blob: 7f2d133fb8f3ded27df4e5e9d36db995bb584807 [file] [log] [blame]
table_id: Table Omon
modeling_realm: ocean
frequency: mon
cmor_version: 2.5.0 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
cf_version: 1.4 ! version of CF that output conforms to
project_id: CMIP5 ! project id
table_date: 06 January 2011 ! date this table was constructed
missing_value: 1.e20 ! value used to indicate a missing value
! in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE
! floating-point numbers (float or real)
product: output
required_global_attributes: creation_date tracking_id forcing model_id parent_experiment_id parent_experiment_rip branch_time contact institute_id ! space separated required global attribute
forcings: N/A Nat Ant GHG SD SI SA TO SO Oz LU Sl Vl SS Ds BC MD OC AA
expt_id_ok: '10- or 30-year run initialized in year XXXX' 'decadalXXXX'
expt_id_ok: 'volcano-free hindcast initialized in year XXXX' 'noVolcXXXX'
expt_id_ok: 'prediction with 2010 volcano' 'volcIn2010'
expt_id_ok: 'pre-industrial control' 'piControl'
expt_id_ok: 'historical' 'historical'
expt_id_ok: 'historical extension' 'historicalExt'
expt_id_ok: 'mid-Holocene' 'midHolocene'
expt_id_ok: 'last glacial maximum' 'lgm'
expt_id_ok: 'last millennium' 'past1000'
expt_id_ok: 'RCP4.5' 'rcp45'
expt_id_ok: 'RCP8.5' 'rcp85'
expt_id_ok: 'RCP2.6' 'rcp26'
expt_id_ok: 'RCP6' 'rcp60'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM pre-industrial control' 'esmControl'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM historical' 'esmHistorical'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM RCP8.5' 'esmrcp85'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM fixed climate 1' 'esmFixClim1'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM fixed climate 2' 'esmFixClim2'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM feedback 1' 'esmFdbk1'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM feedback 2' 'esmFdbk2'
expt_id_ok: '1 percent per year CO2' '1pctCO2'
expt_id_ok: 'abrupt 4XCO2' 'abrupt4xCO2'
expt_id_ok: 'natural-only' 'historicalNat'
expt_id_ok: 'GHG-only' 'historicalGHG'
expt_id_ok: 'AMIP' 'amip'
expt_id_ok: '2030 time-slice' 'sst2030'
expt_id_ok: 'control SST climatology' 'sstClim'
expt_id_ok: 'CO2 forcing' 'sstClim4xCO2'
expt_id_ok: 'all aerosol forcing' 'sstClimAerosol'
expt_id_ok: 'sulfate aerosol forcing' 'sstClimSulfate'
expt_id_ok: '4xCO2 AMIP' 'amip4xCO2'
expt_id_ok: 'AMIP plus patterned anomaly' 'amipFuture'
expt_id_ok: 'aqua planet control' 'aquaControl'
expt_id_ok: '4xCO2 aqua planet' 'aqua4xCO2'
expt_id_ok: 'aqua planet plus 4K anomaly' 'aqua4K'
expt_id_ok: 'AMIP plus 4K anomaly' 'amip4K'
approx_interval: 30.000000 ! approximate spacing between successive time
! samples (in units of the output time
! coordinate.
generic_levels: olevel
axis_entry: longitude
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
axis: X ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
long_name: longitude
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lon
valid_min: 0.0
valid_max: 360.0
stored_direction: increasing
type: double
must_have_bounds: yes
axis_entry: latitude
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
axis: Y ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
long_name: latitude
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lat
valid_min: -90.0
valid_max: 90.0
stored_direction: increasing
type: double
must_have_bounds: yes
axis_entry: time
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: time
units: days since ?
axis: T ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
long_name: time
! Additional axis information:
out_name: time
stored_direction: increasing
type: double
must_have_bounds: yes
axis_entry: basin
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: region
long_name: ocean basin
! Additional axis information:
out_name: basin
type: character
requested: atlantic_arctic_ocean indian_pacific_ocean global_ocean ! space-separated list of requested coordinates
must_have_bounds: no
coords_attrib: region
axis_entry: rho
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_potential_density
units: kg m-3
axis: Z ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
positive: down ! up or down (default: undeclared)
long_name: potential density referenced to 2000 dbar
! Additional axis information:
out_name: rho
stored_direction: increasing
type: double
must_have_bounds: yes
axis_entry: oline
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: region
long_name: ocean passage
! Additional axis information:
out_name: line
type: character
requested: barents_opening bering_strait canadian_archipelago denmark_strait drake_passage english_channel pacific_equatorial_undercurrent faroe_scotland_channel florida_bahamas_strait fram_strait iceland_faroe_channel indonesian_throughflow mozambique_channel taiwan_luzon_straits windward_passage ! space-separated list of requested coordinates
must_have_bounds: no
coords_attrib: passage
axis_entry: olayer100m
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: depth
units: m
axis: Z ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
positive: down ! up or down (default: undeclared)
long_name: depth
! Additional axis information:
out_name: depth
valid_min: 0.0
valid_max: 100.0
stored_direction: increasing
type: double
value: 50. ! of scalar (singleton) dimension
bounds_values: 0. 100. ! of scalar (singleton) dimension bounds
must_have_bounds: no
axis_entry: depth100m
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: depth
units: m
axis: Z ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
positive: down ! up or down (default: undeclared)
long_name: depth
! Additional axis information:
out_name: depth
valid_min: 80.0
valid_max: 120.0
stored_direction: increasing
type: double
value: 100. ! of scalar (singleton) dimension
must_have_bounds: no
axis_entry: depth0m
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: depth
units: m
axis: Z ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
positive: down ! up or down (default: undeclared)
long_name: depth
! Additional axis information:
out_name: depth
valid_min: 0.0
valid_max: 100.0
stored_direction: increasing
type: double
value: 0. ! of scalar (singleton) dimension
must_have_bounds: no
axis_entry: depth_coord
! This vertical coordinate is used in z-coordinate models
! The units are meters (m), and it has a value of 0. at the surface
! and becomes more and more positive with depth.
