blob: 33210d570d588ea56199e02ae97629194b2de782 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# running the program
import networkx as nx
from . import mccSearch
import subprocess
def main():
CEGraph = nx.DiGraph()
prunedGraph = nx.DiGraph()
MCCList = []
MCSList = []
MCSMCCNodesList = []
allMCSsList = []
allCETRMMList = []
# for GrADs'export DISPLAY=:0.0', shell=True)
mainDirStr = "/directory/to/where/to/store/outputs"
TRMMdirName = "/directory/to/the/TRMM/netCDF/files"
CEoriDirName = "/directory/to/the/MERG/netCDF/files"
# for first time working with the raw MERG zipped files
# mccSearch.preprocessingMERG("/directory/to/where/the/raw/MERG/files/are")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# create main directory and file structure for storing intel
TRMMCEdirName = mainDirStr + '/TRMMnetcdfCEs'
CEdirName = mainDirStr + '/MERGnetcdfCEs'
# for doing some postprocessing with the clipped datasets instead of running the full program, e.g.
# mccSearch.postProcessingNetCDF(3,CEoriDirName)
# mccSearch.postProcessingNetCDF(2)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# let's go!
print("\n -------------- Read MERG Data ----------")
mergImgs, timeList = mccSearch.readMergData(CEoriDirName)
print("-" * 80)
print('in main', len(mergImgs))
# print 'timeList', timeList
print('TRMMdirName ', TRMMdirName)
print("\n -------------- TESTING findCloudElements ----------")
CEGraph = mccSearch.findCloudElements(mergImgs, timeList, TRMMdirName)
# if the TRMMdirName wasnt entered for whatever reason, you can still get the TRMM data this way
# CEGraph = mccSearch.findCloudElements(mergImgs,timeList)
# allCETRMMList=mccSearch.findPrecipRate(TRMMdirName,timeList)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
print("-" * 80)
print("number of nodes in CEGraph is: ", CEGraph.number_of_nodes())
print("-" * 80)
print("\n -------------- TESTING findCloudClusters ----------")
prunedGraph = mccSearch.findCloudClusters(CEGraph)
print("-" * 80)
print("number of nodes in prunedGraph is: ", prunedGraph.number_of_nodes())
print("-" * 80)
print("\n -------------- TESTING findMCCs ----------")
MCCList, MCSList = mccSearch.findMCC(prunedGraph)
print("-" * 80)
print("MCC List has been acquired ", len(MCCList))
print("MCS List has been acquired ", len(MCSList))
print("-" * 80)
# now ready to perform various calculations/metrics
print("\n -------------- TESTING METRICS ----------")
# some calculations/metrics that work that work
# print "creating the MCC userfile ", mccSearch.createTextFile(MCCList,1)
# print "creating the MCS userfile ", mccSearch.createTextFile(MCSList,2)
# MCCTimes, tdelta = mccSearch.temporalAndAreaInfoMetric(MCCList)
# print "number of MCCs is: ", mccSearch.numberOfFeatures(MCCList)
# print "longest duration is: ", mccSearch.longestDuration(MCCTimes), "hrs"
# print "shortest duration is: ", mccSearch.shortestDuration(MCCTimes), "hrs"
# #print "Average duration is: ", mccSearch.convert_timedelta(mccSearch.averageMCCLength(MCCTimes))
# print "Average duration is: ", mccSearch.averageDuration(MCCTimes), "hrs"
# print "Average size is: ", mccSearch.averageFeatureSize(MCCList), "km^2"
# some plots that work
# mccSearch.plotAccTRMM(MCCList)
# mccSearch.plotAccuInTimeRange('2009-09-01_00:00:00', '2009-09-01_09:00:00')
# mccSearch.displaySize(MCCList)
# mccSearch.displayPrecip(MCCList)
# mccSearch.plotHistogram(MCCList)
print("-" * 80)