blob: d3d68e922f7e01671511170f7c968907b8756482 [file] [log] [blame]
table_id: Table 6hrLev
modeling_realm: atmos
frequency: 6hr
cmor_version: 2.5.0 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
cf_version: 1.4 ! version of CF that output conforms to
project_id: CMIP5 ! project id
table_date: 06 January 2011 ! date this table was constructed
missing_value: 1.e20 ! value used to indicate a missing value
! in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE
! floating-point numbers (float or real)
product: output
required_global_attributes: creation_date tracking_id forcing model_id parent_experiment_id parent_experiment_rip branch_time contact institute_id ! space separated required global attribute
forcings: N/A Nat Ant GHG SD SI SA TO SO Oz LU Sl Vl SS Ds BC MD OC AA
expt_id_ok: '10- or 30-year run initialized in year XXXX' 'decadalXXXX'
expt_id_ok: 'volcano-free hindcast initialized in year XXXX' 'noVolcXXXX'
expt_id_ok: 'prediction with 2010 volcano' 'volcIn2010'
expt_id_ok: 'pre-industrial control' 'piControl'
expt_id_ok: 'historical' 'historical'
expt_id_ok: 'historical extension' 'historicalExt'
expt_id_ok: 'mid-Holocene' 'midHolocene'
expt_id_ok: 'last glacial maximum' 'lgm'
expt_id_ok: 'last millennium' 'past1000'
expt_id_ok: 'RCP4.5' 'rcp45'
expt_id_ok: 'RCP8.5' 'rcp85'
expt_id_ok: 'RCP2.6' 'rcp26'
expt_id_ok: 'RCP6' 'rcp60'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM pre-industrial control' 'esmControl'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM historical' 'esmHistorical'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM RCP8.5' 'esmrcp85'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM fixed climate 1' 'esmFixClim1'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM fixed climate 2' 'esmFixClim2'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM feedback 1' 'esmFdbk1'
expt_id_ok: 'ESM feedback 2' 'esmFdbk2'
expt_id_ok: '1 percent per year CO2' '1pctCO2'
expt_id_ok: 'abrupt 4XCO2' 'abrupt4xCO2'
expt_id_ok: 'natural-only' 'historicalNat'
expt_id_ok: 'GHG-only' 'historicalGHG'
expt_id_ok: 'AMIP' 'amip'
expt_id_ok: '2030 time-slice' 'sst2030'
expt_id_ok: 'control SST climatology' 'sstClim'
expt_id_ok: 'CO2 forcing' 'sstClim4xCO2'
expt_id_ok: 'all aerosol forcing' 'sstClimAerosol'
expt_id_ok: 'sulfate aerosol forcing' 'sstClimSulfate'
expt_id_ok: '4xCO2 AMIP' 'amip4xCO2'
expt_id_ok: 'AMIP plus patterned anomaly' 'amipFuture'
expt_id_ok: 'aqua planet control' 'aquaControl'
expt_id_ok: '4xCO2 aqua planet' 'aqua4xCO2'
expt_id_ok: 'aqua planet plus 4K anomaly' 'aqua4K'
expt_id_ok: 'AMIP plus 4K anomaly' 'amip4K'
approx_interval: 0.250000 ! approximate spacing between successive time
! samples (in units of the output time
! coordinate.
generic_levels: alevel
axis_entry: longitude
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
axis: X ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
long_name: longitude
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lon
valid_min: 0.0
valid_max: 360.0
stored_direction: increasing
type: double
must_have_bounds: yes
axis_entry: latitude
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
axis: Y ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
long_name: latitude
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lat
valid_min: -90.0
valid_max: 90.0
stored_direction: increasing
type: double
must_have_bounds: yes
axis_entry: time1
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: time
units: days since ?
axis: T ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
long_name: time
! Additional axis information:
out_name: time
stored_direction: increasing
type: double
must_have_bounds: no
axis_entry: smooth_level
! This coordinate is a hybrid height coordinate with units of meters (m).
! It increases upward.
! The values of a(k)*ztop, which appear in the formula below, should be stored as smooth_level.
! Note that in the netCDF file the variable will be named "lev", not smooth_level.
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: atmosphere_sleve_coordinate
units: m
axis: Z
positive: up
long_name: atmosphere smooth level vertical (SLEVE) coordinate
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lev
must_have_bounds: yes
stored_direction: increasing
valid_min: -200.
valid_max: 800000.
formula: z = a*ztop + b1*zsurf1 + b2*zsurf2
z_factors: a: a b1: b1 b2: b2 ztop: ztop zsurf1: zsurf1 zsurf2: zsurf2
z_bounds_factors: a: a_bnds b1: b1_bnds b2: b2_bnds ztop: ztop zsurf1: zsurf1 zsurf2: zsurf2
axis_entry: natural_log_pressure
!This coordinate is dimensionless and varies from near 0 at the surface and increases upward.
! The values of lev(k), which appears in the formula below, should be stored as natural_log_pressure.
! Note that in the netCDF file the variable will be named "lev", not natural_log_pressure.
