blob: bb1d7843d049ef64bf976210a4e340c42075ffe4 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# under the License.
import pytest
from cmislib.exceptions import \
from cmislib import util
@pytest.mark.usefixtures('cmis_env', 'binary_files')
class TestRepository:
""" Tests for the :class:`Repository` class. """
def testRepositoryInfo(self):
"""Retrieve repository info"""
repoInfo = self._repo.getRepositoryInfo()
assert 'repositoryId' in repoInfo
assert 'repositoryName' in repoInfo
assert 'repositoryDescription' in repoInfo
assert 'vendorName' in repoInfo
assert 'productName' in repoInfo
assert 'productVersion' in repoInfo
assert 'rootFolderId' in repoInfo
assert 'cmisVersionSupported' in repoInfo
def testRepositoryCapabilities(self):
"""Retrieve repository capabilities"""
caps = self._repo.getCapabilities()
assert 'ACL' in caps
assert 'AllVersionsSearchable' in caps
assert 'Changes' in caps
assert 'ContentStreamUpdatability' in caps
assert 'GetDescendants' in caps
assert 'GetFolderTree' in caps
assert 'Multifiling' in caps
assert 'PWCSearchable' in caps
assert 'PWCUpdatable' in caps
assert 'Query' in caps
assert 'Renditions' in caps
assert 'Unfiling' in caps
assert 'VersionSpecificFiling' in caps
assert 'Join' in caps
def testGetRootFolder(self):
"""Get the root folder of the repository"""
rootFolder = self._repo.getRootFolder()
assert rootFolder is not None
assert rootFolder.getObjectId() is not None
def testCreateFolder(self):
"""Create a new folder in the root folder"""
folderName = 'testCreateFolder folder'
newFolder = self._repo.createFolder(self._rootFolder, folderName)
assert folderName == newFolder.getName()
def testCreateDocument(self):
"""Create a new 'content-less' document"""
documentName = 'testDocument'
newDoc = self._repo.createDocument(
documentName, parentFolder=self._testFolder)
assert documentName == newDoc.getName()
def testCreateDocumentFromString(self):
"""Create a new document from a string"""
documentName = 'testDocument'
contentString = 'Test content string'
newDoc = self._repo.createDocumentFromString(
assert documentName == newDoc.getName()
assert util.to_native(
newDoc.getContentStream().read()) == contentString
# CMIS-279
def testCreateDocumentUnicode(self):
"""Create a new doc with unicode characters in the name"""
documentName = u'abc cdeöäüß%§-_caféè.txt'
newDoc = self._repo.createDocument(
documentName, parentFolder=self._testFolder)
assert documentName == newDoc.getName()
def testGetObject(self):
"""Create a test folder then attempt to retrieve it as a
:class:`CmisObject` object using its object ID"""
folderName = 'testGetObject folder'
newFolder = self._repo.createFolder(self._testFolder, folderName)
objectId = newFolder.getObjectId()
someObject = self._repo.getObject(objectId)
assert folderName == someObject.getName()
def testReturnVersion(self):
"""Get latest and latestmajor versions of an object"""
fileName = self.binary_filename_1
props = {'cmis:objectTypeId': self.versionable_type_id}
with open(self.binary_file_1, 'rb') as f:
doc10 = self._testFolder.createDocument(
fileName, contentFile=f, properties=props)
doc10Id = doc10.getObjectId()
if 'canCheckOut' not in doc10.allowableActions.keys():
pytest.skip('The test doc cannot be checked out...skipping')
pwc = doc10.checkout()
doc11 = pwc.checkin(major='false') # checkin a minor version, 1.1
if 'canCheckOut' not in doc11.allowableActions.keys():
pytest.skip('The test doc cannot be checked out...skipping')
pwc = doc11.checkout()
doc20 = pwc.checkin() # checkin a major version, 2.0
doc20Id = doc20.getObjectId()
if 'canCheckOut' not in doc20.allowableActions.keys():
pytest.skip('The test doc cannot be checked out...skipping')
pwc = doc20.checkout()
doc21 = pwc.checkin(major='false') # checkin a minor version, 2.1
doc21Id = doc21.getObjectId()
docLatest = self._repo.getObject(doc10Id, returnVersion='latest')
assert doc21Id == docLatest.getObjectId()
docLatestMajor = self._repo.getObject(
doc10Id, returnVersion='latestmajor')
assert doc20Id == docLatestMajor.getObjectId()
def testGetFolder(self):
"""Create a test folder then attempt to retrieve the Folder object
using its object ID"""
folderName = 'testGetFolder folder'
newFolder = self._repo.createFolder(self._testFolder, folderName)
objectId = newFolder.getObjectId()
someFolder = self._repo.getFolder(objectId)
assert folderName == someFolder.getName()
def testGetObjectByPath(self):
"""Create test objects (one folder, one document) then try to get
them by path"""
# names of folders and test docs (without and with unicode char)
for suffix in ['', u'_éà€$', ' +']:
if '+' in suffix and self._productVersion < '6.0.0':
print('+ not supported in alfresco < 6.0.0')
parentFolderName = 'testGetObjectByPath folder' + suffix
subFolderName = 'subfolder' + suffix
docName = 'testdoc' + suffix
# create the folder structure
parentFolder = self._testFolder.createFolder(parentFolderName)
subFolder = parentFolder.createFolder(subFolderName)
# use the subfolder path to get the folder by path
subFolderPath = subFolder.getProperties().get("cmis:path")
searchFolder = self._repo.getObjectByPath(subFolderPath)
assert subFolder.getObjectId() == searchFolder.getObjectId()
# create a test doc
doc = subFolder.createDocument(docName)
# ask the doc for its paths
searchDocPaths = doc.getPaths()
# for each path in the list, try to get the object by path
# this is better than building a path with the doc's name b/c
# the name isn't guaranteed to be used as the path segment
# (see CMIS-232)
for path in searchDocPaths:
searchDoc = self._repo.getObjectByPath(path)
assert doc.getObjectId() == searchDoc.getObjectId()
# get the subfolder by path, then ask for its children
subFolder = self._repo.getObjectByPath(subFolderPath)
assert len(subFolder.getChildren().getResults()) == 1
# Create document without a parent folder is not yet implemented
# def testCreateUnfiledDocument(self):
# '''Create a new unfiled document'''
# if self._repo.getCapabilities()['Unfiling'] != True:
# print ('Repo does not support unfiling, skipping')
# return
# documentName = 'testDocument'
# newDoc = self._repo.createDocument(documentName)
# self.assertEquals(documentName, newDoc.getName())
def testMoveDocument(self):
"""Move a Document from one folder to another folder"""
subFolder1 = self._testFolder.createFolder('sub1')
doc = subFolder1.createDocument('testdoc1')
assert len(subFolder1.getChildren()) == 1
subFolder2 = self._testFolder.createFolder('sub2')
assert len(subFolder2.getChildren()) == 0
doc.move(subFolder1, subFolder2)
assert len(subFolder1.getChildren()) == 0
assert len(subFolder2.getChildren()) == 1
assert == subFolder2.getChildren()[0].name
# Exceptions
def testGetObjectBadId(self):
"""Attempt to get an object using a known bad ID"""
# this object ID is implementation specific (Alfresco) but is
# universally bad so it should work for all repositories
with pytest.raises(ObjectNotFoundException):
self._repo.getObject(self._testFolder.getObjectId()[:-5] + 'BADID')
def testGetObjectBadPath(self):
"""Attempt to get an object using a known bad path"""
with pytest.raises(ObjectNotFoundException):