blob: ba16ac52d9023b39ed6edc15b3e74a270e3bea69 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Module with a collection of helper functions"""
import ConfigParser
import datetime
import glob
import json
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import as ma
import netCDF4
import classes
from fortranfile import FortranFile
from toolkit import process
def configToDict(config):
Helper function to parse a configuration input and return a python dictionary
config - list of ('key', 'value') tuples from ConfigParser.
key01 - string i.e. 'value01'
key-2 - string i.e. 'value02'
configDict - Dictionary of Key/Value pairs
configDict = {}
for entry in config:
configDict[entry[0]] = entry[1]
return configDict
def readSubRegionsFile(regionsFile):
regionsFile - Path to a subRegion configuration file
Ordered List of SubRegion Objects decoded from regionsFile
if os.path.exists(regionsFile):
regionsConfig = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
regionsConfig.optionxform = str
regions = generateSubRegions(regionsConfig.items('REGIONS'))
return regions
raise IOError
def getSubRegionsInteractively(counts, workdir):
This function provides a commandline Q&A session to help users define
SubRegion Objects.
counts - dictionary with int counts of various metric inputs
i.e. {'observations': 3,
'models' : 1,
'times' : 120}
workdir - string of the current working directory where auxillary files
can be found. In this case the directory will be used to locate an
existing sub_regions.txt file.
subRegions = List of Parsed SubRegion Objects based on User inputs
do_timeseries = None
yes_no_list = ['y', 'n', '']
while do_timeseries not in yes_no_list:
do_timeseries = raw_input('Calculate area-mean timeseries for subregions? y/n: [n] \n>>>')
if do_timeseries not in yes_no_list:
print("'%s' is not a valid answer please try again" % do_timeseries)
if do_timeseries == 'y':
interactive_subregions = None
while interactive_subregions not in yes_no_list:
interactive_subregions = raw_input('Input Sub Region info interactively? y/n: [n] \n>>>')
if interactive_subregions not in yes_no_list:
print("'%s' is not a valid answer please try again" % interactive_subregions)
if interactive_subregions == 'y':
while interactive_subregions == 'y':
regions = []
region = createSubRegionObjectInteractively()
anotherRegion = None
while anotherRegion == None:
another = raw_input("Would you like to add another sub region? y/n [n] \n>>>")
if another not in yes_no_list:
print("'%s' is not a valid answer please try again" % another)
elif another in ['', 'n']:
anotherRegion = 'n'
interactive_subregions = 'n'
anotherRegion = 'y'
subRegionFilename = None
while subRegionFilename == None:
readDefault = raw_input('Read from a default file (workdir + "/sub_regions.txt")? y/n: [y] \n>>>')
if readDefault == 'y' or readDefault == '':
subRegionFilename = workdir + "/sub_regions.txt"
print("Attempting to parse %s..." % subRegionFilename)
regions = readSubRegionsFile(subRegionFilename)
elif readDefault == 'n':
while subRegionFilename == None:
# ask about using a non default filename
subRegionFilename = raw_input('Enter the full path to the Sub Region file to read from:\n>>>')
print("Attempting to parse %s..." % subRegionFilename)
regions = readSubRegionsFile(subRegionFilename)
elif readDefault == 'NONE':
subRegionFilename = 'NONE'
regions = []
print("'%'s is not a valid selection. Please try again. To proceed without Sub Regions defined enter NONE at the prompt" % readDefault)
return regions
def generateSubRegions(regions):
""" Takes in a list of ConfigParser tuples and returns a list of SubRegion objects
regions - Config Tuple: [('Region01', '["R01", 36.5, 29, 0.0, -10]'), ('Region02',....]
subRegions - list of SubRegion objects
subRegions = []
for region in regions:
name, latMax, latMin, lonMax, lonMin = json.loads(region[1])
subRegion = classes.SubRegion(name, latMin, lonMin, latMax, lonMax)
return subRegions
def parseSubRegions(subRegionConfig):
subRegionConfig - ConfigParser object
subRegions - List of SubRegion Objects. This could return an empty List if unable to parse subRegionConfig
subRegions = []
if os.path.exists(subRegionConfig['subRegionFile']):
subRegions = readSubRegionsFile(subRegionConfig['subRegionFile'])
print "SubRegion Filepath: [%s] does not exist. Check your configuration file, or comment out the SUB_REGION Section." % (subRegionConfig['subRegionFile'],)
print "Processing without SubRegion support"
except IOError:
print "Unable to open %s. Running without SubRegions" % (subRegionConfig['subRegionFile'],)
except KeyError:
print "subRegionFile parameter was not provided. Processing without SubRegion support"
return subRegions
def decode_wrf_times(xtimes, base_time):
Routine to convert from WRF time ('minutes since simulation start....')
into a python datetime structure
xtimes - list of wrf 'XTIME' in units of 'minutes since simulation start'
base_time - a python datetime object describing simulation start date/time
times - list of python datetime objects describing model data times
Peter Lean August 2010
times = []
for xtime in xtimes:
dt = datetime.timedelta(minutes=xtime)
times.append(base_time + dt)
return times
def calc_base_time_wrf(filename):
Routine to calculate base_time (i.e. model initialization time)
for wrf files with timestamp in their filenames.
