blob: 4ce201d4f241671c95f6f2c7db744a50eec8c0da [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.atompub;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.BindingSession;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.atompub.objects.AtomAllowableActions;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.atompub.objects.AtomElement;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.atompub.objects.AtomEntry;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.atompub.objects.AtomFeed;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.atompub.objects.AtomLink;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.http.HttpUtils;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.PropertyIds;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.IncludeRelationships;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.UnfileObject;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.VersioningState;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConnectionException;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConstraintException;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisInvalidArgumentException;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisNotSupportedException;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisObjectNotFoundException;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.Constants;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.MimeHelper;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.ReturnVersion;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.UrlBuilder;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.ContentStreamImpl;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.FailedToDeleteDataImpl;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.ObjectDataImpl;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.spi.Holder;
import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.spi.ObjectService;
* Object Service AtomPub client.
public class ObjectServiceImpl extends AbstractAtomPubService implements ObjectService {
* Constructor.
public ObjectServiceImpl(BindingSession session) {
public String createDocument(String repositoryId, Properties properties, String folderId,
ContentStream contentStream, VersioningState versioningState, List<String> policies, Acl addAces,
Acl removeAces, ExtensionsData extension) {
// find the link
String link = null;
if (folderId == null) {
// Creation of unfiled objects via AtomPub is not defined in the
// CMIS 1.0 specification. This implementation follow the CMIS 1.1
// draft and POSTs the document to the Unfiled collection.
link = loadCollection(repositoryId, Constants.COLLECTION_UNFILED);
if (link == null) {
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository or unfiling not supported!");
} else {
link = loadLink(repositoryId, folderId, Constants.REL_DOWN, Constants.MEDIATYPE_CHILDREN);
if (link == null) {
throwLinkException(repositoryId, folderId, Constants.REL_DOWN, Constants.MEDIATYPE_CHILDREN);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_VERSIONIG_STATE, versioningState);
// set up object and writer
ObjectDataImpl object = new ObjectDataImpl();
// object.setPolicyIds(convertPolicyIds(policies));
String mediaType = null;
InputStream stream = null;
if (contentStream != null) {
mediaType = contentStream.getMimeType();
stream = contentStream.getStream();
final AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(object, mediaType, stream);
// post the new folder object
HttpUtils.Response resp = post(url, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, new HttpUtils.Output() {
public void write(OutputStream out) throws Exception {
// parse the response
AtomEntry entry = parse(resp.getStream(), AtomEntry.class);
// handle ACL modifications
handleAclModifications(repositoryId, entry, addAces, removeAces);
return entry.getId();
public String createDocumentFromSource(String repositoryId, String sourceId, Properties properties,
String folderId, VersioningState versioningState, List<String> policies, Acl addACEs, Acl removeACEs,
ExtensionsData extension) {
throw new CmisNotSupportedException("createDocumentFromSource is not supported by the AtomPub binding!");
public String createFolder(String repositoryId, Properties properties, String folderId, List<String> policies,
Acl addAces, Acl removeAces, ExtensionsData extension) {
// find the link
String link = loadLink(repositoryId, folderId, Constants.REL_DOWN, Constants.MEDIATYPE_CHILDREN);
if (link == null) {
throwLinkException(repositoryId, folderId, Constants.REL_DOWN, Constants.MEDIATYPE_CHILDREN);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// set up object and writer
ObjectDataImpl object = new ObjectDataImpl();
// object.setPolicyIds(convertPolicyIds(policies));
final AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(object);
// post the new folder object
HttpUtils.Response resp = post(url, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, new HttpUtils.Output() {
public void write(OutputStream out) throws Exception {
// parse the response
AtomEntry entry = parse(resp.getStream(), AtomEntry.class);
// handle ACL modifications
handleAclModifications(repositoryId, entry, addAces, removeAces);
return entry.getId();
public String createPolicy(String repositoryId, Properties properties, String folderId, List<String> policies,
Acl addAces, Acl removeAces, ExtensionsData extension) {
// find the link
String link = null;
if (folderId == null) {
// Creation of unfiled objects via AtomPub is not defined in the
// CMIS 1.0 specification. This implementation follow the CMIS 1.1
// draft and POSTs the policy to the Unfiled collection.
