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package org.apache.clerezza.rdf.scala.utils
import org.junit._
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core._
import impl._
import Preamble._
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.ontologies._
* @author bblfish, reto
class EzMGraphTest {
val bblfishModulus = """
9D ☮ 79 ☮ BF ☮ E2 ☮ F4 ☮ 98 ☮ BC ☮ 79 ☮ 6D ☮ AB ☮ 73 ☮ E2 ☮ 8B ☮ 39 ☮ 4D ☮ B5 26 ✜ 68 ✜ 49 ✜ EE ✜ 71 ✜ 87 ✜
06 ✜ 32 ✜ C9 ✜ 9F ✜ 3F ✜ 94 ✜ E5 ✜ CB ✜ 4D ✜ B5 12 ☮ 35 ☮ 13 ☮ 69 ☮ 60 ☮ 81 ☮ 58 ☮ 79 ☮ 66 ☮ F3 ☮ 79 ☮ 20 ☮
91 ☮ 6A ☮ 3F ☮ 42 5A ✜ F6 ✜ 54 ✜ 42 ✜ 88 ✜ B2 ✜ E9 ✜ 19 ✜ 4A ✜ 79 ✜ 87 ✜ 2E ✜ 62 ✜ 44 ✜ 2D ✜ 7C 06 ☽ 78 ☽ F8
☽ FD ☽ 52 ☽ 92 ☽ 6D ☽ CD ☽ D6 ☽ F3 ☽ 28 ☽ 6B ☽ 1F ☽ DB ☽ CB ☽ D3 F2 ☮ 08 ☮ 34 ☮ 72 ☮ A2 ☮ 12 ☮ 75 ☮ AE ☮ D1
☮ 09 ☮ 17 ☮ D0 ☮ 88 ☮ 4C ☮ 04 ☮ 8E 04 ☾ E5 ☾ BF ☾ D1 ☾ 41 ☾ 64 ☾ D1 ☾ F7 ☾ 89 ☾ 6D ☾ 8B ☾ B2 ☾ F2 ☾ 46 ☾ C0
☾ 56 87 ☮ 8D ☮ B8 ☮ 7C ☮ C6 ☮ FE ☮ E9 ☮ 61 ☮ 88 ☮ 08 ☮ 61 ☮ DD ☮ E3 ☮ B8 ☮ B5 ☮ 47 ♥
/**import some references in order to reduce dependencies */
final val hex: UriRef = new UriRef("")
final val identity: UriRef = new UriRef("")
final val RSAPublicKey: UriRef = new UriRef("")
final val modulus: UriRef = new UriRef("")
final val public_exponent: UriRef = new UriRef("")
val henryUri: String = ""
val retoUri: String = ""
val danbriUri: String = ""
private val tinyGraph: Graph = {
val gr = new SimpleMGraph
val reto = new BNode()
val danny = new BNode()
val henry = new UriRef(henryUri)
gr.add(new TripleImpl(reto, RDF.`type`, FOAF.Person))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(reto,, new PlainLiteralImpl("Reto Bachman-Gmür", new Language("rm"))))
//it is difficult to remember that one needs to put a string literal if one does not want to specify a language
gr.add(new TripleImpl(reto, FOAF.title, new TypedLiteralImpl("Mr", XSD.string)))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(reto, FOAF.currentProject, new UriRef("")))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(reto, FOAF.knows, henry))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(reto, FOAF.knows, danny))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(danny,, new PlainLiteralImpl("Danny Ayers", new Language("en"))))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(danny, RDF.`type`, FOAF.Person))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(danny, FOAF.knows, henry))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(danny, FOAF.knows, reto))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(henry,, new TypedLiteralImpl("Henry Story", XSD.string))) //It is tricky to remember that one needs this for pure strings
gr.add(new TripleImpl(henry, FOAF.currentProject, new UriRef("")))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(henry, RDF.`type`, FOAF.Person))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(henry, FOAF.knows, danny))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(henry, FOAF.knows, reto))
val pk = new BNode()
gr.add(new TripleImpl(pk, RDF.`type`, RSAPublicKey))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(pk, identity, henry))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(pk, modulus, LiteralFactory.getInstance().createTypedLiteral(65537)))
gr.add(new TripleImpl(pk, public_exponent, new TypedLiteralImpl(bblfishModulus, hex)))
def singleTriple {
val expected = {
val s = new SimpleMGraph
s.add(new TripleImpl(henryUri.uri, FOAF.knows, retoUri.uri))
val ez = new EzMGraph() {
henryUri.uri -- FOAF.knows --> retoUri.uri
Assert.assertEquals("The two graphs should be equals", expected, ez.getGraph)
def inverseTriple {
val expected = {
val s = new SimpleMGraph
s.add(new TripleImpl(retoUri.uri, FOAF.knows, henryUri.uri))
val ez = new EzMGraph() {
henryUri.uri <-- FOAF.knows -- retoUri.uri
Assert.assertEquals("The two graphs should be equals", expected, ez.getGraph)
def usingAsciiArrows {
val ez = new EzMGraph() {(
b_("reto").a(FOAF.Person) -- --> "Reto Bachman-Gmür".lang("rm")
-- FOAF.title --> "Mr"
-- FOAF.currentProject --> "".uri
-- FOAF.knows --> (
-- --> "Henry Story"
-- FOAF.currentProject --> "".uri
-- FOAF.knows -->> List(b_("reto"), b_("danny"))
//one need to list properties before inverse properties, or use brackets
<-- identity -- (
bnode.a(RSAPublicKey) //. notation because of precedence of operators
-- modulus --> 65537
-- public_exponent --> (bblfishModulus^^hex) // brackets needed due to precedence
-- FOAF.knows --> (
-- --> "Danny Ayers".lang("en")
-- FOAF.knows --> "".uri //knows
-- FOAF.knows --> b_("reto")
Assert.assertEquals("the two graphs should be of same size",tinyGraph.size,ez.size)
Assert.assertEquals("Both graphs should contain exactly the same triples",tinyGraph,ez.getGraph)
//We can add triples by creating a new anonymous instance
new EzMGraph(ez) {(
"".uri -- --> "William"
-- --> "Bill"
Assert.assertEquals("the triple colletion has grown by one",tinyGraph.size()+2,ez.size)
//or by just importing it
import ez._
ez.b_("danny") -- --> "George"
Assert.assertEquals("the triple colletion has grown by one",tinyGraph.size()+3,ez.size)