NB. Only works if includes a timestamp in format 'YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS'
TODO: work out a more general way of doing this...
filename - full path to WRF netCDF file.
base_time - a python datetime object describing model start time
Peter Lean August 2010
# Extract time from netCDF file (in units of 'minutes since beginning of simulation')
f = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, mode='r')
timesraw = f.variables["XTIME"]
model_time = timesraw[0]
dt = datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(model_time))
# Extract and decode timestamp from filename
filename = os.path.basename(filename) # strip off the filepath
timestamp_string = filename[11:30] # cut out the date time stamp
DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'
timestamp = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(timestamp_string, DATE_FORMAT)[:6])
# Base Time = timestamp - 'minutes since beginning of simulation'
base_time = timestamp - dt
print 'Base Time calculated as: ', base_time
return base_time
def calc_period_precip_from_running_tot(running_precip):
WRF precipitation accumulations are stored as running totals from the start of the model run
To find out values during each output time period, you must subtract the previous total
e.g. running tot = 0,0,1,1,1,2,2,4,7,9,9,11
period accu = 0,0,1,0,0,1,0,2,3,2,0,2
running_precip - numpy array containing precipitation data at more than one time level
NB. assumes time dimension is the first one precip[time, lat, lon, level]
acc_precip - numpy array of same dimensions as input,
but with period accumulations instead of running total.
Peter Lean August 2010
print 'Calculating period precip accumulations from running total'
shifted_running_precip = np.roll(running_precip, -1, axis=0)
nt = running_precip.shape[0]
# avoid wrapping from the end time to the start time by forcing the accumulation at final time=0
shifted_running_precip[nt - 1, :, :] = running_precip[nt - 1, :, :]
acc_precip = shifted_running_precip - running_precip
# NB. sometimes rounding errors in the model lead to very small negative period accumulations
# These are removed and set to zero here.
acc_precip = np.maximum(acc_precip, 0)
return acc_precip
def decode_eraint_surf_times(xtimes):
Routine to convert from ERA-Interim time ('hours since 1900...')
into a python datetime structure
xtimes - list of ERA-Interim times in units of 'hours since 1900'
times - list of python datetime objects describing model data times
Peter Lean August 2010
base_time = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
times = []
for xtime in xtimes:
dt = datetime.timedelta(hours=xtime)
times.append(base_time + dt)
return times
def read_total_precip_from_filelist(myfilelist):
WRF outputs precipitation data under several variables:
**RAINC** = convective total precip
**RAINNC** = large scale total precip ("no convective")
**SNOWC** = convective snow
**SNOWNC** = large scale snow ("no convective")
real rain = (rainc+rainnc)-(snowc+snownc)
total precip = rainc+rainnc+snowc+snownc
myfilelist - a list of filename (including full path)
precip - a numpy array of total precip values
lat, lon - 2D array of latitude and longitude values
times - list of times
print 'Calculating total precipitation from individual rain/snow, convective/ls components'
lat, lon, times, rainnc = read_data_from_file_list(myfilelist, 'RAINC')
lat, lon, times, rainc = read_data_from_file_list(myfilelist, 'RAINNC')
precip = rainnc + rainc
# reset negative values to zero
precip[precip < 0] = 0.0
return lat, lon, times, precip
def isDirGood(directory):
This function will check if a directory exists and is writeable. If the directory doesn't exist it is created.
directory - Path we need to check
directoryStatus - Boolean
directoryStatus = False
if os.path.exists(directory):
directoryStatus = os.access(directory, os.W_OK | os.X_OK)
if directoryStatus:
raise OSError("Unable to access the directory: %s. Check that you have the proper permissions to read and write to that directory." % directory)
#directoryStatus = False
directoryStatus = True
except OSError:
return directoryStatus
def read_trmm_3b42_files(filelist, latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax):
** Alternate method of getting TRMM data from local repository if DB not available **
Reads TRMM gridded precipitation data from netCDF files in local repository.
filelist - list of filenames (including path)
latMin,latMax,lonMin,lonMax - define region to extract (in degrees)
lat, lon - 1D array of latitude and longitude values
timestore - list of python datetime objects
mdata - numpy masked array containing data from all files
NB. written specific for TRMM netCDF output files
Peter Lean June 2010
# Crash nicely if 'filelist' is zero length
if len(filelist) == 0:
print 'Error: no files have been passed to read_data_from_file_list()'
# Open the first file in the list to:
# i) read in lats, lons
# ii) find out how many timesteps in the file
# (assume same ntimes in each file in list)
# -allows you to create an empty array to store variable data for all times
tmp = netCDF4.Dataset(filelist[0], mode='r')
latsraw = tmp.variables["latitude"]
lonsraw = tmp.variables["longitude"]
lat = latsraw[:]
lon = lonsraw[:]
print 'Lats and lons read in for first file in filelist'
# Find out how many times there are in the file (should always be 1 for these TRMM files)
timesraw = tmp.variables["time"]
ntimes = len(timesraw)
# Convert specified longitudes into 0-360 format if required
if(lonMin < 0):
lonMin = lonMin + 360
if(lonMax < 0):
lonMax = lonMax + 360
# Create mask to extract required region only
# NB. longitude is slightly more complicated as can wrap the prime meridion
print 'Extracting for :- lats:', latMin, latMax, ' lons: ', lonMin, lonMax
wh_lat = np.logical_and((lat > latMin), (lat < latMax))
if(lonMin <= lonMax):
wh_lon = np.logical_and((lon > lonMin), (lon < lonMax))
if(lonMin > lonMax):
wh_lon = np.logical_or((lon > lonMin), (lon < lonMax))
sublat = lat[wh_lat]
sublon = lon[wh_lon]
wh_true1, wh_true2 = np.meshgrid(wh_lon, wh_lat)
wh = np.logical_and(wh_true1, wh_true2)
# Create empty array to store data
t2store = np.empty((ntimes * len(filelist), sublat.size, sublon.size))
timestore = []