link = loadCollection(repositoryId, Constants.COLLECTION_UNFILED);
if (link == null) {
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository or unfiling not supported!");
} else {
link = loadLink(repositoryId, folderId, Constants.REL_DOWN, Constants.MEDIATYPE_CHILDREN);
if (link == null) {
throwLinkException(repositoryId, folderId, Constants.REL_DOWN, Constants.MEDIATYPE_CHILDREN);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// set up object and writer
ObjectDataImpl object = new ObjectDataImpl();
// object.setPolicyIds(convertPolicyIds(policies));
final AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(object);
// post the new folder object
HttpUtils.Response resp = post(url, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, new HttpUtils.Output() {
public void write(OutputStream out) throws Exception {
// parse the response
AtomEntry entry = parse(resp.getStream(), AtomEntry.class);
// handle ACL modifications
handleAclModifications(repositoryId, entry, addAces, removeAces);
return entry.getId();
public String createRelationship(String repositoryId, Properties properties, List<String> policies, Acl addAces,
Acl removeAces, ExtensionsData extension) {
// find source id
PropertyData<?> sourceIdProperty = properties.getProperties().get(PropertyIds.SOURCE_ID);
if (!(sourceIdProperty instanceof PropertyId)) {
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Source Id is not set!");
String sourceId = ((PropertyId) sourceIdProperty).getFirstValue();
if (sourceId == null) {
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Source Id is not set!");
// find the link
String link = loadLink(repositoryId, sourceId, Constants.REL_RELATIONSHIPS, Constants.MEDIATYPE_FEED);
if (link == null) {
throwLinkException(repositoryId, sourceId, Constants.REL_RELATIONSHIPS, Constants.MEDIATYPE_FEED);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// set up object and writer
ObjectDataImpl object = new ObjectDataImpl();
// object.setPolicyIds(convertPolicyIds(policies));
final AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(object);
// post the new folder object
HttpUtils.Response resp = post(url, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, new HttpUtils.Output() {
public void write(OutputStream out) throws Exception {
// parse the response
AtomEntry entry = parse(resp.getStream(), AtomEntry.class);
// handle ACL modifications
handleAclModifications(repositoryId, entry, addAces, removeAces);
return entry.getId();
public void updateProperties(String repositoryId, Holder<String> objectId, Holder<String> changeToken,
Properties properties, ExtensionsData extension) {
// we need an object id
if ((objectId == null) || (objectId.getValue() == null) || (objectId.getValue().length() == 0)) {
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object id must be set!");
// find the link
String link = loadLink(repositoryId, objectId.getValue(), Constants.REL_SELF, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY);
if (link == null) {
throwLinkException(repositoryId, objectId.getValue(), Constants.REL_SELF, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
if (changeToken != null) {
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_CHANGE_TOKEN, changeToken.getValue());
// set up object and writer
ObjectDataImpl object = new ObjectDataImpl();
// object.setPolicyIds(convertPolicyIds(policies));
final AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(object);
// update
HttpUtils.Response resp = put(url, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, new HttpUtils.Output() {
public void write(OutputStream out) throws Exception {
// parse new entry
AtomEntry entry = parse(resp.getStream(), AtomEntry.class);
// we expect a CMIS entry
if (entry.getId() == null) {
throw new CmisConnectionException("Received Atom entry is not a CMIS entry!");
// set object id
if (changeToken != null) {
changeToken.setValue(null); // just in case
try {
// clean up cache
removeLinks(repositoryId, entry.getId());
// walk through the entry
for (AtomElement element : entry.getElements()) {
if (element.getObject() instanceof AtomLink) {
addLink(repositoryId, entry.getId(), (AtomLink) element.getObject());
} else if (element.getObject() instanceof ObjectData) {
// extract new change token
if (changeToken != null) {
object = (ObjectDataImpl) element.getObject();
* if (object.getProperties() != null) { for
* (CmisProperty property :
* object.getProperties().getPropertyList()) { if
* (PropertyIds
* .CHANGE_TOKEN.equals(property.getPropertyDefinitionId
* ()) && (property instanceof CmisPropertyString)) {
* CmisPropertyString changeTokenProperty =
* (CmisPropertyString) property; if
* (!changeTokenProperty.getValue().isEmpty()) {
* changeToken
* .setValue(changeTokenProperty.getValue().get(0)); }
* break; } } }
} finally {
public void deleteObject(String repositoryId, String objectId, Boolean allVersions, ExtensionsData extension) {
// find the link
String link = loadLink(repositoryId, objectId, Constants.REL_SELF, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY);
if (link == null) {
throwLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, Constants.REL_SELF, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_ALL_VERSIONS, allVersions);
public FailedToDeleteData deleteTree(String repositoryId, String folderId, Boolean allVersions,
UnfileObject unfileObjects, Boolean continueOnFailure, ExtensionsData extension) {
// find the link
String link = loadLink(repositoryId, folderId, Constants.REL_DOWN, Constants.MEDIATYPE_DESCENDANTS);
if (link == null) {
link = loadLink(repositoryId, folderId, Constants.REL_FOLDERTREE, Constants.MEDIATYPE_DESCENDANTS);
if (link == null) {
throwLinkException(repositoryId, folderId, Constants.REL_DOWN, Constants.MEDIATYPE_DESCENDANTS);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_ALL_VERSIONS, allVersions);
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_UNFILE_OBJECTS, unfileObjects);
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_CONTINUE_ON_FAILURE, continueOnFailure);
// make the call
HttpUtils.Response resp = HttpUtils.invokeDELETE(url, getSession());
// check response code
if (resp.getResponseCode() == 200 || resp.getResponseCode() == 202 || resp.getResponseCode() == 204) {
return new FailedToDeleteDataImpl();
// If the server returned an internal server error, get the remaining
// children of the folder. We only retrieve the first level, since
// getDescendants() is not supported by all repositories.
