blob: 95f6aab13983bf895ed80257084464e6e1db1efe [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.clerezza.rdf.scala.utils
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.ontologies.RDF
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.utils.GraphNode
import java.util.Iterator
import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import _root_.scala.reflect.Manifest
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.impl.SimpleMGraph
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.{TripleCollection, UriRef, Resource, Literal, TypedLiteral, LiteralFactory, NonLiteral, BNode}
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.utils.UnionMGraph
* A RichGraphNode decorates A GraphNode with additional method to be part on a DSL-style scala library.
* The default constructor is same a the GraphNode constructor, i.e. it takes the node and its context
* Triple-collection
* @param resource the node represented by this RichGraphNode
* @param graph the TripleCollection that describes the resource
class RichGraphNode(resource: Resource, graph: TripleCollection ) extends GraphNode(resource, graph) {
* Construct a RichGraphNode given an existing [[GraphNde]]
* @param node The GraphNode to be wrapped
def this(node: GraphNode) = this(node.getNode, node.getGraph)
* Operator syntax shortcut to get all objects as <code>RichGraphNode</code>
* @return all objects of the specified property of the node wrapped by this object
def /(property: UriRef): CollectedIter[RichGraphNode] = {
new CollectedIter[RichGraphNode](() => new GraphNodeIter(getObjects(property)), readLock)
* Operator syntax shortcut to get all subjects as <code>RichGraphNode</code>ref
* @param property the property for which the subjects pointing to this node by that property are requested
* @return the matching resources
def /-(property: UriRef): CollectedIter[RichGraphNode] = {
new CollectedIter[RichGraphNode](() => new GraphNodeIter(getSubjects(property)), readLock)
* Get the elements of the rdf:List represented by this node
* @return a List with the elements of the rdf:List represented by this node
def !! = (for (listElem <- asList) yield {
new RichGraphNode(new GraphNode(listElem, getGraph))
* get a specified of the rdf:List represented by this node
* @return the specified index value
def %!!(index: Int) = new RichGraphNode(new GraphNode(asList.get(index),
* produces a default String representation for the node, this is the lexical form of literals,
* the unicode-string for UriRef and for BNodes the value returned by toString
* @return the default string representation of the node
def * : String = {
getNode() match {
case lit: Literal => lit.getLexicalForm
case uri: UriRef => uri.getUnicodeString
case wrappedNode => wrappedNode.toString
private def asClass[T](clazz : Class[T]) : T= {
val typedLiteral = getNode().asInstanceOf[TypedLiteral]
clazz match {
case c if(c == classOf[Boolean]) => LiteralFactory.getInstance().createObject(
classOf[java.lang.Boolean], typedLiteral).booleanValue.asInstanceOf[T]
case _ => LiteralFactory.getInstance().createObject(clazz, typedLiteral)
* Creates an instance of specified Class-Type representing the value of the literal wrapped by this
* <code>GraphNode</code>
* @return the literal represented by this node as instance of the specified type
def as[T](implicit m: Manifest[T]): T = {
* Operator syntax shortcut to get the <code>Resource</code> wrapped by this
* <code>GraphNode</code>
* @return the node represented by this GraphNode as Resource, same as <code>getNode</code>
def ! = {
private class GraphNodeIter[T <: Resource](base: Iterator[T]) extends Iterator[RichGraphNode] {
override def hasNext() = {
override def next() : RichGraphNode = {
new RichGraphNode(new GraphNode(, getGraph));
override def remove() {
*Sets the RDF:type of the subject */
def a(rdfclass: UriRef): RichGraphNode = {
addProperty(RDF.`type`, rdfclass)
return this
* create an RichGraphNode from this one where the backing graph is protected from writes by a new
* SimpleGraph.
def protect(): RichGraphNode = new RichGraphNode(getNode, new UnionMGraph(new SimpleMGraph(), graph))
* relate the subject via the given relation to....
def --(rel: Resource): DashTuple = new DashTuple(rel)
def --(rel: RichGraphNode): DashTuple = new DashTuple(rel.getNode)
* relate the subject via the inverse of the given relation to....
def <--(tuple: RichGraphNode#DashTuple): RichGraphNode = {
val inversePropertyRes = tuple.first.getNode
val inverseProperty: UriRef = inversePropertyRes match {
case p: UriRef => p
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("DashTuple must be a UriRef")
RichGraphNode.this.addInverseProperty(inverseProperty, tuple.second)
/** class for Inverse relations with the current RichGraphNode.ref as object */
//TODO add support for adding many for symmetry reasons
// class InverseDashTuple(rel: DashTuple) {
// /**
// * the following non literal
// */
// def --(subj: NonLiteral): RichGraphNode = {
// RichGraphNode.this.addInverseProperty(rel, subj)
// RichGraphNode.this
// }
// /**
// * the following resource (given as a string)
// */
// def --(subj: String): RichGraphNode = --(new UriRef(subj))
// /**
// * the following EzGraphNode
// * (useful for opening a new parenthesis and specifying other things in more detail
// */
// def --(subj: GraphNode): RichGraphNode = {
// --(subj.getNode.asInstanceOf[NonLiteral])
// }
// // since we can only have inverses from non literals (howto deal with bndoes?)
// }
* class for relations with the current RichGraphNode.ref as subject
class DashTuple(val second: Resource) {
val first = RichGraphNode.this
* the following non resource
def -->(obj: Resource): RichGraphNode = {
val property = second match {
case u: UriRef => u;
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Property must be a UriRef")
RichGraphNode.this.addProperty(property, obj)
* the EzGraphNode, which is useful for opening a parenthesis.
def -->(sub: GraphNode): RichGraphNode = {
//RichGraphNode.this + sub
* Add one relation for each member of the iterable collection
def -->>[T <: Resource](uris: Iterable[T]): RichGraphNode = {
for (u <- uris) -->(u)