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: depth
units: m
axis: Z
positive: down
long_name: ocean depth coordinate
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lev
must_have_bounds: yes
stored_direction: decreasing
valid_min: 0.
valid_max: 12000.
axis_entry: ocean_double_sigma
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: ocean_double_sigma
axis: Z
positive: up
long_name: ocean double sigma coordinate
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lev
must_have_bounds: yes
formula: for k <= k_c:\n z= sigma*f \n for k > k_c:\n z= f + (sigma-1)*(depth-f) \n f= 0.5*(z1+ z2) + 0.5*(z1-z2)* tanh(2*a/(z1-z2)*(depth-href))
z_factors: sigma: sigma depth: depth z1: z1 z2: z2 a: a_coeff href: href k_c: k_c
z_bounds_factors: sigma: sigma_bnds depth: depth z1: z1 z2: z2 a: a href: href k_c: k_c
axis_entry: ocean_sigma_z
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: ocean_sigma_z
axis: Z
long_name: ocean sigma over z coordinate
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lev
must_have_bounds: yes
formula: for k <= nsigma: z = eta + sigma*(min(depth_c,depth)+eta) ; for k > nsigma: z = zlev
z_factors: sigma: sigma eta: eta depth: depth depth_c: depth_c nsigma: nsigma zlev: zlev
z_bounds_factors: sigma: sigma_bnds eta: eta depth: depth depth_c: depth_c nsigma: nsigma zlev: zlev_bnds
axis_entry: ocean_s
! This coordinate is dimensionless and varies from 0 at the surface to -1. at the ocean floor.
! The values of s, which appears in the formula below, should be stored as ocean_s.
! Note that in the netCDF file the variable will be named "lev", not ocean_s.
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: ocean_s_coordinate
axis: Z
positive: up
long_name: ocean s-coordinate
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lev
must_have_bounds: yes
stored_direction: decreasing
valid_min: -1.
valid_max: 0.
formula: z = eta*(1+s) + depth_c*s + (depth-depth_c)*C \n where \n C=(1-b)*sinh(a*s)/sinh(a) +\n b*(tanh(a*(s+0.5))/(2*tanh(0.5*a)) - 0.5)
z_factors: s: lev eta: eta depth: depth a: a_coeff b: b_coeff depth_c: depth_c
z_bounds_factors: s: lev_bnds eta: eta depth: depth a: a b: b depth_c: depth_c
axis_entry: ocean_sigma
! This coordinate is dimensionless and varies from 0 at the surface to -1. at the ocean floor.
! The values of sigma, which appears in the formula below, should be stored as ocean_sigma.
! Note that in the netCDF file the variable will be named "lev", not ocean_sigma.
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: ocean_sigma_coordinate
axis: Z
positive: up
long_name: ocean sigma coordinate
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lev
must_have_bounds: yes
stored_direction: decreasing
valid_min: -1.
valid_max: 0.
formula: z = eta + sigma*(depth+eta)
z_factors: sigma: lev eta: eta depth: depth
z_bounds_factors: sigma: lev_bnds eta: eta depth: depth
! ***************************************************************
! Vertical coordinate formula_terms:
! ***************************************************************
variable_entry: eta
! Variable attributes:
units: m
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Sea Surface Height
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
type: real
variable_entry: depth
! Variable attributes:
units: m
long_name: Sea Floor Depth
comment: Ocean bathymetry.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude
out_name: depth
type: real
valid_min: 0.
valid_max: 12000.
ok_min_mean_abs: 2000.
ok_max_mean_abs: 5000.