if (resp.getResponseCode() == 500) {
link = loadLink(repositoryId, folderId, Constants.REL_DOWN, Constants.MEDIATYPE_CHILDREN);
if (link != null) {
url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// we only want the object ids
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_FILTER, "cmis:objectId");
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_ALLOWABLE_ACTIONS, false);
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_RELATIONSHIPS, IncludeRelationships.NONE);
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_RENDITION_FILTER, "cmis:none");
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_PATH_SEGMENT, false);
// 1000 children should be enough to indicate a problem
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_MAX_ITEMS, 1000);
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_SKIP_COUNT, 0);
// read and parse
resp = read(url);
AtomFeed feed = parse(resp.getStream(), AtomFeed.class);
// prepare result
FailedToDeleteDataImpl result = new FailedToDeleteDataImpl();
List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();
// get the children ids
for (AtomEntry entry : feed.getEntries()) {
return result;
throw convertStatusCode(resp.getResponseCode(), resp.getResponseMessage(), resp.getErrorContent(), null);
public AllowableActions getAllowableActions(String repositoryId, String objectId, ExtensionsData extension) {
// find the link
String link = loadLink(repositoryId, objectId, Constants.REL_ALLOWABLEACTIONS,
if (link == null) {
throwLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, Constants.REL_ALLOWABLEACTIONS,
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = read(url);
AtomAllowableActions allowableActions = parse(resp.getStream(), AtomAllowableActions.class);
return allowableActions.getAllowableActions();
public ContentStream getContentStream(String repositoryId, String objectId, String streamId, BigInteger offset,
BigInteger length, ExtensionsData extension) {
ContentStreamImpl result = new ContentStreamImpl();
// find the link
String link = null;
if (streamId != null) {
// use the alternate link per spec
link = loadLink(repositoryId, objectId, Constants.REL_ALTERNATE, streamId);
if (link != null) {
streamId = null; // we have a full URL now
if (link == null) {
link = loadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubParser.LINK_REL_CONTENT, null);
if (link == null) {
throw new CmisConstraintException("No content stream");
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// using the content URL and adding a streamId param
// is not spec-compliant
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_STREAM_ID, streamId);
// get the content
HttpUtils.Response resp = HttpUtils.invokeGET(url, getSession(), offset, length);
// check response code
if ((resp.getResponseCode() != 200) && (resp.getResponseCode() != 206)) {
throw convertStatusCode(resp.getResponseCode(), resp.getResponseMessage(), resp.getErrorContent(), null);
return result;
public ObjectData getObject(String repositoryId, String objectId, String filter, Boolean includeAllowableActions,
IncludeRelationships includeRelationships, String renditionFilter, Boolean includePolicyIds,
Boolean includeACL, ExtensionsData extension) {
return getObjectInternal(repositoryId, IdentifierType.ID, objectId, ReturnVersion.THIS, filter,
includeAllowableActions, includeRelationships, renditionFilter, includePolicyIds, includeACL, extension);
public ObjectData getObjectByPath(String repositoryId, String path, String filter, Boolean includeAllowableActions,
IncludeRelationships includeRelationships, String renditionFilter, Boolean includePolicyIds,
Boolean includeACL, ExtensionsData extension) {
return getObjectInternal(repositoryId, IdentifierType.PATH, path, ReturnVersion.THIS, filter,
includeAllowableActions, includeRelationships, renditionFilter, includePolicyIds, includeACL, extension);
public Properties getProperties(String repositoryId, String objectId, String filter, ExtensionsData extension) {
ObjectData object = getObjectInternal(repositoryId, IdentifierType.ID, objectId, ReturnVersion.THIS, filter,
Boolean.FALSE, IncludeRelationships.NONE, "cmis:none", Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.FALSE, extension);
return object.getProperties();
public List<RenditionData> getRenditions(String repositoryId, String objectId, String renditionFilter,
BigInteger maxItems, BigInteger skipCount, ExtensionsData extension) {
ObjectData object = getObjectInternal(repositoryId, IdentifierType.ID, objectId, ReturnVersion.THIS,
PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID, Boolean.FALSE, IncludeRelationships.NONE, renditionFilter, Boolean.FALSE,
Boolean.FALSE, extension);
List<RenditionData> result = object.getRenditions();
if (result == null) {
result = Collections.emptyList();
return result;
public void moveObject(String repositoryId, Holder<String> objectId, String targetFolderId, String sourceFolderId,
ExtensionsData extension) {
