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Use OCW to plot the temperature trends over CONUS using the nClimDiv reference data.
In this example:
1. Load the local file nClimDiv/ into OCW Dataset Objects.
*** Note *** It is assume this file exists locally in a subdirectory nClimDiv located
*** Note *** The files can be downloaded from :
*** Note *** Additional information about the file content can be found here:
in the same directory as the example.
2. Load the CMIP5 simulations into a list of OCW Dataset Objects.
3. Spatially subset the observed dataset into state and regional boundaries.
4. Temporally subset the observed and model datasets.
5. Calculate and plot the temperature trend for each region.
OCW modules demonstrated:
1. datasource/local
2. dataset
3. dataset_processor
4. plotter
5. utlis
import numpy as np
import datetime
# import Apache OCW dependences
import ocw.data_source.local as local
from ocw.dataset import Bounds as Bounds
import ocw.dataset_processor as dsp
import ocw.metrics as metrics
import ocw.plotter as plotter
import ocw.utils as utils
# nClimGrid observation file
file_obs = 'nClimGrid/'
# CMIP5 simulations
model_file_path = 'CMIP5_historical'
dataset_name = ['BNU-ESM','CanESM2','CNRM-CM5','CSIRO-Mk3',
nmodel = len(dataset_name) # number of CMIP5 simulations
# temporal boundary
start_date = datetime.datetime(1979, 12, 1)
end_date = datetime.datetime(2005, 8, 31)
nyear = 26
month_start = 6 # June
month_end = 8 # August
regions = []
regions.append(['WA', 'OR', 'ID'])
regions.append(['CA', 'NV', 'AZ', 'NM', 'UT','CO'])
regions.append(['MT', 'WY', 'ND', 'SD', 'NE'])
regions.append(['KS', 'TX', 'OK'])
regions.append(['MN', 'IA', 'MO', 'WI', 'IL', 'IN', 'MI','OH'])
regions.append(['ME', 'VT', 'NH', 'MA', 'NY', 'CT', 'RI','NJ','PA','WV','DE', 'MD'])
regions.append(['KY', 'VA', 'AR','AL', 'LA','MS', 'FL', 'GA','NC','SC', 'DC','TN'])
plotter.fill_US_states_with_color(regions, 'NCA_seven_regions', colors=True,
n_region = 7 # number of regions
# CONUS regional boundaries
NW_bounds = Bounds(boundary_type='us_states',
SW_bounds = Bounds(boundary_type='us_states',
NGP_bounds = Bounds(boundary_type='us_states',
SGP_bounds = Bounds(boundary_type='us_states',
MW_bounds = Bounds(boundary_type='us_states',
NE_bounds = Bounds(boundary_type='us_states',
SE_bounds = Bounds(boundary_type='us_states',
regional_bounds = [NW_bounds, SW_bounds, NGP_bounds,
SGP_bounds, MW_bounds, NE_bounds, SE_bounds]
""" Load nClimGrid file into OCW Dataset """
obs_dataset = local.load_file(file_obs, variable_name='tave')
""" Load CMIP5 simulations into a list of OCW Datasets"""
model_dataset = local.load_multiple_files(file_path=model_file_path, variable_name='tas',
dataset_name=dataset_name, variable_unit='K')
""" Temporal subset of obs_dataset """
obs_dataset_subset = dsp.temporal_slice(obs_dataset,
start_time=start_date, end_time=end_date)
obs_dataset_season = dsp.temporal_subset(obs_dataset_subset, month_start, month_end,
""" Temporal subset of model_dataset """
model_dataset_subset = [dsp.temporal_slice(dataset,start_time=start_date, end_time=end_date)
for dataset in model_dataset]
model_dataset_season = [dsp.temporal_subset(dataset, month_start, month_end,
average_each_year=True) for dataset in model_dataset_subset]
""" Spatial subset of obs_dataset and generate time series """
obs_timeseries = np.zeros([nyear, n_region]) # region index 0-6: NW, SW, NGP, SGP, MW, NE, SE
model_timeseries = np.zeros([nmodel, nyear, n_region])
for iregion in np.arange(n_region):
obs_timeseries[:, iregion] = utils.calc_time_series(
dsp.subset(obs_dataset_season, regional_bounds[iregion]))
for imodel in np.arange(nmodel):
model_timeseries[imodel, :, iregion] = utils.calc_time_series(
dsp.subset(model_dataset_season[imodel], regional_bounds[iregion]))
year = np.arange(nyear)
regional_trends_obs = np.zeros(n_region)
regional_trends_obs_error = np.zeros(n_region)
regional_trends_model = np.zeros([nmodel, n_region])
regional_trends_model_error = np.zeros([nmodel, n_region])
regional_trends_ens = np.zeros(n_region)
regional_trends_ens_error = np.zeros(n_region)
for iregion in np.arange(n_region):
regional_trends_obs[iregion], regional_trends_obs_error[iregion] = utils.calculate_temporal_trend_of_time_series(
year, obs_timeseries[:,iregion])
for imodel in np.arange(nmodel):
regional_trends_model[imodel, iregion], regional_trends_model_error[iregion] = utils.calculate_temporal_trend_of_time_series(
year, model_timeseries[imodel, :, iregion])
regional_trends_ens[iregion], regional_trends_ens_error[iregion] = utils.calculate_ensemble_temporal_trends(
model_timeseries[:, :, iregion])
""" Generate plots """
plotter.fill_US_states_with_color(regions, 'nClimGrid_tave_trends_JJA_1980-2005',
region_names=['%.3f' %(10*i) for i in regional_trends_obs])
plotter.fill_US_states_with_color(regions, 'CMIP5_ENS_tave_trends_JJA_1980-2005',
region_names=['%.3f' %(10*i) for i in regional_trends_ens])
bias_ens = regional_trends_ens - regional_trends_obs
plotter.fill_US_states_with_color(regions, 'CMIP5_ENS_tave_trends_bias_from_nClimGrid_JJA_1980-2005',
region_names=['%.3f' %(10*i) for i in bias_ens])
obs_data = np.vstack([regional_trends_obs, regional_trends_obs_error])
ens_data = np.vstack([regional_trends_ens, regional_trends_ens_error])
plotter.draw_plot_to_compare_trends(obs_data, ens_data, regional_trends_model,
xlabel='NCA regions', ylabel='tas trend [K/year]')