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RCMED - A class for retrieving data from Regional Climate Model Evalutaion Database (JPL).
More information about the RCMED Query Specification can be found below:
# Needed Python 2/3 urllib compatability
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
from urllib import urlencode
from urllib2 import urlopen
import re
import json
import numpy as np
import as ma
from datetime import datetime
import calendar
from ocw.dataset import Dataset
URL = ''
def get_parameters_metadata():
'''Get the metadata of all parameter from RCMED.
:returns: Dictionary of information for each parameter stored in one list
:rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`dict`
param_info_list = []
url = URL + "&param_info=yes"
string = urlopen(url)
data_string ='utf-8')
json_format_data = json.loads(data_string)
fields_name = json_format_data['fields_name']
data = json_format_data['data']
for row in data:
dic = {}
for name in fields_name:
dic[name] = row[fields_name.index(name)]
return param_info_list
def _make_mask_array(values, parameter_id, parameters_metadata):
'''Created masked array to deal with missing values
:param values: Numpy array of values which may contain missing values
:type values: Numpy array
:param parameter_id: Parameter's id
:type parameter_id: Integer
:param parameters_metadata: Metadata for all parameters
:type parameters_metadata: List of dictionaries
:returns: Masked array of values
:rtype: Masked array
for each in parameters_metadata:
if str(each['parameter_id']) == str(parameter_id):
missing_values = each['missingdataflag'].encode()
missing_values = float(missing_values)
values = ma.masked_array(values, mask=(values == missing_values))
return values
def _reshape_values(values, unique_values):
'''Reshape values into 4D array.
:param values: Raw values data
:type values: numpy array
:param unique_values: Tuple of unique latitudes, longitudes and times data.
:type unique_values: Tuple
:returns: Reshaped values data
:rtype: Numpy array
lats_len = len(unique_values[0])
lons_len = len(unique_values[1])
times_len = len(unique_values[2])
values = values.reshape(times_len, lats_len, lons_len)
return values
def _calculate_time(unique_times, time_step):
'''Convert each time to the datetime object.
:param unique_times: Unique time data
:type unique_times: String
:param time_step: Time step
:type time_step: String
:returns: Unique datetime objects of time data
:rtype: Numpy array
time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
unique_times = np.array(
[datetime.strptime(time.decode('utf-8'), time_format)
for time in unique_times])
# There is no need to sort time.
# This function may required still in RCMES
# unique_times.sort()
# This function should be moved to the data_process.
return unique_times
def _make_unique(lats, lons, times):
'''Find the unique values of input data.
:param lats: lats
:type lats: Numpy array
:param lons: lons
:type lons: Numpy array
:param times: times
:type times: Numpy array
:returns: Unique numpy arrays of latitudes, longitudes and times
:rtype: Tuple
unique_lats = np.unique(lats)
unique_lons = np.unique(lons)
unique_times = np.unique(times)
return (unique_lats, unique_lons, unique_times)
def _get_data(url):
'''Reterive data from database.
:param url: url to query from database
:type url: String
:returns: Latitudes, longitudes, times and values data
:rtype: (Numpy array, Numpy array, Numpy array, Numpy array)
string = urlopen(url)
data_string =
index_of_data ='data: \r\n', data_string)
data = data_string[index_of_data.end():len(data_string)]
data = data.split(b'\r\n')
lats = []
lons = []
#levels = []
values = []
times = []
# Because the last row is empty, "len(data)-1" is used.
for i in range(len(data) - 1):
row = data[i].split(b',')
# Level is not currently supported in Dataset class.
# levels.append(np.float32(row[2]))
lats = np.array(lats)
lons = np.array(lons)
times = np.array(times)
values = np.array(values)
return lats, lons, times, values
def _beginning_of_date(time, time_step):
'''Calculate the beginning of given time, based on time step.
:param time: Given time
:type time: Datetime
:param time_step: Time step (monthly or daily)
:type time_step: String
:returns: Beginning of given time
:rtype: Datetime
if time_step.lower() == 'monthly':
if != 1:
time = datetime(time.year, time.month, 1)
elif time_step.lower() == 'daily':
if time.hour != 0 or time.minute != 0 or time.second != 0:
time = datetime(time.year, time.month,, 00, 00, 00)
return time
def _end_of_date(time, time_step):
'''Calculate the end of given time, based on time step.