variable_entry: sigma
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: sigma(k)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: olevel
type: double
variable_entry: sigma_bnds
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: sigma(k+1/2)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: olevel
type: double
variable_entry: zlev
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: zlev(k)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: olevel
type: double
variable_entry: zlev_bnds
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: zlev(k+1/2)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: olevel
type: double
variable_entry: depth_c
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: depth_c
! Additional variable information:
type: double
variable_entry: a
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: coefficient a
! Additional variable information:
type: double
variable_entry: b
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: coefficient b
! Additional variable information:
type: double
variable_entry: nsigma
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: nsigma
! Additional variable information:
type: integer
variable_entry: z1
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: z1
! Additional variable information:
type: double
variable_entry: z2
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: z2
! Additional variable information:
type: double
variable_entry: href
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: href
! Additional variable information:
type: double
variable_entry: k_c
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: k_c
! Additional variable information:
type: integer
variable_entry: dissic
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration at Surface
comment: Dissolved inorganic carbon (CO3+HCO3+H2CO3) concentration
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: dissic
type: real
variable_entry: dissoc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_dissolved_organic_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration at Surface
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: dissoc
type: real
variable_entry: phyc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of phytoplankton carbon component concentrations. In most (all?) cases this is the sum of phycdiat and phycmisc (i.e., ""Diatom Carbon Concentration"" and ""Non-Diatom Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration""
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: phyc
type: real
variable_entry: zooc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_zooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Zooplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of zooplankton carbon component concentrations
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: zooc
type: real
variable_entry: bacc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_bacteria_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Bacterial Carbon Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of bacterial carbon component concentrations
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: bacc
type: real
variable_entry: detoc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_organic_detritus_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Detrital Organic Carbon Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of detrital organic carbon component concentrations
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: detoc
type: real
variable_entry: calc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Calcite Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of particulate calcite component concentrations (e.g. Phytoplankton, Detrital, etc.)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: calc
type: real
variable_entry: arag
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Aragonite Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of particulate aragonite components (e.g. Phytoplankton, Detrital, etc.)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: arag
type: real
variable_entry: phydiat
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_diatoms_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Mole Concentration of Diatoms expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
comment: carbon from the diatom phytoplankton component concentration alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: phydiat
type: real
variable_entry: phydiaz
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_diazotrophs_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Mole Concentration of Diazotrophs Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
comment: carbon concentration from the diazotrophic phytoplankton component alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: phydiaz
type: real
variable_entry: phycalc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_calcareous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Mole Concentration of Calcareous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
comment: carbon concentration from calcareous (calcite-producing) phytoplankton component alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: phycalc
type: real
variable_entry: phypico
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_picophytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Mole Concentration of Picophytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
comment: carbon concentration from the picophytoplankton (<2 um) component alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: phypico
type: real
variable_entry: phymisc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_miscellaneous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
comment: carbon concentration from additional phytoplankton component alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: phymisc
type: real
variable_entry: zmicro
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_microzooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Mole Concentration of Microzooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
comment: carbon concentration from the microzooplankton (<20 um) component alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: zmicro
type: real
variable_entry: zmeso
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_mesozooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
comment: carbon concentration from mesozooplankton (20-200 um) component alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: zmeso
type: real
variable_entry: zoocmisc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_miscellaneous_zooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Other Zooplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface
comment: carbon from additional zooplankton component concentrations alone (e.g. Micro, meso). Since the models all have different numbers of components, this variable has been included to provide a check for intercomparison between models since some phytoplankton groups are supersets.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: zoocmisc
type: real
variable_entry: talk
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Total Alkalinity at Surface
comment: total alkalinity equivalent concentration (including carbonate, nitrogen, silicate, and borate components)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: talk
type: real
variable_entry: ph
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale
units: 1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: pH at Surface
comment: negative log of hydrogen ion concentration with the concentration expressed as mol H kg-1.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: ph
type: real
variable_entry: o2
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Dissolve Oxygen Concentration at Surface
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: o2
type: real
variable_entry: no3
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Dissolved Nitrate Concentration at Surface
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: no3
type: real
variable_entry: nh4
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_ammonium_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Dissolved Ammonium Concentration at Surface
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: nh4
type: real
variable_entry: po4
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_phosphate_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Dissolved Phosphate Concentration at Surface
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: po4
type: real
variable_entry: dfe
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_dissolved_iron_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Dissolved Iron Concentration at Surface
comment: dissolved iron in sea water is meant to include both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions (but not, e.g., particulate detrital iron)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: dfe
type: real
variable_entry: si
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_silicate_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Dissolved Silicate Concentration at Surface
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: si
type: real
variable_entry: chl
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mass_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
units: kg m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Total Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of chlorophyll from all phytoplankton group concentrations. In most models this is equal to chldiat+chlmisc, that is the sum of ""Diatom Chlorophyll Mass Concentration"" plus ""Other Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Mass Concentration""
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: chl
type: real
variable_entry: chldiat
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mass_concentration_of_diatoms_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
units: kg m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Diatom Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface
comment: chlorophyll from diatom phytoplankton component concentration alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: chldiat
type: real
variable_entry: chldiaz
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mass_concentration_of_diazotrophs_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
units: kg m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Mass Concentration of Diazotrophs expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water at Surface
comment: chlorophyll concentration from the diazotrophic phytoplankton component alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: chldiaz
type: real
variable_entry: chlcalc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mass_concentration_of_calcareous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
units: kg m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Mass Concentration of Calcareous Phytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water at Surface
comment: chlorophyll concentration from the calcite-producing phytoplankton component alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: chlcalc
type: real
variable_entry: chlpico
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mass_concentration_of_picophytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
units: kg m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Mass Concentration of Picophytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water at Surface
comment: chlorophyll concentration from the picophytoplankton (<2 um) component alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: chlpico
type: real
variable_entry: chlmisc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mass_concentration_of_miscellaneous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
