ../../storage.rst:392
 msgid ""
 "In the left navigation bar, click Storage, and choose Volumes in Select "
 "View. Alternatively, if you know which VM the volume is attached to, you can"
 " click Instances, click the VM name, and click View Volumes."
 msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,点击存储,在选择视图中选择卷。或者,如果你知道卷要附加给哪个VM的话,你可以点击实例,再点击VM名称,然后点击查看卷。"
-# 791d977d23984313b80ffa2aa915577d
-#: ../../storage.rst:439
+# 02ba88b018e140248a056d426fd7c9ea
+#: ../../storage.rst:397
 msgid ""
 "Click the name of the volume you want to detach, then click the Detach Disk "
 "button. |DetachDiskButton.png|"
 msgstr "点击你想卸载卷的名字,然后点击卸载磁盘按钮。 |DetachDiskButton.png|"
-# 6b7ea67796a948bbbaeab6bbdaf832c2
-#: ../../storage.rst:444
+# 2ef3b0f777434eb58770702236698b0d
+#: ../../storage.rst:400
 msgid ""
 "To move the volume to another VM, follow the steps in `“Attaching a Volume” "
 msgstr "要移动卷至其他VM,按照`“附加卷” <#attaching-a-volume>`_中的步骤。"
-# 6597c6aaa3fc40f89bdac966f91c4642
-#: ../../storage.rst:448
+# 7bce94ec5cda4cfd9031d62fa230127d
+#: ../../storage.rst:405
 msgid "VM Storage Migration"
 msgstr "VM存储迁移"
-# 98aac3254e864e4dad42c3824a081f9d
-#: ../../storage.rst:450
+# 1bc602fbceb14e5ab29eb5e9189ae80d
+#: ../../storage.rst:407
 msgid "Supported in XenServer, KVM, and VMware."
 msgstr "支持XenServer、KVM和VMware。"
-# 04f285a0220743a19e6d3a7b54226766
-#: ../../storage.rst:453
+# 8183ae7d15c748109dabfa42d80894c4
+#: ../../storage.rst:410
 msgid ""
 "This procedure is different from moving disk volumes from one VM to another "
 "as described in `“Detaching and Moving Volumes” <#detaching-and-moving-"
 msgstr "这个过程不同于从一个虚拟机移动磁盘卷到另外的虚拟机。这些内容在 \"查看挂载和移动卷\" <#detaching-and-moving-volumes>`_中有描述。"
-# 63619f4ba4c14b57b06d4b6f34cad27e
-#: ../../storage.rst:455
+# 1124cbad549d456f858d2dd00e5689b4
+#: ../../storage.rst:414
 msgid ""
 "You can migrate a virtual machine’s root disk volume or any additional data "
 "disk volume from one storage pool to another in the same zone."
 msgstr "你可以从同一区域中的一个存储池迁移虚机的root磁盘卷或任何其他的数据磁盘卷到其他的池"
-# b374aaa7079f4357a3f44ea9e8d06dfc
-#: ../../storage.rst:458
+# cb9592a82bf84a7c8393f53e9e18ef77
+#: ../../storage.rst:417
 msgid ""
 "You can use the storage migration feature to achieve some commonly desired "
 "administration goals, such as balancing the load on storage pools and "
@@ -863,8 +862,8 @@
 "storage pool that is experiencing issues."
 msgstr "你可以使用存储迁移功能完成一些常用的管理目标。如将它们从有问题的存储池中迁移出去以平衡存储池的负载和增加虚拟机的可靠性。"
-# 04abf2b317084f6a948d7878ad1cbaf4
-#: ../../storage.rst:463
+# a2bcc01e8bd8426dba63dd8846123778
+#: ../../storage.rst:422
 msgid ""
 "On XenServer and VMware, live migration of VM storage is enabled through "
 "CloudStack support for XenMotion and vMotion. Live storage migration allows "
@@ -876,8 +875,8 @@
 "storage repository to another, all while the VM is running."
 msgstr "在XenServer和VMware上,由于CloudStack支持XenMotion和vMotion,VM存储的在线迁移是启用的。在线存储迁移允许没有在共享存储上的VMs从一台主机迁移到另一台主机上。它提供选项让VM的磁盘与VM本身一起在线迁移。它让XenServer资源池之间/VMware群集之间迁移VM,或者在本地存储运行的VM,甚至是存储库之间迁移VM的磁盘成为可能,而且迁移同时VM是正在运行的。"
-# def78c6283b8421d959acad05e006b34
-#: ../../storage.rst:474
+# ebbd4f4ab1654020b6c6bd65f6c8bf34
+#: ../../storage.rst:433
 msgid ""
 "Because of a limitation in VMware, live migration of storage for a VM is "
 "allowed only if the source and target storage pool are accessible to the "
@@ -885,81 +884,81 @@
 "migration operation is requested."
 msgstr "由于VMware中的限制,仅当源和目标存储池都能被源主机访问时才允许VM存储的在线迁移;也就是说,当需要在线迁移操作时,源主机是运行VM的主机。"
-# c24b72459dde481887747acf4697636f
-#: ../../storage.rst:477
+# ebbe88108b474e6fbcb0bf7db34d5473
+#: ../../storage.rst:440
 msgid "Migrating a Data Volume to a New Storage Pool"
 msgstr "将数据卷迁移到新的存储池"
-# bf37a69a59b542a98c25363d45c9713d
-#: ../../storage.rst:479
+# c5d71980858c4c34a0fa4c90024e9f49
+#: ../../storage.rst:442
 msgid "There are two situations when you might want to migrate a disk:"
 msgstr "当你想迁移磁盘的时候可能有两种情况:"
-# f8b93cb34c384463a75f83959616871f
-#: ../../storage.rst:483
+# 787fcb424e3a474794856b6e4c36294a
+#: ../../storage.rst:444
 msgid ""
 "Move the disk to new storage, but leave it attached to the same running VM."
 msgstr "将磁盘移动到新的存储,但是还将其附加在原来正在运行的VM上。"
-# 5cbf239bfd444a0f9c842deb94ed82ba
-#: ../../storage.rst:488
+# d3a83f9da3984d7285731f35b1577f61
+#: ../../storage.rst:447
 msgid ""
 "Detach the disk from its current VM, move it to new storage, and attach it "
 "to a new VM."
 msgstr "从当前VM上卸载磁盘,然后将其移动至新的存储,再将其附加至新的VM。"
-# 0d25ecabc349499586d885844f71b1d0
-#: ../../storage.rst:492
+# 47132cdecc7e40bdbe0b73b197292474
+#: ../../storage.rst:452
 msgid "Migrating Storage For a Running VM"
 msgstr "为正在运行的VM迁移存储"
-# 245dccc84a4e456990f3c0543c4fead3
-#: ../../storage.rst:494
+# 49fb8bbee6ed48a0a77ef96befb12bde
+#: ../../storage.rst:454
 msgid "(Supported on XenServer and VMware)"
 msgstr "(支持XenServer和VMware)"
-# 30cb4d3d0e4e417492b11e590eb7f765
-#: ../../storage.rst:502
+# 22e57c1b2aa74b2681ccf49f19103618
+#: ../../storage.rst:458
 msgid ""
 "In the left navigation bar, click Instances, click the VM name, and click "
 "View Volumes."
 msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,点击实例,再点击VM名,接着点击查看卷。"
-# 5277b5ef2825414da877bab6feb8fc04
-#: ../../storage.rst:507
+# afc084613de9415cb23e3125751a0dbe
+#: ../../storage.rst:461
 msgid "Click the volume you want to migrate."
 msgstr "点击你想迁移的卷。"
-# d0f6564fdaf8483e98845c58dc25c962
-# 9e933a0caa314e80b7270c72c0de6271
-#: ../../storage.rst:511 ../../storage.rst:533
+# 162037fc56d042c085a994af770ebe2c
+# 35b4f135a003412db306d5c378f6f2b8
+#: ../../storage.rst:463 ../../storage.rst:479
 msgid ""
 "Detach the disk from the VM. See `“Detaching and Moving Volumes” "
 "<#detaching-and-moving-volumes>`_ but skip the “reattach” step at the end. "
 "You will do that after migrating to new storage."
 msgstr "从VM卸载磁盘。请参阅 `“卸载和移动卷” <#detaching-and-moving-volumes>`_ 但是跳过最后的\"重新附加\"步骤。你会在迁移过后在新的存储上做这一步。"
-# 4649c894198146228bfeed3a1fb7bdd4
-# 27b66737b23347a0926867a4c198ca1a
-#: ../../storage.rst:517 ../../storage.rst:539
+# bc76fcc2fe05464dbd69894e5d2d4746
+# d3951fd18db542b9b7fa617306a1f07c
+#: ../../storage.rst:467 ../../storage.rst:483
 msgid ""
 "Click the Migrate Volume button |Migrateinstance.png| and choose the "
 "destination from the dropdown list."
 msgstr "点击迁移卷按钮 |Migrateinstance.png| ,然后从下拉列表里面选择目标位置。"
-# 8b7c76c6d3b441929912e2e36ceb34d2
-#: ../../storage.rst:521
+# 98ce5d9b63084686a8b2a0c0ad1bf658
+#: ../../storage.rst:470
 msgid ""
 "Watch for the volume status to change to Migrating, then back to Ready."
 msgstr "这期间,卷的状态会变成正在迁移,然后又变回已就绪。"
-# 3ffc696411bf46ccacd94ed84c8a4e52
-#: ../../storage.rst:525
+# f5d81aecca72450bac7269a86bf20b26
+#: ../../storage.rst:475
 msgid "Migrating Storage and Attaching to a Different VM"
 msgstr "迁移存储和附加到不同的VM"
-# 451b903ccdf9481a87553a1ff3e11675
-#: ../../storage.rst:543
+# 614797ab3f9a44f08c275e1f6ed61f13
+#: ../../storage.rst:486
 msgid ""
 "Watch for the volume status to change to Migrating, then back to Ready. You "
 "can find the volume by clicking Storage in the left navigation bar. Make "
@@ -967,77 +966,77 @@
 msgstr "观察卷的状态会变成正在迁移,然后又变回已就绪。你可以点击左侧导航条中的存储找到卷。在选择查看的下拉列表中,确保卷显示在窗口的顶部。"
-# 3ea9addc45e04febafb2f43888f9756a
-#: ../../storage.rst:550
+# 5dafaedc6390428eb94978091d3808ad
+#: ../../storage.rst:491
 msgid ""
 "Attach the volume to any desired VM running in the same cluster as the new "
 "storage server. See `“Attaching a Volume” <#attaching-a-volume>`_"
 msgstr "在新的存储服务器中给运行在同一群集中的任何想要的VM附加卷。请参阅 `“附加卷” <#attaching-a-volume>`_。"
-# 4f145ec0a8e9487a840dd7dbd6858579
-#: ../../storage.rst:555
+# 2b29f819fd9f4a61b39cd73dbc205e65
+#: ../../storage.rst:497
 msgid "Migrating a VM Root Volume to a New Storage Pool"
 msgstr "迁移VM的Root卷到新的存储池"
-# b1b1c5f5444e43bcb759263c0dc47036
-#: ../../storage.rst:557
+# 2fdc3aca153f473fac5ef5e7ba874b2a
+#: ../../storage.rst:499
 msgid ""
 "(XenServer, VMware) You can live migrate a VM's root disk from one storage "
 "pool to another, without stopping the VM first."
 msgstr "(XenServer、VMware)你可以在停止VM的情况下,使用在线迁移将VM的root磁盘从一个存储池移动到另外一个。"
-# df65430daab94ed197c4acaf08a3e836
-#: ../../storage.rst:560
+# f6a2cc4f4e2c40ce85564e77487a6051
+#: ../../storage.rst:502
 msgid ""
 "(KVM) When migrating the root disk volume, the VM must first be stopped, and"
 " users can not access the VM. After migration is complete, the VM can be "
 msgstr "(KVM)当前已root磁盘卷的时候,VM必须关机,这时用户不能访问VM。在迁移完成之后,VM就能重启了。"
-# be481dbccbbf4cb0a2cc056284533ab8
-#: ../../storage.rst:570
+# 99e0360f9cff4f3595658d757416655e
+#: ../../storage.rst:508
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Instances, and click the VM name."
 msgstr "在左侧的导航栏里,点击实例,然后点击VM名。"
-# 5274bdb89bf44ea3b038c790ff8672b4
-#: ../../storage.rst:574
+# 40a52b70ece74eeb83347bcca88c58c0
+#: ../../storage.rst:510
 msgid "(KVM only) Stop the VM."
 msgstr "(仅限于KVM)停止VM。"
-# 33f3864ed4d34fb881cc89f632512d88
-#: ../../storage.rst:578
+# 918eb301d15e4e369656d3ab9c3eb850
+#: ../../storage.rst:512
 msgid ""
 "Click the Migrate button |Migrateinstance.png| and choose the destination "
 "from the dropdown list."
 msgstr "点击迁移按钮 |Migrateinstance.png| ,然后从下拉列表中选择目标位置。"
-# 3349af1b38e4457482c539813e40a08c
-#: ../../storage.rst:581
+# d43200e809304acdad782782547fe7b0
+#: ../../storage.rst:516
 msgid ""
 "If the VM's storage has to be migrated along with the VM, this will be noted"
 " in the host list. CloudStack will take care of the storage migration for "
 msgstr "如果VM的存储与VM必须一起被迁移,这点会在主机列表中标注。CloudStack会为你自动的进行存储迁移。"
-# 4445e369263d4d0dafd72fe3666283a7
-#: ../../storage.rst:585
+# 7e0343377d674714bb987eed30d9687e
+#: ../../storage.rst:520
 msgid ""
 "Watch for the volume status to change to Migrating, then back to Running (or"
 " Stopped, in the case of KVM). This can take some time."
 msgstr "观察卷的状态会变成迁移中,然后变回运行中(或者停止,在KVM中)。这过程会持续一段时间。"
-# e1ad558399c64d8aa7ae00633e58c413
-#: ../../storage.rst:590
+# cf995ac6b00e4ede877a0a869d35d0c3
+#: ../../storage.rst:523
 msgid "(KVM only) Restart the VM."
 msgstr "(仅限于KVM)重启VM。"
-# a5eee53b3a944bf88fba18aafe337287
-#: ../../storage.rst:593
+# fe6a0aed97e24cd7a80e1e10b113296f
+#: ../../storage.rst:527
 msgid "Resizing Volumes"
 msgstr "重新规划卷"
-# a5d5757162eb492aaf50d2220d1d1b98
-#: ../../storage.rst:595
+# d5de1d251de94750aef7188031910714
+#: ../../storage.rst:529
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack provides the ability to resize data disks; CloudStack controls "
 "volume size by using disk offerings. This provides CloudStack administrators"
@@ -1051,8 +1050,8 @@
 "specifying a new, larger size."
 msgstr "CloudStack提供了调整数据盘大小的功能;CloudStack借助磁盘方案控制卷大小。这样提供了CloudStack管理员可以灵活地选择他们想要给终端用户多少可用空间。使用相同存储标签的磁盘方案中的卷可以重新划分。比如,如果你只想提供 10,50和100GB的方案,重新划分允许的极限就不会超过这些。也就是说,如果你定义了10GB,50GB和100GB的磁盘方案,用户可以从10GB升级到50GB,或者从50GB升级到100GB。如果你创建了自定义大小的磁盘方案,那么你可以重新规划卷的大小为更大的值。"
-# 4d2a89a3e81a4293bb926db2952a2d89
-#: ../../storage.rst:606
+# 6111e137df7f47a99f428cab9e407bda
+#: ../../storage.rst:540
 msgid ""
 "Additionally, using the resizeVolume API, a data volume can be moved from a "
 "static disk offering to a custom disk offering with the size specified. This"
@@ -1061,30 +1060,30 @@
 "migrate to whatever custom size necessary."
 msgstr "另外,使用 resizeVolume API,数据卷可以从一个静态磁盘方案移动到指定大小的自定义磁盘方案。此功能允对特定容量或磁盘方案进行收费,同时可以灵活地更改磁盘大小。"
-# 0c302b9381964652a04f4931be9a3656
-#: ../../storage.rst:612
+# c25a67ebb3344e2c951583bec9826b9e
+#: ../../storage.rst:546
 msgid ""
 "This feature is supported on KVM, XenServer, and VMware hosts. However, "
 "shrinking volumes is not supported on VMware hosts."
 msgstr "KVM, XenServer和VMware主机支持这个功能。但是VMware主机不支持卷的收缩。"
-# c9bd7905071a44d4a6f7905fee796c4a
-#: ../../storage.rst:615
+# f3d3d1c66a9a46a49a97000ce2d104ee
+#: ../../storage.rst:549
 msgid "Before you try to resize a volume, consider the following:"
 msgstr "在你试图重新规划卷大小之前,请考虑以下几点:"
-# 82c7ca43b93f4df09d6c513ff5b70486
-#: ../../storage.rst:619
+# 1c0434424baf4f79a95622559c9119b2
+#: ../../storage.rst:551
 msgid "The VMs associated with the volume are stopped."
 msgstr "与卷关联的VMs是停止状态。"
-# 6f5a21b47e314e0484db238c6e9c457e
-#: ../../storage.rst:623
+# bb545d0a9cf34f5e864a5b016d15775d
+#: ../../storage.rst:553
 msgid "The data disks associated with the volume are removed."
 msgstr "与卷关联的数据磁盘已经移除了。"
-# fec276a1979249fb9dc124f18e1455bd
-#: ../../storage.rst:627
+# 157e4971d3784646a5df1fc2c27026fa
+#: ../../storage.rst:555
 msgid ""
 "When a volume is shrunk, the disk associated with it is simply truncated, "
 "and doing so would put its content at risk of data loss. Therefore, resize "
@@ -1092,59 +1091,59 @@
 " data is moved off from that disk."
 msgstr "当卷缩小的时候,上面的磁盘会被截断,这么做的话可能会丢失数据。因此,在缩小数据磁盘之前,重新规划任何分区或文件系统以便数据迁移出这个磁盘。"
-# 91d00577aa774910bc0090ff9249c714
-#: ../../storage.rst:632
+# ea92d28ccffe4acbb40da15110829f69
+#: ../../storage.rst:560
 msgid "To resize a volume:"
 msgstr "要重新规划卷容量:"
-# b8b72eb1404144179334e6914f461c43
-#: ../../storage.rst:648
+# 4bcbe35ab7f749c49a97fc0b69386143
+#: ../../storage.rst:568
 msgid ""
 "Select the volume name in the Volumes list, then click the Resize Volume "
 "button |resize-volume-icon.png|"
 msgstr "在卷列表中选择卷名称,然后点击调整卷大小按钮 |resize-volume-icon.png|"
-# 6d5f5f78fa294317aaaa19d07403aa91
-#: ../../storage.rst:653
+# 7e6057281d384902b45704d88725b3b2
+#: ../../storage.rst:571
 msgid ""
 "In the Resize Volume pop-up, choose desired characteristics for the storage."
 msgstr "在弹出的调整卷大小窗口中,为存储选择想要的方案。"
-# 94cd2f322cad423485fcfdaa0afe2ab4
-#: ../../storage.rst:656
+# 837580ae5e7d422eb6d54ca24b547f32
+#: ../../storage.rst:574
 msgid "|resize-volume.png|"
 msgstr "|resize-volume.png|"
-# 7f15ee5fc83e482791baa84599ea55cd
-#: ../../storage.rst:660
+# 2a4fef4505014a8c9cee37ce70dc08a3
+#: ../../storage.rst:576
 msgid "If you select Custom Disk, specify a custom size."
 msgstr "如果你选择自定义磁盘,请指定一个自定义大小。"
-# 138ac0a6338b4b0f95312bd4dec59967
-#: ../../storage.rst:664
+# 0f0109182c0345099ae713929c4c1f4d
+#: ../../storage.rst:578
 msgid "Click Shrink OK to confirm that you are reducing the size of a volume."
 msgstr "点击是否确实要缩小卷大小来确认你要缩小的容量。"
-# 7381eca9284e4773a1bb46e44a3865aa
-#: ../../storage.rst:667
+# 86a5314fba614528805c75a1ce993c5b
+#: ../../storage.rst:581
 msgid ""
 "This parameter protects against inadvertent shrinking of a disk, which might"
 " lead to the risk of data loss. You must sign off that you know what you are"
 " doing."
 msgstr "此参数避免了不小心的失误造成数据的丢失。你必须知道你在做什么。"
-# eed53ca74872424ea49fa6cabfbe9eb9
-#: ../../storage.rst:673
+# fa1e5898785847d0acd130136d2b3e4b
+#: ../../storage.rst:585
 msgid "Click OK."
 msgstr "点击确定。"
-# 5d71f55bf71c4f58beb781d2cb94c74c
-#: ../../storage.rst:676
+# 7416d78fc57b4a21a1c5a748c35efa62
+#: ../../storage.rst:589
 msgid "Reset VM to New Root Disk on Reboot"
 msgstr "在VM重启时重设VM的root盘"
-# 2521d69d348047fc8a660b3b8a77b2ac
-#: ../../storage.rst:678
+# aa266ce7558249a58dc21c85bbe527c1
+#: ../../storage.rst:591
 msgid ""
 "You can specify that you want to discard the root disk and create a new one "
 "whenever a given VM is rebooted. This is useful for secure environments that"
@@ -1152,13 +1151,13 @@
 "state. The IP address of the VM will not change due to this operation."
 msgstr "你可以指定你想要放弃的root磁盘和创建一个新的,并且无论何时在VM重启时都使用新的。每次启动时都是一个全新的VM并且桌面不需要保存它的状态,出于安全环境考虑这非常有用。VM的IP地址在这个操作期间不会改变。"
-# f9ff6cc586b8407c9ff1e235962ec731
-#: ../../storage.rst:684
+# f4a034b658174e23b49d8a0dae7faf9d
+#: ../../storage.rst:597
 msgid "**To enable root disk reset on VM reboot:**"
 msgstr "**要启用在VM重启时重置root磁盘:**"
-# 0c3f06afe8504df7a4bf4ea7bea288bf
-#: ../../storage.rst:686
+# 0d8e7c9c2b4b461bb00b40c89b19ca07
+#: ../../storage.rst:599
 msgid ""
 "When creating a new service offering, set the parameter isVolatile to True. "
 "VMs created from this service offering will have their disks reset upon "
@@ -1166,68 +1165,68 @@
 msgstr "当创建一个新的服务方案时,设置isVolatile这个参数为True。从这个服务方案创建的VMs一旦重启,它们的磁盘就会重置。请参阅 `“创建新的计算方案” <service_offerings.html#creating-a-new-compute-offering>`_。"
-# d0e6735ecfb243bcb2038075c332453d
-#: ../../storage.rst:692
+# 80b7517a265a468a91758a97f1049265
+#: ../../storage.rst:606
 msgid "Volume Deletion and Garbage Collection"
 msgstr "卷的删除和回收"
-# 15a72eae3cce46e494793039f4408bc2
-#: ../../storage.rst:694
+# 97ddeaa6235d4294ace130e1f8fd97c0
+#: ../../storage.rst:608
 msgid ""
 "The deletion of a volume does not delete the snapshots that have been "
 "created from the volume"
 msgstr "删除卷不会删除曾经对卷做的快照"
-# 484eaae26aa442b2af1e54dea16342d2
-#: ../../storage.rst:697
+# 0050f5041dd04b1dbeff8201bd20e44e
+#: ../../storage.rst:611
 msgid ""
 "When a VM is destroyed, data disk volumes that are attached to the VM are "
 "not deleted."
 msgstr "当一个VM被销毁时,附加到该VM的数据磁盘卷不会被删除。"
-# 5fd59185e6d64db280b2ca89ecca3f89
-#: ../../storage.rst:700
+# f3a035c41fca41908db4d1f0f724f360
+#: ../../storage.rst:614
 msgid ""
 "Volumes are permanently destroyed using a garbage collection process. The "
 "global configuration variables expunge.delay and expunge.interval determine "
 "when the physical deletion of volumes will occur."
 msgstr "使用回收程序后,卷就永久的被销毁了。全局配置变量expunge.delay和expunge.interval决定了何时物理删除卷。"
-# 9111bfdfe0ee4dcf8c15a359324059fc
-#: ../../storage.rst:706
+# e4eb84092e8b4ea9a1a97fecac24acbb
+#: ../../storage.rst:618
 msgid ""
 "`expunge.delay`: determines how old the volume must be before it is "
 "destroyed, in seconds"
 msgstr "`expunge.delay`:决定在卷被销毁之前卷存在多长时间,以秒计算。"
-# b9e7a6caccba433b8b23ff40bfd62123
-#: ../../storage.rst:711
+# 7564390647064858ac8aa5f26279afe5
+#: ../../storage.rst:621
 msgid ""
 "`expunge.interval`: determines how often to run the garbage collection check"
 msgstr "`expunge.interval`:决定回收检查运行频率。"
-# 984f73d3efdc4d5a8a6a4309599cb386
-#: ../../storage.rst:714
+# 000948d93f8f4cdba6f8fbab90adf234
+#: ../../storage.rst:624
 msgid ""
 "Administrators should adjust these values depending on site policies around "
 "data retention."
 msgstr "管理员可以根据站点数据保留策略来调整这些值。"
-# 08d9ad354b7942bda197e39303ab4ebe
-#: ../../storage.rst:718
+# a8d6b53bbfe04f9198da340f624d7b85
+#: ../../storage.rst:629
 msgid "Working with Volume Snapshots"
 msgstr "使用卷快照"
-# 9eb74cf1e4cd42df8c38300249e3e96b
-# a741a75990ca4897a4f34de220bde407
-#: ../../storage.rst:720 ../../storage.rst:773
+# 86801042196e4703adde0a0f8f421cc2
+# ecd40cf685aa497094053129489ffa6d
+#: ../../storage.rst:631 ../../storage.rst:676
 msgid ""
 "(Supported for the following hypervisors: **XenServer**, **VMware vSphere**,"
 " and **KVM**)"
 msgstr "(支持以下hypervisors:**XenServer**, **VMware vSphere** 和 **KVM**)"
-# 673b7caff5fb4ce481e087a9877d4dcd
-#: ../../storage.rst:723
+# 084599a159574408809d1cfaa15f2160
+#: ../../storage.rst:634
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack supports snapshots of disk volumes. Snapshots are a point-in-time"
 " capture of virtual machine disks. Memory and CPU states are not captured. "
@@ -1235,8 +1234,8 @@
 " OVM does not support them."
 msgstr "CloudStack支持磁盘卷的快照。快照为虚拟机某一时间点的抓取。内存和CPU状态不会被抓取。如果你使用Oracle VM hypervisor,那么你不能做快照,因为OVM不支持。"
-# d6369c41ebb54df68c691818f61104bb
-#: ../../storage.rst:728
+# bd4b18a4d2374e20ae0af95dad8d53e5
+#: ../../storage.rst:639
 msgid ""
 "Snapshots may be taken for volumes, including both root and data disks "
 "(except when the Oracle VM hypervisor is used, which does not support "
@@ -1246,8 +1245,8 @@
 " boot from a restored disk."
 msgstr "卷,包括root和数据磁盘(使用Oracle VM hypervisor除外,因为OVM不支持快照)都可以做快照。管理员可以限制每个用户的快照数量。用户可以通过快照创建新的卷,用来恢复特定的文件,还可以通过快照创建模板来启动恢复的磁盘。"
-# 90f5f9401836415abbc9e1620b3f224f
-#: ../../storage.rst:735
+# 61d7db60070b43a4a6a950e12598da22
+#: ../../storage.rst:646
 msgid ""
 "Users can create snapshots manually or by setting up automatic recurring "
 "snapshot policies. Users can also create disk volumes from snapshots, which "
@@ -1258,45 +1257,45 @@
 "recovered disk can be accessed by attaching the disk to a VM."
 msgstr "用户可以手动或者设置自动循环快照策略创建快照。用户也可以从快照创建附磁盘卷,并像其他磁盘卷一样附加到虚机上。root和数据磁盘支持快照。但是,CloudStack目前不支持通过恢复的root盘启动VM。从快照恢复的root盘会被认为是数据盘;恢复的磁盘可以附加到VM上以访问上面的数据。"
-# 75d1388574754e729e8da27b3c799a49
-#: ../../storage.rst:744
+# 42324227e8644e9dae9c6866285da289
+#: ../../storage.rst:655
 msgid ""
 "A completed snapshot is copied from primary storage to secondary storage, "
 "where it is stored until deleted or purged by newer snapshot."
 msgstr "完整快照慧聪主存储拷贝到附加存储,并会一直存储在里面知道删除或被新的快照覆盖。"
-# bada0f726d0d4d729aea533943c409b3
-#: ../../storage.rst:748
+# 6d4012e38675491e950c4095403168d4
+#: ../../storage.rst:660
 msgid "How to Snapshot a Volume"
 msgstr "如何给卷做快照"
-# 44e0d512d57c4888a44a396a5eac75bb
-#: ../../storage.rst:752
+# c8a3e39ed65148c1b2db5692449e3ec0
+#: ../../storage.rst:662
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a user or administrator."
 msgstr "是用用户或者管理员登录CloudStack。"
-# 19c4af0199724420aecc49d58b0f818e
-#: ../../storage.rst:760
+# ee26042497e54259b376064aafe9cebf
+#: ../../storage.rst:666
 msgid "In Select View, be sure Volumes is selected."
 msgstr "在选择视图,确认选择的是卷。"
-# 70d14f08edf540afaa590235f7ea2f8b
-#: ../../storage.rst:764
+# 2f05b064d8b245a99e010a0f45f944e2
+#: ../../storage.rst:668
 msgid "Click the name of the volume you want to snapshot."
 msgstr "点击你要做快照的卷的名称。"
-# aed06a6f99fd4092a29f2307fa3f046b
-#: ../../storage.rst:768
+# b4d7d4eaa5a149f0812cdddc1fd45a61
+#: ../../storage.rst:670
 msgid "Click the Snapshot button. |SnapshotButton.png|"
 msgstr "点击快照按钮。 |SnapshotButton.png|"
-# 669a8d0c02184e369299bf9d7e5483d2
-#: ../../storage.rst:771
+# 6daa1fb5225e4efe8672fc86408e7055
+#: ../../storage.rst:674
 msgid "Automatic Snapshot Creation and Retention"
 msgstr "创建和保留自动快照"
-# 24d0d72217234a93a95c9d1990899367
-#: ../../storage.rst:776
+# 01044207c30b40148eedee96353f6ad9
+#: ../../storage.rst:679
 msgid ""
 "Users can set up a recurring snapshot policy to automatically create "
 "multiple snapshots of a disk at regular intervals. Snapshots can be created "
@@ -1305,8 +1304,8 @@
 msgstr "用户可以设置循环快照策略来自动的为磁盘定期地创建多个快照。快照可以按小时,天,周或者月为周期。每个磁盘卷都可以设置快照策略。比如,用户可以设置每天的02:30做快照。"
-# 1ddc07ffd4744db3996a56928fabe1b3
-#: ../../storage.rst:782
+# bc81c587ad8b4032b27d61690390e258
+#: ../../storage.rst:685
 msgid ""
 "With each snapshot schedule, users can also specify the number of scheduled "
 "snapshots to be retained. Older snapshots that exceed the retention limit "
@@ -1318,13 +1317,13 @@
 msgstr "依靠每个快照计划,用户还可以指定计划快照的保留数量。超出保留期限的老快照会被自动的删除。用户定义的限制必须等于或小于CloudStack管理员设置的全局限制。请参阅 `“全局配置的限制” <usage.html#globally-configured-limits>`_.。限制只能应用给作为自动循环快照策略的一部分的快照。额外的手动快照能被创建和保留。"
-# cf33bcc958214dce8809b1b3664d8473
-#: ../../storage.rst:793
+# 4d944a9ae89444379355fd0f48bd592a
+#: ../../storage.rst:697
 msgid "Incremental Snapshots and Backup"
 msgstr "增量快照和备份"
-# 790dbaf719ea4af3a21944492c933590
-#: ../../storage.rst:795
+# d0114a6db3e54775a44f58bd333b2916
+#: ../../storage.rst:699
 msgid ""
 "Snapshots are created on primary storage where a disk resides. After a "
 "snapshot is created, it is immediately backed up to secondary storage and "
@@ -1332,25 +1331,25 @@
 msgstr "创建的快照保存在磁盘所在的主存储。在创建快照之后,它会立即被备份到辅助存储并在主存储上删除以节省主存储的空间。"
-# c6a3543640914d2abcb184e9f17b9a33
-#: ../../storage.rst:800
+# 1c3dce8473ed47388f4d6175b8e34c81
+#: ../../storage.rst:704
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack does incremental backups for some hypervisors. When incremental "
 "backups are supported, every N backup is a full backup."
 msgstr "CloudStack给一些 hypervisors做增量备份。当使用了增量备份,那么每N备份就是一个完全备份。"
-# ca4450266a9e41e4ba1d71743809cc71
-#: ../../storage.rst:807
+# 4559fc5082f543d6b1cdacaa46ed5a23
+#: ../../storage.rst:711
 msgid "Support incremental backup"
 msgstr "支持增量备份"
-# 05da4101c8ee4a32a1cd8e61dd902cca
-#: ../../storage.rst:812
+# 1c981e7b2c7b445a9061e36444287afb
+#: ../../storage.rst:716
 msgid "Volume Status"
 msgstr "卷状态"
-# 389f5943ba4c4e04be7c271c11632520
-#: ../../storage.rst:814
+# b7db2aabc187479797c7424c5a1bb1f8
+#: ../../storage.rst:718
 msgid ""
 "When a snapshot operation is triggered by means of a recurring snapshot "
 "policy, a snapshot is skipped if a volume has remained inactive since its "
@@ -1359,20 +1358,20 @@
 "that at least one snapshot is taken since the volume last became inactive."
 msgstr "当快照操作是由一个循环快照策略所引发的时候,如果从其上次创建快照后,卷一直处于非活跃状态,快照被跳过。如果卷被分离或附加的虚拟机没有运行,那么它就被认为是非活跃的。CloudStack会确保从卷上一次变得不活跃后,至少创建了一个快照。"
-# f6a7564bbd474bb28c93ac2ef46e537f
-#: ../../storage.rst:821
+# b5a7b1b8f3fe4e47a40bc594491a0643
+#: ../../storage.rst:725
 msgid ""
 "When a snapshot is taken manually, a snapshot is always created regardless "
 "of whether a volume has been active or not."
 msgstr "当手动创建了快照,不管改卷是不是活跃的,快照会一直被创建。"
-# e1558eacbe2f4d768b7fe6e226152c57
-#: ../../storage.rst:825
+# e8778a84f2d142489ea29fa0793066b1
+#: ../../storage.rst:730
 msgid "Snapshot Restore"
 msgstr "快照恢复"
-# eb2f5defecae49b9a0b4338cc0a8ff65
-#: ../../storage.rst:827
+# 4bcf574b0e484b7ebf81324e87069f67
+#: ../../storage.rst:732
 msgid ""
 "There are two paths to restoring snapshots. Users can create a volume from "
 "the snapshot. The volume can then be mounted to a VM and files recovered as "
@@ -1381,13 +1380,13 @@
 "the root disk."
 msgstr "有两种方式恢复快照。用户能够从快照中创建一个卷。卷可以随后被挂载到虚拟机上并且文件根据需要被复原。另一种方式是,模板可以从一个root 盘的快照创建。用户能够从这个模板启动虚拟机从而实际上复原root盘。"
-# e9999cd4fd964600a2979344583457d2
-#: ../../storage.rst:834
+# cf46f177e13341079bac27a54806636b
+#: ../../storage.rst:740
 msgid "Snapshot Job Throttling"
 msgstr "快照工作调节"
-# c31b190ad5a64d5c84c623c66056d37a
-#: ../../storage.rst:836
+# 6ba670f617a541788c30476794cde2c6
+#: ../../storage.rst:742
 msgid ""
 "When a snapshot of a virtual machine is requested, the snapshot job runs on "
 "the same host where the VM is running or, in the case of a stopped VM, the "
@@ -1396,8 +1395,8 @@
 " resources of the host."
 msgstr "当虚拟机需要快照时,VM所在的主机上就会运行快照工作,或者在VM最后运行的主机上。如果在一台主机上的VMs需要很多快照,那么这会导致太多的快照工作进而占用过多的主机资源。"
-# b250747385d042f49ad48f81329b10a7
-#: ../../storage.rst:842
+# aedc3df480554bd59de19f4c4ba17dff
+#: ../../storage.rst:748
 msgid ""
 "To address this situation, the cloud's root administrator can throttle how "
 "many snapshot jobs are executed simultaneously on the hosts in the cloud by "
@@ -1408,8 +1407,8 @@
 "overloaded with too many snapshot requests."
 msgstr "针对这种情况,云端的root管理员可以利用全局配置设置中的concurrent.snapshots.threshold.perhost调节有多少快照工作同时在主机上运行。借助这个设置,当太多快照请求发生时,管理员更好的确认快照工作不会超时并且hypervisor主机不会有性能问题。"
-# d1dd9aa964bc44e39ace5434f582dcd1
-#: ../../storage.rst:850
+# 9a43b07f0da64addaa4eb478d80b82a2
+#: ../../storage.rst:756
 msgid ""
 "Set concurrent.snapshots.threshold.perhost to a value that represents a best"
 " guess about how many snapshot jobs the hypervisor hosts can execute at one "
@@ -1420,28 +1419,28 @@
 "configured limit."
 msgstr "给concurrent.snapshots.threshold.perhost设置一个你结合目前主机资源和在主机上运行的VMs数量的最佳值,这个值代表了在同一时刻有多少快照工作在hypervisor主机上执行。如果一个主机有比较多的快照请求,额外的请求就会被放在等待队列里。在当前执行 的快照工作数量下降至限制值之内,新的快照工作才会开始。"
-# 7b49369aa49743b780984cc9c3bd2c52
-#: ../../storage.rst:858
+# 2fd65be78bf841d9911d51c1de67cd86
+#: ../../storage.rst:764
 msgid ""
 "The admin can also set job.expire.minutes to place a maximum on how long a "
 "snapshot request will wait in the queue. If this limit is reached, the "
 "snapshot request fails and returns an error message."
 msgstr "管理员也可以通过job.expire.minutes给快照请求等待队列的长度设置一个最大值。如果达到了这个限制,那么快照请求会失败并且返回一个错误消息。"
-# fb6fcac386824780ac7f09de0d50a555
-#: ../../storage.rst:863
+# 45b8545120ba486ca2cbee08b18502d3
+#: ../../storage.rst:770
 msgid "VMware Volume Snapshot Performance"
 msgstr "VMware卷快照性能"
-# 80cd717eab4a487f89e5d530af50dcdf
-#: ../../storage.rst:865
+# aa81997f26a64d1399b138ae79ae8ab7
+#: ../../storage.rst:772
 msgid ""
 "When you take a snapshot of a data or root volume on VMware, CloudStack uses"
 " an efficient storage technique to improve performance."
 msgstr "当你为VMware中的数据卷或root卷做快照时,CloudStack使用一种高效率的存储技术来提高性能。"
-# 0feb29ffc87942eaa740795e36db3801
-#: ../../storage.rst:868
+# edf5b2aae9f54e098d3b6627c10fe21d
+#: ../../storage.rst:775
 msgid ""
 "A snapshot is not immediately exported from vCenter to a mounted NFS share "
 "and packaged into an OVA file format. This operation would consume time and "
@@ -1451,8 +1450,8 @@
 "(\\*.ova.meta) which it stored along with the original snapshot data."
 msgstr "快照不会立即从vCenter导出OVA格式文件到挂载的NFS共享中。这个操作会消耗时间和资源。相反的,由vCenter提供的原始文件格式(比如VMDK)被保留。OVA文件只有在需要的时候被创建。CloudStack使用与原始快照数据存储在一起的属性文件(\\*.ova.meta)中的信息来生成OVA。"
-# de8e361b5b984d8fac0ef05d6f5e03e2
-#: ../../storage.rst:877
+# c2bf4f95ccfe40aea4c948e5145c1e45
+#: ../../storage.rst:784
 msgid ""
 "For upgrading customers: This process applies only to newly created "
 "snapshots after upgrade to CloudStack 4.2. Snapshots that have already been "
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
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Binary files differ
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+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/systemvm.po
@@ -3,16 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# morgan wang <>, 2014
-# mushroom_rain <>, 2014
-# 语法盐 <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-27 06:32+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: 语法盐 <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -20,12 +17,12 @@
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 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-# 8be3f4aab5e948cf9ebc392ede63eb61
+# a1ba7b5ddeaa4674a16ca755b4399374
 #: ../../systemvm.rst:18
 msgid "Working with System Virtual Machines"
 msgstr "使用系统虚拟机"
-# 9b5d8dc94fe14b1188a4787951b5b7c1
+# 8adf74bd899541a180455ab6582554ec
 #: ../../systemvm.rst:20
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack uses several types of system virtual machines to perform tasks in"
@@ -35,173 +32,173 @@
 " in debugging issues."
 msgstr "CloudStack使用几类系统虚拟机来完成云中的任务。总的来说,CloudStack管理这些系统虚拟机,并根据某些范围内或快速需要创建、启动和停止它们。然而,管理员需要意识到他们在调试中的作用。"
-# e59d13f8791c445b80132078609fc486
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:27
+# 9309f035653a42c2a2abfdaced6acabe
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:28
 msgid "The System VM Template"
 msgstr "系统VM模板"
-# 6f29f33ed8a249eba1387f295bc684c4
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:29
+# c845974251da4739b29ae9338d9f85f0
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:30
 msgid ""
 "The System VMs come from a single template. The System VM has the following "
 msgstr "系统VM来自于一个单独的模板,系统VM具有以下特性:"
-# 9ce666c19d774839b1f8cb4590445c4c
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:34
+# 6ce60c193c5547e38390bda23ad9acff
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:33
 msgid ""
 "Debian 6.0 (\"Squeeze\"), 2.6.32 kernel with the latest security patches "
 "from the Debian security APT repository"
 msgstr "Debian 6.0(“Squeeze”),2.6.32内核具有最新的来自Debian安全APT存储库的安全补丁"
-# 63fe9d9aeac34acdaa94ec25235705a7
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:39
+# 7ba8f1dd850e4472b93271c07b12e27e
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:36
 msgid ""
 "Has a minimal set of packages installed thereby reducing the attack surface"
 msgstr "具有一系列最小化安装的包,可以降低安全攻击风险。"
-# 8180871802ba4e12bb9ad0c90bfcc6b4
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:44
+# 157f5d425def480e9b24095a62b2f059
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:39
 msgid "32-bit for enhanced performance on Xen/VMWare"
 msgstr "基于 Xen/VMWare 的32位增强性能"
-# efa0ecb7d9b340aa94a5b3d97c5df6e2
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:48
+# 7a44b4350ff6457cab519a552bd9afca
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:41
 msgid ""
 "pvops kernel with Xen PV drivers, KVM virtio drivers, and VMware tools for "
 "optimum performance on all hypervisors"
 msgstr "包含Xen PV 驱动,KVM virtio 驱动和VMware tools的pvops 内核可以使所有hypervisor得到最佳性能。"
-# 94cc7872776443ce9c1e37cfda94a603
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:53
+# 3e0764891a5141e2b34368e7bb8aeb84
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:44
 msgid "Xen tools inclusion allows performance monitoring"
 msgstr "Xen tools 包含性能监控"
-# 285ca06aefd5405aa00784ffa1cada94
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:57
+# 60aeed2365974b86a64bdf02460e8ef7
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:46
 msgid ""
 "Latest versions of HAProxy, iptables, IPsec, and Apache from debian "
 "repository ensures improved security and speed"
-msgstr "最新版本的HAProxy,ip表,IPsec和来自debian库的Apache保证了提高安全性和速度。"
+msgstr "最新版本的HAProxy,iptables,IPsec和来自debian库的Apache保证了提高安全性和速度。"
-# b0c807016df746d99783c98f27b847fd
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:62
+# 5dab0ffe88944ef3ad1ceb02e640ed9d
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:49
 msgid ""
 "Latest version of JRE from Sun/Oracle ensures improved security and speed"
 msgstr "从 Sun/Oracle 安装最新版本的JRE可以保证安全性与速度的提高"
-# 980ff8d24ffa4282b0253bd5dced0af0
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:66
+# 9f806f6735e64fb786b5ab22d695493f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:54
 msgid "Changing the Default System VM Template"
 msgstr "改变默认系统VM模板"
-# bfb28a5b9b2e40cd8ffe8f6283a4e11b
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:68
+# 88cf932e61dd41a8bc1c583aa0bd38b7
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:56
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack allows you to change the default 32-bit System VM template to "
 "64-bit one. Using the 64-bit template, upgrade the virtual router to manage "
 "larger number of connection in your network."
 msgstr "CloudStack允许你将默认的32位系统模板变为64位,使用64位模板,可以升级虚拟路由器,使得网络支撑更大的连接数。"
-# a3da003f69c948a283852316ca9ffa82
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:74
+# a4f753c8b20b411495b4077d429fadda
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:60
 msgid ""
 "Based on the hypervisor you use, download the 64-bit template from the "
 "following location:"
 msgstr "基于你所使用的hypervisor,从以下地址下载64位模板:"
-# b74fdcb62bef470783f70197cf39862a
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:78
+# 0c56be6861554fe2b5519acffca4bbbf
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:64
 msgid "Hypervisor"
 msgstr "Hypervisor"
-# 82de6e1547904950afe93194ab91799e
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:78
+# 2d2c7eabf8364232911d6ea74c1ebce2
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:64
 msgid "Download Location"
 msgstr "下载地址"
-# df1edb0301da483f8b0ca187dd744a9a
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:80
+# 18c32afddeff4951a466847a983335fe
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:66
 msgid "XenServer"
 msgstr "XenServer"
-# a9827113f80349149b9e852182c71c66
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:80
+# 6ea0f846b0a34711b7c0090cb48d8c32
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:66
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-# d7d1a2ca0edf4236a8b88cb136140a3a
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:81
+# e8a51da6f6614114a91e4006eedfc912
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:67
 msgid "KVM"
 msgstr "KVM"
-# e1c0fc4ecafa47c099784ed401cc859f
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:81
+# fe251bca2b854129890cba8e7ac9bbbf
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:67
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-# 1991ed3c7f0a4f1b967f4df8e95a91a8
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:86
+# 2d498240d20c4683ab11ac2232135a16
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:70
 msgid "As an administrator, log in to the CloudStack UI"
 msgstr "使用管理员登录到CloudStack管理界面。"
-# b1decf00ede048919d1c784794861c8c
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:90
+# cb836b9320584dfe917198280919b2a8
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:72
 msgid "Register the 64 bit template."
 msgstr "注册64位的模板。"
-# 75b465541dca4b75b9478b03231dc561
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:92
+# c8cab1a649c94d0ba1393b80e7bf411b
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:74
 msgid "For example: KVM64bitTemplate"
 msgstr "例如:KVM64bit 模板"
-# fe9c54d3437f4392919edcc710f73459
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:96
+# d88c6f133f114456914ec8807ccef386
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:76
 msgid "While registering the template, select Routing."
 msgstr "当注册模板时,选择路由(routing)。"
-# 30ba77a33a2e48628183d0526def5673
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:100
+# b7e2b731ae7e4c789be6af9ed2d185af
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:78
 msgid "Navigate to Infrastructure > Zone > Settings."
 msgstr "导航至 基础结构  > 地域  > 设置"
-# b372692c62ad4ab9b6b8bccc49531f94
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:104
+# b58d5557ddeb454fbae55b570e2c68f0
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:80
 msgid ""
 "Set the name of the 64-bit template, KVM64bitTemplate, in the "
 "*``router.template.kvm``* global parameter."
 msgstr "在全局参数 *``router.template.kvm``*中设置64位模板的名称,KVM64bitTemplate。"
-# 2a574634e2e8493c8da4b269d66aeb8f
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:107
+# 951cf2ccd5d34614a87679078d22599c
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:83
 msgid ""
 "If you are using a XenServer 64-bit template, set the name in the "
 "*``router.template.xen``* global parameter."
 msgstr "如果你正在使用XenServer64位模板,将名字设置在*``router.template.xen``*全局参数中。"
-# 666051846b1f4a1ea93a880753cd8d27
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:110
+# 534ac4d13b2a4560aa420c9aa2fb9e57
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:86
 msgid ""
 "Any new virtual router created in this Zone automatically picks up this "
 msgstr "任何在此地域中创建的新虚拟路由器均使用这个模板。"
-# 6c10aa07673b4a3e93b8a6a67399c5c6
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:115
+# be4168abcbfd4eed8d7d73b2284d3ac4
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:89
 msgid "Restart the Management Server."
 msgstr "重启管理服务器。"
-# 5822cebf2557488fb14924b61507a3d9
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:118
+# 266b4692ed0b4fb4bae8eb4d1ce9af1f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:93
 msgid "Multiple System VM Support for VMware"
 msgstr "支持VMware的多种系统虚拟机"
-# f0ac39803b514fe783d81dc8e27501bf
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:120
+# 2e1e78598bc94637b2c8fdfb6387a908
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:95
 msgid ""
 "Every CloudStack zone has single System VM for template processing tasks "
 "such as downloading templates, uploading templates, and uploading ISOs. In a"
@@ -211,15 +208,15 @@
 "for VMware-specific tasks as the load increases. The management server "
 "monitors and weights all commands sent to these System VMs and performs "
 "dynamic load balancing and scaling-up of more System VMs."
-msgstr "每个CloudStack地域都有一个单独的系统VM用于模板处理任务,如下载模板,上传模板,上传ISO。在使用VMware的地域中,有另外的系统VM用来处理VMware专有的任务,如制作快照,创建私有模板。 当VMware专有任务的负载增加时,CloudStack管理端将推出额外的系统VM。管理端监控并平衡发送到这些系统VM的命令,实行动态负载均衡并增加更多的系统VM。"
+msgstr "每个CloudStack 区域都有一个单独的系统VM用于模板处理任务,如下载模板,上传模板,上传ISO。在使用VMware的区域中,有另外的系统VM用来处理VMware专有的任务,如制作快照,创建私有模板。 当VMware专有任务的负载增加时,CloudStack管理端将推出额外的系统VM。管理端监控并平衡发送到这些系统VM的命令,实行动态负载均衡并增加更多的系统VM。"
-# 4bfb13dcef06450a869b263a475962c0
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:131
+# 37fb441bcdb34d6fb7432fa98ef8886b
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:107
 msgid "Console Proxy"
 msgstr "控制台代理"
-# 1891a33953af4ab5bfa2f0021c9cbcb0
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:133
+# 9217568c55be47b7bd405187d23f7777
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:109
 msgid ""
 "The Console Proxy is a type of System Virtual Machine that has a role in "
 "presenting a console view via the web UI. It connects the user’s browser to "
@@ -227,8 +224,8 @@
 " Both the administrator and end user web UIs offer a console connection."
 msgstr "控制台代理是一种系统VM,可以通过网页用户接口为用户呈现一个控制台视图。它通过hypervisor为来宾提供控制台将用户的浏览器与vnc端口相连。管理员和终端用户动能通过网页用户接口获得一个控制台连接。"
-# 89e2955ebed34f69ad899a6ccf98a150
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:139
+# f0a0de282eec4d69a9f65b3ff7114cf8
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:115
 msgid ""
 "Clicking a console icon brings up a new window. The AJAX code downloaded "
 "into that window refers to the public IP address of a console proxy VM. "
@@ -238,22 +235,22 @@
 msgstr "点击控制台图标会弹出一个新窗口。根据控制台代理的公共IP ,AJAX代码会下载到这个新窗口。每个控制台代理都会分配一个公共IP。AJAX程序会连接到这个IP。控制台代理会将连接代理到正在运行所请求虚拟机的宿主机的vnc端口。"
-# 56d88ad46e2745acb147e3b0cc16c012
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:147
+# b8ee3c97a12f494fadd3971c927e4f87
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:123
 msgid ""
 "The hypervisors will have many ports assigned to VNC usage so that multiple "
 "VNC sessions can occur simultaneously."
 msgstr "hypervisors可能会分配很多端口到VNC上,因此可能同时并发多个VNC会话。"
-# bfa2d281e05b47a2a090213554adea82
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:149
+# 04dcecfe7e024822a311ba18520f6cce
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:126
 msgid ""
 "There is never any traffic to the guest virtual IP, and there is no need to "
 "enable VNC within the guest."
 msgstr "不会有任何流量是来宾虚拟IP的,因此不需要打开来宾虚拟机的vnc。"
-# 956afe779c6a4490bf06ba6b3c8d9b7a
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:152
+# 15e8724d26714949a10f88914e7038db
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:129
 msgid ""
 "The console proxy VM will periodically report its active session count to "
 "the Management Server. The default reporting interval is five seconds. This "
@@ -261,8 +258,8 @@
 "parameter consoleproxy.loadscan.interval."
 msgstr "控制台虚拟机会定时的向管理服务器汇报当前活动的会话数。默认报告间隔是五秒钟。可以通过管理服务器的配置参数 consoleproxy.loadscan.interval.更改。"
-# 6ba80d42bac146da89dd7c0ddfaed6b9
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:157
+# 67b327e6f92f4c69a649679cf88b933c
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:134
 msgid ""
 "Assignment of guest VM to console proxy is determined by first determining "
 "if the guest VM has a previous session associated with a console proxy. If "
@@ -270,60 +267,60 @@
 "Console Proxy VM regardless of the load on the proxy VM. Failing that, the "
 "first available running Console Proxy VM that has the capacity to handle new"
 " sessions is used."
-msgstr "如果来宾虚拟机之前有已经分配的关联控制台代理的会话,控制台代理的分配会由第一次分配的控制台代理决定。如果该来宾虚拟级之前存在已分配的控制台代理,则不论该控制台代理目前负载如何管理服务器都会将该来宾虚拟机分配到目标控制台代理虚拟机。如果失败则会将来宾虚拟机分配到第一个拥有足够资源处理新会话的控制台代理上。"
+msgstr "如果来宾虚拟机之前有已经分配的关联控制台代理的会话,控制台代理的分配会由第一次分配的控制台代理决定。如果该来宾虚拟机之前存在已分配的控制台代理,则不论该控制台代理目前负载如何管理服务器都会将该来宾虚拟机分配到目标控制台代理虚拟机。如果失败则会将来宾虚拟机分配到第一个拥有足够资源处理新会话的控制台代理上。"
-# d3194eb67f53470798abbefc2170f007
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:164
+# 0fcca189c0b0490fb490988079cca591
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:141
 msgid ""
 "Console proxies can be restarted by administrators but this will interrupt "
 "existing console sessions for users."
 msgstr "管理员能重启控制台代理,但此操作会中断用户与控制台会话。"
-# 5477616ef10c44a99bd0e5d91ee3c9d3
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:168
+# 9c3b4c70f4cf47379b07b5f24863023b
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:146
 msgid "Using a SSL Certificate for the Console Proxy"
 msgstr "对控制台代理使用SSL证书。"
-# 7c9861003bfe4abe99b1cfd073a0fe0e
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:171
+# 7be31349d45949dfa61f79105ade746f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:149
 msgid ""
 "In the past CloudStack used the ```` dynamic  DNS resolution "
-"service. As this service will be shut down as of  June 30th, 2014, "
-"CloudStack has stopped using the service as of version 4.3."
-msgstr "之前,CloudStack使用realhostip.com的动态域名解析服务。CloudStack已经在4.3版中停止使用此服务,并且这项服务会在2014年6月30号彻底关闭。"
+"service. As this service will be shut down as of June 30th, 2014, CloudStack"
+" has stopped using the service as of version 4.3."
