blob: 4db125c3910f801e8f74bcd7090d2d98d663df03 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using DotCMIS.Binding.Impl;
using DotCMIS.Binding.Services;
using DotCMIS.CMISWebServicesReference;
using DotCMIS.Data;
using DotCMIS.Data.Extensions;
using DotCMIS.Exceptions;
using DotCMIS.Enums;
namespace DotCMIS.Binding.AtomPub
/// <summary>
/// AtomPub binding SPI.
/// </summary>
internal class CmisAtomPubSpi : ICmisSpi
private RepositoryService repositoryService;
private NavigationService navigationService;
private ObjectService objectService;
private VersioningService versioningService;
private DiscoveryService discoveryService;
private MultiFilingService multiFilingService;
private RelationshipService relationshipService;
private PolicyService policyService;
private AclService aclService;
public void initialize(BindingSession session)
repositoryService = new RepositoryService(session);
navigationService = new NavigationService(session);
objectService = new ObjectService(session);
versioningService = new VersioningService(session);
discoveryService = new DiscoveryService(session);
multiFilingService = new MultiFilingService(session);
relationshipService = new RelationshipService(session);
policyService = new PolicyService(session);
aclService = new AclService(session);
public IRepositoryService GetRepositoryService()
return repositoryService;
public INavigationService GetNavigationService()
return navigationService;
public IObjectService GetObjectService()
return objectService;
public IVersioningService GetVersioningService()
return versioningService;
public IRelationshipService GetRelationshipService()
return relationshipService;
public IDiscoveryService GetDiscoveryService()
return discoveryService;
public IMultiFilingService GetMultiFilingService()
return multiFilingService;
public IAclService GetAclService()
return aclService;
public IPolicyService GetPolicyService()
return policyService;
public void ClearAllCaches()
// nothing to do
public void ClearRepositoryCache(string repositoryId)
// nothing to do
public void Close()
// nothing to do
internal abstract class AbstractAtomPubService
protected const string NameCollection = "collection";
protected const string NameURITemplate = "uritemplate";
protected const string NamePathSegment = "pathSegment";
protected const string NameRelativePathSegment = "relativePathSegment";
protected const string NameNumItems = "numItems";
private const string SessionLinkCache = "org.apache.chemistry.dotcmis.binding.atompub.linkcache";
protected enum IdentifierType
Id, Path
protected BindingSession Session { get; set; }
// ---- link cache ----
protected LinkCache GetLinkCache()
LinkCache linkCache = (LinkCache)Session.GetValue(SessionLinkCache);
if (linkCache == null)
linkCache = new LinkCache(Session);
Session.PutValue(SessionLinkCache, linkCache);
return linkCache;
protected string GetLink(string repositoryId, string id, string rel, string type)
if (repositoryId == null)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Repository id must be set!");
if (id == null)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object id must be set!");
return GetLinkCache().GetLink(repositoryId, id, rel, type);
protected string GetLink(string repositoryId, string id, string rel)
return GetLink(repositoryId, id, rel, null);
protected string LoadLink(string repositoryId, string id, string rel, string type)
string link = GetLink(repositoryId, id, rel, type);
if (link == null)
GetObjectInternal(repositoryId, IdentifierType.Id, id, ReturnVersion.This, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
link = GetLink(repositoryId, id, rel, type);
return link;
protected void AddLink(string repositoryId, string id, string rel, string type, string link)
GetLinkCache().AddLink(repositoryId, id, rel, type, link);
protected void AddLink(string repositoryId, string id, AtomLink link)
GetLinkCache().AddLink(repositoryId, id, link.Rel, link.Type, link.Href);
protected void RemoveLinks(string repositoryId, string id)
GetLinkCache().RemoveLinks(repositoryId, id);
protected void LockLinks()
protected void UnlockLinks()
protected string GetTypeLink(string repositoryId, string typeId, string rel, string type)
if (repositoryId == null)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Repository id must be set!");
if (typeId == null)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Type id must be set!");
return GetLinkCache().GetTypeLink(repositoryId, typeId, rel, type);
protected string GetTypeLink(string repositoryId, string typeId, string rel)
return GetTypeLink(repositoryId, typeId, rel, null);
protected string LoadTypeLink(string repositoryId, string typeId, string rel, string type)
string link = GetTypeLink(repositoryId, typeId, rel, type);
if (link == null)
GetTypeDefinitionInternal(repositoryId, typeId);
link = GetTypeLink(repositoryId, typeId, rel, type);
return link;
protected void AddTypeLink(string repositoryId, string typeId, string rel, string type, string link)
GetLinkCache().AddTypeLink(repositoryId, typeId, rel, type, link);
protected void AddTypeLink(string repositoryId, string typeId, AtomLink link)
GetLinkCache().AddTypeLink(repositoryId, typeId, link.Rel, link.Type, link.Href);
protected void RemoveTypeLinks(string repositoryId, string id)
GetLinkCache().RemoveTypeLinks(repositoryId, id);
protected void LockTypeLinks()
protected void UnlockTypeLinks()
protected string GetCollection(string repositoryId, string collection)
return GetLinkCache().GetCollection(repositoryId, collection);
protected string LoadCollection(string repositoryId, string collection)
string link = GetCollection(repositoryId, collection);
if (link == null)
link = GetCollection(repositoryId, collection);
return link;
protected void AddCollection(string repositoryId, string collection, string link)
GetLinkCache().AddCollection(repositoryId, collection, link);
protected void AddCollection(string repositoryId, IDictionary<string, string> colDict)
string collection = null;
colDict.TryGetValue("collectionType", out collection);
string link = null;
colDict.TryGetValue("href", out link);
AddCollection(repositoryId, collection, link);
protected string GetRepositoryLink(string repositoryId, string rel)
return GetLinkCache().GetRepositoryLink(repositoryId, rel);
protected string LoadRepositoryLink(string repositoryId, string rel)
string link = GetRepositoryLink(repositoryId, rel);
if (link == null)
link = GetRepositoryLink(repositoryId, rel);
return link;
protected void AddRepositoryLink(string repositoryId, string rel, string link)
GetLinkCache().AddRepositoryLink(repositoryId, rel, link);
protected void AddRepositoryLink(string repositoryId, AtomLink link)
AddRepositoryLink(repositoryId, link.Rel, link.Href);
protected string GetTemplateLink(string repositoryId, string type, IDictionary<string, object> parameters)
return GetLinkCache().GetTemplateLink(repositoryId, type, parameters);
protected string LoadTemplateLink(string repositoryId, string type, IDictionary<string, object> parameters)
string link = GetTemplateLink(repositoryId, type, parameters);
if (link == null)
link = GetTemplateLink(repositoryId, type, parameters);
return link;
protected void AddTemplate(string repositoryId, string type, string link)
GetLinkCache().AddTemplate(repositoryId, type, link);
protected void AddTemplate(string repositoryId, IDictionary<string, string> tempDict)
string type = null;
tempDict.TryGetValue("type", out type);
string template = null;
tempDict.TryGetValue("template", out template);
AddTemplate(repositoryId, type, template);
// ---- exceptions ----
protected CmisBaseException ConvertStatusCode(HttpStatusCode code, string message, string errorContent, Exception e)
switch (code)
case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest:
return new CmisInvalidArgumentException(message, errorContent, e);
case HttpStatusCode.NotFound:
return new CmisObjectNotFoundException(message, errorContent, e);
case HttpStatusCode.Forbidden:
return new CmisPermissionDeniedException(message, errorContent, e);
case HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed:
return new CmisNotSupportedException(message, errorContent, e);
case HttpStatusCode.Conflict:
return new CmisConstraintException(message, errorContent, e);
return new CmisRuntimeException(message, errorContent, e);
protected void ThrowLinkException(String repositoryId, String id, String rel, String type)
