blob: 17fd5e9490a215fc2946297ecbb513467255a5bb [file] [log] [blame]
Module for handling data input files. Requires PyNIO and Numpy be
This module can easily open NetCDF, HDF and Grib files. Search the PyNIO
documentation for a complete list of supported formats.
from os import path
import Nio
except ImportError:
import nio as Nio
import numpy as np
import as ma
import sys
from toolkit import process
from utils import fortranfile
from utils import misc
VARIABLE_NAMES = {'time': ['time', 'times', 'date', 'dates', 'julian'],
'latitude': ['latitude', 'lat', 'lats', 'latitudes'],
'longitude': ['longitude', 'lon', 'lons', 'longitudes']
def findunique(seq):
keys = {}
for e in seq:
keys[e] = 1
return keys.keys()
def getVariableByType(filename, variableType):
Function that will try to return the variable from a file based on a provided
parameter type.
filename - the file to inspect
variableType - time | latitude | longitude
variable name OR list of all variables in the file if a single variable
name match cannot be found.
f = Nio.open_file(filename)
#print 'PyNio had an issue opening the filename (%s) you provided' % filename
print "NIOError:", sys.exc_info()[0]
variableKeys = f.variables.keys()
variableKeys = [variable.lower() for variable in variableKeys]
variableMatch = VARIABLE_NAMES[variableType]
commonVariables = list(set(variableKeys).intersection(variableMatch))
if len(commonVariables) == 1:
return str(commonVariables[0])
return variableKeys
def getVariableRange(filename, variableName):
Function to return the min and max values of the given variable in
the supplied filename.
filename - absolute path to a file
variableName - variable whose min and max values should be returned
variableRange - tuple of order (variableMin, variableMax)
f = Nio.open_file(filename)
#print 'PyNio had an issue opening the filename (%s) you provided' % filename
print "NIOError:", sys.exc_info()[0]
varArray = f.variables[variableName][:]
return (varArray.min(), varArray.max())
def read_data_from_file_list(filelist, myvar, timeVarName, latVarName, lonVarName):
Read in data from a list of model files into a single data structure
filelist - list of filenames (including path)
myvar - string containing name of variable to load in (as it appears in file)
lat, lon - 2D array of latitude and longitude values
timestore - list of times
t2store - numpy array containing data from all files
NB. originally written specific for WRF netCDF output files
modified to make more general (Feb 2011)
Peter Lean July 2010
filename = filelist[0]
# Crash nicely if 'filelist' is zero length
"""TODO: Throw Error instead via try Except"""
if len(filelist) == 0:
print 'Error: no files have been passed to read_data_from_file_list()'
# Open the first file in the list to:
# i) read in lats, lons
# ii) find out how many timesteps in the file
# (assume same ntimes in each file in list)
# -allows you to create an empty array to store variable data for all times
tmp = Nio.open_file(filename)
latsraw = tmp.variables[latVarName][:]
lonsraw = tmp.variables[lonVarName][:]
lonsraw[lonsraw > 180] = lonsraw[lonsraw > 180] - 360. # convert to -180,180 if necessary
"""TODO: Guard against case where latsraw and lonsraw are not the same dim?"""
if(latsraw.ndim == 1):
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lonsraw, latsraw)
if(latsraw.ndim == 2):
lon = lonsraw
lat = latsraw
timesraw = tmp.variables[timeVarName]
ntimes = len(timesraw)
print 'Lats and lons read in for first file in filelist'
# Create a single empty masked array to store model data from all files
t2store = ma.zeros((ntimes * len(filelist), len(lat[:, 0]), len(lon[0, :])))
timestore = ma.zeros((ntimes * len(filelist)))
# Now load in the data for real
# NB. no need to reload in the latitudes and longitudes -assume invariant
i = 0
timesaccu = 0 # a counter for number of times stored so far in t2store
# NB. this method allows for missing times in data files
# as no assumption made that same number of times in each file...
for ifile in filelist:
#print 'Loading data from file: ',filelist[i]
f = Nio.open_file(ifile)
t2raw = f.variables[myvar][:]
timesraw = f.variables[timeVarName]
time = timesraw[:]
ntimes = len(time)
print 'file= ', i, 'ntimes= ', ntimes, filelist[i]