+msgstr ""
-# 0e590e7788f44b4d9a3b9ad796811333
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:173
+# ff149d60a5d74070bb252689b6e724ab
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:154
 msgid ""
 "By default, the console viewing functionality uses plaintext HTTP. In any "
 "production environment, the console proxy connection should be encrypted via"
 " SSL at the mininum."
 msgstr "默认情况下,代理视图功能使用HTTP协议,在任何生产环境下,代理服务连接至少要通过SSL进行加密。"
-# 0ff02ca358074c6ca30f83692bfe9919
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:177
+# 471907f542334e94b211495c26beacff
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:158
 msgid ""
 "A CloudStack administrator has 2 ways to secure the console proxy "
 "communication with SSL:"
 msgstr "CloudStack管理员有2种方式来保证SSL加密控制代理连接的安全:"
-# 7e0bf8a823b04926a0b9e726bb3b5429
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:181
+# bd5c72a779c74100ada4a4e0ebd65633
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:161
 msgid "Set up a SSL wild-card certificate and domain name resolution"
 msgstr "建立一个SSL通配证书以及域名解析。"
-# cb6ce63cfc6c44c495463deb0c8d9069
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:184
+# 9d2106a856664feba8d3ed31ffef47b3
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:163
 msgid "Set up SSL certificate for specific FQDN and configure load-balancer"
 msgstr "为指定的FQDN建立一个SSL证书并配置负载均衡"
-# 3417b2470c9f4f539baac5d4cc994cae
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:188
+# fbea784e67f546259f790571d5c68d02
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:167
 msgid "Changing the Console Proxy SSL Certificate and Domain"
 msgstr "更改控制代理SSL证书及域"
-# 7002d85817e54eac8bb42dfe7bd4f2e2
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:190
+# 0ef9de23136a444a802cb1fb49929072
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:169
 msgid ""
 "The administrator can configure SSL encryption  by selecting a domain and "
 "uploading a new SSL certificate and private key. The domain must run a DNS "
@@ -333,16 +330,16 @@
 "certificate, and private key:"
 msgstr "管理员可以通过选择一个域并上传一个新的SSL证书和密钥配置SSL加密。这个域必须运行一个能DNS服务器,该服务器能解决地址格式是aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd.your.domain到IPv4 IP地址的结构aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd,例如 for example,。就是为了改变终端代理与,SSL证书和私有密钥。"
-# 528c9b8be4d14a0ab8403dff3eef4bf0
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:199
+# 21ed531476934988b073b6db592f8ded
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:176
 msgid ""
 "Set up dynamic name resolution or populate all possible DNS names in your "
 "public IP range into your existing DNS server with the format aaa-bbb-ccc-"
 " -> aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd."
 msgstr "建立一个动态的方案或者适用于所有可能DNS名称在你的公共IP范围以format> aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.到你已经存在的DNS服务器上"
-# 0ec80daec466449db79404dbbf71124a
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:204
+# 8e0e99fee7274b59a2f75b2439a28528
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:181
 msgid ""
 "In these steps you will notice ** -For security best"
 " practices, we recommend creating a wildcard SSL certificate on a separate "
@@ -350,8 +347,8 @@
 "user cannot impersonate a domain."
 msgstr "在上述步骤中你会注意到** -为安全最好的实践,我们推荐在独立的子域中创建一个新的有通配符的SSL证书,所以证书在事件中可能妥协,一个恶意的用户不能模仿一个company.com域。"
-# 1484d83d7dcf452fbf59cb14fb8a2ac9
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:208
+# 8840c66ff2704cbca38c9c9f5daddc09
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:187
 msgid ""
 "Generate the private key and certificate signing request (CSR). When you are"
 " using openssl to generate private/public key pairs and CSRs, for the "
@@ -359,90 +356,90 @@
 "convert it into PKCS#8 format."
 msgstr "通常有私钥和证书签名请求(CSR)。当你使用openssl产生私钥/公钥对和CSR,你将私钥复制到CloudStack中,保证转换为PKCS#8格式。"
-# 8d2e65e2ba1541cab43c314bde8a0285
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:215
+# efd9b8a8ee594499800d89e3257cef8c
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:192
 msgid "Generate a new 2048-bit private key"
 msgstr "产生一个新的2048位的私钥"
-# 3067b8795544424aba9ba004412ba13e
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:223
+# 95cd5c1544fd480784d73f497d0474a9
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:198
 msgid ""
 "Generate a new certificate CSR. Ensure the creation of a wildcard "
-"certificate, eg *"
-msgstr "生成一个新的CSR证书。保证一个证书通配符,例如*"
+"certificate, eg ``*``"
+msgstr ""
-# c09f472413874e608a2ba56b2f252be7
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:232
+# 8501f0bd21d3496f9a95f55217ad5715
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:205
 msgid ""
 "Head to the website of your favorite trusted Certificate Authority, purchase"
 " an SSL certificate, and submit the CSR. You should receive a valid "
 "certificate in return"
 msgstr "前往你喜爱的站点相信授权证书,购买一个SSL证书并获得CSR确认。你将会收到一个返回的有效地证书"
-# 6d8e7177a0674ed5ba0017acb2023cf0
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:238
+# c5e0a99a8e5548a7b30a82aad6008419
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:209
 msgid "Convert your private key format into PKCS#8 encrypted format."
 msgstr "转化你的私钥格式成PKCS#8加密格式。"
-# e84ab195ef4745de94b29161c636eb66
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:246
+# 21138c806f2e48abab8f0748512628e2
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:215
 msgid ""
 "Convert your PKCS#8 encrypted private key into the PKCS#8 format that is "
 "compliant with CloudStack"
 msgstr "转化你的PKC#8加密的私钥到PKC#8格式是CloudStack遵循的方式。"
-# e2eb37bdbd9348a49345d7ab4af8407a
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:255
+# 021b9614a4c740eb995d66bb07551c5d
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:222
 msgid ""
 "In the Update SSL Certificate screen of the CloudStack UI, paste the "
 msgstr "在CloudStack用户界面的修改SSL证书,复制以下内容:"
-# 0e5339200c5d495d81a2fa3b605140fd
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:260
+# 93d3977b1fbf4bdcaa3cb7c106025be0
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:225
 msgid "The certificate you've just generated."
 msgstr "刚刚生成的证书。"
-# 2ff7b3e117b34b79984384ff67d02a33
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:264
+# f8f025d190ce4094a3dd63915b29267f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:227
 msgid "The private key you've just generated."
 msgstr "刚刚生成的私钥。"
-# 4ad81c4f609149a6ab2643fb3e4e52b7
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:268
+# a44d63f6a2084e029bf84c965e10cae2
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:229
 msgid ""
 "The desired domain name, prefixed with ``*.``; for example, "
-msgstr "希望的域名前缀是 ``*.``; 例如, *"
+msgstr ""
-# c4b5f9b94d3a4ac5a9cb7cf8aab71229
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:270
+# d69ea42c636247548be90fe1cb7c5f51
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:231
 msgid "|update-ssl.png|"
 msgstr "|update-ssl.png|"
-# 3c0c071f698549f2b472be8f635c3843
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:274
+# b0dd0973913649e1876bac396552c02e
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:233
 msgid ""
 "This stops all currently running console proxy VMs, then restarts them with "
 "the new certificate and key. Users might notice a brief interruption in "
 "console availability."
 msgstr "这停止了所有正运行的终端代理VM,然后已新的许可和密钥重启。用户可能会注意到对控制台有益的一个简短的打断。"
-# 1d1a2c29eb6e49b8ac44653667dd7acc
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:278
+# 88d8a0760f5641a6a3d5dac7f7ecb8e2
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:237
 msgid ""
 "The Management Server generates URLs of the form \"aaa-bbb-ccc-"
 "\" after this change is made. The new console "
 "requests will be served with the new DNS domain name, certificate, and key."
 msgstr "管理服务器在这个改变后生成格式如 \"\" 的URLs。这个新的终端请求将会依照新的DNS域名,证书和密钥提供服务。"
-# a4bf2c5975d3412ea4e3aaa92e552a0c
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:284
+# d9ae75c0be0d474f8707a09850ff25db
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:244
 msgid "Load-balancing Console Proxies"
 msgstr "负载均衡终端代理"
-# fe7709e48afe4cd7ab9f0a1fd1490af4
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:285
+# baf2bcf57fed4f82aa193fd45f2f2140
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:245
 msgid ""
 "An alternative to using dynamic DNS or creating a range of DNS entries as "
 "described in the last section would be to create a SSL certificate for a "
@@ -454,13 +451,13 @@
 "for more details."
 msgstr "一个在最近的段落中使用动态DNS或者创建一定范围DNS记录作为可替换的描述将被用来创建一个特定域名的SSL证书,配置CloudStack使用特定的FQDN,然后配置一个负载均衡以均衡终端代理IP地址后的FQDN。作为这项新功能的更多详情,参见    。"
-# 9af4851426194c41a2501ab36c4a159f
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:295
+# f8bc0488fcae4eed874f0719dcbd03dc
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:256
 msgid "Virtual Router"
 msgstr "虚拟路由"
-# 9ce6e91707bc4a7e991bc3c105ad6469
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:297
+# 5aa09837be9b4cbbb6e84ebaabca6559
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:258
 msgid ""
 "The virtual router is a type of System Virtual Machine. The virtual router "
 "is one of the most frequently used service providers in CloudStack. The end "
@@ -469,8 +466,8 @@
 " but users do not have SSH access into the virtual router."
 msgstr "虚拟路由器是一个系统虚拟机。它经常在CloudStack服务方案中被使用;终端用户不能够直接访问虚拟路由器。用户可ping和影响它(比如设置端口转发)但是不能通过ssh访问"
-# 2522b8aa1b924af2a9e4949a1d5d9f69
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:304
+# b1afb70840d04ed6917b9fd0e68a312b
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:265
 msgid ""
 "There is no mechanism for the administrator to log in to the virtual router."
 " Virtual routers can be restarted by administrators, but this will interrupt"
@@ -480,53 +477,53 @@
 "by its associated system service offering."
 msgstr "这里没有一种机制使得管理员可以登录虚拟路由器。管理员可以重启虚拟路由器,但是会中断终端用户网络访问和服务。在一个基本的网络故障排错中,尝试在一个虚拟机上ping虚拟路由器。虚拟路由器的一些功能特性是通过系统服务方案配置的。"
-# e45ecc9391d642928809c57529dc7c1d
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:312
+# a07561d1be02426f9c20ec39d37ebfda
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:274
 msgid "Configuring the Virtual Router"
 msgstr "配置虚拟路由"
-# 7d13b8bb3b1a4a16b722a92b49334947
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:314
+# 33b921e943764375b7e2833cd80501f1
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:276
 msgid "You can set the following:"
 msgstr "你可以设置以下内容:"
-# 44b8835e26ea4246b96ebb3462ae7d47
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:318
+# f4bf9f0a9f5341ce9751734831cb4100
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:278
 msgid "IP range"
 msgstr "IP地址范围"
-# ba1e4554a5cb4fadb85802fc8dfa10e4
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:322
+# 63e37af44a1644428067b31b62f0c6b2
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:280
 msgid "Supported network services"
 msgstr "支持的网络服务"
-# b24a9cab32c441a4a6c1f5c392b01534
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:326
+# e1a2e37b67a14415b27cdce549422c45
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:282
 msgid "Default domain name for the network serviced by the virtual router"
-msgstr "由虚拟路由网络服务提供的默认域名"
+msgstr "由虚拟路由为网络服务提供的默认域名"
-# bde8e898b23e47a49b93858446f8b2c3
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:330
+# a78c71c42d6b400e8c6a037d8be60b00
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:284
 msgid "Gateway IP address"
 msgstr "网关IP地址"
-# 90d3eeaccd7a4d24931e20da1b3e3734
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:334
+# c17203f5ab7c4339ab3bf6d4b276357c
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:286
 msgid ""
 "How often CloudStack fetches network usage statistics from CloudStack "
 "virtual routers. If you want to collect traffic metering data from the "
 "virtual router, set the global configuration parameter "
 "router.stats.interval. If you are not using the virtual router to gather "
 "network usage statistics, set it to 0."
-msgstr "CloudStack多久从虚拟路由器获取一次网络使用数据。如果你向搜集虚拟路由器的流量计量数据,设置全局变量router.stats.interval。如果你不使用虚拟路怄气收集网络使用数据,设置该值为0"
+msgstr "CloudStack多久从虚拟路由器获取一次网络使用数据。如果你想搜集虚拟路由器的流量计量数据,设置全局变量router.stats.interval。如果你不使用虚拟路由器收集网络使用数据,设置该值为0"
-# 33174573568c462da9b9bb8f32ac5da9
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:341
+# db1198a11ec947f18c4cf2244c33eb08
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:294
 msgid "Upgrading a Virtual Router with System Service Offerings"
 msgstr "使用系统计算服务升级虚拟路由器"
-# 4128bcaf29264574bcb5520add843d5c
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:343
+# 35a9d4cee92b4a9fb1654d44110881fa
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:296
 msgid ""
 "When CloudStack creates a virtual router, it uses default settings which are"
 " defined in a default system service offering. See `“System Service "
@@ -536,24 +533,24 @@
 "system service offering."
 msgstr "当 CloudStack创建一个虚拟路由器,它是按照默认的系统计算服务方案进行的设置。参见 <xref linkend=\"system-service-offerings\" />。所有在单独客户网络中的虚拟路由器都使用相同的系统计算服务方案。可以通过新建和使用自定义的系统计算服务方案来提高虚拟路由器的性能。"
-# 6ff917ce569a4851ac880b4dda7f12e4
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:352
+# cd27cfafbeca4a8dbe03d9b84184a373
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:303
 msgid ""
 "Define your custom system service offering. See `“Creating a New System "
 "Service Offering” <#creating-a-new-system-service-offering>`_. In System VM "
 "Type, choose Domain Router."
 msgstr "定义定制的系统计算服务方案,参见<xref linkend=\"creating-system-service-offerings\" />。在系统虚拟机类型中,选择域路由器。"
-# 7cddcde709a1400297d4e1f750058515
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:358
+# 59d868f989f44a7daf1bfbc0e292db28
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:308
 msgid ""
 "Associate the system service offering with a network offering. See "
 "`“Creating a New Network Offering” <networking.html#creating-a-new-network-"
 msgstr "使用网络服务方案配合系统计算服务方案,参见  `“创建一个新网络方案” <networking.html#creating-a-new-network-offering>`_."
-# de01c46a779f4d83af353a858610a991
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:363
+# dfa56664a39341bcbf503aa23d46f1d4
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:312
 msgid ""
 "Apply the network offering to the network where you want the virtual routers"
 " to use the new system service offering. If this is a new network, follow "
@@ -563,21 +560,21 @@
 msgstr "将网络服务方案应用到使用新系统计算服务方案的虚拟路由器的网络上。如果这是一个新的网络,请根据66页的添加额外客户网络的步骤操作。想要改变已生成的虚拟路由器的计算服务方案,请根据 `“在客户端网络改变网络方案” <networking2.html#changing-the-network-offering-on-a-guest-network>`_."
-# b524a14c48bc495cadc308d7b63ac2a4
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:371
+# 24d02637553648a99ee527214679997f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:321
 msgid "Best Practices for Virtual Routers"
 msgstr "虚拟路由器的最佳实践"
-# 0b2febff4097420d96a2ff9ef1aeaf46
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:375
+# 9264d919f1d24e30b3ff39600891fd32
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:323
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Restarting a virtual router from a hypervisor console deletes all "
 "the iptables rules. To work around this issue, stop the virtual router and "
 "start it from the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr "警告:从一个虚拟机管理程序控制台重新启动一台虚拟路由器,将删除所有iptables规则。要解决这个问题,从CloudStack用户界面停止虚拟路由器和启动。"
-# 33e6af6c5b92437593f1714d86528d52
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:382
+# f0a98ab823014588ba7a79e496358417
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:328
 msgid ""
 "Do not use the destroyRouter API when only one router is available in the "
 "network, because restartNetwork API with the cleanup=false parameter can't "
@@ -586,13 +583,13 @@
 msgstr "在网络中只有一个路由器可用时,不要使用destroyRouter API,因为restartNetwork API 带cleanup=false参数不能随后重新创建它。如果你想销毁并重新创建网络中的单一路由器,使用restartNetwork API 带cleanup=true参数。"
-# e1f923bf381241aa8b2f6e0525dbd7c3
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:385
+# c9fe7a0ac42f4b8ba7e912ff1ccd88a6
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:336
 msgid "Service Monitoring Tool for Virtual Router"
 msgstr "虚拟路由的服务监视工具"
-# 166c312922e14f80ba6eaa81286860a4
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:387
+# 8c7761b870df47549d73c8e0a8e21ec0
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:338
 msgid ""
 "Various services running on the CloudStack virtual routers can be monitored "
 "by using a Service Monitoring tool. The tool ensures that services are "
@@ -606,93 +603,93 @@
 msgstr "运行在CloudStack虚拟路由上的不同的各种服务都可以使用服务监视工具监视。工具将确保服务成功运行除非CloudStack被故意损坏。如果一个服务停止,工具将自动重启该服务,如果不能帮助重启该服务,将产生一个导致失败的警报事件。一个全局参数,\"network.router.enableservicemonitoring\",已经被介绍了它能控制这种特性。默认值是false,也就是说监控不是默认。当你激活后,确保服务管理器和路由被重启。"
-# f2aa21d6fd1645609a2c098d6d09bccc
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:391
+# eb435554762a44ae9561f7c121329709
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:349
 msgid ""
 "Monitoring tool can help to start a VR service, which is crashed due to an "
 "unexpected reason. For example:"
 msgstr "监视工具可以帮助启动一个由不期望的原因导致的冲突的VR服务。例如:"
-# 90673418a28f414f9cf60f53a4a2b2c3
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:396
+# c64d62fa24064373919f92f8bb26dab6
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:352
 msgid "The services crashed due to defects in the source code."
 msgstr "由原代码的缺点引起的服务冲突。"
-# 7de0e474327d491a96aacd4fb31eecec
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:400
+# 19f8982ead484814b9812242f98822cf
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:354
 msgid ""
 "The services that are terminated by the OS when memory or CPU is not "
 "sufficiently available for the service."
 msgstr "当此服务的内存空间或者CPU运算出现不足时,OS将终止此服务。"
-# f92166fbe86541dea2b8ef0ac17616a7
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:404
+# 88522e16c4ad4587887f207c3cb1de9f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:358
 msgid ""
 "Only those services with daemons are monitored. The services that are failed"
 " due to errors in the service/daemon configuration file cannot be restarted "
 "by the Monitoring tool. VPC networks are not supported."
 msgstr "只有这些服务的守护进程仍被监视。这些服务因在服务器/守护进程配置文件中的错误而失败将导致不能被监视工具重启。VPC网络不予支持。"
-# e834c36c5253482cadb9ee5127097911
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:406
+# d6dde7af5158444683442aab05bf244e
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:362
 msgid "The following services are monitored in a VR:"
 msgstr "在VR中监视下列服务:"
-# 5eb9ccfaf20f479f9a7b4cee96aedfa8
-# 5dab896f995444178c11b71d812ef1e4
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:410 ../../systemvm.rst:487
+# 919f0a593e4c494588e1859a5fccfae0
+# b9653f8b1d8744999883790ea0990b01
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:364 ../../systemvm.rst:424
 msgid "DNS"
 msgstr "DNS"
-# 12d6fc507c824f6eb84aded5da24244a
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:414
+# c8fa5957a2504e62afaf2aef337a064b
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:366
 msgid "HA Proxy"
 msgstr "HA代理"
-# 51b1f6716b2745c4a097cc59d32242a6
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:418
+# d5ed20a1e7744cb0b70dcfa442d18ee0
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:368
 msgid "SSH"
 msgstr "SSH"
-# 3dfcf65152e54be5bdf65e04ef4ada39
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:422
+# 9a5f6db0ba8441d4ad47c0946c9230bb
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:370
 msgid "Apache Web Server"
 msgstr "Apache网络服务器"
-# 4c17b9d1a4414d47acd51913cd1be094
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:424
+# 6f2ae7c39bfd4fd3b950701b42e2f0fa
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:372
 msgid "The following networks are supported:"
 msgstr "支持以下网络:"
-# 28e056cf7a134d9cae449b40828ba914
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:428
+# 6ed18a5a0c7f48feacc05607c212daf6
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:374
 msgid "Isolated Networks"
 msgstr "独立的网络"
-# 8384bb1c2d7c4e2ab34d88425ad4a1cf
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:432
+# fd2ab5e43ac34e0fa5bade7bde71c5cf
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:376
 msgid "Shared Networks in both Advanced and Basic zone"
 msgstr "在高级和基础域中分享网络"
-# e8b7509b71234cecbac0aa2646beba62
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:434
+# fb5714c33d284b61af774529226b1346
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:378
 msgid "VPC networks are not supported"
 msgstr "VPC网络不被支持"
-# 744b64cc707645a3a88ce7550f3a51f6
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:436
+# d22c1884f61f4ed5b1e3c6c1b2b8b218
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:380
 msgid ""
 "This feature is supported on the following hypervisors: XenServer, VMware, "
 "and KVM."
 msgstr "在下列hypervisor上支持此特性:XenServer,VMware和KVM"
-# 9559bdb81188441197d3737020a4f5d3
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:440
+# 209b4c2a4ff24293988606ece94dcc3d
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:385
 msgid "Enhanced Upgrade for Virtual Routers"
 msgstr "增强的网络路由升级"
-# 894d5248559d4c9fb2de284c4e9d8434
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:442
+# fe5f961e7475463681b5ffacfc66cadd
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:387
 msgid ""
 "Upgrading VR is made flexible. The CloudStack administrators will be able to"
 " control the sequence of the VR upgrades. The sequencing is based on "
@@ -704,15 +701,15 @@
 "upgrade operations in parallel as possible."
 msgstr "升级VR也是很灵活的。CloudStack管理员将能够控制VR升级序列。该序列基于Infrastructure层,例如Cluster,pod或者Zone,管理层 (账户),例如Tenan或者Domain.作为管理员,当一个特殊的用户服务,例如VR,在一个短暂的具体升级后的间隔后,你可以终止它。升级操作将允许多个升级操作并行操作促使升级速度增加。"
-# 390d4db6cf7b4418bfeb14d1a1c823de
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:451
+# 0a2326eddab447b690fd8118e9f41940
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:396
 msgid ""
 "During the entire duration of the upgrade, users cannot launch new services "
 "or make changes to an existing service."
 msgstr "在一个完整的持续的升级过程中,用户不能启动新服务或者改变已经存在的服务。"
-# 8f52ba2d3aaa400fbadbc9370ab8bec3
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:454
+# 4fb42cca852e4f548c30cb9034654413
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:399
 msgid ""
 "Additionally, using multiple versions of VRs in a single instance is "
 "supported. In the Details tab of a VR, you can view the version and whether "
@@ -729,230 +726,230 @@
 "Management Server upgrade."
 msgstr "另外,使用多版本的VR在一个单例上也是支持的。对于具体地VR,你可以预览版本和是否升级。在管理服务器升级时,CLoudStack检查VR是否是VR上操作的最新版本。为支持此特点,一个新的全局参数,*``router.version.check``*, 已经被加入.这个参数默认设置为true,它意味着当操作前,最少要求版本检查。如果不是VR要求的版本就没有任何操作。在旧的版本上的VR仍然是有效地,但必须升级后才能进行更多的操作。在升级之前,它将是临时状态。这将保证VR服务和状态不受管理服务器升级的影响。"
-# 2331fd6f14b74031838819c4c9b6ebb7
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:469
+# 0567e75c33134bcea3a1caa72a5aaa00
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:414
 msgid ""
 "The following service will be available even if the VR is not upgraded. "
 "However, no changes for any of the services can be sent to the VR, until it "
 "is upgraded:"
 msgstr "以下服务将是有效的,无论VR是否升级。或者,没有任何服务在VR升级后发送到VR."
-# 7516020ea8e044fb88f03f243dc262c8
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:475
+# 48fcfc3f076b494e942f868e0372e0b9
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:418
 msgid "SecurityGroup"
 msgstr "安全组"
-# f5c9179d8b634903b4ed88d21547163f
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:479
+# 1bee20546a154520ba2788c22c1f3486
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:420
 msgid "UserData"
 msgstr "用户数据"
-# a841e81bc7f840cd90bde9fac872c5c4
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:483
+# 60d206f07ef3446fa4fb2747aa88893b
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:422
 msgid "DHCP"
 msgstr "DHCP"
-# 05e911e9b8264679b13442e754ba881c
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:491
+# ace288f1a1044792b92215d6a79af5d1
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:426
 msgid "LB"
 msgstr "LB"
-# f42a3ac7fca94077ba20fe12c98f4d78
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:495
+# 4ccc43be9ec44655b59657daed06a562
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:428
 msgid "Port Forwarding"
 msgstr "端口转发"
-# 00acf0cb58cf46d38ce34b163e25e276
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:499
+# 1ffbebe241a745ebaaea80aa5ff7e00e
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:430
 msgid "VPN"
 msgstr "VPN"
-# dd5fa0de47874783993d5994dc2fd2f5
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:503
+# 9bfb5e6221b142eab579bea52cded3a4
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:432
 msgid "Static NAT"
 msgstr "静态 NAT"
-# 442821509b954101b664febb12148e0e
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:507
+# 2b905be150d94c69b81d0dfbcf8e70ec
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:434
 msgid "Source NAT"
 msgstr "Source NAT"
-# 976cf6d3ec014a5fa46956c266814608
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:511
+# 952471d71a404a99b736c2438fd03018
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:436
 msgid "Firewall"
 msgstr "防火墙"
-# a952c4dfb48c40128f21c886c8344dc6
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:515
+# 4051d26b7c91408999d41f021c3ca178
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:438
 msgid "Gateway"
 msgstr "网关"
-# de23c8c7f9844a17aedffe2a73f69611
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:519
+# 69c89cdcc4844f728351fe01740e32ef
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:440
 msgid "NetworkACL"
 msgstr "网络ACL"
-# e4882b2d87d54dd3bc156802ff35c064
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:522
+# 769b3ed7ed5c4ccf85d9386e5aea8b3f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:444
 msgid "Supported Virtual Routers"
 msgstr "支持虚拟路由"
-# 4d87bcbc7b9e43e5a9eca2df6be5d5ac
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:526
+# b3bd3d522cca4802afae131818e0df27
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:446
 msgid "VR"
 msgstr "VR"
-# 2366a655dfd34f968eb66f89ef1061e4
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:530
+# 6378fb7b02b248cb8e34872a3d19b51d
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:448
 msgid "VPC VR"
 msgstr "VPC VR"
-# cf2ef91163e843d68825b0a5a4b95b6e
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:534
+# dd5c03dc42ae4454a713ff50a2be91e9
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:450
 msgid "Redundant VR"
 msgstr "多余的VR"
-# 40a69f9a229a49388862563f000c4860
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:537
+# d9325031af0f4d1597f136b4d9f0e3e3
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:454
 msgid "Upgrading Virtual Routers"
 msgstr "升级中的虚拟路由"
-# 51999619ca9449acb43f2b7ff514e0f5
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:541
+# 975d8f6d95014399909cc0cd8a2b16c6
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:456
 msgid "Download the latest System VM template."
 msgstr "下载最新的系统VM模板。"
-# 2b9f628af9ae4dfa85e753fbe4df2b62
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:545
+# c25708086d324a38b701d238b7463924
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:458
 msgid "Download the latest System VM to all the primary storage pools."
 msgstr "下载最新的系统VM到所有主存储池。"
-# d67082be8aa144a590daf97a8e1a3f19
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:549
+# c9378adb82f140be8f8663c096c895c5
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:460
 msgid "Upgrade the Management Server."
 msgstr "升级管理服务器"
-# 4a0db3a39c01439ab7d5ed74da052a23
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:553
+# 40387558057548f98875005c7ceabeb7
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:462
 msgid ""
 "Upgrade CPVM and SSVM either from the UI or by using the following script:"
 msgstr "从用户界面和使用下列描述中升级CPVM和SSVM"
-# 75f1e4536fea4cc7b74f72f92c4ce4ed
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:560
+# d28d9ad5f0a0451bbff0baf5b102d9dd
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:469
 msgid ""
 "Even when the VRs are still on older versions, existing services will "
 "continue to be available to the VMs. The Management Server cannot perform "
 "any operations on the VRs until they are upgraded."
 msgstr "即使VR仍然是老版本,已经存在的服务会继续对VM有效。管理服务器除非升级,否则不会再VR上有任何动作。"
-# 52d169af58f5479d97ba0aa2d39427ba
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:566
+# 2a8027346ddf4f988d4554184bcdb544
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:473
 msgid "Selectively upgrade the VRs:"
 msgstr "选择性的升级VR:"
-# bf46425e15e94970b120dc56e0a09344
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:570
+# 6e59012980ce40deba2b51593d9d8901
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:475
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as the root administrator."
 msgstr "用系统管理员登陆到CloudStack UI界面。"
-# bc21fde401934629b30ec8c8ca4cf278
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:574
+# 728ae8ec4eb74571819bf5ec86b38073
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:477
 msgid "In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure."
 msgstr "在左边的导航,选择基础架构。"
-# 4e8fccd1f33c40ccb6ed22ee6e8d332c
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:578
+# 2d56351b1a1644bda4f342dce58b51d7
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:479
 msgid "On Virtual Routers, click View More."
 msgstr "在虚拟路由上,单击更多视图。"
-# f592498dba844e608a98645a5e029d73
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:580
+# 9af9b62d86b14af2a745e1a359d1c940
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:481
 msgid "All the VRs are listed in the Virtual Routers page."
 msgstr "所有的VR都在虚拟路由页中列出。"
-# 8e507a8910a34e0ebdfe3d328e34a57a
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:584
+# f19642bbaf564ca0a26f3e8dff683a65
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:483
 msgid ""
 "In Select View drop-down, select desired grouping based on your requirement."
 msgstr "在选择视图的下拉列表中,选择所需的群组"
-# f855b4bee2804bcfa3ed201dec42a5f9
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:587
+# a76c013f7da8482eb097248fb3757989
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:486
 msgid "You can use either of the following:"
 msgstr "你可以设置以下内容:"
-# 01bf9acb8a8b466ba5c27d2d9a86a200
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:591
+# 0b60f1059d8e4b1faadac9b7a3113d8b
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:488
 msgid "Group by zone"
 msgstr "按域分组"
-# d8c3db41d03b415c9be8e88d8a30cbdd
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:595
+# 5a12e32c9b0c4862a582cca80cd74030
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:490
 msgid "Group by pod"
 msgstr "按提供点分组"
-# a0cadfeca2fc4c36a1b9ec6f62173efd
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:599
+# a83f4a59498e44e09b79b5eb014f9d4f
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:492
 msgid "Group by cluster"
 msgstr "按群集分组"
-# 172c882d2b264bf7adc756a2abf1f7bc
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:603
+# a1c022abb009480bb49288cdad2b5210
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:494
 msgid "Group by account"
 msgstr "按账户分组"
-# a0bb9324a5594bb3b533bac200ac7f3f
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:607
+# 87a6b85df243430293aa4d5a55e00c4a
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:496
 msgid "Click the group which has the VRs to be upgraded."
 msgstr "单击已经被升级的VR组"
-# 11b6bdc33790432a9a05952ef21703ca
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:609
+# 9e519d5a83be4513a0a20c665777a298
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:498
 msgid ""
 "For example, if you have selected Group by zone, select the name of the "
 "desired zone."
 msgstr "例如,你可以按域分组,选择希望的域名。"
-# 26032885ac044b0a9f38285436395a3e
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:614
+# bd6d3d8bf8954923909c8147a4718053
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:501
 msgid "Click the Upgrade button to upgrade all the VRs. |vr-upgrade.png|"
 msgstr "单击升级按钮升级所有的VRs.|vr-upgrade.png|"
-# 41f6eec247474ec98c1088ddc2f8b1af
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:618
+# 56d36b4fbb234438a6e0fce7d66a0ac1
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:503
 msgid "Click OK to confirm."
 msgstr "点击确定。"
-# 9a9ab1374064436ab421237b3915f8ed
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:621
+# 2b7574a9be0e46a9bd04bff25c748a13
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:507
 msgid "Secondary Storage VM"
 msgstr "辅助存储VM"
-# a30a067a625b4308ada0c22ba29b3f0f
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:623
+# e941ae432ef24ea2a8b4987accf91257
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:509
 msgid ""
 "In addition to the hosts, CloudStack’s Secondary Storage VM mounts and "
 "writes to secondary storage."
 msgstr "除了主机,CloudStack的二级存储虚拟机会挂载和往二级存储中写入内容。"
-# 4b35371f113244a284b9c6c317ed00e7
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:626
+# f062d628750b4d5bbf97ac967cf17788
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:512
 msgid ""
 "Submissions to secondary storage go through the Secondary Storage VM. The "
 "Secondary Storage VM can retrieve templates and ISO images from URLs using a"
 " variety of protocols."
 msgstr "通过二级存储虚拟机来提交信息到二级存储。二级存储虚拟机会使用多种协议通过URL来获取模版和ISO镜像文件。"
-# 5d192f685cb44355936e873868c40732
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:630
+# cedfcfe3cd38411ca2633b120ab0d034
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:516
 msgid ""
 "The secondary storage VM provides a background task that takes care of a "
 "variety of secondary storage activities: downloading a new template to a "
 "Zone, copying templates between Zones, and snapshot backups."
 msgstr "二级存储虚拟机会提供后台任务来负责各种二级存储的活动:将新模版的下载到资源域中,多个资源域之间的模版复制,和快照备份。"
-# 9d38d1ca3ce44e2e89de62903f01097f
-#: ../../systemvm.rst:634
+# c2a68c523bf14634b2f881ce767633cc
+#: ../../systemvm.rst:520
 msgid "The administrator can log in to the secondary storage VM if needed."
 msgstr "如果有需要,管理员可以登录到辅助存储VM上。"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index 42942b5..4f9da4b 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/templates.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/templates.po
index 958ffe8..5c7077f 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/templates.po
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/templates.po
@@ -3,16 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# morgan wang <>, 2014
-# renoshen <>, 2014
-# 语法盐 <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-23 11:44+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: renoshen <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -20,20 +17,20 @@
 "Language: zh_CN\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-# b97982f6c7534586be38178d1c1fdcd8
-#: ../../templates.rst:17
+# cf61f319f9464e6a8d50baac31e9b5ec
+#: ../../templates.rst:18
 msgid "Working with Templates"
 msgstr "使用模板"
-# e9dce9aaa8b14b9b8163fc28465cbca2
-#: ../../templates.rst:19
+# 9fd79a40a20d4709abcae61ed6a93dfd
+#: ../../templates.rst:20
 msgid ""
 "A template is a reusable configuration for virtual machines. When users "
 "launch VMs, they can choose from a list of templates in CloudStack."
 msgstr "模板相当于虚拟机的重用配置。当用户创建虚拟机时能从CloudStack的模板列表中选择一个。"
-# d0a82a53c7814d2bad8709d6ea8d8243
-#: ../../templates.rst:22
+# 882ddad869e440869d4f74c92ab41271
+#: ../../templates.rst:23
 msgid ""
 "Specifically, a template is a virtual disk image that includes one of a "
 "variety of operating systems, optional additional software such as office "
@@ -42,98 +39,98 @@
 "hypervisor, which is specified when the template is added to CloudStack."
 msgstr "特殊情况下,模板可以是一个包含一个或多个操作系统的虚拟磁盘镜像,你可以选择性的安装另外的软件,比如office应用并设置访问控制来决定谁能使用这个模板。每个模板对应一个特殊类型的虚拟机,此类虚拟机在将模板添加入CloudStack时指定。"
-# 3cea19812ae7412c873921f3b112df2d
-#: ../../templates.rst:29
+# 100cd7a983eb4961b368c8ba7734c42d
+#: ../../templates.rst:30
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack ships with a default template. In order to present more choices "
 "to users, CloudStack administrators and users can create templates and add "
 "them to CloudStack."
 msgstr "CloudStack附带一个默认模板。为了向用户呈现出更多选择,CloudStack的管理员和用户能创建模板并添加到CloudStack中。"
-# cdd1318db7514de09ddba24875b24795
-#: ../../templates.rst:34
+# 18309d4f55464acabeff92b1bab9055f
+#: ../../templates.rst:36
 msgid "Creating Templates: Overview"
 msgstr "创建模板概览"
-# 6604bbcbda1146a8947cec849b8aacfc
-#: ../../templates.rst:36
+# 51d039ce8ec945faabf8f8999b3d3c0f
+#: ../../templates.rst:38
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack ships with a default template for the CentOS operating system. "
 "There are a variety of ways to add more templates. Administrators and end "
 "users can add templates. The typical sequence of events is:"
 msgstr "CloudStack默认已经有了一个带CentOS系统的默认模板。有许多添加更多模板的方法,管理员和普通用户均能添加。一般是这样的顺序:"
-# f34378876e0d44ff800666b2d65fc180
+# 06dcc3e2b2554e33bbfdf892226179bd
 #: ../../templates.rst:43
 msgid ""
 "Launch a VM instance that has the operating system you want. Make any other "
 "desired configuration changes to the VM."
 msgstr "运行一个带有你需要的操作系统的虚拟机实例,并进行一些你期望的设置。"
-# 24b37b205a73458c8aa1fb8a40a568e0
-#: ../../templates.rst:48
+# 991daad714364dbdb6c7429365bfb041
+#: ../../templates.rst:46
 msgid "Stop the VM."
 msgstr "停止VM。"
-# c64df33a7a6842908b88d0747e1af601
-#: ../../templates.rst:52
+# 284657ff1abc49e09a72598a4a379a00
+#: ../../templates.rst:48
 msgid "Convert the volume into a template."
 msgstr "将卷转换为模板。"
-# 59a9ab57227c474ab160737b378627a2
-#: ../../templates.rst:54
+# ee2b8742854b46679adc6fced33914ab
+#: ../../templates.rst:50
 msgid ""
 "There are other ways to add templates to CloudStack. For example, you can "
 "take a snapshot of the VM's volume and create a template from the snapshot, "
 "or import a VHD from another system into CloudStack."
 msgstr "还有其他方法向CloudStack中添加模板。比如你可以对虚机磁盘卷做个快照然后通过这个快照创建模板,或者从另一个系统导入一个VHD到CloudStack。"
-# ed480ef0b4464b7f8970f7eab786dc96
-#: ../../templates.rst:58
+# 7dee2cf1359f4fcdb0bc7f03150b7582
+#: ../../templates.rst:54
 msgid ""
 "The various techniques for creating templates are described in the next few "
 msgstr "接下来的几节中将继续讲述各种创建模板的技术。"
-# af2d0bd506da45ac8de738d250325f24
-#: ../../templates.rst:62
+# 9fa8a8480b0345fd8fa7ccd71dcf1b0c
+#: ../../templates.rst:59
 msgid "Requirements for Templates"
 msgstr "模板的需求"
-# fc604d7ce79041b2897e66c4616fd723
-#: ../../templates.rst:66
+# cb14c5b032c24423959c7044dc64c47f
+#: ../../templates.rst:61
 msgid ""
 "For XenServer, install PV drivers / Xen tools on each template that you "
 "create. This will enable live migration and clean guest shutdown."
 msgstr "对于 XenServer, 在每一个你创建的模板上安装 PV 驱动 / Xen tools。 这将使动态迁移和干净的宾客关机成为可能。"
-# 2b50282ce07c41bab1cee4868ba4f5d6
-#: ../../templates.rst:71
+# f69f5344e03e49e78a793d4ca605d703
+#: ../../templates.rst:64
 msgid ""
 "For vSphere, install VMware Tools on each template that you create. This "
 "will enable console view to work properly."
 msgstr "对于 vSphere, 在每一个你创建的模板上安装VMware 工具。这将使控制台视图能够正常工作。"
-# 5377504bbc294b95a18bed88ae03f1d9
-#: ../../templates.rst:75
+# edd05ad541bd4f498f39bb0645713513
+#: ../../templates.rst:69
 msgid "Best Practices for Templates"
 msgstr "模板最佳实践"
-# 8b50a16e441f4fd184b61b8ee029f3f5
-#: ../../templates.rst:77
+# fd430ee9ee634ec9bf53dfcec6786ee3
+#: ../../templates.rst:71
 msgid ""
 "If you plan to use large templates (100 GB or larger), be sure you have a "
 "10-gigabit network to support the large templates. A slower network can lead"
 " to timeouts and other errors when large templates are used."
 msgstr "如果你计划使用大的模板(100 GB 或更大),确保你有10g 的网络以支持大的模板。 当大的模板被使用时,较慢的网络可能导致超时及其它错误。"
-# c65bd804ed504406aef7628943a9c8d2
-#: ../../templates.rst:82
+# 4405e8f642174cb3afc031cd7fdb4dd4
+#: ../../templates.rst:77
 msgid "The Default Template"
 msgstr "默认模版"
-# 3b90996336f84b0aa52436eb288e8fba
-#: ../../templates.rst:84
+# 1f4b4121eca94788a949ff8bbb9b6377
+#: ../../templates.rst:79
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack includes a CentOS template. This template is downloaded by the "
 "Secondary Storage VM after the primary and secondary storage are configured."
@@ -141,13 +138,13 @@
 "it and use custom templates."
 msgstr "CloudStack包含一个CentOS 模版。当主存储和二级存储配置完成后,这个模版会由二级存储虚拟机下载。可以在生产部署中使用这个模版,也可以删除掉它,使用自定义的模版。"
-# bf35079fef2c4e0da02bb26f3df5fe85
-#: ../../templates.rst:89
+# a5936c6c63214301b0a732ab8a848614
+#: ../../templates.rst:84
 msgid "The root password for the default template is \"password\"."
 msgstr "默认模版的root用户密码是“password”。"
-# d186fb39f0b14670b9a5253112624276
-#: ../../templates.rst:91
+# 56f17d0ded4f4175b6a8c78f5e04b44f
+#: ../../templates.rst:86
 msgid ""
 "A default template is provided for each of XenServer, KVM, and vSphere. The "
 "templates that are downloaded depend on the hypervisor type that is "
@@ -155,33 +152,33 @@
 msgstr "为XenServer,KVM和vSphere各提供了一个默认模板。下载的模板取决于你的云中使用的hypervisor类型。每个模板大概占用2.5GB的存储空间。"
-# ae8fa27cab21480a8c78818ad26a73cb
-#: ../../templates.rst:96
+# 5c9065097a2b42dbb7b454a66807e888
+#: ../../templates.rst:91
 msgid ""
 "The default template includes the standard iptables rules, which will block "
 "most access to the template excluding ssh."
 msgstr "默认模版包括标准的iptables 规则,会阻止除了ssh以外的其他访问。"
-# 585bfd6d56c141f389acaac29c2bc2b6
-#: ../../templates.rst:127
+# 466a67f6a17249d19212da0a1d4ae915
+#: ../../templates.rst:123
 msgid "Private and Public Templates"
 msgstr "私有模板和公共模板"
-# 094bc80655894801afd84e326eb84942
-#: ../../templates.rst:129
+# 9c4cef26750347d693d5d9d2abc33ab3
+#: ../../templates.rst:125
 msgid ""
 "When a user creates a template, it can be designated private or public."
 msgstr "用户创建模板时可选择模板为公有还是私有。"
-# 38f8f0da399c4f41a347cc19f748ae1b
-#: ../../templates.rst:131
+# 0a5c2d13d7de4c8696c17de766c7ff8e
+#: ../../templates.rst:127
 msgid ""
 "Private templates are only available to the user who created them. By "
 "default, an uploaded template is private."
 msgstr "私有模板只对创建者可用。默认上传的模板都是私有的。"
-# 2a9baa4520e347fe908ae26fd50998f9
-#: ../../templates.rst:134
+# 28c6ea956b7145bf87d5c591a262ed56
+#: ../../templates.rst:130
 msgid ""
 "When a user marks a template as “public,” the template becomes available to "
 "all users in all accounts in the user's domain, as well as users in any "
@@ -194,87 +191,87 @@
 " all domains."
 msgstr "当用户将模板标识为“公有”,该模板不但能让该用户域中所有账户中的所有用户使用,还可以让能访问存储该模板的区域的其他域中用户使用。这取决于zone是设置成公用还是私有。私有区域被分配到一个单一的域,而公共区域能被任何域访问。"
-# 3d8553febf0c4c4fbc1aed2d798b78c2
-#: ../../templates.rst:145
+# 8cc9490673de43a29b0fa3b899a796c0
+#: ../../templates.rst:142
 msgid "Creating a Template from an Existing Virtual Machine"
 msgstr "通过已存在的虚拟机创建模板"
-# b34a4411b3bf42179857b79aaec48563
-#: ../../templates.rst:147
+# 0cd7674a6e674324a8b36a9eef61b924
+#: ../../templates.rst:144
 msgid ""
 "Once you have at least one VM set up in the way you want, you can use it as "
 "the prototype for other VMs."
 msgstr "当你已经有了一台按你的想法已经配置好的虚拟机,你就能以他为原型创建别的虚拟机。"
-# 78c1160dd7654cdfbe52f57d079f5abd
-#: ../../templates.rst:152
+# e16345095f804e34ba10cdf1772864c5
+#: ../../templates.rst:147
 msgid ""
 "Create and start a virtual machine using any of the techniques given in "
 "`“Creating VMs” <virtual_machines.html#creating-vms>`_."
 msgstr "使用 `“创建VMs” <virtual_machines.html#creating-vms>`_给出的方法创建并且开启一个虚拟机。"
-# 2929319d149c4fcdb37c841bdbcc196a
-#: ../../templates.rst:157
+# 9ecb6312deb04964a10192717ca021b5
+#: ../../templates.rst:150
 msgid ""
 "Make any desired configuration changes on the running VM, then click Stop."
 msgstr "在虚拟机中做好需要的配置,然后点击按钮关闭该虚拟机。"
-# 2d69a12ca4de48a78512bbbbebb2eefa
-#: ../../templates.rst:162
+# 3bf1cf52e2f44c9bb0cc976b5b3217d4
+#: ../../templates.rst:153
 msgid ""
 "Wait for the VM to stop. When the status shows Stopped, go to the next step."
 msgstr "等待虚拟机关闭。当虚拟机状态显示为“已停止”,执行下一步。"
-# f6f6ce0522624d9996ceb76388d1b770
-#: ../../templates.rst:167
+# 51cee376de054012b33542272d214e67
+#: ../../templates.rst:156
 msgid "Click Create Template and provide the following:"
 msgstr "点击创建模板并填写如下内容:"
-# df5bf3067ef5417d92794b9738fd372f
-#: ../../templates.rst:171
+# 3dc70b806977409392d741e01a49337b
+#: ../../templates.rst:158
 msgid ""
 "**Name and Display Text**. These will be shown in the UI, so choose "
 "something descriptive."
 msgstr "**名称和显示文本**。这些会在UI中显示,所以建议写一些描述信息。"
-# 903462ebc26045d2af6e191c552a45ab
-#: ../../templates.rst:176
+# b7cb11e24ec1424abcb2fd299d27e6f8
+#: ../../templates.rst:161
 msgid ""
 "**OS Type**. This helps CloudStack and the hypervisor perform certain "
 "operations and make assumptions that improve the performance of the guest. "
 "Select one of the following."
 msgstr "**操作系统类型*:。这有助于CloudStack和Hypervisor执行某些操作并可能提高来宾虚拟机的性能。选择下列之一。"
-# eef0499093fc423da1fb5e509f3cb7be
-# eaaf0c252a824fccb1af2998fee8d49f
-#: ../../templates.rst:182 ../../templates.rst:279
+# b79a71e908b643308ec4fe326a113d06
+# 3a9638381a74458e8dc78d91fcd5d121
+#: ../../templates.rst:165 ../../templates.rst:242
 msgid "If the operating system of the stopped VM is listed, choose it."
 msgstr "如果已停止虚拟机的系统在列表中,选择它。"
-# 4f0b55b1cccf465198f844ca55404e39
-# dc5c72f566c5451a87f2d2f76991185a
-#: ../../templates.rst:186 ../../templates.rst:283
+# c2046860ca7a420282727c68e7e0bd8d
+# 612b47eacf5a4564b7557383ab6085ff
+#: ../../templates.rst:167 ../../templates.rst:244
 msgid "If the OS type of the stopped VM is not listed, choose Other."
 msgstr "如果已停止虚拟机系统类型不在列表中就选择其他。"
-# 85bc582d7b3342eabcac40adc7d072c8
-#: ../../templates.rst:190
+# a132a4db61c047f6843764cb4ad468c3
+#: ../../templates.rst:169
 msgid ""
 "If you want to boot from this template in PV mode, choose Other PV (32-bit) "
 "or Other PV (64-bit). This choice is available only for XenServere:"
 msgstr "如果你打算以PV模式启动该模板,请选择其他PV(32位)或其他PV(64位)。这个选项只对XenServer有效:"
-# a41f73ed716e4aa3a7f43e06bada92ed
-#: ../../templates.rst:195
+# 400f23d7aa30429cadbbcf6d927ea291
+#: ../../templates.rst:174
 msgid ""
 "Generally you should not choose an older version of the OS than the version "
 "in the image. For example, choosing CentOS 5.4 to support a CentOS 6.2 image"
 " will in general not work. In those cases you should choose Other."
 msgstr "通常你不能选择比镜像版本老的OS版本。比如,选择CentOS 5.4来支持CentOS 6.2镜像通常来说是不工作的。在这种情况下,你应该选择其他。"
-# 44c4a4919ef041128bb76ba89fffa6d6
-# e06181c135fe4c93bd3a807628405544
-#: ../../templates.rst:199 ../../templates.rst:311
+# a74d603504464359801664a22644ecf1
+# f36349a0b7934f51bc4238b6ce12d3bd
+#: ../../templates.rst:179 ../../templates.rst:266
 msgid ""
 "**Public**. Choose Yes to make this template accessible to all users of this"
 " CloudStack installation. The template will appear in the Community "
@@ -282,35 +279,35 @@
 msgstr "**公共**。选择是来让CloudStack里面的所有用户都能访问这个模板。模板将会出现在社区模板列表中。请参阅 `“私有和公共模板” <#private-and-public-templates>`_。"
-# 05097ba3eec34760b41263458363d672
-# 7e830042c5e14c27bb0dc51842194b14
-#: ../../templates.rst:206 ../../templates.rst:300
+# cad391d15484479f99460980862c7571
+# f596589a997f4443a0ac19eee063c09f
+#: ../../templates.rst:184 ../../templates.rst:258
 msgid ""
 "**Password Enabled**. Choose Yes if your template has the CloudStack "
 "password change script installed. See :ref:`adding-password-management-to-"
 msgstr "**启用密码**。如果你的模板中安装了CLoudStack密码修改脚本,选择是。请参阅 :ref:`adding-password-management-to-templates`。"
-# b8c02b54e1284747953940f7ccf942a8
-#: ../../templates.rst:212
+# 0ad3f0f48f50458e8c753d6a087e4736
+#: ../../templates.rst:188
 msgid "Click Add."
 msgstr "点击 添加"
-# cb7e9326affc4313ac75fea0bff14a3c
-#: ../../templates.rst:214
+# 7560e86cb7f64b25a24a8adffa210672
+#: ../../templates.rst:190
 msgid ""
 "The new template will be visible in the Templates section when the template "
 "creation process has been completed. The template is then available when "
 "creating a new VM."
 msgstr "当模版创建过程完成后,新模版会出现在模版页面。在创建虚机时就可以使用新模版了。"
-# d1fecfebba6645d9a4f9568d91c0fb06
-#: ../../templates.rst:219
+# f25db73d631a4cf2b1a90ddbc720ebea
+#: ../../templates.rst:196
 msgid "Creating a Template from a Snapshot"
 msgstr "从一个快照创建一个模板"
-# a7cea31e283c40dd96c119053c993503
-#: ../../templates.rst:221
+# 37c2eb36164e46d982140684d23eccc7
+#: ../../templates.rst:198
 msgid ""
 "If you do not want to stop the VM in order to use the Create Template menu "
 "item (as described in `“Creating a Template from an Existing Virtual "
@@ -318,137 +315,137 @@
 " create a template directly from any snapshot through the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr "如果你不想为了使用创建模板菜单项而停止虚拟机(如在`“从已有的虚机创建模板” <#creating-a-template-from-an-existing-virtual-machine>`_中描述的), 你可以通过CloudStack UI从任何快照直接创建模板。"
-# 984009ddf50d40dfb2110f5b23387f61
-#: ../../templates.rst:228
+# 1fddfc6f75c745558d997e2c6af314cf
+#: ../../templates.rst:206
 msgid "Uploading Templates"
 msgstr "上传模板"
-# 196471dc9b5849d2aa744d1e7b8d0ec0
-#: ../../templates.rst:231
+# f50af047d15042849fd3b9d1ea923270
+#: ../../templates.rst:210
 msgid "vSphere Templates and ISOs"
 msgstr "vSphere模板和ISOs"
-# 30866cf195c8486db3b993897617b502
-#: ../../templates.rst:233
+# 942a210bb20f467b98414c592d71af20
+#: ../../templates.rst:212
 msgid ""
 "If you are uploading a template that was created using vSphere Client, be "
 "sure the OVA file does not contain an ISO. If it does, the deployment of VMs"
 " from the template will fail."
 msgstr "如果你通过vSphere Client上传模板,请确认OVA文件不包含ISO。如果是的话,从模板部署虚拟机将失败。"
-# f8a902f51889404f9159fc314d776820
-#: ../../templates.rst:237
+# 6b6237e29230422f8b97fbbbc07dffd7
+#: ../../templates.rst:216
 msgid ""
 "Templates are uploaded based on a URL. HTTP is the supported access "
 "protocol. Templates are frequently large files. You can optionally gzip them"
 " to decrease upload times."
 msgstr "模板是使用HTTP协议通过URL来上传的。模板通常都很大。你可以使用gzip压缩它们以缩短上传时间。"
-# cbcb2f29584346b6abf842dfd76253c5
-#: ../../templates.rst:241
+# 40368082877e412c87f9a15e9b28e64a
+#: ../../templates.rst:220
 msgid "To upload a template:"
 msgstr "要上传模板:"
-# b46958da45914799b6d8ff82c369141a
-#: ../../templates.rst:245
+# b954f933d2b84ec6bdc9dcf119fd3657
+#: ../../templates.rst:222
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Templates."
