blob: 848af9de6dd8fe54d680379113a43321ee7fe44e [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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#Apache OCW lib immports
import ocw.dataset as ds
import ocw.data_source.local as local
import ocw.plotter as plotter
import ocw.utils as utils
from ocw.evaluation import Evaluation
import ocw.metrics as metrics
# Python libraries
import numpy as np
import as ma
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from matplotlib import rcParams
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
import string
def Map_plot_bias_of_multiyear_climatology(obs_dataset, obs_name, model_datasets, model_names,
file_name, row, column, map_projection=None):
'''Draw maps of observed multi-year climatology and biases of models"'''
# calculate climatology of observation data
obs_clim = utils.calc_temporal_mean(obs_dataset)
# determine the metrics
map_of_bias = metrics.TemporalMeanBias()
# create the Evaluation object
bias_evaluation = Evaluation(obs_dataset, # Reference dataset for the evaluation
model_datasets, # list of target datasets for the evaluation
[map_of_bias, map_of_bias])
# run the evaluation (bias calculation)
rcm_bias = bias_evaluation.results[0]
fig = plt.figure()
lat_min = obs_dataset.lats.min()
lat_max = obs_dataset.lats.max()
lon_min = obs_dataset.lons.min()
lon_max = obs_dataset.lons.max()
string_list = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
ax = fig.add_subplot(row,column,1)
if map_projection == 'npstere':
m = Basemap(ax=ax, projection ='npstere', boundinglat=lat_min, lon_0=0,
resolution = 'l', fix_aspect=True)
m = Basemap(ax=ax, projection ='cyl', llcrnrlat = lat_min, urcrnrlat = lat_max,
llcrnrlon = lon_min, urcrnrlon = lon_max, resolution = 'l', fix_aspect=True)
if obs_dataset.lons.ndim == 1 and obs_dataset.lats.ndim == 1:
lons, lats = np.meshgrid(obs_dataset.lons, obs_dataset.lats)
if obs_dataset.lons.ndim == 2 and obs_dataset.lats.ndim == 2:
lons = obs_dataset.lons
lats = obs_dataset.lats
x,y = m(lons, lats)
m.drawstates(linewidth=0.5, color='w')
max = m.contourf(x,y,obs_clim,levels = plotter._nice_intervals(obs_dataset.values, 10), extend='both',cmap='rainbow')
ax.annotate('(a) \n' + obs_name,xy=(lon_min, lat_min))
cax = fig.add_axes([0.02, 1.-float(1./row)+1./row*0.25, 0.01, 1./row*0.5])
plt.colorbar(max, cax = cax)
clevs = plotter._nice_intervals(rcm_bias, 11)
for imodel in np.arange(len(model_datasets)):
ax = fig.add_subplot(row, column,2+imodel)
if map_projection == 'npstere':
m = Basemap(ax=ax, projection ='npstere', boundinglat=lat_min, lon_0=0,
resolution = 'l', fix_aspect=True)
m = Basemap(ax=ax, projection ='cyl', llcrnrlat = lat_min, urcrnrlat = lat_max,
llcrnrlon = lon_min, urcrnrlon = lon_max, resolution = 'l', fix_aspect=True)
m.drawstates(linewidth=0.5, color='w')
max = m.contourf(x,y,rcm_bias[imodel,:],levels = clevs, extend='both', cmap='RdBu_r')
ax.annotate('('+string_list[imodel+1]+') \n '+model_names[imodel],xy=(lon_min, lat_min))
cax = fig.add_axes([0.91, 0.5, 0.015, 0.4])
plt.colorbar(max, cax = cax)
def Taylor_diagram_spatial_pattern_of_multiyear_climatology(obs_dataset, obs_name, model_datasets, model_names,
# calculate climatological mean fields
obs_clim_dataset = ds.Dataset(obs_dataset.lats, obs_dataset.lons, obs_dataset.times, utils.calc_temporal_mean(obs_dataset))
model_clim_datasets = []
for dataset in model_datasets:
model_clim_datasets.append(ds.Dataset(dataset.lats, dataset.lons, dataset.times, utils.calc_temporal_mean(dataset)))
# Metrics (spatial standard deviation and pattern correlation)
# determine the metrics
taylor_diagram = metrics.SpatialPatternTaylorDiagram()
# create the Evaluation object
taylor_evaluation = Evaluation(obs_clim_dataset, # Climatological mean of reference dataset for the evaluation
model_clim_datasets, # list of climatological means from model datasets for the evaluation
# run the evaluation (bias calculation)
taylor_data = taylor_evaluation.results[0]
plotter.draw_taylor_diagram(taylor_data, model_names, obs_name, file_name, pos='upper right',frameon=False)
def Time_series_subregion(obs_subregion_mean, obs_name, model_subregion_mean, model_names, seasonal_cycle,