int index = GetLinkCache().CheckLink(repositoryId, id, rel, type);
switch (index)
case 0:
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository!");
case 1:
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown object!");
case 2:
throw new CmisNotSupportedException("Operation not supported by the repository for this object!");
case 3:
throw new CmisNotSupportedException("No link with matching media type!");
case 4:
throw new CmisRuntimeException("Nothing wrong! Either this is a bug or threading issue.");
throw new CmisRuntimeException("Unknown error!");
// ---- helpers ----
protected T Parse<T>(Stream stream) where T : AtomBase
AtomPubParser parser = new AtomPubParser(stream);
catch (Exception e)
throw new CmisConnectionException("Parsing exception!", e);
AtomBase parseResult = parser.GetParseResults();
if (!typeof(T).IsInstanceOfType(parseResult))
throw new CmisConnectionException("Unexpected document! Received "
+ (parseResult == null ? "something unknown" : parseResult.GetAtomType()) + "!");
return (T)parseResult;
protected HttpUtils.Response Read(UrlBuilder url)
HttpUtils.Response resp = HttpUtils.InvokeGET(url, Session);
if (resp.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
throw ConvertStatusCode(resp.StatusCode, resp.Message, resp.ErrorContent, null);
return resp;
protected HttpUtils.Response Post(UrlBuilder url, string contentType, HttpUtils.Output writer)
HttpUtils.Response resp = HttpUtils.InvokePOST(url, contentType, writer, Session);
if (resp.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Created)
throw ConvertStatusCode(resp.StatusCode, resp.Message, resp.ErrorContent, null);
return resp;
protected HttpUtils.Response Put(UrlBuilder url, string contentType, HttpUtils.Output writer)
HttpUtils.Response resp = HttpUtils.InvokePUT(url, contentType, writer, Session);
if ((int)resp.StatusCode < 200 || (int)resp.StatusCode > 299)
throw ConvertStatusCode(resp.StatusCode, resp.Message, resp.ErrorContent, null);
return resp;
protected void Delete(UrlBuilder url)
HttpUtils.Response resp = HttpUtils.InvokeDELETE(url, Session);
if (resp.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.NoContent)
throw ConvertStatusCode(resp.StatusCode, resp.Message, resp.ErrorContent, null);
protected string GetServiceDocURL()
return Session.GetValue(SessionParameter.AtomPubUrl) as string;
protected bool IsNextLink(AtomElement element)
return AtomPubConstants.RelNext == ((AtomLink)element.Object).Rel;
protected bool IsStr(string name, AtomElement element)
return name == element.LocalName && element.Object is string;
protected bool IsInt(string name, AtomElement element)
return name == element.LocalName && element.Object is Int64;
// ---- common methods ----
protected cmisObjectType CreateIdObject(string objectId)
cmisObjectType cmisObject = new cmisObjectType();
cmisPropertiesType properties = new cmisPropertiesType(); = properties;
cmisPropertyId idProperty = new cmisPropertyId();
properties.Items = new cmisProperty[] { idProperty };
idProperty.propertyDefinitionId = PropertyIds.ObjectId;
idProperty.value = new string[] { objectId };
return cmisObject;
protected bool IsAclMergeRequired(IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces)
return (addAces != null && addAces.Aces != null && addAces.Aces.Count > 0)
|| (removeAces != null && removeAces.Aces != null && removeAces.Aces.Count > 0);
protected IAcl MergeAcls(IAcl originalAces, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces)
IDictionary<string, HashSet<string>> originals = ConvertAclToDict(originalAces);
IDictionary<string, HashSet<string>> adds = ConvertAclToDict(addAces);
IDictionary<string, HashSet<string>> removes = ConvertAclToDict(removeAces);
IList<IAce> newACEs = new List<IAce>();
// iterate through the original ACEs
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, HashSet<string>> ace in originals)
// add permissions
HashSet<string> addPermissions = adds[ace.Key];
if (addPermissions != null)
foreach (string perm in addPermissions)
// remove permissions
HashSet<string> removePermissions = removes[ace.Key];
if (removePermissions != null)
foreach (string perm in removePermissions)
// create new ACE
Ace resultAce = new Ace();
Principal resultPrincipal = new Principal();
resultPrincipal.Id = ace.Key;
resultAce.Principal = resultPrincipal;
resultAce.Permissions = new List<string>(ace.Value);
// find all ACEs that should be added but are not in the original ACE list
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, HashSet<string>> ace in adds)
if (!originals.ContainsKey(ace.Key) && ace.Value.Count > 0)
Ace resultAce = new Ace();
Principal resultPrincipal = new Principal();
resultPrincipal.Id = ace.Key;
resultAce.Principal = resultPrincipal;
resultAce.Permissions = new List<string>(ace.Value);
Acl result = new Acl();
result.Aces = newACEs;
return result;
private IDictionary<string, HashSet<string>> ConvertAclToDict(IAcl acl)
IDictionary<string, HashSet<string>> result = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>();
if (acl == null || acl.Aces == null)
return result;
foreach (Ace ace in acl.Aces)
// don't consider indirect ACEs - we can't change them
if (!ace.IsDirect)
// ignore
// although a principal must not be null, check it
if ((ace.Principal == null) || (ace.Principal.Id == null))
// ignore
if (ace.Permissions == null)
HashSet<string> permissions;
if (!result.TryGetValue(ace.Principal.Id, out permissions))
permissions = new HashSet<string>();
result[ace.Principal.Id] = permissions;
foreach (string perm in ace.Permissions)
return result;
protected AtomAcl UpdateAcl(string repositoryId, string objectId, IAcl acl, AclPropagation? aclPropagation)
// find the link
String link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelACL, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeACL);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelACL, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeACL);
UrlBuilder aclUrl = new UrlBuilder(link);
aclUrl.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamACLPropagation, aclPropagation);
// set up object and writer
cmisAccessControlListType cmisAcl = Converter.Convert(acl);
HttpUtils.Output output = delegate(Stream stream)
AtomWriter.AclSerializer.Serialize(stream, cmisAcl);
// update
HttpUtils.Response resp = Put(aclUrl, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeACL, output);
// parse new acl
return Parse<AtomAcl>(resp.Stream);
protected IList<IRepositoryInfo> GetRepositoriesInternal(string repositoryId)
IList<IRepositoryInfo> repInfos = new List<IRepositoryInfo>();
// retrieve service doc
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(GetServiceDocURL());
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRepositoryId, repositoryId);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
ServiceDoc serviceDoc = Parse<ServiceDoc>(resp.Stream);
// walk through the workspaces
foreach (RepositoryWorkspace ws in serviceDoc.GetWorkspaces())
if (ws.Id == null)
// found a non-CMIS workspace
foreach (AtomElement element in ws.GetElements())
if (element.LocalName == NameCollection)
AddCollection(ws.Id, (IDictionary<string, string>)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddRepositoryLink(ws.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (element.LocalName == NameURITemplate)
AddTemplate(ws.Id, (IDictionary<string, string>)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is cmisRepositoryInfoType)
return repInfos;
protected IObjectData GetObjectInternal(string repositoryId, IdentifierType idOrPath, string objectIdOrPath,
ReturnVersion? returnVersion, string filter, bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationshipsFlag? includeRelationships,
string renditionFilter, bool? includePolicyIds, bool? includeAcl, IExtensionsData extension)
IObjectData result = null;
Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters[AtomPubConstants.ParamId] = objectIdOrPath;
parameters[AtomPubConstants.ParamPath] = objectIdOrPath;
parameters[AtomPubConstants.ParamReturnVersion] = returnVersion;
parameters[AtomPubConstants.ParamFilter] = filter;
parameters[AtomPubConstants.ParamAllowableActions] = includeAllowableActions;
parameters[AtomPubConstants.ParamACL] = includeAcl;
parameters[AtomPubConstants.ParamPolicyIds] = includePolicyIds;
parameters[AtomPubConstants.ParamRelationships] = includeRelationships;
parameters[AtomPubConstants.ParamRenditionFilter] = renditionFilter;
