blob: 7b8bb10eae69535f10096408dd3f175fc45252ee [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import ocw.data_source.podaac_datasource as podaac
import ocw.evaluation as evaluation
import ocw.metrics as metrics
import ocw.plotter as plotter
datasetId = 'PODAAC-CCF30-01XXX'
variable = 'uwnd'
name = 'PO.DAAC_test_dataset'
OUTPUT_PLOT = "ccmp_temporal_std"
""" Step 1: Load Local NetCDF Files into OCW Dataset Objects """
print("Extracting Level4 granule %s and converting it into a OCW dataset object." % datasetId)
ccmp_dataset = podaac.extract_l4_granule(
variable=variable, dataset_id=datasetId, name=name)
print("CCMP_Dataset.values shape: (times, lats, lons) - %s \n" %
# Acessing latittudes and longitudes of netCDF file
lats = ccmp_dataset.lats
lons = ccmp_dataset.lons
""" Step 2: Build a Metric to use for Evaluation - Temporal STD for this example """
# You can build your own metrics, but OCW also ships with some common metrics
print("Setting up a Temporal STD metric to use for evaluation")
std = metrics.TemporalStdDev()
""" Step 3: Create an Evaluation Object using Datasets and our Metric """
# The Evaluation Class Signature is:
# Evaluation(reference, targets, metrics, subregions=None)
# Evaluation can take in multiple targets and metrics, so we need to convert
# our examples into Python lists. Evaluation will iterate over the lists
print("Making the Evaluation definition")
# Temporal STD Metric gets one target dataset then reference dataset
# should be None
std_evaluation = evaluation.Evaluation(None, [ccmp_dataset], [std])
print("Executing the Evaluation using the object's run() method")
""" Step 4: Make a Plot from the Evaluation.results """
# The Evaluation.results are a set of nested lists to support many different
# possible Evaluation scenarios.
# The Evaluation results docs say:
# The shape of results is (num_metrics, num_target_datasets) if no subregion
# Accessing the actual results when we have used 1 metric and 1 dataset is
# done this way:
print("Accessing the Results of the Evaluation run")
results = std_evaluation.unary_results[0][0]
print("The results are of type: %s" % type(results))
print("Generating a contour map using ocw.plotter.draw_contour_map()")
gridshape = (4, 5) # 20 Years worth of plots. 20 rows in 1 column
plot_title = "CCMP Temporal Standard Deviation"
sub_titles = range(2002, 2010, 1)
plotter.draw_contour_map(results, lats, lons, fname,
gridshape=gridshape, ptitle=plot_title,