blob: ddc11f6e1f1dd9d240640150f641e12a83412a5a [file] [log] [blame]
Step by Step Wizard that demonstrates how the underlying RCMES code can
be used to generate climate dataset intercomparisons
# Imports
# Native Python Module Imports
import sys
# RCMES Imports
from classes import Model, JobProperties, GridBox
import storage.rcmed as rcmed
import toolkit.metrics
import toolkit.do_data_prep
from utils import misc
def rcmetUI():
Command Line User interface for RCMET.
Collects user OPTIONS then runs RCMET to perform processing.
Duplicates job of GUI.
print 'Regional Climate Model Evaluation System BETA'
print "Querying RCMED for available parameters..."
parameters = rcmed.getParams()
except Exception:
# Section 0: Collect directories to store RCMET working files.
workDir, cacheDir = misc.getDirSettings()
temporalGrid = misc.getTemporalGrid()
spatialGrid = misc.getSpatialGrid()
jobProperties = JobProperties(workDir, cacheDir, spatialGrid, temporalGrid)
# Section 1a: Enter model file/s
modelFiles = misc.getModelFiles()
# Create a list of model objects for use later
models = [Model(modelFile) for modelFile in modelFiles]
# Section 3b: Select 1 Parameter from list
for parameter in parameters:
"""( 38 ) - CRU3.1 Daily-Mean Temperature : monthly"""
print "({:^2}) - {:<54} :: {:<10}".format(parameter['parameter_id'], parameter['longname'], parameter['timestep'])
obsDatasetList = []
validParamIds = [int(p['parameter_id']) for p in parameters]
while obsDatasetList == []:
print("Please select the available observation you would like to use from the list above:")
userChoice = int(raw_input(">>>"))
if userChoice in validParamIds:
for param in parameters:
if param['parameter_id'] == userChoice:
print("Your selection '%s' is invalid. Please make another selection." % userChoice)
# User must provide startTime and endTime if not defined
if jobProperties.startDate == None or jobProperties.endDate == None:
jobProperties.startDate, jobProperties.endDate = misc.userDefinedStartEndTimes(obsDatasetList, models)
gridBox = GridBox(jobProperties.latMin, jobProperties.lonMin, jobProperties.latMax,
jobProperties.lonMax, jobProperties.gridLonStep, jobProperties.gridLatStep)
gridBox = None
numOBS, numMDL, nT, ngrdY, ngrdX, Times, lons, lats, obsData, mdlData, obsList, mdlName = toolkit.do_data_prep.prep_data(jobProperties, obsDatasetList, gridBox, models)
counts = {'observations': numOBS,
'models' : numMDL,
'times' : nT}
subRegions = misc.getSubRegionsInteractively(counts, jobProperties.workDir)
# TODO: New function Call
fileOutputOption = jobProperties.writeOutFile
modelVarName = models[0].varName
toolkit.metrics.metrics_plots(modelVarName, numOBS, numMDL, nT, ngrdY, ngrdX, Times, lons, lats, obsData, mdlData, obsList, mdlName, workDir, subRegions, fileOutputOption)
# Actually call the UI function.
if __name__ == "__main__":