string link = LoadTemplateLink(repositoryId, (idOrPath == IdentifierType.Id ? AtomPubConstants.TemplateObjectById
: AtomPubConstants.TemplateObjectByPath), parameters);
if (link == null)
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository!");
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// workaround for missing template parameter in the CMIS spec
if ((returnVersion != null) && (returnVersion != ReturnVersion.This))
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamReturnVersion, returnVersion);
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomEntry entry = Parse<AtomEntry>(resp.Stream);
if (entry.Id == null)
throw new CmisConnectionException("Received Atom entry is not a CMIS entry!");
RemoveLinks(repositoryId, entry.Id);
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
result = Converter.Convert((cmisObjectType)element.Object);
return result;
protected ITypeDefinition GetTypeDefinitionInternal(string repositoryId, string typeId)
ITypeDefinition result = null;
Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters[AtomPubConstants.ParamId] = typeId;
string link = LoadTemplateLink(repositoryId, AtomPubConstants.TemplateTypeById, parameters);
if (link == null)
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository!");
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(new UrlBuilder(link));
AtomEntry entry = Parse<AtomEntry>(resp.Stream);
// we expect a CMIS entry
if (entry.Id == null)
throw new CmisConnectionException("Received Atom entry is not a CMIS entry!");
// clean up cache
RemoveTypeLinks(repositoryId, entry.Id);
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddTypeLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is cmisTypeDefinitionType)
result = Converter.Convert((cmisTypeDefinitionType)element.Object);
return result;
internal class RepositoryService : AbstractAtomPubService, IRepositoryService
public RepositoryService(BindingSession session)
Session = session;
public IList<IRepositoryInfo> GetRepositoryInfos(IExtensionsData extension)
return GetRepositoriesInternal(null);
public IRepositoryInfo GetRepositoryInfo(string repositoryId, IExtensionsData extension)
IList<IRepositoryInfo> repositoryInfos = GetRepositoriesInternal(repositoryId);
// find the repository
foreach (IRepositoryInfo info in repositoryInfos)
if (info.Id == null) { continue; }
if (info.Id == repositoryId) { return info; }
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Repository not found!");
public ITypeDefinitionList GetTypeChildren(string repositoryId, string typeId, bool? includePropertyDefinitions,
long? maxItems, long? skipCount, IExtensionsData extension)
TypeDefinitionList result = new TypeDefinitionList();
// find the link
string link = null;
if (typeId == null)
link = LoadCollection(repositoryId, AtomPubConstants.CollectionTypes);
link = LoadTypeLink(repositoryId, typeId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeChildren);
if (link == null)
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository or type!");
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamTypeId, typeId);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamPropertyDefinitions, includePropertyDefinitions);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamMaxItems, maxItems);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamSkipCount, skipCount);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomFeed feed = Parse<AtomFeed>(resp.Stream);
// handle top level
foreach (AtomElement element in feed.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
if (IsNextLink(element)) { result.HasMoreItems = true; }
else if (IsInt(NameNumItems, element))
result.NumItems = (long)element.Object;
result.List = new List<ITypeDefinition>(feed.GetEntries().Count);
// get the children
foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.GetEntries())
ITypeDefinition child = null;
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddTypeLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is cmisTypeDefinitionType)
child = Converter.Convert((cmisTypeDefinitionType)element.Object);
if (child != null)
return result;
public IList<ITypeDefinitionContainer> GetTypeDescendants(string repositoryId, string typeId, long? depth,
bool? includePropertyDefinitions, IExtensionsData extension)
List<ITypeDefinitionContainer> result = new List<ITypeDefinitionContainer>();
// find the link
string link = null;
if (typeId == null)
link = LoadRepositoryLink(repositoryId, AtomPubConstants.RepRelTypeDesc);
link = LoadTypeLink(repositoryId, typeId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeDescendants);
if (link == null)
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository or type!");
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamTypeId, typeId);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamDepth, depth);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamPropertyDefinitions, includePropertyDefinitions);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomFeed feed = Parse<AtomFeed>(resp.Stream);
// process tree
AddTypeDescendantsLevel(repositoryId, feed, result);
return result;
private void AddTypeDescendantsLevel(string repositoryId, AtomFeed feed, List<ITypeDefinitionContainer> containerList)
if (feed == null || feed.GetEntries().Count == 0)
foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.GetEntries())
TypeDefinitionContainer childContainer = null;
List<ITypeDefinitionContainer> childContainerList = new List<ITypeDefinitionContainer>();
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddTypeLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is cmisTypeDefinitionType)
childContainer = new TypeDefinitionContainer();
childContainer.TypeDefinition = Converter.Convert((cmisTypeDefinitionType)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is AtomFeed)
AddTypeDescendantsLevel(repositoryId, (AtomFeed)element.Object, childContainerList);
if (childContainer != null)
childContainer.Children = childContainerList;
public ITypeDefinition GetTypeDefinition(string repositoryId, string typeId, IExtensionsData extension)
return GetTypeDefinitionInternal(repositoryId, typeId);
internal class NavigationService : AbstractAtomPubService, INavigationService
public NavigationService(BindingSession session)
Session = session;
public IObjectInFolderList GetChildren(string repositoryId, string folderId, string filter, string orderBy,
bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationshipsFlag? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter,
bool? includePathSegment, long? maxItems, long? skipCount, IExtensionsData extension)
ObjectInFolderList result = new ObjectInFolderList();
// find the link
String link = LoadLink(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeChildren);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeChildren);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamFilter, filter);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamOrderBy, orderBy);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRelationships, includeRelationships);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRenditionFilter, renditionFilter);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamPathSegment, includePathSegment);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamMaxItems, maxItems);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamSkipCount, skipCount);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomFeed feed = Parse<AtomFeed>(resp.Stream);
// handle top level
foreach (AtomElement element in feed.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
if (IsNextLink(element)) { result.HasMoreItems = true; }
else if (IsInt(NameNumItems, element))
result.NumItems = (long)element.Object;
// get the children
if (feed.GetEntries().Count > 0)
result.Objects = new List<IObjectInFolderData>(feed.GetEntries().Count);
foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.GetEntries())
ObjectInFolderData child = null;
String pathSegment = null;
// clean up cache
RemoveLinks(repositoryId, entry.Id);
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (IsStr(NamePathSegment, element))
pathSegment = (string)element.Object;
else if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
child = new ObjectInFolderData();
child.Object = Converter.Convert((cmisObjectType)element.Object);
if (child != null)
child.PathSegment = pathSegment;
return result;