-msgstr "在左边的导航栏,点击模板。"
+msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,点击模板。"
-# 19421f0f499d41a987b6029ab13e22d2
-#: ../../templates.rst:249
+# 8d360dd921b54190850f9eb8bcfd5832
+#: ../../templates.rst:224
 msgid "Click Register Template."
 msgstr "点击注册模板。"
-# 7350ec439ecf4b9fa396697dfa3435e5
-#: ../../templates.rst:253
+# 641dd9e5a6d24e33ba70513e4c194dde
+#: ../../templates.rst:226
 msgid "Provide the following:"
 msgstr "填写以下内容:"
-# 1ce39115484049f199d0e70ec9561044
-#: ../../templates.rst:257
+# ee2439f863e4425a9b1d3eed40b451cb
+#: ../../templates.rst:228
 msgid ""
 "**Name and Description**. These will be shown in the UI, so choose something"
 " descriptive."
 msgstr "**名称和显示文本**。这些会在UI中显示,所以建议写一些描述信息。"
-# 127eb097c195441b944d50f4a71deca7
-#: ../../templates.rst:262
+# c521e0a0730348a88e0393d8c53e0fd8
+#: ../../templates.rst:231
 msgid ""
 "**URL**. The Management Server will download the file from the specified "
 "URL, such as ``http://my.web.server/filename.vhd.gz``."
 msgstr "**URL**。管理服务器会从指定的URL下载模板,就像 ``http://my.web.server/filename.vhd.gz``。"
-# 6f01a7bde653483995bb5ea42190e593
-#: ../../templates.rst:267
+# 935dbff52fbc49e2bc3effdfe8343c7f
+#: ../../templates.rst:234
 msgid ""
 "**Zone**. Choose the zone where you want the template to be available, or "
 "All Zones to make it available throughout CloudStack."
 msgstr "**区域**::选择你希望该模板在到哪个区域可用,或者选择所有区域使该模板在CloudStack中全部区域中可用。"
-# ef2f1a58ba5c4460bdbfda5ae10bcc24
-#: ../../templates.rst:273
+# ef7a5cbcab564351b11799afe2f3221f
+#: ../../templates.rst:238
 msgid ""
 "**OS Type**: This helps CloudStack and the hypervisor perform certain "
 "operations and make assumptions that improve the performance of the guest. "
 "Select one of the following:"
 msgstr "**操作系统类型*::这有助于CloudStack和Hypervisor执行某些操作并假设可提高来宾虚拟机的性能。选择下列之一。"
-# c7645974b5a64764ac62444e1d454568
-#: ../../templates.rst:286
+# e179d642fb334f9fa4073821044a5116
+#: ../../templates.rst:247
 msgid ""
 "You should not choose an older version of the OS than the version in the "
 "image. For example, choosing CentOS 5.4 to support a CentOS 6.2 image will "
 "in general not work. In those cases you should choose Other."
 msgstr "你不能选择比镜像版本老的OS版本。比如,选择CentOS 5.4来支持CentOS 6.2镜像通常来说是不工作的。在这种情况下,你应该选择其他。"
-# bd3382cf7fe747aab8acebd0878992e0
-#: ../../templates.rst:290
+# 558b914220d948188698827bc674fa3a
+#: ../../templates.rst:252
 msgid ""
 "**Hypervisor**: The supported hypervisors are listed. Select the desired "
 msgstr "**Hypervisor**:列表中显示支持的hypervisors。选择想要的一个。"
-# c413d15acab8476abae76e3ec4158efe
-#: ../../templates.rst:295
+# 362c6490da7e426ead7c28ef7bca2f3d
+#: ../../templates.rst:255
 msgid ""
 "**Format**. The format of the template upload file, such as VHD or OVA."
 msgstr "**格式**。上传的模板文件的格式,如VHD或OVA。"
-# eb40e62c6b99406f95b7505520fc671c
-#: ../../templates.rst:305
+# 475796efd2dd4d64a7897d80ccf02191
+#: ../../templates.rst:262
 msgid ""
 "**Extractable**. Choose Yes if the template is available for extraction. If "
 "this option is selected, end users can download a full image of a template."
 msgstr "**可提取**。如果模板可以被提取请选择是。如果选择了此选项,终端用户可以下载此模板的完全镜。"
-# d0c590b7a8ff4fde8139138840e3a796
-#: ../../templates.rst:318
+# 7f676cb6f6844001ac5af17d480dd595
+#: ../../templates.rst:271
 msgid ""
 "**Featured**. Choose Yes if you would like this template to be more "
 "prominent for users to select. The template will appear in the Featured "
 "Templates list. Only an administrator can make a template Featured."
 msgstr "**精选**: 。如果你想这个用户在选择这个模板时更明显则选择Yes。该模板将出现在精选模板列表中。只有管理员可以设置模板为精选。"
-# b953221466f84cdaaf807ddf3dd14331
-#: ../../templates.rst:324
+# 4f1b071c71184d61b1e20db9a1408381
+#: ../../templates.rst:278
 msgid "Exporting Templates"
 msgstr "导出模板"
-# 210af661681d4b74ab96649040a98801
-#: ../../templates.rst:326
+# 07e8cf807f6341c981fd8028383cae01
+#: ../../templates.rst:280
 msgid ""
 "End users and Administrators may export templates from the CloudStack. "
 "Navigate to the template in the UI and choose the Download function from the"
 " Actions menu."
 msgstr "最终用户和管理员可以从CloudStack导出模板。导航到用户界面中的模板并选择动作菜单中的下载功能。"
-# c9e622e4441c486e9792dad0071c79a4
-#: ../../templates.rst:331
+# ff3b2f1a01194b86a94ca7406e2c9e4c
+#: ../../templates.rst:286
 msgid "Creating a Linux Template"
 msgstr "创建Linux模板"
-# f3d40c1bd83a40e482eecb6fc443d8d8
-#: ../../templates.rst:333
+# 942a09f060a248499ad52006fb12910b
+#: ../../templates.rst:288
 msgid ""
 "Linux templates should be prepared using this documentation in order to "
 "prepare your linux VMs for template deployment. For ease of documentation, "
@@ -458,148 +455,148 @@
 "installed during installation."
 msgstr "为了准备使用模板部署你的Linux VMs,可以使用此文档来准备Linux模板。对于文档中的情况,你要通过配置模板,这会涉及\"主模板\"。这个指导目前覆盖了传统的安装,但不会涉及用户数据和cloud-init还有假设在装过程中安装了openshh服务。"
-# cbdcfc92ef3c42daaad80eab662526ec
-#: ../../templates.rst:340
+# c110f6248b3b4a56a32c3a3c42a213b0
+#: ../../templates.rst:295
 msgid "An overview of the procedure is as follow:"
 msgstr "过程概述如下:"
-# 09ce1d3c4240411da2de19daa0e75a14
-#: ../../templates.rst:344
+# fccf60393f704035b1c6fceaae12ea12
+#: ../../templates.rst:297
 msgid "Upload your Linux ISO."
 msgstr "上传你的Linux ISO。"
-# b709b7a1294e4b3a89aba8985610f2bf
-# ac566543d5174806b5b43b5c4b2d8e51
-#: ../../templates.rst:346 ../../templates.rst:621
+# 0a498b0d37ad4ca29ed96268e032ca4f
+# a70aa21eac0643d2908840edc2bf61b8
+#: ../../templates.rst:299 ../../templates.rst:549
 msgid ""
 "For more information, see `“Adding an ISO” <virtual_machines.html#adding-an-"
 msgstr "更多信息,请参阅 `“添加ISO” <virtual_machines.html#adding-an-iso>`_。"
-# 9f5f963ccb544cd799db5e8d28c3f13a
-# 55a6ab4f297b490494f31fcd9bef1cc4
-#: ../../templates.rst:351 ../../templates.rst:626
+# a2c6ef939b3644e5a63b94756a7ef72e
+# 949a4ba056404bb29cc67697a1f50b33
+#: ../../templates.rst:302 ../../templates.rst:552
 msgid "Create a VM Instance with this ISO."
 msgstr "使用这个ISO创建VM实例。"
-# 7b26a17b00654d78b1d48449d47bb693
-# 018114db744c49f7a4ebca7ebe93a5f2
-#: ../../templates.rst:353 ../../templates.rst:628
+# eb1605dc63014381b489c931a38377e3
+# 6cf1e105b8a542adb4ea1daf3718eb15
+#: ../../templates.rst:304 ../../templates.rst:554
 msgid ""
 "For more information, see `“Creating VMs” <virtual_machines.html#creating-"
 msgstr "更多信息,请参阅 `“创建VMs” <virtual_machines.html#creating-vms>`_。"
-# 0eaeb0fc68664d88bafb0c88f87caeee
-#: ../../templates.rst:358
+# 6e61739ba7024680bdf5d1c3a4fb8ddc
+#: ../../templates.rst:307
 msgid "Prepare the Linux VM"
 msgstr "准备Linux VM"
-# 1bcbb90a25ea4b2b9644a3aa3ee13c96
-#: ../../templates.rst:362
+# 86ecdc3984a446e69db7d31db4b0f355
+#: ../../templates.rst:309
 msgid "Create a template from the VM."
 msgstr "从VM创建模板。"
-# 6d747156af6d4e22b6f7f4183a481d23
-#: ../../templates.rst:364
+# e865dcc3232e4f51972fe0f554d58eeb
+#: ../../templates.rst:311
 msgid ""
 "For more information, see `“Creating a Template from an Existing Virtual "
 "Machine” <#creating-a-template-from-an-existing-virtual-machine>`_."
 msgstr "更多信息,请参阅 `“从已有的虚拟机创建模板” <#creating-a-template-from-an-existing-virtual-machine>`_。"
-# d0502af4e09d4f53a49dc979cc2115ff
-#: ../../templates.rst:368
+# dce1b0c69ea14188bf5d99e9aa364a4d
+#: ../../templates.rst:316
 msgid "System preparation for Linux"
 msgstr "Linux的系统准备工作"
-# f2357087bc5f42eaa080740d2f383720
-#: ../../templates.rst:370
+# 9d4c8a98ec1c466da2893fd12538e3ba
+#: ../../templates.rst:318
 msgid ""
 "The following steps will prepare a basic Linux installation for templating."
 msgstr "下列步骤将会为模板准备一个基本的Linux安装。"
-# 2f768f536c1c467eb43f846f7d4b20e7
-#: ../../templates.rst:375
+# 3de223a77c284109956a2eef988638db
+#: ../../templates.rst:321
 msgid "**Installation**"
 msgstr "**安装**"
-# c0e24128e57f4829b65dc62d46c7ba22
-#: ../../templates.rst:377
+# 4f6808052a554f3cbb8697209cafc2de
+#: ../../templates.rst:323
 msgid ""
 "It is good practice to name your VM something generic during installation, "
 "this will ensure components such as LVM do not appear unique to a machine. "
 "It is recommended that the name of \"localhost\" is used for installation."
 msgstr "通常在安装过程中给VM命名是一个好的做法,这么做能确保某些组件如LVM不会只在一台机器中出现。推荐在在安装过程中使用\"localhost\"命名。"
-# c7b181c8424c4ac2a5db84ab32932c6b
-#: ../../templates.rst:383
+# ff8376cf4b4b40899df3911a0216a3f8
+#: ../../templates.rst:329
 msgid ""
 "For CentOS, it is necessary to take unique identification out of the "
 "interface configuration file, for this edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts"
 "/ifcfg-eth0 and change the content to the following."
 msgstr "对于CentOS,必须要修改网络接口的配置文件,在这里我们编辑/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0文件,更改下面的内容。"
-# c809b5e9069d4d308ce145cebfe06181
-#: ../../templates.rst:395
+# f68b6e4efb764f92a1e56ad9ea54f90c
+#: ../../templates.rst:341
 msgid "The next steps updates the packages on the Template Master."
 msgstr "下一步更新主模板中的包。"
-# 579e290288bf4dbd83390d508b5ef3d1
-# 4495571dfe17446e936d6c2e985e2ab1
-# e55ce9881af345a1b47fc4f7b61bc53b
-#: ../../templates.rst:399 ../../templates.rst:452 ../../templates.rst:507
+# 143c241d86a44e32b496b66a9934ec6a
+# 4de01ffab6a44664b87eb62c32e550a4
+# 141d36e8817e444e94e29f6c889f76d9
+#: ../../templates.rst:343 ../../templates.rst:390 ../../templates.rst:446
 msgid "Ubuntu"
 msgstr "Ubuntu"
-# e80c530710fb4cee96e8d71723f4d96e
-# c67c8bb4b1744c8ba004a8c61a6fad89
-#: ../../templates.rst:411 ../../templates.rst:516
+# 7b51d3bdb3c2417486c37949b1978dab
+# a37b78dad81f45429074776c11add237
+#: ../../templates.rst:353 ../../templates.rst:453
 msgid "CentOS"
 msgstr "CentOS"
-# 547d3c2473034af098b576f4f992a237
-#: ../../templates.rst:421
+# b6d69c72e22e4f40bd0d7d7bdaa1be7e
+#: ../../templates.rst:361
 msgid "**Password management**"
 msgstr "**密码管理**"
-# d51304bc25b14d99b74a9110a390ccca
-#: ../../templates.rst:424
+# f71ab72462f5424fbc900751e054d736
+#: ../../templates.rst:364
 msgid ""
 "If preferred, custom users (such as ones created during the Ubuntu "
 "installation) should be removed. First ensure the root user account is "
 "enabled by giving it a password and then login as root to continue."
 msgstr "如果需要,客户(如在Ubuntu的安装过程中创建的用户)应该被移除。首先确认root用户账户是启用的并且使用了密码,然后使用root登录。"
-# 658b170366354ccf83ce75fe1639bc4d
-#: ../../templates.rst:431
+# ef5341894f7e40a4a9c300485f9f1367
+#: ../../templates.rst:373
 msgid ""
 "As root, remove any custom user accounts created during the installation "
 msgstr "使用root,移除任何在安装过程中创建的自定义用户账户。"
-# f637065854134e638919541fb32eb84b
-#: ../../templates.rst:438
+# a81798014288476da8e256abdea8526b
+#: ../../templates.rst:380
 msgid ""
 "See :ref:`adding-password-management-to-templates` for instructions to setup"
 " the password management script, this will allow CloudStack to change your "
 "root password from the web interface."
 msgstr "关于设置密码管理脚本的相关说明,请参阅 :ref:`adding-password-management-to-templates` ,这样能允许CloudStack通过web界面更改root密码。"
-# d13b9fe31d374f469fac4aa8ce8dc9f4
-#: ../../templates.rst:444
+# 9d00097815b24c0ca4034a304afee047
+#: ../../templates.rst:384
 msgid "**Hostname Management**"
 msgstr "**主机名管理**"
-# 982c2c40802c440eb281ce70ee1039de
-#: ../../templates.rst:446
+# c41219c74c2b4b138cdfd88c986a2a02
+#: ../../templates.rst:386
 msgid ""
 "CentOS configures the hostname by default on boot. Unfortunately Ubuntu does"
 " not have this functionality, for Ubuntu installations use the following "
 msgstr "默认情况下CentOS在启动的时候配置主机名。但是,Ubuntu却没有此功能,对于Ubuntu,安装时使用下面步骤。"
-# 0178c9ebbec047ac97ddc98ca473d916
-#: ../../templates.rst:454
+# ad9bf73797c24558b7e106dc2ce8510b
+#: ../../templates.rst:392
 msgid ""
 "The hostname of a Templated VM is set by a custom script in `/etc/dhcp"
 "/dhclient-exit-hooks.d`, this script first checks if the current hostname is"
@@ -613,8 +610,8 @@
 "hooks.d/sethostname`, and adjust the permissions."
 msgstr "一个模板化的VM使用`/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d`中的一个自定义脚本来设置主机名,这个脚本首先检查当前的主机名是是否是hostname,如果是,它将从DHCP租约文件获取host-name,domain-name和fix-ip,并且使用这些值来设置主机名并将其追加到 `/etc/hosts` 文件以用来本地主机名解析。一旦这个脚本或者一个用户从本地改变了主机名,那么它将不再根据新的主机名调整系统文件。此脚本同样也会重建openssh-server keys,这个keys在做模板(如下所示)之前被删除了。保存下面的脚本到`/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/sethostname`,并且调整权限。"
-# fe871e346c034a448c839f15e941772f
-#: ../../templates.rst:495
+# 1f68693847f1433bb6541b70f1abedd5
+#: ../../templates.rst:434
 msgid ""
 "The following steps should be run when you are ready to template your "
 "Template Master. If the Template Master is rebooted during these steps you "
@@ -623,121 +620,121 @@
 "create and deploy the final template."
 msgstr "当你准备好做你的主模板的时候请运行下列步骤。如果主模板在这些步骤期间重启了,那么你要重新运行所有的步骤。在这个过程的最后,主模板应该关机并且将其创建为模板,然后再部署。"
-# 149ee407a0784b0e8d7ead7d9d8a7569
-#: ../../templates.rst:499
+# 79b32100447b4464a62f56cf91492a6c
+#: ../../templates.rst:440
 msgid "**Remove the udev persistent device rules**"
 msgstr "**移除udev持久设备规则**"
-# 09d2f6969ea4495f8d3200289619bc87
-#: ../../templates.rst:501
+# 7a1b5554792c4cb1aa676f8e73a843b8
+#: ../../templates.rst:442
 msgid ""
 "This step removes information unique to your Template Master such as network"
 " MAC addresses, lease files and CD block devices, the files are "
 "automatically generated on next boot."
 msgstr "这一步会移除你的主模板的特殊信息,如网络MAC地址,租约信息和CD块设备,这个文件会在下次启动时自动生成。"
-# dccc779f465d434584a69fd29714e940
-#: ../../templates.rst:525
+# 381e458992444a499e21908b7bf88a68
+#: ../../templates.rst:460
 msgid "**Remove SSH Keys**"
 msgstr "**移除SSH Keys**"
-# d6760ea97ea8402d93af0b6120f93697
-#: ../../templates.rst:527
+# 9badfc5f4bfa454e8ca0d64a71a11c24
+#: ../../templates.rst:462
 msgid ""
 "This step is to ensure all your Templated VMs do not have the same SSH keys,"
 " which would decrease the security of the machines dramatically."
 msgstr "这步是为了确认所有要作为模板的VMs的SSH Keys都不相同,否则这样会降低虚拟机的安全性。"
-# e4e46d9373974bb9a3ae5ccf1f52f702
-#: ../../templates.rst:537
+# 0d2aa14e20f04c3bb2bad70954a1291a
+#: ../../templates.rst:470
 msgid "**Cleaning log files**"
 msgstr "**清除日志文件**"
-# 980fbba40e0f47e7b22db48d406cc44b
-#: ../../templates.rst:539
+# af913fb8f91b484bb83ac0737e1b1d10
+#: ../../templates.rst:472
 msgid "It is good practice to remove old logs from the Template Master."
 msgstr "从主模板移除旧的日志文件是一个好习惯。"
-# 7f8be6e73c1d47068b14e4ad28ef5e15
-#: ../../templates.rst:550
+# db125d8aa6cc45c8bdf9340dde1d3d45
+#: ../../templates.rst:481
 msgid "**Setting hostname**"
 msgstr "**设置主机名**"
-# de0f2fa5263e473abcbeb7c76a6d40c3
-#: ../../templates.rst:552
+# 5a2162138fca40088196712b5650f551
+#: ../../templates.rst:483
 msgid ""
 "In order for the Ubuntu DHCP script to function and the CentOS dhclient to "
 "set the VM hostname they both require the Template Master's hostname to be "
 "\"localhost\", run the following commands to change the hostname."
 msgstr "为了Ubuntu DHCP的脚本功能和CentOS dhclient能设置VM主机名,他们都去要设置主模板的主机名设置为“localhost”,运行下面的命令来更改主机名。"
-# f2483a338de1437d970961b780b42986
-#: ../../templates.rst:564
+# 3ed2b72c9128441ab39130f547642191
+#: ../../templates.rst:493
 msgid "**Set user password to expire**"
 msgstr "**设置用户密码期限**"
-# f4f9060b59e04300a00134b382b7e942
-#: ../../templates.rst:566
+# 10db50989ebe48c4a10ebdefa260c489
+#: ../../templates.rst:495
 msgid ""
 "This step forces the user to change the password of the VM after the "
 "template has been deployed."
 msgstr "这步是要在模板部署之后强制用户更改VM的密码。"
-# 1d5004344434482e955600fae7641ddd
-#: ../../templates.rst:575
+# abe301956bd54c1c86c35fca1411ece6
+#: ../../templates.rst:502
 msgid "**Clearing User History**"
 msgstr "**清除用户历史**"
-# 558586e151b34ea9bee4fca84ebe87e0
-#: ../../templates.rst:577
+# 9b6183972b934b91be6da40e93a1c12a
+#: ../../templates.rst:504
 msgid "The next step clears the bash commands you have just run."
 msgstr "下一步来清除你曾经运行过的bash命令。"
-# d067fa08a996436f8012882688681b5f
-#: ../../templates.rst:586
+# b8a76342290b46209f3bf8c468dc5cee
+#: ../../templates.rst:511
 msgid "**Shutdown the VM**"
 msgstr "**关闭VM**"
-# 3385f8a2912f4b7aa403ac9336129197
-#: ../../templates.rst:588
+# f92b1a930b3e4d859616309b9db518e1
+#: ../../templates.rst:513
 msgid "Your now ready to shutdown your Template Master and create a template!"
 msgstr "现在你可以关闭你的主模板并且创建模板了!"
-# 833287af973b459dade1e7d9b9e12fd0
-#: ../../templates.rst:597
+# 43e271d15b2742238d231b3f7fe85ed1
+#: ../../templates.rst:520
 msgid "**Create the template!**"
 msgstr "**创建模板!**"
-# cc845b025bf7436c8a2fe1a5370697dd
-#: ../../templates.rst:599
+# 1db89306e7ae4b99b486fb9d7c783da4
+#: ../../templates.rst:522
 msgid ""
 "You are now ready to create the template, for more information see "
 "`“Creating a Template from an Existing Virtual Machine” <#creating-a"
 msgstr "现在你可以创建模板了,更多信息请参阅 `“从已存在的虚拟机创建模板” <#creating-a-template-from-an-existing-virtual-machine>`_。"
-# 49f52c8fd11641b28939444cfcce76ae
-#: ../../templates.rst:603
+# 43f673483bbc490ca475ad5e0e1f1736
+#: ../../templates.rst:527
 msgid ""
 "Templated VMs for both Ubuntu and CentOS may require a reboot after "
 "provisioning in order to pickup the hostname."
 msgstr "通过Ubuntu和CentOS的模板分发的虚机可能需要重启才让主机名生效。"
-# 1010fc47e18749c68019824bc996c021
-#: ../../templates.rst:606
+# 96fe0ca1217f4c6789bb7ef7bf304036
+#: ../../templates.rst:532
 msgid "Creating a Windows Template"
 msgstr "创建Windows模板"
-# 62aa5a53936342a5be49acafed8787e2
-#: ../../templates.rst:608
+# dc56a5c13129464f9d23300535eedbcc
+#: ../../templates.rst:534
 msgid ""
 "Windows templates must be prepared with Sysprep before they can be "
 "provisioned on multiple machines. Sysprep allows you to create a generic "
 "Windows template and avoid any possible SID conflicts."
 msgstr "Windows模板在分发多个虚拟机的之前必须使用Sysprep初始化。Sysprep允许你创建一个通用的Windows模板和避免任何可能的SID冲突。"
-# 93f8c56a97ed45f9b7eef40d188fa6f6
-#: ../../templates.rst:613
+# fcbe31f9497c46618be1ae04f1c300d2
+#: ../../templates.rst:539
 msgid ""
 "(XenServer) Windows VMs running on XenServer require PV drivers, which may "
 "be provided in the template or added after the VM is created. The PV drivers"
@@ -745,37 +742,37 @@
 "additional volumes and ISO images, live migration, and graceful shutdown."
 msgstr "(XenServer)XXenServer上运行的Windows VMs需要安装PV驱动,它可能在模板中或在创建完VM后添加。PV驱动对于基本的管理功能是必要的,比如挂载额外的卷和ISO镜像、在线迁移和正常关机。"
-# 10e9f2ae09f346b191803a1268827c34
-#: ../../templates.rst:615
+# 6918a5f84f9e483484479aa24d4ec044
+#: ../../templates.rst:545
 msgid "An overview of the procedure is as follows:"
 msgstr "过程概述如下:"
-# 7c74d731ea0c49059fbcf67d5ff664a2
-#: ../../templates.rst:619
+# c48d96b9ff9d430780c7eefe88c19a2d
+#: ../../templates.rst:547
 msgid "Upload your Windows ISO."
 msgstr "上传你的Windows ISO。"
-# 2b9ecebbe01b4c29a2d7ffbc9ed8b065
-#: ../../templates.rst:633
+# c29e3a4c4aec4418a525b07f70e30657
+#: ../../templates.rst:557
 msgid ""
 "Follow the steps in Sysprep for Windows Server 2008 R2 (below) or Sysprep "
 "for Windows Server 2003 R2, depending on your version of Windows Server"
 msgstr "按照你所使用的WIndows Server版本进行Windows Server 2008 R2(下面的)或者Windows Server 2003 R2中Sysprep的操作步骤。"
-# 169ee710e92b4161841d3210c6b91486
-#: ../../templates.rst:639
+# d526a7794b20490094eb4688b02c0a58
+#: ../../templates.rst:561
 msgid ""
 "The preparation steps are complete. Now you can actually create the template"
 " as described in Creating the Windows Template."
 msgstr "准本工作完成了。现在你可以按照创建Windows模板中描述的来创建模板。"
-# c0ab9ccaa2854a52a850fa038d0151e0
-#: ../../templates.rst:643
+# 9e309b24a2eb479e878115e7e5af8cd0
+#: ../../templates.rst:566
 msgid "System Preparation for Windows Server 2008 R2"
 msgstr "为Windows Server 2008 R2进行系统准备"
-# 2e7993ee27744e2b89db43f38f717532
-#: ../../templates.rst:645
+# a195817082c4472ea5bb4e287b2b8718
+#: ../../templates.rst:568
 msgid ""
 "For Windows 2008 R2, you run Windows System Image Manager to create a custom"
 " sysprep response XML file. Windows System Image Manager is installed as "
@@ -784,13 +781,13 @@
 msgstr "对于Windows 2008 R2,你运行Windows系统镜像管理来创建一个自定义的sysprep应答XML文件。Windows系统镜像管理作为Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK)的一部分安装在系统中。Windows AIK可以从 `微软下载中心 <>`_下载到。"
-# 9735f11f65f043fc812bfee77f30b42f
-#: ../../templates.rst:651
+# 8add2ef3ee0741feb9b1575421ee590d
+#: ../../templates.rst:574
 msgid "Use the following steps to run sysprep for Windows 2008 R2:"
 msgstr "按照以下步骤运行Windows 2008 R2的sysprep:"
-# fdb356b8473046cca0039cd58ece0ffc
-#: ../../templates.rst:654
+# 0e82209c29214738a91cd3233c54314c
+#: ../../templates.rst:577
 msgid ""
 "The steps outlined here are derived from the excellent guide by Charity "
 "Shelbourne, originally published at `Windows Server 2008 Sysprep Mini-Setup."
@@ -798,66 +795,66 @@
 msgstr "这些步骤的概述来源于Charity Shelbourne一个非常棒的指导,发布在 `Windows Server 2008 Sysprep Mini-Setup. <>`_。"
-# a800a2000a8a43e19b88a1d6530c372f
-#: ../../templates.rst:658
+# 9392d5c10c02447f82b7413a71b09128
+#: ../../templates.rst:582
 msgid "Download and install the Windows AIK"
 msgstr "下载和安装Windows AIK"
-# f66f1235066d41e8b512a595faad7818
-#: ../../templates.rst:660
+# a4389660d8ad4d1b8c036e5a312acf49
+#: ../../templates.rst:585
 msgid ""
 "Windows AIK should not be installed on the Windows 2008 R2 VM you just "
 "created. Windows AIK should not be part of the template you create. It is "
 "only used to create the sysprep answer file."
 msgstr "刚刚创建的Windows 2008 R2上面并没有安装Windows AIK。Windows AIK不是你创建的模板中的一部分。它仅仅用于创建sysprep应答文件。"
-# f5c23584f8704d3e8eafef5f0c3ca904
-#: ../../templates.rst:664
+# b6b2049c23774943958f7539fc0624db
+#: ../../templates.rst:589
 msgid ""
 "Copy the install.wim file in the \\\\sources directory of the Windows 2008 "
 "R2 installation DVD to the hard disk. This is a very large file and may take"
 " a long time to copy. Windows AIK requires the WIM file to be writable."
 msgstr "在\\\\Windows 2008 R2安装DVD中的源目录复制install.wim文件到本地硬盘。这是一个非常大的文件可能会复制较长时间。Windows AIK要求WIM文件是可写的。"
-# aab8b3e2b3974f70baa1625fac2c14fd
-#: ../../templates.rst:671
+# 6a1367c35ec54816823cc2f821fb42c3
+#: ../../templates.rst:594
 msgid ""
 "Start the Windows System Image Manager, which is part of the Windows AIK."
 msgstr "打开Windows系统镜像管理器。"
-# 1c160daa1e4d45298e989df5d4cfd37f
-#: ../../templates.rst:676
+# 210d191e2b2540c6986358e0c0b9c87d
+#: ../../templates.rst:597
 msgid ""
 "In the Windows Image pane, right click the Select a Windows image or catalog"
 " file option to load the install.wim file you just copied."
 msgstr "在Windows镜像面板,右击选择一个Windows镜像或编录文件选项来读取你刚刚复制的install.wim文件。"
-# 2f06fcf046b24cecb301f75499dad24c
-#: ../../templates.rst:681
+# 2ae1354725354401b1c6774b56210b30
+#: ../../templates.rst:600
 msgid "Select the Windows 2008 R2 Edition."
 msgstr "选择Windows 2008 R2版本。"
-# 8469a2417aad4122900ecb188ce0fcbe
-#: ../../templates.rst:683
+# a4139f632731431fa6c278ed49a402a3
+#: ../../templates.rst:602
 msgid ""
 "You may be prompted with a warning that the catalog file cannot be opened. "
 "Click Yes to create a new catalog file."
 msgstr "你可能会收到一个警告提示说不能打开编录文件。点击是来创建一个新的编录文件。"
-# 8635e88aab6e46139f303271f469e2bc
-#: ../../templates.rst:688
+# 6daadc2945704fdbae1a77fab0ef5843
+#: ../../templates.rst:605
 msgid "In the Answer File pane, right click to create a new answer file."
 msgstr "在应答文件面板,右击来创建一个新的应答文件。"
-# 24d7e05616d6424cb5eaee30ee84e85c
-#: ../../templates.rst:692
+# 0d84d28c59424fc39b5a2f36f3dd6bfd
+#: ../../templates.rst:607
 msgid ""
 "Generate the answer file from the Windows System Image Manager using the "
 "following steps:"
 msgstr "使用以下步骤从Windows系统镜像管理器生成应答文件:"
-# 7d146d237bdf4c8b9bc322249916735e
-#: ../../templates.rst:697
+# fed0398c42684441a6958c5be21f5c07
+#: ../../templates.rst:610
 msgid ""
 "The first page you need to automate is the Language and Country or Region "
 "Selection page. To automate this, expand Components in your Windows Image "
@@ -870,13 +867,13 @@
 "including examples on the setting you are attempting to configure."
 msgstr "第一个页面你必须让语言和国家或位置选择页面是自动的。要使这个自动化,请在你的Windows 镜像面板扩展组件,右击Microsoft-Windows-International-Core添加设置以传送 7 oobeSystem。在你的应答文件面板中,为语言和国家或位置用适当的设置配置InputLocale、SystemLocale、UILanguage、和UserLocale。你可能对这些设置有疑问,你可以指定一个设置右击选择帮助。这将打开对应的CHM帮助文件,这里面包括了与你尝试配置的设置相关的一些示例。"
-# 39a6eeb7c8944403884a739c0cf32e3b
-#: ../../templates.rst:709
+# e1b641ce1c5d42e0bc8e530c840f89c0
+#: ../../templates.rst:622
 msgid "|sysmanager.png|"
 msgstr "|sysmanager.png|"
-# 1395a502c6dd45f58cfcd4f820af8fe7
-#: ../../templates.rst:713
+# fd41b3e0931141e5971248dfb811dc0a
+#: ../../templates.rst:624
 msgid ""
 "You need to automate the Software License Terms Selection page, otherwise "
 "known as the End-User License Agreement (EULA). To do this, expand the "
@@ -885,13 +882,13 @@
 msgstr "你需要将软件授权选择页配置为自动进行,这不是众所周知的EULA。为此,展开Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup组件,选中OOBE 设置,将此设置加入到Pass 7 oobeSystem中去。在设置中,将HideEULAPage 设置为true。"
-# db723163193447488c0439d1a6632aed
-#: ../../templates.rst:719
+# 72f9459967ad49cdaebc5ac0cf7e0940
+#: ../../templates.rst:630
 msgid "|software-license.png|"
 msgstr "|software-license.png|"
-# d98cb51114994e44a8bdd0d588ba834f
-#: ../../templates.rst:723
+# d818473f321c4c2594fbc0d903e86837
+#: ../../templates.rst:632
 msgid ""
 "Make sure the license key is properly set. If you use MAK key, you can just "
 "enter the MAK key on the Windows 2008 R2 VM. You need not input the MAK into"
@@ -901,8 +898,8 @@
 msgstr "确保恰当的设置了序列号。如果使用MAK的话,可以在Windows2008R2的虚拟机上输入MAK。并不需要将MAK输入到Windows映像管理器中。如果你使用KMS主机进行激活,则不需要输入产品序列号。Windows卷激活的详细信息可以在 上查看。"
-# acb1ca72a0a5474295b25d5e1c567eed
-#: ../../templates.rst:732
+# 0941ea38dbb84c5ab3a37e64ff29e6d1
+#: ../../templates.rst:640
 msgid ""
 "You need to automate is the Change Administrator Password page. Expand the "
 "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup component (if it is not still expanded), "
@@ -911,253 +908,253 @@
 "Under Settings, specify a password next to Value."
 msgstr "类似机械化的操作还有更改管理员密码页。展开Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup组件(如果没有展开的话),展开用户账户,右键点击管理员密码,添加设置到Pass 7 oobeSystem配置,在设置中,指定一个密码。"
-# e682e956688f47d68955125dac840c14
-#: ../../templates.rst:739
+# 8092f90cf8784fc0bc8408b84b547e18
+#: ../../templates.rst:647
 msgid "|change-admin-password.png|"
 msgstr "|change-admin-password.png|"
-# daf0fbba34134968a9719502d2441755
-#: ../../templates.rst:741
+# e7e1281b1ae04398b43ab9c70d0f8370
+#: ../../templates.rst:649
 msgid ""
 "You may read the AIK documentation and set many more options that suit your "
 "deployment. The steps above are the minimum needed to make Windows "
 "unattended setup work."
 msgstr "可能会需要阅读AIK文档并设置多个选项来适合你的部署。以上的步骤至少需要使windows脱离建立网络的过程。"
-# 2177f3f79d7745109ee2ed854da656fa
-#: ../../templates.rst:747
+# 9461bfba70d24cebb27c1d65ea4bdcfa
+#: ../../templates.rst:653
 msgid ""
 "Save the answer file as unattend.xml. You can ignore the warning messages "
 "that appear in the validation window."
 msgstr "将答案文件保存为unattend.xml,可以忽略验证窗口中的警告信息。"
-# 75e9203b76fe4bbbae1be6975b972993
-#: ../../templates.rst:752
+# e03af6631f444bac834875feb1551d93
+#: ../../templates.rst:656
 msgid ""
 "Copy the unattend.xml file into the c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\sysprep "
 "directory of the Windows 2008 R2 Virtual Machine"
 msgstr "将unattend.xml文件拷贝到Windows 2008 R2 虚拟机的c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\sysprep 文件夹下,"
-# e84ae652bc724676b0076c85b3cf53f8
-#: ../../templates.rst:757
+# f25b60a2d1c64b00ab525ccb2ca1488e
+#: ../../templates.rst:659
 msgid ""
 "Once you place the unattend.xml file in c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\sysprep"
 " directory, you run the sysprep tool as follows:"
 msgstr "一旦将unattend.xml文件放到 c:\\\\windows\\\\system32\\\\sysprep文件夹下,则按以下步骤运行sysprep工具:"
-# 0d8f98d28cb44bee935c1a3fa186b971
-#: ../../templates.rst:766
+# c8ba22aeffd14733b20fd2ddadb189dd
+#: ../../templates.rst:668
 msgid ""
 "The Windows 2008 R2 VM will automatically shut down after sysprep is "
 msgstr "Windows 2008 R2虚拟机在sysprep完成后,会自动关闭。"
-# 131fba78f4fe42138a6d62dff1e93de1
-#: ../../templates.rst:770
+# 8d4d691768fd4d2a9d131f80a0af05cc
+#: ../../templates.rst:673
 msgid "System Preparation for Windows Server 2003 R2"
 msgstr "针对Windows Server 2003R2的系统准备"
-# 5a4f1cef39ff41a08b9ac2528ffb6f92
-#: ../../templates.rst:772
+# 25fcbd475b3842f69219e1db506c148d
+#: ../../templates.rst:675
 msgid ""
 "Earlier versions of Windows have a different sysprep tool. Follow these "
 "steps for Windows Server 2003 R2."
 msgstr "早期的windows版本有个不同的sysprep的工具,按照这些步骤准备Windows Server 2003 R2。"
-# c249bea7dcdf459ab7238be1d409e256
-#: ../../templates.rst:777
+# e4b387caeb524e64b8e43a7256ad002b
+#: ../../templates.rst:678
 msgid ""
 "Extract the content of \\\\support\\\\tools\\\\ on the Windows "
 "installation CD into a directory called c:\\\\sysprep on the Windows 2003 R2"
 " VM."
 msgstr "从Windows 安装CD中提取\\\\support\\\\tools\\\\deploy.cab到WIndows 2003 R2 虚拟机中的此目录 c:\\\\sysprep。"
-# 7e7e0bd9f3b44465a5160687008f203e
-#: ../../templates.rst:783
+# 678e1857aae14091ad3954e190199112
+#: ../../templates.rst:682
 msgid "Run c:\\\\sysprep\\\\setupmgr.exe to create the sysprep.inf file."
 msgstr "运行 c:\\\\sysprep\\\\setupmgr.exe 来创建syprep.inf文件。"
-# ee8815b2ec4b4be893fb36a3348d01f8
-#: ../../templates.rst:787
+# eaaddf71b1e144ba9354ecdc3e61237f
+#: ../../templates.rst:684
 msgid "Select Create New to create a new Answer File."
 msgstr "选择创建新的来创建一个新的应答文件。"
-# 045a9cf32e0548aaa69c44f772b4d46f
-#: ../../templates.rst:791
+# 3a59447b097e4d6a8bbef6303be9c428
+#: ../../templates.rst:686
 msgid "Enter “Sysprep setup” for the Type of Setup."
 msgstr "安装的类型选择 “Sysprep 安装”"
-# d6bf6bd23bb94cf6b60f6b6907bbf7a6
-#: ../../templates.rst:795
+# 511f5fa4a9e04084a2344c13153944c3
+#: ../../templates.rst:688
 msgid "Select the appropriate OS version and edition."
 msgstr "选择合适的OS版本"
-# 7e54b77b3e2e4d80a63a6be54ae18c5c
-#: ../../templates.rst:799
+# c36d76222fa14fe39dfdd33baf171555
+#: ../../templates.rst:690
 msgid ""
 "On the License Agreement screen, select “Yes fully automate the "
 msgstr "在许可协议界面,选择\"是,完全自动安装\""
-# 82b865e18fbb473082090aa49f85ae93
-#: ../../templates.rst:804
+# 42eac0aa963c4b138bba5785ecc4a9ab
+#: ../../templates.rst:693
 msgid "Provide your name and organization."
 msgstr "提供你的名称和组织。"
-# 7a5769e94b4a428db294a3fb3a0207f4
-#: ../../templates.rst:808
+# 923d7a62003b4bb28c6fdcec04988da5
+#: ../../templates.rst:695
 msgid "Leave display settings at default."
 msgstr "保留显示设置为默认。"
-# 010c51f88169452b957f232e3157804a
-#: ../../templates.rst:812
+# 28ff1531e0574780b26bbcdab535f18d
+#: ../../templates.rst:697
 msgid "Set the appropriate time zone."
 msgstr "设置合适的时区。"
-# bfb59b5726d6458fa9279b6d55943a6d
-#: ../../templates.rst:816
+# c166a631d91d4ec5ba1fe55fb27e9071
+#: ../../templates.rst:699
 msgid "Provide your product key."
 msgstr "提供你的产品key。"
-# 4deb0945241246ea8ce43407adf7d91d
-#: ../../templates.rst:820
+# bb448a5c8bad409b910a983aafc7e7e5
+#: ../../templates.rst:701
 msgid "Select an appropriate license mode for your deployment"
 msgstr "给你的部署选择一个合适的许可模式。"
-# 5ab1bdc24ada4093b615dee9c5f9272c
-#: ../../templates.rst:824
+# 5961b7acd3964ece89961a88ac1c9e49
+#: ../../templates.rst:703
 msgid "Select “Automatically generate computer name”."
 msgstr "选择\"自动生成计算机名\"。"
-# 42d2434653d540858a5cba81e3d19ef3
-#: ../../templates.rst:828
+# ee71045d980c48c3b4229992144775db
+#: ../../templates.rst:705
 msgid ""
 "Type a default administrator password. If you enable the password reset "
 "feature, the users will not actually use this password. This password will "
 "be reset by the instance manager after the guest boots up."
 msgstr "输入一个默认的管理员密码。如果你启用了密码重置功能,用户实际上将不会使用这个密码。在来宾虚机启动之后实例管理器会重置密码。"
-# a4ff18a071b740839db9b822fbc1294a
-#: ../../templates.rst:835
+# 662f974f66a84b258158cc6d888d31ff
+#: ../../templates.rst:710
 msgid "Leave Network Components at “Typical Settings”."
 msgstr "网络组件使用\"典型设置\"。"
-# 685f000b0e2c437889a925b63be7891b
-#: ../../templates.rst:839
+# b382f00fffc54d2092dea46275ce07e0
+#: ../../templates.rst:712
 msgid "Select the “WORKGROUP” option."
 msgstr "选择“WORKGROUP”选项。"
-# d5daab57605f4acda1d1527df570facc
-#: ../../templates.rst:843
+# 864a8297271a4b9c9310a8e580d93f85
+#: ../../templates.rst:714
 msgid "Leave Telephony options at default."
 msgstr "电话服务使用默认。"
-# 307c10038df64e339b109d2ef3c1edb8
-#: ../../templates.rst:847
+# f9104d77ee794b999a52c430bde6f5e0
+#: ../../templates.rst:716
 msgid "Select appropriate Regional Settings."
 msgstr "选择合适的区域设置。"
-# 327e06e3a211403cbf0495a02e7ddb7d
-#: ../../templates.rst:851
+# 7a038c948aee40caad5fdbd408680a4e
+#: ../../templates.rst:718
 msgid "Select appropriate language settings."
 msgstr "选择合适的语言选项。"
-# 294dd6e2af71471691c00afa513dafc3
-#: ../../templates.rst:855
+# 8fe7a793a4b149fc8b2c04b222bb95ff
+#: ../../templates.rst:720
 msgid "Do not install printers."
 msgstr "不要安装打印机。"
-# 43b1e07d7cc44c428ba0bc1102ca572e
-#: ../../templates.rst:859
+# 0bd5cf14d63149e8a68370eb7b35c1b5
+#: ../../templates.rst:722
 msgid "Do not specify “Run Once commands”."
 msgstr "不要指定\"运行一次\"。"
-# ab30e54717e5455988d343bfe649d8f8
-#: ../../templates.rst:863
+# 05694b63059140748f90c4a339c83a2e
+#: ../../templates.rst:724
 msgid "You need not specify an identification string."
 msgstr "你不必指定标示字符串。"
-# 107e4b3c6eba43cbbf9a800861554df3
-#: ../../templates.rst:867
+# a48d1b90a9bc405daa8af11e577a21dc
+#: ../../templates.rst:726
 msgid "Save the Answer File as c:\\\\sysprep\\\\sysprep.inf."
 msgstr "将应答文件保存到c:\\\\sysprep\\\\sysprep.inf。"
-# 5545498adcc84a05ad9f5e12352d008f
-#: ../../templates.rst:871
+# a2f33c40df224c318576f392e89a029e
+#: ../../templates.rst:728
 msgid "Run the following command to sysprep the image:"
 msgstr "运行以下命令行来sysprep镜像:"
-# 3b883691a9b0417b9a68bce12f0f527c
-#: ../../templates.rst:877
+# 47370d15208e44779af8dc395473c3ab
+#: ../../templates.rst:734
 msgid "After this step the machine will automatically shut down"
 msgstr "在这个步骤之后,虚拟机会自动关机。"
-# 4775b7c9a84248d1805900870fc3d92b
-#: ../../templates.rst:880
+# 6a05bb80ea29400084b33d565fcc1600
+#: ../../templates.rst:738
 msgid "Importing Amazon Machine Images"
 msgstr "导入Amazon Machine Images"
-# 2eefa378d4324b908272db125ba9c907
-#: ../../templates.rst:882
+# eaa1897518c8471ca61593a7b64fd3e2
+#: ../../templates.rst:740
 msgid ""
 "The following procedures describe how to import an Amazon Machine Image "
 "(AMI) into CloudStack when using the XenServer hypervisor."
 msgstr "以下过程描述了当使用XenServer hypervisor时,如何导入一个AMI到Cloudstack中。"
-# cdd42569882b4c7bbd9ed8019c883085
-#: ../../templates.rst:885
+# f83727180aee4a54aa1735df061a32d3
+#: ../../templates.rst:743
 msgid ""
 "Assume you have an AMI file and this file is called CentOS\\_6.2\\_x64. "
 "Assume further that you are working on a CentOS host. If the AMI is a Fedora"
 " image, you need to be working on a Fedora host initially."
 msgstr "假定你有一个叫做CentOS\\_6.2|_x64的AMI文件。假定未来你将工作在CentOS主机上。如果AMI是一个Fedora镜像,你需要将它立即安装到Fedora主机上。"
-# 086bce4bc9064c9ea174a48be1aa2c74
-#: ../../templates.rst:889
+# d52c5657eb014680ba5dcb4cd793964b
+#: ../../templates.rst:747
 msgid ""
 "You need to have a XenServer host with a file-based storage repository "
 "(either a local ext3 SR or an NFS SR) to convert to a VHD once the image "
 "file has been customized on the Centos/Fedora host."
 msgstr "一旦镜像文件在CentOS/Fedora主机上自定义完毕,你必须有一台使用文件存储库(本地ext3 SR或者NFS SP)的XenServer主机将其转换VHD。"
-# f965846d43ff4abfb3740625b21cae0a
-#: ../../templates.rst:894
+# c6369502d5ec442bba824ba9ebd3399f
+#: ../../templates.rst:752
 msgid ""
 "When copying and pasting a command, be sure the command has pasted as a "
 "single line before executing. Some document viewers may introduce unwanted "
 "line breaks in copied text."
-msgstr "当你在拷贝和粘贴这个命令时,请确保所有的命令都在同一行里。有的文档拷贝工具会将这个命令分割为多行。"
+msgstr "当复制和粘贴命令时,请确保没有多余的换行符,因为一些文档查看器可能会在复制时加上换行符。"
-# f6ed8764a50b4608af894c68403d242d
-#: ../../templates.rst:896
+# b12f0319181043b6ace0737e16ca933e
+#: ../../templates.rst:756
 msgid "To import an AMI:"
 msgstr "导入一个AMI:"
-# 88712070dbe94517bb3d3d0647f5441e
-#: ../../templates.rst:900
+# 516bca51c4054cb9a0a7c70f455cfb50
+#: ../../templates.rst:758
 msgid "Set up loopback on image file:"
 msgstr "建立在镜像文件上的回滚"
-# 731b13cca9b34c8fb6d76b76714b91a7
-#: ../../templates.rst:909
+# c40cb6ea1f3a41dbbdfca02adc87b77a
+#: ../../templates.rst:765
 msgid ""
 "Install the kernel-xen package into the image. This downloads the PV kernel "
 "and ramdisk to the image."
 msgstr "安装kernel-xen包到镜像文件中。下载PV内核和ramdisk到镜像中。"
-# d80578e92f4f4dbeb7b4cb4520ef13fd
-#: ../../templates.rst:918
+# 0cf205e0b1214bfd85b81840483a7e11
+#: ../../templates.rst:772
 msgid "Create a grub entry in /boot/grub/grub.conf."
 msgstr "在 /boot/grub/grub.conf中创建一个引导。"
-# 40de498250654d60970ab0fde749f33d
-#: ../../templates.rst:928
+# ea05e45228434e6eb41f8d92afdcb402
+#: ../../templates.rst:780
 msgid ""
 "Determine the name of the PV kernel that has been installed into the image."
 msgstr "终止已经安装到镜像文件中的PV内核名称"
-# 12376387693e4b6c8d20181fcfefddf8
-#: ../../templates.rst:941
+# 3395c5bd2c424bf08e6b7c6e789b89b8
+#: ../../templates.rst:793
 msgid ""
 "Xen kernels/ramdisk always end with \"xen\". For the kernel version you "
 "choose, there has to be an entry for that version under lib/modules, there "
@@ -1165,95 +1162,95 @@
 "kernel that satisfies this condition is 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5xen."
 msgstr "Xen的kernels/ramdisk通常以“xen\"结尾。在lib/modules中选择相应的内核版本,intrd和vmlinuz将作出相应的反应.综上,唯一要求的条件是版本为2.6.18-164.15.1.el5xen。"
-# 3a62a427fb3c49b7b2b502d29b65a104
-#: ../../templates.rst:949
+# cd3138f8605141a1a0ef5f9ae345c8cc
+#: ../../templates.rst:799
 msgid ""
 "Based on your findings, create an entry in the grub.conf file. Below is an "
 "example entry."
 msgstr "根据你要找的内容,在grub.conf文件中创建一个入口。以下为入口例子。"
-# 1f77fea0644a4939a5aa5518e600b8f0
-#: ../../templates.rst:964
+# 82b126faf726428faa043e59b48fab5c
+#: ../../templates.rst:812
 msgid ""
 "Edit etc/fstab, changing “sda1” to “xvda” and changing “sdb” to “xvdb”."
 msgstr "编辑 etc/fstab,将”sda1“改为”xvda\"并将“sdb\"改为”xbdb\"."
-# 6dbb820000b64e9fb6810b145ca28d42
-#: ../../templates.rst:978
+# 158d080ac2c845c089c610cf10e51f6e
+#: ../../templates.rst:824
 msgid ""
 "Enable login via the console. The default console device in a XenServer "
 "system is xvc0. Ensure that etc/inittab and etc/securetty have the following"
 " lines respectively:"
 msgstr "通过终端开启登陆。在默认终端设备XenServer系统上的是xvc0.确定在etc/inittab和etc/securetty中有以下各自的行:"
-# d845e8d11c9d4fe38746eb6b52797f86
-#: ../../templates.rst:991
+# 78c0483458064433a5dcf14ba528eb3e
+#: ../../templates.rst:835
 msgid ""
 "Ensure the ramdisk supports PV disk and PV network. Customize this for the "
 "kernel version you have determined above."
 msgstr "确保虚拟盘支持PV磁盘和PV网络。为你之前选择好的kernel版本自定义这些。"
-# 4893ef89071946749654fbb656b0e336
-#: ../../templates.rst:1003
+# c5985961045c4177b2d3d8f684fbd61b
+#: ../../templates.rst:845
 msgid "Change the password."
 msgstr "修改密码"
-# 5909d8aaa9b341d1b5d2f6b578e69426
-#: ../../templates.rst:1015
+# a26809b7f44741e898c17da609bbd7fd
+#: ../../templates.rst:855
 msgid "Exit out of chroot."
 msgstr "退出chroot"
-# e19dfedb8f7a41dd8565196723f12adc
-#: ../../templates.rst:1023
+# 3fc6a7c5bbaf414da8d8a91f9f2e1056
+#: ../../templates.rst:861
 msgid ""
 "Check `etc/ssh/sshd_config` for lines allowing ssh login using a password."
 msgstr "检查 `etc/ssh/sshd_config`中关于允许在ssh登录时使用密码的相关行。"
-# 2c14e5b85e714ea5b0d15324faaf9dc8
-#: ../../templates.rst:1034
+# 664c645f17104a9689c80c1722a33864
+#: ../../templates.rst:870
 msgid ""
 "If you need the template to be enabled to reset passwords from the "
 "CloudStack UI or API, install the password change script into the image at "
 "this point. See :ref:`adding-password-management-to-templates`."
 msgstr "如果你需要通过CloudStack· UI或API启用重置模板的密码功能,在镜像中安装密码更改脚本。相关内容请参考:ref:`adding-password-management-to-templates`。"
-# e3ae811674584093b712c1621429a742
-#: ../../templates.rst:1040
+# a4f18c75d1074dd2b110ac78ffe5265f
+#: ../../templates.rst:874
 msgid "Unmount and delete loopback mount."
 msgstr "卸载或删除loopback挂载。"
-# ef597f13741c4cacb5592cc16ddea1c6
-#: ../../templates.rst:1049
+# 8edfb6c75d614771b3b350cbc348a938
+#: ../../templates.rst:881
 msgid ""
 "Copy the image file to your XenServer host's file-based storage repository. "
 "In the example below, the Xenserver is \"xenhost\". This XenServer has an "
 "NFS repository whose uuid is a9c5b8c8-536b-a193-a6dc-51af3e5ff799."
 msgstr "复制镜像文件到XenServer主机的文件存储库。在下面的例子中,XenServer是\"xenhost\"。这个XenServer有一个UUID为a9c5b8c8-536b-a193-a6dc-51af3e5ff799的NFS库。"
-# bb52019afeee4122a6ea0771f8b19f31
-#: ../../templates.rst:1060
+# 0dc1d9510e784714bcdec1384e8755f1
+#: ../../templates.rst:890
 msgid "Log in to the Xenserver and create a VDI the same size as the image."
 msgstr "登录到XenServer然后创建一个与镜像同样大小的VDI。"
-# 86293b52fbc14f619d01d676808e0013
-#: ../../templates.rst:1072
+# 4e8f8e659e434bc5a3f36dc2fd9f822d
+#: ../../templates.rst:900
 msgid "Import the image file into the VDI. This may take 10–20 minutes."
 msgstr "将镜像导入到VDI中。这可能会花费10-20分钟。"
-# f04c66a89a2c438996c653df62753586
-#: ../../templates.rst:1080
+# 0b58122603704ebda3d2342ee6515ff7
+#: ../../templates.rst:906
 msgid ""
 "Locate a the VHD file. This is the file with the VDI’s UUID as its name. "
 "Compress it and upload it to your web server."
 msgstr "找到这个VHD文件。它的名字是以VDI的UUID命名的。压缩并上床至你的web服务器。"
-# 2c6186dad1e149ffb6b4c6088919cf7b
-#: ../../templates.rst:1089
+# 7691e9d11b8b49d29aec196fe6cb380c
+#: ../../templates.rst:916
 msgid "Converting a Hyper-V VM to a Template"
 msgstr "将Hyper-V的VM转换为模板"
-# 93e316bb224044d49835989bb24f4307
-#: ../../templates.rst:1091
+# 3edfac90ab644da58894eab904cc447c
+#: ../../templates.rst:918
 msgid ""
 "To convert a Hyper-V VM to a XenServer-compatible CloudStack template, you "
 "will need a standalone XenServer host with an attached NFS VHD SR. Use "
@@ -1262,8 +1259,8 @@
 "help to have an attached NFS ISO SR."
 msgstr "要转换Hyper-V的VM到兼容XenServer的CloudStack模板,你需要一个独立的添加了NFS VHD SR的XenServer主机。无论使用CloudStack管理哪个版本XenServer,但必须是XenCenter 5.6 FP1或SP2(它向下兼容5.6)。另外,添加了NFS ISO SR是有帮助的。"
-# 5f6b98e6e49d496aa214066dc19570f8
-#: ../../templates.rst:1097
+# b65f920f7aa24af9b850a9b006b20069
+#: ../../templates.rst:924
 msgid ""
 "For Linux VMs, you may need to do some preparation in Hyper-V before trying "
 "to get the VM to work in XenServer. Clone the VM and work on the clone if "
@@ -1271,180 +1268,180 @@
 "Components and check for any references to device names in /etc/fstab:"
 msgstr "对于Linux VMs,在尝试让VM在XenServer中工作之前你可能必须在Hyper-V做一些准备工作。如果你仍然想要在Hyper-V中使用这个VM的话,克隆这个VM然后在克隆的虚机上操作。卸载Hyper-V集成组件然后检查任何/etc/fstab中涉及的相关设备名称:"
-# 6ac2232482394839a03c271bbca3c8f9
-#: ../../templates.rst:1105
+# 163cf95a7ec7444d8308e6f3915b94f7
+#: ../../templates.rst:930
 msgid ""
 "From the linux\\_ic/drivers/dist directory, run make uninstall (where "
 "\"linux\\_ic\" is the path to the copied Hyper-V Integration Components "
 msgstr "从 linux\\_ic/drivers/dist 目录中,运行make uninstall(\"linux\\_ic\" 是复制的Hyper-V集成组件的路径)。"
-# 46e3b7b8475e4952bb6daf4722722e41
-#: ../../templates.rst:1111
+# 32eb47eefa0b4af493237f82dd0f08e1
+#: ../../templates.rst:934
 msgid ""
 "Restore the original initrd from backup in /boot/ (the backup is named "
 msgstr "从备份/boot/ 恢复原始的文件系统(备份名称为 \\*.backup0)。"
-# 111dd445f55a471a98190fb0c78e40b6
-#: ../../templates.rst:1116
+# b7363d0658ff4efcb9bdf4657296d185
+#: ../../templates.rst:937
 msgid "Remove the \"hdX=noprobe\" entries from /boot/grub/menu.lst."
 msgstr "从 /boot/grub/menu.lst移除 \"hdX=noprobe\" 。"
-# be3986f7247d4a5faed5369107bfe3e9
-#: ../../templates.rst:1120
+# f8878c3d06ea47b0b8c1cfaf1721f34b
+#: ../../templates.rst:939
 msgid ""
 "Check /etc/fstab for any partitions mounted by device name. Change those "
 "entries (if any) to mount by LABEL or UUID. You can get that information "
 "with the blkid command."
 msgstr "通过名称从 /etc/fstab中检查任何挂载的分区。将这些条目(如果有)改成使用LABEL或者UUID挂载。你能通过 blkid命令获得这些信息。"
-# f9e63db044dc4f719af8694d4b426090
-#: ../../templates.rst:1124
+# 685ac8156ffb427f853074d04df8be85
+#: ../../templates.rst:943
 msgid ""
 "The next step is make sure the VM is not running in Hyper-V, then get the "
 "VHD into XenServer. There are two options for doing this."
 msgstr "下一步请确保Hyper-V中的这个VM没有运行,然后把VHD送至XenServer。有两个选择。"
-# a3bfb3c562494523b1f9e34e1f784513
-#: ../../templates.rst:1127
+# 2a0e0f2e121b4d30bb10710db99fd9cb
+#: ../../templates.rst:946
 msgid "Option one:"
 msgstr "选项一:"
-# c7c46c25ea2c446296f3c469a1ca7fbc
-#: ../../templates.rst:1131
+# 7006009b5d4d452d9a3936d365133d47
+#: ../../templates.rst:948
 msgid ""
 "Import the VHD using XenCenter. In XenCenter, go to Tools>Virtual Appliance "
 "Tools>Disk Image Import."
 msgstr "使用XenCenter导入VHD。在XenCenter中,找到Tools>Virtual Appliance Tools>Disk Image Import。"
-# 02a3b8607a71477686060abece70fd5c
-# ac971f1553804894ab99e8034171a895
-#: ../../templates.rst:1136 ../../templates.rst:1156
+# 0b382531327d4323aa4983bacc4ed07f
+# d535d0d741a64664bf63603df9967f1f
+#: ../../templates.rst:951 ../../templates.rst:963
 msgid "Choose the VHD, then click Next."
 msgstr "选择VHD,然后点击下一步。"
-# a9bab1d1a45a4cafb6e8c6249a5876a9
-#: ../../templates.rst:1140
+# 2a052e079f674601944c0ba73a344456
+#: ../../templates.rst:953
 msgid ""
 "Name the VM, choose the NFS VHD SR under Storage, enable \"Run Operating "
 "System Fixups\" and choose the NFS ISO SR."
 msgstr "给VM起个名字,在Storage下选择 NFS VHD SR,启用\"Run Operating System Fixups\" 然后选择NFS ISO SR。"
-# 6cbb139632604de5ab457b8a26f09644
-#: ../../templates.rst:1145
+# cc2978604a5d4e41bc9bf810c2d56de3
+#: ../../templates.rst:956
 msgid "Click Next, then Finish. A VM should be created."
 msgstr "点击下一步 完成。完成虚拟机创建。"
-# b64f3cb8f2b94ad4b2420392608be3b9
-#: ../../templates.rst:1147
+# 67a0e0a79a8a4361a4a7a54ce0f7d4bb
+#: ../../templates.rst:958
 msgid "Option two:"
 msgstr "选项二:"
-# 8fa8282a43bf473ca4d7c4c12a507faf
-#: ../../templates.rst:1151
+# 30a1d3fd83154d909f816cbdb7f05e1e
+#: ../../templates.rst:960
 msgid ""
 "Run XenConvert, under From choose VHD, under To choose XenServer. Click "
 msgstr "运行 XenConvert ,选择 VHD,选择 XenServer,点击下一步。"
-# 637e824a79ea42cfad3ee75f6b72178c
-#: ../../templates.rst:1160
+# a00bf9e6d260466fbec3fa0226669cdb
+#: ../../templates.rst:965
 msgid "Input the XenServer host info, then click Next."
 msgstr "输入XenServer主机信息,点击下一步。"
-# 31ec8cb452ee4cd3a4e1fbd1a5591cce
-#: ../../templates.rst:1164
+# 44711d8c01324ee79a30d8ce8b327a78
+#: ../../templates.rst:967
 msgid "Name the VM, then click Next, then Convert. A VM should be created."
 msgstr "输入VM名称,点击“下一步”,点击“转换”。VM应该就创建了。"
-# 496176bfda5f4ca090835a247ab83525
-#: ../../templates.rst:1166
+# 92901943e7874fb1a3d951cd238e0711
+#: ../../templates.rst:969
 msgid ""
 "Once you have a VM created from the Hyper-V VHD, prepare it using the "
 "following steps:"
 msgstr "一旦你完成从hyper-v VHD到虚拟机的创建,准备使用以下步骤:"
-# 4e71cb70625645019467653e605e2c10
-#: ../../templates.rst:1171
+# 86356c840f4d4588a591dc27d244bfca
+#: ../../templates.rst:972
 msgid "Boot the VM, uninstall Hyper-V Integration Services, and reboot."
 msgstr "启动虚拟机,卸载Hyper-V集成服务,并重新启动。"
-# 73af4ce888ac410fb724f43a4f97b6e1
-#: ../../templates.rst:1175
+# b7695ac5e06a43afb682c51148ea61a2
+#: ../../templates.rst:974
 msgid "Install XenServer Tools, then reboot."
 msgstr "安装XenServer Tools,然后重新启动。"
-# c3d2431ce6f140379ffc743673a49262
-#: ../../templates.rst:1179
+# 35c3a56ed699450c91f45bdba9627f4c
+#: ../../templates.rst:976
 msgid ""
 "Prepare the VM as desired. For example, run sysprep on Windows VMs. See "
 "`“Creating a Windows Template” <#creating-a-windows-template>`_."
 msgstr "按需要准备VM。例如在Windows VM上执行sysprep。请参阅 `“创建Windows模板” <#creating-a-windows-template>`_。"
-# 45c26189e85d4114914986ecd8612d99
-#: ../../templates.rst:1183
+# 35897d5ecf6144a88204cb836ee76084
+#: ../../templates.rst:980
 msgid ""
 "Either option above will create a VM in HVM mode. This is fine for Windows "
 "VMs, but Linux VMs may not perform optimally. Converting a Linux VM to PV "
 "mode will require additional steps and will vary by distribution."