# Now load in the data for real
# NB. no need to reload in the latitudes and longitudes -assume invariant
i = 0
timesaccu = 0 # a counter for number of times stored so far in t2store
# NB. this method allows for missing times in data files
# as no assumption made that same number of times in each file...
for ifile in filelist:
print 'Loading data from file: ', filelist[i]
f = netCDF4.Dataset(ifile, mode = 'r')
t2raw = f.variables['hrf']
# Read time from filename (NB. 'time' variable in netCDF always set to zero)
filename = os.path.basename(ifile) # strip off the filepath
timestamp_string = filename[11:23] # cut out the date time stamp
DATE_FORMAT = '%Y.%m.%d.%H'
mytime = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(timestamp_string, DATE_FORMAT)[:4])
ntimes = 1
t2tmp = t2raw[0, :, :]
sub = t2tmp[wh].reshape(sublat.size, sublon.size)
t2store[timesaccu, :, :] = sub
timesaccu = timesaccu + ntimes
i += 1
print 'Data read in successfully with dimensions: ', t2store.shape
# Create masked array using missing value flag from file
mdi = f.variables['hrf'].missing_value[0]
mdata = ma.masked_array(t2store, mask=(t2store == mdi))
return sublat, sublon, timestore, mdata
def read_airs_lev3_files(filelist, myvar, latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax):
** For testing work before database was ready. **
Reads AIRS level III gridded data from netCDF files.
filelist - list of filenames (including path)
myvar - name of variable to load
latMin,latMax,lonMin,lonMax - define region to extract (in degrees)
lat, lon - 1D array of latitude and longitude values
timestore - list of python datetime objects
mdata - numpy masked array containing data from all files
NB. written specific for AIRS level III netCDF output files
NB. Ascending passes have local time of 1:30pm
NB. Descending passes have local time of 1:30am
Peter Lean June 2010
# Crash nicely if 'filelist' is zero length
if len(filelist) == 0:
print 'Error: no files have been passed to read_data_from_file_list()'
# Open the first file in the list to:
# i) read in lats, lons
# ii) find out how many timesteps in the file
# (assume same ntimes in each file in list)
# -allows you to create an empty array to store variable data for all times
tmp = netCDF4.Dataset(filelist[0], mode = 'r')
latsraw = tmp.variables["lat"]
lonsraw = tmp.variables["lon"]
lat = latsraw[:]
lon = lonsraw[:]
print 'Lats and lons read in for first file in filelist'
# Only one time per file in AIRS level III data
ntimes = 1
# Create mask to extract required region only
# NB. longitude is slightly more complicated as can wrap the prime meridion
print 'Extracting for :- lats:', latMin, latMax, ' lons: ', lonMin, lonMax
wh_lat = np.logical_and((lat >= latMin), (lat <= latMax))
if(lonMin < lonMax):
wh_lon = np.logical_and((lon >= lonMin), (lon <= lonMax))
if(lonMin > lonMax):
wh_lon = np.logical_or((lon >= lonMin), (lon <= lonMax))
sublat = lat[wh_lat]
sublon = lon[wh_lon]
wh_true1, wh_true2 = np.meshgrid(wh_lon, wh_lat)
wh = np.logical_and(wh_true1, wh_true2)
# Create empty array to store data
t2store = np.empty((ntimes * len(filelist), sublat.size, sublon.size))
timestore = []
# Now load in the data for real
# NB. no need to reload in the latitudes and longitudes -assume invariant
i = 0
timesaccu = 0 # a counter for number of times stored so far in t2store
# NB. this method allows for missing times in data files
# as no assumption made that same number of times in each file...
for ifile in filelist:
print 'Loading data from file: ', filelist[i]
f = netCDF4.Dataset(ifile, mode='r')
t2raw = f.variables[myvar]
# Read time from filename (NB. 'time' variable in netCDF always set to zero)
filename = os.path.basename(ifile) # strip off the filepath
timestamp_string = filename[5:15] # cut out the date time stamp
DATE_FORMAT = '%Y.%m.%d'
mytime = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(timestamp_string, DATE_FORMAT)[:4])
print mytime
ntimes = 1
t2tmp = t2raw[:, :]
sub = t2tmp[wh].reshape(sublat.size, sublon.size)
t2store[timesaccu, :, :] = sub
timesaccu = timesaccu + ntimes
i += 1
print 'Data read in successfully with dimensions: ', t2store.shape
# Create masked array using missing value flag from file
mdi = f.variables[myvar]._FillValue[0]
mdata = ma.masked_array(t2store, mask=(t2store == mdi))
# Rearrange array so data match lat lon values
mdata = np.flipud(mdata[:, ::-1])
return sublat, sublon, timestore, mdata
def read_urd_files(filelist, latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax):
Routine to load in NCEP Unified Raingauge Database binary files
filelist - a list of URD data files
sublats, sublons: 2d arrays of latitude and longitude values for user selected region.