public IList<IObjectInFolderContainer> GetDescendants(string repositoryId, string folderId, long? depth, string filter,
bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationshipsFlag? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter,
bool? includePathSegment, IExtensionsData extension)
IList<IObjectInFolderContainer> result = new List<IObjectInFolderContainer>();
// find the link
String link = LoadLink(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeDescendants);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeDescendants);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamDepth, depth);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamFilter, filter);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRelationships, includeRelationships);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRenditionFilter, renditionFilter);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamPathSegment, includePathSegment);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomFeed feed = Parse<AtomFeed>(resp.Stream);
// process tree
AddDescendantsLevel(repositoryId, feed, result);
return result;
public IList<IObjectInFolderContainer> GetFolderTree(string repositoryId, string folderId, long? depth, string filter,
bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationshipsFlag? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter,
bool? includePathSegment, IExtensionsData extension)
IList<IObjectInFolderContainer> result = new List<IObjectInFolderContainer>();
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelFolderTree, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeDescendants);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelFolderTree, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeDescendants);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamDepth, depth);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamFilter, filter);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRelationships, includeRelationships);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRenditionFilter, renditionFilter);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamPathSegment, includePathSegment);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomFeed feed = Parse<AtomFeed>(resp.Stream);
// process tree
AddDescendantsLevel(repositoryId, feed, result);
return result;
public IList<IObjectParentData> GetObjectParents(string repositoryId, string objectId, string filter,
bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationshipsFlag? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter,
bool? includeRelativePathSegment, IExtensionsData extension)
IList<IObjectParentData> result = new List<IObjectParentData>();
// find the link
String link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelUp, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeFeed);
if (link == null)
// root and unfiled objects have no UP link
return result;
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamFilter, filter);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRelationships, includeRelationships);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRenditionFilter, renditionFilter);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRelativePathSegment, includeRelativePathSegment);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomBase atomBase = Parse<AtomBase>(resp.Stream);
if (atomBase is AtomFeed)
// it's a feed
AtomFeed feed = (AtomFeed)atomBase;
// walk through the feed
foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.GetEntries())
IObjectParentData objectParent = ProcessParentEntry(entry, repositoryId);
if (objectParent != null)
else if (atomBase is AtomEntry)
// it's an entry
AtomEntry entry = (AtomEntry)atomBase;
IObjectParentData objectParent = ProcessParentEntry(entry, repositoryId);
if (objectParent != null)
return result;
private IObjectParentData ProcessParentEntry(AtomEntry entry, string repositoryId)
ObjectParentData result = null;
String relativePathSegment = null;
// clean up cache
RemoveLinks(repositoryId, entry.Id);
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
result = new ObjectParentData();
result.Object = Converter.Convert((cmisObjectType)element.Object);
else if (IsStr(NameRelativePathSegment, element))
relativePathSegment = (string)element.Object;
if (result != null)
result.RelativePathSegment = relativePathSegment;
return result;
public IObjectData GetFolderParent(string repositoryId, string folderId, string filter, ExtensionsData extension)
IObjectData result = null;
// find the link
String link = LoadLink(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelUp, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelUp, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamFilter, filter);
// read
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomBase atomBase = Parse<AtomBase>(resp.Stream);
// get the entry
AtomEntry entry = null;
if (atomBase is AtomFeed)
AtomFeed feed = (AtomFeed)atomBase;
if (feed.GetEntries().Count == 0)
throw new CmisRuntimeException("Parent feed is empty!");
entry = feed.GetEntries()[0];
else if (atomBase is AtomEntry)
entry = (AtomEntry)atomBase;
throw new CmisRuntimeException("Unexpected document!");
// clean up cache
RemoveLinks(repositoryId, entry.Id);
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
result = Converter.Convert((cmisObjectType)element.Object);
return result;
public IObjectList GetCheckedOutDocs(string repositoryId, string folderId, string filter, string orderBy,
bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationshipsFlag? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter,
long? maxItems, long? skipCount, IExtensionsData extension)
ObjectList result = new ObjectList();
// find the link
String link = LoadCollection(repositoryId, AtomPubConstants.CollectionCheckedout);
if (link == null)
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository or checkedout collection not supported!");
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamFolderId, folderId);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamFilter, filter);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamOrderBy, orderBy);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRelationships, includeRelationships);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRenditionFilter, renditionFilter);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamMaxItems, maxItems);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamSkipCount, skipCount);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomFeed feed = Parse<AtomFeed>(resp.Stream);
// handle top level
foreach (AtomElement element in feed.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
if (IsNextLink(element))
result.HasMoreItems = true;
else if (IsInt(NameNumItems, element))
result.NumItems = (long)element.Object;
// get the documents
if (feed.GetEntries().Count > 0)
result.Objects = new List<IObjectData>(feed.GetEntries().Count);
foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.GetEntries())
IObjectData child = null;
// clean up cache
RemoveLinks(repositoryId, entry.Id);
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
child = Converter.Convert((cmisObjectType)element.Object);
if (child != null)
return result;
private void AddDescendantsLevel(String repositoryId, AtomFeed feed, IList<IObjectInFolderContainer> containerList)
if ((feed == null) || (feed.GetEntries().Count == 0))
// walk through the feed
foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.GetEntries())
ObjectInFolderData objectInFolder = null;
string pathSegment = null;
IList<IObjectInFolderContainer> childContainerList = new List<IObjectInFolderContainer>();
// clean up cache
RemoveLinks(repositoryId, entry.Id);
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
objectInFolder = new ObjectInFolderData();
objectInFolder.Object = Converter.Convert((cmisObjectType)element.Object);
else if (IsStr(NamePathSegment, element))
pathSegment = (string)element.Object;
else if (element.Object is AtomFeed)
AddDescendantsLevel(repositoryId, (AtomFeed)element.Object, childContainerList);
if (objectInFolder != null)
objectInFolder.PathSegment = pathSegment;
ObjectInFolderContainer childContainer = new ObjectInFolderContainer();
childContainer.Object = objectInFolder;
childContainer.Children = childContainerList;
internal class ObjectService : AbstractAtomPubService, IObjectService
public ObjectService(BindingSession session)