units: kg m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Other Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface
comment: chlorophyll from additional phytoplankton component concentrations alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: chlmisc
type: real
variable_entry: pon
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Particulate Organic Nitrogen Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of particulate organic nitrogen component concentrations
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: pon
type: real
variable_entry: pop
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_phosphorus_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Particulate Organic Phosphorus Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of particulate organic phosphorus component concentrations
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: pop
type: real
variable_entry: bfe
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_iron_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Particulate Biogenic Iron Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of particulate organic iron component concentrations
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: bfe
type: real
variable_entry: bsi
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_particulate_matter_expressed_as_silicon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Particulate Biogenic Silica Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of particulate silica component concentrations
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: bsi
type: real
variable_entry: phyn
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Phytoplankton Nitrogen Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of phytoplankton nitrogen component concentrations
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: phyn
type: real
variable_entry: phyp
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_phosphorus_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Phytoplankton Phosphorus Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of phytoplankton phosphorus components
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: phyp
type: real
variable_entry: phyfe
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_iron_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Phytoplankton Iron Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of phytoplankton iron component concentrations
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: phyfe
type: real
variable_entry: physi
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_silicon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Phytoplankton Silica Concentration at Surface
comment: sum of phytoplankton silica component concentrations
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: physi
type: real
variable_entry: dms
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_dimethyl_sulfide_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Dimethyl Sulphide Concentration at Surface
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: dms
type: real
variable_entry: co3
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_carbonate_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Mole Concentration of Carbonate expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: co3
type: real
variable_entry: co3satcalc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_at_saturation
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Mole Concentration of Calcite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation at Surface
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: co3satcalc
type: real
variable_entry: co3satarag
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_at_saturation
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Mole Concentration of Aragonite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation at Surface
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth0m
out_name: co3satarag
type: real
variable_entry: intpp
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_phytoplankton
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton
comment: Vertically integrated total primary (organic carbon) production by phytoplankton. This should equal the sum of intpdiat+intpphymisc, but those individual components may be unavailable in some models.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: intpp
type: real
variable_entry: intpnitrate
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_due_to_nitrate_utilization
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Primary Organic Carbon Production by Phytoplankton Based on Nitrate Uptake Alone
comment: Vertically integrated primary (organic carbon) production by phytoplankton based on nitrate uptake alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: intpnitrate
type: real
variable_entry: intpdiat
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_diatoms
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Primary Organic Carbon Production by Diatoms
comment: Vertically integrated primary (organic carbon) production by the diatom phytoplankton component alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: intpdiat
type: real
variable_entry: intpdiaz
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_diazotrophs
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Diazotrophs
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: intpdiaz
type: real
variable_entry: intpcalc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_calcareous_phytoplankton
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Calcareous Phytoplankton
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: intpcalc
type: real
variable_entry: intppico
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_picophytoplankton
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Picophytoplankton
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: intppico
type: real
variable_entry: intpmisc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_miscellaneous_phytoplankton
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Primary Organic Carbon Production by Other Phytoplankton
comment: Vertically integrated total primary (organic carbon) production by other phytoplankton components alone
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: intpmisc
type: real
variable_entry: intpbfe
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_iron_due_to_biological_production
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Iron Production
comment: Vertically integrated biogenic iron production
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: intpbfe
type: real
variable_entry: intpbsi
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_silicon_due_to_biological_production
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Silica Production
comment: Vertically integrated biogenic silica production
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: intpbsi
type: real
variable_entry: intpcalcite
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_biological_production
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Calcite Production
comment: Vertically integrated calcite production
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: intpcalcite
type: real
variable_entry: intparag
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_biological_production
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Aragonite Production
comment: Vertically integrated aragonite production
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: intparag
type: real
variable_entry: epc100
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Downward Flux of Particle Organic Carbon
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth100m
out_name: epc100
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: epfe100
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_iron_in_sea_water
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Downward Flux of Particulate Iron
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth100m
out_name: epfe100
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: epsi100
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_silicon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Downward Flux of Particulate Silica
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth100m
out_name: epsi100
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: epcalc100
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sinking_mole_flux_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Downward Flux of Calcite
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth100m
out_name: epcalc100
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: eparag100
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sinking_mole_flux_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Downward Flux of Aragonite
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time depth100m
out_name: eparag100
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: intdic
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_mass_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon
units: kg m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Content
comment: Vertically integrated DIC
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: intdic
type: real
variable_entry: spco2
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
units: Pa
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Surface Aqueous Partial Pressure of CO2
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: spco2
type: real
variable_entry: dpco2
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: surface_carbon_dioxide_partial_pressure_difference_between_sea_water_and_air
units: Pa
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Delta PCO2
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: dpco2
type: real
variable_entry: dpo2
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: surface_molecular_oxygen_partial_pressure_difference_between_sea_water_and_air
units: Pa
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Delta PO2
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: dpo2
type: real
variable_entry: fgco2
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: surface_downward_mass_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Surface Downward CO2 Flux
comment: Gas exchange flux of CO2 (positive into ocean)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: fgco2
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: fgo2
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: surface_downward_mole_flux_of_molecular_oxygen
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Surface Downward O2 Flux
comment: Gas exchange flux of O2 (positive into ocean)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: fgo2
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: fgdms
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: surface_upward_mole_flux_of_dimethyl_sulfide
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Surface Upward DMS Flux
comment: Gas exchange flux of DMS (positive into atmosphere)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: fgdms
type: real
positive: up
variable_entry: fsc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_carbon_due_to_runoff_and_sediment_dissolution
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Flux of Carbon Into Ocean Surface by Runoff and Sediment Dissolution
comment: Carbon supply to ocean through runoff and sediment dissolution (neglects gas exchange)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: fsc
type: real
variable_entry: frc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_carbon_due_to_sedimentation
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Downward Carbon Flux at Ocean Bottom