times - a list of python datetime objects
subdata - precipitation data for user selected region
Peter Lean August 2010
repository_path = '/nas/share1-hp/jinwonki/data/obs/pr25urd/daily/'
# NB. Domain: 140W - 60W; 20N - 60N; Resolution: 0.25x0.25 degrees.
# The grids are arranged such that
# longitude is from 140W eastward to 60W and latitude from 20N northward
# to 60N, so that the first grid is (140W,20N), the second is
# (139.75W,20N)......
# Parameters specific to the URD dataset
nlat = 161
nlon = 321
# Calculate the latitude and longitude arrays
lat = np.arange(20, 60.25, 0.25) # Hard wired lat,lon extent values for URD data files
lon = np.arange(-140, -59.75, 0.25)
lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)
# Define sub-region mask
# NB. longitude is slightly more complicated as can wrap the prime meridion
print 'Extracting for :- lats:', latMin, latMax, ' lons: ', lonMin, lonMax
wh_lat = np.logical_and((lats >= latMin), (lats <= latMax))
if(lonMin < lonMax):
wh_lon = np.logical_and((lons >= lonMin), (lons <= lonMax))
if(lonMin > lonMax):
wh_lon = np.logical_or((lons >= lonMin), (lons <= lonMax))
# count number of latitude values in subselection (for redimensioning array)
wh_true = np.logical_and(wh_lat, wh_lon)
nsublat = np.where(np.logical_and((lat >= latMin), (lat <= latMax)))[0].size
sublats = lats[wh_true].reshape(nsublat, -1) # infers longitude dimension given latitude dimension
sublons = lons[wh_true].reshape(nsublat, -1) # infers longitude dimension given latitude dimension
nsublon = sublats.shape[1]
# Load in the daily data
datastore = []
for myfile in filelist:
f = FortranFile(repository_path + myfile)
# Extract month and year from filename
yearmonth = int(myfile[7:13])
year = int(str(yearmonth)[0:4])
month = int(str(yearmonth)[4:6])
# Find out how many days there are in that month
nt = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
data = np.zeros((nt, nsublat, nsublon))
for t in np.arange(nt):
precip = f.readReals()
precip.shape = [nlat, nlon]
data[t, :, :] = precip[wh_true].reshape(nsublat, nsublon)
# Make a single 3d numpy array out of my list of numpy arrays
nt = 0
for i in range(len(datastore)):
nt = nt + datastore[i].shape[0]
final_data = np.zeros((nt, nsublat, nsublon))
t = 0
for i in range(len(datastore)):
nt = datastore[i].shape[0]
final_data[t:t + nt, :, :] = datastore[i]
t = t + nt
# Load in land/sea mask
ls = np.fromfile("/nas/share1-hp/jinwonki/data/obs/pr25urd/s/d/lsm25.usa", sep=" ")
ls.shape = [nlat, nlon]
# Extract subregion from land/sea mask
subls = np.ones(final_data.shape)
for t in np.arange(final_data.shape[0]):
subls[t, :, :] = ls[wh_true].reshape(nsublat, nsublon)
# Construct a masked array of data i.e. only using data from land points
mdi = -1
mdata = ma.masked_array(final_data, mask=(subls == mdi))
# Construct datetime list from dates in filenames.
yearmonth = np.zeros(len(filelist))
i = 0
for filename in filelist:
# Extract month and year from filename
yearmonth[i] = int(filename[7:13])
i += 1
# Construct a list of datetimes between the earliest and latest yearmonth
firstyear = int(str(yearmonth.min())[0:4])
firstmonth = int(str(yearmonth.min())[4:6])
times = []
cur_time = datetime.datetime(firstyear, firstmonth, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
for i in range(final_data.shape[0]):
dt = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
cur_time = cur_time + dt
return sublats, sublons, times, mdata
def read_tmp_watershed(myfile, dom_num):
Routine to read watershed weighting file mapped onto WRF model grids.
