blob: 84a56a03b9754c59ecae879770381a127b88a811 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# under the License.
import re
import netCDF4
from ocw.dataset import Dataset
import numpy
import as ma
from datetime import timedelta ,datetime
import calendar
import string
import ocw.utils as utils
LAT_NAMES = ['x', 'rlat', 'rlats', 'lat', 'lats', 'latitude', 'latitudes']
LON_NAMES = ['y', 'rlon', 'rlons', 'lon', 'lons', 'longitude', 'longitudes']
TIME_NAMES = ['time', 'times', 'date', 'dates', 'julian']
def _get_netcdf_variable_name(valid_var_names, netcdf, netcdf_var):
'''Return valid variable from given netCDF object.
Looks for an occurrence of a valid_var_name in the netcdf variable data.
If multiple possible matches are found a ValueError is raised. If no
matching variable names are found a Value is raised.
:param valid_var_names: The possible variable names to search for in
the netCDF object.
:type valid_var_names: List of Strings
:param netcdf: The netCDF object in which to check for valid_var_names.
:type netcdf: netcdf4.Dataset
:param netcdf_var: The relevant variable name to search over in the
netcdf object.
:returns: The variable from valid_var_names that it locates in
the netCDF object.
:raises: ValueError
# Check for valid variable names in netCDF value variable dimensions
dimensions = netcdf.variables[netcdf_var].dimensions
dims_lower = [dim.encode().lower() for dim in dimensions]
intersect = list(set(valid_var_names).intersection(dims_lower))
if len(intersect) == 1:
index = dims_lower.index(intersect[0])
dimension_name = dimensions[index].encode()
possible_vars = []
for var in netcdf.variables.keys():
var_dimensions = netcdf.variables[var].dimensions
if len(var_dimensions) != 1:
if var_dimensions[0].encode() == dimension_name:
if len(possible_vars) == 1:
return possible_vars[0]
# Check for valid variable names in netCDF variable names
variables = netcdf.variables.keys()
vars_lower = [var.encode().lower() for var in variables]
intersect = list(set(valid_var_names).intersection(vars_lower))
if len(intersect) == 1:
index = vars_lower.index(intersect[0])
return variables[index]
# If we couldn't find a single matching valid variable name, we're
# unable to load the file properly.
error = (
"Unable to locate a single matching variable name in NetCDF object. "
raise ValueError(error)
def _get_lat_name(variable_names):
'''Find the latitude variable name
:param variable_names: List of netCDF variables' name
:type variable_names: List
:returns: Latitude variable name
:rtype: String
common_name = set(['lat', 'lats', 'latitude', 'latitudes']).intersection(variable_names)
if len(common_name) !=1:
err = "Unable to autodetect latitude variable name."
raise ValueError(err)
lat_variable_name = common_name.pop()
return lat_variable_name
def _get_lon_name(variable_names):
'''Find the longitude variable name
:param variable_names: List of netCDF variables' name
:type variable_names: List
:returns: Longitude variable name
:rtype: String
common_name = set(['lon', 'lons', 'longitude', 'longitudes']).intersection(variable_names)
if len(common_name) !=1:
err = "Unable to autodetect longitude variable name."
raise ValueError(err)
lon_variable_name = common_name.pop()
return lon_variable_name
def _get_time_name(variable_names):
'''Find the time variable name.
:param: variableNameList: List of netCDF variables' name
:type variable_names: List
:returns: Time variable name
:rtype: String
common_name = set(['time', 'times', 'date', 'dates', 'julian']).intersection(variable_names)
if len(common_name) !=1:
err = "Unable to autodetect time variable name. These option(s) found: {0} ".format([each for each in common_name])
raise ValueError(err)
time_variable_name = common_name.pop()
return time_variable_name
def _get_level_name(variable_names):
'''Find the level variable name.
:param variable_names: List of netCDF variables' name
type variable_names: List
:returns: Level variable name
:rtype: String
level_variable_name = None
common_name = set(['lev', 'level', 'levels', 'height', 'heights', 'elev', 'elevation', 'elevations']).intersection(variable_names)
if len(common_name) !=1:
level_variable_name = common_name.pop()
return level_variable_name
def _get_value_name(possible_value_name):
'''Find the value variable name.
:param possible_value_name: List of all value variable names
:type possible_value_name: List
:returns: Value variable name
:rtype: String
if len(possible_value_name) == 1:
value_variable_name = possible_value_name[0]
err = "The given value variable name does not match with existing variables name."
raise ValueError(err)
return value_variable_name
def load_file(file_path, variable_name):
'''Load netCDF file, get the all variables name and get the data.
:param file_path: NetCDF directory with file name
:type file_path: String
:param variable_name: The given (by user) value variable name
:type variable_name: String
:returns: A dataset object from
:rtype: Object
:raises: ValueError
netcdf = netCDF4.Dataset(file_path, mode='r')
err = "The given file cannot be loaded (Only netCDF file can be supported)."
raise ValueError(err)
lat_name = _get_netcdf_variable_name(LAT_NAMES, netcdf, variable_name)
lon_name = _get_netcdf_variable_name(LON_NAMES, netcdf, variable_name)
time_name = _get_netcdf_variable_name(TIME_NAMES, netcdf, variable_name)
#lat_variable_name = _get_lat_name(variable_names)
#lon_variable_name = _get_lon_name(variable_names)
#time_variable_name = _get_time_name(variable_names)
#level_variable_name = _get_level_name(variable_names)
# Check returned variable dimensions. lats, lons, and times should be 1D
# Check dimensions of the values
# if != 3
# find the indices for lat, lon, time
# strip out everything else by select 1st of possible options
# Check the order of the variables
# if not correct order (times, lats, lons)
# reorder as appropriate
# Make new dataset object
if variable_name in variable_names:
value_variable_name = variable_name
possible_value_name = list(set(variable_names) - set([lat_variable_name, lon_variable_name, time_variable_name, level_variable_name]))
value_variable_name = _get_value_name(possible_value_name)
lats = netcdf.variables[lat_name][:]
lons = netcdf.variables[lon_name][:]
time_raw_values = netcdf.variables[time_name][:]
times = utils.decode_time_values(netcdf, time_name)
times = numpy.array(times)
values = ma.array(netcdf.variables[variable_name][:])
if len(values.shape) == 4:
#value_dimensions_names = list(netcdf.variables[variable_name].dimensions)
value_dimensions_names = [dim_name.encode() for dim_name in netcdf.variables[variable_name].dimensions]
lat_lon_time_var_names = [lat_name, lon_name, time_name]
level_index = value_dimensions_names.index(list(set(value_dimensions_names) - set(lat_lon_time_var_names))[0])
if level_index == 0:
values = values [0,:,:,:]
elif level_index == 1:
values = values [:,0,:,:]
elif level_index == 2:
values = values [:,:,0,:]
values = values [:,:,:,0]
return Dataset(lats, lons, times, values, variable_name)