:param time: Given time
:type time: Datetime
:param time_step: Time step (monthly or daily)
:type time_step: String
:returns: End of given time
:rtype: Datetime
last_day_of_month = calendar.monthrange(time.year, time.month)[1]
if time_step.lower() == 'monthly':
time = datetime(time.year, time.month, last_day_of_month)
elif time_step.lower() == 'daily':
time = datetime(time.year, time.month,, 23, 59, 59)
return time
def _generate_query_url(dataset_id, parameter_id, min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, start_time, end_time, time_step):
'''Generate the url to query from database
:param dataset_id: Dataset id.
:type dataset_id: Integer
:param parameter_id: Parameter id
:type parameter_id: Integer
:param min_lat: Minimum latitude
:type min_lat: Float
:param max_lat: Maximum latitude
:type max_lat: Float
:param min_lon: Minimum longitude
:type min_lon: Float
:param max_lon: Maximum longitude
:type max_lon: Float
:param start_time: Start time
:type start_time: Datetime
:param end_time: End time
:type end_time: Datetime
:param time_step: Time step
:type time_step: String
:returns: url to query from database
:rtype: String
start_time = _beginning_of_date(start_time, time_step)
end_time = _end_of_date(end_time, time_step)
start_time = start_time.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%MZ")
end_time = end_time.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%MZ")
query = [('datasetId', dataset_id), ('parameterId', parameter_id), ('latMin', min_lat), ('latMax', max_lat),
('lonMin', min_lon), ('lonMax', max_lon), ('timeStart', start_time), ('timeEnd', end_time)]
query_url = urlencode(query)
url_request = URL + query_url
return url_request
def _get_parameter_info(parameters_metadata, parameter_id):
'''General information for given parameter id.
:param parameters_metadata: Metadata for all parameters
:type parameters_metadata: List of dictionaries
:param parameter_id: Parameter id
:type parameter_id: Integer
:returns: Database name, time step, realm, instrument, start_date, end_date and unit for given parameter
:rtype: (string, string, string, string, string, string, string)
for dic in parameters_metadata:
if int(dic['parameter_id']) == parameter_id:
database = dic['database']
time_step = dic['timestep']
realm = dic['realm']
instrument = dic['instrument']
start_date = dic['start_date']
end_date = dic['end_date']
unit = dic['units']
return (database, time_step, realm, instrument, start_date, end_date, unit)
def parameter_dataset(dataset_id, parameter_id, min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, start_time, end_time, name=''):
'''Get data from one database(parameter).
:param dataset_id: Dataset id.
:type dataset_id: :class:`int`
:param parameter_id: Parameter id
:type parameter_id: :class:`int`
:param min_lat: Minimum latitude
:type min_lat: :class:`float`
:param max_lat: Maximum latitude
:type max_lat: :class:`float`
:param min_lon: Minimum longitude
:type min_lon: :class:`float`
:param max_lon: Maximum longitude
:type max_lon: :class:`float`
:param start_time: Start time
:type start_time: :class:`datetime.datetime`
:param end_time: End time
:type end_time: :class:`datetime.datetime`
:param name: (Optional) A name for the loaded dataset.
:type name: :mod:`string`
:returns: An OCW Dataset object contained the requested data from RCMED.
:rtype: :class:`dataset.Dataset`
parameters_metadata = get_parameters_metadata()
parameter_name, time_step, _, _, _, _, parameter_units = _get_parameter_info(
parameters_metadata, parameter_id)
url = _generate_query_url(dataset_id, parameter_id, min_lat,
max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, start_time, end_time, time_step)
lats, lons, times, values = _get_data(url)
unique_lats_lons_times = _make_unique(lats, lons, times)
unique_times = _calculate_time(unique_lats_lons_times[2], time_step)
values = _reshape_values(values, unique_lats_lons_times)
values = _make_mask_array(values, parameter_id, parameters_metadata)
origin = {
'source': 'rcmed',
'dataset_id': dataset_id,
'parameter_id': parameter_id
return Dataset(unique_lats_lons_times[0],