blob: 402befc4538ced76577f126937e0169215fdcd37 [file] [log] [blame]
package promptui
import (
const cursor = "\u2588"
// Prompt represents a single line text field input with options for validation and input masks.
type Prompt struct {
// Label is the value displayed on the command line prompt.
// The value for Label can be a simple string or a struct that will need to be accessed by dot notation
// inside the templates. For example, `{{ .Name }}` will display the name property of a struct.
Label interface{}
// Default is the initial value for the prompt. This value will be displayed next to the prompt's label
// and the user will be able to view or change it depending on the options.
Default string
// AllowEdit lets the user edit the default value. If false, any key press
// other than <Enter> automatically clears the default value.
AllowEdit bool
// Validate is an optional function that fill be used against the entered value in the prompt to validate it.
Validate ValidateFunc
// Mask is an optional rune that sets which character to display instead of the entered characters. This
// allows hiding private information like passwords.
Mask rune
// Templates can be used to customize the prompt output. If nil is passed, the
// default templates are used. See the PromptTemplates docs for more info.
Templates *PromptTemplates
// IsConfirm makes the prompt ask for a yes or no ([Y/N]) question rather than request an input. When set,
// most properties related to input will be ignored.
IsConfirm bool
// IsVimMode enables vi-like movements (hjkl) and editing.
IsVimMode bool
stdin io.ReadCloser
stdout io.WriteCloser
// PromptTemplates allow a prompt to be customized following stdlib
// text/template syntax. Custom state, colors and background color are available for use inside
// the templates and are documented inside the Variable section of the docs.
// Examples
// text/templates use a special notation to display programmable content. Using the double bracket notation,
// the value can be printed with specific helper functions. For example
// This displays the value given to the template as pure, unstylized text.
// '{{ . }}'
// This displays the value colored in cyan
// '{{ . | cyan }}'
// This displays the value colored in red with a cyan background-color
// '{{ . | red | cyan }}'
// See the doc of text/template for more info:
type PromptTemplates struct {
// Prompt is a text/template for the prompt label displayed on the left side of the prompt.
Prompt string
// Prompt is a text/template for the prompt label when IsConfirm is set as true.
Confirm string
// Valid is a text/template for the prompt label when the value entered is valid.
Valid string
// Invalid is a text/template for the prompt label when the value entered is invalid.
Invalid string
// Success is a text/template for the prompt label when the user has pressed entered and the value has been
// deemed valid by the validation function. The label will keep using this template even when the prompt ends
// inside the console.
Success string
// Prompt is a text/template for the prompt label when the value is invalid dur to an error triggered from
// the prompt's validation function.
ValidationError string
// FuncMap is a map of helper functions that can be used inside of templates according to the text/template
// documentation.
// By default, FuncMap contains the color functions used to color the text in templates. If FuncMap
// is overridden, the colors functions must be added in the override from promptui.FuncMap to work.
FuncMap template.FuncMap
prompt *template.Template
valid *template.Template
invalid *template.Template
validation *template.Template
success *template.Template
// Run executes the prompt. Its displays the label and default value if any, asking the user to enter a value.
// Run will keep the prompt alive until it has been canceled from the command prompt or it has received a valid
// value. It will return the value and an error if any occurred during the prompt's execution.