NB.this will be superceded by proper routines to read shape files and regrid onto any model grid.
myfile - file name of the watershed ascii file to load
dom_num - WRF domain number (specific to this experiment)
mymask - boolean mask array saying where the watershed is
Peter Lean September 2010
# Parameters specific to WRF domain setup required for these files
if(dom_num == 1):
nx = 190
ny = 130
if(dom_num == 2):
nx = 192
ny = 180
# Create an empty array to store the weights
myweights = np.zeros((ny, nx))
# Load in data from the mask file
i, j, w = np.loadtxt("/home/plean/demo/rcmes/watersheds/" + myfile, unpack=True)
for q in np.arange(len(i)):
myweights[j[q], i[q]] = w[q]
mymask = np.empty((ny, nx))
mymask[:] = True
mymask[(myweights > 0.5)] = False
return mymask
def read_eraint_surf_files(filelist, myvar, latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax):
** For testing work before database was ready. **
Reads ERA-Interim surface netCDF files.
filelist - list of filenames (including path)
myvar - name of variable to load
latMin,latMax,lonMin,lonMax - define region to extract (in degrees)
lat, lon - 1D array of latitude and longitude values
timestore - list of python datetime objects
mdata - numpy masked array containing data from all files
Peter Lean September 2010
# Crash nicely if 'filelist' is zero length
if len(filelist) == 0:
print 'Error: no files have been passed to read_data_from_file_list()'
# Open the first file in the list to:
# i) read in lats, lons
# ii) find out how many timesteps in the file
# (assume same ntimes in each file in list)
# -allows you to create an empty array to store variable data for all times
tmp = netCDF4.Dataset(filelist[0], mode='r')
latsraw = tmp.variables["latitude"]
lonsraw = tmp.variables["longitude"]
lat = latsraw[:]
lon = lonsraw[:]
print 'Lats and lons read in for first file in filelist'
# Create mask to extract required region only
# NB. longitude is slightly more complicated as can wrap the prime meridion
print 'Extracting for :- lats:', latMin, latMax, ' lons: ', lonMin, lonMax
wh_lat = np.logical_and((lat >= latMin), (lat <= latMax))
if(lonMin < lonMax):
wh_lon = np.logical_and((lon >= lonMin), (lon <= lonMax))
if(lonMin > lonMax):
wh_lon = np.logical_or((lon >= lonMin), (lon <= lonMax))
sublat = lat[wh_lat]
sublon = lon[wh_lon]
wh_true1, wh_true2 = np.meshgrid(wh_lon, wh_lat)
wh = np.logical_and(wh_true1, wh_true2)
# Create storage lists
datastore = []
timestore = []
# Now load in the data for real
# NB. no need to reload in the latitudes and longitudes -assume invariant
i = 0
timesaccu = 0 # a counter for number of times stored so far in t2store
# NB. this method allows for missing times in data files
# as no assumption made that same number of times in each file...
for ifile in filelist:
print 'Loading data from file: ', filelist[i]
f = netCDF4.open_file(ifile, mode='r')
data = f.variables[myvar][:]
scale = f.variables[myvar].scale_factor
offset = f.variables[myvar].add_offset
data = data * scale + offset
times = f.variables["time"][:]
ntimes = times.size
# Decode times into python datetime object
sub = data[:, wh].reshape(ntimes, sublat.size, sublon.size)
timesaccu = timesaccu + ntimes
i += 1
# move data from lists into correctly dimensioned arrays
final_data = np.zeros((timesaccu, sublat.size, sublon.size))
t = 0
for i in range(len(datastore)):
nt = datastore[i].shape[0]
final_data[t:t + nt, :, :] = datastore[i]
t = t + nt
times = np.zeros((timesaccu))
t = 0
for i in range(len(timestore)):
nt = timestore[i].shape[0]
times[t:t + nt] = timestore[i]
t = t + nt
# Decode times into python datetime objects
times = rcmes.process.decode_eraint_surf_times(times)
print 'Data read in successfully with dimensions: ', final_data.shape
# Create masked array using missing value flag from file
mdi = f.variables[myvar]._FillValue[0]
mdata = ma.masked_array(final_data, mask=(final_data == mdi))
# Rearrange array so data match lat lon values
mdata = np.flipud(mdata[:, ::-1])
return sublat, sublon, times, mdata
def make_list_of_wrf_files(firstTime, lastTime, ident):
Routine to make list of WRF filenames given time period.
firstTime - datetime object specifying start time
lastTime - datetime object specifying end time
ident - identifier for model run, e.g. 'd01'
filelist - list of standard format WRF filenames
Peter Lean
dt = datetime.timedelta(hours=6)
filenamelist = []
curTime = firstTime
while curTime <= lastTime:
curTimeString = curTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")
filenamelist.append('wrfout_' + ident + '_' + curTimeString)
curTime += dt
return filenamelist
def make_list_of_trmm_files(firstTime, lastTime):
Routine to make list of TRMM filenames given time period.
firstTime - datetime object specifying start time
lastTime - datetime object specifying end time
filelist - list of standard format WRF filenames
Peter Lean
trmm_repository = '/nas/share4-cf/plean/TRMM/'
dt = datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
filenamelist = []
curTime = firstTime
while curTime <= lastTime:
curTimeString = curTime.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
filenamelist.append(trmm_repository + '3B42_daily.' + curTimeString + '')
curTime += dt
return filenamelist
def make_list_of_airs_files(firstTime, lastTime):
Routine to make list of AIRS filenames given time period.
firstTime - datetime object specifying start time
lastTime - datetime object specifying end time
filelist - list of standard format WRF filenames
Peter Lean
airs_repository = '/nas/share4-cf/plean/AIRX3STD/'
dt = datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
filenamelist = []
curTime = firstTime
while curTime <= lastTime:
curTimeString = curTime.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
filenamelist.append(glob.glob(airs_repository + 'AIRS.' + curTimeString + '.L3.*.nc')[0])
curTime += dt
return filenamelist
def make_list_of_urd_files(firstTime, lastTime):
Routine to make list of URD filenames given time period.