Session = session;
public string CreateDocument(string repositoryId, IProperties properties, string folderId, IContentStream contentStream,
VersioningState? versioningState, IList<string> policies, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces, IExtensionsData extension)
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeChildren);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeChildren);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamVersioningState, versioningState);
// set up object and writer
cmisObjectType cmisObject = new cmisObjectType(); = Converter.Convert(properties);
cmisObject.policyIds = Converter.ConvertPolicies(policies);
String mediaType = null;
Stream stream = null;
if (contentStream != null)
mediaType = contentStream.MimeType;
stream = contentStream.Stream;
AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(cmisObject, mediaType, stream);
// post the new folder object
HttpUtils.Response resp = Post(url, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry, new HttpUtils.Output(entryWriter.Write));
// parse the response
AtomEntry entry = Parse<AtomEntry>(resp.Stream);
// handle ACL modifications
HandleAclModifications(repositoryId, entry, addAces, removeAces);
return entry.Id;
public string CreateDocumentFromSource(string repositoryId, string sourceId, IProperties properties, string folderId,
VersioningState? versioningState, IList<string> policies, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces, IExtensionsData extension)
throw new CmisNotSupportedException("createDocumentFromSource is not supported by the AtomPub binding!");
public string CreateFolder(string repositoryId, IProperties properties, string folderId, IList<string> policies,
IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces, IExtensionsData extension)
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeChildren);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeChildren);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// set up object and writer
cmisObjectType cmisObject = new cmisObjectType(); = Converter.Convert(properties);
cmisObject.policyIds = Converter.ConvertPolicies(policies);
AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(cmisObject);
// post the new folder object
HttpUtils.Response resp = Post(url, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry, new HttpUtils.Output(entryWriter.Write));
// parse the response
AtomEntry entry = Parse<AtomEntry>(resp.Stream);
// handle ACL modifications
HandleAclModifications(repositoryId, entry, addAces, removeAces);
return entry.Id;
public string CreateRelationship(string repositoryId, IProperties properties, IList<string> policies, IAcl addAces,
IAcl removeAces, IExtensionsData extension)
// find source id
IPropertyData sourceIdProperty = properties[PropertyIds.SourceId];
if (!(sourceIdProperty is IPropertyId))
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Source Id is not set!");
string sourceId = ((IPropertyId)sourceIdProperty).FirstValue;
if (sourceId == null)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Source Id is not set!");
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, sourceId, AtomPubConstants.RelRelationships, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeFeed);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, sourceId, AtomPubConstants.RelRelationships, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeFeed);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// set up object and writer
cmisObjectType cmisObject = new cmisObjectType(); = Converter.Convert(properties);
cmisObject.policyIds = Converter.ConvertPolicies(policies);
AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(cmisObject);
// post the new folder object
HttpUtils.Response resp = Post(url, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry, new HttpUtils.Output(entryWriter.Write));
// parse the response
AtomEntry entry = Parse<AtomEntry>(resp.Stream);
// handle ACL modifications
HandleAclModifications(repositoryId, entry, addAces, removeAces);
return entry.Id;
public string CreatePolicy(string repositoryId, IProperties properties, string folderId, IList<string> policies,
IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces, IExtensionsData extension)
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeChildren);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeChildren);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// set up object and writer
cmisObjectType cmisObject = new cmisObjectType(); = Converter.Convert(properties);
cmisObject.policyIds = Converter.ConvertPolicies(policies);
AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(cmisObject);
// post the new folder object
HttpUtils.Response resp = Post(url, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry, new HttpUtils.Output(entryWriter.Write));
// parse the response
AtomEntry entry = Parse<AtomEntry>(resp.Stream);
// handle ACL modifications
HandleAclModifications(repositoryId, entry, addAces, removeAces);
return entry.Id;
public IAllowableActions GetAllowableActions(string repositoryId, string objectId, IExtensionsData extension)
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelAllowableActions, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeAllowableAction);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelAllowableActions, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeAllowableAction);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomAllowableActions allowableActions = Parse<AtomAllowableActions>(resp.Stream);
return Converter.Convert(allowableActions.AllowableActions);
public IProperties GetProperties(string repositoryId, string objectId, string filter, IExtensionsData extension)
IObjectData obj = GetObjectInternal(repositoryId, IdentifierType.Id, objectId, ReturnVersion.This, filter,
false, IncludeRelationshipsFlag.None, "cmis:none", false, false, extension);
return obj.Properties;
public IList<IRenditionData> GetRenditions(string repositoryId, string objectId, string renditionFilter,
long? maxItems, long? skipCount, IExtensionsData extension)
IObjectData obj = GetObjectInternal(repositoryId, IdentifierType.Id, objectId, ReturnVersion.This,
PropertyIds.ObjectId, false, IncludeRelationshipsFlag.None, renditionFilter, false, false, extension);
IList<IRenditionData> result = obj.Renditions;
if (result == null)
result = new List<IRenditionData>();
return result;
public IObjectData GetObject(string repositoryId, string objectId, string filter, bool? includeAllowableActions,
IncludeRelationshipsFlag? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter, bool? includePolicyIds,
bool? includeAcl, IExtensionsData extension)
return GetObjectInternal(repositoryId, IdentifierType.Id, objectId, ReturnVersion.This, filter, includeAllowableActions,
includeRelationships, renditionFilter, includePolicyIds, includeAcl, extension);
public IObjectData GetObjectByPath(string repositoryId, string path, string filter, bool? includeAllowableActions,
IncludeRelationshipsFlag? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter, bool? includePolicyIds, bool? includeAcl,
IExtensionsData extension)
return GetObjectInternal(repositoryId, IdentifierType.Path, path, ReturnVersion.This, filter, includeAllowableActions,
includeRelationships, renditionFilter, includePolicyIds, includeAcl, extension);
public IContentStream GetContentStream(string repositoryId, string objectId, string streamId, long? offset, long? length,
IExtensionsData extension)
ContentStream result = new ContentStream();
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.LinkRelContent, null);
if (link == null)
throw new CmisConstraintException("No content stream");
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamStreamId, streamId);
// get the content
if (offset != null && offset > Int32.MaxValue)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Offset >" + Int32.MaxValue);
if (length != null && length > Int32.MaxValue)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Length >" + Int32.MaxValue);
HttpUtils.Response resp = HttpUtils.InvokeGET(url, Session, (int?)offset, (int?)length);
// check response code
if (resp.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK && resp.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.PartialContent)
throw ConvertStatusCode(resp.StatusCode, resp.Message, resp.ErrorContent, null);
result.FileName = null;