 msgstr "以上任一选项将在HVM模式下创建一个VM。对于Windows虚拟机来说这是很好的,但Linux的虚拟机可能无法达到最佳性能。要转换Linux虚拟机到PV模式,对于不同的发行版本将需要额外的步骤。"
-# e991522b48624c3880f9b55c06c5a0e0
-#: ../../templates.rst:1190
+# e4c0e0e192034e3b9e9439d79eae9bb3
+#: ../../templates.rst:985
 msgid ""
 "Shut down the VM and copy the VHD from the NFS storage to a web server; for "
 "example, mount the NFS share on the web server and copy it, or from the "
 "XenServer host use sftp or scp to upload it to the web server."
 msgstr "关闭虚拟机,从NFS存储拷贝VHD到一个web服务器;比如,在web服务器上挂载NFS共享然后拷贝它,或者是在XenServer主机上用sftp或scp将VHD上传到web服务器。"
-# cb7bc05407234c42ae3603ec5da5f4e4
-#: ../../templates.rst:1197
+# 96fa0ff0b9e842af9381d561f9534955
+#: ../../templates.rst:990
 msgid "In CloudStack, create a new template using the following values:"
 msgstr "在 CloudStack中,使用以下值创建一个新的模板:"
-# 9604d23f8f734af59c09a539f13ca526
-#: ../../templates.rst:1201
+# 713fe06958f947ecb69e69b7d6b4d85e
+#: ../../templates.rst:992
 msgid "URL. Give the URL for the VHD"
 msgstr "URL。给VHD指定URL。"
-# d1f70e73d3234873b57cb7171f26765b
-#: ../../templates.rst:1205
+# 4af6eb652e6744cca4ac135718ee31e2
+#: ../../templates.rst:994
 msgid ""
 "OS Type. Use the appropriate OS. For PV mode on CentOS, choose Other PV "
 "(32-bit) or Other PV (64-bit). This choice is available only for XenServer."
 msgstr "OS类型。使用适当的OS。对于CentOS的PV模式来说,选择其他PV (32位)或其他PV(64位)。这个选项仅适用于XenServer。"
-# 0ac91486a990460eb7221cf9d1fafe83
-#: ../../templates.rst:1211
+# 2d17699c6d72457e94c849e9369be071
+#: ../../templates.rst:998
 msgid "Hypervisor. XenServer"
 msgstr "Hypervisor。XenServer"
-# 9d054209286d4d7c9c0610236b45cfa7
-#: ../../templates.rst:1215
+# 0fe80c0299054980a5b04cae8c3a89c4
+#: ../../templates.rst:1000
 msgid "Format. VHD"
 msgstr "格式。VHD"
-# 5bcee6035ba44c2d8d9cb1dd8cf29469
-#: ../../templates.rst:1217
+# 0a2022d596764dda94ee0b8c61a7b8f6
+#: ../../templates.rst:1002
 msgid "The template will be created, and you can create instances from it."
 msgstr "模板就创建好了,然后你可以通过它创建实例。"
-# dd759eeb19364467981383f61c60927b
-#: ../../templates.rst:1222
+# 4a48b7a200f84177bc4c2935b3cb7020
+#: ../../templates.rst:1008
 msgid "Adding Password Management to Your Templates"
 msgstr "给你的模板添加密码管理"
-# fb423b84f13b4398afd1b6531cbaf84e
-#: ../../templates.rst:1224
+# c24c604a1aa648859c9853bd23207c13
+#: ../../templates.rst:1010
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack provides an optional password reset feature that allows users to "
 "set a temporary admin or root password as well as reset the existing admin "
 "or root password from the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr "CloudStack提供了可选的密码重置功能,该功能允许用户在CloudStack UI上设置临时的admin或root密码,也可以重置现有的admin或root密码。"
-# df4d415dd2564e7ab3b4de2a880058fa
-#: ../../templates.rst:1228
+# 217ddf1185f5412999996969e470b02e
+#: ../../templates.rst:1014
 msgid ""
 "To enable the Reset Password feature, you will need to download an "
 "additional script to patch your template. When you later upload the template"
@@ -1452,8 +1449,8 @@
 "should be enabled for this template."
 msgstr "为启用密码重置功能,您需要下载额外的脚本到模版上。当您之后在CloudStack中添加模版时,您可以指定该模版是否启用重置admin或root密码的功能。"
-# 78843c1122fa4c54a3929a71cdc9802a
-#: ../../templates.rst:1233
+# bed2001bd6fd4768808ffe617fb80007
+#: ../../templates.rst:1019
 msgid ""
 "The password management feature works always resets the account password on "
 "instance boot. The script does an HTTP call to the virtual router to "
@@ -1465,82 +1462,82 @@
 msgstr "密码管理功能总是在虚机启动时重置账号的密码。该脚本通过对虚拟路由器的HTTP调用,获取需要重置的账号密码。启动时,只要虚拟路由器可以访问,虚机就可以获得应该设置的账号密码。当用户请求密码重置时,管理服务器会生成新密码,并发送到虚拟路由器。因而,虚机需要重启新密码才能生效。"
-# 7e61c96f8bbb4f4ca576ab92fe9ce78c
-#: ../../templates.rst:1242
+# 6294578d1b274e62ad53e3b5b90dba5e
+#: ../../templates.rst:1028
 msgid ""
 "If the script is unable to contact the virtual router during instance boot "
 "it will not set the password but boot will continue normally."
 msgstr "在虚机重启时,如果脚本不能连接到虚拟路由器,则密码不会被重置,但启动过程还会继续正常执行。"
-# 49eed667df7349ffbb96bf4c5855b760
-#: ../../templates.rst:1246
+# 19d468fa67b84dc4ad8a85a6c367545c
+#: ../../templates.rst:1033
 msgid "Linux OS Installation"
 msgstr "Linux系统安装"
-# cdb19794d6b74c899b8104d2993f5d8a
-#: ../../templates.rst:1248
+# 8dafc3143daa4624ac256c0d1deebdb3
+#: ../../templates.rst:1035
 msgid "Use the following steps to begin the Linux OS installation:"
 msgstr "使用一下步骤开始Linux系统的安装:"
-# 103d0d138ee144c78942523b42447afd
-#: ../../templates.rst:1252
+# 4cc0194e2b4049d186735606a395ff0c
+#: ../../templates.rst:1037
 msgid "Download the script file cloud-set-guest-password:"
 msgstr "下载cloud-set-guest-password脚本文件:"
-# d55938ee41df43778f8a15a14f3bea66
-#: ../../templates.rst:1256
+# 7dfc38f9a99c4d0bbb5007329350693e
+#: ../../templates.rst:1039
 msgid ""
 "` "
 msgstr "` <>`_"
-# 69a9531c06f3411aab079ec846b69481
-#: ../../templates.rst:1260
+# 6eead5e6602446c78f65d37e092b049f
+#: ../../templates.rst:1042
 msgid "Copy this file to /etc/init.d."
 msgstr "拷贝本文件到 /etc/init.d 。"
-# 386ec6429c6d4721a35bf98174797cba
-#: ../../templates.rst:1262
+# 2819cf0c972f4042931c612b737e8f1d
+#: ../../templates.rst:1044
 msgid "On some Linux distributions, copy the file to ``/etc/rc.d/init.d``."
 msgstr "在某些linux发行版拷贝此文件到 ``/etc/rc.d/init.d``。"
-# 8a851834aab54db0bd4728de50b5ce79
-#: ../../templates.rst:1266
+# f914b404aef44aa1a7fbc43160c833b3
+#: ../../templates.rst:1046
 msgid "Run the following command to make the script executable:"
 msgstr "执行以下命令使脚本可执行:"
-# a32adaaea0b346c9a57ebee47ad88300
-#: ../../templates.rst:1274
+# ae8119d7538749fb95c1ce6ac6541c59
+#: ../../templates.rst:1052
 msgid ""
 "Depending on the Linux distribution, continue with the appropriate step."
 msgstr "根据不同的Linux发行版,选择适当的步骤继续。"
-# 4a6cab3c328841e6943b0113ca737c5b
-#: ../../templates.rst:1277
+# c85e239054a542e88bb0030af7cb7a19
+#: ../../templates.rst:1055
 msgid "On Fedora, CentOS/RHEL, and Debian, run:"
 msgstr "在Fedora,CentOS/RHEL和Debian上运行:"
-# 1d4622c6039c4d018da6f87125f5d8f5
-#: ../../templates.rst:1284
+# e83101bd5fd3442f817ec22d010edc3e
+#: ../../templates.rst:1063
 msgid "Windows OS Installation"
 msgstr "Windows OS 安装"
-# ceaf3ec621d44c85ad793bdc04cb5ea8
-#: ../../templates.rst:1286
+# c40beb0a6d5c466c994729dba2d4b12e
+#: ../../templates.rst:1065
 msgid ""
 "Download the installer, CloudInstanceManager.msi, from the `Download page "
 " and run the installer in the newly created Windows VM."
 msgstr "从`下载页<>`_ 下载安装程序CloudInstanceManager.msi,并在新创建的Windows 虚拟机中运行安装程序。"
-# 26d4aac3e7914c3eb9e017404da446e7
-#: ../../templates.rst:1291
+# 56df3bfa3de0447b9f0a0b4f02a1fb4c
+#: ../../templates.rst:1071
 msgid "Deleting Templates"
 msgstr "删除模板"
-# 254a98cbb5b9413287be33a6278244f4
-#: ../../templates.rst:1293
+# 2d005d50f15746f793e20a2343fe6e29
+#: ../../templates.rst:1073
 msgid ""
 "Templates may be deleted. In general, when a template spans multiple Zones, "
 "only the copy that is selected for deletion will be deleted; the same "
@@ -1549,8 +1546,8 @@
 "be deleted from all Zones."
 msgstr "模板可以被删除。在一般情况下,当一个模板跨越多个区域,只有被选中的副本才会被删除,在其他区域相同的模板将不会被删除。CentOS的模板是一个例外。如果所提供的CentOS的模板被删除,它从所有区域都将被删除。"
-# dd775f9e560549d88e1e2f6582bc17b8
-#: ../../templates.rst:1299
+# 4ddffe7d5d2b4f14814054eea2d8fd47
+#: ../../templates.rst:1079
 msgid ""
 "When templates are deleted, the VMs instantiated from them will continue to "
 "run. However, new VMs cannot be created based on the deleted template."
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index 415c3e6..e0f7201 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/troubleshooting.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/troubleshooting.po
index 1433054..cd464f7 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/troubleshooting.po
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/troubleshooting.po
@@ -3,15 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# aguncn <>, 2014
-# 语法盐 <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-26 14:32+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: 语法盐 <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -19,18 +17,18 @@
 "Language: zh_CN\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-# e8bd92e93dac45f788464ab1963b20e7
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:17
+# 453abc0964244620ab303e8bbdd16340
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:18
 msgid "TroubleShooting"
 msgstr "故障排查"
-# 55d6cf3cc73d4ef5a617636942890a97
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:20
+# b90eea0457d64f3cb90be7deabcaa0c3
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:21
 msgid "Working with Server Logs"
 msgstr "使用服务器日志"
-# 493b26a59c724cb0b4753cf2de7729c6
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:22
+# 9d89b655688d4af2bfc8302c8a0c9134
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:23
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack Management Server logs all web site, middle tier, and "
 "database activities for diagnostics purposes in "
@@ -39,16 +37,16 @@
 "Management Server log:."
 msgstr "为了方便诊断系统,CloudStack 管理服务器在目录/var/log/cloud/management/下记录了所有网站、中间层和数据库的活动。CloudStack 会记录各种出错信息。我们推荐使用下述命令从管理服务器日志中寻找有问题的输出日志:"
-# e9110df374044f87990151358476d4c4
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:29
+# 3fc8e92bb3a741c3bd3a67d67cf0e9a3
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:30
 msgid ""
 "When copying and pasting a command, be sure the command has pasted as a "
 "single line before executing. Some document viewers may introduce unwanted "
 "line breaks in copied text."
-msgstr "当你在拷贝和粘贴这个命令时,请确保所有的命令都在同一行里。有的文档拷贝工具会将这个命令分割为多行。"
+msgstr "当复制和粘贴命令时,请确保没有多余的换行符,因为一些文档查看器可能会在复制时加上换行符。"
-# 0650dd8f9e3042b6a0023c284e9700af
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:37
+# 845cfc971cf84bbca9edce162a942ad2
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:38
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack processes requests with a Job ID. If you find an error in the"
 " logs and you are interested in debugging the issue you can grep for this "
@@ -56,119 +54,119 @@
 "following ERROR message:"
 msgstr "CloudStack处理请求时会生成一个任务ID。如果您发现了日志中的某个错误,然后想调试该问题,您可以在管理服务器日志中grep这个任务ID。例如,假设您发现了以下的ERROR信息:"
-# 8311990224b84dd0b3faf4084d527b4f
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:46
+# f7529d9ff27a4e27bdad7d8a6435087a
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:47
 msgid ""
 "Note that the job ID is 1076. You can track back the events relating to job "
 "1076 with the following grep:"
 msgstr "注意到任务ID是1076。你可以追踪返回事件的相近任务1076按照以下grep:"
-# e3ffc3e9a91f4bbd92acf9a582aa4f09
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:53
+# 4da5450950cc43b79b6d4391e28f4f41
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:54
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack Agent Server logs its activities in "
 msgstr "CloudStack代理服务器在 `/var/log/cloudstack/agent/`记录了它的活动。"
-# 2e3bac54e6a44e7a916a10b1a72ae7b8
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:57
+# ba4670a0c5444406a2eb230cb99333d5
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:58
 msgid "Data Loss on Exported Primary Storage"
 msgstr "在导出主存储时的数据丢失"
-# 17772f3eaf854986935381edba6a08f4
-# a36bc3bf835b43ceb89eb0502f49427f
-# 5b32c5e122f34a7390b04dc584d7d8b1
-# 8c990e9835c843e0ba8e6389024c9da7
-# c07d93b58e73413caee9927f2f377a4c
-# 0210bf5ba6124daab904e885ec47d2c3
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:60 ../../troubleshooting.rst:94
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:138 ../../troubleshooting.rst:158
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:178 ../../troubleshooting.rst:215
+# b0ef204b69a54f32bd49070c4b9b6a91
+# 96d811275eea4240af38ec923db3c739
+# 03085fe48e6f4b379bcb1b827fff32d4
+# 83a83346af6342ae960e60c796e896d3
+# dc69c8f4922e4f69a378d3a16a609df7
+# 3970143e5afb4c03a4b3aed0f9e50fc7
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:61 ../../troubleshooting.rst:99
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:140 ../../troubleshooting.rst:162
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:185 ../../troubleshooting.rst:219
 msgid "Symptom"
 msgstr "症状"
-# b8c4b40af3fd4552bdc54740a5a0fd39
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:62
+# a5727b8982354aaeb9aaa3eaccf41ef9
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:63
 msgid ""
 "Loss of existing data on primary storage which has been exposed as a Linux "
 "NFS server export on an iSCSI volume."
 msgstr "主存储的已有数据丢失。该主存储是用iSCSI卷导出的一个Linux NFS服务器输出。"
-# c0c2bc4870e74609a67d1aed2af2b411
-# 989912d8a32b45e8a4bd2c54b5a97647
-# 1b80c032e2184fad85a5b5d2321b104a
-# b3c2f63d649b4d4dbb78fe05f3e2f087
-# aa3a404aa32c48bbb850fca268ee4ac9
-# 57820682c7c44dc0b9429c160629a1eb
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:66 ../../troubleshooting.rst:100
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:143 ../../troubleshooting.rst:163
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:195 ../../troubleshooting.rst:221
+# 77646ea81e804cb9ada6c17c6289cbbe
+# e5b68ba31d5948388069cf4e01357332
+# 48d47c0902414b5194a1d38398971eb6
+# 8c13e9a8446c49ef90ae29a314ee0d33
+# 8a80e812487d4bf6b38f6cdc6feddae0
+# 350e1aaa22b5432f8065bdf94cc27e02
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:68 ../../troubleshooting.rst:106
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:146 ../../troubleshooting.rst:168
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:197 ../../troubleshooting.rst:226
 msgid "Cause"
 msgstr "原因"
-# ea41406a62e9453a82d56cf6ddeb6106
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:68
+# 8ca868ba6d9349e6b0d83564a152f19e
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:70
 msgid ""
 "It is possible that a client from outside the intended pool has mounted the "
 "storage. When this occurs, the LVM is wiped and all data in the volume is "
 msgstr "可能的原因是存储池之外的某个客户端挂载了该存储。如果发生了这种情况,LVM会被擦除,该卷上的所有数据都会丢失。"
-# f0ac12571f8b418ea67f8c179e9588d9
-# f84f95c1a8d549ed861a92e77654701f
-# 520bb677c65d4e4181f06db8804f56f0
-# 34a989bf06a745339a0202448dfa05be
-# a5d809d99a0f49cdbe7d4430121a264c
-# 2b638ad3018740ebb634edfd14737f06
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:73 ../../troubleshooting.rst:105
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:149 ../../troubleshooting.rst:170
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:204 ../../troubleshooting.rst:229
+# 4934510ae4ce4c79a0ed5d6ee26fea0a
+# df9bd94f2f95481f93b741b643baedfb
+# 5d33b8b45f404f25abcb9d3fbfeafb70
+# 044a6cc8e613432ab218a02d3bbde2a1
+# 4445e221c952428fb2585060c4540dee
+# 7c3b4d63c42d4990999e96195fe72cca
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:76 ../../troubleshooting.rst:112
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:153 ../../troubleshooting.rst:176
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:207 ../../troubleshooting.rst:235
 msgid "Solution"
 msgstr "解决方案"
-# 4e51a9c86fae49d7a0d2e695914263a2
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:75
+# 990ebb2f5e854a479d94d06df1280a15
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:78
 msgid ""
 "When setting up LUN exports, restrict the range of IP addresses that are "
 "allowed access by specifying a subnet mask. For example:"
 msgstr "配置LUN输出时,通过指定子网掩码来限制可以访问存储的IP地址范围。例如:"
-# 568eeac2135a4012ab60259769577431
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:82
+# 17f9dff87a0b4b848b2938ad46c42bfc
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:85
 msgid "Adjust the above command to suit your deployment needs."
 msgstr "根据你的部署需求,调整如上参数。"
-# d4fee5a097ac450381983de58d22c6e9
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:85
+# 9dd74bb044b640dcb1b4e410db1a44e2
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:89
 msgid "More Information"
 msgstr "更多信息"
-# 415506db5609428e9f0558889286845c
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:87
+# 6c10365641b54f549e84579ccb8d4fe2
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:91
 msgid ""
 "See the export procedure in the \"Secondary Storage\" section of the "
 "CloudStack Installation Guide"
 msgstr "请参考CloudStack安装指南的“辅助存储”章节中的导出过程。"
-# bc6b86b9b20744fa952c68c30ec06a25
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:91
+# 08ecc200c09045599e0c1f960186fdc4
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:96
 msgid "Recovering a Lost Virtual Router"
 msgstr "恢复丢失的虚拟路由器"
-# e1bedbd70a194eea9bcb6f65d3f50c4c
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:96
+# db28bc81f196417980c31fd2d4b63f29
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:101
 msgid ""
 "A virtual router is running, but the host is disconnected. A virtual router "
 "no longer functions as expected."
 msgstr "虚拟路由器是运行着的,但主机失去连接。虚拟路由器不再按期望工作。"
-# 08893bf84e644b23a7e0c804ca534073
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:102
+# a6ac53ae9be44b4e8b3602647222e9ac
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:108
 msgid "The Virtual router is lost or down."
 msgstr "虚拟路由器丢失或宕机。"
-# deaff49a430e473684632d83aedc2d39
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:107
+# 1bd58bc5e2314d0cbf2e0059b096bf0a
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:114
 msgid ""
 "If you are sure that a virtual router is down forever, or no longer "
 "functions as expected, destroy it. You must create one afresh while keeping "
@@ -176,114 +174,114 @@
 "router setup):"
 msgstr "如果您确定虚拟路由器宕机了,或不再正常工作,请销毁它。您必须再建一个新的,此时备份路由器应保持运行(假定在使用冗余路由器配置的情况下)。"
-# 263660e8d5c948cc90b7b071927c461c
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:114
+# 19e8516bc79a4b7faeb2645670f3a6a1
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:119
 msgid ""
 "Force stop the router. Use the stopRouter API with forced=true parameter to "
 "do so."
 msgstr "强制停止虚拟路由器。请使用带参数forced=true的stopRouter API执行该步。"
-# a8c0f38a546c4ff7bee2db37d149b15c
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:119
+# 340f24e153484784bc1cf3b493c32ea3
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:122
 msgid ""
 "Before you continue with destroying this router, ensure that the backup "
 "router is running. Otherwise the network connection will be lost."
 msgstr "在销毁虚拟路由器之前,请确保备份路由器正常运行。否则用户的网络连接将中断。"
-# af2a90eee3694d938aa01933f42ba89b
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:125
+# c2db1e8bd10547bfacb3e2d044ca6d06
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:126
 msgid "Destroy the router by using the destroyRouter API."
 msgstr "使用destroyRouter API销毁该虚拟路由器。"
-# 9089ab21bdab4b03b6f2dcc47cebf9bc
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:127
+# af3e07ca34034b49b6dba68eb7da16f3
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:128
 msgid ""
 "Recreate the missing router by using the restartNetwork API with "
 "cleanup=false parameter. For more information about redundant router setup, "
 "see Creating a New Network Offering."
 msgstr "使用restartNetwork API(参数cleanup=false)重建丢失的虚拟路由器。关于冗余虚拟路由器的配置,请参考创建新的网络方案。"
-# a434f77186074258ad0e39e2ff0db759
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:131
+# 25bdb5c7a6a7454ea25d62c3f0a02c57
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:132
 msgid ""
 "For more information about the API syntax, see the API Reference at "
 "` "
 msgstr "关于更多的API语法信息,参见API参考` <>`_。"
-# eae25ddc68984cdf8cb3f8f596561d2a
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:135
+# d1a32a2023024c72907911b8c7757cae
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:137
 msgid "Maintenance mode not working on vCenter"
 msgstr "维护模式没在vCenter中生效"
-# b72eae733c17444ba5a514ecb6b09fa5
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:140
+# bd6813f30ddc4a0da8cf13b7725c9748
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:142
 msgid ""
 "Host was placed in maintenance mode, but still appears live in vCenter."
 msgstr "主机已经置为维护模式,但在vCenter中还是活动的。"
-# fbf7e8fb0dd64ce1a2017a533e13295e
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:145
+# 7241c889dd0842189f0c38eda241d14b
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:148
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack administrator UI was used to place the host in scheduled "
 "maintenance mode. This mode is separate from vCenter's maintenance mode."
 msgstr "CloudStack管理员用户界面使用日程中的主机维护模式。该模式与vCenter的维护模式无关。"
-# 7ab1f606082f4ed2a25670e6c57fc031
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:151
+# a959d82ede064a89ad631ce910f8f7df
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:155
 msgid "Use vCenter to place the host in maintenance mode."
 msgstr "请使用vCenter将主机置为维护模式。"
-# 1311ca0126c0430a9dd150a744645cdc
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:155
+# f3c4a03f0b5042009b2e858d5b259496
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:159
 msgid "Unable to deploy VMs from uploaded vSphere template"
 msgstr "无法从上传的vSphere模板部署虚拟机"
-# 025f901918574e87add36be30ea7798f
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:160
+# f0d6310e9be647eda1506c7161d33a8b
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:164
 msgid "When attempting to create a VM, the VM will not deploy."
 msgstr "当试图创建一个虚拟机,虚拟机将无法部署。"
-# 07f8edc978564e228b5b8b83d7435203
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:165
+# 82efe5f025f8468c99e720b0e00c067e
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:170
 msgid ""
 "If the template was created by uploading an OVA file that was created using "
 "vSphere Client, it is possible the OVA contained an ISO image. If it does, "
 "the deployment of VMs from the template will fail."
 msgstr "如果模板通过上传OVA文件创建,而OVA文件是使用vSphere Client创建的,可能OVA中包含ISO镜像。如果是的话,从模板部署虚拟机将失败。"
-# e0782e40719a4fcaa6ceb63e014b5b83
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:172
+# c61b5fec4b5d4b75afac37386a78b766
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:178
 msgid "Remove the ISO and re-upload the template."
 msgstr "移除ISO并重新上传模板。"
-# 35ac51f5ddaf48a793878e40c33977b9
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:175
+# 7d4b56be6f504129860c6d5c12fd73d5
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:182
 msgid "Unable to power on virtual machine on VMware"
 msgstr "无法启动VMware的虚机"
-# 42400d62c2e14b4d9ad3abb86261cc42
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:180
+# bb0c46e2f09647f9a260c9e676f72afb
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:187
 msgid "Virtual machine does not power on. You might see errors like:"
 msgstr "虚机不能启动。可能出现以下错误:"
-# 87c7076aa51441eda4d24256adff07b5
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:184
+# 92c768be206b4267bb993ce6b1b74d77
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:189
 msgid "Unable to open Swap File"
 msgstr "不能打开交换文件"
-# 0cf604246d19441aba6cae448684bbf4
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:188
+# a63cf9eda829479b835aff2d3b017460
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:191
 msgid "Unable to access a file since it is locked"
 msgstr "不能访问文件,因为文件被锁定"
-# d18757cf00914c3ca874b46461d59d4a
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:192
+# 0deea4202b4b41d9a4fab5ae3dad09bf
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:193
 msgid "Unable to access Virtual machine configuration"
 msgstr "不能访问虚机配置"
-# 86aaef84a5ce401ba596471a5d992fa7
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:197
+# 0605d083a0fa4569ad92e3ea1cfe6634
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:199
 msgid ""
 "A known issue on VMware machines. ESX hosts lock certain critical virtual "
 "machine files and file systems to prevent concurrent changes. Sometimes the "
@@ -292,32 +290,32 @@
 "files, and the virtual machine is unable to power on."
 msgstr "这是VMware机器的已知问题。为防止并发修改,ESX主机会锁定特定的关键虚机文件和文件系统。有时,虚机关机时没有解锁这些文件。当虚机再次开机时,由于不能访问这些关键文件,虚机就不能启动。"
-# 2a6626575cfa4e8d9051adef52800493
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:206
+# 177329a9571d49b5bce7dc8d84731724
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:209
 msgid "See the following:"
 msgstr "参见:"
-# 5f72ef4ab29d49aabf6254dadff2157f
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:208
+# 344210667a0d414a89c35ba8bce56ca0
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:211
 msgid ""
 "`VMware Knowledge Base Article "
 msgstr "`VMware Knowledge Base Article <>`_"
-# c0e9e61553884ca791e3221a8b15478b
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:212
+# 7e82b8b3093b42cfb1088af2632abacf
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:216
 msgid "Load balancer rules fail after changing network offering"
 msgstr "改变网络方案后负载均衡规则失效"
-# 54be70ae479746b099f16a975e6b313e
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:217
+# 8feb8c6245fb490d835881b4996a3504
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:221
 msgid ""
 "After changing the network offering on a network, load balancer rules stop "
 msgstr "修改网络的网络方案后,负载均衡规则不再生效。"
-# 8859286ab9d946d5afc087a41d70f300
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:223
+# dea9609b31dc4131b77505535e3aca09
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:228
 msgid ""
 "Load balancing rules were created while using a network service offering "
 "that includes an external load balancer device such as NetScaler, and later "
@@ -325,50 +323,50 @@
 " router."
 msgstr "负载均衡规则创建时使用的是包含外部负载均衡器,例如NetScaler的网络方案,后来改为使用CloudStack虚拟路由器的网络方案。"
-# c745ba81f8c64e42ad0d937ae17224cd
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:231
+# e344e7e16a5145ee9dfeb6c9057e6cb6
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:237
 msgid ""
 "Create a firewall rule on the virtual router for each of your existing load "
 "balancing rules so that they continue to function."
 msgstr "针对每条已有的负载均衡规则,在虚拟路由器上创建相同的防火墙规则,以便规则继续生效。"
-# 59274eeb4f9c42eab20167cb78fcfcec
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:235
+# 8bc5100986b347c1a08bbeb52b64f7f7
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:242
 msgid "Troubleshooting Internet Traffic"
 msgstr "故障排查网络传输"
-# 8b0eac2ff7a14b528639484afb576723
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:237
+# 5f383b9190f34ebcbdd6bb92b713ee21
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:244
 msgid ""
 "Below are a few troubleshooting steps to check whats going wrong with your "
 msgstr "在下列故障排查步骤中检验你网络中出现的故障..."
-# f27e96f760da43158895e31cefe0d354
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:241
+# 07599df9fe734016810667b0edbc9a49
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:249
 msgid "Trouble Shooting Steps"
 msgstr "故障排查步骤"
-# 5b3da7b6d48a45ccaab81ec2fefb9b72
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:243
+# 1a82d41b488b46c2bef892a561b3756c
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:251
 msgid ""
 "The switches have to be configured correctly to pass VLAN traffic. You can "
 "verify if VLAN traffic is working by bringing up a tagged interface on the "
 "hosts and pinging between them as below..."
 msgstr "交换机上可以完成正确的配置VLAN通信。你可以辨别主机上的VLAN是否通讯通过提出标记接口,并在上述两个VLAN中使用ping命令。"
-# ebc26236b36141e2ad5ea9414f0eefc4
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:247
+# 6b44f2f662ed49199d66820be6f6de02
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:255
 msgid "On *host1 (kvm1)*"
 msgstr "在*host1 (kvm1)*上"
-# 1466a71fb13c4e8d9d6885ac3c9a46ea
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:255
+# 5120295551574a56817a504f54bfe602
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:263
 msgid "On *host2 (kvm2)*"
 msgstr "在*host2 (kvm2)*上"
-# e3a67b52cabd4480b54de5ad3c79f6b5
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:263
+# 417a511656394e62ab6533726322a54e
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:271
 msgid ""
 "If the pings dont work, run *tcpdump(8)* all over the place to check who is "
 "gobbling up the packets. Ultimately, if the switches are not configured "
@@ -376,36 +374,36 @@
 "issues before you proceed to the next steps"
 msgstr "如果ping不通,运行 *tcpdump(8)*在所有VLAN上检查丢失的数据包。最终,如果交换机配置失败,CloudStack网络将无法工作,所以在处理下一部前要确定物理网络设备的问题。"
-# ce37e4e95d564397b90ff5aef4baa80d
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:268
+# 63be4a452fb043e1ad03834e2b6afc37
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:276
 msgid ""
 "Ensure `Traffic Labels <"
 "networks.html>`_ are set for the Zone."
 msgstr "确保 `流量标签 <>`_ 已经设置在域中。 "
-# 6be4c1c298e3442c8353ba69a623d6d9
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:270
+# 997b8cf202374996adfbc66cf272e85d
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:278
 msgid ""
 "Traffic labels need to be set for all hypervisors including XenServer, KVM "
 "and VMware types. You can configure traffic labels when you creating a new "
 "zone from the *Add Zone Wizard*."
 msgstr "流量标签需要在包括XenServer,KVM和VMwarel在内的所有类型的hypervisors设置。当你从*Add Zone Wizard*创建一个域时,你可以配置流量标签。"
-# f1555452ac5a4341a628cf84d907af13
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:276
+# 7f2757fe05a54b7890d5b634724bd166
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:284
 msgid ""
 "On an existing zone, you can modify the traffic labels by going to "
 "*Infrastructure, Zones, Physical Network* tab."
 msgstr "在一个已经存在的域总,你可以通过*Add Zone Wizard*修改流量标签。"
-# 344079c7f4e54f748b8d4b63b1be58d4
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:281
+# de6b7290f1874731bab19679f2b1c123
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:289
 msgid "List labels using *CloudMonkey*"
 msgstr "列出正在使用的*CloudMonkey*"
-# 5426cbca012c4e0ba7d7afa01f49719e
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:313
+# d7be5d89abc2416a81c2e11ae80e5c5e
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:321
 msgid ""
 "KVM traffic labels require to be named as *\"cloudbr0\"*, *\"cloudbr2\"*, "
 "*\"cloudbrN\"* etc and the corresponding bridge must exist on the KVM hosts."
@@ -415,8 +413,8 @@
 " adding the host to Cloudstack."
 msgstr "KVM流量标签要求被命名为*\"cloudbr0\"*, *\"cloudbr2\"*, *\"cloudbrN\"* 等而且响应桥必须在KVM主机上。如果你以其他名字命名标记/桥,CloudStack(至少是较早版本)将会忽略它。CloudStack不能再KVM主机上创建物理桥,你需要在向CloudStackt添加主机前 **before**创建它们。"
-# 4892fd19e0e14fc39b02e7c7dddb8f2b
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:332
+# 4d5d185d16bb4379b29d90b15b9e9855
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:340
 msgid ""
 "The Virtual Router, SSVM, CPVM *public* interface would be bridged to a "
 "physical interface on the host. In the example below, *cloudbr0* is the "
@@ -428,16 +426,16 @@
 "verify traffic using tcpdump on the virtual, physical and bridge interfaces."
 msgstr "虚拟路由,SSVM,CPVM *public*接口将被桥接到主机的物理接口上。在下例中, *cloudbr0*是公共接口,CloudStack将创建虚拟接口桥。这个虚拟接口到物理接口映射式CloudStack用设置在域中的流量标签自动设置的。如果你提供争取的设置,但仍不能在网络上工作,在下一步调试前检查下交换层的设备。你可以在虚拟,物理和桥设备上使用tcpdump证实流量。"
-# a87950c34d404d9ba5426109cc68a1cc
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:364
+# f261f43d727440edbeaf4c36ca611f7c
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:372
 msgid ""
 "Pre-create labels on the XenServer Hosts. Similar to KVM bridge setup, "
 "traffic labels must also be pre-created on the XenServer hosts before adding"
 " them to CloudStack."
 msgstr "在XenServer上预先创建标签。类似于KVM桥启动,流量标签必须在加入CloudStack的XenServer主机上提前创建。"
-# 59c18293d72e465580db2a7b77faebcc
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:377
+# e75bf706d6a745c9a94ee34516e86d1f
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:385
 msgid ""
 "The Internet would be accessible from both the SSVM and CPVM instances by "
 "default. Their public IPs will also be directly pingable from the Internet. "
@@ -449,16 +447,16 @@
 "debug VR issues."
 msgstr "网络将会从SSVM和CPVM实例上默认获取。它们的公共IP也将会直接由网络ping通。请注意一下这些测试仅在交换机或者流量标签已被成功配置在你的环境中实现。如果你的  SSVM/CPVM可以连接到Internet, 它非常不同于虚拟路由器(VR)也可以连接到Internet,建议可能是交换时的问题或者是错误分配了流量标签。确定SSVM/CPVM的问题前请先调试VR问题。"
-# c4cfab36727849f1a4ca325b9a43eaf9
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:409
+# c1f11bc2b9ea470382b5f863e8d1a146
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:417
 msgid ""
 "The Virtual Router (VR) should also be able to reach the Internet without "
 "having any Egress rules. The Egress rules only control forwarded traffic and"
 " not traffic that originates on the VR itself."
 msgstr "除非有些Egress规则,Virtual Router(VR)也是不能到达Internet。Egress规则仅控制VR自身的通讯与否。"
-# f7afcd661a50477fb5a663ebab387610
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:424
+# fd961e75e43d4c48a4b779ef136e1d12
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:432
 msgid ""
 "However, the Virtual Router's (VR) Source NAT Public IP address **WONT** be "
 "reachable until appropriate Ingress rules are in place. You can add "
@@ -466,15 +464,15 @@
 " page."
 msgstr "尽管如此,Virtual Router(VR) Source NAT Pulic IP地址除非有近似的Ingress规则在此,要么**WONT** 达到。你可以添加 *Ingress* rules under *Network, Guest Network, IP Address, Firewall* 设置页。"
-# ad40b8f845bf4c679b118fa88838fc44
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:431
+# 7a1ba3d03cd64a0cb60486d361453ebd
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:439
 msgid ""
 "The VM Instances by default wont be able to access the Internet. Add Egress "
 "rules to permit traffic."
 msgstr "默认的VM Instances不能够连接Internet。添加Egress规则后可允许连接。"
-# 8f93a9ea7cec42038a0511d2d00b1b9c
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:436
+# 2d798a14dcd149af8197080268c1b12b
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:444
 msgid ""
 "Some users have reported that flushing IPTables rules (or changing routes) "
 "on the SSVM, CPVM or the Virtual Router makes the Internet work. This is not"
@@ -483,15 +481,15 @@
 "VR. Go back and double check all your settings."
 msgstr "一些用户报告在SSVM,CPVM或者是Vir Router刷新IPTables规则(或改变路由)可以使Internet工作。这不是系统期望的行为并建议这样的网络设置是错误的。SSVM,CPVM或者是VR上没有要求IPtables/route改变。回去重新检查你所有的设置吧。"
-# 5b0ed7e9c0584d40aa39fb35184e6122
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:443
+# e14dab36e181467a9fd09fb6d0283176
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:451
 msgid ""
 "In a vast majority of the cases, the problem has turned out to be at the "
 "switching layer where the L3 switches were configured incorrectly."
 msgstr "在海量的实例中,问题会出现在交换层,原因是L3的配置错误."
-# 264a011e35404961978190f2eebf50e0
-#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:446
+# 5fff1dc7083a4412a9e4051f2e239180
+#: ../../troubleshooting.rst:454
 msgid ""
 "This section was contibuted by Shanker Balan and was originally published on"
 " `Shapeblue's blog <"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index 63c3e1a..feb3327 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/tuning.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/tuning.po
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+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/tuning.po
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# darrentang <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-27 06:32+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: darrentang <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
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 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -18,91 +17,91 @@
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-# a09f44bbf5fe4885aa5f5856bae80ea4
+# 0c7c82c60c1c4ce4b2ec9838cc883b84
 #: ../../tuning.rst:18
 msgid "Tuning"
 msgstr "调优"
-# eb683307decf4141bcb683821c79ee03
+# 9a2a025467014e929276cfa1e9e73e71
 #: ../../tuning.rst:20
 msgid ""
 "This section provides tips on how to improve the performance of your cloud."
 msgstr "本节提示如何提高云性能。"
-# 0ae5216b7aa04aed8e4ba37ced396c59
-#: ../../tuning.rst:24
+# 9b00143dbb7b4b4b97baab2aa95815aa
+#: ../../tuning.rst:25
 msgid "Performance Monitoring"
 msgstr "性能监控"
-# 4b6618cc525444739c5aec508caf360f
-#: ../../tuning.rst:26
+# 43c6615bb7084bc58dbf0561984e39f3
+#: ../../tuning.rst:27
 msgid ""
 "Host and guest performance monitoring is available to end users and "
 "administrators. This allows the user to monitor their utilization of "
 "resources and determine when it is appropriate to choose a more powerful "
 "service offering or larger disk."
-msgstr "终端用户和管理员都可以对主机和虚拟机进行性能监控。这允许用户监控他们的资源利用情况并决定在适当的时候选择更强大的服务方案和更大的磁盘。"
+msgstr "终端用户和管理员都能使用宿主机和虚拟机的性能监控。性能监控将允许用户监控他们的资源利用并且帮助用户决定何时将需要选择一个更高性能的服务或者更大的硬盘。"
-# 276e9fb4d3d343ff908423a78692e732
-#: ../../tuning.rst:32
+# 470932b76e664973b7568b285a10a77d
+#: ../../tuning.rst:34
 msgid "Increase Management Server Maximum Memory"
 msgstr "增加管理服务器到最大内存"
-# 411d58758d4c45029bda78e8e3a11012
-#: ../../tuning.rst:34
+# 82b1560c6fbf421b952de1c8424aa4a2
+#: ../../tuning.rst:36
 msgid ""
 "If the Management Server is subject to high demand, the default maximum JVM "
 "memory allocation can be insufficient. To increase the memory:"
 msgstr "如果管理服务器用于高需求,默认JVM的最大内存分配可能不足。增加内存:"
-# d48e389d98ec45acb7f98d594f33935d
+# 1b69cb03d370442f913397dde140c37c
 #: ../../tuning.rst:39
 msgid "Edit the Tomcat configuration file:"
 msgstr "编辑Tomcat配置文件:"
-# 279ab9737d40423aa83a711cc6156296
-#: ../../tuning.rst:47
+# d9a022a48b8a4076872b335db29f658c
+#: ../../tuning.rst:45
 msgid "Change the command-line parameter -XmxNNNm to a higher value of N."
 msgstr "改变命令行参数 -XmxNNNm中的N为更高的值。"
-# 4a5af47c21964e2f9365ab8534002b04
-#: ../../tuning.rst:49
+# bf5935dc78264c1baf8cd4984a631b98
+#: ../../tuning.rst:47
 msgid ""
 "For example, if the current value is -Xmx128m, change it to -Xmx1024m or "
 msgstr "例如,如果当前值为 -Xmx128m,则改为 -Xmx1024m或更高。"
-# 0b7931e36ac34cd8a33dc0c4a60e549e
-#: ../../tuning.rst:54
+# e4dda8bcace04b10a404493586f871a1
+#: ../../tuning.rst:50
 msgid "To put the new setting into effect, restart the Management Server."
 msgstr "将新的设置生效,重启管理服务。"
-# 922da07d183b4c1fb87754cee9ee711c
-#: ../../tuning.rst:60
+# 4b11c5fd61d0469480f110a7ebe528d0
+#: ../../tuning.rst:56
 msgid ""
 "For more information about memory issues, see \"FAQ: Memory\" at `Tomcat "
 "Wiki. <>`_"
 msgstr "欲了解更多管理内存问题的详细信息,请参阅\"FAQ:内存\" 在 `Tomcat Wiki. <>`_"
-# 2abdd3204b2647e7b0d236deba7e6dc7
-#: ../../tuning.rst:64
+# 588f5981eb3843ac91a1041e9f3bb832
+#: ../../tuning.rst:61
 msgid "Set Database Buffer Pool Size"
 msgstr "设置数据库缓冲池大小"
-# 3dc24e56555f45a3a78f54a9c01167cb
-#: ../../tuning.rst:66
+# 2a1e327a1aa04838bfefce6674d9ec3e
+#: ../../tuning.rst:63
 msgid ""
 "It is important to provide enough memory space for the MySQL database to "
 "cache data and indexes:"
 msgstr "为MySQL数据库提供足够的内存空间来缓存数据和索引是很重要的:"
-# 1ad70fcf154640e0bd9f10edc5194af6
-#: ../../tuning.rst:71
+# 55bafed06cb5401fba6713f86660fe74
+#: ../../tuning.rst:66
 msgid "Edit the MySQL configuration file:"
 msgstr "编辑MySQL配置文件:"
-# 98a251615df34d0ebe59198a671cfb7a
-#: ../../tuning.rst:79
+# a2719920b1ad4f2388c10ed8f19e5437
+#: ../../tuning.rst:72
 msgid ""
 "Insert the following line in the [mysqld] section, below the datadir line. "
 "Use a value that is appropriate for your situation. We recommend setting the"
@@ -111,26 +110,26 @@
 "assumes a dedicated server with 1024M of RAM."
 msgstr "在 [mysqld]部分的datadir下面插入如下行。使用适合您情况的值。如果MySQL和管理服务器在同一台服务器上面我们建议设置缓冲池为内存的40%,如果MySQL为专用的服务器我们建议设置为内存的70%。下面的示例假设一台专用的服务器的内存为1024M。"
-# f4b16571708a45d6bdccae5a0c4eea4f
-#: ../../tuning.rst:92
+# 30d79aae5ff745b789f7e402c61d4164
+#: ../../tuning.rst:83
 msgid "Restart the MySQL service."
 msgstr "重启MySQL服务."
-# e96855539cae48449d32a81ed8982be7
-#: ../../tuning.rst:98
+# b12c7032e74b411d9d9c7bc32a92a3ab
+#: ../../tuning.rst:89
 msgid ""
 "For more information about the buffer pool, see \"The InnoDB Buffer Pool\" "
 "at `MySQL Reference Manual <"
 msgstr "欲了解更多关于缓冲池的信息,请参阅\"InnoDB缓冲池\" `MySQL参考手册<>`_."
-# 5bde2eb730ae44e1ac63a015a63a84ef
-#: ../../tuning.rst:103
+# 1cbfe60313d445848eb5e90f708b55a1
+#: ../../tuning.rst:95
 msgid "Set and Monitor Total VM Limits per Host"
 msgstr "设置和监控每个主机的总VM数限制"
-# 4d031105d275433294098273f33fe211
-#: ../../tuning.rst:105
+# 36520c7bbf2b4888813341615ca176fa
+#: ../../tuning.rst:97
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack administrator should monitor the total number of VM instances"
 " in each cluster, and disable allocation to the cluster if the total is "
@@ -149,13 +148,13 @@
 "disable allocation of more VMs to the cluster."
 msgstr "管理员应该监视每个集群中的虚拟机实例的总数,如果总量快达到hypervisor允许的最大虚拟机数量时,不再向此群集分配虚拟机。并且,要注意为主机预留一定的计算能力,以防止群集中有主机发生故障,因为发生故障的主机上的虚拟机需要重新部署在这些预留主机上。请咨询您所选择hypervisor的文档,了解此hypervisor能支持的最大虚拟机数量,并将此数值设置在CloudStack的全局设置里。监控每个群集里虚拟机的活跃程序,并将活跃虚拟机保持在一个安全线内。这样,CloudStack就能允许偶尔的主机故障。举个示例:如果集群里有N个主机,而你只能让其中任一主机的停机时间不超过特定时间。那么,你能在此集群部署的最多虚拟主机数量值为:(N-1) \\* (每主机最大虚拟量数量限值)。一旦群集中的虚拟机达到此数量,必须在CloudStack的用户界面中禁止向此群集分配新的虚拟机。"
-# e32b5f442e7246fb98e590d27b87fbb5
-#: ../../tuning.rst:123
+# 87fad0d347f845e4b589cf1b70bfaad0
+#: ../../tuning.rst:116
 msgid "Configure XenServer dom0 Memory"
-msgstr "配置XenServer dom0的内存"
+msgstr "配置XenServer dom0内存"
-# 6614a82a183a4312bdbccca333889df7
-#: ../../tuning.rst:125
+# e6d8fead31da4d2880407fe308a0c13a
+#: ../../tuning.rst:118
 msgid ""
 "Configure the XenServer dom0 settings to allocate more memory to dom0. This "
 "can enable XenServer to handle larger numbers of virtual machines. We "
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
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Binary files differ
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@@ -3,15 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# darrentang <>, 2014
-# renoshen <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-26 04:42+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: renoshen <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:04+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
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 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -19,18 +17,18 @@
 "Language: zh_CN\n"
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-#: ../../ui.rst:17
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+#: ../../ui.rst:18
 msgid "User Interface"
 msgstr "用户界面"
-# 9930e90c431f4e6b83a5464220c2f363
-#: ../../ui.rst:20
+# a41f3714ea474cafa002318580d95e84
+#: ../../ui.rst:21
 msgid "Log In to the UI"
 msgstr "登陆到用户界面"
-# 66dab55143a94a97bf69d0a14b01ee02
-#: ../../ui.rst:22
+# aab161d8e0fa441c97c979ad5befdaf2
+#: ../../ui.rst:23
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack provides a web-based UI that can be used by both administrators "
 "and end users. The appropriate version of the UI is displayed depending on "
@@ -39,41 +37,41 @@
 "The URL is: (substitute your own management server IP address)"
 msgstr "CloudStack提供一个基于web的UI,管理员和终端用户能够使用这个界面。用户界面版本依赖于登陆时使用的凭证不同而不同。用户界面是适用于大多数流行的浏览器包括IE7,IE8,IE9,Firefox3.5+,Firefox4,Safari4,和Safari5。URL是:(用你自己的管理控制服务器IP地址代替)"
-# 1f150301d3b24a0c9ef17e3907c6f7bd
-#: ../../ui.rst:33
+# 5757c519124e45b4b91631b922360a4c
+#: ../../ui.rst:34
 msgid ""
 "On a fresh Management Server installation, a guided tour splash screen "
 "appears. On later visits, you’ll see a login screen where you specify the "
 "following to proceed to your Dashboard:"
 msgstr "如果管理服务器是全新的安装,。那么会出现一个安装向导。在稍后的访问中,,你将看到一个登录界面,,你需要通过用户名和密码登入来查看你的仪表盘."
-# 75ef5c6d747743f6b305a6985cc9317c
-#: ../../ui.rst:37
+# 192d35e05058441db921256f04a28daf
+#: ../../ui.rst:38
 msgid ""
 "Username -> The user ID of your account. The default username is admin."
 msgstr "用户名 -> 你账号的用户ID。默认用户名是admin。"
-# d50078a4174245929b7bed1d18dee41b
-#: ../../ui.rst:39
+# 7ca04676225345a3a4d7e9f05fa900b9
+#: ../../ui.rst:40
 msgid ""
 "Password -> The password associated with the user ID. The password for the "
 "default username is password."
 msgstr "密码 -> 用户ID对应的密码。默认用户名的密码是password。"
-# ed8d4b1b0749488a8eddc7c967b431a0
-#: ../../ui.rst:42
+# fff9c234e7724e1aa8a5ca63b9cbc714
+#: ../../ui.rst:43
 msgid "Domain -> If you are a root user, leave this field blank."
 msgstr "域 -> 如果你是root用户,此处留空即可。"
-# 7f94ded7b94e493191cad1f8aa619d8c
-#: ../../ui.rst:44
+# f7cc367a3acb49149809ad5212740659
+#: ../../ui.rst:45
 msgid ""
 "If you are a user in the sub-domains, enter the full path to the domain, "
 "excluding the root domain."
 msgstr "如果你是一个子域用户,在域中输入完全路径,不包括根域。"
-# 2fe701c5f506417b9ab5d9eb89b7282e
-#: ../../ui.rst:47
+# 2716e01ce2b446be9cf2b3c098897945
+#: ../../ui.rst:48
 msgid ""
 "For example, suppose multiple levels are created under the root domain, such"
 " as Comp1/hr. The users in the Comp1 domain should enter Comp1 in the Domain"
@@ -81,20 +79,20 @@
 msgstr "例如,假设在根域下建立了多个层级,像Comp1/hr,在Comp1域的用户在域字段处应该输入Comp1,在Comp1/sales域的用户应该输入Comp1/sales。"
-# b6a9dbd7c01b41f29187e7bbca753c06
-#: ../../ui.rst:52
+# dab31f7d62b846799291e80598d3534d
+#: ../../ui.rst:53
 msgid ""
 "For more guidance about the choices that appear when you log in to this UI, "
 "see Logging In as the Root Administrator."
 msgstr "更多关于当你登录这个界面时选项的指导,参照作为根管理员登录。"
-# 48d00dd7bd68418190cd46bb293473d6
-#: ../../ui.rst:56
+# f89e19a4f46d49d3899770c2d8d858ae
+#: ../../ui.rst:58
 msgid "End User's UI Overview"
 msgstr "最终用户界面概览"
-# 7ff28690d249411096a5af0c0ddfa6a9
-#: ../../ui.rst:58
+# fab0b6e0d255493e9c1a1800bffbd107
+#: ../../ui.rst:60
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack UI helps users of cloud infrastructure to view and use their "
 "cloud resources, including virtual machines, templates and ISOs, data "
@@ -103,13 +101,13 @@
 "provide a project-oriented view."
 msgstr "CloudStack用户界面帮助云基础设施的用户查看和使用他们的云资源,包括虚拟机、模板和ISO、数据卷和快照、宾客网络,以及IP 地址。如果用户是一个或多个CloudStack项目的成员或管理员,用户界面能提供一个面向项目的视图。"
-# b9f32da1cc284a77a0170d30360c2295
-#: ../../ui.rst:65
+# 03bffb509d6342f09a88c6c18b4a0041
+#: ../../ui.rst:68
 msgid "Root Administrator's UI Overview"
 msgstr "根管理员界面的概述"
-# de7c88e845554ec786a629a84f587490
-#: ../../ui.rst:67
+# f46ea02636f0416ab79e48c05c194422
+#: ../../ui.rst:70
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack UI helps the CloudStack administrator provision, view, and "
 "manage the cloud infrastructure, domains, user accounts, projects, and "
@@ -122,42 +120,42 @@
 "same tasks that are present in the end-user’s UI."
 msgstr "CloudStack界面帮助CloudStack管理员配置、查看和管理云的基础设施、用户域、账号、项目和配置。当一个全新的管理服务器安装完成后,在第一次启动界面的时候,可以选择根随引导步骤配置云的基础设施。当再次登录时,会显示当前登录用户的仪表板。在这个页面有很多的连接,可以通过左边的导航栏访问各种管理功能。根管理员也可以使用界面像最终用户一样来执行所有的功能。 "
-# cec8e56a3f3c4003b9b5cb32786f06c1
-#: ../../ui.rst:78
+# 2010e004d6354a46899b6e0a6177a36a
+#: ../../ui.rst:82
 msgid "Logging In as the Root Administrator"
 msgstr "作为根管理员登录"
-# bba4bc7659854a22a7f9755411002452
-#: ../../ui.rst:80
+# beb82ae526444b67b6c2baff8c7901a7
+#: ../../ui.rst:84
 msgid ""
 "After the Management Server software is installed and running, you can run "
 "the CloudStack user interface. This UI is there to help you provision, view,"
 " and manage your cloud infrastructure."
 msgstr "在管理服务器软件安装并且运行后, 你就可以运行CloudStack的用户界面.了。在这里通过UI,可以供给、查看并管理你的云基础架构。"
-# 9da61f92327340a882b5300469950b1d
-# dfefb71a2c3a4f5ba43d40560f9b829f
-#: ../../ui.rst:86 ../../ui.rst:155
+# 6beabdba74e7408e8fcc8ffa226a704e
+# 8c7e2423aea64ae6b5b2f13c8c000895
+#: ../../ui.rst:88 ../../ui.rst:151
 msgid ""
 "Open your favorite Web browser and go to this URL. Substitute the IP address"
 " of your own Management Server:"
 msgstr "打开你自己喜欢的浏览器并访问这个URL。请把IP地址替换成你自己的管理服务器的IP。"
-# c848c16d0204458d89b15421d959a14c
-#: ../../ui.rst:93
+# 5afc8c800bcb4248a79f7b7dc8ea6173
+#: ../../ui.rst:95
 msgid ""
 "After logging into a fresh Management Server installation, a guided tour "
 "splash screen appears. On later visits, you’ll be taken directly into the "
 msgstr "初次登录管理服务器时,会出现一个向导启动画面。后续访问时,您会直接进入控制面板。"
-# 9dc9abbeec84440ab29d157ce21b2021
+# a27fd5db6a0d41dbb4d17954889871c7
 #: ../../ui.rst:99
 msgid "If you see the first-time splash screen, choose one of the following."
 msgstr "如果你看到第一次的向导屏幕, 可以选择下面步骤之一进行。"
-# 4c0c71f3a1684669a2f9d69e77f2b70c
-#: ../../ui.rst:103
+# f9579429faa6431a9cc007c91af49e61
+#: ../../ui.rst:101
 msgid ""
 "**Continue with basic setup.** Choose this if you're just trying CloudStack,"
 " and you want a guided walkthrough of the simplest possible configuration so"
@@ -167,16 +165,16 @@
 " KVM hypervisor; and a shared public network."
 msgstr "**继续执行基本安装。**如果你仅仅是想体验CloudStack,请选择这个,并且这样你可以马上开始跟着向导进行简单的配置。我们将帮助你建立一个有以下功能的云:一个运行CloudStack软件的机器和使用NFS协议的存储;一个运行VMs的XenServer或KVM hypervisor的服务器;一个共享的公有网络。"
-# 0e0058e02be4491a9d8b2b762a2bce2c
-#: ../../ui.rst:111
+# 8a24a6a0c06f440087e093cad917bffb
+#: ../../ui.rst:109
 msgid ""
 "The prompts in this guided tour should give you all the information you "
 "need, but if you want just a bit more detail, you can follow along in the "
 "Trial Installation Guide."
 msgstr "安装向导的提示会给你需要的所有信息。但如果你需要更多的详细信息,你可以按照试用安装向导进行。"
-# 531d687fea424084bf40162d887f1157
-#: ../../ui.rst:117
+# 81d70c27e4d842afbbdc4f74e0c19acb
+#: ../../ui.rst:113
 msgid ""
 "**I have used CloudStack before.** Choose this if you have already gone "
 "through a design phase and planned a more sophisticated deployment, or you "
@@ -188,21 +186,21 @@
 "KVM, and VMware vSphere."
 msgstr "**我之前用过CloudStack。** 如果您已经完成设计阶段,计划部署一个复杂CloudStack云,或是准备对用基础安装向导搭建的试验云进行扩展,请选择此项。在管理员UI中,您可以使用CloudStack中更强大的功能,例如高级VLAN网络、高可用、负载均衡器和防火墙等额外网络设备,以及支持Citrix XenServer、KVM、VMware vSphere等多种虚拟化平台。"
-# a9ade2077b0b4da09c1f74ee47fbf1df
-#: ../../ui.rst:127
+# 031ecbafb6b14054869c6a4202b5c1fd
+#: ../../ui.rst:123
 msgid "The root administrator Dashboard appears."
 msgstr "根管理员的仪表盘显示出来。"
-# 6d272187a4224eee883e147c2bd70841
-#: ../../ui.rst:131
+# 7d9e4e036dec429db9386110482d17fa
+#: ../../ui.rst:125
 msgid ""
 "You should set a new root administrator password. If you chose basic setup, "
 "you’ll be prompted to create a new password right away. If you chose "
 "experienced user, use the steps in :ref:`changing-root-password`."
 msgstr "你应该为根管理员设置一个新的密码。如果你选择基础设置。将会提示你立即创建一个新的密码。如果你选择有经验的用户,请选择:ref:`changing-root-password`里的步骤。"
-# ce25a9e2a2e5427ba0b0979423dee209
-#: ../../ui.rst:137
+# 812d903dc8bc4cf5a98f694baeb328a0
+#: ../../ui.rst:130
 msgid ""
 "You are logging in as the root administrator. This account manages the "
 "CloudStack deployment, including physical infrastructure. The root "
@@ -212,13 +210,13 @@
 "password to a new, unique password."
 msgstr "使用根管理员登录。这个账号管理CloudStack的部署,包括物理架构。根管理员可以通过更改配置来变更基本的功能,创建或删除用户账号,以及其它许多只有被授权的用户执行的操作。请更改默认的密码,确保其唯一性和安全性。"
-# 245d29fc03c0406eb25debd7beae06df
-#: ../../ui.rst:142
+# b350994b6904403db6d30d524f0eed32
+#: ../../ui.rst:140
 msgid "Changing the Root Password"
 msgstr "更改Root密码"
-# e7c7d3abe5564cc1a37b80c78666c4f0
-#: ../../ui.rst:144
+# 3a06c8a9892b4cbeaac7e2dec367ddd7
+#: ../../ui.rst:142
 msgid ""
 "During installation and ongoing cloud administration, you will need to log "
 "in to the UI as the root administrator. The root administrator account "
@@ -229,229 +227,39 @@
 "CloudStack, be sure to change the default password to a new, unique value."
 msgstr "在云的安装及后续管理过程中,您需要用根管理员登录UI。根管理员账号管理着CloudStack的部署以及物理设施。根管理员可以修改系统配置,改变基本功能,创建和删除用户账号,以及其他仅限于已授权人员执行的操作。在初始安CloudStack时,请务必修改默认密码为新的较独特的密码。"
-# 6043d1e39c2a48e4b854e3578f22ec8c
-#: ../../ui.rst:164
+# 7057f98c0cb94bceb1dc66c14a0b5802
+#: ../../ui.rst:158
 msgid ""
 "Log in to the UI using the current root user ID and password. The default is"
 " admin, password."
 msgstr "使用当前root用户的ID和口令登录UI。缺省为admin,pawword。"
-# cd0b86751e6349b0b87a2b0b90f2aa0f
-#: ../../ui.rst:169
+# fdf104279af341739d24347f0e1fce4e
+#: ../../ui.rst:161
 msgid "Click Accounts."
 msgstr "点击帐户。"
-# 026a6a1bd5f249e5ba1083e8c008bff0
-#: ../../ui.rst:173
+# c12c934bf488453e9c209dcf140e5b22
+#: ../../ui.rst:163
 msgid "Click the admin account name."
 msgstr "点击管理员帐号名。"
-# d409c268bfec40fdaafc542ed7e5f9a8
-#: ../../ui.rst:177
+# 9941a672247948c09ee39a2119dcbb22
+#: ../../ui.rst:165
 msgid "Click View Users."
 msgstr "点击查看用户。"
-# aaa72f38d16f48b483ed186fa00197c1
-#: ../../ui.rst:181
+# 482e7c8a3e904702a4089d4643cdae41
+#: ../../ui.rst:167
 msgid "Click the admin user name."
 msgstr "点击管理员用户名。"
-# 028079ae04324fb6b57f66f799f63c62
-#: ../../ui.rst:185
+# ae46b97a741b49e4b1c2422f074135e9
+#: ../../ui.rst:169
 msgid "Click the Change Password button. |change-password.png|"
 msgstr "点击更改密码按钮。 |change-password.png|"
-# ac75f53f86c345ff8363e0493a554c7e
-#: ../../ui.rst:189
+# 9ba47399deaa4e378669ad789c0a47c0
+#: ../../ui.rst:171
 msgid "Type the new password, and click OK."
 msgstr "输入新密码,然后点击确认。"
-# 247f04e8fcf944c4b5dae33d5904fc7e
-#: ../../ui.rst:192
-msgid "Using SSH Keys for Authentication"
-msgstr "未验证使用SSH秘钥"
-# 17729e6e0703435c8d7cdae57ea0158e
-#: ../../ui.rst:194
-msgid ""
-"In addition to the username and password authentication, CloudStack supports"
-" using SSH keys to log in to the cloud infrastructure for additional "
-"security. You can use the createSSHKeyPair API to generate the SSH keys."
