blob: e8aee23def01ed89622a64f42dd6d7e02beb5705 [file] [log] [blame]
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#import "CMISBrowserVersioningService.h"
#import "CMISRequest.h"
#import "CMISBrowserConstants.h"
#import "CMISHttpResponse.h"
#import "CMISBrowserUtil.h"
#import "CMISURLUtil.h"
#import "CMISConstants.h"
@implementation CMISBrowserVersioningService
- (CMISRequest*)retrieveObjectOfLatestVersion:(NSString *)objectId
filter:(NSString *)filter
renditionFilter:(NSString *)renditionFilter
completionBlock:(void (^)(CMISObjectData *objectData, NSError *error))completionBlock
NSString *objectUrl = [self getObjectUrlObjectId:objectId selector:kCMISBrowserJSONSelectorObject];
objectUrl = [CMISURLUtil urlStringByAppendingParameter:kCMISParameterFilter value:filter urlString:objectUrl];
objectUrl = [CMISURLUtil urlStringByAppendingParameter:kCMISParameterIncludeAllowableActions boolValue:includeAllowableActions urlString:objectUrl];
objectUrl = [CMISURLUtil urlStringByAppendingParameter:kCMISParameterIncludeRelationships value:[CMISEnums stringForIncludeRelationShip:relationships] urlString:objectUrl];
objectUrl = [CMISURLUtil urlStringByAppendingParameter:kCMISParameterRenditionFilter value:renditionFilter urlString:objectUrl];
objectUrl = [CMISURLUtil urlStringByAppendingParameter:kCMISParameterIncludePolicyIds boolValue:includePolicyIds urlString:objectUrl];
objectUrl = [CMISURLUtil urlStringByAppendingParameter:kCMISParameterIncludeAcl boolValue:includeACL urlString:objectUrl];
objectUrl = [CMISURLUtil urlStringByAppendingParameter:kCMISParameterReturnVersion value:[CMISEnums stringForReturnVersion:major] urlString:objectUrl];
objectUrl = [CMISURLUtil urlStringByAppendingParameter:kCMISBrowserJSONParameterSuccinct value:kCMISParameterValueTrue urlString:objectUrl];
CMISRequest *cmisRequest = [[CMISRequest alloc] init];
[self.bindingSession.networkProvider invokeGET:[NSURL URLWithString:objectUrl]
completionBlock:^(CMISHttpResponse *httpResponse, NSError *error) {
if (httpResponse.statusCode == 200 && {
CMISTypeCache *typeCache = [[CMISTypeCache alloc] initWithRepositoryId:self.bindingSession.repositoryId bindingService:self];
NSError *parsingError = nil;
[CMISBrowserUtil typeCache:typeCache completionBlock:^(CMISObjectData *objectData, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
completionBlock(nil, parsingError);
} else {
completionBlock(objectData, nil);
} else {
completionBlock(nil, error);
return cmisRequest;
- (CMISRequest*)retrieveAllVersions:(NSString *)objectId
filter:(NSString *)filter
completionBlock:(void (^)(NSArray *objects, NSError *error))completionBlock
NSString *objectUrl = [self getObjectUrlObjectId:objectId selector:kCMISBrowserJSONSelectorVersions];
objectUrl = [CMISURLUtil urlStringByAppendingParameter:kCMISParameterFilter value:filter urlString:objectUrl];
objectUrl = [CMISURLUtil urlStringByAppendingParameter:kCMISParameterIncludeAllowableActions value:(includeAllowableActions ? @"true" : @"false") urlString:objectUrl];
objectUrl = [CMISURLUtil urlStringByAppendingParameter:kCMISBrowserJSONParameterSuccinct value:@"true" urlString:objectUrl];
CMISRequest *cmisRequest = [[CMISRequest alloc] init];
[self.bindingSession.networkProvider invokeGET:[NSURL URLWithString:objectUrl]
completionBlock:^(CMISHttpResponse *httpResponse, NSError *error) {
if (httpResponse.statusCode == 200 && {
CMISTypeCache *typeCache = [[CMISTypeCache alloc] initWithRepositoryId:self.bindingSession.repositoryId bindingService:self];
[CMISBrowserUtil typeCache:typeCache completionBlock:^(CMISObjectList *objectList, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
completionBlock(nil, error);
} else {
completionBlock(objectList.objects, nil);
} else {
completionBlock(nil, error);
return cmisRequest;
* Create a private working copy of a document given an object identifier.
* @param objectId
* @param completionBlock returns PWC object data or nil
- (CMISRequest*)checkOut:(NSString *)objectId
completionBlock:(void (^)(CMISObjectData *objectData, NSError *error))completionBlock
NSString * message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s is not implemented yet", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__];
NSException *exception = [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInvalidArgumentException reason:message userInfo:nil];
@throw exception;
* Reverses the effect of a check-out.
* @param objectId
* @param completionBlock returns object data or nil
- (CMISRequest*)cancelCheckOut:(NSString *)objectId
completionBlock:(void (^)(BOOL checkOutCancelled, NSError *error))completionBlock
NSString * message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s is not implemented yet", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__];
NSException *exception = [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInvalidArgumentException reason:message userInfo:nil];
@throw exception;
* Checks-in the private working copy (PWC) document from the given path.
* @param objectId the identifier for the PWC
* @param asMajorVersion indicator if the new version should become a major (YES) or minor (NO) version
* @param filePath (optional) Path to the file containing the content to be uploaded
* @param mimeType (optional) Mime type of the content to be uploaded
* @param properties (optional) the property values that must be applied to the checked-in document object
* @param checkinComment (optional) a version comment
* @param completionBlock returns object data or nil
* @param progressBlock periodic file upload status
- (CMISRequest*)checkIn:(NSString *)objectId
filePath:(NSString *)filePath
mimeType:(NSString *)mimeType
properties:(CMISProperties *)properties
checkinComment:(NSString *)checkinComment
completionBlock:(void (^)(CMISObjectData *objectData, NSError *error))completionBlock
progressBlock:(void (^)(unsigned long long bytesUploaded, unsigned long long bytesTotal))progressBlock
NSString * message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s is not implemented yet", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__];
NSException *exception = [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInvalidArgumentException reason:message userInfo:nil];
@throw exception;
* Checks-in the private working copy (PWC) document from the given an input stream.
* @param objectId the identifier for the PWC
* @param asMajorVersion indicator if the new version should become a major (YES) or minor (NO) version
* @param inputStream (optional) Input stream containing the content to be uploaded
* @param bytesExpected The size of content to be uploaded (must be provided if an inputStream is given)
* @param mimeType (optional) Mime type of the content to be uploaded
* @param properties (optional) the property values that must be applied to the checked-in document object
* @param checkinComment (optional) a version comment
* @param completionBlock returns object data or nil
* @param progressBlock periodic file upload status
- (CMISRequest*)checkIn:(NSString *)objectId
inputStream:(NSInputStream *)inputStream
bytesExpected:(unsigned long long)bytesExpected
mimeType:(NSString *)mimeType
properties:(CMISProperties *)properties
checkinComment:(NSString *)checkinComment
completionBlock:(void (^)(CMISObjectData *objectData, NSError *error))completionBlock
progressBlock:(void (^)(unsigned long long bytesUploaded, unsigned long long bytesTotal))progressBlock
NSString * message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s is not implemented yet", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__];
NSException *exception = [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInvalidArgumentException reason:message userInfo:nil];
@throw exception;