print 't2raw shape: ', t2raw.shape
# Flatten dimensions which needn't exist, i.e. level
# e.g. if for single level then often data have 4 dimensions, when 3 dimensions will do.
# Code requires data to have dimensions, (time,lat,lon)
# i.e. remove level dimensions
# Remove 1d axis from the t2raw array
# Example: t2raw.shape == (365, 180, 360 1) <maps to (time, lat, lon, height)>
# After the squeeze you will be left with (365, 180, 360) instead
t2tmp = t2raw.squeeze()
# Nb. if this happens to be data for a single time only, then we just flattened it by accident
# lets put it back...
if t2tmp.ndim == 2:
t2tmp = np.expand_dims(t2tmp, 0)
t2store[timesaccu + np.arange(ntimes), :, :] = t2tmp[:, :, :]
timestore[timesaccu + np.arange(ntimes)] = time
timesaccu = timesaccu + ntimes
i += 1
print 'Data read in successfully with dimensions: ', t2store.shape
# TODO: search for duplicated entries (same time) and remove duplicates.
# Check to see if number of unique times == number of times, if so then no problem
if(len(np.unique(timestore)) != len(np.where(timestore != 0)[0].view())):
print 'WARNING: Possible duplicated times'
# Decode model times into python datetime objects. Note: timestore becomes a list (no more an array) here
timestore, _ = process.getModelTimes(filename, timeVarName)
data_dict = {}
data_dict['lats'] = lat
data_dict['lons'] = lon
data_dict['times'] = timestore
data_dict['data'] = t2store
#return lat, lon, timestore, t2store
return data_dict
def select_var_from_file(myfile, fmt='not set'):
Routine to act as user interface to allow users to select variable of interest from a file.
myfile - filename
fmt - (optional) specify fileformat for PyNIO if filename suffix is non-standard
myvar - variable name in file
Peter Lean September 2010
print fmt
if fmt == 'not set':
f = Nio.open_file(myfile)
if fmt != 'not set':
f = Nio.open_file(myfile, format=fmt)
keylist = f.variables.keys()
i = 0
for v in keylist:
print '[', i, '] ', f.variables[v].long_name, ' (', v, ')'
i += 1
user_selection = raw_input('Please select variable : [0 -' + str(i - 1) + '] ')
myvar = keylist[int(user_selection)]
return myvar
def select_var_from_wrf_file(myfile):
Routine to act as user interface to allow users to select variable of interest from a wrf netCDF file.
myfile - filename
mywrfvar - variable name in wrf file
Peter Lean September 2010
f = Nio.open_file(myfile, format='nc')
keylist = f.variables.keys()
i = 0
for v in keylist:
print '[', i, '] ', f.variables[v].description, ' (', v, ')'
print ''
i += 1
user_selection = raw_input('Please select WRF variable : [0 -' + str(i - 1) + '] ')
mywrfvar = keylist[int(user_selection)]
return mywrfvar
def read_lolaT_from_file(filename, latVarName, lonVarName, timeVarName, file_type):
Function that will return lat, lon, and time arrays
filename - the file to inspect
latVarName - name of the Latitude Variable
lonVarName - name of the Longitude Variable
timeVarName - name of the Time Variable
fileType = type of file we are trying to parse
lat - MESH GRID of Latitude values with shape (nx, ny)
lon - MESH GRID of Longitude values with shape (nx, ny)
timestore - Python list of Datetime objects
tmp = Nio.open_file(filename, format=file_type)
lonsraw = tmp.variables[lonVarName][:]
latsraw = tmp.variables[latVarName][:]
lonsraw[lonsraw > 180] = lonsraw[lonsraw > 180] - 360. # convert to -180,180 if necessary
if(latsraw.ndim == 1):
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lonsraw, latsraw)
if(latsraw.ndim == 2):
lon = lonsraw
lat = latsraw
timestore, _ = process.getModelTimes(filename, timeVarName)
print ' read_lolaT_from_file: Lats, lons and times read in for the model domain'
return lat, lon, timestore
def read_data_from_one_file(ifile, myvar, timeVarName, lat, file_type):
# Read in data from one file at a time
# Input: filelist - list of filenames (including path)
# myvar - string containing name of variable to load in (as it appears in file)
# Output: lat, lon - 2D array of latitude and longitude values
# times - list of times
# t2store - numpy array containing data from all files
# Modified from read_data_from_file_list to read data from multiple models into a 4-D array
# 1. The code now processes model data that completely covers the 20-yr period. Thus,
# all model data must have the same time levels (ntimes). Unlike in the oroginal, ntimes
# is fixed here.
# 2. Because one of the model data exceeds 240 mos (243 mos), the model data must be
# truncated to the 240 mons using the ntimes determined from the first file.
f = Nio.open_file(ifile)
varUnit = f.variables[myvar].units.upper()
varUnit = raw_input('Enter the model variable unit: \n> ').upper()
t2raw = f.variables[myvar][:]
t2tmp = t2raw.squeeze()
if t2tmp.ndim == 2:
t2tmp = np.expand_dims(t2tmp, 0)
t2tmp = t2tmp
print ' success read_data_from_one_file: VarName=', myvar, ' Shape(Full)= ', t2tmp.shape, ' Unit= ', varUnit
timestore = process.decode_model_timesK(ifile, timeVarName, file_type)
return timestore, t2tmp, varUnit
def findTimeVariable(filename):
Function to find what the time variable is called in a model file.
filename - file to crack open and check for a time variable
timeName - name of the input file's time variable
variableNameList - list of variable names from the input filename
f = Nio.open_file(filename, mode='r')
print("Unable to open '%s' to try and read the Time variable" % filename)
variableNameList = f.variables.keys()
# convert all variable names into lower case
varNameListLowerCase = [x.lower() for x in variableNameList]
# Use "set" types for finding common variable name from in the file and from the list of possibilities
possibleTimeNames = set(['time', 'times', 'date', 'dates', 'julian'])
# Use the sets to find the intersection where variable names are in possibleNames
timeNameSet = possibleTimeNames.intersection(varNameListLowerCase)
if len(timeNameSet) == 0:
print("Unable to autodetect the Time Variable Name in the '%s'" % filename)
timeName = misc.askUserForVariableName(variableNameList, targetName ="Time")
timeName = timeNameSet.pop()
return timeName, variableNameList
def findLatLonVarFromFile(filename):
Function to find what the latitude and longitude variables are called in a model file.
f = Nio.open_file(filename, mode='r')
print("Unable to open '%s' to try and read the Latitude and Longitude variables" % filename)
variableNameList = f.variables.keys()
# convert all variable names into lower case
varNameListLowerCase = [x.lower() for x in variableNameList]
# Use "set" types for finding common variable name from in the file and from the list of possibilities
possibleLatNames = set(['latitude', 'lat', 'lats', 'latitudes'])
possibleLonNames = set(['longitude', 'lon', 'lons', 'longitudes'])
# Use the sets to find the intersection where variable names are in possibleNames
latNameSet = possibleLatNames.intersection(varNameListLowerCase)
lonNameSet = possibleLonNames.intersection(varNameListLowerCase)
if len(latNameSet) == 0 or len(lonNameSet) == 0:
print("Unable to autodetect Latitude and/or Longitude values in the file")
latName = misc.askUserForVariableName(variableNameList, targetName ="Latitude")
lonName = misc.askUserForVariableName(variableNameList, targetName ="Longitude")
latName = latNameSet.pop()
lonName = lonNameSet.pop()
lats = np.array(f.variables[latName][:])
lons = np.array(f.variables[lonName][:])
latMin = lats.min()
latMax = lats.max()
# Convert the lons from 0:360 into -180:180
lons[lons > 180] = lons[lons > 180] - 360.
lonMin = lons.min()
lonMax = lons.max()
return latName, lonName, latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax
def read_data_from_file_list_K(filelist, myvar, timeVarName, latVarName, lonVarName, file_type):
# Read in data from a list of model files into a single data structure
# Input: filelist - list of filenames (including path)
# myvar - string containing name of variable to load in (as it appears in file)
# Output: lat, lon - 2D array of latitude and longitude values
# times - list of times
# t2store - numpy array containing data from all files
# Modified from read_data_from_file_list to read data from multiple models into a 4-D array
# 1. The code now processes model data that completely covers the 20-yr period. Thus,
# all model data must have the same time levels (ntimes). Unlike in the oroginal, ntimes
# is fixed here.
# 2. Because one of the model data exceeds 240 mos (243 mos), the model data must be
# truncated to the 240 mons using the ntimes determined from the first file.
nfiles = len(filelist)
# Crash nicely if 'filelist' is zero length
if nfiles == 0:
print 'Error: no files have been passed to read_data_from_file_list(): Exit'
# Open the first file in the list to:
# i) read in lats, lons
# ii) find out how many timesteps in the file (assume same ntimes in each file in list)
# -allows you to create an empty array to store variable data for all times
tmp = Nio.open_file(filelist[0], format=file_type)
latsraw = tmp.variables[latVarName][:]
lonsraw = tmp.variables[lonVarName][:]
lonsraw[lonsraw > 180] = lonsraw[lonsraw > 180] - 360. # convert to -180,180 if necessary
if(latsraw.ndim == 1):
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lonsraw, latsraw)
if(latsraw.ndim == 2):
lon = lonsraw; lat = latsraw
timesraw = tmp.variables[timeVarName]
ntimes = len(timesraw); nygrd = len(lat[:, 0]); nxgrd = len(lon[0, :])
print 'Lats and lons read in for first file in filelist'
# Create a single empty masked array to store model data from all files
#t2store = ma.zeros((ntimes*nfiles,nygrd,nxgrd))
t2store = ma.zeros((nfiles, ntimes, nygrd, nxgrd))
## Now load in the data for real
## NB. no need to reload in the latitudes and longitudes -assume invariant
#timesaccu=0 # a counter for number of times stored so far in t2store
# NB. this method allows for missing times in data files
# as no assumption made that same number of times in each file...
i = 0
for ifile in filelist:
#print 'Loading data from file: ',filelist[i]
f = Nio.open_file(ifile)
t2raw = f.variables[myvar][:]
timesraw = f.variables[timeVarName]
time = timesraw[0:ntimes]
#print 'file= ',i,'ntimes= ',ntimes,filelist[i]
## Flatten dimensions which needn't exist, i.e. level
## e.g. if for single level then often data have 4 dimensions, when 3 dimensions will do.
## Code requires data to have dimensions, (time,lat,lon)
## i.e. remove level dimensions
t2tmp = t2raw.squeeze()
## Nb. if data happen to be for a single time, we flattened it by accident; lets put it back...
if t2tmp.ndim == 2:
t2tmp = np.expand_dims(t2tmp, 0)
t2store[i, 0:ntimes, :, :] = t2tmp[0:ntimes, :, :]
i += 1
print 'Data read in successfully with dimensions: ', t2store.shape
# Decode model times into python datetime objects. Note: timestore becomes a list (no more an array) here
ifile = filelist[0]
timestore, _ = process.getModelTimes(ifile, timeVarName)
return lat, lon, timestore, t2store
def find_latlon_ranges(filelist, lat_var_name, lon_var_name):
# Function to return the latitude and longitude ranges of the data in a file,
# given the identifying variable names.
# Input:
# filelist - list of filenames (data is read in from first file only)
# lat_var_name - variable name of the 'latitude' variable
# lon_var_name - variable name of the 'longitude' variable
# Output:
# latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax - self explanatory
# Peter Lean March 2011
filename = filelist[0]
f = Nio.open_file(filename)
lats = f.variables[lat_var_name][:]
latMin = lats.min()
latMax = lats.max()
lons = f.variables[lon_var_name][:]
lons[lons > 180] = lons[lons > 180] - 360.
lonMin = lons.min()
lonMax = lons.max()
return latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax
print 'Error: there was a problem with finding the latitude and longitude ranges in the file'
print ' Please check that you specified the filename, and variable names correctly.'
def writeBN_lola(fileName, lons, lats):
# write a binary data file that include longitude (1-d) and latitude (1-d) values
F = fortranfile.FortranFile(fileName, mode='w')
ngrdY = lons.shape[0]; ngrdX = lons.shape[1]
tmpDat = ma.zeros(ngrdX); tmpDat[:] = lons[0, :]; F.writeReals(tmpDat)
tmpDat = ma.zeros(ngrdY); tmpDat[:] = lats[:, 0]; F.writeReals(tmpDat)
# release temporary arrays
tmpDat = 0
def writeBNdata(fileName, numOBSs, numMDLs, nT, ngrdX, ngrdY, numSubRgn, obsData, mdlData, obsRgnAvg, mdlRgnAvg):
# write spatially- and regionally regridded data into a binary data file
missing = -1.e26
F = fortranfile.FortranFile(fileName, mode='w')
# construct a data array to replace mask flag with a missing value (missing=-1.e12) for printing
data = ma.zeros((nT, ngrdY, ngrdX))
for m in np.arange(numOBSs):
data[:, :, :] = obsData[m, :, :, :]; msk = data.mask
for n in np.arange(nT):
for j in np.arange(ngrdY):
for i in np.arange(ngrdX):
if msk[n, j, i]: data[n, j, i] = missing
# write observed data. allowed to write only one row at a time
tmpDat = ma.zeros(ngrdX)
for n in np.arange(nT):
for j in np.arange(ngrdY):
tmpDat[:] = data[n, j, :]
# write model data (dep. on the number of models).
for m in np.arange(numMDLs):
data[:, :, :] = mdlData[m, :, :, :]
msk = data.mask
for n in np.arange(nT):
for j in np.arange(ngrdY):
for i in np.arange(ngrdX):
if msk[n, j, i]:
data[n, j, i] = missing
for n in np.arange(nT):
for j in np.arange(ngrdY):
tmpDat[:] = data[n, j, :]
data = 0 # release the array allocated for data
# write data in subregions
if numSubRgn > 0:
print 'Also included are the time series of the means over ', numSubRgn, ' areas from obs and model data'
tmpDat = ma.zeros(nT); print numSubRgn
for m in np.arange(numOBSs):
for n in np.arange(numSubRgn):
tmpDat[:] = obsRgnAvg[m, n, :]
for m in np.arange(numMDLs):
for n in np.arange(numSubRgn):
tmpDat[:] = mdlRgnAvg[m, n, :]
tmpDat = 0 # release the array allocated for tmpDat
def writeNCfile(fileName, numSubRgn, lons, lats, obsData, mdlData, obsRgnAvg, mdlRgnAvg, obsList, mdlList, subRegions):
# write an output file of variables up to 3 dimensions
# fileName: the name of the output data file
# numSubRgn : the number of subregions
# lons[ngrdX]: longitude
# lats[ngrdY]: latitudes
# obsData[nT,ngrdY,ngrdX]: the obs time series of the entire model domain
# mdlData[numMDLs,nT,ngrdY,ngrdX]: the mdltime series of the entire model domain
# obsRgnAvg[numSubRgn,nT]: the obs time series for the all subregions
# mdlRgnAvg[numMDLs,numSubRgn,nT]: the mdl time series for the all subregions
dimO = obsData.shape[0] # the number of obs data
dimM = mdlData.shape[0] # the number of mdl data
dimT = mdlData.shape[1] # the number of time levels
dimY = mdlData.shape[2] # y-dimension
dimX = mdlData.shape[3] # x-dimension
dimR = obsRgnAvg.shape[1] # the number of subregions
f = Nio.open_file(fileName, mode='w', format='nc')
print mdlRgnAvg.shape, dimM, dimR, dimT
#create global attributes
f.globalAttName = ''
# create dimensions
print 'Creating Dimensions within the NetCDF Object...'
f.create_dimension('unity', 1)
f.create_dimension('time', dimT)
f.create_dimension('west_east', dimX)
f.create_dimension('south_north', dimY)
f.create_dimension('obs', dimO)
f.create_dimension('models', dimM)
# create the variable (real*4) to be written in the file
print 'Creating Variables...'
f.create_variable('lon', 'd', ('south_north', 'west_east'))
f.create_variable('lat', 'd', ('south_north', 'west_east'))
f.create_variable('oDat', 'd', ('obs', 'time', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
f.create_variable('mDat', 'd', ('models', 'time', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
if subRegions:
f.create_dimension('regions', dimR)
f.create_variable('oRgn', 'd', ('obs', 'regions', 'time'))
f.create_variable('mRgn', 'd', ('models', 'regions', 'time'))
f.variables['oRgn'].varAttName = 'Observation time series: Subregions'
f.variables['mRgn'].varAttName = 'Model time series: Subregions'
loadDataIntoNetCDF(f, obsList, obsData, 'Observation')
print 'Loaded the Observations into the NetCDF'
loadDataIntoNetCDF(f, mdlList, mdlData, 'Model')
# create attributes and units for the variable
print 'Creating Attributes and Units...'
f.variables['lon'].varAttName = 'Longitudes'
f.variables['lon'].varUnit = 'degrees East'
f.variables['lat'].varAttName = 'Latitudes'
f.variables['lat'].varUnit = 'degrees North'
f.variables['oDat'].varAttName = 'Observation time series: entire domain'
f.variables['mDat'].varAttName = 'Model time series: entire domain'
# assign the values to the variable and write it
f.variables['lon'][:, :] = lons
f.variables['lat'][:, :] = lats
if subRegions:
f.variables['oRgn'][:, :, :] = obsRgnAvg
f.variables['mRgn'][:, :, :] = mdlRgnAvg
def loadDataIntoNetCDF(fileObject, datasets, dataArray, dataType):
fileObject - PyNIO file object data will be loaded into
datasets - List of dataset names
dataArray - Multi-dimensional array of data to be loaded into the NetCDF file
dataType - String with value of either 'Model' or 'Observation'
No return value. PyNIO file object is updated in place
datasetCount = 0
for dataset in datasets:
if dataType.lower() == 'observation':
datasetName = dataset.replace(' ','')
elif dataType.lower() == 'model':
datasetName = path.splitext(path.basename(dataset))[0]
print "Creating variable %s" % datasetName
fileObject.create_variable(datasetName, 'd', ('time', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
fileObject.variables[datasetName].varAttName = 'Obseration time series: entire domain'
print 'Loading values into %s' % datasetName
datasetCount += 1