-msgstr "除了用户名和密码验证之外,出于额外的安全性考虑,CloudStack还支持使用SSH秘钥来登录到云架构。你可以使用createSSHKeyPair API来生成SSH秘钥。"
-# 60474970e0924ca8881ca58a0f2aaf1c
-#: ../../ui.rst:199
-msgid ""
-"Because each cloud user has their own SSH key, one cloud user cannot log in "
-"to another cloud user's instances unless they share their SSH key files. "
-"Using a single SSH key pair, you can manage multiple instances."
-msgstr "因为每个云用户都有他们自己的SSH秘钥,一个云用户不能登录到另一个云用户的实例中,除非他们共享了他们的SSH key文件。使用一个SSH秘钥对,你可以管理多个实例。"
-# d04ab78757e648db9a36b21757d95eb2
-#: ../../ui.rst:204
-msgid "Creating an Instance Template that Supports SSH Keys"
-msgstr "创建一个支持SSH秘钥的实例模板"
-# 7c8b494ef99a4f8b91c6a2ae002c4924
-#: ../../ui.rst:206
-msgid "Create an instance template that supports SSH Keys."
-msgstr "创建一个支持SSH秘钥的实例模板。"
-# 4912a213c00d429780087b2cfe97da53
-#: ../../ui.rst:210
-msgid "Create a new instance by using the template provided by cloudstack."
-msgstr "使用CloudStack提供的模板创建一个新的实例。"
-# a6a64feeebfc45e093188be0b11f249c
-#: ../../ui.rst:212
-msgid "For more information on creating a new instance, see"
-msgstr "关于创建新实例的更多信息,请参阅"
-# d9301346ec2b4466bbcb41b41e4fca67
-#: ../../ui.rst:216
-msgid ""
-"Download the cloudstack script from `The SSH Key Gen Script "
-" to the instance you have created."
-msgstr "从 `The SSH Key Gen Script <>`_ 下载CloudStack脚本到你已经创建的实例中。"
-# 35616f7818954a1f944b86f8c1647662
-#: ../../ui.rst:224
-msgid "Copy the file to /etc/init.d."
-msgstr "复制这个脚本到 /etc/init.d。"
-# 9cd32ae2ba0048f7b0defa4c05704fe4
-#: ../../ui.rst:232
-msgid "Give the necessary permissions on the script:"
-msgstr "给这个脚本必要的权限:"
-# a3cdb8470165420e9cf800130e0c9558
-#: ../../ui.rst:240
-msgid "Run the script while starting up the operating system:"
-msgstr "当系统启动的时候运行脚本:"
-# d72d733121264975825dda05eb82afa6
-#: ../../ui.rst:248
-msgid "Stop the instance."
-msgstr "停止实例。"
-# a4e2c66c696d4a828deb3db3bb32b233
-#: ../../ui.rst:251
-msgid "Creating the SSH Keypair"
-msgstr "创建SSH秘钥对"
-# eda0dab882fb4b638b95e4b9037d81d5
-#: ../../ui.rst:253
-msgid ""
-"You must make a call to the createSSHKeyPair api method. You can either use "
-"the CloudStack Python API library or the curl commands to make the call to "
-"the cloudstack api."
-msgstr "你必须给createSSHKeyPair api方法做一个调用。你可以使用CloudStack  Python API 库或curl 命令给CloudStack API做调用。"
-# e7eb58ee1cc84b6c840951ef582865f5
-#: ../../ui.rst:257
-msgid ""
-"For example, make a call from the cloudstack server to create a SSH keypair "
-"called \"keypair-doc\" for the admin account in the root domain:"
-msgstr "比如,从CloudStack服务器为根域中的管理员帐户做调用来创建一个SSH秘钥对 ,名称为 \"keypair-doc\" :"
-# 20b8836d5e81433da0a0f2282cce73ec
-#: ../../ui.rst:261
-msgid ""
-"Ensure that you adjust these values to meet your needs. If you are making "
-"the API call from a different server, your URL/PORT will be different, and "
-"you will need to use the API keys."
-msgstr "确认你调整这些值是你所需要的。如果你从不同的服务器上做API调用,你的 URL/PORT 也是不同的,并且你必须使用API 秘钥。"
-# dd16dc8df12049cc8028328a49770426
-#: ../../ui.rst:265
-msgid "Run the following curl command:"
-msgstr "运行如下curl命令:"
-# 798b044a5a404bd2941a9401c694f194
-#: ../../ui.rst:271
-msgid "The output is something similar to what is given below:"
-msgstr "输出的内容与下面所示的类似:"
-# a17314d9ae5f4ea784ffd1b69cd6cd2a
-#: ../../ui.rst:291
-msgid "Copy the key data into a file. The file looks like this:"
-msgstr "复制秘钥的数据到一个文件。这个文件类似于:"
-# f0d5785a5fad443a97a2b93c0f250eb4
-#: ../../ui.rst:310
-msgid "Save the file."
-msgstr "保存文件。"
-# 3c61b221b8a44556a48855acb7af4081
-#: ../../ui.rst:313
-msgid "Creating an Instance"
-msgstr "创建实例"
-# 845a398aabe44a5e897e410247bd5050
-#: ../../ui.rst:315
-msgid ""
-"After you save the SSH keypair file, you must create an instance by using "
-"the template that you created at `Section 5.2.1, “ Creating an Instance "
-"Template that Supports SSH Keys” <#create-ssh-template>`__. Ensure that you "
-"use the same SSH key name that you created at `Section 5.2.2, “Creating the "
-"SSH Keypair” <#create-ssh-keypair>`__."
-msgstr "在你保存了SSH秘钥对文件之后,你必须使用你在`章节 5.2.1, “ 创建支持SSH秘钥的实例模板” <#create-ssh-template>`__中创建的模来板创建一个实例。确保你使用与你在`章节 5.2.2, “创建秘钥对” <#create-ssh-keypair>`__中创建的同样的SSH秘钥名称。"
-# ca39f1c10c0b4ec5a8e4eb9fd95332a8
-#: ../../ui.rst:323
-msgid ""
-"You cannot create the instance by using the GUI at this time and associate "
-"the instance with the newly created SSH keypair."
-msgstr "这时候你不能通过使用 GUI来创建实例,要使用新创建的SSH秘钥对来关联实例。"
-# 1ba0532c6e384ad6946a13e520f2d0cb
-#: ../../ui.rst:325
-msgid "A sample curl command to create a new instance is:"
-msgstr "使用简单的curl命令创建新的实例:"
-# aeece32098de4a77970e86a23ee7503c
-#: ../../ui.rst:331
-msgid ""
-"Substitute the template, service offering and security group IDs (if you are"
-" using the security group feature) that are in your cloud environment."
-msgstr "在你的云环境中,服务方案和安全组IDs(如果你使用安全组功能)可以替代模板。"
-# 5acfe9f470754268bf12beafb1da8590
-#: ../../ui.rst:336
-msgid "Logging In Using the SSH Keypair"
-msgstr "使用SSH秘钥对登录"
-# ecbc54c997a6494591311348d6c7cf10
-#: ../../ui.rst:338
-msgid ""
-"To test your SSH key generation is successful, check whether you can log in "
-"to the cloud setup."
-msgstr "测试你的SSH秘钥的生成是否成功,需要检查是否能够登录到云中。"
-# f728e066bd8042eb9f636f25a36855df
-#: ../../ui.rst:341
-msgid "For example, from a Linux OS, run:"
-msgstr "举个例子,在LinuxOS中,运行:"
-# ada257a069dc4790a47c1f4742f1e348
-#: ../../ui.rst:347
-msgid ""
-"The -i parameter tells the ssh client to use a ssh key found at ~/.ssh"
-msgstr "参数-i是通知ssh客户端使用一个在~/.ssh/keypair-doc中找到的ssh秘钥。"
-# b5c198f3ab0344df9eaf41527b550991
-#: ../../ui.rst:351
-msgid "Resetting SSH Keys"
-msgstr "重置SSH密钥"
-# 459aabf9f16142f2a857a89ccd498c4a
-#: ../../ui.rst:353
-msgid ""
-"With the API command resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine, a user can set or reset "
-"the SSH keypair assigned to a virtual machine. A lost or compromised SSH "
-"keypair can be changed, and the user can access the VM by using the new "
-"keypair. Just create or register a new keypair, then call "
-msgstr "通过API命令resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine,用户可以设置或者重设分配给虚拟机的SSH秘钥对。可以更改丢失或被盗用的SSH密钥对,并且用户可以使用新的秘钥对来访问VM。只要创建或注册新的密钥对然后调用resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine。"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index 6be50e9..6902cb2 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/usage.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/usage.po
index ae8f954..253aee2 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/usage.po
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/usage.po
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# 语法盐 <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-24 18:31+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: 语法盐 <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -18,12 +17,12 @@
 "Language: zh_CN\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-# 0337566b79334160ac7120790c9d0ac7
+# f960d1bdf1ff4edcab85c8de14d937d9
 #: ../../usage.rst:18
 msgid "Working with Usage"
 msgstr "使用服务"
-# ef6eee68a2ab4c3eb31cb3115bab6062
+# 15ed9c55a30744308390d710f71e001e
 #: ../../usage.rst:20
 msgid ""
 "The Usage Server is an optional, separately-installed part of CloudStack "
@@ -33,97 +32,97 @@
 "listUsageRecords API call."
 msgstr "使用服务器是CloudStack一个可选项,分别安装产品的一部分,提供了聚合使用记录您可以使用它来创建计费集成产品。使用服务器通过使用数据从事件日志和创建汇总使用记录,您可以访问使用listUsageRecords API调用。"
-# 3f5a5a7bc4cc4528840d66c404992c64
+# 96a54f49657f4ecb814c7babc3d12cd5
 #: ../../usage.rst:26
 msgid ""
 "The usage records show the amount of resources, such as VM run time or "
 "template storage space, consumed by guest instances."
 msgstr "使用记录显示数量的资源,比如虚拟机运行时间或模板存储空间,以被客人消耗为例。"
-# 7534ac8e2cf443e7801e747d7e156ec4
+# 55c9c7dee78b4ff284f8a3775ee15d80
 #: ../../usage.rst:29
 msgid ""
 "The Usage Server runs at least once per day. It can be configured to run "
 "multiple times per day."
 msgstr "使用服务器运行至少每天一次。它可以被配置为每天多次运行。"
-# ea7f343f907540088f49db087d846e0c
-#: ../../usage.rst:33
+# e3e786135adc456da195d8c62094e4cf
+#: ../../usage.rst:34
 msgid "Configuring the Usage Server"
 msgstr "配置使用服务器"
-# 5aa6afef926b456384cf8fe5fef33e85
-#: ../../usage.rst:35
+# 6fb60ef9e16e4db0878d21a3d8ae162b
+#: ../../usage.rst:36
 msgid "To configure the usage server:"
 msgstr "配置使用服务器"
-# 4a2672643b7e4281babb6fa1f2c8f5c6
-#: ../../usage.rst:39
+# 5adc62eff1f640a094ea087767a99266
+#: ../../usage.rst:38
 msgid ""
 "Be sure the Usage Server has been installed. This requires extra steps "
 "beyond just installing the CloudStack software. See Installing the Usage "
 "Server (Optional) in the Advanced Installation Guide."
 msgstr "确定使用服务器已经被安装。它要求安装额外的CloudStack软件步骤。参见高级安装手册中的使用服务器(可选)。"
-# b81ee209e7eb43f2b4440774ee120d74
-#: ../../usage.rst:45
+# 79b6062dbd284c60a7d174315e5ddf4f
+#: ../../usage.rst:42
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as administrator."
 msgstr "作为管理员登录到CloudStack用户界面。"
-# b71109d7bf9b4edd8cb8b8b3c62c7375
-#: ../../usage.rst:49
+# 19a9f5fbef3041d9b13807ca7c2cb8b9
+#: ../../usage.rst:44
 msgid "Click Global Settings."
 msgstr "单击全局设置"
-# d97b663ae09745498728fffc03e2f754
-#: ../../usage.rst:53
+# 667e5b8b21924fb69b4fa8afbf76896b
+#: ../../usage.rst:46
 msgid ""
 "In Search, type usage. Find the configuration parameter that controls the "
 "behavior you want to set. See the table below for a description of the "
 "available parameters."
 msgstr "在搜索栏输入 usage。找到no需要改变的配置参数。下表是这些参数的详细描述。"
-# b0484803860b4b1a99bb5c37475c7246
-#: ../../usage.rst:59
+# 8fa5855d775b43958fe08525d0e94aae
+#: ../../usage.rst:50
 msgid "In Actions, click the Edit icon."
 msgstr "在操作栏点击编辑图标。"
-# 704d9670a22a4b81b84bd8f2aa97bb9a
-#: ../../usage.rst:63
+# 63178267fdd94998ab92da5146692648
+#: ../../usage.rst:52
 msgid "Type the desired value and click the Save icon."
 msgstr "输入数值点击保存图标。"
-# f01266ae6922418997f31eb79d697cab
-#: ../../usage.rst:67
+# 5d851f4543c0408f8e57dce0857766a3
+#: ../../usage.rst:54
 msgid ""
 "Restart the Management Server (as usual with any global configuration "
 "change) and also the Usage Server:"
 msgstr "重新启动管理服务器(通常在改变了全局配置之后都要进行这步)并重启使用服务器。"
-# 7b5da1780fc444d2b67d97b1a97eabb7
-#: ../../usage.rst:75
+# b91f29141e0f4cdaaa81be318e86c10e
+#: ../../usage.rst:62
 msgid ""
 "The following table shows the global configuration settings that control the"
 " behavior of the Usage Server."
 msgstr "下表列出了全局配置中控制使用服务器的配置项。"
-# 0ca8d699a2cd4e91b01369666cbcb2ca
-#: ../../usage.rst:78
+# 1e76426d14bf4fc6915a0e1c79ef2b9a
+#: ../../usage.rst:65
 msgid "Parameter Name  Description"
 msgstr "参数名描述"
-# a6789ec8fc34419ba8e0cc40f94d7f67
-#: ../../usage.rst:80
+# 668e6317ce104d72ab45c55b9411ea8e
+#: ../../usage.rst:67
 msgid "enable.usage.server  Whether the Usage Server is active."
 msgstr "enable.usage.server是否开启使用服务器。"
-# f437a7fb1872449e9caf308fcfa5526f
-#: ../../usage.rst:82
+# 1fcaf07a4ddb4e8c958cd1b6ef8cfe91
+#: ../../usage.rst:69
 msgid "usage.aggregation.timezone"
 msgstr "usage.aggregation.timezone"
-# 002d5b3110bb405a8848871cde0b96d5
-#: ../../usage.rst:84
+# fb381c2892df4ea7b1c44440f03ba556
+#: ../../usage.rst:71
 msgid ""
 "Time zone of usage records. Set this if the usage records and daily job "
 "execution are in different time zones. For example, with the following "
@@ -131,26 +130,26 @@
 " the 24 hours from 00:00:00 GMT to 23:59:59 GMT:"
 msgstr "记录使用信息所用的时区。如果使用记录和日程工作执行在不同的时区时进行设置。例如,进行下列设置,使用任务运行在PST 00:15和24小时内产生的从00:00:00GMT到23:59:59GMT的使用记录:"
-# c7f851a818984dcd81e65157bc3432f4
-#: ../../usage.rst:95
+# 509f3bce303a4ab7a526dcc19e3c3e50
+#: ../../usage.rst:82
 msgid ""
 "Valid values for the time zone are specified in `Appendix A, *Time Zones* "
 msgstr "时间域的有效值已经被具体化到 `Appendix A, *Time Zones* 中 <>`_"
-# 40b92c7b30364a0893e6e3026b182ae8
-#: ../../usage.rst:97
+# 3133231b20dd4c9da1fe9fd7d09136a3
+#: ../../usage.rst:85
 msgid "Default: GMT"
 msgstr "默认:GMT"
-# 7fa13665f2e44fc28418dc803fdee1b0
-#: ../../usage.rst:99
+# 22dabfab93eb4361b26eb9088cad5134
+#: ../../usage.rst:87
 msgid "usage.execution.timezone"
 msgstr "usage.execution.timezone"
-# 03ddf36a6b6a42a891a0c341c43056f6
-#: ../../usage.rst:101
+# a27f0dcfc71847ee846e80cb1b5c6e66
+#: ../../usage.rst:89
 msgid ""
 "The time zone of usage.stats.job.exec.time. Valid values for the time zone "
 "are specified in `Appendix A, *Time Zones* "
@@ -158,18 +157,18 @@
 msgstr "域时间项usage.stats.job.exec.time。时间域的有效值被具体化在`Appendix A, *Time Zones* <>`_"
-# e638a1f3e44e48da83a97b95361fe670
-#: ../../usage.rst:104
+# 101b64630291428aa4dce0f295b51f96
+#: ../../usage.rst:93
 msgid "Default: The time zone of the management server."
 msgstr "默认时区是管理服务器的时区。"
-# 336418dd41ec4a81934459e2c042fbf7
-#: ../../usage.rst:106
+# e5296f4116c949e282dda12b62a2e31b
+#: ../../usage.rst:95
 msgid "usage.sanity.check.interval"
 msgstr "usage.sanity.check.interval"
-# 6db1762ecd314edeae225d23b32a5155
-#: ../../usage.rst:108
+# 12e3d1486808475ba2d50b4b1f480b20
+#: ../../usage.rst:97
 msgid ""
 "The number of days between sanity checks. Set this in order to periodically "
 "search for records with erroneous data before issuing customer invoices. For"
@@ -179,13 +178,13 @@
 "found, the alert ALERT\\_TYPE\\_USAGE\\_SANITY\\_RESULT = 21 is sent."
 msgstr "完整性检查时间间隔。设置此值来定期在生成用户账单之前检查出错误的数据。比如,他能检查虚拟机被销毁之后的使用记录和模板,卷等的类似记录。还会检查超过聚合时间的使用时间。如果发生了错误就会发送ALERT_TYPE_USAGE_SANITY_RESULT = 21 警告。"
-# 6e8167cad8334e6db1221cfc494f72ff
-#: ../../usage.rst:116
+# d6a51defdc9b4ca1900dca6ee38d488b
+#: ../../usage.rst:105
 msgid "usage.stats.job.aggregation.range"
 msgstr "usage.stats.job.aggregation.range"
-# e01e74ee70b744fe8f79e8f35126362f
-#: ../../usage.rst:118
+# f200ecf1491a41c58c58d607a2030621
+#: ../../usage.rst:107
 msgid ""
 "The time period in minutes between Usage Server processing jobs. For "
 "example, if you set it to 1440, the Usage Server will run once per day. If "
@@ -193,8 +192,8 @@
 "Server job runs, it processes all events generated since usage was last run."
 msgstr "使用服务器执行任务时间间隔(分钟为单位)。比如,如果你将此值设为1440,使用服务器将每天执行一次。如果你将此值设为600,则会10小时执行一次。一般情况下使用服务器执行任务时会继续在上次的使用统计基础上处理所有事件。"
-# 72a14011c979446c83c67f906fbbd35e
-#: ../../usage.rst:124
+# 3fb2ba9c61a64f54bb226a97eff0e59f
+#: ../../usage.rst:113
 msgid ""
 "There is special handling for the case of 1440 (once per day). In this case "
 "the Usage Server does not necessarily process all records since Usage was "
@@ -205,26 +204,26 @@
 " is relative to the usage.execution.timezone."
 msgstr "当值为1440(一天一次)时有点特殊。该情况下,用量服务器并不需要处理上次运行之后的所有事件。&PRODUCT;假定您要一天一次处理昨天的,完成每日记录。例如,如果今天是10月7号,会假定您要处理6号的记录,从0点到24点。CloudStack假定的0点到24点采用的时区为 usage.execution.timezone的值。"
-# fff2920912c74d6ea4ecfe9d04f4326c
-#: ../../usage.rst:132
+# 657e01fff8404e7086e1a5cd318ed5b9
+#: ../../usage.rst:121
 msgid "Default: 1440"
 msgstr "默认:1440"
-# dcb0cd40eeb94e38b3f968e426612b3d
-#: ../../usage.rst:134
+# 8e231a3dfe9b4ac494f5ae8dc3e03001
+#: ../../usage.rst:123
 msgid "usage.stats.job.exec.time"
 msgstr "usage.stats.job.exec.time"
-# a6a0f4fad3a14d5eadb8f19ebb248c50
-#: ../../usage.rst:136
+# 05f6de4a7dd947ceba3246443c6e2ace
+#: ../../usage.rst:125
 msgid ""
 "The time when the Usage Server processing will start. It is specified in "
 "24-hour format (HH:MM) in the time zone of the server, which should be GMT. "
 "For example, to start the Usage job at 10:30 GMT, enter “10:30”."
 msgstr "使用服务器处理任务的启动时间。采用24小时格式 (HH:MM),时区为服务器的时区,应该为GMT。比如要在GMT时区10:30 启动用量任务,请输入“10:30”"
-# 4d07c9c85f514d65bf442bf13e109864
-#: ../../usage.rst:140
+# 54677f1477574ba58b744ade5f531ddd
+#: ../../usage.rst:129
 msgid ""
 "If usage.stats.job.aggregation.range is also set, and its value is not 1440,"
 " then its value will be added to usage.stats.job.exec.time to get the time "
@@ -233,13 +232,13 @@
 msgstr "如果同时设置了usage.stats.job.aggregation.range参数,并且该参数值不是1440,这个值将被添加到usage.stats.job.exec.time到时再次运行使用服务器任务。重复此过程,直到24小时已经过去,第二天到达 usage.stats.job.exec.time处理任务开始。"
-# 5111f12513a84c968c37d5b3255f5661
-#: ../../usage.rst:146
+# 870bef8e0dc54e1a87ab39acc1c59e7b
+#: ../../usage.rst:135
 msgid "Default: 00:15."
 msgstr "默认:00:15。"
-# 691a7dadec4449ab885c9903e9de6d4d
-#: ../../usage.rst:148
+# 3c30b2b9e20f485c8ac878c1c8b62ef5
+#: ../../usage.rst:137
 msgid ""
 "For example, suppose that your server is in GMT, your user population is "
 "predominantly in the East Coast of the United States, and you would like to "
@@ -247,52 +246,52 @@
 msgstr "比如,假设你服务器时区是GMT,你的用户主要在美国东海岸,而你有打算在当地时间(EST)每天凌晨两点执行使用记录统计。选择这些选项:"
-# 854380bcaa4d4944a2e420a412fdd458
-#: ../../usage.rst:155
+# 910e4a77b6c34e64ad844e417ab623d5
+#: ../../usage.rst:142
 msgid "enable.usage.server = true"
 msgstr "enable.usage.server = true"
-# 9552647831c040ddaf47d5c8fc277756
-#: ../../usage.rst:159
+# 078da3cc8569439c9002cbbb7337d936
+#: ../../usage.rst:144
 msgid "usage.execution.timezone = America/New\\_York"
 msgstr "usage.execution.timezone = America/New\\_York"
-# 1aa8ef9c65f04460a33aba6389e20164
-#: ../../usage.rst:163
+# 42e66162ae97481083688b89c626c8cc
+#: ../../usage.rst:146
 msgid ""
 "usage.stats.job.exec.time = 07:00. This will run the Usage job at 2:00 AM "
 "EST. Note that this will shift by an hour as the East Coast of the U.S. "
 "enters and exits Daylight Savings Time."
 msgstr "usage.stats.job.exec.time = 07:00。这将会在东部时间2:00执行使用任务。注意考虑进出白昼保存时间在将时间迁移大U.S.东海岸。"
-# 11423a0b34ff4d9c9197b18830cdb91f
-#: ../../usage.rst:169
+# 5ba2fd5fa7004081a393783418655cdd
+#: ../../usage.rst:150
 msgid "usage.stats.job.aggregation.range = 1440"
 msgstr "usage.stats.job.aggregation.range = 1440"
-# 45bcb1eac33046019e58feb7bc0457a1
-#: ../../usage.rst:171
+# 1c9ce06adfa54705878ac2e20fcc8462
+#: ../../usage.rst:152
 msgid ""
 "With this configuration, the Usage job will run every night at 2 AM EST and "
 "will process records for the previous day’s midnight-midnight as defined by "
 "the EST (America/New\\_York) time zone."
 msgstr "在这种配置下,使用任务 会在东部时间每天2 AM执行,同时会如定义的一样以东部时间(美国纽约时间)统计前一天的“午夜到午夜使用记录。”"
-# 40a9e9e40a5747bc89152657465138c2
-#: ../../usage.rst:176
+# 1e914c7e818e47d8b13676d7f92bbe0b
+#: ../../usage.rst:157
 msgid ""
 "Because the special value 1440 has been used for "
 "usage.stats.job.aggregation.range, the Usage Server will ignore the data "
 "between midnight and 2 AM. That data will be included in the next day's run."
 msgstr "由于在usage.stats.job.aggregation.range中使用特殊值1440,用量服务器将忽略午夜到凌晨2:00之间的数据。这些数据将会包含在第二天的统计中。"
-# 8859130b1f4e4118a9a83a2ecac3cf43
-#: ../../usage.rst:182
+# 40d99d806e4949158aa5ab2e841cfa2a
+#: ../../usage.rst:164
 msgid "Setting Usage Limits"
 msgstr "设置使用限制"
-# 67183fba4b79465a918f40539a1af8de
-#: ../../usage.rst:184
+# 579aaca84d1548508b091885f6e9e9da
+#: ../../usage.rst:166
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack provides several administrator control points for capping "
 "resource usage by users. Some of these limits are global configuration "
@@ -300,13 +299,13 @@
 " per-account basis."
 msgstr "CloudStack提供多个管理员控制点以便控制用户资源使用。其中一些限制是全局配置参数。其他一些应用在root域,并且会覆盖每个账号的基本配置"
-# 4aac553e7c064eeab7acf5f41532e597
-#: ../../usage.rst:190
+# 229ad89efb9c4cb0ab03a6ce99f44f23
+#: ../../usage.rst:173
 msgid "Globally Configured Limits"
 msgstr "全局配置限制"
-# 37ace931a09a4cbb8686c2f6a35a51e2
-#: ../../usage.rst:192
+# e2b6313d1a4d4917a2544b4440379415
+#: ../../usage.rst:175
 msgid ""
 "In a zone, the guest virtual network has a 24 bit CIDR by default. This "
 "limits the guest virtual network to 254 running instances. It can be "
@@ -314,114 +313,114 @@
 "in the zone. For example, would provide for ~1000 addresses."
 msgstr "在一个域中,客户虚拟网络默认有24位CIDR.它限制了客户网络运行上线是254个实例。它可以根据需求调节,但必须在域中实例创建之前。例如, 将提供 ~1000 地址。"
-# ae098636d8e648f3a914678156700e14
-#: ../../usage.rst:198
+# 84670b12426b4429831f536c401fc323
+#: ../../usage.rst:181
 msgid "The following table lists limits set in the Global Configuration:"
 msgstr "下表列出了设置全局配置的限制:"
-# 4eb4df145b8e419e88f38cc31ce59ec5
-# 88da6c4bbb414d48a70762e6a87a8239
-# fd92835d48cb40a88c4fcd1120b360c8
-# ed9e4fe39d504bbfabc315a12eeb4f81
-#: ../../usage.rst:201 ../../usage.rst:264 ../../usage.rst:393
-#: ../../usage.rst:475
+# 7da9c9f6c4464762b975b5c84e4ebf9c
+# 146d490544914790b152209b009cacb9
+# 1bb822fa0c3e4b7db77988b5cf5efdbd
+# c79e2332c1ba4ad5883126f553ad5388
+#: ../../usage.rst:184 ../../usage.rst:239 ../../usage.rst:343
+#: ../../usage.rst:414
 msgid "Parameter Name"
 msgstr "参数名称"
-# 6ab99d8d306a4f868671e875f1e9686d
-#: ../../usage.rst:201
+# 69e6a02d3513471b89dca9419976e56b
+#: ../../usage.rst:184
 msgid "Definition"
 msgstr "定义"
-# 3181f7c34e2546de868e6a8c49b343cb
-#: ../../usage.rst:203
+# 8f803160c7ef4b258545cf19783a2cb2
+#: ../../usage.rst:186
 msgid "max.account.public.ips"
 msgstr "max.account.public.ips"
-# 52580eeb30b0494aacd46547a9a70f06
-#: ../../usage.rst:203
+# 33a9e7f75edb450eb385f759769e8a27
+#: ../../usage.rst:186
 msgid "Number of public IP addresses that can be owned by an account"
 msgstr "账户可拥有的公用IP地址个数"
-# fb78fccf0cab4d608f3a9a4b50afc7de
-#: ../../usage.rst:205
+# 9d54d7043dfa4cfdba9892d7b4987d27
+#: ../../usage.rst:188
 msgid "max.account.snapshots"
 msgstr "max.account.snapshots"
-# 1f04bedfc70946aab381d1442e177e8b
-#: ../../usage.rst:205
+# 53e9c6336fc343f58d5d0f0c982ecd16
+#: ../../usage.rst:188
 msgid "Number of snapshots that can exist for an account"
 msgstr "快照的数量存在于一个记述中"
-# eb091b2e7bc947318a0dc0eeb27fd55a
-#: ../../usage.rst:207
+# 6979458b8f824d9ea8eb1a932cb3700a
+#: ../../usage.rst:190
 msgid "max.account.templates"
 msgstr "max.account.templates"
-# 2900cbdf57044d8d849e01b90d7b484f
-#: ../../usage.rst:207
+# a450954b78c549129d90f452f3261c83
+#: ../../usage.rst:190
 msgid "Number of templates that can exist for an account"
 msgstr "模板的数量可能存于一个记述中"
-# e470b1824d0448d0bcaaef0003e0e758
-#: ../../usage.rst:209
+# e090c2956d874c139e10f94be47e21bd
+#: ../../usage.rst:192
 msgid "max.account.user.vms"
 msgstr "max.account.user.vms"
-# 45fc3b15f0f74fd9af1cfd0e3b57140e
-#: ../../usage.rst:209
+# d30280c4822b48cf86341f0c6f0e9f40
+#: ../../usage.rst:192
 msgid "Number of virtual machine instances that can exist for an account"
 msgstr "虚拟机实例的数量也可能存在于一个记述中"
-# f552a012a4504f6a841f24ad45d78c4a
-#: ../../usage.rst:211
+# ecaf59ece9264e429a9664b72c83c9d5
+#: ../../usage.rst:194
 msgid "max.account.volumes"
 msgstr "max.account.volumes"
-# 14bb2f91823c4d258090722dfff1a485
-#: ../../usage.rst:211
+# 352d53dede964c53adaba408485377bb
+#: ../../usage.rst:194
 msgid "Number of disk volumes that can exist for an account"
 msgstr "磁盘卷的数量也可能存于一个记述中"
-# 050c07868c484da0ac186174142b1a02
-#: ../../usage.rst:213
+# 4855308d9e7f453ca68c4f73a23b7da2
+#: ../../usage.rst:196
 msgid "max.template.iso.size"
 msgstr "max.template.iso.size"
-# ae347d4cccf446ee8db6e10db1ffbbe5
-#: ../../usage.rst:213
+# c3cf19fabb7b41c6bfeda6bfcb0d40c6
+#: ../../usage.rst:196
 msgid "Maximum size for a downloaded template or ISO in GB"
 msgstr "下载的模板或ISO最大的单位是GB"
-# 8873afe317eb48ebad10fb3d4fad05bb
-#: ../../usage.rst:215
+# e2bd816e02a74341ac3b504ef37abf9b
+#: ../../usage.rst:198
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-# 292847e00d914fe9a87ed2fc6cb35196
-#: ../../usage.rst:215
+# ac589029cbaa451fb486f219b27caf43
+#: ../../usage.rst:198
 msgid "Maximum size for a volume in GB"
 msgstr "卷的最大单位是GB"
-# ad2a43dbb1674c4c89fd570d1d61adea
-#: ../../usage.rst:217
+# 3b152b7effc14a2098e6b2f885125e11
+#: ../../usage.rst:200
 msgid "network.throttling.rate"
-msgstr "网络调节比率"
+msgstr "network.throttling.rate"
-# 3acfdadda9ab43c685d660013eb62877
-#: ../../usage.rst:217
+# d66b6e2b68304b4d97dae0d72709be2f
+#: ../../usage.rst:200
 msgid ""
 "Default data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed per user "
 "(supported on XenServer)"
 msgstr "默认的传输速率是允许用户按照Mb每秒(支持XenServer)"
-# d1cb00d8c3ff4620a4118ee8a249bc92
-#: ../../usage.rst:219
+# e01d028d0d5643a3a283f12888581998
+#: ../../usage.rst:202
 msgid "snapshot.max.hourly"
 msgstr "snapshot.max.hourly"
-# d9d7ab38671b42a2a3a0317c58782ced
-#: ../../usage.rst:219
+# 305a224a1c5946ab949570233597705b
+#: ../../usage.rst:202
 msgid ""
 "Maximum recurring hourly snapshots to be retained for a volume. If the limit"
 " is reached, early snapshots from the start of the hour are deleted so that "
@@ -429,13 +428,13 @@
 "set to 0, recurring hourly snapshots can not be scheduled"
 msgstr "最大的可再现时时性快照可以保存在卷中。如果数量的限制达到,早期的来自开始阶段的快照就会被删除以使新的快照可以被存储。这种限制方法不支持手工快照。若设为0,可再现性时时快照将没有保存。"
-# b1f9cffb6fe647ad92ea2c6d5d289791
-#: ../../usage.rst:221
+# 7734cc014872464a8d8672c1190ff731
+#: ../../usage.rst:204
 msgid "snapshot.max.daily"
 msgstr "snapshot.max.daily"
-# 704f71e544f345d09065347025c7cde4
-#: ../../usage.rst:221
+# ddca821bebdf4a12a2b4fb3d9e089efe
+#: ../../usage.rst:204
 msgid ""
 "Maximum recurring daily snapshots to be retained for a volume. If the limit "
 "is reached, snapshots from the start of the day are deleted so that newer "
@@ -443,13 +442,13 @@
 "0, recurring daily snapshots can not be scheduled"
 msgstr "最大的可再现时时性快照可以保存在卷中。如果数量的限制达到,早期的来自开始阶段的快照就会被删除以使新的快照可以被存储。这种限制方法不支持手工快照。若设为0,可再现性时时快照将没有保存。"
-# 601336d47b0f418780ce30ebd5a32095
-#: ../../usage.rst:223
+# 90b70954860841d5a31b17b85cc10f84
+#: ../../usage.rst:206
 msgid "snapshot.max.weekly"
 msgstr "snapshot.max.weekly"
-# 5640652f34584cbb8e42774ff9737df1
-#: ../../usage.rst:223
+# 8ee51877c42a40da9039bdc877f388c5
+#: ../../usage.rst:206
 msgid ""
 "Maximum recurring weekly snapshots to be retained for a volume. If the limit"
 " is reached, snapshots from the beginning of the week are deleted so that "
@@ -457,13 +456,13 @@
 "set to 0, recurring weekly snapshots can not be scheduled"
 msgstr "最大的可再现时时性快照可以保存在卷中。如果数量的限制达到,早期的来自开始阶段的快照就会被删除以使新的快照可以被存储。这种限制方法不支持手工快照。若设为0,可再现性时时快照将没有保存。"
-# b2ef6f891d434c94a29c4965b9c39566
-#: ../../usage.rst:225
+# 65aa1a30aab34f218756e423bac8f482
+#: ../../usage.rst:208
 msgid "snapshot.max.monthly"
 msgstr "snapshot.max.monthly"
-# a5cad05dc86f49a38f79efa242145811
-#: ../../usage.rst:225
+# 631eba2a40fe48f3b4f179dfe6e9fdc7
+#: ../../usage.rst:208
 msgid ""
 "Maximum recurring monthly snapshots to be retained for a volume. If the "
 "limit is reached, snapshots from the beginning of the month are deleted so "
@@ -471,20 +470,20 @@
 " If set to 0, recurring monthly snapshots can not be scheduled."
 msgstr "最大的可再现时时性快照可以保存在卷中。如果数量的限制达到,早期的来自开始阶段的快照就会被删除以使新的快照可以被存储。这种限制方法不支持手工快照。若设为0,可再现性时时快照将没有保存。"
-# a9bb337b48804353bf8145ab56aadc02
-#: ../../usage.rst:228
+# dce0ccf760cb481290483d2e6c7439e4
+#: ../../usage.rst:211
 msgid ""
 "To modify global configuration parameters, use the global configuration "
 "screen in the CloudStack UI. See Setting Global Configuration Parameters"
 msgstr "使用CloudStack中的用户界面中的全局配置界面可以修改全局配置参数。"
-# 19348124e5c641fd87314245b0b13f1c
-#: ../../usage.rst:233
+# adacfb1bcc74482cbac23e9a14c1803c
+#: ../../usage.rst:216
 msgid "Limiting Resource Usage"
 msgstr "限制资源使用"
-# 79afe19dfc844449944f0572513152de
-#: ../../usage.rst:235
+# 354d5dde0afe47a982710d8800da3315
+#: ../../usage.rst:218
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack allows you to control resource usage based on the types of "
 "resources, such as CPU, RAM, Primary storage, and Secondary storage. A new "
@@ -496,160 +495,160 @@
 "Project, and Accounts."
 msgstr "CloudStack允许根据资源类型控制资源使用,例如CPU,RAM,主存储,辅助存储。一个新的资源类型集已经被添加到了已经存在的支持新通俗模型的资源池-基于需要使用,例如大型VM或者小型VM.新的资源类型被广泛分类在如CPU,RAM,主存储和辅助存储中。超级管理员能够利用下列资源的使用限制,例如域,项目或者账户。"
-# a9ae7f3a467e463eab0552d8f074f9bb
-#: ../../usage.rst:246
+# b80deb66aa1244279f48b9e17db7f7a0
+#: ../../usage.rst:227
 msgid "CPUs"
 msgstr "CPUs"
-# d1e8543092ca4e278cb463f77f1d2d2d
-#: ../../usage.rst:250
+# a7c54e874cae4016b7a1d2a17c5a7a89
+#: ../../usage.rst:229
 msgid "Memory (RAM)"
 msgstr "Memory (RAM)"
-# 9bc201d30c4f454aa76e9ea96d490920
-#: ../../usage.rst:254
+# 3db51597d1dd4f328899070b88325384
+#: ../../usage.rst:231
 msgid "Primary Storage (Volumes)"
 msgstr "主存储(卷)"
-# 2eb3b21cf5ff4e0c9db68b1d2027d48a
-#: ../../usage.rst:258
+# 6de9a84059e7408e85e9fdb47dbb341d
+#: ../../usage.rst:233
 msgid "Secondary Storage (Snapshots, Templates, ISOs)"
 msgstr "辅助存储(快照,模板,ISOs)"
-# ba99ec918f874b8082b08d81454b8fca
-#: ../../usage.rst:260
+# 36f9c552269b44e49eb2f86fa2bd98c8
+#: ../../usage.rst:235
 msgid ""
 "To control the behaviour of this feature, the following configuration "
 "parameters have been added:"
 msgstr "为了控制该特征的行为,以下配置参数已经添加:"
-# 701e7e16a99445b99fc60cffc35a1613
-# 895a22fc7c014f04bd420cec4b2209d1
-# 191142d4e5a34f1a981be02aab78a4e9
-# f2dd174ed4ca4418983cfaa634ead8a3
-#: ../../usage.rst:264 ../../usage.rst:395 ../../usage.rst:477
-#: ../../usage.rst:1006
+# fc46eaac2efd4bf289bbd9025fd78502
+# 160c8719552a4684880d4f4a8ada714c
+# 947dba25316d4d74959935b65c8c5a33
+# 161ab30e9a60413d90729511c5fe9ec1
+#: ../../usage.rst:239 ../../usage.rst:345 ../../usage.rst:416
+#: ../../usage.rst:750
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "描述"
-# c9b3ff00335343b584b50bb9d670e66b
-#: ../../usage.rst:266
+# 23d6c966c2c94a1f986282a729352f38
+#: ../../usage.rst:241
 msgid "max.account.cpus"
 msgstr "max.account.cpus"
-# 808381505f1949dcbe071d0118def06a
-# e576ee036df54d8fb5e8e54071303efb
-#: ../../usage.rst:266 ../../usage.rst:274
+# cdd19d9379ec43648cd224ba64a960dd
+# 2ca1b2c4fdc44e0e940da7f75cb5788b
+#: ../../usage.rst:241 ../../usage.rst:249
 msgid ""
 "Maximum number of CPU cores that can be used for an account. Default is 40."
 msgstr "最大的可以被账户使用的CPU核心个数。默认是40."
-# 6babe6b036e849c1935af0fdb317a503
-#: ../../usage.rst:268
+# 4979d3f2676e4809a49cc696c48d2f8d
+#: ../../usage.rst:243
 msgid "max.account.ram (MB)"
 msgstr "max.account.ram (MB)"
-# 0d3c447ef2b44034ac9f10ef0a6cf757
-# 83ccac909d944ba784f4c8286642b875
-#: ../../usage.rst:268 ../../usage.rst:276
+# f3c0b37fc2ea4617b811cef9791eda3b
+# 00fb0cdbac5b4ad291bc50a5e1219a47
+#: ../../usage.rst:243 ../../usage.rst:251
 msgid "Maximum RAM that can be used for an account. Default is 40960."
 msgstr "最大的可以被账户使用的RMA容量。默认值是40960。"
-# 7ff408b8265a47cfaf763eb727c7f173
-#: ../../usage.rst:270
+# 45df7928f7174808a2083dd11add33c0
+#: ../../usage.rst:245
 msgid " (GB)"
 msgstr " (GB)"
-# 91e413d1b9bb4711b508311ddd9347c6
-# 20a5043887eb49b1a52d77e4cc334412
-#: ../../usage.rst:270 ../../usage.rst:278
+# 1ee6c5009abd4668a5dd0a640a18c8ea
+# 254b02916fc34ad6a649c8c990d4f41a
+#: ../../usage.rst:245 ../../usage.rst:253
 msgid ""
 "Maximum primary storage space that can be used for an account. Default is "
 msgstr "最大的可以被账户使用的主存储个数。默认是200。"
-# 5f6df194148e43a7b3c27106ce4b7ae9
-#: ../../usage.rst:272
+# cdeb23ce821d4c3196c6ea784f4367b6
+#: ../../usage.rst:247
 msgid " (GB)"
 msgstr " (GB)"
-# 694920973fbe4b3a9c30a8be9d0bed46
-# 97892a16f5464907b6ecdee7beac3914
-#: ../../usage.rst:272 ../../usage.rst:280
+# c51c46bd539f4093a4393f2d6d4e9b79
+# 982aa6e78c6f4ecda0f24acd5f6564d3
+#: ../../usage.rst:247 ../../usage.rst:255
 msgid ""
 "Maximum secondary storage space that can be used for an account. Default is "
 msgstr "最大的可被账户使用的辅助存储空间。默认是400。"
-# 145cd18bd90944c29a70a7031636b807
-#: ../../usage.rst:274
+# 01081c6a660a44f5851d914915a1281b
+#: ../../usage.rst:249
 msgid "max.project.cpus"
 msgstr "max.project.cpus"
-# c40411dfaeb04da3867c26ce7f18cf93
-#: ../../usage.rst:276
+# b7aede866d8a41298cf2c284450aea39
+#: ../../usage.rst:251
 msgid "max.project.ram (MB)"
 msgstr "max.project.ram (MB)"
-# 472152eee1784c32878c18418221acdb
-#: ../../usage.rst:278
+# 6a66f463c8a14145b745751a99ff5412
+#: ../../usage.rst:253
 msgid " (GB)"
 msgstr " (GB)"
-# e7351bedf5464f369b0c6475fc3826bb
-#: ../../usage.rst:280
+# 86d804726f994f5ea14d1a29e97eb968
+#: ../../usage.rst:255
 msgid " (GB)"
 msgstr " (GB)"
-# fc4d573c924648f3b8d5cfb5701bfe79
-#: ../../usage.rst:285
+# 8ea9def42949482d99838f5ebe00a5e2
+#: ../../usage.rst:261
 msgid "User Permission"
 msgstr "用户许可"
-# 992a6cf60f4d464eaa582363722fe802
-#: ../../usage.rst:287
+# 31b6a320c933489c96b4ce8db09ee012
+#: ../../usage.rst:263
 msgid ""
 "The root administrator, domain administrators and users are able to list "
 "resources. Ensure that proper logs are maintained in the ``vmops.log`` and "
 "``api.log`` files."
 msgstr "超级管理员,域管理员和用户能够列出资源。确保合适的属性日至保存在 ``vmops.log`` 和 ``api.log``文件中。"
-# 41185d18c788495bb86298b0d85badd0
-#: ../../usage.rst:293
+# 41b569e3765441d69d540fed030e34e2
+#: ../../usage.rst:267
 msgid ""
 "The root admin will have the privilege to list and update resource limits."
 msgstr "超级管理员将有列出和升级资源限制的特权。"
-# 76a4aba5c62647b4b43b704d8cfdb5ea
-#: ../../usage.rst:298
+# 9f791a84c2014d73b5f8b74f287ad010
+#: ../../usage.rst:270
 msgid ""
 "The domain administrators are allowed to list and change these resource "
 "limits only for the sub-domains and accounts under their own domain or the "
 msgstr "域管理员仅允许列出和改变在其拥有的域或者子域的子域和账户的资源限制。"
-# a87d4ac1c2e346ffa3b116567c1a2d0a
-#: ../../usage.rst:304
+# df23a35291874e2d9f7af5d93db4dae4
+#: ../../usage.rst:274
 msgid ""
 "The end users will the privilege to list resource limits. Use the "
 "listResourceLimits API."
 msgstr "终端用户拥有改变列出资源限制的特权。使用listResourceLimits API.。"
-# aca61571889f482e9ae39fde99d3d2c6
-#: ../../usage.rst:308
+# 474425750935446e84565dc2a2f561b6
+#: ../../usage.rst:279
 msgid "Limit Usage Considerations"
 msgstr "限制使用注意事项:"
-# 96374a37482c4635afc8f21dd613d978
-#: ../../usage.rst:312
+# c96935ecfc1545448c6a31bf7e9bcefa
+#: ../../usage.rst:281
 msgid ""
 "Primary or Secondary storage space refers to the stated size of the volume "
 "and not the physical size— the actual consumed size on disk in case of thin "
 msgstr "主存储或者辅助存储空间参考启动的容器大小而不是物理容量,实际使用的物理空间要小于提供的空间。"
-# 8ebf7be7aceb49d9abe430f6d3214d7f
-#: ../../usage.rst:318
+# 003d62e3a41b4ec0838c1ad1e22ab0c8
+#: ../../usage.rst:285
 msgid ""
 "If the admin reduces the resource limit for an account and set it to less "
 "than the resources that are currently being consumed, the existing "
@@ -658,20 +657,20 @@
 "resources. For example, the existing behavior in the case of a VM are:"
 msgstr "如果管理员为账户减少资源限制,并设置少于目前设定的资源数,已经存在的VM/模板/卷也不会破坏。限制仅在账户中的用户试图使用这些资源执行新的操作时表现出来。例如,在一个VM中倘若存在下列行为:"
-# 89e003933f074f23bbc0599f15cdff5f
-#: ../../usage.rst:327
+# 61f14d0421dc4f27885ac8f93946dbe6
+#: ../../usage.rst:292
 msgid ""
 "migrateVirtualMachine: The users under that account will be able to migrate "
 "the running VM into any other host without facing any limit issue."
 msgstr "迁移虚拟机:在账户中的用户试图迁移一个正在运行的VM到任何不面临限制问题的主机。"
-# 4adef6c4f48a4141b8994845fa47579d
-#: ../../usage.rst:333
+# 287edb83794948b4b1509e7c1ed82b17
+#: ../../usage.rst:296
 msgid "recoverVirtualMachine: Destroyed VMs cannot be recovered."
 msgstr "恢复虚拟机:破坏的VM不能被修复。"
-# bc957aef4ad4410aac019444739d39a4
-#: ../../usage.rst:337
+# 2b57273cf486489e856ef1a97146d73a
+#: ../../usage.rst:298
 msgid ""
 "For any resource type, if a domain has limit X, sub-domains or accounts "
 "under that domain can have there own limits. However, the sum of resource "
@@ -679,16 +678,16 @@
 "should not exceed the value X."
 msgstr "对于更多资源类型,如果一个域存在限制X,这个域的子域或者账户也能也有它们自身的限制。尽管如此,一个子域允许分配的资源总和或者域中账户在任何时间点都不能执行X限制。"
-# 24a983cb8b67474abde79f6889217547
-#: ../../usage.rst:342
+# 9f35315b3f6b4560abe71837984f2ed7
+#: ../../usage.rst:303
 msgid ""
 "For example, if a domain has the CPU limit of 40 and the sub-domain D1 and "
 "account A1 can have limits of 30 each, but at any point of time the resource"
 " allocated to D1 and A1 should not exceed the limit of 40."
 msgstr "例如,当一个域有CPU的限制数量为40,其子域D1和账户A1可以有每个30的限制,但是任何时候分配给D1和A1的资源都不能超过限制40."
