blob: 36dcffa5397f10009b608ebbd136efc61be73942 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Original code inspired by work from David Lebernight
* see:
* email as requested in original source has been sent,
* to, but address is invalid (2012-02-07)
package org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.inmemory.content.fractal;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.imageio.IIOImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam;
import javax.imageio.ImageWriter;
import javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriteParam;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class FractalGenerator {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FractalGenerator.class);
private static final int ZOOM_STEPS_PER_BATCH = 10;
private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS = 33;
private static final ComplexRectangle INITIAL_RECT = new ComplexRectangle(-2.1, 1.1, -1.3, 1.3);
private static final ComplexRectangle INITIAL_JULIA_RECT = new ComplexRectangle(-2.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0);
private static final int INITIAL_ITERATIONS = 33;
// Color:
private Map<String, int[]> colorTable;
private static final String COLORS_BLACK_AND_WHITE = "black & white";
private static final String COLORS_BLUE_ICE = "blue ice";
private static final String COLORS_FUNKY = "funky";
private static final String COLORS_PASTEL = "pastel";
private static final String COLORS_PSYCHEDELIC = "psychedelic";
private static final String COLORS_PURPLE_HAZE = "purple haze";
private static final String COLORS_RADICAL = "radical";
private static final String COLORS_RAINBOW = "rainbow";
private static final String COLORS_RAINBOWS = "rainbows";
private static final String COLORS_SCINTILLATION = "scintillation";
private static final String COLORS_WARPED = "warped";
private static final String COLORS_WILD = "wild";
private static final String COLORS_ZEBRA = "zebra";
private static final String[] colorSchemes = { COLORS_BLACK_AND_WHITE, COLORS_BLUE_ICE, COLORS_FUNKY,
private static final int IMAGE_HEIGHT = 512; // default
private static final int IMAGE_WIDTH = 512; // default
private static final int NUM_COLORS = 512; // colors per colormap
private FractalCalculator calculator;
private int previousIterations = 1;
private int maxIterations;
private String color;
private int newRowTile, newColTile;
private int parts = 16;
private int stepInBatch = 0;
private ComplexRectangle rect;
private ComplexPoint juliaPoint;
public FractalGenerator() {
private void reset() {
rect = new ComplexRectangle(-1.6, -1.2, -0.1, 0.1);
juliaPoint = null; // new ComplexPoint();
SecureRandom ran = new SecureRandom();
color = colorSchemes[ran.nextInt(colorSchemes.length)];
parts = ran.nextInt(13) + 3;
LOG.debug("Parts: " + parts);
LOG.debug("Original rect " + ": (" + rect.getRMin() + "r," + rect.getRMax() + "r, " + rect.getIMin() + "i, "
+ rect.getIMax() + "i)");
public ByteArrayOutputStream generateFractal() throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null;
if (stepInBatch == ZOOM_STEPS_PER_BATCH) {
stepInBatch = 0;
LOG.debug("Generating rect no " + stepInBatch + ": (" + rect.getRMin() + "r," + rect.getRMax() + "r, "
+ rect.getIMin() + "i, " + rect.getIMax() + "i)");
LOG.debug(" width: " + rect.getWidth() + " height: " + rect.getHeight());
bos = genFractal(rect, juliaPoint);
double r1New = rect.getWidth() * newColTile / parts + rect.getRMin();
double r2New = rect.getWidth() * (newColTile + 1) / parts + rect.getRMin();
double i1New = rect.getIMax() - (rect.getHeight() * newRowTile / parts);
double i2New = rect.getIMax() - (rect.getHeight() * (newRowTile + 1) / parts);
rect.set(r1New, r2New, i1New, i2New);
LOG.debug("Done generating fractals.");
return bos;
private void randomizeRect(ComplexRectangle rect) {
double jitterFactor = 0.15; // +/- 15%
double ran = Math.random() * jitterFactor + (1.0 - jitterFactor);
double width = rect.getWidth() * ran;
ran = Math.random() * jitterFactor + (1.0 - jitterFactor);
double height = rect.getHeight() * ran;
ran = Math.random() * jitterFactor + (1.0 - jitterFactor);
double r1 = (rect.getWidth() - width) * ran + rect.getRMin();
ran = Math.random() * jitterFactor + (1.0 - jitterFactor);
double i1 = (rect.getHeight() - height) * ran + rect.getIMin();
rect.set(r1, r1 + width, i1, i1 + height);
* Creates a fractal image as JPEG in memory and return it.
