blob: 7eed825109c9fdfe63881bb1cd69401525a5eb4f [file] [log] [blame]
# APT Package Management --------------------------------------------
# Install the APT package management tool, and then install any
# packages that we will need to have to complete the buildout.
include_recipe "apt"
include_recipe "build-essential"
gem_package "ruby-shadow" do
action :install
# User Creation -----------------------------------------------------
# Create a user account for the 'rcmet' user
user "rcmet" do
comment "RCMET user"
uid 1001
#gid "users"
home "/usr/local/rcmet"
shell "/bin/bash"
#password "1bob1bob"
directory "/usr/local/rcmet" do
mode "0777"
# Python Environment Setup ------------------------------------------
# Install Python and package management tools 'pip' and 'virtualenv'.
# Then create a virtual environment in the 'rcmet' user's home
# directory, into which all RCMET python code and dependencies can be
# installed.
include_recipe "python"
python_virtualenv "/usr/local/rcmet/python-env" do
owner "rcmet"
group "rcmet"
action :create
# Apache Web Server Configuration -----------------------------------
# Install the Apache2 HTTPD Web Server, and configure a virtual host
# for the RCMET web application.
include_recipe "apache2"
execute "disable-default-site" do
command "sudo a2dissite default"
notifies :reload, resources(:service => "apache2"), :delayed
web_app "rcmet" do
template "rcmet.conf.erb"
notifies :reload, resources(:service => "apache2"), :delayed