-# 30fe62ee367f4359a9a57e89756d466d
-#: ../../usage.rst:349
+# cfc912fe9e294238a5a41841f8636ecf
+#: ../../usage.rst:308
 msgid ""
 "If any operation needs to pass through two of more resource limit check, "
 "then the lower of 2 limits will be enforced, For example: if an account has "
@@ -698,13 +697,13 @@
 "CPU limit has been exhausted."
 msgstr "如果一些操作需要通过两个或更多的资源限制核查,最少的两个限制将被执行,例如:如果一个账户有10个限制VM和20个限制CPU,用户在账户中申请每4个CPU5个VM。用户可以部署5个或更多的VM,因为VM的限制个数是10。尽管如此,用户不能部署任何实例,因为CPU的限制已经用尽。"
-# e2ebbbc8967b45cc9998475e4dbd9d24
-#: ../../usage.rst:357
+# fd7e43ba4fc2492cb1117d9f171cb475
+#: ../../usage.rst:317
 msgid "Limiting Resource Usage in a Domain"
 msgstr "在一个域中限制资源使用"
-# bb8ae3e9878c46f89162dc7fdc092f1b
-#: ../../usage.rst:359
+# d7bae8b0c64640aaab9b686ccb641ca1
+#: ../../usage.rst:319
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack allows the configuration of limits on a domain basis. With a "
 "domain limit in place, all users still have their account limits. They are "
@@ -715,169 +714,169 @@
 "the accounts in all the domains and sub-domains below that root domain."
 msgstr "CloudStack允许在一个域基础上配置限制。使用域限制的地点是所有的用户都有其账户的的限制。它们有额外的限制,例如群组,不能执行设置在它们域上的资源限制。域限制聚集了任何域中使用的账户和任何账户的所有域的子域。限制设定在根域层次应用于所有域的账户和子域使用的资源综合都低于根域的限制。"
-# 103a30006f7741ac9db713d266a5260a
-#: ../../usage.rst:368
+# 42cc77754b864082aff2b2d5e091fa0f
+#: ../../usage.rst:328
 msgid "To set a domain limit:"
 msgstr "设定一个域限制:"
-# 70f50a6779ea4f7594118e18b47895fe
-# 48c0bb0248954742bd447c868ebdf0a8
-#: ../../usage.rst:372 ../../usage.rst:454
+# bb5fc3b2710e4ea59810c1d28209dfc2
+# b83cbc0f83d7410e8b117351958fc591
+#: ../../usage.rst:330 ../../usage.rst:401
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr "登录到CloudStack的界面"
-# b2c05194969c4e2e8ad740be41b6d06d
-#: ../../usage.rst:376
+# 530247f4ca1a4475ae86e656ceff6abb
+#: ../../usage.rst:332
 msgid "In the left navigation tree, click Domains."
 msgstr "在导航栏左侧树中,单击域。"
-# 7011345e6a9840ce90707e5370d8b01c
-#: ../../usage.rst:380
+# a9bff41fd28c435cbb09170c5b103277
+#: ../../usage.rst:334
 msgid ""
 "Select the domain you want to modify. The current domain limits are "
 msgstr "选择你想修改的域。当前域限制将被显示出来。"
-# 6aeb808f62f34735a7d07e7d86d372a2
-# 30925ced880840748118903c27bffadd
-#: ../../usage.rst:383 ../../usage.rst:465
+# 519c174598aa4e55b86e899664c75018
+# 182d21886ebb4a09aebb0ef93e1fba63
+#: ../../usage.rst:337 ../../usage.rst:408
 msgid "A value of -1 shows that there is no limit in place."
 msgstr "值为-1表明此处没有任何限制。"
-# d45e49e7b252469a978dfaade17de643
-#: ../../usage.rst:387
+# b83647ec9f344cccbf360b1f8b85c119
+#: ../../usage.rst:339
 msgid "Click the Edit button |editbutton.png|"
 msgstr "单击编辑按钮 |editbutton.png|"
-# 3644e560828a437a8efd7294c1146c57
-# dcb185144b264299ada24bfd162ca230
-#: ../../usage.rst:391 ../../usage.rst:473
+# c209d72330bd40f887995563563a6337
+# 99aa0e22f71d481eb51b72047c456f3a
+#: ../../usage.rst:341 ../../usage.rst:412
 msgid "Edit the following as per your requirement:"
 msgstr "编辑下列每一条要求:"
-# 0e98068650894afca9c4cad2ba57d012
-# d99b60d3d6cc4a2ebc4bb48e70492e46
-#: ../../usage.rst:397 ../../usage.rst:479
+# cd271c3e43ea4c79a12f3f84924b6307
+# f889d8a628fd4b0ba7972855f0dbdc45
+#: ../../usage.rst:347 ../../usage.rst:418
 msgid "Instance Limits"
 msgstr "实例限制:"
-# 1490bec5c5af4b6aac1977fae7406bd9
-#: ../../usage.rst:399
+# 5ef71e88c22848aeb261dfceed3f0ad3
+#: ../../usage.rst:349
 msgid "The number of instances that can be used in a domain."
 msgstr "可以被用在域中的实例的个数"
-# 6b1b4dc40c63424a9bee7ff075229e64
-# 6b59062ccedf4877b9bcbf68577231ac
-#: ../../usage.rst:401 ../../usage.rst:485
+# 8eb91b3c4b884b1886b84388b430c4b5
+# 50f79b10ffa84d4e8d63df31d54a18bc
+#: ../../usage.rst:351 ../../usage.rst:424
 msgid "Public IP Limits"
 msgstr "公共IP限制"
-# ad257ba8e044423d828023c39de3ad02
-#: ../../usage.rst:403
+# 9c123828b8bd44759ea889e13f4ab4bb
+#: ../../usage.rst:353
 msgid "The number of public IP addresses that can be used in a domain."
 msgstr "可以被用在域中的公共IP地址的个数。"
-# dcdfcfad513b4222b5331ce5736ef137
-# d9ca60a77d4849b193ae25ff879389d0
-#: ../../usage.rst:405 ../../usage.rst:491
+# 682adde29cb64e42b391dcb5e5cdc9ad
+# f9ffeebe6c1a4111ab27c1b8d080143f
+#: ../../usage.rst:355 ../../usage.rst:430
 msgid "Volume Limits"
 msgstr "卷限制"
-# 1eb1867ffda449a6bb66c6ec8f065967
-#: ../../usage.rst:407
+# 57ca197f678f416c961a36d6a71f9bf5
+#: ../../usage.rst:357
 msgid "The number of disk volumes that can be created in a domain."
 msgstr "可以被创建在雨中的磁盘卷的个数"
-# b6f42f973d934cb999c41c20e433d8fe
-# 10261a1b88ae4d2a8e58d52c1de12d25
-#: ../../usage.rst:409 ../../usage.rst:497
+# 014dffd5f65443088674d2ee9df38979
+# ae967a3a9a714ab2892d18c80a55f652
+#: ../../usage.rst:359 ../../usage.rst:436
 msgid "Snapshot Limits"
 msgstr "快照限制"
-# 4b257bf3dce344af8eadcef3141b57b9
-#: ../../usage.rst:411
+# 11f338d7f95041eaa7b84b9960a9f12f
+#: ../../usage.rst:361
 msgid "The number of snapshots that can be created in a domain."
 msgstr "可以被创建在域中的快照个数"
-# b7ee911b551c44f7919c853b78b4425f
-# 86f76db28bb548458cb440dba9aa78cc
-#: ../../usage.rst:413 ../../usage.rst:503
+# 07a01397e2404e18a667da23df9e7bf3
+# 6ba3ca1a17df418cac4387d71ddd7656
+#: ../../usage.rst:363 ../../usage.rst:442
 msgid "Template Limits"
 msgstr "模板限制"
-# 420b972a03034c3f8eb40442e16f668a
-#: ../../usage.rst:415
+# 6dc70a7ce5ec48f3bcf254b4a20b4145
+#: ../../usage.rst:365
 msgid "The number of templates that can be registered in a domain."
 msgstr "可以在域中注册的模板数量"
-# 3e038058f17d4b0da96787cea06872d7
-# be00e5ab52c04e94a69c4a70e2881d6c
-#: ../../usage.rst:417 ../../usage.rst:509
+# 3bf5c725f231453cb6152f1bade12d17
+# 0b2a474b089d426d850f25818db1d152
+#: ../../usage.rst:367 ../../usage.rst:448
 msgid "VPC limits"
 msgstr "VPC限制"
-# b7d308b327c04f1ab4e8b5f302af61ab
-#: ../../usage.rst:419
+# 6041d380cc8b460e838d34d542c0fe6f
+#: ../../usage.rst:369
 msgid "The number of VPCs that can be created in a domain."
 msgstr "可以被创建在域中的VPC的个数"
-# fce16fe529af4a7293745ff0c030b9cb
-# 443d6a522d9840e2a18dd44f0289166f
-#: ../../usage.rst:421 ../../usage.rst:515
+# 6167d0a236e346cdac41980cca4b61a1
+# efac374c510144af805a206947596f0d
+#: ../../usage.rst:371 ../../usage.rst:454
 msgid "CPU limits"
 msgstr "CPU限制"
-# d71cdb39c26d44ce8f7dc1d458970d6f
-#: ../../usage.rst:423
+# c3bb1f4173a04335bd9f9a2aa60ffb7f
+#: ../../usage.rst:373
 msgid "The number of CPU cores that can be used for a domain."
 msgstr "可以在域中使用的CPU核心数。"
-# 636111c4340a4e8d81ea9a1408617fff
-# 8cd52cd9a5764bb0b4e8df8a94c725ab
-#: ../../usage.rst:425 ../../usage.rst:521
+# 5b77e8eb1eed4b89a6add832c6efa78d
+# 0f97c6c6f6bd48d49582e4a5773420a0
+#: ../../usage.rst:375 ../../usage.rst:460
 msgid "Memory limits (MB)"
 msgstr "内存限制(MB)"
-# 3b5d06b9763040d885a0698e6fbdbb6a
-#: ../../usage.rst:427
+# 46ff0275d44b492790fbf06cfcc202f9
+#: ../../usage.rst:377
 msgid "The number of RAM that can be used for a domain."
 msgstr "可以在域中使用的RAM数量。"
-# c6b3a361e0414c88a4d5c44b76a273ea
-# d77e6bda798a4106ab33783525f2e4f2
-#: ../../usage.rst:429 ../../usage.rst:527
+# cfada3bdc3304c91b6093699cc7aba26
+# e09ca8ab179747818fc4be09918773c3
+#: ../../usage.rst:379 ../../usage.rst:466
 msgid "Primary Storage limits (GB)"
 msgstr "主存储限制(GB)"
-# 9fd1366af3c34b8ebc3569a0ee410c57
-#: ../../usage.rst:431
+# fadd0e1341ce4a40a364f8e7e5cbd720
+#: ../../usage.rst:381
 msgid "The primary storage space that can be used for a domain."
 msgstr "在域中可以使用的主存储空间大小。"
-# 7a3d9175a9a24b8aaa8450632df0a763
-# 172a382bbcdf4f84bb58871b61c9425b
-#: ../../usage.rst:433 ../../usage.rst:533
+# 94e6ad3512c64a968eba503aae4228e9
+# 88b20b1a22f5450abfd0371827b8a662
+#: ../../usage.rst:383 ../../usage.rst:472
 msgid "Secondary Storage limits (GB)"
 msgstr "辅助存储限制(GB)"
-# 141ca6b4f0ff49fb83194c64faaa2785
-#: ../../usage.rst:435
+# af7bbd32f2d744bbb6bc8bc38f2a6fff
+#: ../../usage.rst:385
 msgid "The secondary storage space that can be used for a domain."
 msgstr "在域中可使用的辅助存储空间大小。"
-# 05f0937c41c248c2a42d5b01086833af
-# a30d9a7a173147dfad893988bb11c62c
-#: ../../usage.rst:439 ../../usage.rst:541
+# 9c4e390eeaf74125aff2fabb290d7508
+# 8554c878b3db4319b1e9ff271f3f2e16
+#: ../../usage.rst:387 ../../usage.rst:478
 msgid "Click Apply."
 msgstr "点击应用"
-# e64546c23abc46f69e958e6ba2f6a45e
-#: ../../usage.rst:442
+# 0aea17dfad1c43818257b74482bdc4ec
+#: ../../usage.rst:391
 msgid "Default Account Resource Limits"
 msgstr "默认账户资源限制"
-# d39e8db38abb47f7bb88354317f3c717
-#: ../../usage.rst:444
+# 5aec04d06e414d8c85567ee7ad5fa5a2
+#: ../../usage.rst:393
 msgid ""
 "You can limit resource use by accounts. The default limits are set by using "
 "Global configuration parameters, and they affect all accounts within a "
@@ -885,734 +884,734 @@
 "example: max.account.snapshots."
 msgstr "你可以限制账户使用的资源。默认限制通过全局配置参数设置,它们影响在云中的所有账户。其相关参数开始于max.account,例如:max.account.snapshots。"
-# 785d6083ab194768bf8fd0e111052af4
-#: ../../usage.rst:449
+# 49c964b0ef8840ef953d87ef3115cf7f
+#: ../../usage.rst:398
 msgid ""
 "To override a default limit for a particular account, set a per-account "
 "resource limit."
 msgstr "对于覆盖一个默认限制的特殊账户,设置per-account资源限制。"
-# 234f93b230d546038672b7b7fabb3bb6
-#: ../../usage.rst:458
+# 7954a55684b74afbb3e48736fb619dfe
+#: ../../usage.rst:403
 msgid "In the left navigation tree, click Accounts."
 msgstr "在导航树左侧,单击账户。"
-# c46ae3c1e44c48eb8b3c1b418b6dd7a6
-#: ../../usage.rst:462
+# 30a0c7b93a044a24b1bbcab3362c9130
+#: ../../usage.rst:405
 msgid ""
 "Select the account you want to modify. The current limits are displayed."
 msgstr "选择你想修改的账户。当前限制将显示出来。"
-# 6ef5ea22b14643cca72f87c8f6f3ec87
-#: ../../usage.rst:469
+# 247dcfe79c914ac0a42c2bb5f617c3b2
+#: ../../usage.rst:410
 msgid "Click the Edit button. |editbutton.png|"
 msgstr "单击编辑按钮。|editbutton.png|"
-# bcacb6c61c5643d59e3f18626a386e80
-#: ../../usage.rst:481
+# a5b53a96d84f4cb993b2539562072ba0
+#: ../../usage.rst:420
 msgid "The number of instances that can be used in an account."
 msgstr "在一个账户中可以适用的实例个数。"
-# 5219fe5416b143daad66670634c102c4
-# 3a80e105e27b4fe1aa28988ee3df905b
-# 3c1d4c98816f438b948a9ba94bac3dff
-# 71f315d93a394970a010d89c3b8cd47b
-# da4f44de38794f3ba45677eab7816383
-# cc29ea692bbe4e10ac190932bb654c87
-#: ../../usage.rst:483 ../../usage.rst:489 ../../usage.rst:495
-#: ../../usage.rst:501 ../../usage.rst:507 ../../usage.rst:513
+# 4f148fb22eeb4cd5867de40af5d6957d
+# f6aef839dc7e4814a93524ac42691632
+# c8a80cc9dabc47b7908b2be9906b47e6
+# b1fc64706b924e37bcdf44b959b1a10b
+# a4c96e4f6931454c803ad5d310dd832a
+# 37ebe0cf9b3644a59962fb5255cd1e7c
+#: ../../usage.rst:422 ../../usage.rst:428 ../../usage.rst:434
+#: ../../usage.rst:440 ../../usage.rst:446 ../../usage.rst:452
 msgid "The default is 20."
 msgstr "默认是20个。"
-# 2975c69d82ae46719fe87557b9340482
-#: ../../usage.rst:487
+# b71498e20d9c45f5b4e6246502846b7a
+#: ../../usage.rst:426
 msgid "The number of public IP addresses that can be used in an account."
 msgstr "在账户中可以使用的公共IP地址个数。"
-# cb4700fde09a4bf393a2e6f7f2368957
-#: ../../usage.rst:493
+# a7a78f1d32244bd7ae3f36a8706565ec
+#: ../../usage.rst:432
 msgid "The number of disk volumes that can be created in an account."
 msgstr "在账户中可以创建的磁盘卷个数。"
-# dc40e0f30ee94e799f0206e7c1e8e07e
-#: ../../usage.rst:499
+# f22d973606cc4fe68cdf2ef0d22fb7b9
+#: ../../usage.rst:438
 msgid "The number of snapshots that can be created in an account."
 msgstr "在账户中可以创建的快照数量。"
-# 853d74cbd7dd482f8df89f4b8dce104a
-#: ../../usage.rst:505
+# 78aa50a7ed74400c8d0a3bcc278ed06b
+#: ../../usage.rst:444
 msgid "The number of templates that can be registered in an account."
 msgstr "在账户中可以注册的模板数量。"
-# 288f9071013747059feb9d3da84c2355
-#: ../../usage.rst:511
+# 17544e59335b42c2b1dcb5439be274a4
+#: ../../usage.rst:450
 msgid "The number of VPCs that can be created in an account."
 msgstr "在账户中可以创建的VPC数量。"
-# 3f289b8a9f0448ea9c4e5da62d340a93
-#: ../../usage.rst:517
+# dab1fd7da66d424fa313f0a8da2fd672
+#: ../../usage.rst:456
 msgid "The number of CPU cores that can be used for an account."
 msgstr "在账户中可以使用的CPU内核的个数。"
-# 38ebe4cd1c664c47a588d311025f7d69
-#: ../../usage.rst:519
+# f8813118e7014ec4b09e2ce57e9826a0
+#: ../../usage.rst:458
 msgid "The default is 40."
 msgstr "默认是40。"
-# 696083649ee5486b9a14674a296d3994
-#: ../../usage.rst:523
+# 5ee54380b1c7418aa85f1b4aa3d18f5c
+#: ../../usage.rst:462
 msgid "The number of RAM that can be used for an account."
 msgstr "在账户中可以使用的RAM数量。"
-# 920dfc71a5b14a5fa400d697dfb7cc6f
-#: ../../usage.rst:525
+# 463fe26a18c747bdba2e4c943174df89
+#: ../../usage.rst:464
 msgid "The default is 40960."
 msgstr "默认值是40960。"
-# b2455dd2cd2e4e6193381252d5c91530
-#: ../../usage.rst:529
+# 483d95c867804bd7a67bd7c5db5d7250
+#: ../../usage.rst:468
 msgid "The primary storage space that can be used for an account."
 msgstr "在账户中可以使用的主存储空间。"
-# 99fcd0a0086c4a25940fafc2e2f61f29
-#: ../../usage.rst:531
+# b5792f85ad5748629247339cddc34442
+#: ../../usage.rst:470
 msgid "The default is 200."
 msgstr "默认是200。"
-# a491b8aa13c54bfd9ba29c7e0f5510c2
-#: ../../usage.rst:535
+# cf2794b976cb4597a1c7c46023d92939
+#: ../../usage.rst:474
 msgid "The secondary storage space that can be used for an account."
 msgstr "在账户中可以使用的辅助存储空间。"
-# b38daf6fd3f54c9fb4aca46e83dd6d05
-#: ../../usage.rst:537
+# e31012695d1342b893a7afc797d9efc8
+#: ../../usage.rst:476
 msgid "The default is 400."
 msgstr "默认是400。"
-# 3b7fd66c0dbe4d9395e99d3fda42744f
-#: ../../usage.rst:545
+# 58fd1b50da564cbfbe626a0c715242a2
+#: ../../usage.rst:482
 msgid "Usage Record Format"
 msgstr "使用记录格式"
-# 23e146a6c80f40faad4f402fb96f69d3
-#: ../../usage.rst:548
+# bd6e6ad5dd4441038efbfa8256d54fbb
+#: ../../usage.rst:485
 msgid "Virtual Machine Usage Record Format"
 msgstr "虚拟机使用记录格式"
-# b18a9612524b4defa9435bd2af0808fa
-#: ../../usage.rst:550
+# f4090312493645f999618d3518704fe4
+#: ../../usage.rst:487
 msgid ""
 "For running and allocated virtual machine usage, the following fields exist "
 "in a usage record:"
 msgstr "对运行或者已分配虚拟机使用,下列字段存在于使用记录中:"
-# b7e355e1118447e2ab1db44f43eb678e
-# f7b98329db784060812bbff8bf46b00e
-# 8d470f7dd5d243da9c56213943473ecf
-# 6069dd2ad3aa4c408d1048d2f3fa005e
-# 37b469072184449b94d3535ae468bffe
-# 7c8f0dc188cb45309cc91a5c67b6b9a3
-#: ../../usage.rst:555 ../../usage.rst:625 ../../usage.rst:726
-#: ../../usage.rst:787 ../../usage.rst:894 ../../usage.rst:955
+# 1ea8ad4e82f849199566823e669d2e60
+# cb746968f7ea4c6eaeae3a8696c37487
+# 800271ae9863449db8b5d5a7a20f41be
+# 40d84f3b7c0243a2b680c8c5ee6fe699
+# b060e5d0dfc94db5a3dc884d3afc9829
+# 34a867e377074d8b8b7a9d16f17250f8
+#: ../../usage.rst:490 ../../usage.rst:531 ../../usage.rst:590
+#: ../../usage.rst:624 ../../usage.rst:685 ../../usage.rst:719
 msgid "account – name of the account"
 msgstr "account--账户的名字"
-# e1e34a37ba1d498585eaab30e2351742
-# 026f620f0e294b169c97fdb92ba57ecf
-# 30917b31f13c40179982bf003c13d5b2
-# b78545017e5b4064903c7f09ff6cd401
-# acfd26101a794b8e9a48f436dbbd01a9
-# b3a301e04b424468a2b699c872d1ff3a
-#: ../../usage.rst:559 ../../usage.rst:629 ../../usage.rst:730
-#: ../../usage.rst:791 ../../usage.rst:898 ../../usage.rst:959
+# 0c884e63b3b6479d8ee0a652be74d5d4
+# 374676d104da4bb795381a260c95ddf1
+# cdf46e85f5ce46b6b29adc8183f20bc5
+# 0afdb6434c584c61acb197cf1a10f04c
+# 871a1002f0e34f38a9d8b6511ac9c04e
+# e13b8b9c705048e583810469fcd0a485
+#: ../../usage.rst:492 ../../usage.rst:533 ../../usage.rst:592
+#: ../../usage.rst:626 ../../usage.rst:687 ../../usage.rst:721
 msgid "accountid – ID of the account"
 msgstr "accountid--账户的ID"
-# 15be8f85307f42a0b06f5e97b57c4e7f
-# cd486a947a304246a98f9893e3e00557
-# 79d393b3b1f14871bf02b50c422421f9
-# bf901bb97d6f47f5b916b329cac5ce26
-# cf82083852df4a67b8f82a8b17ff8d38
-# 271309f9bfab4620acc24e2f5a375f2d
-#: ../../usage.rst:563 ../../usage.rst:633 ../../usage.rst:734
-#: ../../usage.rst:795 ../../usage.rst:902 ../../usage.rst:963
+# 422137b0ab2b4696a321d367b6d26f6d
+# 86455aead7614969ab37a2e295a26530
+# 0c7934f2579a497cb68757e53895fe18
+# cd40f5f568ed41969adeb774e54813da
+# bdd3a9da32134e1e8ca88e1d720abcef
+# e797f39fdbc04ecbbbe2bdc559a0b118
+#: ../../usage.rst:494 ../../usage.rst:535 ../../usage.rst:594
+#: ../../usage.rst:628 ../../usage.rst:689 ../../usage.rst:723
 msgid "domainid – ID of the domain in which this account resides"
 msgstr "domainid --在此账户存在的域的 ID"
-# 1ac00861f5ac4e1f9e6c74777a6a6eca
-# 18ab3268a73d453195129ad3a1bd3dab
-# ba80f684ac1e4667b879233f20723c3d
-# 4384bfa6f64146438dc81cfbe82e8987
-# 06a1afeaa8664be5944707d630da307d
-# a2ce895fafd04583ac774cf156786df2
-#: ../../usage.rst:567 ../../usage.rst:637 ../../usage.rst:738
-#: ../../usage.rst:799 ../../usage.rst:906 ../../usage.rst:967
+# d938ef5bbcc140c3a43fe372485e16af
+# 0e8bcce04fb34321a8e64ed6f0511dc6
+# 989ad97f092f4ef38b22b0112e749925
+# a74af98e8b4f4970805d2c13cdf90c37
+# 07ebb7ef423743fa8f659f3ab930b615
+# 7f6481f066a049c68b8df922020b9f23
+#: ../../usage.rst:496 ../../usage.rst:537 ../../usage.rst:596
+#: ../../usage.rst:630 ../../usage.rst:691 ../../usage.rst:725
 msgid "zoneid – Zone where the usage occurred"
 msgstr "zoneid – 使用资源域的ID号"
-# 4e304294d1424ed787da24b1cbe632bf
-# 9b796d3f857b4c298c92d93c80d31584
-# 7fdfbfc30a354983b9c12308e1976ef3
-# 688751ec77e249f4bf58e1ad0cba8768
-# fe7cdd70966543dca1a3cc526ee07500
-# 0c59a00f82af422babd5a77980e812ec
-#: ../../usage.rst:571 ../../usage.rst:641 ../../usage.rst:742
-#: ../../usage.rst:803 ../../usage.rst:910 ../../usage.rst:971
+# 603607ff4edb47e9a79f7310b5606576
+# 54a63f2835ce4ebcab6a5e8f61822468
+# 6c1cd88b31ef47699a96c86e2dc2fd57
+# a97e62aec444404ba90732a66e38ba16
+# 851e49d28b7748bc84040d925da26fc0
+# cdf33c6ee5c24ddd843c0c573f0236c9
+#: ../../usage.rst:498 ../../usage.rst:539 ../../usage.rst:598
+#: ../../usage.rst:632 ../../usage.rst:693 ../../usage.rst:727
 msgid "description – A string describing what the usage record is tracking"
 msgstr "description – 字符描述,用于追查使用量的记录"
-# 9bef56bf42ff4bec9ff2e9bb16072e4c
-#: ../../usage.rst:575
+# 18c681fd6a6d4db7ac9c8d0c14546df8
+#: ../../usage.rst:500
 msgid ""
 "usage – String representation of the usage, including the units of usage "
 "(e.g. 'Hrs' for VM running time)"
 msgstr "usage – 代表使用量的文字,包括使用量的单位(如 'Hrs'代表虚机运行时间)"
-# e639456f21ae4b7294943056663a4b83
-# 78fc89b23a9241f784b08190352c8f17
-# fea2f14a640c406d8639087c670a0a59
-# 734f38e6f69c41d3959da554e5e174bb
-# 2c43f4b99f624f0694765d97d03a3133
-# 2009c00147bd45b6904fd38e30dc7bbf
-# b3dd2416c8cf4a7b847db345892636b9
-# a8ab363fa03b4e0bac77a4d12f9d84df
-#: ../../usage.rst:580 ../../usage.rst:645 ../../usage.rst:751
-#: ../../usage.rst:812 ../../usage.rst:919 ../../usage.rst:931
-#: ../../usage.rst:980 ../../usage.rst:992
+# b56f48c2ce7e4ef8a421781cd8ac72d9
+# 367c8fbc6c3040e1b454649a311e5f24
+# 7a9a014a24af4f13afdf4091e920b2c7
+# 5ea8dfa3838546fea2bc64e05c8c673a
+# 3d7a93e77f944490999348ecfa138347
+# 65753a35c9384d9488a6ba39494069d9
+# 72b65cd48a914780a818c78d2b39df45
+# defb130ed24d43fcbdd05f28d6551b33
+#: ../../usage.rst:503 ../../usage.rst:541 ../../usage.rst:603
+#: ../../usage.rst:637 ../../usage.rst:698 ../../usage.rst:704
+#: ../../usage.rst:732 ../../usage.rst:738
 msgid "usagetype – A number representing the usage type (see Usage Types)"
 msgstr "usagetype – 代表使用量类型的数字 (参见使用量类型)"
-# fa25ba78790940ce9c81f39bf7771531
-# 94514edf37854f9281d8bd02aa335609
-# acd0fa0b9e3642638023b78708ba7d52
-# 688683e918054191b46f54f1173303bc
-# 40bc7564d68946fa9702312b5692111e
-# ea864a184c9f4400a0a2f754fedd82f3
-#: ../../usage.rst:584 ../../usage.rst:649 ../../usage.rst:755
-#: ../../usage.rst:816 ../../usage.rst:923 ../../usage.rst:984
+# dead7906f5ff49c88d8e41f0a3140bd3
+# 8ee236cbfec44c23a571ce1209509110
+# 51b806027dda42548e0b46c7e5f0c468
+# 2b60dfbda65048239a38cba051b05cd8
+# da840cc63b26444a8154da21e65d5f6b
+# 0f380999106d476eae77a3f78ab9bd69
+#: ../../usage.rst:505 ../../usage.rst:543 ../../usage.rst:605
+#: ../../usage.rst:639 ../../usage.rst:700 ../../usage.rst:734
 msgid "rawusage – A number representing the actual usage in hours"
 msgstr "rawusage – 代表以小时为单位实时使用量的数字"
-# b3bf8f9450024875b00dffc676334381
-# 72dc579445cf44438333e64d076dd4db
-# 6e37cc43677a4185befdfb76040dd76b
-#: ../../usage.rst:588 ../../usage.rst:939 ../../usage.rst:943
+# e398aeba3cd0401992be1f2f12e5fc91
+# e9e71b3111f84185baca323877a352fd
+# 28490f43f8cd44f4bf26a2abb77429ed
+#: ../../usage.rst:507 ../../usage.rst:708 ../../usage.rst:710
 msgid "virtualMachineId – The ID of the virtual machine"
 msgstr "virtualMachineId – 虚拟服务器的ID号"
-# f7235acfed7044978392f3d934ece97b
-#: ../../usage.rst:592
+# adce21eabe0243be8c394e06dd5f7790
+#: ../../usage.rst:509
 msgid "name – The name of the virtual machine"
 msgstr "name - 虚机名称"
-# 2df0848f8a4f42568e119c9d7d29a727
-#: ../../usage.rst:596
+# 6b520c414595424cad27b0ae57527c1f
+#: ../../usage.rst:511
 msgid "offeringid – The ID of the service offering"
 msgstr "offeringid - 计算方案的ID"
-# 5bd83bab0e0a4f6ba6c55054e85c83eb
-#: ../../usage.rst:600
+# 9329a1f52e57454a9b515f46ce1e110c
+#: ../../usage.rst:513
 msgid ""
 "templateid – The ID of the template or the ID of the parent template. The "
 "parent template value is present when the current template was created from "
 "a volume."
 msgstr "templateid – 模版或父模版的ID。当模版是从磁盘卷创建时,此处会使用父模版的ID。"
-# b623aaa31f4a41609d3a766dbbc266a7
-#: ../../usage.rst:606
+# d061eac093024ebb867ea323cb34bbc0
+#: ../../usage.rst:517
 msgid "usageid – Virtual machine"
 msgstr "usageid -- 虚拟机"
-# 6a34753a5ffe4b88987b17fe58117df1
-# c577b82ea72f485cbd49efa5aa440607
-#: ../../usage.rst:610 ../../usage.rst:767
+# 047ce224b91448ba964e79cc572efd1e
+# db530f7238e94cb295d4cf30edceb4bc
+#: ../../usage.rst:519 ../../usage.rst:611
 msgid "type – Hypervisor"
 msgstr "type - 虚拟化平台"
-# a2b44295f13e4ba98617f6459e465a37
-# dcc85c1318a74646ab89f15fae94e929
-# e8c7e84d490e44d78444e65214200082
-# 9770ba4689364876ba4ef9372159e7c9
-# 1ce8c0863df3409e8857338c5a87d0d8
-# 7a0a24dd0d2f44eaa688daabf2da6e9c
-#: ../../usage.rst:614 ../../usage.rst:661 ../../usage.rst:779
-#: ../../usage.rst:837 ../../usage.rst:947 ../../usage.rst:996
+# 13784faf965d4cae937aa6cdbbb601b3
+# f723716e1445424cbc729bcae6910bae
+# 193cb9ce321c4844bfc67c7421b46b78
+# 3362120577564331af89079c96e60819
+# 48e9160ce71b475d961c452d6984a6fc
+# ed62c302bb274df094275fbf56674a91
+#: ../../usage.rst:521 ../../usage.rst:549 ../../usage.rst:617
+#: ../../usage.rst:650 ../../usage.rst:712 ../../usage.rst:740
 msgid ""
 "startdate, enddate – The range of time for which the usage is aggregated; "
 "see Dates in the Usage Record"
 msgstr "startdate, enddate –一定时间内的使用量总和; 参见 使用量记录中的日期"
-# 87c6f3a716f94e7ab8419c6a0e40665f
-#: ../../usage.rst:618
+# eedaa3906dfd445e8bccefccc0c58cf6
+#: ../../usage.rst:526
 msgid "Network Usage Record Format"
 msgstr "网络用量记录格式"
-# caa3dfd36b9846c8b39e6ee4109f3f60
-#: ../../usage.rst:620
+# a62195cc17e14143a58822cf0c485c0e
+#: ../../usage.rst:528
 msgid ""
 "For network usage (bytes sent/received), the following fields exist in a "
 "usage record."
 msgstr "网络用量(发送/接收字节数)记录中存在以下字段:"
-# 35da263687c546ef981a6184c650e0b1
-#: ../../usage.rst:653
+# e2aa41ae9fda438280903d7de43e9fa7
+#: ../../usage.rst:545
 msgid "usageid – Device ID (virtual router ID or external device ID)"
 msgstr "usageid - 设备ID(虚拟路由器ID或外部设备ID)"
-# 4f07d5b20ad64f2f98ee95b228e8bc2d
-#: ../../usage.rst:657
+# cba1335aecd94359b17f04495d757350
+#: ../../usage.rst:547
 msgid "type – Device type (domain router, external load balancer, etc.)"
 msgstr "type - 设备类型(虚拟路由器、外部负载均衡等)"
-# de5e410ac9ac4c0e95cbf32877b38e3b
-#: ../../usage.rst:665
+# f60aa591df79401691c6f36e9a9372cd
+#: ../../usage.rst:554
 msgid "IP Address Usage Record Format"
 msgstr "IP地址使用记录格式"
-# 78c0ae94aad9451fbc17b139ac592178
-#: ../../usage.rst:667
+# 8c83a518ebf94bda95be14bed415fbdd
+#: ../../usage.rst:556
 msgid "For IP address usage the following fields exist in a usage record."
 msgstr "对于IP地址使用下列字段存在于使用记录中。"
-# 1001f3ef83a3471599363668140e611c
-# 87506d34d23849e999f41a90f0e0585d
-#: ../../usage.rst:671 ../../usage.rst:845
+# 872facde9d324938a2dc358b6f91d3d6
+# a38435a4207846d386ed6690dbeb757c
+#: ../../usage.rst:558 ../../usage.rst:657
 msgid "account - name of the account"
 msgstr "account - 账户的名称"
-# 0a347a476a6f4465adc7648b145d9e13
-# 45147a5415414feaa29f4adf0867a62c
-#: ../../usage.rst:675 ../../usage.rst:849
+# c2361416c29c4fbd838cca88df7fce39
+# bc06c74f16144181bca49330654a8470
+#: ../../usage.rst:560 ../../usage.rst:659
 msgid "accountid - ID of the account"
 msgstr "accountid-账户的ID"
-# bdce765bf0ef41df9a40c8a859c79485
-# e8c3fbe59cbb429894c293078923df6c
-#: ../../usage.rst:679 ../../usage.rst:853
+# 7ad667e8f90242c5b4cacb1421dc53a2
+# e6e2d964ef1a4c8b94bc42f08beea530
+#: ../../usage.rst:562 ../../usage.rst:661
 msgid "domainid - ID of the domain in which this account resides"
 msgstr "domainid-本账户具有的鱼的ID"
-# 700974b57fd44957b826e34572177ab7
-# c21235c6b75d438d85b8057cb2d0a501
-#: ../../usage.rst:683 ../../usage.rst:857
+# c05809fe04764a479c42fe337b8f32a7
+# 051704b34aa84fecb879697aa4461b9c
+#: ../../usage.rst:564 ../../usage.rst:663
 msgid "zoneid - Zone where the usage occurred"
 msgstr "zoneid-已经使用的域ID"
-# b6586df549a74fd1b4afa690b0e12ac8
-# 3f9507fea4424e28a5053bc9de564425
-#: ../../usage.rst:687 ../../usage.rst:861
+# ef2388373bf042c79862477f5068f84f
+# ac7162ddbf9b4f07a70378f7cb4f1376
+#: ../../usage.rst:566 ../../usage.rst:665
 msgid "description - A string describing what the usage record is tracking"
 msgstr "description – 字符描述追查用量记录"
-# e452ef9c4fe94507b8101ce28484e653
-#: ../../usage.rst:691
+# 680a2939f1ab4cd0b4c7d7ba19346be0
+#: ../../usage.rst:568
 msgid ""
 "usage - String representation of the usage, including the units of usage"
 msgstr "usage – 代表使用量的字符串,包括使用量的单位 "
-# b6cb74da5c8b4f119df10d28162abdaf
-# 476d4b86321e419fb217ec240a902e5c
-# 9ea53be1624442bfa13824d94cc10c97
-#: ../../usage.rst:696 ../../usage.rst:870 ../../usage.rst:882
+# 552772e8c5f745518dc6484ef776e37b
+# 8b658740424143e0804a450732cc90d5
+# 79adc7a2a02248f8a0ee7771272a5624
+#: ../../usage.rst:571 ../../usage.rst:670 ../../usage.rst:676
 msgid "usagetype - A number representing the usage type (see Usage Types)"
 msgstr "usagetype – 代表使用量类型的数字 (参见使用量类型)"
-# ab04998bb97140f9869fc42034d21075
-# e9cf568981ba4cdda04c84338e7cf7cb
-#: ../../usage.rst:700 ../../usage.rst:874
+# 565c646fcbed4427bf835e888529e76c
+# af9345ffb0554f0eb0ad166c00406ea8
+#: ../../usage.rst:573 ../../usage.rst:672
 msgid "rawusage - A number representing the actual usage in hours"
 msgstr "rawusage – 代表以小时为单位实时使用量的数字"
-# c4dd2f456c2c41a09936672e513ca634
-#: ../../usage.rst:704
+# 1ce3b40124484eefb27601e1907f939a
+#: ../../usage.rst:575
 msgid "usageid - IP address ID"
 msgstr "usageid-IP地址ID"
-# 374f362f0e62453f9a1e286a4098b80c
-# 9d53d00bcf374d8a965d7bdb030e03a0
-#: ../../usage.rst:708 ../../usage.rst:886
+# abfd139b052e4864afc695aba432783c
+# a5cbc24cefb54a2996cf860cf2b1e75c
+#: ../../usage.rst:577 ../../usage.rst:678
 msgid ""
 "startdate, enddate - The range of time for which the usage is aggregated; "
 "see Dates in the Usage Record"
 msgstr "startdate, enddate – 一定时间范围内的用量总和; 参见 用量记录中的日期"
-# e0fedba7f0d44912b8b66044224e26a9
-#: ../../usage.rst:713
+# 7631780188e9474f8a1041b55d0ac20b
+#: ../../usage.rst:580
 msgid "issourcenat - Whether source NAT is enabled for the IP address"
 msgstr "issourcenat - IP地址的NAT资源是否有效"
-# 54327477db6a4fc0a5edc3ebe3bece46
-#: ../../usage.rst:717
+# 85f7d46f4fd5425cad1b87a37ec9ecf7
+#: ../../usage.rst:582
 msgid "iselastic - True if the IP address is elastic."
 msgstr "iselastic - 如果IP地址是弹性的为True"
-# e6f2bace17244b43af803f2dda9c3068
-#: ../../usage.rst:720
+# fd56a0a694804aa884be5fdefcfd3320
+#: ../../usage.rst:586
 msgid "Disk Volume Usage Record Format"
 msgstr "磁盘用量记录格式"
-# 0c0c23e5bf654ac49834841997c2f6bb
-#: ../../usage.rst:722
+# dc66789696474008bbbc81eb24bec679
+#: ../../usage.rst:588
 msgid "For disk volumes, the following fields exist in a usage record."
 msgstr "对于磁盘,用量记录存在下列字段。"
-# be28f6050bb94084bb656efc502ac189
-# 2d215ba8acb44195bea83a442070fbbd
-# e7cf1890be9c4bed99ef1a6ff8cb5c4b
-# 84493a2ef1494522a1f9761ed36de673
-#: ../../usage.rst:746 ../../usage.rst:807 ../../usage.rst:914
-#: ../../usage.rst:975
+# 4a12e3d8b23f40078657c836a946af1e
+# d33548fd1fe240509c2c86f75c6bd701
+# 38cb41b0bdc94d2e94ee5c3a6492e281
+# 95202bd84a0e4a61991829c07c2c0720
+#: ../../usage.rst:600 ../../usage.rst:634 ../../usage.rst:695
+#: ../../usage.rst:729
 msgid ""
 "usage – String representation of the usage, including the units of usage "
 "(e.g. 'Hrs' for hours)"
 msgstr "usage – 代表使用量的文字,包括使用量的单位 (如 'Hrs'是小时)"
-# b1e806b2412543a9ac138c0bceed3ac7
-#: ../../usage.rst:759
+# c2f1554e72084e81892a0b538a19c7f8
+#: ../../usage.rst:607
 msgid "usageid – The volume ID"
 msgstr "usageid - 磁盘ID"
-# ba95fc6f138d4d6d9eee73ac54807567
-# 447cf10b356f43b583376cb3762a49e2
-#: ../../usage.rst:763 ../../usage.rst:824
+# b7525535c67b49b98b4d922f07293bcb
+# c781024621454a418e050f006e91921c
+#: ../../usage.rst:609 ../../usage.rst:643
 msgid "offeringid – The ID of the disk offering"
 msgstr "offeringid - 磁盘方案的ID"
-# 4f952183cc3944d6b58d2764e2b3483e
-#: ../../usage.rst:771
+# 543db09e00804cd787e00be0867a5c6e
+#: ../../usage.rst:613
 msgid "templateid – ROOT template ID"
 msgstr "templateid - 根模版ID"
-# 6239c472f1174d7486c4373f3f91b852
-#: ../../usage.rst:775
+# f2ab3e39617449bf8a68f1fbc0eb4fbe
+#: ../../usage.rst:615
 msgid "size – The amount of storage allocated"
 msgstr "size - 分配的存储大小"
-# 0b8e217bf8664b26910d0336284d2685
-#: ../../usage.rst:783
+# e54797d2c60c4441ac584d3abb0f9c77
+#: ../../usage.rst:622
 msgid "Template, ISO, and Snapshot Usage Record Format"
 msgstr "模版、ISO和快照用量记录格式"
-# 8e86814eb5504fd7aabdd42b9ecd30dc
-#: ../../usage.rst:820
+# 60eda22a3c7d4756847f64ff53b961e2
+#: ../../usage.rst:641
 msgid "usageid – The ID of the the template, ISO, or snapshot"
 msgstr "usageid - 模版、ISO或快照的ID"
-# b62090bf985a4410b04c8cdebd58f05e
-#: ../../usage.rst:828
+# 3562063eefc04af28187703974e45228
+#: ../../usage.rst:645
 msgid ""
 "templateid – – Included only for templates (usage type 7). Source template "
 msgstr "templateid -- 仅模版(用量类型为7)时包括。源模版ID。"
-# 3b4e511d50554530abbc0f26a25b931a
-#: ../../usage.rst:833
+# 9fbfbc974f184b2983595a2d4fed5cdb
+#: ../../usage.rst:648
 msgid "size – Size of the template, ISO, or snapshot"
 msgstr "size - 模版、ISO或快照的大小"
-# 03cd150724624caab3641ef9a3fde274
-#: ../../usage.rst:841
+# aa26900876304f758262788c79483c44
+#: ../../usage.rst:655
 msgid "Load Balancer Policy or Port Forwarding Rule Usage Record Format"
-msgstr "负载均衡策略或端口导向规则用量记录格式"
+msgstr "负载均衡策略或端口导向用量记录格式"
-# 1988ac276c19468ab601b81781e1529c
-#: ../../usage.rst:865
+# f493ad9446bd4b0d84e50c9937d2b21c
+#: ../../usage.rst:667
 msgid ""
 "usage - String representation of the usage, including the units of usage "
 "(e.g. 'Hrs' for hours)"
 msgstr "usage – 代表使用量的字符串,包括使用量的单位 (如 'Hrs'是小时)"
-# 0bb591c7914846548e7b36b597a37b90
-#: ../../usage.rst:878
+# 03d262a193f246749d1ed6f6df6d3930
+#: ../../usage.rst:674
 msgid "usageid - ID of the load balancer policy or port forwarding rule"
 msgstr "usageid -负载均衡或端口导向规则ID"
-# 5b356b33fefd4c119e70c313d74e255b
-#: ../../usage.rst:890
+# b01513d3fd8e466ba943f21dd926c03a
+#: ../../usage.rst:683
 msgid "Network Offering Usage Record Format"
 msgstr "网络服务方案用量记录格式"
-# 4080c653f1fa4ac2b72572385a12cc7c
-#: ../../usage.rst:927
+# d5c5360548e6437882e13f383f854c51
+#: ../../usage.rst:702
 msgid "usageid – ID of the network offering"
 msgstr "usageid – 网络服务方案的ID"
-# df1d1f4e37554d8998d72b642a45e94c
-#: ../../usage.rst:935
+# 1dd0260b113b4149979baeec2b430e69
+#: ../../usage.rst:706
 msgid "offeringid – Network offering ID"
 msgstr "offeringid – 网络服务方案的ID"
-# e4e67d8c23ed4921811a4a624f9fca5d
-#: ../../usage.rst:951
+# 2e3b410e70064b95997310d4b2f2d6bb
+#: ../../usage.rst:717
 msgid "VPN User Usage Record Format"
 msgstr "VPN用户用量记录格式"
-# 8b9aa4e21f1d4e7cac5643ff605c5b70
-#: ../../usage.rst:988
+# 78984789b8f74fcb9ae0dc8712b092fa
+#: ../../usage.rst:736
 msgid "usageid – VPN user ID"
 msgstr "usageid - VPN用户ID"
-# 48f6a187d7534e2aad5d1126010a8dd7
-#: ../../usage.rst:1001
+# 371ab2afddac4c8ebe7b59df3a7e3150
+#: ../../usage.rst:745
 msgid "Usage Types"
 msgstr "用量类型"
-# f951beabc0db44fb826fb17761d72ca0
-#: ../../usage.rst:1003
+# bb807347fed448728c3e17662b8b1ebc
+#: ../../usage.rst:747
 msgid "The following table shows all usage types."
 msgstr "下表显示了所有的用量类型。"
-# ae77cdba18f94b57a8941a2844af363d
-#: ../../usage.rst:1006
+# 9d81d10d8b5343f19edc1316cfbf4854
+#: ../../usage.rst:750
 msgid "Type ID"
 msgstr "类型ID"
-# b40f4bfeab6f4b7d82c8df177efc5494
-#: ../../usage.rst:1006
+# e5f69db4f5e44d94804a6a1fa96b3da8
+#: ../../usage.rst:750
 msgid "Type Name"
 msgstr "类型名称"
-# 2e79133f6c254a3ea34f062b3b00adfe
-#: ../../usage.rst:1008
+# 78ead0d9336c42648a3ca740bc0c71c3
+#: ../../usage.rst:752
 msgid "1"
 msgstr "1"
-# 6fc25c417b3c4e73a34a2f6127a5526d
-#: ../../usage.rst:1008
+# e747e335348c4f96b8157b30a1f87074
+#: ../../usage.rst:752
 msgid "RUNNING\\_VM"
 msgstr "RUNNING\\_VM"
-# 553837efadde440abfa7687270684afa
-#: ../../usage.rst:1008
+# 477ac63f7f36460ea08116c949753044
+#: ../../usage.rst:752
 msgid ""
 "Tracks the total running time of a VM per usage record period. If the VM is "
 "upgraded during the usage period, you will get a separate Usage Record for "
 "the new upgraded VM."
 msgstr "追踪VM每个用量记录时期所有运行时间总和。如果VM在用量时期升级,你将会获得新升级后的VM单独的用量记录。"
-# 6b2ede664c0940b99b0572bae4a790b9
-#: ../../usage.rst:1018
+# 64af61ae9a154740bc59c51cf93b8e50
+#: ../../usage.rst:762
 msgid "2"
 msgstr "2"
-# 80b324130a704587aff102829b0c6426
-#: ../../usage.rst:1018
+# 7e1e8fb7beaf45439e7683227a55abb7
+#: ../../usage.rst:762
 msgid "ALLOCATED\\_VM"
 msgstr "ALLOCATED\\_VM"
-# 95f4ba653c114aaca66ccbf6ad5575a1
-#: ../../usage.rst:1018
+# 12dcdffa3a2f4d5faaece0b8ee808625
+#: ../../usage.rst:762
 msgid ""
 "Tracks the total time the VM has been created to the time when it has been "
 "destroyed. This usage type is also useful in determining usage for specific "
 "templates such as Windows-based templates."
 msgstr "追踪VM从创建到销毁的所有时间总和。这个用量类型也是在终止例如 Windows-based模板这样的具体模板用量上是有用的。"
-# 70ee8dc453b44a559e3611d4905431eb
-#: ../../usage.rst:1030
+# 56a5110004de419981e5f220ae4e8552
+#: ../../usage.rst:774
 msgid "3"
 msgstr "3"
-# 384d4585b8d94f55a0c45b67e9a8c681
-#: ../../usage.rst:1030
+# 9300fc0a0c054c8cb8cf1c50a798ccfe
+#: ../../usage.rst:774
 msgid "IP\\_ADDRESS"
 msgstr "IP\\_ADDRESS"
-# 3edd301131ca4260b92e5eae2d72a822
-#: ../../usage.rst:1030
+# bdd7930fce7d439cac6b82c99e189623
+#: ../../usage.rst:774
 msgid "Tracks the public IP address owned by the account."
 msgstr "追踪拥有公共IP地址的账户"
-# 9bbb8b348a364049b6b15d3e160ab7c9
-#: ../../usage.rst:1034
+# 8f41c0480a214679a34ebff91433884a
+#: ../../usage.rst:778
 msgid "4"
 msgstr "4"
-# 62cac7d5101249369ba98a37698c3545
-#: ../../usage.rst:1034
+# 3468bfe1926344ed8b778f78f298e356
+#: ../../usage.rst:778
 msgstr "NETWORK\\_BYTES\\_SENT"
-# 58fa7365227e461ba6b9a1d6f922e939
-#: ../../usage.rst:1034
+# 4fc69e9acd00430db5d7bdd162d53a88
+#: ../../usage.rst:778
 msgid ""
 "Tracks the total number of bytes sent by all the VMs for an account. "
 " does not currently track network traffic per VM."
 msgstr "追踪一个账户发送所有VM的比特的总时间。Cloud.com不仅追踪当前网络传输时的每个VM。"
-# 0c96ae6238c149b28be7bb9f9ad262a6
-#: ../../usage.rst:1042
+# 9c0a0d79a0ee491b99fc2f18847a9c29
+#: ../../usage.rst:786
 msgid "5"
 msgstr "5"
-# 8a0cb74bfd7347ba92b20d2d362c4c21
-#: ../../usage.rst:1042
+# 8053534caf9a43cfbe6f344918e90568
+#: ../../usage.rst:786
-# b7299005f8554e048e5ccf902d01381f
-#: ../../usage.rst:1042
+# a09f77e6b1d540fdb4c9e398f8042f22
+#: ../../usage.rst:786
 msgid ""
 "Tracks the total number of bytes received by all the VMs for an account. "
 " does not currently track network traffic per VM."
 msgstr "追踪一个账户接受所有VM的比特的总时间。Cloud.com不仅追踪当前网络传输时的每个VM。"
-# 7bb40a3d83364d27abda2ddee3127c13
-#: ../../usage.rst:1051
+# 5d8944a3cb7d444aa82efaa09053af2d
+#: ../../usage.rst:795
 msgid "6"
 msgstr "6"
-# eb746069f1d94e08922bb968616c8aa6
-#: ../../usage.rst:1051
+# bd9f4acea1a34fb5ada48e39c65e7781
+#: ../../usage.rst:795
 msgid "VOLUME"
 msgstr "VOLUME"
-# e9368a4fb8534f63ba8424870d3075f3
-#: ../../usage.rst:1051
+# e39b0cb9d477433db943c1dfbeb90bb5
+#: ../../usage.rst:795
 msgid ""
 "Tracks the total time a disk volume has been created to the time when it has"
 " been destroyed."
 msgstr "追踪磁盘从创建到销毁的总时间。"
-# 24d7abf2ee5a4c609bad7caab9af4a62
-#: ../../usage.rst:1057
+# fb74bed3e64f40f4b1b99833cdfb858b
+#: ../../usage.rst:801
 msgid "7"
 msgstr "7"
-# a9213fe9713049ae96283bcf490d4308
-#: ../../usage.rst:1057
+# 8dbe0a482b8740bcaba3e70100493143
+#: ../../usage.rst:801
 msgid "TEMPLATE"
 msgstr "TEMPLATE"
-# 8c5b8c19ee504e05bb60ec1609708714
-#: ../../usage.rst:1057
+# e01ba5c82149495a87253a75e8f1ee5c
+#: ../../usage.rst:801
 msgid ""
 "Tracks the total time a template (either created from a snapshot or uploaded"
 " to the cloud) has been created to the time it has been destroyed. The size "
 "of the template is also returned."
 msgstr "追踪模板(包含从快照中创建的或是已经上传到云的)从创建到销毁的总时间。模板的大小也被返回。"
-# c2abf324066b4e4cab56b7216871a359
-#: ../../usage.rst:1068
+# ea46b251003a4703b4db0e8e9ca83a4a
+#: ../../usage.rst:812
 msgid "8"
 msgstr "8"
-# 2a3df63ab62844d0a3726eb47b69e9d4
-#: ../../usage.rst:1068
+# f349c4660c004c8f81133723f6ac350c
+#: ../../usage.rst:812
 msgid "ISO"
 msgstr "ISO"
-# 9ae612e4f42b4ea5b61a1e0019f6cb83
-#: ../../usage.rst:1068
+# 7c32db79c4a944e294459472e67ef9a5
+#: ../../usage.rst:812
 msgid ""
 "Tracks the total time an ISO has been uploaded to the time it has been "
 "removed from the cloud. The size of the ISO is also returned."
 msgstr "追踪ISO在云中从上传到移除的总时间。ISO的大小也被返回。"
-# 5004f945801c4d21b59b522676de23c3
-#: ../../usage.rst:1076
+# b0dacdf41a1c4d989f2f39ef17257ecc
+#: ../../usage.rst:820
 msgid "9"
 msgstr "9"
-# 7cbcaf5ded5f4812b51f49dce1c44b64
-#: ../../usage.rst:1076
+# 1405b90e80e34b8381a814756e95d768
+#: ../../usage.rst:820
 msgid "SNAPSHOT"
 msgstr "SNAPSHOT"
-# aa3ea6e95b98436f9ccc3d0dd076e294
-#: ../../usage.rst:1076
+# e5fa93c081164375acc3fd52345b1187
+#: ../../usage.rst:820
 msgid ""
 "Tracks the total time from when a snapshot has been created to the time it "
 "have been destroyed."
 msgstr "追踪快照从创建到销毁的总时间。"
-# b64bb9ece22e4adebc65e6a42b82e2cc
-#: ../../usage.rst:1082
+# 4f2594d3f1f24d2c9169fcfc149a62e9
+#: ../../usage.rst:826
 msgid "11"
 msgstr "11"
-# f4c8701f91d54e6a9481feae36f73a77
-#: ../../usage.rst:1082
+# d37ae3d5c27447e4a1078346d90a373f
+#: ../../usage.rst:826
-# 5c8b784f8c9947fb87a3d39c29ef5947
-#: ../../usage.rst:1082
+# 024b703ada76417194235a1d10290b53
+#: ../../usage.rst:826
 msgid ""
 "Tracks the total time a load balancer policy has been created to the time it"
 " has been removed. does not track whether a VM has been assigned "
 "to a policy."
 msgstr "追踪负载均衡策略从创建到移除的总时间。Cloud.com不追踪VM是否已经分配到了的策略。"
-# 492651ba27f04885a8b3a8e8b4faa817
-#: ../../usage.rst:1092
+# 6ebb8ff8421347ba8d0f37e13f9738a1
+#: ../../usage.rst:836
 msgid "12"
 msgstr "12"
-# 55510ef40e1344ada16cdea064718be6
-#: ../../usage.rst:1092
+# 4f5ff172a156494c910377d3273476ca
+#: ../../usage.rst:836
-# 0ec6b93728df42439989a39dfd6ee1ba
-#: ../../usage.rst:1092
+# 00141f10a4c040fd9c1981d4c44a5d6b
+#: ../../usage.rst:836
 msgid ""
 "Tracks the time from when a port forwarding rule was created until the time "
 "it was removed."
 msgstr "追踪端口导向规则从创建到移除的时间。"
-# 695922a0cadf4a5ea3e7c57d0667b4f3
-#: ../../usage.rst:1098
+# bc4b98fcdabc461a8ede71b5285838b0
+#: ../../usage.rst:842
 msgid "13"
 msgstr "13"
-# 7a50f4ca25a542b89e077cc7ab8af9fe
-#: ../../usage.rst:1098
+# 6123d10ab7004c9b943a532e894e2e20
+#: ../../usage.rst:842
-# 286a423ed17c4338b633f9bb54d9e1e5
-#: ../../usage.rst:1098
+# ec1c84a50ae5471ba6539ff923b81caa
+#: ../../usage.rst:842
 msgid ""
 "The time from when a network offering was assigned to a VM until it is "
 msgstr "从网络方案分配到VM到移除的时间。"
-# a60708e3e8594601a4b1b2105134c5aa
-#: ../../usage.rst:1103
+# 04d219bbd49540e7a4d433b51cb42d2b
+#: ../../usage.rst:847
 msgid "14"
 msgstr "14"
-# 15ae51ac66614bc287c41414f7c09109
-#: ../../usage.rst:1103
+# d70576ee50674251a6ee58e7a072795a
+#: ../../usage.rst:847
 msgid "VPN\\_USERS"
 msgstr "VPN\\_USERS"
-# a7fa63344c7a4ca4bce4e5f2fc4db7c2
-#: ../../usage.rst:1103
+# 7031f45ce0894436b7ab77616de3681f
+#: ../../usage.rst:847
 msgid "The time from when a VPN user is created until it is removed."
 msgstr "计时从VPN用户创建时开始,移除时结束。"
-# 086989197eba4ea0b04de3d594e67f9a
-#: ../../usage.rst:1110
+# da745a0b82b6445e998e6d31a0f107b7
+#: ../../usage.rst:854
 msgid "Example response from listUsageRecords"
 msgstr "listUsageRecords指令的反应示例:"
-# 6186119d4c2442f3b774acb989e55d89
-#: ../../usage.rst:1112
+# 73da4de663384d6ba278d517dc44eeef
+#: ../../usage.rst:856
 msgid ""
 "All CloudStack API requests are submitted in the form of a HTTP GET/POST "
 "with an associated command and any parameters. A request is composed of the "
 "following whether in HTTP or HTTPS:"
 msgstr "所有CloudStack API请求都是以HTTP GET/POST形式提交, 同时附上相关的命令和参数. 无论是HTTP或HTTPS, 一个请求都有以下内容组成:"
-# fa32f5bc7d9043b69396e40e9c707274
-#: ../../usage.rst:1143
+# b1267ab3f74744b8966d6c8dce38d38a
+#: ../../usage.rst:888
 msgid "Dates in the Usage Record"
 msgstr "在使用记录中的数据"
-# d6aaa516cd40419c9be627b88a616e2c
-#: ../../usage.rst:1145
+# f9638c3a7a0c4939922d9b03330f3a5a
+#: ../../usage.rst:890
 msgid ""
 "Usage records include a start date and an end date. These dates define the "
 "period of time for which the raw usage number was calculated. If daily "
@@ -1626,16 +1625,16 @@
 "running VM usage (type 1) and allocated VM usage (type 2)."
 msgstr "用量记录包含了开始日期和结束日期。这些日期定义了原始用量数字的统计时间阶段。如果每天统计被使用,开始日期是问题出现的的当天午夜,结束日期是问题(关于异常,参见本内容)出现的当天23:59:59。虚拟机可以被部署到当天正午,在次日6pm,然后在11pm重启。在用量统计的当天,将有7小时运行VM用量(用量类型1)和12个小时分配VM用量(用量类型2)。如果同一个VM完全运行到下一天,将会有24小时的运行VM用量(类型1)和已分配用量(类型2)。"
-# e3fe8feb8604460f9930592cef0bc680
-#: ../../usage.rst:1157
+# aa505995145d4de796ce7a54c69e8c04
+#: ../../usage.rst:902
 msgid ""
 "Note: The start date is not the time a virtual machine was started, and the "
 "end date is not the time when a virtual machine was stopped. The start and "
 "end dates give the time range within which usage was calculated."
 msgstr "注意:开始日期不是虚拟机启动时间,结束日期不是虚拟机停止时间。开始日期和结束日期在用量统计的给定范围内。"
-# 50f292d2f9ac4b3f880517d684fe569e
-#: ../../usage.rst:1162
+# ffee51b332cd4e589de90c6abf2b8476
+#: ../../usage.rst:907
 msgid ""
 "For network usage, the start date and end date again define the range in "
 "which the number of bytes transferred was calculated. If a user downloads 10"
@@ -1643,8 +1642,8 @@
 "10 megabytes received and one showing the 1 megabyte sent."
 msgstr "对于网络用量,开始日期和结束日期定义为一定数量的比特传输统计的时间范围。如果用户一天内下载10MB并上传1M,将会有两个记录,一个显示10MB接受和一个显示1MB发送。"
-# 629cfc1088724d7ea55ee7b728cb3b32
-#: ../../usage.rst:1168
+# de58fb769cc74ed3a62616b4158bd9e8
+#: ../../usage.rst:913
 msgid ""
 "There is one case where the start date and end date do not correspond to "
 "midnight and 11:59:59pm when daily aggregation is used. This occurs only for"
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
index 169e063..a80a5dc 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/virtual_machines.po b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/virtual_machines.po
index 64d9faa..656bdba 100644
--- a/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/virtual_machines.po
+++ b/source/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/virtual_machines.po
@@ -3,15 +3,13 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Apache CloudStack Administration Documentation package.
