@echo off | |
rem | |
rem Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one | |
rem or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file | |
rem distributed with this work for additional information | |
rem regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file | |
rem to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the | |
rem "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance | |
rem with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at | |
rem | |
rem http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 | |
rem | |
rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, | |
rem software distributed under the License is distributed on an | |
rem KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the | |
rem specific language governing permissions and limitations | |
rem under the License. | |
rem | |
rem This batch file creates a release. | |
rem It requires Cygwin. | |
set DOTCMISZIPSRC=chemistry-dotcmis-%DOTCMISVERSION%-src.zip | |
set DOTCMISZIPBIN=chemistry-dotcmis-%DOTCMISVERSION%-bin.zip | |
set CYGWIN=ntea | |
echo Building... | |
cd DotCMIS | |
call build.bat | |
cd .. | |
echo Creating release directories... | |
rmdir /S /Q release-src | |
mkdir release-src | |
rmdir /S /Q release-bin | |
mkdir release-bin | |
echo Copying readme, etc... | |
copy LICENSE release-src | |
copy LICENSE release-bin | |
copy NOTICE release-src | |
copy NOTICE release-bin | |
copy DEPENDENCIES release-src | |
copy DEPENDENCIES release-bin | |
copy README release-src | |
copy README release-bin | |
echo Copying binaries ... | |
copy DotCMIS\bin\Release\DotCMIS.dll release-bin | |
copy DotCMIS\doc\DotCMISDoc.chm release-bin | |
chmod -R a+rwx release-bin | |
echo Copying source... | |
mkdir release-src\src | |
xcopy DotCMIS release-src\src /E | |
rmdir /S /Q release-src\src\bin | |
rmdir /S /Q release-src\src\obj | |
rmdir /S /Q release-src\src\doc | |
chmod -R a+rwx release-src | |
echo Creating release file... | |
rmdir /S /Q artifacts | |
mkdir artifacts | |
cd release-src | |
zip -r ../artifacts/%DOTCMISZIPSRC% * | |
cd .. | |
cd release-bin | |
zip -r ../artifacts/%DOTCMISZIPBIN% * | |
cd .. | |
echo Signing release file... | |
cd artifacts | |
gpg --armor --output %DOTCMISZIPSRC%.asc --detach-sig %DOTCMISZIPSRC% | |
gpg --print-md MD5 %DOTCMISZIPSRC% > %DOTCMISZIPSRC%.md5 | |
gpg --print-md SHA512 %DOTCMISZIPSRC% > %DOTCMISZIPSRC%.sha | |
gpg --armor --output %DOTCMISZIPBIN%.asc --detach-sig %DOTCMISZIPBIN% | |
gpg --print-md MD5 %DOTCMISZIPBIN% > %DOTCMISZIPBIN%.md5 | |
gpg --print-md SHA512 %DOTCMISZIPBIN% > %DOTCMISZIPBIN%.sha | |
cd .. | |
echo Creating RC tag | |
rem svn copy https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/chemistry/dotcmis/trunk https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/chemistry/dotcmis/tags/chemistry-dotcmis-%DOTCMISVERSION%-%DOTCMISRC% | |