* @param rect
* rectangle of mandelbrot or julia set
* @param juliaPoint
* point in Julia set or null
* @return byte array with JPEG stream
public ByteArrayOutputStream genFractal(ComplexRectangle rect, ComplexPoint juliaPoint) throws IOException {
boolean isJulia = null != juliaPoint;
maxIterations = maybeGuessMaxIterations(maxIterations, rect, isJulia);
LOG.debug("using " + maxIterations + " iterations.");
calculator = new FractalCalculator(rect, maxIterations, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, getCurrentColorMap(),
int[][] iterations = calculator.calcFractal();
BufferedImage image = calculator.mapItersToColors(iterations);
findNewRect(image, iterations);
// create image in memory
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(200 * 1024);
ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(bos);
Iterator<ImageWriter> writers = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("jpg");
ImageWriter imageWriter =;
JPEGImageWriteParam params = new JPEGImageWriteParam(Locale.getDefault());
imageWriter.write(null, new IIOImage(image, null, null), params);
return bos;
protected int[] getCurrentColorMap() {
return colorTable.get(getColor());
protected String getColor() {
return color;
protected void expandRectToFitImage(ComplexRectangle complexRect) {
// The complex rectangle must be scaled to fit the pixel image view.
// Method: compare the width/height ratios of the two rectangles.
double imageWHRatio = 1.0;
double complexWHRatio = 1.0;
double iMin = complexRect.getIMin();
double iMax = complexRect.getIMax();
double rMin = complexRect.getRMin();
double rMax = complexRect.getRMax();
double complexWidth = rMax - rMin;
double complexHeight = iMax - iMin;
if ((IMAGE_WIDTH > 0) && (IMAGE_HEIGHT > 0)) {
imageWHRatio = ((double) IMAGE_WIDTH / (double) IMAGE_HEIGHT);
if ((complexWidth > 0) && (complexHeight > 0)) {
complexWHRatio = complexWidth / complexHeight;
} else {
if (, complexWHRatio) == 0) {
if (imageWHRatio < complexWHRatio) {
// Expand vertically
double newHeight = complexWidth / imageWHRatio;
double heightDifference = Math.abs(newHeight - complexHeight);
iMin = iMin - heightDifference / 2;
iMax = iMax + heightDifference / 2;
} else {
// Expand horizontally
double newWidth = complexHeight * imageWHRatio;
double widthDifference = Math.abs(newWidth - complexWidth);
rMin = rMin - widthDifference / 2;
rMax = rMax + widthDifference / 2;
complexRect.set(rMin, rMax, iMin, iMax);
private int guessNewMaxIterations(ComplexRectangle cr, boolean isJulia) {
// The higher the zoom factor, the more iterations that are needed to
// see
// the detail. Guess at a number to produce a cool looking fractal:
double zoom = INITIAL_RECT.getWidth() / cr.getWidth();
if (zoom < 1.0) {
zoom = 1.0; // forces logZoom >= 0
double logZoom = Math.log(zoom);
double magnitude = (logZoom / 2.3) - 2.0; // just a guess.
if (magnitude < 1.0) {
magnitude = 1.0;
double iterations = INITIAL_ITERATIONS * (magnitude * logZoom + 1.0);
if (isJulia) {
iterations *= 2.0; // Julia sets tend to need more iterations.
return (int) iterations;
private int maybeGuessMaxIterations(int maxIterations, ComplexRectangle cr, boolean isJulia) {
// If the user did not change the number of iterations, make a guess...
if (previousIterations == maxIterations) {
maxIterations = guessNewMaxIterations(cr, isJulia);
previousIterations = maxIterations;
return maxIterations;
private boolean detectDeepZoom(ComplexRectangle cr) {
// "Deep Zoom" occurs when the precision provided by the Java type
// double
// runs out of resolution. The use of BigDecimal is required to fix
// this.