result.Length = resp.ContentLength;
result.MimeType = resp.ContentType;
result.Stream = resp.Stream;
return result;
public void UpdateProperties(string repositoryId, ref string objectId, ref string changeToken, IProperties properties,
IExtensionsData extension)
// we need an object id
if (objectId == null || objectId.Length == 0)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object id must be set!");
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelSelf, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelSelf, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamChangeToken, changeToken);
// set up object and writer
cmisObjectType cmisObject = new cmisObjectType(); = Converter.Convert(properties);
AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(cmisObject);
// update
HttpUtils.Response resp = Put(url, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry, new HttpUtils.Output(entryWriter.Write));
// parse new entry
AtomEntry entry = Parse<AtomEntry>(resp.Stream);
// we expect a CMIS entry
if (entry.Id == null)
throw new CmisConnectionException("Received Atom entry is not a CMIS entry!");
// set object id
objectId = entry.Id;
changeToken = null;
// clean up cache
RemoveLinks(repositoryId, entry.Id);
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
// extract new change token
cmisObject = (cmisObjectType)element.Object;
if ( != null)
foreach (cmisProperty property in
if (PropertyIds.ChangeToken == property.propertyDefinitionId && property is cmisPropertyString)
cmisPropertyString changeTokenProperty = (cmisPropertyString)property;
if (changeTokenProperty.value != null && changeTokenProperty.value.Length > 0)
changeToken = changeTokenProperty.value[0];
public void MoveObject(string repositoryId, ref string objectId, string targetFolderId, string sourceFolderId,
IExtensionsData extension)
if (objectId == null || objectId.Length == 0)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object id must be set!");
if (targetFolderId == null || targetFolderId.Length == 0 || sourceFolderId == null || sourceFolderId.Length == 0)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Source and target folder must be set!");
// find the link
String link = LoadLink(repositoryId, targetFolderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeChildren);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, targetFolderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeChildren);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamSourceFolderId, sourceFolderId);
// set up object and writer
AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(CreateIdObject(objectId));
// post move request
HttpUtils.Response resp = Post(url, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry, new HttpUtils.Output(entryWriter.Write));
// parse the response
AtomEntry entry = Parse<AtomEntry>(resp.Stream);
objectId = entry.Id;
public void DeleteObject(string repositoryId, string objectId, bool? allVersions, IExtensionsData extension)
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelSelf, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelSelf, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamAllVersions, allVersions);
public IFailedToDeleteData DeleteTree(string repositoryId, string folderId, bool? allVersions, UnfileObject? unfileObjects,
bool? continueOnFailure, ExtensionsData extension)
// find the link
String link = LoadLink(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeDescendants);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeDescendants);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamAllVersions, allVersions);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamUnfildeObjects, unfileObjects);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamContinueOnFailure, continueOnFailure);
// make the call
HttpUtils.Response resp = HttpUtils.InvokeDELETE(url, Session);
// check response code
if (resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Accepted || resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent)
return new FailedToDeleteData();
throw ConvertStatusCode(resp.StatusCode, resp.Message, resp.ErrorContent, null);
public void SetContentStream(string repositoryId, ref string objectId, bool? overwriteFlag, ref string changeToken,
IContentStream contentStream, IExtensionsData extension)
if (objectId == null)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object ID must be set!");
// we need content
if (contentStream == null || contentStream.Stream == null || contentStream.MimeType == null)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Content must be set!");
// find the link
String link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelEditMedia, null);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelEditMedia, null);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamChangeToken, changeToken);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamOverwriteFlag, overwriteFlag);
HttpUtils.Output output = delegate(Stream stream)
int b;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
while ((b = contentStream.Stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > -1)
stream.Write(buffer, 0, b);
// send content
HttpUtils.Response resp = HttpUtils.InvokePUT(url, contentStream.MimeType, output, Session);
// check response code
if (resp.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK && resp.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Created && resp.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.NoContent)
throw ConvertStatusCode(resp.StatusCode, resp.Message, resp.ErrorContent, null);
objectId = null;
changeToken = null;
public void DeleteContentStream(string repositoryId, ref string objectId, ref string changeToken, IExtensionsData extension)
if (objectId == null)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object ID must be set!");
// find the link
String link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelEditMedia, null);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelEditMedia, null);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
if (changeToken != null)
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamChangeToken, changeToken);
objectId = null;
changeToken = null;
// ---- internal ---
private void CheckCreateProperties(IProperties properties)
if (properties == null || properties.PropertyList == null)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Properties must be set!");
if (properties[PropertyIds.ObjectTypeId] == null)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Property " + PropertyIds.ObjectTypeId + " must be set!");
if (properties[PropertyIds.ObjectId] != null)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Property " + PropertyIds.ObjectId + " must not be set!");
private void HandleAclModifications(String repositoryId, AtomEntry entry, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces)
if (!IsAclMergeRequired(addAces, removeAces))
IAcl originalAces = null;
// walk through the entry and find the current ACL
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
// extract current ACL
cmisObjectType cmisObject = (cmisObjectType)element.Object;
originalAces = Converter.Convert(cmisObject.acl, cmisObject.exactACLSpecified ? (bool?)cmisObject.exactACL : null);
if (originalAces != null)
// merge and update ACL
IAcl newACL = MergeAcls(originalAces, addAces, removeAces);
if (newACL != null)
UpdateAcl(repositoryId, entry.Id, newACL, null);
internal class VersioningService : AbstractAtomPubService, IVersioningService
public VersioningService(BindingSession session)
Session = session;
public void CheckOut(string repositoryId, ref string objectId, IExtensionsData extension, out bool? contentCopied)
if (objectId == null || objectId.Length == 0)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object id must be set!");
// find the link
String link = LoadCollection(repositoryId, AtomPubConstants.CollectionCheckedout);
if (link == null)
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository or checkedout collection not supported!");
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// set up object and writer
AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(CreateIdObject(objectId));
// post move request
HttpUtils.Response resp = Post(url, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry, new HttpUtils.Output(entryWriter.Write));
// parse the response
AtomEntry entry = Parse<AtomEntry>(resp.Stream);