firstTime - datetime object specifying start time
lastTime - datetime object specifying end time
filelist - list of standard format WRF filenames
Peter Lean
dt = datetime.timedelta(days=30)
filenamelist = []
newfirstTime = datetime.datetime(firstTime.year, firstTime.month, 15, 0, 0, 0)
newlastTime = datetime.datetime(lastTime.year, lastTime.month, 15, 0, 0, 0)
curTime = newfirstTime
while curTime <= newlastTime:
curTimeString = curTime.strftime("%Y%m")
filenamelist.append('pr_ncep' + curTimeString)
if(curTime.month == 1):
curTime = datetime.datetime(curTime.year, curTime.month, 15, 00, 00, 00, 00)
curTime += dt
return filenamelist
def make_list_of_era_surf_files(firstTime, lastTime):
Routine to make list of ERA-Interim surface filenames given time period.
firstTime - datetime object specifying start time
lastTime - datetime object specifying end time
filelist - list of standard format WRF filenames
Peter Lean
import datetime
eraint_repository = '/data/plean/era-int/surf/'
filenamelist = []
dt = datetime.timedelta(days=30)
newfirstTime = datetime.datetime(firstTime.year, firstTime.month, 15, 0, 0, 0)
newlastTime = datetime.datetime(lastTime.year, lastTime.month, 15, 0, 0, 0)
curTime = newfirstTime
while curTime <= newlastTime:
curTimeString = curTime.strftime("%b%Y")
filenamelist.append(eraint_repository + 'sfc.' + curTimeString.lower() + '.nc')
if(curTime.month == 1):
curTime = datetime.datetime(curTime.year, curTime.month, 15, 00, 00, 00, 00)
curTime += dt
return filenamelist
def assign_subRgns_from_a_text_file(infile):
# Read pre-fabricated sugregion information from a text file
# Note: python indexing includes the beginning point but excludes the ending point
f = open(infile, 'r')
for i in np.arange(8):
string = f.readline()
print 'Line ', i, ': Content ', string
string = f.readline()
numSubRgn = int(string[20:22])
print 'numSubRgn = ', numSubRgn
for i in np.arange(3):
string = f.readline()
# Read input string and extract subRegion info (name, longs, lats) from the string
subRgnName = []
subRgnLon0 = ma.zeros((numSubRgn))
subRgnLon1 = ma.zeros((numSubRgn))
subRgnLat0 = ma.zeros((numSubRgn))
subRgnLat1 = ma.zeros((numSubRgn))
for i in np.arange(numSubRgn):
string = f.readline()
subRgnLon0[i] = float(string[30:37])
subRgnLon1[i] = float(string[40:47])
subRgnLat0[i] = float(string[50:55])
subRgnLat1[i] = float(string[60:65])
print 'subRgnName: ', subRgnName
print 'subRgnLon0: ', subRgnLon0
print 'subRgnLon1: ', subRgnLon1
print 'subRgnLat0: ', subRgnLat0
print 'subRgnLat1: ', subRgnLat1
return numSubRgn, subRgnName, subRgnLon0, subRgnLon1, subRgnLat0, subRgnLat1
def createSubRegionObjectInteractively():
Mini command line program to enable users to enter SubRegion Information
SubRegion Object
rawInput = None
while rawInput == None:
userMessage = ("Enter information for 1 Sub Region using the following "
"pipe '|' separated format: \n"
"RegionName | Degrees North | Degrees South | Degrees East | Degrees West \n>>>")
userInput = raw_input(userMessage)
inputList = userInput.split('|')
if len(inputList) != 5:
badLengthMessage = ("Unable to parse %s. You should have 5 inputs "
"separated by 4 pipe characters. \n"
"Example: Region Name | 85 | 80 | 10 | -30" % userInput)
name = str(inputList[0]).strip()
latMax = str(inputList[1]).strip()
latMin = str(inputList[2]).strip()
lonMax = str(inputList[3]).strip()
lonMin = str(inputList[4]).strip()
subRegion = classes.SubRegion(name, latMin, lonMin, latMax, lonMax)
rawInput = True
return subRegion
def selectSubRegion(subRegions):
# interactively select the sub-region ID for area-mean time-series evaluation
print '-'*59
columnTemplate = "|{0:2}|{1:10}|{2:10}|{3:10}|{4:10}|{5:10}|"
print columnTemplate.format("ID", "Name", "LonMin", "LonMax", "LatMin", "LatMax")
counter = 0
for subRegion in subRegions:
print columnTemplate.format(counter,, subRegion.lonMin, subRegion.lonMax, subRegion.latMin, subRegion.latMax)
counter += 1
print '-'*59
ask = 'Enter the sub-region ID to be evaluated. -9 for all sub-regions: \n'
rgnSelect = int(raw_input(ask))
if rgnSelect >= len(subRegions):
print 'sub-region ID out of range. Max = %s' % len(subRegions)
return rgnSelect
def getStartEndTimes(status, startOverLapTime, endOverLapTime):
This function will get the start and end time from user.
It also check whether or not user enters the proper time for both start and end.