if ((objectId == null) || (objectId.getValue() == null) || (objectId.getValue().length() == 0)) {
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object id must be set!");
if ((targetFolderId == null) || (targetFolderId.length() == 0) || (sourceFolderId == null)
|| (sourceFolderId.length() == 0)) {
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Source and target folder must be set!");
// find the link
String link = loadLink(repositoryId, targetFolderId, Constants.REL_DOWN, Constants.MEDIATYPE_CHILDREN);
if (link == null) {
throwLinkException(repositoryId, targetFolderId, Constants.REL_DOWN, Constants.MEDIATYPE_CHILDREN);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_SOURCE_FOLDER_ID, sourceFolderId);
// set up object and writer
final AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(createIdObject(objectId.getValue()));
// post move request
HttpUtils.Response resp = post(url, Constants.MEDIATYPE_ENTRY, new HttpUtils.Output() {
public void write(OutputStream out) throws Exception {
// parse the response
AtomEntry entry = parse(resp.getStream(), AtomEntry.class);
public void setContentStream(String repositoryId, Holder<String> objectId, Boolean overwriteFlag,
Holder<String> changeToken, ContentStream contentStream, ExtensionsData extension) {
// we need an object id
if ((objectId == null) || (objectId.getValue() == null)) {
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object ID must be set!");
// we need content
if ((contentStream == null) || (contentStream.getStream() == null) || (contentStream.getMimeType() == null)) {
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Content must be set!");
// find the link
String link = loadLink(repositoryId, objectId.getValue(), Constants.REL_EDITMEDIA, null);
if (link == null) {
throwLinkException(repositoryId, objectId.getValue(), Constants.REL_EDITMEDIA, null);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
if (changeToken != null) {
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_CHANGE_TOKEN, changeToken.getValue());
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_OVERWRITE_FLAG, overwriteFlag);
final InputStream stream = contentStream.getStream();
// Content-Disposition header for the filename
Map<String, String> headers = null;
if (contentStream.getFileName() != null) {
headers = Collections
// send content
HttpUtils.Response resp = put(url, contentStream.getMimeType(), headers, new HttpUtils.Output() {
public void write(OutputStream out) throws Exception {
int b;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
while ((b = > -1) {
out.write(buffer, 0, b);
// check response code further
if ((resp.getResponseCode() != 200) && (resp.getResponseCode() != 201) && (resp.getResponseCode() != 204)) {
throw convertStatusCode(resp.getResponseCode(), resp.getResponseMessage(), resp.getErrorContent(), null);
if (changeToken != null) {
public void deleteContentStream(String repositoryId, Holder<String> objectId, Holder<String> changeToken,
ExtensionsData extension) {
// we need an object id
if ((objectId == null) || (objectId.getValue() == null)) {
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object ID must be set!");
// find the link
String link = loadLink(repositoryId, objectId.getValue(), Constants.REL_EDITMEDIA, null);
if (link == null) {
throwLinkException(repositoryId, objectId.getValue(), Constants.REL_EDITMEDIA, null);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
if (changeToken != null) {
url.addParameter(Constants.PARAM_CHANGE_TOKEN, changeToken.getValue());
if (changeToken != null) {
// ---- internal ----
private static void checkCreateProperties(Properties properties) {
if ((properties == null) || (properties.getProperties() == null)) {
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Properties must be set!");
if (!properties.getProperties().containsKey(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID)) {
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Property " + PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID + " must be set!");
if (properties.getProperties().containsKey(PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID)) {
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Property " + PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID + " must not be set!");
* Handles ACL modifications of newly created objects.
private void handleAclModifications(String repositoryId, AtomEntry entry, Acl addAces, Acl removeAces) {
if (!isAclMergeRequired(addAces, removeAces)) {
Acl originalAces = null;
// walk through the entry and find the current ACL
for (AtomElement element : entry.getElements()) {
if (element.getObject() instanceof ObjectData) {
// extract current ACL
ObjectData object = (ObjectData) element.getObject();
originalAces = object.getAcl();
if (originalAces != null) {
// merge and update ACL
Acl newACL = mergeAcls(originalAces, addAces, removeAces);
if (newACL != null) {
updateAcl(repositoryId, entry.getId(), newACL, null);