objectId = entry.Id;
// clean up cache
RemoveLinks(repositoryId, entry.Id);
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
contentCopied = null;
public void CancelCheckOut(string repositoryId, string objectId, IExtensionsData extension)
// find the link
String link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelSelf, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelSelf, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry);
Delete(new UrlBuilder(link));
public void CheckIn(string repositoryId, ref string objectId, bool? major, IProperties properties,
IContentStream contentStream, string checkinComment, List<string> policies, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces,
IExtensionsData extension)
// we need an object id
if (objectId == null || objectId.Length == 0)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object id must be set!");
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelSelf, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelSelf, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamCheckinComment, checkinComment);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamMajor, major);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamCheckIn, "true");
// set up object and writer
cmisObjectType cmisObject = new cmisObjectType(); = Converter.Convert(properties);
cmisObject.policyIds = Converter.ConvertPolicies(policies);
if ( == null)
{ = new cmisPropertiesType();
string mediaType = null;
Stream stream = null;
if (contentStream != null)
mediaType = contentStream.MimeType;
stream = contentStream.Stream;
AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(cmisObject, mediaType, stream);
// update
HttpUtils.Response resp = Put(url, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry, new HttpUtils.Output(entryWriter.Write));
// parse new entry
AtomEntry entry = Parse<AtomEntry>(resp.Stream);
// we expect a CMIS entry
if (entry.Id == null)
throw new CmisConnectionException("Received Atom entry is not a CMIS entry!");
// set object id
objectId = entry.Id;
IAcl originalAces = null;
// clean up cache
RemoveLinks(repositoryId, entry.Id);
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
// extract current ACL
cmisObject = (cmisObjectType)element.Object;
originalAces = Converter.Convert(cmisObject.acl, cmisObject.exactACLSpecified ? (bool?)cmisObject.exactACL : null);
// handle ACL modifications
if ((originalAces != null) && (IsAclMergeRequired(addAces, removeAces)))
// merge and update ACL
IAcl newACL = MergeAcls(originalAces, addAces, removeAces);
if (newACL != null)
UpdateAcl(repositoryId, entry.Id, newACL, null);
public IObjectData GetObjectOfLatestVersion(string repositoryId, string objectId, string versionSeriesId, bool major,
string filter, bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationshipsFlag? includeRelationships,
string renditionFilter, bool? includePolicyIds, bool? includeAcl, IExtensionsData extension)
ReturnVersion returnVersion = ReturnVersion.Latest;
if (major)
returnVersion = ReturnVersion.LatestMajor;
return GetObjectInternal(repositoryId, IdentifierType.Id, objectId, returnVersion, filter,
includeAllowableActions, includeRelationships, renditionFilter, includePolicyIds, includeAcl, extension);
public IProperties GetPropertiesOfLatestVersion(string repositoryId, string objectId, string versionSeriesId, bool major,
string filter, IExtensionsData extension)
ReturnVersion returnVersion = ReturnVersion.Latest;
if (major)
returnVersion = ReturnVersion.LatestMajor;
IObjectData objectData = GetObjectInternal(repositoryId, IdentifierType.Id, objectId, returnVersion, filter,
false, IncludeRelationshipsFlag.None, "cmis:none", false, false, extension);
return objectData.Properties;
public IList<IObjectData> GetAllVersions(string repositoryId, string objectId, string versionSeriesId, string filter,
bool? includeAllowableActions, IExtensionsData extension)
IList<IObjectData> result = new List<IObjectData>();
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelVersionHistory, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeFeed);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelVersionHistory, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeFeed);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamFilter, filter);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomFeed feed = Parse<AtomFeed>(resp.Stream);
// get the versions
if (feed.GetEntries().Count > 0)
foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.GetEntries())
IObjectData version = null;
// clean up cache
RemoveLinks(repositoryId, entry.Id);
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
version = Converter.Convert((cmisObjectType)element.Object);
if (version != null)
return result;
internal class RelationshipService : AbstractAtomPubService, IRelationshipService
public RelationshipService(BindingSession session)
Session = session;
public IObjectList GetObjectRelationships(string repositoryId, string objectId, bool? includeSubRelationshipTypes,
RelationshipDirection? relationshipDirection, string typeId, string filter, bool? includeAllowableActions,
long? maxItems, long? skipCount, IExtensionsData extension)
ObjectList result = new ObjectList();
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelRelationships, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeFeed);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelRelationships, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeFeed);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamSubRelationshipTypes, includeSubRelationshipTypes);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRelationshipDirection, relationshipDirection);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamTypeId, typeId);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamFilter, filter);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamAllowableActions, includeAllowableActions);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamMaxItems, maxItems);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamSkipCount, skipCount);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomFeed feed = Parse<AtomFeed>(resp.Stream);
// handle top level
foreach (AtomElement element in feed.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
if (IsNextLink(element))
result.HasMoreItems = true;
else if (IsInt(NameNumItems, element))
result.NumItems = (long)element.Object;
// get the children
if (feed.GetEntries().Count > 0)
result.Objects = new List<IObjectData>(feed.GetEntries().Count);
foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.GetEntries())
IObjectData relationship = null;
// clean up cache
RemoveLinks(repositoryId, entry.Id);
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AddLink(repositoryId, entry.Id, (AtomLink)element.Object);
else if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
relationship = Converter.Convert((cmisObjectType)element.Object);
if (relationship != null)
return result;
internal class DiscoveryService : AbstractAtomPubService, IDiscoveryService
public DiscoveryService(BindingSession session)
Session = session;
public IObjectList Query(string repositoryId, string statement, bool? searchAllVersions,
bool? includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationshipsFlag? includeRelationships, string renditionFilter,
long? maxItems, long? skipCount, IExtensionsData extension)
ObjectList result = new ObjectList();
// find the link
String link = LoadCollection(repositoryId, AtomPubConstants.CollectionQuery);
if (link == null)
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository or query not supported!");
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// compile query request
AtomQueryWriter queryWriter = new AtomQueryWriter(statement, searchAllVersions, includeAllowableActions,
includeRelationships, renditionFilter, maxItems, skipCount);
// post the query and parse results
HttpUtils.Response resp = Post(url, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeQuery, new HttpUtils.Output(queryWriter.Write));
AtomFeed feed = Parse<AtomFeed>(resp.Stream);
// handle top level
foreach (AtomElement element in feed.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
if (IsNextLink(element))
result.HasMoreItems = true;
else if (IsInt(NameNumItems, element))
result.NumItems = (long)element.Object;
// get the result set
if (feed.GetEntries().Count > 0)