func (p *Prompt) Run() (string, error) {
c := &readline.Config{}
err := c.Init()
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = p.prepareTemplates()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if p.stdin != nil {
c.Stdin = p.stdin
if p.stdout != nil {
c.Stdout = p.stdout
if p.Mask != 0 {
c.EnableMask = true
c.MaskRune = p.Mask
if p.IsVimMode {
c.VimMode = true
c.HistoryLimit = -1
c.UniqueEditLine = true
rl, err := readline.NewEx(c)
if err != nil {
return "", err
sb := screenbuf.New(rl)
validFn := func(x string) error {
return nil
if p.Validate != nil {
validFn = p.Validate
var inputErr error
input := p.Default
if p.IsConfirm {
input = ""
eraseDefault := input != "" && !p.AllowEdit
c.SetListener(func(line []rune, pos int, key rune) ([]rune, int, bool) {
if line != nil {
input += string(line)
switch key {
case 0: // empty
case KeyEnter:
return nil, 0, false
case KeyBackspace:
if eraseDefault {
eraseDefault = false
input = ""
if len(input) > 0 {
r := []rune(input)
input = string(r[:len(r)-1])
if eraseDefault {
eraseDefault = false
input = string(line)
err := validFn(input)
var prompt []byte
if err != nil {
prompt = render(p.Templates.invalid, p.Label)
} else {
prompt = render(p.Templates.valid, p.Label)
if p.IsConfirm {
prompt = render(p.Templates.prompt, p.Label)
echo := input
if p.Mask != 0 {
echo = strings.Repeat(string(p.Mask), len(echo))
prompt = append(prompt, []byte(echo+cursor)...)
if inputErr != nil {
validation := render(p.Templates.validation, inputErr)
inputErr = nil
return nil, 0, true
for {
_, err = rl.Readline()
inputErr = validFn(input)
if inputErr == nil {
if err != nil {
switch err {
case readline.ErrInterrupt:
err = ErrInterrupt
case io.EOF:
err = ErrEOF
if err != nil {
if err.Error() == "Interrupt" {
err = ErrInterrupt
return "", err
echo := input
if p.Mask != 0 {
echo = strings.Repeat(string(p.Mask), len(echo))
prompt := render(p.Templates.success, p.Label)
prompt = append(prompt, []byte(echo)...)
if p.IsConfirm {
lowerDefault := strings.ToLower(p.Default)
if strings.ToLower(echo) != "y" && (lowerDefault != "y" || (lowerDefault == "y" && echo != "")) {
prompt = render(p.Templates.invalid, p.Label)
err = ErrAbort
return input, err
func (p *Prompt) prepareTemplates() error {
tpls := p.Templates
if tpls == nil {
tpls = &PromptTemplates{}
if tpls.FuncMap == nil {
tpls.FuncMap = FuncMap
bold := Styler(FGBold)
if p.IsConfirm {
if tpls.Confirm == "" {
confirm := "y/N"
if strings.ToLower(p.Default) == "y" {
confirm = "Y/n"
tpls.Confirm = fmt.Sprintf(`{{ "%s" | bold }} {{ . | bold }}? {{ "[%s]" | faint }} `, IconInitial, confirm)
tpl, err := template.New("").Funcs(tpls.FuncMap).Parse(tpls.Confirm)
if err != nil {
return err
tpls.prompt = tpl
} else {
if tpls.Prompt == "" {
tpls.Prompt = fmt.Sprintf("%s {{ . | bold }}%s ", bold(IconInitial), bold(":"))
tpl, err := template.New("").Funcs(tpls.FuncMap).Parse(tpls.Prompt)
if err != nil {
return err
tpls.prompt = tpl
if tpls.Valid == "" {
tpls.Valid = fmt.Sprintf("%s {{ . | bold }}%s ", bold(IconGood), bold(":"))
tpl, err := template.New("").Funcs(tpls.FuncMap).Parse(tpls.Valid)
if err != nil {
return err
tpls.valid = tpl
if tpls.Invalid == "" {
tpls.Invalid = fmt.Sprintf("%s {{ . | bold }}%s ", bold(IconBad), bold(":"))
tpl, err = template.New("").Funcs(tpls.FuncMap).Parse(tpls.Invalid)
if err != nil {
return err
tpls.invalid = tpl
if tpls.ValidationError == "" {
tpls.ValidationError = `{{ ">>" | red }} {{ . | red }}`
tpl, err = template.New("").Funcs(tpls.FuncMap).Parse(tpls.ValidationError)
if err != nil {
return err
tpls.validation = tpl
if tpls.Success == "" {
tpls.Success = `{{ . | faint }}`
tpl, err = template.New("").Funcs(tpls.FuncMap).Parse(tpls.Success)
if err != nil {
return err
tpls.success = tpl
p.Templates = tpls
return nil