blob: 2cd04142cf5fe12fc096cac813b8ce17a55da811 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package spinner is a simple package to add a spinner / progress indicator to any terminal application.
package spinner
import (
// errInvalidColor is returned when attempting to set an invalid color
var errInvalidColor = errors.New("invalid color")
// validColors holds an array of the only colors allowed
var validColors = map[string]bool{
// default colors for backwards compatibility
"black": true,
"red": true,
"green": true,
"yellow": true,
"blue": true,
"magenta": true,
"cyan": true,
"white": true,
// attributes
"reset": true,
"bold": true,
"faint": true,
"italic": true,
"underline": true,
"blinkslow": true,
"blinkrapid": true,
"reversevideo": true,
"concealed": true,
"crossedout": true,
// foreground text
"fgBlack": true,
"fgRed": true,
"fgGreen": true,
"fgYellow": true,
"fgBlue": true,
"fgMagenta": true,
"fgCyan": true,
"fgWhite": true,
// foreground Hi-Intensity text
"fgHiBlack": true,
"fgHiRed": true,
"fgHiGreen": true,
"fgHiYellow": true,
"fgHiBlue": true,
"fgHiMagenta": true,
"fgHiCyan": true,
"fgHiWhite": true,
// background text
"bgBlack": true,
"bgRed": true,
"bgGreen": true,
"bgYellow": true,
"bgBlue": true,
"bgMagenta": true,
"bgCyan": true,
"bgWhite": true,
// background Hi-Intensity text
"bgHiBlack": true,
"bgHiRed": true,
"bgHiGreen": true,
"bgHiYellow": true,
"bgHiBlue": true,
"bgHiMagenta": true,
"bgHiCyan": true,
"bgHiWhite": true,
// returns a valid color's foreground text color attribute
var colorAttributeMap = map[string]color.Attribute{
// default colors for backwards compatibility
"black": color.FgBlack,
"red": color.FgRed,
"green": color.FgGreen,
"yellow": color.FgYellow,
"blue": color.FgBlue,
"magenta": color.FgMagenta,
"cyan": color.FgCyan,
"white": color.FgWhite,
// attributes
"reset": color.Reset,
"bold": color.Bold,
"faint": color.Faint,
"italic": color.Italic,
"underline": color.Underline,
"blinkslow": color.BlinkSlow,
"blinkrapid": color.BlinkRapid,
"reversevideo": color.ReverseVideo,
"concealed": color.Concealed,
"crossedout": color.CrossedOut,
// foreground text colors
"fgBlack": color.FgBlack,
"fgRed": color.FgRed,
"fgGreen": color.FgGreen,
"fgYellow": color.FgYellow,
"fgBlue": color.FgBlue,
"fgMagenta": color.FgMagenta,
"fgCyan": color.FgCyan,
"fgWhite": color.FgWhite,
// foreground Hi-Intensity text colors
"fgHiBlack": color.FgHiBlack,
"fgHiRed": color.FgHiRed,
"fgHiGreen": color.FgHiGreen,
"fgHiYellow": color.FgHiYellow,
"fgHiBlue": color.FgHiBlue,
"fgHiMagenta": color.FgHiMagenta,
"fgHiCyan": color.FgHiCyan,
"fgHiWhite": color.FgHiWhite,
// background text colors
"bgBlack": color.BgBlack,
"bgRed": color.BgRed,
"bgGreen": color.BgGreen,
"bgYellow": color.BgYellow,
"bgBlue": color.BgBlue,
"bgMagenta": color.BgMagenta,
"bgCyan": color.BgCyan,
"bgWhite": color.BgWhite,
// background Hi-Intensity text colors
"bgHiBlack": color.BgHiBlack,
"bgHiRed": color.BgHiRed,
"bgHiGreen": color.BgHiGreen,
"bgHiYellow": color.BgHiYellow,
"bgHiBlue": color.BgHiBlue,
"bgHiMagenta": color.BgHiMagenta,
"bgHiCyan": color.BgHiCyan,
"bgHiWhite": color.BgHiWhite,
// validColor will make sure the given color is actually allowed
func validColor(c string) bool {
valid := false
if validColors[c] {
valid = true
return valid
// Spinner struct to hold the provided options
type Spinner struct {
Delay time.Duration // Delay is the speed of the indicator
chars []string // chars holds the chosen character set
Prefix string // Prefix is the text preppended to the indicator
Suffix string // Suffix is the text appended to the indicator
FinalMSG string // string displayed after Stop() is called
lastOutput string // last character(set) written
color func(a ...interface{}) string // default color is white
lock *sync.RWMutex //
Writer io.Writer // to make testing better, exported so users have access
active bool // active holds the state of the spinner
stopChan chan struct{} // stopChan is a channel used to stop the indicator
// New provides a pointer to an instance of Spinner with the supplied options
func New(cs []string, d time.Duration) *Spinner {
return &Spinner{
Delay: d,
chars: cs,
color: color.New(color.FgWhite).SprintFunc(),
lock: &sync.RWMutex{},
Writer: color.Output,
active: false,
stopChan: make(chan struct{}, 1),
// Active will return whether or not the spinner is currently active
func (s *Spinner) Active() bool {
// Start will start the indicator
func (s *Spinner) Start() {
if {
} = true
go func() {
for {
for i := 0; i < len(s.chars); i++ {
select {
case <-s.stopChan:
outColor := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s ", s.Prefix, s.color(s.chars[i]), s.Suffix)
outPlain := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s ", s.Prefix, s.chars[i], s.Suffix)
fmt.Fprint(s.Writer, outColor)
s.lastOutput = outPlain
delay := s.Delay
// Stop stops the indicator
func (s *Spinner) Stop() {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
if { = false
if s.FinalMSG != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(s.Writer, s.FinalMSG)
s.stopChan <- struct{}{}
// Restart will stop and start the indicator
func (s *Spinner) Restart() {
// Reverse will reverse the order of the slice assigned to the indicator
func (s *Spinner) Reverse() {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
for i, j := 0, len(s.chars)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
s.chars[i], s.chars[j] = s.chars[j], s.chars[i]
// Color will set the struct field for the given color to be used
func (s *Spinner) Color(colors ...string) error {
colorAttributes := make([]color.Attribute, len(colors))
// Verify colours are valid and place the appropriate attribute in the array
for index, c := range colors {
if !validColor(c) {
return errInvalidColor
colorAttributes[index] = colorAttributeMap[c]
s.color = color.New(colorAttributes...).SprintFunc()
return nil
// UpdateSpeed will set the indicator delay to the given value
func (s *Spinner) UpdateSpeed(d time.Duration) {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
s.Delay = d
// UpdateCharSet will change the current character set to the given one
func (s *Spinner) UpdateCharSet(cs []string) {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
s.chars = cs
// erase deletes written characters
// Caller must already hold s.lock.
func (s *Spinner) erase() {
n := utf8.RuneCountInString(s.lastOutput)
for _, c := range []string{"\b", " ", "\b"} {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
fmt.Fprintf(s.Writer, c)
s.lastOutput = ""
// GenerateNumberSequence will generate a slice of integers at the
// provided length and convert them each to a string
func GenerateNumberSequence(length int) []string {
numSeq := make([]string, length)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
numSeq[i] = strconv.Itoa(i)
return numSeq