comment: Carbon loss to sediments
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: frc
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: intpn2
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_elemental_nitrogen_due_to_fixation
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Nitrogen Fixation Rate in Ocean
comment: Vertically integrated nitrogen fixation
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: intpn2
type: real
variable_entry: fsn
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_elemental_nitrogen_due_to_deposition_and_fixation_and_runoff
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Surface Downward Net Flux of Nitrogen
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: fsn
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: frn
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_elemental_nitrogen_due_to_denitrification_and_sedimentation
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Nitrogen Loss to Sediments and through Denitrification
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: frn
type: real
variable_entry: fsfe
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_iron_due_to_deposition_and_runoff_and_sediment_dissolution
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Surface Downward Net Flux of Iron
comment: Iron supply through deposition flux onto sea surface, runoff, coasts, sediments, etc
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: fsfe
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: frfe
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_iron_due_to_sedimentation
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Iron Loss to Sediments
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: frfe
type: real
variable_entry: o2min
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water_at_shallowest_local_minimum_in_vertical_profile
units: mol m-3
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea depth: minimum
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Oxygen Minimum Concentration
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: o2min
type: real
variable_entry: zo2min
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: depth_at_shallowest_local_minimum_in_vertical_profile_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water
units: m
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Depth of Oxygen Minimum Concentration
comment: Depth of vertical minimum concentration of dissolved oxygen gas (if two, then the shallower)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: zo2min
type: real
variable_entry: zsatcalc
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: minimum_depth_of_calcite_undersaturation_in_sea_water
units: m
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Calcite Saturation Depth
comment: Depth of calcite saturation horizon (0 if < surface, ""missing"" if > bottom, if two, then the shallower)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: zsatcalc
type: real
variable_entry: zsatarag
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: minimum_depth_of_aragonite_undersaturation_in_sea_water
units: m
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Aragonite Saturation Depth
comment: Depth of aragonite saturation horizon (0 if < surface, ""missing"" if > bottom, if two, then the shallower)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: zsatarag
type: real
variable_entry: fddtdic
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time olayer100m
out_name: fddtdic
type: real
variable_entry: fddtdin
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_nitrogen
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
comment: Net time rate of change of nitrogen nutrients (e.g. NO3+NH4)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time olayer100m
out_name: fddtdin
type: real
variable_entry: fddtdip
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_phosphorus
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate
comment: vertical integral of net time rate of change of phosphate
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time olayer100m
out_name: fddtdip
type: real
variable_entry: fddtdife
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_iron
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Iron
comment: vertical integral of net time rate of change of dissolved inorganic iron
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time olayer100m
out_name: fddtdife
type: real
variable_entry: fddtdisi
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_silicon
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Silicate
comment: vertical integral of net time rate of change of dissolved inorganic silicate
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time olayer100m
out_name: fddtdisi
type: real
variable_entry: fddtalk
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: integral_wrt_depth_of_tendency_of_sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Rate of Change of Alkalinity
comment: vertical integral of net time rate of change of alkalinity
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time olayer100m
out_name: fddtalk
type: real
variable_entry: fbddtdic
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon_due_to_biological_processes
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon due to Biological Activity
comment: vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved inorganic carbon
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time olayer100m
out_name: fbddtdic
type: real
variable_entry: fbddtdin
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_nitrogen_due_to_biological_processes
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen due to Biological Activity
comment: vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of nitrogen nutrients (e.g. NO3+NH4)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time olayer100m
out_name: fbddtdin
type: real
variable_entry: fbddtdip
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_phosphorus_due_to_biological_processes
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate due to Biological Activity
comment: vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of phosphate
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time olayer100m
out_name: fbddtdip
type: real
variable_entry: fbddtdife
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_iron_due_to_biological_processes
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Iron due to Biological Activity
comment: vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved inorganic iron
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time olayer100m
out_name: fbddtdife
type: real
variable_entry: fbddtdisi
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_silicon_due_to_biological_processes
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Silicate due to Biological Activity
comment: vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved inorganic silicate
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time olayer100m
out_name: fbddtdisi
type: real
variable_entry: fbddtalk
modeling_realm: ocnBgchem
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: integral_wrt_depth_of_tendency_of_sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent_due_to_biological_processes
units: mol m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Rate of Change of Biological Alkalinity due to Biological Activity
comment: vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of alkalinity
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time olayer100m
out_name: fbddtalk
type: real
variable_entry: masso
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_mass
units: kg
cell_methods: time: mean area: sum where sea
long_name: Sea Water Mass
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: time
out_name: masso
type: real
variable_entry: pbo
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_pressure_at_sea_floor
units: dbar
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Sea Water Pressure at Sea floor
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: pbo
type: real
variable_entry: pso
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_pressure_at_sea_water_surface
units: dbar
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Sea Water Pressure at Sea Water Surface
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: pso
type: real
variable_entry: volo
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_volume
units: m3
cell_methods: time: mean area: sum where sea
long_name: Sea Water Volume
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: time
out_name: volo
type: real
variable_entry: zos
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_surface_height_above_geoid
units: m
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Sea Surface Height Above Geoid
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: zos
type: real
valid_min: -13.97
valid_max: 9.575
ok_min_mean_abs: 0.008384
ok_max_mean_abs: 1.572
variable_entry: zossq
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: square_of_sea_surface_height_above_geoid
units: m2
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Square of Sea Surface Height Above Geoid
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: zossq
type: real
variable_entry: zosga
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: global_average_sea_level_change
units: m
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
long_name: Global Average Sea Level Change
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: time
out_name: zosga
type: real
valid_min: -0.1426
valid_max: 0.382
ok_min_mean_abs: -0.09124
ok_max_mean_abs: 0.3304
variable_entry: zossga
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: global_average_steric_sea_level_change
units: m
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
long_name: Global Average Steric Sea Level Change
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: time
out_name: zossga
type: real
variable_entry: zostoga
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: global_average_thermosteric_sea_level_change
units: m
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
long_name: Global Average Thermosteric Sea Level Change
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: time
out_name: zostoga
type: real
valid_min: -0.1375
valid_max: 0.3734
ok_min_mean_abs: -0.0511
ok_max_mean_abs: 0.2998
variable_entry: masscello
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_mass_per_unit_area
units: kg m-2
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Sea Water Mass Per Unit Area
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: masscello
type: real
variable_entry: thkcello
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: cell_thickness
units: m
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Ocean Model Cell Thickness
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: thkcello
type: real
variable_entry: thetao
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_potential_temperature
units: K
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Sea Water Potential Temperature
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: thetao
type: real
valid_min: -9.37e+17
valid_max: 1.05e+20
ok_min_mean_abs: -9.37e+17
ok_max_mean_abs: 1.05e+20
variable_entry: thetaoga
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_potential_temperature
units: K
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
long_name: Global Average Sea Water Potential Temperature
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: time
out_name: thetaoga
type: real
variable_entry: tos
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_surface_temperature
units: K
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Sea Surface Temperature
comment: "this may differ from ""surface temperature"" in regions of sea ice."
