Fixed (Property definition default value is not being parsed by either binding)

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/AtomPub/AtomPubParser/CMISAtomPubPropertyDefinitionParser.m b/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/AtomPub/AtomPubParser/CMISAtomPubPropertyDefinitionParser.m
index c3d3369..5e88fe9 100644
--- a/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/AtomPub/AtomPubParser/CMISAtomPubPropertyDefinitionParser.m
+++ b/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/AtomPub/AtomPubParser/CMISAtomPubPropertyDefinitionParser.m
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 @property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSString *currentString;
 @property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSMutableArray *currentChoices;
 @property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) CMISPropertyChoice *currentChoice;
+@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSMutableArray *currentValues;
 // Properties if used as child delegate parser
 @property(nonatomic, weak) id <NSXMLParserDelegate, CMISAtomPubPropertyDefinitionDelegate> parentDelegate;
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
     self = [super init];
     if (self) {
         self.propertyDefinition = [[CMISPropertyDefinition alloc] init];
+        self.currentValues = [NSMutableArray array];
     return self;
@@ -175,8 +177,22 @@
     } else if ([elementName isEqualToString:kCMISCoreOpenChoice]) {
         self.propertyDefinition.openChoice = [self parseBooleanValue:self.currentString];
     } else if ([elementName isEqualToString:kCMISAtomEntryValue]) {
-        self.currentChoice.value = self.currentString;
-        [self.currentChoices addObject:self.currentChoice];
+        if (self.currentString != nil) {
+            [self.currentValues addObject:self.currentString];
+        } else {
+            // a value element being present without a value signifies an empty string
+            [self.currentValues addObject:@""];
+        }
+    } else if ([elementName isEqualToString:kCMISCoreChoice] || [elementName isEqualToString:kCMISCoreChoiceString]) {
+        // there should only ever be one value for a single choice element
+        if (self.currentValues.count == 1) {
+            self.currentChoice.value = self.currentValues[0];
+            [self.currentChoices addObject:self.currentChoice];
+        }
+        [self.currentValues removeAllObjects];
+    } else if ([elementName isEqualToString:kCMISCoreDefaultValue]) {
+        self.propertyDefinition.defaultValues = [NSArray arrayWithArray:self.currentValues];
+        [self.currentValues removeAllObjects];
     self.currentString = nil;
diff --git a/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/AtomPub/CMISAtomPubConstants.h b/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/AtomPub/CMISAtomPubConstants.h
index e146abd..d2d3ad8 100644
--- a/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/AtomPub/CMISAtomPubConstants.h
+++ b/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/AtomPub/CMISAtomPubConstants.h
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@
 extern NSString * const kCMISCoreOpenChoice;
 extern NSString * const kCMISCoreChoice;
 extern NSString * const kCMISCoreChoiceString;
+extern NSString * const kCMISCoreDefaultValue;
 extern NSString * const kCMISCoreVersionable;
 extern NSString * const kCMISCoreContentStreamAllowed;
 extern NSString * const kCMISCoreAllowed;
diff --git a/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/AtomPub/CMISAtomPubConstants.m b/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/AtomPub/CMISAtomPubConstants.m
index de08e68..9052b06 100644
--- a/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/AtomPub/CMISAtomPubConstants.m
+++ b/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/AtomPub/CMISAtomPubConstants.m
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@
 NSString * const kCMISCoreOpenChoice = @"openChoice";
 NSString * const kCMISCoreChoice = @"choice";
 NSString * const kCMISCoreChoiceString = @"choiceString";
+NSString * const kCMISCoreDefaultValue = @"defaultValue";
 NSString * const kCMISCoreVersionable = @"versionable";
 NSString * const kCMISCoreContentStreamAllowed = @"contentStreamAllowed";
 NSString * const kCMISCoreAllowed = @"allowed";
diff --git a/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/Browser/CMISBrowserUtil.m b/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/Browser/CMISBrowserUtil.m
index 9d9c895..f05c4ed 100644
--- a/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/Browser/CMISBrowserUtil.m
+++ b/ObjectiveCMIS/Bindings/Browser/CMISBrowserUtil.m
@@ -1003,7 +1003,21 @@
         propDef.updatability = CMISUpdatabilityWhenCheckedOut;
-    // TODO default value
+    // parse default value
+    id defaultValueObject = propertyDictionary[kCMISBrowserJSONDefaultValue];
+    if (defaultValueObject != nil)
+    {
+        // for single valued properties this will be actual default value,
+        // for multi valued properties this will be an array
+        if ([defaultValueObject isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
+        {
+            propDef.defaultValues = defaultValueObject;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            propDef.defaultValues = @[defaultValueObject];
+        }
+    }
     // parse choices, if present
     NSArray *choicesJSON = propertyDictionary[kCMISBrowserJSONChoice];
diff --git a/ObjectiveCMISTests/ObjectiveCMISTests.m b/ObjectiveCMISTests/ObjectiveCMISTests.m
index a1e68df..6fc85d1 100644
--- a/ObjectiveCMISTests/ObjectiveCMISTests.m