double deltaDiv2 = cr.getWidth() / ((IMAGE_WIDTH) * 2.0);
String min = "" + (cr.getRMin());
String minPlus = "" + (cr.getRMin() + deltaDiv2);
if (Double.valueOf(min).doubleValue() == Double.valueOf(minPlus).doubleValue()) {
LOG.warn("Deep Zoom... Drawing resolution will be degraded ;-(");
return true;
return false;
private void initializeColors() {
colorTable = new HashMap<String, int[]>();
int red = 255;
int green = 255;
int blue = 255;
float hue = (float) 1.0;
float saturation = (float) 1.0;
float brightness = (float) 1.0;
int[] colorMap = new int[NUM_COLORS];
for (int colorNum = NUM_COLORS - 1; colorNum >= 0; colorNum--) {
colorMap[colorNum] = Color.white.getRGB();
colorTable.put(COLORS_BLACK_AND_WHITE, colorMap);
blue = 255;
colorMap = new int[NUM_COLORS];
for (int colorNum = NUM_COLORS - 1; colorNum >= 0; colorNum--) {
red = (int) ((255 * (float) colorNum / NUM_COLORS)) % 255;
green = (int) ((255 * (float) colorNum / NUM_COLORS)) % 255;
colorMap[colorNum] = new Color(red, green, blue).getRGB();
colorTable.put(COLORS_BLUE_ICE, colorMap);
colorMap = new int[NUM_COLORS];
for (int colorNum = NUM_COLORS - 1; colorNum >= 0; colorNum--) {
red = (int) ((1024 * (float) colorNum / NUM_COLORS)) % 255;
green = (int) ((512 * (float) colorNum / NUM_COLORS)) % 255;
blue = (int) ((256 * (float) colorNum / NUM_COLORS)) % 255;
colorMap[NUM_COLORS - colorNum - 1] = new Color(red, green, blue).getRGB();
colorTable.put(COLORS_FUNKY, colorMap);
brightness = (float) 1.0;
colorMap = new int[NUM_COLORS];
for (int colorNum = 0; colorNum < NUM_COLORS; colorNum++) {
hue = ((float) (colorNum * 4) / (float) NUM_COLORS) % NUM_COLORS;
saturation = ((float) (colorNum * 2) / (float) NUM_COLORS) % NUM_COLORS;
colorMap[colorNum] = Color.HSBtoRGB(hue, saturation, brightness);
colorTable.put(COLORS_PASTEL, colorMap);
saturation = (float) 1.0;
colorMap = new int[NUM_COLORS];
for (int colorNum = 0; colorNum < NUM_COLORS; colorNum++) {
hue = ((float) (colorNum * 5) / (float) NUM_COLORS) % NUM_COLORS;
brightness = ((float) (colorNum * 20) / (float) NUM_COLORS) % NUM_COLORS;
colorMap[colorNum] = Color.HSBtoRGB(hue, saturation, brightness);
colorTable.put(COLORS_PSYCHEDELIC, colorMap);
red = 255;
blue = 255;
colorMap = new int[NUM_COLORS];
for (int colorNum = NUM_COLORS - 1; colorNum >= 0; colorNum--) {
green = (int) ((255 * (float) colorNum / NUM_COLORS)) % 255;
colorMap[NUM_COLORS - colorNum - 1] = new Color(red, green, blue).getRGB();
colorTable.put(COLORS_PURPLE_HAZE, colorMap);
saturation = (float) 1.0;
colorMap = new int[NUM_COLORS];
for (int colorNum = 0; colorNum < NUM_COLORS; colorNum++) {
hue = ((float) (colorNum * 7) / (float) NUM_COLORS) % NUM_COLORS;
brightness = ((float) (colorNum * 49) / (float) NUM_COLORS) % NUM_COLORS;
colorMap[colorNum] = Color.HSBtoRGB(hue, saturation, brightness);
colorTable.put(COLORS_RADICAL, colorMap);
saturation = (float) 1.0;
brightness = (float) 1.0;
colorMap = new int[NUM_COLORS];
for (int colorNum = 0; colorNum < NUM_COLORS; colorNum++) {
hue = (float) colorNum / (float) NUM_COLORS;
colorMap[colorNum] = Color.HSBtoRGB(hue, saturation, brightness);