If user leaves the start and end time empty, it will get the largest time range as default (overlap).
if status == "start":
time = raw_input("Please Enter a Start Date [%s]: " % startOverLapTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
if not time:
time = startOverLapTime
print "Your time starts from [%s] " % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
return time
time = datetime.datetime.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d')
if time < startOverLapTime:
print "WARNING: The time you inputted [%s] " % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + " is before the minimum start time [%s]." % startOverLapTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
time = getStartEndTimes("start", startOverLapTime, endOverLapTime)
return time
elif time > endOverLapTime:
print "WARNING: The time you inputted [%s] " % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + " is after the maximum end time [%s]. " % endOverLapTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
time = getStartEndTimes("start", startOverLapTime, endOverLapTime)
return time
return time
except ValueError:
getStartEndTimes(status, startOverLapTime, endOverLapTime)
if status == "end":
time = raw_input("Please Enter an End Date [%s]: " % endOverLapTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
if not time:
time = endOverLapTime
print "Your time ends by [%s] " % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
return time
time = datetime.datetime.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d')
if time > endOverLapTime:
print "WARNING: The time you inputted [%s] " % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + " is after the maximum end time [%s]. " % endOverLapTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
time = getStartEndTimes("end", startOverLapTime, endOverLapTime)
return time
elif time < startOverLapTime:
print "WARNING: The time you inputted [%s] " % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + " is before the minimum start time [%s]." % startOverLapTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
time = getStartEndTimes("end", startOverLapTime, endOverLapTime)
return time
return time
except ValueError:
getStartEndTimes(status, startOverLapTime, endOverLapTime)
def getDirSettings():
This function will collect 2 parameters from the user about the RCMET run they have started.
dirs - Tuple of strings i.e. ('workDirPath', 'cacheDirPath')
workDir = os.path.abspath(raw_input('Please enter workDir:\n> '))
if os.path.isdir(workDir):
cacheDir= os.path.abspath(raw_input('Please enter cacheDir:\n> '))
if os.path.isdir(cacheDir):
return (workDir, cacheDir)
def getModelFiles():
modelList = []
while len(modelList) < 1:
userInput = raw_input('Please enter model file (or specify multiple files using wildcard):\n> ')
modelList = glob.glob(userInput)
if len(modelList) == 0:
print("Sorry we were unable to find any files at - %s" % userInput)
print("Please try again, and use the asterisk * for the wildcard")
return modelList
def getTemporalGrid():
options = ['annual', 'monthly', 'daily']
print("Please select one of the following Temporal Grid Options:\n")
for key, option in enumerate(options):
print("[%s] - %s" % (key, option))
choice = int(raw_input(">>>"))
temporalGrid = options[choice]
except IndexError:
return temporalGrid
def getSpatialGrid():
options = ['obs', 'model', 'user']
print("Please select one of the following Spatial Grid Options:\n")
for key, option in enumerate(options):
print("[%s] - %s" % (key, option))
choice = int(raw_input(">>>"))
spatialGrid = options[choice]
except IndexError:
return spatialGrid
def askUserForVariableName(variableNames, targetName):
if targetName == "analysis":
print("Select the variable you want to use for analysis/metrics:")
print("Select the variable that corresponds to %s:" % targetName)
for idx, variable in enumerate(variableNames):
print("[%s] - %s" % (idx, variable))
userChoice = int(raw_input(">>>"))
variableName = variableNames[userChoice]
except IndexError:
askUserForVariableName(variableNames, targetName)
return variableName
def getLatLonStep(settings):
def getSpatialBounds(settings):
def getUserSpatialSettings(settings):
def makeDirectory(directory):
print "%s doesn't exist. Trying to create it now." % directory
print("Created %s successfully" % directory)
except OSError:
print "This program cannot create dir: %s due to permission issues." % directory
def userDefinedStartEndTimes(obsSource,obsName,obsTimeName,obsList,modelList):
The function will interactively ask the user to select a start and end time based on the start/end times
of the supplied observation and model objects
obsList - List of Observation Objects
modelList - List of Model Objects
startTime - Python datetime object from User Input
endTime - Python datetime object from User Input
startTimes = []
endTimes = []
print '='*94
template = "|{0:60}|{1:15}|{2:15}|"
print template.format('Dataset - NAME', 'START DATE', 'END DATE')
if obsSource == 0: # observation from RCMED
for observation in obsList:
print template.format(observation['longname'], observation['start_date'], observation['end_date'])
elif obsSource == 1: # observation from user
nn = 0
for observation in obsList:
times, timeStep = process.getModelTimes(observation,obsTimeName)
#print times, timeStep
print template.format(obsName[nn], min(times).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), max(times).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
nn = +1
print '-'*94
for model in modelList:
print template.format(, model.minTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), model.maxTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
