blob: 94743adb19de7ecd49335226794ac6bcb703ed2b [file] [log] [blame]
from dataset import Dataset
class Group(object):
def __init__(self, name, dataset, parent=None, dimensions=[], attributes={}, variables={}):
Creates a new group object with a given name and within the given dataset. An empty name
string marks the group as a root group within the dataset. Can also assign this group a
position in a group hierachy by specifying its parent group which must be another Group
instance assigned to the same dataset
>>> ds = Dataset()
>>> group = Group('', ds)
>>> print group.dataset
<CDM Dataset: None>
>>> print ds.root
<CDM Group: [root]>
>>> child1 = Group('child1', ds, parent=group)
>>> child2 = Group('child2', ds, parent=group)
>>> print child1.parent
<CDM Group: [root]>
>>> print child2.parent
<CDM Group: [root]>
>>> print group.children
[<CDM Group: child1>, <CDM Group: child2>]
""" = name
self.dataset = dataset
self.parent = parent
self.variables = variables
self.attributes = attributes
self.dimensions = dimensions
self.children = []
# If there is no parent then this must be a root group which must have an empty
# string as the name
if (not parent):
dataset.root = self = '[root]'
# Add group into a datasets group hierachy
elif (type(parent) == Group and parent.dataset == dataset):
self.parent = parent
def __repr__(self):
return "<CDM %s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__,