blob: 5c28249e6dfb7b944f68f45a849966fab263190d [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import re
import sys
import ocw.metrics as metrics
import yaml
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def is_config_valid(config_data):
""" Validate supplied evaluation configuration data.
:param config_data: Dictionary of the data parsed from the supplied YAML
configuration file.
:type config_data: :func:`dict`
:returns: True if the configuration data is sufficient for an evaluation and
seems to be well formed, False otherwise.
if not _valid_minimal_config(config_data):
logger.error('Insufficient configuration file data for an evaluation')
return False
if not _config_is_well_formed(config_data):
logger.error('Configuration data is not well formed')
return False
return True
def _valid_minimal_config(config_data):
if not 'datasets' in config_data.keys():
logger.error('No datasets specified in configuration data.')
return False
if not 'metrics' in config_data.keys():
logger.error('No metrics specified in configuration data.')
return False
if _contains_unary_metrics(config_data['metrics']):
if (not 'reference' in config_data['datasets'].keys() and
not 'targets' in config_data['datasets'].keys()):
err = (
'Unary metric in configuration data requires either a reference '
'or target dataset to be present for evaluation. Please ensure '
'that your config is well formed.'
return False
if _contains_binary_metrics(config_data['metrics']):
if (not 'reference' in config_data['datasets'].keys() or
not 'targets' in config_data['datasets'].keys()):
'Binary metric in configuration requires both a reference '
'and target dataset to be present for evaluation. Please ensure '
'that your config is well formed.'
return False
return True
def _config_is_well_formed(config_data):
is_well_formed = True
if 'reference' in config_data['datasets']:
if not _valid_dataset_config_data(config_data['datasets']['reference']):
is_well_formed = False
if 'targets' in config_data['datasets']:
targets = config_data['datasets']['targets']
if type(targets) != type(list()):
err = (
'Expected to find list of target datasets but instead found '
'object of type {}'
is_well_formed = False
for t in targets:
if not _valid_dataset_config_data(t):
is_well_formed = False
available_metrics = _fetch_built_in_metrics()
for metric in config_data['metrics']:
if metric not in available_metrics:
warning = (
'Unable to locate metric name {} in built-in metrics. If this '
'is not a user defined metric then please check for potential '
is_well_formed = False
if 'subregions' in config_data:
for subregion in config_data['subregions']:
if not _valid_subregion_config_data(subregion):
is_well_formed = False
if 'plots' in config_data:
for plot in config_data['plots']:
if not _valid_plot_config_data(plot):
is_well_formed = False
# Ensure that if we're trying to make a plot that require
# subregion info that the config has this present.
elif plot['type'] in ['subregion', 'portrait']:
if ('subregions' not in config_data or
len(config_data['subregions']) < 1):
'Plot config that requires subregion information is present '
'in a config file without adequate subregion information '
'provided. Please ensure that you have properly supplied 1 or '
'more subregion config values.'
is_well_formed = False
return is_well_formed
def _contains_unary_metrics(config_metric_data):
unarys = [cls.__name__ for cls in metrics.UnaryMetric.__subclasses__()]
return any(metric in unarys for metric in config_metric_data)
def _contains_binary_metrics(config_metric_data):
binarys = [cls.__name__ for cls in metrics.BinaryMetric.__subclasses__()]
return any(metric in binarys for metric in config_metric_data)
def _fetch_built_in_metrics():
unarys = [cls.__name__ for cls in metrics.UnaryMetric.__subclasses__()]
binarys = [cls.__name__ for cls in metrics.BinaryMetric.__subclasses__()]
return unarys + binarys
def _valid_dataset_config_data(dataset_config_data):
data_source = dataset_config_data['data_source']
except KeyError:
logger.error('Dataset does not contain a data_source attribute.')
return False
if data_source == 'local':
required_keys = set(['data_source', 'file_count', 'path', 'variable'])
elif data_source == 'rcmed':
required_keys = set([
elif data_source == 'esgf':
required_keys = set([
elif data_source == 'dap':
required_keys = set({'url', 'variable'})
logger.error('Dataset does not contain a valid data_source location.')
return False
present_keys = set(dataset_config_data.keys())
missing_keys = required_keys - present_keys
contains_required = len(missing_keys) == 0
if contains_required:
if data_source == 'local' and dataset_config_data['file_count'] > 1:
# If the dataset is a multi-file dataset then we need to make sure
# that the file glob pattern is included.
if not 'file_glob_pattern' in dataset_config_data:
'Multi-file local dataset is missing key: file_glob_pattern'
return False
return True
missing = sorted(list(missing_keys))
'Dataset does not contain required keys. '
'The following keys are missing: {}'.format(', '.join(missing))
return False
def _valid_plot_config_data(plot_config_data):
plot_type = plot_config_data['type']
except KeyError:
logger.error('Plot config does not include a type attribute.')
return False
if plot_type == 'contour':
required_keys = set([
elif plot_type == 'taylor':
required_keys = set([
elif plot_type == 'subregion':
required_keys = set([
elif plot_type == 'time_series':
required_keys = set([
elif plot_type == 'portrait':
required_keys = set([
logger.error('Invalid plot type specified.')
return False
present_keys = set(plot_config_data.keys())
missing_keys = required_keys - present_keys
contains_required = len(missing_keys) == 0
if not contains_required:
missing = sorted(list(missing_keys))
'Plot config does not contain required keys. '
'The following keys are missing: {}'.format(', '.join(missing))
return False
return True
def _valid_subregion_config_data(subregion_config_data):
if type(subregion_config_data) != type([]):
'Subregions should be passed as a list of lists where '
'each sub-list contains a bounding box of the form: '
'[lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max].'
return False
if len(subregion_config_data) != 4:
'Subregions should be passed as a list of lists where '
'each sub-list contains a bounding box of the form: '
'[lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max].'
return False
return True