blob: d92599b68592d5e3712afc3410304572d124cad0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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Use OCW to download and plot (time series) three local datasets against a reference dataset.
In this example:
1. Download three netCDF files from a local site.
2. Load the local files into OCW dataset objects.
3. Interface with the Regional Climate Model Evalutaion Database (
to load the CRU3.1 Daily Precipitation dataset (
4. Process each dataset to the same same shape.
a.) Restrict the datasets re: geographic and time boundaries.
b.) Convert the dataset water flux to common units.
c.) Normalize the dataset date / times to monthly.
d.) Spatially regrid each dataset.
5. Calculate the mean monthly value for each dataset.
6. Separate each dataset into 13 subregions.
7. Create a time series for each dataset in each subregion.
OCW modules demonstrated:
1. datasource/local
2. datasource/rcmed
3. dataset
4. dataset_processor
5. plotter
import sys
import datetime
from os import path
from calendar import monthrange
import ssl
import numpy as np
# Apache OCW lib immports
from ocw.dataset import Bounds
import ocw.data_source.local as local
import ocw.data_source.rcmed as rcmed
import ocw.dataset_processor as dsp
import ocw.plotter as plotter
import ocw.utils as utils
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
# Not Python 3 - today, it is most likely to be Python 2
# But note that this might need an update when Python 4
# might be around one day
from urllib import urlretrieve
if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
# File URL leader
# Three Local Model Files
FILE_1 = ''
FILE_2 = ''
FILE_3 = ''
LAT_MIN = -45.0
LAT_MAX = 42.24
LON_MIN = -24.0
LON_MAX = 60.0
START = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1)
END = datetime.datetime(2007, 12, 31)
EVAL_BOUNDS = Bounds(lat_min=LAT_MIN, lat_max=LAT_MAX,
lon_min=LON_MIN, lon_max=LON_MAX, start=START, end=END)
varName = 'pr'
gridLonStep = 0.44
gridLatStep = 0.44
# needed vars for the script
target_datasets = []
tSeries = []
results = []
labels = [] # could just as easily b the names for each subregion
region_counter = 0
# Download necessary NetCDF file if not present
if not path.exists(FILE_1):
print('Downloading %s' % (FILE_LEADER + FILE_1))
urlretrieve(FILE_LEADER + FILE_1, FILE_1)
if not path.exists(FILE_2):
print('Downloading %s' % (FILE_LEADER + FILE_2))
urlretrieve(FILE_LEADER + FILE_2, FILE_2)
if not path.exists(FILE_3):
print('Downloading %s' % (FILE_LEADER + FILE_3))
urlretrieve(FILE_LEADER + FILE_3, FILE_3)
# Step 1: Load Local NetCDF File into OCW Dataset Objects and store in list
target_datasets.append(local.load_file(FILE_1, varName, name='KNMI'))
target_datasets.append(local.load_file(FILE_2, varName, name='REGCM'))
target_datasets.append(local.load_file(FILE_3, varName, name='UCT'))
# Step 2: Fetch an OCW Dataset Object from the data_source.rcmed module
print('Working with the rcmed interface to get CRU3.1 Daily Precipitation')
# the dataset_id and the parameter id were determined from
CRU31 = rcmed.parameter_dataset(
# Step 3: Processing datasets so they are the same shape
print('Processing datasets so they are the same shape')
CRU31 = dsp.water_flux_unit_conversion(CRU31)
CRU31 = dsp.normalize_dataset_datetimes(CRU31, 'monthly')
for member, each_target_dataset in enumerate(target_datasets):
target_datasets[member] = dsp.subset(target_datasets[member], EVAL_BOUNDS)
target_datasets[member] = dsp.water_flux_unit_conversion(target_datasets[member])
target_datasets[member] = dsp.normalize_dataset_datetimes(
target_datasets[member], 'monthly')
print('... spatial regridding')
new_lats = np.arange(LAT_MIN, LAT_MAX, gridLatStep)
new_lons = np.arange(LON_MIN, LON_MAX, gridLonStep)
CRU31 = dsp.spatial_regrid(CRU31, new_lats, new_lons)
for member, each_target_dataset in enumerate(target_datasets):
target_datasets[member] =\
dsp.spatial_regrid(target_datasets[member], new_lats, new_lons)
# Find climatology monthly for obs and models.
CRU31.values, CRU31.times = utils.calc_climatology_monthly(CRU31)
# Shift the day of the month to the end of the month as matplotlib does not handle
# the xticks elegantly when the first date is the epoch and tries to determine
# the start of the xticks based on a value < 1.
for index, item in enumerate(CRU31.times):
CRU31.times[index] = \, item.month, monthrange(item.year, item.month)[1])
for member, each_target_dataset in enumerate(target_datasets):
target_datasets[member].values, target_datasets[member].times = \
# make the model ensemble
target_datasets_ensemble = dsp.ensemble(target_datasets) = 'ENS'
# append to the target_datasets for final analysis
# Step 4: Subregion stuff
list_of_regions = [
Bounds(lat_min=-10.0, lat_max=0.0, lon_min=29.0, lon_max=36.5),
Bounds(lat_min=0.0, lat_max=10.0, lon_min=29.0, lon_max=37.5),
Bounds(lat_min=10.0, lat_max=20.0, lon_min=25.0, lon_max=32.5),
Bounds(lat_min=20.0, lat_max=33.0, lon_min=25.0, lon_max=32.5),
Bounds(lat_min=-19.3, lat_max=-10.2, lon_min=12.0, lon_max=20.0),
Bounds(lat_min=15.0, lat_max=30.0, lon_min=15.0, lon_max=25.0),
Bounds(lat_min=-10.0, lat_max=10.0, lon_min=7.3, lon_max=15.0),
Bounds(lat_min=-10.9, lat_max=10.0, lon_min=5.0, lon_max=7.3),
Bounds(lat_min=33.9, lat_max=40.0, lon_min=6.9, lon_max=15.0),
Bounds(lat_min=10.0, lat_max=25.0, lon_min=0.0, lon_max=10.0),
Bounds(lat_min=10.0, lat_max=25.0, lon_min=-10.0, lon_max=0.0),
Bounds(lat_min=30.0, lat_max=40.0, lon_min=-15.0, lon_max=0.0),
Bounds(lat_min=33.0, lat_max=40.0, lon_min=25.0, lon_max=35.0)]
region_list = [['R' + str(i + 1)] for i in xrange(13)]
for regions in region_list:
firstTime = True
subset_name = regions[0] + '_CRU31'
subset = dsp.subset(CRU31, list_of_regions[region_counter], subset_name)
tSeries = utils.calc_time_series(subset)
tSeries = []
firstTime = False
for member, each_target_dataset in enumerate(target_datasets):
subset_name = regions[0] + '_' + target_datasets[member].name
subset = dsp.subset(target_datasets[member],
tSeries = utils.calc_time_series(subset)
tSeries = []
plotter.draw_time_series(np.array(results), CRU31.times, labels, regions[0],
label_month=True, ptitle=regions[0], fmt='png')
results = []
tSeries = []
labels = []
region_counter += 1