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: tos
type: real
valid_min: 257.4
valid_max: 325.2
ok_min_mean_abs: 272
ok_max_mean_abs: 303.5
variable_entry: tossq
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: square_of_sea_surface_temperature
units: K2
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Square of Sea Surface Temperature
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: tossq
type: real
variable_entry: so
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_salinity
units: psu
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Sea Water Salinity
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: so
type: real
valid_min: -9.37e+17
valid_max: 1.05e+20
ok_min_mean_abs: -9.37e+17
ok_max_mean_abs: 1.05e+20
variable_entry: soga
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_salinity
units: psu
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
long_name: Global Mean Sea Water Salinity
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: time
out_name: soga
type: real
variable_entry: sos
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_surface_salinity
units: psu
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Sea Surface Salinity
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: sos
type: real
variable_entry: rhopoto
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_potential_density
units: kg m-3
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Sea Water Potential Density
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: rhopoto
type: real
valid_min: -3.257
valid_max: 1094
ok_min_mean_abs: 10.38
ok_max_mean_abs: 1079
variable_entry: agessc
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_age_since_surface_contact
units: yr
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Sea Water Age Since Surface Contact
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: agessc
type: real
variable_entry: cfc11
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: moles_of_cfc11_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water
units: mol kg-1
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Moles Per Unit Mass of CFC-11 in Sea Water
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: cfc11
type: real
variable_entry: msftbarot
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_barotropic_mass_streamfunction
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Ocean Barotropic Mass Streamfunction
comment: differs from CMIP3 because it includes mass.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: msftbarot
type: real
variable_entry: mlotst
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t
units: m
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: mlotst
type: real
variable_entry: mlotstsq
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: square_of_ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t
units: m2
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Square of Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: mlotstsq
type: real
variable_entry: omldamax
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_mixing_scheme
units: m
cell_methods: time: maximum within days time: mean over days
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Mean Daily Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: omldamax
type: real
variable_entry: omlmax
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_mixing_scheme
units: m
cell_methods: time: maximum
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Monthly Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: omlmax
type: real
variable_entry: uo
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_x_velocity
units: m s-1
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Sea Water X Velocity
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: uo
type: real
valid_min: -1.041e+18
valid_max: 1.05e+20
ok_min_mean_abs: -1.041e+18
ok_max_mean_abs: 1.05e+20
variable_entry: vo
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_y_velocity
units: m s-1
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Sea Water Y Velocity
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: vo
type: real
valid_min: -1.041e+18
valid_max: 1.05e+20
ok_min_mean_abs: -1.041e+18
ok_max_mean_abs: 1.05e+20
variable_entry: wmo
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: upward_ocean_mass_transport
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Upward Ocean Mass Transport
comment: differs from CMIP3, which only had upward velocity.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: wmo
type: real
variable_entry: wmosq
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: square_of_upward_ocean_mass_transport
units: kg2 s-2
cell_methods: time: mean
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Square of Upward Ocean Mass Transport
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: wmosq
type: real
variable_entry: umo
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_mass_x_transport
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Ocean Mass X Transport
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: umo
type: real
variable_entry: vmo
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_mass_y_transport
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Ocean Mass Y Transport
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: vmo
type: real
variable_entry: msftmyz
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_meridional_overturning_mass_streamfunction
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction
comment: differs from CMIP3 because it includes mass.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude olevel basin time
out_name: msftmyz
type: real
variable_entry: msftmrhoz
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_meridional_overturning_mass_streamfunction
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude rho basin time
out_name: msftmrhoz
type: real
variable_entry: msftyyz
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_y_overturning_mass_streamfunction
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude olevel basin time
out_name: msftyyz
type: real
variable_entry: msftyrhoz
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_y_overturning_mass_streamfunction
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude rho basin time
out_name: msftyrhoz
type: real
variable_entry: msftmyzba
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_meridional_overturning_mass_streamfunction_due_to_bolus_advection
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude olevel basin time
out_name: msftmyzba
type: real
variable_entry: msftmrhozba
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_meridional_overturning_mass_streamfunction_due_to_bolus_advection
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude rho basin time
out_name: msftmrhozba
type: real
variable_entry: msftyyzba
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_y_overturning_mass_streamfunction_due_to_bolus_advection
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude olevel basin time
out_name: msftyyzba
type: real
variable_entry: msftyrhozba
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_y_overturning_mass_streamfunction_due_to_bolus_advection
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude rho basin time
out_name: msftyrhozba
type: real
variable_entry: hfnorth
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: northward_ocean_heat_transport
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Northward Ocean Heat Transport
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfnorth
type: real
variable_entry: hfnorthba
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: northward_ocean_heat_transport_due_to_bolus_advection
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Bolus Advection
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfnorthba
type: real
variable_entry: hfnorthdiff