colorTable.put(COLORS_RAINBOW, colorMap);
saturation = (float) 1.0;
brightness = (float) 1.0;
colorMap = new int[NUM_COLORS];
for (int colorNum = 0; colorNum < NUM_COLORS; colorNum++) {
hue = ((float) (colorNum * 5) / (float) NUM_COLORS) % NUM_COLORS;
colorMap[colorNum] = Color.HSBtoRGB(hue, saturation, brightness);
colorTable.put(COLORS_RAINBOWS, colorMap);
brightness = (float) 1.0;
saturation = (float) 1.0;
colorMap = new int[NUM_COLORS];
for (int colorNum = 0; colorNum < NUM_COLORS; colorNum++) {
hue = ((float) (colorNum * 2) / (float) NUM_COLORS) % NUM_COLORS;
brightness = ((float) (colorNum * 5) / (float) NUM_COLORS) % NUM_COLORS;
colorMap[colorNum] = Color.HSBtoRGB(hue, saturation, brightness);
colorTable.put(COLORS_SCINTILLATION, colorMap);
colorMap = new int[NUM_COLORS];
for (int colorNum = NUM_COLORS - 1; colorNum >= 0; colorNum--) {
red = (int) ((1024 * (float) colorNum / NUM_COLORS)) % 255;
green = (int) ((256 * (float) colorNum / NUM_COLORS)) % 255;
blue = (int) ((512 * (float) colorNum / NUM_COLORS)) % 255;
colorMap[NUM_COLORS - colorNum - 1] = new Color(red, green, blue).getRGB();
colorTable.put(COLORS_WARPED, colorMap);
colorMap = new int[NUM_COLORS];
for (int colorNum = 0; colorNum < NUM_COLORS; colorNum++) {
hue = ((float) (colorNum * 1) / (float) NUM_COLORS) % NUM_COLORS;
saturation = ((float) (colorNum * 2) / (float) NUM_COLORS) % NUM_COLORS;
brightness = ((float) (colorNum * 4) / (float) NUM_COLORS) % NUM_COLORS;
colorMap[colorNum] = Color.HSBtoRGB(hue, saturation, brightness);
colorTable.put(COLORS_WILD, colorMap);
colorMap = new int[NUM_COLORS];
for (int colorNum = 0; colorNum < NUM_COLORS; colorNum++) {
if (colorNum % 2 == 0) {
colorMap[colorNum] = Color.white.getRGB();
} else {
colorMap[colorNum] =;
colorTable.put(COLORS_ZEBRA, colorMap);
private void findNewRect(BufferedImage image, int[][] iterations) {
int newWidth = image.getWidth() / parts;
int newHeight = image.getHeight() / parts;
int i = 0, j = 0;
int noTiles = (image.getWidth() / newWidth) * (image.getHeight() / newHeight); // equals
// parts
// but
// be
// aware
// of
// rounding
// errors!
double[] stdDev = new double[noTiles];
for (int y = 0; y + newHeight <= image.getHeight(); y += newHeight) {
for (int x = 0; x + newWidth <= image.getWidth(); x += newWidth) {
Rectangle subRect = new Rectangle(x, y, newWidth, newHeight);
stdDev[i * parts + j] = calcStdDev(iterations, subRect);
j = 0;
// find tile with greatest std deviation:
double max = 0;
int index = 0;
for (i = 0; i < noTiles; i++) {
if (stdDev[i] > max) {
index = i;
max = stdDev[i];
newRowTile = index / parts;
newColTile = index % parts;
private double calcStdDev(int[][] iterations, Rectangle rect) {
int sum = 0;
long sumSquare = 0;
for (int x = rect.x; x < rect.x + rect.width; x += 1) {
for (int y = rect.y; y < rect.y + rect.height; y += 1) {
int iters = iterations[x][y];
sum += iters;
sumSquare += iters * iters;
int count = rect.width * rect.height;
double mean = 0.0;
mean = (double) sum / count;
return Math.sqrt(sumSquare / (count - (mean * mean)));