 # Translators:
-# darrentang <>, 2014
-# renoshen <>, 2014
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Apache CloudStack Administration RTD\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-31 14:08-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-05-11 12:02+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: darrentang <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-30 12:52+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-30 12:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -19,17 +17,17 @@
 "Language: zh_CN\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-# 2170d7c1a0e145718f15a48fdfd6376c
+# 825181279d9643c3ae9e1a485765f79a
 #: ../../virtual_machines.rst:18
 msgid "Working with Virtual Machines"
 msgstr "使用虚拟机"
-# 7b1c6837d7294d04b64fdefe3b860527
+# 8ef9955cc01742fb833f6f4cb20ddc40
 #: ../../virtual_machines.rst:21
 msgid "About Working with Virtual Machines"
 msgstr "关于虚拟机的使用"
-# a8fcaad6e74c48de85dda47b508896ff
+# 5dfc79c076ae4bcf9b78cbc7e7998fb1
 #: ../../virtual_machines.rst:23
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack provides administrators with complete control over the lifecycle "
@@ -38,7 +36,7 @@
 "started, rebooted, and destroyed."
 msgstr "CloudStack在云中为管理员提供了完整的管理所有来宾VMs整个生命周期的功能。CloudStack为终端用户和管理员提供了许多来宾虚机管理操作。VMs能被关机、开机、重启和销毁。"
-# 76072107bbd74ed58ef5e488bbc45361
+# a74753cd5a1e4e87b2b25bb214d76583
 #: ../../virtual_machines.rst:28
 msgid ""
 "Guest VMs have a name and group. VM names and groups are opaque to "
@@ -47,38 +45,38 @@
 "can be controlled by the user:"
 msgstr "来宾VMs有名称和组。VM的名称和组对于CloudStack是不透明的,对终端用户整理他们的VMs可用。每个VM可以有三个用于不同环境的名称。其中有两个名字受用户控制:"
-# fdf35c82059748b09618dc1b96c32958
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:35
+# 33b7dd1035fe468788852c131410d355
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:33
 msgid ""
 "Instance name – a unique, immutable ID that is generated by CloudStack and "
 "can not be modified by the user. This name conforms to the requirements in "
 "IETF RFC 1123."
 msgstr "实例名称 – 一个唯一的,不可变的由CloudStack生成的ID,此ID不能被用户修改。此名称符合 IETF RFC 1123中的要求。"
-# 35bab809b50548b78006bcf7edfd8375
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:41
+# f1b72ed931524f89a7d072ed361a635e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:37
 msgid ""
 "Display name – the name displayed in the CloudStack web UI. Can be set by "
 "the user. Defaults to instance name."
 msgstr "显示名称 – 在CloudStack UI中显示的名称。可以由用户设置。默认跟实例名称一致。"
-# fc95d564a6b74400bdf7cbc43166b900
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:46
+# adc0efb3ff154603a38bf9294009ac65
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:40
 msgid ""
 "Name – host name that the DHCP server assigns to the VM. Can be set by the "
 "user. Defaults to instance name"
 msgstr "名称 – 由DHCP服务器分配给VM的主机名。可以由用户设置。默认跟实例名称一致。"
-# 29b7bc970aec4088a82cb82eac51acf2
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:50
+# 14d2256532ea4ba9ab19bed35890856a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:44
 msgid ""
 "You can append the display name of a guest VM to its internal name. For more"
 " information, see `“Appending a Display Name to the Guest VM’s Internal "
 "Name” <#appending-a-display-name-to-the-guest-vms-internal-name>`_."
 msgstr "你能把来宾VM的显示名附加到它的内部名称上。更多信息,请参考 `“将显示名附加到VM的内部名称” <#appending-a-display-name-to-the-guest-vms-internal-name>`_."
-# 7776a17a323a4f91a6a4286428927bdf
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:52
+# a8d661456c4f45b28ad427c44e9b6325
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:48
 msgid ""
 "Guest VMs can be configured to be Highly Available (HA). An HA-enabled VM is"
 " monitored by the system. If the system detects that the VM is down, it will"
@@ -86,16 +84,16 @@
 "information, see HA-Enabled Virtual Machines on"
 msgstr "来宾VMs可以配置成高可用(HA)。启用了HA的VM由系统监控。如果系统检测到此VM宕机,它可能将尝试在不同的主机上重启VM。更多信息,请参考在虚拟机上启用HA"
-# 89d81c5e76a047d0b049cbfcc9437d7d
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:57
+# 5305c3fec9d94b62aa5980618331557e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:53
 msgid ""
 "Each new VM is allocated one public IP address. When the VM is started, "
 "CloudStack automatically creates a static NAT between this public IP address"
 " and the private IP address of the VM."
 msgstr "每个新VM都有一个公共网络IP地址。当VM启动后,CloudStack为此VM的公共网络IP地址与内网IP地址自动创建一个静态NAT。"
-# 39ead95968f944999976e4c34017f685
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:61
+# 587dd3d141fc46bca48b617989e96f59
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:57
 msgid ""
 "If elastic IP is in use (with the NetScaler load balancer), the IP address "
 "initially allocated to the new VM is not marked as elastic. The user must "
@@ -108,8 +106,8 @@
 msgstr "如果使用了弹性IP(与Netscaler负载均衡同时使用),初始分配给新VM的IP地址并没有标记为弹性的。用户必须将自动配置IP改为获得一个弹性IP,并在新IP与来宾VM的内网IP之间设置静态NAT映射。VM的原始IP地址随后会被释放到可用公共网络IPs池中。同样,你也可以在启用了EIP的基础zone中不为VM分配公网IP。关于弹性IP的更多信息,请参考`“关于弹性IP” <networking2.html#about-elastic-ip>`_。"
-# d4c486f223e24c42bd8704829023ab5d
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:71
+# 6fbeb0da9ef448f98d0a7a11b1032be6
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:67
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack cannot distinguish a guest VM that was shut down by the user "
 "(such as with the “shutdown” command in Linux) from a VM that shut down "
@@ -118,25 +116,25 @@
 "through the CloudStack UI or API."
 msgstr "CloudStack不能区分是VM突然关机还是用户对来宾VM进行的关机操作(像Linux中的“shutdown”命令)。如果从启用了HA功能的VM系统中执行了关机操作,CloudStack会重启它。要对启用了HA功能的VM进行关机操作,你必须通过CloudStack UI或者API。"
-# 9376b049fcf74e669edc936a118d19e3
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:78
+# 9787aabb3dc94e8db7a5de0c51ea7443
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:75
 msgid "Best Practices for Virtual Machines"
 msgstr "虚拟机的最佳实践"
-# 386619ec83cc48dfb2c427037f91d9f4
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:80
+# 6372fe37d9ed4beeb1424ae97b03ad24
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:77
 msgid ""
 "For VMs to work as expected and provide excellent service, follow these "
 msgstr "为了让VMs能够按照预期的工作并提供最好的服务,请按照下面的指导进行操作。"
-# 863fbc4da7ab48ceb27e621892255393
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:83
+# d2a792bb33c2418bba1e90839b5208d4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:82
 msgid "Monitor VMs for Max Capacity"
 msgstr "监视VMs的最大容量"
-# b1c4a0929eb34ecb943335789bb31c92
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:85
+# aaa155f7b055496592fb19179ed93f73
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:84
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack administrator should monitor the total number of VM instances"
 " in each cluster, and disable allocation to the cluster if the total is "
@@ -155,55 +153,55 @@
 "disable allocation of more VMs to the cluster."
 msgstr "管理员应该监视每个集群中的虚拟机实例的总数,如果总量快达到hypervisor允许的最大虚拟机数量时,不再向此群集分配虚拟机。并且,要注意为主机预留一定的计算能力,以防止群集中有主机发生故障,因为发生故障的主机上的虚拟机需要重新部署在这些预留主机上。请咨询您所选择hypervisor的文档,了解此hypervisor能支持的最大虚拟机数量,并将此数值设置在CloudStack的全局设置里。监控每个群集里虚拟机的活跃程序,并将活跃虚拟机保持在一个安全线内。这样,CloudStack就能允许偶尔的主机故障。举个示例:如果集群里有N个主机,而你只能让其中任一主机的停机时间不超过特定时间。那么,你能在此集群部署的最多虚拟主机数量值为:(N-1) \\* (每主机最大虚拟量数量限值)。一旦群集中的虚拟机达到此数量,必须在CloudStack的用户界面中禁止向此群集分配新的虚拟机。"
-# 07a8c32f156044b19d2ab4dc8c6911fa
+# e6554027f7f9466a8a5ab12bbbf30fb9
 #: ../../virtual_machines.rst:103
 msgid "Install Required Tools and Drivers"
 msgstr "安装需要的工具和驱动"
-# 3f8d86b785404f85abaf6c075cc419cd
+# 6b07dcd845a944ea872a6ace009f7f24
 #: ../../virtual_machines.rst:105
 msgid "Be sure the following are installed on each VM:"
 msgstr "确认在每个VM上都安装了下列软件和驱动:"
-# 5f5ab58b23b3484d806d822ff59a2de9
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:109
+# 31fe2e3e61ec4b15865970eafecc35df
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:107
 msgid ""
 "For XenServer, install PV drivers and Xen tools on each VM. This will enable"
 " live migration and clean guest shutdown. Xen tools are required in order "
 "for dynamic CPU and RAM scaling to work."
 msgstr "对于XenServer,在每个VM上安装PV驱动和Xen tools。这将启用动态迁移和干净的来宾虚机关机。安装Xen tools也是为了使动态的CPU和RAM扩展能够工作。"
-# 0535820eb5d040f4925c98cdfa7f1f00
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:115
+# 59c6618b482a4e8590293c7da8aaf7ef
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:111
 msgid ""
 "For vSphere, install VMware Tools on each VM. This will enable console view "
 "to work properly. VMware Tools are required in order for dynamic CPU and RAM"
 " scaling to work."
 msgstr "对于vSphere,在每台VM上安装VMware Tools。这是为了能让控制台查看正常工作。安装VMware Tools也是为了使动态的CPU和RAM扩展能够工作。"
-# 52b93993efd74552bcbdffc5a0e4e982
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:119
+# 0054a653c9ee4d008cb5fff30bcb3de8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:115
 msgid ""
 "To be sure that Xen tools or VMware Tools is installed, use one of the "
 "following techniques:"
 msgstr "使用下面其中一个方法确认已经安装了Xen tools或VMware Tools:"
-# 74b0c1c26a5b460bb377b19ce856399d
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:124
+# 183593c0142745a49f4f2a3791981e31
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:118
 msgid ""
 "Create each VM from a template that already has the tools installed; or,"
 msgstr "从已经安装了tools的模板创建的每个VM;或者,"
-# 0e2a66d2e624435b827732e1a4e5f02c
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:129
+# 4ad9dec1226046d48a5dba3598abbf0a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:121
 msgid ""
 "When registering a new template, the administrator or user can indicate "
 "whether tools are installed on the template. This can be done through the UI"
 " or using the updateTemplate API; or,"
 msgstr "当注册一个新的模板时,管理员或者用户可以标示出哪个在模板上安装了tools。这可以通过UI或者使用updateTemplate API来做;或者,"
-# be979443be424b4695d86d2417edaf13
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:135
+# 3a12a213c40345018c066a0ec37e65a9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:125
 msgid ""
 "If a user deploys a virtual machine with a template that does not have Xen "
 "tools or VMware Tools, and later installs the tools on the VM, then the user"
@@ -211,31 +209,31 @@
 "the tools and updating the virtual machine, stop and start the VM."
 msgstr "如果用户通过一个没有安装Xen tools或者VMware Tools的模板部署虚机,然后在VM上安装了tools,之后用户可以使用updateVirtualMachine API告知CloudStack。在安装tools和更新虚拟机之后,请重启虚拟机。"
-# d34d6ed121d543db962b242b95d76f47
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:142
+# b7a0169d017a496787e38b9e50311a88
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:133
 msgid "VM Lifecycle"
 msgstr "虚拟机的生命周期"
-# c150b40a15b348f5b5cdcc9af91ec2ec
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:144
+# 0af797cf30df4ac984c7b8d11ede977e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:135
 msgid "Virtual machines can be in the following states:"
 msgstr "虚拟机可能处于下列状态:"
-# 35450095449943769e4df916f2ba98d1
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:146
+# f5d2991885b4440f8c7062a60633f065
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:137
 msgid "|basic-deployment.png|"
 msgstr "|basic-deployment.png|"
-# 82d68697d2034dcaa1e4dd828818f3e5
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:148
+# 4c2d3ebcce3744b481035492578b6e3c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:139
 msgid ""
 "Once a virtual machine is destroyed, it cannot be recovered. All the "
 "resources used by the virtual machine will be reclaimed by the system. This "
 "includes the virtual machine’s IP address."
 msgstr "一旦一个虚拟机被销毁,那么它就不能被恢复。该虚拟机使用的所有资源被系统回收。其中包括虚拟机的IP地址。"
-# e5d85a86eec94820acffac7223216d7b
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:152
+# 08c95a701e5348e789bd295aa7819d86
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:143
 msgid ""
 "A stop will attempt to gracefully shut down the operating system, which "
 "typically involves terminating all the running applications. If the "
@@ -243,51 +241,51 @@
 "has the same effect as pulling the power cord to a physical machine."
 msgstr "停止操作是比较稳妥的关闭操作系统的方式,因为这样做能正常的关闭所有正在运行的应用程序。如果操作系统不能被停止,才要强制关闭它。这么做跟拔掉物理机器的电源线是一个效果。"
-# 3262f9ef48524241b39ab24f50027665
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:158
+# 6d5fb2afbc1e44ad842f052187cc201f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:149
 msgid "A reboot is a stop followed by a start."
 msgstr "重启是关机再开机的过程。"
-# 9fd4ac9dadd4498aba1893ab9ff67b37
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:160
+# eb78f755807e4fe59ff45bc534fa6dc5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:151
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack preserves the state of the virtual machine hard disk until the "
 "machine is destroyed."
 msgstr "CloudStack会保存虚机硬盘的状态直到它被销毁。"
-# 225f316ae08b45c9af659bb8052ff60e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:163
+# e18941c1f49b40d4ae53034763c41e57
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:154
 msgid ""
 "A running virtual machine may fail because of hardware or network issues. A "
 "failed virtual machine is in the down state."
 msgstr "正在运行的虚机可能会因为硬件或者网络故障而出现问题。出现问题的虚机是down状态。"
-# c87832d0da9849c99bb576cdc028a417
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:166
+# 73bd5337e5854464a320f36cca3d4964
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:157
 msgid ""
 "The system places the virtual machine into the down state if it does not "
 "receive the heartbeat from the hypervisor for three minutes."
 msgstr "如果系统在三分钟内收不到hypervisor的心跳信号,那么它就会将虚机切换至down状态。"
-# 38f2875d662c4c31b795e48e5666cdb5
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:169
+# a45ff69a534b47189b4457ff2d058d8c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:160
 msgid "The user can manually restart the virtual machine from the down state."
 msgstr "用户能够手动从down状态下重启虚机。"
-# f36a208dc3c04defb09639b1fc2c9ffa
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:171
+# 42d0a445aab2404abad8ce54e6ff5947
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:162
 msgid ""
 "The system will start the virtual machine from the down state automatically "
 "if the virtual machine is marked as HA-enabled."
 msgstr "如果虚机被标记上启用了HA,那么系统会自动地重启down状态中的虚机。"
-# 435b7bc89e044825854f8238d54cd95c
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:175
+# fdeb58579e7749fe88bdf405f79049e5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:167
 msgid "Creating VMs"
 msgstr "创建VMs"
-# 90596cf453df41bea97abf4d26b55b9e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:177
+# 7453d7d0a14e4a9dab16d5580766c5d5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:169
 msgid ""
 "Virtual machines are usually created from a template. Users can also create "
 "blank virtual machines. A blank virtual machine is a virtual machine without"
@@ -295,8 +293,8 @@
 msgstr "虚拟机通常是从模板创建的。用户也能创建空白虚拟机。空白虚拟机就是一个重新安装的操作系统。用户可以通过CD/DVD-ROM加载ISO文件安装。"
-# 89062b64f78c473bb4f095089a47a3e8
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:183
+# 3edf15d4b2054f90ae481e9bde143346
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:175
 msgid ""
 "You can create a VM without starting it. You can determine whether the VM "
 "needs to be started as part of the VM deployment. A request parameter, "
@@ -304,75 +302,75 @@
 "see the Developer's Guide."
 msgstr "你可以创建一个VM,但不要启动它。你来决定此VM是否需要作为VM部署的一部分而启动。在deployVm API里面提供了一个startVM参数,提供了这个功能。更多信息,请参考开发者指导。"
-# 0672247e369b4e2d946b125ca4084ed2
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:185
+# e3cf740a72c247ea8cdb5ff298a2e7b3
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:180
 msgid "To create a VM from a template:"
 msgstr "从模板创建一个VM。"
-# dbdc45137b3844029f53e2cb9d9162c6
-# 321604ea0f024536a10305764908c359
-# 7f0370ba68fe4dae844b8c30bee8233e
-# 60f232c6cc96485796b41b3a4e0e8595
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:189 ../../virtual_machines.rst:228
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:379 ../../virtual_machines.rst:426
+# 6b4fb12f7826449389052e48b175bf9a
+# 1c346e18dafd4ac7977a7dc98d85926c
+# 4d63920f853642a68b92f2632d3a1ba1
+# d667b7df24994fc4ac857e47436efd5d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:182 ../../virtual_machines.rst:212
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:330 ../../virtual_machines.rst:366
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or user."
 msgstr "用管理员或用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
-# 17cf7cb65591426fb58ec425f5fd55d8
-# 770013bd81d74beab891f720896b414d
-# c137363adbfd4c509c5f2496508d10e3
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:193 ../../virtual_machines.rst:232
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:430
+# 243b4d8b914d49d19dd68312aae2042a
+# fbbc9105a1f14883918e0460b902a681
+# 74fc4567c9104ff0ae51ec0d88dc5006
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:184 ../../virtual_machines.rst:214
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:368
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Instances."
 msgstr "在左侧导航栏,点击实例"
-# 7d2ba36548a74ef1b9f34c832b763e04
-# f3c1e3fb075f473dafabe13193f34933
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:197 ../../virtual_machines.rst:236
+# be1be45993694cb6ab943a5c229ac71e
+# 7d1b7b4f15c349c68567df62e225bc34
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:186 ../../virtual_machines.rst:216
 msgid "Click Add Instance."
 msgstr "点击添加实例。"
-# d0219b24a04045f995b827bd2898f2aa
-# 539be5bfcf034e2aaa08ec396700de1c
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:201 ../../virtual_machines.rst:240
+# 64202b2c542d459596118bf9dd4ad508
+# 7f1cbee620c946a88f43e9b6c8f1e9bf
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:188 ../../virtual_machines.rst:218
 msgid "Select a zone."
 msgstr "选择一个区域。"
-# 4a5fbf9ff1ee4269a55b0c3f549a22a5
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:205
+# a0aa0f810b974edcb1d8f305c1b24a5d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:190
 msgid ""
 "Select a template, then follow the steps in the wizard. For more information"
 " about how the templates came to be in this list, see `*Working with "
 "Templates* <templates.html>`_."
 msgstr "选择一个模板,然后按照向导中的步骤操作。更多关于如何上传模板的更多信息,请参考`*使用模板* <templates.html>`_。"
-# f131286995d64c42ac059085f726ae06
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:211
+# 33bbf5e131484a929c10053278adddde
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:194
 msgid ""
 "Be sure that the hardware you have allows starting the selected service "
 msgstr "确认​你​的​硬​件​设​备​满足​运​行​所​选​的​服​务条件。"
-# edf69164fb0c47cb865ec5cbff2aa54e
-# 4068a900b1d144749c414fd49b63db55
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:216 ../../virtual_machines.rst:248
+# 9a01eecf26a748e198056df4f7e9b825
+# 82109b204e5841308ff5e74b12cf24a4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:197 ../../virtual_machines.rst:222
 msgid "Click Submit and your VM will be created and started."
 msgstr "点击提交,你的VM就会被创建并启动。"
-# f14fe68cb6e646b49647dfb709dffe56
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:219
+# 7a2965e6d5004b7088a5e5bc18da649c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:200
 msgid ""
 "For security reason, the internal name of the VM is visible only to the root"
 " admin."
 msgstr "出于安全原因,VM的内部名称仅root管理员可见。"
-# c7f29a0e0eca4b1fa04ae333390ec922
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:221
+# c19e66233eaa4d00b5b615550ebc0c11
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:203
 msgid "To create a VM from an ISO:"
 msgstr "从ISO创建虚拟机:"
-# 9802d38bcbeb44faad59f0c6b4dd425f
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:224
+# ff3d83c8dc1b40baab04b8c1bcfe3619
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:206
 msgid ""
 "(XenServer) Windows VMs running on XenServer require PV drivers, which may "
 "be provided in the template or added after the VM is created. The PV drivers"
@@ -380,57 +378,57 @@
 "additional volumes and ISO images, live migration, and graceful shutdown."
 msgstr "(XenServer)XXenServer上运行的Windows VMs需要安装PV驱动,它可能在模板中或在创建完VM后添加。PV驱动对于基本的管理功能是必要的,比如挂载额外的卷和ISO镜像、在线迁移和正常关机。"
-# f11205e9a0634c1990bc69a94b684091
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:244
+# aceacbbcfec4422e939ff1ed89aa25c5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:220
 msgid "Select ISO Boot, and follow the steps in the wizard."
 msgstr "选择ISO启动,然后按照向导中的步骤进行操作。"
-# 162cd4c1933b48c4a8e5a41c7ec37a5e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:251
+# a843dc7f749c44d89ba116d3c6af89f8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:226
 msgid "Accessing VMs"
 msgstr "访问VMs"
-# 1c1e1a7cc847480488dea9931bd3ffd6
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:253
+# 0bf035db01dd401abc60fc76e71330ba
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:228
 msgid ""
 "Any user can access their own virtual machines. The administrator can access"
 " all VMs running in the cloud."
 msgstr "任​何​用​户​都可​以​访​问​他​们​自​己​的​虚​拟​机​。​管​理​员​能​够​访​问​在​云​中​运​行​的​所​有​虚​拟​机​。"
-# 582b288bbc8d448daa35ab6398edd5b6
-# 63c33ffacebf44328922949b1d62e681
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:256 ../../virtual_machines.rst:657
+# ff40a54bdc2e4f3f8b310d37998c096b
+# b719e6aa6218441b864dbd9dbb664b20
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:231 ../../virtual_machines.rst:555
 msgid "To access a VM through the CloudStack UI:"
 msgstr "通过CloudStack UI访问VM:"
-# 7966ee7c12414472976feb432099fd1e
-# cc969f07182e4a4f825bb39d784326e2
-# 717a93d287eb42e799e3246945610dee
-# 7eedbf3ba193494f952fae4200c0bb8a
-# c5992eae3ce542a287bec2ab940ce661
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:260 ../../virtual_machines.rst:661
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:741 ../../virtual_machines.rst:970
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1007
+# 72fdf34366e84d53a902f30170e96826
+# 3b5b89a3e29346439a79e6c9625ab11a
+# 5d3ec5e17ef1449a85064c70381209dc
+# 151cdfe9cd414184908d5b1c15cc7de9
+# 995bd5571b2446418ec4a6f27a17fe5f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:233 ../../virtual_machines.rst:557
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:618 ../../virtual_machines.rst:792
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:820
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a user or admin."
 msgstr "使用用户或管理员登录到CloudStack用户界面。"
-# 1bad53cc506643b4afa9f2f32d5c84df
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:264
+# c09833ddb4424c4e82d2b49397dbf82e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:235
 msgid "Click Instances, then click the name of a running VM."
 msgstr "点击实例,然后点击运行VM的名字。"
-# ea61544613854ab98f0c7eaee19319b4
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:268
+# 7276130f1e014d969cbd9246b1310121
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:237
 msgid "Click the View Console button |console-icon.png|."
 msgstr "点击查看控制台按钮 |console-icon.png|。"
-# 7ee1f849247e4736b77106c631e33767
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:270
+# c06df9b367c1493a908523e863cade69
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:239
 msgid "To access a VM directly over the network:"
 msgstr "通过网络直接访问VM:"
-# 210aa9db3b28438cae36441f14c29e2b
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:274
+# 3a9997d1c0444c66b00f908de1b14f74
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:241
 msgid ""
 "The VM must have some port open to incoming traffic. For example, in a basic"
 " zone, a new VM might be assigned to a security group which allows incoming "
@@ -440,8 +438,8 @@
 msgstr "VM必须开通相关端口以便外部访问。比如,在基础zone中,新的VM可能被关联到一个允许流量进入的安全组。但这取决于你在创建VM的时候选择的安全组。在其他情况下,你可以通过设置端口转发策略来打开一个端口。请参考 `“IP转发及防火墙” <networking2.html#ip-forwarding-and-firewalling>`_。"
-# b955202d572b4eab831bf58c7ddf0290
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:283
+# aa1d9ea00c0f47d58155e9aa67793a80
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:248
 msgid ""
 "If a port is open but you can not access the VM using ssh, it’s possible "
 "that ssh is not already enabled on the VM. This will depend on whether ssh "
@@ -450,49 +448,49 @@
 "for the VM’s operating system."
 msgstr "如果打开端口后,你仍然不能使用SSH访问VM,那么可能是VM中没有启用SSH。这取决于当你创建VM的时候选的模板是否启用了SSH。通过CloudStack UI访问VM,然后使用VM操作系统中的命令行启用SSH。"
-# eef15aa3610941a48b076ada83a93a76
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:291
+# af42226ae2f845c4ae39472cd44d62cf
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:254
 msgid ""
 "If the network has an external firewall device, you will need to create a "
 "firewall rule to allow access. See `“IP Forwarding and Firewalling” "
 msgstr "如果网络中有外部防火墙设备,你需要创建一个防火墙策略来允许访问。请参考`“IP转发及防火墙” <networking2.html#ip-forwarding-and-firewalling>`_。"
-# 07e9a7efad2c4aba92b7119770430d15
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:296
+# 334cb66ea0fd46fab55d62d6c94401cc
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:260
 msgid "Stopping and Starting VMs"
 msgstr "停止和启动VMs"
-# 3c483022f9974e77b1c3b4911b4b3ebb
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:298
+# 194b6682b53b4c028e9387e57f318392
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:262
 msgid ""
 "Once a VM instance is created, you can stop, restart, or delete it as "
 "needed. In the CloudStack UI, click Instances, select the VM, and use the "
 "Stop, Start, Reboot, and Destroy buttons."
 msgstr "一旦VM实例被创建,你可以根据需要停止、重启或删除它。在CloudStack UI里,点击实例,选择VM,然后使用停止、启动、重启和销毁按钮。"
-# 049108e92aae41a0bf087e70dee11846
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:303
+# 3475020a222a4190b9e4e184a4be143c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:268
 msgid "Assigning VMs to Hosts"
 msgstr "将VMs指定到主机"
-# dd82ff2b06c14258a8d3b8de3cf2b75f
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:305
+# ab04e4134ad1499abbfb64970cd8d83b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:270
 msgid ""
 "At any point in time, each virtual machine instance is running on a single "
 "host. How does CloudStack determine which host to place a VM on? There are "
 "several ways:"
 msgstr "在任何时刻,每个虚拟机实例都运行在一台主机上。CloudStack如何决定在哪个主机上放置VM呢?通常是这几种方式:"
-# db958d47c4e14a3bb226699150d1e382
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:311
+# c9fcda8e47454c1b9ccdd115dc618ffb
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:274
 msgid ""
 "Automatic default host allocation. CloudStack can automatically pick the "
 "most appropriate host to run each virtual machine."
 msgstr "自动分配默认主机。CloudStack可以自动的选取最合适的主机来运行每个虚机。"
-# c02752691e62472cbdcfeb12b718e2b5
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:316
+# 13722d82fe934c8fbe47baadf772e4b3
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:277
 msgid ""
 "Instance type preferences. CloudStack administrators can specify that "
 "certain hosts should have a preference for particular types of guest "
@@ -503,8 +501,8 @@
 "sufficient physical capacity."
 msgstr "实例类型偏好设置。CloudStack管理员可以指定专门为某些特殊来宾实例做过优化的主机。比如,管理员指定为Windows来宾实例做过优化的主机。默认主机分配器会尝试将此类来宾实例运行到这些主机上。如果这些主机不够用,分配器会把实例运行在容量充足的物理机上。"
-# 725d3214117b4a0e84922b5aa3395e44
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:326
+# a32cedb1c3d54276bafa87b47914776e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:285
 msgid ""
 "Vertical and horizontal allocation. Vertical allocation consumes all the "
 "resources of a given host before allocating any guests on a second host. "
@@ -513,16 +511,16 @@
 "performance to the guests in some cases."
 msgstr "纵向和横向定位。纵向定位是指,在消耗完当前主机提供的所有资源的时候会将所有来宾虚机定位到第二台主机上。这会云中的节省电力成本。横向定位在每个主机上使用轮询的方式放置来宾虚机。在某些情况下这样会给来宾虚机带来更好的性能。"
-# 4aff1f16d00b45acab4019e0d726746f
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:334
+# cc5699db1af34f3a9b499307c558a058
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:291
 msgid ""
 "End user preferences. Users can not control exactly which host will run a "
 "given VM instance, but they can specify a zone for the VM. CloudStack is "
 "then restricted to allocating the VM only to one of the hosts in that zone."
 msgstr "最终用户偏好设置。用户不能控制VM实例运行在哪台主机上,但是他们能为VM指定区域。这样CloudStack就只能将VM分配到该区域中的主机上。"
-# 39bc261d5136423daceebdb26aa9c3b5
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:341
+# 0411284295194622b05a0cb1879eeb76
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:296
 msgid ""
 "Host tags. The administrator can assign tags to hosts. These tags can be "
 "used to specify which host a VM should use. The CloudStack administrator "
@@ -530,8 +528,8 @@
 "those tags and offer it to the user."
 msgstr "主机标签。管理员可以给主机分配标签。这些标签是用来指定VM该使用哪台主机的。CloudStack管理员自己决定如何定义主机标签,然后使用这些标签创建一个服务方案来提供给用户。"
-# 9bf9ddb0d6134624a599dea900cf220f
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:348
+# ead4cb40fadd4eefa3f8eeddf36bea8e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:301
 msgid ""
 "Affinity groups. By defining affinity groups and assigning VMs to them, the "
 "user or administrator can influence (but not dictate) which VMs should run "
@@ -539,20 +537,20 @@
 "won't be on the same host."
 msgstr "关联性组。依靠定义关联性组并把VMs分配给它们,用户或管理员可以影响(但不是指令)VMs运行在不同的主机上。这个功能是让用户可以规定某些VMs不会运行在同一台主机上。"
-# 2bf39c550ec84d32bb321b563cf38e3f
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:355
+# 475f207be88542b496285e35e6edb937
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:306
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack also provides a pluggable interface for adding new allocators. "
 "These custom allocators can provide any policy the administrator desires."
 msgstr "CloudStack为添加新的分配器提供了一个插件似的接口。这些自定义的分配器可以提供任何管理员想要的策略。"
-# 3f904a94520a464aaf183764319a1669
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:360
+# 838c2813c99f4ea89cb67e8b2ff25abd
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:312
 msgid "Affinity Groups"
 msgstr "关联性组"
-# 1736a4811e0940b1a81a870d8894b714
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:362
+# d72b6ebfff7246118fbc4df220e6f966
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:314
 msgid ""
 "By defining affinity groups and assigning VMs to them, the user or "
 "administrator can influence (but not dictate) which VMs should run on "
@@ -563,145 +561,145 @@
 msgstr "依靠定义关联性组并把VMs分配给它们,用户或管理员可以影响(但不是指令)VMs运行在不同的主机上。这个功能是让用户可以规定某些VMs运行在同“host anti-affinity”类型的而非同一台主机上。这写类服务器增强了容错功能。如果一个主机出现问题,那么另一个提供同样服务的VM(比如,运行用户的网站)依然在别的主机上运行。"
-# 53fbff90dbfe4378912bdce947f6360c
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:370
+# 7dad3924b6fe49e9b9e6ed13a6316bbf
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:322
 msgid "The scope of an affinity group is per user account."
 msgstr "一个关联性组的作用域是针对每个用户账号的。"
-# f21a6c3edcb943709a5fd18034689340
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:373
+# 537f3770162d4c7db20724e2cd3a6d25
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:326
 msgid "Creating a New Affinity Group"
 msgstr "创建一个新的关联性组"
-# 952aa2be921548eca8c72a16351e18aa
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:375
+# 89ec84e3b1004702a136fe33ae40a620
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:328
 msgid "To add an affinity group:"
 msgstr "要添加一个关联性组:"
-# b4788a23606446a28d9e54f23baa1d0a
-# 9979d59417b340e4a9ccbe5403d7ac69
-# 30711cca7fee42eea38e1ce82da4c842
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:383 ../../virtual_machines.rst:452
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:472
+# 2e4c181542d24eceadbedafacef6a048
+# 129e5d65a94748d49cc72d49901d7982
+# bfe6c54e9b1d4b95b230d06a783465c2
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:332 ../../virtual_machines.rst:382
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:397
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Affinity Groups."
 msgstr "在左侧的导航条,点击关联性组。"
-# cc4ced2fb2cb407692a1ee70f26a589d
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:387
+# 2d49709c41b24dcfa6cbec72f9655ecb
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:334
 msgid ""
 "Click Add affinity group. In the dialog box, fill in the following fields:"
 msgstr "点击添加关联性组。在对话框中的下列区域中输入:"
-# 7f6afe679e8146c98f7d6df960d9ea71
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:392
+# 8f2541aa578d480ab600f234860b710f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:337
 msgid "Name. Give the group a name."
 msgstr "名称。组的名称。"
-# 3203d032a77d455483907eb99dad9f4e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:396
+# 283fc43838584136ada4a8670741a62f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:339
 msgid ""
 "Description. Any desired text to tell more about the purpose of the group."
 msgstr "描述。给出更多关于这个组的说明。"
-# f0132b06c21a4ccf96e0e405288b2f01
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:401
+# 6ad15d35202c4aa3829229be0b4dc5a3
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:342
 msgid ""
 "Type. The only supported type shipped with CloudStack is Host Anti-Affinity."
 " This indicates that the VMs in this group should avoid being placed on the "
-"same VM with each other. If you see other types in this list, it means that "
-"your installation of CloudStack has been extended with customized affinity "
-"group plugins."
-msgstr "类型。仅仅支持CloudStack附带的Host Anti-Affinity。这表明了在此组中的VMs不会在同一台主机上。如果你在此列表中看见其他类型,它意味着你安装的CloudStack中有其他自定义的关联性组。"
+"same host with each other. If you see other types in this list, it means "
+"that your installation of CloudStack has been extended with customized "
+"affinity group plugins."
+msgstr ""
-# 68888c95236b4de6989162419f0b4d05
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:409
+# 9dd18a72cf94423295b7f4e16ebdd474
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:351
 msgid "Assign a New VM to an Affinity Group"
 msgstr "将一个新的VM分配给一个关联性组"
-# a7f949c20a7c4f7f92c6c36d19462f79
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:411
+# f986290eacc04fcd88cddb44e54dd110
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:353
 msgid "To assign a new VM to an affinity group:"
 msgstr "要将一个新的VM分配给一个关联性组:"
-# b9be84f061894a848f0963c9c1a9b762
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:415
+# b7ecd6311df24770b2f5ff16290be095
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:355
 msgid ""
 "Create the VM as usual, as described in `“Creating VMs” "
 "<virtual_machines.html#creating-vms>`_. In the Add Instance wizard, there is"
 " a new Affinity tab where you can select the affinity group."
 msgstr "如何创建VM,在 `“Creating VMs” <virtual_machines.html#creating-vms>`_中有描述。在添加实例向导中,有一个新的关联性组标签,你可以选择关联性组。"
-# 60d469cdf8b345b6bbccde8cea1c500d
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:420
+# d887ac9c84494254beaf5d7c2d1d8b17
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:362
 msgid "Change Affinity Group for an Existing VM"
 msgstr "给已有的VM更改关联性组"
-# 72f9a8cbe55f459c8e234d4829094f58
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:422
+# ac05d8cab3d84c0fb5fecc7ff5be7a41
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:364
 msgid "To assign an existing VM to an affinity group:"
 msgstr "要将已有的VM添加到关联性组:"
-# 2f2bed0782f840c0ae1f2403e67b0119
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:434
+# 406004d08a994c7e83f19eb8d3d5ccb4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:370
 msgid "Click the name of the VM you want to work with."
 msgstr "点击你想更改的VM的名称。"
-# 1be9c0b8187d462099baa414f292414f
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:438
+# 5198d04fabab4aba81bb176cafd9cd5f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:372
 msgid "Stop the VM by clicking the Stop button."
 msgstr "点击停止按钮,将此VM关机。"
-# 9934a272aed044e1be6519701136b0f3
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:442
+# d7c213c32fa64651beb6d71b29a2f881
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:374
 msgid "Click the Change Affinity button. |change-affinity-button.png|"
 msgstr "点击变更关联性组按钮。 |change-affinity-button.png|"
-# 107b608573824f32b25733aa1be35a61
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:446
+# 7964ffac44554385887c85ac33410324
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:378
 msgid "View Members of an Affinity Group"
 msgstr "查看关联性组的成员"
-# 39aa367909e247d9b7dda5e00fdc11d1
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:448
+# 60958f4621bd45d68c4c4e5ff8e6166b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:380
 msgid ""
 "To see which VMs are currently assigned to a particular affinity group:"
 msgstr "要查看当前哪些VMs被分配到指定的关联性组:"
-# c6ff79b2977f4780bba8d89d2939d6d7
-# 528c4e24d64c40b782c2f097045479bd
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:456 ../../virtual_machines.rst:476
+# 44277c6e70cc49f5a0262172b42602cd
+# 84c34fd8f1024bc3b3b89c6074d25602
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:384 ../../virtual_machines.rst:399
 msgid "Click the name of the group you are interested in."
 msgstr "点击要查看的组的名称。"
-# cd9344db1a7845e2ac6db8ae1b9cdce8
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:460
+# d621ae0b24c54f108a31c5dc8cf05476
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:386
 msgid "Click View Instances. The members of the group are listed."
 msgstr "点击查看实例。组的成员会列在此处。"
-# c8e598a21aa9411993a3e9d98098f792
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:462
+# 43f372265bc14aa89389bbc7b9584816
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:388
 msgid ""
 "From here, you can click the name of any VM in the list to access all its "
 "details and controls."
 msgstr "在这里,你可以点击列表中任何VM的名称来访问它所有的详细信息并控制它。"
-# bc6253fed6ef4ad9b34d66377fac822d
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:466
+# c126741a86364834b153814dff481a58
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:393
 msgid "Delete an Affinity Group"
 msgstr "删除一个关联性组"
-# 705ed7f11fa2492aa4f12cb7c3b83a33
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:468
+# 41b2a9676116417a9cc26ddecd8e35c0
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:395
 msgid "To delete an affinity group:"
 msgstr "要删除关联性组:"
-# 26faa61c5e374823a212c9ef948eaab7
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:480
+# 97c32e0a3b4d4a039f0167b916626e38
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:401
 msgid "Click Delete."
 msgstr "点击删除。"
-# e080c219cee941d2a3bd9afa644b52a0
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:482
+# 2f1e052c0a0441988e9ccb2459b64996
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:403
 msgid ""
 "Any VM that is a member of the affinity group will be disassociated from the"
 " group. The former group members will continue to run normally on the "
@@ -709,19 +707,19 @@
 " allocation rules from its former affinity group."
 msgstr "任何属于关联性组的VM都会被踢出此组。之前组里的成员会继续在当前主机上正常的运行,但是如果VM重启了,它就不再按照之前关联性组的主机分配策略。"
-# 96f9f97fd07a401ca04a60cc43e9ddf7
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:489
+# 1500b2cdf2f8433f9dc55740099c7554
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:411
 msgid "Virtual Machine Snapshots"
 msgstr "虚拟机快照"
-# c64deb2f10e54c858148630c5d08c79d
-# 1cd91ec4adb3485cbef7eb7ad8a345e9
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:491 ../../virtual_machines.rst:777
+# 352168175d0f45c7944fb134e5e1ccb0
+# f1ff6b7e77974160b7eb0e268b6c8adf
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:413 ../../virtual_machines.rst:643
 msgid "(Supported on VMware and XenServer)"
 msgstr "(支持XenServer、KVM和VMware)"
-# 9f988407b4244ebd939a738c3e1171a4
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:493
+# 4b76741f3c964e48b09015a19ac9ffe6
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:415
 msgid ""
 "In addition to the existing CloudStack ability to snapshot individual VM "
 "volumes, you can take a VM snapshot to preserve all the VM's data volumes as"
@@ -731,8 +729,8 @@
 "previous state using the previously saved VM snapshot."
 msgstr "利用CloudStack的VM卷快照功能,你可以对VM做快照像保存它的CPU/内存状态一样保护VM的数据卷(可选的)。这对快速还原一个VM来说是非常有用的。比如,你可以对一个VM做快照,然后做了一些像软件升级的操作。如果期间有问题出现,使用之前保存的VM快照就可以将VM恢复到之前的状态了。"
-# 297acbf3278b49e3aebcdb2d625a42c9
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:501
+# 9ea94fa6d9804e22af343c5c65a0362d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:423
 msgid ""
 "The snapshot is created using the hypervisor's native snapshot facility. The"
 " VM snapshot includes not only the data volumes, but optionally also whether"
@@ -740,8 +738,8 @@
 "snapshot is stored in CloudStack's primary storage."
 msgstr "快照的创建使用的是 hypervisor本地快照工具。VM快照不但包括数据卷还可选择性的包括VM的运行或关机时(CPU状态)和内存内容的状态。快照保存在CloudStack的主存储里。"
-# b2c35dd49ee449fe89b52c9e65cdca77
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:506
+# b710a2e6c248420bb55ebfa8f0f376dc
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:428
 msgid ""
 "VM snapshots can have a parent/child relationship. Each successive snapshot "
 "of the same VM is the child of the snapshot that came before it. Each time "
@@ -753,8 +751,8 @@
 " the current state of the VM back to the original."
 msgstr "VM快照存在父/子关系。同一个VM的每次快照都是之前快照的子级。每次你对同一VM追加的快照,它仅仅保存两次快照之间系统状态差异。之前的快照变成父级,新的快照变成子级。它可能对这些父/子快照创建一个长链,它实际上是一个从当前的VM状态还原到之前的\"还原\"记录。"
-# b05ac4e6c37441b2bdf0604ab2728763
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:516
+# efe6658a42c34ba1badb3bb03008f9f0
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:438
 msgid ""
 "If you need more information about VM snapshots on VMware, check out the "
 "VMware documentation and the VMware Knowledge Base, especially "
@@ -762,13 +760,13 @@
 msgstr "如果你需要了解更多关于VMware的VM快照,请转去VMware文档中心和VMwareBK库,查找 `了解虚拟机的快照-英文 <>`_、`了解虚拟机的快照-中文<>`_。"
-# d5a9dd1a0e4f4d38ae6043e7107cef55
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:522
+# 8fb9c61d831b4840801c19c568c3e2f7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:445
 msgid "Limitations on VM Snapshots"
 msgstr "VM快照的限制"
-# 480356d265c44ccc955e6ec4d6b996a0
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:526
+# b40a26e614ff482b83dd6fe7ca66a097
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:447
 msgid ""
 "If a VM has some stored snapshots, you can't attach new volume to the VM or "
 "delete any existing volumes. If you change the volumes on the VM, it would "
@@ -777,59 +775,59 @@
 "first delete its snapshots."
 msgstr "如果一个VM存储了一些快照,你就不能给他附加新卷或删除存在的卷。如果你更改了VM的卷,他将不能通过之前卷结构下所做快照来进行恢复。如果你想给这样一个VM附加卷,请先删除快照。"
-# e0539e9e649742e791fe86f92cf42c59
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:534
+# 137adaa8ad304bad8e6a62a539a5b277
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:453
 msgid ""
 "VM snapshots which include both data volumes and memory can't be kept if you"
 " change the VM's service offering. Any existing VM snapshots of this type "
 "will be discarded."
 msgstr "如果你更改了VM的服务方案,那么包含了数据卷和内存的VM快照就不能保留了,任何已有的此类型的VM快照都将被丢弃。"
-# af92c31e2cf54c6d93375e9b3b69359a
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:540
+# 9890e43dc8174a959a93587c2843f753
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:457
 msgid ""
 "You can't make a VM snapshot at the same time as you are taking a volume "
 msgstr "你不能同时对VM在做卷快照和VM快照。"
-# 51e49b30ae8e4501b16ef50f39f5c97b
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:545
+# 0ffbf8b4539648a4884ee457c3ab1cb1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:460
 msgid ""
 "You should use only CloudStack to create VM snapshots on hosts managed by "
 "CloudStack. Any snapshots that you make directly on the hypervisor will not "
 "be tracked in CloudStack."
 msgstr "你只能使用CloudStack来创建其管理的主机上的VM快照。你在hypervisor上直接创建的任何快照都不能被CloudStack识别。"
-# 33b02b024ce6425e827df49595c4f880
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:550
+# 77f6cb8f4c0f41fcb04fe4aa2c2f5268
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:466
 msgid "Configuring VM Snapshots"
 msgstr "配置VM快照"
-# 438a0db0ad7f45dbbb046cbe9560f821
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:552
+# 8582f7496ba340e7b18f0ec535fc74c1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:468
 msgid ""
 "The cloud administrator can use global configuration variables to control "
 "the behavior of VM snapshots. To set these variables, go through the Global "
 "Settings area of the CloudStack UI."
 msgstr "云管理员可以使用全局配置变量来控制VM快照的行为。要设置这些变量,移步至CloudStack UI中的全局设置。"
-# 8ab6bf4420be492e9639c233e77c6a0c
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:556
+# f9f9fa5a5bf040cf942989a479a5e690
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:472
 msgid "Configuration Setting Name"
 msgstr "配置设置名"
-# e5c65267d46a46588873cedef9381210
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:558
+# 68ee9c1c4d5a4d0b85ee63309d7b1db0
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:474
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr "描述"
-# a7756869a2d7450fa6c00d59471d65a9
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:560
+# 85763ceb28de4f0eaca494db0a967117
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:476
 msgid "vmsnapshots.max"
 msgstr "vmsnapshots.max"
-# 6b59688572f44a4084dee840e8cb92ab
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:562
+# 7466c6685f504780a8c5d77c5d580374
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:478
 msgid ""
 "The maximum number of VM snapshots that can be saved for any given virtual "
 "machine in the cloud. The total possible number of VM snapshots in the cloud"
@@ -838,64 +836,64 @@
 " job."
 msgstr "云中虚拟机能够保存快照的最大数。 (number of VMs) \\* vmsnapshots.max是云中VM快照的总共可能数量。如果任何一个VM的快照数达到了最大值,那么快照删除任务会把最老的快照删掉。"
-# 315e15f035d34660bf6c75e32f80bbf8
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:568
+# 2fd939410c2b4b3aa8b3003ab8a3b968
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:484
 msgid "vmsnapshot.create.wait"
 msgstr "vmsnapshot.create.wait"
-# 6c9f1eb1eee34263828e3616bc01b765
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:570
+# 375a0959e9c94eb1a423b278ae046b5b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:486
 msgid ""
 "Number of seconds to wait for a snapshot job to succeed before declaring "
 "failure and issuing an error."
 msgstr "在提示失败和发生错误之前快照工作为了成功的做快照而等待的秒数。"
-# 0a1f1d071bd5411aa41ed07db298dbd7
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:574
+# 2b92af396f6c475a81e3dd289b5b2058
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:491
 msgid "Using VM Snapshots"
 msgstr "是用VM的快照"
-# 1012a83b75ba4980ade5783df566d171
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:576
+# 936e0bc234f649d98911b973d2a89f24
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:493
 msgid "To create a VM snapshot using the CloudStack UI:"
 msgstr "是用CloudStack UI创建一个VM快照:"
-# 33a990587dc74ae3a44b7680873a280a
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:580
+# 7cd076f83efb4c1bbf3fd895f87582e8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:495
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as a user or administrator."
 msgstr "是用用户或者管理员登录CloudStack。"
-# 2c71edf0fbcf41d7b5cf19ccb31a2d8f
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:584
+# 79e76d457cf54a80bf3e15e93c930b60
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:497
 msgid "Click Instances."
 msgstr "点击实例。"
-# f0d034c90731414caf988c6b39daa3a4
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:588
+# 271888c8e7844949b68a79c940659c7b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:499
 msgid "Click the name of the VM you want to snapshot."
 msgstr "点击你想做快照的VM名称。"
-# cef255aa1bbf427eb67c09e57661c074
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:592
+# e60b0597ab2c4b37b9c1b6e585208f39
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:501
 msgid "Click the Take VM Snapshot button. |VMSnapshotButton.png|"
 msgstr "点击抓取VM快照按钮。 |VMSnapshotButton.png|"
-# 91d86429adfe4fafa6557ac8fe9a4ebe
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:594
+# 516b8188c37544fe9289100fa8fd6f81
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:504
 msgid ""
 "If a snapshot is already in progress, then clicking this button will have no"
 " effect."
 msgstr "如果一个快照处理过程正在进行,那么点击这个按钮是没有反应的。"
-# 0370dff77dde4e72adf2a67b45e8149c
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:598
+# 3af8f23237d44f6a82ff3805d8748f9b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:507
 msgid ""
 "Provide a name and description. These will be displayed in the VM Snapshots "
 msgstr "提供一个名称和秒数。这些会显示在VM快照列表中。"
-# 855867a6500d429293ee8ebbcd75c9df
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:603
+# 213a0335d6b44dc3a98d11a064dc6168
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:510
 msgid ""
 "(For running VMs only) If you want to include the VM's memory in the "
 "snapshot, click the Memory checkbox. This saves the CPU and memory state of "
@@ -904,16 +902,16 @@
 msgstr "(仅限运行中的VMs)如果你想在快照中包含VM的内存状态,请勾选内存。这可以保存虚拟机的CPU和内存状态。如果你不勾选这个选项,那么只有VM目前磁盘状态会被保存。勾选了这个选项会让快照过程变长。"
-# 555b611b1cd247a2996216ce643b91fd
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:611
+# d45f3edd0bc741a7a60bc61f1687caae
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:516
 msgid ""
 "Quiesce VM: check this box if you want to quiesce the file system on the VM "
 "before taking the snapshot. Not supported on XenServer when used with "
 "CloudStack-provided primary storage."
 msgstr "静止VM:如果你想在做快照之前让VM的文件系统处于静止状态,请勾选此选项。使用CloudStack提供的主存储的XenServer环境不受支持。"
-# 8e99f68110884748840edd18ab5dd2e6
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:615
+# fe21f13b62b746c7a13b2f7f85a6eaa9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:520
 msgid ""
 "When this option is used with CloudStack-provided primary storage, the "
 "quiesce operation is performed by the underlying hypervisor (VMware is "
@@ -921,137 +919,137 @@
 "quiesce operation is provided according to the vendor's implementation."
 msgstr "当这个选项在CloudStack提供的主存储中使用了,那么静止操作是由底层的hypervisor完成的(VMware支持)。当使用了其他主存储提供商的插件,静止操作是由其提供商的软件完成的,"
-# 64c731c2d39b45c2a9bda67514d23efd
-# a9ac563a0811423d904a5107ca94c503
-# 591146dd0e264c80b6464b88ca9357c3
-# dec56daa0b3542fbb8341e07033e9665
-# 3636f9c70f554023be95dc5ac236d8df
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:623 ../../virtual_machines.rst:770
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:994 ../../virtual_machines.rst:1177
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1212
+# 2a6c32cefec74407bd7fbe5e305ad9fc
+# a8e7b2f2b1c94ee9ab5aacd3929d2b84
+# cd457f5e102e42109f716c58cae05fee
+# 2226bef2616a496e93a295e437d134ec
+# 48260fa4b2a8429582628ee0a4834f18
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:526 ../../virtual_machines.rst:635
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:808 ../../virtual_machines.rst:951
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:975
 msgid "Click OK."
 msgstr "点击确定。"
-# 8b2f4e3ab42c4ecca13a79bdeda7aef4
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:625
+# f4d9b9197aca4868ab4d46cfeaeeeb8d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:528
 msgid ""
 "To delete a snapshot or restore a VM to the state saved in a particular "
 msgstr "要删除一个快照或者还原VM的状态到指定的一个快照:"
-# 100fcc6b769847daadd44b81deb01660
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:630
+# 36f6cf98d55c41459202b6750b7eb7f4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:531
 msgid "Navigate to the VM as described in the earlier steps."
 msgstr "通过之前描述的步骤定位至VM。"
-# b42bf19ec7fe4d348bb9896919e99d7e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:634
+# bf91c94f8979476a930e9dbf513be4d4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:533
 msgid "Click View VM Snapshots."
 msgstr "点击查看VM快照。"
-# 116e22cf4bbc46f583ec19afc7a83234
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:638
+# e7ccaab839314560b552b6071fc14e64
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:535
 msgid ""
 "In the list of snapshots, click the name of the snapshot you want to work "
 msgstr "在快照列表中,点击你要操作的快照名字。"
-# 9680e9db4d1d45e0a4f1355162d48d87
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:643
+# 8e39335e75044ff99ab9e0def4fdc7d3
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:538
 msgid "Depending on what you want to do:"
 msgstr "取决于你想做什么:"
-# cc915de819194759a4730b1596fd0f45
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:645
+# 1992a3d840bc470fabd250937c4de81e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:540
 msgid "To delete the snapshot, click the Delete button. |delete-button.png|"
 msgstr "要删除快照,点击删除按钮。 |delete-button.png|"
-# 5720d90a77164d1c9b47a6e4d6493f58
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:647
+# 00f5fcea682d428c9a9e195edb1178e9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:542
 msgid "To revert to the snapshot, click the Revert button. |revert-vm.png|"
 msgstr "要还原至此快照,点击还原按钮。 |revert-vm.png|"
-# 1eb4b6de42fc4a958c571bddd6fdf4af
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:649
+# d31395bcdf554ce6a1057725cfec443b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:545
 msgid ""
 "VM snapshots are deleted automatically when a VM is destroyed. You don't "
 "have to manually delete the snapshots in this case."
 msgstr "当VM被销毁了,那么它的快照也会被自动的删除。这种情况下,你不用手动的去删除快照。"
-# bf0cbd9990334eb78c0a68b58fd55949
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:652
+# b68606a2ccc14896810536c55cfc1b43
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:550
 msgid "Changing the VM Name, OS, or Group"
 msgstr "更改VM名字,OS或组"
-# bb3f878a35cd400eb4dbc5590833c6a4
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:654
+# c3a4b62362fc4863a6506f6a5e3187de
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:552
 msgid ""
 "After a VM is created, you can modify the display name, operating system, "
 "and the group it belongs to."
 msgstr "在VM被创建之后,你可以修改显示名,操作系统和它所属的组。"
-# 3c79485483a24041b1a63ff8c4962455
-# 26a8095e2378453aae012204e61d5012
-# 892ab93158c6470293b350d2c1a1683b
-# 7292d4056be84a7da4271b3efcf751eb
-# 74da77f007b54413b23a8cf4c355ea97
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:665 ../../virtual_machines.rst:745
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:974 ../../virtual_machines.rst:1011
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1196
+# 72447d94968d48569debc5b7e37e4e80
+# 635b0652817c46e8929098fb5425c79b
+# edcc32c2db4948f7b0702e1fec2c46dd
+# af3dab76cece4fbfa032b786f5efe55f
+# 19861b8d6dbc4928b12763a78bf07383
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:559 ../../virtual_machines.rst:620
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:794 ../../virtual_machines.rst:822
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:967
 msgid "In the left navigation, click Instances."
 msgstr "在左侧的导航菜单中,点击实例。"
-# b3c44fd119fd4d3ca4a21c70c141006b
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:669
+# b339e4730d0445bebdcb106a5c75c2f4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:561
 msgid "Select the VM that you want to modify."
 msgstr "选择你想修改的VM。"
-# cd5efcab714940198a37940b533fb83e
-# b98ba035b8fe4339955221cfa626e541
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:673 ../../virtual_machines.rst:756
+# 304e46f42670493198568fd5f0ff4ee9
+# 7fdd96b1f7e0497fb108cb28b45a1d3c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:563 ../../virtual_machines.rst:627
 msgid "Click the Stop button to stop the VM. |StopButton.png|"
 msgstr "点击停止按钮来关闭虚机。 |StopButton.png|"
-# 2c56bc69a7b441e9a866eb6c9a2cc8ad
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:677
+# 8b84a60389bf4387933672f32d30340e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:565
 msgid "Click Edit. |EditButton.png|"
 msgstr "点击编辑。 |EditButton.png|"
-# c532542833a74aff9cb5d19bfb2fa261
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:681
+# f5ce6fcba1ca478e9bd1598907c1a601
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:567
 msgid "Make the desired changes to the following:"
 msgstr "更改以下几项为所需要的:"
-# bc23e5df14ed483584bea8c0150a484c
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:685
+# 96da85f1c1db4d90b6131a4e7bbe1267
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:569
 msgid ""
 "**Display name**: Enter a new display name if you want to change the name of"
 " the VM."
 msgstr "**显示名**:如果你想更改VM的名字,那么输入一个新的显示名。"
-# 7afcc727427d45fe96e478ea446336a0
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:690
+# b2eb919b8d15426a86942e811b6b785a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:572
 msgid "**OS Type**: Select the desired operating system."
 msgstr "**OS类型**:选择所需的操作系统。"
-# abbc86a92d4444ed9f7b9b2357baa1be
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:694
+# 963531001c6f471fae769294df407de4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:574
 msgid "**Group**: Enter the group name for the VM."
 msgstr "**组**:输入VM的组名。"
-# dd76abfa5c964108a6c9230c9fbcd606
-# 415be7be9d294588a419692258b1ba1a
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:698 ../../virtual_machines.rst:846
+# 1f8f9ed119ca43b291afa2ae2b572532
+# acdd7ec88c4b4a27a7b9ade935e17aad
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:576 ../../virtual_machines.rst:691
 msgid "Click Apply."