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate
axis: Z
long_name: atmosphere natural log pressure coordinate
positive: down
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lev
must_have_bounds: yes
stored_direction: decreasing
valid_min: -1.
valid_max: 20.
formula: p = p0 * exp(-lev)
z_factors: p0: p0 lev: lev
z_bounds_factors: p0: p0 lev: lev_bnds
axis_entry: standard_sigma
! This coordinate is dimensionless and varies from 0 at the model top to 1.0 at the surface.
! The values of sigma(k), which appears in the formula below, should be stored as standard_sigma.
! Note that in the netCDF file the variable will be named "lev", not standard_sigma.
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: atmosphere_sigma_coordinate
axis: Z
positive: down
long_name: sigma coordinate
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lev
must_have_bounds: yes
stored_direction: decreasing
valid_min: 0.0
valid_max: 1.0
formula: p = ptop + sigma*(ps - ptop)
z_factors: ptop: ptop sigma: lev ps: ps
z_bounds_factors: ptop: ptop sigma: lev_bnds ps: ps
axis_entry: standard_hybrid_sigma
! This coordinate is dimensionless and varies from a small value at the model top to 1.0 at the surface.
! The values of a+ b, which appear in the formula below, should be stored as standard_hybrid_sigma.
! Note that in the netCDF file the variable will be named "lev", not standard_hybrid_sigma.
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate
units: 1
axis: Z
positive: down
long_name: hybrid sigma pressure coordinate
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lev
must_have_bounds: yes
stored_direction: decreasing
valid_min: 0.0
valid_max: 1.0
formula: p = a*p0 + b*ps
z_factors: p0: p0 a: a b: b ps: ps
z_bounds_factors: p0: p0 a: a_bnds b: b_bnds ps: ps
axis_entry: alternate_hybrid_sigma
! This coordinate is dimensionless and varies from a small value at the model top to 1.0 at the surface.
! The values of ap/p0 + b, which appear in the formula below, should be stored as alternate_hybrid_sigma.
! Note that in the netCDF file the variable will be named "lev", not alternate_hybrid_sigma.
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate
units: 1
axis: Z
positive: down
long_name: hybrid sigma pressure coordinate
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lev
must_have_bounds: yes
stored_direction: decreasing
valid_min: 0.0
valid_max: 1.0
formula: p = ap + b*ps
z_factors: ap: ap b: b ps: ps
z_bounds_factors: ap: ap_bnds b: b_bnds ps: ps
axis_entry: hybrid_height
! This coordinate has dimension of meters (m) and increases upward.
! The values of a which appear in the formula below, should be stored as hybrid_height.
! Note that in the netCDF file the variable will be named "lev", not hybrid_height.
! Axis attributes:
standard_name: atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate
units: m
axis: Z
positive: up
long_name: hybrid height coordinate
! Additional axis information:
out_name: lev
must_have_bounds: yes
stored_direction: increasing
valid_min: 0.0
formula: z = a + b*orog
z_factors: a: lev b: b orog: orog
z_bounds_factors: a: lev_bnds b: b_bnds orog: orog
! ***************************************************************
! Vertical coordinate formula terms:
! ***************************************************************
variable_entry: orog
modeling_realm: atmos
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: surface_altitude
units: m
long_name: Surface Altitude
comment: height above the geoid; as defined here, ""the geoid"" is a surface of constant geopotential that, if the ocean were at rest, would coincide with mean sea level. Under this definition, the geoid changes as the mean volume of the ocean changes (e.g., due to glacial melt, or global warming of the ocean). Report here the height above the present-day geoid. Over ocean, report as 0.0
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude
out_name: orog
type: real
valid_min: -700
valid_max: 1.00E+04
variable_entry: p0
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: reference pressure
units: Pa
variable_entry: ptop
! Variable attributes:
long_name: pressure at top of model
units: Pa
variable_entry: a
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: a(k)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: alevel
type: double
variable_entry: b
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: b(k)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: alevel
type: double
variable_entry: a_bnds
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: a(k+1/2)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: alevel
type: double
variable_entry: b_bnds
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: b(k+1/2)
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: alevel
type: double
variable_entry: ap
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: ap(k)
units: Pa
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: alevel
type: double
variable_entry: ap_bnds
! Variable attributes:
long_name: vertical coordinate formula term: ap(k+1/2)
units: Pa
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: alevel
type: double
variable_entry: ztop
! Variable attributes:
long_name: height of top of model
units: m
variable_entry: ta
modeling_realm: atmos
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: air_temperature
units: K
cell_measures: area: areacella
long_name: Air Temperature
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude alevel time1
out_name: ta
type: real
variable_entry: ua
modeling_realm: atmos
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: eastward_wind
units: m s-1
long_name: Eastward Wind
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude alevel time1
out_name: ua
type: real
variable_entry: va
modeling_realm: atmos
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: northward_wind
units: m s-1
long_name: Northward Wind
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude alevel time1
out_name: va
type: real
variable_entry: hus
modeling_realm: atmos
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: specific_humidity
units: 1
cell_measures: area: areacella
long_name: Specific Humidity
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude alevel time1
out_name: hus
type: real
variable_entry: ps
modeling_realm: atmos
! Variable attributes:
standard_name: surface_air_pressure
units: Pa
cell_measures: area: areacella
long_name: Surface Air Pressure
comment: surface pressure, not mean sea level pressure
! Additional variable information:
dimensions: longitude latitude time1
out_name: ps
type: real