+++ b/ObjectiveCMISTests/ObjectiveCMISTests.m
@@ -1537,20 +1537,19 @@
                 NSArray *choices = constraintPropertyDefiniton.choices;
                 XCTAssertNotNil(choices, @"Expected choices property for listConstraint property to be populated");
                 XCTAssertTrue(choices.count == 3, @"Expected there to be 3 choices but there were %lu", (unsigned long)choices.count);
+                // add the displayNames of each choice to a set and then check for existence (order differs on older Alfresco servers)
+                NSMutableSet *choicesDisplayNameSet = [NSMutableSet set];
+                for (CMISPropertyChoice *choice in constraintPropertyDefiniton.choices)
+                {
+                    [choicesDisplayNameSet addObject:choice.displayName];
+                }
+                XCTAssertTrue([choicesDisplayNameSet containsObject:@"Phone"], @"Expected to find a choice of 'Phone'");
+                XCTAssertTrue([choicesDisplayNameSet containsObject:@"Audio Visual"], @"Expected to find a choice of 'Audio Visual'");
+                XCTAssertTrue([choicesDisplayNameSet containsObject:@"Computer"], @"Expected to find a choice of 'Computer'");
-                // only perform the following tests on endpoints using OpenCMIS
+                // only perform the following test on endpoints using OpenCMIS
                 if (self.session.sessionParameters.atomPubUrl == nil ||
                     [self.session.sessionParameters.atomPubUrl.absoluteString rangeOfString:@"/alfresco/service/api/cmis" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location == NSNotFound) {
-                    CMISPropertyChoice *choice1 = choices[0];
-                    XCTAssertTrue([choice1.displayName isEqualToString:@"Phone"], @"Expected choice 1 displayName to be 'Phone' but was %@", choice1.displayName);
-                    XCTAssertTrue([choice1.value isEqualToString:@"Phone"], @"Expected choice 1 value to be 'Phone' but was %@", choice1.value);
-                    CMISPropertyChoice *choice2 = choices[1];
-                    XCTAssertTrue([choice2.displayName isEqualToString:@"Audio Visual"], @"Expected choice 2 displayName to be 'Audio Visual' but was %@", choice1.displayName);
-                    XCTAssertTrue([choice2.value isEqualToString:@"Audio Visual"], @"Expected choice 2 value to be 'Audio Visual' but was %@", choice1.value);
-                    CMISPropertyChoice *choice3 = choices[2];
-                    XCTAssertTrue([choice3.displayName isEqualToString:@"Computer"], @"Expected choice 3 displayName to be 'Computer' but was %@", choice1.displayName);
-                    XCTAssertTrue([choice3.value isEqualToString:@"Computer"], @"Expected choice 3 value to be 'Computer' but was %@", choice1.value);
                     // make sure the extensions data is also populated
                     NSArray *extensions = typeDefinition.extensions;
                     XCTAssertNotNil(extensions, @"Expected extensions data to be populated");
@@ -1565,6 +1564,49 @@
+- (void)testDefaultValuesForPropertyDefinition
+    [self runTest:^ {
+        // NOTE: This test will request an task type from an Alfresco repository, if the server is not an Alfresco server an error will
+        //       be returned, however, in this case, the test will still pass
+        [self.session.binding.repositoryService retrieveTypeDefinition:@"D:wf:adhocTask" completionBlock:^(CMISTypeDefinition *taskDefinition, NSError *error) {
+            if (taskDefinition == nil)
+            {
+                // check the error code was ObjectNotFound
+                XCTAssertTrue(error.code == kCMISErrorCodeObjectNotFound, @"Expected error code of 257 but it was %lu", (unsigned long)error.code);
+                self.testCompleted = YES;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // Check task definition properties
+                XCTAssertNotNil(taskDefinition, @"Task definition should not be nil");
+                XCTAssertTrue([taskDefinition.identifier isEqualToString:@"D:wf:adhocTask"],
+                              @"Expected identifer to be 'D:wf:adhocTask' but it was %@", taskDefinition.identifier);
+                // retrieve and check some property definition objects
+                CMISPropertyDefinition *statusPropertyDefiniton = [taskDefinition propertyDefinitionForId:@"bpm:status"];
+                XCTAssertNotNil(statusPropertyDefiniton, @"Expected to find a property definition for bpm:status");
+                XCTAssertTrue([statusPropertyDefiniton.identifier isEqualToString:@"bpm:status"],
+                              @"Expected identifier to be 'bpm:status' but it was %@", statusPropertyDefiniton.identifier);
+                NSArray *defaultValues = statusPropertyDefiniton.defaultValues;
+                XCTAssertNotNil(defaultValues, @"Expected defaultValues to be populated");
+                XCTAssertTrue(defaultValues.count == 1, @"Expected there to be 1 default value but there were %lu", (unsigned long)defaultValues.count);
+                XCTAssertTrue([defaultValues[0] isEqualToString:@"Not Yet Started"],
+                              @"Expected default value to be 'Not Yet Started' but it was %@", defaultValues[0]);
+                NSArray *choices = statusPropertyDefiniton.choices;
+                XCTAssertNotNil(choices, @"Expected choices to be populated");
+                XCTAssertTrue(choices.count == 5, @"Expected there to be 5 choices but there were %lu", (unsigned long)choices.count);
+                self.testCompleted = YES;
+            }
+        }];
+    }];
 - (void)testRetrieveAspectDefinition
     [self runTest:^ {