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: northward_ocean_heat_transport_due_to_diffusion
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Diffusion
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfnorthdiff
type: real
variable_entry: hfx
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_heat_x_transport
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Ocean Heat X Transport
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfx
type: real
variable_entry: hfy
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_heat_y_transport
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Ocean Heat Y Transport
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfy
type: real
variable_entry: hfyba
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_heat_y_transport_due_to_bolus_advection
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Ocean Heat Y Transport due to Bolus Advection
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfyba
type: real
variable_entry: hfydiff
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_heat_y_transport_due_to_diffusion
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Ocean Heat Y Transport due to Diffussion
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfydiff
type: real
variable_entry: hfxba
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_heat_x_transport_due_to_bolus_advection
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Ocean Heat X Transport due to Bolus Advection
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfxba
type: real
variable_entry: hfxdiff
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: ocean_heat_x_transport_due_to_diffusion
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Ocean Heat X Transport due to Diffusion
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfxdiff
type: real
variable_entry: hfbasin
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: northward_ocean_heat_transport
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Northward Ocean Heat Transport
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude basin time
out_name: hfbasin
type: real
variable_entry: hfbasinba
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: northward_ocean_heat_transport_due_to_bolus_advection
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Bolus Advection
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude basin time
out_name: hfbasinba
type: real
variable_entry: hfbasindiff
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: northward_ocean_heat_transport_due_to_diffusion
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Diffussion
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude basin time
out_name: hfbasindiff
type: real
variable_entry: htovgyre
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: northward_ocean_heat_transport_due_to_gyre
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Gyre
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude basin time
out_name: htovgyre
type: real
valid_min: -1.772e+15
valid_max: 2.691e+15
ok_min_mean_abs: 5.91e+13
ok_max_mean_abs: 2.364e+14
variable_entry: htovovrt
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: northward_ocean_heat_transport_due_to_overturning
units: W
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Overturning
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude basin time
out_name: htovovrt
type: real
valid_min: -6.263e+15
valid_max: 1.305e+16
ok_min_mean_abs: 2.039e+14
ok_max_mean_abs: 8.156e+14
variable_entry: sltovgyre
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: northward_ocean_salt_transport_due_to_gyre
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Northward Ocean Salt Transport due to Gyre
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude basin time
out_name: sltovgyre
type: real
valid_min: -5.596e+10
valid_max: 5.333e+10
ok_min_mean_abs: 1.503e+09
ok_max_mean_abs: 6.01e+09
variable_entry: sltovovrt
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: northward_ocean_salt_transport_due_to_overturning
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean longitude: mean
long_name: Northward Ocean Salt Transport due to Overturning
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: latitude basin time
out_name: sltovovrt
type: real
valid_min: -4.334e+11
valid_max: 7.307e+11
ok_min_mean_abs: 1.069e+10
ok_max_mean_abs: 4.276e+10
variable_entry: mfo
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: sea_water_transport_across_line
units: kg s-1
cell_methods: time: mean
long_name: Sea Water Transport
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: oline time
out_name: mfo
type: real
variable_entry: pr
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: rainfall_flux
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Rainfall Flux where Ice Free Ocean over Sea
comment: computed as the total mass of liquid water falling as liquid rain into the ice-free portion of the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: pr
type: real
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 0.001254
ok_min_mean_abs: 2.156e-05
ok_max_mean_abs: 3.215e-05
variable_entry: prsn
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: snowfall_flux
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Snowfall Flux where Ice Free Ocean over Sea
comment: computed as the total mass of ice directly falling as snow into the ice-free portion of the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: prsn
type: real
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 0.0002987
ok_min_mean_abs: 1.449e-06
ok_max_mean_abs: 6.11e-06
variable_entry: evs
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: water_evaporation_flux
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Water Evaporation Flux Where Ice Free Ocean over Sea
comment: computed as the total mass of water vapor evaporating from the ice-free portion of the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: evs
type: real
variable_entry: friver
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Water Flux into Sea Water From Rivers
comment: computed as the river flux of water into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: friver
type: real
variable_entry: ficeberg
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: water_flux_into_sea_water_from_icebergs
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Water Flux into Sea Water From Icebergs
comment: computed as the iceberg melt water flux into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: ficeberg
type: real
variable_entry: fsitherm
modeling_realm: ocean seaIce
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: water_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_sea_ice_thermodynamics
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Water Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics
comment: computed as the sea ice thermodynamic water flux into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: fsitherm
type: real
variable_entry: wfo
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: water_flux_into_sea_water
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Water Flux into Sea Water
comment: computed as the water flux into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell. This is the sum of the next two variables in this table.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: wfo
type: real
valid_min: -0.005411
valid_max: 0.03952
ok_min_mean_abs: 1.831e-05
ok_max_mean_abs: 6.051e-05
variable_entry: wfonocorr
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: water_flux_into_sea_water_without_flux_correction
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Water Flux into Sea Water Without Flux Correction
comment: computed as the water flux (without flux correction) into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: wfonocorr
type: real
variable_entry: wfcorr
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: water_flux_correction
