blob: 9fc88414d39e5d3452da23c15fad6eb4fedb3484 [file] [log] [blame]
"type": "record",
"name": "ChukwaChunk",
"doc": "Chukwa Adaptors emit data in Chunks. A Chunk is a sequence of bytes, with some metadata. Several of these are set automatically by the Agent or Adaptors. Two of them require user intervention: cluster name and datatype. Cluster name is specified in conf/chukwa-agent-conf.xml, and is global to each Agent process. Datatype describes the expected format of the data collected by an Adaptor instance, and it is specified when that instance is started. ",
"namespace": "org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.datacollection.writer.gora",
"fields" : [
{"name": "source", "type": ["null","string"], "default":null},
{"name": "tags", "type": ["null","string"], "default":null},
{"name": "datatype", "type": ["null","string"], "default":null},
{"name": "sequenceID", "type": ["null","long"], "default":null},
{"name": "name", "type": ["null","string"], "default":null},
{"name": "data", "type": ["null","bytes"], "default":null}