result.Objects = new List<IObjectData>(feed.GetEntries().Count);
foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.GetEntries())
IObjectData hit = null;
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
hit = Converter.Convert((cmisObjectType)element.Object);
if (hit != null)
return result;
public IObjectList GetContentChanges(string repositoryId, ref string changeLogToken, bool? includeProperties,
string filter, bool? includePolicyIds, bool? includeAcl, long? maxItems, IExtensionsData extension)
ObjectList result = new ObjectList();
// find the link
String link = LoadRepositoryLink(repositoryId, AtomPubConstants.RepRelChanges);
if (link == null)
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository or content changes not supported!");
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamChangeLogToken, changeLogToken);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamProperties, includeProperties);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamFilter, filter);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamPolicyIds, includePolicyIds);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamACL, includeAcl);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamMaxItems, maxItems);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomFeed feed = Parse<AtomFeed>(resp.Stream);
// handle top level
foreach (AtomElement element in feed.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
if (IsNextLink(element))
result.HasMoreItems = true;
else if (IsInt(NameNumItems, element))
result.NumItems = (long)element.Object;
// get the changes
if (feed.GetEntries().Count > 0)
result.Objects = new List<IObjectData>(feed.GetEntries().Count);
foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.GetEntries())
IObjectData hit = null;
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
hit = Converter.Convert((cmisObjectType)element.Object);
if (hit != null)
return result;
internal class MultiFilingService : AbstractAtomPubService, IMultiFilingService
public MultiFilingService(BindingSession session)
Session = session;
public void AddObjectToFolder(string repositoryId, string objectId, string folderId, bool? allVersions, IExtensionsData extension)
if (objectId == null)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object id must be set!");
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeChildren);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, folderId, AtomPubConstants.RelDown, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeChildren);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamAllVersions, allVersions);
// set up object and writer
AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(CreateIdObject(objectId));
// post addObjectToFolder request
Post(url, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry, new HttpUtils.Output(entryWriter.Write));
public void RemoveObjectFromFolder(string repositoryId, string objectId, string folderId, IExtensionsData extension)
if (objectId == null)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object id must be set!");
// find the link
string link = LoadCollection(repositoryId, AtomPubConstants.CollectionUnfiled);
if (link == null)
throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown repository or unfiling not supported!");
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamRemoveFrom, folderId);
// set up object and writer
AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(CreateIdObject(objectId));
// post removeObjectFromFolder request
Post(url, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry, new HttpUtils.Output(entryWriter.Write));
internal class AclService : AbstractAtomPubService, IAclService
public AclService(BindingSession session)
Session = session;
public IAcl GetAcl(string repositoryId, string objectId, bool? onlyBasicPermissions, IExtensionsData extension)
// find the link
String link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelACL, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeACL);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelACL, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeACL);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamOnlyBasicPermissions, onlyBasicPermissions);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomAcl acl = Parse<AtomAcl>(resp.Stream);
return Converter.Convert(acl.ACL, null);
public IAcl ApplyAcl(string repositoryId, string objectId, IAcl addAces, IAcl removeAces, AclPropagation? aclPropagation,
IExtensionsData extension)
IAcl result = null;
// fetch the current ACL
IAcl originalAces = GetAcl(repositoryId, objectId, false, null);
// if no changes required, just return the ACL
if (!IsAclMergeRequired(addAces, removeAces))
return originalAces;
// merge ACLs
IAcl newACL = MergeAcls(originalAces, addAces, removeAces);
// update ACL
AtomAcl acl = UpdateAcl(repositoryId, objectId, newACL, aclPropagation);
result = Converter.Convert(acl.ACL, null);
return result;
internal class PolicyService : AbstractAtomPubService, IPolicyService
public PolicyService(BindingSession session)
Session = session;
public void ApplyPolicy(string repositoryId, string policyId, string objectId, IExtensionsData extension)
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelPolicies, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeFeed);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelPolicies, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeFeed);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
// set up object and writer
AtomEntryWriter entryWriter = new AtomEntryWriter(CreateIdObject(objectId));
// post applyPolicy request
Post(url, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeEntry, new HttpUtils.Output(entryWriter.Write));
public void RemovePolicy(string repositoryId, string policyId, string objectId, IExtensionsData extension)
// we need a policy id
if (policyId == null || policyId.Length == 0)
throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Policy id must be set!");
// find the link
String link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelPolicies, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeFeed);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelPolicies, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeFeed);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamFilter, PropertyIds.ObjectId);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomFeed feed = Parse<AtomFeed>(resp.Stream);
// find the policy
string policyLink = null;
bool found = false;
if (feed.GetEntries().Count > 0)
foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.GetEntries())
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is AtomLink)
AtomLink atomLink = (AtomLink)element.Object;
if (AtomPubConstants.RelSelf == atomLink.Rel)
policyLink = atomLink.Href;
else if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
string id = FindIdProperty((cmisObjectType)element.Object);
if (policyId == id)
found = true;
if (found)
// if found, delete it
if (found && policyLink != null)
Delete(new UrlBuilder(policyLink));
public IList<IObjectData> GetAppliedPolicies(string repositoryId, string objectId, string filter, IExtensionsData extension)
IList<IObjectData> result = new List<IObjectData>();
// find the link
string link = LoadLink(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelPolicies, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeFeed);
if (link == null)
ThrowLinkException(repositoryId, objectId, AtomPubConstants.RelPolicies, AtomPubConstants.MediatypeFeed);
UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(link);
url.AddParameter(AtomPubConstants.ParamFilter, filter);
// read and parse
HttpUtils.Response resp = Read(url);
AtomFeed feed = Parse<AtomFeed>(resp.Stream);
// get the policies
if (feed.GetEntries().Count > 0)
foreach (AtomEntry entry in feed.GetEntries())
IObjectData policy = null;
// walk through the entry
foreach (AtomElement element in entry.GetElements())
if (element.Object is cmisObjectType)
policy = Converter.Convert((cmisObjectType)element.Object);
if (policy != null)
return result;
private string FindIdProperty(cmisObjectType cmisObject)
if (cmisObject == null || == null)
return null;
foreach (cmisProperty property in
if (PropertyIds.ObjectId == property.propertyDefinitionId && property is cmisPropertyId)
string[] values = ((cmisPropertyId)property).value;
if (values.Length == 1)
return values[0];
return null;