print '='*94
# Compute Overlap
# TODO: Do we need to start on JAN and end on DEC? Do we know someone is doing ANNUAL analysis at this point?
# if maxstartTimes.month != 1:
# maxstartTimes = datetime.datetime(maxstartTimes.year+1,1,
# if minendTimes.month != 12:
# minendTimes = datetime.datetime(minendTimes.year-1,12,
if minendTimes.year < maxstartTimes.year:
print 'Not enough data for overlapping years'
overLap = (maxstartTimes.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), minendTimes.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
# Present default overlap to user as default value
print 'Standard Overlap in the selected datasets are %s through %s' % (overLap)
startOverLapTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(overLap[0],'%Y-%m-%d')
endOverLapTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(overLap[1],'%Y-%m-%d')
# Enter Start Date
startTime = getStartEndTimes("start", startOverLapTime, endOverLapTime)
# Enter End Date
endTime = getStartEndTimes("end", startOverLapTime, endOverLapTime)
if startTime > endTime:
print "WARNING: The start time you entered [%s]" % startTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + " is after the end time you entered [%s]." % endTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
startTime = getStartEndTimes("start", startOverLapTime, endOverLapTime)
endTime = getStartEndTimes("end", startOverLapTime, endOverLapTime)
return startTime, endTime
def reshapeMonthlyData(dataset1):
Returns a view of an array with shape (nMonth, ...)
reshaped to (nYR, 12, ...) in order to assist in monthly
dataset1 - an input array with the first dimension corresponding
to the number of months, which must be a multiple of 12
data - A view of dataset1 but with shape (nYR, 12, ...).
# Create a view of dataset1. This lets us change the shape
# without copying or modifying the original array.
data = dataset1[:]
ishape = data.shape
nMonth = ishape[0]
nshape = nMonth/12, 12
# Combine the number of years / months (nshape) with other dimensions
data.shape = tuple(list(nshape) + list(ishape[1:]))
return data
def select_timOpt():
# Interacrively select the time scale to be evaluated
# e.g., the means over annual, seasonal, monthly, or a specified period (e.g., JJAS for Indian monsoon)
print 'Select the time-mean properties to be evaluated: Enter'
timeOption = \
int(raw_input('1=annual, 2=seasonal (define "season", e.g., JJAS for Indian monsoon), 3=monthly \n> '))
return timeOption
def select_data(nDat, Times, List, sourceDat):
# Interacrively select a model or models for evaluation
print '-----------------------------------------------'
if sourceDat == 'mdl':
print 'mdlID mdlName numMOs mdlStartTime mdlEndTime fileName'
elif sourceDat == 'obs':
print 'obsID obsName obsMOs obsStartTime obsEndTime fileName'
print 'not valid data source: CRASH and restart'
print '-----------------------------------------------'
for n in np.arange(len(List)):
print n, List[n], Times[0], Times[-1]
n += 1
print '-----------------------------------------------'
if sourceDat == 'mdl':
ask = 'Enter the model ID to be evaluated. -9 for all models (-9 is not active yet): \n'
elif sourceDat == 'obs':
ask = 'Enter the obs ID to be evaluated. -9 for all models (-9 is not active yet): \n'
datSelect = int(raw_input(ask))
if datSelect > nDat - 1:
print 'Data ID out of range: CRASH'
return datSelect
def select_data_combined(nDat, Times, List, datType):
# Interacrively select a model or models for evaluation
nT = len(Times)
print '-------------------------------------------------------'
print 'datID datName numStp datStartTime datEndTime dataName'
print '-------------------------------------------------------'
for n in np.arange(nDat):
print n, List[n], nT, Times[0], Times[nT-1], List[n]
print '-----------------------------------------------'
if datType == 'ref':
ask = 'Enter the reference data ID.: \n'
elif datType == 'mdl':
ask = 'Enter the data ID to be evaluated. -1 for all models, -2 for all models + obs, -3 for all obs, -4 for any combinations: \n'
datSelect = int(raw_input(ask))
if datSelect > nDat-1:
print 'Data ID out of range: CRASH'
return datSelect
def select_metrics(mdlSelect):
# Interacrively select an evaluation metric
# Input : none
# Output: metricOption, the indicator for selecting the metric to be calculated
print 'Metric options'
print '[0] Bias: mean bias over the full time range'
print '[1] Mean absolute error over the full time range'
print '[2] Temporal anomaly correlation: Eval local interannual variability'
print '[3] Temporal correlation: Eval localinterannual variability'
print '[5] Spatial correlation between the REF and model climatology: a single correlation coeff'
print '[6] RMSE in time over the entire time step values: Eval local interannual variability'
print '[7] RMSE between the REF and model climatology: a single correlation coeff'
print '[8] Taylor diagram for spatial variability'
if mdlSelect == -1 or mdlSelect == -3:
print '[10] Signal-2-Noise ratio'
choice = int(raw_input('Please make a selection from the options above\n> '))
# assign the evaluation metric to be calculated
if choice == 0:
metricOption = 'BIAS'
elif choice == 1:
metricOption = 'MAE'
elif choice == 2:
metricOption = 'ACt'
elif choice == 3:
metricOption = 'PCt'
elif choice == 4:
metricOption = 'ACs'
elif choice == 5:
metricOption = 'PCs'
elif choice == 6:
metricOption = 'RMSt'
elif choice == 7:
metricOption = 'RMSs'
elif choice == 8:
metricOption = 'Taylor_space'
elif choice == 9:
metricOption = 'CV'
elif choice ==10:
metricOption = 'S2N'
print 'in subroutine metricOption = ', metricOption
return metricOption