 msgstr "点击应用"
-# bfc324b750b049169c4a90709c8f6fe5
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:701
+# 35efc08bc7314a2a83b202b6bfd078c6
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:580
 msgid "Appending a Display Name to the Guest VM’s Internal Name"
 msgstr "给来宾VM的内部名称附加显示名"
-# 3fdb1ec3e9ca4ab2bed35e0b9d0fc31d
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:703
+# 090483f924564a9d8180f7df880f4066
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:582
 msgid ""
 "Every guest VM has an internal name. The host uses the internal name to "
 "identify the guest VMs. CloudStack gives you an option to provide a guest VM"
@@ -1061,8 +1059,8 @@
 msgstr "每个来宾VM都有一个内部名称。主机使用内部名称来识别来宾VMs。CloudStack为来宾VM提供了一个关于显示名的选项。你可以设置显示名作为内部名称以便vCenter可以使用它来识别来宾VM。vm.instancename.flag作为一个新的全局参数,已被添加用来实现此功能。"
-# 70ebc8d7fb524bba80935443c9bb5a38
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:710
+# f1544ed6d7c34d8ebadbc2726fd7edb9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:589
 msgid ""
 "The default format of the internal name is "
 "i-<user\\_id>-<vm\\_id>-<>, where is a global "
@@ -1075,138 +1073,138 @@
 "large data center deployments."
 msgstr "默认的内部名称的格式是 i-<user\\_id>-<vm\\_id>-<>,这里instance.name是全局参数。但是,如果vm.instancename.flag被设置为true,并且来宾VM在创建的过程中提供了显示名,那么显示名就会被附加至该主机的来宾VM的内部名称上。这样就使得内部名称的格式类似于 i-<user\\_id>-<vm\\_id>-<displayName>。vm.instancename.flag的默认值被设置为false。这个功能可以比较容易的在大型数据中心的部署中表示实例名和内部名之间的相互关系。"
-# e7dcf9ff2ede40e7ad88cc9d45558874
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:720
+# fa48ed23ffd24df4a02ee5f2167670e9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:599
 msgid ""
 "The following table explains how a VM name is displayed in different "
 msgstr "下面的表格解释了不同场景下VM的名称是如何显示的。"
-# a9e2bf46d7c346d8af293ad73c2e684a
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:724
+# 76ff8c667a8c480fb21958db7dd65d12
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:603
 msgid "User-Provided Display Name"
 msgstr "用户提供的显示名"
-# fee0cd8b1fe4487d8c082ef34a9fc968
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:724
+# 77b3d04a25244f7b88843f76b0269874
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:603
 msgid "vm.instancename.flag"
 msgstr "vm.instancename.flag"
-# 0802a64909d3466191c2bad24ec8bbe9
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:724
+# eb539380b01a4ba7abe6fab6cbef8d37
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:603
 msgid "Hostname on the VM"
 msgstr "VM的主机名"
-# 431d32ea296544f9b8e951dcc7988ec1
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:724
+# 44a68176f9334f3d893063ea88a1880e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:603
 msgid "Name on vCenter"
 msgstr "vCenter中的名称"
-# adc50a465cb94885ae79c571546e7570
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:724
+# 09d5fe54336843e99505c1bd9d7c24c9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:603
 msgid "Internal Name"
 msgstr "内部名称"
-# 3dc225bc98dd447ba275ccc6b1fc3c4a
-# b100851adac24eb6b9b6159a2f934f7e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:726 ../../virtual_machines.rst:728
+# 8a2a30cd89b8470ab636c82eea18e3a4
+# 8c02dc549daa4804be4ee3b3bf8216a7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:605 ../../virtual_machines.rst:607
 msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "支持"
+msgstr "是"
-# f51d73dfb1b149be9803bf629bd5adaa
-# be1874026cab4afd8a1717bf4a88618b
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:726 ../../virtual_machines.rst:727
+# 854c972116cd4ffea1dd8e5be0d72b55
+# 2d6b531677a8463b806c81b61c640ad8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:605 ../../virtual_machines.rst:606
 msgid "True"
 msgstr "True"
-# 003ebc1da3174970bb1750546ae5ce4a
-# ce3520ca7d684836aff5c98244992ba2
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:726 ../../virtual_machines.rst:728
+# e24020ac7abe425a8fc5ae02e4464a87
+# 1eaa0ac4785f44bf90d042a044d9500f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:605 ../../virtual_machines.rst:607
 msgid "Display name"
 msgstr "显示名"
-# 5838c808f46141f0bb3d0ec56b725f2b
-# 0148868b3e774a4db0afb05287ebc1ff
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:726 ../../virtual_machines.rst:726
+# da8b1b08fbf24753a7ad71dc4c6e910a
+# b909f46baf824afb95db14b2c7a3628a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:605 ../../virtual_machines.rst:605
 msgid "i-<user\\_id>-<vm\\_id>-displayName"
 msgstr "i-<user\\_id>-<vm\\_id>-displayName"
-# b2ae497e2b0642e3a4f8603ccedfe021
-# 8132948b1e674e5eb57f3d1ec76613ce
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:727 ../../virtual_machines.rst:729
+# fe84676df63e465ab7918b5f44790a34
+# 799a550bf2024c8db25a267cd0eac622
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:606 ../../virtual_machines.rst:608
 msgid "No"
-msgstr "不支持"
+msgstr "否"
-# 976d1732c80e416895823f19d9ea3d33
-# 03b0a027103941e785544c80d73c35a0
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:727 ../../virtual_machines.rst:729
+# 2f6abcbb57e24820b71d94a8d721a901
+# 05c2b0965dab4221a022ca3f4d1fb71e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:606 ../../virtual_machines.rst:608
 msgid "UUID"
 msgstr "UUID"
-# b7cbaa66caa14d6cb52d162873d6e34a
-# 21ccfc6d8c7d48da985a9dbe38ad47f9
-# cf8e6e77c0b7410ebf9f734284ae8051
-# 491471d146974889873f5b29feab9516
-# 442b5ea91886462f8e77ec3c3fa26f73
-# f65b3aaa71f34436b30c67aa875be464
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:727 ../../virtual_machines.rst:727
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:728 ../../virtual_machines.rst:728
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:729 ../../virtual_machines.rst:729
+# 5179011192fa4530bf1aa6561ba03e80
+# 0e4881cabf544619b6ed3f98b666fa4d
+# 923b87aaf25d404cb843c35fde7e8abf
+# 14cf566f26974c38b4ceaa39a9c10a2b
+# 5351204fc9aa4a09ac443444dcb12cf5
+# 1b26f9393c914e4bbc0f6099ee278a0e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:606 ../../virtual_machines.rst:606
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:607 ../../virtual_machines.rst:607
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:608 ../../virtual_machines.rst:608
 msgid "i-<user\\_id>-<vm\\_id>-<>"
 msgstr "i-<user\\_id>-<vm\\_id>-<>"
-# 80ad2684aaef4dd4a4c4e661b4780896
-# 772274ff3eac4e59afaed9d440dce9b4
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:728 ../../virtual_machines.rst:729
+# 882c61362e02473eb3d26c71fc8a1d93
+# 2e62c668c7b74882a7c5518dd4e345b7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:607 ../../virtual_machines.rst:608
 msgid "False"
 msgstr "False"
-# c9ae081445274a4f8ed0bab875e10d91
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:734
+# c1aad1317c774f3cb8be7a171d4c7615
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:613
 msgid "Changing the Service Offering for a VM"
 msgstr "为VM变更服务方案"
-# 24262c17e18946c69d73feb0f92d470a
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:736
+# aa826a1e593e4934b4bd9a30bd004c64
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:615
 msgid ""
 "To upgrade or downgrade the level of compute resources available to a "
 "virtual machine, you can change the VM's compute offering."
 msgstr "要给虚拟机提升或降低可用计算资源的级别,你可以更改VM的计算方案。"
-# 5635030af83f40ecb65cccb32dc8e5d5
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:749
+# 8c522d8ff0c341f08389ff47a300b9be
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:622
 msgid "Choose the VM that you want to work with."
 msgstr "选择你要处理的VM。"
-# 5f129aad75ed42008e8dfe5a33c70b3c
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:753
+# 0efe6503c5934cb0b193cabcb06131e0
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:624
 msgid ""
 "(Skip this step if you have enabled dynamic VM scaling; see :ref:`cpu-and-"
 msgstr "(如果你启用了动态VM扩展或缩减,请跳过此步;查看:ref:`cpu-and-memory-scaling。`)"
-# 7558361b218c43b6a41cab8d88ad8917
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:760
+# 8a714661de844774afa81e0071868b59
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:629
 msgid "Click the Change Service button. |ChangeServiceButton.png|"
 msgstr "点击更改服务按钮。 |ChangeServiceButton.png|"
-# e2a7b28c0ed643628721bae2c57866ad
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:762
+# 83f39b159c464727b6fccf6e6b055c0e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:631
 msgid "The Change service dialog box is displayed."
 msgstr "显示更改服务对话框。"
-# c534200b0f234e4c9bab8bde5e8870e9
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:766
+# c981bd6e1e7f49bab3deb9b83f0477f6
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:633
 msgid "Select the offering you want to apply to the selected VM."
 msgstr "选择你想应用到选择的VM的方案。"
-# 27cc346285d64fc28e5ae5385a64ccf2
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:775
+# a01d7307691b4520a87be0d9d9b9da2d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:641
 msgid "CPU and Memory Scaling for Running VMs"
 msgstr "运行中VMs的CPU和内存的扩展和缩减"
-# 003ea8b547a9485b93e271dd28f999c7
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:779
+# ab0e9786b026430a9847f2f68311aeb3
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:645
 msgid ""
 "It is not always possible to accurately predict the CPU and RAM requirements"
 " when you first deploy a VM. You might need to increase these resources at "
@@ -1215,36 +1213,36 @@
 msgstr "通常当你第一次部署VM的时候不太可能精确地预计CPU和RAM需求。你可能必须在VM的生命周期内的任何时间增加这些资源。你可以在不中断运行状态中的VM的情况下,动态的修改CPU和RAM级别来提升这些资源,、。"
-# 01c0085974924811b187eae6b78a7e3c
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:785
+# 115161eb80b3499bacb45dfdfebee485
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:651
 msgid "Dynamic CPU and RAM scaling can be used in the following cases:"
 msgstr "动态CPU和RAM扩展和缩减能被用于一下情况:"
-# 31c363b5061f41f0a3d90253661544bd
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:789
+# 30297090e50d4dde9f897f9a136fe4f6
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:653
 msgid "User VMs on hosts running VMware and XenServer."
 msgstr "运行VMware和XenServer的主机上的用户VMs。"
-# a5aa7ca4c88e404c856aa6e294e9d37e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:793
+# 6232185457af46168206dcb77fbe3d5a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:655
 msgid "System VMs on VMware."
 msgstr "VMware上的系统VMs。"
-# a7d2cfb519ec4add81f26ea49d645daa
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:797
+# f6a39632a5fc44fc95fe18b95ec76dca
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:657
 msgid ""
 "VMware Tools or XenServer Tools must be installed on the virtual machine."
 msgstr "虚拟机上必须安装VMware Tools或者XenServer Tools。"
-# 2bba4d9cff7f4ba7a99dbcaf432658b8
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:802
+# 3a9ff2ea379947d1a7d14452ee5a9f23
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:660
 msgid ""
 "The new requested CPU and RAM values must be within the constraints allowed "
 "by the hypervisor and the VM operating system."
 msgstr "对于新的CPU和RAM大小必须在hypervisor和VM操作系统要求之内。"
-# dea06443628241338663ac0823265090
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:807
+# 5110926c89cb47f6b2f174d9b7fd2074
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:663
 msgid ""
 "New VMs that are created after the installation of CloudStack 4.2 can use "
 "the dynamic scaling feature. If you are upgrading from a previous version of"
@@ -1253,86 +1251,86 @@
 msgstr "在CloudStack 4.2安装完以后创建的新VMs都可以使用动态扩展和缩减功能。如果你的CloudStack是从旧版本升级而来的,其上已有的VMs不会支持动态扩展和缩减功能,除非你按照下面的过程来升级这些VM。"
-# f85afebe892a4ace9207f033d6491f66
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:814
+# 1ad181d6d7c7496e95ae7d8940fdae5e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:671
 msgid "Updating Existing VMs"
 msgstr "升级已有VMs"
-# 5b1650cd938443f58757171129549956
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:816
+# 869cd5d508b846d8bac2af633484f301
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:673
 msgid ""
 "If you are upgrading from a previous version of CloudStack, and you want "
 "your existing VMs created with previous versions to have the dynamic scaling"
 " capability, update the VMs using the following steps:"
 msgstr "如果你正在升级旧版本的CloudStack,并且你还想让你的旧版本VMs拥有动态扩展和缩减能力,请使用以下步骤来升级VMs:"
-# e17b5670258343b49b747ee6e079d4ec
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:822
+# 11e41c992a6545bca58c3d47b712fc40
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:677
 msgid ""
 "Make sure the zone-level setting enable.dynamic.scale.vm is set to true. In "
 "the left navigation bar of the CloudStack UI, click Infrastructure, then "
 "click Zones, click the zone you want, and click the Settings tab."
 msgstr "确保区域级别设置enable.dynamic.scale.vm被设置为true。在CloudStack UI的左侧导航条,点击基础架构,然后点击区域,点击你要操作的区域,然后点击Settings标签。"
-# bee04f5bc16843af85ad08de5482bb0b
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:829
+# 62c28d859ce4495393ca05ebe80feab9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:682
 msgid ""
 "Install Xen tools (for XenServer hosts) or VMware Tools (for VMware hosts) "
 "on each VM if they are not already installed."
 msgstr "在每台VM上安装Xen tools(适用于XenServer主机)或者VMware Tools(适用于VMware主机)。"
-# b1f2bf5ed45a4fcfa061660f0df1f283
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:834
+# d20322e380d44022b1ff5c61fdb66462
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:685
 msgid "Stop the VM."
 msgstr "停止VM。"
-# 4d3222f75f4441acb3f7516e2d388648
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:838
+# 7fb4a5e90f7240faa3517081515db067
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:687
 msgid "Click the Edit button."
 msgstr "点击编辑按钮。"
-# 61e90315c538406a9c315c62f747cc2e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:842
+# e27c8efe5a804069964feebad14fc869
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:689
 msgid "Click the Dynamically Scalable checkbox."
 msgstr "点击动态伸缩选框。"
-# 9aa7f5d09507405ea98a7e3a187f958b
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:850
+# cfbb1778b1b04d149bb2c2bb69c274d3
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:693
 msgid "Restart the VM."
 msgstr "重启VM。"
-# 73d1c7490e504d2281a6892402c02e81
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:853
+# f11c788c7fd447179dd19538674fb81c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:697
 msgid "Configuring Dynamic CPU and RAM Scaling"
 msgstr "配置动态CPU和RAM伸缩"
-# 05f20343444d4826bbcf7850a03ff73e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:855
+# 30af79a24d8f48a1b834110d8374abbc
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:699
 msgid ""
 "To configure this feature, use the following new global configuration "
 msgstr "要配置此功能,请使用下面的全局配置变量:"
-# 1aaa2fb09309444697b5b4bf9ef5ef75
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:860
+# 5a2816315adb4870943cb43b6d0cf99c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:702
 msgid ""
 "enable.dynamic.scale.vm: Set to True to enable the feature. By default, the "
 "feature is turned off."
 msgstr "enable.dynamic.scale.vm:设置为True以启用此功能。默认情况下,此功能是被关闭的。"
-# 52efb56d95374359815b6efedb138880
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:865
+# cdeb9f1cb4df4b029610a510842cc284
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:705
 msgid ""
 "scale.retry: How many times to attempt the scaling operation. Default = 2."
 msgstr "scale.retry:伸缩操作的重试次数。默认为2。"
-# 2ae2186e2b6e404dbd39ee8095a87bf4
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:869
+# 07decccd4eb04199817b30945867ed27
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:710
 msgid "How to Dynamically Scale CPU and RAM"
 msgstr "如果动态伸缩CPU和RAM"
-# 0e93a4355ab7478e98e7505e737337d1
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:871
+# ae889fadf36342a6a037fb765a54fd59
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:712
 msgid ""
 "To modify the CPU and/or RAM capacity of a virtual machine, you need to "
 "change the compute offering of the VM to a new compute offering that has the"
@@ -1342,8 +1340,8 @@
 "course, you might have to create a new compute offering first."
 msgstr "要修改虚拟机的CPU和/或RAM,你必须更改VM的计算方案为你想要的。你可以按照上文中所述的同样的步骤 `“Changing the Service Offering for a VM” <#changing-the-service-offering-for-a-vm>`_,但是要跳过停止虚拟机的步骤。当然,你可能必须先创建一个新的计算方案。"
-# b101fbdc248247569dec5af8568168b6
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:879
+# 4ad82ed62390433a83075a6fe291e6c6
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:720
 msgid ""
 "When you submit a dynamic scaling request, the resources will be scaled up "
 "on the current host if possible. If the host does not have enough resources,"
@@ -1353,25 +1351,25 @@
 msgstr "当你提交一个动态伸缩的请求的时候,当前主机可能会扩展资源。如果主机没有足够的资源,VM会被在线迁移至同一群集中的其他主机。如果群集中没有能满足CPU和RAM条件的主机,那么扩展操作会失败。不用担心,VM会往常一样继续运行。"
-# 1d09d0d96932426eaedf888c5d4bb7b3
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:887
+# 04a78ffb0e8a4995a6fbbf8870ef3c01
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:729
 msgid "Limitations"
 msgstr "局限性"
-# 8df5bd609d334564a90f30f51a4a07f1
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:891
+# 4d4543f814604671a8582fd47d1298ca
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:731
 msgid "You can not do dynamic scaling for system VMs on XenServer."
 msgstr "你不能为XenServer上运行的系统VMs进行动态伸缩操作。"
-# 2f2a3e6456674e06ace3c43636415177
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:895
+# 0c3b91b5ecc54cb1b79f79eea7129458
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:733
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack will not check to be sure that the new CPU and RAM levels are "
 "compatible with the OS running on the VM."
 msgstr "CloudStack不会检查新的CPU和RAM级别是不是符合VM操作系统的要求。"
-# 492ccb959cfc432e88b64e8dd249b28c
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:900
+# c8b490e8cfa64c6c992a761349ffcec9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:736
 msgid ""
 "When scaling memory or CPU for a Linux VM on VMware, you might need to run "
 "scripts in addition to the other steps mentioned above. For more "
@@ -1380,8 +1378,8 @@
 " in the VMware Knowledge Base."
 msgstr "当为VMware上运行的Linux VM扩展内存或者CPU的时候,你可能需要运行额外的脚本。更多信息,请参阅VMware知识库中的 `在Linux中热添加内存 (1012764) <>`_"
-# 715ff91daf224aeab90718b612d41d50
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:908
+# 4e112807f7f146ccb7683bafe9845553
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:742
 msgid ""
 "(VMware) If resources are not available on the current host, scaling up will"
 " fail on VMware because of a known issue where CloudStack and vCenter "
@@ -1390,8 +1388,8 @@
 msgstr "(VMware)如果当前主机上没有可用资源,因为一个已知的问题,VMware上的虚机扩展会失败,这是因为CloudStack和vCenter计算可用容量方法的不同。更多信息,请参阅` <>`_。"
-# f0f4ca2f349f499fadb1cc2a3d13b761
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:916
+# eed3ea4ba4134de1b4cb819e07cb8326
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:748
 msgid ""
 "On VMs running Linux 64-bit and Windows 7 32-bit operating systems, if the "
 "VM is initially assigned a RAM of less than 3 GB, it can be dynamically "
@@ -1400,13 +1398,13 @@
 "scale from less than 3 GB to more than 3 GB."
 msgstr "对于运行Linux 64位和Windows 7 32位操作系统的VMs,如果VM初始分配的RAM小于3GB,那么它最大能动态的扩展到3GB。这是因为这些操作系统已知的问题,如果尝试从小于3G动态扩展至超过3G的话,操作系统会宕机。"
-# e5f94051809f4fdc9b73c3c2a82fda21
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:923
+# 0f66f02496244365a1fc127038eafca0
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:756
 msgid "Resetting the Virtual Machine Root Volume on Reboot"
 msgstr "在重启时重置虚拟机的Root卷"
-# 48d80af594204278be829b174c5a4523
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:925
+# 63185701fdb845c78448a80722e1e1f9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:758
 msgid ""
 "For secure environments, and to ensure that VM state is not persisted across"
 " reboots, you can reset the root disk. For more information, see `“Reset VM "
@@ -1414,13 +1412,13 @@
 msgstr "为安全环境和确保VM重启期间不被中断状态,你可以重置root磁盘。更多信息,请参阅 `“在重启时给VM重置一个新的Root磁盘” <storage.html#reset-vm-to-new-root-disk-on-reboot>`_。"
-# aa4ca1c9e6f1450b872d7b19cb306a9d
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:931
+# 66018bd4d29d47f5b9921b2b638bd9e5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:765
 msgid "Moving VMs Between Hosts (Manual Live Migration)"
 msgstr "在主机之间移动VMs(手动在线迁移)"
-# 991bc31743834bd285fd42664f467f3b
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:933
+# 4a11ec0f0f7849af900329d21eb5021a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:767
 msgid ""
 "The CloudStack administrator can move a running VM from one host to another "
 "without interrupting service to users or going into maintenance mode. This "
@@ -1428,130 +1426,130 @@
 msgstr "CloudStack管理员可以从一个主机将运行中的VM不中断服务地移动到其他主机或者将其进入维护模式。这个过程叫手动在线迁移,要满足以下条件:"
-# 3155449d7c29414bb311284884f57a23
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:940
+# f7d30be3c9c04c2890163879415fbec7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:772
 msgid ""
 "The root administrator is logged in. Domain admins and users can not perform"
 " manual live migration of VMs."
 msgstr "root管理员已登录。域管理员和用户不能执行手动在线迁移操作。"
-# ea6b697cd1214233b579d728a08a9398
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:945
+# 17e5f9d4b5d849c395dc3660e836ea8c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:775
 msgid "The VM is running. Stopped VMs can not be live migrated."
 msgstr "VM正在运行。停止的VMs不能进行在线迁移。"
-# ef589ba17133433db3d1e4374fedb177
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:949
+# 948845ad74164fee9ba6899a995747ff
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:777
 msgid ""
 "The destination host must have enough available capacity. If not, the VM "
 "will remain in the \"migrating\" state until memory becomes available."
 msgstr "目标主机必须有足够的可用容量。如果没有,VM会一直停留在\"迁移中\"状态,直到有多余内存可用。"
-# 70e5acb9366945f3a292924549f075c5
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:955
+# 926ce179048d440ba2bea6731af74b85
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:781
 msgid ""
 "(KVM) The VM must not be using local disk storage. (On XenServer and VMware,"
 " VM live migration with local disk is enabled by CloudStack support for "
 "XenMotion and vMotion.)"
 msgstr "(KVM)VM必须不能使用本地磁盘存储。(在XenServer和VMware中,CloudStack依靠XenMotion和vMotion允许使用了本地磁盘的VM能够在线迁移。)"
-# ad1e58fdb03a4bda8f7cbe3509dc1b29
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:961
+# 7afc45cd0fd64406bf6773ae8ca01061
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:785
 msgid ""
 "(KVM) The destination host must be in the same cluster as the original host."
 " (On XenServer and VMware, VM live migration from one cluster to another is "
 "enabled by CloudStack support for XenMotion and vMotion.)"
 msgstr "(KVM)目标主机必须跟源主机在同一个群集。(在XenServer和VMware上,CloudStack依靠XenMotion和vMotion,允许VM从一个群集在线迁移到另一个群集)"
-# 3bbeb916fadc4d5485cc2311778dea39
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:966
+# 5b314d24029f4c3b8005118729a96b8a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:790
 msgid "To manually live migrate a virtual machine"
 msgstr "手动在线迁移一个虚拟机"
-# cac7bb80e52140ffb9b2064aaf90a545
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:978
+# 1e1e47dac41d499993b564e4a93cb2d3
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:796
 msgid "Choose the VM that you want to migrate."
 msgstr "选择你想迁移的VM。"
-# ad6a7c7fc2774af19be664773c62991f
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:982
+# 761a3094e3774e94a810eb219c96c394
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:798
 msgid "Click the Migrate Instance button. |Migrateinstance.png|"
 msgstr "点击迁移实例按钮。 |Migrateinstance.png|"
-# f6a8c2c04d5a419ea87d0eb7c6aab2f9
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:986
+# fd690eecd191485bb7d1b4908411a5cc
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:800
 msgid ""
 "From the list of suitable hosts, choose the one to which you want to move "
 "the VM."
 msgstr "从可用主机列表中,选择一个目标主机。"
-# aa10e98e071f4ce6a979503514da6fc6
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:990
+# 726aae3ee8924808ba550a28342fc0e5
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:804
 msgid ""
 "If the VM's storage has to be migrated along with the VM, this will be noted"
 " in the host list. CloudStack will take care of the storage migration for "
 msgstr "如果VM的存储与VM必须一起被迁移,这点会在主机列表中标注。CloudStack会为你自动的进行存储迁移。"
-# 2ee1776c823e444bb96036b1353934ff
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:997
+# 8f08330a7d1e42caaf5ef765aa58882a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:812
 msgid "Deleting VMs"
 msgstr "删除VMs"
-# 4506fdbbd39a4d90822765565d24819e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:999
+# c3d724719a8246f193d97c4f0d121699
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:814
 msgid ""
 "Users can delete their own virtual machines. A running virtual machine will "
 "be abruptly stopped before it is deleted. Administrators can delete any "
 "virtual machines."
 msgstr "用户可以删除他们拥有的虚拟机。在删除运行中的虚拟机之前,虚拟机会被强制停止。管理员可以删除任何虚拟机。"
-# 913edf18c98446f7add9e9b002dc571e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1003
+# 7ce9ae8ec54a41f9a717fdf87bd9c144
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:818
 msgid "To delete a virtual machine:"
 msgstr "要删除虚拟机:"
-# 4471e96b3042480887044b650cf5dfa7
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1015
+# e404b64388f74a71bbfc6af41ccd3ff1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:824
 msgid "Choose the VM that you want to delete."
 msgstr "选择你想删除的VM。"
-# 14c5b440483c444190fd3fc8d953c2a5
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1019
+# 2d8231a2d7c149b796ed88861d1bb909
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:826
 msgid "Click the Destroy Instance button. |Destroyinstance.png|"
 msgstr "点击销毁实例按钮。 |Destroyinstance.png|"
-# 7739d729c35f4724a4c0492fbc8c1b97
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1022
+# e060074ca29143089e33cdd841b6e53c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:830
 msgid "Working with ISOs"
 msgstr "使用ISOs"
-# 037ea9c2997f4695a6eb7227eda501ca
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1024
+# 49e588f8f3d3457396167bfe47840a9c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:832
 msgid ""
 "CloudStack supports ISOs and their attachment to guest VMs. An ISO is a "
 "read-only file that has an ISO/CD-ROM style file system. Users can upload "
 "their own ISOs and mount them on their guest VMs."
 msgstr "CloudStack支持ISOs和将其挂载到来宾VMs。ISO是一种只读的ISO/CD-ROM格式的文件文件系统。用户可以上传他们自己的ISOs并且将其挂载至他们的来宾VMs。"
-# bb915cb78ccb40fbb74f5c72bfc775f9
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1028
+# 43da1c69da0e4ff3ba3867e9061ad9c4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:836
 msgid ""
 "ISOs are uploaded based on a URL. HTTP is the supported protocol. Once the "
 "ISO is available via HTTP specify an upload URL such as "
 msgstr "ISOs文件通过URL上传。HTTP是受支持的协议。一旦ISO通过HTTP指定一个上传URL,比如http://my.web.server/filename.iso上传成功,那么文件就可以用了。"
-# 49d1e81d8d2f431ead35a0681b93930e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1032
+# 646b8bd2384245229f23171a7a8d7712
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:840
 msgid ""
 "ISOs may be public or private, like templates.ISOs are not hypervisor-"
 "specific. That is, a guest on vSphere can mount the exact same image that a "
 "guest on KVM can mount."
 msgstr "ISOs可能是私有的也可以是共有的,像templates.ISOs并不针对某种hypervisor。也就是说,运行在vSphere上的来宾虚机和运行在KVM上的虚机可以挂载同一个ISO。"
-# ec9f85158e634c70bb3289ba4354c53e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1036
+# 3d98a7d5d5ef47d5b8a0ccafaa66e0e7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:844
 msgid ""
 "ISO images may be stored in the system and made available with a privacy "
 "level similar to templates. ISO images are classified as either bootable or "
@@ -1561,13 +1559,13 @@
 " drivers into Windows. ISO images are not hypervisor-specific."
 msgstr "ISO镜像可能存储在系统中并且隐私级别与模板相似。ISO镜像分为可引导或不可引导的。可引导的ISO镜像是包含了OS镜像的。CloudStack允许用户通过ISO镜像来启动来宾虚机。用户同样可以将ISO镜像挂载到来宾VMs。比如,给Windows安装PV驱动。ISO镜像不指定hypervisor。"
-# 66d6d4e68aaa46fc8a38ea3d9e9eff72
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1045
+# 8d9568801830478a848ccdac420a263f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:854
 msgid "Adding an ISO"
 msgstr "添加ISO"
-# 4d9f89344dbd49cf809056b015c893e9
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1047
+# ba8d1a29acc24d7ca0da86abbc13d3d2
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:856
 msgid ""
 "To make additional operating system or other software available for use with"
 " guest VMs, you can add an ISO. The ISO is typically thought of as an "
@@ -1576,201 +1574,201 @@
 " of a template."
 msgstr "为了添加额外的操作系统或者给来宾VMs使用其它软件,你可以添加ISO。操作系统镜像被认为是最典型的ISO,但是你也能添加软件类型的ISOs,例如你想把安装的桌面应用作为模板的一部分。"
-# 9498811c36fa4b7081260060ea17df89
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1055
+# 79227c9ef0904022a147fb56ff1f7530
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:862
 msgid "Log in to the CloudStack UI as an administrator or end user."
 msgstr "使用管理员或者终端用户账号登录CloudStack UI。"
-# 9c94cd61bf874dde87586c83b2468101
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1059
+# 0241367a6d3f4783a3b774447b3e7ba8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:864
 msgid "In the left navigation bar, click Templates."
 msgstr "在左侧的导航栏,点击模板。"
-# a5071eb73fa449c18ce96de2c342e45d
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1063
+# 0f973ef8ca224955a380e55e4cb178f7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:866
 msgid "In Select View, choose ISOs."
 msgstr "在选择视图中,选择ISOs。"
-# e19433ec2d144a92bbf9c55ad2bc3484
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1067
+# 7fa77a1f7f2c433b9a91a2674c905e0f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:868
 msgid "Click Add ISO."
 msgstr "点击添加ISO。"
-# b760a614085c4b59bb13262b7892cde4
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1071
+# d823b6abfa4f4f90a537b89a3028cbf8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:870
 msgid "In the Add ISO screen, provide the following:"
 msgstr "在添加ISO界面中,提供下列信息:"
-# 9fdde4dd08374f0793251a5518e975be
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1075
+# 3685d0bb311b4ed380fda725b7cd9278
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:872
 msgid ""
 "**Name**: Short name for the ISO image. For example, CentOS 6.2 64-bit."
 msgstr "**名称**: ISO 镜像的简称。例如,CentOS6.2 64-bit。"
-# 057c511f14834d53b851241e6e307b66
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1080
+# 2b4eed14408848cdba835ad59d43680e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:875
 msgid ""
 "**Description**: Display test for the ISO image. For example, CentOS 6.2 "
 msgstr "**描述**: 对于ISO镜像的描述。例如,CentOS 6.2 64-bit."
-# 45877549dabb466b9cf1d79d86e902f3
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1085
+# f186dace19cc4fb78d4e957564d8542e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:878
 msgid ""
 "**URL**: The URL that hosts the ISO image. The Management Server must be "
 "able to access this location via HTTP. If needed you can place the ISO image"
 " directly on the Management Server"
 msgstr "**URL**: ISO镜像主机的URL。管理服务器必须能够通过HTTP访问这个地址。如果有需要你可以直接将ISO放置到管理服务器中。"
-# 68c8d3975adf4027a8cbceacace184c5
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1091
+# 425e7404b8194bb5931d02792793408e
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:882
 msgid ""
 "**Zone**: Choose the zone where you want the ISO to be available, or All "
 "Zones to make it available throughout CloudStack."
 msgstr "**区域**: 选择你希望该ISO在到哪个区域可用,或者选择所有区域使该ISO在CloudStack中全部区域中可用。"
-# 0159cee8f9ad46aab66d2a0b15a0026f
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1096
+# aa204bdaf6d9433bb4412c757dc5d44b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:885
 msgid ""
 "**Bootable**: Whether or not a guest could boot off this ISO image. For "
 "example, a CentOS ISO is bootable, a Microsoft Office ISO is not bootable."
 msgstr "**可启动**: 来宾是否可以通过该ISO镜像启动。例如,一个CentOS ISO 是可启动的,一个Microsoft Office ISO 是不可启动的。"
-# 20cb0c8a4e1d4ffd8279d8587ac831d2
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1102
+# 8b59d99740ca42ecbb70e61c148a6cea
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:889
 msgid ""
 "**OS Type**: This helps CloudStack and the hypervisor perform certain "
 "operations and make assumptions that improve the performance of the guest. "
 "Select one of the following."
 msgstr "**操作系统类型*: 这有助于CloudStack和Hypervisor执行某些操作并假设可提高来宾虚拟机的性能。选择下列之一。"
-# 5ccda673858b485d9d029499d3c6e0db
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1108
+# 55d339b4332b4f8d90ab0c41ac4064b8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:893
 msgid ""
 "If the operating system of your desired ISO image is listed, choose it."
 msgstr "如果你需要的ISO镜像对应的操作系统在列表中,请选择它。"
-# 2ab6ca22329e4c3e877533c892467967
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1113
+# 7181c3bfc6ea45d29f5de6686bdbc0c8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:896
 msgid ""
 "If the OS Type of the ISO is not listed or if the ISO is not bootable, "
 "choose Other."
 msgstr "如果ISO镜像的操作系统类型没有被列出或者ISO是不可引导的,选择Other。"
-# 9be1c439f3ce4ab9a41d7137880e76cd
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1118
+# 121ed273b9d942f0bcab107605fbc155
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:899
 msgid ""
 "(XenServer only) If you want to boot from this ISO in PV mode, choose Other "
 "PV (32-bit) or Other PV (64-bit)"
 msgstr "(仅针对XenServer) 如果你想使用这个ISO在PV 模式中引导,选择 Other PV (32-bit) 或 Other PV(64-bit)"
-# b50992f8bb54434387b26839fd05e1a2
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1123
+# 4630b5213f5447b692ec7949d9d2d0b8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:902
 msgid ""
 "(KVM only) If you choose an OS that is PV-enabled, the VMs created from this"
 " ISO will have a SCSI (virtio) root disk. If the OS is not PV-enabled, the "
 "VMs will have an IDE root disk. The PV-enabled types are:"
 msgstr "(仅针对KVM) 如果你选择一个操作系统为PV-enabled,, 通过这个ISO创建的虚拟机会有一个SCSI(virtio)根磁盘。如果这个操作系统没有PV-enabled,,虚拟机将有一个IDE根磁盘。PV-enabled 类型是:"
-# aad0ef1396ee4a6f9bc531d842d53100
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1128
+# 635be29dfcf3483a8f0a22d1a6baccd9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:907
 msgid "Fedora 13"
 msgstr "Fedora 13"
-# 59079d1f59324bbe8b1abcea8603f2cc
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1130
+# 93e9c1d5a6a3487d8c2c3fa739eaf98d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:909
 msgid "Fedora 12"
 msgstr "Fedora 12"
-# b8b262bd1513438d840f6124407681e2
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1132
+# 2a8eeb99d2ea4a3bac651072df26da55
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:911
 msgid "Fedora 11"
 msgstr "Fedora 11"
-# b4b9f21ef32a4ef6a55ca72d8ecb6e21
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1134
+# c31cbc941bb44094846e2e60cddb38b8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:913
 msgid "Fedora 10"
 msgstr "Fedora 10"
-# 63098f620c9846d0bb57b96bce1570f7
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1136
+# 46d96452f5e645899cdbeed2f1d8dd64
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:915
 msgid "Fedora 9"
 msgstr "Fedora 9"
-# 23123eb72cc94f54a8c080e0d7e3f9b1
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1138
+# 4b44f056e016456b86e5d94d780f5c70
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:917
 msgid "Other PV"
 msgstr "Other PV"
-# e2502905c8ad4a5082eaf77c12a663a2
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1140
+# 1f0bbb7dcde34e43a90ab458542c9245
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:919
 msgid "Debian GNU/Linux"
 msgstr "Debian GNU/Linux"
-# 3e223c0e18b546c6aa44380d75dbcd75
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1142
+# fa0ff295703648b6a27c3051e80cc1a7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:921
 msgid "CentOS 5.3"
 msgstr "CentOS 5.3"
-# 22c90e96d87b47b9b52f5d36afbb4bca
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1144
+# 10c5d0e4740249ef938a3af66c83cbd4
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:923
 msgid "CentOS 5.4"
 msgstr "CentOS 5.4"
-# 08857787cb804700851faf1944428e9a
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1146
+# 3abebb97eac94950b3928ed76316c4fb
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:925
 msgid "CentOS 5.5"
 msgstr "CentOS 5.5"
-# 3d0c5c0b25ac43dfb9c6f424494416c5
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1148
+# 6e43cd1649cc453eb9ddd4fd035c80cc
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:927
 msgid "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3"
 msgstr "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3"
-# 192d89c4588a46089607de0c7d8eb8d1
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1150
+# 460371604538459f9aaab9dbec447cdd
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:929
 msgid "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4"
 msgstr "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4"
-# 577c9a33d98b4fc4a4a121cd9f026fd1
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1152
+# 7d68f48aeac44031b6cd313d5fc799a1
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:931
 msgid "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5"
 msgstr "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5"
-# 99aa5f6d829c492ca635ff7a54373fd8
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1154
+# a2764fbb27c34b978dae6142215c6850
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:933
 msgid "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6"
 msgstr "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6"
-# b33e5a4f06cf443b9506e80db9f2e83d
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1157
+# 94dfebd340a74c8b88a2994cc95f58ec
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:936
 msgid ""
 "It is not recommended to choose an older version of the OS than the version "
 "in the image. For example, choosing CentOS 5.4 to support a CentOS 6.2 image"
 " will usually not work. In these cases, choose Other."
 msgstr "不建议选择一个比操作系统镜像老的版本。例如,选择CentOS 5.4 去支持一个CentOS6.2的镜像通常导致不能工作。在这种情况下,去选择Other。"
-# e4e2e905b80442298bc0b64ce88ecab1
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1161
+# f097cba5535645278ee6719b4a03072a
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:941
 msgid ""
 "**Extractable**: Choose Yes if the ISO should be available for extraction."
 msgstr "**可提取**:  如果该ISO可以被提取出来,则选择Yes。"
-# a2f23bd50ec54f93ba29dffc1fb73308
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1166
+# 7d047a068b0a49599ef129b9c79a6666
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:944
 msgid "**Public**: Choose Yes if this ISO should be available to other users."
 msgstr "**公共**:  如果该ISO可以被所有用户使用,则选择Yes。"
-# a045b92e96314a2b9ca966ae7d9e69e7
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1171
+# cc70871cc63f4a778f5a762c96814820
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:947
 msgid ""
 "**Featured**: Choose Yes if you would like this ISO to be more prominent for"
 " users to select. The ISO will appear in the Featured ISOs list. Only an "
 "administrator can make an ISO Featured."
 msgstr "**精选**:  如果你想这个用户在选择这个ISO时更加突出则选择Yes。该ISO将出现在精选ISO列表中。只有管理员可以设置ISO为精选。"
-# f6a3a2db613242338786ae4594017ed0
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1179
+# 0ada7b2845314dff81bc2025971a349d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:953
 msgid ""
 "The Management Server will download the ISO. Depending on the size of the "
 "ISO, this may take a long time. The ISO status column will display Ready "
@@ -1778,57 +1776,57 @@
 "Refresh updates the download percentage."
 msgstr "管理服务器将下载该ISO。根据ISO镜像的大小,下载过程可能会用很长时间。一旦该镜像已经被成功下载到辅助存储时ISO 状态栏将会显示Ready。点击刷新更新更新百分比。"
-# 0fed1d5c6f1043ffb6867a5b24e6f76d
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1186
+# 6918d4062b5b40fe9ec994fe73602e85
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:958
 msgid ""
 "**Important**: Wait for the ISO to finish downloading. If you move on to the"
 " next task and try to use the ISO right away, it will appear to fail. The "
 "entire ISO must be available before CloudStack can work with it."
 msgstr "**重要**: 等等ISO下载完成过程中。如果你想执行下一个任务并且尝试正常使用该ISO,这将会失败。在CloudStack 使用它之前该ISO必须是完整且有效的。"
-# 75e7c4822f2949598aa3a5e8cfa3c75a
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1192
+# b14f8c054f394494acb88245da8ba860
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:965
 msgid "Attaching an ISO to a VM"
 msgstr "附加ISO到虚拟机"
-# c49011305c6040abac9c4c10904564b0
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1200
+# b5dd3e88e7fd4e289eaba6d0a5144d12
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:969
 msgid "Choose the virtual machine you want to work with."
 msgstr "选择要使用的虚拟机。"
-# a3b01615c42b489a9c2ca0f920b92cb1
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1204
+# 7dc31f79f1d14b79a420d462bfee1c59
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:971
 msgid "Click the Attach ISO button. |iso.png|"
 msgstr "点击附加ISO按钮。 |iso.png|"
-# 02bc55c3634a43e9947613722f71ada2
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1208
+# c8a3faf4703b4ccd9b1e8108195cc959
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:973
 msgid "In the Attach ISO dialog box, select the desired ISO."
 msgstr "在附加ISO对话框中,选择所需的ISO。"
-# 071721241f504f06bfb0b36125fc3870
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1215
+# 549b92307c7f47f98184d3f1124fa408
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:979
 msgid "Changing a VM's Base Image"
 msgstr "改变VM's 的基础镜像"
-# 0d3190522cde471aa0ebe72afd3e6cf8
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1217
+# 13e3fdc48e0047a987a24ca40e0e1a87
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:981
 msgid ""
 "Every VM is created from a base image, which is a template or ISO which has "
 "been created and stored in CloudStack. Both cloud administrators and end "
 "users can create and modify templates, ISOs, and VMs."
 msgstr "每个VM都是通过基础镜像创建的,可以是创建并存储在CloudStack中的一个模版或者一个ISO镜像。云管理员和终端用户都可以创建和修改模版,ISO和VM。"
-# de60998312a04130be852dba54b0e5d8
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1221
+# f5fa30e2adb14813a20639e4efb5b685
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:985
 msgid ""
 "In CloudStack, you can change an existing VM's base image from one template "
 "to another, or from one ISO to another. (You can not change from an ISO to a"
 " template, or from a template to an ISO)."
 msgstr "在CloudStack中,你可以改变虚拟机的基础磁盘从一个模版换成其他模版,或从一个ISO换成其他ISO。(你不能把ISO变成模版或模版变成ISO。)"
-# da938830337643e9992dbf05c3792f8c
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1225
+# 950431c149ec42938db84b6db95abf20
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:989
 msgid ""
 "For example, suppose there is a template based on a particular operating "
 "system, and the OS vendor releases a software patch. The administrator or "
@@ -1838,8 +1836,8 @@
 "desired template."
 msgstr "例如,假设有一个模板基于一个特定的操作系统,并且操作系统厂商发布了一个补丁。管理员和用户理所当然的想要将该补丁应用到已经存在的虚拟机中,并确保虚拟机开始使用它。无论是否涉及软件更新,也有可能只是将虚拟机从当前的模板切换至其他所需的模板。"
-# 8218e4d0e098440f88209b1124c5ee3c
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1232
+# fee5003ddd3f4dbbaba68ad0e14fe0d0
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:996
 msgid ""
 "To change a VM's base image, call the restoreVirtualMachine API command and "
 "pass in the virtual machine ID and a new template ID. The template ID "
@@ -1851,10 +1849,200 @@
 "on the new template."
 msgstr "要改变熏鸡的基础镜像,通过虚拟机iD和新的模版ID调用restoreVirtualMachine API命令。模版ID参数可以参考模版或者ISO,取决于虚拟机正在使用的基础镜像类型(它必须匹配先前的镜像类型)。当这个调用生效时,虚拟机的根磁盘首先被摧毁,然后通过指定的模版ID参数创建根磁盘。新的根磁盘会附件到虚拟机中,现在虚拟机已经基于新的模版了。"
-# 9f9d3ce3a34c4a55ba84e57c2537163e
-#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1241
+# 0b104b6b42e9463c92201dd3799d82d6
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1005
 msgid ""
 "You can also omit the template ID parameter from the restoreVirtualMachine "
 "call. In this case, the VM's root disk is destroyed and recreated, but from "
 "the same template or ISO that was already in use by the VM."
 msgstr "你同样可以在调用restoreVirtualMachine时忽略模版ID参数。在这个情况下,虚拟机的根磁盘被摧毁并重新创建。但相同的模版或ISO已经被该虚拟机使用。"
+# e0d3653b842a43b7bd3f9cba8bfb4397
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1012
+msgid "Using SSH Keys for Authentication"
+msgstr "未验证使用SSH秘钥"
+# f04e7ecfb1314f84ab38410cef835634
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1014
+msgid ""
+"In addition to the username and password authentication, CloudStack supports"
+" using SSH keys to log in to the cloud infrastructure for additional "
+"security. You can use the createSSHKeyPair API to generate the SSH keys."
+msgstr "除了用户名和密码验证之外,出于额外的安全性考虑,CloudStack还支持使用SSH秘钥来登录到云架构。你可以使用createSSHKeyPair API来生成SSH秘钥。"
+# 007515e3abea40618c568f35513e1571
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1019
+msgid ""
+"Because each cloud user has their own SSH key, one cloud user cannot log in "
+"to another cloud user's instances unless they share their SSH key files. "
+"Using a single SSH key pair, you can manage multiple instances."
+msgstr "因为每个云用户都有他们自己的SSH秘钥,一个云用户不能登录到另一个云用户的实例中,除非他们共享了他们的SSH key文件。使用一个SSH秘钥对,你可以管理多个实例。"
+# 0edd947ce47c438daad162beb19d2fd7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1025
+msgid "Creating an Instance Template that Supports SSH Keys"
+msgstr "创建一个支持SSH秘钥的实例模板"
+# f2ce122e2dcf433a8945e8c2d923e2b6
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1027
+msgid "Create an instance template that supports SSH Keys."
+msgstr "创建一个支持SSH秘钥的实例模板。"
+# c683112d085244fabffdc696c868fdf2
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1029
+msgid "Create a new instance by using the template provided by cloudstack."
+msgstr "使用CloudStack提供的模板创建一个新的实例。"
+# 0409d2f2d7964ac28bfeb8bed3f58e12
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1031
+msgid "For more information on creating a new instance, see"
+msgstr "关于创建新实例的更多信息,请参阅"
+# 497da833fd9642c39f7ca84fadb0ce84
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1033
+msgid ""
+"Download the cloudstack script from `The SSH Key Gen Script "
+" to the instance you have created."
+msgstr "从 `The SSH Key Gen Script <>`_ 下载CloudStack脚本到你已经创建的实例中。"
+# 339a3d87be144308915639d37c89ea1d
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1041
+msgid "Copy the file to /etc/init.d."
+msgstr "复制这个脚本到 /etc/init.d。"
+# f601fce5097849559dc10a71eeb440a9
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1047
+msgid "Give the necessary permissions on the script:"
+msgstr "给这个脚本必要的权限:"
+# a5a38d6cf81845aa81cbb049a6c03108
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1053
+msgid "Run the script while starting up the operating system:"
+msgstr "当系统启动的时候运行脚本:"
+# 733b18c1fccb453396b69626f1da7452
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1059
+msgid "Stop the instance."
+msgstr "停止实例。"
+# 580da0c9298f41699deb34011b0310e6
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1063
+msgid "Creating the SSH Keypair"
+msgstr "创建SSH秘钥对"
+# c5ac52360d7941528588398acbb420e8
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1065
+msgid ""
+"You must make a call to the createSSHKeyPair api method. You can either use "
+"the CloudStack Python API library or the curl commands to make the call to "
+"the cloudstack api."
+msgstr "你必须给createSSHKeyPair api方法做一个调用。你可以使用CloudStack  Python API 库或curl 命令给CloudStack API做调用。"
+# 89cec2df86664c26bafeddd6fd2aa054
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1069
+msgid ""
+"For example, make a call from the cloudstack server to create a SSH keypair "
+"called \"keypair-doc\" for the admin account in the root domain:"
+msgstr "比如,从CloudStack服务器为根域中的管理员帐户做调用来创建一个SSH秘钥对 ,名称为 \"keypair-doc\" :"
+# c57fbd36512446559d91c1b7eeff7cea
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1073
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that you adjust these values to meet your needs. If you are making "
+"the API call from a different server, your URL/PORT will be different, and "
+"you will need to use the API keys."
+msgstr "确认你调整这些值是你所需要的。如果你从不同的服务器上做API调用,你的 URL/PORT 也是不同的,并且你必须使用API 秘钥。"
+# 6d651f1b57ef4e81ade3cdafcc642e4b
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1077
+msgid "Run the following curl command:"
+msgstr "运行如下curl命令:"
+# 665246c92ab74234b1790979863082a7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1083
+msgid "The output is something similar to what is given below:"
+msgstr "输出的内容与下面所示的类似:"
+# 64c5993f04f043b5a0e5925aef2db171
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1101
+msgid "Copy the key data into a file. The file looks like this:"
+msgstr "复制秘钥的数据到一个文件。这个文件类似于:"
+# cf75a310b6854564b8053aa63328f6ce
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1118
+msgid "Save the file."
+msgstr "保存文件。"
+# 87cc3ec398db47f09bc21e1a66c8720f
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1122
+msgid "Creating an Instance"
+msgstr "创建实例"
+# e115c665e72345fcab3fc94458caa818
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1124
+msgid ""
+"After you save the SSH keypair file, you must create an instance by using "
+"the template that you created at `Section 5.2.1, “ Creating an Instance "
+"Template that Supports SSH Keys” <#create-ssh-template>`__. Ensure that you "
+"use the same SSH key name that you created at `Section 5.2.2, “Creating the "
+"SSH Keypair” <#create-ssh-keypair>`__."
+msgstr "在你保存了SSH秘钥对文件之后,你必须使用你在`章节 5.2.1, “ 创建支持SSH秘钥的实例模板” <#create-ssh-template>`__中创建的模来板创建一个实例。确保你使用与你在`章节 5.2.2, “创建秘钥对” <#create-ssh-keypair>`__中创建的同样的SSH秘钥名称。"
+# 8e5a7943aaf741989b2f9aa7c92fa061
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1131
+msgid ""
+"You cannot create the instance by using the GUI at this time and associate "
+"the instance with the newly created SSH keypair."
+msgstr "这时候你不能通过使用 GUI来创建实例,要使用新创建的SSH秘钥对来关联实例。"
+# bb36e5f1a5cc497bb95f96481cd3c232
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1134
+msgid "A sample curl command to create a new instance is:"
+msgstr "使用简单的curl命令创建新的实例:"
+# 9a98f03016ba40f1b8eb932e8e15a75c
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1140
+msgid ""
+"Substitute the template, service offering and security group IDs (if you are"
+" using the security group feature) that are in your cloud environment."
+msgstr "在你的云环境中,服务方案和安全组IDs(如果你使用安全组功能)可以替代模板。"
+# 9c448726db0b469bb32323df48aeba12
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1146
+msgid "Logging In Using the SSH Keypair"
+msgstr "使用SSH秘钥对登录"
+# 5276ff9c384b4372bc6814b7f7461ae2
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1148
+msgid ""
+"To test your SSH key generation is successful, check whether you can log in "
+"to the cloud setup."
+msgstr "测试你的SSH秘钥的生成是否成功,需要检查是否能够登录到云中。"
+# 632b48d2ebaf4620be47c9bc1b6e1d39
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1151
+msgid "For example, from a Linux OS, run:"
+msgstr "举个例子,在LinuxOS中,运行:"
+# b597ba33b4154d5c95931e7a30a1aa41
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1157
+msgid ""
+"The -i parameter tells the ssh client to use a ssh key found at ~/.ssh"
+msgstr "参数-i是通知ssh客户端使用一个在~/.ssh/keypair-doc中找到的ssh秘钥。"
+# 0ebe651140d94e709efff80066e042b7
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1162
+msgid "Resetting SSH Keys"
+msgstr "重置SSH密钥"
+# 1367090489eb4ad68179bce4ba266e37
+#: ../../virtual_machines.rst:1164
+msgid ""
+"With the API command resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine, a user can set or reset "
+"the SSH keypair assigned to a virtual machine. A lost or compromised SSH "
+"keypair can be changed, and the user can access the VM by using the new "
+"keypair. Just create or register a new keypair, then call "
+msgstr "通过API命令resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine,用户可以设置或者重设分配给虚拟机的SSH秘钥对。可以更改丢失或被盗用的SSH密钥对,并且用户可以使用新的秘钥对来访问VM。只要创建或注册新的密钥对然后调用resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine。"
diff --git a/source/service_offerings.rst b/source/service_offerings.rst
index 34316d1..c13a426 100644
--- a/source/service_offerings.rst
+++ b/source/service_offerings.rst
@@ -209,6 +209,35 @@
    -  **Offer HA**: If yes, the administrator can choose to have the
       system VM be monitored and as highly available as possible.
+   -  **QoS Type**: Three options: Empty (no Quality of Service), hypervisor
+      (rate limiting enforced on the hypervisor side), and storage
+      (guaranteed minimum and maximum IOPS enforced on the storage
+      side). If leveraging QoS, make sure that the hypervisor or storage
+      system supports this feature.
+   -  **Custom IOPS**: If checked, the user can set their own IOPS. If not
+      checked, the root administrator can define values. If the root
+      admin does not set values when using storage QoS, default values
+      are used (the defauls can be overridden if the proper parameters
+      are passed into CloudStack when creating the primary storage in
+      question).
+   -  **Min IOPS**: Appears only if storage QoS is to be used. Set a
+      guaranteed minimum number of IOPS to be enforced on the storage
+      side.
+   -  **Max IOPS**: Appears only if storage QoS is to be used. Set a maximum
+      number of IOPS to be enforced on the storage side (the system may
+      go above this limit in certain circumstances for short intervals).
+   -  **Hypervisor Snapshot Reserve**: For managed storage only. This is
+      a value that is a percentage of the size of the root disk. For example:
+      if the root disk is 20 GB and Hypervisor Snapshot Reserve is 200%, the
+      storage volume that backs the storage repository (XenServer) or
+      datastore (VMware) in question is sized at 60 GB (20 GB + (20 GB * 2)).
+      This enables space for hypervisor snapshots in addition to the virtual
+      disk that represents the root disk. This does not apply for KVM.
    -  **Storage Tags**: The tags that should be associated with the
       primary storage used by the system VM.
@@ -283,40 +312,48 @@
 #. In the dialog, make the following choices:
-   -  Name. Any desired name for the disk offering.
+   -  **Name**: Any desired name for the disk offering.
-   -  Description. A short description of the offering that can be
+   -  **Description**: A short description of the offering that can be
       displayed to users
-   -  Custom Disk Size. If checked, the user can set their own disk
+   -  **Custom Disk Size**: If checked, the user can set their own disk
       size. If not checked, the root administrator must define a value
       in Disk Size.
-   -  Disk Size. Appears only if Custom Disk Size is not selected.
+   -  **Disk Size**: Appears only if Custom Disk Size is not selected.
       Define the volume size in GB.
-   -  QoS Type. Three options: Empty (no Quality of Service), hypervisor
+   -  **QoS Type**: Three options: Empty (no Quality of Service), hypervisor
       (rate limiting enforced on the hypervisor side), and storage
       (guaranteed minimum and maximum IOPS enforced on the storage
       side). If leveraging QoS, make sure that the hypervisor or storage
       system supports this feature.
-   -  Custom IOPS. If checked, the user can set their own IOPS. If not
+   -  **Custom IOPS**: If checked, the user can set their own IOPS. If not
       checked, the root administrator can define values. If the root
       admin does not set values when using storage QoS, default values
       are used (the defauls can be overridden if the proper parameters
       are passed into CloudStack when creating the primary storage in
-   -  Min IOPS. Appears only if storage QoS is to be used. Set a
+   -  **Min IOPS**: Appears only if storage QoS is to be used. Set a
       guaranteed minimum number of IOPS to be enforced on the storage
-   -  Max IOPS. Appears only if storage QoS is to be used. Set a maximum
+   -  **Max IOPS**: Appears only if storage QoS is to be used. Set a maximum
       number of IOPS to be enforced on the storage side (the system may
       go above this limit in certain circumstances for short intervals).
-   -  (Optional)Storage Tags. The tags that should be associated with
+   -  **Hypervisor Snapshot Reserve**: For managed storage only. This is
+      a value that is a percentage of the size of the data disk. For example:
+      if the data disk is 20 GB and Hypervisor Snapshot Reserve is 200%, the
+      storage volume that backs the storage repository (XenServer) or
+      datastore (VMware) in question is sized at 60 GB (20 GB + (20 GB * 2)).
+      This enables space for hypervisor snapshots in addition to the virtual
+      disk that represents the data disk. This does not apply for KVM.
+   -  **(Optional)Storage Tags**: The tags that should be associated with
       the primary storage for this disk. Tags are a comma separated list
       of attributes of the storage. For example "ssd,blue". Tags are
       also added on Primary Storage. CloudStack matches tags on a disk
@@ -325,7 +362,7 @@
       Storage for the volume to be provisioned. If no such primary
       storage exists, allocation from the disk offering will fail..
-   -  Public. Indicate whether the service offering should be available
+   -  **Public**: Indicate whether the service offering should be available
       all domains or only some domains. Choose Yes to make it available
       to all domains. Choose No to limit the scope to a subdomain;
       CloudStack will then prompt for the subdomain's name.