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Water Flux Correction
comment: Positive flux implies correction adds water to ocean.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: wfcorr
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: vsfpr
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: virtual_salt_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_rainfall
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water due to Rainfall
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: vsfpr
type: real
variable_entry: vsfevap
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: virtual_salt_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_evaporation
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water due to Evaporation
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: vsfevap
type: real
variable_entry: vsfriver
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: virtual_salt_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water From Rivers
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: vsfriver
type: real
variable_entry: vsfsit
modeling_realm: ocean seaIce
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: virtual_salt_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_sea_ice_thermodynamics
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics
comment: This variable measures the virtual salt flux into sea water due to the melting of sea ice. It is set to zero in models which receive a real water flux.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: vsfsit
type: real
variable_entry: vsf
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: virtual_salt_flux_into_sea_water
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: vsf
type: real
variable_entry: vsfcorr
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: virtual_salt_flux_correction
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Virtual Salt Flux Correction
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: vsfcorr
type: real
variable_entry: sfdsi
modeling_realm: ocean seaIce
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: downward_sea_ice_basal_salt_flux
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Downward Sea Ice Basal Salt Flux
comment: This field is physical, and it arises since sea ice has a nonzero salt content, so it exchanges salt with the liquid ocean upon melting and freezing.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: sfdsi
type: real
variable_entry: sfriver
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: salt_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers
units: kg m-2 s-1
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Salt Flux into Sea Water from Rivers
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: sfriver
type: real
variable_entry: hfgeou
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: upward_geothermal_heat_flux_at_sea_floor
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Upward Geothermal Heat Flux at Sea Floor
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfgeou
type: real
positive: up
variable_entry: hfrainds
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: temperature_flux_due_to_rainfall_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Temperature Flux due to Rainfall Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water
comment: This is defined as ""where ice_free_sea over sea""; i.e., the total flux (considered here) entering the ice-free portion of the grid cell divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfrainds
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: hfevapds
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: temperature_flux_due_to_evaporation_expressed_as_heat_flux_out_of_sea_water
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Temperature Flux due to Evaporation Expressed as Heat Flux Out of Sea Water
comment: "This is defined as ""where ice_free_sea over sea"""
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfevapds
type: real
positive: up
variable_entry: hfrunoffds
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: temperature_flux_due_to_runoff_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Temperature Flux due to Runoff Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: hfrunoffds
type: real
variable_entry: hfsnthermds
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_snow_thermodynamics
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Snow Thermodynamics
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: hfsnthermds
type: real
variable_entry: hfsifrazil
modeling_realm: ocean seaIce
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_freezing_of_frazil_ice
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Frazil Ice Formation
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: hfsifrazil
type: real
variable_entry: hfsithermds
modeling_realm: ocean seaIce
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_sea_ice_thermodynamics
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: hfsithermds
type: real
variable_entry: hfibthermds
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_iceberg_thermodynamics
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Iceberg Thermodynamics
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: hfibthermds
type: real
variable_entry: rlds
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: surface_net_downward_longwave_flux
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Surface Net Downward Longwave Radiation
comment: "This is defined as ""where ice_free_sea over sea"""
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: rlds
type: real
positive: down
valid_min: 30.71
valid_max: 520.5
ok_min_mean_abs: 271.2
ok_max_mean_abs: 323.6
variable_entry: hfls
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: surface_downward_latent_heat_flux
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Surface Downward Latent Heat Flux
comment: "This is defined as ""where ice_free_sea over sea"""
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfls
type: real
positive: down
valid_min: -76.77
valid_max: 790.7
ok_min_mean_abs: 50.39
ok_max_mean_abs: 73.2
variable_entry: hfss
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Surface Downward Sensible Heat Flux
comment: "This is defined as ""where ice_free_sea over sea"""
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfss
type: real
positive: down
valid_min: -264.5
valid_max: 844.8
ok_min_mean_abs: 10.7
ok_max_mean_abs: 34.84
variable_entry: rsntds
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Net Downward Shortwave Radiation at Sea Water Surface
comment: This is the flux into the surface of liquid sea water only. This excludes shortwave flux absorbed by sea ice, but includes any light that passes through the ice and is absorbed by the ocean.
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: rsntds
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: rsds
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello volume: volcello
long_name: Downwelling Shortwave Radiation in Sea Water
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude olevel time
out_name: rsds
type: real
positive: down
valid_min: -0.002946
valid_max: 524.4
ok_min_mean_abs: 143.9
ok_max_mean_abs: 181.6
variable_entry: hfcorr
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: heat_flux_correction
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Heat Flux Correction
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time
out_name: hfcorr
type: real
positive: down
variable_entry: hfds
modeling_realm: ocean
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water
units: W m-2
cell_methods: time: mean area: mean where sea
cell_measures: area: areacello
long_name: Downward Heat Flux at Sea Water Surface
comment: "This is the net flux of heat entering the liquid water column through its upper surface (excluding any ""flux adjustment"") ."
! Additional variable information: