blob: 31c3efcfea677ec967a93b392930b2114861fad5 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Module used to launch the RESTful API"""
import sys
from bottle import route, request
import json
import cli.do_rcmes_processing_sub as awesome
import time
import datetime
import os
time_format_new = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
#Static Default params
cachedir = '/tmp/rcmet/cache/'
workdir = '/tmp/rcmet/'
precipFlag =False
maskLatMin=0 # float (only used if maskOption=1)
maskLatMax=0 # float (only used if maskOption=1)
maskLonMin=0 # float (only used if maskOption=1)
maskLonMax=0 # float (only used if maskOption=1)
titleOption = 'default' #this means that ' model vs obs :' will be used
plotFileNameOption = 'default' #another good option we can use.
@route('/rcmes/run/', method='POST')
def rcmes_go():
print "**********\nBEGIN RCMES2.0_RUN\n**********"
print 'cachedir', cachedir
print 'workdir', workdir
if not os.path.exists(cachedir):
except Error as e:
print "I/O error({0}: {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)
obsDatasetId = int(request.POST.get('obsDatasetId', '').strip())
print 'obsDatasetId', obsDatasetId
obsParameterId = int(request.POST.get('obsParameterId', '').strip())
print 'obsParameterId', obsParameterId
#reformat DateTime after pulling it out of the POST
POSTstartTime = str(request.POST.get('startTime', '').strip())
startTime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(POSTstartTime, time_format_new)))
print 'startTime', startTime
#reformat DateTime after pulling it out of the POST
POSTendTime = str(request.POST.get('endTime', '').strip())
endTime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(POSTendTime, time_format_new)))
print 'endTime', endTime
latMin = float(request.POST.get('latMin', '').strip())
print 'latMin', latMin
latMax = float(request.POST.get('latMax', '').strip())
print 'latMax', latMax
lonMin = float(request.POST.get('lonMin', '').strip())
print 'lonMin', lonMin
lonMax = float(request.POST.get('lonMax', '').strip())
print 'lonMax', lonMax
filelist = [request.POST.get('filelist', '').strip()]
print 'filelist', filelist[0]
modelVarName = str(request.POST.get('modelVarName', '').strip())
print 'modelVarName', modelVarName
precipFlag = request.POST.get('precipFlag', '').strip()
print 'precipFlag', precipFlag
modelTimeVarName = str(request.POST.get('modelTimeVarName', '').strip())
print 'modelTimeVarName', modelTimeVarName
modelLatVarName = str(request.POST.get('modelLatVarName', '').strip())
print 'modelLatVarName', modelLatVarName
modelLonVarName = str(request.POST.get('modelLonVarName', '').strip())
print 'modelLonVarName', modelLonVarName
regridOption = str(request.POST.get('regridOption', '').strip())
print 'regridOption', regridOption
timeRegridOption = str(request.POST.get('timeRegridOption', '').strip())
print 'timeRegridOption', timeRegridOption
seasonalCycleOption = request.POST.get('seasonalCycleOption', '').strip()
print 'seasonalCycleOption', seasonalCycleOption
metricOption = str(request.POST.get('metricOption', '').strip())
print 'metricOption', metricOption
settings = {"cacheDir": cachedir, "workDir": workdir, "fileList": filelist}
params = {"obsDatasetId": obsDatasetId, "obsParamId": obsParameterId,
"startTime": startTime, "endTime": endTime, "latMin": latMin,
"latMax": latMax, "lonMin": lonMin, "lonMax": lonMax}
model = {"varName": modelVarName, "timeVariable": modelTimeVarName,
"latVariable": modelLatVarName, "lonVariable": modelLonVarName}
mask = {"latMin": latMin, "latMax": latMax, "lonMin": lonMin, "lonMax": lonMax}
options = {"regrid": regridOption, "timeRegrid": timeRegridOption,
"seasonalCycle": seasonalCycleOption, "metric": metricOption,
"plotTitle": titleOption, "plotFilename": plotFileNameOption,
"mask": maskOption, "precip": precipFlag}
awesome.do_rcmes(settings, params, model, mask, options)
model_path = os.path.join(workdir, plotFileNameOption + "model.png")
obs_path = os.path.join(workdir, plotFileNameOption + "obs.png")
comp_path = os.path.join(workdir, plotFileNameOption + ".png")
product_dict = {'modelPath':model_path,
'obsPath': obs_path,
#Extra Code in case bottle has an issue with my Dictionary
#json_output = json.dumps(product_dict, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
return product_dict