file_name, row, column, x_tick=['']):
nmodel, nt, nregion = model_subregion_mean.shape
if seasonal_cycle:
obs_data = ma.mean(obs_subregion_mean.reshape([1,nt/12,12,nregion]), axis=1)
model_data = ma.mean(model_subregion_mean.reshape([nmodel,nt/12,12,nregion]), axis=1)
nt = 12
obs_data = obs_subregion_mean
model_data = model_subregion_mean
x_axis = np.arange(nt)
x_tick_values = x_axis
fig = plt.figure()
rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 6
rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 6
for iregion in np.arange(nregion):
ax = fig.add_subplot(row, column, iregion+1)
x_tick_labels = ['']
if iregion+1 > column*(row-1):
x_tick_labels = x_tick
ax.plot(x_axis, obs_data[0, :, iregion], color='r', lw=2, label=obs_name)
for imodel in np.arange(nmodel):
ax.plot(x_axis, model_data[imodel, :, iregion], lw=0.5, label = model_names[imodel])
ax.set_title('Region %02d' % (iregion+1), fontsize=8)
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(-0.2, row/2), loc='center' , prop={'size':7}, frameon=False)
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.7, wspace=0.5)
fig.savefig(file_name, dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight')
def Portrait_diagram_subregion(obs_subregion_mean, obs_name, model_subregion_mean, model_names, seasonal_cycle,
file_name, normalize=True):
nmodel, nt, nregion = model_subregion_mean.shape
if seasonal_cycle:
obs_data = ma.mean(obs_subregion_mean.reshape([1,nt/12,12,nregion]), axis=1)
model_data = ma.mean(model_subregion_mean.reshape([nmodel,nt/12,12,nregion]), axis=1)
nt = 12
obs_data = obs_subregion_mean
model_data = model_subregion_mean
subregion_metrics = ma.zeros([4, nregion, nmodel])
for imodel in np.arange(nmodel):
for iregion in np.arange(nregion):
# First metric: bias
subregion_metrics[0, iregion, imodel] = metrics.calc_bias(model_data[imodel, :, iregion], obs_data[0, :, iregion], average_over_time = True)
# Second metric: standard deviation
subregion_metrics[1, iregion, imodel] = metrics.calc_stddev_ratio(model_data[imodel, :, iregion], obs_data[0, :, iregion])
# Third metric: RMSE
subregion_metrics[2, iregion, imodel] = metrics.calc_rmse(model_data[imodel, :, iregion], obs_data[0, :, iregion])
# Fourth metric: correlation
subregion_metrics[3, iregion, imodel] = metrics.calc_correlation(model_data[imodel, :, iregion], obs_data[0, :, iregion])
if normalize:
for iregion in np.arange(nregion):
subregion_metrics[0, iregion, : ] = subregion_metrics[0, iregion, : ]/ma.std(obs_data[0, :, iregion])*100.
subregion_metrics[1, iregion, : ] = subregion_metrics[1, iregion, : ]*100.
subregion_metrics[2, iregion, : ] = subregion_metrics[2, iregion, : ]/ma.std(obs_data[0, :, iregion])*100.
region_names = ['R%02d' % i for i in np.arange(nregion)+1]
for imetric, metric in enumerate(['bias','std','RMSE','corr']):
plotter.draw_portrait_diagram(subregion_metrics[imetric, :, :], region_names, model_names, file_name+'_'+metric,
def Map_plot_subregion(subregions, ref_dataset, directory):
lons, lats = np.meshgrid(ref_dataset.lons, ref_dataset.lats)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
m = Basemap(ax=ax, projection='cyl',llcrnrlat = lats.min(), urcrnrlat = lats.max(),
llcrnrlon = lons.min(), urcrnrlon = lons.max(), resolution = 'l')
x, y = m(lons, lats)
#subregion_array = ma.masked_equal(subregion_array, 0)
#max=m.contourf(x, y, subregion_array, alpha=0.7, cmap='Accent')
for subregion in subregions:
draw_screen_poly(subregion[1], m, 'w')
plt.annotate(subregion[0],xy=(0.5*(subregion[1][2]+subregion[1][3]), 0.5*(subregion[1][0]+subregion[1][1])), ha='center',va='center', fontsize=8)
fig.savefig(directory+'map_subregion', bbox_inches='tight')
def draw_screen_poly(boundary_array, m, linecolor='k'):
''' Draw a polygon on a map
:param boundary_array: [lat_north, lat_south, lon_east, lon_west]
:param m : Basemap object
lats = [boundary_array[0], boundary_array[0], boundary_array[1], boundary_array[1]]
lons = [boundary_array[3], boundary_array[2], boundary_array[2], boundary_array[3]]
x, y = m( lons, lats )
xy = zip(x,y)
poly = Polygon( xy, facecolor='none',edgecolor=linecolor )